Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board January 10
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board January 10
EOMVNO ' ~ '"~~ ~ G. BROWN JR. GOV!RNOA M ATTH£W R ODRIQUE Z SECRE tARY f'OR fNVIAONMENTAl I"A01ECT10ftl Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board January 10, 2014 Mr. Doug Helmstetler ARAMARK Uniform & Career Apparel, LLC 115 North First Street Burbank, California 91502 Certified Mail Return Receipt Required Claim No. 7010 3090 0002 1022 0885 REVISED MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. Cl-9934 - FORMER SERVISCO FACILITY, 702 WEST ANAHEIM STREET, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA (FILE NO. 13-033, ORDER NO. R4-2007-0019, SERIES NO. 220, Cl NO. 9934, GLOBAL ID. WDR 100010988) Dear Mr. Helmstetler: On April 26, 2013, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Regional Board) enrolled you under general Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR Order No. R4-2007 -0019) with a Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP) No. Cl-9934 for injection of potassium permanganate for groundwater remediation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). On behalf of ARAMARK Uniform & Career Apparel, LLC, Environmental Engineering & Contracting, Inc. submitted the In -Situ Chemical Oxidation Pilot Study Report (Report), dated October 30, 2013. Based on the results of the pilot study, the Report further proposes to conduct a supplemental injection of potassium permanganate to reduce VOCs concentrations in groundwater. On November 20, 2013, Regional Board Site Cleanup staff approved the Report. The injection volume is limited to 20,000 gallons of 3% potassium permanganate solution at 11 proposed injection points at depths ranging from 8 to 20 feet below ground surface. The injection activities are expected to take approximately one month. The revised MRP, which incorporates supplemental potassium permanganate injection, is enclosed. The next monitoring report is due on January 15, 2014 as required in the revised MRP. Please do not combine other reports with your monitoring reports. Submit each type of report as a separate document. The Discharger shall comply with the Electronic Submittal of Information (ESI) requirements by submitting all reports required under the MRP, including groundwater monitoring data, discharge location data, and pdf monitoring reports to the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker database under GlobaiiD WDR100010988. ESI training video is available at: https://waterboards. webex.com/waterboards/ldr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rl 0=44145287 &rKey=7 d ad4352c990334b M ARIA MEH RANIAN, C HAIR I SAM U EL UN GER, E XEC UTI VE O FFIC ER 320 West 4th S t., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 9001 3 0 I H t:CYC LI:: U ..At't:H www.w aterb oards . ca.gov/losangeles Mr. Doug Helmstetler ARAMARK Uniform & Career Apparel, LLC - 2- January 10, 2014 For all parties who upload electronic documents to State Database GeoTracker, it is no longer necessary to email a copy of these documents to [email protected] or submit hard copies to our office. The Regional Board will no longer accept documents (submitted by either hard copy or email) already uploaded to GeoTracker. Please see Electronic Submittal to the Los Angeles Regional Board for GeoTracker Users dated December 12, 2011 at: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/losangeles/resources/Paperless/Paperless%200ffice%20for%2 OGT%20Users.pdf To avoid paying future annual fees, please submit a written request for termination of your enrollment under the general WDR in a separate letter when the project is completed and the WDR is no longer needed. Be aware that the annual fee covers the fiscal year billing period beginning July 1 and ending June 30, the following year. You will pay the full annual fee if your request for termination is made after the beginning of the new fiscal year beginning July 1. If you have any questions, please contact the Project Manager, Dr. Ann Chang at (213) 6206122 ([email protected]), or the Chief of Groundwater Permitting Unit, Dr. Eric Wu at (213) 576-6683 ([email protected]). Sincerely, '-.S ~ U~ Samuel Unger, P . . Executive Officer Enclosures: Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program No. Cl-9934 dated January 10, 2014 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD LOS ANGELES REGION REVISED MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. Cl-9934 FOR FORMER SERVISCO FACILITY 702 WEST ANAHEIM STREET, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ENROLLMENT UNDER REGIONAL BOARD ORDER NO. R4-2007-0019 (SERIES NO. 220) FILE NO. 13-033 I. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. ARAMARK Uniform & Career Apparel, LLC (hereinafter Discharger) shall implement this Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP) on the effective date of the enrollment (January 10, 2014) under Regional Board Order No. R4-20070019. The next monitoring report under this program shall be received at the Regional Board by January 15, 2014. Subsequent monitoring reports shall be received at the Regional Board according to the following schedule: Monitoring Period Report Due January- March April- June July- September October - December April15 July 15 October 15 January 15 B. If there is no discharge or injection , during any reporting period, the report shall so state. By March 1 of each year, the Discharger shall submit an annual summary report to the Regional Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graphical summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous calendar year. In addition, the Discharger shall discuss the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned, which may be needed to bring the discharge into full compliance with the waste discharge requirements . C. The Discharger shall comply with requirements contained in Section G of Order No. R4-2007-0019 "Monitoring and Reporting Requirements". April 26, 201 3 Revi sed on January 10, 2014 Former Servisco Facility WDR Order No. R4-2007-0019 Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program No. Cl-9934 II. DISCHARGE MONITORING PROGRAM The monitoring reports shall contain the following information regarding the injection activities: Ill. 1. Location map showing injection points used for the potassium permanganate solution. 2. Written and tabular summary defining depth of injection points, quantity of the potassium permanganate solution injected at each injection point, and total amount of the potassium permanganate solution injected at the Site. 3. Visual inspection at each injection point shall be conducted and recorded during the injection. GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM A groundwater monitoring program shall be implemented to evaluate impacts associated with the injection activity. Groundwater samples shall be collected from monitoring wells ABI-1, MW-2R, MW-5, MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-10, MW-13, MW-14, MW-15, MW-16, MW-17, and MW-18 (Figure 1). The Discharger shall conduct a baseline sampling prior to the proposed injection, followed by specified schedules from all 13 monitoring wells for the following groundwater parameters: CONSTITUENT UNITS TYPE OF SAMPLE MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS mg/L grab Oxidation-Reduction Potential pH millivolts grab pH units grab Specific Conductivity mS/cm grab oc grab Turbidity NTU grab Total Organic Carbon mg/L grab Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Dissolved Oxygen Temperature T-2 Former Servisco Facility WDR Order No. R4-2007-0019 Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program No. Cl-9934 CONSTITUENT UNITS TYPE OF SAMPLE MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS Total Dissolved Solids Sulfate mg/L grab mg/L grab Chloride mg/L grab Boron mg/L grab Nitrate and Nitrite mg/L grab Permanganate mg/L grab Volatile Organic Compounds IJg/L grab Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection Baseline and quarterly after injection All groundwater monitoring reports must include, at minimum, the following : a. b. c. IV. Well identification, date and time of sampling; Sampler identification, and laboratory identification; Quarterly observation of groundwater levels, recorded to 0.01 feet mean sea level and groundwater flow direction. MONITORING FREQUENCIES Specifications in this monitoring program are subject to periodic revisions. Monitoring requirements may be modified or revised by the Executive Officer based on review of monitoring data submitted pursuant to this Order. Monitoring frequencies may be adjusted to a less frequent basis or parameters and locations dropped by the Executive Officer if the Discharger makes a request and the request is backed by statistical trends of monitoring data submitted. T-3 Former Servisco Facility WDR Order No. R4-2007-0019 Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program No. Cl-9934 V. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Each report shall contain the following completed declaration: "I certify under penalty of law that this document, including all attachments and supplemental information, was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete . I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Executed on the _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _a t - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Title)" VI. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS All records and reports submitted in compliance with Order No.R4-2007-0019 and Monitoring and Reporting Program No. Cl-9934 are public documents and will be made available for inspection during business hours at the office of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, upon request by interested parties. Only proprietary information, and only at the request of the Discharger will be treated as confidential. VII. ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL OF INFORMATION The Discharger shall comply with the Electronic Submittal of Information (ESI) requirements by submitting all reports required under the MRP, including groundwater monitoring data in Electronic Deliverable Format, discharge location data, and searchable Portable Document Format of monitoring reports to the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker database under GlobaiiD WDR100010988. Ordered by: ~ (_} ~ Samuel Unger, P. . Executive Officer Date: January 10, 2014 T-4 LEGEND ® Proposed Supplemental Injection Point SIP·1 (t MW·17 ~ Proposed Monitoring Wens Groundwater Monitoring Well ~~.;, and PCE Concentration in (~/L) Lines of Equal PCE Concentration Micrograms per Liter Not Sampled Not Detected American Buffalo Inc. Tetrachloroethane From 3rd Quarter 2013 Monitoring Event N 15 30 l eo Feet 1