Code of Criminal Proceedings To
Code of Criminal Proceedings To
.. ALASKA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Box 2199 Juneau, Al.aska Februa~· MEMORANDUM Subject: Code of Criminal Proceedings To: Members of the Leg:Lslature 20, 1961 The Legislative Council has directed that the 1:!odes of civil and criminal procedure be substantively revised and a bill including the revised'codes be prepared for introduction in the 1961 legislative sess~on. The purpose of the revis:Lon is primarily to extract procedural provisions and to rearrange and revise in a limited manner the substantive material. This type of revision has been found necessary in many other states which have placed rule making power in the courts. This revision will help avoid conflicts and uncertainties between the court rules and the statutory provisions. The first draft of the Code of Criminal Proceedings was prepared by the law firm of John Bohn, Benicia, California. The firm is particularly well qualified for this revision since it was engaged previously in work on the criminal rules promulgated by the Alaska Supreme Court. The first draft was circulated to interested parties, including the Department of Law, members of the Supreme Court, and the chairman of the state Bar Association's Committee on Rules of Criminal Procedure. The second draft was prepared after an extensive review by the staff of the Legislative Council. The bill constitutes the third draft. For the purpose of determining the disposition made of each section j_n the present Code of Criminal .Procedure as amended and supplemented, a table of sections is included as Appendix I to these conunents. GENEHAL OUTLINE ON CODE OF CRIMINAL PHOCEEDINGS Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX GENERAL PROVISIONS ARHEST BAIL SEARCH & SEIZUHE GHAND JURY TRIAL WITNESSES SENTENCING & PROBATION PHEVEN'.riON OF CHirlillS AGO 561469 Art. Art. Art. Art. Sec. 1.02 X XI XII XIII CORONER'S INQUEST EXTRADITION HABEAS CORPUS FORMAL PROVISIONS (66-2-1) The section is based on the Model Penal Code, Sec. 107(1) and 107(2). Sec. 1.03 (66-2-1) The section is based on the Model Penal Code, Sec. 101'(3) (a) and l07(3)(b). Sec. 1.04 (66-2-1) The section is based on the Model Penal Code, Sec. 107(4) and 107(5). Sec. 1.05 (66-2-1) The section is based on the Model Penal Code, Sec. 107(6). Sec. 3.03 (66-17-3 and 66-17-4) This section is a restatement of Art. I, Sec. 11, Alaska Constitution) which states: "The accused is entitled ... to be released on bail, except for capital offenses wnen the proof is evident or the presumption greatj 11 Sec. 3.04 (66-l7-6) See Rule 5(c) and Sees. 7(l)(a) and 19(5), Ch. 184, SLA 1959. The rule provides for admission to bail by committing magistrate and the cited sections of Ch. 184 give district and deputy magistrates the power to admit to bail. 1 Sec •. 