19th July 2016 Issue 29.2016 Year 14 Battle of Fromelles
19th July 2016 Issue 29.2016 Year 14 Battle of Fromelles
1 19th July 2016 Issue 29.2016 Year 14 On Monday the 11th of July 2016, a small but appreciative audience attended the “Dig for the Diggers” one act play at the Swansea Town Hall. This very moving professional play was supported by the Tasmanian State Government, via the Centenary of ANZACS Grants Program. The play tells the story of the DNA identification of Mick Feeney – stubborn Australian miner from Bothwell, who volunteered for World War One and ended up buried in a mass grave at Fromelles in 1916. It was a great night of entertainment with a few tears shed by members of the audience. Also in attendance were members/ volunteers from the Anglesea Barracks Museum, with a display of never seen before photos of Tasmanian Diggers (Six Bob A Day Exhibition). This fantastic show ended on a high with Corporal Thompson playing the Last Post on his bugle. It was disappointing that more members of the community could not attend the show. Tasmanian service men and women, have served and continue to serve our nation with distinction, bravery and honour. It is important that as a community we remember those who served our country, reflect on their service and commemorate those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Steven Kenny LEST WE FORGET Battle of Fromelles The battle of Fromelles on 19 July 1916 was a bloody initiation for Australian soldiers to warfare on the Western Front. Soldiers of the newly arrived 5th Australian Division, together with the British 61st Division, were ordered to attack strongly fortified German front line positions near the Aubers Ridge in French Flanders. The attack was intended as a feint to hold German reserves from moving south to the Somme where a large Allied offensive had begun on 1 July. The feint was a disastrous failure. Australian and British soldiers assaulted over open ground in broad daylight and under direct observation and heavy fire from the German lines. Over 5,500 Australians became casualties. Almost 2,000 of them were killed in action or died of wounds and some 400 were captured. This is believed to be the greatest loss by a single division in 24 hours during the entire First World War. Some consider Fromelles the most tragic event in Australia’s history. Over two years after the battle, on the day of the Armistice of 11 November 1918 when the guns of the Western Front finally ceased firing, Australian official war correspondent, Charles Bean, wandered over the battlefield of Fromelles and observed the grisly aftermath of the battle: “We found the old No-Man’s-Land simply full of our dead”, he recorded, “the skulls and bones and torn uniforms were lying about everywhere”. Soon after the war these remains were gathered to construct VC Corner Cemetery, the only solely Australian war cemetery in France. It is also the only cemetery without headstones. There are no epitaphs to individual soldiers, simply a stone wall inscribed with the names of 1,299 Australians who died in battle nearby and who have no known graves. The unidentified remains of 410 are buried in mass graves under two grass plots in the cemetery. Continued Page 6 Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 2 Community Diary Date Event Location, time and contact details Wednesday Music & Meditation 2 pm All Saints Church all welcome 6257 8755 Wednesday Christian Mid Week 6 pm (Dinner) Meeting Elizabeth & Ed 0402 549 583 Sherry & Laurie 0499 193 821 Fri 26 July Glamorgan Spring Bay Council 5 pm Monthly Council Meeting at Swansea. Tue 9 Aug Swansea Probus Club Monthly meeting & BBQ Bicheno Bowls Club Bill Fry 0411 203 223 Tue 9 Aug Spring Bay Online Access Centre AGM 5 pm Vicary St. Triabunna All welcome For more information contact the co-ordinator on 6257 3698 Fri 19 Aug Freycinet Volunteer Marine 1900 hours Terry Charlton Room, Boatshed, 76A Maria St Swansea. Visitors and new members welcome. Bill Fry Rescue Admin Office 0400 329 973 Community Diary brought to you by Swansea Chamber of Commerce & Tourism “Freycinet Coast Financial Services” Newsletter Team Editor: Bill Fry Advertising Coordinator: Sherry King Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190 Email: [email protected]—articles, letters and photographs welcome! Website: www.gobcnews.weebly.