Introduction - ENERGA


Introduction - ENERGA
Welcome to the Yahoo! Search Marketing™ Analytics Setup Guide.
These instructions will help guide you through setting up analytics for
your Yahoo! Search Marketing account. When you complete the setup
instructions in this guide, you will be able to:
• Track campaigns by modifying your web-wide marketing links
(URLs) to include tracking codes.
• Use data analytics tracking technology by including data
collection tags on your web site(s).
• Configure Yahoo! Search Marketing to automatically collect and
report on your Yahoo! Search Marketing cost data.
• Integrate data collected outside of the Yahoo! Search Marketing
network into your reports from sources like Google®, Ebay®, and
• Use technologies like Microsoft® Active Server Pages, Java™
Server Pages/J2EE, and hypertext preprocessors like PHP.
Once you have successfully configured your web site(s) and referring
marketing links (URLs), your Yahoo! Search Marketing reports will
begin to populate with data, helping you to analyze and improve your
website performance.
How to Use this Guide
Organization This guide is organized in the order in which you should
Online Marketing Technology Overview — explains technology
concepts and techniques important to online marketing.
Tracking Referrals — explains how to set up marketing referral links
so that you can track them.
Using Data Collection Tags — explains how to set up tags on your
web site so that Yahoo! Search Marketing can collect and process
data about campaign performance.
Reporting Marketing Activity Costs ­­— explains how to associate costs
with marketing activities.
Appendix: Integrating with Yahoo!® Stores — explains how to use
analytics with Yahoo!® Stores.
Appendix: Integrating with PayPal® — explains how to use analytics
with PayPal® payment processing.
Appendix: Integrating with Java™ Technology — explains how to use
analytics with Java™ Server Pages (JSP).
Appendix: Integrating with Microsoft® ASP — explains how to use
analytics with Active Server Pages (ASP).
Appendix: Integrating with PHP — explains how to use analytics with
the hypertext preprocessor PHP.
Appendix: Third Party Accounts — explains how to use analytics with
non-Yahoo! campaigns.
set up analytics for your web site(s).
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Appendix: Marketing Activity Costs — explains how to create and
edit marketing activity costs.
Glossary — defines terms specific to Yahoo! Search Marketing
and terms commonly used for online marketing.
Index — provides a subject based cross-reference to locate
content quickly.
Assumptions We recommend that you review the setup
instructions in this guide prior to beginning your installation. This
guide requires knowledge of HTML and web tools to implement
data collection tags and referring marketing links. If you do not have
the necessary knowledge, please contact your webmaster or web
developer for assistance.
Examples in this Guide The examples included in this guide are
for your reference only, and should not be copied into your website or
data collection tags.
Conventions in this Guide This guide uses the following
typographical conventions:
• This typeface within the normal flow of content indicates a
term that is defined within the glossary.
• When offset from the normal flow of content, this typeface is
used to highlight equations and mathematical formulas.
• Typeface that looks like this sentence indicates
program or scripting code that you will either
type or paste into a web page. Also indicates
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values in scripting code that are automatically
inserted for you by Yahoo! Search Marketing.
This typeface indicates values in scripting code
that you should enter or customize.
Common Terms
Account A business or department that controls a marketing budget.
Small companies might use a single account to manage campaigns;
larger companies might require several accounts to represent
different divisions.
Account ID The unique identification number for an account.
Ad Group A set of ads and related keywords within a campaign.
The ads can be displayed to prospective customers searching for or
viewing content related to your keywords and/or ads. You can apply a
default ad group bid to all keywords in an ad group or set custom bids
for individual keywords.
Campaign A campaign contains one or more ad groups sharing the
same budget, schedule and geo-targeting criteria. A campaign is
typically created to support a particular marketing goal.
Conversion Only A method of tracking analytics data using one tag
that tracks conversions on your site generated from your Sponsored
Search and Content Match listings.
Conversion Tag A script in the source code of a page that records
a completed transaction. Typically, a Conversion Tag is placed on a
thank you or confirmation page. The Conversion Tag can include the
amount of the transaction.
Market ID A unique ID that is generated by Yahoo! Search Marketing
Cookie A collection of information stored on the local computer by a
Marketing Links A URL used by search engines and web sites to
web browser at the request of a web site. Cookies are mainly used by
websites to identify users who have previously registered or visited the
Data Collection Tags Scripts that are linked to a web page during the
tagging process that allow Yahoo! Search Marketing to collect visitor
behavior data. Data collection tags include:
• the Universal tag for tracking visitors through your web site
• the Event tag for tracking visitor behavior important to your
• the Conversion tag which indicates that Yahoo! Search Marketing
should record a completed transaction.
See Conversion Tag, Event Tag, Tagging, Tagging Options, and
Universal Tag for more information.
Event Tag A script in the source code of a web page that you use to
track visitor behavior that is important to your business. For example,
an Event tag can be used to record that a user has transitioned from
being a browser to being a shopper when a shopping cart or an
account is created.
Full Analytics A method of tracking analytics data using multiple tags
to track a range of activity across your web site.
to identify all aspects of a campaign within a Tracking URL.
direct visitors to your web site. These URLs, which are also known as
referring links, are converted into Tracking URLs when you append
Tracking Codes or a Market ID to them.
Name-Value Pair A value and the name for that value. The name of the
value appears on the left of an equal sign, while the value appears on
the right of the equal sign. The following are all examples of namevalue pairs.
campaignName=”My First Campaign”
IMPORTANT When you use a name-value pair, it is important to use the correct
format. Some values must be placed in single or double quotation
marks. Others may require a specific number of spaces around the
name, value, or equal sign. The instructions in this guide provide
complete formatting guidelines for using name-value pairs.
NOC Network Operations Center.
Shopping Cart ID See Transaction ID.
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Tagging The process of placing your Universal, Event, and
Conversion Tags on your site.
Tagging Options The method used for receiving analytics data.
Analytics data can be received using Conversion Only or Full
Analytics. Conversion Only provides one tag that tracks conversions
on your site generated from your Sponsored Search and Content
Match listings. Full Analytics allows multiple tags to track a full range
of activity across your web site.
Tracking Code The name portion of a name-value pair within a
Tracking URL that identifies a trackable aspect of a campaign. Yahoo!
Search Marketing provides the following tracking codes for your use:
• ysmcpm — campaign code
• ysmgrp — ad group code
• ysmcrn — creative code
• ysmtrm — term code
• ysmchn — channel code
• ysmtac — tactic code
• ysmrfd — referring id override code
Tracking URL A URL appended with parameters that provide
information about the distribution tactic, keyword, and raw search
query used.
Transaction ID An identification number usually generated by online
shopping software. The Transaction ID serves to uniquely identify a
visitor from the time a tracked event occurs until a conversion event
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occurs. For example, a Transaction ID might be created when a user
adds the first item to a shopping cart. This ID is used to identify the
visitor and their activities until they create a conversion event. For
example, when a visitor pays for the items in their cart, the transaction
ID will usually expire, indicating that the transaction associated with
that ID has been completed. Most Transaction IDs will expire if the
user does not make a purchase within a period of time, or if the user
exits the secure portion of a web site. Transaction IDs are sometimes
refered to as a Shopping Cart ID.
Universal Tag This tag is unique to your account and is placed on
every page of your web site(s).
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) In this guide, a URL is an address
that uniquely identifies and can be used to locate a web site, file, or
web service. For example, the URL for Yahoo! Search Marketing is When you type this address into
a web browser, the Yahoo! Search Marketing login page opens.
Online Marketing Overview
Yahoo! Search Marketing analytics helps you optimize your
online marketing efforts.
Understanding the terminology of online marketing is an important
step in optimizing your marketing efforts. This chapter presents a basic
introduction to online marketing concepts and terminology.
What is a Yahoo! Search Marketing campaign?
Marketing your business can be a multi-faceted effort that may
• advertising
• public relations
• promotion
• pricing strategies
• product distribution
• other means of communicating about a product or service
The intent is to move people closer to making a purchase (or at least
a decision).
In Yahoo! Search Marketing, a campaign helps you organize and
track the performance of your online referrals. Online referrals include
visitors that are sent to your web site from:
• search engines like Yahoo!
• links in partner web sites
• Content Match™ and similar advertising services
You use the concept of campaigns to focus your marketing efforts and
keep track of referrals that are related to one another. For example,
if you wanted to market a new line of shoes, you could create a
campaign called “New Shoes 2006” and set up relevant online
marketing efforts to organize, track, and measure all of your “New
Shoes 2006” marketing efforts separately from your other marketing
efforts. This allows you to focus on and optimize the performance of
your “New Shoes 2006” campaign.
Marketers tend to create campaigns around seasonal promotions
like “Back to School,” or specific product promotions like “New MP3
Players.” Many campaigns are variations of the same campaign but
include small changes to ad text to test or enhance performance, or to
customize for geographic location.
When you set up a campaign in your account, you are able to:
• Specify measurable objectives
• Schedule a campaign start and stop time
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View campaign performance statistics
Identify under-performing aspects of a campaign and take
corrective action
Standard Calculations
The following standard calculations, referred to as performance
metrics, are used to focus and optimize online marketing efforts.
Cost per Acquisition (CPA) Cost per Acquisition is a calculation of
how much it costs to acquire one new conversion. CPA is calculated
by taking the total cost of your online marketing activities and dividing
that number by your total conversions:
CPA = Total Cost / Conversions
For example, if you spend $1000 on an online marketing campaign
and this campaign generates 100 conversions or sales, the CPA
would be:
$10 per acquisition = $1000 / 100
Dollar Margin This is the most common calculation to estimate the
value of a conversion.
Dollar Margin = Sales Price – Cost of Product or Service
$100 = $140 - $40
You can also calculate this value as a percentage:
Dollar Margin Percentage = Dollar Margin / Sales Price
71.4% = $100 / $140
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) Return on Ad Spend calculates the
effectiveness of your online marketing. ROAS is calculated by
taking the total revenue generated by your online marketing efforts,
subtracting the total cost of the online marketing efforts, and dividing
the results by the cost of the online marketing efforts.
ROAS = (Total Revenue - Total Cost) / Total Cost
For example, if you spend $1000 on an online marketing campaign,
and the campaign generates $2500 in revenue, the ROAS would be:
1.5 = ($2500 - $1000) / $1000
This means that for every dollar you spend on your online marketing
efforts, you get back $1.50.
Target Cost per Lead This calculation will help you determine how
much you should spend per lead. It is based on a calculation of the
percentage of leads generated by dividing the number of Target
Conversions by the Target Conversion Rate:
For example, if you sell a product for $140 with a cost of $40, the
Dollar Margin would be:
Quick Definitions...
Conversion – the process of a lead becoming a customer. Typically, this occurs when a lead makes a purchase.
Target Conversions – the number of conversions required for the campaign to be successful.
Target Conversion Rate – the expected number of leads that will convert into customers.
Required Leads = Target Conversions / Target Conversion Rate
The Target Cost Per Lead is equal to the campaign’s Marketing
Budget divided by the number of Required Leads.
Target Cost per Lead = Marketing Budget / Required Leads
For example, a campaign has the following parameters:
• a marketing budget of $5000
• needs 150 conversions – the Target Conversion number
• expects a Target Conversion rate of 4%
Using these parameters, the Required Leads are:
3750 Required Leads = 150 / .04
Once the Required Leads are calculated, the Target Cost Per Lead is
calculated as:
$1.33 Target Cost per Lead = $5000 / 3750
Important The previous example assumes the lifetime value (LTV) of these
customers is limited to the lifetime of the campaign.
Setting up Campaign Objectives
In order to effectively manage a campaign, it is important to specify
objectives that can be measured. Many objectives can be expressed
or derived from performance metrics, while some are simply stated
as goals like, “Sell 500 units between October and January.” Some
examples of measurable objectives include:
• Overall sales or Target Revenue for a period of time
• Target Cost per Acquisition
• Target Conversion Rate
• Return on Ad Spend
In addition to performance metrics, you will also need to know your
product or service:
• Sales cycle
• Average Order Size (AOS)
important Understanding your sales cycle is critical to accurately assessing
the results of your campaigns. If your campaigns are set up for a
shorter period of time than your sales cycle, or if you are measuring
the results of your campaign before the end of your sales cycle, your
performance metrics could be skewed.
Quick Definitions...
Lead – a person that has expressed interest in your product or service. A lead may be a returning or new customer.
Sale – occurs when a lead converts to a customer, usually by making a purchase. For most purposes, a sale is equivalent to a conversion.
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Setting Objectives Example
A fictional advertiser, Tom, sells billiards equipment. He has too
many Smithee pool cues in inventory, and he wants to sell them
immediately. Tom decides to create a specific campaign to sell the
Smithee pool cues. He determines the following basic information for
his campaign.
