SSC-201 I BENDING MOMENTS IN A MODEL OF THE CARGO SHIP “WOLVERINE STATE” RUNNING AT OBLIQUE HEADINGS IN REGULAR WAVES MIDSHIP WAVE This for document public has been approved release and sale; distribution its is unlimited. SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 1969 SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE MEMBER AGENCIES: UNITED STATES cOAST GUARD NAVAL SHIP SYSTEMS cOMMAND MILITARY SEA TRANSPORTATION MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: SECRETARY SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE U.S. COAST GUARD HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON, D.C, 20591 SERVICE September 1969 Dear Sir: Ship model studies were undertaken by the Ship Structure Committee to determine if models of actual ships traveling through similar, but towing-tank sea states experienced strains and bending The results moments corresponding to those of ships in real seas. of the towing-tank data on one of the ships, the Wo2ver+ine State, are presented herein. Another study has tentatively reported that these data are comparable to those obtained for the actual ship. to individuals and This report is being distributed groups associated with, or interested in, the work of the Ship Structure Committee. Comments concerning this report are solicited. Sincerely, % R&ar”Admiral, U. S. Coast Guard Chairman, Ship Structure Committee SSC-201 Technical Report to the Ship Structure Committee on Project SR-165 “Bending Moment Determination” MIDSIIIP WAVE BENDING MOMENTS IN A MODEL OF THE CARGO SHIP “WOLVERINE STATE” RUNNING AT OBLIQUE HEADINGS IN REGULAR WAVES by M. J. Chiocco and E. !!umata Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, New Jersey under Department of the Navy NAl]~EC contract g~zgg U. S. Coast Guard Headquarters Mashjngton, D. C. September 1969 ABSTRACT Vertical and lateral wave bending moments were measured at the midship section of a l/96-scale model of the C4-S-B5 cargo ship WOLVERINE STATE. The model was self-propelled through a ship speed-range of 8 to 17 knots at seven headings to regular waves of lengths between 0.3 and 1.8 times the length between perpendiculars; moderate wave heights not exceeding 1/50 of the model length were used. Results are presented in charts ofmoment-amplitude/wave-ampl itude versus ship speed,with wave length as the parameter. Two ship conditions, light load and full load, are covered. ii CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . 1 . DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT. . . DISCUSSION . . . . . . . .10 . REFERENCES . . . . APPENDIX . , . . . . 7 7 CONCLUDING REMARKS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 . . . . . . .11. .12 SHIP STF?UCTLIRECOVPITTEE The SHIP STR!JCTUl?ECOMMITTEE is constituted to prosecute a research program to improve the hull structures of ships by an extension of knowledae pertaining to design, materials and methods of fabrication. RADM C. P. Murphy, USCG - Chairman Chief, Office of Plercha.ntParlne Safety U. S. Coast Guard Headquarters Captain W. R. Riblett, USN Head, Ship Engineering Division Naval Ship Engineering Center Mr. E. S. Dillon Chief, Division of Ship Design Office of Ship Construction P]aritime Administration Captain T. J. Banvard, USN Maintenance and Repair Officer Military Sea Transportation Service Mr. D. B. Bannerman, Jr. Vice President - Technical American Bureau of Shipping SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE The SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE acts for the Ship Structure Committee on technical matters by providing technical coordination for the determination of goals and objectives of the program, and by evaluating and interpreting the results in terms of ship structural design, construction and operation. NAVAL SHIP ENGINEERING CENTER U. S. COAST GUARD Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. CDR C. R. Thompson, USCG CDR J. L. Howard, USCG LCDR L. C. Melberg, USCG LCDR R. L. Brown, USCG - J. J. Nachtsheim - Chairman J. B. O’Brien - Contract Administrator G. Sorkin - Member H. S. Sayre - Alternate I.Fioriti - Alternate - Member Member - Alternate Alternate MARITIME ADMINISTRATION NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CENTER Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. A. B. Stavovy - Alternate F. A. R. W. Dashnaw - Member Maillar - Member Falls - Alternate G. Frederick - Alternate NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Mr. A. R. Lytle, Liaison Mr. R. W. Rumke, Liaison Mr. M. L. Sellers. Liaison AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING Mr. G. F. Casey - Member Mr. F. J. Crum - Member AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE Mr. J. R. LeCron, Liaison OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH Mr. J. M. Crowley - Member Dr. W. G. Rauch - Alternate BRITISH NAVY STAFF Mr. H. E. Hogben, Liaison CDR D. Faulkner, RCNC, Liaison MILITARY SEA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE WELDING RESEARCH COUNCIL Mr. R. R. Askren - Member Lt.J.G. T. E. Koster, USN - Member Mr. K. H. Koopman, Liaison Mr. C. Larson, Liaison iv LIST OF FIGURES Text Figures PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. Weight Distribution Diagram, Light Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4. Weight Distribution Diagram, Full Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 1. Body Plan of “Wolverine State”. 