iGeneration - Landmark Media
iGeneration - Landmark Media
iGeneration design your future In this three-part series, a group of young people share their experiences of making the transition from school to starting a career. Some went to college, some graduated, some entered the workforce straight out of high school, while others decided to change their careers and pursue education later in life. The series features Dr. Nadir Baksh Psy.D., a Licensed Clinical Forensic Psychologist and Laurie Murphy, Ph.D. a Registered Nurse Counselor whose experience in private practice gives them a unique perspective on the issues young people have to face, and the consequences of having the wrong approach in choosing a career. They offer practical and realistic methods for building a career without giving up on one’s dreams. Breaking the Mold Race Against Time Generation whY Is the choice between dreams and prac- This episode focuses on the importance The students discuss the important is- ticality really a dilemma? While the stu- of understanding financial realities and sues their generation is facing and the dents and recent graduates feel a re- assessing the cost of education. The in- role high school & higher education play sponsibility to fulfill their dreams, and terviewees reveal their experiences in in preparing youth for dealing with real their parents show concern for their live- dealing with debt and discuss the value world issues. They speak of what they lihoods, we learn from the experts that of a college education beyond earning a would like to see changed in the educa- there are practical ways to shape your degree. The importance of experience tion system, and what is worth taking career path in accordance with your abili- and networking is indispensable as a de- advantage of. The importance of critical ties and passions. They offer methods to gree doesn’t guarantee a job. A featured thinking and an alert mind are crucial to realistically assessing what occupation is topic is dealing with career changes be- the transition from the role of passive right for you and steps to starting a ca- cause of a disability or going to college student to a member of the workforce. reer in the chosen field. later in life. Experts examine the right This episode promotes open discussion and wrong reasons to invest in an educa- and invites a reexamination of the role tion and give advice on perseverance. one plays in society. AGE S-C Topic Year FORMAT Pricing Career guidance Psychology 2010 DVD 20 min EACH $195.00 each episode $525.00 Full Series LANDMARK 3450 Slade Run Drive Falls Church, VA 22042 MEDIA INC. www.landmarkmedia.com [email protected] 1-800-342-4336 703-241-2030 FAX 703-536-9540