Platinum topics
Platinum topics
Platinum Manual Platinum topics Table of Contents Platinum topics...................................................................................................................................................1 Introducing Platinum........................................................................................................................................2 Getting started....................................................................................................................................................3 Starting Platinum....................................................................................................................................3 The system area..................................................................................................................................................4 Entering text............................................................................................................................................4 Engineering panel...................................................................................................................................4 Transport icons........................................................................................................................................6 Setting System defaults...........................................................................................................................7 The Vault............................................................................................................................................................8 Logging into the Vault............................................................................................................................9 Logging out of the Vault.......................................................................................................................10 Projects in the Vault..............................................................................................................................11 The Vault area.......................................................................................................................................12 Scrolling the Vault area...........................................................................................................12 Bubble help..............................................................................................................................12 Detail shown for Vault items...................................................................................................12 Item order within the Vault......................................................................................................13 Searching for items in the Vault or Black Hole.......................................................................14 Renaming items in the Vault...................................................................................................18 Removing items from the Vault...............................................................................................19 Items in the bin........................................................................................................................20 The Black Hole.....................................................................................................................................21 Sounds...................................................................................................................................................21 Panels....................................................................................................................................................22 Adjusting panel switches.........................................................................................................22 Adjusting panel controls..........................................................................................................22 Popup logic for panels.............................................................................................................22 Filmcode and Timecode display sizes.....................................................................................23 Creating new items...............................................................................................................................25 Creating a new project.............................................................................................................25 Creating a new view................................................................................................................26 Updating the current view........................................................................................................27 Creating a new tube setting...................................................................................................................27 Reading tube settings...............................................................................................................27 Updating tube settings.............................................................................................................28 Ursa tube alignment.................................................................................................................28 Event lists..........................................................................................................................................................29 Creating a new list................................................................................................................................29 ADD......................................................................................................................................................29 Film sources.............................................................................................................................29 Tape sources............................................................................................................................29 Cloning a list display............................................................................................................................30 i Platinum topics Table of Contents Labels in events.....................................................................................................................................31 Mixes in events.....................................................................................................................................32 Number of events shown in a list..........................................................................................................33 Detail shown in an event list.................................................................................................................34 Images......................................................................................................................................35 Images and Groups..................................................................................................................36 Images and Groups and Labels................................................................................................37 Groups and Labels...................................................................................................................38 Using EDL's..........................................................................................................................................39 NOTE and READ.................................................................................................................................41 Using old ANDIX event files...............................................................................................................42 Platinum editing...............................................................................................................................................43 Common questions...............................................................................................................................43 Introduction to editing..........................................................................................................................43 Editing with one vtr..............................................................................................................................44 Editing with multiple vtrs.....................................................................................................................44 Open or closed edits..............................................................................................................................45 Insert vs Assemble................................................................................................................................46 Four point edits.....................................................................................................................................46 Taking edit points from the event list...................................................................................................46 Transport lock.......................................................................................................................................47 Editing setup.........................................................................................................................................48 Vtr settings............................................................................................................................................48 Vtr speed override....................................................................................................................48 Check Vtr sync.........................................................................................................................48 Naming a Vtr.........................................................................................................................................48 Vtr setup................................................................................................................................................49 Preroll.......................................................................................................................................49 Runup.......................................................................................................................................49 Edit offset.................................................................................................................................50 Jog rate.....................................................................................................................................50 Tc slip......................................................................................................................................51 Record slip...............................................................................................................................51 Telecine settings....................................................................................................................................51 Store field.................................................................................................................................51 Tk speed override.....................................................................................................................51 Check Tk sync.........................................................................................................................51 Preroll.......................................................................................................................................51 Runup.......................................................................................................................................52 Slip...........................................................................................................................................52 Telecine runup troubleshooting............................................................................................................52 Setup of telecine in 625.........................................................................................................................53 Setup of telecine in 525.........................................................................................................................53 Runup and Slip.........................................................................................................................54 B, C and D edits.......................................................................................................................54 Varispeed editing..................................................................................................................................55 Film to Tape..........................................................................................................................................56 ii Platinum topics Table of Contents Engineering setup for Film to Tape......................................................................................................56 Event timing for telecine..........................................................................................................56 Event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer...............................................................57 Event Timing for 24fps film to 30fps video............................................................................57 Tape To Tape Grading..........................................................................................................................59 Tape to Tape mode..................................................................................................................59 Source Vtr selection.................................................................................................................59 Engineering setup for Tape to Tape......................................................................................................59 Tape edit timing....................................................................................................................................60 Tape event timing.................................................................................................................................60 Room delay...........................................................................................................................................61 Pogle Platinum Data transfer................................................................................................................62 Data setup................................................................................................................................62 Data preview............................................................................................................................63 Data transfer.............................................................................................................................63 Data playback..........................................................................................................................63 Engineering setup for Data transfer......................................................................................................63 Control panels..................................................................................................................................................65 Transport panel.....................................................................................................................................65 Cue........................................................................................................................................................66 Trackerball control panel......................................................................................................................67 Macro storage and operation.................................................................................................................68 Storing a new macro................................................................................................................68 Deleting a macro......................................................................................................................68 Macro examples.......................................................................................................................68 Routine maintenance.............................................................................................................................69 Cleaning...................................................................................................................................69 Pandora DCP with ESR..................................................................................................................................70 Telecine Primary control.......................................................................................................................71 Telecine Six Vector Secondary (for MKIII and URSA).........................................................71 DCP 1....................................................................................................................................................72 DCP 1 Primary control............................................................................................................72 Copying DCP 1 primary from another event...........................................................................72 Reading DCP 1 primary from a note.......................................................................................72 DCP 1 Soft Clip.......................................................................................................................72 DCP 1 Six Vector Secondary...................................................................................................72 DCP 1 Black & White Desaturation........................................................................................73 DCP 1 Master Hue/ Master Saturation/ Master Luminance....................................................73 Copying all DCP 1 channels from another event....................................................................73 Reading all DCP 1 channels from a note.................................................................................73 DCP 2 ESR...........................................................................................................................................74 Six Channel colour and area isolation Processor for Primary & Secondary .........................74 DCP 2 Primary control............................................................................................................74 Resetting the changes made inside a channel..........................................................................74 Channel isolation.....................................................................................................................74 DCP 2 channel priorities .........................................................................................................75 iii Platinum topics Table of Contents Regions ...................................................................................................................................75 Regions ...................................................................................................................................76 Copying all DCP 2 channels from another event....................................................................76 Reading all DCP 2 channels from a note.................................................................................77 Copying a DCP 2 channel from another event........................................................................77 Reading a DCP 2 channel from a note.....................................................................................77 Swapping a DCP 2 channel.....................................................................................................77 Copying a DCP 2 channel........................................................................................................77 Trackerball control panel for DCP........................................................................................................79 Setup of DCP with ESR........................................................................................................................80 Copy + Swap DCP channels..................................................................................................................80 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef.............................................................................................................................81 Mega1...................................................................................................................................................82 Mega1 Six Vector Secondary..................................................................................................82 Mega1 Black & White Desaturation........................................................................................83 Mega1 Master Hue/ Master Saturation / Master Luminance...................................................83 Mega1 Wash............................................................................................................................84 Mega1 Copy and Read..........................................................................................................................84 Copying all Mega1 channels from another event....................................................................84 Reading all Mega1 channels from a note.................................................................................84 How to make a monochrome picture and bring back colours ................................................84 Mega2...................................................................................................................................................85 Colour and area isolation Processor for Primary & Secondary ..............................................85 Mega2 Primary control............................................................................................................85 Resetting the changes made inside a channel..........................................................................85 Channel isolation.....................................................................................................................86 Mega2 channel priorities ........................................................................................................86 Copying all Mega2 channels from another event....................................................................86 Reading all Mega2 channels from a note.................................................................................86 Copying a Mega2 channel from another event........................................................................87 Reading a Mega2 channel from a note....................................................................................87 Swapping a Mega2 channel.....................................................................................................87 Copying a Mega2 channel.......................................................................................................87 MegaShapes..........................................................................................................................................88 Viewer......................................................................................................................................88 MegaShapes Panel...................................................................................................................90 Using MegaShapes to create vignettes....................................................................................91 Setting up and testing MegaShapes.........................................................................................93 Hints and Tips..........................................................................................................................94 MegaGamma.........................................................................................................................................96 MegaGamma Operation...........................................................................................................97 MegaGamma file format..........................................................................................................97 FilmCache.......................................................................................................................................................101 FilmCache operation...........................................................................................................................101 Storing images.......................................................................................................................101 Recalling images....................................................................................................................102 iv Platinum topics Table of Contents Noise reducers................................................................................................................................................103 DVNR noise reducer...........................................................................................................................103 CSR.....................................................................................................................................................104 DIS, HZOM, VZOM...........................................................................................................................104 CDK....................................................................................................................................................105 ASC II.................................................................................................................................................105 DVNR setup........................................................................................................................................105 VS4 Video Sweetener.........................................................................................................................106 VS4 setup............................................................................................................................................107 Autoshot configuration and operation.........................................................................................................108 VS4 Autoshot cable............................................................................................................................108 Autoshot timing..................................................................................................................................108 Strobe..............................................................................................................................................................110 Spirit connections...........................................................................................................................................111 CReality..........................................................................................................................................................112 CReality masking................................................................................................................................112 Ursa.................................................................................................................................................................113 URSA manual shading........................................................................................................................113 Sleepy Screen Saver.......................................................................................................................................114 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements...........................................................................................................115 POGLE Platinum ...............................................................................................................................115 SGI system check for Platinum...........................................................................................................116 What monitor is required?..................................................................................................................117 How large a hard disk is needed?.......................................................................................................117 Connecting a Zip or Jaz drive.............................................................................................................118 FilmCache wiring for DCP.................................................................................................................120 FilmCache wiring for Pixi..................................................................................................................120 Software updates..................................................................................................................................121 