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ greatoysterbaycommunitynews Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am - 3 pm; Public Holidays by prior arrangement Meals on Wheels Date Name Wed 20 Jul A Boyers Thur 21 Jul G Olbery Fri 22 Jul P English & Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and Advertising policies which are located on our website www.gobcnews.weebly.com Swansea Weather www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye H Ford Mon 25 Jul A Breadmore & L Dann Tue 26 Jul A Quinn & L Turner Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 3 Community Notices Care until release of orphaned wildlife including Wombats, Eastern Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts & Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at Bayview Bush Babies on 0448 714 419. For advice or care of birds phone Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096. Cranbrook Craft Group Every Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall. Cranbrook. Contact Edith 6257 8116 Boxing for Life 6.30 pm Thursdays @ PCYC Crusaders Cabin. All welcome. Glamorgan Spring Bay SES Collection of bee swarms, please phone Marcia on 0448 714 419. Please phone pest control for wasps. Training 2nd & 4th Monday of the month @ 7 pm at the New Building Maria Street New members most welcome. Easy Relaxation for Mind and Body Every Thursday in Music and Meditation 2 pm Orford 1 pm at the Orford Community Hall. Please contact Jessica of the Healthy Together Program for more information phone 03 6257 9126 Email: [email protected] Reptile Rescue Tasmania Swansea Branch CWA meets 2nd Wednesday of the month. New members always welcome. Craft days alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for details. Spring Bay Walkers have a regular walking calendar of many interesting local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on 6257 1096. All Saints Op Shop Trading Hours from 1st July until 31st August Mon-Fri 10 am –3 pm; Sat 10 am—1 pm All Saints Op Shop Mini Mart 4th Friday of the month. At the Op Shop Franklin Street Swansea. Qigong 9:15 am and Exercise Class 11:15 am both on Monday at Swansea Golf Club Wednesdays. All Saints Church. All welcome 6257 8755. Note time change East Coast Cancer Support Group Support and Information for those impacted by any type of cancer. Partners, immediate carers and the bereaved are also welcome. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm, Triabunna. For more information please contact Cynthia Taafe (Cancer Council Tasmania) Ph: 6212 5715 Swansea Town Ukulele and Folk Instrument Troupe STUFIT 7.30 pm Friday 29 July at Swansea Town Hall. All welcome For more info. phone Steve 0438 060 047 Please note: The Swansea supported by Glamorgan Spring Bay Council provides a snake relocation service throughout the municipality. Phone Bruce Press on 0400 502 403 Community Market is taking a winter break. It will not be open June, July or August, returning again in September as usual. Thank You The Anglican Parish of Swansea The Reverend Trevor Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Smith is available for appointments and conversations of any kind on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please give him a call on 0414 416 935. Christian Mid-week Meeting 6 pm Wednesdays (Dinner) at Swansea. Elizabeth & Ed 0402 549 583; Sherry & Laurie 0499 193 821 Book Discussion Group at the Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth Thursday in the month. Keep reading and bring along the book you are currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk on 6257 8584. Haphazards Art Group Monday 10.30 - 3 fortnightly meeting. All Saints Church Hall. Nora 6257 8407 Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 5 pm 26th July Monthly Council Meeting at Triabunna. Agenda items by 15th July Swansea Probus Club 9th August Monthly meeting & BBQ Bicheno Bowls Club Bill Fry 0411 203 223 Spring Bay Online Access Centre AGM 5 pm 9th August Vicary St. Triabunna All welcome For more information contact the co-ordinator on 6257 3698 Freycinet Volunteer Marine Rescue 19th August 1900 hours Terry Charlton Room, Boatshed, 76A Maria St Swansea. Visitors and new members welcome. Bill Fry Admin Office 0400 329 973 4 Swansea Town Ukulele and Folk Instrument Troupe (STUFIT) This Week’s Headstones Glenna June Bellomy Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Next meeting 7.30 pm Friday 29th July Swansea Town Hall Meetings 2016 At 5 pm Anderson (1926 - 2008). When the cemetery sexton sold Glenna her stone, her request for the inscription on it was "I Was. . . SOMEBODY. All Welcome. Call Steve 0438 060 047 for further info. Firewood For Sale 26th July Swansea 23rd Aug Triabunna 27th Sept Swansea He said the reason was that Glenna felt that many years after she died no one would probably remember her anyway. Phone 0409 578 066 25th Oct Buckland 22nd Nov Triabunna 13th Dec Swansea AGM 2016 By having this inscription on her stone, people would see & remember Swansea Online Access Centre would like to thank all of the dedicated hard working volunteers and committee members who contribute to the efficient operation of the Centre and this newsletter.. 