garie surf life saving club incorporated seventy third annual report
garie surf life saving club incorporated seventy third annual report
GARIE SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB INCORPORATED SEVENTY THIRD ANNUAL REPORT GARIE SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB INCORPORATED SEVENTY THIRD ANNUAL REPORT SEASON 2014 – 2015 Members, I present for your consideration, the Seventy Third Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Garie Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated for the Season of 2014 – 2015. On Saturday 1st August 2015 at 3.00 pm, the Seventy First Annual General Meeting of Garie Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated will be held at the Garie Surf Life Saving Club’s clubhouse at Garie Beach, Royal National Park, and I cordially invite you to attend. The order of business will be as follows:AGENDA 1. President's welcome to members and guests. 2. Apologies and proxies. 3. Reading and confirmation of the Minutes of the Seventieth Annual General Meeting held 2nd August 2014. 4. Business arising from the Minutes. 5. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the year ended 30th April 2015. 6. (i) (ii) 7. Motions of which due notice has been given. 8. Urgent General Business. 9. Refreshments. Election of Officers for the Season 2015 – 2016. Election of Standing Committees for the Season 2015 – 2016. Mick Bretherton HONORARY SECRETARY STATUTORY STATEMENT In the opinion of the management committee, the past year's operation and activities are faithfully recorded and the Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheets are a true and accurate record of the club's financial activities during the season of 2014 – 2015. THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE GARIE S.L.S.C. Inc. Garie Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated wishes to express sincere appreciation to the following sponsors, supporters and donors for their tremendous assistance throughout the season Surf Life Saving Sydney Surf Life Saving New South Wales Surf Life Saving Australia D.H.L. Westpac John Fletcher, Geoff Cox, Julie Thistlethwaite – Tropic Asphalt Ian Jeffries – Signage Douglas Maher Coleman Pty Ltd Redman Hale Simpson Solicitors Dr Mark Dixon SLSNSW – Guardians of the Surf Promotion S.L.S. Foundation S.L.S. Services NSW State Government NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Department of Sport & Recreation Santoro Communications Engadine Bowling & Recreation Club Vision Printing Services Southern Scrap Metal Cathy Ellis Lee Evans MP Bundeena RSL Club Shine (Aust) Pty Ltd Vege Factory Pty Ltd M&G Truck Curtains John Quinn Stephen Quinn Paul Wilson David Cross Peter Collins Brad Taylor Rita Taylor Keith Midson William Davies Peter Stewart Basil & Marilyn Menogue Monica Hoffmann Neville Cooper David Dillon Jacob Pacholski Scott Rofe Tracy Farquhar Coogee S.L.S.C. Maroubra S.L.S.C. North Cronulla S.L.S.C. Mark Forland Fast Track Communications Sharon Daley Nutrimetics QA Consulting & Services Stamp Transport EIR Building and Maintenance Thank you all for your financial assistance and/or professional services and for your continued support of Garie Surf Life Saving Club PRESIDENTS REPORT It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Garie SLSC on making it through the 2014/2015 season with no lives lost. Over the year, we have endeavoured to deal with the problems typical of running any surf club as well as the problems faced that are somewhat unique to our area and club. I would like to thank the Garie Management for their consistent effort throughout the year. Our club was once again well supported by visiting club members from other clubs within the Sydney Branch. Without the assistance of these members, Garie SLSC would have struggled at best to fully cover our patrol hour requirements. Despite our club’s relatively small pool of active members, we were well represented at the branch Awards of Excellence. Our retention of the juniors has improved not least due to the efforts of Annie Bretherton and her Youth Engagement Program. Amongst other things, this season saw the start of an exchange program with Broadbeach SLSC. All participants got a lot out of it and returned with a fresh perspective on lifesaving. Our competitive representation is still represented by our nippers’ involvement in the annual RNP 3 way carnival. I would like to congratulate Burning Palms on organizing such a professional carnival this year. Our other main event for the year is the Garie Dash. This year saw another successful “Dash” with clubs from within and beyond Sydney Branch represented. I would also like to thank Sydney Branch for their assistance and the involvement of officials with the “Dash’. I would also like to thank Surf Life Saving Australia, Surf Life Saving New South Wales and Surf Life Saving Sydney Branch and their sponsors for the assistance given to our club throughout the year. See you again on the beach in September. Enjoy your winter break and best of luck to all within the Club for a safe and successful season ahead. Craig Lacey PRESIDENT CAPTAINS REPORT Congratulations to our entire active patrolling members for a successful season 2014-2015 as I thank you for all your efforts and ensuring that no lives were lost during the patrolling period. Lifesaving is life the blood of this club and as a small club with only 40 regular patrolling members, it really is amazing to note that 2633 patrol hours were undertaken for the season including 500 hours of patrol support from our guest surf clubs Coogee, Cronulla & Maroubra who continue to support us. It is no mean feat to maintain such a record as this season brought great weather and conditions attracting a larger than average attendance of visitors to Garie’s precinct compared to previous seasons. On