May - Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois
May - Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois
H B A NEWSBRIEF OME UILDERS SSOCIATION The Official Newsletter of the Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest IL The Voice of the Homebuilding and Remodeling Industries in Southwest Illinois. Representing Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Greene, Jersey, Madison, Monroe, Randolph and St. Clair Counties May 2015 issue w w w .h b as w i l .o rg PAINTBALL for All The Remodelers Council held their 2nd Paintball Tournament at Xtreme Paintball Park in Millstadt. The competition started quickly with everyone splitting up into 2 large teams to dominate territory lines to warm up for the final battles of capture the flag with double elimination. Congratulations to our first place winner “TEAM TURF” made up of players from Turf Gator, their skills and strategies paid off! You can find more pictures and the fun had throughout this issue. (above back row: Joe Lanahan w/Joe Lanahan Construction Services, Inc., Richard Reilly w/ EarthWays Center, Jason Huelsmann w/New Tradition Homes, Mark Vogt w/Vogt Builders and Chris Shafer. front row: Chris Jones w/C.A. Jones, Inc., Joe Knox w/Copious Technologies, Bob Dee Jr., w/ Homes by Deesign, Mark Fulford w/Fulford Home Remodeling, Mindy Shafer w/Wells Fargo and Mark Kurts and Norm Etling with the Village of Shiloh.) HBA members took the day to reach out to our local Senators and Representatives to discuss important issues that effect our industry such as: Water/Sewer Tap Fees Bonding Over Lien Rights Practice Act for Interior Design Vehicle Seizure Home Repair Fraud 2015 Energy Code Employee Classification Reform More details and information on these bills are provided inside this newsletter Team Turf - 1st place winner taking home the traveling trophy provided by CAVI and $250 cash! Pictured above: Austin Becker, Mike Shadwick, Shani Emrich, Brett Erlinger, Alex McDonalds & Tom Mabry. Sport Clay Shoot Associated Bank T-Shirt Sponsors Snack/Beverage Cart Sponsor Construction Appliance by AUTCOhome First Clover Leaf Bank Fischer Lumber Company Gershman Mortgage P & A Drywall Supply Padgett Building & Remodeling RP Lumber S & S Drywall Yaekel & Associates Arrowhead Building Supply Construction Appliance by AUTCOhome National Bnak Regions Mortgage Award Sponsor THE SHOOTERS Arrowhead Building Supply Belleville Supply Company C.A. Jones CMC Electric Copious Technologies First Clover Leaf Bank Fulford Homes LLC Henges Interiors Klemme Construction P & A Drywall Supply Padgett Building & Remodeling Ron Woods Excavating Roofers Mart S&S Drywall SCI Engineering Shake & Shingle Srogus Construction TheBANK of Edwardsville Yaekel & Associates Score Sheet Sponsors ABC Supply • Ambassador Floor & Windoor Station Sponsors Allen Roofing & Siding Arrowhead Building Supply Belleville News-Democrat Broadview Screen Champion Waterproofing CMI Construction Custom Marble Diel & Forguson First American Title Insurance Greener Visions Himstedt Roofing McBride & Son Homes Martin Glass Midwest Block & Brick P&A Drywall Supply PASS Security Roofers Mart Shake & Shingle Supply TheBANK of Edwardsville Wilke Window & Door Yaekel & Associates 2015 Sport Clay Shoot Committee: Chair: Scott Bauman, Himstedt Roofing Richard Shemwell , Arrowhead Building Supply Joe Knox, Copious Technologies Kevin Venhaus, P&A Drywall Rocky Shemwell, S&S Drywall B.J. Srogus, Srogus Construction David Corbitt, Windoor Company Jerry Yaekel, Yaekel & Associates 2 Bang for your Buck Opportunities Friday, Snack/Soda Cart Sponsor………....…. .…$250 Signage & opportunity to meet with all shooters . May 8th Score Sheet Sponsor…………….......…..$150 Logo on all score sheets 2015 Dual Station Sponsor………….……..…..$100 Company Name on signage at a station 8:30 am Registration World Shooting & Recreational Complex 1 Main Event Lane, Sparta, IL 62286 (618) 295-2700 ALL SPONSORS will be recognized before, during and after the event in HBA publications, promotions of the event and the HBA website, and will receive 1 free meal during the event. All Sponsors welcome to “man their station” Contact the HBA to make arrangements $95 each registration “loaded” with: 100 Rounds of Sporting Clays, Ammo, Drinks, Lunch and Friendly Competition (Protective eye wear required) Carts can be rented 2 weeks in advance from J&J Supply for $35 each, phone: 618-295-2702 Registration: complete the following information and return it to the HBA office (please print) ___ $250 Snack/Soda Cart Sponsor ___ $150 Score Sheet Sponsor *Raffle Tickets: 1 for $20 or 3 for $50 *or $500 cash for the non-shooting enthusiast *HBA office pre-selling tickets *Limited number of chances sold Winner does NOT have to be present to win ___ $100 Dual Station Sponsor ___ 1 Raffle Ticket for $20 Gun Raffle ($1,000+ value) donated by Yaekel & Associates ___ 3 Raffle Tickets for $50 "A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again." ___ $95 per Sport Clay Shooter Names of attendee(s) ______________________T-shirt Size___ ______________________T-shirt Size___ TOTAL DUE $ _______ ______________________T-shirt Size___ ______________________T-shirt Size___ ______________________T-shirt Size___ ______________________T-shirt Size___ Company Name: _________________________________ Phone/Email: ____________________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________ HBA Policy: Registration for the Sport Clay Shoot is considered confirmation of your participation and will be invoiced if cancellation is not made within 3 days of the event. 