Formatting a system disk − Indy IRIX 6.2.........................................................................................122 Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.3..............................................................................................123 Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.6............................................................................................124 Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.8............................................................................................126 Updating 6.5.x to 6.5.8 ......................................................................................................................128 Platinum installation on a new SGI....................................................................................................130 Installation on an Indy running Irix 6.2..............................................................................................131 Installation on an O2 or Indy running Irix 6.3 or 6.5.X......................................................................132 Setting up a network...........................................................................................................................133 Enabling networking on the SGI...........................................................................................133 Setup a user account..............................................................................................................134 Running FTP on a PC............................................................................................................134 Platinum directory structure................................................................................................................135 v Platinum topics Table of Contents Babel...................................................................................................................................................136 The Drifter..........................................................................................................................................137 A Drifter link.........................................................................................................................137 Printing...................................................................................................................................137 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................................139 Control panel test................................................................................................................................141 Control panel tests..............................................................................................................................141 Control panel reset..............................................................................................................................145 Pogle workstation reset modification..................................................................................................146 Pogle Debug messages........................................................................................................................147 Telecine debug.......................................................................................................................147 VTR debug.............................................................................................................................148 Serial port debug....................................................................................................................148 Other debug............................................................................................................................149 Connecting A Terminal To The Pogle................................................................................................149 Platinum release notes...................................................................................................................................151 Platinum software v331......................................................................................................................151 New topics.............................................................................................................................151 Checkout previous release notes............................................................................................151 Platinum release notes...................................................................................................................................152 Platinum software v263......................................................................................................................152 New topics.............................................................................................................................152 Checkout previous release notes............................................................................................152 Platinum software v230......................................................................................................................153 New topics.............................................................................................................................153 Checkout previous release notes............................................................................................153 Platinum software v173......................................................................................................................154 New or enhanced features......................................................................................................154 New topics.............................................................................................................................154 Previous Release notes...........................................................................................................154 Platinum software v140......................................................................................................................155 New or enhanced features......................................................................................................155 New topics.............................................................................................................................155 Previous Release notes...........................................................................................................155 Platinum software v123......................................................................................................................156 New or enhanced features......................................................................................................156 New topics.............................................................................................................................156 Release notes!........................................................................................................................156 Platinum software v118......................................................................................................................157 New or enhanced features......................................................................................................157 Important changes..................................................................................................................157 vi Platinum topics • Introducing Platinum • Getting started • The system area • The Vault • Event lists • Notes • Autoshot operation • Strobing a colour correction into the list • EDL importing • ANDIX file importing • Sleepy screen saver • Film to Tape • Film to Data • Tape to Tape • Editing • Display panels • Control panels • Setting panel defaults • Pixi + MegaDef operation • DCP + ESR operation • FilmCache • Noise reducer • Spirit connections • CReality • Ursa • SGI configuration • Troubleshooting Latest Platinum release notes These pages can be accessed from within the Platinum Drifter or from the Pandora web site. Platinum topics 1 Introducing Platinum Platinum allows much more power and flexibility than previous Pogle systems. How is this possible? The SGI system is used to give new features, whilst the Pogle hardware ensures that all operations happen quickly. The Vault is the key to this power, because it allows : • • • • • • • • • • Networking of all Platinum systems. Unlimited users. Vast numbers of projects. Huge quantity of lists. Infinite amount of notes. Unlimited flexibility with panels. Views allow multiple screen layouts. Storage of key−stroke macros. Telecine alignment facilities Control over software versions. If familiar with previous Pogle systems, then it is quick to pickup as the panel operation is basically unchanged. This ensures that all this power can be harnessed quickly. Introducing Platinum 2 Getting started • Run Platinum • Login to the Vault • Choose Film to Tape or Tape to Tape operation • Select an existing project or make a new one • Build colour corrections into event lists and notes • Record the material using editing or data transfer • Logout Starting Platinum Normally Platinum will always be running and a new user can just log in. Whenever Platinum is running, the system area will be at the bottom of the screen. To start Platinum, open the Pandora entry and select Pogle Platinum from the popup menu. Babel can also be run from this menu. Getting started 3 The system area Whenever Platinum is running the system area will be visible at the bottom of the screen. The system area contains valuable information. Current software version Text and numeric areas Engineering Current room output standard System status Current user and project Current transports Entering text The text area is at the bottom of the Platinum screen in the system area. Type the required text into the system text area using the Platinum QWERTY keypad. The SGI keyboard cannot be used to type into the system area. It is used only for enginerring purposes. Engineering panel All setups are accessed by clicking on the The system area icon in the system area 4 The system area Select the required setup panel. Select the Spider to enter the engineering debug panel. Select QUIT to exit Platinum. The system area 5 The system area Transport icons Film transport Fast Play Inch Stop Inch Unlocked Play Fast Inch Stop Inch Unlocked Play Record Fast Inch Stop Inch Unlocked Play Record Fast No film Tape transports Fast Play No tape Disk transports Fast Play Transport icons 6 The system area Setting System defaults System defaults are used at various times • To make a live event when a new active list is created • To make a live event when the current active list is emptied (DELETE ALL ENTER) • To reset a control to it's default The same defaults are used for all users. Click on Defaults setup in the Engineering panel. This opens the defaults panel. Clicking on one of the top row of buttons recalls the suggested factory setting. This is not automatically stored. Click on the button below to store the default. Example: Setting DCP events to suggested defaults. Click on Recall factory defaults for secondary. Click on Save new defaults for secondary. Example: To set the default varispeed to 20fps. Type 20 and click on the speed in the Transport panel. Ensure all other UTILITY values are sensible. Click on Save new defaults for utility. Setting System defaults 7 The Vault • Bubble help in the Vault • Logging into the Vault • Logging out of the Vault • Creating new items • Creating a new project • Projects in the Vault • Searching for items • Renaming items • Making space • Removing items • Showing the size of items in the Vault • Item order within the Vault • Detail shown for Vault items • Scrolling items • Updating the current view • Creating a new view • The Rubbish bin • The Black Hole To find the Vault, press the MENU key on the control panel. The MENU key is also used for searching. The Vault 8 The Vault Logging into the Vault Click on a user to login. The Vault will automatically switch to showing that user's projects. If the user has not run the current version of software before, then the Drifter is automatically launched to show the new release notes. If your name is not in the Vault, then make a new user. The current user name is always shown at the bottom of the screen in the system area. If the Vault is not visible, press the MENU key. Logging into the Vault 9 The Vault Logging out of the Vault Press and hold on a user until the menu appears, then select Log out. This will close all the current panels. The screen saver will appear after 30 seconds. Logging out of the Vault 10 The Vault Projects in the Vault Click on an existing project to continue using it. A project is a folder that can hold any number of related lists and notes. The current project name is shown at the bottom of the screen in the system area. When a project is chosen the Vault automatically changes to show lists within that project. Creating a new project Projects in the Vault 11 The Vault The Vault area Scrolling the Vault area If all items are not shown, then the scroll bars can be used. Here the first three items are shown. Here the last three items are shown. Bubble help Bubble help is available in the Vault. Help is shown when the button at the top of the Vault is Click on the . to turn help off. Detail shown for Vault items At the bottom of the Vault there is an button which changes the detail shown for each Vault item. Click to select the two choices. • A condensed view of items showing a picture and the item name. • An expanded view showing more information. The Vault area 12 The Vault Here each user is shown. The size and the creation date is shown. When viewing Users or Projects, this is useful to see who or what is using up all the hard disk space. With Lists the number of events is also shown. If all items are not visible, then the scroll bars can be used or the Vault viewing area can be expanded. Item order within the Vault There are two choices for the display of items in the Vault. • The newest or most recent items are shown to the right of the Vault. • Items are shown in alphabetical order, top to bottom, left to right. When sorting by time the time of the last change is used, not the creation time. So when lists or notes are added to a Project, the Project will then appear as the newest or most recent item. This makes it easier to find items in the Vault. Item order within the Vault 13 The Vault Searching for items in the Vault or Black Hole Within a Vault view there may be a large number of items. To search for an item • Enter part of the item name into the system text area. ♦ Drag the text to the , it will change to , then drop it. ♦ OR Click on the . ♦ OR Hit the MENU key. The Vault will show then just the items containing that text. The case of the text is ignored. Searching for items in the Vault or Black Hole 14 The Vault Show search for items matching the letter 'l'. Searching for items in the Vault or Black Hole 15 The Vault Show search for items matching the letter 'le'. Searching for items in the Vault or Black Hole 16 The Vault Show search for items matching the letter 'lem'. Hit CLEAR to remove the text, then search again to show all the items. Text or numbers can be entered before hitting the READ key to read a particular note. Searching for items in the Vault or Black Hole 17 The Vault Renaming items in the Vault Type the new name into the system area. Drag the text from the system area and drop it onto the item in the Vault. The item now has the new name. Renaming items in the Vault 18 The Vault Removing items from the Vault. Make sure that items have been backed up before removing them. Press and hold on the item that is no longer needed. Here a project is being removed. A menu will appear, choose Remove Project. Alternatively drag and drop the item to the bin . The rubbish bin is not the same as the SGI dumpster. If items have been deleted using the SGI desktop, then the Desktop > Empty Dumpster menu must be used to regain space. Removing items from the Vault. 19 The Vault This project has now gone and will now be in the bin. Repeat this for other unwanted projects. If a project is removed by mistake, click on the bin to show deleted items. Items in the bin • These items are now in the bin. It will flash . To recover an item simply click on it. It will automatically be returned to its original place in the Vault. • The bin must be emptied if more space is needed. • The bin is automatically emptied on logout. • To empty the bin, click and hold on the rubbish bin. Then select Empty rubbish bin from the popup menu. The bin will now be empty and more space will be available in the Vault for other items. • Normally the old items would be copied to a Jaz or Zip disk before removing them. The rubbish bin is not the same as the SGI dumpster. If items have been deleted using the SGI desktop, then the Desktop > Empty Dumpster menu must be used to regain space. Items in the bin 20 The Vault The Black Hole The Black Hole Browser is launched by clicking on the in the Vault. The Vault contains only the items relating to the current system, user and project. The Black Hole contains all items. This Platinum Other Platinum's Floppy Zip Jaz Virtual area Items cannot be created by the Black Hole, only by the Vault. Any item in the Black Hole can be dragged to the Vault, this makes a copy in the current user area. Items can be copied into the current user area in the Black Hole, but not into other user areas. Sounds There are sounds for key confirmation and also to signal operator errors. The Vault uses sounds to tell the operator when operations succeed or fail. All these sounds are now generated by the SGI. The stereo signal from the SGI needs to run out to the operators console, to a pair of small powered speakers. On the O2 analog video card there are two phono sockets for audio. On the O2 digital video card there is a mini stereo jack socket for audio. On the Indy this comes from a mini stereo jack socket. The old mono sounds from the Pogle console are no longer operational. The Black Hole 21 The Vault Panels • Panels contain status information, switches and controls. • System Panels come with each software release and can be found in the Vault. • User Panels can created to customise the Platinum. • Panel positions can be stored in a View • Some Panels popup automatically There are two main type of panels. • Setup panels cannot be minimised. These panels are opened by clicking on the appropriate icon in the Routing display. They can be kept open during setup, then they are closed. Pressing the button will permanently save the contents of the panel. • Status panels are used during a session. They can be minimised by pressing the button on the top right. When minimised a small icon appears at the top of the screen, with the panels name. Click on the icon to see the panel again. There is also a reset button in the top right corner. This trims the controls in the panel back to their default. Adjusting panel switches • Click with the left or right trackball button to step through switch positions. • Click with the middle trackball button to step back through switch positions. • Press and hold on a switch to bring up a popup menu. Then any switch position can be accessed. Adjusting panel controls Controls can be adjusted in various ways. • Type in a number and click on the control. • If the control range is small, then click with left or right button to increment the value. • If the control range is small, then click with middle button to decrement the value. • If the control range is large, then clicking will grab the control to the Blue display. The Blue display allows six different controls to be available on selection 4. If a control has a normal physical control on the control panel, then this will not operate when the control is grabbed to the Blue display. Press selection key 4 next to the Blue display to allow adjustments, or regrab different controls to the Blue display. Popup logic for panels. The popup behaviour of certain panels can be modified by the user. This is to allow user panels to be used instead of the system panels. This will allow the popup of the system Mega1 and Mega2 or DCP1 and DCP2 panels from the 1 and 2 keys. Also the Transport and Vtr panels from the transport keys. To override a system panel create a user panel with the same name and it will popup in preference to the system panel Panels 22 The Vault To make a copy of a system panel, drag the required panel from the Black Hole back into the Vault. A user panel will be created with the same name. The panel control icon in the top left of each panel changes the panel popup logic. Press on this icon and a four item panel control menu will appear. The first option will raise a panel above all others and is for future use. The second option, will popup certain panels automatically. The third option, a cross, will not popup the panel automatically. The panel is manually positioned and closed. The fourth option, CLOSE, will remove the panel from the screen. So to make the Transport window appear when the TK key is pressed, select the control menu. option in the panel Similarly to make the Vtr window appear when one of the VT keys is pressed, select the panel control menu. option in the The popup information is stored in each panel view. Filmcode and Timecode display sizes The size of the source code in the event list and the transport panels is fixed. However in a user panel it is possible to display filmcode or timecode values in a choice of three sizes. Regular is the default size. Medium allows the user to forget their glasses! Filmcode and Timecode display sizes 23 The Vault Huge allows the user to lie on the couch and monitor the transfer! These two system panels are in the Vault and they can be added to a view. Filmcode and Timecode display sizes 24 The Vault Creating new items Change the current type using the Use the to see the button. Enter a name into the system text area and click on buttons. at the bottom of the Vault. This will create a new item of the current type. Alternatively the item can be named later. Creating a new user When a new user is created, it takes all the user setups, macros, panels and views from the current user. This makes it easy to get started using someone elses configuration. Before creating a new user, login to the desired user first. Creating a new project Creating a new list Creating a new note Hit Creating a new panel and a new panel will appear, also the panel editor will be launched. Creating a new view Creating a new tube setting Creating a new project A project is a folder that can hold any number of related lists and notes. When a new project is made, the Vault switches to show lists and a new list is automatically opened ready for use. The project name is shown at the bottom of the screen in the system area. Select projects in the Vault. Enter a name into the system text area and click on . Alternatively the item can be named later. Creating new items 25 The Vault Creating a new view. The view holds the position and popup logic of all the panels. The position and size of the Vault and the Black Hole is also saved. • Select views in the Vault. • Make sure that all panels are positioned correctly. • Enter a name into the system text area and click on Creating a new view. . 26 The Vault • Alternatively the item can be named later. The panel positions can be changed and the view updated. Updating the current view. The view holds the position and popup logic of all the main panels. The position and size of the Vault and the Black Hole is also saved. • Select views in the Vault. • Make sure that all panels are positioned correctly. • The current view will be hilited, press and hold on it. • A menu will appear, choose the Save over view option. Creating a new tube setting • Change the Vault current type to • Enter a name into the system text area • Click on • A new tube setting will appear in the Vault. Reading tube settings • Click on the tube Updating the current view. in the Vault or Black Hole. 27 The Vault • The tube values will be read • The Tube alignment panel will open • Adjust as required Updating tube settings • Select Save over these settings from the popup menu • The current tube settings will be stored Tube setting are only used for Ursa and CReality machines. Ursa tube alignment • Open the Tube panel in the Vault or click on required tube setting • Scan effects will automatically be turned off. • The picture will jump to the last setting in the Tube panel. • Adjust the controls as required. • Flip switch 1 on the Ursa 114 board to permanently store alignment. • Create a new tube setting or update an existing one • Click to finish tube alignment. • Current scan effects will be turned back on. Updating tube settings 28 Event lists • Creating a new list • Add new events • Labels in events • Mixes in events • Cloning lists • Changing list height • Changing list detail ♦ Images ♦ Images+Groups ♦ Images+Groups+Labels ♦ Groups+Labels • Converting old ANDIX lists Creating a new list Select lists in the Vault. Enter a name into the system text area and click on . Alternatively the item can be named later. If this is the first list to be opened, then it will be the active list. The list will follow the code of the source material. If there is already an active list, then it will be opened as a reference list. Up to four reference lists can be on the desktop at any time. An event list can also be created from an edl. ADD Film sources. Add marks the last frame of the scene. Tape sources. Add marks the last field of the scene. With edited material the scenes will normally be cut with a F1 dominance. So the Platinum event will mark F2 as the last field of the scene. With cut 24fps film on 30fps tape, there will be a 2:3 sequence and the events will end on different fields. To help mark events correctly there is an Add Tape Event selection in the User controls. There are four choices. Event lists 29 Event lists • Force F2. This is the normal setting for tape operation with edited material. • Force F1. This would only be used with F2 dominant edits, so probably never! • Match 2:3. This will try and match the original film frame boundaries. • Match Timecode. This will use the exact field position of the source. Cloning a list display. at the top of the list display which clones a list. There is a new button A new display for the list will be shown. This is a display of the same list, so changes made will be shown in both displays. The clone display can be independently scrolled. Here the active list is parked at event 45. The clone list has been scrolled back to event 36. The data for any event in the main list or the clone list can be recalled simply by clicking on the image. Cloning a list display. 