
Jan. 26, 1856
Ocr. 17
P. O. 30X 576
officers and Commi ttee s
President's Letter .
Minutes of the Eden Baptist Church, Cont'd. .
Farnily of idilLiam and Sarah Adans
Geneafogical Sketches - John C. McGarity, Janes D. I'loore,
James P, Iloore, C. C. Morris
Focus of Researcll
Carrol l county Genealogicaf Society 1986 Meiilbers
Ped l gree Charts.
I ndex
The Carr.oll County GeneaLoglcaf Society, Cairoll County, Georgia,
i:lenbership dues are SI5.00 per person or fanily, on a calenoar basis
(January through DeceqLber). This publication is included at no extra
cost in the nelnber.s:ip dues, \rith one copy per farn1ly. E,tia copies
are availabfe for $4.0C each. Former issues of the Quarterly are
available at the prices sllown on the baci( page of this issue. These
are available from i,he Carrofl Countl, Geneafogicaf Society, P. O.
Box 576, Carrollton, GA 30I17. Queries are published free for mernbeirs
of the Society. This Society does not assume responsibllity for:
errors i:'l fact or oprnion which nay appear in articles furiished
by its anenbers. I'r: rdill gfadly correct alry errors brcught tc our.
198 6
Dear Menbers:
As you already kno,,r, our dues for f9B6 increased.
That lncrease ?as based sotely on the increased cost
of printing the OLlarterlY.
The lssue that you have before you is an experinelt
!7e hoitre will eirable us to mai:ltain
in cost cutting n,hich
onr pLlblication in +-he face of piice increases. HoweveL,
\re do have enough ncney to enable us to continue printi'l!
the QuarLerly on individual sheets (:lot on front and
back as in this issue) and stlll break even.
Consequently, I ain asking for vour opinion- If
you r'Iish lo return to our o1d nethod of printing thc
Quarterly, pfease let us knorr. ,!1so, if you aie satis
fied wlth the present issue, t/e would appreciate soile
n.l:ice to that effect.
You ullL obser\7e that i{e iave Raintained our card
stock cover and back. This should maintain tlle appearance
and .iurabllity of the Quarterl)' which, aithough thinner,
contains jLrst as InLich inforll,aiion as recent issues.
I appreciate your support of our Society and li's
pubLication. As always, lre sciiciL contributiois, for
it is not always easl' to cone up \'rith material tllat
., a ieal contribution to the research of Carroll
Coulty fanilies.
Sincerely t/ours I
aou se
.:. i.
Kathy Brock
ELmo Roberds
Nancy Sparkman
shirley cardner
Clarice Cox
Cha irama
I.lary Florence hrord
Project Chairman .......
Editor of Ouarterl y
January 25, f986
Dear liiends,
you and
t hope that 1986 has gotten off to a good start for
that you have pfanned to set aside some lime for
resea;ch durinq this year. You nay have some special project
that's been rraiting for your attention, or yoll ma)' have resol
ved to visit some elderly relatives or to get your records
in better order. I,Ihatever your activities, please keep your
Society in mind and let us know if you have information to
slrare or problems with lrhlch we mlght help.
our neelings will continue to be on the fourth Thursday al
7:30 p.m. ind vrill be held at the Carrolf EMC Building duiing
the sprrng months. Exceptions to this schedule t/i]l be the
april worishop anal Luncheon, the July picnjc, and a. special lo be arranged for Novenber / December. I'Iitl1 clarice
Co: heading the Program Conmittee and rlary Ffor.ence tr'Jord
chair:ing the Proiect coinnittee for the year, T'm sure our
meetings will continue to be interesting and infornative'
A speciat word of thanks goes to those who have agreed to be
officers fcr 1986 and to those who led our Society so ably
in 1985. with suppori and i.r'put fro.n all of yori, r hopeprogi.aiis
duiing this year lre can
and our prrbfications that ui11 heLp everyone searching for
roots in Carrol l County,
I<athy T. Brock
(The folfowing Minutes are continued from the winter Quarterly'
They are printed here with the same phrasing and spelling just as
they appear in the original record. This Church was focated near
Bowdon, Georgia, and ceased meeting in 1880.)
Eden, May 17th 1862.
our pastor beaing absent, the members held a prayr meeting and
appointed Broth. J. B. Word as Moderator. 1. Opened the doore of
the Church for reseption of members. none offered. 2. Invlted visiting
Breathren and Sisters to seats. 3. Called for absentees of past
Conference, some exscuses made and recd. 4. Acknowledgement s Brother
Thos. Crosier, having gon to the Army, made som acknowledgements
through Brao. J. Reeves for swearing which was recd. 5. References
none. 6. Matters of dealing in gospel order. It was reported by
Wm. Jackson that Brother James lfumfin had been makeing use of unchris_
tian Like language as a common practice continued untiff next confer
ence. 7. Missetlaneous Buisness. Apointed Corespondents To Bowden,
Breth. w. Jackson and A. F. Stepheoson. To Bathesda Broth. J. P.
Stephenson. To Carrollton, Broth. J. B. Word. To Loss Creek Broth.
Barton aod Wiltis Upchurch. To Indian Creek, Brother Jackson. Broth.
wm. F. Johnson ca11ed for letters of dlsmission for him seff and
wife v,hich was granted. Reported L,y Deacon Wm. Jackson that Sister
omery is in a needy situation. Appointed a committee of three to
visit the sister to wlt: Broth. Jackson, J. B, Word, and G. w.
Burson. On motion requested Broth. Burson to attend and preach for
us on to morrow. Adopted. Done by order of conference.
A. F. Stephenson, C Cfk J. B. Word
Mod Pro tem
Eden, June I4, 1862.
The Baptlst Churuch of Christ at Eden - after preaching by
our pastor. conveaned in conference. 1. lnvited visiting Breathren
and Sisters to seats. 2. Opened the door for reseption of members,
none offerd. 3. Calfed for correspondance. From Bathesda; Brother
Barton reported, Bowden; S. B. Little & Co]quit. 5. Acknowledgements,
some made for not attending as correspondance and recd. 4. Absentees
of past conference, one presenled and recd, 6. Refference. Brother
James Tumfins case was referd to. Case contlnued untilI next conference, Appointe a committee of twoo to visit the brother and clte
him to attend. To wit Brother A. F. Stephenson and wm. Jackson.
Sister omerys case referd to. The commlttee reported favorably.
Case dismissed. 7. Matters of dealing in gospel order, nothing
presented. B. Missellaneous buisness. Nothing presented. Done
A, F. stephenson C Clk G. w. Tumlin, Modr
by order of conference.
June f 5th
Preaching by our pastor, it being quarterLy neeting several
the church went into communion. Disd
visiting brethren with us
in order
A. F. S. C Cfk
July l9th 1862. The Baptist Church of Christ.
After preaching by our pastor the Church met in conference.
1. Invited visiting breathren to seats. 2. Opened the door of the
Church for reseption of members no application. 3. Called for absentees
of past conferencer some offered and recd as satisfactory. 4. Acknow
ledgements, none offered. 5. Refference. Refference continued until
next conference. 6. Matters of dealing in gospel order. AI] in
peace. 7. Mlsseflaneous buisness, Appointed deligates to our generaf
meeting, to wit, J. B. Word, J. P. Stephenson, L. Barton, A. F.
Stephenson, J. Reeves, l,iiltis Upchurch, Wm. Onea1, J. W. Stephenson,
wm. Jackson and James Bryson. Done by order of conference.
A. F. Stephenson C CIk G. ii. Tumlin Modr
Georgia, carrolf Co. August Bth 1862
The Delegates cf the Generaf Meeting of the first Dest. of the
Assosiation, Coovened with Eden Church on friday before the second
sabbath in August Bth and 9th. The introductory Surmon was preach
by Etder Wm. Davis, fiom Hebrews I Ch. lst and 2d vsses. Brother
Davis deliverd a good message, and spoke in the spirit to an attentive
congregation, and concluded by Rev. A. J. No]es. After iatermition
of 30 minuits, the detegates convened. 1. Appointed Efder wm. Davis
modr. and A. F. Stephenson Clk. J. B. word assist. Prayer by Brothel
c. w. Burson. Read the letters from the churches and enrolled the
names of the delegates present. From O]ive Branche, Wessley Garrett,
R. F. willson, N. w. Moore (crossed out). Provialence, J. Louvourn,
J. W. Nofes. Shilov/, A. J. No1es, W. C. MitcheLL, W. T. Breed, and
N. W. Moore. Eden, J. B. Word, J. P. Stephenson, L. Barton, A. F.
stephenson, J. Reeves, wl11is Upchurch, wm. Jacksonr wm. oneaI, James
Byron. Rocky Branch, rsaac Smith. Bathesda, J. Dorrough, A. Colclough,
R. Baseter, F. Key. Central Hachee, C. A. Garrett. Massadonla,
J. Bledsaw, F. A. Hrfl, J. w. Ivins. Big Spring, T. D' TaLley, Steven
Lifes. Newhope, Henry Jones, A. w. Noles. Cafled the rolle marked
absentees. Appointed a buisness committee. Viz. Rev. W. H. Daniel,
D. F. willson; w. J. Breed & c. w. Burson. Diss. untilf * past I
oclock to morrow morning. Benediction by the Modr.
A. F. Stephenson C. Clk
Augst. 9th. 9* oc lock
Convened according to adjournment. Pray by Brother Evins,
Our next general meeting will be held with Massadonia, Heard Co., Ga.
commenclng (b1ank). Elected J. W. Noles to preach the introductory
surmon and Mathew w. Owensby Alternate. Missellaneous buisness,
no buisness presented. Adopted. Read and adopted.
I-. F. Stephenson C.CIk l,im. Davis Modr
1oth Sabbath morn ing
Fray meeting. Elders T!,/eidfe & wm. Davis ocuplde the stand.
Concfuded by B. E. la'rIIson, with good effect.
Monday Morning
Pray meeting. Apointed W. T. Colguit Mo(lr Protem. OceDed lhe
doore of the Church for reseption of mernbers, recd. J. L. Hays by
and Richard Avorys servent Boy
a cknowl edgemen t s 1n f1111 filloship
Elkin by exper ience.
Broth. Burson belng presant, opened the door of the chur:ch and
recd. by experience C. w. King, Mary J. Farmer, Samantha C. Farmer,
and Lucy A' shelnut'
A- E- ste.henson c.crk
August 14
Continued meeting. Opened the door for reseption of members.
Recd. by experience E1i M. Stephenson. Recd by acknowledgements
and restoration Sophrona sfave befonging to sister Fletcher.
l5 rh
Recd by experience Newton Jackson. The General meetinq closed
on the f]th, but the meeting continued untilf this day's servises
closed. l'le have had a good meeting; our Pastor not being presant,
only one night, being called off, the meeting was conducted by Revend.
A. F. Sl-ephenson, C. clk
Twedle & Burson
2 Auqust 16th
Baptist Church of Chrlst at Eden convened in conference'
l. Invited visiting brethren and sisters to seats. 2. opeoed the
door of the Church for reseption of members, none offered. Ey a
moove and second dismissd ltiEh the usual itims of conference. Cafed
for vofunteers to Bolrden, J. B. word and A. f. Stephenson. Loss
Creek, wm. Jackson and upchurch. Carrollton, J. P' stephenson and
Reeves. Bathesda, wm. Jackson and J. M. Stephenson. Indian Creek,
J. Reevcs and wilIis LJpchurch. Done in conference.
J. W. Tumlin Mod A. F. Stephenson C.Clk
Aug. 16th
Preaching at nlght, by Brother A. J. Noles. Opened the door
of the Church and recd. by experience, Rebecca Hearn.
Aug. ITth
There was a large congregation met at the river, the applicants
being ready. Our Pastor, G. w. Tumlin, admlnisterd the ordinance
of baptism, and returned to the House. The stand was ocupied by
G. w. Burson, and G. W. Tumlin to a large audiance. Surely the Lord
has blest again, !.rith hls presance.
A. F. Slephenson, C Clk
September 18th 1862
By order of a proctamation by Pres. Davis, President of the
Confederate States of Amerlca, the Church met and leturned our thanks
to the Almighty God, the God of Battles for the Victories, of our
Troop on the field of BattLe. A. F. Stephenson, C Clk
(The following whlch encompasses three pages of the mioute book
to be out of order. The regular minutes start again with Sept.
1862 .
Ministers: George !^lashington Burson, George washington Colquitt,
(blank ) Burson, Pastor,
Deaconsi John B. l'lord, william T. Colquitt, william A. Jackson,
Benlamin C. word.
James O(?). R. word, Chorister; James M. Stephenson, Assistant.
November 1867
Statement of Eden Church for 1859
Delegates to the General Association, G. w. Burson, J. Barrow,
c. Upchurch, J. B. word & Wm. CoIquitt. Baptized 5. Recd by letter
& Restored 1. Dismissed by letter 21. Excluded L. Dead 1. 9r'hites
125. Bfacks f0. Total 135. sabbath of Meeting 3rd. Amount for
Charfes Mabry C.c. G. W. Buison Modr
Minutes $2.00.
Statement of Eden Church up to sept. 15th 1860.
Delegates to General Association, G. w. Burson, Charles Mabry,
wm. Jackson, Josiah Reeves, & Cafeb Veasy. Baptized 12. Received
by Letter 17. Restored 0. Dismissed by Letter 38. Excfuded 0.
Dead 0. whites 116. Blacks f0. Totaf f26. Money for Minutes ti{o
dollars. Meeting 3rd Sunday. Bowden Post office address.
G. W. Tumlin Modr Charles Mabrv C C
N.B. We have now to accompl to the next Associatioo our Total.
whites 79. Collered 5. TotaI 84. This 1867.
John B. word, Wifliam T. Colquitt and william A. Jackson Committee
on Preaching.
November 1867
Statement of Eden Church up to Sept. 12th 1861.
Defegates to the Association. Revd G. W. Burson. J. B. Word,
W. A. Jackson, Josiah Reeves, B. C. Word & A. F. Stephenson in case
of failure.
Statistics: Baptized 3. Recd by Letter B. Restored 0. Disd.
by Letters 5. Excluded 1. Dead 1. Whites 120. Blacks 10. Total
130. Meeting 3rd Sabbath. Minutes $2.25. P. O. Bowden ca.
G. W. Tumlin Modr A. F. Stephenson C C
Statement of Eden Church up to Nov. L867.
Eldrs George w. Burson, George Id. Colquitt, (blank) Burson
Pastor. Deacons, John B. Word, Wm. T. Colquitt, Wm. A. Jackson,
Benj. C. Word.
Collered feemafes: Nelly -- Mi1es. Sophrona -- Fletcher.
Harriett -- Tum]in. Chaney carrison. Rachel -- carrison. Elily -Gay. Jane Crozier. Efizabeth A. Miles.
The feemales of Eden Church finlshed. Returned. Henrietta H.
Barron, Sousan S. A. Swafford, Harriett A. Carten, Mary J. Mi1es,
Nancy E. Bonner, Elizabeth A. Mi1es, Sousan G. Colquittr Sarah Jane
Dier, Loucinda A. Burson, Sarah Avery Dis., Prances Teal Exc1., Martha
Sprewill, Sousan A. MiIes.
(This ends the notations i,.rhich seem to be out of order.)
September 2oth 1862.
The Baptist Church of Christ at Eden. After preaching by our
pastor, conveaned in conference. 1. Invited Breathren, and slsters,
to seats. 2. Opened the Door of the Chur:ch for reseption of members.
Recd. Roda, servant befonging to Bro. Latimer. 3. Ca11ed for correspondance. From Bowden Broth. Upchurch & Cofquit. Carrollton
Broth. J. K. Barr. From Bathesda Broth. A. Colclough. From Loss
Creek, none correspondance. From Indian Creek, none correspondance.
4. By request of our pastor, it lras motioned and agreed that Brolher
Burson act as Mod. 5. Read the decorun, and articles of faith.
6. Called for absentees of past conference. One offered and recd.
7. Acknowledgements, oone. Refference. The committee reported thal
Broth James Tumlin confesst his falts, beged forgiveness. The Com
mittee v,/as dismissed. After some deliberation he lras forgiven.
Matters of dealing in Gospel order. Aff in peace. Misseflaneous
buisness: Appointed Delegates to the Associatlon, To wit. J. B.
Word, G. W. Burson. Wm. Jackson, A. F. Stephenson, J. Reeves, J. P.
Stephenson a1t. On motion appointed our next conference meeting
on friday before our next conference day. Minuits 92.50. By request
of Brother Burson our pastor took hls seat. Done by order of Conference.
G. W. T'rfirfin Mod A. F.Stephenson C Clk
Oct. 7th 1862.
The Baptist Church of Chrlst at Eden, after preaching by our
Pastor, rnet in conference. 1. Tnvited visiting Brethren and Sisters
to seats. 2. Opened the Doore of the Church for reseption of members
and recd. by Letter Slster Efisabeth Hennely. Acknolr ledgmen t s , none.