4.0l (66-7-1) For general powers of the superior court, see Sec. 17(l)(c), Ch. 50, SLA 1959; for powers of district and deputy magistrates regarding the issuance of search warrants, see Sec. 8(l)(d), Ch. 184, SLA 1959. -2- Sec. 5.02 (66-8-2) Sec. 8, Art. I, Alaska Constitution, provides that "The grand jury shall consist of at least twelve citizens .... " The present statutory law places the number between 16 and 23 (Sec. 66-8-2, ACLA 1949 as amended by Sec. 1, Ch. 93, SLA 1957). The present court rule places the number between 12 and 16 (Rule 6(a)). In New Jersey, the number of jurors is provided by both court rule (Rule 3:3-1) and statute (Sec. 2A:73-l, as amended by Sec. 1, Ch. 241, Acts of 1953). To avoid conflict and uncertainty· the present provision is added. Sec. 5.06 (66-8-31 artd 66-8-32) This section should be relocated in another code during the bulk revision. Sec. 6.03 (66-13~60) 1 Prohibiting r. no evidence" of the crime is the equivalent of prohibiting conviction. The policy question is whether this is too strict a requirement. It would seem that protection could be assured through additional language requiring corroborating witnesses in absence of the writing or toJ.cen. The California Penal Code (Sec. 1110) and the Arizona Grim. Code (Sec. 13-664) add these WOl"ds at the Emd of the first sentence, "or unless the pretense is proved by the testimony of two witnesses, or that of one witness and corroborating circumstances." Sec. 7.01 (E6-6-29) This provision is similar to the subject covered by Rule 4l(c), Rules of Criminal Procedure. However, this section permits the court to require a bond of the state witness without any showing that the witness may not appear to testify; the rule permits the court to require bail of any witness only upon showing that testimony is mate rial and that a sub poena may not be adequate t o secure attendance. Sec. 7.09 (Sec. 6, Ch. 30, SLA 1960) Since the payme nt of witnes s fees is presently covered by cour t rul e (Rul e 16 ( b ), Alaslca Rules of Criminal Procedure; Rule '9 ( b ), Rules Governlng Admin i stration of All Courts), the procedural provisj_ons have bee n ex tracted. But the court may wi sh to con.s :Lder the s t atement of legislative policy which confli cts with pres ent court r ule s . -3- Sere. 8. 