warrington - Cheshire Directories
warrington - Cheshire Directories
( WARRINGTON, ACTON GRANGE, BEvVSEY, BURTON WOOD, CUERDLEY,DALLAM, GRAPPENHALL, HOUGHTON GREEN, LATCHFORD, MOORE, ORFORD, PADGATE, PENKETH, POULTON, GREAT AND LITTLE SANKEY, SOUTHWORTH-WITH-CROFT, STOCKTON HEATH, THELWALL, HIGHER AND LOWER WALTON, WILDERSPOOL AND WOOLSTON. WARRINGTON is ;a parliamentary and Ibunicipal borough, market town, parish and township, the head of a union and .-county court district and petty sessional division, with stations on the London and North Western railway, the Warrington and Stockport and Warrington and Garston railways and on the joint line of the Great Northern, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire and Midland railwavs. The Cheshire 'Lines Committee have constructed a short length of railway between Padgate and Sankey, on their Liverpool Extension line, with the object of avoiding the curve which carries the line through Warrington and so reducing the distance between Manchester .and Liverpool. Warrington is 182! miles from London by the , London and North Western railway, 22 west-south-west from Manchester, 21 east from Liverpool, 19 south-by·west from Bolton, 29 south from Preston, 13 south from Wigan, 33 eas~ from Birkenhead, 69 from Birmingham, 17 from Chester, 24 from Crewe, 49 from Fleetwood, 50 from Lancaster, 64 from Leeds, 12 south-by-west from Leigh, 33 south-west from Rochdale, 8 north-east from Runcorn, 13! south-east from St. Helens, 63 from Sheffield, 40 from Southport, 49, from Stafford, 64 from Wolverhampton (all by rail), in the Newton division of the county, eastern division of the hundred of West Derby, rural deanery of Winwick, archdeaconry of Warrington and diocese -of LiverpOOl. ThIs town was the head of a hundred (now merged in West Derby) at the time of the Domesday Survey and is there called "Walentune." The hundred was probably co-extensive with the present parish, which irlcludes the townships of Warrington, Bu:rtcnwood, Poulton with }'ernhead, Bixton with G-lazebrook and Woolston with Martinscroft. The town is on the river Mersey and on the old coach road from London to Liverpool, the Sankey canal passing it on the west. The great facilities which it enjoys for the transit of goods at very reasonable rates, both by canal and railway, its central position between LiverpOOl 8J:ld Manchester, together with its command of Irish and Scotch markets through the port of Liverpool, give it substantial advan. tages and it is expected to be further benefited by the Manchester Ship Canal, opened 1st Jan. 1894, and extensive docks will be made here, branching from the canal northwards and between it '!-nd the Mersey, which bounds the town on the south; this dock, mtended to cover an area of 7 acres, will be connected by railways with the London and North Western and Great Western systems (Cheshire); at Latchford are the first locks from the mouth of the canal. . The parliamentary and municipal boundaries are not coextensive, but both include parts of the townships of Warrington, LatchforJ and Thelwall, the two latter being in the county of Chester. The Reform Act of 1832 (2 and 3 Wm. IV. c. 45) gave Warringt,)!l the privilege of returning one member to Parliament. The town was incorporated in 1847 (11 and 12 Vict. c. 93), and the municipal borough, sirlce Nov. 1890, consists of 8 wards in Warrington and one in Latohford, each ward having three councillors and one alderman: the mayor'is elected from among the council: the Corporation acts as the urban sanitary authority and the borough has a commission of the peace and a police force, The town is lighted with gas by the Corporation and supplied with water from works at Winwick and Appleton, acquired by the Corporation in June, 1891. At the former, about three miles north, there is an extensive pumping station: the latter is about three miles south from Warrington. The church of St. Elphin occupies the site of an ancient Norman structure erected in the 12th century, and replaced by a cruciform bUilding in the Decorated style: irl 1696 the tower was almost entirley renewed, and in 1761 the greater part at the remainder of the church had been taken down and rebuilt: in 1824 a small door leading to a stone stairway, conducting to a crypt under the chancel, was discovered on the left side of the chancel and on the steps was found a chasuble richly embroidered with figures of St. PaUl, St. James the Less and St. Elphege: this vestment was ultimately given to the Rev. Dr. MOlyneux, the Catholic priest of St. Alban's, Warrington, and is now part of the furniture of that chapel: the church was restored and enlarged between the years 1859 and 1867, under the superirltendence of' Messrs. Frederick and lWrace Francis, architects, of London, at a cost of £15,242, and is now a building of stone in the Decorated ~tyle, consisting of chancel with Boteler and Massy or Patten chapels, nave, aisles, crypt, and an em· battled central tower with spire rising t<l a height of 300 feet and containing 8 bells, six dated 1698, and two 1885; during the restoration sedilia and a piscina were discovered and restored and there is aleo an Easter sepulchre on the north side of the chancel;. there are thirteen stained windows, chiefly memo.r~als, some being to members of the Lyons and Blackburne. familIes.; the organ cost £1,600: in the north aisle or Bewsey"chapel IS an altar tomb of alabaster to Sir John Boteler kt. murdered at Bewsey in 1643, and his wife, with life-size effigies of both; in the north aisle is a mural monument to Francis Massy esq. of Raton, d. Sept. 27th, 1748, and in the Wilson-Patten chapel an altar tomb to Anna Maria, wife of John Wilson-Patten esq. M.P. (late Lord Winmarleigh, d. 1892), d. Aug. 4th, 1846.: besides various modern mural monuments and brasses to thiS family: in 1888 a memorial brass was erected to the Rev. William Quekett M.A. 34 years rector: there are 1,756 sittings, all with but a few exceptions being free. The register dates from the year 1591, since which date upwards of 50,000 persons have been buried in the churchyard. The livirlg is a rectory, gross yearly value £1,000, net £700, with residence, irl t!;e gi.ft. ot Lord Lilford, and held since 1888 by the Rev. FrederiC William Willis M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Oxford. The population of St. Elphin's 'parish in 1891 was 13,628. Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish formed Feb. 8th, 1870, from the parish of St. Elphirl: the church, in Sankey street, and erected in 1760, at a cost of £2,571, upon the site of ~ much smaller edifice built in 1709, is a building of stone ill the Classic style, and consists of nave, aisles and a small western tower containing one bell, which formerly hung in the old Mar· ket hall or Court house and has rung the curfew for over ,200 vears: it bears this inscription, "EX DONO JOHANNIS BOOTH OOLONELLI ET RECTORIS EMPORII DE WARRINGTON, ANNO DOMI~"'I 1647;" there is also an illuminated clock: in 1872 the church was restored: the east window is a memorial to the Rev. Ralph Allen Mould M.A. a former vicar, d. 24 March, 1860: there are 800 sittings. The register dates from the year 1816 only. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £380, in the gift of the rector for the time being of St. Elphin's, Warrington, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Edwar:d Crofton Ellis Carleton B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, ana surrogate. '.rhe population of the parish in 1891 was 6,346 St. Luke's, Liverpool road, consecrated on 'St. Luke's day, 1893, was erected at a cost of £5,500 exclusive of site, is a chapel of ease to HolyTrinity, and will accommodate 520 persons. The architects were Messrs. Badly and Garner of London: the curate in charge is the Rev. Herbert Robert Wild M.A. Population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1891 was 6,000. St. Paul's is. an ecclesiastical parish formed April 16th, 1841, from that «)f St. Elphin: the church, in Bewsey road, and erected in 1830 at an expense of £5,347, is a substantial stone structure in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a western tower containlng 6 bells and a clock: the east window is stained. there. are sittings for 1,198 people, 'of which 600 are free. The register date£ from the year 1831. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £200, with residence, in the gift of four trustees, and held sirlce 1891 by the Rev. Harry Vernon Pigot M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, chaplain of Warrington union. The area is '750 acres; the population in 1891 was 7,195. St. Ann's is an ecclesiastical parish formed Nov. 4th, 1864, from St. Paul's: tlhe church, in Winwick road, and erected in 1868 at a cost of about £6,000, is of brick in the Early English style, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave, north and south porches, vestry and a tower on the south side with spire and containing one bell: there is a memorial window and 600 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1864, and of marri· ages from 1869. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £220, which has been further endowed by Mrs. Beaumont, of Orford Hall, who, in 1893, presented the sum of £3,000, 'which has been irlvested in Mersey Dock Bonds, in the gift of Simeon's trustees, and held since 1871 by the Rev. Joseph Gordon -Richards B.A. of the University of Durham (non-resident). The parish is under the charge of the Rev. James Davies, of St. John's Hall, London College of Divinity, who has been curate-in-charge since Sept. 1893. The area is 234 acres; the population in 1891 was 6,960. St. Peter's is an ecclesiastical parish formed Oct. 20th, 1874, from the parishes of St. Elphin and St. Paul: the church, in Birchall street, and erected in 1890 from designs by Mr. Medland Taylor, of Manchester, is of red brick in the Gothic style, and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle, baptistery, orga!1 chamber and vestries: there are 700 sittings, all free. The register dates from the year 1874. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £141, gross yearly value £235, net value £110, in the gift ot I WARRINGTON ] 2 vt ARRINGTON. the rector of Warrington and the vicar of St. Paul's alternately, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Barwise Percival, of Ayerst Hall, Cambridge. The population in 1891 was 8,729. St. Barnabas, Bank quay, is an ecclesiastical parish formecl in 1884 from St. Paul's: the church, in Lovely lane, and erected as a chapel of ease to St. Paul's on land given by the Hon. Leopold W. H. Powys, at a total cost of £3,500, is of brick in the Early English style, from designs by William Owen A.R.I.B.A. of Warrington, and consists of nave, with a vestry: there are 40Q sittL-lgs. The register dates from the year 1879. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly v",lue £200, in the gift of the vicar of St. Paul's, and held since 1884 by the Rev. George Allton, of St. Bees and Durham University. The population in 1891 was 5,863. The Catholic church, Butter Market street, dedicated in honour of the Blessed Virgin, and erected from designs by the late A. Welby Pugin esq. was opened ill September, 1877, and is a building of shme in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave and aisles; attached are sacristies and a presbytery: a new altar was erected in 1885, at a cost of £200. There are two other Catholic churches, another one dedicated to the Sacred Heart is in course of erection and will be opened in 1895; there are also several other places of worship. The Cemetery, at the east end of the town, conse(·.raieil lly the Bishop of Chester on the 23rd day of March, 1857, is 34 acres in extent, half of which is apportioned to the Chureh and half to the Nonconformists. There are three 'mortuary chapels. It is under the control of a burial board of 10 members. The Town Hall, in Sankey street, formerly known as Bank Hall, the seat of the late Colonel the Right Hon. John WilsonPatten, afterwards Lord Winmarleigh, was purchased bv the Corporation in 1872 for the sum of £22,000, assisted by liberal donations from Mr. George Crosfield and Colonel Wilson-Patten; this amount included the cost of the grounds, 18! acres, in which the Hall stands and which the Corporation has thrown open to the public as a park: the building was 'erected in .the year 1750 from the designs of Leoni, an eminent architect of that period, and is substantially bUilt in the Classic style, commanding an extensive view over one of the moot beautiful districts in Cheshire. There is now (1894) being erect.ed in front of the hall handsome cast iron gates, presented to the town by F. W. Monks esq. J.P., C.C. of Walton Old Hall; they were exhibited at the International Exhibition; London, in 1862, and are considered to be some of the finest work of this class; they were made by the Coalbrookdale Iron Co. Salop. The Bridewell is in Irlam street and has cells on the ground fioor and a sessions-room for the daily sittings of the magistrates, with a house for the. chief oonstable above. Warrington Public Baths, in. Legh street, were erected by a joint stock company in 1866, from the designs of the late ~Ir. B. P. Coxon, at a cost of £2,000, and purchased by the Coporation of Warrington in 1873 for the sum of £1.200; there are three plunge baths, a new one being added in 1893 at a cost ot £5,000, six private baths and two shower baths, open from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. on week days and from 6 to 9 a.m. on Sundays, the charges ranging from 2d. t<l Is. The Gymnasium, built in 1891, in Palmyra square, is of brick with stone dressings, from designs by J. E. Wright esq. of this town, and comprises a hall 84 by 42 ft. reading, dressing and retiring rooms, gallery and lavatories. The Museum,a plain two-storeyed building of brick and stone, stands at the corner of Bold and Museum streets,. upon 'land given by the late Lore) Winmarleigh and covers an area of about 800 square yards: the. main portion was erected in 1855-7 and contains the library and museum; an art gallery and lecture room were added in 1876 and a second entrance and staircase with offices and ante-rooms in 1881: the total cost of the building has been upwards of 6,000, of which about half was raised by subscription: the institution was established on its present footing by the adoption in 1847 of the Museums Act, Warrington being the first town in the kingdom in' which a rate-supported library was opened to the public. The basis of the collection was formed by the transfer to the Corporation of the museum belonging to the Natural History Society, and the books of the Town Library, founded in 1760. The Museum contains departmmts of Natural History, Antiquiti€'S and Art, and there are collections <If shells, birds, fossils, minerals, English coins and seals. Local antiquities are wen repl'esented, in.cluding remains from' the Roman .station at Wilderspool, and the Austin Friary "hurch, lately dIsc,?vered. In the Art Gallery is the great marble group of MlChaeI [·nd Satan, by J. Warrington 'Wood a native of the town, with a number d other works by th~ same sculptor: .The pictures include the Robson collection pre· sented by W,lham Robson esq. The Library has upwards ot 25,000 volumes, 6ivi:led into lending and reference departments and there is a large loc"l collection of printed matter and manu: scripts, including 400 ancient charters. Admission to the 'Museum and Library is entirely free. Sever:al local Scientific Societies hold their meetings upon the premIses where are also the head quarters of the Municipal Technical Institute. Chairman of Committee, Frederick Monks esq. J.P.; sec~et!lry, curator and librarian, Charles Madeley. The blIlldmgof the School of Art, in Museum street. were. erected in 1883 at a cost of £4,000, from designs bv Mr. William Owen, of Warrington. On the ground fioor are' entrance hall ~ttendants' room, elementary and other class 'rooms, also cloak rooms and lav.ij:mies. On the first fioor is a painting room and a gallery for drawing from the antique and a master's room. The Fire Engine s~ation fronts Golborne street and Queen stre~t, 'at the old fall' ground, and includes housing for the engmes, fire esc~pe, hose cart &c. a tower, smitby, dwelling house for the engmeer, firemen's workshops, sleeping apartments and storehouse. The brigade consists of one superintendent one engineer and 15 firemen. ' The J.Ianch.ester and Liverpool Agricultural Society have held sev:ral . m~etl11gs here, this t<lwn being the official centre of theIr dlstl'lct. . The. Gentlemen's .CI:,b, !!-t the corner of Bold and Egypt streets, IS a PI?t~lresC]ue b.mlclmg .m the Gothic style, containing entrance hall. (~lllmg, readmg, bill1ard and smoking rooms, with card and commIttee rooms and other necessary offices and was erected [ SLATER'S in 1876 from the designs of Mr. Thomas Beesley, architect, ot this town. The club now (1894) consists of about 85 members. The premises of the Conservative Club are in Sankey street" and those of the Liberal Club at 67 and 69 Bewsey stree~. Warrington is the headquarters of t~e.~th and 40th Regimental Districts, comprising the Regular, Mil.,t,a and Volu,nteer batta. lions of the K.ing's (Liverpool) and PrInce of Wal~s Volunt:ers. (South Lancashire) regiments: the depot of the lme .battal1on~ and the headquarters of the Militia bat~al~ons are 11l Orford barracks: the drill hall of the volunteers IS m Bat? street Warrington has various industries, which consIst to. a co:,' siderabe extent of wire-drawing, the manufacture of Iron In bar hOOD and wire rcd, as well as of Lancashire tools and files, cut' glass, glass bottles, soap, borax; it ha~ l.ong ~een celeb~ated for its Jiles and tools, which, with its J;lmlOn-w'!e an.d pJanowire have a European reputation. J!'ustUill cuttmg gIves employ::Uent to several hundreds of persons, ch!efiy female.s. Therl7 are large and extensive forges, iron-founclnes, brewe~~es, maltings, chemical and wire-weaving works, and cotton mILs. This town and its vicinity is also the. ce.ntre of ~he northern tan.ninO' trade for heavy sole leather: wlthm a radIUS of a. few miles there are over 25 heavy sole tanneries, using on an average from 8,000 to 10,000 hides per week; a great part of the leather used in the boots and shoes manufactured for the army and police is made in this neighbourhood; leather for belts for' driving machinery is also made here, and there are manufac. turers of picker hides &c. ~. ~'he Market Hall, erected in the year 1856-1 from deSIgns by Mr. J: Stevens,' of Manchester, is a covered building near the' centre of the town. The principal market day for butter, eggs, vegetables and agricultural produce is Wednesday: a corn market is held on the same day and Saturday may also be con. sidered a market day. A large covered shed, off Market street, and occupying about an acre of ground, was erected in 1879, and enlarged in 1885. Here are the offices of the inspector of the markets and of weights and measures. Fairs are held on July 18th and November 30th for horses. .and for cattle and sheep on the days respectively preceding. The Infirmary and Dispensary, in K.endrick street, overlooking the park, is a building on the pavilion principle, in theElizabethan style, erected in 1872 at a cost of £7,300, from the designs of Messrs. John Pierpont and &m: it has recently been enlarged at a cost of about £5,000, and now has accommodation for 40 patients.' The number of in·patients admitted to the Infirmary duriIlg .1893 was 343;. the out-patie~t depa~t!TI:nt and dispensary have teen removed to new premIses adJommg, the cost of which was £2,000, and in 1893 5,110 patients were treated' at the dispensary; Mr. William. Owen, of Cairo street, was thearchitect. The Infectious Diseases Hospital at the end of Aikin street, a short distance from the Workhouse, was erected in 1878, from designs by Mr. Thomas Longden, borough surveyor, at a cost of £7,000 and consists of two 12-bed pavilions and one of foul' beds, with administrative offices. The Warrington Clergy Orphan Institution, which occupies the site of a large mound, known as "the Mote Hill,'" is for the orphan daughters of clergymen of the dioceses of Chester. Manchester and Liverpool, and has now 66 children: the Warringtotl Clergy Institution for the relief of widows and orphans, found.ed at Warrington in the year 1697, holds its annual and other meetings here. Here was a house of Augustine .friars founded before 1279· ana dissolved by Henry VIII.: the memory of the building is stiU pleserved "in the names of Friars' gate and Friars' green. The site of the church was discovered and the gteater part of the foundations of ite walls laid'· bare in 1886, when the tile pavement of the choir and'a number of carved stones were removed and placed in the museum. An. inscription was at the same time placed on a building in Friar's green, which oC.Jupies a portion of the site of the nave. A good speeimen of a. room of the 13th century may still be seen in Fennel stre"t and there are black and. white timbered houses of the 17th century in the Market place, Buttei' Market street and Church ?treet. Bewsey Hall, the '<lId seat of the Botelers, Barons Boteler of Warrington, in the 13th century, about! a mile east of the town is the property of Lord Lilford and has been rebuilt: one portiOl~ <'f the building may, perhaps, be of the 15th century, but it has been modernized: 'part of the old moat is still remaining. Orford Hall was the residen()~ of the Blackburnes before their removal to Hale some years ago, and is now in the occupation of Mrs. Beaumont. The manor with several of the townships came into the hands of the Butlers, or Botelers, in the time of Henry III. and passed from the last heir male of that family to the Earl of Leicester in the time of Queen Elizabeth. After many changes the manor was bought by - Blackbnrne esq. of Orford, and now belongs to the corporation of Warrington. . Arthur Aikin, eldest son of John Aikin M.D. and for 23 ",ears seoretary of the Society of Art., was born here 19th Mav '1773 an?- was ~rother to Miss Lucy Aikin, the well known hl~toricai wrlter: Ins father, John Aikin M.D. mentioned above was the o)",ly son of the Re.v. Jo~n Aikin, for many years tutor i;' divinity a~ ~he .famous ~'hssentmg academy here. Mrs. Barbauld,' the dlst~lS:U18hed antnoress, was also of thic family. ' ~Ilham Enuel:l LL.D. author of .. The Speaker;" Joseph Pnestley LL.D., F.R.S.; 'John Reinhold Forster LL.D. nal;llralist; John Tayl('r D.D.. author of a Hebrew and English Concordance' and V~e ~.~ev. Gllbert Wakefield ,B.A. editor of "Virgil and Lucredus, were all tutors at the Warrington academy The principal landowner" are Lora Newton D.L.• J .:P. of Lyme Hall; the trustees of the late Lord Winmarleigh; Robert Ireland Blackburne, of Hale Hall; and .Thomas Henry Lyon esq of Appleton Hall, Chestire. . The soil is loa:ny and fertile, with rich meadows on the banks of the Mersey. A vast quantity of excellent potatoes are grow:: ]1ere and also early vegetables for the supply. of the neighbourmg markets. _ The area of Warringtoll township is 2,887 acres of land and '? vf wat.er; rateable value, £167,926; the populatioll of muniCipal borough in 1881 was 41,452, and in 1891, 52,743, which DIRECTORY.] 3 WARRINGTON. includes the occupants of the workhouse, the workbous.e schools, and Orford barr~ks; township in 1891, 49,124; parllamentary borough in 1891, 55,349, part being in the county of Chester., At Wilderspool, about a mile from Warrington, on th~ south bank of the Mersey, many traces of Roman occupatiOn, as potteries and coins, have been found and several roads, one es pecially leading to the south, are still occasionally met with in drai::ling; these are formed of fragments of the red ~andstone of the neighbourhood, of a foot and a half to two feet m (iepth, cover-ed with a foot or more of gravel. Parish Clerks.-St. Elphin (Parish Church), 'Thomas Lloyd, 133 Ohurch street; Holy Trinity, John Jefferson, Trinity place; St. Anne, Thomas Dagnall, 22 Blue Ooat street, Winwick road; St.· Paul, George Bebbington, 8 Marson street; St. James, Latch· ford James Dobson, 62 Knutsford road, Latchford; Ohrist Chu~ch; Latchford, Thomas Norman, 459 Knutsford rOa-d, Latch· ford. OFFICIAL ESTA'BLISHMIENTS, LOOAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 38 Sankey street.-Charles Henry Kerry, (postmaster "The office opens at 7 a.m. closes at 10 p.m. On Sunday open from 8 to 10 a.m. & 5' to 6 p.m. for telegrams. Letters are delivered at 7 & 11.50 a.m. & 3.15 & 6.45 p.m. Letters are dispatehed at 4, 5.30, 9, 9.30, 10, 10.10, 11.10, 11.30 a.m. 1.25, 1.55, 2.15, 2.30, 2.45, 3.15, 4, 4.40, 5.45, 9.30, 10.30 (General night mail t.() all parts) 11.15 p.m. The only dispatches on sundays are 4, 6, 8.15 a.m. 10;30 p.m. (General night mail to all part-s) Branch & Sub-Offices, with hours of collection. 'Branch Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. 8, 9.50, 10.55 a.m. 1, 2.20, 5.15, 6.5, 7, 8.15, 9, 9.50 p.m. Sundays, 9 p.m Sub-Offices. Bewsey road, 8 & 10.45 a:m. 2.10, 5.55, 8, 9.40 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m i'Churoh street, 8 & 10.45 a.m. 2.10, 5.55, 8, 9.45 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m tLatehford, Manchester road, 8 /'& 10.35 a.m. 2, 5.45, 8, 9.35 p.rti.; sundays, 8.10 p.m Orford lane, 8 & 10.35 a.m. 2, 5.45, 8, 9.35 p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m Sankey Green, 8 & 10.45 a.m. 2.10, 5.55, 8, 9.45 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.rn .. tSankey Bridge, 8 & 10.25 a.m. 1.50, 5.30, 8, 9.25 p.m:.; sundays, 8.55 p.m Wilderspool, 8 & 10.4& a.m. 2.10, 5.35, 8, 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 8:5 p.mWinwick road, 8 & 10.30 a.m. 1.55, 5.35, 8, 9.30 p.m - i'Winwick st'!"eet, 8 & 10.40 a.m. 2.5, 5.50, 8, 9.40 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m Note--All the above are money order offices; those ma'!"ked with a t are also telegraph offices BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. The Mayor Armitage Ziba, Grappenhall Birchall Thomas, 4 Froghall lane Burgess John, 8 Egypt street Chandley Silvanus, Oakville, Latchford Crosfield Ernest Morland, Lymm Crosfleld John, Walton lea, Waltan Superior, Cheshire Davies Joseph, Latchford Fairclough James, Latchford Fairclough John, Latchford grange Fleming John H. Springfield street Franccmb Richard Walker, Wilderspool Garnett Robert, IInll nook, Penketh Gaskell HolbrvJk, Woolto'l .wood, near Liverpool Geddes John, 19 Bold street Gornall John Hankinson M.R.C.S. Ribblesdale, Latchford Greenall Edward, jun. Hill top, Latchford Guest Edwin James, Helsby Harrison Joseph, Toc Terrace, Lat{)hford Hayward John W. 83 Lovely lane Holmes Oharles John, Folly lane Milner Edward, Hartford manor, Hartford Monks Frederick, Walton Old hall Nicholson Major Edward Joseph, Holly bank, Lymm Owen William, Newholme, Latchford Pickmere John Richard, Oedar lawn, Thelwall Pierpoint William, Grappenhall Platt John, Clifton lodge, Llandudno Ridgway Major John Olare, Birkdale Roberts Henry, Common' lane, Latehford Rylands John, Thelwall grange , Rylands Thomas Glazebrook, Highfields, Thelwall Smith Thomas S. 14 Bold street Stubs Peter, Statham lodge, Lymm Sutton Thomas Hindmlrsh, 23 Wilson-Patten street Voisey Lewis, 3 Winmarleigh street White Oharles, Holly house White John, Barryfield, Latchford Wright John Edward, 47 Wilson-Patten street Wright Samuel, 159 Mersey street Clerk, Henry Brown White, St. Austin's chambers, Bold street The mayor & borough justices hold courts daily at the Oourt house, Irlam street, at 10 a.m. for the trial of petty offences; the oc.;asional court-houses at which cases may be heard in pursuance of "The Summary Jurisdiction Act, 1879," being the parade room at the police station & the mayor's parlour at the Town hall - CORPORATION. (1894-95). Mayor-CounCillor James Fairclough. Deputy Mayor'-Alderman Edward Greenan. Town Hall Ward. St. .John's Ward. Alderman. Alderman. tEdward GrewaU '\fThos. Hindinarsh Sutton MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. Oouncillors. Councillors. t.Joseph Garner Robert Pierpoint esq. J.P. St. Austin's,Warrington; & 45 tJames Smethurst tB,obert Heaton tJaines Hill Glasshouse street, London W "'Joseph Shillcock "'William 1. Shaw Returning Officer, The Mayor. Whitecross Ward. Fairfield Ward. Alderman. Alderman. COU:J'.<;.ry MAGISTRATES FOR WARRINGTON PETTY SES. tThomas Hutchinson t.John Edward Wright SIONAL DIVISION. Councillors. Councillors. Cross Right Hon. Viscount G.C.B., P.O. Eccle Riggs, Broughton- tFredk. Wm.Monks tRichard T. Fairclough • i n _ F u r n e s s " ' H e n r y Roberts "'H. I. Longton Gerard Lord, Garswood hall, .A:shton-in-Makerfield ' tGeorge Plumpton tAlfred Woods Armitage Samuel Rigby esq. Groombridge house, Altrincham BewseyWard. . Howley Ward. 'Armitage Ziba esq. Heathfield,. Grappenhall, Warrington Alderman. Alderman. Bleckly John James esq. Daresbury lodge, Altrincham 'Oharles .John Holmes :j:Rd. Walker Francorob Bleckly William Henry esq. ThelwaU Lea, Warrington Oouncillors. Councillors. Comber George esq. Myddleton hall, Warrington :j:Samuel;r. Beaman :j:James Oannell :Comber Thomasesq, F.L.S. Leighton, Parkgate, Chester "'Joseph, Shaw Green *Arthur Bennett Crosfield John esq. Walton Lea, Warrington tWilliam Pierpoint t.John Evans Gillespie Thomas John esq. Park house, Newton-Ie-Willows Orford Ward. St. Austin's Ward. Gooch William Frederick esq. Wargreave, Newton-Ie-Willows Alderman. Alderman. Greenall Col. Jas. Fenton, Fulham Park gardens, London S W 'If.Joseph Harrison 'IfGeorge Bla.ckhurst Grimke-Drayton Theodore Drayton esq. Golborne hall, Golborne Oouncillors. Oouncillors. Hamilton Lieut-Oolonel Sir Charles Edward· bart. 82 Oadogan :j:Joscph Wilkinson tJames Fairclough square, London S W "'William P. Shelton :j:James Muir McCorquodale Alexander Cowan esq. Lowton grange, Newton. tJno. Baird "'James Hepherd Ie-Willows McCorquodale Col. George, The Grange, Newton (chairman of Latchford Ward. the Newton bench) Alderman -:j: Jcseph asHon. M{)Corquodale Norman esq. The WillOWS, Newton-Ie-Willows Councillors. Mitehell Wm.' esq. Brook villa, Golborne, Newton-Ie-Willows Mortimer William esq. Beaconhurst, Frodsham *Percy Davies [ tJohn Lee [ :j:Linnrell~ Greening Pearson Thomas :Henry esq. Redcliffe, Newton-Ie-Willows Marked thus :I: retiire in 1895. Pickmere John Richard esq. Thelwall, Warrington Marked thus retire in 1896. Rylands John, esq. Thelwall grange, Warrington Marked thus t retire in 1897. Stone Robert esq. Newton Park, Newton-Ie-Willows Marked thus 'If retire in 1898. Stubs Peter esq. Blaisdon hall, Newnham, Gloucester Tinsley James esq. Daresbury hall Officers of the Corporation & Urban Sanitary Authority. White John @sq. Bold street, Warrington Town Clerk & Olerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, James Withington Capt. Thomas Ellames, Oulcheth hall, Warrington Lyon Whittle, Town hall; assistant, Stanley Wilson, Town hall Wood Joseph Langshaw esq. Woodleigh, Newton-Ie-Willows Borough Treasurer, John Fairhurst, Town hall ' See also Newton-Ie-Willows for the list of magistrates usually Coroner, Samuel Brighouse, Ormskirk; deputy, Frederick A. attending the Warrington sub-district Jones esq. solicitor, Ormskirk Medical Officer of Health, Public An'l.lyst & Medical Officer of Olerk to the Magistrates of the Warrington Division, Henry Infectious Diseases Hospital, Jolm Hankinson Gornall M.R.O.S. Greenall, 3 Winwick street Eng. Town hall Petty sessions are held at the Police Station every first & third Borough Surveyor, Thomas Longdin, Town hall; assistant, John' wednesday in the month at 11 a.m. The follOWing places are Sutdiffe in the petty sessional division :-Cuerdley, Great Sankey, Inspector of Lodging Houses & Inspect<lr of Nuisanceil Ralph Houghto;n,. Penketh, Poulton, Eixton, Woolston & WarEington I Norman, 46 Dewsey street ' (ex-mulliClpal), Burt.on Wood, Golborne, Haydock, ])i,ewton, [ Inspector of Markets & of Weights and Mea<;ures Elijah Place 27 Southworth & Winwick Stanley street " * WARRINGTON * 1 4 WARRINGTO N. [SLATER'S 3rd Battalion The King's (Liverpool Regiment), late 1st Ba~ta lion 2nd Royal Lancashire Militia, head quarters, 0Grford ar· racks' Hon Col. N. Blundell; Lieut.-Col. C. S. arraway; Capt.' A. W. H. Tripp, adjutant; Lieut. D. Clarke, quartermaster 4th Battallon The King's (Liverpool Regiment), late 2nd Ba;ta. lion 2nd Royal Lancashire Militia, head quarters, .Orfo~d a:Kracks; Lieut.-Col. C. Woodward, commanding; Major SIr F. . Borough Police. M. Synge, adjutant; Lieut. D. Clarke, quartermaster The force consists of 1 chief constable, 1 chief inspector & clerk, 3rd Battalion South Lancashire Regiment, late 4th ROt~l ~agc~. 3 inspe<'tors, 5 sergeants & 42 constables shire Militia head quarters, Orford barrack s; leu '.- °d F. W. O'Mailey, commanding; Capt. V. A. M. Fowler, a Chief Constable, Samuel Hunt jutant; Lieut. F. Hawes, quartermaster . Chief Inspector & Clerk, William James Inspectors, John C. Spinks, John Cox: & John Bowen Medical Officer in Charge of Troops, Orford barracks, BngadeSurgeon D. O. McFall, Retired List Corporation Gas Department. Volunteer Battalion (1st) The Prince. ,?f Wales's Volunteer~ Offices, Mersey street; & works, Mersey street, Longford. (South Lancashire Rel£'iment) (compnsmg A, B, C, D, EO 1 & G cumpanies); head quarters, Drill hall, B~th street; .o~: Engineer, William ,Spence Haddock; secretary, Fredk. Taylol James Fenton Greenall, co=anding; J. C. Rldpay, ~aJ , Warrington District Highway Board. Capt. J. W. B. Silverthorne, adjutant; Capt. T. Hutchln~~~i quartermaster; Surgeon-Captain J. Adams M.B. med. . Attendance-Monday & wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. officer; Rev. R. W. H. Siddall & Rev. F. W. Willis Clerk, Henry Brown Vvllite M.A. acting chaplains; Captains: J. D. Ruckt<ln, J. D. Treasurer, John Dun, Parr's Bank Fairclough, F. M. Appleton, J. A. Edelsten, R. W. ~aynes, Surveyor, John Thompson, The Mount, Orford R. J. Chorley, H. J. Widdows; 2nd Lieutenants, J. H. RIdgway: Thomas Hamer Brereton Fairclough & John N. Patterson, PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Sergeant-Major 'W. Sullivan; Sergeant-Instructors, E. Barker Borough Offices, Town" hall, Sankey street & J. Wooding Bridewell, 1 Irlam street; Samuel Hunt, chief con"table Warrington Union. Cemetery, Manchester road, James Lyon Whittle, town clerk, clerk to the burial board; John Pick.ton Leigh, registrar Warringt<ln union board me3~S every \alternate . wednesCl;a~ at Chamber of Co=erce, Market Gate chamber", Market gate, 9.30 a.m. in the board room, Union workhouse, to adm~Illster John Henderson Fleming esq. president; John Murray, Parr's relief & for ,formal business; the guardians for Warrm,!"ton Bank, treasurer; Arthur Bennett, hon. sec actin:; as a relief committ3e for that t?wnshi~ & other. guardIans Corn Market, held at the Blue Bell inn, 25 & 27 Horse Market for remaining townships, the speClal busmess bemg taken street, Thomas Eonan, government inspector of corn returns fortnightly at 10.30 a.m . for the town of Warrington The Union comprises the followmg places :-Burtonwood, CuerdCounty Court, held at the Court house, Upper Bank street, His ley, Grappenhall (Cheshire), Haydock, Houghton, ~atchford Honor William Wynne Ffoulkes M.A. judge; Edward Joseph (Cheshire), \N"ewton-le-WiJ;1ows, Penketh, P<lulton-Wlth-Fe!'nNicholson & Thomas Joseph Ridgway, registrars; ,Joseph head, Rix:bn-with-Glazebrook, Gre!1t Sankey, S~uthw?rth-wlth Harrison, high bailiff. A county court is held usually twice Croft, Thelwall (Oheshire), Warrmgton, WmwlCk-wlth-.Huln;te a month on thursday, the following places being within it.s & Wlpolstoln-with-Martinscroft. The area of the. un.lOn IS jurisdiction :-Appleton "(Cheshire), Burtonwood, Cuerdley, 30,890 acres; rateable value, £347,390; the populatlOn m 1891 Croft, Daresbury, Earlestown, Grappenhall, Haydock, Heatley, was 84,920 . Houghton, Latchford, Moore, Newton-Ie-Willows, Penketh, Clerk to the G"uardia'ls & Assessment CommIttee, James Clowes Preston-on-the-Hill," Poulton-with-Fearnhead, Rixton-with-GlazeSutton, Bewsey chambers brook, Sankey, Southworth, ThelwaJl, Walton Superior, Walton Assistant Olerk, Sam:tel Sutton, Bewsey chambers Inferior, Whitley (Lower & Higher), Winwick, Woolston-with- Treasurer; John Dun, Parr's Bank Martinscroft, Warrington. The court has bankruptoy jurisdic- Oollector to the Guardians, Basil Shearer, Bewsey chambers. tion. Christopher Jenkins Dibb, Bridge street, Manchester, Collectors of Poor Rates, Warrington & Latchford townshIps, official receiver John L. Tunstall, Town hall; Newton township, Henry HoughCertified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress Amendton Town hall, Newton-Ie-Willows ment Act," Thomas Sutton, Leghstreet; Thomas Tunstall, Relie~ing Officers, No. 1 district, T. J. Garnetb, The W?rkBewsey street & John Mainwaring, Bridge street house, Warrington; iNo. 2 district, 'Thorr,as Bowes," Bndge Fire Engine Station, ,Queen street; Frank Turner, superintenstreet, Earlestown; No. 3 district, Frank H. Aukland, 136 dent; William Monks, deputy superintendent; Thomas RatSchool brow; assistant, Basil Shearer, Bewsey chambers cliffe, engineer. There are 15 firemen Vaccination Officers, Warrington sub-district, George Holford, Infectious Diseases Hospital, Aikin street, John ":Hankinson Arpley street; Newton-Ie-Willows sub-district, Benj. Hobson, Gornall M.R.O.S.Eng. medic>!l supt.; Miss Millie Walker,matron Penketh; Rixton sub-district, Frank H_ Aukland, 136 School brow; Sankey district, Benjamin Hobson, Square, Penketh; Infirmary & Dispensary, Kendrick street, Thomas Starkey Smith M.B. & Oharles White, hon. consulting medical officers; John Winwick district, Peter Birchall, Arbury, Newton-Ie-Willows Hankinson Gornall, Edwin Austin Fox: M.D.Durh.; George Medical Officers, No.1 district, Wm. John Peacocke L.R.O.P.I. William Joseph M.D. & Oharles Ernest Richmond, hon. medi95 Buttermarket street; No.2 district, George Braide L.R.O.P. cal officers; Ernest Edward Bowden M.R.C.S. senior resident Lond. 5 Bold street; No.3 district, Richard Sephton L.R.C.P. surgeon; Henry Langdale L.R.O.P.Lond. junior resident surEdin. Manor house, Atherton; No.4 district, John Webb Watgeon; Jlseph DavieS & John Laverock Tunstsl1, honorary kins M.D. Stoneleigh, Newton-Ie-Willows secretaries; Miss Dinah Watkins, matron Public Vaccinators for Warrington, Latchford,Grappenhall, T1:>elwall & ',Sankey, John Hankinson Gornall, Grappenhall; Inland Revenue & Stamp Offices, 80 Buttermarket street, Robert Byerley, collector of inland revenue & stamp distribut<lr; Thos. attendance at Baptist chapel, Golborne street, tues. at 2; Newton-Ie-Willows district, John Webb Watkins M.D. Stoneleigh, May & Daniel O'Sullivan, supervisors; George Jeffery & Geo. Wray, officers; William Price, Thomas Honan, Thomas Lynch, Newton-Ie-Willows; Croft district, Richard Sephton L.R.C.P. Edin. Springton, Oulcheth Thomas :J. Hornsby, Joseph Wood (James Keay, at Wilderspool), first-class officers; James J. McGarigle, second-class Superintendent Registrar, Thomas H. Sutton, Bewsey chambers; deputy, William Evans, Bewsey chambers officer. Income Tax: department, Thomas Thompson, surveyor; Thomas Sutton, collector & assessor;', James Ryan, clerk Registrars of Marriages, James Alfred Sutton, Bewsey chambers; Municipal Museu n, Library & Reading Room, Bold st. Fredk. deputy, Ba,sil Shearer, Bewsey chambers; Thomas Bowes, Monks tsq. J.P. chairman; Hy. Roberts J.P. & Linnreus GreenBridge street, Earle3town; deputy, J osepb Hall, Earlestown ing F.L. S. vice-chairmen; Oh:ls. Madeley, curateI' & librarian. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Warrington sub-district, William Museum ,?pen free monday, wednesday, thursday & saturday, H. Harrison, 2 Manchester road; deputy, William Stubbs 10 a.m. tIll dusk & from 6 to 9 p.m.; the library & reading Roward, Ohurch place, Church ,street; Latchford sub-district, room is open free from 10 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. daily William S. Hawkins, Knutsford road, Latchford; deputy, Mrs. Municipal Technical Institute-School of Art Museum street Jane Hawkins, Knutsford road, Latchford; Newton-inestablished 1853; School of Science, Wil~on-Patten street' Makerfield sub-district, Thomas Bowes, Bridge street, Earlesestablished 1891; Continuation School, iArpley street, estab: town; deputy, Joseph Hall, Earlestown; Rix:ton sub-district, lished 1891. Chairman of Committee, F. Monks J.P., C.C.; James Daintith, Woolston; . deputy, James Hepherd, Woolston; secretary, Charles Madeley, Bold street; head master (School Sankey sub-district, Benjamin Hobson, Penketh; deputy, Frank of Art), Charles B. Aylward flughes, Penketh; Winwick sub-district, Peter 'Birchall, ArPUb~ic Baths, Legh street, Arthur G. Barlow, superintendent bury, Newton-le-Willows; deputy, Jane Birchall, Arbury, NewSesslOns House, Iriam street ton-Ie-Willows Temperance Hall, Academy street; branch hall Knutsford road The Union workhouse is in Froghall lane & has a general hosLatchford " pital, fever hospital, lunatic & vagrant lwards & a chapel' Theatre (Royal), Scotland rd. Messrs. A. & P. Morton, W. Johnit will hold 397 inmates; Charles Rarrald Ward, master; Mr;. son & J. Potter, proprietors Wa,:d, matron; iRev. Har,:y Vernon Pigot, chaplain; George Theatre (Royal Court), Ryland street, Messrs. A. & P. Morton, Bralde L.R.O.P.Lond. medICal officer; Henry M. Mines, supt. W. Johnson & J. Potter, proprietors of schools & schoolmaster; Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Mines, matron of schools Town Hall, Bank park, Sankey street Weighing Machines for the Borough, Market place & Bridooe School Attendance Oommittee. foot, John Ogden, weighing officer; Elijah Place, inspector" Clerk, James Clowes Sutton, Bewsey chambers 'MILITARY. School ~ttenda::ce Officers, Basil Shearer, Bewsey chambers, & Fredenck Wright, Padgate lane, Warrington Regimental Districts Nos. 8 & 40. Collector, William Henry Woodcock, Stockton Heath Sewage :Farm Manager, James Deas, Longford School Attendance Officers, George Riley; aBsistants, William Jones & William Bamber Superilltendent of Fire Brigade, Frank Turner; deputy, F. H. Turner, Fou.:ldry street; Fire Engine station, Queen street Town Crier, John Smith, 23 Stanley street (8th) The King's (Liverpool Regiment) late 1st & 2nd Battalions Rural District Council. 8th King's Regiment; depot, Orford'barracks Olerk, Samuel Sutton, Bewsey chambers (40th) The Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South Lancashire Regi- Treasurer, John Dun, Parr's Bank ment), late 40th & 82nd :l?oot Regiments' depot Orford barraeks Medical Officer of Health, Richard Sephton, Springfield, Cui. Commanding Uegimental Districts, Col. 'Eyre-Williams cheth, Warrrngton Stkltion Paymaster, Lieut.-Col. "W. C. Kennedy A.P.D Inspector of Nuisances, Frank Kerfoot Bewsey chambers Paymaster, Major W. )-fackie A.P.D Surveyor, William Owen, Bo:a street ' DIRECTORY. J \VARRINGTON. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Clerk to the Co=issi.oners of Land, Property &: Income Tax for the Warringt;ln Division, James Douglas Buckton, 3 Win" wick street Collector of Taxes, Thomas Sutton, Legh street Coroner for the Mancr & Fee of Halton, James Edwar clocn Worsley, 2 Cairo street; deputy", Robert -Dodson, Golden sq Coroner for the Man<lr of H'l.le, Henry Greenall, 3 Winwick st Overseers of the Township of Warrington, John Harrison (chairman), 4 Egypt str"et; Thomas Birtles, Legh street; Daniel Jones, 51 Wilson-Patten street ,& Pet'-er L9igh, 9 Mount st.; assistant overseer, J. L. Tunstall; office, Town hall Overseers of the township ,of Latchford, J. Lunt & James Strange; assistant overseer, William Stuart Hawkins, 66 Knutsford road Steward of the Manors of Halton & Widnes, Robert Davies, Market .place Vestry Clerk, Henry Brown White, 17 Cairo street PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of ServIces. St. Elphin's (Parish Ohurch), Ohurch street, Rev. 'Frederic Wm. Willis M.A. 'rector; Rev. Granville B. Thurston M.A. Rev. Algernon A. Markham M.A. Rev. Henry Mackenzie Hutton B.A. curates; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m; daily prayers, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m Holy Trinity, Sankey street, Rev. Edward Croft-on Ellis Oarleton B.A. vicar; Rev. Herbert Robert Wild M.A. & Rev. Lewis B. Radford B.A. curates; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; ,wed. & frio 11 a.m. & thurs. 7.30 p.m St. Barnabas, Lovely lane, Rev. George Allton, vicar; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. winter 7; summer 7.30 p.m St. Ann's, Winwick road, Rev. James Davies, curate-in-charge; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m St. Paul's, Bewsey road, Rev. Harry Vernon Pigot M.A. vicar; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m St. Peter's, Birchall street, Rev. Barwise Percival, vicar; 10.30 a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m St. LUke's, Liverpool roaCL (Chapel of Ease to Holy Trinity), Rev. Henry Robert WiVl M.A. curate in charge; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Presbyterian, English (St. John's), Winwick street, Rev: .Tames Warnock M.A., B.D.; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Oatholic (St. Mai."Y's), Butter Market street, Rev. :I!'rancis Wilfrid Sumner O.S.B.; Rev. Michael Elphege Dnggan & Rev. Charles A. Wray, 'priests; 8, 9, 10 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily !'>ot 8 & 8.30 a.m ~'emporary Ohapel (f-r Romqn Catholic church of the Sacred H~art, now being erected), Liverpool road, Rev. Michael Ryan, , pnest; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Catholic (St. Alban's), Bewsey street; Rev. A. D. }jirth O.S.B.; Rev. J. S. Cody a.s.B. & Rev. T. J. Craven O.S.B. priests; 8, 9, 10 & 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; daily at 7.45 & 8.30 a.m.; wed. at 7.30 p.m CatholiC (St. Mary's), Latchf)rd, Rev. James Alfred Hennelly, priest; 9 & 11' a.m. & 6.30 p.m 13aptist" Ackers lane, Latchford, Rev. John W. Varley; 10.30 a.m. &'6.30 p.m Baptist (Particular), Legh street, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Baptist, Golborne street, Rev. W. D. !Roberts; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Congregational (Wyclille), Bewsey street, Rev. John Yonge; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Friends' Meeting House, Butter Market street, 10.30 a.m Emmanuel (Reformed Ohurch of England), Bold street, Rev. Edward T. Reed; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Free Gospel, Bank quay; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; & Academy street, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m . Independent Methodist;, Friar's green; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m Unitarian, Cairo street, Rev. William H. Drummond B.A.; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Primitive Methodist, Legh street, Rev. William John Kirkland; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; man & sat. 7.30 p.m.; & Knutsford road, .10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p ..m • United Methodist, Buckley street, Dallam lane; 10.30 & 6.30 p.m.; man. 7.30 p.m Wesleyan, Bold street, Revs. JaM Kirtlan, Owen Watkins, GePrge D.Mason & John Gunmill ;10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.; Bewsey road, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 ;p.m.; Liverpool road, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; man. 7.15 p.m.; mission rooms, Silver street, 8 p.m.; Dial street, 6.30 p.m Unsectarian mission room, Academy street; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. & sat. 7.30 p.m . Welsh Church, Orosfield street, Rev. Thomas Lloyd; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m SCHOOLS. Clergy Daughters' School, founded in 1844 & occupying an ex. t-ensive pile of buildings In the Elizabethan style on the Mount Manchester road; this institution educates d~ugbters of de~ ceased or acting clergy from the archdeaconries of Chester Liverpool, Manchester or Blackburn, at fees of from £20 U; £25 yearly & of other clergy at £45, preference being given to the former; attached to the school are six 1st year exhibitions of £5 tenable for one year, three school exhibitions of £10 tenable for one year, the Greenall exhibition of about £22 tenable for one year, the Powys exhibition of £20 tenable for three years & others: there are now 66 pupils; Miss Mary Isabella Beal, head mistress; Rev. Frederick W. Willis M.A. rect0r of Warrington, han. sec. & chaplain .A. School Attendance Committee of 12 members of the corporation was formed in 1877 Boteler Gra=ar School, at School brow, founded in 1.526 by Sir Thomas B'jteler, of Bewsey, & endowed with estates prodncin.g about £900 yearly. The premises were rebuilt, with a reSIdence for the head master & the school was reopened in 1864, a:l'Eording space for 100 day boys besides boarders. There are 14 free scholarships tenable in the school & 3 emibi· 5 tions of £50 a year each, tenable for four rears at the uni. versities or some other place of bigher education: the numb~r of boys is at present (1894) about 100; the managem~nt 18 entrusted to fifteen governors, of whom 8 are co-optative & 7 representative; the Hev. Edward John Willcocks M.A. late scholar of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, head master; Rev. Lewis B. Radford M.A. late scholar St. John's College, Oambridge, second master; Rev. James Forbes M.A. & JaJ.lles Young, assistant :rn,asters; ,Oharles B.. Aylward, drawmg master; W. S. Woods, singing & mUSIC master; & F.oo C. Herzog, French & German master School of Art, Bold street; Charles Burrell Aylward, head master; there are now (1894) 180 students Training Oollege for National school mistresses at The Mount, &, Fairfield Hall Manchester road: eluring the year 1884 ther" were 114 studer:.ts in residence, 51 seniors & 63 juniors; the college has 2 entrance exhibitions of £10; one of £5 & Queen's scholarships: ,the college is managed by a committee of 48 gentlemen, of whom 23 represent Manchester, 13 Chester & 12 Liverpool; principal, Rev. Morley Stevenson M.A.; lady superintendent, Miss Maria Goddard; lady superintendent of ]'airfield Hall, Miss Ima Ferriman; han. secretary, The Dean of Manchester Blue Ooat Winwick road, founded in the year 1665 by :Mr. John Allen, ~ native of the town, whose object was to apprentice annually "five poore boys to some handicraft tr~des;" in 1677, it was decided to raise funds for the extenSIon of the plan & trustees w"re appointed; about 1690 these augmented funds were in,ested in land, & to the original design of merely apprenticing was added that of afl'ording a prior education: in ! 711 the number of boys S{) educated was 24, & as a further, encouragement they we~e provided with caps & bands, to which suits of blue cloth & shoes were subsequently added: in 1778 th~ present building was erected, a special fund having been raised tor that purpose & it was opened in 1782, under the name of the" Blue Coat Hospital," 30 legitimate children at poor parishioners being admitted & boarded, lodged, clothed & educated, & in 1832 the trustees obtained an Act 6f Parliament: the present number (1894) (,f foundation scholars is 57; in 1855, at the suggestion of the late governor, the old pupils formed a society called "The Warrington Blue Ooat Brotherly Society," which has for its objects, among others, the cultivation of a friendly feeling among those who have been educated in the school, the visiting of boys apprenticed, the relief of the needy & the formation of classes & excursion parties: the income of the school is about £1,500 yearly; Edward Rose, governor & head master; Mrs. B. Rose, matron; William Hatch HardL>1g, usher & organist; Miss Eleanor Mul. linder, assistant matron National (St. Elphin's), The Mount (girls & infants); uppa girls' department holds 100; average attendance 88; Miss Sarah Jane :Norman, mistress; lower girls', holding 300; average attendance, 261; Mrs. Lydia M. Stansfield, mistress; infants', holding 250; average attendance, 180; Miss Elizabeth Shaw, mistress Ohrist Church, Latchford (mixed), Wash lane, built in 1844 & enlarged in 1872, for 179 children; average attendance,' 140; Miss Alice Fox, mistress National, Hamilton street (practising school), erected in 1886 f01" 260 boys, 230 girls & 200 infants; average attendance, 280 boys, 242 girls & 200 infants; Thomas Amos, master; Miss C. F. Humphreys, mistress; Miss M. Warriner, infants' mist National School (infants) (St. Elphin's), Ellesmere street, built in 1892, for 370 children; average attendance, 241; Miss Selina K Fletcher, mistress National, Cockhedge (infants.); for 200 children; average attendance, 180; Miss Josephine Hetherington, mistress National (girls) (ladies' school of industry), 6 Smith street, Mersey street, built in 1884, for 217 children; average attendance, 158; Miss Mary Bibby, mistress St. Elphin's (boys), Church street, built in 1833, for 500 children; average attendance, boys, 440;John Dewhirst, master Holy Trinity (mixed), Museum street, built in 1885, for 234 children; average attendance, 204; Aaron Brimelow, master; Hverpool road (infants), built in 1868 & enlarged- in 1880, for 3"50 infants; average attendance, 277; Miss Eliza Davies, mistress; Miss Dorothy ,Bee, infants' mistress St. Ann's (boys, girls' & infants), Dannet!; street, Winwick street, for 290 boys, 277 girls & 184 infants; average attendance, boys 225; girls 244; infants 130; John Glover, master; Miss Minnie Rigbey, mistress; Miss O. Rigbey, infants' mistress St. Barnabas (mixed & infants), Lovely lane, built in Us85, for 435 children; average attendance, 302; Richard Y. Woollacott, master; Miss Ada Wilmshurst, infants' mistress St. Paul's (boys), Heath side, built in 1853, for 750 children; average attendanc", 405; David William Finney" master; Rolleston street (girls) & Kendrick street (infants), for 320 girls & 250 infants; average attendance, girls 226, infants 170; Miss E. Finney, mistress; Miss Emily Smethurst, infants' mistress St. Peter's (mixed), John street, Winwick street. for 310 children; average attendance, 260; Miss Amy Place, mistress Infants', Cairo street, for 290 children; average attendance, 109; Miss Emily BUllen, mistress Bank Quay (infants), for 200 children; average attendance, 150; Miss Francis Woodward, mistress British (mixed), Arpley street, built in 1872, for 900 childI;en; average attendance, 800; Charles Twiss, master; Edward Wallington, second master British (Wycliffe) (mixed), Bewsey street, for 600 children; average attendance, 528; AUred Corney, !r.aster; Miss Annie Porritt, infants' mistress _ Wesleyan (mixed), Wesley hall, Silver street, opened in 1875, for 476 children: average attendance, 260; John Upson, master St. Alban's Catholic (boys, girls & infant-s), 23 King street, built in 1863, for 520 children; average attendance, boys 125, girls 196 & infants 98; David Morris, master; Miss Emily Jones, mist.; Miss Mary Ann Grealey, infants' mistress St. Benedict's Catbolic (girls & infants), near Orford lane, built in 1881, for 400 chiliren; average' attendance, girls 170 & infants 250; Miss Jan" Bellian, mistress; Miss Annie FitzPatrick, infants' mistress 6 WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S St. Mary's Catholic (boys, girls & infants), Butter Market street, Birmingham, Bllrton-Upo:l-Trent, Derby, Nottingham, Staffordshire Potteries, Wolverhampton, Liverpool, RUJ:;,corn, Mrmchesfor 300 boys, 300 girls & 200 infants; average attendance, boys tel', Scotch & Irish towns, via Stockton quay, dally; Manchester 231, girls 178 & infants 176; John Mullins, master; M1SS Jane Ship Canal Co. agents, Howley quay . , Ramsey, mistress; Miss Mary Jane Brown, infants' mistress Shropshire Union Canal Co. to Chester & North Wales VI;), Stockton quay, daily; Manchester Ship Canal Co. agents NEWSPAPERS. Liverpool, daily, from Howley & Stockton quays Warrington Guardian (neutral) (daily ?td. saturday 2d. & wednes- Manchester, d·:tily, from Howley quay day Id.; Mackie & Co. Limited, propriete'rs & publishers), Manchester, daily, at 5.30 a.m. (sunday excepted), from Stockton Sankey ·street quay Warrington & Mid-Cheshire Examiner (Liberal) (saturday; John Runcorn, daily, from Howley quay Walker & Co. proprietors & publishers), Bewsey street Warrington Observ~r (Conservative) (saturday; Observer Printing BURTON WOOD is a township and chapelry, in the parish & PUblishing 0.). Limited, proprietors & publishers), Academy of Warrington, close npo::l the Sankey c~nal, with a. station at street Collin's Green on the Manchester and Llverpool sectlOn of the RAILWAYS. London and North Western railway, about 5 miles nort~-west Cheshire Lines Committee (Midland, Great Northern, Manchester, from Warrington and 4!- south-east from St. Helens, J!l the Sheffield & Lincolnshire), Central station, Winwick street, Newton division of the countv West Derby hundred, Warrmgton William H .. Rigbey, station ma·ster & goods agent; Engineering petty .sessional division, unio~ and county c~)t1rt district,. rural department, James Hogg, manager; Samuel Saxon Barton, deanery of Winwick, arl'.hdeaconry of War~mgt,?n.and dlO~ese of Liverpool. 8t. Michael's church is a plam bUlldmg of bnck, storekeeper, Battersby la.ne Midland Railway Co. Harry Alfred Thompson, goods agent, consisting of apse, nave, sonth porch, and a west.ern tower containing one bell: there are 300 sittings. The reglster dates Central statio"l from the year 1668. The living is a vicarage, gross y:early value Great Western Railway, John A.bdey, goods .agent, Bank quay Great Northern Railway, Charles H. Bickford, goods agent, £200, with residence, in the gift of the rect{)r of vy-arrmgton, and held since 1891 bv the Rev. Alfred Mansfield Mltchell M.A. of Central ~taticn London & North Western (High Level & Low Level), Bank quay. Trinity College, Dublin. lIere is a Catholic c~u~ch, erected in TN. 23; Edward Braide, district goods manager; Hichard 1887 and dedii:lated to St. Paul of the Cross; lt IS served from Suttbn; also a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1850. Lord Hlford, of Wood, goods agl'nt; James Starkey, station master Manchester, Sheffield. & Lincolnshire Railway Co. A. Gibbins, Lilforcl Hall, Oundle, and Th·)mas Hemy Lyon esq.. J.P. of Applet{)n Hall, who is lord of the manor, are the chief landgooas agent, Central station Arpley Station, James Starkey, statio,l master; Richard Wood, owners. The soil is clayey; .subsoil, elay. The chief crops at:e wheat, grass and clover. The area is 4,192 acres, of which 19 goods agent London & North W6stern I,ocomoti'Te Department, Bartholomew are water; rate"1ble value, £17,123; the population in.1881 was 1,268, and in 1891, 1,584. Marshall, local foreman, Dallam lune Great Western Railway Co. Goods Depot (High Level), Bank DALLAM and BEWSEY are both in the township of Burton quay, John Abdey, goods agent. TN; 25 Wood. Letters for Dallam & Bewsey, through Warrington RAILWAY AGENTS. Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.M., S. & L. Railway carting agents, Thompson, McKay & Co.; Thomas Barrow, postmaster. Letters through Newton-le-Wiloffice, Central station lows arrive at 8.10 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched, 7 p.m A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1876; William OMNIBUSES. Webster, clerk to the board; John Forster, Bnrton Wood, To GrappenhaU, wednesday, at n.30 a.m. & 4.15 & 6.30 p.m.; & attendance officer on saturday at 1.30, 4.15, 6.30 & 9.30 p.m Schools. To Latchford, every 15 minutes, daily Board. (mixed), Burton Wood, built in 1854, for 200 children; 'To' Padgate, wednesday & saturday, at 9 a.m. & 1.15 & 5 p.m average attendance, 145; Herbert Gawthorpe, master; Miss 'To Pellketh, leave Jlfark.,t place, on ·wednesday at 9.15 a.m. 12 Annie Houghton, assistant mistress noon, 3, 5 &7 p.m. & on saturdays at 8.15 & n a.m. 3, 5, 7 & St. Paul of the Cross, Catholic (mixed), built in 1887, for 200 10 p.m children; average attendan3e, Mis~ A. Case, mistress 'ro Sankey Briolges, every 15 minutes daily 'To Stockton Heath,. every 15' minutes daily CUERDLEY is a township in the chapeJry of Farnworth, about 'To Woolston, wednesday &.saturday, at 9.30 a.m. & 1.30 & 5.30 5 miles west from Warrington and 8!- south from St. HelBns, in p.m.; & satllrday only, at 10 p.m the South Western division of t-he ('ounty, union and county courb CARRIERS. district of Warrington and petty.sessional division and parish of Prescot, near the Cheshire Lines railway and the Sankey canal. With the inns they call at & time of departure. The Liverpool water scheme passes through the township. Sir Antrobns-Joseph Mills, 'Lower Seven Stars,' wed. & sat.; Mrs. Richard MarC'lS Brooke bart. of Norton Priory, Halton, Runcorn, Hartley, Georg~ hotel, wed. & sat is lor~ of the manor and sole landowner. The ,soil is still clay; Appleton Thorn-Mrs. Hewitt, ' Eagle & Child,' sat snbsOll, clay and marl. The chief crops are wheat, oats and Ashton~R. DUYbury, from' Big Horseshoe' wed grass. The acreage' is 1,723, of which 161 are water; rateable Aston-Mrs. 'raylOr, Central hotel, wed. & .~at llartington-ThoInas 'rhomDson, Queen's hotel, wed. & sat. thence value, £6,552; the population in 1891 was 209. Letters through Warrington. Widn~ is the nearest money order to N orthwich, fri & telegraph office Cadishead-Peter Clark, 'George,' sat.; James Taylor, Queen's hotel, wed GRAP:pE1-<""1IALL is a jvillage, township and parish; the Comberbach-Joseph Amery, 'Eagle & Ohild,' weu ~ilJage is 2!- miles sonth-east from Warrington and one south-east Crompton-John Hewson,' 'Woolpack,' wed. & fri from Latchford station on the Stockport and· Warrington section Croley-Joseph Hankey, 'Eagle & Child,' wed. & sat of the London and North Western railway, in the Knutsford diviDutton~Mrs. Taylor, Central hotel, wed. & sat sion of the county, Bueklow hundred, petty ·sessional division of Edgs Green-Hiram Ball, 'Golden Grove,' daily Daresbury, Warrington nnion and county court district, rural deanFarnworth-John Hp.wson, 'Woolpack,' wed. & fri ery of ~rodsham West and archdeaconry and diocese of Chester. Frodsham-William Cadwdl, 'Woolpack,' mono wed. frio & sat The Bndgewater canal, now the property of the Manchester Ship Golborne-Hiram Ball, 'Golden Grove,' daily Canal Company, intersects the township. 'Ihechurch of St. Wilfrid . Halton-Jesse Leach, Queen's hotel, wed. & sat mentioned in Domesday Book, and rebuilt in 1539, is a bUildin~ Haydock-John Wood, 'King's Head,' wed of stone in the Gothic style," consisting of chancel, clerest{)ried High-I.eigh-Tho.mas Renshaw, 'George,' wed nave of seven bays, aisles, transepts, south po,rch and an emHollinsgreen-Peter 0lark, 'George,' sat battled v: estern tower containing a clock and 6 bells: the font Little Leigh-Joseph Haddock, Queen's hotel, wed. & sat of Norman, if not earlier date, had been buried under the nav~ Liverpool-·James Critchley, 'Woolpack,' wed floor, but was ,recovered at the time of the restoration of thc Lymm-Thomas Moston, 'Rose & Crown,' wed church and then repaired and re-set: in the church is a Martinscroft-Robed't Taylor, 'George,' wed. & sat recumbent cross-legged stone effigy in chain armour representinoNewton-Hiram B<tll,' Golden Grove,' daily Northwich-Jose]Jh Haddock, Queen's hotel, wed. & sat.; Mrs. Sir William FitzWilliam le Boydel kt. ob. c. 1275' the fiaure wa'; restored and an inscriptio::! on brass placed relati~g to it in 1875' Newall, 'Woolpack,' wed. & sat.; John Lear, 'Woolpack' sat there is also another brass inscription, placed in 1876 to Si~ Parr-:-Samuel Sanders, 'Woolpack,' wed. & fri ' Thomas Danyers kt. of Bradley in Appleton who fought ~t Crecy Prescot-James Critchley, 'Woolpack,' wed 25 May, 1346, and there captured the Cbunt de Tankerville; Preston Brook-Mrs. Taylor, Central hotel, wed. & sat ther~ arc:., many mural monuments to thB Bower (1780-1830), Rainhill-James Critchley, 'Woolpack,' wed Rnncorn-~Iatthew Thomas, Qneen's hotel, wed. &. sat.; Jesse Dakm (1/28-1837) and Hall (1782-1810) families to Murdo Grant Leach, Queen's hotel, wed. & sat.; Thomas Booth, Qneen's lieut. R.N. 1759, and to the Rev. Edmund Taylor, ten year~ rector here, d. 10 May, 1786, and Catherine, his wife, d. 1788: hotel, v. ed. & sat the church w~s ~estored in 1873-4, at a cost of nearly £5,000, and St. Helens-Samuel Sanders, 'Woolpack,' wed. & fri ail'ord8 400 slttmgs, all free except four pews in the Boydell Sntton-Mrs. Taylor, Central hotel, wed. & sat Tarporley & Weaverham-Mrs. Newall, 'Woolpack,' weu. & sa.t chapel belonging to J. C. Parr esq. of the Heys. The register Whitl6Y Reed-Francis Taylor, 'Eagle & Child,' wed. & sat.; dates from 1574. The liVing is a rectory, average tithe rentcharge £353, net yearly value £472, with 17.acres of glebe and Peter Hays, 'Lower Seven Stars,' wed. & sat residence, in the gift of Sir Gilbert Greenail bart. D.r,., J.P. Widnes-John Hewson, 'Woolpack,' wed. & fri and held since 1893 by the Rev. Richard Greenall M.A. of Wigan--see A.shton Braseno.se College, Oxford. There is· an Independent Methodist Wiiiwick-Hiram Ball, ' Golden Grove,' daily chapel m Chester road, erected in 1881, and seating 200. J ohn~on'~ c~arity, a rent-charge of £7 yearly, is for clothing, which GENERAL CARRIERS. Sutton's Parcel Office, James Wood, agent, 44 & 46 Sankey street 1S dlstnbuted o~ E9.ster Tuesday: a sum of about £12, the rent of three fields m Appleton, is for school expenSel3. The andent' village stocks here are still in a go01 state of preservation. The WATER CONVEYANCE. Heys, the seat of Joseph Charlton Parr esq. J.P. is a manElion Manchester ShIp Canal Co. (Bridgwater Canals Undl'rtaking), pleasantly seated in a l?ark of 150 acres. GrappenhaH HaH, tha James Evani', agent, H~wley quay. TN 17 seat of 1frs. Greenall, lS a modern house surrounded by a park I DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. of SO acres. Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry esq. J.P. of J<'ota Island, Queenstown, who is lord of the manor, Joseph Charlton Parr esq. J'.P. and Mosley Leigh esq. of Hartford, are the chief landowners. Tanning is carried on here. The soil is light; the subsoil is saui!. 'The chief crops are oats, wheat and potatoes. The area of the township is 1,597 acres, of which 13 are water; rateable value, .£6,692; the population in 1891 was 984. Sexton and 'Verger, Jame-s Mainwaring. .Post, M. O. & T. 0., S.B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.Ja:cnes Ashcroft, SUb-postmaster. Letters through Warrington arrive at 7 a.m. & 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9.45 a.m. & 7.40 p.m National Endowed School (mixed), built in 1846, for 120 children; average attendance, 85; the school is endowed with £11 from Johnson's charity; Abram Evans, master; Miss Woodward, mistress LATCHFORD is a large township and village, with a station -on the London and North Western railway, in the parish of B-rappenhall, partly in the county of Cheshire and partly in the borough of Warrington, from which it extends a mile south-east,. in the Knutsford division of the county, Bucklow hundred, 'Varrington union and county court district, petty sessional division '0f Daresbury, rural deanery of Frodsham, archdeaconry and diocese of Chester: the Manchester Ship Canal intersects the township and is constructed for some distance in the bed of the now extinct Runcorn and Latchford Canal, and the course of the Mersey is here diverted to almost a straight iine from Latchford bridge, across the Arpley marshes to a point about 200 yards above the Walton arches. At Latchford, at a distance of 21 miles from Eastham, is the third set of locks on the canal: these are two in numbEr, the larger is 600 feet in length and the smaller 400; both have a width of 65 feet, and the fall is 16 feet 6 inches: in the construction of the canal at this point, an immense amount ,of work has had to be accomplished on account of the numerous and almost insuperable difficulties presented by the locality; not less than sb:: bridges for deviations of roads and, railways have had to be erected, including a very fine iron bridge of lattice girders in three spans, carried 'on massive piers, for the Londen and North Western line, which here crosses the canal, and .another for the Knutsford road: the wat-er of the river Bollin, whieh falls into the Mersey above the locks, is of essential service in w:lrking them: there is also a substantial stone bridge, here, <over the Mersey, which connects Warrington with Latchford, ann forms the great high road from Lancashire to Cheshire. St. James's is an ecclesiastical parish formed July 27, 1866, from the parishes of Grappenhall, Runcorn and Warrington: the church, upon Wilderspool causeway, was erected in 1829, and is a plain building of stone in the Early English style, consisting -of chancel, nave, aisles and a western tower with pinnacles containing one bell: the church ,was restored in, 1881 at a cost -of £500, and has 1,000 sittings. The register dates from the year 1770. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £250, with residence, in the gift of Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. D.L., J.P. and held since 1878 by the Rev. Francis Slater M.A. of 'Queen's College, Oxford, and surrogate. Ohrist Church is an ecclesiastical parish formed March 13, 1866, .from the civil parish of Grappenhall: the church, in Walsh lane, ,a,nd consecrated July, 1861, is a building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, north transept, organ chamber, wuth porch, vestries, and a weste:n tower with spire eontaininl; one bell: there are some stained windows and 270 sittings, 240 !being free. The register dates from the year 1863 for baptisms and from 1886 for marriages. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly -value £170,: with residence, in the gift of the rector of Grappenhall, and held ,since 1878 by the Rev. Benjamin Barton Prescott M.A., of Pembroke College. Oxford. The Oatholic ,chapel, erected in 1869, and dedbated to Our Lady of the Assumption, is in St. Mary's road and has schools oattached. There is a Bethel Baptist chapel, erecte<1 in 1860, in Acker's lane. The, principal trades, carried on here are tanning, pin, file and tool making, wire working and brush making. Sir -Gilbert Greenall bart. J.P. of Walton Hall, and the Man-chester Ship Canal Company are the chief landowners. 9'he soil is clay; . subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats, !barley and potatoes. The areJ1. of th" township is 897 acres, of which 529 are in the county of Chester; rateable value, £13,329; the population in 1891 was 6,225, of which 440 were in the county {)f Chester; the area of the ecclesiastical parishes is-St. James', 300 acres; Ol;rrist Church, 940; the popUlation in 1891 was St. James', 4,404; Ohrist Ohurch, 1,82l. Parish Clerk of St. James', James Robson, 62 Knutsford road. All lettEcrs are delivered from Wardngton, times :-7 & 11.45 a.m.; 3.15 & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m. only Post! M.O. & T. 0., S. B.& Annuity & Insurance Office, Bndge Fcot.--James Hallwood, sub-postmaster Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Knutsford road.-Luke Ellison, sub-postmaster Registrar of Births & Deaths for Latchford sub-district, William Stewart Hawkins, 66 Knutsford road Schools. St. James', Church of England, Old road (mixed), built in 1887, for 600 children; average attend'iDce, 390; William Henry Stansfield, master; Miss Elizabeth Taylor, infants' mistress Christ Church, Wash lane (boys & girls), enlarged in 1872, for 179 children; average attendance, 140; mss Alice Fox, mistress Christ Church, Grappenhall·road (infants), for 180 children; aver~ge attendance, 140; Mi~s Katie Deardmor:, mistress CatholIC, St. 7Ifac-y's. road (mIXed), for ?26 children; average attendance, 120; MiSS Kate Coleman, Inlstress Railway Station, Peter Warren, station ma"ter 7 Ship Canal Co. passes through. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected in 1812 and rebuilt in 1870. There is a church institute and reading room here, which has a library containing about 300 volumes. Mrs. Acton's charity of £3 yearly is for fuel. Moore House is the residence of Miss Milner. The Beeches is the residence ot Mrs. Litton. The representatives of the late Rev. Cancn George Heron M.A. who are lords of the manor, Miss Milner and Sir Richard Marcus Brooke bart. J.P. of Nortoli Priory, are the chief landowners. The soil is clay; the subsoil is clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and potatoes. The arca is 916 acres; rateable value, £4,561; the population in 1891 was 526. Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, -Peter Gleave, sub-postmaster. Letters through Warrington arrive at 6,30 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8 p.m. week days only. Sunday, the office is open for callers only till 10 a.m Board School (infants), built in 1877, for 80 children; average . attendance, 30; MISS Minnie Round, mistress I)plice Station, John J:. Robinson, constable Railway Stations. Daresbury (I,. & N. W. & G. W. joint lines), William C. Bennion,' station master Moore (L. & :N. W. railway), Thom8s Jl}hnson, station ma·ster PADGATE is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1838 from the civil parish of Warrington, with a st<ttion on the Liverpool and Manchester railway of the Cheshire Lines Committee, in the Newton'division of the county, hundred of West Derby Warrington petty sessional division, union and county court district, rural deanery of Winwick, archdeaconry of Warrington and diocese of Liverpool. POULTON with FEARNHEAD form a township on the old. road from Warrington to Bolton and bounded on the south by the river Mersey, 2fi miles east by north from Warrington; the two townships are united for all purposes except the maintenance of the roads, each maintaining, its own. Christ Church, erected in 1838, is a brick building in the Early English> style, consisting of chancel, nave, organ chamber and a western turret containing one bell:, there are 250 sittings, 100 being free. The register dates' from the year 1838. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £240, with residence, in the gift of the rector of Warrington, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Joshua J ame's Langham M.A. of King's College, Oambridge. The great tithes belong to Warwick Hospital, Warwick, and the small tithes to the rector of Warrington. Here is -a. Wesleyan chapel, ·with Sunday schools. ThE' land is in the possession of many freeholders. The soil' in the southern part of the township is alluvial on sand ,md'in the northern part clayey. The chief crops are wheat, potatoes and turnips. The area of Poulton with Fearnhead is 1,320 acres of land and 24 of water; rateable value, £5,954; the population of the township in 1881 was 742 and in 1891 was 1,083; and of the ecclesiastical parish in 1881, 1,246, and in 1891, 1,984. Parish Clerk and Sexton, Padgate, Henry Antrobus. Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Padgate.Mrs. Betsy Horridge, sub-postmistress. Letters through Warrington, which is the nearest telegraph' office. Letters are delivered at 7 a.m.; dispatched, 4.15 & 7 p.m. week days only Schools. Industrial schools & homes were erected in the year 1881, in five blocks, by the guardians of the Wanington union, for the training of 20;) children; Henry Montagu Mines, supt National, Padga-te (mixed), built in 1837, for 150 children; average attendance, 101; Frank Blackwell, master; MiSE< Antrobus, infants' mistress Oheshire Line.> Railway, Padgate stilotion, John Burrell, station master & goods agent Police Station, Padgate, Edward Barnes, sergeant in charge Police Station, Paddington, Cornelius Head, constable in charge Assista.nt Overseer, George Brimelow OR1WRD is a hamlet in the'township and parish of Warrington, but in the ecclesiastical district of Padgate, about 1fi miles from Warrington. Here is a tannery. rost Office, Ortord.-Alfred Wilson, sub-postmaster. Letters throagh Warrington arrive at 7 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; dispatched 1 a.m. & 6.30 p.r.u. week days only. The nearest money order & telegraph otlice is at Warrington National School, Orford (mixed), built in 1860, & enlarged in 1880 & 1884 at the cost of the late William Beamont esq. of Orford Hall; the ,;chool will hold 290 children; average attendance, 120; & is managed by trustees; John Cann, master; divine service is performed at 8 & 10.30 d.m. & 6.30 p.m. in the N'ltiona.l school room by the Rev. William, Richard Hartwright L.Th.Durham, ehaplain since 1893 Police Station, Orford, Joseph Williams, constable I MOORE (or Monr) is a township and village in the parochial chapelry of Daresbury, on the high road between Warrington and Runcorn, with a station on the Warrington and Crewe section of the London and North Western railwav 178 miles from London and ~ east from Buncorn; Daresburv st-ation on the London and' iNorth Western and Great W-estern joint lines is nlso in thL, town-II i3hip, and the Bridgewarer Canal undertaking of the Manchester PE:NRETH is a township 3 miles west from Warrington, with a station on the Warrington, Widnes and St. Helens (London and North Western) railway, 10£ miles south-east from St. Helens and 2£ west from Warrington, in the parish of Prescot, Ne"i:on division of the county, hundred of West Derby and petty «essional division, union and county cr,urt districtoi' Warrington: the passage over the river Mersey in this to'\'.'1lship . is called" Fidier's Ferry.' The inhabitants attend the church at Greqt Sankey. There is a Wesleyan chapel a.nd a meeting honse for the Society of Friends. John Michael Hughes esq. is lord of the ma:).)r. The principal landowners are ;) ohn Michael Hughes, George Harrison Be>!ton and Robert Garnett esqrs. and Miss Tinsley. The soil is a ,strong loam; subsoil, clay. The chi,ef crops are wheat and barley. In 1884 100 acres of common land were inclosed, 90 acres being divided between the freeholders, 6 acres appropriated as a recreaticm ground and 4 acr~3 as a cemetery for Sankey chapeL The cemetery at Penketh is about 5 acres in extent and hail a mortuary chapel. 'l'he area is, 1,059 acres of laId and oj of water; rateable value, £7,909; the popUlation in 1881 was 1,~39, and in 1891 was 1,673. 8 WARRINGTON. Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-, Mrs. Mary Helen Clarke, postmistress. 'Letters through Warrington arrive at 4.40 a.m. & 3.50 p.m.; dispatched at 9.15 a.m. & 8.46 p.m Schools. The Friends' Endowed Boarding School here is one of the eight boarding schools belonging to the Society of Friends in England & was established in 1834 for those more or less connected with the society: it has a small endowment & receives 30 boys & 30 girls. Its aim is to give a sound commercial education combined with moral training, & children entirely unconnected with the Society of Friends are admitted at a charge of £36; Albert Pollard B.A.. principal, with a staff of 7 teachers Infant,,'. erected in 1863, at the cosi of Robert Gaskell esq. for 80 children; av<orage attendance, 65; Miss Eleanor L. Byrne, mistress iNational (Wesleyan) (mbl:ed), built in 1863 & was enlarged in 1886, for 280 children; average attendance, 199; James watsorill master Police Station, George Thorley, constable Fidler's Ferry & Penketh Railway Station, David Elliscn, station master [SLATER'S Catholic (mixed), built i-';l1820, for 109 children; average attenilance, 44; (vacant), mlstress . HOUGHTON (or Houghton Green), a hamlet, is about 3 miles north-ea'st from Warrington, and Ii north from Padgate station. Letters through Warrington, which is the nearest Inlillley order & telegraph office STOCKTON HEATH is a large village one mi~e s~lUth fr?ID Wanington, and in 1838 was formed into an eccleslastleal.parIsh from the parishes of Great Budworth and Runcorn, nna. comprising the village of Stocktvn ~~a~h and the hamlet of ~ll~ers pool; it is in the Knutsfo~d dlvlslOn of the county (Ol,eshlre), township vf Appleton, parIsh of Great Budworth, hU'lldred. 0f Bucklow, petty sessional division of Daresbury, 'Runcorn uOlon, county court district of Warrington, rural deanery of !!'rodsham west and archdeaconry and diocese of Ches~er. The Brldgewater canal undertaKing of the Manchester ShlP Canal Co. pass~g. through the parish. The church of St. Thomas,. ere"ted ilL 1826 and rebuilt in 1868 at a cost of about £13,000, 18 a stuccoed: edifice consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of fiv~ .bays, south aisle, south porch and an embattled tower contammg a. clock and one bell: in 1877 the interior was decorated, and a hand·some rered0s erected to the Rev. William Hayes, vicar ~o. GREAT SANKEY is a township, in the parish of Prescot, on 1875: several of the windows are stained, and the church ai!'o~ds. the Old Manchester and Liverpool road and the Sankey canal, 600 sittings. The register dates from the year 1850. The hvmg. about 2!; miles south-west-by-west from Warrington and 7! south· is a vicarage, gross yearly value from tit!:e rent-!3harge :£222, east from Prescot, and 12!; from St. Helens, in the Newton divi- average £166 with 2 aeres of glebe and resldence, m the glft of 8ion of the county, hundred of West Derby, petty sessional the trustees ~f Peter Whitley esq. and Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. division, union and county court district of Warrington, rural D.L., J.P. and held since 1881 by the Rev. Thomas Sinclair Tofts deanery of Childwall, and archdeaconry and diocese of Liverpool. M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. There are InC:ependl'l1t At Sankey Brijges is a. station on the Liverpool and Manchester Methodist and Primitive Methodist chapels. A ('ounty police section of the London and North Western railway, and there is station with lock-up was erected here in 1864; and has stationed. another station near the village on the ranway of the Cheshire here one sergeant and one constable. Piers Egerton-Warburton Lines Committee. The church of St. Mary is a structure of brick esq. J.P. of Arley Hall, who is lord of the manor, and Thomas in the Early English style, consisting of cbflJ]c~l, na-.e, north Henry Lyon esq. J.P. of Appleton Hall, are chief landowners. aisle, s~.uth porch and a wooden tOWf-r at the "l'st end containing The manufacture of spade. is carried on to a small extent. The a clock and one bell: there are 401 sittings. 'l'he register dates soil is clay; and the subsoil sand and. rock. The area is 720 from the year 1728. The living is a perpetual curacy, gross acres; rateable value included in the township of A.ppleton; the yearly value £170, with residence, in the gift of Lord Lilford, population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1891 was 2,460. and held since 1880 by the Rav. Edwin Sandys Jackson B.A. of Parish Clerk, John Hallows. Trinity College, Dublin. Lord Lilford (who is lord of the manor) and Michael Hughes esq. of Shirley Hall, St. Helens, are principal WILI;ERSPOOL hamlet is three-quarters of a mile south of landowners. The soil is a. strong loam; subsoil, (llay. The chief crops are wbcat and potatoes. Here are wire mills and white Warrington. Mesers. Greenall, Whitley and Co. Limited, who· lead works. The area is 1,923 ac,'es of land and 14 of water; carry on an extensive brewery here, ar£' the chief landowners_ The soil is light; and the subsoil clay and sand. rateable value, £7,343; the population in 1891 was 580. Sexton, Rich'lrd Boardman. Letters through Warringt()Il.. Stockton Heath is the nearest mcney order & telegraph office Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Sankey Bridges.-Miss Mary Elizabeth Tongue, snb-post- Wall Letter Box cleared 10.30 a.m. 1.55, 5.40 & 9.30 p.m. week days & 7.35 p.m. on sundays mistress. Lette,.s cleared at 8 & 10.25 a.m. & 1.50, 5.:i0, 8 & 9.25 p.m.; sundays, 8.55 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Great Sankey, Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.cleared at 8 p.m John Ha)lows, sub-postmaster. Letters through Warrington. Schoo19. arrive at 6.15 a.m & 4.10 p.m.; dispatched at 10.20 a.m. 5.25 & 8.10 p.rn A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1884; S. E'uttOl\, Warrington, clerk to the board ; Basil Shearer, attendance offi<'..er County Police St<ltion, John Gosling, sergeant in charge Board Schools (mixed), built in 1885, for 420 children; average National School (boys, girls & infants), for 400 children; average attendance, 290; George Clarke, master attendance, 315; Wmiam James, master; Miss Emma Hartley. girls' mistress; Miss Jane Hibbert, infants' mistress Railway Stations. Cheshire Lines Committee, Great Sankey, John B. Smith, station master THELWALL is a. township and village, and was formed into London & North Western, Sankey Bridge, Thomas Henry Davies, a parish February 8, 1870, from the parish of Runcorn; it is on station master . the .outh bank of the Mersey, which at this point resumes its course towards til" mouth, after its interception by the ManSOUTHWORTH with CROFT form a parish and joint to"n- chester Ship caotal, aLd has a station on the Altrincha.m and ship, the latter a. village 1 mile frcm Culcheth st~tion, on the Warrington section of the London and ;North Western railway, 3 Cheshire Lines -ailway, 21 miles @outh·froID Kenyon Junction miles east from Warrington, in the Altrincham division of the ~tation of the London and North Western railway, 3 north from county of Cheshire, Bucklow hundred, Warrington union and Padg'lte station on the Cheshire Lines railway, and 5 north county C01..rt ilistrict, petty sessional division of Altrincham, and from Warrington, in the Newton division of the county, hundred in the rural deanery of Frodsham and archdeaconry and diocese of West Derby, .Warringtotl petty sessional division, union and of Chester. Thc Bridgewater canu (now belonging to the county Cf urt district, rural deanery of Winwick, a.rchdeaconry Manchester Ship Canal Company) intersects the township, and o~ Warringt.on and diocese of Liverpool: Chdst Church is a the stream of the Laskey brook, which crosses the course of the building of. stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Ship canal at this point, is carried under it by means of iron chancel, rla..e, north porch and a western tower with @pire con- pipes. The church of All Saints, erected in 1842, is a building taining one bell: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from of ·st.Jne in the Early English style, consisting of chancel witb the year 1833. The living is a rectory, of the value of £300, with north aisle, nave, north aisle, north transept, and a turret on the residence in the gift of the Earl of Derby G.C.B., P.C. and held western gable containing one bell: the church affords 256 sittings. since 1892. by the Rev. Henry Isa2.C Wadeson, of St. Bees. Her9 The register dates from .the ye~r 1842.. The living is a vicarage, is a Catholic chapel, built in 1827, and dedicated to St. Lewis net yearly value £135, wlth resldence, ill the gift of Rear-Admiral and aIso a Unitaria.n chapel, built in 1839. Southworth consists John Parry Jone3-Parry, and held since 1869 by the Rev. Thomas cnlY of Southworth Hall, an ancient edifice, now o('cnpied as a Pym Williamson B.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. On the farm house. In th'l village is a good family hotel, with pleasure gable end of the " Pickering Arms" is the following inscription gardens, and a hvourite resort for picnic parties. The Brooke "In the year U20 King Edward the Elder founded a city her~ family are the owners of Southworth: the land at Croft is held and called it Thelwall." Thelwall Hall, a II.ansion of brick by many sm.n freehulders. The soil. is loamy; sub-s('il. <'lay pleasantly situated in a park, is the seat of Rear-Admiral Joh~ The chief crops are oats, Wheat, potatoes and large quantities of Parry Jones-Pa.rry, who is lord of the manor. Rear-Admiral fruit,. I,rincipally fell' Manchester and Liverpool markets. Tlie Jones-Parry, Henry Stanton esq. (heirs of), and the trustees of area is 1,884 acres, divided ~mong more than 100 proprietors; Captain Fox are the chie·f landowners. The soil is clay' the rateable value, £4,691; the population of the entire parish in 1871 subsoil clay and sa~d. The cb,ief crops are wheat, oat~ and was 1,033; in 1891 it was 914potatoes. The area lS 1,258 acres, and the rateable value is Sexton, David Waywell. £5,5li; the population in 1891 was 770. Parish Clerk, James Ditchfield. Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Croft.William Frederick Pennington, postmaster. J~etter·s arrive Post .& M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.~Joseph through Warrington at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6.5 p.m. ~'he WIlght, postmaster. Letters through Warrington arrive at ne~rest telegraph office is at Winwick, 2 miles distant. Wall 7.15 a.m. & 4 p.m. (for callers only); dispatched 1.50 & 8 Box, Little Tow 1, cleared at 5.50 p.m p.m. week days & 5.30 p.m. sundays. Grappenhall is the Police Station, Christopher Callaghan, constable in charge nearest telegr'lph oflice Schools. Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared 1.30 & 7.45 p,m. week A. School Board of 5 members was formed in 1875; Rev. Henry days only Isaac Wadeson, clerk t<> the board; William Whiston, CroH, National School (mixed), erected in 1871, for 123 children' attendance officer average attenddnce, 105; William Beard Cook, master ' Board (mixed), enlarged in 1893, for 200 children; average attendRailway Station, Jacob Kite, station master ance, 115; Jame" Cawthorne, master DIRECTORY. ] WARRINGTON. 9 I WALTON is a village and Ilarish, formed in May, 1885, and consisting of the townships or Walton Superior, Walton Inferior and Acton Grange (formerly included in the parishes of Dares-I bury and Stockton Heath), in the Kuntsford division of the county of Cheshire, Bucklow hundred, Daresbury petty sessional division, Runcorn union and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Frodsham, and archdeaconry and diocese of Chester. The village is 2! miles south-west from Warrington, and on the high road from Warringt<ln t<l :Runcorn. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, built by the late Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. D.L., J.P. at a cost of about £17,000, and consecrated in May, 1885, is an edifice of Ihmcorn red sandstone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel (with vestry), nave, dwarf transepts, south porch and a fule central tower with spire: the roof is handsomely painted, the reredos of carved oak displays· in the centre the Crucifixion, and en either side figure,;, of the Evangelists: the organ cost £1,200: there are 290 sittings: at the entrance to churchyard is a lych gate. The register dates from 1879, and contains entries made during the existence of the previous " Peel district." The living is a vicarage, endowed with £150 yearly, gross annual value £300, with residence, in the gift of Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. J.P. and held since 1885 by the Rev. Leicester John Theodore Darwall B.D. of New College, Oxford. The parish room, erected in 1885 by the late Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. is used as a reading room and a boys' Sunday school. There is a small charity, the rent of two fields, given by an unknown benefactor, and amounting to about £3 yearly, which is distributed by truoStees. Walton Hall, the seat of Sir Gilbert Greenall bad. J.P. is a handsome mansion of brick, in the ElizaDethan style, in an ext"nsive park. Walt<ln Lea, the residence of John Crosfield esq. J.P. is a stone edifice, standing in a park and wellplanted grounds of about 12 acres. Sir Gilbert Greenan bart. J.P. is the chief landowner. The soil is clay; the subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats and p{)tatoes. The area of tb,e township of Walton Superior is 437 acres, of which 12 are water; rateabie value, £2,231;· the population in 1891 was 225. Post & Telegraph Office, Higher Walton.-John Cooper, subpostmaster. Letters arrive from Warrington at 7.10 a.m. & dispatched at 5.45 & 9.10 p.m. week days only. Stockt<ln Heath is the nearest money order office Lady Greenall's School (girls & infants), for 60 children; average attendance, 30; Miss Fanny Shawcross, mistress. Boys over 8 attend the schools at Daresbury or Stockton Heath WALTOX I:N""FERIOR (or Lower Walt<m) is a t<lwnship and village in the parish of Walton, on the south side of the river Mersey, near the Manchester Ship canal, and about 2 miles south from Warrington. There is a charity of £4 yearly value. Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. J.P. is the chief landowner. The soil is clay and the subsoil clay and sand., The chief crops are wheat, oats gnd potatoes. The area is 558 acres, of which 10 are water; rateable value is £2,568; the population in 1891 was 425. ACTON GRANGE is a t<lWllship and small scattered village, 2! miles south-west from Warrington. The London and North Western Railway and the joint railway of that Company and the Great Western, as well as the Bridgewater undertaking of the Manchester Ship Canal Company intersect this t<lwnship. The Elms, the seat of Walter Jones esq. is a. handsome edifice, standing on an eminence, and commanding fine views. Sir Gilbert Greenall bart. J.P. is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is clay; the subsoil, sand and clay. The· chief crops are wheat. The area is 969 acres; the rateable value~ £4,144; the population in 1891 was 453. WOOLSTON, with MARTINSCROFT is a joint township, the former being on the road from Warrington t(} Manchester, about 3! miles east from Warrington railway station. Martinscroft, on the banks of the river Mersey, is about half a mile south from Woolston. The Woolston new cut is a canal over a mile in. length, belonging to the Bridgewater Navigation Co. Limited. Here is a Cath)lic chapel, built in 1834, and dedicated to St. Peter, and a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1827. All the land is held in small holdings. The area is 1,570 acres of land and 51 water; rateable value, £4,3b3; the popt.lation in 1881 was 504, and in 1891 was 498. Post Officc.-Miss Sarab Massey, sub-postmistress. Lettersthrough Warrington, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office. Delivery, 7 a.m.; dispatch, 7.15 p.m. No delivery cr dispatch on sundays Assistant Overseer, James Dalntith, jun. Woolston Schofrls. Catholic, Martinscroft (mixed), built in 1840, for 120 children· average atten<iance, 64; Miss Mary T. Maguire, mistress > National, Woolston,. built in 1885, fo~ 150 children; average attendance, 60; Miss Ell<:;n Booth, mIStress • LIST OF STREETS IN WARRINGTON. Academy s'treet, 58 Buttermarket st Bun'.s Head yard, 121 Bridge street Acker's lane, Grappenhall road Buttermarket street, Markeb gate Adik. Tree. yard, 45 Pinner's brow Cairo street, 21 Sankey street Admiral street, 49 Lord Nelson street Cambria pla,ce, 29 King street Aikin street, 80 Priestley stlreet Cambria street, 39 (j-olbo~ne street Albert street, 2 Pitt ,street Canal bank, Wash lane Albert terrace, Howley Canterbury ·street, Kent street Alcock's, yard, I r Rodney street Carlisle street, Cockhedge lane Alder lane, 365 Wimvick road Cartwright street, Pries,tley street Allcard. street, 43 Folly lane Castle street" 20 Sankey street .Allen street, II Froghalliane Catherine stll"eet, 135 Bewsey road .Angel yarfl, Town hill Challinor s,treet, 57 Ellesmere street Appleton street, 38 Kerfoot street Chapel court, 8 John .street Antrobus· street, 361 Winwick road Chapel s'treet, 48 Liverpool road Arnold s,treet, 150 Manches,ter road Chapel yard, Dallam lane> Arnold's yard, 40 Haydock street Charles street, II Watkin street Arpley road, Bridge foot Cheapside, 5 Hor.semarrket street Arpley street, 125 Sankey street Cheshyre's· lane, 6 Bew-s'ey street Arpley Walk, 16 Bewsey road Ohes,ter street, .52 Cho:fIley street Ashton stTeet, Haydock street Ches·teor's }lard, 20 Winwick street Ashton's yard, 33 Old road, Chorley str·eet, 56 Lythgoe's lane Atherton street, 30 Powys: street Chrimes( yard, 34 Upper Bank street Atherton's quay, Liverpool road Church street, continuat<ion of Irlam st Atkinson'·s yard, 56 Aikin street Clare street, J Ofrili street Ayden's yard, 7 Brick street Clare's buildings, II4 Lythgoe's lane Bakehouse yard" 14 St. James stlreet, Cleggestreet, Orfo~d itane Latchford Cliffe street, 8 Nicholson ,street Eack Atherton street, Atherton street Cloth Hall yard, Upper Bank street Bakehous,e yard, Friar's. gate CobdJenstreet, 73 Orford street Eakehom;e yard, I Foundry street Cockhedge lane, Scotland road Eauk quay, Howley Collins s,treet, 94 CaJrtwright street Bank quay, Arpley road CommoIll lane, Acker's lane Ba·rrow'Sl yaJrd, 7 Napier street Cornhill, Bewsey ,street EaJrry streett, 4 Grove street Cook's' yard, Aikin street Bath st·reet, 44 Legh str,eet Corbet·stil'.eet, Winwick road Battersby lane, Brick street Coronation buIldings', Upper Bank st Baxter street, 16 Powys ,street Corporation stre·et, 14 Sankey "irHllt Baxt·er's yaro, 23 Stamford street Cropper's bro'w, 38 Buttermarket st Bayhorse yard, 49 Foundry street Crosfield stree'b, Bank quay Beamont s1Jreet, 6 Ke·ndrick street Crosley street, 43 Fennel st-rr-eu Beatrice street, 301 Knutsford road, Cros:s' Istreet, 98 Longford ,street Latchford Crow yard, 3 Bridge street Bennett street, 3 Hald street Culm,s yard, 21 Napier stil'eet Berry's yard, 58 TannerS" lane Dakin's yard, 72 Church stree'j Beswick si,reet, Percy street Dale sweet, Liverpool road !lewsey road, continuation of Bewsey st Dallam lane, 14 Foundry street B'ewsey street, 57 HOl'semarket st-reet Dalton bank, 106 School brow Birchall street·, 76 Battersby lane Dannett street, 54 'V~nwkk rr'lI,1 Birchall street, 86 Lythgoe's lane David street, IS Hoyle sket t Back yard, Bridge street Delooze's yard, 4 Dial street BlacJrrhurs·t s.treet, 88 :Mlersey street Derby street, 45 Hopwood :;lrl,et Bluecoat strfl>et, 85 Winwick road Dial court, 24 Dial stre=t Boardsman's court, 46 Haydock st·reet Dial ·street, 76 Cockhedge lane Bold stre'et, 37 Sankey s,treet Dial yard, 10 Dial street Bolt.on's yard, 32 Mersey street Dickenson street·, 173 Orford lam Bostock ·street, 33 Green street· Dixon street, Sankey street Brackley street, 85 Howley lane Dolman's lane, 35 Bridge street Bramhall street, 23 Mill street Dutton street; 149 Mersey str<\et B-rick s,treet, continuatIon of Fennel st Dyebouses, Howley Bridge foot, lower end of Bridge street Eagle & Child yard, 34 Bridg-e street Bridge street, Ma.rket gate Earl street, II6 Lon~ford stl'E'·'t Bridge street buildings, 84 Bridge st . Ebenezer place, 44 Leg:h st','ect Bridgewater street, 32 Howley lane Edelsten's yard, 108 vYinwick ;t,reet. Brierley street, 39 Guardian: skeet Edgworth street, 83 Legh <;treE't Brook place, 296 Khutsford road, Edward street, 6 Pitt street Latchford Egerton street, 37 Howley lane Brook street, 35 Howle.y lane Egypt street, Cairo street Brown street, 38 Bewseystreet Eldon street, 88 Church street Brown's' yard, 56 Winwick street Eldon yard, 47 School brow Buckley court, 8 Winwiok street Elizabeth street, 24 Aikin street Buckley street, 87 Dallam lane Ellen .street, I David street Buckley's yard, 32 St. James street, Ellesmere street, 37 Howley'tane Ellesmere st.reet, Napier street Latchford Buckley's yard, 40 Haydock street Ellis street, 3 I Hoyle street Enfield street, 92 Priestley street Ernest street, Selby street Erwood street, 62 Tanners' lane Eustace street, Froghalliane Factory lane, Bank quay Fa-eto,ry yard, Factory lane Fa.irclough's yard, 3 St, James street. Latchford Fairfield court, 26 Manchester road FarreH st.reet, 18 Howley lane Fennel street, 20 Church street Firth place, 27 F,roghall lane· Flag lane, Golbour-ne s'~reet F~orence' street, Beatncestreet Folly lane, Bewsey road F.orshaw street, 131 Orford lane Forster street, 171 vVinwick road Foundry s'treet, 64 vVinwick street Fountain street, 9 Prince streetFr<iar's gate, 98 Bridge street Friar's' g,reen, 17 Fil'iar's gate Friar's lane, 8 Friar's green Froghalliane, 74 Hewsey street Furness ,street, 71 Haydock stl'El~' Gandy street, Lythgoe's ~ane Gandy's terrace, Lythgoe!s lane Gandy's walk, Lythgoe's lane Gandy's yard, Mersey street Gandy';, yard, Lythgoe's> lane Garden row, 26 Cockhedge lane Garibaldi street, 21 Green street Garner's brow, 78 Cockhedge lane Gas' street, 66 M'Orsey ,street Gaskelil street, 95 School brow Gee street', 44 Winwick road! General street, 37 School brow George s,treet, Hoyle street Gilbert street, Ellesmere st. Latchford Glad,stone street, 32 Bewsey road Glasshouse row, Factory lane Glasshouse.square, .Scotland road Glazebrook street, 75 Manchester road Golborne street, 56 Sankey street Golden. Grove street, I QueeIlJ street Golden square, Market place Gorsey lane, Padgate lane GouldeIlJ .street, Lovely la.ne Grappenhalllane, 541 Knutsford road, Latchford Green Dragon yard, Br<idge street Green street, 17 Liverpool road Green's, court, 42 Dial street Greenall stree,t, 95 Church street' Grey· street, 31 Hopwood street Grov,e street, 163 Knutsford- road, Latchford Guardian street, 96 Priestley street Hale street, 82 Longford s·treet Halifax stree't, Tilley street HaR street, II3 Mersey street HamiltoIlJ s·treet, 56 Battersby lane Hardy stree·t·, 48 Lythgoe's lane Har,rison's yard, 14 Manchester road Hart's place, Hridge street Haydock street, 47 Winwick street Heath lane, 62 Golborne· street Heath lane, Froghall lane Heath side, Golborne street Hea·ton square', 17 Orford, lane Heaton street, Johru street Hedgcock's yard, r Mount- st-r,eet Hfllsby street, 107 ManchesteT road High street, 56 School brow I Hill street, 23 Buttermarket street [SLATER'S DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. STREET LIST. 11 Hind street, Gaskell street New road, continuation of Foun- Sandhill grove, Wash lane Hopwood street, I Battersby lane tain street Sandhills terrace, Wash lane Hopwood yard" 3 Hopwood street New ,street, Howley lane Sankey brook, continuation of ~fill la Horsemarket street, Market gate Nicholson street, 53 FroghaH lane Sankey ball, ~ll lane Ho-ward street, 88 Priestley street Norman street, II6 Ohorley street Sankey street, Market gate Howard street, Liverpool road Old Barracks, Wilson-Patten street School brow, 37 Fennel street Howley bu>e, I03 Ohurch street Old gardens, Winwick road School st. 48 St. James st. Latchford Howley quay, Howley lane Ol?