now - The City of Edinburgh Council


now - The City of Edinburgh Council
Rural West Edinburgh
Local Plan
Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan Alteration
This is the Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan Alteration which was adopted by the
City of Edinburgh Council on 2 June 2011.
The Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan Alteration should be read in conjunction with
the Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan 2006. These two documents together with the
Edinburgh and the Lothians Structure Plan 2015 form the development plan for the
Both documents can be inspected on the City of Edinburgh Council web site at, public libraries in the Rural West Edinburgh area and
the Planning Reception, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh.
If you have any queries, please contact:
Alison Kirkwood, Principal Planner, Strategic Planning Policy Team,
[email protected] Ph 0131 469 3590
This Alteration should be read in conjunction with the Rural West Edinburgh Local
Plan (adopted June 2006). The Alteration relates to the following sections of the
adopted local plan.
page no.
Chapter 2 Context and Strategy
Alteration 1
West Edinburgh Planning Framework
Chapter 3 Environment
Alteration 2
Alteration 3
Open Space and Policy E52 Environment Proposals
New Proposal ENV7 Gogar Burn
Chapter 5 Housing and Community Facilities
Alteration 4
Alteration 5
Alteration 6
Alteration 7
Policy H2 Strategic Housing Land Allocations
Housing at Ratho Station
Housing at Newbridge
Affordable Housing
Chapter 6 Economic Development and Tourism
Alteration 8
Alteration 9
Alteration 10
Alteration 11
Alteration 12
Alteration 13
Alteration 14
National Planning Context
Major Uses in the Green Belt
Edinburgh Airport
Royal Highland Centre
International Business Gateway
Policy ED11 Tourist and Visitor Facilities
Proposal ECON8
Chapter 7 Transport
Alteration 15
Alteration 16
Alteration 17
Alteration 18
Alteration 19
Alteration 20
National Context
Transport Proposals
West Edinburgh Transport Proposals
Transport Proposals - Proposals Map
Policy TRA8 Transport Proposals
Schedule of Transport Proposals
Chapter 9 Implementation & Infrastructure
Alteration 21 Developer Contributions in West Edinburgh
This is the adopted Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan Alteration. This plan should be
read in conjunction with the Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan 2006. Together with
the Edinburgh and the Lothians Structure Plan, these two documents form the
development plan for the area.
The original Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan was adopted on 1st June 2006. It
contains the Council’s policies and proposals for the development and use of land in
the rural west area of Edinburgh, which includes the settlements of Queensferry,
Kirkliston, Ratho, Newbridge, Ratho Station, Currie and Balerno.
The Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan also covers Edinburgh Airport and the
surrounding area. In adopting the local plan in 2006, the Council recognised that an
alteration may be necessary to take account of airport expansion requirements
following on from the White Paper “The Future of Air Transport”.
In May 2008, the Scottish Government published a revised version of the West
Edinburgh Planning Framework (WEPF 2008). This sets out proposals for the phased
expansion of Edinburgh Airport, the implications in terms of the need to relocate the
Royal Highland Centre and the opportunity to create an International Business
Gateway. The Council is required to bring forward an alteration to the Rural West
Edinburgh Local Plan to reflect the land use allocations in WEPF 2008 and help
deliver the vision for this area of national importance.
The Alteration is closely linked to the West Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework
(WESDF) which was approved in May 2010. In addition to the nationally important
proposals in West Edinburgh, the Local Plan Alteration and WESDF also identify
housing-led regeneration opportunities in Newbridge and Ratho Station.
The other proposed changes to the Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan relate to Policy
H7 Affordable Housing. It is proposed to change policy H7 to bring affordable
housing requirements in Rural West Edinburgh in line with the rest of the City.
The preparation of the Alteration is covered by the Environmental Assessment
(Scotland) Act 2005 and the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c) Regulations 1994 as
amended. A strategic environmental assessment and habitats regulation appraisal
incorporating appropriate assessment have been undertaken and reports on these are
available at
Chapter 2 Context and Strategy
Alteration 1 West Edinburgh Planning Framework
Delete paras 2.4 and 2.5 and replace with the following text
2.4 In May 2008, the Scottish Government published a revised West Edinburgh
Planning Framework (WEPF 2008) which has the status of Scottish Planning Policy
(SPP). It sets out a long term strategic vision for West Edinburgh as an area
considered to be nationally important in terms of economic development, global
connectivity, transport and the environment. WEPF 2008 concentrates on strategic
land use allocations relating to Edinburgh Airport, Scotland’s National Showground
and an International Business Gateway.
2.5 WEPF 2008 requires the Council to bring forward this alteration to the Rural West
Edinburgh Local Plan and to prepare more detailed planning guidance in the form of a
West Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework (WESDF) It also requires the Council,
together with other key stakeholders, to undertake an appraisal of potential transport
options in West Edinburgh. A West Edinburgh Transport Appraisal (WETA) was
undertaken throughout 2009 and involved consultation and participation at key stages.
The outcomes of the transport appraisal have informed the finalised version of this
Local Plan Alteration.
