Welcome to Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am Sermon Notes Can we pray for you? Today’s Message: “From Darkness to Light” Prayer Requests___________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Prelude Greetings & Announcements Resurrection Story Steve Spining “Joy in the Morning” Call to Worship Invocation Garrett Bearden Chancel Choir * “My Redeemer Lives” **Page 17 * “Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble” **Page 39 Morning Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Pg. 895 Tithes and Offerings Doxology * “Up From the Grave He Arose” Children’s Moments Page 322 Garrett Bearden NO Sonshiners NO Wednesday Night Meal or Programs this week due to Spring Break See you all April 6th! Children thru 5th grade are invited. Then 4 years old thru 2nd grade are dismissed for Children’s Church. 3rd grade thru 5th return to their seats. Parents can pick up their children after worship in JAM room. Anthem 8:30 11:00 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Scripture Message “From Darkness to Light” Praise Team Chancel Choir Steve Spining “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” * *Sending Forth Postlude We ask that you please turn off your cell phone during worship. A Cry Room and Nursery are available during all services. Our Ushers are happy to assist you. *Congregation please stand, if able. **Contemporary Song Book *** Cokesbury Worship Hymnal Page 302 Nursery Worker Needed The SPR is looking for a second nursery worker for Sunday mornings. This is a paid position and will begin in mid June. Applications are available in the church office. Yah-Yah’s Event Planned Friday, April 1, 9AM Live Oak Landing (near Stockton) Fun day at Down in the Delta, A Vintage and Antiques Market. Tickets are $8(cash only) at the entrance. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall. If you purchased a Easter Lily they may be picked up following the 11:00AM service today. Would you like your prayer request to be added to our prayer chains? Yes No IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Active Military Mitchell L. Baxter Luke Blackwell Dakotah Brown Heath Harrison Keith Kennedy Eric Raven Jeremy Smith Michael Westley III Nursing or Home Bound Ed Bankester Nancy Fell Mary Flowers Nan Grosmaire Lou Hastings Lucille Lee Mary Malone Mary Rivers Marie Smith Judy White For the Health of our Members & Constituents: John Cameron Tara Edison-Cance Ruth Herndon Emma Nichols Josh Ryan Aubrey Spader Elsie Spader Harriet Spence Partnership Churches San Pedro Mission (Hispanic Ministry) Thousandsticks UMC (Red Bird Conference) No Youth Activities this week - we will resume normal youth activities April 3 Welcome Guests THIS WEEK Robertsdale Sunday, March 27 United Methodist Church Please fill out the information below to help us get to know you. Please print clearly and place in the offering plate. 6:30AM 7:15AM 8:30AM 9:45AM 11:00AM Today’s Date Name Address City ______________ State___ Zip 8:30-10AM 10:00AM 7:00PM Come & Go Prayer Shawl Prayer Chapel 9:00AM Friday, April 1 Yah-Yah’s Event Ushers Head Usher: Paul Hollingsworth 8:30 Andy Koier, Dick Neuschwander, Tony Smith and Mike Johnson 11:00 Daniel Barnhill, Roger Barnhill & Charles Campbell Greeters 8:30 Don Verrett Mark & Faye Branch 11:00 JoAnne Clements Derek McNellage E-mail Check the following that apply: I am a first time guest. I am interested in joining Robertsdale United Methodist Church. Acolytes 8:30 Tyler Hughes & Lilli Gruber I would like to be contacted by a Pastor. 11:00 Anna Kate & Isabelle Cosby I would like information about: Sunday School S.S. Secretary Joan Kral Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Men’s Ministry Music Ministry Women’s Ministry YAH YAH’s (Senior Adult Ministry) Other PO Box 866, Robertsdale, AL 36567 Phone: 251-947-4602 Fax: 251-947-4445 [email protected] THANKS TO THOSE IN CHRIST’S SERVICE TODAY Tuesday, March 29 Home Phone Mobile Phone Hallelujah! He Is Risen! Easter Lilies Early Worship Sunday School Worship No Youth Food Pantry ROBERTSDALE United Methodist Church SonRise Service @ Garrett Park Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall Monday, March 28 9-11AM ALTAR FLOWERS Weekly Budget Needs - $6,585.00 Around the Corner April 3-9 Family Promise April 20 Yah-Yah’s Annual Fish Fry @ Brenda Pierce’s Budget Receipts March 20 $$4,556.50 Gifts for March 20 Major Maintenance $375.00 Mission $30.00 Youth $10.00 Blue Lake $16.10 Camperships March 27, 2016 Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ by making disciples who will change a hurting world. Pastor - Steve Spining Associate Pastor - Garrett Bearden Music Ministers - B.J. Newberry, Harold Clendenin, Paul McKinney Pianists - Barbara McKinney & Kim Sanderson Organist - Betty Rawls
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