Thank you Vo - Great Oyster Bay Community News
Thank you Vo - Great Oyster Bay Community News
Tuesday 8 October 2013 All copy and notices due by noon Friday Covering the Freycinet Region Tuesday 8th October 2013 11th Year, Issue 40 “Salty” the sea-lion runs amok at Swansea! A fter receiving a phone call from a friend at the Barkmill Tavern, “Hey Sandy there‟s a seal in your paddocks” an investigation revealed a sea-lion at least 400 metres from the sea, at viewing distance from the tavern in my paddocks. A sea-lion can become aggressive but wouldn‟t argue with my 4wheel drive. The animal and I made it to Neville Dilger‟s place, where upon Neville appeared with a long handled hoe; after monstering a fence at the back of the Shaw Street units, we manouvered it to a fence when the law turned up, looking and smiling over Neville‟s back fence . The dog catcher also arrived after 2 police officers, myself and Neville shooed it through another fence and onto the lower Shaw Street road and proceeded towards the sea . “Salty the sea-lion” had tested many alternative routes (front gates of house blocks further down the hill ) to get back to a more homely environment. Five of us brought up the rear as this tooth gnashing animal from the deep plunged back into the waters of Oyster Bay at Swansea on Tasmania‟s east coast and swum away. Poor Neville had put up with the beast since 9 a.m., thrashing around his back yard and causing a lot of stress and havoc. Upon reflecting the incident, Neville decided it might have been attracted by the fish cleaning residue from a few he‟d caught the other day. I had seen a seal yesterday at the Meredith River mouth clowning around in the shallows, and it might have spent the night in the sand dunes at the “Bluff” 100 metres away. After divulging the tale of his personal battle with the sea creature , Neville packed up his fishing rod and headed off to do some de-stressing saying something about “a few beers”. Time about 3pm!!! Photos and story by Sandy Shaw. THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 Events Diary MEALS ON WHEELS DAY Thurs 2 All copy and notices due by noon Friday DATE MONTH NAME 10 Oct B & B Digney Fri 11 Oct J & H Ivey Mon 14 Oct K Bistrow Tues 15 Oct S Kean Wed 16 Oct G Bryan & A Browning The Swansea/Bicheno Community Bank® is proud to sponsor The Great Oyster Bay Community News & the community at large. Care until release of orphaned Wombats, Eastern Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts and Pademelon wallabies & rescue of Tasmanian devils - phone MARCIA at Bayview Bush Babies 0448 714 419 Bird, possum or any other species care phone Vicki or Geoff on 6375 1999 or 6375 1483 Collection of bee swarms Phone Marcia 0448 714 419 (phone pest control for wasps) SENIORS LUNCH Wednesday October 16th 12 noon A lunch will be held at RSL Club rooms for all seniors (over 60 years) of Swansea and Cranbrook area. Limited seating so please book early to Judy Ph 6257 8268 2 course meal $25.00 head Lucky door and raffles Raffle money will be donated to A/E Dept at May Shaw Hospital. Judy Pyke SWANSEA MARKET Saturday 12th October 10am-1pm Swansea Town Hall Morning Tea available New Stallholders welcome Bronwyn 6257 0505 SWANSEA GARDEN CLUB Next meeting Thurs. 10th Oct, 2pm Kate‟s Berry Farm New members welcome Linda Camus 6257 8855 Bruce Press Deepest sympathy to Jeannie Gamble who lost her home to fire this week at Reptile relocation. Cranbrook. Thank you to the locals 0400 582 403 who helped, and the fire crews who did a great job in extreme winds and SWANSEA PENSIONERS ASSOC darkness. Monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th Oct, 1pm All Saints Church Hall New members welcome L. Hend, sec. 0413 727156 Contributions welcome to The Great Oyster Bay Community News, articles Bookbinding Workshops and/or photos. We'd love to see them. 9th & 16th Nov. Please let us know if you want The Village, Triabunna. anything covered. It's your news Swansea! Cost $115 Enquiries 6257 7583 Email to soacnews@ Thurs. Oct 