30 Event lists Labels in events Here in a tape to tape list, two events have been labeled. Type in text and hit ENTER to add a label to an event. To find a specific event, type in part of the label and hit UP or DOWN. Text an would match both events 10 and 11. Text can would only match event 10. Labels in events 31 Event lists Mixes in events A normal event or cut. Click with left or right button to turn mix on and off. A profiled mix. Profiles are the default for scans. Click on the start to change to linear. A linear mix lasting for two events. To move the end click with the middle button. No cut or mix. Mixes in events 32 Event lists Number of events shown in a list The number of events shown in the list display can be altered. Drag the bottom edge of the display up and down, to show between one and eight events. Number of events shown in a list 33 Event lists Detail shown in an event list. There are three parts to the list display. Each has a button to turn that part of the display on and off. • Display of images is controlled by this button. If images are not currently being grabbed, maybe during a data transfer, then they can be turned off. • Display of groups is controlled by this button. This area shows mix information for each group primary, scans, secondary, noise and utility • Display of label information is controlled by this button. The event number is shown, along with the last frame code in that scene. Here are some common combinations. Images Images+Groups Detail shown in an event list. Images+Groups+Labels 34 Event lists Images Images 35 Event lists Images and Groups Images and Groups 36 Event lists Images and Groups and Labels Images and Groups and Labels 37 Event lists Groups and Labels Groups and Labels 38 Event lists Using EDL's Make sure that a project has been selected in the Vault. This project is where the converted EDL's will appear as event lists. • Find the edl in the Black Hole. • To make an event list for the record reel click on the • To make an event list for each source reel press and hold on the and choose Convert EDL Source List from the popup menu. • The edl will be converted. If the edl is on a remote machine, transfer it to the /pogle/virtual directory on the Platinum system. Then select the virtual folder in the Black Hole. Files should be CMX style text edit lists with a file extension of edl. Sony 9000 edls containing binary data cannot be loaded. Ask the your friendly editor to save the files in CMX ASCII format. Using EDL's 39 Event lists This is a list made from the edl record times. This file will have the same name as the original edl file on disk. To colour correct finished cut material, either on film or tape, use this list. This is a list made from the edl source times. An event list will be made for every source reel. To colour correct original, uncut, overlength material, again from either film or tape, use the source list. Click on the required list in the Vault and a list display will appear with a normal event for each scene. Mixes will have been automatically entered for each dissolve. This list is ready to take colour corrections. Using EDL's 40 Event lists NOTE and READ • Notes are used to store reference colour corrections, sizes and looks. • They can be made at any time, even in the middle of another operation. • A note is like a single event list. • Notes store all event data, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, NOISE etc • A reference picture is grabbed. FilmCache can also grab a full resolution picture. • An unlimited number of notes can be stored in each project in the Vault under • By default notes have the name Note, alternatively the note can be named later. Creating a new note • If required, enter a name into the system text area then either ♦ Change the Vault current type to and click on • or ♦ Hit the NOTE key • A note will appear in the Vault. Updating a note • Enter a name into the system text area • Hit Qwerty Shift + NOTE • The newest note that matches will be updated. • Or choose Write over note from the notes menu Reading notes • Click on the note in the Vault or Black Hole. • Hit READ without a title to read the last note read. • Notes can be recalled by title. Type in the part of the title and hit READ. A search will be performed and all matching notes will be displayed in the Vault. The newest matching note will be read. If the title is entirely numeric then either the numeric or QWERTY keypads can be used. • Hit READ again to step back through matching notes. • To see all the notes in the project again, hit the MENU key or NOTE and READ 41 Event lists Using old ANDIX event files Make sure that a project has been selected in the Vault. This project is where the converted files will appear as event lists. • Find the ANDIX file in the Black Hole. • Click on the • An event list will appear in the Vault Files should be ANDIX event lists saved on floppy. Using old ANDIX event files 42 Platinum editing Introduction to editing Editing with one vtr Editing with multiple vtrs Open or closed edits Taking edit points from the event list Transport lock Editing setup Common questions Why does Pogle goes into TRIM and set the telecine to varispeed when performing? This is because both the telecine and the vtr have out points. See varispeed editing. Why is the Spirit edit runup changing by a large amount? It will be inconsistent with 50mm film cores. Use 75mm cores. Why does an edit fail with the message TK early or TK late? The telecine is probably early or late relative to the edit IN point. Check telecine configuration. Introduction to editing Pogle Platinum is equipped with a powerful edit controller. This interface can drive the Telecine and up to four VTRs. Any VTR can be selected to be a Recorder or a Player (such as an audio deck) Multiple transports can be controlled by the Platinum editor. • The main source transport can be a film or tape. It is set to be a Player. • Other video or audio sources are also set to be Players. • Destinations are set as Recorders. They can be any mix of Insert and Assemble. • Other transports are Wild, they do not take part in the edit. All the transport functions of all the decks are located on the Transport Control Panel Platinum editing 43 Platinum editing The buttons marked TK and VTR 1−4 control the Telecine and the deck connected to the VTR port. Icons at the bottom right of the Platinum system bar, provide rapid visual feedback of the status of each transport. The Buttons below TK and VTR control the relevant deck. The functions are play fwd/rev, fast fwd/rev, inch fwd/rev and stop. The wheel to the left of the buttons gives jog and shuttle control of the decks (where supported). Additional functions are available. Numeric entry (of timecodes etc) is available on the numeric keypad, and finally, the buttons to the right of the numbers allow edits to be set up. Editing with one vtr Editing with one vtr Transports can be toggled between Wild, Player and Recorder • Button in Transport and Vtr panels. (Wild / Player / Recorder) • Buttons in the Edit panel. • Hold down the Transport panel Alt key and press the required TK or VTR 1−4 keys. Currently it is not possible to set the telecine to be a Recorder!! In its most simple form, an edit would involve a telecine and one vtr. Let us assume that the tape in the VTR on port 1 has been striped with bars from timecode 00 58 00 00 to just past the 1 hour point. What we want to do is to start an assemble edit on the first frame of film at 1 hour on the tape. First, set up the telecine. This needs to be a Player and needs to have an in point on the first frame of film. If you press the TK transport button, the Transport panel will pop up on the Platinum screen. There is a button labeled Wild. Click and change to Player. This has told the telecine to take part in the edit as a player (or source). Now set the telecine in point. Play the telecine and park it on the first frame of picture. Now press the button marked IN. This will take the current film position and set it as the in point. Next, set up the recorder. Press the VTR1 button. In the Vtr panel, click on the grey Wild twice. This will step from Wild to Player and then to Recorder. Now set the vtr in point to one hour. On the numeric keypad type 1 00 00 00 then press the IN button. Finally, we will need to tell the vtr to do an assemble edit. In the VTR transport panel on the Platinum screen, click on the Insert button to change to Assemble. Now press the PERFORM button, and the telecine and vtr will preroll, wait a second or so, then roll up and drop into record. The edit will continue until you press the stop button (or the tape runs out!). Editing with multiple vtrs Editing with multiple vtrs Similarly, to make two tapes of the same film, simply attach another VTR to port 2, make it a recorder, give it an In point and press Perform. Editing with one vtr 44 Platinum editing So far we have spoken about the transport windows that pop up when you select each transport. These are fine for normal work. In addition to these windows, there is a window on the Platinum system called Edit with switches for more advanced editing features. There is a grey letter S in the Edit window. This stands for Slave, and is an extremely useful function. Imagine the edit mentioned above with a film roll and two VTRs involved. If the film roll gets to the end with no problems, then all well and good. If, however, you come across a problem, and have to stop the transfer, you have two options. 1: Restart the edit from the start of the film roll or 2: manually find a sync point on the telecine and both VTRs and mark new In Points. The Slave S allows you to set up a fixed relationship between the film position and the VTRs timecode at the start of a film roll. Now if you need to stop during a transfer to fix something, in order to carry on, find a suitable In Point (camera flash etc) on ANY of the decks, then press ALL followed by IN. Now the Pogle will work out the different counter and timecode numbers for all the decks, based on their relationship at the start of the roll, and calculate the correct In Point for all the Slaved transports. How does it work? At the start of the film roll when you set up the initial edit, turn on the S on each transport that is taking part in the edit. Once you have selected the correct In Points, press the TRANSPORT button followed by ENTER This establishes a fixed relationship between all the transports that Pogle will then use to do all the maths for you. More about transport lock. So far we have mentioned typing in timecodes for vtr In Points and parking the Telecine on the correct film frame. Either method will work for either type of transport. What happens is if the Pogle sees some numbers in the numeric entry area, it will assume that this is a timecode and try to use this for the In Point. If there are no numbers, then Pogle will take the decks current position as the In. Open or closed edits Open or closed edits Up to now, all the edits we have looked at have been open−ended edits and the edit will continue until you hit the stop button. Often this is exactly how you would want the system to behave. It is equally possible that you want to re−record one shot into a completed transfer. This is where you would use a three point edit where there is an In point for both recorder and player, and an Out point for one of the transports ( assuming only one recorder at the moment) Any three points will give the Pogle sufficient data to work out the edit. Open or closed edits 45 Platinum editing Insert vs Assemble With an insert edit, video and/or audio is recorded onto a tape that already has been striped. Striping a tape involves feeding a black video signal to a recorder and recording the entire length of the tape in real time. This adds the various control tracks and timecode. Assemble, on the other hand writes all data (video, audio, control tracks and timecode). This has the advantage that only the first few minutes of tape need to be striped. If you try to assemble edit in the middle of an existing transfer however, the in point will be fine, but the out point will have a section of tape where there is no control track or timecode data. You will have a hole in the tape! As a safety feature, the Pogle will not perform closed edits when it is set to Assemble. Four point edits This is a quite rare thing to do. What happens is that the TK has in and out points AND the VTR has in and out points. In order to make sense of this, the telecine SPEED has to be changed to squeeze or stretch the duration of the film shot into the duration of the tape shot. For more infomation see varispeed editing. Taking edit points from the event list Taking edit points from the event list Going through the film and graded the colours, you will have added marks to a list. These marks are at the end of shots, which happens to be at the places where you usually want to edit. Because the Pogle editor is truly integrated, these points can easily be used to generate edit points. If you look on the transport panel, you will find buttons marked UP, COPY and DOWN. Normally these scroll up and down event lists to use grading data between different events. However, if you use them followed by IN or OUT, Pogle will assume you want to take counter information from the list. Press UP followed by IN, Pogle will scroll up the list to the event immediately before where the TK is parked then add one frame to that events end point and put this new number in as the edit in point. (the point of adding one frame is that the Pogle event boundaries are the LAST frame of the shot, but edit points need to on the FIRST frame). Likewise, if you have slaved the transports together, UP, ALL, IN will do the same thing for the Telecine, AND the VTR, based on the timecode relationship when you did a transport lock. Use COPY then OUT and one frame is added to the end of the current event and set as the out point. So our keystrokes are: UP, ALL, IN, COPY, ALL, OUT, PERFORM This key sequence is a fine candidate for a macro Note that DOWN followed by OUT will scroll the list down one event from the current event, add one frame to the end mark and set that as the edit out point. So this will actually record TWO shots to tape. Return to main editing page Insert vs Assemble 46 Platinum editing Transport lock When an edit is started the positions of all slaved transports are checked against the transport lock. If there is a mismatch between the film position and the main recorder position, an error panel will appear. If this is the start of a new film project, then select New sequence. This is the same as using the TRANSPORT button. If this is a new reel for the same film and the sequence should be maintained then select Old sequence. There is also a option in the edit setup panel. If this is On then any Vtr In points will be trimmed back to match the existing film sequence on tape. If a Vtr In is entered from the numeric keypad, then this will not be trimmed. Transport lock 47 Platinum editing Editing setup These notes are designed to help POGLE operators and engineers understand the parameters involved when editing. An understanding of what each parameter actually does will hopefully help the user to correctly diagnose which one to change, should there be an editing problem. • Vtr settings • Naming a Vtr • Setup of a new Vtr • Telecine preroll, runup and slip • Telecine store, speed override, check sync • Telecine configuration • Setup of telecine in 625 • Setup of telecine in 525 • Varispeed editing • Tape to Tape editing • Room delay Vtr settings • Preroll • Runup • Edit offset • Jog rate • Tc slip • Record slip Vtr speed override • Bump, this is the normal setting. • Off, this is used when setting the vtr Runup. Check Vtr sync • Accurate, this is the normal setting. If the vtr is not in sync, error message will appear and Pogle will stop the edit. • Rough, used for setup purposes only. If the vtr is not in sync, same error message will appear, but the edit will continue. Naming a Vtr • Open the Edit setup panel. • Type in the new name • Click on the old name in the edit setup panel • Close the setup panel to save the change When a new vtr is connected it may be displayed as NEW VTR. When this happens name it and follow the vtr setup instructions. Editing setup 48 Platinum editing Vtr setup To setup the vtr editing parameters, a short section of tape prestriped with black will be required. Make sure that the vtr is set locally to a 2 field CF lock. Route test bars into the machine. First the Runup of the vtr needs to be setup. • Set Preroll to 5 seconds. • Set an In point (example 1:00:00:10), at least 5 seconds into the striped tape. • Set the vtr to be a Recorder. • Turn Vtr speed override to Off. • Press Preview ♦ If a message appears reporting that the vtr is late, then the Runup must be increased by this number of frames. ♦ If a message appears reporting that the vtr is early, then the Runup must be decreased by this number of frames. • Turn Vtr speed override to On. • Press Preview ♦ The vtr should preview without error. If there are problems then see Preroll and Runup and make sure that the machine is in 2 field lock. Now the Edit offset of the vtr needs to be setup. • Press Perform. • Check the In point to find the cut between black and bars ♦ If the cut is late, then increase the Edit offset. ◊ Example, cut at frame 12, increase the Edit offset by 4 fields. ♦ If the Cut is early, then decrease the Edit offset. ◊ Example cut at frame 9, decrease the Edit offset by 2 fields. Preroll The vtr preroll is the time in seconds allowed for the vtr to run up to speed and stabilize to perform an edit. This value should normally be set to 5 seconds. The main reason to reduce this would be for an audio machine, such as a NAGRA or DAT, if there was limited timecode before the In point. Each vtr can have a different preroll. If the Pogle has problems syncing the vtr, then usually this is probably due to incorrect local colour framing selection or holes / disruptions in the timecode on the tape. The timecode must be continuous for the entire preroll duration. If there is a timecode problem (more common with audio tapes), then either shorten the preroll, or switch to tape timer (not frame accurate). Runup The runup of a vtr is the number of frames that the vtr takes to get up to speed compared with a theoretical instant start. The Runup value allows the Pogle to park the vtr nearer to the In point to compensate for this startup delay. Vtr setup 49 Platinum editing Then the Vtr speed override moves the machine exactly into sync if needed. Video disks will have small consistent runup values like 2. Newer machines like Betacam and D2 will have consistent runup values. If the runup is set exactly then no speed override is needed. Older machines like one inch or D1 or audio will have variable runup values. 1−3 frames early or late is normal. The Vtr speed override will varispeed the machine during preroll to ensure an exact sync. Set the vtr locally to a 2 field CF lock, otherwise it may fight with the Pogle lock. Edit offset The edit offset is a field value that compensates for the delays between the POGLE issuing the 'Record' command and the vtr actually recording. This means that even if the tape is at the correct position at the IN point the vtr may go into record slightly earlier or later than required. Consequently if the edit offset is zero, then the edit will be lots of fields late. Increasing the number will make the edit happen earlier. If the required In frame is 10 and the edit happens at frame 11, then the edit offset needs to be increased by 2 fields. If the required In frame is 10 and the edit happens at frame 9, then the edit offset needs to be decreased by 2 fields. Jog rate This parameter sets the rate at which a machine moves when inching. Normally this should be set to a value of 24 except if, when jogging, it is not possible to move in increments of 1 field (if the vtr is set locally to use VITC or ASTC). This is quite common on D1 and some D2 machines. If this happens then decrease the value of Jog rate to 20 or 18. Use the largest value that works correctly, as if the parameter is set too small the machine will only move very very slowly. If the timecode is not being read smoothly for the machine, then jogging will be erratic. This can commonly happen with audio machines. The Vtr inch keys normally move by fields. Use Alt + INCH to move by frames. If no Vitc (field information) code is available from the vtr, then it will only be able to frame jog. Edit offset 50 Platinum editing Tc slip This allows for a difference in fields between the playback vtr timecode and the playback video entering the room. Video transports should always have a slip of zero, unless there is a delay, for example, a frame based decoder. Audio decks can suffer from a 'real' slip in their TC due to their mechanical setup or errors when shooting and this can be compensated using Tc slip instead of adjusting the In point. When setting up the vtr for the first time the value for TC SLIP should always be 0. If it is not then the value for EDIT OFFSET above will have been set incorrectly. If a deck needs to be slipped then this value can be adjusted. As this is in fields it should never be an odd number. Record slip The Record slip allows for a difference in fields between the record vtr timecode and the video frame when it reaches the recorder. The slip should always have a slip of 0, unless there is a delay, for example a frame based encoder. Then it would be set for an individual vtr to ensure that it recorded the correct frame at it's In point. Telecine settings Store field This only appears in the 525 Edit Setup panel. When the telecine runs at 24fps each film frame appears as a sequence of 2 then 3 video fields on the telecine output. This makes 24 film frames into 30 video frames. The room delay delays this sequence. The store field is a field offset from 0 to 4 that compensates for this delay. Tk speed override • Off, this is the normal setting. • Bump, this is for test purposes only. Check Tk sync • Accurate, this is the normal setting. If the telecine is not in sync, then Pogle will stop the edit. • Rough, normally used for setup purposes only. Error messages will appear, but the edit will continue. Preroll The telecine preroll is the time in seconds allowed for the telecine to run up to speed and stabilize so that it may consistently perform edits with a correctly framed picture. This values should be at least 3 seconds, probably 5 seconds. Tc slip 51 Platinum editing Runup The runup of the telecine is the number of frames that the telecine takes to get up to speed compared with a theoretical instant start, plus the number of frames of video delay through the system. When running at 24fps in 525 standard, there are three additional offsets which also relate to the telecine runup. More of that later in section 3. Slip The telecine TC SLIP value is an internal offset for the number of frames of video delay through the system and any counter delays. Changing this number will only affect the CHK telecine warning function and will not affect the timings involved in the actual edit. Telecine runup troubleshooting Why does an edit fail with the message TK early or TK late? Adjusting the slip will simply hide the problem. The telecine is probably early or late relative to the edit IN point. Set Check Tk sync to Rough and perform the edit. Check the film frame at the edit In point. If the film is early then the required frame will not be recorded. If the film is late then the required frame will appear after the In point. Repeat the edit again. If it is always consistently wrong, then simply setup the telecine again. If it varies, then check these items, starting with the pulses in the Source setup panel. Philips BTS Quadra, FDL90 and FDL60. Set the switches on the inside right of the machine to 30fps and TC. Do this for all editing in 625 or 525. The 6Hz pulse is required in 525 and HDTV to ensure accurate 2:3 editing. Select 30fps varispeed to get a locked 29.97 playback. Using 29.97 will be unlocked. Spirit Runup will be inconsistent with 50mm film cores. Always use 75mm cores. The CFR pulse is required in 525 and HDTV to ensure accurate 2:3 editing. CReality The CReality internal film frame counters can get out of step. When this happens Pogle will not be able to cue the machine correctly. If this happens then can be resynced by the following Pogle keystrokes. +0 PRESET COUNTER ENTER However in this situation the film counter should also be checked against a known scene change. Cintel Ursa and MKIII Set the digiscan store to MASTER mode, field 1. The store freeze on run option must be disabled. The telecine runup time should be set on the machine so that a consistant startup is achieved. The picture should frame in the same direction each time it runs. The runup does not need to be 70ms, it can and should be set slower (> 100ms) particularly if problems are found in achieving the required consistancy. If problems appear at different points in large reels, then the telecine should be setup again, starting with the spooling servo. The Frame pulse is required in 525 and HDTVto ensure accurate 2:3 editing. Runup 52 Platinum editing The capstan should be cleaned whenever the film is changed to ensure correct film handling. If the acceleration characteristics of the telecine should change, then the Runup and Slip can be temporarily adjusted until the mechanics can be put cleaning the capstan or altering the runup pot on a Cintel telecine. However if on edge the telecine must be adjusted. If a frame of video delay is added or subtracted from the signal path, the telecine settings will need to be re−adjusted. It is strongly recommended that the video path delay be kept constant. Setup of telecine in 625 To set up the telecine timings you will need some film with at least one cut or some numbers. • Ensure the vtr is editing correctly first. • Open the Edit Setup panel. • Set the telecine Preroll to 5 seconds. • Set a suitable IN point on the film so that the chosen frame can easily be recognised when recorded onto tape. • Turn Check Tk sync to Rough. • Perform an edit. • Check to see if the correct film frame has been recorded, ignoring any error messages. ♦ If the frame has been missed, then the telecine is early and the Runup value must be decreased. ♦ If it appears on the tape, but after the edit In point, then the telecine is late and the Runup value must be increased. • Repeat until the edit is performed correctly. If inconsistent then check telecine. • Set the Telecine Slip to −9. • Repeat the edit without an OUT point. ♦ Click on the Telecine Slip while looking at the telecine icon in the bottom right corner of the Platinum screen. ♦ One value of Telecine Slip will make the telecine reels turn from red to white. ♦ Stop and check this edit. • Turn Check Tk sync back to Accurate. • Now when editing, no error messages should appear. • Close the Edit Setup panel to save the settings. Possible problems with telecine configuration Setup of telecine in 525 To set up the telecine timings, use a film with a sequence of frames which are easily identifiable from one another (numbered or marked frames). The record vtr must be capable of performing field editing and should be set locally to a 2 field CF lock and F1/F2 editing. This is needed so that the Pogle can perform both field 1 and field 2 inserts. Make sure that Dailies is off and Round timecode is off in the Edit setup panel. • First set the Store number. Setup of telecine in 625 53 Platinum editing • Now set Runup and Slip. • Then set B, C and D edits. Possible problems with telecine configuration During the Store setup ignore which actual film frames are recorded− only the field sequence is important. If you have any problems with the vtr, then the telecine should be removed from the edit and the vtr editing problem resolved before continuing. • Ensure the vtr is editing correctly first. • Open the Edit Setup panel. • Set the telecine Preroll to 5 seconds. • Next set the Lock point to 2:3. • Turn Check Tk sync to Rough. • Set a suitable IN point on the film that is near the start of a series of unique frames. • Set an In point on the vtr. • Select S on both the telecine and the vtr • Press Transport, then Enter. ♦ This gives POGLE a fixed relationship between the film and tape from which to start the 2:3 sequence count. This edit will be an A frame edit. • Perform an edit, ignore any messages and stop after the In point is reached. • Press Cue, then In. • Inch through the In point and check the field sequence. • The correct sequence is 2 fields of one film frame, then 3 fields of the next film frame, if incorrect then one of the following four sequences will appear. ♦ 1 then 3, 1 then 2, 2 then 2, 3 then 2. ♦ If the sequence is not 2 then 3, then click on the Store button and try again. • When the sequence is correct then repeat the edit and check again. If the sequence is not right, then check the Frame pulse or 6Hz pulse connected to the Pogle. Open the Source setup panel to check on the pulses. Runup and Slip. • Check to see if the correct film frame has been recorded. ♦ If the frame has been missed, then the telecine is early and the Runup value must be decreased. ♦ If it appears on the tape, but at the wrong point, then the telecine is late and the Runup value must be increased. • Repeat until the edit is performed correctly. If inconsistent then check telecine. • Set the Telecine Slip to −9. • Repeat the edit without an OUT point. ♦ Click on the Telecine Slip while looking at the telecine icon in the bottom right corner of the Platinum screen. ♦ One value of Telecine Slip will make the telecine reels turn from red to white. ♦ Stop and check this edit. • Turn Check Tk sync back to Accurate. B, C and D edits. • Select TK and press + 1 All In to move on by one film frame. Runup and Slip. 54 Platinum editing • Perform an edit. This will be a B frame (3 field) edit, starting on field 1. ♦ If a message appears then click on the Runup offset for B. ♦ Repeat the edit until no message appears. • Select VT and press Cue, then In. • Inch through the In point and check that the correct film frame lasts for 3 fields. • Now select TK and press + 1 All In to move on by one film frame. • Perform an edit. This will be a C frame (2 field) edit starting on field 2. ♦ If a message appears then click on the Runup offset for C. ♦ Repeat the edit until no message appears. • Select VT and press Cue, then In. • Inch through the In point and check that the correct film frame lasts for 2 fields. • Now select TK and press + 1 All In to move on by one film frame. • Perform an edit. This will be a D frame (3 field) edit starting on field 2. ♦ If a message appears then click on the Runup offset for D. ♦ Repeat the edit until no message appears. • Select VT and press Cue, then In. • Inch through the In point and check that the correct film frame lasts for 2 fields. • Close the Edit Setup panel to save the settings. Do NOT change the telecine Runup or Slip during the setup of B, C and D edits. Only Runup offset should be changed. Varispeed editing When the telecine is switched to Vari, another set of Runup and Slip values are used. Edits are setup in the same way as for 625 editing. If another varispeed is used then the runup will need to be adjusted again. Only one set is saved for all varispeed settings. In varispeed POGLE cannot always compensate for the inserted or ignored frames, consequently the edit points may move slightly from one edit to the next. Vtr and audio transports are always run at fixed play speed. If audio must be synced, that was not recorded at video rate, then the audio transport must be locked to the film using bi−phase or timecode. Aaton and Evertz systems can produce the required timecode. When performing an edit Pogle checks the durations on the telecine and the vtr. If they are different, then the Pogle automatically calculates the correct varispeed for the film so that it will match the vtr duration. Hit PERFORM again to continue with the edit. If the Pogle sets the telecine into varispeed when performing, it will be because there are conflicting out points for the telecine and vtr. If