JUNE 2009 - Acoustic Dimension
JUNE 2009 - Acoustic Dimension
JUNE 2009 ':::ii:t .:a]lr WWW.HIFINEWS.CO.UK : ..*ui:ir.r.--. ' ' ir:'i*"' ,:].i.:i- . 'I O , q :: t+ ,, o . < ,^- : . 6 :@ q r+ .u) q . $ qJ =-6 :N ::N :s :N :< o a are transformers Again,custom-made throughout. for the employed used,herewith a toroidaltransformer powersupply. is heavygaugesteel,finished Thechassis to with fivecoatsof paint,handrubbedand polished (thoughunderstated) finish.lt boasts an immaculate throughoutandcomeswith an highqualitycomponents highqualityremotecontrolhandsetfor extraordinarily volumecontrolandswitchingbetween sourceselection, Theremotecontrol or triodeamplification. ultralinear CDplayers. oneof PrimaLuna's alsooperates cheaper- is Pure In contrast- andconsiderably and in appearance utilitarian A30, somewhat Sound's minimalist. valveslookingdecidedly with its exposed are somewhatminimaltoo, with an on/off Features rotaryswitch,manualvolumecontrolandrotary selectorto switchbetweenjustthreelineinputs.As The with the EARthereis no remotecontroloperation. 6550 output ElectroHarmonix 430 usesfour Russian a pairof 6N8Psanda pair valvesanda pairof 6N9Ps, but buildqualityis lt mightlookutilitarian, of 5Z3Ps. fineandit'sa lot of amplifierfor the price.Likethe to triode it canbe switchedfrom ultralinear PrimaLuna reductionin poweroutput. operationwith a subsequent is STP-80 Shanling's Aswith all its products, styledwith a highqualityof finish distinctively'retro' of four that beliesits modestprice.Usinga complement EL34outputvalvesandthree6N3Pvalvesit features 'Primalunamight sound Italian,but the companyis basedin the Netherlands' a dot-matrixVFDdisplayon the front to show source selectionand volume setting.Thiscan be dimmed but not entirelydefeated,while a bright blue'power on' LEDremainsat full brightnessat all times, which some might find distracting.Sourceselectionis via up/down buttons on the left-handside of the top plate; volume control is governed by a switched-resistor matching up/down buttons on the right of the top plate. While perhaps more a case of style over real-world practicality,these controls matter not - as the amplifier comes with a full-function remote control handset that is pleasinglysolid and will operate an entire Shanling system,not just the STP-80. P40 integrated, Finallywe have UnisonResearch's employinga complement of four EL34s, two ECC82sand a pair of ECC83s.This ClassAB model lacksthe distinctive wooden 56 : www.hifinews.co.uk: JUNE2009 casedetailingof many UnisonResearchmodelsand to these eyesit looksa little'clunky' in its styling,although its purposefuland decidedlyretro form was admired by some visitorsto my listeningroom. Extremelyheavy' chunky rotary controls cover power on/off, source selectionand volume. Only the volume operatesby remote control, UnisonResearchshippingthe P40 with a wooden-bodiedhandsetthat reallydoesn't match the amplifier.lt's a handsetfor a UnisonResearchsystem, festoonedwith about 30 identicaltiny buttons of which you will use just two: volume up and volume down! ABOVE: PrimaLuna's One DiaLogue hasfive line inputsand a line-level 'Tape'output. Additionally there'sa preout/poweramP in terminalpair that PrimaLuna referto as HT INTHEGLow ft ansrcucmany So Pass-Thru. hourswerespent enjoyable Forauditioning, aswith the EAR usingmyvenerable to all fiveamplifiers listening 816this allows turntablewith matching RockReference Townshend the DiaLogue fittedwith Ortofon'ssublime Excalibur arm,currently Oneto be used MCcartridge.Phonostagewasa Graham Kontrapunkt Compactdiscswere to drivethe CramAmp3 Fanfare. SleeProjects' front speakers recentlyintroducedHD990 spunon HarmanKardon's ina'Home DV-868AV| a Pioneer [seeHFNMay'09]alongside and DVD-Audio Theater'(HT) playerusedfor playingSACDs universal