10th-Hugo, Orford Odeon Fri. Oct 11th-Jayden Coleman Fundraising dinner/auction, Swansea Town Hall 6.30 Wed Oct 16- Seniors lunch RSL 12 noon Sat Nov 2-Anglican Guild market Sat Nov 2-Swansea Bowls Club, Night of live jazz 7.30pm Sat Nov 9-Swansea Market, Town Hall Wed 13 Nov- Swansea Revue Public Night Thu 14 Nov-Revue Opening Cabaret/ Supper Frid 15 Nov-Revue Dinner & Show Sat 16 Nov-Revue Dinner & Show Sun Dec 01-Swansea Country Fair, Swansea Primary School Grounds Sat 14 Dec-Swansea Market, Town Hall To avoid clash of dates we encourage Community Groups to notify upcoming Event dates to the Community News The Newsletter Editor: Janet Lane Layout & Design: Linda Camus Advertising Coordinator : Jenny Whittaker Adverts & Community News: Adverts $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: 12 noon Friday Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: 6257 8806 Fax:6257 8053 or deliver items to the Online Centre Online Access Centre general enquiries email: [email protected] Ph. 6257 8806 PO Box 308 Swansea 7190 Online Centre- current opening hours: Monday 10.00am to 3.00pm Tuesday 10.00am to 4.00pm Wednesday 10.00am to 4.00pm Thursday 10.00am to 3.00pm Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any signed material which is designed to benefit or be of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 3 All copy and notices due by noon Friday TSO Chorus performs in Swansea -TWICE! S unday 22 September saw another wonderful event brought to us by Virtuosi Tasmania and GOBRarts. Twice during the afternoon, 80 singers overflowed the stage of the Town Hall and presented a beguiling mix of classic and contemporary vocal works. VT obviously see their role as more than mere providers of entertainment they refuse to be condescending in their programs and this selection was another brillliant example of the opening of windows in our minds - as was the July performance of Piano Trios at Kennedia. The concert started with the audience surrounded on three sides (intentional joke!) by the singers and when the first note of Handel‟s Zadok the Priest exploded I nearly fell off my chair. It was a brilliant piece of showmanship that assured us from the start that we were in the hands of confident and talented artists. The program had many gems. Zadok was simultaneously familiar and strange. A modern piece, Other Plans by Lisa Young had strong Indian influences. Gorecki‟s Lobgesang op 76 and Whitacre‟s Allelulia were hypnotic and beguiling. If I had to choose a favourite, I thought that Lauridsen‟s elegant Dirait-on from Chansons des Roses settings of poems by Rilke - was sublime, but then I‟ve always had a shameful weakness for poetry. At the other end of the spectrum I have to admit that during the Tannhauser piece I could not help but be reminded of Mark Twain‟s observation that Wagner‟s music isn‟t as bad as it sounds. But that is nitpicking. The joi de vivre of all involved - the tone set beautifully bt Chorus Master June Tyzack, ably supported by pianist Karen Smithies - was utterly infectious and the quality of the presentation, the ambience of our renovated venue and the efficiency of the behind-the scenes support made for yet another memorable afternoon, courtesy of VT. Brett Martin Star of the Sea ruins 1923 THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 4 All copy and notices due by noon Friday Judy, Gwen & Judy Jazz - Did You Know? T here is the belief jazz started as a music genre in the year 1895 and that it started in New Orleans, however there was acknowledgement that other places in America were playing similar music. Jazz music has roots within the African American community combining with European harmony. The African influence is definitely evident in the use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the solo riffs of spotlighting each member of the jazz ensemble. The main instruments found in jazz bands include the piano, string bass, drums, saxophone and clarinet. As noted earlier, improvisation is very important