3 ___Member Invoice ___Check Method of Payment: ___Visa/MasterCard* *credit card payments will include an additional 4% convenience fee Credit Card# __________________________________ Expiration: ______ Signature: __________________ City & Zip Code _______________________________ Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Office: (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 ~ Email: [email protected] 4 ConneCt to the “ConneCted” ConSUMeR! Brought to you by the HBA Remodelers Council Featured speaker Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 4pm to 7:00 pm - no cost to attend Social hour - Dinner - Featured speaker 25 Center Plaza Belleville Elton Mayfield is the Co-Founder and Partner of ER Marketing of Kansas City, MO. He is a repeat speaker for the Remodeler Show with seminars focused on technology and how it impacts our behavior, attitudes and expectations. Information can be obtained anytime, anywhere and on any device, changing how consumers interact with the world around them and how they do business. Join us as we learn how to work with todays tech-savvy customers. Strategies that help capture their interest and business. Fulfilling their “instant gratification” expectations in a realistic manner. How to give those Reality Shows a Reality Check. To register for this event, please fill out the following information and fax or send it to the address below. Call the HBASWIL office at 618.343.6331 with any questions. YOU MUST MAKE A RESERVATION TO ENSURE SUFFICIENT FOOD # of reservations: _________ Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of attending: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mail to: HBASWIL, 6100 W. Main Street, Maryville, IL 62062 5 Fax to: (618) 343-6335 Paintball Results & Sponsor Appreciation The Teams: Copious Technologies Klemme Construction Padgett Building and Remodeling Turf Gator Team #1 Turf Gator Team #2 Flag Sponsors 2nd Place - Team Copious Technologies Jason Plummer, Bob Dee Jr., Joe Knox, Cale Henke & Paul Millard 3rd Place Team Klemme Construction Aaron Klemme, Jeff Schmidt, Jon Edler, Justin Jennings and Russel K. Field Sponsor 5th Place Team Padgett David Padgett, Sean Martin, Joe Wheeler, Jimmy and 3rd Place - Team Klemme Construction Dan M. Aaron Klemme, Jeff Schmidt, Jon Edler, Justin Jennings and Russel K. Snack and Soda Sponsors 4th Place - Team Turf (not pictured) Joe Bell, Billy Bissontz, Shawn Cockran, Brandi Cox & Brian Blazier 6 Since April 2010 HUD & EPA regulations require all contractors that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities and schools, built before 1978 to be certified and follow specified work practices to prevent lead contamination. ALL paid Renovators/Contractors, Insurance Restoration Contractors, Painters, Window-Siding & Guttering Professionals, Plumbers, HVAC Professionals, Demo Contractors, Foundation Repair Specialists, Government & Historical Restoration Contractors and other specialty trades that disturb paint surfaces through renovation, repair or painting activities MUST comply with this EPA rule. Trainings will be held at: Arrowhead Building Supply 9669 State Route 161, Fairview Heights, IL (618) 233-3278 Classes are limited to 25 students per EPA guidelines. Reservations are accepted on a first-paid basis. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows. Substitutions are allowed. Refresher Certified Lead Renovator Training $115 for HBA Members $165 for Non-HBA Members Thursday, May 14th ~ 1:00pm to 5:00pm Requirements for company owners needing to renew their Certified Firm application need to visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at If your renewal is not due until later in the year you can still take the course early it will not effect your anniversary date Please complete the following information to register for this training. Confirmation of course date and cost will be sent via email prior to training. Company _____________________________________________ Contact Name ___________________________________ Attendee Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address where Certificate should be sent: (Certificates will be issued