Absentees of past conference, some offered & recd. Refference, none.
Matters of deafing in Gospal order, A11 ln peace. Misseflaneous
buisness. Co I Iected $2.50 for minuits. Missionary purposes $I0.00
Read the As soc iat lon letter.
Read and adopted.
G. W. Tumlin Mod A. F. Stephenson C1k
following notations are out of order in the minute book. )
February the I4th I863. Eden.
After divine service by brother Barrow convened in conference.
Opend the door for the reception of members; no application. Past
over the usual items of business, nothing noted. Miselaneous bllsiness,
restored Brother D. D. Morris accor:ding to a letter of acknowledgements
and granted him & his i{ife a letter of dismision. Read the minutes,
J. B. Word Clerk G. W. Tumfin Modr.
Statement of Eden Church Revised at November Meeting 1867, Viz.
Elders: George W. Burson, ceorge w. Colquitt, Burson pastor.
Deacons: John B. Word, William T. Colquitt, William A. Jackson,
Benj anin C. Word.
Male Membeisi Lewis Barton, Wrlliam F. Johnson, Jeptha V. Cr:aft,
Thomas B. Carten, David H. Srrafford, James O(?). R. Word, John H.
King Exc., John W" Stephenson Dis., George W. Butson Junr., Wiffiam
Gay Dismised, John B. HolIoway, Ephrian M. No1es, John W. Burson,
James M. Stephenson, William B. Stephenson, Thomas Crozier, Thomas
D. Bridges, Eli M. Stephenson Dls., Joseph G. Miles Dis., John S.
Jackson, ceorqe M. Hays, James P. Stephenson Exc., John H. Word Cferkr
Josiah Reeves, W111iam A. ,rlord Dis.
Females: Elizabeth H. Burson, Mary F. Colquitt, AmeIia Word Dis,,
Ann Colquitt, HenI:ietta Jackson, Mary Word, Catherine Veazey, Sarah
Miles Wid., Efvira Stephenson, Etizabeth Fletcher, Sousan C. Word,
Martha H. Jones, Mary F. Ashmore, Parthenay Huckabee, Sarah Miles,
Elizabeth Miles, Martha Adams Dis., Cyntha Reeves, Martha A. Johnson,
Afmeta Stephenson, Efenor Word, Frances A. E. Bridges(?), Sarah W.
Word, Lavisa B. Gay, Elizabeth Thompson, Mary Frances cay Dis., Char
Iotte C. Colquitt, Malinda). J. Willlams Dis., (blank) Jane Noles,
Harriett M. ---(?) Dis., Emma Stephenson Dis., Sousan A. Burson.
Betsey Ann Stephenson.
Statement of Eden Church up to Oct. llLh 1a62.
Delegates to t-he Association. Rev. G" W. Burson, J. B. Word,
i{m. A. Jackson, A. F. Stephenson, J. Reeves and J. p. Stephenson,
in case of failure. Statistics: Baptized 9. Recd by letter 2.
Restored 2. Excluded 0. Dissd by Letters 4. Dead 2. Whites 124.
Blacks 13. Total 137. Meeting 3rd Sabbath. Minuits g2.50. Testa,
ments for Soldiers $I0.00. P.O. Bowden. Supplied by c. H. TumIln,
Modr. A. F. Stephenson C. Clk. Done bv order of Conference Oct. t7th,
G. W. Tumlin Mod A. F. Stephenson C C1k
(This ends the notatlons which seem to be out of order. )
November l5
The Baptlst Church of Christ at Eden, after preaching by our
Pastor, Conveaned in Conference. l. Invited visitlng broths to seats.
2. Opened the Door of the Church for reseption of members, nooe offered.
3. Acknolledgements, none. 4. Matters of deallng ln Gospel order,
All in peace. Missellaneous buisness: Brother t{i11is Upchurch calfed
for a letter of dismission, which uas granted. Read and adopted.
c. W. Tumlin Mod A. F. Stephenson Clk
Decr 20th
The Baptist Church of Christ at Ederl, after: preaching by BroLher
James Barro\"/, conveaned in conference. 1. Invited vislting brethren
and sisters to seats. 2. Opened the door of the Church for reseption
of members, none presented. 3. Cal1ed for correspondance. From
Carrollton, J. tsarr, and T. W. Smlth responded and wer wefcomed to
seats. Bolrden, Bathesda, Indian Creek and Loss Creek faifed to correspond. 4. Acknofledgments, none. Misselfaneous buisness, none.
5. Refferences, none. 6. Matters of dealing. all in peace. Done
G. w. TumIin, Mod A. F. Stephenson Cfk
by order of conference
- 7th 1863
After preaching convened in conference. Nothing of lmportance
to attend to, past the usual items. Dismist in order.
c- w- Tumlin Mod
Feb. 14th 1863
Af ter. preaching by Brother Barrow convened in conference. Calied
and attnded to usLlal items of conference. Missellany. Restroed
Broth. D. D. Morris accordinq to a letLer of acknot/ledgement and
gr:anted him & his wife fetters of dismission. Read and adopted.
G. W. Tumiin Mod J. B. Word C1k Protem
Marth l4 th L863
The tsaptlst Church of Christ at Eden, after preaching by BroLher
A. c. Noles, concluded by Brother G. W. Burson, conveined ln conference.
1. Invited visiting Brothers & Sisters to seats. 2. Ca11ed for corres
pondance, none. 3. Opened the doore of the Church for reseption
of members, none offered. 4. Absentes of ftrst conference, one offered
and recd. 5. Acknowfedgement, none. 6. Refference, none. 7. MisseLlany. Recd a fetter from the Breathren at Stewartrs Schoof house
requesting us to send Brother Burson and deLegates to meet them in
council to consider the propriety of constituting a Church at that
place. on motion appointed Breth. Rev' G. W. Burson and our Deacons
J. B. & B. C. Word. On motion appointed or agreed to appoint the
27th lnst. ior fasting and prayer. Granted Brother J. M. stephenson
a felter of dismisslon. Done by order of conference.
G. !I. Bursonr Mod A. E. Stephenson Cfk
April 18th 1863
The Baptist Church of Chrisi at Eden. after preaching by our
pastor, convened in conference. 1. Invited vislting Brethren and
Sisters to seats. 2. Opened the Door of the Church for reseption
of members, no application. 3. Absentees of past conference, none.
4. Acknowledgments, none. 5. Refferences, none. 6. Matters of deafing,
a1l in peace. 7. Missellaneous buisness. Uppon reports against
Brother James Tumlin for frequntly useing profaine languae, appointed
a commlttee of three to enquire 1n to the case aod report at our
next conference. Committee, A. E. Stephenson, J. B. Word, and J. P.
Stephenson. Red & adopted. Dismissed in order.
c. w. Tumlin Mod. A. F. Stephenson c clk
May 16 th 1863
The Baptist Church at Eden, after preaching by our pastor con
vened in conference. 1. lnvited visiting Brethren to seats. 2.
Opened the door of the Chllrch for reseption of members. None offered.
3. Acknoltedgments, none. 4. Absentees of past conference, norle.
5. Refference. Took up the refference relative to Brother James
Tumlin's case. Coomittee reported that they made enquirey of Lhe
persons directed to, and after fulfy investigating the case find
the reports to be faIse. Comnittee and case dlsmissed. 6. Dealing
in gospel order, al1 in peace. 7. Missellany. Paid Sister Mabry
the ballance due hir for keeping the house. Appointed Correspondance.
To Bowden, A, F. Stephenson & J. B. word. Carroflton, J. P. Stephenson
I L. Barton. Bathesda, B. C. Word & John w, Stephenson. Loss Creek,
James Tum1in & B. C. Word. Read the decorum. Read and adopted.
G. W. TumIin, Mod. A. F, stephenson clk
.lLrne 20th 1863
The tsaptist Church at Ederl, after preaching by our Pastor, convened
in conference. 1. Opened the door of the Church for reseption of
members, none offered. 2. Invrted visiting brethren and sisters
to seats. 3. Called for corespondance & recd- Broth Durrovr', Cofcfough
& Veasey from Bathesda. 4. Ackllolledgements, nolle. 5. Reffe.rence,
none. 6. Matters of dealin in Gospal orde.r, noihing presented.
7. Misseffaneous. Sister Shadrlck called for a letter of dismission
\rhich was granted. on motion that we reconsidder the committes report
of last conference, motion lost. Done br- order of conference.
A. F. Stephenson Clk G. w. Tumfin Modr
July 18th 1363.
The Baptist Church of Christ at Eden, after preachlng by our
pastor convened in conference. 1. opened the door of the Church
for reseptlon of menbers, none offerd. Called the usuaf items of
conference, nothing presented. Misselfany, Apointed Defegates to
the ceneral Meeting to be held lrith Macedonia Church, Heard Co.,
CA. J. B. word, L. Barton, B. C. Word, & A. i. Stephenson. Done
G. W. Tumlin, llod. A. F. stephenson C Clk
br- order of conference.
Saturday the f5 AugLlst 1863 at Eden.
our pastor absent, appointed Brother John B. Word Moderator.
Invited visiting Brethren to seats, opened a Door for the reception
of members, none offered. Abseotees of past co ference, one excuse
offered and recd. Acknowledgements, none. Refferences, none. Matters
of deal1ing, alL in peace. Misselleaneous the Clerk returned the
Church Book being called off to the !,iar. The agreed to choose
another at Septembel Conference. Brother J, B. wor_d take charge
of the Book for the present. No farther Buisness Dismissed in order.
Minuits read and adopted. John B. word Mod Protem A. F. Stepheuson
August 20th 1863
The meeting at Eden contlnued. Conl,iened in conference. Cpened
a Door for Reception of Members, none offered. Past over the regufar
items Lo Misselleaneous Buisrress and dismissed our Sister Baker,
formty }.,lartha E. Cr:oizier, by Letter. Dismissed in order.
George W. Tum]in Mod John B. Word Cfk
Friday the 2lst Adgust 1863 at Eder)
Acco]:ding to our Presldent. Viz. Jefferson Davis, procklimation
we have observed this day Fasting Humlllatioo and prayr. Meeting
George l{. Tllmlin Mod John B. I,lord Clk
again to night.
ro tem
August 22 A.D. 1863 at Eder,.
opened a Door for the Receptlon of i,lembers and Received by
experience Mlss Charlotte Colquitt. Meeting continued August 24,
1863. Recd by Experence Ann Sfave of John B. word. Meeting closed.
Dismi ssed Sister Charlotle Colquitt.
George W. Tumfin Mod. John B. Word
Clk Protem
saturday the l9th September 1863 at Eden.
Divine Servis by our pastor. Mett together in conference.
Invited visiting Bretheren to seats. Called for corrispondence
Bro. Barr from Carrollton responded. None others present. opened
a Door for the reception of Members, none offered. Past the usal
items to Misseffeaneous Buisness. Nothing presented. Af1 in peace.
A request made for Letters of Dismission for Brother James Tumfln
and \rife v,/hich was granted. Elected Bretheren Viz., John B. word,
J. P. Stephenson, G. W. Burson, J. W. Stephenson, L. Barton and B. C.
word in case of Failure to the Assoclation. Appointed John H. Word
Cferk. Collected $2.50 cts for minuits, for Missions $4. Agreed
to meet on Thursday before our usal meeting in october. Dismissed
in order.
George !{. Tumlin, Mod John B. word Clk
Thursday the 15th October 1863 at Eden.
our pastor absent Brother John B. word organized conference
acted as Moderator by request of the Church. Past over the usal
items of Decorum. Read Recieved and Adopted the Associnationaf Letter.
statistical for the year 1863 Viz. Baptized two. Dismissed none.
Restored one. Recd by Letter none. Excluded none. Dead Ten 3 ki1led
ln Battle, 4 dled in Hospital and 3 at Home. Leaving us 1If whites,
14 Sfaves. Total 125. Meetlng 3 Sunday. Bowden P.O. Money for
Minuits $2.50, for Missions $4.
George w. Tumlin Mod John H. word Clk
Saturday November l4th 186 3
The Baptist Church at Eden after Prayr by Brother John B. Word
met in conference. f. Opened the door for the reception of members
no applicant. 3. Acknowledgement s None. 2. Absentees some excuse
& received. 4. Refference Nothing Refered. 5. Matters of dealing
in Gospef order, aff in peace. 6. Miscelfaneous business Sister
Martha Dial and Sister Neaty Miles Aplied for Letters of Dismission
which was granted. Dismissed in order.
John B. Word Mod Pro Tem John H. Word Clk
Saturday December the 19 1863
The Baptist Church at Eden after prayr by Brother James Batrow
met in conference. Invited visiting Brethren. Openened the Door
for the reception of members. None offered. Ca1ls for corrispondence,
none responded. Absentees of past conference, none. Acknolrledgements
some made and ieceived as good. Refference none. Matters of deafing
in gospef order, all in peace. Miscellaneous blrsiness. Sister Efiza
beth Hudson applied for a letter rrhich L,7as granted. Read and adopted.
James Barrow Mod Pro John H. word Clk
January the 16th 1864
The Baptist Church at Eden after Prayr by Eld James Barro\r met
in conference. Invited visiting Brething to seats with us. Opened
the door of the Church none offered. Absentees no excuses rendered.
Ac know I edgement s none offered.
Refference nothing refered. Matters
of dealinq in cospel order a1l in peace. Miscellaneous business.
Moved and second we reconsider the case of Brother James Tumlin.
ReLeased the old committee and appointed a new one to wit, Brother
Josiah Reaves, Oneal & James Barron. Read and adopted.
Rev James BarrowMdPT John H. word Clk
SatLrrday the 20th February 1864 at Eden.
After Divine Sevis By Brother A. J. Noles mett in conference
first opened a Door for the Reception of Menbers no Application.
AcknowledgeAbsentees Some Excuses rendered and Recd satisfactorly.
ments oone offered. Refferences, Tuck up the reconsideration Case
of Brother James Tumlin for frequently using profane language the
same being this day satisfactorily established by Gospel Testimony.
tle !,7as excluded from the Church. Gospel Order, Jack Servant ot SLlsan C.
word was also excluded for frequently swaring. MissefLeaneous Bulsness,
Agreed to choose a pastor for this year at our March Meeting. Read
A. J. Nofes Mod pro tem John H. Word Clk
and adopted.
March i gth 1864
At Eden After divine service by Brother A. J. Noles met in con
ference. Opened the Door for the reception of members, none offered.
Called for corissponding Brothering, none responded. Absentees some
excllses made & received. Acknowfedgements r none offered. Matters
of Deallng in Gospel order, af1 in peace. Mlscellaneous business
went into the choice of a pastor for this year which resulted in
the unanimous Election of Brother Tweedle and Appointed Brethren
James Barron, J. B. Word to see him and notifie hlm of the same.
A. J. Noles MdP? John H. Word CLk
Read and adopted.
At Eden April 16th ]864
The Baptist Church after divine service met in conferance invited
visiting brotheren to seats with us. opened the door for the reception
of members, none presented them selves Absentees some excuses made
& received. Acknowtedgements, none offered. Reference, Heard from
Brother Tlseedle and he agrees to serve us this preseot year. Matters
of dealing in Gospel order all in peace. Miscellaneous business
given the right hand of fellowship to Brother Tlteedle as a token
of our mutual interest. Read & adopted.
Wm - T,.,reedle Mod John H. Word Clk
At Eden May the l4th 1864
After Divlne Servis by our Pastor Mett in conference. lst Invited
Visitlng Bretheren to seats. 2nd Opened a Door for the reception
of llembers, none offered. Acknowfedgements none. Refferences nothing
refered. Ilatters of Dea11lng Sister Ann oneal having brought forth
an Illegitimate Heir, was Excfuded for the same. Missellaneous Buisness, Appointed Correspondence to Sister Churches Viz. Boltden, Barron
& oneal. Carroflton, J. B. Word, J, P. Stephenson & Barton. Lost
creek, Fletcher. Bethesda, Eldr Burson, B. C. word. rndian Creek,
Reeves, J. B. I,lor.d. Mineut Read and adopted.
Willlam S. Twedell Mod John B. Word Clk pr
Sunday the 15th May 1864
Elder c. w. Tumlin preached with power and eloquence greate
affect on the Hearers.
Saturday the lSth June 1864
Eden. Meeting both Saturday and Sunday entlrely dlsappointed
by Rain.
saturday the 16 July I864
Eden. Meetingr disappointed by false Rumor of a Yankee Raid
Sunday preaching by Bro. Tumlin.
-rlAt Eden, Saturday 20th Alrgust f864
After Divine Servis by Brother Barrow Mett in Conference. choose
Brother Barrow Moderator our Pastor absent. Invited Vlsiting Bretheren
to seats. Opened a door to recieve Members None offered. Absentees,
all for two last meeting as above Recorded. Called for ackno\rfedgements, none. Refferences, nothing Refered. Matters of Dea11ing,
all in peace. Missilfeaneous. Minriet Read and adopted.