- road, 19 W~der:,pool causeway Scotland road, 53 Buttermarket street Hovle street, 135 Bewsey road OlIver street, Wmwick street Scott street, 92 Battersby lane Hu"a-hes' court, 43 Golborne street Orchard street, 66 Ohurch street SB'lby street, 19 Lovely lane Irl:m street, continuation of Butter- Orford avenue, Orford lane Sharp street, 100 Orford lane market street Orford barracks, Orford lane Shaw street, 57 Haydock street Irlam's Yard, 21 School brow Orford lane, continuation of Pinner's Shepherd's row, 8 Orford lane Jacks{)n;~ yard, 55 Church str·eet, brow Ship yard<, 69 Bridge street James' street, 95 Buttermarket street Orford street, 85 BJ?-tt~rmarket street Shuttle ,street, 23 Friar's green Jockey street, Winwick road Owen street, 134 'VmwlCk road Silver square, Oliver street John street, 41 Winwick street Packet stage, Mersey street Silver street, 43 Winwick street Jolleystl'OOt, 75 Legh street Padgate lane, 190 Manchester road Sim's yard, Stamford yard Jolley's court, 3 Brick street Palmy!a square, 12 Bold street S'I'ut:chers lane, Wilson-Partten stree,t Jolley's' yard, 18 Friar's green Par~dIse place, 36 Go~borne ,street Six h-ouses, 67 Dallam lalle Jones buildings, Winwick road Park place, 21 Kendrrck street Smith's court, Winwick road Keen street, 39 Guardian street Parker street, Sankey street Smith street, 126 Mersey ,street Kendrick street, 58 Legh stree,t Paul street, 4 Froghall lane Sparling street, 52 St. James street, Kent street, 37 KnutsJord road Peers court, 39 Fou~dry street Latchfoa:d Kenworthy's yard" 24 Upper Bank st Peers court, Town hIll. Speakman's yard, 28 Old road Kerfoot street, 212 Winwick road! Peers yard; 31 Town hill Spencer's yard, 10 Tilley street Kindel'S yard, 15 Old road Pem~erton,s court, 13 Sankey street Springfield street, 83 Sankey street :King street, 3 8 Sankey street Penn;ng;on s yard, 14 Stamford stree~ Stamford street, II2 Winwick road Knig'ht'-s <entry, miver street PerCIval s fold, 9 Buttermarket street Standey streett, 21 Friar's green 'er .·trnnt Percy street, 26 Lovely lane Stephen ,street, 2 Helsby street d·" 01'IV'... I Kn oweS' = f, t e eStp h·enson s t ree t ,2 H amr'It on s t ree t Knutsforaya,r road, continuation of St. P errin s yar d ,2 8 F ound ry s t r e James street, Latchford Pe~e;r street, 49 Horsemarket street Stoney yard, I Cloth Hall yard L' - I I'd ntinuation of Bank qy P~llhp .street, I Oharles street Suez street, Rylands street I~erpoo " " co _ 1 ' Plerpomt street, 127 Bewsey street Sugar House yard, I Bewsey street Laira s,treet, BaUers'by ane Pilkington yard 28 Fennel street Taibot yard, 4 King street Laird street, 13 6 Ba.ttersby lane . Pilling'.s court, '30 Dial street' TanneiI>s' lane, 93 Bewsey 'street Latchford locks, Latchford Pinner's brow vVinwick street Taylor'.s yard, 239 vVinwick road Lees ya;,rd, 45 Hayd!ock street Pinshop yard,' Turner' street Temple court, 3 Horsemarket street Le~h street, 70 San~~?, s;reet Pitt street, II3 Bewsey road Thelwall lane, 322 Knutsford road, LeIcester street, 8 .Aikin "t,reet Platt street, Oockhedge lane Latchford Leouardl st.re,et, 149 Orford lane Poachers' lane 'Thelwall lane Thewlis street, 81 Liverpool road Lilford street, 99 Bews-ey road Pocket s£reet,' 9 Orford lane Thynne street, 50 Parker street Lincoln street, Orford lane Porter street 30 Napier street Tilley street, 34 Brick street L~therlan~i's ya.rd, 70 Ohurch street Portland stre'et, Buckley street Tinsley's terrace, I Foundry street L~ttle wemt, 33 Buttermarket· str>eet Potts yard, II Ohurch street Toft's yard, 6 Hall street L~ttle Islar;d, Howland, quay Powysstreet, 45 Liverpool road Town hill, 38 Horsemarket street Littiemore s court, 100 Ohurch street Price street Lovely lane Trafalgar court, 8 Ohurch street Litton's row, 3 8 Mer.sey street Price street: 26 Marson street Trinity place, 3 Sankey street Lloyd: street,. I I Bramhall street Priestley street, 25 Green street Turner street, 63 Winwick street Lodge bue, Bewsey road; Prince street, 62 St. James street, Turner's yard, 21 Turner street Lomax yard, 10 Hall s,treet Latchford .Twelve houses, Howley Longford street, 186 O::ford lane Pritchard's yard, 46 Fennel.street Twiss yard, Oockhedge lane Lord stree·t, 12 Fountam_ st::eet Providence place, 77 Lythgoe's lane Twisses yard, WilderspoO'l causeway Lord .Nelson stre~t, 5 6 .:N apler street Pump yard, School street. Union coourt, 90 Bridge street Lovely lane, contmuatron of Green st Pump yard, Lythgoe's lane Union street, Upper Bank street Lower Bank street, 60 Mersey street Pye's yard, 14 Old road Upper Bank st. 14 Buttermarket st Lower Stamford street, back of Stam- Quay fold, 60 .Liverpool road Bere .street, 36 Ohorley street ford street Queen street, I Bewsey street Vernon's yard, Fennel street Lower wash, 326 Knutsford road, Railway cottages, Bank quay Victoria street, 5 Fennel street Latchford ,Railway square, Factory lane Wainwright's yd. 89 Buttermarket st Lyme street, 25 Horsemarket street Randon 'Cottages 322 Knutsford rd. Wakefield street, 94 Priestley stre·et Lythgoe's lane, 53 Pinner's brow Latchford' Walker street, 18 Bewsey street Malley's court, 61 Foundr:Y str,eet Refuge square, Liverpool road Warburton'.s yard, 9 Naylor street Manchester road, contm~atron of Regent street, 8 Golborne street Waslh lao 469 Knut'sford rd. Latclhford Church street Richa.rdson's court, 13 Naylor street Water st. II St. James st. Latchford Manley street, 28 Leicester street Rigby street, 50 Academy street Watkin street, 127 Winwick road .Market gate, centre of town Riley's court, 45 Foundry street Webster's yard, 32 Dial street Market place, Market street River road, 26 Wilderspool causeway Wellfield street, 153 Liverpool road Market street, Market place Robinson's court, 8 King street Wellfield street, 33 ~ll lane Marsh street, I74 Manchester road Robinson'.s yard, 36 Fennel street WellingtOIl street, 46 Napier street Marsh street, 26 Marsh lane Robson street, 9I Manchester road Welsh'~ yard, 44 Old road Marshouse lane, 32 Padgate lane Rodney street, 47 Pinner's brow West street, 189 Winwick road Marson street, 2 Tanners' lane Roger street, 19 Gaskell street Wharf street, 23 Mersey street Mersey mount, 52 Mersey street Ro'lleston street, 78 Legh stree;:h White street, 36 Parker street Mersey street, Bridge foot Rose place, 78 Liverpool road Whittle street, 3 Dial street Mersey terrace, Mersey street Rose yard, 16 Dial .street 1Vilderspool causeway, Victoa:ia brdg. M~ll lane, continuation of Green st Rose & Crown street, 44 Mersey st Bridg-e foot ]'vIiH street, Market place Rowe street, 14 Winwick road William street, 47 School brow Mill yard, 27 Fennel street Rudd's yard, II Turner street 'Villiamson ,square, 45 Ohurch street ~l yard, 21 School brow Russell street, 26 Kerfoot street vVilson-Patten street, 14 Bold street Milner sueet,3 LiverpOOl road Ryland's street, 62 Bridge street Winmolldeigh ,street, 101 Sankey st Monks street, I29 Lovely lane Ryland's court, Foundry street Winwick road, continuation of WinMorris court, 85 Church street Ryland's yard, 32 Schoo'! bro,w wick streej; Morris yard, Silver square St. Alban's avenue, Bewsey street vVinwick street, oontin'11a.ti'on of HorseMorris yard, 65 Ohurch street St. Austin's lane, 5 Friar'.s green market street Mount street, I4 Golborne street St. James street, Latchford bridge, Wire Shop yard, 14 Turner street Museum street, 14 Bold street Latchford Wood's court, Ohurch street Napier street, 149 Mersey street St. Mary street, 51 Knutsford road, 'Wrightstreet, 168 Liverpool road Navigation street, 101 Howley lane Latchford Wright street, Howley Naylor street, 97 Buttermarket st Salisbury street, 6I Manchester road York st. 92 St. James st. Latchford TBI WARBINGTON GUARDIAN AND THIRTEEN ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS, With Central Printing and Publishing Works, employing nearly Three Hundred Workpeople. Each Paper with its own Omce and Staff. Sixteen Reporters, and Fonrteen District OMces. LONDON OFFICE-60, LUDOATE HILL, E.C. Tvviee - a - vveek District A.-THE B.-THE " " o.-THE THE Papers :-Wednesday, 1d.; Saturday, 2d. WARRIHGTOll GUARDIAN, 42nd year, for WUl'l'ington and Newton Parliamentary Divisions. CHESTER GUARDIAN 38th year, for Ohester and Eddisbury Parliamentary Divisions , and North Wales. _ . NORTHWICH GUARDIAN, 34th year }For Northwich Parliamentary WINSFORD & MIDDLEWICH GUARDIAN, 34th year Division. 1 " D.-THE ALT.RINCHAM: AJD BOWDON GUARDIAN, 33rd year For Altrincham and Stretford THE SALE AND STRETFORD GUARDIAN, B3rd year Parliamentary Divisions. " E.-THE THE THE THE F.-THE THE " " CREWE GUARDIAN, 32nd year tiANTWICH GUARDIAN, 32nd year For Orewe Parliamentary Division and Congleton. SANDBACH GUARDIAN, 32nd year CONGLETON GUARDIAN, 5th year KHUTSFCRD GUARDIAN, 34th year . } For Knutsford WILMSLOW AIm ALDERLEY EDGE EDITION, 7th year Parliamentary Division. G.-THE RUNCORN GUARDIAB, 33rd year THE WIDNES GUARDIAN, 33rd year } For "Vidnes Parliamentary Division and Runcorn. ADVERTISEMENT SCALE.-WEDNESDAY OR SATURDAY. Parliamentary Notices, Election Addresses, Prospectuses Chancery and Legal Notices Auctions, Public Meetings, Auditors', Bank and Board Notices, MuniCipal} and County Council Elections, Contracts, Tenders . .. ... Sermons, Bazaars, Entertainments, Excursions, Education, Money, Lost and} Found, Insurance, Shipping, Parish Notices, Leys, Horses, &c. The Warrington AND HEAD ORDERS ed. " ad. " ad. " Daily Guardian. Published at 3.0 and 5.0. CHEQUES 18. per line TO 12th year. MACKIE & CO., LTD. OFFJ:CE-~ARRJ:NGTON. STREET l{EGISTER OF WARRINGTON AND ITS SUBURBS. ACADEMY STREET. (Buttermarket street.) 44 Heywood James, labourer ALLEN STREET. 46 Nock Thomas, labourer (Froghall lane.) 48 Monks Mrs. Ann, householder Left-hand side. Left-hand side. 52 Shaw William, moulder 2 & 4 Rawling & King, grocers 54 Barrow Benjamin, ironworker 2 Pickton Thomas, wheelwright 8 Cannell James, physician 58 Parr Thomas, platelayer 4 Johnson James W. saddler 4 Rawling Charles E. grocer 62 Lee William, labourer 6 Ostle Mrs. Rachel, householder 4 King Henry, grocer 64 Barton Joseph, fitter 8 Wood Thomas, vanman Bate James, labourer, Laurel cot 66 Roberts John, fitter IO Wiggins John, wood carver Richmond & CQ. Lim. gas appa- 68 Bunn Thomas, puddler I2 Cullen Mrs. Mary, householder ratus manufacturers 70 Jones Thomas, labourer I6 Jolley George, warehouseman 44 .A.ikenhead David, moulder 18 Carr,pbell Mrs. Hannah, househldr 4 6 Day William, labourer Right-hand side. 20 Baxter Mrs.. Ellen, milliner 48 Green Thomas, fitter 3 Corless Michael, labourer 22 Allbrook Richard, shunter 50 O'Brien Thomas, labourer 5 Evans George, labourer 24 Owen Mrs. Ann, householder 26 Knowles Matthew, coal agenb ... ... ... Here is Rigby street 7 Boyle John, jun. tanner 28 Monks William, plumber 52 Jones George, smith 9 Boyle John, wire drawer 30 Buck John, milk dealer 54 Magrath William J. bookbinder I I Thomason John, fustian cutter 3 2 Acton Thomas, bill poster 54 Houghton Miss Alice, dress maker I3 Leigh Thomas, painter 34 Crutchley Mrs. Laura, househldr 56 Ware George, baker IS Jones Joseph, labourer ...... Here is Edgeworth street ... ;.. 58 Rigby Henry, tin plate worker I7 Blease John, carter 60 Foulkes William, foreman I9 Ashton Mrs. Mary, householder 44 Duckworth Mrs. Margrt. boot ml:r 62 Peers Mis's. Susannah, apartments 2I Pidgeon John, labourer 46 Gwilliam David, labourer 64 Bradshaw Joseph, iron worker 23 Woodcock Daniel, labourer 48 Hewitt Thomas, warehouseman Free Gospel Church 25 Burrows Thomas, labourer S0 Edwards Edward, coachman. 27 Hill William, labourer 52 Hewitt Samuel, ]»rinter .......... Here is Mersey street 29 Timmis Robert, labourer 54 Molyneaux George, wireworker Right-hand side. 3 I Ashman Elijah, shopkeeper 56 Monks William, plumber 35 Morris George, wire worker 58 Bennion Jeffrey, wire drawer I Hill John S. chemist 37 McGee Frederick, wire drawer 60 Bowers Henry, brewer 3 McGril Mrs. Louisa, householder 59 Worrall James, iron worker 62 Griffiths Mrs. Ann, householder 5 Wareing Wil~am, painter 6I Bernard George, carter 64 James Benjamin, railway porter 7 Dean J o.hn, Wll'e drawer _ 63 Clough Henry, labourer Pickton S. & D. wheelwrights 9 Ba~kervP.le T~omas, rubber worker 65 Spencer John A. labourer 76 James John, railway. guard Fl'lends Meetn;g. House 67 Morgan Thomas, labourer 78 Pickton David, wheelwright Temp:rance MissIOn Room 69 Nock Joseph, wire worker 80 Caldwell Thomas, shopkeeper IIaRowlinson J~m.es, caretaker. . 7 I Nock James, labourer Here is Brown street . Observe~ ~rmtmg & Publishing 73 Groom John, rivetter ......... Here is Queen street . Co. LImIted 75 Plant Jesse, foreman Right-hand side. I3 H~nnah Mrs. Sarah: householder 77 Cope William, puddler I5 RIchardson John, WIre drawer 79 Liptrot Samuel, striker I Grounds Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper I5 Hadland Charles, gasman . 8I Bloomfield WID. hospital caretako'-l' 3 Beddard Thomas, iron worker 59 Moss Mrs. Hannah, blacksmIth 83 Walker Miss~finnie,hospital maMn 5 Corney Alfred, schoolmaster (Stephen Moss) . Hospital for Infectious Diseases 7 Turner Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner Moss Stephen, blacksffilth 9 Rawling Daniel, insurance agent Rigby Henry, tinplate worker :rr Williams William, cooper ALBERT STREET. 63 Goodwin William, boot maker I3 Payne William T. fitter (Pitt street.) Here is Mersey street I5 Bat.e William S. goods guard I9 Taylor John, shopkeeper Left-hand side. 2I Hall John W. hatter AIKIN STREET. 4 Morris Richard, iron worker 23 Taylor Jonathan, householder 6 Cotterill Charles, householder (Priestley street.) 25 Baxter John, letter carrier 8 Atkins Mrs. Eliza, householder Left-hand side. 27 Greenway William, glass engraver IO Watson George, tailor 29 Wilcox Mrs. Selina, dress maker 4 Nicholson William, brick setter 12 Roberts Thomas, forgeman 6 Hardman Thomas, tanner . 14 Baguley William, carter 3I Molyneaux George, wire drawer 8 Binks Benj amin, shopkeeper 16 Hand Mrs. Mary A. householder 33 Taylor Charles, engine driver 35 Perdue Robert, engineer 18 Barton John, engine driver ... ... Here is Leicester street 37 Podmore Joseph, hair dresser 20 Morris Henry, shingler IO Burgess Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper 39 Newns John E. grocers' assistant Platt Jas. & Son, fustian cutters Right-hand side. 4I Pennington Mrs. Mary, househldr ... ... Here is Elizabeth street. . ..••• 3 Clough Samuel, painter 43 Ledbury Miss Jane, householder 24 Williams Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper ... .. . Here is Edgeworth street 5 Raftery John, labourer 26 Harris George, gardener 7 Taylor Alfred, gas fitter 45 Irlam James, plumber 28 Wright Thomas, wire drawer 9 Rabbit Peter, labourer 47 Cann Joseph, vanman 30 Bate Joseph, engine driver I I Starkey Mrs. Ellen, householder 49 Hughes Edward, porter 36 Percival Bernard, wire drawer 13 Howell William, striker 51 Woods Samuel, greengrocer 38 Davison James, labourer 15 'Woods Joseph, clerk 53 Plinston Samuel, hawker 40 Boyd Walter, weigher 17 McKane James, labourer Jolley J. & T. & Co. file & t-ool m~k~.:~ :1:< Hil~ A.:])ert 1::. fitter 19 Halil JOllIl/. labourer: > 14 STREETS. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S 17 Jolly Harold, householder BATTERSBY LANE. 19 Roberts William, boot maker (Brick street.) 21 Forshaw William J Left-hand side. . 2 Bridge. Joseph, dairyman .. ...... .. . Here is Thynne street 23 Houghton William B. grocer 4 Ward! Alfred, fOl'geman ALLGARD STREET. 25 Lawless 'iVilliam, salesman 6 & 8 OlaTe Peter, rope & twine ma (Folly lane.) 27 Young Cornelius, foreman 10 Brogan Mrs. Ann, householder 29 Brown Francis, householder 12 Cla,re MTS. Hannah, householder 5 Neary Mrs. Ann, honseholder 31 Kirkland, Rev. William John 14 Bate Richard, househoMer 7 Seddon William, stoker 33 Wallington Edward, schoolmaste~ 16 Lindsay John, joine.r 9 Robert-s Roger, pointsman 35 Caldwell John B. teacher of muslC 18 Appleton John, file cutter I I Rowan James, stoker 37 Creik Joseph, manager 20 Ifu,]l Richard, tailor 13 NOTbury James H. feirgeman 39 Porritt John, storekeeper 22 Harrison George, weaver IS Bunn William, labourE:\r 41 Millwood John, engraver 24 Ohidlow Oharles, labourer 17 Smith William, labourer 19 Phillips GeoTge, storekeeper ......... Here is Museum street 26 "Vibberley Joseph, missionary 21 Cookson Edwin, stoker Here is Wilson-Patten street 28 Olark Ralph, smith 23 Pennington. Joseph; engine driv8r 30 North John, engine driver 2S GregoTy William, labourer ARTHUR STREET. 32 Hogg James, manager 27 Cookson Charles, stoker . 34 Earley James, spinner (Froghall-lane.) 3 8 Ad:disOIlJ J onn, overlooker ARPLEY . ROAD. 2 Womersley Mrs. Oharlotte,houshldr 40 Sfu?ey William, wa~tch maker (Bridge Foot, Bridge street.) 4 Parker Isaac, gardener 42 Br:a~r.ey J'ohn, platelaye.r 6 Lloyd Robert, foreman 46 -8nnt,h J,o:s~ph T. engraver Left-hand side. . So Beny Wilham, labourer Here 1S Eustace street . Wanington Slate Co. Lim. bnil54 Byrne Willi am, penslOner der-s' merchants 8 Wilkinson Mrs. Ma.ry A. shopkeepI' 56 Henshall Robert, ,shopkeeper London & North-Western Rail- 10 St-elfo'll:: J o.seph, compo,sitor Biere is Hamilton street way, Arpley Station 12 .83.illder,s Mrs·. Ann, householder . Railwaymen's Mission Room 62 R1l~,y Joil:Ln, shopkeeper 14 Davis Jabez, iron worker Fairclough John, wheelwright 16 Rathmill Robert, gla,s,s maker 64 WrIght J.o,~n, tann~r Monks James, rope & twine manu- 18 Gandy Hemy, bookkeeper 66 Booth William, brlCk setter facturer, ATpley Rope works 20 Owen Edward, en,gine driver 68 Bennett J oseph, d:res,s~iJ.' Hall John, wholesale grocer 22 Charnock William, galvuniz·er 70 Brown Gemge ~. sIDlth 72 Moore John, SIDl~ Here is Wilson-Patten street .,. 24 ]\,IIarshall Thomas B. mana.ge.r 26 Glover John, schoolmaster 74 Read Joseph, engineer Right~hand side. 28 Baird John brewer 76 Loxley J.o:hn, pork butoher Swain Thomas, corn merchant Here 'is Paul street ._ Here is Birchall st,reet Lockett John & Mrs. Ann Adams, Here is Bewsey road 78 N o·rbury John, ,shopkeeper greengrocers 80 Bellis Thomas, moulder Corporation Weighing Machine ASHTON STREET. 82 Dickinson Wadd:ington, labourer Tinsley John .& James, tanners 84 Stanist-reet John, file cutter Hughes Josep:!:!, file & tool manu(John street·Y 86 Crawley William, electrician ~acturer, Arpley works 88 Hacke,u, Edwin, brick setter Wigan Coal & Iron Co. Lim. coal Le,f~-handsid:e. 90 .senior~fr;s. MaTy, shopkeeper merchants ; Jas. BTandreth, agnt H\o.re 1S John street.) 92 Littlewood John O. pattern 'maker ......... HeTe is Bold street 24 WaTburton Mrs. .Ann, householdeir Here is Scott .street .. z6 Clarke John, smith Alb' h _. . ARPLEY STR EET . 28 Spence.!' William, joineT 94.fi l~n' otel, WIlliam Jenks (Sankey street.) 30 WaTburt,Qll John, laboureT II2 WhItfield John, shopkeeper Left-hand side. 32 Davie,s George, lab-ourer' II6 Jackson Thom~,s,stone ma,son 34 Ratcliffe Samuel, fitter II8 Green ~ames, msurlan.ce agent 6 Bates Peter, householdeT 36 Higham John, lab.ourer 120 Bo:nd RlCha;rd;, househo1<1e,r IO Crampton Thomas, shopkeeper 3 8 Higson Benjamin, foreman 122 Phnston WIlha;m H. clerk 124 Roe _Henry, fned fish dealer 12 Pearce ArthUT, tailoT' 40 Davie.s William O. iron turner ......... Here is Henry street 42 Emson James, householdeT 128 Balshall Tho':n~s, overlookeT '44 Thompson John fitter 130 H{jlbrook WIlliam, agent 14 Jewkes Ebenezer, householdeT 6 S 'th M S ' h Ell h hId 132 Pearson J'oshua, foreman 16 Dunbalin Jas. drapers' assistant 4 8 Rm~liff- r;'h eihe~J.' ous, ir 134 Abbotts Joseph clerk 18 Brown George, c~shieT' _ 4 J:'tto.eJ~' n, 'o?-s 0- er 136 Hallsall Jame,s 'w. engine driver 20 Bennett Mrs. Ehzbth. coal agent So non, eIlJglneer . .' _ . (No outlet.) He,re. IS LMra street . 22 Kendrick Miss Annie, householder 24 Perris Alfred, coal agent 13 8 Brook!es Geo,rge Hy. hardcwaxe dlr ......... Here is Hanover street Right-hand side,. 14 8 H.ough Ohar1es, gairdener' . 28 'Northington Charles S. clerk Here is John street 15 2 P1ckton ~enry O.shunter 30 :flirtles John E. photographer 49 Gibbins A. carting agent Here 1S Forsha,w ,street .. 32 Parkinson James, photographer 154 FraY James, enginee!L' 34 Pritchard William Henry, clerk (No out,let.) IS6 Bradshaw James, brick setter 36 Titchett George, estate agent 158 Lythgo,e Samuel, file forger 38 Ikin Daniel, stocktaker BANK QUAY. 160 Taylor John, 1ahoure,r 40 GaTnett ;!"b.os. J. relieving officer London & North Western Railway 162 Wild John, moulder 42 Hughes William H. bookkeeper S 164 Jordan Ha,rry, ,smith 44 Dutton Daniel, traveller ~=s StaJ'ker, stat,ion maste.r 166 Ashley A. s,01d18r 4 6 Scottish Legal Life Assurance Anglo American Oil Co. Limited, 168 Kay & Cowdell, gro'Ceil'S Co.; John Goldie, district man lamp oil merchants Here is Le,onaxd $tr'eet Here is Wilson-Patten street·... Robinson, Skinner & 00'. Limited, 170 Kno'll:: Thoma,s, labour,er Right-hand side. glass manufact,ur,ers" Merse,y 172 Craddock HenTY, foreman I Dixon. Francis Flint glass works 176 Grice John L. ·sto,cktaker I Dixon John F. veterinary surgeon Litto;n Thomas & 00. . (J.ames 178 Oairter GeoTge, laboure,r British School (People's College) Fairclough & SOilS), IILlllers & 180 Wood John, wiT-e d,rawer Continuation School (Municipal) CQ,rn mer's. Bank Quay mills 182 Bat,e Frederick wire dm.wer 3 Evans John, householder Poohin ~. D. & O?" Limited,manu- 184 Oooper ChairIes: engine driver 5 .Amos Thomas D. schoolmaster factu-:mg chem1sts" Bank Quay. 186 Thompson Rohert, ,shopkeepel' . D'lCkenson sheet 7 Williams Edward, manager K oheIDlcal H works & 0 1 '.1 & ....... H er'e 1S 9 Mills Isaac, _wire worker ·enyoll enry '0. c lemlca I I Rahbone Mrs spelter manufacture.rs 188 Bro~hertoll John, .milkman Mers'ey 0'11he) Rubber Co. Limited, 190 Pea~son John, c~1cker ......... Here is White street india rubber mtanufacturers 192 Astl.ey Jame,s, bnck sett'er 13 Hickman William, auctioneer Crossfield Joseph & Sons, soap 194 Manion Michae'l, engine driver . IS .Alford George, traveller manirs·. (& silicate of sodb.) Here is Orfo,rd lane .. ALLEN STREET-continued. 63 Holloway Richard, joiner 65 Rogers William, beer retailer ......... Here is Queen street m:: WARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] STREETS. 15 I 123 Eccles Richard Taylor George, iron worke,r 125 Ford William, cashier Smith Thomas, wire drawer Morrall George, iron worker 127 Bertles Samuel, wine & spirit mer ... ..... Here is Pierpoint stre-et ........ Finch Jonathan. confectioner Dunmore John, householder 133 Thompson William Alla..'1 Thomas & Sons, plumbe.rs> 135 Pidduck Mrs .Allen Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper ......... Here is Oatherine street Beard George Wm. beer oretailer Imperi~ hotel, Thoma,S' Partridge, Pendlebury Frederick, builders' proprIeto'r merchant, Holly villa .......... Here is Royle street .. 90 Kerfoot John, cart ,owner 163 Armstrong J olm, shopkeeper 92 Roberts Richard, boot maker 94 Seninr :Mrs. Mary A. householder 165 Cottan James, ca'rting contract.or 167 Probert Mrs. Jane, ho·useholder 96 Beaman Samuel J. roller 169 Leask Alexander, foreman 98 Holmes Oharles J 173 Hartliey ErnBst, foreman Bay cottages~ 175 ~wshall Bar-tholomew, man-a,o-er 100 Briggs William, pawnbroker 102 Parkinson William, brush manufr 177 Griffiths John R. manager '" Li'lac villas~ Here is Folly lane . I04 Simpson Charleg, iron worker Here is Lodge lane . 106 Masg,eyEdward, butcher I08 .A,ghton Jame,s, iron ToUer IIO Greening Mrs. Holly house BEWSEY STREET. 112 Fairhurst John, borough trea(Horsemarket street.) BEAMONT STREET. surer, Birch house Left-hand side. / (Kendrick street.) II4 Fieldhouse John, househ{)lder BeechwoodfCooper John, hay & straw dealer Left-hand side. 116 Rathbone Arthur H.secretary Here is Golden Grove street . 10 Barlo'w Mrs. Mar-ia, householder II8 Houghton Henry Farmers' stores, butchers 12 Hewitt: James, painter 120 Potter Mrs. The Retreat Lancashire & Oheghire Farmers' 14 Ba!I'r James, manager 122 Pearson John, houselholder Co.-operative Association, Lim. 16 Ward George A. joine.r daIrymen ' 124 Baker Mrs. Ellen, householder 18 Ashton John, ,par-k keeper Farmers' Exchange dub 20 Mcock Willi~ foreman. Here is Lovely lane 8 Coopers' Arms, Henry Evans .......... He,re is Lodge lane 10 Warrington &Mid-Cheshire ExamiRight-hand side. Right-hand side. ner office I Wagstaffe Joshua, timekeeper I Brooks Edcward: M.n., O.M. sur- IO Wal~er J?hn &! Co. publishers, 3 Clough Robert, roreman goon, Summer house 12 Regustnar s office: ; James O. Sut5 Acton Frank, plumber 3 Pilkington Tho!S. Hughesl ' A:n:keys ton: supt. re.gIstrar 7 Eccle·st.on Thomas, 'compositor Northfield '.12 Warrmgton Umon office 9 Whittaker' Mrs. Eliz!lJ, householderrBewsey chambersI I 'Whitehead Edward:, packing maker .......... Here is P·rice street 14 Warrington & District Bill Posting 13 Ashley John, manager Warrington Wire Rope WOl'ks Lim. & Advertising 00. Lim. 15 Bonehill Ohristopher, carpet fitter wire rope manufacture!'s 14 Podmore John,' agent to Provident 17 Walker Mrs. Elizh. householder 33 Grindrod J'ohn T. enginee,r Building Society 19 Wa;rd Thomas, pattecrn maker 35 Ros·s Samuel, engineer 14 Northern Investment & Discount 21 Hewitt Robert, joiner 37 Howell Henry, wheelwright 00. Lim. Loan cffice 23 Winstanley Mr's. :MM-y, householdr 39 Morris Tho~s., joiner 14 Warrington Land & Property 00. 25 Sewell Robert" insurance a,O"ent 4IOrmsley Thos. J. inland revcenue Limited 27 Collin Hienry, joiner " . officer 14 Tunstall T. & J. L. & 00. chartered 43 Ooliedge Joseph, watch maker accountants 45 JeIli:1ings Andrew, insurance a,O"ent 14 Obs~rver P~i.TJ.ting & Publishing Co. BESWICK STREET. 5,1 [Moss John, fitte,r '" LIm. regrstered office (Percy str<eet. ) Warrington District Highway 53 iRhodes' Thomas, tailor 55 Jo.nes S=uel, ins.uranee agentBoa;rd, John Tihompsoll,surevyo,r .......... Here is PeTcy street 57 Gibson, Thomas" tool maker Here is Brown skeet .. 17 Schule Carl, butcher 59 Jcmes Mr·s.. Sarah, householder 38 Bell William H. storekeeper BEWSEY ROAD. 61 Baxter Mrs. Annie, house;holder 40 Wood John, railway inspector (Bewsey ,street.) 63 Vale John,engine driver 42 Ashbury Chas. railway inspector Left-hand side, 65 H~dma!lJ Edward, puddler 44 Baird James, brewer 67·Stringeil" Thomas, puddler 46 Norman Ralph, nuisance inspector Wesleyan Chapel 69 Russell EdwaJI'd:, puddlex 48 Thompson Harry A. railway agent 2 Watkins Rev. Owe~ , 71 Payton Mrs. Bet,s·y, honseholder 52 Darton George H. foreman 4Smethu,rst James, lTonfounde,r 73 Ba,rnes Thomas, wire weaver 54 Delavante Mrs. Amy Mary, hsldr 6 Craddock .In. Wm. Green, mana-Igor 75 Ootterill John, insurance agent 56 Muir James, househ:Jlder 8 Greening Miss 77 1Vright Thomas, joiner 58 Sutton .James A. ironmo!lger Bew,sey pIa-ce+---79 Jennings .Mrs. Mary, shopmeeper 62 Wylli~ Robert, draughtsman , IO Parsonage FTederick, brewer Pearson & Knowles' (T,he) Coal & 64 Besw'lck Joseph, tobacconist 12 Paton William, iron roller Iron 00. Limited, colliery pro- 66 Speakman John, clerk 14 Richardson 'Jam.e.s,cool me.rohant prieto·rs & iron manufactul'e,rs 68 Waldron James, clerk 16 Massey Frederick Bewsey fo-rge ' , ...... Here is Edgewo;pth gt-reet Here is Arthu,r street 85 :Y~orris Thomas, manager vVydiffe Oongregati~n,lIChurch St. Paul's Church 9931 DrmmelowWilliam W'. clerk W ycI'iffe Day Schools Muckley David, manager ......... Here is Walker street 95 Chambers Edwa.rd, foreman 7° Shepherd 'Dhomas R 18 Whalley William., engine driver 97 Fair John, traveller 74 Marsvn Miss 20 Pickton Samuel, wheelWTight 99 Pemberton Mrs. Sar!lJh, h-ouselwldl' Here is Froghall lane 22 Womexsley Fred, wire dra,wer H' Right-hand side. 24 Davis George, cle,rk ......... ere IS Lilford street ......... 26 Buckley Goorge, gas.. maker IOI vVa,rburton William, traveller I Mounfield Charles, hosier 28 StoOUt William, ,reader I03 Bebbillgtcm Miss Emma, houshldr ...... Her"! is Sugar House yard 30 Be=an Samuel, iron roller I05 Wood Robert, tailor 17 Martin Robert, fried fish dealer 32 Hilton George, householder I07 Wonall James, porter Malkin Henry, fried fish dealer ......... Here. ill Gladstone street I09 Jones John E. engine driver Oldfield Oharles, hairdresser III WhitHe Thom!lJs, leather mer H-,'lghes A. herbalist 34 Troman Thcmas, furooceman 36 . Edwardson Edward, wire"drawe.r Here is Pitt stree,t ;... Li;erPdool. OokWurierd (brancht office); 3 8 Malkin Henry, householde,r B re enc 00 s, agen :Mlill 117 ayley James, tailor Ellison & Webster, fruiterers 40 - .. er Mrs. :Ma.ry, upholskes,s Bewsey tenaceCooper & Co. fustian cutters 42 Patchett Thomas, shingler II9 Dick William, corre,snoondent J W'lli &S 44 Baker Wil.liam, eno-:ine drI'v,nr S 1" ones' 1 am ons, engineerg "" ~ 121 mith Joseph, cashier Here is Foundry street . Right-hand side. Smith John, :file hardener 3 Edwards Edwin, engineer 5 Ashworth 1frs. Amy, apartments 7 Brown John,:file cutter 9 Browness William,'labourer I I Taylor Thomas, taper 13 Tilling Miss Mary E. dress maker 13 Parr James, :fil'e forger 15 Chapman Noble, barman 19 Scott John, joiner 21 Warhurst Thomas, clerk 23 Nurse Mrs. Florence, householder 25 Buckley Robert, carter 27 Ac'ourt George, -signalman 29 Kemp Robert .I.' clerk 3'1 Henderson J,ohn J. timekeeper Cheshire Lines Oommittee (Enginee1's' Department) 35 Millington 'r.homas C. clerk ...... Here is Marsh House lane I 46 48 56 58 60 62 64 86 88 16 STREETS. BEWSEY STREET-continued. 23 Brooks Thomas, fried fish dealer 25 Hughes Patrick, labourer League Hall; Patrick Hughes, caretaker 3 1 Kean John, householder 33 R'd Hind Miss1'<~Mary, S householder E 35 1 gway _l.rs. arah .householdr 37 Sinnock Joseph A. watch maker 37 Brough Mrs. Charlotte, apartments 39 Barlow William, flour dealer 4 1 Lamb Miss Ann Maria, apartments 43 Brough Mrs. Mary E. apartmeIlJts 45 Woods, Miss Charlotte, dress roakr 47 Rose Mrs. Emma;, apartments Ragged Sunday School 55 PlinstonJames, tailor 57 Nightingale Robert, grocer 59 Ikin Mrs. Maria, householder 61 Mills Richard, manager 63 Cavanagh George J. newsagent 65 Pigot Rev. Harry Vem{)n M.A 69 Liberal Olub; Edwin J. Mitchell, club steward arrington LI'beral As.ocl·atl·on·, ~ 69 W John Clayton, registration agent St. Alban's avenueFirth Rev. Austin D., O.S.B. The Presbytery Cody Rev. John Sigebert O.S.B. The Presbytery· Craven Rev. Thomas Isidore O..S.B. The Presbytery St.Alban's Roman Catholic Chrch 89 Powell Mrs. Margaret, apartments 91 Barratt Joseph, manager Adams Joseph M.B., C.M. surgeon . H ere IS . Tanners' lane Here IS Bewsey road BOLD STREET. (Sankey street.) Left-hand side. . .... I Wo<!lpack Inn, Herbt. Hollmgworth S Bralde George, surgeon 7 Warrington Club 7 Young George, club steward ............Here is Egypt street 9 Geary Eugene J. surgeon I I Fleming Ernest L. I3 vVallhead Spencer I5 Chantry WilliaIID '-7 Thompson Christmas I9 Geddes John ............Here is Suez street............ 21 Joseph George W., M.D. surgeon ......... Here is St. Austin's lane St. Austin's chambersWhite John, MacIver & Co. es. tate agents Beesley Thomas, architect Silcock Alfred 27 Isaac William 29 Davies John E. 3 1 Edelstell John A. 33 Crosfield Joseph T. Sherratt James S. surgeon, Stanley house Auckland Ephraim, jun. monumental mason ............ Here is Arpley road ... Right-hand side. Christadelphian Meeting Room Pierpoint &i Fraser. architects Critchley James, tailor Seotson Fred. Charles M.B Scotson James, wine & spirit mchnt IO Pa.lrson Robt. H. pianoforte dealer Yates John J. chapel keeper Wesleyan Chapel Here is Egypt street ......... H ' ' ......... ere IS Palmyra square 12 Bradbury The .~sses Annie P. & Sarah H. ladles school 4 4 6 8 8 WARRINGTON. Municipal Museum, Reference & Lending Library & News Room Field Club Madeley Charles, curator & librarn . M useum street ...•..... H ere IS 14 Smith Reginald, surgeon S 'th Th omas. S surgeon 14 ml 6 IL th J hn J h f I y goe 0 osep , pro e-ssor of music 18 Beesley Thomas, architect Reformed! Ohurch of England 20 Drummond Rev. William H. 22 Atkin William E. Arpley house Here is Wilson-Patten street [SLATER'S 61 Lowe & Laithwaite, booksellers 63 Brown Misses M. A. & K. dress makers Here is Hart's place........•... 65 Lion hotel, Joseph Taylor Warrington Carriage Co. Limited, coac·h proprl'etors 67 Pickavance Edwd. leather merchnt A W . 69 Paul rthur . hosler Here is Ship yard ........••.• 73 Queen Tea Co. tea dealers 75 Pigot Charles H. music warehouse Mainwaring In. & Co. auctioneers Hales Thomas M. chemist Hutt John H. clothier BRICK STREET. .. .... Here is Rose & Crown street ...... (Fennel street.) 81 Rose & Crown, Mrs. Elizabeth Left-hand side. Rushworth 8 Scales & Son, bootmakers 2 Welsby John, farmer 3 k I J h b k Cockhedge Mission 85 Ec -ers ey osep, a er Cockhedge Mission Day Schbol !O5 Higher Seven Stars, James Wilson Lee Arthur H. tapestry manufctr !O7 Hooley David, grocer Royal Oak, Mrs. Jane Pilling ......... H ere 'IS 'filley s t ree t ......... !O9 III Hill John, bootmaker 36 Cook Mrs. Martha, beer retailer II3 Hatton Thomas, butcher 40 Broadhurst George, greengrocer II7 Clare Peter, dining rooms 4 2 Baldwin William, clothes dealer II9 Seven Stars, Thomas Hatton 52 Danbury Wil!i~m, carter 121. Bull's Head, Charles Roddy 54 Molyneux WIllIam, shopkeeper ...... Here is Bull's Head yard ...... 56 Henk!,y Georg~, coal.dealer 123 Whitby John, chemist 66 Furrnss CornelIus, trIpe dealer 125 Pierpoint & Co. bakers & confec70 Hudson W~lliam, shopkeeper tfuoneH, Here IS Lythgoe slane 127 Jackson William, tobacconist 129 & 13 1 Birchall Joseph, confectnr Right-hand side. H . J II' t 133 Brayshaw S. milliner & draper O Herd :s A dey,s cour · 135 Jordan Samuel H. picture framer d ere IS y en s yar 137 Warburton. William, coffee tavern _ a tth ew, I ab ourer 139 Old Packet House, John Monks 9 L· owe M I I Berry Frank, grocer Here is Mersey street . 13 L angsh aw M _ rs'. M ary E . h buseh 0 ldl' 15 Jackson John, wire. cleaner Here is Bridge foot . 21 Lyons John, bootmaker 141 Burgess John, grocer 23 Wray William, shopkeeper 143 Summers Brothers, bootmakers 25 Brown Thoma~, file cutter Here is Victoria bridge . 27 Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth, butcher Independent Methodist Chapel . Right-hand side. . Here IS Crossley street Houghton H. N. ironmonger 41 Russell William, beer retailer 2 Parkinson J. H. & Son, brush mnfrs 4 Fletcher & Lee, drapers < ;. Here is Hopwood street 6 Reid Miss Hannah, draper St. George's Mission Room 8 Shaw Joseph, butcher Here is Battersby lane ......... !O Crampton Thos. provision merchnt 12 Burrows William, bootmaker BRIDGE STREET. 14 Hatton Miss Mary, draper (Market gate.) 18 Mann Mrs.Rena Maggie,tobacconist Left-hand side.· 20 to 24 Carter James & Son, bakers 26 Green Dragon, Mrs. Sarah Walker Maypole Dairy Co. butter dealers 28 to 32 Grand Clothing Hall Co. Holmes; Chas. J. tailor & outfitter clothiers Here is Crow yard 34 & 36 Green John Shaw, bookseller 3 Crow inn, Peter L. Hill 4 2 Eagle & Child, Mrs. Maud M. Loy 5 Pioton John T. chemist 42 Roberts W. S. cabinet maker 9 Gill William, butcher 44 Johnson Brothers, dyers I I & 13 Dobson Robert, draper 4 6 & 4 8 Hodgkinson William, draper 15 Swan hotel, John M. BeabOn 54 Greenall Gilbert & John, wine & 17 Bayley Brothers, tailors spirit merchants 19 Roberts Richd.& Sons, boot makrs 56 Nicholson W. C. glass & china dlr 25 & 27 Grime Thomas, draper 58 Richardson John, painter 29 Carter Mrs. Elizabeth, jeweller 60 Stirup Mrs.Catherine,umbrella ma 31 National Provincial Bank of Eng- 62 Podmore Joseph, hairdresser land Limited Here is Rylands. street . 33 Eckers[ey Mo's~s, chemist 78 Johnson S. E. & R. cabinet makers I ......... Here'IS D 0 Im a' n sane 80 Bowcock Joseph, butcher 35 Boots - , chemist 82 Daintith Thomas, gun maker 37 Boydell Brothers, tailors 84 Mellor Mrs. Frances, pork butcher 39 Richardson Edwin &! Son, grocers ... Here is Bridge Street buildings ... 4 1 Dolan J. & E. J. Page, tailors 86 Weaver G. & J. cabinet makers 43 Partington Joseph, tailor 88 Mottram James, confectioner 45 Pickmere Travers, wine & spirit 90 Whitehouse Edward, tobacconist merchant ......... Here is Union court 45 Lamb hotel, Nathaniel Hankinson 92 Chandle H & S d t . 45 Pickmere J. R. & Son, district 94 Jenkins ~rede . k' b ec~ra~rs agents· for the Sun Fire & Life 96 Feathers' hoteC~~m~~l~;il:~n office . 9 8 Toft John, baker 47 Tongue Thomas, confectIOner . . 49 Dinwiddie Thomas, tobacconist Here IS FrIar's gate . 5 I t 0 55 G ar1and J . S . ll'onmonger . t Th os. J. prOVISIOn .. merchnt 100 L'lpon 57 Williams John, po:k butcher !O2 Eastmans Limited, butchers 59 Dutton J. &i W. taIlors !O4 Jacksons Limited, hatters \YARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] STREETS. 17 I06 & I08 Bradley Anthony, tailor 193 WiJding John, iurniture deali:T 18 Swift :Miss EHen, milliner IIO Venn G. & Son, saddlers 95 Peacocke lVilliam J. surgeon, 20 Code,s,s· Mis,s Sarah A. householder II2 Daly & Langridge, bootmakers Ebenezer house 22 White Henry, brake-sman II4 Miller Alfred, draper Savings Bank 24 Gibson MT>s. Elizabeth, householdr II6 Isaac J. B. provisi:m merchant Here is Naylor street 26 ~wore Mrs. Eliza., householder II8 Public Benefit Boot Co. bootmakers i Here is Dial street 28 Dainith Rdbert H. cashier 120 Roebuck hotel, Frank Toft I 30 Gandy Misls Sarah, milliner .A.1exandra buildings-Right~hand side. 34 AJshley .Tohn, gardener 122 Harrop John, iurniture dealer ~Iarket Gate chambers3 6 Auk1and Ephraim, jun. monuLowe Robert, auctioneer mental mason 124 Capital & Labour Clothing Bennet Art'll. chartered accountant 3 8 KJirusJey John, gymnastic instruct l' Association, tailors . 126 Croft Edmund, bootmaker Curran Robert C.E. architect 40 J'onels, Edward, sihop as,s~stant 128 Lord Bros. mantle makers 2 Carter WiHiam H. fruiterer 42 Ktendrtick John, foreman 130 Rossiter F. J. photographer 4 & 6 Murphie Jame,s, hosier Here is Austin's lane . 130 Muir J. M. teacher of music 8 Warrington Expres,s Bcill Posting Right~hand side. Ch t MEl' h t b . t Co. Limited, billposters es er 1. rs. lZa. 0 accoms 8 Wa.rburton Henry, hairdresser Co-operative Hall & News Room. 2 13 Bamford William, grocer IO Beswick J,oseph, tocacconist II Ro,s,s John, wabe,rworks engineer 134 Greaves Thomas, house furnisher I2 Crown & Sceptre" Thoma.s Walsh 13 Warrington Water Works· offices 13 6 Greaves Thomas, pawnbroker & Percival N. B. & Co. grocers T5 1'w.iJss' Oharles, sohoo"cma'ster clothier, The Tower 17 W'hite H. B. & Sons, solicitors· 13 6 Dalton John C. manager ...... Here is Upper Bank street ...... 'd f 16 .A1len Edwin, paint & color wareho HJere is Egypt street . B 1'1 ge ootill"iaan, '"""er b tt Whit Willi . . I 6 a GI eave nvV·! 21 Powell J osep''h , paern rnak'er e am, Jomer 18 ROiS>S James C. chemist 23 Woolliams Mrs.Lomsa,house.holder Clifton Richard, marine store dlr d 22 Clark Jdhn, dinmg room keeper 23 WoolliamsMrs.Louisa, househl l' Acton S. plumber 24 Houghton David, bootmaker .... ..... He,re ~s Suez street ......... 164 & 166 Marsh R. W. (exors. 01), 26 Isaac William, gr'oce;r cabinet makers 28 Wehser Adam G. tailor 27 Know~es '!1homalS, joiner H . Ar I d 30 Simcock Mrs. iMartha watchmaker 29 Clarke Mr:s. MaryA. a,partments ......... ere IS p ey roa ......... , 3 1 Rowlands' John, coaclIman . V'lCt·on· 'a b n 'dge ......... 32 Stirrip Jame·s, hairdre,sser . ] engmeer . ......... Here IS 3'3 BrowninO' Wm.mechan1caJ. 34 Rope & Anchor, Joseph Horlock ....., 36 Cralik Jame,s G. taRor 35 Dunbabin Saanuoel, labourer BUTTERMARKET STREET. 3 8 Craik Mrs. Lucy, pawnbroker 37 Gandy Thomas, mechanic 39 Warting James, vanman (Market Gate.) Here is Cropper's brow 4 1 Hudson James" wire· drawer Left-hand slide. 4 2 Leig!h Borothers, tobaceonists Independent ~IetJhQgrust Chapel British Workma.n',s & General As- 46 & 4 8 Lawless Samuefr, fishmonger ......... Here :iJs Auostin"s lane ......... suranee Co. Lim: Union Bank 50 G~ndy John, bootmaker chambers . ~2 Kmg's Arms, Hemy Corney CARTWRIGHT STREET. U wo rth Th b u t 'h ;,4 LaWISon Edwa.rd, coff.ee tavern 3 Hnal,sl . om~sk' W ce~ . Friends Meetfig House ·(Pries"i:ev. Street.) , 5 wood Fredene, .. pro'VlslOndlr ~6 B db -t OIl I h d d' .~ 7 Bowcock George, butcher :> Br.oadben. M' ar ~s.: ar ",:~~e ~r Left~"'an"" s; .... e. V It Joh .An 58 rna· ent - rs..",-ume, ml=ner III U ~U P l' 9 e lean ~u 's'.,~ 'en 60 v':iI'igley. George,. bUlt'C'her 2 P,orter Mrs. Saralh A. householder Here IS Per01val s· fold 62 HiJl & Co. clhemls;ts 14 Boden Peter, la:bourer II Preston M~,s: Maria, buttc!b.er Here is Academy street 16 Lowe DaVlid, llISlsisltant 13 Cooper Wiillham, po.rk butcher R" & Ki 18 Shaw James, porter 15 Parkinson William, co.rn dealer awnng J ng: groce~s 20 Potte,r JOseph, baker 17 Lougihliin Felix, wat:ehmaker 64 l\!Lounfiel~ o~ph, cabmet maker 22 Batte!:"siby Jame,s, glass & china dlr 19 'lThllistJlethwa'ite 'ss So.phie,tbccnst ~ furmture· re:n over . 66 St M Eliz b th t t 24 Smith John Wm.iam, 3.JSS1stant 21 Beswick William, hardware d·ealer \lITUP 11S:. ,a .e"., aparm.n 's 26 :Mlillington WiI1i.am, baker' 23 Edwardis John & Thomas, g,rocers 68 ~ayhan T:h?mas, tnpe dealer 28 W'Hson J dhn K. wire drawer . . 70 Gallop Wliliam, coffee ta.vern ............ Here, IS Hill street 72 Robinson J{)'hn, watchmaker 30 Lowe Samuel, cooper 25 Higiher .A.ngel, Thomas Or~tchley 74 Pearce Heribert J. hosiery manufr 32 Pawwn W~lliam, sihopkeeper 27 Lower .A.ngcl Vaults, George J. 76 Wilding Mrs. Annie, oyster rooms ......... Here is S'El'}by streeJt ......... WOod!bioIUiSe! 78 Cross Ke}lS, Robert Anderton 34 Whitlow Oharles, waterman 29 BootJh Mrs. Ma,ry E. bootmaker Harris, Tihom3Js, whitesmith 36 Eau.son David, tanner 1 3 Hougthon Ml'IS. Ann, draper St. Mary's Roman Catholic School 3 8 Backlhouse William J. labou:z:er 33 Cliffe James, fruiterer 80 InIT.and Revenue Office, 40 SlITrith Arthur, railway porter ......... Here is Lititle We.inJt ......... Exdse Office 42 SiddJaill W!iJ;1'iam Henry,wire·drawer 37 & 39 Wainwri<>'h't John bUitcher Surv;eyor of Taxes Office 44 Rnstage· Sa=uel, labourer ." .'" . .,' . 82 Mullms John, sClhoolmaster 46 MJi!l1Jington Ohade.s, labourer ...... Here 1'~ WamWNght s .ya.rd ...... 84 St. Mary'.s Pre.sbytery; Rev. Fras. 4 8 Shaw Albert E. J. weaver We'bib Joseph, tOi!J~ccomst. W. Sumner O.S.B.; Rev..ChllJs. 50 Wi;;flii\lJIDson Robert, labourer 4;, & 47 Ohorley William. P. marrne A. Wray O.S.B.; Rev. :M'idhael 52 CoonoHy Mr:s. Julia, householder S1tore dealer E. Duggan O.S.B 54 DutttoQn Peter hbourer 49 Whittle Thoma;s &; Son, curriers St. Mary',s .Roman CatholicChurch 5'6 EdjVardJs, 'Dho~'s, shunter 51 Jones John Th~mas, dry,s,~lter He;re IS Irlam street 64 Bennett Wililiam, iron worker 53 Chorley J{)hn, lTon & steel IUrChnt 66 Thoma's Samue.J, wire drawer ......... Here is Scotland road ......... CAIRO STREET. 68 Nocks 'l\homas, binder 57 Whittle Josiah, plumber (Sankey street.) 7 0 G;ray. '!1homa,s, labourer 63 Waggon & Horse's, Mrs. Hannah 72 Deakm Arthur. baker Jone,s, Left-hand slide. 74 Mueklow Mbs. Harriet,householder 65 Wtleman James, pork butcher Cai,ro Sotreet chamiber.s76 Jon~s' James, gla~s maker 67 Gerrard Miss Mary E. dressmaker 7 8 Sm~th J,ame's', 1ml?r . 69 Ga!llop Wlilliiam.. lodgmg ho. keeper 2 :Bii.dgway & Worsley, solicitors 80 J{)I1~'S Robert, en~e drIver 71 Gittens Joihn H. estate agent 4 Owen WiiJ11iam F.R.I.B.A. architect 82 AJsp1JIl~H AJibert, Wll'e draweor 73 Robinson John, wat.ehmaker Unitarian Chapel 84 Rend~lck ::un,.omas, labourer 75 Turner William, ironmong,er !3rit;i,slh School 86 Turner Wilham, fireman 77 KJilduff James, shopkeeper IO MielloI' Frederick B. painter 8,8 L~wrenc'e. JOlhn, p~d?J:er 79 Banner J{)hn, tailor . I2 Mellor Jonathan B. stQmper 90 Gl.lib.ert Geo;~e William, soap ma 81 Turner T'lioma,s, whitesmith 14 Warrtingiton Investment & Advance 92 Williams· William Henry, fireman 83 & 85 Fowler Brothers, drapers C? Lim. Building Svciety; Geo. 94 Dale George, forgeman ... He1"e i,s Orford stre'et m·'I1i ~c!b.tetJt, .sechre&tarYon, estate agts ......... Here is CoHins street ......... ...... ......... 14 L1 t ewet osep ., . S 87 Ohesworth ~Ir,s. Mary A. butcilIer 14 Jones James, P. commission agent 9 6 Cottrell Jose~~ WlJilia.m, labourer 89 Sex,ton PatrIck egg mercihant R ' R' 9 8 hlhworth Wlliliiam, labourer . .'." 'ere:I!S ;lands street 100 Ande,rson Alfred, french poli-her ...... ~ere IS WamWI'll~hrl/s yard ...... I6 Fox .Ed.:.?'in A. surgeon 102 BaHey George, householder'9 1 Bame's John, baker I8 Pathson John, householiier 1104 Boyd John, labourer A " . M1i._1 4: WARRINGTON 2 18 STREETS. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S Here is' Lilford street 28 'Ward George, labourer CARTWRIGHT' STREET-con t inu e d. 30 Orimes Mrs. Marga,ret,bous'eholder 106 BennettWil1iam, tdcket coNector 7 1 Jones, John, shopkeeper 75 Taylor Thomas', shopkeeper 32 Houghton Richard, beamer 108 Wootton Joihn Jo,seph, puddler 75 Lawton Mrs. Sarah A. manageress 34 Davies William, tinplate worker 1I0 Butler James. signalman 77 Birchall John,boot maker & c:oO'ger 36 Smith Joseph T. engraver R'ight.Jhand side. 79 Wright Job, shopkeeper 0 38 Fo,rshaw William, boiler maker I Hill Dav,id, foreman 81 Morris' Thomas, shopkeeper 40 Jones' George, inspector 3 Haynes James, mire drawer 83 Stockton William, shopkeeper 40 Jones' Benjamin A. photographer '5 Wadsworth Henry, hOlLs·eholder 85 Horton John E. fireman 42 Jack Robert< M., M.B., C.M. surO-ll 7 HaJssal1 George, bricksetter 87 James Edward, iron worker 46 Paice Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper'" 9 Jackson Samuel T. waterman 89 Gray Michael, labourer 4 8 Hartley Mrs. Jane, householder II Oliffe James R. laboul'er 9 1 Blease Thomas, tailor 50 Bottoms John, wire drawer 13 Spin.k Wlilliam Mfred, tailor 93 Perry John, iron worker 52 Woods Thomas, grocer, Oherry ho 15 Dodd Samuel, wire worker 95 Stockton George, iron worker 54 Sams-on Jame,s, fo.reman 17 Pritohard Frederick, tanner 97 Fitton William, iron worker 56 BOJ;le Miss Elizabeth, lady mis19 Horn Mrs. ~Iary Ann, newsa-O'enl 99 Waring John, forgeman slOnary 21 'Wareing Arthur, painter 0 58 Ingllis, Mrs. Margaret, householder 101 lVard Albert, forgeman 23. Andrews J ame·s, labourer 62 Winnstanley Mrs-. Mary, shopkeeper 103 Highley Frederick, wire drawer 25 W€'!,ster WiNiam. wire w€igher !OS Habberley Joseph, puddler 6+ Honghton Thomas, hous-eholder 27 Qmnn Joseph, fruiterer 7 WooCLy Thomas, puddler 66 Faull Mrs'. Emma, chemist 10 27a BeIlion 'V'V'iiCiam, ·tooi maker ......... Here· is' Orchard· street ......... 29 eros-skill Wi;a:.rlOt, wire drawer Right-hanc1 side'. 68 Hewitt 'Walter John, beer r,etailer 3'3 Hump'hrey,s Ml's.Naomi, househldr 2 Dutton Mrs.. Elizabeth, householder 70 Griffiths John, smaUware dealer 3:; McElroy W~1liam, mechanic 4 Hind Alfred, forgeman 72 Rothwell Robert, newsagent '39 SlilCock John,labourer 6 ·u Jones' ironhworker . 41 Hoi'll Mrs. Susannah, householder 1 MWilliam, E k Here is' Dakin's yard .. 8 ~na e rs. mma, s op reeper 43 Randles Thomas· R. soap cutter 6 Grounds George, shopkeeper 10 Howell Llewellyn, foreman 7 45 Holt Heywood, tin plater 78 Clarke Robert, sawyer 47 Jackson Joseph,chipped potato d'lr 12 Rigby OharIes'M. printer 14 Baker Charles A. householder 82. Birchall Thoma-s, jun. oil dealer ......... Here is Leicester street . 16 .Swift Arthur, rope maker 84 General Wolfe, Mrs. Alfred W. 55 Percival J dim, wire' drawer 18 Far.rell Mrs. Maria, householder Brundrett 57 Wehs-ter Edwa.rd, wire drawer 20 Llewellyn Henry, labourer 86 Shaw Mrs. Jane, confect.ioner 59 Poickering Wil':iam, joiner Here is Eldon street .. 22 Lines Mrs. Selina, hous·eholder 61 Oakes James, rabourer 24 Balder Mr,$'. May, householder 92 Hedgecock Thomas, hairdresser 63 vYoDd James' V. wire drawer 26 Hughes Alexander, forgeman 94 Buckley John & Co. Lim. cart 65 Tihoma-s· J'01hn, iron worke,r 28 Hughes' Thomas·, irolli worker owners .'67 :YllinshuU Thomas, Ja,bourer 30 Jones Richard', labourer Ryland 13ros,. Lim. wire manfctrs -69 Brown Samuel, labourer . 32 Murgatroyd George, traveller 124 Haye'S' Mrs. MaTV, dres,s maker 71 ~~ers .A:lfred, shopkeeper 34 Larraway Richard, shopkeeper 126 Baldry Charles, warehouseman 73 Walker Georgoe, iron worker 36 Lawrinson Thomas, labourer 128 Britton James, herb beer dealer 79 Ma.ddock William, labourer 38 James Ch&rles, engine driver 130 Broadhurst Mrs. Martha, house· 81 Mlinshull Thomas, tailor 40 HOTto[lj Isaac, iron worker holder '83 Blyto Henri L. painter 42 Allen Alb-ert, iron worker 132 Cornforth Walter "V. teacher 85 Hug-he's Wi\[iam Henry, joiner 44 Stockton William Thomas, iron' 134 Unsworth Mrs. Mary, householder 87 Cook Thomas, householder· worker 136 Barnes William, cabinet' maker ......... Here is CoHircs street . 46 Penn 'William, labourer 140 Hatt-on Mr-s'. Elizab-eth, shopkeeper 48 Garner Charles, forg.eman 142 Bather Edward, joiner 89 Hassa';,l Willlam, bricbsetter 91 Mioreton John, wire drawer 50 Wytcherley Benjamin, iron work,er 144 Sanders· James, insurance agent 93 CoUey Geo,rge, labourer 52 Kenwright Edward, labourer 146 Cas-s,idy James, file maIr,er 9'i'!llJll JIQ-hn. iron worker 54 Allen Joseph, forgeman 148 Phillips George, poHceman 97 Jack~on Thoma·s, bricksetter ......... Here is Lilfordi -s·treet 150 Hampson James H. J. clerk 99 Ha!l'1s Henry, brush maker 64 lVoodward Peter, sho'pkeeper 15 2 Bradshaw Mrs. Keziah, house101 WaLl John, labourer G6 Bracegirdle W.alter, bricklayer hold'er 103 Lemon Josepill, gla's'S maker 154 Howa-rth lVilliam, engine driver 70 Allen John, foreman 72 Elwell Henrv, labourer 15 6 Whittaker William, clerk CATHERINE STREET. 74 Bid<l.leston Charles, iron worker 15 8 Cotton Samuel, mechanic (Bewsey road.) 76 Stanway John, wire drawer 15 8 Cotton Mrs. Eliza, dresS! & mantle 7 8 Skeech Samuel, furnaceman maker Left-hand side. 80 Allen Thomas', coal dealer r60 \oVels·byHenry, plumber g Flood. Thomas, mason 82 Hall Ml's. Mary, houS>eholder 162 Cald-:eH William, newsagent I I Ti~min;s Benjamin, labourer 84 Fletcher Allan A. heuseholder r64 Hankmson Mr&. Sarah, house13 MIlls Rwha.rd, iron roller 86 Holden Solomon, furnaceman holder IS Edwards Oharles, labourer 88 ·Oorfield Mrs. Ann, householder 166 Caldwell Thomas, moulder 17. Sutton Samuel, aabour·er 90 Winwood George, forgeman r68 Andrews. Mrs. Eli"1:abeth h0115e19 Hin:chliffe Josepb, labourer 92 Addison Thomas, joiner holder ' 21 Sr;rnth George, puddler . 94 Sutto.n Thomas, labourer 170 Leicester Miss Mary, householder 23 LIlley William, moulder 96 Johnson George, puddler Here is Gaskell street . 25 Looker William, joiner Here is School brow . 98 Wa~sh John, baker 27 James Mrs. Sarah, hous·eholder H 100 Holden Samuel, furnaceman 29 Johnson Thomas', labourer 102 Gibbons Joseph, carter ere is 1fanchester road . 31 Looker Joseph, iron worker 104 Fletcher George, puddler 33 Dobson Frederick 0, iron worker Rdght-handi side. II2 Wakefielc1 Arthur, enO'ine· driver 35 HaR William, puddler I D?wnes' Alfred, newsagent 116 Ball Philip, labourer 0 37 Horton William stoker 3 RIchards-on William, cabinet maker I I 8 Ball Joseph, la-bourer 39 White Thomas', 'labourer 5 'Wood Wiililiam, wire drawer 120 Skidmore Harry, labourer 4 1 Rodgers. ~rs. Elizh. householder 7 Heald Henry, printer 122 Archer Thomas, coal deal,er 43 Boyle William, pudiller 7 Heald Miss; Alice, dress maker 45 Gilb.ert William, forgeman 13 Yates Willia.m, tripe dealer 47 DaVIes James, puddler CHURCH STREET. 15 Oonnaughton Michael, boot maker 49 Edwardson James, wheelwriooht (Irlam street.) 17 MounfieM John H. shopkeeper 51 WHliams Richard, labourer 0 19 Fern George, brush maker Left-hand side. 53 Garrity Jos·eph, forgeman 21 Sankey .Tacob, dairyman 55 Pugh George, labourer 2 Ashton George, bassinette maker 23 Gandy John, groce·r 57 Johnson William, puddler 8 Rigby Charles, marine sto.re dealer 25 Gibson James A. foreman 59 Bebbington Eli, labourer I2 Catterall Thomas', moulder 27 Beswick .Tames·, householdJer' 61 Davies Thoma.s, puddler 14 Warburton George, labourer 29 Andrews' Mrs. Lydia, hous·eholder l53 EggertonWil1iam, iron worker 16 Peers John, cart hirer 33 Evans JohIlJ, brewer 65 lValmsley Thomas" furnaceman 18 Haviour John, wire drawer 33 Bull's' Head, John Evans 67 ;B_rown Mrs. Sarah A. dress make,r 20 Robinson Pet<er, horse slaughterer 39 Dolan Joseph, joiner & builder 69 T\.ing' Wi}:iam, boot mnker &: cloO'O'I ......... Here is Fennel street . 4I Locker Mrs. Mary, householder . ei:=l "VARRINGTON. DIRECTORY. ] 43 Whittle Josiah, plumber Warrington & District :Mineral Water & Bottling Co. Limited, .. ,... Here is Williamson's' square mineral water manufacturers 47 Bower Christian, butcher Taylor Peter, marine stor., dealer 49 Gill George, boot maker Greenall G. & J. rectifiers (bonding National School stores) Dewhurst John, schoolmaster . 53 :Marquis of Gra:ruby, Mrs. :Mary ......... Here is Orford street Riight-handJ side. Whittle HoNand Thomas, fruit agent 55 Woods Thomas, clogger Hewitt Samuel J. veterinary surg .......... Here is Wood's court Cunningham Mrs. Bridget, ale & 6I Jackson Mrs. Arm, pawnbroker porter bottler 63 Jones Richard, confectioner Greening N. & Sons, Limited, 65 Parker Charles' J. grocer wire workers Morris1s' yardHere is .Orford street Farrillgton John T. joiner & builder Higginson William, blacksmith DALLAM LANE. .A.1binsoll! Joseph, cooper Ohurch street, continuoo'(Foundry street.) 69 Greaves 'Thomas" pawnbroker Left-hand side. 2 Long William, picture frame makr 7 I Eealing Thomas, manager 73 Whittle Mrs'. Sarah, shopkeeper IO Bowland John, shopkeeper Banner Mrs. Allison, day nursery, I4 Buckley Thomas, wire drawer Oam house I6 Cheadle John, labourer 75 Mather Harry, butcher I8 Mellor Jonathan B. ':fiagger 79 Richardson John, engine driver 20 Smith James, boiler maker Morris?s court22 Turner Henry, riverman :Mills Edwin, fustian cutter 24 Barlow John, porter Ohurch street, continuoo56 Tierney Patrick, file cutter 87 Quincey Thomas, grocer 58 Sinnett Michael, labourer 9I Johnson Sydney H. butcher 60 Richards John, glass blower 93 Horrocks John, fishmonger 64 Geddes Charles, engine driver 95 .Antwis Robert, milk dea:Ler 74 Rowlands William, moulder ......... Here is Greenall street 7 6 Lee Misses Annie & Ellen,shopkprs ......... Here is Howley lane Here is Tanners' lane . II7 Hill Pete.r, plumber Fletcher, Burrows & Co. Limited, coal merchants rI9 Gerrard M1'S'. Arm, householder Francomb Richd. W. coal mer rI9 Gerrard Misoos Jane & Margaret, S 'th UT & S . f dress makers ml· Hm. on, wue manu rs I2I Rigby Thomas, bricksetter ~Here is Folly lane . I23 Andrews J?~n, traveller Right-hand side. I27 J~~,:ry WIlham, ~nager Wilkinson John foreman WillIS Rev. FrederIck W., M.A. .' The Rectory ... ...... Here IS Tanners' lane I3I Ring 0' Bells, Frank Neild 67 Jones Thomas E. foreman I33 Lloyd Thomas, parish clerk 69 Belshaw Robert, labourer Warrington Parish Church (St. 7I Reidy Mrs. Margaret, hous.eholder E l p h i n ' s ) 7 3 Laff Mrs. Bridget, householder I35 Shaw Miss Elizabeth, school- 75 Lythgoe Mrs. Ann, householder mistress 77 Spru.ce Edward, iron worker I37 Perrin William, traveller 79 Chadwick Mrs. JYIarthaE. house'- M anch es ter roa d holderCharles, upholsterer ......... H ere h:; 8I Russell I STREETS. I39 Houlding John, puddler ... ...... Here is Kerfoot ·street ............ Here is Folly lane I 3 5 7 9 19 .. DALTON BANK. (School brow.) Callin Robert, joiner Lockerbie Robert, joiner Nicholson Eugene, manager Newall Charles, market inspector Dalton the :Misses DERBY STREET. (Hopwood street.) Left-hand ,side. I Bridge William, smith 3 Hughes Mrs. Hannah, householder 5 Phillips John, labourer . 7 Webb Thomas, householder 9 Bostock Alexander; labourer I I Porter William, labourer I3 Lawton James, brewer I5 Brown Thomas, paviour Right:.hand side... 2 Lingard William,· householder 4 Parks William, brewer 6 Buckley J OISeph, labourer 8 Atherton .A.1phonso,fitt.er IO Ditchfield Harry; tanner I2 Bridge Joseph, smith I4 Wilson Joseph, file forger I6 Brown William, file forger DIAL STREET. (Buttermarket street.) Left-hand ,side. 'Yesleyan Mission Room 2 Dutton Mrs. Elizabeth, householdr 4 Booth John, foreman 6 Dolan Mrs. Vigo. house 8 Campbell Miss Marion, school IO Cruickshank James, foreman ............ Here is Dial yal'd . Bishop W. A. & Co. borax manufacturers, Dial mill I6 Jackson Thomas, beer retailer ............ Here is Rose yard .. 22 Houghton Mr.s.Elizh. pork butchr 24 Price William; sawyer CORPORATION STREET.. 83 Maguire Mrs. Margaret, house- ............ Here is Dial court ..... c...... ...... c.. Here is. Pilling's court (Sankey street,. )hol~er . . . 85 Hankinson John, file cutter 32 Jackson John, shopkeeper Blackburn Arms, Thomas, Crompton 87 Russell John, shopkeeper ......... Here is Webster's yard .........Here is> Marmet place Here is Buckley street Here is Green's court 2 Cross John, butcher 89 Shaw William J. beer retailer Here is Fennel street Porter John :M:. fishmonger Shaw & Sons, plumbers Right-hand.side. . . 95 Ryder James, iron worker ............ Here IS CheapsIde 97 Roberts Samuel, tanner Here is Whittle street 99 Hough John, shoe maker I Hoyle Thomas, chair maker CROSFIELD STREET. IOI Brorwn John, smith 5 Simcock James, grocer (Sankey street.) I03 Barnes Charles H. stoker 7 Miller R~chard, shopkeeper . L. & N. W. & G. W. RaHway Co.'s I05 Barnes John, painter 9 Johnson James', herb beer dealer'· I07 Russell Charles, labourer goods yard I3 Thornton Mrsc Mary, .greengrocer 2 Williams & Clay, Mone & marble I09 Pendlebury John. & Co. coal & I5 Shaw John, beer retailer builders' merchants masons ......... Here is Fennel street ............Here is Gee street . 4 Clay Ge,orge, marble: mason 6 Williams Thomas, marble mason ......... Here is Dennett street . DIXON STREET. 8 BroWIll I. M. & E. E. travelling Walker Peter & Son (Warrington (Sankey street.) drapers & Burton) Limited, brewers IO Hughes' Evan E. travelling dJraper I I9 Skidmore J.eremiali, labourer Leftchand .side. I2 Lawton Charles, wire drawer I2I Pilkington Thomas, householder Foulks Samuel, joiner . I4' Honan Thos. in!I.and revenue offie-er .........Here is Stamford street......... .. Here -is- White street . 20 Muir A1exander, cashier I23 Powell Henry A. beer retailer Right-hand side. 22 Banks William I25 Brophy John, beer retailer Welsh Church 5 Baker William, .shopkeeper I27 Meachin ")\irs. Catherine, shopkpr 7 Heath John, compositor '" ...... Here is Froghall lane I29 Taylor· Samuel,carter 9 Rigby William, rubber worker I3 I Pemberton Miss Mary, househldr I I Lake Francis E. foreman . CROWN STREET. I33 Bennett Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper I3 Millward Mrs. Ann; hQuseholder (Winwick street.) .............Here is Owen street .. IS Ashton Joseph,insurance agent Left-hand side. I7 mitfield Thomas, carter I33a, Caden James, shopkeeper Ind, Coope & Co. Lim. brewera I9 Haddock Thomas, engine driver I35 Mahoney John, labourer Rigby Charles, brewers' agent 2I Flood Joseph,. watchman I37 Brown Walter, labourer .. ':1< WARRINGTON 2 20 STREETS. \VARRINGTON. 5 Savory William, overlooker 7 Maskell Thomas, wire drawer 25 Skinner Charles, clerk ......... Here is Wright street 27 Hunt William T. letter carrier 9 Wells George, tanner 29 Brown Harry, joiner I I Ardern James H. blacksmith 3I Shaw John, file cutter IS Platt Samuel, foreman 33 Snelling Hy. T. railway inspector 17 Lawton Henry, millwright 35 Dalton Peter, boot maker ......... Here is Brackley street ............Here is White street . 21 Brobbin James, shopkeeper DIXON STREET-continued. 23 Sims Mrs. Ellz. apartments [ SLATER'S Locker Thomas, wire worker: Ellesmere brush works 66 Cooper Thomas, rubber worker . 68 Grady Thomas, labourer 70 Jones Thomas-, upholsterer 72 Horward Richard, householde'l' 74 Chapel Char!es E. j~iner 76 Davies Rowland., snuth . 78 Antwis Robert W: clerk National Schoo!. (mfants) ......... Here is Gr,eenall s.tree·t . ...... Here is Howley lane .. EDGEWORTH STREET. EGYPT STREET. (Bewsey street.) Right-hand side. (Cairo Sltreet.) Left-hand side. 33 Livingstone Thomas, shopkeeper Left-hand .side. 2 Topham J os,eph, market hall kpr 35 Clare Edward' NaJsh, shopkeeper 2 Hall John, wholesale grocer 4 Barry James, shunter 51 Main The Misse·s Isabella & 6 Holbrook Thomas, shunter 4 Harrison John, tailor Josephine, dress :o:;takers 57 Bancroft Jam~-s: cartmg contraeto-l' •..•........Her-a is .Allen ,street. ........••• 6 Sirlcock Mrs 6 Silcock Stanley Percy A.R.I.B.A. 59 Eve GeQrge, Jomer 8 Craddock Toom,a;s, paint-er architect ......... Here is- Challinor street . IO Chappel Frank, musician 8 Burgess John J.P I2 Bradshaw Thomas, slater 65 WHkins John" shopkeeper ............Here is Bold street .. I4 Lawless Thomas, househoader 77 Massey Jsph. mineral water manuI6 Hill James, barman Right-hand side. facturer I8 Lowe John, labourer 81 Lathey Mrs. Sarah, ladies' nurse I White H. B. & Sons, solicitors , Pickton Thomas, wheelwright Wesleyan Mission Qh.apel 3 Dunn John, brewer la2 Holbrook Mrs. .Alice, .shopkeeper 5 Unsworth Mrs ......... Here is Howley lane ••.......Here is Rolleston street . 7 Burgess Charles S ERNEST STREET. 9 Young John R Right-hand side. (Selby street.) ............Here is Bold street .. 3 Barker Samuel, plumber 5 Moffatt Thomas, wheelwright Left-hand side. 7 Gandy William H. newsagent ELIZA:BETH STREET. 2 Dudson John, labourer ............1ler-e· is .All-en 'stree't . (Aikin str,eet. ) 4 Cheadle Walter, warehouseman 6 Ayland George H. brakesman 9 Gibson Mrs. Margaret, shopkeeper Left-hand .side. 8 Parkin H.enry, forgeman :n Stringer Daniel, engine driver 3 Whitfield William, labourer 10 Stephenson SilalS, iron worker '1:3 Powell Edward, joiner 5 Gregson Thomas, puddler [2 Hooson Edward, platelayer I5 Pickup Wm. H. insurance agent 14 Severn 1'I1'rs. Eliza, bous'eholder x7 Humphries Arthur, pattern maker 7 Glover Joseph, labourer 9 Smith Frank, nail maker 16 Gough J oohn, engine tenter Pilkington Thomas, cart owner I I NotOill Frederick, labourer 18 Hamblet Richard, carter •....•...Here is Rollestori street . I5 Stokes John, iron worker 20 Blackburn Cannon, carter 17 Rickers Richard, carter 22 Jones, :Mrs Louisa, ho'Us·eholder EDWARD STREET. 19 Whittaker George, file cuJtter 24 Parsonage J amEljS, carter 2I Rickers Solomon, fo-reman (Pitt street.) 26 Oole Edmund, labourer 23 Longshaw Thomas, labourer 28 Muckley Da-vid, iron turner Left-hand side. 2$ .Shiipley Saameill, laJbourer Here is Selby street .. 27 Pennington Mrs. Ann, householder .. 4 Irons William, furnaceman Right-hand side. 3I Jevons Eli, carter 8 Tomkins Joseph, shopkeeper 33 Johnson Mis,s Sabina, fusttia,n cut.tr I Long John, labourer xo Smith Thomas, carter 35 Lowe Joseph, wire drawer X? Tomkins Thomas, puddler 3 Hardy; Thomas, labourer 37 Maddock Samuel, tanner . X4 Biddle Moses, cleaner 5 Derby James, signalman 39 Hope Hy. C. pro,fessor of mUSIC x6 Davies Charles, labourer 7 Lawton John, labourer 4I Banner Richard, puddler I8 Gough Eli, labourer 9 Sandall Frank J. 'laJbourei!' 43 Paget John, bottle maker laO Smallman John, forgeman I I Eccles- Mrs. Jane, householder 13 Rushton Benj.amin, iroo worker .........Here is Pierpoint street . 45 Sedgley Fra.nk, iron worker IS Barlow Samuel, wire tester Right-hand side. Right-hand side. 17 Massey vVilriam, furnaceman I4 Evans James, shopkeeper 19 Griffiths William, waterman x McDermott John, forgeman I8 Woodhead James, labourer 2I Ralph George,shunter 3 Gray James, forgeman 20 Carter William, planer 25 Mandy James, fitter 5 Birtles William, forgeman 22 Noek James, labourer ~7 Caswell Thomas, iron wo-rker 7 Dickinson Thomas, slater 24 Hanley William, iron worker ag We'edial J ess'e, wire- drawer 9 Murphy Patrick, puddler 26 Hilton Mrs. Jemima, householder ............Here is Selby street . xx Reynolds Joseph, householder 28 Cleaver John, carter I3 Richards Josiah, householder 30 Keenan William, tool maker EUSTACE STREET. x5 Algie Alexander, puddler 32 Mellor Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper x7 Griffiths Arthur, forgeman (Arthur street.) 34 Hamer Thomas, labourer x9 BriJtJtU.e Samu~l, puddller Left-hand stide. 36 ReelVels Thoma.s, wire drawer .........Here is Pierpoint street .. 38 Gilbert Thomas, platelayer 4 Brereton William H. bakm 40 Crowe Richard, labourer 6 Gouldoo Mrs. Elizabeth, househldr EGERTONSTRBET. 42 Parry Charles, labourer .8 Ireland Zachariah, stockkeeper (Howley lane.) 44 Clarke Andrew, labourer 10 Humphre·ys Jolm, carter 46 Aspinall J oah, wire drawer 12 Osborne Henry, forgeman Right-hand side. 48 Heywood James, insurance agent 14 Birchall Harry, fireman 2 Gibson Alfred, foreman 50 Monks William, wire drawer 16 Wynne James, labourer 4 Allen Geo['ge, smith 18 Rigby George H. boiler IllilIker 6 Box William, warehouseman ELLE,SMERE STREET. 20 Thomas Miss Annie, dress maker 8 M'Larty Donald, n:iillwright (Napieil' street.) 20 Thomas William, iron roUer IO Jones Miss Ellen, householder ......... Here is Walk-er street . I2 COX George, police inspectOir Left-hand side. 22 Bossward Thoma-s, wir-e drawer x4 Hemmingway Mrs. Agnes, house30 Richardisoll1l Thomas, shopkeeper 24 Smallman George" labourer holder 34 Chapman George, foreman 26 Allcock Samuel labourer I6 Olarke WillJram, Ilol<iceman Castle Rubber Co. Lim. india- 28 Phillips John, brick s-etter x8 Derbyshire William, carder rubber manufacturers (garment 30 Hill John, forgeman Lees H. Ernest, cotton spinner, department) 32 Owen Jolm, black'smith Flor-ence mill 58 Locker Thomas, jun. wire weaver 34 Spruce John, labourer Left-hand ,side. 60 Range Charles A. bOlOkkeeper 3 6 Bate John, wire. drawer I Coughlan Lawrence, sawyer 62 Molyneaux James, tool maker 3 8 Billingsle.y Henry, labourer 3 Harrop Thomas, wire weaver 64 Bent Edward, barman 40 Shaw Isaac, shopkeeper .., DIRECTORY. J WARRINGTON. ¥ Woodland. V{illiam, iron worker 44 Hosker RIChard., coal dealer M'Clew Thomas, tailor 52 Stringer Thomas, clogger Here is Cockhedge lane ......... Here is Brick street Right-hand side. I Rigby J ohu, fitter 3 Perry George, stocktak.er 5 Wallington Thc:rn.as, clerk 7 Crooks Albert, CQoper ......... Here is Walker >street 9 '\Vilson James, shopkeeper ......... Here is Gladstone stroot ......... :II Hayes. John, clerk I3 Harding Mrs. Jane, householder 15 HardLTJ.g JliIiss J. & Go. wire wrkrs I5 Harding Jam'es, ,vire worker Righ1-hand side. I Woods Mrs 3 Holbrook Mrs. Jan-e, furniture dlr 5 Betley John, joiner ......... Here is Victoria street ......... 7 Forste,r Mrs. B-effisy, bee,r retailer 9 Lee Robe;rt, joiner 9 Lee Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper I3 Kay John T. newsagent Fleming John H. & Co. tanners 2I Parker Cha1"les J. grocer 23 Darbysillre Thomas, beer retailer ......... Here is :Mill ya,rd . 29 Bra-dsh'alW Mrs. Mary A. househIdr 3I Shephe-rdJ Alexande-r, tanner 33 Carlisle William, fried fish de.aler 37 Shaw Charles, shopkeeper Here is School brow Here is Brick stre;et EVELYN STREET. (LiveI'pooi!. road.) Left-hand side. Worrall Chades, householder Worrall Arthur, labourer Hill Thomas, iron worker Bond George, labourer Litchfield 'rhomas" puddler Ry21Il Samuel, schoolmas·ter Sudlow ]\,tIl'S. Jane, householder Borrows 'William, labourer Hands Gilbert, labourer .Gregory Frederick, laboure;r Barlow J am'es, labourer Mills Joseph, labourer Stewart William, iron worker I2 Ga=ell John, iron worker 14 Houghton James, laboure,r I6 Bunt JohIli, householder I-8 Wood Jervis, l:a.borurer 20 HU=phreYis. Edward, roll turner 22 Smith George, carter 24 Sharples William, labourer 28 Spencer William, waterman 30 Hick William, millwright 32 Fisher Samuel, labourer 24 Parkinslon John, brush maker 36 King Richard., engine driver 42 PeTI1IlJ JohIli, fitting maker 44 Jorda1ll Martin, labourer 46 Walte!"s Richard, iron worker 52 Smith Joseph, waterman 54 Braithwaite Jam:es, householder 56 Hall Charles, wheelwright 58 Griffiths Samuel, carpenter 60 Webb John, forgeman 62 Bedden William, bolter down 64 Moody William, forgeman 66 Kirby William, waterman 68 Rickards GeOlrge J. saddl-er 70 Wilkinson Richard, storekeeper 72 Harper Edward, rubber maker 74 Bather Joseph, wire worker 76 Parsons Mrs. Margaret, househIdr 78 Worrall William, engineer 80 Molyneux Alfred., waterman 82 Corneld Mrs. Emma, householder FENNEL STREET. (Church street.) Left-hand side. 2 Hitchmough Adam, railway guard 4 Sub Post Office 4 Lees Mrs. Elizh. sub-postmistress 6 Chantler John, prylice sergeant 8 Davies Thomas, foreman I2 O.ld Crow, Thomas Mather ............ Here is Dial street ......... Here is Green's court I6 V.ernon: Miss Hannah, pawnbroker I8 Holbrook Thomas:, shopkereper 20 WhitIDJr.er P-eter, dairyman . P'lki ......... H ere IS 1 ngt. au yar d 3 2 Smith Edward., baker • R b' ,.1. R ere IS ... 0 ms?n s yaru' 40 S~th Edw~rd, haIrdresser 4 6 SImpson Miss Frances', househldr .........Here is Pritchard's yard......... STREET8. 21 140 Fidler James, labourer ......... Here is Stout's' yard 44 EvanlSl Rd'. & Co. Lim. colliery proprie,tors; Edwd. London, agt ......... Her-eJ is Winwick street ......... Right-hand side. .........Here is Tinsley's terrace......... He-witt Robert, join~ I Rigby Mrs'. Hannah, shopkeeper 5 W!aJrburton James, signalman 7 Willhms Samuel, painter 9 Toole James', marine ,store dealer .........Here, is Bakehouse yard......... I3 BaingEll1' William, labourer I5 Bamford! William, carter I7 Marratt Jo,seph, shopkeeper I9 Wllltfield Richaxd, carter 2I Smethurst James & Son, iron & brass, founders ......... Here is Peter's. court Powell E. & S. joiners 39 WeIQs Lowcfen, joiner 4I Dickinson Nathaniel, labourer FOLLY LANE. ......... Here is Ryland's court ......... (Bewsey road.) 49 Ca'l'roll Thomas, labourer .........Here is Bay Horse y.M'd......... Left-hand side. Rigbey Wm. H. Bews'ey cottage 59 MulliIlSJ Mrs. Mary, householder 6I Mallon John, labourer Wright Thomas', farmEll1' Longford Wire, Iron & Steel Co. ......... Here is Malloy's· yard Lim. wir€) arawers 63 J·efiers EdlWard, labourer ......... Here is KerfooJt street ......... 65 Ke,lly Patrick, lahonrer He;!'e is Winwick street Right-hand side. I Siddall Riohard, householder FRIARS GATE. 3 Boardman John, householder (Bridge street.) 5 M'Faill David C. surgeon 7 Atherton Willism Left-hand side. I5 DavislS Rev. James Lockyer, Stead & Co. drysalters i 7 Johnston John W IO Coat,es '\Villiam, draper I9 'Welsby Thomas, cashier I6 Math'er Mrs,. Sarah A. house-hldr 2I Hankins,oIl! John I8 Ja-mson John W. phoographer 23 Barlow Samuel, The Folly 23 Barlow Samuel & Co. metal mer- ......... Here is Friar;, green ......... chants Right-hand: side, 25 Parkinson J am'e,s 9 Caldwell MrS!. Margare,t, milk· seller 3 I Owen Joseph, stocktaker I5 Woods Joseph D. ta.ilor 33 Gfuskill :Mrs I5 Woods Mrs. Ann, apartments 35 Dl:jas Jam:es, manager I7 Taft William Henry, shopkeeper 37 Evans Thomas, iron roller Here i& Friars green ... Here is Allgard street 43 Keenan Miss :Martha, shopkeeper FRIARS GREEN. 45 Io'thgpe James, carpenter 47 Bartley William, wire weaver (Friars gate.) 49 Evans Robert·, engine driver Right-hand side. 5I Gardner Fras. S. engine driver I & 3 Young Men's Christian Assctn 53 Mather James, glass cutter 5 Yeadon Geo. caretaker (Y.M.G.A.) 55 Mulvey Joseph, engine driver 57 Brandwood: Jl,fiss Mary Alice, 5 Oalvert Miss', artist 7 Leigh James, grocer houSlehoIder 59 Turner Seth, brakesman ...... Here is St. Austin's lane .. 6I Woods· Arthur, manager ......... Rere is Stanley street .. 63 Bradburn George, shopkeeper ......... Here is Shuttle stre'e,t . .... Here is Dalla·m lane ....•....... 25 Mullins Thomas, beer retailer .. Here is Kerfoot street . ......... Hl:jre is Arpley walk . 27 Brouchemite Alfd. old clothes dIr FOUNDRY STREET. ......... Here is .A.rpley road ......... (BE:wsey street.) Left-hand side. Left-hand side. 2' Crawford George, beer retailer 2a Smith Albert E. printer Burges's· John, tallo<w chandler 2 Mla.ther William, coal aeal'er Weaver G. & J. c:l!binet makers Here is Dallam lane .. Firth (The) Co. wire matre&s I6 Leather Mrs. Esther, shopkeeper manufacturers· Spann Richard, wheelwright I8 PDtter Richard, turIller Clare Arthur, brass founder 20 Forster MTs Margaret, househldr GarsideJ & Jolle.y, printers 22 Turne;r Fr";ll~, wire· drawer ...... Here is Arpley road . 24 B?ul:lin William, mbourer 26 DICkmmn John, lapo~rer 28 Longmore Mrs. Harnet, househIdr FROGHALL LANE. . He·re is Perrin's yard .. (Bew"e-y street.) 3° Dykes Mrs. Ellen, householder 32 Chester Thornas, labourer Left-hand side. 34 McC<mnick John, labourer I Jones Thoma,s 36 Jemrings Edward, forgeman 3 Gough George, cutter down 38 Ma.ssey Jame·s, labourer 5 Ellison Henry housepolder 22 WARRINGTON. STREET3. [SLATER'S Baptist Ohapel Brown Harry, joiner Sandall C. & F. wood turners 9 McGarty James, householder Caldwell Samuel, slater I I Bailey David, manager Jackson John, cart owner . Here is Allen street .,. 22 Hardiman, Hewitt & Co. printers 13 GrCje>l Joseph S. accountant 22 The Sporting Telegram 15 Aukland Ephraim 24 Patrick George, labourer •... Here is Rolleston street 26 Halsall Mrs. Ellen, dressmaker 28 Turner John H. traveller GLADSTONE STREET. 17 Holland Cha's. wine & spirit mer 30 Clegg Edwin T. assistant 19 Abson Edward, manager (Eustace street.) 32 Wilson James, barman 21 Tedford :!\tus. Frances, householder Left-hand side. 34 Sandall Charles, wood turner 23Par,s,onage, James, fitter 25 Waldron Jl.fiss Agnes, househol<1er I Wilson Mrs. Elizabeth, househldr 36 Hill Arthur E. cabinet maker 27 Blease Joseph R. householder 3 Wood Edwin, fitter ......... Here is Paradise place . ......... Here }sFirth Dlace . 5 Murray Frank, joiner 38 Berry William, labourer 7 Sharples James, engine driver 40 Geddes Mrs. Mary, householder 29 Thorley Joshua., shopkeepeiI' 9 Mills Richard, boiler maker 42 Dowling William, householder 31 Toft Harry, tobacconist ' I I Boston John, barman 44 Lowe William, shopkeeper 33 Roberts Thomas, tanner - 13 Thomas Thomas R. foreman 46 Lowe .Tames, railway porter 35 Wellington George, joiner &c 15 Forman Benjamin, piler 37 Morris David, labourer ............Here is Heath lane . 17 Pownell John, glass cutter 39 Barnes Thomas" foreman 64 Murton George, confectioner 19 Cross 'Walter, builder 41 WaJIington :M!rs., Bessy, househldr 21 :price William,' iron worker ............Here is Heath side .. ............ Here is Heath lane ~. 23 Davison ""Villiam, householder Fire Engine Station, ......... Here is Kendrick street, .. 25 Shaw James, engine driver Frank Turner, superintendent '" Here is Crolsfielld street . .. " Here is) Paul street . .. Here is Allen street . 53 Sykes Edwin, drape:r 27 Partington Arthur, clerk Right-hand side. .........Here, is Nicholson ,s,tree·t . 29 Shaw George, file cutter 3 Dooley John, french polisher 31 Conway Michael, engineer 57 Ta,ylor Jo&hua, shopkeeper' 5 Hutchinson Thomas, basket maker ......... Here is Priestley street .. 3'3 Whitfield J oseph,engine driver 35 Jackson Miss Annie,householder 5 Unsworth John E. mill furnisher Right-hand side. Connor Edward, coach proprietor 37 Ostle Henry, joiner , 2 Walker James 39 Frain Thomas, commission agent 27 Pickthall Tom W. fitter 31 Greenhalgh John, cab driver 4 BirchaJ1 Thoma,s, Holly lodge 41 Parker' Henry, iron worker 33 Roberts Thomas, clerk ............' Here is Paul street .. 43 Strange George, wire drawer 3'5 Bodle William, householder 45 PendleburyJohn, wire worker 6 J oUey Alfred John 47 Sellars Mrs. Elizabeth, householdr 37 Atkinson Henry, labourer 8 Cox Thomas H 49 OllierGeorge, brakesman .. , Here is Cambria place . :to Atherton Miss Mary, householder ......... Here is Bewsey road 39 Warburton Eleanor, shopkeeper 12 SkeHand .Jame,s,househO'lder 41 Clough John, 'manager 14 Johnstone Henry G. school Right-hand side. 16 Dobson Joseph,' draughtsman 43 Parkinson J. H. & Son, brush mfrs 44 Webster John, shopkeeper 18 Critchley Thomas, foreman ......... Here is Hughes' court .. 46 Seddon Mrs. Mary, householder 20 Culm James:, wire drawer ... Here is Flag lane .. 48 Fogg Henry, warehouseman 22 Ford Thomas R. professor of mus Walker Peter & Son Lim. (War......... Here is Bewsey road . ......... Here is Arthur stre.et .. rington & Burton), brewers ......... Here is Priestley street . 53 Brown John, glass & china dealer GLAZEBROOK STREET. ...... Here is Queen street . (M<J,nchester road.) GARIBALDI S'TREET. (Green street.) Left-hand side. GOLDEN SQUARE. Left-hand side. 2 Brown Charles, watchman (Market place.) 4 AppletonJohn, file cutter 2 Egerton Charles, labourer Cross John, butcher 6 Dumbill John, tanner 6 Hatton Robert, riverman Royal Exchange, William Bolton 8 Moston Albert, shopkeeper 8 Yarwood .James, labourer' Starkey George, seed merchant 10 Heaf-Ji'd Hiram H. salesman 10 Sk~lland Frederick, iron worker Dodson Robert, solicitor 12 London George, tube cleaner 1'2 PrIce .James S. poiutsman Teare John H. bookbinaer 14 'Webb Harry, traveller 14 Dutton JameS' ""V. timekeeper 16 Lomax William,brick setter 16 Broomfield Henry, ,labourer, ,GORSEY LANE. 18 Peers John, labourer 18 Welsby Samuel, labourer 20 Sills George, iron dresser (Padgate lane.) 20 Hewitt Arthur, labourer 22 Ryder ,James, wire drawer 22 Such Richard, signalman Left-hand) side. 24 Moorey Richard, tailor 24 Holland Samuel, labourer 2 Proffit. 1Villiam, carter 20 Holt Samuel, carter ' 2'5 Griffiths George, painter 6 Monks John, labourer 30 Edwards Pryce B. fitter 2.8 Jones, William H. engine driver 10 'Findon Harry, foreman 32 Smith William,householder 30 Sutton James, householder 1 12 Howell Mrs. Eliza A. householdel' 34I'ritchard James, labourer 3 2 Williams Fredk. W; tool maker 14 Asher Joseph,gasfitter 34 Roberts Richard M., groom 36 Watts John, engine driver 16 Jean 'Fred, clerk . 36 Davies John, fireman 38 Harding .John, householder 18 Eecle James, joiner 38 Roper Henry, labourer 40 Curley Francis, asphalter 40 Barlow Samuel, wire drawer __ 42 Condliffe George, policeman 20 Henderson Mrs. Cath. householdr 22 Shettle Thomas, file smith 4 2 Andrew .John J. bookbinder 44 Povey George, tool maker 1I 24 Royle John, signalman 44 Pownall John, wire drawer 46 Owen Joseph, painter 4 6 Goodfellow James, stamper 26 Cror;ner ""Valter" soldier 4 8 Diggett Isaiah, iron worker GOLBORNE STREET. 28 Robmson John, clerk 30 Carradiee 1Villiam G. plumber 50 Morrall Edward, iron worker (Sankey street.) 52 Graham David, labourer 32 Mott Fred, joiner 56 Dyke :-, shopkeeper ,Left-hand side. 34 Yates Edwin H. plumber ' 58 Campbell John R. brick setter 4 Page H. S. & Co. tailors 3 6 Melbourne David, labourer 64 McGeachan Fredk. vanman 6 Podmore William, hairdresser 3aBall George, moulder 66 Bell Samuel, 'bus driver 8 Lowe, Edward, newsagent, 4 0 Rothery George, book deliverer 68 Hutchinson John, glass maker Here is Regent street Right-hand side. 10 Wild Thomas, tailor GOULDEN STREET. I Parsonage John, gardener' 12 Hesketh John, painter (LoY€ly lane.) 3 Wilks James, forgeman 14 Barnes Mrs. Mary, milk dealer Left-hand sidoe,. 5 Leigh James, welder Here is Mount street............ 2 Silvester Jo,seph, ga,rdener 7 Massey Thomas, striker 16 Owen David, carver & gilder 4 Tanner Ricruail'd C. tool maker 9 Birchall Thomas, eng-ineer 18 Owen Mrs. Martha, householder 6 Edwa,rdson John, wire dra,wer I I Edwards Mrs. Eleanor, househldrj 'Warrington & Latchford District __ 8 T,raynor Peter, labourer 13 Holt James, labourer Vaccination Station 10 James William P. traveller, FROGHALL LANE-continued. 7 Winte!I' Ed"l"ffir<1, clerk 15 25 27 31 . 35 37 39 41 . Halford Richard H. fitter Griffiths Thomas H. points man Woolhouse James W. type caster Rowley Joseph S. wire drawer Jones John R. painter Dixon Charles, file maker Scott Richard, shop assistant Lee Robert J. pipe fitter 'VARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] STREETS. Appleby John, railway porter 23 171 Smith :Mr.s. Haniet, householder 33 Roscoe Ro;vland, herbalist ......... Here IS Bostock street, , Here IS Furness street . 16 Taylor John, brakesman 37 Davenport Samuel, ironmonger 73 Plumpt{Jn Geo.rge,'tanner 18 .A.llcock Joseph, wire drawer 39 Kelly William, boot maker 75 Houghton John, brick setter 20 Broomfield William, wire drawer 41 Warham Edward T. iron worker 77 Simcock Samuel, fireman 22 Grouch John, fu,rnaceman 43 Wood Robert, packer 79 Gallop Will, o'stler 24 Hewitt William, book binder 45 Nish Andrew, fitte,r 81 Bennett :Mrs. Alice, apartments 47 Thomas Thoma.s L. wire drawer 83 Ryan John, foreman Right-hand 'side. '49 Whitehouse Oharles, .shopkeeper 85 Shaw Edward, newsagent I Whe,eldon Edwin, householder 51 Morgan Robert, cart O'wner Here is Lythgoe',s lane . 15 But.terworth J=es W. engineer 53 Plant. Richard, iron worker 17 Kent Henry, glllJSS cutter HEATON SQUARE. Here is Lovely lane 19 Ble.a:se John, derk (19 Orford street,.) 21 W oolfenden Joseph, engine fitter 23 Haley John, wire dra,wer GREY STREET. .,....... Here is Orford stre.e.t .. 25 Fullward Samuel, brick setter (Rop-wondstreet,. ) Mills Edmund, fustian cutter 27 Howard Hosea, fitter Cla,re Peter, rope & twine manufr (No outlet.) (No outle,t.) GRAPPENHALL ROAD. HENRY STREET. (.A.:rpley street.) (Knut'sford road', Latchford.) GUARDIAN STREET. Left-hand side. (Priestley street.) Left-hand side. 2 Jones ,\VilliJam,suJJ-editor Christ· Ohurch National Sohool I Sambrook George, fitter 4 Dave.nport '\Villiam, coachman Wood Robert O. joiner 3 Griffiths Thoma,s, painter Lnngs;ha;w William, drapers? assist 7 Cockin John, weigher Right-hand sid.e. Smith George, ;mattre's5 make,r I I Heaton John, wire worker I Smith Joseph, dra·per ' Stowe Jnhn, clerk 13 C~a.Yton William, labourer 3 Garland :Miss Jane- Ro,sa, househld-r FOil'd William H. .clerk 15 Spa,rks William W. timekeeper 5 Lawless '\Villiaan R .. grocer Grounds Alfred; tanner 17 Dickenson J,ames, wire worker 7 Taylor. Samuel, mattress maker 21 ariff Emanuel, gardener 9 Jubb Albert G. foreman Woodbine terrace,...23 Peplow Alfred, brakesman I I J nhnson John, salesman I Priestman Th·nma,s 25 Fea,rn}ey James, wire drawer 2 Prescntt James 27 Griffiths Joseph, painte.r HOPWOOD STREET. 3 Finney David William 31 Coyne Fergus, labourer 4 Coxon Mrs (Schnol ~row.) 33 Kelley John, labourer 5 Pearse Percival Left-hand side,. 35 Olema Peter, labourer 6 IraTIcison Joseph 32 Smith Thomas, wire weaver 14 Smith John, bailiff, Woodbine co,t 37 Potter Gemge, labourer 39 Banner Richard, puddler 34 Hands George, glass- maker Right-hand side. ......... Here is, Brierley street -.-........ 3 6 SIlWllman William T. file hardener' 38 Bramhall James" joiner I Blackhurst George, Brook h.ouse .r Here 'isKeen street. 40 Athe.rton Alphonso, pork butcher The LaurelsW o'rkhouse. Merse,y (The.) Boot Manufacturing Toft Thomas Co. boot makers Farr William B HANOVER STREET. St. George's ~fission Ronm J eTIkius Frederick (Ar 3 Grounds Joseph ", . . pley stroot,.) Here is Battersby lane 5 Walker John 2 Starkey Thoma,s, shopman Right-handside. 9 Watkins' Cha,rles, manager 4 Boo Thomas R. tailors' cutter Here is Grey street Railway Station (Latchford, L.' & 6 Gilbert ~s. EIl1!illla, Ruth,ilwu~h1dr 3 1 Donoughue Mrs. Mary, householdr N. W. Rly.), Peter Warren, 8 I,a.wton,~fiss 'Jane,householder 33 Oakhill Samuel, cabinet illsker' station master . 8 Wild I/.;ev.. Herbert Robert M.A '. 10 AshwOl,'thMisses Jane & .Alice, 35 Dykes Edward, labourer 37 Cottam Mrs. Ma,ry, householder apartments GREEN STREET. HeTdk Wim:narIeigh street ...... 39 Buckley Joseph, wire drawer 41 La-we Thomas, fitter (Liverpool road.) 43 Smallman Frede'rick, news agent HAYDOCK STREET. Left-hand side. ......... Here is Derby street .. (Winwick street.) 28 Stringer JO'seph,shbpkeeper 45 Holmes James, shnpkeeper' Left-hand side,. '" .•..... Here is Powys st,reet . 47 Pridden Robert, 'brick setter Here is .A.rno:d's yard 30 Barton & Courtney, shopkeepers 49 Rushton Edward, iron dresser Here is Buckley's yard 34 For-s·ter James, engine driver ......... Here is Battersby lane...... :... 36. Asnip James, labourer 46 Birch James, .shopkeeper 38 Grace Richa,rd, shopkeeper ...... Here is Boardmans oourl HORSEMARKET STREET. 40 Edwa.rds J. & T.bute..he.r.s Haydock Street Tanning Co. (Market Gate.) 42 Salt Joseph, fried fish dealer tanners 44 Rankin Harry, greellgTocer Left-hand side. ......... Here is Shaw stre,et 46 Stott Ernest L. chemist Hatton John, chemist 48 Webb :M:isses Sarah A., Eliza & Taylor William., builder I Hall W. & Son, hatters Ellen, dra.pers 60 Ha,yes John, shopkeeper 3 :Melia Daniel & Co. grocers 50 Ew.ills RO'bert, tobacconist 62 Dut,ton Walte,r, puddler ......... Here is Temple court ;. 52 Finnerty Michad, butcher 64 Rigby :Mrs. :Miary Ann, househldr 5 Milling Hy. & Co. Lime grocers ............ Here is :Mill lane . 66 J oiley William, file cutter ............ Here is Cheapside, : .. .;....... Here is Lythgoe's lane Right-hand side. 7 Leigh Peter, gTocer & wine mer' Bunch Oharles E. tVhitecross bank Right-hand side. 9 Stead & Simpson Lim. boot makrs 3 Thornton John, glass' & china dealr 9 Birohall John, plasterer I I Dolan Brothers, tailors . 5 Newall James, foreman 19 ,Marsh Pee,rs, chimney. sweeper 13 Old Coffee House, Henry Brown 7 Fanshaw David, manager Barkex James & Scm, engineers I5 Bowcock James, jun. butcher 9 Hooper James, wood carver .. Here is Ashton st,reet S~elton W. P. & W. Limited, ironI I Hassall John, brick seM-er ............ Here is Lee's yard mongers, Jubilee buildings I3 & IS Billinge J!i1mes, tobacconist 53 Branwood John, cart·er Her-e is Lyme street . I9 RandlesWiliiam, labnurer 55 Oates James, fustian cutter 27 Blue Bell, :Mrs. Ann Kershaw 21 Hall Mberl, coach builder Corn :Market ......... Here is Garibaldi street . 57 Kelly John, sawyer 59 Alcock Robert, labourer' 29 Bayley John G. saddler 25 Webb John, tool maker 61 Harper Joseph A. hO'usehold& 31 Dakin & Banks, cheese factors ......... Here is Priestle-y ,street 63 C{i.rline Patrick, householder 33 Horse Shoe, James Standish 27 Gerrard Ge(}rge, grocer 65 Hayes :Mrs. Jrole, householder 135 Clare Peter,rope & twine m<aker &e, 29 Lloyd Henry, ostler 167 Davenport George, blacksmith 37 Paul :Miss Margt.L. ladie5' Qutfittr ,69 Smith Richard, labourer i 39 Taylor ~rrs. Alice, baker . 3 1 Williamson John, labourer 12 14 Lawson George, brick setter I.. · . j I· · · I 24 STREETS. VolARRINGTON. [SLATER'S 95 Owen Richard, carter HORSE1\rARKET STREET,-continued. 76 Bradbury Charles, laboure.r 41 & 43 Ohantry & Son, confectioners 78 Williams Mrs. Susannah, houshldr 97 Pritchard John, labourer 99 Banner Samuel, waterman 45 Singer Manufa<lturing 00 Right-hand side. WI Mason Joseph, clerk 47 M'Olew James, hair dresser I Pa.gett Walter, hair dre.s·s,er .........Here is Navigation street......... 49 Hop Po:a, Mrs. Elizh. Ann Coop Here is Howley quay .... ..... Here is Peter street ......... 3 McLoughlin John, Lahourer 7 Smith Joseph, labourer HOWLEY QUAY. 51 & 53 CentraJ. hote;[, Joseph Woodin 9 Duaine James, labourer (Howley lane.) I I Ryder Thomas, iron worker 55 Commercia,l ohambers13 Slidder G,eorge, labourer Ashton & Woods, solicito,rs Naylor Robert A. timber merchant & I7 Kirkham Mrs. Mary, householder Woods Edwa;rd W. solic1tor joiner 19 Bennett George, labourer Woods Herbert, solicitor Manchester Ship Canal Co. (Bridgewater Canals Undertaking), carriers 57 British Wo.rkman Public House 21 De,whurst Henry, forgeman 25 Bradfoird William, shopkeper by water, James ~vans, agent 00. Limited 27 Eden William, labourer Cunliffe John Tattersall L1m. tanners, ......... Here is Bewsey street 31 Heaton John, laboure·r Holmesfield tannery Right-hand side. utchings John & W. N. tanners, HowHere is Enfield street ley tannery Union Bank of Miancheste,r Limited Whitfield William, carting contractor, 2 Crarmpton Paul P. fancy draper HOWLEY LANE. Howley house 4 Prince Thos, brush manufacturer (Church. stl'ep-t.) Platt George, boat hirer 6 Dalton Peter, boot maker Welsby Joseph, brickmaker 8 & IO Manchester Ta;iloring & Left-nand side. Mason William, store keeper Clothing Depo,t 2 Wood Thomas, labourer 12 Home & Coloil1ial Co. Lim. grocers 4 Buckley George, carter :1:4 Maginn John, sewing machine dlr 6 Waring Joseph, labourer HOYLE STREET. 14 Maginn Brothers, cab proprietors 8 'Whitefield George, boatman (Bewsey road.) 16 Smith Richa;rd H. tea dealer IO Bretherton 1Vadkin, carter Left-hand side. 18 Toft Riohard, tobacconist ......... Here is Farrell street A J h h k 20 Chantry & Son, bake.rs I .l1.rmstrong 0 n, s op eeper 18 Allcock Edward, shopkeeper 3 Allen George, roller 22 Porter John M. fishmonge.r 20 Griffiths Griffith, joiner 5 Dingley Gregor¥" foreman 24 Fairhurst Hugh & Co. chemists 22 Longworth Aaron,. bricklayer 9 Leach G,eorge, 1ronworker 26 Isaac J. B. provision dealer 24 Hesketh Alfred, joiner I I Baxter Thomas, gardener 28 Massey Edwa.rd, butcher 13 Simcock John, engine driver 30 Little Horse Shoe hotel, George 26 Lynah Christopher, carter 28 Ikin John, carter 15 Rudge John, foreman E. Turley 30 Platt George, joiner 32 Pierpoint & 00. seed merohants 32 Davies Thomas, shopkeeper Rere is David street .. Lanci\J&hire & Y orbhire Blank Lim. 17 Smith Mrs. Sarah, householder Frederick W. Gilbert, man ...... Here is Bridgewater street 38 White Bull, Mrs. Ann BaJ,shaw 34 Fairhurst "Villiam, shopkeeper 19 Williams Rarry, forgeman 2I Wright Edward, wire drawer . Here is Town hill . 38 Higginson 1Villiam, tuner 40 Riley Thomas, householder 23 Taylor James, forgeman 40 Griffin hotel, Mrs.HannahPritcha,rd 42 Roberts 'William, foreman 25 Harrison Henry, forgeman 44 Hamer Samuel, boot maker Naylor Robert A. joiner & timber 27 Francis William, puddler 46 Glendinning R. & 00. fishmongers merchant,Saw mills,Howley quay 29 Landor John, furnaceman & poultry & game dealers . H owey 1 quay ............ H ere 1S .. 31 Baxter Thomas, stoker 50 Holloway Miss .Ann, (1raper ............ Here is Ellis street .. 52 Cavanagh George J. news agent Right-hand side. 33 Archer James, joiner 54 Green Mrs. Sarah, lawes' outfitter I Hall Benjamin, galvanizer 35 Shaw Harry, engine driver 56 Clare James, cloggecr 3 Burton Charles, labourer 37 Spencer William, engine driver 58 Beswick Joseph, tobacconist 5 Dennett Joseph, warehouseman 39 Perry John, forgeman 60 Ca;ldweJI S. Limited, iTonmongers 7 Leitch Francis, joiner 41 Wilkinson Allan, engine driver 62 Woods Thos. & "Vm. grocers 9 Shaw James, wire drawer 43 Duton Israel, wire rope maker ......... Here is Scotland road . I I Hallam Arthur, carter 7 1 Flyn Mrs. Hannah, hOlJ.seholder I3 Littlewood Mrs. Jane, butcher 73 Williams Henry, labourer HOWARD STREET. 15 Higginson Samuel, signalman 75 Smith John, roller (Pries~ley street.) 17 Cross John, painter 79 Leather Thomas, labourer I9 Slater James, labourer 81 Cotton William, fireman Left-hand s·ide. 21 Green Mrs. Frances, householder 8~ Kirkham Joseph forgcrnan 4 Beard George, shopkeeper 23 Hough .Alfred, joiner Lowe Mrs. MarWt. householder 6 Symonds J ona;than, nail maker 25 Charnley Robert, pa~nter ........ Here is Lilford street 8 Wright Joseph, 1Jabourer 27 Chatterton Robert, WIre drawer 10 Wells. William, labourer 29 Lister Samuel, wire drawer 89 Howe .Henry, labo?r"r . 12 Eden John T. fo:rgeman 31 1Yheatley 1Villiam, policeman 91 Tomkmson Wm. msurance agent 14. Mulhare Micha,el, labourer 33 Jones Isaac, bolter down 93 Parkesl Joseph, furnace:nan . 16 Ta.ylor Samuel, puddler 35 Hill Rarry, plumber 95 Whalley Matthew, engme dnver 18 Preston Richard, labourer ......... Here is Brook street 97 Roberts Thomas, .forgeman 20 GaJlo,way Herbert., musician . 99 Brown Alphonso, 1ronworker 22 Myles Arthur, labourer 37 Cook M1SS Bertha, shopkeeper IOI Harrison Henry, engine driver 28 Drew Thomas, engine driver .........Here is Ellesmere street Here is George street 30 Cockin Thomas, bolter down 39 Ashcroft William, porter 32 Ha,rrison G,eorge, forgeman ............Here is New street............ Right-hand side. 34 Ra.rris William, puddler ......... Here is Egerton street ......... 38 Ti?k!e Robert, shopk~eper . 36 Whitfield Henry, puddler 53 Rowley George, wheelwright 40 W1lhams .J?seph, e~gme ~nver 40 M:cEvoy Daniel, forgeman 63 Ditchfield John, tanner 42 LaIJ?-b 1Vl1ham, enj5me d:l'lver 42 Moore Joshua, labourer 65 Sankey Isaac, waterman 44 Whitehouse Franc1s, sm1th 44 Jones Thomas, puddler 4 6 Wor:ley Thomas P. lTonworker 67 Stockwell 'William, labourer 46 Badger Richa;rd, lab{)urer 169 Eyes Henry, joiner 48 Chnmes. J?hn, labourer 48 Jones Richard, labourer 7 ~o Peers W1lha~, forgeman 1 Burgess John, warehouseman 50 Adams Thomas, tailor 73 Eyes Robert, wire drawer ~2 Mc9ue ~!'a:trlCk, labourer 52 Worra;ll William, labourer 75 Horton Thomas, roper 54 E~hs '\hlham, platelayer 54 Hughes J{)seph, smith 77 Haro-reaves 1Villiam tanner 56 Tmdon John, forgeman 56 Hughes J o'seph, bolte,r down 79 Lunt Edward, carti~g contractor 58 Worrall Frank,. puddler 58 Smedley Ha.rry, wire dra,wer 81 Brown Joseph, tinsmith 60 Goskar Freden~k, hawk~r 60 Bri&tow Edwin T. iron worker 83 Hopkins Mrs. Elizh. householder 62 Taylor Samuel, 11'00; worker 62 Denton Peter, galvanizer 85 Lunt John C. shopkeeper 64 Lelland John J. p.amter 64 Pag-e.tt Arthur, labourer . 66 Stephens Joseph, lTonworker 66 Richardson Thomas, glass cutter ......... Here 1S Brackley street 88 Ball Mrs. Betsy, householder 68 Webb Mrs. Phrebe, householder 87 Cant John, turner 90 Wilks Joseph, iron worker 70 Horrabin Edwin, hawker 89 Bowden John, tanner 92 Stokes Thomas, shingler 72 PoUer Henry, file cutter 9 1 Hankey Samuel, tanner 94 Hall Charles H. bricksetter 74 Taylor James, householder. 93 Maddock Frederick, householder 96 Taylor Henry, joiner 85 \VARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] 98 Bradbury :i\liss }IaTy, butcher ...•..... Here is Lilford street Mission Room Left-hand side. Spinks John C. police inspector Police Station .........Here is Whittle street . ..... .... Here is Church street .. Right-hand side. Stirrup Mrs. Martha, fishmonger Clegg William, draper Mason James, plumber Hedgecock Joseph, hairdresser Gerrard George E. grocer I I Gerrard Joseph, baker 13 Taylor Arthur, butcher ~ IS Jones Edward, hardware dealer 17 Brindley Charles, milliner 19 Hudson William, general draper 21 Moores Thomas, grocer 23 Shaw John, beer reta·iler 25 Horrocks Adam, tripe dealer 27 Cantrell Charles H. confectioner 29 Richardson William, draper 31 Unsworth Thomas, butcher 33 Barton William, tobacconist 35 Riley Mrs. Elizabeth, beer retailer Here is Mersey street ......... Here is Church street .. I 3 5 7 9 JOLLEY STREET. (Legh street.) 6 8 10 12 Left-hand side. Starkie Mrs. Hannah, householder Guest John, carter Monks Joseph, wire drawer Loftus John, labour'll' I 3 5 7 9 II 03 Right-hand side. Sopiro Max, traveller Shaw James, picture frame maker James John H. labourer Maginnes Richard, labourer Jones Robert, rope maker Berry William, smith Rooke Martin, wire drawer KENDRI'CK STREET. (Legh street.) . Right-hand side. Arnold John, timekeeper 3 Chrimea John, labourer 5 Roberts Charles, moulder Taylor Mrs. Eliza, householder 7 Boardman Thomas, shopkeeper 9 Higgins Mrs. Martha, householder I I Simcock James H. watchman 13 Pickton Mrs. Elizh. apartments IS Crosby Joseph, upholsterer 17 Appleton James, brake examiner 19 Jones William, wheelwright St. Paul's National Infants' School .......•....Here is Park place .. 21 Hibbert Oharles H. manager 23 Dobson Philip, engineer 25 Maybury Thomas, householder 27 Wright George, park inspector 29 Warrington Loan Office 29 Fenton Edward, agent ............Here is Froghalliane . I Left-hand side. Davidson William, estate agent 3 Stephenson Geo. file manufacturer 5 Oreighton William, baker 7 Hoult Henry, plumber Greenhalgh J. M. cabinet maker Fisher Joseph, furniture broker 19 Walker William, architect 19 Peer's Economic Building Society 21 Voisey Lewis, chartered accountnt 2I Richmond & Co. Limited, gas engineers (registered office) St. Alban's Roman Catholic School 25 'Voolstencroft John, bookbinder ......... Here is' Oambria place 3 I Harper George, labo:urer 33 DaVIes James, rag l?lcker 35 Johnson Samuel, WIre worker 37 Lowe Thom~s; labourer. 39 Magrath W~ham J. book:t rnder 4 I Howard Edwd. glass & china dealer 43 Jackso~ Mrs: Mary, shopkeeper 45 Hazeldme Jlihss Mary A. househldr 47 Booth George, coffee roaster ............ Here is Flag lane . . RIght-hand SIde. 2 Davies Percy & Forshaw, solicitors 2 First. ~Varring~on Starr-Bowkett BUlldmg SOCIety ............Here is Talbot yard 4 Dumbell Albert, hairdresser 8 Willtne John clerk y , ...... Here is Robinson's court IO Garvin Thomas, cab driver 12 Regan Peter, miller 14 Glover ~1:rs. Sarah, householder 16 Roane Thomas, bus driver I8 Green Joseph S. accountant 20 Refu""e Assurance 00. Limited °H . ]\;1"11 t t .......:.... ere IS - 1 S r~e Silcock Wm. & Sons, WIre workers 24 Lydo~ Thomas, labourer 26 Durkm John, forgeman 28 J~hnson Peter, labom:er 30 LIttlewood Mrs. Annie,householdr 32 Boughey Peter, labourer 34 Low:e Mrs. Sarah, hous~hold~r DaVIes Wm..copper & tm smIth ............Here IS Flag lane' I IRLAM STREET. (Dial street.) Left-hand side. 2 Hough Samuel, fitter 4 Lawton Joseph, labourer 6 Monks Thomas, plumber ....... ..Here is Beamont street Infirmary & Dispensary Public Park ......... Here is Froghall lane KING STREET. (Sankey street.) . STREETS. 25 Primitive Methodist Preaehing Room Preston place72 Oaldwell William, joiner & builder 74 Gaukroger Miss Lucy, dress maker 78 Wellings Samson, confectioner 82 Barker James, fitter 84 Ellerton Frank, music teacher 86 Livingston Alexander, bricklayer 88 Underwood John, tanner 90 Bate Thomas, shopkeeper 92 Johnson Robert, householder 94 Booth Thomas, joiner 96 Jones Robert, householder 98 Batchelor Thomas G. engine driver IOO Smith Erasmus Jones, clerk JI02hnLToewentblle;g Abraham, houaeh:Jldl' o uns a s rowI04 Slater Samuel, file cutter ro8 Jones Benjamin, tailor lIO Thomasson James householder 114 Looker Robert, ta'ilor lI6 Lloyd Henry, waterman lI8,Skelhorn Thomas, waterman 120 Jackson John, ca.rter 122 Moss Joseph, whitesmith I24 Hatton Peter, tanner I26 Teare John H I28 Podmore Joseph, printer 130 'Vaywell David labourer I3 2 Booth Thomas' labourer 134 Pemberton John, labourer 13 6 Kenwright Edward, ship carpnk 138 Dickins Miss Fanny, milliner 13 8 Di?kins William, clerk 140 Willcock Ja~~s, file J:1ardener 142 Unsworth WIlham, pamter 144 Grounds Robert, warehouseman I46 Ditchfield Thomas, linesman 148 Hamblett James, cabinet maker 150 Bolsworth Mrs.Mary, householder I52 Allender Henry, storekeeper 154 Southern James, wheelwright 156 Dunn Mrs. Winifred, householder I58 Ingham Mrs. Elizh. householder 160 Rose William, grinder 162 Welsby William J. stonema·son 164 Whitfield Joseph, wire weaver I66 Elliott Mrs. Sarah, householder I68 Leigh Samuel, waterman 170 Blinston James, brakesman I7 2 Jenks John, upholsterer I74 Lake Mrs. Margrt. beer retailer 176 Irons Samuel, labourer 178 Clayton Joseph, labourer Davies Joseph, Old Warps KNUTSFORD ROAD. Davies Harry, Old Warps (St. James' street, Latchford.) Green John, coachman, Old Warps lodge Left-hand side. Bramwell James, farm bailiff Edelsten John & Son, pin, file & 26 4 Bridge Richard, butcher tool manufacturers, Mersey wrks 266 Broadhurst John, confectioner Victoria terraceManchester Ship Oanal Co. goods warehouse . 