in jazz as it is where the musician will interpret a tune individually therefore never playing the same composition twice. The interpretation can depend on the moment, mood, interactions with musicians or audience and personal experience. This approach of improvisation has developed over time and can include each musician playing their interpretation of the melody or bringing in countermelodies. Today there are over 20 distinct styles of jazz music including: Swing – popular in the 1930s and included big swing bands. Swing was also dance music offering musicians a chance to „solo‟ and improvise melodic, thematic solos which could at times be very complex and important music. Bebop – started in the 1940s with a shift from danceable popular music to more challenging musician‟s music therefore becoming an art form. Dizzy Gillespie and Clifford Brown were influential bebop musicians. Smooth jazz – started in early 1980s, a commercial form of jazz fusion or pop fusion which showed more air play on radio. Smooth jazz saxophonists include Grover Washington, Jr and David Sanborn. This music helped to launch singers such as Sade, Anita Baker and Chaka Khan. Smooth jazz is downtempo layering a lead, melody playing instrument. From the 1990s until now, jazz has tended to have no dominant style and most are active and popular. Often performers will record and play music in a variety of ways, sometimes in the same performance. Music crosses many social boundaries and is known to contribute to good mental health. Jazz and many other music genres are part of the Music Appreciation Group program. The Music Appreciation Group is a community program that is held once a month on the first Wednesday from 10.00am to 11.30amat the Health and Wellbeing Centre in Wellington St Swansea. To find out more information, contact Cathryn or Nadine on 62 578 114. Cathryn Sykes. This article was written with reference to Wikipedia and Letter to the Editor, Re: The Story that Martin Crawford wrote in the last edition about the Swansea Primary School Fundraiser. Great Story! Thank you Martin. On behalf of the Swansea Primary School Association, I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank everyone that was involved in organizing the Art Auction Cocktail Party at Piermont on the 21 Sept and everyone that bought a ticket and turned up to the event. A fundraiser is not a fundraiser without a crowd. I hope you all had fun (it certainly looked like it!). A Special mention to Nancy and Philippa who generously donated their Space at Artifakt so that everyone could go and see the art before the auction; specifically Nancy who spent countless hours mentoring me, moving her art and hanging ours. Only she and I know how much time she has spent with me making sure that we are on the right track – we could not have done it without her. I feel fortunate to be given the opportunity to organize an event like this! Thanks to all that made it such a success! Marie von Haniel President Swansea Primary School Association THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 All copy and notices due by noon Friday Swansea Online Access Centre AGM. A good crowd attended the SOAC AGM in the Swansea Library, at 5 pm on Monday the 30th of September. The Chair was Martin Crawford, who was stepping down after several years at the helm as President-Chairman. Reports were given and Martin spoke eloquently about the success of the Centre which encompasses the Great Oyster Bay Community News, and of donations made to local causes in the past year which totalled $5,000. David Lathwell moved a vote of thanks to Martin Crawford for his dedication and hard work in making the Centre a success, which met with warm applause, and Martin was presented with a Thank You gift by Jennie Amos. The new committee was voted in, being Chairperson-President Tracey Johnston, Vice-President Jennie Amos, Secretary Linda Camus, Treasurer Jenny Whittaker, Committee members Kerry Dunbabin, Melissa Quinn and Jack Hardcastle. The outgoing Chairperson