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fipkip vav3 - Mormon Polygamy Documents
45 kip fip lip va v3 wo axll amt awl alt ii LIBRARY 01i 4 al 41 121 1I i4 ia iy4 iya JI ev PU om woi mel nel 1 7i ai 0 ua u7 j X on fr grr IRK irr 3set set aset 1.1 11 iwtsdb t 3 abac abfc 71 vb1 festy ts S syjisll W 1 l i m S 1 s jj als sst aoe ase sstjfe siials wta Jfe laa ifa mpr simals clr uli sii aks jk vin siu flu gaii iaii i ptiip itiip j i K i si y ir tac tfc wp r ass alg yss als ata fiist&aitfk 11 r i t t f i rtritaniimsdrpnianii a ia0 iab NK ts aji ft 2 pj pji i i li14 TLV av 4v 45 re grantisplrrf u ats hts on the lightning car fly fly these tnoiights light to the realms afar I with the speed of iight mount mount the car wuh vith the horse of fire 1 outstrip the wind he will never tire ntild bird scream as he lags behind let the neild and the hurricane a champion find if dwell search the darkest spot where mortals tiding tell with a voice of thunder the tidings proclaim the dawn of a brighter day sceptry sway way when the kingvfkings king oftingi shall his sceptre ulsh and sorrow cease ang anguish bid pain and ung peace ofpeace and open the way for the prince of will conquer death bid mourning flee ilevvill ile lle lie and give five to the nations a jubilee KEY TO THE vjtute0L agy SCIENCE OE tbeolo&y 0gy r DESIGNED AS 21lu TO nronttnin i 5 atw i THE FIEST principles OF SPIEITUAI anilo or Y EEUGIOX fhilosopnt EELIGION rnilo navy naw government LAIV ASD LAW AND GOVER NME nue AS DEUVEKED DK THE ANCIENTS asb goyer first s77tar4 ntaspeiiuer ssiv br tt AND AS RESTORED ageg AGE FOR the fanal T DEVELOP THIS ages developmest MEST flnal development peyelop3& umye OF esa i PEACE or amye UNIYERSAI peice cruth croth reice TKOTH trutR ANDD KNOWLEDGE A KT t jt seiv X RAA BY PARLEY P PRATT aures unrev464 teot trut urea crea treaaures treascrea treasures treas meban breas mehan dstnrt what 0 teut truthh dinxist troth trea brea velat unr9tfei oun ane are thena exbauqqeds thene oan thins in thine fount ezhaoaueis dantas fountatip ra atip oantas conf&kdt tas tabikeet conatalwl woh wob powtaes wctda inxillipal ucb m ikert u wcb low to tem tom tea 4tba agr tkel indnftu& owr insnitod our walk walh oer imatme tta tte which aur lcaema wa 2brrpaol F D RICHARDS niC HARDS ric 15 WILTON STREJWA STRETV tran tion rian tian ilan ilantran tian 35 JEWIN 8tcltf depot35 SAINTS depoz LD 8alntsb0okdepot35xzwln ID salnis BOOK DEPOT 8tcltl AD AND ALL booksellers 1855. 1855 I1 a abam aiam ll 11k 4 VIA eta ela 7 yap yak t r t J t egl egi irt mar imm ihm airt war s&dltr printer sadl6r sadler ler 1 moorflelds Seld Moor seid moorseld R 1.1 Live rivol lise uterixwl liverivol tr a y IV s r i sae sar CONTENTS rya dmn w dyn i J t 4 4 1 A A j preface pagh PAGB PAGE xi iin fiiww PTU 411apter 411 APTER ain lio lin gym its Theolo gys ts definition theology I1 i historical illusto illust eions illustrations tions chip CHAPTER chir TERII JI charter terll teril 4A v 1 ws loss of this science among th thei jews decline and los ios i 1 k 1 v asrf asaf 10 i CHAPTER 111 III lii ili ats sts 1 i1 progress decline and final loss of the science of theology foreshadow ings of itsrestora foreshadowings among amongthe the gentiles foreshadowingsof its restora restoration tion for the ushering in of the millennium 14 CHAPTER IV rise beology eology progress decline and loss of the science of th theology light by on the western hemisphere as brought to lightby lightsy tho late discovery of ancient american records the 21 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER V tho godhead keys of the mysteries of the ag 2g R VL QHABTER ouan CHAP ohan WW 1I origin of the universe 42 1Ill 1I VII OM I-T E R V w CHAPTER 9 ivers universe destiny of the U 54 CHAPTER VIII CHAP pomeran powen power andgoyernmeny wenan weran Po key of knowledge i poweran tiu kru jgnapter tru nAPTER I yau YOU xau Jg 63 j4 ja r&in IQM rain ioa ira v 1 agy restoration 6faeqgcie&eqfth& revival or restora ofthecienceof tholojgy igy in the present age ia anpte o fa edaa edba 06 t anete IFX ed edfa I 10 au eif Z eft Z ift 72 0 TER X QIIAPTER IIAT liartee A m1I agear mat iAM ear aieam abiam att aiiam ati theology m practical theolo keys of initiation in aeta ftlxfss aura fata telo soff teli toff saff benm beam 8 fc ii GHAPTERI philosophy of miracles 93 c 100 XIL CHAPTER XII and spirits angelssand augelsand Augel angol angel 110 HO llo ilo CONTENTS IX XIM CHAFTER XIII CHAPTER dreams 110 ft eta faeta fteta CHAPTER E XFV xiv the world 0of spirits nft sl SO 25 CHAPTER XV resurrection its times second vand and degrees fir t ime s ana and tand anddegr6eg fip secona thir 041 torreitrial aiidcefestial 6afngtbr soy thirdheavensfotheeleiiiaiterrest 907 hewes 441 kingdoms 132 X qhapterk qhaiervi an A physical ohi remarksA0oori an ffit ihlellecfnal further re andd effit emet ua1 pron mi farther phy sidal ana mans gress phi philosophy loso phy of will as originating directing and controlling all voluntary animal motion astounding aing astean astban ding facts in m relation to the speed or veloei velocifyf vellei plo pio ty of motion nio tion as attalfia16by attauiahl& by ph ical maaintercommunicafi6n physical maninter6ommufticifl6n of inhabitants of different the ihab1tantspfz1ff planels an t planed alst aist erent and dist plane6 distant 1 s f i 149 fn an val vfl CHAPTER XVII and aq procreation laws of marriage andprocreation pq obat tlt tbt alt ii i- log loo do sift timm lp3sfe eena ena vesa esa ySa a 4k ak va v1 4 AOE PREFACE ace gREF grefaoe the present p re isnfagqoirf progress progres agres of chhn chan change Kof rapid 7 advance annd & of wonderful revo revolutions u ions lons ia i1 S- 4 7 the very foundations of society boci social soci political com- mercial moral and religions re 00jisi seem to be shaken asi with a mighty earthquake from centre to fromcentre ende clrcumler cir arence erence tocircunu all things tremble creation groans j the world is in travail travali isintravail and pains to be delivered I1 i iw 4 aa A new era has dawned upon our planet and is is advancing with accelerated force with giant strides mc the rail roads and the steam railroads boats with their prosteamboats gressive gressive improvements in speed safety and convenience are extending and multiplying the mean meanss of travel of trade of association and intercommunication between countries whose inhabitants have been comparatively unknown to or estranged from each other xii PBEFACE PREFACE but as if even these means were too slow for the godlike aspirations the mighty throes of human thoughts thought and its struggles for light and expansion man seizes the lightning tames and dubue ybduesit and makes it the bearer zubue band land &and of his thoughts anddespatches and despatches despatches dispatches while these things are whilethese in progress by one portionof portion of mankind another learns to seize and control a sunbeam sunbeam in a manner subservient to the progress fine arts of the r y and by which means a 1 qa t WC man performs work in a minute which a short time since whi yor phi r T Wthe 149tnip7i C J tor ii 4 0 would have employed the most active years of a lifetime everyvartsgi being developed while every science everyailoilbeing igjawal ened tone mindrisjawakened while the mind w t ought while the tosnewlhbught tond windows of heaven are opened asi and the profound were andtheprofound as iftwere asitwere asl depths of human intellect arestirr6d are stirred moved from the foundation on all other subjects religious religion knowledge seems sems at a stand still the ni creeds of the 1 fathers seem to have been cast ao be in the mould ofiotlferaages ofiotkeri a gesto ie adapted to a more narrow sphere off dntellectual development and to be comintellectual ofjntollectiial f posed of material too much resembling cast iron or at least not sufficiently elastic to expand with the expansion of mind to grow with the growth and advance with the progressive principles of the age sill PREFACE theodrea these reasons oi6tlian perhaps m ore than dri ther themas sdnsiperh4 the masthesdrea iii any Oothei for thesdrea thee 0 ter spirits of the ibe age are breaking loose from the old moorings withdrawing from established and venerated ings and withdrawin systems diskr f d divided 6-164 is diser whiba means go distracted society by whibh broken itpc4hr6wn1 606 doh tas 606fused confused as it were into w fused a chaos of up thrown tag bf goh disorganizdindmdililliz disorganize disoganize dindividualizationwfthbui a standard ald orr rallyaid atl 6 n 4iwithbut wstdiid ati ugi 161 ff66iiceifirate or hich to concentrate a nucleus by w hi wi ing point without msss 1 these aiffiy re organise organig6 organish ih&dhaotiihk4ih this chaotic mass aton boft t hb atou hought ht r s cc6 one thin ertain ordin tbantienfi6phqcy to ancient prophecy and certain rtain acco is ccording isce thing asce to aeienralex citation bfthig ofthus agreeable 16 the general expectation ofthis and other ages pe ctation t flood the 6drib7 approaches with the pure the day which earth witythe Wilffl66d alch will aich religious principles6f idus knowledge ious gIlous bui kiiowle dge principles bf kul 1 dd ywh6i when ifibne a day none will have to teach his neighbour 6w ye6 the know kn6w eri aw erl ur saying sayin kii sayih he lord or shail shali leasf ral him leaff iea Sf to the know ffir rfl from the lea ir all persons shall hmikn or hi greatest it should be a tion gat thought matter of serious thoug g4t and investigathong tw f7 A w ec to ppaarty serd i 0or cree without res creed respect r t Y sect whether 6trej6t cummis should ifdtinntthek present cit &v61yjaij citduffis there sho duffis tances very nature of circumstances olt 11ll bain lol biin i ali ailhopes all opeIS be remodelling and future millennial entirdiemodeffil remodelling or te an entire futur4 idi iab r0 i4dbasis soclay ibasis of tile re the broad reorganization of religious society ia3 r upon tiie organization revealed knowledge tan gitle fact tangible and philosophical nad spiritual truehl scientific imd truthl truth a universal immutable standard insteadof of numberless systems founded truth instead of on XIV uncertainty PREFACE opinion mere human impression or con- jecture can anything short of such a standard unite society enlighten the world establish h real peace brotherhood and fellowship and put a finai final end to all religious ignorance superstition jargon or discord Is not a difference of opinion or a disagreement on any given subject a proof positive of existing ignorance or want of light or information on the part of the parties disagreeing if so the present age is certainly in the dark or in a great measure ignorant on religious subjects A knowledge of the truth can alone bring the desired union and bid discord cease if the scriptures be true it is not religious inwn opinion op inan which will cover the earth and universally pervade every bosom but it is a KNOWLEDGE the knowledge of god godis bodis truth tath to know him is to know the truth the present volume aims to embody in a concise and somewhat original manner and style a general view of the science of theology as gathered from revelation history prophecy reason and analogy if the work proves an introductory key to some of the first princi princl principles ples of the divine science of which it treats if pies plei PREFACE roopen ioopen it serves a61 ae 4e n the XV hisfellowm6n on the eyes of any of hisfellowmen facts of the past the present and the future if it leads to investigation and inquiry and calls public attention to the greater and more particular truths which have been or are about to be revealed as a standard by which to unite the people of all nations and of all religions upon the rock the sure foundation of divine eternal uncreated infinite and exhaustless atitithjt ifvvilli have accomplished the end aruth rruth t tiiwillthave truth i aimed at aaby by atby 1 v t r J 1y m4tp w ay as W & v t hwn bwl sml sal tyte teteewe ete xte ate w 6s ji J 883 ftc ft3 pt40r ii f 1 I T twi f 1 l N esy wiy atss8i vsy t si c sme hae aai ai 0 iiai 1I y eteisatt1 7 4 IR T isfo&ii w duj rul iuj ww mal mfl artel trtel r ttffsm ww r vf kip kit etil tn cjiealngii R 1I CHAPTER CHAPTE THEOLOGY TIIEOLOGY ITS definition historical illustrations thief 1ciencel I1 who would fathom thee eternal science shrell must launch his ins bark upon a shorelessltsea las s ss s earthit eharth thae 4earih overwhe thy knowledge yet shall overwhelm tharth bira birth troth to immortality give birg thy truth thy dawn shall kindle to eternal day and man immortal still shall own thy first THEOLOGY is gway sway s the science of communication or of correspondence between god angels spirits and men by means of visions dreams interpretations conversations inspirations or the spirit sT irit of prophecy and reve revelation latim second it is the science by which worlds are organized sustained and directed and the elements controlled and the third it is the science of knowledge andtho rare key and power thereof by which the heaven are Tare heaventare opened and lawful access is obtained to the treasures of wisdom and intelligence inexhaustible infinite embracing the past the present and the future filtur filter B 2 KEY TO THEOLOGY fourth it is the science of life endless and eternal by which the living are changed or translated and the dead raised fifth it is the science of faith reformation and remission of sins whereby a fallen race of mortals may be justified cleansed and restored to the communion and fellowship of that holy spirit which is the light of the world and of every intelligence therein I sixth it is the science of spiritual gifts by which the blind see the deaf hear the lame walk the sick are healed and demons are expelled from the human system seventh it is the science of all other sciences and useful arts being in fact the very fountain from which they emanate it includes philosophy astronomy history mathematics geography ged graphy languages the science of letters 5 and blends the knowledge of all m matters of fact in every branch of art or of research it includes also all the scientific discoveries veries and inventions agriculture co tile the mechanical arl culture tlle ari arts architecture shipbuilding the properties and applications of the marinero mariners compass navigatio navi gatio n mariners navigation and music all that is useful great and good all that is calculated to sustain comfort instruct edify purity refine or exalt intelligences originated by purify this science and this science alone all other sciences being but branches growing out of tris this tile tlle th erool root toot therool theriol 1 KEY TO THEOLOGY 3 some of the facts stated in the foregoing are beautifully illustrated in theological history of which the following is an imperfect summary god spake and the worlds were framed by his word dlight prevailed he spake darkness dispersed an and light he commanded and the elements water and earth separated and assumed their proper bounds commanded M anded and the earth brought forth he com vegetable and animal life in countless variety he commanded and man male and female took upon them a tabernacle of flesh and prepared to multiply and perpetuate their species in the new creation shenew thenew the lord god planted a garden and thus introduced agriculture he made coats of skins hence the tailors art the lord god commanded and gave pattern for noahs moahs ark thus introducing the art of shipbuilding he revealed the patterns for the tabernacle in s6 with all its arrangements and furnithe wil wll derne sa wilderness wilberne wilderne ture and afterwards developed the entire plan and ail the designs of that most stupendous of all works ali all alithe arn of ann art the great temple of solomon with all its furniture thus developing and improving the art art of drt architecture the lord god wrote with his own finger on the tables of stone on mount sinai thus 4 KEY TO THEOLOGY showing that the science of letters was cultivated and used by the highest intelligence of the eternal heavens god has ha revealed by ezekiel the the lord goa prophet a plan for the survey and division of palestine to the twelve tribes of israel on their return to the land ok 01 their fathers also sor dbr dor laying out the new city of jerusalem with lis its squares blocks public grounds and suburbsa suburbia suburbs and na suburb its temple thus theology includes the surveyors art and the planning of cities as well as temples ana and ani shows that these arts are arecultivated cultivated in heaven and that the very highest intelligence of the heavenof heavenor heaven of heavens stoops or condescends to grace these arts by his own particular attention and example in the revelation of john the apostle on the isle of patmos we have a specimen a masterpiece ail ali all ill that is great and grand in design a climax of uil and splendid and glorious in execution in cities thrones palaces streets pavements out ontgrounds gates walks squares fountains rivulets gardens fruits groves specimens of dress poetry song music marriage bridal dress feasting books bookil literature public worship prophesying prayer and praise as existing in and around the palaces of the new jerusalem the capital of heaven the seat of government of the eternal king the very gates of the city are numbered and sa KEY TO THEOLOGY 5 named ivith the particular names of the together avith with namedtogether precious stones forming the foundations thereof 5 the gold which composed the pavement pav emefif of the streets all are portrayed in the description marcellous marvellous all this and what is still more marvellous i dedi surpassing grandeur of degl agn design gn and stupendous wisdom and display in execution were explored comprehended anddescribed and described by a poor poo illiterate fisherman by the aid of the science and arg arts of theology having reviewed some of the works of the great head the president or first teacher in the school of theology we will still continue the historic illustrations of this wonderful science as developed and exemplified by the most eminent students and professors of the same by this science adam obtained from his father tile promise of the eternal dominion over the tlle the planet on which he was placed by this science enoch overcame death and ascended to a higher sphere of immortality and eternal life without even being separated from his fleshly tabernacle tills science noali foretold the flood tilis by this ifiamily ills family ilis and with liis prepared to meet the even eventtand eventand survived the sarlie same and became the greatest landed sarile proprietor since adam by the perversion and unlawful use of this science king nimrod built the stupendous tower of babel 6 KEY TO THEOLOGY but was frustrated ana and his works were dest destroyed royeA royed before their completion by this science various tongues and languages were instituted and colonies the germs of nations planted be beyond yond the seas and in all the earth by this science abraham escaped the idolatry and prieste priestcraft raft of the egyptians and of the world around him obtained a good land secured to him and his seed by an immutable oath covenant and an everlasting unchangeable title titie by this science he conversed with angels and was favoured ed with a personal interview with the favour great head and founder of the science who became whobecame his guest and after eating and drinking with him M1 b blessed him and his wife promised them an heir in their old age and finally on par parting parling fing told him design his desin on sodom and its neighbourhood hood neighbour hood neighbourho by this science lot escaped the flames of sodom the knowledge being communicated by two angels by this science isaac and jacob also obtained promises and conversed with angels i by it joseph was exalted from a dungeon to a palace for the salvation lon from salvat ion froin famine ofa nation and of his fathers house twonders by this science moses performed his wonders in egypt in the eed ruiess rfiess wilderness red sea and in the wilde of this selence by the perversion and unlawful use ofaissciene sciencee moses oor the magicians of egypt withstood mos for a timp es fow time enchant ments and performed their enchantments i KEY TO THEOLOGY 7 by this science joshua controlled the motions of the earth and lengthened out the day by a simple command tile walls of jericho were levelled tlle by this science the bevelled level led with the earth and the tile city was taken tlle by this science the jordan river was divided while a nation crossed dry shod to take possession tile promised 1Iland tlle of the and by this science elijah controlled the heavens that it rained not for three years and six months in palestine ile called forth and restored lle he and by it lie rain by it he overthrew the tile priests of baal and tlle kingdom the kin 1zom of ahab put an end to the royal family of this tills idolatrous king and placed jehu on tilis the throne by it he rose like enoch to a higher sphere without returning to dust by this science samuel prophesied raised up a mighty king and nation and afterwards dethroner dethroned saul and exalted an obscure shepherd boy to the throne of Is rael israel by this science isaiah jeremiah ezekiel daniel and others foretold the fate of babylon egypt tyre jerusalem and other cities and nations and the exact career and final doom of nebuchadnezzar sh belteshazzar shazzar beite belte shaszar azzar cyrus and other great and important S wilo were destined in turn to influence wiio personages who decide1 the fate ofila decided tion s and decidwthe of nations ofilation b KEY TO THEOLOGY by this science the furnace of fire was overcome and the mouths of lions were closed that no harm should befall the holy men of god by this science zachariah elizabeth john the baptist simeon anna joseph mary the wise men from the east and the shepherds of judea enjoyed visions communion with angels and the spirit of prophecy so as to understand and welcome with joy the events of the birth and approaching ministry of jesus christ when as yet all those not versed in this science were in darkness on the subject and as liable to reject the saviour as to receive him dreams and visions enjoyed by means of this science led and protected the son of god in all his career of mortal life finally by this same power a mighty angel descended shook the earth frightenedthe frightened the roman frighten edthe Iawards rolled away the great stone broke the seal of the tomb and called to life the sleeping body of 1 jesus christ by this power the risen jesus eating drinking and conversing with his disciples after his resurrection commissioned and instructed them in the same tile same and to tlle science ordained them to act in the impart its power to others in all the world with signs following them that believed by this science he ascended to the father and lives for ever in the flesh to shed forth the gifts and powers of the same science according to his own 1 I1 9 KEY TO THEOLOGY will and ntiltof of his als father to reign henceforth ais thet will the until he descends to the earth conquers death in a last great conflict and puts all enemies under his feet by this same power his apostles being clothed with the full powers of the same on the day of pentecost ministered the powers and knowledge nowledge of this science to others loth both jew and gentile insomuch that the tile sick were healed the mind tiie blind hind saw tile tiie the dumb spake the deaf heard the lame walked devils were cast out and the dead were raised while everywhere dreams visions the ministering of angels rpd and the gift giftbfjjprophecy papfophecy were enjoyed Js f i l r lirtt W itt I 1 s i t f swy ssu t t t i t r tamim fco fc& t I1 f f i t i 10 KEY TO THEOLOGY CHAPTER 11 II DECLINE AND LOSS THIS toss OF whis 0fti1is declineand SCIENCE AMONG ABIONG THE JEWS 0 horrid 1I awful 1I melancholy si rightt I1 sight adnation nation wont to soar mid realms off light A anation degraded failen sunk unk in dark despair deq ed fallen dea der byettw ord everywhere it ord the hiss the scorn the bye no eye to pity and no arm to save tili wearied nature finds an exiles grave till tillwearied it now becomes our painful task race the tasoto tile tiie toatrace taskto tod decline of the science of theology and aits 4its powers andeits andits among the nations and to review the tile awful tlle consequences of suciu such decline we will commence with the jewish jewislination nation the science of theology as we have just reviewed was enjoyed and its powers were wonderfully developed under tlle tile the several dispensations called patriarchal imosaic mosaic and jewish ilowever been a great decline at llo lio there had however retrogression of the powers and knowledge of tlle tile the same previous to their restoration by john njohn the baptist and jesus christ this was owing to the general prevalence of sectarian principles divisions precepts commandments and doctrines ofm of men mentsand which ehg thg law and sand ofmellb saud ellbby whicllthplawand the prophets Propliets were made void and a veil was thrown KEY TO THEOLOGY 11 thern or over the hearts of men by which over them iler not iier lier rather means they were misunderstood or rat understood at all it therefore became the duty of jesus christ & his apostles and elders as well as of his foreand an runner to reprove those sects denounce their doctrines and traditions and restore that which was lost in this great science this restoration was at first confined strictly to tile nation of the jews but seeing they turned tlle the from it and judged themselves unw nnw unworthy orthy of eternal life preferring their own powerless forms and doctrines to the tile science of revelation miracles tlle visions and prophecy which had ever illuminated the pathway pat liway of their more ancient fathers the apostles turned from them by the commandment of the loid and translated this science with its keys lord lold andtranslated kes and legitimate powers to the tile gentiles tlle messiah ali ail all llad rejected and slain the Messi the nation had stoned the tile propliets tlle Prop liets and imprisoned and even prophets murdered many of the tile apostles and elders tlle and jesus had already in tears of anguish announced their doom jerusalem ltha lenz jerusalem lanz tho the deritsale7n chatz thatz that gillest killest lthc thou tle 0 Jerusa pro peets phets plets and stonest soonest them prophets tient which ate arc sent unto thee are hozo how 1I have lom low often mould would chave bate gathered thy children together ihave late etli her chickens under her icings even bereth euen ever as a hen gather gatheretli gathereth gathereth off iff icoidd not icould behold your house oss and ye ifould is left unto ryor de solite you desolate for 1I say unto yonye you ye shall not see sed fed me ino inc bonye J12 KEY TO THEOLOGY meth cometh meti say henceforth till ye shall sayr saj blessed is he that co in the name of the lord again on another occasion the messiah uttered be great distress in nere his voice saying there shall he kere kete land the lang landy and wrath upon this people and they shall be led away sword and shall he fall by the edge of the swordy and jerusalem shall he captive into all nations be trodden down of the gentiles until the times 0of the gentiles he fulfilled again he spake concerning the temple saying ti thiere ax tjiere te left here one stone upon another 7x ere ote ete shall not be be thrown down that shall not he all these things foretold by the science of theology were fulfilled in that generation and jerusalem has been destroyed trodden down by the gentiles and the jews have have remained in captivity among the nations until now our readers will readily discern th tire loss the on entire tliqqlo among this tile science and powers of theology tlle of the sops ana reasons sors of its nation the time circumstances and ich will decline and the time or circumstaii circumstances which them restore it unto theme e th&apostles they lost it when by the hand of ah apostles gentiles thegwiles it was taken from them and given to theo theG Wiles miles of their city and the result was the destruction OX cxistcndc 4 temple and of their national existence their temple priesthood and offerings were no longer attended by divine power itsbutward its outward forms were therefore of no possible use KEY TO THEOLOGY 13 from that very time to the present one thousand annd arnd eight hundred arid and fifty one of the christian era the voice of a prophet has not been heard among the jews angels have not ministered unto them there has been no vision from the lord no dream or interpretation no answer by prim or thummim Thummim no prophet no voice no sound no reproof no comforting whisper er whisp all is silence stillness solemn 4olemn blackness of despair AR all is as the similitude and shadow of death ail ali oh the weariness the he painful suspense the watchings the wanderings the anxieties the dhe pains ahe and sorrows of eighteen centuries oh the mist of ages which has shrouded a nation as it were in the gloom of an endless night I when 0 when will their day dawn and the day star of their ancient science appear above the horizon disperse the cloud and usher in themoming the morning them oming of a brighter day I when unies of the gentiles are then the times qrefuvlled afe fulfilled when they shall welcome a wesen messenger ge r in tho mesen name of the lord 1 7 1 14 KEY TO THEOLOGY CHAPTER HL ni ogress PROGRESS rn oGnEss LO SS OF THE SCIENCE OF AND FINAL FINALLOSS INGS OF ITS foresiiadowings GENTILES foreshadowings THEOLOGY AMONG THE 6extilesw FORESHADOW U811 SHERING FOR THE U sli sii ering1iI N OF T HE millennium DECLINE restoration oh mystic babel long has been thy reign I1 what direful evils follow in thy train I1 the veil is rent thy mystery revealed wol1I and god thy doom has sealed angels cry wo the nations from thy long and dreary night are waking now to everlasting light tile tlle returning to0 the gentile church we find the science of theology with all its miraculous angels revelations powers of visions dreams ac ever everywhere ywhere enjoyed prophecy healings &c it had abated none of its powers in its transition from jew to gentile the wild branches being stock 2 immediately into the good old stoel ungrafted engrafted en grafted partook of the root and fatness of the tame olive tree and thus was produced the natural fruit but paul the great apostle of the gentiles in his writings to the romans cautioned them to beware lest they should fall away after the same tile jews tlle jews had done before them example as the KEY TO THEOLOGY said he 11 II 15 the natural branches spared not tien sparednot ednot spat then tr tf god spar if anches take heed lest he also spare not thee john the apostle also predicted the rise and jqhn universal sway of a certain mystical power a babel of spiritual or religious confusion in short lvl mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of theearta the earth v theearth this power should bear rule among all nations kings and rulers of the earth should be drunken the icings with the wine of her fornication the merchants of the earth should become rich through the abundance of her delicacies this power should according to the prophet daniel and the apostle john wear out the saints tc be of the most high P change times and laws drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood c of the martyrs of jesus destroy the might mightyy and the holy people tylt17 make war with the saints and overcome them until a set time all these predictions and many others foretell the doom of the gentile church its destruction from the earth and the consequent decline and ces cessation cessatio satio n of the science of theology and of its powers and blessings in the gentile world connected with these predictions we have the most positive prophetic declarations of holy writ concerning the overthrow and entire destruction of this same mystical power which had made war W ir evl .17 with the saints 16 KEY TO THEOLOGY TUEOLOOY its judgments are set forth as far more Aer aerrible terrible ribie rible der than those which befell jerusalem plague pestilence sword earthquake and the flame of devak devouring devau ring fire will cause her to cease to be then will usher in the kimi dom of our kingdom god and the power of his christ then will the saints of the most high take the kingdom and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven thus are to be revived the ancient powers and blessings the knowledge and wisdom of the science of theology fulfilment of the foregoing predictions in the fulfillment the science of theology declined andp assed away and andapassed from among the gentiles just in pro artio n as the proportion p ortio church or the saints of the Mos moshiah Mo mosthigh tHigh were warred moshigh against and overcome for years centuries ages there has been no voice from heaven among the gentiles any more than among the jews they have fallen adder ander afier the after same example of unbelief notwithstanding the caution of their great apostle & no gentile prophet has ansen arisen a nha d uttered his voice no kind angel has ministered toothei sheip theip oshei no NS vision from the kord lord lord lora no answer no inspired dream no voice sHigh 2 KEY TO THEOLOGY THEOLO Gl 17 no sound from the heavens soundfrom NTO no revelation lias ilas has burst upon the midnight darkness which has silence of blooded brooded bro oded over the nations or if such voice such vision such prophet has occasionally burst forth with the testimony of jesus the spirit of prophecy his testimony has been unheeded by the mass of the people called christians christian his voice volce silenced in death or himself and his followers have been banished from society to wander in the mountains forests caves or deserts of the earth or on the other hand compelled to drag out oron solitude in the of an existence the dungeon edd edi efi tence r ige ages cent urles nave uries centuries have passed and oh what 1 suffdn suffering suffin ng what torture what rivers of tears what oceans of blood L what groanings groenings groan ings what strong crying and tears gonn the earth what prayers in li eaven heaven how long 0 lord holy and true dost thou not i judge and avengee our blood on them that dwell on the earth the fire consumed the sword devoured hells artillery bellowed devils hugely grinned widows and orphans mourned heaven wept saints prayed justice stood aghast M C 19 18 KEY TO THEOLOGY mercy retiring drop dropped pediA ca tear of blood angels angeli starting half drew their glittering swords and the gods in vengeance i solemn council decreed decretal a just decreta fes awa amt r protest upon protest regor reforms