ffi ,ffi STATTON OB'ECTTVES The children will have an opportunity to * hear the story of Mary of Bethany anointtng Jesus to show her love for hlm: * identi& Mary as the slster of Martha and lzzarusi * explore ways of offertng worshtp to God. STATION SETUP Cut pictures of feet and halr from magazines. Check with a hair salon for halrstyle magazines. Mount the pictures on purple paper to reinforce the use of purple as the liturgical color of Ifnt. Frame the doorway wtth images of halr and feet, or use the pictures around the room. , Be sure that each leader and shepherd has a copy of the Maln ldea, Objectives, Bible Story, Bible Background, Check Your Facts, About the Children, and Shepherd Tips (pages 3-6). These photocopies may have been handed out at the Staff Meeting. Mrry of BGthE Alolrt! J6u Pmisslon gmt€d to phorospy for slngle locar church usc. @200,6Ablngd@ r'ca. Resources pages 3-6 fupplies piclures olhair leetlrom and/or magazines glu€ stick purple paper lacl hpeorsticky WANT TO DO MORE? Supplies pol crock 5 wholecinnamon sticks Y{cupcloves pieces several ol peel orange 2-3cupswaler optional:dded potpourfi, small 00wts To add a subtle fragranceto the room. combine the ingredients listed as supplies to make a simple simmering potpourri. Place the ingredientsin a crock pot. Bring the mixture to a simmer; then reduce lt to the lowest setting. Be sure to put the crock pot in a safe place and caution the children not to touch it. Option: eU"" bowls of dried potpourri around the room to add "-.ll addittonal frasrance. SAFETV CHECK The church should be a place of security-a place where children can count on things and peoplebeing reliable. Shepherdsshould know the whereaboutsof every child in the shepherd'sgroup, and they should know where to reach a parent in case of an emergency. l Check for allergiesto any materials being used. Encouragethe children to handle art supplies and tools senslbly. Resources Bibles Supplies (availab alabasler e lromwwwenasco. com anosrcne caruing suppliers) small basket gourd BTBLESTORY (5-lO mlnutes) Show the children where the story is found in the Bible. John l2il-8. Tell the story like this: lrng ago, in Jesus'day, peoplecarried their food ln baskets instead of paper and plasttc bags. They used gourds to make cups and bowls, and they kept oils and perfumes in alabaster Jars rather than in glass bottles. (Shou the chtldren the aldbdster aftd the gourd, Pass them dround the circle.) One ofJesus' friends, named Mary, had an alabasterbottle. Inside that bottle was precious perfume. It had been made from nard. a plant tiat grows in the Himalayan mountains of India. a land very far from Bethany where Mary llved. The Jar of perfume may have been in Mary's family for many years, savedfor a special occasion. One day, not long beforehis death, Jesus came to Bethany to !'isit Mary, her sister Martha, and theii brother Lazarus. They had a specialdinner in Jesus' honor. [n those days peoplewashed their feet when they went to someones home for a meal, and wealtiy hosts often offered perfumed oil for their feet as well. Mary knew this was the rieht time to use her family's special oil. She got out the alabasterJar, broke it open, and poured the perfume on Jesus' feet. The wonderful smell of the perfume fflled the whole house. Mary then took down her long hair and u/iped Jesus' feet with her halr. P.rr stm gtut d 1o photmopy for sligle ltral church u*. O 2006 Abiigdon PreS. r'oftrxpEl@ Bthl. hFdc!@ Shljo!.@ Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, became angry! ."That perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor!" he said. But Jesus told Judas to leave Maiy a_lone."She has done a good thing." Jesus said. "You will not have me witi you forever; the poor will be with you always. Jesus also said that Mary was preparing his body for burial. The disciples did not understand, but Jesus knew that he would die soon. When someone died, the body was anointed with perfume aIrd spices and wiapped in cloth. Jesus was thaildul for the kind deed that Mary did for him. Loveoneanolher ... ouldooneanother inshowing honor. (Romans 12:10) Pf y: .1.".,", today we come to explorea srory about you. You did so many wonderful things for people,and Mary found a way to do