06 ( 66-21-5) An adjudicati6n of habitual criminal status is not a judgment of conviction but involves merely a determination of certain facts which operate to prolong the prisoner's confinement. Hence, no subst~ntive offense is created but rather a more severe punishment is provided. See New Jersey Stat. Anno,., Se c. 2A:85-13, as amended by Ch. 166, Acts of New Jersey 1953; State v. Wimbush, 54 N.J. Supr. 283, 148 A2d 724 . Sec. g.o4 (66-22-11) The nature of this procedure both at common law and as carried into statutes. is the prevention of crimes, not punishment. It requires those suspected of future misbehavior to give.assurance that the misbehavior will not occur. The proceeding has been referred to as "quasi-criminal" and a jury trial is n6t a matter of constitutional guarantee. See In re Way ( 19ll·3) 56 CA 2d 814 for a general discussion of this general subject. Sec. 9.10 (66-22-20 and 66-22-21) Sees. 66-22-28 and 66-22-31 contemplate that the undertaking is to run until "the next term of the District Court," and that that court ass~~es jurisdiction of the matter to dispose of it after a hearing. This is a cumbersome and repetitious procedur•e and it vrould seem advisable to leave the proceeding with the magistrate. This is the reason for the last sentence. So doing obviates the necessity for retaining Sees. 66-22-26, 66-22-27, 66-22-28, 66-22-30, and 66-22-31. Sec. 10.02 (Sec. 2, Ch. 121, SLA 1957) See applicable provisions of the Vital Statistics Act (Ch. 118, SLA 1960). Sec. 12.01 (66-26-1) See generally Art. I, Sec. 13, Constitution; Rule 42, Rules of the Supreme Court; Sec. 8(l)(a), Ch. 184, SLA 1959; Sec. 17(l)(a), Ch. 50, SLA 1959. -4- AGO 561472 APPENDIX I TABLES OF SECTIONS CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Unless indicated othenTise, the rule numbers in the column entitled 11 ALASKA RULE NO. 11 refer to the Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure. CtAd Sup Alaska Civ.Pro. Ariz NJ Utah E Alaska Rules Governing the Administration of all Courts Rules of the Supreme Court of Alaska · Rules of Criminal Procedure Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure Maryland Rules of Procedure Maryland . Proposed Rules on Special Proceedings (1960) Proposed Michigan Court Rules New Jersey Revised Court Rules Proposed Utah_Rules of Evidence Unif E Uniform Rules of Evidence Fed Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure r'Id Ivld Sp I'lich ... .=. 8 • *' ;- TABLE OF SECTIONS FOR REVISED CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDTiiGS ARRANGEMENT OF BASES FOR REVISED DELETION STATUTORY LA\v REVISED ACLA, CS OR SLA SECTION ALASKA RULE NO. AMENDED BY CH. OF SLA 66-l-l 66-l-2 66-l-3 66-l-4 66-l-5 66- 2-1 66-3-1 66-3-2 NEW RULE X X X 1.02;1.03;1.04;1.05 X 1.06 X 18 j 56(b ~ j :Jb ( D C 7 c Cll/'55 1.10 7(c ( ob - ~ ~3 66- 5-21 NEW SECTION 47 66-3-4 66-3-5 66-4-l bb - 4- 2 66-4-3 66-5- l 66-5- 2 66~5-5 OBSOLETE 1.01 7(a) q~ - 3 - 3 66-5-4 ------- j 56 b 3; 4 4 4 4 4 ( b )( 1 ) ; 56 ( e ) 2. 