to the Easy Green Sprouter Manual
to the Easy Green Sprouter Manual
Congratulatioffi,you arc the Ownorof the Easyc|gan Th. bost eutomatichomelprouter in the wotldl manner. in the most hygienicautomatic Th€ Easycre€nflequipmentis a completesystemdesigngdto gro/vsproutrs of over ten y€ars of r6earch, resultingin What you will be readingin the followingpages is an accumulalion is a unique,innovativo concept.The modularEaEycreenwcan be us€dfor homesFoutingas international wollas commercialapplications.Pleasere.d all sa;ety lnstructions bofore attempling to operatethe sy.tem. SYSTEM THE EA$YGREENTM. $ETUP There are two compartments in unit, a growing each EasyGreenrM compartmentwhere the tray or cartridgesare inserted through the slidingdoor opening, and a water compartment where the Mist Generatoris installed, $tandardEquipmentSupplied: *.Mpd,UL* {q$yGreen sprouter 1x EasyGreenrM 1x Door 1x Mistgenerator(installed) 1x Filter{installed) vinyltube 1x Drainage 1x Drainageplug(installed) 1x lnstructions 1xTimer 5x Cartridges{*malltrays} 2x Waterinletplugs(installed) 1x Legplug(installed) 1x Connectorplug (installed) EASYGREENm ilikroFarm standardMachlne- SINGLEUNITSHTUP at around on a tirm, flat and lavol surface,wherethe roomtomp6ralurecanbe maintained 1. Placethe Easycre€nrM 70-80 degreesFahrenheit,Avoid direct sunlight. The EasyGreenrMmust be installedat least 1Tz teet above ground level for effective drainage.The modulewas de$ignedto suit any standardkitchentop. lt is recommended to use this option,as you will see later,it will make drainagea breeze! - Your selectedlocationfor the machinewill determinewhetheryou'll need the left or right drainage.Typically,the side closerto the kitchensink is usedfor drainageand the oppositeside is blockedby insertinga leg plug. Our illustrationshowsthe leg plug is installedin the left leg.The connectorplug and vinyl tube on the rightleg. 3. Run the draintube from the EasyGreenromoduleto the sink. Makesurethe drainage tube does not bend upwards(See illustration). - The system installationis not limitedto the kitchen top. You may installit anywhere where there is no directsunlightand the temperatureis around70 DegreesFahrenheit. You will need to set up a bucket or drainage bottle at least 1/z teet below the EasyGreenrMto collect the drainedwater. The drainage tube is then insertedinsidethe pan/bucket.A 1-gallonplastic water containermay be used as a drain bucket. Cut excess vinyf tubing so that it goes into the bucket anlv lYr,"-2" and secureit with a tape to the containeredge. Be sure that the vinyl tube is not insorted.deep into the container,so as not to blockthe water drainingfromth€ machine. This couldcausethe systemto stop draining,and resultin Epillageout of th6 growing comoartment. . -Removethewaterinletplug,usi[g a lug anda iunnel;fill the watercompartment withwateruntilthe5'0 Litersrnark (Fult).Placethe lnletFlugon bothlhe'leftand rightsidesof the machine.Note:A smalloverflowholeis drilledon the Theremaybe somewateioverflowwhbn andthe watercompartment. partition wallbetweenthe growingcompartment fillingto the5.0mark,thisis normal. - Plugthe MistGeneratorpowercordto the wall socket(on a one leveFsystem) or to an extensioncord(notsupplied) wall (such Package) and then into the socket.Youwill needonlyonetim6r as the Easycrass system a multi:level on poiniin time. not the timer at this modules. Do use stacked Easycreenl" up to three for operating - Makesurethe door is properlyclosed; the edge above the sliing door shoutdbe facing outwards(see main Thisedgeis usedto openand closethe verticalslidingdoor. ,7/ustnation). -Afterabout10-15minutesof operation,lightlyblowthroughthe drainlube to clearit from pgssibleimpurities thal may (activated) drained water flows with ON until the no obstructions good water flow. Leave the Mist Generator a hinder intothesinkor bucket. -Locatethe timersuppliedwith the equipment. of This specialtimercan mist and oxygenatein time increments 15 minutes,96 timesa day.Holdingthe timer as shownin the picture,sot it to the timeof the day by approximately turningthe dial qlockwiseuntil the blacktrianglefaces the time of the day. Usingthe srhallred toggles,movetwo togglesoutwards(awayfrom the centeroi ttre Oiallat 07:00for the dailysoakingcycle. Movo6aih toggl€at 10:00, 13:00,16i00,19:00,22:00and 02:00for activations.Makesure you see and recognizethe positionof.thetoggles and how to slide them out to tho 'activat6'position, More informatlonis availablson our CD or PDF. Thisis thestandardsetiingfor the Easycreenn.Othervariationsare possiblebasedon the seasonof they€arandthe cropin question.For moredetailspleasedownloadour PDF.Nowunplugthe mist generatorfromthe wallsock€tand plugthe timerintothe sockdtinstead.Plugthe cordof the mist generatorintothe timer.The mistgeneratormaynol dependingon the timersettings.Therefore,lT MAYTAKEFEWHOURSBEFORETHE immediately, startitsactivation ITSAUTOMATTC OPERATION. TIMERRESUMES AWFS{AutornaticWaterFiltino Svsteml This is an optionalaccessorymoreinformationis availableon our PDFor cD. your EasycreenrM is now readyto go,.. growl Gongratulations, 'gieens'in the largetrays Ouriustomershavetold ui that they preferto germinateseeds in cartridgesand grow to allowfor the largerquantitiestypicallyneededfor juicing. The cartridgesare suppliedstandardwitheach {optional) EasycreenMikroFarm.Use the cartridgesto grow seeds for your daily intiakeof naturalvitamins,mineralsand yourdiet.Withcartridges,you canbe assuredthatYOU Thesesupplyan adequatedailycropto supplement enzymes. youdo not needto soakseeds W|LLGETDAILYFRESHSPROUTSWITHYOURFOOD.Since,withthe EasycreenrM Some seedsrequiremore are from seeds to ready-to-harv6st. dry manually,the cyclesmentionedin this manual get good practibe results. to SEEDHANDLING growersare requiredby law to treatthe seedsagainstfungus Commercial Seedscanoftencausecropcontamination. andbacteria.if youchooseto lreatthe seedsyourself,soakthemfor 20 to 30.minutesin a 200-PPMsolutionof sodium Rinsewell is importantthat or calciumhypochlorite. hypochlorite you striveto maintainalmoststerilegrowingconditionswithinthe EasyGreenrM modulein orderto assurethat there are no bacteriaor fungusfrom a previous growingcycle.To minimizesuch risks,carefullyfollowthe cleaninginstructions was designedto minimizecleaningwork and in this manual.The EasyGreenrM on this under the CleaninglDisinfecting disinfectsalmostautomatically."(More section).Checkthe drainageholes insideeach tray or cartridge.Removeany and wet the cartridgeto assure seedsfrom the previouscycle of gerrnination your seeds will 'stick' to the bottom of the cartridge.Washing the cartridge with soap will minimizestaticelectricity.This will help to retainan thoroughly even layerof water on the bottom of the cartridgebefore seeds are sprinkled. Sprinklean even layer of seeds in a cartridgeand shake the cartridgegently yourseeds,mistthe seedcartridge sideto sideto evenlyspreadthe seedsalonglhe bottom.lf youwantto "kick-start" witha handsprayer-similarto thoseusedfor plants.