D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform
D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform
Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Grant Agreement number: 212939 Project acronym: SMooHS Project Title: Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures Funding Scheme: Collaborative Project Date of latest version of Annex I against which the assessment will be made: 2010-02-20 Report: D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Period covered by this report: From 2009-11-01 to 2011-11-31 Dissemination level: PU (public) Authors Krüger (TTI), Bahr (TTI), Bachmaier (IWB), Lehmann (MPA), Willeke (TTI), Ernst (MPA) Project coordinator: Dr. Markus Krüger Project coordinator organisation: MPA Universität Stuttgart, Germany Tel: +49 711 6856 6789 Fax: +49 711 6856 6797 Email: [email protected] Project web site address: http://www.smoohs.eu Doc. Name: 2011-11-25 WP3-P09-D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform.doc SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table of Contents 1 Summary .......................................................................................................................................6 2 Introduction....................................................................................................................................7 3 Related work .................................................................................................................................8 4 Structural health monitoring system ..............................................................................................9 4.1 Environmental Influences and Damage Processes .............................................................9 4.2 Benefits of SHM on Historic Structures ................................................................................9 4.3 Principle system layout ........................................................................................................9 5 Aspects of flexible and reliable sensor node hardware ...............................................................11 6 Realization of a robust sensor node hardware ............................................................................12 6.1 Processor board with wireless communication, SmartMCU1 Rev. 2.2 ..................................13 6.1.1 General description ................................................................................................13 6.2 Processor board with wireless communication, integrated sensors and sensor interface, SmartWS Rev. 3.1 .........................................................................................................................15 6.2.1 General description ................................................................................................15 6.2.2 Features .................................................................................................................17 6.2.3 Peripherals .............................................................................................................18 6.2.4 Sensor port restrictions ..........................................................................................18 6.3 Programmer board, SmartPRG1 Rev. 2.2 .............................................................................20 6.3.1 General description ................................................................................................20 6.4 Radio transceiver board for 2.4GHz ISM band, SmartRF1 Rev. 2.3 ....................................20 6.4.1 General description ................................................................................................20 6.5 Radio transceiver board with front end for 2.4GHz ISM band, SmartRFP1 Rev. 1.0 ............21 6.5.1 General description ................................................................................................21 6.6 Power supply, SmartDPS1 Rev. 2.3......................................................................................21 6.6.1 General description ................................................................................................21 6.7 Gateway Interface, SmartGIF Rev. 3.3 ................................................................................22 6.7.1 General description ................................................................................................22 6.7.2 Features .................................................................................................................23 6.8 Multi-sensor board for strain gauges, vibration, temperature and humidity, SmartSG Rev. 2.2 24 6.8.1 General description ................................................................................................24 6.8.2 Features .................................................................................................................25 6.9 Sensor signal board with integrated multiplexer, SmartSSG Rev. 2.0..................................26 6.9.1 General description ................................................................................................26 6.10 Acceleration sensor board for piezo- and PVDF-sensors, Rev. 1.0...................................27 6.10.1 General description ................................................................................................27 6.11 Inclination and tilt sensor board, SmartInclino Rev. 2.0 .........................................................28 Rev. 2012-01-20 2/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.11.1 General description ................................................................................................28 6.11.2 Features .................................................................................................................28 6.12 Air velocity sensor board, SmartVAir Rev. 2.0 .....................................................................29 6.12.1 General description ................................................................................................29 6.12.2 Features .................................................................................................................29 6.13 Impedance converter board system for electrochemical analysis and impedance spectroscopy, SmartIMP Rev. 2.0 .................................................................................................30 6.13.1 General description ................................................................................................30 6.13.2 Features .................................................................................................................30 6.14 Impedance converter board with 6-channel multiplexer for electrochemical analysis and impedance spectroscopy, SmartIMP Rev. 2.4...............................................................................31 6.14.1 General description ................................................................................................31 6.14.2 Features .................................................................................................................32 6.14.3 Versions .................................................................................................................32 6.15 Electrometer with external multiplexer, SmartE-Meter Rev. 2.0 .............................................34 6.15.1 General description ................................................................................................34 6.15.2 Features .................................................................................................................34 6.16 Electrometer with integrated multiplexer, SmartEMT Rev. 2.4 .............................................35 6.16.1 General description ................................................................................................35 6.16.2 Features .................................................................................................................36 6.16.3 Remark to Shielding ...............................................................................................36 6.16.4 Versions .................................................................................................................36 6.17 Integrated sensors .............................................................................................................38 6.17.1 Internal humidity and temperature sensor board, SmartTemp1, Rev. 2.2 .................38 6.17.2 Internal humidity and temperature sensor board with dual LED, SmartHT1, Rev. 3.038 6.17.3 Internal humidity and temperature sensor board with dual LED, SmartHT2, Rev. 3.039 6.17.4 External humidity and temperature sensor board, SmartHT3, Rev. 2.0 ...................39 6.17.5 External ambient light photo sensor board, SmartLGT3, Rev. 1.0 ............................40 6.17.6 External magnetic field sensor board, SmartMF1, Rev. 1.0 .....................................40 6.17.7 External passive infrared sensor board, SmartPIR1, Rev. 1.0 .................................40 6.17.8 External temperature sensor board, SmartTMP1, Rev. 1.0 ......................................41 6.17.9 External flexible sensor board for impedance measuring, Rev. 2.4 .......................41 6.17.1 External sensor board for surface impedance measuring......................................42 6.17.2 External potential sensors ......................................................................................43 6.17.3 Test board for UV radiation and light .....................................................................43 7 Wireless Gateway SmartGateWS Rev. 3.3 ...................................................................................44 7.1 Product Description ............................................................................................................44 7.2 Main Specifications/Features .............................................................................................44 Rev. 2012-01-20 3/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 7.3 Peripherals .........................................................................................................................45 8 Structural health monitoring software ..........................................................................................46 8.1 Principal structure of the SHM system software ................................................................46 8.2 Sensor network and data transfer software .......................................................................47 8.2.1 Sensor network protocol ........................................................................................47 8.2.2 Wboot – Sensor node boot loader .........................................................................47 8.2.3 Miranda – sensor node application software..........................................................47 8.2.4 Starcatcher – radio to serial forwarder ...................................................................48 8.2.5 Uranus – forwarder ................................................................................................48 8.2.6 Jupiter – base station and forwarder ......................................................................48 8.2.7 Callisto – on-site control .........................................................................................48 8.3 Data storage ......................................................................................................................48 8.3.1 Galaxy – SQL data base ........................................................................................48 8.3.2 Data Base Overview ..............................................................................................48 8.3.3 Mars – SQL interpreter ..........................................................................................49 8.4 Data analysis .....................................................................................................................49 8.4.1 In-mote data analysis .............................................................................................49 8.4.2 Database analysis ..................................................................................................50 8.5 User interfaces ...................................................................................................................51 8.5.1 Administration software tools .................................................................................51 8.5.2 Data readout software tools ...................................................................................52 8.5.3 Data export software tools .....................................................................................53 8.6 Planemos – Application builder ..........................................................................................53 9 Overview Status of work..............................................................................................................54 10 Conclusions and outlook .............................................................................................................56 11 References ..................................................................................................................................57 12 Appendix .....................................................................................................................................59 12.1 Technical data of different components .............................................................................59 12.1.1 Processor board, Rev. 3.1 .....................................................................................59 12.1.2 Multi-sensor board, Rev. 2.2 ..................................................................................63 12.1.3 Tilt and inclination sensor board, Rev. 2.0 .............................................................63 12.1.4 Air velocity sensor board, Rev. 2.0 ........................................................................64 12.1.5 Impedance sensor board, Rev. 2.0 ........................................................................64 12.1.6 Impedance sensor board, Rev. 2.4 ........................................................................65 12.1.7 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.0 .................................................................................66 12.1.8 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.4 .................................................................................67 12.1.9 SmartGate Rev. 3.3 ...............................................................................................69 Rev. 2012-01-20 4/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2 Terminals and drawings of different components ..............................................................70 12.2.1 Processor board, Rev. 2.2 .....................................................................................70 12.2.2 Processor board, Rev. 3.1 .....................................................................................73 12.2.3 Power module, Rev. 2.3 .........................................................................................78 12.2.4 Multi-sensor board, Rev. 2.2 ..................................................................................80 12.2.5 Tilt and inclination sensor board, Rev. 2.0 .............................................................82 12.2.6 Air velocity sensor board, Rev. 2.0 ........................................................................83 12.2.7 Impedance sensor board, Rev. 2.0 ........................................................................86 12.2.8 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.0 .................................................................................87 12.2.9 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.4 .................................................................................89 12.3 Database Description .........................................................................................................90 Rev. 2012-01-20 5/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 1 Summary Historic structures are often characterized by their extraordinary architecture, design or material. The conservation of such structures for future generations of the European population is one of the main tasks of monument conservators. To conserve historic structures it is increasingly important to understand the deterioration processes that affect them. Mostly these are caused by the environment. To obtain more detailed information about the deterioration processes continuous monitoring systems have been installed in selected cases. However, most of these monitoring systems are only capable of weather or air pollution data acquisition and basic models for data analysis are used. The actual influence of these environmental effects on the structure or the structural material is often neglected. That means that the structural resistance is calculated from the measurements and not determined by sufficient sensors. Another facet is that most monitoring systems require cabling, which is neither aesthetically appealing nor applicable in all cases due to the needed fastening techniques. This is particularly significant to historical monuments and other cultural heritage. This report shows the cutting edge of competitive and smart wireless sensor network hardware and software for monitoring historic structures. A special focus is on the hardware, including appropriate low power signal conditioning with respect to reliable and event-based data acquisition. The report is introduced by a chapter of the general setup of the WSN architecture. In detail, the following system components are included: A main board, similar to the main board in a personal computer, as a central component. It offers processing capabilities and optional storage capacity. It also offers connectors where one or two signal conditioning boards can be attached to and it carries a radio frequency module for the wireless transmission of data. The main board is powered by a power supply circuit that in turn is powered by either batteries or a solar power module. For details on the solar power modules tested on the platform, refer to D3.4 "Power supply technologies". When it comes to the supported sensor types, the system already supports sensor boards for six sensors and further adaptation boards are under development. One of the central sensor boards developed to date is the multi-sensor board, capable of measuring air temperature and air humidity, three-dimensional vibrations and up to two channels of external resistive sensors, as for an example temperature sensor, strain sensors or a displacement transducer. The electrometer sensor board allows the detection of moisture and salt induced electrical potential in walls. Together with a third type of sensor board which allows complex impedance measurements, this covers the application area of damp walls and salinization effects which is important for many historical buildings. Moving walls is an issue in larger structures, which will be measurable by our inclination sensor adaptation board with high accuracy. Recording of airflow is supported with a hot-wire anemometer sensor. Event-triggered evaluation of acoustic emission is going to be a main focus. The software system that operates the wireless sensors is proprietary and adapted especially for long-term, low-power operation. It consists of a bootloader function which is responsible for radio transmission and for over-the-air software updates. On top of this bootloader resides the sensor board specific application. It is responsible for the acquisition of raw data and for the proper conversion and preprocessing of raw data before transmission. The base station runs a Linux operating system and an application that handles the forwarding of data via a secure virtual