something kind lor you. Help us lind ways to show kindness to others. We know that when we show love to others we are shoMng love to you. Amen. 0ptiOn fOr 0lder Children:showthechildren howto nndJohn l2:l-8 tn t}le Bible. Readthe story out loud. As the unit progresses, have the children tell the story back to you. Then read lt out loud again to seeif they left out an)rthingor mlsunderstoodany pan of the slory. Note Resources and websites y areconstanl changing. Che* lorupdales thatmay helpyouinplanning. ACTIVTTY OPTIOIUS (45-50 minutes) Choosefrom the suggestedacti\,'iuesas your time and the children.s interests allow. ForAllAges Decoroted Perfune Bottles Prepare Cover tables wlth newspapers.Water down glue to a paintable consistency,approximatelytwo parts glue to one part .water. WiththeChildren Invlte children to select several colors of tissue paper and a small botde. ForYounger Children The children can tear each piece of paper into small pieces. Have them paint a coat of glue over a section of the botfle and press the ttssue paper pleces into tie glue. Continue rvorldng un l the entire botde ls covered. Have rhe children paint a llnal coal of glue over the entjre bortle. If desired, sprinkle glitter over tl.e surface while the {lue is wet. M.ry of B.thDy arobt. .r€.u p€rilsston granred lo phoro.oFy tor slngle tocal chur.h u*. O 2006 Abhgdon rh€$, Supplies newspapers g!e water smallconlainers lor g !e watered.down smallglass botlles withcaps orcorks (available lrom or craflstores, oruse recycled botlles) paper tissue in severalc0brs oldpaintbrushes, oneforeachchild glitter oplional: optionaL lavender scented babyoil (lound inlhebaby caresection ol grocery ano0ru9 slorcs) Adaotation for OlderChildren Talklip Have the children cover the entte surface of the bottle as descriibed for younger children, but usingjust one color of tissue paper. Irt the children cut out shapes from other colors of tissue and decoupage these shapesto create patterns on top of tie base color Nard, anoinlment made lromanaromatic herb, waskeplin alabaslerjars. Alabaslef isa soit, bealtilulslone that resembles marble. option: no.r. u small amount of baby oil into each child's botfle. Be sure to seal the bottles tightly. Baby oil is very soothing for dry skin, Help the children think of someone to whom they can glve their bottles of oil: a mother, grandmother,or someonewho is homebound. ForAllAges Potpourri Art Supplies newsptnl0r markeboard marker papern oeep, neavy richcolors pencils grue polpourrl whole cloves gr0un0 sprces smallbowls lof potpourri and spices Have the children brainstorm short phrases that express the meaning of the story of Mary anointing Jesus. To get them started, suggest "serve God." Other phrasescould be "show love,""be ktnd hearted,"and "sacrifice."Recordthe phrases on newsprint or a markerboard where they can be easlly seen by the children. Cive each chtld a piece of hea\,ypaper and a pencil. Have each child chooseone of the phrases or words to u,'rlte.Encouragethem to write in large letters, filling the paper. Block letters will work best. Irt the children create a fragfant collageby coveringone letter at a time with glue and then decoratingeach letter with spices,cloves,and piecesof potpourri. Aski now does what you added to each letter add to the meaning? How does vour art work smell? What does the scent add? Supplies I avofing extraclsl vanilla, orange, peppermint, emon liquid water color paints (available fromDiscounl SchoolSuppy, 800627-2829 or www.discountschool paper watercolor palettes ormuiiin lins paintbrushes cups rcrwaler paint shirls ForAllAges Scented Artwork Prepare Mix a few drops of extract into each watercolor paint. t/ith the Children Invite the children to paint a simple picture concentratingon just one aspect of the story. The picture might be the oil pouring from the jar, Mary's hair, Jesus' feet, or someone'sface. Askl what emotion would Mary show? Jesus? Judas? When the pictures are completed, ask each child to share his or her work and talk a bit about it. As the children work, ask them how the scented paints affect them. Do they like the scents? Do the scents remind them of an]'thing? P€nrx$lon grmted 10 phorocopy lor sjngre local church u*. O 2006 Abingdon press. I,o*.xp."