6 ALL 2010 IKF gRAND NATIONALs ENTRy INFORMATION F E D E R A T I O N • V O L U M E 5 0 , N O . juNE 2010 T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L K A R T region 11 super series at prairie city oregon state karting championships, round 3 regional points updated new tech updates KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 region 6 sprint gold cup series invades tri city 1 Dunlop & Russell Experience, Performance, and Championship Tradition Around the world, drivers know Dunlop as the leader of premium competition kart tires. Russell Karting, US importer of Dunlop Tires, has the largest in-stock inventory for asphalt or dirt, wet or dry. Russell’s experts will help you choose from a complete range of sizes and compounds for grip or wear. Find out for your self why this tire is the choice of World Champions all around the globe. Discover Dunlop and let the winning begin. SOFT DDS HARD DDM R6 SL6 SL4 RH2 SL5 SL3 DDH DDC SL1 WET = W11 Order OnLine 24/7 Selection Secure Satisfaction 2 Everything for Karting from One Source Orders Toll Free: 888-KARTING Info: 816-322-3330 KARTER NEWS - ju juNE NE 2010 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 3 MAKE AN IMPACT ON THE TRACK NOT YOUR BODY DRIVER PROTECTION: 4+$5ŝ*+25ŝ$#%Available in yellow only. Adult sizes S, M, L, XL. Youth Sizes M, L 800-348-5076 4 KARTER NEWS - ju juNE NE 2010 ON THE COVER: Hard-charging IAME class in Region 6 at Tri City. Photo by Teri Janes. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL KART FEDERATION • VOL. 50, NO. 6 • june 2010 Table of Contents Membership news................................................................................................................................... 6 Tech and Rule Updates...................................................................................................................... 7 russell karting & italian motors iame cup challenge invite............................ 10 board of directors may phone meeting minutes...........................................................11 Region 11 Sprint at Prarie City - page 12 region 11 super series at prairie city...................................................................................... 12 region 6 sprint gold cup at tri city........................................................................................ 16 oregon state karting championship series, round 3.................................................. 20 Advertiser Index................................................................................................................................. 21 4-cycle sprint & Shifter grand nationals 2010 entry information.............. 22-23 2-cycle sprint grand nationals 2010 entry information......................................... 24 road race grand nationals entry information.......................................................... 25 4-cycle speedway grand national entry information............................................. 26 2-Cyc Speedway/speedway midget grand national entry information......... 27 plans going strong for 2-cycle sprint grand nationals....................................... 28 regional point standings............................................................................................................. 29 welcome new members.................................................................................................................... 31 IKF grand nationals and Regional Event schedules................................................ 32 IKF Governors, coordinators and committees.............................................................. 37 Region 6 Gold Cup at Tri City - page 16 Note to all Competitors: If you, as a competitor, have any questions about the legality or safety of your kart, please ask the appropriate official at your race. For tech or safety issues, ask the Tech Director. For race procedures or general items, ask the Race Director. The IKF does not endorse or determine the competition legality of products and services advertised in the Karter News Magazine, the Competition Regulations & Technical Manual, and on the IKF Web Site. The competitor is responsible for determining the legality of all their equipment for use in IKF sanctioned events. KARTER NEWS - june 2010 IKF Board of Directors BILL HILGER - President, 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516....................................................(402) 416-1284 Fax (402) 489-7370 RICK SCRIBNER - Vice President, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..........................................(916) 652-3905 Fax (916) 652-3910 DON HOLMBOE - Secretary, 9399 S.W. Tigard Street, Tigard, OR 97223........................................(503) 624-0621 JACK HOEGERL - Co-Treasurer, 4205 29th Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201.......................................... (309) 793-0118 Fax (309) 793-0111, Email: [email protected] ART VERLENGIERE - Co-Treasurer, 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A, Santa Maria, CA 93455 GLENN ARAKI, 2615 Business Park Ave., Fresno, CA 93727............................................................(559) 291-0570 JOHN MOTLEY, 2130 Golden Hill Road, Unit 40, Paso Robles, CA 93446......................................(805) 238-7060 Fax (805) 238-0323 ED DIEDRICH, 1308 Hallertau Drive Sparks, NV 89441....................................................................(775)-424-3797 MICHAEL SCHORN, P.o. Box 373, Banks, OR 97106..........................................................................(503) 324-9072 [email protected] 5 Live Podcasts VOLUME 50, NO.6 • juNE 2010 karter news is the official monthly publication of the international kart federation. Editor pat eldridge ([email protected]) Production coordinator felton stroud / stroud design, inc. intErnational Kart FEdEration: Advertising, Membership and Subscription information: Office: 909/923-4999, Office Fax: 909/923-6940 website: Address: International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761 intErnational Kart FEdEration StaFF: pat eldridge ([email protected]) carmen carranza ([email protected]) cynthia enriquez ([email protected]) karter news (issn: 0096-3216) is published monthly by the international kart federation, 1609 s. grove ave., suite 105, ontario, ca 91761. when applicable, preferred periodicals postage paid at ontario, ca and additional offices. There is no restriction to access the virtual issues (January to october) on the international kart federation website. The printed issues: the grand nationals yearbook and the competition regulations and Technical Manual, will be mailed to members as part of the i.k.f. member’s benefits. These two printed issues may be purchased individually. To join i.k.f., send $60.00 for one year’s membership - u.s. funds only. Editorial information: Karter News Magazine, 437 W. Wilshire, Ste. C, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: 405/840-3158, Fax: 405/843-1465, e-mail: [email protected] at least six weeks notice will be required to effect an address change. when making an address change, please use postal forms and give the old address as well as the new and the effective date. when possible, please furnish the mailing label from the latest magazine. send to karter news circulation, 1609 s. grove ave., suite 105, ontario, ca 91761. POSTMASTER: send address changes to karter news circulation, 1609 s. grove ave., suite 105, ontario, ca 91761. Tech and Article contributions: karter news welcomes any such contributions, but assumes no responsibility for the return or safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Material to be returned should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with the correct return postage. deadline for all submitted material is the first of the month two months prior to the month of publication for display advertising space rates, please contact the international kart federation at 909/923-4999. all material published herein is copyrighted by the international kart federation and may be reprinted only by written permission by the president of the board of directors. i.k.f. office Telephone: 909/923-4999, fax: 909/923-6940 Competition Regulations and Technical Manual: The international kart federation, inc., is the sole owner of the right to use the competition regulations and Technical Manual. The use of any rule in this rule book or any other later promulgated rule or regulation is expressly prohibited, without written permission from the international kart federation, inc. unauthorized use of the competition regulations and Technical Manual is with the assumption of any and all risks, with the user expressly required to indemnify (as a Type 1 indemnity), defend, and hold harmless the international kart federation, inc., its officers, directors, employees and members. The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules and regulations shall govern the conditions of all events and by participating in these events, all members are deemed to have complied with these rules. no express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators or others. Publication of any advertisement shall not be considered an endorsement of the product or services involved. © 2010 International Kart Federation 6 Dirt & Speedway Live Internet Coverage For 25 years, National Kart News has covered it all. And it won’t stop there. If it involves karting, we’re there. If it came from karting, we’re there. If it evens sounds like it might have something to do with karting, count us in. For a quarter of a century we’ve covered the sport like no other… and we’re just getting started. '' $0% 0 Subscribe today! NATIONAL KART NEWS Interactive Website – Now with Live Forums! Race Cove rage Technical How – To’s MeMbersHIP neWs NotiCe of aCCeptaNCe of bids for the 2012 iKf GraNd NatioNals The June issue of karter news will have the notice of acceptance of bids for the 2012 ikf grand national races (approximately 24 months away). The bids for the 2012 ikf grand nationals must be in the ikf office prior to september 1, 2010 (approximately 21 months before the race), per section 101.27 of the 2010 ikf rule book. loreN “motor” zomer passes loren w. "Motor" Zomer, age 49, passed away wednesday, May 5, 2010 at sanford usd Medical center in sioux falls due to complications from a stroke. loren was born october 29, 1960 at grand rapids, Mi.he worked as a farm hand and truck driver for george kooi, constructed foundations for grain bins, and worked for sioux automation in the construction business. he was owner operator of loren Zomer Trucking from 1983 to 1998. since 1998 he has operated Zomer rebuilds, a semi rebuilding business. loren married laura siegenthaler June 22, 1985 in canton. he was known to be able to fix anything with wheels on it. loren enjoyed camping, boating and go kart racing with his family. loren was also an avid and daring snowmobiler. he was especially proud of his new grandson, Tayson. grateful for having shared his life are: his wife, laura; daughters, Jackie and brianna and special friend, Todd gannon, all of canton; son, darrin of canton; his mother, Joane Zomer of sioux center, ia; three brothers- herlan Zomer of canton, Jim Zomer of orange city, ia, and russ Zomer of brandon, sd; and sister, linda van veldheizen of doon, ia. he was preceded in death by his father, cornie, in 1985. KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 TECH & RULE BOOK UPDATES ☞ = Indicates new update for this issue. Please note that Tech & Rule book Updates will now go into effect thirty (30) days after they are posted on the IKF Website: ADD: CHANGE: DELETE: Rule has been added where indicated by reference number. Rule has been modified from the original version. Rule has been deleted from the rule book. CHANGE: #3, #5, #6, #8 (Remove the following): "with participation from at least two regions". CHANGE: 101.4 Election of IKF Board of Directors (Change all to read): 101.4.1 Ballots for election to the Board of Directors shall appear in the August issue of Karter News each year. Two nominations are required for a Candidate to be placed on the ballot for the Board of Directors. 101.4.2 Nomination Forms must be returned to the IKF Office by September 5, or the next businesss day, to be valid. 101.4.3 Nomination Acceptance Forms shall be mailed to each Nominee by September 10. 101.4.4 Acceptance Forms and Nominee Platform must be received at the IKF Office by September 24 to be placed on the Ballot. 101.4.5 Nominees and their Platforms will appear in the November issue of Karter News. 101.4.6 Ballots will be sent to the membership before November 15. 101.4.7 Voted ballots must be returned to the Accountant by Dec 7. 101.4.8 Ballots will be counted after the Fall Board of Directors meeting. Results of the election will be place on the website and in Karter News as soon as possible. 101.4.9 Newly elected Directors will take their office at the January Board Meeting. CHANGE: 104.6.4: Exceptions: (Add as last sentence of the first paragraph of “b.”) Exception must be submitted by Parent or Legal Guardian and must include participant’s current weight, height, and amount of ballast on current kart. CHANGE: 200.1: IKF 2 & 4 Cycle Sprint Tire Groups for Grand Nationals (move) 2-Cycle Sprint classes Senior Super Sportsman and Senior Super Sportsman Heavy from "Group 2" to "Group 3." CHANGE: 212 2-Cycle Sprint Grand National Schedule: (Add text): Effective with the 2011 2 Cycle Sprint Grand National, the date of the event will be the last two weeks of August or the first two weeks of September. CHANGE: 212.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes: (Add to list) Kid Kart 150# Junior HPV 2 Heavy 330# Jr. Super Sportsman Heavy 310# Jr. II PRD Spec 320# Sr. PRD Spec 360#Sr. PRD Spec Heavy 380# Junior HPV 1 Heavy 250# Junior I Comer Heavy 235# Kid Kart Heavy 160# CHANGE: 212.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list) Day 1 1. Kid Kart......................................................................................................... 150 2. Rookie Sportsman....................................................................................... 235 3. Jr. Super Sportsman Heavy....................................................................... 310 4. Sr. PRD Spec................................................................................................. 360 5. Jr. HPV 1 Heavy........................................................................................... 250 Day 2 1. Kid Kart Heavy............................................................................................ 160 2. Jr. 1 Comer..................................................................................................... 225 3. Iame Cup............................................................................................... per IKF 4. Jr. HPV 2 Heavy........................................................................................... 330 5. HPV 3............................................................................................................. 340 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Day 3 1. Jr. 2 PRD Spec............................................................................................... 320 2. Sr. PRD Spec Heavy.................................................................................... 380 3. Jr HPV 1......................................................................................................... 240 4. Jr. Super Sportsman (rlv 2 pipe................................................................ 300 5. Sr. Super Sportsman (rlv 3 pipe................................................................ 340 Day 4 1. IKF TaG.................................................................................................. per IKF 2. Jr. 1 Comer Heavy....................................................................................... 235 3. HPV 4............................................................................................................. 340 4. Jr. HPV 2........................................................................................................ 