Standard Metrics for Setting Objectives
Dollar Margin
$31 = $112 - $81
Dollar Margin Percentage
38.3% = $31 / $81
Target Cost per Acquisition
$13.33 = $2000 / 150
Target Conversion Rate
0.02 (2%)
Information Required For Setting Objectives
Required Leads
7500 = 150 / 0.02
Sale Price
Target Cost per Lead
$0.27 = $2000 / 7500
Product Cost
Target Conversions
Marketing Budget
After Tom established this basic information for his campaign, he
calculates a set of performance metrics goals.
How to calculate the performance metrics goals Follow the steps
listed below to understand how Tom calculated the performance
metrics goals for his Smithee pool cue campaign.
1. Calculate the Dollar Margin by subtracting the sale price from the
product cost.
$31 = $112 - $81
2. Calculate the Dollar Margin Percentage.
$38.3% = $31 / $81
3. By calculating the Dollar Margin, Tom can determine how
much he is willing to spend on marketing the Smithee pool cue
campaign while still covering his costs. Based on the marketing
budget and the number of units Tom needs to sell, he can
calculate the Target Cost per Acquisition (CPA).
$13.33 = $2000 / 150
4. With this information, Tom identifies the marketing tactics that
have historically delivered a CPA of $13.33 or less. Tom chooses
to run a paid search program using a combination of keywords
from Yahoo! and Google. Tom knows he needs to choose a
combination of keywords that does not exceed $13.33 per
conversion. Tom also knows that his historical conversion rate for
leads from Yahoo! and Google is 2%. With this information, he is
able to calculate the remaining standard metrics.
5. Tom calculates the Required Leads by dividing the Target
Conversions number by the Target Conversion Rate.
7500 = 150 / .02
6. Once Tom identifies that he needs 7500 leads to get 150
conversions, he takes his marketing budget of $2000 and divides
it by the Required Leads to calculate the Target Cost per Lead.
$.027 = $2000 / 7500
Important The previous example assumes the lifetime value (LTV) of these
customers is limited to the lifetime of the campaign.
Important According to Tom’s calculations, he has to have an Average Keyword
Cost of $0.27. This can be a blend of high cost and low cost terms
as long as the average cost and conversion rate fall in line with his
Important It is important for Tom to understand his product’s sales cycle as he
tracks the performance of his keywords. For example, if Tom looks at
the performance of a keyword after five days but his sales cycle is 30
days, he might reduce the bid on or remove a keyword that converts at
a high rate after 30 days.
Comparing Campaign Results and Objectives
During the course of any campaign, it is important to review, analyze,
and optimize campaign settings and tactics. In order to effectively and
accurately measure the results of a campaign, you should evaluate
the campaign over its entire lifetime. However, it is appropriate to
make changes that will optimize your campaign performance once a
sufficient number of sales cycles has been completed. For example,
if your campaign will run for three months and your sales cycle is one
month, it might be appropriate to make adjustments to your campaign
after one month has passed when the campaign has completed sales
cycles and has produced sales data.
Comparison of Objectives and Results Example
From the previous example, Tom decides to review the results of
the Smithee pool cue campaign that he launched on October 1. He
reviews the results of his campaign on October 31, but he knows that
he must be careful about making decisions on the effectiveness of
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the campaign as the sales cycle will not be complete for anyone who
visited the site after October 2.
Tom reviews the actual performance metrics for his campaign in
Yahoo!® Marketing Soltutions™:
Performance Metric
Cost of campaign
Revenue generated
Conversion rate
While the results of the campaign exceeded the campaign’s goals,
there is often room for improvement. It’s possible for Tom to adjust
the amount he spends on his keywords to improve performance
while meeting his overall cost goals. For example, because Tom
is getting a higher than predicted conversion rate, he can increase
the campaign’s target cost per lead since he needs fewer leads to
achieve a conversion. Tom can also examine the performance of
keywords on the Yahoo! network and on Google. If Tom has different
keywords on the two search engines, this could indicate which
keywords that should be shared across the two advertising networks.
One of the best things Tom can do to improve his campaign’s
performance is to eliminate keywords that do not directly or indirectly
(assists) result in conversions. By removing under-performing
keywords, Tom can focus his spending on relevant keywords while
maintaining his Target Cost per Lead at or below $0.27. When
removing keywords, Tom must consider the campaign’s sales cycle so
that he does not eliminate keywords that result in a high conversion
rate. An additional way for Tom to increase the performance of a
keyword is to examine the landing page associated with the keyword.
If a landing page is not strongly correlated with a keyword, then the
keyword can generate significant traffic but not generate conversions.
To fix this problem, Tom could change the titles or descriptions on the
landing page, or change the URL assigned to the keyword to point to
a more relevant landing page.
Important Some customers may have access to additional reporting tools that
provide the ability to track and report on keyword performance at
different points in the sales lifecycle. If you have access to these
tools, you can track how many pages a visitor views prior to leaving
your site. With this information, you may be able to adjust specific
pages in your web site to increase the conversion rate.
Other factors that Tom should consider when analyzing campaign
performance include how many times a visitor comes to the web
site before converting. If visitors come to the site multiple times
prior to making a purchase, it could indicate that visitors are making
price comparisons. To address this, Tom could consider a future
promotion where he offers to match or beat the prices on other
web sites. Tom can also examine the revenue and Average Order
Quick Definition...
Assist – when a keyword or ad contributes to a conversion that is credited to another keyword or marketing activity.
Size (AOS) associated with different visitor patterns. If the AOS
increases proportionately to the amount of time that passes prior to
a conversion, this could indicate that buyers that take longer to make
a purchase make larger purchases. Tom could use this information
to focus on attracting these buyers by spending more on keywords
relevant to this target group.
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Tracking Referrals
Yahoo! Search Marketing analytics gives you flexible tools
to track visitor behavior.
a plus sign (+) or by the percent sign followed by the number twenty
Yahoo! Search Marketing automatically tracks any referral from
the Yahoo! network to your web site(s). In order for Yahoo! to track
referrals from other sites or services, the referring marketing link must
include URL tracking codes — name-value pairs that represent the
campaign variables a referral should be associated with.
When a referring marketing link includes URL tracking codes, it is
known as a tracking URL. This chapter explains how to create URL
tracking codes, and how to attach them to your referring marketing
links to create tracking URLs.
Each of the following is an example of a name-value pair you could
use in a tracking URL.
• fruit_name=green+apple
• cost=100
• account=234100923
• day=21
• month=9
• year=2006
• dob=010485
Name-Value Pairs: A Quick Primer
Using Non-latin and Extended Character Sets
Each variable is included in a tracking URL as a name-value pair. The
term ‘name-value pair’ refers to a common format used to associate a
variable label (the name) with its current state (the value). Name-value
pairs come in a variety of formats, but are typically formatted as
name=value, with no spaces on either side of the equal sign. Spaces
in the value part of a name-value pair are represented (encoded) as
Yahoo! Search Marketing supports the inclusion of all Unicode
characters that can be encoded as hexadecimal numbers and
escaped into UTF-8 format. This allows you to mix Latin characters
and non-latin characters in a single value. It also allows for the
representation of almost all characters in currently used languages
including punctuation or other symbols that are not part of the basic
Latin character set.
Provides a unique code number for every character in electronic text, for any language, platform, or application. Unicode uses a Universal Character Set (UCS) of 96,248 characters to encompass most of the
world’s languages. Many standards such as XML and JavaScript use Unicode character values. Unicode was developed in response to problems with multiple language implementations of ASCII characters,
and Unicode is maintained by the Unicode Consortium (
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Each of the following are examples of the value portion of a namevalue pair that is encoded into UTF-8 format. These examples were
encoded using a simple JavaScript encoding script that is included in
this section.
UTF-8 Encoding and Escaping Tool
For your convenience, a UTF-8 encoding and escaping tool is
included below.
UTF-8 Encoded Form
Discount DVDs (FR)
DVD à prix réduits
document.write(encodeURIComponent(‘TEXT TO BE ENCODED’));
Discount DVDs (JP)
How to use js_ecoder.html You will need to use a web browser and
Discount DVDs (KO)
DVD 할인판매
Name-Value Pair Coding Rules
All name value pair names must always be entered as lower case characters and
without spaces: ysmcpn, ysmgrp, ysmcrn, ysmtrm, ysmchn, ysmtac, ysmrfd.
Always use + or %20 to represent (encode) spaces in values.
Count escaped characters like spaces or non-latin alphabet as only one character
when calculating the length of a value.
The ysmchn and ysmtac name-value pairs are restricted to a set list of codes.
a plain text, xml, or html editor to complete these instructions. On
the Microsoft® Windows® platform, you can use editing applications
like Microsoft® Notepad, Altova® XMLSpy, or Macromedia®
Dreamweaver™. On the Apple® Macintosh® platform, you can use
editing applications like Bare Bones Software’s BBEdit®, Apple®
XCode™ Developer Tools, or <oXygen/>® xml editor.
1. Copy the js_encoder.html text and paste it into a new text file.
Name the file js_encoder.html and save the file.
2. Replace TEXT TO BE ENCODED with the value you want to
encode into UTF-8.
3. Save the file.
4. Switch to your web browser and open the file you just saved. The
web browser will display the text in its UTF-8 encoded form. You
can copy the UTF-8 encoded text from the browser window and
use it in Yahoo! Search Marketing.
Is the conversion of a character into an alternative representation. Encoding allows potentially incompatible characters, symbols, and punctuation to be represented in a way that enables a parser (an
interpreter) to correctly identify the intended value. For example, the space character can be encoded into its hexadecimal representation (the number 20) or its decimal representation (the number
URL Tracking Codes
Yahoo! Search Marketing connects traffic to your web site(s) that does
not originate on the Yahoo! network using tracking URLs. A tracking
URL is composed of one or more URL tracking codes — name-value
pairs that represent a campaign variable.
There are seven campaign variables available, but only the tactic
variable is required to track a marketing referral. You will get much
better tracking results, however, when you include most or all of the
following campaign variables in your tracking URLs.
• campaign
• ad group
• ad name
• term
• channel
• referring domain override
IMPORTANT To keep track of referrals that do not originate on the Yahoo! network,
your web site(s) must include Yahoo! Search Marketing data collection
tags. These tags will transmit the campaign variable information in
the tracking URL to your Yahoo! Search Marketing account. For more
information, see the “Collecting Performance Metrics” and “Data
Collection Tagging” chapters in this guide.
Campaign Variable
The campaign variable indicates the name of the campaign the
visitor referred by the tracking URL should be associated with. For
example, if the campaign name variable should be associated with
a campaign named “Spring Shoes”, the name-value pair would be
ysmcpm=Spring+Shoes. Additional examples and coding rules are
listed below.
Name-Value Pair
Spring Shoes
Discount DVDs (JP)
Deluxe Linens
Coding Rules
Not Required
Name code “ysmcpm” must be entered in lower case
Maximum value length is 50 characters
Escaped characters, including characters represented by two or more UTF-8
encoded values, count as one character.
Is the process of notifying a parser (an interpreter) that a certain number of characters following an escape character(s) should be interpreted as an encoded representation of some other value. In your
Yahoo! Search Marketing account, the UTF-8 escape character is the percent symbol (%). This symbol indicates that the two characters that follow should be interpreted as a single hexadecimal value. Some
characters cannot be represented by a single UTF-8 value, and are instead composed of a series of two or three UTF-8 values. You can find more information about encoding, escaping, and UTF-8 by visiting
Wikipedia ( and searching on these terms.
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Ad Group Variable
The ad group variable indicates the name of the ad group the visitor
referred by the tracking URL should be associated with. For example,
if the ad group name variable should be associated with an ad group
named “Sandals”, the name-value pair would be ysmgrp=Sandals.
Additional examples and coding rules are listed below.
Ad Name Variable
The ad name variable indicates the name of the ad the visitor referred
by the tracking URL should be associated with. For example, if the ad
name variable should be associated with an ad named “New Shoes
On Sale”, the name-value pair would be ysmcrn=New+Shoes+On+Sa
le. Additional examples and coding rules are listed below.
Ad Group
Name-Value Pair
AD Name
Name-Value Pair
New Shoes On Sale
600 Thread Count
Egyptian Cotton Sheets
for Less
Coding Rules
Coding Rules
Not Required
Not Required
Name code “ysmgrp” must be entered in lower case
Name code “ysmcrn” must be entered in lower case
Maximum value length is 50 characters
Maximum value length is 50 characters
Escaped characters, including characters represented by two or more UTF-8
encoded values, count as one character.
Escaped characters, including characters represented by two or more UTF-8
encoded values, count as one character.
