summary of operations - Bishop O`Connell High School


summary of operations - Bishop O`Connell High School
Our Mission is to provide
students with a Catholic education
rooted in the life of Christ and to
foster the pursuit of excellence
in the whole person.
The Annual Report accounts for gifts made
between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Great
care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this
report, and we sincerely apologize for any errors. If
your name is omitted or does not appear in the
manner you prefer, please contact Kim Aubry,
Advancement Services, at 703-237-1447 or
[email protected] you!
Mr. Barry Edward Breen
Dr. Joseph Vorbach
(as of July 2008)
Rev. James Hudgins '88
Chaplain & Assistant Principal for Spirituality
Sr. Regina Joseph Ryan, I.H.M., Ed.D.
Assistant Principal for Academics
Lt. Col. (Ret.) John Gutter
Assistant Principal for Student Life
Gerry Dougherty
Director of Advancement
[email protected]
Mary Jane Spurlock
Constituent Relations
[email protected]
Cindy Krech
Annual Giving
[email protected]
Kim Aubry
Advancement Services
[email protected]
Mr. Kevin Fay '73, Chair
Mr. Kevin Callahan
Mr. John L. Catalfamo
Ms. Hope Chileshe
Sister Marie A. Cooper
Mrs. Kristin Crouch
Mr. Kevin V. DiGregory
Mr. H. Mark Goetzman '77
Mr. Michael J. Hayden '74
Mr. Finley Horner
Mr.Walter R. Howell III
Mr. Robert C. Lauby '71
Mr. Robert C. Nirschl '80
Dr. Linda P. Perez
Rev. Patrick L. Posey '83
Rev. Robert J. Rippy
Rev. Lee R. Roos
Mrs. Jo Ann Sieve '76
Mr. Byron R. Siliezar
Dr.Timothy McNiff
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Murlin W. Altoft
Business Administrator
Mr. Barry Breen
Rev. James C. Hudgins '88
Assistant Principal, Spirituality
Mr. Richard J. Martin
Mr. Kevin Sullivan
Faculty Representative
Bishop Denis J. O'Connell
High School
Garrett O'Donnell
Director of Communications
[email protected]
6600 Little Falls Road
Arlington,VA 22213
Facilities Committee
Mr. H. Mark Goetzman '77, Chair
Mr. Barry E. Breen
Mr. Robert E. Buckreis '86
Mr. Bernard Grace '81
Lt. Col. (Ret.) John J. Gutter
Mrs. Cheryl Hughes
Mr. Dale K. Koger
Mr. Robert C. Lauby '71
Mr. Edwin R. Schmidt '74
Mr. Richard E.Todd
Mr. Michael J. Hayden '74, Chair
Mrs. Suzanne Baxter
Mr. Barry E. Breen
Ms. Hope Chileshe
Ms. Antoinette Mitchell
Dr. Linda P. Perez
Dr. Anne E. Schaffner
Mr. Andrew C. Starr '03
Mr. Samuel P. Starr
Dr. John F.Terapane
Mr. Joseph M.Wootten
Mr. Robert C. Lauby '71, Chair
Mr. Murlin W. Altoft
Mr. Barry E. Breen
Mr. Finley Horner
Mr. Donald T. Lynch
Mrs. Jo Ann Sieve '76
Mr. Byron R. Siliezar
Mr. Kevin Sullivan
Mr.Walter R. "Trip" Howell III, Chair
Mrs. Kara Barger '80
Mr. Barry E. Breen
Mr.Thomas H. Conaty '64
Ms. Catherine C. Crawford '69
Mr.William Gardepe
Mrs. Martha H. Goetzman '80
Mrs. Mary Jarratt
Mr. Donald Klawiter
Mr. Jonathan P. Kokolakis
Mr. Kevin Spurlock
Ms. Christine Vermillion
Message from the President
Dear Friends of Bishop O'Connell High School,
table of
Summary of
Operations and
Contributions . . . . . . . . . .pages 4-5
A Year in Review . . . . . . . .pages 6-9
Jubilee Gala
& Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 11-13
20th Annual Joseph W.
Connolly Memorial
Golf Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 14
Honor Roll of
Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 15-27
President’s Club . . . . . . . .page 15
Alumni Donors . . . . .pages 20-24
Parent Giving . . . . . . .pages 25-27
United Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 29
Tributes and
Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 30
Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . .page 31
Last year, we joyfully celebrated Bishop O'Connell's
fifty marvelous years of "education, inspiration and
dedication." We reached back and joined hands with
those who have built and shaped us. We remembered
achievements, told stories, and shared prayers of gratitude for the abundant harvest of blessings that the Lord
showered on our community over time. We hung signs,
sang songs and showered our students with silver, white
and blue balloons. Now, the time has come to take off
our party hats, roll up our sleeves and meet the challenges of our present and the
opportunities of our future.
Those challenges are formidable ones and are primarily financial. Faced with a
volatile and unstable economy and with escalating tuition costs, many of our
community who want a Catholic school education for their children have been
forced to make difficult decisions and nearly impossible choices in order to make
that happen. Each day, I am humbled by stories of parents working second jobs,
refinancing their homes and selling possessions and family heirlooms in order to
meet tuition costs. We currently offer almost three quarters of a million dollars in
financial aid yearly, but it is not nearly enough to meet the need.
And each day, as I walk through our building, I am reminded of all that needs to
be done to an aging facility. Our electrical and mechanical systems need to be
upgraded and made more efficient, our classrooms and labs require renovation and
technological facelifts, our athletic and arts facilities want improvements. And
although we have carefully maintained and lovingly invested in our plant over the
years with the resources we have had available, it is not enough.
In Matthew's gospel, Peter is able to walk on the crest of stormy seas towards
Jesus as long as his faith holds him up. Here at Bishop O'Connell, we too are
water-walkers. Led by a new administration and buoyed by faith, we who work
and learn here commit ourselves to continuing the mission of bringing our young
people ever closer to Jesus, to the tradition of community and service and to
promoting excellence in education. There is an abundance of opportunity for us
to grasp along the way. And as we go, we stretch out our hands to you who have
supported us on past journeys and ask for your continued prayers and your
company as we seek to become all that our founders proudly imagined we
would be fifty long years ago.
Barry Edward Breen
summary of operations 2007-08
Other Income
Student Activities
Auxillary Enterprises
$1,603,661 *
* Includes $139,814 in Booster’s fundraising revenue
Plant Operations
Student Activities
Financial Assistance
Ancillary Business Services
Funding of Capital Reserve
Bishop O’Connell High School
summary of contributions 2007-08
July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008
Annual Fund
Giving by Constituent Group
Alumni (excluding Parents)
Parents of Alumni (excluding Faculty and Alumni)
Faculty/Staff (excluding Parents)
Friends, Organizations and other
United Way
Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,674
Special Events (net income) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $152,994
Gala & Auction
Connolly Golf Classic
Restricted Giving
matching gift organizations
We are grateful to the companies and foundations listed below who matched employee gifts to Bishop O’Connell during the
2007-08 fiscal year.
AES Corporation
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Fannie Mae Foundation
Fannie Mae PAC Match Program
Freddie Mac Foundation
GenCorp Foundation
Northwestern Mutual
Financial Network
Nuveen Investments
Annual Report 2007-2008
Pepsico Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Sanofi Aventis
Scitor Corporation
The Boeing Company
The Northrop Grumman
Verizon Foundation
Virginia Concrete
Matching Gift Programs
Double or even triple your gift to the
Annual Fund! Check to see if your
employer participates in a matching gift
program by visiting the "Matching Gift"
page under "Support O'Connell" section on the webpage. Please contact
Cindy Krech, Annual Fund Director, for
further information at 703-237-1446 or
at [email protected].
Year in Review
As a college preparatory high school, we continue to evaluate the academic program
with our students' future goals in mind. Nearly 100 percent of Bishop O'Connell
graduates matriculate into a four-year university so it is imperative that we provide
them with the background and skills necessary for success.To that end we add programs and tweak courses each year.
Addressing the need for study skills for our students has been both a concern and a
priority over the past year and a half. After much planning, we are happy to be able
to roll out a Study Skills course taught by a team of O'Connell teachers to our entering ninth grade students as they begin their high school education. Beginning this fall,
freshmen will hone their note-taking and test-taking skills, as well as work on reading
and time-management skills. Use of the acquired skills will be the expected norm in
their classes during this year and beyond.
The many achievements of our students during the past school year are a source of
pride to the school community. Six of our graduates were National Merit Finalists
and an additional 14 were National Merit Commended Students. On Awards Night
we honored 16 seniors who had earned the distinction of AP Scholar and three students who were lauded as AP Scholars with Honor, based on their performances in
the AP testing of their sophomore and junior years.This year, 376 students sat for
792 AP examinations in 24 subject areas.
Throughout the year, many of our students gained recognition for outstanding
academic performance including 45 awards in the National Latin Exam and eight
students who achieved national ranking in Le Grand Concours - a national French
exam. Over $10,000 in prize money was awarded to O'Connell students for their
outstanding performance in speech and essay contests. We are especially proud of
four of our students who earned places in national competitions to be held in various
cities in the country over the summer months.
Our science department had great reason to celebrate this year with their exceptional achievements in the regional and state science fairs. Two freshmen boys had the
honor of presenting their projects at the INTEL (International Science and
Engineering) Fair in April and came back with a wealth of experience and exposure.
Twenty of our young scientists presented their papers at the Virginia Junior Academy
of Science competitions at James Madison University, again returning with ideas and
enriching insights.
At Bishop O'Connell High School the academic bar is continuously being raised for
all of our students so that they will develop their God-given abilities to the max and
be prepared to make a positive difference in whatever direction their life journeys
will take them.
Bishop O’Connell High School
Bishop O'Connell High School has always placed the Catholic faith at the center of
its life and activity.Whether in the classroom or on the athletic fields, and whether
in or outside of the chapel-the faculty and staff of O'Connell strive to witness to and
to spread the faith to the next generation. Below are some of last year's highlights
that provide the most visible evidence of God's good work at O'Connell:
Retreats: October saw the senior retreat return to Mount St. Mary's
University in Emmitsburg, Md. An underclassmen retreat was held Wednesday of
Holy Week. Both retreat days offered students the chance to go to confession and
to spend quiet time in prayer with the Blessed Sacrament. Seniors had time to
break into small groups to discuss their upcoming college years; underclassmen
participated in living Stations of the Cross and attend a special screening of Bella,
a pro-life movie just recently in theaters.
masses: Daily Mass is always offered in the convent chapel, and holy days bring
the entire school together for Mass in the auditorium, but 2007-2008 offered many
other Mass opportunities. Several sports teams regained their focus and perspective
with Mass together in the student chapel. Mass was offered for the repose of the
souls of several deceased family members or friends of faculty and students, including Joe Connolly on the tenth anniversary of his passing.
Adoration and Confession: Every Wednesday and Friday
brings religion classes together in the student chapel for quiet prayer and the
opportunity for confession. It is impossible to estimate the healing that takes place
in the hearts of so many students who meet Christ in this Sacrament and encounter
his mercy and strength.
Baptisms and Confirmations: Sixteen students received confirmation from Bishop Loverde on May 10th, and three students were baptized into
the Catholic faith in a special Mass at St. James Catholic Church in Falls Church.
Chapel Renovation: Thanks to the generosity of several donors, the
renovation of the student chapel is now complete. A beautiful custom-made marble
and rosewood altar, pulpit, and tabernacle stand complement hand carved statues
of St. Joseph, the Blessed Mother, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and a new handcarved crucifix.The elegant new chapel should inspire students, faculty, and
visitors for decades to come.
Parish Visitations: Pastors from all across the diocese came to
O'Connell to visit their parish students, celebrate Mass, and have a private pizza
party. Bringing students together at the parish level is one way O'Connell is trying
to build up the future of the church.
Peanut Butter and Jelly: Excuse me? What does peanut butter
and jelly have to do with the Catholic faith? Plenty, here at Bishop O'Connell!
Students were offered unlimited free do-it-yourself PB&J sandwiches all year long
at the chaplain's office.This immensely popular new outreach brought dozens of
students down the long hall to the chaplain's office, and led to faith discussions,
sharing of ideas, and even a few confessions. Most importantly, students felt
welcomed and cared for. Sometimes God's goodness is so real you can taste it!
