May 2015 - Amazon Web Services
May 2015 - Amazon Web Services
Beacon of Bethel Lutheran Church 440-943-5000 May 2015 Pastor’s e-mail= [email protected] PASTORAL MESSAGE Greetings in the name of our Risen and Glorified Lord and Savior, Yo, Yo, Yo brother and sister peeps, wassup? He is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Alleluia! The Resurrection is still fresh in our hearts and minds. In addition, with the coming spring we should take time to thank God for bringing us through this winter. This has been a hard and brutal winter and now the weather is allowing us to get out and enjoy God's creation once again. Yard work, walking, soccer, baseball and golf are just a few of the activities we enjoy during this time of the year. With the nice weather comes the temptation to forget that God has provided you with everything needed for this life and we need to be mindful of this and thank Him for these blessings. The best way to do that is to be in worship and to thank Him yourselves. I was very pleased on the Second Sunday of Easter, which is traditionally the least attended Sunday of the church year that we, at Bethel, had normal attendance numbers. The month of May is the start of the many activities at Bethel, beginning with the Mother’s Day Banquet on May 9. We will be switching to the summer worship schedule beginning May 24, when we have just one Worship service at 9:30. My hope and prayer is that with the one service time, you may be reunited with those whom you have not seen during the winter months and renew some friendships. My prayer is also that the number of people in worship will not only remain stable but also continue to grow. This is a wonderful time of the year - the flowers have already begun to bloom, the trees are bursting with leaves and the grass is getting greener. As you observe all this renewal and rebirth in creation, let us be mindful of the renewal and rebirth of creation through the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Focus your eyes on the cross and this will help you remember the new life God has given us, and may God continue to bless all of us here at Bethel as we continue to bring the Gospel to Willowick and beyond. In His Service Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. 5 Martin Luther Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996 Worship for Shut-Ins Sermon Summaries These Worship services on WRLM can be viewed on Time Warner Cable channel 12 and U-verse channel 67 at 11:30 am on the following Sundays: May 2015 May 3, 2015 – John 15:1-8 “Our Divine Vine” by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church~Decatur, IN Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing in relation to God. Apart from Jesus, we are spiritually dead. Apart from Jesus, we are incapable of producing God-pleasing fruit. He has come, however, and as a vine planted in the ground, He has risen, growing green and tall. His people are His branches. By virtue of His roots, and by virtue of His living “sap” flowing through us, we now have life - eternal life, and we are enabled even in this life to produce fruit to God’s glory. May 10, 2015 – 1 John 5:4-5 “Faith Overcomes the World” by Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Concordia Theological Seminary~Fort Wayne, IN We, as believers, are in a never-ending struggle with the wicked world – that is, with unbelievers. The world wants us to believe falsehood, and to do what is wrong, and when we don’t follow along, the world persecutes us. However, our faith overcomes the world because it grasps Jesus, the almighty Son of God, who arose from the dead. May 17, 2015 – John 17:14-15 “The Certainty of Salvation in Christ” by Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders, District President-Iowa East In the season of Easter, we hear the miracle proclaimed, "He is risen, He is risen indeed, Alleluia!" Throughout Easter, the word of God gives to us the absolute certainty which God has done for us through His son Jesus Christ and for our sake, the gift of eternal life we have through Him. May 24, 2015 – John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 “Bearing Witness!” by Rev. Paul E. Shoemaker, Emanuel Lutheran Church~New Haven, IN The work of the Holy Spirit is to “bear witness about me (Jesus).” The Holy Spirit brings us to faith in Jesus, keeps us in the faith, and strengthens our faith so that we, also, can “bear witness about Jesus.” The Holy Spirit never draws attention to Himself. He always points to Jesus, our Savior. In our life of faith, we never point to ourselves. By the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we always live in such a way that our lives point others to Jesus. May 31, 2015 – John 3:1-17 “You Shall Not Perish” by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church~Decatur, IN The doctrine of the Trinity permeates Scripture. In John 3, Jesus tells us of the love of the Father, sending His Son. He tells us of the love of the Son, willing to be lifted up on the cross for our salvation. He tells us of the love of the Spirit, coming to us through Holy Baptism, giving