Term Variable
Tactic Variable
The term variable indicates the term that was used to generate
the referring link. For example, if the term variable should be
associated with the term “new shoes”, the name-value pair would be
ysmtrm=New+Shoes. Additional examples and coding rules are listed
The tactic variable indicates the type of advertising tactic that was
used to generate the tracking URL. The following list contains the
campaign tactics and corresponding codes that can be used with a
referring marketing link.
Tactic Code
Banner Ad
Comparison Shopping
Contextual Search
Local Search
Offline media that drives online click-through
Maximum value length is 50 characters
Paid Inclusion Bulk
Escaped characters, including characters represented by two or more UTF-8
encoded values, count as one character.
Paid Inclusion Search
Pay Per Click Search
Name-Value Pair
New Shoes
John Smith
Deluxe Sheet Sets
Coding Rules
Not Required
Name code “ysmtrm” must be entered in lower case
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For example, if the referring link will be generated by a Pay-PerClick tactic, then the campaign tactic name-value pair would be
ysmtac=ppc. Additional examples and coding rules are listed below.
Campaign Tactic
Name-Value Pair
Pay Per Click Search
Local Search
Coding Rules
Channel Variable
The channel variable indicates the advertising channel that was
used to generate the tracking URL. The campaign channel variable
also determines the advertising tactics that will be tracked by Yahoo!
Search Marketing.
The following list contains the advertising channels and corresponding
campaign channel codes supported by Yahoo! Search Marketing
that can be used in a referring marketing link. Listed next to each
campaign channel code are the advertising tactics that are recognized
by Yahoo! Search Marketing for that channel.
Supported Tactics
Name code “ysmtac” must be entered in lower case
24/7 Media
7 Search
Enhance Interactive
America On-Line
Ask Jeeves
Campaign tactic codes may be entered in lower, upper, or mixed case
Campaign tactic codes must be supported by Yahoo! Search Marketing for
the selected advertising channel (see “Campaign Channel Variable” for more
Supported Tactics
Supported Tactics
Burst Media
Industry Brain
Commission Junction
Engage Media
Fast Clic
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Supported Tactics
Supported Tactics
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Austria
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Australia
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Switzerland
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Germany
Search Boss
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Denmark
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Spain
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Finland
Yahoo! Search Marketing, France
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Italy
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Netherlands
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Norway
Yahoo! Search Marketing, Sweden
Yahoo! Search Marketing, United Kingdom YSMUK
Yahoo! Search Marketing, U.S.
For example, if the referring link will be generated on the Microsoft
Search Network, then the campaign channel name-value pair would
be ysmchn=msn. Additional examples and coding rules are listed
Campaign Channel
Name-Value Pair
Microsoft Search Network (MSN)
Coding Rules
Not Required
Name code “ysmchn” must be entered in lower case
Maximum value length is 50 characters
Campaign channel codes may be entered in lower, upper, or mixed case
IMPORTANT Using an incorrect code may result in inaccurate data being collected.
If an appropriate channel code is not listed for your advertising
channel, please contact Yahoo! Search Marketing. Until a channel
code is established for your advertising channel, you may use the
‘OTHER’ code to collect data.
Campaign Referrer Variable
Yahoo! Search Marketing automatically records the referring domain
for each visitor to your web site. Optionally, you can assign a name
to a referring domain. You might do this to create a more meaningful
name, or to group traffic from many domains into one domain for the
purpose of visitor traffic analysis. For example, if a tracking URL’s
domain is “” and you want it to be recorded as “Southwest
Partner”, you would add ysmrfd=Southwest+Partner to the tracking
URLs from the “” domain. Additional examples and coding
rules are listed below.
Desired Campaign referral
Name-Value Pair
Discount DVD Vendors
Used Car Vendors
Coding Rules
Not Required
Name code “ysmrfd” must be entered in lower case
Maximum value length is 50 characters
Escaped characters, including characters represented by two or more UTF-8
encoded values, count as one character.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
IMPORTANT When you use a campaign referral override, the original referring
domain value is not recorded by Yahoo! Search Marketing.
Creating Tracking URLs
You create tracking URLs by including campaign variables – in the
form of URL tracking codes – in referring marketing links that do not
originate on the Yahoo! network. You can keep track of visitor referrals
to your web site(s), providing you with a more detailed picture of your
online marketing performance.
You can use one or more URL tracking codes in a tracking URL,
but you must always include a tactic URL tracking code for accurate
visitor tracking.
A list of campaign variables and their URL abbreviations is listed
campaign variable name
URL Abbreviation
Campaign Name
Ad Group Name
Ad Name
Channel Name
Referring ID Override
Referring Marketing Links...
Are the links that visitors click on to arrive at your web site. For example, when you advertise with a search engine marketing network, you enter a web site address that searchers will be sent to if they click on
your advertisement. The link the searchers click on is the referring marketing link.
The URL Query String
When you create a tracking URL, you place the URL tracking codes in
the URL query string. The URL query string is the text after a question
mark (?) in a URL. For example, if you have the following referring
marketing link:
then you would place the URL tracking codes at the end of the URL
after a question mark (?).
Adding the tracking codes to the referring marketing link doesn’t
change the address your URL points to. Instead, it simply adds some
additional information that can be transmitted by the data collection
tags on the destination web page.
You can separate multiple URL tracking codes using the ampersand
(&) character:
You can also include name-value pairs and other values in a tracking
URL that are not associated with Yahoo! Search Marketing. You can
add the URL tracking codes in any order and in any position within the
URL query string.
For example, if your referring marketing link already has the following
query string:
then you could add your URL tracking codes to the URL query string
as follows:
or ysmcpn=Campaign
IMPORTANT While the order and position of the URL tracking codes do not affect
your Yahoo! Search Marketing analytics, you should confirm that order
and position do not impact the processing of any other information
included in a referring marketing link before adding URL tracking
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Additional examples and coding rules are listed below.
URL Coding Rules for URL Tracking Codes
URL Tracking Codes are inserted after a “?” character in the URL. This area of the
URL is typically referred to as the URL Query String.
For example:
Name-value pairs are separated in the URL by the “&” character.
For example:
Name-value pairs may be placed in any order in the URL query string (after the “?”
character) and may be mixed with non Yahoo! Search Marketing information.
For example, if you have the following name-value pairs:
ppid=876594 and afid=Super%20Shoe%20Warehouse
you could include them anywhere in Tracking URL:
An Example Tracking URL
A fictional advertiser, Sarah, is running a campaign to launch a new
line of shoes in the Spring. She has the following campaign setup in
her account:
• Campaign Name: Spring Shoe Launch
• Ad Group Name: Sandals
• Ad: New Shoes Are Here!
• Term: Jimmy Smith Sandals
In addition to advertising with Yahoo!, she has decided to advertise on
MSN. She has selected keyword as her advertising tactic.
Sarah wants to make certain that she tracks the referrals that are
generated from MSN. Using her campaign information and the table
of campaign variable abbreviations, she creates the following URL
tracking codes for her campaign variables:
• ysmcpn=Spring+Shoe+Launch
• ysmgrp=Sandals
• ysmcrn=New+Shoes+Are+Here
• ysmtrm=Jimmy+Smith+Sandals
• ysmchn=MSN
• ysmtac=PPC
Next, she goes into her MSN management console and appends
these URL tracking codes to all of the referring marketing links that
should be associated with these campaign variables.
She takes a referring marketing link that looks like the following:
and appends the URL tracking codes to it to create a tracking URL.
Because Sarah has already set up data collection tags on her web
site, when MSN generates a referral, it will be recorded by Yahoo!
Marketing Solutions, helping Sarah get a better picture of the
performance of her online marketing efforts.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Using Data Collection Tags on Your Web Site
Yahoo! Search Marketing Data Collection Tags yield superior performance tracking results.
Your customized data collection tags for your web site allow you to
track and learn from visitor behavior. This chapter explains how to
install and customize these data collection tags within your Yahoo!
Search Marketing account.
Customer Requirements To accurately collect data, there are three
requirements that your visitor’s web browser must meet.
1 The browser must be set to download images, which is the default
setting for modern browsers.
2 The browser must be set to run JavaScript code, which is the
default setting for modern browsers.
3 The browser must be set to accept cookies, which is the default
setting for modern browsers. Yahoo! Search Marketing can still
track a visitor’s activities on your web site without cookies being
active, but it will not be able to track the visitor’s actions over time.
Analytics Options Yahoo! Search Marketing provides two forms of
visitor behavior tracking for your web site:
• Conversion Only Analytics records conversion events and
revenue associated with each transaction.
• Full Analytics tracks visitors through your web site and records
conversions and revenue.
Installing Data Collection Tags
Your customized data collection tags are located within Yahoo! Search
Marketing. Installation is accomplished in four steps:
• enabling analytics within your account
• configuring analytics within your account
• copying and configuring your custom data collection tags
• installing the custom data collection tags in your web site
These instructions are organized into “Installing Conversion Only
Analytics” and “Installing Full Analytics” sections. Each section will
guide you through the installation of the specific tags associated with
the analytics option. Platform and technology specific instructions are
included in the appendix of this document. Specific instructions are
included in the appendix for:
• Yahoo!® Stores based installations
• PayPal based installations
• ASP installations
• JSP and Java based installations
• PHP based installations
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Using Conversion Only Analytics
Enable Analytics 1. Log in to your Yahoo! Search Marketing account.
2. If you have more than one master account, select the master
account that should track the web site. If you do not have more
than one master account, proceed to step three.
3. Select the Administration tab. The navigation bar below the tabs
will now display Administration related links.
4. On the navigation bar below the Administrtion tab, select
5. If analytics are disabled, click the Enable Analytics button.
Analytics options are immediately displayed below the Enable
Analytics button. Your account type determines the number of
analytics options you may select from.
6. If both Conversion Only Analytics and Full Analytics options are
displayed, select Conversion Only Analytics. When you select an
analytics type, Yahoo! Search Marketing generates customized
data collection tags and then displays the tags and additional
analytics options in panels at the bottom of the page. If you can
not select an analytics option, the panels are already displayed at
the bottom of the page.
Important Do not click the Activate button when you select the type of analytics
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
you would like to use for your visitor tracking. Instead, wait until you
have installed the data collection tags on your web site. This will
prevent inaccurate or partial data from being collected.
Configure Optimization Options You can use conversion and
revenue information to optimize your campaign bidding.
1. Click the panel labeled Optimization Settings at the bottom of the
page. Three optimization options will be displayed.
2. You can select from one of three optimzation options:
• Only use conversion information to optimize campaigns. This
will exclude revenue information from campaign optimization.
• Use both conversion and revenue information to optimize
campaigns. This option enables the best optimization
• Exclude conversion and revenue information from campaign
optimization. This option will completely exclude conversion
and revenue information from campaign optimization.
3. Click Save.
Copying the Conversion Only Tag You can customize your tag
with a revenue amount and a transaction ID. This process requires a
text editor that allows you to edit HTML files. Platform and technology
specific instructions are included in the appendix of this document.
1. Click on the panel labled Conversion Only at the bottom of the
page. A set of instructions and your customized Conversion Only
Tag is displayed.
2. Underneath the Revenue Value label, select whether your
custom Conversion Only Tag will have a revenue value assigned
dynamically, or whether Yahoo! Search Marketing should store a
default constant value.
• To assign a value dynamically, select Dynamic Value from the
Revenue Value popup list and click Save.
• To assign a constant value, select Constant Average Value
from the Revenue Value popup list, enter the revenue amount
in the textbox next to the Revenue Value popup list, and click
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to copy your customized
Conversion Only Tag. In general, you should highlight the tag
within the text box, and while the complete tag is highlighted,
select your browser’s copy option. The keyboard shortcut for
copying is typically CTRL-C for Microsoft Windows based
computers or Command-C for Apple Macintosh based computers.
A non-functioning example Conversion Only Tag is presented
below for your reference.
Example Conversion Only Tag
<SCRIPT language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
window.ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.conversion = “transId=,currency=,amount
var ysm_accountid = “1OUBCPEJFKSOLKWHSRUJOGKM0LK”;
document.write(“<SCR” + “IPT language=’JavaScript’ type=’text/
javascript’ “
+ “SRC=//” + “” +
“/script/ScriptServlet” + “?aid=” + ysm_accountid
+ “></SCR” + “IPT>”);
// -->
4. Create a new document using your HTML text editor and paste
the content of your custom Conversion Only tag into the new
Important This document describes a method of including data collection tags
in your pages called script linking. While this is the preferred method,
you can also insert data collection tags into the head element of your
web pages. For more information, refer to the “Inline Tagging Method”
section at the end of this chapter.
5. If you use the script linking method to include data collection tags
in your web pages, delete the enclosing SCRIPT element. Your
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Conversion Only Tag should look similar to the non-functioning
example below.