Annual Report 2007-2008
Year in Review
O'Connell athletics have come a long way in 50 years. In 1957, the school fielded
only a few freshmen teams-football, basketball, baseball, track, cross country and
cheerleading.Today, O'Connell is proud to support boys and girls teams in more than
eighteen different sports, often at the freshmen, JV and varsity levels. Below are
only a few of the many highlights from this year's athletic teams:
In the fall, O'Connell's girls cross country team had one of the most successful
seasons ever, winning the Arlington County, the Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC), and finally, the Virginia Independent School Championships.
This group of talented athletes was coached by Cindy Walls, who, in her fourth
year of coaching at O'Connell, was named All-Met coach of the year by the
Washington Post.
The girls varsity soccer team, coached by Alberto Starace, finished their regular
season with a stellar 17-1-2 record, but fell to St. John's 0-3 in the WCAC championship game.
It wouldn't have been fall at O'Connell without some Saturday afternoon football,
and this year's young varsity team did not disappoint the fans. Coach Steve Trimble
used this season to develop new sets of offensive plays and, in the process, managed
to come up with some big wins at home over Episcopal, Archbishop Carroll, and
Paul VI.
Winter sports highlights included incredible showings by many teams.The boys
varsity basketball team, coached by Joe Wootten, finished with an impressive 29
wins, playing one of the toughest schedules in the country.Washington Post All-Met
and Player of the Year, Jason Clark led the Knights to a mid-season championship at
the Bishop Gorman Classic in Las Vegas, Nev., and hard-fought second place finishes
in the post-season WCAC,Virginia State and Alhambra Catholic Invitational (ACIT)
The boys and girls swim and dive teams, coached by Evan Stiles, had one of the
best combined season on record, with the girls going undefeated in all regular season
meets. School records were broken in the girls 200m IM, 100m backstroke, and
100m butterfly; and in the boys 200m and 500m freestyle and IM.
The wrestling team, coached by alumnus and long-time O'Connell coach and
teacher, Bill Carpenter, continued its winning traditions, placing 13th out of 109 high
schools in the National Prep Tournament, and finishing the season in second place at
the WCAC Tournament behind 23-year champion DeMatha.
The varsity ice hockey team, coached by Peter Hannums, also had one of their
best seasons ever.The Knights finished the season with 16 wins, including a 4-3 nail
biter against Gonzaga, a 6-4 win over DeMatha, two big wins against Paul VI, and a
double overtime win in the Northern Virginia Scholastic Hockey League (NVSHL)
playoff game against Osbourn Park, which earned them a spot in the tournament
semi-final round.
The highlight of the spring season must have been the tenacity of the girls varsity
softball team. After losing nine seniors to graduation the year before, this young
team, coached by Tommy Orndorff, pulled together and surprised their opponents
late in the season with complete shutouts in every WCAC tournament game.The
Knights ended the season capturing both the WCAC and the Virginia Independent
Schools Softball Association tournament titles.
Bishop O’Connell High School
Performing arts and
student traditions
Performing Arts
As a special Jubilee treat, the O'Connell theater department, under the direction of
Elizabeth Milam, Robert Casal and Michael Weinberg, staged two musical productions during the academic year: Peter Pan in the fall, and Beauty and the Beast in the
spring. Both played to very large audiences and were enthusiastically received.
The music program at O'Connell found new energy this year, under the leadership of
Todd Mastric. O'Connell football, basketball and even hockey fans were re-introduced this year to a renewed and powerful Pep Band. Small ensembles, such as the
Clarinet Choir, the Flute Choir, the Sax Trio and the Drum Corps, performed at
school events and other functions throughout the year. In the spring, all vocal and
instrumental groups traveled to New York City to compete in an international music
festival.The students returned loaded with trophies and accolades, and great hope for
the future of performing arts at Bishop O'Connell High School.
Student Traditions
Long-standing traditions help set the tone for student life at O'Connell. In the fall,
Spirit Week was filled with music between classes and special dress days, like the
famous "decades" day and O'Connell colors day.The week culminated with the
Homecoming football game and dance in the gym, where the theme, "A Knight at
the Beach," was played out in the decorations of tropical fish, palm trees, a pirate
ship, volcano and even a fountain in the courtyard.
Thanks to the energy of the student government, and the spirit of the O'Connell
community, both the annual Chunky Soup drive and Superdance were resounding
successes. In the fall, students collected more than 12,500 cans of soup for Christ
House in Alexandria, and gathered in the auditorium to celebrate the Living Rosary
together. In the spring, wild weather brought a new twist to the annual Superdance.
Instead of a one-night, 12-hour event, power outages forced the last six hours of the
dance marathon to be rescheduled for the following weekend. Despite the unexpected adversity, O'Connell students raised over $180,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation, breaking the $3 million mark in total giving since the Superdance was
inaugurated in the 1970s.
Annual Report 2007-2008
Where do they
go from here?
On May 29, 2008, 336 members of
the Class of 2008 walked across the
altar at the Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to
receive their diplomas. Below is a list of
the institutions they entered in the fall:
The Tradition
Forty members of the Class
of 2008 were legacies children whose parents also
graduated from Bishop
O'Connell High School. Of
those legacy families, there
were eight families where
both parents are alumni.
Alabama A&M University
American University
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Beloit College
Boston University
Bridgewater College
Brown University
Case Western Reserve University
Catholic University of America
Christendom College
Christopher Newport University
Coastal Carolina University
College of Charleston
College of Southern Maryland
College of William and Mary
Cornell University
Davidson College
Delaware State University
DePaul University
Dickinson College
Drew University
Drexel University
Earlham College
East Carolina University
Ferrum College
Flagler College
Fordham University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Frostburg State University
Georgetown University
George Washington University
George Mason University
Guilford College
Gwynedd-Mercy College
High Point University
Hollins University
Hunter College of the CUNY
Immaculata University
International Christian University
James Madison University
John Carroll University
Longwood University
Loyola University New Orleans
Lynchburg College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Marymount University
McDaniel College
Michigan State University
Montgomery College
Mount Saint Mary's University
Niagara University
Northern Virginia Community College
Northwestern State University
of Louisiana
Old Dominion University
Pennsylvania State University
Pitt Community College
Place University
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Potomac State College of
West Virginia University
Providence University
Queen's University
Radford University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary's College
Saint Vincent College
South Dakota State University
St. Bonaventure University
St. John's University
Syracuse University
The Citadel
The College of Wooster
The Culinary Institute of America
The University of Tampa
Thiel College
Towson University
United States Coast Guard Academy
United States Military Academy
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
University of Central Florida
University of Delaware
University of Dallas
University of Houston
University of Mary Washington
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of North Carolina
University of Notre Dame
University of Pittsburgh
University of Richmond
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of the Arts
University of Toledo
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Virginia State University
Virginia Wesleyan College
Wake Forest University
West Virginia University
Wheeling Jesuit University
Xavier University
Youngstown State University
Gala & Auction
Auction Co-Chairs
Martha Goetzman ‘80
Mary Jarratt
Master of Ceremonies
William Gardepe
Julie Nirschl
Decorations & Hotel
Julie Hanson Bonini
Program Layout
Chrissy Salvador ‘95
jubilee gala and auction
The Jubilee Gala and Auction__The Gift of 50 Years__drew a record crowd to the
McLean Hilton on January 26, 2008, for an evening of festivities and fundraising.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of an army of volunteers and the generous support of
the sponsors, donors and attendees, the event netted over $122,000 for technology
improvements at O'Connell.
Program Editor
Gerry DiGregory
Graphic Support
Carmel Steindam
Parish Ads
JoAnn Nigro
Business Ads
Jim and Lisa Hyland
Personal Greetings
Mary Beth Carroll
Connie Dale
Live Auction
Marianne Monek
Claude Pardes
Silent Auction
Laura Simon, Connie Dale,
Kathy Bonds
- Solicitation
Sue Fitzpatrick
- Familiy Day or Knight
Gene Moriarty
- A Knight’s Castle
Connie Dale
- Beauty of the Knight
Jamie Tanis
- Knight Travel & Leisure
Kathy Bonds
- Athletic Knight
Andrea Mitchell
- Once in a Blue Moon
Liz McGonigle
- Knight on the Town
Kara Barger '73
Homeroom Baskets & Gifts
Dorothy Shannon, Joanne Civiello
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Albrittain '80
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Howell III
Kim Rudolph
Faculty Sponsors
Wish Tree
Martha Kolodzy
Faculty Sponsorships
Cyndi Stephenson
Patricia Rivera, Michele Hunter
LaTonya Brown
Greg & Lisa Klein
Student Artwork
Jubilee Sponsors
Alcalde & Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Fay '73
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fornaro
Diamond Sponsor
Mr. Finley H.Horner and
Ms. Denise Kfoury '73
Gold Sponsors
Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich & Walsh
Mr. Steven Preston and
Ms. Kathryn Bernardo
Silver Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Asher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent Bonini
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Cline
Ms. Sharon Daley
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Feneley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fornaro
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Goetzman '77 & '80
Dr. and Mrs. Pradeep Gupta
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jarratt III
Mr. and Mrs.William G. Kennedy
Mr. Finley H. Horner and
Ms. Denise M. Kfoury '73
Dr. and Mrs. Nabil Khawand
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolodzy
Mr. Donald T. Lynch and Ms. Kim Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Macedonia
Mr. and Mrs.William Manch
Lt. Col. Peggy Masterson
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent S. Mazzola
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mika
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nirschl '80
Ms. Denise Pope
Mr. John D. Rohrbough
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. Siliezar
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Spurlock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stechschulte
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Terwilliger
Robyn McCahill
Janice Kennedy, Marian Starr
jubilee gala & auction
Hero Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Cabrera
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cook '93
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Dwyer '61
Mr. and Mrs. David Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flach '76
Mr. and Mrs.William Gardepe
Mr. Neil J. Goetzman '81
Ms. Julie Gravallese
Mr. Ralph Horvath and
Ms. Cathleen Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kent III
Dr. and Mrs.William Lauerman
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Makoutz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mika
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mullane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Salas
Ms. Christine S. Salvador '95
Mr. Bartholomew J. Steib '63
Ms. Kelsey S.Timmerberg '04
Ms. Christine Vermillion
Wish Tree Donors
Ms. Kathryn Bernardo
Dr. Michael Brien and Ms. Melissa Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown
Mr. Mikel Lasa and Ms. Connie Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John Civiello
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Cline
Ms. Meghan Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fornaro
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillick
Dr. and Mrs. Pradeep Gupta
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klawiter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolodzy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lillis '80 and '81
Mr. and Mrs.William Manch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Marsilii
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCahill
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Michaelides
Mr. and Mrs.Terrence P. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Horacio Rivera-Piza
Mr. and Mrs. George Roesch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. James Russo '71
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Sandoval
Dr. and Dr. Joseph G. Schaffner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. Siliezar
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sowa II '75
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Spagnoli
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stumvoll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tuszka '73
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Zdancewicz '74
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zetts
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Catalfamo
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas H. Conaty '64
Col. and Mrs. Michael L. Conrad
Dalio Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Feneley
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goetzman
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Hollis
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Makoutz
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Marrone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Marsilii
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Pettit '78
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Schepps
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stella
Mr. and Mrs.William S.Wilkinson
Save the Date
2009 Gala & Auction
“A Knight on Broadway”
February 7, 2009
The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City
Business Advertisers
Abol Coffee
Air Tran Airways, Inc.
Arlington Catholic Herald
Burger King
Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms, Inc.
Home Technology Source
Homefirst Mortgage Corporation
- Greg Kundinger
Joseph J. Cusmano, D.D.S. and
David R. Stuver, D.D.S.
JuicePLUS - Mara Heppes
Lindsay Cadillac Company
Louis Zinzi Carpets, Inc.
McLean Cleaners
Nirschl Orthopedic Center
Northwestern Mutual - David Seager
Patron Insurance Services
Portofino Restaurant
Primi Piatti/Finemondo Restaurants
Puglisi Brothers Construction
Service Solutions, Inc.
