brand manual
brand manual
BRAND MANUAL 1.B ackgro und 1.1. The branding Policy is intended to protect, promote, uphold, display and perpetuate the Fiji National University (FNU) brand, image, usage and maintain its reputation as a distinctive emblem intended to establish recognition through consistent usage. 1.2. The Policy is intended to regulate and guide users on the correct representation and appropriate use of the University brand forms, and protect it from inappropriate use and association. It ensures that the use is appropriate and desirable for the University and promotes professionalism and a distinctively recognisable image, with the attendant legal rights, mark and name that are specifically designed for the Fiji National University. 1.3. The University brand marks enable FNU users communicate a sense of identity for our institution. to visually 1.4. Every day communication materials, including letters and leaflets, banners and brochures, are sent out from all parts of the University bearing the brand marks, reaffirming the identity consistently and establishing recognition over time. 1.5. This edition of the branding guidelines explains and demonstrates how to use the University’s visual identity and incorporates information for our users. It includes information on deploying the brand marks on their own and with partner brands, approved colour palettes and typography for literature and a wide range of other marketing materials. The visual identity is a valuable asset. It is legally protected and must be used appropriately. 1.6. Fiji National University marketing section has the responsibility to approve the marks or brand according to set Policy and standard. Likewise marketing also acts to reject misrepresented and incorrect branding signs and prevents printing and display of erroneous brand material and distribution, plus payment for such material. Therefore final artwork needs to be checked and approved by marketing before the initial release of any prints/ display boards or publicity materials or advertising/promotional materials are released into the market place or put into use. 2 . D e f in ition s 5.The B rand Lo go 2.1. The term “brand property” means a term, name, mark, insignia, logo, seal, crest, design or symbol that has been adopted and is used regularly and consistently as a representation of or identity marks for the Fiji National University. 3. Sc ope This Policy applies to: 3 . 1 every brand property used by the University 3.2. graphics standard 4.Policy 4.1. Fiji National University shall use, develop and manage brand properties to uphold and promote a professional, consistent, coherent and distinctive image for the University in all its communications and activities. 5.1. The logo versions shown below are the only acceptable formats depending on the design of the document or background they are to be displayed upon. 5.2. Print minimum size To maintain legibility, never reproduce the corporate logo smaller than 15mm The design, colour and typeface shall not be varied or changed in any way from the approved logo specification. 3x mm Ratio: X equals 3mm x 3.3. the development of a new brand material and/or property 4x 3x 1.3x x 0.5x 0.8x 10.6x x 0.5x 10x x x 19x 5 . 3 . The design may on occasion be ‘reversed out’, that is, appear in white fonts on a background of the approved University blue or College colours. The logo is to be made the most prominent sign and word on all display materials or item and shall stand out on its own with no other wording or design on, beside or around it. 5.4. There may be special instances where the logo may co-exist side by side with another logo only under equal value sponsorship or partnership programs and authorised by FNU. 5.5. The logo symbol, which is the circle with the initials ‘FNU’ may be used on its own as displayed below. 5.5.4. There must be no variations to the logo of the University, 5.5.9. including the colour. The text (see 5.5.2) can be used on promotional materials such as brochures, newsletters, leaflets, bill boards, banners, other publicity materials in the appropriate sized approved font. 5.5.5. The resizing of the logo mark when made larger or smaller requires proportionate expansion to retain its specifications and must be submitted to marketing to be checked and 5.5.10. Background colours approved before any public or official display. The colour of back-ground for special print materials, slides, or visual aids for FNU should be shades of the FNU blue ranging Ratio: X equals 3mm from a light sky blue to dark blue. Refer to logo colour policy. 