A guide to the Luxembourg holding company (“SOPARFI”)
A guide to the Luxembourg holding company (“SOPARFI”)
February 2013 A guide to the Luxembourg holding company (“SOPARFI”) Introduction This brochure provides a general description of the Luxembourg tax treatment of a normally taxable Luxembourg holding company, which in French is often referred to as a “Société de participations financières” abbreviated as “Soparfi”. 2 1.General As from January 1, 2013 the minimum taxation 1.1 Corporate and tax status rules have been amended. As per 2013, Soparfis A Soparfi is a normal commercial company, which that (i) have their statutory seat or effective place of may carry out any activities that fall within the scope management in Luxembourg and (ii) own at least of its corporate object clause. It may take the form of, 90% of financial assets, are subject to a minimum inter alia, a Société Anonyme (S.A., a public limited (advance) tax that amounts to EUR 3,210 (including company), a Société à responsabilité limitée (S.à.r.l., solidarity surcharge)3. Tax transparent entities held a private limited liability company), or a Société by a Soparfi are considered financial assets for the en commandite par actions (S.C.A., a partnership 90% test referred to under (ii) above. The relevant limited by shares). As such, a Soparfi is fully subject balance sheet for determining whether a Soparfi to Luxembourg income tax and net wealth tax, is captured by the minimum tax for e.g. 2013 is, in and its profit distributions are generally subject to principle, the statutory balance sheet per the end of Luxembourg withholding tax. It is entitled to benefit the financial year 2013. from the tax treaties concluded between Luxembourg and other countries (64 are currently in force and Additionally, as of 2013, also Soparfis that form effect) and the relevant EC Directives . part of a fiscal unity are subject to the minimum tax 1 (provided they meet the two tests set out above). 1.2 Profit taxes The aggregate minimum tax of the fiscal unity The Luxembourg profit tax system consists of entities is payable by the parent of such fiscal unity. national corporate income tax (“impôt sur le The aggregate amount of minimum tax payable per revenu des collectivités” or “IRC”) at a rate of 21% annum per fiscal unity is capped at EUR 21,400 and municipal business tax (“impôt commercial (including solidarity surcharge). communal” or “ICC”) at a rate of 6.75% . In addition, 2 there is a 7% solidarity surcharge, calculated on the This minimum tax is an advance payment that IRC. The total combined tax rate for 2013 (inclusive becomes final only if no corporate income tax is of surcharge) is therefore 29.22%. incurred in the following years. Losses carried forward remain in existence. 1.3 Minimum tax Since January 1, 2011, Soparfis are subject to 1.4 Net wealth tax minimum taxation rules under which a minimum A Soparfi is subject to an annual net wealth tax, tax of EUR 1,575 (including solidarity surcharge) which is levied at a rate of 0.5% on its worldwide net was levied from companies (i) carrying out activities wealth on January 1 of each year. Amongst others, not subject to an authorisation by a ministry or a qualifying participations (see Section 2.2) net of supervisory authority and (ii) owning at least 90% of allocable debt4 are excluded from the taxable base. financial assets. 1 Such as the EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive (2003/123/EC), the EC Merger Directive (90/434/EEC) and the EC Interest & Royalty Directive (2003/49/EC), as amended from time to time. 2 Provided that the company is established in Luxembourg City. 3 Note that for “non-Soparfis” a minimum taxation has been introduced per January 1, 2013, which minimum tax is determined on the basis of balance sheet total of such taxpayer. For taxpayers with a balance sheet of EUR 350,000 or less, the minimum tax is EUR 535 (including solidarity surcharge) increasing to a maximum of EUR 21,400 (including solidarity surcharge) for taxpayers with a balance sheet total exceeding EUR 20 million. 4 Allocable debt that exceeds the value of the participation is deductible against other assets. 3 The annual burden of a Soparfi’s net wealth tax can A Soparfi, like any other normally taxable entity, may therefore generally be limited to the legal minimum be entitled to the participation exemption. Capital of EUR 63 for an S.A. or EUR 25 for an S.