system to wereconnected anddigitalsources discs.Analogue eachampin turn usingthe sametwo setsof Townshend wereMonitor Loudspeakers DCT300interconnects. and with 90dBsensitivity AudioP1300floorstanders have the PL3OOs lmportantly 6ohmoverallimpedance. anybig curvethat will minimise a smoothimpedance systemresponse. swingsin the valveamp/speaker Listening firstto familiarCDtracksI beganwith DianaKraf l's'My Lovels'from1997'sLoveScenes 816the bassintro [fmpulseIMP'|2342].ThroughEAR's wasfull and rounded,but a touchsoftwith somelack of 'slap'tothe pluckedstrings.MoreoverDianaKrall's voicesoundeda touchlazyasif it the edgeshadbeen Gnow over-polished.Whereas EARamplifiers are renowned for 'not soundinglike typical valve amps' I thought that this reallydid sound like one. lt was rather laidback,mellow, and oh-so-smooth. Switchingto the PrimaLunaDiaLogueOne, the sound was immediatelymore vibrant and crisp.Far from lazy,DianaKrall'svocal displayedclearerdiction, alongsidefast leadingedgesto the pluckedbassstrings that brought a real senseof occasionto the music. The Primalunaadded spaceand air to the image that brought the track alive.Similarin its tonal palette,Pure Sound's430 alsosoundedup-beatand quick-footed with this DianaKralltrack. lt was lean comparedwith the EAR,but as a consequencesoundedfast and highly in detailed.I noted it soundeda touch over-exhilarating upper mid frequencies- with a little'edge'to the vocal that might prove tiring long-term. Switchingto Shanling'sSTP-80the double bassintro was a touch leanerstill.So too was DianaKrall'svoice, soundingnasalin comparisonto the deliveryfrom the other amplifiers.Consonantsin her vocal deliverycame acrosswith clean leadingedges but her tone appeared bleachedof colour and the percussivefinger-clicks throughout the track had taken on an unrealcharacter, soundinglike the 'clack'of wood blocks. Finallyto the UnisonResearchP40. Thisdelivered a pleasingenough twang to the pluckedstringsof the double basswhile Diana'svoice was both light and simultaneouslyvelvety in texture. But the image 'FureSound's 430 is the mix. The 816 wasn't as'open'-soundingas I'd have liked,appearinga touch congested. Swappingfrom the EARto the Shanlingthis time, it once again was demonstrablyleanerbut none the worse foi it as the resultantaudio picturewas clear and explicit,with more of a 3D image that better allowed one to pick out female voicesand keyboardlinesfar back in the mix. Not as bold and powerful-soundingas the EAR,it neverthelesssoundedfast and clean.This Cohentrack is a dense mix of keyboardsand backing vocal linesthat can be swamped by Cohen'sclosemiked,growling vocal deliveryand the composition's over-the-top bass line. Where the EARsounded a bit cloying,the Shanlingsoundedmore freshand open. Pure ABOVE: Sound's430 is m i n i m a l i si n t the extreme, with no remote controland just three line inputs.A discreettoggle switchon the top plate selectsbetween ultralinear andtriode operation SPII'[E.TINGIING Thingsimprovedevenfurtherwhenswitchingto a high the PrimaLuna. TheDialogueone delivered resolution, detailedpictureof thisdensemultitrackedrecording, soundingloudand powerfuland delicateand refinedthroughthe middle simultaneously lt demonstrated a spine-tingling seemeda little closed-incomparedwith the PrimaLuna, andupperregisters. with plentyof abilityto conveyreallycleantransients, PureSoundand Shanlingamps that had precededit. lf 'lush', the EARwas to be describedas so too was the airthat allowedme to hearrightintothe densemix. A30 it Interestingly, whenI movedon to PureSound's UnisonResearchin that it soundedfulsome in the lower massive imagethat I hadn't threwout an uncommonly registers,with a darkershadingthan the Shanling,Pure noticedfromthe A30 whenplayingthe DianaKrall Soundand PrimaLunamodels. 