UK Government moves to block benefits to illegal
UK Government moves to block benefits to illegal
etno communication With compliments of Place your ad in the European ethnic press Call today 0039.06.8741.0333 Y COMPLEMENTAR COPY EUR 1,00, GBP $ 0,7, CHF Fr. 1,50, NOK Kr. 8,0, SEK Kr. 9,0, DKK Kr 7,5 Editorial Office: via V. Maroso 50, 00142 Rome - Italy Phone: +39 06 8741 0531 Fax +39 06 8741 0528 email: [email protected] ISSUE 4 APRIL 2007 Landlords housing illegal immigrants to be hit with £20,000 fines UK Government moves to block benefits to illegal immigrants Reid: New approach to make life "uncomfortable and constrained" for illegal immigrants © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Britain has announced a raft of measures to deny work, benefits and services to people in the country illegally. Home Secretary John Reid said the new "approach will make life in this country ever more uncomfortable and constrained for those who come here illegally." The new strategy will allow the Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) to progressively deny work, benefits and services to those in the country illegally by working in partnership with tax authorities, benefits agencies, Government Departments, local authorities, police and the private sector. IMMIGRATION NEWS Human rights expert calls on States to back UN treaty protecting migrant workers P. 2 THE GUIDE P. 3 Traffic fines in Spain P. 6 UK’s Home Secretary John Reid Denmark committed to improve labour market integration Mlambo-Ngcuka: Many women depend on men who abuse them P. 9 A new report shows that Denmark is making great efforts to promote integration of foreign workers. The report titled "The Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in Denmark" by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows that integration in the labour market is a key issue on the Danish Government's agenda, and that there is a developed integration programme for newly arrived immigrants with a unique emphasis on labour market integration. "From 2001 to 2005, 20,000 additional immigrants and descendants from non-Western countries found employment, and unemployment data show a continued positive development since 2005. Meanwhile, an increased share of the young ethnic minorities is Ghanaians celebrate Golden Jubilee in Grand Style Pgs. 16-17 either employed or undertaking education, and more of the young people now find apprenticeships. Integration takes time, but I believe we can generate a faster and more positive development by making use of the most effective efforts," says Ms. Rikke Hvilshøj, the Danish Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs (picture). Some of the initiatives and best practices the report identified in Denmark include the "We Need All Youngsters" campaign, the early language stimulation of immigrant children, the nationwide KVINFO mentorship programme, the integration via football clubs in the "From the Bench to the Pitch" project, the benchmarking of municipalities, and the efforts to promote employment of immigrants in the public sector. P. 2 Makosi makes movie break in gangster drama P. 20 © NEWZIMBABWE.COM We wish all our readers, their families an d frien ds a Hap p y Eas ter Hvilshøj: “Statistics show that ethnic minorities in Denmark now feel less discriminated” 2 IMMIGRATION NEWS April 2007 Denmark committed to improve labour market integration Hvilshøj: "Statistics show that ethnic minorities in Denmark now feel less discriminated" Denmark continues to make great efforts to promote integration of foreign workers, a new report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has revealed. The report titled "The Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in Denmark" also shows that Denmark is taking active steps to improve the integration. Integration in the labour market is a key issue on the Danish Government's agenda, and there is a developed integration programme for newly arrived immigrants with a unique emphasis on labour market integration, the report says. Some of the initiatives and best practices the report identified in Denmark include the "We Need All Youngsters" campaign, the early language stimulation of immigrant children, the nationwide KVINFO mentorship programme, the integration via football clubs in the "From the Bench to the Pitch" project, the benchmarking of municipalities, and the efforts to promote employment of immigrants in the public sector. The report points that there is need for continued integration efforts, including efforts to combat discrimination. At the same time, the OECD report reveals that there is a large gap between the labour market position of immigrants and native Danes. It shows that the children of immigrants perform less well than other young people in terms of education and employment. This overall picture is partly attributable to the fact that immigration to Denmark in the 1980s and 1990s was dominated by refugees and family reunified with weak labour market outcomes. labour market integration. "I welcome their analysis of the integration in Denmark. This review confirms that integration efforts in the 1980s and 1990s have not been sufficient, and that we now face a major challenge, which we are working hard to overcome." The OECD report on Denmark is part of a series of country reports about labour market integration, and in June 2007, the OECD will publish a book comparing the results of the evaluation of integration in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Australia. The OECD is cur- rently also conducting reviews of integration in France, Belgium and Portugal. Ms. Rikke Hvilshøj, the Danish Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs welcomed the report saying that she is pleased that the OECD is now focusing on 2005. Meanwhile, an increased share of the young ethnic minorities is either employed or undertaking education, and more of the young people now find apprenticeships." Ms. Hvilshøj said the Danish Government has also "taken active steps to promote equal treatment and combat discrimination. The legal protection against discrimination at "From 2001 to 2005, 20,000 additio- the labour market has nal immigrants and descendants been enforced." Denmark has also from non-Western countries found recently the launched the employment, and unemployment "Give Racism data show a continued positive deve- campaign the Red Card" and a lopment since 2005. Meanwhile, an Diversity Programme increased share of the young ethnic both to promote tolerance and diversity at the worminorities is either employed or places. "Fortunately, undertaking education, and more of king statistics show that the the young people now find apprenti- ethnic minorities in ceships. ..... Integration takes time, Denmark now feel less discriminated," she said. but I believe we can generate a Hvilshøj said faster and more positive development thereMinister were signs that the by making use of the most effective situation in Denmark was efforts." improving. "It is gratifying to see that the government's early Ms. Rikke Hvilshøj, the Danish employment strategy for Minister of Refugee, Immigration newly arrived immigrants and Integration Affairs appears to be yielding visible results, according to OECD. Integration She said the Danish takes time, but I believe we can Government has taken important generate a faster and more positive steps to improve the labour market development by making use of the integration with the programme "A most effective efforts. It is imporNew Chance for Everyone" and last tant to get an international perspecyear's welfare reform. The minister tive on the efforts and look at best revealed that "from 2001 to 2005, practices, so I look forward to the 20 000 additional immigrants and OECD's future comparative studies descendants from non-Western on integration." countries found employment, and By Stephen Ogongo unemployment data show a continued positive development since Human rights expert calls on States to back UN treaty protecting migrant workers The United Nations independent expert on the rights of migrants has called on UN Member States to ratify the international treaty that seeks to protect the almost 200 million migrant workers around the world against abuse. Jorge Bustamante, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, told the Human Rights Council in Geneva that it was time for countries to demonstrate their commitment towards improving the rights of migrant workers. The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families was adopted by the General Assembly in 1990, but so far just 34 countries have ratified it and the treaty only entered into force in 2003. Mr. Bustamante said he hoped more States would ratify the treaty during the Global Forum on Migration and Development, to be held in Belgium in July, and he also called for the creation of a voluntary fund to allow the world's least developed countries to attend the Forum. The treaty includes clauses providing for a halt to the clandestine employment of irregular migrants so that they do not work in abusive conditions but enjoy safe and decent work and equal wages, as well as assistance to the orderly return of migrants, so that they can enjoy adequate economic and social conditions for their reintegration. Delivering his report in Geneva on 20th March, Mr. Bustamante also outlined his recent country visits to the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Indonesia, noting that the former had not yet ratified the Convention and pressing the latter to do more to alleviate the especially precarious situation of its female migrant domestic workers. The ROK's delegate Dong-Hee Chang said Seoul was making steps towards ratifying the treaty, adding that the country was also involved in serious efforts to help female migrant spouses successfully inte- Whatever your education or work experience, CIC has Training for YOU ACCREDITED TRAINING - STUDY FOR SUCCESS Improve your career and train for success with Cambridge! 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In other reports before the Council, the Independent Expert on minorities' issues, Gay McDougall, said minorities around the world were among the poorest of the poor and faced long-standing discrimination, exclusion, denial of basic rights and sometimes even violence. Ms. McDougall said that during her recent visit to Hungary, she found the situation of the Roma people to be dire, and she called on the Government to introduce affirmative action, aggressively enforce school de-segregation and to offer other financial and policy commitments. In response, Hungary's delegate Dora Blaszek said that although her country acknowledged that much remained to be done, it was confident that some of the institutions and mechanisms it had established to deal with such problems were examples of best practice. During her visit to Ethiopia, Ms. McDougall observed that although the country's constitution established fundamental freedoms for its diverse peoples, there was little confidence in the political process and a widespread feeling, exacerbated by elections last May and subsequent events, that it was dominated by an ethnic and political elite. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, submitted reports on his visits to Ecuador and Kenya. In Ecuador, Mr. Stavenhagen found that while the Government had created various institutions to tackle the problems of indigenous peoples, a lack of resources meant the impact of those institutions was limited. In Kenya, the Rapporteur obser- ved that the situation of huntergatherer and pastoralist communities was increasingly difficult, although he also said that the process of democratization in the country had allowed indigenous organizations the opportunity to place their concerns on the national agenda. Ecuador's delegate Luis Vayas Valdivieso described Mr. Stavenhagen's report as deep and well-balanced, adding that it wanted to work more closely with both the Rapporteur and the Council to improve its standards. Kenyan representative Phillip Richard O. Owade said his Government had taken specific steps to try to ameliorate the problems faced by his country's nomadic, semi-nomadic and pastoralist groups, including school feeding programmes and a national policy for sustainable development of arid and semi-arid lands. By UN News Service Naturalisation requests in Netherlands up in 2006 The number of foriegners applying for Dutch nationality last year rose by nearly 7,000 in comparison to the previous year. According to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) annual report published in mid March, 28,200 applied for citizenship in 2006. The report shows that there are currently no backlogs with regard to the processing of naturalisation requests from the Netherlands. The obligatory naturalisation ceremony has been successfully introduced, the report indicates. The report shows that in 2006, the IND aimed to eliminate the backlogs of applications for regular residence permits, and to take prompt decisions with regard to new applications, both done successfully. More possiblities have also been created for foreign nationals to work in the Netherlands as highly skilled migrants. Startup companies can now also hire highly skilled migrants, the Ministry of Justice said in a statement. A residence permit for a stay as a highly skilled migrant is also possible for academic researchers and doctors who are being trained to become specialists. According to the report, last year, the number of applications from highly skilled migrants more than doubled compared to the year 2005. Family reunification, however, appears to have been hit by the introduction of the Integration Abroad Act which came into effect on 15th March 2006. It in fact led to a decrease of roughly 20% in applications for a Provisional Residence Permit for family reunification and formation. As far as applications for asylum are concerned, the report shows that all applications submitted last year were processed within the statutory period. Most of the asylum applications submitted in 2006 were from citizens of Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan. IMMIGRATION NEWS 3 April 2007 Life being made impossible for illegal immigrants in UK The Government will also create a watch list of illegal migrants that can be "The DWP is committed to provided to other Government departments doing all it can to ensure that and agencies to deny access people who live, work or to services. Pilot projects are claim benefits in Britain do also to be carried out in three NHS trusts designed to so legally. We already work in test how IND data can help close collaboration with the ensure overseas visitors not immigration services and entitled to free access pay welcome the opportunity to for health care. develop even closer links to The driver licensing help put this strategy into system will be reviewed to effect." see how it can be used to identify and combat illegal immigration. This will Department for Work and include identifying Pensions (DWP) Minister those illegal immiJim Murphy grants applying for fraudulently "Most people who come to this licences will be denied a duals fleeing persecution. country wish to comply fully with who licence and targeted for "Most people who come our immigration laws, but where enforcement action. to this country wish to comply The new strategy will they don't we are committed to fully with our immigration blocking the benefits and privile- also pilot how IND data can laws, but where they don't we used to prevent fraud are committed to blocking the ges that should only be enjoyed be against the financial services benefits and privileges that by those here legitimately. That's industry by illegal migrants should only be enjoyed by why the time is now right to tac- who are likely to disappear; those here legitimately. kle the root cause of the problem and ensuring individuals do "That's why the time is overstay their visas by now right to tackle the root - exploitation. We have to tackle not texting reminders to their cause of the problem - exploitation. not only the illegal trafficking but mobile phones. A three We have to tackle not only the illealso the illegal jobs at the end of month pilot will begin this gal trafficking but also the illegal the journey. Introducing biome- month. jobs at the end of the journey. Mr. Reid said: "In Introducing biometric ID cards, tric ID cards, starting with newly Britain the majority of peo- starting with newly arrived foreign arrived foreign nationals, will ple work hard, play by the nationals, will make it easier to make it easier to ensure fair rules and get on through ensure fair access to services and access to services and stamp out merit. We have a proud stamp out fraud and abuse." record of integrating immifraud and abuse." The other Government departgrants from around the ments and police working with the and Britain has beco- Home Office to implement the new UK’s Home Secretary John Reid world, me home to many indivi- Higher Education, said: "There are many positive benefits from inward migration, as the enforcement strategy recognises. International students bring very significant economic, social and cultural benefits to the UK. We warmly welcome genuine international students to this country. At the same time, we want to prevent abuse of the student route, by those who attempt to use it to enter the UK for other purposes - for example to work illegally. He said his Department is already working closely with the Home Office to stop fake colleges operating and prevent bogus students from entering the UK. "Forty per cent of all new applications to join the Register fall at the first hurdle, because they cannot meet the conditions for entry. We also have applications pending from 250 colleges which have not been able to meet the requirements of the Register, and we think are unlikely to do so." Grahame Maxwell, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) lead on Immigration and Asylum and Deputy Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police welcomed the new strategy saying it represents a really positive step forward for the Home Office, police and other agencies. © GNN continued from page 1 Measures include the creation of immigration crime partnerships between IND, local authorities, police, HM Revenue and Customs and local agencies to detect those in the UK illegally and block benefits; regional partnerships with workplace enforcement teams from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Department of Trade and Industry, to track down and punish unscrupulous bosses who exploit the system; joint work with local authorities to use fines of up to £20,000 against private sector landlords to tackle overcrowding. strategy said it is an important step forward. DWP Minister Jim Murphy said: "The DWP is committed to doing all it can to ensure that people who live, work or claim benefits in Britain do so legally. We already work in close collaboration with the immigration services and welcome the opportunity to develop even closer links to help put this strategy into effect." Bill Rammell, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and New immigration policy criticised ig ht + Solar battery + Solar protector + Car-Socket + Strap + Cable -L Lighting & Charging System + Diamond LED-Light LE D € 98,- d from on Failed asylum seekers in Germany have been given a chance to remain in the country. Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet has approved a reform of the country's immi- main issue is that they should not be a burden to the local authorities. In order to counter forced or arranged marriages, the draft law states that 18 years is the minimum age for foreign spouses who would like to join their partners in Germany. The spouse must also be at least 18 years old, DPA reported. The co-leader of the opposition Green party, Claudia Roth, criticised draft law, calling it the result of a "competition in paltriness." Only those "who proved economically useful" would profit, Roth said, while those truly in need of protection would get no help at all, Deutsche Welle reported. UT O K C BLA no n tio u l l o p = Solar panel m Chancellor Angela Merkel gration laws which gives failed asylum seekers a chance to remain in the country legally. The draft law will end the limbo of some 180,000 foreigners whose asylum applications have been rejected but who cannot be deported for humanitarian reasons. They are mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq or Kosovo. They weren't deported, but they weren't given residency permits either, which would have allowed them to attend university or seek employment, Deutsche Welle reported. The draft law also says that they'll now be able to stay in the country legally, but they'll have to find work by 2009 or risk losing their right to remain. The no ia © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO “Tolerated” foreigners allowed to stay in Germany D that things like who is renting out a room to illegal immigrants?" Reacting to the idea of removing driving licences, Mr Davis asked: "Does John Reid really believe that a person who is prepared to live in a country illegally is that concerned Dagenham and a candidate for Labour's deputy leadership. He said: "It is all rather extraor- "The race to the bottom of the labour market is leaving migrant workers dinary. The idea that more vulnerable to exploitation. Any somebody who is about to suggestion we should get migrants, overstay or who is over- who benefit our economy, to leave staying will change his the country by treating them worse is alarming," The mind because somebody simply reported. sends him a text message Danny Sriskandarajah, migration seems to be something research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), said: out of this world.” "It is sad to see the Home Secretary to appear tougher on immigraShadow Home Secretary trying tion with measures that will not work David Davis and will drive people further underground. Tackling illegal immigration effectively requires bold solutions to about having the correct qualifications to drive in bring people out of the shadows, not gimmicky measures that risk further undermining that country?" He said there was public confidence." Joint Council for the Welfare of need of effective action. "Conservatives would Immigrants chief executive Habib Rahman establish a dedicated UK said: "Barring up to half a million irregular border police which migrants in the UK from access to rights and would not just secure services is not a realistic or humane responour borders but also develop expertise in trac- se," BBC reported. He added: "We want a king down and removing the huge number of more balanced approach, not just hyping up illegal immigrants in this country," Mr. Davis public emotions on some very emotive subjects." He called for action on people trafficsaid. Another criticism of the new strategy king rather than a crackdown on the "victims" came from Jon Cruddas, the MP for of it and an amnesty on illegal workers. Fax +49-(0)30-54710844 Conservative lawmakers said new strategy of the Home Office will not be effective in controlling illegal immigration in the UK. The Conservatives accused Home Secretary John Reid of giving up on his plans to deport illegal immigrants, choosing instead to send text messages to foreigners warning them not to over-stay their visa deadlines. Shadow Home Secretary David Davis described the plan as "out of this world" and protested: "This is a serious admission of defeat. John Reid is effectively giving up on trying to deport the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in this country, preferring instead to spam them with text messages." He declared: "It is all rather extraordinary. The idea that somebody who is about to overstay or who is overstaying will change his mind because somebody sends him a text message seems to be something out of this world. "These sorts of measures are just headline grabbing initiatives. The issue here is that we should stop them coming into the country in the first place if they shouldn't be here, and secondly, if they are here and we catch them they should be deported." Mr Davis said the Government had made so many such proposals in the recent years. "The idea of a watch list for public services is interesting but where would they get the names. They have not used the laws that they already have. How are they going to know © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Shadow Home Secretary Davis: "These sorts of measures are just headline grabbing initiatives" 4 April 2007 IMMIGRATION NEWS Italian Govt to approve comprehensive immigration reform like to re-introduce possibility of immigrants coming to Italy through sponsors. The sponsors will shoulder obligations and guarantees on residence of the immigrants. Local institutions, associations of employers, trade unions and subordinate work contract for a definite period-for more than six months will be issued permits valid for one year. Those with subordinate work contract for indefinite period or self-employed workers will be issued permits valid for full integration of foreign citizens living in Italy legally. For instance, those who have been living in Italy for at least 5 years will have the possibility of working in the civil service like European citizens. Those who have been here for at © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO The Italian Government is most likely to approve this month the Delegate Law "Legge Delega" to amend the Immigration Law prepared by Minister of Home Affairs Giuliano Amato and Minister of Social Solidarity Paolo Ferrero. It will then be debated in Parliament. The Delegate Law gives the Government the power to write new laws within clearly set parameters. The Chamber of Deputies and Senate can amend the Delegate Law, but once it is approved, it will be upon the Government to issue a Legislative Decree that will amend the current Immigration Law. Generally the Delegate Law is used in cases of vast and complex themes which would take the Parliament a very long time to go through and approve. The only long article of this Delegate Law states that it will have to promote the legal migration by linking job demand and offer. Let's see how. There will be triennial Quota Agreements, with a possibility of being updated every year depending on the new needs of the job market. If there will be a higher demand for workers, especially domestic workers and caretakers, it will be possible for more of them to be allowed to come into the country for work. The Government would also revise the entry system for those who can come to Italy out of the quota system, especially the highly qualified workers, scholars, and managers. The Government plans to establish employment centres abroad for workers who would like to come to Italy. It will create a register fed to the computer of the workforce willing to immigrate to Italy. This would become a system for job placement abroad. Italian Embassies, institutions and international bodies with branches abroad and local authorities will have the possibility of handling the enrolment of workers. Foreign workers will be able to enrol depending on their knowledge of Italian language, educational and professional qualifications. An inter-ministerial data base will be created bringing together all applications for jobs