0 1 ~b - 5 - 22 ~ 8 Ul 0' ..,. i 66-5-23 66-5-24 66-5- 25 o6- 5- 2b 66-5-27 66-5-28 66-5 - 29 2.02 2.10 2.06 2. 08 4( c )( 3 ) - - - -- 2.09 2.11 2 . 12 ACLA, A UH. Arllli.NlJ.till .til:: 1\.Lll.D~ SLA SECTION CH. OF SLA RULE NO. C~ 66-5-30 66-5-31 66-5-32 66- 5- 33 66-5- 34 66-5-35 66-5-36 66-5-37 o6- 5- 3tl 66-5-39 66-5-40 66-6-1 oo-o - 2 66-6-3 66-6-4 66-6-5 ~ ~ U1 66-6-23 66-6-24 66-6-25 2.03 2.0'1 2.13 2.1~ l o6 ~ 6 - 1tf oo-b-22 2.16 X ob- 6 - 14 \II NEW SECTION 2.04 2.11; 2.12 2.07 AJ.aska 5taJ 66-6-15 66-6-16 66-6-17 66-6-19 66-6-20 66-6-21 OBSOLETE Alaska 5(a) 66-6-7 66-6-8 66-6-9 oo-..:::0- 10 66-6-11 66-6-12 66-6-13 • RW......E 4; 5 Cl2!jj'57 bb- 5 - b 8 :li!""Evl - Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c wed 5 c J:t'ed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5 Fed 5(c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c Fed 5 c -2- ' 3:2-3 b 3:2-3 b 3:2-3 b 3:2-3 c :Ariz 3 :2-3 c ;Ariz 3:2-3 c ;Ariz 3:2-3 c ;Ariz 3: 2-3 c ·Ariz NJ 3 :2-3 c NJ 3:2-3 c NJ 3:2-3 c NJ 3 :2-3 c NJ 3:2-3 c NJ 3:2-3 c NJ 3:2-3 c b ; NJ b ; NJ b i NJ ;NJ ;NJ ;NJ ;NJ ;NJ c ; c ; c ; c ; c ; c ; c ; · NJ 3:~-3(c ;Ariz ; NJ 3:2-3 c ; Ariz ;NJ 3:2-3 c ;Ariz ;NJ 3:2-3 c ;Ariz ;NJ 3:2- 3 c -Ariz ;NJ 3:2-3 c ;Ariz ;NJ 3:2-3 c ; Ariz ;NJ 3:2-3 c ;Ariz ;NJ 3:2-3 c ;Ariz 20 2l 21 22 23 27 28 25 19 19 32 32 33 34 ACLA, CS OR SLA SECTION ALASKA RI.JI·E · NO. AMENDED BY CH. OF SLA 66-6-26 66-6-27 66-6-28 66-6-29 OBSOLETE NEW RULE Fed NEvi 5[cl;NJ 3'2-3[c);Ariz 34 Fed 5 c ;NJ 3:2-3 c~;Ariz 33,34 Fed 5 c ;NJ 3:2-3 c ;Ariz 33f34 7 .01 41~c~ 41 c ob- t?-30 66-6-31 66-6-'-32 66-6- 33 1 03~~ b0 s1 C36/ •6o s2 C3~~ ·6o s3 030 •6o s4 C3~;:·~o s5 C30/ •6o s6 C36/ •6o s7 66-7-1 7.02 5(c) 7.03 7 .o4 7. 05 7 . 06· 7.07_ 7.08 7.09 7.10 4.01 4. 02 4.03 . 9(b); 17(b) ~o - 7 -2 > 8 \II ....~01 ..... 0' 66-7-3 66-7-4 66-7-5 oo- 7- b 66-7-7 66-7-8 66-7-9 t?b- 7- 10 66-7-11 66-7-12 66-7- 13 bb- 7-14 66-7-15 66-7-16 66-8-1 ~b - d -2 66-8-3 66-8-4 66-8-5 SECTION X 37[al 37 a 37 a 4.ULJ. 37(b) 37 b ~+ 0 b 37 c 37 c 37 a 4.05 ' 4.06 4.07 5. 01 5.02 6(a) C93/ 1 57 -- - Ariz 91 ~~~~ -- -- - -3- - - -- - - OR SLA SECTION ACLA, CS 66-8-6 66-8-21 66-8-22 66-8-23 bo- o- 24 66-8-25 66-8-26 66- 8- 27 AI"lEND.l!:D BY CH. OF SLA A.LllliKA RULE NO. 6(j) Alaska 6(e ),( f );Ariz 99 l:Ca o \ e l , ~I ) ; ar 1z '3'3 Alaska 6(e ), (f );Ariz 102 Ariz lo4 Ariz 103 Ariz 101 ~~ - ~ - 3b 66-8-51 66-8-52 66-8- 53 66- b- 54 66- 8-55 66-8-56 66-8- 57 ~~ - 9 - l 66- 9-2 66-9- 3 66-9- 4 )it bt>- 9- 5 66-9-6 8 66-9-7 -- 01 66-9-8 ~b- 9 - 9 fill 66- 9-10 ~ J 66-9-11 66-9-12 i "' ... ! -I .1.l I - bll"}·lg) 6(f), (g) 6 h h ~ i 7 c 6 h b h J ( Ariz 101 Aleska 6 ( e ), ( f ) ?. 