Stuart Dean Company
The Knowledge Connections
Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich
& Walsh, P.C.
Parish Advertisers
All Saints Catholic Church
Cathedral of St.Thomas More
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Transfiguration Melkite
Greek Catholic Church
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Queen of Apostles
Saint Luke Catholic Church
St. Ann Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Church
St. James Catholic Church
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
St. John the Apostle Catholic Church
St. John the Beloved Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Church
St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church
St. Leo the Great Catholic Church
St. Mark Catholic Church
St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church
St. Mary's Catholic Church
St. Michael's Church
St.Thomas a Becket Church
O'Connell Team and
Club Supporters
Athletic Boosters
Crew Boosters
Freshman Football Team
Freshman Girls Basketball
Girls Cross Country Team
Girls Tennis Team
Irish Dance Club
Music Boosters
Royalette Dance Team
Varsity Boys Basketball Team
Varsity Cheerleaders
Varsity Football Team
Winter Track Teams
jubilee gala & auction
gifts in kind
The O’Connell community is grateful to the parents, alumni and friends of O’Connell who
supported our Jubilee Gala and Auction with gifts in kind.
2941 Restaurant
Air Tran Airways, Inc.
Alan Wasser Associates
The Bernstein Companies
Bliss Full Service Spa
Café Oggi
Café Tatti
The Capital Grille
Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.
The Catholic Distance
Cline Rose Designs, Inc.
Coach Wootten's Basketball
College Hunks Hauling Junk
Connie's Chocolate
Dale Photo Imaging Studio
Dandelion Patch
Details Boutique of Occoquan
Discovery Theatre
Elizabeth Hyland Interiors
Excel Dermatology Institute
Flik Independent Schools
Flynn & O'Hara
Uniforms, Inc.
Gadsby's Tavern Museum
Gathered Stems
Glorious Goblets
Glory Days Grill-Bristow
Goose Creek Golf Club
Gustavo Cosmetics
Heidelberg Pastry Shoppe
Herff Jones, Inc.
International Country Club
Ireland's Four Provinces
The Italian Store
Jeff Lubin Portrait
Photography Studio
J. R.'s Stockyards Inn
The Kellogg Collection
Kids 'N' Clay Pottery Studio
Le Mistral Restaurant
Lemon Twist
Liberty Mountain Resort
London Bob Hair Design
Luray Caverns
Maggiano's Little Italy
Mangan Jewelers
Marlo Furniture
Marrakesh Restaurant
McLean Cleaners
McLean Hilton
McLean Power Yoga
Mystique Nails and Spa
New Wave Salon and Day Spa
Northern Virginia Piano
Ocean M Restaurant
Palm Restaurant
The Paschal Lamb Bookstore
Perfectly Organized
Philip Bermingham
Portofino Restaurant
Red Fox Inn
Salon Kenan
Salon Michel
Salon Radiance
Service Solutions, Inc.
Simply Country
Splash Dive Center
Squire Chase
The Studio
The Studio Theatre
Varsity Books
Welsh Printing Corporation
Westwood Country Club
Whitetail Resort
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark
Goetzman '77 & '80
Mr. David Guenther and
Ms.Valerie Sumner
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hallagan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Hollis
Mr. and Mrs.Walter R.
Howell III
Mr. and Mrs. James Hyland
Ms.Virginia E. Indingaro
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Jarratt III
Mr. and Mrs. Irving E.
Johnson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.William G.
Dr. and Mrs. Nabil Khawand
Mr. and Mrs.William Lagos
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Loken
Mr. and Mrs. Cao Mai
Dr. and Mrs. John Malanchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Miss Catherine E. McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Mitchell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mullane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Murray
Mrs. Irma Ortiz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Pardes
Mrs. Evelyn L. Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratay
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ruiz
Ms. Leah S. Salvador
Ms. Christine S. Salvador '95
Mr. Steven H. Schram
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Kouassi P. Soman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J.
Rev. Luis M.Valdivieso
Ms. Maria A. Alvarez-Lundie
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Aubry
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ballington
Ms. Deborah E. Blow
Mr. Albert Breuel
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Criste
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M.
Culhane '70
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Faulk
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Fay '73
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fornaro
Mr. and Mrs.Todd R.
Gaboury Sr. '79 & '79
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D.
Gaboury '78
Mr. and Mrs.William Gardepe
Col. and Mrs. Peter Garry
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillick
In addition, countless parents and
faculty members donated goods,
services and funds to the creation
of more than fifty homeroom
baskets auctioned off at the Gala.
20th annual joseph w.
connolly memorial
golf classic
Special Appreciation is
extended to O’Connell’s
Golf Committee:
Tom Conaty '64, Chair
Karen Bate
Kathryn Bernardo
Kevin Callahan
Joe Gargiulo
Diana Lawrence
Dick Nelson
Jim Russo
Jeff Vent
Bishop O’Connell is sincerely
grateful for the commitment
of all the players, the
generous sponsors and the
dedicated volunteers who
truly made this year’s
event a tremendous success.
Save the Date
21st Annual
Joseph W. Connolly
Golf Classic
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Laurel Hill Golf Club
The Country Club of Fairfax was the backdrop for the May 5, 2008 Connolly Golf
Classic, where more than 100 friends of O'Connell came together for an afternoon of
golf and good times, all to benefit O'Connell scholarship programs.At the end of the
day, new friends were made, and more than $30,000 was raised. The O'Connell community is sincerely grateful to all of the sponsors, donors, players and volunteers who
made the 2008 Connolly Classic a tremendous success.
Battlefield Ford
Alcalde & Fay
Bergmann's Cleaning
Bill Page Honda
Canteen Vending
Cardinal Bank
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Dittmar Company
Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms, Inc.
Herff Jones, Inc.
Husky Properties
Jim Koons Automotive Companies
Service Solutions, Inc.
Sheehy Ford of Springfield
Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich
& Walsh PC
Winston & Strawn
Bill Young and Taylor Young '11
Ray Bergan
Mr. and Mrs.Todd Gaboury '79 & '79
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gaboury '78
Husky Properties
Mr. & Mrs.William Prendergast
Readak Educational Services
Sheridan Behm Eustice & Associates
Bailey's Crossroads Body Shop
Carr Partners
Cavalier Services
Schindler Elevator
Seminary Road Shell
Skyline Automotive
Stuart Dean Company
Advantage Golf
Cardinal Bank
Body by Ginny
Bookbinders Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas H. Conaty '64
Country Club of Fairfax
David's II Car Wash
Fairfax National Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Fay '73
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foley
Ford's Colony Williamsburg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Furey '76
Great American Restaurants
Hilltop Golf Club
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
Key Bridge Marriott
Kinkead's Restaurant
Mr. Christopher J. Melnick '84
Mr. Bartholomew J. Steib '63
Washington Redskins
Charitable Foundation
Photography Courtesy of
Victor O'Neill Studios
Bishop O’Connell High School
honor roll of donors
president’s club
The President’s Club honors donors who made gifts of $1,000 or more during the 2007-08 fiscal year. We celebrate
these special members of the O’Connell community for their generosity and leadership in support of our students.
$1,000,000 Gift
Jubilee Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Fay '73*
Mr. and Mrs. James Koons '69 and '69*
Excaliber Club
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klawiter
Bishop’s Roundtable
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fornaro*
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Gaboury '78*
Mr. and Mrs.Todd R. Gaboury '79 and '79*
Mr. and Mrs.Walter R. Howell III*
Mr. Mark S. Muller
Knight’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Albrittain
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Albrittain '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Aquino*
Mr. and Mrs. J.Vernon Ballard*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Callaghan '79*
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan E. Callahan '85*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Duffy*
Mr. Paul D. Johnson and Ms. Judith Dunn*
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lawlor
Mr. Donald T. Lynch and Ms. Kim Burnett*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Montavon '69*
Mr. Robert J. Murphy Jr '67*
Drs. Charles and Lisa Parente
Mr. and Mrs. Clarron E. Render Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Shebby '84*
Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. Siliezar*
Sword & Shield Society
Alumni Class of 1976
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett
Ms. Kathryn Bernardo and
Mr. Steve Preston
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Booze*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Bowman*
Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Cabrera*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carpenter, Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Chalmeta*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas H. Conaty '64*
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Dade
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Depenbrock Jr. '61*
Ms. Marie Devlin '80
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan*
Capt. and Mrs. Raymond P. Donahue Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton S. G. Edsall III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan E. Fay '71*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ford Jr. '71
Dr. Ronald P. Fuchs '62
Mr. and Mrs.William Gardepe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Garlich Jr.*
Mr. Michael Gilliam and
Mrs. Cecelia M. Gilliam '87*
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Goetzman '77
and '80*
Mr.Todd S. Hastings '72
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hurley '77
Mrs.Teresa E. Iannaconi '61*
Mr. Michael A. Ingrao '72
Mr. and Mrs. George Jones
Mr. Richard D. Kelly '70*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Keyes
Mr. Finley Horner and Ms. Denise M.
Kfoury '73*
Dr. and Mrs. Nabil Khawand*
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kilian '71*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolodzy*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Koons Sr
'64 and '65*
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kundinger
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kurtzke '77*
Mr. Mikel Lasa and Ms. Connie Campbell
Dr. and Mrs.William Lauerman
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lawrence*
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Leber*
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Makoutz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Marsilii*
Mr. Richard J. Martin*
Mr. Christopher J. Melnick '84*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mika*
Mr. and Mrs. John Milam
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Moore '85*
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Moxness
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mullane*
Mr. and Mrs.V.J. Murrell*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Musolf '62
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Nirschl*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. O'Donnell '73*
Mrs. Maureen B. O'Keeffe '91
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Patrick*
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Rhee
Dr. Joseph G. Schaffner Jr and
Dr. Anne Schaffner*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Sheridan Jr. '89*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Spurlock*
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Starr
Mr.Tom Case and Ms. Andrea Stevens*
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stumvoll
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Stuver*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L.Tierney '61
Ms. Mary Ellen Tisdale '67
Mr. Michael Underwood and Mrs. Lisa
Mercer Underwood '74*
Mr.Tino O.Vilches '82
Mr. Martin D.Walsh '62
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whitebread Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Witt
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Zdancewicz '74*
Blue Ribbon Council
A Blue Ribbon Council was established
in 2007. The Council is comprised of
alumni and parents who are leaders in
the corporate sector.Their purpose is to
identify, cultivate and solicit alumni,
individuals, and other key prospects
with the interest and resources to support
major projects and/or endowment needs
at O’Connell.
Mr. Kevin Fay '73, Chair
Mr. Christopher Albrittain
Mr. Michael Albrittain '80
Mr. Peter D. Aquino
Mr. Patrick M. Culhane '70
Mr. Robert Fornaro
Mr.William Gardepe
Ms. Mary Haffey '76
Mr.Walter "Trip" Howell III
Mr. Donald Klawiter
Mrs. Sarah Mika
Mr. Byron Siliezar
Mr.Tom Stevens '68
Mr. Marshall Williams
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Annual Report 2007-2008
honor roll of donors
Blue & Silver Society
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams
Ms. Johannah E. Barry '72
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bergan*
Mr. Max Borges*
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Breen*
Mr. Jed R. Bullock '96*
Ms. Christine M. Byrne '82
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chiames
Mrs. Patrice E. Connolly*
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Connor III '61
Dr. and Mrs. Max Coppes
Ms. Kathleen Coyne '07
Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin*
Mr. and Mrs. Guido J. Deboeck
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. DeSouza*
Ms. Suzanne Driscoll '71
Mr.William A. Duryee '61*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Dwyer '61*
Mr. Sean M. Echevarria '84*
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Eckert*
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Feneley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Ferrell '61*
Mr. and Mrs. David FitzGerald*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Fitzpatrick*
Mr. Michael Flach and Mrs.Theresa P.