J. H. word C1k Jaines Barrow Mod
At Eden Sept. lTth 1864
After Preaching by our Pastor met in conferance. Invited visiting
Bretheren to Seats. Called for correspondance when Bretherren G. w,
Cofquitt & Llttle responded from Bowden Church. opened the door
for the reception of members. Received Brother James (C.R.?) word
under the !,iatchcare of this Church. Absentees, some excuses made
and received. Passed over the other items, nothing presented. Misceffaneous buslness, Elected Dlicates to the Association tolrit Bre
therren L. Barton, J. B. Word, Wm. A. Jackson, B. C. Word. Alternates
James Stephenson, J. Reaves & Eletcher. Agreed to meet on the second
Sabath & Saturday before ln ne)<t month in stead of the Third. Agreed
to send up Ten Dollars for Minuets. Read and adopted.
Wm. Tweedle Mod John H. Word CIk
At Eden October B, 1864
After preaching by our pastor conviened in Conference. Invited
visiting Brethren to Seals. Opened a Door for the reception of menbers,
none offered, past over the regular Business to Misseleanious Business
when the Assoclational Letter was Read and adopted.
William S. Twedell Modr John H. Word Cfk
P.S. So ends the Associationaf Year 1864
Statistics: Baptized none. Recd by Letter none. Restored none.
Dismissed by Letter 3. Excfuded 2. Dead 4. Whites 103. B]acks 13.
Total 116. For Minuets $10.00. Missions $30.00. Meeting 3rd Sun.
Bo\,/den P -O- Addresswm. S. Twedell Mod J- H- word C1k
Saturday the -I9th November 1864
At Eden afler preaching by ollr Pastor conviened in Conference
first Invited Visiting Brethern to seats. Opeoed a door for the
reception of members, no application. Past the usal Itims to MisselLeanious Buisness. Dismissed by Letter Sister Penney Turner. Agreed
to compensate ollr Pastoi at our December meeting for thls years
Servises and choose a pastor for the ensuing year. Read and adopted.
William S. Twidelf Modr John H. Word Clk
The Baptist Church of Christ at Eden, Saturday the 17th December.
After preachlng by Brother James Barrov,/ and Twedle conveined
in conferance. Tnvited visiting Bretherren to seats with us. Opened
the door of the Church for the reception of members, none presented
them selves. Called over the usual itims to miscellaneous business,
nothing presented. MissceLlaneous buslness, Brother c. W. BLrrson
applied for a letter of disnission whlch was granted. Went into
the choice of a Pastor for the next insueing year which resufted
in the Efectioo of Brother w. S. Twed]e. Read and adopted.
Wm. S. Tweedle, Mod John H. Word Clk
(These mlnutes wlff be continued in the next Ouarterly.)
we need your pedigree
chart! A blank is at the back of this issue.
(The folLolring fetter a,,.1 articfe lrere subnitted by Mrs. John Kenneth
Harrell. Sabinal Canyon Ranch, Vanderpool Route, Box 305, Utopla, Tx
78884. They are printed belor, 1n their entir:ety. )
1am a nember of your Genealogicaf Society and wish to subnit
the enclosed infornation on the Eanily of liilllan and Sarah Adams for
publi.cation in the Carroff Countl, Genealogical QuarLerly.
liillian and Sarah Adairs were early residents of Carroll County
having rernoved from Tennessee to Carroll County ca 7B2B 29. I an sure
there are nany descendants of this couple stiLL Iesiding in the County
and 1 would be Erateful to corresponcl with aiiy of then' The infornatlon
contained lrlthin thls brref history ts by no neans conlplete and I an
sure tlere are nany descenoants who could add greatfy to the naterial.
My book, "The McAfee Eanify, ec al," is cue froe the printers
any day now and I shaft vrish to sen.l a cop)' io you for v'_'ur county library
as it contains infornation on the farnilt_ of SanueL and llarqaret l/lright
Leak oho resided ln Carroll County in the 1860 and 1870 census years.
Their daLrghter, Martha Ellen, narried Dr. lrilliam Henclerson Martin, eldest
son of Dr. Hicks and i'larga-ret Casel'llartin, who are buried in t5e l{t- zion
con:iunity. Though the Leak fanily noved on to Cufiman Co., ALaba:ra,
a son, l{ilton Leak, renained a resiclent of Carroll County and died there
in f929 and is buried at the Mt. zion l'1--thocist-Episcopal Church cemetery.
I have greatll. enjoyed the Society Quaiterly anC look forward
r.7ith greal- anticiliation ilo each issue'
i1y husband;rnd T raesearched .1t your ccurihouse severa-l years aEo
anC one of the things i reneiber nost was i-he ccllrteous and fl:ienCly
pecple there- I sl1alL certainly hope to visit in CanrolLton again one
of these da1,s.
Best lJi shes ,
(SigneC) Barbara ,'lIlen Tucker Harreff
of Carrcll Co. , Geor:gla
by Barbar: Ellen Tucker Harr:e11
I^li111rrr ancl Sarah Adans, native Virqinians, renoved fron Tennessee
'.o Car.rolf CoL1.t\:, Georgia, \"rith six of their seven children prior 1-o
the 1630 Federal census. They were enunerated as county residents fron
1830 throuEh the 165C censuses. The Adans fa:iify fived in the Villa
Rica area and were earfy nembers of the flew Hope Prinitive Baptist Ciurch
until ihe 27th NoveBber f830, when they \,/ere disnissecl by fetter. They
laier resided ln the Temple cor.nunitl' and vrere residing ,ith ihelr younEest
son, rtrbsalon Adams, at r-he tine of their deaths.
\rillian Adaiis !7as borrl 3L t1.-r.cl1, ).'177 | enC hls !rife, Sarah, \,ras
born 24 llarch, 1779, both in Vlrgiuia. Sarah, beLieved to heve been a
daughter of Ishan Rlanlier,ship, na.:ied !l111ia't Adans ca 1797 i1 Tennessee.
Research is stilf ir, i:rogress to deternine l'/here this coupLe lias :tarried
and their respective places of residance in Tei1nessee. In an 1B0f tax
list for Blount County, Te.nessee, a !',ril Iie.r ACans and Ishax 3fankenship
are shcinn as countl residents. An 1636 deed :ecord ln Monroe Cou.ty,
Tennessee, lists a l'iil1iair anci S"111'r- Acans as Blankenship heir.s.
!ll:itah ldrrrrs, .rldest son oi l'1j111an and Sarah Adans, did not
rerove tc Georgia. It is believecl tll.1t he 1s the El1lah Adans sho!'n
on lraga B of th€r 1840 of Potk CoLrnty, Tennessee, afong l,ith
Sp.ncer_, John, and Stcphen ;lankenship, ct a1. Ii is believcd that
John, 1'lif liax, Barnett,
s., r-al-r'tc,.fr::- slblings were lspEnc-erl-ci lbert,
ancl lshar Blanh..iship, BetscY 'rho married John l^latson, ancl Poliy
irho rnarrie.'l illijah Ear:ni-r'. The nai.r.iage oj polly llfankenship and
1i12, in tslount Co., Ternessee.
!lilah Far.icr. is .eco!..:1.:d 12
1s r{-corCe,.l in ts.\ol. A, page 29, 03 I'lovI'hc i'1lf of I^lif Iiafi A.lams
enber, i856, 1n Carrojl Co., Geor.Jia. 1\ccoLdlng to the Bibfe recoLds
of thc clescendanLs of ljath.-niel Adaiis and Susannah Adans McRae,
ui[]ian lleal 0g Sepi,ellrer, 1856, and Sarah ACams aiied 30 Sep
t.:lrber, 1B56. All .f th.] folior,rinq na:]ed chilclr.en are listed as
h{]irs in lJllllan ,\d.i.r-<' !lilf uhich inCicates tnat they'n'ere !erhaps
fivinq ai the tine the llill l,'as nade and they are afl lrsted in
respecti\,e Bibie recorcls. Tl-le leieral census Lecolds confinn
tl-r,.lre',, r^,are born in Tennsssee Issue of 1'[it]ia::l aid Saral't Adalrs: (7)
Elijah AdaI:]s bor.,'r 20 f'lay, I798; r:enainerl in Tennessee.
(John Adarrs horn CC Eebruary, f80I; narried Rebecca i"l1tchel1.
-.,,-.fd::.s born 08 Febr.uary, I801; narried Janes il1c\a-^1.
;rnna Adans bor.1 l6 Jul)., 1303; ::,arr1ed David }lcRae.
Nathaniel A.lans bo.n 14 August, 1305; narrieC :larl7 ]lar.9ar.el
Susannah J. Adans born 23 Octobei, ]607; inar.i.ied l'liiliai:l
John i{cRae.
Absafom Adans born 15 :ebrue-ry, l8l0; narried (fi
(2) Elizabeth Re id.
Book A, 1856, Page 29, Car.roll Co., Geor.gia
, '-'-o1-)
couniv) r, !lillian Adans, Do', being rreak ancl feeble in
body but of sound 'nina-ancl -et-r.y a'.c. k.o1'1rlg tnrt i nusil siortllr
teave t\is ?ortd, I nake tliis my lasi I{1LL and Testanenr-.
In ielaticn to n./ :ro.ld]t/ aff.-1rs Iter 1st I r,/il1 that iry bod-l, at ml, deal::l be buriei ii a deceli
Christi.-n man]]er.
Iten 2Dd That riry :xecutor herei:l.-ft.rr. na::ed pay aii tnt iust debts
out of ny effects.
Iter 3rd I give ..nd bequeath :jlf ::y proper.ty both real ancl per.sonal
to::,y b.rloved wife Sally Adains (If she shoulC out liv.l ne) Lo
be held by my Executor. foj: ihe ur rnd berre:tt o::ily saii ',rife
:he said prope,.t:r to lle usecl
for and curing her life.
& th. profils aid proce:-Cs applisd bY ity said :l{.c.lic,'. to hei.
sole us. and belefii, for i:he !ine eIor.e.rid.
ften 4t5 At t1-- death of inlr beloved wife saLlv in coisider.ation
that iny beloved son rlbsaforn i\deiils llss the care of :nyseif & n)'
said irife fro:r :his r-ine forth & ortr business io see to & tl:ansact
& to attend to us ii our helpl3ss situatioll I give ancl beqlreath
uni o l-tim cf n-v :oney .-1nd ef f .cts Etght hu.i.ed Dcliars.
Iten 5lh Af r,er Lhc death i::i7 saial !rife sa11',7 it is :iry will
anC cjeslr:e thal- ny saii :r{ecuilor seff and disDose of all nl'
p:.o.oerty bcth::':al anrl ":,er.r;1a1 tc:5c best advantage & ihalthe pr:oc.^al:r to.Jetlle a 1.7ir,h i1i' :ilor-1,':r or denands on llaicl af ter
a-oj a
pr,ving F11 expenses aod the foregoing bequest to rrLy son Absaloit
for his trouble during the llfe of nyself oL,]1y \rife The balance
to be .qually divided betlreen ry cl-]ildr.ei (Viz: John Adams,
t Lr I rh Aia irs, IEl4fSl_ry]-q,'n!. Abs.1lon Ada,iLS, if izabeth l'lichael,
.\nna i,lcRea or thei: leqai reDroscniatives, Susan J. llcRea or
tEir 1e,laI represeni:atives 1n case :heY are dead to ta;{e t5e
share either of the:r are entttled to But aII the representatives
of any one onl-v tak.r the share of that one.
Ite.r 6ti 1 ai Foint mr- son lib.alon Adains v Iixecutoi and trustee
tor. nv ?ife Sa]1\' dLiring her lifl] to tahe care of her & superlntcnd
1.-^r ilroperty & I Cesiic that he carrY this my 1lill into lxecuiion.
]n ?itness rrhereof ihe saiC tiilIia.n Adam,c has hereunto set his
hand this 4th day of SeptenLrer, f852.
Signe.l, sealel:l, decLared ar.1 pulrfished
in tlla rrasence of:
Thonas ChandLer
9lram Spence
| -ldans ILS]
_. ..:
ceorgia, Carrcll Count-\' of or.dirail,, lt'overnber. Term, i856
IJil1 tr'1e Execu'.or h..'i19 ccr:le
Absalo.n Ada:rs na:necl 1i] tire'-'ithii
into open Coxft & havinE pLocluceci t5e wit\iil as the last IJili erld
Testaier: cf 1,li11ia:r .lc'lans Iast of saiC Cou;lt], Ceceased and ,itnesses
to said InlIf io rit: Thoilas CiranCler., Iil:an Speice l" StariirE T. Sins
beiig in ope. Court duf)' s,, depose and say that ihey sa'' Jiff:i_1
ldams thc Testator sign, seaL, declare end puDILsh tie Insrtru.e!r:
noi, plresen."ed as his lasl: I/i1tL and Test.-ne:rl- freely, voluntar.il7 a]ld
o,' llis oqn a.ccord & ,r'lthout any conilulslon or influe:]ce rrhatel'er.
That at the tine of:he lxec'1tion of ihe sald lrill saiC:iesfator. "/as
of sound and disposinrj niiid a:]d nertcry. Tl.lai depo1e:1ts si!.neC said
I"/i11 as rri:iesses in the pr:eserce of the lestator ancl at his speclal
iisl,e.ncc a ra?quest & ii presenca of eacn other. s_,r'oan to & subscribed
i. cpe]l Corrt.
Thonas Chairdler.
3rd Nov,, 1856 J. i(. BtalocK, i\.C.C'
iliLarl Spence
S. T. S ins
:1ijah AdeIs boin 20 ilar,, i79Si :.el'leined i.n Teine:rsee.
John ,1da::rs frorn 08\., i801; ixa:iie.l ca 1822 tn Tel1cssee
to Rebecca llitch.rll who rras borl ca 1800 itr leI:essee anct died 1885
in Cerr.oll Co., Georgia. Johr ;\d-1:1s died in 1856 in Paulciing Co.,
staiseL trcams, seville,
c3. (accordrng i]o his graidson, liiillar
and t-heir sir. lroungest childien
Ga., 1926), John anC Rebecce
i./ere resiCents of Co'rlr Co., Ga-, in 1850 (paEe 180). in lB50 Rebecca
i\Cains and her -voLlngest son, llenry J. ACans, were residing I,7ith,1er
scn, John J. Ad.1ns and his iilfe, llar],, r.es1c1ence 402/395 ?aulcling
Co., Ga, Dur.i:lE the 1880 ce:sus yeair Rebe.c.r ',..: .esiding _,r'ith
her son, liitlran rldans and his farilY, paEe 10, Trrrl(a-' C;ecl: Dlstrict,
residence i52/l:2 Car.roll Co. She ,7as sho?n as ag'r 80, nc'i:]ter. of
tli1fiara, a:rd as l)a\7i,=:g l:eer bo:l in TennesseeIssue: ( 1.0 )
)oirl ca 1823 !t.; irr'.ljrrla f0 i_\pr.11,
a-Lalrra iucrffi
1947, ii P-rLridi-]!; Ca., G. . :o ,-lho.rpsc;] Si:1ia]].ii aLso spel-led Si:ly:rral,
Isslre: (B )
1-l1ar th:r Srni-r:C bor]n L844.
2-Sarah Siii.,ir.l lS43,
Iss,.re of LaLr:r Lucretia "Cressie" Ldans Siniard,
-\lar.y Sinlard born 1852.
4 Hiran Hariison Siniard born 1855.
5 J.liies Siniard born 1857.
6 Rachel Siniard born 18597-MaIinda r\. Sini.ard bor:n 1860.
3-!iillian A. Siniard born 1B62.
b lrilllan Adans born ca i824 TN; mar (1) iB46 Miflie Hooper
who died in 1868. lrillian nar (2) 16 July 1863 in Carroll
Co. I,lary "Pol ]y" .lnn Folds who \ras born 15 June L843 and
died 15 JuLy 1907- Idrflian died 12 Dec 1685 and he and
both wives are buried at the snl,r.ia l(ethodist Church cemetery.
lssue by 1st rrife, lliLlie Hooper.: l2)
1William Stansel Adans bor.n 29 liar 1857 ln CIay Co., AL;
mar (I) 20 Dec 1877 i:] Car.roll Co. to Sarah Frances
"Sa1]y" Woodua;d lrho 'rlas bo.n 23 July 1857 and died
2l July 1914. l,lillian inar (2 ) 13 I,lay 1915 in Car:r.of I
Co. to Lennle B. !1-hcl Folds .r,'Lo was bor.n 07 ilo\.. 1393.
Burials at Concor.d Pr:initive Baptist Church.
Issu.r b), lst uife, Sar.ah Fr.,ces 1,lood_,/and: (10)
a-Charfes Thon;rs Adans born 1873.
b-:nna !. Adains borr 18Ba; nar i9 !]ov 1896 in Carroll ao.
to F. Nornan Evans.
c qlla Adans born lBB2; nar. 15 Oct f899 in Carroll Co. to
Jeff C. Pace.
d Jessie Lee Ad..-i:rs born I884.
e Airna Adans born 1685; na.27 Dec 19C3 in Carrcll Co. to
George S. 3onner f-Pearl Adains bor:n lB37; nar 2l Jan 1906 ii CarrolL Co.