the beach, our patrolling members performed 758 preventative actions, searched and located 5 lost kids and evacuated the beach once to raise a Shark Alarm. With the large effort in preventative actions, our rescue statistics reflect a relatively normal season with only 49 rescues recorded predominantly using board and tube and in once instance a cricket bat due to the single sand bank covering the whole length of the beach for the majority of the season. Uncharacteristically, first aid treatments were down as the summer blue bottles did not visit Garie this season too much with only a total of 70 first aids for the season and only 25 recorded marine stings requiring treatment whilst the remainders were mainly cuts / abrasions and 2 people with fractures also requiring ambulance assistance. Also uncharacteristically this season, our IRB’s enjoyed much less time in an inverted position and thus the Duck Club wall of shame shall only bear 2 names this season - Yes you know who you are? Oh yes - and you who donated a radio to the Ocean Gods - Yes we know who you are. Yes it was all captured on camera and the camera never lies! The patrol work load was well shared across our members this season with 35 members attaining 100% patrolling attendance. The average amount of patrolling hours for members was 56 and it was pleasing to note the highest amount of patrol hours performed by any member at Garie did not exceed 85 for the season. Patrol camaraderie continues with a close run in the Patrol competition this season where 4 of the 6 patrols were separated by just a matter of points. Our Patrols were well manned this season and we must thank our Patrol Captains and Vice Captains who kept the beach managed and ensured that if patrols were short that plenty of notice was out to find available members. Rescue (Mass rescue) of the year this year occurred on January 3 and is credited to a patrol of mainly substitutes who rescued 4 people at the same time in which one patient was submerged and our members had to dive to recover the patient. Paul Wilson, Greg Betts, Tony Graham & Dave Birchall, well done guys and thanks for the official report describing yourselves as 4 old blokes with “Man Boobs’ running down the beach! Behind the scenes the beach committee again worked tirelessly to ensure our equipment was operational throughout the season, unfortunately our Rhino ATV could not last the distance and required replacing. Garie was fortunate enough to receive a grant from BRP Australia and SLSA who covered half the cost of a new Can Am ATV with Garie surf club funding the remaining cost. Our new ATV is purpose built for marine environments and the training and induction that all members have signed up to will ensure its longevity. The club will require support in funding a new IRB for the coming season so watch out for fund raising and events over the coming months. Providing such a service at Garie Beach each season is not cheap, we rely not only on the valuable time of our members (and new members are very much welcome) but the support of business, grants and donations. A big thank you to our supporters in season 2014 2105 - BRP Australia and SLSA ($ for $ grants) for our new Can AM Commander ATV , SLS Sydney, Engadine Bowling Club, M&G Truck Curtains (patrol gear & maintenance), Stamp Transport (ATV tyres) and again to our support Surf Clubs Maroubra, Cronulla & Coogee. Our Patrolling numbers were stable this season with the return of a former member from a 10 year hiatus and new members from clubs on the Northern Beaches & Mollymook but it was very pleasing to see the involvement of our cadets who progressed in attaining their Bronze Medallion and 1 nipper attaining their SRC award this season. Our Cadet member really did commit throughout the season. Unfortunately this season we were very limited with new patrolling members attaining their awards. Like many of our active members, the initial reason I became involved in Garie Surf Club was as a Nipper parent in 2006 when my then 4 year old joined the “Garie Guppies” - proudly this season that nipper (aka Lil Farkers) has moved into the senior club (cadet) and commenced patrolling for Garie like many other nipper parents (or former nipper parents) who make up a large number of our patrolling members. These families grow around the club as the extended Garie family we all share. My point for anyone reading this annual report is that Garie is a family club and you are never too late to get involved within the club, it really is the people that make Garie surf club a great place and I encourage all of our members to keep involved and help support the club family through welcoming friends and guest as it is the reason we all keep coming back. Finally, as Club Captain since 2009 I feel the time has come to step aside and support other areas of the Garie Surf Club. I would like to thank each and every member for their commitment to Garie Surf Club as well as your support. Well done on a successful season 2014/2015 Garie, be proud of our achievement! See you on the beach! Farkers Anthony Farquhar CLUB CAPTAIN SECRETARY Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the 73nd Annual Report and Financial Statements of Garie Surf Life Saving Club for the season of 2014 -2015. The individual reports of the various club activities and events are documented in this report. Patrols were better supported by our members this season of 2014 – 2015. However, we are still very reliant on Coogee, Maroubra, North Bondi and Cronulla to send patrols to help the Royal National Parks community well protected in Garie’s aquatic environment. This has been an ongoing project and with younger patrol members of Garie, one day will be able to completely fill our patrol obligations. Our Club’s Chief Training Officer, Justin Hardman, resigned from the