GIS-T 2008 CAD/GIS Integration in Transportation Projects
GIS-T 2008 CAD/GIS Integration in Transportation Projects
Vince Hamilton GIS-T 2008 CAD/GIS Integration in Transportation Projects Presented By: Vince Hamilton Vince Hamilton You send your spouse to buy an oil pump… Vince Hamilton Quick Overview • • • • • • • • • Why are they different? What you have to know to line them up How to determine your coordinate system What are Projection Files? What are World Files? Surface to Grid Transformation Finding your combined scale factor How to line up a CAD file in GIS How to line up a GIS file in CAD Vince Hamilton Why are they different? The world is not flat and it not exactly round either. There are different definitions of the curvature of the earth based on where you are. The curvature at the equator is much different than it is at the north or south poles. When an engineering project is surveyed, the surveyors create an accurate description of a small area and tie it to an established curvature definition that is the most accurate for their locale. Vince Hamilton Looking at the “iods” Vince Hamilton What do you have to know to line up your files? • First you must know the projection, datum and scale factor of the file to be matched. • Second you must know the projection, datum, and scale factor of the file your are matching. That’s all you need! Vince Hamilton Learn your coordinate systems Vince Hamilton Latitude and Longitude Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds 31° 52’ 01” Decimal Degrees 31.8706 Vince Hamilton What is a Projection file PROJCS["NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_South_Central_FIPS_4204_Feet", GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983", DATUM["D_North_American_1983", SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]], PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic"], PARAMETER["False_Easting",1968500.0], PARAMETER["False_Northing",13123333.33333333], PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-99.0], PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",28.38333333333333], PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",30.28333333333333], PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",27.83333333333333], UNIT["Foot_US",0.3048006096012192]] Vince Hamilton Check the Metadata • Spatial_Reference_Information: – Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: • Planar: – Map_Projection: » Map_Projection_Name: Lambert Conformal Conic » Lambert_Conformal_Conic: » Standard_Parallel: 28.383333 » Standard_Parallel: 30.283333 » Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -99.000000 » Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 27.833333 » False_Easting: 1968500.000000 » False_Northing: 13123333.333333 • Planar_Coordinate_Information: – Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair – Coordinate_Representation: » Abscissa_Resolution: 0.001024 » Ordinate_Resolution: 0.001024 – Planar_Distance_Units: survey feet – Geodetic_Model: • • • • Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222 Vince Hamilton Images use World Files The file extensions can be *.tfw,ttw,wld 1.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 -1.00000000000000 3120402.69902200019000 13845141.00324700028000 Line 1: (A) X scale in resulting X direction Line 2: (B) Y scale in resulting X direction Line 3: (C) X scale in resulting Y direction Line 4: (D) Y scale in resulting Y direction Line 5: (E) X coordinate of the center of the center of rotation(the center of the Upper Left Pixel of the unrotated image) Line 6: (F) Y coordinate of the center of the center of rotation(the center of the Upper Left Pixel of the unrotated image) or in algebraic form X' = (A*X) + (B*Y) + E Y' = (C*X) + (D*Y) + F where X’ and Y’ are georeferenced coordinates and x is pixel columns and y is pixels rows D is negative because pixel rows increase opposite an increasing northing direction. B and C are zero for unrotated and unsheared georeferences A and D are zero for 90 and 270 degree rotations world file ax + by center for more references Vince