2. Vertical and Lateral Bending Moment Balance 16 Knots). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 16 Knots) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 16 Knots). . . 8 8. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 16 Knots) . . . 8 9. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 16 Knots). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 16 Knots). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 11. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Level Trim; 16 Knots) . . 9 12. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 16 Knots) . . . 9 13. Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 16 Knots) . . . 10 14. Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30.0’ Level Trim; 16 Knots) . . . . . . 10 6. 10. Appendix Figures A-1. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 180° Heading). . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A-2. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 150° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A-3. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 120° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A-4. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 90° Heading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A-5. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 60° Headi~g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 v _. A-6. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 30° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 A-7. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 00 Heading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 A-8. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 180° Heading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 A-9. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 150° Heading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15 A-10. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 120° Heading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A-n. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 90° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A-12. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 60° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A-13. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 30° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A-14. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 00 Heading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A-15. Moment Phase Angle (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 180° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A-16. Moment Phase Angle (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 60° Heading). . . 16 A-17. Moment Phase Angle (Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 30° Heading). . . 17 A-18. Moment Phase Angle (Drafts: ~7.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft; 0° Heading) . . . 17 A-19. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 180” Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .17 A-20. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 150° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A-21. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 120° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 A-22. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 90° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 18 A-23. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 60” Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 vi A-24. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 30° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 A-25. Vertical Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 0° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A-26. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Kee’ ; 180° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A-27. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Kee’ ; 150° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A-28. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keen ; 120° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A-29. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 90° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A-30. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 60° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A-31. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft; 30’ Even Keel; 30° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A-32. Lateral Wave Bending Moments (Draft: 30’ Even Keel; 0° Heading). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 vii . . MODEL OF “WOLVERINE STATE” RUNNING IN OBLIQUE WAVES INTRODUCTION 1960 the In a research to investigate The trends Ship program hull initial of phase a MARINER-class (2) a destroyer a value is of of bending steepness. for this maximum phase the to the be in ship as with a tanker. no limits, expected as and project a Davidson sR-157’, function of wave ‘ ratio upper of covered wave limit in and of height initiate tests investigations steepness concluded to ship-model waves. freeboard Dalzell dramatic using irregular variatio~szin the Laboratory Determination,” regular program, (3) of models of weight distribution, that, within practical wave bending moments to wave length at increases to 1:9. conclusion moments Maniar in was under study, moments MARINER, this authorized Moment moments moment cargo and design about Since that , and amidships of bending (1) Committee “Bending bending midship operational Structure entitled Project a limited certain SR-165, 3’4 concluded wave midship examined MARINER-class maximun to circumstances cargo-ship that, bending within moments bending could the longitudinal model in practical would moments, occur it was the distribution regular waves operational occur and elsewhere, in the of of extreme, limits region known next from of speed amidsh-ips -2to 0.125L aft of amidships. moments both in Another high design part irregular studies of the waves elevation. Wave and regular-wave reasonable agreement and in obtain bending history moment wi”th the records energy-spectra bending-moment results bending to be testing of the MARINER bending moment wave computed operators’ obtained midship appears of were ‘lresponse response on measurements involved time concentrating full-scale investigation to equivalent Thus the practice of and justified. model and used to derive which were shown to model tests in regular from in wave be in waves. Such using of a favorable agreement II “response bending-moment ship in a this latter between seaway step, model Over ship period have Northern on Europe of moment effort, This have used analysis of the Webb in known be demonstrate Teledyne data wave-spectrum Atlantic or a Before satisfactory correlation STATE in taking data bending-moment operating Davidson Company on the Laboratory regular waves, Naval Architecture, of Davidson midship Research Ocean. statistical for the to ship Laboratory’s and model-ship DESCRIPTION correlation OF THE program bendingparallel the model-test (under United Statesproposed the obtain in a prediction of results. tests of the WOLVERINE STATE model at and presents the wave-bending-moment their of spectrum determined. on Materials WOLVERINE from SR-165, a can statistical the North Project by to of this vessel Webb Institute describes under been the which procedure the energy responses. vessel cargo statistics report in model of necessary the tests an ship a by in in the alternate waves to predict full-scale operators. proposed is years, route bending-moment Laboratory, it confidence in regular spectrum collected scale-model response either energy bending-moment of been SR-153), conduct of the however, and a Project ship response real responses inspires from tests operator under Davidson results which Project SR-171. EXPERIMENT Mode 1 A U. S. body l/96-scale wooden Maritime model The plan. model Commission of the Drawing was cut WOLVERINE C4-S-B1, amidships, STATE S5-0-1, at a was Lines point constructed Figure according 1 is the Plan. corresponding to a to location 6 inches forward of the ship’s Frame-104 or 248 feet aft OF the ship’s fore An perpendicular. bladed propeller built to scale matically and The two integral aluminum planes was of operated steering halves of the flexure beam The model symmetry are a servomotor were cruciform cross-section deflections mechanically Two representative represented loading a typ cal of amplified Figure transformers. Loadinq first installed to scale diameter. which formed connected by This balance balance. of was desired by componental differential motor the turn a The part rudder of an stock, four- was auto- system. bending-moment alloy. variable propulsion approximately controlled two-component an electric of conditions low-density, 2 by is the standard consists of milled the beam linkages a sketch in from its Davidson Laboratory two pedestals with a single vertical and sensed by of the balance. block of and lateral linear Conditions were dry-cargo used for loading ballasting resulting the in model. a The displacement -3- 30’ I 5 1 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Body Plan of WOLVEPINE STATE Vertical and Lateral Bending Moment Ealance LWL -4” of lZ,105 tons at a mean draft of 19’3” with a trim of 4’5” by the stern. 3 Figure is the weight-distribution diagram based on an average of eastbound and westbound voyage data supplied by the States Marine Lines. The second placement from of the and 32’10” 4 load the include Each the weight, the LCG. To resulting simulate desired suspending each the The based value of ed with ist s are to center assumed the sea be rolling taped the fore each pitch edge, period each was of the to both Deep adapted booklet and model-half were of was was ballasted was ship, about to the checked by a compound pendulum, fe-edge-to-CG for to a to obtain The the the the model-halves. adjusted of full inertia. substituted the model. halves of weight laterally complete cargo. and inertia the oscillating it as and distance-from-kni half halves weight Gyradius gyradius. adjusted load aft the from weights Ballasting homogeneous light dis- model. common midships Ship value the scaled cut was character- below. TABLE Length Between Beam,ft OF SHIP CHARACTERISTICS Perpendiculars, ft . . 496.0 71.