reforms ims ins and revolutions struggles exertions etertions of every kind of mere human invention have been tried and tried valn the science of theology in vain oftheolugy with all its invain ilvain keys and powers once lost could never consistent with the ancient prophetic testimony be restored timelho tocitherjew to either elther jew orgentileuntil or gentile until the full time should uld ardive arrive 11 the times tinte of restitution restitutioekof all things j of allqhings nkof which god hath stoken poken by the mouth of all oil his holy oll ali ail r singe sinae degan began fegan prophets sin6e since the world regan aay tW fay fly tinie for a mighty angel to y in the midst the time everlasting gospeel to upreach kpreach to preach of heaven having the everlastingtgos them who dwell on the earth to every nation Jc tient kindred indred see johnsrev johns rey and people revelation tongue andpeople rev ewi6ii mystery babylon time of judgment for hysterybabylon the tune fulness of the gentiles the times of the falness again of the jews the times for the grafting in agam branches of israel franches and all the natural brancho francin tho science the then and not till then could the restored tored to man keys the powers of theology be res no individual or combined human action could obtain or restore again these keys this science A mighty angel held the keys key of this science for the last days A mighty angel was to restore r KEY TO THEOLOGY 19 priie the keys of the ancle priesthood ift fit ancient ancie iii pribe ischo istho od A v64stleship apostlesliip power and blessings A voice from heaven lieavenwfts was to sena reveal the ibe time and send come forth the cry s6ndforth colne out caine tier my be not partakers of R gis pdrtakers gly people that ye ie her par takers of ber fer pat sis hr sins aeed siv sik and that ye receive not of her pzvues ber sig plagues sins for her ns have bave heaven bab reached unto hearen learen ane and bat hat bati hati heavens heaveni beed haa remembered baa remem b&ed od god hath kemem iftiquities iniauities her iniquities all the darkness of the middle ages all the raat rafa priestcraft prieste raft or eing kingcraft hing king ay daft of ev every &y age since si n cc the slaughter of the apostles al ali thee oppressions ail all oppress ions persecutions or abuses of power hll kii kil aalthe extrava alithe allthe 6xtravac gancies fancies and idleness on the one hand and all the sufferings and miseries of the toiling millions for andmiseries want of the comforts of life on the other all the ignorance superstitions errors divisions and tha contentions which have transpired in the name of Christi christiania christianit christianity anit I down to the present time have been the results of the decline and loss of the keys and powers of the science of theology theolog thcolog T or for want of attention to them when existing on the earth nor will the 11 chi Cli ahi christian ristian world ever attain to any considerable degree of knowledge power or union in religious progress until they discover their loss of this science become sensible of the need of its restoration and humble themselves as in the dust and welcome a messenger who comes in the name of the lord with a commission from heaven an with keys committed by the angels of god a new apostolic commission ai restoration of the 1 20 ker KEY KET TO THEOLOGY kingdom an andd church and power and gifts of god a new dispensation universally proclaimed in all the world with power and signs following and the whole consummated by the glorious us glorio restoration of israel and judah to their own owh land and nationality and to the true fold of god together with the second adve adae advent nt of messiah and all his saints with him to overthrow mystery babylon and reign on the earth such are the events sucli lucli is the remedy buchis suchis remedy for the past and andpresent r present evils i i r r tl au 4u j yr t r pb ab rf r f y r i k y i 1 t lym lyv 1 I nga R hfa afa f i F i f I t f AV ai qy s INNS v r n 1 1 ll 11 if T r av tt t iet iti f1 f bajt zajt kyr it N f 1 a n t rt fa I1 r I1 t 04 4rt 911 r i ylbanc y d tt 4f 5 A i J afir & &fir L 5anc w t 21 KEY TO THEOLOGY CHAPTER IV CHAPTEI RISE PEOGRESS PROGRESS DECLINE AND LOSS OF THE SCIENCE OF or THEOLOGY ON THE WESTERN hemisphere AS 13 BROUGHT ROUGHT TO LIGHT BY THE LATE Dis covery DISCOVERY covEny OF ANCIEN ANCIENTt4american AMERICAN EECORDS RECORDS r j jkeer iffjiif heer the spirit world is moved the silenced silence broken ancient seers from out the ground have spoken the ancientseers p years on times fleetvwings the pointed tle appointed tie fleet gs have fled y and voices whisper from the ancient dead volumes of truth the sacred archives yield 1 orious the past the glorious future stand revealed reveled we bahn baan are now of necessity carried carried back in our carrle research to the cradle of nations the tower of babel in order to trace the history of this wonderful science from the first emigration of a colony to the western hemisphere till its final decline and overthrow for the knowledge of which weare indebted weare to many ancient records written by the fathers or ancient students and professors of this science on vi the estern western hemisphere among these we will make honourable honour able mention of the prophets jared ether lehi nephi mosiah alma abinadi mormon and moroni who wrote and prophesied in the western hemisphere during the several ages intervening between the time of the dispersion at babel and the fifth century of the christian cra era christiancra 22 KEY TO THEOLOGY by the science of theology jared and his brother led a colony from the great tower to the sea coast conversing with the lord and walking by the light of his revelations on the way by this science they were instructed in the building of eight barges similar to the ark of noah by this science their leader saw god face to face and talked with him in plain humility as one man talks with another thus obtaining a knowledge of his future coming and king kingdom kine 49m and of the great events of all ages and generations by this science they were preserved on the great waters three hundred and forty4our rour days and were forty four then landed with their eight barges in the western hemisphere together with their women children cattle and seeds of every kind by this science they became a great nation peopling the entire continent and enjoying all the blessings of civilization and heavenly light by the abuse and neglect of it they were at ieng leng length til exterminated in the days of their prophet tii ili ether who lived about six hundred years before christ came in the flesh by this science the prophets lehi and nephi came out with a colony from jerusalem in the days of jeremiah the he prophet and after wandering for prqphetand eight years in the wilderness of arabia came to the sea coast built a vessel obtained from the lord a compass to guide them on the way and finally 4 KEY TO THEOLOGY 23 bisnov now called isnov thel coast of what is saf6ty on thei landed in t safety chili in south america aiso beca me a great nation by this science they also also aist became alst enjoyed many visions had the ministering of angels and of many prophets by which means they knew jhc resurrection the of thc coming birth ministry death resurrections odthe ofthe and ascension of jesus christ andaseension by this science they also enjoyed a personal visit of the risen deemer who descended from heaven Ee redeemer in their presence taught them his gospel chose and ordained twelve of their number as apostles and prophesied many things B by this science these twelve and others established the gospel church and ordinances of god throughtile entire western hemisphere tlle out the by this science their sick were healed demons were expelled the lame walked the blind saw sawi the dumb wereraised werd raised spake the deaf heard and their dead were by this science three of those apostles having a tilem tarried in the flesh upon change wrought upon them the earth ministered the gospel and its blessings nearly four hundred years and then withdrew from the people because of their iniquity took away the keys of apostleship and of the gospel and its the work vue lue powers sealed up the records and ccaused xue athe xueathe cease from miracles j td tdcease of healing and of gifts and miracle among the people because of iniquity bloodshed imong thepeople and persecution 24 KEY TO THEOLOGY by this science they yettive yetlive yet live in the fl6sh flesh upon the flash earth holding keys of apostleship apostleshipand and power upon the western hemisphere being now about one thousand eight hundred years old by this science being held in reserve above the powers of mystery babylon they will soon go forth prophesying preachingthe preaching the gospel and doing mighty signs and wonders in the midst of all nations in order to complete and mature the gentile fulness ful ness falness and restore the tribes of israel nor is this all john the beloved disciple among the jews is yet alive in the flesh and is held in reserve to 46 prophesy again he are ote ate many peo before yles ples and nations peoples lefore feo and tongues and kings as it is written to our history of the western hemisreturn but to re turAto phere after the science of theology had ceased to be cultivated and enjoyed among this branch of israel terrible wars and bloodshed ensued governments and civilization were broken up cities and countries were overthrown all records and vestiges of truth were diligently sought and destroyed as far as obtained and finally the whole face of the country was soaked as it were in blood and strewed strewer with the dead and dying fowls of heaven the wild beasts of the forest and fowls011eaven devoured their flesh and their bones were left to moulder unburied f KEY TO THEOLOGY 25 other instances bodies were heaped up and covered with mounds of earth all government became extinct and the countries war with overrun by tribes and bands of robbers at way each other in this situation the records of moroni leave them in the fifth century of the christian era and much in the same situation with some exceptions the europeans found them after the lapse of another thousand years oh who can contemplate the disgusting deformity the dark features the filthy habits the idleness the cruelty the nakedness the poverty the misery the sufferings the ignorance of the descendants of this once favoured ed branch of the royal blood of abraham favour and joseph and not weep for very anguish while flie depths of his bosom yearns and the fountains the his inmost soul are stirred and moved within him thom thomi themi tiomi on reader all these things have come upon them decline andfinal and final account of the abuses the consequent didine powers theology p6wers of the science of neology loss of the keys and powers fowers mptioii is at their redemption hearty but comfort your heart heartt theiirede the door in 26 KEY TO THEOLOGY a u r 1 rm u l ff hater t t CHAPTER V KEYS OF xrtsof i t Y godue11 MYSTEEIES OF THE MYSTERIES bf THE GODHEAD t 7 eternal father being veins beins without end I1 who can compre fulness who6i falness comprehend hendl1I a alone thine own infinitude alongis aloneisis f raught t with attributes to swell a human thought i thyy1nowl scan knowledge edge or thik thy nature to grasp th ean can As eather of man of the endless race act inam father ft4erof 04 fct thy thi glorious i ett swak X 5 onig ta ze hily ofill nly true and know tte is life eternal to hill tb 0 tie s pers ders isas t isss andjesus tidth sent lie eidth lle living gody anajesus and jesus andt wluffh llo an TheB science of theg theblogy theology logy a since the decline of the scienceof 11 this gd dJesus antl 1 mystery dark and deep has shrouded the human nature of the andnature mind in regard to the person and eternal father and of jesus christ his son kcouncils councils of the fathers and wise men of christendom have assembled again and again aain aaen in order to solve the mystery of godlinband an d fix 141 arties some standard or creed upon which all p P 14 8 might rest and be agreed this however was not in their power it is impossible for the world by its wisdom to find outgod out god ai1i neither knoweth any man vian nian the father save whoinsoever whonsoever the son and he to whomsoever whon hini him mion soever the son will reveal bim wion 1 eand 1 1 KEY TO THEOLOGY the 27 key to the science of theology is the key of divine revelation without this key no man no assemblage of men ever did or ever will know the eternal father or jesus christ 3yhen nyhen 11rhen the key of revelation was vas lost to man mani the lifer eternal knowledge of god was lost life and as ilfe Ae depended aepended pended on the knowledge of god of course the key of eternal life was also lost oh the mysteries the absurdities the contentions the quarrels the bloodshed the infidelity the senseless and conflicting theories which have grown and multiplied among nectaries sectaries aries on this subject sect among these theories we will notice one which is perhaps more extensively received by different sects than any other the language runs thus there is one only living and true god without hodg boby hody body hodyparts parts or passions consisting of three persons the father son and holy ghost it is painful to the human mind to be compelled to admit that such wonderful inconsistencies of language or ideas have ever found place in any human creed yet so it is but another way of saying that there is a it is butanother god who does not exist a god who is composed of nonentity who is the negative of all existence who who occupies no sp ace who exists in no time avilo space is composed of no substance known or unknown and who has no powers or properties in commd common comid h with any ahing thing or being known to exist or which 28 KEY TO THEOLOGY bd co can possibly be conceived of as asexisting nceivedof existing either in the heavens or on the earth such a god could never be seen seena heard seenieard eard or felt seenI by any being in the universe there never has been a visible idol worshipped wor shipped among men which was so powerless as this 11 god without body tody body parts or passions hod the god of egypt the crocodile couig could destroy the images of different nations 6could ould be felt and ouid seen the peruvian god the sun could diffuse its genial warmth light and influence but not so with the god without body parts or passions np whole ap no parts hag hasno has has4no that which hasbeings which have no passions have no ssoui oul oul oui before we can introduce the keys and powers of practical theology to the understanding of men in this age we must of df necessity place within their comprehension some correct ideas ofthe odthe of the true god ten that without it is written withoutfaith faith it is impossible to arnt please aint hint him those who do not please him can never partake of the powers and gifts of the science of theology because the keys and powers of this science emanate from him as a free gift but they are never given to those with whom he is not well pleased partake of this power must the individual who would partakeof therefore have faith in him but how can he believe in a being of whom he has no correct idea KEY TO THEOLOGY KEYTO 29 so vague so foreign from the simple plain truth are the ideas of the present age so be clouded is the modem mind with mysticism spiritual nonentity or immateriality in nearly all of its ideas ide as of the person or persons of the deity that we are constrained to use the language of an ancient apostle as addressed to the learned of athens t whom therefore ye ignorantly ivorsh worshijj ivorsh him declare 1I unto you although there are facts in our own existence which are beyond our present comprehension or capacity which is true in a higher sense in relation to the godhead still the limited knowledge we are tothe able to comprehend in relation to ourselves may jeast at beast least be rational and be as clearly conveyed and understood asa abany any other subject asany so with as4 our qur aur knowledge of deity although there are facts beyond our reach in relation to his existence attributes and power yet that which we may know and comprehend or express of him sho should uld be divested of all mystery and should be as clearly asclearly conceived expressed and conveyed as any other item of truth or of science jesus christ a little babe like all the rest of us llave been grew to be a man was filled with a have divine substance or fluid called the holy spirit be comprehended and spake the truth in by which he power and authority and by which lie controlled the elements and imparted health and life to those who were prepared to partake of the same 30 KEY TO THEOLOGY this man died being put to death by wicked men arose from the dead the third day and these disciples 6on seeing appeared to his disciples thesedisciplt being eeing him supposed him to be a spirit only gu 6 vague they may have possessed some of the va hil an modern times in regard to hll ideas of men in more modem immaterial existence beyond the grave an e xistence or unconnected with any real or tangible matter pr substance lond lona adopted the most simple but their risen lord epirituall spiritual means of dispersing their mysticism their spi spiritua spiritus vagaries or immaterialityy he called upon them to haib balb hath handle him and see 11 for said lihe a spirit jiatlt dories dones as ye see msfhave not flesh and bones in tave lavo lare they accordingly handled him examined the alla the alia nalis in his hands and feet and nalls prints of the nails wass mark of the spear in his side but as if this wa m6id more not enough in order to familiarize them still maid with the facts of a material or tangible immortality he ate and drank with them partaking of a broiled honey comb fish and an honeycomb in short he was with them for forty days in which he walked talked ate drank taught red soned reasoned prophesied commanded commissioned reh them with and blessed them thus familiarizing to the in life which he wished ilfe eternal thatimmortality rnallif that immortality and ete tile world tlle them to teach in all the he 11 KEY TO THEOLOGY he 31 then as cel toward cei cen ded up in their presence ascended Presen that planet pianet where dwelt his father and their father his god and their god while he was yet in sight in the open firmament and they stoodgazing stood gazing upward behold two men stood by them in white raiment and said sald ye men qof galilee why stand ye gabing gaming up into gassing heaven desus which is taken upfrom you same jesus this Ms samedesus into heaven shall so come in eee ieee like uke manner as ye have elc m hint him seen lim lent go into heaven here then we have a sample of an immortal god a god who is often declared in the scriptures to b e6 like his father 11 being brg belig the brightness h is g bri lory ochis frigh tn ess of lory ofhis and the express yihae of his person and possessing tid expressumage fle tle them thei the same attributes aphis chis alhis a fui ful falness fulness father in all their fulfiess shis ness niess fiess it a god not only poss possessing ossing body and parts but flesh pofs essing and bones and sinews and all the attributes organs senses and affections of a perfect man ite differs in nothing from his father except in he ageana band authority the fath ap ageand er having the seniority eath eather father g 7and and consequently the right according to the patriarchal laws of eternal priesthood to preside over him and overall his dominions for ever and ever while on the one hand this god claims affinity and equality as it were with his father he claims on the other hand affinity and equality with his brethren on the earth with this difference however that his person is a specimen of divine eternal humanity immortalized and with attributes perfected while c 32 KEY TO THEOLOGY his br brethren who dwell in mortal fleslij flesh although alth6flg children of the same royal parent in the heavens lihaven lieaven are not yet immortalized as it regards their fleshly tabernacles and are not perfected in their attributes and although joint heirs are younger he idin being 9 the first bom born among many brethren in the spiritual world they are therefore subject to him but every man who is eventually made perfect raised from the dead and filled or quickened with a will falness of celestial glory dil fulness ill become like them in every respect physically and in intellect attributes or powers godlikeattributes attributes being the very germs of these godlike engendered in man the offspring offspringffcdeity delty only need Wdeity cultivating improving deveze developing aand ing ana nd advancing dessive by means of a series of pr ressive changes in progressive kead order to arrive at the fountain bead headd headf the standard the climax of divine humanity difference between jesus christ and his the di father is this one is subordinate to the other does nothing of himself independently of the father but does all things in the name and by the authority tile father being of the same mind in all things tlle of the the difference between jesus christ and another immortal and celestial man is this the man is subordinate to jesus christ does nothing in and of liim self seif but does all things in the name of christ himself and by his authority being of tlle tile the same mind ana andd ascribing all the glory to him and ilia his father eather F ather 7 33 KEY TO THEOLOGY on account of the double relationship of jesus christ with god the father on one hand and with man on the other many have adopted the creed that two whole and perfect natures were blended in the person of jesus christ that he was every godd and every way a man as if god and way a Q man were two distinct species this error came ust in reason by weason jeason of not knowing ourselves for just byjeason proportion as we comprehend ourselves in our true light and our relationships and affinities with the past present and future with time and eternity p4ptpresent with gods angels spirits and men who have so after us will come who d and gone before u slana land iana in proportiq proportiorg er may nlay be able to benefit by the godhead or in other t keys of th flff the e3alf My tenes then eriesl thentenes friesl nov noi knaandcomprehend rehend jesus christ and words to nai nqivj an Cco prehend AMW his father put pst amt gods angels and men are all of one species one obe race one great family widely diffused among the ontes kingdoms nations &c onies ac coi colonies planetary systems as col the great distinguishing difference between one portion of this race and another consists in the varied grades of intelligence and purityand and also purity purityand in the variety of spheres occupied by each in of progressive being the series of an Jm immortal mann possessing a perfect organizamortal ma perfected in tion of spirit flesh and bones and perfected andbonesand in all the fulness falness of celestial glory is his attribute attributes attributesin sin called a god ML d ea rmt D 34 an KEY TO THEOLOGY THEOLOM immortal man I in progress of perfection or quickened with a lesser degree of glory is called an angel an immortal spirit of man not united with a fleshly tabernacle is called a spirit an immortal man clothed with a mortal tabernacle is called a man it may then consistently enough be kaldy saidy sald that said kaldi there are in a subordinate sense a plurality of gods or rather of the sons of god although there is one supreme head who is over all and through all and in all his sons by the power of his spirit OR xan persons xtn jesus christ and liis arey o l hi s father arcy ills areT two arettwo persons in aid elg ter elt tet the same sense as john andpeteare thesame are e awe ann j erg af two persons via vii each of them has an organize organm3in&ividual inn i vla I1 z vid leal tabernacle vie leai embodied in material form and composed of 0 rm material substance in the likeness of m a n and man possessing every organ limb and physical part that man possesses there is no more mystery connected with their oneness than there is in the oneness of enoch and elijah or of paul and ad silas their oneness consists of a oneness of spirit intelligence attributes knowledge or power raYam raham peter abraham teter paul and if enoch elijah Ab millions of others ever attain to the immortal life and their fleshly tabernacles be quickened b y a falness of celestial life and light intelligence and fulness 1 4 KEY TO THEOLOGY 35 power then it can be said of them they are 0 ne as thefdther and son are one could then be 4ltcould ie said of each of them in him ers eli all the fulness eil ell dwells erd and attributes of falness odthe dwelis ofthe pow powers peternal feternal eternal ithe fE ternal god or in other words he possesses ternai endless life I to e ther with all intelligence knowledge together toe light and power he therefore has the same mind the 0others assail alithe thers 4is in communication and in per feet tinion union with each and all of them tfect tfelt gall jall JAII ei tail these are gods or sons of god they are the taii bt gali Kings princes priests and nobles of ete mity eternity 4eings but over them all there is a presidency or grand head who is the father of all and next unto him cling the eldest bom and first heir of all is Jesus esus christ gidej isjesus gidjj as 4s ugyt upyt nget th e realms ofnik ile lle lie afta e40erealms lfta nid TIK eelk oi every persok swon lift hEvery isby io n that intelligence pel pei reflect ow reflection reflectio persoknolby y V r may tmay imay be imparted without diminishing the store possessed by the giver therefore it doi lows that dol follows Iol millions of individual beings may each receive all then ther attributes of eternal life and light and the power again it follows that in the usefof use of this power by useof consent and authority of the head any one of these gods may create organize people govern control y exalt glorify and enjoy worlds on worlds and the inhabitants thereof 3y or in other words each of them canifindroom in the infinitude of space and unoccucanfindtoom pied chaotic elements in the boundless storehouse of eternal riches with which to erect for himself thrones I1 J lih 1 stonnolby e 30 36 KEY TO THEOLOGY principalities and po powers over which to ao reign in wersovdrwhich still increasing might majesty and dominion for ever and ever all these are kingdoms which together with their withtheir kings are in subordination to the great head thead and father of all and to jes jesus Us christphe christ the first born christthe firstborn andI andifirst first heir among the sons of god and all these kingdoms with ail their intelligences ali all withall are so many acquisitions to his dominion who wh0 is lord of lords and king of kings and of who whom m it is written by the prophet isaiah t of the increase of his qing aingdom kingdom Aing dom the there shail be no end shali shall thereshall reshall all these are so many colonies of our race multiplied extended transplanted transplant e d pand transplantedfand and existing fand for ever and ever as occupants zj4the atthe ftthe numberless planetary systems which nb 5 ab xist or which aist whichjjinqxist will roll into order and be peo leq peopled led by the operations of theholy the holy spirit in obedience to the mandates of the sons of god these kingdoms present every variety and degree in the progress of the great science of life from the lowest degradation amid the realms of death or tile tlle the rudimental stages of elementary existence upi ward through all the ascending scale or all the degrees of progress in the science of eternal life and light until some of them in turn arise to thrones of eternal power each of these the S e gods including includin jesus including0 rosus 4osus christ and ilis father being in possession of not merely rn ills liis his nn 144 e I1 w 1 KEY TO THEOLOGY 37 organized spirit but a glorious immortal body oft off flesh and bones is subject to the laws which governi i of n eces cassity cessity ofsnecessity sity even the most refined order of 0f physical fice existefice existence existe hice all physical element however embodied quickened or refined is subject to the general gen eral laws necessary to all existence some soine of these laws are as follows yirst birst first each atom or embodiment of atoms necessarily 0occcupies cupies ples a certain amount of space condd no atom or embodiment ofatoms esecond eSe fse&on of atoms can occupy the identical space occupied by other atoms or bodies t third each individual organized intelligence thel must possess thei the power of self motion to a greater greated greatek degree ijlslfc orless degrce4ma&t motlon implies an inherent fourth all voluntary motion lvillj to originate and direct such motion will motlon fifth motion of necessityi implies thata that a certain amount one amot of time is necessary in passing from on portion of space to another these laws are absolute and unchangeable in their nature and apply to all intelligentagencies intelligent agencies which do which1o 7 i oilcan exist I1 they therefore apply with equal force to thefgreat iheref6re7apply the great sup supreme kna of the teme eternal father of the heavens and ana earth and nd to his meanest subjects earthiand earthia it is therefore an absolute impossibility for god 38 KEY TO THEOLOGY the father or jesus jesu christ to be everywhere personally present derm be un deru the omnipresence of god must therefore he under stood in some other way than of his bodil yor bodily bodilyor OD personal presence this leads to the investigation of that substance called the holy spirit As the mind passes the boundaries of the visible world and enters upon the confines of the more refined and subtle elements it finds itself associated veg with certain substances in themsel themselves ves invisible to our gross organs but clearly manifested to our intel elect lect by their tangible operations and effects the very air we breathe although invisible to our sight is clearly manifested to our sense of feeling its c om omponent befanalyzedq nay more ponent parts may bqjdhalze the human system itself is an apparatuswhich apparatus which performs a chemical process upon that element it is received into the system by the act of respiration and aer tits there immediately un undergoes der its deTgoes the separation of bits detgoes component parts c the one part retained and incorporated in the animal system diffuses life and animation by supplying in the necessary animal heat &c ac while the other part not adapted to the system is discharged from the lungs to mingle with its native element subaa there are several of these subtle invisible suh sub stances but little understood as yet by man and fg their existence is only demonstrated by their effects effee i KEY TO THEOLOGY 39 some of them are recognized under the several terms electricity galvanism magnetism 4nimaf animal chism ac ctism spiritual magnetism essence spirit &c magnetism in the purest most refined and subtle of all these isubstances and the one least understood or even recognized by the less informed among mankind is that substance called the holy spirit this substance like all others is one of the elements of material or physical existence and therefore subject aq matter to tile the necessary laws which govern all ma itter as 1q tiie before enumerated like the other elements its whole is composed of individual particles like them each particle occupies capies space possesses the power of motion re0 cupies quires time to move from one part of space to gother another and cani canimno mmo no wise occupy two spaces at ance bnce cag can in caniano diners nothing from all other res p eds it differs in all these respects matter this substance is widely diffused among the elements ts of space this holy spirit under the clements slements SLemen control elvheim Eloheim is the grand moving control of the great eloheim cause of all intelligences and by which they act whis this is the great positive controlling element of lother al ailiother ali all other elements it is omnipresent by reason of the infinitude of its particles and it comprehends all things which it i ss the controlling agent or executive whicii ali ail worlds and which organizes and puts in motion all allworlds dby rby the mandate of the almighty or of any of his 40 KEY TO THEOLOGY commissioned ents per nedaagents ants ail the mighty wonders ali all performs commissio formsallthemiglitywo nders aders signs and miracles ever manifested in ahe dhe the name of the lord the turnin curnin of the earth bbackward turning ackward on its thel axis the dividing of them the sea the removing of a mountain the raising of thedead the dead or the healing of thedeas the sick poress of the most solid substances it penetrates the pore pierces the human system to its most inward recesses discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart it has power to move through space with an inconceiv inconceivable velocity far exceeding the tardy motions of electricity or of physicallight physical light it comprehends the past present and fu future tule in all tuie ful ness falness their fulness its inherent properties embrace all the attributes of intelligence and affects affection affecti on it is endowed with knowledge knowledgeiwisdom wisdom truth love iove lve ive charity justice and mercy in all their ramifications in short it is the attributes of the eternal power 4 and godhead those beings who receive of its fulness falness are called led iea lea sons of god because they are perfected in all its utes and powers and being in c ommunication attrib attributes with it can by its use nse perform all things thinks those beings who receive not a fulnes fui ful falness fulness bulnes nesss but a measure of it can know and perform some things but not all this is the true light which in s6m6 some measure illuminatess all men wis minate kis it is in its less refined particles the physical light which reflectsfrom from the sun whleh reflects whie moan mo6n sim moon KEY TO THEOLOGY 41 and stars and other substances and by reflection eye makes visible the truths of the outward on the eve world it is also in its higher degrees the intellectual light of our oar inward and spiritual organs by which we reason discern judge compare comprehend and remember the subjects within our reach its inspiration constitutes instinct in animal life in stindt reason in man vision in the prophets and is continually flowing from the godhead throughout all his creatures godh such is the godhead bodh ead as manifested in his words and in his works he dwells in his own eternal palaces