from Titan Environmental Services once you have passed the test and training) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email/Phone# _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Refresher Certified Lead Renovator Training Fee: ____ $115 HBA Member ____ $165 Non-HBA Member ⌂ Payment Enclosed ⌂ Charge to credit card (credit card payments will be charged and additional 4% convenience fee) ⌂ Invoice Company (local HBA members ONLY) TOTAL DUE $____________ Charge to Visa/Master Card# ___________________________ Exp date: _____ Signature: ______________________________ Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Office: (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 Email: [email protected] Website: 7 Mark Fulford - Fulford Home Remodeling, State Representative Charlie Meier, NAHB 1st Vice Chair Ed Brady, Senator Bill Brady, Mindy Shafer - Wells Fargo, Jeff Schmidt - RLP Development, Tracy Butler - HBA of Greater Southwest IL, Jason Huselmann - New Tradition Homes, Senator David Luechtefeld, Bob Dee Jr. - Homes by Deesign, Art Stumpf - Construction Appliance by AUTCO Home, Mark Vogt - Vogt Builders and Senator Kyle McCarter. From left to right: As our group of HBA members attempted to meet with 16 State Representatives and Senators in the afternoon with set appointments or trying to get them off the session floor we had a captive audience at the reception to talk with our local Legislators on the key issues facing our industry this session. The results of the day may not have been a victory on all the issues we had in front of us but it truly was successful with keeping our relationship and voices heard by our Legislators! SB1322 Vehicle Seizure Home Repair Fraud was opposed by HBAI member in the state and since has been held in Senate by its sponsor, Senator Barickman. This is a triumph for our industry. This bill would have allowed law enforcement to unilaterally seize a vehicle belonging to someone they believe has committed home repair fraud. Police officers who make this judgment call could tie up the use of the repairman’s truck for up to 35 days before State’s Attorneys and Judges would take action on the matter and put many small business owners our of business prior to due process. HBAI recommended to take this concept to the Task Force for their consideration as part of a comprehensive review for improving consumer protection within the home remodeling and repair industry. Stay tuned………. 8 Lobby Day continued.. section (R403.6) or the International Mechanical Code, as applicable, or with other approved means of ventilations. Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system is not operating. This section goes on to address recirculation of air, whole-house mechanical ventilations system, system design, system controls, mechanical ventilation rate and exceptions that go into great detail that were agreed upon by the Builders representing HBAI on the sub-committee. Employee Classification Reform: Is largely supported by HBA members! SB0993 has passed Senate and is now in the House sponsored by Representative Dwight Kay to make the Employee Classification Act reporting date changed from January 30th to April 30th to help coordinate the timing of putting together 1099’s. Senator McCarter also has SB0979 that received an extended deadline for a 3rd reading in the Labor Committee (Chair, Representative Jay Hoffman) to change the Employee Standards to coordinate with the Federal Labor & Standards Act...keep your fingers crossed that this will go thru. HBA members are still working closely with Rep. Jay Hoffman (pictured below) to continue talks about the Employee Classification Act and IDES Audits that we will keep you posted on. Energy Rating Index Compliance Alternative establishes an alternative compliance criteria using an Energy Rating Index (ERI) analysis. This method will be allowed if your code official approves. (right) Rep. Dwight Kay speaking with Jeff Schmidt, Mark Vogt and Jason Huelsmann regarding the Energy Code and other issues. SB1270 Practice Act for Interior Design Work was opposed by our industry and is currently in a special senate subcommittee. The sponsor, Senator Kim Lightford and proponents of this legislation have been accommodating to our concerns, however, we remain philosophically opposed to this level of licensure for interior design work with support from other organizations such as the Illinois Retail Merchants Air exchanges will remain at 5 air changes per hour or Association, Illinois Institute of Architects and the less for both zones 4 & 5. National Kitchen & Bath Association. 