20 Hamblett Charles, warehouseman 268 Johnson Thomas, basket maker 22 Oharnl~y Thomas, painter 274 Knight Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper 24 Peacock ~lJ;lert F. draper 27 6 Thornton Henry, wire weaver 26 Ey'aI!s WIlham, butcher 278 Starkey George, bootmaker 28 WIll:ams Mrs. Hagar, householder/ 2 8o Jackson John William gardener 30 Oolller Westley, traveller ' . 32 Speakman Peter, traveller South view- . . • 34 White William, joiner & builder 282 Starkey Wilham W. telegraphist. 36 Sandford William A. assistant 284 Monks George, bargeman 381 Oowdell Thomas, clerk 286 Caldwell Mrs. Elizh. householder 40 Shakeshaft Peter, foreman 288 Loc!'er Thomas, telegraph derk 42 Tavlor Alfred J. police sergeant 290 Brailey George, tanner ' Bank terrace292 Fenton Mrs. Susan, householder 44 Bowers Thomas, whitesmith 294 Acton J oseph, hous~holder 4 6 Oook Richard, painter 29 6 Lowe J am~s, canal mspector 4 8 Marshall John, fitter Here IS Brook place . 298 Starkey Mrs. Elizh. beer retaIler 50 Marsh James A.. porter 52 Thornby Albert, bookbinder York terrace54 Moss Thomas, whitesmith 300 Yarwood William, tanner 54 Moss Miss Maude, dress maker 302 Williams George, wire drawer 56 Oook William, butcher 304 Huelin William In. coach builder 58 Barber Henry, tanner 306 Olarke George, tanner 60 Smith Mrs. Maria, milliner 308 Wells Enoch, engine driver 62 Dobson James, gas inspector 3IO Olarke Mrs. Mary, householder 64 Whitby John, chemist 312 Smith Joseph, collector 66 Hawkins William S. registrar of 3I4 Lloyd Miss Ellen, householder births & deaths 316 Warburton James, milk dealer 26 STREETS. VVARRINGTON.' [SLATER'S KNUTSFORD ROAD-continued. 81 Richards{m Thos. file forger Old Warp View3 18 Atkinson Henry, brush maker 83 Stevenson James, pa.t~ern maker 343 Hazlehurst Mi:ss EmilJ:' dress mk! Reynolds Mrs. Raddon court 85 Heecock Georg~, baIh~ 343 Hazlehurst Thoma,s, tlmekeeper Reynolds Sylvanus (ex'}rs. of), 87 Grice Joseph, Jam & plCkle make:r' 34~ Bennion Mrs tanners, The Tannery 89 Clare' Darnel,new:; agt&tobaccolllst 34~ Ford Elijah, traveller .........Here are Raddon cottages Pear Tree Cottage.s349 M"Gowan George, clerk 351 Fickersgill Harry A. glaoss maker 3 22 Kerfoot Wlt<r. mechamc,Sylvan cot I Yarwood Joseph, joiner 353 Atkinson Hy. brush manufacturer 2 3 4 Lowe Harry, clerk, Uton cottage 3 Kerfoot Alfred, printer. 355 Robinson Mrs. Alice, householder 3 26 Hartley John, grocer 5 Bibby William, basket &sklp mkr 357 Parkinson M,rs. Ell,'U J. househldr ......... Here is Lower Wash 91 Vipond Utrick "IV,. cle,rk,Preston ho 328 Hankey Thomas, shopkeeper, Pro. 93 Brown James, brIcklayer Alma Plaeevidence place Williams' T e r r a c e - . . 3 61 Johnson Martha, grocer 33° Cooper William, householder,Pro- 95 Harris Thomas, whlt~smlth 363 Marsh M:s.Elizabe.th,. househldr vidence place . 97 iLee;s Rd~ert,. mete: Inspector 3 65 Collins GIles, commlSSlOn agent 332 Brookfield Albert, china dealer, 99 Few BenJamm, aSSIstant 3 7 Urmson Sam:uel, .carder. 6 Spring cottage WI Mather John, :fitte.~ 36 9 Johnson Damel, Jun, skIp maker 334 Hartley JoOO,Sunnyside Here is Miller' street 37 1 Green Samu:l, cle~k 8 33 Highley J?seph, wire drawer IO" Furnival Wil'liam,ha,rdware dealer 373 J,ohnson Damel, skIp make'r .......... Here IS. T.helwall .lane IO~ Plumpton William, householder 375 Knight William, traveller 344 MItchell WIlham, haIrdre,;:;er 109 Acton Sam, plumber 377 FleteherJoseph ' 346 Hughes Mrs. ~a:rgaret, gro0e.' III Bod'le James, postal clerk 389 Lazenby Richard, blacksmith & 348 Jones Walter, J?mer II3UnsworthJoseph, butche'r agricultural implement maker 35° Cliffe Samuel, SIgnalman Clift . T _ 3 89 Southern James, wheelwright Temperance hall on errace 39 1 Bridge Richard' T. b~~che.r Osborne terrace-121 Pearce Caleb, shopkee_per 405 Bla,ck Bear, Thomas NIxon . l ' 123 Edwa<rds Edward, ma"on h h 354 Ble.ase Mrs. S ara, ouseh ot< er K ''''11' l' <tant 1 I. 12'";) Clay 1,1- M"h lam, as's ~ Laurel terrace35 6 W a lk er M - rs. Ann, h ouse h 0.( ,.1' 12 e~ J 'bus driver 35 8 Burgess Jam"!s S. newsagellt 7 EI~o~:Y/hlC~' cierk 459 No,rman Thomas, joiner 360 Wood FrederIck, clerk 129 0 0 n . 461 Summers Felix, boot make'r 62 Rutter Joseph, labourer 131 Actor;- Jam~s.' carter. 463 Cur'l'an Jo,shua, tillor's cutter 3 Henshaw Robert, Latchfod, Ito I3SChor'J.'ey "IVil~I£m, pa-l~ter 465 Banks David, c:el'k . . . 135 Turner Damel W. dispenser ............Here IS Cross .lane....... ...... 137 Slat.e,r Richard, assist3.J1.t 467 Longshaw :Miss 469 Carter Samuel, watch maker Davies Percy, Fir grove 139 Howard George, painter 469 Gleave William, baker Smith Edward, labourer 141 Wood Mrs. Sarah, householder Smith Walter, gardener 143 Bell Thomas, policem1Ul Here is 'Wash lane Maire Miss Sarah, household w 145 Hurst William, labourer ' Burrows Thomas, tanner 147 HollancJ1 Ralph, wire drawer 471 Bennett Erne,gt, grocer Franklin John, groom 149 Fo'rste,r George, plumber 475 Bla.ck'burn Jol:n, ~3Jr~wa.re d~aler Appleton Joseph, file cutter I~I Chorley Thomas, plumber 477 :xlillichap Ben]amm, bus drIver S\hakeshaft Samuel,taIlner 153 Green William, carter . 501 Evans John, coachman iMas'sey SamlJel , tanner 155 Broadhurst John, foreman 503 Burgess Alfred G. carter. Chambedain.::r'homas, farmer 157 Bates Henry, .collector 505 Broadbent fr\1rs. The HollIes Ashbrook Elijah, ho~illOlder 159 Sham Thomas, manager 507 'Williams Albert, laboure'r Dog & Dart, George S'lDlcock 161 Newall Mrs. .Ann, shopk€lepell' 509 Flynn Jl.'frs. Mary, householder ......... Here is Thelwa,l1 lane ....:.... 163 Wibberley Edward, dalliryman 5II Welsby Michael, 131bourer (St. Jame's street, Latchford.) Here is Grove.street . 513 Collins Thomas, tanner 515 'Worrall William, butcher Right-hand' side. 201 Pritchard Joseph, painter 517 Chesh~r'l!l Ohee'se, Thomas Ireland R dd R b t 203 Booth Thomas, householder , 527 J ohn~on Samuel, Hawthorn lodge I SUd.c dO'We~l'li" grocert1 205 B'rierle.Y joseph, householder 3 an :L()r 1 am, os ,~r 20 Poole. Woo, iron & tin pla,te wrror 531 Blackburn John, Holly ban~ 533 Hall Mrs. Holly bank 5 Wood'ward Herbert~ :?rlCk setter 2/ Lloyd John, shopkeeper . 535 Buckley John H. painteT 7 Ward Thoma·s A. Jomer 21 39, Br'Imelow William , foreman 9 -Coady James, range maker 0537 Buckley Thomas, painter ·.ll· ••, 229 Green ThOmas, green"rocer . P t II res on W 1 lam, por"",r . . 539 Ellison. Luke, boot maker Weu VIew13 -Copeland John, joine;r, 539 Post Office 15 Billington George, assistant 263 Leigh Joseph, grocer 17 Oldroyd Henry C. rubber worke,r ...... Here is Grappe!l1>hall road 26 5 Thornton Joseph, wire weaver 19 Barber Mrs. Elizabeth, hou~eholder 267 Birley John, wire drawer 54 1 Marsh James W. b€ler retaile'r 21 Beal'dall Jeseph E .. composIto!' 269 Hamlet Robe'rt, tanner 545 Hitchen Samuel, shopkeeper 23 Wright John; printer 271 Holt Edward', coachman 547 Everett James, la,bourer 25 Booth Willi=, railway porter 273 CoopefJ.' John, policeman 549 Roberts Peter, coachman 27 Lang G~~ge, 'bus. driver Belle Vue~ 55 1 Cook George, shoe maker 291 Clare .WIlliam, srmth 275 Hughes Mrs. ~Ia-r'y, household"".!' 553 Peelr.s, John, ga;rdener 3 Cross Joseph, wood tu,me<r 277 Brown James 5'55 Ridyard William, tanner 33 Dennett Peter, .tool maker 279 Tonge James, joine,r,Beech cottage 557 Bamber Jl.frs. Fir cottage 35 OlarkeNathamel J. carpenter 56 7 Davies Mrs. [Mary, householder 28 3 Hewitt-Joseph, smith 37 Huxley Geo~e, porter 5 69 Bate John, tannell' 285 Dyson William, day gardener ............ Here; IS Kent street 287 Holt Mrs. Jane, householder 571 Saunders George, engine driver Sycamore terrace289 Brierley 'Mrs. 'Jane, house.holder 573 Williams Mrs. Elizbth. househldr 4 1 Monks William H. rope maker 291 Jackson Joseph, hampe'r maker 575 Brown Llewellyn, foreman 43 Newton Isaac, salesman 295 Hunt John, gardene'r 577 Riley James, gardener 47 Fawcett Robert, machinist 295 Hunt Mrs. El1en, dress maker 579 Reece James, railwa,y gateman 49 Bibby Mis.. Ma,rgaret, dre,ss maker 297 Boscow Samuel, basket maker 581 Edwards John, railway inspecto,r 51 Boyle Al'ban, cleTk 299 Dunham John, bargeman 583 Al'binson Joseph, cooper . St . 'M' ...... H ere IS _ ary. st· ,ree t' . 301 Rowlinson Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper 585 Courtney William, householder t t 5 87 Porritt Edwin, joiner H . B t' 55 Whittake... Thomas, cleTk ......... e~e IS ea rlc,e s,ree 5 89 Kershaw James, confectioner 57 Smith Joel, clerk 303 Foy [Mlchael, gardener 59 Carter James G. manager 305 Hillman Hugh, sa,wyer Richmond terraee61 Ha,ll John, manager 307 Smith JohD.,wa,tchman 595 Mme,r Robert, householder 63 Crompton Mrs. Louisa, householder 309 'Vilson John, labourer 597 Alldrews James, collector " 309 Wilson Miss Sarah, dress maker 599 C-aldwell Mrs. Sa,rall, householder 65 Emmott Thomas, cabinet. maker 67 Mainwaring Thomas, clerk Catherine terrace~ 601 WaHington Mrs. Elz'bth. machine W~llington Place327 Wroe William, 13J'bollreT ,smith 69 Williamson William, ca'binet maker 333 Allan William, boiler inspector 73 Palrr George, manager 335 Wright Mrs. Elizabeth, househldr Belmont75 Eye.. Fra.nk, saddler 337 Turner James, engineer 603 Moss Samuel, commission agent 77 Darlington William 339 Wilson .Toseph, auctioneer 605 Lunt John 79 -8imcock Frederick, assistant 341 Julian Edward W.hardwa,re dealer 607 Truslove Thomas, clerk DIRECTORY.] Fairhurst· William, Aubrey house Waring Capt. W. ship canal supt. Latchford house ... Here is t'he Ship Canal . (Grnppenhall.) ,J-ames Levi, farme,r, MIiddlehurst Pierpoint William, Marlfield RowsQn Miss, Midd·lehurst house Atkin Mrs. Middlehurst house Wicks George, painter Gannon John, mason ;Leigh villas--:Lomas Matthew, clerk Warner Matthew, assistant Aldred James B KerfoQt Mrs Orompt{)Il! Walter,. Ferndale Dallow Ebenezer WObd Mrs. Ann, householder Boothroyd Walter DitchfieldReuben B. agent Mee William, clerk Holliday James W. missionary Barker Josiah, engine driver Massey Brands, householder Carle'r Thomas R. grocer Cheshire, Consta,bulary Office Millington Joseph, policeman Hill John, la;bourer ............ Here is New road· . VlARRINGTON. 52 Randall Percy, teacher of music 54 Toplis Robert D. assiJitant Williams Miss A. Lloyd, school 56 Rosenberg A.braham, traveller 58 Unsworth vViUiam, shopkeeper ......... Here is Kend,rick street . 60 Boardman Charles, shopkeeper 62 Rigby Joseph Vernon, fitter 64 Inee ,James, warehouseman 66 Hudson William, po.rter 68 ,Jone,s John, wi,re rope maker 70 Armstrong John, smith 72 Leach John Edwd. meter inspector 74 Robinson Joseph, assistant 76 Atherton William, insurance supt 78 Ro'binson :1\fiss· Mary, dlress maker Auklfu"1d Ephraim, sen. stone & marble mason ......... Here is Rollestonst.reet . Jones Samuel, beer retailer Right-hand' side. ....... ,. Here is Regent street . 9 Kidd Arthur, hous<:holder I I Lynch Thos. i:nland revenue officer 15 West James, drape!' 17 Smith Mis. :1\fartha, householder ......... Here is Mount street STREETS. 27 9 King William, wire drawer Foden Mrs. Jane, householder 13 Mansall John H. wire drawer 15 Hicks George, householder 17 Oxley Henry, labourer 19 "Villi:IDls Samuel, wire drawer 21 Nock John, labourer 23 Mercer Samuel, foreman 25 Bradbury Joseph, iron worker 27 Bailey George, labourer 29 Bird Henry, furnaceman 31 Bird Samuel, puddler 33 Gennen George, iron worker 35 Ashurst Joseph, labourer 37 Price Edwin, engine driver 39 Houghton vVilllam, iron worker 41 Wrench Walter, tin smith 43 Taylor George, labourer 45 Warburton Abraham, tinsmith 47 Smith Mrs.. Ellen, householder 49 Jones Samuel, labourer 51 Austin Alfred, screwer Here is Cartwright street II LIVERPOOL ROAD. Left-hand side. 4Welsby William, foreman Crosfield Joseph & Sons, soap mfrs. Bank Quay Soap works 29 S t-orey Richard, insurance agent 40 Kinsey Mrs. Elizabeth, householdr 3 1 Burrows Edward, blacIDsmith 4 2 Smith David, labourer 33 Jonson )ks. Maria, apartments 44 Bowling Green House, William 35 Ellison Thomas, .commission agent Dutton LAIRA STREET. 37 Wilson Stanley,assiJStant tDwn clerk 39 Peter.s John, fO'l"eman WorkingMen's Mission Chapel (Battershy lane.) 4 1 Broadhurst James K. clerk 52 Hough Natha~,. waterman. Left-hand side. 43 Truslove Mrs. Elizabeth, househldr" Bank Quay BrItIsh School (mfants) ;,4 Gleave George T. warehouseman ' Englan.d' Jame.s, clerk. 4 Berry John, shopkeeper 4~ 56 Gleave William, packer 47 Wilson George·, clerk S . Right-hand' side. 58 hip mn, Mrs. Agnes Jenks. 49 Parkinson Mrs. householder 51 Bayley George, tailor Here is Quay fold . 3 Furnival Thomas, moulder 53 Worrall John, tailor 60 Sobey Miss Elizbth. shopkeeper' 5 Brownbill Edward, labourer 53 Bennett Robert, watch maker 64 Knowles William, mattress maker 7 Higham John, la,bourer 55 Dodd Mrs. Jane,.shopkeeper 66 Whitfie1d Thomas, householder 9. MIen ,John, ,signalman 57 Throssel1Tom, whitesmith 68 Parry George, gardener & florist II Windle Frederick, labourer· 13 Roylance' William, brick setter 57 rJ'JhTossell Miss Sara,h Jane,drss.mIDr 70 Hayes Walter, labourer 59 Ve:lable·s Jo;seph, boiler maker 7 2 Butterton William, boot maker 15 Lewis Willi&rn, 13JboUl'er 61' Smith ,Joseph, estate agent 74 Rowles ·William, labourer 17 HarmanHenry"sDldier' 63 Smith John, estate' agent 76 Andrews Edward, labourer 19 Kelly Edward, bake'r, .. 21 !Miller William,· bedstead maker ............ Here is Heath lane ; 7 8 Peers James, bricklayer . . 82 Burt-on Thomas, manager 23 BOfU'dmanJames,·· labourer 67 Perdue Thoma,s, cab driver ...... Here is Atherton's quay 25 Wisedale Samuel, wire drawer 69 Baxter Jo,seph, householder 27 OIWr'ke 'Thomas, 'lahoure,r· 7 1 Bentley Joseph, mechanic Coach & Horses, James Rigby 31 Jackson George; la,'bourer . '73 O'Dillon Mrs. Teresa, householder ..•....;. Here is Edward street . 35 Ta,ylor ·James, fitte>r ............ HeTe is Jolley street IIoa Birchall John" dogger 37 Newton George, joiIier Zion Primitive MeHH;Jdist Chapel I IO Greenwell Thomas, shopkeeper 39 Roger Michael, fustia-n cutter 79 Worrall John, engine driver II2 Adams William, iron worker 41 Kett:te Samuel, plumber 81 C:onnorJohn & Son, cabproprs II4 Cooper James, labourer' . 43 NiXon John; 'labourer II6 Harrison AlllOS, shopkeeper 83 Mee John, gas fitter 45 Thompson Richard, soldier . II8 Fisher Mrs. Mary, householder, 47 War'brickMrs.Jane; .hous.eholde:r ...... Here is Edgeworth street ...... 120 Lawton Joseph, shopkeeper 49 Crookes William, labGrirer .......... Here is Rolleston street :........ ......... H t ..... ,..... ere 'IS D aI e stree 5 I Wllir,burton William G. carter 53 Beuy.Joseph, laibou:re:r 124 Gandy William, clogger&c LEICESTER STREET. 126 Lightfoot Ralph, wire drawer (Aikin ·street.) 128 Hill· ThoD;las, labourer LEGE STREET~ Left-hand side. 130 Hill Peter, shipwright Plumpton Geo. file & toolmaker 13 2 Harding Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner (Sankey street.) 12 Griffin Miss Elizabeth, beer retlr 134 Taylor Frederick, shopkeeper· Left-hand side. 14 Poulter John, puddler Here is Wright street . 4 Birtles Thomas, photog:rapher 13 6 Develin Patrick, police sergeant 16 Monks John T. butcher 6 Peters J:ohn, carleI" . 18 Marshall David, bundler 13 8 Stevenson William, pattern makr Borough ofWa;rrington Inco,rporated 20 Gr~ths WilliamH. labourer 140 Tilley Joh..'1, cooper . \Building Society 22 Griffith Samuel, bundler 144 Platt Peter engine driver . .Thomas· Sutt<ln, manager 24 Healey Thomas,. labour'er . 146 Brown Ed';ard, foreman Sutton Thomas F.A.T. auctioneer 26WoolstencroftRwhard, bookbmder 148 Warburton Joseph, boiler feeder Sutton Alfred R. professor of music ...... ... Here is Manley street ..... .... 150 Cartwright David, labourer CorpDration Public Baths, 15 2 Jones. James, ,labourer Arthur G. Barlow, supt 30 Prince Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper 3 2 Coley Thomas, wire worker 154 RodeTIck DaVId, labourer ............ Here is Bath street .. 34 Yardley Levi labourer 15 6 Dendy Albert, melter 44 Tunst()1t John L 36 Houghton John, labourer 15 8 Dendf Charles, _melt~r 46 White Henry B 3 8 Kennedy Robert, :mre - drawer 160 Sutcliffe Thoma~,. WIre drawer re drawer Particular Baptist Chapel . 40 Barton James' T. draper 162 Forster John, .. . . .. - . ' 164 Butl!!r Samuel, Iron worker Ebenezer Place~ ...... Here IS CartwrIght street .,j ... 166 Bissell Joseph, puddler H:oughton John, joiner Right-hand side. HeI;'e· is Owen street . Wilson Peter, householder C-otton William, =echanic I Brown Mrs. Sarah, householder 168 Massey Charles H. shopkeeper 48 Crompt<lll Mrs. Elizbth. apartmnts 3 Stirrup Thomas, assistant . 170 Gittens John E.· estate agent 50 W olstencroft ~:r;rs. 'Mary Hannah, S Hulmes John, fustian cutter 170 Gittens ~Irs. Elizabeth, smallhouseholder . 7 Bradbury John, tool maker ware dealer wr. 28 STREETS. "rARRINGTON. LIVERPOOL ROAD-continued. 95 Pickston William, coal dealer 172 Woolley Thomas, butcher 97 Tonge Frederick, wire drawer 99 Rowlands William, carter 174 Tedcastle Henry, plasterer 17 6 Woodhouse Wm. engine driver 101 Westwell Mrs. Maria,householder 17 8 Bloor Mrs. Helen, householder 103 Pemberton James, blacksmith 180 Roughley Mrs. Margrt. househldr !I3 Orosskill William, timekeeper 182 Gill Mary, smallware dealer !I5 Watson Robert, printer 184 Nattrass Joseph, boot maker II7 Hyde Ernest, clerk 186 Eastwood Mrs. Ann, dress maker II9 Savage William A. shopkeeper 188 Pickering James, joiner 121 Monks Joseph, master mariner 190 Highley Outhbert S. wire drawer 123 Graham Edward, wire drawer 194 Woods Miss Helen, dress maker 125 Ashcroft Thos. H. insurance agnt 194 Woods John, upholsterer 127 Peggington Joseph, wire roller 198 Titchard William ]3.. householder 129 Green Samuel N. salesman 206 Sutcliffe Thomas, shopkeeper 131 Seddon James, insurance supt 208 Lee James, herbalist I3Ia Ray Walter E. glass maker 216 Hewitt John, milk dealer 133 Bowcock James, jun. butcher 218 Be.n~ett Thomas. boot maker Here is Wellfield street 220 Wl1hamson Samuel, shopkeeper . 153 Graham John wire drawer ......... Here IS Barnard I ' waterman . street ......... 155 Houg hsaac, 228 F~den Albert T. msurance colctI' 157 Ward James, waterman 23 6 Kilshaw Thomas, .greengrocer 159 Simonett John, fitter 25 8 Atherton Mrs. Ahce, shopkeeper 161 Dean Henry Thomas, compositor ............Here is Olare street 163 Boardman John, labourer 262 Woolley James, grocer 165 Baker Frederick, wire drawer 167 Summerfield John, waterman 26 4 Peever Oharles smith 266 Turner Fairfield wire drawer I67a Atherton William, waterman 272 Bla,ck Horse lnn, Joseph G. 169 Gilman John, labourer Roughley I69a Butters Henry, forgeman . 171 Forster Mrs. Mary, householder ...... Her~ IS Ga~ew~arf street ...... St. Mary's Ohurch (Mission) 274 vVeldmg BenJamm, ~atman I7 Ia Hardman Jeffrey, labourer ~76 i:"a{nett oJames, cabmet maker 173 Elwell Joseph, heater. ~8 R~l gh hn, flatman t IJ5 Elwell Joseph, furnaceman 2 ° 1 ey ames, carpener 177 Griffiths Philip, waterman 29~ ~eb?t ~ohn, waterman 179 Ratcliffe Alfred, labourer 29 Hem; t ~' lab~~rkI 181 Bennett Frederick, carpenter 300 0 a:f e T os, nc ayer 183 Pemberton Wm. boiler feeder 3°2 G~lbent ;~mas, ct~enter 185 Ratcliffe William, labourer l 0 3 4 D er .omaSh' akourer 187 Oorradine James, shingler l s op eeper 30086 Smith unn DTh anle, 8 H 0 11owe11 H eury, sh opk eeper . 1b I 9 3 omas, a ourer 19 1 Winter Thomas, wire drawer . 193 Hewitt William, fitter 3 10 Sub Pos~ Office 3 10 Tonge MISS Mary, tobaccomst 195 Newton Thomas, cooper 312 Oooper Oharles, shopkeeper 197 Jackson William cooper Sloop hotel, John Llewellyn 199 Oldfield Arthur,' cooper Right-hand side. 201 Sisson James, joiner' . . 203 Bailey William, labourer ......... Here IS MIlner street .... ..... H th J I b 205 owar ames, a ourer 5 Blythe Samu~l, shopkeeper 207 Stretch John, joiner Ryan Rev. Michael 209 Kenny Patrick, stocktaker ......... Here is Green street 21 5 Ball John labourer IS Connah & Bellion, cycle dealers '. ••. Here is Bowling Green terrace Here IS Owen street 17 Jones John W. wire drawer Eagle terrace19 Douglas Robert C. wire drawer 223 Sv;ain Joseph, tube welder 21 Holland George, glass maker 225 Webster William, labourer 23 Deakin John, glass maker 227 Oooksey Joseph, fitting maker 25 O'Neill Thomas D. timekeeper 229 Atherton Daniel, waterman 27 Ashton Thomas, wire drawer 231 Huxley James, engineer 29 Brooks Edgar, forgeman 233 Smith William, labourer 31 Jefferson Thomas, blacksmith 235 Abbott James, householder 33 Oaldwell Samuel, slater 237 Wilding Peter, labourer 35 Ashton James, wire drawer 243 Jowett Thomas, iron worker 37 Jefferson. Fredk. Thomas, plumber 245 Goulding Thomas, engine driver 39 Baker WIlliam, fitter 247 Foden James Thomas, tailor 45 Lawton James, cloggel' 247 Foden Mrs. Mary Ann, midwife ......... Here is Powys street Wesleyan Ohapel. Ohadwick John Wm. stone mason,30! Shaw Charles, bnck setter Allen Oharles cycle maker 303 Dugdale Richard, constable 59 Dobson John' shopkeeper 317 Skidmore John, labourer Jefferson Br~tbers, plumbers 321 Ogden ¥rs. Ellen, shopkeeper Platt James & Son fustian cutters 329 McKenZIe John, hardware dealer St. Mary's School; Gorse William, traveller, San65 Ratcliffe William R. railway guard key hou~e 67 Walker William, householder Olare <'Ii; RIdgway, builders' mer69 Peers John jun. brick setter chants 7! Peers John: foreman 73 Whitfield Thomas H. clerk LONGFORD STREET. 75 Pye Edmund, bricklayer 77 Dobbins John R. fitter (Winwick road.) 79 Hill John H. manager Left-hand side. 81 Dobbins John R. shopkeeper . Th l' Wilkinson Jas. ginger beer mnfctr H ere IS .........villas ew IS street Oorker William, beer retailer Rose B 83 Garnett Rl'chard, cabl'net maker onnell John & Sons, tool makers 34 Varley James, householder 85 Litton John, commission a ent 6 T 87 T::tylor John, wI're drawer g 3 aylor Thomas, foreman 38 Savage Frederick W. wire drawer 89 Pickston Joshua, glass maker 56 Brown Charles, butcher 9 1 Bridson Thomas foreman W , 60 ilkinson Joseph, fustian cutter f [SLATER'S 82 Bloomfield George, shopkeeper ..•...... Here is Hale street . 84 Gleave George, householder 86 Hughes Joseph, blacksmith 88 Billingham Thomas, forgeman Here is Cross street . 90 Harper James, file cutter 92 Eckersley Robert, overlooker 94 Oooper Thomas, hawker 98 Howard Samuel, spinner roo Olayton John, labourer 102 Wisedale Benjamin, wire drawer 104 Oostelloe Thomas, soldier 106 Forster John, joiner ro8 Taylor Absalom, forgeman IIO Forster John, joiner II6 Sherratt Mrs. Margaret, shopkpr . Here IS Earl street . H k' Mi 1'1orence, d ress m'r k 2 15 as m ss' 154 Hazeldine Edward, shopkeeper 156 Bennett John. clerk 158 Olare Thomas, wire worker 160 Massey James, moulder 162 Newall Abel, household~r 164 Rushton John, blacksmIth 166 Oarradice John, brick setter 168 Lake George, housellolder 170 Hughes John, blacksmith 172 Robins Isaac, shearer 174 Sankey James, shingler 176 Scott Alfred, iron turner 178 Armstrong George, clerk 180 Crawshaw Albert, forgeman 182 Slater Thomas, clerk 184 Everett James, inspector 186 Wildman Henry, inspector 188 Taylor Henry, missionary 190 Luff Percy George, inspector 192 Price Peter, householder ...... Here is Dorothea street . 194 SImpson Alfred, manager 6 19 SU;dlow Joseph, bo?t maker 19 8 WIlson Mrs. HarrIet, householder 200 Monks ~illiam, fitt~r 202 Burke. RIChard, soldIer 2°4 M~N~Ir Rev. Walter L 206 Wl1kmson Isaac overlooker d ' 208 Ma dock Jabez, tanner 210 Oordwell. Mrs. Margaret,houshldr 212 Oarter RIChard, householder 21 4 Skelland Henry, forgeman 216 Harrison ~ oJ:;n, clerk 218 Salmon WIlliam, boot maker Here is Oxford lane . R' ht h d 'd Ig - an SI e. I Ohetter Thomas, sh.opkeeper 1 3 Sheldon Georg~, dauyman 33 Bonnell ~r~derlck,.tool maker 37 Ton!':s WIlham, brIck .setter 39 DaVIes- Emmanuel, bnck setter 4 1 Sa.v3;ge Henry, shun~er 43 Wll~lams ,Thomas, WIre drawer 45 SmIth RIchard, forgeman 47 Mather John James, moulder 49 Edwards Edward,. shopkeeper 13 1 Lane Thomas, bOIler maker 133 Brandwood Arthur, glass cutter 135 Hughes William H. joiner 137 Jones Mrs. Mary, householder 139 Walsh .John, householder !43 Jones William, school atten~nce officer. . I45 FrIar Alfred, engme dnver I47 Elwell Thomas, plater 149 Neil Frederick, plum~er 15 1 Hamblet ?-,~omas, aSSIstant 155 Tyso~ WIl}l~m, fitter !57 Hoskiss .">lham, ~tter !59 R~s~ WIlham, cabmet maker I6! Milhngton John J. clerk 163 Dawson Robert, carter . d' I 65 Atk'mson J 01m, engme rlver 16 7 Jolley Thomas S. accountant 6 B t Th t I 9 a es omas car er 17 1 Ge.rrard Josep.h, shopkeeper H 1 D d ld 173 I? 'r;nan aVl, mou. er 175 Wllkmson James, gmger beer. manufacturer DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. STREET:3. 29 69 Maybrey Joseph, wire drawer 25 Naylor Pleter W. fustian cutter 71 Houghton James, wire drawer .:1 Here is Turner stree,t . ......... Here is Collins street ......... 37 Hurt ~1rs. Georgina, householder 73 Halton John H. coal dealer 43 Glover C!hal'lles, bricksetter 75 Jones James W. manager 45 Jones J'oon, labourer 77 Turner James, wire drawer '47 Free John. labourer 78 Jones Mrs. Elizabeth, apartments 49 Hadcroft Wiilliam, file cutter 81 Saunders Mrs.Caroline,householdr 5 I SoM.ory M~s" Hannah, householder 53 :HJigginson John, wire drawer 83 Hayward John W. wire roller 85 Mills :Miss Flora J. dress maker 59 FurneSiS Jo'siaih, sh-opkeeper St. Barnabas Church ......... Here is Haydock street . II3 Allton Rev. Geo. Derby house LOVELY LANE. 61 Furness· WillJ.1iam Limited, grocers II7 Hainsworth Walter, manager (Green street.) 63 Baden Edward, file cuttex ......... Here is Goulden street .. 65 Ward Robert, moulder Left-hand side. 67 Clare John, labourer 123 Hayward Isaa<:, iron roller Here is Selby street 69 Morris· John, gila-SiS blower 125 Plumpton George 2 Warbnrlon ~frs. Mary A. house- 127 Cookson Harry, clerk ...... Here is Providence place holder 129 Wakefield Samuel, iron roller 71 Hayes Samuel, plate maker 6 Knowles John H. mattress manfr 131 Leonard Henry, forgeman 73 MIorris· John, fireman 8 Hollingsworth Thomas, cashier 133 Bennett Fred G. householder 7'5 Hiill HamJb'J.et, ~abourer 10 Knowles Joseph, wire drawer 135 Houghton Ernest, clerk 77 Pemberton T!homas, carter 12 Owen Arthur, wire drawer ......... Here is Monks street ......... 79 EIllis Mrs. Mary, householder 14 Podmore In. dist. insurance supt ......... Here is Gandy',s walk 137 Mor:r:all Thomas, forgeman 16 Denham Richard, clerk 159 Green Richard, farmer 18 Galloway John H. householder 81 8!haw James, si):J.opkeeper 20 Clatworthy William, engraver .. ...... Here is Bewsey road .. 85 Woo'dhowse James, ,checker 22 Bellian William, tool maker ............ Here is Folly lane . 87 Hayes' Jame's, spinner 89 Warburton Henry, engine tenter 24 Dunn Alfred, traveller 91 .AJilen WilHam T. but-c'her',s llJS1sn'li 26 Parkinson John, shopkeeper LYME STREET. 93 Wrench Samuel, wire worker ........ , Here is Percy street . (Horsemarket street.) 95 .Amons S'3iilluel, la"bourer 34 Isherwood Robt. commission agnt Left-hand side. 97 Hayes ~f:r,s. Ra.c'hel, carder 36 Rudge William Henry, secretary ......... Here is Brick street 2 Wallhead Spencer, solicitor 38 Jones Edward, engineer 4 The Variety Automatic Supply 40. Rigbey Charles Henry, engineer MANCHESTER ROAD. Stores Lim 42 Praeger Ml's. Louisa,' householder 4 Green Henry, provision dealer (Continuation C!hurch street.) 44 Harter William, station master 6 Davies Mrs. Kate, coppersmith 46 Price Samuel,' engine fitter Left-hand side. 10 White Hart, Mrs. Annabella 48 Beesl",y Albert, engineer M'Creadie 2 Reg'~strar of Biriths .& Deaths 52 Gleave William, labourer Office; Wm. H. Ha.rrlson, rg,str ......... Here is Market place 54 Hill William, engine driver 4 Eyres MXs. Hannah, householder 56 Allen Arthur, clerk Right-hand side. 6 Dunne Frank, bootmaker Silvester Joseph, gardener 14 Plhcenix Wi11iam, herbailis,t 7 Unsworth Bros. hatters Braide Edward, The Poplars ......... Here is· Harrison'lS yard ......... Monks Fredk. W. The Brooklands 9 Golden Grove, Thomas P~a!r II Willett Arthur James, soliCItor Bailey John, tool maker 20 Moores Thomas. shopkeeper II The Warrington Bedding & Mat~ Randles John, labourer tress Co. mattress &c. maThfrs ......... Here is Fairfiead C01ll't ......... Bennett B. & T. farmers, ClapVine inn, John W. Craddock Ladlie's' Training College, Fairfield gates farm haH Here is Market street ... ...... Here is Lodge lane . Here is Market place .. St. Elphin's terrace............ Here is Folly lane . .. 36 MlcCaJ.1thy Mlichae!l M.D. surgeon 38 Ha=blett John, marine sitoxe dealr Right-hand side. LYTHGOE'S LANE. 40 Aibdey J o!hn, goods a,gent I Hawthorn Thomas, shopkeeper (Orford lane.) 42 Bottoms Geoil'~e H. coal merchant 3 Taker Thomas, furniture dealer Left~hand ,side. 44 Andrews Aibraham, wa.reho11lseman 5 Bullen James, butcher 46 Cariter William H. fruiterer 7 Grant Mrs. Emily, householder 2 Sidda.ll: Henry, slhopkeeper 9 Massey John, wire drawer 4 Rat<lliffe :MJr-s. Eliz3ibeth,shopkeepr 48 Boardman Arthur E. manager 52 Dunn James, clerk II Looker John, engine driver 6 Gerrard Miss Mary, milk dealer 13 Dowsett William, joiner Here is Hardy street . ~4 Scoibson Wi1J.iam, cashier IS Burrows :Miss Elizabeth,househldr PIlatt James &; Son, fustian cutt,el's 56 Molllfieid Geoil'ge, cabinet maker 58 Petford J,ohn T!homa.s, manager 17 Studer Simon J. chemist H . Oh 1 tr t 60 Sutton Harry, clerk 19 Potter Mrs'. Martha A. beer retlr .••... •.. ere IS or ey so ee 62 J3'ramihaM Willia"m, foreman . S lb t t Here is Birchall street . H ...... ... ere IS e y s ree 'tn''': d 64 LY*'hgoe Tho~s, cas~er 96 Stanley H~rnam, raper 66 NichoUs· Mrs. Maxy, hoU!se!hollder 21 Brough Walter, baker 9 8 Hardman Edward, file cutter 66 FO'l'bas Rev. James M.A 23 Jones Samuel, engineer 100 Meachin Walte.r. carder 68 Vernon Geor,ge N.c-ommission agnt 25 Smith Robert T. iron roller 102 Hrads!haw Samuel, file curtter J\wrtimer Wlilliiam& Co.tanner.s, 27 White John C. householder lO4 Barton Thomas, roper Fairfie[d tannery 29 Pigot Mrs. Fanny, householder 106 Tule Bdward,derk Ha,tton John, F3iirfield hOl1Jse 3 1 Gerrard George Edward, grocer lO8 DreIlJIIlaid 'Dhoma1s, honseholder 86 Bolton Robert, c!ll1Jb agent 33 Kilshaw Richard, householder MO l!s!herwood Frederick, =ou~der 818 Berry GeoTge, wire worker 35 Morton Walter, electrician IiI 2' Kay Ja,mes" labourer 90 Daniels Jameis, IllJbourer 37 Nunnerley Willia~, engine driver 114 siluiw Mrs. hous-elholder 92 Wilson George, s,alesman 39 Allen, Mrs. HarrIet, householder II6 Bridge Joseph, dairyman 94 Taylor :MJiss EHen. householder 4 1 Mackey Mrs. Sarah A. household!' He e re Clare's buildtings ' 43 Denham Edward J. householder ' r a 96 Daintith Wlilliam, joiner . P ercy s t reet Here is Battersby lane . 98 Ohiisna1.!l Peter, honsehollder ......... H ere IS . .. 100 Biblby Joihn, tanner Ri,gh1t~hand side. 45 Throssell William, shopkeeper 102 Wililiams T!homa'S, tanner 3 Sankey Mrs. Hannah Mary, house- lO4 Rouglh'S-edge John, file cutt-er 47 Jones Richard, ironworker 49 Bellian William H. cycle agent hoMer lO4 RougihsedJge Mrs. Err:=a,dl'essmlll 51 Bellian James, tool maker 5 Ashton Mrs. Jan>e, midwife 106 P'r'Oud Thomas, cashIer 53 Connor Mr;.. Sophia, householder 7 Bleaze Wlilliam, labourer 108 Hazl-ehul'stJoihn P. mechanic 55 Isherwood Henry, journalist 9 Finch ']'Ib:omas, presser IIO Yal€'s Ar:t!hur H. assistant 57 Steward James, mechanic I I Hall Hre-nry, forgeman 120 Holm>es William. baker & flour dlr 59 Iddon James, assistant 13 BITch John, builder 122 BTimeliow Mrs. Eliza;bet!h, 'hsehldr 61 Nelson Philip, dist. insurance supt 15 W:iJEcock Edwin, labourer 1'24 BaTry P1eter, joiner 63 Williams Thomas, furnaceman 17 Riley Thomas" labourer 1'26 Eyre MIlS. bousell1O'ider 65 Williams Thomas, jun. iron roller 19 Bis!hop Harry, pudiller 12'8 Lowe Mrs. Ann, householder 67 William;, John, Lron worker Powell Charles, coal dealer I30 Harding J-oseph, wire worker 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 Harding Alfred, clerk Edwards Walter, clerk Miller John, puddler Sampson Walter T. millwright Cottam Joseph, wire drawer Wright George, butcher Powell Samuel, joiner Tickle Richard, slater Massey Thomas, wire drawer Here is Oxford lane of 30 WARRINGTON. STREETS. MANCHESTER ROAD'-':continued. 132 Lowe Robert, grocer 134 iJ3rimelow George L.draug'htsman 136 Wright William, insurance agnt 13'8 Bradbury W,i;.liam, bricklay~ 1'40 i\'\"eb&ter WilHam, clerk 142 Jeffrey Geo.in~and revenue officer 1'1-4 ''''ood· James, c'a,shier 146 Hatton :Mrs. Sarah, hOUlSehdlder 148 Brindle Rober-t, foreman 150 Lockerbie Robe'1'·t, joiner ......... ReI'e is Arnold s,treet 1:52 S'hakeshaft Samuel, manager 154 Ohorley Wm. P. paper merchant 156 Daintith JO!S€:ph, joiner 1:5'8 Habberley William clerk , 160 Ashton Mr,s. Sarah, houseillOilder 162 Squires Ro:bert, wire drawer 1<64 Burton Gharle,s R. architect 166 Fletcher Chade's, japanner 168 Mason John, watchman r70 We1:ib MJi,ss :iYIary, hOllJs·eholder 172 Edwards· Willciam, brick,s·etter 174 Appleton John, file cutter ......... He1'e is Mamh street .:., ..... 176 Ne:wton Mrs. hoU!seholder 178 S'carisbrook John H. clerk 180 'Dhompson GharlesE. traveller 180 ~A"ucJruarud Ephraim, stonemason 1-82 Porter J\1i.&S Sarah A. houselholder r84 Gittins Edward. W. stoneInaJson 1:86 'Giorst Thomas, househ&der r-88 Dooley WilJiiam, coal merohant 190 Oemetery inn, Jo,seph .Allison ......... Here· is Pac1gate Jane ......... 212 Dale Stephen 214 Price Peter O. clerk 2r6 'Edmoruruwn Thomas, sUlb·eMtor 220 MoGamgle ,To'seph .J.' inland revenue officer 222 Dixon John, teJle,grapih inspector 224 Taylor Frederick, Green Bank 226 Or,aik James G. tailor 228 ~Ia'son James 230 aayton Henry, plum.ber 232 Oritcibley Joseph, clerk 234 Evans Jame's S04 Eaude Thoma:s, coal merchant s06 OrOlslsley Thom3,s, file grinder 308 SacHer Williarm, gard'ener 310 Oliphant Tihomas, rubber mixer sr'2 W'illkes Ha;rry Wm.army sergeant 3'14 Whi,tfield Jlilirs. Mary, householder Rii.chards.on Edwin, Padding-ton ho R:ilthlt4and side. r Moores Thoma.s, grocer 3 vVi1cox David, foreman ~ b'Leary' Ml'Is. Mice, nur,se 5 Athel'ton 'Dhomas, hOU!i>eholder 7 .Tone,s Mllss Maria, milliner 9 .Jordan Samuel, confectioner 9 SUib Past Office f3:t!evenson Rev. Morley :M.A. The Mount St. ElpJhin',s Infants' School WaITmgiton Training OoUege for T'e,a;c!h'er,s Instiltutiion for the Education of Clergymen's Daughters Beilll 1\14'ss, The Mount ...... Here is Salisbury street 6r Ohapj}e[ Ml'Is. Mary, hoU!sehoLder 63 leinsey Ml's. Jane, butClner 65 JliIounfie~d Oharles, ca.bine,t maker 67 Miounneld Jos er>h 69 Williams Joseph R 7J! Dunsmuir Robeirt R. manager 73 McCollomWi:Ji1iam,draper 75 Mounfield Alir·ea., cabinet maker ... '" Hiere :iJs Glazehrook streelt ...... 77 Callvert . John R. ~nanager 811 RoscoUer Henry E. commisis,ion agt 85 Locker Jame!>, wire worker 87 Parker Charles J. grocer 9 1 Harrison V\:cillJiam H. reg-i:s,trar of births & dea,tlhs ......... Herce is Roh.son street 93 Smith Robert., shopkeeper 95 Jennings Thoma,s, painter [SLATER'S 99 Griffiths J uhn, smallwaredealer 101 Hope JoIhn O. fitter IDS Newton Mrs. Mary, hOUJseJmlder 105 Wad,sworlih TQwma.s, wire drawer r07 Eyre William W. shopkeeper ......... Here is HeIs-by s'treet .. Essenbigh Henry S. monumenta,l matson Warr.ingJton Oeme:tery Newton Ja,m'es, carting contractor, Twig;gery farm Ro:b!inson Wm. Darlington lodge Royston William,Paddington g;rnge RoytStoI1 Wil1iam & 00. manufacturing chem,ilsts . HoU!ghton Wi:l1iam, Springfield Do'g & Partridge inn, Thomas F. Nevins Scholtze FJdward, shopkeeper 7 Podmore J oseplh, printer 8 BlUe Lion, George Lambert ............ Here is J',fill street . 9 Bate Rog,er, cheese f~ctoI' 10 Rowson R. & Sons, WIne & spirit merochants Davies Robert, Kirkconel (Davies & Burgess, solicitors) Fearon J o!hn, oy.st~r dealer ......... Here is Market street Vine ta~ern, John Oraddock ......... Here is Lyme street ......... 'Wnite Hart, Annabella M'Greadie M'OreadJie Annabella, dining rooms M'Collom James & Son, drapers Wr~ght, Whi,~ehead & 00. tea dlrs Oorpora:t.ion mn, Peter LawlBsls ......... Here is Golden squa.re . MANLEY STREET. (Cartwright stree.t.) MARKET STREET. (Market place.) Left-hand side. I Barley Mow, James Gleave 7 FUeming Louis, boO'tmaker 9 British Workman Public House Co. Limite:d Market Slhed Market InspecJtor'iS Office Weights & Measures Office ......... Here is Peter street .. I I Sutton & 00. ironmongers Rigfut-hand side. 25 & 27 Porter Jtohn. greengrocer I Bedida.r4 Beniarniri, forgeman Rere is· Queen street .. 3 Bailey :Mir,s. Mary A. householder .... .5 . Rayfuound Thoma'S, forg.eman Right-hand side. 70&ey Jo'hn,bolter down 2 Vtine tavern, .John W. Oraddock Brown Bennett., pudd'ler. 4a Doncaister John B. hairdresser I I DiNon J.oilm, labourer 4a Moore Rev. Edward, teacher of rs D;avi~s 'Dav,id, lahourer music rs LonglIlli01:e Thoma,s, watclhman 4 Mynekyme Albert, pork butcher 17 Dimelow J aIDBiS, fireman 6 British &i0010nial Meat 00. butchrs r9 Hrumplhries Jilmes·, labourer 8 Edwards Mi,ss Elizaberoh, bootmakr 2r Johnson WliIl'liain, smith 10 Peet Henry H. butcher 23 Joiner "Valter, iron worker 12 Bibby :M:is,s Margaret, confecHoner 25 UnswortJh John, plumber 14 & r6 Oarlisle Frederick J. beer retailer & buticher MARKET HALL.. r,8 Sutton J'oIhn, draper (Market street.) 20..Broughton J.olhn, tripe dresser L0Ilgslhaw 1'v1i!SIS Margaret, green- ......... Here is Peter street ......... grocer 2~ Gec1des John & Son, tea merchnts Locker Mrs. Rebecca, florist 24 Hili Arlihur E. cabinet maker Owen Samuel, fruiterer 26 Peers J oiIrn, hand cart hirer Shakeshaft Miss Louisa, florist 2!8 Hunst W'i1lJ:iarm H. grocer Massey· Mrs. Marga.l'et, fruiterer Here is Queen street Leigih Rober.t, fruiterer Naylor R.. A.confectioner Frti.slby J aseflh, bootmaker MARSH STREET. ])averlJport Siamuel, ironmonger (Manchester road.) Slllllith :MIlS. lIliilJiner Le£t-hand &ide. Marr Jame,s, fishmonger Law-les's Th'oma.s, fishmonger 2 Dilworif:lh John, medianic .Lawless SaiIllue1, fishmonger 4 Chester J onn E. bootmaker Bridge Henry, fi,slhmonger . 6 Matthew:s- Joseph, joiner, buHder Tablin JOlseph, fishIDJOnger & contractor HO!l'rocks J olhn, fishmonger 8 Lowe Frede!l'ick, joiner Bo1Jtornley William, fislhmonger 10 Houghton Jiolhn, signailman Whittaker. William, fishmonger 10 HoU!ghJron Frederick, bootmaker Mather J oIhn, fislhmonger 12 Pennington Harry, butcher Porter Jolhn M. fishmonger t"l- is!ma1lwood Ba,xter, householder L3Jslhford J'ames, butcher ...... Here is Ma.1'lsh House lane ...... Lawile,ss Joseph, provision aealer Biig1hJt-hand side. Cox WtiJliarm, pork butcher Gill WiJfui.am, -buteher I Young Robert,. manager Oonnolly Frank, butcher . '3 Lloyd: Wfilliam A. joiner Bowers Ohristopher, but<lher S Wym Wli:lliam, wire d,rawer Wainwright J. butcher 5 Wyc'h :Mlis,s, Eliz3Jbe'tlh, dre·ssmaker OrOIS:s J olhn, butclher 7 Boyle James, coach painter EUison J =eIS, fishmonger 9 Essenrogh Henry S. stone mason I I Orompton Robert, clerk ~ARKET PLACE. 12 Hazlelhurst .Alfred' E. locksmith IS Ftinclh Wlil'liam F. tanner (Market street.) 17 Be1lJ:ian Walter, clerk I SmithJose,ph, hosier 2 :Mla.clde Mns. Elizabe'th, stationer 21 He'1sby Ml's. Mary, householder ......... He,re is Marsh House lane 3 Branch Post Office 4 Pemlberiton J. & Co. glass mrClhnts 25 S'j)iers Wil<1iam, joiner S Lawless W. H. & C. preserve mas 27· Hankinson George, la,bourer 6 BaHey Ric\hd'.glass & china deaaer 29 Bramm& William, turner 7 Podmore WQ1lia.rn H. statJ.?ner 31 Hindley ~rat;[Qlew, hOUJ~eiholder 4 8 12 14 16 'r18 20 22 Le·ft-hand side. Carrick Joseplh, labourer Ooley George, wire worker Shier's Geol'ge, iron worker Wa~es' Ml's.Lily, householder Lewis RoheI"t, puddler MurrayJ.oIhn, painter ffill Thomas, tube maker Thoma;s Elias, bootmaker WARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] 35 37 39 4r G-arnett John, labourer Holmes Richard, labourer Eiclwards· s!lbert" mant'le cut,ter Pomfrey Joseph W. file cutter MARSE EOUSE LANE. (Padgate lane.) STREETS. 31 .[ 22 Welsby Edward R. clerk f 73 24 P.dila.rd iVilliam,. foreman 81 26 Hougihton John P. clel'k 87 ......... Here is Price street 9r 97 Dooiey iYiilliam, coal merchant HrethertDn Ha.rry H. coal merchnt 99 Eaude Thomas, . coal merchant Left-hand side. 4 Hulks Reuben, grave digger IO Appleton William, file cutter 12 Alslhton: J:ohn, tailor T4 Bower Ohri,s1op'her, railway inspotr 16 Whittaker Sa.muel, wire weaver 18 Brad1ey WIiKiam, br~ckS'etter 22 Steel Eiclward, joiner 24 Isherwood JO'hn, tanner 26 Fairclough Mrs. H3JTrie;t,househldr ...... .•. Here is· ~rar,sh street . z8 Eger1'on Thomas, shopkeeper 30 Wrig{b:t W'alliam, clerk 30 Warburton ~homas, household~r 32 Brandwood Mi,s·s Mary, househldr 34 Whit,taker David, enlgine driver 36 Duckworth Thomas, vantnaJ1 3.8 AJSlhall JDlhn,insurance agent 40 Peace. Wrilliam H. joiner 42 Jame,s Geor~e, joiner 44 J·oym;oIL Mrs. Elizabetill, nurse 44 Po.vey Wil:liam, wire drawer Hlill John, fa.rmer Here is Battersby lane ......... Here is Orford lane Rig'ht-hand side. Richardson W. & J.coal merchants Turner & Co. coal merchaJ1ts MERSEY STREET. (Bridge street.)- &; 75 Gibbons John, c1othe,s dealer McOarthy Jl,fiss Ellen, greengrocer Gibbons, Miss, Suah, dress maker Mannering 'Villiam, hair dresser Lunt Samuel, cart owner Richardson Peter L. crope &; twine maker roI Gibbon'S Martin, shopkeeper I03 Flatman Robert,smith 105 Chester Richard', linesman 107 Burrows, John, fitter I09 &; III, Gr·een Mrs. Amelia, furniture dealer .•.......... Here is Han street . II3 Yardley Hugh, ca.rter II5 Ril-ey Mrs. SaraJh .A.. milliner Hockenhul Wlm. fustian cutter 123 &; 125 Wadsworth Joseph,baker&;c 129 Oxley James P. cabinet maker 131 Millington 'Villiam,warehouseman 133 Cr,ockel'Joseph, joiner 135 Taylor Edlward!, bricklayer 137 Peacock Joseph, butcher's assistnt 139 Stringer William P. baker 141 Tomlinson Ml's. Margaret A. hardware dealer 143 Wright Richard, hardware dealer 145 Finch John, fitter 147 Bailey William Henry, beer r,etailr ......... Here if! Napier street ..•...... ......... He·re is Dutton street . Johnson Andrew, ·fustian cutter Mounfield J oSi8'ph, Cabinet maker Mounfield Joseph, jun. joiner &; builder 149 GoiJhal'd! John, boo,t maker 151 WainWl'ight Oharles" hair dresser 155 Pitchford! Ebenezer, f.ried fish &;c. dealer 157 Goldstone Isaiah H. tobacconist 159 Wright Samuel, confe<Jtioner 163 Martin Robert, fried fish dealer Here is Ohurch s,treet Left-hand side. Thomas & Son, plumbers C-al'ter Thomas Stanley corn mer 18 CaRan John, shopkeeper 20 Yates Alexander, joiner 22 .Bliibby J,ohn, basket maker 24 Stockton Tho;mas, shDpkeeper 26 GfubboDls 'Dhomas, tanner 28 Houghton John Henry, manager 28 &; 30 Houghion Isaa-e, pawnbrokel' ......... Here is Boiton"s ya.rd . Bolton Bromers, brewers 38 Moulders' Alr,ms, William Bolton ...... '" Here is Litton'·s row . 42 & 44 Helsby The :Misses Mal'Y E. & Sarah E. :niil!liners 44 Leigfu AmILs, Joseph Henry James Here is Rose &; Crown s·treet ... +6 Ga,ndy vY;i1liam, dogger 4'8 Beswick Daviid, engine driver Ri"ght-!b.and side. 50 Heywood Brothers, Wheelwrights r Ball George, householder ......... Here i& Mersey terrace . 3 Homer Benj amin, pudd1er Mersey 'mouno9 Bradley Joseph, tanner 7 .Ohur<!h ,John, nuisance inspec'tr ......... Here i,s 1\1al'.sh street 8 Pem'beI'ton Thos. boiler inlSpctr 9 Ma·s.sey Thomas, stabaem·an II Liddile MTS. SaraJh Jane, shopkeepI' 10 Lees .Alexander, boot maker II Stephenson George, file cutter 13 Rober1Js John... soldier 54 FDr,ster Joseph, tocacco.nist 13 Barnard Jameis, joiner .')6 Hatlton, Mr,s. Alice, shopkeeper 15 Bullard GeorgeR.soldier 60 Rafter P'eter, beerret3Jiler 15 Ma.nUe Thomas, quarter master ...... Here' is Lower Bank street MILL LANE. ter:geant . Corporation GasWol'ks (Green street.) 17 Bearn;an RQs,s, shingler . .. H-ere· is .Gas st'l'eet ...•........ 17 vYiJJliamJs Sa;muel, joinel' Left-hand sidle. 66 Leigh Mrfl. Jane, householder 19 Corcoran John, brewer Burton William, ,fal'mer, Sankey 68 Leigh Enoch, labourer 19 Edge Joseph R. joiner ,Hall farm 2,r iV'agstaffe' George, pavior 70 Robertson Andrew R. gas £tter 21 Wl,'ig-ley Mrs. Ann H. householder 72 Dyson John, .joiner . Right~handl sidle. 23 Wallington 'WilLiam Henry, assist- 74 Bluck John, grocer Warburton John, glass mould mker ant inspector ........ ; Here if! Academy s,treet . Lloyd John, joiner 25 ,~La.sSiey Elijalh, joiner 76 Hudson William, grocer Wesleyan, Mission Room 27 PaI'sonage vYi:£.iam, brewer 78 Oook JOSeph, butcher . I Hassall Thomas, forgeman 29 Wiilding George T. manager 80 Plinston_~ward~ greengl'ocer 3 Bellfield John, signalman 31 RedidJi.slh. Tlhomas, wire dra,wel' 82 Miller Miss Teresa., confectioner 7 Olayton Geo.rge, forgeman 33 H'ee,son Mrs: Mary Ann, househldT 82' MiReI' Richard, joiner &;. builder 9 Baker Albert, iron worker 35 Chamberlain' Hoory, soldier 84 B-l'oad'hurst Mrs. Ann, tailoress I3 Woolley Thomas, furnaceman Infantry Barra{)ks86 Byrne Patrick J. newsagen,t 15 Penn, William, ir"nworker 37 DiixDn Anthony, joiner &8 D-avies' Edward .A.. fitter 17 Hugh Abel, master mariner 39 Sincox William, furnaceman 90 W.right John," basket maker 19 Smith George, clerk 41 WaJ.ker Jame.s, soldier 90 Baxter ~Ir.s'. Ellen, dress maker 21 .A.llen William, .shopkeeper 43 Slha,dweTI George, aSISiistant 92 Ohantler J'vhs,. .Annie, beer retai1er 45 Wihribtdng'ham James, boiler maker . '-Here :]j'.s Blackhu' t t Here iSI Bramhalls'treet ........• ...... . r,st S'l'ee . 47 Hal'per James, boo.t rn.a,ker· . 23 Crowther James·,wi~e drawer . 49 Greave's, Geor~e E. clerk 94 PrlOe Mrs. MargaI',et M. diress' makr 2" 9 6 Huds,to!lJ Arthur N. butcher :J Du{)kwQrth Thomas', wire drawer 51 Kay Jo&eph, insurance agent 9 8 vVarburton John, 'tanner 27 Fairclough William, pointsman 53 Her,mode J-o:hn, plumber Rf>vnoldsWm. & Co. Lim. tanners 29 .A.llen Oharles" smith :J:J ,OleggWililiam, draper 3 1 Jones John, furnaceman 57 Garne-r Jo'seph 124 Ellis Albert, butcher 33 Baker John, ironworker ......... Here is Orford avenue .: . ............Hereis Smith street Here is Wellfield street .. .. . .. .. .. Here is Orford! lane . 126 Sn:uith Robert, shopkeeper Hem is Irlam street MILL STREET. ..... .... Here is Packet stage MARSON STREET. ...... ,.. Here is 'Wharf street (Market place.) (Tanner's lane.) 31 .A.s'Mon Thomas, milk dealer Left-hand side. Le,ft-'hand side. 33:MTIler Miss .A.nnie E. shopkeeper 4 &; 6 Longshaw Miss Margaret, 6 BehbiIJ:g1ton Mr·s. Catherine, house- 47 Spencer James, tailor . greengrocer ho:lder ' 49 Norman Ralph, labourer 8 to 12 Locker lYhs. Rebecca, g.reen8 Bebbingbon George, cooper 5I Cowap Herbert, painter . grocer 10 Bebbington Mrs:. Mary, househldr 55 Thew1>iJs & Griffith Lim. file & tool 14 Saxon Samuel, confectioner 12 Colilin Rober·t W. joiner &; builder manufactur.ers, Phoenix works 16 Y eo.mau& ~Irs. Oharlott& E. house'Dinsley Joilin & James, tanners, 16 M'Evoy 1\U$. Ellen, tallow chandler holder 18 Owen John, householder Mersey' tannery 18 Critchley Jei9se, clerk 63 Nelson Thomai9 W. &; Co. tanners, 2Q Dale Mrs. Rebecca, milliner 20 :Horris Arthur, carter 55 &; 67 Leslie William, clothes dealer ............ Here is King street . 2 ~en 32 STREE,TS. VolARRINGTON. MILL sTREET--:continued. 7 Donlan Michael, cab driver Right-hand side. 9 Leigh Peter, ,grocer I Cowdell 'Dhomas, estate agent ............ Here is Legh street . 3 Gleave James, boot maker 9 Mas,ons? .Arms" Mrs,. Mary Reynolds MUSEUM STREET. I I .Ashton William, shopkeeper (BoldsiT,eet. ) 13 Melton James, painier 15 Wright Mns. Ha:llllilh, milk dealer Left-hand side. 1 17 Hedgcock John, plumber 2 Smith Thomas S. surgeon '" Here is King street . 2 Smith R,eginald., surgeon 4 Wo,ods William S. teacher of music MILNER STREET. Municipal School of .Art 14 Smith & Fulton (Liverpool ,road.) 16 Toft John Left~hand side. 18 Mather MiS!S 2 British Workma.n Public House 00. 20 Lees Samuel Limited 22 Taylor John L.D.S. dental surgeon 4 Baseketter Christopher, clerk 24 Hignett Jos'eph, traveHer 6 Mills John, [abourer ...... Here is Winmarleigh street ...... 8 Rhodes Henry, fit,t-er Here· is .Arpley storeet 10 Bromley Mrs. Ann, householder ......... Here is Parker street .. 12 Gibbons, John, compositor Right-hand side. 14 Dunville John, painter 16 Savage James, engine driver 5 Gibson Thomas! E. ~manager 18 Harding John, labourer 7 Byerley Robert, collector of inland 20 Smith Mis'S> Ellen, upholstress revenue 22 Gleave .Art·hur, barman 9 Venn George, saddler 24 Oxley Mrs. .Alice, householder I I Palin George F 26 Oxley Samuel, h<lUse agent 13 Sikock Reginald H 28 .Anderson Duncan, gl3JS's maker 15 Woodis· Rerbert 30 Monks Thomas" wire drawer 17 Reed Rev. EdwaTd T Railway inn, Mrs. ~I:ary Banks 19 Skinner Charles, ......... Here is Priestley street . 21 Hesketh John 23 Kenworthy James Right-hand side. ...... Here is Winmarleigh street ...... Whitecross Co. Lim. wire drawers Holy Trinity School & manufacturers, Baxter Mrs. Minnie, householder ......... Here is' Priestley street . ........ . Here is .Arpley street MONKS STREET. Longshaw John, joiner (Lovely lane.) ......... Here is PaTker'street 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 I 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 Left-hand side. Short Mrs'. Elizabeth, shopkeeper Lythgoe Charles, painter . Kimberley Fredk. railway checker Hurst Jame!l, honseholder Phillips Peter, platelayer Walton Mrs. Mary, hous,eholder Fox William, ,signalman Smith GeoTge, railway porter Slater Thomas, railway porter James George H. iron wormer Right-hand sid€'. Pilkington William, clerk Wakefield .Alfred, iron worker Naylor Samuel, painter Sim!l George .Alfred', printer Rotherham EdJward, smith Horn George, iron worker Walton Thoma.8', engine driver BaH William, wire worker Wise Charles, clerk Tonge William C. clerk MORRIS COURT. (Church !ltreet.) Here is Clmrch street· MilLs Edmund, fustian cutter (No outlet.) MOUNT STREET. (Garborne street.) Left-hand side. . Jackson John, cart owner 4 Horrobin Mrs,. Sarah E.householder 6 Cooper Mrs'. .Ann, householder 8 Belshaw Tom barman 10 Hunstone He~ saddler H .. ' ............ ere IS Legh street .•...•... '" Right-hand side. ...... Here is Hedgecock's yard! I Warburton P,eter, carter 3 Wilson Henry, labourer S Phillips William, coachman 2 [SLATER'S Walsh John, labourer 13 Lowe Thomas, strip:eer 15 Colman Samuel, engmeer 19 .Appleton Henry, shopkeeper 43 .Atherton John, forgeman 45 Minshull Mrs. Sarah, householder 59 Rigby Thomas, butcher 61 Baxter Thomas, householder 63 Rigby George, file cutter 65 Stockdal-e James, labourer 67 Wills' Robert, tanner 69 Eckers-ley William, fitter 71 Knight Peter, storekeeper 73 Caldwell John, joiner 75 .Ashton WiUiam, carter 77 Fraser William, coa{)hman ......... Here is· St. Mary ,street .. II Right-hand side. 4 Winstanley Mrs'. Nancy, householder 6 Burgess Thomas, s·torekeeper 8 Shepherd Joseph, glass, cutter 10 Leather John, labourer 12 Hardiman WiHiam, labourer 14 Heeson J'ames, carter 16 Dunbobbin George, joiner 20 Broadhurst James, labourer 22 Gorman Mrs. Elizabe,th, householdr 24 Sheorra;tt James, file cutter 26 Kay Jam'es" ilie cutter 28 Olare Joseph, joiner 30 Shaw Frederick, wire drawer 32 Hardman J ahn, file cutter 34 Edwards John, caal dealer 36 Webb Mrs,. Mary, shopkeeper 38 Ow.en Thomas, wire drawer 40 Olifton .Alfred, labourer 42 Burrow,s Joseph, shopkeeper 44 Boscow Edwin, wire drawer 46 Deakin J{JJmes, labourer 48 Kelly Martin, striker 50 Bate Frank, mason NAPIER STREET. 52 Hough James,-labaurer (Mersey street.) 54 Bibby James, labourer 56 Underwood John, tinplate worker Left-hand! side. Forshaw Edward & Son, boiler 58 Brobbin Frederick W. engine driver 60 Mark John, labourer makers . 62 Hunt George, cabinet maker 4 Forshaw Edward, shopkeeper 64 Timperley George, labourer 16 Duckworth James', linen draper 66 Ince Walter, fitter 32 Whalley James, miller 68 Wilson Frank, cab driver 34 Shakeshaft John, shopkeeper 70 Griffiths John, coal agent ... ... Her,e is Ellesmere street' 72 Pemberton William, householder 36 Finch Edward .A. clerk 74 Reid Peter, forgeman 38 Bradshaw James E,. printer ......... Here is, St. Mary street ......... 40 EllisOIll John, labourer 42 Marsh John, cabinet maker NICHOLSON STREET. 44 HiH William, hou&eholder (Froghall lane.) ... '" Here is Wellington s·treet Left-hand side. 46 Bradshaw John, brick ,setter 48 Leigh James, waterman I Ede William,railway detective 50 Jones WilHam, carter 3 Ellis' Thomas', signalman 52 Berry John, mechanic 5 Oultorr ThoIn3JS', brakesman 54 Lawless John, £tter 7 Parks John, plateIayer 56 Langley Peter, coHector 9 Pennington Mrs. Mary, householder ...... Here is! Lord N e1son street I I Matthews George, telegraph linesman 58 Mills' Charles H. ,shopkeeper Stephenson George tool & file 13 "'\Vickham .Arthur, porter 15 Robinson William, wire drawer manufacturer 17 Burke William, lurrym.an Right-hand side. 19 Harrison Thomas' H. pointsman 15 'Warburton William, glass mnfctrer 21 Ellis J aseph, rope maker 23 Dunbabim David', s·toker 29 Gandy John, iron broker ...•........ Here is Hall street . 25 Wilson Robert, musician 27 Wood Mark, ,wap boiler 37 Molyneux John, plumber 29 Fair James, tailor 4 1 Orford David, labourer 33 .Archbald Edward, compositor 43 Melbourne Clement, moulder 35 P,errins Israel, wire weaver 45 Molyneux Mrs. Ma:ry, shopkeeper 37 Mitchell William, labourer 47 Goulden John, pamter 39 Foulkes, Samuel, joiner 49 Charnock William, hOlLseholder 4 1 Do·wILS' John, mechanic 51 Wood William, storekeeper Highways' Department s,tore yard 43 Greys'on J os,eph, wire, drawer 45 Banner Thomas, signalman 47 Banner David, ,shopman NEW ROAD. 49 Morris' David, compositor (Fountain st~eet, Latchford.) 5 I Griffiths' Thomas, storekeepQr 55 IJ eters Mrs. Ellen, hous'ehold·er Left-hand side. 57 Malkin Thomas', forgeman 9 Parnell H~nry, labourer 59 Bladen Mrs. E=a, householder DIRECTORY. J Whittaker - , foreman Pugh John, st-ock taker Dickil1.son George, householder Taylor Joshua, shopkeeper .... Here is' FroghaH lane . Right-hand side. ............ Here is Cliffe ,street .........•.. 8 Turton John, railway inspector 10 Knight ~Iichael, labourer 12 Hamilton James, electrician :£4 Jones William, brakesman 16 Horrabin Charles, foreman 18 Keen Thomas' C. inspector 20 Rigby Mrs. Ann, householder '22 Spencer Lawrence, foreman 24 Warburton Daniel, smith 26 Bennett Mrs. Bridg·et, householder 28 Ward: Samuel T. mason 30 Kelly John, watchman 32 M'Geachin Mrs'. Betsy, householder '34 Williams :!'vIrs. Elizabeth, householder 36 Cross Thomas, brick setter 38 Allen Mrs. Jane, household,er 40 Jones John, warehouseman 42 Horrabin William, checker 44 Freeman John, telegraph linesman 46 WaiburtonJames, labourer 48 Davies Llewellyn, foreman 50 Birchall Joseph, brakesman 52 Barlow Mrs. Emma, householder 54 Ar=strong Thomas, foreman If 56 Bibby Thomas', engine driver .58 Birchall John, engine driver ......... Here is! FroghaH lane . 61 63 65 67 WARRINGTON. II8 Mitchell Benjamin C. cooper ............Here is Clegge street , . 120 Gibson Edward, shingler 122 Smith Thomas, foreman 124 Savage 'William, householdBr 126 Rosterne Mrs. Annie, householdr 128 Buckby William, boot maker 130 Hawley Felix, foreman 132 Monks James, joiner 134 Goodwin John E. loan agent 136 Nicholls Mrs. Margt. househldr ......... Here is Forster street 138 Smith Charles, soldier 140 Plinston John, tailor 142 Worrall Cornelius, foreman 144 Tyson John, foreman 146 Lawson Henry, blacksmith 148 Sub-Post Office 148 Clarke John, grocer 152 Walker George, engineer 154 'Whitham Dyson, wire drawer 156 Day Joseph Henry, soldier .., Here is Dudley street '" .....• 158 Knott George, houseliolder 158 Knott Mrs. Mary, midwife 160 Jones Edward W. clerk 162 Prichard Harry, clerk 164 Richardson Henry VV. plumber 166 Leigh James, baker 168 Cosgrove John, warehouseman 184 Price William 186 Gandy James ......... Here is Longford street . Robin~on James, frmr. Aven.fr= Taylor William, assistant 206 Taylor Adam, shopkeeper ORFORD AVENUE. 208 Kay John William, grocer 210 Catchpole John, postman (Orford lane.) 212 Butterworth Edward, wire drawer Left-hand side. 214 Hayes John, manager '2 Jones Thomas, house agent 216 Taylor Henry, soldier 4 Ball Mrs. Cath. householder 218 Taylor Joseph, joiner 6 Parry William, tinsmith 220 PIThllkett Christopher, tailor 8 Milling William, timekeeper 222 Bailey Joseph, soldier .........Here is Orford avenue . xo Dale Harry, musician Appleton, joiner ...... Here is Marsh House lane Right-hand side. Right-hand side. "I Scott Lincoln, clerk 15 Newton James, cart owner 3 Barton Edward, pattern maker 19 Maddock Mrs. Maria, shopkeeper 5 Billington John, sawyer 33 Miller William, iron worker 7 Bird Charles, iron worker 35 Potteri James, joiner Beaumont Mrs. Orford hall 3'7 Sudlow Mrs. Mary, householder 39 Cade Robert, joiner ORFORD LANE. 41 Armitage Thomas, forgeman (Pinner's Brow.) 43 Owen James, plumber 49 Swanton Wiliam, brick setter Left-hand! side. 73 Sanson William, labourer z Wheatsheaf, George Boardman ......... Here is Cobden street . 4 Forster James, tobacconist Brooke.Si William, law stationer, 6 Mason William, yeast dealer Orford. lodge Bolton Edwar& & Sons; glasS( mfrs Cuppage Thomas, Orford lodge 38 Broadhurst Thomas, beer retailer 95 Tanner Charles, householder 46 Treppess Bezley, brick setter 95 Tanner Miss Emily, dressmaker 48 Hollingsworth William, joiner 50 Dickinson Mrs. Harriet, househldr 97 Jean Miss Lucy, dressmaker ......... Here is Grounds street . 99 Turner Thomas, roller coverer I()I Allen Ebenezer, cooper 54 Grounds James, shopkeeper 103 Houghton John, foreman 56 Parr. William, file cutt-er ......... Here is Sharp street . 58 Chalmers Alexander, soap maker 105 Boardman Jabez, timekeeper 60 Ha.mmonds Francis, puddler 107 Ball Henry, pavior 62 Armitage William, fitter III Lawton Joseph, file cutter 64 Caldwell John, labourer II3 Walmsley Edward, labourer 66 Kirk Henry, shopkeeper II5 Ashbrook George, baker 158 Hands Henry, glass maker II7 Cosgrove John, foreman 70 Monks Frederick, fitter II7 CosgrovP.> Miss Julia, dressmaker 72 Millington William, labourer IIi) Ccnnolly Francis, butcher 78 Fogg Mrs. Mary, householder 121 Allen Sam, joiner 80 Lucas Walter, glass, blower 123 Pollitt John, stacktaker 82 Green William, shopkeeper St. Benedict's Rom. Cath. School 125 Worrall Frank, assistant 127 Chrirnes Benjamin, labourer :r04 Lashford James, butcher 129 Clarkson Joseph, soldier 106 Hall Joseph William, cooper 131 Mather John, file cutter :r08 Lawton Thomas, file cutter ......... Here is Forshaw street . no Gleave George, wire drawer 133 Rosterne John, foreman no Gleave Mrs. Jane, dressmaker 135 Whittaker William, pavior 1:12 Renshaw David, engine driver n4 White Edward, barman 137 Enright Mrs. Norah, householder II6 Nock Samuel, iron worker \ 139 Pritchard William, clerk STREETS. 33 141 Plinston John Edward,engine drvl' 143 Atherton Jonathan, moulder 147 Sixsmith Miss Isabella, dressma 149 'Worrall Mrs. Fanny, householder ......... Here is Leonard street 153 Silk Richard, coal agent 155 Bowles Henry, joiner 157 Newton Joseph, householder 159 Brown George, householder 161 Dutton John, ticket collector 163 Cooke John Henry, labourer 165 VeIlnon John N. wire drawer 167 Hackney John, fitter 169 Ashbrook Mrs. Margt. househldr 171 Lee Joseph, joiner 173 Crosley William H. shopkeeper ... '" ...Here is Dickenson street .......•• 183 Sinclair Charles, striker 185 Morris David, schoolmaster 187 Ward George, bootmaker 189 Swindells Samuel, fitter 193 Molyneux John, scavenger 195 Jordan Miss Eleanor, dressmaker 195 Jordan Nicholas, tinsmith 197 Hackett Ishmael H. clerk 199 Spendelow William, clerk 201 Newall James, assistant 201 Newall Herbert, french polisher 203 Langford James J. moUlder 205 Sumner Robert, clerk 207 Brookes Wm. A. C. law statnr 209 Dalrymple James, pattern mouldr 21 I Atherton Cresswell, fitter 213. Shaw Mrs. Martha, householder 215 Hoey Michael,·. under brewer ......... Here is Battersby lane . .........Here is Marsh House laue........• ORFORD STREET. (Buttermarket street.) Left-hand: side. _ ......... Here is Shepherd's row ........• Gittins~ Edward W. stonemason .........Here is Cockhedge lane . Sloan - , wood turner Stirrup Alban, soap machine ma David/son -Christopher, loan office Martin William, bootmaker Bodle William, j().iner Velvet (The) Multiple Cutting Co. Limited Rogers George, fustian cutter Ashton George, bassinette maker ......... Here is Crown street Right-hand side. 5 Tavlin .Joseph, shopkeeper ......... Here is Pocket street 23 Mills Edmund, shopkeeper ., Here is Cockhedge lane........• 25 Nolan Michael, labourer 27 Hartley George, iron turner 29 Martin William, bootmaker 31 Forster Mrs. Ann, householder 33 Leigh John, ~b.ouseliolder 35 Hope Joseph, gilder 37 Tav1in Henry, engineer 41 Eaton Richard, labourer 43 Dobson Joseph, moUlder 45 Clough Edward, meter inspector 47 Ashworth James, warehouseman 49 Taylor Jonathan, engine driver 51 Joynson Samuel, labourer Armitage & Rigby Lim. cotton spinners 55 Lally Patrick, labourer 57 Edgar Mrs. Elizh. A. householder 59 Edwards Joshua, labourer 61 Smith James, labourer 63 Swindells Isaac, hawker 65 Bailey Samuel, spinner 67 Burrows Thomas, smith 69 Hannon Mrs. Elizh. householder 71 Lawless Joseph, labourer 73 Smith William, mineral water r& 73 Wood William, manager 75 Meachin Alonzo, apartments ......•.. Here is Crown $treet .... WARRINGTON 3 34 PADGATE LANE. (Manchester road.) Left-hand side. 20 Smith Mrs. Elizh. householder 22 Hunt Edward, mineral water makr 24 Hewitt Joseph, clerk 26 Fish Mrs. Sarah A. householder 28 Williams James, smith ' 30 Yates Mrs. Ellen, householder 32 Eccles Henry, shopkeeper' ...... Here is Marsh House lane . ...... .. . Here is Gorsey lane 36 Neild John J. manager 38 Winskill Peter, clerk 40 Rogers George, fustian cutter 42 Gibbs Thomas, turner 44 Burgess John A. traveller 46 Jeffery William,householder 48 Hague Wilkinson, wire drawer 50 Middleton Thomas, wire drawer 52 Whittle John T. clerk 54 Olayton In. Liberal registrtn. agt 56 Farrington John T. joiner & bldr ............ Here is Orford road . Levins William, householder Harding Thomas, traveller Right-hand side. PARK PLACE. (Kendrick street.) 2 4 6 8 Ie I 3 5 7 9 I I 13 Left-hand side. Hayes John, shopkeeper Smith Thomas, joiner Parker William, postman McLennan Joseph, assistant Daintith: John, householder Right-hana side. Bird Ralph, furnaceman Greenhalgh Arthur, cabinet maker Woodward Joseph, joiner Howard Alfred, estate agent Evans William, cabinet maker Dodd Samuel, fireman Winstanley IVilliam, plumber PARKER STREET. (Sankey street.) Left-hand side. 4 Lang Arthur, insurance agent 6 Oooke Fredk. G. teeth extractor 8 Sutton Samuel, clerk 10 Austin Miss L. manageress 12 Tilling .Alfred, joiner 14 Jones William, wire dl'awer 16 CommervJohn, insurance agent 18 Green Harry, shopkeeper Norcott Peter, frmr. Cemetery frm 20 Wesleyan & General Assurance Co. 4 1 Duncan David, householder • Geo. Norman, drist. supt 43 Draper John, tanner 22 Mao-inn J,o-hn cab proprietor 45 M'Guire Napoleon, traveller 26 Ho~ghton vVm. Dixon', clerk 47 Kenno:::! R<:>.bert, bookkeeper 28 Warburton Peter, pDstman 49 Bennett Wm. post office supt 30 Dutton Mrs. Phcebe, householder 51 Padmorej John, clerk 32 Trevor Jesse, fitter 53 Ford James, bookkeeper , ' . :: 55 Adamson Charles aO'ent Here IS ~h,te street . 57 Lovering Edward: d~aughtsman 34 National Socie,ty for the·JPrevention 59 Bunch Henry, bookkeeper of Cruelty to, Ohildl'en, 61 Gibson John, clerk Jas. Uphill, local inspector 63 Wright Fredk. shop assistant 36 Dale Richard, grooer 67 Farrall Lewis, clerk 38 Clover Geo,rge, ,cabinet maker 69 Holbrook vVilliam, clerk 40 Warrington Ladies' Charity, 71 Cox Samuel, householder :Mrs. Annie Fowler, matro'll 75 Rigby John, shop assistant 42 Davies Richard, irO'Ill work,er 77 Smith David, householder 44 Jl,IoorfieId John, insurance superin79 James IVm. police inspector tendent 81 Lunt Robert, traveller 46 Hobson Miss SaTah, householder 83 Walley William, manager 48 J·olIles James, ooglhe driver 87 Cham1;>ers George H. army sergt 50 Oooke Charle:s, photographer 95 QuarTle Thomas, labourer Here is Thynne dreet . 97 Butterworth Mrs. Ellen, househldr " . 101 'Mansell Joseph iron worker .)2 Longshaw John 147 King & Queen' inn, Sami. Clare ~4 Walker R,rybert, la1;Jourer 189 Antrobus John, blacksmith S6 Emers,on Jos~ph, m~uraru;e agent .)8 Orampt9n. Wrt;: bUIlders mercht 18 9 Jones Shadrach, wheelwright 191 Lewis John, brickmaker ,60 Olarke MISS Euzh. hous·eholder 195 Gardiner Mrs. Emma L. hsehldr 162 Allan Geo'~ge S. crumpet baker 197 Brady John, clerk Here IS Museum st,reet . 199 Brown George, schoolmaster . Patten Arms hotel, Mrs. Mary E. 201 Ferris Thos. army schoolmaster KeirIlan ' 205 Page Henry S. tailor ...... Her,e is Wilson-Patten street ..... Right-hand! side. PALMYRA SQUARE. Bank Quay Sitations, HiO'h.& Low 1 b L eve:, (Bold street.) L ft-h . d 'd !ames SLa.rkey, stat'lon master . e an . SI e. SmIth W. H. & Son, hooks.eIlers, I Kuby GeOJ:g2 Bank Quay st,ation (L. & N. W) 3 M'Gregor James H . ' F'~ I 5 Pierpoint Mrs :,.. e~e .~~ aevvry ane . 7 Whittle J~es Here IS Wlisoilll-Pattell street . I I L 9 Haddock Mrs II • PAUL STREET. Ewart Jas. Archibald, contractor 13' Kisby James H. surgeon ,(Frog-haIl lane.) I3 Friendly Societies' Medical Assoc. Leit-hand side. James H. Kisby, res. med.officer 6 15 Townend-Moore George T Bailey Miss' Isabel G. milliner I5 Townend-Moore Mr.s 6 Hailey Joseph, r,oHe,r 17 Barker James , Here is Arthur street . I9 Pierpoint Mrs g Green Edward', gardener 21 Hepherd James 12 Ve.rnon George N. house agent ...... He,re is Springfield street 14 Turner Jos,eph, traveller 18 Emett Mfr1ed:, assistant Warrington Gymnasium ......... Here is IValker street ,. ...... Here is Winmarleigh street Here is Gladston~ stre,eu Right-hand side. Rev. George D 4 Kirtlan Rev. Jolin :2 M~son [~LATER'1;! WARRINGTON. STREETS. Right-hand! sid'e. Lawton James, reporter 3 Garrner Mrs. Ann J, hous'eholder I 5 Knowle's Thomas R. engineer 7 Gray Thomas, brewer I I vVorraH John, dispens€r 13 McCue Thomas, bricklayer Here is Arthur street St. Paul's Church ......... Here is WaIker str<;et Here is GladJstone street PERCY STREET. (Bostock s·tr€et.) Left-hand! side. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Here is Lovely lane Sa:t. JI,,frs. ~raria, household€'!' Edwa,rds John, carter Jenks Thomas, engine driver Helsby Thomas, fitter Ha;rdy WiI:iam, engine driver Houghton Isaac, wire worker Fearson Fred.k. vVm. butcher Johnson Isaac, milk dealer Schule Carl, shopkeepe,r Ellison Henry, bricksetter Sudf.ow Cha,rles, galvanizer Dodd James, forgeman Jackson Ed'ward, fiTeman WooHacott Ri0hard! Y. schoo:mastr' Hackney James, mechanic Light William, iro1n worker Entwistle Thomas', ga:vanizer Oroft MIlS. Sarah, householder Wadelin Wm. Hy. iron ,yorker Here is 'Wellfiel<1 street Right-hand; side. Carlisle Thomas, butcher ......... Here is Lovely lane ......... Here is Be,swick ·street I 3 Griffiths Eias, shopkeeper 5 Roscoe John, boot maker 9 Spencer vVilliam, labourer 9 Jacks olJl 1£rs. Ellen, househo:der I I Ke,mp J,oseph, wire drawer 13 Houghton John, labourer 15 Dark Mrs'. Elizabeth, househocdBJ: 17 Stacey Edmd. Jas. sdloo~ma£ter 19 Barker Edward, glass cutter 21 HoughtOIl John, brick fetter 23 El~iS()n J,ames" fishmonger 25 Hack Richard., labourer Here is vYeUfieldJ street i PETER STREET. (Horsemarketstreet. ) Left-hand side. 4 Morra~l George H. haird<I'esser 6 Dea·n John, re·staurant keeper ...... Here is Golden Grove street .... " Haynes Jame,,' & Co. bootmaker Here is }Ia:lket stnet 10 Right-hand' side. Here is Golden Grove, street ...• ......... Here is J\farket street .. 19 Eastmans Limited, butchers 21 Roberts' Bros. boo,t makers ......... Here is Cheshyre's lane . PIERPOINT STREET. (Hewser road.) 2 4 6 8 IO 12 16 18 20 ,22 Left-hand side. Healey :Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper Price William, draper Kibble Aaron, iron worker Gloyer John, bolter Pickford Thomas, engineer Corner Mrs. Elizabeth, householdr Leigh Thomas, brakesman Delooze Richard, wire bundler Thornley John, engine driver Mason Henry, iron worker WARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] 24 Wood Alfred, iron roller 26 Poole Joseph, shingler 28 Jubb George D. mechanic 30 Churchill Patrick, shopkeeper 32 Evans John, bolter-down 34 Fear Horace, printer 36 Moody Thomas, forgeman 3 8 Jones William, iron worker 40 Woodhouse Mrs. - , householder 42 Wellings Edward, iron worker 44 Burke Robert, labourer 4 6 Tinsley Mr~...Ann,. hous·eholder 4 8 Traynor William, IrOn worker 50 Rosterne Alfred, :fitter 52 Roberts Levi, carter 54 Main John, tailor 56 Glennon ~?hael, lal:0urer. 58 Kinsey William, engme drlver 60 Risley Frederick, labourer 62 Edwards John, miner 64 Herbert George, shopkeeper ......... Here is Lilford street 66 68 70 74 76 78 Bennett John, shopkeeper Keating Thomas, joiner Moran Michael, labourer Finch William, assistant Harrison Mrs. Mary, householder Box William, bricksetter 80 Mannion Frank, labourer 82 McKay Dominick, puddler 84 Bannister George, forgeman 86 Warburton Arthur, smith 88 White William, labourer 90 Gill Francis, forgeman 92 Johnson Mrs. - , householder 94 Bostock George, tanner 96 Varley Martin, labourer 98 Hughes Thomas, fitter ICO Owens Michael, labourer 102 Brown Mrs. Annie, householder 104 Price Alfred, labourer 108 Roberts Fredk. clock repairer IIO Delooze Charles, labourer II4 Leigh John, labourer . u6 Marsh James, furriaceman 120 Hall Thomas, puddler Right-hand side. 95 Verdon :Michael, labourer 97 Mather Thomas, labourer :PINNER'S BROW. (Winwick street.) Left-hand side, 4 Sutton Peter, shopke·eper r6 Tvson Mrs. Martha., greengrocer 28 Shaw Alfred, beer retailer 30 Holcroft John, pointsman 32 Bradshaw John, wire weaver 34 Lomas Mrs. Mary A. householder 36 Fost.er John, glass cutter 38 Marshall William, shopkeeper Stewart Charles, blacksmith ......... Here is Silver street . 46 Stirrup Alban, beer retailer 48 Connoney Francis, butcher Here is Oliver street .. ..... Here is Orford lane . 1 STREETS. 18 Briggs William, pawnbroker Bennett Joseph, smith Weston David, hairdresser 26 Crofts John, ironworker 28 Roberts Daniel, bus driver 30 Gleave Joseph, labourer ... Here is Atherton street . 32 Mayers Wm. Henry, compositor 34 Vernon George, weaver 36 ~lassey John T. labourer 38 Moore Miss Sarah, householder 40 Wood Ralph, labourer 42 Kenyon Benjamin, beer ret'liler 46 Finnerty Michael, butcher ............Here is Green st:'eet . 22 24 Right-hand side. Keenan Thomas, wire gaugp. maker 3 Williams Francis, insurance agent 5 Roughley Thomas, householder 7 Naylor Charles, wheelwright 9 Jones Henry, labourer Right-hand side. I I Simpson Mrs. Fanny, householder I Golden Ball, James W·elsby 13 Ellison Thomas, labourer Tomlin George, watch maker 15 Higham Daniel, labourer 3 Huntley George, shoe maker 17 Jones James, labourer 5 Savage Mrs. Ellen A. draper 19 Barton Mrs. Ann, householder 7 Bancroft Miss Mary, milk dealer 21 Edmonds Thomas, newsagent 9 Richards Sergeant, labourer 25 Shaw Joseph, galvanizer II Whittaker John, shopkeeper 27 Hodgson Albert E. waterman. 13 Ma<l'~oo'!I! Mrs. Eliza, lodg. ho. kpr 29 Williams William, labourer 17 Booth Thomas, butcher 31 Kelly William, bootmaker 21 Lomax Aaron, smallware dealer .. , , Here is Green street, 23 Langley J.ohn, butcher :PRICE STREEtT. 25 Hughes A. herbalist 27 Booth John, milliner (Bewsey road.) 29 Holloway John, hnner Right-hand side. 31 Daniels Walter, shopkeeper 33 Reardon Brothers,fishmongers 29 Billington George, storekeeper 37 Leslie James, clothes dealer 31 Stephens William, coachman 39 Johnson Benj amin & Son,s, bakers 33 Lingard George, engine driver 41 Mason Frank, pork but-cher 35 Cherrett Job A. labourer 43 Lamb Alfred, hairdresser 37 Evans David, wire drawier 45 Harper J. boot repairer 39 Foulkes William, wire drawer' 47 Stewart Charles, greengrocer 4< Turner Thomas, bricksetter ......... Here is Rodney street . 43 Turner Peers, engine driver 47 Leicester Wilkinson, shopkeeper .. Gandy John, grocer 4~ Booth Joseph, coffee roaster 49 Mather Thomas, pawnbroker 51 White William, householder 53 Bennett Henry, confectioner 53 Baker Richard, carman ..........Here is Lythgoe's lane .. 55 Baker William H. upholsterer Here is Orford lane 57 Beswick William, labourer ......... Here is Marson street . PITT STREET. Kibble Charles, shoe maker 3 Harris James, hair dresser 5 Dobson Henry, forg-eman 7 Middleton James, iron worker 9 Brandwood Horace P. fitter (Bewsey road.) II RQbinson Albert, brick maker 13 Helsby Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper Left-hand side. 15 Pa.rker Thomas, iron worker 2 Worrall James, beer retailer 17 Smith Mrs. Emma; householder .......... ..Here ·is Albert street .. 21 Burgess John, iron roller 4 Tickle Thomas, shopkeeper 23 Th=pson John, fitter 6 Looker Mrs. Phcebe, shopkeeper 25 Llewellyn Tholllas, boiler cleaner 27 Read' Thomas, blacksmith Here is Edward street 28 Gilks George, iron worker ... Here is Lilford street . 31 Caulton Joseph, iron worker 33 Gough George, labourer Right-hand side. 35 Narroway Jonathan, puddler 5 Lilley John R. coal dlr. & milk silr 37 Whittaker Mfred F. fit·ter 7 Pugh Alfred, smith 39 Messiter George, fitter 9 Tomkins Alfred,. householder 41 Taylor John, millwright I I Looker Frederick, turner 13 Picken Willia.m, turner ......... Here is Lilford street 15 Hewitt William, forgeman 53 M'Coy Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper 17 Mannion Owen, forgeman 55 Heaton William, iron worker 19 Kent Harry, forgeman 57 Payton Joseph, puddler 21 Wilks Joseph, forgeman 59 Stephens Richard, puddler Here is Lilford street 61 Mar.sh James, labourer 67 Bunting JQhn, signalman :POWYS STREET. 69 Gallagher Martin, puddler (Liverpool road.) 71 Stokes John, puddler 73 Smith Mrs. Sarah, householder Left-hand side. 75 Bennett John, puddler 2 Ashley T~o:r:nas, tailor 77 Pugh William,' furnaceIlJ.qn 4 Gleave William, labourer 79 Bell Georg.e, labourer 6 Landon Ma~y,. householder 81 Naylor James, engine driver 8 Westw:ell William W. coal merchnt 83 Poole Robert, bolter-down 10 Horobill Henry R. clerk 85 Jones John, puddler 12 Massey Joseph, box milKer 87 Beckett Thomas,. railway porter 16 Potter James, shopkeeper 89 Gardner Henry, engine driver 93 Forrest Robert, forgeman ......... Here is Baxter str~~t I 35 I :PRIESTLEY STREET. (Green street.) Left-hand side. Taylor Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper 4 Humphreys William, bricksetter 6 Titchard Gilbert .G. hairdresser· 8 Binks Albert, fitter 10 Helsby Charles, bricksetter 12 Bee Miss Dorothy, householder 14 Dillon William, rope maker 16 Webster Robert, rope, maker .........Here is Cartwright street . 18 Hardcastle John, shopkeeper 18 Sub-Post Office 20 Monks Joseph, waterman 22 Pooley Richard E. painter 24 Ratcliffe George, brush maker 26 Wainwright Mrs. Ellen, householJr 28 Hewitt 'William, music seller 30 Atkinson Mrs. Hannah, householder' 32 Wareing George, wire drawer 34 Bower Isaac, salesman 36 Meikle Michael, labourer 38 Edwards John, boiler feeder 40 Chappell Charles, clerk .d2 Oakden John, coach maker 44 Butler John, fitter 4 6 Williams John, 'Wire drawer 4 8 Percival Walter, signalman 50 Lawton Thomas, wire worker 52 Backhouse Charles, ironworker 54 Mace William, ironworker 56 Kinder James, labourer W,ARRINGTON 3 2 * 36 WARRINGTON. STREETS. PRIESTLEY STREET-continued. 58 Hastings William, engine driver 60 Lawton Isaac, platelayer Kermode Miss Mary J. shopkeeper 62 Edge George, mechanic 64 Gaunt Thomas, fitter 66 Owen Humphrey, bootmaker 68 Taylor George, wire drawer 70 Glover Joseph, carter 72 Smith Peter, labourer 74 Dawson Thomas, cooper 76 Dale Thomas, greengrocer 80 Massey Joseph, shopkeeper ............Here is Aiken street .. 82 Dale Richard, draper ......... Here is Howard street . The Bifurcated Rivet Oo.Lim.rivet manufacturers The Lubrate 00. oil & grease mfrs 88 Bladen John, inspector 92 Winks Samuel, beer retailer 94 Bowers John, shopkeeper ......... Here is Wakefield street . 96 Lee Mrs. Agnes, shopkeeper ......... Here is Guardian street ......... 98 Roscoe Samuel, bundler Walker Moses & Son, mineral water manufacturers ......Here is 'White Cross wharf . .............Here is Froghall lane . Right-hand side. I Webb Miss Sarah A. dress maker 3 Allen James, furnaceman 5 Holt James, fitter 7 Broomfield Richard, wire drawer 9 Roughley James, compositor I I Davies Mrs. Eliza, schoolmistress I3 Kenwright John, glass maker 15 Potter John, file forger I7 Hutchinson Robert, glass maker I9 Dennett John, warehouseman 2I Holley William, timekeeper 23 Shearer Basil, relieving officer 25 Tilling John, joiner 27 Legge George, turner 29 Jackson John, clerk 3I Bradshaw John, joiner 33 Myles Edwin, greengrocer 35 Myles Frederick G. wire drawer 37 Grant Christopher, glass maker 39 Wilson William, labourer 41 Thomason Alexander, iron worker 43 Lanceman Joseph, labourer 45 Taylor Frank, draper 47 Edwards Thomas, fireman 49 Gleave Fred. telegraphist 5I Beecham John, householder 53 Trevett William, railway porter 55 Seed Samuel, wire drawer 57 Heath James, clerk 59 Bradley Robert, glass maker 63 Hill George, shopkeeper 65 Jennings Walter, turner 67 Pomfret. Mrs. Margrt. householdr 69 Priihl John Adam, soap maker 7I Thomas George, iron worker 73 Naylor Sydney, draper 75 Cross John, jun. butcher 77 Lawton Alfred, clogger 99 Siddall Mrs. Hannah, householder Here is Milner street Here is Froghall lane 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Bennett Thomas, foreman Smart Robert, confectioner Forbes Thomas, labourer Magrath Peter, bookbinder Geering Richard, labourer Rose James, bus driver Arber John, labourer ~ Crosby Thomas, labourer 46 Price Joseph, forgeman 50 Baird Alexander, beer retailer ...... Here is Golborne street Right-hand side. Farmers' Stores, greengrocers I I Brookes & Son, law stationers I3 Higginbottom Mrs. Mary, shopkpr .. Here is Cheshyre's lane .. ...... Here is Brown street . ......... Here is Allen street . REGENT STREET. (Golborne street.) Left-hand side. 4 6 8 I2 Pearson John, mechanic Ford Joseph, barman Massey Arthur, labourer Kennedy Ann, apartments Burrows Edward, blacksmith ............ Here is Legh street Right-hand side. I Longshaw William, draper 3 Gleave Mrs. Oath. householder 5 Sutton Mrs. Margaret, shopkeeper 7 Dayus Price, lead maker 9 Goulding John, moul~er I I Magrath John, bookbmder I3 Legge Edward, labourer . L egh s t reet ... . H ere IS RIVER ROAD. (Wilderspool causeway, Latchford.) I 3 5 7 9 II I3 I5 I7 I9 2I 2 4 6 8 IO I2 I6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 QUEEN STREET. (Bewsey street.) I Left-hand side. 3 ." Here is Golden Grove street •.. 5 I Naylor R. A. & 00. confectioners 7 2 Gorse Mrs. Mary Ann, householdr 9 4 Ratcliffe Thomas, engineer II ......... Here is Market street I3 6 Ratcliffe Joseph, puddler 15 17 ...... Here is Oheshyre's lane ...... I9 22 M'Olew Mrs. Jane, furniture dealr 23 24 Walker Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeepI' 25 26 Wild Mrs. Margaret, news agent 27 28 MatthGws Mrs. Bridget,. hous~b!dr ~9 Right-hand side. Thornley Mrs. Margt. A. househldr Gorst Mrs. Mary J. householder Gough Charles, compositor Shakeshaft Willi;11p. H. clerk Bennett Richard, turner Allcock John, brush maker Smithson Albert, gas inspector Meacock Edward, smith Dobson Benjamin, cabinet maker Spinks Ja:mes, clerk Millwood John, engraver ROBSON STREET. (Manchester road. ) Left-hand side. Hayes James, wire drawer Vernon George, smith Edwards Thomas, householder Taylor Thomas, joiner Pennington Thomas, bricklayer Pennington William, mason Kenwright John, smith Appleton Henry, fitter Matthews John, agen17 Kinsey Mrs. shopkeeper Higginson James, boatman Bullock William, wire drawer Williams Samuel, householder Lawrance John, police sergeant Rigby John, brick setter Right-hand side. Povey George, tool maker Walker Henry, wire drawer Ashton Samuel, plumber Oross Lewis, joiner Cliffe Thomas, tanner Beesley William, tanner Twiss Thomas, householder Maybury George, wire drawer Britch James, smith Barton William, wire drawer Monks Miss Sarah E. householder Ellam William, postman Berry John, policeman Oorrin Mrs. Jane, hous~holder [SLATER'S 3I 33 / 35 [ 37 Sanson Jonathan, tool maker Morton George, wire drawer Lewis James, stoker Sutton Robert, smith ROLLESTON STREET. (Froghall lane.) Left-hand side. Wainwright John, bntcher Titchard John, boot maker Pucill William, wire worker Ward Walter Geo. shopkeeper Hatton Joseph, engine driver Hayes William, spinner Hayes Miss Mary, dress maker Barker Miss Sarah A. dress makr Alcock Thomas, wood turner Toft Samuel, engine driver Meredith John, householder Marsh James, householder Reading Herbert, assi"stant Jolley Mrs. Sarah, householder Houghton Henry, clerk Houghton John, shopkeeper Birch Fredk. Wm. wire· weaver Marsh Mrs. Adelaide, householder Smith Thomas, boiler maker Shutt William, dairyman & farmr Mather Oharles, wire drawer Fern John, telegraph clerk Adams Mrs. Louisa, householder Scarisbrick Richard, wire drawer Davenport Mrs. Hannah,househldr Massey Thomas, tanner Here is Edgeworth street . Here is Legh street . . Right-hand side. I Holland Ohas. wine & spirit mrcht 3 Marsh James, estate agent 5 Perry 'William, cooper 7 Sheppard John, wire drawer 9 Stirrup Alban, soap machine makr I I Marsh Alfred, insurance agent I3 'Winstanley Wm.H. insurance agnt I5 Ashton Mrs. Ann, householder I7 Blackledge Edward, labourer I9 Brooks T. Oonnelly, shopkeeper 2I Barnes Frederick, baker 23 Bate Peter, cooper 25 Roylance Abraham, tailor 27 Leyland Mrs. Harriet, householder 29 Butterworth Edward, wire drawer 3I Harris David, clerk 33 Johnson Ralph, basket maker 35 Porter Mrs. Mary Ann,householdr 37 Marsh Peter, plumber Oross T. & W. joiners & builders St. Paul's National Girls' School Aukland Ephraim, sen. monumental mason 5I Carlisle Annas, household-er ......... Here is Legh street ,. 2 4 6 8 IO I2 I2 I4 I6 I8 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 RYLANDS STREET. (Bridge street.) Left-hand side. 2 Johnson S. E. & R. cabinet makrs M'Dowell John, coach builder Maskery & 00. coach builders 6 Twiss Miss Lydia, confectioner 8 Sexton James, egg merchant 8 M'Nair Thomas S. carver & gilder 10 Summerfield Joseph, greengrocer I2 Fox Edward A. surgeon ......... Here is Oairo street ......... Right-hand side. I Royal Court hotel, George Wright· Ferguson Hugh, blacksmith Daly Miss Agnes, oonfectioner Royal Oourt Theatre 9 Lazenby Arthur C. confectioner 9 Lane Thomas, teacher of music I I Oharles Miss Margaret, ladies' outfitter I3 Provident Olothing Olub ......... Here is Oairo str~et ......... DIRECTORY.] ST. AUSTIN'S LANE. (Friar's green.) WARRINGTON. 70 Austin John, milk dealer 74 Harrison Charles, hardware dealer 76 Breedon Frederick, labourer Green Miss Louisa, dJress maker ............ Here is Green',s, row . 78 Appleton Alfred, fitter 80 Ohire John, labourer 84 Green John H. glass. cutter 86 Locker Thomas, news agent 88 Bate Alfred, wire drawer 90 THIey James, fo,reman 92 Speakman William, household-er ............ Here is York Sftreet .•.......... STREETS. 37 IS Owen William & Son, grocers17 Evans Evm T. draper Russells Limited, jewellers Left-hand side. Garnett Rbt. & Sons, cabinet mas Manchester & Liverpool District II Ellis James, groom Banking 00. Limited: Monks Thomas, plumber 19 Connor EdJward, coach proprietor Knowles Thomas, joiner I9a Perris Alfred, tobacconist St. Austin's Chambers21 Nay10r Herbert W. bookseller Masonic Hall ... '" Here is Oairo street . •........ Here is Bold street 23 to 29 Warrington Equitable InRight-hand side. dustrial Oo-operative Society,Ltd 3 Potter John T. spring maker grocers &c S Lee Charles, householder 33 Gerrard John, hair dres'ser 7 Shepherd Mrs. .Ann, householder ST. MARY STREET. 3S a Lythgo,e John & Co. confectioners 9 Bailey Thomas, milk dealer d ) 3S :Mawsoll & 00. tailo-r,s I I Astbury Mrs. Elizabth. milk dealer (Knutsforll road, LatcMor. 37 Woolpack hot-el, Herbert Holling13 Rothbury Mrs. Hannah,householdr Left-hand! si<1e. worth ......... Here is Oairo street 2 Hitc!hmQlUgh Hichard, ~J:erk Here is Bold: street . IS Broomhead Mrs. Isabella, chapel 4 Teare George E. collector 4 1 Turner the Mi.sses Mary & Edith, keeper 6 Stubbs Samuel, brakesman. ladies' outfitters Pierpoint Robert M.P., J.P. St. 8 Malone Edward, pointsman 43 Eus-tace E. & A. jewellersAustin's 10 Shaw William, mule spinner 4'S Pm-kinson James, phodJogra:pher 45 Sankey street chambers ......... Here is Bold street ......••. 12 Doncaster John B. hair dresser 14 Winders Mrs. Jane, householder Williams- Joseph R. accountant ST. JAMES STREET. 16 Hila Mir!s. Mar)', milk d-ealeT Warrington (The) Express Bill 18 Tho,rnley John T. wire drawer Posting 00. Lim. reg. office (Latchford.) 20 Jones Mfre<i, printer Warrington & District Mineral Left-hand si<Le. 22 Elli.s- EdJward, file cutter Water & Bottling 00. Lim. reg. I Fairclough J. & Sons, corn mNcihts 24 Bols>worth J. H. tinplate :vorker office 3 Wilkin-son Isaac, sadiller St. Mary's Roma-n Oathohc Church Bolton James', accountant .",. . F' I -h' d & School Wright John E. architect ...... =ere 180 alrc oug s yar ' '" ... 64 Roth~rham Georg,e, boiler muer '11' ~ 47 Daintith Richard, IDl' mer S & 7 Miorton Edgar V. pawnbroker 66 Lee Mrs. Sarah, householder 51 Chappell Mrs. Martha Jane, con9 Hughes· James, os,tler 68 }'liller Richard, clerk fectioner II Walker William L. clerk 70 Sander James, joiner 53 Mercer Mis,s Margaret A. dress ......... He:: .is Water street Right-hand side. maker IS Cook W~a:m, butche'!:" I Hackney Peter householder 53 Mercer Robert, basket maker 17 Po,tter 'William,greengrocer . ' 55 Skelton John, general dealer 19 Lunt John, cart owner Here, 1S New road 57 Boyle Mrs. Margaret, ladies' outWolstenholme Wm. bedstead: rrrfr 3 Adamson Mrs. Alice, newsagent fitter OldJ St. James' Cemetery Jameson Edward & Joseph, joiners 59 Marsh Joseph, ironmonger 65 Golden Lion, John Williamson & builders 61 Monks William, grocecr ......... Here is KuU'bsford TQOO 27 B,ancroft :Mrs,. Catherine, baker 63 AshtOIl Henry M. _chemist . . , 29 Fargher James,'manager 65 Sharp Mrs. RIght-hand SIde 33 Evans Philip, tTave!ller 67 Haynes James, lea,ther merchan~ 2 Edwards J. & T. grocer,s & butchers 35 Hennelly Rev. James A 69 Prudential Assurance Co. LIm. 4 Fairhurst Hugh & Co. chemists Wright Frederick W. & Albert, (Nathan Gorton, superintendent) 6 Greenough Mrs. joiners, & bUilders 7 1 White Charles, surgeon, Holly ho 8 Hollingworth John, beer retailer 37 Wright Frederick W. builder Here is, Springfield street .....• 10 Bill Thomas, butcher 39 Fleming Lewis, boot maker 85 Boothroyd WaIter, music dealer 12 Strange James, baker 41 Jones James. P. insurance a.gent Guardian Newspaper office ......... Here is Bakehouse yard 43 Lunt Mis~ ~. hDuseholder Mackie & Co. Lim. publishers Y I 45 Harding Mellor William B. warehDus-eman 99 Bowden -M. & Sons, grocers, Bank · I 6 R 0b ert-son J . J, & Co . L lID. C C e . John clerk manufacturer,!'! 47 . -, H buildings 18 Young Elijah, shopkeeper 49 Warmg John . manager General Post Office (Oharles, H. 20 Riley Mrs. Bridget, householder SALISBURY STREET. Kerry, postmaster) 22 Cunliffe Mrs. Mary, householder d ) Here is- Winma.rleigh street ., ...• 24 Buckley Samuel, householder (Ma,nchester roa . 103 Hoskins G. & Co. Lim. boot & 26 Griffiths .Arthur, carpenter 2 Warnock Rev. James shoe makers 28 Buckley William, dogger 4 Baker Rev. Alfred B. lOS Jones' Sewing Machine Co. Lim. 30 Ellison Thomas., labourer 6 Percival Mr!'!. Conservative Club (George Pilling, 3 2 Locker Mrs-. Sarah, shopkeeper 8 Hu1s·e Thomas J. secretary) ......... Here is Buckley's yard 10 Markham Rev. .Algernon A., M.A. Warrington Cons-ervative As'socia10 Radford Rev. Lewis B., M.A. tion (William Holbrook, agent 34 Smith Martin, labourer 3 6 Dickinson John, tailo'!:" 10 HowarCL Mrs. & secretary) 12 T'hoID!as B grocer ~IIS_S Mar y, mang1er 16 May Woods Al;fred 109 H ough ton Will'lam. 3 8 L es t er ~... 40 White William, tanner III Shawcross Arthur, veterinary surg 42 PodIDore Joseph, confectioner 18 Hunt Samuel II3 Lowe William, carver & gilder 44 Foulkes, Samuel, shopkeeper 20 Hodgson Mrs. II5 Cook Mrs. Adolphine, tobacconist 46 Watts William, beer retailer 20 Thurston Rev. Granville B., M.A. II5 Cooke Charles, photographer 48 Scales Mrs. Ca1'oline, tobacconist 22 Henshall Lewis II5 Manchester Furnishing Co. furni......... Here is School street SANKEY STREET. ture dealers Peacock & Yarwood, wholesale II7 Balmford Norman, tailor (Market gate.) II9 Richards. Hrbll't. temperance hotel dJ:apers 50 Stout John, shopkeeper Left-hand: side. 121 Ashton John, tailor 12 3 Daniels, John T. tobacconist 5 2 Minard Thomas, pork butcher I Price Oharles" provision dealer 12 3 Harper James, boot maker .......•. Here is> Sparling street 3 W-eu's Fred & Co. hosiers 125 Boardman Charles, tripe dealer 3 Parkinson G. H. dentist A I t 54 Lambert George, shopkeeper N b rt F & C consulting········· Here is' Arp 1ey stree . 56 Underwo.od Joh<n, tripe dresser 3 .L'eu e . o. . I . 'bb J opticians 127 Morton Walter, e ectrrca engllleer B 58 I Y oseph, grocer h . t George inn, Thomas Halton Maginn Bros. coac propl'le ors 60 WoolIner Mrs. householder 62 Welsby John P. watch maker Holy Trinity Church Here is> Dixon street . ••••..... Here is· Prince srreet . Here is Trinity place . Here is Parker street . 64 Moffat Alfred, labourer II Benson William, draper L. & N. W. Railway Co. district 66 Sherlock Mrs. householder 13 Ohantry & Son, confectioners goods manager's offices (Edward 68 Smith William, hairdresser ...••. Here is Pemberton's court Braide, manager) 38 STfiEETB. WARRINGTON. II36 Auckland Fraru, H. rejeving offiCI 54 Baderick William, labourer 56 Rigby James, baker Here is Manchester road 58 Lawton Samuel, timekeeper 60 Edwards Thomas, brakesman Right-hand side. .. 62 Potts John, labourer .. , . Here is Mill yard .. Here is Orchard -street .. 64 Brown David, iron worker 66 Wilson Joseph, wire drawer 2) Manx Arms, "Vm. WolHtenholme 68 Sanders William, labourer 33 Bennett Henry C. confectioner 70 Price Thomas, labourer ......... Here is General street . 72 Lloyd John, joiner 39 Hesketh William, bird dealer ......... Here is Wellfield street ......... ......... Here is Eldon street ......... Right-hand side,. 93 Aspinall John, liouseholder I Needham William, shopkep-per 95 Clare William, fustian cutter 3 Ellison Thomas, labourer ... .. .... Here is Gaskell street ......... 5 Hartley Harry, wire drawer 97 Massey James, warehouseman 7 Pye Joseph, labourer 9 Skelton George, labourer 99 Hall William, wire worker 101 Cousins Thomas, labourer I I Sanders George, iron roller 13 Barton John, labourer I03 Scotson Robert, householder ......... Here is Church street ......... 15 Burns Andrew, printer 17 Long Alfrild, labourer 19 M'Elroy Joshua, glass maker SCOTLAND ROAD. 21 Warburton John, labourer (Buttermarket street.) 23 Jackson Hamblet, coal dealer Left-hand side. ... Here is Bostock street . .. Harel is Lovely lane .. Chorley John, iron '& steel mer . ...... Here is Town hill . ......... Here lS Ernest street ......... Here is Clara street .. 2 Strettle William, manager 27 Smallwood Heury, engine driver 4 Spencer Sa,muel, lodgekeeper 2) Jones Arthur, smith 6 Norbury John H. cabinet maker 8 National Telephone Co. Lim. (dis- 31 vVil1iams John E. labourer trict office); Alfd. Magnan, man 33 Bradbury George, labourer Caldwells Limited, mill furnishers 35 Powers Thomas, wire drawer Stockton Heath Forge Co. Limited, 37 Wilson David, pattern maker 39 Gleave Thomas, labourer spade & shovel manufa·cturers 41 Cotterill Charles, householder ...... Here is Horsemarket street ...... ......... Here is Wellfield street ......... Right-hand side. I Britannia inn, MI's. Ann Holland SPRINGFIELD STREET. 3 Chadwick Mrs. Margaret, newsagt (Sankey street.) 5 Melbourne William, fitter Left-hand side. 7 Waring Samuel, leather dealer 9 Murphy! George, hairdresser Beck Edward, Springfield house I I Gleave Mrs. Elizh. herb beer dlr ......... Here is Palmyra square . 13 Carter James, herb beer dealer Greening N. & Sons Lim. wire Right-hand side. workers Fleming John Henderson, tanner, 23 Gregory William, beer retailer Winmarleigh lodge .. ...... Here is Cockhedge lane ......... 3 Gleave .James Stubs Peter Lim. Lancashire file, 5 Warburton Ernest tool & steel manufacturers ......... Here is Palmyra square ......... ......... Here is Mottram's yard . STANLEY STREET. Cotton Charles, engineer Eddowes & Co. Lim. mineral water (Friar's Green.) manufacturers Left-hand side. Norbury John Hy. cabinet maker· Davies Thomas, chain maker 20 Lawton William Y. commsn. agent ......Here is Glass House square ...... Right-hand side: Theatre Royal SCHOOL BROW. 13 Nunnerley Mrs. The Priory 47 Theatre tavern, George Lunt 15 Mackie Mrs (Brick street.) Here is Winwick street ......... 17 _Ruddock Frederick J. analyst Left-hand side. 2I Dutton James, draper! 2 Nevin Michael, shopkeeper SELBY STREET. 23 Smith John, town crier 10 Dakin Mrs. Mary, berlin wool dlr (Cartwright street.) 25 Dobson Robert, draper 26 Schofib~'-' :~hark, draper Left-hand side. 27 Place Elijah, market inspector 28 Rowland Daniel, tinsmith 29 Sterratt Jamlls S. surgeon 30 Vern£"_ ,..;."ph, shopkeeper 2 Ashton John, baker 4 Taylor Thomas, brakesman SUEZ STREET. ......... Here is Ryland's yard 6 Holliday Joseph, milk dealer (Dairo street.) ::i4 Mas.ey John, shopkeeper Here is Bostock street .. ......... Hel'e is Crossley street Potter Mrs. Martha A, beer retlr Left-hand side. 52 Horrocks .John, shopkeeper Monks, Hall & Co. Lim. bedstead Here is Lovely lane .. 2 Hertzog F. C. teacher onanguages 2 Ferguson, Hugh, veterinary surgn marmfrs. Standard works 24 Gibson Joseph, mechanic 4 Lees Samuel, grocer 58 Smith James, beer retailer 28 Massey Samuel, furnaceman ............ Here is Bold street .. ......... Here is Hopwood street ......... 30 Sykes Joseph, glass cutter 32 Smith Samuel, pud(iler 2 Right-hand side. 9 Barlow Miss Elizh. householder 3-1- Savage James, boatman 94 Gill Mrs. Annselina, householder 36 Booth James, iron roller I Fletcher William, painter ~. Weaver George, cabinet maker 318 Williamson John, messenger 3 P-erry John, tailor Willcocks Rev. Edward J. M.A. 40 Oulton Richard, warehouseman 5 Morley Mrs. Maria, householder School house 42 Brown William, soap cutter 7 Russell William, cab owner Boteler's Grammar school 44 Roach George, smith 9 Dooley Mrs. Mary, householder ......... Here i", Daltcn bank 46 Sud low Richard, fitter I I Booth Edward, hatter 106 Lawrinson John, shopkeeper 48 Jones Samuel J. iron worker I3 Warrington Permanent Benefit 12-1- Thomason George, shopkeeper 50 Hill James, labourer Building Society 130 Buck~ey John, ~eer l'et.ail~r 52 Higginson Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper I5 Proud Robert, secretary 6 13 Warrmgton Dmon Rehevmg officei Here is Bramhall street .. .. Here is Bold street ,. SANKEY STREET-continued. Right-hand side. 2 Hatton John, chemist 4 Freeman, Hardy & Willis·, Lim. boot makers . 6 Toft Richard, tobacconist 8 PearSie Percival, bookseller 10 Blackhurst G. & Son, jewellers 12 Booth Edward, hatter 14 Woods, William & Son, jewellers ...... Here is Corporation street ...... 16 & 18 Dutt·on J. & W. drapers' &c ......... Here is Castle stroot . 20 Baker James & Sons Lim. boot make·rs 22 & 24 Poole T. H. outTItter & hosier 26 Queen's hotel, James Burrow 30 Dell Francis J. pa-inter 32 Talbot inn, Pet-er H. Lake Corunor Edwd. livery s'table keeper 34 Waller Edmund, hosier 36 Dunn W. J. hosier 38 Isaac J. B. provision dealer ............ Here is King street . 40 Young John R. chemist 42 Young John Clarkson, dentist 44 Booth Frank, hatter 46 Wooc1 James, books·eller Sutton's Parcel Delivery office 48 Greenhalgh J. 1\1. cabinet maker 50 Aston A. V. chemist 52 WaLsh Mrs. Louisa Jane, ladies' outfitter 54 Lawton Jacob, saddler 56 Bath hotel, John Davies ......... Here is· Golborne street 58 Riley Mrs. Ann, fishmonger 60 & 62 Browne Birch, hair dresser 64 & 66 Garnett Richard, cabinet mkr 68 White RflJI'!t, ]\,tIrs<. Anne Brierley 70 Hesketh T. & Sons, decorators 72a Gleave William. confectioner 72 Beswick William, tobacconist 74 Ashton Wm. perambulator maker ............ Here is Legh stre,et . Birtles Thomas, photographer, Legh house Oarleton Rev. Edward! C. E., B.A. The Vicarage 78 ~en Rev. Eruward D., JIIl.A 80 Spinks Chri,stopher N. surgeon. East Bank house ReynoCd!s Mrs. Frances, sdhool, Bank house Town HaJJ. ............ Here is Bank park .. Here is Cros1ield street .. DIRECTORY.] TANNERS' LANE. (Bewsey street.) Left-hand side. Here is Marson street 2 Hollingworth Mrs. Mary, dressma 4 Blood Mrs. Elizabeth, householder 4 Monaghan Patrick, detective sergt 6 Allman John, shopkeeper 8 Edelsten Mrs. Lois, householder IO Sanson Richard, joiner "12 Ginsberg Benj. smallware dealer 24 Pearson & Knowles Coal & Iron 00. Lim. coal mers. ; .Alfd. Perris,agt :26 Gandy Thomas, bootmaker ...... ... Here is Dallam lane :28 Roberts ~frs. Mary, coffee tavern 30 Lea Henry, file forger 32 Blake John, wire worker 34 Kerney John, joiner 38 Lindsay 'William H. dresser 40 Knight John, labourer 42 Brimelow John, coal agent 56 Dermody Peter, labourer .58 Ooffey Mrs. Cath. householder 60 Wade Patrick, brick setter ·D2a Eve George, furniture broker 062 Davies John, hairdresser '" Here is Erwood street 66 Amis James, iron roller 68 Fairhurst John J. vanman Co-operative Hall News room <~ •••••• Here is Winwick street . Right-hand side. 3 vYaring vYilliam F.warehouseman .5 Brunt John, clerk 7 Hackney' Mrs. Elizh, householder 9 Ward James, joiner I I Borrows Richard, joiner "13' Hayes A.rthur, labourer I5 Groark Mrs. Sarah E. householder I7 Monaghan Patrick, carter :'19 Motley Fred, lurryman 2I Scholtze Henry, furnaceman '23 O'Brien Michael, householder 25 Sherlock Mrs. Elizh. shopkeeper 27 Monk J oh..T)., whitesmith :29 Ohadwick Thomas, furnaceman 3I Carroll Edward, labourer' ............. Here is Dallam lane . Three Pigeons, William Chalmers 45 Mephan John, timekeeper 47 Ward Patrick, labourer 49 O'Leary Michael, labourer 5I Hall Mrs. Jane, householder 53 Brookes Mrs. Emma, householder 55 Scarl Patrick, householder 57 Isherwood Edward, carting contractor, &c 57 Isherwood Robt. estate & insur.agt Tanners' Lane Tanning 00. Lim. tanners '93 Robinson Frank, lodging ho. keeper •........ Here is vYinwick street . THYNNE STREET. (Arpley street.) Left-hand side. Fletcher, RUlsSleR & C-o. Limited, gas engQneers :2 .00x·John, g-rocer's traveller 4 Wood Jo,seph, inland revenue officr •....... _ Here is Parker street .: . Right-hand sid". I Bigot Char:e,s H. pianoforte dealer 3 Pot,ber J 0 seplh, manageer "5 Evans Thoma,s, engineer 7 Bowen John W. police inspector 9 Lawles,s .J ose<plh, provision dealer II Ashur,st Mil'S. Jane, householder I3 Tanner J'o'hn W. porter I5 Warren James E. traveller I7 TaIHler James H.railwav Q'uard I9 Emson John, french polisher 2I Young Cornelillls, householder 23' Par·sons Joseph, shop assistant 25 ·Rowe William, plate maker 'VARRINGTON. 27 Cotton Benjamun, clerk ...... '" Here is Parker street STREETS. 39 42 \Vonaill :Mliss Sarah J. dressmaker 44 Ca~dwe'll J.ose-ph, shopkeeper Wilkinson John & Joseph, fustian cutters TRINITY PLACE. Riglht~hand side. (Sankey street.) I Moulsdale Job, signalman I Krirk John, clerk '1 Hickey Wi;Riam, carter 2 "Vebster W!illiam, labourer 5 Farrmgton Michael, wheelwright 3 Jefferson John, grocer'·s porter 4 Blackburn Joseph, la-bourN 7 Gregson Mrs. Jane, householder -" 'Yatmough Mr,s. Ann, householder 9 Lightfoot J,oseph, labourer I I Walsh Patrick, smith 6 HaDe Henry,. bill poster 7 Evans William, clerk I3 J"nks Wwiam, wir.e drawer I5 Taylor Thomas, ,shopkeeper UNION COURT. I9 Baldwin Thomas, labourer 21I Poole Daniel, forgeman' (Bridg-e street.) 