position before the start of the season and was replaced by Michael Hodsdon who completed proficiencies for our patrolling members. Scott Rofe rejoined Garie and 7 Bronzes and a Surf Rescue Certificates were gained. Garie nominated Lhyriel Smith for Life Saver of the Year and The Groms for Innovation of the Year, both were very good nominations but did not achieve the expectations of the nomination. Garie Groms Youth Engagement Program goes from strength to strength. Improvements this season are patrol attendances, regular competition events, patrolling at Wet and Wild and a tour to Broadbeach Surf Club. This group have raised money by holding events at Garie and selling chocolates. Members of this group have gained Bronze and Silver Awards for completing a series of activities to assist the community. We were fortunate to be partially granted an IRB Fuel Cell and Radio from the Life Saving Equipment Grant, the total of the funding $1600. This was particularly disappointing as we really required an IRB and Motor but we will purchase these by following grants. SLSNSW Funding of $7980 was received from SLS Raffles and another $5000 was received from SLSA for Life Saving and Rescue equipment. We had about a month of the season left and the ATV was deemed unsafe to drive as the brakes had failed from a damaged line. We had applied for a Commander ATV from BRP Grants via SLSA for the coming season. BRP and SLS rushed the grant through and to a cost of almost $10000 with efforts from some of our members and BPR staff we were able to have the vehicle before the end of season. Patrols were well attended this year with about 35 active members working hard and consistently. The majority of the members gained 100% of their patrol obligations. Garie Dash was run and is reported on later in this report. Well done to Pat Dillon and small crew who run the day. Without the help of the Branch Officials this event would not be the success it is. I would like to thank the committees of Garie for their tireless efforts. Brian Elton should have a special mention as he didn’t stand for treasurer but still acted in position till it is filled. Garie SLSC once again wishes to thank Surf Life Saving Australia, Surf Life Saving NSW and Surf Life Saving Sydney and their respective sponsors and supporters who have provided the assistance necessary to run a surf club. Once again we thank the Engadine Bowling & Recreation Club for their outstanding support and for the excellent function provided at the recent Presentation Night. This night is where we recognise the achievements of members and was very well attended, especially by the younger members and their families. Mick Bretherton SECRETARY Monthly Club Management Meetings Meetings were held at Engadine Bowling & Recreation Club on the third Tuesday of each month. Name Position Possible Attended Apologies attendance Craig Lacey President 7 5 2 Mick Bretherton Secretary 7 5 2 Michael Hodsdon Delegate to Branch 7 4 3 Brian Elton Acting Treasurer 7 1 6 Anthony Farquhar Captain 7 6 1 Patricia Dillon Deputy President 7 4 1 Justin Hardman Chief Training Officer 1 1 0 Paul Cootes Licensee & Gear Officer 7 3 0 David Birchall Junior Activities Chairman 7 5 0 Greg Betts Deputy Captain 7 5 2 Rita Taylor Historian 7 7 0 Glenn Hay Committee Member 7 2 1 David Dillon Committee Member 7 0 3 Terry Watters Committee Member 7 7 0 Annie Bretherton Youth Advisor 7 4 3 N/A Assistant Secretary 7 0 0 N/A Registrar 7 0 0 MEMBERSHIP – SEASON 2014-2015 LIFE MEMBERS Mick Bretherton Robert Ford David Hoffmann Stephen Quinn Alfred Taylor * * Deceased Peter Collins Robert Glasson Robert Hoffmann * John Stewart * Bradley Taylor HONORARY MEMBERS Keith Allen Geoff Cox Craig Douglas Eric (Mark) Evans Graham Ford Pat Hailey Ian Jeffries Mark LeVaillant Jim Pocklington Howard Rizk Ennise Tapp Julie Thistlethwaite Neville Cooper Owen Hailey* Keith Midson Peter Sullivan Rita Taylor Lionel Ford* George H Hawker* John Quinn William Tapp * William Davies* Lee Evans MP Alana Hay Neville Nolan Vincenzo Santoro Peter Wickes* Dr Mark Dixon John Fletcher Monica Hoffmann Cecil (Frank) Osborne Michael Sommerville Rob Yeldon DISTINGUISHED LONG SERVICE MEMBERS Harry Crooks* David Dillon Patricia Dillon Bruce Plummer Henry Schutes* George Walsh Terence Watters Michael Hodsdon Michael Wilson LONG SERVICE MEMBERS Phillip Booker David Cross Peter Johnson Peter King Bruce McKirdy Basil Menogue* Peter Stewart Stephen Strange James Glenday Chris Lloyd Gary Nolan Cecil (Rex) Wilson Phillip Griffiths Brad McDonogh Peter Pearce ACTIVE SENIOR MEMBERS Claire Arnold Gregory Betts Scott Bretherton Paul Cootes Ryan Forsyth Mark Forland Anthony Graham Deborah Grohala Justin Hardman David Birchall Brian Mobbs Dean Storey Mark Gallagher Callum Good Hans Bendl Anthony Farquhar Paul Goodyer Phillip Grohala Craig Lacey Karl Reusche Jessika Hay Anne Bretherton Kris Larkin Lhyriel Smith Paul Wilson Glenn Smith Ben Porter Jessica Whicker ACTIVE U/18 JUNIOR MEMBERS Grant Forsyth Holly Smith Lachlan Marsh Jessica McGregor Jessica MacKenzie Natalie Smith Jono Kilbane Eliza Lacey ACTIVE U/15 CADET MEMBERS Paige Bosley Tayla Forland Jacob Way Thomas Hay Isaac Lacey Jessica Mackenzie Ky Farquhar Abbey Smith Molly Griffiths Rex Keogh Adam Mobbs Jasmin Jungo Declan Grohala Eliza Lacey Liam Reardon AWARD MEMBERS Peter Cross Troy Dillon ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Brian Elton Timothy Strange GENERAL MEMBERS Daniel Sale Morena Charara Catherine Lacey Glenn Smith Annette Birchall Julian Matthew Brooke Matthew MaryJane Breen Byrne Carlson Cordingley Sandra Frank Tracey Daniel Leon Stephenson Stephenson Stojanovic Hay Vera Auerbach Glenn Paul Michel Royden Hay Magin Jungo Toal JUNIOR ACTIVITIES (GUPPIES) Charli Crutcher Cooper Martin Fintan Kelly Thomas Adey Ellie McGuire Charlotte Kennard Penelope Breen Jack