the crestiad - Cedar Crest College


the crestiad - Cedar Crest College
Explosion in
What’s cooking?
Gas leak causes
massive fire, page 3
Vegetarian recipes in
‘Culinary Classmate’ that
will have your mouth
melng, page 8
Basketball Seniors
Enjoying theirlastgame,
FEBRUARY 17, 2011
Cedar Crest College
LeannWallower,seniorBasketballplayerscoresher 1,244point
Vag Mons
return for
another year
Staff Writer
Photos by Katey Dauble
Athletics Editor
“I’m still in shock. When they announced it, I didn’t believe them”, said Leann Wallower after breaking
the Cedar Crest College record for points in a career by a member of the women’s basketball team. Not only did
Wallower break a record, but it was a record that was previously held for 19 years.
When Wallower was still attending Haverford Area High School she saw very little court time. Looking
back, family, friends, and fans alike can see that clearly, Haverford made a mistake.
When breaking the record was within reach Wallower was fouled attempting a layup. As she stepped to
the free throw line family and a few others knew what she was about to accomplish. Unknown to Wallower she
had started off the game with 14 points left to go until she broke the record. Wallower herself thought this was
still a routine free throw she wanted to make, just like any other. As Wallower sank the free throw her family
rushed onto the court. Trailing her family were classmates baring balloons, previous record holder Jayne Gano
Marasco, and many other on lookers who were armed with cameras and cell phones.
See WALLOWER, page 16
Programs at CCC to be analyzed by Academic Program Review
News Editor
Tuesday, Feb 8 marked the
beginning of the Academic Program Review for Cedar Crest with
the mission of seeing the current
status of the programs as they
stand, and hoping to find ways to
improve programs that have less of
a presence in the best interest of the
students and the College community.
In the opening of the Academic Program Review (APR) session that was open to the college
community, President Carmen
Twillie Ambar addressed that the
time to look at Cedar Crest programs is in a time of strength, not
crisis, and that time is now.
“We know that this is a rapidly changing landscape for higher
education, that we have to be on
the cutting edge of that change,
that’s sometimes difficult to know
because you don’t quite know
where its landing, “ Ambar said,
“but part of the work that we have
to do is to try to look in a thoughtful way, in an introspective way,
about the work that we’re doing
around our academic programs and
the time to do that is not in any crisis, the time to do that is when
you’re healthy and strong so you
can do it in a thoughtful way.”
The full service management
consulting firm Cedar Crest hired
to conduct the APR is Stevens
Strategy, LLC, who specializes in
the process of strategic change in
colleges, universities and school.
Stevens Strategy will take into
consideration if the college programs are being utilized in the best
was as well as making recommendations about what to do about programs that have less of a presence
in the College’s scope. Mr. Brendan Leonard is the consultant
working with Cedar Crest on this
Over a two month period, the
Department of Institutional Research and Advancement as well as
Human Resources crunched numbers during the tail end of the Fall
2010 semester from data received
from surveys completed by students, faculty and staff, alumnae,
trustees, and prospective students.
Dr. Elizabeth Meade, associate
Provost and professor of Philosophy, stresses that while data presented regarding the college’s
majors and other programs from
Stevens Strategy is important to
consider, it is merely a starting
point for the recommendations and
does not in itself mean which programs will be adjusted.
“The data is just data. It does
not itself produce any conclusions
and so it has to be looked at in context, it has to be looked at carefully,
you know. Sometimes you have to
bring in other information to bear
to understand the data, but that's
the thing that everybody really has
to keep in mind,” Meade said
The faculty-driven process
works in a variety of steps ranging
from analyzing data from the
2009-2010 fiscal year, surveys
given to the college community,
and prospective students to looking
at the different aspects of Cedar
Crest’s programs from the view of
faculty subcommittees. Each of the
four subcommittees involves faculty members as well as support
faculty with Marie Wilde, Director
of Institutional Research and Advancement, as convenor.
Ambar, in an address to the
community during the opening
meeting, explained that while these
ideas may raise emotion in some
members of the College community, that it is the dedication to
Cedar Crest that will put the vision
for the College into perspective.
“Remember that a process
like this is never perfect, and what
I’ve been saying to them a lot is if
you’re looking for perfection and
symmetry, this is not the committee to be on. What you’re looking
for is your best thoughts through
data and research and conversations about what’s the best pathway for [us],” Ambar said. “One of
the things I know about this group
is that you care about Cedar Crest
deeply, you’ve been committed to
it for many of you for many, many
years and it’s with that depth of
commitment and caring and loving
the institution that we’re going to
think about how it should look in
the future and how all those programs should come together.”
Meade elaborates on what the
meaning of APR, which see how
our programs are doing holistically
and seek ways to bring them a
stronger presence.
“[E]ven as a faculty member,
you can feel a little bit uncomfortable about this idea, and I think
we're all as a community invested
for example that all of our programs are very high quality, and I
think that they are, but we're going
to look at data points that will enable us to compare programs,”
Meade said, “so we are, but how is
one program doing on these measures compared to another program.”
As one of the Cedar Crest faculty majority that is not part of the
subcommittee process, Dr. James
Ward, professor of History, Law,
and Politics, hopes that the committees with consider factors other
than pure numbers.
“I would hope that the committee…would look very carefully
and come to its conclusions or recommendations taking into account
qualities and conditions or circumstances that cannot neatly or precisely be quantified and if you
have a group that's working on
quality, it seems to me there needs
to be more involved there than just
numbers, than just these metrics,
but that's one professor's opinion,”
Ward said.
The Program Quality subcommittee stir some concern out of
the other four subcommittees (Mission Centeredness, Marketability,
and Finances) during the open
campus meeting for APR with the
idea of what is the meaning of
‘quality’ since faculty members
strive to uphold solid programs.
See APR, page 3
As Cedar Crest students gear up
for a production of The Vagina
Monologues, they are preparing to
start an important conversation about
female sexuality, rape, abuse, and the
experience of being a woman.
The performance, scheduled for Feb. 25 and 26 at 8 p.m. in
the Samuels Theatre, will be the culmination of the week long celebration of Vulvapalooza on campus.
The Vagina Monologues is an awardwinning play that found its beginning in playwright Eve Ensler's
interviews with hundreds of women.
It shares the voice of each of these
women in a series of monologues
with a purpose larger than that of a
typical comedy or drama.
“Sometimes the pieces are hilarious, other times they are sad, and
sometimes they are uncomfortable,”
says Jessica Heiser, assistant director of the production. “Several of the
pieces are focused on violence
against girls and women. These
range from childhood rape, to the
atrocities that occur to women during wartime. Most people don’t
know that rape is actually used as a
psychological war tactic, even
While the topics brought up in
The Vagina Monologues are largely
ignored by the media, they are ignored by many women, as well.
“Women are afraid to even say the
word vagina. I know I was,” Heiser
says. “Women need to learn how to
love themselves, and their bodies,
and even their vagina because it is
the definitive object of womanhood.”
While the play is empowering,
it demonstrates just how many
women have been victimized. According to the website of V-day, an
organization founded by Ensler, one
out of every three women in the
world will be physically or sexually
abused. The Vagina Monologues is
performed annually to end this violence. The proceeds of this year’s
production at Cedar Crest will benefit the International V-Day campaign, Turning Point of the Lehigh
Valley, and Crime Victims Council,
all of which work to improve the
lives of women here and across the
As the performance raises
funds, it will also raise awareness.
Heiser dedicates her work on this
year's production to a friend who
was raped and murdered in November.
See Vag Mons, page 14
Morgan Keschl, Editor
2012 government
budget released
Athletics Editor
President Obama’s 2012 budget
cut may severely decrease government spending and reduce deficits
by billions over a decade.
According to CNN Money, the
budget cuts cover many different
fronts that covers the fiscal year
spending up until Sept. 30. Places
that will be affected are airports,
heat subsidies for the poor, water
treatment plants and Pell grants.
Overall, half of the government
agencies in place currently will see
their funding reduced from its current levels.
Government officials there
were many tough decisions that had
to be made involving where to cut
the different budget cuts. For example, cutting budgets for low income
heating was one of those tough decisions, which is sure to anger people affected. The American Gas
Association, estimates that 3.2 billion households and nine million individuals would be affected if
funding was taken away from this
However, with this budget cut,
$33 billion could be saved in 2012
alone. The general public and government agencies are not the only
ones being affected with the 2012
budget changes. College students
studying for their undergraduate degree as well as those in school for
their graduate degrees will feel the
The current amount of the Pell
Grant available to students in undergraduate degrees is $5,500. With the
new budget cuts, there would be additional money through Pell Grants
available to financially assist nine
million more students.
However, the budget cut does
not help all students. Graduate students who were taking out loans
during their time in school would
not get as much funding. Currently,
graduate students incur no interest
while they are still enrolled in
school. If the 2012 budget passes,
their interest would start accumulating the entire time that they are in
school. In addition to affecting
Graduate students, Pell Grants
would no longer be available to students who were enrolled in summer
A surprising area that would
also be affected by budget cuts
would be American defense. The defense budget cuts would cut down
spending in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The final numbers are estimated to
be five percent below the current
amount being spend on the “War on
Terror.” The five percent change
would happen in two ways, the
drawback of American forces on
foreign soil as well as $78 billion in
cuts that were identified by the Pentagon.
Conservationists will also feel
the impact of the changes, with a 25
percent cut to programs concerning
the conservation of the Great Lakes,
stated BBC News in an article.
Through much opposition, Obama
stated it was important to “walk the
walk” when it comes to fiscal discipline. In addition to that comment,
Obama is requiring greater efficiency from government programs
and also plans to sell 14,000 government buildings.
So far, the US is only one of
two countries who expect its deficit
to rise this year, instead of fall. In
addition, Obama made a statement
holding the United States accountable for its monetary spending saying, “We must live within our
means.” According to Yahoo News,
Republicans are expected to counter
Obama’s plan with their own by
Cedar Crest College,
100 College Dr.,
Allentown, Pa. 18104
Editor-in-Chief | Dannah Hartman
Managing Editor | Alyssa Slinger
Advertising Manager | Nicole Magloire
Front Page Editor | Katey Dauble
News Editor | Morgan Keschl
Opinions Editor | Sarajane Sein
Lifestyles Editor | Dannah Hartman
Smith Bill has yet to
omit ‘forcible’ language
Opinions Editor
In recent weeks, many groups have
united in outcry against language that appeared to restrict federal abortion coverage
in cases of rape in the No Tax-Payer Funding for Abortion Bill, also known as the
“Smith Bill” after its sponsor, New Jersey
Representative Chris Smith.
Under the proposed bill, coverage was
seemingly narrowed to cases of “forcible
rape,” neglecting cases of incest, statutory
rape, or other sexual crimes.
The offending language has now been
removed. In the original bill, the phrase
“forcible rape” was never defined, making
the term potentially subjective. Instead, the
bill has returned to the language used in the
“ If they keep the law the same,
it’s going to affect a lot of people.”
-Corporal Craig S. Fisher
Campus Police
1976 Hyde Amendment, which prohibited
Medicaid and other federally funded programs from funding abortions, unless they
are “necessary to save the life of the mother
or […] the pregnancy is the result of an act
of rape or incest.”
However, despite the language of the
controversial original bill, many may have
been confused about the consequences of
the possible law.
“It won’t affect any state and federal
laws on the crime itself,” Corporal Craig S.
Fisher of the Campus Police said. “In law
enforcement the federal government sets a
standard, but it’s up to states to make up
their own laws. You can’t go below their
In the state of Pennsylvania, the crime
of rape includes any sexual intercourse that
occurs in a “forcible compulsion or threat
of forcible compulsion,” while the victim
is unaware or unconscious, if the victim
has been given drugs or “intoxicants” without being aware of it, if the victim has a
mental disability that makes them unable
to consent, or if the victim is under the age
of thirteen. Regardless of the passage or
denial of any federal statute, these laws
will remain the same.
“Pennsylvania takes it seriously,”
Fisher said, noting that the definitions in
the Criminal Code are unlikely ever to be
changed. However, he also voiced his concerns about the language originally in the
bill, stating that only 27 percent of sexual
assaults are perpetuated by strangers and
would likely covered under a definition of
“forcible” assault.