310 5. Sr. Super Sportsman Heavy (RLV) 3 pipe.............................................. 360 CHANGE: 213.4 Official Schedule (4-Cycle Sprint/Shifter Grand National): (Add to list) July 1 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Lt F200 Jr II Briggs World Formula Briggs World Form Masters IKF Briggs World Formula Lt Formula 80 Masters Briggs Animal Hvy Formula 80 Senior July 2 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Med Masters Jr II Briggs Animal 125 Stock Moto Jr II IKF Briggs World Form Hvy Formula 80 Hvy IKF Briggs World Form Med F200 Hvy Briggs Gas Animal July 3 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Hvy IKF LTD Mod Briggs Animal Jr II Briggs Gas Animal Formula 80/85 Jr IKF Briggs World Form Hvy 125 Stock Moto Hvy Briggs Animal Med Formula 80 Limited CHANGE: 275.5.2: IKF TaG Junior Class (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 335# Weight to be reviewed by March 31, 2010. CHANGE: IKF TaG Senior (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 385#Weight to be reviewed by March 31, 2010. CHANGE: IAME Cup (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09. CHANGE: 312 IKF Road Race Grand National Schedule: (Add as second and third sentences:) For the 2010 Road Race Grand Nationals only, the TaG Enduro class will run for thirty (30) minutes instead of forty five (45) minutes. All class rules and weights apply per Section 301. CHANGE: ☞ 312.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2010: (Add to list) WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy - 16+ - Weight TBD NCK TaG Enduro II - 16+ - 410#, TaG Light Weights, 390#, same class as TaG Enduro (per Section 301), except class will run for thirty (30) minutes instead of forty five (45) minutes. WC TaG FBO Heavy - 16+ - TBD WC Super Stock CR125 - 16+ - 400# Super Stock Sit Up - 16+ - 320/340# WC TaG FBO - 16+ - 400# FKE I - 16+ - multiple weights, see IKF Rule Book Sec. 850.3. Yamaha Sportsman (Laydown - can on a stick) - 16+ - 400# CHANGE: 312.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list) Day 1 Paid Practice Day 2 TaG Light Formula 80 Junior Formula 80 Junior Formula 80 Senior Formula 80 Senior Formula 125 Limited Heavy 7 Formula 125 Limited Heavy 80cc Laydown Yamaha Limited Heavy Sprint NCK TaG Enduro II IKF Briggs World Formula Med Yamaha KT100S Heavy Rotax Max Junior Rotax Max Junior Rotax Max Light Rotax Max Light WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy TaG Light Day 3 WC TaG FBO Heavy TaG FBO Heavy WC Super Stock CR125 WC Super Stock CR125 Yamaha Limited Light Sprint TaG Enduro IKF Briggs World Formula Heavy Super Stock Sit Up Intercontinental-E Intercontinental-E Rotax Max Formula 125 Limited Formula 125 Limited Day 4 WC Tag FBO TaG FBO Super Stock CR125 Super Stock CR125 FKE I 125/150 Open FKE II Yamaha Sptsmn Hvy (Can on a stick) Yamaha KT100S Light TaG Heavy TaG Heavy Formula 125 Formula 125 Unlimited/FKE III Unlimited/FKE III CHANGE: 404 IKF 2-Cycle Speedway/Speedway Midget Grand National Schedule: (Add text:) 2010 Grand National will be hosted by the Newton Kart Klub at Newton Kart Track Newton IA, August 3-6, 2010. CHANGE: 404.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2010: (Add to list) Kid Kart Junior III Sportsman - 14+ - Junior II without restrictor plate - 275# CHANGE: 404.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list) August 3rd: Registration Pre-Tech Parking Practice 4-9pm August 4th: Junior I Heavy Super Sportsman (Super Box) Junior II Light Yamaha KT100S Light Junior Midget 5pm Hot Laps 100cc Super Stock Light August 5th: Junior II Heavy 200cc Stock Yamaha KT100S LTD Open Midget 100cc Super Stock Heavy 5pm Hot Laps Junior I Light August 6th: Kid Kart Open Junior III Sportsman Super Stock Midget Yamaha KT100S Heavy 5pm Hot Laps Senior Sportsman August 7th Rain Date CHANGE: ☞ 503.8 IKF 2-Cycle Speedway/Speedway Midget Grand National Schedule: (Change last sentence to read:) No marked tire may be replaced in competition without prior permission from the Tech Director or his designee. CHANGE: ☞ 504.2 Impoundk Area: (Change 2nd paragraph to read:) Maximum kart size, bodywork specifications, engine legality, exhaust system legality, legal attachment of weights, fuel legality, tire legality, etc. may be inspected in the Impound Area at the Technical Inspectors discretion. CHANGE: ☞ 506 Identification Tag: (Change all to read:) To insure the competitors the return of their impounded equipment, engine identifications tags, claim checks or other method of identification should be issued at post-race inspection. 8 CHANGE: ☞ 506.1 Engine Markings: (Change all to read:) Method is up to the individual tech inspector. CHANGE: ☞ 507 Protests: (Add to end of 2nd paragraph:) A fee of $100.00 must accompany each protest. CHANGE: ☞ 508 Appeals: (Change 1st sentence of 2nd paragraph to read:) The entrant will be responsible for a $100.00 appeal fee, in addition to a shipping fee deposit of $100.00, and shall assume all responsibility and risk involved; fees shall be paid to the Race Director or Tech Inspector at the time the part or parts are prepared for shipping and shall be forwarded to the IKF office. CHANGE: 603.2.19 Pressure/Vacuum Test: (Add as second paragraph:) Division and Classes that are subject to this test: Division 200 Classes, Kid Kart, Junior 1, Rookie Sportsman, HPV 1 Cadet, Junior Sportsman. Division 400 Classes, Kid Kart, Junior 1 Light, Junior 1 Heavy, Junior 2 Light, Junior 2 Heavy. CHANGE: 657 Super Stock CR125 - Effective January 23, 2010 (Change Subsections listed below as noted:) 657.1 Conditions and Specifications specific to this class: 657.1.1 This set of rules provides engine rules that can be used in either Road Racing or Sprint. 657.1.2 Guidelines offered in these pages are subject to the term "Spirit and Intent" and apply to the technical aspects of this "Stock" shifter kart class. It is expected that all participants will adhere to the spirit and intent of these rules. These are guidelines for fair and equitable competition. They are not the basis to "read between the lines" in order to circumvent the intent. 657.3 Cylinder and Top End: 1997-1999 cylinders are legal. No modification or machining of the cylinder is allowed such as porting, adding or deleting ports, decking of top or bottom of cylinder, or re-Nikasil. Cylinder mounting flanges may be spot faced in the area where the nut meets the flange only. Some factory grinding is performed prior to the Nikasil process on many cylinders. The Technical Director reserves the right to disapprove any cylinder supplied by Honda and not modified. Some OEM cylinders may not be acceptable for IKF competition. Cylinder length is 3.311 - 3.316. Base gasket to be stock OEM 1999. 657.3.1 Exceptions: Stock power valves may be removed and after market plugs used, with no filing, welding, or modifying of the cylinder. The power valve actuator rod hole may be plugged. OEM power valve covers may be replaced with aftermarket plates. 657.3.2 Cylinder Head: Head must remain OEM with no modifications or machining of any kind. Head must fit factory profile using the Shockwave "Stock CR125" profile gauge. Removal of mounting boss and modifications to the water outlets, for the purpose of hose connection, are allowed. Head gasket must be stock OEM. Squish or deck height measurement through the spark plug hole will be a minimum of .050 thousandths, using .060 solder. This is not intended to be a minimum or maximum dimension. This dimension is a "quick" check to determine if any non-conforming modifications are present. 657.3.4 Piston, Ring, Wristpin: Piston, ring, wristpin and upper rod bearing must be stock OEM. No modifications of any kind. Lapping the bottom of the ring is permitted. 657.5 Intake System: 657.5.3 Manifold and reeds: Intake manifold must be stock 1999 OEM CR125 (Honda Part Number 16221-KZ4-A10 - most are marked KZM4) with no modifications. The reed cage must be 1999 CR125 (Honda Part Number 14100-KZ4-J11) After market replacement reeds will be allowed, including mono reeds or stiffeners. This only allows reeds that may be installed without modification to the 1999 reed cage and does not permit multi-stage reeds. KARTER NEWS - june 2010 657.6 Ignition System: 657.6.2 Flywheel: The stator and flywheel must be stock 1999 OEM. Only repairs approved by the Technical Director may be done to the wiring. Stock flywheel key must remain in place with no modifications. The left hand lower limiting plate on the stator must be intact, with no modification. Either the factory limiting plate or SKUSA limiting plate (available from SKUSA) may be used. Machined aluminum stator slots, underneath unmodified limiting plates, are allowed at this time. No modification to the hold down bolts is permitted. Static timing must be controlled by the stock stator plate or the SKUSA plate. No modification to any of the components that change the static timing. 657.7 Exhaust System: 657.7.1 Exhaust: Only the following exhausts are allowed. No modification of any kind is permitted. Exhaust flange is open, but must meet OEM length dimensions. No spacers allowed between cylinder and exhaust flange except one OEM steel gasket. RLV R2 standard stinger (part# 6800) RLV R2 w/cross stinger (part# 6800/c) RLV R4 (part# 6830) RCE T-3 Competitors using either the #6800 or #6800/c pipes are allowed to reduce their minimum weight by 10 lbs. 657.7.2 Silencer: Exhaust silencer body shall be a minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 14.5 inches in length. Diameter will be at least 3 inches. Factory produced silencers only, no modifications allowed. CHANGE: 675 TaG Engine Package Specifications Chart (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 Specifications same as Parilla Leopard. ADD: 722 Stock International Class Engines These rules describe the specifications of International Class engines. All parts must be factory production parts unless otherwise specified in the manual. No machining or alteration of parts is permitted unless specifically noted. All parts are subject to be compared to known stock parts. No reading in-between the lines. If it is not in the rules, it must remain stock. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ENGINE WILL BE TECHED AS RACED. Additional rules may be added as IKF move forward with this program. 722.1 Fuel: Gasoline only. 722.2 Clutches: Must be a shoe type clutch. Any stamped drum clutch allowed. No machined drums allowed. 722.3 Fuel Tank: Must be floor mounted. 722.4 Carburetor: Huayi types allowed. All Stock carburetor gaskets must be present. Choke assembly must be functioning. Choke bore must be cast. 722.4.1 Venturi: 0.615” No-Go. 722.4.2 Back Carb Bore: 0.751” No-Go. 722.4.3 Emulsion Tube: Must remain stock. 0.6064” No-Go. 722.4.4 Low Speed Idle Jet: 0.019” No-Go. 722.4.5 Main Jet: 0.042” No-Go 722.5 Fuel Pump: Any pulsed type fuel pump is allowed. Fuel pump must be pulsed from the valve cover or crankcase side cover. *Any other way to pulse must be approved by the IKF Tech Official for the race weekend. 722.6 Air Filter: Any air filter allowed. 722.7 Air Filter Adapter: After market air filter adaptors are allowed. 722.7.1 Maimum Length: 1.375” 722.8 Engine Block: Block must remain stock. 722.8.1 Bore: Maximum bore: 2.685” 722.8.2 Stroke: Stroke is 2.133” plus or minus 0.005” 722.9 Cylinder Head: No porting, grinding or modification. 722.9.1 Valve Seats: Valve seats have two angles. Single 4° Bottom and Single 30° top. 722.9.2 Head Gasket: Open to maintain min. 27.5cc chamber volume. KARTER NEWS - june 2010 722.9.3 Combustion Chamber Volume: Minimum 27.5cc. 722.10 Valve Train: Valve train will remain stock. No Polishing. No grinding. No Alterations. 722.10.1 Rocker Arms: Stock 1:1 Ratio OEM rocker arms only. 722.10.2 Valve Springs: Stock Valve Springs only. Maximum wire diameter is .0705”. Maximum spring pressure is 10.8 lbs. at an installed height of 0.850” 722.10.2.1 Valve Spring Pre-Race Tech Procedure: A quick field check can be performed as shown below using an inexpensive fish scale. Hook the scale under the rocker arm next to the push rod and lift until the valve opens and note the reading on the scale. If the springs appear to be much over the 10.8 lbs @ .850” spec then the springs can be removed from the head for a proper check. 722.11 Connecting Rod: Stock Rod only; No modifications. 722.12 Crankshaft: Stock Crankshaft only: no modifications. 722.13 Pistons and Rings: Stock piston and rings only. 722.14 Camshaft: Camshaft must be stock. 722.14.1 Maximum running lift: on Exhaust is 0.242” taken on valve spring retainer with zero lash. 722.14.2 Maximum Exhaust lift: on cam .232” taken at the pushrod. 722.14.3 Maximum Running Lift: on Intake is 0.238” taken on valve spring retainer taken on valve spring retainer with zero lash. 722.14.4 Maximum Intake lift: on cam .225” taken at the pushrod. 722.14.5 Duration: Duration check for Intake and Exhaust lobes (taken off pushrod). Cam lobe base circle diameter .865" -.005”/+.010”. (All checks will allow +2 degrees for wear and gauge variances.) 722.14.5.1 Exhaust duration of 221.5” degrees at .050” lift/96.5 degrees at .200” lift. 722.14.5.2 Intake duration of 218.5 degrees at .050” lift/85.5 degrees at .200 lift”. 722.15 Flywheel and Ignition: Ignition must be stock. Stock Flywheel or a Billet ARC Model 6618 or 6619 allowed. No alterations. No machining. Plastic fins must remain stock. 722.15.1 Timing: Timing must be stock with stock flywheel key. 722.16 Header Pipe and Muffler: 722.16.1 Header: Must be single stage maximum 0.750 outside Diameter, 0.635 inside diameter measurement. 722.16.1.1 Maximum length: header and muffler 14”, Min. length 10”. 722.16.2 Muffler: Must be Weiner type, part #89966. Muffler may be welded onto end of header pipe or screwed on. 722.17 Starter: Pull starter must be present and remain stock. Pull starter may be rotated for a better cranking angle. 722.18 Oil Catch Can: Engine oil recovery system required. 722.19 Governor: Governor and governor components are non-tech. ADD: 723 SUPER STOCK INTERNATIONAL CLASS ENGINES Note: For Super Stock International Class Engines, all rules in Section 722 apply with the following exceptions: 723.1 Clutches: Engine Clutch only. Either Drum or disc clutch. 723.2 Carburetor: Main Jet and low speed jet maybe drilled to any size. 723.3 Flywheel: Flywheel must be a Billet ARC Model 6618 or 6619. 723.4 Header Pipe And Silencer: Header Pipe Length: 18”- Maximum 22”. Silencer must be a RLV 91_L type with .1285 no-go holes. 723.5 Starter: Recoil starter components maybe replaced with a flat flywheel fan cover bolted in place of the recoil starter housing. Starter nut maybe added to employ a handheld electric starter. 9 Russell Karting & Italian Motors invite IKF, IAME Cup Duffy winner to 2010 IAME International Challenge. russell karting and italian Motors announce that the duffy winner of the iaMe cup at the 2 cycle sprint grand nationals will again be invited to participate in the iaMe international challenge. Jim russell, Jr. of russell karting specialties made a proposal to the ikf board at the January 2008 Meeting that the grand national winner of the iaMe cup class would be invited to participate in the iaMe international challenge. This driver will represent north american in direct competition on identical equipment against drivers representing other countries running iaMe single make series. he proposed to continue this program for 5 years, this being the third year. Jim believes that this proposal will help draw racers to ikf. Jim russell, Jr. thanked ikf for making the iaMe cup a national class. italian Motors and russell karting feel that this should be a long standing program and continue for many years to come. This commitment will help ensure the stability that the racer is looking for to make a complete jump to race in your series. our support would also be guaranteed for these years making the draw to your series that much stronger. The package according to Jim russell, Jr. is valued at approximately $10,000.00. Motel, airfare, entry fees, etc are all included in the package. There will be a few expenses that the driver will have to pay for, such as passport and an fia license. The ikf wishes to thank russell karting and italian Motors for their generosity and for supporting ikf. 10 2009 WINNER, ANDRICK ZEEN KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 IKF Board of Directors Phone Meeting Minutes May 26, 2010 The board of directors of the international kart federation met via telephone conference on wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 5:15 pM (psT). The Meeting was called to order by president hilger. present at roll call were directors Mr. ed diederich, Mr. bill hilger, Mr. Jack hoegerl, Mr. John Motley, Mr. rick scribner, Mr. Mike schorn. Mr. glenn araki and Mr. art verlengiere did not attend the Meeting. 2010 Grand National Update hilger gives updates on the upcoming grand nationals. 4 cycle speedway looks good. discussion of starting time at the 2 cycle sprint; hilger states he will know more next week. Mr. Don Holmboe joins the Meeting. 