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www.ittimes.co.kr November 2008 / Vol. 53 3rd~6th Floor, Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation B/D, 540, Cheonggyecheono, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea (133-050) Korea’s No.1 Information Technology Journal Daylight Breaks for Gaming and RFID/USN in Korea's u-society Gyeonggi Heralds Future of Korean Tourism & Game Industry Hot Issuse p14~ Game Industry p22~ GStar 2008 Government registration No. Seoul-Ra-10914 Tel: (82-2)3459-0664~0665 Fax.:(82-2)515-2719 ITC 2008 p42~ Incheon to be reborn into world's top 10 RFID/USN p54~ FRID/USN Korea 2008 U.S. $9.00 / KOR.₩8,500 11 ISSN 1739-2950 Contents November 2008 / Vol. 53 Graphic Design _ Lee Do-won Game Industry 10 Editorial Never Too Late To Play IT Catch-Up 12 Analysis Korea's Pubescent Economy Readies for Change 14 16 Hot Issue President Lee presents plan to weather economic storm Gaining Confidence Key to Tide Over Economic Crisis 18 Energy KEPCO Chosen as Best Electric Power Company in Asia 19 u-health The Benefits of Ubiquitous Healthcare 20 Technical Article Understanding Programmable Logic Controllers and Distributed Control Systems 22 25 26 29 30 32 33 8 Game Industry Online and Offline Games, Friend or Foe in 2008? Welcoming Address Interview: Strong Partnership Between Government and Game Industry Gaming's best and brightest arrive in Gyeonggi Province Gyeonggi Tourism: Gyeonggi Province opens future of Korean tourism Korea Game Industry Agent- the Top Supporter of Gaming in Korea Game Essay: Searching for Gaming's Next Generation _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Gyeonggi Tourism 34 36 38 40 NCsoft leads Korean gaming industry's charge abroad NHN balances the best of gaming's old and new Nexon to introduce 3 new games at GStar 2008 JCE shows its unique Style of GStar 2008 42 43 44 ITC 2008 ITC 2008 gives a glimpse of the future, today Welcoming Address Incheon going all-out to enter ranks of the world's top 10 cities by 2020 Steps to Transform into the IT-Hub of Northeast Asia Selling Digital Information Display in the Middle East 46 48 52 Essay Big brother may already know your next move 54 56 57 58 RFID/USN Get on board or be left behind -- RFID surges ahead Welcoming Message Happy Go Lucky Future for RFID Government Policy: Public and private sector combine to make RFID and USN grow Interview: Public and Private Sectors Cooperate to Reach Wide RFID Adoption Interview: Korea RFID/USN Center provides backbone for strong industry growth Asiana IDT aims for a happier U-Life Groundbreaking RFID company comes to COEX RFID: Is It a Mirage? 60 62 64 66 67 Incheon IT RFID/USN 68 70 Events Sketch Valuable Fair of Electronic Delights Korean companies rapidly improving robots' potential 72 Feature The Frankenstein Complex in WestWorld and Our World 75 News in Brief Asia Pacific Satellite Industry is Flying High over the Sea of Exchange Rate 76 77 Country Report Turkey commemorates past, while future shines brightly Ambassador celebrates the continued development of historical and economic cooperation In Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Tuvalu 80 How to... Create Your Own Website 84 Contribution Fung Shui brings harmony to a stressful world 85 86 87 88 Korean version Contribution Essay Editorial Analysis 78 Chairman & Publisher Executive Advisor President-Publisher Advisor Vice President Executive Director Editor-in-Chief Editor Supplement Director Managing Editor Editorial Director Assistant Editor Industry Editors Staff Reporters Freelance Reporters Photographer Advertising Manager Art Director Designers Internet Manager Business Manager Circulation Manager Administration Manager Sales & Marketing Manager Publication Team Manager Financial Auditor Financial Secretory Correspondents N.America Europe Southeast Asia Far East China Oceania SW Asia M.East TA CGE LKH LCM JKS KWH JHS LKM YCW CYR e-mail: [email protected] Kim Tae-sub Han Kon- ju Chung Youn-boo Chang Hong-yul M. Munir Rana Huh Pyung-youn Seo Doo-won Kim Byung-woo Henry Chun Monica Chung / monica Tim Alper Kim Joo-hyung / jhkim Chun Go-eun/toclair Lee Kyong-hwan Nick Antolini Lee Chung-moo Jeon Kyung-sook Koo Won-hum Jeon Hae-sun / tolucy Lee Kyung-min Yeon Cheol-woong Ko Ki-wan Cho Eun-jung Steven Boroweic Chun Ye-rin Matthew Weigand Shin Sung-won Jude Kim Lee Do-won Cho Hee-sang Bok Dong-kyu Kim Chang-ho Park Mi-jung Kim Si-hwan Yoon Jong-jin Ko Yeon-sang Choi Eun-kyung Cho Hye-kyung James Joo young-hoon Choi Young-zun. Lee Sung-ki Lee Jin-bok Kim Moon-soo Chun Jong-sung You In-kyung Choi Duk-hee Chung Jung-ja Overseas Sales/Distribution Agents ( Reference: www.ittimes.co.kr) Korea IT Times Guide Published by KDC Times Co of the KDC Group 3rd~6th Floor, Seoul Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation B/D, 540, Cheonggyecheono, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea (133-050) Tel: (82-2)3459-0664//0621/0678/0671 Http://www.ittimes.co.kr E-mail: [email protected] Under the pertinent registration No. RA-09536 on Oct.2, 2003 Advertising Te l: (82-2)3459-0664 Fax: (82-2)515-2719 Subscription & Circulation Tel : ( 82-2)3459-0678/0614 Subscription Rate by Air Mail Newsstand in South Korea: US$ 9.00(8.500 won)per copy Within South Korea: US$97.00(102,000won)per year(12 issues) Asia: US$131.80 per year(12 issue) N.America, Europe and Middle East: US$199.80 per year(12 issues) Africa, Central and South America and South Pacific: US$264.60 per year(12 issues) Never Too Late To Play IT Catch-Up Editorial Korean n Versio 7 on p8 T his magazine is unique in Korea for several reasons. Beyond the obvious - the fact that it is the only technology title available in English in this country - there is a more surprising reason. Need another clue? Check out our website. Yes, on the website, if you have not already visited, you can download our free podcast. If you are a Korean reading this, you might well be asking, "What is a podcast?" A podcast is a downloadable mp3 file that is produced by a variety of media sources, ranging from private individuals to major media outlets like the BBC and CNN. In Europe and America, every major radio station has a range of shows available on podcast. What is more, so do newspapers and magazines. Most of the bigger papers and magazines also make video podcasts that you can download and watch on your PMP, your P2P, and even your mobile phone. The point is that "multimedia" is no longer some fancy word that trendy business types can drop into conversations in most of the world. It has 10 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES moved on from being a mot chic to being full-on reality. Media is no longer defined by the stuffy boundaries it encased itself in back in the previous century. Back then, a newspaper was a newspaper, a magazine was a magazine. All the print media ever needed was a roomful of journalists punching away at typewriters while photographers roamed the streets looking for a front page shot. Now, things have changed. If your web site looks cheap and unprofessional, you can forget about making any real kind of money. Advertising salespeople have seen the worth of Internet advertisements go sky high, while the amount of money companies are prepared to pay for print ads has plummeted. Rich, diverse digital contents are an absolute must. Those titles which have refused to change with the times have either dropped out of existence or are now dying slow deaths. People no longer want to buy newspapers and magazines in the same quantity as before. They have Naver news at work, why should they shell out for a 700 Won newspaper on their way in to the office? Although the real heavy hitters in the Korean print media are slowly starting to incorporate video contents on their sites, progress here is too slow. In the West, the media has pro- gressed, encompassing all manner of advances: audio podcasts, video podcasts, content for mobile phones, RSS feeds. Most Koreans do not understand what these terms even mean. Korea markets itself as a "technological wonderland". This is a good way for it to help raise its international profile, especially among the consumers of expensive televisions, computer chips and high-range domestic electronics, this country's most costly exports. However, the fact remains that there are too many pockets of IT that the rest of the world has been using for quite some time, but Koreans have not even broken the seal on. Too many people in Korean technology are prepared to say "Koreans like to do things their own way", or "Korean culture means that people are not comfortable with this or that technology". This simply cannot go on being the case. Multimedia and cross-platform technology is still undeveloped in Korea, yet we are already galloping ahead with convergence and even ubiquitous technology well before we are ready to do so. Korea is getting too far ahead of itself in its efforts to stay at the head of the IT money-making race. We need to go back and fill in those potholes of IT ignorance in media, and other aspects of life. Let us take stock of what is going on around us before we rush in where angels fear to tread. You can start by downloading our podcast today. If it is your first time, welcome to the future. TA 코스텍 Analysis Korea's Pubescent Economy Readies for Change Korean Version on p88 P Online game makers are among the forward-thinking Korean businesses that are looking towards more global IT markets. But will others do likewise? uberty, if you are not too old to remember it, was not much fun. Suddenly, within the space of a few days, you probably went from being a happy, energetic child to being a moody, spotty teenager who felt that the whole world was against you. Looking back on it now, at the time it was probably a terrible experience, but a necessary one. The lessons you learned then may have turned you into a sensible, responsible adult. The Korean economy has just hit puberty it feels confused, frustrated, and is struggling to discover exactly what it really is. For sixty years, protectionist economics have ruled Korean financial policy, as this country has successfully pulled itself out of the global gutter and into the exclusive "First World" club. Protectionism is a direct import from Korea's closest allies, the United States, who successfully used this economic theory to pull themselves 12 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES out of the financial quagmire they called "The Great Depression". At its core, protectionism is a growth-based economic principle that effectively closes the door to foreign imports, while allowing exports to flow freely out of the country. And protectionism has been a golden ticket for Korea. In just over half a century, Korea has magically transformed itself from a nation of impoverished farmers to a bustling, hi-tech country that ranks as the 11th biggest economy in the world. Its high-tax barriers keep foreign competitors out of the Korean market, which provides the perfect growing conditions of limited competition and a loyal domestic market. However, with the exception of a few of the mighty chaebols, Korean companies are not doing well enough abroad. Most of this country's exportable goods and services are forced onto the already-saturated local market. It is time to change. Protectionism only allows a national economy to grow so far. Its limitations are starting to become all too clear in Korea, which is feeling the effects of the global recession as badly as any other country in Asia. Already, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the USA has seen certain tax regulations lifted, and a proposed EU-Korea FTA will see yet more holes picked in the mosquito net of state-led Korean tax buffering. Companies are starting to realise that if they rely only on Korean customers to buy their products, they will never grow beyond a middling size, and could collapse easily if the economy hits the dire straits that it did back in the times of the IMF bailout in 1997. 1997 was a disaster for many people in Korea; successful small business owners saw their little empires crumble as the bottom fell out every sector of the market. And with Korea's current model of protectionism, there is nothing to really stop similar periodic crises from striking repeatedly, with each one setting back the Korean economy ten years. What Korea needs to do now is to stop talking about globalisation and start actually doing it. Companies here have been mollycoddled for too long. They are allowed to grow in an environment unpolluted by foreign competition. When they reach a medium size, they start looking around for foreign buyers, but discover, for the main, that nobody is interested in their product abroad. Why is that? For a start, it would help if products were designed with global, rather than domestic targets in mind. "Who am I going to export to?"this question should be item one on the agenda of every wannabe CEO in the country. For the most part, now it is just an afterthought. But even in these harsh economic times, there are some encouraging signs that Korean companies are starting to see the light. The Samsung Economic Research Institute says that Korea's economic growth may fall to just over 3.5% next year, while government figures from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy have confirmed that high street spending is down some 9% from last year. However, even in such bleak times, the online computer games business is thriving in Korea. Latest industry figures show that video game exports from Korea are worth around $900 million. Only this time last year, this magazine was reporting Korean online games producers saying that they "had to go global or face extinction". Now, it seems, they are doing the former in spades. Nexon, one of Korea's biggest online computer game makers, last month released their "Combat Arms" title in America, where "MapleStory" is already enjoying some success. "KartRider" is another hit game from Nexon that is starting to infiltrate the Chinese market. NHH has seen a 30% boost in sales in Japan, while the continued success of titles like NHsoft's "Lineage" series and JoyMax's "Silkroad" continue to gain popularity in the lucrative Greater Asia market. Indeed, countries like China, The Philippines and Indonesia represent gigantic potential markets for Korea. They are also countries where Korea has a headstart in trade wars against Europe and America. As much as Koreans like to distance themselves from the Chinese, Oriental tastes in video gaming are fairly uniform, and the geographical distance between Seoul-based gaming companies and swarming metropolises like Beijing, Manila, Jakarta and Shanghai is relatively small. A lot of Koreans are worried about the competition offered by bigger, more powerful computer game companies, the likes of Japan's Sony, and America's EA, traditionally console and PC game market leaders, who look like they are on the verge of releasing big name online titles. This summer saw American companies release titles like "Goal Line Blitz", an online American Football management simulator, and other inventive titles are starting to trickle out, with Japanese companies doing the same. However, Korean companies are still breaking the mould. "Combat Arms" is totally free to play. Its makers earn a profit through online player transactions, which is a massive coup, and makes the game seem much more attractive to potential gamers. Big companies from other countries are still behind the times with such ideas. In addition, although big players like EA, Sony and their like may well enter the online gaming fray, this does not have to spell the death of Korean online gaming. Being a small, diverse and inventive company is a massive advantage in the world of online game production. While bigger companies are more resistant to any form of change in their unwieldy business models, smaller companies can move much faster with the times. By no means should the online game market be a one-off, either. This section of the market is leading by example at the moment, but it does not have to be Korea's only nonSamsung/LG success story. But Korea's online game makers are starting to realise the power of thinking globally. They can see that the Korean market is not only saturated, but it is also unstable. Protectionism must die. Online games makers have realised this, and it is time for other IT businesses to follow suit. Increased competition has made Korean gaming companies stronger, and the FTAs will force other businesses here to get their acts together too, or go under. Now is the time for Korean economics to go through puberty. It might mean that new Korean companies experience a rougher ride thanks to the increased competition from abroad, but so be it, if the prize is full entry into a global market. There is nothing fun about puberty, but if it brings about maturity then surely it is worth going through. TA KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 13 Hot Issue P resident Lee Myungbak prescribes a strong role for government in addressing the liquidity and domestic consumption issues that are slowing the Korean economy. Present Lee dismissed claims of an economic crisis in Korea while presenting the 2009 budget to parliament on October 27. Korea's economy is heavily reliant on exports, and there 14 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Lee Myung-bak, President, Republic of Korea President Lee presents plan to weather economic storm have been concerns that the global economic slowdown would hurt some of Korea's most productive industries, as they depend on foreign buying power to thrive. The current economic malaise is different from the crisis of the late 1990's and requires new and innovative solutions. Lee described his approach by stating, ``We should actively cooperate with the international community, supply liquidity abundantly and invigorate domestic consumption. If the current crisis ends, the economic rank of each nation will change and the status of Korea will improve.'' Lee believes that the county's deep foreign exchange reserves make Korea largely resistant to economic downturns. The president believes that the nation's holdings will allow it to manage the current situation. He says ``The current account and the capital account were in red from January to September due to surging oil prices and heavy foreign stock selling, but the foreign exchange holdings decreased just about 8 percent from US$260 billion to 240 billion,'' Korea must import much of its oil, and with the price of crude now falling, Lee is optimistic that the foreign exchange situation will improve. The accumulation of the current deficit can largely be attributed to the spike in the cost of importing oil. Lee says "Oil and raw material prices are showing a downward tendency. If such a situation continues next year, the international balance of payments will significantly improve.'' Lee promises that the government will intervene as needed in both the private and public sectors. He plans to expand the government's presence in the financial sector to offset the effects of the sluggish global economy. He seeks cooperation from all levels of government to boost domestic buying power and restore Korea's characteristically high rates of growth, ``The government will drastically expand budget spending and prepare pre-emptive measures to revitalize domestic consumption in preparation for slowing export growth.'' SB 크로스반도체 Hot Issue Gaining Confidence Key to Tide Over Economic Crisis T he Korean economy is facing its biggest challenge since the 19971998 Asian financial crisis as the fallout from the Wall Street meltdown creeps into the economy. Now, the domestic economy is showing signs of slipping into recession with sluggish domestic demand and slowing exports. The national economy expanded just 0.6 percent between July and September, the weakest growth in four years, while exports contracted 16 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES 1.8 percent during the same period. The current account deficit reached $12.6 billion between January and August. If the United States slips into a recession, which refers to two consecutive quarters of negative growth, it will lead to a global recession, battering the Korean economy, which is chiefly dependent on exports. The U.S. government's $700 billion bailout plan to purchase banks' bad assets will widen its fiscal deficit and dampen consumer and business confidence. As Korea is vulnerable to shock waves from the United States, it is almost certain that a hard landing for the US will deal a heavy blow to the Korean economy, especially in stock markets, exports and foreign direct investment. The nation's strong export growth was mainly attributable to an increase in shipments to emerging market economies. Accordingly, if the U.S. recession leads to a slowdown in these economies, it will hurt Korea's exports and widen the nation's current account shortfall. Korea's exports rose by 12.5 percent for the first 20 days of September, a setback from the 22.1 percent expansion during the January-August period. The growth rate stood at 18.7 percent in August and 36 percent in July. As a result, the shortfall in the trade account reached $6.19 billion for the first 20 days of September, compared with a $12.3 billion trade deficit between January and August. Affected by the fallout from the global recession creeping into the Korean economy, a number of economic institutions both at home and abroad have lowered their GDP growth forecast for the Korean economy to below 4 percent. Bank of Korea Governor Lee Seong-tae recently said that the Korean economy will not grow beyond 4 percent in the first half of next year and economic conditions will not improve much in the latter half due to the international financial market turmoil and a global economic slowdown. In its latest world economic outlook report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) anticipated Korea's GDP growth will drop to 3.5 percent in 2009, a steep fall from its earlier prediction of 4.3 percent expansion. Morgan Stanley also downgraded its forecast for Korea's economic growth for 2009 to 3.8 percent from its previous prediction of 4.3 percent, citing the global liquidity crunch and lack of domestic growth drivers. In the wake of the financial turmoil triggered by growing jitters over a global recession, consumer confidence was also severely dampened. Reflective of such gloomy prospects, the KOSPI has lost more than 45 percent of its value so far this year, while the local currency has fallen about 35 percent against the U.S. dollar. The central bank's largest-ever rate cut on October 27 was designed to prevent falling consumer confidence from spilling over into other sectors of the economy. The BOK slashed its base rate by 0.75 percentage points to 4.25 percent. The central bank's powerful action reflects its growing concerns over the possibility that sluggish consumer spending will lead to a reduction in corporate investment and job losses. It means that banks may suffer losses in consumer and commercial property loans, which will have negative effects on the financial markets. It is almost certain that Korea, just like many other economies, will be affected by the problems in the U.S. Accordingly, the government is planning to cut taxes, remove regulations, increase fiscal spending and ease a liquidity shortage to inject fresh vigor into the ailing economy. However, such stimulus packages will not be effective unless Korean policymakers restore confidence from both local and foreign investors. The most important thing to escape from the financial turmoil where stock prices plummeted and the won fell to a 10-year low against the US dollar is to recover confidence in the Korean economy in domestic and foreign investors. Unless the country restores confidence, upcoming bailout measures, including additional rate cuts and the central bank's purchase of bank bonds, will not stabilize the financial markets and stimulate the economy. Korea is the world's 13th largest economy with foreign reserves of $239 billion in September, the sixth largest in the world and the second largest among OECD member countries. Corporate debt ratio has dropped to around 95 percent from 420 percent in 1997, while local lenders' Bank for International Settlement (BIS) ratio stood at 10.5 percent, well above the international average of 8 percent. Despite the nation's sound fundamentals, the won has been depreciating at a much faster pace than other major currencies. It has lost about 34 percent of its value against the dollar since the beginning of this year, compared to Thailand (-13.2 percent) and Taiwan (-2.6 percent). Second, the government should make all-out efforts to make the nation's current accounts shift into the black. Fortunately, this is expected to shift into the black in October on the back of falling oil prices. The nation is likely to post a handsome surplus in November and December of this year and the current account surplus is expected to reach $4 billion in the fourth quarter. The turnaround will help calm the domestic currency, which has been extremely volatile on concerns over an acute shortage of dollars here amid widening shortfalls in the current account. The current account deficit reached $12.59 billion between January and August, putting additional constraint on the local currency. In August, the shortfall reached a record high of $4.7 billion as the goods balance posted the largest shortfall in 12 years. Third, the nation needs to exploit the slowdown of the Chinese economy. The Chinese government is moving to launch large infrastructure projects to boost domestic demand, which can create numerous golden opportunities for Korean firms and individuals. China is also facing a serious economic problem as the US economy heads toward a recession. The Chinese economy expanded by just 9 percent in the third quarter, the slowest rate since 2003. The economy grew 10.6 percent in the first quarter and 10.1 percent in the second quarter. On a short-term basis, Korea will suffer from a Chinese slowdown because Korean firms supply Chinese factories with important machines and equipment. However, there will be good opportunities for Korean companies on a long-term basis. If China employs a measure to stimulate domestic demand, Korean exporters could enjoy benefits. One piece of good news is that Korea signed a $30 billion currency swap agreement with the United States on October 30. It is expected to serve as a stepping stone toward the won's convertibility and boost the international status of the local currency, helping stabilize the domestic financial markets and upgrade the nation's credit rating in the near future. By Lee Kyoung-min KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 17 Energy KEPCO Chosen as Best Electric Power Company in Asia O n Monday, October 20, the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), was chosen by US-based Platts as the best electric power company in Asia for the year 2008. It was honored to be selected at the awards presentation at the St. Regis Hotel in Singapore. This was the second time it was selected, the first being in 2006. This is a good opportunity for KEPCO to get good exposure of its brand both inside and outside of Korea, and will be another feather in its cap when it goes to search for new overseas markets in the future. KEPCO is a government-sponsored, integrated electric utility company in Korea. KEPCO is the only company engaged in power transmission and distribution in the country. In addition, KEPCO generates approximately 94% of the total electricity produced in Korea through its whollyowned sixth generation subsidiaries, or GENCOs. KEPCO spun off its power generation sector and established six GENCOs in 2001 in accordance with the government's restructuring plan for the power industry. The company's vision is to "spur the development of electric sources, operate the electric business rationally, and ultimately ensure the stable supply and demand of electric power and contribute to the development of the national economy," according to their web site. KEPCO has already been successful overseas. A Korean consortium consisting of KEPCO, the Korea Resources Corporation, LG International and ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. which is a Russian-owned enterprise, signed an agreement to develop Russian uranium mines collaboratively in September. Lee Yoon-ho, the 18 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES From left, Vice President Ha Yeong-bong of LG Corporation, Vice President Yampolskiy of ARMZ, Minister Lee Yoon-ho of the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, President Kim SSang-su of KEPCO, and Kim Shin-jong of Korea Resources Corporation Minister of Knowledge Economy, attended the meetings at WTC DON Hall in Moscow. According to the agreement, the Korea consortium will probe and develop the uranium of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. as a strategic partner. ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. is very interested in processing the 350 thousand tons of uranium which it holds. It is willing to sell a stake of the business overseas to get funding for development. The Korean consortium has taken them up on the offer, and will decide the scale and value of the purchase by negotiation after a detailed examination of the mine. The Korean consortium had been contact with ARMZ since the latter half of 2007 to participate in the development of the Russian uranium mines. It had only been able to come to an agreement, however, two months ago. They signed an MOU. Korea expects to get a long-term supply deal from the mine development. This is important, as Korea is already the 6th largest consumer of uranium. Platts, a division of The McGrawHill Companies, is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. The company has been in business for almost 100 years. It has customers in more than 150 countries. It serves information to its clients about oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders are often said to depend on Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Platts annually chooses the best company in seven different energy industries in each continent. It announces its selections annually, after considering the value of their assets, sales figures, profits, and the minimal amount of management activity. By Chun Go-eun/[email protected] The Benefits of Ubiquitous Healthcare u-health O The second in a six part series By Cha Joo-hak healthcare technology can pronce a ubiquitous vide alternative means of delivhealthcare servering care to patients. Ubiquitous ice is in place, healthcare infrastructure offers the system will convenient mechanisms for always be 'on'; transmitting medical information working anytime and anywhere. If to residents, laypeople, and the vision of the UHIS (Ubiquihealthcare workers. tous Healthcare Information Moreover, ubiquitous healthSystem) is to achieve better care methods and strategies health and well-being for the genencourage innovation in patienteral population, the key goals oriented medical intervention. must be to enhance the efficiency They also save resources by and effectiveness of the system focusing on prevention and by making services more accessiplace greater emphasis on selfble, affordable, and accountable. For this vision to be achieved, care. Ubiquitous healthcare can new legislation and policies need also improve a nation's healthto be implemented. New policies care infrastructure, financing, must be conducive to the promoadministration and management. tion of u-healthcare practices. Cha Joo-hak, the CEO of Kyeongwon U-Globe Ubiquitous Information can also be made to Without supporting legislation, all Healthcare Information System (UHIS) flow more freely, leading to discussion will only be theoretireduced administrative costs. A gency services cal. We will still have a long way to go more efficient system will lower the ● Improved non-emergency services before a fully ubiquitous healthcare costs of medical companies, making ● Decreased waiting time for nonsystem is realized. the whole system more affordable and emergency services effective. ● Greater awareness of services Potential benefits of u-healthcare Healthcare consumers will access among rural and remote residents ● Availability and accessibility of data from various sources and receive and caregivers healthcare knowledge and expertmedical information in real time. ● Timely accessibility of critical inforise Making information available to mation in the event of emergencies ● Availability and accessibility of healthcare consumers will help them quality healthcare on a more equiThe road ahead plan their own treatment regimens table basis to underserved rural If these benefits are going to be and consult with other patients. This and urban areas realized, a gradual shift from the tradiwill enhance their trust and comfort in ● Comprehensive availability of ubiqtional healthcare delivery system to the system. It also provides a more uitous clinical services, regardless ubiquitous forms of healthcare is necdirect link between patients and proof time, specialty, and geographical essary. Thus, the evolution of ubiquifessionals, allowing providers to location tous healthcare concepts, infrastrucimprove their service based on the ● Availability of ubiquitous healthcare ture, technologies, applications, interwishes of consumers. services for new and alternative faces, and strategies all contribute to All of this will create a climate (non-invasive) medical procedures the paradigm shift from tethered to where health care providers should ● Savings for ubiquitous healthcare ubiquitous wellness. choose ubiquitous healthcare. A new service providers and patients in Ubiquitous healthcare concepts system will allow our healthcare procedural, travel, and claim proand strategies are vital for healthcare providers to work more effectively at cessing costs reform. In other words, ubiquitous providing quality care to patients. ● Reduced use of traditional emerKOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 19 Understanding Programmable Logic Controllers and Distributed Control Systems Technical Article This is the first in a three-part series on programmable logic controllers by Armand L. Rogado, Senior Electrical Engineer for KEPCO/ KOPEC - Ed. I. Executive Summary The purpose of this discussion is to define the difference and to understand the specific application of programmable logic controllers(PLC) vs. distributed control systems(DCS). For the manufacturers in the process industries, the procedure for selecting the best automation technology is challenging. It is imperative to understand the weaknesses and strengths of PLC vs. DCS due to advanced technologies and microprocessors presently available in the market. Finding the right automation technology is vital to minimize total cost investment. II. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) A PLC is a standard unit with no dedicated application. The unit has to be connected to the various plant 20 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Armand L. Rogado, Senior Electrical Engineer for KEPCO / KOPEC input and output devices. The controller then must be programmed with the tasks that the system must perform; this is achieved by a set of software instructions. The software con- tains sequences that are initiated by inputs from the plant, which then prompt the outputs to change the plant status. The programmable controller can consequently be applied to an extensive range of diverse applications. Once configured as part of the system, the controller will be able to handle tasks. III. Features The main difference from other computers is that PLCs are armored for severe conditions(dust, moisture, heat, cold, etc) and have the facility for extensive input/output (I/O) arrangements. These connect the PLC to sensors and actuators. PLCs read limit switches, analog process variables(such as temperature and pressure), and the positions of complex positioning systems. Some even use machine vision. On the actuator side, PLCs operate electric motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, magnetic relays or solenoids, or analog outputs. The input/output arrangements may be built into a simple PLC, or the PLC may have external I/O modules attached to a computer network that plugs into the PLC. PLCs were invented as replacements for automated systems that would use hundreds or thousands of relays, cam timers, and drum sequencers. Often, a single PLC can be programmed to replace thousands of relays. Programmable controllers were initially adopted by the automotive manufacturing industry, where software revision replaced the rewiring of hard-wired control panels when production models changed. Many of the earliest PLCs expressed all decision making logic in simple ladder logic which appeared similar to electrical schematic diagrams. The electricians were able to trace out circuit problems with schematic diagrams using ladder logic. This program notation was chosen to reduce training demands for the existing technicians. Other early PLCs used a form of instruction list programming, based on a stackbased logic solver. The functionality of the PLC has evolved over the years to include sequential relay control, motion control, process control, distributed control systems and networking. The data handling, storage, processing power and communication capabilities of some modern PLCs are approximately equivalent to desktop computers. PLC-like programming combined with remote I/O hardware, allow a generalpurpose desktop computer to overlap some PLCs in certain applications. Under the IEC 61131-3 standard, PLCs can be programmed using standard programming languages. A graphical programming notation called Sequential Function Charts is available on certain programmable controllers. IV. PLC compared with other control systems PLCs are well-adapted to a range of automation tasks. These are typically industrial processes in manufacturing where the cost of developing and maintaining the automation system is high relative to the total cost of the automation, and where changes to the system would be expected during its operational life. PLCs contain input and output devices compatible with industrial pilot devices and controls; little electrical design is required, and the design problem centers on expressing the desired sequence of operations in ladder logic (or function chart) notation. PLC applications are typically highly customized systems so the cost of a packaged PLC is low compared to the cost of a specific custom-built controller design. On the other hand, in the case of mass-produced goods, customized control systems are cost-effective due to the lower cost of the components, which can be optimally chosen instead of a "generic" solution, and where the nonrecurring engineering charges are spread across thousands of places. For high volume or very simple fixed automation tasks, different techniques are used. For example, a con- sumer dishwasher would be controlled by an electromechanical cam timer costing only a few dollars in production quantities. A microcontroller-based design would be appropriate where hundreds or thousands of units will be produced and so the development cost (design of power supplies and input/output hardware) can be spread over many sales, and where the end-user would not need to alter the control. Automotive applications are an example; millions of units are built each year, and very few end-users alter the programming of these controllers. However, some specialty vehicles such as transit buses economically use PLCs instead of custom-designed controls, because the volumes are low and the development cost would be exhorbitant. Very complex process control, such as that which is used in the chemical industry, may require algorithms and performance beyond the capability of even high-performance PLCs. Very high-speed or precision controls may also require customized solutions. Aircraft flight controls are one example. PLCs may include logic for singlevariable feedback analog control loop, a "proportional, integral, derivative" or "PID controller." A PID loop could be used to control the temperature of a manufacturing process, for example. Historically PLCs were configured with only a few analog control loops; where processes required hundreds or thousands of loops, a distributed control system (DCS) would instead be used. However, as PLCs have become more powerful, the boundary between DCS and PLC applications has become less clear-cut. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 21 Online and Offline Games, Friend or Foe in 2008? Game Industry GStar 2008 fills needed role in gaming industry E very game should be fun, whether it is online or offline. That is what games are all about. Unfortunately, however, it is not so for South Korea, a battlefield of Internet games. Apart from being fun, voices are heard here and there that Korea, the icon of online games, is suffering through a great recession both at home and abroad. Domestically, South Korea has found no way out from a sharp slowdown in the game industry. Abroad Korea has 22 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES been surrounded by roaring giants like Japan, USA and China. That means that the pie for the pioneer of online games is shrinking quickly. Korea now stands at an intersection that shows no way out and no parking signs. Korean online games had fundamental limits on their ability to grow. While online games have dominated the Korean territory, they have not been welcomed in overseas markets where video and console games are prevailing. The reason why Korea (Left) Screen shot of 'Aion', new game of NCsoft (Below) Team play mode of 'Love Beat' became an online gamer's paradise is that the whole nation is linked through broadband networks. The high speed and the stability of the networks helped Korea become known as "The land of the Online Game." The world seemed to have fallen into colonies of Korean online games. Chinese gamers were crazy about "Lineage," made by Kim Taek-jin, a Korean legend of online games. Legend Kim became a billionaire. Now, however, the legend seems to be close to an end. Markets are plummeting amid attacks from China. China is no longer a market for Korea, but has become a lion demanding a large portion of the pie. South-east Asian countries, once markets for Korean online games, have now become players competing against Korea. The domestic market, a major revenue source for online game companies, has been saturated as its growth rate of the market has been on a downslide. To make matters worse, Chinese and other Asian games have been exported to Korea. According to a report on the gaming industry, the total domestic market for the industry was five trillion Won last year, a drop of 30.9 percent from the previous year. To analyze it by genre, the online sector has taken 2.2 trillion Won, reaching 43.5 percent of the total. And the total revenue of PC game rooms that serve online games occupied 2 trillion Won. This means that online game related industries have an overwhelming share of 84 percent of the entire game industry in Korea. The market share for console and video games that are blossoming in Japan and USA was so small that it could be neglected. The mobile games sector, which grew by 23 percent in 2006, only increased by 5.4 percent last year. Exports also declined while imports sharply increased. The total amount of exports reached 781 million dollars in 2007, up 16.2 percent from 2006. Imports from overseas reached 390 million dollars in 2007, a sharp increase of 87.7 percent from 2006. Overseas online games exported to KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 23 Welcoming Address Game Industry Korea doubled in 2007. Let's draw a comparison using world game market statistics. The total amount of the world market amounts to 92.2 billion dollars. Of that amount, about 45 billion dollars is video games. Arcade games reach 32.6 billion dollars while the online games that rule the Korean market total only 6.9 billion dollars. The structure of market shares of each game genre is starkly different from Korea. This means that there is no place for Korean online game makers in the global market. If Korean games have fundamental limits on their ability to grow, are they destined to fail in the global markets? The answer is no. A new horizon is on its way. A change is coming via "a wave of convergence". As the inter- Character of 'Free Style Football' (JCEntertainment) 24 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES relation between technology and communication began to deepen, the convergence appeared in many fields. Television and internet converged into one. Internet protocol TV is one example. Wired Internet can send information to wireless internet. Uploads and downloads between mobile and to fixed devices enable players to provide convergent services for customers. In this trend, games can be core services. Wireless online games will become possible if they can lower the costs for service. You can connect your mobile devices with the online games you want to play. With 4th generation broadband technology that provides 1 Giga bps speed, online games can be a core service and change the structure of the game markets in the world. What matters is that game industries can wait and survive until a new horizon is in sight. Some probably can, some probably cannot. In order to have them survive, small and medium-sized game exhibitions are required. Exhibitions can provide opportunities to learn about new trends in gaming and gather information on global products. For this reason, GStar game show is drawing special attention. 150 domestic and foreign enterprises and over 3000 buyers and media will meet on the show floor to join the feast of gaming stars. As its slogan explains, GStar 2008 will help the visitors to explore the ocean of the most innovative online games and allow them to Log in their D r e a m . Organizers of the show said that the show in November would be held to help game businesses. It will provide booths for participants at lower prices. During the Welcoming Address Character of 'Love Beat' (NCsoft) show, it will hold a world E-sports competition to entertain the visitors. To make it one of the best Korean game exhibitions, it will focus on online games so that foreign buyers can pay a visit to the show. Foreigners can get information on Korean online game trends and consult with domestic companies. This is to show the characteristics of Korean online games, the best of the world. The Korean Game Industry Agency, host of the show, will create an environment where all information related to online games is accessible to everyone. GStar will be held from November 13 -16 at KINTEX, Ilsan. By allowing people to interact more with fun games through exhibitions like GStar 2008, negative perceptions can flip around to set a whole new idea on gaming. It is not only the consumers that influence the gaming market, but also the quality of the game itself that penetrates the global gaming industry. As long as we are heading towards visual generations who use visual-aids on a daily basis, entertaining games will serve multiple purposes as casual conversation topics, stress relievers and socializing tools. By Chun Go-eun/[email protected] Yu In-chon, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism I heartily welcome people from the gaming industry and game lovers from in and out of the country who have come to take part in GStar 2008. The cultural industry is coming into the spotlight as a core industry for the future. It is a new growth engine welcomed as a green, low-carbon emission industry. The game industry can be called a favorite of IT, CT technological and cultural creativity. Korea's game industry has been recording double-digit growth rates every year. Online and mobile games in particular occupy the top position as leaders of the overseas game markets as well as domestic markets. In addition, games have already become an important cultural code in our society. We are now opening a new chapter. It is game culture that brings our lives together. This is a time when we should make utmost efforts to make a "game power Korea'', using people's affection toward a strong game culture as a driving force. At this moment, Korea is holding G Star 2008, a worldwide international game exhibition. It is very meaningful for us to sit together with officials from the gaming industry across the world. The nation is preparing an opportunity to exchange various cultures and show diverse aspects of the nation's gaming industry to visitors. I hope this event will be a good chance to expand the base of the domestic gaming industry. I hope the exhibition will activate world markets and diversify productive new sectors. I want to say words of encouragement for officials related to domestic and foreign gaming industries who are participating in the international event and for all concerned people who have contributed to this successful exhibition. Kim Moon-soo, Governor of Gyeonggi Province "World of Wonder and Fantasy, GStar 2008!" "Jump to World's Largest Exhibition Uniting the Game Industry with Gyeonggi Province" I am very happy that GStar 2008 is being held at the Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) in Gyeonggi Province for the second consecutive year. The exhibition has become a world renowned exhibition since attracting over 150,000 people from 38 countries in 2007. There is a consensus that the gaming industry is a high value-added next generation growth engine. GStar 2008 is composed of a diverse array of events, such as international game conferences, e-sports contests and export consultation sessions. I hope that we will introduce various new domestic and international game industries to the world markets. I would also like to make this exhibition an opportunity for gamers and users to enjoy the best games in our industry today. The holding of a game industry job fair in Gyeonggi Province is expected to provide an opportunity to solve youth unemployment to stimulate the economy by being the host of this large-scale event. Gyeonggi Province will co-host the Gyeonggi International Travel Mart (GITM) with Gyeonggi Tourism Organization (GTO). In addition to the game festival, visitors will be able to enjoy various events at Goyang City. Finally, I want to thank all involved officials, game companies and users. I hope that with all our work, GStar will develop into the world's top gaming exhibition. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 25 O Game Industry Interview nline PC and mobile games, and especially so-called casual games, were expected to push the South Korean gaming market to more than $1.7 billion by 2009 according to the market research firm Pearl Research. South Korea's availability of PCs -including the prevalence of home computers, high-speed Internet, and cyber cafes -- was expected to foster the increase. But that was assuming that the effect of software piracy or rising game-development costs in the Korean game market were kept to a minimum. Further studies show that South Korea has a sophisticated information technology (IT) infrastructure with 80% of households connected to the Internet. South Korea has one of the highest adoption rates for purchasing virtual items and using micro-transactions. Approximately 67% of those in the 20-30 age group purchased online paid content. Of those who purchased digital content, 91% purchased music while 39% purchased community and avatar items from online services. A common strategy in Korea is the operation of large game portals that provide a wide selection of games, including massively-multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), casual, and web board games all accessed from one convenient site. Top game portals such as CJ Internet's Netmarble, NHN's Hangame, and Neowiz's Pmang can attract 500,000 to 1 million unique visitors each day. More than 12 million Korean adults visit game portals every month, according to estimates by Pearl Research. While South Korea has a robust games market, critical challenges include intense domestic competition; prevalence of derivative titles; challenges in expanding overseas to the US and China; and rising development costs. Government in the Gaming Industry Here, the divided role of different government sectors shows a beneficial side. One of the sectors that has been giving the gaming industry passionate support is the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MCST). There is an old Korean saying that "a deeply rooted tree does not sway in the wind," noted Minister Yu In-chon of the MCST. He continued by saying; "As the saying goes, the MCST plans to continuously plant and nurture trees with strong roots of creativity and culture to share with the global community." The expansion of tax breaks for the gaming industry, an activation of foreign investments via export consultation, and concentrated support in enterprises which show potential are only a few ways the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism has been involving itself in the gaming industry. The MCST also supports game companies that are based in cultural centers. As most parents believe their role is to support their children in needed areas and keep making opportunities for their children to use, the MCST plays its role as a supporter of gaming industry of South Korea by promoting and improving policies, educating potential experts, and expanding the potential investment funds. Areas in the gaming industry that the MCST hopes to improve begin with policies that cope with new issues in the gaming industry - such as policies regarding a change of user environment, enlistment of KOSDAQ, illegal servers, hacking, and deliberation systems for online games. Finding the ways to collaborate policies and regulations between countries is another mission of the MCST. 26 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Yu In-chon, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Strong Partnership Between Government and Game Industry Ministry committed to nurturing role. Future strategy and the gaming industry "The MCST is in progress to develop the structure of the game industry by organizing the best environment for game development, creating a global publisher and expert studio structure plan, and fostering collaboration between big firms and smaller companies," the Minister Yu said. Multi-platform games, WiBro and IPTV-utilizing futuristic games, and functional games are also on the MCST's target list to improve on. Game related research, development and training, therefore, must be provided to create competitive game content and strengthen Korean game companies in the global market. "Creation of an international communication code for e-sports is also something that we should keep in mind to lead the dynamic gaming culture," said Yu. World trends While leading companies previously relied on market flow and a reduced role of government in business, they now insist on government policy assistance. In Taiwan, the Digital Content Industry Promoting Organization (DCIPO) was established in May 2002 to nurture digital content industries such as online games, PC games, mobile games, and arcade games. In Japan, the Digital Content Association of Japan (DCAJ) was set up to promote the production of digital content, distribution, and expansion of businesses. DCAJ conducts digital content publications, research, and forums. In 2006, the Online Game Forum was organized to announce Game Industry Strategy. France has been building up manpower and improving technology in the visual content area at its Centre National de la cinematographie (CNC), while Digital Media Culture Sports (DMCS) in England has recently chosen the culture content industry as a creative industry and started a program called Skillset to build up manpower. Likewise, the National Film Board of Canada (NFBC) has also recognized cultural content as the next growth engine of the country and is support- ing various areas including manpower and production funds. On top of following the world's policy direction, the Korean government is working hard to create a healthy game culture. Recent accomplishments involved the establishment of a local Game Addiction Rehabilitation Center. GStar Wave Minister Yu said; "We expect GStar to expand the domestic gaming industry and help us to engage in business on a global scale. Export consultation and investment consultation on the show floor will help our industries to bear fruit. Over 100 foreign top buyers will visit the exhibition and have 1,000 meetings with domestic companies. GStar's impact on businesses is already being highly recognized both in this country and worldwide. The improvement of exhibition scale by displaying various content and brand new products is greatly expected, and converged platform exhibition is also on the hot spot of people's expectations. Companies that are both directly or indirectly related to gaming industries like animation, publishing, and security solutions are sought in order to come together at the GStar floor to expand the IT industry." He went on to conclude; "Last but not least, we believe that GStar will have a positive influence upon the people's current perception of games. GStar already has become an exhibition where over 15,000 participants come from different backgrounds with a common interest. Here, they shall experience and interact with various gaming contents and re-evaluate games." In spite of gaming's side effects, healthy gaming content has so much to offer in our lives. As long as government bodies like MCST walk in tight step with the development of gaming industries, policies and regulations will be there to ensure a safe entertainment. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 27 Game Industry By Hwang Seong-tae, Director of Culture & Tourism Bureau, Gyeonggi Province Gaming's best and brightest arrive in Gyeonggi Province 창송에이스 A s Korea's gaming industry grew at home and began to attract attention from abroad, Gyeonggi Province took notice. The province already has an attractive mix of features that make it an ideal place for gamers. It is conveniently located close to Seoul and features a large and dynamic population. Its business culture is diverse, featuring IT, CT, NT and BT companies within an excellent residential atmosphere. The area is also home to universities which provide educated and ambitious human resources. It is no surprise that Gyeonggi Province is considered Korea's perfect place for the gaming industry. The province is pushing ahead with plans to establish infrastructure, to secure R&D foundation and to cultivate human resources. In order to bring its investment and business plans to life, Gyeonggi is reflecting the central government's policies designed to foster cultural industries, while letting its regional particularity shine through. Out of the more than 260 companies taking part in Gyeonggi Province's cultural industries, 28% of them are video game producers. They are a diverse group, as 25 are arcade game companies, 5 are PC game companies, 21 are online game companies and 16 are mobile game companies. Game-related schools, such as Kyungwon University, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries and Korea Animation High School are educating the industry's next generation of leaders. GStar, the nation's largest game festival, will be held at Korea International Exhibition Center in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. This year, the international event will be organized by Korea Game Industry Agency and Gyeonggi Digital Contents Agency under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism and the government of Gyeonggi Province. The province has taken a keen interest in the game industry and has conducted research on the development of GStar and sought ways to improve the popular event. The province has taken part in preparation for the event to make it a productive and successful venture. We hope GStar will be both entertaining and informative for visitors. GStar 2008 will provide assorted services and facilities for participating businesses and visitors. GStar 2008 will prepare export consultation ses- sions, an academy zone in which domestic and foreign colleges will participate and a job fair for people looking for work in the gaming industry. Gyeonggi International Travel Mart, one of the biggest events of the province, will kick off during the same period and visitors will be able to enjoy both events with one ticket. They will be provided with an impressive and enjoyable experience. This year, GStar is winning favorable reviews from Korea's gaming elite, including NC Soft, NHN, Nexon, Neowiz Games, CJ, Internet, JC Entertainment and T3 Entertainment, all of whom will be participating in the event. In addition, SK Telecom and COM2US will bring a component for mobile games to GStar. Various esports events will please visitors who come to enjoy games. The slogan of GStar 2008 is ``Log in your dream.'' In the past, only gaming fanatics participated in the event, but this year, we tried to provide a stage for everyone by improving the festival's contents. All visitors regardless of their gender or age will be able to enjoy what the festival has to offer. I hope that all visitors will enjoy their time at GStar 2008. Everyone involved has worked to make the festival something truly special. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 29 Gyeonggi Tourism Gyeonggi Province opens future of Korean tourism A Lim Byoung-soo, CEO of Gyeonggi Tourism Organization s Korea looks for ways to boost its economy and international profile, tourism is being highlighted as a way of accomplishing both these goals. The country features a variety of attractions, but the biggest challenge for the tourism industry is making them known to globe-trotting travelers. Gyeonggi Tourism Organization is preparing for the nation's biggest tourism exhibition, the 6th annual Gyeonggi International Travel Mart. It will be held from Nov. 13 to 16 at KINTEX in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province. CEO of Gyeonggi Tourism Organization, Lim Byoung-soo explains, "For successful hosting of the tourism fair comprising inbound, outbound and internal tourism, we invited distinguished domestic and foreign guests from all walks of life. We are making all-out efforts to have the event run smoothly and be successful." 30 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES He continues, "About 150,000 domestic and foreign guests are expected to visit the international travel fair this time, following 103,166 visitors in 2008." The Gyeonggi Tourism Organization is now busy preparing for a variety of contents, including tourism information, experience and business, to herald the province's tourist potential and attract visitors. "Through cooperative projects with tourism-related institutions, we plan to establish a foundation to create profit structure and sell tourism products by region through business exchanges between local governments and travel agencies," Lim said in an interview with Korea IT Times. "Based on such efforts and growth, I hope the 2012 Gyeonggi International Travel Mart will become the Asia's biggest tourism industry exhibition," said the top official of a tourism organization. Various events of Gyeonggi International Travel Mart The 6th Gyeonggi International Travel Mart will consist of various exhibitions, special events and side attractions. Among the exhibition events are halls representing 31 cities from Korea and abroad, tourism souvenir shops, and tourism products for temple and home stays, Lim said. "By holding a food fair during the tourism event, titled World Street Food Festival, Gyeonggi Tourism Organization is planning to provide visitors with the chance to enjoy the province's local food and exotic foods of foreign countries," he said. "In the noodle zone, particularly, special noodle foods of Korea, China, Japan and Italy will be introduced. Meanwhile, a total of 14 countries in from Asia, Europe, Africa and America will show off their foods in the Street Food Zone," said Lim. Special events at Gyeonggi tourism exhibition To elevate the morale of high school students majoring in tourism and provide them with some hands-on training, it will also hold the "tourism service competition." "This event is expected to greatly contribute to the development of the region's tourism industry by expanding employment opportunities for students majoring in tourism," he said. "GITF amateur B-boy battle Gyeonggi 2008" will be held to foster young and talented street dancers and publicize Korean tourism through B-boys who once raised the boom of "hallyu (Korean wave)," he said. The event is designed to actively foster B-boys in the metropolitan area and cultivate youths' ability through systematic supports, Lim explained. The Theme Experience Hall will offer various experiences to visitors including survival games, rock-climbing and four-wheel-drive motor vehicles. Leisure activities are highly important factors for tourism, Lim said, "We will operate the theme experience hall to provide domestic and foreign visitors with information related to leisure & sports tourism and chances to directly experience various leisure activities." At the theme experience hall, visitors can experience leisure sports, camping, light plane and yacht boats, as well as Korea's traditional folklore. As the side events of the 6th Gyeonggi International Travel Mart, there will be Korean and foreign folklore performances and a photo exhibi- Gyeonggi Governor, Kim Moon-soo taste-tests food with top talent, Choi Bul-am at the "World Noodle Festival' tion of work by world-famous photographers. Introduction of exhibition halls About 300 institutions from 30 countries are scheduled to have booths at the exhibition. The event will be divided into a system of halls, including tourism PR hall, travel information hall, tourism goods sales hall, knowledge exchange hall, PR hall, theme experience hall and international mega event PR hall. "In particular, visitors can enjoy events such as Korea's Yeosu EXPO, China's Shanghai EXPO and South Africa's World Cup at the international mega event PR hall, the first of its kind," Lim said. "As the international game exhibition, G-Star 2008 is to be held along with the 6th Gyeonggi International Travel Mart, visitors can enjoy the tourism fair and the game exhibition simultaneously." he said. In line with this, the organizers of the two international events plan to sell a ticket that will provide visitors with entrance to both events. "In a nutshell, the 6th Gyeonggi International Travel Mart will become to find information on visiting Gyeonggi Province and a chance to directly present the opportunities for tourism to visitors, and business opportunities for those working in the tourism industry" he said. Korea part of a growing industry To upgrade the Gyeonggi International Travel Mart to the biggest tourism exhibition in Asia, Gyeonggi Province and Gyeonggi Tourism Organization are making concerted efforts to make the event a tourism fair equipped with both publicity and revenue generation. "To this end, we plan to develop the World Street Food Festival into a fair in the Gyeonggi International Travel Mart in a bid to generate profits. At the same time, we will seek synergy by preparing institutional cooperation with such world-famous exhibitions as China International Travel Mart (CITM) and JATA world tourism fair of Japan," he said. The world tourism market has already grown in scale to see 700 million visitors and $600 billion in income generated in 2000. In 2010, this market is estimated to see one billion visitors and $760 billion in income generated. As the tour market grows, Korea hopes to attract more than 10 million foreign visitors. Moreover, owing to the introduction of a five-day working week, Korean people have started to have more spare time. This change in lifestyle has opened a whole new chapter for the tourism industry. "Under these conditions, the need to see local governments' active responses to tourism has grown. As a gateway to the North Pacific Ocean, Gyeonggi Province is a center of East Asian tourism and has a lot to offer in the way of sightseeing. With this background, Gyeonggi Province established a public tourism enterprise for the first time as a domestic local autonomous entity," he said. Lim added, "Created from this background, Gyeonggi Tourism Organization will continue to actively develop the potential of Gyeonggi Province to effectively cope with the changes in the domestic and foreign tourism industry." KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 31 Game Industry Game Essay Korea Game Industry Agent- the Top Supporter of Gaming in Korea Searching for Gaming's Next Generation KOGIA promises GStar 2008 to be the brightest star of all T Choi Kyu-nam, President of KOGIA he computer game industry in Korea has grown rapidly in every year of its existence. As for the domestic market, a growth curve faltered for a while in 2006, but after that time, it has steadly increased. Especially as far as exports are concerned, it has shown double-digit growth reaching 500 million dollars of trade balance. 32 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES For last nine years, the Korea Game Industry Agent (KOGIA) has contributed to export promotion, creativity, human resources, and policy development. In addition, KOGIA will maintain its enthusiastic efforts to make the gaming industry a cornerstone of Korea's economy and reach the lofty goal of being in the world's top three. The President of KOGIA, Choy Kyu-nam says: "Gaming features interactive contents with incomparably strong absorption. As gaming attains more influence and creates more ripple effects, it is required for games to have certain functions, good and funny ones. We, KOGIA have developed many functional games tacking social issues. We have designed games on a wide variety of topics that go beyond what is normally expected from video games. ' Choi continues: "The gaming industry has grown as a core cultural industry. By leading an international e-sports symposium, we gathered all e-sports leaders in one place to lay the foundation for Korea to lead the world's e-sports industry. By doing this, we will set a strong example to the rest of the field and try to elevate the international status of Korea and the Korean game industry." He continues: "Moreover, we also try to help domestic companies advance into markets abroad. We hosted exports consultation with representatives from China, Vietnam, America, and Japan. We will also maintain those efforts in Italy, France and other European countries." With all these efforts, Choi sees a bright future for gaming in Korea, especially when one considers year's gaming exhibition, GStar 2008. Then, what are the bumps in GStar's road to prosperity? Choi points out some dark sides of Korean gaming exhibitions. "In Korea, online game oriented users are aggregated, but major global game companies mainly focus on video games. Therefore, the Korean market lacks charm to major foreign companies, which is the main reason why global game companies hesitate to participate in GStar." However, Choi did not miss this dark cloud's silver lining. He says; "Even though GStar is still lacking somewhat, there is a global trend breaking down walls between different platforms. On the other hand, Internet infrastructure in Europe and America spreads very quickly, faster than you think. Therefore, as online games converge with other platforms, the competitiveness of Gstar will be outstanding. As you know, GStar has already specialized online games." By Jeon Hae-sun/[email protected] D Kim Kwang-sam(aka Byul-baram), Chairman of Korea Game Developers Association(KGDA). uring its short history, the computer game industry has made incredible progress. It can be difficult to appreciate just how far it has come. The first games can be called traditional games, and often use sports as their subject matter. Computer technology has been altered, creating a multitude of new game methods and game rules. All gaming has since been moved to a virtual world on a screen. As graphic and sound technologies have developed, computers can now store much more data and process it quicker. The contents of computer games are now much more varied and creative. As the realms of visual and audio arts developed, computer games incorporated cultural contents and are now mentioned in the same context as cinema, cartoons and animation. (Games, however, basically originated in "playing'' and the characteristics of such playing are based on twoway behaviors, which are players' choices and results, so they can be considered to have different roots from cultural contents of other forms which are generally used in a oneway direction.) As we pursue a way to play games with smarter and less predictable matches, more games will be players vs players instead of players vs computer. Games that used to feature two players simply sitting side by side now need a form that enables strangers to play against each other. Network technologies set off a revolution in the mid-1990s by allowing players in many locations to all play against each other. From such an extreme direction of network gaming, a "community virtual world game,'' or a so-called virtual society was created. It is called a "Massive Multiplayer Online Game'' (MMOG) where a huge number of players join to form a game world. In this way, games have found a way to allow hundreds or thousands of characters to all act and talk through their own player and form a virtual world that would have been impossible in old-generation games. In other words, games have developed to execute various social situations which can happen in the real world. These extreme developments of games were made at the end of the 20th Century. They have since influenced society in various ways. They have brought revolutionary changes, in that they have changed the basic concept of computer games, and in the past decade have created a mainstream gaming market. So what will come after MMOG? In a sense, the development of games has gone in the direction of slowly but surely increasing the number of players. It finally led to MMOG, where a large number of players all play at the same time via network connections. Some think that MMOG is the end of the development of games. But will it really end here? Have games really reached the end of their development after a short history of 30 or 40 years? We think not. MMOG certainly has succeeded in creating an attractive form for game play. We game developers believe that MMOG, or "virtual reality,'' is not the end of all possible development. There will be more astounding progress that will take the industry further than we could ever imagine. The nation's gaming industry secured its position in the early markets of MMOG and has continuously sought to develop next-generation games that will dominate the gaming industry in the future. We have held tacit discussions about this for the past few years when the topics of technologies and the developmental direction of online games comes up at the Korea Game Conference(KGC). Several alternatives, such as community-based casual games which people can approach more easily or "Light Platform'' games have been suggested. Many are still searching for an entirely new development. We will begin concrete discussions on the latest developments, or fifth-generation games, more openly at KGC 2008. The new direction may or may not be fundamentally rooted in MMOG or network online games. The KGC's newly planned technology workshop will strengthen the volume and contents of the event. The KGC will refashion itself as a more future-oriented game conference while maintaining the existing online-oriented direction by strengthening discussion of new next-generation games. If you are interested in online and next-generation games, pay close attention to KGC. It may be the source of the fifth generation. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 33 Game Industry NCsoft leads Korean gaming industry's charge abroad N Csoft is leading a charge. After establishing itself as one of the strongest forces in the Korean gaming industry, the company is forcefully taking its talent abroad. The spearhead for the charge is the company's latest game, Aion: Tower of Eternity. NCsoft CEO Kim Taek-jin has long been at the center of the progress made by gaming in Korea. While he is proud of what the industry has accomplished in a competitive market, he feels that there is still much room for growth. He is determined to expand the Korean industry's reach and bring it the world wide success and recognition it deserves. According to Kim, "The success in exports of Korean online games is only a half success. Now, it is time to see Korean games find success not only in the Asian countries, but also in America and Europe." The large markets of Europe and North American are yet to be penetrated by Korean firms. The competition for NCsoft will be stiff, but Kim has faith that Korea's outstanding technology will allow them to win out. He explains, "These days, Korean game publishers have to compete with global game companies which invest billions of won in just one game, such as EA and Blizzard. However, with respect to PC based on-line games, the technology of Korea is still the best." Kim announced that NCsoft will start beta tests of Aion, the company's newest, highly anticipated game. It has invested 23 billion won the new project and it is already being hailed as a masterpiece. Following the success of NCsoft's renowned game Lineage, Kim explains his company's creative process and their passionate approach to every aspect of design. "We have gone through a thorough post-verification of our new game, in major game markets such as America, Europe, China and Japan. We are trying not to go the way of Lineage, which is popular only in Asia. We have put our blood into every detail of the game's characters, all the way to the symbolic patterns." 'Aion', newly released game of NCsoft Kim Taek-jin, CEO of NCsoft Aion is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game that combines PvP and PvE in a fantasy dream setting. It features flight as well as aerial combat in a shattered fantasy landscape. The game is inspired by multiple themes and has a distinctly unique atmosphere which can be described as ethereal, or dream-like. Environments depicted in screenshots and videos display soft, vibrant colors and light bloom. Aion creates a visual world that players will feel they can step into and appreciate its majesty. Characters are strong and imposing, while depicted in rich detail with vivid colors. The experience of the game is one that affects all a player's senses and draws them into its fantastical, yet eerily realistic setting. A three pronged battle The background story of Aion is a tale of betrayal and vengeance. In the beginning of the world of Aion, a powerful race called the Balaur was created by the god Aion to roam the world of Atreiain in service of their god. Their own will led them to rebel against their creator. Aion then created another race, the Daevas to fight for control of his initial offspring. Even though they were individually less powerful then the Balaur, Aion pro- 34 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES grammed them with a sense of loyalty and worship towards him so they would obey him in all matters. The Daevas fought the Balaur and expelled them from the world Atreia into a different dimensional plane. For a time there was peace. But the Daevas, though all loyal to the god Aion, had different views regarding the Balaur which ultimately led to them to split into two different Factions. One part of the Daevas wanted to end the eternal war with the Balaur and try to make peace, while the other side wanted to fight until the end. Now, a three-sided war is waging between different factions, with the main focus for each being the control of the Tower of Eternity. Nobody knows what happened to the god Aion after the tower was destroyed, but both factions know they have to prevent their part of the Tower of Eternity from being destroyed in order to ensure their own survival. The players take the role of leading characters from each faction, starting out as lowly soldiers, eventually building their power and potential, becoming more and more powerful and rising in the ranks of their race's military. Active game play The end game of Aion will revolve around battles within the Abyss (PvP Zone). Found in the Abyss are huge, spooky castles where large scale battles will take place. The game currently does not allow factions to fight internally and certain items like high end armors and weapons can be purchased with points, giving players a greater sense of involvement and ownership. A distinctive feature of this game is the ability to fly. This will be a limited active skill, through which the character will be able to perform various exclusive skills. It will also be used to find higher elevation areas or materials that are not accessible through walking. Later the game will be released with items to upgrade flight time. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 35 Game Industry NHN balances the best of gaming's old and new T here is an old saying, "You don't know what you've got until it's gone." It is hard to appreciate how special something is until after you've lost it. Even with so many games being available these days, gamers tend to pick a few and stick with them for a long time. Tetris is that kind of game. As a steadily loved console game, Tetris has had a faithful following since it was born in 1985. Tetris is still loved by many and some gamers even consider it to be the cleverest game of all time. As online games have become popular, Tetris has changed its form from a console game to an online game to adjust to changes in the gaming climate. On one fateful day, online Tetris suddenly disappeared from the Internet. The company that held the rights to Tetris didn't renew its contract and the service expired. Many Tetris fanatics then moved on from their old favorite to new games. Despite the disappearance, there were still many people who longed for online Tetris. Even though there are other ways to enjoy Tetris as a mobile or console game, many gamers missed the unique amusement of online Tetris. At last, gamers can again play 36 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Gamers rejoice at classic game's online return Online Tetris revives in the website of Hangame. Tetris on the Internet thanks to the efforts of NHN, who recently made an agreement with TTC to provide online Tetris. Many users are overjoyed at the thought of having their beloved game back. NHN will celebrate this new beginning at GStar 2008. Visitors to GStar 2008 can enjoy Hangame Tetris firsthand and participate in the game battle event. Also, they can can enjoy enjoy the the soundtrack soundtrack providprovidthey ed by by singers singers Shin Shin Hye-sung Hye-sung (a (a memmemed ber of of idol idol group, group, Shin-hwa), Shin-hwa), Taru, Taru, ber and Yozoh. Yozoh. By By enjoying enjoying both, both, visitors visitors and to GStar GStar will will be be able able to to catch catch two two to pigeons with with one one bean. bean. pigeons Tetris will will be be back back better better than than ever. ever. Tetris In the the new new Hangame Hangame Tetris, Tetris, NHN NHN has has In adopted diverse diverse functions functions such such as as TTadopted spin, Super Super Rotation Rotation System System (SRS), (SRS), spin, back to to back back and and six six next next boxes. boxes. SRS SRS back is an an official official game game rule rule that that TTC TTC has has is adopted, itit allows allows gamers gamers more more flexiflexiadopted, bility in in their their control. control. In In the the last last version version bility of online online Tetris, Tetris, none none of of these these moves moves of were possible. possible. were When gamers gamers play play Hangame Hangame When Tetris, they they will will notice notice that that the the new Tetris, version of their their old old favorite favorite is is different different version in many many ways. ways. There There are are now now single single in and multi multi modes modes of of game game play. play. NHN NHN and also considered considered Korean gamers' gamers' love also of speed speed and and designed designed the the game game to toobe of quicker and more challenging. Specifically, gamers can anticipate the location of the Tetrimino (Tetris block) by using the 'Ghost function.' At GStar 2008, visitors can experience an unknown masterpiece, Continent of the Ninth(C9). C9 is a full 3D action MMORPG game with life-like 3D graphics. It features abundant RPG contents, diverse craftsmen and guild house systems. Gamers can grasp the mental state and habits of their match players and share know-how with teammates. In addition to its excellent graphics, the producers of C9 have focused on the game play in an attempt to maximize enjoyment. Gamers will enjoy its trap system, destruction system, and some doors which open only after gamers carry out a certain mission. The general producer says, "We all know that a fun movie doesn't have to have fantastic special effects and it is the same for online games. If the game isn't fun, the graphics are nothing but a pretty picture." As a global game leader, NHN has never lost sight of the big picture. NHN has always kept its eyes on the world abroad and has stepped up its efforts to expand to new regions. NHN has already moved on to Japan, America and China. As a big player in the online game industry, NHN is expanding its market share in those countries. NHN Japan is a separate local affiliate of NHN, which operates the most popular online game portal in Japan, as well as a mobile game community site. It established innovative business models by providing services tailored to Japanese cultural specifics. Now Hangame Japan has grown into Japan's leading online game portal with 27.8 million subscribers and 145 thousand peak concurrent users, providing around 170 online games from various genres such as action, racing, RPG, FPS, and MMORPG. On the other hand, NHN USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of NHN Corporation and serves as the flagship vehicle for NHN Corporation's online game and game community initiatives in the United States and other English-speaking countries. NHN USA has launched ijji.com, the first online multi-player game portal in the U.S. It boasts a portfolio of over 50 games, ranging from web board games to console-quality online games. Since it opened in July 2006, ijji.com has gotten over 6.55 million subscribers and 26,000 peak concurrent users as of August 2008. Looking forward, ijji.com will strain to improve its locally specific service, and continuously introduce a variety of games designed to suit the tastes of U.S. gamers. The Chinese market also features a strong presence for NHN. In June 2004, NHN entered into a strategic partnership with Sea Rainbow Holdings Corporation, a publicly listed investment holdings company and pioneer in the Chinese online gaming space. They now jointly operate the Ourgame business. These days Ourgame has around 240 games, including various web board games, casual games such as 'Mafia Game' and RPGs like the 'SGC Online' series and 'Stars Garden'. Following the successful publication of the popular Korean MMORPG 'R2', Ourgame will strengthen its lineup by introducing a new fighting genre with 'The World of JingWu'. Even with all this progress, NHN still has a long way to go to become the best online game publisher in the world. By reinventing beloved classics like Tetris and bringing promising new games to the table, they are sure to find a place in the heart of gamers all over the globe. By Jeon Hae-sun/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 37 Nexon to introduce 3 new games at GStar 2008 Game Industry N Mabinogi Heroes exon is at the top of Korea's online game industry, and will use GStar 2008 to demonstrate how they plan to stay there. The country's top-class online game provider will introduce three new games at GStar 2008 which will be held at KINTEX in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province on Nov. 13-16. 