and job offers. The Government would also Home Affairs Minister Giuliano Amato and Social Solidarity Minister Paolo Ferrero benevolent institutions (patronati), private citizens, as well as the applicants themselves (self-sponsor) will have the right to be sponsors as long as they have sufficient means of sustenance throughout their period of stay in Italy. The Government would like to reduce bureaucracy in Immigration's Departments by simplifying the issuing of visas and revising the documents required for obtaining the visas. Under the new law, those arriving in Italy will no longer have to sign the Residence Contract (contratto di soggiorno). The Permits of Stay will be valid for longer periods. Those with three years. The renewed permits will be valid for double the above periods. The bill also creates the Permit of Stay for Job searching valid for one year, which can be renewed if the holder has sufficient means of sustenance. Employers will also be allowed to hire foreigners who had work permits for subordinate work for at least 18 months but are no longer having permits because they've lost their jobs. Permits of Stay for Humanitarian reasons will be issued to those who can prove that they belong to the civil society. There are also provisions for least two years and minor children registered in their permits will have full access to the social assistance and social security benefits. Their educational qualifications will also be recognised. The professional role and duties of cultural mediator will be recognised, making them key professional figures in handling issues concerning the second generation and women. The Delegate Law also aims at facilitating integration of minor foreigners, giving them the right to be issued Permit of Stay for family reasons even when they turn 18 years old but are still dependent on their parents. The new law gives the long term residents, that is those who have been in the country for at least 5 years, the right to active and passive vote in local elections. In this way, they'll have the same rights to vote like the EU citizens. This provision fully brings into effect the Strasburg Convention on active participation in public life at local level. In order to make expulsions effective, there are plans of introducing voluntary and assisted return programmes not only for illegal immigrants but also for those who have not been expelled but need money to return home. Those taking part in the voluntary and assisted return programmes will be able to return to Italy faster than the other expelled people. Expulsions will be carried out on the basis of seriousness of crimes committed and on how dangerous the illegal immigrant is to the society. This will no longer be the duty of the Justice of Peace but of ordinary judges. Temporary Holding Centres will have different structures. There will be open structures with a possibility of getting out within a very short time for those who collaborate with the authorities in their identification. There will also be closed structures for those who will not identify themselves. Even here the detainees will have the possibility of leaving the structure in less than 60 days. Prisoners will be identified in prisons without being taken to Temporary Holding Centres. It will take a long time to implement these proposals. From the time the Delegate Law becomes effective (the opposition has already warned of strong opposition in Parliament), the Government will have to issue a Legislative Decree for amending the Immigration Law. From the time this Legislative Decree will become effective, the Government will have another year to issue the second Legislative Decree to reconcile the new norms to those already existing. The Government will have other two years to adopt corrective and additional measures. By Elvio Pasca Amnesty International: Racism & discrimination, Europe's major human rights problems © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO med initiatives such as the Year of Equal "Besides the very real threat of Opportunities, but verbal abuse and physical vio- expressed concern the glaring gap lence, there are citizens who at between pledges cannot lead a normal life - find and actual practice. a job, rent a house or simply Not even half of EU walk down the street without member states have being stopped and searched - implemented national action plans just because they have the against racism or 'wrong' colour or ethnicity" ratified the Protocol that would allow taking to court Dick Oosting, Amnesty cases of discriminaInternational's EU Office tion. Over the past done to Europe in the past, there is two years Amnesty a historical responsibility to tackle this issue with utmost priority. International has extenEuropean citizens are clearly con- sively documented how cerned about this problem which laws and practices foreign affects the daily lives of millions of discriminate nationals and ethnic people," said Oosting. across Amnesty International welco- minorities Europe. How in France and the UK Muslim People hold hands in a show of unity during a protest against racism and violence in the streets of Antwerp, Belgium, last year communities are increaAre you working with immigrants in any part of singly targeted, how in Europe? Amnesty International urged the ratify Optional Protocol 12 to the Greece, Spain and Italy the rights of asylum seekers and migrants have EU to press for the implementation European Convention for the Please share with us your activities and help us keep been curtailed, and how in several of the Race Equality Directive and Protection of Human Rights and our readers informed of the most relevant immigration Employment Equality Fundamental Freedoms during this central European countries Roma the news in Europe. Feel free to share with us ideas on how Year of Equal communities are denied their eco- Directive; to upgrade its legislation present and provide for equal and effective Opportunities; to ensure that natioimmigrants in Europe can overcome the difficulties they nomic, social and cultural rights. "All these examples show that protection for all grounds and acts nal legislation provides equal and face in their daily lives. discrimination is a key human of discrimination and to legislate to effective protection against all Address your reports to: The Editor, Africa News, Via rights problem for Europe. It cuts provide effective protection against grounds and acts of discrimination across and aggravates abuse in the racist crime and hate speech across and to adopt, implement and evaMaroso, 50, CAP 00142 Rome, Italy. important areas where human rights the EU, while safeguarding free- luate National Action Plans against E-mail: [email protected] racism according to commitments are at risk, especially counter-terro- dom of expression. Tel +39-06-87410531. The human rights body appea- made at the 2001 World Conference rism and irregular immigration", led to EU member states to sign and Against Racism in Durban. said Oosting. Fax +39-06-87410528. There is still widespread racism and discrimination across the EU, says Amnesty International. "Besides the very real threat of verbal abuse and physical violence, there are citizens who cannot lead a normal life - find a job, rent a house or simply walk down the street without being stopped and searched - just because they have the 'wrong' colour or ethnicity," said Dick Oosting, Amnesty International's EU Office director on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In a letter to the EU Commission, Council and the European Parliament, (available at, the human rights organization urged that concrete measures are implemented to end racist discrimination that, as EU Commissioner Franco Frattini recently stated: "is tremendously on the rise in Europe". "We have seen what racism has IMMIGRATION NEWS April 2007 5 UK hikes visa fees Home Office: New fees to ensure firm but fair immigration system UK has announced a hike in visa fees for non-European Union citizens going to the country to work, stay or study and for those applying to remain. Both the Work permit visa and Long term visa fees have been increased from £85 to £200. The Settlement visa fee has also gone up from £260 to £500. The Student visa fee has also been increased from £85 to £99. For those already in the UK, the Indefinite Leave to Remain has been increased from £335 to £750 while the Indefinite Leave to Remain Premium has also gone up from £500 to £950. The new visa fees are effective from 1st April 2007. The Home Office said the new immigration fees will help ensure a fair and effective immigration system. The new fees, the Home Office said, will help in ensuring that Britain continues to attract the legal visitors, students and migrants who contribute so much to the UK's economic and cultural life. The Home Office said that the money will be spent on: providing additional enforcement capacity which will allow for more illegal working operations, prosecutions and enforcement staff; extra detention capacity building new detention centres; increasing IND's ability to provide compliance and employee verification services for employers employing foreign workers; greater intelligence gathering to help inform enforcement operations; using enforcement campaigns abroad to explain the realities of coming to the UK illegally; and increasing removals by supporting enhanced voluntary returns packages. The new fees will help support a robust and enhanced visa service. Using the latest technology will maintain Britain's competitive position in a global market for tourists and students who contribute up to £20 billion per annum to the economy. Migrant workers account for an estimated 11 per cent of Gross Domestic Product. The Government said it will be concentrating its increase in fees on migrants who are making significant economic gains from their application - such as those in the UK to work or live, while students, visitors and tourists won't pay as much. Publishing the new visa fees, Immigration Minister Liam Byrne said: "We believe that it is fair that those who benefit most from using our immigration system - those who come here to live and work - should pay more to fund it. The extra money will be at no extra cost to the tax payer and will help pay for a firm but fair immigration system, tackling Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) added: "We want to keep the UK competitive "We believe that it is fair that and an attractive destination those who benefit most from for those coming to visit, using our immigration system - study, work, invest or simply those who come here to live and travel through. We have been to ensure that the fees work - should pay more to fund careful are not set at a level that would it. The extra money will be at no hamper the UK's global comextra cost to the tax payer and petitive position." Minister for Lifelong will help pay for a firm but fair Learning, and Higher immigration system, tackling ille- Education Further Bill Rammell welgal working, organised crime, comed the changes to student extremism and terrorism. We are fees saying "The Government committed to making the system recognises the benefits intereasier for those we want to come national students bring to the The new fee structure is but tougher on those abusing it.” UK. aimed at maintaining the attractiveness of the UK as a Immigration Minister Liam student destination, by keeping the student visa fee as low as Byrne possible, and in some cases reducing in cost over the next illegal working, organised year." He added that the new visa fees will crime, extremism and terro- ensure "Britain continues to attract the legal rism. We are committed to students who contribute so much to the UK's making the system easier economic and cultural life. " for those we want to come but tougher on those abusing it. A SAMPLING OF THE NEW FEES "It will also ensure the UK remains competitive in a global market by improving services for genuine visitors, by deciding applications Settlement visas: from £260 to £500 more quickly and making it easier for Work permit visas: from £85 to £200 immigrants, employers, institutions Visitor visas: from £50 to £63 and sponsors to abide by the rules. We are confident that we are not out Student visas: from £85 to £99 of line with other countries' prices Indefinite leave to remain: from £335 to £750 and that the people we want to come Naturalisation fees: from £200 to £575 here will not be deterred from doing Highly skilled migrant approval: from £315 to £400 so." Lord David Triesman, the BOOK REVIEW Children seeking asylum - problems and prejudices A new report explores the world of children seeking asylum in the UK and the legislation, practices, misconceptions and injustices surrounding the application of the law towards this vulnerable group. ted. The research, which centred on England and Scotland, is set alongside investigations of similar situations in the United States and Australia. Decision-making ignores AT a time when asylum seekers the fact of being a child are the objects of a politically-infused debate, this report about unaccompanied or separated children seeking asylum, is an eye-opener. It highlights the plight of these young children in a human rights context that is found lacking and misdirec- With the incorporation of the European Human Rights Convention and the Refugee Convention into domestic law, the UK has become party to international human rights laws and responsibilities, and, as this report reiterates, party to conventions on the best interest and well-being of a child migrant. Despite several attempts National Day of Action & Celebration at educating, providing guidance and proBank Holiday Monday, 7 May moting awareness about the processing of Be part of a broad civic alliance of faiths, businesses, unions and applications community groups calling for immigration reform, including: from children, x A policy which views migrants as contributors to the UK economy and society; only 2 per cent x An end to the asylum logjam which leaves tens of thousands in limbo, and to of unaccompadeportations of families with children in schools; nied or separated x A pathway into citizenship for long-term migrants who have made new lives in the children were UK granted asylum when they applied in 2004. 'The quality of 11:30am-12:30pm: Walk to Trafalgar Square: decision making Gather in Westminster Cathedral Piazza (Victoria Street, SW1P) from 11:00am for the is poor. walk to Trafalgar Square. Decisions don't reflect the fact that the claim is a child. There 12:30-1:30pm: ‘Strangers into Citizens’ Rally at by is no difference between adult Trafalgar Square and child refusal letters.' The report *Please bring a Union Jack flag or T-shirt with you. shows that there is a great discrepancy between For more information, please visit our website at, or government contact David Gardner on 020 7375 1658 or [email protected]. policy and government Strangers into Citizens practice in dealing with asylum story and I would be safe. I didn't application cases for minors. The know what asylum itself was or that UK's legal structure also seems lac- what I was doing was called asyking when it comes to the protec- lum,' one child told the researchers. tion of these children because of The disparity in the rate of granting insufficient legal representation, asylum to children and adults bears inadequate numbers of immigration this out. judges and the inability of the Home Office to formulate a suitable Disbelieving children and efficient framework for making initial decisions in such cases. The UK's lack of appropriate Furthermore, the work highlights legislation and structure with the lack of interest in the protection regards to child asylum seekers and welfare of unaccompanied or may, the report suggests, be due to separated children who are seeking two critical factors, namely, a 'culasylum in the UK. There is virtually ture of disbelief' and the labelling of no government research into the migrants as a 'problem' rather than a general causes of migration of vulnerable group in need of protecminors, despite regular statistical tion. 'An Albanian age disputed publications by the Home Office child at Oakington Reception into unaccompanied children see- Centre was told that the original of king asylum. his birth certificate was not being Surprisingly, the Home Office's accepted because Albanian docustatistics show that more unaccom- ments were often forgeries.' panied children than adults seek There is a belief in the asylum asylum, and yet this has hardly had system that children do not encounany policy impact in the UK. ter persecution as do adults and that Crucially, the lack of research on child asylum seekers may HE THEMES COVERED be a reflection of the fact, which the report emphasises, - Overview of the statistics, the defithat many immigration officers (the nitions and the realities surrounding first point of contact child asylum seekers; for these children) - A background to and the present do not accept the legal framework in the United reasons children give for seeking asy- Kingdom for processing applications lum, such as 'forci- of unaccompanied or separated chilble recruitment as dren seeking asylum; child soldiers' and - The models surrounding and asso'trafficking', as fal- ciated with determining the age of ling under the R e f u g e e child asylum seekers; - The detention, accommodation Convention. One other major find rei- and care of the unaccompanied child terated in this report asylum seeker and the need for and is that procedures to assist asylum-see- role of the legal guardian; - Applying for asylum: the procesking children in making their claims ses involved - from the screening proexist on paper but cess to the appeal process; not in practice. - Recommendations for improved 'They just told me I policies and practices. needed to tell my T children's claims to ill-treatment and abuse are fictional and unlikely. The fact that unstable situations in their native countries may mean that if faced with deportation, they will return to an unsafe and torn country, where, in many cases, they no longer have a family is completely overlooked. However, the report consciously notes that the UK government is actually looking into changing the infrastructure for returning failed minor asylum applicants in their countries of origin, including those with notorious human rights records, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Vietnam and Angola. This report provides an abundance of statistics and information for academics, students, policymakers and researchers - all those whose work includes meeting and safeguarding the rights and needs of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum and anyone interested in international human rights. By Sian Samad Institute of Race Relations News 6 THE GUIDE April 2007 Traffic fines in Spain Speed limits in Spain are as follows: - 20 kph in residential areas, - 50 kph in built-up areas, - 90 kph in country roads, - 100 kph in dual carriageways, - 120 kph on motorways, 80 kph for cars towing a trailer on divided highways and - 70 kph on other roads. Fines for offences that the Spanish traffic law provides Traffic fines in Spain are calculated on the severity of the offence. Often, the speeder doesn't know he has passed a radar or photo checkpoint until he gets his printed notice in the mail. The traffic fines range up to € 1,500. The offenders may also face suspension of their driving licenses for a period of up to 3 months. - The highest fines, which range from € 301 to € 1,500 are imposed for committing the most serious traffic infractions that the Traffic Spanish law provides. In this case the offender may also face suspension of his driving license for a period of up to 3 months. Some of these infractions are the following: - Exceeding maximum lawful speeds; at least 30 kph over the speed limits. - Driving a motor vehicle in Spain under the influence of drugs, or under the influence of alcohol, when exceeding the alcohol limit. - Refusal to cooperate to take a breathalyzer test to analyse the amount of alcohol or other drugs in the blood. - Rash driving endangering other people. - Exceeding the number of persons permitted to ride in a vehicle. These shall not exceed 50% the maximum approved for the specific vehicle.. - If offenders commit serious traffic infractions such as driving in a negligent manner, speeding, driving without lights, parking in dangerous places… may face suspension of their driving license for a period of up to 1 month, and fines that range from € 91 to € 300. - If you commit a minor traffic offence, such as using your mobile phone while you are driving (unless your vehicles is provided with a hands free system), riding minors under 12 years of age in the front seat of your vehicle (unless it is provided with homologated safety protection), riding minors under 7 years of age in a motorcycle, stopping at a zebra crossing during more than 2 minutes, you may be imposed a fine of up to € 90. It is mandatory for Spanish cars to be fitted with seat-belts. It is required for all occupants, whether in the front or back seat of a car using the vehicle safety belt. You can be fined for not fastening it. The offender may get up to a 30% fine reduction if he pays within the legal term, before the Traffic administrative authorities have passed a definite resolution about the traffic infraction. A driver who is fined three times in Spain for committing any of the most serious infractions within a period of 2 years, may have his driver's license definitively revoked If you are charged with a traffic offence in Spain Police are empowered to collect fines of up to 300,51 euros on the spot. Normally commission of traffic offences are notified Are you working with immigrants in any part of Europe? Please share with us your activities and help us keep our readers informed of the most relevant immigration news in Europe. Feel free to share with us ideas on how immigrants in Europe can overcome the difficulties they face in their daily lives. Address your reports to: The Editor, Africa News, Via Maroso, 50, CAP 00142 Rome, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] Tel +39-06-87410531. Fax +39-06-87410528. on the spot, however, in some justified reasons, these may be notified afterwards. For example, the fine may be imposed when the vehicle was parked. Foreigners non-resident must pay on the spot unless they can present a Spanish bail bond or an address in Spain or company who will guarantee payment of the fine. If the fine cannot be paid or guaranteed, the vehicle will be impounded. Normally there is a discount of 30 percent for immediate settlement. You should pay the fine first, it is necessary for the policeman to permit you to continue your trip. Provided that you are Spanish resident, if you do not receive written notice from the Spanish Traffic authorities within 3 months from commission of a minor offence, or 1 year since commission of a serious or most serious traffic infraction, the traffic fine, which should have been imposed, will be then extinguished. POINTS SYSTEM: There is a system of points loss (a driver starts up with a total of 12 points, 8 points for new drivers-up to three years) to punish traffic infractions, which applies along with the monetary fines. Once a driver has lost all of his points, his driving licence is revoked. The way to get a driving licence back is documentation, the vehicle's safety conditions and non-fulfilment of the mandatory vehicle inspection (ITV). - The driver is always responsible for the traffic violation, regardless he is the owner of the vehicle or not. If the report of the police stating the traffic violation is notified to the vehicle's owner without regard to the offender, the owner shall inform the police about the name of the offender, whether he or a third person has committed the traffic infraction. - If the offender is under 18 years of age, either his parents, tutors, or those persons in charge of the minor guardianship, will be jointly responsible for the economic fine he is been imposed. How can you protest the fine to the traffic authorities? If you want to dispute the charge you have been imposed with, you have 15 working days to file a written dispute before the traffic authorities, you can write your argument in English. You should have previously facilitated an address in Spain for this purpose. Spanish traffic authorities may not accept your protest, their resolution may be appealed (recurso de alzada) within one driving licence for a period from 1 to 4 years. - If the driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol is involved in a car accident, he/she may also be charged with other crimes such as homicide by misadventure (homicidio involuntario) and therefore should pay and indemnity to the prejudiced person. - Refusal to cooperate to take a breathalyzer test to analyse the amount of alcohol in their blood will be treated as disobedience, punishable by a term of imprisonment of 6 months to 1 year and deprivation of the driving license. - Rash driving endangering other people may be punishable by a term of imprisonment of 6 months to 4 years and deprivation of driving licence for a term of 1 to 10 years. In general terms, when a person operates a motor vehicle carelessly or without exercising due care for the safety of others may be punishable either by a term of imprisonment of 6 months to 2 years or fines ranging from 3 to 8 months. Seizure of your vehicle in Spain Spanish police may seize your vehicle in any of the following circumstances: © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Because of the high incidence of road accidents, fines for traffic offences are strictly enforced in Spain. It is compulsory for non-residents to pay the traffic fines on the spot. The traffic ticket issued on imposing the traffic fine shall contain the following items: - Description of the vehicle's offender (plate number…). - Details of the offender. - Description of the offence. - The police agent identification number. - The term for appealing. A motorist argues with a police officer in Madrid attending a traffic sensibilization and reeducation course. For instance, driving while drunk may imply a loss of up to 6 points, as well as driving 50% faster than the speed limit. Driving along roads with a prohibited vehicle for that road may imply a loss of 4 points, as well as driving without the relevant permit. Using a mobile or earphones while driving may imply a loss of 3 points, etc. Liabilities Who is responsible for committing the traffic offence? - The vehicle's owner is responsible for those infractions referring to the vehicle's month. You may also appeal against the second resolution of Spanish traffic authorities before going to Spanish courts. You will do well to have a Spanish Lawyer handle your appeals. Driving related crimes in Spain Traffic infractions may entail the commission of a crime, the offender then shall pay an indemnity for the damages or injuries he had caused, regardless of the legal punishment he may be charged with. - Driving a motor vehicle in Spain under the influence of drugs or alcohol is penalized either with 8 to 12 weekends of arrest or similar fine instead, and deprivation of the - In the event of an accident, when the vehicle cannot go on moving. - If the vehicle is believed to be abandoned. - If the vehicle