connection using a built-in mobile connection modem. A database system is the final destination of acquired data, where it can be read-out directly from the database by using secured access accounts. This data is also retrievable online in various formats via a web interface. It can also be downloaded in common spreadsheet software formats. Rev. 2012-01-20 6/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 2 Introduction The use of wireless monitoring systems are usually supposed to have several advantages compared to wired monitoring systems, which are for example easy installation, cost-effectiveness and autonomous operation over longer periods providing remote control and analysis features. Therefore, a lot of research and development activities are ongoing in regard to wireless monitoring systems to be applied on civil engineering structures like bridges [1], [2] as well as on historic structures [3]. At first glance, continuous monitoring with wireless sensor networks seems to be a perfect solution to get more detailed information about structures than from visual inspection only. However, wireless monitoring is often not that simple if the monitoring task is more complex than simply acquiring and transferring relatively basic data, such as hourly temperature or humidity measurements. For such simple tasks, many competitive solutions with adequate reliability already exist in the form of data loggers, partly also equipped with wireless communication. The situation becomes challenging if the desired monitoring is focused on acquiring and analyzing data like stress, strain, inclination, salt and moisture content inside materials, or even vibration or acoustic emissions caused by fracture processes which require higher sampling rates. The main problem in this context is the power supply (primary batteries are most common) so that the wireless monitoring hard- and software is subject to several restrictions. To remain cost-effective and practicable, a balance must be found between the data provided by the monitoring task and the time and effort to perform this continuous monitoring. This is why wireless monitoring systems frequently have to be customized for the desired monitoring objective. Thus, structural health monitoring is also to be seen as an interdisciplinary engineering task. The wireless sensor network system described within this report show the progress of soft- and hardware development with respect to monitor historic buildings and object. It is a very technical report showing details of the system components, specifications and basic operation principles. Therefore, the report is addressed to soft- and hardware developer working in the field of wireless sensor networks. Rev. 2012-01-20 7/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 3 Related work Most of the wireless sensor networks under development consist of several multi-sensor nodes, called motes, and at least one base station, which also could have an integrated modem (GPRS/UMTS etc.) for internet connection and remote control. With respect to power consumption, network robustness, and the possibility to build up big meshes multihop-networks are often the best solution for monitoring large structures. The motes are the main components of a wireless monitoring system. There are different tasks a sensor mote has to perform, which are to collect and digitize data from different sensors, to store sensor data, to analyze data with simple algorithms, to send and receive selective and relevant data to and from other nodes as well as the central unit and to work for an adequate time period without a wired power supply. There are many different wireless sensors that have been developed by researchers all over the world to be used for structural health monitoring (SHM). A comprehensive review of available wireless sensing units is given by Lynch and Loh [4] who show the state of the art at that time. However, a lot of shortcomings especially with respect to reliability are obvious. The biggest problem is still the conflict between power consumption, storage capacity and system bandwidth. The system bandwidth is mainly restricted by the limited wireless communication throughput. That is why multihop network algorithms, mote clustering and in-mote data processing and reduction are considered in the recent research [4], [5], [6], [7]. Another drawback is the lack of adequate sensors especially with respect to sensitivity, reliability and robustness as well as their integration into a mote [8]. Although numerous commercialized smart sensors are also available together with some application software from different companies (Dust Networks, Microstrain, Millenial Net, Sensametrics, Sensicast, Testo etc.), most of these sensor networks are in a basic configuration just wireless data acquisition systems for evaluation purposes that only transmit measured raw data to a central base station for further processing. Moreover, most of the systems do not fulfill the requirements with respect to robustness, long-term stability, long-term battery operation or sensor reliability. Rev. 2012-01-20 8/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 4 Structural health monitoring system 4.1 Environmental Influences and Damage Processes Historic materials and historical structures have been under environmental influence for centuries or even millenniums. These influences induce damage processes in the building materials that lead to a degraded state of the structures eventually. The degradation effects can add up and destroy the valuable object the monument authorities try to preserve for future generations. Environmental influences are manifold and have their origin in physical and chemical effects. This comprises decomposition by light, rain, salts, gases and others. To prevent the degradation or the destruction of historic objects, restorers and conservators try to chemically and physically conserve and protect the object and in some cases have to reconstruct parts. For the restorers and conservators, it is of great importance to know and understand the main factors responsible for the damage. 4.2 Benefits of SHM on Historic Structures By knowing the main causes for damaging effects, best countermeasures for preservation and conservation can be taken and the remedies are adapted to the specific structure. To this end, understanding environmental effects is necessary. To this effect, all relevant environmental quantities have to be recorded and analyzed by relating the resulting effects to the physical and chemical values. Damage processes are usually slow and medium to long-term measurements are necessary. The knowledge resulting from the SHM measurements can be used for the discovery and confirmation of general correlations but it can also be used to erect an object specific treatment plan, if correlations are already known but influencing factor for the specific object are unknown. 4.3 Principle system layout Wire-based measurement systems for SHM consist of several sensors applied to the structure at relevant locations. Sensors are available for a plethora of physical quantities, and have to be chosen according to the application demands. The sensor readings are analog-digital converted in a central unit, where the digital data is also stored. Many systems allow online-retrieval of recorded data (compare Figure 1, left side). In contrast to these aforementioned systems, wireless systems have no central data acquisition unit but one or several sensors are connected to a (usually) small data acquisition unit, which is called a measurement node. The complete measurement system consists of several independent nodes, linked to each other by a radio communication link, hence building a wireless sensor network. Additional elements of the system are the gateway, which relays the measurement data to a long-distance network for remote access, and a database to save data storage for later retrieval and optional post-processing. The WSN is operated remotely from an operation and maintenance terminal (O&M). See Figure 1, right side, for a general layout of a WSN. Figure 2 gives a more detailed view on the general system layout. The autonomous wireless sensor nodes are depicted deployed on a building, sending their information via Smartswitches if necessary, to a mandatory base station, called Smartgate. The Smartgate includes a wide area mobile connection, used for controlling the system and for sending data to the central database and web server (Smartserver) within the operator's premises. The customer can then access the information via a web access (refer to chapter 8 for details). Please read on in chapter 6 for the technical realization of the system. Rev. 2012-01-20 9/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 1: Wired SHM schematic with central measurement unit where individual sensors are connected to, versus the proposed wireless SHM with autonomous sensor nodes relaying measured data via a short-range transmission and (optionally) long-range mobile networks SmartmoteWS SmartswitchWS & Data transfer LAN/WLAN enance remote maint LAN/WLAN Alarm WWW WS Smartgate S -SM Mobile phone (PDA) Client Smartserver WS Client Mobile Figure 2: General system layout Rev. 2012-01-20 10/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 5 Aspects of flexible and reliable sensor node hardware System and data reliability with respect to the desired operation period and desired accuracy are of utter importance in terms of structural health monitoring under harsh environments. In addition to these fundamental aspects, wireless monitoring should be more than just acquiring diverse measurands at different locations of a structure and then storing it in a database. If the monitoring task and the expected result are well-considered, immediate data processing of the data is recommended to avoid collecting large amounts of senseless data no one will look at afterwards. If such immediate data processing is considered, wireless monitoring becomes intelligent and of direct practical use. Therefore, distributed computing strategies, which include data acquisition, data analysis and data reduction are of utter importance. With respect to the restrictions of a sensor node, event based data acquisition may become of interest or even an obligatory task, if a critical short event occurs during the time the monitoring system is in sleep mode and as such not capable to recognize this event. Event based monitoring is useful if temporary loads or other influences stress the structure, e.g. trains, trucks, wind, snow or rain, earthquakes or structural failure itself. That means, an object specific event itself triggers the measurement progress. Some examples of event based monitoring concepts supported by sufficient hardware are reported by several researchers. A case study on which event based monitoring was successfully tested was the detection of a train crossing the bridge [9]. The task was to measure dynamic strain of steel girders during a train crossing a bridge. The train detection was conducted by using a MEMS vibration sensor on each mote that could be configured by software to trigger the system. The MEMS sensor provides a vibration detection mode while using only little power. If a train crosses the bridge the vibration is recognized by the MEMS sensor that then wakes up the microcontroller from sleep mode by interrupt. After that, the measurement procedure starts within a few milliseconds. The procedure was acquiring data from dynamic strain during train crossing, with a sampling rate of 100 samples/s using resistive strain gauges. The collected data was first stored temporarily inside the mote and then transmitted to the base station consecutively after the train had passed. This procedure was necessary to reduce data loss rate. One of the most challenging examples of event based monitoring is acoustic emission analysis, which is useful to detect and also to characterize or localize fracture processes. Qualitative acoustic emission analysis techniques often require very sensitive sensors and high-speed data acquisition systems, because the full waveforms are analyzed. Due to the hard- and software restrictions it is obvious that only certain quantitative acoustic emission analysis techniques could be implemented into a wireless sensor network. In terms of acoustic emission analysis hit rate (relevant acoustic events per second) determination, beam forming techniques for localizing acoustic events as well as signal characterization and classification techniques have been investigated and possible solutions for both hard- and software have been discussed [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]. Although not all mentioned concepts have fully been implemented into a mote and further investigations are necessary, the concepts of acoustic emission data analysis in wireless sensor networks are promising. Rev. 2012-01-20 11/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6 Realization of a robust sensor node hardware Figure 3 and Figure 5 show an example of an actual development. It shows a wireless sensor mote equipped with low-power microcontroller, wireless transceiver, primary batteries and several sensor boards for multiple sensing. The hardware is optimized to work under harsh environmental conditions as they occur in case of structural health monitoring and supports several ultra-low power modes. Therefore, the sensor node is water and dust protected (IP65) and could work in a temperature range of -25°C to 85°C. Different kinds of sensors could be attached to the wireless mote simultaneously such as various MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) sensors with digital output, e.g. for the acquisition of acceleration, temperature, humidity, inclination, solar radiation etc. Additionally analog sensors like resistive strain gauges or piezo-based vibration sensors are connectable by using especially developed electric circuits for the signal conditioning. This modular concept allows for customization and optimization for specific monitoring objectives. Wireless Sensor Multi-Sensor Board Multi-Sensor Board Wireless Communication Module (Backside of Processor Board) Power Supply Acceleration Sensor Board Processor Board Programming Adapter (USB/JTAG) Figure 3. Robust wireless sensor node (mote) for multiple sensing and modular node components (© www.smartmote.de). The basic functionality common to all sensor nodes, e.g. communication, data processing etc., is integrated into the so-called processor board. This processor board also allows the interfacing of different sensors not requiring specific signal conditioning. Additionally analog sensors like resistive strain gauges or piezo-based vibration sensors are connectable by using especially developed electric circuits for the signal conditioning. This modular concept allows for customization and optimization for specific monitoring objectives. Currently, several additional sensor boards are available: a signal conditioning board for interfacing piezo- and PVDF- sensors for acoustic emission and dynamic analysis, a multi-sensor signal conditioning board for strain gauges, displacement transducers and pressure cells in combination with temperature/humidity and vibration measurements, sensor boards for high precision inclination measurements, for high- Rev. 2012-01-20 12/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform impedance potential measurements as well as for high-impedance resistivity measurements in the field of electrochemical analysis. Two different processor boards were developed, one without integrated analog signal conditioning circuits (Rev. 2.2) and another one with integrated signal conditioning circuits and digital sensors. The latest development version of the processor board is the SmartWS mainboard Rev. 3.1 with the microcontroller MSP430F5437. This processor has more analog and digital ports and a real time clock. A sensor interface (analog and digital), battery holders, sensors and the radio transceiver with higher output power now integrated. It is a complete and more compact node then the old one with separate boards. Figure 4. 1st version of a node (Rev. 2.2 left) and the latest version with integrated sensors (Rev. 3.1 right) Figure 5. Examples of the latest hardware developments. 6.1 Processor board with wireless communication, SmartMCU1 Rev. 2.2 6.1.1 General description The main components of the processor board presented here are a microcontroller equipped with FRAM for data storage and a low power radio chip for the wireless communication (see Figure 6). Rev. 2012-01-20 13/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform The low power operation of the processor board is due to the ultra-low power microcontroller MSP430 F1611 featuring 10kB of RAM and 48kB of program memory (flash). This 16-bit RISC processor features several power-down modes with extremely low sleep-current consumption that permits the sensor node to run for a long time period. The MSP430 has an internal digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) that may operate up to 8MHz. However, the jitter and accuracy of the internal DCO shows a strong variation with respect to temperature and supply voltage. This aspect is supposed to be problematic especially with respect to the usage of the internal A/D-conversion at higher sampling rates as well as time synchronization accuracy. Therefore, the MSP430 operates either with an external ceramic oscillator at 6 MHz or with an external 32’768 Hz crystal watch on our processor board. Programming Board USB-Connector Power Supply Battery JTAG-Connector Ext. Solarpanel Solar Modul Supercap Ext. Keyboard USB to UART FT232R 3.3V Reg. Power Management Misc. Keyboard Connector USB Keyboard Adaptation UART UART Power Supply Connector JTAG GIO Power ADC Supply Connector GIO MCU Board JTAG UART UART Supply Connector GIO ADC GIO JTAG Power 2.4 GHz ISM ADC XIN Power Power 32 kHz XOUT XT2IN SPI 1 IO MCU Radio Transceiver SPI CC2420 IO MSP430F1611 6 MHz Power XT2OUT F-RAM Memory 8Mbit Mem Ctrl 4 x FM25H20 Mem Ctrl VREF Ext. VREF optional VREF SPI 2 I C/SPI 0 GIO ADC GIO ADC I2C/SPI 0 Sensor-Board Connector 1 Sensor-Board Connector 2 Power I2C Serial ID DS28CM00 Figure 6. Principle sketch of the processor board, power supply and programming board, Rev. 2.2. Six of the eight external ADC ports of the MSP430 were split up to two separate connectors with three ADC ports each to which different sensors or sensor boards could be attached. The maximum reliable total sampling rate for all ports was tested to be approximately 100 kHz at 12 bit resolution. The two remaining ADC ports are used to monitor the actual power supply voltage as well as actual current consumption of the sensor node. The I2C and SPI ports which are also integrated into the microcontroller are mainly used to control additional sensors and signal conditioning boards. The MSP430 also includes a 3-port DMA controller. For data storage FRAM (Ferroelectric random access memory) was supposed to be the best choice, because of its high addressing speed, low power operation and non-volatile storage capability. Up to four FRAM Rev. 2012-01-20 14/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform modules with 256 kB each can be attached to the processor board providing a maximum of 1MB storage capacity. The processor board is equipped with a Chipcon IC (CC2420) soldered separately on an interchangeable module for the wireless communication. It permits power management to ensure low power consumption. The CC2420 is controlled by the TI MSP430 microcontroller through a separate SPI port and a series of digital I/O to avoid data collisions with the digital sensors. The radio may be shut off by the microcontroller for reducing the power consumption. The theoretically achievable maximum data throughput rate of the system is 250 kbps. The dimensions of the SmartMCU1 incl. radio board is 77.5 x 42 x 9 mm³ (board without supply connector) and 77.5 x 48 x 9 mm³ (board with supply connector), the weight is about 21 g. The processor board is mounted headfirst, opposite to the other modules, so that the radio board is on top. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.1 Figure 7. Processor board front and back with mounted radio board, Rev. 2.2. 6.2 Processor board with wireless communication, integrated sensors and sensor interface, SmartWS Rev. 3.1 6.2.1 General description The SmartWS mainboard (see Figure 8) is the kernel of a wireless sensor node with integrated mostly used functions (see Figure 9). It is based on the TI’s Microcontroller MSP430F5437 and is programmable through a programming connector via JTAG, SPI by Wire and the Bootstrap Loader. A jumper must be set to position OFF/JTAG for programming. In this position the battery supply is disconnected and the board is powered by the programming adapter for optimal logic levels. Two battery holders are integrated at the bottom side of the board for using up to two LithiumBatteries 3.6V, same type and same capacity only (e.g. Saft LS26500, cell size C). One or both battery holder parts can be separated from the microcontroller part (sawing with metal saw). The microcontroller part has two solder connectors on the bottom side for an external power supply with 3.0V to 3.6V free of ripple. As for Rev. 2.2 it is possible to connect two sensor modules at the bottom side to the sensor module connectors (e.g. impedance board, electrometer board, ultrasonic board, digital board…). In this configuration, the integrated sensors and sensor interfaces are not supported, because the IO ports of the microcontroller now feature the attached sensor boards. It is possible to use the microcontroller’s internal reference voltage or an external reference voltage. At the sensor module connectors there are two terminals for negative and positive reference voltage. These ports of the microcontroller are programmable as input or output or 12 Bit ADC input. Each sensor module connector has three 12 Bit ADC ports, six digital ports, one common I2C or SPI port, terminals for ground (GND), analog ground (AGND), supply voltage output (VCC) and system reset (#RESET). Rev. 2012-01-20 15/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform The peripheral can use this reset as power up reset, generated by the microcontroller board, or to reset the microcontroller via open collector. All ports are programmable as GPIO. For the wireless communication over the 2.4GHz ISM band there is an integrated radio transceiver (CC2520 from TI) and an output amplifier (CC2090 from TI). To expand the memory it is possible to place an optional extended memory (Flash memory or FRam or a card holder for micro SD-Card). The extended memory can be set to sleep mode. An optional acceleration sensor (BMA180 from Bosch) can be placed to detect accelerations in 3axes. The BMA180 supports sleep mode and has an interrupt output to wake up the system from sleep if a certain vibration level was detected. A small sensor-/signal module (two versions available) for humidity / temperature measurement and a signal dual LED (red hardware selectable, green port driven) can be placed at the front side. There is integrated a 32’768 Hz crystal watch for the real time clock and the system frequency. Additionally a high frequency crystal (up to 16MHz) can be used. Figure 8. Processor main board front and back with mounted sensor connectors, Rev. 3.1. Also integrated are a digital part with 2x2 bidirectional ports and output driver for the most used applications with its inputs programmable as 12 bit analog input, and an analog part (16 Bit zooming ADC SX8724 from Semtech) with 2x1 differential inputs or up to 2x3 single-ended inputs and optional high accuracy reference voltage. These two parts, inclusive sensor connectors at the Rev. 2012-01-20 16/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform bottom side, can be set to sleep mode separately. The output current at the sensor connectors of each part is short protected and limited to about 100mA. One port of the microcontroller is used for overload detection. Additionally the analog part can be upgraded with a digital part. The dimensions of the board are optimized for using it with the Bopla standard housing Alustyle 1030 (Profile ASP130 100mm, 2 x Cover ASD1030). The functional areas, terminal pin assignment and connectors are shown in chapter 12.2.2 Figure 52 and Figure 53. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.1. 6.2.2 Features 2.4 GHz transceiver for wireless sensor network data transmission • Up to 10dBm Output Power Mixed Signal Microcontroller MSP430F5437(A) • 16-Bit Risc Architecture • 256KB Flash Memory • 16KB RAM • Real Time Clock • Watchdog • GPIO • 12Bit ADC • 16Bit Timer • DMA • Interrupt • Hardware Multiplier • Universal Serial Communication System • Unified Clock System • Flexible Power Management System • Internal / External Reference Voltage Optional Extended Memory for SPI-Bus (Flash Memory or F-RAM or Micro SD-Card) • With Power Down Switch 32.768kHz Low-Frequency Crystal Optional 16MHz High-Frequency Crystal 2 Sensor Module Connectors for additional Sensor Modules Humidity-, Temperature-, LED- module at front side Digital Application with 2x2 bidirectional ports with Output Driver and Power Down, 2x2 Channels, Hardware Configurable • GPIO with Push Pull Output, Open Drain (Source and Sink), Pull Up and Down Resistors (e.g. 2-Wire Serial Sensors) • 12Bit Analog Input without Signal Processing but no special analog layer. 16Bit Analog Application with Zooming ADC SX8724, Programmable Gain, Power Down, Internal / External Reference Voltage, Hardware Configurable • 2x1 Differential Signal Input, (e.g. Wheatstone Bridge) • 2x3 Single-Ended Signal Input • Optional High Accuracy Reference Voltage • Optional Digital Application or Cable Breakage Detection Optional Acceleration Sensor BMA180 Rev. 2012-01-20 17/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Battery Holder for two Batteries Cell Size C (Baby) Operating Voltage 3.0V to 3.6V Dimensions 120 x 77 x 15 mm³ (board without front connectors), 132 x 77 x 19 mm³ (board with front connectors) Weight 32 g to 55 g (depending on hardware configuration) Typical Weight of one Battery 48 g (Saft LS26500) 6.2.3 Peripherals Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Filter Cap at Front Side Dual-LED red and green at Front Side, green LED is switchable, red is hardware selectable Two Sensor Module Connectors X1, X2 for two half Sensor Modules or one full Sensor Module, supports GPIO, Interrupt, 12Bit Analog Input, Reference Voltage In/Out, Timers, SPI and I2C (shared with X1, X2), Reset, Battery Power, Analog Ground (AGND) and Ground (GND) Two Bracket Module Connectors with additional Ground (GND) Programming Connector for JTAG, SPI By Wire, Bootstrap Loader, 2-Wire UART, some Ports are usable as GPIO Jumper for Power ON/OFF(JTAG), in OFF Position the device is powered via programming connector from the programming device for optimal logic levels Two 4-way Sensor Connectors X7, X8 for meanly 16Bit analog application, function is hardware configurable only Two 4-way Sensor Connectors X5, X6 for meanly digital application, function is hardware configurable only SMA Reverse Antenna Connector for Wireless Sensor-Net Communication at 2.4GHz, or Optional U.FL Connector Extended Memory with SPI Bus (Micro SD-Card with Card Holder or F-RAM / Flash Memory), Power Down Switch Acceleration Sensor with programmable Trigger for Interrupt Two Power Switch with Current Limiter for analog / digital application and Sensor Connectors High Frequency Crystal 6.2.4 Sensor port restrictions Some Ports of the optional digital application at the 16Bit analog part are shared with the Module Connector X2 and the optional high frequency crystal. If the optional digital application is installed, these ports cannot be used at the connector X2 and the high frequency crystal. Rev. 2012-01-20 18/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 9. Principle sketch of the processor main board Rev. 3.1. Rev. 2012-01-20 19/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.3 Programmer board, SmartPRG1 Rev. 2.2 6.3.1 General description The programmer board is made for programming and for downloading software to the processor board SmartMCU1. It has a JTAG connector for a JTAG-Programmer and an USB connector for downloading software via bootstrap loader. The USB connector can also be used for transmitting data and commands with a PC. There are some signaling LED’s, a reset button, and two user programmable buttons integrated. With some modifications and an adapter this board is usable for the new processor board SmartWS, but for JTAG only. A new version with more functionality for the new processor board SmartWS is not developed. Figure 10. Programmer board, Rev. 2.2 Figure 11. Adapter board and connection cable for the SmartWS board 6.4 Radio transceiver board for 2.4GHz ISM band, SmartRF1 Rev. 2.3 6.4.1 General description The radio transceiver board is made for the wireless communication at the 2.4GHz ISM band using the Chipcon transceiver CC2420. The output power is about 0dBm and the receive sensitivity is about -90dBm. It must be soldered directly to the processor board SmartMCU1 or the gateway interface SmartGIF. The latest development version of the radio transceiver board is the SmartRFP1 Rev. 1.1 with a higher output power and a higher sensitivity. This version is also integrated in the processor mainboard Rev 3.1 Rev. 2012-01-20 20/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 12. Radio transceiver board, Rev. 2.3 6.5 Radio transceiver board with front end for 2.4GHz ISM band, SmartRFP1 Rev. 1.0 6.5.1 General description This radio transceiver board with amplifier is made for a higher output power for the wireless communication at the 2.4GHz ISM band. It is using the Chipcon transceiver CC2520 and the front end CC2590. The output power is max. 10dBm and the receive sensitivity is about -94dBm. It must be soldered directly to the processor board SmartMCU1 or the gateway interface SmartGIF. This board was developed for evaluation only. The finally version is the revision 1.1, but it was not produced as single board. Moreover this version was integrated in the processor mainboard SmartWS Rev. 3.1. The Dimensions are 39 x 26.5 x 3 mm³, the weight is 4 g. Figure 13. Radio transceiver board with front end, Rev. 1.0 6.6 Power supply, SmartDPS1 Rev. 2.3 6.6.1 General description The sensor node is primary powered by one or two Li-SOCl2 batteries with each 7.3 Ah @ 3.6 V. This type of battery has a very long lifetime with only a small drop of voltage and capacity due to ageing or temperature changes. The battery operates in the temperature range from -55°C to +85°C; however the operation at temperatures different from ambient may lead to some capacity reduction. The actual voltage of the battery and the current consumption can be monitored for estimating the remaining lifetime of the sensor node. As secondary power supply one or two solar cells (optimal voltage at MPP 5.2V to 6V) can be attached to the sensor node. The power provided by the solar cell is regulated and stabilized by an electronic circuit to avoid power fluctuation that could lead to miscellaneous behavior in terms of reliable data acquisition and analysis. The usage of additional supercaps (high energy density capacitors 1.5F, 5V) allows for temporary powering the sensor node only with the solar cell during daylight condition even if relatively high current is Rev. 2012-01-20 21/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform needed, which might be the case during full operation of all node components. The power regulation circuit provides a maximum power output of 150 mA at 3.3 V. As long as the capacitors and the solar power module provide sufficient energy, the sensor node uses solar power. If the voltage level falls below 3.4V, power supply is automatically switched to battery operation until the solar cell has charged the supercaps to approximately 4.4V again. With the batteries mentioned, the lifetime of a sensor node is estimated to be at least several months or years. Note that the lifetime strongly depends on the type of embedded sensors, the data acquisition and measurement rate, the processing effort and data transmission rate. For achieving a long lifetime for the system, it is essential to run the sensor nodes in power down mode most of the time. It is possible to connect a plastic foil keyboard with low current LED’s to this board. All components which are necessary to operate a keyboard (3 LED’s, RESET button and 2 function buttons) are mounted on the board. To reduce production costs the battery holders are now integrated into the processor mainboard SmartWS Rev. 3.1. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.3. Figure 14. Power supply board for battery power and solar power, Rev. 2.3. 6.7 Gateway Interface, SmartGIF Rev. 3.3 6.7.1 General description The SmartGIF (see Figure 15) is made for a wireless gateway for long-range wireless data transfer. It is an interface adapter for the AarLogic Module C10/3 (Rev. 5) and the processor board SmartMCU1. In a later software version the SmartMCU1 is not needed anymore and the radio transceiver board SmartRF1 or SmartRFP1 is placed directly on board. The SmartGIF supports USB, Ethernet, RS232 and JTAG. An optional interface board can be used for SPI, I2C, UART and RS 485. The USB host connectors are for low power devices only, the total current for both USB ports is max. 200mA. Rev. 2012-01-20 22/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 15. Gateway interface, Rev. 3.3 6.7.2 Features Internal Serial CMOS COM/DEBUG Connector for Programming Module Connectors RS232 Connector with +/- 5V Driver Optional internal Pin Connector for JTAG Optional internal Pin-Connectors for small optional IO-Interface Board (GPIO, SPI, I2C, UART, RS 485 ext. DC-Power) Ethernet (10 Base-T connector with PoE, PoE is not isolated) USB Host Connector for low Power Devices (max. 200mA) Internal Pin Connector for second USB Host (max. 200mA) USB Device Connector (no supply via USB) Internal Pin-Connectors for 2 LED or 2 Ports Multiple power supply options • Internal Mains Voltage Converter 110V to 230V • Optional: 12V to 24V application with Relay Driver 200mA active-low • Optional: Internal Pin-Connector for external DC-Supply 12V to 48V • Power over Ethernet (not isolated) Dimensions 160 x 100 x 20 mm³ (board without front connectors), 166 x 100 x 20 mm³ (board with front connectors) Weight 140 g to 160 g (depending on hardware configuration) Rev. 2012-01-20 23/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.8 Multi-sensor board for strain gauges, vibration, temperature and humidity, SmartSG Rev. 2.2 6.8.1 General description The multi-sensor board (see Figure 16) is primarily developed to support any type of sensors requiring a Wheatstone bridge-type signal conditioning for an accurate measurement of changes of electric resistance (e.g. piezo-resistive, ceramic-thick film or steel membrane based). Many different sensors for the measurement of strain, stress, load, displacement, inclination, soil pressure etc. can be attached to this signal conditioning board. With small changes in the hardware setup also PT100 elements for temperature measurements could be used. The board performs the digitalization of the sensor signals. It communicates with the processor board using the I2C bus. The board is equipped with two ZMD31050 differential sensor signal conditioner devices for operating two independent sensors simultaneously. The ZMD31050 is a CMOS integrated circuit for highly accurate amplification and sensor-specific correction of bridge sensor signals. The IC provides digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature drift and non-linearity of an integrated 16-bit RISC micro controller running a correction algorithm with coefficients stored in a non-volatile EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory). These coefficients can be programmed from the processor board, for example during a calibration process. In addition, the IC can interface a separate temperature sensor. Multi-Sensor Board Sensor-Board Connector Power Power Switch PW INT I2C Accelero meter GIO I2C/SPI 0 PW IO EN PW I2C HUM. TEMP. optional I2C ZMD 31050 ZMD 31050 Sensor-Connector 1 Sensor-Connector 2 Figure 16. Principle sketch of multi-sensor board, Rev. 2.2. Because measuring with a Wheatstone-bridge circuit needs considerable power (power mainly depends on the impedance of the used strain gauge), the signal conditioning board can be switched off and on by an electronic switch that is controlled by the processor board via the GIO interface. The bi-directional digital interface (I2C) is also used for simple software controlled oneshot calibration procedure, in order to program a set of calibration coefficients into the on-chip EEPROM. Thus a specific sensor and the ZMD31050 are digitally connected. For measuring air temperature and humidity, a MEMS sensor (SHT15 from Sensirion) that is equipped with a digital interface could be connected to the multi-sensor board. The SHT15 digital humidity and temperature sensor is a fully calibrated MEMS sensor that offers high precision and excellent long-term stability. The digital technology integrates two sensors and readout circuitry on one single chip. Measuring time series with high sampling rates is energy consuming and also limited by the system bandwidth and the storage capability. It is therefore advisable to sample a measurand only Rev. 2012-01-20 24/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform when signals of interest are expected. This often means to sample signals only if a certain amplitude threshold is exceeded. Especially in case of dynamic strain measurements, such an event driven data acquisition is indispensible. Hence, a vibration detection mechanism/device was developed, which enables power-consuming measurements only in case of vibration exceed certain level. The chosen solution is an acceleration sensor, SMB380 from Bosch Sensortec GmbH, Germany, which features energy saving modes. The functional principle of the chosen vibration detection solution is briefly described: The on-chip routines measure periodically the acceleration and detect if a given threshold is exceeded. Then the SMB380 generates an interrupt to wake up the MSP430 µC and the ZMD chips and to start with predefined measurement routine. For the setting of the SMB380's parameters, a software tools is available. Once an optimal setting is found, it can be stored to the SMB380's EEPROM and is then fixed even without power. In the “any motion” detection mode, which was tested and found to be suitable e.g. to detect trains crossing a bridge, the sensor consumes just about 200µA, which guarantees long battery operation. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.2. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.4 Figure 17. Multi-sensor sensor board and temperature/humidity add-on sensor, Rev. 2.2. 