L r 3. ^l .li
g-Jeanie i,dairs boril 1890; nar 0i t{air f91a to L. O.
llestbrook in Car.rol1 Co.
h Leonard Cliff rldains born fB92; ,xar 10 Sep 1911 in
Carroll Co. to gsther Lee Evans.
i Harvey Adans born 1496; nar in Carroll Co. 3l Jan
1926 to Ruth Lavrson.
j Marvin !,dans born 1899.
Issue b)' 2nC \^/ife, Lennie ts. Ethel Folds: l2)
a-Aubrey Lee Adans borr1 22 Sei L917; nar in Carroll Co.,
09 Feb i935 to Doroth-v Patierson; died 19 Feb L959
aid bur at ConcorC Priiiritlve Baptist Chu!:ch Ceneter.y
in Carrclf Co.
b-Laura Juanita Ada s bor.n 06 leb 1923; mar }lr. Cerdi:one;
died 25 I'Iov I944 and bu. at ConcoLcl Primitive Bariist Caneiei-i.
2 i,iilIian Cebori Ada:xs bor.n I659 Clay Co., ;!i,; inar. O3 Eeb
1884 i:'! C:)rioff Co. Lc llniire. O. Curbo.
Issue by 2nd ldife, ilary "P.il1i/" Ain lolds: (3)
I Sar.ah Cori.lia Aciar:s llor],r 1959; iia.r l5 ilar i865 i1 Cannoll
Co. to John HenCrix; r.esiCed in LillCale, Ga.
2 frarcis li. "?r3nk" Lcla:rs borr'! 1873; ii:-r. l2 )1ai, I891 in
Ca:rr:oI1 Co. to 1"/ictoria Lov\iorn; residei in Ro'rrdon, Ga.
3- John R. A,lains borir 31 Juli, 1874; nar 09 Fell L892 iil
Carr.oll Co. 1]o Jene Ii.viie irho r'ras bor:n C8 :.lav 1874
John R- a\dams, Cont 'd.
dled 30 Arrg 1950- John died 1I Cct 1954 F-nai h4 and his
r,rif e are 5ur ai Smyrna i,lethodist Church Cemetery.
c-.lames Adams 5orn ca 1826 TIJ; mar 03 Apr 1817 in
eo- eE. EdJane Siniard, afso spelfed sinyard, seniard.
lssue: (3 )
l Xdy L. Adans born f849.
2 turianda Adans born 1854.
3-Susan Adans born 1857.
d Sarah "saLlv" born 02 Eeb 1B2B TN; nar 15 July 1E49 in
Paulding Co., Ga. to 1,li11ran Charles Tuckei, son of lrillian
and Elizabel,h (Keyes) Tucker, \.rho was born L4 Sep 1826 in
Nelrton Co., ca. Sarah d1ecl 08 Jan 1887 and ',filliam died 04 Sep
1906 ln Trimble, Cullnan Co., AL, and both are bur at the
Shed Cemetery in that County.
Issue: (B)
f -l'lary Ann Elizabeth "i4artha" Tucker born Jufy f850; nar In
Pauldlng Ca., cA 2A llov 1670, Clinton Bridges.
2-Jol1n Austcn Tucl{er. born 14 oct 1852; mar f5 June 1871 in
PaufdinE Co., GA, Saran Ann Bridges, Cau of Thomas and
llary Ann (Sinclair) Erjcges, irho uas bo.n 23 Jan 1853
in Marion Co., SC. John diecl 29 Dec 7924 and Susan iied
01 Apr 1924, and both hur et:he Jones Chap=61- -ene tery
in Cuflnan Co. . A1,.
Issue: ( 10 )
a-Seborn Horatic Tucker born 21 Apr: 1872 in Pau]Clng Co,;
|.Lat 27 l|ral: 1892 in CulLnan Co. AL fo Reb.cca c. B.
\"ea1; Seborn died l9 Nov L942.
b-l,liiliari Thonas Tucker born 17 Sep 1874 in lTinston Co. AL;
nar 21 )1ar L895 ln Cullnan Co. AL to ceorgia Ann Young;
died 30 ADn 1955 and is bLrr at Logan Cenet-ery in CuLlrian
Co. AL.
c-Joh:r W. Tucker born 07 Auq 1877 in Cullman Co. AL; died
08 oct 1898 aird is bur at SheC Cenetery, CuIlnF-n Co.
d-James Clintol Tucker born 0l Ncv IB79 in Cuflnar, Co.;
nar Li11ie Culpe!,peri died 02 Auq 1963 in Sarascta, FL.
e ilenry l,Tesley Tucker born 15 llov 1861 in Cullnan Co.;
mar 09 Sep 1906 in Culfnan Co. r-o :ffen Efizabeth
l4cAfee, dau o.' .]ordan llaiher and llari/ Frances (l.lartin)
McAfee, v/ho was boi.n 21 June 1B8B ln Cullman Co.
Wes1ey Cled 07 May 1958 and gllen CleC 13 Feir 1963,
and bo .h ar.e bur at the Loga4 Cenetery in CuLl:nan
Co. AL. (crandparents of the conpiler. )
Jaclison T,.lcker born L5 May 1884 rn Cullnan Co.;
inar Ona LerTis; clied 10 !ec 1949 anci bur at Cullnan
City Cenetery, Culln.n, AL.
g Cordelle Tucker bor::r 19 .-lpr 1684i died 28 Api 190L aid
bur at Shed Cenetery, Cuilnan Co., AL.
h Infant dau born 25 Dec IB88; dieci 09 Jan 1S89, and bur
at Shed Ceneier.y, Culliian Co. AL.
i Ovelia:'ucker born 06 ilay 1390; dlei 16 oct 1899, and
bur at Shec Cenetery, Crtllnan Co, AL.
j George l.rif ey Tucker. born 23 Nov 1893; nar in Cuflaan
Co. 15 Dec 1912 to llag(]ie Hopper; died Juft/ 1972 in
'rlLr:r C.. L
Issue of Sarah "Sa11y" Adans Tucker, Cont'd.
3-lJillian Thomas C. "Tampes" Tucker bor.n 15 Aug 1854 in
Paulding Co. GA; mar l.1ary C. ---- born 25 JuI}, 1852
in AL. Ta pes died 15 July 1933 at AnCerson, Lauderdale
Co. AL and is bur at the i.litchef f Cemetery. Uary died
24 June I945 aid is 5ur at l1t. Pfeasarlt Cemetery in
Cullman Co. AL.
Issue: (6 )
a James rl1ex. lt. Tucker born f4 llug 1877; dled 06 Jan
l-962 and bur at Hurricane Cemetery, Anclerson, AL.
ais rrife, Lolar V., uas born 11 Sep 1885 and d1ed
22 cb .19/o,
b-Lenora Lucrec): a. T,Jc)<er borir Ja1 1879.
c-Cllarles P. Tucker born lllar f834.
d-Susan Ann )1, Tucker borir rLpr l8S7; iiatr liarriso:1
e-John Henr:y Tu.ker. borr Aug j892.
f-Dovey "Li11ie" C. Tucker born July 1B9B; ri-"r. Alvii1
l,loore (1899-1930 ) .
4-ililllan R. Tucker born 0g Jan 1859 aild died before IB70
in Paulcing Co. cA.
5 James liancif Tucker born 0B Jan 1859 {twin lo uil-irr F.);
nar 06 Dec lB77 in Cullna:l Co. to tul1altda Efisabeth Bat?s,
a dau of Thoinas Royal and Sarah Ann (llartin) Bates, !dj1o
?as born 30 riay lB54 in P2uldlng Co. cA. Mancil died
17 llar 1933 and A:randa dieC 02 Jan 1937, .1nd both are
bur at Jones Chapel Cenetery in Culfnan Co. AL.
Issuei (5)
a-John Ransor:. Tucker bo:rn f2 I'Iov 1878 in Cullnan Co. A;;
nar l4 l.lov.IB97 Laura J. Bre!.7er; died 10 Auq 1961
and is bui. at Culf:nan Citl, Cen^+ery.
b-Janes SteDheir Tucker llorn 09 tlar L830 in Cull.ral Co.;
mar 02 !?b 1902 Nao:iti^ lrrinfor.d cutheul; died 23 Aug
1959 a:ld 1s bun at Jcires Cha:cel Cenete.t, in Cu11:le1
Co. AL.
c Abrallar F. Liilcofi Tuc(er botn 13 June 1883 in Cullnan
Co.; nar: 2C Dec 190E ilary Leola Pettyi died 14 Jan
1954 and is bur at ,lones Cllaoef Ce,re1-ei-:,.
d Sarah Caldona S. P. Tucke. born 24 Dec 1890 ii Culfiran
Co. ; mar: ilillian Chance.
e t/illiair RovaL Tucl{er Lorn 26 June 1394 i'1 Cull.ran Co.;
mar 02 F25 1913 l{artha Jane Crider; Cied 24 June 197f
ald bur at iones Chapcl Cen".lery, Cullnan Co. AL.
6-l,lary A. "Pol1y" Tucket born 03 S-p 1351 in p.trufding Co.
GA; iar 16 rlai f87B i: Cullna:l Co. AL to Jol-rn Slledd, a
son cf t/ J)hn S. and i{art, 'r?o11y" (Sinia.C) ShedC,
u5o,.7rs llorn 23 ,fen f858 i1 PaLlldlng Co. cA. Ilary died
29 Ap: i,'26 an.l Jolln .li."l 22 J1n i92,9 t and both are b,rr]
at the )i1r-chell Ce:rei.il7 ai A)C.trso.1, Laudenclale Co. .tL.
Issue: (5i
a-lrilli.^n i,l. Siledd bor.n 1i S39 1379; cli.rd 31 Aug -970;
bur j1j:c5e1l Cenetery.
5 Srr.h E. Shedd boi:r 05 Ncv f8B3; Cred 2C Apr. 1935; brll
:1itcha11 Ce:reter./.
-24 -
Issue cf }lary i1. "P)l ly" Tucker Shedd, Ccntrd.
c-Poliy ar. S. L. Shedd born Dec 1885.
cl Cor cli.= C. Siecld born Dec 188Be-Susan E, SheiC bo.n .lan 1692.
f Thonas A. Sheod bor:n 2f Feb 1694; died 23 Jan I969i
bur itchefl Cemetery.
7 Wlllian Tucker II bo.n Nov 1663 in Indi.lna; :nar 02 Jan 1890
in Cullnan Co. AL to Afice Mifligan vTho v,'as born Dec 1875.
WiIlian dled ln 1930 and is bur ai Vafley SDrings CeJretery
in Cullnan Co. AL.
Issue: (4)
a-Minnie Tu.ker born No\, lB90; bur at Vaffey Springs.
b-Arthur Ballard Tucker born July 1892i .aal] 05 Sep 1925
to Vera llcAfee.
c Oliver H. Tricl<er boj.n 30 \cv 189'.; dled l2 Sep 1939
and bur at Betl)lehen Unrtei l.lethodlst Church Cemeter:y,
Cu l Irnai Co. AL.
d-Ida Tucker born -rune 1899; r,ar Graiy H. Knrqht,
8-Henry Jackson Tucker born 17 May 1866 1n Paulding Co. GA;
nar l9 -ran ]338 1,'l Cullr:lan Co. AL to Nettie l{oodley who
lnas born 05 Alrg 1367 1n cA. Ilenr.y cried 02 Aug 1937 and
Nettie .lieo 15:eb 1t47,3no both are b,rr at ValIe! Spr:ings
Cenetery in Cuil.ral Co. AL.
I ssue: (8)
a-Effie L. luc::er bori 21 act ie88; died 11 llar 1904;
bur Va I le]. Springs Ceiireirery.
b Urllram L. Tucier bcrn 3i .full i890; nar Cora Ha:ies;
die.l 25 June l96B; blrr Va11e1' Spr.ings Cemetery.
c 9LiesL Z. TLrcircr bori 2l .]rLy 1893; rar Berl:ha llurpl-rr:ee;
dreG 3l Dec 1951; bur \:alley Springs Cemeteri..
d Jesse D. Tucker born ll Oct 1895; nar llarron Chafir;
died 09 Feb 19L7; bur Valley Springs Ceneter\r.
e-Henr:y Lutler Tucker born l2 Jan 1899; irar Curtis tsaker.
f-Sar:3h :iizF-betll Tuck"r. borr, 05 JLine .i899; nar l,lillian
q-idd C. Tucl(er bor:n 19C2; nar l{irnie B.1ker.
h EreC 11. Tucker. 5or:n 19C5; rer Irlsie Blair.
e-Jefferscn Adains born i332 Carrcll Co. GA.
f-Alfred Adans borir 1335 Carroll Co. GA; died I662 Civil Ijar.
I John J. Adans born 1839; nair l,la r.y - -; di,^d 19C5; res1.1ed
at iresidence 402/396 7g6C Pa:ridir1g Co, GA cen-eus.
h-Nathaniel Adans born 1838 Carr.ll Co. c-q; oi|:C 1867.
i Jesse lidans born l84l Carroll Co. GA; CieC I862 CiviL l,iar.
j-Henry .]. Adans 5crn 1347 Carroli Co. cA; rrar 30 ADL i368 in
Carroll Co. to Sa-rah Jane Akins; died 19I5.
3. afizabeth Adans born 08 Februar,,, lE0l; nar ce 1826 Janes l.ltchael.
This ccuple r.esicled in Carroll Co. Currnq the 1350 census rrt
,rere eaui'relatei as rcsideits of hialker Co. AL rn 1650. IssLre
bor.n in Carroll Co. c.q.
I s slle: (9)
a-I'icholas "lichael lro rn 1810.
b-Sarah ).{i ch ae I bor.n 1831.
2tfssue cf Illizabeth Adans l1icha61, Contrd,
c-Catherine Uichael born f 833.
d Susanna l{ichael born 1835.
e -!l ij ah I,1ichael born I837.
f-:fizabeth Michael born f 839.
g-lIary l4i chae I born lB4l.
h-John l,lichael born 1844.
i -Nathanief llichael born 1847.
4. Anna ACans bor:n f6 July IB03; :rlr David llcRae; no further
5. l,'athaniel Adans boirn f4 Aug 1805; nar ca f826 1o TN to ilary
Margaret Steefe who was bori l3 July 1806 in SC. Nathaniel
died in Cariofl Co. 20 Oct 1347 of scar.let fever. llary,
lrii-h sone of her childr.en, renoveC iir 1874 to Nebraska. trlary
died 22 Sep 1680 in Gotherburg, ltreb. Issue born in CarrolI
Co. G-q except first chiid.
I ssue: l7 )
a-Peter Adans bo!:n 23 sep 1826; died 0B Sep 1862 civil llar,
b Sara Ldans born 14 Jan 1830; inar Dr.. Nathan Holconb who
died in prison i! Civil l'.:: Sr:..h .lie.l :0 Jar -a9B
in Nebraska.
c-..l\lary Adans born 22 Apr f 832; r,rar 26 Ja., -?a.C ii Carra,.'il, Ci.
1,o Isaac l,l. Abercronbie; diecl l5 Sep 1909 1n l,'ebraska,
d-Robert Adans born 23 July 1835i dieC 2l JuLy LB52 Civil r,Iar.
e-!,-lizabeth Ada;xs born 2C .,ug 1B3B; dieC 1901.
f-!1iza Adans bor.n 02 Ieb 1840.
g-Jcseph Adans bora l8 Dec 1842; died 23 June 1354 C1\,i1 Irar.
6. Susannah ,f. Adams bor.n 23 Oct f807i :\ar 26 Apr f83l 14 Carroll
Hugh B. McRae, uho was
born 18 Jan 1B0B in I'lC. i4illian died 30 June 1875 and Susannah
died 30 oct 1868 in AL. Issue born in Carrofl Co. GA.
IssLre: (72)
a-l,lilliam :. V. S. S. l{cRae born C3 Ap: IB32; died 05 JUL_v i832.
b }lar.tha Jane -i.{cRae born l7 Sep lB33; died 10 Jan 1834.
c i'ial1nda Carofine I,lcRae born 23 Oct 1834; nar 28 Nov 1850
in Car.roff Co. to llillian F. Hogue; rlied 23 ila:: f8--.
d Sarah ),1. A, l"lcRae born l7 Sep I836; ,nar 16 Jan 1862 in
Car.roll Co, to I^lil1iarn I,I. Uhis"lhunt; dieC 07 l4ar 1902 in;L.
e-Elnira:-1. tlcRae borr 1l June i83!; died 11 J"r 1839.
f-Sinphey E. i.{cRae bo.n 27 -rune i340; died 24 illq L340.
g Susannah J. A. llcR-1 bor.n 25 July IB4l.
h-Wl11ian S. S. McRr" born 26 Sep 1843; dieC 12 Dec 1862.