is illegally parked. - If the foreigner non-resident refuses to pay the fine he is being imposed. The car may be released after paying the corresponding fees. The owner is entitled to request the fees paid to the responsible for the car accident. By iAbogado Servicios Jurídicos SL ( About driving drunk in Spain Breath testing is carried out frequently all over Spain. The traffic police may require any people to take a breathalyzer test to analyse the amount of alcohol in his blood. The legal blood alcohol limit is in general 0.5 gr., or 0.15 gr. if you are a learner driver, i.e. within the first 12 months of obtaining the driving license. If the amount of alcohol exceeds this limit, the driver can be heavily fined. Refusal to co-operate is considered a criminal offence. Pedestrians may also be required to take a breathalyzer test if they are involved in a car accident. If the results of the first breathalyzer test taken shows that the amount of alcohol in the blood is superior to the limit established by the Spanish law, a second test shall be taken. There must be 10 minutes difference between the first and the second test. If this is your case, be aware that you have the following rights: - You may ask another person to check that there is 10 minutes difference between the first test and the second one. - You may compare the results of the breathalyzer test with a blood test, if it shows the same result, you should pay for the blood test expenses, otherwise the Spanish Administration shall pay this. There are two methods for penalizing people who drive a motor vehicle in Spain under the influence of alcohol: through criminal or administrative proceedings. These are only general guidelines and not definitive statements of the law, all questions about the law's applications to individual cases shall be directed to a Spanish lawyer. By iAbogado Servicios Jurídicos SL ( IN AFRICA THIS MONTH April 2007 7 UN praises Burundi for protecting children from armed conflicts CEF) in child protection. "UNICEF, BINUB and the entire UN country team will work together to continue their support of the Government in its efforts to address the needs of children in the peace © UN PHOTOS The Government of Burundi has been praised for the progress made in protecting children from the ravages of armed conflict. "The general situation of human rights has significantly improved in Burundi. The measures already taken by the Government to address the recommendations of the Security Council are also very encouraging," said Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, the SecretaryGeneral's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. She, however, observed that more still needs to be done, especially to improve detention facilities for minors charged with belonging to armed groups. "Most of the minors detained on charges related to their involvement with armed groups seem to have been released but efforts still need to be made to improve conditions of detention for minors," she said. The UN envoy said that in the short term, the Government had promised to ensure that children would be separated from adults during their detention. She said she had insisted that the authorities ensure that released children receive sustainable support to encourage them to fully reintegrate into their communities. Ms Coomaraswamy welcomed Burundi's revised penal code, which stipulates that the recruitment of children under 16 years to fight in armed conflict is a war crime, and expressed the hope that parliament would soon adopt it to allow the legislation to be implemented. "The Government can count on the full support of the UN in training of the police and military authorities on child protection," she said, stressing the role of the UN Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) and also that of the UN Children's Fund (UNI- "Most of the minors detained on charges related to their involvement with armed groups seem to have been released but efforts still need to be made to improve conditions of detention for minors" Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict consolidation phase." Ms Coomaraswamy said that during her meetings with President Pierre Nukurunziza, and senior ministers, they had expressed their deep commitment to continue efforts to address child rights and child protection. Elsewhere, Ms. Coomaraswamy appealed to the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to make child protection a "priority" and ensure enough resour- ces are allocated to reintegrate former child soldiers into their communities. "Child protection must become a priority for the new Congolese Government," she said. "It is therefore very important to have long-term development strategies and to allo- cate appropriate funds to support the efforts of UNICEF and to child protection partners on the ground", she added, referring to properly reintegrating former child soldiers into their communities to avoid re-recruitment by armed groups. Human Rights Watch: Children abused in Burundi prisons "The first time, I was in the shower, which was very small. An adult came in. He just forced himself on me. He was much bigger than me, so I couldn't do anything and I was in pain. I was too afraid and too ashamed to tell anyone, and he kept coming back to me. I never told anyone in the prison administration. I still have pain in my kidneys and in my stomach." Adolph M., 17, accused of theft, Gitega prison, May 23, 2006 "Sleeping is very hard, as there are about 27 of us in the one room. Some of us have to sit up all night. There are no separate showers and toilets for us, the children. It's bad for the kids when the adults are in the bathrooms. I check to see who is in there before going to shower." Jean-Bosco S., 14, accused of theft, Ruyigi prison, May 25, 2006 While the UN envoy was busy praising Burundi for the progress made in protecting children from the ravages of armed conflict, Human Rights Watch said in a report that children in prisons in the country face serious abuses in a criminal justice system that treats them as adults. Alison Des Forges, senior Africa advisor at Human Rights Watch said "Children are sometimes tortured to extract confessions, and most have no access to legal advice or representation." Des Forges further said that "Children are locked up alongside adults in overcrowded and Sirleaf to receive Africare Humanitarian Award Sirleaf as Africare's 2007 honouree," noted Africare Senior Vice President Jeannine B. Scott. "As the first elected female head of state in Africa, President Johnson Sirleaf embodies the progress of women in achieving leadership positions on the continent. At the 2007 Africare Bishop Walker Dinner, Africare will pay tribute to her efforts to bring peace, economic prosperity, and a bright future for the people of Liberia Africare's work endeavours to do the same thing, every day." The 2007 Africare Bishop Walker Dinner will be held Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf on 18th October in Washington, D.C. Similar to the mission of Service Award. The award is given annually to the people who have International Women's Day-a trimade major contributions to the bute to the global celebration of continent of Africa. Prior recipients women of the past, present and include former Presidents Bill future-- the October Africare Clinton and Jimmy Carter, then Dinner will centre on themes of President Nelson Mandela, "Women's Empowerment," in Andrew Young, Dorothy I. Height, addition to honouring Africa's first Graca Machel, former Secretary of female president. The Africare Dinner is named State Colin Powell, and philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates. The after the late John T. Walker, the Africare Dinner is now the largest first African-American Episcopal annual event for Africa in the Bishop of Washington, D.C., and long-time Chairman of Africare. United States. "We symbolically chose Bishop Walker passed away on International Women's Day to 30th September 1989. announce President Johnson © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has been chosen to receive the Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian miserable conditions for months or even years as they await trial." The report titled "Paying the Price: Violations of the Rights of Children in Detention in Burundi," documents the many types of human rights violations that children experience in pre-trial detention, in the investigation and prosecution of cases, and while in prison. The report based on interviews with more than 100 children as well as with prosecutors and prison staff, details cases of physical and sexual abuse of children by other inmates, shortages of food, poor sanitary conditions, and a total lack of any organized education inside the prisons. There is no juvenile justice system in Burundi. Under current laws, the age of criminal responsibility is 13. There are currently no alternatives to incarceration for children and no services to help children once they are released from detention. Burundi's parliament is considering pro- Govt of Uganda and LRA agree to resume talks Peace talks between the Ugandan Government and Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) are to resume after the Government agreed to a rebel request to bring in new mediators from five other African countries. Returning from south Sudan, where he led a government team that met the LRA leadership, including rebel leader Joseph Kony, Interior Minister Ruhakana Rugunda said "We have agreed that the mediation of the southern Sudan government is going to be beefed up with South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo." In January, the LRA pulled out of talks being held in south Sudan's capital, Juba, demanding a new venue and new mediators, on the grounds that they had lost confidence in the mediators, IRIN reported. Mr. Rugunda said "The question of venue and mediation are no longer really sticking points. (They) are resolved issues." He said the conditions by the LRA to resume the talks were mainly administrative issues. Rugunda it was agreed that the talks, aimed at ending two decades of conflict in northern Uganda, posed amendments to the criminal law that would improve the treatment of children in conflict with the law if they are passed, funded and fully implemented. The amendments would raise the age of criminal responsibility to 15 and would provide alternatives to incarceration. "Burundi's parliament should amend the criminal law to improve protection for children's rights," said Des Forges. "Donor countries should help ensure that these reforms are implemented so that children are no longer treated as adults by Burundi's justice or prison systems." Human Rights Watch called on the government of Burundi and donors working in the justice sector, such as DFID and the European Commission, to support a juvenile justice system based on international standards of the rights of the child. The system must prioritize rehabilitation, social reintegration and alternatives to incarceration. © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO TESTIMONY FROM CHILDREN IN PRISON IN BURUNDI would continue in Juba. "Legitimate issues raised by the LRA will be handled and resolved," he said. "The government of Uganda is working Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance for an early resumpArmy tion of the peace talks. We also remain of February, but northern Uganda committed to an expeditious con- has remained calm. clusion of a peace agreement which According to aid agencies, an will usher in durable and lasting estimated 230,000 internally displapeace in northern Uganda, which ced people in northern Uganda will ensure peace and justice; see returned to their villages in 2006 the end of our people living in IDP thanks to improved security once [internally displaced persons] the talks began. However, up to 1.2 camps and resettling in their villa- million more remain in camps, ges to rebuild their homes and lead while some have moved to satellite normal and productive lives," camps nearer their villages to gain Rugunda added. access to their farms. "The government of South The UN Secretary-General Ban Sudan, Chissano and the Ki-moon welcomed the pledges by Government of Uganda are more the parties to hold their fire and voithan ready to work with the LRA to ced hope that formal peace negotiaensure that their legitimate con- tions will soon resume. cerns are handled so that the peace Mr. Michele Montas, a spokeprocess is not in any way derailed," sman for Mr. Ban said he is pleased he explained. Previous rounds of that all parties "reiterated their the peace talks, which started in commitment to peace and stated July 2006, led to the signing of a their readiness to extend the cessation of hostilities agreement in Cessation of Hostilities Agreement August. The truce lapsed at the end to which they are currently bound." 8 IN AFRICA THIS MONTH April 2007 WHO & UNAIDS approve use of male circumcision in HIV prevention consent, confidentiality, and absence of coercion. Deborah Jack, chief executive of the National AIDS Trust, said: "These recommendations address many of the benefits of © WHO PHOTO The use of male circumcision in the prevention of HIV has been backed by International experts. The World Health Organization and UNAIDS said circumcision should be added to current interventions to reduce the spread of HIV. The international consultation, which was held from 6th to 8th March 2007 in Montreux, Switzerland, was attended by participants representing a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, civil society, researchers, human rights and women's health advocates, young people, funding agencies and implementing partners. Based on the evidence presented, which was considered to be compelling, experts attending the consultation recommended that male circumcision now be recognized as an additional important intervention to reduce the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men. "The recommendations represent a significant step forward in HIV prevention", said Dr Kevin De Cock, Director, HIV/AIDS Department, World Health Organization. "Countries with high rates of heterosexual HIV infection and low rates of male circumcision now have an additional intervention which can reduce the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual men. Scaling up male circumcision in such countries will result in immediate benefit to individuals. However, it will be a number of years before we can expect to see an impact on the epidemic from such investment." WHO and UNAIDS said in a statement that there is now strong evidence from three randomized controlled trials undertaken in Kisumu, Kenya, Rakai District, Uganda and Orange Farm, South Africa that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%. This evidence supports the findings of numerous observational studies that have also suggested that the geographical correlation long described between lower HIV prevalence and high rates of male circumcision in some countries in Africa, and more recently elsewhere, is, at least in part, a causal association. Currently, an estimated 665 million men, or 30 % of men worldwide, are estimated to be circumcised. The experts said that male circumcision should always be considered as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention package, which includes the provision of HIV testing and counselling services; treatment for sexually transmitted infections; the promotion of safer sex practices; and the provision of male and female condoms and promotion of their correct and consistent use. They said counselling of men and their sexual partners is necessary to prevent them from developing a false sense of security and engaging in high-risk behaviours that could undermine the partial protection provided by male circumcision. Furthermore, male circumcision service provision was seen as a major opportunity to address the frequently neglected sexual "Countries with high rates of heterosexual HIV infection and low rates of male circumcision now have an additional intervention which can reduce the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual men. Scaling up male circumcision in such countries will result in immediate benefit to individuals. However, it will be a number of years before we can expect to see an impact on the epidemic from such investment." Dr Kevin De Cock, Director, HIV/AIDS Department, World Health Organization health needs of men. "Being able to recommend an additional HIV prevention method is a significant step towards getting ahead of this epidemic," said Catherine Hankins, Associate Director, Department of Policy, Evidence and Partnerships at UNAIDS. "However, we must be clear: male circumcision does not provide complete protection against HIV. Men and women who consider male circumcision as an HIV preventive method must continue to use other forms of protection such as male and female condoms, delaying sexual debut and reducing the number of sexual partners." Observing that there is a shortage of skilled health professionals in many developing countries, the experts said there is need of ensuring that male circumcision services for HIV prevention do not unduly disrupt other health care programmes, including other HIV/AIDS interventions. They said that in order to both maximize the opportunity afforded by male circumcision and ensure longer-term sustainability of services, male circumcision should, wherever possible, be integrated with other services. The risks involved in male circumcision are generally low, but can be serious if circumcision is undertaken in unhygienic settings by poorly trained providers or with inadequate instruments. Wherever male circumcision services are offered, therefore, training and certification of providers, as well as care- including male circumcision in a comprehensive HIV prevention package. She added: "Additional research to determine the health impact for women and men who have sex with men is vital, as is ensuring that adequate resources are provided to fund existing prevention methods, as well as continue research into new technologies such as microbicides and vaccines." ful monitoring and evaluation of programmes, will be necessary to ensure that these meet their objectives and that quality services are provided safely in sanitary settings, with adequate equipment Uganda records an estimated and with appropriate counselling 80,000 new cases of tuberculosis and other servi- every year, half of them among people infected with the HIV virus ces. Male circum- that causes AIDS, health officials cision has strong said. "We only managed to detect cultural connota- 49 percent of those cases in 2006," tions implying the Francis Adatu, head of the TB and need also to deli- leprosy unit in the Ministry of ver services in a Health, told IRIN. "HIV/AIDS is manner that is the main trigger of dormant TB in culturally sensiti- the population today," he added. The United Nations World ve and that minimizes any stigma Health Organization (WHO) reprethat might be sentative in Uganda, George associated with Melville, expressed concern that circumcision sta- Uganda continued to lag behind in tus. Countries meeting the global targets on should ensure that detection and treatment of TB. He male circumcision said Uganda was 15th out of 22 is provided with countries with high TB incidence. The disease affects mostly peofull adherence to medical ethics ple in the 15-49 age group and and human rights often kills within two years if not principles, inclu- treated, according to the health ding informed ministry. New TB cases in Uganda 'alarming' "The global strategy to stop TB relies on early detection and effective treatment," Melville said in a statement issued on the World TB Day on Saturday. Global targets for effective TB control are 70 percent for early detection and 85 percent for successful treatment. "Uganda continues to lag behind the set targets, with only 49 percent of the expected new cases detected and only 73 percent successfully treated in 2006," Melville said. He urged the health ministry to declare TB a public health emergency and allocate sufficient resources to control the disease. Limited resources at the disposal of the health sector, especially laboratory personnel, limited knowledge about TB and misconceptions about the disease, and HIV/AIDS have been the main impediments to TB control efforts. By IRIN The world's population is on track to surpass 9 billion persons by 2050, according to the newly released 2006 Revision of the official United Nations population estimates and projections, which also predict that the number of elderly persons will hit 1 billion. "One of the surprises is that population growth is most concentrated in the 60 plus age group," Hania Zlotnik, the Director of the UN Population Division, told a press briefing in New York held to launch the report. "The place where the action is the older population," she said. "The biggest change will occur in the developing world, and developing countries will have to cope with the situation" by investing in both education and care of the elderly. According to the 2006 Revision, the world population will likely increase by 2.5 billion over the next 43 years, passing from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050. This increase is equivalent to the total size of the world population in 1950, and it will be absorbed mostly by the less developed regions, whose population is projected to rise from 5.4 billion in 2007 to 7.9 billion in 2050. In contrast, the population of the more developed regions is expected to remain largely unchanged at 1.2 billion, and would have declined were it not for the projected net migration from developing to developed © UN PHOTO New UN estimates predict 2.5 billion increase in world population by 2050 "The world population is ageing because of the great success in reducing population growth, the success of humanity in controlling its numbers" Hania Zlotnik, the Director of the UN Population Division countries, which is expected to average 2.3 million persons annually. As a result of declining fertility and increasing longevity, the populations of more and more countries are ageing rapidly. Between 2005 and 2050, half of the increase in the world population will be accounted for by a rise in the population aged 60 years or over, whereas the number of children (persons under age 15) will decline slightly. Furthermore, in the more developed regions, the population aged 60 or over is expected nearly to double (from 245 million in 2005 to 406 million in 2050), whereas that of persons under age 60 will likely decline (from 971 million in 2005 to 839 million in 2050). "The world population is ageing because of the great success in reducing population growth, the success of humanity in controlling its numbers," Ms. Zlotnik observed. The projected population trends also depend on achieving a major increase in the proportion of AIDS patients who get antiretroviral therapy to treat the disease and on the success of efforts to control the further spread of HIV. "We are expecting a relatively good coverage of anti-retroviral drugs in 31 of the most affected countries by 2015," Ms. Zlotnik said. "According to our estimates, 70 per cent of the affected people are going to get treatment. Given that, we're postponing the deaths by several years." On average, those receiving treatment are expected to live 7.5 years longer than those who are not. According to the 2006 Revision, fertility in the less developed countries as a whole is expected to drop from 2.75 children per woman in 2005-2010 to 2.05 in 2045-2050. To achieve such reductions, it is essential that access to family planning expands in the poorest countries, the Population Division said, pointing out that without this, the world population could increase by twice as many people as those alive in 1950. Reacting to the findings, the Executive Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) said they serve as a wake-up call to the urgency of giving couples the means to exercise their human right to freely determine the sizes of their families. "Currently, about 200 million women in these countries lack access to safe and effective contraceptive services," said Thoraya Ahmed Obaid in a news release. "Funding for family planning must be increased to meet the needs of these women, not only to determine the world's future, but also to prevent unintended pregnancies and reduce maternal and infant death." By UN News Service IN AFRICA THIS MONTH April 2007 9 SOUTH AFRICA © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Mlambo-Ngcuka: Many women depend on men who abuse them The levels of physical, emotional and sexual abuse experienced by South African Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka has said. Speaking during the launching of the 365 Days Programme and National Action Plan to End Violence against Women and Children, Ms Mlambo-Ngcuka said South African women have made much progress since the country's first democratic elec“Many women and children who tion in 1994. She, however, added that are victims of violence are abu"much more is still needed but sed by people they know, love, admire and trust. This phenome- we are not even halfway. Our Constitution, which we adopnon makes it very difficult to in 1996, ensures that police such crimes. This situation ted women and men have equal holds women and children hosta- rights before the law. The ge in their own homes. The lack rights of all women are upheld of power to negotiate sex makes and protected by our governhomes and bedrooms in particu- ment. This means that women lar, dangerous places and altars of different religious, languain which women and child abuse ge, class and cultural backgrounds have the right to equal occurs." safety, security and protection from the police and the Deputy President of South Africa Ms Phumzile Mlambo- courts." Ms Mlambo-Ngcuka noted Ngcuk that Domestic Violence Act and the Maintenance Act were designed to further protect "women and children women and children. "Notwithstanding this still remains unaccep- equality before the law, many of our women tably high and growing," and children are still subjected to different Deputy President of forms of abuse. Many women and children South Africa Ms who are victims of violence are abused by people they know, love, admire and trust. This phenomenon makes it very difficult to police such crimes. This situation holds women and children hostage in their own homes. The lack of power to negotiate sex makes homes and bedrooms in particular, dangerous places and altars in which women and child abuse occurs." The Deputy President made a strong appeal to the parents to take proper care of their children. "Taking care of children is a core responsibility of parents and they should not shirk this commitment," she said. She said there was need of collaboration between all the stakeholders in reducing gender violence. "Evidence from other parts of the world suggests that efforts to reduce gender violence are more likely to succeed when a number of stakeholders, from different sectors become involved and collaborate. Gender based violence has more chance of diminishing when governments and civil society synergise their efforts and work together towards the same vision. So we cannot give up," she said. Observing that "many women remain economically