2010 Pit Pass Sales hoegerl discusses returned passes due to change in insurance carrier. honest sales figures will be seen later in the year. Komet Piston Valve hoegerl states he has submitted an engine homologation fee to haddock for the engine and clutch. discussion by board. haddock to send a clutch to the ikf office. clutch drawings are available on a website, hoegerl will furnish website information. ikf will also have drawings available. Motley asks for clarification that only the existing horstman clutch will be used at the grand national, hoegerl agrees. states this is a verbal agreement. diederich states the regional understanding is the current clutch has to be used through the grand nationals, after that, until the end of the year, it is optional for either clutch, and only the new clutch will be used in 2011. hoegerl states the crank case change is not expected to be seen until at least July or as the engine supply dwindles. will not bring new ones in until the old ones are sold. hoegerl states there will be a new number for the stall speed on the clutch in January 2011. They are looking into a different testing procedure. hoegerl to submit verbiage for an email vote by the board. passage will be contingent upon payment of fees. Financials hoegerl discusses current financial status. net income is down. discussion of virtual magazine and lack of appeal for advertising. working on ad rates. pass sales down. a lot due to the economy. working on different venues to insure. Pre Tech Form Motley discusses clubs using ikf pre Tech forms that have been changed. This is not according to the ikf rulebook. ikf KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 pre Tech forms are to be used at ikf regional and national sprint and road race events only. altered pre Tech forms are not legal according to ikf rules. club pre Techs are not allowed. discussion by board. board to work on standardized forms and rule for 2011. TaG Work Group Meeting Motley states he and hoegerl attended the Tag work group meeting in illinois. number of engines submitted, some new. Motley to submit a report to the board. Jordan Tech Appeal Motley states the protest was denied. an appeal form was submitted 2-3 weeks later. discussion by board. Motley states he has reviewed and reported on the appeal, with a copy of his responses sent to the board. not only is the appeal not timely, but in his opinion, without merit. board supports Motleys decision on this matter. Motley to send information to the ikf office for appeal reply letter. 2011 2 Cycle Sprint Grand National Date scribner discusses the labor day race date of the 2011 2 cycle sprint grand national. scribner to contact roger ruthart of the rock island grand prix. few california entries at the rigp. SFI Certification Tests hoegerl discusses the status of the sfi certification tests. discussion of future certification tests. Eggert Grievance ikf requested but did not receive any response from the race director regarding this matter. information regarding the incident and request for action must be submitted by the race director. no action at this time. South Dakota Governor Appointment Motion by diederich to appoint doug norgaard the ikf 2010 south dakota governor. second by scribner. in favor: diederich, hoegerl, holmboe, Motley, schorn, scribner absent: araki, verlengiere passed Diederich asks for clarification of Governor/Regional Coordinator elections/appointments. Motion to Adjourn Meeting by Motley. second by scribner. Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm. 11 N o r C a l i K f r e G i o N 1 1 s U p e r s e r i e s all star performance at prairie City story & photos: T he ikf region 11 super series visited prairie city and all star karting for round four of the six race series. The series has had quite the display of side by side racing in the first three events in rain and sun, and this same racing was put on display this weekend with an all star allure at prairie city kart club. The days of boring single file racing are gone in norcal, left behind is the talent of the young future kart racers. adding the professional image and strict officiating, the series has quickly become the top series in california for the high level of competitiveness. first up was Kid Karts and Zach corbitt came in with a three race sweep. looking to continue his early dominance of 2010 Zach set fast time in qualifying with a time of 59.673. corbitt jumped out to an early lead in the heat race, however as they reached the last few laps corbitt appeared to have engine troubles giving the win to Tomas Mejia and corbitt a dnf. on the start of the final it was Mejia jumping out to an early lead as corbitt began to work his way through traffic. corbitt made to second and immediately started cutting time off Mejia’s lead. late in the race corbitt was on the rear bumper of Mejia and making what looked to be the winning pass. corbitt’s troubles with the engines came back forcing corbitt to slow allowing Tomas Mejia to cruise to his first ikf win! emmick cobra’s stephon daniel was second with cambrian go-kart’s clayton williams third. 12 Junior 1 Comer was on track and kartel’s davey Manthei Junior qualified fast time with a 49.127. on the start of the heat bordogna’s hunter kelly got the hole shot with bordogna’s nitro nick sommers in tow. The two teammates jumped out to an early lead and began to battle for the lead. nitro put the pressure on hunter kelly hardcore trying to get kelly to slip up, but a lost chain for kelly gave an easy win to sommers. on the start of the final nitro nick’s nose went flying ending his race and opening the door for cambrian go-kart’s Justin yanez. yanez got as big lead early, as laps wound down Magnum’s Tyler burk ran down yanez. unable to make a pass on yanez, burk settled for second and yanez got the win. cambrian go-kart’s cole davis finished third after a hard fought battle. in Junior superpipe kartel’s luis Tyrrell went wire to wire for the win with emmick cobra’s harrison Mills finishing a close second. kartel’s davey Mead won the senior 80 shifter category with steve nagai putting in a dominate performance in the Masters 80 shifter division. emmick cobra’s ray Zarick had a solid performance with a win in Tag Masters while leading edge’s cody diede grabbed his first ikf win in a very competitive 125 stock Moto class. The briggs animal had a close race between the front runners, but connor Mcneil was the big winner. The senior superpipe class took to the track and leading edge’s brett felkins was looking to continue his hot streak KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 perfect on the year sweeping the first three rounds. in qualifying felkins missed the pole as rival emmick cobra’s clayton snow out qualified the young pilot with a lap of 46.128. felkins and snow battled hard the first lap of the race creating tire smoke but snow powered to a commanding victory. snow was removed from post heat tech with a flex infraction and would have to start the final from the rear. felkins jumped out to a big lead early in the final as snow began to work his way through the field. snow got up to second and began to run down felkins, but his tires were hot from passing so many karts early, and felkins pulled away to a 2 second victory. snow was second with extreme Motorsports brian gallagher third. HpV-1 Junior has displayed competitive side by side racing at every ikf race in 2010, and it was to no surprise to see the fence line fill up and the stands packed as hpv-1 started engines. kartel’s Joseph larosa grabbed fast time with a 47.340. The top four were within 2 tenths proving once again the young karters would put on a good show. in the heat race larosa put on a clinic leaving the rest of the drivers to fight for their respected starting positions for the big race. on the start of the final larose quickly jumped out to a big tHe days of boring single file raCing are gone in norCal, left beHind is tHe talent of tHe young future Kart raCers. lead again. as the race progressed all the drivers engaged of some sort of battle with positions swapping nearly every lap. The race for 10th was just as strong as the race for 2nd. There was one driver not battling and that was the leader Joseph larosa. cambrian go-kart’s Justin yanez ran down the leader late but wasn’t able to threaten the position, and larosa captured the victory in dominate style. post race Tech found larosa’s flex out of spec, and this handed the win over to Justin yanez for his second on the day. bordogna’s hunter kelly battled hard for his 2nd place positions and kartel’s davey Manthei Junior did the same for third. tag senior was up next and cambrian go-kart’s bronson eggert is new on the scene this year in the fact that he has already won some big races against stacked fields. he put his birel up front again at one of the tougher tracks in norKARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 13 cal with a lap of 43.861. On the start of the final four of the top runners went spinning into turn one, but Eggert was out front so quick some of the attendees weren’t sure if he was the leader or lapped kart. In the Final, Eggert again popped out to a big lead, so big he was never contested, Bronson cruised to a big victory. The race wasn’t a complete bore. The battle for second was worth watching. Lap after lap Kartel’s TJ Fischer put pressure on Kartel’s Jon Ban for the position. Ban held his line not offering a passing lane keeping him in second. Fischer came home third. HPV Junior 2 had a stacked field of West Coast Talent. Kiel Spaulding made his first appearance on the Region 11 Super Series and came with grabbing pole late in the qualifying session with a lap of 44.910. In the heat Kartel’s Luis Tyrrell went right after Spaulding for the lead and put the pressure on all around the track. Spaulding pulled away late for the win and pole in the Big Show. On the start of the Final Tyrrell got hung out on the outside losing several spots and Spaulding quickly took control of the race. Consistent fast laps helped Kiel pull away from the field driving to a four second victory. MMI’s David Vasquez finished second and Tyrrell had a hard drive back to third. Next race for the IKF Region 11 Super Series is Atwater 14 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Kart Club. The track is located further south of Sacramento closer to many racers residing in Southern California. The series will finish its season at Northern Nevada Kart Club which hosted the IKF Grand Nationals in 2009, and in 2010 will host the IKF Super Series Norcal Grand Nationals. For more information on upcoming events in Northern California visit Norcal’s official Kart Racing Site, www. For the Series Points visit For the Series Photos please visit For Region 11 My Laps showevents.jsp?org=33857 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 15 iKF Region 6 Gold cup, Round 2 at tri city By Northwest Karting News Photo: teri Janes R ound two of the 2010 gold cup/rotax Max challenge series would find the competitors back at Tri city just twenty eight days after closing out round one here. hosting the event this time around was the seattle kart club. weather, as it turned out would not be a factor, as this weekend saw mild temperatures and blue sky’s throughout. prior to racing getting underway, there was some unfortunate, and truly sad business to attend to. northwest racing had lost one of its own just a week earlier at this very track. well known kart shop owner and avid race supporter art carpenter had suffered a fatal heart attack at the previous week’s Tri city club race. at the drivers meeting Terry bridges gave prayer, while everyone present was left to their own thoughts and memories of art. upon conclusion of the drivPhoto: lisa bartholomew er’s meeting art’s son took to the track in loving memory of his father, he wore his father’s helmet and hoisted a checkered flag as he made his way around the track in his number 31 kart. once again turn out would prove to be strong as more than 160 racers showed up to contest their chosen classes. among the many race teams represented were notables such as cMc, italian Motors, kartsport northwest, kartel motorsports, revolution karting and bbr. one driver of interest was canada’s bryce choquer, having just represented Team canada in the Jr. rotax class at the 2009 rotax Max challenge world finals. he would compete this weekend for the first time as a senior. Northwest Karting News caught up with him after the event to get his perspective on the weekend’s events. “i’m very excited to have finally gotten the chance to race in the senior class, the competition is higher with so much more action. i’m looking forward to running a couple more gold cups this year, greg Moore raceway for sure”. races were run under the direction of bam racing, and action 16 was called by pro sound audio’s Terry bridges. The weekend went off without a hitch as there was a noticeable sense of camaraderie among all present. This weekend as it turned out, would be for art. Rotax MicRo Max/ Gazelle: right out of the gate the spectators were seeing yellow, as there were two wild karts on the front row throughout the entire weekend. it was kartel’s davey Manthei who led the field taking home the win for gazelle, and the 8c of conner robistelli who took first place for rotax Micro Max. right up there in the mix was the #9 of Job kandris who earned his second place spot in gazelle. following close behind was a battle for second in Micro Max between seth appel and Mason Morgan, as the two went back and forth throughout all heats. in the end it was Morgan who finished second, this would be young Morgan’s second podium of the year in as many attempts. clearly Mason has a handle on the move up to the micro class. seth appel finished third, with Zachary nino in fourth, and deirdra o’neil in fifth. Rotax JR: arguably one of the most exciting classes to watch at round 2 was rotax Jr; did these guys and gals draw a crowd or what. The race for the first place spot all weekend was between parker Mckean (bbr/Tonykart), kartsport’s artie carpenter, and the Photo: teri Janes KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 young canadian Mathew Moniz (Mach one). These three led the field in the first two heats, going back and forth all vying for the win. not far behind the top three, were the #55 of kyle byers (cre/intrepid) and the #32 of austin hudson (intrepid), both determined to catch the front pack. by the time the main came around, the top three front runners were ready to battle it out for first place one last time. The green flag was thrown for the main, and the pack went flying into turn one causing a spectacular crash collecting more than half of the field. Mckean was able to get through untouched and took off as the rest of the class scrambled to make their way back onto the track. This gave Mckean a commanding lead, leaving carpenter, Moniz, byers, and hudson having to make up for lost positions. Mckean took the first place spot, followed by Moniz who was able to make an impressive run back up to second, with cJ gannon displaying some great driving to pull down the third spot. byers made Photo: teri Janes his way back up to fourth, with selliken in fifth, and carpenter only having enough time to reach the sixth place spot. Rotax MiNi Max: what a showing it was for the Mini Max class. These young guns were able to keep the crowd coming to the fence all weekend long. here it was kartel’s davey Manthei and sting ray robb out in front through the duration of all three heats, with a very fast kyle wick right there in third hungry for a win as well. with the top three front runners leading the way, there were many battles going on for the fourth, fifth, and sixth place spots, tied in with some impressive racing from brown, Taylor, preston, and eakins. This was a very competitive class and these guys fought hard for their positions all weekend. in the end it was red apple racing’s sting ray robb driving for the kartel Motorsports Team who would take home the first place spot, followed by kyle wick (cre/wildkart) in second, Tyler brown in third, Justin Taylor in fourth, and Jake preston with an impressive fifth place finish. well done Mini Max! Rotax iNteRNatioNal: Photo: teri Janes saturday qualifying found andrew Zimmer on pole with a blistering time of 39.08 followed by the young canadian bryce choquer. if there were any questions regarding choquer’s ability to run competitively in the senior ranks he quickly put them to rest with a Photo: teri Janes qualifying time of 39.23 just .15 off the pole! round one winner Joey Mcguire qualified 3rd with kory estell, and darren ward rounding out the top five. sunday’s heat