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light Displacement, a was Tank. and ballasting of period 3 giving of Both No. cargo loading Lines density derived Tare Ballast Marine (LCG), was and With gravity sheet-rubber” tabulated half separate loading. natural thin for calculated. permit of in of This assumed gravity a knife period. could load diagram. obtain, LCG, full 30’0”. States condition, natural balance the the the of each weight, from vertical on for model-half its bending-moment to loading of gyradius a of ballast center given values measuring known, integrated gyradius a scaled in decreasing permanent longitudinal pitch represent draft shcwn by of was the to even-keel weight-distribution tons diagram meant an C4-S-B5, 1,970 The at condition Type is was tons draft Stabili’cY, Figure and condition 19,875 long tons Load Full Load 12,105 19,375 17.1 21.5 30.0 30.0 Draft Fore perpendicular, Aft perpendicular, LCG forward pitch of radius Natural amidships, ft 0.74 3.20 gyration, ft 125.0 116.5 12.0 16.5 of rolling period, Forebody Displacement, LCG forward ft ft long of sec 6,o7o tons amidships, Pitch gyradius, ft VCG above baseline, ft ft 107.0 62.5 22.5 10,325 96.6 61.3 25.5 Afterbody Displacement, LCG aft of long Pitch gyradius, ft VCG above baseline, 6,035 tons amidships, ft 106.0 67.0 ft 22.5 9,550 97.8 67.2 25.5 -5- + 60 tO.5/Ft [ I I I t 50 1 I I I i- 40 I i I I I 200 150 Ft. Fig. 3. aft I 00 of 50 I 50 amidship I bo Ft. forward ~ of amidship Weight Distribution Diagram, Light Load + 20 I I 4 10 I I 200 150 Ft. Fig. 4. Aft 100 of 50 50 Amidship Weight Distribution Diagram, Full Load 100 Ft. Forward 150 of Amidship 200 -6Apparatus The experiment was conducted in Davidson Laboratory’s Tank 2 (75’ x 75’ x 4.5’). This facility includes a wavemaker along one 75-foot side of the tank, a wave absorber along the opposite side, and a movable bridge spanning the tank. The bridge supports a Suspended is A the carriage to follow a heave through a rod motors, led to upward The the a were The heights traversing probe at were the the preferred known by the the regular of The The bridge periods used measuring of At each at a was 120 heading minimum apparatus wires and control from the signals Sanborn over The to the a at distance while for in was station Time histories average between the The in two moment ft-tons/ft) heading Figures A-1 condition; to a oscil before of for the a data Figs. was are trends were A-lg are wave lograph. datum. In active test, each at history each adjusted run, bridge ‘co procedure model wave-probe by wave time length This during model was calibrations. heading wave the range was because it is readings. angles 30 lengths of 180 degrees degrees, were tested and and (head zero the lengths (20 seas), degrees. model 8-17 knots, full scale. of calibrated and during was run A nominal wave relatively short the model was feet). periodically also of by applying known moments solely Presentation bending 20-foot moments interval of were model reduced to obtain The phase travel. determined. in ship dimensional speed charts the and lateral the presented through due condi- low-pass wave-elevation each 60 degrees, Reduction separate A-14 tankside. Procedure model was versus angle; at resistance-type speed-control influence model vertical moment moments through moments still-water of as a given bending of range and are afloat. Data the rudder recorder. wi’ch records wave six four balance it the balance stylus the travel elevation can least of bending-moment model which waves. the model balance, waves except the height of 1/50 of the model length was used for all ones, for which a reduced height was substituted. The mean speed of averaged in to for KROHN-HITE calibrated wavemaker during wave heated records, and were 90 degrees, speeds the carriage the positioned degrees, three recording wave-height waves angle, of bending-moment resulting test, model-generated degrees, a in waves average model a Test 150 control the preamplifiers section the the to noise location. wave to that all obtain During maintain history) “reading” to and from bending-moment between model reduced heading. time of the motions steered model and is attached 350 carrier amplifier system and the ou~pu~ was produced high-frequency inserted motor. Power cables thence lateral servo-controlled automatically the apparatus on signal and a six-degree-of-freedom bearings as Series a a gimbal. well and Sanborn minimize filters in carriage on chart paper (as to is by self-propelled, rides as vertical by order driven three-degree-of-freedom propulsion tioned carriage from servo-driven vertical monorail are Appendix A-32 to for form all presented contain present wave-induced the (moment-amplitude/wave-amp] wave-length/ship-length the for full-load loads vertical results for results. and are itude ratios and the The measured lateral moments. light-load reported with at respect -7Phase is presented wave-length/ship-length given heading-angle by zero (150 cieg, phase concave ship speed; to phase of the port lag of beam of (90 were The Appendix; are of each and of a are chart given in Appendix 313 deg). curve of form. presented bow vertical variation heading are the deg, hogging a a seas port hull-deflection in of for a following the (6o behind presented speed, and quarter to moment with approach was results A-2 degrees there combination phase A-1 port moment