7 pm 13th Dec Swansea Michelle will be visiting Swansea again for income tax preparation on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th July at Dove Cottage, Swansea Cottages, Franklin St Swansea. Carpet & Lounge Suite Cleaning Turbo Tile & Grout Cleaning Flood Emergency Callouts High Pressure Cleaning Fire & Smoke Damage Cleanup Mattress Sanitising Exterior House Cleaning She will also be visiting Coles Bay on Sunday 31st July at Iluka Tavern, Coles Bay. Please phone 03 6344 9433 to book for an appointment. Michelle Peebles FIPA RTA Covering Bicheno, Coles Bay, Swansea, Orford and Triabunna areas Truck Mounted Machine Managing Director The Income Tax Professionals (ITP) 153 Hobart Road KINGS MEADOWS TAS 7259 STEPHEN BRIGGS Owner/Operator Box 378 Prospect TAS 7250 Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 03 63 449 433 Fax: 03 63 431 889 5 SWANSEA R. S. L Sub Branch Inc.. Swansea Online Access Centre OPENING HOURS. Monday - Tuesday Closed Wednesday - Thursday Noon - 10 pm Friday and Saturday 11 am - 10 pm Sunday 11 am - 7 pm BISTRO The RSL Bistro, Swansea will be closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout the colder months. We will continue to operate on Friday and Saturday nights. Group bookings of 40+ are welcome during this time. Please contact 6257 9100 with any queries Phone: 6257 8188 We would like to thank all of the dedicated hard working volunteers and committee members who contribute to the efficient operation of the Centre and this newsletter, and you, our readers, of this newsletter for it’s continued success. Swansea Rainfall For The Last Week Monday 12th 4.6 mm Tues 13th 0.2 mm Wed 14th 5.2 mm Thur 15th 0.0 mm Friday 16th 0.0 mm Sat 0.0 mm Sun 17th 18th 0.0 mm House Wanted To Rent or Caretake In Swansea or Environs with view to extended period. Retired couple Good Tenants With References Ph 0408 124 484 or 0488 061 360 Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 6 Continued from Page 1 For nearly 80 years this sombre monument remained the only conspicuous reminder of the tragic events of Fromelles until, in July 1998, a new Australian Memorial Park was dedicated there. Situated close to VC Corner Cemetery on a part of the old German front line which was briefly captured and held overnight by the 14th Australian Brigade on 19/20 July, the park includes the stark remains of four German block-houses. A bronze statue, titled ‘Cobbers’, by Australian sculptor Peter Corlett, depicts Sergeant Simon Fraser of the 57th Battalion in an enduring image of the aftermath of the battle, the rescue of the wounded. Photo: Australian War Memorial A03042 Men of the 53rd Battalion waiting to don their equipment for the attack at Fromelles. Only three of the men shown here came out of the action alive, and those three were wounded. Next Edition Tuesday 26th July 2016 “Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays. Letters and articles most welcome. Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading. Please send by email to [email protected] or drop in to the Swansea Online Access Centre Monday to Friday 10 am 3 pm Will open on Public Holidays by prior appointment. Until recent years, 1,335 Australian soldiers remained ‘missing’ from the Fromelles battle, having no known grave. Then in 2007, following persistent research by retired Melbourne teacher, Lambis Englezos, archaeological investigations began to uncover the remains of some 200 Australian and 50 British soldiers who were buried in a mass grave at Pheasant Wood by German troops in 1916. Between 30 January and 19 February 2010, the remains of 249 soldiers were reinterred with full military honours in Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Military Cemetery, newly constructed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Over 90 Australian soldiers were identified by name and more may still be identified. On 19 July 2010, the 94th anniversary of the Battle of Fromelles, the last of 203 Australian soldiers recovered from the excavation were buried in a solemn ceremony with full military honours. Later that day, a private ceremony was held for families of identified soldiers to dedicate the named headstones within the cemetery. Ashley Ekins Head, Military History Section Australian War Memorial. We are excited to stock SUKIN Natural skincare for your hair, body & face Australian owned & made, 100% vegan, carbon neutral ¬ tested on animals. Range Free from Original SLS Oil Balancing Propylene Glycol Super Greens Artificial colours Sensitive SLES Purely Ageless Harsh detergents & parabens Rose Hip Mineral oils & EDTA. GIFT WITH PURCHASE – Spend $30 or more in one transaction and received a travel box containing hand & nail cream, facial moisturiser & body lotion. (While stocks last) Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 7 Bear Cottage Crafts Richard Lane OPTOMETRIST Flowers (free local delivery), Cards, Gifts, Jewellery, Scarves Ca Visiting Bicheno 5th Aug 7 f r app nt nt Ca Swansea Sat 6th Aug 7 f r app nt nt Credit Card & Eftpos Open 7 Days 9-5 18 Franklin Street, Swansea (03) 6257 8091 [email protected] Support your local businesses ACCOUNTANT & TAX AGENT Simon P. Clark Chartered Accountant “I come to you” Visiting Swansea the 4th Thursday of each month For an appointment please call KATES BERRY FARM Ph: 6391 3007 VETERINARY CLINICS IN SWANSEA Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting Swansea from 11 am onwards. 20th July. Please phone 6269 2323 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Slashing of Blocks Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay Ph: Rodney Breadmore 0418 513 973 or 6257 8434 Winter Trading Closed every Wednesday and Thursday From the 1st June to 24th July Glamorgan Gourmet Meats Free Delivery Available Weekly Specials Farm Closed for Maintenance 5 weeks from Monday 25th July Side of Hogget $70 Premium Beef Mince $12.99 kg Thick Pork Sausages $9.99 kg Reopen Monday 29th August. Spring Trading to be advised. 0400 435 444 Normal Hours 9.30 am to 4.30 pm daily VETERINARY CLINICS IN BICHENO Dr Jeff Parsons consults in Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon. Please phone 6376 1577 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Swansea State Library phone number 6257 8607 Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 8 PRINTER OUT OF INK? PRINTER BROKEN? REPLACEMENT TOO EXPENSIVE? Come to the Swansea Online Access Centre We supply the ink, paper, printer and we can help too. Black & white A4.…20c per copy Colour A4….40c per copy Other sizes available *(price as for single sided only) Thank you for the continued support of our advertisers Please consider supporting us we are a local not for profit community organisation run by volunteers. Ph/Fax: (03) 62573698. Notice of AGM 5.30 pm Tuesday, August 9th Spring Bay Online Access Centre Vicary St. Triabunna All welcome For more information contact the co-ordinator on 62573698 Glamorgan Spring Bay SES Training Sunday 24th July. 10 am-3 pm only 452 Dolphin Sands Rd New building in Maria St. Swansea It will return again in September as usual Chicken Tikka Masala – see why it’s so popular in India North Indian style Beef curry – served hot or mild – your choice Chilli Lamb – a dish for connoisseurs of spices – yummy too. Kerala Seafood – an s/east Indian specialty Lentil & Spinach – a great combination & a healthy choice OYSTER BAY SEAFOOD 62578998 – EAT IN OR TAKE OUT All meals served with Basmati Rice – add Roti bread – Cucumber Raiita – or fresh made Papadams 7 pm 2nd & 4th Monday of the month New members most welcome Assorted household items & furniture Garden decor incl craypots, old wooden dinghy, large pots, shed shelving & bench, odds & ends. Garden mulcher, barbecue. Old wardrobe & matching dressing table, central mirror & 2 wing mirrors with Art Deco Bakelite handles $600 ONO. Need to remove by noon Tues 26th. Pics available. 0412 931 932 It will not be open in June, July nor August. Indian Food Nights [email protected] ABN: 99 529 381 305 Relocation Sale The Market is taking a winter break this year. This Friday and Saturday Vicary St. Triabunna Tasmania 7190. Spring Bay OAC Inc. Swansea Community Market Electronic/ Electrical Equipment Repairs Retired Technician Kevin Marks 0408 124 484 Tap Dancing Enthusiasts Will start 18th July 4.30 pm till 6 pm Cost will be gold coin donation for hall hire Thank you Martin Crawford for arranging Insurance. Triabunna Tap to be advised Janelle Hall Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 9 For Sale 1998 Commodore Executive Sedan 249,000 kms 3 Owners Tow Bar Original Simmons Mags. Reg Until Oct 16 Dark Green Fleck A1 Condition $3,200 Call for Expressions of Interest from Community Members to sit on Coles Bay Community Centre Committee (CBCCC) Under Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993, Glamorgan Spring Bay Council (GSBC) has a number of Special Committees in place to assist with the management of community assets and services. Council would like to invite any interested members of the Glamorgan