Reason for Alteration: To take account of the publication of West Edinburgh
Planning Framework 2008 which supersedes the previous version published in 2003
and to indicate the relationship between the local plan alteration, the WESDF and
Chapter 3 Environment
Alteration 2 Open Space and Policy E52 Environment Proposals
Delete existing Proposal ENV7 East of Ratho Station from the Schedule of
Environment Proposals on page 60.
Delete existing Proposal ENV7 and adjacent small area of open space (on Glasgow
Road frontage) from the Proposals Map.
Show area of existing playing field at Hillwood Road as open space on the Proposals
Reason for Alteration: To take account of Alteration 4 which proposes to replace the
environment proposal and small area of open space with a housing proposal. The need
to retain and enhance the existing playing field at Hillwood Road is a key element of
the housing proposal.
Alteration 3 New Environment Proposal ENV 7 Gogar Burn
Add the following proposal to the Schedule of Environment Proposals on page 60
Gogar Burn, West
Proposed diversion of the
Gogar Burn as shown on
the Proposals Map. This
will bring benefits in terms
of reducing flood risk,
improving water quality
and enhancing
Add new paragraph 3.95
3.95 The West Edinburgh Planning Framework requires land to be safeguarded for
the proposed diversion of the Gogar Burn to the east of Edinburgh Airport. This is
identified on the Proposals Map as ENV7 and further information is provided in the
Schedule of Environment Proposals.
Reason for Alteration: To safeguard land for the proposed diversion of the Gogar
Burn in accordance with the West Edinburgh Planning Framework 2008.
Chapter 5 Housing and Community Facilities
Alteration 4 Policy H2 Strategic Housing Land Allocations
Policy H2
Amend location and estimated capacity of Proposal HSP5 to read “East of Ratho
Station 50 -100”.
Add a new proposal:
HSP 8 Former Continental Tyres Site North, Newbridge
Amend Proposals Map to show Proposals HSP5 and HSP8 and remove the site of
Proposal HSP5 from the Green Belt.
Reason for Alteration : To identify housing-led regeneration proposals in Newbridge
and Ratho Station (see Alterations 5 and 6) and alter the green belt boundary at Ratho
Station to reflect the amended Proposal HSP5.
Alteration 5 Housing at Ratho Station
Delete Para 5.25 and replace with the following text:
5.25 Housing development is proposed on land to the east of Ratho Station to meet
structure plan requirements and contribute to the regeneration of the village. This site
is therefore removed from the green belt. Proposals should accord with the principles
set out in the WESDF. These include the need to retain the existing football pitch as a
focal point for the extended village and provide a new community building adjacent
to the open space. As an alternative to providing a new community building at this
location, the development or enhancement of community facilities elsewhere in the
village may be acceptable.
Delete brief on page 108 - 111
Reason for Alteration: To provide background information in support of the
amended Proposal HSP 5. Proposals HSP 5 and ENV7 in the adopted Rural West
Edinburgh Local Plan propose housing on the site of the existing football pitch site at
Hillwood Road and the relocation of the open space facilities to a site to the east of
Ratho Station. The proposal in WEPF 2008 to develop a site to the south of the A8 for
the relocation of the Royal Highland Centre will in the longer term result in this land
being removed from the Green Belt. In order to create a high quality interface
between the village and future showground uses and provide a larger, more flexible
site for new housing, open space and a community facility for the benefit of existing
and future residents, a reconfiguration of the various elements is proposed.
The brief is no longer required because more detailed design guidance is now
provided in the WESDF.
Alteration 6 Housing at Newbridge
Add new paras 5.27a - 5.27c after para 5.27.
5.27a An additional housing proposal is identified on the site of the former
Continental Tyres factory in Newbridge to promote housing-led regeneration in the
village. Whilst Newbridge remains an important business location, the need for
additional housing and related facilities to breathe new life into the local community
outweighs the contribution that the site makes to the city’s economic land supply in
this instance. This proposal is not required to meet strategic housing requirements.
However, the site will contribute to the overall housing land supply and provide
additional housing choice in one of the Structure Plan’s core development areas.
There are also advantages in terms of bringing a large derelict site back into beneficial
5.27b Housing development at this location does raise some environmental concerns,
for example proximity to industrial uses and impact of aircraft noise, which will need
to be addressed through detailed layout and design. Proposals should accord with the
principles set out in the WESDF. These include the inclusion of community facilities
in order to create a more sustainable development, a restriction on development and
uses within the area covered by the airport public safety zone, consideration of flood
risk and the relationship with existing uses.
5.27c It should be noted that a proportion of the Newbridge/Ratho/Kirkliston core
development area forms part of the catchment area of denominational primary and
secondary schools in West Lothian and therefore West Lothian Council (WLC) is the
education authority. The Edinburgh and the Lothians Structure Plan Action Plan
identifies the need for developer contributions to fund the expansion of existing
primary schools and the provision of a district wide denominational secondary school
in West Lothian. Therefore, developers with proposals for housing development
which are within the catchment area of a WLC school, will be expected to make an
appropriate contribution towards the new school requirements to the satisfaction of
the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) and WLC by way of Section 75 or other legal
agreements. Alternatively, a joint CEC/WLC catchment review may be undertaken,
funded by developers, with the aim of aligning denominational school catchment
boundaries with council boundaries.