23 Olay Isaiah, puddler I Whiteholllse George, baker 27 Brooks James, bundler Ohandl.'ey H. & S. decorator's 29 Lloyd John, labourer 3 Mottram James, confectioner 3IThomas Ohades, wire dra-wer 33 Woolridge Oharles, signalman UPPER BANK STREET. 35 Clhrimes Thoma,s, p:atelayer (Butter<ma.rket street.) 37 'Yoods James, watohman Left-ihand side. 39 Mli!Jilman John, shingler 2 Jolley Tb,omas & 00. estate &c. 4I Jones ThomilJs, labourer 43 Fisher John, pudd;.er a,gents· 2 Vernon George N. est-ate &c. a-gts 45 Jones· George, labourer 47 Doughty Edward, householder 2 vVard Thomas, type writer 5I Brown MJI's. Mary, shopkeeper 4 A.shton & Crompton, printers 53 Seym.our Noaih F. tool maker Ke:sall James, dairyman 3:5 Lowe Aobraham, labourer 12 Royal Arms, J.ohn·Oonroy 57 Page Elijah, lato'urer County Court 59 Fa-uilkener. Samuel, railwa;y guard ......... Here is o.:.oth Hall yard 6I N-a}1or Frank, cab driver Browne A.rt'hur,s-o'licitor 63 Dawes Millss Ma,rtha- Jane, hSehldr I8 Burke Thoma's, 'beer iI"etai'ler 67 Eastens Oharles, labourer ...... Here is Kenworrlthy's yard 69 Maklin G·eorge, a:ssistant 7I Payne M!iclhael, engine driver Owen Willi,am, dairyman HiijjJ WilWiam, fill:e cutter ......... Here is Crimes yard . 73 75 Arno!:.dMTs. Betsy, household'er ...... Here is Oorporation building . 77 Hatton J osepib., fireman Greenall, Whitley & 00. Limited, I !1aQt's;ters W ALKEE STREET. .. . Here is Merse,y s;treet . (Bewsey road.) :Riigib:t-fuand side. Left-ihand side. Lowe RObert, auctio'n roOIIliS ............ Here is Paul street .......•.... ...... '" Here is Union street ......•.. 32 Knowles Oha.de,s H. 'wire drawer Longiand JOSQah, solicitor, z Union 34 H.aIrl!pson Mired, wire drawer '3,6 Long'shaw Samuel, engine driver ~treet 38 Critc'h'l.eyHenry, engine driver 13 Oarter .Alfroo,. p~uInber 40 Bate J'OIhn, engine driver 15 LOIli"oton Henry J. so[icitor 42 Maybury Henry, cabinet maker 17 Glavin John, ·shopkeeper 23 'Vooton Henry, lodging house kpr 44 V\ilhaJ.'ley William,. eng-:.ne d,river ......... He·re i,s Dolman's lane . 46 Horne Arthur, madhinist 48 Halford Ridha.rd, labourer 27 A.ppl>eton J ame,s, wire dorawer ......... Here is Eustace street 29 Leeson MTls. Mary, householder .50 Wier Lawrence, machinist 31 Robson Thoon3.lS, forge= 52 Phillips Samuel, bricksetker 307 J{)hnscm Willlia,m, cashier 54 vn.1~tfieJd J O'hn, fireman 39 MiKell' Mrs. Catllie>rine, butcher ...... Here is Ship yard '" Right-hand side. F Madden J·bhn, labourN I Stone & Kidson, drapers -!-9 Riidhardson J oJ:m, rope & twine dlr I Stone Mrs. Anne, draper Bank Street MlislSion 2 KJidson Mrs. El'.linor, draper 3I Brown Mrs. Ann, shopke'eper 3 Fowler J onn, timekeeper ......... Rere is Mersey 'street . 5 Mycock J oihn R. canva·sser 7 vV1hit-fie~d Robert, joiner WAKEFIELD STREET. o W1hJite'hous'e' J,os"ph, s,mii:lh (hie,mey street.) I I W,ilkinson :Mr,s. Mary, householder 13 Bri<s<tow WiHrram C. clerk Left-hand side. 15 Thro"sel Mrs. Emma J. house~<li.' 6 HugihoetS John, glas,s b~ower 17 Dobson Ea..mlet, moulder 8 Holroyd George H. wire draweT 19 Daniels John, t(}.bacconist 10 Ora.nnigan J ame·s, postman 2I R'o.rn.mer Jam,e,s, fitter 12 Clayton Edmund, labourer . Here is Paul street . 14 Mooney James, carter 23 W'instanIey; Henry, sihopk,eeper c6 S,tanton Ma,rtin, la1bourer 25 N ewaill Mrs. Emma, houseihO':der 18 Walls William, trav·eBer 27 Bate John., po.rter 20 Daulby Frede<rick, labourer 29 OrookRobert, railway porte,r 22 Tlhorneycroft Edward, forgeman 3I Bayliss Thomas, wir,e drawer 24 K;eeI'illJ-g George, pointsman 3'3 Owen R~cihard, wire drawer 26 C(}oper Jofiln, wire drawer 35 Bi&'sil Jo.shua, iron worker 28 Swtdh Samuel, iron worker 37 WiilkiI1s'on Peter, engine driver 30 Waywell John, la-bourer '39 Birclh James, wire wea-:ver 32 Waywe~l Thoma,s, labourer 4I Wa.:ker J-o'hn, iron roller ,4 PiitcMord Lsrael, postman 43 Gleave Tom. fireman 36 Packer S}".dney, forge man 45 .Warburton M'rs. ETIen,h011Js·eholder ,8 Evans George, stock taker -1-7 Wilson James, shopkeeper 40 W~lkinson John, fustian catter ........ Here is Eustace street ...•....• +2 'Vorran Jos~p'h, labourer 40 'VARRINGTON. STREETS. WALKER STREET-continued. 49 Owen Fra,ncis J. shopkeeper 53 Cotton Oha,r'les, fitter 55 Gleave Edward, engine draver 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 Johnson Benjamin, chair maker Dimmock Henry, wire drawer Ashton Thomas, puddler James Henry, warehouseman Forster William, stocktaker Sinclair Miss Agnes, confectionlilr WASH LANE. Payne William, bricksetter (Knutsford road, Latchford.) Dimelow William, fireman Mason Samuel, clerk Left-hand side. Payne Albert, bricksetter 22 Gee James, tanner 80 Hipkiss William, roll turner 82 Waterhouse Joseph, iron worker 24 Margetts Henry, gardener Christ Church 84 Faulkner <ieorge, joiner National School (Christ Church) 86 Hale Alfred, clerk Prescott Rev. Benjamin B., M.A. 88 Massey Joseph, labourer Vicarage 90 Cook Na~h~n, wire .drawe;r 92 Smith WIlham, aSSIstant msurance Hughes Joseph, Brookfield superintendent 38 Cooper John, labourer 94 Adlade Frederick, assistant 40 Bennett Thomas, labourer 98 Shaw James, shingler 42 Lloyd Henry, labourer 100 Morris Charles, cabinet maker 46 Jackson James, labourer 48 Price Charles, labourer Right-hand side. 52 Hall William, la·bourer 64 Hough Richard, insurance agent I Bracegirdle William, carpenter 66 Taylor Miss, Featherfield house 3 Hill Richard, labourer Latchford Station (L. N. W. Ry.), 5 McKenzie Miss Sarah, householder Peter Warren, station master 7 Pitt Thomas, traveller Griffiths John, coal agent 9 Burton Thomas H. forgeman I I Monks David, sea captain Right-hand side. 13 Bennie Fredk. T. road contractor <irosvenor terraceIS Bellian Miss Jane, householder I Wilkinson ,William Thos. tailor 17 Ball William, cooper 3 Jackson William, householder 19 Rose John, assistant 5 Gorton Richard, clerk 2I Byram Arthur, assurance inspector 7 Chappell John, printer 23 Smith David, labourer 9 Eden Miss Mary, householder 25 Bailey Alfred, clerk I I Barrand George, grocers' assistant 27 Rowland James F. engine driver I3 Kinsey Mrs. Grace, householder 29 Merrington Alfred, shingler IS Banks Joseph, clerk 31 Gould George, brakesman 35 Miller John, tool maker 33 Brough 'l'homas, baker 37 Robinson Robert, labourer 35 Boon Frederick, iron worker 39 Robinson John, labourer ......... Here is Selby street . Church terrace49 Rowles John, householder 37 Savage George, householder 53 Longbottom William, cashier 39 Highley Richard, wire drawer 63 Hawkins Everett, joiner 41 Hill Samuel, draughtsman 65 Mail' Wm. assist. superintendent 43 Hough Joseph, riverman 67 Gathercole Charles, householder 45 Machin George, clerk 69 Roberts John, grocer 47 Dodd Josiah, wire heater 7I Monks John, shopkeeper 49 Bennion James Thomas, clerk Lamb William, farmer 51 Burton Alfred, foreman 8I Ashley James, farmer 53 Kirk William, clerk Baptist Chapel 55 George Clement, clerk Lee John, Birch cottage 57 Booth Harry, brakesman Smith Edwin, Tunstall villa 59 Smith Joseph, cashier 61 Peers James, clerk WELLFIELD STREE'T. 63 Turner John, inspector 65 Clare Alexander, brakesman (Liverpool road.) 67 & 69 Pritchard Christopher,shpkpr Left-hand side. .. Here is Percy street .. 2 Naden J.BassettM.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P. 71 Farrington Jolin, labourer surgeon 73 Gleave Mrs. Annie, householder 4 Forster William, wire drawer 75 Millington John, fitter 6 Ledsham Edward, blacksmith 77 Baker Joseph, blacksmith 8 Summerfield Samuel, waterman 79 Slater Edward, bolter down IO Lawton Ralph, labourer 81 Hindley Albert, brakesman 85 Eden Louis T. signalman WELLFIELD STREET. 89 Stopford Wiliam, striker (:i\:lill lane.) 91 Barnles Richard, brush maker Left-hand side. WELLINGTON ,sTREET. 2 Dunn Samuel, forgeman 4 Hindley Albert, brakesman (Napier street.) 6 Wakefield Edward, brakesman 8 Birch John, roll turner Left-hand side. IO Birch Francis A. bundler 2 Rigby Thomas, butcher I2 Barlow James, furnaceman 4 Bird John, tanner I4 Benjamin Albert, die engraver 6·· Templeton Andrew, baker I6 Yate Thomas, wire drawer 8 Dutton Robert H. householder I8 Blackshaw George, porter 10 Lowe Amelia (Mrs.), householder 20 Barlow 'William, constable 12 Bell David, fitter 22 Forster Thomas, wire drawer 14 Brown George, engine driver 24 Crooks Edwin, wire drawer 16 Hatton Thomas, butcher 26 Adams John, forgeman 20 "Valton Henry, clerk 28 Howard John, engine driver 22 Yule Thomas, tanner 30 Birch Arthur, ironworker 24 Appleton David, moulder 32 Marshall Archibald, labourer 26 Shaw Thomas, carter 34 Marshall John: furnaceman 28 Higginson William, smith 36 Hough Isaac, wire drawer 30 Oultram Thomas, baker 38 Adlard Charles H. derk 32 Hare Albert, bill poster 40 Hough William, shopkeerer 34 Gandy Edward, bricklayer 1 [SLATER'S Right-hand side. I 3 5 7 9 II 13 IS 19 21 23 29 31 KeaTh Mrs. Alice, sihopke,eper Peers William, labourer Cullen William, labourer Connolly Hugh, railway inspectol'" Berry John, wire drawer Glvnn Michael, forgeman Cotton Walter, rubber worker Davies Samuel, baker Diggle William, householder Lightfoot William, tanner Taylor Henry T. milk dlr. & farmr Gregson Willi=, baker Hackney Thomas, fitter WHAR'F STREET. (Mercer street..) .. ....... Here is Mercer street Castle (The) Rubber Co. Limited" india rubber manufacturers ' WHITE STREET. (Parker street.) Left-hand side. I Clare Joseph, dairyman ......... Here is Dixon street 3 Pemberton Thomas, clerk 5 Hall Joseph, joiner 7 Arnold Mrs. Caroline, householder 9 Roberts John, clerk I I Walton David H. traveller 13 Hedgcock Miss Mary, householder IS Taylor David, gardener ..... Here is Arpley street .. Right-hand side. 2 Lingard Mrs. Ann, householder4 Mawson John, tailor 6 Wilcock William :;. shop assistant 8 Chorley Mrs. Betsy, householder10 Roberts Cyrus, wire drawer 12 Evans John, manager 14 Radford Mrs. Sarah, householder16 Atkinson Richard, householder' 18 Jeffrey Sydney, schoolmaster 20 Penney William, watchman 22 Lowe Robert, estate agent 24 Thompson Mrs. Louisa, householdr"Varrington Wholesale Mattress &; Bedding Manufacturing Co. bedding manufacturers ............Here is Arpley street . WILDERSPOOL CAUSEWAY (Victoria bridge, Bridge Foot.) Left-hand side.) Edwards J. & T. grocers 3 Johnson Edmund, tinplate worker: 5 Massey John, tripe dealer 7 Howard Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper 9 Dixon John, window blind maker I I '\Vainwright John, hairdresser 13 Sub-Post Office 13 Hallwood James, baker 21 Norton Arms hotel, John Sampson ...............Here is Old road . 23 Fairclough Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper27 Bayley John G. saddler 29 Marrow Robert, signalman 3 1 Dutton Mrs. Elizh. householder 33 Hutchinson Thomas, skip maker35 & 37 Boscow Thom as, beer retailer, 39 Newton Peter, cooper 49 Wain John, labourer 51 Brookes John, carter 53 Rustedge Walter J. carter 55 Attwell Charles, shopkeeper ............Here is Twiss's yard . 57 Hughes David, mason 59 Appleby Charles, gardener 61 Holmes George, carter 63 Shaw George, labourer St. James' Church Warrington Football Club, J. E. Warren, secretary Chantler James, beer retailer &c I 'VARRINGTON. DIREOTORY.] STREETS. 41 WINWICK ROAD. (Winwick street.) Left-hand side. 4 Hamblet John, chimney sweeper 8 Garratt Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper ......... Here is Buckley street 12 Robert,s John, bmner Wring .A.rthur &. 00. Lim. tannrs 14 Mather John, tanner 16 Orange Jo,seph, stonerna,son 20 Bridge Henry, fishmonger 22 Ooyne John, iron workElr ... Here is River road .. .... Here i.s Pemberton's yard 28 Goodier Thomas, boot repairer 28 Roughley George, shopkeeper 30 WilsQIIl William, sa-lt maker 32 Cotterill Joseph, railway servant 34 Isherwood William., shopkeeper 34 Young George, labourer WILSON-PATTEN ST. 38 .Appletol1 William, tripe dealer 36 Olare Joseph, householder 40 Beddard Henry W. draper 38 Oook Robert, general dealer (Boldl 'street.) 42 Unicorn inn, Thomas Littlewood 40 Bowcock James, householder Left-hand side. ......... Here is Gee street . 42 Rigby Oharles, brewers' agent 44 Oartwright Thomas, labourer 2 WilkinsClIlJ Henry, platelayer 46 Bentley Mrs. Elizh. beer retailer 46 Newton Peter, cooper 4 Worsley Frederick, platelayer 48 WoodS' Peter, herb beer dealer 48 Simons William, bus driver 6 Hughes, Samuel, labourer 52 &. 54 'I'ravis Richard, cloggeT 50 Hindley J'.liss 8 Toft Samuel, platelayeT ......... Here is Dannett street . 52 Wilks James, glass cutter ......... Here, is Parker .street ......... 72 Hankins'on JY[r.s. .Ann, householder 54 Threadgold James, wheelwright 74 "\Vellfare, Henry, jQin€r 56 Hague William, hamper maker Right-hand sidB'. 76 Lee John, householder 58 Daulman Samuel, painter I Thompson Thoma,s. surveyor of ......Her" is St. .Ann's Church..... ~ tax€,s, .Arpley villa Ohurch placero6 Mo.ifatot Mrs. Ann, beer retaiJe:r 3 Hesketh Thomas 68 Bolton James S Greemng Linnaeus F.L.S .........Hf>1'8 is Stamford s,treet........ ~ 70 Stringer Peter, manager 7 WhittLe; J'.!Iiss. Cairltall villas II6 Gregory Joshua, shopkeeper 72 Horton William 9 Gaskell Edwin William J 18 Knott J ose.ph, pudd:le~ 74 Sherlock John I I W,estgarlh John, iron merchant 120 Glorver "William, boot maker 76 Stirrup Mrs 13 Woods, Edwin 122 Jagger George. greengrocer 78 Norbury John, joiner &. builder IS Pye, Mrs ......Here is Back Stamford street ~ 80 Twiss Mrs 17 Bolton, Oolonel Gearge Yates 82 Doncaster John, glass maker ............ Her~ is OW8lIl street . 19 Yonge Rev. JOM 84 Munn Frederick, traveller 136 Milner Willi=. shopkeeper 21 Isaac John B 86 Oooper Robert O. assistant I38 Silk Henry, labourer 23 Rimmer :M.'ris 88 Thompson - , stableman 23 RiIDJJ:lieT Mis,ses P. W. :& O. 138 Silk Miss Mary J. dress maker Paragon place---140 Harding Frederick, signalman ladies' school 142 Houghton Thomas, file cutter 90 Toft Mrs. Elizabeth, householder 25 Bickford Charles H ;;1.7 Browne Arthur 144 Baker John, wire, drawer 92 Fleming John H. tanner 146 Wi'sedale, John, wire draw'er 94 Slater Rev. Francis M.A. &. surro- 29 Wa-lton .ToM 148 Williams Harry, iron worker 31 Hutchinson Thomas gate, St. James' vica.rage 33 Longdin Thos. borough surveyor IS0 Brethert'olll Harry H. coa-l mel" 96 Brown :Mlsses ISO Bretherton Mrs. Ma,ry, dress m", 35 Rows,on Richard W 98 McGuinness James, maltster 152 Oordwell Je:seph, gre,engl'ocer 37 Fairclough Henry 98 Banks Thomas &. 00. maltsters 154 Green John V\'illiam, labourer 39 Mainwaring John 108 Gleave William 41 Young Walter 156 ReynoMs James, wire drawer Laburnum villas43 Silcck Stanley P 158 Hazlehurst Thomas, brick setter 45 Johnson Ralph 160 Miles Harry, labour'eT 110 Pierpoint Frederick R 162 MOorland'S Richard, gas stokffi'" 47 Wright Jooo E lI2 Walsh Abe, traveller 166 McCauley William, moulder 49 Robinson William H lI4 Twiss Will~am, joiner &. builder 168 Knight Thomas, fitter 51 JoneS' Daniel lI8 Fennelly RIchard, Fern bank ...... Here is Winmarleigh street . 170 Raybould William, furnaceman 120 Johnson Mrs. householder 120 Bolton Oharles H. bank clerk ......... Here is ArpLey street .. 172 Rigby Paul, tamner 122 Owen Miss Sarah E. householder, "Warrington Technical Institute- 174 Baker Arthur W. wire gauge rna, 176 Aspey Joseph, warehouseman Glendower School olf Science 178 Wrigl.ey Edmund, brush maker 124 Kenyon Septimus Old Barracks St. James' terrace-Smart Christopher, tinpla.te wrkr ~80 Hhode,s Edwin, boiler maker 182 Downie Mrs. Jessie, householder 126 Bond Henry, manager ......... Here is Parker street , 184 Roughsedge Mrs. .A.nn:, househldr 128 Thomason Mrs. Mrgt.A.househldr 186 BrQcklehuI':st Thoml'lls, labourer 130 Parry :!'Iiiss 132 Wilcock Edwd. insurance supt WINMARLEIGH STREET. 188 Hartill John, insurance agent. :134 Roger Ellis, army pensioner 190 Peacock Peter, clerk (Sankey street.) 136 Oapper Miss Mary, householder 192 Hughes Edward, ·smith 13 8 LaverockMrs Left-hand side. 194 Trow Thomas" cutter-dow:ll 196 Woodier Samuel, shopkeeper 140 Lazenby Oharles A. baker 20 Gill William, butch€iI' 142 Clarke Dvd. = y qUaJrtermaJS'ter H ' .. Palm" Here is Kerfoo,t stroot _ 144 Hilledge Oswald, sand contractor '" ere IS JTa square .. .... 20::l Baker Reuben, iron worker :146 Bradbury Joseph, pig dealer,Half Here is Mus'eum street . 202 Wilson Samuel, iron worker Way house . Wils on-P a tten st reet...... 204 .Attwell ThomaS!, shopkeeper ' P W'll ...... H ere 18 :148 Ohrlilles eter, 1 ow cottage 206 Gill Charle,B, beiLt r:na.ker Right-hand side. Gordon villas212 Horse &. Jockey, Peers Brimelow I Watkins Ge,orge, club manager 252 'p,eacock Arthur, dirafler ISO Stringer Samuel B 254 BTocklehur's,t Sam!. insurance agt. 152 Stanfield Will. Henry, schoolmstr 3 Voisey Lewis J.P 3 Voisey Clement R, M.D. surgenn 292 Timmins William, greengrocer 154 Morris Daniel, day waiter 5 Higginbottom Charles 294 Rudge John, shopke,eper 156 Perkins :M::rs 7 Garland Joseph S 158 Jolley .A.lfred Right-hand side. 9 Davey Samuel G. grocer 160 Garside Mrs I Harrison J 000 T. confectioner II Richmond Edmond W. T 162 Bayley James, tailor S "\Vright .A.Jfred, canfectiom,'r .........Here is Hanove;I" street 164 Jackson Thomas, householder 13 Damels Daniel, shopkeeper 172 Pennington James, flour merchnt ......... Here is Museum street 19 Delvoze Geprge, chimney swe,eper 174 Plinston :Mrs Here is Wilson-Patten street...... 21 Kenwright William, shopkeeper 176 Preston l'vIiss ......... Here is Old gardens . I78 Leach l'vllss Sophia, school (Winwick street.) Right-hand side. Mornington terraceLawrenson Mrs Jo?-es HerberJ: O. clerk Plmston Edwm, householder Varley Rev.. ~ohn W . Salmond WIlliam, bookkeeper Bayley John G. saddler Olark Joseph H. cashier Green Jom; ~ . Howard William S. ~ashier Weaver George, cabInet maker Mellor Mrs. Harriet, householder Jones Arthur, traveller . Dhan.'tler James" hamper maker Melbomne J ollm, milliwrigllit &. engineer, Wilderspool foundry 2 Bridge inn, J sph.Ashton (exors. of) 190 6 Wallington Mrs. Elizabeth, smith 192 Johnson Edmund, tinp:atB' worker 194 Artingstall George &. Co. Limited, 196 wire manufacturers, Latchford 198 wire works 200 20 Bell Oharles E. bicycle maker 202 20 Norbury John, joiner &. builder 204 22 Bowcock George, butcher 206 24 Hallwood James grocer 208 26 Jackson Walter, 'bank clerk 210 212 4.2 WARRINGTON. STREETS. [SLATER'S DIRECTORY.] 88 Grounds George, ladies' outfitter 275 J ohmon James, fis.hmonger WINWICK ROAD-continued.. Owen William, hairdresser ......... Here is Ireland I>treet .. 90 Edwards J. & T. grocers ......... Here is Tanners' lane . DavieJs He;rbert, greengrocer 285 White ~'1rs. J';Iary Ann, shopkeepr Gregg John, general broker 1-Yarrington Equitable Industrial 287 Chatte·rton Joseph, iron worker WeaveT' Josph W. newsagent Co~operative Society Limited, 289 Gilmour Thomas, foreman Red Lion, J ame,s, Lea. grocers & drapers 29 I Irving John, gas stoker ......... HerB! is Silver ,street . ......... Here is Stanhope street .. I02 Gough S. & Co. furniture dealers I04 DagnaK J'o,s,eph, me cutter 53 Thomas James, shopkeeper 303 Brown GeoTge, shopkeeper 108 Delooze Henry, chimney sweeper 61 Bancroft Mrs. Mary A. shopkeeper ......... Here is Corbet street ......... I IO Old Ball, Peter White 63 Knight Robert, labourer Lord Rodney inn, John Marsh 325 Williamson Henry, shopkeeper 65 Titchard J1oi!J.n, hair dresser 67 Hackett Mrl>. Marga;ret, draper 327 Hall William, lab(}urer Here is Winwick road 69 Rampton Job, beer retailer 329 Parsonage Samuel, breweil' 75 Burndred J o·s·eph, gro:cer 33 I Ya,rilley William, signalman Right-'hand sid~. ,.. Here is Oliver street . 333 Allcock :r>Irs. Caroline, householdr Theatre tavern, George Lunt 335 Howard Henry, wire drawer I Bank chambers 77 Melling William, hair dresser 337 Whittaker James, labourer Jenkins' & Co. .solicitors 83 Whitehouse James, greengro.cer 339 Kinsey Joseph, engine drive'!.' I Jenkins W il1iam Henry J . Blue Coot School . Liverpool Victoria Legal FriendlY: ...... He,re: is Blue Coa.t street ...... ............ Here is MOl>sstreet Society 351 Oakes James, to'01 maker 85 Shelley William, runner-down 3 Gre·enall & BucHan, solicit(}rs· ...... Here is Antrobus street ....... 87 Travis Thomas, dogger Parr's Banking Co. & The Alliance 89 Barton Mrs. Ma.ria, househoMer 363 Hollitt Mrs. Hannah, s'hopkeJeper Bank Limited 91 Leftwich ~Irs. Ma.ry, householder .......... Here· is Alder lane. . . Silcock Wm. bank tener, Old Bank 93 Howarth James, wood turner 13 Ross Murdoch George, draper 95 Racket Thomas, tool maker 15 Williams William, cooper WINWICK STREET. 97 Roberts Henry, tanner I5 Fletcher William, painter 99 Wells Peter, foreman (Continuation of HorseIDaJrket. street.) 15 Sudlow Charles, boot maker IOI Herber,t William, jO'iner 17 Liverpool Daily Post & Evening !O3 Smith Jame.s, boiler maker Left-hand side. Echo 'Office-s , 105 HM'rison Joseph, news agent Mounfield Chas.gentlemen'soutfittr 17 Lyon Char-les, local manager, LiverHI Salmon William, shoe maker 2 Johnson ~Irs. Letitia, saddler pool Daily Post !I3 Whitehouse James, greengrocer 4 Hewitt Samuel John M.R.O.V.S. Barlow 'William, corn factor !I5 Hewitt Jacob, butcheT Edin. veterinaIry surgeoll 19 Oentral weighing machine 125 Carter William, tailor 6 Jackson Mrs. Ann, pawnbroker 21 Bennett Janles. hl1-ir dresser 127 Edgar Peter, I>hopkeeper 8 Kenyon Septimus, oil & colornmn 23 Cro,sl> Miss, Margaret A. beer ret ......... Here is Watkin s.t,ree,t Here is Buckley's C(}urt .. ......... Here is Crown street 133 Gandy Thoma.s, dogger 10 Pend:lebury J. & 00. ho. furnshrs 137 Hill Thomas, butcher 12 Banks Thomas & Co. maltsters Central Station (William Henry 139 Salt Samuel, milk dealer 14 Chorley Matthew, plumber Rigby, station master) I43 Evans Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner H' Railway Goods Yard I63 Billington Joseph, boiler makeT ere 1$ Rowe s,treet S:pi~'s & Pond Ld. refrsfrmnt !l'ms 165 Gill George, wire drawer Olare& Ridgway, builders' mel'S Smith V\T. H. & Son, booksellers I67 Rudge James Henry, tanner D.elooze William, chimney sweeper Heaton Robert, firew(}od dealer 17 1 Lea George,shopkeeper 20 Partington Walter, butcher Bickford CharJ.,e,s H. diistriCit go0<19 ......... Here is Forl>ter street <12 Coon 'William, tripe deaJe·r agent for the Gt. NoTthern Rlwy 173 Dolan Thomas, labourer 24 Groark Thomas, confectioner Thompson Harry A. goods agent to I75 Frost Richard, tanner 26 8tringer Ml"s. Alice, householder the Midland Railway 00 177 Dodd William, wire worker 28 Johnson Wm. dining ;room keeper Gibbins A. carting agent I79 Lloyd Henry, boileft' maker Here is Chesters yard 25 Oentr·al Chambers181 Chilton Geo!l'ge, labourer 30 Kershaw James, yeast merchant Jeans W. D. & Co, ,solicitors I83 Berry John, iron wOl'ker 30 Rothwell William, confectioner 27 Cranks James, fried fish dealer I85 Stringer Thomas, painter 32 Brindley Charles, milliner 29 Hawthorne Hugh E. grocer I87 Williams John, foreman 34 Finlayson John, watch maker 31 Holland Thomas, fruiterer I89 Gr(mnds John, ehopkeeper 36 Wilding John, furniture dealer 33 Bradbury Sewing Machine Co. Lim ............ Here is West street 38 S~phtonMis.s C. Jane, ,shopkeeper 33 Dea,ville Stephen, manager 19 1 Bunch Joseph, draper -1-° Kmg's Head, Mrs. Alice Hilton 35 Pemberton J(}hn, hosiery knitter ]"93 Bowen John, iron worker 42 Oollin Mrs. Margaret, householder 37 Howard Miss' Annie, confectioner 195 Molyneux John, mo·ulder -1-4 Hepherd: James, maltster 39 HaLl Arthur William, surgeon 197 Brimelow Thomas, butcher 46 Barrow Mrs,. Margaret, householder 4 1 White Mrs. Louisa, grocer 199 Holloway Samuel, fo,rgeman 48 Lightfoot Ralph, labourer Guest Bwthers, t,all1ll.:e.r·s 201 Lee William, labourer S0 Bay Horse, Joseph Shillcock Here is John street . 203 M'Mullin Martin, sihingler 54 Asson Edward, forgeman 'J\.< El' St. John's Presbyterian Ohurch 205 Bate William, greengroce.r 56 H a 11ows mrs. lzabeth,greengrocer 43 Sub-Po,st Office 207 J'lYlles WiLliam, clogger Here is Brown's yard Wood Mrs. Anne, baker 209 Aldred Peter, fried fish dealer ,8 Green Peter, hair dresser :~ Ince Thomas, newsagent 2II Pa>rker Mrs:. Annie, shopkeeper 50 Heaton Mrs,. Sarah, beer retailer +7 Barlow James, draper Elizabeth, ...... Here is Longford s,treet 62 & 64 Morton E. V. pawnbrkr &c 49 & 51 Tunstall Mrs. ......... Here 'il> Jockey street Here is Foundry street pawnbroker 223 Jones Owen, shopkeeper Here is Ha'do k street _ 225 J3JCkson Joseph., galv13nizer 68 Ohar~es Walter, b~tcher J 'c 229 Wright Thoma,s, fried fish dealer 70 Martm Robert, fned fish dealer 53 Cox William, pork butcher 223 Br'Oadhurst William, shopkeeper 72 Oldfield Charles, hair dresser 55 Coggins John, butcher ......... Here is. Warburton s,treet Bamforth Joseph, chemist 57 Knowles James, grocer 239 Purslow RichM'd, s.ignalman 7, 'Wright David, hardware dealer 11 Bancroft Miss Ellen, tobacconist 8 Jones Owen W.dining rooms . 53 Rowe Richard, hair dres'ser H e,re. IS 1 TayloT's vad ... 82 Th II G J J rosse' eorge. tobacconist 65 Mason James, moulder H ere IS Backburne street ,.. °4 G J h' h a r d 6 B k Grace I. & 00. earthenware mftrs ;6 s~~f~~yPe~er~' c1o g g;:;are dealer 7 uc by Wililiam. bo-ot repaiTeI' ......... Here is Turner street ' 25 29 33 39 43 7t I° GENTRY, CLERGY AND PRIVATE RESIDENTS. • Adams Joseph, 93 Bewsey road Crosfield Arthul'" R. Walton lea Gleave James, 3 Springfield street .Aitken Jas. Bennett, RaIl nook, Penketb Orosfield John J.P. Walton lea, Rghr.Wltn Gornall Jobn Rankinson J.P.. Ribblesdale, Albinson Jsph. St. Thomas's pl.Stocktn.htb Orosfield Joseph J. 33 Bold street B-rappenhall Aldred James B. Leigh villas, Knutsford Ouppage Thomas, Orford lodge. Orfol'"d la Granger Mrs. Ferndale house, Fernhead road, Grappenhall Curran Robert, Rolyrood, GrappenhaIT Greaves. John Arthur R. Old Rectory, .Aiexander Davd. Stuart, Moore vils. Moore Dakin Alfred, The Willows, Grappenllall Grappenhall Allton Rev. George (vical'" of St. Barnabas), Dakin George, ArlingtDn house, Latchford Green John S. 204 Wilderspool causeway, Derby bouse, 113 Lovely lane Dale Stephen, 212 Manchester road Latchford Appleton Fras. Martin, Bruche hall, Padgt Dallow Eb"nezer, Leigh villas, Knutsford Greenall Sir Gilbert bart .J.P. Walton hall, .Armitage Ziba J.P. Reathfield, Grappenhall road, Grappenhall Righer Walton Atherton William, 7 Folly lane Dalton Misses, 9 Dalton bank Greenall Rev. Richard M.A. (rector), The Atkin Mrs. Middlehurst, Knutsford road, Darlington Wm. 77 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Rectory, Grappenhall Grappenhall . Darwall Rev. Leicester John Theodore B.D. Greenall Alfred, Grappenhall hall, GrapAtkin William .E. AEpley ho. 22 Bold sl vicar, The Vicarage, Righer Walton penhall. TN. 75B Aukland EphraIm, 10 Froghall lane Davies Rev. James (curate St. Aurle's), Greenall Edward J.P. Hill top, Latchford Aylward Chas. B. Highfield rd. Gt. Sankey 15 Folly lane Greenall Henry, Beech house, Lymm Bamber Mrs. Fir cottage, 557 Knutsford Davies Harry, Old Warps, Knutsford road, Greenall Mrs. Gappenhall hall, Grappenball road, Latchford Lat<;hford ,Greening Linnreus F.L.S.5 Wilson-Patten st Banks William, 22 Crosfield street Davies John E. 29 Bold street Greening Miss, 8 Bewsey road Barker James, 17 Palmyra square Davies Joseph J.P. Old Warps, Knuts· Greening Mrs. Holly house, Bewsey road Barlow Samuel, The Folly, 2~ :Folly lane ford road, Latohford Greenough Mrs. 6 St. James' st. Latchford. Bater Rev. Alfred B. (at Training college), Davies Miss, Bleak house, 1'enketh Griffiths Joseph, Orford house, Croft 4 Salisbury street Davies Percy, Fir grove, Knutsford road,. Grimshaw Wm. Rockfield cot. Grappenhail Beal Miss, The Mount, Manchester road Grappenhall Grounds Jsph. 3 Grappenhall rd. Latchford Beaumont Mrs. Orford hall, Orford Davies Robert, Birch dale, Stockton heath Gunnell Rev. ;rohn, York. villas, Penketh Beck Edward, Springfield ho. Springfld st Davies Vere, Dukefield, StocktDn heath ·Haddock Mrs. 9 Palmyra square Beesley Thomas, 18 Bold street Davies Vere Beamont, Dukefield, Stock· RaIl Arthur William, 39 Winwick street Beevers Joseph Wm. Westlands, :'adgate tor. heath Hall Mrs. Rolly bank 533 Knutsford road, Beevers Joseph Wm. C. Westlands, Padgt Densham Harry Percy, Orford ho. Orford Latchford Bennett Arfu. Lyndhurst, Bruche a.v..I:'ad;;t Dignum John, The Poplars, Penketh Halton John Fairfield house Manchester rd Bennett Joseph, Mount cottage, Padgate Dixon Francis, 1 Arpley street Halton Tho~as Vine cotta€e, Gt. Sankey Bennett W:al?er, Bruche f~rm, Padgate Dobson Robert, 25 Stanley street . Hankinson Joh~, 21 Folly lane Bennett WillIam, Lyndhur.t, Padgate Dodds Jas. Crooklands, Lymm, CheshIre Harrison Joseph 6 Woodbine terrace, GrapB~nnoin Mrs. 34 Knutdord. rd. Lat<;hford Dolan George, Fern lea, Great Sspkey enhall road, ':Latchford BICkford Charles H. 25 Wilson-Patten st Dolan Mrs. Vigo bouse 6 Dial street Hirtley John Sunnyside 334 Knutsford B!Ichall ThoE. J.P. H?lly 10. 4 Frog~ll st Down Thos. In. Wal~n N.ew rd. Lw. Wltn road, Latchford ' Brrtles Thos. SunnySIde cot. Fernliead Drummond Rev. Wm. He; B.A. 20 Bold st Hartwright Rev. William Richard L.Th. Blackburn John, Holly bank, Latohford DugganRev.M.E.,O.s.B. 84 Buttermrkt. st Durh. The Par.sonage Orford Blackhurst George, Brook house, 1 Grap· DuttDn Miss, The Willows, Moore Hennelly Rev James 1.. (St. Mary's R.C~ penhall road, Latchford Dutton Mrs. Sunnyside, Fernh~ad Latchford), '35 St. Mary st. Latchford Bleckley Wm. Hy. J.P. Thel~alllea, ThelwJ Dwerryhouse Thomas, Ivy ban.;<:, Moore Henshall Lewis 22 Salisbury street Bolton Col. Geo. Y. 17 WIlson-Patten st Eccles Richd. Bewsey ter. 123 Bewsey rd Henshail Rober't George Latchford house, Bolton Geo. Harrison, Penketh ho. Penketh Edelsten John A. 31 Bold street ne:'r Warrington ' Bolron Jas.68 Wilderspool causewy.Latchfrd Edelsten John M. G:rappenhall edge,Lt<;hfrd Henshaw Robert, Latchford ho. Latchford Bolton Mrs. Heatherlea, Penketh Edelsten Jo~ MaIm, Quernfield, GrpPJ:!-hlJ He herd James, 21 Palmyra square .. BoltonM:s: Lumb. Brook cot.. Latchford Edgerley MISS, Stockton cot.) Stockcon nth RePherd James, StD<;kton Idg. Stocktn.hth B<>lron Wilham, Mill b.ank, ~ilderspool Evans James, 234 ¥an?hester road Hefketh John, 21 Museum .street Boothroyd Walter, LeIgh .vIllas, Knuts- Ewart James ArchIbald, 11 Palmyra square He.keth Thomas ;) Wilson-Patten street ford road, Gra1Jpenhall Fairclough Henry, 37 Wilson-Patten street H'';: 'lbottDm Charles 5 Winmarleio-h st Bra~de Edward, The Poplars, Lovely lane Fairclough James J.P. Gatesgarth, Lt<;hfrd Hio-f~eld John Vine cottage Moore 0BraIde ~e?rge, 5 Bo~d street Fairclough John· J.P. Latchford grange, R~dle.Y· Miss' 50 Wildersp~ol causeway Br~tt WIllIam, Ash v;lla, Penketh ~at<;hford . Latchford ' , Bndeoake Mrs. Oak,ands,. Croft FaIrclough RIchard T. Mersey h o u s e · . db' t.F nh ad Broadbent Mrs. The HollIes, 505 Knuts- F 'h t J h B' h h 112 Bew$ey rd Hodgkmson Wm. W?o me co. ear .. e ford road Latchford a:r ur~ o. n1 Irc o. • ' . Hodgson Mrs. 20 SalISbury street - k-•.Ed' d M.., B C. M . Ruummer b·ouse, . Farrhnr.t Aubrey house, Kuuo.· Rolden Henry ' Thelwall B ,00 w. ford roadWIllIam, Latohford Th 1 cot. 11 Thelwall 1 Bewsey road W"l" B Th L 1 G h '1 Holden Mrs. Ascog, e wa "77 K nuus ~ f or d roa, d L a tchfr d Farr Ia..m . e aure s, rappen a, Holme' J ' 98 Bewsev B rown J ames,"'. road 1.Latchford _ • Charles _.. . _ road Brown Misses,96 Wilde~spool csewy.Ltchfrd "'enn II IUchard Fern banK 11'3 WiJi!<?rs- Rorton WIllIam, 72 WIlderspool causeway, Browne Arthur, 27 Wilson-Patten street • e y . ,L t f· d ., Lat<;hford .. Bryant Charles H. Lymm . ,Pool cause:vaYWil~': o~ Woodbine ter- Houghton Ernest, Church villas, Grppnhall Buckton James Doug~as, 44 Manchester rdiF':'~~ ~~;-:enhall ro~d, LatchfGrd Roughton FrankrBroom cottage, Stockton Bunch Charles E. Whltecross bnk. Green st i p' th 'Rev Austin O. S.B. (St. Alban'" heatb . Burgess CharlesS. 7 Egypt street ~ C) The Presbytery St. .Alban's avel1. Houghton Hamlet N. Walton New -road, Burgess John Bewsey street . ., , Lower Walton . Burgess John' J.P. 8 Egypt street Be,:,sey street Houghton Henry, .118 Bewsey road Burgess Thomas Smith, Higher Walton Flem:ng Ernest L. 11 Bold street. _ Houghton John Vincent, Sycamore bank; Bush Mrs. Ash cottage, Penketh FleJ!1mg .Tohn He.nderson J.P. Wmmar Little Sankey . . .. Caldwell Peter, Walton New rd. Lw. Walm leIgh lodge, Sprmgfield street Houghton William, Spmgfield; Paddmgton Calvert Miss, 5 Friar's green Fl.etcher Joseph,377 Knuts~ord rd.LatchiO;<l tIoughton William ~he Yew trees, Penketh Cannell James, 8 Academy strept Fletcher Thos. Grappenhal, ho. Grappenh~ll Howard Mrs. 10 SalISbury street .. Carleton Rev. Edward C.E., B.A. (vicar.& Forbes Rev.. ~ames M.A. 66 Manchester. rd ffughes Joseph, Brookfield, Wash lane, surrogate Holy Trinity), The vicarage, Forshaw WIllIam John, 21 Arpley stre"t Letchford 76 Sankey street IFox E. A., M. D. 12 Rylands street Hulse Thomas J. 8 Salisbury street . Carter Thomas. B. Eversley, Frodsham I France Joseph, Ethelstan .hou~e, penk.eth.. Hunt Samuel, 18 Salisbury s.treet C.handler Lincoln, Derby house, Lit,.sankeYI~ranComb Rd. W.,.J.P.VlCtona ho.WIldrs,l'l Hutchinson Thomas, 3.1 Wilson-P~tten st Chandley.sylvanus J.P. Oakville, Latchford bra;;.er John P. Bnckfield, Tamworth, near Hutton Rev. Henry R. MackenZIe B.A. Chantry William, 15 Bold street Wldnes . . . . Clergy llOu._e Chsrley Charles, Lodge lane IFurness Jo.s~, HIghfield ho. Gt. Sankey Isaac John B. ·21 Wilson-Patten st Chorley Mrs. Lodge lane ,Furness WillIam, The Poplars, Gt, Sankey Isaac William, 27 Bold street Chorley Robsoon J. Lodge lane !Gandy Ja~es, 186 Orfo.rd lane Jack Robert M., M.B.,C.M. 42 Church st ·Chrimes Peter, Willow cottage, 148 Wilders': Gandy MIsses, SunnYSIde house, Penketh Jackson Uev. Edwin Sandys B.A.The Vicarpool causeway, Latchford IGandy Mrs. Enfiel.d hall, Croft age, Great Sankey Clare Alfred,Ivy mount, Latchford 'Gandy Thomas Bnarfield,. Penke~h .JackBon John, Providence. cottage, Penkth Cody Rev. John Sigebert a.S.B. (St. Alban's Garland Joseph S. 7 Wmmarlelgb street Jackson WiHiam, The Poplars,Padgate n..C.), The Presbytery, St. .Alban's aven. Garner Joseph, 57 Marsh Rouse lane Jameson Edward,. Ch~ster rd. Grappenhall Bewsey street Garnett Robert J.P. Hall ~ook, Penketh Jeans William D. Sankey . . .. __ Comber George J.P. Myddleton hali, Croft Garn.ett Robert E. Br?okslde, Penketh Jeans William Dampier, B~rnes BrIdge Comber Mrs: MvddletDn hall, Croft GarSIde Mrs. 160 Wilderspool causeway, houBe, Great Sankey Cook Robert, East bank, Penketh Latchford J.enkins Frederick The Lamels, GrappenCooke Colin, Greystone lodge, Penketh Garven Rev..Edward D.,M.~. 78 San.J<:ey st hall road, Lat<;hford Cox Thomas H. 8 Froghall lane Gaskell Edwm W. Carlton villas, 9 WIlson- Jenkins William Henry J.Bank chambers, Coxon John, Lea hurst, Latchford Pa~ten street 1 Win wick street . Johnson :Mrs Riversdale Penketh Coxon Mrs. 4 Woodbine terrace, Grapenball Gaskill Mrs. 33 Folly lane road, Latchford . ~ Geary !'ugene J. 9 Bold street Johnson Ralph, 45 Wils~n-Patten street Craven Rev. Thomas Sabme O.S.B. (:>t'l G~dde;; John_ J.P. 9 Bold stre~ P nk h Johnson Samuel, Hawthorn lodge, 521 .Alban's), The Presbytery, St. .Alban's ~llbert: .F~edk. Wm. Greystone vilS'nhe, t Knutsford road, Latchford . avenue Bewsey street 'Illl WillIam, Greenbank, Grappe all J h t J hn W 17 Folly lane Crompto~ Walter, Ferndale, Knutsford rd. Gleave WilJiam, 108 Wilder-spool causeway, J~ll~s ·axlfr~d John 6 Froghall lane Grappenhall Latchford . Y , I 44 GENTRY, &C. WARRINGTON. . Jolley Alfred, 158 Wilderspool causeway, Pearse Percival, 5 Woodbine terrace, GrapLatchford penhall road, Latchford Jones Rev. John Roger M.A. The Poplars, Peers John The Haws, Penketh Penketh Pemberton' Samuel, Cedaa: villas, Thelwall Jones Daniel, 51 Wilson-Patten street lane, Latchford Jones Mrs. Stockton mt. Stockton heath Pennington Mrs. The WUlows, Gt. ::;ankey Jones Mrs. Walton New rd. Low. Walton Percival Rev. Barwise, The VlCarage,. Jones Thomas, 1 Froghall lane Birchall street Jones Walter, The Elms, Moore Percival MTs. 6 Salisbury street Jones-Parry Rear-Admiral John Parry, Perkins Mri>. 156 Wilderspool causeway Thelwall hall, Thelwall Bhi:iipson William,Derby villas,Wilderspool Joseph Geo. Wm. M.D. 21 Bold street Pickmere Major John Richard J.P. Cedar Kennedy Colonel Crawford, Laurel bank, lawn, Thelwalll Grappenhall Picton John Taylor, Walton !New road, Kenworthy James, 23 Museum street Lower Walton Kenyon Septimus, 124 Wilderspool cause- Pidduck Mrs. 135 Bewsey road . way, Latchford Pierpoint FTederick R. 110 Wilderspool Kerfoot Mrs. Leigh villas, Knutsford road, causeway, Latchford Grappenhall Pierpoint Mrs. 5 Palmyra square Kidd Miss, Church villas, Grappenhall Pierpoint Mrs. 19 Palmyra square ., Kirby George, 1 Palmyra square Pi&point Robert J.P., M.P. St. Austm s Kirconnel Edward, Lower Walton Pierpoint Wm. J.P. Marlfield, Grappenh~ll Kirconn"l Edward, The Mount, Walton, Pigot Rev. Harry Vernon M.A. (St. Paul s, near Warrington Bewsey road!., 65 Bewsey street Kirkland Rev. Wm. John, 31 Arpley st Pilkington Thomas Hughes Ankeys, NorthKirtlam Rev. John 4 Palmyra square fie::d, 3 Bewsey road Kisby James Henry, 13 Palmyra square Pilling George, Oak ba;nk, Latchford Knowles John Wright, The Towers, Myd- PUnston Mrs. 174 Wilderspool causeway, dleton, Croft Latchford Knowles Joseph, Myddleton house, Croft Plumpton George, 125 Lovely lane Knowles Norman, Borholm, Thelwall Plumpton Peter, York villas, Penket~ :Knowles Thomas, Myddleton hou.se, Croft Pollitt William, The Willows, Orford' Laithwaite John, Mersey ho. W1ldersp~01 Potter Mrs. The Retreat, 120 Bewsey r?ad Langham Rev. Joshua James M.A. Chnst Prescott Rev. Benjamin Barton M.A.VlCarChurch vicarage, Padgate age, Was'll lane, Letchfoid Laurenson Mrs. 190 Wilderspool causeway, Prescott James, 2 Woodbine terrace, GrapLatchford a"ge, Wash lane, Latohford Laverock Mrs. 138 Wilderspool causeway, Prescott Re.v. James Mullineaux M.A. 3 Latchford . Woodbine terrace, Latchford Lee John, Birch cottage, Wash la.Ltchftd Preston Miss, 176 Wilderspool causeway, Lees Samuel, 20 Museum street Latchford Leyland Leigh, Beechfield, Grappenhall Price WHliam, 184 Odord lane Lister-Kaye Alan, Grappenhall Plriestma.n Thomas, 1 Woodbine terrace, Litton Mrs. The Beeches, Moore Grappenhall roa4, Latchford Litton Thomas Harold, The Beeches, Moore Pye Mrs. 15 Wilson-Patten street Lomas Matthew, Knutsford rd, Grappenhall RaMord Rev.Lewis B.,M.A. 10 Salisbury st Long William J.P. Thelwall heys, Grppnhall Rathbone AndJrew Greystone vils. Penketh Longland Josiah, Hill ClifEe Rathbone Mrs. Ii ATpley street Longshaw Mis-s, 467 Knutsford rd. Ltchfrd Reed Rev. Edward T. 17 Museum street Lonsdale Charles, Ashfield, Latchford Reid M"". Bewsey Old! hall Lunt John, Belmont, 605 Knutsford road, Reid Mrs. Lanca&ter villas, Wilderspool Latchford . Reyno"ds Edward W. Massey hUiU, Thelwa)! !MicOarthy Mlohael M.D. 36 Manchester rd Reynolds John P. Beech house, Latchford McFall David. C. 5 Folly lane Revnolds Lew>s W. Millington ho. Thelwall McGregor James, 3 Palmyra squaTe ReYnolds Mrs·. Raddon court, Knutsford !M:acIverColin, The Groft, Statham road Latchford M'Kechnie Dailliel, Greystone '110. Penketh RiCihar'dson Edwin Paddinaton hou,se Mackie Ma.jor William, Bewsey New hall Richardson Wm. Re>lly ban~ Stockton Hth Mackie Mrs'. 15 Stanley s·treet Richardls'On William Rose le~ Lathfoa:d MoNa-ir Rev. Walter L. 204 Longfo~CL street RiCihmond :Eldmond'W.T.11 Winmarleigh st Mainwaring John, 39 Wils'on-Patten street Ridgway Ma.jor' John O1are Grappenha1J !M:an:-kel Karl, Tower house, LodJge lane lodge, Grappenhall ' !MU['k~am Rev. Algernon A., M.A. 10 R>g'bey William H. Bewsey cot. Folly lane Sahsbury &treet Rimmer Mrs. 23 Wilson-Patten street MlW&h Mis. Carlton villa, Stockton Heath Roberte. Henry, Rose cottage, LatC'hford MUJrson C'hUJrles, Hill cliff, Stockton heath Roberts Wm. B. Wilder,spool '110. Wilderspl !Marson Miss, 74 Bewsey street Robinson Wm. Darlington 10.Manchester rd Mason Rev. George D. 2 PalmYra square Robinson William H. 49 Wilson-Patten st Muson James, Fearnhead house, Fernhead Rogers David, Highfield, Penketh iMason James, 228 Manchester road Ronaild Robert Wi'ison M.D. Latchford Massey Miss, Greenbank, LatCihford lodge Latchford lM:a.ssey ~iss, Stafford villas, Wilderspool Routled:ge J1&pIh. C. The Woodwards,Penktb Mather M1SS, 18 Mus~um street Rowlands Pete'r, Moore villa, Moore , omus', 12 SaJllJSlbury street Rowson Mis's' Middlehurst house Knuts!M Captain J. J. The Cot. GrappenhalJ ford road 'Grappenhall ' HenlCy, Summerville, r,atchford Rowson Richard W. 35 Wilson-Patten st Mill Mi'lner Miss, Moore house, Moore Roy,ston William Paddington grange Man!Mitchell Rev. Alfred Mansfield M.A. The chester road ,, Vicarage, Bocton ~ood _ Ryan Rev.Micha€l],W'hitecwss, Liverpool rd Monaghan Rev. PatTlck, The Presbytery, Rylands John J.P. The Grange, Thelwall Croft Rylands Thomas J.P. Glazebrook, HighMonks Flrederick J.P., C.C. Walton Old field Thelwall hall, Higher Wa:lton . Sanke~ Enooh W. Heat'll farm, Groft !Monks Fredk. W. The Brooklands,Love,y la Savery Mrs'. The Lindens, Latchford MoolCe John, Lower Walton Scott George H. South bank, Moore !M:ounfiel<l Joseph, Ivy Lea, Stookton Heath SewardJs Charles. Stafford viIs. Wilderspool Mounfield Joseph, 67 Manc'hester road Sharp M<r&. 65 Sankey street !M:ur<ray Thos.L.RC.P.I.Ohapel rd. Penketh Shepherd Thomas R 70 Bewsey street !Mye.rscough Rev. T-homas', Woolston Sherlock J·ohn 74 Wilderspool causeway iNaden J'. Bas:sett,2 Welltfiel& st. Liverpool rd Latchford ' , iNaYI~r Robert. Anderton F.H.S. Cuerden Sherratt James S. Stanley house, Bo'liL st _ hall, Thelwall Silcock Alfred, 25 Bold street iNewcombs John, Green. bank, Penkelh Silcock Mrs. 6 E:gypt street iNunnerley Mrs; The PTlory, Stanley street .SilcoM Reginald H. 13 Museum street Owen Mr&: PoIlIUJrds·, Penketh Silcock Stim;]ey Percy, 43 Wils'on-Patten st Owen Re.gl;:w.ld". Croft. Silverton Edward,Morrisibrook,Gmppenhall Owen W:iH.lam, Newholme, Grappenhall. Sk~lton Wi'iliam P. Hnru crest, Gt. Sankey Owen William J.P. Newholme, Grappenha11 Skmner Ohar'les 19 Museum street Palin George F. 11 Museum street . Slater Rev. Fra~c>s' M.A. The Vicarage, 94 Parker Oharles EL Penketh lodge, Penketh Wilde:rspool causeway, Latchford Park:r Samuel John M.B. Stockton Heath SIoane William, The Grove, Moore Parkmson James-,- 25 FoIl1y lane Smith MfTed, RavenswoodJ, Grappenihall Parr Joseph Chatlton J.P., D.L. G~appen- Smith Edwin Tuns,talil vilila. Wash lane han Heys, ~ap'penhall; & Stanton park, Latohford' , , !8:erefords1ure Smith J. Fu1ton, 14 MUiSeum street Parry Miss, 130 Wi1derspool causeway, Smith Misses, .Old Field, Latchford !Latohford Smith Reginald 14 Bold s,treet Peacocke Wi1liam G. Ebenezer house, 95 Smith Thos. St~rkey M.B., J.P. 14 Bold st 1 Snoddy James Smylie, Cherry t<ree, Penketh Buttermarket street [SLATER'S DIRECTORY.] Spinb Ohristphr. Nugent M.R.C.S.,L.S.A. 80 Sankey street Standish Misls" Mersey view, Penketh Stanton Mrs. Greenfield, ThelwaU Stevenson Rev. Morley M.A. '11he Mount:,. Manchester road Sitirrup Mrs. 76 Wildelr'spool ca~lSeway, Latchford Strange James, Summer hip, Stockton Hth Strilliger Samuel B. 150 Wll]tderspool cause_ way, Lato'hford Sumner Rev. Francis W., a.S·.B. 84 Buttermarket street Sutton Samuel, Bank villas, Great Sankey Swift John, Lower Walton Synge Major F. R. M. Stockton mount, Stockton lffeath Taylor FredJk.Greenbank,224 Manchester rd Taylor Matthew, Mersey view, Penketh Taylor Miss, Featherfield house, Wash lane, Latchford ThOID1>SOn Ch<ristma,s, 17 Bold street Thompson John. Orford mount, Orford '11hompson WiJ1iam. 1,33 Bewsey road Thornton Henry, The Laurels·, Feamhead ThU'Dston Rev. Granville B., M.A. 2CI Salisbur;r: streeet TinsP.'ey Frank" Daresbury hall Tinsley Harrison, Birchfield, Grappen'lall TinsQey James, Dares'bury hall Tinsley Mislses, Three Elms, Penketh Tinsley William, The WooiLlands, TheiwalI Toft John, 16 Museum street Toft T-homas, The Laurels, G~appenha.l{ road, La·tchford Tofts Rev.Thomas Sinclair M.A.The Vicar-age, Stockton Heath Townend-Moore George T. Hi Palmyra sq Townend-Moore Mrs. 15 Palmyra square Treacy John, Gwenllynn, Penketll Tunsta,ll J o'hii L. 44 Legh street Tunsta,ll MJrs. Brookside house, Penketh Tunstall Thomas', Savings bank, Battermarket street Twiss Mrs. 80 Wi1derspool causewy.Ltchfrd Unsworth Charles. StaffoTd rdJ. Wilder-spool Unsworth Mrs·. 5 Egypt st<reet Varley Rev. John W. 19" Wilderspo()} causeway, Latchford Vernon Rev. Harry R. C. Stafford roao. WilCter&pool " VoisevClement B., M.D. 3 Wmmarlelghst Voisey Lewi& J.P. 3 Winmarleigh street Wadeson Rev. Hy.Isaac, The Rectory, Croft Walker James'. 2 F<roghall lane Walker John,: 5 Grappenhall rd. Latohford Wam,ead Spencer, 13 Bold street Wallingt{)n Walter, The Nook, Grappenhall Walton John, 29 W)'lson-Patten street Warburton Ernest, 5 Springfield street Warbu<rton Mrs. Stafford villas, Wilderspool Ward Captain Thomas, Cottage of Content, Lower Walton Warnock Rev. James, 2 Salisbury stre~t Watkins Rev. Owen, 2 Bewsey road Westbrook Mrs. Stockton Heath W1heeIer William. Heath house, .Penketh W1hite CharJ}es. Holly ho. 71 Sankey street White E&ward Aubrey, Golborne Dale cottage, Go]tborne, Newton-Ie-Willows White George Frederick F. 4~ Legh street White H3£.ry Pitt C. Halton v1ew, Penkeub White Henry B:rown, 46 Legh street White JO'hn J.P. Barryfield, Latchford Whittle James L. 7 Pa:lmyra squa,re W'hittle Mhss,Can:lton viLs.7 Wi1son-Pa,tten S'I Wigfield Wm. Jsph. Home lea, Penketb Wild Rev. Herbert Robert M.A. (curate Holy Trinity), 8 Hanover street WiHcocks Rev. Edward John M.A. School house, SchOOl Brow Willett Arthur James, Stockton house, Stockton Heath WiHett James, Stockton ho. Stockte>n Hth Williams Joseph R. 69 Manchester road Williamson Rev. Thomas Pym B.A. Vicarage, Thelwall WiJl%s, Rev. Frederic WHliam M.A. The Rectory, Church street Wi!1son MrS'. Yew Tree ho. Burton Wood Wilson William Gilmour, The Fins, Moore Woods Alii'ed, 16 Salisbury street Woods Edwd. Wm. Walton ho.Low. Walton WoodJ& Edwin, 13 Wilson-Patten street WoodS Herbert, 15 Museum street Woods James, Dalby villas', Latchford Woods M'l:8'. 1 Fennel street Worc'Jl:ey James Edwardson, The Cottage-, Winwick, N ewton-Ie-Willows Wray Rev. Charles A., O.S.B. (St. Mary'e RC.), 84 Buttermarket street Wright David L. Underclifi'e, Stockton Hth Wright John Edward, 47 Wilson-P~tten st Yate-sMrs. Brookfield, Padgate Yonge Rev. John. Osborne terrace, 13 Wilson-Patten street Young George, Parkfield, Fearnhead Young John R. 9 Eg1pt street Young Walter, 41 WHson-Patten street; ALPHABETICAL LIST. • Abbott James, householder, 235 Liverpool road Abbotts Jos'eph, clerk, 134 Battersby lane Abd,ey In. goods agt. (G. W. Ry. Co.), 40 Manchester rd Abson Edward, manager, 19 Froghalllane Acourt George, signalman, 27 Battersby lane Acton Frank, plumber, 5 Beaumon't street Acton James, carter, 131 Knutsford road, Latchford Acton Joseph, householder, 294 Knutsford rd. La,tchford Acton S. plumber, Bridge Foot . Acton Sam, plumber, Bridge street; res. 109 Knutsford road, Latchford Acton Thomas, bill poster, 32 Allen S'tree·t AdaillJs Mrs. Ann & Lockett John, greengrocers.,Arpley rd Adams John, forgeman, 26 WellfieM s,treet Adams Joseph M.B., C.M. surgeon, 93 Bewsey street Adams Mrs. Louisa, householder, 44 Rolleston street Adams Thomas, tailor, 50 Howard street Adams William, iron worker, II2 Liverpool road, Adamson Mrs. Alice, 3 St. Mary street, Latchford Adams,on Charles, agent, 55 Padgate lane Adamson Charles R. estate agent (Thomas S. Jolley & Co.), 55 Padgate lane Addison John, overlooker, 38 Battersby lane Addis'On Tliomas, joiner, 92 Catherine street Adlade Frederick, assistant, 94 Wellfield street Adlard Oharles H. clerk, 38 Welliield stre·et Aikenhead David, moulder, 44 Academy street Albinson Joseph, cooper, Morris·s yard, Church street; res. 583 Knutsford road, Latchford Alcock Robert, labourer, 59 Haydock street Alcock Thomas, wood turner, 16 Rolleston street Alcock William, fore:man, 20 Beaumont street Aldred Peter, fried fish dealer, 209 Winwick road Alexander David Stuart, bank aCC{lUntant, Moore villas, Moore, near Warrington Alford George, traveller, 15 Arpley street Algie Alexander, puddler, 15 Edward street Allan George S. crumpet baker, 62 Parker s,treet Allan William, boiler inspector,333 Knuvsford rd.Ltchfrd AllaIl'son Mis's Mary, Sihopkeeper, 35 Facvory lane Allbrook Richard, shunter, 22 Al'l:en street Allcock Mrs. Caroline, householder, 333 'Winwick road Allcock Edward, shopkeeper, 18 Howley lane Allcock ;rohn, brush maker, II River road, Latchf<Jrd Allcock Jos,eph, wire drawer, 18 Goulden stree·t Allcock Samuel, labourer, 26 Eustace street Allen Albert, iron worker, 42 Catherine street Allen Arthur, clerk, 56 Lovely lane Allen Charles, cycle maker, Liverpool rd.; res.291'.'Iill la Allen Ebenezer, cooper, IIO Orford lane Allen Edwin, paint & paper hangings dBaler & oil & colorman, 16 Buttermarket street Allen Elias, plumber (Thomas Allen & Son), 21 Mill lane Allen Mrs. Eliza, shopkeeper, 64 Bewsey road Allen George, blacksmith, Brook st.; res. 4 EgertDn st Allen George, roller, 3 Hoy k street Allen Mrs. Harriet, house-holder, 39 Lovely lane Allen James, furnaceman, 3 Priestley street Allen .Nus. Jane, householder, 38 Nicholson street Allen John, foreman, 70 Catherine street Allen John, Pelican vaults, 9 Buttermarket street Allen John, plumber (Thos. Allen & Hon), 2 Mersey st Allen J'ohn, signalman, 9 Laura street Allen Joseph, forgeman, 54 Catherine street Allen Sam, joiner, 121 Orford lane Allen Thomas, coal dealer, 80 Catherine street Allen Thomas, plumbe:r (Thos.Allen & Son),62 Bewsey rd Allen Thomas & Son, plumbers, painters, decorators & glaziers, 2 Mersey street & 62 BeW'sey road Allen William, shopkeeper, 21 Mill lane Allen William Thomas, butchers' assistant,9I Lythgoes la Allender Hy. storekeeper, 152 Knutsford rd. Latchford Allison Joseph, Cemetery i=, 190 MaDlchester road Allman John, shopkeeper, 6 Ta=ers lane Amis James, iron roller, 66 Ta=ers lane Amons Soamuel, }abourer, 95 Lythgoes lane Amos Thomas D. schoolmaster, 5 Arpl.ey s·treet Anders George, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Burton wood Anders· George, farmer, Burton wood Anderson Alfred, french polisher, 100 Cartwright street Anderson Duncan, gla~'s maker, 28 Milner street Anderton Robert, Cross Keys inn, 78 Buttermarket s-t Andrew John J. bookbinder, 42 Garibaldi street Andrews Abralmm, warehouseman, 44 Manchester road Andrews Edward, labourer, 76 Liverpool road Andrews Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 168 Church s·t Andrews Mrs. Ellen, shopkeeper, Orford Andrews Geo. nurseryman, seed'sman & florist, Padgate Andrews James, collector, 597 Knutsford road, Latchfrd Andrews James, labourer, 23 Cartwright street Andrews John, travelil.er, 123 Church street Andrews Jos'eph, iron turner, Rose cottages, Padgate Andrews Mrs. Lydia, householder, 29 Church street Anglo American Oil Co. Lim. lamp oil mer-so Bank quay Antrobus· Henry, sexton, Padgate Antrobus John, blacksmith, 189 Padgate lane Antrobus Thomas, gate keeper, Padgate Antwis Robert, milk dealer, 95 Church street Antwis R'obert W. clerk, 78 E'llesmere street Appleby Oharles',gardener,59 Wilderspool causwy.Ltchfrd .Appleby John, railway porter, 12 Goulden street Appleton Alfred, fitter, 78 St. James' st. Latchford Appleton David, moulder, 24 Wellington street Appleton Henry, fitter, 18 Robson str,eet Appleton Henry, shopkeeper, 19 New road, Latchford Appleton Jame·s, brake examiner, 17 Kendrick street Appleton James, newsagent, 4 8tephen street Appleton James, wire worker, 27 Upper Bank street Appleton John, file cutter, 18 Battersby lane Appleton John, file cutter, 4 Glazebrook street Appleton John, file cutter, 174 Manchester road App}eton John, joiner, Orford avenue Appleton Jsph. file cutter, Knutsford road, Grappenhall Appleton Wm. beer retlr. & shopkeeper, Great Sankey Appleton William, file cutter, 10 Marsh House lane Appleton William, tripe dealer, 38 Winwick road Arber John, labourer, 42 Queen .S'treet Archbald Edward, compositor, 33 Nidho]son street Archer Jamt8s, joiner, 33 Hoyle ,street Archer Thomas-, coal dealer, 122 Catherine street Andern James H. blackJsnrith, II Egerton street Armitage & Rigby Limited, cotton spinners & manufacturers (64,000 spindleS'; I2'S' to 50's w.eft; 1,4°0 looms), Cockhedge mills, Orford street, Warrington. T A "Oockhedge, Warrington "'; office & warehouse, 95 Portland street, Manchester Armitage Thomas, forgeman, 41 Orford lane Armitag.e William, fitter, 62 Orford lane Armstrong Ge:orge, clerk, 178 Longford street Armstrong Irwin, time keeper, 34 Fllictory lane Armstrong John, shopkeeper, 163 Bewsey rd.& I Hoyle st Armstrong John, smith, 70 Legh street Armstrong Thomas, foreman, 54 Nicholson street Arnold Mrs. Boetsy, householder, 75 Wakefield: street Arnold Mrs. Caroline, householder, 7 White street .Arnold John, tim,ekeeper, I Kendrick street Arnold William, stonemason, Stockton heath Artingstall George & Co. Limited, wire workers, wire weavers & brush manufacturers, Latchf.ord wire works, Wilderspool causeway. T A ".A.:rtingstall, Warrington" Asha1'l. John, insurance, agent, 38 Marsh House lane Ashbrook Elij8,h, househldr. Knutsford: rd. Grappenhall Ashbrook George, baker, II5 Orford lane Ashbrook Joseph, farmer, Knutsford road, Grappenhall Ashbrook Mrs. Margaret, householder, 169 Orford lane, Ashbury Charles, railway inspector, 42 Bewsey street Ashcroft Isaac, farmer, Brook house, Penketh Ashcroft Peter, farmer, Sandy lane, Orford Ashcroft Thomas H. insurance agent, 125 Liverpool rd Ashcroft William, porter, 39 Howley lane _ Asher Joseph, ga.sJitter, 14 Gorsey lane 46 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S .Ayland George H. brake,sman, 6 Ernest street Ba.ckhQuse Charle·s, iron worker, 52 Priestley street Backhouse William J. labourer, 38 Cartwright street Baden Edward, file cutter, 63 Lythgoe's lane BadeTick 'William, labourer, 54 Selby street Badger Richard, labourer, 46 Howard slr·eet Baguley Glement, farmer, Mano·r farm, Norton Baguley William, carter, 14 Albert street Bai~ey .A:::fred, clerk, 25 WellfieJd street Bailey David, manager, I I Fl'oghall lane Bailey George, househd'.der, ro2 Cartwright street Bailey George, labourer, 27 Leicester skeet Bailey Mis·s Isabel G. milliner, 6 Paul street Bailey John, t:ool maker, 52 Lovely lane Ashton Henry M. analytical & dispensing Bailey Joseph,' head gamekeeper to Sir Gi:lbert Greenan hart. Higher Walton chemist, 63 Sankey street Bailey Joseph, iron roUer, 6 Paul street Ashton James, iron roller, ro8 Bewsey road Bailey Joseph,s,o:dier, 222 Orford lane Ashton James, shopkeeper, 2 Stamford street Bailey Mrrs. Mary A. houser;:l.Older, 3 Manley street Ashton James, wire drawer, 35 Liv.erpool road Bailey -Richard, glass & china dealer, 6 Market p:'ace Ashton Mrs. Jane, midwife, 5 Lythgoes lane Bailey ISamuel, spinner, 65 Orford street Ashton John, baker, 2 Selby street Bailey Thomas, milk seLer, 9 St. Austin's lane Ashton John, park keeper,I8 Beaumont street Ashton In. tailor, 121 Sankey st.; r,es. 12 Marsh Rouse la Bailey William, labourer, 203 Liverpo.ol r{)ad Ashtog Joseph (exors. of), Bridge inn, 2 Wilderspool Bai:ey .William Henry, beer retailer, 147 Mersey street Baines John, baker & flour dealer, 91 Buttermarket street causeway, Latchford Bainger Willia'm, labourer, 13 Foundry street Ashton Joseph, insurance agent, 15 Dixon street Baird Alexander, beer retailer, 50 Queen street AsMon Mrs. Mary, householder, 19 Mkin s,treet Baird Jame,s, brewer, 44 Bewsey street Asliton Samuel, plumber,. 5 Robson street Ashton Mrs. Sarah, householder, 160 Manchester road Baird 'John, brewer,. 28 Arthur street AsMon Thomas, milk dealer, 31 Mersey street Baker Albert, iron worker, 9 Mill lane Baker Arthur W. manuf'acturer of wire gaugee As!i.ton Thomas, puddler, 64 vVellfield street & wordles, Excelsior Gauge works, WinAshton Thomas, wire drawer, 27 Liverpool road wick road Ashton William, carter, 75 New road, Latchford Ashton William, peramrbU:ator rna. 74 Sankey street Baker Charles A. hous.eholder, 14 Oatherine street AshtQn Willram, shopkeeper, I I Mill stre,et Baker Mrs. Ellen, house'holder, 124 Bewsey road Ashton & Woods, soliCitors & commissioners for oaths, Baker Frederick, wir·e drawer, 16:5 Liverpool road Commer6al chambers, 55 Horsemarket str·eet Baker James, farmer, Four Topt Oak, Penketh Baker James & Sons· Ltd. boot makers, 20 Sankey sti Ashurst Mrs. Jane, householder,' II Thy'rine street Baker Joiiln, iron worker, 33 Mill lane Ashurst Joseph, labour.er, 35 Leioester street Baker John, wire drawer, 144 IVinwick road AshwortJ.u Mrs. Amy, lodgings, 5 Battersby lane Baker John William, butcher, Penketh Ashworth. James, warehouseman, 47 Oxford street Ashworth Miss,es Jane & Alice, apartmnts. 10 Hanover st Baker JrysBph, blacksmith, 77 vVellfield street Baker Mrs. May, householder, 24 Catherine street Ashworth William, labourer, 98 Cartwright street Asnip Jamers, liabQurer, 36 Green stre~t Baker Reuben, iron worker, 200 Winwick road Aspey Joseph, warehous,elllan, 176 Winwick road Baker Richard, carman, 53 Price street Baker Tholllas, farmer, Gre,at Sankey Aspinalll Mbert, wire drawer, 82 Car,twrig<ht street Aspinall Joan, wire drawer, 46 Elizabeth street Baker William, engine driver, 44 Bewsey road Aspinall John, householder, 93 S<£1O·01 Brow Baker William, fitter, 39 Liverpool road Baker WiITiam, shopkeeper, 5 Dixon street AspinaN J'ohn, shopkeeper, Croft AssQn Edward, forgelllan, 54 Winwick street Baker William H. upholsterer, 55 Price street Astbury Mrs. ElizaJheth, milk seiler, II St. Austin"s jane Baldry Char:es, war'ehouseman, 126 Church street As,Hey (J'ames, bricksetter, 192 Battersby Jan", Ba~dwin Thomas, lab{}urer, 19 Wakefield street Aston A. V. chemist, 50 Sankey street Baldwili Wi1li'am, clothes dealer, 42 Brick street .A.tlhertoIl: Mr's. Alice, shopkeeper, 258 Liverpool road Ball Mrs. Betsy, householder, 88 Hoyle street Atherton .A1phons'O-, fitter, 8 Derby street BaIl Mrs. Catiherine, householder, 4 Orford avenue Atherton ~phonso, pork butcher, 40 Hopwood street Ball George, I Marsh Hous:e lane Atherton Cresswell, fitter, 2II Orfo,rd lane Ball George, mould.er, 38 Gorsey lane Atherton Daniell, waterman, 229 Liverpool road Ball Henry, pavior, I07 Orford lane Atherton JQhn, forgeman, 43 New road, Latchford Ball John, lahourer, 215 Liverpool road Atherton Jonathan, mou.!.der, 143 Orfmd lane Ball Jorseph, labourer, II8 Oatherine street Ather·ton Miss Mary, 11.Ouseholder, 10 Fr,og'hal1 lane Ball Joshua, farmer, Southworth hall, Croft Atherton Thomas, baker & sbopkpr. IS) Ga<kell street Ball Philip, la;bour,er, II6 Oatiilerine street Ather,ton Thomas, househ{)~der, 5 Manchester road Ball Thomas, farmer, Acton Grange Atherton William, assistant sup,erintendent to the Pru- Ball William, cooper, 17 Wellfieldstreet dentia!l As,surance Co. 76 Legh street Ball William, farmer, Burton wood Atherton William, ca-binet maker, Friars :ane; res. Ball William, wire worker, 1:5 Monks street, Knutseford road, Latchford BaZmford Norlllan, tailor & woollen drpr. II7 Sankey st Atherton 'William, wa-terman, r67a,Liverpool road Balshall Thoma:s, overl'ooker, 128 Battersby lane Balshaw Mrs. Ann, White BuD, 38 Horsemarket street Atkins, MI'!s. E'liza, househo:der, 8 Albert street Atkinson Mrs. Hannah, househo:der, 30 Priestley street Bamford Henry, carter, 15 Foundry street. Atkinson Henry, brush maker, 318 Knutsf.ord rd. Latchfd Bamford IViniam, grocer, 132 Bridge street Atkinson Henry, brush manufacturer, Scotland road; Bamforth Joseph, chemist 74 Winwickstreet re,s. 353 Knutsford rnad, Latchford Bampton Char:'e.s, china dealer, 18 New stre,et Atkinson Henry, labourer, 37 Gocborne street Bancroft Mrs. Owtherine, baker, 27 St. Mary st. Latchtfrd, Atkinson John, engine driver, 165 Longford street Bancroft Mis·s Ellen, tobacconist, 61 Winwick street . Atkinson Richard, householder, 16 White street Bancroft James, cartingcontr(wtor, 57 Ellesmere str~t AttweR Chas.sibropkpr. 55 Wiilder,spoo[ causewy. LatrChfrd Bancroftr Miss Mary, milk dealer, 7 Pi'nner's Brow Attiwell'Thomas, shopkeeper, 204 Winwick road Hancroft Mrs. Mary .A. shopkeeper, 61 Winwick road Aukland Ephraim, jun. mdnumental mason, Bold street; Banks DaNid, clerk, 465 Knutsford road, Latchford res. 36 Cairo street Banks Juseph, clerk, 15 Wa,sh lane, Lakhford Aukland Ephrailll, s,en. st,one ,& ma,r,ble mason & con- Banks Mrs. Mary, Railway inn, Milner street trad,or, Legh street & RoUeston street Banks Thomas & Co. maltsters, 12 Winwick s,treet, &; AuBand Ephrailll, stonemason, 180 Manchester road iM'altkiln, .Wilderspool oauseway, Latchford & Rolleston street Bannan John, joiner, 54 Cockhedge lane Aukland Frank H. relieving officer, 3 district Qffice, 136 Banner Mrs. Allison, day nursery for children, Oak Sohool Brow; res. Church street house, 75 Ohurch street Aukland Samuel, mason, 65 Wakefi,eld street Banner David, rshopman, 47 NichQlson street Austin Alfred, screwer, 51 Leicester str,eet Hanner Ja.mes, coal dealer, M·oore Austin John, milk & potat,o dlr. 70 St. James st. Latchfd Banner John, ,tailor &c. 79 Buttermarket street Austin Miss L. ma-nager'ess, 10 Parker street Banner Richard, pudd!ler, 41 E:izaibeth street Aylward Charles B. head master Municipal Technical Banner Richard, puddler, 39 Guardian street Sohool of Art, Museum st. ; res. Highfield rd. 81·. Sanky Bann~r Samuel, waterman, 99 Howley lane Ashley A. soldier, 166 Battersby lane Ashley James, farmer, 81 'Wash lane, Latchford Ashley J{)hn, gardener, 34 Cairo street AshQey John, manager, 13 Beaumont street Ashley John, Ram's Head inn, Grappenhall Ashley Th{)mas, farmer, Cinamon farm, FearEhead Ashley Thomas, tailor, 2 Powyrs· stl'ee·t Ashman Elijah, shopkeeper, 31 Aikin s~reet A~hton Mrs. Ann, householder, 15 RvI'1eston street Asht{)n & Crompton, g,eneral printers (& publishH's of Sunrise weekly free newspaper), 4 Upper Bank street Ashton .Mrs'. Esther, draper, Penketh Ashton George, bassine'tte maker & furniture broker, Orford street & 2 Church street DIRECTORY. ] WARRINGTON. Banner T'i!lomas, signa~man, 45 Nicilolson street Bannister George, forgeman, 84 Pierpoint stre€t Barber Mrs. Eizh. ~1.ouseh'dr. 19 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Barber Henry, tanner, 58 Knub&ford road, La.tchford Barher Edward, gla's& cutter, 19 Percy street Ba.rker J·as. engim. (Jas. Barker & Son), 17 Palmyra sq Barker JamB-s, fitter, 82 Knuts.ford road Barker James & Son, miRwrights& engineers, Haydock s.t Barker Josiah, engine driver, Leigh villa.s, Knuts.ford road, Grappenhall Barker Robert, farmer, Reddish Hall lao GrappenhaJ Barker Samuel, plumber, 3 Edgeworth street Barker Miss Sarah A. dressmaker, 14 RoNeston street Barker vViRiam L. engineer (James Barker & Son), Cliff view, Stockton Heath Barlow Arthur G. bath superintendent, Legll street Barlow Miss Elizaheth, householder, 92 Schoal Brow Barlow Mrs. Emma., householder, 52 Nicholson street Barlow James, draper, 47 Winwick street Barlow James; furnaceman, 12 WeJlfield street Barlow James, labourer, Evelyn street BaI'~()w John, po.rter, 24 Da1lam lane Barlow Mrs. Maria, householder, 10 Beamont street BarlDw Sa=uel & Co. iron, m·etal & wire work merchts. 23 Folly lane Barlow Samuel, wire drawer, 40 Gariba.ldi street Barlow Samuel, wire bester, 15 Ernest street Barlo·w Will:i!am, constable, 20 WeJlfield s.treet Barlow 1V:i!l:iam, corn factor & flour dealer, 19 Winwick str·eet; res. 39 Bews.ey street Barnard James, joiner, 13 Marsh House lane Barnes Oharles H. stoker, 103 Dallam lane Barnes :Edward, police sergeant, Padgate Barnes Frt>de·rick, baker, ZI RolIeston street BarnEs John, painter, 105 Dallam lane Barnels Mrs. Mary, milk d.ewler, 14 G01borne street Barnes· Richard!, 'bru<sh mak'er, 91 WeIlfield street Barnes· Tholill2Js, fo·rernan, 39 Froghall [ane Barnes Thomas, wir·e weaver, 73 B'ewsey road Barnes WiRiam, cabinet maker, 136 Churoh street Barr James, manager, 14 BteaUJJ:lJ.on.t !.Street Barrand George, grocers' as'sistant, II Wash lao Latchford Barratt Jo'seph, manager, 91 Hews.ey street Barrow Benjamin, iron worker, 54 AIkin street Ba.Trow Jame·s, coal dealer, 8 Silve,r street Barrow IMrs.Margaret, i!:iouseh<Ylde-r, 46 Winwick&treet Barrow Thmnas, shopkeeper, Burton wood Bar.ry James, shunter, 4 ECLgeworth street Barry Pet'er, joiner, I,z4 Manooes.ter road· Bar;f;;ey William, wire weaver, 4Z PoHy [ane Barton Mr.s. Ann, h011ls·eholder, 19 Powys street Barton & Courtney, shopkeepers, 30 Green s·treet Ba.rton Ed'mund, 'shopkeeper, 64 John ;s·treet BaDton iEJdward, p.at1>ern maker,. 3 Orford av,enue Barton Jame,s T. draper, 40 Leicester 'street Ba.rtoll J.ohn, coal dealer, Cr,o,slsrey .stree.t Barton J ohn,engine driver, I,8 Alibert IStreet Barton John, ilahourer, 13 SeLby ,street Barton J·ohn, shopkeeper, 104 '!BIirchall s·treet Barton Joseph, fitter, 64 Aikin street Barton Mrs. Maria, househo~der., 89 Winwick road Barton Thfrs. Sarah, dreslsmaker, " AdmJiral s·treet Barton. Thomas, roper, I04 Lythgoe's lane Barton William, Ibobac,conist, 33 Ir'lam IStreet Barton vVilliam·, wire drawe.r, I9 'Robson stree·t Baseketter Christopher, clerk, 4- JVIilThEr street Bashford Manuel, wire worker, ,Gaskell 6It'l'eet Baskervi'lle Thomas, rubber worker, Q Academy stree.t Basnett .James, farmer, 'The Mili, .!Jcton grange Ba.snett John, farIner, Acton grange Batchelor Thos. G. engine drive.r,98 Rnutsforo rd.Ltchfrd Bate Mfred, wire drawer, 088 St. James stre.et, La.tchfor'd Bate Frank, mason, 50 iNew road, Latchford! Bate Frederick, wire drawer, 182 Batters·by lane Bate Henry, fa.r:ne.r, Cow lane, Gre.at Sankey Bate James., tfrulterer, 40 Stam.ford s.treet Bate James, Ja.bourer, Laurel ca-bta,ge, Acad.emy street Bate John, engine driver, 40 Walker street Bate Joib.n, porter, 27 Walker street Bate John, tanner, 569 Knutsford road, Latchford Bate Jdl:m, wire drawer, 36 Eustace street Bate Joseph, engine driver, 30 Aill:Ln. street Bate Peter, cooper, 23 Boillelslton street Bate Richard, ha-usehollder, 14 Ba.tter.sby lane Bate Roger, cohee·se factor, 9 Market place Bate T~~:r;nws, shopkeeper, 90 .Knutsford road~ Latchford! Bate Wa:lliam, green",crrocer, 20$ .Winwick road! Bate WiTham S. goods guard, 15 Allen street Bates Henry, collector, 157 Knutsfmd road, Latchford Bates ~llrs. .Ta.ne, ihous.eha-Ider, 19 He1sby Is.treet Bates Peter, hOlLse:ho'd'er. 6 .A.r:Rley s.treet lIate,s Thomas, carter, 169 Lon-gfa-rd street ALPHABET. 47 Bather Edward, J'0mer, 142 Clhurch stret>t Bather JosoEiph, wire worker,. 74 Evelyn etreet Battersby J·ames, glmsls & cluna dealer, 22 CartwriO'ht st. Baxter l\frs. Annie, hOUJselholder, 61 Bewsey r:a-ad'" Baxter '3:J]r,s. ·Ellen, dres.&waker, 90 'l'vfers.ey stre·et Baxter 'l'vIrs. Ellen, rnil!Lil~er, 20 .Aill.en street Baxter John, letter canier, .25 AIlen stroeert Baxter Jo.seph, householder, 69 Legh street Baxter Mrs. :3Iinnie, householder, 4q MU's,eU<m street Baxter Thomas, gardener, II Hoyl:e street Baxter Thomas, househo:der, 6'1 New Toad, Latehfo.ru Baxter Thoma.s, spinner, 20 Tilley street Baxter ThO-Ina's" stoker, 3'1 Hoyl.e street Bayley Brothers, tailors & clothiers, 17 Bridge street Bayl'eY George (Bayl-ey Brother.,s), tailo·r, 51 Legh. s.treet Bayley James, tai,lor, II7 Bewsey road' Bay[ey James, tailor, 1;62 Wild'erspool causeway,Latehford Bayley John G. ".addler, 27 WiIdel'1spool causeway, Latchford & 29 HOI'lsemark<et street . Ba.ylis·s, 'D'nomas, wire dr·awer, 3I Walker stre·et Beach J,ames, farmer, Stockton heath Beacon John M. wine & spirit m.erchant, ale & porte:!" botneT & Swan hotel, Bridge street Bea·man ROISIS, shing'ler, I] JIi!arsh House lane Beaman Samuel, iron roller, 30 BewsE;y road Beaman Samuel, iron roller, 96 Bewsey road' Beard George, shopkee·per, 4 Howard litreet Beard GeoJ.'lge Wllifliam, !be·eT reta.iler~ 86 Bewsey road Bea;r-dall Joseph E. 'Compositor, 21 KmLtsford rd.Latchford Bebbington Jliks. Catherine·, hous'eho'lideY, 6 Marson street Be'bbingto.n :Dli, labourer, 5'9 Cathe-rine street BJeibbin.g,ton Miss Eimma, hoU'selhoillder, 103 Bew&ey road Bebibington George, cooper, 8 :M:a.Dson street. BebbingtoI1 Mys. Mary, householder, IO Marson street Beckett Tha-mws·, railway ;porter, 87 Pierpa-in.t s,treet Beddall FrancilS" la,bourer, 7 Rose plac'e Beddard Benjamin, for,geman, I Manley ·street B6ddard Henry W. dlraper, 40 Wlinwick road Beddard Thomas, iron worker, :i MIen street BedJdell vVilliam, bolter down, 62 Evelyn i>tr·eet Bee MJisis Dorethy, hous·eholde,r, 12 Priestley street Beech Charles, farmer, Grappenlball Beech Charles, farmer, Lumb Brook, Latchford Be·echam John, householder, 51 PlriestJey shee.t Bees'ley Mbert-, engineer, 48 Lovely lane Bee'siliey rrhOlJUaJs, aIcibitect, 23 Bold 'stre·et Beesley William,ta.nner, II Rohs·on. stre·et Beevers' JI&ph. Wm. manager, National & P:rovmcial Bank of England Lim. Bridge st. ; xes. Weostlands·, Padigate Bell Oharles E. m.cycle maker & repairer, 22 WJilder;>-pool causeway, La,tohford' . Bell David, fitter, 12 Wellington Sitreet. Bell George, laJbourer, 79 Pierp-oint street BeU Samger, 'bus driver, 66 Garibaldi street Bell Thomas, policeman, 143 Knutsoford road, Lat-chford Bell Willia:m H.storekeeper, 38 Bewsey street Bellfield .John, signaJman, 3 :JYIill lane Bellian; Jlames', tool maker, 51 LoveIex:L~ne Bellian Mms's' Jane, ha-UJsehold!er, 1'5 WeHfield street Bellian Wa.lter, cle:rk, 17 2.-Iarsh street Bellion William', tool maker, 27a, Cartwright street; res. 22 Lovely lane Bellion WiliIia:m H. cycle agent, 49 Lovely lane Bellis· Thomas, mxmlder, 80 BatteI'lsby lane Belshaw Rubert, labonrer, 69 Dal1am lane Belshaw Torn, barman, 8 Mount street Ben:?ow. J·ohn, shopkeeper, Wildersp_ool BenJamm Albert, die engraver, 14 Wellfield street B:ennett Mrs. .A<1ice, apartments, 81 Haydock street Benne.tt MTS:• .Ai!iee, shopkeeper,. 113 Da1Iam lane Bennett Arthur, chartered accountant & illsurance agent, Ma.rket Gate chambers', MaI-gate gate; res, Lyndhurst, Brucheavenue, Pad~ate Bennett B. & T. fa.rIne~s, Clap:gate farm, Lovely lane Bennett :Mrs. Bridg<e.t, householder, '26 Nicholson street Benne-tt Brothers, cattle dea1:erS', Bru<che farm, Padgate Bennett :NIr,s. Elizabet·h, coal agent, 20 ArpIey stl"ee.t Bennett Ernest, grocer, 461 Knu<bsford road:, La·tchfo·rd Bennett Fred G. hous'eholder, 133 Lovely lane Bennett Frederick, carpenter, I8I LiverpooL road Bennett George, labourer, 19 Howard street B.ennet,t Henry, confectioner, $3 Pinruer's· brow Bennett Henry C. confedioner,-33 S·c:hool brow Bennett Jacob, shopke.eper, I Chester street Bennett James, tobacconist &:, hairdresser, 21 Winwick su Bennett John, clerk, 156 Longford street Bennett John, farm'er, B'ewsey hall, Bewsey -Bennett John, puddler, ]5 Pierpoint street Bennett .John, shopkeeper, 66 Pierpoint street Bennett Joseph, dresser, 68 Batfeisby lane Bennett Joseph, smith; 22 Powy.§ stree,t Bennett Richard, turnt>r, 9 River rOM, Lak'hford I 48 ALPHABET, WARRINGTON, Bennett Robert, watchmaker, 53 Legh street Bennett TJ:wma.,s., boot maker, 218 Liverpool road Benne·tt T;homa,s, farmer, Pear Tree fa:I'In, Pa:dgate Bennett Thoma.s, foreman, 30 Queen stree,t Bennett TlJ:J.omllls, labourer, 40 Wa·sih lane, Lat0hford Bennett Wa.Hler, farmer, Brudhe farm, Padgate Bennett Walter, farmer, CuerdIley Bennet·t Willi.am, iron. worker, 64 Cartwright street Bennett William, post office ISlLperi.rrtendent, 49 Pad!gate la Ben.nett WiJJliam, iJicket conector, 106 Cartwright stree,t iBen.nie Frederick T. road contrac,tor, 13 W,e::lfieJ.d streert Bennion. James Thomas', clerk, 49 Welilfie:Ld.' ·street Bennion Jeffrey, wire drawer, 518 ~illen ·street Ben.nion Wlilliam C. station matmer, Moore Benson WtiJ.liam, drape.r, D:l Sankey street Bent Edward, barman, 64 EHe'smer·e 'street Bent M:ris. :NUary, farmer, Rail lane, Burton wood Ben.tley Mrs. Ellizatbet'h, beer retaiJer, 46 Wlinwick road HenUey Jos'eph, mechanic, 71 Legh street Be,ma.rd: George, carter, 61 A'iklln street Herry Frank, grocer, II Brick ·street . Be.r.ry George, wir·e worker, 88 Manohester road Berry John, bundler, 3 ROls'e plaCle Berry John, iron worker, 183 Winwick 1'000 BerTy:John, medhan[c, 52 Nacpier str·eet Berry John, policeman, 27 Robson street .Berry John, shopkeeper, 4 Laira street Berry John, wire drawer, 9 Wellington street Berry Joseph, labourer, 53 Laira, ,street Berry Thomas, coal dealer, 7 Chorley street Berry William, labourer, 50 Battersby 1ane Berry William, labourer, 38 Golbome street Berry WiHiam, smith, II J oily ,stree~ Bertles Samuel, wine & spirit mer. 127 Bewsey road Beswick David, engine driver, 48 Mersey street Beswick James, householder, 27 Church ,street Beswick Jos'eph, tobacconist, 10 Buttermarket s,treet Beswick Joseph, tobacconist, 58 Horsemarket street; res. 64 Bewsey street Beswick William, farmer, Bellhous'e farm, Acton grange Beswick William, farmer, Higher Walton Beswick Wi:lliam, ha.,rdware &00. de3ile't', 21 Buttermarket street, & toibacconist, 72 Bankey s'tre·et Beswick 'William, labourer, 57 Price street Beswick Wm. miller (water) & farmer, Lower iValton Betley John, joiner, 5 Fen.nel street Bettles Francis, 16 Clare's bnildings, Lythgoe's lane Bibby James & John, basket & hamper mkrs. Woolston Bibby James, labourer, 54 New road, Lat0hford Bibby John, basket maker, 22 Mersey street Bibby John, tanner, 100 Manchester road Bibby Joseph, ,grocer, 58 St. James street, Latchford Bibby ThIiss Margaret, confectioner & dining rooms, 12 Market street BibbyJYliss Margrt. dress mkr. 49 Knutsford rd. Ltchford Bibby Samuel, basket & skip maker, Padgate Bibby Thomas, engine. driver, 56 Nicholson st.reet Bifurc3Jted Rivet Co. Ilim.. (The), rivet manufa.eturers Pear Tree cottage, Kuntsford road, Latchford Bickford Charles H. district agent for the Gr'eat Northern Railway Co.; central station yard, Winwick s·t.; res. 25 Wilson Patten street Biddle Mos,es, cleaner, 14 Edward street Biddleston Charles, iron worker, 74 Catherine street Bifl.lrcat~d Rivet Co. Lim. (The), rivet manufacturers (T. A. Abbott, managing. director), Pri~stley street. T A. " Bifurcated, Warrington" Billinge Jas.. tobacconist & confectioner, 13 & 15 Green st Billingsley Henry, labourer, 38 Eustace ,s·treet Billington George, assistant, 15 Knuts·ford rd. Latchford Bi!lJlington George, storekeeper, 29 Price street Billington John, sawyer, 5 Orford! av,enue Billington Joseph, boiler maker, 163 Winwick road WllinghmlL Thomas, forg,eman, 88 Longford street Bingham William, wire dTawer, South view,Little Sankey "Pin Ie, Albert, fitter, 8 Pries,tley street Binks Benjamin, shopkeeper, 8 Aik.in stT,eet Birch Arthur, iron worker, 30 Wellfield street Birch Francis A. bundler, 10 Wellf..eld .street Birch Frederick Wm. wire weaver, 32 Rolleston street Birch Isaac, householder, Ash cottage, Padgate Birch James, s,hopkeeper, 46 Haydock street Bir,eh J,ames, wire weaver, 39 Walker street Birch John, bundler, 13 Lythgoe's lane Birch John, roll turner, 8 Wellfield! street BirchalI Harry, fireman, 14 Eustace street Birchall John, boot maker & clogger, 77 Catherine street Birchall John, c1ogger, IIoa, Liverpool road BirchaH John, engine driver, 58 Nicholson s,treet Birchall John, plasterer, 9 Haydock street Birchall Joseph, brakesman, 50 Nicholson street Birchall Joseph, confect!on.er & sugar boiler,I:29 Bri~ st [SLATER'S Bircha.ll Lewis, farmer, Oak Tree farm, Croft Birchall Peter, farmer, Arbury, Croft Birchall Thomas, engineer, 9 Garibaldi street Birchall Thomasl, jun. lamp oil dealer, 82 Church street Bird Charles, iroIL worker, 7 Orford avenue Bird Henry, furnaceman, 29 Leicester ,street Bird John, tanner, 4 Wellington s,treet Bird Ralph, furnaceman, I P~rk place Bird Samuel, puddler, 31 LelCester street, Birley John, wire drawer, 267 Knutsford rd. Latchford Birtles John E. photographer, Legh house, Sankey st.; res,. 30 Arpley str,eet . Birtles Thomas, photographer & dealer m works of art, Le.gfu. honse, Sankey Istreet; res. 4 Legh street Birtle.s William, forg.eman, 5 Edward: street Bishop Harvey, puddler, 19 Lythgoe's, lane Bishop W. A. & Co. borax & boracic acid' manufacturers, Dial mills; & 13 Idol lane, London E C. TA "Integer, Warrington" . Bis'sell Joseph, pnddler, 166 LIverpool road Bissell Jos,eph, shopkeeper, Stockton 'heath Bissil Joshua, iron worker, 35 Walker street Blackburn Canon, carter, 20 Em·est str,eet Blackburn In. hardware &c. dlr. 475 Knutsiord rd.Ltchfd Blackburn John, manager Union Bank of Manchester Lim. Market gate; res. HoTIy bank, Latchford Blackburn Joseph, labourer, 4 Trinity place Blackburn Mrs. Jane, confectioner, 6 Factory lane Blackhurst G. & Son, watch makers' & jewellers, !o Sankey street Bl3Jckhurst George, watch maker (G. Blackhurst & Son), Brook house, Latohford Blackledge Edward, labourer, 17 Rolleston street Blackshaw George, porter, 18 Wellfield' street Blackwell Frank, schoolmaster, Padgat,e Bladen Mrs. Emma, householder, 59 Nicholson street Bladen John, inspector, 88 Priestley street Blake John, wire"worker, 32 Tan.ners.' lane B1easdale Thos'. tool rna. wheelwright & blcksmith,Orford Blease John, carter, 17 Aikin street Bleas·e John, clerk, 19 Goulden street Ble3Jse Joseph R. householder, 27 Frogh3Jlllane Blease Mrs. Sarah, householder, 354 Knutsford rd.Ltchfd Bleas'e Thomas, tailor, 91 Catherine street Bleaze William, labourer, 7 Lythgoe's· lane Blinston James,brakesman, 170 Knutsford rd. Latchford Blinston Joseph, farmer, Ackers' lane, Latchford! Blood Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 4 Tanners' lane Bloomfield: George, shopkeeper, 82 Longford street Bloomfield "William, hospital caretaker, 81 Aikin street BLoor Mrs. Helen, householder, 178 Liverpool road Bluck John, grocer, 74 Mers.ey s,treet Blundell Jonathan & Sons·, colliery proprietors & coal merchants (John Dignum, agent), 27 Gee street Blythe Samuel, shopkeeper, 5 Liverpool road! Blyto Henri L. painter, 83 Cartwright ,street Boardman Arthur E. manager, 48 Manchester road Boardman Charles, tripe dealer, 125 Sankey street; Eo shopkeeper, 60 Legh street Boardman George, farmer, Collin's green, Burton Wood Boardman George, Wheat Shea,f inn, 2 Orford lane Boardman Jabez, tiID!ekeeper, 105 Orford lane Boardman James, labourer, 23 Laira street Boardman J obn, householder, 3 Folly lane Boardman John, labourer, 163 Liverpool road Boardman Peter, farmer, Lyon farm, P,enketh Boardman Richard, farmer, Yew Tree farm, Grappenhall Boardman Richard, sexton, Great Sankey Boardman Thomas, shopkeeper, 7 Kendrick street Bodell Peter, labourer, 14 Cartwright street Bodle James, postal clerk, III Knutsford rd. Latchford Bodle iViiliam, hous,eholder, 35 Golborne street Bodle William, joiner & builder, Orford; street Bolsworth J. H. tin plate worker, 24 St. Mary st. Ltchfrd Bolsworth Mrs Mary, househldr. 150 Knutsford rd.Ltc'hfd Bolton Bros. ale & porter brewers, 38 Mersey street Bolton Oharles H. clerk, 120 Wilderspool causeway,Ltchfd Bolton Edward & Sons', glas,s manufacturers, Orford lane. T A" Glass, Warrington" Bolton George H. farmer, Penlrceth house, Penketh Bolton George Yates" glas,s manufacturer (E. Bolton Eo Sons), 17 Wilson Patten street Bolton James, accountant & insurance agent, _Sankey stre.et chambers, 45 Sankey street; res'. 68 Wilderspool caus,eway. TN 103 Bolton J·ohn, fustian cutter, John street & Turner street Bollton Robert, club agent, 86 Manchester road Bolton William, Moulders' Arms, in.n, 38 Mers'ey street Bolton William, Royal Exchange in.n, Golden square Eo Bolton William H. glass manufacturer (E. Bolton Sons), Bewsey street Bond George, labourer, Ev,elyn s~reet DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. I Bond Henry, manager, I26 Wilderspool causeway,Ltchfrd Bond Richard, householder, I20 Battersby lane Bonehill Christopher carpet fitt-er, IS Beamont street Bonnell Fdk. tool ma'. (Jri.Bonnell & Sons),33 Longford st, Bonnell John & Sons, wire drawers, plate & tool makers, Longford street Boon Frederick, iron worker, 35 Wellfield stTeet Booth Edward, hatter, I2 Sankey st.; res. I I Suez st Booth Frank, hatter & outfitter, 44 Sankey street; res. Whitefield road Stockton Heath Booth G-eorge, coffee roaster, 47 King street Booth Harry, brakesman, 57 Wellfield street Booth James, iron roller, 36 Selby street Booth James Arthur, joiner & property repairer, Orchard street; res. II Suez street Booth John, foreman, 4 Dial street Booth John, milliner, 27 Pinner'.s, brow Booth John, shopkeeper, 16 Tilley street Booth Joseph, coffee roaster, 49 Price stTeet Booth Mrs. Mary E. boot & ,shoe mao 29 Buttermarket st Booth Thomas butcher 17 Pinner's brow , d er, ' 203 Knuts for d rd. L a t chford Booth Thos·. househol Booth Thomas, joiner, 94 Mutsford, road, Latchford Booth Thomas, labourer, 132 Knutsford rd. Latchford B th William brick setter 66 Battersby lane 00 '. ' d,r. d. L at chfo~-d Booth Wm. railway porter, ' 2:>~ Knutdor Boothroyd Walter, music & musical instrument ware~. " L . hill' G h 11 house, 8:> SaIJ;Key st., :r:es . elg v a~, rappen a Boots - , Cheml&ts, 35 BrIdge ·street .. Borou.gh of Warrington Incorporated Permanent Building SOCIety ~Thoma~ ~utton, manager!, Legh street Borrows RI<;h~l.rd, Jomer, II Tanners lane Borrows W~am,.labourer, Evel~ s t r e e t . Bos'Cow Edwm, WIre .drawer, 44 New road, Latchford, Bos,cow Samuel, basket mao 2~7 Knutsford rd. ~atcMord Boscow Thomas, beer retailer, 35 & 37 WIlderspool causeway, Latchfor.d . Bo,s'sward Thomas, WIre drawer, 22 Eustace street Bostock Alexander, labourer, ..9 D:Xby.street Bostock George, tanner, 94 PIerpOlllt street Bo,stock William, joiner i& builder, Wilde:rspool Boston John, .b~=an, II Gladstone street Bottomley William, fishmonger, Market hall . Bottoms George H. coal merchant, 42 Manchester road, office, Erwood ,s~reet . Bo,ttoms John, WIre drawer, 50 Church ,street BougJ:ey p:e~.er, labourer, 32 King s.treet. Bo,uldin W11ilarn, laboure.r, 24 Foundry street Bowcoc~ George, butchers, 7 ButterIDJa.rket .street; res. . 22 Wilderspool causewa,y, Latchford _. Bowcock James, householder, 40 WIlderspool causeway, Latchford . Bowcock Ja'n:es Jumor, butcher, 15 HoT,semarket st,reet; Tes. 133 LIverpool road . Bowcock Joseph, butcher, 80 Bndge street Bowden Alfred, grocer (M.Bowden & Sons, Overton, Frodsham Bowden John, tanneT, 89 Howley lane Bowden M: ~ Sons, wholesale tea dealers & /froceril, Bank bmldings, 99 Sankey strreet. See advertisement Bowden M:atthew, tanner, 20 Beatrice ·st,reet, Latchfo,rd Bowde,n Walter, groce'r (M. Bowden & Sons), Over,ton, Frodsham . BoweIll John, iron worker, 193 Winwick road Bowen John W. police inspector, 7 Thynne street Bower Ohristian, butoher, 47 Church stree,t Bower Christopher, railway insp. 14 Marsh House lane Bower Isaac, ,salesman, 34 Priestley street Bowers Ohristopher, butcher, Market hall Bowers HenTY, brewer, 60 Allen street Bowers John, shopkeeper, 94 Priestley 'street Bowers Thomas, whitesmith, 44 Knutsford rd. Latehforo Bowland John, shopkeeper, 10 Dallam. lane Bowles Henry, joiner, 155 Orfordi lane Bowness William, labourer, 9 Battersby IRne Box William, brick setter, 78 Pierpoint street Bo-x William, warehousem.an, 6 Egerton street Boyd John, labourer, 104 Cartwright street Boyd Walter, weigher, 40 .Aikin street Boydell Bros. tailors & olotJ:riers, 37 Bridge street Boyle Alban, clerk, 51 Knutsford road, Latchford Boyle Miss Elizabeth, lady missiollai1"Y, 56 Ohurch street Boyle :faIlles, coach painter, 7 Marsh street Boyle John, jun. .tanner, 7 Aikin street Boyle :fohn, wire drawer, 9 Aikin street Boyle Mrs. Margaret, baby linen & ladies' underclotlhing dealer, 57 Sankey ,snoot Boyle William, puddler, 43 Catherine stree,t Boylin Tryphena, shopkeeper, 54 Sharp street ALPHABEl'. Braceg~rdle W~,lt.er, bricklayer, 66 C~ther~e street 49 BracegIrdle William, carpenter, I Wellfie"d street Bradburn Goorge, shopk;eeper, 63 Folly lane Bradbury :M:isses Annie P. & Sarah H. ladies' school, I2 Bold street Bradbury Ohax-Ies, labourer, 76 Howard street Bradbury Geo,rge, lab~urer, 33 Selby street Bradbury HenTY, fustIan cutter, Shuttle street; res. 7 Arpley walk Bradbury J.ohn, fllJl'mer, Moore Bradbury John, t~ol maker, 7 Leice~tel" street Bradbury Joseph, IrOr; worker, 25 LeIcester stroot Br3Kl;bury Joseph, pIg dealer, Half-Way house, I46 Wilderspo~l causeway, Latc:hford Bradbury Miss. Mail"Y, b~kher, 98 .Ho,yle s,treet . Bradbury Sewmg ~ao~me Co. LIm. (Stephen Deaville, manager), 33 Wmwlck stree,t Bradbury ~o:r:nas, 7 ~Hd road, LatchfoTd Bradbury William, bncklayer,. 138 Manohester road Bmdfol'd Jo:hr;, f=er, Cartndj5e lane, Grappenhall Bradford W~am, f=er, ReddIsh house, Grappenhall Bradford William, talil shopkeeper, B dl Anth 6 & 25 8How!liI"dstreet B"d .t. t r a e y , ony,or, 10 10 Tl ge s ree Bradley Joseph, ta;me.r, 9 ~Msh Hou~e lane Bradley ~b"ert, g"a;ss maker, 59 Pnestley street Bradley I 86 Marsh B d h William, J bbl"lck "k setter, tt B tt House b 1 lane Brad a ~h aw James, ErIc' ~et er, 15 N a. er,s' tY atne r=aw am.es . prm!Blr, 3 8 apler s ree Bradshaw John, brick setter, 4 6 Napioer street B dsh Joh 'oiner I Priestle street B:dsh:::: Joh:::: ~ire ~~ver, 32 . :Jnners brow Bradshaw Joseph, iron worker, 64 Academy street Bradshaw Mrs'. Kezialh, householder, 152 Ohurch stcr-eet Bradshaw :Mrs.. :iYf:alry A. householder, 29 Fennel street Bradshaw Samuel, file cutter, 102 Lythgoes lane Bradshaw Thomas, .slater, 12 Edgeworth street Brady John, clerk, 197 Padgate lane Braide Edward, distriot goods manager, L. & N. W. Ry. 00. Bank quay, Sankey st.; res. The Poplws" Lo'Vely la Braide George M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P.Lond. surgeon,5Bold st Brailey George tanner 290 Knutsford Tood Latchford Brailey John, plateJay~, 42 Battersby lan~ Bmithwaite Jam.es, householder, 54 Evelyn street Bramhall Jam.e.s, joiner, 38 Hopwood street Br3ilIlhall William, foreman, 62 Manchester Il"oad Brommer Willi3ilIl, turrier, 29 :iYf:alrsh street Bram.well James farm bailiff Knutsfo,rd rOll;d Latchford Brandreth J3iIIle~, agent for the Wigan Coal &, Iron Co. Lim. Arpley rd. ;!l"es.Helsby ho.Helsby, liT. Warrington B'randwood Arthur, glass cutter, 133 Longford street Brandwood Horace P. fitter, 9 Pierpoint s,treet Brandwood Miss Mary, household<er, 32 Marsh House la Brandwood Miss M:ary Alice, householder, 57 Folly lane Branwood John, carter, 53 Haydock street Brayshaw Sa,rgent, draper & milliner, 133 Bridge street Breaksm.an William., forgeman, 25 Dale street Breedon Frederick, labourer, 76 St. Jam.es' st. Latchford Brerew!Ili James, fa,l"IJ3.€JT, Thelwall Brereton William H. baker, 4 EuStl3.,ClB ,streett Bretherton Harry H. coal merchant, DaUam. lane & M:arson street; res. 150 Winwick road Bre,therton :Mrs. Mary, dress maker, 150 Winwick road BrethertQn Wadkin, carter, 10 Howley lane Br'ew Edw!liI"d, confectioner & ,boot maker, Stockton hth Bridge, Henry, butcher, Stockton hea,th Bridge Henry, fishmonger, Market haH Bridge Henry, fishmonger, 20 Winwick road Bridge Joseph, dairyman, 2 Battersby lane; Ires. II6 Lythgoes lane Bridge Jo,seph,smith, 12 Derby street Bridge Riohd. hutchr.39I, res. 264,Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Bridge William., smith, I Derby street Bridson Thomas, foreman, 91 Liverpool TOad Brierley Mr,s. Anne:, White HaiTt inn, 68 Sankey street Brierley Mrs. Jane, houshldr. 289 Knuts£rd. Td.Latohfrd Brie<rley J o-seph, householder, 205 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Brierley M. shopkeeper, 4 Thelwall lane, Latchford Brierley Thomas, boot maker, Gr1l!ppenhall Briggs Wm. pa;wubrokeT, BaxteT st.; res. 100 Bewsey rd :Briggs William, pawnbroker, 18 Powys stre,et Brimelow Aaron, farmer, Locking Stump f=, Croft Brimelo'W Mlrs. Elizabeth, housebolder,I22 Mano'b.ester rd Brimelow George L. draug'b.tsman, 134 Manchester road Brimelow John, coal agent & sewing machine dealer, 42 Tanners lane Brimelow Pea's, Horse & Jockey inn, 212 Winwick road Brimelow Thomas, butcher, 197 Winwick road Brimelo'W William, foreman, 213 KnutJsford rd. La;t,chford Brindle Robert, foreman, 148 Manchester road Brindley Ohades, milliner, 17 Irlam ·street I WARRINGTON 4 50 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. Brindley Oharles, millip_er, 32 'iYinw'ick street Bristow Edwin T. iron worker, 60 Howard street Bristow William O. clerk, 13 Walker street Britch James"smith, 17 Robson street Britch John, householder, Orford road British &; Oo~O'I1ial Meat 00. butchers, 6 Mrurket street British Workman Public House 00. Limited (Henry Robert,s, sec.), Harsemarket street; 9 Market street; 2 Milner street &; Bank quay British Workmen's &; General- Assurance Co. Limited (James R. Ormerod, district' supt.), Union Bank chambers, M~rket gate Brittle Samuel, puddler, 19 E.dwil,rd street Britton Ja,mes, her_b beer dealer, 128 Church street Broadbent Mrs. Annie, milliner, 58 Bwttermarket street Broadbent Gharles hardware deaJer, 56 Buttermarket st Broadhurst Mrs. Ann, tailor &; draper, 84 Mersey street Broadhurst Geocr:ge, greengrocer, 40 Brick ,street Bro&dhurst Harry, foreman, 4 Gaskell ,st,reet Broadhur&t Ja.mes, labourer, 20 New road, Latcl1ford Broadhurst James K. clerk, 41 Legh street Broadhurst John, confectioner, 266 Knut&ford rd.Ltchfrd Broadhurst John, foreman, I55 Knutsford rd. Latchford Broadhurst Jonathan, fruite,rer, 57 Bostock street Broadhurst Mrs. Martha, householder, I30 Churoh street Broadhurst Thomas, beer retailer, 3-8 Orford lane Broadhurst William, shopkeeper, 233 Winwick road Broady Albert &; .Thomas, farmers, Stoekton hea,th Broady Alfred, Walt(m Arms &; farmer, HigheT Walton Broady George, boot &; shoe· maker, Thelwail.l Broady Henry, farmer, Lumb brook, LatohfO!1'd Brobbin Frederick W. engine driver, 58 New ~d.Latchfrd Brobbin James, ·shopkeeper, 2I Egerton street Broeklehurst Samuel, insurance a,gent, 254 Winwick I'd :Brocklehurst Thomas, labourer, I86 Winwick road :Bro:gan Mrs. Ann, householder, IO Battersby lane Bromley Mrs. Ann, householder, IoMilner &treet Brookes Mrs. Emma" householder, 53 Tanners lane -Brookes Geo. Henry, hardware dealer, CIS8 Battersby lane Brookes James, farmer, Thelwail -Brookes John, carter, 51 Wilderspool causew.ay, Lat,ohfrd 'Brookes &; Son,law statio'ners &; litho.printeI's, IIQueen st Brookes ThomaJs, shopkeeper, Stockton J1.e,ath Brookes William, law stationer (Brookes&. S.on), Orford lodge, Orfard lane Brookes William A. O. law stationer (Brookes &; Son), 207 Orford lane Brookfield Mbert, chini;!. deale,r,32z Knutsford rd,Larehfrd Brooks Edgar, forgeman, 29 Liverpool -road Brooks Edward M.B., C.~Lsurgeon, Summerhouse, I Bewse,y road . .Brooks James, bundler, 27 ·Wakefield. stree·t Brooks 'r. Oonnelly, shopkeeper, 19 Rolleston street Brooks Thomas, fried fish dealer, 23 Bewsey street Broom Thomas, shopkeeper, Oroft Broomfield Henry, labourer, I6 Garibaldi street BroomfieldR-ichard, wire drawer, 7 Priestley street -Broom:field W:iJJ..iam, wire drawer, 20 Gouldoen street Broomhead Mrs. Isabella,chapel kpr. IS St. Austin's la Brophy.John, beer retailer, 125 Dallam lane Brotherton John, milkman, 188 Battersby lane Brouchemite Alfred, old clothes dealer &; model lodging house keeper, ';!.7 Friars' green Brough Mr·s. Oharlotte, apartments, 37 Bewsey street Brough Mrs. Mary E. apartments, 43 Bewsey street Brough Thomas, baker, 33 Wellfield street Brough Walter, baker, 21 Lovely lane Broughton James, farmer, Thelwall lane, Latchford Broughton John, tripe dresser, 20 Market street Brown Alphonso, ironworker, 99 Hoy-Ie street Brown Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper,81 Upper Bank street Brown Mrs. Annie, householder, - I02 Pierpoint street Brown Bennett, puddler,g Manley street Brown Oharles, butcher, 56 Longford street Brown Oharles, watchman, 2 Glazebrook street Brown David, iron worker, 64 Selby street Brown Edward, foreman, 146 Liverpool road 'Brown Francis, householder, 29 'Arpley street Brown Geo. asst. lock master, Latchford locks, Latchird -Brown George, engine driver,· 14 'Wellington street Brown George, householder, 159 Orford lane Brown George, schOOlmaster, 199 Padgate lane Brown George, shopkeeper, 303 Winwick road Brown George S. smith, 70 Battersby lane Brown George, cashier, 18 Arpley street Brown Harry, joinr. Golborne st.; res. 29 Dixon street Brown Hy. Old Ooffee House inn, 13 Horsemarket street Bro,,'n 1. M. &; E. E. travelling drapers, 8 Orosfield street Brown James, bricklayer, 93 Knutsford road, Latchford Brown John, file cutter, 7 Battersbylane Brown .John, glas.g,& china, de.aler, 53 Golborng street Br'own John, 'smi~ IOI Dallam lan~ [SLATER'S Brown ,Joseph, tinsmith, 81 Hawley lane Brown Llewellvn, foreman, 575 Knutsford road, Lat~hfrd Brown Misses "M. A. &; K. dressmakers, 63 Bridge street Brown Mrs. ~rary, shopkeeper, 51 Wakefield street Brown Samuel labourer, 69 Oartwright street Brown Mrs. 8;ra11, householder, I Leicester street Brown Mrs. Sarah A. dressmaker, 67, Catherine street Brown Thomas, file cutter, 25 Brick street Brown Thomas, paviaI', IS Derby street Brown Walter, labourer, 137 Dallam lane Brown William, file forger, 16 Derby street Brown William, soap cutter, 42 Sel?y street Brcwnhill Edward, labourer, 5 Lana street Browne Arthur solicitor &; commissioner for oaths (solicitor to the Licensed Victuallers' Association for WlJ,rrington &; District) &; insurance agent, Upper Bank st.; res. 27 Wilson-Patten street Browne Birch hairdresser, 60 &; 62 Sankey street Browning William, mechanical engineer, 331 Oairo street Brundrett Mrs. Alfred W. brewer, Gene.ralWolfe brewery Brundrett Mrs.. Alfred W.General Wolfe inn,84 Ohurchst Brunt John, clerk,s Tanners' lane Buck John, milk dealer, 30 Allen street Buckard Joseph, beer retailer, 16 Orossley street " Buckby Wm. bootma. 67 Winwick st.; res. 128 Orfordla.~ Buckley George, carter, 4 Howley lane Buckley George, gas maker, 26 Bewsey road Buckley John, baker &; flour dealer, IS Hall street Buckley John beer retailer, 130 School brow Buckley J om{ &; Co. Lim. cartiing contractors & furniture removers, 94 Ohurch street Buckley J oh..'1 H. painter, 535 Kuutsford road, Latchford Buckley Joseph, labourer, 6 Derby street Bucli:I.ey Joseph, wire drawer, 39 Hopwood street _ Buckley Robert, cart"er, 25 Battersby lane ; ' Buckley, Samuel, householder, 24 St. James st. Latchfrd Buckley Thos. painter&;paprhngr. 537 Knutsfrd.rd:Ltchfrd Buckley Thomas, wfre drawer, 'I4 Dallam lane : _ .. -, Buckley Wm. clogger,28 St. James' street, Latchford Buckton James Doug-las,. solicitor (Greenall &; Buckton) (&; clerk to the iI!-c?~e &; land tax .commissionerE'of the Warrington Dlv1£lOn of. Lancashire ~. v~stry cl,erlf: of St. Peter's parish, Warrmgton), 3 WmWlck str,~et.;.. res. 44 Manchester road Bull Thomas R. tailors' cutter, 4 Hanover street Bullard George R. soldier, IS Marsh House lane Bullen James, butcher,S Lovely lane Bullock William, wire drawer, 26 Robson street Bunch Henry, bookkeeper, 59 Padgate lane Bunch! Joseph, draper, 191 Winwick road Bunn Thomas, puddler, 68 Akin street Bunn William, labourer, IS Allgard street Bunt John, householder, 16 Evelyn street Bunting John, signalman, 67 Pierpoint street Burgess Alfred G. carter, 503 Knut~f?rd rd. Latchford Burgess Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, IO -A1km street Burgess James S. newsagent, 358 Kuutsford rd. Latchfrd. Burgess John, grocer, Bridgefoot, 141 Bridge street & tallow chandler, Friars' green; res. 8- Egypt street . Burgess John, iron r.oller, 2I Pierpoint street Burgess John, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths (R. Davies & Co.), Market place Burgess John, warehouseman, 71 Howley lane Burgess John A: traveller, 44 Padgate lane Burgess Thomas, storekeeper, 6 New road, Latchford. Burgess Thomas Smith, land agent to Sir Gilbert Green> all bart. Higher W a l t o n - · Burke Richard, soldier, 202 Longford street Burke Robert, labourer, 44 Pierpoint street Burke Thomas, beer retailer, 18 Upper Bank street Burke William, luI'ryman, 17 Nicholson street Burndred Joseph, grocer, 75 Winwick road Burns Andrew, printer; IS Selby street .. Burns Mrs. Mary, householder, 9 Old road, Latchiord Burrell John, station master, Padgate . ...-__ Burrow James, Queen's hotel (commercl.), 26 Sankey: ~~, Burrows Edward, blacksmith, Regent st. ; res. 31 Legli:st Burrows Miss Elizabeth, householder, IS Lovely lanE:l' Burrows John, fitter, I07 Mersey street Burrows Joseph, shopkeeper, 42 New road,Latchiord Burrows Richard, butcher, .41 Birchall street . Burrows Richard, shopkeeper, 41 Old road, Latchford Burrows Thomas, labourer, ';!.5 Aikin street Burrows Thomas, 'smith, 6]. Orford street . : Burrows Thomas, tanner, Knutsford road, Grappenhall Burrows William, bootmaker, 12 Bridge street Burthen John, joiner, I Rose place Burton Alfred, foreman, 51 Wellfield street Burton Charles, labourer, 3 Howley lane Burton Oharles R. architect, 164 Manchester road Burton Mrs. Edith, householder, II Greenall str~ejj. DiRECTORY.] \VARRINGTON. ALPHABET. 51 Cartwright David, ~abGurer, I50 Liverpool road Oartwright Harry, manager, Highfield, Penketh Oartwright James, boot maker, Moore Cartwright John, shopkeeper, Moore Oartwright Robert, shopkeeper, 80 Chor:ley stree·t Cartwright, Thomas, labDm:er, 44 Wllderspool causeway, Latchford Oartwright 'William, cabinet maker, Moore Cassidy Jame~, file cutter, Orchard st. ;res.I46 Ohurch st Oastle (The) Rubber 00. Limited, Wharf street. T N 49;' T A "Castle, Vi'arrington" CasweU Thoma.s, iron worker, 27 Ernest street Catchpo;e John, postman, 208 Orford lane Catterall Thomas, moulder, I2 Ohuroh street Oaulton Jo·seph, iron worker, 3I Pierpoint street CavanaO"h GeorO"e J. wholesale & retail. news agent,. 52 Hors~a,rket~treet. &; 63 Bewsey st.reet Cawthorne James, schoolmasOOr, Croft Chadwick John William, stone mason, Liverpool road; res. 23 'ioVellfield street Chadwick Mrs. Margalret, news agent, 3 Scotland·road Chadwick Mrs. Ma.rtha· E. householder, 79 DaJ1am lane Chadwick Thomas, fmna\leman, 29 Tanners lane Chadwick 'ioVilliam, smith, II ArnoJ.d street Cha1mers .Ale:x;ander, soap maker, 58 OrfDrd lane ". Ohalmers Vi'illiam,. Three Pigeons inn, Tann&lllane Chamberlain Henry, soldie,r, 35~fl'lsh House lane .' Oham,berlain Thomas, farmer, Knuts-ford rd. GTappenhall Chambers Edward, foreman, 95 Bewsey. Iroad Chambers George H. armysergel3.nt, 87 Padgate lane Chambers Samuel, house'holder, IO Dale stereet Chandley H. & S. house decorators, 92 Bridge street; res. Union cour·t Chandley Silvanus,deco,ra-.tor (H. & S. Ohandley, Oak.. ville, Lat{}hford,. . Chantler Mrs. Anme, beer retai1eT, 92 Mersey street Chantler James, skip & basket makers & beer retaile.r, CaldW'eils Liani~d, lTIlill, colliery engineers & Wilderspool causeWlay, LatClhford vvorks 'furnishers, 60 !Horsemarket stree1:; Chantler John, police se.rgeant, 6 F~nn-el street vvarehoi.ilse &vvorks, Scotland road. T N 18; Chantry & Son, bakers & confectIOners, 20, 4I. & 43 T A "CaidW'ells, Warring1:on" Horsemarket street & I3 Sankey street Callan John, shopkeeper, 78 Mersey street " Ohantry Thomas W. baker &C. (Chantry & Son),43 <Calvert John R. manager, 77 Manchester road Harsema.rket street Calvert Nilss - , artist, 5 Friars' green Chantry Wm.baker &C. (Ohantry & Son), IS Bold; st <Campbel~ Mrs. Hannah, householder, I8' Allen street Chapman George, foreman, 34 Ellesmere street <Campbell John R. brick setter, 58 Garibaldi street Chapman Noble., barman, I5 Bat,ter-sby lane . ·Campbell Miss Marion, ladies' school, 8 Dial street Ohappel Charles E. joiner, 74 ElleS'Inerest.reet Cann John, schoolmaster, Orford " Chappell Chades, clerk, 40 Priestley street· Dann Joseph, vanman, 47 Allen street . Chappell Frank, musician, IO Edgeworth ·street Dann William, tripe dealer, 22 Winwick street Ohappell John, printer, 7 Wash lane, Latchford Cannell Jas.L.R.O.P.,L.F.P.S., L.M. surgn.8 Academy st Ohappell Mrs. Martha Jane, confectioner & baby linen OaI!llell John, iron worker, I2 Evelyn street &c. ·dealer, 5 ISankey street .. Cant John, turner, 87 Howley lane ' . , Chappell Mrs. Mary, householder, 6I Manchester road Cantrell Charles H. confectioner, 27 Ir13m street Oharles Miss Margt. ladies' outfitter, II Rylands street Oa'PitaJ. & Labour Clothing Association, taJilODS & Oharles Walter, butcher, 68 Winwick street clothiers, I24' Bridge street Chamack William, gaJvanizer, 22 Arthur street· Ca"pper Miss MaTy, 'householder, I36 Wilderspool cause- Charnley Robert, painter, 25 Howley lane way, La,tchford ChM'nley Thomas, painter, 22 Knutsford rd. !.;a.tchford Carline. Patrick, householder, 63 Haydock street Oharnock William, householder, 49 Napier street Carlisle Annas, householder, 5I Rolleston street Oharre.tt Jo-b A. iron wo·rker, 35 Price street . Carlisle Frederick J. beer retailer .