NCDXC Annual Picnic - Northern California DX Club


NCDXC Annual Picnic - Northern California DX Club
President’s comments
Editor’s reflections…p.2
Our June Speakers,
New Member, ……..p.3
NCDXC Annual Picnic
Come and enjoy the great outdoors!
June Meeting
Mumblings, General
Minutes, Board Meeting
NCDXC Picnic ……p.5
Local Happenings
(Amtech Day)……..p.6
Date: July 2nd
Time: 11:00-1500 (or later)
Food: Burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks supplied by the
Bring a salad or dessert if you wish
Location: Palo Alto-Mitchell Park
Come join us! Everyone has a great
time! The site is in the shade so that even
on a hot day you will be comfortable!!!
Bring along some badminton, croquet, beach
balls, or baseball equipment as some folks may
love to be active!!
See you on the 2nd of July!!!!!!!
Field Day………….p.7
Thank you HRO…p.8
July Meeting is
July 2nd
At Mitchell Park
Picnic Begins at
Enjoy till 3:00 or
Come and join the
August DXer Contributions
is July 26!
(All attendees will receive a special gift!)
See you at the Picnic!!
July, 2005
DX Club
Club Officers:
Vice Pres:
Dewey Churchill, KG6AM
John Eisenberg, K6YP
Mike Gavin, W6WZ
Steve Jones, N6SJ
Ron Panton, W6VG
Doug Westover, W6JD
Chuck Patterson, K6RK
Exofficio Director/
DXer Editor
Carolyn Gavin, WB6ABC
132 Alta Vista Rd.
Woodside, CA 94062
[email protected]
Web Page:
Chuck Vaughn, AA6G
DX Ladder:
9-Band Award:
California Award:
Records Manager:
Publications Mgr:
John Kelly, KG6XF
John Brand, K6WC
Dick Courtway, N7RC
Robert Bickel, K6FX
Ron Panton, W6VG
Ron Panton, W6VG
Club Repeater,
Control Operator:
Club simplex:
Thurs. Net OTR:
Net Manager:
DX News:
Swap Shop:
147.360 Mhz +, pl 110.9
Bob Vallio, W6RGG
Robert Smithwick, W6CS
147.54 MHz (suggested)
8 pm local time.
Randy Wright, W6CUA
Net Control Operator
Mitch Cipriano, AE6AI
W6TI DX Bulletins:
W6TI Station Trustee Bob Vallio, W6RGG,
transmits DX information at 0200 UT every Monday
(Sunday evening local time) on both 7.016 and
14.002 MHz.
Club address:
Box 608
Menlo Park, CA
The DXer is published monthly by the Northern
California DX Club and sent to all club members on
the web. Unless otherwise noted, NCDXC permits reuse of any article in this publication—provided The
DXer and the article’s author are credited.
Page 2
President’s Comments
Fellow Hams,
It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as your president for
the 2005-2006 year. This board of directors is extremely hard
working and co-operative, so that being president is an easy
As you know there is no August meeting and the picnic serves
as the July meeting. Our next regularly scheduled meeting is
September 8th at Harrys’. It is my intention, unless the club
wishes otherwise, to continue our arrangement with Harry’s
Hofbrau in Redwood City for our meetings during 2005-6.
This has been a year of growth and enrichment for the club,
thanks to all. See you at the picnic. 73’ Dewey, KG6AM
Editor’s Reflections…………………
Dear Friends, Hope this finds you all enjoying our fabulous S.F.
Bay Area weather. Someone shared with me yesterday, June
25th that she just spent 9 years in Virginia after growing up in
CA. She has moved back as of the last 3 days and says it’s
either too hot or too cold in the east and very little outdoor
activity goes on. She told me that this is a completely different
life style and she is thrilled to be back. I moved here 41 years
ago from Chicago, and I, too, will never forget the weather
extremes. I’ll never get over my delight about the “perfect”
weather in this area. People still complain about minor
variations, but some of them may have no idea of what the
really super heat and cold can be like.
We’ve had another AmTech Day which was great fun. But this
weekend was Field Day which turned out to be a great time had
by all. I’d like to personally thank all the operators who have
given of their time and energy to put the PAARA site on the
map. Some of them operated for 1-4 hours straight and just kept
adding to the count for this June, 2005 activity. Many clubs
were represented as far as operators are concerned and several
of our NCDXC members were very busy adding up contacts in
share with the sponsoring club, PAARA. This is one of the
special ham radio experiences of the year and the weather
was…perfect!! Your editor and friend, Carolyn, WB6ABC
July, 2005
Our first speaker on June 9th at the monthly meeting was Steve
Jones, N6SJ who gave an excellent presentation of his special tips
and techniques for effective CW operating. It was very informative
and as usual offered in a calm, humorous, well organized and
thorough manor as one expects from our club’s treasurer. People
were very interested and asked questions as well as offered
interesting comments as the talk progressed. Thank you, Steve!