'By Stayingwith familiarCD tracks I moved on to The track.I observed textureanddetailin backingvocals with the EARandShanling. RiversDark' from LeonardCohen's Ien New Songs album that hadgoneunnoticed Despiteits pricethe PureSoundwasn'tput in the shade [Sony5012022]. Listeningto the EAR816 it sounded by the PrimaLuna amplifiereither,lackingonlyin its like the equivalentof a bold, full-bloodedred wine. With of veryfinebackground detailsthat were immenselypowerful and robust basslinesunderpinning resolution one. moreeasilydiscerned with the DiaLogue this broodingtrack, the EARseemedin its element: P40hada Cohen'sdar:kvocalswere uncommonlV In comparison UnisonResearch's thanksto the clear and thrown to the fore of tendencyto soundoverwhelming over-the-top low bassin this particular recording, the image, if to the detriment of in the midband. o delicatedetailsfurther back in consequently it waslessopen-sounding minimalisf in the extreme, withjustthreeline inputs' JUNE2009 : www.hifinews.co.uk 5..:..G'*$g+:ss+ CertainlyI was up close and personalwith Cohen's voice,while the depth and width of the image were cornmendableindeed.Howeverit requiredmore effort to listen in to the subtle detailsof keyboardfills and the female voicesburied far back in the soundstage. RAISING fiIE BAR Curious to hearhow thisclutchof valveintegrateds I recordedat highresolution mightinterpretsources Musicof Frank spunup the OmnibusWind Ensemble's ZappaSACD[Opus3, 19423} Thisis an audiophile from 1995,madeusinga simple analoguerecording arrangement stereomicrophone Blumlein single-point soundof whichhascaptureda natural,unembellished Thedual-layered in a naturalacoustic. realinstruments at CD hybridSACDallowsoneto listento thisrecording DSDqualityon the qualityandthenswitchto higher-res SACDlayer.I'm usedto playingthisdiscto anyvisitors curiousto audition'hi-resdigital',my systemnormally between morethancapableof showingthe difference the two layerson the disc. trulydid justice Noneof thesefiveintegrateds Knowingthat the SACDlayershould to the SACD. betterportraythe tonalcoloursandtexturesof the to the senseof realism with an increased instruments, failedto showthisin musicalevent,allfiveamplifiers I could the obviousmannerto whichI'm accustomed. oerceivesubtledifferencesbetweenthe CDand SACD 'Noneof thesef,vevaive integratedstruiy did justice to the higher-resSACD' I'veheardthem before;hadI not, I would layersbecause andcouldquiteeasilyjump havebeenunderwhelmed areno more that the differences to the conclusion in merelya 'cosmetic'variation thansubtle,comprising overalltonalshading. when'rocking Similarly I wasa littleunimpressed from ageingrockclassic out'to a deeplyunfashionable for Foreigner,1981'sForeigner4 album,remastered None 8122743669]. in 2001 [Atlantic/Rhino DVD-Audio demonstrated the 'chalk'n' cheese' of theseamplifiers to whencomparing that I'm accustomed difference the CDwith the 24-bitl96kHzDVD-A.Listeningto the pumpingrhythmof 'JukeBoxHero'it is usuallyapparent discmakesthe CD in an instantthat the DVD-Audio squashed, anddynamically versionsoundcompressed a sparkling realism the hi-resversiondemonstrating better alongwith substantially to cymbalcrashes ' 58 : www.hifinews.co.uk JUNE2009 dynamicattackto bassand drums.Of this group of amplifiers,only the EAR816 and PrimalunaDiaLogue One did much justiceto the superiorityof the DVD-A remaster,the others tending to glossover the enhanced resolutionof the 24/96 version. Neil Young's1971 classicHarvestalbum is one of the most fascinatingDVD-Asin my collection[Reprise 9362-48100-91.As well as a 24196multichannelstream (that can be playedin stereo,of course)it contains a two-channel24-bitl192kHztrack taken from the originalstereo master usedto cut the vinyl more than 40 yearsago. When I