6.8.2 Features Wheatstone bridge measurements (Pt-elements, strain gauges etc. using ¼-, ½- or fullWheatstone bridge) Software programmable (offset, gain etc.) Event detection using optional MEMS acceleration sensor Optional Temperature/Humidity Measurements Rev. 2012-01-20 25/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.9 Sensor signal board with integrated multiplexer, SmartSSG Rev. 2.0 6.9.1 General description The sensor signal board, is made with the 16-bit zooming ADC SX8724 with integrated multiplexer. The Inputs can be configured by hardware and software as two channel 16-bit differential analog inputs or up to four channel single-ended analog inputs. It has a 2-wire serial interface. The functionality is about the same then the multi-sensor board described in chapter 6.8. This board is developed for test only and is, with some modifications, now integrated in the processor mainboard SmartWS Rev. 3.1. Figure 18. Sensor signal board, Rev. 2.0 Rev. 2012-01-20 26/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.10 Acceleration sensor board for piezo- and PVDF-sensors, Rev. 1.0 6.10.1 General description During a former research project (www.sustainablebridges.net), different kinds of acceleration sensors were tested for evaluating their fitness for acoustic emission analysis. However, no commercially available MEMS sensors fulfilled the requirement of acoustic emission analysis. Especially their performance with respect to bandwidth, sensitivity, signal to noise ratio and/or power consumption did not meet the requirements. Therefore, other sensors (piezo and PVDF) are used for acoustic emission analysis or other higher frequency vibration analysis. For those sensors, a signal conditioning board (acceleration sensor board) was designed and manufactured that allows for an event-based data acquisition (see Figure 19). The signal conditioning board for piezo- and PVDF-sensors is equipped with two amplifiers that have a programmable gain (gain factor: 100, 1000), low pass filters and an analog trigger (threshold) that is adjustable in 256 steps by the software running on the processor board. Each acceleration sensor board has two independent analog channels for performing the signal conditioning of the two sensors simultaneously. The analog trigger option, which could be used before or after the analog filtering, allows for running the processor board in power down mode most of the time. Only if relevant events occur and a certain threshold is exceeded, an interrupt is initiated that could switch the processor board into working mode for a predefined time that can be controlled by the microcontroller. The acceleration board itself needs about 800 µW in working mode so a lifetime of several months up to years could be reached just working with a battery. A low pass anti-aliasing filter is also implemented to meet the requirements of the analog to digital conversion. The cut off frequency of the low pass filter can be adjusted to fit the selected sampling rate. The acceleration sensor board is not designed only for acoustic emission analysis usage. It can be used as a signal conditioning board for vibration analysis, too. This can be achieved by just a few changes in the low pass filtering module. Figure 19. Principle sketch and picture of acceleration sensor board, Rev. 1.0. Rev. 2012-01-20 27/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.11 Inclination and tilt sensor board, SmartInclino Rev. 2.0 6.11.1 General description The inclination and tilt sensor board (see Figure 20) is primarily developed to support an additional external inclination sensor module, which is equipped with up to two VTI SCA830-D07 or similar sensors for 1- or 2-axis inclination measurements. The inclination module, which is mounted on the monitored surface of the structure, is connected to the sensor board via two cables, supplying the module with electrical power and with a digital SPI interface for communication with the processor board. The SCA830-D07 is a MEMS sensor that primarily contains the sensing element, a 16-bit analog to digital converter, a temperature sensor for temperature compensation purposes, a nonvolatile memory, a SPI interface and some self-diagnostic features. The sensor module is equipped with up to two SCA830-D07 sensors that are mounted orthogonally in the module to ensure 2-axis measurements. Because the MEMS sensors need considerable power, the inclination and tilt sensor board can be switched off and on by an electronic switch that is controlled by the processor board via the GIO interface. Additionally the sensor board is equipped with a Bosch SMB380 acceleration sensor for acceleration measurements or motion detection. Furthermore for air temperature and humidity measurements a Sensirion SHT15 sensor can be connected. The SMB380 and the SHT15 sensors are already explained in chapter 6.3.1. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.3. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.5 6.11.2 Features 2-axis inclination measurements with high resolution Software programmable Event detection using optional MEMS acceleration sensor Optional Temperature /Humidity Measurements Figure 20. Principle sketch and picture of inclination and tilt-sensor board, Rev. 2.0. Rev. 2012-01-20 28/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.12 Air velocity sensor board, SmartVAir Rev. 2.0 6.12.1 General description The air velocity sensor board (see Figure 21 and Figure 22) is primarily developed to support the Omrom D6F-V03A1 MEMS flow sensor but actually any sensor equipped with a DC output in the range of 0 to 3.6 V, a supply voltage of about 2.7 to 3.6 V and a supply current of less than 150 mA may be connected. The D6F-V03A1 is able to measure air flow in the range of 0 to 3 m/s with an accuracy of +/-10%. The analog to digital conversion is done by the internal A/D-converter of the microprocessor with a resolution of 12 bit. The second channel of the board is used for external temperature measurement with a PT100 or other RTD sensor. It is equipped with the ZMD31050 differential sensor signal conditioner device, which is already explained in chapter 6.3.1. With small changes in the hardware it is also possible to connect any sensor based on a Wheatstone-bridge. Because the two channels need considerable power, the air velocity sensor board can be switched off and on by an electronic switch that is controlled by the processor board via the GIO interface. Additionally, the sensor board is equipped with a Bosch SMB380 acceleration sensor for acceleration measurements or motion detection. For air temperature and humidity measurements, a Sensirion SHT15 sensor can be connected. The SMB380 and the SHT15 sensors are already explained in chapter 6.8.1. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.4. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.6. Figure 21. Principle sketch of the air velocity sensor adaptation board, Rev. 2.0 6.12.2 Features Measurement of the air velocity on channel 1 (or other sensors with DC output) Wheatstone bridge measurements on channel 2 (Pt-elements, strain gauges etc. using ¼-, ½- or full- Wheatstone bridge) Channel 2 software programmable (offset, gain etc.) Event detection using optional MEMS acceleration sensor Optional Temperature /Humidity Measurements Rev. 2012-01-20 29/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 22. Air velocity sensor board with flow sensor, Rev. 2.0 6.13 Impedance converter board system for electrochemical analysis and impedance spectroscopy, SmartIMP Rev. 2.0 6.13.1 General description The impedance converter board (see Figure 23 and Figure 24) is primarily developed for electrochemical analysis and impedance spectroscopy at historical or modern structures. The board performs the excitation, measurement and digitalization of external impedance connected to the board via two electrodes. It communicates with the processor board using the I2C bus. The main item on the board is the Analog Devices AD5933 integrated circuit. The AD5933 is a high precision impedance converter system, which combines a programmable frequency generator with a 12 bit 1 MSPS analog-to-digital converter and a DSP engine. For each output frequency, a real and an imaginary data word is calculated. Furthermore a temperature sensor for temperature compensation purposes and an I2C interface are integrated on the chip. To measure impedance below 1 kOhm an external buffer is required and for output frequencies below 1 kHz an external programmable clock generator can be used, both are already implemented on the board. Because the integrated circuits need considerable power, the impedance converter board can be switched off and on by an electronic switch that is controlled by the processor board via the GIO interface. For measuring air temperature and humidity, a MEMS sensor (SHT15 from Sensirion) that is equipped with a digital interface can be connected to the multi-sensor board. The SHT15 sensor is already explained in chapter 6.8.1. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.5. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.7 The further development version of the impedance converter board is the Rev. 2.4 with integrated multiplexer. 6.13.2 Features 1 MSPS 12 bit impedance converter system Software programmable (frequency sweep, excitation, gain etc.) Optional Temperature /Humidity Measurements Rev. 2012-01-20 30/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Impedance Converter Board Sensor-Board Connector Power 2 GIO I C/SPI 0 Power Switch PW I2 C PW HUM. TEMP. ADC EN IO PW Freq. Divider IO I2C AD 5933 Buffer optional Sensor-Connector 2 Sensor-Connector 1 Figure 23. Principle sketch of the impedance converter board, Rev. 2.0 Figure 24. Impedance converter board, Rev 2.0 6.14 Impedance converter board with 6-channel multiplexer for electrochemical analysis and impedance spectroscopy, SmartIMP Rev. 2.4 6.14.1 General description The SmartMP board (see Figure 26 and Figure 25) is a measurement system for 2-wire impedance measurements. The main application is the electrochemical impedance analysis especially to determine the solution resistance of materials with electrolytic behavior like moist and/or chloride contaminated sandstones. As the temperature of the specimen has a major influence on the measuring results there are six channels added for external temperature and/or humidity measurements with I2C sensors directly at the measuring point. The board is designed for wireless applications and has been adapted to the SmartMCU1 board or the SmartWS board. Additionally to the six external impedance channels there are two internal impedance channels connected to two onboard reference resistors for self check, on board calibration and temperature compensation. There is also one additionally internal temperature channel connected to an onboard temperature sensor. It is possible to use this board in a temperature range of -25°C to 85°C. The inputs are six 10-pole ZIF sockets that fit to the external flexible sensor board for impedance measuring. For different cabling e.g. coaxial cables there are alternatively solder connectors for the impedance Rev. 2012-01-20 31/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform channels. Two power switches are used to switch the impedance part, the temperature part or the whole board independently on or off. Thereby power consumption and interferences can be minimized, because the temperature part can be switched off during an impedance measurement. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.6. Figure 25. Impedance converter board front and back, Rev. 2.4. 6.14.2 Features 8-Channel impedance multiplexer with 6 external channels and 2 internal channels 8-Channel I2C multiplexer for 6 external temperature/humidity I2C sensors and 1 internal channel Frequency range 10 Hz … 100 kHz Impedance range 0 … > 10 MOhm 2 gain resistors (1kOhm, 100 kOhm) 2 internal reference resistors (1kOhm, 100 kOhm) corresponding to the gain resistors 1 internal temperature sensor 2 power down modes Operating voltage 3.0 to 3.6V Dimensions 53.2 x 77 x 11 14 mm3 Weight 25 g 6.14.3 Versions Rev. 2.0: First version, binary clock divider for main clock generation, 1 impedance channel, 1 gain resistor, internal temperature and humidity sensor as an option, buffer, 1 power switch, 2 Binder connectors, dimension 38 x 53.5 mm. Rev. 2.1: Multiplexer for 6 external impedance channels and 2 internal channels, 2 onboard reference resistors, 2 range resistors, internal temperature sensor STDS75 on board, I2C interface for external temperature or other I2C sensors, dimensions 77 x 53 mm, 3 Binder connector for impedance, 1 Binder connector for external I2C sensors. Rev. 2.2: Not released. Rev. 2.3: Binary clock divider replaced by DDS (direct digital synthesizer) with XTAL oscillator and Schmitt trigger, additional I2C multiplexer for external temperature and humidity sensors, Binder connectors replaced by ZIF connectors and solder connectors, two power switches, internal I2C interface modified, socket for internal temperature/humidity sensor board removed, internal temperature sensor changed to TMP102. Rev. 2.4: Internal 1 kOhm resistor added to extend measurement range down to 0 Ohms, some minor changes in hardware and layout. Rev. 2012-01-20 32/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6-Channel Impedance Analyzer Rev. 2.4 Sensor Module Connector 2 GIO/ADC Power Sensor Module Connector 1 GIO GIO GIO/ADC Power Power On/Off On/Off Power Power Switch Power Switch 100mA limited TPS22942 Power out 100mA limited TPS22942 Power out PWR Out Schmitt Trigger PWR In Out Ser. DDS AD9834 CS PWR In Oscillator 50MHz Frequency generation by Direct Digital Synthesis 2 PWR I C Range Clock Impedance Analyzer AD5933 - Output Driver - Range Select PWR EN Addr. Vout Vin In Out 2x8-Channel Analog Multiplexer 6xOut 2xOut 2xIn 6xIn Ser./I2C PWR 8-Channel I2C-Multiplexer 6xSer./I2C Reference Resistors 1xSer. Ser. PWR Temp. TMP102 6 x Solder Connector 6 x ZIF - Connector Glossary (Bold) More then one Line Main Power, unregulated Digital Signal Analog Signal Other Ports / Functions Figure 26. Principle sketch of the impedance converter board, Rev. 2.4 Rev. 2012-01-20 33/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.15 Electrometer with external multiplexer, SmartE-Meter Rev. 2.0 6.15.1 General description The electrometer board (see Figure 28 and Figure 27) is primarily developed to measure potential differences caused by electrochemical cells with very high internal resistance. Therefore the electrometer board must have an extremely high input resistance. This is ensured by using at the input circuit of the board an operational amplifier with a very low bias current. The LMP7721 made by National Semiconductor that is used here has a typical bias current of only 3 fA at ambient temperature. The board acts as an impedance converter and level shifter with extremely high input impedance and low output impedance. The signal at the output of the board is digitized by the 12 bit analog-todigital converter of the microprocessor. There are three charge pumps on the board to supply the operational amplifiers and the multiplexer with the required supply voltages. An additional relay multiplexer extends the numbers of input channel from one to eight. The eight inputs of the multiplexer can be switched via the I2C bus sequentially to the input of the electrometer board. For measuring air temperature and humidity, a MEMS sensor (SHT15 from Sensirion) that is equipped with a digital interface can be connected to the multi-sensor board. The SHT15 sensor is already explained in chapter 6.8.1. The further development version of the electrometer board is the SmartEMT Rev. 2.4 with integrated multiplexer and a lower operating current. The board is smaller, the gain is selectable (x1, x10), the bias input current is adjustable, and the offset voltage is measurable for offsetting the measurement. It has a lower output noise and the response time is faster. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.7. The terminal pin assignment can be found in appendix 12.2.8. Figure 27. Electrometer board and multiplexer, Rev. 2.0 6.15.2 Features Extremely high input resistance of 100 GOhm Eight software selectable input channels with additional multiplexer Optional Temperature/Humidity measurements Rev. 2012-01-20 34/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 28. Principle sketch of the electrometer board and multiplexer, Rev. 2.0 6.16 Electrometer with integrated multiplexer, SmartEMT Rev. 2.4 6.16.1 General description The SmartEMT board (see Figure 30 and Figure 29) is an 8-channel analog electrometer for measuring potentials with high impedances. It is designed for wireless applications and has been adapted to the SmartMCU1 board (prepare the hardware for VRef-input) or the SmartWS board. The measurement output VOut and the reference voltage output VRef are prepared for the MSP430 12-bit DAC input and the VRef input. The VOut is shifted to 1.25V = VRef / 2 (this equates 0V at the input VIn) and all values are divided by 2. It is possible to measure the own offset voltage for offsetting the measurement. The bias voltage, resulting of the leakage current at the input of the input-amplifier, can be measured and adjusted at the input resistor. Therefor it is possible to use this board in a temperature range of -25°C to 85°C. The inputs are solder contacts for PTFE coaxial cable RG316/U. The input area is guarded as far as possible to neutralize the isolating resistances of the board and the relays,. A simple low pass filter against high frequency noise is built-in. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.8. A drawing with functional areas and connectors can be found in appendix 12.2.9 Rev. 2012-01-20 35/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 29. Electrometer board, Rev. 2.4 6.16.2 Features 8-Channel Multiplexer integrated Input Range max. -2.5V to 1.7V Selectable Gain (x1, x10) Input resistance 100GΩ Input bias current adjustable Measurable offset voltage for offsetting the measurement Power Down Mode Low Pass Filter against high frequency noise Operating Voltage 3.0 to 3.6V Dimensions 85.3 x 77 x 11 to 14 mm3 (height depending on module connector type) Weight 40 g 6.16.3 Remark to Shielding It is necessary to use this module in a shielded case. In combination with the microcontroller board SmartMCU1 and the supply board SmartDPS1 the ground connection to the case is done at the SmartDPS1 module. There are two 0Ω-bridges soldered at the fixing holes to GND. Leave the ground selector areas at the SmartEMT module open. If this module is used with the SmartWS mainboard, it is recommended to solder one or two 0Ω-bridges at the ground selector area to contact the fixing holes. In this case you can select between ground (GND) and analog ground (see Figure 59 at chapter 12.2.9). Normally GND is used. 6.16.4 Versions Rev. 2.0: First version, Electrometer and Scanner are separate. Both boards are modified. Rev. 2.1: Not made. Rev. 2.2: New Scanner with Guard Relays implemented into Electrometer board. Modifications implemented. Rev. 2.3: Some hardware errors solved. Some devices changed for lower power consumption. I2C coded relay driver changed to 3 bit binary code relay driver. Rev. 2012-01-20 36/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Rev. 2.4: Mechanical problems solved. Guard Relays removed. Design changed for lower power consumption, higher isolating resistance between strip lines. Reference Voltage used from DAC for higher accuracy. smaller board dimensions. 