Flach '76
Mr. Neil J. Goetzman '81
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Guerere*
Mr. Khaled Hamami and Ms. Karen Kelser
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Horvath*
Mr. Rady A. Johnson II '79
Mr. and Mrs. Surinder Kapoor
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kent III
Mr. and Mrs.William J. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Geert Kersten
Mr. J. Andrew Keyes '87*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Leverone '82
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Loken*
Mr. Michael D. Lubeley '65
Mr. and Mrs. Cao Mai
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Marquez
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McGarry III '61
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Minan*
Mrs. Margaret M. Newman '80
Mr. and Mrs. John M. O’Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs.William S. Onufrychuk '69*
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Pfaff
Mr. James Poppe and Mrs. Catherine
Poppe '75*
Mr. and Mrs.William B. Prendergast*
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Pricenor*
Mr. and Mrs. Savino Recine*
Mrs. Patricia Roddy*
Honorable and Mrs. Robert P. Ruwe*
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Sandoval*
Mrs. Robin Saracina
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schlosser*
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Singer*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stella*
Mr. Michael T. Sutherland '62*
Mrs. Ruth E.Taliaferro '63*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P.Theobald
Mr. Charles Tyrpak
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S.Vance '88
Mr.Thomas Wilson and Mrs. Kathleen
Wilson '78*
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zetts*
Associates Club
Mrs. Alayne A. Adams*
Mr. and Mrs. Murlin W. Altoft
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson
Mr.William Anhut and
Ms. Dale Labbe-Anhut
Mr. David G. Barger and
Mrs. Karen Barger '80*
Ms. Marion Bonhomme-Knox*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Catalfamo*
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chanderbhan*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Christopher
Mrs. Christine E. Clark '90*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas T. Coipuram Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Cole '79
Mr. and Mrs. Flint R. Criley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Crouch II*
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Curley '71*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. DeBernardo*
Mr.Tamiru Degefa and
Ms.Webayehu Tsegaye
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V. DiGregory*
Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson
Ms. Geraldine Dougherty
Mr. George L. Doyle '79*
Mrs.Valarie Ellis*
Mrs. Joanna F. Fesler '91*
Mr. Stephen Flott and
Ms. R. Frances O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fulton
Mr. David Galbis-Reig '92*
Mrs. Renee M. Garnett '83*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gilbert '65*
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gillick
Mr.Thomas E. Giska
Mr.Thomas Goodwin and
Ms. Cheryl Matheis*
Ms. Julie Gravallese
Ms. Anne Grenade
Dr. and Mrs. Pradeep Gupta*
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Herbst
Col.(Ret.) and Mrs. Joseph Hickey Jr.
Mr.Wann Hon and Ms. Ching Ching Luu
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jarratt III*
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Jaworski*
Mr.Thomas E. Kerwin '66*
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Klein*
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Laubscher '90*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lauby '71*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logothety
Mrs. Jennifer Loucks '74
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lundquist
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Macedonia*
Mr. Charles G. Maguire '61
Mrs.Virginia Marksteiner '72
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent S. Mazzola*
Mr. and Mrs. E. Patrick McGinley*
Mrs. Mary Merkin*
Mrs. Marie S. Minton '80
Mr. James R. Neale '67
Mr. and Mrs. James P. O'Reilly '71*
Mr.Timothy J. O'Rourke '74
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Poos '70
Mr.Timothy J. Preski '80*
Mr. Robert B. Richards '66*
Mr. and Mrs. George Roesch*
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ross*
Mr. Guillermo Perez and Ms. Maria Rubio*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rudolph*
Mr. Michael C. Rush '62*
Ms. Mary A. Ryder '61*
Mrs. Shannon M. Seay '85
Dr.Trina Sensenig
Mr. and Mrs.William Sheley
Mr. Bartholomew J. Steib '63*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Storm*
Mrs.Valerie C.Taylor '86*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L.Telzrow '63
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Terwilliger*
Mrs. Margaret K.Thaler '67*
Mrs. Patricia A.Thompson '67*
Mr. Michael Tuszka and
Mrs. Martha Tuszka '73*
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Usman*
Ms. Christine Vermillion
Honorable and Mrs. George B.Walsh '76*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Warcholak*
Mrs. Rosemary P.Wilcox '77
Mr. and Mrs. Dermot M.Winters*
Mrs. Suzanne B.Yaeger '85*
School Spirit Club
Mr. and Mrs. David Andril*
Mr. Robert D. Asher '66
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Babashak II '76*
Mr. Burton Bacheller and
Ms. Romona Hazera-Bacheller*
Mrs. Pamela M. Bard '73
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Barnoski*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Baxter*
Mr. Francois Begin and
Ms. Sabine Englehard*
Mr. Glenn P. Benarick '72
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bergeron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black*
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Bishop O’Connell High School
honor roll of donors
School Spirit Club (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bliss
Ms. Deborah E. Blow '68*
Dr. and Mrs.William F. Bobzien III '61*
Ms. Libbia A. Bolden-Ingram*
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Marcus Bonds
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent Bonini
Ms. Annette S. Borges*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bouchoux*
Ms. Mary Margaret Brandt '68*
Mr. Albert Breuel*
Dr. Michael Brien and Ms. Melissa Bradley
Mrs. Darlene G. Brown '77*
Ms. Kelly A. Brown-Ginsberg '91*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Budzynski '84
Mr. and Mrs. David Bundren
Mr. and Mrs. Somboon Buranaamorn
Miss Myrtis L. Byrnes*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Callahan
Mr. Matthew T. Callahan '87*
Mr. Michael A. Callahan '78*
Mr. Stephen Cambone and
Mrs. Margaret T. Cambone '68*
Ms. Barbara Y. Camp
Ms.Tracy H. Campbell '83*
Dr. and Mrs.Tom Carhart '62
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Carroll '82*
Mrs. Susan M. Cass '76
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs.William P. Ceconi*
Mr. and Mrs.William Cerniglia*
Mr. Keriang Chauteh and
Ms. Marlene L. Chin-Chauteh*
Mrs. Marianna P. Christensen '85
Col. and Mrs. Daniel R. Clark*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Clark*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cocozza*
Mr. Sidney Conley and Dr. Diane Conley
Mr. and Mrs. James Connelly*
Mrs. Margaret M. Connelly '80
Col.(Ret.) and Mrs. Michael L. Conrad*
Ms. Ann Marie Cook '73
Mr. Christopher Cook and
Mrs. Leyla G. Cook '93*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul X. Cook*
Mr. Robert A. Cools Jr.*
Mrs. Laura P. Corado '90
Mr. Kenneth W. Cramp Jr. '67*
Mr.William C. Crenshaw '71 and
Ms. Cecilia Stephens '71*
Dr. Phyllis D. Cross '70
Mr. H. Daniel Culler
Ms. Judith L. Cunningham '84
Col. and Mrs. Edmund K. Daley Jr*
Ms. Sharon Daley '75
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Daunt
Ms. Maria A. David '77
Ms. Maureen A. Dayton '78
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Deely Jr.*
Mrs. Nancy B. DelPresto '69*
Ms.Terry E. DeRoche '65
Annual Report 2007-2008
Ms. Diane E. Dixson '61
Mrs.Tina P. Dodge '84
Ms.Theresa L. Dombrowski '78*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Donnelly*
Mr. Charles H. Duff III '66
Mrs. Margaret L. Eckerle '73
Ms. Grace E. Elliott '00
Mr. Kevin Ellis*
Mrs. Denise C. Erwin '72
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell*
Mrs. Kathleen P. Farrell '80
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Adriano Fernandes*
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fitzpatrick*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Follett*
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Forrest*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Fortkort
Mrs. Kathleen Foster '69*
Mr. David J. Fuchs '70*
Mr. Richard Fulcher and
Mrs. Diane M. Fulcher '77
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Furey*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallen
Mr. Christopher E. Ganley '84
Dr. Gino Girardi*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goetzman
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Gonzalez*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Gough
Col. and Mrs. James A. Gravette*
Mr. and Mrs.William J. Griffin
Mr. John J. Haffey III '72
Mr. and Mrs. David Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrington '86*
Mr. Bret M. Hart '80
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hayden '81*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hayden '74 & '74*
Mrs. Rose Mary M. Hayden*
Mr. James T. Hayes and Mrs. Kathy Hayes '72
Ms. Mary Jane Healy '83*
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Henry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Higbee*
Mrs. Beth Hill '79
Mr. Michael Hirrel*
Mrs. Mary T. Hisey '79*
Mrs. Rebecca E. Hoisington '81*
Rev. Edward R. Horkan '86
Mr.Timothy P. Hudson '67*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Huley '65
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Huley Sr. '61*
Mrs. Mary K. Humfelt '74*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Inglese '75*
Ms. Karen A. Irby
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Irek Sr.*
Mr. James Kane
Mr. R. Mark Keating '62*
Ms.Therese M. Keens '94
Mrs. Jeanne C. Kelly '65
Mr. and Mrs.William G. Kennedy*
Mrs. Patrice M. Kessler '68*
Mr. Paul E. Kiechlin '85
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kiko*
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koenig
Mr. Richard G. Kramer '66
Mr. John M. Lacey Jr. '64*
Ms. Mary Katherine Lanzillotta '81*
Mr. Joseph LeBlanc
Ms. Sharon R. Leishear '61*
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Lenches*
Mrs. Leila P. Lucas '80
Mr. and Mrs.Tim Lucas*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Luning II*
Ms. Joan MacDonald*
Ms. Kathleen MacDonald
Mr. Michael J. Malasardi '78*
Mr. Hani S. Malaty and
Ms. Ana V.Vergel de Dios*
Mr. and Mrs.William Manch
Mr. and Mrs. Carter H. Marantette
Mrs. Robin A. Marine '85
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Marksteiner
Lt. Col. Peggy Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McAlevy '82*
Mr. Charles E. McCabe, Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCahill '71*
Col. and Mrs. Bill W. McCarty (Ret.)*
Ms. Mary McCourt '75
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonough
Mr. Anthony F. McGonigle and
Ms. Elizabeth A. Altobell*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. McGuire*
Mrs. Karen B. McGuire '88*
Mrs. Mary G. McIlvaine '63
Dr. Kathleen H. McKee '67*
Mr. Kevin McKeon and
Mrs. Marianne L. McKeon '75
Mrs. Marian G. McLain '79
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Meny-Plunkett
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller*
Ms. Merrilee C. Miller '61*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mondoro '61*
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morgan*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Munchak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Murray*
Mr.Vincent F. Nasca '68*
Mr. and Mrs. Ly Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nirschl '80*
Cmdr. and Mrs. James S. O'Keefe '79
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O'Neill*
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly
Mr.Thomas A. Orndorff*
Mrs. Carla M. Palm '80
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Palumbo
Mr. Michael S. Parent '64
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Pasquariello*
Ms. Natalie M. Payne '83
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Pearring
Mr. Jerome R. Pearring Jr. '77
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
honor roll of donors
School Spirit Club (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peartree
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Pettit '78
Col. and Mrs.John F. Phelps
Ms. Denise Pope
Mr.Todd J. Preti '83*
Ms. Anne K. Quinlan
Mrs. Marie O. Quinn*
Mr. and Mrs. Mel R. Quintos*
Mr.Terence Rainey '73*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Richardson*
Mr. Francis X. Riley Jr '61*
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Riley*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinaldi
Mr. John N. Rodock '74*
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rodrigues*
Dr. James M. Ronis '78*
Mrs. Giuliana P. Rowell '83*
Mrs. Michelle Rush '70
Mr. James Russo and
Mrs. Beverly A. Russo '71*
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Ryder*
Mr. and Mrs. Antenor R. Sainz*
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Salas
Ms. Christine S. Salvador '95*
Dr. Francis J. Samaha*
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scallion*
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Schepps*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schirmer
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Schmidt
Col. and Mrs. H. Joel Schmidt '76*
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schoenberger*
Mrs. Sandra S. Scioville*
Dr. and Mrs.William F. Shaw*
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shipley
Mr. and Mrs.T. Michael Shortal
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shotwell
Ms. Mary F. Shreve '64*
Mr. Michael F. Slevin '87*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Snyder
Col. and Mrs.Thomas J. Solak*
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Spagnoli
Dr. John F. Sparks '70*
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Spotswood*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stauder
Mr. Mark Stechschulte and
Mrs. Laune Stechschulte '74
Mrs. Joanna F. Steffes '64
Mr. James J. L. Stegmaier '72*
Mr. Edward Stevens '63*
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stnons*
Ms. Katherine E. Stnons '95*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Q. Sullivan Jr '70*
Ms. Catherine M. Svercl '92*
Mr. and Mrs.William Tanis*
Col. and Mrs. Charles L.Taylor*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P.Tillson '73*
Ms. Kelsey S.Timmerberg '04
Mr. Nelson E.Toye Jr '87
Ms. Maria E.Villanueva*
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Villavicencio*
Mr. Albert H.Voegeli Jr. '63*
Mrs. Suzanne M.Vollrath '86
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.Wagner
Mrs.Tina L.Ward '87*
Mrs. Sharon G.Watts '82
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas S.Weber '89*
Ms. Elizabeth M.Weist '82*
Mr. and Mrs.William S.Wilkinson*
Mr.William S.Wilkinson '77*
Mr. Jeffrey Winslow '70*
Ms. Felicia Wintz
Mr.Thomas Woods and
Mrs. Joanne M.Woods '80
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Yantis
Mrs. Mary A.Yordy '74*
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Zawistowski, Jr.
