r ,,/ // {t I 3 '-_== :--: -. :: *_-_- _' :_--:-*- == ffi,[\[] /'l/r ^E==-iE=-. 77 /d ta I I SOUTHAMPIOI: ARIA SCHOOLS S0UIHAFIPT0N Jl'iNl0R SGUTHAHPTON YOUTH ?'00pm, SaiurCay 26t iilLL (0r. LE6E. ' - ORCHESTRA -1- -2- EATPAq lq0rrql+Iitts$_jsn4." s q{0 oIE EqIq:qnA soqrEArfrlsr fl,ffi0R 0BcqBqryu Coaducbr i JOAIM&IJ$ I. a. Conductcr 7. "&n1rcso* a&d ilJ.irrf fbm the tifate.r }lusic" $ults r?Sa1tg of the Elowerss froa the I{utcracker $trite fbhalkovsky trff. golllfitHtT0ffi rcuE Cqrductcr ytth iILt, I b) l. though Fhilouela logt her lova fhe Strepbr.a (nfa:ce) ' b) ") gtEdrg Bels Bartok - sung'in Euagarian Ladybirtl Siag a soag of Sixpennce sourEAt(Pmr{ JrrmglLo EqFpf a.u.d t{icola BLa.tchford. (ir:rno) Fercussion ltems by perc:rssion pi.ayorS frors S.Y"0. snd s.a,.s.0. 1]- Ehree Piece: ai1b) frolr "S,"m.a Irrrhgtr Sc;rr - llcd.erato Dance of tile S,,raric - Allegro iioderato U. Diaok (*ttU apologies to YiaLins I ! Flarti.n tancheeter (tead.er) Barena.by Proctcr (aeputy leader) louise Her*-tou fiichsile Cllbambers Carol Stockley Jessica Stuck Bem.etela Hul.1er Echaikovslqr am. StoaB val-se soTIriAj,tryqli rmrros o-FjqElrp+ 198a -_ 19s: arr, ....,.;I$mRYAI,.D.r..., c (nefreshreets available) l-,ror Fostar 8o1tan f'oda3-y RA trighlights fron 'r[est Stde Storytr -,.-,.' Scherao lle.ad,y Dredge (ffub) ") Faqdel) - Saraben,i and 10. Ctristopher Ip a) drat ('rcmplaini0) " o lo*B,B-+.1i" thcmree l{or3"ey '8era l{cfiensie )r ff l{ATltrttilS (fiano) [honas trbrd fros '!fhe Sound of !&.rsic" specially arrauged. by Peter Coola a u' (YIfEEIA JOI&Y t. (6nneth Pl+tts ',,'::ittea for Briglrton Youth C'rsheshni Lqn Tsagc srsGsRII BSEBY OtIffI'I trSussgrto Overture a.::r. Stoaa Eandel- : Slobhaa I[eT ton Rlrth Kl-ng Siaa l{:ilford. Susan RiSg6 Estlrer Ford Iuey Eoultoa-Smith -3Yio1l:rs II Sophia Set*h Doarrne IIcA*ear : -4Glari-nets : Baahel BtrtteLl Sarah, For Abiepil ,'daltoa Saren BarAtng Patrtcia Lec Jene<rn Lrmb [-ira &cidsoar ilarion Cookson &e.te Oeke Bmeahy haagnaLl GLalre Ersrcb ItLccS.a lrong Hmloa Garg: ELlnor Rest Sassoon : Darrld. Stenzrard Robsrt llbouPaou Sreg liacDemott Eom.s I Jcmathau, Sebeter Einotby Sard.isty Peter Sbunk].t-tr ALaxaad.asr Gro€u Yioll-ns IfI r fieather Peei,rcs Earen Joaes fferqy flkltfo:nl Christdne Barrett ItlattJrer RJ.dIey fiachal Eanpton Eanaah Cellos I favtd. Oilroy - Cotrus Ian tr{atsm. Lisa Srent Sars, trfirita "Jonatlraa GrLffin Eannsh ,{YlLe Eassas : Fhrtes: $igel Xobinoon Cbrd.stopher Balq$r r Bryail lfard. &tLip fubby flronbcmes : Percussion : SaBh DyBr Ian i$Isan Jaecnn Avery krticitratiag $chools : Robert .brdersm Appleaore Conprehemsire Atherley 8i-tterae &rk Coallrehcagivr Chrlstopher 0ornaa Eqqtr*on teresa Butt Robert Eneeqy Sollybrook t{id.ilLo rl,a Sagess*t Gonrrent, Lord,shilL ltiddle {hdrer lah K{rstie Bobtinq $usau hank Jermtfer Gresg'xell fdta Vtlef Oboes : Tnupts Earen Dyer Sarah Ealford Eesley fura,ay Eroolfielil. Comtrneb.o.sire Cmprebensi.ire, &.rk LuiLloa l{ldtile !,lensbrtdgg }ttddle $ortelrood $littdle Sholing: 0omprehanoiva St. .A.umrs Cmrqat X{ooletorr CoagrehensLne Rom-^- I I -5- *5- Shar*n Cl"f,*npt Juelith Archbo]-d tinot{y Llues ltathe$ Ctntral} PauI fasker tara-Irea Ctaplln Karen lrr.mb Anthea foodfsrd. Danisn Coffey Rosan febb Sqpqoo+ CeILo Hark Ltt{lmorc Shalcir BrJraBt Raabel 0sman Fl"izabe{:}r Lee Serrah Bol-t &tarie-C l-aire Garf +@A WEs-EnA (rse:) Lst Yioliqs ?i_o1a Yj.'r'ieu Wooilf oril ( tead,er ) C*theri:re Lee (Aeputy 1ead.er) $lichae]" Swann E1col,a rTpswelL &rtjrerise Birch Jaaet Parnel-L Sal1y Errlson &tlr.an Coffay Joanae h:lce David Eutia &qrmy Best Hugb Parry La.ra PlarileLl Sarah Fi.sher &aths11Lne Taker $he.rqp Lerls Farea troveIl. .rlni;hea Err.re:r Fions Enrg[t ltichael Butler znd rip{+p trt'ancis Blott jiouble tsass Christiafl. Li:le S&Iah l.{oIIand i'lathe,,r fnight l{,ark 4"..hrnrst Itarttn {he.rltsn &rsan fier Sarah lme Hilsm. Catherine Jarsee Barbara Yend.ell Heether &r'e.stcn * .iohn Eenry H.aria Grig'g' Cathsyrins Burrons iald. i $oxr Eqgh $tanLey IfqiJ. Eayres Stepban Costa Jonathsa Bi.shoP rnryegt Ehil.Ltp mcharils Andres $tockkrn James StygpL} Serah Helliconbo OLLrar Isne*$ui*h Roseuary trestcn Sarsh.ItitchelA llronlana Plut_e ffi*r*o Susa:n Robert Hqnnan Catheri:re Suzanaa $right Handy Dred"ge Catbri.ao Hookk:tfue*Yb1te Ford, CLare Baaet Fim* l{elker Shiaun Steveas fieles lu.aasbrifue Eelen Foster Jaaet Coxon gt&rt Ogdeu Debbta ELLard" Insole Ealinka Bezrl f;atheriue Fox Chgrl.es line 9!o* Ss"ra& Robertecol -?raey DretLge Judith fiibbe:rt I t Amv Oulgsr Clare Sarrago v I AdraBB ky I\rba I{lchael trodd Percwslog Aarou, f,oIt Junl.ce Thita *Lein Brunby