à r.l. losses on alienation or otherwise (e.g. liquidation or Luxembourg IRC, not being levied as minimum tax, depreciation) derived from a participation are tax- is creditable to the net wealth tax, provided certain deductible. conditions are met. 1.5 Capital duty 2.2 Participation exemption for dividends and capital gains A fixed registration duty of EUR 75 applies to Luxembourg income tax law provides for an (i) incorporation of Luxembourg entities, (ii) exemption of dividends (including liquidation amendment of the articles of Luxembourg entities, dividends) received and capital gains (including and (iii) the transfer of the statutory or actual seat to currency exchange gains) realised by a Soparfi, Luxembourg. provided that the following requirements are met: 1.6 Chamber of Commerce fees a. the subsidiary is either (i) a qualifying Soparfis, like other Luxembourg commercial Luxembourg resident entity, or (ii) an entity companies are automatically members of the which is covered by article 2 of the EC Parent- Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and subject Subsidiary Directive, or (iii) a capital company to annual membership fees of the Chamber of subject in its country of residence to a profit tax Commerce. The annual fee for a Soparfi amounts to comparable with the IRC (the “Subject to Tax EUR 350 . Test” as further set out in Section 2.5); and 5 2. Taxation of dividends and capital gains b. at the time of a dividend/liquidation distribution or a capital gain realised upon the alienation of the shares in the subsidiary, the Soparfi must have held (or commits itself to do so) 2.1 Participation exemption (general) a direct participation of 10% or more of the The taxable basis of a Soparfi corresponds to its nominal paid up capital of the subsidiary or a accounting profit as reflected in its stand-alone direct participation having an acquisition price commercial accounts (prepared in accordance with of at least EUR 1.2 million for dividends and Luxembourg GAAP), unless the tax law expressly liquidation proceeds or EUR 6 million for capital provides otherwise. Often, therefore, a number of gains, for an uninterrupted period of at least 12 adjustments (for example, additions or deductions months. resulting from tax exemptions and disallowed expenses) must be made in order to establish the The exemption also applies to participations held taxable basis of the company. through a Luxembourg tax-transparent entity (e.g. a partnership), which may or may not have legal personality6. As in such case, the Soparfi is 5 The membership fee for other Luxembourg companies of a certain year (T) is determined by reference to the relevant company’s taxable profit (prior to loss compensation) of the year T-2. The fee is calculated on the basis of degressive rates starting at 0.2% of the taxable profit. 6 The law only refers to Luxembourg entities. However, in practice also non-Luxembourg entities may qualify, provided that these are not covered by the EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive (2003/123/EC). 4 considered to have a direct investment equal to to start. In order to benefit from the tax-exempt its pro rata part of the tax-transparent entity’s net exchange operations, the book value of the alienated assets. The exemption applies to the net dividend shares or of the converted loan must be maintained income, i.e. the dividend income less directly related in the commercial (and tax) accounts for the shares costs and write-offs on the participation in connection received in exchange. with a dividend distribution in the same year. If a non-qualifying participation (i.e. a participation In case the minimum holding requirement mentioned which does not meet the conditions stated above under (b) above is not met, an exemption of 50% is under Section 2.2.) is exchanged for a qualifying available for dividend income (excluding liquidation participation through a tax-neutral exchange of proceeds) provided that the dividends are distributed shares, dividends received from that qualifying by subsidiaries mentioned under (a) above. participation in the first five years following the exchange are not exempt. The same applies to 2.3 Exchange of shares and conversion of loan into shares a gain realised on the alienation of shares in a Luxembourg tax law provides for some a number through a tax-neutral exchange of shares in a non- of tax-neutral exchange operations. A tax-neutral qualifying participation. The same anti-abuse rule exchange facility is available for (i) conversions of a applies for the 50% dividend exemption referred to loan whereby securities are allocated to the creditor, above. A tax treaty may override the application of (ii) transformation of a capital company into another the five year rule. qualifying participation within 5 years acquired capital company, (iii) mergers or demergers of capital companies or companies resident in an EU Member State, and (iv) certain share-for-share mergers. 