dependent on men who abuse them", Ms Mlambo-Ngcuka said there was need of ensuring "that many more economic opportunities become available to women, so that they can have more choices, and more control over their lives." Girls face widespread violence Human Rights Watch: Governments slow to enforce basic protections for girls tions in 15 countries, including: Afghanistan; Brazil; the Democratic Republic of Congo; Egypt; El Salvador; Guatemala; Indonesia; Iraq; Malaysia; Morocco; Papua New Guinea; South Africa,; Togo; the United States; and Zambia. "Girls are at risk of violence on the streets, in schools, at home, where they work, and in government institutions," said Jo Becker, advocacy director for Human Rights Watch's children's rights division. "In far too many cases, girls are betrayed by the very individuals who are supposed to protect them - guardians, teachers, employers and the police." Schoolgirls may be raped, sexually assaulted, and sexually by their clasHUMAN RIGHTS WATCH URGES GOVERNMENTS harassed smates and even by their teachers. A medical TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO: research study found that among those South - Create confidential, fully staffed and toll-free hotlines to receive reports of abuses against girls, including mechanisms African rape victims who specified their relationsaccessible to students, domestic workers, and children in hip to the perpetrator, detention; 37.7 percent said that a - Ensure the prompt and effective investigation of such com- schoolteacher or principal plaints, and prompt and appropriate action against perpetra- had raped them. Students may also be targeted tors, including counselling, termination and criminal prosebecause of their sexual cution when warranted; orientation or gender identity. - Ensure that medical examinations, trauma counselling, The reports also show emergency contraception, and post-exposure HIV prophylaxis that employers may subare available to sexual assault survivors; ject child domestic workers to verbal and physi- In situations of insecurity, devise and implement a strategy to monitor, prevent, and respond to attacks on education, with cal abuse, including severe beatings, burning with special attention to the effects of attacks on girls' education; irons, and death threats. and These children are often - Ensure that children in conflict with the law are only detai- confined to their employer's household, with littned as a last resort and for the shortest possible time. Prohibit the excessive use of force, and any disciplinary mea- le access to outside help. Child domestic workers sures that may compromise the health of the child. are particularly vulnera- ble to sexual harassment and sexual violence from men and boys living in or associated with the household. More girls are employed in domestic work than any other form of child labour. It is sad in deed that girls in contact with justice systems are at risk of violence, particularly sexual abuse and rape, by police as well as staff in detention facilities. Police may target girls who live or work on the street for violence. Girls in detention may confront physical and sexual violence and humiliating treatment, "At the age of 15 life denied me happiness. Life at home was particularly by male difficult with my mother being beaten regularly. My sisters staff, and face violent or would start screaming whenever the man would start beating harmful disciplinary my mother. When the violence was going on I would run to the measures. Because of police station to report it but my mother would refuse to open their smaller numbers, the door for the police every time. girls subject to detention "It was around this time that he raped me; everything chanare more likely than ged. My smile was stolen and it was difficult for me to concenboys to be held in unsui- trate in class. I could no longer continue with my education. I table and often dangefelt very hurt and angry. Women usually bottle up their feerous conditions. lings but I decided to express my anger through writing. "In some areas, girls "I was still dealing with this when he shot my mother one day are making enormous while I was sleeping. I found my mother lying in a pool of strides, but violence blood. To make matters worse, we were left with this man's stops many from enjo- eight-month old baby; my grandmother helped raise the baby. ying their basic rights," I have since gone back to school and I hope to release a movie said Becker. depicting my youth; to express the violence and the feelings "Governments need to afterwards so that people have a better understanding of these back up words with issues." action, and show that violence against girls Jumelo Sibeko, South Africa, won't go unpunished." ©IRIN PHOTO Girls all over the world face an alarming array of threats to their safety, including physical and sexual violence in their schools, places of work, and in detention facilities, Human Rights Watch has said. In a report released in March, it said that Governments have largely failed to implement key measures preventing and responding to these abuses. Human Rights Watch recently released three background papers summarizing research on violence against girls: "Violence against Schoolgirls;" "Violence against Child Domestic Workers;" and "Violence against Girls in Conflict with the Law." These reports are based on Human Rights Watch investiga- Somali Government asked to ensure safe movement for aid workers The Government of Somali should help workers reach thousands of desperate civilians displaced by recent violence in the capital, Mogadishu, civil society organisations have asked. "We met the Minister of Interior [Mohamed Mohamud Guleed] and requested the government to allow the unconditional movement of aid agencies and their workers to assist the needy people," Abdinasir Ahmed Usman, head of a civil society taskforce that is assisting internally displaced persons told IRIN."We have also requested the opening of all airstrips to aid agencies in order for them to have access to the displaced," he added. It is estimated that at least 30,000 people are living rough outside the city, without food, water and shelter, after fleeing ongoing exchanges of gunfire between Ethiopian-backed government troops and unidentified gunmen - a daily occurrence in the city. Separately, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Somalia said it had requested the government to allow humanitarian access to airstrips close to the displaced. "Given the rising population [of displaced people] in areas surrounding Mogadishu, humanitarian access to K50 [50km south of Mogadishu] airstrip is becoming increasingly urgent," OCHA said in a statement. "K50 has been inaccessible from early January. On numerous occasions, the UN has requested of the TFG [Transitional Federal Government] immediate use of K50 for humanitarian flights but is still awaiting an answer." Civil society leaders said displaced people in Lafole and Ceelasha area, south of Mogadishu, were reportedly running out of water and food. These are two small villages and they cannot cope with the number of people who have moved there in the last month," said Madina Mahamud Ilmi, deputy head of the taskforce. 10 April 2007 IN AFRICA THIS MONTH DRC: Replace war spirit with reconciliation, urges EU "There remains a war spirit in the country, which is a bit like malaria. We thought we had healed the country with a big dose of quinine, with the holding of free and transparent elections last year, but this war spirit has returned." The UK Ambassador, Andy Sparkes The EU estimates that more than 500 people could have died in the violence. DRC authorities later issued an arrest warrant for Bemba who sought shelter in the South African embassy. "All those who are responsible for insecurity will be tracked down," President Joseph Kabila said. "It was not a political problem; [it] was military. We needed to act quickly. And that is what we did." Medical workers said hospi- “I urge the government and opposition "to shoulder their responsibilities to democracy to ensure a full transition to peace. I strongly urge the political leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to respect the principles of transparency, inclusiveness and tolerance of dissent" UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon tals were overwhelmed by hundreds of injured civilians. A surgeon in Kinshasa's general hospital, Katamba Mbewbe, said the facility received "a lot of injured people". A few hundred people fled across the river to nearby Congo Brazzaville. The NGO Caritas said it was distributing medical supplies within the city. "We started on Saturday [24 March] because the hospitals and morgues were overloaded," said a spokesman, Guy-Marin Kamandji, adding that the general hospital had received 150 bodies. "This is why we brought formalin and disinfecting products. We want the bodies, which have started putrefying, to be stabilised before burial." The International Committee of the Red Cross deplored the situation. "There were dozens of dead bodies left lying at the roadside, many of them civilians. It was a distressing sight," said Max Hadorn, head of the his guards and government forces. This month, tension rose after he refused to disarm his men and accept police guards. The elections, the first in 40 years, were seen as the best opportunity to return peace to the war-ravaged country and to encourage the return of an estimated 1.2 million displaced Congolese and 410,000 refugees in neighbouring countries. In New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the government and opposition "to shoulder their responsibilities to democracy" to ensure a full transition to peace. "I strongly urge the political leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to respect the principles of transparency, inclusiveness and tolerance of dissent," he said in a report that called for an extension till 31st December of the UN Mission in DRC (MONUC). MONUC, which has a military and police strength of almost 18,000, supplied food, water and medicine to 1,300 people caught up in the March's fighting and evacuated about 1,100, including the Nigerian ambassador, who was wounded in the legs. "Opposition parties should adhere to those same democratic norms, voicing their views responsibly and without resort to violence," Ban added. "Failure to adhere to these democratic principles would seriously undermine the credibility and ultimate legitimacy of the country's political leaders and institutions." By IRIN © UN PHOTO European Union envoys have asked the citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to avoid violence and replace it with a spirit of reconciliation and inclusiveness to ensure stability in the fragile country. The envoys condemned recent violence in the country terming it "irresponsible". Addressing a news conference in the capital, Kinshasa, on 27th March, they expressed indignation at the violence that rocked the city on 22-25 March, and condemned the loss of life, especially of civilians. "There remains a war spirit in the country, which is a bit like malaria," the UK ambassador, Andy Sparkes, said. "We thought we had healed the country with a big dose of quinine, with the holding of free and transparent elections last year, but this war spirit has returned." The violence erupted when armed forces clashed with the private guards of opposition leader, Jean-Pierre Bemba. The army had sought to disarm Bemba's troops. Greek ambassador Ioannis Christofilis said attacks on foreign missions broke the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations, while the Italian ambassador Leonardo Baroncelli said uniformed men broke into his residence on 23rd March and stole property. "There needs to be a new spirit of reconciliation with a real engagement of the authorities for democratic opposition, where the liberty of expression is reaffirmed," said Sparkes. "Violence needs to be denounced so that dialogue can continue." ICRC delegation in Kinshasa. Ever since Bemba disputed the results of the 29 October run-off presidential election, which gave Kabila 58.05 percent of the vote, leaving him 41.95 percent, Kinshasa has been living in fear that clashes could recur between © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Regional organisations important in global peace-keeping South Africa's Foreign Affair's Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has highlighted the importance of regional organisations such as the African Union (AU) in maintaining international peace and security. This is because of their proximity and an informed understanding about specific conflict situations, Minister Dlamini Zuma said. Regional bodies also have greater flexibility to intervene, especially during the initial stages and can also be involved in mediation efforts when conflicts arise, the minister explained. Dr Dlamini Zuma was addressing the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in New York on the relationship between the UN and regional organisations, in particular the AU. She said there was an increase in reliance on regional organisations in resolving some of the conflicts currently going on. In this regard, South Africa believes that the time has come to look into ways of strengthening the UN's relationship with regional organisations as foreseen in Chapter VIII of the UN ration did not release the same. "However, we must understand that Council of its circumstances have changed and therefore "In some cases the UN pro- Security Charter-mandated respon- we need new solutions to address today's reacesses themselves sometimes sibility in the maintenance lities. The rigid doctrines of the past on how international peace and we supported peacekeeping missions can no take a long time to finalise at of longer hold," she said. security. a time when security situa"The Security Council The minister explained that regional orgations on the ground are dete- remains the main organ nisations, in particular the AU, were partners has the primary in carrying out the mandate of the United riorating. Therefore regional that responsibility for the Nations, especially the Security Council. organisations can help to "This requires us to think anew in determaintenance of internatiomining the forms of concrete assistance that address these practical short- nal peace and security. "In this regard we can be provided to regional organisations to falls" believe strongly that we address the challenges we all face. "We are therefore pleased that the should coordinate our collective security efforts Council will adopt a PRST that contains lanSouth Africa's Foreign the UN," said the guage enhancing the relationship with regioAffair's Minister Nkosazana under minister. She explained nal organisations, including the intention to Dlamini Zuma that the AU had interve- explore ways on how to share the burden of ned in some situations maintaining international peace and secuCharter. where the UN was unable to intervene and in rity," she concluded. Dr Dlamini Zuma said And recently the situations where rapid interventions by the the South African government remained AU Heads of State UN were necessary but not possible. ready to work with all members of the and Government cal"In some cases the UN processes them- Security Council in the coming months to led upon the UN "to selves sometimes take a long time to finalise continue to seek ways of addressing their examine, within the context of Chapter VIII at a time when security situations on the common challenge, and thereby responding of the UN Charter, the possibility of funding, ground are deteriorating. to the call of the AU Summit. through assessed contributions, peacekee"Therefore regional organisations can ping operations undertaken by the AU or help to address these practical shortfalls," the By David Masango under its authority and with the consent of minister added. BuaNews the UN." Dr Dlamini The decision of the AU followed on the Zuma said the staoutcome of the 2005 World Summit, which keholders needed called for a further strengthening of the part- to articulate a nership with regional organisations, in parti- clear form of bur- Do you have a story to share with our readers? Are cular the AU. den-sharing bet- you planning for a community function (wedding, "This engagement is informed by the ween the UN and naming ceremony, graduation, cultural festival, benefits of the synergies as we have witnes- regional organisased in those instances where the UN has wor- tions. independence celebration, etc)? ked with regional organisations in diverse This should be Please send us reports of these activities and we places such as Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, based on the Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and u n d e r s t a n d i n g will publish them in Africa News. Address your Sudan amongst others. that the goals of reports to: The Editor, Africa News, Via Maroso, "In all these instances the cooperation the AU and the ranged from ad hoc arrangements to structu- UN in the mainte50, CAP 00142 Rome, Italy. E-mail: red co-deployment in peacekeeping mis- nance of interna- [email protected] Tel +39-06-87410531. sions," Dr Dlamini Zuma said. tional peace and Fax +39-06-87410528. She however emphasised that the coope- security were the SEND US YOUR STORIES IN GHANA THIS MONTH April 2007 11 Ghana celebrates Golden Jubilee Kufuor: Youth should be key players in solving Africa's problems nent is yours, it is your heritage and you must stay and be part of building the well governed, economically vibrant nations which we all aspire to," he said. He also renewed Ghana's pledge to work with the rest of the continent to develop Africa and its peoples to gain a respectable and dignified place in the mainstream of the emerging global village. The former President Jerry John Rawlings declined the invitation by President Kufuor to participate in the anniversary celebrations. He said "I deeply regret that I cannot join President Kufuor's Government for this anniversary. My conscience and my principles we did for this country." Ghana's important historic landmark of 50 years of independence was attended by several Heads of State and Government from a number of African countries, including Nigeria, Gabon, Benin, Togo and Equatorial Guinea. The others were Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi and Cote d'Ivoire. Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, represented the Queen of England, while Secretary Alphonso Jackson led the United States (US) © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO President John Agyekum Kufuor led Ghanaians in celebrating the country's 50th Independence appealing to his people to keep on striving towards achieving excellence. "Our destiny is with the most advanced in the human community and we must pursue it," he said. President Kufuor said the celebration of Ghana's independence is also for the whole of Africa because Ghana's independence "changed the outlook of our continent and its status and role in the world forever. The African on the continent, who for centuries had been violated and subjugated through the Slave Trade and colonialism, on that fateful day succeeded in breaking asunder, the chains of bondage." He said Ghana's independence proved to be the critical turning point in the struggle for independence in Africa that had been ongoing for decades earlier. The president paid tribute to the first President of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, and his colleagues of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) who in 1947 launched the last phase of the process towards independence. These colleagues were: J.B. Danquah, (who gave the country the name Ghana), Paa Grant, the financier of the group, Obetsebi-Lamptey, Edward Akufo-Addo, William Ofori-Atta and Ako Adjei. President Kufuor thanked and praised Ghanaians who have worked anonymously and often without reward to make the nation what it is today. He appealed to the youth of Ghana and Africa saying "Your continent and its nations need your energy, your dynamism, your creativity and above all, your dreams for the development of its component states." He acknowledged that the continent has many problems but said the youth of Africa should be key players in finding solutions to the problems. "I urge you, our young people to resolve to stay at home using your energies and your enthusiasm to serve Africa. You will find that what we achieve together here will be far more fulfilling and satisfying than anything you can do elsewhere in the world. Indeed, this continent now provides a quicker avenue to success financially and emotionally than anywhere else. The future of this conti- African Union (AU) Commission, leaders of the minority National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Convention People's Party "I urge you, our young people to resolve to stay at home using your energies and your enthusiasm to serve Africa. You will find that what we achieve together here will be far more fulfilling and satisfying than anything you can do elsewhere in the world. Indeed, this continent now provides a quicker avenue to success financially and emotionally than anywhere else. The future of this continent is yours, it is your heritage and you must stay and be part of building the well governed, economically vibrant nations which we all aspire to" President John Agyekum Kufuor People wave flags during a celebration to mark Ghana's 50 years of Independence at the Independence Square in Accra, Ghana, Tuesday, March 6, 2007 would not permit me. I cannot share the same platform with the same people who have taken every opportunity to denigrate us for the last seven years and see no good in what delegation. It was also attended by the immediate past Secretary General of the United Nations Busumuru Kofi Annan and the wife Nane, Mr Alpha Konare, President of the (CPP) as well as delegations from International Organisations and countries across the world. Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, who was the Guest of honour said the biggest bane of the Continent had been enduring instability engendered by a stark leadership conflict. "We substituted military rule for colonially-handed down democracy and socialism for capitalism without a productive base. At the height of the Cold-War, we became pawns and we toyed with ideologies that we half-understood. At the end, we lost out but the fall-out-conflict, violence, poverty, under-development remains with us." UK-Ghana to launch 10-year development plan © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO remarkable capability to make optimal use of financial support to his country to fight poverty and raise the quality of life of the people. "There have been a lot of changes that have happened in Ghana over the past few years: a reduction in poverty; a big investment in education that has come about partly as a result of the debt relief initiative. And what Ghana has shown a country, and if I may Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, right, during a as say so particularly under joint news conference with visiting President of Ghana the leadership of John Agyekum Kufuor President Kufuor, is a capability to make the The United Kingdom and Ghana are to best use of the external support linking up launch a new 10-year development partners- with the individual initiative of Ghanaian hip next year, Ghana's President John people. And that has made a big difference. Agyekum Kufuor and Prime Minister Tony The economic growth, I think we were saying Blair of the UK announced at a joint press was around about 7%, which is a great achieconference in London in March. vement," Mr. Blair said. The programme would provide the opporMr. Blair paid tribute to Ghana for the tunity for the UK to improve the quality of its role it was playing to bring peace and politidevelopment assistance to Ghana. Prime cal stability to the African continent. Minister Blair appreciated President Kufuor's President Kufuor said Ghana welcomes style of leadership saying he has shown very much special partnership arrangement "There have been a lot of changes that have happened in Ghana over the past few years: a reduction in poverty; a big investment in education that has come about partly as a result of the debt relief initiative. And what Ghana has shown as a country, and if I may say so particularly under the leadership of President Kufuor, is a capability to make the best use of the external support linking up with the individual initiative of Ghanaian people. And that has made a big difference. UK’s Prime Minister Tony Blair with the UK. "Ghana's ambition is to try and attain the middle-income status within the next decade, and for that we welcome all positive assistance and support, cooperation for Ghana in that drive. When we talk of attaining middle-income status we want to add value to the raw materials that we have been exporting so far from Ghana, that is we want to industrialise. We want to diversify our economy generally, and more so agriculture." Noting that about 60% of Ghana's population depends on agriculture, President Kufuor said the country wants to attract joint ventures. He said Ghana and other African counties are ready to receive industries closing down in Europe and America because of the high cost of human resource. "We are ready to receive relocation of those industries, and this should come along on the basis of joint ventures, and we expect our development partners to look at that aspect too, so that together we would continue with those industries to our mutual benefit and then into the global market." Mr. Blair and Mr. Kufuor also used the opportunity to look extensively at broader issues outside their relations, such as the conflicts in Darfur, Somalia and other troubled spots in Africa."I want to say our concern is that in the spirit of the African Union, and especially Nepad - the New Partnership for Africa's Development - we want the rule of law, more than any other way, to be the main agency of governance. Violence, beating up anybody and using brutal force shouldn't be the way forward. The rule of law, accountable government, allowing constitutions to work properly, should be the way forward for all of us. This is our approach," Mr. Kufuor said. Ghana's development efforts praised A French weekly magazine, Le Nouvel Observateur, has applauded the pace of rapid development in Ghana's, saying, "Such efforts have never ever been seen in 50 years history of the country". The paper also sees a bright light at the end of the tunnel for Africa, which it said, has been ravaged by long years of civil wars and famine, and also lauded rapid development efforts in other 30 African countries, adding" the 21st centaury will at last be, the centaury for Africa. "In Accra one can see visible signs of progress, in terms of development in areas of housing construction and private businesses, springing up like mushrooms, apparently financed by the country's 3 million immigrant population in overseas, notably in Britain, USA, Germany. Holland". In a four-page story on "Africa's resurrection", with footage on emerging housing projects and businesses in Ghana, written by its special correspondent, visiting Accra, it expressed optimism that 21 century stands to trigger Africa's economic emancipation. "After years of war and famine