Hamilton How projections are handled in GIS When you create a map in ESRI you must define the map projection. The ESRI software uses the projection files to “project” the data to match your map “on the fly”. If the map is in NAD83 and you attach a data set that is in NAD27, the software will automatically “re-project” the data to NAD83 without writing it out to a new file. Vince Hamilton CAD files have projections too When a CAD file is added to GIS using the CAD feature class in white, a projection will be applied if a .prj file exists with the same name as the CAD file. The CAD symbology will also be applied to the GIS layer. The .prj files are being phased out and replaced with XML files that contain the Metadata for each file. Vince Hamilton One for ALL and ALL for One If all of the CADD files in the same folder have the same projection, then you can use a single projection file. Create the projection file and then rename it to ESRI_CAD.prj. The GIS software will use this projection for all of the CADD files in that folder. Vince Hamilton Use ArcCatalog to define or create a projection Vince Hamilton Selecting an existing projection Vince Hamilton Vince Hamilton Texas State Mapping System Shakleford Projection System Name Projection Spheriod Datum Central Meridian Reference Latitude Standard Parallel 1 Standard Parallel 2 False Easting (Meters) False Northing (Meters) Units Texas State Mapping System (Shakleford) Lambert Conformal Conic GRS80 NAD83 -100 31.16667 27.41667 34.91667 1000000 1000000 Meters Vince Hamilton Texas Centric Mapping System System Name Projection Spheriod Datum Central Meridian Reference Latitude Standard Parallel 1 Standard Parallel 2 False Easting (Meters) False Northing (Meters) Units Texas Centric Mapping System/Lambert Conformal(TCMS/LC) Lambert Conformal Conic GRS80 NAD83 -100 18 27.5 35 1500000 5000000 Meters Texas Centric Mapping System/Albers Equal Area(TCMS/AEA) Albers Equal Area Conic GRS80 NAD83 -100 18 27.5 35 1500000 6000000 Meters Vince Hamilton Create each Texas Coordinate System You can simply copy the resulting .prj file to the same name as the CAD file and the GIS software will use it. For example the CAD file BW8E.DGN would have a corresponding BW8E.PRJ file. . Vince Hamilton The coordinate systems are right but they still don’t line up This is due to the fact that engineering surveys use ground surface coordinates and GIS uses the projection grid. Vince Hamilton Don’t make that move! You cannot simply move a CAD file from surface to grid coordinates, it must be scaled. It must be scaled from 0,0 so that the combined scale factor is applied across the entire projected grid. The TxDOT district 12 standard scale factor is 1.00013. This does not seem like a very large number, but the Texas NAD 83 coordinates in the Houston area are in the neighborhood of 7,000,000 in the X and 13,000,000 in the Y. That is roughly 90 feet in the X and 1,690 in the Y direction. Note that this conversion is from grid to surface, we want to go the other way so you use the reciprocal value of .99987 to scale an engineering CAD file down to the GIS grid coordinates. Vince Hamilton CAD file without surface to grid scale factor applied Vince Hamilton CAD file in GIS after applying the surface to grid scale factor Vince Hamilton Where do I get the Scale Factor? The engineering plan sets will have the scale factor on either the title sheet, the general notes sheet or the geometric layout sheet. TxDOT has assigned scale factors for each county and that information is on the following pages. Vince Hamilton Zone 4201 North Zone County Surface Adjustment Factor Armstrong 1.00019 Brisco 1.00009 Carson 1.00019 Castro 1.00013 Childress 1.00009 Collinsworth 1.00019 Dallam 1.00013 Deaf Smith 1.00019 Donlev 1.00019 Grav 1.00019 Hall 1.00009 Hansford 1.00013 Hartley 1.00019 Hemphill 1.00019 Hutchison 1.00019 Lipscomb 1.00013 Moore 1.00019 Ochiltree 1.00013 Oldham 1.00019 Parmer 1.00013 Potter 1.00019 Randall 1.00019 Roberts 1.00019 Sherman 1.00013 Swisher 1.00013 Wheeler 1.00019 Vince Hamilton Zone 4202 North Central Zone County