“If they keep the law the same, it’s
going to affect a lot of people,” in a negative way, he said.
The new version of the bill, officially
named HR3, now reads, in part (according
to open congress), “No health care service
furnished,” by the government, “may include abortion […] [unless] […] the pregnancy occurred because the pregnant
female was the subject of an act of forcible
rape or, if a minor, an act of incest; or […]
in the case where the pregnant female suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness that would, as
certified by a physician, place the pregnant
female in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or
arising from the pregnancy itself.”
However, this version of the bill appears to have not yet been modified to include the removal of the “forcible”
language. Time can only tell whether, despite the removal of the wording, the Smith
Bill may continue to still be a highly debated and controversial piece of legislation.
In the Feb. 10 issue of The Crestiad, there was no photo credit given to the
“Bigs and Lils Celebrate Superbowl Sunday” photo story. Vanessa Chatelain,
Staff Writer, took all the photos.
The Crestiad Spring 2011
Assistant Lifestyles Editor | Amy Palmisano
Features Editor | Nicole Magloire
Study Break Editor | Alyssa Slinger
Photo Editor | Megan Cronrath
Photo Editor | Katey Dauble
Arts Editor | Allie Scott
Assistant Arts Editor | Rachel Morgandale
Phone 610-606-4666 Ext. 3331
[email protected]
Athletics Editor | Michelle Palmisano
Assistant Athletics Editor | Stacy Williams
Faculty Adviser | Elizabeth Ortiz
Copy Editors: Alyssa Slinger, Jessica Kuc,
Sarajane Sein
Staff Writers: Jade Abston, Roxanne Addino,
Jess Bolluyt, Meg Borascius,
Valayshia Brookins, Sam Buker,Vanessa Chatelain,
Danielle Freeman, Lakeema Jones, Stacey Stangl
The Crestiad is a student run newspaper organization. It publishes one edition every week throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, available both in print and online at Its primary goals are to keep students informed about events and issues of concern to the Cedar Crest community and to provide staff members
with an on-campus internship-quality media experience.
Students participating in The Crestiad may receive academic credit for their participation. The final responsibility for news content and decisions rests with the editorial staff.
The Crestiad is the student-run newspaper of Cedar Crest College and every member of the community is entitled to one copy free of charge. Additional copies of the paper are
Questions or concerns?
If you have any questions about The Crestiad or concerns regarding content, please call the editorial staff and leave a message by phone, fax, mail or e-mail.
February 17, 2010 | 3
Allentown house explosion
under extended invesgaon
In the News
Assistant Athletics Editor
Members of the UGI company as well as the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) are currently investigating the cause
of the Allentown house explosion on Wednesday, Feb. 9 that cost five
The PPUC is investigating for any state or federal code violations . The UGI company, based in Reading, PA, is seeking help in
determining the cause of the explosion by cooperating with the government and utilizing an independently-owned forensics laboratory in
New Jersey, according to UGI representative Joe Swope
says that "As of Tuesday that area was clean," and that "We received
no gas leak calls; we received no gas odor calls " the night before the
blaze. The company removed a cracked gas pipe on Monday, Feb. 14,
but representatives say the investigation process may take some time.
According to reports, the Allentown explosion is the third deadly
natural gas line fire to occur in the United States over the past few
Courtesy | Karen Sanchez
months. On Jan.18, a natural gas explosion occurred in Northeast
Philadelphia, killing a gas company worker and injuring five people, Firefighters bale the blaze during the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 9 as people come
three of them in critical conditions. Then, in Sept, in Northern Cali- to watch the progress.
fornia in the city of San Bruno, a 44-year-old gas transmission line ruptured owned by PG&E Gas & Electric Co. exploded, killing eight night and lasted into the early hours of the next morning as firefighters
had to fight through snow and ice to stop an underground pipeline which
people, injuring dozens and leaving 55 homes inhabitable.
The various teams conducting the Allentown investigations and re- was the source of the never ending blaze. Due to the weather, this
placing damaged pipes with new ones and equipping them with acces- process became drawn out and tedious.
Cedar Crest College was affected as well as the neighboring area
sible turn on and off valves for easy shut off of gas during incidents as
campus experienced a minor blackout during the time of the exsuch. This is a major project at hand and the city of Allentown is in for
this change following this tragedy.
According to the authorities, at least six homes are unsalvageable,
The five victims are a couple, a 79-year-old man and his 69-yearold wife, Matthew Vega, a four-month-old boy, Katherine Cruz, a 16 two homes of the victims are completely leveled and a total of 47 homes
year old girl and mother of Vega and Ofelia Ben, grandmother of Cruz. and 20 businesses were damaged by either the explosion, ice, or fire.
The American Red Cross is accepting donations such as money,
These victims are from the two families who lived in the two neighfood,
and clothing for the 13 families affected.
boring townhouses destroyed in the eruption.
The explosion hit the neighborhood at 10:45 p.m. on Wednesday
From APR, page 1
The Quality subcommittee’s mission is to review the data given by
quality of programs, faculty, instruction, and advising as well as student selectivity and satisfaction. Out of the community survey, the 85 percent
majority of the 1,513 respondents were current students and alumnae, followed by faculty, prospective students and trustees.
While the review tactics are complex with large amounts of data and
other considerations, Ward realizes that other institutions go this route and
that reviewing academic programs is vital to the mission of higher education.
“A small private liberal arts college like Cedar Crest is undertaking
this process and others and so too are the most eminent institutions of
higher education, from Harvard University on down, and they are doing
this kind of self-assessment and this kind of future planning as we speak.
It's apart of the landscape or part of the ball game that we are all involved
in,” Ward said.
While many faculty members are involved in the review process, students make up a significant portion of input, which Meade finds noteworthy.
“I think one of the things that we were all really proud is the rate of
student response was really good and I thought that was a really good indication of how committed the students are to the academic program. I
personally thought that was really great,” Meade said.
Considering student involvement along with a variety of faculty,
alumnae, trustees and prospective students, Dr. Kim Spiezio, Dean of the
School of Adult and Graduate Education (SAGE) sees the review as a time
of strong community involvement.
“Not only does it prompt you to look closely at what you're doing
and where you want to go, but it's also a wonderful vehicle for helping
faculty and staff and administrators and students get to know one another,”
Spiezio said. “A lot of what we do academically we do sort of in these
cloistered environments where you do political science or you do biology,
and you don't do other things, and this is an opportunity for the whole
campus community to essential take a look at what everyone else is doing
and I think that brings us all together in the long run.”
Also taking into account the current place of Cedar Crest, Ambar’s
idea of reviewing programs in strength coincides with Spiezio’s outlook
as well.
“[T]his is a wonderful time to be doing this with still a new president
in place, brand new provost, lots of new faces in terms of the administration, many new faculty, and…coming in the midst of a strategic plan that's
got us thinking about the next 10 years, the time is really right for this kind
of review and reflection of where we are and where we're headed,” Spiezio
The APR will have two more sessions on March 22 and April 19 with
recommendations due to President Ambar by mid-April. The meeting on
March with discuss recommendations by the faculty subcommittees, and
the April 19 meeting will the final recommendations. Students are encouraged to attend the meetings and voice their opinion once the data has
been further analyzed, as Meade explains.
“It's really important, I hope everyone participates and comes to the
appropriate people with questions if they have them. We want it to be a really open process,” Meade said.“ I just want the students to be aware that
it's going on, that it's important, and if they want to know more about it,
they can come to the faculty who are the heads of the subgroups, they can
come to me, they can come to Marie Wilde with any questions that they
APR subcommittees
The Academic Program Review (APR) committees and members include the following:
Subcommittee members:
Subcommittee members:
Dr. Robert Wilson, Professor
Chris Duelfer, Dr. Audrey Ettinger, and Dr. Martine Scannavino
Steven Cassel, Director of Student Financial Services, and
Kerri Puskar, Director of Marketing/Communications and
Dr. Gaetan Giannini, Kate
Carannante, Dr. John Cigliano,
and Dr. Patrick Ratchford
Dr. Kimberly Owens, Senior
Executive Vice President of
Enrollment, Management, and
Student Affairs, and Dr. Kim
Spiezio, Dean of the School for
Adult and Graduate Education
Program Quality
Subcommittee members:
Dr. Nancy DalPezzo, Dr.
Nancy King, Christine Nowik,
Professor Jill Odegaard, and
Dr. Jane Ward
Dr. Elizabeth Meade, associate
Provost, and Provost Dr. Betty
Financial Viability
Subcommittee members:
Dr. Kerrie Baker, Professor
Roxanne Amico, Dr. Maynard
Cressman, Dr. Pamela Kistler,
and Dean Dr. Denise O’Neill
Audra Kahr, Chief Financial
Nicole Magloire
Inmate smuggles 30 items in
A Florida inmate received
more than just a jail sentence
after officials discovered he was
trying to smuggle 30 items into
the jail. Lansing was charged
with drug possession after 17
blue pills and a cigarette were
found in his rectum. The items
found in his rectum also included six matches, a flint, a syringe, lip balm, an unused
condom, and a receipt from
CVS. Lansing allegedly had all
of the items up his rectum the
entire time he was before the
Man proposes to girlfriend
with bus ad
Kalamets was surprised to see
the ad on the side of a bus that
passed her on Valentine’s Day.
On the side of the bus was an ad
that had a message on it directed
at her that read “Laura will you
marry me? Mark.” Kalamets
replied positively to the question and is now engaged. The ad
will stay on the side of the bus
Wife stops tiger attack with
wooden ladle spoon
A woman in northern
Malaysia rescued her husband
from a tiger attack by beating
the tiger on a head with a
wooden ladle spoon. The
woman, who is 55 years of age,
chased after the tiger after she
heard her husband screaming
for his life. The tiger pounced
on the woman’s husband while
he was hunting squirrels in a
jungle settlement near their
home. MSNBC reports that the
man said that if it would not
have been for his wife chasing
off the tiger, he would of died.
Ex porn star launches ‘Talent
Agency’ for celeb mistresses
Former porn star Gina Rodriquez just recently launched a
talent agency representing the
ex-lovers of celebrities. Rodriquez reports that her first
client was Joslyn James, one of
the women that claimed to have
had an affair with Tiger Woods.
The agency is called DD entertainment and the women on the
roster are infamous for questionable behavior they have
been involved in with celebrities. Rodriquez is reported as
having a short affair with actor
David Boreanaz, star of Bones.
Boreanaz denies the affair.
February 17, 2010 | 4
Events in Egypt do not halt
Cedar Crest Study Abroad faculty
Staff Writer
Studying abroad provides students with
the opportunity to experience new cultures,
see the world and discover themselves. “You
cannot imagine how the experience of studying abroad will change you until you have
done it,” Dr. Jenny Weatherford, Director of
Global Initiatives and International Programs, said.
With the recent media coverage of conflicts in Egypt, students may have begun to
reconsider the possibility of going abroad.
With the chance that this has become the perspective for some, Weatherford said “We
need to consider the way western media portrays things.”
While there is a volatiles and historic
event occurring in Egypt, Weatherford explains that “Studying abroad is not dangerous
at all. If you sit at home and worry about all
the political issues, you will never go anywhere.” She also adds that “We would not
send students to a country with travel warnings.”
To help students gain more perspective
on this foreign conflict that has them feeling
travel tentative, Dr. James Ward, Professor of
History, Law, and Politics, explains his belief
about what is going on in Egypt.
“Revolutions—no one sees them com-
ing, and after they’re over everyone has an
The conflict may not be fully understood
now, as Ward explains, but what is known
should be recognized.
“One thing that the last two-and-a-half
weeks in Egypt has proven is that the old
adage, democracy is "unnatural" to the Arab
world, no longer has much credibility. What
we saw in Liberation Square was democracy
in action, being practiced by the anonymous
hundreds of thousands who stood firm in
their protests against a regime that was both
repressive and corrupt,” Ward said.
As Ward points out, it is important to
recognize what is positive about the Egyptian conflict and how their actions are foreshadowing the future.
“What was most striking about the Cairo
protests was how broad-based they were: students, university graduates, educated professionals, shopkeepers and businessmen,
eventually even workers… Not all protests or
revolutionary movements are so pluralistic,
another reason for some confidence that the
Egyptians will get it ‘right,’” Ward said.