of the Online Centre and Community News, Martin Crawford presented a cheque on behalf of the OAC Management Committee, to representatives of the Swansea Primary School as part of their ongoing support for community projects. The total grant of $500 was a contribution towards the purchase of IPADS for school students, with $250 from the Online Centre and $250 from the Community News funds. Martin also presented $500 towards the project from the Swansea Revue Group in his capacity as Business Manager for The Swansea Players & Revue Committee and Cast members. He congratulated Tracy Johnston and School Association members for the initiative taken to raise funds for this important update of personalised technology for the Swansea students. Drinks and nibbles followed and an air of comradeship and harmony made for a good meeting with a great feeling of goodwill for the continued success of the Centre. Story & pics J. Lane Miriam Scurrah, Jenny Whittaker, Tracey Johnston, Linda Camus, Jennie Amos Martin Crawford presents the cheques to Jennie Amos & Melissa Quinn for the Swansea Primary School 3 STEPS TO REDUCE YOUR RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE 1. Know your numbers 2. Understand your risk 3. Take action to keep healthy Call in this week to check your numbers with our pharmacy students THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS 5 Tuesday 8 October 2013 6 All copy and notices due by noon Friday Smiling for Smiddy crossing the Swan River… Deputy mayor, Jeni Crawford, Boatmen Rob & Peter Warren End of the road Bikes go into the trailer Andrew spent his schooldays in Tasmania In strong equinoxial winds, a team of intrepid cyclists rode around Tasmania raising money for cancer. Riding from Hobart to Buckland on Monday, the team continued into head winds to Orford where after a brief coffee break with Deputy Mayor Jenny Crawford they pushed on battling the constant winds, to Swansea. Sharky (Mark Smoothy) began the seven year quest to ride around Australia in seven stages, in 2008 – this year was the Tasmania leg. From Swansea they rode into evening along Dolphin Sands Road – and found it ended at the sea! To their surprise, a boat was waiting to ferry them across to the Warren family‟s shack at Kate Warren has cycled for Smiling for Smiddy since 2011 Swanwick for a welcome rest and a beer, before spending the night at Iluka. The bike trailer brought their bikes around by road, thus cutting out the dangerous Cherry Tree Hill section of highway. Dark clouds threatened but the rain held off until all were safely across the Swan. Smiling for Smiddy raises money for cancer research and support, dedicated to Adam Smiddy who died from aggressive cancer at only 26 years old. Two Tasmanians were on the ride - Kate Warren and Tim Smith. For 2013 the cause hopes to raise a million dollars – so far they‟ve achieved $767, 351 - amazing! Since inception, over 5 million has been raised. There‟s a great website with information, stories and details on how to donate or get involved. Well done Kate, Tim and all those wonderful cyclists – 8 days of hard riding and 1,200 kilometres in Tassie - may the winds be at your back the rest of the way. Story & Pics: J. Lane Physiotherapist ~ John Larkin is now available for appointments. John will be practicing from rooms in the Health & Well Being Centre on Thursdays each week Appointments can be made by telephoning John on 0418 830 320 THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 All copy and notices due by noon Friday I donated to the swimming pool fund. A glass of water. Scouting Tasmania cycle fundraiser. About 40 cyclists will arrive in Swansea this week, raising money for Scouting. If you see them please donate and make them welcome. They are riding 580k‟s starting at Burnie, with Swansea a midway stop. Forestry Tasmania has generously kicked off with a $500 donation - one of FT‟s employees Penny Douglas, their Geodata Supervisor, is riding. Hopefully they will have fine weather and no