cases, speed charted Tables 180 vertical consistent waves corresponding certain for the lateral independent given by the or deg), versus seas angles, moment In trends is head starboard lateral which value lateral moment behind The phase results are heading starboard. ratio. the lag ratio. representing the hence ship-length A-18 of starboard results, single to is a is the intermediate deg), angle remaining a At 120 with moment, which with convention degrees. Each as in phase The tabular form; angle and wave-length Figs. A-15 through contain the remaining results, DISCUSSION The data object from predict for a and are the St. are ship prominent with components the of component for help other Figures shift to from O to in would length k should be 9 through heading moment at in cross-plots of peak does moment marked Data not an trends p of is are similar primary equal head to heading in their in the response-curves in by but the Appendix inertial of head seas. hydrodynamic that shows Fukuda,6 moment. in for and He occur. peaks investigators only each using vertical-moment to the show seas the trends 5), an response the 18o peak to wave for a crests other length , are not of k shown. / too in few In angle for plots 0.9 headings to with a permit ral aqreeme~t with ons aid of show that an peak either analytical w k where L / L cos Vw peaks present When point a is of the angles tends region of at to be 50 degrees. or 60 dear=S4 by Fukuda6 for fullness. this experimental REMARKS model nvestigation is ratio. moment calculations , 14 ratio. the wave moment and additional 130 de~r= trough the degrees, the 13 definition in a wave 90 wave-length vertical secondary anqles 0.9, its however, k= wave-length of parentheses, versus at Figures . this ratio general, seas, These VW= zero or moment headings, w to degrees maximum and L ccs moments becomes L cos a wave-length and, bending IJW tend 90 vertical Therefore, in ship peaks from length. are geometry cos heading at of ship wave of headinq ve changes (Fig. effective Since at vertical-moment angle angle. region hiahest object the peaks lateral-and CONCLUDING The documented of heading wave-ship at gen the the similar occur. head in results charts Murdey5), double a asterisk proport found equal versus obtained moment been vertical perpendiculars occur maximum values in 180-degree Lateral Thl se were phase the response Institute Sample from the total ship heading the moments with Webb purpose. by why the that as tested. this occur the predictions 180-degree 12 angles values generally which highest is Figures and the about Pw curves recently has nearly obtain and moment 7 have Fig. to show In length the peak 8 when To amidships. by constructed explains lengths length occur wave-bending-moment usable angles. degrees. a wave in (most analytical heading wave obtain form for been technique, through moment shown of one 5 occurs peaks moment, shorter 90 The have England vertical prediction curves ship in contributes analytical a s-8. double Tank to practicable knots Figs. them project. and 16 to was reduce ion of in Albans Plurdey, sh investigation and convenient speed shovm The for this tests ion-and-correlat Append,ix is of model was to obtain a 1- :----l_ ,- .0. J .,.,, .L,:_, ~.,: .-,.1-””””1‘1 ..,,, --, XT’ ..1 LL..I-L I l.., 1%1.!.. I ~ 1.-!...1 I ~ I \ I I --1””: I ‘J b ,! +---il----~-~=----i----J---l--l-.-:l /,...;l ~ .! Fig, 9. Vertical iiave Bending Moments ..1. I Fig. 10. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Aft Speed 16 Knots Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ I d? mlkwti:tid:!ki~sl=ti Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft Speed 16 Knots i-i-’~~~.:: r,,, ”I+H-’I++*-’-”I f,l ‘VA!, I’ i““1’ !,l, ! !“! -L. I-444L14-L i --/ I ‘.-l..4L.-L–d ‘i++d+;”;l’!-lw-; Fig. Draft: 11, Vertical 30’ Wave Level Bending Moments Speed 16 Knots Trim . l--l--w — . — Fig. 12. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel Speed 16 Knots -1o- Ld --J F) ~----l----l-7\ -----1 1 ,.--—l--k di,gy%v le.. -) Iiw , -,—----–- .’ J ; 1. -. 1 ._!_L’ .-l i ~ .I ~ -.,1 .ti ,.4’ ‘d ~. ‘ Fig. 14. Wave Bending Moments Trim Speed Draft: 30.0’ Level 16 Knots Fig. 13. Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft speed 16 Knots wave-bending-moment correlation trends data with of the and full-scale results to them r-educe appear to a This measurements. reasonable when form has usable been compared Webb Institute by accomplished with and published data for the of general similar nature. Analysis moments tend to (a) At a (b) In head lateral trends wave-bending-moment occur constant ’seas for this vessel shows that peak -value for of wave vertical length/ship moment and in length, either and bow or quartering seas for moment. In no of view further of the self-sufficient model-testing be nature of for the conducted these results, WOLVERINE it is recommended that STATE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The this for furnishing WOLVERINE of authors wish investigation: the STATE; full-load to Mr. an extensive and Mr. thank two persons JohnW. Ritter, of amount Edward Roderick, who made significant contributions Jr., Naval Architect, States Marine information on the loading statistics for conducting the model investigation condition. — — to Lines, of the -11- REFERENCES 1. DA L%ELL, Extreme Ship 2. J. DALZE!