Dr. Jeffrey L. Zilberfarb, M.D. '76
Friends’ Circle
up to $99
Dr. Julie R. Agnew '87
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Albrigo
Mrs. Leslie A. Anderson '95
Ms. Pamela Armas '92
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Aubry
Mr. Andrew P. Steffen and
Ms. Linda L. Auther
Mr.William D. Baer*
Mrs. Mary P. Bailey '61*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Baird*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baker, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barnett
Mr.William I. Barton*
Ms. Margaret E. Bartos '61
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bate*
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Emmette W. Beauchamp III '65
Mr. James G. Beauchamp '76
Mrs. Elizabeth Bell-Leresche '80
Mrs. Maria Benedi '77*
Mr. and Mrs. David Bernero
Mr. Michael Bernhard
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph R. Bevan
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan R. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Brady
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Brough*
Mr. John J. Brough II '82
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bruno
Mr. John J. Buckreis Jr '84
Mrs. Sarah R. Bunn '85*
Ms. Mary Ruth F. Burke RNC '78
Ms. Marion Burson
Mr. Eric L. Butler '06
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Calabrese*
Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Cardenas '78*
Mrs. Sylvia F. Carlson '70*
Ms. Christine M. Carosella '88
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chichester
Msgr. John T. Cilinski*
Mr. and Mrs. John Civiello
Ms. Eileen E. Clemens '71
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Cocozza '80*
Mr. Cornelius J. Collins III '80
Ms. Karen Collins-Fleming '65
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Conge Jr.*
Col. Christopher C. Conlin '77
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Connor Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Constantine*
Ms. Melissa H. Cooper '91
Ms. Catherine C. Crawford '69*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cresson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Criste*
Mr.Thomas Crook and
Ms. Dawn Allenback-Crook
Mr. Emmett L. Crouch
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crouch
Miss Meghan Cunningham*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Cupo
Mr. Patrick W. David '68
Mr.Terry L. Davis and
Ms. Debra J. McCunniff-Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Decker*
Mr. Gregory Deegan '77
Mrs. Beatriz M. Del Castillo '63*
Capt. and Mrs.William F. Diehl
Col. and Mrs. Douglass W. Donnell*
Mrs. Christine E. Donohue '74
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dwyer '89*
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Earley*
Ms. Jean Ebaugh
Ms. Ashley C. Eisenman '03
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Elliott '78
Dr. Mark G. Ellis '73*
Mrs. Frances K. Enzler '75*
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Esher*
Dr. Mark D. Falls MD '79
Ms.Tara K. Fannan '92
Ms. Marta M. Fernandez '79*
Ms. Elizabeth A. Ferris*
Mr. George K. Finan '61
Mr. and Mrs.William A. Fonzi*
Ms. Andrea Fornaro '07
Mr. and Mrs.William Friend
Mr. Russell J. Fuchs '71*
Col. and Mrs. Peter Garry*
Mr. John M. Gartner '86
Mr. Dennis M. Gehley '64
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Giaquinto
Ms. Jennifer Gillum '83*
Ms.Bureda D. Goddard
Mrs. Karen E. Golden '70
Mrs. Carolyn Grant '83
Mr. John B. Greenhalgh '77*
Mrs. Kimberly Guidash '88
Lt. Col. (ret.) and Mrs. John J. Gutter
Mr. and Mrs.William P. Haggerty '66
Ms. Sabrina D. Hartzog '97
Mr. Robert C. Heinbockel '62*
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Bishop O’Connell High School
honor roll of donors
Friends’ Circle (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Malvin M. Helgesen*
Dr. John W. Herweg '64
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holleran
Ms. Donna Hurdle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Iacobucci
Mrs. Katherine A. Jacaruso '83*
Mr. David G. Kaiser
Mrs. Mary L. Kelly '76*
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kfoury
Mr. and Mrs.William Kilgallin
Ms. Elena R. King
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klimkowski
Mr. Matthew P. Klopfer '03
Mrs. Kerry J. Kobe '94*
Mr. John M. Kosciw '72
Mr. Mark F. Krause '69*
Mrs. Cynthia Krech
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krug Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Kunec*
Mrs. Ruth Anne Lachendro '70
Mr. Carlos F. Lama '91
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Laniak*
Mr. Marc A. Lapadula '78
Ms. Betty Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lillis '81*
Ms. Julie E. Lindsay '92
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael LoMonaco*
Ms. Patricia T. Lushina '77
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Macherey*
Ms. Marie A. Maguire '79
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Paul B. Malone IV
Mr. and Mrs. John Marksteiner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marksteiner
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Marrone*
Ms. Jane M. Matthews '64*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mattingly
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Maurice*
Annual Report 2007-2008
Mr.William S. McCabe '81*
Ms. Bonnie J. McGann
Mrs. Caroline F. McGinn '85
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. McGrann
Ms. Anne P. Mellen '70*
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Michaelides
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Miller
Mr.William R. Milligan Jr '87
Mrs. Ann C. Misener '66
Mrs. Dori T. Mitchell '79*
Mrs. Janene Mitchell '80
Ms. Jeanette Morin '82
Mr. and Mrs.Terrence P. Morrow '65*
Rev. Christopher J. Mould '78*
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Murphy '73
Mrs. Mary E. Nagareda '68*
Mr. and Mrs.Vinicio H. Nasca*
Mr. Russell Neal Jr. '64*
Mr. Huan Nguyen and Ms. Hanh N. Ong
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nyce
Kelly M. O'Brien and
Stacey Anderson O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard O'Keefe
Col. and Mrs. Kevin P. O'Keefe*
Ms. Patrice Olander-Quamme '72*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O'Rourke Jr.*
Ms. Marty Paetzold
Mrs. Rebecca J. Passanante '67
Ms. Colleen M. Payne '85*
Mr. Dorian Perez '98
Mrs. Helen L. Petrakes '80*
Ms. Brighid K. Peyton '99
Mr. Douglas Pfaff '06
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Pistolesi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Pomphrey Jr. '62
Mr. Ronald G. Precup Jr. '83
Ms. Julia K. Pugarelli '03
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puletti
Mr. Jose Quiroz, Jr. '97
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratay
Mrs. Catherine A. Rayder '94
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Regan
Mrs. Mary K. Reilly '83
Ms. Anne Ribble '65
Col. Leonard E. Rice Jr.*
Mr. Brian Ripa and Ms. Margaret Sullivan*
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic G. Rita*
Mr and Mrs. Carlos Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Horacio Rivera-Piza
Mr. John D. Rohrbough*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Roland '69*
Mr. Robert F. Rosenbaum
Mrs. Erin A. Ryan '88
Mr. John D. Ryan '61*
Ms. Rosemary Sales '82
Ms. Jennifer A. Salkeld '79
Mr. Raymond S. Scheppach '88
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schmidt
Mr. Edward J. Shaughnessy Jr '65
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shepard
Ms. Sharon E. Sieber '89*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Sieve '75
Mr. and Mrs.William M. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sneed '62
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sowa II*
Mr.William Spitzig '70*
Mrs. Janis A. Sposato
Ms. Alison Spurlock '07
Mr. Joseph F. Starkey '78*
Mrs. Kathryn A. Starr '78
Mr. Greg Steigerwald and
Ms. Catherine Morper '78*
Mrs. Kathleen M. Storer '80
Mr. and Mrs.V. G. Straubs
Mr. Joseph W. Stuart '77
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Stucke*
Mrs. M. Stephanie C. Sumner '71*
Mr. David A.Temeles Jr '86
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.Tetrault*
Mr.Thomas E.Tiernan '72
Mr. Jonathan W.Tobin '91
Mr. Matthew F.Tobin '93
Mr. Stephen D.Tobin '95
Dr. and Mrs.William J.Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Toulme
Ms. Karen M.Tracey
Mrs. Martha Trigeiro
Ms. Ann Haggerty Trumble '67
Ms. Mary Ursitti '78
Mr.Vincent J.Valentino '64
Mr. and Mrs. Arnoldo Vergel de Dios*
Ms. Mary C.Wadbrook '99
Mrs. Katherine L.Walker '61
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.Warring*
Ms. Karen L.Weis '89
Ms. Kathy E.Wichterman '76
Mrs. Ann F.Wyker '74*
Ms. Christine L. Ziegler '85
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Mrs. Beverly Griffin
Mrs. Mary Ann Krug
Mr.Walter “Trip” Howell III
Mr. Kevin Spurlock
Mrs. Lori Spencer
Mrs. Kara Barger '80
Mr.William Gardepe
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hughes
Mr. Donald Klawiter
Mr. Jonathan Kokolakis
Mrs. Martha Kolodzy
Mrs. Jane Sposato, Faculty Representative
ALUMNI giving
By Class
Gifts from alumni are a powerful vote
of confidence in the future of Bishop
O'Connell High School.Alumni who
contribute are making a strong statement
about the education they received and
are ensuring that future generations have
the same opportunities.The O'Connell community is grateful to the following alumni
for the generous gifts made
during 2007-2008:
Class of 1961
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Michael C. Rush*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Tom Carhart
R. Mark Keating*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Robert C. Heinbockel*
Patrick J. Pomphrey
Michael B. Sneed
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
John F. Debenbrock*
Teresa E. (Turner) Iannaconi*
Michael L.Tierney
Class of 1963
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
John E. Connor
William A. Duryee*
Dennis E. Dwyer*
Patrick F. Ferrell
J. Michael McGarry
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Bartholomew J. Steib*
Dennis L.Telzrow
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Charles G. Maguire
Mary (Amendolia) Ryder*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
William F. Bobzien*
Diane E. Dixson
Robert M. Huley*
Sharon (Rush) Leishear*
Merrilee C. Miller*
Michael J. Mondoro*
Francis X. Riley*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mary (Pfiester) Bailey*
Margaret E. (Peacock) Bartos
George K. Finan
John D. Ryan
Katherine (Laing) Walker
Class of 1962
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Ronald P. Fuchs
Betty (Eiland) Musolf
Gary E. Musolf
Martin D.Walsh
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Michael T. Sutherland*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Ruth E. (Kulesher) Taliaferro*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Mary (Goodman) McIlvaine
Edward H. Stevens*
Albert H.Voegeli*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Beatriz (Maza) Del Castillo*
Class of 1964
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Thomas H. Conaty*
Joseph R. Koons*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
John M. Lacey*
Michael S. Parent
Mary F. Shreve*
Joanna F. (Donato) Steffes
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Dennis M. Gehley
John W. Herweg
Jane M. (Lane) Matthews*
Russell Neal*
Vincent J.Valentino*
Class of 1965
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Nancy A. (Hayhurst) Koons*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
John E. Connor
Michael D. Lubeley
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Ann S. (Boyles) Gilbert
Ronald J. Gilbert*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Terry E. (Anderson) DeRoche
Peter H. Huley
Jeanne (Clemente) Kelly*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Emmette W. Beauchamp
Karen (Milbourn) Collins-Fleming
Terrence P. Morrow*
Anne (Goodson) Ribble
Edward J. Shaughnessy
Class of 1966
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Thomas E. Kerwin*
Robert B. Richards*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Robert D. Asher
Charles H. Duff
Richard G. Kramer
Friends' Circle
up to $99
William P. Haggerty
Ann (Conway) Misener
Class of 1967
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Robert J. Murphy*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Mary Ellen Tisdale
Associates Club
$250 - $499
James R. Neale
Margaret (Knecht) Thaler*
Patricia A. (Wieman) Thompson*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Kenneth W. Cramp*
Timothy P. Hudson
Kathleen H. McKee*
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Bishop O’Connell High School
honor roll of donors
Alumni Donors (cont.)