Example Conversion Only Tag without the SCRIPT elmenet
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
window.ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.conversion = “transId=,currency=,amount
var ysm_accountid = “1OUBCPEJFKSOLKWHSRUJOGKM0LK”;
document.write(“<SCR” + “IPT language=’JavaScript’ type=’text/
javascript’ “
+ “SRC=//” + “” +
“/script/ScriptServlet” + “?aid=” + ysm_accountid
+ “></SCR” + “IPT>”);
// -->
6. Including a transaction ID and revenue amount dynamically is
detailed on a per platform and technology basis in the appendix
of this document. In general, you include variables in the
JavaScript code of your custom Conversion Only Tag so that
when the page is rendered by a web server, the variables are
replaced by the correct values before the page is sent to a web
Alternatively, you can also process the values on the client side
using JavaScript, however you must take into account the order
of execution of the various JavaScripts associated with a web
page. For more information on client side scripting, visit the
Mozilla Foundation web site at
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Important Yahoo! Search Marketing does not support currencies other than US
dollars. Setting the currency value has no effect on data collection.
7. Save the new document as universal_tag.js in a location that
your webserver can access when fulfilling page requests.
Installing the Conversion Only Tag The Conversion Only Tag
should be placed on each page of your web site that indicates a visitor
has completed a transaction.
1. For each page in your web site, insert a script link that will import
the conversion_only_tag.js file. You should insert this script link in
the head element of your HTML pages. An excerpt from an HTML
page is presented below that would import a Conversion Only
Example head element without a Conversion Only Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
Example head element with a Conversion Only Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
<script src=”conversion_only_tag.js” type=”text/javascript”
language=”javascript1.5” charset=”utf-8”>
Using Full Analytics
Enable Analytics 1. Log in to your Yahoo! Search Marketing account.
2. If you have more than one master account, select the master
account that should track the web site. If you do not have more
than one master account, proceed to step three.
3. Select the Administration tab. The navigation bar below the tabs
will now display Administration related links.
4. On the navigation bar below the Administrtion tab, select
5. If analytics are disabled, click the Enable Analytics button.
Analytics options are immediately displayed below the Enable
Analytics button. Your account type determines the number of
analytics options you may select from.
6. If both Conversion Only Analytics and Full Analytics options are
displayed, select Full Analytics. When you select an analytics
type, Yahoo! Search Marketing generates customized data
collection tags and displays the tags and additional analytics
options in panels at the bottom of the page.
Important Do not click the Activate button when you select the type of analytics
you would like to use for your visitor tracking. Instead, wait until you
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
have installed the data collection tags on your web site. This will
prevent inaccurate or partial data from being collected.
Configure Optimization Options You can use conversion and
revenue information to optimize your account bidding.
1. Click the panel labeled Optimization Settings at the bottom of the
page. Three optimization settings will be displayed:
• Use conversion information to optimize campaigns. This will
exclude revenue information from campaign optimization.
• Use conversion and revenue information to optimize
campaigns. This delivers the best optimization performance.
• Exclude conversion and revenue information from campaign
2. Select from one of three optimzation settings.
3. Click Save.
Configure Excluded Sources Options You can prevent visitors
from being tracked as a new lead when they arrive at your site from
URLs that you add to your excluded sources list.
1. Click on the panel labeled Excluded Sources at the bottom of
the page. A set of instructions and a list of excluded sources is
2. Add or remove valid URLs from the excluded sources list,
separating each entry by pressing the Enter or Return key.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
3. When you have completed editing the list, click the Save
Changes button.
Configure Event Tags You create Event Tags to track different
conversion events on your web site. For example, you could use
separate tags to track when a visitor signs up for a newsletter,
downloads a podcast, or makes a purchase. Using different Event
Tags let you analyze your conversions by category.
1. Click on Event Tags at the bottom of the page. A set of
instructions and any currently defined Event Tags are displayed.
2. To edit an existing Event Tag, select its name in the Event Tag
list. The Prospect Tag and Conversion Tag associated with the
Event Tag are displayed.
• To change the Event Tag name, edit the name in the Event
Tag Name textbox and click the Save Changes button.
• To change the Revenue Value associated with the Event
Tag, select Dynamic Value or Constant Average Value from
the popup list. If you select Constant Average Value, enter
a revenue amount in the the Revenue Value text box. When
complete, click the Save Changes button.
When editing is complete and you have saved your changes,
select Return to list.
3. To create an Event Tag:
3.1 Select Add Event Tag.
3.2 Enter an Event Tag name.
3.3 Select Dynamic Value or Constant Average Value from the
Revenue Value popup list. If you select Constant Average
Value, enter a revenue amount in the Revenue Value text
3.4 Click the Save Changes button.
Copying the Universal Tag The Universal Tag is placed on every
page in your web site and is responsible for tracking a visitor’s
progress. This process requires a text editor that allows you to edit
HTML files. Platform and technolgoy specific instructions are included
in the appendix of this document.
1. Click on the panel labled Universal Tags at the bottom of the
page. A set of instructions and your customized Universal Tag is
2. Follow the onscreen instructions to copy your customized
Universal Tag. In general, you should highlight the tag within
the text box, and while the complete tag is highlighted, select
your browser’s copy option. The keyboard shortcut for copying
is typically CTRL-C for Microsoft Windows based computers
or Command-C for Apple Macintosh based computers. A nonfunctioning example Universal Tag is presented below for your
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Example Universal Tag
<SCRIPT language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
var ysm_accountid = “1OUBCPEJFKSOLKWHSRUJOGKM0LK”;
document.write(“<SCR” + “IPT language=’JavaScript’ type=’text/
javascript’ “
+ “SRC=//” + “” +
“/script/ScriptServlet” + “?aid=” + ysm_accountid
+ “></SCR” + “IPT>”);
// -->
3. Create a new document using your HTML text editor and paste
the content of your custom Universal tag into the new document.
Important This document describes a method of including data collection tags
in your pages called script linking. While this is the preferred method,
you can also insert data collection tags into the head element of your
web pages. For more information, refer to the “Inline Tagging Method”
section at the end of this chapter.
4. If you use the script linking method to include data collection tags
in your web pages, delete the enclosing SCRIPT element. Your
Universal Tag should look similar to the non-functioning example
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Example Universal Tag without the SCRIPT elmenet
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
var ysm_accountid = “1OUBCPEJFKSOLKWHSRUJOGKM0LK”;
document.write(“<SCR” + “IPT language=’JavaScript’ type=’text/
javascript’ “
+ “SRC=//” + “” +
“/script/ScriptServlet” + “?aid=” + ysm_accountid
+ “></SCR” + “IPT>”);
// -->
5. Save the new document as universal_tag.js in a location that
your webserver can access when fulfilling page requests.
Copying and Customizing a Prospect Tag The Prospect Tag
allows you to identify when a visitor expresses an intention to transact
business, for example by adding an item to a shopping cart.
1. Click the panel labled Event Tags at the bottom of the page. A set
of instructions and a list of Event Tags is displayed.
2. To copy an Event Tag, select its name in the Event Tag list. The
Prospect and Conversion Tags associated with the Event Tag are
3. Follow the onscreen instruction to copy your customized
Prospect Tag. In general, you should highlight the tag within
the text box, and while the complete tag is highlighted, select
your browser’s copy option. The keyboard shortcut for copying
is typically CTRL-C for Microsoft Windows based computers
or Command-C for Apple Macintosh based computers. A nonfunctioning example Prospect Tag is presented below for your
Example Prospect Tag
<SCRIPT language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
// Segment Id Name: azsfg
// Event Type Name: Qualified Lead
if (typeof(window.ysm_customData) != ‘object’) window.
ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.segment_13DQFAM1ESUCP8 = “event=0,transI
// -->
4. Create a new document using your HTML text editor and paste
the content of your custom Prospect tag into the new document.
Important This document describes a method of including data collection tags
in your pages called script linking. While this is the preferred method,
you can also insert data collection tags into the head element of your
web pages. For more information, refer to the “Inline Tagging Method”
section at the end of this chapter.
5. If you use the script linking method to include data collection tags
in your web pages, delete the enclosing SCRIPT element. Your
Prospect Tag should look similar to the non-functioning example
Example Prospect Tag without the SCRIPT element
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
// Segment Id Name: azsfg
// Event Type Name: Qualified Lead
if (typeof(window.ysm_customData) != ‘object’) window.
ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.segment_13DQFAM1ESUCP8 = “event=0,transI
// -->
6. Including a transaction ID and revenue amount dynamically is
detailed on a per platform and technology basis in the appendix of
this document. In general, you include variables in the JavaScript
code of your Prospect Tag so that when the page is rendered by
a web server, the variables are replaced by the correct values
before the page is sent to a web browser.
Alternatively, you can also process the values on the client side
using JavaScript, however you must take into account the order of
execution of the various JavaScripts associated with a web page.
For more information on client side scripting, visit the Mozilla
Foundation web site at
Important Yahoo! Search Marketing does not support currencies other than US
dollars. Setting the currency value has no effect on data collection.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
7. Save the new document as prospect_tag_x.js where the letter
x is replaced by a number or name used in the name of the
associated conversion tag. Place the document in a location that
your webserver can access when fulfilling page requests.
Copying and Customizing a Conversion Tag The Conversion Tag
allows you to identify when a visitor has completed a transaction, for
example signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase in your
online store.
1. Click the panel labled Event Tags at the bottom of the page. A set
of instructions and a list of Event Tags is displayed.
2. To copy an Event Tag, select its name in the Event Tag list. The
Prospect and Conversion Tags associated with the Event Tag are
3. Follow the onscreen instruction to copy your customized
Conversion Tag. In general, you should highlight the tag within
the text box, and while the complete tag is highlighted, select
your browser’s copy option. The keyboard shortcut for copying
is typically CTRL-C for Microsoft Windows based computers
or Command-C for Apple Macintosh based computers. A nonfunctioning example Conversion Tag is presented below for your
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Example Conversion Tag
<SCRIPT language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
// Segment Id Name: azsfg
// Event Type Name: Conversion
if (typeof(window.ysm_customData) != ‘object’) window.
ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.segment_13DQFAM1ESUCP8 = “event=1,transI
// -->
4. Create a new document using your HTML text editor and paste
the content of your Conversion tag into the new document.
Important This document describes a method of including data collection tags
in your pages called script linking. While this is the preferred method,
you can also insert data collection tags into the head element of your
web pages. For more information, refer to the “Inline Tagging Method”
section at the end of this chapter.
5. If you use the script linking method to include data collection
tags in your web pages, delete the enclosing SCRIPT element.
Your Conversion Tag should look similar to the non-functioning
example below.
Example Conversion Tag without the SCRIPT element
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
// Segment Id Name: azsfg
// Event Type Name: Conversion
if (typeof(window.ysm_customData) != ‘object’) window.
ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.segment_13DQFAM1ESUCP8 = “event=1,transI
// -->
6. Including a transaction ID and revenue amount dynamically is
detailed on a per platform and technology basis in the appendix of
this document. In general, you include variables in the JavaScript
code of your Conversion Tag so that when the page is rendered
by a web server, the variables are replaced by the correct values
before the page is sent to a web browser.
Alternatively, you can also process the values on the client side
using JavaScript, however you must take into account the order of
execution of the various JavaScripts associated with a web page.
For more information on client side scripting, visit the Mozilla
Foundation web site at
Important Yahoo! Search Marketing does not support currencies other than US
dollars. Setting the currency value has no effect on data collection.
7. Save the new document as prospect_tag_x.js where the letter
x is replaced by a number or name used in the name of the
associated conversion tag. Place the document in a location that
your webserver can access when fulfilling page requests.
Installing the Universal Tag The Universal Tag should be placed on
each page of your web site for accurate visitor tracking.
1. For each page in your web site, insert a script link that will import
the universal_tag.js file. You should insert this script link in the
head element of your HTML pages. An excerpt from an HTML
page is presented below that would import a Universal Tag.
Example head element without a Universal Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
Example head element with a Universal Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
<script src=”universal_tag.js” type=”text/javascript”
language=”javascript1.5” charset=”utf-8”>
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Installing a Prospect Tag The Prospect Tag should be placed
on one or more pages identifying visitors that intend to complete a
transaction on your web site.
1. For any page in your web site that identifies visitors that intend
to complete a transaction, insert a script link that will import the
prospect_tag.js file. You should insert this script link in the head
element of your HTML pages. An excerpt from an HTML page is
presented below that would import a Prospect Tag.