2015 Energy Codes have finally been agreed upon by the Residential & Commercial sub-committees that share their recommendations with the Capital Development Board (CDB) and then on to the Joint Committee of Administrative Rules (JCAR). The current language has the following notable mentions: Full basement wall insulation for both zones 4 and 5 will require R-value of 10/13 and half basement wall insulation will be required to have R-value of 15/19. The exact details of the 10 and 4 feet from the top of the basement wall remain as stated in the 2012 IECC currently in place. HB2635 Bonding Over Lien Rights was opposed and currently in Senate for its 1st reading. This allows the substitution of a bond security in place of the property that is subject to a mechanics lien. This would allow property to be transferred even though payments may have not been paid to subcontractors for improvements made on that property. This bill, Mechanical ventilation. placed into law, would be especially harmful to home Where the air infiltration rate remodelers, who are never the owners of the property of a dwelling unit is 5 ACH or they work on. The bond will eliminate the lien rights less the dwelling shall be against the property, and, would place the bond in first provided with ventilation that position where the mechanics liens were before. meets the requirements of this 9 10 SHARE YOUR SUPPORT of new homes built in the Metro East while saving BIG dollars on a full blown marketing campaign! Participating Builders to date: Barnes Properties ~ CMI Construction ~ CMG Custom Construction ~ Fulford Homes LLC Garrett E. & Herschel E. Johnson RE & Dev. ~ Homes by Deesign ~ McBride & Son Homes ~ Kappert Construction ~ New Tradition Homes ~ Spencer Homes Event Promotion Partner……....$1000 each For less than .025 per household you will receive recognition in print advertisements going out to over 100,000 consumers in St. Clair County & Madison County premier publications including a prominently placed full page ad in The Big Move magazine, HBA website hyperlinks, recognition in all event press releases, 1st right of refusal for 2015 Homes on Parade. (Valued at $10,000) Event Magazine Advertising ….…….. $500 full page ~ $250 half page …….……. Industry specific publication that will be placed in the BND and in-house at the builder participant homes. All ads will be in full color. Full Page Only ready-to-use ads can be 7.25”W x 9.75”H vertical ad ONLY submitted in .jpeg or .pdf. Choose the Builder page you want to be on! Deadline for Partnership commitment April 20, 2015 Deadline for Magazine Ad May 5, 2015 (Ad due on April 24th) Half Page 7.25”W x 4.875”H horizontal ad ONLY ___Event Promotion Partner $1000 ___ Full Page ad $500 ___ Half Page ad $250 Company _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name ___________________________________ ⌂ Payment Enclosed ⌂ Invoice Company Email/Phone# _________________________________________ ⌂ Charge to credit card * 4% convenience fee will be added to credit card payments Charge to Visa/Master Card# ________________________________________________ Exp date: ________ Signature: ___________________________________________ The individual completing this contract warrants that he/she has been duly authorized to execute this binding agreement and the HBA Member Company will continue to fulfill these terms even if the individual ceases to be part of the HBA Member Company. SEND COMPLETED FORM TO: Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Office: (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 - Email: [email protected] 11 CONSTRUCTION TREE CLEARING COULD GET BATTY! The Indiana bat & Northern long-eared bat that live in our region have been listed as federally threatened or endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). As a result, restrictions are often placed on permits that only allow tree clearing during the winter months. Other restrictions including the need for site specific surveys , conservation measures and mitigation can also become necessary. This clearly affect project schedules, budgets and necessary lead time. What this means for your construction project depends on multiple factors, including the acreage of proposed tree clearing, types of trees on the site and the proximity to water sources. Proposed tree clearing as small as one acre in size can require an endangered species consultation and may result in site restrictions. SCI Engineering has performed habitat assessments, acoustic monitoring, mist net surveys and even mitigation plans for bat habitat trees. The Indiana bat hibernates in dense clusters on cave ceilings in the winter months and rears its young in crevices of dead or shaggy-barked trees during the mid summer months. The Northern long-eared has similar habitat requirements as the Indiana bat and can use trees as small as 3inch diameter at breast height. Summer roost habitat typically includes forested tracts dominated by shagbark hickories, silver and sugar maples, green ash, American elms and eastern cottonwoods that contain characteristics such as exfoliating bark, cracks, crevices or hollows. Preserving these habitat types is essential to protecting the declining populations of the these bats. Additionally, SCI recently hired a certified bat biologist to help assist through the endangered species consultation process. With that in mind, every site is different and presents its own set of challenges for regulatory consulting. If you have questions on how threatened and endangered bat habitat can affect your projects, don’t hesitate to contact Scott Harding or Mike Hartoin with SCI Engineering at (618) 624-6969. 