two had choquer on pole with Mcguire outside row one due to a post tech infraction charged to Zimmer. There was action throughout the field in this race as Zimmer made his way up to finish fourth, from dead last! Meanwhile choquer and Mcguire battled for the top spot, ultimately choquer would prevail and take the win. The 64 kart of darren ward made several daring moves to wind up in the third spot. while kory estell secured the fifth position one behind Zimmer. sunday’s Main was similar to saturday’s heat race, once Zimmer was able to move to the third spot and engage the leaders the show was on. as in saturday’s heat race it was Zimmer’s speed that would dictate the outcome of this race; he really earned the victory with a great display of driving. bryce choquer took home the second spot after a solid Photo: teri Janes KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 17 went back and forth behind him fighting for the second place spot. when sunday rolled around it was anyone’s guess who was going to take home the win. in the end, it was ruscitti who took home first, followed by blair in second, and hargrove in third. performance all weekend long. Mcguire, ward, and estell rounded out the top five. iaMe leopaRd JR 3: in the iaMe leopard Jr 3 class it was the #31 of artie carpenter who couldn’t be touched all weekend. carpenter put his Top kart on pole with a fast time of 39.44. in the second place spot, staying consistent in all three heats, was parker Mckean, who despite his many efforts was unable to catch carpenter. Throughout the race it seemed that the drivers were all paired up in two’s battling it out for their positions. behind the top two front runners Thomsen and schultz fought for third place, while laithwaite and Mcallister ShiFteR: The shifter class was one to keep an eye on as it would be a hard fought battle for first between the italian Motor drivers remo ruscitti and scott hargrove. ruscitti took pole with a fast lap of 38.58, putting hargrove off pole. with hargrove taking first place in heats one and two, it was ruscitti who was able to make his way to the front for the main, while Mckean worked Photo: teri Janes his way through the field up to third. ruscitti took first, followed by hargrove in second, Mckean in third, and kim in fourth. BRiGGS WoRld FoRMula heavy: for the second race of the season the world formulas were the largest class of the event with 22 drivers looking for a podium spot. Tim lawrence’s time of 43.55 would put him on the pole with the next 8 qualifiers separated by less than 3 tenths of a second. This was the making of great race. with a 50% invert of the field for the heat race Tim lawrence had his work cut out to catch up to brother Terry who was gridded on pole for the heat. with a clean start and great racing Tim made it up to the fourth spot giving an off pole start for the main. The main had seen some great racing as there was passing and moves made throughout the range of drivers. The checkered flag dropped to Tim and Terry lawrence finishing one and two with robbie calhoun third. finishing out the top ten were gabriel kajdy, Mike schorn, brett lucas, chris hatch, austin Moon, Jeff Mullins, and bryan green. BRiGGS WoRld FoRMula MediuM/ MaSteRS: in the medium’s, the fast qualifier was brett lucas with a time of 42.91 to put him on pole. Meanwhile it was gabriel kajdy who took pole for Masters with a fast lap of 44.13. lucas led the Mediums throughout the weekend, however it was Terry lawrence who was able to get around lucas in the main event with Tim lawrence and robbie calhoun close behind. for the Masters it was kajdy who took a commanding lead as chris hach, bryan green, and ryan krassitt fought hard for second. for the Mediums Terry lawrence took first, followed by lucas in second, Tim lawrence in third, calhoun in fourth, and gasaway in fifth. in the Masters it was kajdy who took first, followed with hatch in second, green in third, kassett in fourth, and Mullins rounding out the top five. battled for the fifth place spot. The end result was a well earned win for carpenter, followed by Mckean in second, Thomsen in third, schultz in fourth, and laithwaite rounding out the top five. iaMe cup: ruscitti started out the weekend putting his kart on pole with a fast lap of 39.57. saturday was all hargrove, as ruscitti and blair 18 KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 BRiGGS GaS aNiMal heavy: briggs gas animal heavy was filled with constant battles between the front runners. brett lucas took the top qualifying spot with a fast lap of 44.49, putting alan cathy off pole. by the end of the first heat it was Terry lawrence who was able to find his way to the front with father and daughter corey and brooke poynor not far behind. after a very intense main event, it was Terry lawrence who took the victory, due to a dQ in tech for corey poynor, followed by lucas in second, brooke poynor in third, alan cathey in fourth, and green to round out the top five. JR 2 BRiGGS GaS aNiMal heavy: it was Michael gutenberger who started off the weekend qualifying with a fast lap of 44.24, putting Myles pederson outside row one. by the end of heat one it was nicole behar who lead the pack, while the battle for second continued behind her between groff and Manthei. at the start of the main it was the two ladies groff and behar on the front row. These two were able to get out in front and run the table close together for most of the race, with pederson, gutenberger, and Manthei running close behind. with an unfortunate spin, behar lost her second place position and ran out of time to make her way back to the front. it was hailey groff who finished first, followed by pederson in second, gutenberger third, Manthei in fourth, putting behar in fifth. JR 1 BRiGGS aNiMal liGht: with nine racers in the field it was to be a great race for the day. Top qualifiers britney Zamora and sting ray robb were right on pace from last race and wanted that taste of victory for the first time this season. in the heat contact with left sting ray on side after three laps giving Zamora a sigh of relief for the win. in the final however improvement by all the drivers made this 2 battle race. with Zamora taking the early lead and keeping through out the race. it was tough though as the faster robb was working hard to take advantage of any error that Zamora didn’t let happen this time. with a great battle for third ensued between kyle adams , Justin demars, bryce peterson in the second all trading positions several times petersen retiring after 8 laps with demars over adams at the finish. not to be left out the pack of Jr 1’s who all put on a great show with devin smith, Thibaut ertle, kellen dean, gaetan ertle, bryce peterson finishing out the field. JR 1 BRiGGS GaS aNiMal heavy: The two young competitors brittney Zamora and sting ray robb KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 Photo: teri Janes would soon meet again in the Jr 1 briggs gas animal class. These two fought long and hard all three heats and it was anyone’s guess who would come out on top here. not far behind, demars and adams would go head to head again as well, along with the third battle between the #68 and 86 of gaetan and Thibaut ertle. This time around, it was sting ray robb who claimed victory, with Zamora right there to take second. a very fast bryce peterson was able to make his way up to the third place spot, with adams in fourth, smith in fifth, and an unfortunate spin out earlier in the race left demars in sixth. Photo: teri Janes JR 2 BRiGGS WoRld FoRM/ JR 2 BRiGGS GaS aNiMal: Michael gutenberger started where he left off from last race, and that was fast. gutenberger was able run comfortable in the heat and main with no challenge this weekend; but give it time and a Tiffany brown along with nick ferguson and david schorn searching for more, will work to get pick it up for the next race. Jr 2 animal saw nicole behar find her way around fast qualifier hailey groff on the start and was able to hold her off for the final. new for this season, payton Manthei showing potential with his new wild kart chassis is sure to be in the hunt for first in the next race. F 200/ SupeR SpoRtSMaN heavy: well the excitement from the last race didn’t drop off as brooke poynor was able to hold off fast qualifier Joey Miller for over 9 laps in the main when Miller had a lapse concentration at lap 10 and did not finish. dad corey poynor as well as steve adkins tried their luck at the younger poynor, but to no avail as brooke buckled down and focused on the checkered flag. rounding out the 10 deep field was brett bowen, alan cathey, Michael croff, donny clark, John Mcneil, Jerry pitts and Joey Miller. That’s a wrap for our round two race report, wishes to thank all the racers who turned out to support their region. see you all May 29th in spokane for round three. 19 Oregon State Karting Championship Series Round 3 at McMinville Raceway Park, May 5, 2010 By Terry Bridges Q ualifying got underway just a bit before 11:30 with the JR. 2 WORLD FORMULA& JR.2 SUPER SPORTSMAN and it was the hard charging Nick Ferguson taking the pole with a 44.292 and the “Racing Radish” Max Mulkey from Monmouth, OR taking 2nd quick honors with 44.622 and the young veteran David Schorn 3rd with a 44.401 effort and impressive newcomer Matt Edelston and the “Racing Entrepreneur” from Lincoln City Jonathon Brown rounding out the top five with 44.992 and 45.037 qualifying efforts. In the JR.2 SUPER SPORTSMAN, it was lone competitor and hometown driver Jayden Ward stopping the clocks with respectable 44.182 lap. During race action it was pole sitter Ferguson who after checking out in heat race #1 spun in turn 6 at the end of back straight and allowing Max Mulkey to take the win with Edelston, Brown, Schorn and Heizenrader rounding out the top 5…Heat race #2 was Ferguson coming all the thru the field after starting in the 7th spot to take the win…and in Main Event action, Ferguson once again in dominating fashion ran way to take the win with Max Mulkey, David Schorn, Matt Edelston, Jonathon Brown, sophomore Grant Heizenrader, and Ryan “The Razor” Gillett struggling with the finding the handle on his machine finishing in the 7th spot. In JR. 2 SUPER SPORT action, it was all Jayden Ward as he was the lone competitor but was impressive behind the wheel taking his 100cc Yamaha to victory and earning his first win of the season. JR.1 BRIGGS GAS ANIMAL was a close one with arch rivals Justin DeMars and Andy Anderson doing battle on the .730 of a mile road coarse. boro taking the final podium spot and Tyler Besuyen a close 4th. In ROTAX MINI MAX it was once again the smooth Marco Eakin from Beaverton, OR taking the top spot in qualifying, the pre-final and Main Event action. In TAG CADET it was the “Little Rocket” Conner Robustelli backing up his big NW GOLD CUP win by earning the pole, and taking the main event. The ever meticulous Edward Portz from Corvallis, OR took heat race #1 in TAG CADET when Robustelli and hard charging Hunter Melahn got caught up in a turn 2 excursion while batting heavily for the lead, which allowed the “right place, right time” Portz to take the win. But in the end, it was Robustelli backing up his Tri-Cities NW GOLD CUP win with a dominating drive in the main event to take the win, hard charging Hunter Melahn runner up and the meticulous Edward Portz claiming the third and final podium spot. In 2 CYCLE JR, it was hometown racer Kasen Ward taking the win with a nice drive on his new chassis and engine package in his first outing of the season. In KID KART action it was Cameron Raymond taking his #0 hot rod to the win, with Jacob Hudson from Keizer, A cool and brisk morning greeted competitors of the Oregon State Karting Championship Series Sunday morning at McMinnville Raceway Park in McMinnville, Oregon, but the racing heated things up as the small but “racy” turnout of competitors put on one heck of a show! 20 It was the red hot “Bandit” from Sandy, OR Justin DeMars and his Freeborn Racing Engines machine edging out Andy Anderson for the pole. Taylor Coulson and Tyler Besuyen were 3rd and 4th quick respectively. Heat race #1 was the usual DeMars vs. Anderson war with DeMars taking the both heats and the Main Event for a clean sweep in Jr. 1 with Taylor Coulson from Hills- KARTER NEWS - june 2010 OR, finishing 2nd, Corvallis racer Jonathon Portz 3rd, “Downtown” Andrew Brown 4th in his first outing of the season, Summer Melahn 5th, and the “Action Gal” Deana Moss finishing in the 6th spot ALL of these awesome young guys and gals put on a one heck of a show and it is really awesome watching them all improve each and every race! Way to go young racers! In ROTAX/TAG JR. Hot up-ncomers Joseph Schwager and Austin Hudson had everyone on the fence with absolutely incredible race action with both drivers swapping the lead lap after lap with looked to be only a “sliver” of daylight with Hudson taking the pre-final with a daring late braking move at the end of the backstretch and Schwager taking the main with superb and also daring “déjà vu” pass on Hudson heading into the “S’s” after Hudson overtook him in same place the lap before…incredible race action by two of the very best young talents in the Northwest. In TAG JR it was the hard working Laura Freeman earning her first pole position of the year out qualifying one of the hottest Female racers in the Northwest, Kailia Walter. In race action however, it was ever improving Kailia Walter taking her Walter Racing/Break the Chain sponsored Birel to the win. Long time karting veteran and IKF Expert Phil Pfau was in the Walter pit coaching and tuning the female phenom, so keep your eyes on that team as they can only go to the front with that addition! ROTAX MASTERS, ROTAX INTERNATIONAL & TAG SR. was awesome as well with 2009 OSKCS Champion Alex Harrold taking the pole by .5 over the “Action man” Tim Moss. Just as looked like Harrold who was dominate most of the day was going to take the win but had a motor mount come loose at the end of the backstretch ending his day and handing the win to Moss. Lee Taylor took the familiar #V5 machine to the runner up spot, with Dan Thayer 3rd, the impressive Tony Partain 4th, and newcomer Jeff Kuust from Dallas, OR finished 6th. Harrold after leading finished in the 5th spot. In ROTAX INTERNATIONAL a spectacular show by drivers Chase Earle KARTER NEWS - june 2010 and Eastern Oregon’s Tim Griffin had those in attendance up on the fence and cheering wildly and the two waged and absolute war which included several amazing passes and fierce wheel to wheel action all day long. It was the much improved Chase Earle and his CMC powered machine besting Griffin for the win. TAG SR saw “The Clatskanie Flash” Adam DeYoung take the win in his brand new Ital-kart chassis in his 2nd outing of the season. Last but certainly not least was the WORLD FORMULA HEAVY & SR. SUPERSPORTSMAN division. It was 2009 IKF Champ Brian Green who took the pole over rival Chris “Grape Knee High” Hatch and that’s the way it would be all day with Green proving to have the best handle all day. Hatch who builds the engines for Bryan Green finished in the runner up spot all day with Greg Normandin (also running a Hatch built engine) finishing 3rd, the much improved “Red Chassis” racer Steve King 4th and the always Classy Greg Wick rounding out the top five… Ryan Kiste who was running very well spun in the “S’s” late in the pre-final collecting Greg Normandin and Super Sportsman driver Steve Ward. Both Ward and Normandin would continue, but the mishap ended the day for the much improved Kiste with the damage being too much to make the feature event. Steve Ward won the SR. SPORTSMAN in his first outing of the year with is usual smooth, hard charging and fun to watch style. Dean Wolf also did not start the World Formula Main event. Although maybe light in numbers, all competitors where heavy in both race action and great sportsmanship. A huge “hats off” to Mike Schorn who is the Portland Karting Association President, IKF Board member, and now acting as the Sprint Vice President… did a great job keep the day organized and rolling… as did all of the volunteer workers. Well done guys and gals, another fine Oregon State Karting Championship Series Event in the books. Round #4 of the 10 race series will be Saturday June 5th again at McMinnville Raceway Park. Gates and Registration will open at 7am with the first practice scheduled to get under way promptly at 9:00am. So push, pull, or drag your race machine out and enjoy some great fun, and racing! For more information contact the Portland Karting Association at www. for race dates, times , schedules and more! It is a real