us new birth. Indeed, each is 100% God, and yet there is but one God, one essence. We shall not perish, for the true God, the Triune God loves us Tel: (260) 471-LOVE (5683) ╋ Toll-Free: (888) 286-8002 E-mail: [email protected] Bible Quiz According to Acts 2, on Pentecost some people accused the disciples of being drunk. Why? A. Because they were still asleep at 9 in the morning. B. Because all the wine was gone. C. Because they were all speaking in foreign languages. D. All of the above. Answer: C (See Acts 2:4, 13.) Buehner, Carol Ramkey, Sue Dingus, Jacob Dingus, Joshua Krainz, James Gallo, Ann Beeman, Alice Lancaster, Lorene McGinness, Robert Humble, Bubba Henning Jr., Dave Stevens, Delores Uyesugi, Alexander Aumann, Tillie Horgan, Mike Bossman, Matthew Szokan II, Timothy Adams Sr., Jerry Pittock, Russell Dayton, Gary McElfresh, Sue Summers, Tara Schimmelmann, Jeanne Markiewicz, Marilyn Smith, Candy Kost, Reese Dayton, Joshua Effland, Patricia Meister, Nicole Swaffield, Marla Dayton, Stefanie Kurz, Irene Bunsey, Donna Coyne, Marilyn Dayton, Matthew Prater, Brianna 5/1 5/1 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/6 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/12 5/14 5/15 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/21 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/26 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 5/30 5/30 LWML NEWS LOOKING AHEAD: 2015 is the year for the National Convention. LWML This will take place June 25-28, 2015 in Des Moines, Iowa. information at You can get more We are always looking for a Young Women Representative (YWR) to represent the Ohio district. If you are interested, please contact our zone president, Gayle Hunt or let Robin know and she can get you more information. Article submitted by Robin Bartley, LWML Timothy & Nitza Szokan 11 Dave & Sharon Henning, Jr. Gwen & Michael Kost Steve & Christine Risher Wayne & Marla Swaffield Dave & Julie Hird Mike & Dorothy Zielke May 2 May 3 May 6 May 6 May 9 May 13 May 15 THE WILLOWICK The next distribution date is: Saturday, May 23, 2015 (Please come between 9-10am if you would like to help out.) ITEM REQUESTED FOR MAY: CEREAL The Post Office food drive will be on Saturday May 9. Please remember to put your food donation by your mail box before the hour your carrier usually delivers the mail on your street. All of the food collected goes directly to the Willowick Food Pantry to be distributed to local families who need help. This is an excellent way to give and to help your community. Also, at the food pantry, we will need volunteers to help the mail carriers pick up your donation, to bring the food into the food pantry, to check the dates, and to fill our shelves. This is the biggest food drive of the year. Thank you in advance for your donation and for any hours of help you can give us. Our requested item for May, (once again) is cereal. Your response to our March and April requests was great. We received many boxes of cereal and we really appreciate your donations. We are thankful for all of your donations and the many hours Bethel members contribute to help in the distributions. The Willowick Food Pantry Board members from Bethel this year are Jack Schimmelmann, Jeanne Schimmelmann, and Lois Palmer. Please feel free to ask them about our organization. Lois Palmer Willowick Food Bank Coordinator SPECIAL DATES • National Day of Prayer, May 7, 2015 • Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015 • Ascension of the Lord, May 14, 2015 • Armed Forces Day, May 16, 2015 • Victoria Day (Canada), May 18, 2015 • Pentecost, May 24, 2015 • Memorial Day, May 25, 2015 • Trinity Sunday, May 31, 2015 DATE Sat May 2 6pm Sun May 3 8am Sun May 3 10:30am Sat May 9 Sun May 10 8am Sun May 10 10:30am Sat May 16 6pm Sun May 17 8am Sun May 17 10:30am Sat May 23 6pm Sun May 24 9:30am Sat May 30 6pm Sun May 31 9:30am READERS USHERS ELDERS COUNTERS Alice Alice Herman Christine Dave Dave Julie Karen Christine John Christine Steve Dave Julie Dave Linda Mark Christine Sara Dave Julie No Worship service (Mother’s Day Banquet) Delores Karen Dave Jack Scott Jeanne Julie Jeanne Donna John Jack Ken Jeanne Julie Alice Alice Herman Jan Dave Scott Scott Herman Joan Mark Jan Scott Wyn Holly Sherry Dave Jan Scott Christine Alice Dave Jim Dee Donna Eric John Christine Alice Dave Herman Dave Brian Halle Mark Christine Dave Julie Christine Dave Julie Jack Jeanne Julie Jack Jeanne Julie Members who are serving this month May 2015 Altar Guild: Georgann Beaumont Dianne Sprafka Bold: Communion * Denotes a change “THE OUTREACH COMMITTEE” We will be marching in the Willowick parade on June 7 at 1:00pm. We gather at Shoregate Shopping Center at 12:00 noon. If you have a Bethel shirt (or any orange shirt), please wear it so we present noticeable force in the community. Please reserve this date and time to join us for a fun event. Also, we will be setting up a parking program for people visiting the St. Mary Magdalene festival. We have fun greeting people and accepting donations for the prime parking spot they enjoy while visiting the festival. A sign-up sheet