Dr. Allen Richardson, Professor of Social Sciences, agrees, “What has happened in
Egypt over the last 19 days is nothing short of
remarkable. We have witnessed a non-violent, grass roots movement for change. Its
success was a product of the determination of
the Egyptian people who
for the first time in 5000
years of history have laid
the foundations for a democratic republic. This is a
beginning - there is still a
long way to go.”
Richardson has taken
many students to Egypt in
the past, and both Richardson and Weatherford hope
that the trip planned for
January 2012 will still be
taken. Travelling to Egypt
next year may give students
the chance to be a part of a
much larger piece of hisCourtesy | Allen Richardson
tory than ever imagined—
immersing themselves in Above: Photo of the Sphinx in Egypt, taken during a Study Abroad trip
the transformation taking by Dr. Allen Richardson, professor of the Social Sciences.
place in Egypt.
of years after the Wall came down, I someWeatherford commented that “Most stu- times stopped and asked myself, "Is this such
dents say they learn about themselves, not a good idea?" But almost always I pressed on,
just about the country.”
and what I got to see or discover....”
Keeping that in mind, she does not beRichardson’s advice is to move forward
lieve the Egyptian affairs will deter students to achieve your goals.
from future travels.
“Don't be afraid to reach out to fulfill
As Ward reflected on his own travels your dreams! College is the very time that
abroad, he said that, “Giving in to apprehen- you should be traveling and expanding your
sion, whether exaggerated or not, is a dead horizons. Find the country or countries that
end. When I was wandering the streets of excite and interest you the most,” Richardson
what used to be East Berlin in the first couple said.
ATTENTION SENIORS! Sudan to be newest
country in Africa
Do you want to advertise
your Senior Research and Presentations in The Crestiad at a
special student rate?
For the remainder of the semester, prices will be
as follows for students looking to advertise for their
research or presentations:
In Study Break
For more information, email The Crestiad at
[email protected] or Business Manager
Nicole Magloire at [email protected].
Staff Writer
Last month, Sudan voted to form
Africa’s newest state and the world’s newest
nation , as the chairman of the Southern
Sudan Referendum Commission said that
98.83 percent voted for this separation, while
only 1.17 percent voted for unity.
The Sudan is the continent’s largest nation, divided by a mountain range creating
northern and southern worlds within one
country. Civil wars between the north and
south have cost the lives of over one million
Darfur is the western region of Sudan
that has gotten the most news coverage for
many years now because of the mass crimes
against humanity that are ongoing there. The
conflicts in Sudan, and Darfur in particular,
have put a strain on relations with surrounding countries and there have been fears that a
regional war could arise.
Much of Sudan’s war-torn history stems
from religious conflict between the north and
south, which began after the country gained
independence from Egypt in the 1950s. The
first civil war lasted for more than fifteen
years and transitioned into a second civil war
because of continuing political and military
The decades of war and conflict found
there have left south Sudan in need of serious
restoration. Omar Bashir, the ruling president
since 1989, is wanted on both genocide and
war crimes charges related to the conflict in
Darfur. His strict rule has given south Sudan
limited sovereignty pushing them to make
their most recent decision to move for full in-
The United States, and the rest of the
world, intends to recognize them as an independent state by July of this year. Obama said
in a statement, “After decades of conflict, the
images of millions of southern Sudanese voters deciding their own future was an inspiration to the world and another step forward in
Africa’s long journey toward justice and
Louis Makor, an activist from the south,
shared his happiness in saying, "We have
gained our rights, our self-determination, and
I hope the best for both southern and northern
Sudanese. And we will remain brothers."
Not everyone agrees, though. Northerner Al-Razy Yassin said, "I believed that
our strength is in our diversity. This means
the failure of the Sudanese national state, and
I fear what might come."
There are at least two necessary conditions for a country to come independent; the
first is that the former ruling authority has to
recognize the new independent country and
the second, there must be general recognition
of the new independent country from other
countries. The southern Sudanese were lucky
to see fairly little restraint in both of these
Before they can officially become independent, though, there are many issues that
the two regions of Sudan need to address. It
is believed that the north and south will continue to have strong relations, though, so currency, resources and citizenship issues will be
taken care of, smoothly and successfully.
*Information from Southern Sudanese
Referendum Commission, CNN and BBC.
Sarajane Sein, Editor
Leer to the editor:
Reflecng on The Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monologues, through hilarious and heartbreaking accounts, encompasses women’s deepest concerns and experiences about our sexuality. The monologues
relate stories that range from the first time a woman comes
in contact with her vagina to unwanted contact from an unwanted person.
These stories give voices to many women who have
been subject to the absurd social perception that females
should not be expressive about their sexuality; there is no
law that prohibits women from expressing themselves or
from talking about their sexual experiences and what that
means from a woman perspective, but society has put such
a ridiculous taboo on the public expression of women sexuality that some of us grow up thinking that is not okay to
talk about our bodies or sexual experiences to someone that
is not ourselves.
Eve Ensler, the author of The Vagina Monologues,
who was able to get more than 200 women to express their
most secret and sometimes traumatic experiences, lived in
a world that perceives the female body as a tool. It is extremely important to understand that this play is not just
talking about the vagina; its message is far from abstract.
This play brings awareness to some of the things we know,
but sometimes forget. For example, according to the Rape,
Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), a woman is
raped every two minutes in America alone; college women
are four times more likely to be sexually assaulted. These
statistics are easy to forget if one only has numbers to remember, the monogues give these statistics a human form.
The monologue “My Vagina Was My Village” tells the
testimonies of Bosnian women that are subject to rape, the
voices of these Bosnian women is something that is impossible to forget. The ability to bring awareness and compassion is in my opinion one of the greatest achievement
the play holds and the almost magical sentiments it brings
to its public.
All the monologues transmit a clear message, whether
you related to it or not, it makes you laugh, or in many
cases it makes you cry. The first monologue, titled “Hair,”
is uniquely interesting because its main idea is something
that most of the time never crosses our minds. Hair in a
women’s body is biologically natural but in order to be
more “lady-like” we have to remove it, sometimes for the
satisfaction of others.
In the following monologue, titled “The Flood,” an
older women uses comedy to relate the traumatic experience of her first orgasm. Aside from the hilarious account,
there was something else more obvious but less funny, the
ability of one traumatic event to shape someone’s life forever. In this monologue, an orgasm was the traumatic
event, but in others is rape, or abuse that becomes the life
In “The Vagina Workshop,” a woman tells the story of
the journey that led her to become one with her body, and
the moment where she was able to feel pleasure from this
awareness. In my opinion, I think that one of the messages
of this monologue is to tell women that it is okay to be in
touch with our sexuality, that it is important for women to
take the time to know their own bodies. “Because He liked
to Look at It” was another monologue that had a similar
meaning as “The Vagina Workshop.” In “Because He liked
to Look at It” the performer recalls how she was never interested in examining her vagina, to her it was just something that comes along with being a female. Not until she
met Bob who looked at her with other eyes and saw the
beauty that her eyes were blocking. Both monologues share
the quest that many women have in becoming familiar with
their bodies, they also share the one factor that stood out the
most for me and it was the positive assurance that both
women got from someone else and the positive impact that
it had in their lives.
It is inevitable to be drawn towards other people opinion but it’s important not to let those opinions become how
we look at ourselves. I think we should always try to define
ourselves before letting someone else do it for us. This is
very important in women’s lives because throughout time
we have been marked by societies perceptions of how
women should behave and look like.
“Reclaiming ‘Cunt’” was particularly amusing because it reiterates my belief that words are just words and
is humans that give the meaning to them. This word is usually used to degrade women and make them feel like sexual objects, but “cunt” is just a word, and if I wanted to
give it another meaning I could. That was exactly what the
monologue showed; it presented different ways in which
we can eliminate the negative meaning people have added
to it.
One of the last monologues was “I was There in the
Room,” and this account was very uplifting and metaphorical, here, the vagina is compared to the heart; it is also capable of scarifying like the heart does. This sacrifice is the
birth of a child and the love and joy one feels when this is
experienced or witness.
The last monologue was for me the saddest and most
emotional one, “A Teenage Girl’s Guide To Surviving Sex
Slavery.” In this monologue, three teenagers are explaining
to another girl what to do and not to do while being captive.
This is something that happens regularly in the Democratic
Republic of Congo and it is sad that it happens so regularly
that survivors are able to tell what to do and not to do.
In overall the play and its contents are fascinating, educational and entertaining. Its accounts were first written in
1996, and everything continues to be relevant today, its stories are shaped to women’s current status and issues. The
development of V-Day has facilitated the means in which
we can fight violence, racism, and oppression against all
women. As a woman it is important to me to become
knowledgeable of all the problems that affect us, it is also
important to understand ways in which one can help or just
get involve. I think The Vagina Monologues groups all the
qualities for an epical work that serves as entertainment as
well as a social movement against violence.
Kenia Valdez
Junior Psychology major and Theater minor
Café Cultured:
Kindles and computers uninvited
Staff Writer
No e-books with your coffee? In some cafés, if you sit
down after ordering a cappuccino and take out a kindle to
read The Great Gatsby, an employee may ask you to put the
reader away.
It's not the literature, but the technology used to
put that literature on a screen that's supposedly disruptive to
the café's environment. Even when the guy at the next table
is reading Tender is the Night.
Does technology really change our relationship
with literature, or the act of reading a book? Actually, it
does. But not in a way antithetical to the culture of the café,
which has been been the gathering-place for centuries of
readers, writers, thinkers, and conversationalists.
Take The Great Gatsby. After reading the novel on
your kindle or iPad, you can review themes and symbols
with the online SparkNotes, consult critical articles from library databases, or google “F. Scott Fitzgerald” for a quick
biography. We could do all of this with a trip to the library,
but would you? With an iPad and a Wifi hot spot, our thinking about the book is much less likely to end with the book.
Film, also a form of “technology,” helps us to understand literature. Many great books also exist as classic
films which, alternately, closely follow, subtly reinterpret,
or completely re-imagine the original stories and characters.
An example is the 2009 film Where the Wild Things Are,
based on Maurice Sendak's famous 1963 book. The film
takes the simple, fanciful story of the book as a starting point
and reinvents it with new places, events, and characters. The
most significant addition is the humanity that transforms the
wild things from simple monsters to substantive characters.
That new humanity informs our interpretation not only of
the film, but of the book as well.
Technology helps us to understand the humanity
that is central to literature. In Stephen Chbosky's The Perks
of Being a Wallflower, Charlie makes a mix-tape of songs by
The Smiths, Procol Harum, and The Beatles. Once we read
the list of songs in the book, we look them up. We do so to
understand the character of Charlie, and ultimately the technology that we use to listen to his mix-tape, whether a cassette tape or a YouTube playlist, is important for its utility in
revealing the genuine humanity of the character.
When we understand a character, it's oddly like understanding a real person. Significant pieces of literature
document connections between people, people with whom
we connect as well. If technology blocks these connections,
it inhibits our appreciation of literature. But if technology
connects us to literature, it can also help literature connect
us. Reading a book, on paper or on a screen, is a common
experience that can be discussed. A poem has the same capacity to be quoted whether it was discovered, loved, and
memorized in a corner of the library, on an obscure website,
Sarajane Sein| Opinions Editor
The standard textbook, as seen above, is not incompable with
or in the movie theater. Literature connects the world.
Written language itself was once a new technology. Its merit lies in its singular ability to circulate ideas,
emotions, and experiences. These are the most true and the
most human parts of life. They are why we enjoy good literature in the first place, and why literature inhabits our
lives. And a good book will always be well complemented
by a hot cup of coffee, whether ordered “for here” or “to
February 17, 2011 | 6
Facebook reveals more than your face
News Editor
After Cedar Crest’s winter break, many
of my friends told me to create a Facebook,
since MySpace is becoming increasingly obsolete. I told them maybe at another time.
After recently coming across articles that
debunk professional techniques, the idea of
creating a Facebook has become less appealing. Facebook has the guilty-pleasure appeal
of 90’s pop music, but now it seems more of
a social risk than listening to Alanis Morrisette. The key to an online site is discretion,
which many people, and perhaps myself, will
falter on time and again.