Spring Bay community to submit an expression of interest for consideration by Council to sit on the Coles Bay Community Centre Committee (CBCCC) – formerly the Coles Bay Hall Committee. Any interested community members should contact Angela Turvey at Glamorgan Spring Bay Council for an EOI pack, which includes an EOI application form and Guidelines for Section 24 Special Committees of Council. Please phone 6256 4777 or e-mail [email protected] to request an EOI pack. 0499 188 013 The EOI application form should be received by no later than close of business Tuesday 23rd August, 2016. MAY SHAW HEALTH CENTRE LUNCH WITH FRIENDS! Interested community members over the age of 55 years welcome to attend. All submissions should be sent to the General Manager, Mr David Metcalf via e-mail [email protected] or mailed to PO Box 6, Triabunna, 7190. David Metcalf General Manager Swansea RSL Thursday 28th July 2016 12 pm for 12.30 pm $10.00 main & dessert Please get a group of friends together and join us for lunch. Transport provided if required. For meal and transport bookings please phone 6257 9100 Guest Speakers – Kathleen & Helen WICKING Dementia Research and Education Centre All your questions about Dementia answered. Supported by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit the Department of Social Services website (www.dss.gov.au) for more information. Nathan Lucas Ph: 0417690066 ARC Cert: AU38285 Your local east coast heating and cooling specialist. Sales, Service and Repair. Heat pump service and clean from $99 inc GST Suppliers of- Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com And more… 10 Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 11 Puzzle Page Across 1 Facial feature (4) 3 Very exciting contest (8) 8 Make calm (4) 9 Dies (slang) (6,2) 11 Pretend to be someone one is not (10) 14 Fall back on (4,2) 15 Magic cure-all (6) 17 Laughing uncontrollably (2,8) 20 Person of marked individuality (8) 21 Privy to (2,2) 22 Appeal (8) 23 Terror (4) Down Quotes of the Week A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it. Bob Hope (1903 - 2003) Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners. E. Joseph Cossman A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) I don't have a bank account, because I don't know my mother's maiden name. Paula Poundstone I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the 1 Great misfortune (8) 2 Not real (8) 4 Famished (6) 5 Unfaithfulness in marriage (10) 6 Girl (4) 7 Duty schedule (4) 10 At the last possible moment (4,2,4) 12 Swap (8) 13 Senior PR (anag) — one in detention (8) 16 Finally (2,4) 18 Humorous remark (4) 19 Tip — small amount (4) banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), (Attributed) Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com 12 Swansea Golf Club News Golf Report Saturday 16th July 2016 On a sensational Saturday a good field of golfers played a 4ball best ball stableford. Some good scores were carded with old stager Max Hall & fly in Malcolm Sinclair winning with 45 pts. Results Max Hall & Malcolm Sinclair 45 pts; Angela Barden & Maurice Banks 44 pts stole second on count back from Murray Lethborg & Chris Weeding 44 pts; Ian Wallace & John Quin 41; Sally Siepen & Mike Woolveridge 40; Alvin Douglas & John Cotton 38; “Bob” Down & Dale Williams 38; Pat Hardcastle & Barry Skeggs 38; Ray “Bandit” Dart & apprentice Steve Dart 38; Val “Bubbles” Kemp & Fran Dowling 38; Michael Power & Steve Kenny 37; Marion Gittus & Peter Lea 35; Mike Willett & Karl Wadley 32. Nearest The Pins : second shot 6/15 Sally Siepen; 7/16 Sally Siepen. Coming Attractions Please Note the change in the roster 23rd July 3 club stroke 30th July Cotton Trophy sponsored by Kelvedon Vineyard Swansea Bowls Club News Club Bar open Friday Nights from 4 pm to 8 pm. Members’ draw cash jackpots. Light Snacks. Visitors welcome The club is available for functions up to 100 people, full bar facilities, catering available. Swansea Football Club News Results Sat 16th July Swansea 12.12.84 lost to Campania 13.7.85. Goals: N Clark 4; S Cowan, S Hills, R Glyde 2; J Sweeney, L Wright 1. Best: N Clark, J Sweeney, S Hills, J Taylor, A Cusick, M Evans. Coming Events: 23rd July Triabunna Vs Swansea at Triabunna 1.30 pm 30th July Swansea Vs Oatlands at Swansea 1.30pm Ladder after Round 14 - Unofficial Bothwell 56 pts 289.70% Campbell Town 36 pts 169.34% Campania 36 pts 123.71% Swansea 28 pts 91.41% Tasman Pen 26 pts 84.46% -------------------------------------------Mt Pleasant 24 pts 103.25% Oatlands 18 pts 74.46% Triabunna 0 pts 2.31% Online in colour every week at www.gobcnews.weebly.com
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