4x 3x Corperate Colour Pantone - 289U CAFF Colour Pantone - 357 U CBHTS Colour Pantone - 431 U 5.5.1. The original colour combination for the logo to be printed in any document is C M Y K R G B Colour Codes and Breakdown Pantone - 289U 100 64 0 60 0 43 92 Logo Color Codes RGB Banners & Signage CHE Colour Pantone - 130 U CMNHS Colour Pantone - 188 U x Pantone Pantone CEST Colour Pantone - 300 U 0.8x FNU LOGO Materials & Visuals Printing Press Materials eg. Brochures, Posters, Flyers, Letterhead, Business Card Web View eg. Visual Presentations on Monitors 5.5.2. The font type of the logo is Telegrafico. 1.3x CMYK 0.5x 10x 5.5.6. The logo can be positioned to the left hand or centre of the document depending on the material to be used. For consistency in recognition, but allowing special identity and some room for flexibility, Colleges may use the shades of their specific colours as background 5.5.7. The standard positioning of the logo on official documents such as letterheads and memorandum forms used by 5.5.11. Change in use of logo versus background: departments is usually at the top left hand side. Where the background colour is light in shade the logo will remain in its standard colour to ensure visibility 5.5.3. The colour of the FNU initial in the logo should be Black NTPC Colour Reflex Blue Black Colour Pure Cyan K 100 5.5.8. There may be special cases where the logo may be positioned in the centre or shifted to the far right hand side and justified at the top, middle or other level for special Where the background appears to be dark and a test shows that the logo will not be visible enough, the rule of reversing impact and attraction. In such cases the logo will be the color of the logo shall apply, eg. dark blue background represented so that it is clearly visible and identifiable. requires a reversed white logo. 6. T h e log o as a trademark 6.1. The logo is the main trade mark of the University and is registered in a number of jurisdictions. No other logo may be used without approval under the University’s Trade Mark. 7 . C o l le g e Names 8.Comme rcially Print e d M at e rials 7.2. The standard naming is: College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies College of Engineering, Science & Technology College of Humanities & Education College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences National Training and Productivity Centre 8.1. The primary typeface for the brand for commercially printed materials such as leaflets and brochures are as follows: 8.1.1. Brochures / Flyers and other promoting tools Headlines – Century Gothic (Bold) 10pt – 20pt Sub Headlines – Gill Sans (Bold / Bold Italic) 10pt Body –Gill Sans (Normal) 8pt or 12pt. 8.1.2. Vacancy Advertisements: Headlines – Myriad (Bold) 15pt – 17pt Sub Headlines – Arial Narrow (Bold) 10pt Body – Arial Narrow (Normal) 8pt or 10pt 7.1. The standard naming of colleges is represented here in its consistent order – usually in alphabetic sequence (benchmark). Fiji National University is the largest university in the South Pacific. The FNU enrols over thirty thousand students from a large number of countries, and in a wide range of academic, technical and vocational programmes. FNU operations are found at 31 different locations. Programmes are offered at the Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Post Graduate levels through five colleges: College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry; College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies; College of Engineering, Science & Technology; College of 7.3. The College colours found in the University Student are listed below8. C o mme r ci a l l y School CAFF - College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Pantone Pantone - 357 U Humanities & Education; College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, and, National Training & Productivity Center. The University is looking for experienced and dynamic persons to fill the senior positions in the following areas: C 80 M 0 Y 100 K 56 R 0 G 99 B 37 Medicine & Health Sciences Engineering Business MBBS Coordinator Civil Engineering Banking Surgery Mechanical Engineering Accounting Anesthesia Electrical Engineering Insurance