The article, entitled “You've been
tagged! (Then again, maybe not): Employers
and Facebook” by William P. Smith and Deborah L. Kidder, gives the reader a peak into
what human resource managers do in regards
to job candidates’ Facebook accounts and exposes some of their arguably unlawful behavior. Published in the September/October 2010
issue of Business Horizons, the article explains that even though only 15 percent of
human resource managers in their survey
used social networking sites, 40 percent considered using it in the future. Since these statistics were from 2007, there is little doubt
where their eyes are looking now for credibility in their candidates.
Traditionally, resumes and background
checks were what determined if an individual
received a job, but with the expanse of social
networking sites like Facebook, the opportunity to snoop is tempting, especially if the HR
managers or the business has an account and
are familiar with the site.
If an HR manager manages to find a candidate’s Facebook, and if it is a public profile,
they will be able to see this person’s interests,
A Facebook profile, the default photo for which
is seen above, can bring unforeseen career consequences.
attributes, and hobbies---to name a few aspects---and may base their opinion on
whether they agree that these portrayals are
right for their company or not, according to
the “You’ve Been Tagged” article. Despite the
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) being in
place, which requires that job applicants give
consent to background checks, going onto a
person’s Facebook or other site can give an
informal “background check,” which may
cause legal issues if the person becomes
aware. The article addresses that even when
a profile is set to “private,” “HR managers
can request to be ‘friended’ by the job applicant…These connections can be used to initiate reference and background checks.” There
is virtually no way to avoid if someone wants
to take a quick peak at your profile.
An incident discussed in the article was
about a male applicant for a New York-based
nonprofit organization being overlooked for
a job “because his Facebook page cited extensive romantic exploits in addition to an interest in violent films; he was deemed a poor
fit for the organization.” From this man’s
oblivious experience that other people share
(maybe not so much the “extensive romantic
exploits”), it is a wonder what HR people will
cite as an excuse not to hire someone.
But what about those who pose with a
container of alcohol or make a provocative
joke? They will most likely be assigned to the
same fate. Still, those who post these images
may have control over their content, while
others may have such things posted about
them, which is more or less out of their control. Whether tagged in a photo or subject to
unpredictable comments, there is a multitude
of aspects to think about your online and social behavior.
Some people may even post exaggerated
content to make themselves seem more intriguing or like the norm, which may cost
them their dream job in the name of social
norms. While these ideas are brought to light
in the “You’ve Been Tagged” article, along
with the idea of creating these profiles to promote identity and attract more people like
them, it is not the best idea when considering
your profession endeavors.
Not only do professionals watch over potential employees’ profiles, but insurance
companies are getting in on the sites as well.
According to an article by Shan Li entitled
“Insurers Not Looking for New Friends” included in The Morning Call, insurance companies are looking on Facebook and other
social networking sites for signs of fraud, as
fraud accounts for $80 billion a year in the industry. As John Beals, attorney of Piering
Law Firm, explains, “Insurance companies
will ‘Bring up anything--- photos of you
drinking to prove that you have bad character…Even if it’s unrelated, just impression
that you are doing something wrong can sink
a case.’”
Tom Lavin, an attorney for Nathalie
Blanchard, a women whose insurance payments were dropped when her insurance company noticed pictures of her “frolicking” at
the beach after she left work for depression,
says “The whole thing is just symptomatic of
technology running ahead of people who are
using it…Society has not come to terms with
how to manage social networking.” Indeed,
people must wise-up and consciously consider their actions, especially since so many
people could potentially be watching.
What is the fate of those without a social
networking site? These people, myself included, have a mixed fate. It seems that people who do not have a Facebook are at a
disadvantage as well, because there are positives associated with Facebook that employers can also find online. As Smith and Kidder
explain in “You’ve Been Tagged,” “The selection process can clearly be skewed in either direction, based on using Facebook
information -- favorable or unfavorable.” An
employer may be able to see positive attributes that may have not made it onto the resume, such as foreign language skills and a
positive attitude. For those who do not have a
Facebook and must go against other applicants, they may be at a disadvantage for not
having this site available and therefore their
full range of attributes may not be realized.
Still, being a young adult in college may
prompt me to make some unwise decisions
about what I post on my website, and rather
than taking that chance, I live without a Facebook. In the future, I may consider creating
one, but I’m seeking a different identity---a
professional one. Once I settle on an internship or perhaps a job, and provided that Facebook is still running, you may very well see
my face, and many facets. The key to a personal website is to use discretion and think
about who may be watching.
Plea-bargaining a “deal with the devil”
Staff Writer
Coral Eugene Watts, also known as
the “Sunday Morning Slasher,” is believed to have committed more murders
than Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and
John Wayne Gacy combined. At the age
of 15, Watts was institutionalized after he
brutally attacked a woman during his
paper route in which he continued on
with his day as if nothing happened. In
an interview done by TruTV, Watt’s psychiatrist wrote that Watts was an “impulsive
passive-aggressive orientation to life”
and who is “struggling for control of
strong homicidal impulses. He believed
Coral was a danger to society.”
Watts continued on his rampage,
leaving a trail of unsolved murders from
Detroit to Michigan and finally Texas
most of which had been linked to Watts
but lacked substantial evidence. On May
23, 1982, Watts was finally caught after
fleeing the scene of his last two surviving victims, Lori Lister and Melinda
On the day that Watts was to go on
trial for the attempted murders of Lister
and Aguilar a plea bargain was struck
with the Houston district attorney. According to 60 Minutes, “In exchange for
a guilty plea to ‘burglary with the intent
to commit murder” and a 60-year prison
sentence, Watts offered to confess to 12
unsolved homicides in Texas if he was
given immunity for them.” However,
Watts was able to lessen his sentence
even more when the Texas Appeal Courts
ruled in his favor on a technicality. He
was now considered a “non-violent” inmate and was accredited 2-3 days sentence reduction for every one day served.
Watts had admitted if he was let out of
prison, he would kill again and now he
would be released after serving just 24
years of a 60 year sentence.
There are two set of values - crime
control and due process perspective which are regarded as priorities. Crime
control focuses on controlling crime,
even if it means intruding upon civil liberties. It focuses on moving as many offenders through the system as possible.
The main goal is make sure that criminals are dealt with as soon as possible
rather than later. Due process perspective is more concerned about the people
and their rights. It examines the facts and
believes special needs should be given to
a case.
In Watt’s case it is an example of
why crime control should not be heavily
relied upon. Plea bargaining is a method
often used in crime control. The diction-
ary defines it as “an agreement between a
prosecutor and a defendant whereby the
defendant is allowed to plead guilty to a
lesser charge rather than risk conviction
for a graver crime in order to avoid a protracted trial or to win the defendant's cooperation as a witness.” Although in
Watts ‘case, because of the deal they
were able to uncover three additional
grave sites and he confessed to other
murders, but he was unable to be tried
because he was granted immunity. One
criticism of plea bargaining is that it undermines the integrity of the criminal justice system. Another criticism is that it
allows criminals who would be charged
with a harsher sentence to be given a
more lenient sentence.
In this case, plea bargaining backfired, and Watts would go down in history as the first convicted serial killer to
be released from prison.
Luckily, the State of Michigan was
finally able to charge Watts with murder,
and he received a life sentence. It’s not to
say that plea bargaining is a method often
used in cases concerning serial killers. In
Watts’s cases, it was used to uncover
more victims and give peace to family
members but it raises the concern that
plea bargaining may not always work in
favor of the courts.
Pennsylvania Minimum Sentencing
Possibly as a result of cases such as Watts’, the
state of PA carries these minimum sentencing
- First degree murder, or murder of a law enforcement official, requires life imprisonment or
a death sentence.
- Second degree murder of a law enforcement official requires life imprisonment.
- Assault by a prisoner serving a life sentence requires a life imprisonment sentence.
- Drug delivery resulting in death requires a sentence of at least five years.
- A third conviction for a violent crime requires
25 years imprisonment.
- Rape requires at least five years imprisonment.
Compiled by Sarajane Sein
Source: Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing
Dannah Hartman, Editor
Wal-Mart announces plan to sell
healthier, more affordable food
Staff Writer
With the economy suffering, many
people have had to change their
lifestyles, especially when it comes to
the food they buy. But now one of the
largest grocery store chains in the country has now announced that they will
make their food healthier and affordable.
Wal-Mart has collaborated with
the first lady, Michelle Obama and her
Let’s Move campaign and has created
a five year plan to start this trend in
their stores.
As one of the largest grocery store
chains, serving about 140 million consumers in a week. Leslie Dach, who is
the executive vice president of corporate affairs stated “ “To more and more
of our customers, living better means
the ability to walk into our stores and
find foods that will help their families
live healthier lives, and importantly, to
find these foods at prices they can afford."
The company plans to make several of its packaged foods lower in fats
and sugars and unhealthy salts. They
also plan to drop the price of their fruits
and vegetables. They also plan to lower
trans fats, sugars, and sodium in a variety of foods such as rice, soups, canned
beans, salad dressings, and a variety of
snacks. These changes will be made to
the Great Value, which is the company’s house brand.
According to the New York Times
“Because Wal-Mart sells more groceries than any other company in the
country, and because it is such a large
purchaser of foods produced by national suppliers, nutrition experts say
the changes could have a big impact on
the affordability of healthy food and the
health of American families and children.” Many experts believe that this
company has as much power as federal
regulators to help shape the marketplace. The director of the Food Policy
Institute at Rutgers, William K. Hallman stated “This is a step forward,
Wal-Mart is a category leader so what
Wal-Mart does, lots of other companies
will follow their lead."
Although Wal-Mart has started to
take these steps to provide healthier
foods at a lower cost, they are not the
first company to do so. A company
called ConAgra Foods had promised to
begin reducing the sodium content in
their foods by 20 percent by the year
2015. Because Wal-Mart is larger and
sells more groceries than any other
company in the United States, many
experts believe that these changes
could have a great impact on the health
of Americans.
James D. Weill, the president of
Food Research and Action Center commented on how the company recognizes “how much hunger and food
insecurity there is in the country.”
Many studies have discovered that
those with low incomes receive food
stamps, have a greater challenge in eating healthy, because eating healthy
costs more and it is harder to get in certain neighborhoods.
A professor of economics at the
University of North Carolina Greensboro discovered that for every Supercenter that is opened per 100,000
residents, the BMI of the population
will increase by 0.24 units. In addition
to this the obesity rate will jump by 2.3
percent. This research shows that this
could have negative affects but because
of the power that Wal-Mart holds, offering healthier foods would benefit the
The company estimates that it
would save Americans up to $1 billion
dollars on fresh fruits and vegetables if
the plan becomes successful.
In collaboration with First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Campaign, Wal-Mart has announced a five
year plan to make healthier food, such as fruit, more affordable.
Katey Dauble | Front Page Editor
Starbucks looks to
expand in single-serve
coffee market
Although they have yet to release an official statement, Starbucks
confirmed to CNN Money earlier this week that it is hoping to expand its
presence in the market for premium single-serve coffee.
Last year Starbucks launched the Via brand, individual single-serving packets of instant coffee that sell for roughly $1 each. Though the
new product is still in development, Starbucks spokeswoman Lara Wyss
told CNN it could be similar to the Via line. Wyss further added that a
new product would cost slightly less, around 50 cents a serving.
To expand their presence, the coffee giant is reportedly looking into
options that include different
types of products and partnerships with other companies. Industry analysts
Fortune 500 expect Starbucks to partner with the
maker of single-serve K-cup
drinks and Keurig brewers
Green Mountain Coffee
Starbucks brand is currently only available for Tassimo, a Keurig competitor.
Starbucks House Blend Tassimo T Discs retail for approximately $10.29.
If Starbucks collaborated with Keurig it would be
among many other successful
partnerships such as Emeril’s
Dannah Hartman | Editor-in-Chief
Gourmet Coffee, Newman’s
Starbucks told CNN that the company plans
Own, Bigelow, and Folders.
to expand in the single-serve coffee market,
which will be similiar to their Via line.