-L, J. a 4. N. M4NIAR, N. Model Laboratory 6. in of of Midship of Moments Type Ship Ex~erienced and Three in Variants. 1964. January Bendinq a Tanker February Extreme MARINER SSC-155, Models Investigation Model M. and in Regular NUMATA, Report MURDEY, D. Trans., Royal and a Moments Experienced Ship Destroyer. in Structure 1964. Bendinq Waves. Moments Ship C., “On Moment Enqineerinq, national Ship the Within the Structure of Kyushu Structures Moment Waves Institute Double “Computer Regular Irregular Stevens Institution in llBending E., and 1094, FUKLIDA, JUN-ICIII, Bending of by Bendinq Midship the Half Midship Committee, Lenqth Serial SSC-163, 1964. Ship 5. of Serial SSC-156, M., of Models Investigation Waves Serial MARINER June An F., Reqular IW4NIAR, by Committee, Committee, of lnvestiqation Waves Structure Extreme 3. An F., Reqular Peaks Naval Program Oblique University, Congress, in Distribution of Extreme of Technology, Wave Bending Architects, Vol. a Mariner Car90 March Moment Davidson 1968. Response Curves,” 1968. Results Waves.” in Steepness,” for Response Reprint XXVI, No. from 2 Operators Memoirs (contribution of of Wave the to Faculty 3d 1967, Oslo), Fukuoka, Japan, 1966. inter- -12APPENDIX TARLE A-1.. MOMENT PI!ASEANGLES Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft Headings Wave Lenqth Ship Length A f 90° \ 120° 150° 135 290 150 175 150 155 145 150 0.30 0.50 24o 0.62 0.75 24o 0.87 115 1.00 225 150 135 1.25 180 140 145 1.50 150 130 1.75 105 40 Phase angle ;s lag of lateral moment behind vertical moment. See Figs. A-15 through A-18 of the Appendix for phase angles at 180°, 60°, 30°, and OO. TABLE A-2, Draft: MOMENT PHASE ANGLES 30’ Even Keel Headings Lenqth Ship Length Wave A f 30° 60° 90° > 120° 150° 0.30 130 16o -125 145 175 0.50 185 150 - 15 155 145 0.73 155 150 55 100 135 0.89 145 - 1.07 145 130 110 115 120 1.24 140 125 140 110 130 1.50 115 105 160 105 130 1.78 125 65 170 105 110 115 Phase lag of lateral moment behind vertical moment. -13- L“ ‘! 1 -’ ../. .:. 1. . . ., .! ,.l.;. ;”’-1”i I“il]l Fig. A-1. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 180° Head. ing Fig. A-2. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 150° Heading Fig. A-3. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 120° Head- Fig. A-4. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 90° Heading ing . — 14-” ..-!WM ,---- m 1,, . . : /. ., ...,. !{ } .:+}+. I ++-* ‘: ““”’:-” n ❑ ’)., .; ,s0 ‘“” ,. “ y-+ryJ+ Fig. A-5. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 60° Heading Fig. A-6. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, ?1.5’ Aft 30° Headinq . Fig. A-7. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 0° Heading Fig. A-8. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 180” t%ading .— — ‘ -15- .,= .,., :., ,., +++-++++.. Fig. A-9. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 150” Heading Fig, A-n. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 90° Heading . { Fig. A-10. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 120° Heading Fig, A-12. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 60” Heading -16- Fig. A-13. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 30° Heading Fig. A-14. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 0° Heading I ,... . .. WM Im!M ;..) .,, ;,i:. m ,,’, W -.. ,-! Fig. A-15. Moment Phase Angle Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 180° Heading Fig. A-16. Moment Phase Angle Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 60° Heading -17- Fig. A-17. Moment Phase Angle Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 30° Heading Vertical tbnumt Aml. Fig: A-18. Moment Phase Angle Drafts: 17.1’ Fwd, 21.5’ Aft 0° Heading Wave Liqth- ‘ %=1p .Lmlgtt -- wave #apl . 0000 A AA A a 8000 ~ 1.P7 m w Q 0 o A 6000 A .43 1.5D A A ,, . . !, W3 kooo ,“ 1.78 ,. ,, c1 ,. “! 1 ,“ I h A 2000 .50 .. I 0: “, .... . - 12 --------- 14 Sped .—.-..—...,.. — L...+ -T. ,... : _. ,. 16 1 1 ,.,..,.-— 18 knot. I III! Fig. A-19. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 180° Heading . .l.–+_.l ,. ,! & ~*T. ~ — Fig. A-20. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 150” Heading [ .. -18- [6000 ,,.,..s,,, : .......... ..!.-. -1..,..,.., . !.. . . . . ..... . -. !..- . . . . . ---:.~=--.a--a-J---i. ---! -1-1, \ I . m’ L. ... l.. ,...., . 1 I l_=_l_ :L ......—!... --.’ ‘. ‘... !.... ‘..., ..!..=.._. ..; I I -~ ——, .. ,,. 1,0 . ~.. II . ....1 .: ! -!--j:#l I 16 .’ .1 10 -_ .IL Fig. A-22. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 90° Heading Fig. A-21. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 120° Heading ,.. n : W,”= Len@h Ship Length “1 r::”” “ E: ’l=.:-.,. , ,“. , ..!. dp.f:,wct ,, 0.50 !’ . .. . . ; ..J. d! ;... 0.30 ~ ,, -:] -. .-.., -,, Q’ 1...{ I w.. . . . . . 0.73 m! . .. . . -. j... ~..; . .. ..Q. mm ,Q -~! ... . -} .$, .. —, e“ “1 1 ;..4 Imoo ; ““” 1- ,,,1 -. A a .1 ril .. 1.,, 0 ,.. ., -.. . . ...’..!_. L... _.. L & ‘ 8 ...”’’’”O’s.. Fig. A-23. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 60° Heading . 1.78 “1 ‘, 1+ 8 L..Ll_-L:[ u 1.50 A A !. I.zk m u TI ~ A. .; a ..2QOQ 1.07 A h ,.1, Fig. A-24. Vertical Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 30° Heading — —.— — -19- VA Ica1 ,, .~ .,. .! .