the continent is now wide awake from slumber with a boom on discovery of huge oil and gas and other mineral resources like copper and manganese. The paper quoting IMF figures in support of its argument says "since beginning of the year 2000, Africa is the continent, next to Asia, which has gained rapid progress, gaining economic growth rate 5% in 2006, which is expected to rise to 6% en 2007 (3times that of France): The paper also quoted excerpts of French Economic Professor Philippe Hugon of ParisX-Nanterre University, author of "l'Economie d'Afrique". The Professor says those who turned their back on Africa, including USA, Germany Britain, Holland, just after the fall of the Berlin wall, labelling it as a dead continent, or in his words "geo-strategic game play" are returning to the continent to seek their interests, ranging from oil and gas exploration/exploitation, to risks of establishment of al-Qaeda cells. He said emerging economies like that of China, India and Brazil have returned to Africa to seek opportunities being offered with the discovery of large natural resources. "Discovery of huge oil and gas in Africa attracted Chinese President Hu Jintao to visit the continent three times in two years, providing debt cancellation to 33 countries and announcing aid-package amounting over 2.3 billion euros with no string attachment to human right issues, transparency and democracy." By Kwaku Boatin 12 IN NIGERIA THIS MONTH April 2007 Treat all corruption cases fairly, Catholic Bishops tell EFCC the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Archbishop John "How can you talk about how Onaiyekan of Abuja told the VOA that is an impression in the country that your country is run without there the EFCC does at times mete out selecbeing political? And how can tive justice. bishops not talk about how "The EFCC, that's the Economic and our country is run? We are Financial Crimes Commission, has been by most Nigerians. They part and parcel of this nation. welcomed have worked very hard to tackle corrupWe have every right to tion and bring corrupt people to book. address the issues that con- The impression that is being created and cern all of us, and we believe the perception that the Bishops' that it is part of our duty to be Conference is referring to is that we see too many people around who have very involved in politics in that bad reputation for corruption who seem sense. The kind of politics to be totally exempt from the harassment that we will not get involved of the EFCC. And it's difficult to get in is whether it's party politics away from the impression that there is a of selective justice going on," he with one party or the other" kind said. Onaiyekan said the bishops wanted Archbishop John Onaiyekan to warn the government against running the country on what he called arbitrary of Abuja arrangement. All those suspected of being corrupt should be given the opporAll corruption cases in Nigeria should be treated fairly, tunity to defend themselves in a court or law, the Catholic Bishops he said. By expressing their views on political Conference of Nigeria has told issues in the country, Archbishop Onaiyekan said the bishops are not trying to be political in an election year. He said they are simply doing what is required of them. "How can you talk about how your country is run without being political? And how can bishops not talk about how our country is run? We are part and parcel of this nation. We have every right to address the issues that concern all of us, and we believe that it is part of our duty to be involved in politics in that sense. The kind of politics that we will not get involved in is whether it's party politics with one party or the other," he said. The Independent National Electoral Commission should work towards free and fair elections this month, the Bishops Conference said. Archbishop Onaiyekan told VOA that the call is based on the conduct of past elections. "Anybody who has been in Nigeria in the last few years and from the benefit of hindsight and from what we saw in 2003 and what we are seeing right now, we have every reason to sound a note of warning. We still believe that with a sincere effort, we can still come out with a free and fair election. And it is precisely because to achieve that, that is why we raised that note of warning," he said. Government asked to investigate attacks on Nigerian rights The Human Rights Watch has called on the Nigerian government to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the assault and death threats against a leading anticorruption campaigner in the oil-rich Niger Delta. Human Rights Watch said that the assault and threats against Anyakwee Nsirimovu, a human rights activist who is director of the Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IHRHL) in Port Harcourt, were most likely a reprisal for his outspoken criticism of corrupt state and local government officials in Rivers State. Nsirimovu was attacked in Port Harcourt on 4th March while driving home from a meeting. Around 8 p.m. a gang of at least six young men armed with knives, clubs and other weapons attempted to stop his car. When Nsirimovu refused to stop, they attacked his car, smashing the rear windshield and causing other damage to the vehicle. Because the youths allowed numerous other vehicles to pass by without interference, it appeared that Nsirimovu was the objective of their assault. Nsirimovu escaped unharmed. "The assault and death threats against one of Nigeria's leading human rights campaigners should be investigated immediately," said Peter Takirambudde, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "These attacks threaten free speech on key issues like governance and corruption during the critical pre-election period." According to the Human Rights Watch, the assault followed a steady stream of at least 10 threatening phone calls to Nsirimovu over the past weeks. The anonymous callers stated that they "knew what [he] is doing," told him to stop publicizing allegations of corruption against local officials and claimed that the work he has been engaged in is "not safe" for him. Nsirimovu also received text messages attacking him for publicly denouncing the conduct of local government officials in the state. Shortly after Nsirimovu was attacked on 4th March, his wife received a phone call from an unidentified caller who simply stayed on the other end of the line in silence until she hung up. Nsirimovu had filed reports with the Rivers State Commissioner of Police even before he was assaulted, complaining of the threatening phone calls and text messages he was receiving. He has since filed an additional report documenting the attack he suffered on 4th March but so far, police have failed to seriously investigate the matter and have not made any arrests. "Federal and state authorities need to ensure that the police do not ignore this brazen attack," said Takirambudde. Human Rights Watch believes these threats were in response to Nsirimovu's outspoken criticism of corruption in the Rivers State government and in the state's Local Government Councils in recent weeks. Nsirimovu said that the assault and threats against him could lead other civil society groups to become wary of speaking out on the myriad human rights and governance issues facing Rivers State. "It might get worse as the elections approach because I think the objective is to shut people up," Nsirimovu told Human Rights Watch. Soyinka: Nigeria heading for anarchy propelled towards a yawning pit of anarchy through precedents that are set right before our eyes, entrenched by the complicity of our own passivity and indifference," he said. Soyinka went on to say that "Between the will and scheming of one individual and adherence to the rule of law, the choice is not particularly difficult for those who believe in a secure environment for daily and productive existence. What we, who lack the knowledge to strictly interpret the law, can and must do, is firstly to inform ourselves by consulting those whose profession this is, but ultimately, urge the courts to clarify any such disputes, and expeditiously. After that, we must line up solidly behind, and at whatever cost, the pronouncements of the courts of the land, however unpalatable they might be for our individual leanings or preferences on any issue. We also have the choice, of course, of simply withdrawing entirely from such concerns, and turning our minds and energies in other directions." "Any other attitude is an invitation to chaos and social disintegration, of which this nation has already absorbed, indeed, is currently undergoing, a surfeit. Those whose conduct impose a choice on the nation between a defence of the rule of law on the one "The Obasanjo-Atiku saga has taken a dimension that reaches far beyond the issues that are actually touted, the loudest being corruption, probity, integrity etc. etc. We are now firmly within the terrain, not even of the rule of law, but of the paranoid will of any individual, however powerful, against the very fabric of society, against such seeming intangibles as confidence in the ability of the law to protect the individual and the community. In other words, we are speaking of freedom and its protective mechanisms." © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Nigeria is heading for anarchy, Nobel Laureate Professor Wole Soyinka has warned. This Day cited Prof. Soyinka to have said in a statement that preparations for this month's polls had been slipshod and that the utterances and actions of INEC Chairman, Professor Maurice Iwu leaves much to be desired. In the statement titled 'Will of One and the Rule of Law', the Nobel Laureate said: "The Obasanjo-Atiku saga has taken a dimension that reaches far beyond the issues that are actually touted, the loudest being corruption, probity, integrity etc. etc. We are now firmly within the terrain, not even of the rule of law, but of the paranoid will of any individual, however powerful, against the very fabric of society, against such seeming intangibles as confidence in the ability of the law to protect the individual and the community. In other words, we are speaking of freedom and its protective mechanisms." Prof. Soyinka said he regretted the fact that the National Assembly had failed to impeach Obasanjo and Atiku following their roles in the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF). "Out of the fear of being manoeuvred into a seeming false position, we let ourselves be Nobel Laureate Professor Wole hand, and even the most laudable and patriotic acts on the other, must understand that they bear the ultimate responsibility for the damage done to our quest for moral solidarity." ©IRIN PHOTO Nigerian police “unprepared” to stop election violence Nigeria's armed police are accused of having a 'spray and pray' approach to enforcing order Many Nigerians doubt the police force's capability of providing proper security during this month's elections. They are also accusing the police of putting corruption and brutality ahead of democracy, IRIN reported. "It's like there's no government here," said Hygenus Waku, a market trader from Lagos, where dead bodies frequently wash up on the banks of the river, and many of the city's long bridges become no-go areas at night as armed gangs set up roadblocks. "The police do nothing to protect you." But the Police Inspector General Sunday Ehindero is confident Nigeria's police force can cope with whatever national gubernatorial and presidential elections in April might throw at it. "Outside the general training on the traditional police duties, recruits are given some specific instructions with regards to general conduct of elections and the anti-riot units are also given intensive drills and training to prepare them for the election duties," IRIN quoted Ehindero to have said. A security official with a multilateral institution in Nigeria speaking on condition of anonymity said he also doubted Ehindero's confidence was well placed. "The approach taken by armed forces when political meetings start to get out of control is known as 'spray and pray'," he said, referring to the police's reputation for indiscriminate shooting. "They have no riot equipment to speak of or training in tactical crowd control and human rights." Nigerians go to polls this month to elect president, state governors and state parliamentarians. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) officials said they've taken all necessary steps to ensure adequate security, with police set to guard each of the 120,000 voting centres around the country and police escorts to move voting materials and ballot boxes. The boxes are often the target of hired thugs working for politicians. THE WESTERN UNION ® SPEED Always demand * Subject to hours of operation and differences in time zones. © 2007 WESTERN UNION HOLDINGS, INC. All rights reserved. With the Western Union Money Transfer® service, it only takes a few minutes* to make the money you send available for collection by your loved ones in Africa or around the world. 14 April 2007 IN NIGERIA THIS MONTH Senator Olasunkanmi: We were used to indict Obasanjo President Olusegun Obasanjo was wrong- of that office should be of high fully indicted by the Senate Review moral standing. I won't do anyCommittee on the affairs of the Petroleum thing to diminish the stature of Technology Development Fund (PTDF), that office. Senator Olasunkanmi insiSenator Akinlabi Olasunkanmi has said. Mr. Olasunkanmi who is a member of the sted on the Vice President's Senate Review Committee on the affairs of the PTDF admitted used in what he described as the wrongful indictment of the president, Vanguard reported. Senator Olasunkanmi, howe"Honestly, I don't believe we ver, dismissed insinuations of a should have referred President $10 million inducement given to Committee members to facilitate Obasanjo to the Code of Conduct Bureau for the fact that he did not the indictment of the President. Senator Olasunkanmi denied dip his hand in the PTDF to claims by the Atiku Abubakar enrich himself. He didn't pocket Campaign Organisation (AACO) any PTDF money. The president that he was recanting his involvement in the work of the deserved commendation. Both the ad-hoc and review committees Committee following pressures from the Presidency and the believed the projects embarked People's Democratic Party upon by the PTDF were lauda(PDP). ble.” He affirmed the culpability of Vice President Abubakar in the saga, saying his investigations Senator Akinlabi Olasunkanmi showed that President Obasanjo did not personally benefit from his own role in the PTDF saga. "From reports that I have read on the work of our committee, it seems culpability saying "Let's even as if the committee was programmed to come come to the issue of the $125 up with a specific recommendation, with pre- million placed in banks. There determined conclusions," Senator is nothing wrong with the placement of these funds. Before Olasunkanmi (PDP, Osun West) said. "Honestly, I don't believe we should have the ad-hoc committee, the vice president referred President Obasanjo to the Code of admitted that he authorised the placements. Conduct Bureau for the fact that he did not Should the vice president have authorised dip his hand in the PTDF to enrich himself. PTDF placements in commercial banks? "Is the vice president part of the PTDF He didn't pocket any PTDF money. The president deserved commendation. Both the ad- management? It was an abuse of office for hoc and review committees believed the pro- the vice president because it is outside his jects embarked upon by the PTDF were lau- mandate. The VP knows the honourable thing to do in the face of all these allegations dable. "The African Science Institute is suppo- against him. "I am a member of the Defence sed to be the first of its type in the whole of Africa; a project that former South African Committee and I have visited Defence President, Nelson Mandela, is involved in Industries Corporation of Nigeria (DICON) and Nigeria has started its own. So, why in Kaduna several times and each time I get should we say the man should have gone to there, I weep for this country. I wept when I face the Code of Conduct Bureau? I raised saw the decay there. Nobody has accused the my objection to that recommendation at the president of personally benefiting from the PTDF. The question that was raised was that committee. "I hold the office of the vice president in the projects concerned were within the purthe highest esteem because it is a symbol of view of the PTDF but if you look at the time our national pride but I believe that the holder the PTDF Act was written, technology of 1973 is not the same technology today. Technology is now so wide that it would incorporate Information Technology and many more, which were not there in 1973," he said. He reacted to the Atiku campaign that he was recanting because of pressures on him saying that said: "I will not defend anybody in government especially the president because I was stopped from contesting the December senatorial election on the eve of the elections, after I had deployed resources for the same election. So, I don't have any business defending the president under this circumstance because I believe the party wasn't fair to me. "I swore to an oath to defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I wasn't appointed into the committee to defend the president but the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I Buhari, Ojukwu support Atiku over his disqualification sident on the only count that the Senate Review Committee on the PTDF had found him wanting. According to the campaign, the vice president had been only found wanting for allegedly failing to get authorisation for the placement of $20 million of PTDF fund in the defunct Trans International Bank. Mrs. Usman was cited by the Vanguard to have said in a statement that the Ministry of Finance authenticated the placement of $20 million in TIB but at the same time indicted the vice president for not heeding a presidential directive that all transactions on PTDF accounts must get the approval of the President. "By admitting that the Ministry of Finance authenticated the release of the money, she has unwittingly confirmed that the vice president did not carry out a secret transaction on Mr. Muhammadu Buhari the PTDF fund. If indeed, as the Minister stated in her bodies including the Central Bank and the statement, "the President does not dictate Accountant-General were equally involor approve placement in banks, it is the ved in the process. We sympathise with Finance Minister and Accountant General handlers of the President as they stumble who do," then, she has fully cleared the and fumble trying to cover the sun with vice president of any wrongdoing," the the palm in their defence of the President campaign said in a statement. in his PTDF scam," it said. "It is also significant that she has confirmed the authentication of the $20 milStephen Oladipupo lion by her predecessor, Dr Ngozi Abuja Okonjo-Iweala. The vice president had earlier provided evidence that all relevant © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP) Presidential flag-bearer, Major General Mohammadu Buhari, his counterpart in African democratic Congress (ADC), Professor Pat Utomi and the leader of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu - Ojukwu have all thrown their weight behind Vice-President Atiku Abubakar for challenging his disqualification by Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in the Court. The Politicians expressed their support for the Vice - President at a meeting held in Abuja with Atiku in attendance. The politicians endorsed the action of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar to challenge his disqualification in Court saying they were all waiting for the Judgment of the Court on the matter soon. They expressed confidence in the ability of the Court to interpret the Constitution and the electoral law guiding the conduct of the elections, even as they were said to have praised the Judiciary for truly standing as the last hope of the common man in the country. In a separate development, the Nigerian Labour Congress has also condemned the disqualification of candidates by INEC from participating in the forth coming elections saying that the commission was only heating up the polity. Meanwhile the Atiku Campaign Organisation (AACO) thanked the Finance Minister, Mrs. Nenadi Usman, for unwittingly confirming the innocence of Vice President Atiku Abubakar in the lodgement of $20 million funds of the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) in a commercial bank, Vanguard reported. The campaign organisation said she had inadvertently exonerated the vice pre- wasn't enlisted to discredit the report because my dissenting views were inculcated in the body of the review report." He also rejected allegations that $10 million bribe was given to Committee members. "It is laughable. I don't know about anybody giving anybody money. I have been labelled as Mr President's man. So, I believe they would not approach me with that kind of offer." President Obasanjo had previously rejected the senate committee report which indicted him for corruption after investigating an oil fund. Mr Obasanjo's spokesman, Uba Sani told the BBC Hausa service that the report was "fundamentally flawed." Mr Sani accused the senate committee members of colluding with the opposition to smear Mr Obasanjo's image. "The report is fundamentally flawed and it appears the senators were used to achieve some political aims," he said. "There is no truth in the report. It is all politics and it should be rejected by all Nigerians." The committee recommended that both President Obasanjo and Mr Abubakar be prosecuted. The senate committee report found that Mr Abubakar approved $20m loans to some Nigerian banks from the Petroleum Technology Development Fund account without the president's approval. The committee report which also found that Mr Obasanjo had "illegally" approved the spending of over $27m dollars for some government projects. The Senate refused to discuss the report before elections, leading the committee to resign. Mr Abubakar has denies corruption charges and went to challenge his exclusion from the presidential election. By the time we went to press the Court had not made a ruling on Mr. Atiku's case. Bishop tells Obasanjo & Atiku to resign President Olusegun Obasanjo and Vice President Atiku Abubakar have been advised to resign honourably from their offices or face impeachment over their various roles in the controversial Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) for which both have been indicted by a Senate Committee report, Daily Champion reported. Anglican Bishop of Enugu, Rt. Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chukwuma advised the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) not to allow itself to be used as a tool to sabotage the political interests of perceived opponents of the government. Obasanjo and Atiku cannot continue to fool Nigerians on the issue of the PTDF, the cleric said, adding that both ought to be punished as they had been clearly shown to have abused their offices in the PTDF affair. "I have said before and I maintain that President Obasanjo and Vice President Atiku Abubakar should leave office over their roles in the PTDF scandal, both of them cannot continue to fool Nigerians", Daily Champion quoted Chukwuma to have said. Commenting on the selective disqualification of candidates by INEC, the Bishop Chukwuma said the electoral body should not be used as a tool against political enemies of some people. He urged INEC to be truly independent and warned that its policy of "selective negligence" against some people was bound to create unnecessary tension and confusion in the polity. He criticised the Catholic Bishop of Nsukka, Rev. Dr. Francis Okobo over his involvement on the selection of a consensus governorship candidate from the Nsukka cultural zone saying church leaders should avoid being partisan because of the peculiar positions they occupy in the society. "The Church can be involved in politics, but should not be partisan, it is wrong for a Church to be backing a particular candidate. For us in the Anglican, we cannot support any candidate, but we can support any of them who emerges as winner," he said. AFRICANS IN EUROPE 15 April 2007 Stop deportations to DR Congo, UK Government asked by the UK's cruel asylum system, they had no choice to survive, the Congo Support Project says. Liz Atherton, Coordinator of the Congo Support Project London who have information about events after the plane arrived in Kinshasa to get in touch with them. "Any credible evidence about the fallout from that flight will be valuable for the tribunal, and it will also help us to fend off any further charter flights," she said. Atherton urged all to be vigilant. "The Home Office's mass removal has sent shock waves of fear Archbishop Sentamu joins calls for slave trade apology thinktank Ekklesia Jonathan Bartley, also told Radio 4 that whilst apology carried a sense of responsibility, the rhetoric of regret implied sorrow that things worked out the way they did -- without the acceptance of liability. An apology was necessary in the attempts to address the legacy of slavery, he said. Now, the Archbishop of York John Sentamu has also said Blair needs to go further. "A nation of this quality should have the sense of saying we are very sorry and we have to put the record straight," he told the BBC. "This community was involved in a very terrible trade, Africans were involved in a very terrible trade, the Church was Archbishop of York John Sentamu involved in a very terrible trade ... it's important that we all own up to what was The call from the second most collectively done." Sentamu joined about 3,600 senior cleric in the Church of England came during the others in marches through cencommemorations marking the tral London on 25th March as 200th anniversary of its aboli- part of a series of events in tion in the British Empire. Britain to mark the anniversary In early March, Prime of the abolition of the brutal Minister Tony Blair expressed trade. regret for Britain's role in the "The easiest thing in the trade and expressed "deep sor- world is to look back 200 row" for slavery which was years and say we wouldn't abolished by parliament on have made those mistakes," March 25, 1807. However, he the Archbishop of Canterbury has always stopped short of Rowan Williams said. issuing a full apology as many Between 10 million and 28 African states have asked for million Africans were shipped over many years. in appalling conditions to the In mid March the leader of Americas and sold into slavery the World Council of Churches between 1450 and the early - which brings together 19th century. Christians from many of the When Britain abolished the world's major denominations trade it was the first major and traditions asked Prime slave-trafficking nation to do Minister Tony Blair to change so. Although the practice was his mind and make an apology outlawed, the lucrative trade for Britain's involvement in the continued for many years with slave trade. ship captains, facing heavy Mayor of London Ken fines, not hesitating to dump Livingstone also made an apol- their human cargoes overboard ogy on behalf of the nation's if they were caught. capital. In January, director