Reason for Alteration: To provide background information in support of a new
housing proposal HSP8. The proposed change in local plan allocation from business
to housing is being brought forward in response to the particular circumstances of the
former Continental Tyre sites, the existing character of Newbridge and the aspirations
of the local community set out in the Newbridge Village Regeneration Plan. In
November 2008, the Council resolved to approve an outline planning application for
housing and related uses on this site.
Alteration 7 Affordable Housing
Delete paras 5.36 -5.39 and Policy H7 and replace with the following text:
5.36 Affordable housing is defined as housing that is available for rent or for sale to
meet the needs of people who cannot afford to buy or rent the housing generally
available on the open market. The Council’s policy is currently based on the Lothian
Housing Needs and Market Study published in December 2005 which provides an
examination of need for the period to 2010. The levels of provision proposed in this
local plan will contribute towards meeting this need. The Council, together with the
other Lothian Councils, is now assessing needs within the region for the period
beyond that date. Further information on housing needs is set out in the city’s local
housing strategy, which is also under review.
5.37 Government policy, through Scottish Planning Policy (published February
2010), indicates that policies in development plans may seek a percentage affordable
housing contribution from new housing developments. It identifies 25% of the total
number of housing units as affordable housing as a benchmark figure. The guidance
emphasises the importance of meeting the need for affordable housing at a local level.
PAN 74 ‘Affordable Housing’ provides detailed guidance on how the appropriate
level of affordable housing may be provided through the development plan process.
The National Planning Framework (NPF2, July 2009) identifies the lack of affordable
housing in the Edinburgh and Lothians area as being a particular issue.
5.38 With the exception of sites proposed for development with fewer than twelve
houses, all sites will in principle be considered suitable for affordable housing
provision. A key aim of the policy is that affordable housing should be integrated with
market housing on the same site and should address the full range of housing need,
including family housing, where appropriate. Provision on an alternative site may be
acceptable where the housing proposal is for less than 20 units or if there are
exceptional circumstances.
5.39 High land values have made it increasingly difficult for social landlords, the
main developers in recent years of low cost housing, to acquire sites on the open
market. The policy is intended to ensure that a proportion of eligible sites are made
available to social landlords or other providers to build for rent or low cost home
ownership. Further policy guidance on affordable housing requirements is set out in
the Council’s affordable housing guideline. The details of provision, which will
reflect housing need and individual site suitability, will be a matter for agreement
between the developer and the Council.
Policy H7: Affordable Housing
Planning permission for residential development, including conversions, consisting of
12 or more units should include provision for affordable housing amounting to 25%
of the total number of units proposed. For proposals of 20 or more dwellings, the
provision should normally be on-site. Whenever practical, the affordable housing
should be integrated with the market housing.
Reason for Alteration: To make affordable housing policy in Rural West Edinburgh
consistent with the rest of the city as set out in the Edinburgh City Local Plan and the
Council’s affordable housing guideline.
Chapter 6 Economic Development and Tourism
Alteration 8 National Planning Context
Delete paras 6.10 – 6.13 and replace with the following text and Figures 6.1 and 6.2
6.10 WEPF 2008 has been referred to in the “Context and Strategy” chapter of this
Plan. West Edinburgh is recognised as one of the most important gateways to
Scotland and a key economic asset and “Edinburgh Airport Enhancement” is
identified as a national development in the National Planning Framework. The
national development designation includes the following elements - Gogar Station,
Dalmeny Chord, Edinburgh Airport, Royal Highland Centre, International Business
Gateway, access improvements and resolution of Gogar Burn flooding issues.
6.11 The key objective of WEPF 2008 is to promote sustainable economic
development. Central to this is the provision of a land use planning framework to
enable Edinburgh Airport to meet the significant growth forecasts set out in the White
paper “The Future of Air Transport” (December 2003) and articulated in the
Edinburgh Airport Master Plan. WEPF 2008 seeks to balance the growth of the
airport with connectivity benefits for the local, regional and national economy.
6.12 In order to meet the expansion needs of the airport, WEPF 2008 also provides for
the relocation of the Royal Highland Centre (RHC) to a site south of the A8 and its
redevelopment as Scotland’s National Showground. The original timescale for this
move was 2013, based on the expansion proposals set out in the Edinburgh Airport
Master Plan 2006. Following changes to the Airport Master Plan published in
September 2008, it is now anticipated that it will be at least 2020, and more likely
2030, before the RHC has to relocate.
6.13a WEPF 2008 identifies a strategic allocation of land for the creation of an
International Business Gateway (IBG). Its objective is to attract high quality and high
value international business development to a location which benefits from excellent
global, national and local connectivity. WEPF 2008 also supports ancillary
development such as hotel and conference facilities, child nurseries, restaurants and
sports clubs intended to serve the occupants of and visitors to the IBG.