38 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Valve Company with devCAT's technology, realizing a top-class sense of striking visuals. "In particular, it offers an interactive physical environment by making it possible to use monsters or neighboring objects, providing different action plays that gamers could not experience in existing online games," he said. Nexon plans to introduce two versions of Mabinogi Heroes - one for gamers aged 18 or older and another for gamers aged 15-17 within this year. Mabinogi offers a multitude of skills and a high level of variety among players and environments. The game engine features hand-painted textures stylized with edge detection outlining, which enhance the anime-like appear- panels. Meanwhile, Dragon Nest is an action MORPG that features graphics at a level and speed similar to those seen in console games. Spreading across the world Nexon, a global company with some 300 million customers, is offering about 20 games to 60 countries, including China, Japan, North America, Latin America and Europe, the spokesman said. Income from its overseas operation accounts for about 50 percent of the company's total sales, which stand at 300 billion won. Its RPG, "Maple Story" is particularly widely played, with some 89 million members in 58 countries. In a strategic business tie-up with Valve of the United States, it acquired Dragon Nest Some 140 game developers are expected to participate in the nation's biggest gaming exhibition. Nexon plans to provide visitors with a chance to enjoy a demonstration of its three newly developed games: Trash Buster, Mabinogi Heroes, and Dragon Nest ,a Nexon spokesman said. Trash Buster is a 3D absorption action game. In it, gamers can enjoy action play by absorbing objects that appear in front of them by using a cleaner, says the company's spokesman. Gamers will find a uniquely amusing experience through the game's fresh graphics. Mabinogi Heroes is a new game developed by Nexon's devCAT studio. It is an action RPG showing a new style that is wildly different from the existing Mabinogi. The game has regenerated the "source engine" of ance of the characters. The game world is constantly growing through the release of important works that introduce new areas to explore, additional features such as pets and new skills, and the advancement of storylines. The user interface is familiarly simple and designed to be similar to Microsoft Windows' task bar, allowing the player to easily access most game the copyright of "Counter-Strike Online" in four Asian countries, including Taiwan. The online game gained popularity with some 50,000 simultaneous connectors to the game in Korea and 25,000 connectors in Taiwan. "Combat Arms" of Nexon, a FPS game recently introduced into the North American market, also attracted 1 million members and 20,000 simul- taneous connectors just three months after launching. It ranked second on the famous download site, "Fileplanet," securing a firm position in the North American market. Paid service model setting the trend Along with developing new games, the way that Nexon does business is also evolving. In particular, the "paid service model of parts within a game" is attracting attention from global game providers as an advanced business model. In line with this, the AFP recently reported that the kind of free computer game play that is all the rage in South Korea is taking hold in a U.S. market dominated by video games sold on packaged disks or by online subscriptions. The Seoul-based "free-to-play" computer game titan Nexon blasted into the U.S. videogame arena with "Combat Arms", an online first-person shooter title that makes its cash from optional "micro-transactions" by players. "Combat Arms had a great beta run, with players of all levels loving the fast-action FPS game play and ingame community features for ranking and challenging other players," said Nexon America spokesman Min Kim. The game makes its money from players that buy animated helmets, outfits, and other virtual items to customize in-game characters. To keep the playing field even, players earn experience or advanced weaponry by skill, instead of being able to simply pay for power. "People can't buy bigger guns to get a tremendous advantage," Kim said while demonstrating the game for AFP in San Francisco earlier this year. U.S. videogame powerhouse Electronic Arts (EA) has started investing in free play and is putting the finishing touches on a "Battlefield Heroes" war game supported by ingame transactions instead of up-front purchase prices, AFP reported. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 39 Game Industry JCE shows its unique Style of GStar 2008 G Star 2008 will be one of the finest exhibitions that the Korean gaming industry has to offer. JCE will be arriving with some of the event's most promising material. They will be showing Free Style Football and Free Style Second Street, both of which are innovative sports games. Free Style Football is an online football game with a new twist. Its biggest feature is the ability of players to see the game from a first-person point of view. Gamers will be able to feel like Ronaldhino as they dribble and spin around defenders. Free Style Second Street recorded exports of US$35 million to China and Taiwan. The MOD center which developed Free Style Second Street was designed by JCE to meet the demands of the market. A team mode has been created to reflect the unique method of game play which should create a more interactive and enjoyable gaming experience. JCE broke the conventional wisdom that sports games do not succeed in Korea. JCE will later introduce Free Style Football and Free Style Second Street to build on the momentum created by the successful online basketball game. JCE expands into overseas markets Free Style is being played in 40 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES advancing into foreign countries. This kind of sensitivity is a core concept of their campaign to build a global brand with Free Style. Free Style Football, new game of JCE nations across the world, including China, Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines as well as Korea. As of 2007, cumulative revenue surpassed 100 billion Won. With players in the tens of millions, it has become a true global game A major source of this expansion has been the emerging markets of Southeast Asia. The game has found responsive markets in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. Through its partner, Asia Soft, Free Style Second Street was released there early this year and has created a boom. With the swift expansion of infrastructure and an increase in the number of Internet users in the region, the market has grown considerably. As a result, the gaming industry has been thrust into the spotlight. JCE has provided customized services for each location. They have considered the uniqueness of the network atmosphere as well as the cultures of each nation, instead of recklessly JCE occupies an enviable place in an active market Free Style must compete with all the sports games on the market. There are games being produced all over the world, and JCE needs to be mindful of games from both in Korea and abroad. Only with this approach can it strengthen its global capacity. Each development center of JCE is making new innovations based on their originality and planning power. In addition, there is a separate MOD center which is developing creative and unique games while keeping in touch with shifting market demands. JCE will continuously focus on making various high-quality creative games. The company also will expand its presence in both the overseas and domestic markets by putting to use its diverse knowledge gained from ten years of experience. The nation's leader shares insight for growth strategy Gaming companies need to constantly invest in developing new games. A gaming company's competitive power is determined by the number of new, exciting games it can offer. Domestic game companies should consider developing high-quality differentiated games as the first condition of competitive power. Through this, they should lay the foundation for success in global markets. 새롬씨앤씨 ITC 2008 gives a glimpse of the future, today ITC 2008 I TC 2008: Incheon International Information Technology Communication Exhibition' is a window showing what the future will be like in the information and communication fields. The exhibition has played significant roles to bridge the gap between high techs and common people who have failed to keep up with the evolution of technology. The 7th show, under a slogan of "Future For Today," will mark the beginning of a new chapter. The show is to be held at the Incheon International Convention Center in Songdo, Incheon Metropolitan City, west of Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The convention center, or Songdo Conventia, was designed to attract international conventions to Incheon and is well known for its world-class facilities and systems. Incheon had no convention centers of this kind until now, so in previous years, the show had to remain a small, regional event. 'ITC 2008' will be held for three days beginning November 13 under the sponsorships of The Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Incheon City, KOTRA and the Incheon IT Industry Promotion Agency. This year's show is huge in terms of volume and quality. For the past six years, the show failed to draw attention from all across the nation due to the lack of a big convention center and a big budget. This year however, with the full support of Incheon City, will welcome almost all of the domestic ITC companies, big and small. The organizers anticipate that it will boost regional business in the ITC and draw business counterparts from abroad. They hope that the combination of Songdo and the ITC convention will change the image of Incheon from a coastal city to a high tech city. Incheon City plans to help the show grow to become a world-famous ITC event. With the help of KOTRA, the ITC show will become a place where companies from Korea and abroad meet to talk about importing and exporting devices and technologies. KOTRA is an organization that helps business circles get brand-new information on goods and companies, and that connects them on a business basis. It has a global network and the manpower to do so. KOTRA is participating in this show for the first time since 2002. Songdo is one of the show's main attractions. Songdo is a masterplanned international city. The design of the city is totally focused on environmentally and energy friendly concepts that are in harmony with the natural landscape. Songdo is not like a domestic city; it is more Western in its appearance and composure. The 2008 show will also herald Songdo to the world. The show will exhibit new technologies and devices that define what life will be like in the future. RFID/USN, intelligent robots, smart home, mobile, and ubiquitous systems will be at the show. ITC will show visitors how the ubiquitous society where everything is connected with computerized systems will soon arrive. In the booths at RFID/USN, you can see the world of RFID/USN-connected life and society. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a small and simple chip that signals embedded information from goods and services. When RFID is attached to a product, buyers and sellers can get information on it through a computerized network. Imagine that you do not have to pay at a cashier, but simply pass through and the payment will be made electronically, because the sensor at the cashier can automatically read the information from Welcoming Address by Ahn Sang-soo, Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City the goods you bought. The reader will also scan the credit card in your wallet, and take money from your account. USN is a system that senses information and connects it with banks. When USN is connected with your mobile phone, it will let you know when payments are due and how much money was taken from your account when you bought groceries. The smart home section deserves your visit. A computerized home will be a dream come true. It will be interesting to see how a voice-sensor system turns on the TV and opens doors. TVs and refrigerators will be different from the ones we are used to. On TV monitors, you can check emails, communicate with your friends, and enjoy online banking services. There will be a refrigerator that senses what you need to buy and what spoiled foods need to be thrown away. The system that connects home and workplace will be at the show too. Lights will be turned off by your voice. New mobile phones and devices will seduce you to buy one. New designs and functions will make you say "Wow." Intelligent robots will make your children cry out wanting one. A robot will bark like a dog and read some fairy tales to your children. And it will clean the floor of your living room while you are out. In the wonderful show, more than 200 companies, including 50 from abroad, have already bought 300 booth tickets to show their business models. The host plans to make it bigger next year by inviting 400 companies, including 100 foreign firms. KOTRA will help the regional companies in lack of information on overseas buyers find joint-venture partners. By Chun Go-eun/[email protected] 42 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES I extend great thanks to distinguished guests participating in the 7th ITC (Incheon International Information Technology Communication) 2008. ITC 2008, the seventh of its kind, is Incheon's representative IT exhibition where visitors can witness the rapid development of the IT industry in Incheon and glimpse Incheon's dynamic future. ITC 2008 is a festival where Incheon introduces new technologies developed by the passion and ingenuity of IT entrepreneurs. Visitors can experience first-hand the future of IT. In particular, foreign buyers will come from over 100 companies representing 20 countries from across Asia and around the world. Places such as Japan and China, North America, Europe, Latin America, Central Asia and the CIS regions, will all participate in ITC 2008 to confirm the quality of Incheon's IT products. Representatives will engage in consultations for various business deals, making it an important international event. Incheon City is emerging as a hub of new power engines to lead the growth of the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century. Incheon is a dynamic city that is attracting attention from people at home and abroad. Focusing on the economic free zones, Incheon is changing into a state-ofthe-art international city by organically connecting such advanced industries as IT, BT and R&D with financing, tourism and business, and offering globallevel medical, educational and cultural services. Based on this unlimited possibility of development, we plan to suggest the future development vision of the top-class city Incheon by hosting World City EXPO 2009 and the 2014 Asian Games and show Incheon's potential as an international city representing the Republic of Korea. I am very glad that Incheon will host the ITC 2008 exhibition where we can seek new direction for development under these circumstances. I sincerely hope ITC 2008 will provide participating enterprises with great opportunities and offer valuable space for Incheon citizens to experience advanced information and communication. Also, I firmly believe that ITC 2008 will be a valuable place for foreign institutions and buyers to recognize Incheon IT companies' superiority and herald their own countries' IT industries. Finally, I extend great thanks once again to domestic and foreign businessmen and other people concerned for their efforts to make ITC 2008 successful. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 43 ITC 2008 Interview Highlight Incheon going all-out to enter ranks of the world's top 10 cities by 2020 Times, Ahn said, "Through these projects, Incheon will become an international, environment-friendly city, education -centered and safe city." The projects will help present Incheon's indigenous image, and establish the city as a base for global business people. They will reflect the city's capacity for creative culture and arts, beautiful scenery, nature, human-oriented traffic culture, global manpower, lifelong learning, leisure, stability, sharing and participation. "Like such global cities as New York, London, Paris and Zurich, Incheon City will have historical tradition, harmonious developAhn Sang-soo cycling at the grand march to pray for the success of ment, advanced traffic, the Global Fair & Festival 2009 in Incheon, Korea environmental, educational and cultural systems, and international ncheon Metropolitan City has competitiveness," he said. been making a strong push Incheon to be reborn as a tourism behind 10 projects they hope city will bring Incheon into the Incheon Tourism Organization and ranks of the world's top 10 the Organizing Committee of Global cities by 2020, a top official of the city Fair Festival 2009 Incheon signed a said. business agreement for mutual coop"Incheon is equipped with a world eration on Aug. 6 to attract foreign famous international airport and hartourists, especially Chinese tourists. bor. It will be reborn as a world class Under the pact, the two bodies will city through 10 ambitious projects," invite Chinese opinion leaders, joursaid Incheon Metropolitan City Mayor nalists and local tourism representaAhn Sang-soo. tives to the event to announce Visit In an interview with Korea IT I 44 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Incheon 2009 Korea, which will be held in Incheon on Jan. 1, 2009. "For successful hosting of the Visit Incheon 2009 Korea and Global Fair Festival 2009 Incheon, Incheon City and Incheon Tourism Organization will also develop 60 tourism products in the port city for Chinese tourists," Mayor Ahn said. The Organizing Committee of Global Fair Festival 2009 Incheon also concluded a business agreement with JTB of Japan, the biggest travel agency in Asia on Aug. 28. "Under the agreement, JTB will take responsibility for hosting Wind Instrument Music, a program of cultural events for citizens participating in the Global Fair Festival and extensively develop tourism products for the international event," Ahn said. The mayor said, "Incheon is an ocean tourism city possessing about 150 large and small beautiful islands and a number of cultural and tourism resources ranging from the prehistoric age to modern times." "Through the globalization of Incheon City, we are going all-out to make the city the world's top-tier future-oriented, economically vibrant and lively city," he said. Global Fair Festival 2009 Incheon Incheon City has been making full preparations to successfully host the Global Fair Festival 2009 Incheon in August next year. "For the international event designed to herald the value of Incheon all over the world, the city will complete base work on a main event hall, manufacture exhibition contents and make other preparations before the end of this year," said the mayor. "Global Fair Festival 2009 Incheon will be held in Songdo for 80 days from Aug. 7 next year to Oct. 25, offering pleasure and impression to domestic and foreign visitors with advanced technology," he said. Related to this, Incheon City is now preparing for 74 projects consisting of 34 exhibitions, 18 conferences and 22 events. The 34 fairs will include a city-planning exhibition, fairs introducing stateof-the-art technologies, a global cultural street, and a global environmentrelated arts exhibition. Among the 18 conferences are the Asia-Pacific city summit meeting, the Global Knowledge Forum, an investment fair and a global environmental forum. "Incheon City is also preparing for 22 events, opening & closing ceremonies, a multimedia show, weekly events, the Harvest Moon Festival and Incheon global wine festival," he said. Groundbreaking ceremony for Incheon Tower Incheon City held a groundbreaking ceremony for the 151-story Incheon Tower on June 20, heralding the Korean city's jump toward world class city status. The Incheon City and Portman Consortium, led by Atlanta-based global real estate developer, Portman Holdings, earlier signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for joint development of a land of 1.92 million pyong (6.34 million square meters) in the No. 6 and 8 blocks of the Songdo district in the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ). "The multi-phased $11 billion project includes construction of a twintowered 151-story skyscraper, the highest in Northeast Asia. With the project, Incheon City will become a complex city with a new conception, consisting of cultural, ocean and leisure facilities plus commercial and residential structures," Ahn said. The project is part of Korea's efforts to transform 1,500 acres of reclaimed land into an unrivaled busi- ness hub for Northeast Asia. "The proposed 151-story building, which would be 610 meters tall, would be the second-highest tower in the world, after the 160-story Burj Tower in Dubai, which is currently under construction. The Incheon Tower will be two times higher than the nation's current tallest building, Tower Palace, which is 264 meters in height," he said. Three sky bridges will be established between the twin towers to link the two buildings. The Incheon Tower will also house hotels, offices, convention centers and shopping malls. "With inclusion of the 151-story twin tower in the IFEZ, Incheon will be transformed into a world-class business city on par with Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Dubai,'' Mayor Ahn said. Ahn also said the twin tower will become the landmark that symbolizes Korea's future growth potential. Successful completion of Incheon Free Economic Zone "With the successful completion of Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), Incheon City will be upgraded from a manufacturing-centered city to a high value added-oriented city based on high value added industries and advanced technology," said Ahn. Boosted by Incheon City's rapid development, Korea will become a center of the Asian economy where new business value is creating, developing and spreading, he said. "Centering on the IFEZ, exchanges between countries and cities will be activated and Korea will become a center of economic integration in Asia, including Japan and China. In particular, the nation's costs for unification of the Korean peninsula, if realized, will be reduced sharply if Pyeongyang expands its manufacturing base in Gaeseong Industrial Estate and its exchanges with IFEZ," he said. IFEZ is now developing into a global business city as the center of various international business, interna- tional trade, and exchanges of knowledge information and culture, he said. "IFEZ will lead the future of Asia by creating synergy with Gaeseong Industrial Estate of North Korea and make a great leap forward as a center of global trade with its air network linking Incheon International Airport to the world, the continental network linking Eurasia, and the ocean network linking Incheon Port to major global ports," said the mayor. Incheon to host 2014 Asian Games Under the active support of 2.7 million Incheon citizens and the city's allout efforts, Incheon City succeeded in attracting the 2014 Asian Games, defeating its main rival India, which boasts a population of 1 billion people. "Incheon City's hosting of the international sports event will help the city upgrade its status in the international arena in the 21st Century and arrange the foundation for peaceful unification of South and North Korea through South-North cooperation on the development of joint economic and tourism special zones, greatly contributing to peace in Asia and the world," said Ahn. Incheon will host the Asian Games, which is located in the center of Northeast Asia near China, Japan, Russia and North Korea, and will grow into a logistics and economic center of Northeast Asia, he said. At the same time, the city boasts advanced traffic systems, including the global-level Incheon International Airport, Incheon Port, a number of expressways, regional roads, subways and railroads. "Along with this, South Korea is equipped with a perfect safety system, boasting of the lowest crime rate among OECD member countries," Ahn said. "In preparation for the 2014 Asian Games, Incheon City, which operates 14 general hospitals equipped with advanced medical treatment facilities, also plans to expand necessary facilities in the future," he added. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 45 ITC 2008 Interview Highlight Steps to Transform into the IT-Hub of Northeast Asia M IITPA Launches Campaign to Lead Globalized World. elting pot - a collection of varied ingredients (people of different cultures, races, and religions) combined to form a multi-ethnic society -- is a signature description of the United States. This combination of cultures is where the idea of globalization was born. The globalizing world, however, will need time to grow, with only a few melting pots around the world. Likewise, Information Technology Leader is the symbol of Korea, yet that alone does not contribute much to globalization. The faster Northeast Asia develops melting pot branches, the faster the global market will grow. In that sense, Incheon, Korea is working with brand new ingredients like International Business Logistics Hub, ports, an international airport, International Free Economic Zone and Robot Land to become a brand new concept of melting pot. Here, various growth engines will be produced in societies that welcome diverse ethnicities. President Eugene Jun of Incheon Information Technology Industry Promotion Agency (IITPA) said, "Incheon is in the process of becoming the Korea's key promoter in global business and IITPA serves the roles from bridge to booster between the IT industries and in IT infrastructure at home and abroad." 