Nov ACA.pages - Alliance of California Artists


Nov ACA.pages - Alliance of California Artists
November 2014
Art Demonstration by
Art Sherwyn
Saturday, November 8th at 11 am
Board Meetings
9 am. before General
Next General Meeting
Second Saturday of
November 8th
at 11 am
Sorensen’s Studio
2223 S. Van Ness Ave,
Fresno, 93721
December 13 meeting
will be our annual
Christmas Potluck and
"Show and Tell”.
We will also have the
election of officers.
For thirty-eight years Art Sherwyn has devoted
himself to liberating the mind through the
appreciation and practice of visual art. As a highschool teacher, Art has received the highest
honors, including the prestigious American Disney
Teacher Award, and the California and National
Secondary Art Educator of the Year, as well as
numerous invitations to speak at local, state, and
national conferences for arts, education and
leadership. His prolific workshops, retreats, and
public lectures inspire audiences to dance beyond
convention, accept failure as a precursor to
success, and enrich all aspects of their lives
through the contemplative skill and emotional freedom cultivated within the
artistic process.
As an author, Art Sherwyn’s methods have proven indispensable to artists and
educators. His techniques deepen the understanding of composition and color,
employing exercises that encourage the reader, from all backgrounds, to
embark on their own heroic journey, challenging common perception and to see
their world with renewed passion and clarity.
As an artist, Art Sherwyn is in a continuous state of inquiry and exploration.
Nestled into American fields and startling landscapes, Art’s wooden easel and
kind demeanor has greeted many a curious traveler. In the studio, his technical
facilities merge with his fierce imagination and challenge the boundaries of
playful form and expression. 1930’s blues guitars vibrate from a battered work
radio, tennis balls wait in trays of wet paint, and works created
from smoke & fire hang amongst his more traditional
Art Sherwyn’s vigorous interpretations of life and landscape
presently hang in many public and private collections across the
globe. He continues to teach in Bakersfield, CA and travels the
country offering lectures and workshops to audiences from all
walks of life. Art Sherwyn is currently developing a
comprehensive textbook based on his most effective lesson
plans, and continues to traverse the countryside in search of
new ways to communicate truth and beauty
Message from our President
With summer now a distant memory and the Holidays just far enough around the corner to keep a fullblown panic at bay, I think it's the perfect time of year to cleanse the "palette," so to speak--and become
fully immersed in creative activities, taking on new challenges along the way. That's just what ACA is
providing for you. I'm really looking forward to the Demo and Workshop with Art Sherwyn! Having experienced workshops
with him before I can tell you, you will be challenged and inspired by the time you leave! You will "see
things" a little differently. You will go home and create! He is a wonderful teacher. All the information you
need to sign up for the Workshop, November 8 & 9, is included. This year we were able to once again, provide scholarships to Junior Artists at The Big Fresno Fair. This
is an important aspect of our organization. All Memorial donations, as well as One dollar of Every
painting that is hung in the ACA Gallery is donated to the scholarship fund. Encouraging young artists to
develop their creativity and display it for all to see is worthy of our admiration. We all started somewhere
and I know this will be an investment in their future they will never forget! Graduations to all the winners!
The ACA GALLERY at Sorensen's has become the heart of our organization. It is dedicated to you, our
members. Look at all the events and activities that are centered around the Gallery and your art that
hangs there. There are two ArtHops now, the Downtown "Second Saturday" noon- 4 and the "First
Thursday" of the month 5-8. The November ArtHop brings in a large crowd at Sorensen's! It's really a
plus for you to be there to meet the viewing public. Buyers like to meet the artists! And, Speaking of
opportunities, I know many of us do lots of other creative things. Check out the flyers for BLACK
FRIDAY! Bring your wonderful handmade items to sell and make some cash for the Holidays. You can
participate any day you choose, on just one or all three. Tell your friends to come and shop for original art
in our Gallery and see the "Holiday Arts and Crafts" for sale!