6.13b Implementation of the WEPF is now expected to come forward in two main
phases, as illustrated in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. In Phase 1, airport development will take
place mostly within the existing airport boundary with only modest encroachment
onto land currently in RHC use. New RHC development will be located within and
adjacent to its existing site on the north side of the A8 and the development of the
IBG will start on the east side of Eastfield Road. Phase 2 will commence once the
RHC is required to relocate to the south of the A8 to facilitate further airport
expansion. Land used for RHC development in the short term, which is not required
for airport expansion, will form a later phase of the IBG. Phase 2 is anticipated to
come forward in 2020 at the earliest but more likely around 2030. This local plan
alteration focuses on the land use allocations required to bring forward development
in phase 1, with land safeguarded to the south of the A8 for the implementation of
phase 2. Beyond the period of this local plan, WEPF 2008 will be implemented
through future strategic and local development plans.
Figure 6.1 : Implementing WEPF 2008 : Phase 1 - Interim Scenario (pre 2020/2030)
Figure 6.2 : Implementing WEPF 2008 : Phase 2 - Long Term Scenario (post
Reason for Alteration: To take account of the publication of West Edinburgh
Planning Framework 2008 which supersedes the previous version published in 2003
and address recent changes in terms of the implementation of WEPF 2008.
Alteration 9 Major Uses in Green Belt
Delete paras 6.27 – 6.31 (including preceding heading) and Policies ED5 and ED6
and replace with the following
Major Uses in the Green Belt
6.27a Edinburgh Airport, the Royal Highland Centre and Heriot-Watt’s Edinburgh
Campus at Riccarton are established uses of considerable economic importance
currently located in the Edinburgh Green Belt. The approved Structure Plan retains
these uses in the green belt whilst supporting their future development in line with
approved master plans. Since the approval of the Edinburgh and the Lothians
Structure Plan, the West Edinburgh Planning Framework has been reviewed. WEPF
2008 set outs a more up to date policy context for development in West Edinburgh. It
also requires the Council to prepare a strategic design framework to guide future
master plans and development.
6.27b The West Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework (WESDF) will play an
important role in ensuring that future master plans and development proposals deliver
the objectives of the WEPF. It sets out strategic design principles to promote high
quality, sustainable development and includes guidance on landscape, built form,
movement and infrastructure. The WESDF promotes a co-ordinated approach to
development across West Edinburgh and seeks to avoid adhoc, piecemeal
development. A key element of policies ED5, ED6 and ED6a is the need for proposals
at the Airport, Royal Highland Centre and International Business Gateway to accord
with the WESDF.
6.28 Government support for the expansion and enhancement of Edinburgh Airport is
set out in WEPF 2008 and National Planning Framework 2. Based on the Edinburgh
Airport Master Plan (July 2006), WEPF 2008 identifies land for airport expansion in
the period 2013 -2020 and requires land to be safeguarded for a possible second main
parallel runway. The operator of Edinburgh Airport currently has rights which allow
certain operational uses and buildings to be developed without applying for planning
permission. When considering permitted development proposals, the airport operator
is encouraged to continue the practice of consulting the Council and to take account of
the WESDF.
6.29a Other forms of airport-related development need planning permission. Land in
and close to airports is a valuable resource that should be used to meet airport
expansion requirements or related uses that have strong and direct functional and
locational links with the airport. It is important that the introduction of related uses
does not prejudice existing and future airport operations. Uses which are, or could be
considered to be airport-related, are listed in Appendix H. Proposals should take
account of the detailed criteria set out in policy ED5 and accord with the WESDF.
6.29b The timescales for airport expansion set out in WEPF 2008 are based on the
Edinburgh Airport Master Plan 2006. In September 2008, BAA amended its master
plan to reflect changes to the airport expansion proposals. As a result, only a small
section of land currently in showground use is needed for airport development in the
short/medium term. The relocation of showground uses to land to the south of the A8
will still be necessary to facilitate airport growth in the longer term (see Figure 6.2).
However, this is not anticipated to happen until at least 2020 and more likely 2030,
well beyond the period of this local plan.
6.29c WEPF 2008 identifies land to the north of the existing airport boundary to be
safeguarded to provide a second main parallel runway, if this is required in the future,
to meet air passenger forecasts. Until a decision is made that a second parallel runway
is required, the safeguarded land will remain in the green belt and green belt policy
will apply. The views of the airport operator will be sought to ensure that any
proposals in this area would not prejudice the potential for long term airport
expansion. If a second runway is developed, a number of mitigation measures will be
required to maintain the water quality, flow rate and sedimentation pattern of the
River Almond as it enters the Firth of Forth. These measures are to ensure that the
proposal does not have a significant effect on the Firth of Forth Special Protection
6.30 As indicated above, the long term expansion of Edinburgh Airport requires land
currently occupied by the Royal Highland Centre. WEPF 2008 and NPF2 support the
relocation of the Royal Highland Centre and its redevelopment as Scotland’s National
Showground on an alternative site at Norton Park on the south side of the A8. As a
result of changes to airport expansion proposals, the Royal Highland Centre will
continue to occupy its existing site until at least 2020 and more likely 2030. In the
interim, Policy ED6 supports proposals for the development and improvement of the
RHC on land within and adjacent to its existing site on the north side of the A8.