46 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Eugene Jun, President of Incheon Information Technology Industry Promotion Agency (IITPA) Promoting Incheon For an agency that has devoted itself to promoting Incheon as an ITHub in Northeast Asia, securing world class IT company structure and preparing core position to stabilize the local IT industry were only the begin- ning of this journey. Since its establishment in 2002, IITPA has been hosting Incheon International Information Technology Communication (ITC) every year and has made the exhibition the cornerstone of Incheon's IT development. "As Incheon's representative IT exhibition, ITC 2008 celebrates its 7th anniversary under the theme of "Experiencing Tomorrow, Today!" ITC2008 will run for three days starting Thursday, November 13th, announced President Jun. Expectations in Songdo Conventia What makes this year stand out is the location. For the first time in seven years, the exhibition will be held in Songdo Conventia (the Incheon International Convention Center), the very first center that was built in the International Free Economy Zone. "ITC 2008 is a dynamic venue where visitors can have a glimpse of the future by viewing the latest IT technologies. It is a place to obtain new knowledge, a place where youths can lay the foundation of their dreams of becoming the future scientists of Incheon, and a place where we can witness Korea's IT prowess," President Jun introduced. ITC 2008 is also a forum for the exchange of promotional, marketing and business ideas. Throughout the exhibition, Incheon-based, blue-chip IT companies will have the opportunity to boost their brand power and grow as Incheon's representative enterprises. IITPA doesn't forget to reward the hard work of IT companies. "During ITC 2008, the 5th Incheon IT Technology Award will be presented to companies which have developed outstanding new technologies. This award is meant to recognize the efforts of Incheon's IT leaders who nurtured the market with new products. Additionally, the award will inspire the IT industry to continue the advancement of technology through new ideas," said Jun. A number of small and medium sized companies are expected to be rewarded this year at ITC 2008. ITC 2008 will see the participation of major buyers from more than ten nations. IT agencies from more than five nations will facilitate discussions on international business and exports. "We expect the ITC 2008 to be the global exhibition along with the upcoming 'Global Fair and Festival 2009 Incheon, Korea," said President Jun. IITPA is also looking to promote and invest in blue ocean initiatives for Incheon. These include the 2014 Asian Games, u-IT Cluster Support Center, and the Incheon Robotland to increase the synergy of the exhibition and strengthening the brand of the city. Blue Ocean Initiatives Global Fair & Festival 2009 Incheon, Korea is designed to share the accomplishments and developments of Incheon. Since it is Incheon's vision to become a global economic hub by the year 2020, Incheon will exhibit developments in the Incheon Free Economic Zone as well as urban redevelopment plans of old downtown areas. "Global Fair & Festival will present Incheon as a model future city equipped with urban competitiveness, cutting edge technology, and energy efficient, environmentally friendly facilities," said Jun. Beginning on August 7, 2009 and running until October 25, 2009, Global Fair & Festival Incheon will share the vision and direction of future cities. "50.1 % of our citizens live in urban areas and they face never-ending environmental issues, overcrowding population and overflowing transportation all in a limited space. This is not a problem that only Korea is facing. The Global Fair & Festival will provide a venue for global institutions to seek solutions for urban issues and work to create a better future for our globe," added President Jun. Lastly, Jun predicts that Global Fair and Festival will mark a turning point for foreign investors. President Jun said, "The Global Fair & Festival will present Incheon's development models while putting the entire city on exhibition." <http://english.incheonfair.org> will keep updating the information on the website <http://english.incheonfair.org/index.asp> in four different languages: English, Russian, Chinese, and Korean. The Federation of International Robot-soccer Association (FIRA Robot World Cup) and Robot Land are the other publicity pavilion IITPA is counting on to bring a synergy effect. From August 16 - 20, 2009, Incheon will host FIRA Robot World Cup along with Robotics Academic Contest. Competitive robot players from thirty countries with 300 relating researchers and professors will participate in this event. Those who come to Incheon to participate will also be able to attend Global Fair & Festival since the Robot World Cup will be held shortly after the festival. IITPA is not only an event coordinator, but has been also serving as a top consultant for Incheon companies to reach out to the global market. By participating in global exhibitions and conferences like CES, IFA, CeBIT, and GITEX, IITPA served as an evangelist of the Incheon IT company's strong products. Due to the help of IITPA's professional consulting, 50 companies participated this year and brought total of $ 870,000,000 in profit. As a valuable part of Incheon's development project, IITPA has been serving a multi-role of booster, consultant, facilitator, event coordinator, representative, and u-Incheon innovator. The city of Incheon is becoming more prestigious every day due to its innovative IT industries. All these unique and innovative ingredients are to melt in the pot of Incheon to create a multi-purpose luxury town that can be the heart of the Korean and global economies. Keep posted on ITC 2008 and other upcoming events in the next few years to witness the growth of the IT industry's leaders. By Chun Go-eun/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 47 ITC 2008 Selling Digital Information Display in the Middle East E Ahn Deok-geun, the president of Elivision at Berlin IFA 2008 livision, based in Korea, makes visual advertisement boards using Digital Information Displays (DIDs). These are the billboards of the Information Technology age. Also called Digital Boards, or Digital Photo Frames, they first developed a small 7 inch Digital Photo Frame version last March. The company has since developed the ability to produce a 70 inch board as well, which is more effective as a billboard than a photograph would be. When asked about the primary use of DID technology, Deokgeun Ahn, 48 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES president of Elivision, said: "DID is a useful system to give information to many people at once in franchise offices, government and public offices, and so on." He went on to say: "They can use it to inform others about news, events, or schedule changes. They can also show photographs, music, and video." Anywhere networked billboards DID technology can be installed anywhere and hooked up to a wired or wireless network. Or, it can be installed solo, with only the information it needs to display locally stored contents. The operating system is an open-source Linux system to cut costs. A large network of boards can be controlled from a single location using its integrated networking capability. President Ahn also spoke about his company's cooperation with local universities. "We have agreed to industrial-academic cooperation with Inha Technical College and developed local academic talent together." The president also spoke about the company's new exposure since they came up with the display technology. "As we branched out into the LCD industry, we have participated in many exhibitions such as one in Chundo, the IT exhibition in Incheon, the Digital Exposition of Korea, and at CEBIT2008 in Hanover, Germany. We also took part in the World IT Show, in order to explore the northern European market. Finally, we participated in GITEX in Dubai earlier this year which resulted in a 3 million dollar deal for us." Sealing the deal The big deal was with a promotional LCD company which provides services to the new Abu Dhabi airport. Elivision was able to set up an export agreement to the Middle East with the company. The company expects to participate in many other opportunities such as IT expositions in Switzerland and Spain, and CES 2009 in Las Vegas. The company expects good things in 2009 similar to their success in Dubai this year. 유일실업 Essay Big brother may already know your next move J ohn Anderton relies on technology that can see crimes before they happen. He is a police officer of the future who doesn't catch criminals who have broken the law, he chases those who haven't yet committed a crime, but have plans to. Anderton is really a fictional character from the popular movie Minority Report, but his method of crime fighting is actually closer to reality than one may expect. Advances in surveillance technology may make this kind of dream a reality. And it could be a dream or a nightmare, depending on who you ask. Object and motion recognition technology is improving, giving the security sector powers that were unbelievable just a few years ago. The emerging research follows the idea that people's mannerisms- the look on their face, the way they movecan reveal a lot about what they plan to do. Researchers at the Human Factors Division are involved in a venture called Future Attributable Screening 52 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Technology (FAST), which is developing technology that notices brief facial movements that are so slight they can't be seen by the naked eye. If someone's expressions are determined to be hostile, they could be detained by police. Along with measuring facial expressions, high-tech sensors could do a detailed check-up on you while you wait in line to a board a plane. Similar to how RFID technology can remotely access information from only a couple of meters away, these sensors could measure the temperature of someone's skin, the way that their blood is flowing, whether or not they are sweating, and their heart and breathing rates. Tests have shown the system to be about 80% accurate, which sounds impressive until we realize that a success rate like that would still have one innocent out of every five accused. Supporters of this technology argue that FAST would be hugely beneficial, as it could allow criminals to be easily spotted without much fuss or investigation. They say it makes telling the good guys from the bad guys less complicated, as it removes variables like race, age and gender. Behavior is all that matters. It is supposed to only measure emotional behavior that can't be controlled. If you're up to no good, the sensors will know whether you want them to or not. At least that is what FAST's designers are hoping for. Human emotions are a tough thing to judge. It's challenging to be exactly sure how someone is feeling, and criminals are often trained to conceal their emotions. Also, signals which seem to reveal hostile intent change with context. Someone who is running late or had a bad day at the office may show the same signs of distress as someone with sinister intentions. Clearly not everyone handles situations in the same way and there must be some differences in how people react physically. That is alarming to those who defend civic rights. FAST, they say, gives government undue power to physically examine people and invade their privacy. As the technology isn't completely reliable, it would almost certainly lead to innocent people being detained, questioned and otherwise harassed for crimes they didn't commit. It also brings about the legal grey area of apprehending someone for something they haven't done yet, but were planning to do. There is the chance that this type of technology may open the door to a government with too much power over its citizens. At the end of Minority Report, the program is scrapped and all criminals imprisoned under it are released. It ended up that more harm than good was being done, as accusing people of crimes tended to just start a new cycle of conflict and violence. Whatever the future of FAST, it could be one more reason to smile and look happy, as no one wants to be mistaken for someone with evil up their sleeve. By SB/[email protected] 프리텍 Get on board or be left behind -- RFID surges ahead RFID/USN R FID/USN Korea 2008 International Exhibition is just around the corner. On November 5, 2008, about 450 booths with 160 exhibitors will host 35,000 expected visitors at Atlantic Hall, COEX, Seoul. Here, RFID/USN is to be exhibited under five key areas: u-IT Convergence Service, Public Administration Service, Advanced RFID/USN Technology and Products, Overseas RFID/USN Technology & Products, and Future Technology RFID/USN. Although RFID entrepreneurs in Korea have been facing a 54 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Sisyphean challenge for the last couple of years, exhibition items to be displayed this year will be just as impressive as last year. With a little mercy from Zeus, a huge rock can be rolled over a steep hill and its effect will reach the global market. At this point though, all Korean RFID entrepreneurs can do is keep it rolling. On top of previous common RFID/USN displays like RFID in medical, transportation, and agriculture, LF, HF, UHF band reader, wireless sensors, Genuine Product Confirmation Service, and National Defense will show the expansion of RFID/USN applications. Since beef has been a highly controversial political issue in Korea for nearly a year, RFID technology application to strengthen the Genuine Product Confirmation Service is considered to be on a hot spot at the exhibition. The China Pavilion and the Japan Pavilion will join the exhibition along with the other foreign corporation pavilion and seek to collaborate to enter the global market as a team. At the COEX Conference Center, approximately 1000 people from all over the world will gather to share ideas on RFID/USN with many world leading policy makers, CEOs, and IT professionals. The conference will introduce the newest technologies, market trends, and standardization, cases for RFID/USN, the core of the ubiquitous business. While Korea is getting ready to host the world's next u-IT leaders, how is the RFID/USN trend shifting in the world? dangerous or deficient, its producers can figure out its exact location and have it recalled before it reaches consumers. As more people shop online, they can track the location of their purchases, creating a more pleasant experience for consumers. The next growth engine The power of RFID is becoming obvious to all. The industry is expected to expand substantially in the next few years. RFID has been highlighted as a new growth sector and there are great expectations for its progress. It is on track to make a huge leap in size, from about $5 billion in 2007 to over $25 billion in 2017. Growth of 7.3% has been reported in this year alone, from a total market value of $4.93 billion in 2007 to $5.29 billion in 2008. This impressive growth is taking place in spite of the completion of the world's largest RFID project, the $6 billion China national ID card program. The cards were completed ahead of the Beijing Olympics, but this has not taken the wind out of RFID's sails as the industry steams forward. The program's success bodes well for RFID as it moves ahead. China and the U.S form the two largest markets for RFID. These two massive economies rely on RFID across their societies. RFID finds use in a variety of industries, as its ability to receive and transmit information can be used to facilitate a wide array of tasks in many sectors. RFID is now being used in 105 countries around the world. Those who haven't yet gotten on board will do so soon, or risk being left standing on the platform while the train speeds out of the station. The growth of the industry can be attributed by many factors. In particular, there is now strong demand for the ability to immediately locate goods and people. This is driven by concern for security, safety, cost and customer satisfaction. If a product is found to be The need to know, now- Real Time Locating Real Time Locating Systems is a booming market. The threats of events like natural disasters are becoming more common, and many companies are seeking ways to more effectively deal with the fallout of such tragedies. If an employer needs to bring staff together at a moment's notice, their exact whereabouts can be gauged in an instant. Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN) are systems where large numbers of active RFID tags with sensors are radio networked in buildings, forests, rivers, hospitals and other locations are a part of RFID integration into ubiquitous society. As time goes on and RFID becomes a firmer part of ubiquitous society, the costs associated with it will decrease. Declining costs are proving to be an advantage for RFID in an era where industries based on commodities are seeing costs of operations go through the roof. After being hugely expensive for a long time, the costs of RFID use and implementation are going down. Tags and systems are both becoming more desirable due to their lower costs. At present, a large portion of the money spent on RFID is on the system, which includes the reader, network, installation and software. In 2007, 63.9% of the amount spent on active RFID was on the system instead of the tags. As the number of tags per application increases, this changes so that by 2017 the amount spent on the system will be 57.3%. Lower costs boost growth The main emphasis of RFID use and supply has radically changed course. The business is booming in just about every sector other than the supply of pallet and case tagging to retailer and military mandates, where there are two problems. Disproportionately high prices have been established by suppliers for the tags, readers and chips. Despite the hefty costs, they still cannot be relied upon to work properly in cases involving glass, metal or anything wet. That sums up most of what is sold in grocery stores, making integration into that section especially difficult. This is part of a matrix of factors that will see prices associated with RFID fall at a steady pace. There are now over 100 companies involved in active RFID, and as governments search for the next growth engine to boost their economies, many are cutting large checks to RFID researchers to study low cost active RFID, meaning more ways of improving the technology will be discovered. The decline in price will accelerate as new technologies come into play such as new micro batteries and printed logic. This increase in affordability will give RFID a burst of speed while on the home stretch towards ubiquity. A particularly valuable sector with RFID is Active RFID. This type of RFID refers to an arrangement where a battery drives the tag. Active RFID is growing at a rate that is high even for this rapid growth industry. It is beginning to take up an increasingly large portion of the industry. One bump in RFID's road to prominence is the present lack of standardization. There are not binding, agreedupon standards for the specifics of frequency and other characteristics. A sense of uniformity has not yet been reached. While there remain kinks in the plan, present and future forecasts say that RFID is poised to make good on its promise as the next new growth engine. Chun Go-eun/toclair@ittimes SB/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 55 RFID/USN Welcoming Message RFID/USN Korea 2008 International Exhibition & Conference By Kim Shin-bae, Chairman of RFID/USN Korea Association I would like to thank you all for coming to this year's event. Development and adoption of u-IT technologies will become hugely important and will have a significant impact on the quality of life of Korean people and advancement of the country in the 21st Century intelligence-based society. RFID/USN is at the core of our ongoing efforts to create a more convenient, safe, productive and creative ubiquitous society using u-technologies. RIFD/USN technologies and services have been widely adopted in the public-sector in projects like roads, transportation, healthcare, weather and environment as well as across various industries such as distribution, logistics, electronics, medicine, food, petro-chemical, shipbuilding and automobiles. Further, they provide enhanced entertainment, convenience and reliability for the general public in their daily lives. These technologies and services will become core factors in sharpening local economy's competitiveness all across the world. The Korean government announced in September that it would foster 22 industries from 6 sectors, which were suggested by a group of business, academic and research experts as new growth engines expected to lead the Korean economy into the future. In particular, the RFID/USN industry is expected to make significant contributions to the global economy as the "new IT" area by helping countries around the world grow and reinforce technological capabilities. It will also play a core role in promoting the emerging "green IT" initiative. Marking its fourth anniversary this year, the "RFID/USN Korea 2008 International Exhibition & Conference" will help the local RFID/USN industry lay the foundation for strong competitiveness in the global market. Being the world's largest RFID/USN industry exhibition, it will include a variety of events held on the sidelines of the main exhibition and conference. Please join us at the "RFID/USN Korea 2008 International Exhibition & Conference," and enjoy this great opportunity to have a hands-on experience in the ubiquitous technologies of today and tomorrow. Daylight Breaks for RFID/USN By Namgung Min, director general for electronics & IT industries of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy "I awoke one morning and found myself famous." These are words of the renowned poet George Gordon Byron. While written many years ago, they are most appropriate for the pioneers of today's cutting-edge RFID/USN technology. Those in this industry are working to wake up one morning and find themselves at the center of the latest new growth engine. RFID is expected to succeed the mobile phone, PDP, and LCD industries in becoming tomorrow's mega-industry. 56 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES According to the IDTechEx, an industry research institute, the global RFID market is expected to quadruple in size from $5.3 billion this year to $20.4 billion by 2014. These realities drive Korea to secure core technologies which will be instrumental in further driving the economy. On Sept. 22, the New Growth Engine Planning Corps announced the selection of 22 new growth industries which Korea will pursue. Included among them was RFID/USN. The Government has drafted a clear plan on how to grow this industry, and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy is now working vigorously with industry players and consumers to craft policies which will best encourage innovation and progress. As we work together to reach new heights in this field, the alluring possibilities behind a fully-developed RFID/USN industry will soon break to become a reality. N o technology exists in a vacuum, or in any kind of isolation. For any technology to be worth considering these days, it must be ubiquitous. We are entering an era where technologies must be able to seamlessly interact across networks and market sectors. In order for RFID to meet its potential as a new growth engine, it must have this kind of integration into today's ubiquitous world. RFID is currently being employed in various ways, and this variance can only increase. There is a movement within the post and courier industries to have each individual item carry an RFID tag. If this materializes, over one trillion items will be sent and received with tags each year, which would result in mail being the second largest application for RFID, following behind the retail supply industry. The system presently in place relies on barcodes, meaning that human staff is needed at each stop to manually scan each item into the system. This opens the door to inevitable human error and slows the path mail takes from point A to point B. A large scale shift to RFID would usher in a more efficient system with a slimmer likelihood of error. When perfected, Real-time information automation, impossible with the existing system, will become reality. The medical profession is embracing ubiquitous technology, leading to the often heard u-health buzzword. RFID in healthcare and pharmaceuticals is an especially delicate matter, as health is a business of saving lives. Any contribution to that end must be welcomed. RFID is poised to bring healthcare and pharmaceuticals into the wonderland of technology thanks to the new tagging of drugs, real time location of staff and patients and automated error prevention. The market for RFID tags reduce their costs and improve their service to customers. Suppliers are now being ordered fit their projects to this new standard. Retail suppliers are following suit, simply due to the need to conform to RFID in order to survive in a world where ubiquitous technology is inescapable. The benefits of RFID have not been lost on governments. In a campaign of national registration similar to China's ID card program, Korea is considering featuring RFID capabilities in all Korean passports. America is in the same boat. The technologically a d v a n c e d American military is also an important source for the RFID market. In the military, concepts like identification and security are cruRFID Market Expansion in cial, so RFID is a welcome addition to Seven Key Areas of the the military's activiUbiquitous Society ties. Korea's ubiquitous society in the near future predicts a huge RFID market in the military section. Currently, drivers on the highway are frequently asked to pay tolls of a dollar or two while driving. These and systems in healthcare will rise stations can create bottle-necks as rapidly from $120.9 million in 2008 to drivers rout through their pockets for $2.03 billion in 2018. While making the right amount of change. RFID can healthcare more effective, RFID can speed this process up and benefit be expected to help more patients be labor productivity, as people will need cared for at lower costs. to spend less time on the way to work. Wal-Mart has grown to dominate The future of RFID is expected to the world's retail industry through its be bright, full of growth and improveastoundingly efficient distribution sysment. As long as it focuses on becomtem. Competitors have since been ing part of today's ubiquitous society, scrambling to find a leg up, or simply those lofty dreams will certainly come to keep pace with the competition. true. SB/[email protected] RFID will become an essential part of Chun Go-eun/[email protected] how retailers do business. Many retailers believe that tagging incoming pallets and cases will substantially Happy Go Lucky Future for RFID KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 57 Public and private sector combine to make RFID and USN grow RFID/USN T Conveyor belt experiment he Ministry of Knowledge Economy has finalized its masterplan to boost the RFID/USN industry, which is often considered "A New Engine for the Economic Growth." RFID and USN stand for Radio Frequency Identification and Ubiquitous Sensor Network, respectively. The two technologies are essential for the upcoming ubiquitous society that connects every corner of a nation with wired and wireless computer and sensor networks. Experts in this field would say that the conquerors of RFID and USN would become 21st Century's Genghis 58 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Khan. That is why advanced countries like Japan and USA have been pouring their R/D resources into RFID and USN. To this end, the Ministry has also raised its anchor to sail over the troubled ocean of competition against Japan and USA. It will make it a priority to stimulate the private sector and develop technologies related to RFID and USN through competition. The Ministry will support market players by providing industrial areas for them to open factories and labs. And it will also help small and medium-sized businesses work together by providing advice on technology to those who have difficulty in commercialization. The many uses of RFID According to its analysis, RFID will be used in various fields. Some say that we can not do without it in the near future. RFID is a small electronic tag that carries information about an item. When an item has an RFID chip inside it, we can get all information about it anytime, anywhere. In logistics, RFID will bring forth a revolution by cutting costs. USN is a sensor network system that reads every RFID chip at any time, in any location. Those who want it can get that information from a remote area by the linked sensor-networks. The need for RFID and USN will see no limit. The Ministry concluded Government Policy that all aspects of our lives would need RFID and USN. Logistics, food, manufacturing, security, environment, health, livestock, home, office, credit, bank, school will all be beneficiaries of the two magic techs. When all these fields get RFID chips attached to them, all information will flow like a stream. As an example, when you buy food with RFID chips on it, you do not have to stop at a cashier to pay for it. You just scan the USN reader, which will catch the price and take money from your bank account automatically through the network. In the security field, it will herald its power. When all cars have RFID chips, USN will know when cars come in and out. It can detect suspicious cars that do not have registered RFID chips. In health, if an Alzheimer's patient has a belt with an RFID chip in it, he can be found easily when he gets lost. Because he passes a USN reader at a certain point, the reader gets the information on his location and transmits it to police. In the manufacturing field, auto makers can make a dream car that is linked with all USN networks with RFID chips in it so that it can give and take all information that the driver needs. On the car, drivers can buy goods and pay for them online. The information about the goods can be transmitted through USN via RFID chips. The expanding market The market for RFID and USN will grow at a dramatic speed. The Ministry forecasted that the market would expand to 146 billion dollars by 2017. The growth of the market leads to stiffer competition. USA, Japan and China have ushered in a new war that is invisible. In the USA, the Defense Ministry leads the projects from a strategic point of view. US Defense Ministry has decided to invest 300 million dollars on it. The government also has encouraged private firms, like Wal-Mart and McCarran, to increase their investments in RFID and USN. Japan is one of the countries whose government is leading it into the field. Its government has finalized "e-Japan II Plan." The blueprint is to make Japan a country of RFID and USN connection. The EU has been implementing some exhibition programs in logistics, delivery, and manufacturing to spread RFID and UNS initiatives. The EU will invest 200 million Euros in Information Society Technology(IST). China has been trying hard not to fall behind in the race. The Chinese government has started an initiative called "11-5 Plan". It demonstrates how much the government is involved in the development of the system. China, a physically huge country, is desperate for RFID and USN. It plans to adopt the system and apply it to trade, railroad and postal service. Korea works to stay in the race In Korea, despite the expectation that the domestic markets for RFID and USN will grow by 58 percent and by 23 percent respectively, not enough investment has been made to keep pace with the advanced countries. That is mainly because the domestic market is too small. The average revenue for RFID and USN merely reached 1.8 billion Won, or about 1.5 million dollars. In order to improve the situation, the Ministry has decided to take initiative. The Ministry sees that RFID and USN will give birth to a lot of market players in such fields as chips, modules, readers, controllers, sensors and middleware, network security programs, system integration, software and services. The government will help market players take root in the fertile soil. For this purpose, the Ministry unveiled its ambitious plan to make Korea one of the top three countries in RFID and USN. This goal is included in "The 2018 Plan." The plan is divided into two parts on a year-by-year basis. By 2013, the Ministry will enact aggressive policies to help Korean players take 14 per- cent of the global market. It will also incubate 30 medium-sized companies with average revenue of 30 billion Won, creating 44 thousand jobs. By the end of 2018, Korean players hope to have 30 percent of the world market. 