will be posted with the time slots of the event from Thursday night until Sunday night.. Our golf outing chairman (Mike Bretz) will be requesting help with finding sponsors and door prizes for the Outreach golf outing. Please do what you can to be a part of this event. It is our largest fund raiser of the year and allows us to do community outreach like our free community picnic. We also support the Willowick Food Pantry with funds and help. We are sponsoring a fund raiser for Hannah’ Home in Mentor. This organization provides help and instruction for young women who are expecting a baby and need assistance. It is a Christian organization that provides an alternative to abortion and adoption for these young women. We will be filling baby bottles with change, folding money or checks to help them pay for their utility bills. Also, they are planning a garden this year and can use garden tools, seeds, vegetable plants and gloves. The girls who have temporary residence there will maintain the garden and also learn how to can and preserve the vegetables. Details will follow. Thank you for your continued support of the Outreach Committee. Even though we have a wonderful group already volunteering, we can always use more people and ideas. Please join us at our next meeting on April 13, 2015 at 7:00pm with your ideas and learn what we are all about. Thank You! Lois Palmer, Outreach Committee Chairman Mike Bretz, Golf Outing Chairman - Alice Beeman, Advertising Chairman Christine Risher - Steve Risher - Joan Spring. Article submitted by Lois Palmer Christian Symbol Vine A vine symbolizes Christ, the foundation of life and nourishment of all people, who, in turn, are like branches. When separated from the vine, we branches can’t survive — at least not spiritually. “Apart from me,” says Jesus, “you can do nothing” (John 15:5, NIV). But as God the gardener tends this relationship, we branches grow stronger and more mature in Jesus and alongside one another. MOTHER’S DAY BANQUET SATURDAY, MAY 9 AT 6PM “MOTHERS SHINE LIKE THE STARS” Menu includes: Roast beef & gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, rolls, beverages and a brownie/ice cream dessert Reservations will be taken through May 3rd after Worship services, or call Jeanne Schimmelmann If paying by check, please make it out to BETHEL LADIES AID Adults $9.00 Children 10 & under: $4.00 Entertainment will be provided by the “Northern Lights” from North High School LADIES AID At our last meeting the ladies discussed the rummage sale, completing sign ups and asking for those that can to please bake. The Mother's Day Banquet was also discussed. Please be sure to get your tickets! The theme will be “Mother's Shine like the Stars.” Our entertainment will be the North High School choir. The Walk for Hunger will be the same day as our Mother's Day Banquet and our ladies have graciously agreed to donate $100. At our next meeting we will be working on banquet favors. Our June meeting will be our ladies night out! Some different restaurants were mentioned as potential options. Thank you for hosting Georgann, Margery, and Joan! Our meeting for May 5th will be hosted by Holly and Candy. Altar duty for May is Georgann and Diane, for June it will be Christine and Joan. Please call any member if you would like to come! We would love to pick you up if you need a ride and as always you can bring any wonderful females in your life! (Article submitted by Candyce Smith, Ladies Aid Secretary) NEWS FROM THE SOCIAL COMMITTEE* *Georgann Beaumont – Sandra Gifford – Dave & Julie Hird Christine & Steve Risher Sherry Warrington, Committee Chairperson Following the 6:30am SONrise Service on April 5, the Social Committee hosted our annual Easter Breakfast. We are happy to report that it was very well attended. We had approximately 65 people there to enjoy a wonderful breakfast together. The menu was a little different this year – along with the usual egg casseroles, we decided to add cheesy potatoes, French toast sticks, sausage patties and smoked sausages to the menu. We hope that no one went away hungry! A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to make (or bring) the yummy baked goods – we really appreciate it! And don’t forget, we are going to do it all over again next year! We have our Annual Church Picnic coming up in July, and also our Family Golf Scramble in August. I will write more about those events in the “summer edition” of the Beacon, coming out in June. These events will also be advertised on boards in the narthex, and in the weekly bulletins as more information becomes available. Everyone is welcome, and encouraged, to attend any or all of our meetings. The next one will be held on Tuesday, May 19th at 7pm – hope to see you there! (Article submitted by Christine Risher) MEDICINE BOTTLES FOR MALAWI Landfills Do Not Need Medicine Bottles! Anyone on prescription medicines finds themselves a bit uncomfortable when throwing away so many empty medicine bottles. It is obvious our landfills do not need these plastic containers! There is enough trash going into the landfills already. Medicine Wrapped in