Policy ED6 highlights the need for a master plan for the whole site which should
accord with the principles set out in the WESDF. Land at Norton Park is safeguarded
to facilitate future RHC relocation when its existing site is needed for airport
expansion purposes.
6.31 WEPF 2008 and NPF2 introduce a new nationally important business
opportunity in West Edinburgh, the International Business Gateway (IBG). WEPF
2008 indicates that this land should be removed from the green belt in future strategic
and local development plans. In the interim, in recognition of its potential value to the
national economy, IBG proposals may be approved as a justified exception to green
belt policy. The main purpose of the IBG is to attract inward investment and create
new jobs for Scotland. International business development may take various forms,
including the development of global/European/UK headquarters and accommodation
supporting high-value corporate functions for international organisations. Proposals
will not be supported which involve the relocation of existing businesses from
elsewhere in Scotland. A legal agreement may be required to ensure that business
premises are occupied by international organisations both at the outset and in the
longer term. WEPF 2008 also identifies ancillary uses which will be acceptable in the
IBG. These will play an important role in meeting the place-making objectives set out
in the WESDF. Policy ED6a requires proposals for the IBG to be consistent with the
WESDF and accord with an approved master plan.
Reason for Alteration: To provide background information in support of the
amended Policies ED5, ED6 and the new ED6a. (Alterations 10 – 12)
Alteration 10 Edinburgh Airport
Amend Proposals Map to show Airport Boundary, and Safeguard for Additional
Delete Policy ED5 and replace with the following:
Policy ED5 Edinburgh Airport
Proposals within the Airport Boundary
Proposals for the development and enhancement of Edinburgh Airport will be
supported within the airport boundary defined on the Proposals Map, where consistent
with an agreed Edinburgh Airport Master Plan. Other airport-related uses will only be
permitted where it can be demonstrated that these have strong and direct functional
and locational links with the airport and are compatible with the operational
requirements of the airport and other relevant Council policies.
All development proposals within the airport boundary should accord with the West
Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework and be acceptable in terms of :
- scale and location;
- accessibility by public transport, pedestrians and cyclists; Supporting information
will be required to demonstrate how proposals will contribute to meeting the
modal share targets set out in the WESDF.
- traffic generation and car parking;
- landscaping;
- sustainable building;
- drainage and flood management;
- habitat protection and enhancement;
- place-making and design; and
- impact on setting and views, including wider townscape impacts.
Long Term Safeguard
Land to the north of the existing airport boundary is safeguarded to provide a second
main parallel runway, if required in the future, to meet air passenger growth forecasts.
Within this area, green belt policy will apply (policies E5 and E6). Proposals which
would prejudice the long-term expansion of Edinburgh Airport will not be supported.
Reason for Alteration: To guide proposals for airport expansion in accordance with
WEPF 2008 and the planning guidance set out in the West Edinburgh Strategic
Design Framework. The policy covers proposals for airport and related uses. The
airport is not anticipated to expand beyond this boundary until at least 2020 and more
likely 2030.
Alteration 11 Royal Highland Centre
Amend Proposals Map to show Royal Highland Centre boundary on north side of A8
and safeguarded site at Norton Park to south of A8 for its future relocation.
Delete Policy ED6 and replace with the following:
Policy ED6 Royal Highland Centre
Proposals within the Royal Highland Centre Boundary
Proposals for the further development and enhancement of the Royal Highland Centre
will be supported within the boundary defined on the Proposals Map. Related uses
will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that these have strong and direct
functional links with the primary purpose of the RHC.
Proposals must accord with the West Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework and be
consistent with an approved master plan. Proposals should be acceptable in terms of :
- scale and location;
- accessibility by public transport, pedestrians and cyclists; Supporting information
will be required to demonstrate how proposals will contribute to meeting the
modal share targets set out in the WESDF.
- traffic generation and car parking;
- landscaping;
- sustainable building;
- habitat protection and enhancement;
- place-making and design; and
- impact on setting and views, including wider townscape impacts.
Long Term Safeguard
Land at Norton Park as shown on the Proposals Map is safeguarded for the future
relocation of the RHC and its development as Scotland’s National Showground.
Within this area, green belt policy will apply (policies E5 and E6). Proposals which
would prejudice the future development of the Norton Park site for showground
purposes will not be permitted.
Reason for Alteration: To guide proposals for the further development and
enhancement of the Royal Highland Centre on land to the north of the A8. Land at
Norton Park to the south of the A8 is safeguarded for the longer term relocation of the
RHC when required to facilitate airport expansion in accordance with WEPF 2008.
The Norton Park site will remain in the green belt until required for the relocation of
the RHC.
Alteration 12 International Business Gateway
Amend Proposals Map to show boundary of International Business Gateway.
Insert new Policy ED6a after existing ED6.
Policy ED6a International Business Gateway
In recognition of its importance to the national economy, proposals for the
development of an International Business Gateway within the boundaries defined on
the Proposals Map will be supported. The following uses are supported in principle:
- International business development (as described in paragraph 6.31);
- Hotel and conference facilities;
- Uses ancillary to international business development, such as child nursery
facilities, restaurants and health and sports clubs.