12 ANNUAL Member Appreciation Event Night at the Races PARTY at the PARK $13 admission per person FRIDAY, June 19, 2015 6:00pm to the last race Fairmount Racetrack Collinsville This annual event is always a great opportunity to enjoy a favorite summer pastime with family, friends and industry colleagues. The HBA staff and representatives will be hanging out in the downstairs outside Party in the Park area for HBA members to have a central location to join together. All attendees are welcome to move around the entire facility to enjoy the races, food and music that is all included in the low cost of $13 per person paid directly at the gate. 13 All you can eat appetizer buffet $2 Bud/Bud Light/Bud Select $2 rail drinks and wine Must be 21 to enter Party at the Park area Live Band Sponsored by: Platinum Annual Sponsors Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Office: (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 Email: [email protected] 14 Engines start at 3pm Thursday - June 25th, 2015 $135 Driver $50 Spectator 1/8 mile oval track inside the NASCAR track Get in the fast lane and open up that throttle for the ultimate adrenaline ride in the fastest rental karts in the Midwest! You’ll get the full experience: Safety & Competition briefing with driving coach Practice & Timed Racing 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Trophies Beverages & Food included (2 comp adult beverages after your race is completed) Spectators welcomed to cheer on their favorite driver! 700 Raceway Blvd. Madison, IL 62060 Please complete the following information to register. Company: __ Name(s): __ Email/Phone#: __ # of Racers________ @$135 ⌂ Payment Enclosed # of Spectators________@$50 TOTAL DUE $________ ⌂ Invoice Company (local HBA members ONLY) ⌂ Charge to credit card (credit card payments will be charged and additional 4% convenience fee) Charge to Visa/Master Card# ________________________________ Exp date: ________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cancellation will be accepted 2 days prior to HBA Event ~ No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows. Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest IL 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Office: (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 - Email: [email protected] 15 2% is the new 3% Last year, GDP growth was a mediocre 2.4%. While it was the best growth since 2010 when GDP growth was a “sparkling” 2.5%, it means yet another year, the ninth in a row, of sub 3% GDP growth. There has never been a run of such weak GDP growth since record keeping began in 1930. Yes, there were terrible periods but they were all blessedly brief, never lasting more than two or three years and they always occurred during recessions. In our case, the recession ended in June 2009. What is going on? The fact is that our weak GDP growth is not surprising at all, let me explain. GDP growth is composed of two things, growth in the labor force and growth in labor productivity. GDP rises when more people work, and better yet, when they work more productively. Productivity growth is particularly important because it boosts living standards. GDP growth was very good following WWII because annual labor force growth grew dramatically from 0.5% in 1950 to almost 2.5% in 1975. As a result, the prime-aged working population, those between the ages of 25 and 54, grew from 60 million to almost 80 million in 25 short years. While population growth then began to decline, it remained above 1% through 2003. As a result, the primeaged population continued growing, hitting 122 million in 2003. As a matter of fact, the labor force grew much faster than the population during the 1970s and 1980s due to the huge influx of women into the labor force. As a result, the prime-aged working population grew by over 3% per year during the 1980s. Since 2003, population growth has slowed further and is now barely 0.7%. Moreover, the Boomers have begun retiring in large numbers and the number of working men and women has, for a number of reasons, continued to slowly decline. As a result, the size of the prime-aged working population has essentially flat-lined since 2003. As a matter of fact, it peaked in 2007. If the size of the prime-aged working population is flat, it’s hard to experience rapid GDP growth even if labor productivity