1-Tho:ras l,lcRae born ca I844.
j-Charles Il. llcRae 5crn Cl Sep 1345,
k-Fraicis il. llcRae lloirn 05 Feb 1848; died 05 I.lov 1830.
1-l,ielvin il. llcRae bor:n 1851,
1. Absalon Ada$s born 15 Feb 1810; !iar: (1) ----- ----- ca 1327
in:lJ; _rho
nar (2) 28 llov L333 in Carroff Co. GA to Elizabeth
lras born in GA 04 Jan 1814. Ab.ralc:i Ada:xs was the
Executor of his father.'s wilL i:l 1856. ,lbsaforn dled 23 Aug
1875 and Slizabeth dled 23 July 1885 at Te:r?1,e, Carroll Co. GA,
arC both ere bu!. at the OId Sethel P.i:ritive Bartist
11o:i A.l.ns, Cont'.1.
1t is l,:asrble thai I!i11jaii .rrd Sarah Ada;rs rlay be
Ce:.terybrrrie.l in this sa:l]c cenetery in Llirlarked graves as lre knol, they
.,/err- nerbers of t:rc Prinittve SaDi:ist a:rd that tl-rey t ere
resirliiE lrith .15safoi Aoarr,s at the tines of thejr deaths.
rssue by 1st wife, llanc unl(no'r7n: l2)
a-f.lnun.l iiurlt Ada:rs ltrorn 18 oct l82B Tl'l; m.trr 05 Sec lB46 1n Car:o1I
Ildmund .lied in 1899 Fannil Co. Tx.
Co. to rlnanCa ii. llalla..l.
5 lJll11an 9. Adans borrl 1B3C ca.rofl co. Grl; nar 2L JulY 1353
in Carroit Co. :o Josephire Riggs rnho died before 1880.
Issue: ( I )
1 e,riiicnd A. ,\.lains bor.-.r ca f 360; xla. ca 1877 ,11ice lloore and
had a 2-,veir: c1d son, iJiley 11. Adai..s, in the 1BB0 Carrofl
eo- c, 1s_s y- .
I5sue by 2nd I,7rfe, Efizabeth Reid: (8)
a-ilahala J. Adai:s bonn l7 Seir 1934; mar 23 l'lar 1856 in Carroll Co.
io lrll.lian S. liest ilrc :.7as boL;l 0l SeP 1326. ;lahala dled
07 oct 1919 and l'iilliarn died f0 Jan f897, and boih are bur.
at the Conccrd llethodist Cilurcll CeineterT in Carroff Co.
rssue: ( 5 )
i Gilberi T. nresi bori 19 Dec 1864i died L9 July 1907; lrur:
11, Concorcl ll.rihodisi Cl-]urch Cenetery.
2-Tllonas iiesi.
3 -A1le1 A. ilest .
4 Talulah I';est.
5-Anatha ll. Ilest bo.n 28 llar 1879; d1e.l C3 July 1900; lrur
Concord r,ier.hodi st- Ce:ietei.y.
'r,-adit11 C. ":dy" ..\oan:r bcr.n l9 Jarl 1837; :nar l3 D(:c 1355 in Can:oli
Co. Lo 1iiI11a':r :'1. uillians ?llo r,Ias bo.1 21 Feb 1925" Xd'j
dle.l 12 Jan 1893 ? -Id.rli11ian clied 05 i1.'rr LB98 ard both ar:e
bur. 1t RetlteL B;..pi:1s: Ci, Cenete.j'.
Issue: (8)
1-i1arv !lise '/ri1ii3:i1s bor:l cB Feb 1,358; iie.l 30 Apr 1S99.
2 lilllia:ll A' Ilillia-rs born i350; b'ir i3 oct i994.
3-Grtber.i ?. !li1l1.r..s born 06 lla. 1362; .li{:d 03 i'lar I935.
4-Jessti G. l'iilliaiis 50:n 16:eb 1365; died 29 Jan 1953.
5 Geor:ge Rufus !- :illllains bonr 25 feb 1863:, dtaC 2'1 leb
(The nbo-,3 5 .,lildr:el :tr.e bui. at B'rthel Ce:ne:ery)
1931 .
5 -Os c.:i. T- Iii llia:ns.
7 -l, ret L. tl111i1ns.
3-:flro:nas :. Ur1ii.1:ils.
c Fl'roeb: Elizabetr rlda:rs bcrn lg S€:1339; :ra!. (1) 2a M3. 1856 in
car:oI1 Co. r-o liiflra:1 .13. Strittinqi
'rar. (2) 05 Jan iB55 i3
PaoeLe cii2d 14 seo lB35 anii
is brlr. ai r-5. Concoi..l lt.t\odisi Ch' Ceneterli in Car..o11 Cod crllrer.: llcrir 1312; .1ie,1 25 Seir 1915 ancl is 5ur at the ,fsbur.y
Cei:rater , 1i T.n!le , G-q.
e Zachar.y T. Adaiils born l3 Jail 1345; ira. (1) Catl-rerine Allen; nar
(2) Rebecca Colenan ca 1854 in C.rrroll Co. P,.rbecca Cofe:nan
'!ras a dau of W. A. and Sarah Air (Barnes) Colen.-rn and rra3 boran
in GA 19 t.1: r. 1343. Zachary T. Adans lras the llxecutor. oi his
fath,?r's esiate 1n I875. Z:cl1air" die.l 25 Sep L9l6 ancr'. Rebecca
cied 28 Nov 1911, and both are'our. at the llsbury Ceneie:y i!
Tenple, Gr\. Tl-rey !7er.e nenbers of the tllssionarl. Baptist Ch!r.c:1.
Zachary T. Adans Cont'C.
1 ?illian
11. Adans born 14 ilov f855.
2-Henr.y T. Adarxs born 16 Jan I663 (\ras a
3-David i'1. Adans Sorir 1i July 1869.
4-Gilbeit f. A.1ains bcr.n 3C Oct 1372; :nar
teacher irr TX).
Rula Alnon !7ho
iras bo.n f5 Jail 1930 and died 05 Dec 1938. Gilbert
died fl oct f 962.
5 Zachrr.ieh T. Ada:rs \crlr 22 llcv f576; Itar 14 Oct 1900
iir Cariolf Co. to :\n rie V. Chatldler who rras born
22 Sep 1382. Zacha:.iah died 01 Dec 1943 and A,'riie
died C9 Sep L964.
6-Sessie Acla.ns 5orn l0 Feb 1BB4 in Carr:of1 Co.
f-saiah E. Adans bor:n 1343; nar 15 F-:b 1848 in C^r.rol1 Co.
io Janes Prlnce crlffin,
a son of ChaLles and Sarah (ilolr)
Griffin rrl-ro rras born L83E in DeKalb Co. Gll. Sairh clleo
ii f930 arrC Jaiics.iied in 1907, :l1d thel/ are irur 4t t:le
Asbur:7 C.rneter.y at Tenplc, G;\.
lssuc: l7 )
f-Joseph A. Giiffin 5or.r 2! oct 1369; riar 23 Sep 1394
in Car'ro1f Co, to Gaudie L. :lr:ooi.s inllc ,as born
31 ;!ug i571. ,fcs.-rr dieci C7 llov 1931 alL'l Gauclie
died 09 llov 1904.
2-Ryltruril criffir]
as bora iS71 aid died 1933. :lc ilai
Leota ---- i.rho n/as in 1874 an.] dled iit i955.
3 -l'i. ll. Gr:iffin.
4-:l"itie i,I. Gi:1ffii.
5 Ja:res Louis Grii:fln born 07 llrr 133C; clied 0B rlug 1942.
5:f1a Gr:iff1,r.
7 Clauclie Grlf f ii'i.
g l1;Lrgaret D. Il, ,ldaiirs bor:n 1355; nar 12 Ja:r 1E76 in Cari.oll
Co. to Cilanles li. criffin irho .7as born 2i !-pr 1857 :.nd
dled f9 i'lov !942 ar,d is bur et the Lsbury Ceneter:, in
?enp1e, G1,.
h; Ada::rs bor,_r i. Carr.cll Co. GA.
Ti1" 3iblL.):recorC c.n i:l1e f;rrrilI of ilathail:l
Adans -ras s..lppfied
bl, I.1rs. :uhh GLlth:i_i313s at :raaly, Nebr.aska, 1n 1977. The Bible
r.ccord oi the fi:ii1l, cf Susann?h J. l4cRae ?as supDlied by l1is.
ilarie Gi?.r_ cf 3Loulltsvif 1e t AL, L9C4. Ot}rc j: cia-"a f :ott Tuckei
Ianily :lib1e recor.ds, :i1a;ar1:.
G.o,.:gia censius r.eccads , ilaai:iiig..l
aili ceneteil, iccordi and llills. ^1dCcir.:sponi_lence is 're1co:i.r fro,l
.i3scen.i?.'lLs of this iilCar.L.i iaiiily.
ijarbara E. T. (l,lrs. John Kenneth) Ha.rrell, the author cf the foregoinq article on the Ada.,rs fanlLy, has scnt her bcok "The McAfee
Ianily, et al, A fanily Hlstor:]," to the Soclety. This beautifullyillustr.ated bock, giving data and histciies (r1 a1lied fa!:liiies
iicludinq Anderson, Beuford, Casey, Coats, cree:l, LaigggpL Leah,
llcvay, l'lartin, licifl, Roe, Tucker, IIaIker, I{atson, tr^/est, I'ri1iiie,
and I!'right fanilies, r.ri11 be pfaced in the Ii/est ceolgia Rcgional
(lleva Lorrason) Library tc further aid researcheus in the area.
Thanlis, Mrs. llarrell, for your gift.
-24Gi,N:/-,LOGICAL SXiTCnlls
..'tf.-.nta: Soutllern llistorical Associaticn,
l8!5, Vo1, i. These skctches are continuec'l fron tlle liinter
Jcilll C. ,'1cG)RITY, farrxer Victory, Carroil Co., Ga., son cf Jones and
fta:y (fiuf,rl.) r'lcadrllj_, 'rras ]-rorn near. Atlania i1 l34B' llis l2aternal
qraid:ather ,as :r native of Ireland .-r1d caine to A.nerlca before the
r,rvolLrticrar.y ?ar aird ira.s .r soldior in thc arny. lIis grandfatlei,
ll)ner ilcGarit_t., ,/as F. .Iativc of Sout l Caraofiila and came to Georgia
li ...r ox cart and settfec 1i the rroccis in illbert couity in L795 aro
cleaLeC a far;n. :lere llr. ilcGarityrs f:Lher ttas bor-l aDcl lrealreC on
.: lrr:rn. Starl,i:lg cut in 1if. for, he ca:ne to DeKalb count)',
''' r.. re lived u-ltiL f849, !/.e r he re:iic-"ed to Carroli countl, settfed
i, thc rroods, an(l cleared ; far:1, lrilere i1r. :'lcGarity now five!!. l\r..
l:Gar:iti"s ilotoer tias a daughter of John nnbr]l and his noth')r. 'ras
a li-.1:,:nt rcf.-1tive of Tlloitas Jeffarrson. l1r. ii.Gar.itl' ,e-s rear.''.1 on
:r' :1r-'r aild idas ed'.rcatec] at the coiiri._ron courtj- school. nrhen lhe ,ar
r.i -' re lras too l/cunll to entcr the .1rlny, but he servei a sllori iir-iie
b.rfci.e the',/ar cLosed. i1e su,cpfenented iris far.m ',rork bl'teachinq
school, ..](i trugl-rt f;ol;1 l87l to I892. Ii1 the neantine he l'ras electcd
justi.ce ci i'rr.).oace, ard ser.ved eig\t years. Tn 1692 ne i{as eL.rcteC
:o i.r:cres., li :he county il the gcneral asseirSly. i1r. ilccarity Irras
irar.ied i:r il75 to i,liss )1ar:illa J. DaLde:) - boLn anci reared in Cot/eta
coun.: -- ih.inghter of Elzie and Susan (Upsharr) Darden. HeL father
lras a sclc]i:r in the Confederate ariny. This union has been blesseC
Pearl, RDth, David, John, .roseph a]]cl I{atie. l1r.
'r/1tl, six c5ildren:
and )1rs. llcGar.ity are ,_renbeirs of the Baptisi ciurch. iir. ilccaritv
is ai acl(:ro,/ledgeC Lelder. il Carroll ccuntl and no citizen coiilnanCs
l-r.o;r lllnoi:i.s of Geciqia.
.rtore taesaact.
J-L:'1;s D. iiLroRll, f armer, I,ihi tesburgr carroll
Co. , Ga. , son cf rbrahail
N.C., in 13i4. liis
sofdiea 1n tie revor/as
anC EfizabeLll
(?ho:r'rsoD) Disnukes, uere i'loith Car.oli}]ians, and his gra dfather Dis..ruli.s s.rl:ved tilrorgh the revofutio.ary lrar as a :najor in the patiiol
CaLofiia, auL
arr-'. :1r. i.looaers fal,hea,ras bol:r and reaLeo in iiorti _i/hei
a very
.11: i.ihi:r ard not)-ri.
of his
a]ld !/as r:ear.ei
s r.1l1 ciild
froili 1l1s boohs, but uas
gr1i,-1.'3il1cr Dasiulies. ilc lear:ied but iittle
t'iiqirt lc',7orla, arld than.s tc llis inbciia i/11i po\rer a:lcl erergl la.:
,ilati'c i succ.ras. 1n 1834, Lrhcn t'reiti. ),cars of aEe, he c3:ie 1-o Gcoiqia
. i.,i setr-f.rar in Carroll ccurt::. i-n:: foifclriilg fa11 113 located wh.r.c
i r r-io'., 1ir.,es , ;Jheie f oa :la'rl :nil'-s aro'.nd '!lie cLe.rairgs iJare ie-r7 alld
irai ireti,,e.r:r. ,J. ca:i. tc Georgia lritlt a horse aid a pair of s.,dile'r.Js; riolr lr.r irs 1,3C0 aclres of gcod land 1y1:lgr on tllc Chattalcoc-laa
-'i_,/aa, on r,-1ia-1 1e has c:le cf the iitost praoductive a1ld best lnpLoYed
trat recl.ion, lnd ira',nks as one of tre rJost 5ubst..:1:,iai
as ireLl as one of tlle irest farne]1s in C1::roll
ar.1 r,rij.:,irle ci:izers,
cc..iri7. Dur.iig the lral: a snall ba:lle !7as fought on iis farin, Cur.ii?
!7iich -shoL and sl)e11 fleu thick an.l fast efl about. -1ll the iTinCct s
in his house i?ere sliatterc.l, 3nd there re:naiis a holc ln the 'rail
of his house rlere one sh"11, co.ilig into a .,indcr',, passed out o:r
the opposite siCn. io:t-r1.r-el)' no one about tile pre.riscs iras hurt.
lli. i{oore nas owned a fei.i.I across the Chattahooci-ree iivei at this
plac.r ir.ori the tine hc settled tilcre. (]1 oi1" c.': .sion lle :7as
gettlirg sore llai:ties across th. .i'./cr. \rllo iTene flaci_,9 be'"or:e the
leierai rn_:,, iitong tlie:r tii. 'lilliair ]\':ios, lrilel tlie:lill:nish
Before the boat reached the opposite sllor.: the tLoops reac5ecl the
river an.l fired upon the passelgors. l'ir. Ainos fe11 by his side, but
hc atood by then aud the boat, and at the risk of hls ovTn life saved
tl1en. In 1437 ur:. Iloore r'/es narr.ied to :4rs. Car:oliie (nee l4artln)
l1alone, daughtcr of 3enjallin llartin, cf Jones county, grancidaughter
lrere the parents
of th., Lester, of the sane county. lrlr. and llrs. lloore
Parks; lts.
of seveir chlldren, five of whorr are
D., Jr.;
Robert Early; Mrs. I,I. Ii. Kelly; Goor:ge
J. D.
Dr. John I., decoased, aid Benjairin
aIrd R. f. Moore, are hardl"/are inercilarlts
coinpany, Birninghafi, Ala.
P. I{OORD, cairitalist, Cairollici, Carroll Co., Ga., son cf Jclln
and Levisa (l?ett},) l4core, uas boan 1i SF,artanbur:g district, S"C.,
in 1839. His pat:r;1.r1 graildparents, llngh ilnd allzabeth ('Illodas) i'locie,
His gr.anCfatller lras a solCier in
i,/elre latives of Soutll Caroliir.
-- the sublect oi this sketcll,
rrushet i1e "toiecl" ai1 thrcugll
is "a
C}larles Pst-L:',
lnas a soLdier. in the patr.iot armY. ilr. lloore rres reared in South
carolina and recelvec a lrniied education, and ,hen a nere child had
to r,ralk three r.rifes daily to oirta] n it. ;]pril i, f36i, lle enllsted
in Cofipanj: H (Capt. Joe l/a1k.rr), :if tl1 south cF-rolina r:egine:lt (col.