first acquiredthis disc I was taken abackto discoverthat the 96kHz versionactually soundsbetter than the 192kHz version!You can hear that for the multichannelversionit has been remixed and subsequentlyremasteredfrom the recording's multitracktape - a generationback from the stereo mastertaoe of 1971. Thistime even the EARand PrimaLunafailed to portray the differencein claritythat I'm usedto hearing. VINYI, ADDICTIONS The majority of valve amplifieraficionadosdon't need me to tell them that there is musicalmagic hidden 'the black stuff'. Sureenough,as within the depths of I spent many hours ploughingthrough a selectionof favourite LPs(and a few 12in singlesthat haven'tseen daylightfor a long while, from the likesof Depeche Mode, Heaven17 and FrankieGoesto Hollywood),not one of these five amplifiersleft me feelingwanting for much more when playingrecords.lf you're of a mind that that you need a pair of Krellmonoblocks to do justiceto the thumping, pumping basslinesof 'Relax',think again. Eventhe modest power of Frankie's PureSound'sA30 proved more than enough to shake the rafterswithout any feeling of strain or dynamic 'SlaveTo The Rhythm' compression.And CraceJones' soundedaltogether more dynamic,powerful and o ABOVE: Shanling's STP-80hasfour line inputsand a fixed-level lineoutput for recording whateversource is playing.The suppliedRC-09 handsetallows remote control of volumeand sourceselection - a n dw i l l alsocontrola S h a n l i nC g D/ SACDplayer.A VFDon the front paneldisplays input selection andvolume setting.lt can be dimmed.but not defeated organicon vinyl than my CD copy with its sibilant,hard edge and complete absence of the infrabasssynth notes that are cut into the vinyl release.The EAR816 'SlaveTo The Rhythm', as did the truly kicked with UnisonResearchP40. Both modelswere at home with the driving bassand percussion,while their smooth charactertook any sting out of the track'stendency toward stridency.With such a heavilyprocessed electronictrack the Primalunafailed to shinequite so much and the Shanlingand PureSoundamps sounded 'electronic'when quicklycompared a little anaemicand back-to-backin this group. EASY ON THE E,AR Choosing a treasured copy of the LPO'sArnold Overtures 2LPset as a referencesourcefor analyticallistening [ReferenceRecordingsRR-48],this brightly-lit18-yearold recording from Watford Town Hall sounded powerful and majesticthrough the EAR.The opening minutes of 'A Sussexoverture' had crispnessas well as delicacy, soundingvivid, open, and transparent,with an easyon-the-earqualitythat managed not to exaggeratethe bright tonal quality of the recording.With the Shanling 'oomph'compared with the EAR, there was a lack of the sharp rasp of the brasssection I felt that although and crashing cymbals were better portrayed. Less comfortableon the ear, perhaps,and lighter in balance, the Shanlingsoundedreallyexplicit. A valveampcan createa musicalexperiencefull of dramaand ex'oression' So too did the PrimaLuna,but with broadertonal shadingthat made the brasssound palpablymore real. Moreoverthe shimmer of the cymbalswasn't buried by 'crash'.The massivekettle drum had more of their initial the power and weight displayedby the EAR,as well. Moving on to the PureSound,once again the A30 demonstratedits exceptionalimage width and depth capability.lt didn't havethe thunderousbasspower of EAR's816 but it wasn't far short, being the equal of the PrimaLuna.Meanwhileit had tremendousDresence through the midband that, unlikethe other amps, brought the orchestraright into the room. lf I'd been a little underwhelmedby the Unison Researchuntil now, the P40 came into its own with this LPOanaloguerecording.Along with basspower that seemedthe equal of the EAR,it unraveledlayersof inner detail to convey hall ambienceand