Pediatrics Aviation Engineering/Avi- Taxation Internal Medicine onics Office Administration Obstetrician Nautical Science Chefs (Asian food) Emergency Medicine Computer Engineering Property Valuation Oral maxilla Facial Surgery Humanities & Education Urban Planning Epidemiologist Graphic Arts & Design Support Services Nursing Media & Journalism Deputy Librarian Literature/Language Chief/Principal Librarian Agriculture History Training & Assessment Agricultural Economics Maths Education Training of Trainers Veterinarian IT Education CBHTS - College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies Pantone - 431 U 11 1 0 64 106 115 123 CEST - College of Engineering, Science and Technology Pantone - 300 U 100 44 0 0 0 121 193 CHE - College of Humanities and Education Pantone - 130 U 0 30 100 0 253 185 19 contacted by Fiji National University then your application has not been successful. Terms CMNHS - College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Pantone - 188 U 0 97 100 50 139 14 4 Note: Send a copy of cv to Chairman , Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Agency , #12 , Reflex Blue 100 100 0 0 46 49 146 NTPC - National Training & Productivity Centre A complete information package can be accessed from the FNU website: or email to Randhir Charan on: [email protected] / [email protected]. You can also visit our University Representative from 11 to12 June, 2012 in Colombo by making appointments through [email protected] Applications MUST be submitted online by 15 June 2012 using the University’s online job applications system which can be accessed at this address: Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. If you have not been and Conditions of the position will be dicussed with the selected candidate after the interview. Nawala Road , Narahenpita. Email- [email protected] We thank you for your interest in applying. Fiji National University is the largest university in the South Pacific. FNU enrolls over twenty thousand students from a wide range of countries, and in a wide range of academic, technical and vocational programmes. FNU operations are found at 31 different locations. Programmes are offered at the Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate levels through five colleges: College of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry; College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies; College of Engineering, Science & Technology; College of Humanities & Education; College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, and, National Training & Productivity Centre. The University is looking for experienced and dynamic persons to fill the following positions: Job Ref Position AC 135/12 Lecturer I in Electronics & Electrical Engineering - College of Engineering Science & Technology AD 110/12 Academic Officer – Office of the Registrar AD 109/12 Helpdesk Assistant – Division of ICT AD 108/12 Library Assistant (Ba Campus) - Readvertised – Office of the Registrar AD 107/12 Canteen & Kitchen Supervisor – Division of Finance Closing date for applications: 27 April 2012 A complete information package can be accessed from the FNU website: OR email: [email protected] Further information is also available from Campus Co-ordinators on the Labasa, Nadi, Lautoka and Ba campuses or the Human Resources Office on Nasinu Campus. Applications with a detailed CV, certified copies of academic certificates and transcripts must be submitted online using the University’s online job applications system which can be accessed at: OR by post to Director Human Resources, P.O. Box 7222, Nasinu. Applicants who submit applications using the online system need not send hardcopies of the application. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. If you have not been contacted by Fiji National University then your application has not been successful. We thank you for your interest in applying. Size: A4 size 3 fold | full color 8.1.3. Other Advertisements: Headlines – Gill Sans (Bold) 15pt – 17pt Sub Headlines – Gill Sans (Bold / Bold Italic) 10pt Body – Myriad / Gill Sans (Normal) 8pt or 10pt Size: 1column x 10cm to 6 column x 40cm | fullcolour or mono 8.1.4. These typefaces have been chosen for clarity and readability. 