-: .—1. 1, !4.”. hpl . L 6000 ft-twdft -. , .“;:.”;.” ].::1 ,~w!$ 1, ‘=~t,_ * .,. —-- ,. l%:*W. t m --, ihip E&th khgth -,,. — . .. .. I .. ~“! 1+, ““:-:Ibii”: i.l; . I ~., ..l} k .1 o 1.5U ‘1;, .!-. -1 !..’- ~ 11’ ! ., . .. n “*’-~,‘, A A A. !lA— I ~:,ow’.. ” 6W0 ..1 Q 1 .1000. ,.. !. I 0, 6000 “~\, m ., :! & 1. ?lu . ., - r.1 1.07! .L @Q~---;—.--;-. . .. i .*; o. .40W , ,’ & .893 ,, .! WI.-- ..-.L. ;0 2W0 A i., I “1,1~ ., ...-. : b ,, . 1 I :“ ““! o .732 ,. ‘,, ~ ,..! .. . .+. .50 Q 1,0 12 14 16 In knot, Spd Fig. A-26. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 180” Heading Fig. A-25. Vertical Wave Bending Yoments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 0° Heading ,,, I , .: titE*:**:.,+!.i:T-.-.; ..-:.... . ... ;.. i. .4RL! .Ltd ,j, -} mm. .! . ,+ --1 ,...A_, -i ‘“h _, ,, ..!,. i. ... .._..I.. ,1! ..,..-,...r.l .:]i.~ _4QuL.-L..-~.[--’. ‘ ...: Wave Lemth Sh[p Length ,,, a:”;” .. ”-’ 1..”..:,. .... ’73; .1A,., ““ : .’..~.. -.; J93 ~ ... . ..-.. [..”. —. 1.78”””; 1> !. !l~:l Fig. A-27. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 150° Heading 0 1, 2 --> I 16 8 ‘-J-_...\J... _-... I.._.; ,k”y. .,] Fig. A-28. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 120° Heading -20- ++2+!1““; “E!;;.:i”” ;,.:,::...’::.. ‘““ ‘“’” “ep, ~p, +&<-w;, -,--,%--.: ----,:~””-”:;:~ ----- + ..A += ..4...,.,.. ,1?_ ._;. I....= I ,, 1—. -–– .-. ..,— .;. .& I ./ -–. i- “’”i”’++ -“”1-””1 ““;”” l“””’i ~ “: -’1:~~-v”j”-”” /-: -- ; . II . I —.-.”- 1.. ~. , :.. I : 1.07 .. . ~ , . I, . l.- * ;., . 1.“ii - ‘:-l ‘“ 1. I I ——+- + ,0, i ‘r” “’ -“*;.., +, :- ‘n. :. * ~—L - .! ~.:. .1.. I -., ) ~*.:-+ c1 I -—.. . . I.* ., .. ,! .. i., ——.. ,-..- /’ 1:-.11...: !1, :..! : -*” JJ-J-- J*. 0.7 k . F2-L=” ‘A .4k~ .: !—”,“” !,, -fi-. -! . ..i... ,. , .,, , .,,,/ 0.50 ....4. ... _ ; 1, I ..—...— — ,. .._j_] I ,, A ““ r“-; ““”” j;::! ., .m 1.50 .-. ,, ;““/””””””?””””” ~“”””j” ‘$~ J—_—.!...,________________ w I* 18 h t, _ Fig. A-29. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 90° Heading Fig. A-30. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 60° Heading M.. S41s I+%--L-. Fig. A-31. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 30° Heading .!.. ~----L -~ .-,---- i J#uqbh L_t~ I 4...-..I.–..L-L-!.ULLL Fig. A-32. Lateral Wave Bending Moments Draft: 30’ Even Keel 0° Heading UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification CONTROL DOCUMENT (Security cIasaification 1.ORIGINATING title, body of G ACTIVITY of ab$trsct and indexing DATA- R&D annotation bt must author) (Corporato etiterccl when the 12.4, REPORT overall report SECURITY is .Iassificd) C LAS SIFICATION . . Unclasslflwl Davidson Laboratory 2b GROUP Stevens Institute of Technology 3. REPORT TITLE MIDSHIP WAVE BENDING MOMENTS IN A MODEL OF THE CARGO SHIP RUNNING AT OBLIQUE HEADINGS IN REGULAR WAVES 4. DESCRIPTIVE (Type NOTES of rqort arid inclusive “WOLVERINE STATE” dstes) Technical Report 5. AUTHOR(S) (Last name, first name, initial) Michael J. Chiocco Edward Numata G. REPORT 13ATE 7a. ~OTAL MO. OF September 1969 ea. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. OF REFS 6 9e. ORIGIMATOR,S REPORT MUMSER(S) NO. Nobs 92299 I b.PR0JFC7Mo.SF013-03-04, Task 2022 I 7b. PAGES 20 c, SSC-201 9b. OTHER fhis REPORT report) (Anyothernumbers NO(S) Ltiatme ybeassiil.?od d. 10. 1 AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES I I Distribution 11. of SUPPLEMENTARY this document is unlimited. NOTES 1 12. SPONSORING MILITARY Naval Ship ACTIVITY Systems Command I 13. ABSTRACT Veritcal and lateral wave bending moments were measured at the midship section of a l/96-scale model of the C4-S-B5 cargo ship WOLVERINE STATE. The model headings between was self-propelled to regular perpendiculars; through waves of a ship lengths moderate wave speed-range between heights 0.3 not of and 8 1.8 to 17 times exceeding knots the 1/50 at seven length of the model were used. Results are presented in charts of moment-amplitude/wavewith wave length as the parameter. amplitude versus ship speed, Two ship conditions, light load and full load, are covered. length I DD 15:%1473 J UNCLASSIFIED Security — Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification I)OCUMENT @acu,i@ cl~s=,fi=-t,~m Ot rIflc, 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY body (Corporate of abstmct CONTROL and indexing DATA- imnotadon must R&D be entered author) z-. Davidson Laboratory when the overall RF PORT report SECURITY is!fled) c LAs51FIc Ar10N ~assifi~d Zb GROUP Stevens Institute of Technology REPORT 3. TITLE MIDSHIP WAVE BENDING MOMENTS IN A MODEL OF THE CARGO SHIP RUNNING AT OBLIQUE HEADINGS IN REGULAR WAVES 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report enn’ificItisive “WOLVERINE STATE” dates) Technical Report 5 AUTHOR(5) (La=rnnrno, {irsr name, initial) J. Chiocco Michael Edward Numata S.REPORT DATE r 78. ToTAL September 1969 No. OF PAGES 7b. REPORT NUMBER(S) NO. SF013-03-04, Task 2022 OF REFS 6 20 9L9, ORIGINATORS ‘“”contractor’RANTNO”Nobs 92299 b-paoJ=T NO. SSC-201 c. 9b. OTHER REPORT dli.$ report) No(S) that may be assignad (Anyothernumbers d. 10. AVAIL ABILll”Y/L IMITATION NOTICES Distribution of this document is unlimited. 