03 5. 04 5.05 5 . 06 5 . og 5. 06 5.07 12(a) c c c c > Alaska 7(e);NJ 3:4-5;Ariz 117,161 8 Ari z llts Ariz 127 7 c 7 c 7 c 7 c SECTION Ariz 108 i) Alaska 6(h), (i) 1 7(a ); 7 7 7 7 Nffi•l 5.03 9 ~o - ts - 21::$ 66-8-29 66-8-30 66-8- 31 66- ts- 32 66-8-33 66-8-34 66- 8- 35 OBSOLETE NEW RULE - -4- Ariz 133 - -- ACLA, CS OR SLA SECTION AJ'i1ENDED BY ALASKA CH. OF SLA RULE i~ ~ ~ 66-9-13 66- 9-14 66-9-15 66- 9- 16 ~~ 7 7 7 c) 66-9- 22 66-9 - 23 66- 9- 24 Alaska 8 bb - 9 - 25 •Jiil 8 ...•"' ....•~ 66-10-1' 66-10-2 66-10-3 oo- 10- 4 66-10-5 66:-10-6 66-l0- 7 oo- 10- d 66-10-9 66-10-10 66-10-ll 6b- l0- 12 66-10-13 66-10-14 66-10-15 t?b- 10- lo 66-10-17 66-l0-18 66-10-19 - , ,..... ,. . _ 66-ll-l 66-11-2 66-ll-3 ~ Ariz 10; 11; 38 39(a) I 160~ 1. 07 1. 08 1.09 164 - Ariz 1ol Ariz 161 Ariz 161 Alaska 11 ..Ll 10; 38 10; 38 X Ariz 63. 65 Alaska 9t a );Ariz o3,o5 Ariz 66 Ariz 63,65 Alaska g(b) Alaska 5 Alaska 5; Ariz 69 Alaska 5 Ariz 63 65 . 9(b )(1) - I i SECTION Ariz 134B Ariz 135 ~o - 9 - 17 ~t? - 9 - 21 NE\i Ariz 145 Ariz 145 2; 7 (c) 7( c) 66 - 9- 18 66-9 - 19 66 - 9- 20 OBSOLETE NEH RULE NO . 7; 12 12 12 -5- -,v5- ' ACLA. CS OR Ar·1ENDED BY - .L.L qb-1~ - c 66-12-3 66-12-4 66-12- 5 bb - 12- b 66-12-7 66-12-8 66-12-9 LL , .L2 ..... ~ Ariz 253 X( Sec. 3 .03) .L'( Ariz 20 15 15 .L,? ~~ - 13 - 14 ~ SECTION Ariz 190 ArJ.z .1;1.1 12 38 66-13-21 66-13-22 66-13- 23 Ob - 13-31 66-13-32 66-13- 33 66-13- 31! 43(b) 1.14 X NJ 3:7-2~b);Fed 24;Ariz 212 Alaska 24(b) Alaska 24 NJ 3:7=2{b)· Ariz 213 219 Ariz 213 ,219 Ariz 219 Ariz 219 Ariz 219 Ob- 13- 35 66-13-36 66-l3-3Z 66-13-30 c6- l3-39 66-13- 40 66-13-41 66-13- 42 NE;I 1.11 1.12 1.13 ~q- 13- 1 "'•.... OBSOLETE Alaska 10,11,38; Ariz 181 32(d) 66-13-2 66-13-3 66-13- 4 bb-13-5 66-13-11 66-13-12 66-13- 13 8 NEI'f RULE ---- _.D. 12 12 12 ll 66-ll-4 66-ll-5 66-ll-6 66-12-l ,.. AL-ASKA C7/ 1 49 6.01 - I 24t b) NJ 3:7-2(b);Md 7lJll(d),746(c);Ar'z 221 - --- - - Ariz 222 NJ 3_: 7-2 (b) j Ariz 214, 223 ____ _ _ -6- ~- ACLA. CS OR Al<IENDED BY ALASKA ----- ,.. 8 •. Ul ~ • 0 66-13-43 66-13-44 66-13-45 66-13- 46 qq - 13- 51 66-13-52 66-13-53 66-13-54 6b- l3- 55 66-13-56 66-13-57 66-l3-58 66-13- 59 66-13-60 66-13-61 66-13- 62 ob- 13- 93 66-13-64 66-13-65 66-13- 71 oo- 13- 72 66-13-73 66-13-74 66-13-75 bo-13-76 66-13-77 66-13-7B 66-13- 81 Cl03/ 1q0 s1 C1o4/ 1 60 sl Clo4/ 1 60 s2 66-14- 1 6b 14 2 66-14-3 66-14-4 66-14-5 CLl-5/ 1 55 -·- 27 26 3l(b) 32(a) C7l/ 1 60 . ----- --------- I -~~ ------- NJ 3:7-2~b~; Ariz 224,227 NJ 3:7-2 b ; Ariz 214,222 Alaska 24(b h Ariz 22.6 Ariz 230 Uni f E 23,24,25;Utah E 23,24,25 Unif E 7· Utah E 7 Alaska ~~b~; Ariz 2q3 Alaska 8 b ; Ariz 262 Ariz 263 Unif E 28· Utah E 28 Unif E 9, ll·Utah E 9,ll;Ariz 273 Ariz 273 Ariz 268,278 Ariz 266,302,303,3o4 1.15 . 