Dannah Hartman
Deforestaon in
Earlier this week environmental non-profit organization
Greenpeace celebrated a monumental victory. After a long-term
global campaign attempting to
get palm oil company Golden
Agri-Resources (GAR) to end
deforestation in Indonesia, GAR
unveiled a plan to no longer destroy forests and carbon-rich
peatlands. The company, which
is the world’s second largest
palm oil company, has plantations that fueled rainforest destruction across Indonesia.
Over the past year, Greenpeace has campaigned against the
use of palm oil, specifically that
of GAR, which is part of the
Sinar Mas conglomerate. The
world’s largest food company,
Nestle, the world’s largest bank,
HSBC, a global restaurant chain,
Burger King, and a customer of
palm oil, Unilever, all showed
their support for Greenpeace by
cutting ties with palm oil from
the Sinar Mas company.
President Director Daud
Dharsono of SMART, a subsidiary of GAR, told reporters,
"We will not develop plantations
on High Carbon Stock (HCS)
forests, High Conservation Value
forest areas and peatlands.”
BBC News reported on this
environmental victory, explaining, “This week's announcement
of a new partnership aimed at
curbing deforestation in Indonesia should give succour to anyone
who thinks consumers and companies, rather than governments,
hold the key to curbing environmental decline.”
If GAR’s plans are properly
implemented, Greenpeace reports it would be a “historic step
towards full forest and peatland
protection in Indonesia.” In addition to preservation of the forests,
it will also be important in the
survival of the endangered
species the orangutan and Sumatran tiger, which have both come
close to extinction due to the destruction of the forest habitat.
Though the announcement
from GAR is a positive step,
Greenpeace Indonesia forest
campaigner Bustar Maitar said
the palm oil giant will still be
monitored to ensure the plans follow through.
He said in a press release,
"On paper, these commitments
are really a major step forwards
and if GAR implements these
changes, it will save large areas
of forests...But we will watch
closely to make sure this happens."
February 17, 2011 | 7
Doubting Darwin? not at Cedar Crest
stickers reading "evolution is a theory, not a
fact... [and] should be approached with an
open mind, studied carefully and critically
considered" were added to each biology textbook. However, after trial, the stickers were
ordered to be removed.
In 2004 “CBS News poll … found 56
percent of respondents would favor "teaching creationism along with evolution in public schools," with 36 percent opposed.
Here at Cedar Crest, evolution, creationism and intelligent design are still being
taught in the classroom. Each year since
2006, with support from the Cultural Programs, Darwin Day has been celebrated. This
year the ‘holiday’ will be celebrated on Feb.
26 in honor of Charles Darwin.
According to, the official
celebration website, Cedar Crest College’s
celebration is just one of 281 events being
held this year in 31 nations; 170 events of
which are in the United States alone.
Robert Carroll, a paleontologist from
McGill University in Montreal, has said that
“…because of the anti-evolution reactions
going on despite the science, we have to celebrate this anniversary."
Among the events at Cedar Crest this
year include presentations, activities and
Staff Writer
Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution were the center of attention back in 1927
with the famous “Scopes Monkey Trials”
which occurred in Tennessee. John Scopes,
schoolteacher, was prosecuted for teaching
evolution to his students. Wanting the separation of church and state, this particular controversy has ceased to see an end.
Recently in 2005, as an 11th grade student, Joshua Rowand sits in his class with the
United Church of Christ in view from his seat
out the window. In 1968, 1987 and 2005,
courts have found that an unconstitutional
breach on the separation between church and
state was reached with the teachings of creationism and intelligent design.
With contradictions and hypocrisy, what
to believe has become the newest struggle.
Do you believe that on the sixth day God
created man or do you believe that man
evolved from a predecessor species from millions of years ago? Is the truth found in religion or what is being taught in the classroom?
Different areas around the nation have
acted on the theory of evolution in various
ways. In Cobb County, GA for example,
tours of the exhibit at the Da Vinci Center genomics, and experimental and theoretical
continuing what was dubbed “Family Darwin biology approach for her study. The InternaDay.” As well, Dr. Nancy Moran, William H. tional Prize is just one of many that Moran
Fleming MD Professor of Ecology and Evo- has received through her years as a scientist.
lutionary Biology, is the keynote speaker this
Family Darwin Day will take place from
year. Richard Kliman, Professor of Biological 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Da Vinci Center (free
Science, has said that “Moran is one of the with regular admission) with Dr. Nancy
most knowledgeable ad respected evolution- Moran’s presentation at 4 p.m. in Alumnae
ary biologists in the world…”.
Theater on campus with free admission and
As an ecologist and evolutionary biolo- open to the public.
gist, Moran studies everything from bacterial
genetics to animal behavior. The 26th International Prize for Biology was specialized for
the “Biology of Symbiosis” and Dr. Moran
was the chosen recipient. She made substantial contributions to the advancement of biology symbiosis through her studies of
“intimate co-evolutionary relationships between insects
bacteria that live
within them.”
Moran is a
unique scientist who comIllustration by Jess Macko, Crestiad Special
b i n e s
molecular biDepicted in Darwin’s book The Origin of Species is a drawing showing his theory of
evolution from primate to modern man.
ology with
apps for the tech savvy
EOS Smoothing Lip Balm
The smoothest sphere around
Arts Editor
MTV Network’s
game Potty Racers
gives app users an
easy 1, 2, 3 guide
on how to play.
ou to
quires y
r app re ill unlock.
hone w
The De t before your p
1. iConfess: Bless me, Apple, for I have sinned.
Finally, there’s an application for the guilty Catholic
on the go.
2. NYC Condom: New York Department of
Health released an app that gives safe sex advice and
locates the nearest source for free condoms. Happy
Valentine’s Week!
3. Cat Photo Clock Light: Count the minutes until
you can snuggle up with Fluffy again. Perfect for the
tech savvy cat lady.
4. Designated Dialer: This app requires you to
hold the phone steady before you dial any exes. Unfortunately, it does not prevent drunk texting and it requires you to remember to open the app for it to be
effective. Good concept, but a little half-baked.
5. iFace Fat: Need a good laugh? This app will
allow you to make yourself or others look extremely
large and in charge. As tempting as it may be, it probably won’t be a good idea to spread the final product
6. Odd Diseases- Genetics: This app will tell you
about any genetic disease you could possibly think of,
including maple syrup urine disease and fish odor syndrome.
The NY
C Cond
om app
ne’s Da
y, is free which debute
ers fin
and help
d free
s New Y n
orks in
the cit
7. iSmoke and Virtual Zippo Lighter: So, it’s common knowledge that smoking is bad for you, but now
there is an app that allows you to pretend you have a
bad habit, virtual lighter included so there will be
no searching around for matches.
8. Annoying Sounds: Have you ever wanted to
cause chaos in class by playing the most annoying
sounds ever? Then this app is for you! Any sounds you
can think of are included on this annoying sounds app.
9. Potty Racers: MTV Network has come up with
a dirty new app for those looking to waste some time.
This app will bring out your competitive nature, while
racing a mobile porta-potty you can call your own.
10. Fake-A-Call-Free: Need to get out of a bad
date or a boring meeting? This app is the tool for you.
Incoming calls can be faked at the tap of a button.
There are fully functional buttons and different voices
available for any situation
Compiled by Amy Palmisano, Assistant Lifestyles
Editor, Rachel Morgandale, Assistant Arts Editor, and
Danielle Freeman, Staff Writer
Beat those dry, chapped lips and get your lips juiced up for the spring
with an all natural product sure to make you smile.
This balm’s reputation has taken itself to celebrity status in the lip
care industry. As seen in Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Real Simple and even
O magazine as one of the best products around.
Evolution of Smooth (EOS) is an all natural company that guarantees to smooth your lips with a pure natural and organic formula in their
lip balm that is presented in a perfectly round sphere container. EOS’s
clean and fun packaging makes it easy to transport- toss your balmy
sphere in any bag to ensure that you have a go to product when your lips
get dry.
This smooth sphere balm gives you moisturization beyond your
imagination without that petroleum residue left on your lips. EOS’s formula is paraben-free, gluten-free, petrolatum-free and phthalate-free. This
product is fully loaded with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, shea butter and
jojoba oil. Good news too, this product is beach proof-it contains SPF 15
so not only are you lips going to be ultra moist, the sun will be banned
from burning them too!
The application of this product is extremely simple, just twist off the
cap, glaze over lips and your lips are ready to go. The shape of this balm
is perfectly round, so it is the perfect shape to wrap your lips around when
you apply. The interesting design of this balm makes the product attractive and with its wonderful qualities and awesome price, it is a lip balm
that can not be missed. If the shape is out of your comfort zone, EOS also
makes a smoothing stick that offers the same smoothing qualities.
EOS put a lot of thought into this balm; the taste of each sphere is
different and fresh leaving your mouth with a delectable flavor you can’t
resist. The spheres come in a great selection of flavors- Summerfruit,
Lemon Drop, Sweet Mint, Honeysuckle Honeydew, and Tangerine. The
smoothing stick is available in Sweet Mint, Pomegranate Raspberry and
Vanilla Bean.
All balms by EOS are $3.29. For the quality ingredients and excellent lip
performance, it is
worth every penny.
Go online to
find out where
EOS products
are sold by you
w w w. e v o l u t i o n o f s
Photo |
February 17, 2011 | 8
The Daily
The Culinary
Tropical Smoothie
1 banana
5 ounces strawberries (about
1 cup)
5 ounces peaches (about 1
1 1/2 cups apple juice
Stuffed Peppers with Rice
1 pack large green peppers
1 bag white rice
Small can of tomato sauce
Large can diced Italian tomatos
1 clover garlic, diced
1. Clean out peppers and boil for approximately 15 minutes.
2. Once cooked, drain and cool.
3. Cook white rice, once cooked add in 1/2 large can diced Italian
tomatos, diced garlic, and a dash of pepper.
4. Fill peppers with the rice mixture and plan into a medium sized
greased pan.
5. Pour 3/4 of the small can of tomato sauce around the stuffed
peppers. Spoon additional sauce on top of the peppers.
6. Cook at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Photo and recipe submitted by Dannah Hartman, Editor-in-Chief
1. Blend all of the ingredients
together on high speed in a blender
until desired texture is achieved.
2. For thicker texture, add
more fruit.
Photo and recipe submitted by
Dannah Hartman, Editor-in-Chief
Quick Mexican Bean Dip
1 can of Hormel’s vegetarian chili
1 stick of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
½ a bag of shredded cheddar cheese
1 bag of corn chips
1 glass dish or microwavable pie plate
Veggie Pasta
1 box of angel hair pasta
1 carrot
1/3 onion
1 green squash
1 yellow squash
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1. Spread the entire stick of cream cheese so it covers the bottom
of the dish. You should use the entire stick and it should leave a decent
size layer less than a half of an inch deep all around.
2. Next, take the entire can of vegetarian bean chili and spread it
across the cream cheese layer, all around to every edge of the plate so
no cream cheese is visible.
3. Last, pour half of the bag of shredded cheddar on top of the
chili so none of the ingredients below are showing.
Place entire dish in the microwave for two and a half minutes. The
cheese should be fully melted over the entire dish.
Take any corn chips of your choice to scoop into the bean dip and
Recipe and photo submitted by Allie Scott, Arts Editor
1. Prepare the vegetables; thinly slice the carrot, dice the onion,
and thinly slice both the green and yellow squash.
2. Boil water for the spaghetti, place spaghetti in pot once ready
and keep on a medium heat.
3. As spaghetti is cooking, put all of the prepared vegetables into a
medium-sized frying pan with a dash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and
cook over medium heat.
4. Once spaghetti is done cooking, remove from heat and drain.
Place back on the stove on low heat.
5. Once the vegetables are cooked to your desire, remove from
heat and add to warmed spaghetti. Add pepper for more flavor.
Recipe and photo submitted by Dannah Hartman, Editor-in-Chief
What’s cooking in your kitchen?
Submit your recipes to Assistant Lifestyles Editor Amy Palmisano at
[email protected]
Amy Palmisano
Assistant Lifestyles Editor
Myth: “You need to
be an omnivore to
have a healthy diet.”
As February rounds the corner, about 80% of people give up
their New Year’s resolution. If
weight loss is your goal, staying
on track might be as easy as eating more vegetables. Among the
most common reasons for giving
up meat: animal welfare, environmental concerns, natural approaches to wellness, food-safety
concerns, weight loss, and weight
maintenance. Here are the facts.
