February 21 - First Presbyterian Church
February 21 - First Presbyterian Church
Volume 13, No. 8 February 21–27, 2016 Ministry News Activities Ministries, Lindsay Graham JIM JOHNSON BASKETBALL SUPPER Youth Basketball Teams (grades 4-12) and their parents are invited to come for awards, team photos, and pizza this Sunday, February 21, at 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall (no charge). Players, please return sleeveless jerseys only. JOIN OUR TOUR OF THE HOLY LAND! Find out more about the FPC Activities Ministry Holy Land Tour September 18-27, at a meeting on Wednesday, February 24, at 5:30pm in the Formal Dining Room. Brochures are in literature racks and at FirstPresGreenville.org. Questions? Contact Donna Roper ([email protected], 672.0372). Educational Ministries, Tim Leslie DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF THE MESSIAH Pack your bags. We’re going on a journey. A quest to uncover Scripture and its meaning across history. Filmed on location in Israel and throughout the Middle East, the Faith Lessons DVD series by Ray Vander Laan is a life-changing experience with the Bible. You’ll discover why Jesus turned the world upside down with his compelling call to follow him. Join this class on Wednesday evenings in the Formal Dining Room at 6:15pm beginning March 2. GOSPEL PERSPECTIVES CHAPEL SERIES IN MARCH Join us on Sundays, March 6 and 13, during the Sunday School hour, 9:45–10:30am, for the Gospel Perspectives Chapel Series, led by Dr. Shelton Sanford. Week one, Our Identity in Christ, will focus on our need for security and significance. Week two, Our Identity in Christ’s Family, will focus on our need for Christian community. During this Chapel Series, you’ll learn more about Life Groups (Sunday School Classes, small groups, Women’s Circles, etc.) at First Pres and be encouraged to become part of one. Missions, Brian Stewart COMPASSION WITHOUT COMPROMISE CD SET The audio recordings and accompanying handout material from the “Compassion Without Compromise” seminar, which discussed a biblical view of same-sex attraction, is now available for purchase in the Vineyard bookstore for $12 per set. CONFERENCE FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS Attention Medical Professionals: Please join us for a special conference on Best Practices in Global Health Missions on Saturday, March 12, 8:00am–5:00pm, hosted by First Pres. This Christian Health Service Corps and Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF) event promotes Christian excellence in global health to help you, your church, or your mission program implement effective short-term healthcare missions. For more details or to register, visit http://www. healthservicecorps.org/moto/best-practices. Partial scholarships are available for FPC members who are nurses or medical students; contact Brian Stewart (672.7032). GREAT ALASKA SPORTING CLAY CLASSIC Over the last two years, The Great Alaska Sporting Clay Classic has been a tremendous event to raise funds for the ministry of Steven and Natalie Hall, who serve in Alaska with SEND North. We invite you to participate in this year’s GASCC, coming Friday, April 15. Pick up a flier from the literature racks, or visit gascc2016.eventbrite.com. Learn more about the Halls’ ministry at Send.org/give/missionaries/snhall. JOIN THE TEAM GOING TO THE DR IN JUNE FPC will be sending a mission team to the Dominican Republic June 25–July 2 to conduct VBS for children, medical and eye care, and construction. Fill out the application at RestorationLaRomana.org/trips or email Autumn Clark ([email protected]) for a welcome packet. Register by March 25. Mother’s Morning Out Ministry, Beth Plyler REGISTER NOW FOR MOTHER’S MORNING OUT Registration for the 2016-2017 School Year is underway. We operate Monday-Friday, 9:00am– 2:00pm, with Early and Late Stay options available. For details, contact Beth Plyler @ bplyler@ firstpresgreenville.org Prayer Ministry, Stan Johnson PRAYER AND COMMUNION FEBRUARY 23 The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed on Tuesday evening, February 23, at 7:00pm in Harper Chapel during the Tuesday Night Prayer Service. Senior Adult Ministry, Stan Johnson WIT & WISDOM MARCH 1 Please join us for Wit & Wisdom on Tuesday, March 1. Greater Greenville Master Gardener Hedy Dreskin will present “Getting Ready for Spring from the Inside Out,” demonstrating how to adapt outdoor containers for the spring and summer seasons. The free program begins at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall with lunch ($7) to follow. Please make your reservation by calling Susan Stewart (672.1757) by Thursday, February 25. Announcements CHILDREN’S MINISTRY SUMMER INTERNSHIPS Attention college students! Do you love children? Enjoy hands-on serving? Want to learn what it takes to run Children’s Ministries in a large church? If so, consider applying for one of the 2016 Summer Children’s Ministry Internship positions. Contact Tina Jones (864.672.7031, tjones@ firstpresgreenville.org) for details. Applications are due by Thursday, March 31. GALLIVAN-MILLS SCHOLARSHIP The Gallivan-Mills Scholarship is granted