When PLAs Learn How To Walk


When PLAs Learn How To Walk

Bid Management for Google Shopping
When PLAs Learn How To Walk
Results with Whoop! at the Google Shopping Campaigns
of an Online Shop for Baby Ar=cles
BeAer Google Shopping Campaigns with Whoop!
We’ll show you how baby-walz took its shopping campaigns to a new level
With over 30.000 products, which are offered in six
countries, baby-walz is one of the leading providers of
baby ar=cles in Europe. Alfons Walz founded the
company in 1952 with the vision of making the lives of
young mothers as comfortable as possible.
Before Whoop! was deployed, the campaigns had been
manually controlled, which led to many typical challenges
in daily administra=on, such as:
The idea of sending quality baby ar=cles by post was a
complete success, which laid the cornerstone for further
๏ Complex bid adjustment
expansion. Meanwhile, there are 48 baby-walz speciality
shops in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
In 2000 the company’s first online shop (baby-walz.com)
went online. Today it substan=ally contributes to the
economic success and delivers to thousands of customers
๏ Sparse decision basis for the op=miza=on on the
product level
in six countries.
The following case study shows how Whoop! solved
these problems and which performance improvements
Google Shopping at baby-walz
were achieved.
๏ Administra=ve expense
Like many other online retailers, baby-walz relies on
Google Shopping, among others, to adver=se their
products. Google Shopping is a search engine for
products which offers many advantages to buyers as well
as sellers.
About Whoop!
We developed a bid management so^ware which helps online retailers to efficiently u=lize
their media budget and to save =me and resources.
Our innova=ve algorithm sets
op=mal CPC bids for every
single product and adjusts
them when needed.
Simple and fast campaign
management thanks to the
easy to use dashboard.
Advanced Bid Strategies allow
you to simply define individual
bid rules.
Start improving your Shopping
Campaigns. Sign up now on
Results a^er 8 weeks with Whoop!
Improved performance and simple campaign management
Whoop! automates the bidding for over 30.000 ar=cles, which eases the daily work of baby-walz marketers so that they
can focus on strategic tasks. Since the algorithm is based on a self-learning approach, it can even assess the op=mal CPCbid of new products in the online shop.
31% more turnover
Time saving
28% ROAS improvement
Automated bid adjustment
Simple campaign management
Individual bid rules
“Whoop! delivers great added value in the management of our shopping
campaigns. Thanks to the advanced bid strategies, we can create and adjust
individual bidding rules quite easily.
The item-based campaign structure and predicAve bidding enable the CPC bid
of every single product to be automaAcally set and adjusted. We thus save Ame
and can apply the freed-up resources elsewhere.
Moreover, our performance has improved through Whoop! – our sales are
increasing and our ROAS has significantly risen. I can recommend Whoop! to
everyone who would like to exploit the full potenAal of Google Shopping.”
Philip Neumann, Senior Manager SEA (DE)
Contact us!
Smarter Ecommerce GmbH
Spi0elwiese 15
4020 Linz - Austria
[email protected]
+43 732 997 002-52