growth is good. Regrettably, labor productivity growth has not been particularly good of late. But first some history: from 1948 through 1973 labor productivity grew at an amazing average annual rate of 2.8%. Add to that rapid labor force growth, and it’s no wonder GDP growth averaged 4.1% per year. Between 1974 and 1990, labor productivity grew by an anemic 1.4% percent but given good population growth, GDP growth was a solid 3.0% per year. From 1991 through 2007, productivity perked up to a very respectable 2.4%, and despite weak population growth, GDP still averaged 3% per year. Since the start of the Great Recession, however, we have experienced anemic labor productivity growth of, again, 1.4% per year and a trivial increase in the working population. As a result, GDP growth has averaged a dismal 1.2% per year. Luckily the prime-aged working population is again starting to rise, which is good. The million dollar question is “How will labor productivity growth perform?” Will it be a replay of the boom years Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D. is President of of 1974 through 1990, the crummy years since GraphsandLaughs, LLC and can be 2007, or more likely something in between? reached at [email protected]. While nobody knows for sure, GDP growth His daily 70 word economics and policy should drift upwards as demographics become blog can be seen at more favorable and labor productivity hopefully rises. 16 ANNUAL GOLF Lunch, Golf & Dinner $125 each Dinner Only $25 each EVENT SPONSOR O UTING FRIDAY, JULY 17th, 2015 Far Oaks Golf Course 419 Old Collinsville Rd., Caseyville Check-in/Lunch 11:00 am Shot Gun Start 12:00 pm SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ON COURSE GAMES & CONTESTS ARE ALL INCLUSIVE! Give-A-Way Sponsor..………….$250 (includes 1 meal for company representative) 1st & 2nd place Cash Prizes for A & B flights Skins & Mulligans sold at $20 per team Friendly Faces & Fun Competition with game improvement offerings Appropriate attire required: Men collared shirts (no cutoff or sweatpants) Ladies golf designed sleeveless shirts permitted. Soft Spike facility. Personal coolers are strictly prohibited! Each golfer will receive a great give-a-way gift with your logo. Stationary Beverage Sponsor…...$200 Be the “go to” stand for all golfers to get their staple refreshments on the course. Course Contest Sponsor………...$150 We provide the game and prize, you send the talent and everyone is a winner. Games such as scattered flags, chip shot contest, sling shot and more will be offered. Hole Sponsor……………..…….$100 Volunteers are a must for this event! Please contact the HBA office if you can spend the day with the golfers (meals not included) Company name and logo on a course sign. Complete the following information to register/sponsor this exciting event Primary Contact_____________________________________________ Name__________________________________ T-Shirt Size_______ Company Name_____________________________________________ Name__________________________________ T-Shirt Size_______ Phone Number______________________________________________ Name__________________________________ T-Shirt Size_______ E-Mail____________________________________________________ Name__________________________________ T-Shirt Size_______ Total Golfers ___ $125 each METHOD OF PAYMENT: Total Dinner Only ___ $25 each ___ Check Enclosed ___ $800 exclusive Card# _____________________________________________ Exp Date ________________ ___ Invoice Member Company ___ Charge to Visa/Mastercard* *credit card payments will include an additional 4% convenience fee SPONSORSHIPS Event Sponsor Give-A-Way Sponsor ___ $250 each Stationary Beverage ___ $200 each Course Contest ___ $150 each Hole Sponsor ___ $100 each Total Amount Due $__________ City/State/Zip ___________________________ Signature____________________________ Cancellation will be accepted 2 days prior to the OUTING No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows. Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 17 (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 - Email: [email protected] Office: REGULATORY INTEGRITY PROTECTION ACT NEEDS YOUR ACTION TO STOP FEDERAL LAND GRAB As part of its full throttle effort to prevent an unprecedented federal land grab, NAHB is calling on members to contact their members of Congress and urge a "yes" vote on H.R. 1732. As he points out, the EPA proposal would expand federal authority to include ditches, manmade canals and even puddles on low-lying land. If the Environmental Protection Agency gets its way, millions of additional acres of land could be regulated as wetlands under the Clean Water Act. H.R. 1732, the Regulatory Protection Act, would prevent this expansion of federal The Environmental Protection authority. Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (the agencies) In a videotaped message to proposed expansion of the Clean members, NAHB Chairman Tom Water Act (CWA) will interfere Woods, a home builder from with the ability of individual Blue Springs, Mo., notes that the landowners to use their property Regulatory Integrity Protection and negatively impacts Act (H.R. 1732) would stop the economic growth. This proposal land grab in its tracks. View the will dramatically increase the video at cost and time needed to obtain a wetlands permit prior to home construction, which will greatly impact the fledgling housing recovery. H.R. 1732 would prevent this regulatory overreach that negatively impacts the home building industry as it requires the withdrawal of the proposed rule. The agencies would be permitted to release an updated rule after completing a number of missed regulatory requirements. Please ask your representative to support this important legislation. It also would require even more property owners to get government permits to use their own land. That's a process that can take months, or even years, and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The House is expected to vote this Friday on H.R. 1732, which would send EPA back to the drawing board to develop a new proposal. The legislation would require EPA to: 18 Withdraw the proposed rule. Develop a new rule in consultation with state and local governments, small businesses and other affected groups. Ensure that the new rule is based on better science and realistic economic analysis. Now it's time for you to do your part. Please call your members of Congress today and urge a "yes" vote on H.R. 1732. Don't let EPA get away with this effort to expand its authority. Call to Action • Write your representative • Make a call – (866) 924-NAHB (6242) Urge your representative to SUPPORT H.R. 1732 the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act, introduced by Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA). For more information about this item, please contact Courtney Briggs at 800-368-5242 x8459 or via email at [email protected]. Ahoy Matey! 2:00 pm 4:00 pm Space is limited to a crew of 45 Ship is docked at Grafton Harbor 215 Water St. Grafton, IL $35 per shipmate The Professional Women in Building are lookin’ for shipmates! Come aboard the Gypsy Rose Pirate ship and join the P.W.B. crew while they set sail along the Mississippi, shoot cannon balls and search for buried treasure on Treasure Island! *Bring your own drinks. Snacks will be provided by the PWB Council and water by TheBANK of Edwardsville! Set sail on: Friday - July 24th, 2015 Please complete the following information to register. Company: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Shipmate Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email/Phone#: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL DUE $____________ # of shipmates________ @$35 ⌂ Payment Enclosed ⌂ Invoice Company (local HBA members ONLY) ⌂ Charge to credit card (credit card payments will be charged and additional 4% convenience fee) Charge to Visa/Master Card# _____________________________ Exp date: _________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Cancellation will be accepted 2 days prior to HBA PWB Event ~ No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows. Home Builders Association Professional Women in Building Metro East 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Office: (618) 343-6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 - Email: [email protected] 19 General Assembly Taking on Water/Sewer Tap Fees issues Using Caseyville as an Example of Price Gouging Caseyville Township trustees have warned citizens they’ll be forced to increase customers’ sewer rates if two bills in the Illinois General Assembly that regulate tap-on fees are made law, but the bills’ sponsors - and local developer Darwin Miles - say Caseyville is a “rogue township” that’s been price-gouging for years. sewer plants. That debt service costs the township $1.67 million each year. Currently, anyone building a new home in the township must pay $2,000 to hook up to the sewer system, compared with $3,000 in nearby O’Fallon. But the new apartment buildings are charged $2,000 for each plumbing fixture, comSupporters of the new regulations say the town- pared with a flat $3,000 per unit in O’Fallon. ship is using scare tactics to preserve a “cash Because all sewer customers in the township cow”. are charged a flat rate of $28 each month, capCaseyville Township trustees recently sent a let- ping the tap-on fee to a sixth of the $336 yearly ter to each of their 9,000 plus sewer customers charge to customers would mean slashing the warning that their sewer bills could as much as tap-on charge to $56. triple if House Bill 3309 and Senate Bill 1815 Two other local townpass. ships that operate their own sewer sysThe House bill, sponsored by State Rep. Dwight tems have tap-on