Female Perspective is Key Sycamore Springs


Female Perspective is Key Sycamore Springs
A look at today’s top women business leaders.
Female Perspective is Key
Sycamore Springs’ diversified workforce offers a lot to
employees, patients and their
family members.
According to Denise Sullivan
and Barb Walls, two women
making a difference at Sycamore
Springs, it allows the business
to bring empathy, experiences,
treatment options and a female
perspective to the care and nurturing of the patients.
“Female family members have
typically been the decision makers driving healthcare choices,”
Sullivan and Walls explained.
“Females in mental health care
and treatment understand the
demands placed on all family
members and are able to cultivate this into the treatment
Sycamore Springs promotes a
culture of mentorship to identify key people to transition to
supervisory positions and to
provide needed clinical supervision to advance personal and
professional growth.
“We foster a culture of developing and nurturing leadership
potential,” they said. “This is
evidenced by the placement of
women in five of the nine leader-
Sycamore Springs
ship positions within our organization.”
Good leaders surround themselves with good people is advice
well received.
“We need to recognize others’
strengths and provide support
to let them use their strengths,”
they said. “This will promote
success in the entire organization.”
Sycamore Springs
833 Park East Blvd
Lafayette, IN 47905