of the By Ekklesia © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO The Archbishop of York has joined calls by other church leaders and politicians for the British Prime Minister to make a formal apology for its part in the transatlantic slave trade. "The bulk of the terrified human cargo was made up of vulnerable women and children, who had been taken from their homes in early morning raids by ruthless immigration snatch squads." ©CASPAR AREMI PHOTO Several organisations and associations are repeatedly asking the UK Government to stop deportation of Democratic Republic of Congo asylum seekers. On 26th February, more than 40 asylum seekers were deported on charter flight XLA4334. They were "handcuffed and distressed, the children crying, and they were accompanied by around 150 police and escorts," said Liz Atherton, Coordinator of the Congo Support Project London. She said that the "bulk of the terrified human cargo was made up of vulnerable women and children, who had been taken from their homes in early morning raids by ruthless immigration snatch squads." Atherton noted that the whole exercise smacked of a conspiracy between the British and DRC authorities. It has been reported that there was an official welcoming party at Ndjili airport to greet the returnees. A lunchtime news broadcast in Kinshasa allegedly showed footage of the country's prodigal children looking well and happy to be back home. The Congo Support Project fears that the Home Office may use a copy of the video to show that returnees were well received back home. "However, their expensive propaganda exercise won't work. We are already gathering corroborated evidence that some of the returnees who got off the XL Airways flight on 27th February did not get the kind of welcoming committee the authorities here and in Kinshasa would have us believe," said Atherton. She is also inviting all the people through the Congolese community that there could be another attempt soon. If we learnt one lesson from 26th February it is that most of those asylum seekers who were saved from the flight that day, and there were several, were those who had dedicated legal representatives and a lot of support in the wider community behind them. Putting those two elements in place can be long process. Many of the people on the plane had arrived from all over the country just days before the flight and there just wasn't time to get a clear picture of who, what and where. Communication is the key." Some Congolese asylum seekers are detained in prisons like HMP Strangeways because they were caught working and paying tax "illegally" - left homeless and destitute In a few months there will be a Country Guidance tribunal to challenge the Home Office official report on the DRC that says there is no risk to failed asylum seekers forcibly returned to Kinshasa. It's not true and it means that many people are being sent back to the Congo to face imprisonment, torture and other ill-treatment. If the tribunal is won, it could mean that further deportations are suspended. You can reach the Congo Support Project through following contacts: Liz Atherton - 07931 524654, Okito Tongomo - 07961 325167, or through this email address: liz. [email protected]; Innocent Empi on 07871 676129, Honoré Efandje on 07910 668465, René Mampuya on 07944 342049, or through this email address: [email protected] UK sending Darfur survivors to face torture in Khartoum The Home Office is working closely with the Sudanese authorities to send Darfuri asylum seekers to Khartoum, The Aegis Trust has said. Aegis is an independent, international organisation, dedicated to eliminating genocide. A statement issued by the organisation said that "a concerted roundup now appears to be underway. The Home Office continues to insist that Khartoum is not dangerous for Darfuris, despite all the evidence to the contrary (including that contained in Aegis' 2006 report 'Khartoum: Safe as Ghost Houses'), despite UNHCR recommendations against deportation and despite serious concerns expressed in the House of Lords." The Aegis Trust said it recently obtained strong new evidence of the torture that Darfuris removed to Khartoum can expect to face. It is in fact preparing a national television report, and a national print report. According to information gathered from members of the Darfuri community in the UK, dozens of Darfuri Africans were deported in March with a view to deportation. The Aegis Trust said it has the names of 16 of these individuals. "They two due to be deported on Tuesday 3rd April. Towns where this has taken place include London, Leicester, Birmingham, Swansea, Newport, Nottingham and Loughborough," The Aegis Trust said. It also said that over 60 Darfuri Africans - some failed asylum seekers, but the majority with fresh claims outstanding - have been given appointments to report en masse to UK immigration services in these days. On the basis of the experience of those detained in the past weeks, The Aegis Trust said "it is expected that many of these will, on reporting, be told that their claims have been refused. They can expect to be confronted with a Sudanese Embassy official, with a view to verifying that they are Sudanese and with a view to organising smooth deportation back to face the regime responsible for burning their villages, killing their fami- lies, and in some cases previously imprisoning and torturing them." The organisation "While Mr Blair talks tough on Darfur, claimed that the Home his Home Secretary is busy kicking Office is clearly in a Darfuris back to Khartoum. This is sudden hurry to get rid a complete contradiction. Sending of as many Darfuris as possible. "All this in my people back to face torture makes the context of difficula mockery of Britain's claim that it ties for the Home Office cares." in the Court of Appeal, where in the past few days, it has become clear Ishag Mekki, Chairman of the Darfur that the Government is Union very likely to lose the argument that internal flight from Darfur to is busy kicking Darfuris back to Khartoum is a viable option." This is a complete conWith Darfuris being killed in Khartoum. Sending my people back Khartoum, it hardly suggests an envi- tradiction. face torture makes a mockery of ronment sufficiently stable for the to removal of Darfuri asylum seekers to Britain's claim that it cares." the city. Dr James Ghana Trade Exhibition and 50 Anniversary Concert Smith, Chief Executive of the Aegis Trust, EXHIBITION stated: "The unseemly scram14th – 20th April 2007 ble to send these Event: Ghana survivors of ethAND CONCERT Trade Exhibition st nic cleansing in Saturday, 21 April 2007 Date: 14th – 20th April 2007 Darfur packing Industries: Fine Art, Craft, to the butchers IN GENEVA, Agricultural Produce, of Khartoum Bead Making, Straw baskets is a disgrace SWITZERLAND & drums, African Couture, to this country Beauty Products, Woodwork, and should be Kente & Artefacts, Batik stopped immeVenue: Geneva Palexpo, th diately. By sendEvent: Ghana 50 Geneva, Switzerland ing them back, Anniversary Concert Time: 10:00 – 19:00 daily we put their Performers: Kojo Antwi, Sidney, Admission: Free lives in certain Praye, Wutah and Meiway of Zoblazo Contact: Sheila danger." fame (for a Francophone mix) on +41 77 402 8625 Ishag Mekki, Date: Saturday, 21st April 2007 or [email protected] Chairman of the Venue: Geneva Palexpo, Darfur Union, Time: Doors open at 19:30. who in late Concert starts at 20:30 March raised Tickets cost: 50 Swiss Francs. the Darfur crisis Contact: William face to face with on +41 79 706 9533 Tony Blair, stator [email protected] ed: "While Mr Blair talks tough on Darfur, his Home Secretary Please check out: for more information. G th 16 April 2007 AFRICANS IN EUROPE Interview with Ambassador G.O. Kesse in Berlin “Ghana's example of good leadership should make us all happy” Ghana's Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Mr Grant Ohemeng Kesse granted an exclusive interview to Mr. Musah Ibrahim Musah in Berlin during which the Ambassador dilated on the challenges facing his country as well as the progress made so far as it celebrates its jubilee anniversary this year. Excerpts: What leaders would you credit with building a modern Ghana that we know today? To start with, we have the Big Six. Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Dr J.B. Danquah, William Ofori-Attah (Paa Willie), Ako Adjei, Obetsebi Lamptey, and then Akuffo Addo and we have Paa Grant, who some years ago when we wanted to go back and renovate it, we couldn't; which is unfortunate because it looks as if whenever there is a new government, we forget whatever the previous government has done and we want to come in with our own new programmes so that the people would say this is what we have done which is unfortunate. What happened to Ghana's Tourism Development Plan which was launched here in Berlin by the Jerry Rawlings government. What is the state of the Plan today under President Kufuor? Musah: Your Excellency, what do you consider the major achievements of Ghana 50 years after independence? Ambassador Kesse: Well, as you may be aware, we were the first country to obtain our independence from our colonial masters and the wind of change at that time affected most of the African countries also to fight, also to gain their independence. In fact, most of the countries depended upon Ghana and they looked at Ghana as their guide, so at least if we hadn't gained anything at all through us, most of the other Africans have also been able to gain their political independence. Secondly, we have gone through some chequered history. Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah got our independence for us in 1957, in 1966 there was a coup (d`etat) and then later on we had a civilian government, Busia's government which lasted for 27 or 30 months. Later on there was a coup and then Limann's government also came. And it was not until 1992 that we really started democratic government and since 1992, especially from the year 2000, it is well-known all over the world that Ghana has been practicing good governance, there is democracy and also there is considerable improvement in our economy. Let me site a few examples, before the year 2000, the bank interest rate was 52 percent, now it is around 22 percent and hopefully, it would go down. Then also inflation was at 32 percent, now it is around 10.6 and from our calculations, at the National Development Planning Commission, it should have been a single-digit by now. But we have no control at the price of oil and so it is now 10.6 or so. Secondly, too, there was a time you could not speak your mind. The press could not even write or say anything, now people are free and they can speak their mind. Then also even if you take the efforts made by Ghana in resolving the problems in Cote d`Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and in our neighbouring countries, that is also an example of our good leadership and as you may also know, at the last African Union Conference, President Kufuor was unanimously elected the Chairman of the African Union which is also a plus for the country. So, we have gone through some chequered history, but one can confidently say that we know where we are going and we know that we'll get there. So that at least should make us all happy. UK Well, we are still working on those plans, but you know, it takes quite some time. You look at Germany, US and some of these countries, it has taken them sometime. In fact, recently, I know that some studies have been going on in connection with our tourism. The problem is, the potentials are there but they are latent. The potentials are there they need to be matched up with proper infrastructural facilities such as good roads, descent accommodation and so on. What challenges do you see Ghana's Ambassador to Federal Republic of most pressing for your Germany, His Excellency Grant Ohemeng Kesse as country? sponsored these people. Then in the history of Ghana, we also have some of the Chiefs who really stood up against dictatorship. And we can mention the Asante Chiefs, Prempeh I, Prempeh II, we can mention Nana OforiAttah I, Nana Ofori-Attah II, Nana Sir Otsibu Darko, and then some of the Chiefs. Then when we come to even the ex-servicemen, Sgt. Adjetey and others, they have all contributed their quota towards the attainment of independence and also the development of Ghana. If you look at the history of Ghana, what events do you most regret, which you wish had never taken place? Well, I'll mention the Coup d´etats, because, if anything, they have drawn us back. Unfortunately, what happened was that as soon as there is a Coup, we abandon whatever is going on. You look at the silos which were built by Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah. They were meant to store cocoa and also some food. First, so that in case of shortage of food, we can fall on the reserve food stored in the silos. Secondly too, you use it as a means of dictating the price of world goods like cocoa. But then after the Coup, it was abandoned and the drawings were taken away. So The most challenging problem for Ghana is our economy. You know, around 2000, the capital income was around 400 dollars. Our aim is to be a middle income country by 2015, that means about 1000 dollars per capita income. We are gradually working towards it but, as I said, there are factors which are not within our control. If the price of oil should go up there is very little we can do about it. Currently, power (electricity generation) is our basic problem. We have been depending upon the Akosombo dam and when the water level goes down, it becomes a problem. So what the government is doing is, one, last month the President met the Presidents of Nigeria, Benin and Togo and through this sharing system we are going to get some power from there. Then also you know the Bui Dam plan has been on the drawing board for over 30 years and the Chinese government has come in and they are giving us a grant for the development of the Bui Dam. By the middle of this year we should be able to have enough electricity which will last for the next 15 years whilst we look round for other sources of power. Because of this power shortages some of the firms have been closing down which is leading to unemployment and so on. So this is a major challenge which we have. ITALY Is your government considering other sources of power generation such as solar energy, giving that water levels for hydroelectricity generation kept on dropping and the Bui Dam may face similar problems? Yes according to the policy of the Ministry of Energy, renewable energy sources are also part of the programme. In fact I myself since I came about eight months ago, I have met about six firms that deal with wind mill, solar energy and other renewable sources of energy. I've had discussions with them, I also had contact with the Ministry of Energy and we are even working on it. I know my colleagues in China and also in Israel are also working on that. So, apart from the hydro energy the government is working very fast on other sources of energy. His Excellency President J.A. Kufuor has criss-crossed the globe since he came to office in 2000. Has his efforts been rewarded? I would say very, very, very well rewarded. Because, one, when we declared HIPC (Highly Indebted Poor Country) most countries which came to our aid did so because of the confidence which they have in President Kufuor, and because some of them have met him in person before he became the president. Secondly, I talked about the Chinese involvement in the Bui Dam project, it is through the visit to China that he came into that agreement with them, and it is not only the dam, there is good relationship between the two countries. For the African games in 2008, we are building four stadia. We are renovating two, Accra and Kumasi and then we are building one in Sokondi-Takoradi and one in Tamale. We went on tender and a Chinese firm won and they are working on it. Apart from that, even Germany here, Germany is our second highest trading partner, you know what that means. You go to the construction site, you go to NGOs, GTZ for example they have been in northern Ghana they are dealing with water and sanitation and then the environment and there are other organisation which are dealing with good governance and so on from Germany. And almost everywhere you go, they talk about President Kufuor's qualities. Finally, Your Excellency, can you give a guarantee that the 2008 elections in Ghana are going to be free, fair and peaceful? Well as far as I know Ghanaians I am more than sure that the 2008 elections would be very peaceful. We have set down the programme, the rules and regulations and even changing from military government to civilian government, if that was possible, then I can't see any problem in 2008. By Musah Ibrahim Musah AfricaNewsAnalysis SWEDEN AFRICANS IN EUROPE April 2007 17 Ghanaians in Germany celebrate Independence anniversary Ghanaian culture was at its best in Berlin as a cross-section of Ghanaians joined members of the diplomatic and business community to celebrate the country's 50th anniversary of independence. Clad in rich kente dresses adorned with a caleidoscope of colours, Ghanaians proudly thronged the atrium of the Deutsche Bank in the centre of Berlin to honour the founding fathers who gave birth to their nation on 6th March 1957. His Excellency Mr Grant Ohemeng Kesse, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to Germany, welcomed and shook hands with each of the invited dignitaries who honoured his invitation to the event. Ambassador Kesse described 6th March as a historic day for Ghana adding that "Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first Prime Minister of Ghana and the architect of Ghana's freedom, on the eve of independence in 1957, declared that Ghana's Independence was meaningless unless it was linked up with the total liberation of the African continent", stressing that that declaration "gave an impetus to the process of decolonisation on the continent and engendered a renewed sense of a common African destiny." Ambassador Kesse told the packed hall that it was "therefore most refreshing that on this historic occasion of Ghana's 50th Independence Anniversary, all of Africa is "liberated" and free from political domination. "As we in Ghana celebrate that historic and momentous event, we are confident that all of Africa and all our friends throughout the world are also celebrating with us." Ambassador Kesse observed that Ghana and Africa have made significant strides in both the political and economic spheres adding that there was no gainsaying the fact BERLIN that "we still have to make greater strides in our search for total economic emancipation leading to better conditions of life for our peoples. "Therefore, as Ghana celebrates its Golden anniversary, we Ghanaians and Africans must all make a solemn pledge to redouble our efforts and work harder towards the upliftment of the African continent from poverty." He described the theme selected for the Golden Anniversary celeb r a t i o n "Championing A f r i c a n Excellence" as significant giving that various "genuine commentators" have described this century as Africa's century", adding that it was their conviction that Africa would surely unearth her real potential before this century was over. The Ghanaian ambassador observed that majority of people around the world acknowledge what he called "the promise of Africa" and told his audience that "the decision taken by the African Union Heads of State at their recent summit in Addis Ababa to celebrate with Ghana the 50th Anniversary of our independence," was gratifying. He revealed that as a demonstration of that intent, African Heads of State and Government will come to Accra in July 2007 to attend to the business of the African Union. Mr Kesse observed that this would enable the African continent to re-engage in a critical assessment of what its independence from colonialism and apartheid has meant and therefore what it should do to address "our common aspirations for African unity and our African Renaissance." He described the Federal Republic of Germany as one of the most enduring friends of Africa, adding that "the Federal President, Mr (Horst) Köhler has shown beyond every doubt that he is a friend of Africa. BREMEN "He believes in the PROMISE OF AFRICA as evidenced by his institution of the African Forum, the second of which took place in Accra in January this year, and which was co-hosted with the President of Ghana." The Minister of State at the German Foreign Ministry, Dr Gernot Erler, who represented the German Federal Government at the event said 6th March 1957 was a significant day not only for Ghana. "When Kwame Nkrumah, the father of Ghana's Independence, announced that Ghana was FREE - finally - this short, but big word echoed all over the African continent and beyond where people were standing up for self-determination and self-rule". Dr Erler observed that 50 years ago, the people of Ghana lit a torch that became an inspiration and a guiding light for millions attempting to prise the shackles of colonialism. He told his audience that Kwame Nkrumah was aware of the special role his country was thus about to assume adding that Nkrumah was not contented with what he had achieved for Ghana alone. "He did not forget the fate of his fellow Africans, but strived for an Africa united in freedom". Dr Erler drew loud applause when he reiterated that Nkrumah's "Pan-African visions are still up to date. In fact only nowadays, the African Union is discussing how to further evolve into something that Kwame Nkrumah dreamt of 50 years ago. One could say that the African Union is a kind of grandchild of the Union of African States that Nkrumah had conceived in the years after Ghana's independence." Story and photos by Musah Ibrahim Musah AfricaNewsAnalysis HAMBURG 18 April 2007 AFRICANS IN EUROPE Ghanaian victim of police brutality in Swiss/German border seeks redress Wilson: "I thought they were either going to break my neck or shoot me from behind" Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Head Office in Bonn, Germany to familiarize himself with some of the activities of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Headquarters and some selected internship programme. Here's the full story as narrated by Mr. Wilson himself. "The round trip was by train from 28th November to 2nd December 2005. On my return trip on Friday, 2nd December 2005, I boarded train (ICE 505 b. This train took off at Kiln at 10:54 and was expected to arrive in Basel at 14:47. My next train from Basel to Geneva was to take off at 15:05 and arrive at 17:47. "At 14:37 the train on which I was travelling stopped at Basel and some of the passengers started alighting. Not being so familiar with the route, I stood up to enquire from another passenger who was Dr Sindiwe Magona There are many orphans in the area and 80% of the population, mainly women is unemployed. A total of 80.000 Euros would be required to complete the construction while 10.000 Euros are needed to start the construction hopefully this month. The House of Peace in Mmalaunyane will be an institute where women learn to read and write, undergo Information Technology training, dressmaking, painting, and many other courses aimed at helping them become selfreliant. It will also host seminars on women's rights. African Women Network for Peace has already built several Houses of Peace in many different parts of Africa. One of them is in Rwanda where some 120 women undergo vocational training. Some of the objectives of the African Women Network for Peace include opening, in each African country, a House of African Women for Peace, which will operate as a national reference point and as an international and African connection; carrying out literacy and training courses in order to facilitate women's access to the labour market; supporting and developing economic activities in order to facilitate women's independence. The network also aims at supporting occasions for sharing opinions and thinking about issues like the protection of women's rights, the value of solidarity, the promotion of longlasting peace and the sustainable development of Africa. During the party, Dr Sindiwe Magona, a popular South African author presented her new book "Guguletu Blues" telling the stories of women of the township. Dr Magona is a motivational speaker, storyteller and Xhosa novelist whose written works have received international acclaim. She has been a leading campaigner against sexual discrimination. Dr. Magona worked with UN's International Tribunal dealing with crimes against women. Through her writings, she would like to encourage the blacks in South Africa, especially women to play a key role in the development of the country. She emphasised the importance of educating women saying that by educating a man, you only educate one person yet by educating a woman, you educate the whole society. By Pierpaolo Festa & Stephen Ogongo did not understand. Well it was not in English. I guessed they were in to check my train ticket and my passport. I unzip my jacket and pullout my passport together with my tickets. Before I could hand over the passport to them, they had already handcuffed me in the train. "The other two officers (one man and the lady) brought out my luggage. This officer, who was marching me out, started tightening the handcuffs tightly around my wrist, with the resultant pains, becoming quite unbearable. I said please, check my documents and check my passport. My passport had even fal- len in the train. The officer who had 2005, at 9:15 am, I got back to the handcuffed me kept on with his Basel Railway Station and went to march. All this while they had not checked the document I had on me. "They took me to an inner room at the railway "Still in the handcuffs they floored station. On entering the me face-down, with one officer room, the two men tightetightening his grip around my ned the handcuff and folded my hands behind me more neck, whilst the other kept tighteand more, almost to a cho- ning the handcuffs and folding my king point. I continued to hand behind me further. I started plead with them to check screaming and pleading that I was my passport, or call in not a criminal; that they should someone I could communicheck my documents.” cate with in English but my pleas ended on deaf ears. "Still in the handcuffs Mr. Isaac Ato Wilson they floored me face-down, with one officer tightening his grip around my neck, whilst the other kept tightening the handcuffs and folding my the information desk to enquire hand behind me further. I started about the address of those officers screaming and pleading that I was who had arrested me a day before. not a criminal; that they should On the previous day I had asked one of the officers to furnish me check my documents. "This drilling went on for some- with the names of the officers who time; realising that I was loosing arrested me and was given the folmy total breath I started pleading lowing address; Hauptzollamt with them not to kill me, knowing Lorrach, Deutsches Zollamt Basel, ZHS, HAUthat I could not survive the military- Reichenbach, type of drilling. I thought they were SANSCHRIFT Schwarzwaldallee 4058 Basel/SCHWEIZ either going to break my neck or 200, Postfach shoot me from behind. I could no POSTANSCHRIFT longer scream and was helpless in 