McVean Owen Lambert AIdan Byrne Sienna Miller Thomas Marshall Myah Christie Violet Miller Maeve Martin Belinda Cordingley James Munro Ava McLoughlin Elise Davidson Myles Munro Riley Michels Zac Dixon Jarrah OConnor Miles Moriarty Corbin Eshman Max Roberts Darcy Palmer Shayna Eshman Kiara Stephenson Henry Roberts Tameka Eshman Lola Taylor Cameron Sprod Jeremy Harper Adam Wallace Alice Stojanovic Juliette Hogg Phoenix Wong Byron Thomas Seth Holborow Ruby Austin Maddison Thomas Caleb Lowder Kyah Birchall Charles Toal mora mcardle Bodhi Brimmer Connor Vernon Louis Moriarty Sarah Byrne Kaia Wong Samantha Prentice Layla Carlson Angelika Auerbach Ben Reardon Sophie Colquhoun Lilly Brimmer Lili Shepherd Alana Crutcher Matilda Cootes Zac Smith Will Donnelly Naomi Cordingley Adam Sprod Jye Forbes Molly Farquhar Gemma Stephenson Samuel Hogg Ruby Griffiths Dylan Taylor Mollymoo Howard Zigana Magin Riley Thomas Angus Magin Madeline O Halloran Aletta van Wyngaardt Poppy McRae Layne Palmer Brooke Webster Cameron Munro Jack Prentice Cooper Wynn Jamyson Shaw Bonnie Webster Cooper Ball Ethan Shepherd Lucas Cootes Bradford Beencke Zane Smith Pascal Jungo Archie Donnelly Liam Stojanovic Nathaniel Kelly Madeleine Doughty Kirsten Vernon Justin Letton Tara Gifford Hayley Webster Jorja Stojanovic Ahmad jaafar Chelsea Breen Jasmin Wong Scarlett Jacobson Ethan Byrne Phlynn Grohala Pippa Kennard Ibrahim Charara Larissa Reusche Claire Lambert Ryan Davidson First Name Last Name Jacob Layton Jake Dixon Damon Goodyer Brianna Letton Alana Graham Charlie O Halloran Lachlan Marshall Arabella Harper Connor Reardon Manas Khule JUNIOR ACTIVITIES REPORT Nippers membership grew again this year by around 10% which brings us to approximately 120 nippers for Garie. The club has seen a heavy skew towards younger and middle age groups, which has meant that the progression from the nippers to the senior club is limited. Many parents expressed an interest in doing Bronze medallion training however. We again hosted burning palms at our club and thank them for their assistance throughout the season. The club met on average once every two weeks, with the exception of some special meets to coincide with the Garie Dash at Bundeena and the three way carnival. As usual the threeway carnival provided the opportunity for our nippers to practice new skills and build skills in a very low risk environment. Many of our older nippers completed swims, board legs and the junior iron person, while younger age groups were able to build confidence in wading events. We trialled a rotation system early in the season, whereby age groups are scheduled into activities in 15 minute blocks. This ensured that each sessions focus was spread across a range of activities and was sure to include core nippers ingredients’ such as surf education, sand and water activities. The rotation system continued until the end of the season and came to include a beach obstacle course to build agility. The Surf Volley crew were invited to attend our beach to promote Beach volley ball. The activity seemed popular with our nippers particularly our older age groups. In practice the crew were unreliable to work with and cancelled twice with short notice due to problems attracting coaches that are willing to travel to ‘The Shire”. The idea of doing beach volley ball has merit, and we should consider doing more of this and having Surf Volley train some of our age managers. Despite the shore break that developed over the summer holiday and persisted for much of January and February, we were able to adapt activities with wades and use sheltered spots on the beach to maximize water activities within safe limits. A water safety drill simulation was completed as per branches requirements. The exercise proved valuable to helps key personnel rehearse key steps in the drill and identify some potential blind spots. Age Manager training was completed early in the season with the help of Doug Hawkins from Branch. The season concluded with the Garie Challenge in March. David Birchall JUNIOR ACTIVTIES CHAIRMAN . CHIEF TRAINING OFFICER REPORT Fellow members and friends, I would like to take this opportunity to provide the following education report and results from the 2014-15 season. This past season saw three members undertake the role as Chief Instructor. Justin Hardman, who commenced the season as the chief Instructor undertook the planning and attended the initial branch education meetings. Justin’s hard work saw our club get off to a flying start. This season we successfully trialled a new way of running proficiencies with a proficiency date being held for each patrol at the start of the season on their rostered patrol. This successfully captured most active members and enabled them to become proficient at the start of the season. Michael Hodsdon took over from Justin to ensure that the proficiencies were successfully completed and with the help of Life Member Michael Bretherton who ensured that all our proficiency details were entered into Surfguard. Thank you to all of the trainers and assessors who helped out across the six patrol proficiency days we held. Upon completion of the proficiency training and assessment process Michael went about planning and supporting the training of new SRC and Bronze squads as well as motivating and guiding Ryan Forsyth and Lhyriel Smith as probationary Bronze Trainers. At this point I would also like to welcome back Life Member Brad Taylor to the trainers group. Brad has held many awards of the years and has now decided to renew his trainers award for the coming season. Due to family commitments Michael Hodsdon resigned as the Chief Instructor in December 2014 and it was at this point that I took over the role. Congratulation to the following member who gained their SRC award: Ky Farquhar Congratulations to the following members who