Pros: Lentils (beans) are
comparable to meat as a source of
protein. Soy products are rich in
isoflavins which diminish bone
loss, inhibit tumor growth, and
lower cholesterol. Meats are usually high in fats that raise cholesterol. Animals are injected with
chemicals, hormones, and antibodies that our bodies cannot digest. According to World Cancer
Research Fund, vegetarians have
a reduced risk of getting cancer.
Cons: If vegetarians are not
careful to eat a variety of foods,
they may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Vegans are
known to have a deficiency in Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B12.
Meat is the highest source of B12
and assists in producing red blood
cells and maintains the nervous
system. Riboflavin converts proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into
energy. These vitamins may be
taken in supplements, but may
not be absorbed as easily into the
body as one who gets it naturally
in diet.
In conclusion: Whether you
decide to give up meat or not, eat
more veggies. It aids in digestion,
lowers cholesterol, and may even
save your life from cancer. If you
can stomach it, vegetables are nutritionally best raw, but I won’t
tell if you steam them or use a little salad dressing.
If you are thinking of starting a vegetarian diet here are
some tips to help you get started:
Ease into it—each week try
to decrease the amount of meat in
your diet and incorporate vegetarian meals into your diet.
changing your diet may not be as
complicated as you think. Most
recipes may simply need minor
changes such as using extra black
beans instead of beef in chili.
Do your research—scan the
internet and local bookstores for
vegetarian and vegan cookbooks.
Trying new recipes may tingle
your taste buds and you will get
to try menus that you may never
have dreamed up on your own.
For your convenience, this
week’s Culinary Classmate includes all meatless recipes for
you to try on your own!
Crossword Puzzle
Games played
around the
Submitted by: Alyssa Slinger
Compiled by: Alyssa Slinger
A ball is thrown up
against a wall, and
when that was done,
different movements
had to be made and a
song had to be sung
about the game.
Lompat Tali
The player holds the
two ends of the rope
on each side of the
body, at shoulder
height. Then, he or
she moves the rope
around clockwise and
when the rope touches
and passes the floor,
the player jumps up,
either with one leg or
two legs simultaneously.
The shuttlecock is
formed by a small and
flat plumb and tassel.
kick the head of the
shuttlecock repeatly.
We can use just one
foot or we can use
both feet. It depends
on the individual's expertness.
Sun and Ice
To play this traditional
game, you form two
teams. There is no
age limit or limit of
number of players.
The players on one
team run after you.
When one touches
you and says freeze,
you can't move. You
stand still until one of
the players on your
team comes and
touches you and says
sun. Then you are free
to run again.
Answers to
Did you know...
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. C
Alyssa Slinger, Editor
Submitted by: Alyssa Slinger
Did you know...
February 17, 2011 | 11
Submitted by: Alyssa Slinger
Celebrity Edition
Submitted by: Stacy Williams
1) What Hollywood power couple announced they were separating on Jan. 7, 2005?
A: Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman
B: Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston
C: John Travolta & Kelly Preston
D: Tim Robbins & Susan Sarandon
2) What celebrity had to issue an apology in February 2005 after her T-Mobile Sidekick II was hacked and all of her celebrity friends' phone numbers, which had been
stored in the device, were posted on the internet?
A: Anna Kournikova
B: Paris Hilton
C: Christina Aguilera
D: Britney Spears
3) What Hollywood starlet was arrested in 2001 for shoplifting from the Saks Fifth
Avenue in Beverly Hills?
A: Winona Ryder
B: Angelina Jolie
C: Charlize Theron
D: Christina Ricci
4) What name was celebrity talk show host Oprah Winfrey born with?
A: Pahro
B: Ohpar
C: Orpah
D: Orhap
5) Who was the first major American celebrity whose AIDS diagnosis became public
A: Clark Gable
B: Rock Hudson
C: Magic Johnson
D: Isaac Asimov
(Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
A transformation in your circle of
friends could occur today and
change your life. Someone exciting could move in nearby, and you
could hit it off.
(Feb. 19 – Mar. 20)
You might want to get some
chores done around the house
today in order to leave free time
tomorrow for whatever you want
to do. Something exciting might
(Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)
You probably feel especially sexy
and passionate now.Erotic novels
could also appeal to you. If you're
currently involved, you may want
to spend the evening alone with
your partner.
(Apr. 20 – May 20)
Legal matters should definitely
work in your favor today, particularly any involving property.
You're likely to feel positive about
life. Artistic projects, particularly
regarding the home, should also
go well.
(May 21 – June 20)
A call from a romantic partner
could lead to an intimate get-together. Passionate poetry and
sexy novels could especially appeal to you right now.
(June 21 – July 22)
You're doing a great job. A change
of employment and increase in income may be in the works. If you
don't feel passionate about what
you're doing, become involved in
an enterprise that you do feel
strongly about.
6) What professional basketball player did Madonna have an affair with in the mid1990s?
A: Michael Jordan
B: Shaquille O'Neal
C: Jason Kidd
D: Dennis Rodman
7) What famous actor lost 45 lbs. to play Andrew Beckett, an AIDS victim fighting
wrongful termination?
A: Tom Hanks
B: Robin Williams
C: Kevin Spacey
D: William Hurt
8) In a bizarre bit of celebrity behavior, who dangled his baby from the third-floor balcony of a German hotel on November 20, 2002?
A: Dennis Rodman,
B: Mike Tyson
C: Michael Jackson
D: Johnny Depp
9) What celebrity made headlines in 1980 when he set himself on fire while freebasing cocaine?
A: Chevy Chase
B: Eddie Murphy
C: Richard Pryor
D: Rodney Dangerfield
10) What celebrity was the victim of a now infamous "wardrobe malfunction" at the
2004 Super Bowl?
A: Madonna
B: Britney Spears
C: Janet Jackson
D: Mariah Carey
Save the Date!
Battle of the Bands
Saturday, April 9 in Lees Gym.
(July 23 – Aug. 22)
Don't be surprised if you draw
admiring glances from strangers
you pass in the street. Romance
should be going very well for you.
(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
If you're thinking of such a
change, you can proceed confidently. You should be feeling especially inspired now.
(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
You're feeling especially sensual
today, and therefore any attraction
you feel could pass by tomorrow.
If you're presently involved,
schedule a romantic evening with
your partner.
(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
Your financial situation could undergo some positive upheaval now,
probably as the result of a career
advance. This process is likely to
continue today.
(Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Friends who live far away could be
trying to convince you to join
them. This isn't a minor decision.,
so take the time to think about it.
(Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Some vivid and interesting
dreams could bring a lot of repressed memories up and force
you to confront them. This could
be a bit disconcerting.
Allie Sco, Editor
spelling their name or
calling them The Suburbs. If you are interested in what people
If you were watchare saying on the soing the 53rd Grammy
cial web, the blog
Awards on Sunday
whoisarcadefire.tumnight, you may have has compiled
been surprised that
tweets, status updates
indie band Arcade Fire
and other blog posts
from Montreal took
expressing disbelief
home Album of the
over Arcade Fire’s
Year for The Suburbs.
victory, but beware:
Their win over
the language is not for
other album of the year
the faint of heart.
nominees Eminem’s
After being preRecovery, Lady Antesented
their grammy,
Photo |
bellum’s Need You
Arcade Fire tweeted
Now, Lady Gaga’s Arcade Fire’s indie album beat out high rollers such as Eminem’s Recovery,Lady Antebellum’s Need You Now, Lady Gaga’s Fame Monster, and Katy Perry’s
Fame Monster and Teenage Dream.
Katy Perry’s Teenage
are considered very important albums for each artist, respec- GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Thank you
Dream seemed a case of the underdog coming out on top.
After its August 2010 release, The Suburbs debuted at
To some, Arcade Fire’s win is a testament that intelligent
Arcade Fire is Win Butler, Régine Chassagne, Richard
number one on the Billboard Top 200 and received 8.6 out of
music can still prevail over corporate bankrolled “artists” that Reed Parry, William Butler, Tim Kingsbury, Sarah Neufeld,
10 points from Pitchfork. The online music publication also
are afforded more advertising and enjoy the coverage that big Jeremy Gara. Their previous releases include a self-titled EP
added the album to its list of best new albums with the likes
labels are offered. According to the internet, a vast group of (2003) and two full-length albums, Funeral (2007) and Neon
of Kanye West’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and
people are not in agreement, calling the win an upset and mis- Bible (2007).
more recently P.J. Harvey’s Let England Shake, both of which
Staff Writer
Glamour and Hiccups at The Grammys
Cue sobbing Jusn
Bieber fan- Esperanza Spalding beat
the pop heart throb
out for New Arst of
the Year.
in Samuels Theatre
Oops! Looks like an
FCC fine is on it’s way;
during Eminem’s performance a few explicit words slipped
through the cracks.
Good thing Florence + the Machine was
present to catch Chrisna Aguilera when
she toppled over on stage aer her tribute to Aretha Franklin.
Student tickets are only $5
Feb. 17, 18, 19
at 8 P.M.
Feb. 20
Mick Jagger made a comeback appearance on stage
at the Grammy’s.
Lady Gaga won Best Pop
Vocal Album this year
and did not fail to disappoint in her performance
of her new single “Born
this Way.”
Opening Tonight!
at 2 P.M.
Cee Lo Green and Gwenyth
Paltrow rocked the stage
with some Muppet friends
to Green’s chart topper,
“Forget You.”
Country crooners Lady Antebellum took
home five Grammy Awards.
All photos from
February 17,2011 | 13
Pop Culture From Across
the Pond
Tucker Max Writes Another Book, Hilarity Ensues
The name is infamous across college campuses for belligerence and debauchery—Tucker
Max. In his thirty-five years, Tucker has built
quite the resume and a
matching reputation to
go with it.
During his undergrad at University of
Chicago, it all began
with a website—an online application for
women to date the one
and only, Tucker Max. Strangely enough,
women actually applied and, to put it nicely,
dated Tucker. He then transformed the website
into a series of short stories that described his
account of encounters with these women and
drinking contests between his buddies.
As he applied for graduate school, the site
was taken down and Tucker entered the next
phase in his life, Duke Law. This time the stories lived on as emails to his bros. These stories
then provided the groundwork for Max’s first
book, I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, with stories like “The (Almost Banned) Miss Vermont
Story,” “Tucker Has Moment Of Reflection,
Ends Badly,” and “The Infamous ‘Sushi Pants’
Story.” A selection of stories from this first
work was then turned into the same--title 2009
debut of the first
book, Max made
Time’s 2009 Most
Influential People
list. He arguably
started the 21st
form of literature, Fratire (fraternity satire).
These super-masculine themed books seem to be
the antithesis of chick literature authors like Jody
In his newest book, Assholes Finish First,
Tucker describes his life post-fame. He no
longer needs the thrill of the hunt since women
are apparently throwing themselves at him. It
seems fame is a double edged sword; some
women have learned enough to call him out.
Girl: “I was told you’re a player. You are.
“These super-masculine themed
books seem to be the antithesis
of chick literature authors like
Jody Piccoult.”
pulled in the lottery. Her district
has not produced a winner in the
games in thirty years, leaving her
Combining nail-biting tension fate to appear very bleak. Furtherwith an engaging love story, more, not only does Katniss find
Suzanne Collins, creator of The herself battling to save her life,
Hunger Games series, will have throughout the series she becomes
you reading for hours. Although it caught up in a battle of love with
is fiction intended for young- two boys from her district.
The underlying tale of love
adults, the novels will grip readers
be appealing to young-adult
of all types.
The first in the series, The readers in which the series has
Hunger Games, introduces us to been created for, but much of the
the ruins of North America now series consists of violent, intense
known as Panem. North America scenes that may be more approprias we know it has been destroyed ate for more mature readers.
and divided into
you will betwelve districts
come so atoppressed by
tached to these
the government
characters that
located at the
you will be
dying to find
thirout how the
teenth district
books end.
tried to rebel
T h e
and no longer
Hunger Games
is the first in
The yearly
the trilogy, also
entitled The
known as The
H u n g e r
Hunger Games,
is there to reonce you have
mind the people
read the first
of the districts
you must read
who will forthe rest. Each
ever be in
Photo | ending transicharge.