Paper While first world nations throw away perfectly good medicine bottles, medical pharmacies and hospital facilities in Malawi often find themselves with nothing except torn pieces of paper in which to wrap medicine for their patients. This is often seen in rural hospitals and villages where the poorest of the nation try to live and survive. You can help to change this. PLEASE REMOVE THE LABELS Save up a group of your containers when you have completed that portion of your prescription. Place them in boiling water until you are able to easily remove the labels, and the glue. Then place your prescription bottles in the designated box in the Narthex. I will forward them to the Malawi Project Group for shipment to Malawi. Safe and Out of Reach of Children It will help families in a third world country keep their medicines clean, out of reach of small children, and safe while they are being used. You can visit their website to see the other programs this group sponsors at Thanks, Debbie Krainz Harry & Lois Crispin Ethel Giuffre Helen Herborn Helen Kovach Ralph Kruse Dorothy Marts Norma Pecsok Virginia Potting With notes, cards, a phone call or a visit in person – and most of all, in our prayers Irene Radencic BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH takes great pride and pleasure in announcing our 5th Annual Bethel Outreach Golf Outing “BOGO 2015” Friday, June 19, 2015 Briardale Greens Golf Course 24131 Briardale Ave., Euclid, OH 44123 SHOTGUN START AT 9AM Sponsored by the Outreach Committee of Shotgun start at 9am BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 18 holes of golf, with cart 32410 Willowick Drive Scramble format Willowick, Ohio 44095 Teams of 2 or 4 Includes coffee and donuts in the morning Includes hot dog, chips, beer at the turn Includes a fabulous steak and chicken dinner after 18 holes Door prizes All proceeds will be used to help outreach programs in our local community. In the event you do not have a foursome, you will be placed with other golfers. Non-golfers are welcome to join us for the celebration and awards dinner at 3:00 pm. Please mention this event to your family, friends, and associates. We thank you for your support and hope to see you there! QUESTIONS? CALL ALICE AT (440) 227-1199 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please tear here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Show your support here ▼…………………………AND / OR………… Sign up your team here ▼ B O G O SUPPORT (Please check appropriate line) _____ HOLE SPONSOR $100 ( includes a sign on course at one of 18 tee locations) (PLEASE ENCLOSE BUSINESS CARD, .JPEG OR LETTERHEAD FOR SIGN CREATION) _____ MONETARY DONATION – $ __________ _____ MERCHANDISE GIFT DONATION Your name:________________________________________________ Company name:____________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________________ TEAM MEMBER NAMES: (Please PRINT) $75 ea. (by 6-1-15) $85 ea. (after 6-1-15) Paid / Amount 1)___________________________________________ __________ 2) __________________________________________ __________ 3) __________________________________________ __________ 4) __________________________________________ __________ Non-golfers may join us for dinner at 3pm ($26 ea.) Include total # of non-golfers here > ____________ __________ MAIL CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO: BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (marked “Golf Outing”) along with this form to: Bethel Lutheran Church - 32410 Willowick Dr.- Willowick, OH 44095 “MEMORIAL DAY” Is it enough to think today Of all our brave, then put away The thought until a year has sped? Is this full honor for our dead? Is it enough to sing a song And deck a grave; and all year long Forget the brave who died that we Might keep our great land proud and free? Full service needs a greater toll, That we who live give heart and soul To keep the land they died to save, And be ourselves, in turn, the brave! —Annette Wynne A PRAYER FOR MOM A young boy had been misbehaving, so his mother sent him to his room. Sometime later, he came out and told his mom he’d prayed about the matter. “That’s good,” she replied. “If you ask God for help to not misbehave, he’ll help you.” “Oh, I didn’t pray for help behaving,” said the boy. “I prayed for God to help you put up with me.” A HYMN FOR PENTECOST Eighteenth-century brothers John and Charles Wesley, co-founders of the Methodist Church, were prolific hymn writers. At one point, they made a concerted effort to increase the number of Pentecost-related hymns available to worshipers. Use Charles Wesley’s hymn “O Thou Who Camest From Above” as a prayer that the Holy Spirit will burn brightly in your heart and life today: O Thou who camest from above, the pure celestial fire to impart, kindle a flame of sacred love upon the mean altar of my heart. There let it for thy glory burn with inextinguishable blaze, and trembling to its source return in humble prayer and fervent praise. Jesus, confirm my heart’s desire to work and speak and think for Thee; still let me guard the holy fire, and still stir up thy gift in me.