the tk outpoint is not correct, then CLEAR out of TRIM and DELETE the telecine OUT point. Why does Pogle goes into TRIM and set the telecine to varispeed when performing? This is because both the telecine and the vtr have out points. Varispeed editing 55 Platinum editing Film to Tape By default the Pogle runs in Film To Tape mode, where the telecine provides the source for the pictures and the timecode. If in Tape mode this can be changed by clicking on the Tape button in the Room Setup window. Note that when you click on Tape the text will turn grey, indicating that the Pogle is now in Film To Tape mode. The same Tape button is also in various other panels. Engineering setup for Film to Tape mode. Engineering setup for Film to Tape If the edit timing is incorrect the wrong source frame will appear at the IN point of the record deck If the event timing is incorrect the film, colour corrector and noise reducer corrections will occur at the wrong point. If the autoshot timing is incorrect the event will not be marked correctly. Even if the problem only appears to be the timing of the grading corrections, it is also best to check the edit timing. To setup timings connect a Player with source material and a Recorder. Ensure that the Player and Recorder both edit correctly. Use a vtr or disk that easily jogs field by field as the Recorder. (Not an old D1) • Editing setup • Event timing for telecine • Event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer • Event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer 24fps film to 30fps video • Autoshot timing Event timing for telecine • Find an obvious scene change in the source material • ADD an event on the last field of the scene. • Play into the next scene. • Using the telecine primary make a large grading change. Press ENTER to confirm the new grading settings. • On the Player mark an IN point a few frames before the scene change. • Mark an IN point on the record deck. • Hit PERFORM to start the edit and let it run for a few frames after the scene change has gone through, then press STOP. • Rewind the record deck and jog through the edit. Look carefully at where the grading change happens. If the timings are correct, the grading change start on the first field after the scene change. Film to Tape 56 Platinum editing • If the corrections are early or late or on the wrong field you will need to adjust the O/P FWD and FIELD values on the TELECINE line in the Room Setup panel. If the changes are happening late, determine how many frames and increase the O/P FWD value by that number. If the changes are happening early, determine how many frames and decrease the O/P FWD value by that number. Repeat the above steps until the grading changes are happening at the correct time. Event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer • Find an obvious scene change in the source material • ADD an event on the last field of the scene. • Play into the next scene. • Using the colour corrector make a large grading change. Press ENTER to confirm the new grading settings. • On the Player mark an IN point a few frames before the scene change. • Mark an IN point on the record deck. • Hit PERFORM to start the edit and let it run for a few frames after the scene change has gone through, then press STOP. • Rewind the record deck and jog through the edit. Look carefully at where the grading change happens. If the timings are correct, the grading change start on the first field after the scene change. • If the corrections are early or late or on the wrong field you will need to adjust the O/P FWD and FIELD values on the SECONDARY line in the Room Setup panel. If the corrections are occurring on the wrong field, then change the value in the FIELD box to either 1 or 0. Do not set this value to anything other than 1 or 0. If the colour corrections are happening late, determine how many frames and increase the O/P FWD value by that number. If the colour corrections are happening early, determine how many frames and decrease the O/P FWD value by that number. Repeat the above steps until the grading changes are happening at the correct time. Repeat the process for the noise reducer, adjusting the values that on the NOISE REDUCER line of the Room setup panel. Instead of making a change on the secondary colour corrector, make the change on the noise reducer. An obvious grading change is contour or aperture value. Do not worry about changing these values in the Room Setup panel, they will not affect the values that have been set for Tape To Tape. Once set the Platinum will automatically recall the correct setting for each mode. Event Timing for 24fps film to 30fps video For telecine or upstream MegaDef changes there is no pulldown, so timing is straightforward. Event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer 57 Platinum editing Because of the 2:3 pulldown sequence generated when recording 24fps film to 30fps video, the colour corrector and noise reducer event timing setups become a little more complicated. Once the film is converted to video, there will be pulldown in the frame sequence. The first item to adjust is the Field Number for the Secondary in the Room Setup window. Choose a section of film where individual frames can be recognized. Now mark a section of 1 frame events, at least four frames long. Using the Secondary, make recognizable changes to each frame of the section and record them to tape. After the edit has gone through, look carefully at the recorded section field by field. Check that the secondary changes match EXACTLY the film frames on the tape. If they are out of step with the film, alter the Secondary Field timing in the Room Setup window and re−do the edit. Keep altering the field timing number until there is a secondary colour change in each of the one film frame events. Once the correct sequence is established do not alter the field timing number. The Frame timing should now be adjusted to bring the corrections into the correct place on the film. Mark a few shots in a list in the normal way and make a large secondary correction to one event. Record this to tape and check that the correction happens in the correct place. If it is wrong, alter the Frame Timing number is the Room Setup window. Close the window to store these numbers to disk. The noise reducer is timed in exactly the same way. Mark some single frame events in a list and make changes in the noise reducer on each frame. Record these to tape and carefully check that the sequence of the video matches the Film Frames. Alter the Field Timing number in the Room Setup to get this correct. When the sequence is correct, bring the changes into the correct place using the Frame Timing number. Again, close the Room Set−up window to store these values to disk. Event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer 58 Platinum editing Tape To Tape Grading Using the Pogle Platinum for Tape to Tape colour processing is as simple as working in Film to Tape. 1. Change to Tape to Tape mode. 2. Select which VTR is the source deck for the timecode to drive the list. 3. Route the video signal from the source VTR through the noise reducer and colour corrector and any other devices in the video path. 4. Grade the material as normal. Tape to Tape mode By default the Pogle runs in Film To Tape mode, where the telecine provides the source for the pictures and the timecode, this mode can be changed by clicking on the Tape button in the Room Setup window. Note that when you click on Tape the text will turn white, indicating that the Pogle is now in Tape To Tape mode. The same Tape button is also in various other panels. Source Vtr selection Open the Edit panel. In the Edit panel you will see a Lock button with VTR1 or similar in it. This button indicates which VTR is the source for the timecode to drive the list. Clicking on this button toggles through all the VTR numbers, click on it until the required VTR is displayed. Now when the TK transport button is selected, the transport buttons will drive the source vtr. If possible load an EDL to create a list for colour correction. Engineering setup for Tape to Tape mode. Engineering setup for Tape to Tape If the edit timing is incorrect the wrong source frame will appear at the IN point of the record deck If the event timing is incorrect the colour corrector and noise reducer corrections will occur at the wrong timecode. If the autoshot timing is incorrect the event will not be marked correctly. In tape to tape operation, wih normal field 1 dominant material, the events should all appear with a *. This is because the data in each event lasts until the end of field 2. Even if the problem only appears to be the timing of the grading corrections, it is also best to check the edit timing. To setup timings connect a Player with source material and a Recorder. Ensure that the Player and Recorder both edit correctly. Tape To Tape Grading 59 Platinum editing Use a vtr or disk that easily jogs field by field as the Recorder. (Not an old D1) If possible turn on the timecode burnt in display on the source Player. • Tape edit timing • Tape event timing for colour corrector and noise reducer • Autoshot timing Tape edit timing • Set the source deck as a Player. • On the Player find a suitable scene change or cut point, do not use a camera flash or a dissolve as this will only lead to confusion. • Mark, as an in point on the Player, the last frame of the scene prior to this point. This will make it easy to check the timing. • Make sure that the Recorder is locally set to 2 field CF lock . • Set the vtr's timecode mode is set to internal regen. • On the Recorder, mark an in point on a piece of tape where you will be able to clearly identify the start of the edit, colour bars or black are always a good example to use. • Set the record deck as a Recorder and set it to Assemble edit mode. • Hit PERFORM to start the edit, do not worry about setting an OUT point, just hit STOP when a few frames have been recorded. • Now rewind the record deck back to the start of the edit and make sure that there is only 1 frame of the scene prior to the cut point recorded onto the tape. If there is more than 1 frame of the scene prior to the cut point then you need to increase the Room delay value by the appropriate amount. For example, if there are 3 frames of the previous scene recorded onto the tape, you need to increase the Room delay by 4 because you have 2 frames too many which equals 4 fields. If the last frame of the scene prior to the cut has not been recorded, then you need to reduce the Room delay. It may be difficult to determine how many frames are missing, but decide how many you are out by, for example, if you think that you are 2 frames out, reduce the Room delay value by 4. The Room delay value should always be an even number, as all equipment in the video path will delay the signal by a whole number of frames. Now repeat the edit again at a different in point on the record deck and check the edit and adjust until timing is correct. During normal editing, the In point is the first frame of the scene. Tape event timing • Find an obvious scene change in the source material • ADD an event on the last field of the scene. • Play into the next scene. • Using the colour corrector make a large grading change. Press ENTER to confirm the new grading settings. • On the Player mark an IN point a few frames before the scene change. • Mark an IN point on the record deck. Tape edit timing 60 Platinum editing • Hit PERFORM to start the edit and let it run for a few frames after the scene change has gone through, then press STOP. • Rewind the record deck and jog through the edit. Look carefully at where the grading change happens. If the timings are correct, the grading change start on the first field after the scene change. • If the corrections are early or late or on the wrong field you will need to adjust the O/P FWD and FIELD values on the SECONDARY line in the Room Setup panel. If the corrections are occurring on the wrong field, then change the value in the FIELD box to either 1 or 0. Do not set this value to anything other than 1 or 0. If the colour corrections are happening late, determine how many frames and increase the O/P FWD value by that number. If the colour corrections are happening early, determine how many frames and decrease the O/P FWD value by that number. Repeat the above steps until the grading changes are happening at the correct time. Repeat the process for the noise reducer, adjusting the values that on the NOISE REDUCER line of the Room setup panel. Instead of making a change on the secondary colour corrector, make the change on the noise reducer. An obvious grading change is contour or aperture value. Do not worry about changing these values in the Room Setup panel, they will not affect the values that have been set for Film To Tape. Once set the Platinum will automatically recall the correct setting for each mode. Room delay When setting up the edit timings for Film to Tape, the parameter that was adjusted to get the correct film frame at the vtr in point was telecine Runup, but with Tape to Tape, Room delay was adjusted. Why is this? The answer is that with a telecine, the frame count is just that − a count. It is not timecode and is not an absolute value. The Telecine counter can be set to any number you like and, provided the correct Edit Points are set, the correct film frame will be recorded. This is a fundemental difference to Tape to Tape. Here, the timecode on the tape is an ABSOLUTE number. If the programme start is timecode 1 hour, the corrected tape must also have a programme start at 1 hour. If, for eample, there are 3 frames delay through the room, and the player and recorder were running exactly in sync, the recorder would not "see" any pictures untill timecode 1 hour + 3 frames. It would be possible to get the edit correct by altering the recorder in point ( 1 hour minus 3 frames ) or by altering the numbers for the player settings in the edit setup window − which would have to be altered back when the deck is next to be used as a recorder. Room Delay effectively "slips" the player and recorder positions to make the player "lead" the recorder by the same number of frames delay in the room. Room delay 61 Platinum editing Pogle Platinum Data transfer This panel contains all the main controls for data transfer. The Platinum can also control the TransferEngine program which runs on the data server machine. This is achieved using a socket connection over the standard network. The Platinum can then instruct the Transfer Engine to record, preview and playback data. Data setup and Data preview Data transfer and playback Engineering setup for data mode Data setup The current film position in filmcode and frames. The frames display is useful because the Spirit data files have the frame number in their name. The In point for the data transfer. This is the first frame that will be transfered. The Out point for the data transfer. This is optional. If present, the data transfer will stop before this frame. If missing, then the transfer will continue until STOP is pressed. Pogle Platinum Data transfer 62 Platinum editing Data preview In preview mode data will be transfered, but not stored to disk. Switch into preview in one of two ways • Select TK and hit STOP to switch to preview mode. • Select VTR1 and click on EE in the Vtr panel. Normally the data mode and transfer button should not be touched. They will be set automatically by the Platinum. Data transfer • Select Data mode in Platinum data panel. • Set resolution on the Spirit remote panel. • Set file path on the TransferView program. • Ensure that the correct varispeed (3−6fps) is set in the Platinum transport panel. • Set telecine preroll to 3 seconds. • Mark In point on telecine. • Mark Out point, if required. • Make telecine a Player. • Make all vtrs Wild. • Hit Perform. Do not turn on Vari, this will be set automatically during the transfer. This will make the preroll time longer. Normally the data mode and transfer button should not be touched. They will be set automatically by the Platinum. Data playback Select VTR1 and use the transport keys to playback the material. Engineering setup for Data transfer The Philips TransferEngine (TE) software can be run in two modes. A common mode is to run the client server version of TE. • The TE client runs on the Platinum sgi (O2/Indy) • The TE server runs on the data sgi (Octane/Origin/Challenge/Onyx) • Only one SGI screen is needed in the transfer room • Extra network speed can be handy when replaying recorded data clips, but it will all still work with 10baseT. Aternatively the local version of TE can be used. • The data sgi is local to the room • Or the graphics is routed into the room from a remote sgi • Then the network speed is not an issue. Data preview 63 Platinum editing In both cases the Pogle Platinum communicates via an ethernet socket interface to the data server SGI system running TE. The Platinum SGI must be connected to the data SGI, usually via the house network and networking must be enabled. In the /etc/hosts file on the Platinum SGI, make sure you have a line similar to this onyx spirit−server Change to the correct ip address. Change onyx to your prefered name for the data SGI. spirit−server must be present as this is the name used by the Pogle system to access the data SGI via an ethernet socket interface. Data preview 64 Control panels Transport Trackball Operations MegaDef/DCP Macros allow sequences of control panel keys to be stored and replayed Remember that the control panels do not need feeding, so keep coffee and Coke well away! Routine maintenance for control panels Transport panel The small button above the STOP key is the transport Alt key. Holding it down while hitting other keys allows certain alternate functions or shortcuts . Alt + CUE In COPY will cue source to last frame of event, rather than trim frame. Film transports Alt + TK Switch the source machine between Wild and Player. Alt + PLAY FWD Quadra and Spirit, 6fps forward, useful when setting light levels Vtr transports Alt + VTR Switch the vtr machine between Wild, Player and Recorder. Alt + INCH Moves by frame, rather than field. Alt + PLAY FWD Toggle between 1/2 speed and x5 forward. Alt + PLAY REV Toggle between 1/2 speed and x5 reverse. CUE Control panels 65 Control panels Cue This key is used to move transports to particular places. 100 CUE Cue to 1 second. −− 800 CUE Cue to 8 seconds before zero. +10 CUE Cue 10 frames forward from current position. −100 CUE Cue back 1 second from current position. CUE CUE Cue to last cue point. When in COPY mode the CUE key takes the source to the trimmed frame. If the event has not been trimmed, then the cue point will be the last frame of the event. UP CUE Cue to trim frame in previous event. DOWN CUE Cue to trim frame in next event. COPY CUE Cue to trim frame in current event. Alt + CUE Cue to last frame of event, rather than trim frame. 1 UP −300 CUE Cue to 3 seconds before first event. CUE IN Cue to IN point of current edit. CUE OUT Cue to OUT point of current edit. ALL CUE IN CUE all slaved transports to IN point ALL CUE OUT CUE all slaved transports to OUT point ALL CUE CUE CUE all slaved transports to current transport. RESTORE CUE Cue to IN point of last edit Cue 66 Control panels Trackerball control panel The main trackerball panel is used for telecine and the Mega1 and Mega2 primary controls. The current mode is reflected by the colour of the trackerball illumination. Telecine lift, gamma, gain Telecine lift, gamma, pec Mega1 Mega2 • The left button above the lower trackerball switches between the different modes. Telecine, Mega1 and Mega2 • Each ball has a reset button. ♦ Press once to reset the differential control. ♦ Double press to reset the differential and the master. ♦ Press and hold to reset the whole primary. • The six buttons in the centre of the panel are macro keys. Fast switching between the three sets of primaries can easily be achieved using the macro buttons. The two macro buttons above the gamma track ball are ideal for this. Program the left hand button to be a press and hold on the normal Telecine/Mega primary selection button and a press of the Mega1 button on the Mega control panel. Program the right hand button to be a press and hold on the normal Telecine/Mega primary selection button and a press of the Mega2 button on the Mega control panel. Now from the telecine primaries (green track balls), it is possible to go directly to either Mega1 or Mega2 by pressing the appropriate macro button. Also in either Mega1 or Mega2 it is possible to return to the telecine primaries by pressing either macro button. Trackerball control panel 67 Control panels Macro storage and operation Macros allow a sequence of keys to be stored and replayed. Normally unused panel keys are used as macros, however with care any key can be used. The shift key can be used to access another macro for every control panel key. This allows storage of macros related to the normal key function. Trackball and knob movements are not stored. Macros are stored separately for each operator. Storing a new macro. In the User Controls panel. Click. Press the control panel key that will be used to replay the macro. Now press the required keys. Click here again to end the macro. Now each time the control panel key is pressed the stored macro will be replayed. Deleting a macro. Follow the steps for storing a new macro, except when appears, Simply click on the do not enter any keys. button again. This will remove the macro. If the key had it's own function before macro storage, then this will be available again. Examples of macros. Macro examples Click to start. QWERTY SHIFT, PRESET COUNTER 1000000 ENTER Click again to end. Now when QWERTY SHIFT, PRESET COUNTER is pressed the source counter will be set to one hour. The normal PRESET COUNTER is still available. Macro storage and operation 68 Control panels Click to start. QWERTY SHIFT, PERFORM TK, UP, ALL, IN, COPY, ALL, OUT, PERFORM Click again to end. Now when QWERTY SHIFT, PERFORM is pressed the current event will be edited onto tape. The normal PERFORM function is still available. Assuming Transport Lock has been setup correctly for film and tape. Routine maintenance The trackballs used for the Colour Grade, Mouse and DCP/Pixi Regions are reasonably robust. They do not normally require much in the way of maintenance. Over a period of time however, the trackballs can become polluted from the general dirt and grease from the operators hands. On each trackball, the rotation of the ball is transmitted to two shaft encoders. Each of these encoders has a foam−plastic ring where it touches the ball. If these foam rings start to degrade, they will need replacement. It is fairly obvious how the encoders are removed and replaced. The movement from the master ring, where fitted, is through a plastic−edged wheel. If the edge ring is decayed, it will need replacement. Again, it is fairly obvious how the ring is removed and replaced. The trackballs can be dismantled for cleaning purposes if necessary. Be careful however as there are a lot of small parts such as ball bearings that can fall out and get lost. Also note the shims that are in the trackball casing. All these must be replaced during re−assembly or the trackball will be hard to move. Pandora part numbers: Foam Rings − PAN 63101 (Supplied in sets of twelve) Plastic Ring − PAN 63102 (Supplied in sets of four) Cleaning. The Panel Covers occasionally need cleaning to remove the general grease and grime from the surfaces. The best method for this is to use mild detergent and lukewarm water. Work this into the cover with a soft brush then wash off with water and allow the covers to dry thoroughly. Do not use any cleaning solvents as they can permanently damage the panel coating. Routine maintenance 69 Pandora DCP with ESR The DCP with ESR adds both Primary and Secondary correction and fits into the telecine chain in the following order. • Telecine PEC control (for MKIII and URSA) • Telecine Primary control • Telecine Six Vector Secondary (for MKIII and URSA) • DCP 1 Primary control • DCP 1 Soft Clip • DCP 1 Six Vector Secondary • DCP 1 Black & White Desaturation • DCP 1 Master Hue, Saturation and Luminance • DCP 2 ESR Six Channel colour and area isolation Processor for Primary & Secondary ♦ Primary control ♦ Channel isolation ♦ Channel priorities ♦ Regions ♦ Editing DCP channels Selecting Primaries on the trackballs Setup of DCP with ESR Setting DCP default event data Copy + Swap DCP channels. These notes assume DCP firmware version B58 with Platinum. Pandora DCP with ESR 70 Pandora DCP with ESR Telecine Primary control The telecine primary controls are available when the top two balls are green. If they are not green, press and hold the left button above the lower ball until they turn green. When green, the top left ball controls lift and the top right controls gain. If the lower ball is green then the telecine gamma is controlled. If remote PEC control is available then a short press on the same button will turn only the lower ball red, allowing PEC control. A short press of the same button will toggle between PEC and gamma control. Telecine lift and gain are available in either mode. Telecine Six Vector Secondary (for MKIII and URSA) Telecine six vector secondary and DCP 1 six vector secondary are available by pressing the 1 key on the DCP panel. In the DCP 1 panel, there is a button to switch between DCP and RANK. Only one of these two secondaries can be programmed into an event. Six fixed vectors exist for the Rank secondary, these are selected using the R, G, B, Y, C and M keys. The hue, saturation and luminance within the selected vector can be adjusted using the three controls on the upper left hand side of the DCP panel. Telecine Primary control 71 Pandora DCP with ESR DCP 1 DCP 1 Primary control DCP 1 primary controls are available when all the balls are red. If any balls are green, then press and hold the left button above the lower ball until they change. If the balls are now orange then press the 1 key on the DCP panel. Now the balls will be red. Lift gamma and gain controls are now available. These controls will affect the entire picture area. Copying DCP 1 primary from another event. • Hit Up or Down to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labelled SECONDARY. • Press the left button above the lower ball on the trackerball panel. Now all the DCP 1 primary will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Reading DCP 1 primary from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labelled SECONDARY. • Press the left button above the lower ball on the trackerball panel. Now all the DCP 1 primary will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. DCP 1 Soft Clip DCP 1 Six Vector Secondary Six variable vectors exist for the DCP 1 secondary, these are selected using the R, G, B, Y, C and M keys. The hue, saturation and luminance within the selected vector can be adjusted using the three controls on the upper left hand side of the DCP panel. The vector position can be rotated through 360 degrees using the top control on the right of the DCP panel. The vector width can be altered in eight steps using the second control on the right of the DCP panel. DCP 1 72 Pandora DCP with ESR DCP 1 Black & White Desaturation White desaturation is available on the third control on the right of the DCP panel. Black desaturation is available on the fourth control on the right of the DCP panel. DCP 1 Master Hue/ Master Saturation/ Master Luminance Master hue is available on the fifth control on the right of the DCP panel. Master saturation is available on the sixth control on the right of the DCP panel. Master luminance is available on the seventh control on the right of the DCP panel. Copying all DCP 1 channels from another event. • Hit Up or Down to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labelled SECONDARY. • Press the DCP1 key on the DCP panel. Now all six DCP1 channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Reading all DCP 1 channels from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labelled SECONDARY. • Press the DCP1 key on the DCP panel. • Now all six DCP1 channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. DCP 1 Black & White Desaturation 73 Pandora DCP with ESR DCP 2 ESR Six Channel colour and area isolation Processor for Primary & Secondary Six variable channels exist for the DCP 2 secondary, these are selected using the R, G, B, Y, C and M keys. The hue, saturation and luminance within the selected vector can be adjusted using the three controls on the upper left hand side of the DCP panel. Additionally the R, G and B channels have full primary control. Primary control is available when the balls are orange. As an aid, the MASK button on the DCP panel will desaturate all parts of picture that are not within the current isolation. Additionally in mask if a region has been set, then its boundaries will be visible. DCP 2 Primary control DCP 2 primary controls are available when all the balls are orange. If any balls are green, then press and hold the switch above the lower ball until they change. If the balls are now red then press the 2 key on the DCP panel. Now the balls will be orange. Lift gamma and gain controls are now available. These controls will affect isolated picture areas. Press and hold on one of the primary reset buttons to default the primary for that channel. The isolation depends on colour and area selection. This will be described later. Resetting the changes made inside a channel. Press and hold on one of the