fees Kay, R-Glen Carbon, requires townships with considerably lower their own sewer and water plants to limit the tapthan Caseyville’s. St. on fees charged to people building new homes Clair Township or businesses to 1/6 of the estimated yearly cost charges $1,000 to of sewer and water service. connect new homes to its system. It Senate Bill 1815, sponsored by State Sen. Kyle charges 75 cents per McCarter, R-Lebanon, sets standard sewer and square foot for comwater tap-on fee schedules for new homes, mercial buildings but apartment buildings and businesses based on has a $5,000 limit. the size of water meter they’ll use. This will ensure townships and municipalities that manage Caseyville Township’s tap-on fees outpace even their own sewer and water systems don’t take those in Chicago’s home of Cook County and its advantage of rate payers. wealthy neighbor DuPage County. Tap-on fees there are $750 and $1,500 respectively. SB1815 creates limitations on municipal and township tap on fees for the privilege to use the The State Comptroller’s Office requires audits local government’s water and sewer system; the township, the accounts used to collect tapand, for the infrastructure costs for providing on fees and pay off debt continue to grow. For those services. As presented in Senate Local Government Committee, HBA’s throughout the example, the 2012 audit showed the township state support this bill. The bill provides realistic had $2.8 million in its debt service account and $6.3 million in its tap-on account. In the 2014 aufees for actual construction costs. dit, the township reported $3.3 million in the debt service account and $7.5 million in the tap-on According to Caseyville Township Rick Donovan, the tap-on fees now in place help to repay a account. $23 million Illinois Environmental Protection Agency loan it took out to modernize on e of its 20 April 2015 NEW Members April 2015 Renewed Members 1st National Bank of Waterloo Benchmark Title Company Bonded Builders Risk Management CMC Electric, Inc. Crown Roofing & Exteriors D.M.I. Plumbing, Inc. Drake Construction, LLC FCB Banks/FirstCo Mortgage Joe Lanahan Construction Services, Inc. J.T. McDermott Remodeling Mosby Building Arts Padgett Building & Remodeling Co., Inc. Shake & Shingle Supply Christopher Carney MorMat Electrical & Construction Services, LLC 7856 St. James Dr Moro, IL 62067 Phone: (618) 670-9381 Chris Purcell Central Bank of St. Louis Green Building Council 425 N. New Ballas Rd, Suite 101 Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Phone: (314) 835-3744 Email: [email protected] Champion Waterproofing, Inc. Southwestern Electric TheBANK of Edwardsville Congrats to our fellow member on their new bundle of joy! Proud Parents: Peggy & Chris Kory Cayla Eileen Born: April 18, 2015 7 lb. 2 oz. 19 inches 21 2015 HBA FALL HOME SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT BEING HELD AT: GATEWAY CENTER - COLLINSVILLE FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY ~ SUNDAY Sep 11th - 4pm to 8pm • Sep 12th - 10am to 7pm • Sep 13th - 11am to 4pm MOVE IN: Thursday, Sep 10th - 8am to 6pm ~ Friday, Sep 11th - 8am to 3pm MOVE OUT: Sunday, Sep 13th - 4pm to 8pm ~ Monday, Sep 14th 8am to 12pm Booth Size 10 x 10 Member Rate $750 Non-Member Rate $900 10% discount off booth cost for returning exhibitors! FREE quarter page magazine ad for returning exhibitors NO COVER CHARGE for consumers Download your Exhibitor packet at 22 2015 HBA Home Show Corporate Sponsors OFFICERS President, Chris Jones C.A. Jones, Inc. 1st Vice President, Jeff Schmidt RLP Development 2nd Vice President, Dave Padgett Padgett Building & Remodeling Co., Inc. Associate Vice President, Mindy Shafer Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 2015 Home Builders Association Platinum Annual Sponsors Secretary, Jerry Yaekel, Jr. Yaekel & Associates, Inc. Immediate Past President, Robert Dee Jr. Homes by Deesign DIRECTORS Jason Klein Ameren Illinois Michelle Null Benchmark Title Art StumpfConstruction Appliance by AUTCOhome Joel Keel Custom Floors & More 2015 HBA Gold Annual Sponsors Robb Treat First Clover Leaf Bank Aaron Klemme Klemme Construction Joe Lanahan Joe Lanahan Construction Services 2015 HBA Silver Annual Sponsors Jason Huelsmann New Tradition Homes Barbara Markham RE/MAX Preferred, The Markham Network Mike Rathgeb Spencer Homes Mark Vogt Vogt Builders, Inc. OFFICER REPRESENTATIVE DIRECTORS Joe Knox - Copious Technologies Mark Fulford - Fulford Homes, LLC 2015 HBA Bronze Annual Sponsors Chris Matteo - Fulford Homes, LLC 23 John Snapat, CAPS, CGR Fulford Home Remodeling Garrett Johnson, CGP Garrett E. & Herschel E. Johnson R E & Dev Ron Padgett - Padgett Building & Remodeling 6100 West Main Street Maryville, IL 62062-6688 Office (618) 343-6331 Fax: (618) 343-6335 Email: [email protected] WWW.HBASWIL.ORG 24
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