gained their Bronze award: Adam Mobbs, Paige Bosley, Holly Smith, Molly Griffiths, Samuel Haynes and Daniel Sale Congratulations to the following members who gained their IRB awards: IRB Crew: Lhyriel Smith, Lachlan Marsh IRB Drivers: Jonathan Kilbane Thank you to Steven Quinn for training the IRB awards. Congratulations to the following member who gained their ORB award: ORBD: Callum Good I would like to sincerely thank Craig Lacey, Michael Bretherton, Michael Hodsdon and Anthony Farquhar for their personal assistance and guidance. They have made the job of Chief Instructor much easier and I look forward to doing it again next season. Cheers Scott Rofe CHIEF TRAINING OFFICER YOUTH REPORT A big congratulations to the Garie Groms for another very successful season on and off the beach. We had two new members; Isaac Lacey and Jasmin Jungo achieve their Bronze level Youth Engagement Program (YEP) award and 13 groms achieve their Silver level YEP award. Congratulations to Holly Smith, Molly Griffiths, Jessika Hay, Natalie Smith, Declan Grohala, Tayla Forland, Abbey Smith, Tom Hay, Grant Forsyth, Jessica MacKenzie, Jessica Mcgregor, Paige Bosley and Liam Reardon for completing their Silver awards. For those Club members who are unfamiliar with the Youth Engagement Program, the Groms spend the season collecting points for different activities performed throughout the year. They achieve points for attending patrols, gaining 100% patrol efficiency, helping with water safety, helping with nippers, participating in Club races, contributing to Youth Committee meetings, fundraising, gaining new training awards and attending youth development weekends (just to name a few). The season kicked off with the Groms participating in the Sutherland2Surf charity event. They then went on to host a Trivia Night at the Surf Club on the 2nd of August. The trivia night was a huge success raising $750 with over 40 people attending the event. A special thank you to everyone who attended, to Lhyriel Smith for hosting the night, Jess Mackenzie, Jessika Hay and Holly Smith for asking the questions and to all the other groms who helped out at the event and stayed on to participate in a Youth Development weekend. On the 2nd of November the groms hosted another Nutrimetics Ladies High Tea this time to raise funds for a new IRB. The sun was shining and it was a lovely afternoon for all the ladies who attended. Thank you to everyone who helped out and attended on the day and a special thanks to Sharon Daley from Nutrimetics for donating her time and for donating half of the money she got from orders back to the Club. The weekend of the 13th & 14th of December was spent down at the Surf Club participating in a youth development weekend. The groms even had the opportunity to learn how to surf, thanks to Deano from Waves Surf School for managing to get all participants to stand up on a surfboard in the surf! In January the Groms participated in a Youth Exchange to Broadbeach QLD. The program enabled the youth members to visit the Westpac Helicopter base, SurfCom, Little Lifesaver Program, train with Ky Hurst, and participate in Patrol & Nipper Water Safety at Broadbeach. A huge thank you to Broadbeach SLSC for hosting us and Fast Track Communications for supporting the exchange. The remainder of the season included a visit from Maroubra Juniors and North Stayne Cadets, patrols, nippers water safety, youth committee meetings and club races. It was another great season on the beach. The Youth Engagement Program has continued to go from strength to strength and I highly recommend any of our youth members who are aged 13-18yrs who aren’t already involved, to become involved. The friendships our Groms have formed with each other over the past few seasons is a huge credit to them and I hope everyone continues to enjoy being on the beach and being part of our Surf Club community. I would like to formally thank my Youth Mentors Scott Bretherton, Ryan Forsyth and Lhyriel Smith for their help and dedication throughout the season. A special thank you to Lhyriel, for attending the Youth Exchange at Broadbeach as a supervisor and helping me out over the week, to Jess Hay for stepping up and helping out as a mentor at Broadbeach and to Nat Smith and Jess Mcgregs for helping out with food prep and cooking. Your help and assistance is appreciated as always, without your dedication none of this would be possible. Bring on next season! Annie Bretherton YOUTH ADVISOR RACE REPORT On behalf of the Race Secretary, and Race Secretary Assistant, we both would like to express our sincere thanks for participating in the races held at Garie this 2014/2015 Surf Life Saving season. I can express with confidence, that each and every member who participated in one, or all of the races had a great time, and enjoyed the friendly rivalry amongst members at each event. As the race season has concluded on a strong note, with considerable momentum and participation from a reasonable proportion of members, I would like to encourage members who have not participated this season to give it a go next season. The race results for the 2014/2015 season is as follows: President’s Points Score – OFFICIAL FINAL TALLY (Correct as of 19/04/15) Open – Male SRC – Male 1st - Thomas Hay – 46 points (WINNER) 1st – Liam Reardon – 25 points (WINNER) nd 2 - Grant Forsyth – 10 points (Runner-up) 2nd -Declan Grohala – 12 points (Runner-up) nd 2 - Troy Donoghue – 10 points (Runner-up) 3rd - Jack Forsyth – 4 points 2nd – Troy Donavan – 10 points (Runner-up) 2nd - Scott Bretherton – 10 points (Runner-up) 3rd – Ryan Forsyth – 9 points 4th - Craig Lacey – 6 points 5th - Lhyriel Smith – 4 points 6th - Brian Mobbs – 3 points 7th – David Birchall – 2 points Open – Female 1st – Jessika Hay – 18 points (WINNER) 2nd - Jessica Whicker – 12 points (Runner-up) 3rd - Annie Bretherton – 8 points 4th - Jess MacKenzie – 5 points SRC – Female 1st – Abbey Smith – 20 points (WINNER) 2nd - Jasmine Jungo – 13 points (Runner-up) 3rd - Paige Bosley – 9 points 4th - Molly Griffiths – 6 points Memorial Races – Official Final Tally (Correct as of 19/04/15) Alf Taylor IRONMAN (Swim – Run – Board) – Memorial Race (28/02/15) 1st – Thomas Hay 2nd – Liam Reardon 3rd – Lhyriel Smith 4th – Grant Forsyth 5th – Troy Donoghue 6th – Jessika Hay Bunta Burns Flags – Memorial Race 1st – Thomas Hay 2nd – Ryan Forsyth 3rd – Abbey Smith Rob Hoffman Beach Sprint – Memorial Race 1st – Thomas Hay 2nd – Ryan Forsyth 3rd – Scott Bretherton Owen Halley Surf Swim – Memorial Race Race not contested due to dangerous surf President’s Points Score wrap up This season, there were a total of 19 participants inclusive of SRC and BM holders, with significant performers in each category. Considering we only have around 40 active members that is nearly half who participated in Club Races, well done! Thomas Hay ended the season with a considerable lead of 36 points on his next competitor in the Male Open category. Job well done Thomas, excellent performance and consistency throughout. In the Female Open category, Jessika Hay triumphed above the rest with a comfortable 6-point lead on Jessica Whicker. Jessika has done a fantastic job this season competing and running the races in my absence; your ongoing assistance and commitment to the club is admirable and very much valued by all Garie members. Thank you! And a well-deserved victory to wrap up the President’s Points Score for the Female Open category. In the SRC division, Liam Reardon and Abbey Smith took home the win for the Male and Female category. These results are significant of something greater than simply race results, this highlights the youth as ambassadors for Garie, actively participating in club activities and constantly devoting their time and effort into improving Garie SLSC; thank you Liam and Abbey. In addition, excellent performances by both, I look forward to seeing you two back in action, and race form on the beach next season. Memorial Races wrap up Firstly, it is an honour to organize such races as the memorial races; these races are in existence to remember those who made selfless, wholehearted, outstanding contributions to Garie SLSC. Congratulations Thomas Hay on winning each memorial race held! You have performed valiantly, with exemplary sportsmanship throughout the season. Well done! Lhyriel Smith & Jessika Hay Race Secretary & Assistant Race Secretary GEAR REPORT Hi all, Another busy season for 214-15 for patrol members and all of the rescue gear. The gear copped an absolute beating last season; unfortunately it wasn’t through day to day patrol use, rescues and training etc. Most of the gear has been damaged through mistreatment with gear falling off the patrol cart during transport and being run over and gear not being washed down properly after use. Patrol captains are saying to me ‘yes we wash the gear down every week after patrol’ this may be the case but it’s not good enough. This has not just been Garie members, and was prominent in particular during the January period. The Patrol Cart, IRBs & ATV are left with sand through them. The patrol cart needs to be stripped down, hosed off and repacked and then put away, the same with the other gear. I won’t go into detail about the RHINO (old ATV). Everyone knows about that. We took delivery of the new ATV just before Easter thanks to Jayson our new outboard motor mechanic helped out on Garies behalf to acquire a brand new Can Am ATV in which Garie contributed half of the cost with the remainder supported through grants. Well done. I would like to thank Paul Wilson ‘STIFF’ for organising the transport of the new ATV and storing in his factory while it was bought up to SLSA specs. Well done stiff. We received a $2000 donation for the sale of the old Rhino, not bad when it was written off for patrol duties. Only two years old and rusted to bits. 4 rescue boards will be retired off this season as they are the older glass boards and have seen a lot of hard work. We will still have more than enough boards for patrol use. We are now down to only one soft rescue board and I’m looking at the possibility of purchasing 2 new bennet soft rescue boards. These I believe are much better than the dolphin boards we currently use and are also cheaper. Our equipment is critical to our operation and it is expensive – we all need to play our part in ensuring it is maintained Paul Cootes CHIEF GEAR OFFICER CARNIVAL REPORT The Annual Garie Dash began on a rainy, blustery Sunday 16th Nov 2014. Setting up in bad conditions is always a nightmare, but it’s worse when Dave Dillon is helping. Thanks to Terry Watters for bringing the branch gear. There must have been a slight lapse of communication on my behalf, so when Mr Watters arrived with the carnival gear, he had the stipulated lump hammer, but no official tent was with it :( I ran a quick scenario, and could picture the surf boat referee strangling me where I stood. So the decision was whether to have a meltdown, or get another tent quick! Thanks must go to Bundeena RFS for the loan of their tent, and sandbags to hold it down in the large gusts. As we were now rushed for time I vaguely remember a couple of nipper dads, who saw we were under the gun and came up the beach to offer assistance. Sorry can’t remember your names, but big thanks guys, you helped us catch up. Soon, as is always the way, the bloody sun came out, the rain and wind stopped and the carnival was underway for its 17th season....on time. This year’s carnival attracted 38 crews with a couple of stragglers, which I’m glad to report is a very healthy turnout. We had good support from members, Life members Rita Taylor and David Hoffmann, who have never missed a year. Terry