1920,79554 Weil am Rhein TEL 161290, FAX the hands of the officers. Lately, a +497921 INTERNET man briskly walked into the room, a +4976211612922 seemingly superior officer, who "I contacted my office in might have saved my life: after a through search I was asked to pay a Geneva, who took the matter up and fine of 150 Euros and released; fee- again reported the incident to lings pains all over my body and Ghana mission in Geneva." finding it quite difficult to breath, I By Kwaku Boatin took a taxi to hospital, where I was Geneva treated and discharged. "On Saturday, 3rd December All roads lead to Wuerzburg for African Festival This year's Africa Festival in Germany will take place in Wuerzburg's Talavera Mainwiesen at the banks of the river Main. The Africa Festival on its 19th edition has now become Europe's biggest festival for African music and culture. It will take place from 25th to 28th May 2007. More than 250 musicians and dancers will give an insight into the fascinating variety of traditional and modern black music in several circus tents and on open air stages. This year's Africa Festival continues the journey on and around the 'black Atlantic Ocean'. It will show the cultural and musical influences the millions of slaves, displaced across the ocean to different parts of the world, had on the countries they were brought to. This time, the musical journey will lead the participants to Brazil, the country which abolished slavery only in 1888. In order to better illustrate the past, the Festival will not only play AfroBrazilian music but will also exhibit historic pictures of African slaves in Brazil. These pictures have never been shown in Germany before. This remarkable exhibition depicting the beginnings of photography takes place in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute Leipzig and the Institute Moreira Salles Rio de Janeiro. The festival will open on 25th May with a thunderous performance by Lura Carlinhos Brown. Lura, a young singer from Cape Verde has turned the Capeverdian music scene upside-down. Her latest album "M'bem Di Fora" was the top-selling CD on the Capeverdian Islands last summer. On stage, she is fully focused on her music, a Creole beauty with a remarkable voice influenced by African and Brazilian rhythms. Lura gives new impressions of Capeverdian music: urban, dynamic, and modern. The theme of this day will be "Africa meets Brazil". On Saturday 26th May, Alma Luma & So Do Samba, And Omar Pene & Super Diamono De Dakar will be on stage. The theme of the second day is "Brazil meets Africa. The third day of the festival, 27th May will be dedicated to Southern African music with perfor- mance by CHIWONISO FRESHLYGROUND. The final day of the festival, 28th Cuban music and life style. The Africa Festival is being organized by the Afro Project e.V., Musical © AFRICAN FESTIVAL PHOTO African Women Network fundraises for Women's Centre in South Africa A special evening party was recently held in Rome to raise funds for building a House of Peace in South Africa. The party was organised by the African Women Network for Peace in collaboration with the Co-ordination for Distance Support-La Gabbianella, the Embassy of South Africa to Italy, the women's entrepreneurial body Confesercenti and their partners. The House of Peace is to be built in Mmalaunyane village, 130 Km from Johannesburg. seated two seats ahead of me. "While waiting for a response to my enquiry, three officers suddenly (two men and a lady) appeared before me; I first asked them 'please, is there any problem?' One man said something in German, which I © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO A Ghanaian Trade Official, Mr. Isaac Ato Wilson, has accused the Swiss/German border police in Gennan, of unlawful arrest, police brutality, inhuman treatment and violation of his basic fundamental human rights. In a letter addressed to both the Swiss and German governments and made public here, he said "I was subjected to a total wrongful arrest, torture and harassment by officers of the Gennan border control in Swiss/German border. "This resulted in a lot journey delays and humiliation, suffering, financial expenses arising hospital bills, hotel accommodation and additional transport fares in Basel. I seek re-dress from Basel authorities, German government and other authorities concerned for all these problems." In a telephone interview on 2nd March, Mr. Wilson expressed shock and dismay that authorities concerned with his dilemma, for the past two-years after reporting the incident, have not been able to complete investigations or made public results of their investigations on the issue, neither have they been able to contact him. He said to add insults to injury, the German Embassy in Ghana, late last year, refused him transit visa to travel on Lufthansa Airlines, on his way to Geneva, Switzerland to attend a conference "without any explanation". At the time of his arrest in the train on the Swiss/German border, Mr Wilson was serving as an intern of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) at the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, in Swiss-Geneva Office. He was invited officially to Germany by the Capeverdian singer Lura Carlinhos Brown May will be a reggae night featuring the Stars of Young Germaica, Sebastian Sturm & Jin Jin Band, Marlene Johnson & House of Riddim, Jahcoustix & Dubios Neighbourhood and Martin Jondo. Besides high-class live acts, there will again be the colourful bazaar, offering art objects and commodity goods as well as African food and drinks, a craft men's bazaar, workshops, an extensive children's program, an open stage, daily late night program with various DJs, art exhibitions and presentations. As last year, the Havanna Club will open its doors for all friends of Development Aid for Germany and the city of Wuerzburg, supported by the Department for Foreign Affairs, the Bavarian Ministry of Education and the Arts, the Federal Agency for Civic Education, the Leibniz Institute Leipzig, DaimlerChrysler AG as part of the Southern Africa Initiative of German Business - SAFRI, Bureau Export and Mercedes Benz. For further information, please consult, Afro Project e.V., Kaiserstrasse 16, D-97070 Würzburg, +49/931/15060/+49/931/ 15080, email: [email protected]; READERS’ PAGE 19 April 2007 Societal marketing & Corporate Social Responsibility Why does Ghana or Africa stand on this grey area? Jim Blythe (2005), a British Marketing tinationals than many people assume. The Guru highlighted that marketers should take main obstacles to better regulation are she some responsibility for the needs of society at reports are therefore, not legal, but political. large, and for the sustainability of their pro- Jennifer highlights that this is an essential duction activities. This statement is in fact reading for anyone who wants to understand happening in the developed countries which how international law works and how it can are smart enough to work a way around in be used to further international CSR objectiensuring that those local and international ves. This is a brief about JENNIFER A. businesses or companies make contributions towards community development. Take ZERK. She was admitted as a solicitor in Sainsbury's and Tesco in Britain for example, Australia in 1991 and in England and Wales they have contributed towards every commu- in 1993. She holds law degrees from the nity they operate in. A typical example in University of Adelaide and the University of Britain I witnessed was when Sainburys wan- London, and a PhD in law from the ted to build one of its big supermarkets in a University of Cambridge. Formerly an energy law specialist with a major London firm, she village. The villagers gathered and calculated the now works as an independent researcher and impact that new supermarket would have on consultant, advising on the legal and regulatheir community and seized the opportunity tory aspects of 'corporate to request for a complex community centre social responsibility'. Though before the building of the supermarket. The I'm not promoting her book, I secret is to demand before the community do honestly think that we all could learn a thing or two gives any project a go ahead. The village realised their potential, asked and got what they wanted. Basically, everyone rallied round and articulated It is only through working in their feelings to the developers. partnership with local and Well, indeed, they got it free of international businesses as charge and thus are now running the centre as a self-finan- an integral part of our society cing centre. that we would see any tranIn contrast, however in sformation. The secret is, to Africa the key people within a given community are just conwelcome the new business tented to accept a bottle of influx only if they agree to Scottish Whiskey or Schnapps or local spirit over a business sign the spotted lines on cordeal. porate social responsibility. Jennifer A. Zerk has researched about, The 'Corporate Ghana needs only good ethiSocial Responsibility' ('CSR') cal businesses to work in movement and I would share some aspects. She described partnership with. (CSR) as one of the most important social movements of Mercy Adede Bolus our time. Her book looks at what the CSR movement means for multinationals, for states and for international law. She high- from her experiences. lights that international law is often criticised Ghana needs to get a grip for being too 'state-centred', and ill equipped of how best our laws would to deal with the challenges of globalisation. work for us if we involve However, as she draws from many and varied businesses co-operation into helping with our examples of state, NGO and corporate practi- community developments. We need to be assertive as a nation to start ce, this book argues that, while international law has its limitations, it presents more asking ourselves questions like, "Why so opportunities for the CSR regulation of mul- many international companies are flooding into Ghana" and "What is in this deal for our motherland?" We need to raise these vital questions about the future governance and regulation of all businesses throughout our nation. Ghana may need a new code of conduct, laws and regulations and multi-stakeholder agreements and private voluntary initiatives as new businesses are beginning to emerge into our system. We need to see the significance for this foresight to be smart and articulate. The community must be assertive to ask the right questions through their local MPs', Paramount chiefs, DCE etc. when they hear of any major business activity. They must ask questions that would help to reshape Ghana into a country where our youth would prefer to stay on and help with our economic recovery. The goal post must work in our favour too. If Ghana were to be smart back in 1940's we could have got UTC, Kingsway, and GNTC to build libraries in every city, town and villages they operated. Well, they have left us now but what have we LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome letters on topical issues, your experiences, and or comments on any article you have read in the Africa News. We will only consider letters sent to us for publication if they carry the writer's name and address, not necessarily for publication, but as a sign of good faith. Address your letters to: The Editor, Africa News, Via Maroso, 50, CAP 00142 Rome, Italy, or e-mail: [email protected] or fax +39-06-87410528. got to remember their huge profits they made on our lands? Nothing, just "happy memories" but "bitter after taste". The focus we have now is for our Government and various communities to be assertive to stop that not laughing. Our Government if not already engaged in this practice may need to consider involving all local businesses and international organisations at their strategic planning. These businesses may also by so doing share some good tips. Learning does not only stop in the classrooms. This would promote economic growth and credibility for businesses and a general sense of well being for our nation. After all, we all would like to see a win/win business deal. It is about time, every city, town, and village had its own proper designated town centre that provides facilities. For example, a learning resource centre with ICT, covered gutters, public toilets with hand washing basins, recreational parks with benches, well sheltered bus stops, play ground for children in every community. It is only through working in partnership with local and international businesses as an integral part of our society that we would see any transformation. The secret is, to welcome the new business influx only if they agree to sign the spotted lines on corporate social responsibility. Ghana needs only good ethical businesses to work in partnership with. It is about time that our Government and the rest of African country started using this same strategy to get all international organisations and local businesses to help the communities in which they operate their businesses. By Mercy Adede Bolus Open Letter to Rt. Hon Tony Blair Phil Chinwuba esq. [email protected] London Nanka.Org The RT. Hon. Tony Blair The British Prime Minister No 10 Downing Street London March 21, 2007 The Rt. Hon Prime Minister Sir, Re: Save Nigeria from Disaster "The best people to help Africa are ultimately Africans themselves-RT Hon Tony Blair". Similarly the best people to help Nigeria are Nigerians themselves. Nigeria is under a state of siege by a run away president who arrogate ultimate power to himself and his family, hence the appeal by well meaning Nigerians and friends of Nigeria for help from the international community. The Inspector General of Police, Mr. Sunday Ehindero, has said several times that the spate of political killings portends danger for the country ahead of 2007 polls, especially if they remained unravelled. The PDP led Federal government practices systematic elimination of political opponents hence they were referred as "nest of killers" by Prof Wole Soyinka. The government involvement in state sponsored killing is aimed at silencing opposition and remaining in power for as long as possible. President Obasanjo must be held accountable for human rights abuses when he leaves office. We wish to draw your attention to this months general election which portends grave danger for Nigeria democracy going by the way the voter's registration exercise was conducted and the ongoing screening of candidates for various electoral offices. Nigerians want a credible election. We should not have a repeat of the 2003 election which till date; we have not been able to explain the extra votes over and above the number of registered voters. Prof. Iwu INEC chairman who admitted that 2003 elections were neither free nor fair must guaranty Nigerians that 2007 will not be a repeat of 2003 elections. The constitutional crisis tearing the country apart now stems from the fostering of impostors in government as a fall out of rigged election. Despite the judgement of the Supreme Court on Buhari vs. Obasanjo with regards to the 2003 elections, Nigerians knew very well that Obasanjo never won the 2003 presidential election despite completing his second term of office. The degree of the lawlessness now witnessed in the country is a fall out of the wholesale rigging. Some Nigerians believe the 2007 elections have already been rigged and INEC will announce the results at the appropriate time. The current screening of candidates has exposed INEC as a tool of the ruling PDP government. Candidates of opposition parties have been disqualified with little regard to the constitutional provisions. While most PDP candidates even those recently convicted by US court for using the Presidential Jet to launder money in the US were allowed to stand for elections. The Obasanjo led PDP is the most corrupt government since Nigeria became an independent state. Can you imagine a governorship candidate of a state subsiding petroleum products of a state from his private pocket after serving as a presidential aide yet no question was asked as to his source of wealth. The current Resident Electoral Commissioners are all card carrying members of PDP answerable to the current governorship candidates of the PDP in their respective state of posting. Can such people ensure free and fair elections? The same 2003 scenario is now being played out again in 2007. In most states, those that registered were not given their voters card but withheld by PDP party members. In some states PDP members were caught with The Electoral Data Machines in their homes and nobody is charging them to court neither were they held responsible for their illegal actions. They are just waiting for the election to make it official. President Obasanjo has told Nigerians that this election is "a do or die affair" for him personally and his party. He went further to say that he will not hand over power to those who will not continue with his economic reform berating the opposition as criminals. No civilized country tolerates the uncouth language used by Nigerian president against their opponents. Politics is a civilized game and should be played by civilized people. Under the provisions of the constitution titled the objective of state policies, the constitution specifically stated that the economy shall not be run in such a way that the wealth of the nation shall be concentrated in a few hands. The economic policies of the Obasanjo government have concentrated wealth in the hands of a few. Just recently, Mr. President invited a few people to Aso Rock and called them the apostles of his policies. Four of those in that gathering were his children. And why is the regime talking of continuity? Continuity of poverty? Continuity of unemployment? Continuity of bad roads? Continuity of closure of universities? Continuity of massive corruption and looting of the treasury? His economic programme is a disaster. An economic programme that does not work needs to be reformed again to cater for the needs of millions of Nigeria. Nigerians are worst of under Obasanjo than we were under Gen. Abacha. Let us not distort the history of Nigeria. The Olusegun Obasanjo military regime took us to the debt trap when it took the jumbo loan in 1978. The administration of Shehu Shagari, Babangida and others only built on it. In 2006 a debt-buy scheme was negotiated under which Nigeria paid her debts without reconciliation of what we owed. Did the president's war against corruption begin after some top government officials allegedly cleaned out the public treasury of a princely sum of N30billion kick-back from the debt-buy back initiative? This present administration lack human face and treats Nigerians with disdain. No nation on earth would survive if it was subjected to the level of abuse of public office Nigeria has been subjected to within the last eight years. As Nigerians we are resisting any attempt to manipulate the process to elongate the tenure of this government. But beyond that, we are also mobilising the entire population to insist on free and fair elections in 2007. It is all in our best interest to ensure that the democracy that we started eight years ago continues. If we and our international friends tolerate election rigging, corruption or indiscipline in our country it will be at the expense of our lives and millions yet unborn. It is therefore very important, Mr. Prime Minister that you use your good offices in calling the attention of the Nigeria govt to order. President Obasanjo's ruling party is behaving like a runaway train without breaks; it is time to put a stop to that train and bring this govt to respect the desire and wishes of Nigeria to have a free and fair election. The consequences of a rigged election are ominous. Yours faithfully, Phil Chinwuba esq. General Secretary - Nigeria Watch Organization All rights reserved. 2006 Opinions stated here are not necessarily that of Nanka.Org Contact: 718 882 3209, 646 648 1209 20 April 2007 ENTERTAINMENT Euro Tour 2005 Shirati Jazz's Linet Aluoch back with heart rocking LP Kenya's songbird Linet Aluoch has just released a wonderful LP confirming once more that she is an authentic Benga musician. The LP titled "Euro Tour 2005" features some of the rare refined guitar works which will make lovers of Benga music dance wildly. Linet's angelic voice succeeds in captivating the listener and provoking very strong emotions. Her sweet voice makes one have a vivid image of what she is talking about. Linet is one of the very few young Kenyan ladies who have decided to specialise in Benga music, which most young Kenyan musicians consider music of the old generation. I've had a chance of attending Linet's several concerts in Kenya and I was touched by her simplicity and attention she pays to her fans. When she gets hold of the microphone, you get a feeling that she is possessed by some sort of musical spirit which makes her sing her heart out as she moves her body in a miraculous manner. Linet is simply a perfect vocalist and a perfect dancer. Linet has been a leading vocalist in Shirati Jazz Band under the leadership of Benga maestro D.O. Misiani. By the time Misiani died last year, she was considered his personal assistant and Misiani never recorded a hit without her as a co-vocalist since she joined the band. In this new LP, Linet brings together hits touching on a variety of issues. One immediately notices that there is a lesson she is trying to pass across with each track. The LP opens with the track "Bad Manners" in which she tells of some of the common ills of our modern society. Linet says that human beings are strange in deed; seemingly out to do exactly the opposite of what should be done. She wonders why after struggling to go to school to obtain the right qualifications, one still has to bribe his/her way into finding a job. She also has a message to the people in the cities who like showing off their wealth, driving big and comfortable cars while back in their rural homes they don't even have a hut and their parents live in leaking houses. "Do remember home," she tells them. In "Euro Tour 2005" track, she tells of their journey to Europe and praises the organiser of the trip for having made sure that everything went on smoothly. Linet pays tribute to the late Misiani in "R.I.P D.O. Misiani". In this sad song, she narrates the fateful day of Misiani's death, recalling how Shirati Jazz Band members went for rehearsals at Donna Bar, Kisumu in the morning, had a nice time together only to later on learn that Misiani had an accident and died on his way home. A minibus rolled on impact while the mangled smaller public transport van carrying Misiani was pushed into a ditch. The minibus was coming from Riat Hills in Mamboleo when the driver lost control and rammed into the stationery van, which had stopped at Mamboleo Junction police roadblock. Misiani died on the spot. It was reported that the traffic police stopped the driver of Misiani's van to collect bribe. Traffic police in Kenya are known for openly taking bribe from public vehicles mainly to allow the faulty ones operate or to allow them carry excess passengers. The driver of Misiani's van, it is said, died while holding the money he was giving the police for bribe. The police seemed so much interested in collecting the bribe that they never paid attention to the signal of the minibus which was coming from the opposite direction whose brakes had failed. Linet strongly accuses the traffic police officers of causing Misiani's death. Linet remains faithful to the tradition of Benga music which requires that songs of praise be composed for outstanding people in the society. In the track "Matthews Anyumba Juma", she is admiring the qualities of a man who is highly educated, yet simple and never shows off, a man with a pure heart. Mathews lives and works abroad but he has never forgotten his people back home, he keeps on visiting and helping people at home, especially the needy, Linet says. The album has been released by Equator Heritage Sounds - USA, and can be obtained from this link This is a must have LP. By Stephen Ogongo GUNSLINGER: Makosi pulls the trigger BIG Brother star Makosi Musambasi has taken her first steps towards a planned career in Hollywood after landing a role in a new movie to be screened in UK cinemas in May. The 26-year-old Zimbabwean bombshell plays Ayesha, a gun-totting sister of a drug dealer in Bollywood movie, “Cash and Curry” which was shot in the UK in November. Sarjit Bains, a UKbased film director of Punjabi Indian extraction directed the movie, which also features cameo roles by Faria Alum, the ex-girlfriend of former England football coach, Sven Goran Eriksson. TOP CHARTS Makosi's former Big Brother housemate, Kinga, is also part of the cast. “Cash and Curry” is Makosi's first ever movie role, and first major TV project since her controversial Big Brother appearance and antics two years ago at the cost of her job as a cardiac nurse. "It was so beautiful to make the movie," she told New in an exclusive interview last night. "I no longer underestimate people who work in the movies because it is such hard work." Makosi revealed it took TWO WEEKS to shoot three scenes for the movie, and she admits the retakes played on her confidence. She added: "When you have to do the same scene over and over again it sometimes plays on your ego and confidence…you begin to ask yourself 'is there something wrong with me'? "I had to take out extra days to sort myself out. Initially, they wanted me to sound Jamaican but that all failed. My role is the type that they usually throw at Halle Berry in Hollywood, and at the end of it all, I think I nailed it more than she would have." But Makosi, who says she is decidedly single, admits she is looking forward to the movie premiere with a bit of trepidation after shooting a steamy sex scene. "My mum will kill me," she said, "of course it was acting, and nothing happened but I just know it will get my mum in a bit of a state." Then she gets all philosophical about it: "Sex is like dinner, everybody has it. Even the nun in Neighbours had sex." Makosi now hopes to travel to the United States during the British summer in pursuit of her Hollywood dream. "This movie has been a stepping stone for me. With the support of Zimbabweans, I think the sky is the limit. One gets a push from the support they get from people, and I hope that happens to my acting career. "Jennifer Hudson's story is an inspiration to me. She came from a reality TV show (American Idol) to win an Oscar. She didn't have to be a size zero to get the Oscar. She is living proof that if you have a dream and want it hard enough, nothing is impossible." But she has no illusions about © NEWZIMBABWE.COM © NEWZIMBABWE.COM Makosi makes movie break in gangster drama SHE looks pensive on the challenges ahead. She said: "I have to go out there and scrap. I have to want to start again. I am ready to scrap again, even if it means living on a trailer in Los Angeles. But I am in no rush." The movie has a serious tone to it as it touches on gun culture, gang violence and crime. Makosi not only gets to carry a gun, but also gets to shoot Faria Alam, who plays Lakshmi. "Faria does a good job on the movie, and I got to shoot her in one of the scenes. I am the only one who gets away alive, and speeding away in a [Range Rover] Vogue, how good is that?" Cash and Curry is a fast-paced, comedydrama, set in multi-cultural London. Raj and his friends are tired of being "errand boys" at the bottom of the food chain. Ambition leads Raj and his friends into the middle of a gang war between two of the biggest drug lords in London: Gabbar and Ayesha's brother, Isaac. Realising the consequences of his actions, Raj seeks refuge in the countryside with an old friend, Tony. Based in an old abandoned farm, Tony runs the largest pirate DVD manufacturing operation in London. To elude capset ture, Raj and his friends are forced to submerge themselves in farm life. Meanwhile, Gabbar and Isaac are hunting down Raj and his friends - but who will find them first? By ENTERTAINMENT April 2007 21 “Goodbye Bafana”, movie about Mandela released Haysbert: “The sacrifices Mandela made were profoundly sad to me” A new movie has been released showing the effect former South African President Nelson Mandela had on a prison warden. The movie titled "Goodbye Bafana" is based on the memoirs of James Gregory, who guarded Mr Mandela for 20 years. 