We sent out a calendar of events FYI for the rest of this year and next for you to print out and "put on
your phone". Look at all the exciting events yet to come. We have two shows on the calendar for next
year already! While you're doing that, go to our ACA Facebook page and "like" us so you will get all the
"invites" that will come up. I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Trudy Sweet
[email protected]
ACA 2014 Officers
President - Trudy Sweet
Vice President -Adrian Perenon
Director of Exhibits - Betty Berk
Secretary -Jeanne Naito
Treasurer – Roberta Davis
Education/youth Scholarship:
Marylou Griggs
Historian: Shirley Lindgren
Membership: Joann Hill
Newsletter : Ed Souza
Parliamentarian: Gail Daley
Plein Air: Marilyn Torchin
Publicity: Sharon Scott
Website: Brad Gong
Workshops: Lena Bradford
Demos: Elizabeth Davitian
Gallery Coordinator: Jeanne Naito
Show Co-Ordinator: Open
Director of Exhibits: Betty Berk
Hospitality: Sara Peters
ACA Directors
Gail Daley
Marilyn Torchin
Joann Hill
Linda Erickson
Adrian Perenon
Jeanne Naito
Sara Peters
Sue Porter
Sharon Scott
Elizabeth Davitian
ArtHop: Thursday, November 6th, 5-8pm
The two month Member Fine Art Exhibit from October will stay up until
Takedown/Receiving for December Gallery Fine Art Holiday Show
"The Gift of Original Art for the Holidays"
Monday, November 24th, from 10am-1:00pm
Gallery fee $8.00/painting
Come fill the ACA Gallery with fabulous art that will be up for the month of December to
sell for the holidays!
This is a wonderful opportunity for you to put some money in your pocket for the
Holidays. Most of us create so many other things and we want to give you the
opportunity to sell them to people who will love them!
BLACK FRIDAY Weekend - Holiday Fine Art and Crafts Sale
Friday-Saturday-Sunday, November 28-29-30; 10:00am-3:00pm,
Sell any one, or all 3 days of your choice, set up 9:30am
Free Table space available in the ACA Gallery and Sorensen Hall for
ACA members/artists to sell Handmade "One of a Kind" gift items!
Jewelry, purses, cards, prints, wearable art, pottery, Dichroic glass, etc., etc
There is no fee for this Opportunity but a 10% donation of sales would be appreciated!
Linda Erickson was the recipient of the "Andrew Family Sponsorship Award 2014 for Ag" for
the Celebrate Agriculture event held at the Madera Arts Council, October 1st. Linda is very
honored to be the first recipient of the Andrew Family award. Her painting "Row 120" was
selected and can be seen at the Madera Arts Council through November 24.
Roberta Davis was awarded a second place prize in the "Irrigation, Row Crops" category in the
Madera "Celebrate Agriculture" competition for her painting, "Row Crops, Central Valley".
Alliance of California Artists
Holiday Gift
Arts and Crafts Sale
Sorensen Hall and ACA Studio/Gallery
2223 So. Van Ness, Fresno
November 28, 29 & 30. 10:00-3:00
Black Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Fine Art & One of a kind
Handmade items
Note cards, art prints, jewelry, clothing, uniquely
crafted articles for Holiday gifts!
You are invited to participate in
Alliance of California Artists
Holiday Gift ~
Arts and Crafts Sale
November 28, 29 & 30, 10:00-3:00; Setup 9:30am
Black Friday, Saturday, Sunday… either one or all days!
Bring your Fine Art & One of a kind
Handmade items to sell in the
ACA Gallery/Sorensen Hall
Note cards, art prints, jewelry, clothing, uniquely crafted articles for
Holiday gifts!
There is NO Charge for table space,
a 10% donation of sales is appreciated…
ACA was established to provide an organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the arts and the
artists and to give encouragement through innovative programming and scholarships. The ACA Gallery
provides the opportunity to exhibit your own art, while at the same time a $1 donation/per painting is
made to the scholarship fund through the Gallery fees. All Memorial donations are also contributed to
the Scholarship fund. This year ACA was able to grant very nice scholarships to the Junior Artists at the
Big Fresno Fair. Thanks to everyone that contributed. The "Best of Show" was awarded to Ayla Jimenez
of the Fresno 4H for her painting, "Don't let them see you're afraid". Congratulations to all the winners!
Enjoy and keep your interest in the arts!
Alliance of California Artists
is honored to present an
Art Sherwyn Workshop
November 8 and 9, 2014
Saturday November 8 following his ACA Demo and
Sunday Noveber 9 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (1 hour lunch break)
Sorensens’s Studio
2223 S. Van Ness Avenue
Fresno, CA
This workshop will offer everyone a unique 9 hour excursion into a wealth of artistic
experiences and challenges, designed to open up new pathways of thought, thus
rousing renewed and fresh enthusiasm for continuing to make art. This workshop
can be especially valuable for artists who might be stuck on a plateau, experiencing
a burden to their inspiration and eagerness for making more art.