Jenkiils). which rras assig] to ihe ccilnand of Gell. ieauLegard. ;le
ser:ved in this coixl2:liy nearf y a l/ear, l\'i-ren a:lothei coalpany r'ias f oiaiired
klown as tile First'.l-o shair.silccteis, !,r11ich caused sote c-lang€s,
and in tile ieorgailizatioa cf Co:lpani, iI lir:. iloor.e uas nade capiain
lrhich he continued ro 5e untii the s'rrr.?nC.l:. He rras piesent at tile
firit-rg oir rort sunter. i/l1ei1 it fell he rent to vi;9inia, ancr, begin
the bloodiest and
ning 1r'iti lirst l,lanassas, participated ln many of -;ra.r
most fiercefy contested
- including
he iias in
every battle iil i"Thich Jeill(ins' baigaCe,ras
the forenost oil every llattlefiel.l it
a double straln of revolutionary bfooC in his veins, aoC south Caroli:la
blood at that, iroll1ing else could be expect'-'d. rt has been stated
above tirat he had in his possession the ftusket ?hich his Grandfather
iloore carried duiinq ihe war for i ncl cpeilde:lce . ?ile foliowinq ircident
vril1 show i/hy he sl,culd be douirll. pr:o'rd of iE -- first, it-s fanil:/
and historic interest; second, the circur_]s]-allces attc5Ciig its :eteition. .r,ftcr. the irar, ln pursuitnce cf a nilitary ordel:, the union
solcliers proceeded to gathcr ulr aft the ar:ls 1:1 pl:ivate haids in the
south. Iihe:i tl-1is,r1,1 :iusl<et:'as (leiraideC :ll. ilocre refused i-o givc
i! up, a1d ',rh?:r tlle soldr.r.s .'::eir:rtecl to tal<e it b'i aorce ile foiled
ihei and inade his escape ,i:il i:. It is ass.rr:teci that ra1i, a
sofdien 'rbit the r'lust" 1:1 3ftei at'renpts to ca?iure llirii, ald on rolL
call i,/as r.eported ":.rrsslrg. " r::f thouEll h3 eGCapec cp-rrtu:e, thc co:1til]ual
danger l1e '7as in deie;-:rii-led )iin to leave tie state; so, iit 1873, he
cane to ceor.gia aod se:tfed i1 Canr:oil countT. ile rras a 5rick-nas,li,
and worked at his tr.aale, bul:;1e has done so rell ai]d anagei and
inve:rted hls gains sc lucriciousl? that l1e noy railks as c1e of the
7;!, 136'/ l1r. l1oci.:'ras,ral::ieC tc iilss
:ioneyed nen of the colity.
lli. ilooLe stends
lloiro!:r Elk1il, daughler. of :ai5e.i ...itd rlar:r :1liir,
!re1l in Carroll courty riid 1s verY :trucl'l e:rt3encd ,:. afl privileged
:rit-r 5is ii:i::'-.
1.-' c'r:s.:-.
C. C. lloiiiil:S, f ariner:, 3o:rdol1, Car:roLl Co., Ga., s1r1 of J. r_,. aild
Elizabcth (Afnond) ;{cr:;i3, :ras bori i.r C.!r.Loi1 ccunt'}' ir} f355. ills
:atcrnil grandp3rcirts, ililiisin anC Ha:lnal-r (-jiggars ) llor:ris, t ere natives
of Souti Carolina, caiil.r to Ceoigia eaiiy in tilis century, and settled
iir tlhat is ro, De(alb counil,. il€r s a farrier, end, afsor a llissionarl,
Saptist .rinisier and preaclled 1n the olC log cnurclles. lle was a soldier
in the .evolutior-rary a.iny. i1r. :1orr.isr father 'ras bor.n in DeKalb
couity iir 1S26, and ?as a far:ier. Ile enlisted in f861, tlas a lie;Ltenaii
ii his ccitirari/ anC r.c:iaiDe., in the aiflf ti-riou9;1 the conflict.
naiei:nal gia:lo!areits, lsllarn ar:Ic'. Ja:a (liqgaras) Af'ro:ld, lreiae earll,
ard the graidfa'Lher ',,'a s .1 revolutioil.ri.l/ scldier.. l'!r. iloiris,
vras reaicd on a farrt iiL C3.rr:oL1 coJnt!, a:ld received a faiL connos
scl,ool education. Adoirtlng f:irnlng as a pursuit, llLlt ',ri tilolli: neans,
he 3cqui.ed :r good f arir, aid is ar o:rg iho3.: .t l,--le head or' tlle list
as progr:essive fsraneras, ianages irell, is nuc,l esLeejred and is prosperous.
iic has a tr.act of iiiore ihan 200 acres of clloice iand, producti-7e,
1rltl1 gooC i:ipLoveneits. 1n I332 iir. :lorris narried iliss Rebecca Lo\rvorn,
settler, :{ho has
deughtei of ll. D. Lovvoi,r, an ol.l a1c1 influ.i:ia1
rlv:, :lattie, Jos,lrrl a:ld Otto, living; an.l
'rcrr.r hi:i six c,ril.lren:
j,ifi-ian and ,-.i1:1:, oeceasa.l. iii:1s€lf ani lrif. aile ineli]lJers of tlie lapillst
(These sketclles i.ri11 :)e ccDtlirued i:l the nex: CuaLierly.
foctis oi
iS, --Ip;l;ii
lleailor: .j. :Id::edge, 12124 oal< illlls Pku_t'., l..i,o:l licuge, L.i 70310.
t-r-!G;Iii;\tt, cuL-l:RSoir, Fliiil/;illl.l, .tlrir'lAi,soil.
)iyr:a i-. (uja\./a, 150 ]-:rs Loiias, S.rr .r,ii!,r.:Lo, T,i 159A4.
AYDr.S, aO)(, ilO?P:R, IiOUS:rlol:1, LYO\S
Jin 3ur.irett, 9639 Lcasidc, ailas, :;7523[).
: .". f"'LIr :
I r-'
39f, Flizgcrald, G.. 31750.
Dor:is G. CoIson,
;\icoRi't, ll,a,c;{lAi.i /;:;LcKilol.I, BRrsT:l?/3arsTo'rl, c...;lirr,cl(, DR:iIIRY/DRURY,
)u).lc.tu, ;lrr,rttsTor, xACE:ls/(EGAiiJS/KrGG;lis, Lallrs, illDDox, ltoSLfY
:laxire l-1cor:n, 1038 !.lthea, llouston, T;{ 7701S.
SIiLIOi'i , L;i.lG, Yr-\llCIl
BOI'IERS , ;(I;LInll,
Gusterine Borrers, Rt L Bcrr 215, Oirc Citl', T,'i 7-a.ll.
Bai,JT:aY, C-{;\:.,')1ll+ ilOl-,,OIlAY, XILCOEI, ]{Il.lG, !rii::i-i1
;\. D. Cll..tialIei:, 1524 Lane lllJ, Cr11:iar-, ,:'i- 35055.
CAUS;Y, CJ)II ll\rc;lAll , G:rr.lT, :L\ilDLlY, :AV:NDAR, L:!lIS, llcDll-l:f;L, aAIDalJ
lieinelh Kleiil Carsey, 109 aJrringhai: !r., Ca.:oll:ail, Gl, 30117.
SAILEY, Cl\RRC:i, JO;liJSllol'/ P,\I , SILTJEI, T:1O i-,3Oir, ".-rfRilr, iTILLCO:iill
lir:s. PauI ;. 'I-rcnason, 5530 Sriti,fleld Ri., )o"' ;-, Gr:r 30106.
J. D. Jcrdrn, ?t 11 sox 519!, Cu11i.n, A- 3505!.
cui13\a, G.f1.r:.1, iI f l-D:ll:RA1t ) , tio::Isoir, slf.-iDi,Iii
ilr.s. i-. l. 3i..cki1 Jr., 3253 -Lux3:rircu:g Co.1;t, Decatur., G-r' 3!031.
tsltooll, !F,-i.r!l{, DOOIY, DCVIIR I G:lilTqI, :I'jRI-;Y, ?:IC:, S'illllll:R
:le1ei_, G.)izalez, 25! Parkvie./, iilrli-le.tucca, NV 39415.
coLQ'Jr1T, D;VrS,
it::{IIOLDS, ROL/LAl'lD, Sl'iAI{N, l"ltlj-i(ER, l!'ALLER
tIrs. Alicc R. Cebula, 511 Ser0inole St., Perry, GA 3L069'
l,1rs. vlade E. Forester, 1203 Bristol Dr., sveetivater, a)i 79556'
EU3AIII{, HARDY, AOts3S, ],AtlDP'Ul1, LA-lJllOI'1, RUSSELL, SIlILBY, \ilEl\TflERqiD,
and maly irore. iJ111 be happ]' Lo exchange infor'rnation'
Bil1i; Cansler Kaffeirherqer, 1307 :onnie Dr., Kiffeen, 'lx 16542'
?ierce Moore, 1037 Scott Blv.i., Decatur, GA 3C030.
Guy 11. Ilarringtont 240 Oak Aaven Ave., l'lacon, Gi' 31204'
oliver Gaines BARROII, Jolln George lrasl-Iington 5ROWN, Iletiie)'& llariah
LASSET?ER CAllP, Richard L. ;DGEI'IORTII, Jar,res HOAD, Be]ljamin LASSETTER,
Hlfey A. P-ATE, ilatt ROOKS
thelna Pate, I99 old Five Notcjl Rd., li'hitesburg, GA 30185.
Jessie 1,. Glovei, Rt 6 Bor. 114, Ada, OIi 74620.
ROBER?SOiJ, SEl"iELL, I'IALDROf , l]lD--ll1Al'l
c!.ryneIle rl. lJatts, 6C0 Gien?ood p1. :la, Atlanta, Ga' 303L53RACK, CHAPIIA]{, CII.RrSTllAS , r'OOTE, HES'I',ERLY, IirlJCilELO, KIlillEY , LYl"lCH,
l.thTTOX, RICE , SAUllDaitS , S:Ji'lllllRS , TURiJIR, IJILLIAIISOrllildred 11. Str:attc:r, 1202 Donelson Ave., oLd Hickoiy, TIJ 37133.
(Y 40601Christine H. At(,ood, 207 :Jellwood Ct., liankfori,
Joseph I:-IDSON d IBBT CanPbelf Co. GA; Jefferson IIILLER b 1Bl9 GA;
Robert I{ILLER d 1857 Ca.nirbell Co.; John L. RICHARDSON b VA, d 1865
Canpbell Co.
lJ;nda Cunnlnqhain, 4431I rLvenida Sev1L1a, i.-qu1a I1i11s, C;92553BAGLEY, BO[:N, IOI]LE:I, GRIGGS, ilDr\iD;RSOll r JO]\JS, I-ANDRUi1, SCCTT,
i./AI,J,I S
i,Irs. Berkeley 11. lloLna]l, l80L Lavaca St.- 9L, Austin, T)( 73701.
DAVIS, Gu!\li'lIL;S
Sea:clliirg for illfo oi1 illy g g gf1n.'i-panents .]oilthai 'I'1. DAVIS a-1d llis
.7i:e P"nirr.1 GUNIJIILLS nrho fiveo i:1 Carr:o1f Co. fl:cn ca f82g to 1352.
.. slirlel/ D. il.lss, ?. o.3o).65006, shrovepori, Lrf 71145'
trlioi.t, :IAi'iD, ilolllll-L, l-1rss:P., IjilrTx
lJeed help ()4 cl1io Ho:ilELi. b ca 181-1. Reubeil l-lAlilD, 1i'/ed in Carroll
Co. L330, anil his uife Pal,ien.e IIgSS:R, lived il1 Carr.of f Co" 1840.
Richa.d llllITE, llveC ir C",r:ro11 ao. 134C, .1nd iis :'/ife El1en DIXON.
.. l1r.!r. :'laC. Il. Eol:esteL, 12C3 il.lsicl Dr., S?eet"/aten, T\ 79555'
Cilr\NDLI;?, ilOLLol'l,qY, rdlIITll
)esperately need tilc nanes of the paren:s of Ambrose CIJANDL]IR, b 1305
NC, :r.l Jerrusha lrHIT,l I327 in Fraiklitl Co. GA. Lived jn Franklin Co.
1330 40, and Carroll Co. 1650 60. Nee.l date of ,'irg of Har!.iil Benjlett
cltAllDl-fll to Fr..rilces IIoLLOIIAY lE50-50.
.. A. D. chanrller, f524 Peacllt-r:ec I-ane Nli, cullm^n, AL 35055.
Searching for j.Dio on iily great grandnother, lheresa PIRKER tsR_1,\llT
b 29 oct IBII in iIC (doir't kno-'/ rhere); rtd Joh]l SRYA]iT 2 Jan 1431 il1
Ca.npbell Co. GA; died i:] the laie 1830s (don'l know ui-lerl) in Carrclf
Co. G,,. luoiher of 1L: :lizabclh, Naicy !1., llarli A'-rn, nliiah L.,
trlford P., Joh:, ilazle .l]i!l, 3., ?hei:esa llef\rina, Cofunbus I'1.,
..lcl lliflian Loyd. .\ny i;rfo on tl-le P-ARI<EP faniiy rrould be appreciar-ed.
.. l1r.s. Laurene B:.yant 3eckett, 2701 Scaale+- Ral, lr'int3r ?ar\' lL 32'792.
Need info on Janes LIPHAI1, 1i] Randofph Co. AL ca 1B50-1900, nC to
llar:tha IIILL. Afso on I,lil1ia( A. 1-TPHAI1, nd io Tabith3 E. lIlLL. Jines
liecd their dal,cs anC pLlces of 5irth and
and Ilri111am rvere srotllers.
their parentage.
.. :ugene T. Lipham, 26L3 Headlaqd ;!ve., Panana ci,Lyt FL 32445.
coLLrNS, qoRl.l, LovELL, PrGG, TilOllPSOll
G.)orgil ?i]f.ra:r ?TGG b 1820,
Scoking irfo on rny of the folicriilE:
Cheste;fiefd SC, itarr uoRil in Harris C.. G;'' 135i. lfhej"r c11l1iliei,l
rrere John !'lif lian PfGG ai-1d llattie Ja1" 91GG. Joiln ililli:1rn ',;1s 5o-.:l
1852 in llerr:rs Co. GA and nar elizabellt C. T;loll Sol'1, enC tl-1eir. c]]ilCrerl
vrele Johir HilLiaix PIGG II b 1879, Gereral David pIGG b L602, aild Id3
Jane PIGG b i3B4 wllo nar Thonas ,,OVf ll]-. ilai-tie PIGG t/as b 1854,
lJarris C.., i:]d irar,I.:sse THOiI?SOii, 3rd lle; cllilCren !7ei9 Jo:1i Iriliiair
b I332, aild .iassie b i833. Listed on i8B0 Carroll Co. Cen:rus. llso
'r'r'ar1t iir:o 11 Austin PIGG b 1833, Chesterfi2icl Sa, nar: l{arry A:1n COLLIiiS
in 1850- Ila.;is Co. GA.
.. J"iLi.itr iJ:11{ei., Rt 6 Box 91-c, HalceviLle, AL 35077.
lleeci irfo on Joll llooDY J:. 'rno ?as in Car.ofl cc. 1l-t 1844. I have
n leltei wraitten frorx ]-a,rLe:ls Co. SC to Cairoli Co. in i544 ai(l;I1ve
.ra,ry iarili, connec:ioils ii both glacas. '{1 c.phaned ances:cr., ilillian
,'larr.isor ?lNSoi'I, maj/ navc lree:l bo]]n in Carroff Co. i1 )-842. Dc 1ci
kroi, ihe na(es of his psrelts; hoir3ver, Nancy PINSON cain.l to Car,:oli
Co. fr:on Laureis Co. bet'reeir 1842 aird 1S44, anC "'as in Tippail (.ro?
3er]-on) Co., ilississi.Dpi by 1845. Sil3 r.aiseil llif1i3rn i1 ?ippal Co.
A1so, ?-ro.las 3arnes I,ifLLI.\lIil 1ild his r/ife tia:1ial_, ,IilSo)I, l:iancy's sister,
rrgre in Carroll Co. early aild Soloinai Coiil, llancy's 'r:lcie by ral:ii3ge,
dleC in Carroll Co. in 1S42. Jeie.nial, Coi: lras a l'i.lg: iherre.
.. Dav.iC :ar1 Plnsoir, 409 South Second Si-r.ee1,, Glrland, T)l 7504C.
Jose-ph SIDSOIJ nd Eflz:rbeth RICr!-I?DSou 4 Oct 1327 irr Co. G;\.
I'Iho Lere their -carer1ts? L1so, JosePh aIDSOii, sol1 3f Jol1i fIDSON (d 13L5
liilkes Co. GA) ind sarail Ain RICIIARDSoN 9 oct 1326 ,--ssibly i1 wilkes Co.