$!@ Btbl. E:p.rtcDce Sta oDs@ ForYoungerChildren Supplies lovely Feet barypor,/der Sitli Feetare not usually thought of as very pretty parts of the bodyl They have to work hard all day. In Jesus' day feet had to work especia.ltyhard. There were no cars or bicycles. People walked eve4rwhere they went. when they entered someone's home. they were offered a bowl of water and a towel so they could wash their grimy feet. When Jesus came to eat with Mary, Mar-tha, and I-azaius, Mary did a ktnd thing for him. She washed his feet with perfumed oil. Like Mary, we aie gotng to be ldnd to each other's feet today. We are not golng to wash each other's feet. but we are going to decoratetheml Have the children removetheir socks and shoes,Next, have the children powder their feet. Working in palrs, have the chlldren use washablemarkers to decorate the tops of each other's feet. linelipwashable markers bastn soap 'daler towels Optional:camefa Tip Talk Howdidit leeltohave your beaulify someone feet?Howdoyouthink Jesus feltwhenlt4ary putperlume onhisfeet anddried lh€mwilh herhair? When they have nnished, gather the children ln a circle to let everyone seethe beautiful feet. Providewater, soap, and towels for any children who may want to wash the decoratlonsfrom their own feet. Upt'lOhl Take photos of everyones decoratedfeett fupplies ForOlderChildren dawngpaper poncils colored linelipmarkers pencils Outside the lines Passout paper, coloredpencils, and markers. Have each child draw a foot or a pair of feet, The image needs to ftll the paper. The acti\,'ity ndll work best if children draw from an overhead perspecuve looking down at the foot. You may rvant to allow them to take off their shoes. so that they can draw thelr own feet. Next. have each child . fold his or her paper in halfand creaseit well: . fold the paper in half agatn, and creasewell again; . fold one more tlme: . open the paper and smooth il out. Invite the children to begtn coloring the design. Whenever they get to a fold line, they must change colors,The results will be $'ild and colorfull Urt of E ti.ry rnotrt ttou P.rmrs,on gE .d ro photaopy lor 3riele la.l chur.h u*- O 2m6 AbinEdm lrrcs- TalkTip mayhavetold People youtocolor inside the people lines. Bulsome donollikelocolor inside thelinss! ln whalways didMary 'color outside the lines'when she washed anddried Jesus'ieel? ForOlderChildren Resources Henri rri Mertisse-Inspired Gut.Poper Art Henril\,,latisse's Jazz (avaihble icarus al wwwallposters.C0m, S y: a" tfr" French artlst Henri Matisse (1869-1954)grew older, he orina books) had to use a wheelchalr.He found it difficult to paint, so he turned to cut-paper ait. He never expectedto becomefamous for these images:he Just wanted to contrnueto createt 18x 11artpaper in ava elyofcolors Show the children Jazz Icarus. With just three basic shapes-a ligure, paper lor colored some star bursts. and a circle-Matlsse createdan lmpresslon of cutling movementand enerAr. Point out that the shapes aie not realistic. scissors glue Invite each child to choosethree colors of paper. Uslng these three colors, have them cut out shapesthat remind them of the story of Mary of Bethany. Challengethem to try using just three shapes, Supplies Talk Tip They should not draw the shapesbefore cutting. lf they are anxlous about this, take them back to Matlsse'slma€esand show them how abstract they are. Instead ofgiving up when hecould n0 painl, longer [,4atisse tooka isktotry somelhing newPeople mighlhavelaughed al hiscut-paper art,bul inslead theyloved il! HowdidMarylakea risk?Whaldid shegain fromlaking lhisrisk? Avoid gfidng too much direction: allow children the creati!'ity to imaginewhat shapes they see in the story, Somemay imagine the perfumejar; others may think of feet or hair. llOte: yoll may want to use another story as an exampleto get their thinking started. For example,the story ofJesus' birth might inspire stars, a shepherd'scrook. and angel wings. Encouragethe children to create simDleshaDes. *f*$*,Eg**s-*;*"* going Lo 6"" r today, I am other as to love each how us fhow ' ?rayer: llrth Close "::1$:"J:' Supplies scenled markets *i,,l+H'*"jl-#**"*'+'$lon ltdt d to photoopy for shgle locat church Ec. o 2006 al,tngdon r}6s. Pogdxr| BtbL E:trrl@c. st ttonr@