8-Channel Electrometer Rev. 2.4 Sensor Module Connector 2 GIO Power On/Off Sensor Module Connector 1 VREF in/out GIO/ADC GIO Power Power Switch Power out Power Voltage Regulators Inverter +2.8V +2.7V -2.7V +PWR -PWR Gain High Imp. Amp. LMP7721 - Gain Select x1/x10+LPF - Guard Driver Guard +PWR -PWR In Out Out Level Shifter Low-Pass Filter VREF In In -PWR +PWR Level PWR Driver EN Shifter Voltage Divider GND Relay Bias Adj. (Offset detect) In VREF In 100GΩ +PWR Out VREF Out 16 bit DAC PWR EN DAC8560 Decoder CS Ser In. 3 to 8 Line Address Out Out In Driver PWR Sel. 8 – Channel Relay Multiplexer 8xIn 8 x Solder Connector for Coaxial Cable Glossary (Bold) More then one Line Main Power, unregulated Reference Voltage Positive Powersupply, regulated Negative Powersupply, regulated Digital Signal Analog Signal Other Ports / Functions Figure 30. Principle sketch of the electrometer board, Rev. 2.4 Rev. 2012-01-20 37/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.17 Integrated sensors This chapter gives an overview of realized sensor boards. An overview of sensors with short data is given in the Report: D3.3 Sensors and Sensor adaption 6.17.1 Internal humidity and temperature sensor board, SmartTemp1, Rev. 2.2 This board is made for sensor boards with an internal extension connector. It could be connected at the front of the sensor board in a right angle. In this way it is possible to measure humidity and temperature at the front side of the housing. The Filter Cap (SF1 from Sensirion) protects the sensor against dust, water immersion and consequent condensation, as well as against contamination by particles. The sensor is the SHT15 from Sensirion with a two-wire serial interface. It has low power consumption and supports sleep mode. The dimensions are 17.6 x 11.5 x 9.5 mm without filter cap. Figure 31. Internal humidity and temperature sensor board,SmartTemp1 Rev. 2.2 6.17.2 Internal humidity and temperature sensor board with dual LED, SmartHT1, Rev. 3.0 This board is made for the processor mainboard SmartWS and could be soldered at the front side of the processor board. The board is the same as the SmartTemp1 explained in chapter 6.17.1, but it has additional a dual signal LED (red, green). The dimensions are 17 x 12.2 x 4 mm3 without filter cap. Figure 32. Internal humidity and temperature sensor board with dual LED, SmartHT1 Rev. 3.0 Rev. 2012-01-20 38/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.17.3 Internal humidity and temperature sensor board with dual LED, SmartHT2, Rev. 3.0 This board is the same as the SmartHT1 explained in chapter 6.17.2, but the sensors are the SHT21 or SHT25 with I2C interface from Sensirion. The SHT21 is cheaper than the SHT15 but has a lower accuracy. The SHT25 is more expensive than the SHT15 but has a higher accuracy. The dimensions are 17 x 12.2 x 3.5 mm3 without filter cap. Figure 33. Internal humidity and temperature sensor board with dual LED, SmartHT2 Rev. 3.0 6.17.4 External humidity and temperature sensor board, SmartHT3, Rev. 2.0 This board is made for external applications. On the back side there are solder connectors for cable. On the top side are two solder pads for additional pull up resistors. It is the same as the SmartHT2 without LED explained in chapter 6.17.3. The sensor board fits into the filter cap 12 mm x 23 mm with an inner diameter of 9 mm from Hygrosens. It is also possible to use the filter cap SF2 from Sensirion. The cap has to be fixed with gum. The dimensions are 13 x 8 x 2.8 mm without filter cap. Figure 34. External humidity and temperature sensor board, SmartHT3 Rev. 2.0 and filter cap from Hygrosens and Sensirion. Rev. 2012-01-20 39/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.17.5 External ambient light photo sensor board, SmartLGT3, Rev. 1.0 This sensor board has a digital light photo sensor APDS-9301 from Avago Technologies integrated. The photo sensor has an I2C interface and three addresses. On the top side are two solder pads for additional pull up resistors. At the back side are the solder connectors for cable and two solder pads for selecting one of the three slave addresses. The dimensions are 13 x 8 x 2.8 mm3. Figure 35. External ambient light photo sensor board, SmartLGT3 Rev. 1.0 and address list 6.17.6 External magnetic field sensor board, SmartMF1, Rev. 1.0 This sensor board is made to detect if there is a window or a door open in rooms with special climatic. The sensor is an ultrasensitive, pole independent Hall-effect switch (A3212 from Allegro). At the back side are the solder connectors for cable. The sensor has an open collector output, therefore it is necessary to use a pull up resistor. In this picture the resistor is placed on board. The dimensions are 13 x 8 x 2.8 mm. Figure 36. External magnetic field sensor board, SmartMF1 Rev. 1.0 6.17.7 External passive infrared sensor board, SmartPIR1, Rev. 1.0 This sensor board is made for the Panasonic digital sensor series AMNxxxxx. These sensors detect changes in the thermal radiation, e.g. moving objects or people. The complete signal processing is in the sensor integrated. The output signal is a digital trigger signal. The sensor has an open source output; therefore it is necessary to use a pull down resistor. The solder pad for this resistor is on the top side. At the back side are the solder connectors for cable. The dimensions are 20.7 x 11.2 x 16.1 to 20.2 mm (depending on sensor type). Figure 37. External passive infrared sensor board, SmartPIR1 Rev. 1.0 Rev. 2012-01-20 40/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.17.8 External temperature sensor board, SmartTMP1, Rev. 1.0 This sensor board is made for temperature measuring inside of objects. The sensor is the TMP102 from Texas Instruments with a two-wire serial interface and four addresses. The solder pads for the address selection are at the top side. The board has on both side solder connectors for cable. The dimensions are 43 x 8 x 2 mm. Figure 38. External temperature sensor board, Smart TMP1 Rev. 1.0 and address overview 6.17.9 External flexible sensor board for impedance measuring, Rev. 2.4 This sensor board has two connectors for probes (e.g. conductive rubber) to measure impedances in stone. A sensor SHT21 from Sensirion is placed to get the actual humidity and temperature. The sensor board is made slight and flexible, because it will be placed in drilled holes of stone. To get measurement values in different deepness some boards will be stacked together with a little displacement. The flex board could be connected into the ZIF sockets of the impedance converter board SmartIMP Rev. 2.4 (see the principle in Figure 40). The dimensions are 77 x 53,3 x 0.1 mm3 without sensor and 1.4 mm with sensor. Figure 39. External flexible sensor board for impedance measuring, Rev. 2.4 Rev. 2012-01-20 41/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 40. Principle of measuring impedances in stone 6.17.1 External sensor board for surface impedance measuring This sensor boards are made for the impedance measuring on the surface of stone. There can be placed probes (e.g. spring contact or conductive rubber) in different displacement. The sensor board could be connected via cable or coaxial cable to the impedance converter board SmartIMP. Figure 41. External sensor boards without and with conductive rubber Rev. 2012-01-20 42/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 6.17.2 External potential sensors These sensors are made for measuring potentials in stone. The electrodes are consisting of AgAgCl. The sensors could be connected to the electrometer board SmartEMT. The sensors and a test assembly are shown in Figure 42. Figure 42. Potential sensors and test assembly 6.17.3 Test board for UV radiation and light This board is made for testing some light and UV radiation sensors. A separate UV radiation sensor board is not made. Figure 43. Test board for UV radiation and light Rev. 2012-01-20 43/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 7 Wireless Gateway SmartGateWS Rev. 3.3 7.1 Product Description The SmartGateWS is a stand-alone gateway that provides long-distance data-transfer per GSM/GPRS-Modem from the monitoring site to the end-user. The gateway is designed to withstand harsh environments and multiple power supply options guarantee its worldwide application. To allow for fully autonomous operation in applications where no electric power is available, the SmartGateWS could be equipped with solar cells and secondary batteries. The SmartGateWS supports USB, Ethernet, RS232 and optionally SPI, I2C, UART, RS 485 (additional interface board). The integrated IEEE 802.15.4-compliant radio bridges the wireless sensor network to local wire line infrastructure or even wireless to the internet. Technical data can be found in appendix 12.1.9 Figure 44. SmartGateWS, Rev. 3.3 and connector side 7.2 Main Specifications/Features GSM/GPRS Module GE863-PRO³, QUAD-BAND GPS Module 3M (SiRF 3/LP) CPU ARM 9 integrated (200 MIPS) (Core AT91SAM9260) 64 MB RAM for applications Nonvolatile data flash 4 MB (up to 128MB onboard) Data flash extension SD card or MMC card 2.4 GHz transceiver for wireless sensor network data transmission Interfaces Serial CMOS and +/- 5V driver, JTAG, Ethernet (10 Base-T connector with PoE) USB, I2C, SPI, GPIO SIM Holder onboard Multiple power supply options • Internal Mains Voltage Converter 110V to 230V • Optional: 12V to 24V application with Relay Driver 200mA active-low • Optional: Internal Pin-Connector for external DC-Supply 12V to 48V • Power over Ethernet (not isolated) Embedded Linux onboard (as default, Kernel 2.6.x) Dimensions 250 x 154 x 38 mm³ (in case) Weight 1.2 kg (in IP 65 case) Rev. 2012-01-20 44/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 7.3 Peripherals USB Host Connector (max. 200mA) Internal second USB Host Pin-Connector (max. 200mA) USB Device Connector (no supply via USB) Sub-D 9pin Connector RS232 (DCE), 2 and 4 Wire Communication, configurable for programming / debugging Internal Pin-Connector for programming / debugging (C-MOS 3.1V) Internal Pin-Connectors for 2 LED or 2 Ports Optional: Internal Pin-Connector for JTAG Optional: Internal Pin-Connectors for small optional IO-Interface Board (GPIO, SPI, I2C, UART, RS 485 ext. DC-Power) SMA Reverse Antenna Connector for Wireless Sensor-Net Communication at 2.4GHz SMA Antenna Connector for GSM: GSM-850 / 900 Class 4, DCS–1800 / PCS–1900 Class 1 U.FL Connector for GPS (internal) Real Time Clock Rev. 2012-01-20 45/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 8 Structural health monitoring software 8.1 Principal structure of the SHM system software To operate the WSN, a complex but flexible architecture of software components has been coded, which interact to form the WSN. To each of the hardware components, as described in chapter 6, belongs a software component that operates this component. A block diagram of the software system is shown in Figure 45. The measurement nodes (Smartmotes) are the core of the system. The Smartmotes run two components: the sensor node boot loader (Wboot) and the sensor node application software, called Miranda. For details on this software, refer to chapters 8.2.2 and 8.2.3. The Smartswitch is an optional system unit, which is not necessary for small-scaled deployments. The software component Uranus, running on the Smartswitch, is therefore postponed. The Smartgate is the central node in the WSN and offers base station functionality. It is composed of the Starcatcher application, which receives the radio messages from all the Smartmotes and forwards them to the Jupiter application. Starcatcher can be seen as the radio interface component of the Jupiter application. Jupiter is a component that manages the WSN. Command messages can be injected into the network and also data can be displayed. The Callisto application is optional and is used for on-site-interaction with the object. „wboot“ Bootloader 2.4GHz „miranda“ Application (Data Acquisition, Data analysis) SmartswitchWS SmartgateWS „starcatcher“ Serial forwarder „callisto“ On-Site control „uranus“ Forwarder 2.4GHz SmartmoteWS SmartswitchWS LAN/WLAN SmartserverWS „mars“ SQL interpreter (PHP-Skript) GPRS/UMTS LAN/WLAN „jupiter“ Forwarder „starcatcher“ Serial forwarder „galaxy“ MySQL Data Base VI-Server (Labview-Vis) SmartmoteWS SQL interpreter Data analysis toolbox SmartgateWS „planemos“ Application builder miranda: mir_shtup, mir_DMS SmartserverWS Figure 45: Principle sketch of the SHM system software components including name conventions. The Smartserver is a hardware unit which is detached from the rest of the WSN. For details refer to the system description in chapter 4. A software component called Mars receives the data from the WSN and inserts the data into a database (Galaxy). The VI-Server, running National Instruments Rev. 2012-01-20 46/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform LabVIEW, handles the requests for online visualization of the data. The requests to these visualization tools originate from a web server, which is not shown in this sketch. The application builder software (Planemos) handles the update process of the sensor nodes with Miranda applications. 8.2 Sensor network and data transfer software 8.2.1 Sensor network protocol The individual nodes erect a wireless sensor network by exchanging radio messages with their neighbors or with the base station. The protocol that regulates the interchange of messages is a customized protocol, implemented by TTI. To simplify matters and moreover to make the protocol as power-saving as possible, a routing-free direct-path transmission, request-based protocol was devised which establishes a star topology. The routing-free direct-path transmission can be substituted by a multi-hop subsystem for large-scale deployments, where the forwarding of data from several star networks by Smartswitches would be uneconomic and a tree topology is desirable. The protocol realizes a low payload overhead for common tasks (~ 50 % less than ZigBee) which results to minimum power consumption (again ~ 50 % less than ZigBee). This is realized by 1) an early split between Wboot and Miranda data on a very low level, and 2) an acknowledge-requestbased-only transmission. This means that requests for sending a command can be sent to the network nodes only with the acknowledgement of another message that has been sent before. 8.2.2 Wboot – Sensor node boot loader The sensor boot loader can be seen as the operating system of the sensor nodes. It provides a common interface for basic radio transmission routines to the application software (refer to chapter 8.2.3). Furthermore, it provides support functions like a sleep timer, enabling the application to power down to a low-power mode during inactive periods, and read/write accesses routines for the microcontroller flash memory. The operation of the boot loader (and of the application software) is supervised by a watchdog. The watchdog resets the software to an initial state, if it is not responding any more. This is a fallback safety feature, avoiding the "loss", i.e. the non-responsiveness, of a sensor node. The watchdog is automatically configured and cleared periodically by the boot loader. The boot loader is also capable of loading software updates into the node. In this mode, the software update is transmitted wirelessly to the node and flashed into the internal memory. A CRC check is provided to guarantee the error-free transmission of the software package. It is even possible to auto-start the application when the CRC check is valid. This update feature is usually used to load newer version of the Miranda software, however, it is even possible to install a new boot loader over the air. 8.2.3 Miranda – sensor node application software The Miranda packages represent the application software, which is specific to the signal adaptation board (refer to chapter 6), which is build into a specific node. In general, this software component handles the data acquisition, data format conversion and data analysis. It can also store data to additional flash memory, if the node is equipped like that. Data acquisition is done by either using the microcontroller's internal analog-to-digital converter or specialized measurement hardware on the signal conditioning board. The software accomplishing this task is therefore as diverse as the underlying hardware. The general program flow, however, is common to all Miranda applications. Firstly, the data is acquired from the hardware, then data is converted to a common format, post-processed (optional) and then sent to the SmartgateWS base Rev. 2012-01-20 47/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform station, using the Wboot radio driver. Afterwards, the sensor node is set to a sleep mode, to save energy. After the measurement interval has expired, the whole measurement cycle starts over. Be referred to Table 3 in chapter 9 for details on the status of availability of the Miranda application software packages. 8.2.4 Starcatcher – radio to serial forwarder The Starcatcher software is software running on a SmartmoteWS that is directly connected to USBPort of a SmartswitchWS or a SmartgateWS. It is designed to provide a reliable connection between the SmartmotesWS and the SmartswitchWS or SmartgateWS units. This application can be seen as the radio interface of the Jupiter application. Its coupling with the Jupiter package is therefore tight. Its task is to forward data from the nodes to the Uranus or Jupiter application, and to forward command is opposite direction from Uranus or Jupiter to the network. Additionally, the sending of software update to the nodes is done by this component. 8.2.5 Uranus – forwarder The Uranus software is a stripped-down version of the Jupiter software. It is designed for use in multi-star networks in large deployments. It communicates with the mars component to put data into the Galaxy data base. The Uranus component is running on a Linux system or an embedded Linux system. 8.2.6 Jupiter – base station and forwarder The Jupiter software is basically similar to the Uranus software but has some advanced features. It supports UMTS/GPRS modem support for wide area mobile network connections and provides a data interface for the Callisto software. The Uranus component is running on a Linux system or an embedded Linux system. 8.2.7 Callisto – on-site control Callisto is the software package that provides direct on-site control. This can be used for immediate interaction with the object under observation. For example in a church where the air humidity is monitored, the on-site control component could provide an interface to a acclimatization appliance, or even only a window-opening control system, to reduce the humidity by ventilation or heating under certain conditions. This software is still under evaluation and not finished yet. 8.3 Data storage 8.3.1 Galaxy – SQL data base Galaxy is the link between the nodes and the user interface. Nodes and user interface never talk to each other directly; moreover, they always use the Galaxy as a link. That guaranties a common interface and the possibility to use more than one user interface. It also cares for all the synchronization and data storage. 8.3.2 Data Base Overview The database layout is designed to allow both a quick insertion of new data items into the structure and a quick retrieval of information items for further processing, analysis and visualization. Galaxy is a relational database with tables as shown in Figure 46. For more details on the database layout, refer to chapter 12.3. Rev. 2012-01-20 48/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 46: Data base structure: each square stands for one table 8.3.3 Mars – SQL interpreter The Mars software is written in PHP. On the one hand, it is used to load data into the galaxy data base. For security reasons direct SQL access is not permitted. On the other hand, simple PHP scripts readout the database and print it in simple HTML sites for client access. The scripts are simple and for debugging only. 8.4 Data analysis After raw data is gathered with the above described system, the data has to be analyzed regarding the sought-after information and to reduce the amount of data. These goals are achieved by a twostep analysis procedure. First, some basic data filtering and reduction is done within the motes themselves, e.g. by using hardware filter components to disregard noise or by averaging of data. Then, in a second step after the transmission and storage, the data can be post-processed and analyzed in depth. 