Example head element without a Universal Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
Example head element with a Universal Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
<script src=”prospect_tag.js” type=”text/javascript”
language=”javascript1.5” charset=”utf-8”>
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Installing a Conversion Tag A conversion tag is installed on one or
more pages that identify when a visitor has completed a transaction
on your web site. For example, you could place a Conversion Tag on
a page that thanks visitors for signing up for your newsletter as well
as on a page that thanks visitors for making a purchase in your online
1. For any page in your web site that identifies visitors that have
completed a transaction, insert a script link that will import the
conversion_tag.js file. You should insert this script link in the head
element of your HTML pages. An excerpt from an HTML page is
presented below that would import a Conversion Tag.
Example head element without a Universal Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
Example head element with a Universal Tag script link
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
<script src=”conversion_tag.js” type=”text/javascript”
language=”javascript1.5” charset=”utf-8”>
Inline Tagging
option to locate and configure your data collection tags and
options. In general, you should highlight the tag within the text
box, and while the complete tag is highlighted, select your
browser’s copy option. The keyboard shortcut for copying is
typically CTRL-C for Microsoft Windows based computers or
Command-C for Apple Macintosh based computers.
2. Paste the data collection tag into the head element of each web
page that should include the data collection tag. A non-functioning
example page with both a Universal Tag and a Conversion Tag is
listed below.
While the preferred method of tagging your web site is the script
linking method, there may be circumstances when script linking is
either not practical or presents configuration issues that make it an
undesirable method. In these cases, the inline tagging method should
be used. Inline tagging allows you to include data collection tags in
your web page HTML markup.
How to use inline tagging These instructions are applicable to
any Yahoo! Search Marketing data collection tag. Please review the
installation instructions for your selected analytics option earlier in this
chapter. You will need this information as well as an HTML text editor
to complete these instructions.
For each data collection tag:
1. Copy the data collection tag from Yahoo! Marketing Soltuions.
Use the instructions earlier in this document for your analytics
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
<title>Sample HTML File</title>
<SCRIPT language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
// Segment Id Name: azsfg
// Event Type Name: Conversion
if (typeof(window.ysm_customData) != ‘object’) window.
ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.segment_13DQFAM1ESUCP8 = “event=1,tran
// -->
<SCRIPT language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing
var ysm_accountid = “1OUBCPEJFKSOLKWHSRUJOGKM0LK”;
document.write(“<SCR” + “IPT language=’JavaScript’
type=’text/javascript’ “
+ “SRC=//” + “” +
“/script/ScriptServlet” + “?aid=” + ysm_accountid
+ “></SCR” + “IPT>”);
// -->
3. Modify the data collection tag in the web page if appropriate.
Including a transaction ID and revenue amount dynamically is
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
detailed on a per platform and technology basis in the appendix
of this document. In general, you include variables in the
JavaScript code of your data collection tag so that when the page
is rendered by a web server, the variables are replaced by the
correct values before the page is sent to a web browser.
Alternatively, you can also process the values on the client side
using JavaScript, however you must take into account the order
of execution of the various JavaScripts associated with a web
page. For more information on client side scripting, visit the
Mozilla Foundation web site at
Important Yahoo! Search Marketing does not support currencies other than US
dollars. Setting the currency value has no effect on data collection.
4. Save the updated web page.
Using Data Collection Tags with Framesets
If you are using Full Analytics on a site built using framesets, the
Universal Tag must be placed within the header of the parent frame
document and all documents that are loaded into the parent frame.
Follow the guidelines within this document to tag the rest of your
content pages, however you do not need to include data collection
tags on pages that are only used as menus or navigation.
If you are using Conversion Only, you do not need to make any
adjustment to your data collection tagging.
Validating tag placement
The following steps are a general procedure for validating the
placement of your data collection tags. You will need to complete
a transaction in your test or development environment to confirm
1. For each page that should have an Event Tag in the <head>
element, view the source of the page. If the Universal and Event
Tags are present within the head element, your data collection
tags are being placed properly.
2. After you have viewed the source of all of the pages with Event
Tags, complete a transaction.
3. Once the transaction completion page is reached, view the
source of the page. If the data collection tags are present, your
data collection tags are being placed properly.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Appendix: Integrating with ASP Technology
Seamlessly collect performance data with Active Server Pages.
Integrating Yahoo! Search Marketing data collection tags with
Active Server Pages (ASP) provides a simple and powerful solution
for tracking your web site’s performance. Configuring your web
site involves including data collection tags as the page is being
constructed for processing by the ASP run-time environment.
Important To effectively use Yahoo! Marketing Solutons data collection tags, you
should have a thorough understanding of how data collection tags
work. Please refer to the main portion of this guide which provides
complete instruction in the use of data collection tags.
important While there are variations among different Java run-time environments
and frameworks, the instructions in this guide apply to the majority
of cases where JSP or technology similar to JSP is used. This guide
provides concepts and examples that are applicable to:
ATG Dynamo
BEA WebLogic (
ColdFusion MX (
WebObjects (
Recommended Installation
While there are a number of methods you can use to include data
collection tags on your web pages, the following method maintains a
clean separation between the data collection tags and the rest of your
web page and programming code. This method, or a similar one is
recommended as the optimal configuration for using Yahoo! Search
Marketing data collection tags with ASP.
How to include data collection tags. You will need to download and
save the Universal Tag, Event Tag, and Conversion Tag to separate
files that are accessible by the run-time processor within your web
server environment. This procedures uses the following naming
conventions for the three tags:
• The Universal Tag is saved in a file titled universal_tag.js.
• Depending on your Yahoo! Search Marketing account
configuration, you may be able to track one or more events in
addition to a conversion event. Event Tags should be saved in
files titled event_tag_1.js, event_tag_2.js, and so on, for each
separate event that is being tracked by Yahoo! Search Marketing.
• The Conversion Tag is saved in a file titled conversion_tag.js.
Is an acronym for Active Server Pages, a Microsoft technology that allows Windows-based developers to create web-based applications quickly that interoperate with existing and emerging technologies like
relational databases, object oriented databases, and xml. For more information on ASP technolgy and the Microsoft Windows development platform, please visit
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
1. Insert the Universal Tag file. Using an editor, insert a server-side
file-include statement in each web page or in a header file that is
inserted into each web page. This file-include statement should
reference the Universal Tag file (universal_tag.js) and should
result in the Universal Tag being placed within the <head>
element of a resulting web page. For example, the following
code samples would result in a file named universal_tag.js being
imported into the resulting web page.
Universal Tag include example
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<title>Purchase Confirmation Page</title>
<!-- #include file=”universal_tag.js” -->
<body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>
<h1>Purchase Confirmation Page</h1>
Important This example assumes the file universal_tag.js can be referenced
during execution by the ASP run-time environment. If this is not the
case, the path to the file would need to be altered. Please refer to
your the ASP documentation for specific instructions.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
2. Insert the Conversion Tag file. Locate your web site’s transaction
completion page. This is often a purchase confirmation or thank
you page. If multiple pages are generated from the same ASP
file, navigate to the section of the ASP code used to generate
the <head> element of the transaction completion page. If the
ASP page does not provide a specific <head> element for the
transaction completion page, you will need to alter the code
so that the Conversion Tag file will only be included when the
transaction completion page is generated.
Insert a server-side file-include statement that references
the Conversion Tag file (conversion_tag.js) and results in the
Conversion Tag being placed in the <head> element of the
resulting web page. For example, the following ASP code would
result in a file named conversion_tag.js being imported into the
resulting web page along with the standard Universal Tag file.
Conversion Tag include example
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<title>Purchase Confirmation Page</title>
<!-- #include file=”conversion_tag.js” -->
<!-- #include file=”universal_tag.js” -->
<body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>
<h1>Purchase Confirmation Page</h1>
Important These examples assume the files conversion_tag.js and universal_
tag.js can be referenced during execution by the ASP run-time
environment. If this is not the case, the path to the files would need
to be altered. Please refer to your environment’s documentation for
specific instructions.
Important The Conversion Tag include statement does not replace the
Universal Tag include statement. When the transaction complete
page is generated, it should include both the Conversion Tag and the
Universal Tag.
Including transaction IDs and transaction amounts in Conversion
You can easily include transaction IDs and transaction amounts
in your Conversion Tag when using ASP. This is typically done by
including variables that are replaced by the appropriate values during
processing. These values may be derived from request variables, or
may be the result of other processes.
For example, if you had a variable named “purchase_amount” that
contained the amount of the transaction, and a variable named
“transId” for the transaction ID, you would place the variables in the
Conversion tag so that during run-time processing, the variables would
be replaced with the appropriate values from the transaction. The
purchase amount should only include the numerical amount in decimal
format without a currency symbol. In the example on the next page,
the Conversion Tag has been altered and included in the main page.
Conversion Tag include with variables example
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<title>Purchase Confirmation Page</title>
<!-- Yahoo! Search Marketing, Inc
var pm_tagname
= “__tagname__”;
var pm_tagversion = “__tagversion__”;
window.pm_customData = new Object();
window.pm_customData.segment = “name=conversion,
// -->
<!-- #include file=”universal_tag.js” -->
<body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>
<h1>Purchase Confirmation Page</h1>
Thank you for your purchase.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
3. Insert the Event Tag file(s). You can track events that are
important to your business using the Event Tag. For example,
you may want to mark when a visitor places their first item in
the shopping cart. This would give you additional information on
how many people select and buy items versus how many people
select but do not buy items. You can use this information to
improve your sales approach and online customer experience.
Depending on your account, you many have one or more Event
Tags that will allow you to track different events. To include
an Event Tag on a specific web page, locate the ASP code
that generates the selected web page. If multiple pages are
generated from the same ASP file, navigate to the section of the
ASP code used to generate the <head> element of the selected
page. If the ASP page does not provide a specific <head>
element for the selected page, you will need to alter the code
so the the Event Tag file will only be included when the selected
page is generated.
Insert a server-side file-include statement that references a
specific Event Tag file, for example, event_tag_1.js, and results
in the Event Tag being placed in the <head> element of the
resulting web page. For example, the following ASP code would
result in a file named event_tag_1.js being imported into the
resulting web page along with the standard Universal Tag.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Event Tag Include Example
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<title>Your Shopping Cart Contents</title>
<!-- #include file=”event_tag_1.js” -->
<!-- #include file=”universal_tag.js” -->
<body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>
<h1>One Item has been added to your cart</h1>
Important This example assumes the files event_tag_1.js and universal_tag.js
can be referenced during execution by the ASP run-time environment.
If this is not the case, the path to the files would need to be altered.
Please refer to your environment’s documentation for specific
Important The Event Tag include statement does not replace the Universal Tag
include statement. When the transaction complete page is generated,
it should include both the Event Tag and the Universal Tag.
Validating tag placement
The following steps are a general procedure for validating the
placement of your data collection tags. You will need to complete
a transaction in your test or development environment to confirm
1. For each page that should have an Event Tag in the <head>
element, view the source of the page. If the Universal and Event
Tags are present within the head element, your data collection
tags are being placed properly.
2. After you have viewed the source of all of the pages with Event
Tags, complete a transaction.
3. Once the transaction completion page is reached, view the source
of the page. If the Universal and Conversion Tags are present,
your data collection tags are being placed properly.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Appendix: Integrating with Java Technology
Seamlessly collect performance data within your Enterprise Java environment.
Integrating Yahoo! Search Marketing data collection tags with JSP
and other Java based technologies provides a simple and powerful
solution for tracking your web site’s performance. Configuring your
web site involves including data collection tags as the page is being
constructed for processing by the Java run-time environment.
Important To effectively use Yahoo! Marketing Solutons data collection tags, you
should have a thorough understanding of how data collection tags
work. Please refer to the main portion of this guide which provides
complete instruction in the use of data collection tags.
Important While there are variations among different Java run-time environments
and frameworks, the instructions in this guide apply to the majority
of cases where JSP or technology similar to JSP is used. This guide
provides concepts and examples that are applicable to:
ATG Dynamo
BEA WebLogic (
ColdFusion MX (
WebObjects (
Recommended Installation
While there are a number of methods you can use to include data
collection tags on your web pages, the following method maintains a
clean separation between the data collection tags and the rest of your
web page and programming code. This method, or a similar one is
recommended as the optimal configuration for using Yahoo! Search
Marketing data collection tags with JSP.
How to include data collection tags. You will need to download and
save the Universal Tag, Event Tag, and Conversion Tag to separate
files that are accessible by the run-time processor within your web
server environment. This procedure uses the following naming
conventions for the three tags:
• The Universal Tag is saved in a file titled universal_tag.js.
• Depending on your Yahoo! Search Marketing account
configuration, you may be able to track one or more events in
addition to a conversion event. Event Tags should be saved in
files titled event_tag_1.js, event_tag_2.js, and so on, for each
separate event that is being tracked by Yahoo! Search Marketing.
• The Conversion Tag is saved in a file titled conversion_tag.js.