2.4 Participation exemption under tax treaties Most tax treaties concluded by Luxembourg A tax-neutral share-for-share merger is allowed if a contain a participation exemption for dividends, Soparfi transfers shares in (i) a company resident and in many cases also for net wealth tax. The in an EU Member State7 or (ii) a non-EU resident minimum ownership period on the basis of a treaty is capital company that meets the Subject to Tax generally shorter than the 12 months required under Test referred to under Section 2.5., to a company Luxembourg law. In many cases the relevant shares as referred to under (i) or (ii) in exchange for must be held from the beginning of the accounting shares, whereby the acquiring company acquires year. One should therefore carefully compare the or increases the majority of its voting rights in the requirements under Luxembourg domestic law and acquired company. the applicable tax treaties. Most of the participation exemption provisions in (especially) the older In case of a tax neutral exchange, the acquisition treaties do not contain a Subject to Tax Test (e.g., price and date of the shares acquired will be Switzerland, France, Belgium). the same as those of the shares/loans given in exchange, thus avoiding a new holding period 7 An EU resident company is defined as a company covered by the Merger Directive (90/434/EEC). 5 2.5 Subject to comparable income tax further in this brochure. However, foreign dividend As outlined above, non-resident subsidiaries which tax may in some cases be credited against other are not resident in an EU Member State or which are (taxable) foreign income, even if the dividend itself not covered by article 2 of the modified EC Parent- is tax-exempt under the participation exemption. Subsidiary Directive must, in order to qualify for the On the basis of domestic law, no credit applies as Luxembourg participation exemption, be subject in regards the ICC, but some tax treaties concluded by their country of residence to a profit tax comparable Luxembourg extend the credit method to the ICC. with the IRC. The legislator has indicated that a The Luxembourg Supreme Court has nevertheless foreign tax is comparable if it is levied at a rate of ruled that no credit is allowed against ICC under the at least 10.5% on a taxable basis which is similar Luxembourg-Spain tax treaty, and the same may to the basis applied in Luxembourg. A temporary thus apply for other tax treaties. Each treaty should tax holiday granted to a participation, especially to therefore be analysed carefully. In practice, however, encourage investments, should not be a problem, the Luxembourg tax authorities are generally provided the ordinary system of taxation applicable unwilling to allow this extension of the credit method. to the participation in the relevant country is comparable with the IRC. 3. Deductions / recapture / currency exchange 2.6 Luxembourg permanent establishment The participation exemption applies to income 3.1 Expenses and write-offs from and gains on participations attributed to a Expenses (e.g. interest expenses on loans) directly Luxembourg permanent establishment of an entity connected to an exempt participation, and certain which is covered by article 2 of EC Parent-Subsidiary write-offs thereon, are tax-deductible in a given Directive, as amended, or a capital company resident year to the extent that they exceed exempt income in a treaty country. The participation exemption also (dividends and gains) from the participation in the applies for net wealth tax purposes at the level of same year. Expenses are allocated to the extent the permanent establishment. Luxembourg does not possible on a historical basis and otherwise on levy withholding tax with respect to the repatriation of a pro rata basis. The deductions could be offset profits to a foreign head office. against other sources of income, such as from financing activities, or commercial activities, or may 2.7 Credit for foreign withholding tax result in tax losses. Losses may be carried forward It is possible to obtain a credit for foreign dividend tax indefinitely. No carry-back is allowed. withheld, but this is a rather complex matter which depends entirely on the income and tax situation of a specific Soparfi. It is therefore not dealt with 6 3.2 Recapture The capital gains exemption (for gains arising on an alienation of shares) does not apply to the amount previously deducted in relation to those shares (recapture). Here below a simplified example is given: 3.3 Currency exchange results Currency gains and losses on, inter alia, liabilities 4. Exit from SOPARFI: distribution of dividends / capital gains incurred to acquire a subsidiary are taxable or deductible, respectively. As a result, currency 4.1 Domestic dividend tax and tax treaties exposure should be avoided, preferably by Dividends (including hidden dividends) paid by a denominating such liabilities in the accounting Soparfi are subject to Luxembourg withholding tax currency. If such currency is not the Euro, functional at the rate of 15% (17.65% if the dividend tax is currency may be requested for tax purposes. not charged to the shareholder), unless a domestic Agreements which are concluded to cover the law exemption or a lower tax treaty rate applies. exchange exposure of a non-Euro denominated loan Reduced withholding tax rates or an exemption also are acceptable. apply to participations held through a (Luxembourg) tax-transparent entity, e.g. a partnership, which Currency gains on the investment itself are exempt may or may not have legal personality8. The by virtue of the participation exemption (see above (indirect) shareholder is considered to have a direct Section 2). Currency losses on the investment itself investment equal to its pro rata part of the net assets are tax deductible, but subject to recapture rules. of the tax transparent entity. 