It promises to be an exciting weekend. Seating is limited, so please respond quickly.
$7.00 — A separate check made payable to Art Sherwyn for this amount
should be sent in along with your registration fee.
ACA Members $155.00
Non-Members $175.00
Mail your check payable to ACA to: Lena Bradford 34786 Bonadelle Ave., Madera, CA 93636
Any questions please call (559) 240-9536 Checks will not be deposited until 3 weeks prior to the workshop.
) Initial
Name _______________________________________________________________
Phone_________________________ Email__________________________________
I agree not to hold any instructor, Sorensen’s Studio, ACA or any of it’s officers
responsible for any injury or loss related to this workshop.
Please keep a copy for your records
The Art Sherwyn Workshop
The Workshop
This workshop will offer everyone a unique 9
hour excursion into a wealth of artistic
experiences and challenges, designed to
open up new pathways of thought, thus
rousing renewed and fresh enthusiasm for
continuing to make art. This workshop can
be especially valuable for artists who might
be stuck on a plateau, experiencing a
burden to their inspiration and eagerness for
making more art.
All Skill Levels Welcome
This workshop is open to all levels of artist
from the beginner to advanced; all lesson
sequences are crafted to be adaptable to
individual needs and levels. This journey is
not about any one medium, it’s far bigger
and more engaging.
through the world of art with a new pair of
eyes, and mindset. My goal is to stretch
everyone’s imagination, and explore
extraordinary options for finding new and
fresh inspiration from which to make art.
The Outcome
Most importantly, those who attend will
leave this workshop with a plan and
strategy for being their own teacher, with
the opportunity to generate a life time of
continued growth and development.
Considering art is one of the few activities
and professions in which one gets better
with age, the ability to be one’s own
teacher can be paramount.
All the materials will be supplied. It is
suggested everyone bring a sketch pad,
The mediums used in this workshop are only and/or note pad for taking notes and
the vehicle for conveying the relevance and jotting down thoughts. If you are
concerned about your clothes bring an
significance of each lesson sequence; the
apron. If you have a favorite soft pencil
lesson sequences transfer to all mediums.
bring it as well. Attending my
Participants will take part in a variety of
demonstration at 11:00 on Saturday is
exercises and challenges using a variety of
suggested; it will provide a nice lead in for
mediums and genres with the intention of
the workshop, yet attending the
opening up new avenues of thought
demonstration is not mandatory.
relating to technique, creativity and intent.
Participants will be working in rice/felt,
If there are any questions please do not
graphite, conte’, pastel, acrylic paint, and
hesitate to call me at (661) 203-5001. You
India ink. The intentions of this workshop is can also email me at [email protected]
to transport everyone on a unique journey
The Mediums
Art Sherwyn
Art Sherwyn is one of the more prominent teachers/artists in the West. He has
been awarded the Disney American Teacher Award (95-96), the California
Secondary Art Educator of the Year (97-98), and the National Secondary Art
Educator of the Year in the Pacific Region (99-2000). He is a sought-after lecturer
and demonstrator to art associations, teacher seminars, conventions and
museums throughout the Western United States. His theories on, “art, life, and
leadership,” and his practical concepts on teaching creativity are opening
pathways for artists, teachers and students wherever he goes.
Art is a prolific plein aire artist, having painted landscapes in a wide range of
locations throughout the United States, especially in California, and Utah. In his
studio he creates contemporary works of art, steadfastly exploring a wide range
of abstract techniques and processes. His works have won numerous awards and
hang in many private collections, and museums.
For more information go to his web site at
Paid Advertisement
For information regarding the
ACA Gallery
ACA Monthly General Meetings & events, find Newsletters,
Or information regarding other art activities,
Download show information & prospectus
Visit us on the web at:
Please submit your information, flyers or announcements with
"Announcement for ACA website" in the subject line
to Trudy Sweet at [email protected]
Membership Dues .
Dues are $$40.00/yr.
Make payment to:
ACA (Alliance of California Artists)
PO Box 821 Clovis, CA 93613
or bring your payment to the next
General Meeting
City ________________State _____ZIP_______
Telephone Day/Evening ___________________
Email Address___________________________
Please call Joann Hill for any questions
email [email protected]
You can also pay online at the ACA website
Members can pay
only $20 now for
the remainder
of the year