Is an acronym for Java Server Pages, an popular and fast way for Java developers to create web-based applications that can leverage existing and emerging technologies such as relational databases, object
oriented databases, XML, and transaction management. JSP is based on a set of Java frameworks and provides access to an extensive library of Java based frameworks and classes. For more information on
JSP and Java technologies, visit
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
You will also need to use a development environment compatible
with JSP programming or specific to your Java-based framework.
On the Microsoft® Windows® platform, you can use editing
applications like Microsoft® Notepad, Altova® XMLSpy, Macromedia®
Dreamweaver™, Eclipse, or a framework specific development
environment. On the Apple® Macintosh® platform, you can use
editing applications like Bare Bones Software’s BBEdit®, Apple®
XCode™ Developer Tools, Macromedia® Dreamweaver™, Eclipse, or
<oXygen/>® xml editor.
1. Insert the Universal Tag file. Using an editor, insert a server-side
file-include statement in each web page or in a header file that is
inserted into each web page. This file-include statement should
reference the Universal Tag file (universal_tag.js) and should
result in the Universal Tag being placed within the <head>
element of a resulting web page. For example, the following
code samples would result in a file named universal_tag.js being
imported into the resulting web page when using a typical JSP
Universal Tag Include Example
<%@ page contentType=”text/html” %>
<title>Welcome to My Store</title>
<jsp:include src=”universal_tag.js”>
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
<h1>Feel free to look around</h1>
ATG Dynamo Include Statement Example
An include statement in ATG Dynamo has the following syntax:
<dsp:include src=”universal_tag.js”/>
BEA Weblogic Include Statement Example
An include statement in BEA Weblogic has the following syntax:
<jsp:include src=”universal_tag.js”>
Coldfusion MX Include Statement Example
An include statement is Coldfusion has the following syntax:
<cfinclude src=”universal_tag.js”/>
Important This example assumes the file universal_tag.js can be referenced
during execution by the Java run-time environment and the
processing frameworks. If this is not the case, the path to the
file would need to be altered. Please refer to your environment’s
documentation for specific instructions.
2. Insert the Conversion Tag file. Locate your web site’s transaction
completion page. This is often a purchase confirmation or thank
you page. If multiple pages are generated from the same JSP
file, navigate to the section of the JSP code used to generate
the <head> element of the transaction completion page. If the
JSP page does not provide a specific <head> element for the
transaction completion page, you will need to alter the code
so that the Conversion Tag file will only be included when the
transaction completion page is generated.
Insert a server-side file-include statement that references
the Conversion Tag file (conversion_tag.js) and results in the
Conversion Tag being placed in the <head> element of the
resulting web page. For example, the following JSP code would
result in a file named conversion_tag.js being imported into the
resulting web page along with the standard Universal Tag file.
Conversion Tag Include Example
<%@ page contentType=”text/html” %>
<title>Thank You</title>
<jsp:include src=”conversion_tag.js”>
<jsp:include src=”universal_tag.js”>
<h1>Thank you for your purchase!</h1>
ATG Dynamo Include Statement Example
An include statement in ATG Dynamo has the following syntax:
<dsp:include src=”conversion_tag.js”/>
BEA Weblogic Include Statement Example
An include statement in BEA Weblogic has the following syntax:
<jsp:include src=”conversion_tag.js”>
Coldfusion MX Include Statement Example
An include statement is Coldfusion has the following syntax:
<cfinclude src=”conversion_tag.js”/>
Important These examples assume the files conversion_tag.js and universal_
tag.js can be referenced during execution by the Java run-time
environment and the processing frameworks. If this is not the case,
the path to the files would need to be altered. Please refer to your
environment’s documentation for specific instructions.
Important The Conversion Tag include statement does not replace the
Universal Tag include statement. When the transaction complete
page is generated, it should include both the Conversion Tag and the
Universal Tag.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Including transaction IDs and transaction amounts in
Conversion Tags
You can easily include transaction IDs and transaction amounts in
your Conversion Tag when using JSP or similar technologies. This
is typically done by including variables that are replaced by the
appropriate values during processing. These values may be derived
from request variables, or may be the result of servlets or JSP pages.
Please consult with your system architect and the documentation for
your environment for the correct procedure to include these variables.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
3. Insert the Event Tag file(s). You can track events that are important
to your business using the Event Tag. For example, you may
want to mark when a visitor places their first item in a shopping
cart. This would give you additional information on how many
people select and buy items versus how many people select but
do not buy items. You can use this information to improve your
sales approach and online customer experience.
Depending on your account, you may have one or more Event
Tags that will allow you to track different events. To include
an Event Tag on a specific web page, locate the JSP code
that generates the selected web page. If multiple pages are
generated from the same JSP file, navigate to the section of the
JSP code used to generate the <head> element of the selected
page. If the JSP page does not provide a specific <head>
element for the selected page, you will need to alter the code so
the Event Tag file will only be included when the selected page is
Insert a server-side file-include statement that references a
specific Event Tag file, for example, event_tag_1.js, and results
in the Event Tag being placed in the <head> element of the
resulting web page. For example, the following JSP code would
result in a file named event_tag_1.js being imported into the
resulting web page along with the standard Universal Tag.
Event Tag Include Example
<%@ page contentType=”text/html” %>
<title>Add to Shopping Cart</title>
<jsp:include src=”event_tag_1.js”>
<jsp:include src=”universal_tag.js”>
<h1>You have 1 item in your shopping cart</h1>
ATG Dynamo Include Statement Example
Important These examples assume the files event_tag_1.js and universal_tag.js
can be referenced during execution by the Java run-time environment
and the processing frameworks. If this is not the case, the path to
the files would need to be altered. Please refer to your environment’s
documentation for specific instructions.
Important The Event Tag include statement does not replace the Universal Tag
include statement. When the transaction complete page is generated,
it should include both the Event Tag and the Universal Tag.
An include statement in ATG Dynamo has the following syntax:
<dsp:include src=”event_tag_1.js”/>
BEA Weblogic Include Statement Example
An include statement in BEA Weblogic has the following syntax:
<jsp:include src=”event_tag_1.js”>
Coldfusion MX Include Statement Example
An include statement in Coldfusion has the following syntax:
<cfinclude src=”event_tag_1.js”/>
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Using data collection tags with WebObjects
Validating tag placement
While Apple’s WebObjects provides a J2EE environment using the
JBoss application server, it also combines it with a visual development
environment for web pages called WebObjects Builder that allows for
a different approach to including data collection tags on web pages
than standard JSP. Within WebObjects Builder, you can bind the
output of Java code as well as the value of request and response
parameters to placeholders within the web page. You can also, for
example, create components for data collection tags that can be
dragged and dropped onto any page. All of this can be managed by
conditional logic that determines whether the tag is included, and
what value is included. Please consult Apple’s documentation for
specific instructions on including JavaScript code and binding values
to variables in WebObjects Builder.
The following steps are a general procedure for validating the
placement of your data collection tags. You will need to complete
a transaction in your test or development environment to confirm
1 For each page that should have an Event Tag in the <head>
element, view the source of the page. If the Universal and Event
Tags are present within the head element, your data collection
tags are being placed properly.
2 After you have viewed the source of all of the pages with Event
Tags, complete a transaction.
3 Once the transaction completion page is reached, view the
source of the page. If the Universal and Conversion Tags are
present, your data collection tags are being placed properly.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Appendix: Integrating with PHP
Easily include data collection tags using hypertext pre-processing technologies like PHP.
You can seamlessly integrate Yahoo! Search Marketing performance
metrics data collection with PHP and other run-time interpreted
languages like Ruby and Python. Configuring your web site involves
including data collection tags as the page is being constructed by the
PHP or other run-time parser.
Important To effectively use Yahoo! Marketing Solutons data collection tags, you
should have a thorough understanding of how data collection tags
work. Please refer to the main portion of this guide which provides
complete instruction in the use of data collection tags.
Important This guide does not provide instruction on using Ruby or Python with
Yahoo! Marketing solutions data collection tags. However, the same
concepts that are used in PHP-based web sites are applicable to sites
using Ruby or Python.
Recommended Installation
While there are a number of methods you can use to include data
collection tags on your web pages, the following method maintains a
clean separation between the data collection tags and the rest of your
web page and programming code. This method, or a similar one is
recommended as the optimal configuration for using Yahoo! Search
Marketing data collection tags with PHP.
How to include data collection tags. You will need to download and
save the Universal Tag, Event Tag, and Conversion Tag to separate
files that are accessible by the run-time processor within your web
server environment. This procedures uses the following naming
conventions for the three tags:
• The Universal Tag is saved in a file titled universal_tag.js.
• Depending on your Yahoo! Search Marketing account
configuration, you may be able to track one or more events in
addition to a conversion event. Event Tags should be saved in
files titled event_tag_1.js, event_tag_2.js, and so on, for each
separate event that is being tracked by Yahoo! Search Marketing.
• The Conversion Tag is saved in a file titled conversion_tag.js.
You will also need to use a development environment compatible with
PHP programming. On the Microsoft® Windows® platform, you can
Is a popular, open-source language used to create dynamic web pages quickly and easily. It includes libraries for database access, payment processor integration, xml/xsl processing, and is used by a
growing community of developers around the world. For more information on php, visit Other popular open-source, run-time interpreted languages for web page development include Ruby
( with its Rail framework and Python (
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
use editing applications like Microsoft® Notepad, Altova® XMLSpy, or
Macromedia® Dreamweaver™. On the Apple® Macintosh® platform,
you can use editing applications like Bare Bones Software’s BBEdit®,
Apple® XCode™ Developer Tools, Macromedia® Dreamweaver™, or
<oXygen/>® xml editor.
1. Insert the Universal Tag file. Using a PHP editor, insert a server-side
file-include statement in each web page or in a header file that is
inserted into each web page. This file-include statement should
reference the Universal Tag file (universal_tag.js) and should
result in the Universal Tag being placed within the <head>
element of a resulting web page. For example, the following PHP
code would result in a file named universal_tag.js being imported
into the resulting web page.
Universal Tag Include Example
$filename = “universal_tag.js”;
$fp = fopen($filename,’r’);
if ($fp) {
$js = fread($fp,filesize($filename));
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Important This example assumes the file universal_tag.js is relative to the
executing script. If this is not the case, the path to the file would need
to be altered. You can get more information on PHP coding principles,
syntax, and operation of functions by visiting
2. Insert the Conversion Tag file. Locate your web site’s transaction
completion page. This is often a purchase confirmation or thank
you page. If multiple pages are generated from the same PHP
file, navigate to the section of the PHP code used to generate
the <head> element of the transaction completion page. If the
php page does not provide a specific <head> element for the
transaction completion page, you will need to alter the code
so that the Conversion Tag file will only be included when the
transaction completion page is generated.
Insert a server-side file-include statement that references
the Conversion Tag file (conversion_tag.js) and results in the
Conversion Tag being placed in the <head> element of the
resulting web page. For example, the following PHP code would
result in a file named conversion_tag.js being imported into the
resulting web page.
Conversion Tag Include Example
$filename = “conversion_tag.js”;
$fp = fopen($filename,’r’);
if ($fp) {
$js = fread($fp,filesize($filename));
Important The Conversion Tag include statement does not replace the
Universal Tag include statement. When the transaction complete
page is generated, it should include both the Conversion Tag and the
Universal Tag.
3. Insert the Event Tag file(s). You can track events that are important to
your business using the Event Tag. For example, you may want
to mark when a visitor places their first item in a shopping cart.
This would give you additional information on how many people
select and buy items versus how many people select but do not
buy items. You can use this information to improve your sales
approach and online customer experience.
Depending on your account, you may have one or more Event
Tags that will allow you to track different events. To include an
Event Tag on a specific web page, locate the PHP code that
generates the selected web page. If multiple pages are generated
from the same PHP file, navigate to the section of the PHP code
used to generate the <head> element of the selected page. If the
PHP page does not provide a specific <head> element for the
selected page, you will need to alter the code so the Event Tag
file will only be included when the selected page is generated.
Insert a server-side file-include statement that references a
specific Event Tag file, for example, event_tag_1.js, and results in
the Event Tag being placed in the <head> element of the resulting
web page. For example, the following PHP code would result in a
file named event_tag_1.js being imported into the resulting web
Conversion Tag Include Example
$filename = “conversion_tag.js”;
$fp = fopen($filename,’r’);
if ($fp) {
$js = fread($fp,filesize($filename));
Important The Event Tag include statement does not replace the Universal Tag
include statement. When the web page is generated, it should include
both the Event Tag and the Universal Tag.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Including transaction IDs and transaction amounts in
Conversion Tags
Because PHP does not process data sent to the output buffer
(which is what happens when you use the echo function), if you
elect to include the transaction amount and/or the transaction ID in
your Conversion Tag, you will need to make three changes to your
Conversion Tag file and change the way you include the Conversion
Tag file.