Our 2nd speaker was Jerry, K6MD who was present at our NCDXC
meeting for the 1st time in several years. He had recently returned
from a “front line” tour of duty in Iraq. Not only is Jerry an
accomplished ham radio operator, but he is also a medical doctor.
His slides were very real, raw and remarkable. While it was very
obvious that he was up close and personal to the full gamut of the
war’s reality, which was unique to view, it was at times extremely
heart wrenching, very difficult to absorb the horrors of battle.
In the picture above you see
Steve, N6SJ, our first speaker.
And standing is Jerry Griffin,
K6MD. Next to Steve is an
excellent CW operator, Risto,
Steve Fields, K6PMF, became a new member in our club at the June
meeting. He is a school teacher in the Menlo Park District, near
Redwood City, CA. and he spends some of his teaching time
encouraging young children to know about and understand the
amateur radio ins and outs. He is enthusiastic about his new license
and has been heard quite frequently on the 2 meter 9:00 A.M. talk
net. We’re glad to have you aboard, Steve.
Attention Club Members!! If you read this on the NCDXC website, and
do not receive the DXer on your email because you have recently changed your
email address, please send your email address to me at [email protected]
so I can get it to you directly each month. Thanks. Carolyn, WB6ABC
AMTECH DAY was June 4th-great time as always.
was another extremely special event held on
June 25th and 26th.
Page 3
July, 2005
Monthly Mumblings of the June Meeting
All present at the May and June NCDXC meeting were given a very special gift. Since
we had a number of the very attractive Visalia convention mugs, designed by Dick
Letrich , W6KM, left over, they were shared with all members.
Prize winners for the June, 2005 raffle were:
Door prize: Visalia mug/CQ Magazine: Dave, W6PHF, Steve, KV60, Doug, W6JD
5th prize: Coast Tek Torch V1 Power Laser Light:Joe,N6IWJ
4th prize: NCDXC Polo Shirt: Bob, KE6HKI
3rd prize: Dxing On the Edge (book): Dave, W6PHF
2nd prize: SGC Digital Multi-meter: Steve, W6MKM
1st prize: Vertex Standard VHM FM Transceiver: Jerry, K6MD
Wasn’t it great that Jerry, our special guest, won the 1st prize?
L/R Jerry,K6MD Joe,N6IWJ Bob,KE6HKI Dave,W6PHF
General Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2005-Meeting held at Harry’s Hofbrau began at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were: John
Eisenberg, K6YP, vice-president, Steve Jones, N6SJ, treasurer, Mike Gavin, W6WZ, secretary,
Chuck Patterson, K6RK, director, Ron Panton, W6VG, Carolyn Gavin, WB6ABC, DXer editor.
There was an election of officers at the June meeting!! All of the present officers were voted
unanimously to serve another term. It was also announced that our 2005 picnic would be on July 2nd
at the same location, Mitchell Park, Palo Alto. See picnic details on page 5 of this DXer!!!!! The
next part of the meeting was our 2 presentations as described on page 3.
Respectfully submitted by secretary, Mike, W6WZ
Board Meeting Minutes
The board meeting took place at Ron Panton’s home, W6VG, on June 4th at 10:00. Present were:
Dewey, KG6AM, pres., John, K6YP, v.p., Steve, N6SJ, treas. Mike. W6WZ, sec., Chuck, K6RK,
director, Carolyn, WB6ABC, DXer ed., Ron, W6VG, dir., and Chuck Vaughn, AA6G, on the
airwaves. The 1st subject discussed was how to get the DXer to the members electronically without
problems. We had a long discussion and we hope it will be easier in the future.
Next we had a long talk about the Visalia, 2005 convention, led by George, W6YD who told us of all
the positive and problematic occurrences. We talked about how we need more commitment on the
part of members as well as the idea of doing all of the future conventions jointly with SCDXC. The
sharing idea has not been decided but is an interesting possibility.
Respectfully submitted by secretary, Mike, W6WZ
Page 4
July, 2005
NCDXC Annual Picnic
Our annual club picnic is on July 2nd at
Mitchell Park in Palo Alto at the Pine Grove
Group Picnic Area, same location as the last
2 years!
It is at Middlefield Road and East Meadow
Drive. Enter the park either off Middlefield
or Meadow and drive to the parking area
closest to the tennis courts. The Pine Grove
Area is adjacent to the tennis courts and the
parking lot.