6. 02 6.03 6.04 Ariz 205- 300 Ariz 294,295 NJ 3:7-9(c);Fed 3l(c);Ariz 295 Ariz 292,293,294 NJ 3:7 - 9\b);Fed 31lbJ;Ariz 296 Ariz 288 46 j ----- 6.10 o . 05 ; 6 . 06 ;_ 6 . 07; o . oa; o . o9 6.11 6.12 33 Alaska 33; NJ 3:7- ll;Md 759a 33 33 42 ' -7- ACLA, CS OR SLA SEC·l'ION AJ¥IENDED BY CH. OF SLA 66-14-6 66-15-1 66-15-2 66-15-3 66-16- 1 66-16-2 66-16-3 6b-lo- 4 66-16-5 66-16-6 66-16-7 66- 16- d 66-16-9 66-16-10 66-16- 11 ~2 8 : !; clb ~. bb- lb - 44 66-16-45 66-16-46 66-17-l RULE OBSOLETE c 32 c NEW SECTION X Ariz 63,65 Ariz 63,65 Alaska 9 (c) Alaska 9( c ) Ariz 336 Ariz 336 Ariz :1:16 Ariz 336 32 c 32 c ~6 - lo - 12 ,.. NE';l 40(d) 34 34 :14 34 32 32 38 10; 38 ~q-1?-4 66-16-13 66- 16- 14 66-16-15 oq- .Lo- lo 66-16-17 66- 16-18 66,..._16- 19 6b- 16- 2J 66-16-21 66-16-31 66-16-32 ob-lo- 33 66-16-41 66-16-42 66-16- 43 ALAS.KA RULE NO. X 8.01 32(b) (j .02 X Cl95/'55;C37/'5T;Cl05/'60 6.16 6.16 X 32(b); 49 8.08;8.09;8.10 8 .11 8 . 08 Alaska 61 Ariz 340 Cl32/'57 8.03 Re pealed G132/'57 Repealed C~32/'57 I . -8- X(Sec. 8.02) I 8.02 1 . 01 - -- ACLA. CS OR 66-17-2 66-17-3 66-17-4 66- 17- 5 ~~-17- 6 AMENDED BY ALASKA 41 41(b) 66-17-11 66-17-12 66-17-13 41 41 41 41 ~6 - 17 -1 4 •s 66-17-41 66-17-42 66-17-43 oo- 17- 44 ~ 66-17-51 66-17-52 ~ CD 66-17-53 N 3.05 NJ 3:9-3(c); Ariz 42,43 Ariz Lf3,o] ~l X X X - NJ 3:9-5;Fed 46 d ; Ariz 48 NJ 3:9-6;Fed 46 e ;Ariz 46,47,48 NJ 3:9-6;Fed 46 e ; Ariz 49 ~~ -l7 - 18 ~b - 17 -34 :?.04 NJ 3:9-5(d) 66-17-15 66-17-16 66-17-17 66-17-19 66-17-20 66-17-21 o6-17- 22 66...,17-23 66-17-24 66-17-25 o6- 17- 2o 66-17-31 66-17-32 66-17-33 NEW SECTION OBSOLETE NEW RULE 3.02 3.03 3.03 66-17-7 66-17-8 66-17-9 ~~ - 1 7 - 10 o. e NJ 3: 9-b; Fea llfJ 3: 9-5 c), al; 1\.lasJca LJ.b _: Ar:tz :+~ NJ 3:9-6;Fed 46 e ; Ariz 49 d~;Alaska 5(c),41(b) NJ 3:9-5 NJ 3:9-5 cc ~·' d ;Alaska 41 41 X 41(f) Ariz 45 Ariz 45 Ariz .4:? NJ 3:9-5(a),(b);Fed 46(d);Ariz 56 41(f) Ariz 58 Kr~z .29Ariz 61,62 41(f) Ariz 62 3.06 Arl.Z 4:> 41 41 41 :Hil - -9- ACLA. CS OR ---- ---- ANENDED BY --- ---,.. -- ---- ALASKA _____ ro. I NIDT RULE OBSOLETE Nillv SECTION " fti~:~~~~,{ 4 ) 66-17- 54 66-17- 55 66-17 - 56 66- 17- 57 Alaska 41 (e)( 4) CtAd 6(b) ~q - 17-71 Ariz 66-17-72 66-17-73 66-17-'!4 Ariz Ariz Ariz Ariz Ariz Ariz Ariz - oo-l·!_ - 1::> 66-17- 76 66-17 - 7~ ,. 