1. Change the name of the Conversion Tag file to conversion_tag.
php. Changing the name to php will trigger processing of the file
before it is sent to the output buffer.
2. In the renamed Conversion Tag file, insert the transaction
amount variable that will be processed and rendered by the
PHP parser at runtime. For example, if you have a variable
name $purchase_amount, you would insert this variable with
surrounding php syntax into the Conversion Tag file where the
conversion transaction amount is located. The rendered amount
should include only a numerical value. Currency symbols or
other non-numerical elements may result in an error during data
processing by Yahoo! Search Marketing. A period or comma used
as a decimal marker is acceptable.
3. In the renamed Conversion Tag file, insert the transaction
ID variable that will be processed and rendered by the PHP
parser at runtime. This variable may include any alphanumeric
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
For example, if you have a variable named $transId, you
would insert this variable with surrounding php syntax into the
Conversion Tag file where the conversion transaction ID is
Validating Tag Placement
The following steps are a general procedure for validating the
placement of your data collection tags. You will need to complete
a transaction in your test or development environment to confirm
1. For each page that should have an Event Tag in the <head>
element, view the source of the page. If the Universal and Event
Tags are present within the head element, your data collection
tags are being placed properly.
2. After you have viewed the source of all of the pages with Event
Tags, complete a transaction.
3. Once the transaction completion page is reached, view the
source of the page. If the Universal and Conversion Tags are
present, your data collection tags are being placed properly.
Appendix: Integrating with Yahoo! Stores
Using the Yahoo! Search Marketing analytics feature with Yahoo! Stores.
Analytics allow you to track Yahoo! Store sales associated with
your Yahoo! Search Marketing campaign. Enter your Yahoo!
Search Marketing account number in your Yahoo! Store to
track shoppers, revenue, and conversion activities. You will
also need to enable advanced tagging.
2. Copy your Yahoo! Search Marketing account number
2.1 Select the Account Administration tab to open the Accounts
2.2 Select the account to link with your Yahoo! Store site.
2.3 Copy the account number from the Account Settings page.
How to set up analytics for your Yahoo! Store site.
3. Add your Yahoo! Search Marketing account number to your Yahoo! Store
3.1 Log in to your Yahoo! Store site.
3.2 Locate the Marketing Console Tags page in your Yahoo!
Store site.
3.3 Select the Enable Tags check box.
3.4 Paste your Yahoo! Search Marketing account number in the
Account Number field.
3.5 Click the Update button to return to Store Manager.
3.6 Click Publish Order Settings.
1. Enable analytics
1.1 Select the Account Administration tab to open the
Accounts page.
1.2 Select the Tag Settings link to open the Tag Settings
1.3 Click the Enable Tagging button.
1.4 Select the Advanced Tagging radio button and click
the Activate button. If you had previously enabled
Conversion Counter, leave it enabled. Advanced
Tagging will replace Conversion Counter.
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© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Appendix: Integrating with PayPal
Using Yahoo! Search Marketing analytics with PayPal payment processing.
Analytics allow you to track PayPal site sales associated with
your Yahoo! Search Marketing account. (However, note that
you cannot track pages directly controlled by PayPal.) PayPal
sales can be tracked by including tags on the pages prior to
and directly after PayPal activity.
How to insert tags in your PayPal site.
1. Set up universal tags on all non-PayPal pages in your
2. Set up a shopper tag on the page that precedes the first
PayPal page on your site. This step is optional.
3. Set up conversion tags on successful payment URLs
directly after PayPal activity is complete.
PayPal does not transmit transaction amounts to Yahoo!
Search Marketing. You can include dynamic or constant average revenue values in the conversion tag.
Setting up analytics for single item PayPal purchases.
Set up a new successful payment URL and Buy It button to track a single
purchase transaction.
1.1 Log in to your PayPal account.
1.2 Select the Merchant Tools tab.
1.3 Click the Buy Now Buttons link under the Website Payments
1.4 Fill in the form with the appropriate details.
1.5 Click the Add More Options button to open the Additional
Options page.
1.6 Enter the successful payment URL in the Customize Your
Buyer’s Experience section. Fill out the Additional Options
page at your discretion.
1.7 Click the Create Button Now button.
1.8 Paste the PayPal HTML code in the HTML Code for Websites
You need to set up a successful payment URL following the
final PayPal payment page to track conversions if you have not
done so already.
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2. Modify the HTML code for an existing Buy It button
2.1 Locate PayPal pages with Buy It buttons installed.
2.2 Locate the PayPal Buy It button code. The code
begins with:
<form action=
webscr method=”post”>
and ends with: </form>.
2.3 Insert this line in bold above the Buy It button code for
all pages with a Buy It button defined:
<input type=”hidden” name=”return”
Replace this URL with your successful payment URL.
Setting up analytics for multi-item PayPal purchases
1. Set up a successful payment URL and Add to Cart button for PayPal
shopping cart transactions
1.1 Select the Merchant Tools tab in your PayPal account.
1.2 Select PayPal Shopping Cart in the Website Payments
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
1.3 Fill in the form with the appropriate details. You must enter
Item Name/Service and Price of Item/Service before you
1.4 Click the Add More Options button.
1.5 Fill in the Successful Payment URL in the Customize Your
Buyer’s Experience section. Fill in the rest of the page at
your discretion.
1.6 Click the Create Button Now button.
1.7 Paste the PayPal HTML code in the HTML Code for
Websites field.
2. Modify the HTML code for an existing Add to Cart button
2.1 Locate PayPal pages with Add to Cart buttons installed.
2.2 Locate the PayPal Add to Cart button code. The code begins
with <form target=”paypal” action=https://www.” method=”post”>, and ends
with </form>.
2.3 Insert this line in bold above the Add to Cart button code
for all pages with an Add to Cart button defined. <input
type=”hidden” name=”return” value=http://www.>. Replace this URL with your
successful payment URL.
Appendix: Third Party Accounts
Using the Yahoo! Search Marketing analytics feature with third party accounts.
If you are running third party, non-Yahoo! campaigns, you can
track and report on the revenue, cost, and performance of
these campaigns along with your Yahoo! campaigns. By entering your third party account information in your Yahoo! advertising account, campaign data from your third party account
can be sent directly to Yahoo! and integrated into your reports.
(Note that Google AdWords is the only third party campaign
supported at this time.)
Understanding third party account integration.
There are three main steps to integrating campaign data from a
third party account:
1. Add tracking codes to your URLs. Log in to your third party
account and add URL tracking codes to the destination URLs
of the keywords.
2. Set up a daily report email. Log in to your third party account and set up a daily email to send a report to your Yahoo!
advertising account each day.
3. Add your third party account ID. Log in to Yahoo!’s adver-
tising console and navigate to the Administration tab → Third Party
Accounts page. Add your third party account ID to the list of third party
account ids from which you would like to receive cost data.
You can display reports for your Google AdWords campaigns for a
selected time zone. If your Yahoo! advertising account uses a different
time zone, your report data will not match. Reporting data for a given
date is measured from midnight to midnight the following day. For
example, you may set your Yahoo! advertising account to use Eastern
Standard Time while your Google AdWords account may use Pacific
Standard Time. Your Google AdWords campaign data will include activity for a particular date from midnight to midnight, Pacific Standard
Time. That is, your Google AdWords campaign data will include activity from 3:00 AM to 3:00 AM the following day, Eastern Standard Time.
The Google Adwords campaign data will be applied for the period of
midnight to midnight Eastern Standard Time in the Yahoo! account.
Thus, three hours worth of the cost data would be attributed to the
following day, in this case. The amount of time will vary based on the
time zone differences between your accounts. This offset should not
have an effect on the accuracy of report analytics over longer periods,
but it may show different cost for a given day if compared to another
source of cost data that was adjusted to Eastern Standard Time.
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© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Appendix: Marketing Activity Costs
Understanding, creating and editing Marketing Activity Costs.
A marketing activity is any part of a campaign for which you
want to track cost information. Marketing activities may include
paid search ads, banner ads, and email. For marketing activities that occur outside of your Yahoo! account, you can enter
their associated costs. The information that you enter will be
listed in the Marketing Activity Costs page and will be available
for reporting.
Marketing activity costs are added by first selecting the tactic
and channel through which you’ll be receiving marketing cost
data and then selecting the campaign, ad group, and activity
with which you would like to associate the activity.
Understanding the components of a marketing activity cost.
Tactic. A tactic is a method of distributing ads.
Channel. A channel is a provider of online marketing services.
Examples of channels are America Online™ and Google.
The channel you use will depend upon the marketing tactics
you want to implement in your campaign. For example, some
search engines offer paid placement of ads while others may
Marketing Activity. You can assign a marketing activity cost in a number
of ways, depending on the level of detail you would like to achieve.
You can assign the cost to:
A campaign.
An ad group within a specific campaign.
An activity within an ad group that is within a specific campaign.
How to add a marketing activity cost.
1. Navigate to the Reports tab → Marketing Activity Costs subtab.
The Marketing Activity Costs page opens.
2. Click the Add a Marketing Activity Cost link. The Choose a Marketing Activity page opens.
3. Select a tactic from the Tactic dropdown list.
4. Select a channel from the Channel dropdown list.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
5. If applicable, associate this marketing activity cost with a specific
campaign. By default, the marketing activity cost will be associated with all
campaigns in the tactic and channel specified.
a. In the Choose a Marketing Activity page, click the Find or Create
link in the Campaign field.
b. Click Find if you’d like to select a campaign from the campaigns
that already exist in your account. When you click Find, the Find
Campaign dialog box will open.
i. In the Find Campaign dialog box, enter all or part of the
campaign name into the Campaign field.
ii. Click the Search button. A list of campaigns that match
your search term are displayed.
iii. Select a campaign name from the list.
iv. Click the Save button.
c. Click Create if you’d like to create a new campaign name for
tracking a marketing activity cost. When you click Create, the Create
Campaign dialog box will open.
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i. In the Create Campaign dialog box, enter a new
campaign name into the dialog box.
ii. Click the Add button.
7. If applicable, associate this marketing activity cost with a specific
ad group. By default, the marketing activity cost will be associated
with all ad groups in the tactic, channel, and campaign specified.
a. In the Choose a Marketing Activity page, click the
Find or Create link in the Campaign field.
b. Click Find if you’d like to select an ad group from the
ad groups that already exist in your account. When you
click Find, the Find Ad Group dialog box will open.
i. In the Find Ad Group dialog box, enter all or part
of the ad group name into the Ad Group field.
ii. Click the Search button. A list of ad groups that
match your search term are displayed.
iii. Select an ad group from the list.
iv. Click the Save button.
c. Click Create if you’d like to create a new ad group for
tracking a marketing activity cost. When you click Create, the
Create Ad Group dialog box will open.
12. If you are done entering marketing activity costs, click the Reports
tab → Marketing Activity Costs subtab to return to the Marketing Activity Costs page.
i. In the Create Ad Group dialog box, enter a new ad
group name into the dialog box.
How to edit a marketing activity cost.
ii. Click the Save button.
1. Navigate to the Reports tab → Marketing Activity Costs page.
8. Click the Next. Enter Cost button. The Enter a Marketing Activity
Cost page opens.
9. In the Enter a Marketing Activity Cost page, enter the start date,
end date, and cost.
10. Click the Add Entry button. The marketing activity cost will be
created and associated with the Tactic, Channel, Campaign, Ad
Group and Marketing Activity that you selected. You can view the new
marketing activity cost in the table at the bottom of the page.
2. Identify the marketing activity cost you’d like to edit.
3. Select the Edit link that corresponds to the marketing activity cost.
The Marketing Activity Details page opens.
4. Click the calendar icon to edit the start date or end date or enter a
new cost value.
5. Click the Save Changes button.
11. If you would like to enter another Marketing Activity Cost and
associate it with this exact Tactic, Channel, Campaign, Ad Group and
Marketing Activity, enter another start date, end date, and cost.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
How to delete a marketing activity cost.
1. Navigate to the Reports tab → Marketing Activity Costs page.
2. Identify the marketing activity cost you’d like to delete.
3. Select the checkbox next to the marketing activity cost.
4. Click the Delete button. The Delete Marketing Activity Cost dialog
box opens.
5. In the Delete Marketing Activity Cost dialog box, click the Submit
button. The marketing activity cost is deleted.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Ad Group Status Indicates whether an ad group is on, deleted, off,
Small companies might use a single account to manage campaigns;
larger companies might require several accounts to represent different
Ad Name Name that uniquely identifies an ad in a given ad group.