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Rebecca J. (Borntraeger) Passanante
Ann Haggerty Trumble
Class of 1968
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Deborah E. Blow*
Mary Margaret Brandt*
Margaret (Taaffe) Cambone*
Patrice M. (Gorman) Kessler*
Vincent F. Nasca*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Patrick W. David
Mary E. (Holroyd) Nagareda*
Class of 1969
Jubilee Club
$50,000 +
James Koons*
Cecilia (Zimmerman) Koons*
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Michael C. Montavon*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
William S. Onufrychuk*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Nancy (Bugas) DelPresto*
Kathleen (Walsh) Foster*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Catherine C. Crawford*
Mark F. Krause*
Michael J. Roland*
Class of 1970
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Richard D. Kelly*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Thomas R. Poos
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Phyllis (DeCarlo) Cross
David J. Fuchs*
Michelle (Lalle) Rush
John F. Sparks*
Thomas Q. Sullivan*
Jeffrey Winslow*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Sylvia F. (Totten) Carlson*
Karen E. (Peirano) Golden
Ruth Anne Lachendro
Anne (Pida) Mellen*
William Spitzig*
Class of 1971
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Stephan E. Fay*
Richard J. Ford
David F. Kilian*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Suzanne Driscoll
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Robert C. Lauby*
James P. O'Reilly*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
William C. Crenshaw*
Robert J. McCahill*
Beverly (Asher) Russo*
Cecilia T. Stephens*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Eileen E. Clemens
Russell J. Fuchs*
M. Stephanie (Crouch) Sumner*
Class of 1972
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Todd S. Hastings
Michael A. Ingrao
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Johannah E. Barry
John E. Connor
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Virginia (Donaldson) Marksteiner
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Glenn P. Benarick
Denise (Cook) Erwin
John J. Haffey
James J. Stegmaier*
Class of 1973
Jubilee Club
$50,000 +
Kevin J. Fay*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Denise M. Kfoury*
Deborah (Holben) O'Donnell*
Robert E. O'Donnell*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Martha E. (Rozas) Tuszka*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Pamela M. (Walsh) Bard
Ann Marie Cook
Margaret L. (Tull) Eckerle
Terence Rainey*
Donald P.Tillson*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mark G. Ellis*
Thomas M. Murphy
Class of 1974
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Lisa (Mercer) Underwood*
Raymond E. Zdancewicz*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Jennifer (Borntraeger) Loucks
Timothy J. O'Rourke
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Julie R. (Naylor) Hayden*
Michael J. Hayden*
Mary K. (Illy) Humfelt*
John N. Rodock*
Laune (Ryal) Stechschulte
Mary A. (Boyer) Yordy*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Christine E. (Walsh) Donohue
Ann (Frankl) Wyker*
Class of 1975
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Catherine (Cordes) Poppe*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
John M. Kosciw
Patrice Olander-Quamme*
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Annual Report 2007-2008
honor roll of donors
Alumni Donors (cont.)
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Sharon (Pettit) Daley
Christopher J. Inglese*
Mary McCourt
Marianne (Lundrigan) McKeon
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Frances (Kelley) Enzler*
Michael W. Sieve
Class of 1976
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Alumni Class of 1976
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Theresa (Pearring) Flach*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
George B.Walsh*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
James V. Babashak*
Susan M. (Cleary) Cass
H. Joel Schmidt*
Jeffrey L. Zilberfarb
Friends' Circle
up to $99
James G. Beauchamp
Mary L. (Spitler) Kelly*
Kathy E.Wichterman
Class of 1977
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
H. Mark Goetzman
John K. Hurley
Robert N. Kurtzke*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Rosemary P. (Daley) Wilcox
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Darlene (Gehley) Brown*
Maria A. (Coakley) David
Diane M. (Connole) Fulcher
Jerome R. Pearring
William S.Wilkinson*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Maria (Fernandez) Benedi*
Christopher C. Conlin
Gregory Deegan
John B. Greenhalgh*
Patricia (Taaffe) Lushina
Joseph W. Stuart
Class of 1978
Classs of 1980
Bishop’s Roundtable
$10,000 - $19,999
Scott D. Gaboury*
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Michael L. Albrittain*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Kathleen A. (McCormick) Wilson*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Marie Devlin*
Martha (Holroyd) Goetzman*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Michael A. Callahan*
Maureen A. (McLaughlin) Dayton
Theresa L. Dombrowski*
Michael J. Malesardi*
Brian E. Pettit
James M. Ronis*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mary Ruth (Furey) Burke
Jose R. Cardenas*
John P. Elliott
Marc A. Lapadula*
Catherine R. Morper*
Rev. Christopher J. Mould*
Joseph F. Starkey*
Kathryn A. (Cunningham) Starr
Mary Ursitti
Class of 1979
Bishop’s Roundtable
$10,000 - $19,999
Todd and Maria (Everhart) Gaboury*
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Kevin T. Callaghan*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Rady A. Johnson
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Kevin W. Cole
George L. Doyle*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Beth (Murphy) Hill
Mary (Trichilo) Hisey*
Marian (Goetzman) McLain
James S. O'Keefe
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Tina (Stephens) Cardenas*
Mark D. Falls
Marta M. Fernandez*
Marie A. Maguire
Dori (Tinajero) Mitchell*
Jennifer A. (Gravel) Salkeld
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Margaret M. (Donaldson) Newman
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Kara (Sowa) Barger*
Marie (Smith) Minton
Timothy J. Preski*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Margaret (McCloskey) Connelly*
Kathleen P. (Barry) Farrell
Bret M. Hart
Leila (Pontzer) Lucas*
Robert C. Nirschl*
Carla M. (Rivero) Palm
Joanne M. (O'Donnell) Woods
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Elizabeth Bell-Leresche
Thomas A. Cocozza*
Cornelius J. Collins
Robin M. (Blake) Lillis*
Janene (Smith) Mitchell
Helen L. (Wilkinson) Petrakes*
Kathleen (Maguire) Storer
Class of 1981
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Neil J. Goetzman
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Andrew J. Hayden*
Rebecca E. (Zdancewicz) Hoisington*
Mary Katherine Lanzillotta*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Michael E. Lillis*
William S. McCabe*
Class of 1982
Sword and Shield Society $1,000 - $4,999
Tino O.Vilches*
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Bishop O’Connell High School
honor roll of donors
Alumni Donors (cont.)
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Christine M. Byrne
Thomas R. Leverone
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Fran (Vorbach) Babashak*
Kara (Andres) Carroll*
Kevin W. Carroll*
Brian J. McAlevy*
Sharon (Greenhalgh) Watts
Elizabeth M.Weist*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
John J. Brough
Jeanette Morin
Rosemary (McTeague) Sales
Class of 1983
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Renee M. (Walsh) Garnett*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Tracy (Hart) Campbell*
Mary Jane Healy
Natalie M. Payne
Todd J. Preti*
Giuliana P. (Solano) Rowell*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Jennifer (Turrisi) Gillum*
Carolyn Grant
Katherine A. (Healy) Jacaruso*
Ronald G. Precup
Mary K. (Moniz) Reilly
Class of 1984
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Christopher Shebby*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Christopher J. Melnick*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Sean M. Echevarria*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Joseph A. Budzynski
Judith L. Cunningham
Tina P. (Marrocco) Dodge
Christopher E. Ganley
Friends' Circle
up to $99
John J. Buckreis
Class of 1985
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Brendan E. Callahan*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Christopher G. Moore*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Shannon (McIlvaine) Seay
Suzanne (Brough) Yaeger*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Marianna P. (Berry) Christensen
Paul E. Kiechlin
Robin A. (Easton) Marine
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Julie (Richardson) Agnew
William R. Milligan
Class of 1988
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Joshua S.Vance
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Karen (Brough) McGuire*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Christine M. Carosella
Kimberly (Redmond) Guidash
Erin A. (Easton) Ryan*
Raymond S. Scheppach
Class of 1989
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Sarah (Ray) Bunn*
Caroline F. (Katz) McGinn
Colleen M. Payne*
Christine L. Ziegler
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Paul F. Sheridan*
Class of 1986
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Thomas S.Weber*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Valerie (Corish) Taylor*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Michael Harrington*
Rev. Edward R. Horkan
Suzanne M. (Hovastak) Vollrath
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Amy (Every) Vance
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Matthew Dwyer*
Sharon E. Sieber*
Karen L.Weis
Class of 1990
Friends' Circle
up to $99
John M. Gartner
David A.Temeles
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Christine E. (Butler) Clark*
Brian D. Laubscher*
Class of 1987
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Laura P. (Vega) Corado
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Cecelia M. (Trimber) Gilliam*
Class of 1991
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
J. Andrew Keyes*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Maureen (Burns) O'Keeffe
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Matthew T. Callahan*
Michael F. Slevin*
Nelson E.Toye
Tina L. (Santoro) Ward*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Joanna (Safi) Fesler*
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Annual Report 2007-2008
honor roll of donors
Alumni Donors (cont.)
