Baby Dedication Sunday is August 4
Baby Dedication Sunday is August 4
July 21, 2013 EPC iServe Ministers On-Call for prayer this Week: Derwin Gooden (770-873-3381); Josh Brown (469-348-4859) Enrollment for new members into the EPC Benevolent Fund open now through July 31. Benevolent Fund information and applications are available at the Information Desk in the Main Foyer. Please see Mendy Flowers for further details. Baby Dedication Sunday is August 4 A warm welcome to our guests! We are glad you have joined us today. You are important to us! Please fill out a Guest Connection Card and turn it in to either of our Guest Connection Centers. May the Lord bless you as you worship with us. Pastor Flowers will be dedicating children to the Lord during the Sunday School hour. If you would like to dedicate your child please contact Mendy Flowers in the Church Office by Sunday, July 28. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Ladies G! Group Schedule A BIG THANK YOU AND GOD’S BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO VOLUNTEERED IN ANY WAY TO MAKE THIS YEAR’S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, “THE LIGHT OF JESUS” A TOTAL SUCCESS. Worship with the kids today during the Sunday School hour at the VBS Service! Thursday, 8/01, 7:00 PM Ladies Lit n Latte Thursday, 8/08, 7:00 PM Cuisine Queens Thursday, 8/15, 6:00 PM Crafters and Scrappers 6:30 PM Gamin’ Gals Group We have lots of fun! Ladies, come and bring a friend! SOLOs Singles Outing When: Friday, July 26 @ 7:00 PM Where: Razoo’s Cajun Restaurant Interested in furthering your education, apply for the Becton Memorial Scholarship. Applications are available at the Information Desk and are due by August 4. The recipient will be awarded during our Worship Service on August 18. EPC WOMEN’S MINISTRY NEWS North Texas Men’s Conference “Breakthrough” Please contact Sherry Pless for further information. SATURDAY, July 27 @ 10:00 AM Conversations with God and One Another A lite breakfast will be served. All EPC ladies and your friends are invited to come for a time of fellowship and spiritual enrichment. Friday, August 23 at 7:30 PM - Saturday, August 24 at 9:40 AM Make plans now to attend. Registration fee of $15 includes a complimentary continental breakfast. Ladies Ministries Mother’s Memorial Life Conference August 31~10:00 AM Special Speaker: Rachel Fortner Coltharp Special Jade Mackenzie Apparel Fashion Show during lunch. Family and friends of Kaitlin and AJ Kemmett invite you to celebrate their marriage. Registered at: Target, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and The Container Store ENDTIME MINISTRY NEWS Classes will resume Tuesday, July 23 @ 7:30 PM for more information see Ed or Carol Kelleher Practice on Saturday, August 3 @ 10:00 AM Attendee Information/ Información de Asistencia Please take time to review and complete the enclosed Attendee Information Sheet for the church office. The information obtained will be used for future church event and activity notifications. / Favor de completer el formulario adjunto. De ésta manera lo podemos mantener informado de nuestras actividades y eventos. EPC AREA PRAYER GROUPS for this week EPC, 1200 Poplar Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149 / The Whites, 1527 Berkeley Drive; Mansfield, TX 76063 Week of July 14 Monday 7:30 pm Area Family Prayer Group Tuesday 7:30 pm Endtime Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Prayer Midweek Bible Study C4 Chldren’s Ministry Fusion Service Spanish Bible Study Friday 7:00 pm Solos Singles to Razoos Saturday 8:00 am 10:00 am 2:00 pm Jail Ministry Conversations “God and One Another” Reception and Shower for Kemmetts Sunday 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am Choir Rehearsal Prayer Children’s Ministry Christian Intervention Program Fusion Ministry Emmanuel Adult Ministry Family Enrichment Class Project 8:31 Bible Study Class Search For Truth Spanish Worship Service Worship Service Jail Ministry 11:00 am 6:00 pm Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM (closed 12 -1 PM) You may contact the church office during office hours via telephone or via e-mail ([email protected]) outside of office hours.
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