8.4.1 In-mote data analysis In wireless sensor networks, low power consumption is of utmost importance. Of the factors that account for the most power consumption in wireless sensor nodes, radio transmission is on the first ranks. Current drain is linear with the time a sensor needs to transmit data. This is also true for mote processing power; however, data processing of one byte is less costly – in the sense of power consumption – than the radio transmission of one byte. It is hence in our interest to reduce transmission times as much as possible. Preprocessing of data – so called in-mote data analysis – can be used to reduce the acquired data to useable information. The principles used for this, comprise standard approaches from information theory, like compression by differencing (transmission of deltas only) but include also more complex analysis that are application specific. An example for such an analysis is the analysis of vibration time series to retrieve the natural frequencies. At present, no reduction routines are implemented in-mote. Transmission of deltas-only is a first step, which will be implemented during the next timeframe. Rev. 2012-01-20 49/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 8.4.2 Database analysis The database analysis is controlled by the individual user, who requests a data analysis via a web server user interface (cf. Figure 47). The web server does not handle the request on its own, but forwards it to the analysis server running National Instruments LabVIEW. This server retrieves the data to analyze from the database server (which coincides with the web server in this architecture). The data is then accordingly analyzed and the analysis results are returned as Portable Network Graphics (png) via the web server to the client web browser. 1. Request analysis via web interface 5. Send html and graphics Customers Web server (public access) Database server (local access only) 2. Request analysis 3. Retrieve data 4. Return analysis results LabVIEW analysis server (local access only) Figure 47. Database analysis architecture The modular database analysis architecture was chosen to guarantee a stability of the entire system while maintaining a high flexibility and to ensure maximum data integrity on the database server by limiting the required access from the analysis and web servers to read-only. The use of a LabVIEW analysis server allows the easy implementation of a considerably large ready-to-use data analysis toolbox. Figure 48. LabVIEW analysis server code Rev. 2012-01-20 50/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform In a first step, the interfaces between the four members of the analysis server architecture, as well as the graphical display of the raw data were implemented. On this basis, the architecture was then successively extended. The LabVIEW analysis server main code is shown in Figure 48. Two different general analysis functions are supported by the code that return different outputs to the user: <<diagram>> shows discrete data points from one or more sensors and up to two sensor types over a selected period of time. This is for example used to display a graph of the temperature and humidity development over time. <<current data>> returns a time-specific measurement series of one or more sensors. A typical task would be to display a transient vibration signal or a graph of the electrical impedance vs. the measurement frequencies. If no specific time is specified, the latest recorded measurement value is returned. Further analysis can easily be implemented in the code that can be accessed by adding another option in the html request. The graphical overview of the measurement data collected at Johanniskirche in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Figure 51) is an example for such an extension. Here, additional to the fundamental database readout, a dew point calculation is carried out with the available data, giving advice to the owner whether to open or to close the windows and doors to avoid condensation on the building envelope. 8.5 User interfaces 8.5.1 Administration software tools For operation and maintenance (O&M) of the wireless sensor network, technical tools have been developed that allow a technically adept administrator to configure the network in respect to measurement tasks, networking parameters and general system settings. S: 30 SM_TEMP id: 76 temp: 26.70 S: 30 SM_TEMP id: 77 temp: 26.70 S: 2c SHT15 5: 24.48 36.79 S: 30 SHT15 22.33 26.28 S: 2c SM_AIRFLOW id: 6: 0.00 m/s 0 S: 31 SHT15 5: 22.36 24.35 sn 98 L: Set Cmd Node: 98 S: 98 SM_VOLTAGE id: 34 Voltage: 1511.6 mV S: 98 SM_VOLTAGE id: 56 Voltage: 1512.8 mV S: 98 SM_VOLTAGE id: 0 Voltage: 1512.8 mV S: 98 SM_VOLTAGE id: 12 Voltage: 1515.2 mV load emeterapp.bin .. ..loading .. .. Figure 49: Example trace of administration tool The administration is considered to be done via a web interface. Having in mind the complexity of the administration and allowing for the current development phase where progress is fast and software still changes rapidly, the O&M is done with specialized tools. Rev. 2012-01-20 51/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 8.5.2 Data readout software tools Apart from the administrative tools that have been implemented to operate and maintain the wireless sensor network, the data readout software tools are designed to bring the customer an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand graphical user interface for data readout and visualization. The data visualization and data retrieval have been decided to be implemented as a set of onlinetools. For each project, the customer gets a web page as a starting point. See Figure 50 for an example. Here, the user rights management is handled and links to the individual retrieval, visualization and analysis tools are offered. Figure 51 depicts exemplarily a data visualization tools for temperature and humidity values on a medieval church in southwest Germany. Temperature and humidity are shown at the exact places where the sensors are installed in the church. By using this tool, a quick impression of the measurement values can be obtained. Figure 50: Web-interface start page, with the offered retrieval and visualization tools circled in red Rev. 2012-01-20 52/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 51: Data visualization of temperature and humidity data of a church in Germany 8.5.3 Data export software tools As mentioned in chapter 8.5.2, data retrieval can be triggered by another online tool. This tool offers the download of information stored in the data base. Parameters include the start and end time, the desired sensors and measurement type. Data can be obtained in Excel file format, Open Document file format or as comma separated values. It is also possible to access the database online via a query language. This way of extracting data for post processing is favored, over file export, as data is more up-to-date then. 8.6 Planemos – Application builder Planemos is the connection between the Galaxy SQL data base and the binary files of the Miranda application software. After the compiler builds the Miranda software, Planemos loads it into the database. From there it can be uploaded to the motes. Planemos also writes into the database where configuration values are stored. This is needed to tell the user interface what possible configurations are implemented in this Miranda application. Rev. 2012-01-20 53/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 9 Overview Status of work Table 1: Basic sensor node components Progress Processor board Available Wireless transceiver unit Available Power supply Dual power regulation Battery operation Solar cell operation Available Available Available (prototype) Housing (casing) Available Programming adapter (USB/JTAG) Available Table 2: Sensor and signal conditioning Progress Air temperature & relative humidity Available Material temperature Available Local strain and deformation Available Large distance and deformation Available (only wire transducer) Acceleration sensors: Event detection Modal analysis Acoustic emission analysis Available Available (prototype) Available (prototype) Inclination Available Barometric pressure (on request) Air velocity Available Material moisture: potential mapping sensors impedance measurement Available Available Solar irradiance Available UV light Available Ozone (on request) Rev. 2012-01-20 54/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 3: Wireless Sensor Node Operating System and Application Software Progress Bootloader (Wboot) Available Application Software Packages (Mirandas) Environmental temperature and humidity Body temperature (Pt100) Electrometer (potential measurements) Air flow sensing Strain measurements Impedance measurements Inclination Light (incl. UV) Acoustic emission analysis Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Under development Web-Interface Available (prototype) Online-Analysis (basic tools) Available (exemplary prototype) Analysis packages Time Series Dew point analysis further analysis Available Available (on request) Forwarder (Uranus) (on request) Base Station Software (Jupiter) Available Radio to serial forwarder (Starcatcher) Available On-site control (Callisto) (on request) Database system (Galaxy) Available Application builder (Planemos) Under development Rev. 2012-01-20 55/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 10 Conclusions and outlook Wireless sensor networks using intelligent data acquisition and processing could enormously reduce the costs for structural health monitoring to a small percentage of a conventional wired monitoring system. This will increase its application and thus more detailed information could be obtained from the structural behavior as well as the actual condition of the building structure. This will enable engineers to do structural analysis and repairs based on more precise information, and conduct more accurate lifetime predictions. For that reason, diverse wireless monitoring systems and promising distributed computing strategies were developed or are under investigation. Reliability, especially in respect to long-term monitoring, is still challenging and the high complexity in customizing and assembling monitoring systems conflicts with easy handling and usability. Therefore still more practicable modular concepts must be developed the way it is described shortly in this report for the sensor node hardware. The detection of abnormal or critical events is one aspect in which hardware could play a decisive role. Solutions for that must be further investigated and developed. In combination with intelligent distributed computing strategies, structural health monitoring will then be intrinsically efficient and will help reduce maintenance costs while at the same time increase the lifetime of structures. Ultimately it will help to achieve a safer and healthier work and living environment for EU citizens, and by saving monuments and historic structures, help preserve European history and culture as a whole. Rev. 2012-01-20 56/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 11 References [1] Meyer, J., R. Bischoff, G. Feltrin, M. Krüger, O. Saukh, S. Bachmaier. 2007. “Sustainable Bridges 5.7 - Prototype Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network”, Report of ´Sustainable Bridges´ project, http://www.sustainablebridges.net/main.php/SB5.7.pdf?fileitem=11681876. [2] Kim, S., S. Pakzad, D. Culler, J. Demmel G. Fenves, S. Glaser, M. 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Rev. 2012-01-20 57/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform [13] Krüger, M., C.U. Grosse, J. Kurz. 2006. “Acoustic emission analysis techniques for wireless sensor networks used for structural health monitoring”, in IABMAS'06 - Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Porto. [14] Krüger, M., C.U. Grosse, J. Kurz. 2007. “Sustainable Bridges 5.5 - Technical Report on Wireless Sensor Networks Using MEMS for Acoustic Emission Analysis Including Other Monitoring Tasks”, Report of ´Sustainable Bridges´ project, http://www.sustainablebridges.net/main.php/SB5.5.pdf?fileitem=11681873. Rev. 2012-01-20 58/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12 Appendix 12.1 Technical data of different components 12.1.1 Processor board, Rev. 3.1 Table 4: SmartWS main board specifications, Rev. 3.1 Parameter Test Conditions(1) Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit Maximum Ratings Operating Voltage Range (VCC) Total Current Load Itot @VCC On Switching Capacitive Load @VCC (without Puls current limiting) -25°C to 85°C 3.6 V -25°C to 85°C 250 mA -25°C to 85°C Power Switch with RDS(ON)=0.1Ω 10 µF +85 °C 90 %RH 7 mA Operating Temperature Range Operating Relative Humdity -25 Non-Condensing Microcontroller Part and Terminals at the Sensor Module Connectors Microcontroller -25°C to 85°C Operating Current(2) Low Frequency -25°C to 85°C Crystal High Frequency Crystal Flash Memory RAM Flash Memory Program/Erase Endurance Baud Rate UART Mode Clock SPI Mode 2 Clock I C Mode Clock Output @ GPIO with Clock Output Clock Input @Timers GPIO Positive-going Input Threshold Voltage GPIO Negative-going Input Threshold Voltage GPIO Input Voltage Rev. 2012-01-20 3.0 -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C 0.1 0.5(3) 32.768 4 104 kHz 16 MHz 256 16 KB KB 105 Cycles -25°C to 85°C 1 MBaud -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C 10 400 MHz kHz -25°C to 85°C 16 MHz -25°C to 85°C 16 MHz -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V 1.5 2.1 V -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V 0.75 1.65 V -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V 0.4 1.0 V 59/92 SMooHS Parameter Hysteresis GPIO/ADC Input Leakage Current Rpull Disabled GPIO Pullup/Pulldown Resistor Rpull GPIO with INT Interrupt Pulse length GPIO High-Level Output Voltage(4)(8) GPIO Low-Level (4)(8) Output Voltage ADC Input Voltage Range ADC Conversion Rate ADC Resolution Positive External Reference Voltage Input Negative External Reference Voltage Input Differential External Reference Voltage Input Static Input Current @ Reference Voltage Input Internal Reference Voltage Load Current @VREF Output Reset Pulse length (Low Active) Load @Reset Terminal (Pullup Resistor) Capacitive Load @Reset Terminal Radio Transceiver Power Down Current D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Test Conditions(1) Value Unit -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V -25°C to 85°C 20 -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V 20 -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V, Imax = 15mA Full Drive Strength -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V, Imax = -6mA Reduced Drive Strength -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V, Imax = 15mA Full Drive Strength -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V, Imax = 6mA Reduced Drive Strength 35 ±50 nA 50 kΩ ns VCC0.6 VCC V VCC0.6 VCC V GND GND+ 0.6 V GND GND+ 0.6 V GND VCC V -25°C to 85°C 200 ksps -25°C to 85°C 12 Bits -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C 1.4 VCC V -25°C to 85°C GND 1.2 V -25°C to 85°C 1.4 VCC V ±1 µA 2.53 / 1.53 V -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V -25°C to 85°C, VCC=3V 2.35 / 1.41 2.45 / 1.47 -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C -1 2 mA µS -25°C to 85°C 47 kΩ -25°C to 85°C 2.2 nF -25°C to 85°C 5 Transmit Current(5) -25°C to 85°C, 12dBm 60.5 Receive Current(5) -25°C to 85°C 30.3 Transmit(5) Output Power -25°C to 85°C 10 µA mA Rev. 2012-01-20 dBm 60/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Test Conditions(1) Parameter Receive Input(5) Sensitivity Digital Application Part -25°C to 85°C -94 Power Down Current -25°C to 85°C 2 Operating Current Power On Setup Time(6) Current Limiter Output Supply Voltage @Sensor Connector(7)(8) Output Driver Low Level(7)(8) Output Driver High Level(7)(8) Digital Input Level Analog Input Range 16Bit Analog Application Part Power Down Current Operating Current(5) Sleep Current Power On Setup Time(6) Current Limiter Output Supply Voltage @Sensor Connector(7)(8) Input Voltage Range(5) Input Differential (5) Voltage Range Input Common Mode Voltage Range Input Impedance SX8724(5) Conversion Rate Resolution Internal Reference Voltage Reference Voltage Input High accuracy Reference Voltage REF5025ID Operating Current REF5025ID Extended Memory Power Down Current Rev. 2012-01-20 Value Unit -25°C to 85°C, no Load 50 -25°C to 85°C 100 -25°C to 85°C 100 150 µA 100 ms 200 mA -25°C to 85°C, Imax = 100mA VCC0.1 VCC V -25°C to 85°C, Imax = 100mA GND GND+ 0.15 V -25°C to 85°C VCCVCC 0.15 Same as GPIO -25°C to 85°C Same as ADC Input -25°C to 85°C 2 -25°C to 85°C 950 -25°C to 85°C 101 -25°C to 85°C, Imax = 100mA V µA -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C 100 100 150 ms 200 mA V -25°C to 85°C, Imax = 100mA, Configured for Power Out VCC0.1 VCC -25°C to 85°C GND 2.42 -25°C to 85°C ±2.42 -25°C to 85°C GND VCC -25°C to 85°C 150 1500 -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C 1 16 1.19 1.22 V kΩ ksps Bits 1.25 V -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C VCC -0.05% 2.5 -25°C to 85°C @85°C 0 3 +0.05% V 1.2 mA 2 20 µA 61/92 SMooHS Parameter D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Test Conditions(1) Value Depending of Operating Current Type Module for Humidity/Temperature Sensor (SHT15 or SHT21, SHT25) and Dual-LED Operating Current 0,55 SHT-Sensor(9) Sleep Current 0,3 SHT-Sensor(9) -25°C to 85°C, 12 Bit Resolution Temperature(9) -25°C to 85°C, 14 Bit Accuracy -25°C to 85°C ±0,3 Temperature(9) 25°C, 8 Bit Resolution Humidity(9) 25°C, 12 Bit Accuracy ±2 (9) Humidity Operating Current LED red -25°C to 85°C (selectable via bridge) Operating Current LED green -25°C to 85°C (controlled by port, High Active) Acceleration Sensor BMA180 Operating Current -25°C to 85°C 650 Low Power Mode Operating Current -25°C to 85°C 975 Low Noise Mode Sleep Current 0.5 Start-Up Time from -25°C to 85°C 2 Sleep Mode ADC Resolution -25°C to 85°C 12 Selectable Acceleration -25°C to 85°C 1 to 16 Ranges ADC Resolution 0,25 In 2g Mode (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Unit Memory 1 mA 1,5 µA 0,04 0,01 °C ±1,8 0,7 0,05 %RH ±5 5 mA 5 µA ms 14 Bit g mg Typical Specifications @25°C, VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V (unless otherwise noted), sensor connectors open, no load. These values are average values. For more significant and detailed specifications refer to the datasheets of the hardware and test it. The Values have been calculated from the original Datasheets and not measured. Depending on System Frequency, Power Modes and Activities Typical Current @Clock 32.768 kHz and using Ports as GPIO The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined should not exceed±100 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. Depending on Operating Modes Depending on Load The maximum total current of all partial currents at this part should not exceed ±100mA The maximum total current of all partial currents should not exceed the total current Itot @VCC Depending on Sensor Type Rev. 2012-01-20 62/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.1.2 Multi-sensor board, Rev. 2.2 Table 5: Multi-sensor board specifications, Rev. 2.2 (Wheatstone bridge) Item / Parameter Supply voltage Supply current Sleep mode Operation mode (without sensor) Response time From sleep mode From operation mode No. of input channels Input range Resolution Max. sampling rate Ambient Temperature Ambient Humidity Add-ons (optional) Bosch SMB380 (Event detection) Sensirion SHT15 Symbol Value 3V to 3.6V ASM AOM 12µA 6mA (typ.) 25ms 5ms Ch1, Ch2 2 2mV/V to 280mV/V ≤15 bit ≤3.9 kHz -40 to +85°C 90% RH Non Condensing Vibration detection Temp. /Hum. measurement 12.1.3 Tilt and inclination sensor board, Rev. 2.0 Table 6: Inclination and tilt sensor board specification, Rev. 2.0 Item / Parameter Supply voltage Supply current Sleep mode Operation mode (with 2 SCA830-D07) Response time From sleep mode No. of channels Input range Resolution Max. sampling rate Amplitude response Ambient Temperature Ambient Humidity Add-ons (optional) Bosch SMB380 (Event detection) Sensirion SHT15 Rev. 2012-01-20 Symbol Value 3 V to 3.6 V ASM AOM 12 µA 10 mA (typ.) Ch1, Ch2 95ms 2 one axis inclinometers orthogonally installed -90° to +90° 0.00179° (range +/-3°) 125 Hz 6.25 Hz -40 to +85°C 90% RH Non Condensing Vibration detection Temp. /Hum. measurement 63/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.1.4 Air velocity sensor board, Rev. 