each year to college undergraduate and seminary students who are FPC members. Academic merit, Christian commitment, Christian service work, and personal testimony are all key elements of the application. Financial need is considered, but not required. Applications are available at the FPC Reception Desk and online at FirstPresGreenville.org/ gmscholarshipapp.pdf. Submit a fully completed scholarship application, three letters of reference, and academic transcripts to the GallivanMills Scholarship Committee (drop off at the Reception Desk) no later than Thursday, March 31. Questions? Contact Lee Miller at LMiller@ arthurstatebank.com. SUMMER @ 1ST CAMPS This summer, First Pres will host exciting weekly Summer Camps for infants through rising 8th graders, brought to you by the Academy, Activities, MMO, Children’s, and Music & the Arts Ministries. For details, pick up a brochure from the literature racks, or go to FirstPresGreenville.org; click on the Summer @ 1st icon. Questions? Contact Tina Jones, [email protected] or 672.7031. ORDER EASTER FLOWERS BY MARCH 13 To help decorate the church for Easter, you may purchase Easter Flowers in honor or memory of loved ones. Fill out the form from the literature racks or Sunday bulletin, or go to FirstPresGreenville.org and click on the Easter Flowers icon. Member News BAPTISMS (February 14, 2016) Caroline Grace Paulk, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Paulk (Kara). Townes Gault Prosise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Prosise (Courtney). CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY The Pastors and Congregation extend sympathy to: Mrs. Dana Bostian in the death of her mother, Jimmye Ruth Partee Thompson of Greenville, on February 7. Dana is a teacher in the Academy. Ms. Mary Ellen Keathley in the death of her mother, Dolly Keathley, on February 10. IN MEMORIAM: Dolly Adams Keathley February 26, 1925 – February 10, 2016 Honors & Memorials AGAPE CLASS In loving memory of: Jim Dickenson by Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Gray. CHURCH MEMORIAL FUND In loving memory of: Dr. Paul Stoddard by Mrs. Roberta Maddox; Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thompson; Ms. Betty Bailey; Ms. Patricia Bailey; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grier; Mrs. Hazel Stoddard; Ms. Belinda Stoddard; Mr. and Mrs. Shell Dula. MUSIC FUND In loving memory of: Dr. Paul Stoddard by Agape Class. TURNER MEMORIAL FUND In honor of: Nancy Lusk on her birthday by Mike Geris. In loving memory of: Nancy MacArthur by Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Towers Rice; Circle 7. Pick up your free prayer journal at church or access it on the website, and join us in 40 Days of Prayer! Available in: Memorial Hall • Fellowship Hall Vineyard Bookstore Calendar for the Week SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 8:30am •Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am •Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) 9:40am • First Look Class (Formal Dining Room) 9:45am •Sunday School 10:45am •Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am •Worship Service (Sanctuary) 12:00pm•Stephen Ministry (Formal Dining Room) 12:15pm•Missional Ministry & Evang Comm. (Rm 261) 4:00pm • Resonate! Prime (Choir Room) 5:00pm •Jim Johnson Basketball Supper (Fellowship Hall) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 6:00pm •Community Bible Study Potluck (Fellowship Hall) •Session Meeting (Formal Dining Room) 7:00pm •Community Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Pastor of the Day: Claire Ripley (423.2064) 8:30am •Women’s Study: James (Room 314) 9:30am • Women’s Study: Children of the Day (Room 307) 3:30pm •Covenant Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) 6:00pm •Pack 11 Webelos (Scout Hut) 7:00pm •Tuesday Night Prayer Service/Communion (Harper Chapel) • Boy Scout Troop 11 (Scout Hut) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:30am •Women’s Study: Calvinism (Room 212) 11:00am•National Day of Prayer Task Force (Formal Dining Room) 11:30am •Luncheon Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 5:15pm •Wednesday Advantage Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:30pm •Youth Confirmation Class (Room 316) •Holy Land Tour Q&A (Formal Dining Room) 5:45pm •Nursery Care–age 0-2 (Nursery Suite) • Junior High Roots (Youth 354) 6:15pm • Bible Study–age 2-3 (Room 215E) • Bible Study–grades 1-2 (Room 323) • Bible Study–grades 3-5 (Room 318) • Cherub Choir–age 4-5 (Room 317) • Covenant Choir–grades 3-5 (Choir Room) • Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) • Level 2 Prayer Training (Room 303) •With All Your Heart (Formal Dining Room) • Men’s Fraternity—33: The Series (Room 301) • Women in Worship (Room 405) • Angels (Parlor) • Colossians & Habakkuk (Room 403) • Raising a Modern-Day Knight (Room 314) • Alpha (Room 316) 6:30pm •Bible Study: Exodus (Fellowship Hall) 6:45pm •Bible Study–age 4-5 (Room 323) • Carol Choir–grades 1-2 (Room 317) 7:30pm •Senior High Roots (Youth 352) • Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 7:00am •Men’s Bible & Breakfast (Formal Dining Room) 8:00am •Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) 9:00am •Women’s Praise and Worship (Harper Chapel) 9:30am •Women’s Study: Breathe (Room 308) • Women’s Study: Acts (Room 301) • Women’s Study: Mission Unstoppable (Rm 323) • Women’s Study: Lamb of God (Room 305) 10:30am •Level III Healing Prayer Training (Room 303) 11:00am •Truth Project Discussion (Parlor) 12:00pm •Women’s Study: Truth Project (Parlor) • Men’s Christian Fellowship (Formal Dining Rm) 6:30pm •Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) • Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts (Scout Hut) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 9:00am •High School Moms in Prayer Group (Room 352) 10:00am •Bulletin Stuffing (Room 254) 3:30pm•ROOTS Junior High Winter Retreat (Off campus) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 7:00am •Men’s Cycling Club (Parking Lot) A W E E K LY N E W S L E T T E R O F F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H , G R E E N V I L L E , S C Worship Assignments for February 21st FEBRUARY 21, 2016 8:30 and 11:00am Worship 10:45 Ignite Contemporary Worship REVELATION: MAJESTY & MYSTERY “To the Church in Philadelphia” Revelation 3:7-13 (SERMON STUDY NOTES ON FPC WEBSITE) Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons 9:30am – Continental Breakfast 9:45am – Sunday School This WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2016 Connections Greeter Team: 8:30 Service (8:10am): Bob and Jackie Thompson (Portico), Brenda Evans (Loggia), Bayne Brown (Memorial Hall), Jim Williams (Washington/Richardson Corner) – 1 greeter needed Sunday School (9:20am): Bayne Brown (Portico), John Stelling (Loggia), Darst Guest (Richardson Street), Davey Tucker (Choir Door) – 4 greeters needed 11:00 Service (10:40am): Heather Tapp, Klara Szekely (Portico), Susan Montjoy (Loggia), Will Sykes (Memorial Hall), Charlotte Watson (Sanctuary), Suzanne Rivet (Choir Door) Nursery Team: (9:15) Caroline Mullen, Bentley Mitchell, Amy Willcox, Megan Blackston, Jeanette Terry, Emily Smith; (10:30) Kate Hellier, Emilie Simpson, Teresa Dick, Melissa Copeland, Devon Pace, Pace child, Ellie Hungerford, Clary Hill. Bible Study (12:30pm & 6:30pm) Dr. Richard Gibbons – “EXODUS” New volunteers are always welcome! Wednesday Meals (11:30am & 5:15pm) To join the Connections Greeter Team: Contact Chad Brown at [email protected]. Spaghetti with Sauce, Baked Chicken Baked Potatoes, Egg Rolls Steamed Broccoli with Cheese Whole Kernel Corn, Fried Green Beans Salad Bar, Assorted Breads and Desserts Arlene Antonio, Virginia Anderson William “Billy” Beavers, Martha Beinor Jennifer Bridges, Jimmy Broome Lynn Campbell, Lori Cheves Lois Cole, Valerie Cooke Ray Denny, Charmaine Dunn Mickey Erwin, Marilyn Fain Sarah Fain, Norma Floyd Karen Franzen, Louis Garduno Motte Grey, Natalie Hall Don Hartz, Betty Hayman Grover Haynes, Bettina Hensinger Suzanne Hilger, Jay Huff Amy Hunter, Eric Johnson Pat Johnson, Claire “Cee Cee” Kaylor Gloria Kohler, Randy Kowalski Bettie Landreth, Janet MacCallum Bruce McPherson, Gary Patton Libba Phillips, Pat Quarles Jonas Ramirez, Bertha Mae Sims Pat Spangler, Ruth Stoddard Austin Teel, Mary Lou Vassar Dot Whitesides Robert “Jud” Wiley, Jr. Thomas Willcox, Carolyn Wyrick Bold = New Italics = In Hospital PRAYER REQUEST LINES To join the Nursery Team: Contact Evelyn Penkert at [email protected] or 672.1843. Prayer Requests: 672.1838 Prayer Appointments: 672.1848 Congregational Care Director Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327 February 21–27, 2016 WHAT’S INSIDE Contact Us 200 West Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 Turner Memorial Prayer Breakfast with Connor Shaw March 3 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698 website FirstPresGreenville.org email [email protected] facebook.com/firstpresgreenville Broadcast TELEVISION First and Foremost Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina Sundays at 10:30am Jim Johnson Basketball Supper February 21 40 Days of Prayer Gallivan-Mills Scholarship Children’s Ministry Internships Register for Summer @ 1st Camps For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit FirstPresGreenville.org February 21–27, 2016 Turner Memorial Prayer Breakfast with Connor Shaw University of South Carolina & Cleveland Browns Connor Shaw, from Flowery Branch, Georgia, played college football at the University of South Carolina (2011–2013), where he compiled the best quarterback record in Gamecock history, including a 17-0 record at home. In his final college game—the Capital One Bowl on January 1, 2014— Shaw was responsible for five touchdowns and threw for 312 yards. He was voted the game’s most valuable player for his performance. He is now a quarterback for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football league (NFL). Join us March 3 to hear Connor talk of football and faith. For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. PROVERBS 3:26 Purchase tickets ($10) at the Church Office Monday-Friday, 9:00am–5:00pm, and in the Loggia on Sundays, February 21 and 28. • Questions? Call 235.0496.
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