& butcher, I4 & Ohatterton Joseph, iron worker, 287 Winwick road I6 NIarket street . '. OhaHe.rton RDbert, wire drawer, 27 Howley lane Carlisle Thom&s, butcher, I Percy street· Oheadle John, labourer, I6 Da1.lam lane Carlisle William, fried fish dealer, 33 Fennel street Cheadle Walter, wa;rehouseman, 4 Ernest street . O~ney - , labonrer, I4 Dale· street Cheney Henry, police sergeaIllt, I Hea,ton street, . Carrodioe John, brick setter, I66 Longford street Cheshworth Mrs. Mary A. butcher, 87 Bl1ttermarket st Canodic~ 'ioVilliari:L G. plumber, 30 Gorsey lane Ohester :Mrs. Eliza, tobacconist & brush mao Bridge st Carrick Jo·seph, labourer, 4 ~funley str·eet Cheste,r John E. boot maker, 4 Marsh ,street . Carroll EdWla.rd, labourer, 3I Tanners lane Chester Richard, linesman, I05 Mersey street Canoll Tho.mas, labourer,' 49 Foundry street ChesteT Thomas, laboute-r, 32 Foundry street Carter Alfred, plum:ber,. painter & paperhanger, I3 Chetter Thomas, shopkeeper, I Longford street Upper Bank str,eet Chidlow Charles, hbD1ri'er, 24 Battersby lane. C~ter David, forgeman, IS Dale street Ohilton George, labonrer, I8I Winwick rood Carter :Mrs. Elizh. watch & clock maker, 29 Bridge st Chisnall Peter, householder, 98 Manchesfer road Carter George, labourer, 1'78 Battersby lane Ohorley Mrs. Be·tsy, householder, 8 White. street Carter James, herb beer maker, I3 Scotland road ChGrley John,iron & steel m~rchant, Scotland road.~ Carter James G. manager,59 Knubsford rd. La"tchford office, Butt-erma.rket street. TN 7 8 Carter James & Son, baker:s & corn mecr::s.20&2+Bridge st Chorley 'Matthew, painter '0& plumber, I4 Winwick st· Oa.rter Mrs. Mary & .Alfred,farmers, ffilrr'pers. frm.Padgate Chorley Thomas,plumbelr, I5I Knutsfordrd. Latchford Oarter Richard, householder, 2I2 LongfoTd street Chm-ley William, painter, I33 Knutsford rd. Latchfo':r;d Ca'l'ter Samuel, watch makr. 469 Knutsfordrd. Lakhfrd Ohorley William P. paper merchant & marine ,store Garter ThDmas, tailor, Che,ster rood., GrappenhaU dealel', I54 Man.chester road; o:ffice., 45 & 47 CariBI' Thom.ftJs R. grocer, Knutsford road, Grrappenhall Buttermarket street Carter Thomas Stanley, corn, flour & ~ro- Chrirnes Benjamin, labourer, I27 Orford lane vender merchant, Mersey str~e1:, warring_I Chrimes John, labourer, 48 Hoyle street ton; res. Eversley, Frodsham, Cheshire Ohrimes John, labourer, 3 Kendrick si,reet Oartffio William, planer, 20 Elizabeth street Ohrimes Thomas platelayer, 35 Wakefield street Carter William, tailor, I25 Winwick road Ohurch .In. nuis;nce insp. 7 N]ersey mount, Mersey s~ Carter William H. fruiterer & confectioner, 2 Butter- Ohurchill Patrick, shopkeeper, 30 Pierpoint street market street; res. 46 ~Ianchester road i Olare Alexander, brakesman, 65 Wellfield! street . . WARRINGTO:X 4* :Burton Thomas, manager, 82 Liverpool road :Burton Thomas H. forgeman, 9 Wellfield street .Burton 'iVilliam, farmer, Sankey Hall farm, :Mill lane :Butler J8mes;" signalman, IIO Cartwright street :Butler John, fitter, 44 Priestley street' :.Butler Samuel, iron worker, I64 Liverpool road .Butters Henry, forgeman, 1'69a, Liverpool road :Butterton 'William, boot &'shoe maker, 72 Liverpool I'd :.Butterworth Edward, wire drawer, 2I2 Orford lane :Butterworth Edward, wire drawer, 29 Rolleston street .Butterworth Mrs. Ellen, householder, 97 Padgate lane ::Butterworth James 'iV. engineer, I5 Goulden street ::Butterworth Robert, labourer, I8. General street :.Byerley Robert, coil. of inland revenue, 7 Museum street Byram Arthur, assurance inspector, 2I Wellfield street Byrne Patrick J. newsagt. & tobccnst. 86 Mersey street :.Byrne 'William, pensioner, 54 Battersby lane :.Byron 'William, market gardener, Heath road, Penketh Cade Robert, joiner, 39 Orford lane ·-Caden James, shopkeeper, I33a, Dallam lane 'Caldwell Mrs. Elizh. hsehldr. 286 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Caldwell James, furnaceman, 42 Cockhedge lane Caldwell John, farmer, Orford lane, Orford Caldwell Jonn, joiner, 73 iNew road, Latchford Caldwell John, labourer, 64 Orford lane 'Caldwell John; B. teacher of music, 35 Arpley street -Caldwell Joseph, shopkeeper, 44 Wakefield street Caldwell Mrs. Margaret, 'milk seller, 9 Friars' gate Caldwell Samuel, slater, Golborne street 'Caldwell S:l.muel, slater, 33 Liverpool road 'Caldwell Mrs. Sarah, hsehldr. 599 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Caldwell Thomas, farmer, ]',fartinscroft ·Caldwell Thomas, moulder, I66 Church street Caldwell Thomas, shopkeeper, 80 .Allen street -Caldwell 'i':illia.m:, farmer, Fearnhead " 'Caldwell Wm. JOlller & bldr. 72 Knutsford rd.' Latchford Caldwell William" newsagent, I62 Church street I I 52 ALPHABET• WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S .C lare Arthur, brass founder & general engineer, Friars Collin Mns. Mangaret, househ01de-r, 42 1Vinwick street gr·een; res. Rixton Collin Rcybert, joiner, I Dalton bank Clare Daniel, news agent & tobacconist, 89 Knuts- Collin Rooer,t W. joiner,bui1Jder & contractor, I2Marson st ford road, Latchford Collin'S Gilles', conJ.Q:IJilis,sion ag.ent,365 Knutsford rd.Ltchfrd Clare Edward Nash, ,shopkeeper, 35 Ellesmere street Collins Tlhoanas, tanner, 5 I 3 Knut,sford road, Latchford Qlare Mrs. Hamnah, householder, I2 Batte:rsby lane Colman Samuel, engline,er, IS New road, La-tchford Clare James, clogger, 56 Horsemarket street Condlliffe GeDrge, policeman, 42 Glazebrook street Clare John, l:JJbourer, 67 Lythgoe's lane Connah & Bellion, cycle dealers, I5 Liverpool road &; Clare John, labourer, 80 St. James' street, LatchfO'l:'d Cartwrig.ht street Qlare Joseph, dairyman, I White street Connaughton Michael, boot maker, I5 Church street Clare Joseph, householder, 36 WildJerspool cause- Connery JoIhn, insurance agent, I6 Parker street 'W:alf, Latchford Connolley Fra-nc~s', butcher, 48 Piinner,s brDw Claxe J'Oseph, joiner, 28 New road, Latchford Connol1y Franci,s, butcher, II90rford lane Clare Peter, dining room, II7 Bridge st,reet Connolly Frank, bnt,C'h'e,r, Markiet hall ClM'e Peter, rope & twine manufacturer, 35 HOTsemarket ConnoJIy Hugn, railway inspector, 7 Wellington s,treet 'Stree·t; works, Brick street Connolly Mrls. Julia, householdeT, .C;2 Cartwright street Clare &; Ridgwa~, builders' merchants, saw mill owners CormaI' Edward, funeral undertakEi[', cOla,ch builder & & fiat owners, slate, coaJ., timber &; lime merchants & co,aoh & cab owner, I9 Sankey s,t; works, 30 GDI\lorne shipwrigh,ts Sankey bridges & Winwick st. TN I3 'street & King iSltre,e,t. TN <;I. See advertisement Claxe Samuel, King & Queen inn, 147 Padgate laue Connor John & S,on, cab proprietors, 8I Le,gh street Olare Tlhomas, iron worker, I58 Longfo·rdstreet Connor Mrs. S<Yph~a, hous'eno]der, .C;' Lovely lane Cla;re William, fus,tian cutter, 95 School brow Conroy John, Royal Arms inn, I2 Uppe·r Bank street Clare William, smith, 29 Knutsford road, Latchford Conservative Glub, Penketh; James-Woodward, s,ec-retary Cla;rk Aaron, farmer, Woolston Conserva,tive Club, Sankey; street; William Owen, treas. ;; O'lRrk John, confectioner & dining room ke.eper, 22 Geo-rge PilliIllg', s,ec.; Ge,or,ge "'"atkins, club manager Buttermarket 'street ConwayMJidhael, engine·er, 3I Ghdstone street Olark Joseph. H. clerk, 202 Wilderspool oausewy.Latchfrd Conway Pat,rick, farmer, Burton woo-d C1Jail"k William, launplighter, I3 Old road, Latchford Cook Mrs'. .!!doliphine, tOlba,cconist, II5 Sankey stre,et Clarke Andrew, la,bourEi[', 44 Elizabeth street Cook Alfred, farmeT, Oow'lane, Great Sankey Clarke David, = y qua<rter master, I42 Wilde,rspool Cook Miss Bertha, shopkeeper, 37 Howley lane causeway, Latchford Cook Oharles, coal; diealer, Brook street. Clarke Miss Elizabeth, householder, 60 Parker street Cook MI'1s. Eliza, LondDn Bridge inn, Stockton heath Clarke George, scho-olma,ster, Great Sa-nkey Oook George', boot mak,er, 5'5I Knutsf,ord road, Latchford Clarke George, taJJ1lle,r, 306 KnutoSfo-rd Toad, Latchford Cook George, farmer, Orford farm, Orford Clarke John, grocer, I48 Orford laneCook Henry, farmer, ThelwaU Clarke John, smith, 26 Ashton street Coo-k J'Ohn, farmer, Thelwall Clarke Mrs.Mary,hous·eholder, 3IO Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Cook John,greengro'cer, I9 Crossley s,tree·t ClaTke Mrs. Mary A. apartments, 29 Cairo st,reet Cook John, householder, Bold view, Penke,th Olarke Nathaniel J. oairpenter, 35 Knut,sfo(l'd rd. Lakhfrd Cook J,o!seph, butcher, 7'8 Mersey street Clarke Ralph., ·sn:tith, 28 Battersby lane Cook Mrs. MaNiha, beer reta:iJler, 36 Brick street Clarke Rober,t, sawyer, 78 Church street Cook Natlhan, wire drawer, 90 W,ellfield street Clarke Thomas" la,bo-urer, 27 Lair"al street Cook Peter, fa=er, .!!shton'·s far:m, Grea-t Sankey Clarke William, policeman, I6 Egerton st,reet Cook Richard, painter, 4'6 Knuilsd'ord road, Latchford Clarkson Joseph, ,soldier, I29 Orfo-rd lane Oook R~ht. genera'l dlr. ,,8 Wilder,smool causewaY,Latchfrdi Cla.tworlhy William, engraver, 20 Lo-vely bne Cook Thomas, fa,rmer, Tl~elllCO'll'S faTID, Penketlh Clay Geor,ge, marble mason (William &; Ola.y), 4 Oook ThO!lllias, farmer, Holly House farm, Great Sankey Or'Osfield street Cook Thoma,s', farmer, T:helwaJ[.l Clay Isaiah, puddler, 23 Wakefield stree,t Cook T<nomaJs, houseno]der, 87 Oalltwright street Clayton Edmund, labourer, I2 Wakefield street Cook W:iIlliam, bUhcb.-,er, I5 S~. James .st.; res. 56 Clayton Mrs. Ellen, ,gro,cer, Croft Knutsford road, Latchford Cllllyton George, forgeman, 7 Mill lane Co,ok WciJJliiaill, farmer, Ro:OOnson's farm, P,enketh Clay,ton Henry, plumber, Irlam stree,t; res. 230! Cook WiHiam Beard, s,choo1ma,&t<er, T:helwall Manche'ster road Cooke eharle,S', photographer & toibacconis,t, 50 Parker Clayton John, labo-ureT, roo Longford street ,streelt & :';5 Sankey str€Jet Olayton John, liberal registmtion agent, 69 Bewsey Oooke Fredk. G. teetlh e:xMactor, 6 Parker st. & Sankey st street.; res. 54 Padgate lane Cook€J Jo'hn Henry, labourer, I6<; Orfo'l"d lane, ClaytDl1 Joseph, labourer', I78 Knutsford road, Latchford, Cookisey J,ols'eph, fitting maker,' 227 LiverpO'ol road Cla.yton William, labourer, I3 Gua;rdian street I Cookson Oharles, stDker, 27 Aillgard street Cleaver John, carter, 28 Elizabeth street Cookison Edwin, stoker, 2I AJlJJgard str:eet Clegg Edwin T. assistant, 30 Golboa:'Ile stree,t Cookson Harry, clerk, I27 Lovely lane Clegg Mrs. Elizabeth, ·shopkeeper, I8 Gaskell 3treet Coop Mr:s. Elizabetlh Ann, Hop Pole inn,49 Hm.semarket st Clegg W,illiam., draper, Church st.; res,. 55 Marsh Ho. la Cooper Mrs. Ann, hons'ehoMer, 6 Mount street Clegg William, draper, 3 Irlarrn str·e<et Cooper Charles engine driver, I84 Bat,te·rs'by lane Clema Peter, labonrer, 35 GuaiJ."dian street. Co-oper Charlels', shopkeeper, Liverpool road Cliff EmanueJ,gardener, 2I GuaTdian street Coope'r & Co. fustian cutteDs, Bewsey str'eet Oliffe James, fruiterer, 33 Butterm.arket st'l'ee,t Cooper Jame:s', clerk, Paagate lane, Padgate Cliffe James R. xabo,urer, II Ca,rtwright street Oooper Jame;s, labourer, II4 Liv-erpool road Cliffe Samuel, signalman, 3So Knutsford road, Latchford Cooper John, farmer, T'an House farm, Bur.ton wood Cliffe Thomas, tanner, 9 Robson ,street Cooper JoIhn, grocer & SUb-poistmrus,ter, Higher Walton Clifton Alfred, labourer, 40 N,ew road, La,tehfO'rd Co,oper . J:ohn:, iha\y & straw d!eaoler, Bewsey stre,et, Clifton Richard, marine store deaLer, Bridge Foot ;res. Hlgiher W·alton Clooney :Michael J. 'bus dTiver,I27 Knutsford rd.Latohfrd Oooper John, labourer, 38 Wash lane, Latchford Clough Edward, me·ter iruspector, 45 Orford street Cooper J,ohn, po.liceman, 273 Knuhsd'ord road Latchford Olough Henry, labourer, 63 Aikin street Cooper John., WIredrawer, 26 Wakefield s,tr~et Clough John., manager, 4I Gollborne-str€Jet Cooper Jos'eph, farmer, Acto'll grange Clough Robert, for~man, 3 Beamont street Coo,per Ro!bt.C.a,ssistant,86 Wilder,spo-ol causeway,Ltchfrd ClDugh Samuel, paInter, 3 A:1bert ,stl'eet Cooper ThQlillas, hawker, 94 LongfDrd street Clover George, cabinet maker, 38 Parker street Cooper Tlb.oanas, rublber worker 66 Eiles,mere street Coady JamelS, range maker, 9 Knut,siord road, Latchford Cooper Wi1Jliam, 1:lOuseholdoeT 330 Knntsford rd.Latchford CoaJt~s William, draper & outfitter, IO iFriars ga.te Oooper Wti:lliam, pork butche~ I~ Buttermarket street Oobb Mr,s. Mary, shopkeeper, 4 Beatl'ice' street, Latchford Cooper Wi11iam, shunter 2 G~sll:,ell stree,t Cookin John, weiglher, 7 Guardian street Cope William, puddler, 77 .Aikin s:tl"ee:t C0ckin ThomaJs, bo~ter down, 30 Howard street Copeland John, joiner, 13 KnuBsford road, Latchford Coffey Mrs. Cathterme, househoMer, 58 Tanners lane Coppack W·i1liam, ReO' Lion inn, S,toektoIl heath COglgtins' John, but,dfre1", 55 Winwick street COTibett Thomas, foreman, The Cottage, Orford Cole Edmund, la~ourer, 26 ErneJst street Co,rcoran J'ohn, brewer, I9 Marsh House lane Coley George, Wll'e worker, 8 Man1Jey street Cord'W€1Jl JO's'eph, gre.engrocer, IS'2 Winw'ick road O~ley John, bolte: idown, 7 Maniler street CO'l'dweWl M'I'ls. Mar:garet, ,househoQder, 2IO Longford st Coley Thoana,g., WilI'e worker, 32 Leaoester street Corfield Mlrs. Ann, househo,ld'er, 86 Cathel'ine, street Co~ed,ge Joseph, wa.tehmaker, {""1 ~ew<!;'ey road Corfield :JI4'r1~. Eirnma, hous,eholdeT, 82 Ev,elyn s'treet Coli~y George, lllJbourer, 9'1 Cartrwrlght ,street Corker WiJIliam, beer retailer, L01llgford 8,tree:t Ool1~er W'estle~, ~ravener, 30 KnuBsford road, Latchford Oorlesls ~odhae[, la,bourer, 3 .Alilffin-s,tre'et Col:lin Henry, lomer, 27 Beamont street Corle·ss Ml"S Sarah A. householder, 20 Cairo st-reet l, DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. ALPHABET. 63 03rner :'.ks-. Eaizabeth, hOUiseho]der, 12 Pierpoint street Crosby Thomas, labourer, 44 Queen street I Grosby William H. shopkeeper, 173 Orford iane Corney Alfred, s.dhoohnaster, 5 Allen street Cornev Henrv, King',s- Arms inn, :;2 Butterm-arket street Crosfieild Arthur H. soa,p manufacturer (Jo'seph Orosneld Cornforth -Walter W. teacher, I.32 Church street & Sons), Waitton Lea, nea,r Warrin,.,oion CGrpo-ra.tion Public Baths (Arthur G. Barlow, superin- Orosfield John J.P. soap manufacturer (Joseph Grosfield tendent), Le,Q,'h street & Sons), Walton Lea, nea,r 1Varrington Corradine James,sihiing[er, 18} Liv-expool road Orosfield John J. soap manufaoturer (Joseph Orosfield & Corrin Mrs. Sane, hom;-efuol}der, 29 Rohson street Sons), Nether Lea, Frodsham Cosgrove J-ohn, foreman, 1I7 Orford lane Orosfield Joseph & Sons" s-oap & silicate of soda manuCosgrove J ahn, ware'hou;seman, 168 Orford lane facturer,s, Bank Quay. T N 21; T A " Orosfield, Cosgrove M~ss Julia" drelS'&lllaker, I 17 Orford lane Warrington" DosteI-loe Thomas, soldie-r, I04 LOIll,;,oimd street Oross Evan, shopkeeper, Penketh Cottalill J Clseph, wire drawer, r85 Longford street Cr-oss John, butcher, 2 Corporation st. & Golden square Cottam Yfrs. Mary, householder, 37 Hopwood street Oross John, butcher, Market han Cottan Jame,s'"carting contrador, 165 Bewsey road Oross John, painter, 17 Howley lane Catterill C!h-arle1s, householder, 6 Aabert street Oross John, wood turner, 16 Rose & Crown street _Cotterill;; Charle,s, hous-e'hQlder, 41 Selby street Oro·ss John, jun. butcher, 75 Priestley street CotteI'i.ll John, insur?nce agent, 7'_5 Bewsey road Cross Joseph, wood turner, 31 KIlutsfordi rd. Latchford Cotterln Joseph, raIlway servant, 32 Wilder-spool cause- Cross Lewis, joiner, 7 Robson stree-t way, Latchford Cros,s Thus-s Margaret Aim, heer retailer, 23 '\Vinwick street Cotton Benjarnrin, clerk, 27 Thynne ,stree·t Oross Mark, boot maker, St·ockton Heath Cotton Charles, engineer & hlacIDsmHih, Mottram'iSya.rd, Oross T. & W. joiners' & builders·, Roneston \S'treet ScotJ!and road; re-s·. 53 ,\YaUrer street Cross; Thomas, brick setter, 36 Nicholson ·street ' Cotton Mrs. Eliza, dres's- & mantile maker I'58 Ohurc:h st Cro&& Walter, builder (Cross' W. & T.), 19 Gladstone st Cotton John, engineer, 50 Ashton street Cross William, shopke,eper, 2 Dudley ,s-treet .cotton Samuel1., meehamc, 15'8 Ohur.ch street Crosskill William, timekeeper, II3 Liverpool road Co,tton 1Valter, rubiber worker, 13 Wellington street Crosskill Wilmot, wire drawer, 29 Cartwright street Cot,ton 1Vi1liam., fir'eman, 81 Hovlestreet Crossley Thomas, file grinder, 306 Manchester road Cotton W!illiam, mechanic, Ebenez'er place, Le,gh street Crouch John, furnaceman, 22 Gould~n street eottr-ell Hen:ry, house!hoJ!der, South view, Litt':e Sankey Orowe Richard, labourer, 40 Elizabeth street Co,ttrela J,osenih Wilham, labourer, 06 Cartwrigilit street Crowther James, wire drawer, 23 MiN lane Cothg'hlan Lawrence, sawye-r, I Ezerton stre-et Oruickshank James, foreman, IO Dial street 'Oaurtney Wm. hoU!seholder, 585 Knut,sford rd. Latc:hfor-d Orutchley Mrs. Laura, hous,eholder, 34 Allen street COUlsius Tho,mas, labourer, 10'1 S,cihoo; brow Oullen Mr,s. Mary, householder, 12 Allen street Cowap Hervert, pa,inter, 51 :Mers-ey street Oullen 'William, labourer, 5 Welilington street Cowdell Thomas, house, estate ~& insurance agent, 45 Culm James, wire drawer, 20 Froghalliane Scot~aITd rd. ; res. 38 Knutsford rd. Latchford. See advt Ounliffe In. Tattersall Lim. tanners, Holmesfield tannery. Cox George, police inspect·or, 12 Eg-erton street Rowley Quay. T A" Curilliffe, Warrington" Cox John, grocers? travelle-r, 2 Thynne street Cunliffe Mrs'. Mary, householder, 22 St. James st.Ltchfrd Cox Samuel, hous'eiho~der, 71 Prud,gate lane Ounningham Mrs. Bridget, ale & porter bottler, Orown st Cox 1Villiam, ):lork bubch'er, Market haN Cunningham Mrs. Bridget, shopkeeper, 2 Turner street Cox W,iIlliam, pork butcl1er, 5'l Winwick street & 22 Watkin street Coyne Ferrgus, la,bourer, 31 Guardiian stree-t Cunnington Elijah, furniture broker, 31 Kerfoot street 'Coyne John, iron worker, 22 Winwick road Curley Francis, asphalter, 40 Glazebrook street Craddoek Henry, for·eman, 172 Battersby lane Craddoek John W. Vine inn; Lyme st. & 2 Market street Curran Jo;shua, tailors' cutter, 463 Knutsfo,rd rd. Ltchfrd Curran Robert O.E. architect & surveyor, Market Gate Craddoek Jolhn 1Vil1iam Green, manager, 6 Bewsey road chambers; Holyrood, Grappenhall Craddoek Thomrus, painter, 8 Edgewortih stre-et C-raik James G. tailor & c:lothier, '16 Buttermarket st.; Dagnall Joseph, file cutter, I04"Vinwick s,treet Dagnall Thomas, sexton, 22 Blue Ooat str,eet relS'. 220 Manchelster road Craik J\Irs-. Lucy,draper & pawnbrolMr,38 Buttermarketst Daintith Hen:ry, Rope & Anchor, Woolston Crampton Paul P. drap~r {>, miHiner, 2 Horsemarket st Daintith James, beer retailer, Burton Wood . CraWipton Tl:ws. pro'ViSiion dlr. IO Bridge st. ; res.Arpley st Daintith James, blacksmith, & registrar of births & deaths for RixtoIl district, Woolston Cra,mpton WiIlliamJ, builllders-' mer,dhant, 58 Parker s-treet Daintith James, farm bailiff, Grappenhall Cranks Jam€Js, fried :fish dealer, 27 Wcinwick street Daintith John, householder, 10 Park lane ·Crannigan Jam€1s',po~tman, IO Wake-field street Daintith Joseph, blacksmith & wheelwright, Oroft Oraske' ~eury, beer retailer, Litv:e Sankey Daintith Joseph, joiner, 156 Manchester road Crawford G'eorge, beer retailer, 2 Friars' green Daintith Richard, milliner, 47 Sankey street 'Crawley William, eloof,rician, 86 Battersby la.ne Daintith Robert H. ca&hier, 28 Oairo street Crawshaw Albert, forgeman, 180 Long.ford street Daintith Thomas, farmer, 'Woolston Creiglhton Wii!lJiam, baker, 5 King- street Daintith Thomas, gun mao & cycle dlr. 82 Bridge st ,Dreik Joseph, manager, 37 Arpley street Daintith William, j-oiner, 96 Manchester road CI'llnes MM'. Margaret, honsehoIder, 30 Church street Dakin Alfred' & Co. tanners, Knutsford road tannery. Critchley George, wire drawer, 21 Rob-son street CritciMey Henry, dairyman, Padga.te Grappenhall Dakin & Banks, cheese factor-s', 31 Horsemarketstreet Crit,chley H-enry, engine driver, "iB Walker s,treet Drite-Illey Henry, farmer, Padgate Dakin Joseph, engine driver, Orford I'oad Critehley Jame's, tailor & olothier, 6 BoW street Dakin Mrs-. Mary, berlin wool dealer, 10 School brow Dritchley Jesse, clerk, 18 Marson street Dakin Thomas, brush maker, 13 Greenall street Crite-hley Joseph, clerk, 232 Manchester road Dale George, forgeman, 94 Cartwright street Critchley Thomas, forarnan, 18 Froghall lane Dale Harry, musician, IO Orford avenue Critchley Thos. Higher Angel inn, 25 Buttermarket st Dale Mrs. Rebecca, IIl.illliner, 20 Mill street Critchley William, farmer, Burton Wood Dale Richard, draper, 82 Priestley street Crocker J o,seph, joiner, 133 Mers,ey stre'et Dale Richard, grocer & baker, 36 Parker street Croft Edmund, boot maker, 126 Bridge street Dale Thomas, greengrocer, 76 Priestley street Croft Mrs. Sarah, householder, 36 Percy str,eet Dalrymple James, pattern moulder, 209 Orford lane Crofts John, iron worker, 26 Powys' street Dalton John C. manager, 136 Bridge street Cromer '\Vrulter, soldier, 26 Gorsey iaue Dalton Peter, boot maker, 6 Horsemarket ,street; res. C-rompton Mrs. Elizabeth, apartments, 48 Legh street 35 Dixon stree,t Crompton Mrs. Louisa, houseMdr.63 Kuutsford rd.Ltchfd Daly Miss Agnes, confectioner, Rylands street Crompton Robert, clerk, II Marsh street Daly John, shopkeeper, 43 Old road, Latchford Crompton Thomas, Blackburne Arms, Market place, Daly & Laugbridge, boot makers, II2 Bridge- ,street Corporation street Daly William, labourer, 5 Ros-e place Crompton Walter, printer (AsMon & Crompton), Fsrn- Danbury William, carter, 52 Brick street dale, Grappenhall Daniels Daniel, shopkeeper, 13 V\Tinwick road Crook Robert, railway porter, 29 Walker street Daniels Edwin, tool maker, Yew Tree' cQottage, Penketh Crookes William, labourer, 49 Laira street Daniels' J a.mes, labourer, 90 Manchester road Crooks Albert, cooper, 7 Eustace street Daniels John T. tobacconist, 123 Sankey street; res. Crooks Edwin, wire drawer, 24 Wellfield street 19 Walker street Crosby Mrs. Betty, farmer, Cuerdley Daniels Walter, shopkeeper, 31 PinneT's- brow Crosby Mrs. Jane, farmer, Great Sankey Darbyshire Thomas, beer retailer, 23 Fennel street Crosby Joseph, upholsterer, 15 Kendrick street Dark Mr,s. Elizabeth, householder, 15 Percystreoo I 54 ,ALPHABET. WARRI GTON. Darlington Thomas, shopkeeper, Heath rO,ad, Penketh Darton George H. foreman, 52 Bewsey street Daulby Frederick, labourer, 20 WakefiekL street Daulman Samuel, painter & paper hanger, 58 Wilderspool causeway,Latchford Davenport Charles W. builder, contractor, blacksmith & wheelwright, Stockton Heath Davenport George, blacksmith, 67 Haydock street Davenport Mrs. Hannah, householder, 48 Rolleston street Davenport Henry, farmer, Lady lane, Croft Davenport Samuel, ironmonger, 37 Green street Davenport Samuel, ironmonger, Market halil. Davenport William, coachman, 4 Henry street Davenport William, householder, Park view, Penketh Davey Samuel G. grocer, 9 Winmarleigh ,street ,Davidson Christopher, loan offices, Orford street Davidson William, estate & commission agent, I King street; res. Oak house, Thelwall Davidson William, farmer, Thelwall Davies Charles, labourer, I6 Edward street Davies David, labourer, I3 Manley street Daviesl Edward A. fitter, 88 Mersey street Davies Mrs. Eliza, schoolmistress, II Priestley street Davies Emmanuel, brick 'setter, 39 Longford· street Davies George, labourer, 32 Ashton street Davies Herbert, greengrocer, 29 Winwick road Davies James, puddler, 47 Catherine street Davies James, rag picker, 33 King street Davies John, Bath hotel, 56 Sankey street Davies John. fireman, 36 Garibaldi ,street Davies John, ha.ir dresser, 62 Tanners' lane Davies Jos,eph, beer retailer, P,enketh Davies Mrs. Kate, tin & copper smith, 6 Lyme street Davies Llewel!l.yn; foreman, 48 Nicholson street Davies Mrs. Lydia, shopkeeper, Penketh Davies Mis's Martha Jane, householder, 63 Wake£eld st Davies Mrs. Mary, householder, 567 Knutsford rd.Ltchfrd Davies, Percy & Forshaw, solicitors, commissioners for oaths" solicitors to the Liv·erpoO'l Incorporated Trade Protection Society, & insurance agents, 2 King street Davies Percy, solicitor (Percy Davies & Forshaw), 2 King stree,t; res. Fir grove, Grappenhall Davies R. Kirkcornlel (Davies & Burgess, solicitor,s & . insurance agents), Market place Davies Richard, ironworker, 42 Parker street Davies Robert,solicitor (R. Davies & Co.), &; commissioner for oaths, perpetual commis,sioner, clerk to the Gmmmar School, & visiting justice of Haydock Lodge Lunatic Asylum, Market place; res. Burch daile, Stockton Heath Davies Rowland, ,smith, 76 Ellesmere street ,Davies Samuel, baker & flour dealer, I5 Wellington st Davies Thomas, chain maker, Mottram's yard·, Scot~and rd Davies Tho·mas, foreman, 8 Fennel 'street Davies Thomas, puddler, 6I Catherine street Davies'Thomas, shopkeeper, 32 Howley lane Da~es Thc;s. H. stationmaster, Station ho.Sankey bridges :DaVIes Vere Beamont, solicitor (R. Davies & Co.), Market place Davies William, coppe,r & tin smith, King s,treet Davies William, tinplate worker, 34 Church street Da~es Williaan C. iron turner, 40 Ashton street Dav~s George, clerk, 24 Bewsey road Dav~s, Jabez, ironworker, I4 Arthur street DaVIson James', labourer, 38 Aikin street Davison William, househo:der, 23 Gladstone street Jlawber John, ,shopkeeper, 2 Bramhall street Dawson Robert, carter, I63 Longford· str,eet Dawson Thomas, cooper, 74 Priestley street Daxon James, farmer, Orchard farm, Croft Daxon John, farmer Ovenback farm, Croft Daxon Samuel, Joiners' Arms, Croft Day Joseph Henry, soldiier, I56 Orford lane Day William, labourer, 46 Academy street Dayu~ Price, lead maker, 7 Regent street Deak:n Arthur, baker, 72 Cartwright ,street Deak:n James, labourer, 46 New road, Latchford Deakm John, glass maker, 23 Liverpool road Dean Henry, shopkeeper, 2 Chorley str,eet 1Jean Henry Thomas', compositor, I6I Liverpool road .Dean John. r~staurant keeper, 6 Peter s-tr-eet Dean John, Wlre drawer, 7 Academy street Dean Stephen, farmer, The Poplars, Orford Deas James, manager, 35 Folly lane Deaville Stephen, manager, 33 Winwick street Delaney Cornelius, wire worker, 7 Whittle street Delavante Mrs. .Ann Mary, householder, 54 Bewsey st De~ Francis J. plumber & painter, 30 Sankey street De"ooze Oharles, lob-ourer, IIO Pierpoint s1reet Delooze Mrs. Esther, shopkeeper, II Watkins street Delooze George, chimney sweeper, I9 Winwick road [SLATER'S Delooze Henry, chimney sweeper, 108. Wi:r:wick street Delooze Richard, wire bundler, I8 Plerpomt street Delooze William, chimney sweeper,. Winwick street. Demit John labourer, 298 Liverpool road Denby .Albe;t, melter, I56 Liverpool road Denby Charles, melter, I58 Liverpool road Denham Edward J. householder, 43 Lovely lane Denham Richard, clerk, I6 Lovely lane Denmaid Thomas, householder, ro8 Lythgoes lane Dennett John warehouseman, I9 Priestley street Dennett Joseph, warehouseman, 5 Howley l~ne Dennett Peter, tool maker, 33 Knutsford road, Latchford Denton Peter, galvanizer, 62 Howard: stre,et De Prez Charles, plumber, Moore De Prez Henry C. pain! er & assistant overseer forMoore & Acton Grange tuwnships, Moore De Prez William R. registrar & relieving officer for Blldworth district, Runcorn union, Lower Walton Derby James, signalman, 5 Ernest street Derbyshire William, carder, I8 Egerton street Dermody Peter, labourer, 56 Tanners l~ne Develin Patrick, police sergeant, 136 LIverpool road Dewhurst Henry, forgeman, 2I Howard street Dewhnrst John, schoolmaster, School house, Church S1; Dick William, correspondent, Bewsey ter.. II9 Bewsey rai. Dickens Miss Fanny, milliner,I38 Knutsford rd.Latchfo:?:Y.: Dickens William, clerk, I38 Knutsford road, Latchford Dickenson James, wire worker, I7 Guardian street Dickinson George, householder, 65 Nicholson street Dickinson Mrs. Harriet, householder, 50 Orford lane Dickinson John, labourer, 26 Foundry stre<>t Dickinson John, tailor, 36 St. James' street, Latchford Dickinson Nathaniel, labourer, 4I Foundry street Dickinson Thomas, slater, 7 Edward street Dickinson Waddington, labourer, 82 Battersby lane Diggett Isaiah, iron worker, 48 Garibaldi street Diggle William, householder, I9 Wellingto[l street Dignum John, agent for Jonathan Blundell & Sons, col~ liery proprietors, 27 Gee street; residence, Penketh Dillon John, labourer, II Manley street Dillon ""Villiam, rope maker, I4 Priestley street Dilworth John, mechanic, 2 Marsh street Dimelow James, fireman, I7 Manley street Dimelow William, fireman, 74 Wellfield street Dimmelow William W. clerk, 9I Bewsey road Dimmock Henry, wira drawer, 62 Wellfield street Dingley Gregory, foreman, 5 Hoyle street Dinwiddie Thomas, tobacconist, 49 Bridge street Ditchfield Harry, tanner, 10 Derby street Ditchfield James, parish clerk, Thelwall Ditchfield John, tanner, 63 Howley lane Ditchfield Reuben B. agent, Leigh villas, Knutsford road, Grappenhall Ditchfield Thos. linesman, 146 Knutsford rd. Latchford Ditchfield Thos.mrkt. gardnr. Knutsford rd.Grappenha1JJ. Ditchfield William, farmer, Penketh hall, Penketh Dixon .Anthony, joiner, 37 Marsh House lane Dixon Charles, :file maker, 37 Garibaldi street Dixon James, farmer, Croft Dixon .John, telegraph inspector; 222 Manchester road Dixon John, window blind maker, 9 Wilderspool cause-way, Latchford Dixon John F. M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surg. I Arpley SF Dobbins John R. fitter, 77 Liverpool road Dobbins John R. shopkeeper, 8I Liverpool roan Dobson Benjamin, cabinet makr. 17 River rd. Latchford1 I Dobson Frederick C. iron worker, 33 Catherine street Dobson Hamlet, moulder, I7 Walker street Dobson Henry, forgeman, 5 Pierpoint street Dobson Jas. gas inspector, 62 Knutsford rd. Latchfora' Dobson John, shopkeeper, 59 Liverpool road Dobson Joseph, draughtsman, I6 Froghall lane Dobson Joseph, moulder, 43 Orford street Dobson Philip, engi]leer, 23 Kendrick street Dobs.on Robert, draper, hosier &; dress maker, 11 & I3 Bndge street; residence, 25 Stanley place Dobson Robert, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, Golden square; residence, 25 Stanley street Dodd George, farmer, Rose farm, Moore I Dodd Henry, farmer, Ford farm, Lower ,Walton Dodd James, forgeman, 24 Percy street Dodd Mrs. Jane, shopkeeper, 55 Legh street Dodd Josiah, wire heater, 47 Wellfield street Dodd Moses, coal dealer, Jockey street Dodd Samuel, fireman, I I Park place Dodd Sa;m.uel, w~re worker, I5 CartWright street Dodd WIlham, WIre worker, I77 Winwick road Dolan Brothers, tailors, I I Horsemarket street Dolan Joseph, joiner &; builder, Cockhedge lane; residence, 39 Church str'eet Dolan & Page E. J. tailors & clothiers, 4I Bridge street DIRECTORY.] "~ARRINGTON . ALPHABET. 55 Eccleston ThO'lllas, compositor, 7 :Beamont street Dolan Thomas, labourer, 173 vVinwick road Eckersley Joseph, baker & flour, hay & straw dealer, Domville Peter, farmer, Burton "Wood 85 Bridge street Doncaster John, glass maker, 82 vVilderspool causeEckersley Moses; chemist & dentist, 33 Bridge ;:treet way, Latchford Doncaster John B. hair dresser, 4a, Market street; Eckersley Robert, overlooker, 92 Longford street EckersoJey William, fitter, 69 New road, Latchford residence, 12 St. Mary's street, Latchford Eddovves & Co. LilTlited, mineral water manuDonlan Michael, cab driver, 7 Mount street facturers, Scotland Road vvcrks; James Donoghue Mrs. Mary, householder, 31 Hopwood street Waldron, 'secretary Dooley John, french polisher, 3 Golborne street Ede William, railway detective, I Nicholson street ' Dooley Mrs. Mary, householder, 9 Suez street Dooley William, coal merchant, 188 Manchester road; Edersten J. A. tool maker (John EdelSten & Son), 31 Bold s,treet office, Marson street Edelsten John - & Son, pin, file & tool manufacturers, Doughty Edward, householder, 47 Wakefield street Douglas Robert C. wire drawer, 19 Liverpool road Mersey works, Knutsford road, Latchford. T A Dowling William, householder, 42 Golborne street "Ede'lstens, War-l'ington" Down Thomas John, manager of Wilderspool brewery, Edelsten Mr.s. Lois, hous'e'holder, 8 Tanners' lane Eden J,ohn· T. foreman, 12 H{)ward stree·t ' Lower Walton Downes Alfred, newsagent, I Church street Eden ~uis T. signalman, 85 WeNrreld street Downie, Mrs. Jessie, householder, 182 Winwick road Eden Miss Mary, householder, 9 'Vash lane, Latchford Downs John, mechanic, 41 Nicholson street Eden William, labourer, 27 Howard street Dowsett William, joiner, 13 Lovely lane Edga,r Mrs. Elizabeth A. householder, 57 Orford street Draper John, tanner, 43 Padgate lane Edgar Peter, shopkeeper, 121_ Winwick road Drew Thomas, engine driver, 28 Howard street Edge George, mechanic, -62 'Priestley street Dua:ine James, labourer, 9 Howard street Edge Joseph R. j{)iner, 19 Marsh House lane Duckworth James, draper,_I6 Napier street Edgerley Jas. cabinet mao &c.· :Broadhurst cot. Penketh Duckworth Mrs. Margaret, boot maker, 44 Allen street Edmonds Thomas, newsagent, 21 Powys street Duckworth Thomas, vanman, 36.Marsh House lane Edmondson Thomas, sub-editor, 216 Manche.~r road Duckworth Thomas, wire drawer, 25 Mill lane Edwards Albert, mantle cutier, 39 Marsh street Edwards Charles, labourer, 15 Catherine street Dudson John, labourer, 2 Ernest street Edwards' Edward, coachman, 50 A'Nen street Dugdale Richard, constable, 303 Liverpool road Dumbell Albert, hair dresser, 4 King street Edwards Edward, mason, 123 Knutsford road, Latchford Dumbill John, tanner, 6 Glazebrook street Edwards l'fdward, shopkeeper, 49 Longford street Edwards Edwin, engineer, 3 Battersby lane Dunabin Thomas, cabinet maker, Chapel road, Penketh Edwards Mrs. Eleanor, householder, I I Garibaldi street Dunbabim David, stoker, 23 Nicholson street Dunbabin James, drapers' assistant, 16 Arpley street Edwards ~Liss Elizabeth, bootmaker, 8 Market street Edward'S J. & T. grocel.'s & provision dealers, go WinDunbabin Samuel, labourer, 35 Cairo street wick street & 23 Buttermarketstreet; & butchers, 46 Dunbabin William, farmer, Moore Green street; & grocers & butcher.s', 2 St. James' Dunbobbin George, joiner, 16 New road, Latchford street & I Wllderspool causeway, Latchford Duncan David, householder, 41 Padgate lane Dunham John, Dargeman, 299 Knutsford rd. Latchford Edwards John, boil'er feedel', 38 Priestley street Dunmore John, householder, 60 Bewsey road Edwards John, carter, 4 Percy street Dunn Alfred, traveller, 24 Lovely lane Edwards John, coal dealer, 34 New road, Latchford Dunn Daniel, shopkeeper, 306 Liverpool road Edwar<£s John, miner, 62 Pierpoint s·treet Edwal.'ds John, railwy. inspctr.s81 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Dunn James, clerk, 52 Manchester road Edwards Joshua, labourer, 59 Orford street Dunn John, brewer, 3 Egypt street Dunn Samuel, forgeman, 2 Wellfield street Edwards P-ryce B. 'fitter, 30 Glazebrook street Dunn William James, hosier& shirt maker, 36 Sankey st Edwartls Thomas, _brake,sman, 60 Selby street Dunn Mrs.Winifred,househldr.I56Knutsford rd.Latchford Edwards Thomas, fireman, '47 Priestley street Dunne Frank, boot & shoe maker, 6 Manchester road Edwards Thomas, household:er, 6 Robson street Edwards Th{)mas, shunter, 56 Cartwright street Dunsmuir Robert R. manager, 71 Manchester road Edwards Walter, c1erk, 179 Longford s,treet DunvilleJohn, farmer, Cow lane, Great Sankey Edwards William, bricksetter, 172 Mancheste-r toad Dunville John, painter, 14 Milner street Edward!son Edward,wire drawer, 36 Bewsey road Dunville Luke, farmer, Woolston Edwardson James, wheelwright, 49 Catherine street Durkin John, forgeman, 26 King street Edwardson John, wire drawer, 6 Goulden street Dutton Daniel, traveller, 44 Arpley street Dutton Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 2 Catherine street Egerton: Charle·s, labourer, 2 Garibaldi street Egerton Thomas, shopkeeper, 28 Marsh House lane Dutton Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 2 Dial street Dutton Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 31 Wilderspool, Eggerton William, iron worker, 63 Catherine street Eggin Francis, sh{)pkeeper, II5 Sharp street causeway, Latchford Ellam William, postman, 25 Robson street Duttoll Israel, wire rope maker, 43 Hoyle street Dutton J. & W. drapers, silk mercers, house furnishers, Ellert{)n Frank, music teacher, 84 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd tailors, milliners, dress & mantle makers, 16 & 18 Elliott Charles, wire· drawer, South view, Little Sankey Elliott John W. clerk. 129 Knutsford road, Latchford Sankey street & 59 Bridge street Dutton Jas. draper (J. & W. Dutton) Bleak ho. Lymm Elliott Mrs. Sarah,householder,I66 Knutdord rd.Ltchfrd Ellis Aolbert, butcher, 124 Mersey street Dutton James, draper Sankey street Ellis Edward, file cutter, 22 St. Mary str2et,Laichfe.rd Dutton James W. timekeeper, 14 Garibaldi street Ellis James, groom, 2 St. Austin's lane Dutton John, shopkeeper, 2 Philip street Ellis Joseph, rope maker, 21 Nicholson street Dutton John, ticket collector, 161 Orford lane Ellis Mrs. Mary, householder, 79 Lythgoe's lane Dutton Peter, labourer, 54 Cartwright street Ellis Thomas, signalman, 3 Nicholson Sltreet Dutton Mrs. Phoebe, householder, 30 Parker street EJrlis Wihiam, platelayer, 54 Hoyle &treet Dutton Robert H. householder, 8 Wellington street Dutton Thomas, wheelwright & blacksmith, BurtonWood Ellison David, tanner, 36 Cartwright street ETIriJson Mrs.Elizabeth,blacksmith & whe-elwright,Thelwlill Dutton .Walter, puddler, 62 Haydock street Dutton William, Bowling Green House inn, 44 Liverpl. I'd Ellison Herury, bricksetter, 20 Percy street Ellison Henry, householder, 5 Frogha:ll lane Dyke -'-, shopkeeper, 56 Garibaldi street ElLison James·, fishmonger, Market hall; res.23 Percy st Dykes Edward, labourer, 35 Hopwood street Eliison John, labourer, 40 Napier street Dykes Mrs. Ellen, householder, 30 Foundry street Ellison Luke, boot & shoe maker, & sub-postmaster, 539 Dykes Thomas, puddler, 7 Dale street . Knutsford! road, Latchf.ord Dyson John, joiner, 72 Mersey street Dyson Wm. day gardener, 285 Knutsford rd. Latchford ERison Thomas, commis'sion agent, 35 Legh street Ellison Thomas, labourer, 13 POWY's street Earley James, spinner, 34 Battersby lane Ellison Thomas, labourer, 30 St. James' st. Latchford Eastens Charles, labourer, 67 Wakefield street Eastmans L:im.rited, butchers, 102 Bridge st. & 19 Peter st Ellison Thomas, labourer, 3 Selby street Ellison & Webster, fruiterers &flora,sts, Bewsey street Eastwood Mrs. Ann, dressmaker, 186 Liverpool road Elwell Henry, labourer,72 Cath'erine- street Eaton Charles, Barry Arms inn, Grappenhalil Elwell Joseph, furnaceman, 175, Liverpool road Eat{)n Richard, labourer, 41 Orford street Eaton & Wood,s, farmers, Carra;l Bank farm, GrappenbaH Elwell Joseph, heater, 173 Liverpool road Eaude Tbos. coal mer.Marson st.; res.304 Manchester I'd Elwell Thomas, plater, 147 Longford! street Emerson Jos:eph, insurance agent, 56 Parker street Eccle Edward A. brick setter, 20 Marsh House lane Emerson William, shopkeeper, 7 KerfoGt street Eccle James, joiner, 18 Gorsey lane Eccles Henry, shopkeeper, 32 Padg-ate lane Emett Alfred, assistant, 18 Paul street Emmess Thomas J. coal. dealer, 20 Hall street Eccles Mrs. Jane, householder; II Ernest street 56 ALPHABET. WAl RINGTON. Emmott Thomas, cabinet mao 65 Knutdord rd.LatchfrC: Emson John, french polisher, 19 Thynne street England James" clerk, 45 Legh street Enright Mrs. Norah, householder, 137 Orford lane Enson James, househo~der, 42 Ashton street Entwistle Thomas, galvanizer, 34 Percy street Essenhigh Hy. S. monumental mason, Manchester rd.; res. 9 Marsh street Esson Robert, gardener to Rear-Admiral Jones-Parry J.P. Thelwall Eustance E. & A. watchmakers, jewellers & silversmiths, 43 Sankey street Eastance Edward, jeweller (E. & A. Eustance), Whitefield road, Stockton heath Evans Abram, schoolmaster, Grappenhal1 Evans David, wire drawer, 37 Price street Evans Miss Elizabeth, milliner, 143 Winwick road Evans Evan T. draper & mant[e warehouse, 17 Sankey street; res. Park villas, Newton-Ie-Willows Evans George, labourer, 5 Aikin street Evans George, stocktaker, 38 Wakefield street Evans Henry, Ooopers' Arms, 8 Bewsey street Evans James, agent for the Manchester Ship Oanal 00. Howley quay; res. Fern bank, 234 Manchester road Evans James, shopkeeper, 14 Elizabeth street Evans John, bolter down, 32 Pierpoint skeet Evans John, Bull's Head inn, & brewer, 33 Church st Evans John, coachman, 501 Knutsford road, Latchford Evans John, householder, 3 Arpley stre,et Evans John, mamager, 12 White street Evans Philip, traveller, 33 St. Mary street, Latchford Evans Richd. & 00. Limited, colliery proprietors (Edwd. London, agent), 44 Foundry street Evans R{}bert, engine driver, 49 Fo'Hy lane Evans Robert, tobaccon'ist, 50 Green street Evans Thomas, engineer, 5 Thynne street Evans Thomas, iron roHer, '37 Folly lane Evans' William, butcher, 26 Knui!sford road, Latchford Evans William, cabinet maker, 9 Park place Evans William, clerk, 7 Trinity place Eve George, furniture broker, 62a, Tanners lane Eve George, joiner, 59 EMesmere street Everali Thomas, butcher, 37 OrossIey street Everett JameSl, inspector, 184 Longford street Everett James" labourer, 547 Knutsford rd. Latchford Ewart James' Archibald, contractor, II Palmyra square Eyes Frank, s'adtdJer, 75 Knui!sford road, Latchford Eyes Henry, joiner, 69 Howtey lane Eyes Robert, wire drawer, 73 Howley lane Eyre Mrs. househoIder, I26 Manchester road Eyre William W. shopkeeper, I07 Manchester road Eyres Mrs. Hannah" householder, 4 Manchester road Ezard Herbert, joiner & builder, F,e=. lea, Fernhood Faar James, tailor, 29 Nicho'ls'on street Fair John, traveller, 97 Bewsey road F3!irclouglh Ml's. Mice, shopkeeper, 23 Wilderspool causeway, Latchd'ord Fairclough Mrs. Harriet, householder, 26 Marsh House la Fairclough Henry, corn merchant (James Fairclough & _ Sons & Thomas Litton & 00.), 37 Wilson Patten st Fairclough James J.P. corn merchant (Ja.m€ls Fairclough & Sons & Thoma's Litton' & 00.), Gatesgarth,Latchford Fairclough .Tam€-s, farmer, Long Lane farm, Lit. Sankey Fairclough Jame·s & Son's, mmers & corn merchants, I Rt. James' street, Latchford; offices, Mersey milk T N 14; war.ehouses, Bridgefoot, Warrington & Earlestown & Widnes Fairclough Jn, J.P. corn mer. (Jas. Fairclough & Sons & Thomas Litton & 00.), Lachford grange, La-tchford Fairclough John, farmer, Bradlley haH, Burton wood Fairclough John, wheelwright, Arpley road; res. 2 Wilde,rspool road, Latchford :Fairclough Mis'S Margaret & Brothers, farmers, Boardith Barn, Burton wood Fairclough Richard T .. corn merchant (James Fairclough & Sons & Thomas LItton & 00.), Mell'sey hous.e Fairclough Samuel, frmr. Mder Lane frm. Burton wood Fairclough Wm. farmer, Oauseway brid'ges,Burton wood Fairclough William, pointsman, 27 MiJi lane Fairhurst Oharle,s, farmer, Martinscroft Fairhurst Hugh & 00. chem,ists-& mineral water manufaoturers, 4 St. James' stre,et, Latchford & 24 Horsemarket street; works, Heathsride Fairhurst John, boroug,h treasurer, Town hall, Sankey street; re,s. Birch house, II2 Bewsey road Fairhurst John, farm bailiff, Padgate Fairhurs;t John, grocer & draper, Stockton heath Fairhurst John J. vanman, 68 Tanners' lane Fairhurst Jsph. Jas. whlwrght. & blacksmith,Grappenhll l?airhurst William, shopkeeper, 34 Howley lane Fanshaw David, manager, 7 Green street Fargher James, manager, 29 St. Mary street, Latchford [SLATER'S Farmers' Exchange Olub (Oharles Leigh, secretary), Bewsey street Farmers' Store·s', butchers & greengrocers, Bewsey street & Queen street FarraN Lewis, clerk, 67 Padgate lane Farrar Benjamin, wire drawer, 3 Arnold street Farrell Mrs. Maria, householder, 18 Catherine str'eet Farrington Jdilll, labo~r~r, 71 Wer~eld street. , FarrinO'ton John T. Jomer & bUllder, Morns s yard, Ohu;ch street; reiS. Padga,te lane Farrin,gton Michael, wheelwright, 5 Wakefield stree,t Faulkner George, joiner, 84 We:JJ.field str,eet Faulkner Samuel, railway guard, 59 Wakefield street Faull Mrs. Emma, chemist, 66 Ghur,ch s,tr,eet Fawcett Robert, machinist, 47 Knutsiford rd. La,t-ehford Fazakerley Wa:Iiam, watch. & c~ock tool maker, Or'oft Fear Horace, printer, 34 Plerpomt street . ~earnehough William. A. greeniPocer, .I7 GreenaH street F,earrrhead Brick & Tile 00. brIck & tIle makers, Fearnhead, Poulton Featnley James, wire drawer, 25 Guardian str,eet Fearon John oyster dealer, Market place Fenton Edw~rd, agent, 29 Kendrick street Fenton Mrs. Susan, 'i:Lousehldr. 292 Knntsford rd.Ltchfrd ~erguson Hugh, veterinary surgeon & sho.eing smith, 2 Suez street & Rylands stre,et Fern George brush mao & hardware eEl".. I9 Ohurch st Fern J ahn, telegraph clerk, 42 Roll,eston street Ferris Thmuas, 'army sohoolmRster, 201 Padgat€-lane Few Benjamin, .as,sistant" 99 Knutsford r.oM, Latchford Fidler Jamces, labourer, 40 Foundry s,treet Field G.ub, Museum, Bold street (A. J. Jolley, chairman; Li.nnreus Greening, secreta-ry) Fieldhouse John, householder, II4 Bewsey road Finc1J. Adam, householder, GreRt Sankey Finch Edward A. qlerk, 36 Napie,r street Finch J1oh'n, fitter, 145 Me-r,sey street Finch Jonathan, confectioner, 58 Bewsey road Finch Thomas, coal dealer, Or'Cll'Rrd st.& Rt Hamilton st Finch Thomas, presser, 9 Lythgoe's lane Finch William, Rs'sistant, 74 Pierpoint street Finch William F. tanner, 15 Marsh str,eet Findo'n Harry, foreman, IO Gorsey lane Finlayson J'ohn, watchmRker,34 Winwick street FinneI'ty Michael, butc:ner, 46 Powys st. & 52 Green st Firt'n (The) 00. wire & woven wire mattres,s manfrs. Friars Green mill. TN 53; T A "Firth, Warringto'n" Fish Mrs. Sarah A. householder, 26 PRdgate lane Fisher John, farmer, Olam Brook, Orford Fisher John, farmer, M·artinscrofit farm, Pe'nketh Fisher John, puddl!.er, 43 WakefieM st,reet Fisher Jo,s,eph, furniture broker, King stre,et Fis':ler Mrs. Mary, householder, II8 Liverpool road Fjso.'~r Robert, ooal dealer, P.enketb. Fisher Samuel, IRbourer, 32 Evelyn §treet Fitw!l William, iron worker, 97 Oatherine. str,eet Fla·tIDan Robert, smith, I03 Mer,sey street Fleming James, forgeman, -8 Daile st·reet F),pilling John H. & Co. tRnners & strap dressers, Fe'nnel Street tannery. TN 32; T A "Leather, Warrington" Fleming John H. tann<er', 92 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford Fleming J.ohn Henderson, tanner (John H. Fleming & Co.), Winmarleigh lodge Fleming Lolli.s, hoo·t maker, 7 Market street; res. 39 St. :1'.1a1'y street, Latchford F:eklter .4J:an A. householder, 84 Catih.-erine street Fletcher, Burrows & Co. Ltd. coal merchants (Wi,;liarn Houghton, man.), Dallam lane. F:et-chu Oharle~, japallner, 16'6 Manch:e.ster road F:,e-tchE'l' George, puddler, I04 Oa,therine street Fletcher & Lee, drapers, 4 Bridge street Fletcher, Russell & Co. Lim. gas engi'neers" Thyune street. TN 70; T A "Ga,series, Warrington" FI£'kher WiCiam, painter & decorator, 15 Winwick st.; res. I Suez street Flinn Daniel, grocer, 2 Silver s,treet Flood Jasep':1, watchman, 21 Dixon stree,t Flood Thomas, mason, 9 Oatherine street Flynn ::,;rr~. Hannah, househo~der, 71 Hoyle street Flynn Mrs. M. househldr. 509 Knutsford rd. Latchford Foden Albert '.P. insurance collector, 228 Liverpool road Foden Jarno Thomas, tailor, 247 Liv,erpool road Foden 11'1's. Jane, householder, II Leiclester street Foden J ohu, labcurer, 5 Gatewha.rf street I'oden :Mr;;;. Mar.v Ann, midwife, 247 Liverpool road Fogg Henry, warehouseman, 48 G:ado;to'ne s,treet F('g~ Mrs. Mary, howsehold,er, 78 Orford lane Forbes Thomas, labourer, 34 Queen streert Ford Elijah, traveller, 347 Knwtsford rd. Latchford' Ford Jame,s, bookkeeper, 53 Padgate lane DIRECTORY.] V\TARRINGTON. Ford Joseph, barman, 6 Regent street :Ford Josep!fi, fLe cntter, 9 Arnocd street Ford Thomas, farmer, Lower 'Wash, Latchford Ford Thoma·s R. professor of music, 22 Froghall l!ane I-'ord William, cashier, Bewsey terrace, I25 Bewsey road Ford 'Villiam, farIner, Fearnhead FJxd William If. clerk Grappenhall road, Latehford Forman Benjamin, pileI', I5 Glads-tone street Forrl;s t Robert, forgeman, 93 Pierpoint stre6lt Forfhaw Edward, shopkeeper, 4 Napier str·eet Forshaw Edward & Son, boiler makers, engineeI'is &; ironfounders, Mersey works, Napier street Forsh9;w James, farmer, Burton wood FOI's'haw Richard, farmer, Collins Green, Burton Wood Forsh'aw William, bo~er maker (E. Fors!fiaw & Son), 38 Church street Forsbaw Wi!J.liam John, solicit{)r (Percy, Davies &; 1"01'shaw), 2 J{jn6 street; res. 2I Arpley street 1"01'·8[,'1' Mrs. Ann, householder, 3I Orford street Fors·t.3r !lfrs. Betsy, heel' retailer, 7 Fennel SJi::reet Fors'Ler GeorgE::, farmer, ~Ioss lane, Moore Forst~r George, plumber, I49 Knutsford rd. Latohford Forster James, engine driver, 34 Green street Forster Ja.m,es, tobacconis.t, 4 Orford lane FOrISter John, grocer, assistant overs·eer & school attendance officer, Burton Wood Forster John, joiner, I06 Longford street Forster John, joiner, IIO Longford s<treet Forster J L>Dn, wabourer, 9 Gatewharf street Fo"'srer John, wire drawer, I62 Liv·erpool road. Forster Josep:"l, tobacconist, 54 Mersey street For·ster ::\Irs 1\fargaret, householder, 20 Foundry street Forster M.rs. Mary, farmer, Village farm, Moore Forstpr l\frs. Mary, householder, I7I Liverpo:ol road Forster Thomas, wire drnwer, 22 Wellfield street Forster Willi=, st,ocktaker, 68 Wel:field ·street Forster Willam, wire drawer, 4 W·ellfieil.d stree,t, Liverpeol road Forsyth William, c'Oa! a,gent, Railway station, Padgate Foster Ethelbert, grel1se mWlufctr. Daisy Bank, Penketh Foster John, glass cutter, 36 Pinners Brow Foster Jon8Js, assistant ov-erseer [or PenIDeiJh, Daisy Bank, Penke<th Fou.:kes Samuel, j{}i:ner, 2 Dixon street Foulkes Samnel, joiner, 39 Nicholson stre·et :Fouikes Samuel, shopkeeper, 44 St. James st. La,tehford Foulkes 'William foreman, 60 Academy street Fou:kes William, wire. dr·awer, 39 Price &treet FOWler Mrs. Annie, matron, Warrington Ladies' Oharity, 40 Parker street. Fowler Bros. general drapers, 83 & 85 Butt,ermarket st F·owler JO~ln, timekeeper, 3 Walker street F·owles John W. fa,rmer, Woo:ston Fox Edward Austin M.D. surgeon, I6 Cairo stree,t & I2 Rylands street Fox 'Villi=, sig'nalman, I4 Monks street Foy Jl,iIichael, gardener, 303 Knut&ford rd. Latchford Frain Th{)m8Js, commi.ssion agent, 39 Gladsi-one street France 'VViliiam, puddler, 27 Hoyle street Fr'anc-omb Richard W .. coal merchant, DaJ1arrn lane; res. Wildersp 0·01 . Franklin John, groom, Knutsford rd. Grappenb.ai:l Fraser John P. architect (Pierpoint & Fraser), 4 Bold streeJt; res. Birchfield, Fa,r'nworth, near ·Widnes Fraser William, coachman, 77 New road, Latchf{)rd Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. bootmakers, 4 Sank.ey lilt Fr·eeanan J·oihn, telegraph. linesman, 44 Nid"ilo,lson &treet Friar .A.1fr.ed, engine driver, I45 Longford street Friendly Societies Medical As'so·ciat!ion, I3 Palmyra sq. (Jftmes H. Kisby, resident medical officer) Fl'!isiby Joseph, bootmaker, Market ha·ll Fros;t Richard, tJanner, IJ5 Winwick road Froy James, engineer, I54 Battersby ~a'!l.e Fryar Willi8Jm, P'adgate Stocks inn, Pa-dgate Fryer John, farmer, Moore Fuller Frederick, market gardener, Vine cot. Grappenb.aJl Fullward Samud, brickseH.er, 25 Goulden street Furness J'osiah, shopkeep-er, 59 Lythgoe's, lane Furne,ss William Lim. grocer,;;, 6I Lythg{).e',s lane Furniss Cornelius, tripe de3Jler, 66 Brick street Furniv3'l Th{)mas, m,ou:·der, 3 Laira street Furnival William, hardware & chill(!; dealer, I05 Knutsford road, Latchford Gal1'a,giler Marti'n, puddler, 69 Pierpoint mr,eet GaZLimore Alexander, forgeman, 4 Dale street Gallop Will, ostler, 79 Haydock street GallDp William, lodging house keeper 69, & coffee tavern keeper 70, Buttermarket street GaJJ.oway Herbert, musician, 20 Howard street Galloway Joihn H. householder, I8 Lovely laneJ Gandy Edward, brickl3Jyer, 34 Wellington street Gandy Edward, farmer, Enfield, Croft .A.LHPABET. 57 Gandy Edward, farmer, Fearnhead Gandy Henry, bookkeeper, r8 Arthur street Gandy John, boot & clog maker, 50 Buttermarket street Gandy John, grocer, 23 Church street Gandy J'ohn, grocer, Pinners Brow Gandy J.ohn iron broker i& greengrocer, 29 Napier street Gandy 'Mii.s-s Sarah, milliner, 30 Cairo s,treet Gandy Thomas, bootmaker, 26 Tanner's lane Gandy Thomas;, clogger, I33 Winwick road. Gandy Thom3Js, mechanic, 37 OJ.iro street Gandy William, clogger, 46 Mersey street Gandy Wil!liam, clogger & buro..l>er, I24. Liverpool road Gandy William. H. newsagent, 7 EdgewOTtIh street Gannon John, mason, Knutsford road, Grwppenhall Gardiner Mrs. Emma L. householder, I95 Padgwte lane Gard'nier Francis S. engin~ diriver, 5I Folly larue Gardiner HeIlTY, engine d'rive,r, 89 Piarpoint street Garland J. S. iron monger, iron merchant, electrIcian &c. j shO'\Nrooms, '\Norks & '\Nare. houses, 51 to 55 Bridge street j re&. 7 Win· mairleigh street Garland Miss Jane Rosa, househJoilder, 3 H~nry street Garlick William J. farm baiiliff, Th~ Hollies, Moore Garner Mrs. Ann J. householder, 3 Paul street GaTIlier Charle>s, forgeman, 48 Catherine street GaJI'nett David (Robert G·a.rnett & Sons), cabinet manufactureiI', Sandhu~st, West· Oliffe< rd. Birkda!e, Southprt Garnett J'ames, cabinet maker, 276 Live,rpool road GarIJJett John:, labourer, 35 Marlsh street Garnett R. & Sons, cabinet makers, Penketh; office, Sanke,y street . Garnett Richard, cabinet maker, 64 & 66 Sankey SJtreat; res. 83 Liverpool road Garnett Robert (Robert Garnett & Sons), cabi1llet Ill2./IlUfadur.er, Hall Nook, Pe;nketh Garne-tt Robert E. (Robert Garnett & Sons), cabinet manufacturer, Brookside!, P.enketh Garnett Robert & Sons, cabinet manu'fac. turers, upholsterers, decorators & 'furniture removers, 21 Sankey street j T N 39 j T A .. Garnett, Warrington" j '\Norks, Penketh, 'Warrington. See advert. outside Front Cover Garnett Thoma,s James, relieving officer, I District, 40 .A.rpley .street Garnett William, farmer, Poacher lane, GrappeI1hal1 GaJI'nett Willia,m, farmer, Boachers nook, Latchford G8Jrratt Sarrnuel, puddler, 24 Dale street Garratt Mrs. Sarah., shopkeeper, 8 Winwick road:. Garrity JO'se-ph, forgeman, 53 Catherine s·tre,et Garsidle FrankliIlJ, printer (Garside & Jolley), I60 Wi!derspool causeway, Lat{)hford Garside & Jolley, general printe,rs, Friars green, near Arpleystation Garvin ThJomas, cab driver, IO King street Gaskell William, ·shopkeeper, 29 Naylor street Gathercole Charles, householder, 67 Wa.sh lao L·a,tchford Gaukroger Mis·s Lucy, dress; maker, 74 Km.utsford .. road, Latchford . Gaunt Thomas·, fitter, 64 Priestley street Gawthorpe Herbert, schoolmaster; Burton wood! Geary Eugem~ J., L.R.C.P., F.R.C,S. surgeoTh, 9 Bold st Geddes Charle.s, engine: driver, 64 D3!l1am. lane G·eddes John & Son, tea merchants, 22 Market ·stre,et Geddes John, tea dealer (John Geddies & Son), I9 Bold st Geddes Mrs. Ma.ry, houseiholder, 40 GoilbiOirne street Gee James, tanner, 22 Wash lane, Latchfordo Geering Richard, labour;er, 38 Queen 'street GenneIl! George, iron worker, 33 Leicester street George Cle;ment, clerk, 55 W·ellfield street Gerrard Mrs. .Ann, householder, I I9 Church s,treet Gerrard George, grlQlcer, 27 Green street Gerra;rd Georg6j Edward, ~rocer, Greenstreet & 9 Irlam street; res. 3I Lovely lane Gerrard 1\fisses Jane & Margaret, dres·s maker<s, II9 Church s,treet Gerrard J onn, fa,rm bailiff, Padgate Gerrard! John, hair dresser, 33 SaJ:Jkey street Gerrard Joseph., baker, II Irlam street Ge,:rr·ard Joseph, shopkeeper, I7I Longford street Gerra.rd Mi&s Ma.ry, milk dealer, 6 Lythgoe's lane Gerrard }\.fiss; Mary E. dress; maker, 67 Buttermarket st Giooins A. carting agent, 49 Ashton s1a'eet Gibbons J,ohn, clothes broker, 73 & 75 Mersey street Gibbons John, compositor, I2 :Milner street Gibbons Joseph, cart-er, I02 Catherine street Gibbons Martin, shopkeepar, IOI Mersey street Gibbons 1\fiss Sarah, dress maker, 87 Mersey street Gibbons Thomas, tanner, 26 Mersey street Gibbs Thomas·, turner, 42 Padgate lane Gibson Alfred, foreman:, 2 Egerton street Gibson Edward, shingler, I20 Orford' lane ; Gibson Mrs. Elizabeth, househoider, 24 Cairo street I 58 ALPHABET. [SLATER'S WARRINGTON. Gibson Jam€ls A. foreman, 25 Ohurch street 1 Gors€ 'William, tr:n'eller, Sankey hous.e, Liverpool load lo.~ 1 k 6 Pd. t 1 Gorst Mrs, Mary J. householder, 3 RIver rd. Latchford GI'bson Ji 0.="0 c eT, I a ga e 'line , h Id 86 M hestelr road Gibson Joseph, mechanic, 24 Selby street Gorst Thomas, house 0 'er, l a n e L t hf d Gibson Mrs. Margaret, shopkeeper, 9 Edaeworth stre~t GoTton RlChar~, cle!'k, 5 WashHl~e, tact or Gibson 'l'homas tool maker 57 Bewsey". road: Goskar Fredenck, hawke,r, 60 oye s rhee th G os I'mg J 0 Im, po l'c~ StocktonM e'a Gibson Tholll1aJs " E. manager 5 :M!uS€um street . 1 v 'sergeant . " t Gilbert Edward, wir€! weave;, 39 Old road, Latchford Gothard ,Tohn, boot & s~lOe make~, 149 ;rrYt sh;eeJ Giabert Mrs. Emma Ruth, hOli<sreholder, 6 Hanover st Gough Charles, compos'ltor, 5 Rlvelr roa, a c or Gilbert Frederick William manager Lancashire & York- Gough Eli, labourer, 18 Edward str~e11 1 shire Bank Lim, Hor'~,emarket'stree;t, & treasurer' Gongh Geo.·ge, cuttel' down, ? FD?g a aDJe to the Lymm Local Board' res. Penketh Gough Geo,rge, laboure.r, 33 Plerpomt stree,t . . " . h t st G oug h J '0h n, engme, ' . te'lllter"16 GIlbert Geo,rge Wilham, soap maker, 90 Cartwrlg . Ernest street W'· k Gilbert Thoill3JS labourex 304 Liverpool road Gough S. & 00. furrntlJ;Te· deI3Jexs·, 102 mlWlc street Gilbert Thoma;, platelay~r, 38 Elizabeth street Gough Walter, farmer, Burton w,ood: G:i!lbeTt William forgeman 45 Catherine street Gould George, brakesman, 31 Wellfield street Gilfeath€jr Mrs.' Sarah, far~er, Croft Goulden Mrs. EH,zabeth, hoU!s'~hoMe,r, 6 Eustace street Gilks George, iI'iOOlJ worker, 29 Pj,erpoint street Goulden John, paIIlter, 47 .Napler street G~ Mrs. Armsclina, householder:, 9:1- School brow Gould~ngl John, moulde:r , 9 ~egent str~~. 1 d' Gill Chaxles, b€;lt makre·r, 206 WmWIck road Goulding Thto>mas, engIne dnver, 245 lver-r0o. Toa Gill Francis, forgeman, 90 Pierpoint street Grace Isa,ac & Co. earthenware, manfctrs. WmwlCk road Gill George, boot maker, 49 Church street Grace Richard, shopkeeper, 38 Green street G:i!ll GeJOO'ge, wire drawer, 165 Winwick road Grady Thom~s, labourer, 68 Ell'¥'mer:€; street Gill Mrs. Mary, smallware dool€[', I82 Liverpool road Graham DaVId', labo?Ter, 52 GarIbaldi. s·treet Gill William, butcher, 9 Bridge street & Market hall; Graham Edward! WIre .drawer, I~3 Liverpool road. res.' 20 Winmarleigh street Graham John, Wire dra.wer, .153 LIverpool !'lO3.?-· ·Gill William, manager, Gr€;enbank, Grappenhall Grand Ololthing HaJI Co.. 'ta;llOl~'S, 28 to 32 -BrIdge street G:ilm.an Jolm, labourer, 169 Liverpool.road Grange Mfred Percy, cartmg contractor, Hall street; Gilmour Thomas', fm:'eman, 289 Winwick road: . res. Padgate . Grang,e Ge,orge, farmer, LIttle Sanker Gilroy Henxy, :l'armer, Burton wood Ginsberg Benjamin-, smallware dealer, 12 Ta,nners lane Granlt Christopher, gl'als,s maker, 37 PrIestley street Gitteil1s Mrs. Elizh. smallwaxe dealer, 170 Liv.e,rpool I'd Grant Mrs. Em:i!ly, householder, 7 Lov€;ly lane Gittens Jehn H. estate, commissi'on & insurance agent, Gray Ja,ines, forgeman, 3 Edward s,treet 71 Buttermarket stre,et; r,es'. I70 Liverpool road. Gray John Reid, cabin'et manud'acture-r (Robert Garnett See adve,rtisemellt & Sons), Park grove, Gild Traffo~, Manc'he,ster GIttens Edwaxdl W. stone merchant & stonemason, Gray Miehael, labourer, 89 Catherme street Orford: str,eet; re's. 184 Mancheste·r road Gray TthOlIIlas, brewer, 7 Paul str~t Glavin: John, s,hJopkeepeil', 17 Upp€!!' Bank street Gray Thomas, labourer, 70 CartwrIght street Gleave Mrs..Annie·, househoJder, 73 W-ellfield street Gr'eav€Js George E. deTk, 49 MaI'lsh Hou;se lane GI{'ave Arthur, barman, 22 Milne;rstreet Gr.eave£ Thomas,houls·e fUTni,slher, clothIer & pawnbroker, Gleave Mrs. Catherine', heuseholder, I Regent street 134 & 136 Bridge street & 69 Chureih street , _Gleave Edward:, engin€; driv,er, 55 Walke,r s,treet Green Mrs. Amelia, furniture, g>lass & c'hina dealer" Gleave Mrs. Elizh. herb beer dooleI', II Scotland road I09 & I I I Mersey street GLeave Fred, te~egraphist, 49 Priestley street Green Edward, gardener, 8 Paul stre,et Gleave Geo,rge, faJ:'mer, Hal€;y Head farm, Burton wood Green Mrs. Frances, hOlJ;s'eholder, 21 Howley lane Gleave GeOlrge, householder, 84 Longford stre'et Green Harry sliopkeeper, 24 Ly=e st..; res. 18 Parker st Gleave; Georg.e, wire> draw€;r, IIO Orford lalle Green Henry, provi,sion de·aler, 4- LyllIle street Gl€;ave George T. wa;rehouseman, 54 Liverpool road Green James, hairdres,ser, 3 Bostock strell't Gleave James, Barley Mow inn, I Market street Green James', iIlsurance agent, II8 Batters'by lane Gleave James, bOQ,t maker, 3 Mill ,street Green John, coachman, O~d Warps lodge, Knutsford ·G~eava Jamers', farmer, Cro,ft road, Latchford Gloove Mrs'. Jane, dress n1aker, IIO Orford lane Green John Henry, g~UJs,s cutter,84 St.Janne:s st.Latchfo·rd Gleave Jo.seph, labonr€!!', 30 Powys str€;et Green John Shaw, printer & book!ooller, 34 Bridge street Gl6\Uve 1frs. Mary, farIller, StatlOn road', Penketh Green John William, 1a-bourer, IS:'\- Winwick road Gleave Peter, grocer" baker & sub-postmaster, Moore Green Joseph Shaw, a,ccountant, 1-8 King s·treet; res, Gleave Thomas, la,bourer, 39 Selby street 13 Fro,ghall lane G16l1ve Tom, fireman, 43 WaJk!'r street Green:MiliSis Louisa, dres!siIDa. 76 St. J,ames st. Latchford Gleave William, bakelI' & confecboIler, 16a, Buttermarket Green Peter, hairdresser, 58 WinWlick stre·et stree,t, 7211, Sankey ,~re€;t & 4 6 9 Knutsford !'lo,ad', Green Riohard fa=er, 159 LoveQy lane Latchfo.rd; res. ro8 WlldJerspool cause,way Green Robert farmer, Queenland farm, Lower Walton' Gleave W:~am, farmer, Burton wood Green Robert; milk seHer, 13 Ha]]; st.; & farmer, Walt-ori Gleave WIlliam, labour,er, 52 Lovely Ian€; Hey Lower WaIton Gleave W~~am, labour,er, 4 P~wys· -street Green' Samuel, clerk, 37I Knutsford! road, Latchford Glea.v~ vyilham, packer, 56 LIverpool rioad Green Samueil N. sale,sm.an, 129 Liverpo·ol road Glendirumntg R. & Co. fishmonge['s & game & pouItry Green Mrs. Sarah, baby linen &c. dIr. 54 Horsemarket :;t djealers, 46 Ho·rsemarket sueet; TN 104; & at Green 'Dhomrus· fitter 4 8 Academy str,eet St. JOhIl'~ market, Liverpool . . Green Thoma.s', gree~ocer, 229 'Knut,sford rd. Latchford Glenruolll Michael, .labourer, 56 PIerpont street Gre·en Wd.1il!iam, beer retailer, 14 Do~man's lane Glover Alfred, chma &c. d'ealer, 43 Eldon street Green WiHiam carte'r I53Knutsford road Latchford Glover Ohaxle,s', brick setter, 43 Lythgoe's lane Green William; shopk~eper, 82 Orford lane' Glover James, tool make.r, S~ocks lane, Penketh Greenan & Buckton, s,olJicitor.s & commissioner's', 3 WinGlover John, bolter, 8 Plerpomt street wick 'street Glover John,schoolmaster, 2~ Arthur street GreenaU Gilbert & J,aihn, rectifier's & wine & spirit merGlove;I" Joseph, carter, 70 Prle~tley street chants·, The Dis-ti1!J:ery, 54 Bridge st.; bonding store~, Glover Jos€;ph, labourer, 7 Ehzabeth street Orown street. TN Glover Joseph, tool maker, Stocks lan~, Penketh Greena1l Henry, solicitor & commis,sioner (Greenall & Glover M~s.. Sarah, householdex, 14 .Ki~g street Buckton) & clerk to Justices, of Warrington d'ivision Glover ~llham, boot maker, 120 ~mWIck road of Lancashire & Dar'elSibury divi,sion of Cheshire, clerk Glynn MlchaeI, forgl€ma,n, II Well~ngtoll street to Income & Land Tax Comm<iJs'sioners of West Buckaow Glynn Thomas, shopkeeper, 20 _Sh~p yard divilsion of (Thes'hire, clerk to the. Warrington Blue Coat S:chool Trust,ee1s', & coroner & steward for tfue Gold. George> .T. m.a:n.age,r, Bank villas, Great Sankey Goldie J OhIl, ~suraIliCe manag~r, 4 6 Arpley sueet Manor of Hale, 3 Winwick st.; res. Beech house,Lymm GoldJsrone Is,arah H. to,bacCOillSt, I~7 M.ersey ~treet Greenall, WMtIey & Co. Lim. brewers (Thomas John G~el1ow James, swmper,.46 Garlba;ldi .streeu Down" secretary & managing director), WHdertspool Good~er Thorn.as, boot repaIrer, 28 WmwlCk road brewery, & Upper Bank st. TN 62. T A "GreenalJ, Goodier 'lhomas, boot & shoe maker, 103 Knutsford Stockton Heath" Goodie~ Thos. bt.& shoe mao 103 Knutsford rd.Latchford . Greenhalgh A:rtlhur, cahinet maker, , Park place Good~n John E. loan agent, 134 Orford lane I Greenhal,gh .T. M. cabinet maker, 4 8 Sankey Street Goodwm Wm. b?Ot maker, 63 Academy st. & 3 Hall st worms, Kring- street Gorman Mrs. Elizh; householder, 22 New rd..Latchford Gre,enthalgh Robert, s'hopkeeper, Chapel road, Penketh Gornall John Hankmson M.R.O.S. surgeon, Rlbblesdale, Greenhaugfu John, cab. driver, 3,1 Gollborne street Grappenhall Greenoug'h Ru:g-h F. chem~st (Hugh Fairhurst & Co,), Gorse Mrs. Mary A. heuseholder, 2 Queen street 24 Horsemarket s,treet I 7" I . VlARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] GreeninO" N. & Son,,· Lim. wiTe workers & weavers &: metaa"perforatoI'ts & mil];ing mac!hine maker~, Scotl~nd TOad; offices, Crown street. T A "Greemngs, War-: . rington; T N 15 Greenway William, gla\S.s engraver, 27 MIen street Greenwell Thoma.s, s1hopkeeper, IIO Liverpool road Gre.gg John, general ~roker, 33 Winwick road Gregory Frederick, la:bour·er, Evel;}'ll :str~et GreO"ory John, hardware dealer, 84 WmwlCk'street Grego.ry Joshua, ,,'hopkeeper, II6 Winwick road Greg-ory William, beer retailer, 23 Scotland road Greg-o,ry William, labourer, 25 .A.Ngard street Gre01son Mrs. Jane hoU!seholder, 7 Wake·field street· Gregson Thomas, puddJler, 5 Elizabeth street GregtSon WiTIiam, baker, 29 WeUinQ;ton street Greyson Joseplh, wire drawer, 43 NichdJson street Grice John L. stocktaker, 176 Battersby lane Grice Jooeph, jam & pickle ma.87 Knutsford rd. Latchford Griffin Mrs. Eilizabeth, beer retailer, 12 Leicester street Griffith SamueJJ, bundler, 22 Le~cester street Griffiths Mr.s. Ann, householder, 62 .ARlen street Griffiths Ar,thur, carpenter, 26 St. James st. Latchford Griffiths Artlhur, forgeman, 17 Edward street Griffiths Eilia's, shopkeeper, 3 Percy street Griffiths Mrs. Ellen, householder, I Gatewharf stree,t Griffitih·s George, painter, 26 Glazebrook street Griffiths Griffitih, joiner, 20 How1'e'y lane Griffiths' John, coal agent, Railway s·tatiorr, Latchford; res. 70 New road, Latchford . GriffithJs John, smalilware dealer, 70 Church street; res. 99 Manc!hester road Grliffiths John R. manage'!?, 177 Bewsey road Griffiths Jo<s'eph, painter, 27 Guardian s,treet GriffitihJs Mr,s. Mary, shopkeeper, Penketh G~ths Philip, waterman, 177 Liv·erpool road Grit'(J.ths Samuel, carpenter, 5B Evelyn street Griffiths Thomas·, hoU!seholder, Trent cotli:aO"e Croft Gri:ffi:ths Thomas, painter, 3 Guardian street ' Griffiths Thomas, sto-rekeeper, 51 Niohoilson street Griffiths Thomas H. pointsman, 2, Garabaldi street Griffiths William, waterman, 10 Ernest street GriffitJhs Wililiam H. labourer, 20 LeicelSter street Grime Thomas, draper & miNiner, 27 Bridge street Grimshaw Benjamin, farme.r,Gate W'harf farm,Gt.Sankey Grindrod John T. enginee't", 33 Bewsey road Groark Mrs. SalI'ah E. hou:seh01der, IS Tanners lane Groark Thoma"" c{)nfectiionH, 24 Winwick street Groom, John, rivet,ter, 73 Aikin street Groom. William, joiner, 7 Rigby street Grounds Alfred, tanner, GrappenhaH road, Latdhford Ground:s· George, ladie's' outfitter. 88 Winwick street Grounds Geo'rge, shopkeeper, 76 Church street Grounds James, shdpkeeper, "4 Orford lane Grounds John, fa;rme-r, Tannerv farm, Orford Grounds John, shopkeep:er, 180 Winwick r.oad Grounds Joseph, houseiho[der, '109 FD't"ster street Grounds Mr.s. Mary, shopkeeper, I MIen stree.t Grounds Robt. wareihouseman, 144 Knutsford rd. Ltchfrd Guest J?rothers·, tanne·l'Is, Winwcick street. T A "Guest, Warrmgton" Guest John, carter, 8 Joillley street Gwilliam David, la,bour'er, 45 .M~en street Habber:ley Joseph, I!.udd~er, lOS Catherine ,street H8Jbberley William clerk, IS8 Manc!hester road Hack Richard, 18Jbourer, 25 Percy street Hackett Edwin, bricksetter, 88 Batterslby lane Hackett Ishmae'l H. clerk, 197 Orfo,rd lane Hackett Mrs·. Mar,garet, draper, 67 Winwick road Hackett Thomas, tool manufacturer, Dannett street Hackett ThO'illRiS, tool maker, Winwick road , Hackney Mrs. ElQzabetih, hous·ehoId'er, 7 Tanners lane Hackney Jame·s·, mechanic, 30 Percy street . Hackney John, fitter, r.67 Orford lane Hackney Pete·r, househvlder, I St. Mary street, Latchford Hackney ThomRis, fitter, 3I Weilling;ton street Hadcroft ,william, file cutter, 49 Lythgoe's iane Haddock James, fa,rmer, Long-barn, Fearnhead, Pou[ton Haddock Thom.as, engine, driver, IQ Dix{)n street Ra~dock Thoma-s C. bank teiler, Parr's bank, Win'WIck sheet; rE'Js. Farnwo-rtih Had'dockWilliam S. engineer, Corporation Gas works, Mer<sey street; res. 9 Palmyra square ,HadJand Charle's, gasman, 15 Academy street Hague Wilkinson, wcire'dra,wer, 48 Padgate lane Hague William, hamper maker, ,6 Wiliderspool causeway, Latchford Ha~gh Mr.=!. Charlotte; sIlopkeoeper, Burton wood Hamswo-r·iJh Walter, manager, II7 Lovely lane H'<l.Je Alfred', clerk, 86 WeHfield street Hale John, labourer, 19 Alibert stroeoet Haa.es Thomas M. chemist & drUQ'Q'ist, 77 Bridge street .Haley J rum, wire drawer, 23 Goulden street .Ralford Richard, llvbourer, 48 vVa'kerstreet Q, .ALPHABET. 59 Halford Richard H. fitt-er, IS Garaba:1di street Hall Allbert, coach buE.der, 21 Green ,street Ha:ill ..M hr. Wm. L.R:C.P. & S.Ed. surgeon,. 39 Winwick st Hal!!'Benjamin, galvanizer, I Howley lane Han Ohar1e,s, wiheelwrigiht, 56 EveJ.yn street HaH Charle,s H. bricksetter, 94 Ho'yle street Rall Henry, forgeman, I I Lythgoe'-s lane Hall Mrs. Jane, householder, 51 Tanners· lane, Hall John, whole.sale grocer, Arpl:ey rd.; res. 2 Egypt st Hal!! John, manager, 61 KnutlSford road, Latchford Hall John W. hatter, 21 .Allen str~t Hall J o,seph, joiner, 5 'White street HaN Jo,seph William, cooper, 106 Orford. lane , Hall Mrs. Mary, householder, 82 Catiherme street· HaH Poeter, farmer, Hoillin Edge, Acton grange Hall Richard, tailor, 20 Batter:siby lane Han Tihomas, puddler, 120 Pierpoint street Hall William, labourer, 52 W8Jsh lane" Latohford HaR William, labourer, 327 Winwiclf road HaIl Wi:J:liam, puddJIer, 35 Catherine street Hall W!i:lliam, wire worker, 99 SOOo.o1 brow RaJIl Wiliam & Son, hatilers, I Horsemarket s,tree'G HaJlam Arthur, carter, II Howley lane HaJ.liiwell Mrs. hOUlSehoilder, II Dale street Hallows Mrs. :Ellizabeth, greengrocer, 56 Winwick street HaJilows John, grocer & srub-postmaster, Sto,ckton heath Hro}saU James W. engoine driver, 136 Battersby lane Hallwo{)d Frederick William, baker & provision dealer. S Buttermarket street . Hallwood Jam'es, baker, grocer & provision dea[er & IsU!b-polstm8Jster, 13,res.24 WOO'ens·p.ooa causeway,Ltchfrd Halsall Mrs. Ellen, dreS'smaker, z6 Golborne street Halsa!J1 James, engine driver, 9 Greenan sh'eet Halton George, farmer, Quakers fa,rm, Padgate Halton J-ohnH. coal deailer, 73 Lovely lane Ra~ton Thomas·, George inn, Sankey street . Halton Thomas & Co. coal merchants & carting contradol's, 8 Factory lane HambC.et John, ooimney sweeper, 4 Winwick road Hamblet John,. marine S'tore dealer, 9 Turner street HambQet Richard, ca,rter, IB 'Erne'st street Hamblet '!1h{)mRis, ass~stant, I, I Longford street HamMett Ohrus. warehoU!seman, 20 Knut,sford rd.l..·atchfrd HamibleDt James, cabinet maker (OJP), 148 Knutsford ro-ad, Latchford . . Ham'blettJohn, marIne store dealer, 9 Turner street; res. 38 Manc'he,ster road Haaner Samuel, bootmaker, 44 Hor.semarket street Ha,mer Thomas, labourer, 34:E)lizabeth street Hamilton James electrician, 12 Nioholson street Hatmlet Amos. bricklayer, 300 Liverpool rOM Hamlet Robert, tanner, 269 Knutsford road, Latchford Hammonds Francis, puddler, 60 Orfo-rd lane' Hampson Alfred, wire drl1wer, 34 Wa.lker street Hampson James H. J. cl~rk,I50 01;ur~h street Hampton J·ob bee,r reta1ler, 69 WlllWlck road Hand Mrs. MarV' A. householder, I6.A.1bert street Hands George, glass nmker, 34 Hopwood street Hands Gilbert, labourer, Evelyn street Hands Henry, glaSis maker, 68 Orford lane Hankey John, farmer, Long lane, Orfo-rd Hankey Mrs. Margaret, tailor, Stockton he8Jth Hankey Samuel, tanner, 91 Howley lane· Hankey ThoIDJas, shopkeeper,. 6 Hamilt{)n street Hankey Thomas, shopkeepe'!?, 328 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Hankinson Mrs.. Ann, householder, 72 Winwick .road Hankinson George, labourer, 27 Ma,rsh street Hankinson John, file, cutter, 85 Dallam lane Hankinson Natha.niel, Lamb ho,tel, 45 Bridge str,eet Hankinson Mrs. Swah, householder, 164 Ohurch street Hanley Wi11iam, iron worker, 24 Elizabeth street Hannah Mrs'. Sa,rah, househoIder, 13 Academy stTeet Hannon Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 69 Orford street Hardcastle John, shopkeeper & sub-postmaster, 18 Priestley str.eet .tIardi:man Hewitt & Co. printers &publis.hers of the Spoding Telegram (daily Id.), Golbo-rne street Harding Alfred, colerk, 177 Longford street Ha.rding Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner, 132 Live't"pooil ro~d Harding Frederick, signaJ.man, 140 Winwick road Harding James, wire worker (Harding J. & Co.)., IE Eustace street Harding J. & Co. wire workers & weave.rs, 15 Eust2.ce ;;~ Harding Miss Jane, householder, 13 Eustace, street Harding John, oouseholde't", 38 Glazebrook sot,reet Harding John, labourer, :i8 Milne'!? street Harding John, clerk, 47 St. Mary street, Latchford Harding Joseph, wire worker, 130 Manohester ro~d Harding Thomas, traveller, Padga,te lane Harding William, fo-rgeman, 6 ROose ph,ce Harding William, greengrocer, 26 Orchard street Hardmm EdTl'ard, file cutter, 98 Lythgoes lane 60 ALPHABET. WARLINGTON. [SLATER'S Hawthorne Hugh E. grocer, 29 Winwick st,reet Haydock Skeet Tanmng Co. tanners,Haydock st. '1" N 46 Hayes Arthur, labourer, r3 Tanners lane Hayes Ashton, baker, Stockton heath Hayes Jiames, beer retailer, Gre>at Sankey HaJyes James, farmer, Collins gre.en, Burton wood Hayes James, joiner & wheeQwl'lght, Periketh Hayes James, spinner, 87 Lytihgoes lane Hayes James, wire drawer, 2 Robson st.reet Hayes MT"s. Jane, househollder, 65 Haydock street Hayes Jeremiah, farmer, Burton wood Hfliyes John, clerk, rr Eustace stre,et Hayes John, manager, 2r4 Orford lane Hayes John, shopkeeper, 60 Haydock street Haryes John, shopke,eper, 2 Park p~ace Hayes Miss Mfliry, dres,s maker, r2 Rolle'ston street Hayes Mrs. M.try, dress maker, r24 Churoh street Hayes Peter, farmer, Croft Hayes Mrs,. Rachel', cai1'der, 97 Lythg06s, lane HaY6S S'a'l1luel, plate maker, 7r Lyt'hgoe,s, lane Hayes Walter, labourer, 70 Live.rpoo'l road Hfliyes William, spinner, 12 Rolleston st,~eet Haynes Ja,mes, wire ci'ra,wer, 3 CflJrtWl'lght s'treet Haynes James, l81a,thex me,rohan.t· (Haynes' James & 00.), 67 Sankey street Haynes James & Co. boot makers, 10 Peter stre,et Hayward Isaac, iron roHer, r23 Lovely lane Hayward John W. wire roHer, 83 Lovely lane Hazeldine Edward, shopkeeper, r54 Longford 'street Hazeldine Mis's Mary A. ihouseholdeT, 45 King street Hatzle>hurst Alfred E. locksmith, 13 Macr-sh street Hazlehurst Miss Emily, dress maker, 343 Knntsford roru:J., Latchford Hazlehurst 'Dhomas, brick setter, r58 Winwick road Hazlehurst Thos,.timekeepe1", 343 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd He>ad CorneliuS', police constable, Padgate Hea.fordJ Hiram H. ,saJ8Isman:, 10 Glazebrook street HetaJd Miss Alice,. dress' maker, 7 Church st,reet Heald Henry, printer, 7 Ohurch street He>aJ.ey Mrs. EliZfli, ,shopkeeper', 2 Pierpoint street Healey Th'omas,. labourer, 24 LericeSlter street Healing Thomas, manager, 7r Church street He-auh James, clerk, 57 Priestle>y street Heath John, compositor, 7 Dixon street Heaton John, laboure,r, 3r Howard street Heaton John, wire worker, I I GuardiJan s,treet Heaton Robert, firewood dealeT, Central Station yard, Winwickstreet Heaton Mrs. Sarah, beer ret:aHer, 60 Winwick street Heaton 'William, ironworker, 55 Pierpoint street Hedgcock John, plumber & painter, 17 Mill street Hedgcock Miss Mary, householder, r3 White street Hedgecock Joseph, hair dresser, 7 Irlam street Hedgecock Thomas, hair dres,ser, 92 Church street Heecock George, bailiff, 85 Knutsford road, Latchford Heeson James, carter, r4 New road, Latchford Heeson Mrs. ~ Ann, householder, 33 Marsh House la Helsby Charles, brick setter, 10 Priestley street Helsby Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 13 Pierpoint street He,sby Mrs. Mary, househoMer, 21 Marsh street Helsby Misses' Mary E. & Sarah E. milliners & tobacconists, 40 & 42 Mer-sey street Helsby Thomas', fitter, 8 Percy street Hemmingway Mrs. Agnes, householder, 14 Egerton st Henderson Mrs. Catherine, householder, 20 Gorsey lane Henderson John J. timekeeper, 3r Batter,sby lane Henkey George, coal dealer, 56 Bricks,treet Henry John, cashier, Vine cottage, Wilderspool HenshaJI Rohert, shopkeeper, 56 Battersby lane Henshall Robert George, manager, Manchester & Liverpool District Bank, Sankey st.; res. Latchford house Hepherd Jame,s, farmer, Woolston 'Hatton ,John, chemist, Market Gate; res. Fair- Hepherd James, maltstel', 44 Winwick street field house, Manchester road Herbert George, shopkeeper, 64 Pierpoint street Hatton Joseph, engine dnver, 10 Roilleston street Herbert William, joiner, ror Winwick road Rattan Joseph, fireman., 77 Wakefield street Hertzog F. C. teacher of lauguages, 2 Suez street Hatton :Mlss, Mary, draper, 14 Bridge street Hesketh Alfred, joiner, 24 Howley lane Hatton Mrs. :Mary, farmer, DaJ~m Hesketh In. decoTator ('1". Hesketh & Sons),2r Museum st Hatton Peter, tanner, r24 Knutsford road, LatchfOTd Heske,th J'Ohn, painter, 12 GoJbo:rne street .. RaMon Robert, riverman, 6 Garabaldi skeet Hesketh T. & Sons, art decorators &c. 70 Eatton Mrs. Sarr-ah, householder, 146 Manchester road Sankey street Hatton Thomas, butcher, Ir3, & Seven Sw.s inn Ir9, Hesketh Thomas, decorator (T. Hesketh & Sons), 3 Bridge street Wilson-Patten street Hatton Thomas, butoher, 16 Wellington stree>t He>s~eth William, bird dealer, 39 School brow· Ratitm William J. faiTmer, Sankey lodge, Little Sankey HeWItt Arthur, labourer, 20 Garibaldi street Havionr John, wire drawer, r8 Ohurch street Hewitt Edward, farmer, Thelwall Hawkins Everett, joiner, 63 Wash l=e, Latchford Hewitt Jacob, butcher, IrS Winwick road Ha,wkins William S. registrarr:- of births & deaths for Hewitt James, paint,er, 12 Beamont street Latchford sub-district, 66 KnutsfoTd road, Latchford Hewitt Jobn, milk dealer, 26r Lhce,rpool road Hawley Felix, foreman, I30 OrfoTd lane Hewitt John, tailor, 3 Dannett st!l'eet Hawthorn Thomas, shopkeeper, r Lovely lane Hewitt Joseph, clerk, 24 Padgate lane .,:J Ha,rdman Edward, puddle!l', 65 Bewsey road Hardman Jeffrey, labourer, I7Ia, Liverpool road Hardman John, file cnttecr, 32 New road, Latchford Hardman Thomas, tanoor, 6 .Aikin street Hardman William, laboure,r, 12 New road, Latchford Hardy Thoma.S', la;bourer, 3 Ernest street Hardy William, engine driver, 10 Percy street Hare Albert, bill postel', 32 Wellington street Hare Henry, bill postel', 6 Trinity place, Hargreaves William, shopkeeper, 16 Ohorley street Hargreaves William, tanner, 77 Howley lane Harman Henry, soJdier, 17 Laira street Harper Edward, rubber maker, 72 Evelyn street Harper Gewge, labourer, 3r King street Harpel' Hugh, tailor, 33 Town hill ::Harpe'r J. bo,ot repairer, 45 Pinners brow Harpel' James', ,boot & shoe maker, r23 Sank,ey street & 45 Pinners brow; res. 47 Marsh House lane Harper James, file cutter, 90 Longford .g.treet Harper Joseph A. houseihoJder, 6r Haydock street :Harringt<Jn John L. clerk, Padgate, Warrington Harris Daniel, labourer, 2 Dale street Hanis David, clerk, 3r RoTIeston street Hflirris Elijah, farmer, Daisy house, Padgate Harris George, gardener, 26 .A:ikinstreet EialI"ris Henry, brush maker, 99 Cartwright street Harris James, hair dresser, 3 Pierpoint street' Harris Thomas, whitesmith, Cross Keys yaird, Buttermarket street; res. 95 KnutsfordJ road, Lat<>hford .Ham·is William, puddler, 34 Howard street Harrison Aaron, ·farmeT, Cuerdley Haill faTm, Cuerdley Harrison Amos, shopkeeper, rr6 Liverpool road Harrison Chas. hardware dlr. 74 St. James' st.Latchfrd Harrison George, foreman, 32 Howard street Harrison GeoiI'ge, weaver, 22 Battersby lane Harrison Henry, engine driver, 101 Hoyle street Harrison Henry, fo,rgeman, 25 Hoyle street Harrison John, clerk, 216 Longford stree.t HflJrrison John, pbsterer, 10 GreemiJil ·street Harrison John, shopkeepecr, 50 Bostock street Ha1'!l'isQlI1 John, tailor, 4 Egypt street Harrison John T. confectioner, I Winwick road :Harrison Jo'seph, news agent, r05 Winwick road Harrison Jos,eph, shopkeeper, Feacrnhead Ra1ITison Jo'sihuru, hair dres'ser, 58 Bost<JCk stree,t Harrrison Mrs. Mary, ihous.eholdecr, 76 Pierpoint ·street Harrison Thomas H. point,sman, 19 NiohoJson street :HarrisDn Wm. stearn co,rn miller, Feartiliead Ra,rrison William H. regiskflJr of .births. & deaths for Warrington sub-district 2; res. 91 :Manchester road JIa.rTop JOM, furniture dealer, 122 Bridge street Harrop Thoma,s, wire' weaver, 3 Egerton street lIairter Wiiliam, s,tation mas,te'l", 44 Lovely lane Ha·rtill John, insurance agent, r88 Winwick il'oad Hartley Ernest, foreman, 173 Bewsey road Racrtley George, iron turner, 27 Orford street HflJrtley Harry, bntoher, Stockton heath Rartley HflJrry, wire dmrwer, 5 Selby street Ea.,rtley Mrs. Jane, househoJdex, 48 Ohur0h street 'Hartley John, grOC8>r, & agent, for W. & A. Gilbey's, 326 Knuts·ford road, Lfl!tohford Hartshorne Samuel, Railway ta:vern, Factory lane Haskin Miss Flo(l'ence, dress maker, r52 Longford street :Haslam. William, farmer, Burton wood Haslehurst John P. mechanic, r08 Man0heste,r road Hassall GeOTge, brick setter, 7 Cartwright street Bassall John, brick setter, Ir Green street HassaU Thomas, forgeman, I Mill lane Hassaill William, brick se,tter, 89 Oa,rtwright street Hastings William, engine driv8>r, 58 Priestley stre,et Ratton Mrs. .Alice, shopkeeper, 56 Mer'sey street Hatton Mrs. Elizabeth, s'lwpkeeper, r40 Ohurch street DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. Hewitt Joseph, smith, 283 Knutsford road, Latchford Hewitt Mrs. farmer, Burton Wood Hewitt Robert, joiner, Foundry st.; res. 21 Beamont st Hewitt Samuel, printer, 52 Allen street Hewitt Samuel John M.R.C.V.S.Ed. veterinary surgeon, Crown st. & 4 Winwick st.; res'. Horsemark,et street Hewitt Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper & butcher,StDckton Hth Hewitt Thomas, farmer, Lower wash, Latchford Hewitt Thomas, warehouseman, 48 AlIen street Hewitt Walter John, beer retailer, 68 Church street Hewitt William, bookbinder, 24 Goulden street Hewitt William, fitter, 193 Liverpool road! Hewitt William, forgeman, IS Pitt street Hewitt William, music seHer, 28 Priestley street Heywood Brothers, wheelwrights & blacksmiths, 50 Mer·sey street & Moore Heywood Jam:es, insurance agent, 48 Elizabeth street Heywood James, labourer, 44 Aikin street Heywood Thomas, draper, 19 Chorley ·street Hibbert Charles· H. manager, 21 Kendrick street Hick William, millwright, 30 Evelyn street Rickey William, carter, 3 Wakefield street Hickman David, moulc1er, 173 Longford street Hickman William, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent, 13 Arpley street Hick,s George, householder, 15 Leicester str·eet Higginbottom Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 13 Queen street Higgins Mrs. Martha, householder, 9 Kendrick stre,et Higginson James, boatman, 24 Robs·on ·street HigginsDn John, wire drawer, 53 Lythgoe's· lane Higginson Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 52 Selby street Higginson Samuel, ·signalman, 15 Howley lane Higginson 'William, blacksmith, Morris's· yard, Church st Higginson 'William, smth, 28 Wellington street Higginson William, turner, 38 Howley lane Higham Daniel, labourer, 15 Powys street Higham John, labourer, 36 Ashton street Higham John, labourer, 7 Lairastreet Higham Richard, fustian cutter, Watkin.·stre,et Highley Cuthbert S. wire drawer, 190 Liverpool road Highley Frederick, wir,e drawer, 103 Catherine street Highley Joseph, wire drawer, 338 Knutsford rd. Ltchford Highley Richard, wire drawer, 39 vVellfield street Hignett Joseph, tray,eller, 24 Museum street Higson Benjamin, foreman, 38 Ashton street Hill Albert E. fitter, 42 Aikin street Hill Arthur E. cabinet maker, 24 Market street; res. 36 Golborne st,reet Hill & Co. chemi,sts & druggis,ts, 62 Buttermarket street Hill David, for.eman, I Cartwright street Hill George, shopkeeper, 63 Priestley ·street Hill & Grundy, boat builders, Fidler's f,erry, Penketh Hill Hamblet, labourer, 75 Lythgoe's Jane Hill Harry, plumber & draper, 35 HOWley lane Hill James, barman, 16 Edgeworth street Hill James, labourer, 50 Selby st·reet Hill John, boot & sho,e mal;:,er, III Bridge street Hill John, dairyman & farmer, Mar·sh House lane Hill J,ahn, farmer, Knutsford road!, Grappenha'll Hill John, forgeman, 30' Eustace street Hill John, ironwork,er 95 Cartwright ,s,treet Hill John, labourer, Knutsford road, Gra,ppenha'll Hill John H. manager, 79 Livcerpool road Hill John S. chemis'to (Hi11 & Co.); res. I Academy street Hill Mrs. Mary, milk dealer, 16 St. Mary st. Latchford Hill Peter, plumber, II7 Church ,street Hill Peter, shipwright, 136 Liverpool road Hill Peter L. Crow inn, 3 Bridge street Hill Richard, labourer, 3 Wellfield street Hill Samuel, draughtsman, 41 Wellfield street Hill: Mrs. Susannah, hous'eholder, 41 Cartwright st,reet Hill Thomas, butcher, 10 St. James ,str.eet, Latchford Hill Thomas, butcher, 137 Winwick road Hi11Thomas, ironworker, Evelyn street Hill Thomas, labourer, 128 Liverpool road! Hill Thomas, tube maker, 20 Manley street Hill William, draper, 106 Sharp s·treet HiN William, engine driver, 54 Lovely lane Hill William, file cutter, 73 Wakefield street Hill W:illJiam, householder, 44 Napier street Bill WillIam, labourer, 27 Aikin street Hilledge Oswald, sand contractor, 144 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford Hillman! Hugh, sawyer, 305 Knutsford road, Latchford Hilton MrS'. Alice, King's Head inn, 40 Winwick street Hitton George, householder, 32 Bewsey road Hilton Mrs. Jemima, householder, 26 Elizabeth street Hinchliffe Joseph, labourer, 19 Catherine street Hind Alfred, forgeman, 4 Catherine street Hind ~Ess Mary, householder, 33 Bewsey street Hinde James, plaster.er & lath render, 8 Greenall street ALPHABET. 61 Hinde Mrs. Mary, plasterer (James' Hinde), 8 Greenallet: Hindley Albert, brakesmau, 4 'Vellfielei: street Hindley Albert, brakesman, 81 vVellfield street HinrUey Matthew, hDuseholder, 31 Ma,rsh street Hindley Stephen A. shopkeeper, Wilder,spool Ripkis's William, roll turner, 80 Wellfield street Hitchen Samuel, ·shapkeeper, 543 Ruutsfo.ra, rd. Latchford Hitchmough Adam, railway guard, 2 Fennel street Hitchmough Richard, clerk, 2 St. Mary st. Latchford Hoibin :John, shopkeeper, WilderSipool Hobson Alfred J. painter, Penketh Hobson Benjamin, registrar of births & deaths for Sankey district, Penkelli Hobson John, shopkeep.er, Penketh Hobson Missl Sarah, householder, 46 Parker street Hockenhull William, fustian cutter, Merseystreet lit Orchard ·street . Hodgkinson William, draper, milliner & silk. mercer, 4& & 48 Bridge street Hodgson Albert E. waterman, 27 Powys street Hoey :Michael, under brewer, 215 Orford lane Hogg James, manager, 32 Batter:sby lane Holbrook Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper, 22 Edgeworth street Holbrook Mrs. Jane, furniture dealer, 3 Fe=el street Halbrook Thomas', shopkeeper, 18 Fennel street Holbrook Thomas, shunter, 6 Edgeworth street Holbraok William, agent & secretary to the Warrington Conservatiive Association; Dffice, Conservative club. Sankey s,treet; .res'. 130 Battersby lane Holbrook William, clerk, 69 Padgate lane Holcroft John, pointsman, 30 Pinner's brow HoldJen John, beer retailer, 40 Kerfoot street Holden: Mr·s. Rachel, householder, Poplar viI$'. Penketll Holden Samuel, furnaceman, 100 Cath.e,rine street Holden Solomon, furnaceman, 86 Catherine street Ho'lden & Son, file & tool manufacturers', Kerfoo,t street Holland Mrs. Ann, Britannia inn, I Scotland road Holland Charles·, wine & spirit merchant, 17 Froghall lane & I RoUeston street Holland George, gIas·s maker, 21 Liverpool road Holland John, shopkeeper, 24 Ba.rry street, Latchford HDlland Ralph, wire drawer, 147 Knutsford rd. Latchford Holland Samuel, labourer, 24 Garibaldi street Holland Thos. fruit & commis'sion agent, Crown street Holland Thomas, fruiterer, 31, Winwick etreet ' Holley William, farmer, Padgate . Holley William, timekeeper, 21 Pnest1ey streetHolliday James W. missionary, Leigh villas, Knutsford road, Grappenhall , Holliday Joseph, milk d'ealer, 6 Selby street HolJingsworth Thomas, cashier, 8 Lovely lane Hollingsworth William, join'er, 48 <?rford lane Hollingworth Herbert, Wool Pack lUll, 37 Sankey street §I; 3! Bold street Hollingworth John beer retlr. 8 St. James' st. Latchfrd Hollingworth Mrs. ,Mary, dressmak er, 2 T . a1l;llers 'I ane Hollitt Miss Hannah, shopkeeper, 363 WmwlCk road Holloway Miss .Ann, draper, 50 Horsemarket street Holloway John, tinner, 29 Pinners brow Holloway Richard, joiner, 63 .Allen street Holloway Samuel, forgeman, 199 Winwick road Hollowell Henry, shopkeeper, 189 Liverpool road Holmes C. Jackson, merchant tailor & general outfitter, Market gate; res. 98 Bewsey street Holmes George, carter, 61 Wilderspool cseway. Latchfrd Holmes James, shopkeeper, 45 Hopwood street HolmeS\, Richard, labourer, 37 Marsh street Holmes vVm. baker & flour dlr. 120 Manchester road Holmes William" shopkeeper, I Margaret street Holroyd GeorgE'j H. wire drawer, 8 Wakefield street Holt Edward, coachman, 271 Knuts!ord road, Latchford Holt Heywood, tin plater, 45 CartwrIght street Holt James, fitter, 5 Priestley street Holt James labourer, 13 Garibaldi street Holt Mrs. Jane, hsehldr. 287 Ruutsford rd. Latchford Holt Samuel, carter, 26 Garibaldi street Home & Colonial Co. Lim. grocers & wine & spirit merchants, 12 Horsemarket street Homer Benjamin, puddler, 3 Marsh House lane Honan Thos. inland revenue officer, 14 Crosfield street Hooley David, family grocer, 107 Bridge street Hooper James, wood carver, 9 Greenl street Hooson Edward, platelayer, I2 Ernest street Hope Henry C. teacher of music, 39 Elizabeth street Hope John C. fitter, 101 Manchester road Hope Joseph, gilder, 35 Orford street Hopkins Mrs. Elizabeth. householder, 83 HDwley lane Horlock Joseph, Rop" & Anchor inn, 34 Buttermarket st Horn Geor<re, iron worker, I I Monks street Horn Mrs. "'Mary Ann" newsagent, 19 .Dartwright street Horne Arthur, machinist, 46 Walkl'lr sureet I 62 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S Howard Samuel, spinner, 98 Longford street Horobin Henry R. clerk, IO Po,:ys street ·Howa.rd Thomas, farmer, Burt?n 'Vood ldg. Burton wd Horrabin Charles, foreman,' I6 NICholson street Howard Wm. S. cashier, 206 WIl~erspool cseway.Ltchfrd Horrabin Edwin, hawker, 70 H~:ward street Howarth James, labourer, 205 Llve~po?l road Horrabin 'William, checker, 42 NlCholson stree.t " Howarth James, wood turner, 93 WmwlCk road Horridge Mrs. Betsy,shopkeeper &; sub-postmlstrss.Pad"t Howarth Robert farn:er, Martmscroft Horrobin Mrs. Sarah E. householder, 4 Mount: street Howarth Wmia~, engine driver, 154 Church street Horrocks Adam, tripe dealer, 25 Irlam street Howe Henry, labourer, 89 Hoyle street Horrocks John, fishmonger, 93 Church street Howell Edward J. puddler, 22 Dale street Horrocks John, fishmonger, Market hall Hewell Mrs. Eliza, householder, 12 Gorsey lane Horrocks John, shopkeeper, 52 Schoo~ brow Howell Henry, wheelwright, 37 Bewse:y road Horron Isaac, iron worker, 40 Catherme street Howell Llewellyn, foreman, 10 Catherme street Horton James, baker &; flour dlr. 42 Barry st. Latchford Howell William, iron worker, 16 Dale street Horton. John E. fireman, 85 Catherine street Howell William, striker, 13 Albe;r-t street Horton ThoID:1s, roper, 75 Howley.lane Hoyle Thomas, chair maker, I DI~l street Horton William, stoker, 37 Catherme street Hudson James, wire drawer, 4I CaIro street HaskeI' Richard, coal dealer, 44 Eustace street Hudson 'William, draper, 19 Irlam street Hoskins J. &; Co. Lim. boot &;. shoe mas. 103 Sankey street Hudson VHlliam, gro(;er, 76 Mersey str~,et Hoskiss William, fitter, 157 Long~ord street Hudson Willi:.tm, porter, 66 Legh s~reet l!oughAbeI, master mariner, 17 Mi11 lane Hudson William, shopkeeper, 70 BrIck street Hough Alfred, joiner, 23 Howley lane Hudston Arthur N. butcher, 96 Mersey street. Hough Charles gardener, 148 Battersby lane .Huelin Wm . .In. coach bldr. 304 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Hough Isaac, ;"aterman,I55 Li,erpool road Hu"hes A. herbalist, 25 Pinners brow Hough Isaac, wire drawe.r, 36 Wellfield street Hughes A. herbalist, Bewsey street Hough James, labourer, 52 New road, Latchford Hughes Alexander, forgeman, 26 Catherine street Hough John, bootmaker, 99 Dallam lane Hughes Charles, farmer, Stockton heath Hough Joseph, riverman,43 Wellfield street Hughes David, mason, 57 Wilderspool cseway. Latchford" Houah Joseph· waterman, II Gatewharf street Hughes Edward, porter, 49 Allen st,reet Hough Natha~, waterman, 52 Liverpooll'oad Hughes Edward, smith, 192 Winwick road Houo-h Ridiard, farmer, 'Wash lane, Latchford Hughes Evan E.travelling draper, 10 Crosfield street Hough Richard, insurance age~t,64 'Wash lao Latchford Hughes Mrs. Hannah,.householder, 3 Derby street Rough Samuel, fitter, 2 Kendl'lck street Hughes Henry, shopkeeper, .Penketh Hough 'rhomas, milk dealer, 48 Cockhedge lane Hughes James, ostler, 9 St. James' st. Latchford Hough William, shopkeeper; 40 Wellfield street Hughes John, blacksmith, 170 Longford street Houghton Miss 1\.lice, dressmaker, 54 Academy street Hughes John, glass blower, 6 Wakefield street Houghton Mrs. Ann, draper,3I Buttermarket street Hughes John, Volunteer inn, 26 Naylor street Houghton David, bootmaker, 24 Buttermarketstreet Hughes Joseph, file, tool, hinge &; lock manufacturer, Hauahton David, bootmaker &; clogger, Penketh ArpJey works; Arpley rd.; res. Brookfield, Latchford~ Houghton Mrs. Elizabeth, farmer, Thelwall' . Hughes Joseph, blacksmith, 86 Longford street Houghton Mrs. Elizabeth, pork butcher, 22 Dral street Hughes Joseph, bolter down, 56 Howard street . Houghton Ernest, clerk, 135 Lovely lane Hughes Joseph, smith, 54 Howard street Hougn£on Frederick, bootmaker, 10 Marsh street Hughes Mrs. Margt". grocer, 346 Knutsford rd. Latchfor.d' Houahton Henry, clerk; 28 Rolleston street \ Hughes Mrs. Mary, hsehldr. 275 Knutsford rd. Latchford' Houghton Isaac, pawnbroker, jeweller &; outfitter, 28 Hughes ~Irs. Mary, householder, 5 Old road, Latchford &; 30 Mersey street . Hughes Patrick, labourer, 25 Bewsey street Houghton Isaac, wire worker, 12 Percy street Hughes Samuel, labour~r, 6 Wilson-Patten street Houahton James,' farmer, Woolston HugJies Thomas, fitter, 98 Pierpoint street Houghton James, labourer, 14 Ev'elynstreet. Hughes Thomas, iron worker, 28 Catherine street .~ Houghton James, wire drawer, 71 Lovely lane Hughes Thomas, market gardener, Fearnhead, Poulton Houghton John, boot.maker, 81 Chorley. street Hughes William H. joiner, 135 Longford street . HorrahtoB. .John, brick setter, 75 Haydock street Hughes William Henry, bookkeeper, 42 Arpley street Hou~hton .John, brick setter, 21 Percy street Hughes William Henry, joiner, 85 Cartwright street Hou~hton John,foreman, 103 Orford lane Hulks Reuben, grave digger, 4 Marsh House lane Hou~hton John,~oiner, Ebenezer place, Legh street Hulmes John, fustian cutter, 5 Leicester street Houghton John, labourer, 36 Leicester street 'Humphreys Charles, householder, Ash grove, Penketh Hou"hton John, labourer, 13 Percy street . "Houghton John, manager, Woodbine cottage, Lit. Sankey Humphreys Edward, roll turner, 20 Evelyn street Humphreys Henry, shopkeeper, 24 Warburton street HouO'hton Jolin, shopkeeper, 30 Roleston street Humphreys John, carter, 10 Eustace street Houghton John, signalman, 10 Marsh steret Humphreys Mrs. Mary,frmr.CuerdleyCross inn,Cuerdley Houghton John P. clerk, 26 Marson street Humphreys Mrs. Naomi, householder, 33 Cartwrightst: Houghton Joseph, jun. farmer, Woolston . Humphr~ys William, brick setter, 4 Priestley street: Houahton Joseph Henry, manager, 28 Mersey street HumphrIes Arthur, pattern maker, 17 Edgeworth str.eElll Hou~hton Richard, beamer, 32 Church street. Humphries James, labourer, 19 Manley street Houghton Samuel, fal'mer, Carr farm, Grappenhall Hunstone Henry, saddler, 10 Mount street '. Houghton Thomas, farmEr, Woolsto?- . Hunt Edward, mineral water maker, 22 Padgate lane. .. Houghton Thomas, file cutter, 142 WmwIck road Hunt Mrs. Ellen, dress makr. 295 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd' Houghton Thomas; householder, 64 Church street Hunt George,cabinet maker, 62 New road, Latchford ' Houahton 'William, Chapel House inn, Burton wood Hunt Mrs. Georgina, householder, 37 Lythgoe's lane Houghton William, farmer, Thelwall Hunt John, gardener, 295 Knutsford road, Latchford Houghton Willil.'m, file finisher, 7 Helsby street Hunt John, market gardener, Brookside cottage,Penketh' Houghton William, iron worker, 39 Leicester street . Houghton Wm.B.grocr.I09Sankey st.; res. 23 Arpley st Hunt Samuel, chief constable, 18 Salisbury street Houghton William D. wire manufacturers, Sankey wire Hunt William, farmer, Eaves Brow, Croft mills. TN 10; T A ".Houghton, Sankey Bridges" Hunt William T. letter carrier, 27 Dixon street Huntley George, boot maker, 3 Pinners brow Houghton William Dixon, clerk, 26 Parker street Hurst James, householder, 8 Monks street .. _ Houlding .Tohn, puddler, I39 Dallam lane Hoult Henry, plumber, 7 King street Hurst William, labourer, 143 Knutsford road Latchford Houltram Thomas, shopkeeper, I Hamilton street Hurst 'William H. grocer, 28 Market.street;' residence, Knutsford road, Latchford Howard :Alfred, estate agent, 7 Park place Howard :Mrs. Alice, shopkpr. 7 Wildrspl. cseway.Ltchfrd Hutchings Chales, tanner, (Haydock Street Tanning Howard Miss Annie, confectioner, 37 Winwick street Co.), Fir grove, Frodsham Howard E. &; Sons, farmer!,' Houghton green, Oroft Hutchings John &; W. N. tanners, Howley tannery. TN Howard Edward, glass &; china dealer, 41 King street 97; .T A "Hutchings, Warrington" Howard Frederick, traveller, Derby villas, 'Vilderspool Hutchm50n John,glass maker, 68 Garibaldi street Howard Geo.iron &; metal bro.&; furntr. remvr.5 Hall st Hutc~nson Robert, glass maker, 17 Priestley street Howar!!. George, painter, 139 Knutsford rd. Latchford Hutchinson Thomas, basket & skip maker, &; willow Howard Henry, wire drawer, 335 Winwick road merchant, Rose &; Crown street; branch works, Gol-' Howard H:Jsea, fittE'r, 27 Goulden street borne 5treet &; 33 Wilderspool causeway' residence. Howard John, boiler ma;ker, 3 Whittle street 31 Wilson-Patten street ' Howard John, engine driver, 28Wellfield street .Hutt John H. clothier, 79 Bridge street Howard John, farmer, Croft I Huxley George, porter, 37 Knutsford road Latchford Howard Richard, blacksmith, Gre lt Sankey H1J.;xley James, engineer, 231 Liverpool ro~d Howard Richard, householder, 72 Ellesmere" street :Hyde Ernest, clerk, 117 Li,erpool Toad I DIHECTORY.] ,VARRINGTON. ALPHABET. 