8 The law only refers to Luxembourg entities. However, in practice non-Luxembourg entities may also qualify, provided they are not covered by the Parent-Subsidiary Directive. 7 4.2 Withholding tax exemption way of liquidation in a Soparfi), unless the alienation Dividends paid by a Soparfi to either (i) a fully taxable benefits from the participation exemption regime as Luxembourg entity, or (ii) an entity falling within set out in above. the scope of article 2 of the EC Parent-Subsidiary Directive or to a permanent establishment thereof, or A non-resident shareholder, not having a (iii) a Swiss resident capital company that is subject Luxembourg permanent establishment to which the to corporation tax in Switzerland without benefiting shares and/or income/gains from the shares in a from an exemption, or (iv) a company resident in a Soparfi are attributed, is only subject to Luxembourg treaty country that meets the Subject to Tax Test (or tax when it holds a direct or indirect substantial to its Luxembourg permanent establishment), will be interest and (i) the alienation, including liquidation, exempt from Luxembourg dividend withholding tax takes place within 6 months after the acquisition (a provided that the parent company holds (or commits speculation gain), or (ii) in the case of an alienation itself to do so) a shareholding of at least 10% or after more than 6 months, in the event that the non- more of the nominal paid up capital of the Soparfi or resident shareholder was a Luxembourg resident a shareholding in the Soparfi having an acquisition taxpayer for more than 15 years and became a cost price of EUR 1.2 million, for an uninterrupted non-Luxembourg taxpayer less than 5 years before period of at least 12 months. the alienation takes place. Note however, that Luxembourg does, in general, not have taxation 4.3 Capital gains realized by a shareholder rights over the gain under an applicable tax treaty. Under Luxembourg law, a resident individual shareholder9 is taxable on the alienation of shares in, 4.4 Liquidation of a Soparfi including by way of (partial) liquidation of, a Soparfi Under Luxembourg law, a (partial) liquidation if: (i) the alienation takes place within 6 months distribution by a Soparfi is not considered as a after acquisition (a speculation gain), and (ii) the dividend but an alienation of shares and is, therefore, alienator directly or indirectly holds a substantial not subject to Luxembourg dividend withholding tax. interest in the Soparfi. In broad terms, a substantial interest exists if a shareholder, either alone or with 4.5 Capital reduction by a Soparfi certain close relatives, has held more than 10% of A repurchase of shares by a Soparfi, followed the shares in a Luxembourg company at any time by a cancellation of the shares, may be subject during the five-year period preceding the alienation. to Luxembourg dividend withholding tax if the A gain realised on the alienation of convertible debt is repurchase price exceeds the par value per share. subject to Luxembourg income tax if the holder has a However, a repurchase by a Soparfi of all the shares substantial interest in the debtor. held by one or more shareholders (who thereby cease to be shareholders), followed by a cancellation A resident corporate shareholder and Luxembourg of those shares (a partial liquidation) is not permanent establishments of foreign companies are considered a dividend and is therefore not subject fully taxable on the alienation of shares (including by to Luxembourg dividend tax. A repayment of capital 9 Not being an entrepreneur whose business assets include the shares concerned. For such shareholder, different rules apply, which are not further discussed in this memo. 8 (share capital and/or share premium) by a Soparfi loans taken up from third parties, and the loans are is treated as a dividend, unless the Soparfi proves used for financing e.g. equity participations, the the repayment is based on sound business reasons. Luxembourg tax authorities apply a debt-to-equity Sound business reasons are deemed not to exist if ratio of 85:15. the reduction is financed by a loan taken up for that purpose, or if the Soparfi has reserves available for Financing the acquisition of a participation to a distribution. greater extent with debt is accepted in principle, 5. Financing activities as long as the interest on the total debt cannot be considered as excessive. The interest will not be considered excessive if the total interest on the On January 28, 2011, the Luxembourg tax authorities debt does not exceed