of precious stones and gold in the royal city of the heavenly jerusalem enthronedin adin lnin the midst of all his creations enthroneain he sits enthroned and is filled and encircled with light unapproachable by those of the lower spheres he associates with myriads of his own begotten sons and daughters who by translation or resurrection solis have triumphed over death hike hiie his ministers are sent forth from his presence to all parts of his dominions andd combentres in his presence an his holy spirit centres cates munic ates with and extends to the utmost verge of municates muni his dominions comprehending and controlling all owh will things under the immediate dir action of his own ection direction and the will of all those in com ubication catlon withhim communication with him M unication in worlds without end rey KEY RET ket 42 TO THEOLOGY TIIEOLOGT VI OHAPTER CHAPTER ITI M ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE v 4 i apace space boundless aee ace Round boundless infinitude of time and sp r ana eieme amo ank nno nA s eter elements eternal who can trace nali nmo nail nall and dieme eirthjrith wit hits treasures heaven with its spheres earth withits times revolutions eternitys years oy thee but what are all these when measured by sea thy dial or motes on thy th butt marks on thi keal onti4 ontie WE ak vk rr lae ody parts or vod bod ideaa of a god without voa is not more absurd or inconsistent than passions modem popular doctrine that all things were that modern entity nonentity created from none ntity or in other words that something originated from nothing it is a self evident truth which will not admit of argument that nothing remains nothing nonentity is the negative of all existence this negative postile the sesses no property or element upon which tlle energies of creative power can operate this mysticism must therefore share the fate of the other mysteries of false theology and philosophy which have for ages shrouded the world in the sable iong and dreary night curtains of a long it must evaporate and disappear as a mere creation of fancy the KEY TO THEOLOGY 43 seio selo relo telo gin gln introduced thejbllow ing self ltd place are introclueedthefollqiking oin itd while wluleftdirits evident and incontrovertible facts ilas always existed a boundless i nfiniEirst there lias has first tude of space ofspace second intermingled with this space there exists ait the varieties of the elements properties or ali alt all things things of which intelligence takes cognizance which elements or things taken altogether compose what is called the universe third the elements of all these properties or things are eternal uncreated self existing not one particle can he be added to them by creative power nislied or annihilated diminished nisliet almi aimi be dimi one particle he neither can oneo fourth these eternal self existing elements possess in themselves certain inherent properties or attributes in a greater or less degree or in other words they possess intelligence adapted to their several spheres these elements have been separated by philosophers into two grand divisions viz phersjinto CPHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL PHYSICAL to a mind matured falness of or quickened with a fulness intelligence so as to be conversant with all the elements of nature there is no use for the distinction implied in such terms to speak more philosophically all the elements are spiritual all are physical all are material tangible realities spirit is matter and matter is full of spirit 44 KEY TO THEOLOGY ail ali aist ail all thin iist areet6malreii1ities because ali hingsS which doex do exist are eternal realities boex in their elementary exi stege e exl existence stene stenc boint loint in the scale can define the precise p oint who then cab of elementary existence which divides between the physical and spiritual kingdoms there are eyes which can discern the most refined particles particles of elemenwhose tary existence there are hands and fingers to wh oids f refined touch all things are tangible the in the capacity of mortals however some of thei lile or visible and others invisible elements are tangi tangl tangible those which are tangible to our senses senseswe we call phy ph- i senseswe steal those which aro sical wc are more subtle and refined we wel I wei call spiritual ch which light of truth whi lighton spirit is intelligence or the lightof etil all things etli y fill filletli filleth filleti iove joy love affectionsi such as lovei its several emotions or affections ac are but so many actions or motions of these &c eie eletheseele ments as they opera operate in their several spheres operatein tein by these actions or emotions the elements manifest owera their eternal energies attributes or inherent powers wolks of creation then the in contemplating the works student must not conceive the idea that space or br time or element or intelligence was originated but hut but rather that these are eternal and that they constitute the energies which act and the things acted upon including the place and time of action whole whole vast structure of universal organized the whoie existence sente undeniableenidfice ndeniable evidence of three sents presents existente pre facts viz A KEY TO THEOLOGY first the eternal existence eiistence of the odthe ofthe 45 clements of elements which it is composed eed fed Sedo second fid the eternal existence exis fenee of e xisfence the attributes a fence 01f theittributes ol if oflifitelligence and wisdom to design ofiriielligence third the eternal existence of power to operate upon and control con troi frol these eternal elements so as to i carry the designer carryl out the plans of thei it will be recollected that the last chapterrecog chapter recog lecog jni nizes cizes zes a family of gods or in othe ani otherr words a species of abe ibe jbe ibeings ings who have physical tabernacles 0off flesh and iblings on es in the form of man but so constructed as to be Abones capable of eternal life ilfe that these ilese tabernacles are liese thata thattliese thatt quickened or animated by a fulness falness of that holiest hollest odall falI taii tail ail ali ot offali all elements which is called the holy spirit of otall which element or spirit when organizedin organized organi in in zedin fc dividual formy form and clothed upon with fl flesh and bones eshand i 1I iiii abe highest possible refinement contains in itself ahe in the falness of the attributes of light intelligence wisa fulness i 401117 dom love an andd power also that there are vast quantities this spirit or element not organized qua nifties of anis ed in organiz organic ab 1bbodily dlly forms but widely diffused amongthe dily among the other elements of space A general assembly7 quorum or grand council of the gods with their president at their head constitute the designing and creatingpower creating power this mls the motive power which moves to action mis his grand creative power is wisdom which discovers a use for all these riches and inspires the carrying out thecarrying f 1 2 46 KEY TO THEOLOGY of all the tile designs in an infinite variety of utility and tlle aud adaptation wisdom inspires the gods to multiply their species ilfe to and to lay the foundation for all the forms of life increase in numbers and for each to enjoy himself in the sphere to which he is adapted and in the possession and use of that portion of the elements necessary to his ills existence and happiness liis in order to multiply organized bodies composed of spiritual element worlds and mansions composed of spiritual element would be necessary as a home As these adapted to their existence ani and enjoyment spiritual bodies increased in numbers other spiritual spirt tual tuai worlds would be necessary on which to transplant them again in order to enable these organized spirits to take sidal physical take upon them a fleshly tabernacle phy iak falness would be worlds with all their variety and fulness necessary for their homes food clothing &cj aci that born that they might be begotten sustained and bom they might live die and rise again to receive their inheritances on their respective earths y tire great work of regeneration of worlds or tiie the hence tee the renovation and adaptation of the elements to the resurrection and eternal state of man would also be endless or eternally progressive through every form of life and birth and change and resurrection and every form ofa of progress in in knowledge and experience the candidates for eternal KEY TO THEOLOGY 47 loo kupon tlidelements must 100 life must166kupon the elements as their home hence lookupon hents heats el6n the elan elements hehts upon the principle of adaptation must keeppace pl&ce keep pace with the possessors who use them ill place iii in all kee twe ane tne degrees of progressive refinement while room is found in infinite space while there are particles of unorganized element in natures storehouse while the trees of paradise yieldtheir yield their fruits or Youn the moun tain of life its river mountain boun fountain y while the bosoms of the gods glow with affection while eternal charity endures or eternity itself rolls its successive ages the heavens will multiply anti nev anil antl be added to the new worlds and more people ie kin gadoms eln ein gdoms of the fathers kingdoms thus in the progress of events unnumbered millions of worlds and of systems of worlds will necessarily be called into requisition and be filled by mangand man and beast and fowl and tree and all the vast manfand vari varl varieties eties of beings and things which ever budded and blossomed in eden or thronged thronger thron ged the hills and valleys of 0 the celestial paradise wilen in the endless progression of events the full when time had arrived for infinite wisdom to organize and people this globe lobe which we inhabit the chaotic iobe elements were arranged in order it appears at the commencement of this grand work that the elements which are now BO so beautifully arranged and adapted to vegetable and animal life were found lna in inaa state of chaos entirely unadapted to the uses they now serve 48 KEY TO THEOLOGY yast wisiqnq casono vast there wasono elements tast mixture of el emerts earth soil atmosphere in short the entire elements water watejsoil of which this mass was composed seemjo seem to have lom lem been IPP completely com compounded pounded or mingled into one vast chaos and the whole overwhelmed with a dar darkness kneAs so dense as to obscure the light of heaven let us turn from the contemplation of scenes so sublimely fearful suffice it to say the mandate came darkness fled the veil was lifted light pierc piere pierced the piereedthe edthe gloom and chaos was made visible oh what a sceno scene A world without landscape without vegetation without animal life without man or animated beings being no sound broke on the stillness save the voice ofthe odthe of the moaning winds and of dashing foaming waters again a voice comes booming over the abyss and echoing amid the wastes the mass of matter hears and 10 trembles and lo the sea retires the tle muddy shapeless mass lifts its head above the waters molehilly Mole moie molehills iolehills Iole hills to mountains grow huge islands next ioie appear and continents at length expand to yiew view with hill and vale in one wide dreary waste unmeasured and untrodden the surface warmed and dried by the cheering rays of the now resplendent sun is prepared for thi the first seeds of vegetation A royal coyal planter now descends from yonder world eoyal of older date and bearing in his hand the choice sseeds e Os of the older paradise he plants them in the virginsoil virgin soil born of our new bom row and flourish tl bob earth they grow there er me 49 KEY TO THEOLOGY and bearing seedd replant themselves and thus clothe bearingseed beariglsee the naked eearth arah arth with scenes of beauty and the air with oraey oraly fraly rant incense Ei fragrant ripening pening fruits and herbs at length abound lo from yonder world is transwhen 10 fer ferred re d every species of animal life male and female they come with blessings on their heads and a voice is mara heard again 11 befiruitful mard be fruitful and multiply eatable earth its mineral ve vegetable etable and animal wealth i ts paradise prepared down comes from yonder world w6rld on high a son of god with his beloved spouse AM thus a colony from heaven it may be from the and sling sun is transplanted on our soil the bles bies blessings sins of their father are upon them and the first great law of heaven and earth is again repeated llbefruitfulandmultiply befruqul and multiply hence the nations which have swarmed our earth in after years was lost by sin when yearb when paradise waslost man WCs was ws driven from the face of his heavenly father to toil and droop and die when heaven was veiled from view and with few exceptions man was no longer ccounted worthy to retain the knowledge of his heavenly origin then darkness veiled the past and future from the heathen mind 5 man neither knew himself from hice fice he came nor whither he was bound at length whe whence a moses came who knew his god and would fain have led mankind to know him too and see him face to face but they could not receive his heavenly laws tofake toface or bide his presence 11 B E 50 KEY TO THEOLOGY thusllieholyman thus the holy man was f6rqeaagaip forced agaip veli the past vell to veil agaid toveil loveil in mystery in the bc mysteryi and iu hi history assign beginning ginning of jil ad to man an earthly origin man nian moulded from the earth ag dian as a brick ilan A woman manufactured from a rihl rib rih would fain conceal from budding stillwould thus parents still manhood the mysteries of procreation or the sources of lifes ever flowing river by relating some childish tale of new bob born life engendered in the hollow bom trunk of some old tree or springing with spontaneous growth like mushrooms from out them thei the heaps of rubbish 0 man when wilt thou cease toap to be a child in to1p knowledge man dlan llave said is the offspring of as we have iian aa bf deity the entire mystery of the past and future with regard to his existence is not yet solved by mortals we first recognise recognize him as an organized individual or intelligence dwelling with his father in the eternal mansions this organized spirit we call a body because although composed of the spiritual elements it possesses every organ after the pattern andin and in the likeness or similitude of the outward or fleshly tabernacle it is destined eventually to inhabit its organs of thought speech sight hearing tasting smelling ac all feeling &c ail ali exist in their order as in the physical allexist the one being the exact similituaoib body theone similitude of the other this individual spiritual body wa was begotten by tile heavenly father in his own likeness find tlle the tind anu image ana and by the laws of procreation ft KEY TO THEOLOGY 51 borm boi4i and matured in the heavenly mansions boici horn it was bomm trained in theschool the school of love in thefamily circie the family circle clide and elide amid the most tender emam embraced embm dds of pre embraces nealand parental and frantaland ternal affection fiction ltd heavenly home primeval icib nieVa 1 pfbba in this pri its itibfi in itd probation lived and move moved asa it livedand as a free and rational intelligence livedand acting actingupon upon its own agency and like all intelligence independent in its it own sphere etwas was placed under itwas it certain laws and was vas responsible to its great patriras vasresponsible archal head cabled a first estate cailed this has been called and it itisis intimated that of the spirits thus placed upon their agency one third failed to keep their first estate and were thrust down and reserved in chains of darkness for future judgment As these are not permitted to multiply their species or to move forward in the scale of progressive being while in this state of bondage and condemnation we will trace them no further as their final destiny is not revealed to mortals jr the spirits which kept their first estate were permitted todescend to descend below and to obtain atabem adi6 adia a tabernacle atabek of flesh in the rudimental existence in which we find them in our present world band tand and which we will call a second estate in passing the veil which sseparates epaiate1dween between the first and second estates ihi ibi emmeit becomes man eomeit unconscious ribe 66scious eidis elili wisely and on awakeiii fil iii ngliwliigjgec bftdj69tat awakeriingin his second secondestate awake estate Ad a elili veilis beilis eiiis r thrown over all thep the past thepift ift thebrast in his mortal tabernacle he remembers not the scenes af 52 KEY TO THEOLOGY the endea endearing ring associations of his first primeval childhood in the heavenly mansions he therefore commences anew in the lessons of experience in order to start on a level with the new bom tabernacle and to developed his intellectual faculties in a progressive re develope series which keep pace with the development of the organs and faculties of the outward tabernacle pirit during his progress in the flesh the holy sp11 cirit may gradually awaken his faculties and in a dream or vision or by th espirit of prophecy reveal or rather awaken the memory to a partial vision or to a dim and half defined recollection of the intelligence ocho oflthe onho past he sees in part and he knows in part but never while tabernacled in mortal flesh will lie fu fully awake to the intelligence of his former estate it surpasses his comprehension is unspeakable and even unlawful to be uttered the meahaving kept his second estate and filled tfiermea eesth pass sure of his responsibilities in the flesh he pasa passesth jki eaki akie add enters a third estate or probation aud veil of death and argw probationary probationar probational ana angwill and will sphere this is called the world of spirits andwill be treated on more fully under its appropriate head filling the measure of his responsibilities in the world of spirits he passes by means of the resurrection of the body into his fourth estate or sphere of human existence in this sphere hefinds he finds himself clothed clothe4 fl eshand and bones with vith upon with an eternal body of fleshy and every sense and every organ restored ana ana adapted to ani their proper use e 1 53 KEY TO THEOLOGY and faculties is tils thus prepared with organs aataculties nt of every tee adapted to the tile possession and enjoyment tlle enjoyme element of the physical or spiritual worlds which can gratify the senses or conduce to the happiness of intelligences he associates converses loves thinks acts moves sees hears tastes smells eats drinks and possesses in short all the elements necessary to his happiness ere in to the s phere being purified exalted and adapted tothe which he exists are placeda placed6 within his lawful reach i f rtiiasj liigaii6 ii iifc i i and made subservient s6s&vieriftleto0 atohis use L he i tt ul fto JIT jis jt 4 17 1 L i 1- 4 it 1 1I 77 r t f 0 o i i boisr oisr ty r 1 1 J j c- Y r r r 1.1 f ft 1 r i t ii jul jui uieaie ti ule asni lsni rn ri ir r li IJI1 I1 1I J r s t r T 1 1 ft 1I i w T i1 r ia J 1 t C cec ofe 54 KEY TO THEOLOGY f 1 I r p 4 0 R VHP yri GHAPXEEVH I 77 1 OF mre YQF THE MIE DESTINY deti mystic future mystle ure futura ne tee ter tar tfr pysicfu rorr ages 0 for aes counted s 1 VN UNIVERSE pth7 P t h its ddepths w profound with as forbidden ground pr now afta hfta its pen6trite tell that man may penetratff teil it veil f3gs the mysteries fags of fate y to riieeretspiagrs offate offatt know whence he lsi is ind whither he is bound and whitter isi ebig exig ample ampie 10 ample fona their ampie eifona roand round ei fonn and why the spheres eifiona lz teiqetp tel tri trl THE hanhi having developed the vast tim grand council havhi with odth all their structure of the heavens and the earth edth ful ness with the evident design of utility and adapfulness falness tation to certain definite uses it well becomes us to watch their progress and to st vatch study udy with diligence ady their future and final destiny from a general traditional belief in an immaterial hereafter many have concluded that the earth and all iye material things would lye tiee annihilated as mere temporary structures that the material body and the planets it occupies make no part of eternal life and being in short that god angels and men become at last so lost dissolved or merged in spirituality or immateriality as to lose all adaptation to the uses of the physical elements that they will absolutely need no footstool habitation possession mansion home 55 KEY TO THEOLOGY furniture food or clothing ahat the whole vast athi ng that i ma works antl b aiaifdfd16 anti beautiful designs 6fit thg m6 cr 6f ehg and hy visible creatlon creation af vlsi visi r 6f naces s d ry evil the spiritual are a kind af bWirthe necessary n6ces kid6f ell or clog bivthe eil life and are of no possible use except to serve herve for the bein time bein beings9 sustenance of beins being for the home and siistehftilmof rudimentawf ate lil ill in their grosser or rudlinettat what Nhat gloom and withwhat withnhat what a doleful picture With melancholy must intelligences c ontemplate the vast structure as viewed in this light what a vastness of design what a display of wisdom 410 dio do the works execution idlo in et&utidn what a field of labour hi cohtemplafiii mind of creation present to the contemplative yet all this wisdom of design sii ail ahls ali all sil this labour of servin a momentary purpose to be execution after serving thrown away aa as an incumbrance to real existence and happiness immaterial vagaries have all these 11 spiritual immdt6rlal no foundation in truth to undergo a are areto the earth and other systems aretoundergo rress towards peraress variety of changes in their pro progress fec fection tion water fire lire and other elements are the agents of these changes but it is an eternal unchangeable fact a fixed law of nature easily demonstrated and illustrated by chemical experiment that neither fire ifnor or any other element can annihil ate annihilate 6f matter to say nothing of a whole gibbe a particleof partlcleOf parti globe af particle A new heaven and a now nom new hewearth earth arg are promised by the or in other words the planetary sacred writers 7 y 1 1 50 56 KEY TO THEOLOGY systems are to be changed purified refined exalted wuthe and glorified i12jhe nuthe similitude of the resurrection buthe by which means all physical evil or imperfection will be done away he in their present state they are adapted to the rudimental state of man they are as it were the nurseries for mans physical embryo formation their elements afford the means of nourishing and sustaining the tabernacle and of engendering and strengthening the organ of thought and mind wherein are conceived and generated thoughts and affections which can only be matured and consummated in a higher sphere thoughts pregnant with eternal life and love cnlarge the aspirations of an eternal enlarges As the mind enlarge ed in the councils being once ennobled and honoured honour of heaven among the sons of god reach forth too high and broad and deep to be longer adapted to his body is the narrow sphere of mortal life imprisoned chained to the earth while his mind would soar aloft and grasp the intelligence wisdom and riches of the boundless infinite his rudimental body must therefore pass away and be changed so as to be adapted to a wider and more glorious sphere of locomotion research action and enjoyment when mien the planet on which he dwells has conceived ohen olen oien brought forth and nourished the number of tabernacles assigned to it in its rudimental state by KEY TO THEOLOGY 57 infinite wisdom it must needs be infinitewisdom ile acted upon by a lle lie chemical process the purifying elements for instance fire farej firej ff must needs be lie employed to bring it through an tie ordeal a refinement a purification a change commensurate with that which had before taken place in the physical tabernacle of its inhabitants thus renovated it is adapted to resurrected man hen man and the planet on which he lives with when ful all its fulness falness ness shall have llave completed all their series of progressive changes so as to be adapted to the highest glories of which their several characters and species ar e ccapable then the are whoie will beannexedto whole be annexed to or thewholewill with the eternal heaven numbered numberedwith edwith li eavenssl angwill and will there number andwill fulfill fulfil their eternal rounds being another acquisition to the mansions or eternally increasing dominions of the great creator and redeemer worlds are mansions for the home of intelligences intelligences exist in order to enjoy ful ness depends on certain principles joy in its fulness falness viz r life eternal love eternal peace eternal wealth eternal &c ac without the first enjoyment lacks durability without the second it can hardly be said to exist without the third it would not be secure ac without the fourth it must be limited &c eternal life in its fulness falness implies a spiritual intelli ligence gence embodied in the likeness of its own species and clothed upon with an outa ard tabernacle of outward outw 58 5 KEY TO THEOLOGY thi thl eternal irw6rruptiblc&8h incorruptible flesh and incdrruptible aud aila bones thiis andbones andrones whi state of existence can only b& toy thel resurrection existen&can ba attained loy na of the tile body aand tlle nd its eternal teunion ii i 6na reunion with thee r union re n4 W spirit 1 s FT r thus attaifaed attal attai andd emow a a faed hn c with endowed itli the eternal life bilus dhe tdiftad em&w lne etli IWM could eternatattr of intblligd intelligence eternal ibut6sd attributes n 6 6 and and16v doid dold eold never derl iljoymentryronflth affections of exercise or dtllqp bol bnab Wd I1sath with associated boi the latter unless anocia vith boirigs sith 6thaibmfgs endowed W ed rigs baab r r with the same attributes 6bject or necessity of eternal kindred hence the object exorcised exercised ties associations and affectionssl eor c lied as tile tlle tiie the hor bor attributes of that charity which n&ver naver ends r r the third proposition vizi could never cundd cunda ed without the eternal peace couldn6ver neved hesecm thi3 thl development of eternal ilawand gofernment government ment which gofern would possess in itself the atlributesdfmnmte truth itselfthe r r and power goodness andlpowtk a1I ny govenfm6nt ho ft af 6f this could never of goveriiftiofit short guarantee guarantea eternal peace rt would be liable to be overthrown bj by the lack of truth to discern disposir tion to execute or power to enforce the measums measun mealun s necessary to insure peace r4o4if in the fourth proposition eternal wealthy must ofnecessity of necessity consist of an eti1l6 ddn liff secured abu aba ilenned aha everlasting inheritance dbr title 1 4 thig topdrtton by this eternal g6vernmentj g6vemmfent w pditi6h .66 of the 1 elements i in in their organized 61emdnt9 uptable ata uptible pure iht0h incorruptible at1 ar ati iwtur r m ute ate state eternal A man must possess in order to be wealthy eternal nan posses 1 1 use r j T 1 I1 1 I1 ld 1 it 59 KEY TO THEOLOGY certain the surface ofldiriletemalplanet a Cer pianet planet eternalplanet certainty oflsdmd eternal oitionbfthv tainTjortqnbf certaint bis brder adapted to his bf existence arder or sphere of lri in the this inheritance incorruptible eternal iii heavens must be sufficiently extensive for his accommodation withall with all ail his family dependencies ali it must also comprise a variety of elements adapted to his useand use and convenience eternal gold silver precious stories dthcr ather precious materials would stoiid and dther stolid 1I 1I ii and furnishing be useful in1i ai thi ti i arec erection erec famishing of mandivelling sions anu and qof public and pnvate develling dwellingss or 2 r edifices edifices combined or a n ge cliii in wisdom rranged dk a it iiii al1 cities 4e would constitute eeae hardens ala vit ternal kit im ar ens groves ies les walks rivulets to would untal flowers and fountains ivou d ad fruitsts evou beautify and adornaho adorn the landscape please the eye nabo adornato adornAho dye the ldiiigfto allu S contribute gladness smeil and thifat6iltribiito smell taste the lsibell illu to the heart of man would silks linensi or otliersuitablerhatqt11j be other suitable materials ould yso ouid linew yio FIT I adorn his person andaw1urnish necessary to adom and t&jumish and beautify his mansions 816ri of eternal in short eternal man in possession 11 vyariety and falness wi worlds in ali a ll ail h their will1I eat aq drink think converse tq assemble disperse associate eonv0rs6i a88pdia 1 pos comey go improve lotu and enjoy 41e got come sliss stiss posgtz2 possliss 901 he will comel increase in riches lii6vrodge power powen might majesty maiestv dominion and domi without oui end it out ni on in worl1 every speciesof of tliaaiiimalicrqttioneverorganized species animal creatlon creation ever organized tho speciesof tha animalcreation liafc ever felt the dhe pangs paings by creative goodness w uings of zi itliat tile king of tlle death or uttered a groan while subject to the these 1 I1 1 4 60 KEY TO THEOLOGY terrors or exulted in the joys of life and Ssympathy Ym pathy x ill wiil and longed for the redemption of the body will lii have lil part in the resurrection and will live for ever in their falness own spheres in the possession of peace and a fulness of joy adapted to their several capacities eevea elyea in corruption I elved eivea conceived 0 child of earth con 5 1 sojo urning brought forth in pain and sorrow 1I sojourning mid sighs and tears in a world of mourning mia ana and groans and awaiting in sadness thy home in the gloomy grave as food for worms lift up thy head cast thine eyes around thee arbs behold yon countless hosts of shining orbs yon worlds of light and life then turn to earth survey the solid globe its mineral wealth springs prin n its gems its precious stones its gold its prins pri its gardens forests fruits and flowers myriada its countless myriads mariada of breathing life scalo 31 ote to man through all the varied scale note from mote of animated being visit the gloomy caverns of the dead the ancient sepulchre where een the worm food of&d of of death himself has died for want ofed and bones disjointed are crumbled fine and mingled with the dust nay deeper still descend the fathomless chained ined oha inea darknesss cha darloiess abyss of souls condemned in darknes or thrust in gloomy dungeons of despair morc moreyy of hope mercy merey mere where the very names of merc ana and of deaths conqueror remain unknown in tears indulgein tear observe with care the whole indulge ha dwiy ily but hope believe and clothed with 8charity er fails thine eyes enlightened which never nevi neti thy person clad in light ethereal time fades and opens on eternity KEY TO THEOLOGY 61 again review the scene beheld before you youstartle startie seemsurprisedl tou startle lperwblmed seem surprised confused oerwhelmed overwhelmed death is conquered corruption Is is no more all Is kf and the word ETERNITY ETERNITY Is inscribed in characters indelible on every particle and form of life socrates plato confucius and many other philosophers and divines have llave written largely on the immortality of the soul or spirit of man some of these have suffered with joy and cheerful ness imprisonment torture and even death with fulness only this tills limited view of eternal existence tilis could these martyrs to a portion of truth so limited and yet so full of hope and consolation have handled immortal flesh and bones in tiie tile the persons of enoch or elijah translated or of jesus raised from the dead could they have learned from their sacred lips and realized the full import of that joyful sentence t behold 1I make all things new could they have contemplated eternal worlds of matter in all its elements and forms of animal life indissoluble and everlasting could they have beheld eternal man moving in the majesty of a god amid the planetary systems grasping the knowledge of universal nature and with an intellect enlightened by the experience and observations of thousands and even millions of years could they have had a glimpse of all this ana nd heard the promise and he no more death there shall ie 62 KEY TO THEOLOGY issuing from the fountain of truth prompted by inana annd 6volehee arid finite bene anid benevolence and chai ohai charity ity re ie echoing amid the starry worlds reaching yibvib r g with rmcli down teartliyibrating racli a thrill of joy all the myriad myrl adssi 6f myri af animated nature penetrating the gloomy vaults of death and the prisons of the spirit world with a ray of hope and afresh sh tbewell causing to spring afre weil springs of lifeand weli the well tuewell ilfe ana life and lifland joy and love even in the lonely dungeons of despair despal despai with revcrberatedwith 0 how would their bosoms have reverberatedwith reverberated unutterable joy and triumph in view of changing L worlds i theLT of ulers this world have beheld or evven thdxuldrs could theltulers en formed a conception c6ncetion of such riches such nobility 2 such an eternal and exceeding weig etemalcand of glory weight they y th dy tof oh bof would have accounted the wealthipleisures wealth pleasures hono ho nours hondours honours urs tities dignities glories thrones principalities and titles titlesj this world as mere toys the play crowns of thisworld thingy playthings things of a day dross not worth the strife and toil of acquiring or the trouble of maintaining except as a troublesome responsibility duty or ortroublesom6 subjq subject ama with this view of the subjo atr 71ig whatman tma n so base qtr grovelling velling so blind to hia so gro hi own interests aag hla his as to es self deniais sacrifices neglect those duti dutiesj auti seif deniakis ac ri ficu dicu which qc are nec to necessary lo asecure inf the verst sa in order 10 a ppar arfcmfthe dar resurrection and a jar far fir more exceeding and eternal of g lory in thailifeyhich weight 04 that Tie tieverenda lle ile verenda ra ds gir 63 KEY KE Y TO THEOLOGY uay uhm s w .55 oi i j rn ia.44 I 1 1 P 1I A 1 iunrh iUNrh 040w 00 7 C 1 F i K ya y1 iq aattbrnil CHATTS ica 0fjI1 1 icff j 1. ti POWER AND HEY KEY kry OF KNOWLEDGE POWERAND i r j 4.4 1 government govehnment govermienr y whom aspey ivo w am worlds dspey fifyii 0m vvo hidas Alday 1 eroalday emm ero hiday e s so veemo tnm2et nobility iieavena nobillty tobuit lleavfns tobutt cluwiflet vww&ti ba b& i t i A t r ne L edtenwdes 4f af ae