privilege to be a part of this great sport and all of the fantastic racers, fans, and volunteers that make it all happen! Until next time… Advertiser Index Burris......................................................10 Courtney Concepts..............................34 Coyote Products...................................35 Dave’s Performance Karting..............34 Fleming Racing.....................................36 G-Man Kart Works...............................35 Grand Nat’l Form, 4-Cyc. Sprint/ Shifter................................................22-23 Grand Nat’l Form, 2-Cyc. Sprint.......24 Grand Nat’l Form, Road Race............25 Grand Nat’l Form, 4-Cyc. Spway......26 Grand Nat’l Form, 2-Cyc Spway.......27 Haddock, Ltd........................................34 Jim Hall II Racing Schools..................35 K&P Manufacturing............................34 Kart-O-Rama.........................................35 LAKC.....................................................36 Mike’s Kart Stands...............................35 Mike Manning Karting........................34 MXK Racing..........................................34 Nash's Hyper Racing Engines............34 National Kart News...............................6 Penton Racing Products......................35 PKS Kart Supplies................................34 Position One..........................................35 Pitts Performance.................................35 Race Kart Engineering.........................36 RLV Tuned Exhaust Products............35 Russell Karting Specialties...................2 Scribner Plastics....................................34 Stroud Design, Inc...............................36 Target Distributors.................................4 TS Racing...............................................35 Turk Brothers Racing.............................3 Woltjer Racing Engines.......................34 21 22 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 23 24 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 25 26 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 27 IKf 2-CYCle sPrInT Grand naTIonals TaKInG sHaPe TiMi Promotions and Willow springs Kart Club gearing up for June event The 2010 international kart federation (ikf) 2-cycle sprint grand nationals are just around the corner as TiMi promotions and willow springs kart club are working diligently to prepare for the prestigious event. set for June 22-26, 2010, the willow spring kart Track in rosamond, california will be packed with karters from the west coast and across the country, all fighting to earn their own ikf ‘duffy’ award and to become a grand national champion. The 2010 grand nationals will be presented by the willow springs international Motorsports park, the host site of event. The rosamond, california facility features three road courses (2.5-mile, 1.8-mile, and 1-mile), a 1/4-mile paved oval, a 3/8-mile dirt oval, and the 6/10-mile karting circuit that will be used for the grand nationals event. action at the willow springs facility will begin on Monday, June 21 with the first day of controlled practice. The following day, Tuesday, June 22, will be the official practice day for the event. wednesday, June 23 will be the first of four race days, with five classes scheduled each day for a total of 20 ikf duffys to be awarded on the week. also scheduled for the opening day of racing will be a free barbeque for all the drivers and crew. other events are in the planning process for the remaining nights. The exciting part of the grand nationals in 2010 will be racing under the lights. The willow springs facility is equipped with lighting to hold races at later hours of the day. This will allow competitors and attendees to avoid the hot conditions during the day hours and enjoy the racing action as the sun goes down. events are scheduled to begin with the track open at 3:00 pm and ending near the 10:00 pm mark. Thus far, nine companies have stepped up to support the event as class sponsors. aiM sports, bks, courtney concepts, italian Motors, Mike Manning karting, pks, rlv, scribner plastics, and Tnr Motorsports are the current class sponsors and will present the ikf duffy for their respective classes. TiMi promotions and wskc are currently accepting any interested companies that would like to put in their support for the event and these individuals are encouraged to contact Mike Manning or Tim holden. key staff positions have been named for the 2010 ikf 2-cycle sprint grand nationals. dave brant will be the race director for the event. a race director in the 4-cycle categories, brant is moving over to the 2-cycle division and current holds the same position for the ikf region 11 super series. The Tech director for 2010 will be John Motley. as a member of the organization’s Tech committee, he and his staff 28 are expected to be very fair and thorough during the week. The voice on the microphone for the grand nationals will be chris scribner. a long-time norcal karter, scribner will return as the event’s emcee throughout the week and provide a live web cam during the action with details to be released at a later time. leading up to the grand nationals, the willow springs kart club instituted a mini-series within the club championship. in a best four of five points chase, the club will be awarding a free entry to the grand nationals to nine classes that will compete at the June event. Those who participated in the minimum of four races in the mini series and a member of wskc in 2010 will also have a chance at a number of prizes courtesy of bridgestone, douglas wheels, rlv, scribner plastics, burris racing, and Trp. also included will be a drawing for a gps system for the Mychron 4 from aiM sports and one class at the cory kruseman’s sprint car and Midget driving school, certainly a club racing prize package like no other. another factor that will help boost entries, aside the prestige of the event, will be the change in the punch rule. ikf has lowered the punch rule from three races (3) to two (2), welcoming those drivers who have not been able to achieve three-race requirement before the June event. To download an entry form for the 2010 ikf 2-cycle sprint grand nationals, click over to gn_pre-reg_form.pdf TiMi promotions, directors of the willow springs kart club, launched the redesign of the club website - www. - which contains all the information you need on the club as well as the ikf 2-cycle sprint grand nationals. Those who have questions or would like to find out more information about the willow springs kart club or the June 22-26 grand nationals event are asked to contact Mike Manning at 661.256.7500 and Tim holden at 818.701.7151. about the Willow springs Kart Club: The willow springs kart club is based out of the willow springs international Motorsports park, competing on the 6/10-mile kart track at the facility. offering a number of karting classes, the willow springs kart club has a place for your 2-cycle karting needs. The club will also be hosting the 2010 international kart federation 2-cycle sprint grand nationals - June 21-26 - where roughly 400 entries will compete for the organizations prestigious trophy - the duffy. KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 Points STANDINGS REGION 3 SPeedway 2010 Northland Tour Dirt Series As of 5-16-2010 Junior Gas Michael Murray..................... 402 Junior I Animal Light Tylan Porath.......................... 398 Bryan Brandt........................ 408 Brandon Dolman................... 774 Jacob Murray....................... 353 Cody Ott............................... 358 Lexie Ignaszewski................. 729 Blake Hanson....................... 323 Lincoln Schanzenbach.......... 363 Trajan Schmidt...................... 185 Blair Nothdurft...................... 160 Aaron Zegers........................ 203 Wyatt Blashe........................ 203 Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Tylan Porath.......................... 369 Bryan Brandt........................ 404 Brandon Dolman................... 762 Jacob Murray....................... 359 Codie Goettl.......................... 742 Lincoln Schanzenbach.......... 369 Trajan Schmidt...................... 188 Blair Nothdurft...................... 168 Wyatt Blashe........................ 433 Aaron Zegers........................ 195 Jason Ebert.......................... 180 Junior II Animal Light Dylan Goettl.......................... 711 Jacob Knapper..................... 354 Javen Ostermann................. 370 Brandon Grendzinski............. 400 Zachary Johnson.................. 340 Cole Ignaszewski.................. 706 Kaleb Johnson...................... 375 Dalton Magers...................... 696 Amanda Bristow................... 330 Scott Swanson...................... 497 Michael Nichols.................... 347 James Suter......................... 700 Sammi Simons..................... 155 Cole Daebler......................... 446 Hunter Parsons..................... 202 Brandon Grendzinski............. 416 Cody Schroeder.................... 401 Brent Edmunds..................... 391 Taylor Arndt.......................... 366 Cory Jalaska......................... 154 Junior II Animal Heavy Kaleb Johnson...................... 423 Dylan Goettl.......................... 804 Michael Nichols.................... 363 Scott Swanson...................... 731 Aaron Kaderabek.................. 358 Brandon Gredzinski............... 378 Dalton Magers...................... 684 Zachary Johnson.................. 320 Allen Minter.......................... 679 Amanda Bristow................... 313 James Suter ........................ 711 Jaydon Baker........................ 341 Cody Schroeder.................... 436 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Hunter Parsons..................... 191 Cole Daebler......................... 371 Brandon Gredzinski............... 406 Brent Ednumds..................... 366 Cory Talaska......................... 161 Animal Light Thomas Spanel..................... 406 Mitch Weiss.......................... 809 Jesse Allen........................... 188 Tony Rialson......................... 749 Dillon Sampson..................... 178 Todd Terhune........................ 336 Isaac Minnehan ................... 531 Scott Simms......................... 346 Zach Drahota........................ 208 David Bristow....................... 566 Alex Hock............................. 195 Animal Medium Thomas Spanel..................... 410 Brian Lepa............................ 385 Max Jacobson...................... 198 Jake Hanson......................... 193 Josh Peterson....................... 405 Mason Gustafson.................. 365 Adam Gustafson................... 350 Mitch Weiss.......................... 732 Zach Drahota........................ 309 Justin Hanson....................... 720 Isaac Minnehan.................... 758 Bryan Good . ........................ 319 Dillon Sampson..................... 301 J R Richards......................... 151 Kevin Kirk............................. 335 Logan Sinning....................... 145 Todd Moulton Jr.................... 292 Tony Rialson......................... 687 John Merley.......................... 197 Darrin Zomer........................ 159 Kevin Mulder........................ 144 Alex Hock............................. 206 Zach Axlen............................ 196 David Bristow....................... 175 Animal Heavy Jake Hanson......................... 418 John Merley.......................... 201 Jonathan Hanson.................. 801 Dillon Sampson..................... 373 Kevin Kirk............................. 181 Justin Lee............................. 348 Brian Wannarka.................... 171 Brandon Merley.................... 343 Zach Drahota........................ 161 Mike Berg . .......................... 721 Kevin Mulder ....................... 153 Darrin Zomer........................ 182 Jake Alton............................. 206 Zach Axlen............................ 196 Travis Proksch...................... 176 Rusty Loof............................ 171 Blue Wazoom OHV Thomas Spanel..................... 204 Jonathan Hanson.................. 826 Nathan Terhune.................... 367 Justin Hanson....................... 781 Animal Masters Brian Wannarka ................... 374 Marty Aulner ........................ 384 Mike Berg . .......................... 800 Doug Hanson........................ 780 Brian Baker........................... 205 Monte Bankes....................... 179 Fred Hefti.............................. 194 REGION 4A SPEEDWAY As of 4-24-10 Cadet Jude Montoya....................... 201 Jr. 2-2cycle Briana Franchini.................... 206 Spencer Hill.......................... 196 Andrew Huerena................... 186 Amber Cohea........................ 181 Zachery Page........................ 176 Chris Trujillo.......................... 171 Jr. 1-2 cycle Raeanna Vandemark............. 201 Jr. 1-4 cycle Jacob Cowger....................... 207 Raeanna Vandemark............. 197 Alicia Trujillo......................... 187 Mariah Talamantes............... 182 Chance Gottfried................... 177 Jasmine Alvarez.................... 172 Gage Obey............................ 167 Super Jr. 2 Spencer Hill.......................... 205 Rylyn Phillips........................ 195 Zachery Page........................ 185 David Sauseda...................... 180 Erik Roche............................ 175 NM Superbox Austin Baird.......................... 203 Ryan Jackson....................... 193 Jayme Mehrer...................... 183 Yamaha Heavy Austin Baird.......................... 203 Brad Boultinghouse.............. 193 Rio Padilla............................. 183 Qt. Mid.Heavy Joshua Huish........................ 203 Bradley Huish....................... 193 Zachary Page........................ 183 Unlimited.................................... Tim Golden........................... 209 Paul Franchini....................... 199 Don Kruse............................. 189 Jay Mehrer........................... 184 Austin Baird.......................... 179 Zachery McCoy..................... 174 Jamie Cowger...................... 169 Brad Boultinghouse.............. 164 Kenneth McCoy.................... 159 REGION 4B SPEEDWAY As of 5-16-2010 Junior I Briggs Animal Light Camron Bullock.................... 577 Chance Hoffmeyer................ 406 Ryan Roberts........................ 194 Boone Evans......................... 179 Junior II Briggs Animal Light Zack Harville......................... 585 Andrew Downs..................... 560 Arin Green............................ 377 Logan Lalena........................ 204 Justin Robinson.................... 193 Briggs Animal Medium Zack Kuntz............................ 581 Chase Lambright.................. 571 Trey Paroline......................... 546 Barbara DeRoon................... 362 Taylor Paroline...................... 361 Austin Bursby....................... 207 David Snyder........................ 195 Kyle Towns........................... 167 Junior I Briggs Animal Cage Kart Johnny Boland...................... 606 Britney DeRoon..................... 576 Junior II Briggs Animal Cage Kart Andrew Downs..................... 611 Trevor McIntire...................... 561 Hunter Krugle....................... 551 Kade Taylor........................... 378 SAMS / RWYB Martin DeRoon...................... 586 Greg Snyder......................... 202 Mike DeRoon........................ 192 David Snyder........................ 183 Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Johnny Boland...................... 587 Chance Hoffmeyer................ 386 Ryan Roberts........................ 204 Boone Evans......................... 179 Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Arin Green............................ 588 Andrew Downs..................... 580 Zack Harville......................... 386 Logan Lalena........................ 204 Briggs Animal Heavy Brandon Kelley..................... 598 Greg Snyder......................... 203 David Snyder........................ 194 Slade Johnson...................... 192 Jimmy McCoy....................... 184 Kyle Towns........................... 183 Robert Wyble........................ 179 REGION 5A SPEEDWAY As of 5-16-2010 Junior I Light Jacee Gerlach....................... 407 Tylan Porath.......................... 387 Trevin Stutheit...................... 185 Tyson Kaiser......................... 180 Crist Pittenger....................... 175 Junior I Medium Jacee Gerlach....................... 415 Jacob Murray....................... 385 Tylan Porath.......................... 