Each Hunger Games is available to purchase
year, one boy and at any Barnes and Noble or on tions into the
next novel, and
one girl from
each district, ages
12 to 18 are sethe
lected to fight to the death against
each other in an arena rigged with have you craving to know what
traps and dangers. The Games are will happen next. Although the plot
televised and this year’s thrill is not drives the series, each book serves
just the killing, but the growing to strengthen all of the characters
love between two of the selected and challenge them with the games
in which they have been forced
Katniss into. My suggestion, buy all three
Everdeen, lives in one of the poor- when you buy the first.
Staff Writer
est districts and steps up for her
young sister when her name is
confident. I
can tell you’re
a player, and I
don’t want to
talk to you, because I’ve been
ck times.”
Tucker: “No, no. I
Photo | w
don’t want to play you. I just want to have sex
with you, and then not talk to you anymore after
that. That’s not playing you; that’s being honest.”—Assholes Finish First
Although Tucker does claim he wants to
settle down, get married, and start a family
throughout his latest book, it seems suspiciously
like another ploy to maintain his lifestyle and
continue the chase. Or, perhaps his biological
clock is ticking and he’s finally gotten bored
with himself. Either way, his stories have kept
me laughing and if you can get past the vulgarity you are in for a laugh too. Readers beware—
this book is for adults only and should be rated
Assistant Lifestyles Editor
Need a book suggeson?
Check out the New York Times Bestsellers to
give you some great reading ideas!
TICK TOCK, by James Paerson and Michael Ledwidge
UNBROKEN, by Laura Hillenbrand
HEAVEN IS FOR REAL, by Lynn Vincent
THE PIONEER WOMAN, by Ree Drummond
DECISION POINTS, by George W. Bush
SING YOU HOME by Jodi Picoult
THE UNION QUILTERS by Jennifer Chiaverini
PALE DEMON by Kin Harrison
VESPERS RISING by Rick Riordan
Compiled from The New York Times
SlowLoveis waing for you
Arts Editor
If you are looking for some inspiration to jump start your life with
new, fresh, optimistic ideas- try reading someone else’s perspective.
Slow Love: How I Lost My Job, Put on My Pajamas & Found Happiness is a quintessential must have book if you are looking for a book to
get you moving this spring. Although as a hint it doesn’t start out so
pretty, the main topic is at hand is losing your job.
Author, Dominique Browning ran the magazine House & Garden
until it folded in 2007. Her new memoir, Slow Love, reveals how
Browning refocused her life after unemployment. With about 10% of
the country being unemployed, this memoir may shed some light and
let them know that there is light at the other side of the tunnel.This
memoir is waiting for you to open it’s pages and turn over a new leaf.
Dominique Browning is giving the Keynote speech at the
Women’s Studies Conference at 7 pm in Oberkotter, Room one
Alleged American
Rachel Morgandale|Assistant
Arts Editor
Many British actors have infiltrated American television with
impressive accents that fool most
American viewers. It may surprise you that so many of your favorite shows are full of Britain’s
finest. Even former star of Doctor
Who, Scotsman David Tennant
tried his hand in a recent pilot for
Rex is Not Your Lawyer, a show
that was, unfortunately not picked
up by network.
Hugh Laurie- Laurie started
his career with roles on British
television such as Bertie Wooster
in the 1930s set comedy of manners Jeeves and Wooster. However, he has found international
fame for his role as the prickly Dr.
House on House.
Damian Lewis- Originally
from St. John’s Wood, England,
Lewis has played American Charlie Crews in the series Life from
2007 to 2009. Before that he portrayed Major Richard Winters in
the World War Two drama Band
of Brothers, another American
role. Many roles in the film were
filled by British actors such as
James Macavoy and Tom Hardy
as well.
Jonny Lee Miller- also
known as the former Mr. Angelina Jolie, this star of Trainspotting tried on an American accent
for the short lived show Eli Stone
that he later used for a role on the
series Dexter as well.
Christian Bale- Star of The
Dark Knight was born in Wales
and started his career in Britain
working on films and in theatre
productions next to actors such as
Rowan Atkinson.
Anna Friel- This English actress has but on an American accent for the whimsical series
Pushing Daisies but has also
picked up and Irish accent for the
movie Irish Jam.
Rufus Sewell- A prolific
English actor known for roles in
films such as A Knight’s Tale and
The Illusionist put on a convincing American accent for the role
of Dr. Jacob Hood in Eleventh
Andrew Garfield- Many
have been fooled by this actor
who recently played Eduardo in
The Social Network, but the future star of Spiderman grew up in
Surrey, England.
Colin Farrell- This Irish actor
has donned American speech for
roles in Phone Booth and Miami
Vice which also featured Naomi
Harris, a Britich actress best
known to American audiences for
her role in the second and third
Pirates of the Caribbean films.
Daniel Day Lewis-born in
London, he has picked up roles in
films like There Will Be Blood
and Gangs of New York with convincing American speech.
February 17,2011 | 14
New Releases
Available to rent or buy
Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Alexis
Clagett, Brynn Clagett; Following
the death of a mutual friends in a
For Colored Girls- Released car accident, two single adults
on 2/8/11; Kimberly Elise, Janet come together to raise his orJackson, Michael Ealy, Loretta phaned daughter.
You again-2/8/11; Kristen
Devine, Thandie Newton; ExBell,
Jimmy Wolk, Jami Lee Curplores how the world looks
through the eyes of 20 different tis, Sigourney Weaver, Odette
Yustman; A young woman plans to
black women of
all ages and
marwalks of life.
riage with his fiUnstopancée- a girl who
pableRewas a menace in
high school.
2 / 1 5 / 2 0 11 ;
Denzel Washon 2/15/11; Wesington, Rosario
ley Snipes, Zoe
Dawson, Jessy
Schram; A run
away train full
Robert Davi: A
of highly toxic
diplomat’s bodyand
comguard and combustible matepany are injured
rial is on a
in a botches ascollision
Photo |
course with a All of the mentioned movies are avail- sassination attempt. They’re
small town un- able at any redbox for only $1 a day.
all taken to the
less an intrepid
same hospital,
engineer and
teams up
conductor can stop it in time.
Paranormal Activity 2– Refrom
leased on 2/8/11; Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Brian Boland, The nurse soon learns that there is
Molly Ephraim, Sprague Grayden; more to this sticky situation than
A family sets up security cameras expected.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2when they begin to experience
2/1/11; George Lopez,
break-ins, but what they discover
Zachary Gordon,
happening is far more dangerous
Bidgit Mendler;
than they could anticipate.
My Soul to take- Released The Chihuahuas are back and still
on 2/8/11; Max Thieriot, John Ma- barking in this sequel to the hit
garo, Emily Meade, Denzel comedy that proved dogs have a lot
Whitaker, Zena Grey; A serial on their mind. Chloe gives birth to
killer strikes from beyond the a litter of pups which Papi works
grave to torment seven children hard to adjust to the rigors of parwho share the same birthday as his enthood. Later the rambunctious
pups set out on a mission of their
alleged death.
Life as We Know it- Re- own after Sam Cortez discovers
leased on 2/8/11; Katherine Heigl, that his parents are being evicted.
We e k l y We b Wo n d e r :
Pro Spoof Artist
Assistant Athletics Editor
Business Manager
“And the Grammy for New
Artist of the Year goes to Esperanza Spalding.” The Grammy
awards this year brought a new
face to the forefront of the music
world, her name is Esperanza
Spalding and she’s amazing.
Esperanza is a 25 year old
jazz bassist, composer and singer.
The soulful star brings a unique
take on jazz to the music industry.
The artist, whose name is the
Spanish word for hope, may be
the hope for jazz music. By receiving such high esteem as being
awarded new artist of the year
Spalding is helping to make jazz
more popular. The music style
which is loved by many musicians all over the world lacks the
level of fame and recognition that
other genres receive.
The star was raised in a single family home in Portland, Oregon, and learned from a young
age how to persevere and pursue
things that make you happy.
Spalding’s website reports that
she still acknowledges her mom
as being her biggest role model
and holds her to the highest level
of esteem and respect.
Another thing that Spalding
helps to bring recognition to is female Bassists. Spalding helps to
be an example of how female
Bassists can be beautiful, well
dressed and not only men fit into
the role of a talented bassist.
One thing that Spalding is
also fantastic at is dressing. The
artist has a vintage style that is
classy but yet still sexy. Spalding
sports a natural hair style that is
usually in an afro or ponytails and
she spices it up with head bands
and head wraps.
Spalding is a fan of high
waist pants, frilly tops and even
ties if the occasion calls for it. At
the Grammys Spalding wore a
light green dress with a neckline
that rose to the ceiling it seemed
on the right side of her head. The
dress was risky and borderline
fashion disaster but ended up
being a fashion great. It was the
perfect dress to wear while receiving her first of hopefully
many Grammy’s.
Spalding will undoubtedly
receive the fame and recognition
she deserves after snatching a
Grammy from teen sensation
Justin Bieber and rap artist Drake
who were up for the same award.
Spalding has proven that your talent speaks louder than your fame,
when it comes to an award such
as a Grammy.
To learn more about Spalding you can visit her website .
1 to inform as many peo“This just reminds
it is
ple as I can that violence against women is a real issue that isn’t just
‘over there’ in a multitude of nameless countries. It is here, in our own
communities, affecting the ones we love the most.” At the end of the
performance, a guest speaker from the college community will share
her story as a survivor. Then the cast asks anyone who has been the
victim of any kind of violence to stand. Heiser says, “It is always overwhelming to see the immense number of people standing, and I feel
this raises the most awareness, because you really can see just how
many people in one room this topic affects.”
The power of The Vagina Monologues lies in its ability to
begin a dialogue in which all members of the community are encouraged to both listen and speak. It is a celebration of women and their
voices, and a call for women to use their voices to end the violence and
make a change in the world. Heiser says, “We need to do it, for ourselves, for our mothers, for our sisters, for our daughters. Because
nothing is ever going to change if we don’t speak up.”
Photo |
Arts Editor
As his twitter bio says, Steve Kardynal considers himself to be an
actor and youtuber; however it may be more appropriate to call him a
professional spoof artist.
Kardynal has made a name for himself across the web for surprising chatroulette users by including them in his homemade chatroulette
videos. He also frequents the Apple Store and does performances in store
and uses the web cams that are for the customers to test.
His twitter page offers some motivational quotes to all of his
Youtube fans and even invites them to his video filming. With views
over 1 million people-Kardynal has made quite a name for himself. As
a disclaimer-his videos are not intended for young viewers; there are
cases of suggestive language, humor and dancing.
Here are a compilation of Kardynals most viewed videos that are
guaranteed to make you roll
out of your chair. More of
his videos are available at
Katy Perry- Fireworks
(Apple Store)
Kardynal does a public
performance of the pop
stars inspiraonal song.
Katy Perry- Peacock (chat-roulee)
Surprise! Kardynal
dances and performs for random
Eminem- Love the Way
You Lie ( Apple Store)
Another public Apple Store
performance to one of Eminem’s biggest hits!
Get the Facts
One in six American women has been the victim of an attempted or
completed rape, and 10 percent of sexual assault victims are men.
-A 1993 study in Alexandria, Egypt, found that 47 percent of female
homicides were ‘honor' killings of the victim after she had been raped.
- In India, a government survey of 12,500 children and parents in 13 of
29 states found that over 53 percent of children between the ages of five
and 18 have been sexually abused. Most surveyed said they knew the
- In Australia, based on a range of behaviors where children are used for
someone's sexual gratification, the prevalence rate is one in three
women and one in six men.
- In Serbia's Belgrade Incest Trauma Center statistics for 2005, the average duration of incest and sexual abuse of a minor was five years,
eight months. In 28 percent of the cases, the minor was abused by two
or more offenders
- Domestic violence is the major cause of death and disability for European women aged 16 to 44 and accounts for more death and ill-health
than cancer or traffic accidents.
- Studies in the US, Israel, Canada, Australia, and South Africa found
that 40-70 percent of female murder victims were killed by husbands or
- In Ghana, one in seven (15 percent) females had been circumcised.
- As of 2002, an estimated 20,000-30,000 Vietnamese women are in
Cambodia as sex workers.