All IBG proposals must accord with the West Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework
and be consistent with an approved master plan. Proposals should be acceptable in
terms of:
- scale and location;
- accessibility by public transport, pedestrians and cyclists; Supporting information
will be required to demonstrate how proposals will contribute to meeting the
modal share targets set out in the WESDF.
- traffic generation and car parking;
- open space and landscaping;
- sustainable building;
- drainage and flood management;
- habitat protection and enhancement ;
- place-making and design ; and
- impact on setting and views, including wider townscape impacts.
Reason for Alteration: To guide the development of this major business opportunity
in accordance with WEPF 2008 and the planning guidance set out in the WESDF.
Alteration 13 Policy ED11 Tourist and Visitor Facilities
Add the following sentence to Policy ED11 after the last bullet.
Within the boundaries of Edinburgh Airport, the Royal Highland Centre and the
International Business Gateway, hotel development will be supported provided
proposals accord with the West Edinburgh Strategic Design Framework and are
consistent with an approved Master Plan.
Add the following sentence to the end of para 6.43:
In 2007, a consultants’ study “West Edinburgh Visitor Accommodation Analysis”
concluded that the area around Edinburgh Airport has an under provision of directly
associated hotel capacity. In order to increase provision, hotel development will be
supported as an exception to green belt policy provided proposals come forward as an
integral element of master plans for the Airport, Royal Highland Centre and the
International Business Gateway and accord with the West Edinburgh Strategic Design
Reason for Alteration : To help address the existing under provision of hotel
capacity in the area around Edinburgh Airport.
Alteration 14 Proposal ECON8
Delete Proposal ECON 8 from Schedule of Economic Development Proposals on
page 127 and from Proposals Map.
Delete brief on pages 131 -133
Reason for Alteration: To take account of Alterations 4 and 6 which propose to
replace the business proposal on this site at Newbridge with a housing proposal.
Chapter 7 Transport
Alteration 15 National Context
Delete para 7.11 and replace with the following text:
7.11a The Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR) identifies interventions to be
delivered, designed or developed beyond 2012 and primarily between 2012 and 2022.
Projects most relevant to the Rural West Edinburgh Local Plan area are as follows:
• Strategic road safety plan
• Maintenance and safe operation of Scotland’s rail network
• Integrated ticketing
• Forth Replacement Crossing
• Edinburgh to Glasgow rail improvements
• Park and Ride and Park and Choose expansion/rebranding at Ingliston
• Bus based light rapid transit connections between Fife and Edinburgh.
• East of Scotland rail improvements
• Targeted road congestion/environmental relief schemes (includes A720)
• Intelligent transport s
• ystems (includes A720)
A number of other measures will also have positive implications for the area,
including projects aimed at increasing the frequency of rail services and reducing
journey times.
7.11b The West Edinburgh Planning Framework (WEPF 2008) sets out a long term
vision for West Edinburgh and recognises the importance of sustainable transport
infrastructure as an integral component of development proposals. It includes
committed transport proposals, i.e. the Edinburgh Tram from Newhaven to Edinburgh
Airport (under construction), a rail station in the Gogar area with associated tram
interchange and the construction of a Dalmeny Chord rail link between the Glasgow
and Fife lines. Beyond that, WEPF 2008 states that strategic transport interventions
are to be subject to ongoing appraisal and decisions will be made through the
development plan process. It required the Council, together with key stakeholders, to
undertake an appraisal of transport options for West Edinburgh, taking into account
development, accessibility, environmental and implementation objectives and other
proposed changes to the strategic transport network in the area. The transport
appraisal work has been undertaken and its outcomes used to inform this local plan
7.11c The West Edinburgh Transport Appraisal (WETA) was carried out in
accordance with Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG). The aim of the
study was to appraise alternative approaches to tackling the transport accessibility
requirements of the WEPF in order to assist the Council in deciding which package of
policies and interventions to bring forward in conjunction with future development in
West Edinburgh. WETA has taken account of development, accessibility,
environmental and implementation objectives and other proposed improvements to
the strategic transport network in the area. It looked at transport requirements in
conjunction with both the interim and long term phases of development in West
Edinburgh (Figures 6.1 and 6.2). Informed by the outcomes of WETA, the Final
Report of which was published in February 2010, a proposed package of transport
measures has been identified and those with land use implications are identified as
local plan proposals.
Reason for Alteration: To update the national context to take account of the
publication of the Strategic Transport Projects Review, the West Edinburgh Planning
Framework 2008 and completion of the West Edinburgh Transport Appraisal.
Alteration 16 Transport Proposals
Delete para 7.36 and replace with the following text:
7.36 In September 2007, the Scottish Government decided not to proceed with the
proposal for a direct rail link to Edinburgh Airport. An alternative solution is now
being brought forward making use of existing rail lines linked by the proposed
Dalmeny Chord, a new intermodal station at Gogar incorporating a tram interchange
to the Airport (Proposals T4 and T5). In addition, the Council supports the principle
of a railway station at Newbridge/RathoStation. Two possible station sites are
safeguarded for this purpose (Proposal T6).