380 Brandon Dolman................... 345 Blair Nothdurft...................... 345 Devyn Peterson..................... 340 Landon Scott........................ 189 Ben Bogle............................. 179 Tyson Kaiser......................... 164 Junior I Heavy Jacee Gerlach....................... 414 Tylan Porath.......................... 394 Devyn Peterson..................... 364 Jacob Murray....................... 359 Blair Nothdurft...................... 344 Brandon Dolman................... 334 Ben Bogle............................. 188 Landon Scott........................ 178 Junior II Light Jacob Krug........................... 418 Dylan LaCroix....................... 398 Levi Preston.......................... 378 James Suter......................... 358 Chase Morris........................ 343 Justin Robinson.................... 328 Dusten Reed......................... 328 Chelsea Oines....................... 186 Kaleb Johnson...................... 181 Michael Nichols.................... 171 Cody Wolf............................. 153 Junior II Medium Jacob Krug........................... 395 Adam Brotherton.................. 380 Dylan LaCroix....................... 375 Michael Nichols.................... 359 Levi Preston.......................... 357 Chelsea Oines....................... 355 Kaleb Johnson...................... 350 Dusten Reed......................... 345 Chase Morris........................ 335 James Suter......................... 335 Tanner Zweifel...................... 308 Justin Robnson..................... 302 Tucker Snedeker................... 296 Gunnar Pike.......................... 196 Cole Ferguson....................... 194 Michael Wade....................... 158 Jordan Evans........................ 149 Junior II Heavy Michael Nichols.................... 400 Kaleb Johnson...................... 395 Dylan LaCroix....................... 365 Tucker Snedeker................... 360 James Suter......................... 355 Adam Brotherton.................. 349 Tanner Zweifel...................... 330 Gunnar Pike.......................... 202 Michael Wade....................... 177 Cole Ferguson....................... 168 Dusten Reed......................... 162 Dereck Oden......................... 157 Dylan Rief............................. 154 Stock Light Zach Humphries................... 214 Tom Spanel........................... 204 Jordan Krug.......................... 194 Brentt Mork.......................... 189 Shayle Bade......................... 184 Joe Hilger............................. 179 Jamie Gerlach...................... 174 Talia Mangiameli................... 169 Alysse Morris........................ 164 Candice Hayes...................... 159 Tanner Snedeker................... 156 Cody Snyder......................... 153 Dakota Hendey..................... 150 Cody Olsen........................... 147 Stock Medium Tom Spanel........................... 224 Kiefer Kalin........................... 214 Garrett Swiggart................... 204 Cody Olsen........................... 199 29 Shayle Bade......................... 194 Joe Hilger............................. 189 Sam Mangiameli................... 184 Cameron Childs.................... 179 Darin Hauff........................... 174 Max Jacobson...................... 169 Alysse Morris........................ 166 Kyle Bohling.......................... 163 Chris Buller........................... 160 Mark Jacobson..................... 157 Brentt Mork.......................... 154 Zach Humphries................... 151 Cody Snyder......................... 148 Chris Shrook......................... 145 Jordan Krug.......................... 142 Heather Salter...................... 139 Steven Kozol......................... 137 Darrin Zomer........................ 135 Cary Muilenburg................... 133 Dillon Sampson..................... 131 LO 206 Cary Muilenburg................... 404 Bill Jacobson........................ 193 Frank Alloway....................... 183 Stock Heavy Garrett Swiggart................... 210 Kiefer Kalin........................... 200 Darrin Zomer........................ 190 Chris Buller........................... 185 Dillon Sampson..................... 180 Andrew Hays........................ 175 Shayle Bade......................... 170 Steven Kozol......................... 165 Darin Hauff........................... 160 Dan Fay................................ 155 Briggs Animal Light Zach Humphries................... 212 Joe Hilger............................. 202 Jordan Krug.......................... 192 Cody Olsen........................... 187 Darin Hauff........................... 182 Shayle Bade......................... 177 Alysse Morris........................ 172 Tom Spanel........................... 167 David Bristow....................... 162 Candice Hayes...................... 157 Talia Mangiameli................... 154 Carissa Alloway.................... 151 Briggs Animal Medium Garrett Swiggart................... 218 Tom Spanel........................... 208 Joe Hilger............................. 198 Chris Buller........................... 193 Kiefer Kalin........................... 188 Cody Olsen........................... 183 Alyssse Morris...................... 178 Darrin Zomer........................ 173 Cameron Childs.................... 168 Kyle Bohling.......................... 163 Dillon Sampson..................... 160 Max Jacobson...................... 157 Sam Mangiameli................... 154 Jordan Krug.......................... 151 Darin Hauff........................... 148 Zach Humphries................... 145 Cody Snyder......................... 142 Shayle Bade............................. 0 Briggs Animal Heavy Garrett Swiggart................... 212 Chris Buller........................... 202 30 Darrin Zomer........................ 192 Kiefer Kalin........................... 187 Dillon Sampson..................... 182 Tyler Kinman......................... 177 Shayle Bade......................... 172 Jason Horn........................... 167 Cary Muilenburg................... 162 Cody Snyder......................... 157 Frank Alloway....................... 154 Andrew Hays........................ 151 Junior Gas Flathead/Animal Michael Murray..................... 402 Ryan Pascoe......................... 402 Tukar Eischens..................... 372 Tyler Bitz.............................. 362 Alycia Timmerman................ 347 Nathan Peschke.................... 177 Chantel Bade........................ 167 REGION 7 sprint As of 5-16-2010 Kid Karts Saturday Hudson Morrow.................... 611 Hayden Wagner.................... 576 Carson Enright...................... 556 Dezel West............................ 506 Braden Waterman................. 399 Luis Ortiz.............................. 386 Garrett Twitty........................ 349 Bryson Waterman................. 339 Myles Farhan ....................... 324 Anthony Willis....................... 187 Preston Anderson.................. 182 Justin Hodge........................ 172 Kanyon Vermillion................. 165 Jayden Larsen...................... 162 Derek Deslauries.................. 157 Giana Maretti........................ 154 Gino Maretti.......................... 151 KPV 1 Saturday Parker Thompson.................. 595 Christian Brooks................... 555 Colton Herta ........................ 550 Wyatt May............................ 520 Matthew Million.................... 504 Justice Lepe......................... 463 Zane Smith........................... 417 Skylar Estrada...................... 379 Jacob Drew.......................... 349 Zachary Arthur...................... 347 Austin Kuehl......................... 344 Noah Garza........................... 312 Ryan Perry............................ 304 Anthony Sawyer.................... 298 Brenden Baker...................... 213 Jake Boyle . ......................... 191 Willy Axton............................ 176 Lindsey Freier....................... 161 Garrett Dixon........................ 158 Corey Hoover........................ 146 KPV 2 Junior Saturday Jake Craig............................ 572 Jason Hannegan................... 567 Brandon Reed . .................... 530 Carter Williams..................... 487 Jorge Cevallos...................... 486 Sean Conyers....................... 369 Jim McKinney....................... 359 Jesse Huaman...................... 348 Kolton Griffin......................... 214 Bryan Lemon........................ 204 Haely Jenni........................... 195 Pete Yorkovich Jr................... 194 Brennen Mankin................... 190 Trevor Zendar....................... 189 Carlee Taylor......................... 175 Logan Dorsey ...................... 168 Conner McNeil...................... 165 Alec Karas............................ 160 Bailey Murphy ..................... 156 Austin Woods........................ 153 David Vasquez...................... 151 Micah Hendricks................... 150 Roman Lagudi...................... 145 KPV 4 Saturday Carl Modoff........................... 611 Kyle Wright........................... 571 Johnathan Miller................... 536 Dillon Felber......................... 526 Aaron Koop........................... 357 Zachary Tobin....................... 341 Colby Wright......................... 207 Jordan Brown....................... 189 Garret Wright........................ 184 Shelby Hayden...................... 169 Mike McGinnins.................... 164 Pipe Saturday Bradley Espinoza.................. 409 Christopher Mankin.............. 374 Terry Nash............................ 373 Chris Giumarra..................... 196 Ted Coen.............................. 192 Leland Holden....................... 186 Cody Moss............................ 183 Aaron Koop........................... 176 Junior I Parker Thompson.................. 802 Colton Herta.......................... 782 Christian Brooks................... 772 Matthew Million ................... 727 Justice Lepe......................... 667 Jacob Drew.......................... 549 Anthony Sawyer.................... 496 Zane Smith........................... 373 Wyatt May............................ 362 Cooper Whitbread................. 344 Zachary Arthur . ................... 338 Brenden Baker...................... 200 Ian Wesolowski..................... 174 Lindsay Freier....................... 170 Johnathan Eshom................. 169 Chance Skaufel..................... 158 Willy Axton............................ 155 Andrew Murowatz................ 155 Troy Wesolowski................... 152 Sebastian Elizondo................ 149 Noah Garza........................... 146 Mark Polunin........................ 143 Ryan Schartau...................... 140 Galo Diaz De Tuesta.............. 137 Senior PRD Spec Maya Gutierrez..................... 679 John Wallace III..................... 526 Lloyd A. Mack....................... 402 Kolbi Araki............................ 377 Michael England................... 370 Robby Harryman................... 359 Ariel Jimenez........................ 359 Guy Hepner........................... 327 Max Feyerabend................... 313 Jason Holden........................ 298 Erik Jackson......................... 217 Bobby Kelley......................... 212 Dylan Lupton........................ 205 Elliot Skeer........................... 197 Matt Johnson........................ 192 Kenton Koch......................... 192 Devin Lindsey....................... 187 Johnathan Miller................... 182 Kevin Brents......................... 172 Ron Hansaker....................... 162 Ty Matta............................... 162 Corey Mack.......................... 153 Kyle Wright........................... 150 Junior II PRD Spec Jake Craig............................ 407 Jason Hannegan . ................ 387 David Vasquez...................... 185 Alieja White........................... 180 Christian Rochester.............. 175 Kid Karts Sunday Hudson Morrow.................... 795 Luis Ortiz ............................. 735 Hayden Wagner.................... 710 Carson Enright...................... 709 Dezel West............................ 542 Myles Farhan........................ 522 Garrett Twitty........................ 479 Braden Waterman................. 385 Bryson Waterman................. 385 Anthony Willis....................... 375 Justin Hodge........................ 188 Derek Deslauriers................. 178 Joahan Elizondo.................... 177 Brandon Eshom.................... 172 Kanyon Vermillion................. 166 Tommy Trickle...................... 161 Brody Thralls........................ 157 Preston Anderson.................. 154 Jayden Larsen.......................... 0 Rookie Sportsman Colton Herta.......................... 782 Christian Brooks................... 752 Parker Thompson.................. 727 Justice Lepe......................... 727 Zane Smith........................... 380 Anthony Sawyer.................... 320 Jake Boyle............................ 198 Chase McDaniel.................... 191 Brenden Baker...................... 186 Jacob Drew.......................... 186 Willy Axton............................ 182 Austin Kuehl......................... 178 Johnathan Eshom................. 176 Lindsey Freier....................... 171 Chance Skaufel..................... 171 Troy Wesolowski................... 166 Wyatt May............................ 163 Zack Enright......................... 161 KPV 1 Sunday Parker Thompson.................. 815 Colton Herta ........................ 790 Wyatt May............................ 775 Christian Brooks................... 744 Matthew Million.................... 705 Justice Lepe......................... 629 Noah Garza........................... 506 Anthony Sawyer.................... 481 Jacob Drew.......................... 458 Ryan Perry............................ 449 Zane Smith........................... 397 Chance Skaufel..................... 338 Austin Kuehl......................... 336 Skylar Estrada...................... 336 Zachary Arthur...................... 324 Brenden Baker...................... 214 Troy Wesolowski................... 179 Willy Axton............................ 177 Jonathan Eshom................... 174 Hanna Grisham..................... 161 Lindsey Freier....................... 155 Garrett Dixon........................ 153 Corey Hoover........................ 153 Cooper Whitbread................. 152 Chris Trickle.......................... 150 Dustin Patterson................... 146 Ian Wesolowski..................... 146 Zack Enright ........................ 143 KPV 2 Junior Sunday Jake Craig............................ 840 Jason Hannegan................... 717 Carter Williams..................... 710 Brandon Reed . .................... 541 Christian Rochester.............. 525 Sean Conyers....................... 503 Haley Jenni........................... 392 David Vasquez...................... 356 Jorge Cevallos...................... 352 Jim McKinney....................... 320 Alex Karas............................ 316 Louie Pagano........................ 208 Kolton Griffin......................... 202 Bryan Lemon........................ 192 Jesse Huaman...................... 178 Trevor Zindar........................ 177 Josh Kurtz............................ 173 Pete Yerkovich Jr................... 172 Carlee Taylor......................... 164 Chandler Campbell............... 163 Bailey Murphy....................... 157 Brennen Mankin................... 156 Marc Jordan......................... 154 Austin Woods........................ 151 Robby Melton....................... 151 Mike Spagnola Jr.................. 148 Conner McNeil...................... 147 Carissa Alexander................. 145 Slater Stowell....................... 139 KPV 4 Sunday Carl Modoff........................... 825 Johnathan Miller................... 705 Zachary Tobin....................... 517 Kolby Araki........................... 389 John Wallace III..................... 378 Bradley Espinoza.................. 354 Jared Torres.......................... 203 Lloyd Mack........................... 200 Robby Harryman................... 193 Matt Johnson........................ 190 Justin Coplen........................ 189 Colby Wright......................... 183 Aaron Koop........................... 179 Adrian Starrantino................. 178 Tristen O'Rear....................... 168 Kyle Wright........................... 165 Dylan Lupton........................ 164 Cody Moss............................ 159 Dillon Felber......................... 