the interest that would have clarified the transfer pricing rules applicable to been due if the participation had been financed Luxembourg resident companies involved in intra- with 85% debt carrying an arm’s length interest group financing transactions by issuing a circular rate. The Luxembourg tax authorities generally (the Circular). The concerned financing transaction consider that interest is at arm’s length if it does not encompasses every activity consisting of the exceed 12 months’ EURIBOR plus 200 basis points. granting of loans to affiliated companies financed by Higher interest rates or income-sharing interest funds and financial instruments, such as public or remuneration are acceptable if their arm’s length private debt, loans or bank loans. The key element nature can be substantiated. If interest payable on of the Circular is the arm’s length remuneration loans taken up to finance participations is considered that should be earned by intra-group financing excessive, the excess interest will be treated as companies as well as the conditions to be fulfilled, a deemed dividend, so that dividend withholding e.g. substance and equity at risk in order to obtain tax may in principle become due and the interest written confirmation from the Luxembourg tax deduction of that excess interest is disallowed. authorities, in the form of so-called Advance Pricing Agreements (APA). The remuneration to be earned 6.2 Withholding tax on interest by such financing companies is to be supported in a Arm’s length fixed or floating rate interest payments transfer pricing report which takes into account the are not subject to Luxembourg withholding tax. fact that the concerned company has equity at risk However, interest paid on certain profit-sharing with respect to its financing activities to determine the bonds and, arguably, profit-sharing interest paid on appropriate gross remuneration. loans, is subject to 15% withholding tax unless a 6. Other items of attention lower tax treaty rate applies. Luxembourg introduced a potential withholding tax of 6.1 Debt-to-equity ratio currently 35% on interest paid through a Luxembourg Luxembourg tax law does not contain debt-to- paying agent (usually a bank) to an EU or Territory equity ratio provisions. Nevertheless, when loans resident individual or residual entity within the are taken up from related parties or those related meaning of article 4 (2) of the Luxembourg law of parties guarantee the repayment of obligations under 21 June 2005 transposing the EU Savings Directive 9 into Luxembourg law. In general, residual entities are entities other than legal entities which are taxed as legal entities and UCITs. No withholding tax will be due if the beneficial owner consents to the exchange of information or submits a defined certificate issued by its state of residence. Furthermore, under certain circumstances, interest paid on a loan granted to a Soparfi by its shareholder(s) may fall outside the scope of the Savings Directive. Under the law of December 23, 2005 a final 10% withholding tax is due on interest paid by a Luxembourg paying agent if it is (i) for the immediate benefit of individuals resident in Luxembourg or (ii) paid to residual entities (as referred to above) for the effective benefit of Luxembourg resident individuals, unless the residual entities opt for the exchange of information or assimilation to an UCIT for tax purposes. 6.3 Withholding tax on royalties There is no withholding tax on royalty payments, except on certain artistic and literary royalties. 10 About Loyens & Loeff Contacts Loyens & Loeff N.V. is the first firm where attorneys at ● Marc Meyers law, tax advisers and civil-law notaries collaborate on a T +352 466 230 306 large scale to offer integrated professional legal services [email protected] in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. ● Peter Moons Loyens & Loeff is an independent provider of T +352 466 230 244 corporate legal services. Our close cooperation with [email protected] prominent international law and tax law firms makes Loyens & Loeff the logical choice for large and mediumsize companies operating domestically or internationally. ● Pieter Stalman T +352 466 230 403 [email protected] Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg S.à r.l. Avocats à la Cour 18-20, rue Edward Steichen L-2540 Luxembourg T +352 466 230 www.loyensloeff.lu F +352 466 234 Although great care has been taken when compiling this newsletter, Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg S.à r.l. does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any consequences arising from the information in this publication being used without its consent. The information provided in the publication is intended for general informational purposes and can not be considered as advice. 11 Amsterdam Arnhem Aruba Brussels Curaçao Dubai Geneva Hong Kong London Luxembourg New York Paris Rotterdam Singapore Tokyo Zurich www.loyensloeff.com