Sara5 Ar1:r rnay havc ll"en a dau of Jcl1!] L- and i.laliirda ?ICiIARDSO]]. Slle
i,/as nentioiled 3s Sar.all Ain fI]]soli, Leget3e, ii llis ljifL, :cl:ora ted fg'55
ii Car1.rbell Co. G-r,. ,los?p), ;IDSoi( 7as a,1 gxecu:oi -,Ii lil Johlt T. l{ORGAl\i.
Also.r:niioned '1s Cialra rI. RIC;i.iRDSoij, ,,iie of h]n T. '1ORG;',N, tha
I lee(i to .list,i:19ri5ll bet-re.r1 l-l1r trio Jcae:h lliDsolls i7i1c
other: Irgltee.
nd RICIIAIIDSO:.i 9i.1s. "lii1 a:...;1.ige iilfo .,1.1 .r:l' .ro:r -':l r & coi)l,ii9 chgs.
.. ilrs. I"ianCa Cun;lingla.i, 443I1 I'v.)licl1 S':\'i11-., La9:r1- llills,
C:.- 92553.
1986 l.1xI13,1RS .rs of 1B-86
Maxine AIcorn, 1038 Althea, llouston, 'ly- 17A74.
l,1rs. Christine iI. Atlrood, 207 3oIldood Ct., lrankfcrt, KY 4060I.
i1rs. Laure.e tsryart Beckett, 2701 Scarlet Rd, l'Jinter Park, FL 32792.
i1r, Richard 3oqe, 2903 lloodlanr'l St., Alrl)otsford 3.C., V2S 4E5
G.rsterine Bolrers, Rt I,3ox 215, ore City, Tx 756B3.
l1rs. T. ts. Bracl(in Jr., 3261 Lu;.enbourg Ct., Decaiur, Gl-\ 30034.
Mr. & l"1rs. Kenneth Kiein Causey, 109 Cunninghan Dr., Carroffton,
cA. :t 0117
I,,lrs. l,lice R. Cel.;la, 511 Seninole St., Perry, GA 31069.
i.1.. A. D. Char)d1er, 1524 Peachtree;ane Nll, Cull:rai, AL 35055.
lLC. l1is. Clarice S. Cox, 1055 farrners IIigh Rc1., Car.rollton, GA 30117.
12. i'1!s. R. 3. Curry, 5601 Lrgsett Larre, ?ear.1and, l)l '775A4.
13. 'tr.r. Rita s. Denilan, IOOB 3lue PL:1ce, Richardson, Tx 75060.
14. I1r.s. lrade E. Forester, 1203 ;nistoI D-':-, Sr,'eettrater, Tx 79555.
15. 11rs. Shirley 11. Garclner, 85 Gr:eelrood Lane, Carr-olLion, GA 301i7.
15. Jarnes & Donlce Gar.ier, 9!.17 Rcund oak, tsaton Rouge, LA 70817.
17. :1,r. Phil GarDer, i97 Glcver Circie, I-e_,{na:l, GA 30263
O:( 74320.
LB. llrs. Jessie L. Glovcr, Rt 5, Box L14,
NV 89445.
19. Mrs. Hef 3i1 Go:lzaiez, 250 Parkvleri, l'Ji:1neilucca,
20. llr.s. Olive C. ilall, 4013 Foster 11i11 ]ld. SIl, Cave Spring, GA 3CL24.
21. i'iis. Jessie ila:nricl<, P. O. Soli 154, Carrollton, G,\ 30I17.
22, l1 s. John K. lIarreIl Sr., Vanderpool Rt. 3ox 305, Sabinal Canycn
Rairch, Utopia, Tx 73384.
23. l!r. Guy i,l. rlarr.irlgton, 24C Oak Haveil Ave., llacon, G;l 3I204.
24. l1rs. Violet S. Hcnry, 5334 ScofieLd Rd., College Park, G . 30349.
25. l.l:s. llargaret C. Hollingshaus, 183'i lleado', Do\'rns Iray, Sall: Lal(e
City, Utah 8 4121 .
27. l1rS. Shir.ley D. Iluss, P. O. Bo:. 55006f S,i;evepol:t, L.1- 71146.
23. .'.largaret C. Jcnes, Rt i, Box L7B, Sprir,gviiie, ,\L 35I45.
29. J. ). & Volina Jcrdan, Rt 11,3ox 5190, Cuffnan, AL 35C55'
30. f4r.s. tsiflie Ca]1sier l(affel]bergcr., i307 Bonnie fr:., I(i11cc:], T-,a 1:')42.
31. -1L1:r e c, Lee, Rt ll,:ox 330, Cullman, AL 35055.
32. ;4rs. Doils McCray, 4908 Il. Hlly 156, Carrollton, GA 30117.
33. i,lrs. Joyce Barron llc:urray, l. c, Box 273t Loho' TX 76352.
34. l1r. & l1r.s. Davia :., 145 rf.lalee ],i., Car:ollion, G;, iiiil .
35. l1:. Pierce i'4ocre, f037 Scott B1vd., Deca'.ur, GA 30030.
36. 1,1]:. E. ]]. i(urphy, P. o. Bcx 125, Coucll Si., I1ore1a,nC, GA 30259.
37. i.lrs. Theina ?ate, 199 Cid Flve Notch R3., '4hites'curg, CA 3C185.
33. Urs. l,eia V. H. Peter.scir, Rt f, Box 13, RID, iionroe, Uiall 84754.
39. 14.. Rolrert 11. Rlch.f.dson, 5038 Daniell 1,1111 RC., ilirs]:cn, Gl\ 30187.
40. Jaixes O. & Ne11 B. illggs/ Rt f Box 459, I{oci< Sprinq, GA 3C739.
41. Dr. JerrlT C. Robinson, P, C, Box 9f0, Carrcllion, GA 30117.
42. l-1rs. Gertrude 'r'J. Slone, f I Casey 5t., iJerrnan, Gi: 30263.
43. l,1l:s. Hil-drec1 lt. Stratton, 1202 Donelson i-ve., O1d Hlckory, TI'i 37138.
44. l,1rs. Elizabeth iI. Taylor, f6074 HopeiTell Rd., Alphare]]ta, GA l02Cl.
45. t,Ir. R. i.,1. Tc1ylor, 5I5 Lovvorn larn lld., Carrcf lton, GA 30117.
46, ur. I l,1r:s. Paul E. Tilonason, 560C SiltifieLl R.]., Bo\rdon, GA 30108.
47. l,lrs. Sherrie Rowe tlalton, P. O.3o;.249t SocieI Circfe, Gi\ 3A279.
48. Mrs. G.rynelle R. Iratts, 600 Gfenwood Pi. sE, .r't13nta, GA 30316.
49, I4rs. June Hart_,rester, Rt 3 sox 313, Cel1tcn, GA 30114.
50. i{r. Jal, D. I,iilllans, 385 Houze Iray, Rosirell, G;30075.
I986 Menbership, Contrd.
51. vrs. Mary F. licrd, 805 Rome St., Carrolfton, GA 30I17.
52. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Yates, 618 Tyus Rd., Bowdon, GA 30108.
53. Cass Co. Genealoglcal society, Bo). 541, -Atfanta, Tx 7555I.
(:lhis list \,7i11 be continued in the next Quarierfy. )
Aibert Jordan Bentley, 1410 S. Minnesota St., Mitchefi, SD 57301.
BENTLSY, Albert Jordan, b 3 Nov f924, Cincinnati, OH; m 6 Nov 1954
to Nancy OLDEIIKAIIP (h 1930, Detroit, MI. )
BENTLSY, Joerg Randolph, b July 1890, Chipley, Harris, GAi m June
1916, Atlanta, GAi d 1925, Cincinnati, OH.
JORDAN, Carol, b 1890, EufauIa, Barbour, ALi d 1971, Coforado
Springs, CO.
BENTLEY, Janes C., b 1864, GA; d 1930, Lee Co., AL.
MCEACHROh", Elizabeth, b 1871, GA.
JORDAN, George l,li1es, b 1847; n 1873, G1-^nnvi11e, ALi d 1899,
Eufaufa, Barbour, AL.
PRICE, Eliza, b L852, creenviLle, AL; d 1900, Eufaula, Barbour, AT,.
ilEllTLEY, James, b GA.
POSEY, Amanda, b GA.
JORDAN-, Henry Lewis, b tB21; o 1898, Dothan, Barbour, AL.
SEALS, Ann Elizabeth SeaLs, b 1829; d 1871.
PRICB, Wi11lan Edw., b 1814, Charleston, SC; d Barbour Co., tL.
HUNT, Enma Matilda, b 1822i i AL.
JORDAN, Mifes, d 1833, !'L.
PETTUS, Harriet, b 1788, Meclenbur.g, VA; d VA.
SEALS, ArchibalC, b G.A(?); C 1851 Bulloch Co., GA.
BURN1EY, Ann Terre1l, b GA; d Bulloch Co., GA.
PRICE, Geor:ge.
HUl.iT, ziba, b MD(?); d Colurnbia
DEAKINS, Martha, b l,ID(?).
Co., 6A(?).
Vicky Sheffield, 80 Martin Sheffleld D-., Car:nollton, GA 301f7
1. LOI]ERY, Vicky, 5 29 Dec 1950, :o-,.:o1, GAi rr 17 June f972 to
Steve H. SHE!'FIELD (b 5 Dec 1948).
2. LOWERY, BiLly Thomas, b 5 -qLrg 1925; ::r 20 llar f948.
3. qASON, Jean, b 2f June f93f.
4. LOWERY, ceor-_.e E'relf , b 17 .june f903; n OcL 1924i d 28 Apr I97Oi
bur Bowdon tlethodist Church),ar(i.
5. STNGIETON, De1ie, b 15 Apr- 1906; d f0 Jan t978; bur Borrdon
Methodist Churchyard.
6. EASON, Claude luatthelrson, b 1C Nov 1902.
7. BRADLEY, Pearl, b 13 Apr 1901; d 25 Sep 1970, pleasant Grcve.
8. LOWERY, Abbey Anderson, b B Jan 1884; n 22 Juil, 1902; d 28 -Aug
1944; bur Ranburne F. Baptist Church]'ard.
9. DURRETT, Alice Susan, b 29 Apr L883; cl 5 Nov 196I; bur Raiburile
l. Bap.List Churcirt,ard.
10. STNGLETON, Rufus A., bur SoirCcn ilej:hodlst Churchyard.
. l. EL:TCqI--R, r'leu,ah, b 6 Apr l87S; C 2o Oc' l9'73; -ir 3cwdo. /-rh^di s: Churchyar:C.
Vicirl' Sh.jifield Pe.ligree Chart, Conr.'.1.
12. Ep-SON, lralt!:i Ji:rf€,r, h l0 l,1ay liiEl; ci l5 Oct I956, Plersant
13. IJORD, llartha E., b 7 ilay lar79, .l 30 I;r-,v I9f 2, Pfeasant Grove.
14. BRADLEY, G.orq€r lr. , b 1864:. d 1945, Pl.asant Grcve.
t5- JONIjS, r1n.r., Lr 5 J:rn ]870; d 4 Oct 1926, Grove.
16. LO\\iERY, Yi11lan Il., lr 15 Sep ]840; n l7 ilan ).86.:; d 22 l.eb 792,2.
l1 . N:SBI l, lilizab:itr I-., b 25 No\, 134q;.1 27 Sep i933.
13. DI-rRR:Ti', Reube., b I Dec fa4l; i 5 l-rec 1il67i d 3llar. L927.
19. ,\L!I.IIN9, Cei.of i:re, b 7 tlar. 1e4f; .l 9 Jar 1910.
22 .
f L:?CllE-R, lloberi l1onr...
23 - BROIIN , l,iar.y ll.
24 .
llASON, Jasper (Jei.i ) .
25. CARROLL, Susie,
26. IIORD, Jii-.-es :.{atthe,/:, b 2a Ury 1L]55; .l -la) Ju1}, 1927.
='l'='r l":'= i1'='-'=':'1'=o=':
l': l'l'=
Jessic ]-. Glover, R: 6, tsox 114. Ada, Oi: 74S20.
1. IIEIIDRII, Elsie :.lae, b 4 Sea, 1915, ilaccn, GA; n 8 Nov 1930 to
Albcrt Leona!j I,iiLLIAi,lS (b 7 Nor 1909, Ilick.iarL Co., TN; d
29 S.rp i966, liayne Co., l4I)
2. HENDRIX, Uilfis Tc.rell, b S JLrl! 1385, iluc\anan, Carrolf Co.,
GA; n i, !.1.', :ta-l; d 2I Jair 19:ar, E.1.-: l,rairie, l{O.
3. PRLIITT, Lrllie l(ae,3lB i,iar 1397, Cr..r-bon Hiii, AL; d 8 July
f 981, SikestoD, l,il).
4. HEIDRIX, Anderson 'rlise;rair, b l Cct 1340, Coweta Co., GA; n 25 Dec
1859; d 24 Dec 1895, C;:.o1i C.., GA.
5. J:l,lXIliS, Mai:ha "J.:rliii.," o l6 Oci li.i6, Co,,ie+-a Co., GA; cl l0 -qug
1921, La!/j.eI]ce Cc., :ll.
6. PRUITi', Davic !., b 3 .Iull, 1813/15, e.; ,. lt95; d 24 A.rq 1959,
rlalker Co-, AL.
1. HILL, Geo.gia Alicr,5lE73/t-5,
XL; C 11i1, Cullran Cc,, A.r,,
B. Il9llDqfx, llil1:l,r,ir :1., b 5 Fcb 1815, Roriel Co., i.'C; n 6 Juqe f 639,
Merirrctirer. Cc., GAi i l2 f.,.b 1a99, Caircll Co., cA.
9. (2) Ro3LRTSo , S.1rah ii,, b|2, G;; .a iti65/57t Coosa Co., AL.
10. JENIiIIIS, Albert, ir 1823, Gai; n Il Dec r'1 14, Coreta Co., Gi\.
11. GRAY, Cal11e, b 1330, G;\.
12. PRUITT, Jares Collrns, b 1347, GA; n 2 l.)...r 1855i d, l93l/32,
Cu11;:titn Co. , ,1i,.
13. VAIJGHN, l{ar.y, b 1845, rlair.y Co., c.-\.
14. ilILL, Robert A., b 9 .Lr11, 11138, cl; i i7 Jun. 1923, llinston Co.,
.{L .
--, Siir3h l'1a!.garet, h 1543, AI-; cl 20 Dec 1895.
16. ll:NDRICKS, Joshua, b ca 1771, Rolran Co., l.ic; C 1858/60, Coosa
Co. , AL.
I'1 .
----, Sarah, b !131 /91 , lilc; cl 1870/80, iloosa Co., AL.
24. PRUTTT, Jacob D., b 1823, Ttl; n l6 Feb L843; d 1850-53.
25. i!1CRRf S, Anny G.
26. VAUGHN, Ster]ing, b ca I794, NC; :r, 10 Oc. 1339, ilenr:]' Co., cA.
(2) i',icCOLLOUGq, Louisa, b 1820, NC.
21 .
28. IiILi,, John Sr.., b L3 May 1795, GA; n 20 Eeb 1823; d 21 9eb 1870.
29. BARtllVnLL, Catheiine, C b€rf 1850 C.:nsus.
51Jan 1806'*""''
] J r"U igfZ
-_ Hiram RiEdon
illetter, GA
i;f l"iii"n'i.t
iil i ;-r c,t
6 ,T2n luL3'!*r{,
t_ / \
1/ .,
Dec .01.
18 32
Ann Rigdon
L. (!.-t.el-Cor
0 Y.r l9l9
Rhooie . a
," fr3tt8;
rrar r85o
rq vik-_ P.\ ?Jl' r Y' :''
!I Ch-rt-s -d^.
i ,:_^r _?p.
lb. a Jur _'o .rrrrLa
c, :-,C.r o1e1
t - ohj!_E!-L_!!!4y__
ru;:-'!-glg2(Ern n.^-.Co\,CA
''6lr.r. r
^t 'o'0
. o -\gv .BL'
lo "or(on Lo- o,r'r.
le.a .
r\ Co ,I-hs
_- '!. L 0c . 8'0 ---1' ?ll
I il -H-ohecca Ann,.1oltOWaI I-- B
Josep, Ollir,
| ". " o- o^r" l87B-'--"
.an i 6''(Jr\
:p.l ,-'
| ,.5 2'No\
^r, -91o
r=. 1BlB
I d.
Ror e rr ll' 'B Dec lBBo
I p.a.1etfe-! 'arole ,C/. o. '
2 T: ais-Lr!
' '-" '^.
tB3/*""' ",:'1"
;. .2"O.llar !22\"
. picv Elizabeth l,{ikeLf
^, 1'
z Feb lo 0
l\ar'on Ro5 : s '..