10. In t e r n a l Mem o r a nd um 11.2.1. The letterhead has the logo and below it is the contact address detailing the mailing address, physical address, telephone number, facsimile number and website. The list of all Colleges are written in fine letters at the top far right hand corner of the letterhead. S u b j ec t : Dear 11. S t a t io ner y 11.1 All stationery for official communication with customers will be branded to express the identity of the University, and in many instances will be the first introduction to the University. The following are samples of the print materials. 92 11.3.1. The envelopes will carry the official standard University branding, which should be placed in the bottom left-hand corner. A5 (210mm x 115mm) Pantone C M Y K Pantone - 289U 100 64 0 60 A4 (297mm x 210mm) C5 (229mm x 162mm) A5 (210mm x 148mm) Thanks Size(mm) 9.3. The following fonts are recommended: Typeface size Times Roman 12 Verdana 10 Arial 10 Arial Narrow12 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. 1Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 43 0 : 60 Da te 100 : Pantone - 289U To 0 G : R E x t No K : Y Fro m M M E M O R A N D UM C I N T E R N A L Pantone Kind Regards Kakiaman.M.Tenunteweia Graphic Designer | University Communications | Office of the Vice Chancellor Phone +679 339 3110 | ext: 2731 | Mobile: 7149449 11.2.2. All departmental letter templates follow the sample template of the Vice-Chancellor’s letterhead with the appropriate name and contact details. This will be the standard FNU letterhead. 11.3.Enve lo p e s B 9.2. All University correspondence through email should have the following typeface and size. All correspondence should be with a signature that is the position and location with contact details of the staff. Internal memorandums within an organisation are often used for official communication. The FNU management and staff use inter-office memorandums for official work related subjects only. The communication needs to be formal. Typeface size Times Roman 12 Verdana 10 Arial 10 Arial Narrow 12 64 9.1. Electronic Mail (email) must be treated as a business communication tool and used in a responsible, effective and lawful manner. Email can also be used as an official communication medium. 11.2.FNU Le tte rhe ad te mp lat e 297 x 210 9 . El ec tr on ic Mai l 1 1 . 4 . Bu sin e ss Cards 12. Power P o in t o r O t h e r P re se n t a t io n M a t e ria ls 11.4.1. Business cards will have one template design and only the name, designation and other particulars will change. Eventually all details will be standard except for staff names and mobile numbers, college name for the purpose of a single consistent identity and production efficiency. Pantone C M Y K Pantone - 289C 100 64 0 60 12.1.The logo of the University is must be consistently identified throughout PowerPoint presentations. 14. Ne wsle t te rs 14.1. The design of newsletters may vary, with due regard to the guidelines for the use of logo and other branding. 14.1.1 Size may also vary according to requirements, although A4 is recommended. 14.1.2. To maintain the university identity and consistency use either the Arial family or Gill Sans family of type. Both of these are sans seraph and easily available in the font listing of Microsoft documents. 14.1.3. The type size suitable for newsletters is in the range 1012pt. The National, the newsletter published online by the Public Relations Office university-wide, uses 10-12pt Arial Narrow, with Arial or Gill bold headings. This is suitable for other University newsletters. 14.1.4. For display notices, more latitude is permissible but use only two to three diffirent font types. 14.1.5. Colours for use in a basic newsletter may be the University blue in varying degrees of shading; and the particular College colour in varying degrees of shading. Use of any other colours for specific reasons, such as to draw attention to a particular matter, should be limited. Display notices may make more use of different colours. 14.1.6. Photographs may be in full or any colour. 80mm 50mm 2-8 Queen Elizabeth Drive PO Box 15676 Nasese, Suva, Fiji Islands ASHMEETA SHARMA Executive Officer National Training & Productivity Centre (679) 331 3074 (679) 331 1756 (679) 9332237 [email protected] 12.2.All title slides should carry the University’s logo positioned to the right. Departmental or College Identification should positioned at the top left field. On text slides, the University logo appears at the base of the slide and aligned to the left. 13. E x h ibi t i o ns 1 1 . 