winds! J. Lane Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good, is like expecting the bull not to charge because you're vegetarian THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS 7 Tuesday 8 October 2013 8 All copy and notices due by noon Friday Felicity’s Antiques, Vintage & Tea Room 1 Maria Street, Swansea New Season Opening Saturday, October 12, 2013. All-Day Breakfast, Lunch Devonshire Tea Coffee & Cake Panoramic views Friendly Service Indoor & Outdoor seating BYO with Lunch Antiques & Vintage items for sale Buying and Selling ph 0438 180 028 or 6257 8702 JOHN LARKIN - PHYSIOTHERAPIST John will be available at the Health and Wellbeing Centre (May Shaw) for private appointments on Thursday afternoons from 10th October To make an appointment, call his mobile on 0418 830 320 "I need my sleep. Eight hours a day and ten at night." Bill Hicks. Garage Sale Trail Spring clean and cash in your unwanted stuff! Glamorgan Spring Bay Council is supporting the annual Garage Sale Trail, so join in Saturday 26th October. Please register your garage sale with the organising website, people can look on the site to see where garage sales are in their area - it‟ll bring buyers to your door. In AN EMERGENCY don’t hesitate DIAL TRIPLE ZERO (112 from Mobile phones) this will get the quickest response from our local volunteers. Even if you’re unsure the operator will be able to assist. Please DON’T use any other numbers. local or otherwise. Mayumarri Olives Swansea PETE INVITES YOU UP THE GARDEN PATH TO BROWSE GIFTS + NICK NAKS + CURIOS + DECOR USED FURNITURE + RUSTY THINGS **************** 10 UNTIL 4 DAILY EXCEPT THU & FRI CLOSED *************** 10a FRANKLIN ST SWANSEA PH 6257 8144 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2013 pressing 300ml dark bottles $15.00 One litre wine style cask $35.00 Gift, Kitchen and restaurant friendly. Available now. Collect or will deliver in Swansea Kyrle Hodson Ph 6257 8096 THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 All copy and notices due by noon Friday NICK DARKE JOINER/CARPENTER Kitchens wardrobes bathrooms fit outs doors and all your joinery needs. Call for your free no obligation quote today. Ph 0417 132 908 or Email: [email protected] FIG BEAUTY SERVICE Visits the Health & Wellbeing Centre, May Shaw Every Monday & Tuesday Waxing, tinting, Manicures & pedicures, Facials, Gel nails/toes Relaxation massage Phone Sally 0400 837 984 Carpet & Lounge Suite Cleaning Turbo Tile & Grout Cleaning Flood Emergency Callouts High Pressure Cleaning Fire & Smoke Damage Cleanups Mattress Sanitising Exterior House Cleaning Covering Bicheno, Coles Bay, Swansea, Orford and Triabunna areas Truck Mounted Machine Mobile Home 0419 529 253 6344 5808 STEPHEN BRIGGS Owner/Operator Box 378 Prospect TAS 7250 Nostalgia — isn’t what it used to be... THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS 9 Tuesday 8 October 2013 10 All copy and notices due by noon Friday Slashing of Blocks Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay Ph: Rodney Breadmore 0418 513 973 or 6257 8434 Richard Lane OPTOMETRIST Visiting Bicheno Fri. Nov 1st Swansea .Sat Nov 2nd FREE CALL 1800 355 627 For an appointment ACTIVE COMPUTERS 101 Murray Street Hobart * New & Used Systems * Repairs * Upgrades ACCOUNTANT & TAX AGENT * Training Visiting Swansea Regularly Serving Tasmania Since 1988 Simon P. Clark Chartered Accountant CALL 6234 7893 “I come to you” For an Appointment Visiting Swansea the 4th Thursday of each month. For an appointment please call Ph: 6391 3007 PERFECT PLACEMENT STONEWORK Thinking Stonework? Think Perfect Placement NJ HEADLAM PLUMBING Bicheno/East Coast ALL GENERAL PLUMBING, MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND NEW WORK 2 TONNE EXCAVATOR & 6t GVM Ph 0400 508154 Specializing in Restorations, Houses, Retaining Walls, Stairs, Garden Features, Paving & All Types of Stone Work Phone 0409074995 NEED FIREWOOD? CLEAR YOUR BLOCK/ PROPERTY! Utilise unwanted trees/fallen limbs cut, split & stacked to your needs. FIREWOOD SALES Covering: Little Swanport - Dolphin Sands - Swansea - Coles Bay – Bicheno Please phone for obligation Free quote 6257 0002 or 0407 886 481 J&B Prehn - Dolphin Sands THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS Tuesday 8 October 2013 CROSSWORD (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 16 18 19 22 26 11 12 27 17 20 23 28 21 24 25 29 31 30 32 34 33 35 37 40 10 14 15 36 38 39 41 42 47 48 51 52 54 55 11 All copy and notices due by noon Friday 43 49 44 45 50 53 "If you haven't got anything nice to say about anyone, come and sit with me." Alice Rooseveldt Longworth. 