w yerse ais 10 whpnl the un ts incense hingst uniyerse to uni bingstI universe lis HJ nim stieanyt&ronei aelnim Ael infinjtudeyaallltswnfi indri the stores of indpi pi ri kf 4 anth enth 1 l tf 1 l having gwen a gigralvjq of the tho th powers operations and effects of tjheqlpg tj1qq1qg0 jdveloped eloped thea tj amongst thei t m thej nation jftf antjo anajo pe ali berles herles th allmysteries teries of njq111yj cofr the godhead the layr mhd jaw ofr nature and the thd origin latr of and destiny of the universe the subject next in ow ledge power and governorder is the KEY KFY of kn knowledge owledge orledge ment as developed in the heavens and on the earth for the organization order peace happiness education improvement and exaltation of intelligences in the image of god his sons and daughters the great family of m bing the inhabhing sing mancqinprising itants of unnumqrq mill unnumeremillqngisofi worlds in every variety and d egree q4psisf olf X div fiv iqq of progress cqjisist fivee pringhr inq ser cipal sphqr spheres orr grand iv ivisions siqns sphar sians in thi scale caie of cale progressive being belne viz beine godsy ds composed of embodied spirits 00 first the oo who inhabit tabernacles of immortal flesh and bones J 1 I 1 u 1 to 64 KEY TO THEOLOGY in their most refined state and who are perfected in and power all the attributes of intelligence an&power second the tho tle angels who are also composed of spirits and immortal flesh and bones less refined and endowed with vast intelligence and power but but not a lut ful ness falness fulness third embodied spirits without a tabernacle of flesh and bones these are they who have passed the veil of death and are awaiting a resurrection fourth embodied spirits with mortal tabernacles as in the present world fifth embodied spirits who have not yet descended to be clothed upon with mortality but who ture are rire candidates for the same tire there is also a sixth division but of those we need not speak as they are not as yet included iA n the scale of progressive being not having kept their first estate ail men in theirprimeval ali all their primeval states ofall cfall the spirits of were intelligent but among these intelligences some were more noble that is to say more intelligent than others and god said these will 1 make rulers in my upon this principle was manifested the kingdoms election before the foundation of the world of certain individuals to certain offices as written in I the scriptures see book of abraham translated from en tat 6m papyrus lately tak taken from the catacombs Cata combs of thebes in egypt KEY TO THEOLOGY 65 more intelli otiierwonas certaln individuals moreintelli otner words certain head to ihan the others were chosen by the headi beadi gent than and minister teach telch instruct edify improve govern andminister each hoid hold hola the deletruth and salvation to others and to hoiathe gated powers or keys of government in the several in spheres of progressive being these were not only chosen but set apart by a ambassadors holy ordinance in the eternal worlds as embassadors ac to Alini sters priests kings apostles &c foreign ministers fillthe fill the various stations in the vast empire of the sovereign of all jesus christ being the first apos tie thus comtle apostle missioned and the president of all the powers thus delegated gated is lord of lords and king of kings in the dele aele eavens and on the earth hence this priesthood is lieavens heavens davens li goa priesthood after the order of the son of pod called the thepriesthood god holds the keys of all the true principles of governit holas itholds rment ent in all worlds being withoutbeginning without beginning of days or end of life it was held by adam seth enoch noah shem melchisedec and others abraham obtained this priesthood and an election of the same in his seed after him to all generations the decree went dorthin forth for in an everlasting covenant that in abraforthin thin ham and his seed all the nations ana alid kindreds of the and aila alla earth should be blessed of this lineage according to the flesh were the prophets john the baptist jesus christ and tili tilo tileI jewish apostles since the covenant and andelection election thus this manifested the keys of revelation government aarid 1I rdd 2 1 ney iley KEY ner ilet 66 TO THEOLOGY THEOLOGM habeb miraculous powers on earth haveb have been een held exclusively bby house nobie and royal house y the literal descendants of this noble the gentiles could partake of a portion of theme blessings but this could only he blessit be done through their ministry and by adoption into th the same family this election or covenant with the house of israel will continue for ever inthe great restoration of all forever things this lineage will hold the keys of priesthood bai bal salvation sal vation and government for all nations As saith the prophet isaiah 91the the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations wili he utterly wasted shall be the nord lye thepriests tle priests of te shall be the lord and again cye oftie men shall call you the ministers 0of our god but sonos sons sorts of the strangers shall build your walls and the soros ploughman ploughmen alien shall be your ploughmen and your yourpzoughmenandyour youn yout vine dressers this priesthood including that of the aaronic holds the keys of revelation of the oracles of god to man upon the earth the power and right to give tand and commandments to individuals churches laws band rulers nations and the world to appoint ordain and establish constitutions and kingdoms to appoint kings presidents governors or judges and to ordain kingspresidents or anoint them to their several holy callings also to instruct warn or reprove them by the word of the tie f lord it also holds the keys of the administration of ordinances for the remission of sins and for thegift the gift of todeal the sick cast out demons or Spirit toheal the holy holyspirit KEY TO THEOLOGY 67 gine fine to work miracles in the name ofthe odthe lord in finel ofth6 find or doose on tind in hm heaven efi eaith and bind vor for the jor dn earth dor erdige of hich powers the student exercise rudent of theology powersthe df all which aich fijid eln fin cements ein fln& abundant pr e cedents sacred in the sa brkl scriptures ures crkl script ill filid will precedents vilii man holding the keys of the priesthood andapostle tie tle iship order of the son of god are his rere ship after the orar bere kiAd ambassadors to man sentatives senta tives or embassadors mankind eind klad to receive ahem to obey their instructions instructioiis to feed clothe or aid them m yris them is counted the same in the final judgment the jud fient miris nient as themiris ds ail ali ison of god in person on all hadben had been done to the tho if ifiall th6son habben theson their reject them or thedr the other hand to rejedtthem then testimony or theu theother through message or the word of god throup 1 them in any counted the same as if done to jesus christ count matter is countedthe edthe ambassadors will be in his own person indeed such embassadors the final judges of the persons rulers cities or jnations to whom they are sent although the chosen instruments to hold thekeys the keys theieys thekeos of this priesthood must bethe be the literal lineage of israel that lineage eage are not all thus commissioned norr aage thadlin yet thatlin nor horr indeed are any of them priests merely because theyl they areof areofthe instrument must be areef the chosen seed such an aninstrument revealed and his ordination which he had before the wbrld began be renewed and confirmed upon his world fleshly tabernacle or he cannot be a priest on earth one who already holds the authority or keys of df priesthood can rave al by the word of the lord and reveal r6ve ers to similar callings and ordain and anoint oth drs others through these ordinances fill them with the holy hoit spirit as a qualification for their holy calling 68 by this KEY TO THEOLOGY joshua succeeded moses ellsha elisha ac and by this means succeeded elijah &c the great means thegr6at apostle of the father chose and ordained the twelve apostles of the jews and gave the keys or presidency of the kingdom to peter there have however been times when by ly a means md ans general martyrdom or apostacy apostasy apo stacy the keys of thispower this power have been taken from the earth see chapters 2 3 44. in such case there would be no longer visions revelaea tions or miraculous gifts from the lord manifested manifest among men because the priesthood is the channel and the ordinances are the means through which such blessings are enjoyed by man in the absence ofthese offices and powers darkness ignorance superstition raat raft idolatry and every species rafa priestcraft kingeraht raft and kingcraft prieste of abuse would fill the earth and usurp the place of the true government of the kingdom of god i instance tance the most remarkable and long continued ins of this kind which perhaps ever transpired in our world commenced with the destruction of the apostles and saints who immediately succeeded the lord jesus christ and continued until the present century but cheries producing in its consequences all the human butcheries ruie ignorance superstitions rale raie mls misrule wars oppressions oppress ions mis kingcraft kinge raft priestcraft and misery which have visited in the false name of christianity iiithe the world ilithe on the western hemisphere the apostleship 1fro ila from ili lii oracles miracles and gifts of the spirit ceased efro bourth etli fourth rtli century among the people in the fou 2 KEY TO THEOLOGY the 69 precise time of the discontinuance of these powers pnah6 on the eastern conti continents boman hents or inthe roman nyqtldis worldiis not known suffice it to say the last of the twelve apostles predicted in his vision on the isle of patmos the reign of a certain power which should make war with the saints overcome them be drunken with their blood and bear rule over all nations witk sor ceries said he 11 were all nations and by thy sorceries yed deceiyed kqek fulfil falfil ved deceived keek if these predictions have had their fulfill pfent for nfent then it is the height of inconsistency ror iqatthen one to contend that rome or any nation has any- oneto perpetuated the priesthood apostleship or church this would be the same as to say the saints were destroyed and yet perpetuated all nations were deceived and yet had the truth could a universal or catholic power at once destroy the saints and perpetuate them could the same power p6wef at the same time be the conservator and promul mulgator gator of a system of universal salvation and of universal deception but leaving the prediction and the reasoning on this subject what are the facts which present themselves for our own inspection clearly visible to all men do we not find the world for many ages and up to the present time destitute of those manifestations visions powers and keys of knowledge and government which would enlighten purify ani and exalt the mentwbich race and establish permanent righteousness and peace 7 70 KEY TO THEOLOGY in short have tthe the eternal priesthood depowers hepowers of powers odthe P he ofthe as described and exemplified ins ini scriptures in the holy scripture and in this work been mani tested for the government manifested of the catholic or protestant world or any nation thereof since the destruction of the ancient saints and apostles la st questions question in the negative then if we answer this last we verify the truth of the prediction by the last of the twelve if in the affirmative we deny both the truth of the prediction and the facts which clearly present themselves in the past history and present circumstances of the world called l christian when there is no longer a commissioned priesthood Prist hood ther the earth it becomes necessary IM perpetuated on them in order to restore the government of god for the man thee or men last holding ther the keys of such power to return tile earth as ministering angels and to select lys tlle to the bys lyt by the word of the lord and ordain certain individuals individual of the royal lineage of israel to holdthe hoid the hold ichr heys of si keys icar th&keys such priesthood and to ordain others and thusrest6re and thus restore ani god or his kingdom reorganize re the government of goa organize upon the earth th e apostles and saints after the destruction of the who succeeded jesus christ there is but one dispenor satiowor or restoration predicted by the prophets bation sationw bor hor fulfili fulfil the times of the that dispensation will fulwil gentiles complete their ful falness fulness ness restore the kingd conf kingdom kinga onf to israel gather home their twelve tribes organize them into a theocratic government that is a govern govera 115 1 i ri 71 KEY TO THEOLOGT ment founded and guided by prophets priesthood visions and revelations it will in fact not only restore to them the ministration of angels but hut receive its final consummation by the resurrection of the ancient saints and their return to the earth accompan paniedd by the son of god in his own proper person to this dispensation all nations must submit all merely human religious or political institutions all republics states kingdoms empires must lie dissolved the dross of ignorance and falsehood be separated and the golden principles of unalloyed truth be preserved and blended for ever in the one consolidated universal eternal government of the saints of most high andall odthe the 2fost4ighi ofthe ail nations shall serve ali and all andali hlma and obey him h hima 1 A 2 t f 11 II 4 i j J AC it mt ur4ulja 4 t 1 A 72 KEY TO THEOLOGY 5 C CHAPTER IX REVIVAL OR restoration OF THE SCIENCE OF THEOLOGY IK IN THE PRESENT AGE prisentagrl A modern prophet yes a ml mighty beer I1 ujr seer ajr aels aop israels from is uels royal line must next app appear eal eai ebl ebi clad in the spirit of ETi btijahs etijaha elijaha jaha power jahs to prune the vineyard in tw th eleventh hour to light the dawn of that effulgent da dwy day when king messiah shall his bi sceptresway sceptrciviay THE nineteenth century opened upon the world with far more favourable favour able auspices than any other age since the destruction of the people of the saints and the reign of universal mystery that spirit of freedom and independence of thought of speech and of action which a few centuries before had germinated in europe and which after a stunted growth amid the thorns and whistles thistles kingcraft raft the tares of thistles of kinge priestcraft and the weeds of superstition in the old world transplanted itself and obtained a more vigorous growth in the new world had now grown to a degree of maturity andbecome and become consolidated opening resources for all nations under the inestimable guarantee of constitutional liberty KEY TO THEOLOGY this standard the most enterprising to thigfandard 73 intelligent had commenthiiiking of every nation in europe hadcommen and thinking ced to gather t6gather like a flowing stream here far separated from the practical influence the false glare the empty sho ir or even the senseless name and titles of a self show styled or imaginary nobility their minds enlarged their energies had full scope and their intellectual faculties unfettered and free and surrounded with inexhaustible stores of unoccupied elementary riches sao s6o soon n opened and developed new channels of thought of action of enterprise and improvement the results of which have revolutionized the world in regard to geographical knowledge commerce intercommunication transportation travel transmission of news and mutual acquaintance and interchange of thought the triumphs of steam over earth and sea the extension of railroads and above all the lightning powers of the telegraph are already gradually but rabidly developing concentrating and consolidating rapidly the energies andinterests and interests of all nations preparatory to the universal development of knowledge neighbourly neighbourly kindness and mutual brotherhood physically speaking there seems to need but the physicallyspeaking consummation of two great enterprises more in order to complete the preparations necessary for the fulfill fulfil ment of isaiah and other prophets in regard to the llo iio n of is rael to palestine from the four lael restoration restor alio israel quarters of the earth and the annual reunion union of all re ie unionbf 74 KEY TO THEOLOGY holy shrines and temples nations to the new standards hqlyshrines of zion and jerusalem under the auspices of that universal great univ etsal and permanent theocracy which is eisal eisai to succeed the long reign of mystery one of these is the great eastern railway from europe to india and china with its branches and accompanying telegraphic wires centering at jerusalem Te stern hallwaywith Railway i with its Hallway the other is the great western branches and accompanyin accompanying accompany in g telegraphic lines from from the atlantic to the pacific politically speaking some barriers yet remain to conquests to be achieved such be removed and some conquests0be tile triumph of tiie as the subjugation of japan and the constitutional liberty among certain nations where mind and thought and religion are still prescribed by law these things achieved even the most incredulous in regard to the truth of scripture prophecy will be led e that physically and acknowled constrained to acknowledge acknow politically speaking there is nothing impossible or even improbable in the belief that the twelve eions tions nations tribes of israel will be concentrated from all na in their own land that jerusalem will become the capitol of political government the seat of knowledge and the shrine of worship for the yearly resort of all the nations and countries included in the world known to the prophets of old while the western as it is by two great oceans hemisphere separated aa XEY KEY kex TO THEOLOGY 75 from thea form its own oid world will naturally forn1jits old theold central capitol its zion or new jerusalem to which all its tribes and nations may perform their annual al visits for instruction devotion and mutual annil annii interchange of thought of fellowship and affection can the student of prophecy contemplate all these preparations clearly predicted thousands of years dud now bursting upon the world with seemingly aud ago ag0 and preconcerted connexion and exactness revolutionizing all things in a single age and not be struck with the reflection that the hand of god must be in all this awid awd arid and that moral energy and spiritual light must be forthcoming from the heavens commensurate with the physical and political preparations for a new era the same prophets who have contemplated and described deknebed the ddevelopment of national freedom dean universal intercourse mutual peace knowledge union of worship reunion of the tribes of israel that have described highways trains of cars flying as it were with a cloud ocean steamers ships litters and swift beasts as the instruments of restoration have also predicted that in connexion with all these preparations a new dispensation should be manifested a new covenant established 11a A standard for the an ensign for the people in short nation swift messengers teachers prophets would be commissioned revelations be manifested and a new organization be developed fitted to the times and with principles and laws adapted to the re rc 76 KEY TO THEOLOGY organization i order and government of a renovated world r where and when should we look for the t grain of mustard seed the germ the nucleus of such organization of course in a land of free institutions where such organization could be legally developed and claim constitutional protection until sufficiently matured to defend itself against the convulsions the death struggles the agonizing throes which precede the dissolution of the long reign of mystic tyranny and at a time when modern freedom had been consolidated nationalized and its standard recognized among the nations such an organization should also he be looked for in its first development as cotemporary with the first dawn or development of the physical and political for the same result means provided forthe the beginning of the present century gave birth to those chosen instruments who were destined to hold the keys of restoration for the renovation of the world ed the united states of america was the favoured favour nation raised up with institutions adapted to the protection and free development of the necessary truths and their practical results and that great prophet apostle and martyr SMITHI JOSEPH SMITH the elias was theelias presiding messenger eilas the restorer the presiding3lessenger ellas idispensa6on of tho holding the keys of the dispensation the tle fulness thefitiness falness of times ae KEY TO THEOLOGY 77 yes that extraordinary man whose innocent blood is now dripping fresh as it were2jrom were from the h ands an ds of assassins and their accessories inthe in the united states was the chosen vessel honoured ed of god and ordained honour by a ngels to ordain other apostles and elders to restore the church and kingdom of god the gifts of the holy spirit and to be a messenger in the spirit thdholy ane tne way of the lord and power of elijah to prepare ae tempie adri edri suddenly come to his temple for behold he will suddenlycome fdri like john who filled a similar mission preparatory to the first advent ofthe son of god he baptized with water unto repentance for the remission of sins like min his life was him he was imprisoned and like him taken from the earth and finally like all other true messengers his message is being demonstrated by its progressive fulfillment fulfilment the powers gifts and signs following the administration of his message in all the world and every minute particular of his predictions fulci fulfi ailing fulfilling iling in the order of events as the wheels of time bring them due but in one important point his message differs from all former messages the science of theology revived by him will never decline nor its keys be taken from the earth they are committed to man for the last time their consummation will restore the tribes of israel and judah overthrow all corrupt institutions usher in the reign of universal peace lawsia lawfia and knowledge introduce to the earth her lawful sur and eternalkin eternal king the crucified nazarene there the resur 8 78 KEY TO THEOLOGY banish darkness and death sorrow ana mourning and tears from the face of our globe and crown our race with the laurels of victory and eternal life cail him blessed cali call calthim ages yet unborn will rise up and caltham reads myriads riads will vill A thousand generations of countless my laud his praise and recount his deeds while unnumbenefitss bask in the light and enjoy the benefit bered nations baskin of the institution founded by his instrumentality his kindred the nation that gave him birth and murderers and exulted at his death nay his very im1rderers bending unto him and their posterity will yet come benclingunto labours laboure seek his forgiveness and the benefits of his labours7 but oh the pain the dark despair the torments of a aguilty guilty conscience the blackness of darkness in the lower hell which the guilty wretches will experience before that happy day of deliverance oh the countless myriads of the offspring of innohonour able men who will walk the earth cent and honourable tread on the ashes or plow and reap over the bones and dust of those miserable murderers and their accomplices who have consented to the sheddingqf shedding of innocent blood 1 ere the final trump shall sound which calls up their sleeping dust from its long slumtomb and their spirits from the prison of bers in the bombi tombi the damned and even when this to them almost interminable tolled away and they rise from the dead period has rolled periodhas to the presence and exaltationn tothe welcomeexaltatio instead of a welcome erected rected messiah s KEY TO THEOLOGY 79 lof the sons society of of god an eternal banishment ish ment ashment robis ofgod ishment etemalban tin ete awaits them they never ndver can come where god and adver Christ chrisfcdwell dwell but will be christdwell thedominions of servants in the dominions beservahts the saints their former victims this extraordinary personage was bom in sharon malban windsor county vermont united states december 23rd 1805 23rdi1805 removed with hisfather He HeTe hetemoved heremoved his father during childhood and misfather hate moved settled near wayne county new york ork neat palmyra in waynecounty these amid hese forest wilds he was reared a farmer and amidhese inuredto aili the hardships toils and privations of a aill fill inured to all ali ail newly settled country his education edutationwas was therefore thereforevery therefor every very limited when when about seventeen years of age he had several open visions in which a holy angel ministered to him admonished him for his sins taught him repentance and faith in the crucified and risen messiah crucifiedand opened to him the scriptures of the prophets unfolding the field of prophecy pertaining to the latter iatter day gio glo glory ry and the doctrines of christ and his ancient apostles on the 22nd sept 1827ahe 1827 Ahe 182 7dhe the angel directed him to a hill a few miles distant called anciently Cumorah ancientlycumorah ancientlycum6rah around this hill in the fifth century of the Chri christian tian era had ral rai rallied the last remnant of a once powerful ralliedthe liedthe and highly polished nation called the Nephites nephitds nephites here two hundred and thirty thousand men women and children marshalled themselves for a last defence in legions of ten thousand each under their respective commanders at whose head was ahe the renowned mor 80 KEY TO THEOLOGY mon the general of a hundred ba talei batties battles tattles ttlei and here received the enemy in untold numbers and theyreceived they e d away before them till none remained except a meit melt melted few that fled to the southward and a few that fell wounded and were left by the ene enemy my among the unburied dead among these latter were general mormon and his son and second in command general moroni these were the last prophets of a nation now no more they held the sacred records compiled and transmitted from their fathers from the remotest arim Thum mim and the antiquity they held the tjrim urim and thummim compass of lehi which had been prepared by providence to guide a colony from jerusalem to america in the hill cumorah they deposited all these things here they lay concealed for fourteen hundred years direct the young joseph direetthe and here did the angel moroni directthe to behold these sacred things in their sacred deposef and to receive from these long silent and gloomy gloo y archives an abridged record of the whole and wih Thum mim it the urim arim and thummim the abridged record thus obtained was engraved in egyptian characters on gold plates by the hands of the two prophets and generals mormon and moroni by the instructions ofthe angel and the use of the arim Thum mim theyouthful ttrim urim and thummim the youthful joseph now a prophet and seer was enabled to translate the abridgment or rather the unsealed portion which was destined for the present age 81 KEY TO THEOLOGY dop doppalle pAlle the angel of the lord appearedto this done to three ta appearedta appeared other persons called eow cow called31artin martin harris oliver cowdery Gow dery and david whitmer showed them the golden plates and the engravings thereon bore core dore testimony of their correct translation by the prophet joseph and commandeddi them to bear a faithful testimony of the same banded two of these were respectafctle respeetqbjiarmq farmers and the other was a school schoolmaster master jelus jtlusi translation with early in 1830 jh with thepie picfaccomLe com lri panying test1mq in english in testimony upji 9494 iri p upsi p72r was published den the united states unger der the tit of thebook under titie title the BOOK OF fit chebook fitleof leof MORMON pulishedjn it is now 153translated 153 translated and published u53anslated r m nearly all european languages this book more deeply interests the world and every intelligent accountable being therein than any other book save the jewish scriptures which is now extant its history penetrates the otherwise dark oblivion of the past as it regards america through the remote ages of antiquity follows up the stream of the generations of man till arriving at the great fountain the distributor of nations tribes and tongues the tower of babel it ceases or is lost in and sweetly blended with that one great undivided whose source is in paradise the cradle adamic river whosesource of man whose springs issue from beneath the throne of the eternal and wjhose v oq secret fountains comprise the infinite ex expne u4410 ss ocean of intellect pne the boundless exene expansci fact and historic truth as recorded in the archives of r F 82 KEY TO THEOLOGY eternity its prophetic vision opens the events of unborn time the fate of nations the restoration of judah and israel the downfall of corrupt churches and institutions the end of superstition and misrule the universal prevalence of peace truth light and knowledge the awful wars which precede those happy times the glorious coming of jesus christ as king the resurrection of the saints to reign upon the earth the great grand rest of a thousand years the jubilee of universal nature upon gur our planet pianet are all predicted in that book the time and means of fulfilment are pointed out with clearness showtheir fulfillment ing the present age more pregnant with events than all the ages of adams race which have gone begore before before it its doctrines are developed in such plainness and simplicity and with such clearness and precision that no man can mistake them they are there as i they flowed from the mouth of a risen redeemer M in the liquid eloquence of love mingled with immortal tears of joy and compassion and were written by men whose tears of overwhelmingaffection overwhelming affection and gratitude bathed his immortal feet by means of the it was ascertained by revelation bypeans mim that the youthful prophet joseph Thum urim thummimthat arim and thummim was of the house of israel of the tribe of joseph he continued to receive visions revelations and the ministry of angels by whom he was at length ordained to the apostleship or high priesthood after decy the order of melchizedec deci to hold the keys of flie tile tlle Melchize the 2 KEY TO THEOLOGY 83 falness of kingdom of god the dispensation of the fulness times ath of april thus qualified he proceeded on the 6th A-D 1830 to organize the church of the saints AD which then consisted of six members the gifts of healing of prophecy of visions and miracles began to belieyers eyers beil be manifested among the beli believers evers thus confirming his testimony with signs following jn this same year the principles restored by him inihis inicis w ere proclaimed and branches of the church were pennorganized in various parts of his own state in lenn sylvania ohio and elsewhere 5 and the number of his disciples aisciples Ai sciples increased from six members to upwards of one thousand tj during the three following years hundreds of fr ministers ordained by him were sent out in all directions through the country and branches of the church were organized in most of the states of the american union in eighteen hundred and thirty five he ordained by commandment of the lord a quorum of twelve apostles and several quorums of seventy as a travel ling nministry in thirty six a temple was completed and quorums dedicated in kirtland ohio in which these quorums and the priesthood in general were assembled in a school of the prophets and were instructed and anointed to their holy calling in this same year some of the apostles visited upper canada and spread 84 KEY TO THEOLOGY the fulness falness of the gospel in toronto ancil ands all the andl region round gathering several branches of the church in I thirty seven a mission mision was wash wasi sent to england which was attended with the same powers and with samopowersyand remarkable success in thirty eight istaid of the state misso uri ofmissouri eightau url undertook Missouri the extermination of the church from its borders murdered many men women and children and finally succeeded in the forcible expulsion of about ten thousand people and the seizure of their lands and property in eighteen hundred and forty the quorum of the twelve apostles visited england gathered great numbers into the church and published the book of morm mormon on and several other works among which was a periodical called the millennial star which now in 1853 has a circulation of nearly eighteen thousand copies weekly between the years forty and forty four our youthful prophet gathered about him many thousands of his disciples erected the great city of nauvoo on the banks of the mississippi commenced the erection of one of the most splendid temples in the world and organized a legion of citizen soldiers for its defence thousand men this legion comprised nearly six sixthousand mena men7 and was commanded by the young prophet joseph who bythe held a government commission as lieutenant general 1 x 1 KEY TO THEOLOGY 85 of science and heavenly light from this centre ofsqiencq emanatetl rays by the there emanated ahe laid nid of a foreign ministry ald aid afar and lighting up the dawn of that prnetratingafar penetrating eff11gent vae effjgent daywhich day which is isdepfined to break over all ene destined tobreak the fae earth and shinerforavqr apostles high alors qounsellors ilors and hig4 higa priests elders coun ministers lofever of everyy degree he heree thronged ofever ithronged thron ged our youthful thronger prophet aitilia and hero and were taught in this great aitilim school of theologyaud Theolog mlo yaud mi mio 010 7andspiritual spiritual philosophy while yand a hundred thousand disoiples disciples in the nation and beyond the seas looked to this gentre centre for light and 7 instruction such was the progressor the science of theology progressof progress of thesoience oftheology in the present age such the repult revived inthe result of fourteen telula resuit years of the ministry of an unlettered youth crying rq in the wilderness the proclamation 0of aq repentance pentance baptizing for the remission of sins and holding the i keys of this diva divi divine ne eternal power unpa ralle lpd his punpa unparalleled lad suc success cess ana and lnclstill still increasing in grasing in erasing influence now alarmed hisformer his former persecutors and