5 . Oth e r S tati onery 11.5.1.All other stationery needs to come through the marketing office for checking and placement of logo. 13.1. The design and content of exhibition material will vary to meet the specific needs of each exhibition: target audience, size, format, venue, etc. Therefore the size of the brand will depend on the size of the material. In most instances the brand should be placed on the top right of the exhibition panel. It should be made pre-eminent at all times. 15 . Us e a n d re -u s e of Ph o to gr a phs a nd ma terials 15.1. Photographs of any students or employees taken for the University: 15.1.1. Will be copyright property of the University and permission is required for any other person or organisation to reproduce the materials 15.1.2. May be archived and used for multiple publications and purposes. 16. B illb oards & Signage 16.1. As well as having a functional role, signs are an important brand signifier. FNU headquarters will have the following signage representation as its standard. 16. 1. 1 Co l l e g e B i l l boa r ds : Colleges’ billboards are to be standardised, with the College name to appear on the right hand side in its individual colour. The FNU trademark will appear on the left hand side. • If you are unsure of how to use the brand – refer to Marketing Section. • Note for students – refer Marketing for usage of the brand • Noncompliance – addressed by the student or staff disciplinary process College of College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism STUDIES www. f nu. a c. f j Humanities and Education w w w .f n u .ac .f j K i ng s R oad , N asi nu. P O Box 7222, N asi nu, Fi j i P hone : ( 679) 3394000 Fax : ( 679) 3394003 Kings Ro a d, N a s inu. P O Bo x 7222, N a s inu, Fiji P ho ne : (679) 3394000 Fa x : (679) 3394003 College of College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry medicine, nursing and health www. f nu. a c. f j w w w .f n u .ac .f j K i ng s R oad , N asi nu. P O Box 7222, N asi nu, Fi j i P hone : ( 679) 3394000 Fax : ( 679) 3394003 Kings Ro a d, N a s inu. P O Bo x 7222, N a s inu, Fiji P ho ne : (679) 3394000 Fa x : (679) 3394003 NTPC College of National training and productivity centre Engineering, science and technology www. f nu. a c. f j K i ng s R oad , N asi nu. P O Box 7222, N asi nu, Fi j i P hone : ( 679) 3394000 Fax : ( 679) 3394003 Billboard (Outdoor) Size : 2m(width) x 2m(Height) Pole Height: 3m above ground level Color : Full Color FNU Blue : C-100 M-64 Y-0 K-60 Material : PVC Canvas or Sticker with tracking w w w .f n u .ac .f j Kings Ro a d, N a s inu. P O Bo x 7222, N a s inu, Fiji P ho ne : (679) 3394000 Fa x : (679) 3394003 Billboard (Outdoor) Size : 4m(width) x 2m(Height) Pole Height: 3m above ground level Color : Full Color FNU Blue : C-100 M-64 Y-0 K-60 Material : PVC Canvas or Sticker with tracking 400mm A-frames (Outdoor/Indoor) Size : 400mm(width) x 800mm(Height) Color : Full Color Material : Vinyl or PVC Sticker on marine board 800mm Billboard (Outdoor) Size : 12m(width) x 3m(Height) Pole Height: 3m above ground level Color : Full Color FNU Blue : C-100 M-64 Y-0 K-60 Material : PVC Canvas or Sticker with tracking 150mm 12mm thickness 3.5m 750mm 200mm 51.5cm 240cm Light box (Outdoor) Size : as per picture dimensions FNU Blue : C-100 M-64 Y-0 K-60 Material : Vinyl Sticker on acrylic board 88cm 120mm 21cm 350mm 3mm thickness Rectangle signs (Outdoor/Indoor) Size : 350mm(width) x 120mm(Height) Color : Full Color Material : Vinyl or PVC Sticker on marine board or acrylic board Easypull (Outdoor/Indoor) Size : 201cm(Height)x 85cm(Width) Colour: Full Colour FNU Blue : C-100 M-64 Y-0 K-60 Material : PVC Canvas or Sticker Street Banners (Outdoor) Size : 6m(Height)x 1m(Width) Colour: Full Colour FNU Blue : C-100 M-64 Y-0 K-60 Material : PVC Canvas with ilets 17.U nifo rms and Pro motional It e ms 17.1. All use of the University brand on clothing or any promotional items must comply with the branding policy guidelines and be checked and approved before consignments are ordered There are 5 college colours: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CEST – Blue CAFF – Green CMNHS – Red CHE – Yellow CBHTS – Grey > White is added as an extra colour. > Staff are allowed to choose any colour. > Fabric is Oxtwo with 55% polyester and 45% cotton. > Men’s shirt comes in both long and short sleeve styles. > Women’s blouse comes in short and ¾ sleeve styles.