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Kelly A. Brown-Ginsberg*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Melissa (Herbst) Cooper
Carlos F. Lama
Jonathan W.Tobin
Class of 1992
Associates Club
$250 - $499
David Galbis-Reig*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Catherine M. Svercl*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Pamela (de Jesus) Armas
Tara K. Fannan
Julie E. Lindsay
Class of 1993
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Leyla (Gazdik) Cook*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Matthew F.Tobin
Class of 1994
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Therese M. Keens
association board
of directors
Ms. Catherine C. Crawford '69
Mrs. Katie Anderson '96
Mr. Robert E. Buckreis '86
Mr. Michael T. Casey '62
Mr.Thomas H. Conaty '64
Mrs. Leyla G. Cook '93
Ms. Kristin M. Hughes '00
Mr. John K. Hurley '77
Mrs. Susan A. Lawrence '87
Mr. Christopher J. Melnick '84
Mrs. Jeanine Musgrove '92
Mr. Alfredo Perez '76
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Kerry J. (Audley) Kobe*
Catherine A. (Dubois) Rayder
Class of 1995
Class of 1997
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Sabrina D. Hartzog
Jose Quiroz
Class of 1998
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Dorian Perez
Class of 1999
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Brighid K. Peyton
Mary C.Wadbrook
Class of 2000
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Grace E. Elliott
Class of 2003
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Ashley C. Eisenman
Matthew P. Klopfer
Julia K. Pugarelli
Class of 2004
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Kelsey S.Timmerberg
Class of 2006
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Eric L. Butler
Douglas Pfaff
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Christine S. Salvador*
Katherine E. Stnons*
Class of 2007
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Leslie A. (Wallenhorst) Anderson
Stephen D.Tobin
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Andrea Fornaro
Alison Spurlock
Class of 1996
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Jed R. Bullock*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Kathleen Coyne
* Indicates three or more years
of consecutive giving
Bishop O’Connell High School
by student class
Class of 2008
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lawlor
Mr. Paul D. Johnson and Ms. Judith Dunn*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Goetzman '77
and '80*
Dr. and Mrs. Nabil Khawand*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kurtzke '77*
Mr. Mikel Lasa and Ms. Connie Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Marsilii*
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Patrick*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whitebread Jr.*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Eckert*
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Minan*
Mr. James Poppe and
Mrs. Catherine Poppe '75*
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Sandoval*
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zetts*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Mr. David G. Barger and
Mrs. Kara Sowa Barger '80*
Ms. Marion Bonhomme-Knox*
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Catalfamo*
Mr. and Mrs. Flint R. Criley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V. DiGregory*
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jarratt III*
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Macedonia*
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent S. Mazzola*
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ross*
Hon. and Mrs. George B.Walsh '76*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Mr. Francois Begin and
Ms. Sabine Englehard *
Ms. Libbia A. Bolden-Ingram*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cambone '68*
Mr. Keriang Chauteh and
Ms. Marlene L. Chin-Chauteh*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Clark*
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Michael L. Conrad*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul X. Cook*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Donnelly*
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell*
Dr. Gino Girardi*
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Gonzalez*
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Higbee*
Mr. and Mrs.William G. Kennedy*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kiko*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lucas '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCahill '71*
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Murray*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nirschl '80*
Ms. Denise Pope
Ms. Anne K. Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Richardson*
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rodrigues*
Mr. James Russo and
Mrs. Beverly Russo '71
Mr. and Mrs. Antenor R. Sainz*
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shotwell
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Spotswood
Col. and Mrs. Charles L.Taylor*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan R. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cresson*
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Criste*
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Elliott '78 and '77
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lillis '81 and '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Michaelides
Mr. Greg Steigerwald and
Ms. Catherine R. Morper '78*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nyce
Col. and Mrs. Kevin P. O'Keefe*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O'Rourke Jr.*
Mr. Brian Ripa and Ms. Margaret Sullivan*
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic G. Rita*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.Warring*
Class of 2009
Bishop's Roundtable
$10,000 - $19,000
Mr. and Mrs.Walter R. Howell III*
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Duffy*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Montavon '69*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Cabrera*
Mr. and Mrs. Barton S. G. Edsall III
Mr. Finely Horner and
Ms. Denise M. Kfoury '73*
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kilian '71*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolodzy*
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lawrence*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mika*
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mullane*
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Stuver*
Mr. Michael Underwood and Mrs. Lisa
Underwood '74*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Dr. and Mrs. Max Coppes
Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin*
Mr. and Mrs. David FitzGerald*
Mr. Michael Flach and
Mrs.Theresa P. Flach '76*
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Guerere*
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Horvath*
Mr. and Mrs. John M. O’Dwyer*
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schlosser*
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Singer*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stella*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P.Theobald
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Mr.William Anhut and
Ms. Dale Labbe-Anhut
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. DeBernardo*
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fulton
Mr.Thomas Goodwin and
Ms. Cheryl Matheis*
Col. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Klein*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logothety
Mrs. Mary Merkin*
Mr. and Mrs. George Roesch*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rudolph*
Mr. and Mrs.William Sheley
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Usman*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Mr. and Mrs. David Andril*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bergeron
Ms. Deborah E. Blow '68*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs.William P. Ceconi*
Mr. Sidney Conley and Dr. Diane Conley
Mr.William C. Crenshaw and
Ms. Cecilia Stephens '71*
Ms. Sharon Daley '75
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Farrell*
Mr. and Mrs. Adriano Fernandes*
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fitzpatrick*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Luning II*
Mr. Hani S. Malaty and
Ms. Ana V.Vergel de Dios*
Mr. Anthony F. McGonigle and
Ms. Elizabeth Altobell*
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morgan*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nirschl '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O'Neill*
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Pasquariello*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Pettit '78
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Annual Report 2007-2008
honor roll of donors
Parent Giving (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Riley*
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Ryder*
Mr. and Mrs.William Tanis*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P.Tillson '73*
Ms. Maria E.Villanueva*
Mr.Thomas Woods and
Mrs. Joanne M.Woods '80
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Yantis
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan R. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Cocozza '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Decker*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs.William A. Fonzi*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holleran
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Logan
Ms. Jeanette Morin '82
Mr. and Mrs.Terrence P. Morrow '65*
Mr. and Mrs.V. G. Straubs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.Tetrault*
Mr. and Mrs. Arnoldo Vergel de Dios*
Class of 2010
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Duffy*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Aquino*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan*
Capt. and Mrs. Raymond P. Donahue Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton S. G. Edsall III
Mr. and Mrs.William Gardepe
Mr. Michael Gilliam and
Mrs. Cecilia M. Gilliam '87*
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Goetzman
'77 and '80*
Mr. Michael A. Ingrao '72
Dr. and Mrs. Nabil Khawand*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kurtzke '77*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Moore '85*
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Patrick*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Fitzpatrick*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. Surinder Kapoor
Mr. and Mrs.William J. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Cao Mai
Mr. Charles Tyrpak
Mr.Thomas Wilson and
Mrs. Kathleen A.Wilson '78*
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zetts*
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson
Mr. David G. Barger and
Mrs. Kara Sowa Barger '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Crouch II*
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Curley '71*
Mr.Tamiru Degefa and
Ms.Webayehu Tsegaye
Mr. Stephen Flott and
Ms. R. Frances O'Brien
Ms. Anne Grenade
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Herbert
Mr.Wann Hon and Ms. Ching Ching Luu
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lundquist
Mr. and Mrs. E. Patrick McGinley*
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ross*
Mr. Guillermo Perez and Ms. Maria Rubio*
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Usman*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Warcholak*
Mr. and Mrs. Dermot M.Winters
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Marcus Bonds
Mr. and Mrs. David Bundren
Mr. and Mrs. Somboon Buranaamorn
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Michael L. Conrad*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Donnelly*
Mr. Richard Fulcher and
Mrs. Diane M. Fulcher '77
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Gonzalez*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.William J. Griffin
Mrs. Leila P. Lucas '80*
Mr. and Mrs.William Manch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Ly Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O'Neill*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Pettit '78
Mr. and Mrs. Mel R. Quintos*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scallion*
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shotwell
Mr. Mark Stechschulte and
Mrs. Laune Stechschulte '74
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.Wagner
Ms. Felicia Wintz
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Aubry
Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Cardenas '78 and '79*
Mr. and Mrs. John Civiello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Giaquinto
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Iacobucci
Mr. and Mrs.William Kilgallin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klimkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krug Jr.*
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Paul B. Malone IV
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mattingly
Ms. Jeanette Morin '82
Mr. Greg Steigerwald and
Ms. Catherine Morper '78*
Mr. Huan Nguyen and Ms. Hanh N. Ong
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nyce
Col. and Mrs. Kevin P. O'Keefe*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puletti
Mr. and Mrs. Horacio Rivera-Piza
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Sieve '75
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Stucke*
Class of 2011
Excalibur Club
$20,000 - $49,000
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klawiter
Knight's Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Albrittain '80*
Mr. Paul D. Johnson and Ms. Judith Dunn*
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Cabrera*
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Dade
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. George Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kilian '71*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolodzy*
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kundinger
Dr. and Mrs.William Lauerman
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Makoutz
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Moxness
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Rhee
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Spurlock*
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stumvoll
Mr. Michael Underwood and
Mrs. Lisa M. Underwood '74*
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Witt
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Zdancewicz '74*
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chiames
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Feneley
Mr. Michael Flach and
Mrs.Theresa P. Flach '76*
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Guerere*
Mr. Khaled Hamami and Ms. Karen Kelser
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kent III
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Marquez
Mr. and Mrs. John M. O’Dwyer*
Mr. and Mrs. Savino Recine*
Mr. Charles Tyrpak
* Indicates three or more years of consecutive giving
Bishop O’Connell High School
honor roll of donors
Parent Giving (cont.)
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Mr. David G. Barger and
Mrs. Kara Sowa Barger '80*
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Catalfamo*
Mr. and Mrs. Flint R. Criley
Mr.Tamiru Degefa and
Ms.Webayehu Tsegaye
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gillick
Dr. and Mrs. Pradeep Gupta*
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Joseph Hickey Jr.
Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Jarratt III*
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Jaworski*
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kuhn
Mrs. Mary Merkin*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rudolph*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Terwilliger*
Mr. Michael Tuszka and
Mrs. Martha E.Tuszka '73*
Ms. Christine Vermillion
Hon. and Mrs. George B.Walsh '76*
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Ms. Deborah E. Blow '68*
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent Bonini
Dr. Michael Brien and Ms. Melissa Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Clark*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferguson
Mr. James T. Hayes and
Mrs. Kathy Hayes '72
Mr. Kevin McKeon and
Mrs. Marianne McKeon '75
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nirschl '80*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O'Neill*
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Salas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stauder
Mr. and Mrs.William Tanis*
Col. and Mrs. Charles L.Taylor*
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bate*
Mr. and Mrs. David Bernero
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chichester
Mr.Thomas Crook and
Ms. Dawn Allenback-Crook
Mr. and Mrs.William A. Fonzi*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Giaquinto
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holleran
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Iacobucci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Sieve '75
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Toulme
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.Warring*
* Indicates three or more years
of consecutive giving
Annual Report 2007-2008
faculty & staff
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Richard Martin
Elizabeth Milam
Carol Moore
Mary Jane Spurlock
Blue and Silver Society
$500 - $999
Barry Breen
Patrice Connolly
Doreen Curtin
Dennis Dwyer '61
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Patricia Roddy
Kathleen Schlosser
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Murlin Altoft
Gerry Dougherty
Valarie Ellis
Thomas Giska
Maria Rubio
Trina Sensenig
Bartholomew Steib '63
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Suzanne Baxter
Kathleen Black
Annette Borges
Albert Breuel
Raymond Cassidy
Diane Cerniglia
Leyla Gazdik Cook '93
Robert Cools
H. Daniel Culler
Beverly Griffin
Julie Hayden'74
James T. Hayes
Catherine Henry
Joseph LeBlanc
Tim Lucas
Kathleen MacDonald
Mary McAlevy
Cheri O'Reilly
Thomas Orndorff
Barbara Phelps
Marie Quinn
Barbara Snyder
Donald Tillson '73
Joanne O'Donnell Woods '80
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Kimberly Aubry
Laura Baird
Michael Barnett
Michael Bernhard
Meghan Cunningham
Elizabeth Ferris
Thelma Garry
John Gutter
Edward Iacobucci
Kelly Iacobucci
Cynthia Krech
Mary Ann Krug
Charles Laniak
Caroline Katz McGinn '85
Jeanette Morin '82
Gayle Roland
Janis Sposato
Martha Trigeiro
Bishop's Roundtable
$10,000 - $19,999
Mr. Mark S. Muller
Sword and Shield Society
$1,000 - $4,999
Dalio Family Foundation Inc.
Associates Club
$250 - $499
Mrs. Alayne A. Adams*
Ms. Julie Gravallese
School Spirit Club
$100 - $249
Ms. Myrtis L. Byrnes
Col. and Mrs. Daniel R. Clark
Mr. James Kane
Knights of Columbus Ascension
Council #9285
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Marksteiner
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sapp
Friends' Circle
up to $99
Mr. Andrew P. Steffen and
Ms. Linda L. Auther
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Baxter
Ms. Marion Burson
Msgr. John T. Cilinski
Mr. Emmett L. Crouch
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crouch
Mr.Terry L. Davis and Ms. Debra J.
Ms. Jean Ebaugh
Ms. Donna Hurdle
Mr. David G. Kaiser
Ms. Elena R. King
Ms. Betty Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John Marksteiner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marksteiner
Kelly M. O'Brien and
Stacey Anderson O'Brien
Ms. Marty Paetzold
Mr. Robert F. Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs.William M. Sinclair
Ms. Karen M.Tracey
BUSINESSES and organizations
We extend a special thank you to all businesses and organizations that have supported Bishop O’Connell High School this year.
2941 Restaurant
Abol Coffee
Advanced Health Resources, L.L.C.
Advantage Golf
Air Tran Airways, Inc.
Alan Wasser Associates
Alcalde & Fay
Arlington Catholic Herald
Battlefield Ford
Bergmann's Cleaning
The Bernstein Companies
Bill Page Honda
Bliss Full Service Spa
Body by Ginny
Bookbinders Restaurant
Burger King
Café Oggi
Café Tatti
Canteen Vending
The Capital Grille
Cardinal Bank
Cardinal Business Products
Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.
Carr Partners
The Catholic Distance University
Cavalier Maintenance Services, Inc.
Cline Rose Designs, Inc.
Coach Wootten's Basketball Camp
Connie's Chocolate Confections
Country Club of Fairfax
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Dale Photo Imaging Studio
Dandelion Patch
David's II Car Wash
Details Boutique of Occoquan
Discovery Theatre
Dittmar Company
Elizabeth Hyland Interiors
Excel Dermatology Institute
Fairfax National Golf Club
Five Guys, Famous Burgers & Fries
Flik Independent Schools
Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms, Inc.