63 Hyde James, forgeman, 19 Dale street Je:lns IV. D. & Co. soliCitors, commissioners for oaths &; Iddon James, assistant, 59 Lovely lane for taking acknowledgment of deeds by married Ikin Daniel, stocktaker, 38 Arpleystreet women, Central chambers; & insurance agents, 25 Ikin John, carter, 28 Howley lane \Yinwick street !kin Mrs. Maria, householder, 59 Bewsey street Jeans IVilliam D. solicitor (W. D. Jeans & Co.), & vestry Ince James, warehouseman, 64 Legh street clerk to St. Paul's church; residence, Sankey Ince Thomas, newsagent, 45 W'inwick street Jeffers Edward, labourer,: 63 Foundry street lnce Walter, fitter, 66 New road, Latchford Jefferson Bros. plumbers & painters, Liverpool road Ind, Coope &; Co. Lim. brewers (Burton-on-Trent), Jefferson Frederick Thomas, plumber (Jefferson Bros.), Crown street; Charles Rigby, agent I 37 Liverpool road ' Industrial Sch;)()ls, farmers ; In.Fairhurst,bailiff, Padgate, Jefferson James Edwin,plumber (Jefferson Bros.), 2 InO"ham Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 158- Knutsford' Thewlis street ;oad, Latchfora. i Jefferson John, grocers' porter, 3 Trinity place Inglis Mrs. Margaret, householder, 58 Church street ! Jefferson Thomas, blacksmith, 31 Liverpool road Institution for the Education of Clergymen's Daughters, •Jeffery Geo. inland revenue officer, 142 Manchester rd Manchester road ' Jeffery Sydney, schoolmaster, 18 White street ireland Peter, tool maker, Stocks lane, Penketh Jeffery 'William, householder, 46 Padgate lane Ireland Thomas, Cheshire Cheese inn, 517 Knutsford. Jeffery William, manager, 127 Church street road, Latchford ! Jeffs Edward, farmer, Chester road, Grappenhall IreA'1d Zachariah, stock kee.per, 8 Eustace street' !I Jenkins & Co. solicitors & insurance agents, Bank Irlam James, plumber, 45 Allen street chambers, I Winwick street Irons Samuel, labourer, 176 Knutsford road, Latchford, Jenkins Frederick, boot maker, 94 Bridge street; resiIrons William, furnaceman, 4 Edward street dence, The Laurels, Latchford Irving John, gas stoker, 291 Winwick road : Jenkins IVilliam Henry Jeffrey, solicitor ,& commissioner Isaac J. B. provision dealer, 38 Sankey stree,t, 26 Horse-II' for oaths (Jenkins & Co.), vest,ry clerk of St. Barmarket st. II6 Bridge st.; res. 21 Wilson-Patten st nabas, Lovely lane, local solicitor to the National Isaac William, grocer & baker, 26 Buttermarket street;, Union of Elementary Teachers' Association, Bank residence, 27 Bold street , I chambers, I IYinwick stre..t Isherwood Edward, carting cont'ractor, 57 Tanners lane IJeI ks ~Irs. Agnes, Ship inn, 58 Liverpool road Isherwood Frederick, moulder, 110 ,Lythgoes lane Jenks John, npholsterer, 172 Knutsford road,Latchford Isherwood Henry, journalist, 55 Lovely lane I Jenks Thomas, engine driver, 6 Percy street Isherwood John,. tanner, 24 Marsh House lane l.Tenks William, Albion hotel, 94 Battersby lane Isherwood Robert, commission, estate & insurance agent, ' Jenks vVilliam, wire drawer, 13 Wakefield street 57 Tanners lane; residence, 34 Lovely lane : Jennings Andrew, insurance agent, .f5 Bewsey road Isherwood William, shopkeeper, 34 vrinwick road i Jennings Edward, forgeman, 36 Foundry street .Jack Robert M. M.B., C.M. surgeon, 4,2 Church street Ii Jennings :Mrs. Ma,ry, shoPkeeper,' 79 Bewsey road Jackson Mrs. Ann, pawnbroker, 61 Church street Jennings Thomas, painter; 95 Manchester road Jackson Mrs. Ann, pawnbroker, 6 Winwick street I Jennings 'Walter, turner,65 Priestley street Jackson Miss Annie, householder, 35 Gladstone street Jevons Eli, carter, 31 Elizabeth street, ' Jackson Edward, fireman, 26 Percy street Jewkes Ebenezer, householder, 14 Arpley street Jackson Mrs. Ellen, householder, 9 Percy street Johnson Andrew, fustiap. cutter, Merseystreet Jackson George, labourer, 31 Laira street Johnson Benjamin, chair maker, 60 Welliield street Jackson Hamblet, coal dealer, 23 Selby street Johnson Benjamin '& Sons, bakers, 39 Pinners brow Jackson James, beer retailer, 'Penketh. Johnson Bros. dyers &; french cleaners, 44 Bridge street Jackson James, lab,ourer, 46 Wash lane, Latchford Johnson Daniel, basket, skip & hamper manufacturers, Ja::kson John, cart owner, GolborIie street 373 Knutsford road, Latchford ' Jackson John, cart owner, 2 Mount street I Johnson Danl. jun. skip mkr.369 Knutsford rd. Latchford Jackson John, carter,' ',I20",~,uts,for,d rO'"ad, Latchford 'I ,JOhnSOn Edm1?-nd, iron <& tinPI,ate worker, &; hardware Jackson John, clerk" 29 PrIestley: street , ' dealer, 3 WIlderspool causeway, Latchford Jackson John, shopkeeper, 32 DIal street' Johnson Edwin, farmer, Croft Jackson John, wire cleaner, 15 Brick street . Johnson George, puddler, 96 Catherine street Jackson In. Wm. gardener, 280 Knutsford rd. Latchford, Johnson Isaac, milk dealer, 16 Percy street Jackson Jsph. chipped potato dealer, 47 Cartwright st ! Johnson' James, boot maker, 90 Ohorley street Jackson Joseph, galvanizer, 225 vYinwick road ! Johnson James, farmer; Croft Jackson Jsph. hamper makr: 291 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd: Johnson James, fishm.onger, 275 Winwick road ,Jackson Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 43 King street, I Johnson James, herb beer dealer, 9 Dial street Jackson Peter, shopkeeper, Penketh , "Johnson James W. saddle..., 4 Allen street .Jackson Samuel T. waterm~n, 9 Cart:vright street Johnson John, farmer,(;-,."at Sankey , Jac~son Thomas, be~r retaIler, 16 DIal s~reetJohns.on John, farmer, Primrose valley, Cuerdley .Jac.o:son Thomas, brlCk setter, 97 r Cart~lght street Johnson John, Ferry inn, Fiddler's Ferry, Penketh .Jackson Thomas, householder, 104 \hlderspool cause- Johnson John, salesman, I I Henry street way, Latchford, ' ' Johnson Mrs. Letitia, saddler, 2 Winwickstreet Jackson Thomas, shopkeeper, 18 Lloyd street' Johnson MlssMartha, 361 Knut,sfordroad ,Tackson Thomas, stone mason, II6 Battersby lane Johnson Mrs. hous,eholder, 92 P,ierpointstreet .Jackson WItr. 'bank derk,26Wilders.pool causewy.Latchfrd Johnson Mrs. househldr: 120 Wilderspool causwy.Ltchfrd Jackson 'W~ll~am, cooper; 197 Liverpool road Johnson Peter, labourer, 28 King street, Jackson WIlham, householder; 3 Wash lane, Latchford Johnson Ralph, basket maker, 33 Rolleston street .Jackson William, tobacconist, 127 Bridge street Johnson Robert,househo~der, 92 Knutsford rd. Latchford Jacksons Limited, hatters, I04 Bridgec~treet Johnson S. E. & R. cabinet makers, upholsterers & .Jagger George, greengrocer, -122 vVinwicJ.;: road house decorators, 78 Brido-e street; 2 Rylands skeet .James Benjamin, railway porter, 64 Allen street & Sb;ip yard, Warrington b James Charles, engine driver; 38, Catherine street Johnson Miss Sabina, fustian cutter, 33 Elizabeth street .James Edward, iron worker, 87 Catherine street iJohnson Samuel, wire worker, 35 King street .James Edward, labourer, I Dale street Johnson Sydney H..butcher, 91 Church stre,et James Frederick, fitter, 25 Helsby street Johnson Thos. basket mao 268 Knutsford road, Latchford .James George, joiner, 42 Marsh House lane Johnson Thomas, labourer, 29 Catherine street James George H. iron worker, 20 Monks street Johnson Thomas, station ,master, Moore Ja·'.les Henry, warehouseman, 66 Wellfield street Johnson IVilliam, cashier,37 Upper Bank street James John, railway guard, 76 Allen street Johnson IViRiam;-:confectioner, Wilderspool .James John H. labourer, 5 Jolley street ' Johnson WiHiam, dining room keeper, 28 Winwick street James Joseph Henry, Leigh Arms inn, 44 Mersey street Johnson \Yilliam, puddler, 57 Catherine street Ja nes Levi, farmer, Middlehurst, Grappenhall ' J o h n s o n IViHiam, smith, 21 Manley street James Mrs. Sarah, householder, 27 Catherine street Johnstone Henry 'G. private school, 14 Froghall lane James William, farmer, Knutsford Toad, Grappetlhall 'Joiner Walter, iron worker, 23 Manley street .James William, police inspector, 79 Padgate lane Jolley Frank Herbert, printer (Garside & Jolley), 26 .James WiJIiam P. traveller, 10 Gonldenstreet Rolleston street Jf:meSOIl Edward & Joseph, joiner,s & builders, St. Jolley George, warehouseman" 14 Allen street Mary street, Latchford Jolley J. & T. & Co. file & tool makers, Allen street Jamson .John W.photographer &; picture frame maker, JOlIe}" John, fustian cutter, Eldon street 18 FrIars gate Jollev l\Irs. Sarah, householder, 26 Rolleston street Jean FI'~d, clerk, r6 Goney lane JolIe}" Thomas S. estate agent (Thomas S. Jolley & JeaQ 1'I:1SS Lucy, dress maker, 97 Orford lane Co.), 167 Longford street I I I i I \ 64 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S Jolley Thos. accntnt. (T. Jolley & Co.), 167 Longford st Joynson Samuel, labourer, 51 Orford street Jolley Thos. S. & Co. estate & comsn. agts.2 Up.Bank st Jubb Albert G. foreman, 9 Henry street Jubb George D. mechanic, 28 Pierpoint street Jolley William, file cutter, 66 Haydock street Jolly Harold, householder, 17 Arpley street J alian Edward W. hardware dealer, market hall: res. Jones Alfred, printer, 20 St. Mary street, Latchford 3+1 Knutsford road, LatcMord Kay & Cowdell, grocers, 168 Battersby lane Jones Arthur, smith, 29 Selby street Jones Arthur, traveLler, 212 Wilderspool causwy.Latchfrd Kay James, file cutter, 26 New road, Latchford Kay James, labourer, II2 Lythgoe"s lane Jones Benjamin, tailor, 108 Knutsford road, Latchford EJay John T. newsagent, 13 Fennel street Jones Benjamin A. photographer, 40 Church street Jones Edward, engineer, 38 Lovely lane Kay John William, grocer (Kay & Cowde<U),208 Orford la Kay Joseph, insurance agent, 51 Mar·sh House lane Jones Edward, hardware dealer, 15 Irlam street Jones Edward, shop assistant, 40 Cairo street Kay William, assistant, 125 Knutsford road, Latchford Kay William, greengrocer, 10 Blackhurst street Jones Edward W. clerk, 160 Orford lane Kean Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper, I WeULington street Jones Mrs. Elizabeth, apartments, 79 Lovely lane Kean John, householder, 31 Bewsey street Jones :Mis,s Ellen, householder, 10 Egerton street Keating Thoma·s, joiner, 68 Pierpoint street Jones George, inspector, 40 Church street Keeling George, pointsman, 24 Wakefield street Jones George, labourer, 45 Wakefield street Jones Gllorge, smith, 52 Academy street Keen Thomas C. inspector, 18 Nicholson street Jones :Mis;Rannah,Waggon&Ho.rse·s' inn,63Buttermarket st Keenan John Samuel, hairdresser, 9 Bostock street Jones Henry, labourer, 9 Powys street Keenan Miss Martha, shopkeeper, 43 Folly lane Jones Heroert C. clerk, 192 Wilderspool causwy.Latchfrd Keenan Thomas, wire gauge maker, I Powys street. Jones Isaac, bolter down, 35 Howley lane Keenan William, tool maker, 30 Elizabeth street Jones James, engine driver, 48 Parker street Kelley John, labourer, 33 Guardian street Jones James, gla.ss maker, 76 Cartwright street Kelly Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper, I CarliS'le street Jones James, labourer, 152 Liverpool road KeIly Edward, baker, 19 Laira stl'eet Jones James, labourer, 17 Powys street Kelly John, sawyer, 57 Haydock street Jones James Proctor, co=ission & insurance agent, 14 Kelly John, watchman, 30 NichC!l'son street Cairo street; r,es. 41 St. Mary's street, Latchford Kelly Martin, striker, 48 New road, Latchford Kelly Patrick, labourer, 65 Foundry street Jones· James W. manager, 75 Lovely lane Kelly Wm. boot mao 39 Green st.; res. 31 Powys st Jones John, furnaceman, 31 :Mill lane Kelsall James, dairyman, Upper Bank street Jones John, glass cutter, 5 Rigby street Ke}sall Mrs. Jane, beer retailer, Burt<m wood Jones John, labourer, 45 Lythgoe's lane Kelsall John, farmer, New Bradley, Burton wood Jones John, puddler, Pierpoint street Kelsall Thomas, farmer, Bank House farm Penketh Jones John, shopkeeper, 71 Catll'erine street Kemp Joseph, wire drawer, II Percy stre~t Jones John, warehouseman, 40 Nicholson street Kemp Robert J. clerk, 29 Battersby lane Jone-s John, wire rope maker, 68 Legh street Kendrick Mis·s Anrrie, householder, 22 Arpley street Jones John E. engine driver, 109 Bewsey road Kendrill J dIm, foreman, 42 Cairo street Jones John L. Red Lion inn & farmer, Moore Kendrick Thomas, labourer, 84 Cartwright street Jones 'John R. pa.inter, 35 Garibaldi street Kennedy Ann, apartments, 12 Regent street Jones John Thomas, drysalter, 51 Buttermarket street Kennedy Robert, wire drawer, 38 Leicester str:eet Jones John W. wire drawer, 17 Liverpool road Kennon Robert, book keeper, 47 Padgate lane Jones Joseph, labourer, IS Aikin s1lreet Kenny P.atrick, stock taker, 209 Liverpool road Jones Mrs. Louisa, householder, 22 Ernest street Kent Harry, forgeman, 19 Pitt street Jone-s Mis's Maria, milliner, '7 Manchester road Kent Henry, glass cutter, 17 Goulden street Jones Mrs. Mary, householder, 137 Longford street Kenwo!thy Jas. timber mer. &', saw mill owner, Brown st Jones Owen, shopkeeper, 223 Winwick road Kenwrrght Edward, labourer, 52 Catherine street Jones Owen W. dining rooms, 80 Winwick street Kenw~ght Edwd. ship crpntr. 136 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Jones Richard, confectioner, 63 Church street Kenwr~ght James, carpenter, South view, LitHe Sankey Jones Ricllard, iron worker, 47 Lovely lane Kenwr~ght J ohn, gla~s. maker, 13 Prie's<tley street Jones Richard, labourer, 30 Catherine street Keuwrrght John, smIth, 16 Robson street . Jones Richard, labourer, 48 Howard street Kenwright 'Yi1li~m, shopkeeper, 21 WinWJick road Jones Robert, engine driver, 80 Cartwright street Jones Robert, householder, 96 Knutsford road, Latchford Kenyon BenJamm, beer retailer, 42 Powys street Kenyon Henry &! Co. chemical & spelter manufacturers Jones Robert, rope maker, 9 Jolley street Bank quay. T.A.." Spelter, Warrington" ~ Jones Samuel, beer retailer, Legh street Jones SamI. engnr. (Wm. Jones & Sons'), 23 Lovely lane Knyon Septlmus, oil & colorman, 8 Winwick street Kenyon Thomas, labourer, 5 Gaskell street Jones Samuel, insurance agent, 55 Bewsey road Jones Samuel, labourer, 49 Leicester street Kerfoot Alfred, printer, 3 Pear Tree cottao-es, Knutsford road, Latchford b. Jones Samuel J. iron worker, 48 Selby stroot Jones Mr-s. Sarah, householder, 59 Bewsey road Kerfoot John, cart owner, 90 Bewsey road Jones' Sewing Machine Co. Limited, sewing machine Kerfoot Walter, mechanic, 322 Knutsford road,Latchford makers, 105 Sankey street; John Hill, local manager Kermode JO.hn, plumber, 53 Marsh House lane Jone,s Shadrach, wheelwright, 189 Padgate lane Kermode MISS .~ary J. shopkeeper, 60a, Priestley street Jones Thomas, house agent, 2 Orford avenue Kerney John, Jomer, 34 Tanners lane Jones Thomas, labourer, 70 Aikin s·treet Kerry Charles H. postmaster; res. The Firs, Lymm Jones Thomas, labourer, 41 Wakefield street Kershaw Mrs. Ann, Blue Bell inn, 27 Horsemarket street' Jones Thomas', pUddler, 44 Howard street Kershaw James', conf.ectioner & yeaJst importer, 5,89' Jones Thomas, upholsterer, 70 Ellesmere street . Knutsford road, Latchford Jones Thomas E. foreman, 67 Dal1am lane KKershaw James, yeast merchant, 30 Winwick street Jones WaIte" farmer, The Elms Moore ~ttle Samuel,. plumber, 41 Laira street Jones Walter, joiner, 348 Knutslord road LatcMord ~bble Aaron, lIon worker, 6 Pierpoint street Jones William, brakesman, 14 Nicholson' street K~bble Charles, boot maker, I Pierpoint street Jones William, carter, 50 Na,pier street K~dd Arthur, ~ouseholder, 9 Legh street Jones William, dogger, 207 Winwick road K~dson Mrs. Elmor, draper (Stone & Kidsou) 2 Walker st Jones William, iron worker, 6 Catherine street ~ernan Mrs. Mary E. Patten Arms hotel, P~rker street: Jones William, iron worker, 38 Pierpoint street ~lduff James, shopkeeper, 77 Buttermarket street Jones W:n: school attendance officer, 143 Longford st K~lshall Mrs. farmer, Boggart HOlIse farm, Burton wood Jones W~~am, sub-edit?r, 2 Henry. street K~lshaw Albert, farmer, Fields farm, Burton wood Jones WIlliam, wheelwnght, 19 Kerrdrick street K~lshaw Bros.. farmers, Ivy house, Cow la. Great Sankey Jones William, wire drawer, 14 Parker street ~gs~aw ~J;tas. Edward, farmer,Cross- Lane frm.Cuerdley Jones W~liam H. engine'driver, 28 Garibaldi street . s aWIchard, housekeeper, 33 Lovely lane Jones Wwam & Sons, engineers., BeWlsey street ~lshaw Thomas, farmer, Whittle hall, Great Sankey Jonson M~s. Maria, apartments, 33 Legh street ~lshaw Thomas, greengrocer, 236 Liverpool road Jordan MISS Elea~or, dre,ss maker, 195 Orford lane ~berley Frederick, railway checker, 6 Monks street·. Jordan Harry, smIth, 164 Battersiby lane ~der James, labourer, 56 Priestley street Jordan Marilin, labourer, 44 Evelyn street ~~g H~nry, grocer (Rawling & King) 4 Academy street Jordan Nichoilas, tinsmith, 195 Orford lane K~ng RI.c~ard, engine driver, 36 Evelyn street Jordan Saml.confectrrr.& sUb-pos.tmaster,9 Manchester rd: ~ng W~ll~am, bo.ot maker & c1ogger, 69 Catherine street Jordan Samuel H. picture framer & gilder, 135 Bridge 3t K~ng WIllIam, WIre drawer, 9 Leicester street Joseph George William M.D. surge'on, 21 BoM street K~nsey Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 40 Liverpool road Jowett Thomas, iron worker, 243 Liverpool road J"o¥nson Mrs, E1zbth. ladies' nurse, 44 Marsh House la ~nsey Mrs. Grace, householder,I3 Wash lane,Latchford. Kinsey Mrs. Jane, butcher, 63 Manchester road ~ DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON Kinsey Joseph, engine driver, 339 Winwick road Kinsey Mrs. shopkeeper, 22 Robson street Kinsey William, engine driver, 58 Pierpoint street Kinsley John, gymnasilllll instructor, 38 Cairo street, KippsWm.head gardener to J.Crosfield esq.Hghr.Walton Kirby William, wate.rman, 66 Evelyn street Kirk Henry, shopkeeper, 66 Orford lane Kirk John, clerk, I Trinity place .Kirk William, clnk, 53 Wellfield street Kirkconnel Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths CR. Davies & Co.), Marketplace Kirkham G~orge, farmer, Croft Kirkham Joseph, forgeman, 83 Hoyle street Kirkham Mrs. Mary, householder, 17 Howard street Kisby James Henry L.R.C.P. surgeon, 13 Palmyra sq Kite Jacob, station master, Thelwall Knight John, labourer, 40 Tanners lane Knight Mrs.Mary, shopkeeper,274 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Knight Michael, labourer, 10 Nicholson street Knight Peter, storekeeper, 71 New road, Latchford Knight Robert, labourer, 63 Winwick road Knight Thomas, fitter, 168 Winwick road Knight William, traveller, 375 Knutsford road,Latchford Knott George, householder, 158 Orford lane Knott Joseph, puddler, II8 Winwick road Knott Mrs. Mary, midwife, 158 Orford lane Knowles Charles H. wire drawer, 32 Walker street Knowles James, grocer, 57 Winwick street, Knowles John H. mattresS manufacturer, 6 Lovely lane Knowles Joseph, wire drawer, 10 Lovely lane Knowles Matthew, coal agent, 26 Allen street Knowles Thomas, joiner,St. Austin's lao ; res. 27 Cairo st Knowles Thomas R. engineer, 5 Paul street Knowles William, farmer, Clock farm, Cuerdley Knowles William, mattress: maker, 64 Liverpool road Knowles William, wheelwright, Croft Knox Thomas, labonrer, 170 Battersby lane Ladies' Training College, Fairfield hall, Manchester I'd Laff Mrs. Bridget, householder, 73 Dallam lane Lake Francis E. foreman, II Dixon street Lake George, householder, 168 Longford street Lake Mrs. Margt. beer rtlr. 174 Knutsford rd. Latchford Lake Peter H. Talbot inn, 32 Sankey street Lally Patrick, labourer, 55 Orford street Lamb Alfred, hairdresser, 43 Pinners brow Lamb Miss Ann Maria, apartments, 41 Bewsey street Lamb William, engine driver, 42 Hoyle street Lamb William, farmer, Wash lane, Latchford Lambert George, Blue Lion inn, 8 Market place Lambert George, shopkeeper, 54 St. James' st.Latchford Lancashir.e & Cheshire Farmers' Co-oper-ation Association Limited, dairymen, Bewsey street . Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank Limited (branch), Horsemarket street; Frederick William Gilbert, manager. T A "Lanyork, Warrington" , Lanceman Joseph, labourer, 43 Priestley street Landon Mary, householder, 6 Powys street Landor John, furnaceman, 29 Hoyle street Lane Patrick, shopkeeper, 4 Town hill Lane Thomas, boiler maker, 131 Longford street Lane Thomas, teacher of music, 9 Rylands street Lang Arthur, insurance agent, 4 Parker street Lang George, bus driver, 27 Knutsford road, Latchford Langford James J. moulder, 203 Orford lane Langley John, butcher, 23 Pinners brow Langley P~ter, collector, 56 Napier street Langshaw Mrs. Mary E. householder, 13 Brick street Larraway Richard, shopkeeper, 34 Catherine street Lashford James, butcher, Market hall Lashford James, butcher, 104 Orford lane Latchford Locks (Manchester Ship Canal Co.); Capt. William Waring, superintendent, Latchford section; Joseph Marshall, lock master; George Brown, assistant lock master Lathey Mrs. Sarah, ladies' nurse, 81 Ellesmere street Lawless W. H. & C. preserve makers, 5 Market place Lawless Miss Catherine, preserve maker (W. H. & C. Lawless), 25 Arpley street Lawless John, fitter, 54 Napier street Lawless Joseph, labourer, 71 Orford street Lawless Joseph, provision dealer, stall, Market hall; res. 9 Thynne street Lawless Peter, Corporation inn, Market place Lawless Samuel, fishmonger, 46 & 48 Buttermarket st Lawless Samuel, fishmonger, Market hall Lawless Thomas, fishmonger, Market hall Lawless Thomas, householder, 14 Edgeworth street Lawless William, salesman, 25 Arpley street Lawless William Henry, preserve maker (W. H. & C. Lawless), 5 Henry street ALPHABET. 65 Lawrance John, police sergeant, 30 Robson street Lawrance Mrs. Mary, householder, 3 Helsby street Lawrence John, puddler, 88 Cartwright street Lawrenson Joseph, farmer, Old road, Latchford Lawrenson Joseph, market gardener,3I Old rd. Latchford Lawrinson John, shopkeeper, I06 School brow Lawrinson Thomas, labourer, 36 Catherine street Lawson Edward, coffee tavern, 54 Buttermarket street Lawson George, bricksett'er, I4 Goulden street Lawson Henry, blacksmith, 146 Orford lane Lawton Alfred, clogger, 77 Priestley street Lawton Charles, wire drawer, 12 Crosfield street Lawton Henry, millwright, 17 Egerton street Lawton Isaac, platelayer, 60 Priestley street Lawton Isaac, wheelwright & blacksmith, Moore Lawton .;Tacob, saddler, 54 Sankey street Lawton James, brewer, 13 perby street Lawton James, clogger, 45 Liverpool road Lawton James, reporter, I Paul street Lawton Miss Jane, householder, 8 Hanover street Lawton John, labourer, 7 Ernest street Lawton Joseph, file cutter, III Orford lane Lawton Joseph, labourer, 4 Kendrick street Lawton Joseph, shopkeeper, I20 Liverpool road Lawton Peter, baker & fiour dealer, 32 Glasshouse row Lawton Ralph, labourer, IO Wellfield street Lawton Samuel, timekeeper, 58 Selby street Lawton Mrs. Sarah A. manageress, 75 Catherine street Lawton Thomas, file cutter, I08 Orford lane Lawton Thomas, wire worker, 50 Priestley street Lawton William Yates, commisson agent, 20 Stanley st Lazenby Arthur O. baker & confectioner, 9 Rylands st Lazenby Chas.A. bakr. 140Wilderspool causewy.Latchford Lazenby Richard, blacksmith & agricultural implement maker, 389 Knutsford road, Latchford Lea George, shopkeeper, 171 Winwick road Lea Henry, file forger, 30 Tanners lane Lea James, Red Lion inn, 43 Winwick road Leach George, ironworker, 9 Hoyle street Leach John Edward, meter inspector, 72 Legh street Leach Joseph Arthur, cabinet maker, Chapel rd. Penketh Leach Mrs. Nellie, dressmaker, Chapel road, Penketh Leach Miss Sophia, school, 178 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford League hall (Patrick Hughes, caretaker), Bewsey street Leask Alexander, foreman, 169 Bewsey road Leather Mrs. Esther, shopkeeper, 16 Foundry street Leather John, labourer, IO Newroad, Latchford Leather Mrs. farm~r, Cuerdley' Leather Thomas, labourer, 79 Hoyle street Leatherbarrow Robert, tanner, 5 Whittle street Ledbury :Miss Jane, householder, 43 Allen street Ledsham Edward, blacksmith,6 Wellfield st.Liverpool I'd Lee Mrs. Agnes, shopkeeper, 96 Priestley street Lee Misses Annie & Ellen, shopkeepers, 76 Dallam lane Lee Arthur H. tapestry manufacturer, Brick street; & 231 Oxford street, London W . Lee Charles, householder, 5 St. Austin's lane . Lee Frederick, farmer, Fearnhead cross, Fearnhead L'ee James, herbalist, 208 Liverpool road Lee John, fiatman, 7 Gatewharf street Lee John, householder, 76 Winwick road Lee John, waterman, 9 Rose place Lee Joseph, joiner, 171 Orford lane Lee Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 9 Fennel street Lee M. A. coal merchant, 57 Belgrave road Lee Robert, joiner & builder, 9 Fennel street Lee Robert J. pipe fitter, 41 Garibaldi street Lee Mrs. Sarah, householder, 66 St. Mary st. Latchford Lee William, labourer, 62 Aikin street Lee William, labourer, 201 Winwick road Lees Alex. boot maker, IO Mersey mount, Mersey street Lees Mrs. Elizabeth, sub-postmistress, 4 Fennel street Lees H. Ernest, cotton spinner (4's to 24's; 14,000 spindles), Florence mill, Egerton street. T N 33; T A "Florence mill, Warrington" 'Lees Robert, meter inspector, 97 Knntsford rd. Latchford Lees Samuel, grocer, 4 Suez st.; res. 20 Museum. street Leeson Mrs. Mary, householder, 29 Upper Bank street Leftwich Mrs. Mary, householder, 91 Winwick road Legge Edward, labourer, 13 Regent street Legge George, turner, 27 Priestley street Leicester Miss Mary, householder, 170 Church street Leicester Wilkinson, shopkeeper, 47 Price street Leigh Bros. printers, stationers & tobacconists, 42 Buttermarket street I,eigh Enoch, labourer, 68 Mersey street Leigh James, baker, 166 Orford lane Leigh James, grocer, 7 Friars green Leigh James, waterman, 48 Napier street WARRINGTON [) I 66 ALPHABET. ViARRINGTON. Leigh James, welder, 5 Garibaldi street Leigh· Mrs, ·Jane, householder, 66 :Mersey street Leigh John, :liatman, 278 Liverpool road Leigh Jolin, householder, 33 Orford street Leigh John, labourer, II4 Pierpoint street Leigh Joseph, grocer, 263 Knutsford road, Latchford Leigh Peter, grocer. &; wine & spirit merchant, 7 Horsemarket street; res. 9 Mount. street Leigh Robert, fruiterer, Market hall . . Leigh Samuel, waterman, 168 Knutsford rd. Latchford Leigh Thomas,brakesman, 16 Pierpoint street Leigh Thomas, pilinter, I3.Aikinstreet Leitch Francis, joiner, 7 Howley lane Lelland JohnJ. painter,64 Hoyle street Lemon Joseph; glass maker, 103 Oartwright street Lennon Daniel, lock gatetnan, 45 Old road, Latchford Leonard Henry, forgeman, I3L Lovely lane .. Leslie James, clothes dealer, 37 Pinners brow . Leslie John, shopkeeper,3IRose & Crownstreet . Leslie William; clothes broker, 65 & 67 Mersey street. Lester Miss Mary; mangler, 38 St. James' st. Latchford Levins William,'householder, Padgate lane Lewis George, milk dealer, 83 Chorley street Lewis James, stoker, 35· Robson street Lewis John, brickmaker.(Woolston Brick & Tile Co,), 191 Padgate.lane Lewis Robert;. puddler, 16 Manley street . Lewis· William, labourer, 15 Laira .street Lewis William H, joiner, I Gaskell street Leyland ~frs. Harriet, .householder, 27 Rolleston st::eet Liberal Club (Thomas Pemberton, secretary; Edwm J. Mitchell,steward), 69· Bewsey street Liberal. Club _(Fred Hnghes,secretary),Penketh -. . Liddle Mrs. Sarah Jane, shopkeeper, II Marsh House la Light William, iron worker, 32 Percy street .. Lightfoot Joseph; labourer, 9 Wakefield street Lightfoot Ralph, labonrer, 48 Winwick·street, Lightfoot Ralph, wire drawer, 126 Liv'erpooLroad Lightfoot William,tanner,2L Wellingto.n street Lilley John R. cQal·&milk .dealer, 5 PItt street Lilley Thoma~ W.· wire drawer, 21 Helsby&treet Lilley· William, .mou1der,23 .Catherine street. Lindsay JohIi,. joiner, 16 Battersby lane Lindsay Willia.m H. dresser, 38 Tam,1ers lane Lines Mrs; Selina, householder, 22 Oatherine street Lingard Mrs: Ann; householder, 2 White street Lingard George; engine driver, . 33 Price street Lingard William,. householder; 2· Derby· street Lipton Thomas J. provii3ion dealer, 1.00 Bridge street Liptrot Samuel,' striker,79.Aikin street Lister Samuel,·' wire .drawer, 29· Howley lane . Lister-Kay klan, ·limd agent (to Joseph Oharlton Parr esq. J.P., D.L. of Grappenhall Heys;& Stanton park, Herefordshire), Grappenhall . Litchfield Thomas; puddler, Evelyn street Littlewood Mrs. Annie, householder, 30 King· street ". Littlewood Mrs. Jane, butcher, 13· Howley lane Littlewood John' 0: pattern maker, 92 Battersby.lane· Littlewood Thomas, Umcorn inn; 42 Winwick Toad Litton ThOlillas &00, (.lame;; Fairdoogh & .Sons,.pro" prietors), mip.ers :& cOO'Il merchants, Bank· Quay mills. TN 36. Litton George, traveller, Green lawn, Padgate. Litton John, oo=ission ag~nt,,85 LiveTp{l()~ road Liverpool Oo:urier (brllllli}h. office) (Frederick Woods, ag.ent), Bewsey street.. . _. . . Liverpool Daily' . Post & Evening. Echo.· Offices,ne.wspap~,rs (OliaTles Lyon, ageu,t),. I] Winwick street ;head . o:ffi.ce; Liverpool . . .. . Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society (RichaTdW. Williams, district manager), t Winwick street . . LivinO'stc)fi·A.lexauder, .bricklayer,86 Knutsford road,· LaJf~hford; yard; ChurobJ street ... Iilvingstone John W. shopkeeper, 17 Sool1).1.[ord street Livingstone Thoma-s, .. shopkeeper, 33·. EllesnIel'e. street Llewe:llynII:emy, labo~rer, 20 Catherine street LleweUyn John, Sloop hotel; LiveTpDol road Llewe1'lyn .Thoma.s·,bbiiler cleaner, 25 PierpoiIlt street Lloyd Mrs·, Elizajb'eth,shopkeeper, 98 Bo·stock street Lloyd Miss En~m, hoosehldT.3I4 Knutsford rd.LatchfoTd Lloyd Hemy, boiler maker, -179 WiThwick road Lloyd Henry, labourer, 42 Wash lane', Lat-chford Lloyd Henry, ost:l~r, 29 Greenstreet. . Lloyd Henry, warterm.an, II6 Knutsforrdrd. Lat-chfoTd Lloyd John, joiner,· },Ifill lane; Tes. ]2 Selby street Lloyd John, labourer, 29 Wakefield stre,et Lloyd John,shopkeE'per, 209 Knutsford rd. L3Jt-chfo·rd Lloyd: Ro~)ert, foreman, 6 Arthur street Lloyd Thomas, paI'ish clerk, 133"· Churoh street Lloyd William A. joineT, 3 Marsh street Locker Jm:ries, wire· worker, 85 :Manchester road [SLATER'S, Locker :!'vIrs. Mary, householder, 4\ Ohurch, street..::,: Locker MTs'. Rebecca, greengrcr. l\farme·t hall, 1'1"'&.8 MilLsti' Locker MrS... Sarah, shopkpr. 32 St. James: st. Latciriord: LQcke.r. Thomas, ne,ws agent, 86 St.. James st·. Latehfoi.ci' Locker Thomas, wiTe wea,ver, WIre worker & brushc. manufacturer, EHesInere works, Ellesmere stTeet· !. Locker 'J"lws.teJ.egr:aph clerk, 288 Knutfjfnrd .rd.LMclilid Locker Thomas, jun. wire ;weaver; 58 Ellesmere streeL:;;" LQckerbie Robert, jome·r, 3. DaH.oJ;l. :bank .'. :'Lockerbie Ro.bei't, joiner, 150 Manchester i'oad~... _. Locfuett James, beer retaileT,·I5 .stamford street_ .._ Lockharl Jame.s, h.ead: ga;rdener :to 8,ir· Gilbe:rt Greenam bart. Higher Walton .. . LD.ckyer, Stead & 00. drysalters, :Fnal's glaite . <"'.~~ Loewenbel'g .A.br(lham.,househldr.Ioz, KI:mtsfrd'. rd.Latclifta: Loftus John laboureT, 12 Jolleystree.t . ,.:,:. '. ::~: Lomas Mrs. 'Mary .A.. householder,··3r4 Piiniersbilow:::, •. , Lomas Matthew, cleTk,Leigh· vils;Knritsfo,rd rd:Gtappiilill; Lomas William, cal'ter& coaLnreTchant, GI13;ppenhaJI>~~ Lomas ·William, farmer, GrappenhaH ,'.:., Lomax Aa.iTolI1, smallwa.re dealer,. '2IPinneTs brow··· LOIillax William brick setter, I6.Glazebrook street .:' ... London .Edwa.rd, ·cOiail.ageIlt-for·. Ri0hard. Evans" &CQ;: Limited, 44 Foundry street,Warrington; res;~.se; cottages, Padga;,te .. ' : ";;,c. London George,tube cleaner, 12 Glazebrook street., LDng.Alfred~ labourer, I] Selby street . .._ Lon-gJohn,householder, Manley !ho·;. Ohapel la.Gt.Sanker: Long Jo-hn,labd-ure:r, I Erneststree<t ..' . ... Long William, pictul'ie frame: maker, ·2. Dallam lane .... ,.!' LongWilliGm & Son, tanners <&curners... Grappenliall~' Cliffe Lane :tan'neries, Gra:ppenhalil.: ·T:N 59; '1' A "Long. G,rappenhall"; & 10 Hardman st. Deansgate, 11anchstH Longbottom William., cashier, 53 Wash lane, Latchford; Longdin Thomas, bc<roughsurveyor. Town han, ~Sankey:' street; res. 33._ WilsDIlPlllltten street . . . . . .. Longford (The) Wire, Iron & -St.ee1 OlY; LImIted, .wIr&:: drawers .& manufaclurers & ."'WIre mat.tre.ss. mannfac.'. turers,Longford works, Folly lane. '1' A "Longi6~c4': Warrino-ton" r ,,~ Long~and'"Josiah, solieito·r & commissioner for oaJ:,lIsZM. insurance· agent, & agent to the Roy.aIE:rohan~edl1':': surance 00, 2U mon .street;·; res. HIll clIffe· ';; .. -. :' Longm.Dre Mrs.. Ha;rriet, .househo~der, 28 Fonridry: stree~ Longmore Thonua,s, wat-chman,.I~ Manley.street .. _'l. LongSihaw John, S1hopkeepe.r;' Jome:rat :Museum street;~ TeSi. 52 Parr-ker street . . Longsb.aw _~ss ·Margaret, gT€,engrocer,. Markethall;:i _res .. 4 &~.6 ~n st,re.et·· 'r Longshaw Samuel, engine driver, 36 WaJ.ker street',,: Longshaw ·Thomas, labouter, 23 Elizabeth.·street : .. Longshaw William; draper, I Regent street ..•_.~·.:i Longsh:aw Wm. drapers'assi.st. Grappenha,u .rd.La-Whirl! Longshaw Willia;,m,.shopkeeper,PenketJh Longton Henry J .. solicitor &?ommiss~0.ne~ for .o~t1Is," solicitor-·tc the Newoou'-le-Willows BrnldIDg'. SOCIety,;. solicitor to the Warrington Economic ,Building:.so,;: dety & insuranceageIlt,I5 ,Uppecr. Bank . street-;·;res): The Mders Earlstown . ..' . . .' .- ..• ", Longworth .A~ron, bricklayer, 22 Howley lane ." Lonsdale Oha,s.com. agent, A.,shfield,T:nelwall la.LatclIfr<i Look.,rBe:njamin, shopkeeper, 22 James' s t r e e t , · · Looker Frederick, turrier·, II Pitt s-tTeet '.c.',. Looke.r John, engine dri'v':e.r,· II Lovely. lane Looke·r Jo,sepb., iron worker, 3·1 catherine, street Looker Ph~be, shopkeeper, 6 Pitt ,street . .,. c-. _ Locker Robert, taild'!', II4 Knntsford rd.'·Latchford".':~ Looker William, joiner,25 ·Oatherinestreet,. -: :~;'c.· • Lord Brothers, mantl-emak:e·r-s &. drapers, 128 Bridge st:. Loughlin .Felix, wa,tch .& clOCK maker, 17 ButterriJ.arket's~ llo·verirug Edward,draugp.'tsm.an; 57 Pad-ga,te lane.> i Lowe Abraham, labourer, 55 WakefteJd street ._ . Lowe Mcrs. Amelia, householder,·10 .Wellington street·· Lowe ~Irs. Ann, householder, 128 Manchester road:':.; Lowe Davicl, assistant, 16· Cartwright street . ~:::..' Low-e Edwa.rd, news.a,gent;8· Golbo·rne street :<,s;.!:;J Lo.we Frederick, jO'in~r, 8 Marsh street ' : :..J. Lowe Harry, cleTk, 324 Knntsford 'rolad, Latchford·',;· Lowe JaInes, canal hls,Pe.ctor, 295 Knutsfo·rd rd. La.tcnfr~ Lowe JaJ:l?es" householder, 15 Gre,enall street ' .<,.e. Lowe James, railwa.y port.e.r, 46 ·Golborne street . c. La-we John, laboure'!', 18 Edgeworth street . c' :-, • Lowe Joseph, wire' drawe,r, 35· Elizabeth str€et Lo,we & Laithwaite, bOlYksellers & stationers,61· Bridge 'si Lowe Mrs. Ma.rgaret, householde:r, 85 ·Boyle street ,~ . . Lo,we Mart-thew, la:bourer, 9 Brick st,reet : .. Low:e RQ,bert, auctioneer & valuer, est-ate agent & incor~ po·ratOO acco·UiJ.tant, Uppeil' Bla.uk stre·e,t,.· & office; Mar: ke·t Gate chambers ; res. 22 Wbite, street.. T·N $5; See adveil'tisement Lowe Samuel, cooper, 30 CartWl'igh't street < ,.;;,z DIRECTORY. ] WARRINGTON. ALPHABET. I 67 Lowe. Robert, grocer (H. Melling & Co. Limited), Mackie Mrs. Elizabeth, booksel:er &, stationer & sub-post~ I32 Manchester road mistress, 2 Market p:ace ;re,s. I5 Stanley stree·t McLeIllliin 'Jos~h, a.ssistant, 8 Park place.· . Lowe Mrs. Sarah, householder, 34 King, street Lowe Thomas, fitt-er, 4I Hopwood street :M!0Loughlin John, labourer, 3 How3,rd, street " Lowe Thomas, labouxer, 37 King street McMullin Martin, shingler; 263 Winwickroad Lowe Thomas, stripper, I3 New road', Latchford McNair Thomas S.carver. & gilder, 8 Ry:ands street Lowe William, earver & gilder & picture frame maker, Madden John, labourer, 4IUpper Bank street II3 Sankey street MaddOck Mr,s. Fanny, 'Stag inn, Lower Walton LoweWilli:aJn, shopkeeper, 44 Golborne street Maddock Frederick, househo;der, 93 'Howley lane Loxley John, pork butcher, 76 Batter:sbylane Maddock JaJbez, tanner, 208 LongfDrd street Loy Mrs. Maud M. Eagle, & Ohild, Bridge street Maddock Mr·s. Maria,s'..1.opkeeper, I9 Orford lane· LUlbricate CD. (The), .oil, grease & composition. manu- Maddock Samuel, tanner, 37 Elizabeth street '. faAjturers, Priestley street Maddock William, laibo'ur·er, .79 Cartwright street Lucas Walter, glass blower, 80 Orford ,lane l\;Iadeley Chas. curator & li!:m. ,MumcipaI m~seu:m;Bo.Jd~t Luff Percy George, inspector; I90Longford street Maginn Brothers,coaoh~bUllders,cab propnetors, funeral Lunt Miss Ann, householder, 43 St. Mary st. Latchford und~rtakers & jobma'8'ters, Park mews, Sankey street Lnnt Edward; cartJingcontractO'r, 79 Howley lane & I4 Horsemarket s.treet:,. TN' JI, " . ' ' Lunt Elijah, cashier, Padgate Maginn John, cab 'owner, 22 Parker street , ",. Lunt George, theatre tavern, r Winwick street & Maginn John, sewing Diachine dealer .&agent fol' But~ 47 Scotland rood terick's patterns,· 14 Horsemarket' sltr.eet , Lunt John, carting contractor, St. James? street~ res. l\;fuginnes BachaI'd, labourer,7J~1Iey"st~eet Belmont, Lat6hiorrn . Magnan .AJfred~, manager, Na.tional Telephone, Q(). 8 Lunt Jo-hn C. shopkeeper, 85 Howley lane Scot~and road; res. Pine terra'ce,' S~ockton Heath' . L1llIJt Robert, 'traveller, 8I Padgate lane MllJgra<th John, bookbinder, 'II Regentstre.et Lunt Samuel, carting contractor & furnitme remover, Magrath Peter, bookJbinder,36 Queen street " '97 MerBeystreet ' , MagTath William J. hookbinder, ':39 Hingst-reet; 'res. Lydon Thoma.s, labourer, 24 King street, :54 AC'ademy str-ee<t, , ",' , " . Lynch Ohristophel', 'carter', 26 Howley,lane : ,Maguire George, bottle dealer, IO Stoney yard , Lynch Thomas, in1andxevenue officer, II Leghstreet , Maguire Mrs. Margar;et" householder, 83 D-allamlane Lyon. Oharles,- lo,cal manager, Liverpool Daily, Post &; Ma!iJ.on.ey J oIhn, labourer,135 Dal'lam lane , " ," Eoho, I7 Winwick street Main The Misses Isabella & Josephine, dressmakers, 5,I. Lyons John, boot'maker &; clogger, 2r Brick street Ellesm.ere street ~ , " Lyons John; shopkeeper, 2 Platt,:stroot Main John, tailor, 54 Pierpoint, stre·et Lythgoe Mrs. Ann; householdei", '75 Dallam lane Maines Lsaac, beer retailer, Croft' Lythgoe Charles, painter', 4 'Monks st·reet' , Maines William,shopkeep:er, OfDft Lythgoe James, carpten'ter, 45 Folly lane , Main1.ey John, paintei', Penketih '" , ' " Lythgoe John, farmer', Black'brook;Feiarnhead Mainwaring ,Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, Grappenhall Lythgoe John; shopkeeper,Thelwalllane; Latchford Mainwaring James, sexton & verger, Grap'PenJJ.~U . Lythgoe John & Co. ,confectioners, 35a:, Sankey street Mainwaring JDnn& Co, acc01:int~nts,. auchone.ers & Lythgoe . John' Joseph, prof. of' music, I6' Bold street valuer,s; Bridgestr:eet. TA "'Mamwarmg, auctIoneer, Lythgoe:" Samuel,':fi1e' fo.rger, I58 Battersby,'lane Warringtlon." See advertis,ement . Lythgoe .'Thomas~casihier, 64' Manchester road Mainwaring ThDmas, derk; 61 Knutsford rd. Latchford Lythgoe Thomas; farme,r, Woolston grange, Woolston Mail' William, aIS·sistant.superintendenPto, thePea.rl Life Lytrugoe Thos. insur. agi. Wigan Ooal & Iron 00. Arpley Assurance Co., 65 Wash lane;, Latchford , ~IicCarthy Miss, Ellen, greengrocer, 8I Mersey street "Maire Mis's SaTah, houseMdr. Knutsfrd. rd. Gra'Ppe.'lh:l11 McOall."thy Michael M.D. surgeon, 36 Manchester road Maki'n George, assistant, 69 Wakeneld, street, " \!';fcCauley William., moulder, ,I66 Winwick road, ', Male :M:rs.Emma,shopk.e~per, 8 Catherine street McClew Jas. tobccnst. & hairdrs·sr. A7Horsemarket sf Mal);.in H,enry, frie<'F fish dealer; Bewseystreet McGlew ':M.rs. Jane, furnit1ire dea.le.r;:';22 Queen street Malkin Henry, housenolder, 38 llewsey road :M:cOlew Thomas,tailoT', 46 Eustace street, , ' " Malkin John A. Shipinn,HigherWa;ltQn " McCollom James,& Son,drapers & rilllliner.s, Ma.r-ket pI Malkin Thomas, fO:rgeD:lan,57Nicho:~oristreet MeColl0ID.' Wm. draper, Market pI. ;r~s. 73:M'3Jn.chestwrd Mal:on John, labourer,6I Fci~Q.ry'stre~t, ", . McOorniick .Tohri; labourer, 34 Found.ry street Malone Edward;pointsman, 8 St. 'Mary sot. Lilltchiord :McOoy 1!.;£rs. Sa.ra4, shopkeeper, 53 Pierpoint street ," Manchester Fui:nishing Co: .cabinet makers &funiiture. :McCreadie M1!."s. .Annabella,' White Hart & din~ng rooms, deale}?s, II5Sankeystreet ,', '" . IO Lyme street & Market place, ,.., 'Manchester & L;iverpoolI)istrict, Banki J1gCo. L;d. McCue Patrick,.lab.o.urer, 52 Hoyle:.street ' (branc'J.), Sankey ~treet. (Robert .GeorgeHenshaJ.l, McCue Thomas, bncklayer,:£3 P~ti1 street , manager); London o:('fice, 75 ,Oornhlll, " " McDermott .Tohn, fOO'geman, ,rEdwardstreet '," Mancliester Ship Oan,!il Co. (Bridgewater Canals UnderMcDonnell Mrs:Ellenj.s~opkeeper, 75 Shar'P·street ". taking), carriers by water,Howley quay (Jame.sEvans, McDowel.}'!ohn,goMh builder ,(MI1,s~ery & c&;).Rylands st agent); & g~od:~ warehoThse, ..Knuusford rd. L.a>tcMord Mace Wilham, lrDl!l worker, .54Pnestleystreet, Manchester Talliormg &;Clothing :Depot, cIo,thiers, 8 & IO Hor:semarket gJtreet " .. ' " , '. McElroy .Toshu3i, .glass maker,' I9Selby street . McElroy William,m~hanic, 35 Cartwright street , Mandy James, ,fitter, 25 Ernest street ., • McEvoy Damel, forgemgn; 40: Howard street " Manion :MIchael,' engine driver., , I94Bat:tersiby lane McEvoy Mrs. Ellen, tallow chandler,r6 :JI4il1 street Mann Mrs. Ren<L Maggie", tobilCco'riist; I? Bridge. street McFall: David Oo'-su:geOD!, 5 Folly 13,'lle , , ' ,," . .' Mann~ring VVilliam,ha;irdres,s:er-, 9I ¥ersey'S<l:reet ' Mc~ngl~ Jsph. J. inland revenue Qffcr.229 Manche.sfr.rd Manmp.g John; farmer,'LOnglane,OHord McGarty .Tam£s,' householder, 9'FriJ.ghall lane " Mannion Frank, labourer, 80 Pierpoint ,street McGe;a.chan Frederick, vanmari,64Ga,ribaldi stree,t , Ma:nnion Owen, forgetnan,I7 Pitts,treet McGeachint Mrs, BeJt·sy; householder; 32 Nicholson st~e.et Mansan John H.'wire:drir~er, i3Leicester stre'et :McGee Frederick, wire d1:9.0wer, 37 Aikin st'r:eet " ManseR Jo,seph, irim worker, IOI'Padg3Jte lan.e McGowanG,!,'OT'ge,. clerk, 349 Knutsford road, Latchford ManiUe T':l!os. quartrmstr.-sergt.. ', I$ ~ra:r;sh House lane :1Ii:cGrif Mrs. :J;,ouisa.househo:Ider-~3 Academy street 'Margetts Henry, gardener, 24 Wasi;].lane McGmnness .T,as.rp.a:ltste:r,98 Wilderspool causwy.La:whfrd Mark John, la!hourer, 60 New road, La.tchford l\;IcGuire Na:poloon.Jraveller, 45Padgate lane . Marl' James, fishmonger, Market ha~'l , " :Machin GeOTge, clerk, 45,Wel1field, street MarrowRDheI't, signai;man,29 Wilderspool cusewy,Lt.chfd :McInaliy Thomas, fOTgeman, I3 Dale street Marsh M-rs.Adelaide, householder, 34 Rol;~ston s,tree·t 1vIacIver Caliri; ,estli,te, agetit (John White, MacIver & Marsh Alfred, insurance agent, I I RoUeston stre·et 00.), The Crqft., Slal1ham, neal" Wa;rrington Marsh Mrs. Elizh;househoWll'. 363 Knutsfrd. rd.Latehfd, :McKane James; lab{)1Urer,l-7 Albert street Marsh James, estate agenlj:" gBiolleston street ' ~IcKay ,Dominick, puddler,82 Pierpoint street , Marsh James, -furimceman, ,II6 Pierpom.t 'street ~I<JKenzie John,' hardware dealer, 32,9 Liverpool .rood :Marsh James; householder, 22 ROJ1eston street McKenzie Miss Sarah, householder, 5 Wellfield street Marsh James,laobQurer, 6I ~Pierp9int street Mackey Mfs. SaJ'aih A. hon-seholder, 41 Lovely lane Marsh James A. po-rter, 50 Kn1i'ts[ord rd. Latchford :t.lackie & Q(). Limited,publisherso! the WaJITingion Marsh James W. heerre·tailer, 541' Knut.sford rd.La.tchfd Guardian, printeTs,eng:rn,vers, stM-ioneTs &c. Sankey Maxsh John, cabinet maker, 42 Napier street: street, Warringtml!. TN' 52; T A "Guardian, War- MarslJ.John, Lord Rodney inp., Wi'nw,ick street rington. See advel't. pr~ceding Stl'€et Register :Marsh Joseph, ironmonger &'iron & tinplate worker, :McLarty Donald, millwright, 8 Egerto-n street, 59 Sankey street WARRINGTON 68 WARRINGTON. ALPHABET. Marsh Peers, chimney sweeper, 19 Haydoek str~e~ Marsh Peter, p:umber, 37 RoJ.eston ,street Marsh R. W. (exors. of), cabinet makers & upholsterers, 164 & 166 Bridge street Mal'1s'ha~1 ArchibaJd, labourer, 32 We1llfield street Marshall Barth&omew, manager, 175 Bewsey road MarshaU David, bundl·er, 18 Leicester street Mal'shailll Mrs. Eliza, lodging house kpr. 13 Pinners brow !MaDshall John, fitter, 48 Knutsford.. road, La,Waford Marshall JoIhn, furnaceman, 34 W,ellfield street M!al'1sha1l Joseph, lockma;s;f:,er, Latc'hford locks, Latchford M'3Jrshall Thom!lJS B. manager, 24 Artihur stI'lee,t lMal'sihailll William, shopkeeper, 38 Pi'nnel"s brow Martin Georg.e, 'puddi~er, 12 D3Ile s,treet Martin Robert, fried fish dealer, 17 Bewsey street Martin Robert, frie~ fish dealer, 163 Mersey street Martin Robert, fried fish dea1er, 70 Winwickstreet • Martin Willliam, bootma. Orford st.; res. 29 Orford st MaiskeJil 'I1homa;s, wire drawer, 7 Egerton street Maskery & Co. coach builders makers, Rylands street & harness M-a.son Frank, pork butClher, 41 PinneI'l1> brow MllIson Henry, iron wInker, 22 Pierpoint stree,t MaiSon James, moulder, 65 Winwick street M!IIson James, plumber, 5 Ir1!lJm street Mason John, watchman, 168 Manchester road iMa;son Jos·eph, clerk, 101 Howley lane iMason M-athias, farm bailiff 0bo Mrs. StJanton) , Greenfield. ThelwaJ!l Mason Samuel, C'lerk, 76 We-llfield street 'MaJson William, storekeeper, Howley quay Mason William, yerust dealer, 6 Orford lane Masonic haB, St. AThs,tin's lane M-assey Arthur, labour,er,' 8 Regent street Massey Charles H. shopkeeper, 168 Liverpool road !Massey Dani·eil, farmer, Myddleton, Croft MJa,s'sey Edward, butcher, 28 Horsemarket s,treet; res. ro6 Bewsey road M!russey Elijah, j'oiner, 25 Marsh Hous,e, Iane Massey Francis, householder,. Leigh villas, Knutsford road, GrappeIiliall Massey Frederick, 16 Bewsey road Massey James, farmer, Martinscroft Mll1ssey James, HO'l"se & Jockey, Martinscroft !MIassey James, IwbD'Urer, 38 Foundry 'street Massey James, moulder, 160 Longford street Massey James, warehouseman, 97 School brow Mas'sey John, shopkeeper, 34 Sooool brow Massey J·ohn, tripe dlr. 5 Wiilderspool csewy. Latchd'rd Mas'sey Johln, wire drawer, 9 Lov€'ly lane Massey J·ohn T. la,bourer, 36 Powysstreet vbssey J,oseph, box maker, 12 PowY'S street flIassey J'o,seph, labourer, 88 Wellfield ,street Massey Jsph. minerai wate.r manufactr. 77 Ellesmere ,st Masisey Jo,seph, shopkeeper, 80 Priestley streeilJ Massey Mrs. Margaret, fruit,erer & florist, Market b.aJ!1 Massey S:amuel, bootmaker, Lower Walton Masse.y Samuel, furnaceman, 28 S.elby street Mass,ey Samuel, tanner, Knutsford road, Grappenhal[ iMaJssey Miss Soca'd, shopkeeper & su'b-pO's·tmistreiss, !Martinlscroft iMJassey ThO'll1as, s'tab1eman, 9 Mersey mount, M.ersey st Mllissey TllOma's, striker, 7 Gal"ibaldi street ~ra,SJS'ey Thomas, tanner, 50 Ro!lleston street Massey Thomas, wire driawer, 193 Longford street Massey William, fanm:er, MartiinJscroft Massey William, iurnooeman, 17 Ernest street Mather Charles, wir.e drawer, 40 Rolleston street Mather GeOTge, farmer, Cinnamon brow; Fearnhead Mather Harry, butcher, 75 Ohuooh streeJt Mather James, glass ·cutter, 53 FoUy !l:ane Mather James, joiner, 52 Cock'hedge lane 'Mather John, file cutter, 131 OrfOTd lane Matr.aer John, fishmonger, MarkeIt hall 'Ma,ther J'ohn, fitter, 101 KnutsfordJ road, L.atchford Mather John, tainner, 14 Winwick road Mallher John James, moulder, 47 Longford ,s·j:.reet Ma,ther Mrs. Sarah A. house'holder, 16 Friars gate IMJather 'I1h:oma·s, labourer, 97 Pierpoint s.t!'eet }'bther Thomas, Old Orow inn, 12 Fennel street Ma1Juer Thomas, pawnlbroker, 49 PinneDs brow J\,fa,tGer WiHiam, coal dealer, 2 F'Oundry street Malther William, farmer, Sandy lane, Orford Mather WilO.irum., fitter, 3 Rigby street M3!bthews Mrs. Bridge,t, householder, 28 Queen 'street Mat<thews Charles, cabinet m-aker, Penket'h MaM:hews George, telegra.ph linesman, I I Nicholson lit Matthews John, agent, 20 Robson street Matthews Joseph, joiner & builder, contmctor, timber merchant & saw mill owner, Marsh st. See advert Mawson & ·00.· '1ai].ors & woollen drapers, 35 Sankey st Mawson John, taibr (~Ia'W,on & Co.), 4 W".aite street [SLATER'S Maxwell Francis, botanist, The:wall lane, Latchford Maybrey Joseph, wi;e drawer, 69 Lovely lane Maybury Georae WIre drawer, 15 Robson street :Maybury Henry,' cabinet maker, 42 Wal~er s,treet M'aytbury Thomas, househo:der, .25 Ke'ndnck s,tr,eet May,er's William Henry, c'ompo,sltor, 3 2 Powys s·treet Ma,yhall Thomas, tripe dresser, 68 Buttermarket street' Meachin Monzo, apartments, 75 Orford street Mea,cib.in Mrs. Catherine, shopkeeper, 127 Dallam lane Meachin Walter, cardleiI', 100 Lythgoe's lane :M!eacock Edward: Smith, 15 Rivoc roa(l" L.atchford Mee John, gas fitter, 83 Leigh streeJt Mea Wm. clerk, Leigh villa,s, Knutsford rd. Grappenhall Meikle Michael labOUT,er, 36 Priestley street Melbourne OIe~ent, moulde,r, 43 Napier s'treet Melburne David< labourer, 36 Go-rsery lane. Melbourne John, millwright" ,engin~er & Iron & brass found€jr, Wilderspool foundry, Wild'erspool causeway, Latchford! Melbourne WilHam, fitter', 5 Scotland, road Melia Daniel & 00. grocers, 3 Hor'se~arJ:ret .street MelliOO' William. hair dresser, 77 WmW1ck 1"000 MeJ101l'°Mrs'. Eli~a" shopkeeper, 32 Elizabet~ s·trOOt Mello,r Mrs. Fr!lJhces, pork' butchoc,' 84 BrIdge stre'e,t MeNo-r Frederick B. painter, IO Cairo s~reet Mellor Mrs. Rarri€jt, househol(l;er, 210 Wildocspool causeway, Latchford MaNor Jonathan B. flagger, 18 Dallam lane Mellor Jonathan B. . ,stamper, 12 Cairo l>treet Mellor Wm.· B. warehouSleman, 45 Sob. Mary st.Latchford Melton James, painteIT', 13 Mill street Mephan John, timekeepe.r, 45 Tanners l a n e . . Me.rcer Mis,s Margaret A. dress mak€j1", 53 Sankey Sitreet Mercer Robert, basket & skip maker, 53 Sankey street Mercer Samuel, foreman" 23 Leicester street Meredith John, househoJde.r, 20 Rolleston street ~Lerringtoo. Mfred, shingler, 29 Wellfield street Me,rsey (The) Boot Ma.nufacturing Co. boot & shoe' manufacturers, Hopwood street. Mersey (The) Rubbe<r Co. Lim. india rubber ~anufac. turers, Bank quay ~ T' N 86; T A. "Para, Warrmgton" Mersey White Lead Co. Lim. (The), white lead manufacturers, Sa.nkey bridges; TN 58; T A "Lead; Warrington" Melssiter George, fitter, 39 Pierpo-int street Middleton Henry, fa,rmer, Ivy house', Moore Middleton .James, iron workeIT', 7 Pierpoint street Middleton '.rhomas" wir,e drawer, 50 Padgate lane Miles Harry, labourer, 160 Winwick l'oa.d: Miller Alfred, draper, II4 Brid'gestreet Miller Miss AnnieE. ,shopkeepeIT', 33 MeI"sey street Mil!le.r Mrs Catherine, butcher, 39 Upper Bank street Miller Mrs. Elizh. Mulberry Tree illln, Stockton heath· Miller Elnest, baker & flour dealer, Is) Greenall street :M:iller H. & Co. shopk<~ei[J'e:rs, 99 Chorley ,stroot . MiJ1er John, puddler, 181 Longford street MiNeiI' John, t()loi!. make'!', 35 Wash lane, Latchford MiUer Mrs. Mary, upholsrteres,s, 40 Bewsey road _ Mmer Rkhardi, clerk, 68 St.. Mary stl'ieet, L!lJtchford Miller Richaa'd, joiner & buildel', 82 Mersey str€!e,t Miller Richard, shopkeeper, 7 Dial street Milrer Robei·t, 'household'e<r, 595 Knutsford I'd'. Latchford :MillieI' Robert, shJopkeeper, 67 Bostock stl'ieet Miller Miss Te;resa, confectioneiT, 82 Me,rsey street Miller WilEam, bedstead! maker, 21 Laira street Miller William, iron worker, 33 Orford lane Millichap Be.nj. 'bus driver, 477 Knutsford rd. Latchford Milling William, timekeeper, 8 Orford avenue Milling Hem'y & Co. L.im. grocers', 5 Horsemarket st Millington Charles" labourer, 46 Cartwright street Millington James, householder, Heath Road viIs. Penketh Millington John, fitter, 75 Wellfield street Milling,ton John J. cle<rk, 161 Longford st,reet Millington Joseph, policeman:, Knutsfoll"d I'd. Grappenhall Millington Mrs. Mary, butcheiI', Stockton hea,th Millington Thomas C. clerk, 35 Battersby lane Millington William, baker, 26 Cartwright skeet, Millington William, laboure'l', 72 Orford la,ne Millington Wliliam, warehouseman, 131 MeTsey street MillID'a,n John, shingler, 39 Wakefield street Mills Oha;rles H. shopkeeper, 58 Napier -street IMiills Edmund, shopkeeper, 23 Orford stree!t Mills Edwin, fustian cutter, Morris's court, Church 5t Mills l\fiss Flo!'a .T. dre,ss maker, 85 Lovely lane Mills Isaac, wir'3 wOll'ke<r, 9 Arpley stre·et Mills John, labourer, 6 MilneI' street Mills Joseph, la;boul'.~r, EveJyn streeJt M.;lls Richard boil,"'!' maker, 9 Gladstone stree.t Mills Richard, iron roller, 13 Catherine stl'ieet Mii'ls Richard', manager, 61 Bewse~street Millward Mrs. Ann, householder, 13 Dixon street l\lillwur,d John, <;ngTaYer, ,p A.rpJey street DffiECTORY.] 'tVARRINGTON. Millwood John, engrav~r, 2I River road, Latchford' l\filner William, shopkeeper, I36 Winwick road l\f:iLward! Tho•. pork butcher, 52 St. James? st. Latchford Mines Hy. M. superinrenderut, Industrial schls. Padgate l\lin.shull Mrs. Sarah, houoohO'lder, 45 New rd. Latchford Minshuft Thomas, labourer, 67 Cartwright street Minshuli Thomas, tailor, 8I Carlwright street Mitchell Benjamin C. cooper, II8 Orfor<:L lane :Mitchell Edwin J. club steward, 67 Bewseystreet Mitchell Wm. hair dresser, 344 KIlIUtsford rd. Latchford MitcheU William, 1abo,=er, 37 NichollsolU str,eet l\Ic,f'fatt Alfred, labourer, 64 Knutsford mad!, Latchford Moffatt Mrs. Ann, beer retailer, I06 Winwick mad Moffatt Thomas, wheelwright, 5 Edgeworth street Mio[YJJJeux George, wire drawer, 3I Allen street Molyneux Geor~, wire drawer, 54 Allen street Miolynenx James, todl maker, 62 Ellesmen:,e ,street Molynenx John, plumber & painter, 37 Napier stre,et Molyneux MrS'. Mary, shopkeeper, 45 Napier street Molyne.ux Alfred; waterman, 80 Evelyn street Molyneux John, DJ.l)1U1&r, I95 Winwick road, Molyneux John, scavenger, I93 Orford la·ILe Molyneux William, ,shopkeeper, 54 Brick street Monaghan Patrick. C8.;rter, I7 Tanner;s? lane Monaghan Patrick. detective, £ergeaJIlft, 4 Tanners' lane M(;nk John, whitesmith, 27 Tanners' lane. Monks Mrs. Ann, hQllseholde,r, 48 Aikin street Monks David!, sea captain, II Wellfield: street Me·Ilks Frederick, fitte;r-, 70 Orford! lane Menks Goorge, barge nan, 284 Knutsford road, Latchford M!cnks, Hall & Co. Lim. iron & steel manufacturers & tube manufacturers, AthertJOln quay; T'N 6; T A "Monks. Warrington"; & iron & brass bedste,ad manufacturers, Standard bedstead works ' ; TN 88; T A "Bedsteads, Warrington" Monks James, joiner, I32 Orford! lane Monks James, rope & twi.'1.'€' manufacturer, Arpley rope works• .A.rpley road Miolllks John, laiboU['er, 6 Gorsey l'lline Monks John, lodging honsek€'eper, 4 Ship yard Monks John, Old Packet House inn, r39 Bridge street Monks JDhrJ., shopkeeper, Orford Monks John, shopk€leper, 7I Wash lane, Latchford M~nks John T. butcher, I6 Leicester 8ot-ree,t l\l'ooks Joseph, ma.ste:r Inariner, I21 Liverpool road Monks Joseph, waterman, 20 Priestley street Monks Joseph, wire drawer, IO .TloHey street Monks Miss Saral: E. househGlder, 23 Robson s,treet l\llolllks Thomas, farmer, Croft Monks Thomas, plumbe,r & painter, St. Austin's lane; res. 6 Kendrick street l\Ii:mks 'l'lmlmas, wir,e drawer,30 Milner 80treet Monks William, fitter, 200 Longford street Monks William. grocer, te8. & coffee merchant, 6I San.k€,y street. See advertIsementl Molllks William, plumber, 28 Allen street Monks William, plumber, 56 Allen stre<;t Monks W:illia.m, wiredTawer, 50 Elizabeth street Monks Wm. H. rope maker, 4I Knutsford rd. Latchfo.rd Moodly Thomas, forgbmaill!, 36 Piel-pl:>int str,eet Moody William, forgemMl, 64 EveJ.yn street Mooney James, carter, 14 WakefieJ.d sheet J'vlloiore Rev. Edward, teaeh€r of music, 4a, Market st. ; res. Th€\' A.ckers, Latchford Moore l\![:rs. Eliza, householder, 24 Cairo street Moore John,smith, 72 Batter;sby lane Moore Joshua, labourer, 42 HiOfWard street Moore :Miss Sarah. householden:, 38 Powys ,street MooDes Thomas, grocer & parcels agent f()lI' the Globe & L. & N. W. Ry. 2I Irlam st.; res. I Manchester road :Moores Thomas, shopke€per, 20 Manch€oster road Moorey Richard, ta.ilor, 24 Glazebr,ook str€et Moorfield John, llSil1rance superintendent, 44 Parker st MOTail1 Michael, labourer, 70 Pierpoint :>treet Mor~ Robert, cart owner, 5I Green street Morgan Thloonas, labourer, 67 Aikin street Morlands Richard, gas stoker, I62 Winwick road Morrall Edward, iron worker, 50 Garibaldi street Morrall George" iron worke,r, 56 Bewsey road MNl'all G€\O!l'ge H. hair dres&er, 4 Peter street Morrall Th=as, forgeIIUl.J1, I37 Lovely lane Morris Arthur, carter, 20 Malrson streeb Me-Iris Charles, cabin,~t Inaken:, IOO Wellfield street Morris Daniel, day waiteI', 154 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford Morris David, compositor, 49 Nicholson street Morris Da-vid, labourer, 37 Froghall lan-e Morris David, \SChoolmaster, I85 Odo,rd lane Morris George, wire worker, 35 Aikin street :Morris Henry, shingler, 20 Albert street l\Iorris John, fireman. 73 Lythgoe's lane Morris John, glass blower, 69 Lythgoe's lane ALPHABET. 69 Morris Richard, iron worker, 4 Alberl street Morris Thomas, farmer, Moss side, Norton Morris Thomas, joiner, 39 Bewsey road Morris Thom31s, manager, 85 Be'Wsey road Morris ThoInas, shopkeeper, 8I C3Jtheri.neSttreet :Mio'Deton John, wire drawer, 9I Cartwright street Mortimer William & Go. tanners, Fan-field tannery, Manche80ter road! & OrilIYTd tannery MortinLore Mrs. Ann Jane" shopkeeper, 69 Turner stree,t Mo,rton Edgar V. pawnbroker, 5 & 7 St. James street, r..a.tchford Morton Ed'gar V. pawnbroker, 62 & 64 Winwick street Moroon George, wire drawer, 33 Robson street Morton Walter, electrical engineer & electric bell fitteir, 127 Sankey street; res. 35 LoVi8ly lane Morton William, Boars Head: inn. IO Town hill Mosley Mrs. Maria., houselwMer, 5 Suez 80treet Moss Mrs. Ha,nn&h, blacksmith (Stephen Miolss), 59 Academy ,street Mo~s John, butcher, 59 Leonard street Moss John, fitter, 51 Bewsey road Mos-S' Joseph, butcher & shopkeeper, Lower Walton Moss Joseph, whitesmith, I22 Knutsford rd. Latchford Mo,8os Mi·s8o Maude, dress mao 54 Knutsford'rd:. Latchford Moss Samuel, commission agent,603 Kn'l1tsford rd.Ltchfd Mos,s Stephen, blacksmith, Academy street Mos'E" Thomas, whitesmith, 54 Knutsford rd:. Latchford Moston Albert, shopkeeper, 8 Glazebrooks-treet Motley Fred, lurryman. I9 Tanners' lane Mott Fr.ed, joiner, 32 G'orsey lane Mottram Jas. confectioner, 88 Bridge s,t.; res'. 3 Union ct Moulsdale Mrs. Ann, blacksmith, Higher Walton Moulsdale Job, signalman, I Wakefield; street Mountield Alfred, cabinet maker, 75 Manchester road Mounfield Charles, cabine,t maker, 65 Manchester road Mounfield Charles, hosier,gentlemen's outfitter & umbrella manufacturer, I Bewsey 'street & Winwick street, opposite Parr',s, Bank. See advertisement Mountield George, cabinet maker, 56 Manchester rDad MounfieldJohn H. shopkeeper, I7 Church street Mounfield Joseph, cabinet maker, upholsterer & furniture remover, 64 Buttermarket street & Mersey street; res'. 67 Manchester road Mounfield Joseph, jun. joiner & builder, Mersey street; res. Lower'Valton Muckley David, iron turner, 28 Ernest street Muckley David, manager, 93 Bewsey road Mucklow Mrs. Harriet, householder, 74 Cartwright st Muir Alexander, cashier, 20 Crostfield street Muir J. M. teacher of music, I30 Bridge street; res. I I Cliff view, Stockton Heath Muir James, householder, 56 Bewsey street Mulhare Michael, labourer, 14 Howard street Mullins John, schoolmaster, 82 Buttermarket street Mullins' Mrs. Mary, householder, 59 Foundry street Mullins Thoma's, beer retailer, 25 Friars green Mulvey.:roseph, engine driver. 55 Folly lane Municipal Museum Reference & Lending Library & News Room, Bold street Municipal School of Art, Museum ,street MUIlIl! Frederick, traveHer,84Wildespool causewy.Latchfrd Murgatroyd George, traveller. 32 Catherine street Murphie James, hosier & outfitter, 4 & 6 Buttermarketst Murphy Gregory, hair dresser, 9 Scotland road Murphy Patrick, puddler, 9 Edward street Murratt Joseph, shopkeeper, I7 Foundry street Murray Frank, joiner, 5 Gladstone street Murray John, manager, Parr's Banking Co. & The Alliancv Bank Lim. Winwick st.; res. Warrendale, Frodsham Murray John, painter, 18 Man~ey g,treet Murray Thomas, forgeman, 18 Dale street Murray Thos. L.R.G.P.S. ·surgeon, Chapel rd. Penketh Murton George, confectioner, 64 Golborne street Muskett Jsph. wheelwright & blacksmith, Higher Walton Mycock John R. canev3.sser, 5 'Walker street Myles Arthur, labourer, 22 Howard street Myles Edwin, greengrocer, 33 Priestley street Myles Frederick G. wire drawer, 35 Priestl.ey street Mynekyme Albert, pork butcher, 4 Market street Naden J. Bassett M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. surgeon, 2 Well. field st,reet, Liverpool road Narmway Jonathan, puddler, 35 Pierpoint street Na,tional & Provincial Bank of England Lim (branch), draws on head office, II2 Bishopsgate street E C LandoD! (Jo,seph William Beevers, man.), 31 Bridge st National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty toChil· dren, 34 Parker street (James Uphill, local impector) National T€lephone Co. Lim. district office, 8 Scotland road (Alfred Magnall, manager) Nattrass Joseph, boot maker, I84 Liverpool road Naughton Mrs. Catherine, shopkeeper, IS Old rd. Ltchfrd 7-0 ... ,ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. [SLATER's OakhillSamuel,cabinet maker, 33 Hopwood street Naylor Cl;1arles,_ :.wheelwright, 7 Powys. street Oates James, fustian cutter, 55 Haydock street Naylor Fra!!k,._cab driyer, 61 ..W1\,kefield street Naylor Herbert W. bookseller, stationer, printer, book- O'B'rien Mich,ael, householder, 23 Tanners' lane binder, engraver & relief st¥llper, 21 Sankey street. O'Brien Thomas, labourer, 50 Academy street Observer Printing & Pubhshin,gCo. Lim. printer:; & See advertis,ement publishers of the War.rington O~s~rver,.newspape,r& Naylor James, engine driver, 81 PIerpoint street general printers,Academy st. (WIlham GIll, man.ager; Naylor J[imes, shopkeeper, Burton, 'Wood . J. L. Tunstall,sec.), & BeWosey chmbs" 14 Hewseys:t: Naylor Peter W. fustian, cutter, 25 Lythgoe's lane O'Dillon Mrs'. Teresoa,house-ho:der, 73 Leghstreet. ., Naylor R. A. confectioner, Market hall Ogden Mrs'.' Ellen, shopkeeper, 3~I' Live~J:l0ol road Naylor It. A. & Co. c·onfectioners, I Queen, street Naylor Robert A. timber merchant, joiner, wood turner, Ogden Thomas, carpenter, 30~ LIverpool Toad wheelwright & steam saw mill proprietor; mills, Oldfield: Arthur, cooper, 199 LIv-erpool road Howley lane, Howley Quay; res. Cuerden hall, Thel- Oldifield Charles, hair dresser, B~wsey s~reet Oldfield Charles, hair dresser, 72 WinwlCk street wall: TN 16; T A "Naylor, Warrington" Oldfield Noah, farmer; Croft Nayl-or Samuel, painter, 5 Monks street Oldroyd HenryO. rubber worker, 17 Knutsfordrd. Ltchfd Naylor Sydney, draper, 73 Priestley street O'Lea.ry Mrs. Alice, nurse, 3. Manchester. r o a d ' Neary Mrs. Ann, hous,eholder, 5 A.llgard street O'Leary Michael, labourer, 49" Tanners' lane , Needham William, shopkeeper, I Selby str·eet Oliphant Thoma,s, rubber mixer, 310 Manchester road, Neil Frederick, plumber, 149 Longford street ., OllieI' George, brakesman, 49 Gladstone street Neild Frank, Ring 0' Bells, 131 Church stre,et O'Neill ThomasD. timekeeper, 25 Liverpool road.Neild JO'hn J. manager, 36 Padgate lane ' Nelson Philip, districbs'llperitltendent to the Refuge Orange Joseph; stonemason, 16 .Winwick. road Orford David, labourer, 41 NapIer street .: As,surance Co. Lim. 6± Lovely lane . Nelson Thos. W'. & Co. tanners, 63 Mersey st. TN 29 Ormerod James R. district ,superintendent British Work· men's & General Assurance Co. Lim. Union Bank Neubert F. & Co..consulting opticianS', 3, Sankey street chambers, Market gate; res. Sycamores, Lymm, Nevin Michael, shopkeeper,2School brow Ormsby. ThomasJ. .inland revenue officer, 41 Be·wsey road Nevins' Thomas F. Dog & P.artridge, I'addirtgton Osborne George M. _plasterer,.4 Greenall street Newall Abel, householder, 162 Longford street Newall Mrs. Ann, sh-opkeeper, 161 Knutsford! rd. Ltchfrd O&borne Henry,' 'forgeman, 12" Eustace street Newall Charles, market inspect.or, 7 Dalton bank Ostle Henry, joiner, 37 Gladstone street, .,., Newall Mrs. Emma, householder,25-'\Valker street' Ostie Mrs. Rachel, householder, 6 Allen, street Newall Herbert, french polisher, -201:, Orford: "lane Oulton Richard; warehouseman, 40 Selby street Newall James, assistant, 201 Orford lane ' . Oulton Thomas, brakesman, 5 Nicholson street Newall James, f-oreman, 5 Green, street Qulton William, blacksmith, Moore .. .' Newns John E. grocers' assistant, 39 Alleh. str,eet Oultram Thomas, baker, 30 Wellington street . Newton Charles Henry, confectioner, 10 John street Owen Mrs. A.nn,householder,24 Allen street Newton George, joiner, 37 Laira &treet Owen Arthur, wire drawer, 12 Lov-e[y lane Newton Isaac, saResman, 43 Kn.utsf-ord· road, Latchford Owen David, carver & gilder, 16 G.o~borne street Newton James, cart owner, 1$ Orlord lane Owen Edward, engine .drive·r, 20 Arthur street Newton James, carting contractor & farmer, Twiggery Owen Franc1Js' J. slb.-opkeeper, 40 Walker street farm, Manchester road Owen Humphrey, boMmaker, 66 Prie,st:ley street ,Newton Joseph, householder, 1570rford'lane Owen J ame;s, plumber; 43 Orfo,rd lane, Newton Mrs. Mary, householder, 103 Manchester road Owen JoiI:in, blackiSilllith,32 Eustace street Newton Mrs.householder,I76 ~'-;-anchest-er ru,d Owen, Jdhn,co3!l dealer, Penketh Newton Peter, cooper, 39, res. 46, Wilderspool causeway, Owen Jolin, ,:hou:se'ho~der, 18' ~Iil:1 stree.t Owen Jolhh Jas. carter & brickmaker, Station rd.Penketh Latchford " Owen J,)seph, painter, 46 <;Hazeibrook st,reet Newton Thomas, cooper, 195 Liverpool road Owen J'O,serh, stoektaker, 31 Fo1ly lane Newton William, farmer,Martin's croft Owen Mrs. Martha, nouse-h1;1der, 18 Go]borne street Nicholls Mrs. Elizabeth, beer retailer, Burhm Wood Owen Reginald, General :Elliott hote:t, brewer & pleasure 'Nicholls Mrs. Margaret, householder, ,136 Orford lane gal'dens, Croft Nicholls Mrs. Mary, householder, 66 Manchester road Owen RiCihard, carter, 95 Howley lane Nicholson Eugene, manager, 5 DaltoIl! bank Owen Richard, wite drawer, 33 Walker street Nichols-on William,. brick setter, 4 Aikin street Owen Samue:t, fruiterer, Market haH 'NicholsoIlJWilliam C. china_deal'er, 56 Bridge street Owen Mliss Sarah E. householder, 122 Wi1d erspo 01 caUseNightingale Robert, grocer, 57 Bewsey road way, Latc'hford Nimmo John, baker, r G:reenall.street Owen Thom3Js, farmer, Great Sankey Nish Andrew, fitter, 45 Green street Owen Thom3Js, wiredrawer, 38 New road, Latclllo-rd Nix(}h. !John, labourer, 43 Lair'a street Nixon Thomas, B:ack Be.ar inn, 405 Knutsford I'd: Ltchfrd Owen William F.R.I.B.A. arch~tect-, surveyor & valuer, 4 Cairo stroot,; res'. Newholme, GrappenhaJl.T:.A. Nock James, labourer, 71 Aikin street, "Owen, architect,Warringt-on"; TN 7 Nock James, labourer, 22 Elizabeth street Owen Wi1liam, dairj"lffian; Upper Bank street Nock John, labourer,.2I Leicester street Owen William, hairdres'ser, 25 Winwick road Nock Joseph, wire worker, 69 Aikin, ·street Owen Witlliam & Son, groeNs, 15 Sankey street Nock Samuel, iron worker, n6 Orford lane o.wens MidlIae], lalb()ure.r, !0O Pierpoint street Nock Thomas, labourer, 46 Aikin'street Oxle.y M1's. Alice, hOThsehoJ!d-er, 24 MHnersireet Nocks Thomas, binder, 68 Cartwright street Oxley Henry, labourer, 17 Leicester stree,t , Nolan Michael; labourer, 25 Orford; street Oxley Jamels P. cabinet maker &c. 129 Mersey street Norbury James H . .forgeman,I3 A11gal'd: street Norbury John,joiner & builder, .20, res. 78,Wildel'spool . OxileySamuel, honse agent, 26 Milner street Packer Sydney, forgeman, 36 Wakefie~d street causeway, Latchford: , ,_ Pald.-more John, clerk, .';r Padgate lane Norbury Johri, shopkeeper, 78 Battersby lane Norbury John Henry, cabinet maker, Mottram's yard; Page He.~ry S. tailor (H. S. Page & Co.), 205 Padgate lane Page Eh]a!h, labourer, 57 1Vakefie:td street ., res. 6 Scotland! r,oad Page H. S. & Co. tailors, 4 Go.lbo·rne street . Norcott Peter, farmer, Cemetery farm, Padgate l~ne Page Henry S. tailor (H. S. Page & 00.), 205 Padgatela Norcott Thomas, farmer, Burton Wood ' Norman George, dis!trict ,superinte<,nd1ent W~sleyan & Paget John, bottfte maker, 43 Elizalbeth street Pa,gett Arthur, labourer, '64 Howard street General .A!ssuranceCo. 20 Parker street Pagett Walter, hairdresser, I Howard s,treet Normart Horaee, manager, Vine house Paice Mrs. Ehza'betlh, shopkeeper, 46 Church street __ Norman Ralph, labourer, 49 Mersey s,treet PalmerMrs. Cealey, shopkeeper, 9 Thelwall New road, Norman Ralph, nuisance inspector, 46 Bewsey &treet Grappenhall' ." Norman Thos. joiner & builder, 459 Kri1itsford rd. Ltchfd Parker Mrs. Annie, s!hopk~eper, 21I Winwick road ',: 't~orris, William, ,shopkeeper, 38 John street ' Parker Charfes J. !!r6cer, 65 Ghurch street & 2r Fennel North John, engine driver, 30 Battersby lane IStr~et; res. 87 Manchester road . . -, Northern Investment & Discount Co; Lim. loan office, 14 Parker Henry, iron worker, 41 Giladstone street ,. Bewsey street Parker Isaac, gardener, 4 Arthur street ' Noton Frederick, labourer, I I Elizabeth street Parker Sam'1lelJ';l'hn M.B. surgeon, Stockton hea.th Nunnerl-eyWilliam, engine driver, 37.Lovely lane Parker Thoma,s, Iron worker, I', Pierpoint street Nurse Mrs. Florence, householder, 23 Battersby lane Parker vVilliam, po,s,tman, 6 Park place . Oakden John, coach maker, 4.2 Priestley- street Parkes Jo,seph, furnaceman, 93 Hoyle street Oakes -James, labourer, 61 Cartwright street Park~n Henry, fo-rgeman, 8 Erne'st 'street Oakes James, tool maker, 361 '\Vinwick road P'arkmson J. H. dentist, 3 Sankey st·reet nffiEGTORY.] "vARRINGTON. Parkinson Mrs. EUen J. househo~deT, 357 Knutslford road, Latchf-ord PaTkinson .J. H. & Son, brush manufacturers & fancy goods dealers, 2 BTidge, st.; works, 43 Golbo'l'ne street Parkinson James, photographer, :1'5 Sankey street ; res. 32 ArpleystTeet ,., .. Parkinson John, brush maker, 34 .EveJ:yn .street PaTkinwn John, shopkeeper, 26 Lovely lane Parkinson Mrs. householder, 49 Lee;lb.oStreet Parkin'Son William, brush manufacturer (J. H. Parkinso·n & Son), I02 Bewsey road P,arkinson William, COTn, flour, hay & straw dealer, I5 iButtermarket street; res. 357 Knutsford 'road P'llrIDS' John, platelayer' 7 Nicho~son street PaTIDs 'Villiaa::n, brewer, 4 Derby street Parnell Henry, laboureT,9N-ewroad, Latc!hford Parr George, man&ger, 73 Knutsford roM., Latchfol'd parr JameS', file forger, I3Battersiby lane . Parr ThO!l:p,as, plate~ayer, 58 Aikin street Parr William, file cutter; 56 Orford lane Parr's Banking Gompany ~ The Alliance Bank, Limited, Winw<ick, Warrington; John ~rurray, manager; Wm. Sil-cock & ThomaiS' O. Haddock, tellers; head office, 4- Bartholomew lane, London !EJ.O . Parry Oharle.s, labourer, 42 EIlizabeth street Pany George, gardener & florist" 68 Liverpool road .Parry John, tailoT, 3 Suez street Pa·rry William, tiIl!smitlh" 6 .Orfor.d avenue Parsonage Benjamin, farmer, Rood lane, Little Sankey Pal'lsonage Frederick, brewer., IO B.e..~sey road. . Parsonage .James, carter, 24 Erneist street . Parsonage James, . fitter, 23 Frog'ha1:1 lane Parsonage John, gardener, I Garabaldi street Par,sonage SamueJ,brewer, 329 Winwick road Pa·r-sonage William, brewer, 27:Marsh House lane Parsons' JOiSeplh, sho,passistant,. 28 Thynne street ..Parso11JS Mrs. Margaret, honseholder; 76 Evoelyn street Pat'tington .A.1bertJ. fu,stian cutter, GroSisley street PaTtington Arthur, clerk, 27 Gladistone street Partington Joseph,biJor.&:woollen dmper, 43 Bridgest Partington Walter, hutcher, 20 Winwick street Partridge Thomas',I!rnq:lerial hoteJ, Bewosey.road Patchett' Thomas,. shingler', .' 42·. Bewsey road·' , Paton·"Villia.m, iron. roller, I2Bewrsey..road Patrick George, la/bourer,' 24 Holborne street Pattilson Jolhn,' househoMer'-' I8 Cairo street Paul Art'hur W.hosieT &, gentlemen";; outfttter,69 Bridge.st Paul Miss M;arga'l'et L. ladUe.s' outfitter, 37 RorseID;1rket st Paw,son Willliam;slhopkeeper, 320artwright street. Payne Mibert,brickJsetter, 78WeJlfie-ld street .. Payne Miichael, engine- driver,7I Wakefieid street Payne WiQlJiam, brickJset.ter, 72Wellfield street Payne W:i1liam T. finer, B.Anen street Payton :Mr,s. Betsy, hOlli.<.eho:rd,er, 7I Bewsey road Payton James, shopkeeper, I6 Greenall street Payton Josej}h, puddLer, 57 Pierpoint street Peacock .Albert F. pinafore manufacturer ,(Peacock & Yarwood), 24 KnutMord road, Latchford . Peacock Arthur, dmper, :Ma'l'ket hall . Peacock & Yar<!,wood, pinatore & uD!derCi:othing manu.. fadurens' & wholesale drapers, . I School st. Latclhford ~cock Jo,seph, butcher, I37 Mensey str'eet Peacock Peter, c1eTk, I90 Winwick road Peacocke William J.; L,R'.O.p.I., L.R.C.S.I. surgeon, BbeneZier house, 9'> Buttermarket street . Peak John, blacIDsmith, Burton wood P·eak John, . sho;pkeeper, 39 Bircha1l: street Peak Thomas·, Golden Grov,e inn, 9 Lyme- street . Pearce Arthur, taiior, I2 Arp1.ey street Pearce C&l",b, shopkeeper, I2I Knutsfordroad, Labdb10rd Pearce Hel"bert J. hOisier & cardigan jacket kniUer, 74 Butter=arket street. Pearce William H. joiner, 40 Marsh House' lane P>ea.rse Percival,booklseUer, sta:tioner & bookibinder, 8 Sankey.st.; rN!; WoodiQine, tenace, Latchford Pearson & Knowles Ooal & Iron Co. Lim. ('l\he), coal . proprietors & me-rclhants, & iron manufactur.ers, ironfound'ens, engineers. & boiler makers, 'DaJlham Forge & Bewsey Forge,Bews,ey road.T A "Iron, Warrington"; TN 22. James Dodds' ESq. sec . Pearson Freaerick rWiJ.liam, bufclher, I4 Percy street Pearson John; di,cker, I90 Bat·te'l'iSby lane Peal'\son John, householder, I22 Hews'ey road Pearson John; mechanic, 4 Regent street l'eal'son JOishua, foreman, I32 Battersby lane' Pearson RobertH. music & musical 'iustrument warehous~, IO Bolrd street Peers Economi,c BuilrdingSociety (W:illliam Walker, sec. & surveyor), Iq·Kini!: street . . . PeerS' James, bricKlayer, 78 Liverpool road Peer·s Jam,es, C>1erk, 6I Wellfield street Peers Jofun, cart owner, I6 Church street Peers J O'h.n, foreman,71 Liverpool road ,ALPHABET. 71 Peers John, gardener,'553 Knutsford road, Latchford' Peers John, hand cart hirer, 26 ~f:arke·t street . Peers oJhn, labourer, I8 Glazebrook street Peers John, jun. b-riG$'sefter, 6q LivoerpoQ'l road Peers Mis,s Sus,sannah, apart:a.lllents, 62 Academy street Peer,;;' WiRiam, forgeman, 50 Hoyle street Peer,s 'William, labourer, :'3 Wellington street Peet Henry H. butcher, IO Market street P,eever Ollarle,s Smitlh, 264 Livoerj),Ool road Peever William,:shopkeeper, Penketh Peg!rincton Joseph, wire ro][er, I27 Liverpool road Pe~~ton J. & Co. glass, paint & colour merchant-s, 4 :Market p~ace Pemberton James, blacksmith, IO:'3 Liverpool road Pemberton JameS', farmer, New road, Grappenhall PeJJllberton Jolhn, hosiery &. wool dealer, 35 Winwick st Pemberton John, joiner & blillder, Stockton heath Pemberton John, labourer, I34 Knutsford road, Latcb.for<:l Pemberton :Mirs·S Marv, 'house1iifAer, I3I Danam lane . PemJberton Mrs. Sarah, hOUls&older, 09 Bewsey road Pemberton Tho,s. boiler inspecto,r,8 Mersey mnt.M:ersey s't Pemlberton Tihoma.s, carter, 77 Ly:l:hgoe's lane Pemberton Thomas, clerk, 3 White street Pemberton William·, boiler feeder, I8::\ Liverpool road Pemherton WiLliam, 'houseftJ.ol.der, 72 New r03:d, ~atchford Pendlelbury J. &, Co. housefurni:sb.er~, IO WmwlCk street PendleiburyJohn &. Co, COM & bUllrders' merchants & brick makers; I09 Dallam lane . .' PeD!d~ebuTY Frederick,buiJder,s' merchant (J. Pendlebury & 00.), Hony· mIa, 88 Bew,sey road . .' Pend:I:ebury John, wire wo,rker, 45 Gladstone street Penketh Tanning Co, LifiNted,tanners,. P.en~eth ta.nnery, Penketh ; Ollal"le,s E. Parker, managmg dIrector. T .! "Tannery, Penketfu.·" , P'enn John, fitting maker, 42 Evclryn sfreet Penn ThO-IDaJSr, market gardener, Heath road, Penketh Penn WiNiam, iron worker, 15:Mill.lane Penn William labourer, 46 Catherme street Penney Willia~, watchman, 20 w:hi.te str.eet ,. Pennington Mr,s. Ann, nonselholde,r, 27 Elizabeth street Pennington Harry,hutclh,e-r,I2 Marsh st~eet '. . Pennington Ja;ines, flonr merchant, 172 Wjlderspool causeway, Latehford .... , Bennington Joseph, engme drIvel', 23 .AJllgard. street Pennington :Mll's. Mary J:iouseho~der, 4I ~en street Pennington MQ'-S. Mary, ~olli!eholder, 9 NIclho~son street Penning-ton Tihomars·,bnck1ayer, IO Robson street Pennin",o-ton WiJilia:m,masron,. I2 Rohs0':1 street .Pepliow Mfred,'brake.gman, 23 Guar~l::n. street Pel'\ci:val. Bernard Wire drawer, ,;6 .A.ikl!~ street Percival John wire dT-iwer, 5r5 CartwrIght street. . Percival N. B: & 00. wholesale & retail grocers & proVIsion merchaJnts, I4 Buttermarket. streej•. See advert Percival Thomas,· farmer, Moss s!de, Norton Percival Walter,· signalman, .j,8Prlestle-y street Perdne Robert. engineer, 35 MIen street Perdue Thomas, cab driver, 67 Legh street Perks Thomas, 'farmer, Phipps farm, Burton wood Perrin William, traveller, I37 9hurch street Perrins Israel, wire weaver, 35 NlCholson street PerrIns Thomas, shopkeeper, 32 Dudley street Perrins Mfred,coal agent forPearsoDJ &1 Knowles Ooal & Iron 00. Lim. 24 Tanners' la.; res. 24 Arpleystreet Perris Mfd. tobccnist.· I9a, Sankey. st.; res: 24 Arpley st P'erry George, stocktaker, 3 Eustace street . Perry John, forgeman, 39 Hoyle s~reet Perry John, iron worker, 93 Oatherme street Perry 'William', cooper, 5 Rolleston. street Peters :Mrs; Ellen, householder, 55 NIcholson street Peters JOhn,ca.rter, 6 Legh street Peters, John, foreman, 39 Legh street Petford John'fhomas, manager, 58 Manchester road. Phillips George, policeman, I48 Ohurch street Phillips George, storekeeper, I9 Mlgard street Phillips John, brick setter, 28· Eustace street Phillips John, labourer, 5 Derby street Pt.illips Peter, platelayer, IO Monks street. Phillips Samuel, brick setter, 52 Walker street Phillips William, coachman, 5 :Mount street Phccnix William, herbalist, I4 Manchester road Plckavance Edward, leather merchant, 67 Bridge street Picken William, .turner, I3 Pitt street Pickering .Tames, joiner, I88 Liverpcol road Piekering vVilliam, joiner, 59 Cartwright street Pickersgill Harry A. glass mao '315 I Knutsfrd. rd. LatChfrd Pickford Thomas, engineer, IO Pierpoint street Pickmere J. R. & Sons, district agents for the Sun fire & life office, 45 Bridge street .. PieJunere Travers, wine & spirit mercbants, 45 Bridgest. T A "PickInere, Warrington;" & at Nantwich plckston .Joshua, glass maker, 89 Liverpool road Pickston William, coal dealer, 95 Live.pool road P;l·kthall Tom \V. fiUer, 27 G,)ll:orne stl'eet 72 ALPHABET. .WARRINGTON. Pickton David, wheelwright (S. & D. Pickton), 78 Allen st P!ckkn Mrs. Elizabeth, apartments, 13 Kendrick street Pickton Henry O. shunter, lS2 Battersby' lane . Picktc.n S. & D. wheelwrights, coach builders & blacksmiths, 66 Allen street Pickton Samuel, wheelwright, 20 Bewsey road Pickton Thomas, wheelwright, 2 Allen street; works, Rolleston street PIckton Thomas, wheelwright, Edgeworth street Pickup William H. insuran·~e agent, IS Edgeworth street Pickton John Taylor, chemist & druggist,s Bridge street Pidgeon John, labourer, 21 Aikin street Pierpoint &r Bryant, hide & glue piece merchants, Latchford. TN 100; T A "Star, Latchford" Pierpoint & Co. bakers & confectioners & corn & flour dealers, 125 Bridge street. See advertisement Pierpoint & Co. seed merchants, 32 Horsemarket street Pierpoint & Fraser, architects, surveyors, estate agents & valuers, 4 Bold street. T N 93; T A "Fraser architect, Warrington;" & at Ditton Road chambers, Widrtes Pierpoint Frederick R .. corn & flour merchant, 125 Bridge , _street; res. IIO 1Vllderspool causeway Pierpoint Henry, blacksmith, Burton! wood Pigot Charles Henry, music & musical instrument warehouse, 75 Bridge street; res. I Thynne· street ]?igot Mrs. Fanny, householder, 29 Lovely lane Pilkington '.rhomas, cart owner, Edgeworth street Pilkington Thomas, householder, 121 Dallam lane Pilkington William, clerk, I Monks street pglingj Mrs. Jane, Royal Oak inn, 109 Bridge street Pitchford· Ebenezer, fried fish dealer, IS5 Mersey street Pitchford Israel, postman, 34 Wakefield street Pitt Thomas, traveller, 7. Wellfield street Place Elijah, market inspector & inspector of weights &. measures, Market street; res. 27 Stanley street Plant Jesse, foreman, 75 Aikin str ~et Plant Hichard, iron worker, 53 Green street Platt Bruthers, farmers, Woolston Platt George, boat hirer, Howley quay Platt George, joiner, 30 Howley lane Platt Jas. & Son. fustian cutters, Lythgoes lao & LvrpLrd Platt James & Son, fustian cutters, Lythgoes lane & Liverpool road; Aikin street; & branches Platt' J')hn & Son, fustian cutters, Carlisle street & Cock. hedge l.ne;· office, Stoney lane Platt Peter, engina driver, J44 Liverpool road Platt Samuel, foreman, IS Egerton street Plinston David, lodging house keeper, 5 Cloth Hall yard Plinston David, lodging h011se keeper, 34 Rose & Cro~n st Plinston Etlwd. greengro. & fishmonger, 80 Mersey st Plinston Edwin, hsehldr. 194 Wilderspool cseway.Ltchfrd Plinston James, tailor & clothier, 55 Bewsey street Plinston ~Tohn, tailor, 140 Orford lane Plinston .John Edward, engine driver, 141 Orford lane Plinston Samuel, hawker, 53 Allen street . Plinston William H. clerk, 122 Battersby lane Plunkett Christopher, tailor, 220 Orford lane Plumpton George, file, & tool maker, Leicester street· res. Fern villa, Lovely lane ' Plumpton George, tanner, 73 Haydock street PI~pton Wm. house~older, 107 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd PoChill H. D. & Co. LlID. manufacturing chemists Bank Quay chemical works; head offiice, Quay st. Salford Podmore John, agent to the! Provident Building Society, 14 Bewsey street Po~more John, district supt. to the Provident AssociatIOn of London Asurance Co. Lim. 14 Lovely lane Podmore Joseph, hairdresser, Bridge st.; res. 37 Allen st Podmore Joseph, 'printer, 128 Knutsford rd. Latchford Podmore Joseph, confectnr. 42 James' st. Latchford Podmore Joseph, hairdresser, 621 Bridge street PodmoreJsph.printr.7 Market pI.; res.I28 Knutsfrd.rd Podmore William, hairdre;sser, 6 Golborne street Podmore William H. stationer;& bookbinder, 7 Market place; res. 128 Knutsford road Pollard Albert B.A. principal of the Friends' endowed boarding school, Penketh 'Pollard William, foreman, 24 Marson street Pollitt John, stocktaker, 123 Orford lane Pollitt Walter, shopkeeper, 3 Dudley street Pomfret Mrs. Margt. Qouseholder, 67 Priestley street Pomfrey Joseph, fil~ cutter, 41 Marsh street Poole Daniel, forgeman, 21 Wakefield street Poole Joseph, shmgler, 26 Pierpoint street Pole Robert, bolter down, 83 Pierpoint street Poole Thos. H. hosier & outp-tter, 22 & 24 Sankey street Pool,e 'Vm. iron & tinplate worker, 207 Knutsford road Pooley Richard A. painter, 22 Priestley street Porritt .Tohn, storekeeper, 39 Arpley street Porritt Wm. joiner, 587 Knutsford road, Latchford 'Por~er John M. fishmonger, 22 Horsemarket st. ; Corpora. tIOn street & Market hall [SLATER'S Porter John, greengrocer, 25 &; 27 Market street Porter Mrs. Mary Ann, householder, 35 Rolleston street Porter Mrs. Sarah, coal agent, Railway station, Padgate Porter Mrs. Sarah, farmer, Padgate Porter Miss Sarah A.. householder, 182 Manchesterrd Porter Mrs. Sarah A. householder, 2 Cartwright street Porter 'William, labourer, II Derby street Potter George, labourer, 37 Guardian street Potter Henry, file cutter, 72 Howard street Potter James, joiner, 35 Orford! lane Potter James, shopkeeper, 16 Powys street Potter John, file forger, 15 Priestley street Potter John T. spring maker, 3 St. A.ustin's lane Potter Joseph, baker, 20 Cartwright street Potter Joseph, manager, 3 Thynne street Potter Mrs.,. Martha A. beer retailer, 19 Lovely lane Potter Richard, turner, 18 Foundry street Potter Walt.•I. paintr.Croppers brow; res·3 0 Bostock sf; Potter William, greengrocer, 17 St..Tames' st. Latchford Potts John, labourer, 62 Selby street Poulter John, puddler, 14 Leicester street Povey George, tool maker, 44 Glazebrook street Povey George, tool maker, I Robson street Povey William, wire drawer, 44 Marsh House lane Powell Charles, coal dealer, Lythgoes lane Powell Edward, joiner (Edward & Samuel Powell), 13 Edgeworth street Powell Edward & Samuel, joiners, Foundry street Powell Henry A. beer retailer, 123 Dallam lane Powell Joseph, pattern maker, 21 Cairo street Powell Mrs. Margaret, apartments, 89' Bewsey street Powell Samuel (E. & S. Powell), 189 Longford street Powers Thomas, wire drawer, 35 Selby street Pownall James, jun. Heath Side farm, Penketh Po,"-,naU John, wire drawer, 44 Garibaldi street Pownall Joseph, farmer, Great Sankey PowllaH Matthew, farmer, Brookside farm, Gt. Sank~y Pownell John, glass, outter, 17 Gladstone street Praege'.7 Mrs. Louisa, householder, 42 Lovely lan3 Pr,~s~on Mrs. Maria, butcher, II Buttil["'uarket s\,re"t Prest).} Richard, labourer, 18 Howard s1;l:€;et PresJf:on WiHiam, porter, II Knutsford road La!tchford !>r!,~e A,lfred, labourer, 104 Pierpoint sueet' Pi'~ee Cnarles, labo~r~r, 48 Wash ian'l, Latchford 1'rIc~ Charles, prOVISIOn dealer, I 8anl;:ev street; Pr~ce Edwin, engine driver, 37 Leice~b"lr ·street n,·;c~ ~allle~ S. pointsman, 12 Garibaldi strl'd Pr~ce Joseph, forgeman, 46 ~ueen street Pr~ce Mrs. Margaret M. dressma. 94 Mersey street Pr~ce Peter, householder, 192 Longford street Pr10e Peter C. clerk, 214 Manchester road PC~('E- Samuel, engine fitter, 46 Lovely lantl Pr~ce TJ:o:uas, labourer, 70 Selby street Pr:ce W~ll:am, ~raper, 4 Pierpoint street pT~ce W~J.:am, IrOn worker, 21 Gladstone street Pr:ee WIlham, sawyer, 24 Dial street . Pr~den RlYb;e:r:t, 'brick .setter, 47 Hopwood streM Pr~estner Wilham, farmer, Springfield house, Croft Pr:n ce Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper, 30 Leicester street Prmce Thomas, brush rrtaker & toy &c. dealer 4 Horsemarket street ' Pr~tchard Christ~pher, shopkeeper, 67 & 69 Wellfield sf; Pr:tehard Fredenck, tanner, 17 Cartwright street . Pr:tchard Mrs. Hannah, Griffin hotel, 40 Horsemarket st Pr:tchard Harry, clerk, 162 Orford lane Pr~tchard James, labourer, 34 Glazebruok street Pr:tchard John, labourer, 97 Howley lane ~r:ttchhardd Jo~eph, painter, 201 Knutsford road, Latchford c ar W:l1~am, clerk, 139 Orford lane ' PrItchard WIlham Henry, clerk, 34 Arpley street Probert ~r~. Jane, householder, 167 Bewsey road Proffit Wilham, carter, 2 Gorsey lane Prosser John G. painter, 7 Arnold street Proud Robert, secretary, 15 Suez street Prou~ Thomas, .cashier, 106 Manchester road PrOVIdent Clothmg Club (William Knowles supt.) 13 Rylands street ' , 1': PrUdential Assurance Co. Limited 69 Sankey stree,tj, Nathain' Gorton, district superintendent Priih.l John Adam, soap maker, 69 Priestley street pUb~1O Ben~fit Bo?t Co. boot makers, II8 Bridge street pUClll Wilham, WIre worker 6 Rolleston street Pugh Alfred, smith, 7 Pitt 'street Pugh George, labourer, 55 Catherine street Pugh Jo~, stocktaker, 63 Nicholson street Pugh .Wllh.am, furIl:aceman, 77 Pierpoint street Pur~low RIchard, SIgnalman, 239 Winwick road Pusill Samuel, b~ker, Deacon house, Penketh Pye Edmund, bncklayer, 75 Liverpool road Pye James, shopkeeper, Burton Wood Pye Joseph, labourer, 7 Selby street DIRECTORY.] YfARRINGTON. Quarrie Thomas, labourer <)~ Padgate lane Queen Tea Co. tea dealers, 73 Bridge street Quin Joseph, fruiterer, 27 Cartwright street Quincey Thomas, grocer, 87 Church street Rabbit Peter, labourer, 9 Albert street Radford Mrs. Sarah, householder, 14 White street Rafter Peter, beer retailer, 60 Mersey street Raftery John, labourer, 5 Albert street Ralph George, shunter, 21 Ernest street Randall Percy, teacher of music, 52 Legh _street Randles John, labourer, 54 Lovely lane Randles Thomas R. soap cutter, 43 Cartwright street Randles William, labourer, 19 Green street Range Charles A. bookkeeper, 60 Ellesmere street Rankin Harry, greengrocer, 44 Green street 'Ratcliffe Alfred, labourer, 179 Liverpool rO;1d Ratcliffe Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 4 Lythgoes lane Ratcliffe George, brush maker, 24 Priestley street Ratcliffe John, householder, 48 Ashton street Ratcliffe Joseph, puddler, 6 Queen street Ra.tcliffe S..fitter, 34 Ashton street Ratcliffe Thomas, engineer, 4 Queen street Ratcliffe V\Filliam R. railway guard, 65 Liverpool road Rathbone Arthur H. secretary, II6 Bewsey road Rathmill Joseph, milk dealer, 3 Clegge street Rathmill Robert, glass maker, 16 Arthur street Ratliffe William, labourer, 185 Liverpool road ALPHABET. 73 Richardson Thos. file forger, 81 Knutsfordrd. Latchford Richardson Thomas, glass cutter, 66 Howard street Richardson Thomas, shopkeeper, 30 Ellesmere street Richardson W. &; J. coal merchants, Marson street, Warrington; Old road, Latchford; &; London bridge, Stockton heath Richardson William, cabinet maker, 3 Church street; &; draper, 29 Irlam street Richardson William, coal merchant (W. &; J. Richardson), Holly bank, Walton Richmond &; Co. Lim. gas apparatus manufacturers, gas &; lighting engineers, Academy street; &; office, 21 King street. TN 80; T A "Gastoves, Warrington" Rickards George J. saddler, 68 Evelyn street Rickers Richard, carter, 17 Elizabeth street Rickers, Solomon, foreman, 21 Elizabeth street Ridgway Mrs. Sarah E. householder, 35 Bewsey street Ridgway Thomas Joseph, solicitor (Ridgway &; Worsley), &; commissioner for oaths, joint registrar of Warrington county court, law clerk to the Lymm local board, 2 Cairo street; residence, Wildersmoor house, Lymm, Cheshire RidJ",cnway &; WOl'\sley,soli~itors \&; commissioners !for roths, Cairo street chambers, 2 Cairo street Ridyard William, tanner,555 Knutsford road, Latchford Rigby Mrs. Ann, householder, 20 Nicholson street Rigby Charles, brewers' agent, Crown street; resiRawling & King, grocers & 1:ea dealers, 2 & 4 dence, 42 Wilderspool causeway Academy s1:ree1: Rigby Charles, marine store dealer, 8 Church street Rawling Chas.E. grocer (Rawling &; King), 4 Academy st Rigby Charles Henry, engineer, 40 Lovely lane Rawling Daniel, insurance agent, 9 Allen street Rigby Charles M. printer, 12 Catherine street Ray Jas. glass mould maker, South view, Little Sankey Rigby George, file cutt-er, 63 New road, Latchford Ray Walter E. glass maker, 13Ia, Liverpool road Rigby George H. boiler maker, i8 Eustace street Raybould William, furnaceman, 170 Winwick road Rigby Mrs. Hannah, shopkeeper, I Foundry street Raybound Thomas, forgeman, 5 Manley street Rigby Henry, iron &; tin plate worker, 58 Academy st Read Joseph, engineer, 74 Battersby lane Rigby James, baker, 56 Selby street Read Joseph, shopkeeper, 5I Lord Nelson street Rigby James, Coach &; Horses inn, Liverpool road -Read Samuel, farmer, Burton wood Rigby John, brick setter, 32 Robson street -Read Thomas, blacksmith, 27 Pierpoint street Rigby John, fitter, I Eustace str."e,t Reading Herbert, assistant, 24 Rolleston street Rigbv John, shop assistant, 75 Padgate lane Reardon Brothers, fishmongers, 33 Pinners brow Rigby Joseph Vernon, fitter, 62 Legh street Reddish Thomas, wire drawer, 31 Marsh House lane Rigby Thomas, brick setter, 121 Church street Reece Jas. railway gatemn. 579 Knutsford rd. Latchford Rigby Thomas, butcher, 59 New road, Latchford Reeves Thomas, wire drawer, 36 Elizabeth street Rigby Thomas, butcher, 2 Wellington street . Refuge Assur·;1.ftce Co. Lim. (William E. Thorn- Rigby Mrs. Mary Ann, householder, 64 Haydock street - -1:on, district manager), 20 King street & 22 Rigby Paul, tanner, 172 Winwickroad Mill s1:reet Rigby William, rubber worker, 9 Dixon street Regan Peter, miller, 12 King street Rigby William Henry, stationmaster &; goods agent, Reid Miss Hannah, draper, 6 Bridge street Central station, Cheshire Lines; residence, Folly lane Reid Peter, farmer, Turrett hall, Croft Riley Mrs. Ann, fishmonger, 58 Sankey street -Reid Peter, forgeman, 74 New road, Latchford Riley Mrs. Bridget, househldr. 20 St.James' st.Latchford Reidy Mrs. Margaret, householder, 71 Dallam lane Riley Mrs. Elizabeth, beer retailer, 35 Irlam street. Renshaw David, engine driver, II2 Orford lane Riley James, carpenter, 280 Liverpool road Renwick George, agent to M. S. C. Co. (Bridgewater Riley James, gardener, 577 Knutsfdrd road, Latchford canal Undertakings, Stockton Heath Riley John; shopkeeper, 62 Battersby lane Richardson Henry W. plumber, 164 Orford lane Riley Mrs. Sanh A.millinar &; dress mkr. !IS Mersey st Reynolds Mrs. Francis, ladies' school &; kindergarten, Riley Thomas, householder, 40 Howley lane Bank house, Sankey street Riley Thomas, labourer, 17 Lythgoe's lane Reynolds James, wire drawer, 156 Winwick road Rimmer James, fitter, 21 Walker street Reynolds Joseph, householder, II Edward street Rimmer Misse' P. W..&; C. ladies' school, 23 Wils"nReynolds Mrs. Mary, Masons' Arms, 9 Mill street Patten street Reynolds Sylvanus' (exors. of), tanners, The Tannery, Rimmer Walter, farmer, Collins green, Burton wood Knutsford road, Latchford. TN 72; T A "Rey- Risley Frederick, labourer, 60 Pierpoint street nolds, tanner, Latchford" Roach George, smith, 44 Selby street Reynolds William &; Co. Lim. tanners (Lewis W. Rey- Roane Thomas, 'bus driver, 16 King street nolds, managing director; Edward W. Reynolds sec.), Roberts Brothers, boot makers, 21 Peter street Running Pump tannery, Mersey street. TN 35; Roberts Charles, moulder,S Kendrick street T A "Bark, Warrington" Roberts Cyrus, wire drawer, 10 White street Rhodes Edwin, boiler maker, 180 Winwick road Roberts Daniel, bus driver, 28 Powys street Rhodes Henry, fitter, 8 Milner street Roberts Henry, tanner, 97 Winwick road Rhodes Thomas, tailor, 53 Bewsey road Roberts Frederick, clock repairer, 108 Pierpoint street Richards Herbert, temperance hotel &; dining-room Roberts John, clerk, 9 White street keeper, II9 Sankey street Roberts John, fitter, 66 Aikin street --Richards John, glass blower,. 60 Dallam lane Roberts John, grocer, 69 Wash lane, Latchford Richards Josiah, householder, 13 Edward street Roberts John, soldier, 13 Marsh House lane :·Richards Sergeant, labourer, 9 Pinners' brow Roberts John, tanner, 12 Winwick road Richardson Edwin, grocer (Richardson Edwin &; Son), Roberts Joseph, beer retailer, Fearnhead Paddington house Roberts Levi, carter, 52 Pierpoint street RiChardson Edwin & Son, wholesale tea Roberts Mrs. Mary, coffee tavern keeper, 28 Tanners' Ia de:1lers & grocers, 39 Bridge stree1: Roberts Peter, coachman, 549 Knutsford rd. Latchford Richardson Henry W. plumber, 164 Orford lane Roberts Richard, boot maker, 92 Bewsey road R~chardson James, coal merchant, 14 Bewsey road Roberts Richard &; Sons, boot &; shoe mkrs. 19 Bridge st RIchardson James, coal merchant (W. &; J Richardson), Roberts Richard M.g):oom, 34 Garibaldi street Springfield street Roberts Roger, pointsIllan, 9 Allgard street ~chardson John, engine driver, 79 Church street Roberts Samuel, tanner, 97 Dallam lane R~chardson John, painter, 58 Bridge street Rober·ts Thomas, c~erk, 33 Golborne street R~?hardson John, rope &; twine dealer, 49 Upper Bankst i Roberts Th1lmas, forgeman, 12 .Albert s.tTee,t R~chardson John, wire_ drawer, 15 Academy street Roibel"ts Tlromas, forgeman, 97 Hoyle street RIchar~sonJohn E. grocer (Richardson Edwin &; Son),. Roberts ThomllJs, t,anner, 33 Frog.J.aJ.1 1Jam~ ;Paddington house ! Roberts W. S. cabinet mao Eagle &; Child yard, Bridge st RIchardson Peter L.rope,twine &; brush mkr.99 Mersey st. RobertS' William, 'bootm~r, 19 Arpley stre€t I .WARRINGTON. 74 ' ALPHABET. [SLATER'S I I "R()berts~ William, 'forema.ll, 4z.. HowJey lane Rowles Williinl,kbbourer, 74 LiverpDol road Rober-ts Wm. :B.head'brewer, Willderspool ho. Wilderspl Rowley George, wlleelwrig'ht; 53 Ho'wley. lan~ Rdbertson Andrew R. gis1l!tter, 70 :MerSiey street Rowley Jo,seph S.·wire drawer; 3 I GarIbaldi s,t-reet '. RoIbert<son J. J. &; Co. Lim. bicycle &c. manufacturers, Row1ins'On James'; oaretaker,ua, Academy street . I6 St. James'sti-ee.t, Laetchford Rowlinson Mrs. Sarah, shopkpr. 30I Knutsfrd. rd. Ltchf1"-d Robins Isuac, ,shearer, I72 Longford street RowsDn Mrs. AI:m, farmer, CraBs Lan.e'frm. GrappenhaU R{)Ib~nson'£bert,:..brick maker, u Pierpoint street Rowson Ricl1ard &; Sorus, wine ~ spirIt -merchant,s &; ale Ro1:}mgon, l\IJ;s. ,Alice, horusehild'r. 355 Knutsfrd. rd. Ltchfd &; porter merchants, Market p_~e Rolbinson'Frank, lodgi'ng'house keeper, 93' Tanners lane Royal Court Thea,tre (A. & P. MiltOll,W. Johnson & 'J. Robi:n!son James, farmer, Avenue farm, Orford lane Potter, proprietors), Rylands ,street Robinson James,rostian cutter, ShuttJe stre'et; res. 3 Roylance A<bralb;3il;t, failor, 25 RoMeston street ' Arpley walk Roylance William,bricksettel", I3 Laira st,reet Royle JDhn, signl:3.C.man, 24 GOl"sey la'ne, Rohiruson Jdhn,·'c:erk,28 Gorsey lane· RO'birusonJ:Qihn, la'bourer;: 39 Wash liane, Latd'...rlOl"ru ROyiston Wi:,liam, farmer, Paddington Robinson Jlohn,watchma:k,er, 72 &73 Butfermarket st Royston Wi.:liam & Co. soap, glue, size &; hO!lle manure Robinson' JohI.1J. pol'iceeonst·ab1e, Moore manufac:t)lrers, .Paddington works, Manches-tel" roa<1··· iRO'binson JDisleph. a:ss-ishm:t, 74 Legh stroot, Rudd RoheI't, .groc~r, I Knutsiford ro'ad, Lato'hf.ord IOOb'insonlvIisiSMary, dresosmaker, 78 Legh stre,et Ruddock Frederick G. analyst, I7 S·t~nley street 'B;obirisonPefer, horse, slaught.ere.r, 20 Ohurch street Rudge James Henry" ta'nner, 167 Winwick road Roibi'nson Rdbert., labourer, 37 Wash lao lJatcMord Rudge Jor;m, foreman, IS Hoyle:str~et Robinson, Skinner & Co. ,Limited, Mersey Flint: Rudge J,ohn, shopkeeper, 294 Wlnw[ck road Glass _orks, Bank quay" Warrin~t:on;London Rudge Wi:D.iain Henry, s·ec. 36 Love.ly lane ofltces &'sho_rooms, 32: Ely ,place, H,olborn Rune-orn Thomas,shopkeeper, Croft . circus E.C. (William ':Robinson, managing Rushton Benjamin,· iron worker, I3 Ernest street dl recto r). T N. 37; TA"Robinson, Skinner, Rushton Edward, iron dr,esser, 49 Hopwood str,eet warrington":. ' ' Rushton J;O:hni b~ilCkslIllith, 164 Longford' street ,'Robinson William, wire dr:;twer,I5 :Nichoiltson street RUishwol'tih '-Mr's. Elizabeth, Rose &; Crown inrr; BI Rolboson T'homws, forgem.an, 3I Upp.erBank street 'Bridge,s-treet iRoddyO'.litr:es, Bbll's' Head inn, I2IBridge str,eet Russ-ellis Limited, wa;rohmakers, jewellers &; silversm.iths, !Roderick David, :labourer, I54 Liverpool road ,,8ankey'stree.t;. Rodgers7l-Irs.. Eliz.a:beth,· househo~der, 4I: Catherine street Rl1'ssell(Jhoal"les, labourer, I07 Hallam lane Roe Henry, fried.fishdealer, I24 Batter-sibylaneRussell Chli:rcels, upholsterer, 8r Dall,am lane Roelbuck Herbert;' coalmerchanti ,&' a:>siSit'aI1lt ovel"seer, Rl1'sseiIJl Edward, puddler, 69 Bewsey road Railway 'station;. Thelwa!l1 Rus-sell Jo!D.n, shopkeeper, 87 Dallam lane Rogel"s Alfred;. s-liOpkeep€:r,iIOartwright>s~treet Russell Wil1liam, beer retailer, 4I Brick street Rogens ,ENis, army 'Pensioner; 'I34. Wilderspool cause- Russell William"cab owner, 7 Suez ~treet way, futchford' , ," ' " Ru-stageBamuel,l'<l>bourer, 44 <;Ja,rtwnght street , Rogers George;fus,tiancliHer, Orlord,streM;.. res.. 40 Rustedge Walt. J. earter, 53Wilders;pool cus·e,wy. Lfchfrd Padgate lane . . .",. Rutter Joseph, lalbourer, 362 Knutsford road, Latchford: Roger Micliael, fustian cutter, 39 Laira.sbreet Ryan JOOn, foreman, 83 HaydDCk s-tree·t RogersWilJlia~, Ibeer retailer, ISS Allen street Ryan Samuel, ~choolma,ster, Eve:J}-n street Ronal'<l! Robe1"t:.Wilbson M.D:, C.M. surgeon, Lakhfo'rd Ryder 'Jame,s, lTon worker, 95 Dallam lane lodge, Latchford ",.",.. '.." , Ryder James, wi.re drawer, 22 Glazebrook 'street Rooke lY~ar.tin._'wi~e dr'8,we;r, 13Jolley s,troot Ryder Thomas, ll'ou. V7?rker,. II Howard st~eet Roper Henry, 1abourer," 38 Gar'ibaJ.di street, Ryj:andsBrother~ LUD:lted, IrOn. & steel Wire manufMRoscoe John, boot maker, 5Peiey street . . tureT's, The WIre mills, Church. atreet. TN II;T A Roscoe Robert, labourer, '3~ D'are street "Wire, Warrington" ROscoe Rowland, herbalist,33 Green street Sad~er WitHam, gardener, 308 Manohester road 'RoscoeSani.uel, buriCNer, 98 Priestley street . Sa!lmon Willmm,. bootm.aker, 2I8 LoIllg'ford str,eet iRo$,coHer Henry E. co=~ssion agent"81 Man()lhester I'd Salmon William, bo()hriaker, uIWinwick road 'Rose :Mrs. EmPla, apattmeIlJts-, 47 Bewseystreet SaJ.anond WriJ.. bookkpr. I98 Wilderspoool cU!sewy. Ltchfrd RoseJ>ames, bus: dI'iver, 40 Queen street Salt Joseph, fried fiSh dealer, 42 Green street ~os~ Jur.l!l, assistlLIlJt, ,:r9 W~eld'street , Salt Mrs. Maria,househo:der, 2 Percy street , ROiseWillliam, cwbineot m.aker, IS9'Longford street, SiaJlt Samuel, milk dealer" I39 WiThwick road , ,. . Ros'e WUJjam, grinder; 160 KnutsfD]"d rd. Latchford S:llit Mr,s. Sara!il, shopkeepel", I·6 Tl:1eJwall lao Latchford ';aoseDlberg.AJbrahann, tl"av-elaer, 56 Legh street ., 8ambrook George, fitter, I Guardian srt·reet iROS!S Ja,me~ O. chemist & druggist, .I-8 Buttermarketst Sampson :Mrs. Ann, iblacksmith, Penket'b. ' .., Ross John, secre.tary· & engineer to -the Wamngton Sampson John, Norton Arms hotel (commercial&;postWater works, ,rrOairo street " ing), Wilde1"spoDr causeway iRossJoseph, greengrocer, I3 Spa,ding st. Latchford SiampsonWaJ,ter T. anillwright, 183 Longford street Ro;lS 'Murdock Gce:orge, draper, I3 Winwick street S'aIDson James, iD,reman, 54 Church street , '. RosS' 'Samuel, engineer, 35, Bewsey road Samuel Watkin E. farmer, Keckwick Ford farm, MQQr:e ROiSsiterF.' J. photographer, I30 Bridge. street 8andaJ[O. &; F. wood,turners, Gollbor'n.e street ROisterne Alfred, fitter, $0 PierpoinJt street Sandall Charle's, wood tUl"Uer (Sandall O. &; F.)" 34 Rosterrie IMrs.:Aimie, hous'eno:der, I26 Orlord lane Golborne/street· tRosterne Juhn:, foreman, 133 Orford lane SandJaJil F::ank J. lab'ourer, 9 Ernest street iBiotlhel'ham Edward, smith, ',9 'MonIDs:street . Sander James, joiner, 70 Sot. :Mary stil'eet, Lato'hiDrd lRotherhlam ,Geo.' ho·i1erma. 64 St. ,Mary s,t.Latchford Sandel'S :Mrs. Ann, househ{)llder, I2 Arthur str~e·t Rotherham ~f'f's: Hannah, 'house'holder, I3 St. Austin',s la Sander,s George, iron roJler,.II Selby stiI'eet , [Rothery .Georg¢, book deliV'erer,' 40 GOl"sey lane Sanders J.ames, insurance agent, I44 Church street 'Roif:hwell ~l't,ne'WlS'agent, 720hurch street Sanders W:lli!1iam, labourer, 68 Se:by street Rothwell WiIlliam, comectiO!ll€r,30Winwick street SWlder·son. T'b.OilU'8JS, farmer, Croft . '. Rougihl~y G:eo..s\:iGpkpr, ~8 Wliderspool cuse-wy.Ltc!hfrd Sandio,rd William, coaehman, 3 Knutsford rd. Latc!b.ford iRoughley James; oomposItor,9 Priestley street . Sandford, W:i!lliam A. assista.nt, 36 Knuts.ford rd.Ltc\:ifrd Roughley Joseph G. B'lack Horse inn, 272 Liverpool road S,ankey Enoc'h William, farmer, Cr,oft " R~ey Ml"s.'Mar.garet, hoU!se'holder~ 180 Liv,erpool rd. Sankey :Mrs, Hannah MJaxy, househo~der, 3 Lythgoe',sla RoughleJ Thomas, householder, 5'P{)lWys street . Sankey Isaac, watel"ma.n, 65 Howley lane ' ;aoughsedge Mrs. A:nn,hoThsehol&er, 184 Winwick road Sankey Jacob, dairyman, 2I Church s-treet Roughseq,ge Mrs..Emma, dressmaker, ro4 Manohe_S'ter rll Sankey James, shing:er, I74 LO'ngford street ,Roug'hsedge J-li.an, :!He cut,tel", I04 iMandheset,er roaO! Slankey J a,mes, ,tool maker, Penke,tih Sansom Miss aara E. private whoo[, Padgate . Routledge Joseph, dockm~ter, Choa.pel road, Penketh: . fRowan James-, ,stoker; U .A~gard str,eet Sanson Jonatihan, tool. maker, 3I Rohson street Rowlbo~am Luke. B. IJohce>ser~. ~ Arnold street· S>an:son Rioha,rd, jDiner, roTanners lane Rowe RI~~rd, h~lrdres'ser, 63 ~W:mw'ick street Sanson William, la,b~urer, 73 Or.ford 1ane Row~ Wlllia~, p.