Andrews Archer Bailey Baylor Borden Bowie Callahan Camp Cass Clay Cochran Collin Cooke Cottle Crosby Dallas Dawson Delta Denton Dickens Eastland Ellis Erath Fannin Fisher Floyd Foard Franklin Gaines Garza Grayson Gregg Hale Hardeman Harrison Haskall Henderson Hill Hockley Surface Adjustment Factor 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00006 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00006 1.00021 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 1.00006 1.00006 1.00012 1.00021 1.00009 1.00006 1.00012 1.00021 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 0.99994 1.00012 1.00012 1.00006 0.999976 1.00021 County Hood Hopkins Howard Hunt Jack Johnson Jones Kaufman Kent King Knox Lamar Lamb Lubbock Lynn Marion Martin Mitchell Montague Morrls Motley Navarro Nolan Palo Pinto Panola Parker Rains Red River Rockwall Rusk Scurry Shackleford Smith Somervell Stephens Stonewall Tarrant Taylor Terry Surface Adjustment Factor 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00011 1.00021 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00008 0.999976 1.00012 1.00012 1.00006 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 0.999976 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00006 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 1.00012 1.00021 County Throckmorton Titus Upshur Van Zandt Wichita Wilbarger Wise Wood Yoakum Young Surface Adjustment Factor 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00012 1.00006 0.999976 1.00012 1.00012 1.00021 1.00012 Vince Hamilton Zone 4203 Central Zone County Surface Adjustment Factor Anderson 1.00003 Angelina 1.00012 Bastrop 1.00003 Bell 1.00012 Blanco 1.0001 Bosque 1.00003 Brazos 1.00012 Brown 1.0001 Burleson 1.00012 Burnet 1.00012 Cherokee 1.00003 Coke 1.00012 Coleman 1.0001 Comanche 1.00003 Concho 1.0002 Coryell 1.00012 Crane 1.0002 Crockett 1.0002 Culberson 1.00025 Ector 1.00012 EI Paso 1.000181733 Falls 1.00011 Freestone 1.00003 Gillespie 1.00012 Glasscock 1.00012 Grimes 1.00012 Hamilton 1.00001 Hardin 1.00003 Houston 1.00012 Hudspeth 1.00025 Irion 1.0002 Jasper 1.00012 Jeff Davis 1.0002 Kimble 1.00012 Lampasas 1.00012 Lee 1.00003 Leon 1.00012 Liberty 1.00003 Limestone 1.00012 County Surface Adjustment Factor Llano 1.00012 Loving 1.00012 Madison 1.00012 Mason 1.00012 McCulloch 1.00012 McLennan 1.00012 Menard 1.0002 Midland 1.00012 Milam 1.00012 Millis 1.00012 Montgomery 1.00003 Nacogdoche 1.00012 Newton 1.00012 Orange 1.00003 Pecos 1.0002 Polk 1.00012 Reagan 1.0002 Reeves 1.0002 Robertson 1.00012 Runnels 1.00012 Sabine 1.00012 San Augusti 1.00012 San Jacinto 1.00012 San Saba 1.00012 Schleicher 1.0002 Shelby 1.00003 Sterling 1.00012 Sutton 1.00012 Tom Green 1.0002 Travis 1.0001 Trinity 1.00012 Tyler 1.00012 Upton 1.0002 Walker 1.00012 Ward 1.0002 Washington 1.00003 Williamson 1.00012 Winkler 1.00012 Vince Hamilton Zone 4204 South Central Zone County Surface Adjustment Factor Aransas 0.999894 Atascosa 1.00013 Austin 1.00013 Bandera 1.00013 Bee 1 Bexar 1.00013 Brazoria 1.00013 Brewster 1.0002 Caldwell 1.00013 Calhoun 1 Chambers 1.00013 Colorado 1.00013 Comal 1.00013 DeWitt 1.00013 Dlmmit 1 Edwards 1.00013 Fayette 1.00013 Fort Bend 1.00013 Frio 1.00013 Galveston 1.00013 Gollad 1.00007 Gonzales 1.00013 Guadalupe 1.00013 Harris 1.00013 Hays 1.00013 Jackson 1.00013 Jefferson 1.00007 Karnes 1.00013 Kendall 1.00013 Kerr 1.00013 Kinney 1.00013 La Salle 1 Lavaca 1.00013 Live Oak 1 Matagorda 1.00013 Maverick 1.00007 McMullen 1 Medina 1.00013 Presidio 1.00002 County Real Refugio Terrell Uvalde Val Verde Victoria Waller Wharton Wilson Zavala Surface Adjustment Factor 1.00013 1 1.00013 1.00013 1.00013 1.00013 1.00013 1.00013 1.00013 1.00013 Vince Hamilton Zone 4205 South Zone County Surface Adjustment Factor Brooks 1.00004 Cameron 0.99996 Duval 1.00004 Hidalgo 1.00004 Jim Hogg 1.00004 Jim Wells 1.00004 Kenedy 1.00004 Kleberg 1.00004 Nueces 1.00004 San Patricio 0.99996 Starr 1.00004 Webb 1.00003 Willacy 1.00004 Zapata 1.00004 Vince Hamilton Scale Factors can be refined down to the minute of Latitude The next few pages have the scale factors for the Texas South