Ford's Colony Williamsburg
Gadsby's Tavern Museum
Gathered Stems
Glorious Goblets
Glory Days Grill-Bristow
Goose Creek Golf Club
Great American Restaurants
Gustavo Cosmetics
Heidelberg Pastry Shoppe
Herff Jones, Inc.
Hilltop Golf Club
Home Technology Source
Homefirst Mortgage Corporation
Husky Properties
International Country Club
Ireland's Four Provinces
The Italian Store
Jeff Lubin Portrait Photography Studio
Jim Koons Automotive Companies
Joseph J. Cusmano, D.D.S. and David R.
Stuver, D.D.S.
J.R.'s Stockyards Inn
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
The Kellogg Collection
Key Bridge Marriott
Kids 'N' Clay Pottery Studio
Kinkead's Restaurant
Knights of Columbus Ascension
Council #9285
The Knowledge Connections
Le Mistral Restaurant
Lemon Twist
Liberty Mountain Resort
Lindsay Cadillac Company
London Bob Hair Design
Louis Zinzi Carpets, Inc.
Luray Caverns
Maggiano's Little Italy
Mangan Jewelers
Marlo Furniture
Marrakesh Restaurant
McLean Cleaners
McLean Hilton
McLean Power Yoga
Mystique Nails and Spa
New Wave Salon and Day Spa
Nirschl Orthopedic Center
Northern Virginia Piano Technology
Northwestern Mutual
Ocean M Restaurant
Palm Restaurant
The Paschal Lamb Bookstore
Patron Insurance Services
Perfectly Organized
Philip Bermingham Photography
Portofino Restaurant
Primi Piatti/Finemondo Restaurants
Puglisi Brothers Construction Corporation
RCN Corporation
Readak Educational Services, Inc.
Red Fox Inn
Salon Kenan
Salon Michel
Salon Radiance
Seminary Road Shell
Service Solutions, Inc.
Sheehy Ford of Springfield
Sheridan, Behm, Eustice and Associates Ltd.
Simply Country
Skyline Automotive
Splash Dive Center
Squire Chase
Stuart Dean Company
The Studio
The Studio Theatre
Varsity Books
Victor O'Neill Studios
Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich
& Walsh, P.C.
Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation
Welsh Printing Corporation
Westwood Country Club
Whitetail Resort
Winston & Strawn
Bishop O’Connell High School
Special thanks to the parents, alumni, and friends of O’Connell who donate through the United Way (#8273) or Combined
Federal Campaign (#65190). O’Connell was notified by UW/CFC this fiscal year of the following generous supporters:
United Way
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Aquino
Mr. James A. Blankenship '01
Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Brackens
Ms. Laura H. Chalkley '66
Mr. Stewart L. Colten
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Delmontagne
Mrs. Christine E. Donohue '74
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Echalar
Ms. Melanie Gehen-Benedict
Mrs. Liana C. Grassi '88
Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker Harrington Jr '75
Mrs. Lisa M. Imperato '98
Mrs. Jennifer Ives '87
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klawiter
Ms. Kathleen McPhilomy
Mr. Rodrigo J. Munera '96
Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Olivera
Mrs. Barbara A. Repetti '72
Mr. and Mrs.Terry L. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Starr
Mr. Jeffrey L.Turner
Ms. Isabel Vera
Ms. Kathy E.Wichterman '76
Combined Federal Campagin
Mr. Richard L. Abood '74
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bauernfeind
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Patrick M. Berney
Ms. Libbia A. Bolden-Ingram
Mr. Peter Bouffard and Ms. Pamela Moulder
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brown
Ms. Andree P. Burke
Mr. and Mrs.William E. Carrington
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Conneen
Ms. Mercedes P. Cook
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Dannaher
Annual Report 2007-2008
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Decker
Ms. Regina M. DePalma '71
Ms.Terri T. Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Duffy Jr
Mr. James F. Eaheart '71
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Falls
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Faulk
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Garren
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gearin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gooch
Mr. Charles W. Gunnels III '61
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Harkin '67
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hooper
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent D. Humphrey
Ms. Lisa A. Kardaras
Mr. John Keating '71 and
Mrs. Gina Keating '74
Ms. Claudine M. Kreitler '86
Francis P. La Rocca
Dr. and Mrs. Louis LaVecchia
Ms. Raquel Leone
Mr.Thaddeus R. Long '70
Ms. Nancy E. Long '78
Mrs. Christina A. Lovingood '85
Col. and Mrs.Timothy J. Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Mann
Mr. Kevin C. Martucci '74
Mr. Patrick J. McCarthy '64
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCay
Mr. Anthony F. McGonigle and
Ms. Elizabeth A. Altobell
Mr. Frederick H. Michaelis
Mr. Richard J. Millies '68
Ms. M. Cecily Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Moxness
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ohlhausen
Ms. Janice P. Olu
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Otter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Paoletti
Mr. Michael A. Pappas '69
Mr. Henry M. Pickard and
Ms. Frances Guinard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Pipan Jr.
Mr. Joseph G. Pipan Sr '80 and
Mrs. Cynthia Pippan
Mr. Simeon M. Pollak
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson
Mr. J. Michael Sadler and
Mrs. Ann Marie Sadler '69
Ms. Nilda E. Salas '70
Ms. Anamaria P. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Scully
Ms. Caroline A. Sparks '72
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Steele Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Stolarun
Mrs. Maureen E. Sweeney '81
Mr. and Mrs.William E.Tanis
Col. and Mrs. Charles L.Taylor
Mrs. Kathleen F.Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Kin Tsang
Ms. Patricia E.Tuccio
Mr. Jeffrey R.Vent
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.Warring
Mr.William L.Whitacre and
Ms. Joan L.Vallance-Whitacre
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A.Wilus
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M.Younger
Each year Bishop O’Connell receives many gifts in honor or memory of teachers or loved ones. The following are honored in this very
thoughtful expression of caring:
William and Marie Claire Anhut
Catherine Baxter
Suzanne Baxter
Mrs. Dorothy Bergan
Emily Bikowski
Mr.Al Breuel
Al Burch
Esther A. Capasse
John Connelly
Patrice Connolly
Joseph Connolly
Cathy and Jimmy Cook
Mr. Joe Crivella
John E. Donaldson Jr.
Dolores M. Driscoll '68
Kathleen Edwards
Mrs. Helen S. Eiland
Mr. Richard Ford '71
Sherwood Frye
Mr. Bob Guerin
Anna Rose Haralampus
Charles Heinbockel
Sonia Hoehn
James Holleran
William and Lilla Horkan
Robert J. Huley
Steve Johnson
Mr. "Joe" Joseph
Peggy Kirk
Mr. Charles Laniak
Mr. Richard Martin
Miss McBeath
McIlvaine sisters
Monsignor JamesW. McMurtrie
William S. Merkin
Frank Miller
Miss Milligan
Jean Gallagher Mondoro
John Moren '70
Frank Muller
O'Connell Community
O'Connell Faculty and Staff
O'Connell Football Team
Patty Payne
Admiral Peebles
Pfiester family
Rev. Pilon
Gayle Roland
Sister Regina Joseph Ryan
Reema Samaha
Brother Bart Schlachter
Mrs. Sipes
Sister Anthony Miriam
Sister Charles
Sister Christine Anne
Sister Donna Regina
Sister Mary Angeline
Sister Maureen Christopher
Sister Michel Marie
Coach Luis-Carlos Sossa
Jim Steffes
Frank Suarz
Kathy Gemmel Thomas
JamesW.Tisdale (Ret.)
Rev. LuisValdivieso
John B.Walsh
Rose M.Wichterman
Ms. Zimmer
Deceased members of the
Class of 1976
Deceased members of the
Class of 1978
Scholarship Program
Joseph W. Connolly Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 to recognize and pay tribute to
Joseph Connolly, beloved former O'Connell math teacher. The scholarship is granted to a rising senior who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and citizenship.
Ballard Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1993 by Mr. and Mrs. J.Vernon
Ballard in memory of their son, John Anthony Ballard '70. The scholarship is granted each year to incoming O'Connell freshmen who have
demonstrated both exceptional academic achievement and outstanding
leadership ability.
Henry Heishman Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of beloved O'Connell parent
Henry Heishman. The scholarship honors a rising senior who demonstrates
leadership skills through a willingness to contribute to the school. It honors a student who is humble, hard working, respectful, active in extracurricular activities and who has plans or a desire to attend a four-year college.
Rev. Monsignor John McMahon Scholarship
Murphy Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Mr. Robert Murphy '67 on
behalf of his family (eight brothers and sisters are O'Connell graduates)
in memory of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, beloved former
math teacher. The partial scholarship is presented to a rising junior
who has demonstrated academic excellence in mathematics.
Harry M. “Jake” Jacobs Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 2003 to recognize and pay tribute to Harry “Jake” Jacobs, beloved former O'Connell baseball coach.
Drs. Charles and Lisa Parente Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2003 by Charles and Lisa Parente to
honor individual O’Connell students who excel academically and who
take steps above and beyond giving service to the community.
Bishop O’Connell Community Scholarships:
O’Connell High School Annual Scholarship
This scholarship was established in the 1990's to recognize and pay tribute
to the interest in Catholic education professed by Monsignor John J.
This scholarship fund is maintained through the generosity of annual
giving to provide partial scholarships to deserving students who have
shown outstanding academic achievement and distinction.
COL Frank Muller Leadership Award
Catholic Business Network of Northern Virginia
Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by the Muller family in honor of their
father, COL Frank Muller, beloved former math teacher. This partial scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated high moral character,
personal discipline, academic effort and leadership by example.
This annual partial scholarship is awarded to one student at each of the
three Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Arlington.
Show Your Scholarship Support . . .
Contributions to supplement established O’Connell scholarships are always welcome. If you are interested in donating to any of the above listed
scholarships or in establishing a new scholarship (minimum restrictions apply), please contact Director of Advancement Ms. Gerry Dougherty at
703-237-1445 or [email protected].
giving opportunities
Bishop O’Connell High School is pleased to offer a total quality educational experience at an
affordable price that includes a strong curriculum, a full spiritual life, co-curricular activities,
state of the art technology programs, and a dedicated and talented faculty.
Join the President’s
Club for 2008-2009
The President's Club is a special
group of donors who demonstrate exceptional leadership
and generous commitment to
the mission of Bishop O'Connell
High School. Membership is
open to individuals, families or
organizations who make a
minimum annual gift of $1,000
to the Annual Fund. In the fall,
President's Club members are
invited to an elegant reception
in recognition of their leadership.This year, members who
donate $1,100 or more to the
Annual Fund, receive an
exclusive Vineyard Vines ® tie
or tote embellished with the
Bishop O'Connell logo. In
addition, membership in the
President's Club includes a
Special Events Pass for all home
football and basketball games,
and all school plays.
We seek your support for the following purposes:
To support and enhance programs and services offered to our students
To provide for the professional development of faculty and staff
To endow financial aid and tuition assistance for qualified students
To advance technology in the school
Ways you can support O’Connell’s mission:
Give generously to the Annual Fund each year.
Support an individual major gift opportunity.
Support the O’Connell Scholarship Program.
Make a gift in honor or memory of a friend or loved one.
Make a planned gift with O’Connell.
Remember O’Connell through a bequest.
The President’s Club
All donors who contribute $1,000 or more each year are members of the
President’s Club and are invited to a special reception each fall.
Legacy Circle
Jubilee Club
Excalibur Club
Bishop’s Roundtable
Knight’s Circle
Sword & Shield
$100,000 and above
$50,000 to $99,999
$20,000 to $49,999
$10,000 to $19,999
$5,000 to $9,999
$1,000 to $4,999
Additional Annual Giving Clubs:
Blue & Silver Society
Associates Club
School Spirit Club
Friends Circle
$500 to $999
$250 to $499
$100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
For More Information on Gift Opportunities:
Contributions to Bishop O’Connell High School are tax deductible to the extent
allowed by law. For more information on charitable giving opportunities, please
contact Ms. Gerry Dougherty, Director of Advancement, at 703-237-1445 or
[email protected].
Bishop O’Connell High School