low-leveldynamic inflectionson a wide, deep soundstage,renderingthis wonderful audiophilerecordingwith startlinglylifelike realism.Fabulousstuff. Assumingthat you don't want to listenat extraordinarilyhigh sound pressurelevels,and that speakerload matching is carefullyattendedto as well, a valve amplifiercan create a natural musicalexperience full of drama, expressionand listenerinvolvement.All five integrateds tested here displayed a seductively liquid sound character,rich in texture and dynamic expressionalong with a low fatigue factor that should haveyou enjoyingmusicfor hourson end. Without 'character'.And each doubt each amplifierhas its own amplifierseemsto vary dependingon sourcematerial, soundingbetter with simple recordingsthan with dense,complicatedtracks.Be preparedto investtime auditioningvarioustypes of musicthrough your choice of speakersbefore making a choice.The experienceof a specialistdealer must not be undervaluedhere. HI.RES FUIT'RE I was disappointedto find that none of them fully did justiceto higher resolutionrecordings.lf you feel that your entertainmentfuture will soon involve downloadinghi-resdigital filesyou might be best advisedto consideramplifiersother than these. While it's common for LPloversin particularto swear by valve amplifiers,one can't help feelingthat in many instances- especiallywhere listenerscomplain 'hard'- a valve amplifier that CD soundsbleachedand might prove a perfect tonic for tired ears. lf your system becomeswearing after an evening'slistening,perhaps you shouldconsiderinvestingin a sweet-soundingvalve amplifiersuch as one of these! G> :Iiii':* 60 www.hifinews.co.uk JUNE2009 ABOVE: Unison P40 Research's integratedhas four line inputs, one fixed level lineoutput labelledTape, and a variable (preamp) output disingenuously labelledSub (L+R)Out. As with other UnisonResearch amplifiers, there'sa socket for providing powerto the company's 'SimplyPhono' add-onphono stage VAI,VE AMPLIFIER VERDICT Withonlythreeinputsandnoremote control the PureSound430 is decidedly minimalistand its exposedvalvesmight precludeit from some family households. However, it representsexcellent value a n d d i s p l a y fsa b u l o u ss p a t i a li m a g i n g 'open'sound character. along with a fresh, Lessimpressivein terms of image threedimensionalityyet commendablyfast and engaging,Shanling'sSTP-80also represents very good value- if its slightlygregarious EAR816 Despiteits 'ClassA operation, powerconsumptionstill increases from 285W (idle) to 330w at its rated 2x50w output. Powerinto lower impedancesis heldto -30W (-50W dynamic)via its Sohm tap but at leastdistortionis loW just -0.05% impressively through upperbassand m i d r a n g ea t 1 O w 8 o h ma n d increasing to 1%at zokHz. gentlywith THDalsoincreases at 1W 0.5% output,from O.O2% at 50W and 4%at 75w8ohm. Theseare exemplaryfigures for a valveamp! Output impedancewas a little higher than anticipatedat -1.4ohm . and an increasein white noise (ratherthan hum) meansthe A-wtdSiNis just 72d8. PM stylingdoesn'tput you off. lt comeswith too. Withthe full remotecontroloperation, modelsin thisgroup, two moreexpensive P40and EAR816,bass the UnisonResearch wasextendedwith goodrhythmicdriveon Butin my system recordings. appropriate 'heavy', both modelssoundeda touch that made of authority with a sense albeit works orchestral of large-scale recordings Frombothof theseamplifiers enthralling. and I'd havelikeda tad morepresence PRIMATUNA DIALOGUE 1 Rumourhasit that the DialogueOne is reallya DialogueTwo runningwith EL34sratherthan KT88s. Whilethe 2x50W maximum power output (into both 8 and 4ohm) is the same,distortion was certainlya lot higher in this sample,particularly throughthe right channel.At 10W8ohm distortionfallsto a minimumof 1.6%(left)and 3.2%(right)with a