Central Zone for each change of minute of Latitude. Vince Hamilton Surface Scale Factors For Texas South Central Zone 4204 Vince Hamilton Surface Scale Factors For Texas South Central Zone 4204 Vince Hamilton Surface Scale Factors For Texas South Central Zone 4204 Vince Hamilton Surface Scale Factors For Texas South Central Zone 4204 Vince Hamilton Surface Scale Factors For Texas South Central Zone 4204 Vince Hamilton Surface Scale Factors For Texas South Central Zone 4204 Vince Hamilton Units of measure (Linear) Rectangular coordinate systems may use meters, international foot, or the U.S. Survey Foot as the unit of measurement. (Most surveying and mapping work at the local level is based on the U.S. Survey Foot.) When a conversion from one of these units to the other is performed, it is important to ascertain which standard foot (U.S. Survey or international) is involved. . The international (S.I.) foot, based upon a redefinition of the meter in 1959, is equivalent to 0.3048 meter. The U.S. Survey Foot, upon which many years of land tenure information and legislation are based, retained the 1893 definition of 1200/3937 meter*. * For conversion of meters to U.S. Survey Foot, multiply the meters by 3.28083333333 (to 12 significant figures). For conversion of meters to international feet, multiply the meters by 3.28083989501 (to 12 significant figures). Vince Hamilton What definition of a foot should we be using? Although the international foot is the latest definition (1959), survey feet is still the predominate unit because of the implications with legacy surveys and deed descriptions. Vince Hamilton Does it really matter? • Short distances < 1000 feet – US Survey Foot = International Foot (measured 1/100 of a foot) • At 100,000 feet – Definitions result in a difference of about .2 feet • At 1,000,000 feet – Definitions result in a difference of about 2 feet • At 10,000,000 feet – Definitions result in a difference of about 20 feet Vince Hamilton Edit the units.def file in Microstation Comment out the ft definition using the # in the International Foot And remove the # from the sf,ft definition in the US Survey Foot section. Vince Hamilton Using aerials in Microstation In most cases the latest aerial photography is created for planning and GIS use. The images are typically in GRID coordinate systems and in many cases in a different mapping projection. The aerials are normally clipped by a defined grid such as the Lambert grid in this case. This is used ti identify what aerials you need for your project. Vince Hamilton Step by Step • • In Microstation, add the aerial using the coincident world option. The image should have a world file that puts it in the right location. Check the coordinates to make sure it is in the correct projection, it will not match up exactly at this time so don’t worry. If the coordinates are off by over a million you have a difference in datums and will need to project a CAD version of the grid to the correct datum and use the interactive method to attach the aerials using the grid corners. Vince Hamilton Native aerials in Microstation Vince Hamilton Save As HMR 3. In this case the aerials are in Mr. SID format and they are cumbersome to use. Export the aerials to .HMR for faster display times. Vince Hamilton Attach as reference to project 5. After the aerials have been attached and converted to HMR, exit the aerial file and open the roadway in Microstation. 6. Attach the aerial file as a reference file. Vince Hamilton Before Scaling Reference File Vince Hamilton Apply the surface to grid scale factor by scaling the reference file Vince Hamilton After Scaling the reference file Vince Hamilton One file, many references One distinct advantage to this method is that the aerial DGN file can be referenced to different projects that might be using a different scale factor. Because the aerials are in their native position, you just need to attach it as a reference and use the correct scale factor. Vince Hamilton Magnetic Declination (NOAA) Vince Hamilton Vince Hamilton Questions? Vince Hamilton [email protected] 281-539-7301