(seephotoaboveipeforeplacingit in the EasyGreenru. The emptycartridgesare properlyinstalledin the Insertthe cartridgein the far rightsideof the growingcompartment. spaceavailable.Closethe slidingdoor.lf you are usingiuniorcartridges,you will find it easierto placeall 10 junior in onelargetray. cartridges Days2, 3 and4 Rotatethe first cartridgbback to front (turn around)and move it one cartridgs.width to the left. Seedan empty cartridge(asexplainedabovq)and placeit to the rightof th6growingcompartment. Movethe seedcartridges dailyone to the left and placethe new seededcartridgesto the far.right.Rememberto rotateall the cartridges cartridge-width (backto front)as youmovethemto the left.Closethe slidingdoor. lf you are usingthe juniorcartridges,turnthe largetray wherethe 10 juniorcartridgesare locatedbackto frontdaity. Closetheslidingdoor. Day5 removethe far-leftcartridgefromthe Easycreenrvand harvestthecrop. of fivefull daysof germination, On completion Cleanlhe drainageholesof the emptycartridge,rinseil and sprinklefresh seeds.Movethe otherfour cartridges one spaceto the left and placeth€ new seededcartridgein the far right side of the growingcompartment. Rinsethe sproutswellto removethe hulls,beforeuseor refrigeration. haavested Whenusingl0.iuniorcartridgeson one largetray,turningthe largetray backto frontdailyand on the 5h daythetwofar cartridges onthe leftare readyto harvest. CLEANING / DISINFECTING WEEKLYDISINFECTING {Traysand Cartridgee). . Removereadyto harvestsproutsfromthe tray or cartridgeand rinsecartridgesthoroughly.cartridgesthatare notreadyto harvestcan,beplacedout of the machineuntilthe cleaningprocessis completa. Fillthewatercompartment withwaterup to the 2.0 litermarkas indicatedin the waterlevelindicalor. . Wlpeinsidethe growingcompartment witha softclothto removeany seedsor sproutsand whenyouare done, closethe door. Pourfourtablespoons of bleachsolutionto the waterconlp',tment. Removethe timer and plug the mist generatorto the electricoutlet.The fine mist will reacheachcreviceand cornerof the machineand disinfectit. The machinewill run for two to threehoursuntilthe watercompartmentis empty. 'Add . additional2 litersof water (followthe mark in the window)and let it run with clean wateruntilthe compartmentis empty.The machineand emptycartridgesleft insideare now iinsed,disinfected and readyto grow. . Plugthe mistgeneratorcord back to the timer.Checkthat you didn'taccidentally change the position of the toggles. r Resetthe timer to the time of the day by turningthe timer clockwiseto the desired position, r . DISINFECTING SOLUTIONS: ALTERNATIVE lf you havesensitivity to bleach,you mai use five tablespoons of hydrogenperoxideat 3oloconcentralion. Thereare other'green'solutionsavailablein the market,if you try some,pleasefollowthe manufacturer's instructions regarding the concentration required.To changean air filteruse a ftat screwdriverto edgebetweenthe rim of the housingand thefilter Thefilterwill popout. Extrafiltersareavailablein packsof threeunder"Products'"in our websiteandcanbe orderedat Www.ea9lglg!?n com PerisdicalCleaning(3 times a year) Periodiccleaningis requiredfor properoperationof the EasyGreenrM. Tapwatermay contain impurities or dissolvedsolidsthat couldleavea residueand depositon the innersurfacesof the EasyGreenrM and couldpromotethe growthof bacteriaand algae.PleaseNote: While periodiccleaningshould be done 3 times per year, disinfectingthe machineas explainedaboveshouldbe conductedweekly. lf the tap waterqualityin your area is poor (usuallyidentified by a heavybuild-upof impuritiesor the presenceof unpleasant odors).you may needto cleanyour machinemorefrequently.Do so by: Unplugging the EasycreenrM.Removingthe tray or cartridgesand unscrewingthe MistGenerator fromeachmodule.