maximumof 7.5%at zoHzl The high output impedanceis,er, higherstill at -5ohm and this \^/illadd further colourby modifying response. The the amp/speaker A-wtdS/Nis on par at 82dB (re. OdBW),channelbalancegood at 0.3d8 and separationalso at >58d8. PM satisfactory poweroutput poweroutput Craph below:Dynamic Dynamic Craphbelow: (red) and (red), 2ohm intoSohm into8ohm(black),4ohm {black),40hm 2ohm(blue) {blue)and lohm (gfeen) sparkle.TheP40hasremotecontrolof, volume,whilethe 816isstrictly'manual'. Thismightbe an importantfactorin any you sit nextto purchasing decisionunless yourrackof kit.Thestarof the groupwas DialogueOne.lts midrange the PrimaLuna thanthe others, hada bit morepresence a broadtonalpalettethat was displaying richlytextured.Withenoughinputsto cover andfull remotecontrol, mostrequirements it isjudgedthe bestvalueof thisgroup.{D P4O UNISONRESEARCH PURESOUNDA3O STP-80 SHANL!NG Testedin ultralinearmode,the A30 showsa distortiontrend uniformlywith that increases output,so the amp achieves around2x2ow at 1%THDand 2x35Wat 2%THD.lt even maintainssome2x25Wat 20H2.TheA30 is a true Class A designand eatsaround 260W from the wall at idleor full output,but it's alsovery slightly'buzzy'with extended PSUharmonics(upto 2kHz) compromisingthe overall 78.5dBSiNratio.Distortion on is high at bassfrequencies the left channelbut otherwlse 'O,2% at hitsa minimumof '1.85% at 100Hz and a max.of 20kHz.The 1.5-2.4ohmoutput impedancewill incura variable resp.with somespeakers.PM valve Thisultralinear-mode Cainis a high +44d8 but amplifieris capableof there'sno shortfallin power sustaining2x59Winto 8/4ohm which meets from the STP-80 loads(only50W dynamic) at a its 2x35Wspecification t h r o u g ht h e m i d r a n g ea n d , good 2x47Winto both 8 and 4ohm loadsvia its 8 and 4ohm thanksto its substantialoutPut down to as low Nevertheless transformers, taps,respectively. as 20Hz in the bass.Thesingle the amp doesnot betterthe <0.1%THDquoted in the output tap is ratedat 6ohm manual.In fact distortionnever and offers a practicalsource impedanco ef 1.3-1.5ohm fallsto 0.1%from 1-40Wand is typically0.2%(rightchannel) which will incursomeresponse accordingto the irregularities andO.45%(leftchannel)from speakerload. risingat higher 2OHz-1okHz, 8ohm, Into a non-reactive We'veseenthis frequencies. the responseis -1 .1dB/20kHz difierencein L/Rdistortion 'character'in severalprevious with distortionaround0.5% up to 1OkHz,beyondwhich it Shanlingproducts,but at quicklyincreases above1%.The leastthe 10.1dB response, -0.65ohm output impedance P40 is the 'quietest'amp in our test with an A.wtd S/Nratio of and 79dBA-wtdSINare 85dB (re.OdBW).PM consistentbetween L/R. PM poweroutput Craph below:Dynamic (red), 2ohm into8ohm(black),4ohm poweroutPut Dynamic poweroutput Craph below: CEphbelow:Dynamic (red) and (black),4ohm (red), 2ohm intoSohm into80hm(black),4ohm 2ohm{blue) andlohm{green) {blue) (blue)and lohm {greeo) E trl E t e N I z TESTPAMMETERS/ MODET EAR8L6 1 PRIMALUNA DIALOGUE € { € e PURESOUNDA3O STP.8O SHANL1NG 2x4aw| 2x47w P4O UNISONRESEARCH 2 x 5 B W/ 2 x 5 B W Power output (<I %IH D, B/4ohm) 2x55W/ 2x29W 2 x 5 0 W/ 2 x 5 0 W 2 x 3 5 W/ 2 x 3 8 W Dynamic power (Blal2llohm) 66w/4BW/23W/low 72Wl71wl13W 43Wl42Wl4OWl14w s3w/s2wl54wl46W 5owi50w/ew Output impedancel2OHz-2OkHz) 1.22-2.7oohm Frequencyresponse(20H2-2okHz) - 0 . 3 d 8 t o l . 2 5 d B 5.05-5.35ohm 1.5-2.4ohm 0.60-0.65ohm 1.29-l.36ohm -0.55d8 to -0.45d8 - 0 . 2 5 d 8t o - 0 . 3 0 d B - 0 . 1d Bt o - 1 . 2 dB - 0 . 1d Bt o - 1 . 1d B at l0W) Distortion {20H2'2okHz 0.043-1.0% RcnJ 1.6-3.2%{3.2-7.5% 0 . 2 1- 1 . 8 5 % (0.17-0.8% Rc h ) 0.95-1.0% 0.32-1.30% A-wtd S/N ratio (re.odBW) 72.OdB 82.3d8 78.5d8 78.9dB 84.9d8 >55d8 >60d8 Stereo separation(20H2-20kHz) >50d8 >58d8 48dB JUNE2009 , lvUvw.hifinews.co.uk 63