-In the Philippines, there are an estimated 400,000 women in prostitution, a quarter of whom are children. 150,000 Filipina women have been
trafficked into prostitution in Japan.
February 17, 2011 | 15
S E N I O R S FA L C O N S R E M I N I S C E ,
R E F L E C T, R E M E M B E R
Athletics Editor
For a college senior student-athlete, senior day isn’t just a day to celebrate that you’re
at the top of the totem pole, it’s a day where
the realization hits that you will no longer be
a collegiate athlete in that sport. For the three
seniors of the women’s basketball team, that
very realization is beginning to hit home.
Kelley Cipriani, Biology major, Lauren
Seale, Business major, and Leann Wallower,
Criminal Justice major, make up the senior
squad of the Falcon basketball team. While
these three girls are teammates, they are a lot
more than that when you get to the heart of
After the game ended, and all of the
potluck eating subsided Cipriani commented,
“The distance doesn’t matter, it won’t matter
because we’ll still all be best friends”.
The seniors started off their last home
game as Falcons by being introduced with
their parents and receiving gifts from family,
friends, and teammates. Each girl was accompanied to the center of the court for their
final send off. The senior day game was
scheduled for a 1 p.m. start against the Pacers
of Marywood University.
With 16:30 left in the first half the score
was still 0-0, neither team being able to make
enough offensive connections to score. The
deadlock was not broken until the 14:35 mark
when freshman Amber Whery layed up for
two points, putting the Falcons in the lead.
Shortly after her teammate Megan DeMutis
followed up with a three-point shot.
At the half time mark the Falcons trailed
the Pacers 41-27. During this time, the announcement of raffle winners was made.
Coming in first was Josh Strohl, winning the
grand prize. Second prize went to Daniella
Mendez and third to Mary Pasqual.
Despite being down 71-41 in the second
half the Falcon players had a fire and spark
that was undeniable. They continued to push
on offense, attack on defense, and hustle up
and down the court. In the Feb. 11 game, the
heart was evident on every players face.
Though the game ended in a final score
of 81-53 in favor of the Marywood Pacers,
there was a monumental occasion which neither the seniors, nor anyone else in the gym
will ever forget. Wallower hit her second
milestone within her athletic career by surpassing the school record of 1,243 points in a
career, after recently joining the 1,000 point
club during the last semester. For more information on this event please see page 16.
After the game, the seniors reflected on
what they had done within the last four years,
their memories on and off the court with one
another as well as milestones and important
events within their own lives, separate from
basketball and school.
For head coach Val Donohue losing these
seniors is not simply an athletic loss for her,
but a personal loss as well. “I’ve never
coached a team that gets along like they do,
since their freshman year it’s been this way,”
said Donohue.
The seniors of the basketball team also
made a positive impact on their underclassman. Donohue added that her seniors have
greatly helped in molding her younger players
into even better basketball players and people.
These seniors have a lot to be proud of
and their accomplishments haven’t gone unnoticed. As they reflect on their most fond
memories they smile. For Seale there wasn’t
one memory that directly stood out in her
head, she said that she’s been happy since day
one and her career with her teammates stands
out as being special in her eyes. For Wallower,
her personal milestones stand out in her eyes,
but she is most fond of their wins over Centenary College during her sophomore season. In
the first game against Centenary during the
season the Falcons gained a W on their own
court. The second game was another win, but
this time was the win got the Falcons into
playoffs. Cipriani has a special memory of the
team during a tournament at Wilson College.
Off the court the girls stayed in a hotel and
Cipriani recalled seeing her teammates in her
future as close friends she’d have for a very
long time.
Bout Time Cavs!
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
The Cleveland Cavaliers have finally snapped the longest losing
streak ever witnessed in NBA history. The Cavs defeated the Los
Angeles Clippers, 126-119 in
overtime last Friday at home for
their first victory in 27 games.
This victory spared the Cavs from
setting the longest skid in North
American professional sports.
Carmelo finally made a
Rumor has it that the star athlete
may have another team who has
peaked interest in his assets. This
team may be the Los Angeles
Lakers, but unfortunately the Lakers will not trade Andrew Bynum
for this small player. It seems like
the player might be staying home
[in Denver] and signing a threeyear extension.
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
Ray Allen sets record
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
The Boston Celtic guard Ray
Allen sets a new NBA Finals
record for 3-pointers in a game
with his eighth of the night during
the third quarter of Game two
against the Lakers. With all of
4:42 left in the third quarter of last
Sunday’s game which allowed
him to break the mark he shared
with Scottie Pippen and Kenny
Top: All of the seniors and their families for senior
Was it worth it?
Middle: Wallower shows her silly side with her teammates
Coach donates kidney to player
Even for those who are not part of the
sports world, this story is definitely to make news
Tom Walter, Wake Forest University’s coach,
has become one of his player’s life saver.
Walter donated his kidney to outfielder Kevin
Jordan, who suffered from ancavasculitus, a type
of autoimmune swelling disorder caused by abnormal antibodies. When these abnormalities show up
within the kidneys, they can cause blood and protein leakage into the urine and result in kidney failure. In the early stages, the disorder dropped his
kidney function down to either percent.
Unfortunately, Jordan’s family members were
tested and found to be unsuitable matches as for a
donor for a transplant. Walter decided to step up to
the plate in December and donate a kidney to the
freshman baseball outfielder if he was determined
a positive match.
According to, Walters was more
than prepared for what he volunteered to do.
“As soon as the testing started, I was on board
with the idea that if I were a match, I was going to
do it,” Walter said.
On Jan. 28, during the first practice of the
spring semester, the team received the final results
with Stacy
Assistant Athlecs Editor
Above: The seniors speak aer the game with fans tracking the game online.
Assistant Athletics Editor
S p o r t s Ta l k
that Walter was indeed a positive match. Walter informed the team of the good news and in turn applauded his gift of giving.
The surgery took place last Monday at Emory
University Hospital in Atlanta.
Jordan had been recruited to play baseball at
Wake Forest following his graduation form Northside-Columbus High School in Columbus, GA. in
2010. During the winter of 2010, Jordan’s health
began to decline rapidly. For weeks on end he suffered with flu-like symptoms, until the doctors at
Emory University Hospital discovered that his kidneys were functioning at 15-20 percent of capacity
last April.
“I didn’t ask. He volunteered.
I’m just really thankful.”
-Kevin Jordan, donor recipient
His diagnosis was sudden and abrupt. This
type of disease comes on very quickly and does not
have clear, early symptoms.
Jordan started dialysis three times a week and
as his condition worsened, he was put on dialysis
daily. Two days prior to enrolling into Wake Forest for the fall semester, Jordan learned that he
needed a kidney transplant as soon as possible. Jordan was able to complete the first semester successfully while receiving dialysis.
Donating his kidney to Jordan is one of the
many good deeds that Walter has exerted in his
coaching history. When Jordan was offered a baseball scholarship to Wake Forest, Jordan’s questions
focused on the odds of playing time. His father
Keith focused on the better priorities of “Who is
this coach?”and “Does he have the best interest for
my son?”
Jordan conducted his own investigation of the
coach’s pervious tenure at the University of New
Orleans. He discovered that even though Hurricane
Katrina left Walter’s home under 12 feet of water,
his attention to his team never fluctuated. He supervised the players’ temporary relocation to the
campus of New Mexico State and vowed to assist
those who were considering a transfer to another
Jordan, very thankful, said, “I didn’t ask. He
volunteered. I’m just really thankful.”
Walter did not only donate his sincerity but an
organ. He saved a young man’s life and gave him
a new turning point in his health and future endeavors.
After spending a total of $1 million dollars in fighting the NFL
in court for the past two years to
avoid a four game suspension,
Minnesota Vikings defensive
tackle Pat Williams is ready to accept the league’s punishment and
miss the start of the of the 2011
season. Too bad Pat and teammate
Kevin Williams are free agents at
this time and do not expect to resign with the Vikings or challenge
the court of Appeals ruling last
Fined for Spitting?
Tiger Woods was fined an undisclosed sum of money by the European Tour on Monday for
spitting. Mike Stewart, the tournament director, reviewed the situation at hand and concluded that
there had been a “breach” of tour
code of conduct. This was a shock
to Woods who believed he was
fined due to his critical language
towards an official. I would have
taken the charge for criticism,
versus spitting, which is seen as a
natural behavior.
Katey Dauble|Front Page Editor
Cedar Crest
Wallower adds another
milestone to her resume
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
Cut m
Michelle Palmisano, Editor
Left: Wallower gets fouled while attempting her record breaking shot. Center: Wallower sinks a free throw to break the career points record. Right: Wallower and her father embrace in celebration.
3/14 @ King’s
4:00 p.m.
3/17 vs. Bryn
Mwar College
4:00 p.m.
3/22 vs.
4:00 p.m.
3/19 College
of Notre Dame
12:00 p.m.
From Wallower page 1
For the current Cedar Crest athletic staff,
there couldn’t be a prouder moment than one of
their own breaking a school record. For Maile,
this is her fifth year at Cedar Crest and this is
only the second athlete that she has seen break a
school record. Though she kept Wallower’s possible record breaking a bit of a secret, she defends her choice and no one disagrees. “I didn’t
tell many it was coming because it can work
both ways,” said Maile. There were two possible
reactions to the news, had Maile made it public
knowledge. Wallower could have been nervous
the whole game and not performed to the best
of her ability or she could have thrived off it.
One will never know anything except the fact
that she succeeded.
Overall, Cedar Crest athletics seems to be
moving in the right direction. All of the happenings within athletics are clearly the results of
hard work day to day. Wallower is no different
as she recalled winning the TORT Award in high
school. TORT was an award that was given to
the player who showed the most hustle during
the season. Looking back, this award was fitting
for Wallower to receive.
For Maile, this event, as well as Seale
breaking the volleyball assist record is a true tes-
tament to where the athletic department is going. “She’s a very amazing girl, she amazes me every
“It’s hard on a day to day basis to see results, day.”
things like this are a marker to see progress,”
After the game Wallower stated later that
said Maile. For Maile and the rest of the cam- she couldn’t understand “why coach kept havpus watching, having Wallower break the record ing them pass me the ball, I wasn’t having a
here was very exciting. Wallower said, “I’m glad good shooting game.” Even Wallower’s family
it happened here, in our senior game, now only did not know that the milestone was a possibilif it was on my birthday!”
ity until half time when Athletic Director,
Regardless of her reKristin Maile broke
accomplishment, “Excellence surpassed
the news. “I was
Wallower is as humble and
nervous, absolutely
modest as ever. “I just play excellence today”
nervous. It was just
because basketball helps
- Maria Heiser, Class of like the 1000 point
me distress, it allows me to
1992 game,” said Walclear my head,” said Wallower’s father.
lower. When reflecting on
Marasco was a
her career at Cedar Crest Wallower remembers Cedar Crest graduate from the class of 1992 who
looking up to former basketball player and fel- was the record holder until Saturday. Marasco,
low 1000 point club member, Kelly Oakes. “I who also played Tennis and Lacrosse was very
always looked up to Kelly, even before I got happy for Wallower and said, “It was a long
here because I saw how hardworking she was record to keep.” A teammate and long time
and still is,” said Wallower.
friend of Marasco, also a graduate of the 1992
Wallower’s accomplishments are the result class, Maria Heiser said, “I feel sad for her
of hard work and the support of her friends and [Marasco] but I’m really happy for Leann. She
family. Her parents have attended all home had it for 19 years, that’s a long time. Excellence
games and most away games. The love from her surpassed excellence today.”
mother and father is evident as they said in unison, “We’re ecstatic”. Mrs. Wallower adds,
Katey Dauble|Front Page Editor
Le: The 2011 Basketball
team with Coach Donohue
Below: Wallower and former record holder Jayne
3/24 Penn
State Abington
4:00 p.m.
3/29 vs.
3:00 p.m.
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
Top Le: Fellow students and fans
rush the court with “1244” balloons
Le: The very proud Wallower family.
Michelle Palmisano|Athlecs Editor
3/26 Rosemont
Thank you to all students, faculty, staff, and members of the community who parcipated in Pink Zone Week
acvies and events.
$1,500 was raised and will be donated in memory of Jayme Grimaldi to her family.
Please keep her family in your thoughts.