raised their theirjqalojisy jealousy and envy tothe higher pitch of frenzy and madness several counties of illinois combined withilie the former withhilie wit enemies who had robbed and destroyed the saints in missouri and calling public meetings passed resolutions to destroy tho the city of nauvoo and to force the saints to lo abandon their homes and onco once more loabandon saintsonco farms to the possession of the land pirates they also entered into covenant to take the life of the young joseph 1 86 KEY TO THEOLOGY to resist this overwhelming storm our hero and resistthis sim thousand men prophet m sik M arshalled his legion of six aiaalled in his beloved city of nauvoo prepared for the most vigorous defence and awaited the onset the cowardly enemy soon discovered the impropriety of an open attack and resolved on stratagem they caused a magistrate of their own number to issue a writ and sent a constable to bring the person of joseph into the midst of those who had sworn to kill him to fose iose his life to yield to this mockery would be to lose resist it would be construed into treason and would bring on him the whole forces of the state sue succeeded ceedee nauvoo ceeded its legion this stratagem suc and its general were declared in rebellion his excellency thomas ford governor of the state of ols mustered an army marched to the scene of ois Dlin illinois niin conflict took sides with the enemy and in fact incorltire entire forces with his own troops porated their altire with this formidable force he marched to carthage town eighteen miles from foni nauvoo hethen a small towneighteen aethen he then sent a captain named singleton to take command of the nauvoo legion and demanded its lieutenant general to repair to carthage and place himself in the hands of those who had publicly combined to take his life sooner than have submitted to thes thesee insults and humiliating demands the legion would have joyfully marched to carthage and cut to pieces this cowardly band of rebels against american institutions and all the rights of man 1I KEY TO THEOLOGY but the saints were located 87 between two powerful states who were now combined against the laws constitutions and liberties of their country to destroy one army or even resist its most extravagant demands would be to draw upon themselves and families the yould overwhelming forces of the ferocious ignorant and worse than savage beings who had long thirsted for their plunder and their blood the young prop prophet het had no confidence in the governors pledge to protect his person he felt the houn hour had come when his own blood alone could appease the enemy and preserve the lives of his flock hd restrained the ardour he arbour of the legion called upon them by the love they had ever borne to him as a prophet and apostle and conjured them by the respect and Geheral ani confidence they had shown him as their general aq to tq submit to the extravagant demands of his excel1I lency ency and leave the event with god he now took an aff affectionate i on who were legion ectionate leave of his beloved lc dissolved in tears tore himself from the embraces of his is aged and widowed mother and fi frantic antic wife and children and repaired to carthage he was accompanied by his brother hy hyrum and the two of the twelve that were not abroad on foreign missions who would not forsake him on the way he was cheerful but solemn he spoke little but observed to those about him jam am going tike ilke a lamb to the slaughter like 1lam but 1I am calm as a summers morning 1I have a congenco gence science void of of men oilmen allmen ali ail fence towards god and towards all 2 I 88 KEY TO THEOLOGY 1I shall die ibn innocent decew dcew ihn and ard arb sadli yet be saidqf snail sadil said of anditit adllyet anait saidof bloo3 murdered incold bloof in cold b7ood infold me he was arriving at carthagee he hb delivered himself to his enemies answered to the charge in the 0on riginal gi n 1 writ to governors enforce which all the goyer GoTer nors forces had been 1 1 i mustered and was then committed to prisorito to answer prison pri sorito the charge of treason in this dungeon he was still accompanied by the two apostles and his brother hyrum who were to die dle with him determined todie todle here as the four friends sat in the upper room inthe singing hymns on the afternoon of the 27th day of june 1844 the prison was suddenly surrounded with juney demons in the flesh armed with muskets and bayonets gain the original and their faces as black as cain murderer these commenced filing firing through the doors and windows of the prison while a portion assaulted and broke open the door hyrum suddenly fell and died without a groan being pierced with four balls fledd wounded and bleeding to the window taylor fle and was about to throw himself out when a ball yest pocket aimed at his heart hit his watch in his vest vest vegt and threw him back into the room the other a m66d the guns Eich elch apostle willard richards richards stood and parried with his hand staff receiving slight injury prophets prphets in the midst of all this scene the pr 6hct s presence saw his brother of mind did hotforgake not forsake him ha h6 E gaw exclaimed claimed hen ei he then hyrum fall stiffen and die and in the anguish of his soul 21 0 my brother KEY TO THEOLOGY 89 ror shower amid shoe showersof bor thewindow hail as thick hali for the window sprang fo shoo sof ball vindoiviamid as hali he instantly threw himself from the upper hall hail ashall the bristling bayonets of the story into the midst of th61iistling enemy and on alighting was pierced with a shower of balls and irisfiditlydied instantly died without a struggle or a groan his and prompt action in thus presence of mind antiprompthcfion the enemy 1I drew them throwing himself among thel hve of the two from the pison prison the ave mison dison in tinie to save thblive4 no doubt the objectof objedtof object of this the objector WA 110 apostles which was lio llo hiis ilfe last gloriou iiis life gloriousglhdf laci of gloriod ochis ofhis youth mortal career adouth who had thus ended the mortaldarder darder of a ayouth revealed theancient the ancient historyof history of a continent 5 restored to man thekbyg powers the bays and powerslof of the divine science of stof Powerslof theology organized the chtirdh church and kingdom of god and revealed abid afid anclre fedstablished those principles anclle established which will eventuallyprevail eventually prevail brevall a ndd govern g6vem the sons of orn yot earth in countless ages yob ett unborn yy the good e th down his life for the shepherd said jesus t lay layeth labeth sheep df this horrid tragedy spread when the news of abroad the fear of vengeance from the nauvoo tb6gov&ifor hig his tr legion seized the goverrior troops dopi copi and the whole ail fled and levenlhd ali all even the inhabitants of allfled gang of pirates allfred dhe vicinity evacuated ahe vacated their the guilty villages in the citations ahdfled ha fled in terror and dismay habitations and flea bitations nauvoo As the news reached oo ieach6efmuv 00 a thrill bf horror and of afigliighaintitterable as with electricity anguish unutterable ran rab ag rah through every pulse the legion sprang to arms 1 90 KEY TO THEOLOGY and would have desolated the whole rebel counties now left unprotected had not theirjudgments their judgments balanced the burning attribute of justice which swelled their bosoms As it was they smothered their resentment resentment2 and prepared for the burial of the illustrious dead the bodies of the two martyrs were borne to the city citi being met by the entire populace bowed with sorrow ameir bathed in tears and aheir upheaven upheaved with a their bosoms upheaved sense of sorrow and outraged humanity such as perhaps an entire populace at once never felt since man was doomed to mourn the twelve who were abroad soon returned soothed and comforted the sheep and exhorted them to union and perseverance the work on thetemple the temple tempie was resumed and finally completed at an expense of many hundred thousand dollars in this holy edifice after its dedication to the lord a portion of the priesthood received those holy washings anoint ings keys ordinances oracles and instructions which were yet wanting to perfect them in the fulness falness of the priesthood in the autumn of 1845 the enemy again rallied and commenced to desolate the borders of the nauvoo settlements by fire and sword wearied with long continued vexation and persecution the council of the apostles now determined to seek peace for the saints amid the far off and almost unexplored deserts and mountains of the interior 2 2 91 KEY TO THEOLOGY in february s 1846 this emigration was commenced headed by the apostles and their families 9on the 24th of july 1847 the first pioneers of the this vast emigration headed toy loy by the president of ahe whoie church brigham young entered the valley of whole whole great salt lake meantime the beautiful nauvoo and its surrounding farms and villas fell a prey to the enemy after a vigorous defence its temple the pride and glory of america was laid in ashes its last remnant plundered robbed of their all sick destitute wounded bleeding dying at length disappeared beyond the horizon of the illimitable plains of the west and for a moment the curtain of oblivion closed over this strange drama and the kingdom of goa god seemed lost to mortal view again it rises and what do we behold the banner of freedom unfurled a thousand miles from the frontiers of the persecuting foe its waving folds amid the snow clad peaks of the rocky mounf6lds2amid tains inviting to liberty and light the oppressed of every clime 5 and a free and sovereign state rising in fastnesses of majesty and smiling splendour amid the fastnesses natures eternal ramparts while the exhaustless treasures of the golden mountains of california revealed by the providence guiding keys of modern Theolo theology are poured like a flowing stream into the treasury of the lord to aid in the gathering and subsistence of the saints in the 7 92 KEY TO THEOLOGY can thlastuflent bf T hw16 c6ptenipludall these canw0tuddnt yfthelbc&ntemplafall grand etetandtheirresult allvfirgirig tine focus ta t6 dine ging t6dnefocus zing jabr jfbr ifor bombin all combin iif&wayjfbftli6consummation combiningto r arfwway combining pep in I1to prepare d6nsumm atlon of the entire volume ppf lkid ikid af iudulfi wfulfuledrhecy and besim still besom be uch at adostlsloq besbm somuchatalassas of old he that should come tar iobk art thou hethat iobe we for another ean bnlyrecommehd i6 ab wi tan sb wecan 6njyret0midhd to one so if ia becan slow of heart to 8search 6archlth the scriptures and all good books ex banton the s hanton extanton aland wblie bject auuabject tland hiie he searches bile bjectiatid tanton let him turn from his suin insgannd himturn arid live ins newness of eifel sinsarid ain aund ilfe life lifel and call upon god the father ail ll1 i n thj eather of aali th0i thai name of allin messiah that his understand under understandmg stan di14 mg niay enlightened iriay 4y bee beenlightened irian his stu and hi heart beorn sfubborn blorn he stubborn bduedyland 6 constrained to atr su subdiitdandc 2 6 ca c6 of yield toah6f6r tokefbrceoftruthtea foq4erilhe 1 IV idi lyv ide ii a SS twsyksxes iia yntaohifflpt loa liaI ia lir ia i ii F t J in a- n a y lla ijs b djs i alfi fififi tiri tlfi tl f s f q fiftm wp fifty flana 1 t A t jur jat anbt jut abbt r tx laz iaz axafui 1 KJ m 1014 P 3914 skaf afaf r i S 40 X i a i I1 T i w K 1 giyhti bli am bil xm t fei tsr jhee hee ifee fsr plaw y3aa n i 93 KEY TO THEOLOGY vu r r s 4 t T r r T CHAPTBRM X OHABTBR f iy psaotigaitueolqgt keyhpr ixittlof ay keta KEYA keys L j istflisesfe in444 1 7 rua ru7 acan didatocateiiisiiystenft f f & i jinyi jiayi aappioatlitheffateandenterjn g rt f faf1 P tj f ana ulci4 ulcie am and be asha ashd lyiiaer cleans d from ali ail all my former sin asad ufc iseenwdntlspttiffanpartakdthpowerti ufa a barta wi banta theip9 er v nee his900 goo hour of I1 fr oths gpd gad h 4 T Y 1 vlo1fkf ft stu student tilfor th fifi deeply deerly of this science M selence R y mferesting c r r f gracea who has tr a c e with tracea tis th lis 1hrillin th ils thrilling the thrill ing thrillins ins incidents &iaenis of its r history on earth iiii till he finds ands it restored in all its tiii bea beauties nties and its powero aties lea powors powers taking root in the pogero to erthy earth 1I l y c tear bear eternal fruit will ddubtless el a desire to be doubtless reel feel u 1I ylj1 f 1 instructed in the firs principles firstt prin rdinances 1 nin ce s 0 thee o0ta or t4 it falt fvlt means bywhich bychich by which he may personal personallypita partakee of its pifa benefits and exercise its gifts there are certain qualifications or personal preparations indispensably necessary without which no person can be a proper candidate for forblqsings blessings so divine He i uff ii hempst sus christ and in eaiie q in jesus first ife must musj believe u9fA b hemust i f t r 6 aiji the testimony af lil psal lii iji 6ff the appghe or commissioned eqmmjisio n 4 officer to whom ke looks go kS fqrjhe mxthe mathe administration of these blessings the f 1 t 1I t V i z s T 1 v Z f s s 94 KEY TO THEOLOGY secondly he must forsake a sinful course of life fuli full unlawful must deny himself of every impure or unlaw indulgence must do right with his fellow creatures and determine to keep the commandments of jesus christ with these qualifications he comes to the apostle elder or priest of the church of the saints who after a covenant on the part of the thecandidate candidate to forsake his sins and keep the commandments of jesus christ gdes goes ades down into the water with him and there buries him in the name of the father son and holy spirit for remission of sins and then raises him from his watery grave this ordinance is to represent the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ and is called baptism having passed through this ordinance the hands authorised priesthood of some one or more of the authorized are next laid upon the head of the candidate in the same sacred names and the gift of the holy spirit confirmed upon him this baptism of water and confimed is confided of the spirit is called a new birth and it is in reality a repetition of the natural birth or entrance into the elements of a new existence nealise this the student must be indoctrinated to realise in the philosophy of his natural birth which involves tiie three principles 5 viz t the tle spirit the water and tim olood1 bood uood body issccomthe embryo formation of the human bodyl menced and sustained by blood and spirit in the ne KEY TO THEOLOGY 95 womb of nature where until the period of birth it floats in the element of water at birth then it is literally born bom of water that is it emerges from that bob element in which it has been so long immersed into element cdifferent element called the atmosphere which then adifferent becomes a necessary element of existence aln then is to enter into the same ain to be bom a gain element suspend the breath in the watery womb and emerge from that element into the atmosphere and again gasp the first breath in the new creation while z&lhe same time the blood of atonement is applied atthesame atthe to6 the individual for remission of sins and is followed by the outpouring of the holy spirit of promise As it is written tear bear on the beat record an there are three that fear feat earth the spirit the water and the blood the things of this visible creation are the patterns of things in the invisible world and are so arranged as to exactly correspond the one answering to the 29 other as face to face in a mirror the immersion in water in the name of the father son and holy spirit for remission of sins and the baptism of the holy spirit which follows according to promise by the laying on of the hands of the holy pn priesthood anestwood esthood were instituted from before the foundation of theworld the world as a pattern of the birth death resurdahe dlhe athe rection n and new life of man now initiated into the first principles nowinitiated the candidate isisnowinitiatedinto of the science of divine theology his mind is quickened his intellectual faculties are aroused to in 1 I 1 96 KEY TO THEOLOGY tense activity tio fio illuminated he learns ito is as it wqrqjjljuminated were wore wereilluminated ho more mote of divined truth in a few aayp4an days davs than he could have learned in Aa life timo tim in merol m the best merel merei merelyY human institutions in the world altepa and inlne ine his affections are also purified ex exalt creased in proportion he loves lovea his heave wiy heavenly uly father and jesus christ with a perfect love he also loyes loves lovei thea thebodo the members of the church or them body of christ as thebody the he loves his own soul while his bosom swells with kenderest ten derest sympathies and emotions of goodwill the tenderest good will g6odwill and benevolence for all mankind he would make any sacrifice which might be expedient to do good woula lay down his life most cheerfully without he woul one moments hesitation or regret if required of him by the cause of truth he also feels the spirit of prayer and watchfulness oul in the same and continually and pours out his goul aoul qui finds he is answered in all things which are expecise some exercise aier eier dient he is now in a fit capacity to aker one or more of the spiritual gifts he may perhaps speak in power in the word of fhe word of ofknowledge prophecy p4ecy or in knowledge in pr wisdom in the poprecy other tongues he maybee may see a vision dream an inmay4ee lhealed led or to healed io b e rhea lhea spired dream or possess the gift to in the name of heal others by the laying on of hands inthe i jesus christ by the touch holybprit to impart a portion of the hqly3pjritby laying layin on oii of hands or to impart a portion or by the kayin tile of tlle the element of life from one animal body to another I1 97 KEY TO THEOLOGY an authorized agent who acts in the namey by anauthorized unauthorized name of godl and who is filled therewith is as much in godi god accordance with the laws of nature as for water to seek its own level 5 air its equilibrium or heat and electricity their own mediums of conveyance this law of spiritual fluid its communicative properties and the channel by which it is imparted from one person to another bear some resemblance or analogy to the laws and operations of electricity like electricity it is imparted by the contact of two bodies through the channel of the nerves but the two fluids differ very widely the one is .a 11 property nearly allied to the grosser elements of mattery matter matteri not extensively endowed with the attributes of intelligence wisdom affection or moral discrimination it can therefore be imparted from one animal body to another irrespective of the intellectual or moral qualities of the subject or recipient the other is a substance endowed with the attributes of intelligence affection moral discrimination love charity and benevolence pure as the emotions which swell the bosom thrill the nerves or vibrate the pulse of the father of all an agent filled with this heavenly fluid cannot impart of the same to another unless that other is justified washed cleansed from all his impurities of heart affections habits hibits or practices by the blood of atonement atoner4ent which is generally applied in connexion with the baptism of remission G 98 KEY TO THEOLOGY mdfi lri iri andawlo who has no A mefi man who continues iii in his sins an ablo living faith in the son of god cannot receive the gift of the holy spirit through the m ini stration of inistration any agent however holy he may be the impure de m ent spirit of such a one will repulse the pure element upon the natural laws of sympathetic affinity or of attraction and repulsion an intelligent being in the image of god possesses every organ attribute sense sympathy affection of secl possessed will wisdom love power and gift which is posses by god himself but these are possessed by man in his rudimental state in a subordinate sense of the word or in other words these attributes are in embryo and are to be gradually developed they resemble a bud bally dev developed developes elopes gradually develope elopes into bloom and a germ which giad tiadually fruit after its progresss produces the mature fhiit then by progres proeres own kind the gift of the holy spirit adapts itself to all these organs or attributes it quickens all the faculties intellectual fc ultiesl increases enlarges expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections and adapts them by the gift of wisdom to their dev elopes cultivates and developes lawful use it inspires developed matures all the fine toned sympathies joys tastes kindred feelings and affections of ou ourr nature it inspires virtue kindness goodness tenderness developes beauty of gentleness and charity it developed person form and features it tends to health vigour KEY TO THEOLOGY 99 animation developers developes and social feeling developez developes an himation lopez and imation it deve invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man it strengthens invigorates and is as it were gives tone to the nerves in short it isy marrow to the bone joy to the heart light to the eyes music to the ears and life to the whole being in the presence of such persons one feels to enjoy the light of their countenances countenancer as the genial rays of a sunbeam their very atmosphere diffuses a thrill a warm glow of pure gladness and sympathy to the heart and nerves of others who have kindred feelings or sympathy of spirit no ko matter if the parties are strangers entirely unknown to each other in person or character no matter if they have never inperson inverson spoken to each other each will be apt to remark in his own mind and perhaps exclaim when rel erring referring to the interview 40 0 what aan atmosphere encircles strangers stranger how my heart thrilled with pure and that strangerf y feelings in his presence what confidence and hoi hol holy sympathy he inspired his countenance and spirit gave me more assurance than a thousand written recommendations or introductory letters such is ihre iare the gift of the holy spirit and such bare are its cb annei annel operations when received through the lawful lawfulchannel channel tiie divin4efeinal the divine eternal priesthood 100 KEY TO THEOLOGY CHAPTER XI philosophy OF miraclei MIRACLES MIR ACLEi miracles inquires trembling with awe and fear quires lear the mind ln M inspires lre ire what master spirit now the bard bardins 1ba aba what bold philosophy shall dare assign A law to govern miracles divine tell how effects transpire without a cause lae las wgli la egl treats kind natures aae iae and how kind nature breaks among the popular errors of modem times an opinion prevails that miracles are events which transpire contrary to the laws of nature that they are effects without a cause has been a if such is the fact then there never hasbeen hasteen miracle and there never will he be one the laws of nature are the laws of truth truth is unchangeable A law of and independent in its own sphere nature never has been broken and it is an absolute impossibility that such law ever should be broken that which at first sight appears to be contrary to the known laws of nature will always be found on investigation to be in perfect accordance with KEY TO THEOLOGY 101 thosd4aws those laws for instance had a sailor of the last lait century been running before the wind and met with avesser vessel running at a good rate of speed directly in a avessel opposition to the wind and current this sight would have presented to his understanding a miracle in the highest possible sense of the term that is an event entirely contrary to the laws of nature as known to him or if a train of cars loaded with hundreds of passengers or scores of tons of freight had been seen passing over the surface of the earth at the rate of sixty miles per hour and propelled seemingly by its own inherent powers of locomotion our fathers would have beheld a miracle an event which would have appeared to them to break those very laws of nature with which they were the most familiar if the last generation had witnessed the conveyance instant while of news from london to paris in an instants they knew nothing of the late invention of the electric telegraph they would have testified in all that a candour and with the utmost assurance thata miracle had been performed in m open violation of the well known laws of nature and contrary to all human knowledge of cause and effect but once familiar with the arts of the living age all those miracles cease to be such and the laws of nature and of cause and effect arc are found to be still moving unimpaired in all the harmony of primeval existence and operation 9 102 KEY TO THEOLOGY the same views will apply with equal force to withequal all the spiritual phenomena of the universe in iracle and mystery must become the terms miracle obsolete and finally disappear from the vocabulary of intelligences as they advance in the higher spheres of intellectual consistency even now they should be used only in a relative or limited sense as applicable to those things which are not yet within reach of our powers or means of comprehension we will here remind the student of two principles folmer chapter of or laws of existence developed in a former miraculous mirad this work which will account for all the mirac ulous ail the mighty works ever ali powers of the universe all manifested by god or by his servants first all the elements of the material universe are eternal second there is a divine substance fluid or called spirit essence callel splet widely diffused among these spiet ballel eternal elements this spiritual substance is the most refined subtle and powerful element in the universe it is endowed with all wisdom all knowledge all intelligence and ilfe power and power in short it is the light life principle of all things by which they move and of all intelligences by which they think this divine element or spirit is the immediate active or controlling agent in all holy miraculous powers ana all holy men perform all their miracles angels and 1 KEY REY rex kex TO THEOLOGY 103 to use a modern magnetic term by being simply to in liit communication with this divine substance two beings or two millions any number thus placed in communication all possess one mind the mind of the one is the mind of the other the will of the one is the will of the other the word of the one is the word of the other and the holy fluid or spirit being in communication with them all goes orspirit forth to control the elements and to execute all their mandates which are legally issued and in accordance with the mind and wisdom of the great elvheim eloheim El oheim god the father is the head the mandates of christ jesus 6hrist christ must be in the name of the father the mandates of angels or of holy men in order to be legal or of due force and power must be is sued issued in the name of jesus christ or of the three who vh 0 compose the head read council and must be in accordance with their united mind and will the holy spirit then tet tei this agency goes forth and executes their mAnda mandates being invisible and tiie tile the effect visible the act performed appears to those who are unacquainted with spiritual agency as a miracle or an ejfect efect efert without a cause when jesus christ was clothed upon with a mortal he had not the fulness tabernaclehe falness of this divinegub divine subtabernacle stance at the first but grew and increased in the same till being raised from the dead lie ile lle he received a fulne4s falness fulness and therefore had all power in heaven and on earth his apostles received a portion of this spirit but fui not a ful falness fulness nesss while they were aulne wero mortal therefore fulne 104 KEY TO THEOLOGY they could know and perform some things but not all the members aido partook of this of the church also alao aiso spirit through the ministry of the apostles by which whi ch miraculous gifts were imparted unto them some to one and some to another some to speak in tongues some to interpret or translate from one language into another some to prophecy prophesy see visions or converse with angels 5 and others to control or cast out devils or heal the sick and others again to teach and edify the church or the world by the word of wisdom and by the word of knowledge all these gifts and miracles were the workings of that one and the self same spirit given to the members of the church of the saints while the world did not partake of a sufficient measure of the spirit to possess these gifts the reason of this isy is that they did not repent and believe in jesus christ and be baptized baptized in his name and receive the gift of the holy spirit by the laying on of the hands of the priesthood these duties and ordinances being the legal or appointed channel by which the gift of the holy spirit was imparted the reason why these gifts of the spirit have not been enjoyed in allagas al ail ali all allages ages of the lages so called christian church is because it is not the true church nor is the true ministry or apostleship to be found amon among the church or churches where these gifts are denied every minister and member of such institutions have need to repent and 11 KEY TO THEOLOGY 105 i be baptized iM n the name of jesus christ for remission of sins14and sw and to receive the gift of the holy spirit by the jayin laying on of hands of those who have authority jabin bider to enter into the kingdom of god in order these ordinances ministered by a legal priesthood being divinely appointed are the only legitimate means by which man may receive and exercise these divine powers or in other words they are the means ordained of god by which one being may communicate or impart a portion of this divine substance to another so as to place that other in communication with the father son and holy spirit and with angels and the spirits of just men in the world of spirits and with the members of the true church on the earth to heal a person by the touch or by the laying on of hands in the name of jesus christ or to impart the holy spirit by the laying on of hands is as much in accorda accarda accordance nee with the laws of nature as for water to nce seek its own level an apple to fall to the ground loos when ioos ioosened loosened ened from the tree where it grew quicksilver to attract its own affinities or the magnet to obey its own laws As the electric fluid obeys its own laws upon the wire so also does the spiritual or holy fluid convey itself itsdfi through certain channels from one body to another in accordance with certain legitimate laws the usual channel for all spiritual fluids whether 1 106 KEY TO THEOLOGY holy or impure in their operations upon the human system or in their passage from one animal body tody to another is the nerves A person commissioned of jesus christ chrit and filled with this spiritual substance can impart of the same to another provided there is a preparation of heart and faith on the part of the receiver or if as in cases of healing casting out devils ac &c it happens that the receiver has no command of his own mind as in cases of little children persons swooned fainted deranged or dead then the faith of the administrator alone or in connexion with other friends and agents in his behalf is sufficient 2 in many cases to perform the work however the touch or laying on of hands is not the only means of communicating the gift of healing A word spoken a mandate issued or even a handkerchief apron or other garment worn or ftouched by a person full off this spirit and conveyed to another has according to sacred history and also the experience of the present age proved sufficient to communicate muni cate the spiritual fluid between minds of strong so well acquainted was the and mutual faith prophet elisha ellsha with this principle that he sent his servant to lay his staff upon a dead child in order to raise it from the dead hut but in this instance the undertaking failed the prophet could only resuscitate the child by placing face on face eye to ac so as togive eye mouth to mouth hand to hand &c tqgive tolive ney XEY KEY TO THEOLOGY 107 the gre possibly effect to the imparting greatespossible mp arting of the 04 possiblg spirit of life or the holy and divine fluid or spiritual element F for to control all other elements agreeable to its own will and tlle tile the will of others who are in communication in perfect unison with itself is just as natural as or inperfect unperfect for the greater to control the less or the strong the weak it is upon the same principle that a higher jle intelligence is ble le to comp rehe nd circumscribe and isilble comprehend comprehe isil istl Ajie instruct that which is less when the worlds were framed god spake cowhen hence Alen alencowhen olen and this divine fluid went forth and executed the mandate by controlling the elements in accordance with the will ivill pattern or design formed in the mind pf11im of him that spake and it that executed wisdom pqndered pandered the pattern of all created things weighed their properties attributes and uses in the balance of mature intellect every minute portionand and member portion portionand of the several departments of life ilfe and being every adaptation to their natural use was clearly conceived formed in the mind and matured ere the mandate was issued and the whole was executed in exact accordance mith with the pattern matured in the divine vith mind by this divine spirit all things were designed and formed by this divine substance all things live move andhave and have a being by this agency moses controlled the sea joshua Jos liua the motions of the earth paniel daniel th his brethren the the mouths of thelious the lions and hisbrethreni thelions thmouths r 108 KEY TO THEOLOGY by this the heavens were opened and were shut the rain or the dearth prevailed armies were subdued the sick healed or the dead raised and all in accordance with the laws of nature it being perfectly natural for the subordinate elements to obey the th e supreme all controlling all pervading element which contains in itself the innate ana inalienable controland anainalienable ling power the modem world called 11t christian christiana claims to have perpetuated the system called 11 christianity while at the same time it declares that the miraculous gifts of the spirit have ceased with as much propriety it might be contended that the magnet had been perpetuated but had lost its magnetic properties that water was perpetuated with virtuessj but had kostits all