Reason for Alteration: To update the supporting information for Proposals T4 and
T5 following the Scottish Government’s not to proceed with the EARL project to
provide a direct rail link to Edinburgh Airport.
Alteration 17 West Edinburgh Transport Proposals
Delete para 7.40 and replace with the following:
7.40 The WEPF proposes significant levels of new development in West
Edinburgh. A transport appraisal (WETA) has been undertaken to help inform
decisions on what transport interventions are required to serve this level of
development. Following the completion of WETA, a preferred package of transport
interventions has been identified. These are set out in Figure 7.1. Information in the
comments column indicates which interventions are identified as local plan proposals.
The West Edinburgh Development Partnership will undertake further work to
prioritise the identified measures and investigate funding options.
Figure 7.1 Proposed Transport Interventions in West Edinburgh
Transport Interventions
Active travel package
High quality pedestrian
and cycle routes through
the development area and
providing wider links.
The main cycle route
through the IBG is
identified as part of local
plan proposal T1. Other
proposals will be identified
in the WESDF.
Bus Priority Measures Hard shoulder bus lane on Improvements
including on M8 and A89. M8 and bus priority at delivered within existing
junctions on A89 corridor highway boundary.
and elsewhere.
IBG Tram Halt
Additional tram stop to
serve IBG
Dualled road along whole
length from A8 dumbbells
junction to roundabout at
the airport. Additional
carriageway to be provided
on land to east of existing
dumbbells to be replaced
by substantially rebuilt
signalised roundabout with
two bridges carrying A8
over the roundabout and a
approaches to and possibly
provide bus priority.
Largely single carriageway
with some widening to
allow public transport
Part of local plan Proposal
Local plan proposal T10 –
indicative location shown
on Proposals Map.
New junction on A8 for New junction on A8 west
Royal Highland Centre
of dumbbells to serve
RHC development north
and, in the future, south of
the A8.
Newbridge junction
Public transport priority
capacity enhancement
and/or enhanced lane
capacity on M9 spur
towards A8 and on merge
Additional public transport
priority and/or capacity on
Gogar junction capacity Likely to include extra
lane on inside of existing
roundabout. May also
require some widening of
Short M8 link
New dual carriageway
road link from M8 to
Local Plan proposal T12 –
indicative location shown
on Proposals Map.
Dualling of Eastfield Road
“Dumbbells” junction
Gogar Link Road through
Local Plan proposal T11 –
indicative route shown on
Proposals Map.
Local Plan Proposal T13 –
indicative location shown
on Proposals Map.
Local Plan Proposal T14 –
indicative location shown
on Proposals Map.
This intervention is not
necessary to serve the
junction on A8. Will
require bridge over railway
line and new junction on
Edinburgh in the interim
period. It is therefore not
identified as a local plan
proposal at this time.
However in the longer
term, a short M8 link may
be required to provide
additional road capacity
and reduce congestion.
intervention will be kept
development in West
Edinburgh proceeds. If
necessary, a proposal for a
short M8 link will be
brought forward through
future development plans.
Reason for Alteration: To set out the preferred package of transport interventions to
serve future development in West Edinburgh in accordance with the WEPF. These
measures have been identified following the completion of the West Edinburgh
Transport Appraisal. A number of the interventions have land use implications and
are included as local plan proposals and identified on the Proposals Map.
As part of the WETA process, consideration has been given to the potential need for a
new road link from the M8 to Eastfield Road. Two options were assessed against the
identified WETA objectives and criteria – a long link from the M8 to a point on
Eastfield Road north of the A8 and a short link from the M8 to the dumbbells junction
on the A8. Based on the outcomes of WETA, the long link option is not supported.
The short link scored better in the transport appraisal and is therefore the preferred
option if it is demonstrated that this new road is required. WETA has concluded that a
new M8 link is not necessary in conjunction with development in the interim phase.
The short M8 link is therefore not identified as a local plan proposal in this alteration.
However, additional road capacity may be required in the longer term depending on
the extent of airport growth and development at the International Business Gateway
and Royal Highland Centre. The need for a short M8 link will be kept under review
and, if necessary, will be identified as a proposal in future development plans.
Alteration 18 Transport Proposals - Proposals Map
Proposal T1
Amend the line of Proposal T1 West Edinburgh Tram to accord with the route that
has Parliamentary Approval.
Identify the additional tram stop at the IBG on the Proposal Map.
On the Proposals Map, distinguish between the section of the tram route through the
IBG which will also form a bus and cycle corridor and the rest of the route which is
tram only.
Proposal T4
Delete the T4 airport station proposal at Turnhouse. Amend wording in Key to
Proposal T4 Gogar Station.
Proposal T10
Add Proposal T10 Dualling of Eastfield Road and replacement of dumbbells junction
on A8 to Proposals Map.
Proposal T11
Delete existing Proposal T11 City of Edinburgh Guided Busway and replace with new
Proposal T11 Gogar Link Road.
Proposal T12
Add new Proposal T12 Additional road junction on A8.