Ad Preview A view of the title, description and URL of an ad as it may
Account A business or department that controls a marketing budget.
Account Daily Spending Limit Maximum amount you want to spend
or off - editorial status (indicating that it contains no approved ads or
appear when displayed.
each day. You may be charged up to 10% above your account daily
spending limit.
Ad Status Indicator of your ad’s display status. If the ad status is “Off,”
Account ID The unique identification number for an account.
Account Status Indicates whether your account is on or off. If the
Advanced Match ID Text you supply to identify Sponsored Search
account is off, your ads should not be displayed.
your ad is not displayed.
advanced match type clicks. The Advanced Match ID appears in your
web logs.
Ad The marketing message displayed to prospective customers. An
Alert A notification regarding your account. You can sign in to your
Ad Group A set of ads and related keywords within a campaign.
Assists The number of times a keyword or ad contributed to a
Ad Group Bid Default bid you set to apply to keywords in an ad group.
Avg. CPC Average cost per click. The average price you paid each
ad contains a title, description, and URL.
The ads can be displayed to prospective customers searching for or
viewing content related to your keywords and/or ads. You can apply a
default ad group bid to all keywords in an ad group or set custom bids
for individual keywords.
You can override the ad group bid for a keyword by setting a custom
keyword bid
account to view alerts or you can receive alerts in email.
conversion that was credited to another keyword or marketing activity.
Assists must occur within 45 days of the conversion event to be
recorded. Within any 45 day period, a conversion event can have a
maximum of 30 assists recorded.
time your ad was clicked.
Avg. Position or Avg. Rank The average position of your ad relative to
other ads within the Sponsored Search results.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Bid The maximum amount that you are willing to pay for a click.
Bid Limit When campaign optimization is turned on, the bid limit
defines the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for a click.
Blocked Continents Continents from which you do not want traffic.
You may block traffic from any continent except the one that
corresponds to the market for your account.
Campaign A campaign contains one or more ad groups sharing the
same budget, schedule and geo-targeting criteria. A campaign is
typically created to support a particular marketing goal.
Campaign Description Any notes you wish to record for the
campaign, such as its purpose or goals.
Campaign Monthly Budget The amount of money you want to spend
each month (a rolling 30-day period) for a specific campaign. You
may be charged up to 10% above your campaign monthly budget.
Charges exceeding 10% of the campaign monthly budget may be
eligible for a refund.
Campaign Status Indicator of your campaign’s availability. If the
campaign status is “On,” your campaign is running. A campaign may
be On, Off, Scheduled, Incomplete, Deleted, or Expired.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Channel A provider of one or more marketing services. For instance,
Yahoo! is a marketing channel with a number of marketing services,
including Sponsored Search and Content Match.
City and Surrounding Area A geo-targeting option for displaying ads
within and related to a city and its neighboring towns. Please note that
some cities and their surrounding areas span multiple states.
Clicks The action that occurs when an ad is selected.
Clicks Per Ad Group Bid The estimated number of clicks you may
receive for an ad group given a specific ad group bid. This estimate is
calculated based on historical data and is not a guarantee. Keywords
in the ad group with custom keyword bids are not included.
Click-Through Rate (CTR) The number of clicks received divided
by the number of impressions generated. Example: An ad that is
displayed 100 times and receives 25 clicks has a click-through rate of
Content Match Bid (CM Bid) Bid that applies to all ads distributed via
Content Match.
Content Match ID Text you supply to identify Content Match clicks.
The Content Match ID appears in your web logs.
Conversion Only A method of tracking analytics data using one tag
that tracks conversions on your site generated from your Sponsored
Search and Content Match listings.
Conversions The completion of a key action that you value, such as
a purchase, registration, or sign-up.
Conversion Tag A script in the source code of a page that records
a completed transaction.Typically, a Conversion Tag is placed on a
Thank You or Confirmation page.The Conversion Tag can include the
amount of the transaction.
Cookie A collection of information stored on the local computer by a
web browser at the request of a web site. Cookies are mainly used by
websites to identify users who have previously registered or visited the
Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) The cost of acquiring a conversion. The
CPA is calculated as the total cost of online marketing activities divided
by the number of conversions.
Cost Per Click (CPC) The cost of advertising divided by the number of
Data Collection Tags Scripts that are linked to a web page during the
tagging process that allow Yahoo! Search Marketing to collect visitor
behavior data. Data collection tags include:
• the Universal tag for tracking visitors through your web site
• the Event tag for tracking visitor behavior important to your
the Conversion tag which indicates that Yahoo! Search Marketing
should record a completed transaction.
See Conversion Tag, Event Tag, Tagging, Tagging Options, and
Universal Tag for more information.
Days to Deletion The number of days until a file will be deleted.
Description In an ad, the concise summary of the products or services
you wish to advertise. For best results, an ad’s description should
correspond to its related keywords.
Destination URL The URL of the web page that is displayed when an
ad is clicked.
Display Rate (%) The number of times an ad was displayed relative to
the other ads in the ad group. Example: If four ads in an ad group are
rotated equally, each ad has a display rate of 25%.
Display URL The URL displayed in an ad. If the destination URL is
long, you can include a shorter display URL. Example: An ad with
destination URL could have a display URL
Editorial Status The status of a keyword or ad in the editorial review
End Date The date the account daily spending limit was turned off.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Estimated Account Depletion The estimated number of days
remaining before the account balance reaches zero.
Estimated Average Position An estimate of the position in which your
ad will be displayed relative to other ads on the page.
Estimated Clicks The estimated number of clicks you might receive.
Estimated Monthly Impressions The estimated number of impressions
your ad may receive in a month.
Event Tag A script in the source code of a web page that you use to
track visitor behavior that is important to your business. For example,
an Event tag can be used to record that a visitor has transitioned
from being a browser to being a shopper when a shopping cart or an
account is created.
within California, as well as to anyone who searches for relevant
terms such as “California Real Estate.”
Import A bulk upload of campaigns, ads or keywords into your
account using a spreadsheet template.
Impressions The number of times an ad is displayed. For example,
a Sponsored Search ad that is displayed four times has four
Keyword Word or phrase that relates to the products or services you
wish to advertise. When prospective customers look for information
related to your keywords, your ads may be displayed
to track a full range of activity across your web site.
default ad group level bid.
the historical popularity of keywords.
Full Analytics A method of tracking analytics data using multiple tags
Geo-Targeting A feature that displays ads within a specific geographic
area or to users who express interest in that area. Example: A
business that sells real estate in the state of California selects that
state as a targeted region. Ads will be displayed to customers located
Keyword Bid A custom bid for the keyword. This bid overrides the
Keyword Research Tool A tool for creating a keyword list and viewing
Keyword Status Indicates whether your keyword is on, off, or deleted.
Long Description A detailed summary of the products or services
you wish to advertise. It is displayed on partner sites that can
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
accommodate longer descriptions. For best results, the long
description should correspond to its related keywords.
Market The country or multi-country region in which you are
Market ID A unique ID that is generated by Yahoo! Search Marketing
to identify all aspects of a campaign within a Tracking URL.
Marketing Activity Any part of a campaign for which you want to track
cost information. Examples include paid search ads, banner ads, and
email drop.
Marketing Activity Cost Amount you currently pay for a marketing
Marketing Links A URL used by search engines and web sites to
direct visitors to your web site. These URLs, which are also known as
referring links, are converted into Tracking URLs when you append
Tracking Codes or a Market ID to them.
Master Account A group of one or more accounts that share settings
such as time zone, currency, and market.
Master Account Administrator A user with access to the master
account and any related accounts.
Match Type An option within Sponsored Search that specifies how
search terms are matched to ads. Ads that use the standard match
type are displayed for exact matches to your keywords, as well as
for singular or plural variations and common misspellings. Ads that
use the advanced match type are displayed for a broader range of
searches relevant to your keywords, titles, descriptions and/or web
content. By default, all ads are set to the advanced match type.
Match Type ID Identifies clicks from various sources, including
Sponsored Search standard or advanced match types, or Content
Maximum Bid The maximum price you are willing to pay when your ad
is clicked. You will never be charged more than your maximum bid.The
actual cost per click can be lower than your maximum bid because
your cost per click is automatically discounted to the lowest amount
necessary to maintain your position on the page.
Min. Position The lowest position you prefer your ad to be displayed
on the results page. Please note that this does not guarantee that your
ad will not be displayed below this position.
Name-Value Pair A value and the name for that value. The name of the
value appears on the left of an equal sign, while the value appears on
the right of the equal sign. The following are all examples of namevalue pairs.
• name=value
• accountId=10987364
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
• campaignName=”My First Campaign”
IMPORTANT: When you use a name-value pair, it is important to use
the correct format. Some values must be placed in single or double
quotation marks. Others may require a specific number of spaces
around the name, value, or equal sign. The instructions in this guide
provide complete formatting guidelines for using name-value pairs.
NOC Network Operations Center.
Payment Method The method for funding your account, such as credit
card, check, or wire transfer.
Prospect Tag A script in the source code of a page that appears just
prior to the completion of a conversion. A prospect tag can be used
to identify any drop-off between the conversion step and the preconversion step. Example: If customers must review their purchase
before completing the transaction, place a prospect tag on the review
page to collect data and better understand drop-off behavior.
Quality Index A relative measure of your ad’s performance.
The quality index takes into account the click-through rate and other
relevancy factors.
ROAS Return on Ad Spend. The amount of revenue you generated
per dollar spent on a specific advertising method. ROAS is calculated
as Revenue ÷ Cost of Advertising x 100. Example: A campaign that
generated $5,000 in revenue and cost $500 has a ROAS of 1000%.
Roles The type of access a user has within an account.
Search Query A search request that a user enters into the Search box
on Yahoo! or one of our distribution partners.
Search Term A word or phrase that is entered into a search engine to
find information, products, or services online. Advertisers select and
bid on keywords that are relevant to their products or services. An ad
can appear in search results when people enter a search term related
to a keyword. Share of Available Clicks An estimate of the clicks you may potentially
receive for all keywords in your ad group.The share is estimated using
your bids and historical data for your keywords. This is an estimate
only and not a guarantee of click volume.
Shopping Cart ID See Transaction ID.
Short Description In an ad, a concise summary of the products
or services you wish to advertise. For best results, the ad’s short
description should correspond to its related keywords.
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
SOC Search Operations Center.
Sponsored Search Bid (SS Bid) The maximum bid for Sponsored
Search clicks.
Standard ID Text you supply to identify Sponsored Search standard
match type clicks. The Standard ID appears in your web logs.
Tactic (Distribution Tactic) The method used for distributing ads,
such as Sponsored Search or Content Match. Sponsored Search
displays your ads for related search queries. Content Match displays
your ads on content pages containing articles, reviews, news or other
Tagging The process of placing your Universal, Event, and
Conversion Tags on your site.
Tagging Options The method used for receiving analytics data.
Analytics data can be received using Conversion Only or Full
Analytics. Conversion Only provides one tag that tracks conversions
on your site generated from your Sponsored Search and Content
Match listings. Full Analytics allows multiple tags to track a full range
of activity across your web site.
Tracking Code The name portion of a name-value pair within a
Tracking URL that identifies a trackable aspect of a campaign. Yahoo!
Search Marketing provides the following tracking codes for your use:
• ysmcpm — campaign code
© 2006 Yahoo!, Inc. All Rights Reserved
ysmgrp — ad group code
ysmcrn — creative code
ysmtrm — term code
ysmchn — channel code
ysmtac — tactic code
ysmrfd — referring id override code
Targeted Region The geographic locations selected for campaign
Title The headline for an ad. For best results, include the keyword in
the title using the Insert Keyword feature. To attract the attention of
potential customers, the title should be short, factual and compelling.
Tracking URL A URL appended with parameters that provide
information about the distribution tactic, keyword, and raw search
query used.
Transaction ID An identification number usually generated by online
shopping software. The Transaction ID serves to uniquely identify a
visitor from the time a tracked event occurs until a conversion event
occurs. For example, a Transaction ID might be created when a visitor
adds the first item to a shopping cart. This ID is used to identify the
visitor and their activities until they create a conversion event. For
example, when a visitor pays for the items in their cart, the Transaction
ID will usually expire, indicating that the transaction associated with
that ID has been completed. Most Transaction IDs will expire if the
visitor does not make a purchase within a period of time, or if the
visitor exits the secure portion of a web site. Transaction IDs are
sometimes refered to as Shopping Cart IDs.
Universal Tag This tag is unique to your account and is placed on
every page of your web site(s).
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) In this guide, a URL is an address
that uniquely identifies and can be used to locate a web site, file, or
web service. For example, the URL for Yahoo! Search Marketing is When you type this address into
a web browser, the Yahoo! Search Marketing login page opens.
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