11 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING I Naval MILITARY Ship ACTIVITY Systems Command 13. ABSTRACT Veritcal and lateral wave bending moments were measured at the midship section of a l/96-scale model of the C4-S-B5 cargo ship WOLVERIh!E STATE. The model was self-propelled through a ship speed-range of 8 to 17 knots at seven headings to regular waves of lengths between 0.3 and 1.8 times the length between perpendiculars; moderate wave heights not exceeding 1/50 of the model length were used. Results are presented in charts of moment-amplitude/waveamplitude versus ship speed, with wave length as the parameter. Two ship conditions, light load and full load, are covered. DD ,5::%1473 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification — SHIP RESEARCH COMMITTEE Maritime Transportation Research Board Division of Engineering National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council This project has bwn conducted under the guidance of Adviso~ Ship Reseazwh Committee. The Cormnititee has cognizance of Ship Group 1, Stxwetwe Committee p~o~aets in materials, design and fabtieation as ~eLating to improved ship struetu~es. This responsibility entails recommending reseamh objectives, pmpa~ing project p~ospeetuses, evaluating proposals, providing liaison and technical qwidanee. revieuing px=o~eet >epo~ts, and-stirnulakh.gproductive avenues of research. MR. M. L. SELLERS, MR. J. E. HERZ (1,11) Chairman Chief Structural Design Engineer Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company Naval Architect Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company MR. G. E. KAMPscHAEFER, JR. (III) DR. H. N. ABRAMSON (1,11) Manager, Application Engineering Director, Dept. of Mechanical Sciences ARMCO Steel Corporation Southwest Research Institute MR. W. H. BUCKLEY(1,11) Chief, Structural Criteria and Loads Bell Aerosystems Company PROF. B. R. NOTON (11,111) Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics * Stanford University DR. D. p. CLAMIM (III) Senior Scientist, Edgar C. Bain Laboratory for Fundamental Research U. S. Steel Corporation MR. w. w. OFFNER (III) Consulting Engineer MR. D. P. COURTSAL (11,111) Assistant Chief Engineer Dravo Corporation Coordinator DR. S. T. ROLFE (III), Division Chief, Applied Research Center U. S. Steel Corporation MR. A. E. COX (1>11) General Program Manager Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company PROF. J. WEERTMAN (11,111) Walter P. Murphy Professor of Materials Science Northwestern University MR. J. CDRR. M. WHITE, USCG (1,11) F. DALZELL(I), Coordinator Senior Research Scientist Hydronautics, Incorporated Chief, Applied Engineering Section U. S. Coast Guard Academy cmD. FAULKNER,RcNc (1,11) Staff Constructor Officer British Navy Staff Coordinator PROF. R. A. YAGLE (II), Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering University of Michigan PROF. J. E. GOLDBERG (1,11) School of Civil Engineering Purdue University (I) = AdvLso~y (II) =Advisory (III) =Adviso~ -—.. . -- MR. R. W. RUMKE, Executive Secretary Ship Research Committee GPOUP &OUP GPOUP Ship St~ain Measu~ement & Analysis I, II, Ship Struetu?al Design III, Metalhwgieal Stidies SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE PUBLICATIONS These documents are distributed by the Clearinghouse, Springfield, Vu. 22151. These documents have been announced in the Technical Abst~act Bulletin (TAB) of the Defense Documentation Center (DDC), Came~on Station, Alexandria, Va. 22314, unde~ the indicated AD numhe?s. SSC-187, Piennial Repo?t of Ship Structure Committee. AD 675022. September 1968. Fraetu~e Behavio~ SSC-188, Effect of Repeated Loads on the Low Temperate of Notched and Welded Plates by M. l-!.Munse, J. P. Cannon and J. F. Kiefner. October 1968. AD 676722. Y5C-189, The Video Tape Reeo~ding of Ultrasonic Test Information by Robert A. Youshaw, Charles H. Dyer and Edward L. Criscuolo. 1968. AD 677894. October SSC-190, Bending Moment Distribution in a Ma~ine~ Ca~go Ship Model in ReguZa? and Irregular Waves of Ext~eme Steepness by Naresh M. Maniar and Edward Numata. November 1968. AD 689187- and Cracks in Fe-3Si Steel SSC-191, Plastic Flov in the Local on l!lotehes Under Conditions Approaching Plane Strain by G. T. Hahn and A. R. November 1968. AD 680123. Rosenfield. SSC-192, Notch Brittleness after Fraeture by C. Mylonas and S. Kobayashi. January 1969. AD 681051. . SSC-193, Development of Mathematical Models for Describing Ship Stm..wtu~al Re~ponse in Waves by Paul Kaplan. January 1969. AD 682591. SSC-194, Feasibility Study of Model Test on Ship Hull Girder by Herbert Becker. May 1969. AD 687220. Welding PPoeeduPe foP Tempo~aq Repairs of SSC-195, Recommended .lhne?geney Ship Stee2s by A. L. Lowenberg and P. D. k!atson. May 1%59. AD 688119. SSC-196, Analysis and Interp~etation ofFull-Scale Data on Midship Bending Stxwsses of Dry Ca~go Ships by Dan Hoffman and Edward V. Lewis. June 1969. $SC-197, An Investigation of t~~ utility of ComputeP S’irmlationto p?edict Ship Struetu~al Response in Waves by P. Kaplin, T. P. Sarqent and A. I. Raff. June 1969. SSC-198, Fhune St~aightening and Its Effect on Base Metal P?ope?ties by H. E. Pattee, R. M. Evans and R. E. Monroe. August 1969. SSC-199, Study of the Facto~s Which Affeet the Adequacy of Eigh-St~ength Lov-A_lloySteel Weldments for Cargo Ship Hulls by A. L. I_owenberg, A. G. Picket and R. D. Wylie. August 1969. E. 13. Norris, — ..