2.0 Table 7: Air velocity sensor board specifications, Rev. 2.0 Item / Parameter Supply voltage Supply current Sleep mode Operation mode (with sensors) Response time From sleep mode From operation mode No. of channels Symbol Value 3.15 to 3.6 V ASM AOM 12µA about 20 mA Ch1 Ch2 Air velocity sensor RTD Temperature Sensor 0 to 3 m/s +/-10 % -10 to +60°C Max. 85% RH 2mV/V to 280mV/V ≤15 bit ≤3.9 kHz -40 to +85°C Input range channel 1 Accuracy channel 1 Ambient Temperature channel 1 Ambient Humidity channel 1 Input range channel 2 Resolution channel 2 Max. sampling rate channel 2 Ambient Temperature channel 2 12.1.5 Impedance sensor board, Rev. 2.0 Table 8: Impedance converter system board specifications, Rev. 2.0 Item / Parameter Supply voltage Supply current Sleep mode Operation mode No. of channels Input range Resolution Max. sampling rate Max. frequency Ambient Temperature Ambient Humidity Add-ons (optional) Sensirion SHT15 Impedance converter Add-ons (optional) Bosch SMB380 (Event detection) Sensirion SHT15 Rev. 2012-01-20 Symbol Value 3 to 3.6 V ASM AOM 12 µA 18 mA Ch1 100 Ω to 10 MΩ 12 bit 1 MHz 100 kHz -40 to +85°C 90% RH Non Condensing Temp. /Hum. measurement Vibration detection Temp. /Hum. measurement 64/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.1.6 Impedance sensor board, Rev. 2.4 Table 9: Impedance converter system board specifications, Rev. 2.4 Test Conditions(1) Parameter Power Supply Operating Voltage -25°C to 85°C Range (VCC) Power Down Leakage Current Operating Current Without external I2C sensors Power On Setup Time Temperature range Operating Temperature Range Operating Relative Non-Condensing Humidity Impedance Part (incl. 8-Channel Impedance Multiplexer) No. of external channels No. of internal channels Internal resistors 40 Output frequency resolution Range 1 (range resistor 1 kOhm) Range 2 (range resistor 100 kOhm) 2 Vpp output excitation voltage @30 kHz, impedance range 100 kOhm, 200 kOhm connected at the output Output frequency 10 Hz … 10 kHz Output frequency >10 kHz … 100 kHz DC impedance excitation 2 µA 45 mA +85 °C 90 %RH 6 2 kOhm >0 <100k >100k >10M 10 100k 0 0 output Ohm Hz 0.5 % 0.2 0.1 Hz 30 ppm/°C 1.98 0.97 0.383 0.198 Vpp 1.005 kOhm 12 16 Resolution Rev. 2012-01-20 V ms -25 Range 1 @VCC = 3.3 V Range 2 @VCC = 3.3 V Range 3 @VCC = 3.3 V Range 4 @VCC = 3.3 V Analog to digital converter Real and imaginary registers Temperature Part (incl. 8-Channel I2C Multiplexer) No. of external channels No. of internal channels Onboard temperature Sensor TMP102 Accuracy -25 … 85°C Resolution Logic Input, Power Switches Power On (VInL) @VCC = 3.3 V, -25°C to 85°C Power Off (VInH) @VCC = 3.3 V, -25°C to 85°C Power On (IInL) -25°C to 85°C Unit 3.6 100 Oscillator temperature coefficient Output voltage Max. 1 100 frequency System accuracy Typ. 3.0 reference Impedance range Output range Value Min. bit 6 1 0.5 0.0625 0 1.4 °C °C 0.8 VCC 1 V V µA 65/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Parameter Test Conditions(1) Logic Input, Impedance chip AD5933 VInL 25°C VInH 25°C IIn 25°C Logic Input, DDS chip AD9834 VInL 25°C VInH 25°C IIn 25°C Logic Input, Impedance Multiplexer ADG707 VInL -25°C to 85°C VInH -25°C to 85°C IIn -25°C to 85°C Logic Input, Range switch ADG620 VInL -25°C to 85°C VInH -25°C to 85°C IIn -25°C to 85°C Logic Input, I2C Multiplexer VInL -25°C to 85°C VInH -25°C to 85°C IIn -25°C to 85°C Value Unit 0.7xVCC 0.3xVCC VCC 1 V V µA 2.0 0.7 VCC 10 V V µA 2.4 0.005 0.8 VCC 1 V V µA 0.005 0.8 VCC 0.1 V V µA 0.3xVCC VCC 1 V V µA 2.4 0.7xVCC -1 12.1.7 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.0 Table 10: Specifications of the electrometer board with external multiplexer, Rev. 2.0 Item / Parameter Supply voltage Supply current Sleep mode Operation mode (without sensor) Operating mode (with sensor) Response time From sleep mode From operation mode No. of channels Single use In combination with Multiplexer Input range Resolution Input resistance Ambient Temperature Ambient Humidity Add-ons (optional) Sensirion SHT15 Rev. 2012-01-20 Symbol Value 3V to 3.6V ISM IOM IM 12µA ~13mA ~63mA ~100ms Not specified Ch1 Ch1 - CH8 1 8 -2V to +1.7V 12 bit ~100 GΩ -25 to +85°C 90% RH Non Condensing Temp. /Hum. measurement 66/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.1.8 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.4 Table 11: Specifications of the electrometer board with external multiplexer, Rev. 2.4 Parameter Test Conditions(1) Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit Power Supply Operating Voltage Range (VCC) Power Down Leakage Current -25°C to 85°C 3.0 @85°C all Relays switched off Operating Current one Relay switched on Power On Setup Time all Relays switched off, -25°C to 85°C Analog Part (incl. 8-Channel Multiplexer) @Gain =1, -25°C to 85°C Input Voltage Range (VIn) @Gain =10, -25°C to 85°C Output Voltage -25°C to 85°C @(VIn) = 0V @Gain =1, -25°C to 85°C, VIn = -2.5V to 1.7V Output Voltage @Gain =10, -25°C to 85°C, VIn = -0.25V to Range (VOut) 0.25V @Gain =1, -25°C to 85°C Accuracy (VOut) @Gain =10, -25°C to 85°C Output Resistance -25°C to 85°C Setup Time for Measurement -25°C to 85°C Value after 1 Channel switched on Relay Switching -25°C to 85°C Time Required Delay -25°C to 85°C Time between toggling Relays Offset Voltage(2) @(VOut) Bias Voltage @(VOut) Range of Bias Voltage Adjust(3) @Resistor (RIn) Setup Time Bias Voltage Adjust(4) Bandwidth -3dB Noise @(VOut) Input Resistance Rev. 2012-01-20 @Gain =1, -25°C to 85°C @Gain =10, -25°C to 85°C @Gain =1, -25°C to 85°C @Gain =10, -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C @Gain =1 @Gain =10 @Gain =10, in shielded case 36 @85°C 3.6 0 1 3 10 10.4 11.2 @85°C 48,6 55 @25°C 100 V µA mA ms -2.5 -0.25 1.7 0.25 (VRef)/2 V 0 2.1 0 2.5 98 ±0.2 ±0.4 102 100 V 330 V % Ω ms 1 ms 1 ms ±0.3 @25°C ±0.4 @25°C ±1 @25°C ±10 @25°C ±1.1 mV ±4.5 ±50 mV ±500 ±247.7 (16bit) mV 12 s 33 16 Hz 100 2 ±5% mVrms GΩ 67/92 SMooHS Parameter (RIn) Temperature Drift (RIn) Reference Voltage Output Voltage (VRef) Output Voltage Temperature Drift Output Resistance Logic Input, Power Switch Power On (VInL) Power On (IInL) Power Off (VInH) Logic Input, other Peripherals VInL IInL VInH IInH Clock Frequency Operating Temperature Range Operating Relative Humidity (1) D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Test Conditions(1) Value Unit ppm/ °C 500 2.4995 2.5 2.5005 2 5 47 48 ppm/ °C Ω 0.6 -3.6 V µA VCC0.1 VCC V 2.95 0.6 -5 3.6 14 400 V µA V µA kHz -25 +85 °C 90 %RH -25°C to 85°C 46 -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C 0 -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C -25°C to 85°C Non-Condensing V Typical Specifications @25°C, VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V (unless otherwise noted). (2) The offset voltage can be measured by switching on the GND-Relay. It is not adjustable, subtract it from the measurement. (3) The adjustment of the bias voltage is done at the low end of the input resistor (RIn), because the bias voltage is a result of the bias current flowing into the input resistor. The bias current is a leakage current at the input of the input amplifier. The bias voltage can be measured by switching off all relays. (4) A simple principle of Bias voltage adjusting with relative good results: Read out first the offset voltage and multiply by two (setup time after switching on the GND-Relay = 300ms).Read out the bias voltage and multiply by two (setup time after switching off the GNDRelay = 7sec.).Subtract the result of the offset voltage from the result of the bias voltage. Negate this result and shift the low end of the input resistor (RIn) with this value. The setup time to the output (VOut) takes about 12 sec. Now the bias current at the input is compensated and the input is nearly free of voltage, the output takes only the offset voltage (see point (2)). Rev. 2012-01-20 68/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.1.9 SmartGate Rev. 3.3 Table 12: Specifications of the Smart Gateway, Rev. 3.3 Value Min. Test Conditions1 Parameter DC Low Voltage Connector Connector X16 DC Supply Voltage Connector X12 Power on current (Inrush Current) @12V Idle (GSM standby, WSN standby) @12V Peak Current during GSM Startup DC Supply Current (GSM active, WSN active) @12V RMS Current (GSM active, WSN active) @12V Peak Current (GSM active, WSN active) @12V DC High Voltage Connector Mains AC Supply Voltage Mains DC Supply Voltage Typ. 10 10 12 12 130 140 150 170 250 420 110 370 V 230VAC 110VAC Power over Ethernet (PoE) DC Supply Voltage (PoE) 20 10 Inrush Peak Current during GSM (GSM active, WSN active) @48V mA V 110 DC Supply Current (PoE) V V 240 110VAC RMS Current (GSM active, WSN active) @48V Unit 100 70 Mains Current 48 24 (10.000) 150 800 230VAC Mains AC Supply Current Max. mA A 12 48 54 42 47 69 Startup 220 Peak Current (GSM active, WSN active) @48V Power on current (Inrush Current) @12V V mA 120 (30.000) Peripherals / Others Relay Current Driver DC Supply Voltage Range of Connector X12 (active low, not short-circuit proof) Current on USB Maximum value for both USB connectors @5V Host Operating Temperature Range Operating Relative Non-Condensing Humdity 1 Typical Specifications @25°C 200 300 mA 200 300 mA -25 +70 °C 10 90 %RH SmartGateWS Components AarLogic Module C10/3 (Rev. 5) with SD-Memory Card and GSM Card SmartGIF gateway interface board (Rev. 3.3) SmartMCU1 WSN processing module (Rev. 2.2) SmartRF1 radio module (Rev. 2.3) Rev. 2012-01-20 69/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2 Terminals and drawings of different components 12.2.1 Processor board, Rev. 2.2 Pin definitions Table 13: MCU Sensor board connector X1 and X2 Item / Parameter General-purpose digital I/O pin/slave in/master out of USART0/SPI mode, I2C data − USART0/I2C mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/slave out/master in of USART0/SPI mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/external clock input − USART0/UART or SPI mode, clock output – USART0/SPI mode, I2C clock − USART0/I2C mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/slave transmit enable – USART0/SPI mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, clock signal at INCLK General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, compare: Out1 output/Comparator_A input General-purpose digital I/O pin/ACLK output General-purpose digital I/O pin/conversion clock – 12-bit ADC/DMA channel 0 external trigger General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, compare: Out2 output General-purpose digital I/O pin/transmit data out – USART0/UART mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, compare: Out1 output General-purpose digital I/O pin/receive data in – USART0/UART mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, compare: Out0 output General-purpose digital I/O pin/main system clock MCLK output Digital supply voltage, positive terminal. Supplies all digital parts. Reset input, nonmaskable interrupt input port, or bootstrap loader start (in Flash devices). Connected via 1nF to GND and pull up resistor 47k to DVCC Digital supply voltage, negative terminal. Supplies all digital parts. General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a7 – 12-bit ADC/DAC12.1 output/SVS input General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a2 – 12-bit ADC General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a6 – 12-bit ADC/DAC12.0 output General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a1 – 12-bit ADC General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a3 – 12-bit ADC Output of positive terminal of the reference voltage in the ADC12 / or external reference voltage via Ref-IC and solder bridge Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin MCU-X1 MCU-X2 P1 I2C_SDA_SI I2C_SDA_SI P2 SO SO P3 I2C_SCL_SCLK I2C_SCL_SCLK P4 GIO10 GIO10 P5 GIO4 P5 P6 GIO5 GIO3 P6 P7 GIO8 GIO2 P7 P8 GIO11 GIO1 P8 P9 GIO12 GIO0 P9 GIO13 P10 DVCC DVCC P11 \RESET \RESET P12 GND GND P13 ADC7 P13 P14 ADC2 ADC6 P14 P15 ADC3 ADC1 ADC0 P16 VREF+OUT VREF+OUT 70/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Item / Parameter Negative terminal for the reference voltage for both sources, the internal reference voltage, or an external applied reference voltage Analog supply voltage, negative terminal. Supplies only the analog portion of ADC12 and DAC12. Pin MCU-X1 MCU-X2 P17 VEREF-_IN VEREF-_IN P18 AGND AGND Table 14: MCU Sensor board connector X4 and X5 Item / Parameter Pin Digital supply voltage, negative terminal. Supplies all P1 digital parts. Digital supply voltage, negative terminal. Supplies all P2 digital parts. Rev. 2012-01-20 MCU-X4 MCU-X5 GND GND GND GND 71/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 15: MCU supply board connector X3 Item / Parameter Main supply voltage input, positive terminal. (+3.6V max) Main supply voltage input, negative terminal. This is the main ground. Main supply voltage input, negative terminal. This is the main ground. General-purpose digital I/O pin/input for external resistor defining the DCO nominal frequency Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts. Can be connected via resistor 0R0 to GND General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, compare: Out0 output General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A, compare: Out2 output/Comparator_A input General-purpose digital I/O pin/switch all PWM digital output ports to high impedance − Timer_B TB0 to TB6/SVS comparator output General-purpose digital I/O pin/auxiliary clock ACLK output General-purpose digital I/O pin/submain system clock SMCLK output General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a4 – 12-bit ADC General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a5 – 12-bit ADC Test clock. TCK is the clock input port for device programming test and bootstrap loader start Test mode select. TMS is used as an input port for device programming and test. Test data input or test clock input. The device protection fuse is connected to TDI/TCLK. Test data output port. TDO/TDI data output or programming data input terminal Reset input, nonmaskable interrupt input port, or bootstrap loader start (in Flash devices). Connected via 1nF to GND and pull up resistor 47k to DVCC General-purpose digital I/O pin/receive data in – USART1/UART mode General-purpose digital I/O pin/transmit data out – USART1/UART mode Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 MCU-X3 VCC GND GND GIO7 P5 AGND P6 P_DVCC P7 P8 GIO9 GIO6 P9 GIO16 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 GIO15 GIO14 ADC4 ADC5 TCK P15 TMS P16 TDI P17 TDO P18 \RESET P19 P20 UART1RX UART1TX I2C addressing serial number chip The address of the silicon serial number chip DS28CM00 (IC8) is fixed at 0x50. Rev. 2012-01-20 72/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2.2 Processor board, Rev. 3.1 Pin definitions and usage of ports Table 16: SmartWS, Rev. 3.1 Smart_WS_Rev3.1 Connectors X1 X2 X3 Signal Name Internal Use X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 (1) (1) (1) (1) X27 Main Function ResetN MCU 11 11 AGND Analog supply ground 18 18 DVCC Digital supply power GND Digital supply ground P1.0/TA0_ CLK/ACLK GPIO, Clock output, 5 TA0 Clock input P1.1/BSL_TXD P1.2/BSL_RXD 11 (4) (4) 3 3 12 12 1,2 1,2 1 1 10 10 3 (4) 1 Bootstrap Loader transmit output Bootstrap Loader receive input 3 4) 1 2 (5) 9 X22, (X24 LED red) x x x x x X20 x x x x x Radio ResetN x Radio GPIO0 x P1.5/RF_GPIO1 Radio GPIO1 x P1.6/RF_GPIO2 Radio GPIO2 x P1.7/RF_VREG_ EN Radio Enable x P2.0/INT/PWR_X1 Power ON/OFF, 6 GPIO, INT P2.1/INT GPIO, INT P2.3/INT/X7-4_IN P2.4/#CS_ ACCLR P2.5/LED_G_ ANODE P2.6/# OVERLOAD Rev. 2012-01-20 (4) (4) 15 P1.4/RF_GPIO0 P2.2/INT/PWR_ X2/X7-4_OUT (4) 17 P1.3/#RF_RESET Vreg At conn. X7: Output, else Power ON/OFF, GPIO, INT At conn. X7: Input, (GPIO INT), else GPIO, INT Chip selectN internal acceleration sensor Output, DualLED green anode OverloadN detect. at external connectors (with pull up 100k) High Freq. Crys (3) tal Solder Connection = x Pad Pin No. #RESET Hum./ Me Analog Digit. Accele Temp. Ra mory + dig. App. ration Dual- dio (2) (2) (2) (2) App. (2) LED 7 6 4 x 7 4 x x X25 x x 73/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Smart_WS_Rev3.1 Connectors X1 X2 X3 Signal Name Internal Use X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 (1) (1) (1) Main Function (1) Hum./ Me Analog Digit. Accele Temp. Ra X27 mory + dig. App. ration Dual- dio (2) (2) (2) (2) App. (2) LED Solder Connection = x Pad Pin No. P2.7/INT_ACCLR P3.0/#RF_CS P3.1/RF_MOSI INT of internal acceleration sensor Radio chip selectN x x Radio SPI MOSI x P3.2/RF_MISO Radio SPI MISO x P3.3/RF_SCLK Radio SPI SCLK x P3.4/UCA0_TXD Transmit output, GPIO 18 P3.5/UCA0_RXD Receiv GPIO 16 P3.6/UCA1_SPI_ CLK SPI SCLK, (I2C SCK) internal memory and acceleration (with pull up 10k) P3.7/UCB1_SPI_ SIMO/UCB1_I2C_ SDA SPI SIMO, I2C 1 SDA, GPIO P4.0/TB0.0/X7-2_ IN P4.1/TB0.1/X7-2_ OUT P4.2/SCLK_HT P4.3/SDATA_HT input, At conn. X7: Input, Timer B0.0 input, (GPIO), else GPIO, Timer B0.0 input At conn. X7: Output, else GPIO, Timer B0.1 input SCLK internal humidity + temperature sensor (with pull up 10k) SDATA internal humidity + temperature sensor (with pull up 10k) x x 1 9 2 x 8 2 x X23 X21 P4.4/SCLK_ ANA-APP SCLK internal analog application (with pull up 10k) x P4.5/SDATA_ ANA-APP SDATA internal analog application (with pull up 10k) x P4.6/#PWR_ ANA-APP Power ON/OFF (L=ON) internal analog, application x Rev. 2012-01-20 High Freq. Crys (3) tal 74/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Smart_WS_Rev3.1 Connectors X1 X2 X3 Signal Name Internal Use X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 (1) (1) (1) (1) Main Function Hum./ Me Analog Digit. Accele Temp. Ra X27 mory + dig. App. ration Dual- dio (2) (2) (2) (2) App. (2) LED High Freq. Crys (3) tal Solder Connection = x Pad Pin No. P4.7/TB0_CLK/ SMCLK/X8-2_IN At conn. X8: Input, TB0 Clock input, (GPIO), Clock output, else GPIO,Clock output, TB0 Clock input P5.0/A8/VREF+/ VEREF+ VREF+ out, 16 16 extern VREF+ in P5.1/A9/VREF-/ VEREF- VREFout, 17 17 extern VREF- in P5.2/XT2IN/X84_OUT At conn. X8: Output,elsehigh frequencycrystal 4 x P5.3/XT2OUT/ X8-4_IN At conn. X8: Input, (GPIO), else high frequency crystal 4 x P5.4/UCB1_SPI_ SOMI/UCB1_ I2C_SCL SPI I2C GPIO P5.5/UCB1_SPI_ CLK SPI GPIO P5.6/UCA1_SPI_ SIMO SPI SIMO, (I2C SDA) internal memory and acceleration (with pull up 10k) x x P5.7/UCA1_SPI_ SOMI SPI SOMI, internal memory and acceleration x x SOMI, SCL, 3 CLK, Analog (GPIO) Analog (GPIO) Analog (GPIO) Analog (GPIO) input, P6.4/A4 Analog (GPIO) input, P6.5/A5 Analog (GPIO) input, Input, input, (GPIO) Input, input, (GPIO) Analog P6.0/A0 P6.1/A1 P6.2/A2 P6.3/A3 P6.6/A6/X6-2_IN P6.7/A7/X6-4_IN 2 x 3 2 14 input, input, 2 15 input, 13 15 14 13 2 x 4 x Analog P7.0/XIN Clock Crystal P7.1/XOUT Clock Crystal Rev. 2012-01-20 5 75/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Smart_WS_Rev3.1 Connectors X1 X2 X3 Signal Name Internal Use X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 (1) (1) (1) (1) Main Function Hum./ Me Analog Digit. Accele Temp. Ra X27 mory + dig. App. ration Dual- dio (2) (2) (2) (2) App. (2) LED Solder Connection = x Pad Pin No. P7.2/CS_SPI_X2/ X8-2_OUT P7.3/CS_SPI_X1 At conn. Output, else chip selct select I2C GPIO Chip select select I2C GPIO P7.4/X5-4_OUT Output P7.5/A13/X5-4_IN Input, input, (GPIO) X8: 4 SPI, bus, 2 x SPI, bus, 4 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 x Analog P7.6/X5-2_OUT Output P7.7/A15/X5-2_IN Input, input, (GPIO) P8.0/TA0.0 GPIO, Timer A0.0 input 9 P8.1/TA0.1 GPIO, Timer A0.1 input 8 P8.2/#CS_MEM Chip selectN memory x P8.3/#PWR_MEM Power ON/OFF memory (L=ON) x P8.4/X6-2_OUT Output 2 x P8.5/X6-4_OUT Output 4 x P8.6/#PWR_ DIG-APP PJ.0/TDO PJ.1/TDI PJ.2/TMS PJ.3/TCK TEST High Freq. Crys (3) tal Analog Power ON/OFF (L=ON) internal digital application Programming port, GPIO Programming port, GPIO Programming port, GPIO Programming port, GPIO Programming port x 1 3 5 7 8 Notes: (1) Connected via analog - and/or digital application, some functions are hardware configurable, VCC and GND too, some pins are connected to more than one port (2) Some connections depend on hardware function (3) Optional. If high frequency crystal is used, disconnect application at X8 pin 4 (R110, R111) (4) Power supply is switchable, L=ON (5) This is power supply input named VCC_JTAG. Jumper JP1 The power must be supplied by the programmer board or another device, range 3.0V-3.6V Rev. 2012-01-20 must be in position 1-2. 