8 ~ ~ Iw 66-17- 7 qq- lo- 1 66-18-2 66-18-3 66-18-4 bb-1b-ll 66-18-12 66-18-13 66-18-14 bo- ld- 15 66-18-16 66-18-17 66-18-18 bo-19-l 66-19-2 66-19-3 66-20-l ob- 20- 2 66-20-3 66-20-4 66-20-5 bb- 20- b 66-21-l 66-21-2 66-21-3 43 a 43 b 43 b 43 b ~3 - 64 65 66 66 67 68 67 - I .!i..taska tt~; Anz 237 Alaska 43;Ariz 236,237 43 I 1.14 3; ~{a~(2]; 9(b),(c) 4(a) 3 ; 38 32( e) - - - ----- - - -- b .l3 6.14 6.14 6.15 1.14 1.14 1.14 - - - - _Alas~a 7 (a), (c); 26; Ci v Pro 44 -___!___ -10- 4.08 tt.09 4 . 10 4.09 2.11) 4 . 11 8 .04 8.05 -- s ..., ......... .:.. ... ...... ..:.........., ............ 66-21-4 66-21-5 66 - 22-l 66- 2?- ? 6o- 22- 3 66 - 22-11 66- 22-12 66 - 22-13 bb- 22- 14 66 - 22- 15 66- 22- 16 66- ? 2- 17 a~ _.... __ .. ALASKA ANEL'-I'TIED BY .., ... . ...., .... ..... . - .......... ··-·· I .... I I 26; Civ Pro 43,44 ...... ,.,_ ------- I X q 0? 9 . 03 9. 04 9.05 9.06 Alaska 4(. b) 9. 06 9.07 9 . 08 9. 07 17 )II' 8 "' 0' i •.... 9. 0( 9 . 09 9.10 9.10 9.4- 41 . * - I 9.12 9.13 X~Sec. ~:..LO~ Alaska 4l(e) Alaska 41 X Sec. 9.10 9.14 9.14 ~tsec . 9 . 1 0 ~ Alaska 4l(f) X Sec. 9.10 9.15 g . .LO 9 . 17 9.18 9.19 ::;7.20 9.18 9.21 9.22 -11- ----· 8.06; 8.07 9.01 J ~6 - 22- H3 66-22-19 66 - 22-20 66 - 22-21 66- 22- 22 66- 22-23 66 - 22-24 66 - 22- 25 6o - 22- 2o 66- 22-27 66- 22-28 66- 22-29 oo- 22 - 30 66-22-31 66-22-32 66-22- 3_3_ oo- 22- 34 66-22-41 66-22-42 66-22- 43 66-22- 44 66-22-45 66-22-46 66- 23 - 1 -·-·· --- Ar<TA. -- cs - OR --- 66-23-2 C121/ '57 sl C121/ '57 s2 Cl 2"1./ '57 s3 66 - 24-1 66-24-2 66-24-3 66- 24 - 4 ALASKA AMENDED BY 66-23A-1 CS 66-23A-2 CS 66- 23A - 3 CS ' I o. NEW RULE NE'tT SECTION OBSOLETE 9.23 10.01 10.02 CtAd 10 l0 . 03 10. 04 ; 10.05 10.®; 10.05 10 . 06 10. 07 10.07 10.08 Ct5/ 1 60 q~ - 24-5 66-24- 6 66-24-7 66-24-8 oo- 24 - 9 66-24-10 66-24-11 66-24-12 66-24- 13 C15 3/ 160 C153/' 60 Gl53/'60 Cl53;'90 C153/' 60 C153/ '60 Cl 5_3L ' 60 10.07 1 0 .09 10.10 X(Sec. 10.10) 10.11 10.11 11.01 11.02 11. 0_3_ s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 C l:J3/'~0 so Cl53/ 160 s9 Cl53/ '60 s10 ,. • 11.05 11.06 11 . 07 11 . 0tl 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 C1 53/ 1 60 sll .Cl53/ 'c0 Cl53/ ' 60 ~l 53/ ' 6" v :n sjj 1 60 Ul Cl53/ 'cO C15 3/ '6CJ $: Cl53/ '60 CD Cl23/ '60 Ul 8 11 . 04 ,J...:.. sl2 s13 "'-; 4 s15sl& s17 s18 sl2 I lo...i...l.. ~l I -12- . 15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 ACLA. CS OR AMENDED BY ---- ---.. --- ----· -- ALASKA ----- - o. ---- NEW RULE OBSOLETE NEltl 11.20 11.21 11.22 11.23 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 Cl53/ 1 60 s20 C153/' 60 s21 C153/' 60 s22 Cl53J 1 60 s23 C15~/, 1 60 s24 Cl53/ 1 60 s25 C153/' 60 s26 Cl53/' 60 s27 C153/,'o0 s2~ C153/ '60 s29 . C153/'60 s30 66- 25-1 through ) R ea1 d C153/'60 66 - 25- 15 ) ep e 66- 26- 1 66- 26 - 2 66- 26 - 3 6b- 26-4 66-26-5 66-26-6 66-26- 7 bo- 26- ts_ . 