its virtue virtuesj lost its power to quench thirst iostits or seek its own level that fire was still fire but had flames lost its heat how we inquire can christianity have been perpetuated while its virtues its legitimate powers its anaessence distinguishing features its very life ana and essence have ceased from among men or of what possible use is it if it does exist Is a compass of use when its needle has lost its magnetic attraction Is water of use when it no longer seeks its level or quenches thirst Is fire of use when it loses its heat Is isaa alai of use in a dark and cloudy day or a watch sundial sun dial without a mainspring or are arc the mere forms and ceremonies of any KEY TO THEOLOGY 109 system of use when the divine or legitimate powers for which such forms were instituted are withdrawn 0 man be no longer deceived by solemn mockeries mockeries of ofthings things sacred or by great and holy names applied to corrupt and degenerate systems when the miracles and gifts of the divine spirit ceased from among men christianity ceased the christian ministry ceased the church of christ ceased that ministry which sets aside modem inspiration revelation prophecy angels visions healings &c ac is not ordained of god but is antichristian anti christian in spirit in short it is that spirit of prieste priestcraft raft and kinge kingcraft raft by which the world for many ages has been ruled as with a rod of iron as the sooner the present generation lose all reverence and rrespect for modem 11 christianity with all its powerless forms and solemn mockeries mock eries the sooner they will be prepared to receive the kingdom of god the sooner the treasuries of nations and the purses of individuals are relieved from the support of priestcraft and superstitions so much sooner will they be able and willing to devote their means and influence to print and publish the glad tidings of the fulness falness of the gospel restored in this age to assist in the gathering of the house of israel and in the building of the cities and temples of zion and jerusalem 110 KEY TO THEOLOGY jr kejty 5aiiy i i 1 P i t i yll yil W OHAPTER XIL in6e inbe inae LS akfiels t Y aaa5 IMTS ANW SPIRITS AND boast rireatojbearjthe to bearnth bearjth news ass dss not your lightning wires hsuch 19u c h tardmsanaitne isuch sants woal woul se woaldever hoosen hoose7 aln s wo ain hooser dever aidtm6ifiile smnts deter i2tter choo ietter r Topiqnx oun aiu aau ia n ioojsorv 0 wi re our oolojouflaidantooehortyourwireg fiu t heavenly co heavens 30 converse su auch forr heaveni suchhaslovqinsiqs as love iove inspires suy i dit citift mani-would v fain vpiabove api t6ie taie commune wilh worlds fiincommune xn an portihe angelsrarisport on the ne news g el atr iove i I iHi 1tr ans portice Ns tiititlngarfet yangipf love 1 war waf iiii yff fimiiiii fiMiilli are they not all minister figwtstt forth to 6 whb malt ha jhb liars 1nnsterfoirtjlem shdll shell mdlt te blua alva b&h adlva bation ministeipt lizrs iation 6f tion af iihf heb reb i 14 1 iw 1 t i wbb bah i i- t angels are of the same race as men i they are m th6ydri lri iri iii fact men who have passed from the rudimenlallstate mdi mental state mdimental to the higher spheres of progressive being they have died and risen again to life and are consequently havedied possessed of a divine human body of flesh and bones immortal and eternal they eat drink sing and some of them hold the converse like other men keys of apostleship and priesthood byvhich by which they bychich teach instruct bless and perform miracles ana and many andmany mighty works translated men like enoch elijah john the apostle and three of the apostles of the western hemisphere are also like the ange ls angels KEY TO THEOLOGY lii lil ill i sters bo angels arre&niin ministers th to men upon the earth both one and to the worldon world of spirits theypass tothe worldof they pass from owe worl&af6another world to another with more ease and in less time alfan tlfan we pass from one city to another they tmiawe h ave they have diota single attribute which man has not but their riota attributes are more matured or more developed than the attributes of men in this present sphere of existence whenever the keys of priesthood or in other words the keys of the science of theology are enjoyed 0f4ahe by man on the earth the people dhus byman ahus thus privileged fre are entitledd to the ministering of angels whose business efitifle ithmen ithmer with men on the earth is to restore the keys of the apostleship when lost to ordain men to the ly b tl6ship when there has been no apostolic suc apostleship apbstleship sue session to commit the keys of a anew new dispensation to rieveal the mysteries of history the facts of present or past times and to unfold the events of a future time pd9t tkeyare are sometimes commissioned also to execute Tk eyare they judgments upon individuals cities 6or nations they ean be can 16 present in their glory or they can come in dn the form and appearance of other men they can also be present with without out being visible to mortals aps when they come as other men they will perli peril perll perhaps eat and drink and wash their feet and lodge with friends hence it is written theirfriends their be notyorge forge forgetful trU to entertain strangers for thereby some have enterFT tained angels unai zeares una cares unaicares .11 1111 5 112 their KEY TO THEOLOGY TIIEOLOGY business is also to comfort and instruct instruction in instructin dividual members of the church of the saints to heal them by the laying on of hands in the name of jesus christ or to tell them what means to use in order to get well 5 to teach them good things to sing them a good song to warn them of approaching danger or to deliver them from prison or from death these blessings have always been enjoyed by the people or church of the saints whenever such church has existed on our planet they are not peculiar to one dispensation more than another they were busy in the patriarchal dispensation in theilosaic the mosaic and in the gospel dispensations they delivered lot and destroyed sodom they were busy with moses and the prophets they foretold to zechariah the birth of john they predicted to mary her conception and the birth of jesus christ they informed joseph her husband of her situation they announced the birth of jesus to the shepherds of judea and sang an anthem of peace on earth and good will to man to hail him welcome they attended on his footsteps in all his sojourn on the earth in fact an angel was the instrument to open the gloomy prison of the sepulchre and to call forth the sleeping body of the messiah the first to exclaim he is not here but two angels in white raiment were the is risen first to announce his second advent while he ascended up in the presence of his disciples thus being KEY TO THEOLOGY 113 from the personal attendance on their masdelivere&fronl delivered ter on the earth they turned their attention to the apostles opened the way for their ministry among yew 44wandgentile dew and gentile delivering them from prisonand pri prison and sonand from danger and revealing the mysteries which god saw fit to make known to the saints of that age and aaen when imen all the other apostles had fallen asleep and the iaen apostle john had been banished to dig in the coal mines ofthe lone isle of patmos they still were faithful to their charge they followed him there and there fcrlheir unfolded to him the events of all ages and generations corrupt ions the darkness of the middle ages the corruptions of anti chhist christ under under the name of christianity the antl 6fanti efanti antichrist hevers eivers rivers of blood and the oceans of tears which would flow during eighteen centuries of error the mighty angel who should again commit the gospel ao to the earth for every nation kindred tongue and i people the judgments of god in the downfall of error error and mystery the restitution or restoration of the church of the saints their final triumph and dominion over the earth the descent of jesus christ to reign over all kingdoms the resurrection of the saints and their reign over the earth the end of death and sorrowr and tears and weeping were all all foretold dorfo sorfo liy the angel to the last of the twelve by again in the present age have angels restored the gospel again have they committed the keys of apostleship again have they opened some of the events of thepas chepas the pastt present and future 114 KEY TO THEOLOGY footsteps of apostles prophets and holy martyrs from the cradle to the grave again have they aided in the ministry and assisted to deliver from prisons and from persecutions and death the saints of the most high and again are they about to execute vengeance on great and notable cities and nations of the again have they attended upon the earth 0 what an unspeakable blessing is the ministry of angels to mortal man what a pleasing thought that many who minister to us and watch over us are our near kindred our fathers who have died and risen again in former ages and who watch over their descendants with all the parental care and solicitude which characterize affectionate fathers and mothers on the earth thrice happy are they who have lawful claim on their guardianship and whose conduct does not grieve constrain them to depart from their precious them and constrainthem charge SPIRITS are those who have departed this life and have not yet been raised from the dead these are of two kinds viz good and evil these two kinds also include many grades of good and evil the good spirits in the superlative sense of the word are they who in this life partook of the holy priesthood and ofthe falness of the gospel of the fulness odthe tins class of spirits minister to the heirs of salva KEY TO THEOLOGY 113 115 lla lia jho tion both loth in this world and in tho tho world of spirits the ra appear unto men when permitted 5 taut can laut they ca but not fleshl having a flechl fleshly y tabernacle they cannot hide their &jq ry oglory hence i t if it be a holy jglory lence an unembodied spir spirit ap r onager pp personage onagej wiill be surrounded with a halo of respledent glory or brightness above the brightness of the dentglory ndent sun whereas spirits not worthy to be glorified will appear without this b rilliant haloandl appearwithout and haio j andy halo andl although they often ofsei attempt to pass as light there is as angels of iightthere oftei momm mome or less of darkness about them more mqfeor many spirits of the departed who are unhappy linger in lonely wretchedness about the earth and in the air and especially about their ancient homethem by the ahe rendered dear to bothem tothem the places rendereddear steads and dhe memory of former scenes the more wicked of these are the kind spoken of in scripture as foul spirits gre unclean s pirits 11 spirits who afflict persons in the flesh and engender various diseases in the human system they will sometimes enter human bodies and will distract them throw them into fits ac theywill fere &c fire the eire cast them into the water into themire they will thefire trouble them with dreams nightmare hysterics fever ac they will also deform them in body and in &c ac features es by convulsions cramps contortions &c feature featur ana will sometimescompel sometimes compel them to utter blasphemies and an awill other languages nguages ngu ages horrible curses and even words of oth er la some cause death if permitted they will often cause of these spirits are adulterous and suggest to the C 116 KEY TO THEOLOGY mind all manner of lasciviousness all kinds of evil thoughts and temptations A person on looking another in the eye who is possessed of an evil spirit will feel a shock a nervous feeling which will as it were make his hair stand on end in short a shock resembling that produced in a nervous system by ly the sight of a serpent some of these foul spirits when possessing a person will cause a disagreeable smell about the person thus possessed which will be plainly manifest to the senses of those about him even though the person thus afflicted should be washed and change his clothes every few minutes there are in fact most awful instances of the spirit spirlt spiri of lust and of bawdy and abominable words and actions inspired and uttered by persons possessed oi of such spirits even though the persons were virtuous and modest so long as they possessed their own agency some of these spirits cause deafness others dumb- &c ness ac we can suggest no remedy for these multiplied evils to which poor human nature is sub act except ect subject a good life while we are in possession of our faculties bastings of good and holy men and the fastings prayers and fa stings ministry of those who have powe powerr given them to rebuke evil spirits and cast out devils in the name of jesus christ among the diversified spirits abroad in the world here are many religious spirits which are notof god go3 603 4 not of goa lotof 117 KEY TO THEOLOGY but which deceive those who have not the keys of apostleship and priesthood or in other words the keysof kelsof kv6f the science of theology to guide them some t ese spirits are manifested in the camp meetings of of these certain sects and in nearly all the excite excitements ments and confusions in religious meetings falsely called cc revivals all the strange extacles extacles swoonings swoon ings remmings se scream reamings screamings ings sh outings dancings reamings danc ings jumpings jumpings and a thousand other ridiculous and unseemly manifestations which neither edify nor instruct are the fruits tations of these deceptive spirits we ve must however pity rather than ridicule or despise d spi se the subjects or advocates of these deceptions many of them are honest but they have no apostles ngn pther nqfqther ather officers nor gifts to detect evil or to keep them from being led by every delusive spirit iliemfrom real visions or inspirations which would edify and instruct they are taught to deny should peter or paul or an angel from heaven come among them they would denounce him as an impostor with the assertion that apostles and angels were no longer needed there is still another class of unholy spirits at work inithe world spirits diverse from all these far more ilithe intelligent and if possible still more dangerous i h ese are the spi T spiritos of di these spirit divination spiritof ritof vi nation vision I foretelling familiar spirits animal ivagnetism siagnetism t mesmerism 1 11 ae &e &c 11 which reveal many and great truths mixed with the greatest errors and also display much intelligence 118 XEY TO THEOLOGY KEY notathe but have no the 16 of keys ott the ottlids enc6 o tthe fi enca lidsscience 0 f theology priesthood the holy pries fries chool thool they divinity of christ generally berall ah nerall these spirits ge deny &h offfid ffid and the great truths of the atonement and of the tha resurrection of the body of such are the shakers of the united states and their revelations they deny the resurrection of the body from this source are the revelations of emmanuel swedenborg which also deny the resurrection from this tins source also are the revelations of andrew jackson davis of poughke epsie new york which deny the resurrection and keepsie the atonement from this source are all the revelations which deny the ordinances of the gospel and the keys and gifts of the holy apostleship last of all these are they who climb up in some other way besides the door into the thesheepfold sheepfold and who prophesy or work in their own name and not nor in notin the name of jesus christ no man can do a miracle in bename 6ename the name and ind by the authority of jesus christ eexcep xceptt lihee be a good man scep and authorized bylim by him balim i i 119 KEY TO THEOLOGY f u f f A CHAPTER XIII chaptbrx11l i w 1 4 k W DREAMS t 1 an &n c e hope prin power whence mysterious ri mysttrious ethereal 0 p e ethe gif springs ethereals reals 1I relice sweet relicf heavenly of eternal siefheave ternai things ternal cofe gis thiilws 44 cafe Sief heave fre ris Ina pyM deep thought oj mes lna ins inapym deer dapne MJS dipne au 7 6u re thine the fu future nd tief the past the present and cen ces ransport transport the soul th1 reintmicencea tha 1 aff fff to memory parade goal 44e71itsure insure roal W god 6627 ab e aWA once speajceth for gob wzcqyyeoman man per twicer bncef yea sea twicet sb pef jer ier ceiveth ceimet ceivet it the Vi t tle night i t not in a dream in a of he d vision when deep sleep falleth maen waen slumber ings u upon pon fdleth upon men in slumberings the oed bed then he openeth seaneth and sealeth apeneth oars of men andsealeth cars aceneth the ears their instruction 11 job xxxiii 14 155 16 s i 1I IN all ages and dispensations god haar has reye hasr resealed rese aled many important instructions and warnings to medby mepby men by means of dreams when the outward organs of thought and perception are released from their activity the nerves unstrung and the whole of mortal humanity lies hushed in quiet slumbers in order to renew its strength and vigour it is then that the spiritual organs are at liberty in a certain degree to assume their wonted functions to recall some faint outlines some confused 120 KEY TO THEOLOGY and half defined recollections of that heavenly world and those endearing scenes of their former estate from which they have descended in order to obtain and mature a tabernacle of flesh their kindred spirits their guardian angels then hover about them with the fondest affection the most anxious solicitude spirit communes with spirit thought meets thought soul blends with soul in all the raptures of mutual pure and eternal love in this situation the spiritual organs are susceptible of converse with deity or of communion with angels and the spirits of just men made perfect tills situation we frequently hold communicatilis in this tion with our departed father mother brother sister son or daughter or with the former husband or wife of our bosom whose affection for us being rooted and grounded in the eternal elements or issuing from under the sanctuary of loves eternal fountain can never be lessened or diminished by death distance of space or length of years vve may perhaps have had a friend of the other ave we sex whose pulse beat in unison with our own whose every thought was big with the aspirations the hopes of a bright future in union with our own whose hapnever be tally fully piness in time or in eternity would pever with out that union such a one snatched ummated consummated unmated without cons from time in the very bloom of youth lives in the other sphere with the same bright hope watching our every footstep in our meanderings through the KEY TO THEOLOGY 121 desires for our rugged path of life with longing desiresfor eternal happiness and eager for our safe arrival in eternatlidppiness the same sphere derne ss of love with what solicitude ten tenderness avith what tenderne tenderee of affection will theywatch they watch over our slumbers hang out our pillow and seek by means of the spiritual aAbout fluid to communicate with our spirits to warn us of dangers or temptation to comfort and soothe our sorrow rol roi or to ward off the ills which might befall us or perchance to give us some kind token of remembrance or undying love and virtue it is the pure in heart the lovers of truth andvirtue that will appreciate these remarks for they know by at least a small degree of experience that these things are so vice immorthose who are habitually given to vlcej daliy dally ailt allt alit ality and abomination those who walk in the daily indulgence of unlawful lust those who neither believe in jesus christ nor seek to pray to him and keep his commandments those who do not cultivate the pure refined and holy joys of innocent and winerd finen finer heavenly affection but who would sacrifice every finery feeling at the shrine of lawless pleasure and brutal aes des ires those persons will not understand and ap-7 desires ate these views because their good angels their preci preciate kindred spirits have long since departed and ceased to attend them being grieved and disgusted with their conduct tile spirit of the lord has also been grieved and tlle the 122 KEY TO THEOLOGY has left them to themselves to pt struggle alone amid ruggle the dangers and sorrows of life or tobe the associates of demons and impure spirits such persons dream of adultery gluttony debauchery and crimes of every kind such persons have the foreshadow ings of a doleful death and of darkness and the buffe buffetings rings of fiends and malicious spirits but blessed are they who forfeit not their claims to the watchful care and protection of and communion with the heavenly powers and pure and lovely spirits we can only advise the other classes of mankind and entreat them by the joys of love by all the desires of life by all the dread of death darkness and a dreary hereafter yea by the blood of him who died by the victory of him who rose in triumph from the grave by their regard for those kindred spirits which would gladly love them in worlds without end to turn from their sinful course of life to obey the ordinances and commandments of jesus christ that the spirit of go may return to them and their good angels and goo goj spirits again return to their sacred charge 0 what a comfort it is in this dreary world to be joved coved warm hearted loved and cared for by all powerful warmhearted and lovely friends A dream 1 what have not dreams accomplished dreams and their interpretation brought the jacob ob from his dungeon made 1 him im beloved son of jac I KEY TO THEOLOGY 123 prime minister miiiister of egypt and the saviour of a nation and of his fathers house dreams and the interpretation of dreams raised a daniel from slavery or degrading captivity in babylon to wear a royal chain of gold and to teach royalty how to rule whilst himself presided over the governors and presidents of more than a hundred provinces dreams and the interpretation of dreams have opened the future pointed out the course of empire through all the troublous times of successive ages till saints alone shall rule and immortality alone endure oh what a doleful situation was saul the king of israel plac placed in when the army of the philistines edin stood in battle array against him and the lord answered him not either by dream by prophet by vision or by urim arim and thummim he sought the unlawful gift of familiar spirits or magnetism he there learned his doom and rushed to battle with the desperation of hopeless despair s6ns and the hosts of israel fell in s5ns himself his sans battle in that awful day while david to whom these gifts had been transferred by the ordination and holy anointing of samuel arose by their use to the throne of israel A dream announced to joseph that his virgin wife should have a son A dream forewarned him to flee into egypt with the young child and his mother A dream announced to him in egypt egypi the death of herod and warned him to return to his native land 124 KEY TO THEOLOGY dream warned the wise men from the east to return A dreaiiiwarned home another way and not return to herod to betray the young child dreams and visions warned paul and the apostles and the saints of his day of various dangers shipwrecks persecutions and deaths and pointed out the means of escape v teem more attended and guidedI1 them dreams and visions visionskttirded w thein nd so or less in tjiqi their wholert sojourn on the i oolert ministry and earth i f ir t 1 su r T A t f 4 t v 1 ra r1 t ft f T r T r r f I1 i f r ft f frn f 2 j f yr rne rke an pn JE A t f h ra r1 A 1 f tn r 1 s 5 jt r ir r 1 v if t i ony uny onh n t as fs ery ero sif sit iffitf NM k l 125 KEY TO THEOLOGY f chape R XIV CHAPTER rib6p THE WORLD OP SPIRITS theng SIRITS thena thenq hibits 0 ye worlds of Hlight oar sphere ht and life beyond our mysterious mystenouscountry country your light appe c6untry let yourlight appear ye angels lift the vail vali vall rail tali the truth unfold taii and give our seers a glimpse of that bright world tell where ihcre ye live and what are your teil iacre teli our employ lour your present blessing and your future joy have kate say hate have you learnd the name and tund the lyre i andlymnd hymna the praise of him the great me and hymnd is iahl aahl1 messiah bstj stj have loves emotions kindld kinald in your bre breast and hope enraptued enrapture enrapt urd lewd enrapturd promisd rest I1 sewd the promise seizd norwait or wait orwait walt ye still the resurrection day that higher promise of millennial sway 1I when saints and angels come to earth again and in the flesh with king messiah reign V I1 the spirits answered as they soard away 7 were happy now but wait a greater day N in sin and death and hell shall conquers when conque conquerd rd be and earth with heaven enjoy the Tic victory tory 11 i 1 THE spirit of man consists of an organization or embodiment of the elements of spiritual matter in the likeness and after the pattern of the fleshly tabernacle it possesses in fact all the organs and parts exactly corresponding to the outward tabernacle the entrance of this spirit into its embryo tabernacle of flesh is called quickening the infallible evidence of its presence is voluntary motion which 126 KEY TO THEOLOGY implies a degree of independent agency or inherent will which individual identity alone possesses when this spirit departs the outward tabernacle is said to be dead that is the individual who quickened and imparted voluntary motion to the said tabernacle is no longer there this individual on departing from its earthly house repasses the dark yale vale of forgetfulvaie ness and awakes in the spirit world the spirit world is not the heaven where jesus christ his father and other beings dwell who have by resurrection or translation ascended to eternal mansions and been crowned and seated on thrones of power nut but it is an intermediate state a probation a place of preparation improvement instruction or education where spirits are chasteney chast chastened ened and improved and where if found worthy they may be taught a knowledge 0of the gospel in short it is a place whe where the gospel is preached and where faith repenwherethe rethe tance hope and charity may be exercised a place of waiting for the resurrection or redemption of the body while to those who deserve it it is a place of punishment a apurgatory purgatory or hell where ispirits spirits are buffet ted till the day of redemption buffetted As to its location it is here on the very planet where we were born bom or in otherwords other words the earth and otherwards bob other planets of alike ilke sphere have theirinward a like their inward or spiritual spheres as well as their outward or temporal the one is peopled by temporal tabernacles and the other by spirits A vail is drawn KEY TO THEOLOGY 127 between thebnesphere the one sphere and the otherl other whereby all in the spiritual sphere are rendered invithe objectsin objects objectsin sible to those in the temporal to discern beings or things in the spirit world a person in the flesh must be quickened by spiritual element the vail must be withdrawn or the organs of sight or of hearing must be transformed so as to be adapted to the spiritual sphere this state is ac called vision trance second sight clairvoyance &c the elements and beings in the spirit world are as real and tangible to spiritual organs as things and realand i gs of the temporal world are to beings of a tembeings bem poral state in this spirit world there are all the varieties and grades of intellectual being which exist in the wor present world eor for instance jesus christ and the thief on the cross both went to the same place and found themselves associated in the spirit world but the one was there in all the intelligence happiness benevolence and charity which characterized a teacher a messenger anointed to preach glad broken hearted to to the meek to bind up the brokenhearted tidings tidingsto comfort those who mourned to preach deliverance to the captive and open the prison to those who were reach the gos preach bound or in other words to P gospel pel fei fel to the spirits unprison might he ie judged in prison that they migit inprison tomen according to men in the plesh flesh faesi aiesi while the other was there chime crime and for crimp cross ror as a thief who had expired on the crossfor whowag unprepared who was guiftyignorant guilty ignorant uncultivated and andunprepared 128 KEY TO THEOLOGY for resurrection having need of remission of sins and to be instructed in the science of salvation tild bid farewell to the world of spirits on the former ibid the third day and returned to his tabernacle of flesh in which he ascended to thrones principalities and powers while the latter is no doubt improving in the spirit world and waiting believing hoping for the redemption of the body in the world of spirits there are apostles prophets elders and members of the church of the saints holding keys of priesthood and power to teach comfort instruct and proclaim the gospel gopel to their fellow spirits after the pattern of jesus christ in the same world there are also the spirits of catholics and protestants of every sect who have all to be taught and to come to the knowledge of need 40 the true unchangeable gospel in its fulness falness and simplicity that they may be judged the same as if they had been privileged with the same in the flesh 1M mahometano Taho tahometan there is also the jew the mahometan I ahometan the infidel laho who did not believe in christ while in the flesh all these must be taught must come to the knowledge of the crucified and risen redeemer and hear the glad tidings of the gospel there are also all the varieties of the heathen spirits the noble and anil refined philosopher poet patriot or statesman of rome home or greece the en- lightened socrates plato and their like together 129 Y TO THEOLOGY ely TIIEOLOGT KET KE elt with every grade of spirits down to the most savage world uncultivatedd of the say sav uncultivate uncultivatc all these must be taught e nlightened and must bow the knee tp the tho eternal eing kingi king for the decree hath eq shall bow how and forth tha ginto dpn very imee every aimee gone fortht4 Tinto hpn thatinto every ton9mpcqnfis tongtt& confessff 1 ael tel field of misd of ia of ofbenevolence labour benevolence 0 what a tei 197iof sionary elite enterprise the apostles and naw opens to fhe ti sa nqw p f the ofah a saints of the gjiurqh afpf elders efah th s field saint As this maro fully the opens th they iil begin to realize mqro orfwwill on and the meaning of extent of their d ivine mission c the great corgm qn t o treaca borgm an dto conutiand treack the gospel to every ato preach creature gqj field of labour the priesthood are in a yat in this yat vat gaj aheir sojourn their sqj great measure occupied during blaring ameir oum ilaring saj oub in the world of spir action of ection resura awaiting the resurr spirits resurrection its whilo awal awai the body ahalt selves are and at theiam6tipapthy the same time they tem themselves aaalt edified improved imp royed and greatly advanced and matured in the sci0jiqppf science of divine thqo1 theology 07 0.7 07 heys of this science by then1tv intlictiseofthekeys in the use of the keys them administered and in connexion with the min ministration istrati on ministrati of certain ordinances by the priesthood in this who are dead mortal life for and in behalf of those whoare whobre the doors of the prisons of the spirit world are opened and their gloomy dungeons made radiant with light afresh joy and gladness hope then springs fresh acc swell th th&ibosom accustomed abc uj m 4 to anguish and smiles assume jikpjqqerof tears fears while songs of triumph occu occupy and the voice of melody and thanksgiving mccu py 4 K 130 KEY KE Y TO THEOLOGY the hearts and flow from the lips of those who have ther tho the region and shadow long dwelt in darkness and in them of death the times of sojourn of a spirit in the world of spirits and also its privileges and degrees of enjoyment or of suffering while there depend much on its preparations while in the flesh for instance the people swept off by the flood of noah were imprisoned in the world of spirits in a priesthood Pries thoo d kind of hell without justification without priesthoo or gospel without the true knowledge of god or a hope of resurrection during those long ages which intervened between the flood and the death of christ it was only by the personal ministry of the spirit of jesus christ during his sojourn in the spirit world that they were at length privileged to hear the gospel and to act upon their own agency the same as men in the flesh whereas if they had repented at the preaching of noah they might have been justified and filled with the hope and knowledge of the resurrection while in the flesh when jesus christ had returned from his mission in the spirit world had triumphed over the grave and reentered re entered his fleshly tabernacle then the saints who obeyed had obey ed the gospel while in the flesh and had slept in death or finished their sojourn in the spirit world enter ter their bodies and to re en reenter reeh were called forth to reen wiih ascend with riih him to mansions and thrones of eternal power while the residue of the spirits remained in the world of spirits to await another call 131 KEY TO THEOLOGY iimiv O thoseviuy eye the gospel on the ear thosevho oobeyed earth th after this first firstr&surrection will algo alsqjbe be called from their also aiso sojourn in the spirit world and reunited re- united with their tabernacles of flesh at the sounding of the next trump and will reign on the earth in the flesh one thousand 0 years while those who rejected gqsp el will reiectedlhegbspel reiected tir gosp VANI remain in the spirit world wit withouta houtaa resurrection till with6ui after the thousand years y again those who obqtyq present gopelinthp thgolin1hpresent 0 ap np ra eja r4 eba lew lei lri acye arye fionl1fii mana age will if rise gsinvv h acre ro id mand f from om the man9 0 gig gli yytytjt5 iiii sii i isii si ailo onss thew grave and reigni reigns bonss IiA then eeartlidunng via & tiring iiatiring the great r vla ily J IM y ears thousand wnilltnfft6mhir r will remain vinyla xttgs vinyls tifa fitas if tif7 i in condemnationin t condemnitionia condemnation eworla without a in ethein etorla sh111 01 resurrection sl al sound and elal siai resurrect as remd i 6 n till slal rumd sial ana anci ancl and hell death anclhell cdeliver dellver heli helldeliver ad le1i ve r up their adead w teprrpt 1 pf4 tt hse ik 1 il ithein i thrast thlast s i 71 A fi e1 adey hj ea trn vjtrn VJ vl f1 fa ri 117 hi7 hia TI r nitty ular nitt ullr W T ifo Tiro t s i i y yl siu ilu ldr tat5 IA aldr far1 