?'u-UrlEL.rie!9*:-q o'" tgle
9 Feb .8r8
.i r__]!a-Etl!.t-____EajEI
L O, U
b 1:, ^Star.:ns rj-r. .x Dobo As( t ) 2 ua\ 1857
ic 'u
lb. 1. sep I8--'' en (o, cA :'"' ,+i:-##+JPq:+
6. I0 \o- oO ,:c ev-?,1 .a.-:. nr ..C6.
_E. tZ"ii,
4 28
I 5 ,,p. 186'
b. -rru re-:
:? ---I-a-c:,r-i] l ,mq
,., -d\ Cr atra' , C/'
", ""
., .C B tJ*-.
o0o, g3!;,=
,r;.r, Lsei
e.d. Screven co, GA
s 10 Jun 1908
-"5.iaaia, Frank tiwens
p.!. Screven Co, GA
H,_.ii11ian Paul Cl",'ens
;;ii* *-.'--*4 tB 59
lu. .
,, &eepn !L. Er!" ie
li._ ,Jcreven Co, GA.
-: - a" 1--..
.., orno 1ia
I i, Carollne
a,..I ino Enne
rhc iJs.
' :-".'.'
^^ ilE
,c. lv e t_i e r, La no-Le 1" u}\
r. 28 1852
f i r burn Helrington
.* .q,,.r. Sc.even Co, GA
Ap" -1EZE* *;
\- 2 Jun 1929 :.
,.9 .r.rn t9i)
: 2, Ais lglT
i.i. Tattnall Co, !,d.
a.r. Screven-do, GA,
lld:1 .hCrerrs I{icliinn, al6l C;\r:r!:I1 Dr., Cai.rrillo, Ch 93010.
1. ,\iJDRLlllS, idra :ernne, b 30 l,lo.1 1914, C\ilCress,, ?x;
:ii f5 uay f932 Lc Cl aud r\lb.rrt IiIC(l1AiJ (b 3 Jair I9Il, llaxter
Co. lR.
2. A\=DRltl{S, lli-ronas ,]ef ie r.s()1, b l4 ;\uE 1889, AL; ri 17 Feb l9l3; d
7 Dcc 1953, CiTlldre ss Co. TX.
3. PARR, llnnie llae, b 14 i," I392, Dallas Co. Tx; d 5 Feb 1968,
orlando, Orang(], IiA. AlIDItIlllll, Andre\'/ A. (Bu.l), 5 5 Oc: 1851, ?'L; d 22 Ju,1e I918,
Chrldress, T)1.
5. L/ll!'GIIAi{, :{ar}, :lf iza'o.]ih, b 3 Cci 1361, AL; cl 19 Feb 1912,
Chllclress, Tli.
5. P:\!.Ii, Janes Sa|ruef , b I :Jov 1347, Clarker Cc. Gl,i !1 22 M..). 1e79;
d i2 itay i912.
'7. COPPE)G:, Salfi.] Ann Isabe11a, b I Au,t 1S54, Gilner, Upshur, TI;
C 6 Apr 1909.
i2. pARR, B.:rjanin, b 3 ;-ug 1812; r l5 Jan 1835.
13. TIILSOIJ, l1ar.i r.
14. COPP]DGR, Clarfas Clar<, b 2 Ap!. 133C, TiIi n 31 llar 1552; d
11 Jure 1898, Ore Citt', Upsh'rr., Tli.
I5. l,iAR'IIli, 11.1r.\, :ilizabr.:t h, b 9 Jan 1833, Tll; .l 187E, Onc City,
'Jpshur , T)I.
2 t, .
?ARR, Renl airi:l , ir I S .p 1761, l( Co. , iiJ; c:. 22 Dec 1842,
Carroil Co. , cl,.
25. ;,lcKIi.lllaiY, Pa-Ls ry (llar tl-ra ) .
23. COPPEDGIi, John Jack sc n, b 2 O.t i'/9'i iii 26 oct 1320; d 20 i"ler
29. ?AX!O!.1, 1sabe11a Rhea , b 9 Sep iBC2; ci 12 Jan 1842.
30. l1r:,RTIN, Abner ll., b c a 1409.
31. D-qNCY, Rebccc.r, b 21 JulI I809.
lllizabeth Ilebb Kern, 700 S',iift Ct., "{atther'rs, i'lC 23105.
i. !IE3B, Van Sione, b 6 I'lov 19,1!5, Denve., Cc; tx 25 Ar1.J
1957 tc Laiiy,loe KiRI.r' (b 27 July 1945, i,angle, Ii"rLr:l . v1).
2. I'il:ll, liillian va,i Stone, b 16 Ap. 1911, Denr.,er, cOi i:r 5 -:u!r 1931;
,-:i 5 Sep 1984, )eirver, CO.
3. CR-1IG, nlice Evaline, b 9 Sep i907, i,oriisvilfe, KY.
'i. I'll:311, I'J'illiar Alf re(], b i5 ilay 1B- , Eatoil, oHi i:L 12 ).c i9A2i
.l l0 Aug 1936, Dai-1.s, Tx.
5. VAll STCi'l:, i\1icc Ger:r-ucle, 5 L6 S.n 1940, I{airil:.1. oitnr--icr CAi.I;
d 29 iiov 1952, llenvcr, CC.
6. CRI\IG, .rohir ]lllgh Lalrscn, b 28 July li-|2, aenD,i..nae, GA; i 2 Dec
l9C2i C 23 ocL 7923, Di:nver:, CC.
'7. P,.\I]lll, Alice Stjart, lr 15 Jajl 187.1, Srginai., l1I; C l6 Dec i956,
)enver, co.
B. hrl:i, rli I I iair Portl]]r.
tvi: .
1. ',!./. l.), )-'-'!
10. VAN STONE, Fr:?Ccricl Jcias, b Ki-.lcarCiri. Ortario,
i d
Iir,'!Ttl:llS. :-i7-abct t .jai.:, b ;ia-1ia ton, Orlt :ic, CAlI; d )errver:, CO.
12. CRAIG, Hugh Lar.,'so:l Uhitc, b l2:lal'lBaC; d 3 Jan 1877, ,qtfania,
GA; bur ai Oakla:ld.
13. 3LAC(, llarlha Ain. .1 i2 I'iar 1845, itlanta, c.i, i bu. at oakland.
llli2aLretl-r I'iebb (ar11 PeCigree Cilart, CoI1L'd.
14. PAIlll, Veeder 3crtraD.l, b 7 Jar! 1944, ALblon, I.iY; n f7 Nov f86E;
, lo. 7, 3l,or h.rn, :ll .
I5. GAGE, Sar.rh A5iljiit, b 22 Mar 1844, Kalanazoo, llI; C 30 Dec 7921
t.r .
Shoreharn, MI.
1iEts3, Abr.rllam DL1d1eY.
BROI,IN , llary Jane.
John 3ennett.
, AIzina.
VA.J S?oN5, Jonas.
GRAHAM, Ivlary Ann .
MATHEI,iS, Janes Edrrard.
ORR, Sarah Ann.
CRAIG, John.
CRAIG, Rhoda l,i.
BLACI(, Larvson, d 31 JulY 1890.
BUR(, l'lary Jane, d 25 oct
PAINE, Veeder rrlif f i.rn.
TliRRY, Emeline l,ie 1le s ,
GAGE, Richard Stuart, b 7
BROI{NSON, Evallna HuLdah,
June 1814; 4 JF-n 1842; d 25 oct 1885.
b 1 Oct 1820; d 31 Dec f917.
Abercnonbie 2l
f 4-18
Aker:s 27
ns 2 0
Allrrigh: I9
Alcorn 26 29
Ale,vine 3l
Allc:,l 22
ALion 23
A-l]ond 25 26
Anos 24 25
Anderson 23
Andrews 33
Ann 1l
Ashnoie B
A-e\.tood 27
Avery 7
rlvory 5
Ayers 26
3agley 27
Railey 26
Bai:er 10 20 (2 )
tsallar.d 22
Banks 27
Banh.:ci 27
g.:!\at 2'/
l;rrales 22
-3ar.lire1I 27 3f
?,arr 7 9 7I
Barran '7 ).2 2'l
Rarrol, 6 8 9
11 13
ilarton 4 5 10-f3
Baseter: 5
Bates 19
Beckett 28 29
Bentfey 26 30
Eowers 26
Brackin 26 29
3ra.lley 30 3l
Breed 5
Brewer 19
Bridges B
Br.ooks 23
Ilraom 26
Bror/n 27 31
Brownson 34
Colqult (t ) 4
I0-1I l3 25
Collins 2B 32
Coppedge 33
Cox 3 26 29
Carrolt 25 3L'if!"
Carter 7I
Casey 23
Cansey 26 29
Cebula 27 29
Cr:aft 8
Craig 33
Crider 19
see Cnoz iei:
Crosier 4
Crozier 7 B 10
Cumby 26
eunallngn,lii zo z/ 28
Curlee 27
c.rtry 27 29
Dancy 33
Ch1r.1ier. 15 23 26 Daniei 5
Colson 26
caak 27
B1'ron 5
canp 2'7
Coleriran 22
canpbell 33
colclough 5 7 l0
Burson 4 9 I1
Byi:rgton 27
Burdette 27
Burk 34
Burnett 26
Burnley 30
Bledsa',r 5
tsfedsoe 27
Bage 29
Bonner 7 17
Brocl<alan 27
Bryant 23
Beuford 23
Srqqars zblz,
Birdsong 27
Black 33 34
Biacl<n(a,o)n 26
Blair 20 26
tslankenship 14
Chaney 7
Chapnan 27
Chri stinas 27
'.Irrrl.n 2r1
lr,rvrs 5 6l0
21 | 2)
D.rak i ns It)
Delk 27
Denpsey 22
Denran 29
Dial lI
Ili er see D! er:
Digges 27
Disriukes 24
Dixan 2l l2)
Dooly 26
Dorrough 5
Daver 26
Dor.rel I 2 7
5o!"_DS 26
Drake 27
Dreeery 26
Drur.y 25
Duncan 26
:a::1y 25
Earnest 27
aasoi 26 30 3l
E,:lg.r1rorth 27
lllily 7
Efkin 5 25
nllis 27
Enbry 24
Ennres 32
Eubaak 27
Evans l7{2)
Eann 26
Farfrer 5 f5
Finch 27
L3 30 3t
Iolds 17(2)
Foote 27
:orestpr 27 ( 2 )r29
For,/ler 2 7
Freeiy 27
Gardner 3 29
cai:ner 29l2l
CraDL 26 2f
Gray 23 27(2)
creen 23
Griggs 27
cunnefls 27
GLltherles s 2l
Guthery 19
Hairston 26
Ha 1f 29
Harnes 20
llanr.l ck 29
23 (2
Hard.i 2'l
r_n 6
HeDCerson 27 (2
lleDoricks 3]
Hendr: i x 17 27 3l
IIenneIy 7
Hernalon 27
ilerrington 32
Hesterly 27
Hicknan 33
HilCerbr:anC 26
Hill 5 27 28 3r
Hobl)s 27
Hogue 2l
ilol land
ingshaus 29
iIoflings'"ro]]',h 29
Hoflouat.B 26 23
Hol l
Holnan 27
Ilooirer l7
Hopper 18
Hoi.n 2 8
Hoxse 3
27 (2
Hu.ison ll
HLlffnan l4
ro\', ll 2il
Lov\.orrl 17 26
Lolrer1: l0 3I
Lo,,rther. l2
LLrcki. 27
HLlghens 27
llunt l0
HLrss 27 29
IrYine I7
Ivins 5
.lack l2
Jacksor,1-I ll 27
Jan.r 7
Jeffersori 24
Jenki ns 2! 27 3I
Johnson 4 B
Johnston 26
Harrel l l4 23 29
Harrretl 7
ilarr inELo.t 21 29
Har.r.i s 2 6
:lays 5 8
ilea) 2f
Jcrdan 26 29
Xaf f enbe r.1--r
Ha.ld 2l 12l
HarLdley 25
llu.rett 30 31
!urrol,J 10
Dyer f 26
Ei.lson 27
Glenn 26
Gla|er 21 29 3l
GoiTalaz 26 29
Holre I
Ka.Jens 26
K3:l1 l3 l4
Langston 23 /
27( 4)
Lavendar 25
La!"/hon 2 Lairson l7
Leak 14 2l
Lee 2'/ 29
ee i4 18
1r 2 /
llccain 2'l
',lcclaifi 2'7
i,lcCol iough 3l
l4ccr ay 29
l4cDanicl 25
llcE.-..\r_cr l0
I"icG. r1t,! 24
;lc]i--a l6
Lester 25
Lewis 18 26 (2 )
Lile. 5
Li:rlr.i 26 28
Llttle 4 f3
Iesser 27 (2
Knox 27
Kul awa 25
Landr.riirl 27(3)
Lane 27
L?^q 26
La^ier 32
L.1sset (t )er
Latiner 7
]IcRae I5
Kiichel 2?
Klng 5 .l:5
!4a)at 21
i'laqn ing 27
llart in 14 1B i9
23 2a 33
ilat(t)helrs 33 34
l4ccee l2
Lyons 25
I4abry 6 10
Y.addat 26
l,1ccu r
Keyes 18
i<rggens 26
Lyrtc|L 21
1 f5 l5
1i 32
uiles 7 3 11
i1i 11er 27 (3 )
i,lilligan 2C
Mitchel I 5 l5 l6
]lob1ey 26
.\lcore 5 19 22 24
i'{r cke
25 2'7 29 \2 )
llorqan 28
Morr i:roi 26
l4ur.phy 29
Musi c (k ) 27
NerLl 23
Nelly 7
rleslrit 31
Noles 5 9 i2
Northern 27
OL.lcrrkanp 30
oLIiff l2
On..'a l 5 l2
orr l4
Ovrens l2
Pace f7
Parnc 33
Pati I Io
Pettus 30
Pettt/ 19 25
Piqg 28
PTLL9 27
Plunkett 27
PoLk 27
Ponfreit 27
Price 25 30
15 21
S!,afford 7
TalIey 5
Taylor 29 (2 )
Teaf 7
Terry 34
Scott 27 32
seals 30
Thonas 25
Tnoliason 26 29
Thonpson I24 23
SeniarC 16 18
Se\re1l 27
Shadr.ick l0
Shed.l 19 20
Trel,lor I7
Sl-leffield 30 31
sheliry 27
Shelnut 5
silvey 26
Sins f6
Sinclair: I8
Singfeton 30
sin (i,y )ard 16 l7
SiratLon 2'l 29
Stri p1i ng 22
Russel l 27
Saunder.s 27
Wali?). 23 25
Spr.a.lI i i 26
SDrcrri l1 7
skiniei 26
Sniih 5 9 20
Rees 27
ReeYes 4-B 12 f3 Sophrona 5 7
Roid 15 l8 2l 22 Sparknan 3
cass counti/ Geoealogical Society
Reaves see Reeves
Stepheisoo 4-13
Stone 29
Rigdon 32
Riggs 22 29
Robbins l2
Roberds 3
Rober.tson 27 3l
Rcbi nson 29
Roe 23
Rooks 27
Patterson I7
Parr 3l
Pale 2'/ 27 (2 )
Ric.r 27
Richardson 27 2il
Tuckcr 14 i8 19
20 23
Tumfia 4-L2
Turler 13 27
TwedeIl 12 13
Tnidelf L3
Upchurch 4 8
V.rn Stone 33 34
Vauqrhn 3l
Veas (e )y 6 10
veazcy 8
i{aldrop 27
I.la11i s f ton
Idatsor f5 23
\taLLs 21 29
Ideatherre.i 27
l^rebb 33 34
\nesi 22 23
llestbrook 17
'r/es ter 29
ilheeler 26
llh i serhunt 2l
I.lllite 27 (2 ) :3
i"trideil1a1 2 7
lri lkie 23
lriffcoxei 2(;
wilfiaris B 22 26
29 3i 32 36
wilf iarilso.1 27
Irli (f )soa 5 33
lloodley 2C
'rlooC.rarC 17
IIorcl 3 4-i3
31 (s ) 14 23
Yancelr 25
Yates 30
wllliams, 385 Houze way, Roswefl, GA 30075,
too ]ate to be prinl_ed in this issue in its
native of Te;<as but
entirety. This release states that Mr. wilfiams, a
a ceorgia reslalent for 5O
C..Vr"i C"""ty's Euntier Festival,
Celebration piartrted for Aprll 18-20 in sherman and Denison' Manythrough
pioneers from the southeaat as
th" n"d Ri,rat corrialor in Northeast Texas. Similar
Inquiries as to
Celebrations will be held throughout Texas
5016, Austin, Tx
fia."" urtd dates can be directed to Texas
we have received from Jay D.
a news release v/hich arrived
9988 .
relating to genealogy, etc',
our readers. We need your
p"aig.!. chirt, a blank for which is on the back page of this issue' Afso,
pfeaie tet us know if you like the printing on the back and front of the
to return
pug". u" in this issue of the Quarterly, or if you woutd fike us
to our former printing on only one side
Box 576, Carrollton 301L7.
to the Carrolf County Genealogical Society,
we welcome your family histories, articles
and anythinq that wouid be of interest to