primary buttons, to default the primary, and press and hold the appropriate channel selection button to default the secondary hue, sat and lum. The vector position, or hue, can be rotated through 360 degrees using the top control on the right of the DCP panel. The vector width can be altered from 0 to 360 degrees using the second control on the right of the DCP panel. The threshold of lowest saturation that is included in the isolation is set using the third control on the right of the DCP panel. The threshold of highest saturation that is included in the isolation, is set using the fourth control on the right of the DCP panel. The threshold of lowest luminance that is included in the isolation, is set using the fifth control on the right of the DCP panel. The threshold of highest luminance that is included in the isolation is set using the sixth control on the right of the DCP panel.....More...... Channel isolation By default, when a channel is opened, the isolation is set to a 60 degrees vector width, centred about the R, G, B, Y, C and M key that was chosen. The lower saturation threshold is set slightly above zero to exclude black and white areas from the isolation. The full luminance range is included in the isolation. By default, the thresholds of hue, saturation and luminance isolation are softened slightly. The softness of all these thresholds can be independently adjusted. However there is only one physical control for softness. Whenever one of the above threshold controls is adjusted, the softness of this threshold is automatically assigned to the seventh control on the DCP panel. To make a channel work on all colours, simply press the EXPAND key. This is the key below GRAB on the DCP control panel. DCP 2 ESR 74 Pandora DCP with ESR By default, the isolation occurs over the full picture area. However, the isolation can be limited to particular areas of the picture by using the region controls available for each channel. A double press of the button next to the ball on the DCP panel, will set the area to a small rectangle. Use of Mask mode will ease adjustment of this region. The region position can be adjusted using the track ball on the DCP control panel. The small button next to this track ball toggles control of the region between size and position. Press and hold this button to reset the region to be full screen. Then all parts of the picture will be in the isolation. Double press this button to set a default region. (A tall rectangle) .....More...... DCP 2 channel priorities The priority of DCP channels is affected by the outer ring on the DCP panel track ball. Primary changes are always mixed together, there is no hard priority. Turning the outer ring down will mix the primary change into the background and thus behind another channel. Secondary changes are normally also transparent. By default there is no priority, so the changes made to two overlapping areas will combine together. This is the normal mode of operation and is ideal for ESR area isolations. If the outer ring is turned down by a small amount then all transparency will be removed, giving a rigid priority. This is useful if a channel is to be used for colour isolation, rather than area isolation. The colours isolated by higher priority channels, starting from red, will not be affected by lower priority channels. For example, this allows several objects to be isolated and then the rest of the scene can be desaturated. Obviously, all of this only applies where layers overlap. .....More...... Regions The softness of the top, bottom, left and right of the region can adjusted from the controls around the blue display on the transport panel. Additionally, the region can be tilted and skewed. These controls will automatically appear when the region position is adjusted. To ensure smoothest edges, make sure that the DCP track ball ring is fully wound up. This should be the default. The edges for the first three channels can be changed by selected one of four different slopes. (F, S, M and H) or (Soft, Soft , Hard, Hard on Platinum). These can be used to make the edge slope very quickly and make a more precise region. Normally for real scene isolations the first F position is used. However, artificial shapes like ovals, and circles can be made on the M or H settings. To make a circle... • Start with a rectangular region. • Apply equal softness to all four sides. • Reduce the size of the rectangle to nothing. (leaving softness) • Click on the F/S/M/H button for the current channel. On "M" you should have a perfect circle, with a fair amount of softness. On "H" the edges will be harder, but probably not so suitable for normal scenes. • Adjusting softness on each side will give different shapes like ellipses and semi−circles. DCP 2 channel priorities 75 Pandora DCP with ESR A colour wash or tint can be made in two ways. The easiest is... • EXPAND a channel. This channel will change the whole picture. • Desaturate, then use the gamma to add in the appropriate colour. Sepia and other tints can be achieved by this method. Obviously by programming this as a mix a gradual change can occur. Also, the channel region controls can be used to apply the wash to a part of the picture, and the edge softening used to produce a graduated boundary between the background and the region. In this way the replication of camera filters, corals, ND's etc, is possible. .....More...... Regions • EXPAND a channel. This channel will change the whole picture. • Select the wash button on the display next to the hue output control − (DCP Panel) The knob now adjusts a hue multiplier instead of the usual adder or offset. • Turn the control to a minimum. The range of hues in the picture will decrease down to 1. 5. Press the wash again. The control will revert to be a hue offset. • Select the required hue. This will provide a wash through replacing all the hues with just one. Often this is the desired look. The original black, grey and white areas will have very little colour in them, as they have a low saturation. To put a wash colour into these parts of the picture, their saturation must be changed... • Turn the saturation control down to a minimum. The range of saturations in the picture will removed leaving a desaturated picture. • Select the wash button on the display next to the saturation output control − (DCP Panel) The knob now adjusts a saturation multiplier instead of the usual adder or offset. • Slowly turn this saturation control up and you will see the desired hue or colour appear in all parts of the picture. This method will produce a true colour tone effect where, for example, a true sepia can be achieved as colour is added where there was no colour before. Again, because these controls are variable, the picture can be mixed from normal colour to a tint over a number of frames. .....More...... Copying all DCP 2 channels from another event. • Hit Up or Down to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the DCP2 key on the DCP panel. Now all DCP2 ESR channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Regions 76 Pandora DCP with ESR Reading all DCP 2 channels from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the DCP2 key on the DCP panel. Now all DCP2 ESR channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Copying a DCP 2 channel from another event. • Hit Up or Down to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the DCP2 key on the DCP panel. • Press the key R,G,B,C,M,Y for the required channel Now the required DCP2 ESR channel will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Reading a DCP 2 channel from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the DCP2 key on the DCP panel. • Press the key R,G,B,C,M,Y for the required channel Now the required DCP2 ESR channel will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. .....More...... Swapping a DCP 2 channel. (Useful to alter channel priorities) • Make sure the list is in Program or Live. • Drag the luminance bar for the appropriate source channel in the Pandora DCP window. and drop it on the luminance bar for the destination channel. The first channel will be swapped with the second channel. Andix systems • Make sure the list is in Program or Live. • Click on the luminance bar for the appropriate source channel in the Pandora DCP window. The cursor will change from yellow to red. • Now click on the luminance bar for the destination channel. The first channel will be swapped with the second channel. Copying a DCP 2 channel. (Useful to start another channel with similar setup) • Make sure the list is in Program or Live. Reading all DCP 2 channels from a note. 77 Pandora DCP with ESR • Hold down the shift key on the QWERTY keypad. • Drag the luminance bar for the appropriate channel in the Pandora DCP window and drop it on the luminance bar for the destination channel. The first channel will be copied over the second channel. Andix systems • Make sure the list is in Program or Live. • Hold down the shift key on the QWERTY keypad. • Click on the luminance bar for the appropriate source channel in the Pandora DCP window. The cursor will change from yellow to red. Click on the luminance bar for the destination channel. The first channel will be copied into the second channel. Reading all DCP 2 channels from a note. 78 Pandora DCP with ESR Trackerball control panel for DCP The main trackerball panel is used for telecine and two layers of DCP primary controls. The current mode is reflected by the colour of the trackerball illumination. Telecine lift, gamma, gain Telecine lift, gamma, pec DCP 1 DCP 2 • The left button above the lower trackerball switches between the different modes. Telecine, DCP 1 and DCP 2 • Each ball has a reset button. ♦ Press once to reset the differential control. ♦ Double press to reset the differential and the master. ♦ Press and hold to reset the whole primary. • The six buttons in the centre of the panel are macro keys. Fast switching between the three sets of primaries can easily be achieved using the macro buttons. The two macro buttons above the gamma track ball are ideal for this. Program the left hand button to be a press and hold on the normal Telecine/DCP primary selection button and a press of the DCP1 button on the DCP control panel. Program the right hand button to be a press and hold on the normal Telecine/DCP primary selection button and a press of the DCP2 button on the DCP control panel. Now from the telecine primaries (green track balls), it is possible to go directly to either DCP1 or DCP2 by pressing the appropriate macro button. Also in either DCP1 or DCP2 it is possible to return to the telecine primaries by pressing either macro button. Trackerball control panel for DCP 79 Pandora DCP with ESR Setup of DCP with ESR In the Engineering panel click on DCP Setup. Check that the cards are configured as above. Normal picture blanking and position in 625. Normal picture blanking and position in 525. Copy + Swap DCP channels In LIVE or PROGRAM, DCP2 channels can be swapped or copied. Drag the required channel by clicking and holding on a luminance isolation bar under the vector window in the DCP2 panel. Drop it onto another channel. This will swap the all the settings for the two channels. To copy one channel to another, hold down the QWERTY shift key before starting the drag and drop. These functions are useful for making multiple shapes or changes channel priority. Setup of DCP with ESR 80 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef The Pixi and MegaDef adds primary and secondary and effects processing and fits into the telecine chain in the following order. The Pixi is a downstream system, normally working on SDTV or HDTV signals. MegaDef can be either upstream or downstream, working with SDTV or HDTV or Data. Both systems work in real−time and have the same functions • Telecine PEC control (for MKIII and URSA) or Neg matching/gains • Telecine Primary control • Telecine Six Vector Secondary (for MKIII and URSA) • Mega1 layer • Mega2 layers • MegaGamma layer Selecting Primaries on the trackballs Pandora Pixi and MegaDef 81 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef Mega1 The Mega 1 Six Vector colour corrector is a powerful, option for the Pandora Pixi and MegaDef Colour Processors. It allows the colourist to make changes to the Hue, Saturation and Luminance of the picture based on the colour values of the original image, and overall ( Master ) changes to the Hue, Saturation and Luminance. There are also functions that allow the colourist to desaturate both the highlights and lowlights in order to avoid tinted blacks and whites and a function called Wash − used to create Sepia−Tint effects. All these changes are applied to the entire picture after the existing Mega1 primary Lift, Gamma and Gain. Then the picture is processed by Mega2 and finally MegaGamma. The main functional controls of Mega 1 are accessed by pressing the 1 button on the MegaDef panel. • Mega1 Six Vector Secondary • Mega1 Desaturation and Master Hue, Sat and Lum • Mega1 Wash operation • Mega1 Copy and Read • How to make a monochrome picture and bring back colours Mega1 Six Vector Secondary Six variable vectors exist for the Mega1 secondary, these are selected using the R, G, B, Y, C and M keys. By default they correspond to Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Cyan and Magenta. The hue, saturation and luminance within the selected vector can be adjusted using the three controls on the upper left hand side of the control panel. The vector position can be rotated through 360 degrees using the top control on the right of the control panel. The vector width can be altered using the second control on the right of the control panel.The three knobs on the left hand side of the panel are the Hue, Sat and Lum output controls (and their resets). Using these controls it is possible to alter the appearance of a colour depending on which of the Channel Selection buttons is illuminated. For example, if the R (Red) channel is selected, it is possible to alter, say, the saturation of red in order to match two scenes together. But exactly what is Red? Imagine a set of colour bars on a vectorscope. The red bar is a single point on the scope screen because all the colour red is exactly the same red − it is, after all, a test signal! In the real world of colour grading however, there millions of reds or greens or blues etc. When you select a channel in Mega1, the system defaults to a wedge of 60 degrees width, centred on red that does not quite reach the centre of the vectorscope. For most situations this will be quite OK. You will be able to change all the reds in the picture. Sometimes, though, you need to be a bit more specific about what you Mega1 82 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef want to change. Mega1 has the ability to refine the vector width, position and the lower limit of saturation for what is seen as Red By using the Hue Input Selector controls on the Mega panel you can alter the position and width of the wedge. Although we have been talking about the Red channel of Mega1, it is possible to alter the position of the red wedge to point at any colour that you want. Similarly it is possible to alter the width of the wedge so that, at its thinnest setting there are only a very precise set of hues in the wedge, up to having every possible hue. By default, the lower saturation isolation is set to be just away from the centre of our imaginary vectorscope. This is so that black and white are not affected by the output controls. It is possible, however, to alter the lower level of saturation isolation using the controls on the Mega 1 panel in the Platinum display. Clicking on any one of these bars will bring all six controls up on the Blue Display on the transport control panel. Turning a control anticlockwise will decrease the lower limit of saturation isolation − less and less saturated colours will be affected by the output controls, and turning a control clockwise will do the opposite − only more and more saturated colours will be affected. When you want to alter the position, width and sat isolation, it is sometimes useful to turn the Luminance control up. Now the colours that are being affected will be highlighted, making it easier to see what is and is not being affected. So, a single channel of Mega1 can be used to change a very small and exact range of colours right up to doing the same thing as master hue, saturation and luminance − and there are six of them! Mega1 Black & White Desaturation White desaturation is available on the third control on the right of the panel. Black desaturation is available on the fourth control on the right of the panel. Black and White slope are also available. We all know the problem of having parts of the picture, especially the lowlights, having a colour cast. This can be time−consuming to correct using primary lift without messing up the mid−tones. The Desat(urate) controls on Mega 1 are a set of tools to help to correct this situation. As you turn the Desat Black control clockwise, the colour will be taken out of the lowlights of the picture. The further you turn the control, the further up the luminance scale this desaturation goes. Naturally, this is not a hard on/off effect − the desaturation ÒrampsÓ into effect. You can see what is happening by looking at a greyscale ramp with a large colour cast to it. As you turn the Desat Black knob you will see how the desat attacks the colour cast. You also have control of the ÒrateÓ of this attack. The control called ÒSlopeÓ in the Mega 1 panel in Platinum will allow you to change the attack from a hard on/off effect to a very gradual desaturation as the brightness decreases. Desat White works in the same was except it comes in from the top of the luminance range (White) and works down the brightness scale. These controls have enough range to take the whole picture to monochrome Mega1 Master Hue/ Master Saturation / Master Luminance • Master hue is available on the fifth control on the right of the panel. This will change the hue or phase of the picture. • Master saturation is available on the sixth control on the right of the panel. This will alter the saturation of the whole picture from monochrome to highly saturated • Master luminance is available on the seventh control on the right of the panel. This will make the whole picture brighter or darker Mega1 Black & White Desaturation 83 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef Mega1 Wash Clicking on the Saturation or Hue Wash displays in the Platinum Mega1 panel will bring these controls up on the Blue Display. The main control is Hue wash. Turning this control anti−clockwise will gradually reduce the hue range in the picture. When turned to minimum, there will only be one hue or colour left. The saturation values of the original picture will remain the same − only the hue will be affected. Now the master hue control will rotate all the hues around. There is a point where very convincing sepia−tone effects can be achieved. Sometimes it is necessary to put a little colour into the white and black areas of the original picture − these will still be black and white from the hue wash as they have no hue to alter. To do this turn the Sat Wash control clockwise slightly. Now the master saturation control will alter the wash of colour in the whites and blacks. Monitoring the picture with a vectorscope, when first experimenting with wash, will help understand the functions. While Hue and Saturation wash affect the whole picture, it is still possible to use the six vector corrector underneath a washed picture. For example you could have a washed picture and still change the saturation of a green hedge thereby increasing the saturation in the sepia−tinted picture. Mega1 Copy and Read Copying all Mega1 channels from another event. • Hit UP or DOWN to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labelled SECONDARY. • Press the 1 key on the MegaDef panel. • Now all six Mega1 channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Reading all Mega1 channels from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labelled SECONDARY. • Press the 1 key on the MegaDef panel. • Now all six Mega1 channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. How to make a monochrome picture and bring back colours All Mega1 channels have the same priority. Take any Mega1 channel and increase it's input hue width to 360 degrees. Then turn down it's output saturation. Mega1 Wash 84 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef The whole picture will go monochrome. Now you can bring up any colours using the other Mega1 channels Select the channel and increase it's saturation. This leaves Mega2 fully available for other effects. Mega2 The main functional controls of Mega2 are accessed by pressing the 2 button on the MegaDef panel. • Primary • Channel isolation • Channel priority • Channel editing • MegaShapes Colour and area isolation Processor for Primary & Secondary Three or six variable channels exist for the Mega2 layer, these are selected using the R, G, B, Y, C, M keys. The saturation and luminance within the selected vector can be adjusted using the two controls on the upper left hand side of the MegaDef panel. Primary control is available when the balls are orange. As an aid, the MASK button on the MegaDef will desaturate all parts of picture that are not within the current isolation. Additionally in mask if a region has been set, then its boundaries will be visible. SHOW mode will hilite the current channel in its colour. Mega2 Primary control Mega2 primary controls are available when all the balls are orange. If any balls are green, then press and hold the switch above the lower ball until they change. If the balls are now red then press the 2 key on the MegaDef panel. Now the balls will be orange. Lift gamma and gain controls are now available. These controls will affect isolated picture areas. Press and hold on one of the primary reset buttons to default the primary for that channel. The isolation depends on colour and area selection. This will be described later. Resetting the changes made inside a channel. Press and hold on one of the primary buttons, to default the primary, and press and hold the appropriate channel selection button to default the secondary sat and lum. The vector position, or hue, can be rotated through 360 degrees using the top control on the right of the MegaDef panel. The vector width can be altered from 0 to 360 degrees using the second control on the right of the MegaDef panel. The threshold of lowest saturation that is included in the isolation is set using the third control on the right of the MegaDef panel. The threshold of highest saturation that is included in the isolation, is set using the fourth control on the right of the MegaDef panel. The threshold of lowest luminance that is included in the isolation, is set using the fifth control on the right of the MegaDef panel. The threshold of highest luminance that is included in the isolation Mega2 85 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef is set using the sixth control on the right of the MegaDef panel. .....More...... Channel isolation By default, when a channel is opened, the isolation is set to a 60 degrees vector width, centred about the R, G, B, Y, C, M key that was chosen. The lower saturation threshold is set slightly above zero to exclude black and white areas from the isolation. The full luminance range is included in the isolation. By default, the thresholds of hue, saturation and luminance isolation are softened slightly. The softness of all these thresholds can be independently adjusted. However there is only one physical control for softness. Whenever one of the above threshold controls is adjusted, the softness of this threshold is automatically assigned to the seventh control on the MegaDef panel. To make a channel work on all colours, simply press the EXPAND key. This is the key below GRAB on the MegaDef control panel. By default, the isolation occurs over the full picture area. However, the isolation can be limited to particular areas of the picture by using the region controls available for each channel. A double press of the button next to the ball on the MegaDef panel, will set the area to a small rectangle. Use of MASK or SHOW mode will ease adjustment of this region. The region position can be adjusted using the track ball on the MegaDef control panel. The small button next to this track ball toggles control of the region between size and position. Press and hold this button to reset the region to be full screen. Then all parts of the picture will be in the isolation. Double press this button to set a default region. (A tall rectangle) .....More...... Mega2 channel priorities The priority of Mega2 channels is affected by the top left knob on the left hand side of the MegaDef panel. Turning the knob down will mix the channel into the background and thus behind another channel. With a six channel system there are two layers, the lower three channels Y,C,M affect the picture first. Then the R,G,B channels appear. Copying all Mega2 channels from another event. • Hit UP or DOWN to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the 2 key on the MegaDef panel. Now all Mega2 channels will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Reading all Mega2 channels from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the 2 key on the MegaDef panel. Now all Mega2 channels will be merged with the current event. Channel isolation 86 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Copying a Mega2 channel from another event. • Hit Up or Down to select the event that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the 2 key on the MegaDef panel. • Press the key R,G,B,Y,C,M for the required channel Now the required Mega2 channel will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. Reading a Mega2 channel from a note. • Read the note that has the desired correction. • Press the illuminated key labeled SECONDARY. • Press the 2 key on the MegaDef panel. • Press the key R,G,B,Y,C,M for the required channel Now the required Mega2 channel will be merged with the current event. • Press ENTER to update this into the list. .....More...... Swapping a Mega2 channel. (Useful to alter channel priorities) • Make sure the list is in Program or Live. • Drag the luminance bar for the appropriate source channel in the Mega2 panel. and drop it on the luminance bar for the destination channel. The first channel will be swapped with the second channel. Copying a Mega2 channel. (Useful to start another channel with similar setup) • Make sure the list is in Program or Live. • Hold down the shift key on the QWERTY keypad. • Drag the luminance bar for the appropriate channel in the Mega2 window and drop it on the luminance bar for the destination channel. The first channel will be copied over the second channel. Copying a Mega2 channel from another event. 