Gi P T v Founded February 1974 GPT (PT.ESSEY)EMPLOYEES ''SA\M-A-LIFE'' MACHII\E FT]hID A Voluntary Scbeme supported by GPT Emplayees - EDGELANE Registered by the Charity Commission Registered Number 507703 THESE MACHINES .w.ERE I'OUGIIT -IIII((,U(iIT'I-ITI1 IA|'LF AT{D ST]PFORI OF GPT EMPIO'TEES (MERSEYSIDE) Sefton Hospita Mobile Kidney Machine: Alder Hey Hospita Mobile Blood Transfusion Machine: Alder Hey Hospita Porable Heart Pacer: Hospia Broadgreen Mobile Heart Machine: Hospita Broadgreen Heart Machine: Mobile Liverpool Children's Hospita Mobile Minigraph Machine: Broadgreen Hospita Mobile Incubator: Liverpool E.N. & T Mobile Humidifier: Royal Infirmaq l. Edgerton Tiling Bed: Hospita Liverpool Children's 0. Mobile Cardio Miniscope: Fazakerle' Heart Unit 1. Mobile Incubator: St. John's Ambulance (Plessey 2. Orygen Cylinder and Mask: St. Vincent's Hospice Broadgreer 3. Ripple-Bed for OA.P.'s: St. Vincent's Hospice Broadgreer .4. Oxygen Trolleys: St. Vincent's Hospice Broadgreet .5. O:rrygenRegulators: (Brain Varrington Hospita Damaged Chil&en): ,6. Mobile Infusion Machine O:iford Stree Hospial, Matemity Machine: tnfusion Mobile 17. For Brain Damaged Children, Somerse 18. Respirator (made in U.S.A.): St. Paul's Eye Hosptia t9. Mobile Documator (Operating Theatre): (Intensive Care Unit) \Falton Hospia 10. Mobile Infusion Machine: (Disabled Children's Unit) Fazakerley Hospia 11. Exercise Bicyde: (Operating Theatre) David Iewis Northen Pulse Generator: 12. (Operating Theatre)'Women's Hospiu 23. He rt Ripple UniL (Children's Unit) Rathbone Hospita 14. Mobile Suction Unit: (Operating Theatre) Whiston Hospita 15. Aylett Sigmoidascope: (Operating Theatre) Newsham Hosptia 26. Mobile Infusion Unit Clatterbridge Hospita Positioning System: 27. Techno Patient (Cancer Unit) Clanerbridge Hospita Z8. Ximatron Simulator: Clanerbridge Hospiu 29. Gmma Inspection Monitor: (Operating Theatre) New Liverpool Royz 10. Mobile Infusion Machine: Mossley Hill Hospitz 11. Mobile Kidney Machine: (Intensive Care) Valton Hospitz ]2. Imed 9228 Volumetric Infusion Pump: (Intensive Care) Walton Hospit: 13. Peritoneal Dialysis Clamp/Iimer: (Intensive Care) Valton Hospit: Pump: Syringe Iniectornat 50 34. The Mobile Breast Screening Un Chair: MIvD( Hydraulic 35. St. John's Ambulance (Plessel 36. Demand Valve and T\rbe: Cleaver Hospial, Heswall, Wirn 37. Pulmo-Aid Devilbiss Pumps: Cleaver Hospital, Heswall, wim 38. Pulmo-Aid Devilbiss Pumps: (Plastic Bums Unit) Whiston Hosptir 39. Mediscus Air Bed Mk V: Mill Road Matemity Hospit: Blender: 40. Neovent Compressor and (Speech Therapy) Whiston Hospitr 41. Servox Speech Vibrator: (Speech Therapy)'whiston Hospitr 42. Servox Speech Vibrator: Liverpool Royr 43. Equipped Isolation Room for Bone-Marrovr Transplants: Hosoit: . t. . . . i. '. i. ruUSSCHEMEIS A TRIBI.ITETO ALL GPT EMPLOYEES . YOU keep your own Bank Receipts,to show your colleagues just what they have donated. l. All letters received from hospibls requesting life saving equipment will be considered i. No money will be given as a donation. [. Future machines wjll be on display in the restaurant one week before presenfation. Vith your support we can hdp many rnofle people. Remember: 4 ai&aru onitl "Satpa-y'$o" c, ea/4 b faou u? uro a/ claot /atc&l We wish to thank the GPT Management for their co-operation, vithout which we could not have achieved our aims of helping rthers in,need of Ufe Saving Equipment. COMMIITEE G. woODvARD Cbairman; ViceCbairrn^n: R. ADTINGTON Treasurer: J. CATON ' N. HOY Secretary: Asst.Secretary: M. HUNT A. CULL Mernberc: TT.SOMERVILLE K. RAIruINS J. TURNER T. GRAY M. TTAUGH P. GIBBINS.
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