mt I 1 jva ava dwa dve 1 T 1 rs 1 1 r l i 132 KEY TO THEOLOGY charter CHAPTER XV RX nE SURRECTION nesurrection resurrection ITS TIMES ITSTIMI nii hil nil hilma nilma AMD DEGREES AND tii til MA OR AND THIRD iiijt D HEAVENS oil THE TELESTIAL KINGDOMS AND CELESTIAL kingd6119 celistial s FIRST fili finst SECOND terrestrial 4 it graye etain graverand gray gravevand heli BO heii heil bell no more lietain graveland and death and hell evand the grave raquicaptives ilai iirth elain slain captives kirth earth yields their lawful fields its ilag lo wly bed oce from its lowly the raging ocean lead leaa at michaels call delivers up its dead comes thejudgment doom final thencomes finildooni the judgment and the finai then bomes vib man bib bib dertifllejondthe hib 01 his the tomb detilzbeyotid oiinan there generay elay eraY genelay are three thiee general gen elai resurrections revealed to man on the earth 5 one of these is past and the other two are future took place in conthe first general resurrection tookplace nexion with the resurrection of jesus christ this included the saints and prophets of both hemispheres from adam adain down to john the baptist or in other words all thoe who died in christ before his resurrection tako place in afew a few years from the take the second will takeplace anatoly immediately aiatoly succeeded by lie tie be imme present time and will the porter jesus nnd great glory and christ in porier the coming of j6s pgveruhd U christin with all his saints and angels this resurrection tile former and latter day saints all tlle will include the js KEY TO THEOLOGY 133 those who have received the gospel since the former havereceivedthe resurrection rection will take place resurrection the third and last resur more than a thousanuyears thousand years afterwards and will embrace all the human family not included in the former resurrections or translations after man is raised from the dead he will be judged according to his works angwill and will receive the andwill reward and be consigned to the sphere exactly corresponding to his former deeds and the thepreparations preparations or qualifications which he possesses in the former resurrection those raised left the earth and ascended or were transplanted far on high with the risen jesus to the glorified mansions of his father or to some planetary system already reasonss for thus redeemed and glorified the reason leaving the earth are obvious our planet was still in its rudimental state and therefore subject to the rule of sin and death it was necessary that it should continue thus until the full time of redemption should ardive arrive it was therefore entirely unfitted for shouldarrive the residence of immortal man but in the resurrection which now approaches and in connexion with the glorious coming of jesus christ the earth will undergo a change in its physical features climate soil productions and in its political moral and spiritual government levelled its valleys exalted levelled its mountains will be bevelled its swamps and sickly places will be drained 134 KEY TO THEOLOGY and become healt iiy2 while djs healthy its burning0 deserts tsy deser tsi and its frigid polar regions will he be redeemed and become temperate and fruitful rafa Kinge raat kingcraft raft and priestcraft tyranny tyran nyi oppre oppression ston sion and slon idolatry will he be at an end ancl cud darkness anci and ignorance miil wiil pass away war will cease will vill cease and the rule asin and sorrow orrow and death will ivill eel eni to the reign of 4 cc jo ini ve pl place glye give peace and truth and righteousness fulfil certain promises made for this reason and to fulfill to the fathers the jformer and rattek day saints im andijlatter included in thetwo the two resurrectionsand resurrectiongi resurrectionsang thetfo sand all those translated will then receive receive an inheritance on the earth and will build upon and improve the same for a thousand years the heathen nations also will then be redeemed and will be exalted to the privilege of serving the saints of the most high they will be the plough men the vine dressers the gardeners builders etc but the saints will be the ownbrapf owners of the soil the proprietors of all real estate estate and other precious things and the kings governors and nd judges of the ndjudges adjudges earth As the children of man multiply in those peaceful times a careful and wise system of agriculture will be rapidly developed and extended over the face of ot the whole earth its entire surface will at length become like the garden of eden the arees trees drees of life thetrees being cultivated and their fruits enjo enjoyed yed enio science and the useful and ornamental arts will I1 fo nna kna 135 KEY TO THEOLOGY fine toned the rine also be greatly extended and cultivated thefinetoned instrument of many strings the melodious organs of volce will then be tuned to poetry and the human voice sentiments equally pure and refined and will pour forth melodies and strains of holy joy calculated to purify and melt every heart in love and fill every soul with mutual sympathy and extasy of heavenly union geographical knowledge history astronomy mathematics and navigation will be greatly extended roaas and telegraphic lines of and matured railroads Eail rali roads rall communication will be universally extended and the powers of steam or other means of locomotion brought to the highest state of perfection in one great associateddin associate thus all nations will be associatedin brotherhood A universal theocracy will cement the whole body politic one king will rule one tempie will holy city will compose the capitol one temple be the centre of worship in short there will be one lord one faith one baptism and one spirit one equable just and useful commercial interest founded on the necessity and convenience of mutual exchange of products will also form another important bond of union greatly mineralogy will also be greata greatly improved and its knowledge extended its hidden treasures will be developed and gold silver and the most precious and beautiful stones will be the building materials in most common use and i 136 KEY TO THEOLOGY compose habata he6 ilutensilrnu1 bf the habita will co furniture of iteiisliajifitliftifniturd nl 0 se th eions tions of man ihus restored anee andesalted ande salted will amtxalted the earth and man thus not yet be perfect in the celestial sense i4doahe word the but will be considered in tulight tU light opiwinity oietenuty as r ail still intermediate occupying all an and progressive ali position amid the varieties of nature the flesh bones sinews nerves all the organs elestial body must be all the particles of the cceldstial at divine and that quickened filled surrounded with th more intelligent more imi&intelligent holy element which is pu purer leb iee rei moreintelligent A li refined and active fuller 0of light than any nntt lighi aantl other substance in the universe every or mus t be0 restored and adapted to organ gan must us 6 in the eifect use eifel ecelestial perfect ase its natural arid a ifdp celestial estial body th ecel i whe 14 1 greek philosophers the greekph immortal mind again with flesh andboneand hone and nerve combined and bone immortal brain and heart immortal r4mmortal whole will make as at first a living soul fiisi A the filisi man thus the en hii adap t e a to hil all ments enjoy enjoyments tauS adapted allane coymen t s of life and alltne t4u joymen posess the means of gratifying his organs love will possess ac and of sight liearingast hearing taste &c adwill a n dwill will possess posess improve and enjoy the riches of the eternal elements the palace the city the garden the vineyard the fruits of the earth the gol golddAhe goi the silver the precious stones goldace goldahe the servants the chariots horses and horsemen are for his use also thrones and dominions principalities and powers might majesty and an eternal increase in creage creade of br 137 KEY TO THEOLOGY silm mortality siim nand eternal life are his land riches hbjibur iortality and lidfr6mimmortality riches7 richest na n8 62 a sense god or in other a subordinate is2 im d te k agod i6bordiiia he isisa atod things gs are his words boned one of theionsofg6it the sons bons of god all thin 2oned hiisiisg6118 ande and he is Christ is gods and christs8 anac andcchrist millennium such is the great 3eilbnni eelan inow such is caksmal7dian celestial eilan in hig progress towards suchia and suchig inhw perfection auly there celet ialy besides the 16 peculiar glory of the celetialy nattre kattre man a fifinai rewardd of mant resurrection an are in the thqkesuft6ction and final many subbrdiriafe spheres many d6gibdild degrees of reward cirduffistances adapted to analmok an almost iiifinitevaried infinite variety 6of circumstances conditions dee degrees def frees of improvement i4rovement knowledge acidcon&ct count countability ability and conduct varying of man though tal ying in almost the final state or tai vai infinite gradations and rewards adapted to his qualisdale of seale ficat ions and deserts ana fications and meted out in the scale exact justice and mercy may be conceived or expresspheressi sed under three grand heads or principal sphere viz first the telestial or least heaven typified by starson the starsof stars of khe firmament the fir manolt heaven secondly the terrestrial or intermediate in the moon typified by them oon thirdly th606f6iial the celestial or third third heaven of which the sun of the firmament is typ cyp typical kal rai ral anddprepare prepare intelligences the qualifications which fit an for thesedi the these different sphere sor re sphed64or there rewards fferent spheresor sedl sedi war asila seal dsilaarre6 an in all important consideration anndd well worthy of the sincere attention of all people 1 138 XEY TO THEOLOGY KEY these several kingdoms or degrees and their comtive happiness and what characters are candiparative para dates for each degree are revealed in a most concise clear lucid and beautiful manner in one of th thee visions of our great prophet and founder we will therefore complete this chapter by the insertion of said 11 VISION hear 0 ye heavens and give ear 0 earth and rejoice ye inhabitants thereof for the lord is god and beside him there is no saviour great is his wisdom marvellous marcellous marv ellous are his ways and the extent of his doings none can find out his purposes fail not neither are there any who can stay his hand from eternity to eternity he is the same and his years never fail 11t for thus saith the lord 1I the lord am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me ana and delight to honour those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory and to them will 1I reveal all mysteries yea all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old and forages for ages to come will 1I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom elemit eternityy shall they know yea even the wonders of etemit and things to come will 1I show them even the things of many generations and their wisdom shall be great and their understanding reach to heaven and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish and the understanding of the prudent ptdeat shall come to naught REY TO THEOLOGY KEY 139 for by my spirit will 1I enlighten them and by my power will 1 make known unto them the secrets of my will willj billj yea even those things which eye has not seen nor ear heard nor yet entered into the heart of man t I we joseph smith jun and sidney rigdon being in the spirit on the sixteenth of february in the year of our lord one thous anel eight hundred and ancl anci thousand thirty two by the power of the spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened so as to see and understand the things of god even those t1iings bilings tilings which were from the beginning before the world was which were ordained of the father through his only begotten son who was in the bosom of the father even from the beginning of whom we bear record and the record which we bear is the ful ness of the gospel of jesus christ who is the son whom we saw and with whom we conversed in the heavenly vision for while we were doing the work of translation which the lord had appointed unto us we came to the twenty ninth verse of the fifth chapter john which of johnwhich whick was given unto us as follows speaking of the resurrection of the dead concerning those who shall hear the voice of the son of man and shall come forth they who have done good in the resurrection of the just and they who have done evil vil in vii now this caused us ti the resurrection of the njust unjust to marvel for it was given giv div en unto us of the spirit and while we meditated upon these things the lord touched the eyes of our understandings and they were 140 KEY TO THEOLOGY opened and the glorydthe glory of the lord shone shonb round about behold the glory of thek and we beheld tho son ison on the right the ofhis hand of the father and received ochis ful ness and of hig his fulness falness saw the holy angels and they who are sanctified before beford god and the lamb who worwor his throne worshipping shipping ship him for ever and ever and now after the many testimonies which have been given of him this is the testimony last of all which we give of him that he lives for we saw him even on the right hand of god and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the only begotten of the father that by him and through him and of him the worlds are gre and were created and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto god and this we saw also and bear record that an angel of god who was in authority in the presence of god who rebelled against the only begotten son whom the father loved and who was in the bosom of the father was thrust down from the presence of god and the son and was called perdition for the heavens wept over him he was lucifer lo he is behold and 10 of the morning and we beheld odthe a son ofthe fallen is fallen even a son of the morning and while we were yet in the spirit the lord commanded us that we should write the vision for we beheld behold satan that old serpent even the devil who rebelled against god and sought to take the kingdom of goa god and his christ wherefore he maketh mabeth war our gos a i nts of with th the6 Ssaints hem round d god and encompasses tthem about and we saw a vision of the sufferings of those KEY TO THEOLOGY 141 whoya h& whojn with choya and overcame for thus came war h6 ha made warand aarand the voice of the lord unto us Is concerning eming all those who thus saith the lord conc have been made partakers know my power and haye par takers thereof and suffered themselves through the power of bqqyercome overcome and to deny the truth and the devil to be defy my power they are they wilo who are the sons of perdition of whom 1I say that it had been better for born for they are vessels of them neverto to have been bom never heverto wrath doomed to suffer the wrath of god with the devil and his angels in eternity concerning whom 1I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come having denied the holy spirit it and having denied the only after having received ity begotten son of the father ha ving crucified him ather having unto themselves and put him to an open shame ot these are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone with the devil and his angels and the only ones iones on whom the second death shall have lones oqiy ones who shall not any power yea verily the only be redeemed in the due time of the lord after the sufferings of his wrath for all the rest shall be forth by the resurrection of the dead through brought northby forthby the triumph and the glory of the lamb who was slain who was in the bosom of the father and this is the before the worlds were made thei tho glad tidings which the voice out of the the gospel them vorp he came into the vora record unto us that ho barp heavens borp ovrccord virid v- irld even jesus to be crucified for the world and to k r 1 142 XCEY kley KEY TO THEOLOGY tho sins of the bear the thdw6rld world and to sanctify the wo ad world and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness that through him all might be saved whom the father had put into his power and made by him who glorifies the father and saves all the works of his hands except those sons of perdition who deny the son after the father has revealed him wherefore he saves all except them they shall go away into everlasting punishment which is endless punishment which id is eternal punishment to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity where their worm dieth not and we the fire is not quenchedwhich quenched which is their torment and the end thereof neither the place thereof nor their torments torment tormenti no man knows neither was it revealed neither is neither will be revealed unto man except to them who are made partakers par takers thereof nevertheless 1I the lord show it by vision unto many but straightway shut it up again wherefore the end the width the height the depth and the misery thereof they understand not neither any man except them who areor are orarbor dained unto this condemnation and we heard the voice saying write the vision for 10 lo this is the end of the vision of the sufferings of the ungodly 1 and again we bear record for we saw and heard and this is the testimony of the gospel of christ ebli concerning them who come forth in the resurrectionof resurrection of the just they are they who received the testimony of jesus and believed on his jaala name baptizer ptized laala6 and were baptized after the manner of his burial being buried in the ta t6 KEY TO THEOLOGY 143 water in his name and this accordi to the commandaccording ng tothecommand ile has given that by keeping the comlle ment which lie he mand ments they might he mandments flom be washed and cleansed from all their sins and receive the holy spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power and who overcome by faith and are sealed by the holy spirit of promise which the father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true they are they who are the church of the first bom born bob they are they into whose hands the father has given all things they are they who are aie priests and kings who llave ful ness and of his glory and are falness have received of his fulness priests of the most high after the order of melchisde melchise dek which was after the order of enoch which was after the order of the only begotten son wherefore as it is written they are gods even the sons of god wherefore all things are theirs whether life or death or things present or things to come all are theirs and they are christs and christis chhist is gods and they shall christ overcome all things wherefore let no man glory in man but rather let him glory in god who shall subdue all enemies under his feet these shall dwell in tile tlle the presence of god and his christ for ever and ever wilen these are they whom he shall bring with him when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to reign on the carth over his people these are they who shall earth shail have shali part in the first resurrection these are theywho they who in the resurrection cti6n of the just the 6ahintheresurre shali comefwh shail shall se these slallcote are they who are come unto mount zion and unto the 3 th 1144 ild 14 144 114 ofe sg KEY TO THEOLOGY hollest ve 1v place iq heavenly tho holiest the godi the hea gadi god city qlaa alaa e S have who haye innu come to an annu of all tlies&are they havccome t4qwho til q s to tii erol assembly eral meral1j& C cqompany to6eneral pany mera p4ny gof angels 1laoni the fira firm st fu and fina of fust o f those enoch these and church 0 ps I 1 V where ane are written in heaven whre are they wjipse beav feav en whore wbs6 names ano th y god and christ ane are those are they the jjudge of all these anthe aq perpq 13esus the jaerfecfc through jesus who are just men made whoarejivtn cove pov covenant now new coye of the pow mediator ofjhe naatw ofshe ntwwho6 wrought out this tho eneidi eneddi sn edding of his o0 wn atonement perfect atqt atutnpaent through the awo awe ac hese9 aro blood are lne whose they 5c bodies are celestial y who the even the glory of god whose glory is that of the biln sun eyen eventhe whosq siln pf ehg ail ll1 whose of the firmaaf tho sun the 0of aali the highest glory alory ma Is m4 1 ar 1r as ang wng typical ment isS written of jbeing typjb thp ald aid the terrestrial world and aja and again we saw ohp whop gre ndlq behold ttand are of the terrestrial iq hesp are they yil yll t OTS from that of the church of the glpry hdiffers glory whosee g1pry 1ffors falness of the father ived the fulness tved have rece received whp first bborn ohp pyave piave sun in the irom t asthat thal of the moon differs rom a4ihaf even althal asthal god aro they who ged ehold these are firmamehtii4h6ld firmament firma ood without behold h e spirits pt h 0 aret py who are the also9 vla via they law and pfmen aals pimen ra on kept in arel ardaaas rqn 115ite d ana son 1visited and preached the gosprison w hom the sqn they imight e judged at fhey uptcf that pel lutito junta according utito tl the f lesh w h hoq receiver notum stimon y n ibb testimony men in not the te to meni ofjesu in the flesh bhut jesus ihi but a fterwards receive receivedd it of m6i n ahoy our hb hi they who men of the earth honour onourable are h these are oui able mai blinde who wero wexo 6adJay the craftiness of men these are in aa were blindedjay 1ory but falness fulness glory n of his fulness Is 9 hut butnbt they who receive of 1his pres ence they wjqre iveot nee 0of the son these are 4re theywioreceiveofthe ivert presence tile fulness tlle falness of the father wherefore they but not of the I1 I pie T mt 1 1 I 044 ts t4s 9p7 te thare 7 i6 ia I1 I1 4 145 KEY TO THEOLOGY are bodies terrestrial and not bodies celestial and differ diff in glory as the moon differs from the sun these diffevin evin erin areithey ar6ithey who are not valiant in the testimony of bf jesus i wh6r afore they obtained not the crown over thek efore wherefore whir the king ing dom ofour domo our god and now this is the end of the domofour vision which we saw of the terrestrial that the lord commanded us to write while we were yet in ane spirit tne tile tiie and again we saw the glory of the telestial which gidry is that of the lesser even as the glory of the glory sfa stars rs differs from that of the moon in the firmament these arethay are they who received not the gospel in arethey of christ neither the testimony of jesus these are they who deny not the holy spirit these are they who are thrust down to hell these are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection until the lord even christ the lamb ishall shall have finished his work these are they who receive not of his fulness falness in the eternal world but of 0f the holy spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial re and the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial and also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minisfor them or who are appointed to be ministering ter forthem fortham spirits for them for they shall be heirs of salvation and thus we savr saw sair in the heavenly vision the glory of the telestial which surpasses all understanding and ani no man knows it except him to whom god has revealed it and thus we saw the th i 146 KEY TO THEOLOGY aki things the akl inaki ofsthe all which excelsin excels in ofstie terrestrial striallwhich glory ofituaerre idl telestial estial even in glory and in p ower the idi odthe glory of ofthe we saw and in might and in dominion and thus wesaw tile glory of the celestial which excels in all things tlle the where god even the father reigns upon his throne ever how for even eier and ever before whose throne all things bow i for ever and in humble reverence and give him glory ever they tiley who dwell in his presence are the church tlley andd seen ana of the first born and they see as they are seenan know as they are known having received of his ful and he makes them equaiin equal in ness and of his grace 5 anque the dithe althe andithe power and in might and in dominion An and ardithe odthe glory ofthe glory of the celestial is one even as the glory6f4he cven even the terrestrial is onecven one even sunisone sun issone one and the glory of theterrestrialis suni is one and the gloryof glory of tile the glory of the moon bisone isone as tiie the telestial is one even as the glory of the stars is unglory in glory o0 ne for as one star differs from another star inglory tales teleseven so differs one from another in glory in the t6les tildy who are of paul and tial world for these are they tialworld Apol apollos of apoi iosi and of cephas these are they who say losi they are some of one and some of another some of christ and some of john and some of moses and esaia8 and some of some of eilas and some of esaias ellas elias ofelias hut received not the isaiah and some of enoch but islah isiah gospel neither the testimony of jesus neither the prophets neither the everlasting covenant last of all these all are they who will not be gathered with odthe of the first be caught up unto the church ofthe tile tiie the saints to he born boi bol boinn and received into the cloud these are they lorn 1 KEY TO THEOLOGY 147 who are aresliars ares liars and sorcerers and adulterers and whoremongers who remonggers and whosoever loves and makes a lie whoremong these are they who suffer the wrath of god on the earth these are they who stiffer suffer the vengeance of eternal fire these are they who are cast down to tile tlle hell and suffer the wrath of almighty god until the falness of times when christ shall have subdued all fulness enemies under his feet and shall have perfected work when he shall deliver up the kingdom his wonk vork and present itunto it unto the father spotless saying sayin 1I have overcome and have trodden the win press alone even the wine press of the fierceness of the lie ile he he be crowned wrath of almighty god then shall lle with avit ivith the crown of his glory to sit on the throne of his p ower to reign for ever and ever but behold lo we saw the glory and the inhabitants of the and 10 telestial world that they were as innumerable as the stars in the firmament of heaven or as the sand upon the sea shore and heard the voice of the lord saying q these all shall bow the knee and every tongue shall confess to him who sits upon the throne for ever accordia according to their judged accordin and ever for they shall be bejudged works and every man shall receive according to his llis own dominion in the mansions which own works his are ate prepared and they shall be servants of the most high but where god and christ dwell they cannot tile come worlds without end this is the end of tiie the vision which we saw which we were commanded to tile spirit tlle write while we were yet in the 148 KEY TO THEOLOGY eat and marvellous marcellous are thewbrks great the works of the but gr lord and the mysteries of his kingdom which he showed unto us whichsurpasses which surpasses all ali allunderstanding ail understanding in glory and in might and in dominion which he commanded us we should not write while we we were re yet in the spirit and are not lawful for man to utter inthe neither is man capable to m ake them known for they are only to be seen and understood by the power of the holy spirit which god bestons bestows on those who iove him and purify themselves before him 5 to whom love lovehim he grants this privilege of seeing and knowing for themselves that through the power and manifestation of the spirit while in the flesh they may be able to bear his presence in the world of glory and to god and the lamb be glory and honour and nd ever amen dominion for ever a naeter ititkj p i a apy ts wff aff far mf s f fi t4s ffrako rf ASO rf r f f K i s rg f t f k i r fat f4t i 4 1 flilssw ir 41kv tyk tri iii it t t r r i i jui jut i r T I1 ssi lsi f i f t ifitn t t s f 149 KEY TO THEOLOGY X VI CHAPTER XVI r FURTHER REMARKS ON MANS PHYSICAL AND intellectual FURTHED PROGRESS philosophy OF WILL AS originating DIRECTING ind AND controlling ALL VOLUNTARY ANIMAL MO MOTION TION motlon astounding FACTS IN RELATION TO THE SPEED OR VELOCITY attainable BY PHYSICAL MAN interc03kl intercominhabitants OF DIFFERENT AND OF MOTION AS MUNI CATION munication carion OF THE carlon DISTANT PLANETS wide and more wide the kindling bosom swells aa As love inspires and truth its wonders tells boul aoul enraptured tunes the sacred lyre soui the soul and bids a worm of earth to heaven aspire mid solar systems numberless to soar to explore the depths of love and science toexplore As 1I have before remarked man is a candidate for a series of progressive changes all tending to develop his intellectual and physical faculties to expand his hisintellectual mind and to enlarge his sphere of action and consequent usefulness and happiness he begins his physical or rudimental fleshly career by descending below all things he has at hisA birth less power of locomotion or even instinct hi than other animals so very limited that for his powers of motion are BO ills his several months he is entirely unable to change llis locality wherever he is placed there he must rere main until removed by the agency of others he 150 XEY TO THEOLOGY KEY can hardly be said to have a will or at least it is so undeveloped as scarcely to manifest itself by any effort beyond the movement of some portion of his membersJ while heremains he remains in this state of mental inability and physical helplessness a casual observer entirely unacquainted with his progress and destiny might very naturally conclude that this was the climax of his maturity the natural sphere of his eternal existence A few months however develop a marked change he begins to learn the use and put forth the powers of his will the body developed in a commensurate degree is able to obey that vm will thus commence commencess locomotion the child crawls or creeps about the floor explores the little world that is to say the room where he resides or the adjoining apartment 13 becomes mes familiar with its dimensions bearings and con tents and recognize contents recognizess his associates or fallo f6llo fellow w citizens of the same little world then he ile becomes lle lie familiar with the science of geography and of history if 1I may so call it in his little world prompted by curiosity he may perhaps cast an occasional glance beyond the limits of his own abode ay contemplate a building or landscape on the hc may he other side of the street or field but with much of the same beling feeling as a man more matured casts his eyes castshis ey es to the distant planets he concludes that these distant objects are a re entirely beyond the reach of his powelg powers ot locomo locomotion lococo tion ii KEY TO THEOLOGY 151 sliorltim6j in a shoruime however his faculties i still expanddevelop new and increasing energies cecon ing ingdevelop hecon ha conceives ives cely ce big thoughts 031 ug he even thinks of dispensing with his plodding creeping manner of locomotion and of trying to stand upright and even make a first step towards walking it is a great undertaking he hesitates doubts fears hopes till finally being wara cheered or onward ward in his career by his parents or his orward onward nurse he makes the attempt after several falls failures and disappointments he at length succeeds unwalking in inwalking walking two or three steps 0 what a triumph in his powers of locomotion he is cheered embraced overwhelmed by those who haye hi hare hate been watching his progress and encouraging him until overcome and ecstasy of transport he falls carried away by an extasy estasy blushing smiling and exulting into the arms held out ion lon fon for his reception he dreams not of a higher attainment he is now in his own estimation at the very VW highest pinnacle of human development locomotion he soon improving in his new mode of oflocomotion runs about the yard along the street through the field makes new discoveries sees new habitationspn7 habitations enlarges his geographical knowledge and begins to tog top conceive the probability that his views have been too narrow and that there may be a bigger world more maybe n4rrow people peo pi e and more buildings than were dreamed of in his hisphilosophy philosophy maybecomq fewyears may become familiar with the in a few years he maybecome geography andhistory and history of the island or continent on 152 KEY TO THEOLOGY which he lives he may even begin to aspire after the knowledge of other climes and to conceive or conjecture that beyond the limits of the almost infinite expanse of waters things and beings may exist after the similitude of his own sphere he siedl barriers which conlongs to overcome the phy physical fine him in so limited a sphere and thus enlarge hiss acquaintance his social feelings his friendship his affections and his scientific knowledge so boundless and varied is the field so complicated are the obstacles to be surmounted BO so vastthe vast the preparations parations improvements and inventions to be brou brought 94t into requisition that after ages and generations have exhausted their energies much is still left to be done be done by the progress done much which can only bedone and extension of those modern of art modem triumphs ofa rt by which the elements the fire the wind the water the lightning submit to the control of man and become iii des charlot his bearer of dispatches chariot despatches hijlchariot m eans patches by these means tlitlglobe th globe we occupy will soon be explor explored ed the limits explore boundaries and resources of every dark corner comen comer cober be clearly defined and understood man already moves over the surface of the earthat earth at earthal the rate of fifty sixty and even ninety miles per hourr andstill and still he aspires he contemplates making hou the air his chariot and hafting wafting himself through the open firmament at the rate of perhaps a thousand suppose lie attains to this what miles per hour chent then will the great the infinite principle within thent KEY TO THEOLOGY 153 no he lifts his eyes con eydi to the eyei theaon thecon him be satisfied shl orbs shining thosa those arbs on high ning orason orbson se myriads of shi templationof templaiion 0 f tho knows by actual admeasurement that some of he cknows them are much larger than the planet he occupies he also knows by analogy that eternal riches are there ere rtha th etha thatt a boundless store of element and resources is there that they are treasured there for the use comfort convenience and enjoyment of f aught intellectual and physical be ght beings aht ing s beings for au