87 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef MegaShapes If you are experiencing problems with Megashapes, please go through the setup instructions. MegaShapes are accessed through the Viewer tool. When Platinum starts, Viewer appears as a minimized icon at the top of the screen. Please note that a Mega2 channel should not be used (and must be closed) in the events either side of an event containing a MegaShape, due to the time taken to load the shape. All other channels are still available for normal and MegaShape use in that event. the time taken for loading shapes varies according to the complexity of the shape, but you should generally allow up to one second. Viewer The image area in Viewer consists of two layers. Image layer The lower of these is the image layer and is the area into which images are loaded or grabbed. The initial image is the Megashapes introduction screen. There are three ways to change this image: • You can grab from the current video input using the physical Grab button, the button in the button in the Viewer toolbar. This is the normal method used to get a MegaShapes panel, or the new picture. • Clicking on an image in the Black Hole Browser will load it into Viewer. • You can drag an icon from a Unix directory view window directly into Viewer. Overlay Over the image is the transparent overlay or drawing layer. Shapes can be drawn into this using the toolpad on the left. Note you do not actually draw directly onto the image − you draw into the overlay area. The image is just shown beneath this. Shapes can also be loaded from the current user area in the Vault. Drawing and actions in the overlay area is controlled using the toolbar. Other controls for MegaShapes are available in the MegaShapes panel. The circles tool can also be used to create full−screen vignettes. Hints and Tips MegaShapes 88 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef Back to MegaShapes Viewer toolbar The toolbar on the left consists of three areas: switches, drawing tools, and actions. Some of the tools (circle, freehand, magic brush, blur)have a popup settings window, which can be found by holding down the left mouse button over the appropriate toolbar button. Switch between double and single layer mode. In double layer mode, the image is shown beneath the transparent overlay. All images are grabbed or loaded into the bottom layer. Drawing and MegaShape creation is done to the top layer. You cannot select an area of the image as a shape. In single layer mode, there is no image layer. Images can be loaded or grabbed directly into the overlay, and drawing is done directly onto this. Shapes are selected from this area. It is therefore possible to create a shape from an image, mask or texture. Switch between constrain image (locked) or don't constrain (unlocked) image. When the image area is constrained, the size is fixed and all images are resized to this, regardless of where they came from. If you require shapes to appear in the same position on the pixi as they do in Viewer, constrain must be turned on. In the unlocked position all images will be loaded or grabbed with their original size and aspect ratio. One of the following drawing tools will be selected at any time. The selected tool is highlighted. Select mode allows you to select an area of the image. This is used to select only part of the shape or image, as well as to specify an area for use in plugins. By default (and when any other tool is in use) Viewer 89 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef the whole area is selected. Circle mode allows you to draw soft edge circles. The left mouse button draws a white circle, the middle mouse button draws a black circle. The circle tool has a popup window which allows you to adjust the softness of the last circle, as well as the aspect ratio and size of the last circle drawn. Freehand mode allows you to draw freehand hard−edged shapes. The left mouse button draws in white and the middle mouse button draws in black (erase). This tool has a popup window which allows you to change the size of the brush. Fill mode performs a bucket fill (in either white or black) of the area under the mouse. Magic brush mode traces shapes from the image area underneath the overlay. This tool has a popup window which allows you to specify the threshold at which the tracing is done. The other buttons are actions that can be performed at any time. Blur. This softens the overlay area. A popup window is available which allows you to specify the size of the filter. Undo. Undoes the last action. There is one level of undo. Pressing this button again without doing anything else will redo the action. Recall. Recalls the shape from the current channel and event in the list back into the viewer. It can then be re−edited or downloaded to a different channel. Grabs the current image from the video input into the image (or overlay) layer. This performs exactly the same function as the physical 'Grab' key. Save. Saves the overlay as a shape in the "shapes" area of vault. A reset button can be found in the top right hand corner of the Viewer. This clears the overlay area and resets the shape. If a box has been selected (using Select), only that area will be cleared. Press twice to clear the whole image. There is also a horizontal button area at the top of the viewer next to the reset button. This is mainly used for external plugins. By default, only two plugins are present, but more will be available as an optional extra for image restoration in the future. MegaShapes mode. When the image restoration plugins are available, there will be alternative modes and this may be turned off occasionally, but under normal MegaShapes operation this will always be selected. Waveform. With future hardware updates attached, this will allow live data monitoring of the video input. MegaShapes Panel MegaShapes Panel 90 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef • Shape for each channel can be used to turn that shape OFF. The shape is automatically turned on when viewer sends it to the Pixi. • Grab grabs an image from video input. There is also a physical button above show on the DCP control panel for this. • Invert. There are two invert buttons for each channel. The left one inverts the entire isolation key. If you have isolated the red hues in a circle, "invert" will select everything BUT the red hue in the circle. The right "invert" inverts only the shape, not the colour isolation. In the above example, all the red hues outside the circle will be isolated. • Show displays the current shapes and hardware regions for each channel. • Tile, Mirror and RGB Mode are in the final stages of development and should not yet be used. Using MegaShapes to create vignettes Full screen vignettes can be created using the circles tool. To help with this, there are several useful notes in the "MegaShapes" project under the Pandora user. Using MegaShapes to create vignettes 91 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef Recall the appropriate note, depending on whether the system is 525, 625 or 2K, and press the 'Show' key. From this it can be seen that they contain a full−screen soft edged circle in the green channel. The green channel can now be used to adjust the centre of the picture, and the blue channel can be used to darken the corners. The red channel is then free and can be used on top of these. In the green channel, the priority control can be used as a quick and easy method of hardening the edges of the circle. The circle can also be moved around using the trackerball in the MegaDef control panel. At some point, the ready−made vignette will probably not be suitable as it is not possible to resize the circle or change the aspect ratio. The viewer should now be used to create a new vignette, as follows: • Press '2', 'expand' and 'show' (or 'mask' if you prefer) in the appropriate channel to select the full screen (as explained in Channel isolation). • Open the viewer and select 'Single−layer' mode. The top left icon in the MegaShapes toolbar on the left switches between double layer and single layer. This has several effects. In particular, the image is now hidden and drawing is done on a black background, and (more importantly) the size and position of the object or circle in the viewer WILL NOT match the size on the video. However, scaling from the viewer to the pixi is now "1−to−1" and there should never be any strange banding effects. • Draw a circle in the viewer. • Press and hold over the 'circle' button in the viewer to bring up a popup window. You should use the width and aspect controls in this window to change the size of the circle to the required size. The hardware resize controls (eg. the outer ring in the DPC panel) should NOT be used, otherwise you may see unwanted banding effects. • The circle can be positioned as required using the DCP trackerball. • Once you have a nice vignette in the centre of the screen, to adjust the corners outside of this you can either invert the vignette (using the buttons in the MegaShapes panel) or select a different channel with a lower priority and cover the rest of the screen. Using MegaShapes to create vignettes 92 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef Setting up and testing MegaShapes For hardware setup see the section called: "Pixi <−−> Pogle Network Wiring" in the Pixi Installation manual (page 15). • Check the debug messages: When the Pixi is booted, open the "Debug" window and check that the line "Sonic OK" appears in the "K2 messages" area. This means the pixi motherboard is prepared for shapes. • Check the MAC address in the "K2 messages" with the serial number of the Pogle Workstation. In the K2 window find the lines similar to "MAC *399" and "MAC OK" (where *399 is replaced with the serial number of your workstation). To find the serial no of the Pogle Workstation either (from v331) open the engineering debug panel and look in the bottom left or (<v331) open a unix shell on your SGI and type: /pogle/bin/wsfiles/crypto. The Pogle Workstation ID should be the same as the output given in the K2 debug (399 in this example). • Check the firmware: In the "K2 messages" area you will find the firmware info for the Cobra and the PixCELL cards. ♦ PixCELL must be >= V6 ♦ Cobra must be >= V10 ♦ The mother board firmware chip should be "X10" or "XL10" or higher. Example for the K2 messages: Start loading Pixi Writing software to Pixi Started Pixi M A Pixi v185 Sonic OK A Slot 1 Primary A Slot 2 Mega 1 v4 A Slot 4 Pixcell v6 filt N A Slot 5 Cobra v10 A Slot 6 Pixcell v6 filt N A Slot 7 Cobra v10 A 6 SDTV 3 HDTV / 2K MAC *339 A Router v4 MAC ok A Slot 1 Mega 1 P 24Hz 24Hz 24Hz A Slot 2 Mega 1 S A Slot 4 Pixcell 24Hz 24Hz 24Hz A Slot 5 Cobra 24Hz 24Hz 24Hz A Slot 6 Pixcell 24Hz 24Hz 24Hz A Slot 7 Cobra 24Hz 24Hz 24Hz A System running at 25Hz Once connected, test it as follows: • Login into a user and project and open a list. Make sure it's active! • Then press these keys... Setting up and testing MegaShapes 93 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef ♦ '2' to go to Mega 2 ♦ 'R' for the red channel ♦ "Show" to show the isolation ♦ "Expand" to select full HSI • A red box should now be covering the screen. • Now open Viewer and draw a circle or line on the image. The red box should disappear and be replaced by a red circle (or whatever has been drawn). • If a red circle does not appear open the platinum 'Debug' window and draw the shape again. An 'x' should be printed in the K2 debug area. This means shape data has been received over the internet and recognised. • If there are no 'u's in the debug window, check the LED on the front of the Pixi labelled "Host LAN". This should flash when a shape is sent down. If this isn't flashing then check connections, cables, termination, etc. Check the functions of the MegaShapes with an external Debug Monitor To connect an external terminal to the PiXi, please follow the instruction in the document: "Connecting a terminal to the Pogle" • press "TAB" to get the menu. • press "8" to get the sonic info. You will see a line similar to pkt rx=0 pkt tx=0 SGIADDR=FFFFFF Although the SGIADDR may be different. ♦ rx shows the number of received commands ♦ tx shows the number of sent commands ♦ SGIADDR shows the MAC address of the SGI if the Pixi has received any data. • If you send a shape from the O2 to the Pixi, the rx number will increment by 1. • by sending a shape to the O2 you will get this message: **************************************************************** "0 1 ENDu " "Shape 180 x 177 size 1706 bytes blocks 1 ... 0 " **************************************************************** • Possible error messages on the external terminal: ♦ if the 50 Ohm resistor is not connected you will see: " Tx error 814A " ♦ if the ethernet cable is not connected you will see: " Tx error 600 tx=0 SGIADDR=FFFFFF" ♦ if the HUB is not working you will see: " Tx error 600 tx=0 SGIADDR=FFFFFF" Hints and Tips The most common ways to create a shape are as follows: • The easiest way is to use a series of soft edge circles to build up a rough shape. This will probably be suitable for most simple purposes. Hints and Tips 94 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef • Use the magic brush tool to trace an object on the background, then use blur to smooth the edges and fill in gaps. • Isolate an area on the original picture using Mega2 colour isolation and use Mega2 colour correction to create a black and white shape of this image. Then grab this shape into Viewer using the grab button (you must be in single layer mode). • Use an external drawing package (e.g. Photoshop) to create a mask and import this into Viewer. This is the best way to create complex shapes (e.g. beer bottles), and can also be used for creating textures. Save the external image as either a luminance or RGB TIFF image and copy it into /pogle/virtual on the SGI. It will then appear in the Black Hole Browser on Platinum. If you click on this while holding down the Shift key, it will be loaded into Viewer. Hints and Tips 95 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef MegaGamma • Available with the MegaDef processor • Unlimited control of Red, Green, Blue and Master transfer graphs. • On every primary channel. ♦ Full screen ♦ Region ♦ Colour isolated ♦ Region + colour isolated • Easy interface ♦ Freehand draw ♦ Multipoint control ♦ Start from flat graph ♦ Unlimited number of saved MegaGamma settings MegaGamma operation MegaGamma file format MegaGamma 96 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef MegaGamma Operation Press (a) in the top right to reset all four transfer graphs. Each transfer graph also has it's own reset . Toggling between and (b) switches between "points" mode and "freehand" mode. In "points" mode, as many points as required may be added and moved around to create the desired graph. In "freehand" mode, the graph is drawn directly using the mouse or tablet. Press (c) to save the current graphs in the current user and project area. MegaGamma file format ASCII text files with .mga extension. To access files place them into /pogle/virtual. Then click on the file in the Black Hole. The file starts with a header that is used to identify the file in the Vault #HEADER #filename: #type: #format: #created: #owner: #title: #comment: test.mga MegaGamma file 1.0 18:40 Wed 03 March '99 pandora in Lut for projector Then the following items must be defined channel, which is position in signal path • channel input • channel output in, which is number of entries in each lut • in 8192 (13bit) • in 4096 (12 bit) MegaGamma Operation 97 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef • in 1024 (10 bit) out, which is the size of each entry • out 4096 (12 bit) • out 1024 (10 bit) format, whether the data is defined as a set of points or a lookup table • format lut • format points • values master (one set which will be used for red, green and blue) • values red green blue (individual sets for red, green and blue) • values red green blue master (individual sets for red, green and blue and master) Here are some examples • linear example • linear example with invert • linear example master only linear example #HEADER #filename: #type: #format: #created: #owner: #title: #END test1.mga MegaGamma file 1.0 18:40 Wed 03 March '99 pandora Linear channel output in 8192 out 1024 format lut values red green blue master 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 8190 1023 1023 1023 8191 1023 1023 1023 linear example with invert #HEADER #filename: #type: #format: #created: #owner: #title: #END test2.mga MegaGamma file 1.0 18:40 Wed 03 March '99 rainmaker Invert MegaGamma file format 98 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef channel output in 8192 out 1024 format lut values red green blue master 0 0 0 0 1023 1 0 0 0 1023 ... 8190 1023 1023 1023 0 8191 1023 1023 1023 0 linear example master only #HEADER #filename: #type: #format: #created: #owner: #title: #comment: #END test3.mga MegaGamma file 1.0 Tuesday March 23 1999 pandora One To One Linear Lut for Test. channel output in 8192 out 1024 format lut values master 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 2 14 2 15 2 16 2 17 2 18 2 19 2 20 2 continues onward to 8173 1021 8174 1021 8175 1021 8176 1021 8177 1021 8178 1021 8179 1022 8180 1022 MegaGamma file format 99 Pandora Pixi and MegaDef 8181 8182 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 MegaGamma file format 100 FilmCache The Platinum displays pictures in the event list as a reference. Each note also has a picture reference. A PAL or NTSC video feed is required for this. Normally this would be the same feed that was driving the autoshot detector. A serial digital 601 to PAL + NTSC encoder + autoshot is available from Pandora for this purpose, if this is not already in the room. This composite feed is grabbed into the standard VINO Indy analogue composite video input or the analog video I/O option on the O2 machine. When running with HiDef video then a down converter will be needed to be able to grab composite images into the SGI. The system will work perfectly in this configuration, however additional features will be available when an external digital disk recorder is connected to the Pogle Platinum. A real−time video disk with a good Sony RS422 emulation is required. A conventional still store is not suitable. Older disks like the A60 and A64 are not suitable, as they do not allow easy switching between record and playback. Suitable disk recorders • Abekas A65 or A66. Ensure that A65 edit offset is correct in Edit Setup panel. • Accom 2Xtreme. Version 1.057 or newer. • MMS ProntoVideo. Set disk timecode start to 00:00:00:00 in Pronto onscreen menu. • Post Impressions SpiDDR. • Sierra Quickframe or Diskcovery. Version 6.06k or newer. ♦ Set id code to F020 in Sierra menu to use input A (serial). ♦ Set id code to F01E in Sierra menu to use input B (parallel) Please contact us with specific model information, so that we can verify correct operation. The pictures from the disk are fed into the DCP reference wipe to allow easy and fast picture matching. Connect the disk to Pogle vtr port 4. If the disk is recognised then a disk icon will appear. FilmCache operation System wiring for Platinum FilmCache FilmCache operation Storing images Every time the ENTER key is used to update an event, a frame will be grabbed. A small image will appear in the list and the video disk will capture a full resolution image. When adding a new event an image will only be grabbed when in TRIM mode or there is no image for this event. Because of this when trimming in the middle of a scene, it is best to enter the trim, before moving on. This FilmCache 101 FilmCache ensures that the grabbed image is the most relevant one. The frame count of the grabbed image is stored in the event. When CUE is used in COPY mode the Pogle cues to the exact trimmed frame to allow easy regrading. Images are also grabbed when in autoshot mode. Images are also grabbed when the NOTE key is used. So NOTE can be used to manually grab images. Recalling images Click on any image (notes or events) on the Platinum desktop to read all the data and also recall the grabbed image. This is useful when moving into ungraded material. Clicking with the middle button will just recall the grabbed image. This is useful when the current scene has already been graded. Recalling images 102 Noise reducers The Pogle can control the following noise reducers. • Accom • DVNR • FGR • VS4 • MNR9 • MNR10 • MNR11 • VS4 They are all connected via a standard RS422 cable to the 7th 9pin D−type on the Pogle, labeled Noise. The controls are stored in the Pogle event list, so changes can be made scene to scene. A particular noise reducer can be selected in the Room setup panel. DVNR noise reducer Test and split are live controls and are not stored. All the other controls are stored in the Pogle event list. See the Digital Vision manual for operational details. Other options have separate panels. • CSR • DIS, HZOM, VZOM • CDK Noise reducers 103 Noise reducers • ASC II There are some engineering settings in the DVNR setup panel CSR The continuous scratch controls are stored in the Pogle event list. See the Digital Vision manual for operational details. DIS, HZOM, VZOM The image stabiliser, horizontal and vertical zoom controls are stored in the Pogle event list. See the Digital Vision manual for operational details. CSR 104 Noise reducers CDK The chroma desaturation controls are stored in the Pogle event list. See the Digital Vision manual for operational details. ASC II DVNR setup Click on NR setup in the Engineering panel to access DVNR setup. CDK 105 Noise reducers Control of the DVNR is at 57k6 or 115k. The slower rates no longer allow field accurate control of the DVNR. If OFFLINE is shown try the other baud rate. If control is still not possible, then try toggling the first position of the 8 way DIL switch on the DVNR output card. Select the options that are fitted to the DVNR. Close the panel and then restart Platinum. VS4 Video Sweetener VS4 Video Sweetener 106 Noise reducers Test and split are live controls and are not stored. All the other controls are stored in the Pogle event list. See the Philips VS4 manual for operational details. Currently the digital makeup function is not supported. There are some engineering settings in the VS4 setup panel The VS4 autoshot can be used. VS4 setup Click on NR setup in the Engineering panel to access VS4 setup. If the DCP is installed in loop mode between the noise and contour processors, then the DCP delay should be set to In. The VS4 adds 8 fields to the room delay. (6 fields if no contour option) VS4 setup 107 Autoshot configuration and operation Pandora Scene Change Detector in the Room panel in the Routing display in the DVNR panel in the Routing display. Rank Autoshot in the Room panel in the Routing display in the DVNR panel in the Routing display. DVNR shot detector in the DVNR panel in the Routing display. This overrides the selection in the Room panel. VS4 shot detector in the Room panel in the Routing display Connect a cable from the VS4 GPI2 connector to the Pogle GPI input connector. Press the AUTO key to enable scene detection. Now when playing the source machine in LIVE mode, scenes will be added to the active event list. Autoshot timing is used to ensure that the events are marked correctly. VS4 Autoshot cable Make a cable with the following connections. 9 pin male 25 pin male pin 7 pin 8 pin 5 pin 14 Connect it from the GPI2 9pin female D−type on the VS4 to the GPI 25pin female D−type on the Pogle workstation. Autoshot timing In the Room panel in the Routing display there are various timing buttons. Autoshot configuration and operation 108 Autoshot configuration and operation The events should be marked into the list on the last frame of the scene. If not then adjust the frame timing value. This timing value is stored separately for 525 and 625, film and tape. In tape to tape operation, wih normal field 1 dominant material, the events should all appear with a *. This is because the data in each event lasts until the end of field 2. Adjust the field timing number from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 until the events are marked correctly. This timing value is stored separately for 525 and 625, in tape only. Generally there is an adjustment on an autoshot detector for sensitivity, but there is always a compromise over this setting. When at a responsive level, false shots can be marked during fast movement or animation. The Min Scene Duration helps prevent these false shots. Shots that come in too close together are assumed to be false and are ignored. The default value of 10 frames should be sufficient. Autoshot configuration and operation 109 Strobe Strobe allows a note to be read repeatedly or strobed. It can be used to easily create effects that are recalled over the top of the active list. Read the desired note from the Vault. Turn on Strobe in the Transport panel. A Strobe panel will appear. Platinum switches between the note and the active list. The rate can be adjusted in this panel. By default all groups are read from the note. However by turning on certain groups, a strobe of certain parameters can be achieved, combined with the active list. This makes it possible to apply an effect to a fully corrected list. Use freeze to create strobe motion effects. Hitting CLEAR will turn off the strobe mode and return to normal list operation. For example to make a film look noisy. • Turn up the Noise reducer Hac and Vac. • Hit NOTE • Hit the NOISE illuminated key • Read this note from the vault • Turn on • Play the film and adjust the strobe frame rate to suit Strobe 110 Spirit connections Spirit connections 111 CReality User masking CReality masking On the third page of the Vault and the Black Hole, there are user maskings. An unlimited number of maskings can be stored in each project. In the Pandora user, in the project CR masks, there are four factory maskings. These maskings can be used as is or dragged into the current project in the Vault. The masking is controlled by the nine bargraphs in the Masking − CReality panel. User must be turned on to enable the masking. To save masking hit New in the Vault. To recall masking click on the required mask in the Vault. CReality 112 Ursa Manual shading URSA manual shading. Find the shading panel in the Vault. Adjust the red, green or blue tilt or parabola line shading values. Note that the Ursa will update 4 lines halfway down the screen. The update will occur quite slowly. Apply blanking can be selected to shown a thin area of active video. The height of the lines can be increased by using Y ASPECT. At this stage you may wish to increase the brightness control on the wave form monitor to display the remaining unblanked video. When the desired shading is found, click on Apply shading. Wait for between 40sec and 2mins 30 secs until Apply shading turns off and required shading appears over the whole of the screen. To return to normal shading either perform an auto align on the URSA (returns to last saved shading) or close the active list and Apply shading. To set a permanent machine shading, adjust as above, then click on Save in Ursa. Now whenever an auto align is carried out, this shading will be added making the align take longer than normal. To return to normal shading, close the active list and then Save in Ursa and perform an auto align on URSA. Do not exit from the shading window whilst applying, this will cause partial shading. If this happens, then an URSA auto align is needed. If JumpFree is installed on the telecine then it will need to be disabled, this is done by moving SW1 bit6 on PCB 102133 towards the board (down). The manual shading should be enabled by SW2 bit 3 on PCB 102107, this is switched to the down position. Ursa 113 Sleepy Screen Saver The screen saver will appear after • 30 minutes of inactivity. • 30 seconds if logged out of the Vault. • Moving the mouse to the bottom left of the screen. Moving the mouse or the source transport will keep the system awake. A sleep note will be read shortly afterwards. This can be used to defocus or zoom the scan on a Cintel machine. It can also be used to read a black note to protect the monitor. The note in the Library user's sleep project is used. Update the note to change the sleep. To disable the sleep, remove the sleep note. Sleepy Screen Saver 114 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements • What SGI system is needed for Platinum? ♦ What monitor is required? ♦ How large a hard disk is needed? ♦ What about removable media drives? ♦ How is the SGI connected to the Pogle? • System check for SGI before Platinum installation • System wiring for Platinum FilmCache • Software updates • Formatting an Indy with IRIX 6.2 • Formatting an O2 with IRIX 6.3 • Formatting an O2 with IRIX 6.5.6 • Formatting an O2 with IRIX 6.5.8 • Updating from 6.5.x to 6.5.8 • Platinum installation on a new SGI • Setting up a network • Platinum directory structure • Connecting a Zip or Jaz drive • Modification to the Pogle Workstation SCSI reset Please contact Pandora if there are any questions regarding the Platinum or the SGI, as it is essential to sort them out before installation. POGLE Platinum What SGI systems can be used? Silicon Graphics O2 or Indy. This would normally be sourced locally by the customer and not be supplied by Pandora. This is because the Silicon Graphics system is not modified and then has full local SGI support. However if preferred, complete systems can be supplied by Pandora. What is the minimum specification for an O2? Any O2 Workstation with analog or digital Video I/O option, 128MB Memory, 4GB hard Disk with IRIX 6.5.5 (or newer) or 6.3 The 6.3 system software must be the R10000 version, as this has some required bug fixes. To check if the O2 has the correct version, see the SGI system check notes. The Video I/O option is essential for the Platinum. There is no advantage to using R10000 or R12000 O2 systems, also they cost more!! What is the minimum specification for an Indy? Any Indy with 8−bit or 24−bit colour, 128MB, 4GB hard disk with IRIX 6.5.5 (or newer) or 6.2. With 24−bit graphics, the thumbnail images will be higher quality, but this is not essential for Platinum. When running the Philips Datacine data transfer program images will be improved using 24bit graphics. How much ram is needed? Minimum 128MB however 256MB ram is recommended, particularly when using the Viewer with MegaShapes. POGLE Platinum SGI requirements 115 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Next SGI system check for Platinum Follow these instructions before attempting to install Platinum software. This should normally be done before the installation date, as reformating and installing the SGI system software takes some time. Login to the SGI as root . Open a console window. Type the following in the console window: df There should be only one entry of type XFS, indicating that the entire drive is formatted as one volume and that there are no partitions. Type the following in the console window: swap −ln Make sure that the figure under maxswap is at least 64.00m. If there are partitions or the swap space is too small then the disk must be reformatted. Always perform the default IRIX install. No patches should be needed. If you are running an Indy : Type the following in the console window: uname −r Make sure that the message returned is 6.2 not 5.3. If you are running an O2 : Type the following in the console window: uname −R Make sure that the message returned is 6.3 O2 R10000 not 6.3. If this is not correct, then system software must be updated before proceeding. If unsure then contact Pandora to check, as these items are extremely important. Where is the SGI system located? The SGI is placed directly on top of the existing Pogle workstation, in the machine area. The SGI keyboard and mouse are not used for Platinum operation, however they must be plugged into the SGI. They may be needed for engineering purposes or for running other applications, so two PS2 style keyboard and mouse extension cables are supplied. These cables should run from the machine area to the operator area. An O2 is approx 34cm high, an Indy is approx 9cm high. How are several Pogle Platinum systems connected together? The SGI ethernet link is available for networking of Platinum systems and other server devices. The Platinum software allows all items including Projects and Notes to be moved from one Pogle system to another via this network. Audio for Platinum beeps, boings and bangs. There is a stereo audio output from the SGI, this is used for various sounds during Platinum operation. The speaker in the Pogle console is no longer used. Run a stereo audio cable from the SGI in the machine area to SGI system check for Platinum 116 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements the desk and connect a pair of small powered speakers inside your desk. These speakers are not provided by Pandora. Is a CDROM drive needed? A CDROM drive will be required to allow software updates from Silicon Graphics. This is standard on the O2 machine. A CDROM on another networked machine can also be used. What about old event files? Old ANDIX files can be converted, from floppy, to new Platinum event files. So required event files from the Andix system need to be backed up to floppy disk, before starting the Platinum installation. Next What monitor is required? All user displays and status windows appear on the SGI monitor. Adaptors are supplied by Pandora that convert the SGI video connectors to BNC. The customer only needs to supply 3 bnc cables, these run from the machine area to the operator desk. If this is an upgrade to an existing Pogle, then the current bnc cables can be used. In addition to the SGI monitors, we have used various Sony 17" and 20". The required resolution is 1280x1024. The SGI flat screen is supported by the O2 and this has a resolution of 1600x1024. A 17" monitor is the default monitor from SGI, this is good only if the monitor is directly in front of the operator. However if the monitor will be placed to one side of the desk, then a 20" monitor will be required. If there is space then a 20" monitor is strongly recommended, this will allow both operator and client to view clips on the Platinum screen. Old Pogle Multi sync / VGA style monitors will probably not work with the 1280x1024 Indy resolution and will also be too small. How large a hard disk is needed? IRIX operating system uses a large amount of disk space. A 4GB or 9GB hard drive will obviously enable more projects to be stored. However projects should still be backed up to prevent loss. Using the Black Hole projects can be backed up to the network or removable devices. Jaz and 100MB Zip drives are supported by the Pogle Platinum Black Hole software. Entire projects can easily be dragged from and to the backup device. What monitor is required? 