Proposal T13
Add new Proposal T13 Newbridge Roundabout.
Proposal T14
Add new Proposal T14 Gogar Roundabout.
Reason for Alteration: To update information on transport proposals on the
Proposals Map, including new proposals required to implement the West Edinburgh
Planning Framework.
Alteration 19 Policy TRA8 Transport Proposals
Delete T4 Edinburgh Airport Rail Stations and replace with T4 Gogar Inter-Modal
Delete T10 Edinburgh Airport Road Links and replace with T10 Dualling of Eastfield
Road and replacement of dumbbells junction on A8.
Delete “Land is also safeguarded for a guided busway: T11 City of Edinburgh Guided
Busway (Edinburgh Airport to Gogar Roundabout)” and replace with T11 Gogar Link
Add new Proposal T12 Additional road junction on A8.
Add new Proposal T13 Improvements at Newbridge Roundabout.
Add new Proposal T14 Improvements at Gogar Roundabout.
Reason for Alteration: To provided updated information on transport proposals
including new proposals required to implement the West Edinburgh Planning
Alteration 20 Schedule of Transport Proposals
Proposal T1
In the Comments column, delete last sentence and replace with “The tram service
from the City to the airport is anticipated to be operational by 2012. The route from
the airport to Newbridge continues to be safeguarded. In order to maximise
accessibility to and through the IBG, part of the tram route will also form a bus and
cycle corridor.
Proposal T4
In the Proposal column delete text and replace with “Gogar Inter-modal Station”
In the Comments column delete text and replace with “A new rail/tram station is
proposed at Gogar which will provide improved public transport accessibility to the
airport, RHC and IBG.
Proposal T10 - delete text and replace with:
Dualling of
Eastfield Road and
replacement of
dumbbells junction
on A8.
West Edinburgh Further work to be
undertaken on the
details and delivery of
this proposal.
Proposal T11 - delete T11 and replace with:
Gogar Link Road
Add new Proposals T12 – T14
Additional road
junction on A8.
West Edinburgh To be incorporated
into proposals for IBG.
Further work to be
undertaken on the
details and delivery of
this proposal,
including any
mitigation, where
West Edinburgh New road junction to
serve RHC
development to north
and south of A8 and
also housing to east of
Ratho Station.
Improvements to
Improvements to
Gogar Roundabout
West Edinburgh Improvements to
provide public
transport priority
and/or enhanced lane
capacity on M9 and A8
on and approaching
roundabout. Further
work to be undertaken
on the details and
delivery of this
proposal, including
any environmental
mitigation where
West Edinburgh Likely to include extra
lane on inside of
existing roundabout.
May also require some
widening of
approaches. Has
implications for land
outwith the local plan
boundary. Further
work to be undertaken
on the details and
delivery of this
Reason for Alteration: To provided updated information on transport proposals
including new proposals required to implement the West Edinburgh Planning
Chapter 9 Implementation and Infrastructure
Alteration 21 Developer Contributions in West Edinburgh
Insert new paragraph after Policy IMP2
9.13 Implementing the West Edinburgh Planning Framework will require significant
new and improved infrastructure. In addition to the transport interventions set out in
Chapter 7, funding will be needed for the provision of utilities, site preparation,
including advance structural landscaping, and the diversion of the Gogar Burn
(Proposal ENV7). The West Edinburgh Development Partnership (WEDP) is
preparing an implementation plan for consideration and endorsement by Scottish
Ministers which will provide a mechanism for the co-ordination of public and private
sector action and investment. The WEDP will seek to identify a range of potential
funding sources involving public and private sector interests. The infrastructure
requirements for West Edinburgh have been incorporated into the Rural West
Edinburgh Local Plan Action Plan, July 2010.
9.14 Developer contributions, either financial or “in kind” will be one element of the
overall funding for the infrastructure required to support development in West
Edinburgh. In the first instance, the Council will consider whether necessary
infrastructure provision and improvements can be achieved through the use of
conditions attached to the grant of planning permission. Where a legal agreement is
required, it will be sought in an appropriate, transparent and equitable manner. The
Council intends to prepare a new planning guideline for developer contributions in
West Edinburgh. Developer contributions for applications determined prior to this
guideline being produced will require to be agreed on an individual basis taking
account of the Council’s existing developer contribution guidelines where appropriate
and the Government’s policy and guidance on planning agreements. This is currently
set out in Planning Circular 1/2010: Planning Agreements (January 2010).
Insert new Policy IMP3:
Policy IMP3 Developer Contributions in West Edinburgh
All development proposals within the boundaries of the Airport, Royal Highland
Centre and International Business Gateway as shown on the Proposals Map should
make an appropriate contribution towards the infrastructure required to implement the
West Edinburgh Planning Framework.
Reason for Alteration: To set out the requirement for developer contributions
towards infrastructure provision in West Edinburgh and to indicate that the Council
intends to prepare a new planning guideline to cover this matter.
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Dave Anderson - Director of City Development - The City of Edinburgh Council
Produced by the City Development Department, Planning
4 East Market Street Edinburgh EH8 8BG
June 2011