66-26-9 66-26-10 ~ 66- 26- 11 X 11.29 ~ 12.01 12.02 7 0.12.3 70 .12.3 70.12.5 70.12.9 70.12 .11 rlich 70.12.12, 70.12.15 Mich Mich Mich r.uch r1ich 12.03 12. 05 12. 05 12 . 06 ~b - 2o - 12 ,. 8 "'~ 66-26-13 66-26-14 66-26-1_5 o(:)- 20- 1b 66-26-17 66-26-18 66-26- 19 q(:) - 2~ - 20 SECTION rr.lich 70.12.18 ~up 12.g$ 12 . 12.0SI 12.10 12.08; 12.11 12.12 J.2.13 12.14 LJ.~lbJ,lCJ 66-26-21 66-26-22 0' 66-26- 23 Mich 70 .12".15 ·t -- -13- ~~!!_10 .12 .13 -- - ACLA . CS OR AiVIENDED BY ALASKA o. NEV-I RULE 66 -26-24 66-26-25 66-26-26 66-26- 27 oo- 2b - 2d 66-26-29 66-26-30 66-26-31 OBSOLETE NEVI SECTION f.'Iich"70.12.13 . fv1ich 70.12.16~ 70.12.18 Ivlich 70.12.15, 70.12.16 12.o4 12 . 07 j 12. 0d 12.06 12.15 12.16 l2 . 17 12. 18 12.19 12.20 12.21 ~6 - 26 - 32 66-26-33 66-26-34 66-26- 35 o6 - 2b - 3b 66 - 26 - 37 66 - 26 - 38 66 - 26- 39 oo- 2b- 4-o 66-26-41 66-26-42 66-26-43 filich 70.12. 7 Mich 70.12.10 Mich 70.12.10 Hich 70 . 12 . 10 Mich 70.12.15 CtAd 8; 1vlich 70.12.10 Alaska Civ.Proc. 4 ( f } Hich 70.12.12 iYiich 70.12 .12 ~6 - 20 - 44 ,.. 8 •"' 66-26-45 66-26-46 66-27-l * oo- 27 - 2"'' 66-27-3 * 66- 27 - 4 * 12.22 - * The material included in Chapter 27 is not included in this procedural revision. I --- -- The sections will not be repealed but will be relocated under the title "Prisons and Prisoners" in the bulk f ormal revision. ~ : ~ -14- ACLA, CS OR SLA SECTi m AMENDED BY ALASKA CH. OF SLA RULE NO. 59 59 59 b9 - 3-3 69- 3- 6 ~§=~~~ 69-3-9 69-3-10 59- 3-=-11 69-3-12 69-3-13 69- 3- 14 69~J-T5- 69-3-16 69-4-l 69-4-2 o9- .- 3 69-4-4 69- 4-5 : 69- 4-6 0 69 - 4 - '( 69- 4- 8 ~ 69- 4- 9 ~ ~ 69-5-1 OBSOLETE NEvi SECTION X X(Ch 184/'59 s5) 69-1-1 69-2-l 69-3-l 69- 3-2 69-3-4 69-3-5 J'..i'Eif RULE Ch 47/'57 X 59 59 59 59j 4(a)(2) 59 59 .?9 59 6.01 6. 01 31;- 59 (h ) * Alaska 32 Al aska 32 811 32(b); 59(h) Ala ska 32 6.16 o. lo 6.16 ~ . 02 CtAd 6(c) CtAd 6(c) 3.01 et seq at a -15- ACLA, CS OR SLA SECTIO~J 69-5-2 69-5-3 69-5-4 69 - 5- 5 o9 - o - l 69 -6-2 69 -6-3 69 -6-4 o_9 - b - :J ANENDED BY CH. OF SLA ALASKA RULE NO. NEW RULE 41 0; 1 Alaska 60~d~ .Alaska 60 c Alaska 60 * * Ut Oo ~ X X X Sec. 1.16 does not appear in this table - it is a new section and not based on existing law. 8 -16- SECTION 3.01 et seq X 60;61 60;61 60;61 60; 61 ,.. ... : 1r:E"d 3.01 et seq NJ 3:9-6; Fed 46(e) Alaska 41 Alaska Form 21 69-6- 6 69 -6-7 69-6- 8 69 - b- 9 69-6-10 69-6-11 NOTE: OBSOLETE
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