117 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Also see removable media drives. Also ensure that the entire hard drive is formatted as one volume and that there are no partitions. See the SGI system check notes. Connecting a Zip or Jaz drive What about removable media drives? The floppy drive in the Pogle control panel is no longer used. The floppy is placed on the external SCSI bus of the SGI system as id 5, before the Pogle workstation. A floppy may be needed for MSDOS EDL imports, however EDL's can also be transfered over the network to the Platinum system, so a floppy may not be needed. SGI O2 or Indy should be ordered with an SGI 3.5 inch external floppy that connects to the SCSI port. The old Pogle floppy can also be used, a suitable case with power supply and Centronics connectors is RS Connecting a Zip or Jaz drive 118 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements part 191−9309. The floppy must be id 5. This is achieved by leaving the middle id link on. (This is different to a hard drive) However for backup of operator projects, lists and notes the floppy drive cannot be used. This is because of the small, slow capacity of a floppy disk. SCSI Jaz drives are suitable as they give the convenience of removable media with comparable size and speed to a hard drive. SCSI Zip drives are an alternative but offer limited space per cartridge and slower operation. Jaz drives should be id 4 and the disks should be Macintosh or IRIX format. Connecting a Zip or Jaz drive The SGI connects to the Pogle workstation via the SCSI interface. This lead is generally 0.75m (2ft) long so the SGI must be on top of the Pogle workstation/interface. The workstation appears as device 3 on the SGI SCSI bus. Connecting a Zip or Jaz drive 119 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements FilmCache wiring for DCP FilmCache wiring for Pixi FilmCache wiring for DCP 120 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Software updates Software is available to customers with a valid system maintainance contract. Software updates can be easily downloaded from the Pandora web page. http://pogle.pandora− Consequently it is a requirement for Platinum customers to have an e−mail address and also an internet connection. The software consists of one large file approx 4Mb in size. There are various ways to get the web software onto the Platinum system. • Direct from web page to Platinum system. • From your web server to Platinum system via network. • From PC or Mac web server via Jaz or Zip disk, to O2 based Platinum system. • From Mac web server via Jaz or Zip disk, to Indy based Platinum system. Indy does not currently support PC formatted Jaz or Zip disks, so Mac formatted disks MUST be used. Information about software updates will be sent out to Platinum customers using e−mail. Please send details of your e−mail account to service@pandora− Software updates 121 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Formatting a system disk − Indy IRIX 6.2 All commands must be typed on the SGI keyboard. Connect a CDROM to the system with the IRIX system CD disc 1. Boot the system and enter maintainance mode. Enter the command monitor. Type hinv to check the SCSI ID of the CDROM Type the following where both occurences of 5 should be the SCSI ID of the CDROM. • boot −f dksc(0,5,8)sashARCS dksc(0,5,7)stand/fx.ARCS −−x • type <Enter> to the prompts for the device name • type <Enter> to the prompts for the controller • check the ID if the drive is correct (from hinv). If it is <enter> • type r (repartition) <enter> • type ro (rootdrive) <enter> • type <enter> to the prompt regarding data partition type to accept the default (xfs) • type yes <enter> to the prompt to continue • type .. <enter> to quit • type exit <enter> to exit back to the engineering menu Choose Install System Software from the menu. Choose Local CDROM option. If using a new disk you may see a prompt Make a new Filesystem • At the prompt Make a new Filesystem, type yes <enter> • At the prompt Are you Sure? type y <enter> • At the prompt xfs/efs? type xfs <enter> • At the prompt for block size, type 4096 <enter> • type n to ignore the introduction script • type 2 (Ignore startup script) <enter> otherwise • type n to ignore the introduction script • type 2 (Ignore startup script) <enter> • type 11 (Admin menu) <enter> • type 10 (make a new file system) <enter> • type y to accept option clean disc • type yes to the "make file system" prompt <enter> • type in xfs to make an xfs filesystem <enter> • type 18 (return) <enter> then • type 1 (from) • type 1 (/CDROM/dist) <enter> • type 2 (ignore startup script) <enter> • type 3 (go) <enter> Formatting a system disk − Indy IRIX 6.2 122 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements when the installation from CD 1 has finished, you will see the inst> prompt • place CD 2 into the CDROM drive • type 1 (from) <enter> • press <enter> to choose default (/CDRM/dist) • type 3 (go) <enter> when the installation from CD 2 has finished, you will see the inst> prompt • type 12 (quit) <enter> • remove CD 2 • type y to restart the system Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.3 All commands must be typed on the SGI keyboard. Boot the O2 and hit the escape button to Stop for Maintainance. Or click on the Stop for Maintainance icon. Enter the Command Monitor Type in hinv to check the SCSI ID of the internal CDROM You will need two CDs • Irix 6.3 for O2 including R10000 • Irix 6.3 Applications Insert first CD of IRIX 6.3. Type in the following where both occurences of 4 should be the SCSI ID of the CDROM. • boot −f dksc(0,4,8)sashARCS dksc(0,4,7)stand/fx.ARCS −−x • type <Enter> to the prompts for the device name • type <Enter> to the prompts for the controller • check the ID if the drive is correct (from hinv). If it is <enter> • type r (repartition) <enter> • type ro (rootdrive) <enter> • type xfs <enter> to the prompt for filesystem type) • type yes <enter> to the prompt to continue • type .. <enter> to quit • type exit <enter> to exit back to the engineering menu Choose Install System Software from the menu. Choose Local CDROM option. The system will display a bar icon showing Copying Installation Tools to Disk If using a new disk you may see a prompt Make a new Filesystem • At the prompt Make a new Filesystem, type yes <enter> • At the prompt Are you Sure? type y <enter> • At the prompt xfs/efs? type xfs <enter> Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.3 123 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements • At the prompt for block size, type 4096 <enter> otherwise you should now see the inst> prompt with a series of numerical options • type 13 (admin) <enter> • type 11 (mkfs) <enter> • At the prompt to clean the disk, type y <enter> • At the prompt to make a new filesystem, type yes <enter> • type n to ignore the startup script • At the prompt for filesystem type, type xfs <enter> • type n to ignore the startup script • if asked for block size, type 4096 <enter> • type 20 (return to inst) <enter> then • type 1 (from) <enter> • type 1 (local CDROM) <enter> • You will now see a request for the second CD. Insert Irix 6.3 Disk 2 into the drive • You will now see the first page of a long introduction. Type n <enter> to ignore the rest of this script • type 1 (/CDROM/dist) <enter> • type n <enter> to ignore the introduction • At the prompt, type 2 (done) <enter> • This should take you back to the inst> prompt • type 5 (go) <enter> The new operating system will now be installed. Follow any prompts on the screen for inserting Disk 1 or Disk 2. Type 14 (quit)<enter> The system will ask if you want to restart. Choose yes and the system will restart and boot up with IRIX 6.3. Take the CDs out of the O2 and put them somewhere safe. Follow the normal installation procedure for Platinum as detailed elsewhere. Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.6 Please back up the directory /pogle/data before you proceed with this update. All commands must be typed on the SGI keyboard. You will need the following CD's • IRIX 6.5 Foundation 1 and 2 • IRIX 6.5 Applications • IRIX 6.5.6 Installation Tools and Overlays 1 and 2 Boot the O2 and hit the escape button to Stop for Maintainance ( or click on the Stop for Maintainance Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.6 124 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements icon) Enter the Command Monitor Type in hinv <enter> to check the SCSI ID of the internal CDROM drive and the system Hard Disc ( Usually, the CDROM is ID 4 and the hard drive is ID 1 on controller 0) Insert the CD IRIX 6.5.6 Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 1 in the reader. Type in the following where both occurences of 4 should be the SCSI ID of the CDROM. boot −f dksc(0,4,8)sashARCS dksc(0,4,7)stand/fx.ARCS −−x Type the following • <enter> to the prompts for the device name • <enter> to the prompts for the controller • Select the correct ID of the Hard Drive <enter> • r (repartition) <enter> • ro (rootdrive) <enter> • Choose xfs <enter> at the prompt for filesystem type • at the prompt to continue, type yes <enter> • .. <enter> to quit • exit <enter> to exit back to the engineering menu. • Now Install System Software. From the engineering menu, click on Install System Software. Choose the drive Local CDROM and click on Install then Continue. The system will display a bar icon showing Copying Installation Tools to Disk At the prompt to make a new file system, type in yes <enter> At the prompt Are You Sure? Type in y <enter> At the prompt for block size, type in 4096 <enter> You should now see the inst> prompt with a series of numerical options. Type 13 (admin) <enter> Type 11 (mkfs) <enter> At the prompt to clean the disk, type y <enter> At the prompt to make a new filesystem, type yes <enter> At the Admin> prompt, hit <enter> to go to the numerical menu. Type 21 (return) <enter> Type 1 (from) <enter> Type 1 (CDROM/dist) <enter> You will now see the first page of a long introduction. Type n <enter> to ignore the rest of this script You will be asked to select either Maintainance or Feature stream, select 2(feature) <enter> The system will read the distribution off the disk, then prompt you to insert other disks. Insert the CDs in this order: 1. Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 1 of 2 ( This should already be in the drive) 2. Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 2 of 2 3. Foundation Disk 1 4. Foundation Disk 2 5. Applications ( type in n <enter> to ignore the startup script) Press <enter> after you have inserted each CD. Follow the requests by the system regarding the CDs until the system has read all five disks. Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.6 125 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements At the prompt, type 2 (done) <enter> You should now see the inst> prompt again Hit the <enter> key to return to the numerical options. Type in: 8 *dev <enter> 8 nfs <enter> 10 (conflicts) <enter> If there are any conflicts with the software resolve them by typing: conflicts 1x 2x <enter> where x is the choice of resolution. You do not need to install dvdr.booksor appletalk You are now ready to go. Type in 5 <enter> Follow the prompts for the various CDs as the system asks for them ( you may have to use some CDs twice ) At some point you may encounter errors installing Appletalk. This is not a problem. Type in 3(continue)<enter> to carry on. Eventually the system will tell you that it has finished installing software. At the inst> prompt, hit the <enter>key to go to the numeric menu. Choose 14 (quit)<enter> and the system will (eventually) quit inst. You will be prompted that the system is ready to restart. Type in y <enter> to restart. Put all five CDs in their covers and put them somewhere safe. When the system is back up, log in as root, open a console and type in; chkconfig webface off<enter> Install Platinum as detailed elsewhere. Please note: Irix 6.5.x re−writes the SCSI drivers EVERY time the O2 is restarted. If the Pogle workstation is not connected or is powered down when you start the O2, you will not be able to run Platinum. Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.8 Please back up the directory /pogle/data before you proceed with this update. All commands must be typed on the SGI keyboard. You will need the following six CD's • IRIX 6.5 Foundation 1 and 2 • IRIX 6.5 Applications (As supplied with the update package) • IRIX 6.5.8 Installation Tools and Overlays 1, 2 and 3 Boot the O2 and hit the escape button to Stop for Maintainance ( or click on the Stop for Maintainance icon) Enter the Command Monitor Type in hinv <enter> to check the SCSI ID of the internal CDROM drive and the system Hard Disc ( Usually, the CDROM is ID 4 and the hard drive is ID 1 on controller 0) Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.8 126 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Insert the CD IRIX 6.5.8 Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 1 in the reader. Type in the following where both occurences of 4 should be the SCSI ID of the CDROM. boot −f dksc(0,4,8)sashARCS dksc(0,4,7)stand/fx.ARCS −−x Type the following • <enter> to the prompts for the device name • <enter> to the prompts for the controller • Select the correct ID of the Hard Drive <enter> • r (repartition) <enter> • ro (rootdrive) <enter> • Choose xfs <enter> at the prompt for filesystem type • at the prompt to continue, type yes <enter> • .. <enter> to quit • exit <enter> to exit back to the engineering menu. • Now Install System Software. From the engineering menu, click on Install System Software. Choose the drive Local CDROM and click on Install then Continue. The system will display a bar icon showing Copying Installation Tools to Disk At the prompt to make a new file system, type in yes <enter> At the prompt Are You Sure? Type in y <enter> At the prompt for block size, type in 4096 <enter> You should now see the inst> prompt with a series of numerical options. Type 13 (admin) <enter> Type 11 (mkfs) <enter> At the prompt to clean the disk, type y <enter> At the prompt to make a new filesystem, type yes <enter> At the Admin> prompt, hit <enter> to go to the numerical menu. Type 21 (return) <enter> Type 1 (from) <enter> Type 1 (CDROM/dist) <enter> You will now see the first page of a long introduction. Type n <enter> to ignore the rest of this script You will be asked to select either Maintainance or Feature stream, select 2(feature) <enter> The system will read the distribution off the disk, then prompt you to insert other disks. Insert the CDs in this order: 1. Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 1 of 3( This should already be in the drive) 2. Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 2 of 3 3. Installation Tools and Overlays Disk 3of 3 4. Foundation Disk 1 5. Foundation Disk 2 6. Applications ( type in n <enter> to ignore the startup script) Press <enter> after you have inserted each CD. Follow the requests by the system regarding the CDs until the system has read all five disks. At the prompt, type 2 (done) <enter> Formatting a system disk − O2 Irix 6.5.8 127 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements You should now see the inst> prompt again Hit the <enter> key to return to the numerical options. Type in: 8 *dev <enter> 8 nfs <enter> 10 (conflicts) <enter> If there are any conflicts with the software resolve them by typing: conflicts 1x 2x <enter> where x is the choice of resolution. You do not need to install dvdr.booksor appletalk You are now ready to go. Type in 5 <enter> Follow the prompts for the various CDs as the system asks for them ( you may have to use some CDs twice ) At some point you may encounter errors installing Appletalk. This is not a problem. Type in 3(continue)<enter> to carry on. Eventually the system will tell you that it has finished installing software. At the inst> prompt, hit the <enter>key to go to the numeric menu. Choose 14 (quit)<enter> and the system will (eventually) quit inst. You will be prompted that the system is ready to restart. Type in y <enter> to restart. Put all six CDs in their covers and put them somewhere safe. When the system is back up, log in as root, open a console and type in; chkconfig webface off<enter> Install Platinum as detailed elsewhere. Please note: Irix 6.5.x re−writes the SCSI drivers EVERY time the O2 is restarted. If the Pogle workstation is not connected or is powered down when you start the O2, you will not be able to run Platinum. Updating 6.5.x to 6.5.8 Please back up the directory: /pogle/data before proceeding with this update. Quit Platinum, log out as pogle user and log in as root. You will need 4 CDs to complete this update: Irix 6.5.8 Installation Tools and Overlays [1 of3] Irix 6.5.8 Overlays [2 of 3] Irix 6.5.8 Overlays [3 of 3] Irix 6.5 Applications ( the CD supplied with the update ) Insert the CD: Irix 6.5.8 Installation Tools and Overlays [1 of3] into the drive. When the CD icon on the desktop shows the reader is loaded, double−click on the icon. The Software Manager will launch. "DISMISS" the Startup Message Make sure that the "Default Installation" item is checked. Updating 6.5.x to 6.5.8 128 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Click on "START" in the Software Manager window. After a short while, a window will open saying that the CD is part of a set. Choose "Eject CD" from the bottom of the window, insert the next CD and click on "Add" You will need to insert all four CDs, in the order listed above. ie: Irix 6.5.8 Installation Tools and Overlays [1 of3] Irix 6.5.8 Overlays [2 of 3] Irix 6.5.8 Overlays [3 of 3] Irix 6.5 Applications ( the CD supplied with the update ) Dismiss the Startup Message that pops up after you insert the 6.5 Applications CD. After the Software Manager has read the Applications CD, click on "Done" A window calles "Conflicts" will pop up. This indicates thet there are still some issues to resolve before carrying on with the update. Close this window. Click on "Panes" in the Software Manager and choose "Command" from the pull−down window. A text area will appear at the bottom of the Software Manager. Put the pointer in this area and type in: keep *dev <enter> keep nfs <enter> Click on the red "Conflicts" button in the Software Manager. In the window that pops up, resolve any remaining conflicts. You do not need to install dvdr.books When all conflicts have been resolved, click on "Start" in the Software Manager window. Insert the various CDs as the system asks you for them. (Note − The "Load Next CD" window stays open quite a long time. This is normal) Eventually, the system will display a question panel on the desktop. Choose "Restart the System Now" and click on "OK" When the system has come back up, log in as pogle and run Babel from the Pandora item in the toolchest. Run the Check and Update Platinum utility to re−install the pointer driver. (Please Note, There is a driver update fix in Platinum version 2.57 for Irix 6.5.8. If you are running an earlier version of Platinum, please update to this version or contact Pandora Service for instructions on manually updating the driver) Finally, Locate all four CDs and put them SOMEWHERE SAFE! Updating 6.5.x to 6.5.8 129 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Platinum installation on a new SGI Do not connect any of the Pogle hardware to the system untill the software installation has been completed. It is unlikely that the SGI will even boot up if the workstation is connected to the SCSI bus of the SGI. It is recommended that any network configuration is carried out before the Platinum software installation is started. Remember, unix is case sensitive − if the instructions say type in pogle, do not type in POGLE. These are two totally different words as far as the system is concerned. Installation on an O2 or Indy running Irix 6.3 or 6.5.X Installation on an Indy running Irix 6.2 A dark neutral background colour works best on the SGI. The settings for the background and window colours are available in the SGI toolchest: Desktop > Customise > Background Desktop > Customise Colour Schemes SGI machines will not boot if there is no keyboard attached. The Indy will tell you, the O2 will not! Platinum installation on a new SGI 130 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Installation on an Indy running Irix 6.2 Log in as root. Fron the SGI Toolchest, open the System Manager. Choose User Manager. Choose Add (add a new user account) The account should be named pogle The full name should be Pogle Platinum Click OK Open a console window and type in the following: cd / <enter> mkdir /pogle <enter> chown pogle.user /pogle <enter> chkconfig firsttimeprograms off <enter> Now log out as root and login as the pogle user. Open a console and type in: cd /pogle <enter> mkdir /pogle/versions <enter> Download, move or copy the Platinum Packed File into the directory /pogle/versions. This file will be called vXXX.ppv and will be approximately 5MB in size. For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the Platinum version is v263, so the file will be called v263.ppv. Download, move or copy the file viewer.tar and place it in /pogle/versions Now type the following into the console: gunzip −c /pogle/versions/v263.ppv | tar xf − <enter> /pogle/bin/install/babel −a <enter> The software will now automatically install. The Indy will shut down and restart. Log back in as the pogle user. If you want a clock to appear on the SGI screen, open a console window and type in: clock & <enter> Now close all windows that have appeared on the screen. In the SGI Toolchest, choose Desktop > Customise > Windows Click on Set Home Session If the clock shows the wrong time, go to the Pandora item in the SGI Toolchest and choose Babel. Click on the option: Set system date and time and set the correct date and time. The installation is now complete. Power down the Indy and connect the Pogle hardware (SCSI cable to workstation and Mouse Pointer to serial port 2) Power up the workstation and re−start the Indy. Log in as pogle and start Platinum from the Pandora item in the SGI desktop. Installation on an Indy running Irix 6.2 131 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Installation on an O2 or Indy running Irix 6.3 or 6.5.X Log in as root From the System area of the SGI Toolchest open the System Manager Choose Security and Access Control Now Add a User Account Follow the items step by step • Login Name: pogle • Full Name: Pogle Platinum • Keep clicking Next and at end click OK Open a console window and type in the following: cd / <enter> mkdir /pogle <enter> chown pogle.user /pogle <enter> Now log out as root and login as the pogle user. Open a console and type in: cd /pogle <enter> mkdir /pogle/versions <enter> Download, move or copy the Platinum Packed File into the directory /pogle. This file will be called vXXX.ppv and will be approximately 5MB in size. For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the Platinum version is v263, so the file will be called v263.ppv. Now type the following into the console: gunzip −c /pogle/versions/v263.ppv | tar xf − <enter> /pogle/bin/install/babel −a <enter> The software will now automatically install. The SGI will shut down and restart. Log back in as the pogle user. If you want a clock to appear on the SGI screen, open a console window and type in: clock & <enter> Now close all windows that have appeared on the screen. In the SGI Toolchest, choose Desktop > Customise > Windows Click on Set Home Session In the SGI Toolchest, chose: Desktop > Customise > Desktop. Ensure Enable Remote Display is checked. If the clock shows the wrong time, go to the Pandora item in the SGI Toolchest and choose Babel. Click on the option: Set system date and time and set the correct date and time. The installation is now complete. Power down the SGI and connect the Pogle hardware (SCSI cable to workstation and Mouse Pointer to serial port 2 via the supplied RS422 − RS232 convertor (for O2)) Power up the workstation and re−start the SGI. Log in as pogle and start Platinum from the Pandora item in the SGI desktop. Installation on an O2 or Indy running Irix 6.3 or 6.5.X 132 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Setting up a network The built in SGI ethernet network is available to connect Pogle and other related systems together. • Enable networking on each SGI. • Setup a user account with password for ftp access. Then using the Black Hole any operator can access any projects from other Pogle Platinum systems. Also this can also be a convienient way to backup projects. Projects can be dropped into /pogle/virtual in the Black Hole. Any other machine on the network can now access the projects and back them up. A PC running an FTP program can then easily see the projects. It the network supports NFS, then a remote folder can be mounted within /pogle/virtual. Then projects can be directly transfered to a remote machine from within the Black Hole. Then external dpx frames and edl lists can be accessed by placing them into /pogle/virtual. All the data on a Pogle system can be saved by backing up /pogle/data. The network can be a house network so that the Pogle can access any other machine. This may also allow the downloading of Pogle software direct from the Pandora web site to /pogle/versions. Alternatively a small switch or hub can be used with pin−to−pin RJ45 cables to create a local network of perhaps two Pogles and a data server and a PC. Two machines can be connected directly using a 'crossed' RJ45 cable, however a hub or switch is recommended. Enabling networking on the SGI The SGI mouse and keyboard are needed for this. For systems running 6.3 and 6.5 • In the SGI toolchest, click on System then System Manager. • Choose Network and Connectivity • Then Set Up and Start Networking. ♦ Click NEXT to get to page 3 ♦ Choose a name for the machine. ♦ Choose an IP address for the machine. This should be in the format The first three numbers must match other local machines. The last must be unique and between 1 and 254. eg ♦ Check the box "Use default netmask' ♦ On Page 4 − Click OK to finish. • Restart the system Setting up a network 133 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements • When the SGI comes back up, log in as pogle. If asked about a new 'Desktop Environment' Click OK to copy the old environment. • Changing the machine name may have stopped the mouse pointer driver in Platinum. ♦ In the SGI toolchest, click on Pandora then Babel. ♦ Click on Check and Update System. This will rebuild the driver. Notes for installation on an Indy running Irix 6.2. There is only a graphical difference between the two systems. In the SGI toolchest, click on System then System Manager. Now you will see a window appear with all the different setup options. Choose Network Setup. All the options are similar to the above, but presented on one page. Setup a user account The SGI keyboard is needed for this. For systems