Date: July 2nd
Time: 11:00-1500 (or later)
Food: Burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks supplied by the club
Bring a salad or dessert if you wish
Location: Palo Alto-Mitchell Park
Come join us! Everyone has a great time! The site is in
the shade so that even on a hot day you will be
Bring along some badminton, croquet, beach balls, or baseball
equipment as some folks may love to be active!!
See you on the 2nd of July!!!!!!!
(All attendees will receive a special gift!)
Page 5
July, 2005
Attention Dxers ! Are any of you interested in sharing radio experiences? Would
any of you like the opportunity to do a presentation at Pacificon next fall? Rich
Holoch, KY6R, a member of NCDXC has joined the Pacificon Steering Committee
and is looking for Dxers who would like to share at Pacificon. Please contact Rich
by email at [email protected] if you are interested. The presentation can be
technical or non-technical. Thanks for this good idea, Rich. By the way, Rich was
our speaker in January, 2005. His presentation was on wire antennas.
AmTech Day –June 4, 2005-another wonderful outing at the Standford Linear
Accelator. At the left is the big guy Dave, KB6PFF, responsible for keeping the AmTech Days
happening. He is enjoying trying some new equipment. The next photo you see two great ham
enthusiasts, Kristen, K6WX, and David, W6DH enjoying the afternoon using solar powered
equipment. The 3rd photo is Steve, KV6O, having a great time shooting tennis balls with an air
gun which is used to shoot up string/ropes when putting up dipole antennas. Last you see KB,
KG6QQR, and Mike, W6WZ with two other operators chatting behind them. Thank you FARS
for continuing to sponsor this fabulous activity for the last 10 months for local hams.
PAARA-Field Day-June 25, 2005
Bayfront Park, Menlo Park….
End of Marsh Rd. (for pics see p.7)
A good time was had by all!!!
Page 6
July, 2005
PAARA FIELD DAY, 2005 was a great success! The turnout of operators, the press,
visitors, fellow hams, etc. was outstanding. NCDXC members were well attended! The weather was
delightful. It was so great to have Terry, AA6T’s, RV available to make the abundant food and
beverages easily accessible plus provide a shady area for people to sit and enjoy visiting and
camaraderie. Wow! Now our thanks to the operators and loggers who gave their time and expertise:
HF Phone: Kristen, K6WX, NCDXC member, Steve, AD6AB, John, K6YP, NCDXC member, Mark,
KR1PTO, NCDXC member, Mike, W6WZ, NCDXC member, Rich, W6APZ, Doug, KG6LWE,
David, W6DH, Pink, KG6ILA, Peter, K6WEB, NCDXC member, Steve, KV6O, NCDXC member
and his daughter who will make a fantastic operator one day soon.
GOTA (Go On the Air) Station-Encourages new hams. Jim Rice, K6AK, control operator, Kyle,
KG6MSK, Jim’s 11 yr. old son, Rob, KG6HVW, Christopher, KG6SVI, Kristen’s 12 yr. old son. Ron,
W6AZ’s chiropractor, Dr. Wendy Chuang operated with Jim and was very excited about ham radio.
CW –Andreas, N6NU, Ron, W6AZ, Tim, K6AX, Chris, W6KNS
VHF/UHF –2 meters 16:440- Joel, KD6W, Rolf, N6NFI, Andy, KG6RWO
SATELLITE Contact-Rob, N2RAG, Mikie, N6IL, NCDXC member
I’m sure that I missed some operators. We thank them, also, for helping people to understand the
importance of our hobby to the safety of our community and country. By the way, there was great press
coverage. At least 4 newspapers had articles about the event in their papers.
Field Day Photos-2005
Photos-Row 1- left-Terry, AA6T’s RV,
next: Kristen, K6WX and John, K6YP (NCDXC members),
operating, Vic, AB6O, with the Palo Alto Times reporter in front of the PAARA Field Day trailer showing the
WI/FI antenna which connects the logging systems. Andreas, N6NU, diligent CW operator.
Row 2-left- Terry’s significant other, Kathy and her daughter, Chris, who prepared and served super food!!
Marilyn, Stanley, WA6ZGI’s friend is not pictured but was the 3rd member of the food serving and
preparation team. Next picture-Kristen, K6WX chatting with Terry, AA6T, and last Mike, W6WZ, (NCDXC
member) operating in a 2nd trailer up on the hill with Steve, AD6AB working as a team.
Page 7
July, 2005
Thank you for your generosity, HRO!!!
Page 8
July, 2005

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