76/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Functional areas Figure 52. Principle sketch of the functional areas at the top side Connectors Figure 53. Connectors at the bottom side Rev. 2012-01-20 77/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2.3 Power module, Rev. 2.3 Pin definitions Table 17: Power supply board connector X5 connected to MCU-X3 Item / Parameter Not used, grounded via resistor 47k. Set MCU’s port to input or to output low if not other ways used Not used, grounded via resistor 47k. Set MCU’s port to input or to output low if not other ways used Resetting the MCU, connected via 10nF to ground and to X6 for reset button Open Open Open Open Measuring the current consumption at the ILIM-pin of IC5. Set MCU’s port to analog input. The max. value is about 0.5V if VCC is shorted Measuring the battery voltage or the main supply voltage VCC, this is selectable via 0R0 resistor. The voltage is divided by 2. Set MCU’s port to analog input and MCU’s reference to 2.5V for converting Digital output via resistor 330R to X6, anode LED (green) on external keyboard. H = LED on Digital output via resistor 330R to X6, anode LED (yellow) on external keyboard. H = LED on Digital output via resistor 330R to X6, anode LED (red) on external keyboard. H = LED on Connected to X6 via 1µF to GND and pull up resistor 47k to VCC. Used for function key on external keyboard. Set MCU’s port to input. L = button pressed Connected to X6 via 1µF to GND and pull up resistor 47k to VCC. Used for function key on external keyboard. Set MCU’s port to input. L = button pressed Connected via resistor 47k to GND. Set MCU’s port to input. L = no connection with PC via USB (signal is used on programmer board) Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts. This line is connected via resistor 0R0 to GND Power state signal, connected via pull up resistor 100k to VCC. Important: Set MCU’s port to input! This signal is internal used for the power management. H = battery power, L = solar power Main supply voltage output, negative terminal. This is the main ground. Main supply voltage output, negative terminal. This is the main ground. Main supply voltage output, positive terminal. (+3.6V max) Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 MCU-X3 UART1TX P2 UART1RX P3 \RESET P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 TDO TDI TMS TCK ADC5 P9 ADC4 P10 GIO14 P11 GIO15 P12 GIO16 P13 GIO6 P14 GIO9 P15 P_DVCC P16 AGND P17 GIO7 P18 P19 P20 GND GND VCC 78/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 18: Connector X6 for plastic foil keyboard Item / Parameter Output to anode low current LED Output to anode low current LED Output to anode low current LED Digital ground. Supplies all digital parts. Function button, switch to GND Function button, switch to GND Reset button, switch to GND Open Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 X6 LED_RED LED_GREEN LED_YELLOW GND USERINT_EXT LED_on_off \RESET VCC_OUT Table 19: Connector X7 for extern power (for example a small solar module) Item / Parameter Supply voltage input, negative terminal. This is the main ground. Supply voltage input, positive terminal. (optimal +5.2V to +6V) Pin P1 P2 X7 GND V-EXT1 Table 20: Connector X8 for extern power (for example a small solar module) Item / Parameter Supply voltage input, negative terminal. This is the main ground. Supply voltage input, positive terminal. (optimal +5.2V to +6V) Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 P2 X8 GND V-EXT2 79/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2.4 Multi-sensor board, Rev. 2.2 Pin definitions Table 21: Multi-sensor board connector X1 connected to MCU-X1 or to MCU-X2 Item / Parameter I2C serial data, SHT15 serial data Open I2C serial clock, SHT15 serial clock Programmable I/O1 of ZMD31050 (IC101), remove resistor R113 if not used and set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Power on Ch1 and Ch2 (L = power on, H = power off) Event detection (INT, output of SMB380) Programmable I/O2 of ZMD31050 (IC101), remove resistor R114 if not used and set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Programmable I/O1 of ZMD31050 (IC102), remove resistor R213 if not used and set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Programmable I/O2 of ZMD31050 (IC102), remove resistor R214 if not used and set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Supply voltage. Supplies all digital and analog parts. Open Digital ground. Supplies all digital parts. Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Analog output of ZMD31050 (IC101) Analog output of ZMD31050 (IC102) Open Not used, connected to AGND Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 MCU-X1 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 MCU-X2 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 P5 GIO4 GIO5 P6 P7 GIO3 GIO2 GIO8 GIO11 P8 GIO1 GIO12 P9 GIO0 GIO13 P10 DVCC DVCC P11 P12 P13 \RESET GND ADC7 \RESET GND ADC2 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 ADC6 ADC3 VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND ADC1 ADC0 VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND Table 22: Multi-sensor board connector X4, connected to MCU-X4 or to MCU-X5 Item / Parameter Open Open Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 P2 MCU-X4 GND GND MCU-X5 GND GND 80/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Socket definition Table 23: Sensor connector BU101 and BU201, female sockets 4-pin Item / Parameter Pin Normally negative supply to the sensor bridge P1 (configurable) Normally negative (configurable) signal from sensor bridge P2 Normally positive (configurable) signal from sensor bridge P4 Normally positive supply to the sensor bridge P3 (configurable) BU101 Measuring circuit IC101 Measuring circuit IC101 Measuring circuit IC101 Measuring circuit IC101 BU201 Measuring circuit IC102 Measuring circuit IC102 Measuring circuit IC102 Measuring circuit IC102 Figure 54. Female socket 4-pin, front side. I2C addressing Each ZMD31050 chip has a base address 0x78 that is always valid, but it is possible to program a second address into the EE-Prom of the ZMD31050. Table 24: I2C addresses Item / Parameter Module connected with MCU’s connector X1 Module connected with MCU’s connector X2 Rev. 2012-01-20 Position Slot 1 Slot 2 IC101 0x74 0x76 IC201 0x75 0x77 81/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2.5 Tilt and inclination sensor board, Rev. 2.0 Pin definitions Table 25: Inclination and tilt sensor board connector X1 connected to MCU-X1 or to MCU-X2 Item / Parameter I2C serial data, SPI serial data (master out, slave in), SHT15 serial data SPI serial data (master in, slave out) I2C serial clock, SPI serial clock, SHT15 serial clock Chip select, digital input of SCA830 (IC5), active low enables serial data communication of IC5. This line is connected via connector BU101 to the line CSB2 of the external sensor board. If the power of the external sensor board is switched off, hold this line low! A high will provide a current flow into IC5. Active low enables the SPI-bus at the connector BU201 and power on the external sensor board Event detection (INT, output of SMB380) Chip select, digital input of SCA830 (IC4), active low enables serial data communication of IC4. This line is connected via connector BU201 to the line CSB1 of the external sensor board. If the power of the external sensor board is switched off, hold this line low! A high will provide a current flow into IC4. Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Pin P1 MCU-X1 I2C_SDA_SI P2 P3 SO SO I2C_SCL_SCLK I2C_SCL_SCLK P4 GIO10 GIO10 P5 GIO4 GIO5 P6 P7 GIO3 GIO2 GIO8 GIO11 P8 GIO1 GIO12 Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other P9 ways used GIO0 GIO13 Supply voltage. Supplies all digital and analog parts. Open Digital ground. Supplies all digital parts. Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open Not used, connected to AGND Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts P10 DVCC DVCC P11 P12 P13 \RESET GND ADC7 \RESET GND ADC2 P14 ADC6 ADC1 P15 ADC3 ADC0 P16 P17 P18 VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND Rev. 2012-01-20 MCU-X2 I2C_SDA_SI 82/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 26: Inclination and tilt sensor board connector X4, connected to MCU-X4 or to MCU-X5 Item / Parameter Pin MCU-X4 MCU-X5 Open Open P1 P2 GND GND GND GND Table 27: Sensor connector BU101, female socket 3-pin Item / Parameter Ground, supplies the external sensor board Chip select, digital input of SCA830 (IC5), active low enables serial data communication of IC5 on the external sensor board Supply voltage, switched. Supplies the external sensor board Pin P1 P3 Extern sensor board GND CSB2 P4 VDD Socket definition Table 28: Sensor connector BU201, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Pin Chip select, digital input of SCA830 (IC4), active low P1 enables serial data communication of IC4 on the external sensor board SPI serial data, switched (master out, slave in) P2 SPI serial data, switched (master in, slave out) P4 SPI serial clock, switched P3 Extern sensor board CSB1 MOSI MISO SCK Figure 55. Female sockets 4-pin and 3-pin, front side. 12.2.6 Air velocity sensor board, Rev. 2.0 Pin definitions Rev. 2012-01-20 83/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 29: Air velocity sensor board connector X1 connected to MCU-X1 or to MCU-X2 Item / Parameter I2C serial data, SHT15 serial data Open I2C serial clock, SHT15 serial clock Programmable I/O1 of ZMD31050 (IC101), remove resistor R113 if not used and set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Power on sensor bridge (ZMD31050) and air velocity sensor (L = power on, H = power off) Event detection (INT, output of SMB380) Programmable I/O2 of ZMD31050 (IC101), remove resistor R114 if not used and set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 MCU-X1 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 MCU-X2 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 P5 GIO4 GIO5 P6 P7 GIO3 GIO2 GIO8 GIO11 P8 GIO1 GIO12 Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other P9 ways used GIO0 GIO13 Supply voltage. Supplies all digital and analog parts. Open Digital ground. Supplies all digital parts. Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Analog output of ZMD31050 (IC101) Analog output of air velocity sensor, set the internal MCU’s reference to 2.5V for converting Open Not used, connected to AGND Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts P10 DVCC DVCC P11 P12 P13 \RESET GND ADC7 \RESET GND ADC2 P14 P15 ADC6 ADC3 ADC1 ADC0 P16 P17 P18 VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND Table 30: Air velocity sensor board connector X4, connected to MCU-X4 or to MCU-X5 Item / Parameter Open Open Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 P2 MCU-X4 GND GND MCU-X5 GND GND 84/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Socket definition Table 31: Sensor connector BU101, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Normally negative supply to the (configurable) Normally negative signal from (configurable) Normally positive signal from (configurable) Normally positive supply to the (configurable) Pin sensor bridge P1 BU101 Measuring circuit IC101 sensor bridge P2 Measuring circuit IC101 sensor bridge P4 Measuring circuit IC101 sensor bridge P3 Measuring circuit IC101 Table 32: Sensor connector BU201, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Ground. Supplies the air velocity sensor Ground. Supplies the air velocity sensor Analog output of the air velocity sensor Supply voltage, switched. Supplies the air velocity sensor Pin P1 P2 P4 P3 Air velocity sensor GND GND Vout VCC Figure 56. Female socket 4-pin, front side. I2C addressing Each ZMD31050 chip has a base address 0x78 that is always valid, but it is possible to program a second address into the EE-Prom of the ZMD31050. Rev. 2012-01-20 85/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform 12.2.7 Impedance sensor board, Rev. 2.0 Pin definitions Table 33: Impedance converter board connector X1 connected to MCU-X1 or to MCU-X2 Item / Parameter I2C serial data, SHT15 serial data (selectable) Open I2C serial clock, SHT15 serial clock (selectable) Select measuring frequency, input DIVA (bit0) of oscillator-IC LTC6930 Power on oscillator and measuring circuits (L = power on, H = power off) SHT15 serial data (selectable) Select measuring frequency, input DIVC (bit2) of oscillator-IC LTC6930 SHT15 serial clock (selectable) Select measuring frequency, input DIVB (bit1) of oscillator-IC LTC6930 Supply voltage. Supplies all digital and analog parts. Open Digital ground. Supplies all digital parts. Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open Not used, connected to AGND Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 MCU-X1 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 MCU-X2 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 P5 GIO4 GIO5 P6 P7 GIO3 GIO2 GIO8 GIO11 P8 P9 GIO1 GIO0 GIO12 GIO13 P10 DVCC DVCC P11 P12 P13 \RESET GND ADC7 \RESET GND ADC2 P14 ADC6 ADC1 P15 ADC3 ADC0 P16 P17 P18 VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND Table 34: Impedance converter board connector X4, connected to MCU-X4 or to MCU-X5 Item / Parameter Open Open Pin P1 P2 MCU-X4 GND GND MCU-X5 GND GND Socket definition Table 35: Connector BU101 to measuring object, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Analog ground Measuring frequency output to measuring object Measuring signal input from measuring object Analog ground Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 P2 P4 P3 BU101 86/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 36: Connector BU201, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Open Open Open Open Pin P1 P2 P4 P3 BU201 Figure 57. Female socket 4-pin, front side. I2C addressing The AD5933 chip has a base address 0x0D. 12.2.8 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.0 Pin definitions Table 37: Electrometer board connector X1 connected to MCU-X1 Item / Parameter Open Open Open Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open Open Open Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open Not used, connected to AGND at X2 Open Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 MCU-X1 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 GIO4 GIO3 GIO2 GIO1 GIO0 DVCC \RESET GND ADC7 ADC6 ADC3 VREF+OUT VEREF-_IN AGND 87/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 38: Electrometer board connector X2 connected to MCU-X2 Item / Parameter I2C serial data, SHT15 serial data (selectable) Open I2C serial clock, SHT15 serial clock (selectable) Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Power on measuring circuits and enables the SPI-bus at the connector BU1 (H = power on, L = power off) SHT15 serial data (selectable) Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used SHT15 serial clock (selectable) Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Supply voltage. Supplies all digital and analog parts. Open Digital ground. Supplies all digital parts. Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Open, set MCU’s port to output low if not other ways used Analog output of the measuring amplifier, set the internal MCU’s reference to 2.5V for converting MCU´s internal reference voltage, used for the measuring amplifier. Activate this MCU’s output. Not used, connected to AGND Analog ground. Supplies all analog parts Pin P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 MCU-X2 I2C_SDA_SI SO I2C_SCL_SCLK GIO10 GIO5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 GIO8 GIO11 GIO12 GIO13 DVCC \RESET GND ADC2 ADC1 ADC0 P16 VREF+OUT P17 P18 VEREF-_IN AGND Pin P1 P2 MCU-X5 GND GND Table 39: Electrometer board connector X5, connected to MCU-X5 Item / Parameter Open Open Socket definition Table 40: Connector BU1 to scanner board, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Positive supply +5V for the scanner board I2C serial clock I2C serial data GND Rev. 2012-01-20 Pin P1 P2 P4 P3 Multiplexer VCC SCL SDA GND 88/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 41: Connector BU2, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter Open Open Open Open Pin P1 P2 P4 P3 BU2 Table 42: Connector BU101of scanner board, female socket 4-pin Item / Parameter VCC input, positive supply +5V SDA, I2C serial data SCL, I2C serial clock GND Pin P1 P2 P4 P3 BU101 Figure 58. Female socket 4-pin, front side. I2C addressing The multiplexer has an I2C address of 0x20, but it is possible to change the address with hardware. 12.2.9 Electrometer board, Rev. 2.4 Functional Areas and Connectors Rev. 2012-01-20 89/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Figure 59. Principle sketch of the functional areas and connections at the top side 12.3 Database Description Table 43: Table structure for table Cluster Type Description Field clusterid int project int name varchar(32) description varchar(400) sensors varchar(4096) Comma separated list of sensor IDs Clusters are used to define a group of sensors. Example 1,2,3 Table 44: Table structure for table Command Field cmdid mote cmd timesend timeanswer answer Type int int varchar(40) timestamp timestamp varchar(40) Description index Mote to process command Cmd text Example R 1000 2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Time when answer is incoming Ok 1234 Command transfer table. The user interface writes commands. The Gates are looking for commands for their motes. Rev. 2012-01-20 90/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 45: Table structure for table Gates Field gateid project name description Type int int varchar(32) varchar(400) Description Example Each gate has its entry Table 46: Table structure for table Motes Type Field moteid int gate int description varchar(400) x int y int z int Miranda int Wboot int Each mote has its entry. Description X GPS Coordinate Y GPS Coordinate Z GPS Coordinate flashed Miranda ID flashed Wboot ID Example 0x27 0 2 1 Table 47: Table structure for table Project Field projectid name description date Type int varchar(32) varchar(400) timestamp Description Example CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Table 48: Table structure for table SHT15data Type Field dataid int(10) sensor int(10) time timestamp temp float hum float Data Table for all SHT15 data. Rev. 2012-01-20 Description CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Example 125445 1 1/12/2009 11:40:34 1.56 40.56 91/92 SMooHS D3.2 Smart wireless sensor network platform Table 49: Table structure for table SensorType Field typeid name description tablename Type int varchar(32) varchar(400) varchar(20) Description 1 SHT15 temperature and humidity sensor SHT15data Example Table 50: Table structure for table Sensors Field sensorid mote type Type int int int description varchar(40) position varchar(32) Description 1 0x27 1 Example With drypack sealed waterproof Church floor south west Table 51: Table structure for table Software Field softwareid name svn Type int varchar(32) int Description 1 Wboot 125 description varchar(400) Wboot version 125 crc length data int int var(32000) 0x1234 0x978 //binary Example 2 Miranda SHT15app 120 SHT15app version Johanniskirche 0x5678 0x1234 //binary Table 52: Table structure for table Software Parameter Field pramid software name description address length type upperlimit lowerlimit Rev. 2012-01-20 Type int int varchar(32) varchar(400) int int int int int Description 1 2 sleep time measurement interval 0x1080 2 1 1200 1 Example 92/92