running 6.3 and 6.5 • In the SGI toolchest, click on System then System Manager. • Choose Security and Access Control. • Then Add a User Account. ♦ Click NEXT to get to page 3 ♦ Full Name, it is probably a good idea to put the password you intend to use in this box. This will allow other people to use the FTP in your absence. Passwords must be at least 7 characters long and be a mixture of letters and numbers. They are also case sensitive. ♦ On page 5, check the Add Password box. ♦ On the next page you will have to type in the password you have chosen twice. ♦ Step through all the other pages, taking the default options on each page, and click OK on the last page. Installation on an Indy running Irix 6.2. There is only a graphical difference between the two systems. In the SGI toolchest, click on System then System Manager. Now you will see a window appear with all the different setup options. Choose User Manager. All the options are similar to the above, but presented on one page. Running FTP on a PC Install the ethernet hardware and any drivers in the PC, following the manufacturers instructions. If there is any FTP Client software supplied with the ethernet card, try this. Alternatively, there are numerous programmes available for download on the internet. There is an FTP Client called 'LeetchFTP' This is available for download from: http://stud.fh− and is available in numerous languages. It is also very straightforward to install and setup. When you connect the two machines together, use the IP Address you gave the SGI as the 'Host' and the Setup a user account 134 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements username and password in the relevant boxes. You can now drag − and − drop files to and from the SGI from the PC. Copy items such as EDLs into/pogle/virtual and copy Platinum software versions into/pogle/versions Depending on the file permissions on your machine, you may have to drag items into the home directory of the passworded user account, then place items where you need them. Platinum directory structure Everything is contained in the pogle subdirectory off root. • /pogle ♦ /pogle/bin The current software version. This is replaced when a new version is installed. ♦ /pogle/data User projects and setups, engineering setups. A regular backup of this sub−directory will safeguard all the data for the room. ♦ /pogle/versions Packed Pogle versions. ♦ /pogle/temp For Platinum internal use only.. ♦ /pogle/virtual This is an area in which to place EDLs, DPX files etc. Anything published by Platinum, such as HTML files of grading lists will also be in here. If virtual is missing type the following into a console. mkdir /pogle/virtual Platinum directory structure 135 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements Babel To start Babel, open the Pandora entry and select Babel from the popup menu. Babel is a utility program that can be used to change the time and date. There are also various engineering functions. Check and Update Platinum is run automatically when a new Platinum version is installed. It can also be run to ensure that a version is installed correctly. Babel 136 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements The Drifter. • Drifter is similar to a web browser, but it is much easier and faster. • Drifter provides access to help topics on Platinum. • Software release notes can be viewed. Drifter can be launched from the Vault in various ways. • For specific help, click on the button. As the ? cursor is moved over icons in the Vault, brief Bubble help will appear. Click on an icon for more detailed information. • For general help, press and hold on the button, then choose either Release Notes or Platinum Topics from the menu. • When logging into the Vault, if the user has not run the current software version, then Drifter will automatically be launched to show the new release notes. When the arrow is moved over a link, it changes into a hand. Click on a link to follow it and find more information. Try it by clicking on this link. When there is an image, there can also be links. Drifter remembers what pages have been viewed as history. This arrow will go forward to the next page in Drifter's history. Click on the Click on the Click on to view the full history and to jump around previous pages. to go back to the start. Click on to print the page. when finished. The style of the text in the drifter is important. This is the style of normal text. QWERTY Shift, PRESET COUNTER is the style for control panel keys. This is the style of important information. A Drifter link. To get back to the previous page click on the arrow at the top of the Drifter. Printing Pages of the Drifter can be easily printed. ESP Print must be installed on the SGI that hosts the printer. The Drifter. 137 POGLE Platinum SGI requirements ESP Print is a powerful printer driver for SGI IRIX that supports over 1100 different printers. It is sold by Easy Software Products. Download and purchase the software from Install the software and set the printer as the default in the SGI Printer Manager. When correctly installed this will appear at the top of Drifter. Click to print the current page. Press and hold to access a menu, this allows the entire manual to be printed. This is over 100 pages, so make sure there is plenty of paper. The Drifter. 138 Troubleshooting First save the active list, if this is not possible, then after restarting use the backup list. Keys not working or functions not available? SCSI error indicated? Press TK then VTR1, do the control panel lights change? If the lights do not change, then reset the Pogle workstation. Wait for LOADING to disappear. Continue operation. LOADING does not disappear from system area? Follow restart procedure. Pointer is frozen on the Platinum screen? Try to enter control panel test mode. If not possible, then reset the control panel. Note that it is very rare for the control panel to crash. Only as a last resort should the SGI be powered off. If a particular problem happens frequently, then try to keep track of the operations that caused it and send details to Pandora at service@pandora− If the SGI locks up when the Pogle workstation reset button is pressed, then the Pogle workstation needs a simple modification. This must be done as soon as possible. Engineering debug notes. Connecting a terminal to the Pogle Workstation, Telecine Interface or Pixi Routine maintenance for control panels Troubleshooting 139 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting 140 Troubleshooting Control panel test Press the CLEAR and − keys on the numeric keypad together to enter test mode. TEST MODE: KEYS KEY UP MINUS Press any key, KEY DOWN xxx and then KEY UP xxx will appear. To test encoders press the UP key on the transport panel TEST MODE: ENCODERS TURN ANY ENCODER All encoders can now be tested. To exit test mode, press the CLEAR and − keys on the numeric keypad together. Normally if test mode is accessible, then the panel is fully operational. More detailed notes on panel test software. Control panel tests If the Control Panel serial cable is not connected to the Pogle Workstation, or Andix or Platinum is not running, the panels will automatically start up in test mode and will stay that way until the workstation is running. The feedback for the various panel tests is seen on the Transport Control Panel Blue Display. The first test seen will be Key Test. There are several tests available as detailed below: • Key Test Confirms the function of every key (switch) on the panels • Encoder Test Confirms the function of every encoder on the panels • Lamp Test Confirms that all lamps are functioning • Stepper Test Confirms the function of the Stepper Motor on the Jog/Shuttle wheel • Disk Test Checks the Floppy Drive (Andix systems only) • Remote Test No Function • Alert Test Tests the sound generator and Amplifier/Speaker (Andix systems only) • Serial Test Checks the RS422 serial communication line drivers • Version Feeds back the EPROM version fitted to the console • EE Ram Checks the ESquared RAM of the console interface Control panel test 141 Troubleshooting • Touch Test Checks the function of the Touch Screen • Audio 1 − 4 No Function • GPI 1 − 8 Toggles the relay GPI outputs in the Control Panel Interface. The different tests are accessed by using the Framing Up/Down buttons on the Transport Control Panel and the required test is selected by using the Stop Key. Some tests require switching things on and off. Use the Enter key to do this. If the panel software is loaded from the workstation, then test mode is slightly different. Version Test feeds back the version of the software file downloaded from the workstation. After the GPI test, there are two more tests: • Clear ESquared RAM Deletes anything in the RAM of the Panel Interface • Flags Reports back the condition of the flags in the interface. In this test mode, the different tests are accessed by using the UP and DOWN buttons on the Transport Control Panel, and are selected by using the Perform Key. When you have finished with test mode, press the "CLEAR" and "−" keys again. This will switch the panels back to normal operation. More Detail Key Test As each key is pressed, the Blue Display will tell you that the system has seen the contact closure of that key. If a single key is not being seen, it is likely that the switch is damaged. If, however, a number of switches on a panel is not being seen, then suspect matrix drivers or cable faults. Encoder Test If a single encoder (knob) is not changing the numbers on the Blue Display it is most likely that the encoder is dead. It is possible, in some positions, to swop the plugs between separate encoders to confirm the circuitry is working. With trackballs there is one encoder on the Master ring (if fitted) and two encoders on the Ball itself. If all the encoders on a particular trackball are dead suspect cabling type faults. If a single encoder is dead check that there is nothing stopping free movement of the encoder and that the foam ring on the end of the encoder shaft is not damaged. The Gamma and Gain trackballs can be temporarily swopped to confirm the function of the circuitry. Lamp Test Either Bulbs or Drivers! Stepper Test The stepper motor is used to simulate the friction drive of a VTR Jog Wheel. If the stepper does not rotate the shuttle wheel, check that the grub screw holding the shuttle wheel to the stepper motor shaft is not loose. Disk Test This is of use for Andix systems only. Serial Test This is used to check the RS422 communications drivers from the Control Panel Interface to the Workstation. Using an oscilloscope look at the RS422 connector from the Panel Interface. Control panel test 142 Troubleshooting Pin 3 should be low going high when you press the perform / enter key (see above) Pin 8 should be high going low when you press the perform / enter key. The RS422 line driver is U17 type MC3487 in the PBX5020 Control Panel Interface (The RS422 line receiver is U7 type MC3486) Please see note below regarding the RS422 Drivers and Receivers in the Workstation. EE Ram This is a simple Pass/Fail test. Please contact Pandora should the unit fail this test. Touch Test You should see X=0 and Y=0 on the display. When you press the touch screen on the DCP panel the X and Y numbers will change. The X/Y origin for the touch screen is in the bottom right corner of the screen. The maximum X is at the extreme left of the screen. This number is around 320H to 350H approx. The maximum Y is along the top of the screen and is approx. 2A0H to 2C0H. Please see below for details of the Touch Screen Calibration process. GPI Test These tests will toggle the relay outputs of the GPI outputs in the Control Panel Interface. Clear EE Ram Clears the ESquare RAM. General Points. In case of intermittent failure of the panels, check the integrity of the 50 way ribbon cable that connects all the panels to the Panel Interface. The 50 way IDC sockets can easily be damaged by clumsy removal of the connector from the panel − usually noticeable by looking at the "underside" of the cable where the connector is crimped on. It is easy to pull the cable from the crimp which will cause intermittent lock−ups. Another possible cause of intermittent failure is the RS422 cable between the Panel Interface and the Workstation. Make sure this is a screened cable with the screen attached to pins 4 and 6 of the 9 way D type connectors at both ends of the cable. It is possible to run the panel interface with just the transport panel in order to find out if one individual panel is causing the whole system to lock up. If the power is removed from a panel and the 50 way cable is still attached, this will cause the the whole unit to lock up. If a single panel is causing a lock−up, then it is quite possible that the Xilinx (PLCC) chip has failed. This is part type XC7272 and may have a sticker on it saying PT5000. The same chip is used in all the control panels so it is possible to swop these parts to assist fault−finding. Please Note, if you intend to remove a PLCC device, you MUST use the CORRECT TOOL or the socket can be destroyed. Earthing / Ground connections. If the panels are to be mounted in a wooden "Picture Frame" or some form of custom surround, you MUST ensure that all the panels are connected to ground ( This also applies to the Plastic Console where ground cables are fitted as standard ) There is a threaded stud fitted to the PBX5020 Panel Interface for this ground connection, and each control panel has a 1/4in spade connector fitted. If the panels are not earthed it is highly likely that static discharges will destroy the PT5000 chip. It follows from this that the mains earth connection to the Panel Interface must be connected to protective earth. Pogle Workstation RS422 Drivers and Receivers. We have mentioned the RS422 Drivers and Receivers in the Panel Interface. These chips are matched at the other end of the cable in the Workstation. The relevant positions and types are: Receive position U130 type MC3486 Control panel test 143 Troubleshooting Transmit position U125 type MC3487 Touch Screen Calibration. Although the Touch Screen may be working, as seen by the Control Panel tests, the calibration (alignment) may still be incorrect. This would be noticeable by intermittent or non−operation of the touch screen. The procedure for calibration is as follows: 1. Locate the 3 buttons above the pointer ball on the qwerty control panel. Press buttons 1 & 3 TOGETHER. You should now have a hand pointer on the DCP control panel screen controlled by the trackball on the qwerty panel. 2. Click on the Toolí icon at the top of the DCP display. This is no.1 of 6 icons. (Use button no. 3 above the ëqwertyí trackball.) 3. You should now see a new row of 7 icons. Select icon no. 3 with the hand. 4. A box appears on the DCP display with Do It in the centre. Click on the Do It. 5. A finger icon along with a Cancel icon should appear in the top left of the DCP display. Press the finger icon with YOUR OWN FINGER. 6. Next a finger and Cancel icon appears in the bottom right of the DCP display. Select the finger icon again with your own finger. The DCP display should now be calibrated and the pointer returned to the Platinum or Andix display. Hardware. PBX5020 Control Panel Interface. It is possible to check that the panel interface is working correctly in order to aid faultfinding. There are two ways to do this: 1 Connect a terminal to the debug port or 2 Remove the screws holding the interface down and look at the board. Please note, there are LIVE MAINS CONNECTORS in the panel interface. Please be careful. Method 1. The following is a screen dump from a working panel interface: * MC68681... Keys... EERAM~ MC68901...WD33C93............................................................... ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ..................... SCSI... Pogle Control EPROM V20 running.... Starting Initialisation: MC68681 Serial... Keys... Sounds... Screen Saver... Control panel test 144 Troubleshooting Boot Screen... Clearing EL Memory... Screens Loaded... EL Display On... Cash display... Disk Cache... Stepper Motor... Remote Control... Test Routines... Interrupts On... Lamps On... Initialisation Complete This is from a system without a floppy drive attached. You will see the line: TEAC FC−1 HF 11RV JA immediately before SCSI... if the system has a floppy drive attached. This will confirm that the panel interface is booting correctly. Method 2. Remove the mains power connector and the RS422 cable from the workstation. Remove the screws holding down the panel interface and look inside the box. When you re−apply the power, you should see LED 1 and 2 light up. This confirms that the LCA chips have been correctly configured. After a short time, you will see a LED marked KEY start to flash on and off very rapidly. This confirms that the interface is scanning across the switches looking for key presses. If the RS422 is now attached then the KEY LED will slow down while software is being downloaded from the workstation (this will happen even if the panels are disconnected). You will see one flash of this LED for every star that appears on the blue display and in the Pogle Platinum debug window. Platinum. The panels are the same for an Andix or Platinum Pogle. There is a slight difference in the cable to the workstation however. With Platinum, there will be a "splitter" type cable between the panels and the workstation. This is simply taking two of the RS422 phases and sending them to the SGI in order to drive the pointer on the SGI screen. When using an Indy, the cable will plug directly into the back of the SGI. With an O2, the signal must be converted to RS 232 levels. There will be a 9pin to 25pin 422 to 232 adaptor, then a PC to AT adaptor cable to come back to a 9pin dee. This dee is pluged into port 2 on the back of the O2. Control panel reset Note that it is rare for the control panel to crash. Control panel reset 145 Troubleshooting Press the ENTER, STOP and ENTER keys together. The following message will appear on the blue display TEST MODE: KEYS KEY BOOT TEST OK Then after a short while the following message will appear. LOADING NEW SOFTWARE *'s will start to fill the blue display, as software is loaded into the panel. If this does not appear then the Pogle workstation needs to be reset. Having reset the Pogle, if the panel still does not load, there may be a problem with the RS422 cable connecting the Pogle workstation to the control panel. Pogle workstation reset modification This modification to older Pogle Workstations, removes the conflict between the Pogle reset line and the SCSI reset line going to the SGI. This is necessary because the SGI can completely lockup if the reset line is asserted by the Pogle. Locate U32 (74LS05) and cut off pin 6. Now the Pogle workstation reset button can be used without any conflict. Pogle workstation reset modification 146 Troubleshooting Pogle Debug messages Some single character debug messages appear on the Pogle K2 messages section in the lower half of the debug panel. The 1 character debug messages may be mixed with other messages so you may need to look hard to find them. The following tables describe the messages. • Telecine debug • Vtr debug • Serial port debug • Other debug Telecine debug Telecine Description debug 0 Film counter read from telecine has not increased since last time it was read. The counter is read once per frame so it is expected to increase by 1 each time. This debug only appears in PLAY mode. It is normal to see this debug when the telecine is running up but NOT after this stage. The number of 0s displayed indicates the number of frames that the Tk took to get up to speed. + Film counter read from telecine has increased by more than 1 frame since the last time it was read. The counter is read once per frame, so it is expected to increase by 1 each time. This debug only appears in PLAY mode. * Indicates that the Pogle has locked (or relocked) to the telecine counter and is running its timeline from WVD pulse. This debug should appear once every time the telecine has stabilised in PLAY. It should not appear again before the telecine comes out of PLAY mode. Use this debug code to indicate when the system is running correctly − there should be no errors after the * until the transport has been stopped. Pogle Debug messages 147 Troubleshooting VTR debug VTR Description debug H VTR comms fault. RS422 cable or video sync pulse fault. C VTR comms checksum error. RS422 cable or video sync pulse fault. > VTR TSO operating − Speeding up < VTR TSO operating − Slowing down = VTR TSO complete − The deck is now locked En Indicates that the vtr control task (k2vtr) has missed n cycles. If this happens at any time other than during debug sessions, then it indicates that there is a problem with the sync pulses that are being fed to the Pogle Workstation. This debug will appear often when typing in the K2 debug terminal. Pn VTR port n has not received enough data from the VTR to decode the packet. Probably means that the VTR is transmitting the data too slowly − correct baud rate but with the last few bytes arriving more than a field later than the Pogle−>VTR message was sent. Serial port debug Serial Description debug B This relates to either the DCP transmit or the NR transmit buffers. There are 5 buffers for each port. Indicates that all buffers are full and another packet of data needs to be queued. This normally indicates that sync signal is either not connected or incorrect. Suggests that DCP/NR data will be lost. S This relates to either the DCP transmit or the NR transmit buffers. Indicates that there is a transmission in progress and another packet has become ready for transmission. The Tx cannot occur because the port is in use. Suggests that DCP/NR data will be mistimed. N This relates to the NR receive buffer. Indicates that more data has arrived from the NR than will fit in the debug buffer i.e. > 4 bytes. Normally suggests that there is a communication problem with the NR − possibly due to crosstalk between Tx and Rx paths. ? Fast DCP port data receive has detected a packet length of > 80 bytes. The only data that should be received is a few bytes long so it's likely that the port is picking up noise. / Fast DCP port data receive CheckSum error. Likely that the port is picking up noise. VTR debug 148 Troubleshooting Other debug Other Description debug M Indicates that the main event task (k2pack) has missed a cycle. If the M coincides exactly with an event then the correction for that event will probably be 1 frame late. If the M appears during a mix then there will be a 1 frame 'step' within the dynamic. This can be caused by incorrect or incorrectly tuned WVD pulses, the K2 processor running slow or duff software! This debug will also appear when typing in the K2 debug terminal. D The MegaGamma task is sending commands to k2pack too fast. Due to the length of the data which needs to be passed on to the Pixi each channel must be set separately − 1 per frame. Consequently if the MegaGamma task sends instructions to pack faster than 1 every 3 frames some of the data will be thrown away. Connecting A Terminal To The Pogle This document describes how to connect a terminal to the DEBUG port on the Pogle Workstation, Telecine Interface or Pixi. The DEBUG port is a female 9 pin 'D' − type socket located on the front left hand side of the Pogle Workstation rack. The Workstation rack is usually the bottom rack of the two that make up the standard Pogle system, it is easily identified by the reset switch which is also on its front. You will see that there are in fact two 9 pin sockets on the front of the Workstation, see diagram 1, and depending on the style of rack you should use either the bottom or right hand of the two sockets. The Interface rack has one 9 pin connector. The Pogle DEBUG port is wired as follows: Pin Connection 1 GND 2 TX 3 RX Signal levels are RS232. 9600 Baud 8 data bits, 1 stop bit no parity For a PC with a 25 way 'D' − type serial port: Pogle DEBUG PC 25 way 1 7 2 3 3 2 For a PC with a 9 pin 'D' − type serial port: Other debug 149 Troubleshooting Pogle DEBUG PC 9 way 1 5 2 2 3 3 What ever type of terminal you use it must be able to configure its self to match the above Pogle DEBUG protocol or emulate a VT100 terminal. We have successfully used PROCOM or HyperTerminal for the PC. Press the reset button on the front of the Pogle workstation. You should see a message that the workstation is initialised as SCSI device 3, and has passed control to the SGI workstation. If you do not get anything on the terminal display try plugging the cable into the other 9 pin connector on the front of the Pogle workstation. Check that the protocol for the terminal that you are using is set to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Try swapping the wires going to pins 2 and 3 of the Pogle connector. Other debug 150 Platinum release notes Platinum software v331 New or enhanced features • 'Publish as HTML' option for lists • Snell & Wilcox ArchAngel support • Last Trim key enabled • Viewer utility • Linear−>profile and profile−>linear scans mixes New topics • MegaShapes • Networks • Film to Tape • Film to Data • Tape to Tape • Editing setup • Troubleshooting • SGI requirements Platinum topics Checkout previous release notes • v263 Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. Platinum release notes 151 Platinum release notes Platinum software v263 New or enhanced features • 'Publish as HTML' option for lists • Snell & Wilcox ArchAngel support • Last Trim key enabled • Viewer utility • Linear−>profile and profile−>linear scans mixes New topics • Networks • Film to Tape • Film to Data • Tape to Tape • Editing setup • Troubleshooting • SGI requirements Platinum topics Checkout previous release notes • v230 Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. Platinum release notes 152 Platinum release notes Platinum software v230 New or enhanced features • New ADD modes for tape operation • Extended search available • Transport lock improvements • DCP Soft Clip is accessed from the DCP1 panel • Panel popup functions now customisable • The slider can be used on the Active event list to enter COPY mode • Selected groups of lists can be merged into the active list • Full control of Digital Vision ASC II and ALS • New Engineering panel replaces Routing panel • To find the Vault, press the MENU key. The MENU key can also be used for searching New topics • Networks • Film to Tape • Film to Data • Tape to Tape • Editing setup • Troubleshooting • SGI requirements Platinum topics Checkout previous release notes • v173 v140 v123 v118 Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. Platinum software v230 153 Platinum release notes Platinum software v173 New or enhanced features • The Black Hole is now improved ♦ Old ANDIX lists on floppy can be loaded ♦ EDL loading creates either Source or Record lists. ♦ Extended search available • Transport lock improvements • DCP Soft Clip is accessed from the DCP setup panel • Panel popup functions now customisable • The slider can be used on the Active event list to enter COPY mode • Selected groups of lists can be merged into the active list. • Full control of Digital Vision ASC II and ALS • New Engineering panel replaces Routing panel • To find the Vault, press the MENU key. The MENU key can also be used for searching. New topics • Editing setup • DCP + ESR operation • SGI requirements • Noise Reducers Platinum topics Previous Release notes • v140 v123 v118 Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. Platinum software v173 154 Platinum release notes Platinum software v140 New or enhanced features • New Engineering panel replaces Routing panel • MegaGamma • FilmCache • Transport icons • CUE in COPY now cues to trimmed not last frame • Tube settings now in Vault • Pandora menu in SGI toolchest • Sleepy screen saver • More sounds on Platinum from SGI • Projects are now sorted by change time, not creation time • Pages of Drifter can be printed • Old ANDIX lists on floppy can be loaded using the Vault • Full control of Digital Vision ASC II and ALS New topics • Editing setup • DCP + ESR operation • SGI requirements • Noise Reducers Platinum topics Previous Release notes • v123 v118 Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. Platinum software v140 155 Platinum release notes Platinum software v123 New or enhanced features • Platinum Screen Saver • Tube alignment for Ursa • Spirit TransferEngine data transfer process improved • Easy searching for Notes • List display mixes • CUE in COPY now cues to trimmed frame not last frame • Alt + INCH Moves vtr transports by frame, rather than field. New topics • DCP + ESR operation • SGI requirements • Noise Reducers Platinum topics Release notes! • Latest release • v118 Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. martin@pandora− Platinum software v123 156 Platinum release notes Platinum software v118 New or enhanced features • New list display for mixes • Large and huge sizes for filmcode and timecode displays • New strobe function • Macro operation has been improved • Autoshot operation • Labels can be added to events • DVNR CSR control • Integrated help with Drifter Important changes • DVNR baud rates changed • The Transport + Vtr, DCP1 + DCP2 panels will no longer automatically popup, when the appropriate key is pressed. See Popup logic for Panels. Latest release Platinum topics Platinum uses the Drifter to display these release notes. To launch the Drifter, press and hold on the button in the Vault. martin@pandora− Platinum software v118 157