~te ID;aker" 2:> Thynne street Saundem; :Mrls; Oaroline, househoMer, 8I Lovely [ane ,,' Row"and Darnel, tmsIill;th, 28. School.Bro;" , Saunders George, engine driver,'$7 I KnutS'ford rd.LtchiJi Rowland Jame·s F. engIne dmver, .27 Wiillfield street Savage-Mrs. Eaen A. draper, 5 Pinners. Brow ~ow;ands Jo~~, cDaehma'n;: 3I{'!aIrostreet Savage Frederick W. wire dr'awer, 38 Longford, stroot:: ,Row.and,s W~n~am, cart~r, 99 Ll.verpool road SaV'age 'George, houseihoilder, 37 Wel1field stree,t " !RowIand:s·i-Villiam,mou.der, 74 DaIllam lane • ' Savage Henry, s,llmter, 4I Lon,giord street Rowles John, hous'eiholder, 49 Wa,sh lane, Latch.oHlrd 8avage James, boatman, 34 Selby street I c e ~-;' . DIRECTORY. ] WARRINGTON. Savage James,' ~n~e driver, '16 Milner street SavageB'l1eridan; shopkeeper,' 2 Go~s s-tI'-eet SaV'age William,househo;,der; 'I24-0rfwd lane Savage William' A. shopkeeper; 119 Liverpool rDa.d· Savory William,' overlooker, .5 Egerton. ·street . ·SliX'o:n·. Samuel,.-confectioner, 14 Mill. street .Scales & Sori:,' boot inakers, .83 B,ridgestreet . ·Scales Mrs> -caroline, toba-cconist &; confectioner, 48 St.. James' .street, Latchford' . Sca:risbri,ck Richardi, wii-e. drawer,.j.6Ro;J1est€ll street S=islirook Johri H. c1-erk, 178 ·M-alIl-coost.er road S-carl Pat.ri-ck, hou'seholder, 55 ,T·aIiner,s' [ane' · Schofield M-ark, d'rape.r,z6 School brow . Scholtze Edward, sliopkoope'l', .Paddington , Scholtze Henry, fUl::I1L3J<;leman, :;!I Tanners'.la.ne Schule Carl, butcher, 17 Beswick street .. Bcotson .Frederick Charles ~LB. 8 Bold street ScOtsonJames, Wine & spirit merchant, 8 Bold: street Scotson Robert, hollseliolder, 103 Sch:ool' ·brow SC(}tSOD! William, cashier, ,54.' Manchester road Scott.Alfred, iI'ion.turner;·. 176 Longfieild: stroet Scott John, joiIl'i"T, wBai!tersby laDe .Scott . Lincoln, clerk, I OrfoTd! avenue .. . . , Scott' Richard, sho,!) aJSlStistan.t, "·39 Garibaldti.street Scottish! Legal Life Assurar,sel ·Co. '(Jo:hn' Goldie; .district manage,r), 46. Arpley street ," . ..• .' . Seddion James, superintendient -qC\ the London; Edinburgh & Glaisgow Assurance Co. 131 Liverpool road Seddon .Mrs. MaIrY, househoilcl!er, 46 Gl3lCLswne street SeddoD! William, SJtoker, 7 Allgard .%reet. .. Sedgley Frank, iron'WioiL'ker, ,45 . Elizab~t)l street Seed Samue,l, wire 4cr)awer; 55 P,riestleystveet Seed! Thl)mas; labourer, 29 Dale-.street . . , Sellars .Mrs.Elizabeth, blouseholder, 47 GladstQnesj;reet 'SemorMrs. Ma.ry, slropkeeper, 90 Battersby lair,;e , Senior Ml's. M3Iry A. householder, 94 Bew~eyI'oo..d, ". Seph-qOlll Miss C. Jane, shopkeeper, 38Winwic.!>:st:i'eet .l ?evern Mrs. Eliza, householder, 14 Ernest street .•. ·Sewell 'Robert, iIlIsuran-ce agent, 25 Beamont stre,et·,. Sexton James, egg merchant, 8 RyJandcs street;. Ware. house, RO&e1 & Crown ,stree,t ' . '.' . • ..., s.extGnPatri-c~,e.gg merchant, 89 Buttermarket'street SeyinourNoah F. t<'lol makJer, 53 WakepHd! street· . Shadwell George, assistant, 43 Marsh House lane Shakeshaft John, shopkE;eper, 17 Gaskell street .' ShakeshaftJ!ohn,. shopkeeper, 34 Napier ,street Shakeshaft Missl Louisa" florist, Market' hall Shakeshaft PeteI', foreman, 40. Knutsford road, LatchfoTd Shake·shaft Samuel, manager, I52 Manchester. roa·d Shakeshaft Samuel, tarmer, Knutsfordi rd. Gr.appeIihall Shakeshaft William H. clerk, 7 River road', Latchforn Sharples Edward, .boot maker, Croft Sharpl~sJall1es.· engine driver, 7 Glads,tone, stl'eet Sharples William,wbourer,24 Evelyn ,street Shaw & Sons', painters & plumbers, Dallam lane Shaw Albert E.· J. we:a.ver, 48 Cartwright str·eet. Shaw AlfredJ,.·bl¥lI' retailer, 28 J?irnrer's brow Shaw Charles, brick' ,setteT, 30t. Ldv;erpoolroad Shaw Charles, .shopkeeper" 3rFennel. ,Street Shaw Edwa.rdJ, newsaglent, 85H.aydockstreet . Shaw Miss ElizllJbeth, sch000lmistress, 135 Church street Shaw FreCLerick, wire;d;rawer, 30 New rood, Latchford ,Shaw George, . filJe cuft-Elir, 29 Gladstone; str.eet . Shaw Goo. laoour:=r,63 Wilderspol)l causeway, Latchford SbawHa.rry,'engine driver, 35 HDyle s:troot Shaw lsaa£;.shopkeeper, 40 .Eustace street Shaw Janies, engine driver,' 25 Gladstone street Shaw JameS', picture frame maker, 3 Jolley street Shaw Jarn:eS',porler,I8 Cartwright ,street . Shaw Jame,s, shingler, 98 Weilfield stl"eet Sha.w James, shopkeeper, 8i:. Lythg;oe's lane Shaw James, wire drawer, 9 Howley lane . Shaw Mrs. Jane, confectiOiI1€>r, .86 Church street Shaw John, beer retailer, I5· Dial street Bhaw J OM, beer r,etailer.23 Irlam street Shaw John, file cutte;r, 31 .Dixon. street Sh3IW John, shopkJeeper, Stocktim Heath· · Shaw Joseph, but-che;r, 8 Bridge· ,srtreet Shaw JiOiSeph, farmer, RerIll'itage green, Croft Shaiw Joseph, galvanizer, 25 Powys • street ' · Shaw Mrs. ':M]artha,householder, 213. Orford lane. Shaw ·Mrs.householder, II4 Lythgoe'siane . Shaw Thomas, carter, 26 ,Wellington street ·Shaw Thomas, manager, I59 Knutsford" I'd. Latchford Shaw William, lahoU:re,r, 33' Old road, Latchford Shaw William, moulder; 52 Aikin. stre,et .. Shaw William, mule.spinner,1O St. Mary st. Latchford Shaw WilliamJ. beernetaller,.89 Daillam lane Sha.wcross Arthur. M.R.C.V.s-. vet.surg.: III Sankey st Shearer Basil, relieving officer, 23 Priestley street Shearn Peter, saddler &; harness maker, Higher Walton Sheldon Gem'ge, CLairyman, .3I Longford .street ..8helle.y. William, I"JlllIler:~d:Qwn. ~85=cWimYicJr;.l'OO-d;s,.'_::' Sh.epherd Alex:and!er, tanner, 3IEenneLst.:t<ee!:l." .;, S:b.ephe1'd :Mr,s;.Ann. :househ.olde;r,:., T: St:: A1tI>tj.uf,!t J®~: ? Sheph.erd Joseph;, glass, cu)Jter.: KNeF .road,: cL,aj;@Jm:.Q" Sheppard John,wire dJ::aw&,:qll!o~tDn.~.e..e;t;,',::c" Sherlock. MrS'.. Elizabeth, "Shopkeeper;'.23. Taooeors' la.n;e Sherlock Mrs. bJoirLSehold:er, ,1\6: SkJam~s?:.st;:LatQhfQrd Sharratt James. £:le:;cutt·er, 24' .New. 1'000.". LatchfQxd.: Sherratt J ames <S~;L,:;l.A. surgn. ,Stmileyho.Bold •.at.;. Sherratt Ml·s.·Margaret,s!iopkeepe;r,:II6 .Loogfo:d!..st. Shettle Thomas,.filesuiith, ·22: Gorsey ;Iane.,.,; ~";. Shettl€J William; 'Ilil1nageJ:,2: Scotland road . - " Shiers.G6iOll'ge, .irQu··work.er,I2 :Macley.streett . '.c:.' ShillO()Ck ,JoS€Jph, Bay Horse inn,5o"Winwick stroot:, Shipley . Samu.e~, :labD:urer,. 25 Elizabeth, str.eet "' ". Short,Mrs. Elizabeth,. ,shop!reJeper, 2 Monks .street. Short .Tho-mas, wire CLrawer, 17 Helsby. street. Shutt William, dairyman & farmer, 3SRoHestim; s.treet Siddall Mrs. Hannah, househOlde,r,99 Eriestley street:; SiddaillRenry, shopkeeper, 2 Lythgoe's lane . ::.: :,,:. Sid&ill:Richard; hous:ehe-lder, I Folly" lane· '., ,. .. Sidd~ .William: Henry, Av;ire d'l?&w-6r"p Oa:rtwrigh:t::st Silcock Johi:L, ~abour€jt,39(Jai'twright street".: • . Silcock Reginald, wire. worker {William· Silcock& $iOin-S), 13 Museum street "'.. ., . S!ilcockS. P. '3.TChitect,6·Egypt.street SilcoekWilliam, bank, telier, Old Banki Winwicksti'¢et Silcoek William & S9~,wire< wOl'kers,KingStre.et·wor-ks Silk. Henry,labourer"I38WiD:wickr6~ . ' •.. ' Silk MissMaryJ.' aress maker,-'I38'Winwi~krood'~' Silk Richard, coal agent.I530rford:~ane. ' .' ., .. Sills GeoTge,'ir.o:IT. ~dres,ser,20, G:laze.b:rook streW:,' Silvester Joseph, day & contract·ga;rd:OO~r;·LOv:ely lane; res. 2 Gou:1den"'str~>t-':' . ..:.': .,.,. Simcock Frede<rbk,as~istap.t;79 Knutifj)TdJ;rd''Latchf()rd S~eGCk GGO. Dl?g'&D~rhiIlIYI(nutsfor4ra: ffiappeIihlfll Snncock James,grocer,' 5 D:ral~street, .'. Simcock J am-esH.watchman,· lcI ,'Eendrick' str€tEIt Simco<'k John, engilli'..dTiver, 13 Hoyle :street Sir.rlcock Joseph' .A:.:watch maker,' ,37 Bew&6)' JStr~t " . Simcock Mr.3. M!artha, watch' ma!k~, 30Bu~termarketst Sirncock Samuel, ' ,fireman, . 77J::[aY<ioc~., st~et .'. :, Simco:x:, WillJiam,ft!rnaceman, 39 ¥'a;rsl1. Hou8ej lan.e, SiInonettJohn, fitter,. 159' J'.,iverpjOlJl ]O~j .... : . " .... Simons W~,.:'bus driver,48 Wil<;tersp0.91 'causeway, Latchfprd' ., .. ',' ,'. SiIP-.Pi>On~freA, 'W~llger,. t9{ ~ng£9~dr"street ., SiIIipsODJ Charle,s,:ifoiJ,:work.e,I\ I,O,4.Be,ws¢y Dead. Simp~on,M~s. Fan.n'y', .h9us~h!Yla;(Oor, P:J'oWysstree;i, ..• Simpson Miss 'Frances:, ho-g.se'4{;ld\lr.46J?enn~1 stree~ Sims- Mrs. Blizabe,th, a.partments,23 ,:Oi~Q;n.,·streBt ' Sims .Georg~ AJJfredo. priDJj;~'r,7 ~~-(>nk;s .street,,: .... ,. Sinelair MisS!., Agnes,(lo~fecljpnei',,, 7p We.Ufi-eld $tl'ee,t, Sinclair Charles,. strike~;. t.83()rf()rd)1l~e,,:'" . . Singer Manufacturing. ,0:0.. (.A:lf~4· .. Sirilps;on, . riJ.a,nager), 45 Hor~mark.e.t ~tT!eet~, •..... ,..','~.; .', Singleton Mrs.. Clara, "shopkeeper" ~€*.e,th" Singleton: J <LIlieS; painte;r,.3 'G-r~i1aJ,l,.s1;r'ee,t· Sinnett. Michael, labouI'er;·5S.:D.ailla'm.·lan~, Sissoili:James, jlOme.r,zo:EJjivjO,rpoo1'ro¥, . ", .'. . Sixsmith Miss Isahclla, dX~cSs ).!1~er:;H7 Or~Clrd: lane. .Skeech· Samuel,. furnaeeman', i8 CaJt,'herme .str<eet Skooorn Thomas, wate'rman.· tl8 ..Ki1i,l.tsfOrd, rd.Latchford Skel1aJnd Fred:eTick,. iroDi:worW,;·J9~~,G3,r..l'baJ.di;;tr,e,e,t SkellandH~I1ry, forg~rrlari, ~2·:i.4 Lolll5fotd . street Skelland James, hO'!1SllhOldei:,.I:i,Ftoghall lane, Skellanq. Thomas, farmer, ,T1)!e~w\1ll " , . Skelton George., )aboilrer,g Selby street Skelton John,ha.rdW&r~·& generalcl!ealer, 55' Sa:D.ke,ys.t Skelton W. P.~.W.. Lim;iroIiiJ:iopgers,cutlersl~'smallware dea1e:rs,:JubileJe buildings, Hoisemarket street Skidmore Harry, la.bourer,I~O Catherine str·ee<t . ~,. Skid:r;nore Je,remiah, laboureT'; .119 Dallam lane SkidllIDreJoolm, labourer,SI? LiverpooLroad· . Skinner Charles, clerk,. 25 .Dixon street. . Slate,rEdward, bolt-e-r dOwn,. 79, Wellfieldstreet. Sloater James, labourer,,:E9,Rowley la.ne Slarer Richare, assistant, 137 Knutsford rd. Latchford Slat'EI'r Samuel, file cutter,. 104 Knutsford rd. Latchford Slat·er Thomas, c1erk,I82...Long£ord street . Slater Thomas, railway ·,Porterr · 18. Mo!Dk", street· SliMeI' George, labourer, 13. Howard., street . Sloan -,wood ·turner, Orford street Smallman Frederick, ·IIleWosagent,· 43 Hopwood'oStrem;' Smallman George,~ labo!Ur.er,· 24 Eustacestre:et '. . Sma,l1man John, forgeman,2o .Edward s,troot SmallrnanWilJiamT. file hardener, 36 Hopwood stre,et Smallwood Baxter, }:lOuseholder,. 14 Marsh· S'lIDe<et Smallwood ,Henry, engine; driver, 27 Selby street Smart Chris. iron.& tinplatewrkr.Wilson-Patten·stree:t Smart Robert, -confectioner, 32 Queen stre.et· Smedley Bany, wire drawer, 58 Howard street 76 ALPHABET. VlARRINGTON. [SLATER'S & Smith William, hairdresser, 68 St. James street,Latchford Smethurst James H. iron founder (James Smethurst Smith William, householder, 3 2 Glazebrook street Son), 4 Bew-sey road S . 'bJ Willi labourer 17 Allgard stre'et Smethurst Jas.& Son,iron & bra.sos fodunrdel's, 21 F<lUndry lOt &:~h Willi::::; labourer,' 233 Liverpool road un smith Albert E. painter, 2a, F y street S 'th William mineral water l!lanufacturer, 73 Orford lOt Smith Ariliur, railway porter, 40 Cartwright street ! s:ith William: & Son, wire drawers ~. manufa?turers, ,Smitih Oharleg" farmer, Fir Tree house, Burton wood I Danam Wire mills. TN 59; T A "~mlt!hs,WarrlDgton" Smith Charles, soldier, 13 8 Orford lane Smithson Albert, gas in.spector, 13 RIver road, Latchford Smith David householder, 77 Padgate lane 'S~"hl..,son Mrs. Ann, frmr. Fearooead; Cr?S'S, Fernhead Smith David; labourer, 42 Liverpool road =,,<,.1 t D t t Smith David, labourer, 23 WeJ!lfield street SneHing Henry T. railway inspec ,or, 33. uon 10 Tee Smith Edward, baker & flour dealer, 32 Fennel street Sobey Mis,s ElizabeiJh, shopkeeper, 60 LIverpool road Smith lEdward, hairdresser, 40 Fennel street SoYory Mrs. Ha=ah, householder, .'>1 Lythgoes lane enhaJil. Sopiro Max travener, I Jolley street d G r pp SmiiJh Edwar d , 1a b ourer, Knu t 10f ord roa, a· Southern james, wheelwright, 389., res. 154, Knutsford Smith Edward, puddler, 6 Dale street . . Smith Edwin chief. clerk L. & N. W. Ry. Co. DIstnct road, Latchford .' Goods offi.c~, Bank quay, Sankey street; res. Tun- SoutheTn John, farmer, Sprmgfield farm, Croft u",l..e,rn Samuei, farmer, Bates' farm, qroft . So stall Viilla, Latchford v u . & h b ld F Smith Mrs.. Elizabeth, householder, 20 Padgate lane Spa= Richard, wheelwnght coao ill' er; rIal'S green Smith Miss Ellen, upholstress, 20 :M.i.lner street Sparkes Peter, tool maker, S,tocks lane, P~nketh! Smith Mrs. Elien, hem-seholder, 47 Leicester street Sparks William W. timekeeper, I.'> GuardIan street Smith Mrs. Emma, householder, 17 Pierpoint street Speakman Jo1?'n, clerk, 66 Bewsey street Slmith El'a,smus Jones, derk, 100 Knutsford rd. Latchford Speakman Peter, traveller, 32 KnubsfoTd rd. Latchford Smith Frank, nail maker, 9 Elizabeth street SpeakJman Thomas, Saracens Head inn, Wilderspool Smith George, carter, 22 Eveiyn street Speakman William, householdI', 92 St.James st.Latchford Smith Geo'rge, carter, 7 Greenan street Spencer James', tailor, 47 Mersey.street Smith George, clerk, 19 Mi1l1ane Spencer John A. labourer, 65 Aik;!1 street S~th Geol'ge, ma.ttress maker, GrappenhaliJ. rd. Latchford Spencer Lawrence, foreman, 22 :N[cholson stree,t Smith George, puddler, 21 Catherine street Spenoer Samu~l, lod~e kee1?er, 4 ScotIand rQad Smitlh George, railway porter, 16 MonkJs· street Spencer William, ~1l.g1De drIver, 37 Hoyle street Smiifu Mrs. Harriet, householder, 71 Haydock street Spencer William, Jo'iner, 28 AshotQll street Slmith Isrllie!., farmer, Burton wood Spencer Wi1l,iam, labourer, 7 Percy street Smith Ja,mes, beer retailer, 5-8 Schoo~ brow Spencer William, waterman, 28 Evelyn street Smith James, boiler maker, 20 Dallam lane Spendelow William, clerk, 199 Orford lane Slmith Ja,me,s, boiler maker, 103 Winwick road Spens'1ey John, grocer & baker, Stock-ton ~eath. . Smith Jame,s, draper, 50 Bil"chaN street Spiers & Pond Lim. refreshment rooms, \Jentral stahon, Smith Jam~s, lahourer, 61 Orford street Winwick street . Smitlh James-, tailo-r, 78 Cartwright street Spiers William, joiner, 25 Marsh street. Smith Joei', clerk, 57 Knutsford road, Latchford Spink William Alfred, tailor, 13 Car,twrIght street Smith In. bailiff, Woodbine cot. Grappenhall rd. Latchford Spinks Christopher Nugent M.R.C.S., L.S.A. surgeon, Smith John, estate agent (Smith Joseph), 63 Legh street 80 Sanke:y street Smith John, file hardener, I Batte1"sby lane SiPinkJs James, clerk, 19 River road, I:atchford Smith John, roller, 75 Royle street Spinks John C. police inspec~o'r, SeSSIOns '110. Irlam s.t Smith .Tooo, s,mitlh, 50 Cocklhedge lane Sporting (The) Telegram (darly Id.); Hardma"n, HeWItt Smith Jahn, town crier & bellman, 23 Stanley street< & Co. printe-rs & publishers, 22 Golborne· street Smith John, watchman, 307 Knutsford road, Latchford Spruce Edward, iron worker, 77 Dallam lane Simith Jahn B. ·stationmast-er, Great Banke:y Spruce John, labourer, 34 EUJstace street Smith John William, assi,stant, 24. Cartwright street Squires Ro-bert, wire-drawer, 162 Manchester road Smith Joseph, C3Jsmer, Bews·ey terrace, 121 Bewsey road Stacey Edmund Jame,s, )lchoo'1mader, 17 Percy street Smith Joseph, ca,s!hier, 59 Weilfieilld street ! Stacey William, watchm'aker, 40 Battersby lane Smith Josep£., collecto-l', 312 Knutsf~rd road, Latchford ~ Staley Edwin, farmer, Croft . Smith Joseph, draper, hosier & outfitter, 1 ~iarket pla,ce; Standisih Joames Horse Shoe Inn, 33 Horsem.arket street res. I Henry street Sitanfieild WilIli;m Henry, ,schoolrmaster, 152 Wilders· Smith Jsph. estate, shlipping & insurance agt. 61 Legh lOt pool cau~eway, Latchford Smith Joseph, la,bourer, 7 Howard street' Stanistreet John, file cutter, 84 Battersby lane Smith Joseph, waterman, 52 Evelyn street Stanley William, draper, 96 Lyt1hgoe"s lane Smith Joseph T. engraver, 47 Battersby lane Stanniar Mrs. fa.rmer, Roughton Q'reen, Croft Smith .To,se-ph T. engraver, 36 Ohurch st.reet Stanton Martin, labourer, 16 Wakefield street Smith Mrs. Maria, milliner, 60 Knutsfo.rd rd. Latchford Stanway John, wire :arawer, 76 Catherine street Smith Mrs. Martha, honseholder, 17 Legh street Staples Charles, labourer, 26 Dale s,treet Smitib. Martin, lalbourer, 34 St. James' ,street, Latchford Staples John, labourer, 28 Dale street Smith Mrs. milliner, Market hall. 8tarkey Mm. Elizabeth, beer retailer, 2g8 Knuts:ford Smith Peter, labourer, 72 Priestley street road, Latchford Smith Regina~d M.R.'C.S" L.R.C.P. surgeon, 2 Mus'eum Starkey M.rs. Ellen, 'householder, I I Albert street· street & 14 Bo<ld street Starkey George, boot: maker, 278 Knutsford rd. Latchford Smitih Richard, forgernan, 45 Longford street Sta.rkey George, seed merchant, Golden square Smith Richard, labourer, 69 Haydock street Starkey Jame's, station master, High & Low Level k Smith Richard, milk dealer, York villa's, Wilderspool Arpley stations (L. & N. W.); res. Woodbine terSmith Richard R. tea dealer, 16 Horsema.rket street race, Stockton heath Smith Robert, shopkeeper, 93 Manche'ster road Starkey TIhomas, shopman, 2 Hanover street Smith Robert, shopkeeper, 126 Mer,sey str.,,,t Starkey Wm. W. tele,graphist,282 KnutsfoTd rd.Latchford Smith Robert T. iron roiler, 25 Lovely laIle Starkie Mrs. Hannah, householder, 6 Jo-lley street Smith Samuel, po-lice sergeant, 9 Rigby street Stead & Simpson Lim. boo,t make,r,s, 9 Horsema.rket lOt Smith Samuel, puddler, 32 Seiby st.reet Steel Edward, joiner, 22 Marsh House lane Smith Mrs. Sarah, householder; 17 Hoyle str('et Stelfox JQseph, compositor, 10 Arthur street Smith Mrs. Sarah, hou,seholde.r, 7::l l'jnpoint street Stephens' Jo;seph, iron worker, 66 Hoy1l~ street Smith Mrs. S. E. householder, 46' Ashton street S-tei[1hens Richard, puddler, 59. Pierpoint street Smith Thoma's, boiler'maker, 36 RoUe·ston street Stephens William, coachman, 31 Price s,treet Smith Thomas, carter, 10 Edward stree,t Stephenson George, file cutter, I I Marsh House lane Smith Thomas, farme.r, Burton wood Stephenson Georg-e, tool & file manufacturer, Napier SmJith Thoma's, foreman, 122 Orfo·rd lane street; re,s. 3 King street Smith Thomas, joiner, 4 Park place Stephenson Silas, iron worker, IO Erne,ststreet Smith Thomas, lllibour'er, 308 Liverpool road Ste-veIlJSon Jas. pattern maker, 83 Knut-sford rd.Latchford 8mith Thomas, wbeelwright & blacksmith, PadO'ate Stevenson William, paHern make,r, 138 Liverpool road Simith 'I'homas,wire drawer, 48 Bew;sey road " Steward J,ame's, mechanic, 57 Lovely lane Smith T.J:1omas, wire weaver, 32 Hopwood street Stewart Oha,s. blacksmith. & greengrocer 47 Pinners bro'W SmitJr Thomas S,tarkey M.B.Lon., F:R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, Stewart Matthew, sihopkeeper, :'19 Bostock street 2 Museum street &14 Bold street Stewa.rt Wil!liam, iron w.orker, Evelyn sheet Smith W. H. &; Son, booksellers, Cl'ntral station, Win- St~rrup Alban, beer retailer, 4 6 Piimers brow wick st. & Bank Quay station (L. & N. W.) Sturup Aiban dre!lsing machine & soap machine maker, Smith Walter, gardene.r, Knutsford road, Grappenhall Orford street; .res. 9 RoHeston street . Smith William, aS1sistant superintendent to the Provident Stirrup Mr's'. Oathe.rine, 111llibreUa maker, 60 Bridge st Association of London Lim. 92 WeOfield s,treet Stirrup Mrs. Elizabeth, apa.rtments, 66 Buttermarket st Smivh William, farmer, Throstles' Nest, Orford Stirrup James, hairdresser, 3 2 Butter-market otreet I I DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. Stirrup Mrs.Mart'ha,~shmonger~ ~reengrocer, I Il'lam st Stirrup Thomas, as,s1stant, 3 LeIcester street Stockdale James, labourer, 65 New road, Latchford Stocks John, hairdresser, Cheshyres lane Stockton George, iron worker, 95 Catherine street Stockton Heath Forge Co. Lim. spade & shovel manufacturers, Stockton heath & Scotland road Stockton Thomas, shopkeeper, 24 Mersey street Stockton William, shopkeeper, 83 Oatharine street Stockton William Thomas, ironworker, 44 Catherine st Stockwell William, labourer, 67 Howley lane Stokes John, iron worker, 15 Elizabeth street Stokes .Tohn, puddler, 71 Pierpoint street Stokes Thomas, shingler, 92 Hoyle street Stone Mrs. Ann (Stone & Kidson), draper, I Walken st Stone & Kidson, drapers, I Walker; street Stopford William, striker, 89 Wellfield street Storey Richard, insurance agent, 29 Legh street Stott Ernest L. chemist, 46 Green street Stout John, shopkeeper; 50 St. James' street, Latchford Stout William, reader, 28 Bewsey road Stowe John, clerk, Grappenhall road, Latchford Strange George, wire drawer, 43 Gladstone street Strange James, baker & flour dealer, 12 St. James' st. Latchford; res. Summer hill, Stockton heath Stretch Abel, farmer, Great Sankey Stretch John, joiner, 207 Liverpool road Stringer Mrs. Alice, householder, 26 Win wick street Stringer Daniel, engine driver, I I Edgeworth street Stringer George, farmer, Fearnhead Stringer Joseph; shopkeeper, 28 Green street Stringer Peter, manager, 70 Wilderspool cswy.Latchford Stringer Thomas, dogger, 52 Fennel street; Stringer Thomas, painter, r85 Winwick road Stringer Thomas, puddler, 67 Bewsey road Stringer William P. baker & flour dealer, 139 Mersey st Stubbs Samuel, brak"sman', 6 St. Mary street, Latchford Stubbs Peter Lim. Lancashire file, tool & steel manubcturers, Scotland road Studer Simon J. chemist, I7Lovely lane Such Richard, signalman, 22 Garibaldi street SudlowCharles, boot maker, 15 Winwick street Sudlow Charles, galvanize~, 22 Percy street Sudlow Mrs. Jane, householder, EvelYI\ street Sudlow Joseph, boot maker, I96 Longford street Sudlow Mrs. Mary, householder, 37 Orford lane Sudlow Peter, dogger, 86 Winwiqk street Sudlow Richard, ntter, 46 Selby street Summerfield John, waterman, 167 Liverpool road Summerfield Joseph, greengrocer, 10 Rylands street Summerfield Samuel, waterman, 8 Wellfield street SummersBros.boot & shoe makers,Bridge ft.I43Bridge st Summers Felix (Summ.ers Bros.), b'J·)t maker, 451 Knutsford road, Latchford Sumner David, painter, Stockton heath Sumner Robert, clerk, 205 Orford lane . Sutch Samuel, iron worker, 28 Wakefield' streeb Sutcliffe Thomas, shopkeeper, 206 Liverpool road Sutcliffe Thomas, wire drawer, 160 Liverpool road Sutton Alfred R. professor of music, Legh street Sutton & Co. ironmongers·, II Market street Sutton Harry, clerk, 60 Manchester road Sutton James,. householder, 30 Garibaldi street Sutton Jas.Alfd.(Sutton & Co.),irnmngr. 58 Bewsey st Sutton John, draper, 18 Market street; res. The Willows, Stockton heath Sutton Mrs. Margaret, shopkeeper, 5 Regent street Sutton Peter, sbopkpeper, 4 Pinners brow Sutton Robert, smith, 37 Robson __treet Sutton Samuel, clerk, 8 Parker street Sutton Samuel, labourer, 17 Catherine street Sutton Thomas F.A.I. auctioneer, valuer, estate & in· sura.nce·· agent, Legh street; res. Lynford, Woodend park, Cressington Sutton Thomas, labourer, 94 Catherine street Swain Joseph, tube welder, 223 Liverpool road Swain Thomas, hay, straw & corn merchant, Arpley road; res. Ash villa, HeathIey, near Warrington Sw~nton William, bricksetter, 49 Orford lane Swift Arthur, rope matter, 16 Catherine street Swift Miss Ellen, milliner, 18 Cairo street Swindells Isaac, hawker, 63 Orford street S~dells Samuel, fitter, 189 Orford lane Swmton James, farmer, Brook honse, Orford Swinton Joseph, farmer, Arbury, Croft Sykes Edwin, draper, 53 Froghall lane Sykes Joseph, glass cutter, 30 Selby street Symonds Jonathan, nail maker, 6 Howard street 'l'ablin .J?seph, fishmonger, Market hall Taft William Henry, shopkeeper, 17 Friars gate Taker Thomas, furnit,11re aejl.ur, 3 Lovely lane ALPHABET. 77 Taker William, shopkeeper, 82 Cockedge·lane Talbot 'William H. firewood dealer, 4 General street Tanner Charles, householder, 95 Orford lane Tanner Miss Emily, dress maker, 95 Orford lane Tanner James H. railway guard, I.] Thynne street Tanner John W. porter, 13 ThynnEL>!treet Tanner Richard C. tool maker, 4 Goulden street Tanners' Lane Tanning Co. Lim. tanners, Tanners' lane. T A" Tannery, Warrington" TavlinHenry, engineer, 37 Orford street Tavlin Joseph, shopkeeper, 5 Orford street Taylor Absalom, forgeman, 108 Longford street Tavlor Adam, shopkeeper, 206 Orford lane Taylor Alfred, gasfitter, 7 Alben street Taylor Alfred J. police ~ergeant, 42 Knutsford rd.Ltchfrd Taylor Mrs. Alice, baker, 39 Horsemarket street Taylor Mrs. Ann, shopkee;Jer, 2 Priestley street Taylor Arthur, butcher, 13 Irlam street Taylor Charles, engine driver, 33 Allen street Taylor Charle.s, wire drawer, 9 Helsby street Taylor David, gardener, 15 White street Taylor Edward, bricklayer, 135 Mersey street Taylor Mrs. Eliza, householder, Kendrick street Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth, butcher, 27 Brick street Taylor Miss Ellen, householder, 94 Manchester road Taylor Frank, draper, 45 Priestley street Taylor Frederick, secretary Corporation Gas' works, Mer. sey street; res. Greenbank, 224 'Manchester road Taylor Frederick, shopkeeper, .134 Liverpool road Taylor George, iron worker, 46 Bewsey road Taylor George, labourer, 43 Leicester street Taylor George, wiredrawer, 68 Priestley street Taylor Henry,. joiner, 96 Hoyle street Taylor Henry, missionary, 188 Longford street Taylor Henry, soldier, 216 Orford lane Taylor Henry T. milk dealer & farmer, 23 Wellington st. Taylor James, fitter, 35 Laira street Taylor James, forgeman, 23 Hoyle street Taylor James, nouseholder, 74 Howard street Taylor John, brakesman, '16 Goulden street Taylor John L.D.S. dentist, 22 Museum street Taylor John, labourer, 160 Battersby lane Taylor John, millwright, 41 Pierpoint street Taylor John, shopkeeper, 19 Allen street Taylor John, wire drawer, 87 Liverpool road Taylor Jonathan, engine driver, 49 Orford street Taylor Jonathan, householder, 23 Allen street Taylor Joseph, joiner, 218 Orford lane Taylor Joseph, Lion hotel, 65 Bridge street Taylor Joshua, shpkpr.67 Nicholson st. & 57 Frog-hall Ill. Taylor Norman, gardener to Mrs·. Stanton, Greenfield, Thelwall Taylor Peter, marine str. dlr. Crown st. ; res. 5 Water st Taylor Mrs. Rebecca, shopkeeper,Wilderspool Taylor Richard, shopkeeper, 2 Eldon street . Taylor Samuel, carter, 129 Dallam lane Taylor Samuel, iron worker, 62 Hoyle street Taylor Samuel, mattress maker, 7 Henry street Taylor Samuel, puddler, 16 Howard street Taylor Thomas, brakesman, 4 Selby street Taylor Thomas, farmer, Reddish Hall Ill.. Grappenhall 'Taylor Thomas, foreman, 36 Longford street . Taylor Thomas, householder, .18 Clares bldgs.Lythgoes la Taylor Thomas, joiner,.8 Robson street Taylor Thomas, shopkeeper, 75 Catherine street Taylor Thomas, shopkeeeper, I I Turner street . Taylor Thomas, shopkeeper, 15 Wakefield street Taylor Thomas, taper, IIBattersby lane Taylor William, assistant, Orford lane Taylor William, farmer, Brow farm, Great Sankey Taylor William, joiner & builder, Haydock street Taylor William, shopkeeper, 67. Turner street Teague John, labourer, 21 Dale street Teare George E. collector, 4 St. Mary street, Latchford Teare John, shopkeeper, 126 Knutsford road, Latchford Teare John H. bookbinder, Golden square; res. 126 Knutsford road, Lat,chford Tedeastle Henry, plasterer, 174 Liverpool road Tedford Mrs. Frances, householder, 21 Froghall lane Templeton Andrew, baker; 6 Wellington street Tetlow Mrs. Elizabeth, farmer, Reddish Hallla.Grappnhl Theatre Royal, Scotland road; Messrs. A. &. P. Milton, William Johnson & J. Potter, proprietors Thewlis & Griffith Lim. file & tool manufacturers, Phcenix works, Mersey street Thistlethwaite Miss Sophie, tobacconist,I9 Buttermrkt.st Thomas Miss Annie, dress maker, 20 Eustace street Thomas Charles, wire drawer, 31 Wakefield street Thomas Elias, boot maker, 22 Manley street Thomas George, iron worker, 71 Priestley street Thomas James, shopkeeper, 53 Winwick road 78 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S, Tomkins Thoma,s, puddler, 12 Edward street Tomkinson WiUiam, insurance agent, 91 Hoyle street TDmlin George, watch mao 3 Pinne-r's brow;. res.Padgate ': Tomlinson Mrs. Margaret A. hardware dllr. 141 Mersey st Tonge Frederick,. wire drawer, 97 Liverpool road .' Tonge Ja~es,' joiner, 279 Knu~,sford road,Latchf~rd Tonge ~hs's'Mary,' tobaccomst, &sub~postmlstress, Sankey Bridge,s Post office, Liverpool' road Tonge William. C. clerk, 19 Monkis street Tongue ThDnias, confectioner, 47 Bridge 'street Tonks William, brick setter, 37 Longford street .,' Toole James, rag, hair & skin merchant, horse slaugh. terer & fat & grease refiner, Da:lil.am la. & Foundry st' Topham Joseph; mar~e.t hall ,keeper, 2 Edgeworth str~et ToplissRobert D. as'slst.ant,54 Legh street '1'ownley Mrs. Mary, householder, 8 Rose place Tracey .John; file cutter, 46 Cockhedge lane Trantum George, foreman, I I Hall street Travers JO'hn, tailor, Penketh . . Travis Richard, dogger, 52 & 54 Winwick road Travis Thomas, clogger, 87 Winwick road Traynor Peter, labourer, 8 Go.uld'en. stre~t Traynor William, iron worker, 48 Plerpom·t Tree John, labourer, 47 Lythgoe'slane Treppess Bezley,. brick setter, 46 Orfor.d. lane . Trevett William, rai!.way porter, 53 PrIestley' strjOet Trevor Jesse, fitter, 32 Parker street . Troman Thomas, furnaceman,34 Bewsey road Trow Thomas, cutterdown, '194Winwick road Trueman Joseph, insUrance conedor, 22 Kerfo{)t stree Truslove Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 43 Legh. street . 'l'rusl'Ove Thomas,' clerk, 607 Knutsford road, Latchfor4' TpJe Edward,derk, 106 Lythgoe',s lane .. 'c ' Turrstall Mrs. Elizabeth, pawnbroker, 49 & 51 Winwickst ~unsta11 JohnL. accountant ,CT. &J. L. Tunstall & Co;), 44 Legh streetTtmsMU T. & .J. L.·& Co.· charte.red accountants, stock,_. & .share '. brokers, estate .&.insurance agenlts.& aU:c~ tioneers, Bewsey chambers, Bewsey street. TN 27;' T A "Tunstall, Warrington" Tunstall Thomas, accountant, (T. & J. L, TunstalI-&;; Co.), Savings bank, Buttermarket street· . . Turbin James, shopkeep,er, Lowe.r Walton ", .:~ Turley Geo. -E. Little Horse Shoe inn,30 Buttermarket st. Turner & Co. coal merchants, Marson street' . .; Turner Daniel W. dispenser; 135. Knutsford rd. Latchfrd:: Turner Mrs. Elizabeth, mlilliner,' 7 Allen street Turner Fairfield, wire- dirawer, 266 LiverpoolJ:oad Turner Frank, superintendent of fire brigade" Fire': Engine sttation; Golborne' street Turner Frank, wire draw:er, 22 Foundry street Turner 'Henry, riverman, 22 Dallamlane' . Turner Isaac, farmer, Ackers lane, Latchford Turner James, engineer, 337 Knutsford' road, Latchf~;i{' Turner James, wire drawer, 77· Lovely larre Turner John, inspector,c 63 WellfieM street Turner John H., traveller, 28 Golborne street Turner loseph, traveller, 14 Paul street Turner Mrisses Mary & Edith, .ladies' outfitters, ~9:. Sankey street , Turner Peers, engine 'driver, 43 Price street Turner Seth, brakesman, 59 Folly lane Turner Thomas, brick setter, 41 Price street Turner Thomas, roller coverer, 99 Orford l a n e , ? Turner Thomas, w1hitesmith &gasfitter; 81 Buttermarket.:: street; res. Fearnhea.d TurnerWiiliam, farmer, Lower Walton Turner WiUliam, fireman, 86 CartwrIght street Turner VVilliam,ironmonger, 75 Buttermarket street,' Turton Benjamin, shopkeeper, 20 Lloyd street Turton John, railway. inspector, 8 Nicholison street, Turton Thomas, chemist, Stockton heath. Tusingham William, farmer, Burton wood Tu~oIi George, farmer, Cuerdley Tw~s's ~arles, ~choolmaster, 15 Caaro street TWISS lYhs,s LydIa, confectioner, 6 Rylands street Tw~ss Thom~s.. householder, 13 Eobsonstreet , ' .. Tw~ss Wm. .Jomer& bldr. II4 Wilderspool cswy.Latchfrd TWISt Walter, ho.useholder, I Rigby street . Titchet1: Joseph /k Son, estate &c. agents, 14 Tynan John, lodging housekeeper, 5 Town hill Cairo ,street ' . _ . . .' Tys{)n JOhn, foreman, 144 Orford larre Toft Mrs. Elizabeth, 90 Wilderspool causewa:v,Latchford Tyson Mrs. Martha, greengrocer 16 Pinne,r's brow T{)ft Frank, Roebuck hotel, 120 Bridge street 'f:;::s'on William, fitter, 155 Longf~rd street .,..: Toft Harry, tobacconist,'29 Frpghall lane , ~nderwood John, tanner, 88 Knutsoford road, Latchford, Toft John, baker & confectioner, 98 Bridge street; ~nderwood John, tinplate worker, 56 New rd. Latchford res. 16 ~useumstreet ~nderwood John, tripe dresser, 56 St. James' st.Latchfrd' Toft RiGbll.rd, tobaccon~s't, 18 Hor,semarket ~tre'et & 6 Unsworth Brothers, hatters, 7 Lyme street '. 'c , Sankey street; .res. 31 Froghall lane ,. Unsworth James,. ~armer & grocer,. Croft . Toft Samuel, engine driver, 18 Rol1estonsheet ~nsworth John, Jomer, Willow cottage, LatchMrd Toft Samuel, platelayer, 8 'Wilson-Patten street ~nsworth John, plumber, 25 Manley street Tomk~ns .Alfred, householder, 9 Pitt street ~nsworth John, shopkeeper, 17 Bostock street Tomkms Joseph, shopkeeper, 8 Edward street Unsworth John E.mill furnisher & cycle agt.5 Golborne st Thomas John, iron worker, 65 Cartwright street Thomas Samuel" wire drawer, 66 Cartwright street Thomas '11homas L. wire drawer, 47 Green street ThDmas Thomas R. foreman, 13 Glawstone street Thomas William, iron roller, 20 Eustace street Thomason Alexander, iron worker,' 41 Priestley street Thomason George, shopkeeper, 124 School brow Thomason John, fustian cutter, I I Aikin street Thoma'son Mrs. Margaret A. householder, 128 Wilders~ pool causeway, Latchford Thomasson James, householder,lIo Knubsford rd.Ltchfrd Thompson - , stableman, 88 Wilde1'lsporyl causwy.Ltchfrd Thompson Charles E. travelJ1er,' 180 Manche'ster, road T~ompson H~rry A. goods agent to tihe'M1dland Railway Co. Centra~ station yard,Winwick st.; reS'48 Bewseyst. Thompson John, fitter, 44 Ashton street Thompson John, fitter, 23 Pierpoint street Thompson John, surveyor to the Warrington district highway board, Bewsey chmbrs.Be:msey st.; res.Orfrd . Thompson Mrs. Louisa, hou,seholder,.24 White street Thompson Richard, soldier, 45 Laira street ' Thompson Robert, shopkeeper, 186 Blittersby lane Thompson Th'omas, surveyor of taxes, I Wilson-Patten st Thompson William, labourer,' 23 Dale street. Thorley George,' poliCe constable, Penketh Thorley .Joshua, shopkeeper, 29 Froghall Jane Thorneycroft Edward, 22 Wakefield' street Thornley·Albert, bookbinder, 52 Knntsford rd.Latchford Thornley John,'engine driver, 20 Pierpoint street Thornley JohnT. wiredrawer,18 St.lYIa:ryst.Latchford Thorley. Mrs: Margt. A. householder,.! Riverrd:Ltchfrd Thornton Henry, wire weaver, 276 Knutsford:rd.'Latchfrd Thornton John, glass & china dealer, 3 Gre.en,stree,t , Thornton Jsph. wire weaver, 265 Knutsford .rd;Latchford Thornton Mrs. Mary, greengrocer; 13 Dial stre~t Thornton WilJ.iiim E. district manager Refuge As,surance Co. Limited, 20 King street .., . . . .... Threadgold James, wheelwright, 54 Wilderspool:, causeway, Latchford ' '. . ..' .... ' Throssell MrS: EmmaJ. househo~der,15 Wa.lker stre:et Tbrossell George J. tobaccoIiist,82 Winwick street Throssell Miss' Sarah Jane, dres.s .maker, 57 Legh street Thros'sell ,Tom, whitesmitlh~ Buttermarket street; res: 57 Legh 'street ' . Throssell Tom,' whitesmith,Cropper's brow· '. Thwssell William, shopkeeper, 45 Lovely lane Tickle Richard, slater, 191 Longford street Tickle Robert, shopkeeper, 38 Hoyle street Tickle Thomas; shopkeeper. 4 .Pittstreet· Tierney Patrick, file cutter,'56 DaHam,lane . Tilley James, foreman, 90 St.• James'stJ:;eet, Latchford Til'ley In. cooper, Sankey bridges ;res.140 Liverpoo'l rd Tilling Alfred, joiner, 12 Parker street Tilling John, joiner, 25. Priestley. street Tilling Mis:s Mary E. dress maker, 13 Battersbyclane Tilsley Mrs. Caroline,teacher of . niusic, Ohapel crd. Penketh Tilsley Richard, collector, Chape~ road, Penketh- ", -' '. Timmins Benjamin, labourer,nqlltheririe.sheet Timmins William, greengroc'er, 292 Winwick road Timmis James, farmer, Black brook, Fear:tihead Timmis; Robert, labourer; 29 Aikinstreet··. .... . Timpeiley George, labourer, 64 N~wr,oad,-Latchford Tindon John,forgeman, 56 Hoyle street· . Tinsley Mrs. Ann, householder, 46,Pierpoint street Tinsley Frank, tanner (Jn. & Jas. Tins'ley),Dar:esbury hall Tinsley Harrison, tanner .(In. & Jas. Tirisley),Grappenhail Tinsley- Jas.ta!).l1er (In;' & Jas. Tinsley), Darebury hali Tinsley John & James, tanners, Mersey taimery,Mers:ey street & Arpley r01ld.· T .A " Tirisley, Warrington" TmSley .Wm.tanner, Thelwall la;Latchford; res.Thelwall Tipping Mrs. Mary, sliopkeeper,' Wilderspciol . T~tchard Gilbert G~ hairdresser, 6 Priestley street TItchard John, boot maker, 4 Rollleston strBet· Titchard John, hairdresser, 65 Winwick road Titchard William l3. householder,198 Liverpool road Titclhett George, estate agent (Joseph Titchett & Son), 36 Arpley street TitC'hett Joseph, estate agent (Joseph. Titchett & SOIl) White cross house _.' .... .' DIRECTORY. ] W AR1U~GTON•. ALPHABET. 79 Unsworth Joseph, butcher, II3 .KnutMord rd. Latchford .Wallington Geo. Jomer & bldr. Forth pI. 35 Froghall13 Unsworth Mrs. Mary, householder, 134 Church street·· Wallington Thomas, clerk, 5 Eustace street Unsworth Thomas, butcher, 3 Buttermarket street ;Wallington Wm. H. asst. inspector, 23 Marsh House lane Unsworth Thomas, butcher, 31 Irlam street - 'WallS: William, traveller, 18 Wakefield street Unsworth William, painter, 142 Knutsford rd. Latchford Walmsley Edward, labourer; II3 Orford lane Unsworth William, shopkeeper, 58 Legh street . Walmsley Thomas, furnaceman,65 Catherine street Uphill James, inspector. National Society for the Preven- Wal;;li.Abe, traveller, II2Wilderspooi causeway, Latchfrd tion of Oruelty to Children, 34 Parker street Walsh John, baker, 98 Catherine street UrmsonSa1lluel,carder,367 Knutsford rd. Latchford 'Walsh John, householder, 13rgLongford street Vale John, engine driver, 63 Bewse! road . .Walsh John, labourer, I I New road, Latchford Variety Automatic SupplySt9res Lun. 4 Lyme street Walsh Mrs. Louisa Jane, ladies' & children's outfitter, 52 Varley Ja)lles,househClllier, 34. Lon$fordstreet . Sankey street; res. II2 Wilderspool causeway Varley Martin,)abourer, '96:Plerpom~street. . Walsh Patrick, smith, II Wakefield road' Velvet (The) Multiple QuttingCo. Ll1ll.fustlan cutters, Walsh Thomas, CroWn & Sceptre inn, 12 Buttermarket st Orford street . " . . ,: . . WalterOharles,shopkeeper, I Atherton street Venables Joseph; boiler maker, 5gLeghstreet Walters Riehard,' iron worker, 46 Evelyn street Venn George, saddler (George Venn &. Son); ·res. 9WaltoIi David H.' traveller, II Willte street Museum street 'Walton Henry, Clerk, 20 Wellington street Venn George & Son, saddlers, II? Bri?-ge street .Walt'onMrs. Mary, householder, 12 Monks street Verdon Michael, labourer, 95 Plerpomt street WaitonThomas,engine driver, .1.3 Monks street . Vernon George, smith, 4 Robson street WarbriCk Mrs. Jane, householder, 47 Laura street Vernon George, weaver, 34 Powys street Warburton Abraham, tinsmith, 45 Leicester street Vernon George·.N.estate &:. commission· agent, 2 Upper War-ourt(mMrs,'Ann, householder, 24 Ashton street Bank street; res. .68 Manchester road Warburton .Arthur, •smith, 86 Pierpoint street Vernon George N.houseagent, 12 Paul street WarblirtonBenjalllin, wire drawer, '1:5 Helsbysiireet Vernon Miss Hannah,paWnbroker, 16 Fennell street War'burton Damel, smith, 24 Nicholson street Vei'nonJohn N. wire'drawer, 165 Orford lane Warburton, Eleanor, shopkeeper, 39 .Golborne street Vernon J osepli, slropkeeper,30 .school brow . Warburton 'Mrs:Elizh. (exors of);Bewsey farm,Gt: Sankey Vipond Utrick W. clerk,. 91 Enutsford. road, ~atchford Warburton Mrs.. Elizaoeth (exors. of),' farmers" Callands Voisey Clement B., JY(.D.' surgeon, ,3 Wmrnarlelgh street farm,Burton~ood . .. . VoiseyLeWis, chartered accou~tant ~ stock & share Warburton Mrs:'.:Ellen, householder, 45 Walker street broker, 21 King st. ;i res. 3 W1I].IDarlelgh street· Warburton George, labourer, 14 Ohurch street Wade Patrick" bJ',iClrs etter,60 Tanners' lane Warburton .Henry, engine tenter, 89 Lythgoeslane 8 Wadelin Willlalll Henry, ironworker, 3 Percy street Warburtol1~'Henry, hairdresser, 8 Buttermarket 'street Wadsworth Henry, 'householder, 5 Cartwright street Warburton Isal}c, farmer,Woolston Wadswort4 Jspp..baker & provsn. dlr: I2 3 & 125 Mersey st Warburton James, farmer, Dallam Wads\V;()rthT4onl as , wire.drawer, I05 Manchest.er road Warburton Jamt:l s , labourer,. 46 Nicholson street Wagst.affeGeorge; pavior, 21 Marsl::t H.ouse -lane.. ., .Warburton James, milk dealer, 316 Knutsford.rd. Ltchfrd Wagstaffe Joshua, timekeeper, I .BearnoIlt,street . . Warburton James, signalrrlall, 5 Foundry street ... Wain In. lab()urer, 49 Wilderspoolcausew~y, Ljl.tchford Warburton Johll,Chapel House inn,Great Sankey 1 WaInwright. Charles, hairdresser, 15 Me.rsl:!Y: street ." Warburton John, Car.tridge lane, Grappelihall . Wainwright Mrs: Ellen, ho:useholder,26, PrIestley st1'.eet. Warburton JoID::t,farmer, Ohapel Ho. farm, Gt. Sankey Wain-wright ,J: butcher, :rv.tarket hall.. . .. '.' Warburton John, farmer, Dial post, Burton wood WainwrIght Jonn, butcher; 37& 39 Buttermarket street. Warburton' John, glass mould maker, ~Iill lane Wainwright Johii, butcher, 360horleystreetWarburton John; labourer, 30 Ashton street Wainwright ,J,ohn, butcher,. 2 Rol1e~ton. street... . ,. Warburton John, labourer, 21 Selby street' Wainwright Johri, tobaccomst.&halrdresser, I I Wilders- Warburton John" tanner, 98 Merseystreet . , pool causewf1,y, Latchford ." : .. ' . Warburton John:,H. brushma.York villas, Wilderspool Wai;te, George,·dist. supt. to the Yearl Life Assurance Co. Warburton Josepli, boiler feeder, H8 Liverpool road Liin; 170 Forster street . . , Warburton Joseph,' farmer, Bellhouse lane, Grappenhall Wakefield Alfred,'ironworker, .J Monks street Warburton Mrs. Mary A.householdl:!r, i--Lovely lane Wakefield Arthur, engine driver, II20atherine street Warburton~trs.:(exors.of), frmrs. :Bewsey frm,Brirtn.wd Wakefield Edward, brakesman, 6 Wellfield'street. WarburtonPeter,c carteriIMount.str.eet Wakefield Samuel,iron roller, 129 Lovely lane .. .' . Warburton P~ter, .farmer;.Thelwall· Wakefield William, manager, Lancastervils. Wilderspool WatburtonPeter, postman, 28 Parker ,street. Wafdron Miss Agnes; holi,seholder,' 25 Froghall lane. Warburton . Ric~d, farmer,' Jlll:orrisprook, .Grappenhall Waldron James,'Clerk, 68 J3ewsey s t r e e t : ' : :: . Warburton Thomas; householder, 30 Marsh House lane Wales Mrs. Lily;'hOusenoider; If Manley street Warburton William; coffeetav. 'keeper, 137 Bridge street W~Iker ;Tohn &. QO; propr{eto~sonhe Wa;rriiIlgt<>ri,& Mid- ,Warburton Wm. glass manufacturer, I5 Napier'street . OI1eshire,Examinet,fo'Bewsey street, WarburtonWilliani, traveller, 101 Bewsey road Walker Moses'&; Son; mine:ralwater.n{anufaCturers,Frog- WarburtonWillialn G.·.. carlel", 51 Lair2. street hall bri<:!g'e, Priestley street " c .... ' "'. , '• . ' . Ward Albert, rorgeman, 101 Catherine street Walker" Peter' & 'Son {Warrington .&' Bm-tori) Limited, ,Ward .Alfred,forgemau,4Battersby .lane . brewers, Dallam lane'.; 'office King street.;' ,T:N 51; Ward Charles;: shopkeeper, I Admiral street . T A "Walker, Warringto.n" . '. Ward George, bootmaker, 187'Orford lane Wa!kerMrs. An.'1, ~l'eengrocer,8.HalL street'" ..... . Ward George; labourer,. 28 Ohurch street Walker Mrs. Ann, hsebldr. 3S6 KnutsfoJ.'d road, LakYI'd Ward' George :A:.joiner~. 16 Beamorit street Walker Mr.s. Elizabeth,: householder; 17 Beari:tont street Ward Jan:ll;!S, joiIfe.r,·g Tanners' Jane WallieI' Mrs, 'EliZabeth;' shopkeeper, 2'4 .Queen' street.~ , W!lrd" James;.·'W'ate'rman, 157.LiverpooLToad Walker George; engineer; 152 Orfordl1!ne':" .', Ward Patrick,-Jab.o:urer, 47·Tanners' lane Wfi!ker George,irolJl worker, f3 Oartw'right street . Ward Robert, mO:lllder, 65 Lythgoes .lane 1'Yalker HeIiry,~wire drawer, 3' RObsOJi stre.et Ward S'a;rnuel''£' .mason, 28 Nicholson street Walker James, soldier, 41 Marsh'House lane Ward ThorIuls; pattern maker, 19 Beamont street Walker John, iron 'rol1er; 41: Walker street~· . Ward Th()~s, :tYlW -writer; 2 'Upper Bank street "::a!ker John ¥. wire draw.er,'South view, Lit. Sankey Wa~d Tl1ClIJ:l.as =A..:~joll1er, 7 Knutsford road, Latchford tv a1!r-er Miss Minnie;hospitaI matron, 83 Aikin street War<;L 'Wal~erGElorge, shopkeeper, 8 Rolleston street Walker Robert,' labourer, 54 'Parkerstreet . . Ware George, baker, 56 Academy street ,. Walker Mrs. Sarab,Green Dragon; 26 Bridge street Wareing Arthur, .painter,' 21' CartwrightJ street Walker. William, architect & sUITeyor '&; estate/. & in- WareIng George,-wire drawer, 32 Priestley street suranee agent,"I9 King street," Wareing William, painter & decorator, 5 Academy street Walker.William,.household,er,6i Liverpoo~ road .. Warha.m Edward T. iron worker, 41 Green street Walker William L.clerk, II, St. James' street, Latchford Warhurst Thomas, clerk, 21 Battersby iane ' Wall John, Tabourer, 101 Cartwright street .., ." Waring Arthur & Co. ·Lim. tanners & buffalo hide, sizing Wallace Geo. J. asst. brewer; Fern cottage; Wilderspool & hair .merehants,Winwick road. T A "Waring, .WarWaller Edmund, hosier & outfitter" 34 Sankey street ringtQn." See aav·ertisement Walley William, manager; 83Padgate1ane .. Waring Capt. William, supt. Latchford section'of ManWallhead Spencer, insurllince. agent; solicitor, & . comchester Ship ciu:ral,'Latchfordhouse; Latchford missiQner for oaths, 2 Lyme st. ; res.. I3 Bold ·street Waring James, valiiiian, 39 Cairo street Wa!!jngton :Mrs. Bessy, ,householder, 41 .FroghaU Jane Waring John, forg-eman; 99 Catherine street Wa~ngton Edward, schoolmaster, 33' Arpley ,street • Waring John H., 49St:Mary street, Latchford Wallington Mrs. Elizabeth., blacksmith & machinesmitn, Wadng Joseph, labourer, 6 Howley lane Wilderspool causeway; r~s. Knutsford rd. Latchford Waring Samuel, leather dealer, 7 Scotland road .< , 80 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S Webb :Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 36 New road, Latchford Waring William, F. warehouseman, 3 Tanners' lane, 0 Warner Matt. asst. Leigh villas, Knutsford rd. Grppnh11 Webb Miss Marv A. householder, 17 Manchester road Webb Mrs. Pho~be, householder, 68 Howard street Warren James E. traveller, 1$ Thynne street 8 Warren Peter, statn mastr. 6 Egerton terrace, Latchford Webb Miss,es Sarah A. Eliza & Ellen, drapers, 4 Green st Warrington (The) Bedding & Mattress Co. mattress &c. Webb :Miss Sarah A. dress, maker, I Priestley street Webb Thomas, householder, 7 Derby street manufacturers, I I Lyme street Warrington Carriage Co.Lim.coach &c.proprs.65Bridge st \Vebsby James, fustian cutter, Turner street; res. I Pinner's, brow Warrington Club (George Dakin, sec.; George Young, Webster Adam G. tailor, 28 Buttermarket stre.et steward), 7 Bold street Warrington Conservative Association (William Holbrook, Webster Edward, wire drawer, 57 Cartwright street Webster John, shopkeeper, 44 Gladstone street age.nt & sec.), Sankey street Warrington Cricket & Association Football Club (Charles Webster Robert, rope maker, 16 Priestley street Webster William, clerk, 140 MaIlichester road, H. Unsworth, sec.) Warington Debating Society (Arthur Bennett & E. J. Webster William,' labourer, 225 Liverpool road Webster William, labourer, 2 Trinity place Hall, secs.), Market Gate chambers, Market gate Warrington & District Bill Posting & Advertising Co.Lim. Webster William, wire weigher, 25 Cartwright street (Thos. Tunstall, sec. ; Thos. Acton, man.),I4 Bewsey st Weedall Jesse, wire drawer, 29 Ernest street Warrington & District Mineral Water & Bottling Co. Lim. 'Weir Mrs. Ellen, farmer, Cockshutt farm, Croft (James Bolt"on, sec.), mineral water makers & ale- & 'Weir Jo,hn, farmer, Lower Walton porter bottlers, 45 Sankey street; works, Crown street Weir Lawrence, machinist, 50 Wa!lker stre,et Warrington Equitable Industrial Co-operative Society Weir William, farmer & assistant overseer, Beech Tree' Lim. (Arthur H. Rathbone, managing sec.), grocers, farm, Higher Walton draper, provision dealers, bakers & boot & shoe makers, Welding Benjamin, flatman, 274 Liverpool road 23 to 29 Sankey street; & Winwick street Wellfare Henry, joiner, 74 Winwick road , Warr~ngton (The) Express Bill Posting Co. Lim. (James Wellings Edward, iron worker, 42 Pierpoint street . ' Bolton, sec.); office, 45 Sankey street; workshop, 8' Wellings Samson, confectioner, 78 Knutsford rd. Latchfrd Buttermarket street Wells Enoch, engine driver, 308 Knutsford rd. Latchford Warrington Football Club (J. E. Warren, sec.) Wilders- Wells Fred & Co. hosiers, 3 Sankey street pool causeway, Latchford Wells George, tanner, 9 Egerton street War~gton (The) 'Guardian (iMackie & Co. Limited, Wells Lowden, joiner & undertaker, 39 Foundry street pubhshers), Sankey street.. See adVerlt Wells Peter, foreman, 99 Winwick road Wa:r:rington Gymnasium, Palmyra square (W. Welsby Wells'iVilliam, labourer, 10 Howard ,street DlIl?-melow, secretary; John Kinsley, instructor) Welsby Edward, R. clerk, 22 Marson ,street Warrmgton Inve,stment & Advan0e Co. Lim. Building W8'lsby Henry, plumber & painter, 160 Church street Soc~ety, 14 Cai:o street ~George Titchett, sec.) Welsby James, Golden Ball inn, I PiIJlller's brow \Vattmgton Ladles! Chanty, 40 Parker street (Mrs. Welsby John, farmer & .seedsman, 2 Brick ,street AImie Fowler, matron) Welsby John P. watch maker, 62 St. James st. Latchford· Warrington Land & Property Co. Lim. 14 :j3ewsey street Welsby Joseph, brick maker, Howley brick works, Howley (Thomas- Tunstall, sec.) quay; res-. 64 Leonard street Warrington Liberal A,J>sociation, 69 Bewsey street (John Welsby Joseph, shopkeeper, 64 Leonard street Clayton; registration agent) Welsby Michael, labourer, 5!I Knutsford: rd. Latchford Warrington Loan Office, 29 Kendrick -street (Edward WeIsby Samuel, labourer, 18 Garibaldi street Fenton, agent) Warrington & Mid-Cheshire Examiner newspaper (Satur- Welsby Samuel, shopkeeper, Stockton Heath Welsby Thomas, cashier, 19 Folly lane day) (John Walker & Co. proprietors), 10 Bewsey st WeIsby Thomas, farmer, Croft Warrmgton Permanent Benefit Building Society, 13 Suez Welsby Thomas, tool maker, Stocks lane, Penketh street (Robert Proud, sec.) William, farmer, Burton Wood Warrington Savings Bank, Buttermarket s.treet open W.elsby WeIsby William, forama-n, 4 Liverpool xoad .' daily, !I to I, Wednesday till 4, &; on Saturday,' 6 to 8 Welsby William J. stonemason, 162 Knutsford rd.Ltchfrd p.m. (Joseph Charlton Parr, treasurer; John Edmund Wesleyan & General Assurance Co. 20 Parker street Davies, actuary) (George Norman, district superintendent) Warrington (The) S~ate Co. Lim. coal, 8'late lime & James, draper, 15 Legh street buil?,ers' merchants, & brick & tile maker'~, Arpley West Westbrook Mrs. Mary, ladies' school, Beech house" sta~lOn. T A "Arpley, Warrington" Stockton Heath: War.rmgton (I.S-t) (82~) Star Bowket Building Society, 2 We,stgarth John, wire & iron mer. I I Wilson-Patten st Kmg st. (Percy DaVIes, &; Forshaw, s-Dlicitors) Weston David, hair drei>ser, 24 POwy'i> street Wa,rrington Steam Laundry, Wilderspool Warrington Technical Institute, SchDol' of Sciencp- o Weston Edward, forgeman, 17 Dale street Weston James, householder, 9 Dale street Wilson-Patten street Warr~ngton Training College for Teachers, Manchester rd Westwell Mrs. Maria, househol<ier, lOI Liverpool road Warrmgton Water WDrks; offices, 13 Cairo st. (John Westwell William W. coal merchant (William W. West·' well &; Co.); res. 8 Powy,g; street Ross, secretary & ,engineer) Warrington (The) Wire Rope WorkJs Lim. wire rope Westwell William W. & Co. coal merchants, Bank Quay coa] yard, Factory lane. TN 95 manufac.turer.s, ~ewsey road:. T N 54; office, 13 Whalley James, miller, 32 Napier ,street Goree pIazzas, LIverpool Warrington Wholesale Mattress & Bedding Manufacturing Whalley Matthew, engine driver, 95 Hoyle street Whalley William, engine driver, I,8 Bewsey road Co. bedding mnfs. White st.; office, I I Lyme street Whalley William, engine driver, 44 Walker street Waterhouse Joseph, iron worker, 82 Wellfield s,treet Whatmough MrS'. Ann, househo,lder, 5 Trinity place Wat~ns Charles, manager, 9 GrappenhaH rd. Latchford Wheatley William, policeman, 31 Howley lane Watkllls George, club manager, I Winmarleigh s-treet Wheeldon Edwin; householder, I Goulden street Watson George, tai1Dr, IO Albert street Whitby John, chemist & druggist, 123 Bridge street; Watson James, schoolmaster, Fir bank Penketh res. 66 Knutsford road, Latchford Watson Robert, printer, !I5 Liverpool ~oad! White Albert James, cabinet maker, Chapel rd. Penketh Watts John, engine driver, 36 Glazebrook street Watts WiJiliam, beer retailer, 46 St. Jame·s st. Latchford White Charles M.R.C.S., L.S.A. surgeon, 71 Sankey st Waywell David, labourer, 130 Knutsford road, Latohford White Edward, barman, 114 OrfordJ [ane White Edward Aubrey, solicitor (H. B. White &; Sons), 17 Waywell David, sexton, Croft Cairo street; res. Golborne Dale cottage, Golborne, Waywell John, labourer, 30 Wakefield; street Newton-Ie-Willows' Waywell Thomas, labourer, 32 WakefieldJ street Weaver G,. & J. cabinet makers & uph~sterers 86 White George Frederick Freeland, solicitor (H. B. White . & Sons), & commissioner for oaths', deputy clerk to the Bridge street; works', Friar's greeili ' borough magistrates, & vestry clerk for Holy Trinity, Weaver ~eorge, cabinet maker (G. & J. Weaver); res. 208 WIlderspool r·oad 17 Cairo street; res. 46 Legh street Weaver 'James, cabinet maker (G. &; J. Weaver); res. White H. B. &; Sons, solicitors &; insurance agent!!, 17 Manor house, 96 School brow Cairo street &; I Egypt street Weaver Joseph W. newsagent, 39 Winwick roao, White Henry, brakesman, 22 Cairo street .Webb Harry, traveller, 14 Glazebrook street White Henry Brown, solicitor (H. B. White &; Sons), &; Webb John, forgeman, 60 Evelyn street commis'sioner . for oathi> & notary pub'lic, clerk ~ t~e Webb John, tool maker, 25 GreeIliS'treet b~rough magIstrates &; to the Warrington &; D~strict Webb John, waterman, 296 Liverpool road. HIghway Board, vestry clerk for Warrington parIsh, &; Webb Jo,seph,. newsagent, tobacconist &; shopkeeper, 4I steward of manors of Grea,t Sankey &; Bewsey, I7 Cairo BnU<:'l'rear1; ':It ~treet street; res. 46 Legh street . DIRECTORY,] WARRIKGTON. White James, traveller, I .A.rno~d street White John, estate agent (John White, MacIver & Co.), Barryfield, Latehford White John C. householder, 27 Lovely lane White John, MacIver & Co. estate & insurance agents, valuers & surveyors, 23 Bold street. T N 5 'White Mrs. J..AJuisa, grocer, 41 Winwick street White Mrs. Mary Ann, shopkeeper, 285 Winwick road White Peter, Old' Ball inn, IIO Winwick street White Thomas, labourer, 39 Catherine street vVhite William, farmer, Long lane, Orford ,,"hite 'William, householder, 51 Price street White William, joiner & builder, Bridge foot; res. 34 Knut·sford road, Latchford White William, labourer, 88 Pierpoint street White WiHiam, tanner, 40 St. James ,street, Latchford Whitecross (The) Co. Lim. wire drawers & manufacturers (William Carson, managing director), Milner street, Bank quay (T N 9; T A "'Vhitecross, Warrington"); & at 7 Jeffreys square, St. Mary axe, London EO Whitefield George, boatman, 8 Howley lane Whitehead' Edward, packing maker, II Beamont street Whitehead Joseph, farmer, Croft Whitehous,e Charles, shopkeeper, 49 Green street 'Vhitehouse Edwa,rd, tobacconist, 90 Bridge str-eet 'Vhitehouse Francis, smith, 44 Hoyle street Whitehouse George, baker, I Union court Whitehouse James, greengrocer, 83 'Winwick road Whitehouse James, greengrocer, Ir3 Winwick road VVllitehouse JQseph, shopkeeper, 52 Chorley street Whitehouse Joseph, smith, 9 Walker street Whitfield Henry, puddler, 36 Howard street "\Vhitfield John, fireman, 54 Walker street Whitfield John, shopkeeper, II2 Batter,sby lane Whitfield Joseph, engine driver, 33 Gladstone street Whitfield Joseph, market gardener, Lower Walton Whitfield Joseph, wire weaver, 164 Knutsford rd. Ltchfrd Whitfield Mrs. Mary, householder, 314 Manchester road Whitfield Richard, carter, 19 FoundTy street Whitfield Robert, jQiner, 7 Walker street Whitfield Robert, shopkeeper, 38 Chorley street Whitf,eld Thomas, carter, 17 Dixon street Whitfield ThQmas, householder, 66 Liverpool road "\Vhitfield Thomas· H. clerk, 73 Liverpool road Whitfield William, carting contractor & farmer, Howley house, Howley quay Whitfield 'William, labourer, 3 Elizabeth street Whitham Dyson, wire drawer, 154 Orford IMe Whitley James, manure & oil cake agent, London bridge, Stockton Heath VVhitlow Charles, waterman, 34 Cartwright street Whitlow John, farmer, Broomfields-, Stockton Heath Whitlow Joseph, brush maker, 5 Greenall street Whitlow Thomas, farmer, Thelwall Whitney John, clerk, 8 King street Whittaker - , foreman, 61 Nicholson street Whittaker Alfred F. fitter, 37 Pierpoint street Whittaker Charles, shopkeeper, 7 Hall street Whittaker David, engine driver, 34 Marsh House lane Whittaker Mr.s. Eliza, hQuseholder, 9 Beamont street Whittaker George, file cutter, 19 Elizabeth street VVhittaker James, labourer, 337 Win-wick road VVhittaker John, shopkeeper, II Pinner's brow Whittaker Peter, dairyman, 20 Fennel street VVhittaker Samuel, wire worker, 16 Marsh House lane 'Whittaker Thomas, clerk, 55 Knutsford road, Latchford Whittaker 'William, clerk, I56 Church street Whittaker William, fishmonger, Market hall Whittaker William, pavior, 135 Orford lane Whittingham James, boiler maker, 45 Marsh House lane Whittle James Lyon, town clerk & clerk to the urban sanitary authority, Town hall, Sankey street; residence, 7 Palmyra square Whittle John T. clerk, 52 Padgate lane Whittle Josiah, plumber, painter, paperhanger & decorator, 57 Buttermarket street; residence, 43 Church st VVhittle Mrs. Mary, Marquis of Granby inn, 53 Church st Whittle Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper, 73 Church street Whittle Thomas, leather merchant, III Bewsey road Whittle Thomas & Son, curriers & leather merchants, 49 Buttermarket street Wibberley Edwd. dairyman, 163 Knutsford rd. Latchford Wibberley Joseph, town missionary, 26 Battersby lane Wickham Arthur, porter, I3 Nicholson street Wicks George, painter, Knutsford road, Grappenhall Wigan Coal & Iron Co. Limited, coal proprietors & merchants, Arpley road; James Brandreth, agent for Cheshire & Warrington district. T N 64 W~!;gins John, wood carver, IO Allen street Wilcock Mrs. Alice, shopkeeper, 7 Prince st. Latchford .ALPH~BET. 81 Wilcock Edward, insurance supt. 132 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford Wilcock Mrs. Lydia, householder, 13 Arnold street, Wilcock William J. shop assistant, 6 White street Vi'llcox David, foreman, 3 Manchester road \Vikox Mrs. Selina, dress maker, 29 Allen street 'Vlld Charles, farmer, Croft 'Vild John, cowkeeper, Lower Walton Wild John, moulder, 162 Battersby lane Wild Mrs. Margaret, newsagent, 26 Queen street 1Vild Thomas, tailor, IO Golborne street 'Wilding Mrs. Annie, oyster rooms, 76 Buttermarket st Wilding George T. manager, 29 Marsh House lane Wilding John, furniture dealer & loan & commission 3J5ent, 93 Buttermarket street & 36 Winwick street \Vilding Peter, labourer, 237 Liverpool road Wildman Henry, inspector, 186 Longford street Wileman James, pork butcher, 65 Buttermarket stree"f; Wi:kes Henry William, army sergeant, 312 Manchester' I'd Wilkins John, shopkeeper, 65 Ellesmere street Wilkins Richard, shopkeeper, 40 Victoria street Wilkinson Allan, engine driver, 41 Hoyle street Wilkinson Henry, platelayer, 2 Wilson-Patten street Wilkinson Isaac, overlooker, 206 Longford street Wilkinson Isaac, sad21er, 3 St. James' street, Latchford Wilkinson Jas. ginger beer manufctrer. 175 Longford st Wilkinson John, boot maker, Lower Walton Wilkinson JoIhn, foreman, I Dallam lane Wilkinson John, fustian cutter (John & Joseph Wilkinsonb 40 \Vakefield street Wilkinson John &; Joseph, fustian cutters, Wakefield street & Eldon street Wilkinson Joseph, fustian cutter (John & Joseph Wilkinson), 60 Longford street Wilkinson Mrs. Mary, householder, II Walker street Wilkinson Mrs. Mary A. shopkeeper, 8 Arthur street Wilkinson Peter, engine driver, 37 -Walker street 1Vilkinson Richard, storekeeper, 70 Evelyn street Wilkinson .William, boat builder, Fidler's ferry, Penketh Wilkinson Wm. Thos. tailor & draper, IWash la.Latchfrd Wilks James, forgeman, 3 Garibaldi street Wilks James, glass cutter, 52 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford Wilks Joseph, forgeman, 21 Pitt street 'Wilks Joseph, iron worker, 90 Hoyle street 'Villcock Edwin, labourer, IS Lythgoe's lane Willcock Jas. file hardener, 140 Knutsford rd. Latchford Willcocks Rev. Edward John M.A. head master, Boteler's Grammar school, School house, School brow Willett Arthur James, solicitor & insurance agent, II Lyme st.; residence, Stockton house, Stockton heath Willett James M.R.C.S., L.S.A. surgeon, Stockton house, Stockton heath Williams Albert, labourer, 507 Knutsford rd. Latchford Williams Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, 24 Aikin street Williams & Clay, stone & :marble masons, 2 Crasfield I'd Williams Edward, manager, 7 Arpley street Williams Mrs-. Elizabeth, householder" 573 Knutsford road. Latchford Williams Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, 34 Nicholson st Williams Francis, insurance agent, 3 Powys street Williams Frederick W. tool maker, 32 Ga:ribaJdi street WilHam.s Geo. wire drawer, 302 Knutsfo-rd rd. Latchford Williams Mrs. Hagar, householder, 28 Knutsford road, LaJtch;fQrd Williams Harry, forgeman, I9 Hoyle street Williams Harry, iron worker, 148 Winwick road: Williams Henry, labourer, 73 Hoyle street Williams James, smith, 28 Padgate lane Williams John, forgeman, 187 Winwick road 'Villiams John, iron worker, 67 Lovely lane Williams .Tohn, pork butcher, 57 Bridge street Williams John, wire drawer, 46 Priestley street Williams John E. labourer, 31 Selby street Williams Joseph, engine driver, 40 Hoyle street Williams Joseph, police constable, Orford William,s Jioseph lIt. chartered aCJCount1mt & insuranel agent, 45 Sankey street; res. 69 Manchester road Williams Miss A. Lloyd, school, Legh street Williams Richard, labourer, 51 Catherine street Williams Samuel, householder, 28 Robson street Williams Samuel, joiner, 17 Marsh House lane Williams Samuel, painter, 7 Foundry street Williams Samuel, wire drawer, 19 Leicester street Williams Mrs. Susannah, householder, 78 Howard street Williams Thomas, furnaceman, 63 Lovely lane Williams Thomas, marble mason (Williams & Clay), 6 Crosfield street Williams Thomas, tanner, 102 Manchester road Williams Thomas, wire drawer, 43 Longford street I WARRINGTON 6 82 ALPHABET. WARRINGTON. Williams Thomas, jun. iron roller, 65 Lovely lane Williams Wm. cooper, IS Winwick st.; res. I I .Allen st Williams William, labourer, 29 Powys street Williams Willia:n Henry, fireman, 92 Cartwright street Williamson Henry, shopkeeper, 325 Winwick road Williamson In.Golden Lion inn, 65 St.James'st.Latchfrd vVilhamson John, labourer, 31 Green street Williamson John, messenger, 38 Selby street Williamson Robert, labourer, 50 Cartwright street vVilliamson Samuel, shopkeeper, 220 Liverpool road Williamson Wm. cabinet mkr. 69 Knutsfrd. rd. Latchfrd Williamson William, cooper, 13 vVinwick street WIlls Robert, tanner, 67 New road, Latchford Wilson Alfred, sub-postmaster, Orford Wilson David, pattern maker, 37 Selby street ",;Vilson Mrs. Elizabeth, householder, I Gladstone street Wilson Frank, cab driver, 68 New road, Latchford Wilson George, clerk, 47 Legh street Wilson George, salesman, 92 Manchester road Wilson Mrs. Harriet, householder, 198 Longford street Wilson Henry, labourer, 3 Mount street . Wilson James, barman, 32 Golborne street Wilson James, Higher Seven Stars inn, I05 Bridge st vVilfon James, shopkeepel', 9 Eustace street Wilson James, shopkeeper, 47 Walker street Wilson John, labourer, 309 Knutsford road, Latchford Wilson John K. wire drawer, 28 Oartwrightstreet Wilson Joseph, auctioneer, 339 Knutsford road, Latchford, & Market hall Wilson Joseph, file forger, 14 Derby street Wilson Joseph, wire drawer, 00 Selby street Wilson Peter, householder, Ebenezer place, Legh street Wilson Robert, musician, 25 Nicholson 'street Wilson Samuel, Feathers hotel, 96 Bridge street Wilson Samuel, iron worker, 202 Winwick road Wilson Miss Sarah,dress mkr.309 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Wilson Stanley, assistant town clerk, Town hall, Sankey street; residence, 37 Legh street 'Wilson William, labourer, 39 Priestley street Wilson William, salt maker, 30 vYinwick road ·Winders Mrs. Jane, householder, 14 St. Mary st.Latchfrd vVindle Frederick, labourer, I I Laira street 1Vinks Samuel, beer retailer, 92 Priestley street Winstanley Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 62 Church street 1Vinskill Peter, clerk, 38 Padgate lane Winstanley Henry, shopkeeper, 23 Walker street Winstanley Mrs. Mary, householder, 23 Beaumont street Winstanley Mrs. Nancy, householder, 4 New rd.Latehfrd Wins'tanley Will1arn, plumber, pain'ter, 13 Park place glazier & Winstanley 'Villiam H. insurance agent, 13 Rolleston st 'Winter Edward, clerk, 7 Froghall lane Winter Thomas, wire drawer, 191 Liverpool r,oad Winwood George, forgeman, 90 Catherine street Wise Churles, clerk, 17 Monks street Wisedale Benjamin, wire drawer, I02 Longford street Wisedale JUlIll,. wire drawer, 146 Winwick road Wisedale Samuel, wire drawer, 25 Laira street Wolstencroft Mrs. Mary Hannah, householder, 50 Legh st Wolstenholme Vim. bedstead manufacturer, St. James' street, Latchford W olstenholIne William, Man:x: Arms inn, 29 School brow W omersley Mrs. Charlotte, householder, 2· Arthur street vVomersley Fred, wire drawer, 22 Bewsey road Wood Alfred, iron roller, 24 Pierpoint street Wood Mrs. Ann, householder, Leigh villas, Knutsford road, -Grappenhall Wood. Mrs. Anne, baker & sub-postmistress,43Winwick st Wood David, householder, Bold view, Penketh Wood Edwin, fitter, 3 Gladstone street Wood Frederick, clerk, 360 Knutsford road, Latchford Wood George, farmer, Fearnhead Woo'd James, cashier, 144 Manchester road Wood James, printer, stationer, bookbinder &c.; depot for the British & Foreign Bible Society, agent for Sutton & Co. carriers, 46 Sankey street. See advt Wood .Tames V. wire drawer, 63 Cartwright street Wood Jervis, labourer, 18 Evelvn street Wood John, farmer, Croft . Wood John, railway inspector, 40 Bewsey street Wood John, wire drawer, 180 Battersby lane Wood Joseph, inland revenue officer, 4 Thynne street Wood Joseph, wire drawer, 7 Gask€l1 street Wood Mark, soap boiler, 27 Nicholson street Wood Ralph, labourer, 40 Po-wys stree>t Wood Richard, goods agent, Hawthorn vil. Stockton hth W 000 Rnbert, packer, 43 Green st-root WGod Robe.rt, wilo-r, lOS Bewsey road 'Wooo Robert, joiner, Grarppenhtaill road, Lat-01J.foTd WGOO Mrs. Sarah, househldr. 141 KnutsfGrd rd. Latchfrd 'Vood Thomas, labourer, 2 Howley lane Wood Thomas, vanman:, 8 Allen street [ SLATER's W-o-od William, farmer, Lower Walton Wood William, manager, 73 Q.rfo,rd stcr~eet Wood William, storekeeper, 51 Napier 'street 'Vood ",Villiam, wire draweT, 5 Church stre-et WOlodcock Daniel, labourer, 23 Aikin street W~oodcock Sa,muel, shopkeeper, Grappenhaill vVGodhead JI3me,s, laboure>r, 18 .Elizab€th street Woodhouse Goo. ,:T. Low. Angel vaults, 27 Buttermarkt <t Woodhouse Jamc-s, checkG]" 85 Lythgoe.s lane .Vfoodhouse Mrs. householder, 40 Pierpoint street Wo-odhouse William, engine driver, 17 6 Liverpool road Woodier Samuel, ,shopke,eper, 196 Winwick road Woodin Joseph, Central Oo=ercial hotel, 53 Horsema,rket street Woodland William, iron worker, 42 Eustace street Woods Alfre'd, watch maker (William WOGds & Son) 16 Salisbury street ' Woods Mrs. Ann, e,partments, IS Friars gate Wooos Arthur, =anager, 61 Folly lane Woods NIiss Char1otte, dTe,ss maker, 45 Be.wsey street ",Vooos Edwa,rd VV. solicit·or & insurance a,gent (Ashton & Woods). Oo,mmerciaJ. chambers, 55 Hocsema,rket st WODds Frederrick, agent for the Liverpool Courier, Bew. sey stree>t; res. Stockton heath YVoods Miss Helen, dress maker, 194 Liverpool road Woods Herbert, so~icito·r & coon=issioner for oaths, Commercial chambers, 55 HO'l'semarket street ",Yoods J:ames, watchman, 37 Wakefield street oods John, labGurer', 3 DBile· street vVoods John, upholstere>r, I94 Liverpool road Woods Joseph, clerk, 15 .Albert street Woods Joseph B. tailOT,I5 Friars gate Woods Peter, herb bee>r deroer, 48 Winwick road Woods Philip, coal de>aler, 3 CoIlius Mree>t Woods Samuel, greengrocer, 51 Allen street ",Voods Thoma,s, dogger, 55 Church street . Woods TaIOS. grocr.(T'ho·s.&Wm.vVoods) ; res.52 Church st W oodsThomas & viVm. grocers, 62 HQrsemarket street Woods William, shopkeeper, 31 Lord Nelson street Woods William, S. pr.ofessor of ml1Jsic, 4 Museum street 'Voods Wm. & Son, watch makers & jewellrs.I4 Sankeyst Woodwl3,rd Herbert, brick setter, 5 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Woodward Jo'seph, jo.iner, 5 Park pla'ce Woodward Mark, tool Illilke>r, Hea,th road, Penketh Woodward Peter, smopkeepe.r, 64 Cat,herine street Woody Thoma's, puddler, 107 Cafue:rine s,treet Wooilfall Henry, house>holder, Park view, P.enketh Wo~:fendenJoseph, engine fitter, 21 Goulden stree>t Woolhouse James W. type casreT, 27 Garibaldi street ",Vooll:acott Riclm,rd Y. schoolma·ster, 28 Percy street ~ooney James, groeer, 262 Live,rpool 1'000 Woolley Thomas, butcher, 172 Liverpo'ol road vVoo-Hey Thomas, furnaceman, 13 Mill lane W ooH~ain.s M;s. Louisa, householder, 23 Ca~ro street 'V{lolliams MISS' Mary A. du'es's maker, 23 Cairo street vyoolmeJr Mrs. householder, 60 St,. :Tames' st. Latchfor.d W ooIridge Charles, sigrwilman, 33 Wakefield street Woolsrencroft John, bookbinder, 25 Kring street Woolstencroft Richard, bookbinae>r, 26 Leicester' street Woolston Brick & Tile COo. brick & tile mak~s. Woolston Wooron H~mry, lodging hous'e keeper, 23 Upper Bank st Woo-tton ,John Jose>p.h, pudcUer, 108 Ca,rtwright street Wo,rley 'Ihomas P. Iron wo,rker, 46 Hoyle: street Wo,rral Mrs. Eliza, Red Lion inn, Penketh Worrall - , f=e>r, Croft WO'1'rall Arthur, labo-urer, Evelyn ,street WOlfrall Char1e~, 'householder, Evelyn stree>t Wo-nan CornelIus, fore>man, 142 Orlord lane Worrall Mrs. Fanny, householder, 149 Orfo:rd lane WOTTa11 Frank, assistant, 125 Orford lane Worrall Frank, puddler, 58 Hoyle stree,t Worrall James, beer retailer 2 Pitt street Wo-rrail James, iron worker,' 59 Aikin ,street Worrall James', porteor, 107 Be-wsey road Worrall John, dlSpense.r, I I Paul street Worrall John, engine drive,r, 79 Le'gh she.et Worr-all JOIhn, tailor, 53 Le.gh street Worrall Joseph, laboureJr, 42 Wakefield stree>t Won-all Miss Samh J. dress maker 4 2 Wakefield street Worrall W~l1~am, butcher, SIS Knu.'tsford rdi. Latchford Worrall W~~~am, engineer, 78 Evelyn street Worrall WIllia,m, labOurer, 52 Howa,rd skee,t Worsley Frederick, plJa,telayer, 4 Wilson-futten street Worsle>y Jame,s ~wa,J)dson, solicitor' (Ridgway &; Wors.Iey) & commIssioner fOT oaths & law clerk' to the N ewton-in-Make·rfield Impro<veme~t Co-mmissioners & coroner for the honour & fee o-f Halton, 2 Cairo st. j res. The CQottage, vVinwick, Newton-le-Willow,s Wo-rsley NITS'. fa,rmer, Burtou wood vVors-ley Thomas, farmer, Burton wood Worsley Willia=, farmer, Mill lane, Burton wood ,V' DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. Worthingtoo Charles S. clerk, 28 .A.rpley street Wray William, shopkeeper, 23 Brick street Wrench Sa=uel, shopkeeper, 47 Greenaill street Wrench Sa=uel, wire worker, 93 Lythgoes lane Wrenoh Walter, tinsmith, 4I Leicest€r street Wright Frederick W. & Albert, joiners. & builders, St. :rvIarv street, Latchford Wright Albert, builder (Frederick W. & A. Wright), I2 Kent street, Latchford Wright Altired, confectioner,s Winwick road "\Vright David, smallware, hardware & gene,ral dealer, 78 Winwick skeet Wright Edward, wire drawer, 2I Hoyle skeet Wright Mr.s. Elizh. house'hldr. 335 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Wright Frederick, sholp I3Jssistant, 63 Padgate lane Wright Frederick W. builder (Frederick W. & Albert Wright), 37 St. Ma;ry street, Latchford Wright George, butoher, I87 Longford street Wright George, park inspector, 27 Kendrick street Wright George, Royal Court ho,tel, I Rylands street Wright Mrs. Hannah, milk dealer, IS ]1,£.11 street WriO"ht Ja=es, assistant ov-erseer, Cuerdley Wright Ja=es, far,mer, Cuerdley Wright Job, shopke,eper, 79 ilitherine street Wright John, basket maker, 90 Mersey street Wright John, printer, 23 Knutsford road, Latchford Wright John. tanner, 64 Battensby lane Wright John Edward, archit~ct,surveyor & value:r, Sankey Street cha=bers, 45 Sankey st,reet; res. 47 Wilson-Patten street Wri-ght JOS'elph, farmer, Ohapel House frm. ·Gt. Sankey Wright Joseph, gracer & sub-postmaster, Thelwall Wright J o,seph, labourer, 8 Howard 'street Wright Richd. hardware & lamp oildlr. I43 Mersey st Wright Samuel, confectioner,' I59 Mersey street· Wright Tho'illJa,s" farmer, Folly lane Wright Thomas, fried fish. d'€aler, 229 Winwickroad Wright Thomas, joiner, 77 Bewsey road Wright Thomas, wire drawer, 28 .Aikin street Wright, Whitehead & Co. tea dealers, Marketpla.ce Wright William, ba.ker, I I Old rood, La.tchford Wright William, clerk, 30 Marsh Home, lane Wright William, farmer, Thelwill Wright William, insurtaiIlce agent, I36 Manchester road ALPHABET. 83 Wright Willia=, Pickering Arms inn, TheJ.wal1 Wrigley Mrs,. .Ann Helen, hous'eholder, 2I Mrursh House la Wrigley Edmund, brush maker, I78 Winwick road Wrigley George, butcher, 60 Buttermarket street Wrre Willia=, laboure:r, 327 Knutsford rood, La.tchford Wych ]I.£.ss Eliz&beth, dres~ maker, 5 Marsh street Wych William, wire drawer, 5 Marsh street 'iVyllie Robert, draughtsma,n, 62 Bewsey street Wynne Ja=es, labcmreiI', I6 Eusta.ce street Wytcherley Benjamin, iron worker, 50 Oatherine street Yardley Hugh, ca'l'ter, Ir3 Mersey street YardIey William, signa.lman, 33 I Winwick Toad Yardley Levi, labourer, 34 Leice,ster street Yarwood James, labourer, 8 Garibtaildi street· Yarwood John, farrne~'Stockton heath Yarwood J o,seph, joiner, I Pea;r Tree cottages, Knutsford road, La.tchfcrd Yarwood :Mrs. Mary, pianoforte manufa:cture,r (Peocock & Yarwood); 24 Knutsford rotad, Latchford Yarwood William, tanner, 300 Knutsd'ord rd. Latchford Yate Thomas, wire drawer, I6 WeiHfield s,treet Yates Alexander, joiner, 20 Mersey street Yates Arthur H. assis·tant, IrO Manohester road Yates Edwin H. plumber, 34 Gorsey lane Yates Mrs'. Ellen, householder, 30 Padg;a,te lane Yates John, waterrman,3 Ga.tewharf s,treet, Ya.tes John J. cha.pel keeper, IOa.,· Bold street· Yates Obadiah, fried fish dealer, Scott st:reet Yates William, mule spinner, 44 Oockhedge lane Ya,tes William" tripe deaJer, I3 Church street, Ye,adon George, caretaker, 3 Fria.rs green Yeomans' Mr,s,. OhllJrlotte E. householder, I6 Marsnn st Y o·ung Co'rnelius, foreman, 27 Arpley street Young Oornelius, hou,seholder, 2I 'l\hynne street Young Elijah, shopkeeper, I8 St. James' st.. Latchford Yo·ung George, club- st,eward,7 RoId street Young George, labourer, 34 1Vilde;rspool oa.uswy.Latchfrd Young John., foreman, 4 Rose place Young John 0., L.n.S. dentis,t, 42 Srankey street Young John R. chemist, 40 Sankey st.; res. 9 Egypt sil Young Men's Ohristian Association, I & 3 Friars green Young Robert, rna.na-ger, I Marsh street, Young William, brick maker, Fearnhead, Poulton Yule Thomas, tanner, 22 Wellington street WARRINGTON 6* CLASSIFIOATION OF THE PRO FESSION S TRADES, &c. J • kCCOUNTANTS. Wood. James {for Sutton & Co. carriers), Bennet.t Arthur (chartered), Market Gate 46 Sankey street Woods Fredk. (for the Liverpool Courier), chambet"s Bolton James, Sankey street chamber", 45 Bewsey street Sankey street. T!N"' 103 AGRIOUHDURAL IM·PLEiMENT Green Joseph Sha.w, 18 King street MAKERS. Lowe Robert (incorporated), Market Gate' chamb&s, Buttermarket street Caldwell's Limited, 60 Horsema;rket street; Mainwaring John &: Co. Bridge warehouse & wOt"ks, Scotland road. T A street "Caldwe11", Warrington"; TiN! 18 Tunstall T. & J. L. & Co. (chartered),Bew- Garland J. S. 51 to 55 Bridge street seY' chambers, Bewsey street. TN. 27; Lazenby Richard,389 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd T A "Tunstall, W'<Lrrington " .AiLE' & PORTER MEJRCHANTS & Voisey Lewis (chartered), 21 King street iBOTrLERS. Williams Joseph (chartered), 45 Saukey st Beacon John M. Bridge street AIDVERTISING CONTRA0l'ORS. Cunningham Mrs. B!ridget, Crown street W~rington & District Bill Posting & AdJ ROfson Richard & Sons, Market vertis-ing Co. (Thomas Tunstall, secre-I wP ~ce ... tary' Thomas Acton man.) 14 Bew-ey st anm.gton & P'St;lCt Mmeral Water & > . ' . , ~ Bottlmg Co. LimAo Sankey street; works, AGENTS. Cro.wn st.; Jamse Bolton, secretary (See also Land, House &C. Agents, InsurAN'ALYST. Ruddock Frederick J. 17 Stanley street llnce Offices' & A~e:r:ts.) Marked thus. are CommiSSion Agents. Abdey John (G. W. Railway Co.), 40 ManAPA<R.TMENTS. mester road Bronchemite AJ:f\red. 27 Fa:iars green Ada?,son .0l?-ades. 55 Padgate lane Clarke Mrs. Mary A. 29 Cako street BeNw-n William H. (cycle), 49 Lovely lane Galliop Wnliam, 69 Buttermarket street B~nnett Mrs.. Elizabeth (coal), 20 Arpley st Kennedy Ann,. 12 Regent street BlCkford Charles H. (for the Gt. Northern Marshall Mrs. Eliza, 13 Pinners brow Ry. Co.),Central Station yard, Winwi{lk st Peers· Miss. Susannah 62 Academy street Brimelow John (coal), 42 Tanners lane • I1fCollins Giles (commission), 365 KnutsAJBlOHITFJC11S' & SURVEYORS. ford road, Latchford Beesley Thomas, 18 Bold skeet .J?avidson William (commis'sion), 1 King st Beesley Thomas, 23 Bold street DIgnum John (coal). 27 Gee street Burton Charles R. 164 Manchester road Dorohfield Reuben B. Leigh villas, Knuts- Curran Robert. Market Gate chambers ford road, Grappenhall OwenVo'iliiarnF.R.I.B.A.(&valuer) -Ellison Thomas (commission), 35 Legh st valuer to the Warrington Unio": ForiSyth Wm.(coa:l),Railway station,Padgat-e &. surveyor to the Rural Sani.Frain Thos. (commission), 39 Gladstone st tary Authority,4 Cairo st-TN 7' T A "OWEN, ARCHITECT, Warrington'" Gibbins A. (CMting.1 Central Stat·ion yard Wmwick street ' Pierpoint & Fraser, 4 Bold st.' TN 93' Gittens John H. (late Henry TA" Fra.ser. Architect, Wa:rington" ~ Hewitt Dutton) (comnlission), . & at Ditton road chambers, Widnes ' ~1 Butternlarket street S,lcock Stanley Percy A.R.lB.A. 6 EgYllt st Gnffiths John (coal), 70 New road, Latch- Thompson In.(sm:veyor to Highway Board) ford; office. Latchford station Bewsey chambers, Bewsey street ' .HoHand Thomas (commission & fTuit), Wa~k€lr William, 19 King street Crown street White John,., MacIver. & Co. (surveyors) • Isherwood Robert, 34 Lovely lane; office, .23 Bold street. TN 5 ' 57 Tanners lane Wright John Edward, Sankey street cham"'Jolley Thomas S. & Co. 2 Upper Bank st bers, 45 Sankey street "'Jones James Proctor, 14 Cairo street.~ Knowles M'atthew (coal), 26 Allen street . .~RTT"T. .Lawton Willia~ Yates, 20 Stanley street Calvert M~ss, 5 FrIars green .Litton John, 85 Liverpool road ASBESTOS MANUFACTURERS London Ed.ward ({loal), 44 l!'oundry street , . lI<Lonsdale Charles, Ashfield, Thelwalllane, BeMI! s Asbestos e.o. Linl, (GOld Latchford _edal International EXhibi_ Maginn John (for Buttericks' patterns) tlon, London 1885), S &. 9 South 14 Horsemarket street ' parade, Manchester (F. R. Putz Mainwaring John &. Co. ftnanN , Sole Ve~dor in the cial), Bridge street ori:hern CountIes), & at: 2 Matthew!> John 20 Robson street ~'trand street, Liverpool - T A !:M{){jres Thomas' (pa~cel, for the Globe & L. ' ASBESTOS, Manchester" ; TN 810 N & N. w. Ry.), 21 Irlam street AUCTION:ElE;RS. lI<Moss Samuel, 60" Knuwford: rd. Latchford Cowdell Thomas 45 S & VALUERS. Perrin Alfred (coal), 24 Tanners lane Hickman W'l" cot}and road Podmore John (to'the Provident Bui1dina Lo'We ROb,~,~mni3 ~rpley street Society), 14 Bewsey s.treet 0 bers r , arKet Gate cham_ Porter J>Ers. Sarah (coal), Railway stat:on. Main_aring Joh &C (&.fi Padgate . cial a ent:) ':.' o. nan_ !Renwick George (to M. S. ,C. Co.) (Bridge- Pier oint ~ F'ras , Bt"ld"ge street w3lter Canal Undertakings) Stockton Hth T "FraJse s~ t~o.~ street; TN 93; OO Rigby Charles (brewers'), Crown street & at Ditton r~o d c s, War~ington"; Rigby William Henry (goods), Central eta- Sutton Thomas ; AcI a~e~s, ;:,dnes Tunstall T & J 'L" g s eet tion, Winwick street i h' 4' *Roscoller Henry E. 81 Manchester road bers Be~sey '&t . Rcoli ~ewsey ,~hamSi~ Richard (coa:'-)..153 Oxford lane stall: Warrmgto~" . 7, T A TunSmllh Joseph (shippmg), 61 Legh street White John MacIver & Co 23 B Id t Thompson Harry A. (t? the Midh;nd .RailTNt 5 ' . 0 s reet. way Co.),Dentral Station yard,WmwlCk st Wright John Edward Sank tr t h Unsworth John E. (cycle), 5 Golborn-e st bers, 45 Banke st;eet ey s ee c am.Vernon George N'. 68 Manchester road; y of?-ce, ~ Upper Bank street AUTOMATIC SUPPLY STORES. Whitley :Tames (manu·re & oil cake), Lon- Variety Automa.tic Supply Rtores Li' don bndge, Stockton Heath 4 Lvme street ~ IDIted, • BA'BY LIN·EN & LADIES' UNDElR_ OLOTHIN'G WAREHOUSE·S. Boyle MTIS. Margacet, 57 Sankey street Chappell Mrs. Ma;rtha Jane, 51 Sankey st . Peacock & Yarwood, 1 School st. Latchford Green Mirs. Sarah, 54 Horsemarket street it> ""AKERS. Allan George S. (crumpet), 62 Parker street Atherton Thomas, 19 Gaskell street . Baines John, 91 Buttermarket street Bancroft Mrs. Catharine, 27 St. Mary st Latcl:.ford . Buckley John, 15 Hall street Carter Janles &: Son, 20 & 24 Bridge street-TN 45 Chantry & Son, 20, 41 & 43 Horsenlarket street & 13 Sankey st Dale Richard, 36 Parker street Davies Samuell, 15 Wellington street Ebk 1 J h d ers ey osep ~ 85 Bri ge street Gerrard Joseph, 11 Irlam street Gleave Peter, Moore Gleave William, 16a. Buttermarket. st.; 7211 Sankey street & 469 Knutsford rd.Lt{lhfrd Hallwood Frederick Wm. 5 Buttermarketst Hallwood James, 13 Wilderspool causeway, Latohford Hayes Ashton, Stockton Heath Holmes William, 120 Manchester road Hm·ton James, 42 Barry stceet, Latchford Isaac William, 26 Buttermarket street . Johnson Benjamin & Sons, 39 Pinners brow Lazenby Arthur C. 9 Ryelands street Miner Ernest, 19 Gteenall street Pierpoint & Co. 125 Bridge street Pusill Samuel, Deacon house, Penketh Smith Edwa.rd, 32 Fennel street Spensley John, Stockton Heath . Strange James, 12 St. Jame.s' st. Latchford Stringer William P. 139 Mersey street Taylor Mrs. Alice, 39 Horsemarket street Toft John, 98 BTidge street Wa-d"wOlrth Joseph. 123 & 125 Mersey st Walsh John, 98 Catherine street Warrington E'quitable Industrial Co-operative Soci€lty Limited, 23 to 29 Sankey st. & WinwicK street; Arthur F. Rathbo:ne, managin,g secretary Wood MTS. Anne, 43 Winwick street BANKS. Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank Limited (branch) (Frederick Willianl Gilbert, manager), 34 & 36 Horsemarket street; A SUb-branch at Lynlnl (open daily), draws on the London·A Westnlinster Bank Limited, London-T A" LANYORK,Warrington" Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Co. Limited. (branch), Sankey street; Robert George Henshall, manager; LODdon office, 75 Corn-hill National & Provinciall Bank of England Lim. (branch), 31 Bridge street; head offic~, 112 BishoJ,)sgate st. London; Jspb. Wi}llam B.eevers, manager . Parr s Ba~kmg Co~pat;y & The AllIance Bank LImlte~,. WmV:lCk; John Murray, manager~ WIllIam Silcock & Thomas C. Haddock, tellers; head office, 4 BarU t!I-0lomew lane, London EC mon Bank of Manchester Lim. (branch) (J. ~lackburn, manager), Horsemarket st Wammgton Savings Bank, Buttermarket st. (open dai!>' 11 to 1, wed. till 4, & sat. 8 to 8 p.m·l; Jsph. Oharlton Parr, treae.; J (lhn Edmund Davies, actuary BASKET & SKIP MAKERS. B~bby James & John (& hamper), Woolston BIbby Samuel, Padgate Bibby William (& hamper), Pear Tree cottage, Knutsford road. Latchford Chan-tIer James (& hamper) Wilderspool causeway, Latchford ' Hntchinson Thomas, Rose & Crown st.; branch works. 5 Go~borne street, & 33 WHderspool causeway WARRINGTON. [SLATER'S DIRECTORY.] Johnson Daniel (& hamper), 373 Kniltsfora BILL POSTERS. road', Latchford Warrington & District Bill Posting & AdMercer Robert, 53 Sankey street vertising Co. Lim. 14 Bewsey st.; Thos. T1lIl!stall, secretary; Thomas Acton, man B.AJS'SI1'."iET'l\E M!AN'U'FAC'l'URERJS. Ashton George, 2 Church st. & Orfocd st Warrington (The) Express Bill Posting Co. Lim.; office, 45 Sankey street; workAshton William, 74 Sankey street shop, Buttermarket st.; Jas. Bolton, sec BATHS. BLACKSMITHS. Corporation Public Baths, Legh st. ; Arthur G. Barlow, superintendent Allen George, Brook street Antrobus John, 189 Padgate lane BEDDING & MATTRESS MA~""O:FAC Blea,sdale Thomas,. Orford !l'URER:S. Burrows Edward, Regent street Garnet1: Robert & Sons, 21 Sankey Caldwell's, Limited. 60 Horsemarket st.; street; works, Penketh warehouse & works, Scotland road. T A Knowles John H. 6 Lovely lane ,. Caldwells, Warrington"; TN 18 Warrington Wholesale Mattress & Bedding Cott{)n Charles, M{)ttram's yard,Scotland rd Manufacturing Co, White street; office, Daintith James, Woolston 11 Lyme street Daintith Joseph, Croft Davenport Charles W. Stockton Heath BIDDBTffilAiD MA}"·UF..WTURERS. Monks, Hall & Co. Limited (iron & brass), Dutton Thomas, Burton wood StJandard Bedstead works. T A " Monks, Ellison Mrs. Elizabeth, Thelwall Fairhurst Joseph James, Grappenhall Warrington 'J Wolstenholme Wm. St. James' st.Latchford Ferguson Hugh, Rylands street Heywood Brothers, 50 Mersey st. & Moore Higginson William, Morris'·s yard,Church st BEER RETAILE\RJS. Howard Richard, Great Sankey Anders Gearge Burton wood Lawton Isaac, Moore Appleton William. Great Sankey Lazenby Richard, 389 Knutsford rd.Ltchfrd Bailey William Henry, 147 Mersey street Mio.ss Stephen. Academy street !Baird Alexander, 50 Queen street Moulsdale Mts. Ann, Higher Walton Beard George William, 86 Bewsey road Muskett Joseph, .Higher Walton Bentley Mrs'. Elizabeth, 46 Winwick road Oulton William, Moore Boscow Thoma,s, 35 & 37 Wilderspool Peak John, Burton wood causeway, Latchford Pickton S. & D. 66 Allen street Broadhur,st Thomas, 38 Orford lane Pierpoint Henry, Burton wood Brophy John, 125 Dallam lane Sampson M'rs. Ann, Penketh Buckard Joseph, 16 Crossley street Smith Thomas. Padgate Buckley John, 130 School brow Stewart Charles, 47 Pinners brow Burke Thumas, 18 Upper Bank str~.et BOAT BUILDEiRS. Carlisle Frederick J. 14 & Hl Market i>tree,t Obantler Mrs. Annie, 92 MeTsey street Hill & Grundy. Fidlers' Ferry, Penketh Ohantler Jas. Wilderspool causeway,Ltchfrd Wilkinson William. Fidler's Ferry, Penketh Oook Mrs. Martha, 36 Brick street, BOILER INSURANCE COMPAIDES. Corker William, Longford street Craske Hen,ry, Little Sankey Engine Boiler & Employers' Crawford Geol.'ge, 2 Friars green Liability Insurance Co. Lim. Crosse Miss Mar<garet Ann, 23 Winwick st 12 King st. Manchester. Seeadvt Daintith James·, Burt<ln wood National Boiler & General InsurDarbyshire Thomas, 23 Fennel street ance Co. Lim.; head office, Davies JGSeph, Penkefh 22 St. Ann's square, ManForster MDS·. Betsy. 7 Fenne} street chester. Boilers &. engines Green William, 14 Dolman's lane insured &. inspected Greg{)ry William, 23 Scotland road BOILEiR M:AKER>S. Griffin Miss- Elizabeth, 12 LeieesteT street Hampton Job, 69 Wmwick road For'Shaw Edward & Son, Mersey works Hayes James, Great Sankey N'a,pier street Reaton Mrs. Sarah, 60 Winwick street Pearson & Knowles (The) Coal & Iron Co. Hewitt Walter John. 68 Church street Lim. Dall1am Forge & Bew,sey Forge; Holden John. 40 Kerfoot street offiees, Bewsey road; James' Dodds, sec. Rollingswarth John, 8 St.James' st.Ltchfrd T A "Iron,. Warrington"; T 'IS: 22 Jackoon James, Penketh 1300KBINDEiRJS. Jac~son Thoma,s, 16 Dial street Jones Samuel, ·Legh street Ma>grath William J. 39 King street Kelsall Mrs. Jane, Burton wood Naylor Herbert W. 21 Sankey street Keny<ln Benjamin, 42 Powys street Pearse Perdval, 8 Sankey street Lake Mrs.Margrt 174 Knntsford rd. Latchford Podmore William F. 7 Market place Lockett Jam€s, 15 Stamfo~d street Teare J{)hn H. Golden square Maines Isaac, Croft Wood James, 46 Sankey street Marsh James W. 541 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Wuolstencroft John, 25 King street Moffatt M,re. Ann. 106 Winwick road BOOKS,ELLERS & STATIONERS. JM:ulliins Thoma,s, 25 Friars green (See aLso Newsagents.) NichoUs Mrs. Elizabeth, Burt<ln wood Potter Mrs. Martha A. 19 Lovely lao & Selby st Green John Shaw. 34 Bridge street Leigh Brothers" 42 Buttermarket street Powell HeM:!:: A. 123 Dallam lane Lowe & Laithwaite. 61 Bridge street Rafter Peter, 60 Mersey street Mackie & Co. Limited, Sankey street. T N Riley Mrs'. Elizabeth, 35 Irlam street 52; T A "Guardian, Warrington" Roberts Joseph, Feal.'nhead Mackie Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Market place lRogers Willlam, 6·5 MIen street Naylor Herbert W. 21 Sankey street Russell William, 41 Brick street Pearse Percival, 8 Sankey street Shaw Alfred, 28 Pinners brow Podmore William H. 7 Marketplace Shaw John, 15 Dial street Smith W. H.& Son, Central statn.Winwickst Shaw John, 23 Irlam street Wood James, 46 Sankey street Shaw William J. 89 Dallam lane Smith James, 58 School brow Starkey M!rs. Eiizabeth, 298 Knutsford rd. BOOT & SHOE' MAKE\RJS. Latchford Baker James 4< Sons Lim. 20 Sankey street Stirrup Alban. 46 Pinn<;.rs brow Birchall Juhn. 77 Catherine street Watts WiNiam. 46 St. James' st. Latchford Booth :M;rs. Mary E. 29 Buttermarket st Win'kJs Samuel, 92 Priestly street Brew £dward, Stockton Heath Worrall James, 2 Pitt street B\rierley Thomas, Grappenhall EERIT:,IN WOOL & FANCY Rm;iPOeIBroady Geo.r~e, Thelwa~ TORIES Burrows WIlham.. 12 Bridge street Dakin M!rs. M 10 '" 'n' 1 b Butterton William, 72 Liverpool road . . ary, ~c 00 row Cartwri"ht James Moore Parkinson J. H. & Son, 2 Bridge street; Chester,;' Juhn E 4 Marsh street works, Golborne street . Pembert{)n John, 35 Winwick street Connaughton Michael, 15 Church street Croft Edmund, 126 Bridge street BICY.OLE MAKERS; Cross Ma,rk, Stockton Heath Allen Charles, Liverpool road Dalton Peter, 6 HOl"iSemarket street Bell Charles E. (& repairer), 20 Wilden- Daly & Langbridge, 112 Bridge street pool causeway, LatChford Duckworth Mrs. Margarei, 44 Allen street Robertson J. J. & Co. Lim. 16 St. James' Dunne Frank,. 6 Manchooter road street, Latchford; & at Eccles Edwards MiJss Elizabeth, 8 Market street BIOYOLE & TRICYCLE' DEALERIS. Ellison Luke, 539 Knutsford rd. Latehfard Fleming Louis, 7 Market street Connah & Bellion, 15 Liverpool road & Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. 4 Sankey st Oartwright i>treet Frisby J oseph, Market hall Daintith ThoJT:las, 82 Bridge st Gandy John, 50 Buttermarket street Carland ... S. 51 to 55 Bridge st G:mdy Thomas, 26 Tanners lane I I TRADES. 85 Gill George, 49 Church street Gleave James, 3 Mill street Glover William, 120 Winwick road Goodier Thoma,s, 103 Knut-sford rd.Latchfrd Goodie & Son, 15 Ohurch street & Knuts· iord toad, Latchford Goodwin William, 63 Academy street Goodwin William, 3 Hall street Gothard John, 149 Mersey street Hamer Samuel, 44 HOTsemarket street Harper James (& repairer), 123 Sankey st. & 45 i'illners Brow Haynoo James & Co. 10 Peter street Hill John, 111 Bridge street Hoskins J. & Co. Limited, 103 Sankey st Hough John, 99 Dallam lane Houghton David, 24 Buttermarket street Houghtan David, Penketh Houghton Frederick, 10 Ma,rsh street Houghton John, 81 Chorley street Huntley George. 3 Pinners Brow Jenkins Frederick, 94 Bridge street JCihruson James, 90 Chorley street Kelly William, 39 Green street Kibble Charles, 1 Pierpoint street King William, 69 Catherine street Lees Alexander,10 Mersey mount,Mersey st LY<lns John, 21 Brick i>treet Martin William, Orford street Ma,ss·ey Samuel,. LDwer Walton Mer,sey (The) Boot Manufacturing Co. Hopwood street Nattrass Joseph, 184 Liverpool road Owen Humphrey, 66 Priootley street Public Benefit Boot Co. 118 Bridge street Roberts Brothers, 21 Peter street RobeTts· Richard, 92 Bewsey road R.Qberts Richard & Sons, 19 Bridge street Roscoe John, 5 Percy street Salmon WillIaml 218 LDngford street Salmon William, 111 Winwick road S!cales & Son, 83 Bridge street Sharples Edward, Croft Stead & Simpson Limited,9 Horsemarket st Sudlow Charles, 15 Winwick stre~t Summers Bros. Bddgefoot, 143 Bridge st Thomrus' :Ellia,s" 22 Manley street Titchard John, 4 Rolieston street Ward George, 187 Orford lane Warrington EqUitable IndustriaL Co-operative Society Lim. 23 to 29 Sankey st. & Winwick st. ; Athr.H. Rathbone, man. sec Wilkinson John, Lower Walton BORAX MANUFACTURERS. Bishop W. A. & Co. (& boracic acid), Dial Mills-T A "INTEGER, Warrington"; London office, 13 Idol lane E.C BRAZIERiS & IRON: & TTh"'PIIATE WORJKERS. Bolsworth J. H. 24 St. Mary st. Latchford Caulton Joseph" 31 Pierpoint street Davies Mrs. Kate, 6 Lyme street Davies William, K~g street Garland J. S. 51 to 55 Bridge street Gi.JJlJs George, 29 PieTpoint street Heaton William, 55 Pierpoint street Johnson Edmund, 3 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford J'ones William, 38 Pierpoint street Kibble Aaron, 6 Pierpoint street Marsh J osepp, 59 Sankey street Mason Henry, 22 Pierpoint street Middleto-n James, 7 Pier;pointstreet Parker Thomas, 15 Pierpoint street Poole William, 207 Knutsford road R'iglby Henry, 58 Academy street ROWland Daniel, 28 School Brow Siilcock William- & Sons, King st. works Smart Chriatopher, Wilsan-Patten street Traynor William. 48 Pierpoint street Wellings, Edward, 42 Pierpoint street !3REWEi&S. Boltan Brothers, 38 Mersey street Brundrett Mrs. Alfred W. General Wolfe Brewery, 84 Church st Evans John, 33 Church street Greenal1; Whitley & Co. Lim. (Thoma,s John Down, secretary & managing director), Wildel'spo<ll brewery, near Warrington. T N; 62; T A " Greenall, S'tockt{)n Heath" Ind, Coope & Co. Lim. (Burton-on-Trent), Crown street: Charloo Rigby, agent Owen Reginald, Croft Walker Peter & Son (Warrington & Burton) Limited, King street & Dalhant Breweries; offices, 105 Duke street & Wapping S1:ation, Liverpool; 2 Grange road, Birkenhead; 30 Deansga1:e, Manchester; & 1a, Nicholas street, Chester-TN 51; T A " WALKER, Warrington" BRICKLAYERS. Bradburv William. 138 Manchester road McCue Thomas, 13 Paul street Taylor Edward, 135 Mersey street 86 VolARRIKGTON. TRADES. [SLATER'S I. Gill William 9 Bridge street & Market hall CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, Hatton Thofnas, 113 Bridge street 'Kenyon Henry ~ Co. ,;Sank quay. T.A.. Hatton Thomas, 16 Wellington street " Spelter, Warrmgton Hartley Harry Stockton Heath , S Hewitt Jacob, 'U5 Winwick road . CHEMISTS & DRUGGIST . Hewitt Mrs. Sarah, Stockton Heath Ashton Henry M. (analytical Be. Hill Thomas 10 St. James' st. Latchford dispensing), 63 Sankey street Hill Thomas: 137 Winwick road. Aston A. V. 50 Sankey ~tre:t "Houghton Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 Dial street Bamforth Joseph, 74 Wmwwk street Hudston Arthur N. 96 Mersey street IBoots - , 35 Bridge street Johnson Sydney H. 91 Church street Eckersley Moses, 33 Bridge street 'Kinsey Mrs. Jane, 63 Manchester road Fairhurst Hugh &. Co. 4 St. James' street. BROKERS. Lan.gley John, 23 Pinners Brow Latchford; & at 24 Horsemark.et street GregO" John 33 Winwick road Lashford James, 104 Orford lane & Mar- Faull Mrs. Emma, 66 Church street How~d Ge~rge (metal), 5 Hall street ket Hall Hales Thomas M. 77 Bridge street 1Littlewood Mrs. Jane, 13 Howley lane Hatton John (Ia~e Picton &: BROKERS-ITION.. *Mason Frank, 41 Pinners Brow Hatton; established 1788)~ Gandy John, 29 Napier street Massey Edward, 28 Horsemarket street Mal"kei: Ga:te . Howard George, 5 Hall street Mather Harry 75 Church street Hill & Co. 62 Buttermarket street "'Mellor Mrs. 'Frances, 84 Bridge street Picton John Taylor, 5 Bridge street BROKERS!---STOaK & SHARE. Miller Mrs. Catherine, 39 Upper Bank st Ross James C. 18 Buttermarket street Tunstall T. & J. L. & Co. Bewsey cham- Millington Mrs. Mary, Stockton Heath Stott Ernest L. 46 Green street bers, Bewsey street. TN 27;T A "Tun- "'Minard Thos. 52 St. James' st. Lat.chford Turton Thomas, Sto~kton ~eath stall, Warrington" Moss John, 59 Leonard street 'Whitby John, 123 Bridge street Voisey Lew's, 21 King street 1foss Joseph, Lower WaltoR Young John R 40 Sankey street "'Mynekyme Albert, 4 Market street MANUFACTURING BRUSH MA~ruFAOTUREHS. Partington Walter, 20 Winwick street CHEMISTS_ . . '. Artingstall George & Co. Limited, I,atch- Peet Henry H. 10 Market street Bishop W. A. & Co. (boraClc aCld), Dial. ford Wire works, Wilderspoo~ Cau~;,- Preston Mrs. Maria, 11 Buttermarket st mills; & 13 Idol ian!! I:0ndon EO way. T A ".A.rtingstall, Warrmgton Rigby Thomas, 59 New road, Latchford Pochin H. D. & Co. Lillnted, Bank quay; Cliester Mrs. Eliza, Bridge street Rigby Thomas,2 W:l1ington street chemical works, Bank quay; head office,. Fern George, 19 Church street Schuie Carl, 17 BesWlek street Quay street, Salford Locker Thomas, Ellcsmere works, Elles- Shaw Joseph, 8 Bridge street CHIMNEY SWEEPERS. mere street Taylor Arthur, 13 Irlam str"et . . . Parkinson J. H. & Son, 2 Bridge street ;-Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth, 27 Brick street Delooze Ge.or.ge, 19 ~m:VlCk road works, 43 Golborne street . - Unsworth Joseph, 113 Knutsford road, Delooze Wilham, W:m":Ick street Prince Thomas, 4 Horsemarket street Latchford. Hamblet John, 4 WmwlCk road Richardson Peter L. 99 Mersey street Unsworth Thomas, 3 Bnttermarket street Marsh Peers, 19 Haydock street BUILDERS Unsworth Thomas, 31 Irlam street CHINA GLASS &c. DEALERS. .'. Wainwright John, 37 & 39 B u t t e r m a r k e t , See' J omers & BUllders. street & Market hall . Bailey Hichard, 6 MarkTet place BUILDERS' MERCHANTS. Wainwright John, 2 Rolleston street & Bampton Charles, 18 New street 36 Chorley street Brookfield Albe.rt, 322 Knutsford road. Clare & Ridgway! S,:nkey bridges, Liver- '-'Wileman James, 65 Buttermarket street Latchford pool road ~. Wmwlck street. TN 13 ....Williams .John 57 Bridge street Brown John, 53 Golborne street. Orampton WillIam, 58 Parker street Woolley Thoma~, 172 Liverpool road Furnival WilJia,m, 105 Knutslord road. Pend.!ebnry John & Co. .1~9 Dallam lane Worr~ll Wm. 515 Knutsford rd. Latchford Latchford Warrmgton Slate Co,. Lmllted (Th~), Arp- Wri~ley George 60 Buttermarket street Glover Alfred, 43 Eldon .street ley Station. TA." Arpley, Warrmgton" .. . 'A Green Mrs. Amelia, 109 & 111 Mersey st BUILDING SOCIETIES. ~UTTER :OE_~ERS. I!?ward Ed,,:a~d, 41 King :<treet Incorporated Permanent, Legh st. ; Thomas Maypole Darry Co. Bndge s.reet NIcholson Wllham C. 56 BrIdge street Sutton, m a n a g e r . CABINET MAKERS. Thornton John, 3 Green street First Warrington (826) S.tar Bowket, 2 Atherton William, Friars lane CLOGGERS. KU:-~ street; Percy DaVIes & Forshaw, Oartwright William, Moore. Birchall John, 77 Catherine street & 110a. SolIcItors. . ." Garnett Robert & Sons, 21 S~n~e~ Liverpool road Peers EconoIDlc, 19 King stre~t, WillIam stt"~~i:; ~orks, Pe!"lke1:~-I N,;>9, Buckley William, 28 St. James st. LatchfrG Wa~ker, secretary & surveyor. T A GARNETT, Warnngton Clare James .56 Hursemarket street Wa~r'-'?'Lgton Inves.tment &. Advance Garnett Richard, 83 Liverpool road & 64 Gandy John; 50 Buttermarket street LIIDl.ed, 14 Carro street, George TIt· & 66 Sankey street . Gandy Thomas 133 Winwick road che!'t, secretary .. Greenhalgh J. M. 48 Sankey street; work- Gandy William: 46 Mersey street & 124 Warrmgton Land.&; Propert! Co. LIIDlte~, ~hop, King street Liverpool road 14 B.7wsey street, Thoma~ Tunstall, sec HIll Arthur E. 24 Market street IH ghton Da 'd Penketh Wara:ln~on P~"'"I"l!anent: Benefl1: Johnson S. E. & R. 2 Rylands street & J~:es Willia~ 207 Winwick road SUlldn~gSoc!ei:y (Robert PrOUd, 78 Bridge street K" 0" Willi. 69 C therine street sec.), 13 Suez street Manchester Furnishing Co. 115 San!'=ey st L~';ton Al~~d, 77 ~riestley street BUTCHERS. 11.rarsh R. W.(exors. of),164 & 166 Brldg.e st Lawton James, 45 Liverpool road Marked thus'" are Pork Butchers. 