Watters for the gear and First Aid coverage. Thanks also to Craig and Cath Lacey for their assistance, Scott and Annie Bretho, you were a great help when sorting the prawns for the raffle. Brad Taylor for the radios, The Hays as always. Dave Dillon for line support and staying away from the official’s tent. The Dash could never run without BIG help from other sources. Thank you to Surf Lifesaving Sydney, especially the girls in the office. SLS Gear officer Peter Burst, who makes sure our competition area is "ship-shape" Kane Hughes and North Cronulla Irb crew, Ron Hammond, Surf boat referee (Nth Cron) Don Workman, Surf boat legend & line judge (Nth Cron) Mick Brannock, Race starter (Wanda) Joan Vaughan, race recorder (Burning Palms) Bruce Jarvis, line judge, beer drinker(Burning Palms). As a footnote to this report, the sponsor of the event Bundeena RSL, were impacted by a devastating fire in February this year. I was seriously looking at cancelling this year’s event, but on hearing this RSL have contacted me and have offered to host this years after carnival at an alternative venue. So the signs are looking very positive. I hope to see some new eager faces in the support team, but I fear the prawn sorting job has been taken. Pat Dillon CARNIVAL ORGANISER YOUTH EXCHANGE QLD Garie Groms Youth Exchange to Broadbeach SLSC Firstly, on behalf of all members of the Garie Grom’s, I would like to send sincere thanks to all those individuals who made this youth exchange possible between Broadbeach SLSC, and Garie SLSC. If it wasn’t for your hard work, compassion, perseverance, and patience, this wouldn’t have been as successful as it was. Day 1 THE Grom’s were off to an early start with a 05:45am meeting time for a 07:00am departure, at Sydney Domestic Airport on the 15/01/2015. For most, this had been the earliest time these kids have been up over this holiday period. Kudos to no one being late! This punctuality set the tone for a successful exchange over the next 5 days. As we arrived at Gold Coast Airport, we were extremely fortunate to be chaperoned by Bonnie Rogers (Youth Advisor of Broadbeach SLSC), and Joe (Caretaker of Broadbeach SLSC) from the Airport to Broadbeach, where we would be residing until the 20/01/15. I would personally like to extend my thanks to Burleigh Heads SLSC, for lending us their club bus for the duration of our stay in QLD at no cost; we greatly appreciate your generosity. Upon arrival at Broadbeach SLSC, we were joined by some of the youth members of Broadbeach for the exchange program, orientated to the club, and separated into our designated male and female dorms. Shortly after, we were all in the water (beautiful coast!) trying to get out of the heat, and 99% humidity. In the afternoon, the Grom’s walked to Kurrawa SLSC to join in a training session. We were extremely fortunate to meet Ky Hurst, with a couple of the Grom’s heading out on boards with Ky for some training in the surf; what a wonderful experience for the Grom’s. Thank you Kurrawa for allowing us to participate. Day 2 was filled with various action-packed activities; including water safety at the Little Lifesavers Program at Tallebudgera Creek, a visit to Surfcom Gold Coast, Carrara Westpac Helicopter Lifesaver Base, and Aquasplash. It was impressive to see just how much the Little Lifesavers learnt in one week, their skills were very good. Firstly, I would like to say a special thanks to Nathan Fife for organizing a visit, and orientation to Surfcom and Lifesaver Helicopter Base, despite his busy schedule. As many of the groms had not been to a Helicopter Base, or Surfcom, it was a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, and expose them to the diversity, and intricacies of Lifesaving Support Operations. In addition, sparking an interest for most in Support Operations in the near future. To end Day 2, the groms attended Aquasplash; a water park, very much like a jumping castle obstacle course situated in Southport, QLD. This was a fun-filled activity, with plenty of GoPro footage and quality banter following the activity. Thank you Annie, and Bonnie for making this possi Day 3 involved a walk to Mermaid Beach to spectate at a Branch Carnival, and an afternoon Patrol at Broadbeach SLSC. For many of the Grom’s, they have not witnessed a Branch Carnival in full stride. This was a wonderful opportunity to see quality competition at a beautiful beach, and ask questions about getting involved, and the requirements for competing. Thanks Bonnie for your knowledge regarding these questions. Thank you Broadbeach SLSC for allowing us to participate, and boost your patrolling numbers for the afternoon patrol. The feedback from the Grom’s regarding this patrol was very positive. One of the Grom’s highlighted to me that “it’s great patrolling at another beach, especially a big and popular beach, as you get to see the way patrols manage bigger crowds and water safety…I still miss Garie though”. This feedback is a great illustration of the significance of Patrol swaps. Day 4 was a more relaxed day with the Grom’s assisting with water safety for Broadbeach Nipper’s in the morning, and an afternoon swim with dinner in Coolangatta, QLD. It was a beautiful day with calm surf, enabling water events to be run, giving the Grom’s plenty of time in the water assisting the Nipper’s with their water based activities. Thank you Grom’s for your ongoing professionalism and support throughout the Exchange thus far; I received wonderful feedback from the Nipper’s Captain regarding your assistance. The afternoon consisted of a nice recreational swim at Coolangatta beach to end the day, well deserved. Thank you Joe for driving us to Coolangatta. Day 5 was a day for the youth to enjoy, with a day trip planned to Dreamworld, and WhiteWater World. The Grom’s, and Broadbeach youth thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thank you Bonnie, Annie, and Joe for making this day possible. Our final day, Day 6; everyone was exhausted, yet did a fantastic job tidying up and leaving Broadbeach SLSC as they found it on day 1. Joe chaperoned us back to Gold Coast Airport, Thank you. Upon arrival, our flight was delayed returning to Sydney due to the weather in the Gold Coast, but we boarded eventually, and touched down safely. Thank you to all the parents for your patience regarding our flight delays. I would sincerely like to thank the Grom’s for their willingness to get involved in the activities planned, for being interested, and for their hard work, and dedication prior to this exchange commencing. You should all be very proud of yourselves, and I hope you all took something home with you from this exchange. I speak for Bonnie, Annie, and myself when I say, it was a pleasure spending the week with each and every one of you. Keep up the good work! Last, but certainly not least a special thank you to Mark Forland & Fast Track Communications for sponsoring our Youth Exchange Program to Broadbeach, without which none of this would have been possible. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES SINCE FOUNDATION YEAR 1938/39 1939/40 1940/41 PRESIDENT A. Joel A. Joel A. Joel CAPTAIN W. McKenzie W. McKenzie J. Waugh 1941/42 A. Joel J. Waugh SECRETARY T. Hoffmann J. Makinson J. Makinson* A. Walker* R. Furlonger DISBANDED – DURING WORLD WAR 2 1946/47 A. Glass H. Crooks T. Hoffmann* F. Hoffmann* 1947/48 A. Glass H. Crooks F. Hoffmann 1948/49 A. Glass V. Cooper* L. Ford H. Crooks* 1949/50 A. Glass H. Crooks* L. Ford P. Duncan* 1950/51 A. Glass P. Duncan L. Ford 1951/52 H. Crooks J. Byrne L. Ford 1952/53 H. Crooks O. Hailey C. Robinson 1953/54 L. Ford F. Hoffmann J. Hancock 1954/55 L. Ford C. McElroy O. Hailey 1955/56 L. Ford R. Hoffmann O. Hailey TREASURER S. Moloney S. Moloney R. Cleaver CHIEF INSTRUCTOR 1st 4 years - NO CLUB POSITION F.Grainger R. Gardner L. Ford T. Cahill R. Cleaver L. Ford B. Alfred* H. Crooks* B. Tate R. Cleaver D. Stewart D. Stewart D. Stewart W. Winzer L. Ford L. Ford R. Hoffmann R. Hoffmann R. Hoffmann R. Hoffmann R. Hoffmann K. Midson K. Midson D. Midson D. Midson* M. Bent* K. Midson M. Bent* D. Midson* K. Midson D. Midson K. Midson D. Midson L. Fernley D. Midson R. McDermott D. Midson R. McDermott B. Menogue J. Quinn B. Menogue B. McKirdy B. Menogue B. McKirdy B. Menogue B. Menogue H. Bretherton B. Tate O. Hailey C. McElroy C. McElroy K. Barkley C. McElroy* K. Barkley* R. Hoffmann* R. Glasson* K. Midson* B. Paton* B. Menogue* B. Menogue B. Menogue S. Donoghue J. Quinn J. Quinn J. Quinn K. Midson K. Midson K. Midson T. Lane T. Lane 1970/71 1971/72 K. Midson K. Midson S. Corney R. Ford T. Lane T. Bresnan 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 W. Tapp J. Quinn J. Quinn R. Ford W. Winzer W. Winzer B. McKirdy B. McKirdy B. McKirdy K. Tukacs N. Baker G. Keep 1975/76 J. Quinn R. Ford G. Dawkins T. Lane* N. Cooper* N. Cooper G. Hough G. Hough* N. Cooper* P. Griffiths W. Winzer W. Winzer W. Winzer W. Winzer W. Winzer M. Fernley H. Bretherton H. Bretherton G. Hough* A. Darouti* W. Taylor W. Taylor B. McKirdy 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 N. Cooper N. Cooper N. Cooper W. Tapp W. Tapp W. Tapp R. Law R. Law R. Law J. Quinn J. Quinn J. Quinn G. Keep* W. Daley* G. Eslick G. Bowley N. Eades 1956/57 L. Ford R. Hoffmann 1957/58 L. Ford R. Hoffmann 1958/59 1959/60 L. Ford L. Ford R. Hoffmann R. Hoffmann 1960/61 L. Ford 1961/62 1962/63 1963/64 1964/65 1965/66 1966/67 1967/68 1968/69 1969/70 B. Menogue* D. Midson* D. Midson C. Robinson D. Stewart D. Stewart D. Stewart D. Stewart D. Stewart D. Stewart D. Stewart YEAR PRESIDENT CAPTAIN SECRETARY TREASURER CHIEF TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 1979/80 1980/81 N. Cooper N. Cooper C. Lloyd R. Ford R. Law W. Tapp A. Taylor A. Taylor 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 W. Tapp W. Tapp W. Tapp W. Tapp I. Ross B. Taylor R. Ford B. Taylor B. Taylor B. Taylor B. Taylor G. Baillie L. Curtis B. Plummer B. Plummer B. Plummer B. Plummer B. Plummer A. Taylor A. Taylor A. Taylor A. Taylor A. Taylor S. McIntyre 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 L. Ford L. Ford L. Ford B. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor C. Douglas C. Douglas S. McIntyre* M. Bretherton* D. Wilms 1990/91 M. Bretherton M. Bretherton B. Taylor* T. Blackmore* T. Blackmore D. Cross 1991/92 M. Bretherton D. Cross 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 M. Bretherton vacant A. Taylor A. Graham A. Taylor A. Graham A. Taylor A. Graham A. Taylor D. Dillon A. Taylor D. Dillon A. Taylor D. Dillon A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor A. Taylor B. Taylor M. Byrne B. Taylor M. Byrne B. Taylor M. Byrne A. Farquhar B. Taylor A. Farquhar B. Taylor A. Farquhar B. Taylor A. Farquhar C.Lacey A,Farquhar C.Lacey A.Farquhar C. Lloyd* A. Fenton* A. Fenton* B. Taylor* R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor R. Taylor M. Bretherton M.Bretherton *DENOTES POSITION HELD FOR PART OF SEASON D. Wilms N. Taylor N. Taylor B. Plummer B. Plummer B. Plummer B. Plummer B. Plummer P. Dillon P. Dillon P. Dillon P. Dillon P. Dillon P. Dillon P. Dillon N. Taylor L. White L. White L. White L. White B. Elton B. Elton B. Elton B.Elton J.A.C. M. Bretherton M. Bretherton* A. Taylor* B. Taylor P. Sullivan P. Sullivan P. Sullivan P. Sullivan D. Cross* M. Bretherton* G. Varidel B. Taylor D. Cross D. Cross* J. Fahey* J. Fahey J. Hodsdon I. Mirabito I. Mirabito P. Greaves* P. Greaves P. Greaves M. Bretherton M. Bretherton M. Bretherton M. Bretherton M. Baker M. Baker K. Hunt Vacant P. Levy A. Hill A. Hill J. Hardman J. Hardman J. Hardman J. Hardman J. Hardman J.Hardman * M.Hodsdon* S.Rofe* B. McCann C. Lacey C. Lacey D.Birchall D.Birchall