250 companies with average revenue of 30 billion Won will recruit 120 thousand workers. In order to create a favorable environment for market players, the government will put into action three major market supply policies. The government will adopt RFID for maintenance of all office goods and properties across the nation. All local government should introduce the system so that market players can take part in the project and make money. The Defense Ministry will attach RFID chips on ammunition supplies and airforces parts. In the postal area, it will be recommended that almost all parcels and letters have RFID chips on them by 2011. To create more markets, the government will give incentives to those who incorporate RFID and USN into their system. Tax cuts will be one of those incentives. Legal services and manpower will be also given to small companies who lack money to spend on legal conflicts and knowledge on RFID and USN. If a small company wants to export its product, it can get help from the government's legal team on the possible legal conflicts that may come while working in overseas markets. It will also assist those who try to co-work with colleges, research centers and companies to enlist new property rights on RFID and USN. Japan and USA are crazy at property rights. The more property rights they can secure, the more pie they get. An official who wished to remain anonymous said that the RFID chip is like a tiny seed that plants sunflowers with a lot of seeds. "USN will be the sun for the seeds," said the official. By Chun Go-eun/toclair@ittimes KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 59 Public and Private Sectors Cooperate to Reach Wide RFID Adoption RFID/USN Progress has been made, but implementation has been slow The Korea IT Times had a special interview with Kim Shin-Bae, chairman of RFID/USN Korea Association. He is CEO of SK Telecom. -ED 1. What characterizes and makes this year's RFID/USN KOREA 2008 different from the previous ones. The RFID/USN Korea 2008 is aimed at promoting harmony of the so-called B2C, which refers to a combination of experts-centered B2B and individual consumers. Marking its fourth anniversary this year, this event sets the stage for the world's largest and best international exhibition, inviting about 30,000 visitors from around 30 countries. A major global conference will also be held, attracting some 1,000 participants from about 20 countries across the world. The exhibition will comprise of a total of 360 booths setup for some 180 businesses and organizations, where visitors can experience ITindustry converged RFID/USN-based application services across a variety of areas such as distribution, logistics, manufacturing, construction, transportation, food and defense. This year's conference invites 60 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Kim Shin-bae, Chairman of RFID/USN Korea Association Interview some 70 experts from Korea and other countries including the United States, China and Japan. Under a single theme, both adopters and suppliers will share their views through presentations of best practice cases and discussions. 2. RFID/USN Association's key project and expected outcomes in context of the government's RFID/USN new growth engine policy Traditional industries such as automobiles and construction serve as major pillars of a country's economy. Yet, their contributions to added values have declined facing fierce competition and a weak economy across the globe. To address this challenge, the government has set its policy direction towards reinforcing competitiveness and creating more added value by converging these industries and information technology, or IT. In this context, the RFID/USN association will also propose a variety of policies and mobilize resources in the private sector so that the public sector led by the government can develop large national projects involving RFID/USN and thereby, promote investments and the wide adoption of the technology. Private-sector organizations will SKY dual, dongle reader of Ceyon Technology also lead efforts to promote wide adoption of RFID/USN, which they believe will help businesses increase productivity and reinforce competitiveness. They also plan to invest in training of skilled workforce by introducing an RFID/USN expert course and a certificate program. Through cooperation between the government and the private sector, adoption of RFID/USN will pick up steam in both the public and private sector, leading to expansion of the market and helping the RFID/USN industry advance to a higher level of competitiveness and an established position in the global market 3. Current situation and challenges facing Korean businesses' expansion into overseas markets Local RFID/USN businesses are seeking to expand into overseas markets such as Japan, China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. While the level of their RFID/USN technology offers great potential of almost unlimited applications, the adoption of the technology has been slow across the world, with tangible outcomes yet to be produced. Both advanced and developing countries, however, realize the potential of RFID/USN technology as a major future growth engine for their economies. In line with this realization, the size of the market has been increasing. The association has proposed joint pilot projects between Korean and Chinese or Japanese businesses in an effort to provide support for local businesses' expansion into overseas markets. A joint project between Korea and China is already underway. The association also provides sup- port for local firms wishing to participate in overseas industry shows held in the United States, Japan and China, as well as offer other support programs such as local marketing and tours to businesses using RFID/USN technology. In addition, it also plans to dispatch a team of market experts to explore new sales channels in overseas markets such as Southeast Asia and the Middle East. It is crucial to sharpen competitive edge by developing technologies and differentiated service models and increase marketing capabilities, combined with strong government support policies, when it comes to ensuring successful overseas expansion of the local RFID/USN industry 4. What are the most pressing issues in realizing wide adoption of RFID/USN? The RFID/USN technology began to draw attention in 2003, and has been growing steadily since then. Backed by government-led pilot projects and R&D initiatives, we have seen significant achievements in technology development. Yet, the adoption pace has been slow, and the exponential growth of the market is not seen in near future. To address this problem, multifaceted efforts should be made to boost demand in the private sector, and the government-led efforts to generate demand will also serve as catalyst for wide adoption of the technology. In other words, we believe that the most pressing task is that the government and the private sector make concerted efforts to explore demand and expand the size of the market. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 61 RFID/USN Interview Korea RFID/USN Center provides backbone for strong industry growth Sang-chul says that the center has stayed true to the purpose it was founded on, and "aims to establish a worldwide u-IT cluster in which related research, production and service will be available after coordinating the interests of domestic and international companies." To this end, the center has been invigorating related industries and improving technological competitiveness by organizing an RFID/USN joint supporting service. It provides services for RFID/USN and an MEMS FAB by supShin Sang-chul, President of Korea RFID/USN Center porting the massproduction of variThe role of the Korea RFID/USN ous MEMS sensors. center One of the center's outstanding The center is a step toward realizfeatures is the RFID/USN Engineering ing the nation's goal of becoming a uLab, which Shin says "has been IT hub in Northeast Asia. It is a joint equipped with state-of-the-art technoleffort to provide support for Radio ogy to provide services in five areas: Frequency Identification (RFID) and RFID/USN design and prototype Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) assembly, standard test, performance companies. Korea RFID/USN Centest and reliability test. As of ter(www.ruc.or.kr) president Shin November, more than 200 member 62 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES companies are actively using them." MEMS FAB Coordination with government The center's various projects have been established with the support of the Korean government. The center now works in a balanced, cooperative relationship with the government. "MEMB FAB is preparing to launch a mass-production system from 2009 after building various MEMS sensors that detect sensations such as temperature, humidity and acceleration. It plans to expand its capacity to produce 3,000 8-inch wafers each month in 2010." Shin details the center's back ground and how the government has assisted it in working towards its goals. "As a part of the former Ministry of Information and Communication's u-IT839 strategy, the center was launched as u-IT Cluster Center in 2006 to activate the RFID/USN and MEMS sensor industries. "In May 2008, supported by the ministry and Incheon City, the center completed joint infrastructure at Songdo u-IT Cluster in the Incheon Free Economic Zone to provide onestop service for RFID/USN and service for the mass-production of MEMS sensors. The center was annexed to the Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce (KIEC) under the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and changed its name to Korea RFID/USN Center." Despite changes in government, the center's vision has remained the A helping hand for RFID The center is trying to strengthen its domestic and international capacity in order to be a useful partner for companies working in RFID. Shin explains the crucial function provided by the center. He says that "Internally, it is important to provide construction, test and certificate-related services. The center also encourages companies to utilize the RFID/ USN functions by estimating the ROI in advance thereby optimizing services and minimizing costs before applying the system for actual consumers. For this, of course, the center needs the cooperation of related ministries and organizations in the RFID/USN business and is doing its best to win their support. "Externally, the center held seminars and technological consultation sessions for RFID/USN companies. They led tours of provincial regions from September to November to spread information among provinces and facilitate the introduction of RFID/ USN. This program is winning favorable reactions from everyone same. "After the new government took power, the NIA was transferred to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. The center has been working in line with the Ministry of Knowledge Economy according to its founding purpose." RFID/ USN Engineering Lab - Anechoic Chamber Room involved. The center will make more efforts to assist companies that are facing troubles in establishing their own RFID/USN models by providing them with technological support and information. "In addition, if the center can support R&D activities, it can form a consortium with related firms and become an ideal model. Then the companies can utilize the facilities of the center to conduct business, apply results of business to the actual environment and expand a value-added technological foundation." If the center establishes an organic cooperative system and a joint technological marketing model while providing additional support so that related companies can concentrate on technological development and business management, they will overcome the current hardships and be able to lay a foundation for a prosperous RFID/USN field. Spreading the word of RFID Shin feels that the industry's time to move forward is now. He says "The time has now come to activate the RFID/USN industry and improve corporate competitive edge. Since it was launched in 2006, the center has concentrated on setting up and stabilizing infrastructure. The RFID/USN Korea 2008 exhibition is a good opportunity to demonstrate how the center is ready to accomplish this." He thinks that RFID/USN Korea 2008 is a great opportunity to spread the industry's message. The center will be busy at the exhibition and will "introduce existing services and promote the industry's exciting new features. We will also detail the services that the center provides, to invigorate the RFID/USN industry. We will broadly inform various corporate support parts, such as tour RFID/USN seminars and technological consultation sessions which began in September and will continue until November." The center also will make a corporate display room with resident companies of the u-IT Cluster and member firms of the center in the PR booth of the Korea RFID/USN Center and will exhibit various new products of related businesses. In this way, the center plans to prepare a stage to display the marketing activities of companies. Shin hopes to bring together the industry's various parts as a powerful whole. "There are companies that have been interested in the RFID/USN business but have hesitated to invest due to a number of limitations, or those that have had trouble joining RFID/USN markets earlier and felt technological difficulties. I hope these companies and many others to take part in this international event." KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 63 A RFID/USN siana IDT's slogan is "Making U-Life Better." In an effort to realize this slogan, Asiana IDT recently completed the construction of its R&D Center in Song-do. With this new expansion, Asiana IDT will step forward to develop new ubiquitous technology and expand its R&D field. Asiana IDT has top specialists not only in its specified field, RFID/USN and u-City, but also in every other IT business area. In addition, it has employed and cultivated distinguished minds with diverse areas of expertise. With these great resources, Asiana IDT has reached an annual growth rate of 34% for the last 5 years. Also, it has built Enterprise Resource Plannings (ERPs), unified its IT sources, and fostered its partner companies with mutually beneficial policies. Asiana IDT is growing into a competitive global enterprise with its local subsidiary in China, Kum-ho Yun-gun Ltd. Also, to maintain its competitiveness in the R&D field, Asiana IDT has established a quality management system and an RFID/USN institute to concentrate on the development of new technology. In an exclusive interview with Korea IT Times, President Kim said: "Recently, we developed a new RFID reader, the AIR-R1100 series. As use of RFID readers diversifies, they need to be applied with specialized tech- R&D Center of Asiana IDT in Song-do Asiana IDT aims for a happier U-Life 64 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES The ceremony for the completion of RFID/USN Center in July ence. Our new AIR-R1100 series is perfectly equipped with all these good features. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that we applied this product to the manufacturing process of all the plants of Kum-ho Tire, our affiliate." The metal tag of AIRR1100 attached to the metallic equipment is a high quality product of its own. It is optimized based on the reader and recognized perfectly at all times. In addition, with U-link, the middleware designed and produced by Asiana IDT, the tag is perfectly connected with the system in the field. Accordingly, it Asiana Airlines starts an RFID baggage management system drastically increases productivity. Behind this excellent technology, nologies according to the job. By Asiana IDT is trying to advance to the doing so, it will display the effect production line and product managecaused by the investment of cusment of domestic heavy industries. tomers. Especially for metallic equipPresident Kim says, "The technoloment and automated work fields, sengy that traces and guides air baggage sors should be connected with the with UHF (Ultra High Frequency) signal processing and should be able RFID is the best in Korea. Korea's to cope with reader-crowded conditechnology in that field is leading the tions where there is a lot of interferworld. Surprisingly, Star Alliance, the union of the world's top airlines, is benchmarking Gimpo airport." Kim adds, "Even though the price of RFID inlays is gradually going down, the price is falling in inverse proportion to the amount of production. Therefore, the stabilization point of the RFID tag price will be when domestic airlines choose an RFID baggage management system or the world's airlines unite and use the tag system." Then, are there any dark sides to our RFID business? President Kim points out some hardships of the RFID business in Korea. The domestic market for RFID systems is still growing and demands for the tags are limited for now. However, these days, government-driven businesses like innovative IT networks are on the increase, and enterprises respond affirmatively to the Return of Investment (ROI) of RFID by stages. Therefore, the RFID business should be equipped with technology and solutions to advance to both domestic and foreign markets through continuous building and technological developments. By Jeon Hae-sun/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 65 RFID/USN Groundbreaking RFID company comes to COEX Analysis Ceyon Technology brings bright history to RFID event in Seoul D Pocket Reader Juno-7 of Ceyon Technology ealing with the ups and downs of emerging technology is always challenging, but Ceyon Technology has managed to play a special role in RFID in Korea. Ceyon, a solid RFID hardware system company, will participate in the RFID/USN Korea 2008 to be held at COEX, Southern Seoul from November 5 to 7. At the exhibition, Ceyon will exhibit its new UHF RFID reader, which features 18 channels and a dual dongle reader. The main theme of the exhibition will be the national case studies of Ceyon. To be specific, Ceyon will show applications of case studies using a 900 MHz pocket reader and a fixed reader for the authentication and distribution process. This year, visitors at RFID/USN Korea 2008 will see Ceyon's 'SKY 66 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES dual'. It is a follow-up to the UHF dongle reader which was released in 2006. It has become smaller in size but now has stronger functions with a bill access card for transportation and the ability to recognize 13.56MHz. Since its establishment in 2001, Ceyon Technology has provided the optimum RFID solution for perfect customer satisfaction. It has worked to develop an integrated system that is compatible with an ubiquitous environment. Ceyon has a long list of achievements and has proven itself as a qualified RFID/USN company. red pepper powder produced in Goesan. Ssangyong Information & Communications formed a consortium related to 'Gochujamjari' and Ceyon is responsible for the production and distribution management of red pepper powder using an RFID system. Workers of Ceyon attach RFID tags at the production stage and manage histories thoroughly and systematically. 'Gochujamjari' now has a convenient system for customers, who can directly check production histories and distribution processes using RFID at kiosks. Ceyon's history Since its inception, Ceyon has kept busy by providing effective RFID solutions. From 2003 to 2006, Ceyon provided RFID factory automation services for Hynix Semiconductor and LG Philips LCD. In 2005, it constructed an RFID factory automation system for Samsung Electronics and BOE Hydis LCD in China. From 2006 until now, it has maintained Taihan Electric Wire's RFID factory automation system, built the RFID monitoring system for GM Daewoo parts logistics, and built the RFID system for AmorePacific. Ceyon has carried out such RFID projects successfully and its customer companies are enjoying great benefits, including cost reduction through RFID data management. Furthermore, Ceyon has received two orders regarding the spread of uIT agricultural products. The first is the u-IT based history tracking management system for 'Gochujamjari' in Goesan, Chungbuk, and the other is the establishment of RFID infrastructure for the development of high quality rice in Haenam, Jeonnam. 'Gochujamjari' is the name of the Government support is needed for success CEO of Ceyon Technology, Sohn Young-jeon says, "The Korean government has established diverse support and sponsored the domestic RFID market since 2004. That has made it possible for domestic RFID technologies to improve. In addition, the support of government strengthens the technological and industrial competitiveness of Korea abroad. However, it did not activate the RFID system or diffuse it through private industries." He continues: "Some businesses which have focused on the development of RFID technology now face difficulties. That is because the government's policies have changed course. Even though the policies have not yet materialized, there is still a belief that RFID system can be applied widely in various fields. Therefore, the government should continuously provide support until RFID is fully established. To be specific, the government has to immediately carry out the support confirmed at the minister's meeting last year." By Jeon Hae-sun/[email protected] RFID: Is It a Mirage? T By Kwon Young-bin, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Chung-Ang University. o someone lost in a desert, a vision of a refreshing pool of water surrounded by lush vegetation can appear on the distant horizon. The lost souls quickly become overjoyed and run recklessly toward their savior with glee and relief. In an economy thirsty for new engines of growth, some new brands of technology can play tricks on the mind, seeming like a savior but ending up being a mere mirage. RFID was predicted to be a startling new source of growth in a struggling sector. It was said that a wonderful future store would be developed where customers didn't need to stand in queues, but could let machines check out their purchases for them. The government pounced on the potential of this technology and hastily adopted it into its research and development schemes. It now seems that considering RFID a strong new engine of growth was similar to counting chickens before they are hatched. Despite promises, it has not delivered on expectations. The initial reports turned out to be false - the technology was not new. The idea was that the technology would be able to detect an object within a 3 meter radius around the frequency of a 900 MHz band. Customers would be able to stand in front of machines and have them invisibly probe their purchases and send them on their way. No wait; no hassle. As Gladys Knight once asked, "Can It All Be So Simple?" The answer now seems to be a lukewarm 'maybe'. Industry experts are now debating whether or not RFID technology will in fact be valuable as a new growth engine. New technology needs government assistance to get off the ground, and before putting funds towards development, investors need assurance that RFID will be able to fulfill its promise. As for now, there are significant wrinkles that need to be ironed out. Manufacturers say that the price of tags is prohibitively high. Store owners are also uneasy about introducing the RFID system, since RFID chips are still not able to reliably detect certain objects and wouldn't work perfectly. At the same time, there is a problem of privacy violation, as there is a chance that shady store clerks could take advantage of the system and overcharge customers. Considering all these factors, the introduction of RFID will likely be delayed. Experts anticipate that RFID will be used restrictively on a limited variety of products. However, everyone should take a look at the reality of the situation: the government's pilot projects are mainly about system integration businesses, meaning smaller enterprises will struggle to make a profit because of competition from the bigger players. In order to sustain growth, private demand must be created, but the expected introduction time has been delayed every year, which has limited the ability of firms to create excitement around the new technology. The government has again included intentions to include RFID in its plans for new growth engine development. An infusion of money is obviously welcome by those working with RFID, but there remain problems with the technology that will need more than money to be solved. Even with new capital, there is still skepticism, as many wonder if the introduction time can actually be advanced. Moreover, in this climate of economic crisis, are companies willing to invest huge sums of money to install RFID in stores? Technology that is rejected by the market never matures the market. We need to decide if RFID is the refreshment we have all been looking for, or if it is just another mirage. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 67 Events Sketch D i s p l a y K o r e a @ I M I D 2 0 0 8 Valuable Fair of Electronic Delights A (Left) Samsung's huge electronics booth / (Right Up) Colorful spagetti lamps of Saes Getters capture visitors' curiousity (Right Down) Opening Ceremony of KEGF holy trinity of technology fairs, IMID 2008, KES 2008, and ISEDEX 2008 made a distinctive mark together this year as the Korea Electronics Grand Fair (KEGF) 2008. The grand fair showed a comprehensive list of every product one could possibly desire. There were a number of cutting-edge products that surely provided inspiration for all attendees. As the slogan "See the Future Technology Today" suggested, the Korea Electronics Grand Fair not only 68 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES served its purpose as a talent show, but it also identified clear areas that needed to be improved. Chief Technology Officer of LG Electronics Paik Woo-hyun said, "Many foreigners came to participate in the forums we held at KEGF and led us to believe that the Korean display industry is surely the center of the industry. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), plasma display panels (PDPs), and digital projectors seem to be on a roll and will continue to stay on top in the future. Now that the video quality of LCDs has developed enough, it is about time for us to start thinking in terms of energy savings, thickness and cost reduction. As far as a 3D Display without Special Glasses (Natural 3D Scene Display) is concerned, it is a good suggestion for an area to be improved." KEGF 2008 allowed attendees to predict the future based on the current magic of innovation, and provided a time for everyone to celebrate accomplishments and discuss obstacles together. KES booths occupied three big halls out of five total at KINTEX. The elabo- ment Korea Inc. (SCEK), for example, used a tour bus instead of an open booth to display their PS3 and PSP products. Saes Getter, another small company, got the best bang for their attention-seeking buck. Assistant to the President's Office Zhou Ping of Saes Getters said, "Those colorful spaghetti lamps are there to capture the visitor's curiosity. What we are actually promoting is mercury dispensers for LCD displays and OLEDs." This company's strategy may be a good tip for some companies next year who are seeking to include a wow factor of the caliber of LG's pile of 50 inch flat screen TVs. LG at IMID exhibited a large scale of LCD panel displays. LG showed AMOLED, a display that is ultra-slim and flexible due to its self-lightemitting system. In addition, LG exhibited new panels which have high scanning rates of 240Hz. The staff of KEGF 2008 suggested that the themes for next year's expo were green and emotions. In line with ETRI's installation of an environmentally friendly experimental car covered with stickers saying "Stop CO2 and Save the Earth," solar cells were the hot spot in the grand fair. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics held a marketing race with the energy-saving theme of "A TV to Use for 10 Years, Electrical Bills (Up) LG Electronics' impressive booth Should be Considered Too,' to (Down) Green Technology was a hot issue at KEGF 2008 competitively unveil TVs that put forth higher definition while rate booths of Samsung and LG reducing power consumption and Electronics were the center of visitors' standby power by 50-60 percent attentions. In order for small sized against other home appliances. "A booths to shine, foreign companies notable aspect is that green technoloused creative ways to promote their gy products have surfaced all over this products. SONY Computer Entertainyear," said a Samsung Electronics offi- cial. "These products will be commercialized next year, while digital products boasting low-energy consumption including LED backlights, 3D displays and OLED displays, will be the general trend from 2010," the official forecast. Environmentally friendly products that conserve up to 60 percent more energy and emotional products that reflect the moods of consumers are forecast to take the limelight in home appliances and the IT industry next year. Visitors paused at each booth from MP3s to cameras, UMPCs to printers to mobile phones, and trapped themselves with the happy concerns like "Which one do I like the most?" Other times, they felt privileged and amazed to find brand new products like the YEPP Q1 mp3 player, the Haptic 2 mobile handset, and the VM-MX25E camcorder debuting at KEGF. Every visitor probably experienced a feeling related to what Chief Technology Officer of LG Electronics, Paik Woohyun said after a tour: "I want them all." Like children fidget in a candy shop with sparkling eyes and indecisive hands, most visitors at the KEGF floor didn't just walk around sedately. They spent quite a long time at each booth learning about what each of them had to offer. President Paul Drzaic of the SID said; "I appreciate this opportunity to be invited to the IMID and give the keynote speech. This forum is an important part of the industry, and I am glad to be a part of it. We are always interested in supporting any country with such a strong display industry. It is important for companies to collaborate with others that compliment each other's strengths. For example, Merck is very strong in liquid crystal techniques, while companies like 3M are highly recognized for their multi-layer films. Working together, we can stand strong in the global display market, and that is why conferences like this are essential for the further growth of the industry." By Chun Go-eun/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 69 Events Sketch Korean companies rapidly improving robots' potential Robot World's opening ceremony provides glimpse into bright future (Up) Hubo 2 directs opening ceremony with a female host (Down) Robots dance in rhythem to the Korean hot pop song, "Tell Me" T ServiBoy helps VIPs to prepare for tape cutting ceremony he spectrum of robots' abilities is like a wide rainbow made up of countless vibrant colors. This rainbow is stretching its way to a pot of gold, as exciting new robots are constantly being developed. Even people who are knowledgeable about robots wouldn't expect to see robots dancing in rhythm to the hot Korean pop song "Tell Me." This is just the scene that greeted attendees at the opening ceremony of Robot World 2008 at COEX 70 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES on October 16. The robot industry has been chosen as one of the new growth engines by the government and is expected to develop at a rapid pace, starting from this year. Prominent players in the industry arrived at COEX eager to absorb the new developments offered by the industry. The robot's stunning display did not disappoint. The opening ceremony featured humans and robots working together in harmony. It featured a variety of well-known robots, including the 'Hubo 2' of KAIST. It has become lighter and swifter than 'Hubo 1' and conducted the ceremony with ease. Taking the baton from 'Hubo 2', was the Maru-M of KIST, who bestowed bouquets on Lee Youn-ho, the president of MKE. Maru-M is programmed to recognize and pick up objects, and set down the colorful arrangements without trouble. Participants were stunned by the robots' seemingly magical abilities. The robot industry is working to bring together its varied parts, and is making large gatherings of industry elite an important part of this. Robot World was the third robotics exhibition held this year. It was composed of three main events - iRIS 2008 (International Robot Industry Show), IRC 2008 (International Robot Contest), KRC 2008 (Korea Robot Conference). During iRIS 2008, over 90 companies participated and showed their products. During IRC 2008, 1,300 selected teams matched their skills against each other in the International Robot Contest. Also, approximately 2,400 international experts from 31 countries participated and presented their theses, compared to 750 pieces at KRC 2008. During iRIS 2008, a wide array of wonderful humanoid robots appeared in front of amazed attendees. 'Maru' of KIST puzzled participants by moving its hands freely while walking. 'KIBO' and 'H-Robot' of Center for Intelligent Robotics of MKE are also remarkable examples of the innovative things being done in this new growth industry. Most robots are designed to make people's lives easier, and this side of the industry was also on full display. Robot companies are working towards a future where robots can perform tasks and exhibit characteristics normally thought of as the exclusive domain of humans. Soon enough, robots will be able to follow verbal instructions and have an opinion on what they are told to do. Chonnam University's robot laboratory showed a flower-like consumer electronic robot which reacts to the approach of light and sound with humidification and cleanliness. Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics discussed the possibility of a medical service robot that can measure temperature and blood pressure. dASAROBOT and Redone Technology came out with office cleaning robots. KITECH has developed a one-seater electronic car that can drive without human direction. Attendees left the ceremony with visions of colorful robots dancing in their heads. By Jeon Hae-sun/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 71 W Feature hen androids reach the point of becoming fully interactive and humanlike in every way, will people accept them into their day-to-day lives? Imagine a time long ago, when masses of people hesitated to embrace the slightest hints of technological development. In the early 1900s, at the dawn of the age of the electric toaster, there may even have been a few skeptics or unstable types who thought their toaster might at any point 'decide' it no longer wished to do their bidding, after slaving for hours to warm their bread without getting so much as a thank you. People are quick to transfer human emotional responses to the machines they interact with much in the same way a dog may bark at a bag floating in the wind or its own ever-elusive tail. Who hasn't yelled at their car thinking it provided it with some motivation to start? "C'mon! One more time! Please?!?! $#%&# START!" Curse words are especially helpful in such matters. However, when the machine starts to look and act human, people tend to get a little uneasy, especially when they forget that they are actually dealing with machines. Back in 1973, a film aptly illustrated our fascination with and continued fear of a modern day Frankenstein scenario. In WestWorld, a company creates a dream vacation land called Delos where customers willing to pay the lofty price tag of US$1000 per day get the chance to live out their wildest fantasies in a carefully crafted environment which caters to their every whim. Delos is split into three areas based around different historical themes: the American Wild West of the late 1800s, Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe. The park is chock full of highly sophisticated androids that are programmed to grant the requests of visitors, which generally involve sex or violence. Thus, in Medieval World, a guest practices 72 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES The Frankenstein Complex in WestWorld and Our World vacation. Martin is reluctant to interact in the world at first, seemingly nervous and taken aback by the true to life qualities of the androids; the only noticeable difference between real human counterparts is an imperfection in the hands, possibly a lack of fingerprints. Eventually he duels it out with the Gunslinger, engages in a barroom brawl, spends a night with an android lass and starts to get comfortable with the fantastic surroundings. Eventually, minor problems with the androids start to snowball and the technicians lose control over them. A robotic snake strikes Blane, the Knight in MedievalWorld kills the guest that he was programmed to lose to, and the Gunslinger hunts down Martin and Blane, who had been successful in numerous duels against him throughout their stay. The sentiment seems to be that it is right to be skeptical of highly advanced technology, especially if it seems harmless. If robots or androids become exceptionally intelligent and able to think for themselves, then there is the possibility that they will want to do things that conflict with human interests or that they could 'fall into the wrong hands' and be used for destructive purposes. At no point in WestWorld do we witness the other common fear that robots will replace humans in the workplace. Machines definitely work Androids turn from entertainers to killers in WestWorld chivalry by fighting an evil knight for the love of the queen. In WestWorld, sexual desire can be fulfilled via a trip to the old saloon with an in-house brothel. However, the iconic character, and key feature of WestWorld is the Gunslinger, an android programmed to initiate and then lose gun duels. The two main protagonists Martin and Blane, the latter of whom is making a return to the theme park, venture to WestWorld for Korea's EveR-1 bridges the gap, bringing true to closer to reality harder, longer and with much more consistency than humans. Robot and potentially android maintenance would be relatively low once the technology is perfected, while the physical and psychological toll of constant stress and fear of unemployment is generally much harder to fix in human beings. Behind the scenes, there are numerous technicians, scientists and supervisors who calculate and quantify everything that happens in the theme park. The androids are meant to allow deep desires that are socially unacceptable to be fulfilled in a controlled environment with no human loss. Korea already has numerous androids under its belt in the form of EveR-1, EveR-2 and Alex Hubo, the now famous humanoid Albert Einstein look alike. These androids can to a certain degree successfully mimic human speech, hold relatively simple conversations and make a variety of facial expressions. Alex Hubo even has the capacity to walk. However, at this stage they don't appear to be truly interactive after a few staged conversations that any second year EFL student should be able to stumble through. Don't imagine that you'll be having political discussions with your pet android anytime soon. Complex discussions with robots are years if not decades away as programming the endless possibilities for combined speech patterns is an enormous task, which fails to recognize the true key to mimicking humans: creativity. At this point, the closest thing to creativity would be a glitch of some sort, as so many great inventions of humans and nature alike begin with mistakes that are then guided into strokes of genius. Thus, at this point in time, androids are still in life androids their infancy, that toddler stage in which they are mostly seen as entertaining, somewhat innocent and cute. Short of planting a bomb inside one, it would be hard to imagine them as threatening. The question remains whether there will be a real market for a live-in android or true love interest, a topic explored in the Korean science fiction film Natural City. Acceptance levels will likely vary from culture to culture, with Japan and South Korea as potential leaders. Japan specifically already seems to have a steadily growing blow up doll market, the latest of which include robotic parts. It's not a far jump to talking and walking android housewives. Just how soon will robots become a part of our daily lives? According to the International Federation of Robotics, about two million personal robots were in use worldwide in 2004, and another seven million will be by 2008. Here in South Korea, it is common knowledge that the Ministry of Information and Communication plans and hopes to put a robot in every home there by 2013. The Japanese Robot Association predicts that by 2025, the personal robot industry will be worth in excess of 50 billion USD per year globally, compared with about 5 billion USD today. Western countries, with all the fear of terrorist attacks and other assorted paranoia brewing in the unconscious minds of citizens and ever-present in the media, are unlikely places for robots at any time in the near future. Since people often do not feel they can trust each other, even supposedly close friends, how can they be expected to trust something that looks and acts like a human, but is knowingly programmed and has the potential to be tampered with or mishandled at any step before or after delivery? Movies like WestWorld and its successors reflect such fears, but the fear is of Frankenstein himself, the monster's creator, more than the actual monster. By Nick Antolini KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 73 News in brief A World Korea Asia Pacific Satellite Industry is Flying High over the Sea of Exchange Rate APSI contracted to export its satellite phone 화이어텍 domestic satellite company has recently been on the lips of many people. The company is gaining foreign currency through the expansion of exports in this severe economic crisis. This hero is Asia Pacific Satellite Industry (APSI), a satellite-related ground equipment producer. The company has recently sold over 200,000 satellite phones, raising its contract amount up to 72 million dollars (app. 86.4 billion won). By this contract, APSI has guaranteed a steady stream of exports for the next four years. APSI is anticipating huge exchange profits, except from the sale of satellite phones, since it plans to get the SBLC (Stand-by Letter of Credit) from about 50% of customers, SG-2520 & SO-2510, satellite phones of Asia Pacific Satellite Industry leading to a total of 6,130,000 dollars (app. 7300 million and effort toward this goal. APSI has won). already constructed the L-Band The company will soon be the comantenna, satellite modem channel, a mon carrier of satellite mobile commuground network access switchboard nication, which will be APSI's secondand an accounting application system. ary source of growth. Since the beginFurthermore, APSI will also build Cning of this year, APSI has been Band satellite earth station and a determined to become a common carsatellite network station, which will rier and has invested a lot of money mean investing an additional 12.8 billion won from 2009 to 2013. In addition, APSI is in the process of merging with Kornic Systems, a publicly listed company. On October 13, in a shareholders' meeting, the bill concerning the merger was approved. The synergy from the merger of two substantial companies is anticipated to be enormous. This will assist not only the increase of all sales, but also the entrance into the satellite assembling and robot manufacturing businesses, their common interests in the near future. Ryoo Jang-soo, the CEO of Asia Pacific Satellite Industry says, "Our company established a foundation which led to small growth. Now we are taking steps to prepare for the next five years, considering this five years as our critical period for huge growth. We will utilize our advanced technologies of communication and machinery to advance into new business areas, the satellite assembling business and robot manufacturing business. These new businesses will assure us status as a new growth engine." By Jeon Hae-sun/[email protected] KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 75 Country Report The following article was contributed by Park Sa-ick, Honorary Consul General of Turkey in Busan and the Chairman & CEO of KyungBoo on the occasion of the Turkey National Day on Oct. 29. - ED. Turkey commemorates past, while future shines brightly T urkey sits at a warm, colorful crossroad between East and West. Straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey is a land brimming with cultural history and natural beauty. With an illustrious past, it is now a progressive land rich with opportunity. Turkey is currently celebrating the 85th anniversary of its independence, and has much to celebrate on this special day. Turkey's brightest days are still to come. The dynamic country is currently preparing to join the European Union. The hope is that it will gain membership and have access to the lucrative markets of Europe. Turkey is also a gateway for the countries of Central Asia. High oil prices have brought new wealth to the countries that rose from the ashes of the Soviet Union. Turkey has recently become the 17th largest market for Korean exports, and it is expected to become even larger. Turkey's growth and opportunity cannot be denied. Turkish soldiers fought bravely in the Korean War, so Turkey and Korea have a long history of working together through difficult times. Meanwhile, the people of 1 Turkey are highly impressed with how Korea has developed in the time since they fought together. Turkish leaders have visited Korea to learn more about its way of doing business and how it was able to grow so significantly in such a short time. They plan to follow in Korea's successful economic footsteps. The Honorary Consulate General of Turkey will now take a leading role in promoting economic exchanges between the two countries and will make an effort to spread the message of the strength of cooperation. 2 A Memorial service for Turkish war veterans at UN Memorial Park 76 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES (1) Diplomatic relation between Korea and Turkey (2) Park Sa-ick, Honorary Consul of Turkey with Turkish children .. MESSAGE BY DENIZ OZMEN, AMBASSADOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TO THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA ON THE OCCASION OF THE 85TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Ambassador celebrates the continued development of historical and economic cooperation T urkey is celebrating the 85th anniversary of her foundation which took place on October 29, 1923, in the aftermath of the War of Independence under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. Since then, my country has been pursuing a foreign policy based on the words expressed by the leader of the modern Turkey, Ataturk: "Peace at home, peace in the world". With its secular and democratic system, robust free market economy and social tradition of reconciling modernity with cultural identity, the primary objective of Turkish foreign policy has been to ensure and nurture security, stability, peace and prosperity in its region and beyond. In order to fulfill this objective, Turkey adopted a proactive and multidimensional foreign policy. Turkey has a unique geo-strategic position, lying at the strategic "crossroads" where the two continents, Europe and Asia meet. This position has been a source for close historical and cultural ties across a vast landscape and functioned as a crucial bridge for dialogue and interaction between cultures at the heart of Eurasia. On this foreign policy background, Turkey was elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the term 20092010, at the elections held on October 17, 2008, by obtaining 151 votes from the 192-member General Assembly, which stands as one of the highest number of votes received in a three way contested election, with 80% of the votes cast in favor of Turkey. The Election of Turkey to the United Nations Security Council at this critical juncture, when global peace and security is faced with a growing number of challenges, represents the confidence entrusted in our country. Within this context, Turkey attaches great importance to her relations with the Republic Korea. Turkey recognized the Republic of Korea in 1949 and our participation in the 1950-53 Korean War placed our bilateral relations on a very strong foundation. Turkey was among the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Korea in 1957. The sacrifices of the Turkish soldiers, who made a very long journey to Korea and shed their blood for this country, are still fresh in the memories of the Korean people. The warm friendship existing between the peoples of our countries and the state of close cooperation in international organizations contribute postively to the development of our relations in many fields. Economic and trade relations con- stitute an essential feature of these close relations. Bilateral trade is one of the most dynamic aspects of these economic ties. In 2007, Turkey's imports from and exports to the Republic of Korea were 4.3 billion USD and 152.2 million USD, respectively. In view of the disparity between Turkey's imports from and exports to Korea, Turkey looks forward a more balanced trade relationship with Korea and an acceleration of Korean investments in Turkey. This will certainly pave the way for greater mutually beneficial economic cooperation between the two countries. Leading Korean companies such as Hyundai, LG and KT&G have investments in Turkey. Thanks to her unique geo-strategic position and dynamic population, efficient banking sector, technologically developed telecommunications system, welltrained work force, high quality managerial power, competitive industrial sector, rich mineral resources, Turkey has an important potential and favorable investment climate for Korean companies. Tourism is another potential field in which the two countries could further cooperate. The number of Korean tourists visiting Turkey has been constantly increasing over the last decade. We believe that more than 130,000 Korean tourists will visit Turkey in 2008. I would like to conclude by expressing my best wishes for the prosperity and well-being of the friendly people of Korea and further cementing the close relations between our two nations. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 77 Country Report The following message was contributed to The Korea IT Times by Seung Ho Kim, Honorary Consul General of the Tuvalu in Seoul and chairman of Boryung Group on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Tuvalu and Korea.-ED. these days, due to climate change, the water level of the sea is steadily rising and threatening to submerge the island. Therefore, more help and attention are needed, and I hope that Korea, as a key member of the international community, takes leadership in supporting them. Finally, I would like to express my hope that more exchanges and warm relations between the two countries will be made. Surely my responsibility will be heavier. Opening Ceremony of Honorary ConsulateGeneral of Tuvalu in the Republic of Korea Tuvulu's warmth comes to Korea Visit Tuvalu and you will find an oasis of natural beauty, glimmering in In December 2007, Apisai Ielemia, Prime Minister of Tuvalu, visited Kim Seung-ho, Chairman & CEO of Boryung Group. In Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Tuvalu I A Congratulatory Message from Kim Seung-ho, Honorary Consul General of Tuvalu in Seoul warmly welcome the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Tuvalu. The ties between Tuvalu and I began with my medicinal support to the country in the early 1990s, when I acted as chair of the WSMI (World Self-Medication Industry). At that time, I was not familiar with Tuvalu, but as time went on and I 78 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES learned more about the country, I came to know that the people of Tuvalu are kind and genuine just like Koreans. According to my life-long belief "For a Better and Healthier Society," I have done my best to contribute to the healthy life of the people of Tuvalu, and my efforts are still being made on an ongoing basis. In return for my efforts, Tuvalu appointed me honorary consul general in Seoul in 1994, and the honorary consulate general in Korea has been established in my office building. Thanks to the warm relations between us, we have regular meetings for close cooperation between our two countries. Recently, the Vice Minister of Health of Tuvalu visited Korea and signed an MOU for medicine support. Tuvalu is a beautiful paradise, but the South Pacific Ocean. Its population of approximately 11,000 is spread evenly across its 260,000 square kilometers. As a member British Commonwealth of Nations, the tropical island nation established diplomatic relations with Korea in 1978, and made a fishery agreement in 1980. It has since enjoyed some export activity to Korea, but not enough to set up a diplomatic channel such as an embassy or consulate. Officials in both countries are now working to bring the two countries closer in cooperative harmony. In order to expand exchange, Tuvalu needs a home base to spread Boryung group building its ties with Korea. To realize the dream of "a global village living all together," it has decided to install an honorary consulate general in the office building of Boryung group, and Kim Seong-ho, chairman of Boryung group, has taken charge of honorary consul general. Many diplomats, politicians, and businessmen participated in the opening ceremony of the honorary consulate general to express their congratulations on the establishment of the diplomatic ties with the small and beautiful island. Since taking office, Chairman Kim has been playing a key role in bridging the two countries. Fiji is another picturesque island, and is not only one of Tuvalu's neighbors, but also a diplomatic window that gives Tuvalu a view to the rest of the world. In January 1995, Fiji's Minister of Finance and Ambassador to Korea visited Chairman Kim and discussed ways to expand relations with its neighboring countries in the South Pacific. In response to these visits, Chairmen Kim visited both Tuvalu and Fiji in July of the same year, and met both the Ministers of Health and Foreign Affairs while strengthening economic and diplomatic ties. Also in August and September of the same year, both a high-ranking official of Fiji's Ministry of Health and the Speaker of Tuvalu's Parliament visited Chairman Kim. In September, 1996 the Vice Minister of Health of Tuvalu and his delegation visited Chairman Kim and discussed mutual interests of the two countries. between the two countries. Since then, Chairman Kim has been playing the role of a civilian diplomat, through continuous exchanges between the two countries. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 79 How to... Create Your Own Website Don't have a website yet? Don't panic, as our simple guide takes you through the basics of how to set up your own site without breaking a sweat. 80 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Think about keywords. These are the words that people search for when they are trying to find something on the web. The more times a keyword appears on your web page, the more likely it will turn up high on a search engine list, thus enabling people to find it. If you are selling Korean paintings, for example, make sure you use the words "Korean painting" and "Korean art" a lot on your web page. E ntrepreneurs' life stories have the power to captivate just about anyone. Whether you are reading of how Rockefeller built his gigantic fortune, how Richard Branson built the Virgin empire, or even how controversial Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich rose from a lowly orphanage in a backwater town to command a business empire worth some $14 billion, all these stories are nothing short of breathtaking. However, since last century, the traditional tale of rags to riches has taken a new, digital twist. You could argue that, in the whole of human history, nothing has quite changed the way we accumulate wealth quite so dramatically as the Internet. In the space of the last few years, we have seen Bill Gates and Steve Jobs break through and become IT multibillionaires, but they are being hotly pursued by a whole gang of newly-minted Internet businesspeople that have struck gold on the net almost as dramatically as Pa Clampett from the American TV Show, "The Beverly Hillbillies". Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, the list goes on. Through YouTube, Google and Amazon.com, sites which have sprung up as if from nowhere to become integral parts of the lives of millions of people all across the planet, these regular people have come from relative obscurity to attain uberwealth, all thanks to the wonders of the net. If their cases illustrate anything, it is that while Rockefeller and Abramovich operated in an era where oil represented a rich field that could make them almost unlimited money, future riches lie inside servers and computer chips. The net commands a huge, global audience. Already, Internet advertisement has surpassed print media in terms of advertising revenue, and some television stations are already feeling the pinch, as the bigger websites start to attract more prestigious advertisers than them. Pricewaterhouse Coopers, an international auditing firm, reported this year that Internet advertising revenues were up on last year by over 18%, despite the slowing global economy. The one conclusion to draw from all this is that if you want to get money, you need to get yourself online. "Being online" can take on several different forms, but one thing is for sure - if you really want to promote yourself, you need to get a website. In the modern age, that can take on a lot of different forms. Some successful bloggers have managed to make money by building popular blog sites that incorporate advertising. Sites like Blogger.com allow users to add programs like Google's Adsense, a tool that adds relevant advertisements to your website to promote sponsored web contents. For example, if your blog is about Korean baseball, Google will pick up on the keywords "Korea" and "baseball", and can allow advertisers to have related links to their sites on your blog. When people click on these links, this can transform into revenue for you. In Korea, big companies have even been known to get in touch with the makers of successful blogs to offer to pay to add their advertising banners to these sites. However, if you have a business, or you are serious about promoting yourself online, many believe that you now need to think beyond the obvious limitations of a blog. A commercial service that uses a blog's web address (URL) is unlikely to get much attention from most serious customers and investors. The owners of many cottage industries and small businesses have already quickly cottoned on to the fact that the web represents a gigantic potential channel for sales and promotion. If people can get your website as an early hit on Google or Naver, you could be in line to earn a lot of money, but doing so requires a little time and effort. The idea of building your own website fills most people with a sense of dread. The thought of understanding what HTML or Javascript even are, let alone having to plough through lines of code written in those languages, KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 81 How to... If you are planning to publish a lot of new content on your site, think about setting up an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. This can enable news-gathering sites to pick up on news from your site easily, and can also let people subscribe to news from your site. However, if you want people to take your RSS feed seriously, you need to be aware that this will require you to regularly upload new contents. can seem as daunting a task as being asked to decode Egyptian hieroglyphs as history homework. However, Internet experts say life does not have to be so hard. In fact, a whole host of digital tools can help you to set up your own site without breaking too much of a sweat. Kevin Nulty, who runs the willvideoforfood.com website, makes videos about building your own site which he posts on the net. He says that with an investment of around $15 a month, he has sites that earn him up to $50 in monthly revenue. He says that he does not think that making a site has to be a struggle. "I use the Yahoo site builder tool that comes bundled with the Yahoo web hosting package that I sign up to. It's a little like using PowerPoint," he says, in one of his videos. Indeed, site building tools like Yahoo's are fairly common on the net. The most established software in common use is probably Adobe's Dreamweaver, which also allows users to create contents without having to use HTML, the web's most widely-used programming code. However, a licensed copy of the latest copy of Dreamweaver will set you back a cool $399, which means that unless you are planning to take up Web Design as a serious profession, 82 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES you may want to make do with free or shared software solutions. Popular free tools that do not involve having to know or learn HTML include KompoZer, a SourceForge project, which means that it was designed as part of the Open Source movement. This can be downloaded and modified freely. Bluefish is another free web editor, and web specialists say it works well for Mac and Linux users. Lee Yu-mi, a former Graphic Designer at LG Electronics and also an expert in Web Design, says that making your own website does not have to be as complicated as its sounds. She explains, "There are a lot of templates you can use to make the basic frames of your site, and if you are not too fussy about what it looks like, you really don't need much knowledge of graphics at all." However, Lee thinks that although design does not have to be a consideration, if you want people to keep coming back to your site, you are going to have to offer them something new every time. "People get fed up with seeing the same design and layout every time they come to your site. A simple frame with easily changeable contents is the best solution. Just look at how Google do this, if you want examples. During the Olympics, When deciding whether to use a local web host and a more international domain name, i.e. if you have to choose between ".com" or ".co.kr" - do not be too hasty in making your mind up. Of course ".com" has a more global sound, but if you are focusing on a largely Korean market for your product or services, a local name shows potential customers where your target market is. the Google logo was changed every day to depict a different sport," she says. The most important thing in any website, though, is usability. If web surfers get frustrated with your site, you can be sure they will click on the red cross at the top right hand corner of the screen in a mere instant. Lee notes, "If your site is userfriendly, that is far more important than whether it has fancy graphics in it or not. If it takes too long to load, people won't be back to visit again." Dos and Don'ts Do Link to other people's sites and try to get other people to create links to your sites. The whole notion of "surfing the web" is based on people clicking on links and banners. Minimise the amount of text you use on a page, and maximise other visual contents. Having funky designs and interesting pictures on a website looks good. Chunky paragraphs of unnecessary text look bad. Less text is definitely more in the modern age. Make sure that, at all costs, your page does not take too long to download. Flashy graphics and amazing artwork is all very nice, but the patience of the average Internet user is incredibly short. Try to avoid using graphics that require users to download Flash players or install Active X commands, as not everybody can be bothered to do so. Try to consider multiple platforms, if possible. In the future, we might be using all sorts of devices (television sets, mobile phones, and so on) to access the net. If possible, try to design for a variety of different user platforms to stop accessibility from becoming an issue. Don't Link to your competitors, or make a website domain that is too similar to that of a competitor. You might end up promoting their goods more than your own. Hire a web designer without some careful pre-planning. Most designers are great at designing, but probably have little experience in programming and vice versa. If you are really looking to dazzle your customers in the era of Web 2.0, you may need a separate programmer and web designer. People are rarely able to do both well enough to please customers who only respond to a richer Internet experience. Ask to see a portfolio before you sign on the dotted line. Forget to check your site. If a page is crashing, failing to load, or loading incompletely, it will cause great embarrassment if you are the last one to find out about it. Build Your Own Website: A Step-By-Step Guide Step 1 Choose a name for your site Choosing a domain name, or a URL, for your site is possibly the trickiest part of the whole process. You will need a name that will seem both interesting and professional if you want to draw in the maximum number of visitors to your site. Unfortunately, as you will notice, many of the funkiest and most innovative names have already been taken. ".com" is by far and away the most attractive suffix to have on the end of your site's name, but most web hosts will ask for more money for ".com" and ".org" suffixes, while ".info" and ".net" are often cheaper options. Check to see if a domain name already exists by typing it into your browser. If you do not get a hit, you could be safe to use that name. Step 2 Get Web Hosting We are only at step two, and already the jargon has begun. But never fear, Hosting is not a complicated notion. It just means that your page needs a place to live on the Internet. You can register a site at a whole plethora of places that offer web hosting, but the bad news is that it is going to cost you. The amount you pay could be anywhere from $6 to $20, but it is worth shopping around first. Stephen Cope, of www.build-your-website.co.uk, advises users, "The object is not to choose the cheapest, or the one with the most features, but the one that best suits your needs." In Korea, the big three web hosts are Cafe24.com, ktdom.com and Gabia.com, though there are a lot of other options to choose from. Popular non-Korean web hosts include GoDaddy.com and Moniker.com, but again, the choice is broad. Do your research, check out what the sites offer you in exchange for your money, and - if you are not happy, change hosts later down the line. Step 3 Build your site Start making your site. Use web building tools, or hire a web designer, to make your site looks the way you want it to look. If you are selling a product that relies on visual impact, like paintings or clothes, you will need a lot of high-resolution photos. Make sure that you have the right to use all photos that you are intending to put on your site to avoid copyright issues. Certain famous individuals have image rights, so if you want to use their pictures on your site, be sure that you have permission first. Step 4 Create revenue If you are not selling things on your website, you might want to think about ways that your site can make you money. Google's AdSense is the obvious and most popular promotional tool, but other sites also offer attractive incentives to incorporate their advertising banners. Amazon.com offer a tool which recommends an MP3 track. If someone decides to buy that track, you could be entitled 10% of the revenue. Look into widgets, which are pieces of HTML code that you can copy and paste into your site. These can be used to create advertising banners for other sites, meaning that you could be entitled to commission on clicks and sales redirected from your site. Step 5 Site maintenance Having a site up on the net is all well and good, but if you really want to make it work, keep it updated with the latest changes you have made to your company, your life or your product. Leaving your website up on the net unchanged for large periods of time will not impress would-be customers. Have the latest photos and, if possible, a news or media section where you post press releases or the latest news stories about your company. KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 83 F Contribution ung shui literally means "wind water" when translated into English. This poetic name shows the study's reverence for the power of the natural world. Fung shui is the study how people can live safely and happily in harmony with their surroundings. It is a philosophical notion which has given birth to a set of ideas that many people now live by. The hope is that by arranging people's lives properly, casualties and damage can be decreased. In addition, it helps people live in places where they can find food and water easily. Fung shui deepens understanding of nature and focuses on many circles, as certain sects of the practice have written irresponsible books. Non-scientific approaches, the theory of predisposition of nature based on the Chinese fortune telling and deceit of astrologists have distorted how people view Korean fung shui and caused a lot of confusion. Particularly, as a result of ignoring cosmic study of astronomy and geography, comprehension of the vast theory of fung shui is incomplete. In addition, some astrologists who weren't knowledgeable about fung shui wrote about it in the manner of fortune telling. Despite being unhelpful, their books are some of the most widely read on the subject. Therefore, this writer has studied Fung Shui brings harmony to a stressful world By Dr. Kang Hwan-woong, chief director of Korean Fung Shui Institution. avoiding natural disasters such as rainstorms, snowstorms, strong winds and floods. Since the settlement of humankind, early settlers lived according to the ideas of feng shui. Without modern technology to make life easier, it was crucial to position oneself properly within nature. Evidence of that fact is the Eastern and Western 'Goin-dol', or Dolman. Dolmen lie scattered across Eastern Europe, northeastern China and Korea. They are widely distributed in Hanam district, where more than 20,000 can be found. Dolmen, in the theory of feng shui, need to be located in a favorable site, usually behind a mountain with a river in front. This means our ancestors acclimated themselves well to nature and lived safely and blissfully. In addition, after the era of Three States, a lot of remains were found in Korea as proof of the use of fung shui. 84 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES Especially during the Goryeo dynasty, politicians were inspired by fung shui to move the capital to Gae-kyong. During the Joseon dynasty, the state examinations required thorough study of fung shui. Furthermore, the office and institution educated experts of fung shui. A governmental office in charge of astronomy, disaster, the calendar, was installed and managed by politicians. Joseon also transferred the capital city according to fung shui. In addition, in the same manner of Goryeo dynasty, it installed Seowoon-kwan and trained experts of fung shui to put them practical use of the important business of country. Then, many scholars and experts of fung shui held significant influence in Korea during that period. They had control of the improvement of fung shui and of Korea. Fung shui has been demonized in feng shui based on astronomy and geography in earnest for decades. I have made it my mission to teach and train younger students. According to in-depth study, is has been concluded that fung shui is a natural science for people to pursue the three following things: First, reproduction - finding a good and propitious site for the house in which to reproduce one's offspring. Second, stabilization of livelihood finding a good and propitious site for house to live safely and happily. Third, eternal life and immortality finding a good and propitious site to be buried and live eternally. The end-all purposes of a sincere pursuit of study can be summarized in three things above. Therefore, this series can be categorized into four chapters. 풍수지리의 이해 (영어 원문기사: 84쪽) 풍수지리사상은 지구상의 모든 사람이 자연환경으로부터 안 하고 행복하게 생활 하기 위한 방안을 추구하는 학문으로써 뿌 리 깊은 민족 사상체계(思想體系)를 이루 어 왔으며 역사상 인류발 에 큰 기여를 한 사상적 관념임은 주지의 사실입니다. 역사상으로 최초 인류가 정착한 때부터 풍수지리에 의한 생활방식을 영위하여 왔 는데, 그 근거가 세계문화유산으로 지정된 동 서 양 의 고 인 돌 즉 지 석 묘 (支 石 墓 , Dolman)입니다. 지석묘는 동구지역과 우리나라 고조 영역인 지금의 중국 동북부지역, 그리고 우리나라 역에 산재되어 있습니다. 특히 호남지방에는 대량으로 분포되어 그 수가 2만 여개가 넘습니다. 지석묘는 풍수지리 에서 배산임수인 기본 명당 터에 자리하고 있음이 특징입니다. 이는 고대 우리 조상 들이 자연환경에 잘 적응하여 안 하고 행 복하게 살아왔다는 증거입니다. 또한 삼국시대 이후에도 많은 유물들이 풍수지리를 이용한 과학적인 생활 터 의 증거로써 우리나라에 산재되어 있습니다. 특히 고려시대에는 수도 개경을 풍수지리 에 의하여 정도하였고, 과거시험에는 풍수 지리학과가 필수였으며, 풍수사(風水師)를 양성하는 관청과 학교, 서운관(書雲觀)이 설치 운영되었습니다. 조 은 건국 초에도 수도 서울을 풍수 지리에 의하여 정도하였고, 궁궐도 풍수지 리에 의하여 조영하였습니다. 또한 고려시 대와 마찬가지로 서운관(書雲觀)을 세우고 과거시험과목으로 풍수사인 문직 관리를 양성하여 국가경영에 활용하였습니다. 그리하여 역사상 유명한 풍수지리학자, 왕사, 풍수사, 지관 등이 배출되어 오늘에 이르기까지 비약적인 발 을 이루어 왔습 니다. 풍수지리는 지구상 모든 민족이 공통적 으로 각자 삶의 터 을 구하기 위하여 비 바람과 눈보라 그리고 북풍과 하천의 범람 등의 자연재해로부터 생명과 재산의 피해 를 줄이고 안정된 생활에 필요한 식량과 식수를 쉽게 구하는 곳, 즉 풍수적인 명당 터의 지형을 택하는 방법을 연구하는 생 활과학입니다. 그러나 학문이 아닌 비과학적인 접근방법과 중국의 점술적 바탕의 이기론(理氣論), 음택 (陰宅, 묘지풍수)만을 고집하는 점술사들의 혹세무민(惑世誣民) 등으로 오늘에 이르기 까지 왜곡된 것이 많 아 사회의 혼란을 야 기시켜 왔습니다. 또한 사상체계에 있어 서도 일면성(一面性)을 크게 벗어나지 못한 감이 있으며, 특히 우주적인 천문 지리연구들을 도외시한 편협된 지식의 소산(所産)으로 방대한 풍 수사상을 다루기에는 양적으로도 미진한 것이 사실입니다. 더군 다나 천문과학이나 지리학을 잘 모르는 점술사(占術士)들 이 제각기 짧은 지식으로 흥 미와 복술(卜術)적으로 저술한 술서류(術書類)가 현대서점가에 거의 차지하고 있는 형편입니다. 이에 필자(筆者)는 수십 년간 천문지리 를 기초한 풍수사상을 연구하였으며, 한반 도의 지형적인 특성이 중국대륙과 다른 지 형임을 절감하고 자생적(自生的)인 우리나 라 풍수지리사상을 본격적으로 연구하였습 니다. 또 이를 대학 강단에서 후학들을 가 르쳐 온 수십 년 동안 필생의 업(業)으로 생각하고 최 을 다하여 왔습니다. 필자가 심도(深度)있게 연구한 바에 따 르면 결론(結論)은 다음과 같다. ▶風水地理란 첫째, 종족인 내 자식을 생산(생식)할 좋은 집터(陽宅明堂)를 구하고,<Reproduction> 둘째, 안 하고 행복하게 살 삶의 명당 (明堂) 집터를 구하고,<Stabilization of Livelihood> 셋째, 자신이 죽어 영생할 음택 명당(陰 宅明堂)터를 구하는 사람을 위한 본능의 자연과학입니다.<Eternal Life. Immortality> 풍수지리의 진실(眞實)된 학문추구의 최종 목적은 위 세 가지의 결론으로 집약 되는 것입니다. 따라서 본 연재 기사는 총 4장으로 분 류합니다. 제1장 생활과학 과 풍수지리 제2장 생산의 터(종족인 내 자식을 낳 을 좋은 집터) 제3장 삶의 터(안 하고 행복하게 살 삶의 명당 집터) 제4장 영생의 터(자신이 죽어 영생할 음 택 명당 터)로 분류 집필하겠습니다. 글: 강환 박사 (대한풍수지리학회 회장) KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 85 Essay Editorial 권력자들은 이제 당신의 미래 행방까지도 파악할 것이다 (영어 원문기사: 52쪽) 존 엔더슨은 범죄가 발생하기도 에 그것을 미리 잡아낼 수 있는 기술을 가지 고 있다. 미래의 경찰관으로 등장하는 엔 더슨은 범죄를 저지른 범인들을 잡는 것이 아니라, 아직 범죄를 저지르기 의 사람 들을 체포한다. 사실, 존 앤더슨은 영화 < 마이너리티 리포트>에 나오는 허구적인 인 물이다. 그러나 그가 보여주는 범죄 소탕 방식은 허구라기 보다 우리가 미래에 실현 될거라 믿고 있는 현실에 더욱 가깝다. 감시 기술의 발 은 이러한 것들을 현실 로 만들어줄 것이다. 그리고 이 기술을 꿈 의 실현이라고 생각하는 사람도 있겠지만, 악몽이라고 여기는 사람도 있을 것이다. 물체 및 동작 인식기술은 계속해서 발 하고 있다. 그리고 이러한 기술의 발달 은 단지 몇 년 까지만 해도 신뢰가 가지 않았던 보안 관련 분야를 더욱 강력하게 만들어주고 있다. 최근의 한 조사에 따르 면, 사람들의 얼굴 모습이나 몸을 움직이 는 방식과 같은 독특한 버릇들이 그사람들 이 의도했던 행동이 무엇인지를 보여줄 수 있다고 한다. 인간과 관련된 요소들을 연구하는 사람 들은 FAST (미래 기인 심사기술) 라고 부 르는 기술을 연구하고 있다. 그것은 육안 으로는 감지할 수 없을 만큼 아주 미세하 고 순간적인 얼굴 근육의 움직임을 감지하 Key words •mannerism-(말씨,동작 등의) 독 특한 버릇, 특징 •screening Technology-심사 기술 •detain-억류하다 •along with-~와 함께, ~와 같 이, ~에 더하여, ~이외에 •sinister-불길한, 악의가 있는, 사 악한 •undue-부당한 •apprehend-체포하다, 파악하다 •scrap-폐기하다, 해체하다 86 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES 는 기술 개발 분야이다. 만약에 어떤 대상 의 얼굴표현이 적대적인 것이라고 판단이 되면, 그들은 경찰에 의해서 억류되는 것 이다. 얼굴 표정을 측정하는 것이 부가 아 니다. 첨단기술 센서는 공항에도 장착되어 서 당신이 비행기 탑승을 위해 줄을 서 있 는 시간 동안에 당신의 모든 행동들을 세 밀하게 체크하게 되는 것이다. RFI D 기술 로 인해서 몇 미터 멀리 떨어져있는 정보 들에도 접근이 가능한 것처럼, 특수한 기 능을 가진 센서들은 이와 비슷한 기술 원 리로 사람들의 피부의 온도나 혈액이 흐르 는 상태, 땀을 흘리고 있는지 아닌지, 그 리고 그들의 심장 박동수가 어떤지도 모두 측정해 낼 수 있다. 기존에 이루어진 테스트들에 의하면, 이 시스템은 80%의 정확성을 보인다. 이것는 매우 인상적인 수치인 것 같지만, 잘 생각 해보면 다섯명의 피의자 중에 한 명의 결 백한 사람이 끼어있다는 뜻이니 억울하게 붙잡히는 사람들의 수가 엄청날 것으로 예 상된다. 이러한 기술을 지지하는 사람들은 야단 을 떨거나 조사를 많이 하지 않고도 아주 간편하게 범인을 잡아낼 수 있다는 이유로 FAST를 지지한다. 또한 그 기술이 있다면 인종이나 나이, 성별등과 무관하게 범인인 지 아닌지를 명백하게 분별할 수 있을 것 이라고 이야기한다. 고로 수사의 과정이 더욱 간단하고 공정해진다는 것이다. 그들 은 이 기술이 통제될 수 없는 감정적인 행 동을 측정한다고 여기기 때문에, 측정 대 상의 육체적인 반응만이 판단의 기준이 된 다고 생각한다. 만일 당신이 악한 의도를 가지고 있다면, 센서가 바로 그것을 읽어 혀 없다는 내 버리므로 발뺌할 도리가 주장이다. 그리고 바로 이 점이 FAST를 고안한 사 람들이 바라는 미래의 모습이다. 하지만 생각해보자. 인간의 감정이란 복잡 미묘 한 것이기에 그 감정이 정확히 어떤 것이 라고 판단하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이다. 사 람들이 느끼는 감정이 정확하게 무엇인지 를 판단한다는 것은 생각보다 쉽지 않은 일일 것이고, 어떤 범죄자들은 고도의 훈 련을 통해 그들의 감정을 숨길 수 있을지 도 모른다. 그뿐만이 아니다. 적대적인 의도를 드러 내는 신호를 읽어냈다 해도, 그것이 어떠 한 배경에서 나타난 신호인가에 따라 그것 의 해석은 천차만별이 될 수 있다. 늦어 서 서둘러야 하거나 사무실에서 기분 나쁜 일이 있었던 사람이라면 아마도 살인 의도 를 가진 사람들과 비슷한 신호를 보여주지 않겠는가. 분명히 모든 사람들은 그들의 상황을 동일하게 판단하고 반응하지 않는 다. 또한 그들이 보이는 육체적인 반응도 각기 다르다. 그리고 시민의 권리를 보호하는 사람들 은 또 어떤가. 그들은 FAST 기술이 도입됨 으로 인해 정부가 손에 쥘 어마어마한 권 력을 염려한다. 정부가 시민들을 마음대로 감시하고 때로는 프라이버시를 침해할 것 이기 때문이다. 게다가 이 기술이 완벽한 정확성을 보여주는 수준이 아니기 때문에, 아마도 무고한 많은 시민들은 저지르지도 않은 범죄 때문에 억류당하고 심문받고 고 문당하게 될 것이다. 따라서 아직 저지르지도 않은 일을 가 지고 사람들을 미리 체포한다는 것은 법적 인 회색 지대를 만들어낼 것이다. 그 판단 이 과연 사실인지 아닌지를 알 수 있는 길 이 혀 없기 때문이다. 결국 이 기술은 정부로 하여금 시민을 지나치게 억압하는 권력을 갖게 할 뿐이다. 영화 <마이너리티 리포트>의 결말에서, 그 프로그램은 완 히 폐기되고, 투옥되었 던 모든 죄수들은 풀려난다. 결국 그 기술 은 순기능 보다 역기능이 더욱 많은 것으 로 판단되었다. 저지르지도 않은 범죄로 인해 투옥된 사람들은 또 다른 대립과 폭 력에 연루되었기 때문이다. FAST기술이 미 래 사회를 어떻게 바꾸어 놓을지는 미지수 지만, 우리에게는 늘 웃고 행복해 보여야 만 하는 또 다른 이유가 생겼다. 분노를 드러내면 센서에 감지되어 체포당할 것이 기 때문이다. 글: Steven Borowiec 번역: IT의 적용에 있어서는 걸음마 수준인 한국 (영어 원문기사: 10쪽) Korea IT TIMES 지는 여러 가지 면에서 봤을 때, 한국의 잡지더미 속에서 구별되 는 독특한 특성을 지니고 있다. 한국의 영 문 잡지들 중에 유일하게 기술이라는 말을 제목에 내건 잡지라는 두드러지는 특징뿐 아니라, 그보다 더 놀랄 만한 특징도 있다. 증거를 찾고 싶은가? 그렇다면 우리 잡지 의 웹사이트를 가보라. 그렇다. 웹사이트를 보면 알 수 있듯이, 우리는 웹사이트에서 뮤료로 팟캐스트를 내려 받을 수 있는 서비스를 제공하고 있 다. 이 글을 읽고 있는 당신이 만약 한국 인이라면, 아마도 이렇게 물어볼 것이다. " 팟캐스트가 뭐지?" 팟캐스트란, 한 개인에서부터 BBC, CNN과 같은 주요 미디어 방송국에 이르는 다양한 출처들이 제공하는 자료를 가리키 는 말로서, 내려 받기 할 수 있는 MP3 파 일의 형식으로 되어 있다. 유럽과 미국의 Key words •podcast-syndicated download에 의해 웹상에서 이동식 미디어 플 레이어 또는 개인 컴퓨터로 배포 되는 일련의 오디오 또는 비디오 형식의 디지털 미디어 파일을 말 한다. •outlet-출구, 배출구, 소매점, 직 판점, (방송망 산하의) 지방 방 송국 •move on-진행하다, 출발하다, 옮 겨가다 •stuffy-숨막히는, •a roomful of-방을 꽉 채운, 많은 •spiral-나 형으로 상승(강하)하 다 •must-절대적으로 필요한 것 •shell out-돈을 지불하다 •heavy hitter-유력자, 주요인물 •break the seal-개봉하다 •This or that-이것저것, 이모저모 •Pothole-동굴, 움푹 팬 곳, 깊은 구멍 •take stock of-찬찬히 살피다 •fools rush in where angels fear to tread-(속담) 하룻강아지 범 무서운 줄 모른다 모든 주된 라디오 방송국들은 팟캐스트가 가능하도록 한 주파수의 프로그램들을 송 출한다. 게다가, 요즘에는 신문과 잡지에서 도 이러한 서비스들을 제공한다. 그 뿐이 아니다. 대부분의 대형 신문사 나 잡지사들은 비디오 팟캐스트를 제작하 여 사람들이 그것을 내려 받아서 PMP, P2P 또는 핸드폰을 이용하여 감상할 수 있 게끔 하고 있다. 여기에서 알 수 있는 중요한 사실 한가 지. 이제 세계적으로"멀티미디어"라는 말은 더 이상 최신 유행을 따르는 사업에 서만 사용되는 제한적인 용어가 아니다. 멀티미디어라는 단어는 과거에는 우아하고 세련된 용어이었지만, 이제는 우리의 현실 과 어우러진 실생활 용어가 되었다. 그 사 용 범위가 엄청나게 커진 것이다. 이제, 미디어는 지난 세기 자기 자신을 옭아매던 숨막히는 경계를 벗어버릴 것이 다. 몇 년 까지만 해도 신문은 신문이었 고, 잡지는 잡지였다. 모든 인쇄매체들은 사진작가들이 표지사진을 찾기 위해 길거 리를 돌아다니는 동안에 기자실을 가득 매 운 채, 열심히 타자기를 두드리는 기자들 을 원했다. 그러나 이제, 세상은 바뀌었다. 만일 당 신의 웹사이트가 조잡하고 어설프다면, 당 신은 광고료로 수익을 낼 생각을 아예 하 지 말아야 하는 것이다. 이제는 이러한 시 대이다. 기업이 지면광고에 투자하는 비용 은 나 형으로 하강한 반면, 인터넷 광고 의 가치는 하늘 높은 줄 모르고 계속해서 올라가고 있지 않은가. 이제 풍부하고 다양한 디지털 콘텐트는 절대적으로 필요하다. 시간의 흐름과 함께 변화하는 것을 거부했던 많은 유명한 미디 어 업체들은 이제는 종적을 감추었거나, 살아 있다고 해도 사실상 조금씩 죽어가고 있는 실정이다. 오늘날의 인쇄매체의 가치는 예 에 비 해 어떻게 달라졌는가? 사람들은 이제 예 과 같은 형식으로 인쇄되어 나오는 신문 이나 잡지를 구매하려 하지 않는다. 직장 에 가면 컴퓨터로 편하게 공짜로 네이버 뉴스를 볼 수 있기 때문에, 출근길에 700원 이나 지불하고 신문을 사 볼 이유가 혀 없는 것이다. 비록 한국의 거대한 출판 미디어 업체 들은 속속 그들의 사이트에 비디오 콘텐트 를 집어 넣고 있긴 하지만, 이런 발 적인 변화들이 너무나 더디게 나타나고 있다. 서양의 미디어들은 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 발 에 도움이 될 것 같으면 뭐든지 시도하고 있다; 오디오 팟캐스트, 비디오 팟캐스트, 핸드폰 콘텐트, RSS feeds 등등 닥치는 대로 하고 있다는 것이다. 하지만 대부분의 한국인들은 아마도 위의 용어들 이 무엇을 의미하는지조차 모를 것이다. 한국 시장은 그동안 스스로를 "기술의 원더 랜드"라고 생각하며 살아왔다. 이것은 한국의 해외시장 진출 면에서는 매우 좋은 태도이다. 특히 한국의 가장 비싼 수출품 들 - 고급형 TV와 컴퓨터 칩, 비싼 가 제 품 등을 구매하는 해외 소비자들에게는 더 더욱 중요한 태도이다. 그러나 현실을 보면, I T라는 사업에는 한국 이외의 다른 국가들은 오랫동안 많은 종류의 자금을 사용해왔음에도 불구하고, 한국은 한번도 개봉한 적 조차 없음을 알 수 있다. 한국의 기술 쪽에 몸담고 있는 많은 이 들은 이렇게 말한다. "한국인들은 자기들의 방식으로 일하기를 좋아한다." 또는 "한국 문화는 사람들이 기술의 이모저모를 편하 게 생각하지 않는다는 것을 의미한다." 라 고. 이것은 결코 간단히 넘길 성격의 것이 아니다. 한국에서 멀티미디어와 크로스 플랫폼 기술은 여 히 미발달 상태이다. 그러나 우 리는 이미 융합과 심지어 유비쿼터스 기술 부분에서조차도 준비도 없이 섣불리 달리 고만 있다. 한국은 IT를 가지고 돈을 만드 는 경쟁에서는 두의 위치를 유지하고자 하는 노력에서 너무나 멀리 떨어져 있다. 우리는 이제 뒤로 돌아가서 우리의 깊 은 구멍 - 미디어 분야와 삶의 다양한 분 야에서 I T에 대해 무지한 것 - 을 메워야 할 것이다. 우리는 하룻강아지 범 무서운 줄 모르고 대들듯이 무모하게 달려가기 에 우리 주변을 찬찬히 살펴봐야 할 것이 다. 당신은 지금 당장 우리 웹사이트를 방 문해서 우리가 제공하는 팟캐스트를 얼마 든지 내려 받을 수 있다. 만일 이것이 처 음이라면, 미래의 정보사회에 들어온 것을 환영하는 바이다. 글: Tim Alper 번역: KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 87 Analysis 한국경제는 지금 사춘기 - 이제는 변화해야 한다 (영어 원문기사: 12-13쪽) 기억도 나지 않을 만큼 나이가 든 늙은 어르신이 아니라면, 대부분의 사람들에게 있어 사춘기는 그다지 달가운 기억이 아닐 것이다. 누구나 사춘기가 되면, 불과 며칠 사이로 밝고 에너지가 넘치던 아이가 침울 하고 예측할 수 없는 10대 사춘기 어린이로 변한다. 그리고는 세상 모두와 대립하고 싶 은 마음을 갖게 된다. 지금 그 당시를 회상해보면, 그것은 몹 시도 끔찍한 경험이었지만 동시에 매우 필 요한 경험이기도 했다. 왜냐하면 그 시기를 통해 배웠던 교훈들이 나를 현재의 분별력 있고 책임감 있는 어른의 모습으로 이끌어 주었기 때문이다. 한국 경제는 지금 바로 이러한 사춘기의 시기라고 생각한다. 한국 경제는 혼란스럽고, 절망에 가득 차 있으며 스스로의 정체성을 찾기 위해 고군분투하고 있다. 이것은 마치 사춘기에 접어든 어린 아이의 모습과 흡사하다. 지난 60년간을 돌아보면, 보호무역주의 경제가 한국 금융 정책의 지배적인 견해였 다. 왜냐하면 한국은 세계적인 위기 속에서 스스로를 구원했으며, 몇 안 되는 비 공산 진 공업국가 대열에 들어갔기 때문이다. 보호무역주의는 한국의 최 우방 국가인 미국으로부터 직접 들어온 사조이다. 미국 은 그들의 경제이론을 성공적으로 사용하여 "대공황"이라고 부르는 국가의 곤경에서부 터 벗어났다. 그 핵심을 보면, 보호무역주의 가 성장 중심의 경제 원칙이다. 이것은 외 국의 수입품에 대해서는 개방하지 않고, 수 출품은 외국 여러 나라들에 자유롭게 퍼질 수 있도록 해주는 효과적인 경제 원칙이다. 이러한 미국의 보호무역주의가 한국에 들어왔으니, 이것은 마치 황금 티켓처럼 막 강한 것이었다. 지난 50여 년간, 한국은 놀 랍도록 스스로를 변화시켜 왔다. 가난한 농 부에서 시작해 이제는 세계에서 11위 안에 드는 엄청난 기술을 가진 국가로 탈바꿈 했다. 외국인 경쟁자들은 높은 세금 장벽 때문 에 한국 시장에 발을 들여놓지 못하고 있으 며, 이러한 상황은 한국이 제한된 경쟁과 88 _ November 2008 KOREA IT TIMES 충실한 국내 시장 속에서 마음껏 성장 할 수 있는 뒷받침이 되어 주었다. 그러나, 해외 시장에서는 막강한 소 수의 재벌 그룹을 제외하고는 대 부분의 한국 기업들은 활약하지 못하고 있다. 한국의 대부분의 수 출품과 서비스는 이미 포화상태에 다다 른 그 곳 시장에 아무런 대책 없이 투입 되기 때문이다. 이제는 변해야 한다. 보호무역주의는 국가간의 경쟁만 더욱 부추길 뿐이다. 그것의 한계점들은 한국에서 이제 너무 나 명백하게 보여지고 있고, 그것은 국제 경기 침체의 악영향이 아 시아 어떤 나라들 보다 우리나 라에서 가장 심하게 미칠 것을 암시해주는 것이다. 이미, 미국과의 자유무역협정 은 특정한 분야에서의 세금 규제를 불러 일으켰고, 이제는 유럽연합과 한국간의 자 유무역협정이 제시되고 있다. 이것은 국 가가 주도하는 한국의 세금 버퍼링이라 는 모기장에 더 많은 구멍들을 낼 것 이다. 기업들은 만일 그들이 그들의 물건을 구매하는 한국의 고객들에게 의존한다면, 그들이 절대로 중소기업의 규모 이상으로 커질 수 없으며 1997년의 IMF 사태와 같은 시기가 다시 찾아와 나라 경제가 곤경에 빠 질 경우에 너무나 쉽게 망할 수 있다는 것 을 실감하기 시작했다. 1997년은 한국의 많은 사람들에게 재앙 이었다. 성공한 중소기업의 사장들은 그들 이 세운 작은 제국들이 시장 모든 부분들의 기반이 흔들리자 붕괴하는 모습을 목격했 다. 그리고 한국의 현재 보호무역주의의 모 델과 함께, 비슷한 정기적인 위기가 계속해 서 오는 것을 막을 길은 정말로 없다. 한국 경제에서 10년 단위로 발생하는. 이제 한국에서 필요한 것은 세계화에 대 해서 그만 말하고 실제로 그것을 행동으로 옮기는 것이다. 한국의 기업들은 그 동안 너 무 오랫동안 응석을 부렸다. 그들은 외국 기 업들의 경쟁에 물들지 않은 환경 속에서 온 실 속의 화초처럼 자라났다. 그래서 그들이 중간 사이즈만큼 자랐을 때, 그들은 외국 바 이어들을 찾기 시작했지만 대체로, 해외에 서는 그들의 제품에 관심을 갖는 사람들이 거의 없다는 것을 발견하게 되는 것이다. 왜 그럴까? 우 은 그 제품들이 국내 소 비자를 대상으로 하기보다는 국제적인 감각 의 디자인으로 만들어진다면 더욱 도움이 될 것이다. "나는 누구에게로 수출되는 것일 까?" - 이러한 질문이 국내의 모든 CEO를 지망하는 이들의 협의사항 중에 하나이어야 한다. 대개의 경우에 이제는 그것들은 군더 더기에 불과하다. 그러나, 이토록 힘든 경제상황 속에서도, 한국의 기업들이 빛을 보기 시작했다는 고 무적인 표시들이 있다. 지경부의 정부 통계 가 거리 지출이 작년부터 9% 정도 줄어들 었음을 확인해주었다. 한 편, 삼성 경제 연 구소에서는 한국의 경제 성장이 내년에 3.5% 정도 으로 떨어질 것이라 예상하고 있다. 그러나, 그와 같은 황량한 시기 속에서 도, 온라인 컴퓨터 게임 산업은 한국에서 번영하고 있다. 가장 최근의 업계 인사들은 한국의 비디오 게임 문가들이 9억 달러 정도의 가치가 있다는 것을 보여주었다. 작 년 이맘때쯤에 코리아 I T TI MES는 한국의 온라인 게임 제작자들이 "국제화로 나아가 던지 아니면 멸종될 수 밖에 없다"라고 말 하는 것을 보도했던 적이 있다. 이제, 그들 은 자 쪽을 택하여 집중하고 있는 것 같다. 한국의 가장 큰 온라인 게임 제작사 중 에 하나인 넥슨은 지난 달에 미국에서 "Combat Arms"라는 이름의 게임을 출시하 였다. 미국에서는 이미 <메이플 스토리>가 어느 정도 성공을 거두고 있다. <카트 라이 더>는 넥슨에서 자랑하는 중국 시장에 스며 들어가고 있는 넥슨의 또 다른 히트 게임 이다. NHN은 일본에서의 판매량을 30% 가량 증진하였다. NCsoft의 <리니지> 시리즈 또 는 JoyMax의 <실크로드>등은 돈이 벌리는 커다란 아시아 시장에서 대중성을 확보해나 가고 있다. 참으로, 중국, 필리핀, 인도네시아 등의 같은 나라들은 한국을 위한 거대한 잠재적 시장을 대표한다. 그들은 또한 유럽과 미국 등과의 무역 쟁에서 앞 출발을 하고 있 는 나라들이기도 하다. 한국인들이 스스로를 중국에서 멀리하고 싶어하기 때문에, 비디오 게임에서 동양적 취향은 매우 획일적이다. 그리고 서울에 기 반을 둔 게임 회사들과 베이징, 마닐라, 자 카르타, 그리고 상하이와 같이 떼지어 있는 대도시들 간의 지형적 거리의 결핍은 상대 적으로 작다. 많은 한국인들이 더 크고, 더 힘이 강한 컴퓨터 게임 회사들에 의해 제시되는 경쟁 에 대해 걱정하고 있다. 일본의 소니, 미국 의 EA 등과 같은 통적인 콘솔 및 PC 게 임 시장 두기업들 그들은 대규모 온라인 게임들을 출시하는 것의 가장자리에 있는 것처럼 보인다. 올 여름에 미국 회사들은 <골 라인 블리 츠>라는 제목의 온라인 미식축구 경영 시뮬 레이션 게임을 출시했다. 그리고 다른 창조 적인 제목들은 비슷한 것을 하는 일본의 기 업들로 새어나갔다. 그러나, 한국의 기업들은 여 히 틀을 깨고 있는 중이다. <컴배트 암스>는 완 히 무료로 즐기는 게임이다. 그 게임의 제작자 들은 온라인에서 수들이 하는 일들 통해 서 이익을 얻는다. 그것은 대규모 쿠데타를 포함하는 것으로, 잠재적인 게이머들에게 이 게임이 더욱 매력적으로 보이도록 해주 는 역할을 한다. 다른 나라에서 온 커다란 회사들은 여 히 그와 같은 아이디어에 있 어서는 시대에 뒤떨어진다. 게다가, 비록 EA, 소니, 그리고 그러한 비슷한 수준의 회사들과 같이 덩치 큰 수 들이 온라인 게임의 경쟁에 들어가게 되면, 이것은 한국 온라인 게임의 죽음은 너무나 도 당연한 것이다. 작고 다양하고 창의적인 회사가 되는 것이 온라인 게임 제작의 세계 에서는 엄청난 장점이다. 커다란 회사들이 좀 더 거친 사업 모델들 중에서 변화를 덜 두려워하는 반면, 작은 회사들은 좀 더 빠 르고 여유 있게 움직일 수 있다. 온라인 게임 시장은 절대 1회성의 것이 되어서는 안 된다. 시장의 이런 부분들이 특정한 사례들을 근거로 하여 주도하고 있 지만, 이것이 한국의 삼성과 LG를 제외하고 성공한 유일한 스토리이어야만 하는 것은 아니다. 그러나 한국의 온라인 게임 제작자 들은 글로벌 감각을 가지고 생각하는 것의 힘을 깨닫기 시작했다. 그들은 한국 시장이 포화되어있을 뿐만 아니라 불안정하다는 것 또한 볼 수 있다. 보호무역주의는 이제 사라져야만 한다. 온라인 게임 제작자들은 이것을 실감했고, 이제는 다른 IT 사업들이 이 사례를 따라야 하는 시기이다. 경쟁의 증가는 그곳에 참여 한 한국 게임 회사들을 더욱 강하게 만들어 주었으며, FTA의 의지가 이곳에 있는 다른 산업들로 하여금 그들의 행동을 함께 따라 하도록 할 것이다. 이제는 한국 경제가 사춘기를 통과해야 하는 시기이다. 이것은 해외 경쟁 업체들이 더욱 증가하기 때문에 새로운 한국의 기업 들이 더욱 힘들 것임을 의미한다. 그러나 만일 그 상이 글로벌 시장에 나아갈 수 있 는 관문이 된다면 있는 그대로를 받아들여 라. 사춘기는 혀 재미없는 과정이지만, 그 것으로 인해 내 스스로가 성숙해진다면 그 것은 분명 가치가 있는 것이다. 글: Tim Alper 번역: Key words •pubescent - 사춘기의 •puberty - 사춘기 •forward-thinking - 진보적인, 장래를 고려하는 •spotty - 한결 같지 않은, 불규칙한 •first World - 제 1세계, 비 공산 진 공업국들 •fiscal - 국고의, 국가 세입의 •quagmire - 수렁, 진창, 곤경, 궁지 •bustling - 부산스러운, 소란스러운 •crumble - 부스러뜨리다, 가루로 맞들다. 무너지다, 망 하다, 붕괴하다 •mollycoddle - 응석 •for the main - 대체로 •agenda - 협의사항, 의제 •for the most - 대개의 경우, 대개는 •afterthought - 군더더기 •government figure - 정부 통계 •street spending - 거리 지출 •bleak - 황량한, 처량한, 차가운, 궁색한, 처절한 •industry figures - 업계 인사 •in spades - 극단적으로, 결정적으로, 솔직히 •infiltrate - 침투시키다 잠입시키다 •head start - 타인보다 유리한 스타트, 앞 출발, 출 발의 좋음 •swarming - 무리, 떼, 떼를 짓다 •on the verge of - ~의 가장자리에 •trickle out - 새나가다 •transaction - 처리, 취급, 처치, 업무, 거래, 매매 •behind the times - 시대에 뒤떨어진 KOREA IT TIMES November 2008 _ 89