'Bafana' means 'best friend boy' in Xhosa. The film Director Bille August said "James Gregory grew up on a farm as a very lonely child and the only friend he had was a black boy. So the title refers to that relationship, which eventually leads to his encounter with Mandela." The movie features Dennis Haysbert as the jailed anti-apartheid campaigner. Dennis is best known for portraying President David Palmer, a fictional first black American president in Fox's TV series 24. "The word is daunting, I would use intimidating, to play a man whose love for his country outweighed his love for himself, his youth, his family," said Haysbert. "The sacrifices he made were profoundly sad to me. The making of the movie for me was very hard. Every night I went home, I would have a glass of wine and just cry." "Goodbye Bafana" co-stars British actor Joseph Fiennes as Mr Mandela's prison guard, who builds up a relationship with the civil rights leader during his stay at the maximum security jail on Robben Island. The film Director August won an Oscar for best foreign film in 1989 for "Pelle The Conqueror". He also directed "The House Of The Spirits". He said telling Mandela's story from Gregory's viewpoint was compelling. "What I think is so great about this film is that it is seen from the opponent's point of view, which makes Mandela's views even more right," he said. He categorically denied stretching the truth about Mandela's relationship with his prison guard while in prison. Mr Mandela has never confirmed Gregory's claim that they had become friends and it was reported that he considered suing the jail warden over his book. His official biographer, Anthony Sampson, says Gregory rarely had contact with Mr Mandela, but gleaned details from letters he censored to fabricate a friendship. Director August sought to play down questions over the accuracy of his film, saying he had not included some of the more controversial claims from Gregory's book. "This is something we have totally avoided in our story," he said. "It's only natural in a country like South Africa there would be a lot of different points of view of reality." "The word is daunting, I would use intimidating, to play a man whose love for his country outweighed his love for himself, his youth, his family. The sacrifices he made were profoundly sad to me. The making of the movie for me was very hard. Every night I went home, I would have a glass of wine and just cry." Actor Dennis Haysbert Actor Fiennes who plays Gregory in the movie, said that he regretted not having met the guard before his 2003 death "because it is hard to know where the truth is". He said that the movie "demonstrates the complexities of humanity. If we look at the journey of Nelson Mandela, not only in the film, but also in real life, I think we're presented with undoubtedly one of the greatest humanitarians of our time and age. His example and journey alone can give us pause for thought in terms of whatever daily predicament we're in, that the struggle a man gave his life to can be truly inspiring." Asked what she thinks 'Goodbye Bafana' can tell us today, Diane Kruger who plays Gregory's wife (Gloria) said it "was a very important movie to make. To me as a German it has some sort of weird resonance, because I feel what's happened in the history of my country is actually very similar in terms of the everyday reality of regular people living in a country and being oblivious to what's happening right in front of their eyes. I think Gloria is the kind of person who accepted whatever climate she was living in, and believed everything she was being told without ever stepping outside the box. I think that's terrifying, but it can happen, and still does happen in many countries." Diane said it's vital to show that not all of those people were monsters or hateful, or racist because many weren't. "They just grew up in a certain era, and believed what “Lumo” premieres in UK This film, "Lumo", a feature-length documentary about a young Congolese woman on an uncertain path to recovery at a unique hospital for rape survivors, premiered last month in the UK. NEW RELEASES It shows that the agonies of war torn Africa are deeply etched in the bodies of women. In eastern Congo, vying militias, armies and bandits use rape as a weapon of terror. Recently engaged to a young man from her village, 20 year-old Lumo Sinai couldn't wait to have children and start a family. But when she crossed paths with marauding soldiers who brutally attacked her, she was left with a fistula- a condition that has rendered her incontinent and threatens her ability to give birth in the future. Rejected by her fiancé and cast aside by her family, Lumo found her way to the one place that may save her: a hospital for rape survivors set on the border with Rwanda. Buoyed by the love of the hospital staff, and a formidable team of wise women known to all as "the Mamas," Lumo and her friends keep the hope of one day resuming their former lives, thanks to an operation that can restore them fully to health. A feisty young woman with a red comb perpetually jutting from her hair, Lumo faces the challenge of recovery with remarkable courage and sass. As she and her friends recover from surgery, they pass the days by gossiping and sharing their dreams of one day finding love. But when it looks like her operation may have failed, Lumo's faith is thrown entirely into question. On this uncertain road to recovery, Lumo shows that the solidarity of women can bind the most irreparable of wounds. The film has been directed and produced by Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt, Nelson Walker III and Louis Abelman, Lynn True. they were told." She the movie 'Goodbye Bafana' "shows how one man, without violence, or hatred toward the whites, walked tall and demonstrated what we can do by believing in the good of people, and I think that's extremely important." Reggi Zippy: Men who want to marry virgins should let girls remain virgins Ghana's Reggi Zippy continues to win praise for his song challenging men to remain virgins if they'd like to marry virgins. In the song "Virgin", Reggi says "Beema bia sorea a ope virgin, ansana wa ye no weeding na so memma no mo ma mmaa no nyin" meaning all men want a virgin to take to the altar, but these same men don't let the young girls to remain virgins. Reggi said he composed the controversial song because of men's widespread hypocrisy. Reggi whose real name is Reginald Kwodwo Nyame Ainooson, started his musical career about six years ago and was greatly influenced by two Ghanaian great hiplife musicians namely Ronny Coases of Buk Bak fame and Okomfuor Kwadee. His debut LP titled "4 Sale" produced by Frimprince Music Productions became an instant hit. He is currently working on the next LP to be released before the end of the year. Reggi encourages young musicians to believe in themselves, have patience and to think positively about their neighbours. "If you want to go up, try and lift someone up," he says. By Alex Ampong-Sam a.k.a kuul 22 SPORTS April 2007 World Cup in South Africa SADC countries improving facilities to make trip to Africa a worthy one © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO bases in these countries. That means training grounds and everything else connected to it such as playing fields, accommodation for them and their followers. Then comes the Achilles heel of Africa transport. What steps are being taken to rectify this? In so far as the cultural and natural facilities are concerned, these are there in abundant supply. The problem is how to exploit it and time is running out fast. It is important to keep the visitors occupied so that they are not stuck in the beer gardens resulting in unpleasantness which have been the feature of some past events. It must be taken into consideration that many of the spectators will stay longer than usual. In a European venue like Germany, supporters travelled in and out of the country. They mostly only attended the matches of their respective countries. In 2010 the situation is different. They have to be fed with all that the countries have to offer, cultural, natural and social, to keep them out of mischief. It also makes tour operators from all the countries to work out joint short programmes. Your scribe put these questions to some participants from Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries present at the ITB, the largest trade fair in the world which closed its portals on Sunday 11th March 2007 in the German capital Berlin. As usual it was a great attraction for the exhibitors and the public. According to Dr. Makase Nyaphisi, Lesotho's Ambassador to Germany, "This is going to be a huge boost for tourism not only for South Africa but for Africa as well. We are poised to take advantage of it as Lesotho. We have developed partnerships with lots of companies in SA such as tour operators and the South African Tourism Board. This is to make sure that the packages that are going to be done in South Africa, should be spread out to include Lesotho and other SADC countries. We are working on this framework. We will have to work out a programme which not only involves football, but that the visitors should also enjoy the cultural and social amenities that will be made available to them." He said that Lesotho has only one stadium and that will be renovated in time to meet the challenges of 2010. "The FIFA Mission was in Lesotho and the Minister of Sports and Culture is due to visit Germany in April. His mission will be to study some of the stadiums and also take advise which could be used in Lesotho. We are negotiating with some countries in Africa who we believe will make it to the Finals in 2010," he said. Mr Bongani Dlamini, Marketing Manager of Swaziland Tourism Authority said that without doubt, "We consider the World Cup Finals in South Africa as an African affair. South Africa is playing a big role even currently as a major draw-card for international tourists to Southern Africa. We are confident that Swaziland will play a vital role as a springboard by the visitors to the great event. In Swaziland we have some advantages which we would like to drum up to entice visitors to choose Swaziland for the holiday and at the same time watch the World Cup. One of these is the issue of safety." He said Swaziland has created a committee that is chaired by the cabinet to look into the World Cup issues and prepare for it. "Included in this Cameroon defender Pierre Wome has said he is quitting the national team. According to the state-owned Cameroon Tribune newspaper, the Germany-based player told officials that he is no longer available for selection, BBC reported. Wome said certain players were interfering in squad selection. He was left out of 24th March Nations Cup qualifier against Liberia in Yaoundé. "I met authorities and I thought all had been forgiven, but apparently this is not the case. I am therefore going to confine myself exclusively to my club career from now on," Wome said. "The coaches no longer take responsibilities and there are players who are now choosing the squad. "I could understand it if it was the choice of the coach not to summon me, but not the interferences of certain players." Wome has been the centre of a long-standing row after missing a penalty that cost Cameroon a place at last year's World Cup finals in Germany. He plays club football for Werder Bremen. He was recalled to the Cameroon squad last October for the first time, ending a year of being ignored after the penalty miss that earned him heavy criticism from team mate Samuel © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Wome quits Cameroon programme is the issue to streamline our playing facilities. Accommodation is also high on the agenda of the committee. In our preparation for the World Cup Finals, we are being cautious to avoid creating white elephants. We do not want to do anything we cannot afford bearing in mind that Swaziland is a small economy." He said the country doesn't have a properly developed railway system and is now constructing an airport which will be ready by 2010. "We are trying to persuade major airlines to land in Swaziland which could become a major gateway to Southern Africa. We are within the 200 km radius to South Africa ,especially Nelspruit, which is a venue for the tournament. Visitors who decide to make their base in Swaziland can be assured that we have the road transport to ferry them to and from the matches. We have the necessary luxury coaches and mini-buses to carry out this mission." Zimbabwe also looks forward to benefiting from World Cup in South Africa. Ms Enivah Mutsau, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Environment and "This is going to be a huge boost for tourism not only for South Africa but for Africa as Tourism said Zimbabwe is very excited about the World Cup well. We are poised to take advantage of it as Finals in 2010. "We are working Lesotho. We have developed partnerships with and planning together with other lots of companies in SA such as tour operaSADC members to receive the tors and the South African Tourism Board. 'onslaught' that awaits us. We This is to make sure that the packages that expect to benefit greatly from this event and our common bor- are going to be done in South Africa, should ders will ensure that there will be be spread out to include Lesotho and other a free flow of visitors from one SADC countries. We are working on this fracountry to the other." He said there will be need of mework. We will have to work out a programreducing bureaucracy to a mini- me which not only involves football, but that mum so that this vital goal can be the visitors should also enjoy the cultural and achieved. "Therefore, it is impor- social amenities that will be made available to tant that the World Cup is markethem." ted as a joint venture by SADC. Mixed packages have to be organised so that the visitor has a Dr. Makase Nyaphisi, Lesotho's wide variety to choose from. At Ambassador to Germany the same time our preparations should look beyond 2010. There are many things still to be done especially in remedy this situation which is made a lot the field of accommodation, transport and simpler through easy loans. The same can be road construction. Exchange of expertise is said of restaurants. There is lots of activity in another area we can work on. But our natural this field. That is why I am sure that the visiresources and cultural institutions need no tor to the FIFA WC Finals in 2010 will feel introduction. They are part of our history and that the trip to the bottom end of the African at the disposal of the visitor. Off course continent was a worthy one." After evaluating the above comments, it is Zimbabwe will get a big boost if we ourselgood to know that the envisaged planning ves qualify for the Finals." Ms Rahab Mwenda, Consultant Mapula sees beyond 2010. This could be the cure for Lodge, and Manager Director of Jorah European tourists in particular. Many of them Investments said Botswana started preparing are still are under the impression Africa has for the 2010 event a long time ago. "The nothing to offer except jungles and wild aniGovernment has already formed a committee mals running all over the place. For others, anything beyond three hours that is looking into how we can benefit from 2010. I can say that the team from the United flight is like a journey into space and places Kingdom is going to be training in Botswana. like Africa are avoided. The World Cup That means our stadiums and training facili- Finals could help a great deal to bury some of these prejudices. The cards have to be played ties have to be brought up to date." She admitted that the country does not right so that the three-hour barrier is a thing have a lot of hotels, but pointed out right of the past. away that, "That is why there is a flurry to By Eric Singh © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO FIFA World Cup Finals 2010 in will take place in South Africa. How is this going to benefit the neighbouring countries and how prepared are they to meet the demands of this great event? It is obvious that some of the participating teams will want to set up their FIFA lifts suspension of Kenya Football Federation, orders Kenya to trim league Pierre Wome Eto'o. Wome did not play in a Nations Cup qualifier against Equatorial Guinea nor February's friendly in Togo but did travel to Yaoundé to talk to officials about his international future, BBC reported. The full back, whose career has seen him also play in England, Italy and Spain, debuted for Cameroon as a teenager and was a member of the under-23 side that won Olympic gold in Sydney in 2000. Wome also played at the 1998 and 2002 World Cup finals and won the Nations Cup with Cameroon in 2000 and 2002. The FIFA Emergency Committee has granted the conditional lifting of the suspension imposed on the Kenya Football Federation (KFF) on 24th October 2006. This decision, which was recommended by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) and requested by the president ad interim of the KFF, Mohamed Hatimy, was made possible by the positive developments that have recently been noted, particularly in the wake of a visit to Nairobi by a CAF delegation. The delegation, comprising two members of the CAF Executive Committee, Dr Amos Adamu (Nigeria), who is also a member of the FIFA Executive Committee, and Célestin Musabyimana (Rwanda), secured the following: a declaration from the sports minister not to interfere any further in the running of the KFF; respect for the agreements reached with FIFA (in particular, the agreement signed in Cairo in January 2006) as well as observance of FIFA's Statutes and principles; the immediate dissolution of the normalisation committee installed by the sports minister and the assurance that the KFF will be run by structures recognised by FIFA and chaired ad interim by Mohamed Hatimy, and the withdrawal of any pending legal proceedings. A FIFA delegation visited Nairobi from 14th to 16th March 2007 and ordered Kenya to adopt an 18-team Premier League starting in the 2007 season with a further reduction to 16 teams next year, BBC reported. The FIFA delegation visited the country to set up a road- map for the immediate relaunch of Kenyan football following the recent lifting of a five-month suspension from international football. "This is not basketball. This is football and football rules have to be followed," said FIFA's head of development department Pascal Torres, who led the delegation. "Those who don't want to follow FIFA rules should quit now because we have decided it is 18 clubs for 2007 and 16 clubs for the 2008 season," Torres added. FIFA also ordered the former head of KFF to account for US$113,000 of development funding given to the country last year. "We want (former KFF chairman Alfred) Sambu to provide an audit of how the money was used," Torres told reporters in Nairobi. SPORTS April 2007 23 Don't be distracted by negative criticisms, Obasanjo tells Vogts the international community would expect Nigeria to show great performance. The president advised Vogts to find ways of building a team around local players saying that talents abound in the country for him to harness. "Let me also beg of you one thing that we should do. We should means of cat"Concentrate on what you will be devise ching them young doing. Pay less attention to destructi- because if we will only ve criticism but pay attention to posi- depend on those that tive and constructive criticism. You have become known by performance, will have a lot of negative, unhelpful their won't be spread and destructive criticism. This is the there and opportunity to get nature of things in this part of the others to show themselworld. Remain focused on the job ves. If we look hard, there is no reason why you are doing." we cannot have a first class Nigerian team at President Olusegun Obasanjo any time," he said. The president wished him success and President Obasanjo who recei- advised him to "concentrate on ved the new coach at State House in what you will be doing. Pay less Abuja charged him with responsibi- attention to destructive criticism lity of taking Nigerian football to a but pay attention to positive and higher level because Nigerians and constructive criticism. You will © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO President Olusegun Obasanjo has advised the new coach of the Super Eagles, Berti Vogts, to concentrate on his job of coaching the national team. He told him not to be distracted by the negative criticisms that might accompany his job, This Day reported. have a lot of negative, unhelpful and destructive criticism. This is the nature of things in this part of the world. Remain focused on the job you are doing." Vogts said he was happy for the invitation of the president. "In football you need discipline, you need good organization," he said. He said he was not happy with the performance of Nigerian team against Ghana's Black Eagles. "I will give all my international experience and see what will happen." Vogts said he wants to "build up a future team of local players and maybe every two months or six weeks, we hold a meeting and see if they can move to the national team." Vogts said he would like to give Nigeria victory. "But besides victory, I want to put a good team together and get to know the players one on one," he said. Coach Austin Eguavoen has also confirmed that Vogt is destined to do well in Nigeria with his attitude so far. "He is a nice person, friendly and co-operative. We are bound to reciprocate. I see him doing very well in Nigeria," Eguavoen said. Three African teams in top 20 of FIFA world rankings Ghana and Ivory Coast took 18th, 19th and 20th positions respectively. It is the first that Ghana moves into the top 20 of the FIFA's world rankings. Given the limited numAFRICAN RANKINGS - MARCH 2007 ber of international matches played in March, the top of (WORLD RANKINGS IN BRACKETS) the list remains largely unchanged, with Cameroon 1. Cameroon (18) still the continent's highest 2. Ghana (19) ranked team. 3. Ivory Coast (20) Ghana climbed from 4. Mali (35) 22nd place partly as a result 5. Nigeria (36) of their 4-1 thrashing of 6. Egypt (41) Nigeria in February and 7. Morocco (44) partly because older results 8. Senegal (45) have expired and are no lon9. Tunisia (46) ger used for the points eva10. Burkina Faso (56) luation. 11. Angola (57) Argentina moved into 12. South Africa (60) top spot dislodging world 13. Guinea (62) champions Italy whose reign 14. Zambia (67) at the top of the table lasted 15. Togo (71) just a month. Italy slipped 16. Algeria (78) down to second and Brazil, 17. Cape Verde Islands (79) leaders for four and a half 18. Congo DR (83) years until January, slipped 19. Ethiopia (87) to third. There were no other 20. Zimbabwe (91) changes in the top 10. © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Only three African teams have made it to the top 20 of the world rankings in the latest FIFA ranking released in March. Cameroon, DIRECTOR Sergio Talamo Ghana supporters The biggest movers in the top 50 were Finland, the surprise leaders of Euro 2008 qualifying Group A, who have climbed 15 places to 33rd. Panama have climbed 20 pla- ces to 54th and are the biggest movers of the month. Iran are the highest ranked Asian team in 34th place (705 points), with Australia 40th (657) and Japan 42nd (639). "I don't like losing and it's the first defeat in seven matches since I took over the national team, but overall I'm pleased with our game. We produced good quality football, and that is very important for the future. I think we deserved a draw to be honest." Ghana's coach Claude Le Roy and praised the opposition. "Their team played hard and the playing field didn't help, so it was good to get the victory." © AP/LAPRESSE PHOTO Le Roy: Ghana deserved a draw Ghana's coach Claude Le Roy has said his team deserved to equalise with Brazil. Brazil beat Ghana 1-0 in Sweden on 27th March. The five-time world champions triumphed after Vagner Love converted a 17th-minute corner at Stockholm's Rasunda Stadium. "I think we deserved to equalise - we had the chances," Le Roy told BBC. "I don't like losing and it's the first defeat in seven matches since I took over the national team, but overall I'm pleased with our game. "We produced good quality football, and that is very important for the future. I think we deserved a draw to be honest." One of Ghana's best chances to score came shortly before Brazil's goal when Eric Addo's header forced a diving save from opposing goalkeeper Julio Cesar. In the second half, both Laryea Kingston and Sulley Muntari, whose free-kick was tipped onto the bar, were denied by the Brazilian stopper. "It was a physical and tough match for us," said Dunga. "I'm very satisfied that we won. It wasn't so easy to play at this level. "Ghana came playing hard and marking well. Their squad was set up nicely. "We should have moved the ball around more often, waiting for the right opportunity. Once we scored, we just tried to control the game." Ronaldinho was happy with Brazil's victory SUPPLEMENT OF AFRICA NEWS, ITALY EDITION, REGISTERED AT THE TRIBUNAL OF ROME, NR. 22/2003 OF 21-01-2003 Via V. Maroso, 50 - 00142 Rome, Italy Email: [email protected] tel. +39-06 8741 0531/90 fax +39-06 8741 0528 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR & EDITOR Stephen Ogongo tel: +39-06-87410531 Email: [email protected] REPORTERS Reggie Tagoe, Perry Bah, Kwaku Boatin, Pierpaolo Festa, Eric Singh, Joan Elizabeth Kidiwa, Jos Ajabo, Allan Sadia Ongong’a, Stefano Camilloni, Elvio Pasca. CORRESPONDENT IN ABUJA, NIGERIA Stephen Oladipupo Tel: + 234 8055240516. [email protected] [email protected] GRAPHICS DESIGN Stephen Ogongo PUBLISHER Stranieri in Italia srl Via Virgilio Maroso, 50 - 00142 Roma Tel. +39-06.8741.0333 Fax +39-06.8741.0528 Email: [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS ISI Etnocommunication srl Via Virgilio Maroso, 50 - 00142 Rome Tel. 39-06.8741.0999 - fax 3906.8741.0528 E-mail: [email protected] CIRCULATION Anca Gliz - Stranieri in Italia srl Tel. +39-06.8741.0507 Fax +39-06.8741.0528 Email: [email protected] PRINTING PRESS POLIGRAFICA GAETA di Agostino Gaeta, Via Zinnie 13 Nettuno, Italy I’M SENDING © 2007 WESTERN UNION HOLDINGS, INC. All rights reserved. A GOOD START Fast, reliable, worldwide money transfer.
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