connectedwith he knows of his own species and connect edwith with connected him by kindred kindrea ties or by the law of universal ff affection he has reason to believe sympathy ane and T theriris riris there is goldand that the v d silver that there are precious goi gol goldana golda dand stonas and houses iani stones ston6s cities and gardens amhcities kani that there are walks ofapleasure and fountains forests oulu fed eeight blo bio ora oks and bivers brooks iivers light that there are bosoms ola rivers 0ofyd I1 I joy and swelling with all the fraught with life ana an anu tender sensibilities of a pure holy and never ending z 1 r affection why then should his aspirations not reach forth his mind expand his bosom swell with love and his heart beat with the boundless fathomless infinitude of thought of feeling and of love why not be noble and boundless in charity like the god whom he calls his father why does he not rise his groveling sphere in this small island which fromhis from frow floats in the ocean of space as a small black speck amid the numberless shining orbs arbs the reason is obvious itismot the want of noble aspiration aspirationssf it is not for forthe 4 154 KEY TO THEOLOGY not ror for the want of grand conceptions itjsnqtoy it is mothr nothr it isnotrfor the lack of will it is because the body is chained chainedi 5 imprisoned confined here by the operation or attraction of surrounding elements which man has not manhas canhas yet discovered the means to control it may be said that the powers of earth enslave him himy himi and chain him down beyond the possibility or hope of escape header reader in order to illustrate this subject try an experiment on your own physical and mental powers eor for instance will your arm to move and it will forinstance instantly obey you three will your body to go gothree gathree miles and it will obey you as jast east as ditth fast it can perhaps in one hour it will have accomplished thai thel thei the journey assigned to it by your will but tie your hand behind you and then miil will it wilt to move up and down forwar tomove komove cl and backward ana forward and it backwardand will make the effort to obey you7but yonut cannot because youut it is confined chain your body in a dungeonbolt dungeon bolt boit and bar the door and will it to go to a certain place and it will not obey you because it is physically incapable unchain this body provide the means of conveyance at the rate of a mile per minute the body at the bidding of the miil will will then gothe go the three miles in three mwill minutes now if it were possible to overcome the resisting overcomethe elements so as to increase the speed of conveyanpefigr conveyance for your jour body that is if there were no resisting elements element to be overcome your will might dictate and itth awill 155 KEY TO THEOLOGY your body would 4mov6 move through actual space with the speed of light or electricity there is no apparent limia fo the speed attainable by the body limib linlibito when lody bodywhen un6h din kin ed set free from the elements hin unch elemenfs which now unchained enslave it and dictated by the will s the lightning on its wiry way would sunray son ray drag its slow length along sun the sunray lag behind this immense velocity of locomotion as applied to a body of flesh and bones or of material elements may at first thought strike the mind as being contrary to the known laws of physical motion but let it be recollected that the vast earth on which we dwell with all its weight and bulkjts buik its bulk andt intelligences moves through cities animals and actual space at the astonishing velocity of eighteen miles per on0thousand one thousand and eighty miles per pet second onethousand minute or sixty four thousand eight hundred miles per hour jf if so vast a bulk of gross and in a great measure inanimate matter can move through space at a rate of speed so inconceivably great how easily we can conceive the probability of vastly increased powers of locomotion on the part of animate bodies released from their earthly prison quickened by superior and celestial element dictated by an independent inherent principle called the will and urged onward by the promptings of the eternal infinite mind and affections in their aspirations for knowledge and enjoyment A corporeal human body raised from the dead 156 KEY TO THEOLOGY and quickened by elements so refined so full of life and motion so pure and so free from the influences control or attractions of more gross elements will like the risen jesus ascend and descend at will and with a speed nearly instantaneous let us pause and contemplate for a moment such a being taking leave of the confines of the earth and sea and clouds and air with all their dark and gloomy shadows behold him as he speeds his way 0on the upper deep and launches forth in the clear and boundless expanse spangled with millions of resplendent bespangled be orbs arbs he calculates his distance and regulates his cc6ourse urs e by observing the relative position of those most familiar to him and soaring upwards still his bosom swells withan with an unutterable and overwhelming sensation of the infinitude of his own eternal being and of all around above below him till unable to contain his gratitude and joy and exultation he breaks forth in the language of a celebrated british poet and sings as he flies heavens broad day hath oer me broken far above earths span of sky I T am 1 I dead 1I nay by this token fam 1I have ceased to die V know that I1ibave 1 planets will be visited messages communicated acquaintances and friendships formed and the sciences vastly extended and cultivated T the science of geography will then be extended KEY TO THEOLOGY 157 ojas millions to milli olas of worlds and will embrace a knowledge olis of their darles their thetr physical features and bboundaries thei 0 undaries resources mineral and vegetable their rivers lakes seas continents and islands the attainments of their inhabitants in the science of government 5 their progress in revealed religion their employments dress ac the science of astronomy manners customs &c will also be enlarged in proportion to the means of knowledge system after system will rise to view idahe vast in the vast field of research and exploration idahl systems vaems daems of suns and their attendant worlds on which ce in their rudimental sphere the eyes of adams ra race have never gazed will then be contemplated circumcircum scri bed weighed in the balance of human though scribed thoughtti thein circumference and diameter be ascertained their their relative distances understood their motions and revolutions their times and laws their hours daysi days weeks sab sabbaths baths months years jubil sabbatis jubilees ees centuries millenniums and eternities will all be told in the volumes of science the science of history will embrace the vast ta t4 univerccelum of the past and present it will in its vast compilations embrace and include all nations all ages and all generations all the planetary systems in all their varied progress and changes in all their 0 productions and attributes it will trace our race in all its successive emigra emiera eions colonies states kingdoms and empires from tions their first existence on the great central governing 0 158 KEY TO THEOLOGY dolob until they are increased or sun called kolob pianeti planet orsun pianet arsun transnumber and widely dispersed and fians without niimber2 planted from one planet to another until occupying the very confines of infinitude the mind of immortal eternal man is absorbed overwhelmed wearied with the vastness the boundless expanse of historic fact for and compelled to return and retire within itself sor refreshment rest and renewed vigour the field of prophetic science bethe next in order will be the spirit of prophecy will be poured upon the and knowing immortal mind till from seeing in part andknowing part man will be able to gaze upon a boundless in partman prospective a future of still increasing glory knowledge light love might majesty power and dominion in which the sons of god the kings and priests of heaven and earth and of the heaven of heavens and will find subjectsswill of kingdoms and subjectswill subject retinueof ail their retinue ali all improvement ample room for boundless increase and andimprovement nd amen worlds without end worldswithout 2 M W j kis 4kil J 1 1 1 ud jxt axt il r 1 t t 1111. 11 zi S t 4 n 5t at 159 KEY TO THEOLOGY S fc i i i tj jl 4 ri & A A fefc fefa i 1 OIMPTER CHAPTF SWK s A i iii ili iti lan lah ith t l JA vfta afta 4 4 JA fa i ail LAWS ofiariiiaoe andpkocreatio P 1laws0p31arr1ageand ATIOX jtx jax A h ye kindred li spirits i 1 1l f4 fa i ij Ali .01 01 filled with mutual love rtj j3 pure piiiebd as the dews descending from above 1 hail I1 for you the sacred keys are given ail ali all al irro niake biake you one on tarth make eake earth and one in heavenj be fruitful then and let your race extend neyer end worlds thatnever X that never fill earth the stars and world j to thegreat the great science of life consists in the knowledge of ourselves the laws of our existence the relations we sustain to each other to things and beings around us to our ancestry to our posterity to time to eternity to our heavenly father and to the universe re ulate our actions to understand these laws and regulate them is the whole duty of intelligences it by themy should therefore comprise our whole study this science comprises the fountain of wisdom the well springs of life the boundless ocean of knowledge the infinitude of light and truth and love it penetrates the depths soars to the li heights and eights circumscribes the broad expanse of eternity its pursuit leads to exaltation glory immortality and to an eternity of life light purity and unity of fellowship with kindred spirits 160 KEY TO THEOLOGY to contemplate man in his true light we must as it were forget that death is in his path 5 we must look upon him as an eternal eve everr living being possessing spirit flesh and bones with all the mental and physical organs and all the affections and sympathies which characterism charac terise him in this world or rather all characterise his natural affections and sympathies will be purified exalted and immeasurably increased let the candidate for celestial glory forget for a moment the groveling sphere of his present existence and make the effort to contemplate himself in the light of eternity in the higher spheres of his progressive existence beyond the grave a pure spirit free from sin and guile gnile enlightened in the school of heaven by observation and experience and association with the highest order of intelligences for thousands of years and clothed with immortal flesh in all the vigour vi gour freshness and beauty of eternal youth 5 alike free from pain disease death and the corroding effers effects effeds of time looking back through the vista of far distant abing his former sei years sej sojourn ourn amid the contem bontem pi ating soi vears and contemplating sorrows and pains of mortal life his passage through the dark valley of death and his sojourn in the spirit world as we now contemplate a transient dream or a night of sleep from which we have awakened renewed and refreshed to enter again upon the realities of life let us contemplate for a moment such a being clothed in the finest robes of linen pure and white adorned with precious stones and gold a countenance 2 Looy THEOLOGY KEY TO THEO logy theolooy 161 and with ititelligenecand th the effulgence of light intelligence radl radi radiant radiantwi antwi love a bosom glowing with all the confidence of palacesofs palaces clous innocence dwelling in palace of precious conscious yf cons sof cobs conf cious ilfe stones and gold bathing in the crystal waters of life piomenading or sitting neath the evergreen bowers promenading ful fui tile fal breezes the health healthful and trees of eden inhaling tlle wafred from the roses and perfumed with odours wafted pinks of paradises paradise or assembled with the countless myriads of heavens nobility to join in songs of praise and adoration to the great parent of every good to tune the immortal lyre in strains celestial or move with grace immortal to the soul inspiring measure of music flowing from a thousand instruments blending in harmonious numbers with celestial voices voices2 in heavenly song or mingling in graceful circles with joyous thousands immersed in the same spirit and moving in unison and harmony of motion as if one heart one pulse one thrill of iloa ilea liea heavenly venly melody inspired the whole 0 candidates for celestial glory would your joys be full in the countless years of eternity witliout without connex ions the relationship the kindred forming the connexions ties which concentrate in the domestic circle and branch forth and bud and blossom and bear the eternal increase fruits of eternatincrease ouid that eternal emotion of charity andriene ould would and beneandrbene W volence which swells swellsyour your bosoms be satisfied to enjoy in it single blessedness without an increase of posterity those exhaustless stores of neverrending ending never rending 162 KEY TO THEOLOGY or ortyould ilke your like would you iikevoiir OrTyould tiches1an&enjoyftic1its riche richesand enjoy ments richerand sand enjoyments benevolence lay eternal bene heavenly father vkmeq eather prompted tay yctetnal nii countless millions of worlds nil andcharity and charity wish to ill iii ili and to bring witliyour with your tour begotten sons and daughters anajo them through all the gradations of progressive being mansions in jil to inherit immortal bodies and eternal mansionsjil mansions your several dominions j ations aspirations remember arpir in ember that this actions re if such be your aspir forjoya tlle the world of preparation jorjqys present probation is tile where family organization tile placo wllerefamilyorganizatioti is tlle eternal this lstlicplaco nile the kindred is first formed for eternity and where alle v dake take toot sympathies relationships and affections aake spring forth shoot upward bud blossom and bear fruit to ripen and mature in eternal ages hefe in the holy temples and sanctuaries of our here bere beret bizel be revealed ba god must the everlasting covenants b& 0 recorded in the holy corded ratified sealed bound and re tilc the archives of records and guarded and preserved in tile of eternal gods kingdom by those who hold the keys pf af arth that w1 whol apostleship wa p6wer to bind on earth io have power record caven and to re eaven cord on which shall be bound in liheaven recorded in the archives of earth that which shall be berecorded earth1hat life ilfe ibs oflife ollife lbs book of heaven lambs leave il in the Lari here in the holy sanctuary must be revealed 4 jueenspf ing and the kings ordained and anointed thea r eternity etele etell lip lif r marriages afpf qf contracts acts covenants fits conti all vows covena time evelation land udswe4fbr formed sealelfor jime rmedby by revelation unions not fo and recorded jiitheliolyarchivcs band inahqjiqly 6rehives raud saud and all eternity tand4recofded ard 103 163 KEY TO THEOLOGY the lioly bioly of eart tile ministration of the1oly by tlle carthand hand heaven bythe andeternatpriestrood and eternal priesthood will be dissolved by death ana andrpill angwill andr andi will not be and pill ecognised by the eternal authorities bc ecognised andwill rrecognized abt aht vali vall aften aft the vail after have entered through ghe rinto vailrinto the parties havdent&td afterthe erthe the eternal world this is heavens eternal law as revealed to the ancients antients of all ages who held the keys of eternal priesthood after the order of the son of god and as priesthood mts itil the riesthood of the saints restored with sam theppriesthood its of this age again etwas was a law of the ancient priesthood and it itwas mi 01 all ail ali is again restored thata that a man who is faithful in .01 isagain wora word of the lord through the things may bythe woid by the woraof worlof heys administration of one holding the keys leys to bind on earth and heaven receive and secure to himself for oxe WIFE i time and all eternity MOEE THAN ONE moses the jiicob moses2 mosess ABrah hm isaac jacob thus did abraham patriarchs andprophets and prophets of old is contemplated by this lawiis cohtempl4ted theprincipal law laniis the principal object contemplqted the multiplication of the children of good and worthy gathers fathers who will teachthem teach them the truth and train fatherswho them in the holy principles of salvation thesis this is far thisis preferable to sending them into the world ini in the lineage of an unworthy or ignorant parentage to be educated in error folly ignorance and crime the peculiar characteristics of the blessings incove cluded in the Everk CovO covenant sting coyo everlasting nant made with jamb and their lineage was abraham isaac isaae jacob As the jaob saeed multiplicity of their speed ahe the perpetuity of the seed and dhe royall royal royallpriestly priestly and kinglypbiveriii kingly power in theirlineagepvq their lineage F lad 7 i 1 164 KEY TO THEOLOGY po t ini assistin inf carrying out and fulfilling this cove to assisting assis assistin andd virtuous nant v women were given to their ga g6 odan nanti good r faithful prophets rulers and wise and virtuous men and a s it was said of the tile four wives oi tiie of jacob these did build the house of israel while peculiar blessings and encouragements were given to a good and faithful man and to his wives and children 5 while they were honoured ed of god and honour respected by all who knew them while the tile father tlle ath6rof of a hundred children was had in greater honour than hero of a hundred the liero hu ndred adred battles adultery fornication wi and all unlawful lawful intercourse was strictly prohibited i and even punished punl5hea by the strictest laws the penalty penalty of which was as death whichiv A daughter of israel who by y prostitution was rendered unworthy or unqualified for the duties of a virtuous wife and mother was considered unfit to live while the male who would thus trifle with the tile tiie i fountain of life and contribute to render a female le fema unworthy to answer the tile end of her creation was also tlle aiso condemned to death strict laws were also given and diligently taught to both sexes regulating the intercourse betge between tn betwe lius ilus band and wife all intercourse husband in tercourse ter course peculiar to the sexes was war strictly prohibited at certain seasons wl lich ilch which were untimely nor were the bonds of wedlock and an d sshield hield from condemnation where the parties by byuunn timely union excess or voluntary act prevented propagation i or injured the life or health of thems gives dives rhems themselves or their offspring i KEY TO THEOLOGY 165 the object of the union of the sexes asahe isahe isrthepropa propa kropa gatlon gation gation of their species or procreation also for mutual affection affectionand and the cultivation of those eternal principles ofinever ending charity ana ofnever and andbenevolence benevolence which are inspired by the eternal spirit also for com mutual gom comdom formutual fort and assistance in this world of toil and sorrow and for mutual duties towards their offspring marriage marriam and its duties are therefore not da mere marrian matter of choice or of convenience or of pleasure tothe parties but to marry and multiply is a posi eom mana ofalmighty com tive command mand tivecommand of almighty god binding on all persons of both sexes who are circumstanced and conditioned to fulfill fulfil the same to marrypropagate marry propagate our owr species do our duty to them and to educate them imthe light of truth are among the chief objects of inthe our existence on the earth to neglect these duties onthe anthe is to fail to answer the end of our creations creatlon creation creat ioni and is a loni creationi a very great sin while to pervert our natures and to prostitute ourselves and our strength to mere pleasures orto dr ao drao unlawful communion of the sexes is alike subversive of health of pure holy and lasting affection of moral god and ila and social order and of the laws of g6dand nature ture ria turd iia we except mu rde ry there is scarcely a more murder if kwe damning sin on the earth than the prostitution of female virtue or chastity at the shiine shline of pleasure or shrine atthd attha brutal lust or that promiscuous and lawlessihter lawless lilter course which chills and corrodes the heart perverts coursbwhiciv and & mobys mrbys thepure destroys affectionss cankers bankers and destroys th epure affection t1fepure I 1 166 KEY TO THEOLOGY totheology rethe 1 the as it we weil aprin weli werethe sprin springs merethethe well fountains br or issues 9 mthqfountain ri of life x I aman fh&ordinafieies of i god andisi A man m6n who obeys the ordinances without blemish or deform deformity ity who has s ound healths healtha health i and mature age and enjoys li nd access to tii liberty bertya and til thei d elements of lifeis ilfe is designed to be the head 6of a w life lifes woman oman a father and a guide of the weaker sex and of those of tender age to mansions of eternal life and salvation salvati 6n A woman under similar circumstances is de designed sigried to e the glory tobe giory of some man in the lord glor rid 5 to be led and governed by him as ller tier lier her ier head in all things thin esy 9sy even as christ is the head of the man to Iio llo lio honour nour obey love serve comfort and help him in all things to be a happy wife and if blessed with offspring tobe a faithful and n d affectionate mother devoting dev otin oiin her ier ilfe 16 life to the joys cares ana ancl anci and duties of her domestic adi cstiw r sphere it frequently happens in the course of human events that there is in a community a majority of females in such cases human hu man laws have no aright right tw to interfere with the divine eternal laws of maturey nature naturey or of natures god by su suffering females to be pro frering pros tituted to minister to the wanton pleasures of them thel tho the tee lawless to become the theunlawful unlawful dishonoured mistress th e illegitimate mother or the wi the etched outcast of wretched nor yet shame disease and crime yeti on the other hand have human laws the right to doom a portion iortioii fair daughters to single wretchedness 1 of ofheavens heavens loneliness and gloom without the lawful privilegeof privilege of ed wives and mothers becoming honoured honour ii 1 io s KEY TO THEOLOGY 167 w6uld punish godf would lawof law of god aswisedegislation or the ladof with jysk jysf severity the crimes of adultery or fornicajust the confirmed would mot tion and wouldmot not suffer the idiot ithecolifirnied hereditary disease irreclaimable bie drunkard the man ble maii of hereditary4is6d8c mall mali irie6laima css or possess or of vicious habits to poss br retain a wife Voss ess good forav goo while at the sd same me time it would provide for 900 1I honour ably receive and maintain and capable manto honourably be the more wives thann than one indeed it should bethe mbr&wivs haa the has privilege of every virtuous female who hag irions for matrimony itions requisite capacity and qualifications rquisitetapacitydndqualific to demand either of individuals or government the ed and legal wife lego of becoming an honoured iego privilege privi honour alid and mother even if it were necessary necds&vry for her to be ilas has several wives or as married to a man who lias jesus said in the parable to take tako the one talent from unimproved tile place where it remains neglected or orunimproved tlle the I giveitto has ten talents an I1 giveit and haslen givert to him who hasten faise false The TheT alse and corrupt institutions and still more aise thefalse thetalse thee have liad- a christendom eidom corrupt practices of l Christ downward tendency in the generations of man for our oar physical organization health many centuries vigour strength of body intellectual faculties incliac are influenced very much by parentage nations &c hereditary disease idiocy weakness of mind or of constitution deformity tendency to violent and ungovernable pag pas sions vicious appetites and desires passions are engendered by parents and are bequeathed as a man heritage from generation to generation becomes a murderer thief an adulterer a drunkard murdtrer a thicfj 1 1 168 KEY TO THEOLOGY a lover of tobacco opium br or 0 tiler nauseous ngu nau se 0 ns or poisonous drugs by nieahs means of the predia predii predisposition sposition sposi tion and inclinations engendered by byparentage parentage before bafo the people befo r e the flood and also aiso the sodomites sodomitess Sod omites sod6mites iso Canaan ites and canaanitess canaanites tes had bad carried these corruptions corrupt ions and de generacies so far fir that god in mercy destroyed them and thus put an end to the procreation of race racesS so degenerate ani and abominable while noah abraham abraham2 abrahama2 mel ch6sidech chesl chesi chesidech dech and others who were taught in the true laws of ofprocreation procreation cc were perfect in their generation and nd trained their children in the same laws i the overthrow of those ancient degenerate iices cices races is a type of that which now awaits the nations called christian istian or in other words no chr cir whole of cho great whore che cit the aalthe earth for her ber sins her allthe s have reached unto heaven ier and god hath remembered her iniquities where is the nation called christian that does christiana fhatdoes not uphold or permit prostitution fornication and adultery with all their debasing demoralizing degenerating and corroding effects with all their tendencies to disease and crime to operate unchecked and to leaven edrrode all classes of society 9 and corrode tlle t christian nation that does not the where is tile prohibit the law of god as given to abraham and thehncients the ancients in relation to marriage re is the wiiere wiirre christian nation that thal punishes thai the crime of adulteryahd atlo ii IV fornication adultery and fornicatio with th death or other heavy penalties arc the institution where are institutions ns which prohibit the institutio 7 is 4 whe KEY TO THEOLOGY 169 or of all persons nature ar dis qu alifiedbby by persons disqualified y inatureir 6r ty vicious habits and practices to answer the ends en di of an institution so holy and pure whiclvwoiil& would protect where are the institutions which ohhi s thhi encourage and honour the patriarch jacob withlii four wives and their children theni themwho would feel atheni where is the community wilo sueh such rueh a family ruch selves9 honoured ed in associating with much honour although all corrupt practices would be frowned down and all persons arso ns discountenanced aced who under discountenancer disco un tena nced perso the name of gentility nobility or royalty glory in principles and their conquests and victories over the pr practices of virtue and innocence tile the echo answers where unless we look to tiie far off mountains and distant vales of deseret a land peopled by the latter day saints and governed by tile eternal priesthood tlle tile keys of ille tlle the law of god the and organized in the new and everlasting covenant shali be reared the shail amid these eternal mountains shall holy temple of our god and all nations shall flow to unto it in o0 rder to be taught in his ways and jo tile gone forth tlle walk in his patlis paths for out of zion has goneforthahe law as predicted by the prophet isaiah tills this law those distant communities live there by tilis the patriarch of a hundred children is had in reverence and lio ilo wives honourable abiee vives honour nour his virtuouss and honourabl abi abl ed as mothers in israel the daughters considered dalighters of are consider mairidgeof marriage see thu government ee the law of god on marriage revealed for the 852 pt published at great salt city deseret 11852 .852 of the saints sainta firgt 852 first fir fit 170 KEY TO THEOLOGY he 1II numbered iand worthy abraham and sarah Sara sarahand saraband hand orthy to be holywomen women of old and there the daughthedaugh with the holy 1 prostitutes with impunity ters of israel are not prostituted fornication The mication are seldom rethe crimes of adultery and fb theretha therethe mentioned or known to exist there no virtuous female is doomed by law or custom to dragout drag outa dragott 1a cloister useless life in the loneliness of the cloisterthe the cloist erthe monotonous and sinful pleasures of the harem the ionel lonel haunts of vice and crime i or in the lonelyand lonely and heartyand rending gloom and solitude of a single life here in the holy chambers of the sanctuary are T thore there revealed and ministered those sacred ordinances ordinancesj covenants and sea dealings sealings lings which lay the foundation of kindred sympathies associations and family ties in4 dissoluble and eternal ties which arc are stronger than dissdlubleand death more durable than the ramparts of their snow clad mountains and which will never be dissolved aa WN ilfe or thought or being lasts while life 1 or immortality endures the restoration of these pure laws and pr act ices actices practices artices has commenced to improve or regenerate arace a race AA AA holy and temperate life pure morals and manners mannera faith hope charity cheerfulness gentleness integrity intellectual development pure truth and knowledge and above all the operations of the divine spirit will produce a race more beautiful in form and features stronger and more vigorous in constitution happler in temperament and disposition more happier rey RHY KEY ehy 171 TO THEOLOGY intellectual less vicious and better prepared for long life and good days in their mortal soj sojourn ourn each succeeding generationigovernedby generation governed by the same principles will stillimprove maler jem still improve till malel maie and nem male malc female aie ale ror a hundredyears may live and multiplyfor multiply for hundred years upon pon the earth i h i 1 i i f 1 11 t pap4 anner and afner sphe7q after death in distant spheres afterdeath the union still renew 1 eternal na I union of the sex and the eter esy i h sexes n and nand after the aftcr resurrection is mainly for th the6 purpose of renewing and continuing the work of procreation dur procrea tio ri iii in our present or of rudimental state our offspring are in our own image and partake of our natures in which are aie thee seeds of death in like manner will the offsprin ofes offs offspring prin g t of immortal and celestial beings be in the likeness and partake of the nature of their divine parentage andliartake iten lien ce such offspring will be pure holy incorruptible hence and eternal they will in no wise be subject unto death laih except by descending to partake of the grosser lath 16 m6nts mants in which are the iiii elements iiih inherent erent properties of disdold solution diori fiori or death to descend thus and to be made subject to sorrow palil and death is the only road to the resurrection pain and to the higher degrees of immortality and etem eternalI1 eteo life it is bycontrast by contrast that intelligences app recrate reciate appreciate pjo ajoy hoivshall and enjoy ande shail the sweetbe shali sweet be known without how shall sweetee 11 the bitter how sila shali shail shall ll joy be appreciated w without sorrow man or liow ilow mar how sorro AAR borrow shall life bo ori ll be valued or its eter ir orl eternal n a11 i I1 172 KEY TO THEOLOGY duration appreciated without a contact with vith its mordeatli death tal antagonist deatle 0 etemad felicity are tile highest degrees of eternal tiie etemal hence the approaclicd by the straight gate and the narrow approached nakrolv patluwhicli path whicli leads through the dark valley of death to eternal mansions in the realms of endless life this ilas has been trodden by the eternal father by his path lias son jesus christ and by all the sons and daughters falness of joys celestial of god who are exalted to a fulness ilas been before remarked the has tile union of the sexes tiie As lias in the eternal world in the holy covenant of celestial matrimony is peculiar to the ordinances and ministile tiie ions of the apostleship or priesthood after the trations trat order of the son of god or after the order of melchisedec melchiscdec ifelchisedee the aaronic priesthood or the tile law of moses seemed to tiie institutions peculiar to the nihed nized no such ordinances or eternal covellave reco have recognized nants hence the jewish ordinances of matrimony come to end by death nor did the sadducces or the pharisees Pharis ees sadducees tile sects of thepbarisecs tlle others of that nation conceive conceive of anything more lasting than this life in the covenants of matrimony tile tile sadducees tlle the son of god in answer to0 the sadducces hence tlle referred to tlle tile the order of the angels in tl the le resurrection instead of the order of the gods tile apostles holding the tiie tile keys 0otf the eternal tlle but the mysteries of gods kingdom to seal both ont on s gith earth arth alth and in heaven understood and testified that thit the tile woman jjqrjc4woman tlle man is not without the nor the woman without the mib tile the jord man min lord tord mab in tiie 1 z 1 173 KEY TO THEOLOGY all persons tile resurrection and to tlle who attain to the salvation without aliese tliese these eternal ordinances or sealing covenants will remain in a single state in their saved condition to all eternity without the joys of eternal union with the other ses sex and consequently without ait crown without a kingdom without the power to increase are not gods and hence they are angels and axe are ministering spirits or servants in the employ and under the direction of THE EOYAL FAMILY OF tim ROYAL HEAVEN THE tue tudlla ila n ETERNITY SADUP J sadur tin rotal peinceskings i i PRIXTER 1 W PRIESTS OF AND PEIESTS OP 110orfields livrrrool witw litw M astyfemabikbwfyftj ayi asi&iu&iiiij ryi i t gwo imi iwi iwocwi saa jaa ato tiiitsih tf i imka ilka T N tiillmft r a d f R AF a WA 1 AWN MIA j w 14 l A 1 r trp akr ierrata cerrata pg 1 ERR AT A igilit hu ancl anci antl anil ndi ca anti adi liundrctl page 13ifirstvlmcyorycinotliousand eieht eiehl 13 oneali6u0 aff kj r sff i atiousan ight hundredd and usan I eeight no Atio gifty fifty fiftjgdne reafpnethorisanil ii iftY t irce fiflrftlirec iree F r mad aad there lere fe3jthcre llcy ll6y tsfyik 1 A i iastirthero arife frife assy ssy aty atw I1 yradatms V i N wl TP YA ryn kyn k-in jg 55 nes nei 1 ya y4 s ry MA 477 ic pt PC923 d a3 aa A 4 ap 5N n 4 ai p 14 1 4 imy ivy pq aq