46 Across 1. Slaughter house 9. "Ali ___ and the 40 Thieves" 13. Know-it-all 14. Spoken 15. Land of the leprechauns 16. Little bird 17. Son of Ramses I 18. Sketch 20. Gorge 22. Durable wood 24. Deception 25. Not out 26. ____ __ to line 30. Solitary 31. Wasn't honest 32. Book collector's suffix 33. Cutting part 34. Victorian, for one 35. Sharpness 37. Where you are? 38. Rude person 39. Something to lend or bend 40. Lives in? 43. Dress warmly 47. Poetic foot 48. Parisian way 50. "Major" animal 51. Variation of teepee 52. Individuals 54. Formerly, once 55. No through roads Down 1. Thunderstruck 2. Town in Ireland 3. Java is in it 4. x 10 5. Thanks 6. After September (abb.) 7. Pupil's locale 8. Get even with 9. Scottish slang for 'hug' 10. Zone 11. Role of hitting rather than throwing ball (pl.) 12. People to whom property is transferred 19. ___ chi 21. Food container 23. Slang for tired 26. A dog may get this 27. ________ missile 28. Grazing ground 29. Animal with curved horns 30. Dedicated lines 33. Traveling 35. Lend a hand 36. Dine 38. Elliptical path 41. Rock band equipment 42. Mysterious character 44. Sheepish look 45. Like some bookstores 46. Free ticket 49. Certain fraternity chapter 53. Identification (abb) Last Week’s Solution SUDOKU HARD 7 6 8 3 8 3 1 5 1 3 5 8 1 9 2 THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS 4 4 2 7 2 1 8 7 6 Tuesday 8 October 2013 All copy and notices due by noon Friday 12 SWANSEA GOLF CLUB All matches start 11a.m. for 11.30a.m. unless otherwise stated Swansea Golf Club Report Saturday 5th October 2013 Susan Davey and Francis Dowling were the winners of the Monthly Medals for October. Gill Foster and Paul Morris filled the runner up positions. Other very respectable scores were recorded by Sally Siepen, Max Hall, Mike Woolveridge and Malcolm Sinclair. Very strong winds made playing conditions extremely challenging for the 23 players who participated. The first 2 two rounds of the Club singles championships will commence next weekend. Round 1 Saturday 11.00 for 11.30 The second round to be held on Sunday will start at the earlier time 9.30 for 10.00.* A normal stroke competition will be run in conjunction with the Sat. championship round. Nearest to pin 4th/13th: Susan Davey. RESULTS Men: F Dowling 61 P. Morris 62 M. Woolveridge63 M. Sinclair 63 Max Hall 63 J.Morris 64 Ray dart 64 D. Down 66 I. Wallace 68 R. Green 68 M. Lethborg 68 D. Williams 69 M. Willett 70 A. Fenny 73 C. Weeding 73 J. McKenna 74 Ladies: S. Davey 56 G. Foster 57 S. Siepen 61 D. Sinclair 69 P. Hardcastle 70 C. Lewis 72 COMING EVENTS: Wednesday 9th October: Twilight Chicken Run commences 2.00pm start Saturday & Sunday 12th & 13th October: Club Singles Championships Thursday 17th October: East Coast Vets. Stroke. Singles Championships. FREYCINET Saturday 19th October: Final round Club Championships Wednesday 30th October: Ladies mid week AGM ***Saturday 9th November: Presentation Dinner 7.00 for 7.30. RSVP via list in club house or Ph. 62570327. Cost: $30.00 John McKenna SWANSEA BOWLS CLUB NEWS Triples Championships Saturday Oct 12th Barefoot Bowls Oct 9th Practice Night 6pm Oct 16th First Round 6pm Saturday Pennant October 19th vs Scamander at Swansea November 2nd Live Night of Jazz Music Thursday Triples 1.30 Membership for 2013/14 season Full $95 Social $30 Junior $15 All Welcome - See You At The Bowls Club Enquiries Barry 0427 688 016 SWANSEA WEATHER THE GREAT OYSTER BAY COMMUNITY NEWS