155 Louie Donn........................... 146 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Elliot Skeer........................... 143 Ted Coen.............................. 140 Terry Ballard......................... 137 Pipe Sunday Aaron Koop........................... 573 Terry Nash............................ 573 Leland Holden....................... 370 Bradley Espinoza.................. 205 Chris Giumarra..................... 195 Ted Coen.............................. 183 Max Feyerabend................... 180 David Pankratz..................... 180 Spec PRD Junior II Jake Craig............................ 771 Jason Hannegan................... 771 Jesse Huaman . ................... 569 David Vasquez...................... 381 Christian Rochester.............. 188 Maxwell Ries........................ 183 Brennen Mankin................... 181 Alieja White........................... 180 Josh Kurtz............................ 178 Matthew England.................. 173 Logan Dorsey....................... 171 Marc Jordan............................. 0 Senior PRD Spec Michael England................... 203 John Wallace III..................... 193 Maya Gutierrez..................... 183 TaG Sunday Michael England................... 380 Charlie Klum......................... 371 Casey Neuman..................... 350 Jason Holden........................ 335 Adrian Starrantino................. 209 Devin Lindsey....................... 206 Sean Cricca.......................... 199 Bobby Kelley......................... 196 Garrison Masters.................. 189 Ariel Jimenez........................ 186 Matt Meech.......................... 184 Luis Martinez Jr.................... 181 Maya Gutierrez......................... 0 Masters PRD TaG Controlled Sunday James Rich........................... 761 Jerry Henderson................... 600 Tom Sherman....................... 362 Eric Jackson......................... 203 Ron Honsaker....................... 194 REGION 11 Road Race Reg. 11 NCK Road Race As of 5-16-2010 Yamaha KT100S Light Griffin King........................... 201 125-150cc Open/FKEII Ray Bobo.............................. 367 Michael Estrella.................... 205 Jim White............................. 202 Griffin King........................... 195 David Koomjan..................... 185 Steve Bishop......................... 180 Unlimited/FKE III John Stafford........................ 408 Larry Dobbs.......................... 363 Ron Shaw............................. 194 Paul Traver............................ 194 Herach Haroutunians............ 184 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Mark Morrison...................... 179 TaG Enduro Michael Grijalva.................... 398 Larry O'Neal......................... 363 Terre Rothweiler................... 205 Juha Salmela........................ 193 Dan Geil................................ 185 Bryant Thomas..................... 175 Inter-Continental-E John Stafford........................ 410 Steve Kemp.......................... 360 Larry Dobbs.......................... 360 Mark Morrison...................... 196 Ron Shaw............................. 194 Paul Traver............................ 186 Luis Fernando Gularte........... 176 Yamaha Ltd Light Sprint Ray Bobo.............................. 407 Billy Howard......................... 362 Clint Howard......................... 362 Michael Estrella.................... 362 Larry Stevens....................... 362 Codie Howard....................... 347 Ben French........................... 337 David Koomjan..................... 208 Terry Clauson........................ 174 Ryan Lee.............................. 164 Jim White............................. 159 Yamaha Ltd Heavy Sprint Ray Bobo.............................. 409 Larry Stevens....................... 374 Ben French........................... 364 Michael Estrella.................... 359 Terry Clauson........................ 195 Formula 80 Junior Joshua Gularte..................... 402 Tag Heavy Joe Beaudoin........................ 202 Dan Geil................................ 192 Formula 125 Ltd Jonathan Shaw..................... 405 Chris Gaczol......................... 193 Anthony Williams.................. 192 Jahan Mongul....................... 183 Formula 125 Ltd Heavy Brian Tilseth.......................... 201 Formula 125 Jonathon Shaw..................... 405 Brian Tilseth.......................... 193 Jahan Mogul......................... 192 Anthony Williams.................. 183 Formula 80 Senior Don Shalla............................ 402 Super Stock CR125 Erik Maxfield......................... 404 Darrell Hulford...................... 379 Joseph Hollinger................... 354 Jack Dorian.......................... 349 Michael LaGrone................... 326 Sonny Van Hook.................... 322 Rich Goddard........................ 318 Kerry Matthews.................... 310 Bill Cox................................. 304 Brian White........................... 301 Tony Rodriquez..................... 215 Steve Beaudoin..................... 205 Chris McCabe....................... 204 Chris Gaczol......................... 194 Todd Baker........................... 185 Tony Rodriquez..................... 179 Chris Bachmann................... 169 Bill Guilick............................ 165 Paul Traver............................ 148 World Formula Medium Brien Bluhm.......................... 389 Chris Abbas.......................... 379 Larry Morelock..................... 354 Taelor Janes......................... 204 Brad Wunder......................... 195 Cliff Letterman...................... 180 World Formula Heavy Brien Bluhm.......................... 389 Chris Abbas.......................... 379 Larry Morelock..................... 374 Taelor Janes......................... 204 Brad Wunder......................... 185 Cliff Letterman...................... 185 WC Super Stock CR125 II Erik Maxfield......................... 403 Darrell Hulford...................... 388 Sonny Van Hook.................... 370 Michael LaGrone................... 353 Jack Dorian.......................... 348 Brian White........................... 338 Rich Goddard........................ 329 Kerry Mathews..................... 320 Joseph Hollinger................... 316 Bill Cox................................. 309 Steve Beaudoin..................... 204 Chris McCabe....................... 204 Chris Bachman..................... 184 Bill Guilick............................ 184 Todd Baker........................... 169 Chris Gazcol......................... 153 Paul Traver............................ 153 Tony Rodriquez..................... 150 Super Stock Sit-Up David Koomjan..................... 201 WC 80cc Sprint Richard Witschel................... 404 Don Shalla............................ 193 John Montes......................... 183 WC Stock CR80 Sprint Patrick McCawley................. 202 Don Shalla............................ 192 TaG Enduro II Larry O'Neal......................... 393 Juha Salmela........................ 202 WC TaG FBO Larry Stevens....................... 365 Don Pierce............................ 365 Rick Jackson........................ 360 Bill Mastrude........................ 355 Mike Baer............................. 355 Claude (Butch) Thompson..... 335 Terre Rothweiler................... 211 Steve Dutton......................... 209 Bryant Thomas..................... 201 Ray Chiappe......................... 191 Levi Harris............................ 164 Ken Adams........................... 159 Dennis Conary...................... 156 Rhonda Richardson............... 153 NCK Yamaha Super Sportsman Light Danny Chew......................... 402 Unlimited II Herach Haroutunians............ 201 NEW MEMBERS APRIL 2010 Walter Symmes................................................................................ TX Bryce Symmes................................................................................. TX Chris Grounds................................................................................ WA Richard Sandoval Jr....................................................................... CA Matteo Sandoval............................................................................ CA Gino Sandoval................................................................................ CA Jacob Hudson.................................................................................. OR Dean Larson................................................................................... MN Jayden Larson................................................................................ MN Tod Schanzenbach........................................................................... SD Lincoln Schanzenbac...................................................................... SD Greg Novak...................................................................................... TX Colby Novak.................................................................................... TX Aaron Black..................................................................................... WA Robert Woods.................................................................................. AZ Austin Woods.................................................................................. AZ Jocelyn Deslauries.......................................................................... CO Kevin Shucard................................................................................ CO Brody Shucard................................................................................ CO Matthew Moore.............................................................................. CO Jesse Seigel...................................................................................... CO Zander Seigel.................................................................................. CO Jack Hoagland................................................................................ CO Hunter Hoagland........................................................................... CO Bruce Hunt...................................................................................... CO Jacob Hunt ..................................................................................... CO Richard Glavich.............................................................................. CO Haydun Wimber............................................................................ CO Coleton Cody.................................................................................. CO Les Prins.......................................................................................... CO Tyler Prins....................................................................................... CO Trevor Prins..................................................................................... CO Scott Proctor.................................................................................... WA Justin Proctor ................................................................................. WA Gene Pelham................................................................................... OR Larry Kruegle ................................................................................. TX Hunter Kruegle............................................................................... TX Bret McIntire.................................................................................... TX Trevor McIntire................................................................................ TX Casey Neuman............................................................................... CA Todd Hoover................................................................................... CA Corey Hoover................................................................................. CA John Montes.................................................................................... CA Wayne Hayden............................................................................... CA Shelby Hayden............................................................................... CA Daniel Vandewiele......................................................................... CA Hayden Hochhalter....................................................................... WA Paul Hutt......................................................................................... WA Mike Maninyer............................................................................... WA Victor Maninyer............................................................................. WA Tammy Mehrer.............................................................................. NM Russell Sauer..................................................................................... IA Matthew England........................................................................... AZ Nicole Grote.................................................................................... CO Justin Grote..................................................................................... CO Justin Tolle....................................................................................... CO Tyler Tolle........................................................................................ CO David Roshak................................................................................. CO Evan Roshak................................................................................... CO Justin Wells...................................................................................... CO Dillon Wells..................................................................................... CO Blake Wells...................................................................................... CO Andrew Graham ........................................................................... CO Charles Graham ............................................................................ CO Oliver Graham................................................................................ CO Michael McLellan........................................................................... CO Brian McLellan............................................................................... CO Brian Bleile...................................................................................... CO Justin Bleile..................................................................................... CO Zobi Bleile....................................................................................... CO Jaydon Baker..................................................................................... IA Heather St. George......................................................................... NV Alan Murray .................................................................................. WA Darlen Murray................................................................................ WA Clint Howard.................................................................................. CA Darren Wolf..................................................................................... ND Brenda Wolf.................................................................................... ND Cody Wolf....................................................................................... ND Mike Duran . .................................................................................. CO Briana Duran.................................................................................. CO Alyssa Duran.................................................................................. CO David Shefte.................................................................................... CO Tom Shefte....................................................................................... CO Brian Howard................................................................................. CO Logan Howard............................................................................... CO Aaron Cummins............................................................................. NV Kaulin Cummins............................................................................ NV Tom Wlaters...................................................................................... IA Dennis Huff..................................................................................... CA Jacob Huff........................................................................................ CA Dick Dunwoody.............................................................................. SD 31 EVENTS 2010 GRAND NATIONALS ROAD RACE June 29-July 2, 2010 Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Buttonwillow, CA Northern Claifornia Karters 4-CYCLE SPRINT/ SHIFTER June 30-July 3, 2010 Horn Rapids Kart Track, Richland , WA Tri City Kart Club 4-CYCLE SPEEDWAY July 12-16, 2010 University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD. South Dakota Kart Club 2-CYCLE SPRINT June 22-26, 2010 Willow Springs Kart Track, Willow Springs, CA Willow Springs kart Club 2-CYCLE SPEEDWAY/ SPEEDWAY MIDGET August 3-6, 2010 Newton Kart Track, Newton, IA 2010 Regional Events REGION 3 SPEEDWAY In order to qualify for year end awards, you must run 8 out of 10 races. Any Maxxis tire. June 12, 2010 Atwater Karting Speedway, Atwater, MN Steve Minnehan 320-979-5294 June 13, 2010 Atwater Karting Speedway, Atwater, MN Steve Minnehan 320-979-5294 32 July 31, 2010 Douglas Co. Fairgrounds, Alexandria, MN Runestone Go Kart Tim Bitzan 320-808-1014 August 1, 2010 Douglas County Fairgrounds Alexandria, MN Runestone Go Kart Tim Bitzan 320-808-1014 August 21, 2010 University Plains Speedway Brookings SD August 22, 2010 University Plains Speedway Brookings SD Series Coordinator Andy Bear, Bear Motor Sports [email protected] Cell 651-260-8278, Home: 715-749-3626 930 70th Ave Roberts, WI 54023 2010 Classes: Junior I Briggs Animal Light Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Junior II Briggs Animal Light Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Briggs Animal Light Briggs Animal Medium Briggs Animal Heavy Blue Wazoom OHV Heavy Briggs Animal Masters Junior Gas Briggs Animal REGION 4A SPEEDWAY June 26, 2010 Kart Kanyon Speedway Four Corners Kart Club August 21, 2010 Harvey Caplin Memorial Alburquerque Speedway Karting September 4-5, 2010 Kart Kanyon Speedway Four Corners Kart Club REGION 4A SPRINT Contact: Jay Jacobellis Colorado Junior Karting Club 303-683-0333 June 6 IMI Motorsports Erie, CO July 18 Action Karting (Bandimere) Morrison, CO August 8 Grand Junction Motor Speedway Grand Junction, CO August 29 CRE Motorsports Park Colorado Springs, CO September 12 IMI Motorsports - New Track Erie, CO September 26 Action Karting (Bandimere) Morrison, CO October 9 2010 CJKC Family Celebration & IKF Awards Banquet REGION 4B ROAD RACE June 18-20, 2010 • SUMMER NATIONAL Eagles Canyon, Slidell, TX. SWRA /Jim McMillan July 16-18, 2010 Hallet Motor Racing Circuit w/MARRS Jennings, OK Hosted by MARRS SWRA /Jim McMillan August 6-8, 2010 Texas World Speedway, College Station, TX. SWRA /Jim McMillan September 17-19, 2010 • FALL NATIONAL TBD SWRA /Jim McMillan October 15-17, 2010 • WINTER NATIONAL TBD SWRA /Jim McMillan REGION 4B SPEEDWAY Must race in 4 out of 5 races to qualify for year end awards. June 12, 2010 Kam Kartway Rhome TX 817-638-5278 September 11, 2010 Texoma Motor Speedway Wichita Falls TX 940-447-4143 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 REGION 5 SPEEDWAY Heartland Tour 2010 Must participate in 50% + 1 of scheduled events to be eligible for year end awards. MAY 29 & 30 Delaware Speedway Intersection of Hwy 20 & Hwy 38 Delaware, IA 52036 JUNE 5 & 6 Newton Kart Klub Newton Iowa JUNE 19 & 20 Karters Track Cherokee, IA Terry Graybill (712) 229-2294 ingInfo.htm July 31 Thunder Valley Speedway Aug 1 Massena Iowa AUG 28 & 29 Newton Kart Klub Newton Iowa Region 5 Speedway Class List Saturday Junior I Heavy Junior II Heavy Stock Heavy Junior I 2 Cycle Heavy Yamaha KT100S Heavy SuperBox Sunday Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Briggs Animal Heavy Junior II 2 Cycle Heavy Open Dual Combo Speedway Midgets TBA REGION 5A SPEEDWAY 2010 IKF Briggs & Stratton Midwest Speedway Tour Series Coordinator Doug Johnson 605-359-4955 Best 4 out of 5 for series except Jr. Gas, Briggs Animal Masters and Briggs LO206 at best 8 out of 10 for the series. Any Maxxis tire. KARTER NEWS - june 2010 June 5-6, 2010 University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD 605-366-6789 June 19-20, 2010 Rolling Thunder Speedway, Huron, SD 605-350-4633 July 3-4, 2010 - Rain Date University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD 605-366-6789 August 7-8, 2010 Aberdeen Karting Club, Aberdeen, SD 605-229-7045 September 4-5, 2010 Heartland Speedway, Rapid City, SD 605-431-7203 September 6, 2010 - Rain Date REGION 6 ROAD RACE Mike Schorn 503-324-9072 June 6, 2010 June 19, 2010 PKA/PIR, Portland OR Mike Schorn, 503-324-9072 [email protected] July 17, 2010 Summer National Practice July 16, 2010 PSRRA, Pacific Raceway, Kent WA Paul Clifton, [email protected] September 11, 2010 Fall National Practice September 10, 2010 PSRRA, Bremerton Raceway, Bremerton WA Paul Clifton, [email protected] October 2, 2010 Winter National PKA/PIR, Portland OR Mike Schorn 503-324-9072 [email protected] October 16, 2010 Practice October 15, 2010 Westwood Karting Association Mission Raceway Park, Mission BC Canada Stan Crocker 360-966-4807 [email protected] REGION 6 SPRINT June 11-13, 2010 Westwood Kart Assoc., Mission, BC July 23-25, 2010 West Coast Kart Club, Chilliwack, BC Greg Moore David Warner, [email protected] August 6-8, 2010 Mountain High Raceway, Spanaway, WA Puget Sound Go Kart Association Jack Lehmann 253-536-4215 [email protected] August 20-22, 2010 McMinnville Raceway, McMinnville, OR Portland Karting Association Michael Schorn 503-324-9072 [email protected] September 3-5, 2010 Glen Morgan Raceway, Boise, ID Snake River Karters Steve Vatcher 208-573-7899 [email protected] September 17-19, 2010 Sumas Int'l Motorsport Academy Sumas, WA Claudio Valianti 604-253-4248 [email protected] No Points - Punch Only Race Bill Hettick, [email protected] REGION 11 SPRINT **Shifter / TaG License are required in Region 11 Sprint** June 6, 2010 Atwater Kart Club, Atwater, CA Atwater Kart Club Brent Trueblood 209-247-0241 July 11, 2010 Desert Park Raceway, Reno NV North Nevada Kart Club Brian Rivera REGION 11 ROAD RACE Contact for all events: Roger Miller 408-286-5487 August 14, 2010 • Fall National Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Bakersfield, CA 4 Races - No Drops 2010 IKF Road Race Grand National June 29 - July 2, 2010 Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Bakersfield, CA 33 34 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Performance Racing Ignitions P V L Importer & Distributor Phone: 440-989-4474 Fax: 440-989-4476 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 35 Want an economical way to reach your customers? take a look at a “business Card” ad in the new Karter news “Virtual” magazine. one low rate gets you into all 10 virtual issues, the printed editions of the annual Grand national Yearbook and the Competition regulations & technical manual! Call the I.K.F. office 909-923-4999 for more information. 36 KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010 I.K.F. GOVERNORS, COORDINATORS & COMMITTEES National Coordinator - Rick Scribner, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650...................(916) 652-3905 . ...................................... FAX (916) 652-3910 Rule Book Coordinator - IKF Office, 1609 S. Grove Ave. Ste. 105 Ontario, CA 91761...................(909) 923-4999 . ...................................... FAX (909) 923-6940 Rule Book Text Editor - Roger Miller, 600 Pamiar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 . .............................................(408) 286-5487 Track/Club/Promoter Relations International Kart Federation 1609 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761...................(909) 923-4999 . ....................................... FAX(909) 923-6940 Waiver Chairperson (Sprint) Art Verlengiere 2351 Thompson Way Bldg A Santa Maria, CA 93455 Waiver Chairperson (Road Race) Mike Schorn P.O. Box 373 Banks, OR 97106....................(503) 324-9072 Waiver Chairperson (Speedway) William Hilger 5910 Skylark Lane Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284 GOVERNORS & COORDINATORS REGION 1 Coordinator - (SPRINT) Joan Cressi 131 Sea Cliff Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542..............(516) 676-3303 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open New Jersey Governor - Open E. New York Governor - Open W. New York Governor - Open REGION 2 Coordinator & North Carolina Gov - Erica Bear 8316 Paces Oaks Blvd #732, Charlotte, NC 28213................(651) 253-1090 REGION 3 Coordinator (SPRINT) - Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Andy Bear 930 70th Avenue, Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Indiana Governor - Open Illinois Governor - Open Minnesota Governor - Open Wisconsin Governor - Mark Alton P.O. Box 224 Woodville, WI 54028................(715) 928-0691 REGION 4A Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Adam Mollenkopf 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87114.........(505) 269-7853 Coordinator (SPRINT) Jay Jacobellis 2872 Greensborough Drive Highland Ranch, CO 80129.....(303) 683-0333 New Mexico Governor - Timothy Baird, PO Box 2559, Edgewood, NM 87015.............(505) 286-9132 REGION 4B Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) Jim McMillan 8216 Apollo Drive Joshua, TX 76058...................(817) 296-7683 Coordinator 4B - (SPRINT) Open Coordinator 4B - (SPEEDWAY) Gene Harville 106 Allwright, Gladwater, TX 75647...............(903) 746-9074 Coordinator 4B - (PAV SPWY) Francis Rougeou 1040 Main Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 KARTER NEWS - june 2010 Louisiana Governor - Francis Rougeou 1040 Main Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 Texas Governor - Hank Cantrell 4129 Walsh Lane Grand Prairie, TX 75052..........(214) 395-9335 REGION 5 Coordinator - (SPRINT/PAV SPWY/SPWY) Co-Coordinator- Todd Vesterly 903 Harding Ct Webster City, IA 50595............(515) 835-2508 Co-Coordinator- Jeff Havlik 209 Michigan Avenue Iowa Falls, IA 50126................(641) 373-0137 Iowa Governor - Corey Kemp 1756 65th Street Garrison, IA 52229..................(319) 981-0908 Missouri Governor - Open REGION 5A Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Doug Johnson 4513 S. Highland Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 . .............................................(605) 359-4955 Nebraska Governor - William Hilger 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284 Kansas Governor - Frank Merando, 7726 S.E. Second, Tecumseh, KS 66542..............(785) 379-0496 North Dakota Governor - Open South Dakota Governor - Doug Norgaard 312 E. Glenwood Drive Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223 REGION 6 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Chris Hatch 368 NW Denton Dallas, OR 97338....................(503) 569-1233 Coordinator - (SPRINT) Bill Hettick 5127 215th Street SE Woodinville, WA 98072............(206) 353-6569 Coordinator - (PAVE SPWY) Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open Idaho - Roger Cathey 2061 N. Currant Place, Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610 Oregon - Mike Schorn PO Box 373 Banks, OR 97106,.(503)324-9072 Washington - Bob Thompson, E 12924 Olive Avenue, Spokane, WA 99216 . .............(509) 924-6755 REGION 7 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Open Coordinator - (SPRINT) Art Verlengiere, 2351 A Thompson Way, Santa Maria, CA 93455 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Open Arizona - Open Hawaii - Tim Hultquist, 52 Kopi Lane #103, Wailuku, HI 96793...................(808) 242-9736 South California - Sharon Barros, 602 Fountain Ave, Redlands, CA 92373................(909) 709-1642 South California Lt. Gov. - Open South Nevada - Keith St. George, 10758 Vestone Street Las Vegas, NV 89141.................(702) 289-6049 REGION 8 Governor and Coordinator - Stan Crocker, PO Box 187 Everson, WA 98247.................(360) 966-4807 REGION 10 Governor/Coordinator - Gabe Kajdy, 10224 8th Street SW Calgary ALB,Canada T2W OH2....(403) 252-5262 REGION 11 Co-Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Art Verlengiere 2351 A Thompson Way, Santa Maria, CA 93455 Co-Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Ed Diederich 1308 Hallertau Drive, Sparks, NV 89441...................(775) 424-3797 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Roger Miller 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open No. California Governor - Roger Miller 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487 No. Nevada Governor - Glenn McKinnon 2540 Beaumont Pkwy, Reno, NV 89523......................(775) 560-2708 Utah Governor - Open, ADVISORY COMMITTEES: National Tech Director - 2-Cycle: Jack Hoegerl (Chairman) 4205 29th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201..............(309) 793-0118 Lynn Haddock 7585 Short Tail Springs Road, Harrison, TN 37341.................(423) 698-0847 Terry Ives 6705 Almond Knoll Court, Granite Bay, CA 95746............(916) 201-7707 John Motley 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060 National Tech Director - 4-Cycle: Terry Nash (Chairman), 8438 Loma Place, Upland, CA 91786...................(909) 981-9611 Lee Miller, 2433 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 51501..........(402) 306-4774 Roger Cathey, 2061 N. Currant Place, Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610 Chuck Sloggett, 11888 Deer Ridge Road, Custer, SD 57730....................(605) 673-2203 David Snyder, 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762........................(903) 894-3262 Syd White 24 Paseo Hermoso, Salinas, CA 93908...................(831) 484-1302 Mark Alton P.O. Box 224, Woodville, WI 54028................(715) 928-0691 Jody Mitrevics 3202 S. Summit Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105.............(605) 201-5588 George Shear RR 4 Box 445 Eufaula, OK 74432..................(918) 618-6800 Mike Schorn P.O. Box 373 Banks, OR 97106....................(503) 324-9072 Doug Norgaard 312 Glenwood Drive, Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223 Shifter Tech Committee: John Motley (Chairman), 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060 Terry Hegar, 15600 SE For Mor Court Clackamas, OR 97015.............(503) 659-1234 Don Holmboe 9399 S.W. Tigard Street Tigard, OR 97223....................(503) 624-0621 John Sefcik P.O. Box 445, 1152 PR7905 Hawkins, TX 75765.................(903) 769-4140 Road Race: Don Holmboe (Chairman) 6510 SW 204th Place Aloha, OR 97007.....................(503) 642-5852 Debbie Kuntze 660 Bel Air Drive Vista, CA 92084......................(760) 941-6448 Chris Hegar, 15600 SE For Mor Ct., Clackamas, OR 97015.............(503) 659-1234 Roger Miller 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487 Mike Jones 4910 Getha Lane Sachse, TX 75048...................(214) 882-6823 Sprint: Art Verlengiere (Chairman) 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A Santa Maria, CA 93455 Lynn Haddock PO Box 11 Ooltewah, TN 37363 Les Hand 7912 Red Wolf Way Sacramento, CA 95829 Kent Laukaitis 3775 Cundiff Road Decatur, IL 62526 Keith Freber 3233 South Kingshighway St. Louis, MO 63139 Speedway: Bill Hilger (Chairman), 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284 Brad Swiggart 2900 S. 70th St. #300 Lincoln, NE 68506...................(402) 484-3892 Ralph Woodard 2417 North 84th Street Omaha, NE 68134...................(402) 926-2370 David Snyder 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762........................(903) 894-3262 Andy Bear 930 70th Avenue Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Daniel Koopman 21580 State Hwy 60 Brewster, MN 56119...............(507) 842-5510 Doug Norgaard 312 E. Glenwood Drive Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223 Adam Mollenkopf, 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87114.........(505) 269-7853 TaG: John Motley (Chairman) 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060 Don Moormeister 757 E, Havasupai Street Meridian ID, 83646.................(208) 420-0631 Terry Nash, 8438 Loma Pl, Upland, CA 91786...................(909) 981-9611 Rick Scribner, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650...................(916) 652-3905 Jack Hoegerl 4205 29th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201..............(309) 793-0118 37 karter news ews Magazine is the official publication of the international kart federation. Thank you to all of our Members and future Members for reading this issue. please consider the advertisers in karter news Magazine, the ikf web site, and our regional and national sponsors for your karting business. They are here to support you and ikf karting. we always welcome your comments, suggestions, and of course, article and photo submissions! instructions and more information here: guidelines for karter news article submission. 38 KARTER NEWS - juNE 2010
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