-Emptyingthe waterfrom eachmodule.Useany soapto scrubthe machineinsideand out. Most peoplepreferto do this in the bathtub.Rinsewithcleantapwater. Scaleand DepositREmoval:Easycreen-777 To removemineraldeposilswe detelopedour ownsolulion,whichis safebothfor handlingandthe machine(willnot harmthe surfacesof the clearABSmaterial).Formoreinformation, pleasevisitourwebsiGat: Www.easvqfeen.cOmunderthe "Products"section.Cleanall interiorsurfaceswitha softclothusingthe above solution. NryERllvWlERSE THEMISTGENER{rqE=OR CLEANrT UNDER RUNNTNG WATER!!rHtS COULpRESULT tN,ELECTR|C ORDAAAACE SHOCK TOTHEGENEMTOR MISTGENERATOR CLEANING o Usinga toothbrush, cleanthe impellershaftholes. . Usinga pipebrush,cleanthe shaft of the impeller.Make sure there are no seeds or impuritiesalong the shaft. The impellerphoto shows the emissionholesand shaft. Da not attempt to remove the impetter from the motor shaft. . Returnthe MistGeneratorto the cabinetand secureit with the screws SAFETY 1. Priorto use'alwayscheckthe po{er cord.forsignsof damage.Checkwithinthe compartments to see thatobjects havenot inadvertenlly beenplacedtherethat couldbe damagelby wateror that couldinitrt"ie witt' the operati6nof the-EasycreenrM and/ordamagethe Mist Generator2. The EasycreenrM may not functionpropenyon an un€ven surface.Alwaysplacethe EasyGreenrM on a firm,flat surface.3. Do not placethi EasyGreenr'nearheatsourcessuch as stoves,radiatorsand heaters.4. The followingis not applicableto countriesoutsidethe USA. This product is equippedwitha polarizedalternatinq_current lineplug(a plughavingone btadewiderthanthe otheris).Thisilug willfit intothe poweroutletonlyone way.This is a safety foature.NEVERconnectthe EasycreenrM to any powersource otherthan.a 12O-volt, alte,rnating currentand polarizedoutlet.The EasycreenrMmoto, is .CE, l; y;;-;;; unable.toirligrtJ!? p]ttgfully into the outlet,try reversingthe plug. "d;dj. tt itre ptug shoutdstill t"lt to -ptug. tit, consult with an electrician. Do Nor defeatthe safoty purpose of the p;tariz;d ro'r oi".eeiJ using 220vls0Hz electric supply,pleasofollow The aafety instructions in your country. s. Whilein use, "r"t".iL placethe EasycreenrM in an areawhereit is not accessible to childrenand ensurethat the powercord positionedout of the way and out of the reachof children6 The EasyGreenr" should.alwaysbe unpluggedand,emptiedwhennot in operationor whilebeing servicedor cleaned.7. Nevertilt or attemptto movethe iasy-Green-.machinewhile it is ofierating.uNpLUGthe Easycreenwand removeall the water from the.watercompirtmentbefore-moving.o. lne'easycreenrM requires regulardisinfectingand periodiccleaningin order to minimizethe risk of conta;in;tio;. netdr to gre cleinin! r.-9: empty the '"tiJl.tno EasyGreen,u seneraror, from water 11T:91'^.R'::,l-ljil$.ll^.f ryl"i10. lol['^y::,.!"ptW_!he-Irs,r andbundle thepowercordforsafestorage. srontNc- ve-nyrrvrpo{ilNl'6irouri t t"o'lqt b"ti. (t*o d"u. ot tot"J. T!,. *"1"r,u"ooi "".urut"t"d iou in th" ri.t'o6Effifdidrinq tn" ,""t ir,"on fromthewater the mistoenerator. thefollowinostepsareessentia - L Disconnectthe machinefromthe electricDower 2. Emptythewaterfromthe builtin watertank 3. Removethe air filterfromthe mistgenerato r. air drye,i btow hot air through the air inl .ko area of the mist generatorfor approximatety two Iil,:l:!.* 5- Placethemistgeneratorbackin the machineafterassuringthe water compartment is drv. Fordetails about ouimanufacturer's warranty , il;iiJiii lii'i;ia1il'1,=rip"] iilased,""r ou,w"u ";;;'";;;i;; siteat wwweasYqreen'comanddownloadour freePDF.Youmayalsopurchase our interactivscD, ]f, O-c) 7 o. O $ ,.=.aa)4 **'$ 6?:3 H*Eg 6e8 a d +qE5;,9 3ig €sFsH Aq€Ig *trq iqgE€ AE: fFE0=i'6E L4- = \eg#Fgg aiiq qEq g*i $il*$ 35: $ [geq* gn *# ;g.*a Fgt + 1; ig q=d1 fig; =;;€# gu6'= C.\ =.O 3 6-cu:l 6'q :r o) 55 "69+<3e Joo* EqEg a ooorg, st;Eg -t - L., J a:t 8il6'g'3f c) c cr(o gs I U L€ dbg Aq) L.L /.'r oxo u)ao tr€;a s\ igf*= t;I iagr ;[g33. siq F=*a $'/ b l-'-. e-fi;i. .HIq;* ooc c tiL { ilq* =33 Stti Hs37 ;is$t q+i+? -EA EEg9 r3s$$ fiil =3=.{ $rf*g agi iEEi =ox-i = f -* CI?o* (. *