1\fat.thews Charles, l'enketh Lyons John, 21 Brick street .Atherton Alphonso, 40 Hopwood street Moun~eld Joseph, 64 Buttermarket street Stringer Thomas, 52 Fennel street Baker John William, Penketh T & .1\>Lersey street. ..r . . ' d Sudlow Peter, 86 Winwick street B 00th Nornury Richard 54.Winwick roacr 1- P'roners B row . Th omas,' Scotland John road Henry, =Jottram s yar, Travis . ' 52 & . , Bowcock George 7 Buttermarket street 0 I J P 129 M tr t TraVIS Thomas, 87 WmWlc.o<: road Bowcock James, 'jun. 1.5 Horsemarket st It~b~ts aWe..s S: Eagle e~eYC~.il~eyard, 42 Woods Thomas, 55 Church street Bowcock J?s~ph, 80 BrIdge street Bridge street CLOTHES BROKERS & DEALERS. ~ower 47. ~u,;;~ Weayer & J. 86 Bridge street; works, Baldwin William owers Chlh~t~n'h riS p e., ar e ~~!t a FrIars G. green . ' 42 Brick. street Bradbury Miss Mary, 98 Hoyle street ' . B:-ouchemlte Alfred, 27 Friars green Bridge Henry, Stockton Heath CARRIERS-BY WATER. . GIbbons .Tohn 73 & 75 Mersey street Bridge Richard T. 391 Knutsford road, Manchester Ship ranal Co. (Bridgewater Leslie .Tames, 37 Pinners Brow Latchford Canals Undertaking), Howley quay; Leslie William, 65 ~.fersey street Brimelow Thomas, 197 Winwick road James Evans, agent British & Colonial Meat Co. 6 Market st CLOTHIERS. CART OWNERS. Bullen James, 5 Lovely lane _ Bay] ey Brot.hers, 17 Bridge street Burrows Richard ·il Birchall street J ack.on John, Golborne street Boydell Brothers, 37 Bridge street Carlisle Freak. l 14 & 16 Market street Kerfoot John, 90 Bewsey road I Capital & Labour Clothing Association, 12~ Carlisle Thomas, 1 Percy street ~organ Robert, 51 Green street Bridge street Charles Walter, 68 Winwick street Newton James, 15 Orford lane Crail;: James G. 36 Buttermarket street Chesworth Mrs..Mary . .'1...87 Buttermarket st P?er.s .John.,16 Church street ,'ritchley James, 6 Bold street Coggins John, 55 Winwick street Pilkmgton Thomas, Edgeworth street Dalan & E. J. Page, 41 Bridge street Connolley Francis, 48 Pinners B r o w ' CARTERS Greaves Thomas, 69 Church street & 135 Connolly Francis, 119 Orford lane -. Bridge street Connolly Frank, Market Hall Lomas William, Grappenhall rook Joseph, 78 Mersey street Owen John James, Station rd. Plenketh Hutt John H. 79 Bridge street Manchester Tailoring & Clothing Depot, S Cook William, 15 St. James' street CARVERS & GILDERS & 10 Horsemarket street lliCooper William, 13 Buttermarket street . . ~ . Plinston James, 55 Bewsey street *Cox William, 53 Winwick street & Mar. Low.,e .Wilham, 113 ...ankey street ket Hall McN aIr T1?-omas S. 8 Rylands street CLUBS Cross. John, Golden sq. & 2 Corporation s~ Owen DaVId, 16 Golborne street Conservative, Penketh;Jas. Woodward, soo Cross John, Ma;rket Hall CATTLE DEALERS. Conservative, Sankey street; William Cross John, jun. 75 Priestley street Bennett Brothers, Bruche farm, Padgate Owen, treasurer; George Pilling, sec.; Eastmans Limited, 102 Bridge street & George Watkins, club manager 19 Peter street CHAIN. M.A.KER. Farmers' Exchange (Charles Leigh, sec~). Edwards J. & T. 2 St. James' street, Davies Thos. Mottram's yd. Scotland rd !lewsey street Latchford; branch, Buttermarket st. & Liheral, 69 Bewsey street; Thomas Pem40 Green street OHAIR MAKER. berton, sec.; Edwin.r. Mitchell, steward Ellis Albert, 124 Mersey street Hoyle Thomas, 1 Dial street Liberal, Penketh; Fred Hughes, sec Everal! Thomas, 37 Crossley street Provident Clothing (Wm. Knowles, supt.), Farmer's f:tores, Queen ~t. & Brewery st I CHEESE FACTORS. 13 Rvlands street . Finnerty Michael, 46 Powy's street & 52: Batc Roger, 9 Market place Warrbiglon, 7 Bold street; George Dakin" Green street ; Dakin & Banks, 31 Horsemarket street sec.; GeorgI} Young, steward BRICK & 'HLE YAKER'S. FearDhead Brick & Tile Co. Fearnhead, Poulton Owen John James, Station rc"d, l'enketh Pend:lebury John & Co. 109 Dallam lane Warrington Slate Co. Lim. (Tl:e) , ArgJ.ey station. T A "A"pley, Warnngton Welsby Joseph, Howley Brick worJ"s, Howley quay Woolston Brick & Tile 00. Woolston Young William, FearDhead, Pou;ton c.o. I I I I WARRINGTON. DIRECTORY. ] Warringt<ln C!:icket & Association Foot.! COLLIERY FUR!x'1SHERS. 1" tr 1 H U sworth sec ball; Ohar es . n, ) Crl.Cl.,.;-ells Lrrn. 60 Horsemarket s eet~ Warrington Football (J. E. Warren, sec. warehouse ,& works, S.cotlan~ road. "T:N Wilderspool causeway, Latchford 18; T A . Caldwells, Warrmgton 'I' TRADES. 87 [Davies S"muel, 15 WellingtO'l otr(let 'Holmes William, 120 Manchester road IMiller Ernest 19 Greenall street Parkinso~ William, 15 Buttermarket street IHo~ton James, 42 Barry street, Lat{)hford I COACH BUILDERS I, COLOUR MEROHANTS. Pierpoint & 00. 125 Bridge street . Smith Edward, 32 Fennel street Connor Edward, 19 Sankey ~.; 1Pemberton J. & 00. 4 Market place Strange James, 12 St:' James st. Latchford works, Golborne street &. Klngl OOMPOSITION MANUFAOTURERS. Stringer William P. 139 Mersey street street-TN 31 McDowell In. (Maskery & 00.), Rylands st ILubricate Co. (The), Priestley street CORN. & FLOUR MEROHAKTS. Maginn Brothers, Park mews, Sankey st. ., CO! BarlowWiliiam, 19 Winwick st & 14 Horsemarket street CO-"'TFEcTIO:!XT]JR~. Carter J. &. Son, 20 &. 24 Bridge Maske!"y &. Co. (&. harness rna- Bennett Henry, 53 Pinner's brow street-T N 45 kers), Rylar;ds street Bennett Henry C. 33 School brow Carter Thomas Stanley, Mersey Pickton S. & D. 66 Allen street Bibley Miss Margaret, 12 Market street ,street Spann Richard, Frim:s green IBillinge James, 13 & 15 Green street Fairclough J. & Sons, 1 St. James' street, Birchall Joseph, 129 Bridge street Latchford; offices, Mersey mills; wareCOAOH & OAB OWNERS & LIVERY Blackborune Mrs. Jane, 6 Factory lane houses, LBridgefoot; & Earlstown ;& STABLE KEEPERS. Brew Edward, Stockton heath Widn€S BroaCll!lurst John, 266 Kn~tsford road, Litton Thos. & 00. Bank Quay mills. TN 36 Connor John & Son, 81 Legh street Latchford !pennington James, 172 Wilderspool cause. Connor EdVlfard, 19 '::>ankey st:l"eet Oantrell Oharles H. 27 Irlam street way, Latchford ' - T N 31 , Carter Willia.m H. 2 Buttermar-lpierpOint Frederick R. 125 Bridge street Maggin Brothers, Park mews, Sankey st. ket s~ r<:le't Swain Thomas, Arpley road & 14 Horsemarket streeb. T:N: 71 Chantrtjf &. Son, 20, 41 &43 HorseMaginn John, 22 Parker street mao ket stree-t & 13 Sankey st OOTTON SPIN1mRS & MANUFAOTURS. Russell William, 7 Suez street Chappell Mrs. Martha Jane, 51 Sankey st Armitage & Rigby· Lim. (64,000 spindles; Warrington Oarriage 00. Lim. 65 Bridge st Clark John, 22 Buttermarket street 12's to 50's weft; 1,400 looms), Cockhedge Daly Miss Agnes, Rylands street mills, Orford street. T A "Cockhedge, COAL DEALERS. Finch ,r<,wlathan, 58 Bewsey road Warrington." Offices & warehouse, 95 Gleave William, 16a, Buttermarket street; Portland street, Manchester }..lien Thomas, 80 Catherine street 72a, fOankey .treet & 469 Knutsford road, Lees H.Ernest (4's to 24's; 14,000 spindles), Archer' Thomas, 122 Catherine street Latchford Florence mills, Egerton street. T N 33; Banner James, Moore Groark Thomas, 24 Winwick street T A ,. Florence mill, Warrington" Barrow James, 8 Silver street Harrison John T. 1 Winwick road Barton John, Crossley street Howard Miss Annie,37 Winwick street OURRIERS & LEATHER MEROHANTS. nerry Thomas, 7 Ohorley street Jo:m~on Wiliam. Wilderspool Oook' Oharles, Brook street h h t Long William & Co. Grappenhall & Oliffe Jones Richara, 63 0 urc stree D dd M "Jockey street Lane tanneries, Grappenhall. T.I.\ 69; Edwardso~;hn, 34 New road, Latchford j r: da~ Samuel. 9 Manchester road T A .• Long, Grappenhall"; & at 10 Emmess Thomas J. 20 Hall street Kershaw Ja,mes,589 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Hardman street, Deansga,te, Manchester Fin h Thomas Orchard street & at Hamil. Lazenby Arthur O. 9 ~ylands street Pickavance ~dward, 67 Bridge street c, Lvtihgoe John & Co. 3Da, Sankey street Waring Samuel (dealer), 7 Scotland road .ton street [Miller Miss Teresa, 82 Mersey street FIsher Robert,'f Penketh , Mottram James, 88 Bridge street Whittle Thomas & Son, 49 Buttermarket st Halton John L. 73 Loye.y lane Murton George 64 Golborne street CUTLERS. Henkey George, 56 B1'1ck street N . 1 R A & 00 1 Queen street Hosker. Richard, 44 Eustace street IN-ay1o~ A Ma;ket hall Skelton W. P. & W. Lim. Jubilee buildings, Jackson Hamblet,~3 Selby street 13r:~~n ch;':ies Hen-v 10 John street Horsemarket street Lilley John R. 8 PItt street I~ t & C 125- 'd tr t Mather William, 2 Foundry street: PIe,rpomo. 1'1 ge s e~ t DAIRYMEN. Owen John, Penketh . POCimore Joseph, 42 St. James stree" Pickston William, 95 Liverpool road Latchford . .. Antwis Robert, 95 Ohurch street Powell Charles, Lythgoe's lane Rothwell WIlham, 3~ WmwlCk street Ashton Thomas, 31 Mersey street Wood" Philip 3 Collins street Saxon Samuel, 14. Mill street Astbury Mrs. Elizabeth, Il St. Austin's la • , Scales Mrs. Oarolme, 48 St. Ja,mes' street, Austin John, 70 St. James' ,st. La,tchford Latchford Bailey Thomas, 9 ~t. Austin's lane COAL PROPRIETORS, & MEROHANTS. Shaw Mrs. Jane, 86 Ohurch street Bancroft Miss Mary, 7 Pinner's brow Blundell Jona:thaln &. Sons (John Sinclair .Miss Agnes, 70 Wellfield street Barnes Mrs.' Mary, 14 Golborne street Dignum, agent), Orrell,Pen1l~ Smart Robert, 32 Queen street Bridge Joseph, 2 Battersby lane berton & Ince Coal V/harf, 27 Toft John, 98 Bridge street Oaldwell Mrs. Margaret, 9 Friar's gate Gee street Tongue Thomas, 47 Bridge street Clare Joseph, 1 White street Twiss ]'fiss Lydia" 6 Rylands street Critchley Henry, Padgate Bretherton. Harry H. Marson: street. Wellings Samson, 78 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Gerrard Miss Mary, 6 Lythgoe's lane Clare & RIdgway! S~nkey BrIdges, Liver- Wright Alfred, 5 Winwick road Green Robert, 13 Hall street pool road. ~ Wmwick street. "TN 13 . [Wright Samuel, 159 Mersey street Hewitt John, 216 Liverpool road Dooley Wilham, 188 Manche.ter road, . . T Hill John, Marsh House lane office, Marson street . .' CO~TRAOTORS. Hill Mrs. Mary, 16 St. Mary street,Latchfrd Eaude T~omas, Marson .st~eet Marke-d thus * are Oarting Contractors. Holliday Joseph, 6 Selby street Evans r:Ichard & 00. Lumted, ~4 Foundry Auckland Ephriam, sen. Rolleston street Hough Thomas, 48 Oockhedge lane street, Edward London, agen.. & Legh street Kelsall James, Upper Bank street Flet~he!l", Burrows &. Co. Llmited'l"BancrOft James, 57 Ellesmere street Lan.cashire & Oheshire Farmers' Co-op eraproprietors of the A-thert:on .Col- Bennie :B'redk.T. (road), 13 Wellfield street tion Association Lim. Bewsey street leries, Dall~n'l. lane! "Varrlng- *Buckley John & Oo.JJim. 94 Ohurch street Lewis George, 83 Chorley streot ton; speclaht:)f high. - class Oollin Robert W. 12 Marson street 'Lilley John R. 5 Pitt street house coal de.llvered In cart ~'Cottan James, 165 Bewsey roa,d Owen William, Upper Bank street loads, loose or 'n bags Davenport Oharles. W. Stockton heath Rathmill Joseph, 3 Clegge street Francomb Richard W. Dallam lane Ewart Ja,mes ArchIbald, 11 Palmyra square Sa,lt Samuel, 139 Winwick road Halton Thomas & 00. 8 Factory lane *Grange Alfred Percy, Hall street Sa,nkey Jacob, 21 Ohurch street Lomas William, Grappenhall *Halt<ln Thomas & 00. 8 Factory. lane Sheldon George, 31 Longford street Pearson & Knowles (The) Coal & Iron 00. Hilledge Oswald (sand), 144 Wilderspool Shutt William, 38 Rolleston otreet Limited, Da,llam Forge & Bewsey Forge; causeway, Latchford Smith Richard, York villas, Wilderspool offices, Bewsey road; James Dodds, sec. "<Isherwood Edward, 57 Tanner's la,ne Taylor Henry T. 23 Welington street T A "Iron, Warrin!'ton;" TN 22 *Lunt Edward, 79 Howley lane Warburton James, 316 KnutSford road, Pendlebury John & 00. 109 Dallam lane *Lunt John, St. James' street Latchford Richardson W. & J. Marson ~treet; Old *Lunt Samuel, 97 Mersey street Whittaker Peter, 20 FF'nnel street road, Lat{)hford & London Bndge, Stock· Matthews Joseph, Marsh street , Wibberley Edward, IG3 Knutsford road, .ton Heath Naylor Robert A.. (contract~rs Latchford RIchardson James, 14 Bewsey road requisites), Stearn Saw M.lls, Wild John Lower Walton Roebuck Herbert, Railwa,y station, Thelwall Howley quCl;Y Wright M;s. Hannah, 15 Mill street Turner & Co. Marson street *Newton Jas. TWlgger farm,Manchester rd Warrington Slate 00. Limited (The), Arp- *Whitfield Wiliam, Howley ho.Howley quay DEOORATORS. ley station: .T A " Arpley, Warrington' OOOPERS. Allen Thomas & Son, 2 Mersey street & Westwell WIlham W. & Co. Bank Quay Albinson Joseph, Morris's yard,Church st 62 Bewsey road wC;oal y~rdl ~aciory l~ne. L'!' ~ ~5 A 1 Newton Peter 39 Wilderspool causeway, Chandley H. & S. 92 Bridge street Igan oa ron O. lIDi e, rp .ey - Latchford ' Fletcher William, 15 Winwick ntreet rd.; Jal:!les Bran.dre~h, agent for CheshIre W'll' Will', 15 Winwick street Garnett Robert & Sons 21 Sankey & Warrmgton dIstnct. TN 64 1 rams ram, street ' COPPERSMITHS. Hesketh T. & Sons (art), 70 SanOOFFEE MERCHANT. Da-vies Mrs. Kate, 6 Lyme street key street . Davies William, King street Johnson S. E. & R. 78 Bndge street & 2 Monk William, 61 Sankey street Rylands street OORN & FLOUR DEALERS. Wareing William, 5 Academy street COFFEE TAVERNS. Baines John, 91 Buttermarket street Whittle Josiah, 57 Buttermarket street British Workman Public House Co. Lim.; Sarlow William, 19 Winwick st DENTISTS 2 Milner street & 9 Market street !Buckley John, 15 Hall street' . Oa,rter James & Son, 20 & 24 Bridge street. Cooke Frederick G. 6 Parker st.& Sankey st Gallop William, 70 Buttermarket street Lawson Edward 54 Buttermarket street TN 45 Parkinson J. H. 3 Sankey street Roberts Mrs. :M~ry, 28 Tanners lane i Ohantry & Son, 20, 41 & 43 Horsemarket I Taylor John L.D.S. 22 ,Museum street Warburton William, 137 Bridge street 1 street & 13 Sankey street I Young John C., L.D.S. 42 Sankey street I n . . B I I 88 TRADES. WARRING-TOX. [ SLA.TER'S Haskin Miss Florence, 152 Longford street Halton George, QUakers farm, Padgate Harris Elijah, Daisy house, Padgate Hayes Miss Mary, 12 Rolleston street Hill John, Marsh House lane Hayes Mrs. Mary, 124 Church street Holley William, Padgate Hazlehurst Miss Emily, 343 Knutsford Industriai Schools (John Fairhurst, bailiff) road, Latchford P~g~ • Heald Miss' Alice, 7 Church street Newton Jas. Twiggery farm,::,ranchester rd Hollingworth Mrs. Mary, 2 Tanner's iane Norcott Peter, Cemetery farm, Padgate la Houghton Miss Alice, 54 Academy street Hunt Mrs. Ellen, 295 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Porter Mrs. Sarah, Padgate Robinson James, Avenue farm, Orford lane Jean Miss Lucy, 97 Orford lane Royston William, Paddington Jordan Miss Eleanor, 195 Orford lane Leach Mrs. Nellie, Chapel road, P!,nketh Shutt William, Rolleston street Taylor Henry T. 23 Wellington street Main Misses Isabella & Josephine, 51 EllesWeisby .John, 2 Brick street DRAPERS-GENERAL. mere street Mercer Miss Margaret A. 53 Sankey street Whitfield Wm. Howley ho. TIowlev quay Ashton Mrs. Esther, Penketh Wright 'rhomas, Folly lane • Balmford Norman (& woollen), 117 San- Mills Miss Flora J. 85 Lovely lane Moss Miss Maude, 54 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd k~ street In Acton Grange. Price Mrs. Margaret M. 94 Mersey street Barlow James, 47 Winwick street Riley Mrs. Sarah A. 115 Mersey street Barton James T. 40 Leicester street Ball Thomas Robinson Miss Mary, 78 Legh street Beddard Henry W. 40 Winwick road Basnett James, The Mill Roughsedge Mrs. Emma, 104 Manchester rd Basnett Johu Benson William, 11 Sankey street Silk Miss Mary J. 138 Winwick road Brayshaw Sargent, 133 Bridge street Beswick William, Bellhouse farm Sixsmith Miss Isabella, 147 Orford lane Broadhurst Mrs. Ann, 84 Mersey street Hall Peter, Hollin edge Brown 1. M. & E. E. (travelling), 8 Cros. Tanner Miss ;Emily, 95 Orford lane Thomas Miss Annie, 20 Eustace street field street In Burton Wood, Bewsey & Dallam. Throssell Miss Sarah Jane, 57 Legh street Bunch Joseph, 191 Winwick road Anders George, Burton wood Tilling Miss Mary E. 13 Battersby lane Clegg William, 3 Irlam £treet Ball William, Burton wood Webb Miss' Sarah A. 1 Priestley street Coates William, 10 Friar's gate Bennett John, Bewsey hall, Bewsey Wilcox Mrs. Selina, 29 Allen street Craik Mrs. Lucy, 38 Buttermarket street Wilson Miss Sarah, 309 Knutsford road, Bent Mrs. Mary, Hall la.' Burton wood Crampton PaUl P. 2 Horsemarket street Boardman Geo. Collins grn. Burton wood Latchford Dale Richard, 82 Priestley street Conway Patrick, Burton wood WDods Miss, Charlotte, 45 Bewsey street Dobson Robert, 11 & 13 Bridge street Woods Miss Helen, 194 Liverpool road Cooper In. Tan House farm, Burton wood Duckworth James, 16 Napier street Woolliams Miss Mary A. 23 Cairo street Critchley William, Burton wood Dutton J. & W. 16 & 18 Sankey street Worrall Miss Sarah J. 42 Wakefield street Domville Peter, Burton wood & 59 Bridge street Fairclough Jas. Long Lane frm.Lit.Sankey Evans Evan T. 17 Sankey street DRYSALTERS. Fairclough In. Bradley hall, Burton wood Fairhurst John, Stockton heath Fletcher & Lee, 4 Bridge street Jones John Thomas, 51 Buttermarket st Fairclough Miss Margaret & Bros. :Boardith barn, BurtDn wood Fowler Brothers, 83 & 85 Buttermarket st Lockyer, Stead & 00. Friar's gate Fairclough S1. Alder Lane farm, Burton wd Grime Thomas, 27 Bridge street Fairclough William, Causeway bridges, Hackett Mrs. Margaret, 67 Winwick road DYERS & CLEANERS. Burton wood Hatton Miss Mary, 14 Bridge street Johnson Broi:hers (french), 44 Porshaw James, Burton wood Heywood Thomas, 19 Chorley street Bridge stree1: Forshaw Rchd. Collin's green, Burton wood Hill Harry, 35 Howley lane Gilroy Henry, Burton wood Hill William, 106 Sharp street EARTHENWARE MA]).'UPACTURERS. Gleave Geo. naley Head farm, Burton wood Hodgkinson William, 46 & 48 Bridge street Grace Isaac & Co. Winwick road Gleave William, Burton wood Holloway Miss Ann, 50 Horsemarket street Gough Waiter, BurtDn wood Houghton Mrs. Ann, 31 Buttermarket st EGG MERCHANTS. Haslam William, Burton wood Hudson William, 19 Irlam street Hughes Evan E. (travelling), 10 Crosfield st Sexton James, 8 Rylands street; ware- Hatton Mrs. Mary, Dallam house, Rose & Crown street Hayes; Jas. Collin's green, Burton wood Longshaw William, 1 Regent street Sexton Patrick, 89 Buttermarket street Hayes Jeremiah, Burton wood Lord Broth€rs, 128 Bridge street Hewitt M·rs. Burton wood M'Collom James & Son, Market place ELECTRIC BELL FITTER. Howard Thomas, Burton Wood iodge, Mawson & Co. (woollen), 35 Sankey street Morton Walter, 127 Sankey street Burt.on wood Miller Alfred, 114 Bridge street Kelsall John, New Bradley, Bl:rton wood !Naylor Sydney, 73 Priestley street ELECTRICIANS. Kilshall Mrs. Boggart House farm, Partington Joseph (woollen), 43 Bridge st Burton wood Peacock & Yarwood (wholesale), 1 School GarlandJ. S. 51 to 55 Bridge st Morton Walter, 127 Sankey street Kilshaw Albert, Fields farm, Burton weod street, Latchford Peacock Arthur, 1\,farke,'{ 0.'1 Norcott Thomas, Burton wood ENGINEERS & MILLWRIGHTS. Perks Thos. Phipps farm, Burton wood Price William, 4 Pierpoint street (See also Iron & Brass: Founders, also Hot Read Samuel, Burton wood Reid Miss Hannah, 6 Bridge street Water Engineers.) Rimmer Wlrt. Collin's green, Burton vrood Richardson William, 29 Irlam street Barker James & Son, Haydock street Smith Chas. Fir Tree house, 3urton wood Ross Murdoch George, 13 Winwick street Brownlng William, 33 Cairo street Savage Mrs. Ellen A. 5 Pinner's brow Smith IS<rael, Burton wood Caldwells Lim. 60 Horsemarket street; Smith Thomas, Burton wood Schofield Mark, 26 School brow warehouse & works, Scotland road. T N, Tushingham William, Burton ">;ood Smith James, 50 Birchall street 18; TA .. Caldwells, Warrington" Stanley William, $6 Lythgoe's lane Warburton Mrs. Elizabeth (exors. of), Cal. Stone & Kidson, 1 Walker street Clare Arthur, Friar's green lands farm, Burton wood Sutton John, 18 Market street Cotton Charles, Mottram's yard,Scotland rd Warburton James, Dallam Sykes Edwin, 53 Froghall lane Forshaw Edward & Son, Mersey works Warburton John, Dial post, Burton wood Taylor Frank, 45 Priestley street Napier street ' Warburton Mrs. (exors. of), "3ewsey farm, Warrington Equitabie Industrial Co-opera- Greening N. & Sons, Lim.(milling machine), Burton wood tive Society Lim. 23 to 29 Sankey street Crown street. T oN" 15; T A " Greenings Welsby William, Burton wood Warrington " , Worsley Mrs. Burton wood & Winwick street; Arthur H. Rath. bone, managing secretary Haddock William S. Corporation Gas works, Worsley Thomas, Burton wood Webb Misses Sarah A., Eliza & Ellen, 48 Mersey street Worsley Wm. Mill lane, Burton Viond Green street Jones William & Sons, Bewsey street In Croft-with-Sonthworth & Houghton West James, 15 Legh street Melbourne John, Wilderspool foundry Green. Wilkinson William Thomas, 1 Wash lane, Wilderspool causeway , Latchford Morton Walter, 127 Sankey street Ball Joshua, Southworth hall Pea:son & Knowles (The) Coal & Iron Co. Birchall Lewis, Oak Tree farm DRESSMAKERS. LIm. Dallam forge & Bewsev forge' Birch..Lll Peter, Arbury offices, Bewsey road; James Dodds, sed. Brimelow AaJ:on, Locking Stump farm (See also Milliners.) TN 22; T A" Iron, Warrington" Davenport Henry, Lady lane Barker Miss Sarah A. 14 Rolleston street Stirrup Alban, 9 Rolleston street; works, Daxon James, Orchard farm Barton Mrs. Sarah, 3 Admiral street Orford street Daxon John, Ovenback farm Baxter Mrs. Ellen, 90 Mersey street Dixon James Bibby Miss Margaret, 49 Knutsford road, ENGRAVERS. Gandy Edward, Enfield Latchford '::' Mackie & Co. Lim. Sankey street. T N 52' Bretherto:, Mrs. Mary, 150 Win~ck road _T A "Guardian, Warrington" , Gilfeather Mrs. Sarah Gleave James Brown MlSses M. A. & K. 63 Bridge street ,Naylor H€rbert W. 21 Sankey street Hayes Peter Br.own Mrs. Sarah A. 67 Catherine street Howard E. & Sons, Houghton green Cosgrove Miss Julia, 117 Orford lane ESTA:I:E AGENTS. Howard John Cotton Mrs. Eliza, 158 Church street See Land House & Estate Agents Hunt Willia.n, J!javes brow Dobson Hobert, 11 & 13 Bridge street , ' . Johnson Ed"'in Dutton J. & W. 16 & 18 Sankey street & FARM BAILIFF. Johnson James 59 Bridge street ~: Garlick William J. The Hollies Moore Kirkham George Eastwood Mrs. Ann, 186 Liverpool toad;:;; , Massey Daniel, Myddieton Gaukroger Miss Lucy, 74 Knutsford road FARMERS. Monks Thomas Latchford. . ~, In Warrington. Gerrard M,llses Jane & Margaret, J19 Bennett B. & T. C1apgates farm Lovel la Oldfield Noah Prietner William Springfield !:>.ouse Church ~tr€et -~ Bennett Thomas Pear Tre f ' y Peter, J.'ur:ett hall G~rrard M~ss Mary E. 67 Buttermarket st Bennett Walter,' Bruche f:r~r~~l~~~ate Reid GIbbons Miss Sarah, 87 Mersey street ,c Burton William, Sankey Hall farm,~ill la Sanderson Thcmas Sankey EnJch William Gleave M:s. Jan,:, 110 Orford lane l' Carter Mt's. Mary & Alfred Harpe f Green MiSS LOUIsa, 76 St. James' street, Pa.ugate , r s arm, Shaw Joseph, Hermitage "'reen Southern John, Springfield"farm Latchford C'ritchlcv He'1!"v PadO'at Southern Samuel Bates farm Halfall Mrs. Ellen, 26 Golborne street Green Richard,' i59 Lo;el; lane Staley Edwin ' DUHNG ROOMS. Bibby Miss Margaret, 12 Market street Clare Peter, 117 Bridge street Clark John, 22 Buttermarket street Dean John, 6 Peter £treet Johnson William, 28 Winwick street Jones Owen, 80 Winwick street McCreadie Mrs. .Annabella, 10 Lyme street & Market place Richards Herbert, 119 Sankey street Spiersl & Pond Lim. Central station, Winwick street DIRECTORY.] Stanniar Mrs. Houghton green Swint-on Joseph, Arbury Unsworth James Weir Mrs. Ellen, Cockshutt farm Welsby Thomas Whitehead Joseph Wild Oharles Wood John Worrall In Ouerdley. Bennett Walt"r Crosby Mrs. Betty Harrison Aaron, Ouerdley Hall farm Humphreys Mrs. Mary, Cuerdley cross Johnson John, Primrose valley Kilshaw Charles Edward, Cross Lane farm Knowles William, Clock farm Leather Mrs Tuson George Bennett Walter Crosby Mrs. Betty Harrison Aaron, Ouerdley Hall farm Humphreys Mrs. Myra, Ouerdley cross Johnson John, Primrose valley Kilshaw Charles Edward, CrOllS Lane farm Knowles "William, Clock farm Leather Mrs Tuson George Wright James In Fearnhead. Ashley Thomas, Oinamon farm Caldwell William Ford WiIIh;n Gandy Edward Haddock James, Longbarn, Poulton Lee l!'rederick, Fearnhead cross Lythgoe John, Black brook Mather George, Oinamon brow Smithson Mrs. Ann, Fearnhcad cress Stringer George Timmis James, Black brook Wood George In Grappenhall. Ashbrook Joseph, Knutsford road Barker Robert, Reddish Hall lane Beech Chades Boardman Richard, Yew Tree farm Bradford John, Cartridge lane Bradford William, Reddish hall Chamberlain Thomas, Knutsford road Eato:l & Woods, Oanal Bank farm Garnett William, Poacher lane Hill John, Knutsf1rd road Houghton Samuel, Oarr farm James Levi, Middlehl1r3t James William, Knutsford road Jeff8 Edward, Chester road Lolnas William Pemlierton. James, New road Rawson Mrs. Ann, Cross Lane farm Taylor Thom,s, Reddish Hall lane Tetlow Mrs. Elizabeth, Redilish Hall lane Wa:r:burton John, Cartridge lane Warburton Joseph, Bellhouse lane Warburton Richard, Morrisbrook In Latchford. Ashley James, 8 Wash lane Beech Charles, Lumb brook Blinxton Joseph, Ackers lane Broauy Henry, Lumb bro~k Broughton James, Thelwal1 lane Ford Thomas, Lower Wash Garnett William & James, Poachers nook Hewitt Thomas, Lower Wash Hough Richard, Wash lane Lamb William., Wash lane Lawrenson Joseph, Old road Turner Isaac, Ackers lane In Moore. Bradbury.John Dodd George, Rose farm Dunbabin William Forster George, Moss lane Forster Mrs. Mary, Village farm Fryer John Jones John L Jones Walter, The Elms Middleton Hemy, Ivy house Samuel Watkin E. Keckwick Ford farm In !Norton. Baguley Clement, Manor farm Morris ThO'llas, Moss side Percival Thomas, Moss side In Orford. Ashcroft Peter, Sandy lane Caldwell John, Orford lane Cook George, Orford farm Dean Stephen, The Poplars Fisher John, Clam brook Grounds John, Tannery farm Hankey John, Long lane !Manning John, Long lane !Mather William, Sandy lane Smith William, Throstles nest Swinton James, Brook house White William, Long lane . WARRINGTON. TRADES. 89 Glover James, St{)Cks lane, Penketh In Penkcth. Glover Joseph, Stocks lane, Penketh Ashcroft Isaac, Brook house Hackett Thomas, Dannett street Baker James, Four Topt oak Holden & Son, Kerfcot street Boardman Peter, Lyon farm Hughes Joseph, Arpley works, Arpley toad Bolton George H. Penketh house Ireland l:'eter, Stocks lane, Penketh Cook Thomas, Deacon's farm Jolley J. & '1'. & Co. Allen street Cook William, Robinson's farm .Plumpton G-eorge, Leicester street Ditohfield William, Penketh hall Sankey James, Penketh Fisher John, Martinscroft farm Sparkes Peter, St-ocks lane, Penketh Gleave Mrs. Mary, Station road Stephenson G-eorge, Napier street Kelsall Thomas, Bank House farm Stubs Peter Lim. Scotland road Pownall James, Brook Side farm Thewlis & Griffith Limited, Phcenix works, Pownall James, jnn Heath Side farm Mersey street In Great Sankey. Welsby Thomas, Stocks lane, Penketh Baker Thom LS Woodward Mark, Heath road, Penketh Bate Henry, Oow lane Oook Alfred, Cow lane FINE ART DEALERS. Cook Peter, Ashton's farm Birtles Thos. Legh house, Sankey street Oook Thomas, Holly House farm Orosby Mrs. Jane • FIRE APPLIANCE MAKERS. Dunville John, Cow lane Dick W. B. (The London Fire Appliance Grange George, Little Sankey Co.); sole makers of Dick's Extincteurs, Grimshaw Benjamin, Gate Wharf farm nose piping, hose coupling, hand pumps, Hatt-on William J. Sankey 10dge,Lit. Sankey hydrants, fire escapes & all kinds of Johnson John apparatus for extinguishing fires, 2 Kilshaw Bros. Ivy house, Cow lane Bullshead yard, Market place, ManchesKilshaw Thomas, Whittle hall ter. TA" Clansman, Manchester" Owen Thomas Parsonage Benj. Hood lane, Little Sankey FIREWOOD DEALERS. Pownall Joseph Heaton Robert, Central Station yard, WinPownall Matthew, Brookside farm wick street Stretch Abel Talbot William H. 4 General street Taylor WilIia,n, Brow farm Warburton Mrs.Elzh.(exors. of),Bewsey frm FISHMONGERS. Warburton' John, Chapel House farm Marked thus * are Ga.me Dealers, Wright Joseph, Chapel House farm Bottomley William, Market hall In Stockton Heath. Bridge Henry, Market hall Bridge Henry, 20 Winwick road Beach James Broady Albert & Thomas Ellison James, Market hall *Glendinning R. & Co. 46 Horsemarket st. Hughes Ohari'.ls ",T N 104; & St. John's market, Liverpool Whftlow John, Bro·omfiel1s Horrocks John, 93 Church street Yarwood John H-orrocks John, Market hall In Thelwall. Johnson James, 2.75 Winwick road Brereton James Lawless Samuel, .46 & 48 Buttermarket st Brookes James Lawless Samuel, Market hall Oook Henry Lawless Thomas, Market hall Oook John Marl' James, Market hall Oook Thomas Mather' John, Market hall David1lon William Plinston Euward, 80 Mersey street Hewitt Edward Porter John M. Corp-oration street & HorseHoughton Mrs. Elizabeth market street Houghton William *Porter John M. 22 Horsemarket street Skelland Thomas Porter John M.Market hall Warburton Peter Reardon Bros. 33 Pinners brow Whitlow Thomas Riley Mrs. Ann, 58 Sankey street Wright William Stirrup Mrs. Martha, 1 Irlam street In Walton Higher & Lower. Tablin Joseph, Market hall Whittaker William, Market hall Beswick William, Higher Walton Broady Alfred, Higher Walton FLAT OWNERS. Dodd Henry, Ford farm, Lower Walton Green Robt. Queensland farm, Low. Walt-on Olare & Ridgway, Sankey bridges, LiverGreen Robert, Walton Hey, Lower Walton pool roaa & Winwick street. T N. 13 Turner William, LOWEI' Walton Weir John, Lower Walton FLORISTS. Weir Wm. Beech Tree farm,Higher Walton See Nurserymen, Seedsmen & Florists. Wood William, Lower Walton In Woolston-with-Martinscroft. FRENCH POLISHERS. Caldwell Thomas, Martinscroft Newall Herbert, 201 Orford lane Clark Aaron FRIE~T])LY SOCIETIES. Daintith Thomas Dunville Luke (See also Insurance Offices & Agents.) Fairhurst Charles, Martinscroft British Workmen's & General Assurance Fowles John W Co. Limited, Union Bank chambers, Hepherd James Market gate; James R. Ormerod, disHoughton James trict superintendent Houghton Joseph, jun Friendly Societies' Medical Association, 13 Houghton Thomas Palmyra square; James H. Kisby, resiHowarth Robert, Martin-scroft dent medical officer Lythgoe Thomas, Woolst1n grange Liverpool Vicroria Legal Friendly Society, 1 Massey James, Martinscroft Winwick street; Richard W. Williams, Massey William, Martinscroft district manager Newton William, Martinscroft Refuge Assurance Co. Limited Platt Bros (William E. Thornton, district: Warburton Isaac manager), 20 King street Scottish Legal Life Assurance 00. (John FENCING WIRB MANUFACTURERS. Goldie, district manager), 46 Arpley street Rylands Brothers Limited, The Warrington Ladies' Charity, 40 Parker st.; Wire Mills-T N l1;TA"WIRE, Mrs. Annie FOWler, matron Warrington" FRUITERERS. FILE CUTTERS. See Greengrocers & Fruiterers. Brown Thomas, 25 Brick street FURNITURE BROKERS &, DEALERS. Oassidy James, Orchard street Ashton George, 2 Church st. & Orford st FILE & TOOL MANUFAOTURERS. Cunnington Elijah, 31 Kerfoot street Eve George, 62a, Tanners lane Bailey John, 52 Lovely lane Baker Arthur W. (wire guage maker), Ex. Fisher Joseph, King street Gough S. & Co. 102 Winwick street celsior guage works, Winwick road Green Mrs. Amelia, 109 & 111 Mersey st Bellian James, 51 Lovely lane Harrop J ahn, 122 Bridge street Bellion William, 27a, Cartwright street Holb,rook Mrs. Jane, 3 Fennel street Bleasdale Thomas, Orford McClew Mrs. Jane, 22 Queen street Bonnell John & Sons, Longfocd street Daniels Edwin. Yew Tree cottage, Penketh Manchester Furnishing Co. 115 Sankey st Edelsten John & Son, Mersey works, Taker Thomas, 3 Lovely lane Knutsford road. T A "Edelsten, War- Wilding John, 36 Winwick street & Butter. market· skeet rington" 90 \VARRINGTON. TRADES. [SLATER'S- FUR~T[TURE REMOVERS. :Myles Edwin, 33 Priestley street Davies John, 62 Tanners ;a11e Buckley John & Co. Limited, 94 Church st 10wen Samuel, Market hall Doncastcl" John B. 4;;3'_, Market at Garnett Robert & Sons, 21 Sankey:Plimston Edward, 80 Mersey street Dumbell Albert, 4 Ii.'.... b dreet street Porter John, 25 & 27 Market street Gerrard John, 33 Sankey £treet Howard George, 5 Hall street Potter William, 17 St. ·James' st. Latchfrd, Green James, 3 Bo,;tock street Lunt Samuel, 97 Mersey street Quin Joseph, 27 Cartwright street Green Peter, 53 Winwick street Mounfield Joseph, 64 Buttermarket street Rankin Harry, 44 Green street Harris James, 3 Pierpoint street & Mersey street Ross Joseph, 13 Sparling st. Latchford Harrison Joshua, 58 Bostock street Stewart Charles, 47 Pinners brow Hedgecock Joseph, 7 Ir:am street F'USTIAN CUTTERS. Stirrup Mrs. Martha, 1 Idam street Hedgecock Thomas, 92 Church •.tre~t Bolton John, John street & Tl1rner street Summerfield Joseph, 10 Rylands street Keenan John Samuel, 9 B<>st )ck street Bradbury Henry, Shuttle street Thornton Mrs. 1>£ary, 13 Dial street Lamb Alfred, 43 Pinners brow Cooper & Uo. Bewsey street Timmins William, 292 WillWick road Mcetew James, 47 Horsemarket street Higham RlChard, Watkin street Tyson Mrs. Martha, 16 Pinners brow Mannering William, 91 11ersey street Hockenhull William, Mersey street & at Walker Mrs. Ann, 8 Hall street Melling William, 77 Winwick road Orchard s t r e e t . Whitehonse James, 83 & 113 Winwick rd Mitchell William. 341 Knutsford rd.Ltchfrd J<>hnson Andrew, Mersey street Woods Samuel. 51 Allen street Morrall George H. 4 Peter street Jolley John, Eldon street Murphy George, 9 Scotland road Mills Edmund, Heaton sq. & Morris court GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Oldfield Charles, 72 Winwick street Mills Edwin, Morris's court, Church street Marked thuil, * are Wholesale. Owen William, 25 Winwick ·road Partington Albert J. Crossley street Pagett Wa:ter, 1 Howard street Platt James & Son, Aitkin street; Lythgoes (See also Provision' Dealers, & likewise Podmore Joseph, 62 Bridge street lane & Liverpool road Shopkeepers &c.) Podmore William, 6 Golborne street Platt John & 00. Carlisle street & Cock· Bamford Willian'l, 132 Bridge st: Roberts Daniel, 28 Powys street hedge lane; office, Stoney lane Bennett Ernest, 461 Knutsford rd. Ltchftd Rowe Richard, 63 Winwick street Robinson James, Shuttle street Berry Frank, 11 Brick street Smith EJward, 4.0 Fennell street Rogers George, Orford street B;.bby Joseph, 58 St. James' st. Latehford Smith William, 68 St. James' st. Latehfrd, Velvet (The) .Multiple Cutting Co. Limited, Bluck John,. 74 Mersey street Stirrup James, 32 Buttermarket street . Orford street '-'Bowden 1L & Sons, Bank buildings, 99 Stocks John, Cheshyres lane Websby James, Turner street Sankey street Titchard Gilbert G. 6 Priestley street Wilkinson Joseph & John, Dldon street; Burgess John, Bridgefoot, 141 Bridge st Titchard J olm, 65 Winwick road office, Wakefield street IBurndred Joseph, 75 Winwick road Wainwright Charles, 151 Mersey street GAME J?E_-\..LERS. Carter Thos. R. Knutsford rd. Grappenhall Wainwright John, 11 Wilderspoo1 causeClarke John, 148 Orford lane way, Latehford . See Fishmongers. Clayten Mrs. Ellen, Croft Warburton Henry, 8 Buttermarket street GARDEJs""ERs-JOBBING. Cooper John, Higher Walton Weston David, 24 Po",,')'s street . Da:e Richard, 36 Parker street T ~ See Jobbmg Gardeners. Davey Samuel G. 9 Winmarleigh street HAIR 11ERCHA:NTC:i. GAS APPARATUS M}....c'fUFACTURERS. Etlwards J. & T. 1. W~derspool causeway, Waring Artb:ur & Co. ,Lim. Winwick road. 'D' h d .& C L' 't d.A d Latchford; 90 WmwlCk st. & 23 Butter· T A "Wal'mg, Warrmgton" =lC mon :,. IDll e, .ca emy street; market street ~ 93 Cheapslde, London;, T N 80; T A Fairhurst John, Stockton heath HARDWARE DEALERS. Gastoves, Warrmgton Flinn Daniel, 2 Silver: street Beswick William, 21 Buttermarket streeil GAS ENGINEERS Forster John, Burton wood Blackburn In. 475 Knutsford rd. Latchford . _ _ Furness William J"im. 61 LythgDes' lane Broadbent Charles, 56 Buttermarket street Fletcher, Russell .& Co. Lnn!-Q:ed Gandy In. 23.Church st. & Pinners brow Brookes George Henry, 138 Bat.tersby la ~"'or labora:l:05''Y,. niai1lufactU!r- Gerrard George, ·27 Green street & 9 Cook Robert, 38 WildersrJool causeway, Ing & domestiC purposes), Irlam street . Latehford Thynne streei: ; & at Man- Gleave Peter Moore . Fern George, 19 GlUrch street chester & Warrington" London-TN 70; T A." *Ha11,"T 0 h n, '-,,-,-p • - 1ey r d .,. res. 2 E gypt.. s't Furnivlll William, 105 Knutsford road, "GASERIES, Richmond & Co. Limited, Academy street; Hal!o~ John, S~ockton .heath Latchford. . (registered office only) 21 King str eet & IIallv,ood Jame_, 13 W11derspool causeway, Gregory John, 84 WmwJCk street 93 Cheapside, London. T N: 80. T A Latehford . Harrison Charles, 74 St. ~a1Ues' st.Ltehfrd "Ga.stoves, Warrington" , Hartley John, 326 Knutsfo;rd ;rd. Latchfrd Johnson Edmund, 3 \Vilderspool cameHawthorne Hugh E. 29 WmW1ck street way, Latchford Home & Oolonial Co. Lim. 12 Horsemrkt.st Jones Edward 15 Irlam 3t~eet GASFITTER. Hooley David (family), 107 Bridge street Jnlian Kiward W Market'hall' res 341 Turner Thomas, 81 Buttermarket street Houghton William B. 109 Sankey street Knutsford road .Latchford ' . Hud$onWilliam, 76 Mersey street McKenzie .Tohn. '329 Liverpool roal GLASS MANUFACTURERS. T A Hughes Mrs. Margaret, 346 Knutsford road, Skelton John, 55 Sankey street Bolton Edward & Sons, Orford lane. Latchfo.rd; Tomhnson Mrs. Margaret A. 141 Mersey st "Glass, Warrington" Hurst W:il~lam H. 28 Market street Wright David, 78 Winwick street Warburton William, 15 Napier street Isaac Wilh~m, 26 Buttermarkeo street Wright Richard, 143 Mersey street Johnson MISS Martha, 361 Knutsford rd. GLASS MERCHANTS. Latchford HARNESS MAKERS. Pemberton J. & Co. 4 Market place Kay & Cowdell, 168 Ba;ttersby lane See. Saddlers & Harness Makers. Knowles James, 57 Wmwick street GLUE MANUFACTURERS. Lees Samuel 4 Suez street HATTERS. Royston William &; Co. Paddingt<>n wc,rks, Leigh James: 7 Friars' green Booth Edward, 12 Sankey st.reet Manchester road Leigh Joseph, 263 Knutsford rd. Latchford Booth Frank, 44 Sankey street Leigh Peter, 7 Horsemarket street Hall William & Son 1 Horsemarket s\ GLUE PIECE MERCHANTS. M~l~a Daniel & Co. 3 Horsemarket street Jacksons Lim. 104 Br'idge street Pierpoint & Bryant, Latchford. T N 100' MIllmg Henry & Co. Lim. 5 Horsemkt. st Unsworth Brothers, 7 Lyme street T A " Star, Latchford" ' Monke William, 61 Sankey street GREASE MA},-ruFAGTURERS. Moores Thomas, 21 Ir:am street HAY, STRAW &PRO"VENDER DEALERS. F t Eth Ib t Nightingale Robert, 57 Bewsey street Cai"i:er Thomas Stanley, Mersey . os ~r e er·, Daisy bank, Penketh Owen William & Son, 15 Sankey skeet street LubrlCate Co. (The), Priestley street P ark er Chades J. 65 Church street & 21 Cooper In. Bewsey st.; res. Higher Waltn GREENGROCERS & FRUITERERS. Pen:rell street Eckersley Joseph, 85 Bridge street Ada!:'s Mrs. Ann &; Lockett John,Arpley rd '-'PercIval N. B. & Co. 14 Buttermarket st Parkinson William 15 Buttermarket st Austm J obu, 70 St. James' st. Latchfoni Qu~en' s Tea Co. 73 Bridge street Swain Thomas, A~pley road; res. Ash Bate James, 40 Stamford street Qu!Uce~ Thomas, 87 Church street Villa, Heatley, near Warrington Bate William, 205 Winwick road Rawh:-'!g &. Kir"g (& tea dealers) HERB Broadhurst George, 40 Brick street 2 & 4- Aca.demy street & Butter: . BEER DEALERS. Broadhurst· Jonathan 57 B t k tr market street Britton James, 128 Church street Cardwell Joseph, 102 Win<;;i~~ r~a£et *P.ichardsol"l.Edwin &$on (whole- Gleave Mrs. Elizabet.h, 11 Scotland road Carter William sale). 39 Bridge streei: Johnson James, 9 DIal street market street H. 2 Butter- Roberts John, 69 Wash lane, Latchford Woods Peter, 43 Winwick road Cliffe James, 33 Buttermlll'ket street ~udr1 .~oJbert, 1 Kn';1tsford rd. Latchford HERBALISTS. COC Cook J obu, 19 Crossle street In: . ames, 5 Dral street Dale Thomas 76 PrieslIey otreet Smlth RiChard H. 16 Horsemarket street Hughes A. Bewsey st. & 25 Pinners brow Davies Herb~rt 29 Wi '"k d Spensley John, Stockton heath Lee James, 208 Liverpool road Ellison &; Web~ter Be~;~; s{ro:et Uns,,:orth James, Croft Maxwell Prancis, Thelwall lane Latchford Farmer's Stores, B~wsey st. & Queen street Wa.rrm~to~ Equ~table Industrial' Co,opera· Phoenix William, 14 Manchester road Fearnehough William A 17 Greenall st hve ~oc~ety LUll. 23 to 29 Sankey street Roscoe Rowland, 33 Green street Gandy John, -29 Napier ~treet ;;a~~~:~ks:;reet; Arthur H. Rathbone, . HIDE MERCHANTS. i~r~;h~:S, 9 a~e~tsfg~d -&~.Lfl:tck~frd "'nite Mrs. Louisa, 4.1 Winwick sLreet" Pie~poi~t & Bryant, Latchford. T N 100; Hardllo- Will: lZ , mWlC st Woods Thomas & William 62 Horsemkt 0t T A Star, Latchford" Holland Thor:,~n;, -$~cha;r~ sgeet Woolley James, 262 Liverpool road .... Waring Arthur & Co. Lim. Winwick road. Jagger George -i22 Winm:n-kc s deet Wr!ght, Whitehead & Co. Yarket place T A ,. Waring, Warrington" , WIC roa Wr'gh" Jo"eph Thel all K~y William, 10 Blackhurst street - .. " W HINGE & LOCK MANUFACTURER, ~~s~a'it ~hom~ 236 Liverpool road GUN MAKER. Hughes Joseph, Arpley works, Arpley rd.; eIgk 0 ert, arket hall Daintith Thomas, 82 Br-I"'ge st res. Brookfield Latchfield L oc er Mrs. Rebecca, Market hall . . ' Longshaw Miss Margaret, Market hall HAIRDRESSERS. HORSE SLAUGHTERERS. McCarthy Miss Ellen, 81 Mersey street Bennett James, 21 Winwick street Robinson Peter, 20 Church street Massey Mrs. Margaret, Market hall Bromle Birch, 60 & 62 Sankey str~at T~~:n~;~~~;~o;>allarn la~e a-; I if. it V\T ARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] TRADES. 91 . HOSIERS & HABERDASHERS. Loudon County Plate Glass-Arthur Ben-I Pea:'son & Kncwles (The) Coal &. Iron Co: . . Robert 11 & 13 Brid e ot'-eet nett Market Gate chambers L1.111. Dalham forge & Bewsey forge, William Jamie; (& shirt London, Edinburgh & Glasg~w Assurance offices, BewseY"road; Jame~ Dod~~, sec. maker), 36 Sankey street . C~.-James Seddon, 131 Llv~r~ool road T ~ 22; T A Iron, Warrmgto? . M field Charles opposite Parr's bank 1 Manne & ~eneral-Percy DavIe. & For-I Whl~e,?roS5 (The) Co. L!rnl~ed ~un se street' , shaw, 2 Kmg street (Wilham Cai"son, managing M. elrilJame' 4 & 6 BU.ttermarket streetIN.at.ional Boiler & Gcneral Insurance Co. Ltd. di;oectcr), Milne.!"' street, Bank p~~f Arthur 69 Bridge street • hEad office, .22 St. Ann's sq. Manchester QU3;Y-T,f'I 9; T A ,. WH1TECROSS, Pemberton John, 35 Winwick street };.orthern (life)-Henry J. Longton, 15 WarrIngton P<J~le Thomas H. 22 & 24, Sankey street ~~Bi",~~ B(t~~~r1~~e)_JoSeph Williams, IRONMONGERS. SmIth Joseph, 1 1Yfarket place . 45 Sankey street· Caldwells Limited, 60 Horsemarket st.; Wallierld.f&n~ 3~ S~~:lys:~::~t INorthern Accident-John H. Gittens, 71 w~rehouse & works, Scotland r.oad. TN e s re o. Buttermarket ·street & Joseph Williams, 18; T A "Caldwells, Warrington" HOSIERY MANUFACTURER. 45 Sankey street Davenport Samue1, 37 Green street & Market ball _ P arce Herbert J. 74 Buttermarket street Oceap Accident-Arthur Bennett, Mare ket Gate chambers Ga.rland J. S. 51 to 00 Bi'idge st HOT WATER ENGINEER.. ,[palatine-JenkinS & Co. Bank chambers, Marsh Joseph, 59 Sal~k~y street. . Garland J. S. 51 to 55 Bridge st 1 Winwick. street; F. Pearson, Stock· Skelton W. P. & W. LlIDlted, JubIlee bUlldton Heath; C. H. Unsworth, 11 Lyne st ings, Forsemarket street HOTELS. IPearl Life Assurance Co.-William Mair, Sutton & Co. 11 Market street (See also Public Houses.) assistant supt. 65 Walsh lane, Latchford Turner William, 75 Buttermarket street Alb' n William Jenlc 94 Battersby lane &; Geor~e Waite, 170 Forster st,eet IRON WORKERQ 10, 0,. PelIcan Life-James Bolton Sankey Street .J:. .• ,". Central, Jo~eph Woo.dwm, 53 Horsemkt. st chamber o 45 Sankey str 't. TN 103 See BraZlers &c. General ElllOtt, Regmald Owen, Croft . . -, ee Q . S Imperial Thomas Partridge Bewsey road Phcemx (fire)-James Bolton, ",ankey treet IT <l..LI A.N W A.REHOUSEMEN - ? . . .'" , chambers, 45 Sankey street. T N. 103; - - . - . ~mb; :N ath<LUl.el Hankin~o~, 40 Bnd~e.t Arthur Bennett, Market Gate chamber~ I Allen Edwin, 16 Buttermarket street LlOn l,co=erClal & P?s~mo) (Joseph Tay&. John H. Gittens, 71 Buttermarket st Kenyon Septirr..us, 8 Winwick street }or, manager), 65 Brldo~ street . Plate G:ass-Joseph Williams, 45 Sankey st Norton Arms (con:merc,~al. &. po~tilng)., Provident (life)-R. Davies, Kirkonnel, JAM & PRESERVE MAKERS. John Sampson, WildersP9.01 ca?se"ay Dayies & Burgess, Market place & Arth. Grice Joseph, 87 Knutsford road, Latchfrd Patten.Arms Ho~e. ('rarru!y~c~m-I James Willett, 11 Lyme street Lawless W. H. & Co. 5 Market peace merclal &_postrn~),o~poslte_.&i Provident Association of London Assurance N. W., Railway ::statoon; ~a.. Co.. Lim.-John POdm.ore, distri.ct supt. JOBBING GARDENERS. roo~ fol'" rneebngs & .dmner 14 Lovely lane & William Smith, asst. Dyson William, 285 Knutsford rd. Latchfr1 pal"tu::s, Mrs. Mall"y E. Kiernan, '" supt . 92 Wellfield street Parry G.eorg.e, 68 Liverpool road proprietress _ _ Queen's. (co=ercial), .;Tames Burrow, 261"'I'"Udent~a.! Assui"a~ce _Co. L!·rn. Silvester Joseph (& contract), 2 Goulden Qankey street (lilathan Gorton, d~strictsupt.), street & Gardens, Lovely lane i?»~~~ I Vi: I I W I gel R~yal Pr~~e~:fa?~-\.~~u~~~eaO.-WilliamAtherJOINERS & BUILDERS. . j ton, supt. 76 Legh street Appleton John, Orford averiue I[ Railway Passengers' Assurance Co. - C. Bodle William, Orford street See LaIld, House & Estate Agents. Jackson Holmes, :Market gate Booi:h James Al"thu? (& property HOUSE FURNISHERS. Refuge Assurance Co. Lim.-Philip Nelrepaire?), Orcha;od street Dutton J. & W. 16 & 18 Sankey st. &"9 son, district supt. 61 Lovely lane Bostock William, Wilderspool Bridge street 0 Rock (life)-W. D. Jeans & Co. Central Brown Harry, Golborne street Greaves Thomas, 69 Chureh street & 134 chambers, 25 Winwick street Caldwell Wm. 72 Knutsford rd. LatchIonJ Bridge street Royal-John White, Mac Iver & Co. agents, Collin Robert W. 12 Marson street Pendlebury J. & Co. 10 Winwiekstreet 23 Bold street; (fire & life), Robert Dob- Cross T. & W. Rollest<Jn street son, Golden square & Jenkins & Co. Davenport Charles Stockton heath I:1-."'DIA RUBBER MANUFAOTUllERS. I Bank chambers, 1 Win~i~k street Dolan Joseph, 39 'Church st. ; workshop, Castie (The) Rubber Co. Lim. (garment I'Ro:ya;l Exchange-H. B. WhIte & Sons, .17 Cockhedge lane de.=.rtment), El1.'esmere street;.. offiee, Carro street;. 1. E.gypt street & J oSlah. Eve George, 59 Ellesmere stre.et Wharf et. TN 49' T A "Castle War- Lon,gland,2 U;alOn street .. Ezard HeQ"bert, Fern Lea, Fearn. gton" ' ' S e c u n t y CD. LIm.-Joseph Wllhams, 45 head . M~~ey Rubber Co. Lim. (The), Bank quay. Sankey st,:eet Farrington John T. Morris's yd. 0hllrch st TN 86' T A "Para Warrington" Standard (life)~Arthus Bennett, Market 1Hayes James, Penketh -" Gat,e chambers Hewitt Robert, Foundry street INSTITUTES. Star (life)-John H. Gittens, 71 Butter- Jameson Edward & Joseph, St,. Mary st. InstitutioJ:! for the Education of Clergymarket street Latchford men's Daughters, Manchester road Sun In!?ural"lce Office (Fire), Knowles Thomas, 27 Cairo street; wO:'kWar:ington T.eChniCal Institute-School of I Established 1:'10; Manchester shop, St. Austin's lane . ScIence Wlls{)n-Patten street Bl"anch, 71 King street (John Lee Robert 9 Fennel street , _. Smi1:h, resident: rnanager)- Lloyd John' Mill lane INSURANOE OFFICES & AGENTS. TN 2027; TA "Suffice, Man- Lono-shaw John Museum street Atlas Assurance Co.~Percy Davies & :For- c.hesf:el'." Agents-As!:,ton & Woods, Matthews Joseph, Marsh street shaw, 2 King street; Thomas Lythgoe, 50 Ho~semarket street;. Plck~ere & S?n, Miller Richa.rd, 82 Mersey street Wigan Coal & Iron Co. Arp!ey 45 BrIdge str.eet; LeWIS VOISY. 21 Kmg Mounfield Josep:r, jun. ME'rsey street Boiler Insurance Co.-Arthur Bennett, Marstreet; Robert Lowe, Market Gate Naylor Robert A. Steam Sa_ ket Gate Chambers . chambers & F. Pearson, Stockton Heath Mills Howley Quay-T N 16; T A British Law (fir e)-Henry J.Longton, 15 We.;;leyan & .Ge~eral Assurance Co.-Geo. "NAY£OH, Warrington" Upper Bank street };or~an, dIs~nct supt. 20 Parker street Norbury John, 20 Wllderspoolcauseway, Commercial Union-Percy Davies & F<Jr- Westmmster Frre-T. & J. L. Tunstall & Latchford sh.aw, 2 King street Co. agents, Bewsey chambers, Bewsey st Norman Thomas, 459 Knutsford l'd.J"tchfrd County (fire)-R. Davies, Kirconnel, Davies IRON & BRASS FOU1'o."'DERS. Pemberton John, Stockton heath & Burgess, Market place . . . _ IPowe:l Edward.& Samuel, Foundry street Crown (fIre & life)-R. Davies, Kirconnel, (See also MIl~w~lghts & Engmeer•. ) Taylor William, Haydock street Davies & Burgess, Market p:ace Clare Arthur, Fnar sween ITwiss William, 114 Wilderspoo1 causeway, Employers' Liability-Percy Davies & For- Forsh~w Edward & ~on, Mersey works, Latchford ~haw, 2 King street NapIer s t r e e t . Wallington George, Firth place & 35 FrogFnends' Proviilent Institution (!ife)-C. Mel~ourne John, Wilderspool foundry, hall lane Jac~on Holmes, Market gate Wilderspool causew~f' Latchford Ward George A. 16 Beamont street GuardIan Fire & Life-Arthur Browne, Pea~son & ,KnOWles (The) Coal & Iron Co. Wells Lowden, 39 Foundry street Upper Bank street LlID. Da,ham forge & ~ewsey forge; WhiLe William Brido-e foot Hand in Hand Fire & Life~T. & J. L. offices, Bewsey r~ad, .Warrm,~on; Jam:s White Wm. 34 Knutsford rd. Latchford Tunstall & CD. agents, Bewsey chambers, :qodds, ~,ec. T:N. 22, T A Iron, War- Wright Frederick W. & Albert, St. Mary Bewsey street rmgton street Latchford Imperial Live Stock-Arthur Bennett Mar- Smethurst James & Son, 21 Foundry streeL ' ket Gate chambers ' IRON & STEEL MERCHANTS. LAMP & OIL DEALERS. Lancashire & Yorkshire (accident)-Arthur Barlow S.amuel & Co. (metal), 23 Folly la Birchall Thomas, jun. 82 Church street Brown~, Upper Ba?k str~et . Caldwells Limited, 60 Horsemarket st; Wright Richard,' 143 Mersey street Law Ulllon-:R. DaVIes, Krrconnel, DaVIes warehouse & works, Scotland road. T N .& Burgess, Market place 18; T A "Caldwells, Warrington" LAND, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS. Llv:.erpool & London & Globe~W .. D..Jeans Cbor:ey J<Jhn, galvanized & black sheets, Burgess Thomas Smith (land agent to Sil& Co. Central chambers, 25 WmwlCk st cart arms, springs & axles, tyre hoops, Gilbert Greenall bart.), Higher Walton L -C. Ja:kson H?lmes, !>i",r~et gate all sizes, anvils, :,ices, bellows, nails, Cowdell Thomas, 45 Scotland road o~.don & Counties Plate Glass-John H. screws, bolts & chams, spades & shovels, Davidson William, 1 King street GIttens, 71 Butten;:larket street files & rasps, rain wat-er pipes & gutters Gittens John H. (late Henry London & Lancashrre (fIre)-James Bol- -oils, paints & colors galvanised .corro: Hewitt Dutton) (rent &. debi: ton, Sankey Street chambers, 45 San- gated sheets roofing felt &c forgings & collector), 71 Buttermarkei: 81: Y T'oked s~eet C . th J Wil castings, B';'ttermarket str~et & Scot- Hickman William, 13 Arpley street .u n on -,,-ssurance o.-.<>.r· ur· ames - land road. TN 78 . . Howard Alfred, 7 Park place lett 11 Lyme s t r e e t . . Garland J. S. 51 to 55 Bridge st Isherwood Robert, 57 Tanners lane Londo? Assurance CorporatlOn-Percy Westgarth Johll 11 Wilson-Patten street Jolley Thomas S. & Co. 2 Up. Bank street DaVies & Forshaw, 2 King st.; ( l i f e ) ' Lister-Kay Alan (to Joseph Charlt-on Parr John H. Gittens, 71 Buttermarket st. & IRON & STEEL MANUFRS. esq. J.P., D.L. of Grappenhall, Heys, T. & J. L. Tunstall & Co. agents, Bewsey Menks, Hall & CQ. Limited Atherton's Warrington & Stanton park, Herefordchambers, Bewsey street quay. TN. 6; T A "Monks, 'Warringtn " shire), Grappenhall Court, 1 Rylands street HOUSE &, ESTATE AGENTS. I 92 TRADES. [SLATER"S WARRINGTON. ,Sporting (The) ~elegram (da.ily 1d.) (Hardiman, HeWitt & Co. printers & Beswick William, Lower Walton . publishers) 22 Golborne street FairClough Jame~ & Sons, Mersey mills&, Sunrise Weekly Free Newspaper (.A.shton warehouse, BrIdgefoot & Earlstown & Crompton, pnblishers), 4 Up. :Bank st Widnes. TN. 14 Warrington & Mid-Cheshire Examiner (sat.) Harrison William, Fearnhead {John Walker & Co. proprietcrs), 10 Litton Thomas & Co. Bank Quay mills. Bewsey street TN 36 Warrington Guardian (daily issue, ?zd, ; Wednesday, 1d.; MILLWRIGHTS. Saturday, 2d. Established See Engineers & Millwrights. 1853; MaCkie 8< Co. Lim. proprietors)-T N 52 ; T A "GUARDIAN, MILLI~"'ERS. Warrington" See also Dressmakers. Bailey Miss Isabel G. 6 Paul street ~uRSERYMEN,SEEDSMEN~&FLORISTS. Booth John, 27 Pinners Brow Andrews George (nurseryman, Brayshaw Sargent, 133 Bridge street seedsman & florist; late of' Brindley Charles, 32 Winwick street & 17 Altrincham), Padgate Irlam street Ellison & Webster, Bewsey street Broadbent Mrs. .A.nnie, 58 Buttermarket st Massey Mrs. Margaret, Market Hall Crampton Paul P. 2 Horsemarket st Parry George, 68 Liverpool road Daintith Richard, 47 Sankey street Shakeshaft Miss Louisa, Market Hall Dale Mrs. Rebecca, 20 Mill street Welsby John 2 Brick street Dickens Miss Fanny, 138 Knutsford road, ' L.A.UNDRY. Latchford OIL, P .A.INT & COLOUR MERCH.A.~""TS. Warrington Steam Laundry, Wilderspool Dutton J. & W. 16 & 18 Sankey street & .A.llen Edwin, 16 Buttermarket street LAW ST.A.TIONERS. 59 Bridge str: eet .. Anglo-.A.merican Oil Co. Lim. Bank Quay Brooks & Son, 11 Queen street Evans Miss Elizabeth, 143 WmwlCk road Lubricate Co. (The) Priestley street Gandy Miss Sarah 30 Cairo street Pemberton J. & Co: 4 Market place LIBR.A.RIES. Grime Thomas 27 Bridge street Municipal Museum & Reference & Lend- Harding Mrs. Elizabeth, 132 Liverpool rd OPTICIANS. ing Library & News Room, Bold street Helsby Misses Mary E. & Sarah E. 40 & Neubert "F. & Co. (Consulting), 3 Sankey st . LIME MERCH.A.NTS. 42 Mersey street . OUTFITTERS. Clare & Ridgway, Sankey bUildings, Liver- Hodgkinson William, 46 & 48 Bndg.e st pool road & Winwick street. T N, 13 Jones Miss Maria, 7 Manchester road Booth Frank, 44 Sankey street Warrington Slate Co. Lim. (The), .A.rp- M:Collom James & Son, Market place Charles Miss Margaret, 11 Rylands street ley station. T.A." .A.rpley, Warrington" Ril~y Mrs. Sarah .A.. 115 Mersey street Coates William, 10 Friars Gate Smith Mrs. Market hall Grounds George 88 Winwick street r~O.A....1iI" OFFICES. Smith Mrs. Maria,60 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd Holmes C. Jack~on Market gate Davidson Christopher, Orford street S;wift Miss Elle.n , 18 Cairo street Houghton Isaac, 28 & 30 Mersey street Goodwin John E. 134 Orford :ap 'Iurner Mrs. Elizabeth, 7 .A.llen street Mounfield Charles, opposite !.'arrs Bank, 1 !Northern Investment & Discount Co. Lim. MI~"'ERAL W.A.TER &c. M.A.NUF.A.CTRS. Bewsey street. See advertisement 14 Bewsey street . Murphie James, 4 & 6 Buttermarket street Warrington Loan Office (Edward Fenton, Carter James, 13 Scotland road Paul .A.rthur W. 69 Bridge street agent), 29 Kendrick street & Co. Limited (James Paul Miss Margt. L. 37 Horsemarket st Wilding John, 93 ButtermarK:et street & EddoW"es Waldron, sec.), Scotland Road Poole Thomas H. 22 & 24 Sankey street 36 Winwick street Works Smith Joseph, 1 Market place Fairhurst Hugh & Co. 24 Horsemarketst.; Turner Misses Mary & Edith, 39 Sankey st LODGING HOUSES. works, Heathside Waller Edmund, 34 Sankey street See .A.partments. Massey Joseph, 77 Ellesmere street Walsh Mrs. Louisa Jane, 52 Sankey street M.A.CHINIST. Smith William, 73 Orford street ER DE.A.LERS Wallington Mrs. Elizabeth, Wilderspool Walker Moses & Son, Froghall bridge, OYST . causeway, Latchford Priestley streetr Fearon John, Market place MALTSTERS. Warrington & District Mineral Water & Wildino- Mrs. .A.nnie, 76 Buttermarket st Bottling Co. Limited, 45 Sankey s t r e e t ; " , Banks Thomas & Co. 12 Winwick street & Works, Crown street; James Bolton, sec P.A.INTERS & PAPERH.A.NGERS. maltkiln, Wilderspool cauS<.way, Ltchfrd Wilkinson James, Longford street Allen Thomas & Son, 2 Mersey street Greenall Whitley & Co. Lim. Upper Bank & 62 Bewsey streE't street; office, Wilderspool MO~TUMENT.A.L M.A.SONS. Buckley Thomas, 537 Knutsford road, Hepherd James, 44 Winwick street .A.ukland Ephraim, sen. Rolleston street & Latchford MANTLE MAKERS & W.A.R.ElIOUSES. Legh street Carter .A.lfred, 13 Upper Bank street A.ukland Ephraim, jun. Bold street Chorley Matthew, 14 Winwick street Cotton Mrs. Eliza, 158 Church street Daulman Samuel, 58 Wilderspool CauseDutton J. & W. 16 & 18 Sailkey street & Essenhigh Henry S. Manchester road 59 Bridge street way, Latchford MUSIC & MUSICAL DEALERS. Dell Francis J. 30 Sankey street Evans Evan T. 17 Sank"y street Boothroyd Walter, 85 Sankey street De Prez Henry C; Moore Lord Brothers, 128 Bridge .',net Hewitt William, 28 Priestley street Fletcher William (painter & M.A.NUF.A.CTURING CHEMISTS. Pearson Robert H. 10 Bold street decorator), 15 Winwick street See Chemists-Manuhct Idng. Pigot Charles Henry, 75 Bridge street Garnett Robert & Sons, 21 Sankey MA2-.'UR.E M.A.NUF.A.CTUmmS. street; W"orks, Penketh NEWS.A.GENTS; Hedgcock John, 17 Mill street Royston William & Co. (bone), Palldington See also Booksellers & Stationers. Hesketh John, 12 Golborne street works, Manchester road .A.damson Mrs. .A.lice, 3 St. Mary street, Hesketh T. & Sons (art decorators), 70 MARBLE MASONS. Latchford . Sankey street See Stone & Marble Masons. .A.ppleton James, 4 Stephen street Hobson .A.1fred J. Penketh Burgess James S. 358 Knutsford road, .Jefferson Brothers, Liverpool road MARINE STORE DEA.LBRS. Latchford Mainley John, Penketh Chorley William P. 154 Manchester road, Byrne Patrick J. 86 Mersey street Molyneaux John, 37 Napier street . office, 45 & 47 Buttermarket street Caldwell William, 162 Church street Monks Thomas, St. .A.ustin's lane Clifton Richard, Bridge foot Cavanagh G'eorge J. 52 Horsemarket street Potter Walter J. Croppers Brow Hamblett John, 9 Turner ~tre"t . & 63 Bewsey street Richardson John, 58 Bridge street Rigby Charle~, 8 Church street Chadwick Mrs. Margaret, 3 Scotland road Shaw & Sons, Dallam lane Taylor Peter, Crown street & Water street, Clare Daniel, 89 Knutsford rd. Latchford Sumner David, Stockton Heath Latchford Downes .A.lfred, 1 Church street Wareing William, 5 .A.cademy street Toole James (horse & coW" hair, Edmonds Thomas, 21 Powys street Welsby Henry, 160 Church street rabbit skins, metals &c.), ('}andy William H. 7 Edgeworth street Whittle Josiah, 57 Buttermarket street Dallam lane & Foundry street Harrison Joseph, 105 Winwick road Winstanley William,l:3 Park place Horn Mrs. Mary ~n, .19 Cartwright st P .A.PERH.A.NGING DE.A.LER. MARKET GARDENERS. Ince Thomas, 45 WmWlck street Bvron William, Heath road, Penketh Kay John T. 13 Fennel street Allen Edwin, 16 Buttermarket street Dltchfield Thos. Knutsford rd. Grappenhall Locker Thomas, 86 St. James st. Latchfrd PAPER MERCH.A.NT. Fuller Fredk. 'Vine cot. Grappenhall Lowe Edward, 8 Golborne street . Hughes 'Thomas, Fearnhead, Poulton Rothwell Robert, 72 Church street Chorley William P. 154 Manchester road; Hunt John, Brookside cottage, Penketh Shaw Edward, 85 Haydock street office, Buttermarket street Lawrenson Joseph, 31 Old road, Latchford Smallman Frederick. 43. Hopwood street P PER & P.A.PER STOCK DE.A.LER. Penn Thomas, Heath road, Peltketh Weaver Joseph W. 39 WmwlCk road A Whitfield Joseph, Lower Walton Webb Joseph, 41 Buttermarket street Chorley William P. 45 & 47Buttermarket st LAND,HOUSE& EST.~TE .A.GENTS-con. LoW"e Robert, Market Gate chambers Marsh James, 3 Rolleston street Oxley Samuel, 26 Milner street . Pierpoint & Fraser, 4 Bold street, Warrmgton & at Ditton road ChamlJ.ers. Widnes. TN 93; T A "Fraser, architect, Warrin!!'bon" Smith Joseph, 61 Legh street Sutton Thomas F . .A..I. Legh street Titchett Joseph 8< Son, 14 Cairo street Tunstall T. &. J. L. &. Co. Bewsey chambers, Bewsey. stree~; T N 27; T .A. Tunstall, Warrmgton Vernon George N. 12 Paul street Vernon George N. 2 Upper Bank street Walker William, 19 King street White John, Mac Iver & Co. 23 Bold street. TN5 LATH RENDER.Hinde James, 8 Greenall street MILLERS. I Wild Mrs. Margaret, 26 Queen street P.A.TENT .A.GENTS. METAL PERFOR.A.TORS. Greening N. & Sons Limited, Crown st. NEWSP.A.PERS. Dutton E. K. & Co. Chartered T.A. "Greenings, Warrington;" T N! 15 Liverpool Courier (branch office); Fredk. patent agents (establish~d_35 MILK DEALERS. Woods, agent, Bewsey street years; a new handbook giving Liverpool Daily & Weekly Post & all the latest inf'ormation on See Dairymen. Evening Echo (branch office) British & Foreigh PatentS. MILL I!'lJRNISHERS. (Charles Lyon, agent), 17 Win. Trade Marks & Designs sent Caldwell's Limited, 60 Horsemarket st. ; wick street gratis 8< post free), 5 John warehouse & works, Scotland road. T.A. Observer, .A.cademy street; Observer PrintDalton street, Manchester-TN " Caldwells, Warrington;" TN 18 ing & Publishing Co. Limited; William 752. Telegrams, "DOTUS, ManUnsworth John E. 5 Golborne street Gill, manager; J. L. Tunstall, sec chester" WARRINGTON. DIRECTORY.] Thompson W. P • .& Co. Ms.I.M.E., F.C.S. (agents for procuring British, Foreign .& C010nial Patents .& Trade Marks registration), 6 Bank street, Manchester; 6 Lord st. Liverpool; 118a, New street, Birmingham; & 31 High Holborn, London W.C. Largest provincial patent agency in Great Britain. Chemical patents a speciality at Liverpool office. Pamphlet for inventors gratis PAw:NBROKERS. De Prez Charles, Moore Garland J. S. 51 to 55 Bridge stre<et Hedgcock John. 17 Mill street Hill HaTrY~ 35 Howley lane Hill Peter, 117 Church street Hoult Henry, 7 King street Jefferson Brothers, Liverpool road Mason James, 5 Irlam street Molyneaux John, 37 Napier street MonklS Thomas, St. Austin's lane Shaw & SOM, Dallam lane Unsworth John, 25 Manley ~treet We1sby Henry HiO Church street Whittle Josiili'; 57 Buttermarket street Winstanley William, 13 Park place TRADES. 93 Bull's Head inn, Chas. Roddy, 121 Br;dge Ilt Cemetery inn, Joseph Allisen, 190 Manchester road Chapel House inn, William Houghton, Burton wood Chapel House,' In. Warburten,Great Sankey Cheshire Oheese inn, Thomas Ireland, 517 Knuhsford road, Latchford CoaclJ. & Hersee inn, James Rigby, Liverpool road Coopers' Arms, Henry Evans, 8 Bewsey at Corporation~ Peter Lawl.ess, Market place CroSos Keys, Robert Anderten, 78 Buttermarket street Crown inn, Peter L. Hill, 3 Bridge street Or & SeeI!tre inn, "''' own· Buttermarket street .LUomas Walsh, 12 Cuerdiley Cross,. Mrs. Mary Humphreyg, Briggs William, 18 Powys street aik .Mrs. Lucy, 38 Buttermarket street PORK BUTCHERS. Cr Greaves Thomas, 69 Church street & 136 See Butchers. :Bridge street enerdley Houghton Isaac, 28 & 30 Mersey street Pro:Na'EiRS-GEN'ElRAL. , Jackson Mrs. Ann 61 Church street & 6 Ashton & Crompton, 4 Upper Bank street Dog & Dart, G€orge &imcock, Knutsford Winwick skeet Brookes & Son, 11 Queen street read, Grappenhall Mather Thomas, 49 Pinner's Brow Garside .& Jolley (high class .& Dog & Partridge, Thomas F. Nevins, ManMorton Edgar V. 62 & 64 Winwick street general commercial printers), chester road & 5 & 7 St. James' street, Latchford Friars Green, near Arpley Eagle & Child, Mrs. Maud M. LOY,Bridge st Tunst:l,ll Mrs. Elizabeth,49 & 51 Winwick st Station Feathers Hotel, Samuel WHson,96 Bridge st Green Jehn Shaw, 34 Bridge street FeTTy (The), John Johnson, Fidler's. Ferry, PHOTOGRAPHERS. Hardiman Hewitt & Co. Golborne street lPenketh Birtles Thoma.s~ Legh house, Sankey street Leigh :?rothers, 42 Buttermarket street General Wolfe, Mrs. Alfred W. Brundrett, Cooke Charles,115 Sankey st.& 50 Parker st Mackie & Co. Limited (railway'& 84 Church street Jamson John W. 18 Friars gate general printers .& book- George inn, Thomas Halton, Sankey street Jones Benjamin A. 40 Church st binders), Sankey street-T N Golden BaH, James· Welsby, 1 Pinners brow Parkinsen James, 45 Sankey street 52; T A "GUARDIAN, Warrington" Golden Gr;ove .inn, Thomas Peak, 9 Lyme at Rossiter F. J. 1030 Bridge street Naylor Herbert W. 21 Sankey street Golden LlOn Inn, John Williamson 65 St Observer Printing & Publishing Co. Lim. James'·:J.street, Late-hford ,. . PHY'SIOIAN;S & SURGEO:NIS. registered office, Bewsey chambers,. 14 Green Dragon, Mrs. Sarah Walker 26 Adams Joseph M.B., C.M. 93 Bewsey st Bewsey street & Academy street;Willlam Bridge street ' B,raide George M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lont1 Gil1, manager;. J. L. Tunstall, secretary Griffin Hotel, Mrs. Hannah Pritchard 40 5 Bold street Podmore Joseph, 7 Market place Horsemarket street ' Broob Edward M.B., C.M. Su=er house, Smith Albert, E. 2a, Foundry street Higher Angel inn, Thomas Critchley, 25 1 Bewsey road Wood James, 46 Sankey street Buttermaiket street Cannell James L R C P LF P S LM Higher Seven Stars inn, James Wil!sen 8 Academy ~tre~t· . ., . . . ., .. PROFESSOR'S & TEACHERS. 105 Bridge street ' Fox Edward A., M.D. 16 Cairo street & 12 Not otherwise descr~bed are Teachers of Hop Pole inn, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Coop 49 Bylands s,treet Music. Horsemarket street ' Horse &: JQCkey inn, Peers Brimelow 212 Geary Eugene J., L.RC.P., F.R.C.S. 9 Caldwell John B. 35 Arpley street Bold street Eilerton Frank, 84 Knuhsford: rd. Latchford Winwick road ' Horse & Jockey, Jas. Massey, Martinscroft GornaU John Haukinson M.RC.S'. Ribbles- Ferd Thomas R. 22 Froghall lane dale, Grappenhall Hertzog F. C. (languages), 2 Suez street Horse Shoe inn, James Standish, 33 HorseHall Arthur William, L.R.C.P.S.Ed. 39 Hope Hemy C. 39 Elizabeth street market street Winwick street Lane Thomas, 9 Rylands· street Jeiners' .Arms, Samuel Daxon Croft Jack Robert M., M.B., C.M. 42 Church st Lythgoe John Joseph, 16 Bold street King & Queen. Samuel Clare,147Padgate la Joseph George W., M.D. 21 Bold street Moore Rev. Edward, 4a, Market street K~g:s .Arms, Henry Corney, 52 Buttermrkt Kisby James .Henry L.RC.P. 13 Palmyra sq Muir J. M. 130 Bridge street Km~ s Head, Mrs. Alice Hilton, 40 WinMcCarthy MIchael M.D. 36 Manchester rd Randall Percy, 52 Legh street Wick street iMcFal, David C. 5 Folly lane Sutten Alfred R. Leg'h street Leigh Arms, Joseph Henry James, 44 iMurray Thomas L.R.C.P.I. Chapel road Tilsley Mrs. Oaroline road, Penketh Mersey street lPenketh . Woods William~ 4 Mu,seum street Little Horse Shoe inn, George E. Turley, Waden J. Bassett M.Re.S., L.R.C.P. 2 I"ROVISION' DEiAL""'RS. 30 Hor;semarket street Wellfield street, Liverpool r o a d " ' " London Bridge,Mrs.Eliza Cook, StocktonHth Parker Samuel John M.B. Stockton heath Crampton Thomas, 10 Bridge street Lerd Rodney, Jehn Marsh, Winwick street Peacocke William J., L.R.C.P.I.,L.R.O.S.I. Edward,g J. & T. 1 Wilderspoo, causeway, Lower Angel Vaults, George J. Woodhouse, Ebenezer honse. 95 Buttermarket street Latchford; Winwick rd. & Buttermrkt.st 27 Buttermarket stree~ Ronalil Robt. Wilson M.D., C.M. Latchford G:reen HenrY-, 4 Lyme street Manx .Arms·, William Wolstenholme 29 lodge, Latchfora: HaJlwood Fredk~William,5 Buttermarket st Scho.ol brow ' Scotson Frederick Charles M.B., F.RC.S. Hallwood James, 13 Wilderspool cause- Marqms of Granby, Mrs. Mary Whittle 53 8 Bold street way, Lat<Jhford Church street . , Sh~rratt James S. Stanley ho. Bold st Lsooc J. B. 38 Sankey street; 26 Horse- Mas?ns' Arms, M!rs. Mary Reynolds, 9 Srmth Reginald M.R.e.S., L.R.C.P. 14 Bold market street & 116 Bridge street Mill street street & 2 Museum street L~wless Joseph, Market hall Moulders' Arms, Wm. Bolton, 38 Mersey st Smith Thomas Starkey M.B.Lond., J;'.R.C.S Lipten Thomas J. 100 Bridge street Mulberry Tree, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Eng. 14 Bolld street & 2 Museum street . Percival N. B. & Co. 14 Buttermarket st Stockton heath ' O~d Ball, Peter Whit.e, 110 Winwick street Spinks Christopher Nugent M.R.e.S. 80 Price Ohal'les·, 1 Sankey street. Sankey street Wads;W0rth JooeJ?h. 123 &125 Mersey street OLd Coffee House inn, Henry Brown, 13 Voi~y Clement B., M.D. 3 Winmal'leigh St Warrmgton EqUItable Industrial Co-opera- Hors'emarket street Wliite Charles M.Re.S. Holly house 71 tive Societ:! Lim. 23 to 29 Sankey street Old C!:ow, Thomas Mather, 12 Fennel at Sankey street ' & Winwick st.; .Arthur H. Rathbone Old Packet Houae,John Monks,139 Bridge st Willett James M.R.C.S. Stockton house lnanaging secretary , Pa~gate Stocks'inn, William Fryar,Padgate Stockton Heath 'P;n-nLI . P~l1ca~ Vaults, In. ~llen, 9 Butt.ermarket st 'un C HALLS. PI<:kerm/f .Arms, W,lliam Wright, Thelwall PICTURE FRAME MAKERS. League Hal~ (patrick Hughes, caretaker), Ra~way =, Mrs. Mary Banks', Milner st Jamson John W. 18 Friars gate Bewsey street Railway tavern, Samuel Hartshorne Jordan Samuel H. 135 Bridge street Masonic Hall, St. Austin's lane Factory lane .' Long William, 2 Dalham lane Ram's Head, John Mhley Grappenhall Lowe William, 113 Sankey street PUBLIC HOUSES. Red L~on William Coppack, Stockton heath (See also Hotels.) Red L:on, .John L. Jones', Moore PI€lKIiE M.A.KJDR. BBarley Mow.,., 'James Gleave, 1 Market .slrceet ~~~ t~~~ it:eEtz~a'J~r~N'~~~krdth Grice Joseph, 87 Knutsford rd. Latchford any At'ms, Chades· ~aton, Grappenhall Ring-o'-Bells 'Frank 'Neild 131 Ohurch s~ I'rG DEALER. Bath Hotel, John DaVIes, 56 Sankey street Roebuck hot~l Frank Toft 120 B ·d t 'hri Bra~bury Joseph, Half Way house, 146 W,ldelTspool caueeway, Latchford ~f:C~B~:~ ~;~P~li~~~o~~i:~, 1'0~1~~t~~ R~~~~rttc~~~'e/ogeph It B~t- Horloc{,' ford road, Lakchford Black Horse inn, Joseph G. Roughley 272 Rope & Anchor, .Henry Daintith, Woolston LiverpOOl road ' Rose & Crown mn, Mrs. Elizabeth RushPIN M<A.KERS'. Black!burn .Arms, Thomas Crompton Mar- worth, 81 B~idge sta-eet Edelstten John & Sen, Mel"Sey works,Knutsket pla.Q§", Corporation street ' Royal .Arms mn, Jehn Conroy, 12 Upper ford road. T.A." Edelstens,Wacrington" Blue Bell inn, Mrs. Ann Kershaw 27 R Bayk ~rehet Rorsemarket street ' oya xc ange inn, William Bolton, PLASTERERS · G L b Golden square Blue L lOn, eorge am ert, 8 Market place Royal 0 k ' M Bi;:chall Jehn, 9 Haydock street rs. Jane Pilling, 109 Boar':, Head inn. Wm. Mort-on, 10 Town hill Bridge aetre~n, nde James, 8 Greenall street Green House ' sHead mn, . Sborne George M. 4 Greenall st Bowlmg 44 Liverpool r o a inn d ' William Dutton , S ara?en Thomas Speakman, B!ridge inn, Joseph Ashton (exors. of) 2 SeWild~Spoo~ . PLUMBERS & GLAZIERS. Wilderspool causeway Latchfo. d ' --:en ."tars mn, Thos. Hatton,119 BrIdge Ell; Britannia inn, l\:{ps. A~ Holla;d 1 Scot- Sohip mn, Mrs. ~gnes Jenks, 58 LiverActon S. Bridge foot ,~oo~ road . A'l,e6~ BThomas.& Son, 2 Mersey s~reet land road British Workman Public House Co L'rn ShIp mn, John A. Malkm, Higher Walton ~ ewsey r0ad Horsemarket street Ma.rket st Br'dge ' t' Sloop. hotel, John Llewellyn, Liverpool rd Carl;r Alfred, 13 U"pper Bank street & Bank quay;...He';'ry Robert~ s;creta~· Stag mn, Mrs. Fanny Maddock,L.ow.Walton ghor,ey M~tthew, 14 Winwick street ell FranCIS J. 30 Sankey street Bull's Head, John Evans. 33 Chhrch streit ~wllinth?tel, pJohtn M • BLeacon, Bndge street , a' 0 =, e er H . ake, 32 Sankey at lf 94 WARRINGTON. TRADES. [SLATER'S SIDPWRIGHTiS. Gibson Mrs. Margaret, 9 Edgeworth street' Glavin John, 17 Upper Bank street Clare & Ridgwa!, ~ankey bridge\ .Liver- G'lynn Thomas, 20 Ship yard! pool road & Wmwrck street. T N 13 Grace Richard, 38 Green street Green Harry, 24 Lyme street SHOPKCEEPERS. Green william, 82 Orford lane Allanson Miss Mary, 35 Factory lane Greenhalgh Robert, Chapei road, Penketh A.llcock Edward, 18 Howley lane Greenwell Thomas, 110 Liverpool road Allen Mrs. Eliza, 64 Bewsey road Gregory Joshua, 116 Winwick road A:len William, 21 Mill lane Griffiths Elias, 3 Percy street A.C1man John; 6 Tanners lane Griffiths Mrs. Mary, Penketh Anders George, Burton wood Ground:s George, 76 Church street Andrews Mrs. Ellen, Orford Grounds Jame's, 54 Orford lane Appleton Henry, 19 New road, Latchford GTound,s' John, 189 W,inwick road App;eton William, Great Sankey Grounds Moo. Mary, 1 Allen street Ar~strong John, 1 Hoyle street & 163 Haigh MDs. Charlotte, Burton wood Bewsey road Hankey Thomas, 6 Hamilton street Ashton James, 2 Stamford street Hankey Thomas, 328 KnutJs1'ord rd.Latchfrd Acshton William, 11 Mill street Hardcastle John, 18 Priestley street 1s inall John, Croft Hargreaves William, 16 Ohorley street At~erton Mrs. Alice, 258 Liverpool road Harrison John. 50 Bostock street Atherton Thomas" 19 GaskeU street Harrison Joseph, FearUihead Att 11 Charles 55 Wilderepool causeway, Hatton Mrs·. Alice, 56 Mersey street L:'t~hford -, Hatton Mrs. EQizabeth, 140 Church street Attwell Thomas·, 204 Winwick road! Hawthorn Thomas, 1 Lovely lane Baker William, 5 Dixon street Hayes John, 60 Haydock street RE'GI,STiRARS OF BIRTHS & DE'ATH8. Bancroft Mrs. Mary A. 61 Winwick road Raves John,2 Park place Daintith James (for Rixton district), Barrow Thomas, Burt{)n wood Hazeld,ine Edward, 154 Longford street Woolston Barton & Oourtney, 30 Green s·treet Healey Mrs. Eliza, 2 Pierpoint street De Prez William R. Runcorn union, Barton Edmund, 64 John street rIelsby Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Pierpoint street Lower Walton Barton John, 104 Birchall street Henshall Robert, 56 Battersby lane Harrison William H. 2 Manchester road. Bate Thomas, 90 Knutsford rd. Latchford Hewitt Mrs'. Sarah, Stockton heath Hawkins William S. 66 Knutsford road, Bea~d George, 4 Howard street Higginhottom Mrs. Mary, 13 Queen street Latchford . Benbow John, Wilder spool Higgmson Mrs. M::ry, 52 Selby street Robson Benj. (for Sankey -dist.), Penketh Bennett Mrs. Alice, 133 Dallam lane Hill George, 63 Pnes·tley street Bennett Jacob, 1 Ohester street Hindley Stephen A. Wd!lderspoo1 . RELIEF STAMPER. Berry John, 4 Laira street B.itchen Samuel, 543 Knuts1'ord rd.Latchfrd !K'aylor Herbert W. 21 Sankey street Binks Benjamin, 8 Aikin street Hobin John, WHder,spool Birch James, 46 Haydock street Hobson Jochn, Penketh RIVET MA}<uF.A!GrURERS. Bissell 'Jocseph, Stockton heath Rolbrook MDs. Alice, 22 Edgeworth street Holbrook Thoma's·, 18 Fennel skeet Bifurcated Rivet 00. Linlited (The), Priest· Bloomfield George, 82 Longford street Holland John; L4 Barry st. Latchford ley street; T. A. _.\;bbott, managing dir. Blythe Samuel, 5 Liverpool road Boardman Charles, 60 Legh street HoUitt M]ss Hannah, 363 Winwick road: T A "Bifurcated, Warrington" Boardman Thomas', 7 Kendrick street Hollowell Henry, 189 Liverpool road, ROPE & TWI~~ MAaS:UFACTURERS. Booth John, 16 Tilley street Holmes James, 45 Hopwood street Olare Peter, 35 HODsemarket street; works, Bowers' John, 94 Pl'iestley street Holme's William, 1 Margaret street Bowland John, 10 Dallam lane Horridge Mrs. Betsey, Padgate Brick street . ~:[onll's James, Arpley rope wrks.Arp:ey rd Boylin Tryphena., 54 Sharp street Honocks John, 52 School brow Hough William, 40 Wellfield' street Richardson John (dealer), 49 Up. Bank st Brad!burn George, 63 Folly lane Bradford William, 25 Howard street Houghton John, 30 Rolleston street Richardson Peter L. 99 Mersey' street Brierley M. 4 Thelwall lane, Latchford Houltram Thomas, 1 Ha.milton street S:A.DDLERS & HAP.NEBS MAKERS. Broadhurst William, 233 Winwick road Howard Mrs. Alice, 7 Wilderspool cause. way, Latchford Bayley John G. 27 Wilders'j)ool causeway, Brookes Thomas, Stockton heath Latchford & 29 Horsemarket street Brookls· T. Connelly, 19 Rolleston street Hud,socn WilIiam, 70 Brick skeet Jnhnson Mrs. LeHtia, 2 Winwick street Broom Thomas, Croft Hughes Henry, Penketh Lawton Jacob, 54 Sankey street Brown Mrs. Ann, 81 Upper Bank street Humphreys Renry, 24 War'burtonstreet !Maskery & Co. Rylands street Brown George, 303 Winwick road Isherwood William, 34 W<in.wick road Shearn Peter Higher Walton BrJlwu Moo. Ma.ry, 51 Wakefield street Jackson John, 32 Dia.l street Venn George' & Son, 110 Bridge street Burgess MDS,. A-un, 10 Aiken s,treet Jackson Mrs. Mary, 43 King street Wilkinson I'saac 3 St~ James' st.Latchford Burrows Joseph, 42 New road, Latchford Jacloson Peter, Penketh Burrcws Richard, 41 Old road, Latchford Ja('kison Thomas, 18 Lloyd street SAW 'MILL OWJSi®RS. Caden James 13·3a Dallam lane Jennings Mrs. Mary, 79 Bewsey roam Olare & Redway, Sankey bridges, Liverpool Caldwell Jos~ph . 44 Wakefield street Jones John, 71 Catherine street . road & Winwick street. T N 13 Caldwell Thoma~, 80 Allen street Jones Owen, 223 Winwick road Kenworthy James, Brown skeet Callan John, 18 MerseY street Kean Mrs-. Alice, 1 Wellington street. Matthews Josepb, Marsh stree.t Cartwright John, Moore Keenan Miss Martha, 43 Folly lane Naylor Robert A. Steam sa.w mills, How'iey Cartwright Robert 80 ChorIey street Kelly Mrs. AIiee, 1 Ca.rlisle street quay. T N. 16; T .A "Naylor, War- Ohetter Thomas i Longford street· Kenwright Wlilliam, 21 Winwick road, rington " Ohurchill Pa.tridk, 30 Pierpoint street Kermode M]ss Ma.ry J. 60a, Priestley sl. . SCHOOLS. Clar~ Edward Nash, 35 Ellesmere street Kilduff James, 77 Butterworth street Blue Coat School, Winwick roa.d Clegg Mrs. Elizabeth, 18 Gaskell street Kinsey Mr,s. 22 Robson street Boteler's' Gramma.r Sehool, School brow; Cobb Mrs. Mary, 4 Beatrice st: Latchford Kirk Henry, 66 Orford lane Rev. Edward .:Tohn Willcocks M.A. head Oook Miss Bertha, 37 Howley lane Knight Mrs. Mary, 274 Knutsford rd.Latchfrd master,. . Cooper Charles, Liverpool,road Lambert George, 54 St. James'st.Latchfrd Bradbury Misses Annie P. & Sarah H·Crosby WilHam H. 113 Orford lane Lane Patrick, 4 Town hill (ladies'), 12 Bold street Croos Evan, Penketh Larraway Richard" 34 Catherine street Ca.mpbeR Miss Marion (ladies'), 8 Dial st Cross' Wiilliam, 2 Dudley street Lawrinson John, 106 School brow Johnstone Henry G. (private),14 Froghallia. Cunningham Mrs. Bridget, 2 Turner street Lawt{)n Jos'eph, 120 Liverpool r<lad: Ladies' Training Coilege, Fairfield hall, Cunningham Mrs. Bridget, 22 Watkin st Lea. George, 171 Winwick road Manchester road Daly John, 43 Old road, Latchford Leather Mrs. Esther, 16 Foundry street Leach Miss Sophia, 178 W.ilderspool cause- DanieLs Daniel, 13 Winwick road Lee Mrs. Agnes, 96 Priestley street way, Latchford DanieLs Walter, 31 Pinners brow Lee Misses Annie & Ellen, 76 Dallam laol :Municipal 8'choo1 ~f Art, Mu~eum str~et Darlington Thomas, Heath road, Penketh Lee Mrs. Mary, 9 FennE>l street Reynolds Mrs. Franees (ladles'> & kmder- Davies Mrs. Lydia, Penketh Leicester Wilkinson, 47 Price street .garten), ?ank house, Sankey stre.et, Davies Thomas', 32 Howley lane LesHe John, 31 Rose & Crown street Rmu.ner MlSses T. W. & Co. (ladles), 23 Dawber John, 2 Hramhall street Liddle Mrs. Sarah Jane, 11 Ma.rsh House lit Wiilson-P.atten street .' Dean Henry, 2 Chorley street Livingstone John W. 17 Stamford street r e Sans~m MlS-s Cl!L . E. (pTlvate), Pa.dgate Delooze Mrs. Esther, 11 Watkin street Livingstone Thomas, 33 Ellesmere street Warrmgton Trammg Oollege for Teachers, Dobbins John R.81 Liverpool road Lloyd Mrs·. Elizabeth, 98 Bos,tock street! Manchester road . ,. Dobson John, 59 Liverpool road Lloyd John, 209 Knutsford rd. Latchford Westbrook Mrs. Mary Oad~es), Beech ho. Dod'd MrS'. Jane, 55 Legh street Locker MrS. Sarah, 32 st. James' st.Latchfrd ,~t?ckton !J.ea.fu Dunn Daniel, 306 Liverpool road Longshaw John, 52 Parker street Williams MlSs A. Lloyd, Legh street Dutton John, 2 Philip street Longshaw William, Penketh BE'ED M:ERC'HA3N~B Eccles Henry, 32 Padgate lane Looker Benaamin,22 James' street . . . Edgar Peter, 127 Winwick road Looker PhCEbe, 6 Pitt street Plerpomt & Co. 32 Horsemarket street Edwards Edward, 49 Longford street Lowe William 44 Golborne streE>t Starkey George, Golden square Egerton Thomas, 28 MaI'Sh House lane Lunt John C. 85 Howley lane S:ElEDSMEN Eggin Francis, 115 Sharp street Lyons John, 2 Platt street - . Emerson William, 7 Kerfoot street Lythgoe John, Thelwall lane, Latchford See Nurserymen &C. Evans' James, 14 Elizabeth street McCoy Mrs. Sarah, 53 PierpoiIit street SEWING M.A!Omm' M.A.1'.':UF.A.a:rURER6 Eyre WilHam W. 107 Manchester road McDonnell Mrs-. Ellen, 75 Sha.rp street &. DEALEiBlS FairClough Mrs'. Alice, 23 Wildel"spool Maddock Mrs. Maria, 19 Orford lane , . causeway, Latchford Maines William, Oroft Bradbury Sewing Machine 00. Limited, 33 Fairhurst William, 34 Howney lane Mainwaring Ml.'"s. Ann, Grappenhail WinWlick street; Stephen Deaville, man POl' shaw Edward, 4 Napier street Male Mrs. Emma, 8 Catherine street Brinlelow John, 42 Tanners lane Foulkes' Samuel, 44 St. James' st.Latchfrd Marratt Joseph, 17 Foundry street Jones' Sewing Machine Co. Limited, 105 Furness Josiah, 59 Lythgoe's lane MaJ:1shali Wdilliam, 38 Pinners brow Sankey street; John Hm, loccal manager Garratt Mrs. Sarah, 8 Winwick road Massey .Charles H. 168 Lilverpool road 'Maginn .John, 14 Rorsemarket street Gaskell William, 29 Naylor street Massey John, 34 School brow 'Singer ManUfacturing Co. 45 Hornemarket Gerrard Joseph, 171 Longford street Massey Joseph, 80 Priestley street street; Alfred Simpson, manager Gibbons Martin, 101 Mersey street Massey Miss Sarah, Martinscroft Pu.BLIC HOUSES-continued. 'Theatre tavern, George Lunt, 47 8<lotland road: & 1 Winwick street Three Pigeons inn,Wm..Chalmers,Tanners la Unicorn inn,Thos.Liti!lewood,42 Winwick rd Vine inn, John W.Craddock, Lyme street Vine tavern John W. Craddock,2 Market st Volunteer ~n, John Hughes', 26 Naylor st Waggon & Horses inn, Mrs. Hanuah Jones, 63 Buttermarket street Walt{)n ArlThS,Alfred Broady,Higher Walt{)n Wheat Sheaf, Geo. Boardman, 2 Orford la White Bull, Mrs. .Ann Balshaw, 38 Horsemarket street White Hart il1n, Mrs. Annie Brierley, 68 Sankey street .. WhIte Hart, Mr:s. Ann,:tbella McCreadle, 10 Lyme s~reet & Market p~ace Wool Pack mn, Herbert Hotlmgsworth, 37 Sankey street & 3 Bold street .REGrIFIEiR'S. Greenall G. & J. Crown street; offices, 54 Bridge street. T N' 75 , T DIRECTORY.] WARRINGTON. TRADES. 95 ,*Browne Arthtir, Upper Bank street Unsworth John, 17 Bostock street Meachin Mrs. Catherine, 127 Dallam lane Buckton James Rhoades Unsworth William, 58 Legh street Mellor Mrs. Eliza, 32 Elizabeth street "'Davies Percy & Forshaw, 2 King street Vernon Joseph, 30 School brow iMiller Mis's' Annie E. 33 Mer<;ey street "Davies R. Kirkconnel (Davies & Burgess), Walker Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 Queen street MilJler H. & 00. 99 Chorley street Market place Miner Richard, 7 Dial street Walter Charles, 1 Atherton street *])ob30n Hobert, Golden square Miller Robert, 67 Bostock street Ward Charles" 1 Admiral street MilLs Oharles H. 58 Napier street Ward Walter George, 8 Rolleston street "GreenaU & Buckton, 3 Winwick street *tJeans W. D. & 00. Oentral chambers, 25 Mills Edmund, 23 Orford street Webb Joseph, 41 Buttermarket street Winwick street Milner Wiilliam, 136 Winwick road Webb Mrs. Mary, 36 New rd. Latohford M01yneaux :Miss Mary, 45 Napier street Jenkins & 00. Bank chmbrs. 1 Winwick st Webster John, 44 Gladstone street Molyneux William, 54 Brick street *Longland Josiah, 2 Union street Welsby Joseph, 64 Leonard street *Longton Henry J. 15 Upper Bank street Monks John, Orford Welsby Samuel, Stockton heath Monks John, 71 Wash lane, Latchford "'Ridgway & Worsley, Oairo Street chambrs. White Mrs. Mary Ann, 285 Winwick road Moores Thomas, 20 Manchester road 2 Cairo street Whitehouse Charles, 49 Green ,;treet Morris Thomas, 81 Catherine stree,t "'Wallhead Spence,r, 2 Lyme street Whitehouse Joseph, 52 Chorley street Mortimore Mrs . .A.nn ;jane, 69 Turner st White H. B. & Sons, 1 Egypt st.; offices, Whitfield John, 112 Battersby lane 'Moss Jos-eph, Lower Wal,ton 17 Oairo street Whitfield Robert, 38 Ohorley street Moston A1boct, 8 Glazebrook street Willett Arthur James, 11 Lyme street Whittaker Charles, 7 Hall street Mountfield John H. 17 Ohurch street WhIttaker John, 11 Plnners brow SPADE & SHOVEL MANUFACTURERS. Naughton Mrs. Cath. 15 Old rd. Latchford Whittle Mrs. Sarah, 73 Church street Naylor James, Burton wood Wilcock Mrs., Alice, 7 Prince st. Latchford Stockton Heath Forge Co. Limited, ScotN.ee'dham Woilliam, 1 Se'lby street land road; works, Stockt{)n· heath Wilkins John, 65 Ellesmere street Nevin ,Michael, 2 Scho'O'l brow Wilkins Richard, 40 Victoria street STEEL MMNUFAOTURERS. Newall Mrs. A. 161 Knutsford rd. Latchford Williams Mrs. Ann, 24 Aiken street KonTs William, 38 John street Stubs Peter Limited, Scotland road Williamson Henry, 325 Winwick road Ogden Mrs .. Ellen, 321, Liverpool road Williamson Samuel, 220 Liverpool road STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Owen Franms J. 49 Walker street Wilson Jas. 47 Walker street & 9 Eustace, st Arnold William, Stockton heath Faice Mrls'. Elizabeth, 46 Ohurch street Winnstanlev }'1:rs. Mary, 62 Ohurch street Aukland Ephraim, sen. Legh street & Palmer Mrs. Oealey" 7 ThelwalQ New road, Winstanley Henry, 23 Walker street Grappenhall Rolleston 'street . " Woodcock Samuel, Grappenhall Aukland Ephraim, 180 Manchester road & Parker MrS. Annie, 211 Woinwick road Woodier Samuel, 196 Winwick road Parkin;;on John, 26 Lovely lane Rolleston street Woods William, 31 Lo,rd ~elson street Payton James, 16 Greenal!l street Ohadwick John William, Liverpool road Woodward Peter, 64 Oatherme street Peak John, 39 BiTchall street Gittins Edward W. Orford street Wray William, 23 Brick street Pearce Caleb, 121 Knutsford rd. Latchford Wrench Orange Joseph, 16 Winwick road Samuel, 47 Greenall street Pe€ver William, Penketh Williams & Olay, 2 Crosfield street Wright Job, 79 Oatherine street Perrins Thomas', 32 Dudley street Young Elijah, 18 St. James' st. Latchford STONE MERCHANTS. Pollitt Walter, 3 Dudley street Potter J<:tmes, 16 Powys stroot Gittins Edward W. Orford street SILK. MERCERS. Prince Mr". Sarah, 30 Leicester street J. & W. 16 & 18 Sankey street & 59 SUGAR BOILER. Pritchard OhrIstopher, 67 & 69 WeHfield st Dutton Bridge street . Pye, James, Burton wood Hodgkinson William, 46 & 48 BrIdge street Birchall Joseph, 129 Bridge street Ratcliffe Mrs. Elizabeth, 4 Lythgoe's, lane "Read Joseph, 51 Lord Nelson street SURGEONS. SILVERSMITHS. Richardson Thomas, 30 Ellesmere street See Phy.sician<3 & Surgeons. Eustance E. & A. 43 Sankey street . Rigby Mrs. Hannah, 1 Foundry street Russells Lim. Sankey st.; & at Liverpool Riley John, 62 Batter,soy lane SURVEYORS. SIZE ML'~,mFAOTURERS. Rogers Alfred, 71 Cartwdght street See Architects & Surveyors. Roug,hley Ge()rge, 28 Wilderspool cause- Royston William & Co. Paddington works, way; La-tchford TAILORS. Manchester road RawlinMn Mrs. Sarah, 301 Knutsford rd. Ashley Tho~as, 2 Powys street SIZING MERCHANTS. Latchford: Ashton John, 121 Sankey street Rudge John, 294 Winwick road Waring Arthur & Co. Limited, Winwick Balmford Norman, 117 Sankey street Runcorn Thomas, Croft road. T A" Waring, Warrington" Banner John, 79 Buttermarket Btreet Russell John, 87 Dallam lane Bayley Bros. 17 Bridge street SLATE MEROHANTS. Salt Mrs. Sarah, 16 Thelwall lane Boydell Bros. 37 Bridge street Clare & Ridgway, Sankey bridges, Liverpool Bradley Anthony, 106 & 108 Bridge street Sa.vage Sheridan, 2 Cotlins street road & Winwick .street. T eN' 13 Savage William A. 119 Liverpool road Broadhurst Mrs. Ann, 84 Mersey street Warrington Slate 00. Limited (The), Arpley Oapital & Labour Olothing Association, 124 Scholtze Edward, Paddington sta-tion. T' A "Arpley, Warrington" Sclmle Oar,l, 18 Percy street Bridge str<.et "'ellior Mrs. Mary, 90 BatteI'lSiby lane Carter Thomas, Ohester road, Grappenhall SLATER. Sephton Miss O. Jane, 38 Winwick street Carter William,125 Winwick road Caldwell Samuel, Golborne street Shakeshaft John, 17 Ga-slkell street Oraik James G. 36 Buttermarket street. Shakeshaft John, 34 Napier street James, 6 Bold street ' CritChley SMALLWARE DEALERS. Shaw Oharles, 37 Fennel street Dolan Bros. 11 Horsemarket street Gill Mrs. Mary, 182 Liverpool road: Shaw Lsaac, 40 Eustace street Dolan & E. J. Page, 41 Bridge street Ginsberg Benjamin, 12 Tanners· lane Shaw James, 81 Lylhgoe's lane Dutton J. & W. 16 & 18 Sankey street & 59 Shaw ,Tohn, Stoc.kton heath Gitten"J Mrs. Elizabeth, 170 Liverpool road Bridge street Sherlock Mrs. Eilizabeth, 23 Tanners lane Griffiths John, 70 Church street Foden James Thomas, 247 Liverpool road Sherratt Mrs. Margaret, 116 Longford st Lomax Aaron, 21 Pinner:s brow Grand Clothing Hall 00. 28 to, 32 Bridge st Skelton W. P. & W. Limited, Jubilee build· Hankey Mrs. Margaret, Stockton heath Sh<lrt Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Monlns' street Siddall Henry, 2 Lythgoe's lane ings, Horsemarket street Harper Hugh, 33 Town hill Singleton MrS'. Clare, Penketh Wright David, 78 Winwick street Harrison John, 4 Egypt street Smith Re>bert, 93 Manchester road & 126 SOAP MANUFAarUREltS. Hewitt J<Jhn, 3 Dannett street Mensey street , Hohnes C. Jackson (& general Sobey Miss Elizabeth, 60 Liverpool road Orosfie~d Joseph' & S<?ns, manufacturers of outfitter), Market Gate Stewart Matthew, 39 Bost<Jck street all; kmds of domestl.c. mottled, scented & Mawson & 00. 35 Sankey street Stockton Thomas, 24 Mersey street toilet soap~; also silic~~ of soda, Bank Page H. S. & Co. 4 Golborne street stockton William, 83 Catherine street quay. 21; T A Orosfields, War- Parry John, 3 Suez street Stout John, 50 St. James' st. Latchford rmgton . . '. _ Partington Joseph, 43 Bridge street Stringer Joseph, 28 Green street R{)yston Wilham & 00. Paddmgton works, Plinston James, 55 Bewsey street Sutclme Thomas, 206 Liverp'ool road Manchester road Rhodes Thomas, 53 Bewsey road Sutton Mrs. Margaret, 5 Regent street SOCIETIES. Spencer James, 47 Mersey street i5utt<Jn Pe,ter, 4 Pinners brow "" t' al S . t f th P t' f Travers J ohu, Penketh Taft William Henry, 17 Friars gate ""a ·lOn OCle .~ or e reven'lOn 0 Webster Adam G. 28 Bnttermarket street Taker William, 82 Cockhedge lane Oruelty to . Ohi1dren~ 34 Parker street; Wilkinson Wm. Thos. 1 Wash la.Latchford Tavlin Joseph, 5 Orford street JaI!1es UphIll, loca~ ?-llspector. . Wood Robert, 105 Bewsey road Taylor Adam; 206 Orford lane Warrmgton Oons&vaklve AJssoClatlOn, San- Worrall John 53 Legh street key street; J osep'h Charlton Parr & Robt. ' , Taylor Mrs. Ann, 2 Pries,tIey street Taylor Frederick, 134 Liverpool road Dav'ii=s, vice-presidents; John White, TALLOW CHANDLERS. Taylor John, 19 Allen street ahairman; Alderman R. W. Francomb, Taylor Jos'hua, 67 Nicholas street & 57 deputy chairman; ALderman Thos,. H. Burgess John, Friars green Froghall lane Sutton, hon. secretary; Arthur Bennett, McEvoy Mrs. Ellen, 16 Mill street hon. treasurer; William Holbrook, agent Taylor Mrs. Rebecca, WNderspool TANNERS. & secretary T2.ylor Richard, 2 Eldon street Taylor ThomaS', 15 Cat'herine street & 15 Young Men's Christian Association, 1 & 3 CunIme John Tattersall Limited, HolmesWakefield street Friars green; J. O. Parr, J.P., C.C. field tamlery, Howley quay. T A " Cunpresident; S. B. Stringer, treasurer; Taylor Thcmas, 11 Turner street lme, Warrington" William --. Bayley, genera.l secretary; Dakin Alfred & Oo.Knutsford Road lannery, Taylor Wtlliam, 67 Turner street James Horton, financial secretary; George Teare John, 126 Knuts'ford rd. Latohford Grappenhall Yeadon, caretaker Thomas James, 53 Winwick road Fleming J ohl1 H. & 00. Fennel Street tanThomason George, 124 School brow nery. T' N, 32; T A "Leather, WarSOLICITORS. Thompson Robert, 186 Battersby lane rington" , Thorley Joshua, 29 FroghaH lane Marked thus * are Commissioners to Ad- Guest Bros. Winwick street. T A .. Guest, Throsselll William, 45 Lovely lane minister Oaths in the Supreme 1J0urt of Warrington" TH;kle Robert, 38 Hoyle street , Judicature & thus t are for taking Ac- Haydock Street Tanning 00. Haydock st. TlCkle T'homas, 4 Pitt ,street knowledgm"nts' of Deeds by Married TN,46 Tomkins Joseph 8 Edward street Women. Hl.oitchings John &. W. N. Howley Tnrbin James, Lower Walton *Ashton & Woods, C<lmmercial chambers, Tanner,y-T N 97; T·A "RUTCHTrrrton Benlamin, 20 Lloyd street 55 Rorsemarket street niCS, Wanington" 'f:N. 96 TRADES. ,VARRINGTON. [SLATER'S I WHITESMITH8. . Caldwell's Limited, 60 Horsemarket street· warehouse & works, Scotlan~ road. 'r:Ni 18; T A ,. Caldwell's, Warrmgton" TRIPE DRESSERS & DEALBRS. Garland J. S. 51 to 55 Bridge street Appleton William, 38 Winwick road Harris Thomas, Butf.ermarket street Boardman Charles, 125 Sankey street Throssell Tom, Croppers brow Broughton Jobn, 20 Market street Turner Thomas, 81 Buttermarket street Cann William, 22 Winwick street Furniss Cornelius, 66 Brick street WILLOW MERCHANT. Horrocks, Adam, 25 Irlam street Thomas, Rose & Crown street; Massey John, 5 Wilderspool causeway, Hutchinson branch works, Golborne street & 33 Latchford Wilderspool causeway Mayhall Thomas, 68 Buttermarket street Underwood .Tn. 56 St. .Tames' st. Latchford WINDOW" BLIND MAKER. Yates William, 13 Church street Dixon In. 9 Wilderspool causeway,Latchfrd TUBE MANUFACTURERS. WI~"E & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Monks, Hall <& Co. Ltmited, Atherton's Beaeon John M. Bridge street quay. T:N. 6; T A .. Monks,Warrington" Bertles Samuel, 127 Bewsey road TYPE WRITER. Greenall Gilbert & John, 54 Bridge street. TN' 75 Ward Thomas, 2 Upper Bank street Holland Charles, 1 Rolleston street & 11 UB ELLA U A TTE S Froghall lane U Jll R lli."'-A- R . Home & Colonial Co. Limited, 12 HorseMounfield Charles, opposite Parr's bank, 1 market c.treet Bewsey street Houghton W. n. (agent to W. & A. Gi)bey. Stirrup Mrs. Catherine. 60 Bridge street Limited), Sankey street TAPESTRY MANTUFACTURERS. Leigh Peter, 7 Horsemarket street UNDERTAKERS. Pickmere Travers, 45 Bridge street. T A Lee Arthur H. Brick street; & 231 Oxford Connor Edward (hearses, mourn"Pickmere,Warrington"; & at Nantwich street, London W ing coaches &c.), 19 Sankey RoW'son Richard & Sons, Market TEA MERCHAN.TS. street-TN 31 place Geddes John & Son, 22 Market street Maginn Bros. Park mews, Sankey street & Scotson James (W'ine & spirit Monks William, 61 Sankey street 14 Horsemarket street. T N· 71 merchant), 8 Bold street Richardson EdW'in & Son, 39 Wells Lowden, 39 Foundry street WIRE DRAWERS. Bridge street UPHOLSTERERS. Bonnell John 1& Sons Longford street TELEPHONE COMPANY. Johnson S. E. & R. 78 Bridge street & 2 Broomfield Richard,' 7 Pri,estley street National Telephone Co. Ltmited; district Rylands ·street Smith Willliam & Son Dallam wire mill~ office, 8 Sc;otland road.; Alfred Magna]], M-arsh R. W. (exors. of),164 & 166 EridlSe st . T N' 59; 'j' A " Smiths, Warrington" • manager Mounfield Joseph, 64 Buttermarket SLreet The Longford Wire, Iron & Steel Co. Lim. . LQngford works, Folly lane. T N 12; & Mersey street TELEPHOXE WIRE MANUFACTURERS. Wea!er G. & J. 86 Bndge street; wJrks, T A LongfJrd, Warrington" Rylands Brothers Limited, The Fnars green Whitecross (The) Company Lim. Wire MiHs-T N 11j T A "WIRE, VALUERS. (William Carson, lTlanaging Warrington" director), Milner street, Bank See Auctioneers & Valuers. Quay-T N 9; T A "WHI'l'ECROSS, Warrington "; & 7' Jeff'rey's.square, TEMPERANCE HOTEL. St. Mary Axe, London E.C. ; John Richards Herbert, 119 Sankey street VETERINARY SURGEONS. Abercrombie, agent THEATRES. Dbwn John F., M.R.C.V.S. 1 Arpley street Fergnson Hugh M.R.C.V.S. 2 Suez street WIRE MAJsIUFACTURERS. Royal Court Theatre (Messrs. A. & P. Hewitt Samuel John M.R.e.V.S.EJ. 4 Houghton William D. Sankey wire mills. Milton, W. Johnson & J. Potter, proprie. Winwick stleet & Crown street tors), Rylands street Shawcross .Arthur M.R.C.V.S. III Sankey st. T N 10; T A "Houghton, Sankey Bridges" Rylands Brothers Limited, The Theatre Royal (Messrs. A. & 1'. ]<ntton, Wire MiIIs-T N 11; T A "WIRE, William Johnson & J. Potter,proprietors), WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS & JEWLLRS. Warrington" Scotland road Bennett Robert, 53 Legh street Smith William & Son, Dallam wire mills. TIMBER E Blackhurst G. & Son, 10 Sankey street TN 59; T A" Smiths, Warrington" M RCHANTS. Carter Mrs. Elizabeth, 29 Bridge street Cla!''l & Ridgway, Sankey bridges, Liver- Carter Samuel, 469 Knutsford rd. Latchford WIRE MATTRESS MANUFACTURER a pool road & Winwick street. 'J' N 13 Eustance E. & A. 43 Sankey street Firth (The) Co. Friars Green mill. T N: KenworthY,James, Brown street Finlay~n John, 34 Winwick street 53; T A "Firth, Warrington" Matthews Joseph, Marsh street Houghton Isaac, 28 & 20 Mersey street The Longford Wire, Iron & Steel Co. Lim. Naylor Robert A. Steam Sa_ Loughlin FeliX, 17 Buttermarket street Longford works, Folly lane. T iN. 12; Mills, Howley Quay-T N 16; T A Robinson John, 72 & 13 Buttermarket st T A " Longford, Warrington" "NAYLOR, Warrington" R:uss€lls Lim. Sankey st.; & at Liverpool S,mcock Joseph A. 37 Bewsey street WIRE MERCHANTS. TINPLATE WORKERS. Stmcock Mrs. Martha, 30 Buttermarket st Barlow Samuel & Co. 23 Folly lane See Braziers &c. Stacey William, 40 Battersby lane Westgarth John, 11 Wilson-Patten street Tomlin George, Pinners brow TOBACOONISTS. Welsby John P. 62 St. James' st. Latchford WIRE NETTING MANUFACTURERS. Bancroft Miss Ellen, 61 Winwick street Woods William & Son, 14 Sankey street Barton William, 33 Irlam street Rylands Brothers LilTlited, The Bennett James, 21 Winwick street WATCH & CLOCK TOOL MAKER. Wire MiIIs-T N 11; T A "WIRE, Beswick Joseph, 10 Buttermarket street Fazakerley William, Croft Warrington" Beswick Joseph, 58 Horse"ll'lrket street WIRE ROPE MANUFACTURERS. ;Beswick William, 12 Sankey street WATER WORKS. Billinge James, 13 :& 15 Green street Warringto~'l; offices, 13. Cairo street; John Rylands Brothers Limited, The Byrne Patrick J. 86 Mersey street Wire MiIIs-T N 11; T A "WIRE, Ross, secretary & engllleer Chester Mrs. Eliza, Bridge street Warrington" Clare Daniel, 89 Knutsford rd. Latchford Warrington W,ire Rope Works Ltm. (The), WHEELWRIGHTS. Cook Mr", Adolpbine, 115 Sankey street Bewsey road, T N: 54; office, 1.3 Goree Bleasdale Thomas, Orford Cooke Charlts, 50 Parker street Piazzas, Liverpool Daintith Joseph, Croft Daniels John T. 123 Sankey street . Davenport Charles; W. Stockton heath Dinwiddie Thomas, 49 Bridge street WIRE WOREETIS & WEAVERS. Dutton Thomas, Burton wood Eva'"ls Robert, 50 Green street ArtingstaU George ,& 00. Lim. Latchford Ellison Mrs. Elizabeth, ThelwaU Forster James, 4 Orford lane wire works, Wil'derspool causeway. T A Fairclough John, Arpley road Forster Joseph, 54 Mersey street " Artingstall, Warrington" Fairhurst Joseph ',fames, Grappenhall Goldstone Isaiah H. 157 Mersey street Greening N. & Sons Limited, Scotland Helsby Misses Mary E. & Sarah E. 40 & 42 Hayes James, Penketh road; offices, Crown street. T iN. 15; Heywood Bros. 50 Mersey street & Moore Mersey street T A " Greenings, WarLington" Jones Shadrach, 189 Padgate lane Jackson William, 127 Bridge street Harding J. & Co. 15 Eustace street Knowles' William, Croft Leigh Bros. 42 Buttermarket street Locker Thos. Ellesmere works,Ellesmere st Lawton Isaac, Moore McClew James, 47 Horsemarket street Mann Mrs. Rena Maggie, 18 Bridge street Muskett Joseph, Higher Walton WOOD TURNERS. ~-aylor Robert A. Stea'll saw mills, Howley Perris Alfred, 19a, Sankey street Cross John, 16 Rose & Crown street N 16; T A "Naylor, Warquay. T Scales Mrs. Caroline, 48 St. James' street, Naylor Robert A. Steam saw mills, Howley ringtQn" Latchford quay. TN 16; T A" Naylor,Warrington" Thistlethwaite Miss Sophie, 19 Butter- Pickton S. & D. 66 Allen street Sandall O. & F. Golborne street PicktDn Thomas, 2 j, Uen street market street Sloan - , Orford street Smith Thomas, Padgate Throssell George J. 82 Winwick street WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Toft Richard, 18 Horsemarket street & 6 Southern Jas. 389 Knutsford rd. I.atehford Spann Richard, Friars green Sankey street See Draper8-General. Tonge Miss Mary, Liverpool road WHITE LEAD MANUFACTURERS. YEAST IMPORTERS & MERCHANTS. Wainwright John, 11 Wilderspool causeway, Latchford The Mersey White Lead Co. Limited, Kershaw James, 30 Winwick street & 689 Webb Joseph. 41 Buttermarket street Sankey bri.'1ges. T N 58; T A " Lead Knutsford road, Latchford Warrington'" , M.1son William, 6 Orford lane Whitehouse Edward, 90 Bridge street TANNERS-continued. Long William & Son, Grappenhall & Clifl"e Lane tanneries·, Grappenhall; & at 10 Hardman street, Deansgate, Manchaster. TN 69; T A "Long, Grappenhall ,. Mortimer William & Co. Fairfield tannery, Manchester road & Orford tannery Penketh Tanning Co. Ltmited, Penketh tannery, Penketb; Charles E. Parker, managing directo~; T A "Tanne!'y, Penketh" Reynolds Sylv~nus (exors. of),The '.rannery, Knutsford road, Latchford. T N' 72; T A "Reynolds, Tanner, Latchford" Reynolds William & Co. Ltmited, Running Pump tannery, Mersey street; Lewis· W. Reynolds, managing director; Edward W. Reynolds, secretary. T N: 35; T A "Bark, Warringi;9n" Tanners' Lane Tanning Co. Lim. Tanners' lane. T' A "Tannery, Warrington" Tinsley John & James; stores, Arpley road & Mersey tannery, Mersey street. T A "Tinsley, Warrington" Tinsley William, Thelwall lane, Latchford Waring Arthur & Co. Limited, Winwick road. T A "Waring, Warrington" TOY DEALER. Prince Thomas, 4 Horsemarket street T /
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