(Mak) A dissertation submitted to the school of graduate studies in
(Mak) A dissertation submitted to the school of graduate studies in
MAKERERE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY The reliability of broadcast equipment as a factor affecting the profitability of TV stations in Uganda BY ENG. Nicholas Ssemujju. BSC (ENG) (Mak) A dissertation submitted to the school of graduate studies in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree Of Master OF Engineering of Makerere University JULY 2010 DECLARATION 1 I Nicholas Ssemujju declare that this piece of work is my original effort and has never been submitted to any institution known to me for any award. All pieces of work that are not my original effort contained herein have been duly referenced and mention of authors or origin made accordingly. Signed________________ Date _________________ 2 APPROVAL Supervisor 1 The following research report by Nicholas Ssemujju, which has been made under my supervision, has been submitted to the School of Graduate Studies with my approval. Name_________________ Sign__________________ Date__________________ Supervisor 2 The following research report by Nicholas Ssemujju, which has been made under my supervision, has been submitted to the School of Graduate Studies with my approval. Name_________________ Sign__________________ Date__________________ 3 Nicholas Ssemujju 2010 4 DEDICATION Dedicated to Catherine Olive Ssemujju 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. E. Lugujjo and Dr. J.K. Byaruhanga for the guidance given to me during the conducting of this research and writing of this report. I would also like to thank all staff of UTV and WBS TV who assisted me in the acquisition of data. Special mention in this regard goes to Mr. Kazooba (WBS), Mr Nankunda (WBS) , Mr Patrick Sembajjo (WBS) , Mr Ahmed Senabulya (WBS) and Mr. Francis Kakwenda (UTV). 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION................................................................................................................................ 1 APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................... 3 DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................... 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................. 6 LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................... 12 LIST OF SYMBOLS ....................................................................................................................... 13 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... 14 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 16 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 16 1.2 Maintenance Regimes ........................................................................................................ 22 1.3 The Relationship Between Maintenance, Reliability and Profitability ............................. 23 1.4 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................... 24 1.5 General Objective .............................................................................................................. 25 1.6 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................ 25 1.7 Significance of the Problem ............................................................................................... 26 1.8 Scope of Research .............................................................................................................. 28 1.9 Choice of TV stations ........................................................................................................ 28 1.11 Statement of Hypothesis .................................................................................................... 29 1.11.1 Alternative hypothesis: .............................................................................................. 29 1.11.2 Null hypothesis: ........................................................................................................ 29 1.12 Assumptions....................................................................................................................... 29 1.13 Research Questions ............................................................................................................ 30 1.14 Limitations ......................................................................................................................... 31 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..................................................................................... 32 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 32 2.2 The Development of Maintenance Records:...................................................................... 32 2.2.1 Definition of Reliability ................................................................................................. 38 2.2.2 Definition of observed failure rate: ................................................................................ 39 2.2.3 Definition of the observed mean time between failures: ............................................... 39 2.2.4 Inter relationship of terms: ............................................................................................. 39 2.3 Factors that Affect Equipment Reliability ........................................................................ 40 2.4 Condition Based Maintenance ........................................................................................... 41 2.5 Research on Reliability of TV Studio Broadcast Equipment ............................................ 42 2.6 Methods of Analysis of Failure Data ................................................................................. 43 2.6.1 Pareto Analysis .............................................................................................................. 43 2.6.2 The Chi Square Test......................................................................................................... 45 2.6.3 Two tailed t distribution ................................................................................................... 45 2.8 The Gap.............................................................................................................................. 47 2.9 Overview of Uganda Television ........................................................................................ 47 2.10 Overview of WBS TV ....................................................................................................... 50 2.11 Spares Purchase Policies .................................................................................................... 51 2.12 Recent Developments in Television Broadcasting Technology ...................................... 52 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 54 3.1 Study Area ......................................................................................................................... 54 3.2 Choice of Sampling Elements in UTV .............................................................................. 54 7 3.2.1 Video Tape Recorders: .................................................................................................. 54 3.2.2 Video Monitors: ............................................................................................................. 54 3.2.3 Video Cameras:.............................................................................................................. 55 3.3 Choice of Sampling Elements in WBS TV........................................................................ 55 3.4 Research Instruments ......................................................................................................... 56 3.4.1 Job Cards:....................................................................................................................... 56 3.4.2 Questionnaire: ................................................................................................................ 57 3.4.3 Spares Parts lists: ........................................................................................................... 57 3.4.4 Interviews:...................................................................................................................... 57 3.5 Methods of Data Gathering in UTV .................................................................................. 58 3.6 Methods of Data Gathering in WBS TV............................................................................ 58 3.7 Purpose of Collecting Data from Workshop Job cards and Questionnaires ...................... 59 3.8 Collection of Data from Equipment Catalogues and Manuals .......................................... 60 3.9 Collection of data from available documents and interviews ............................................ 60 PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ................................................... 61 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 61 4.2 Challenges of Maintenance in UTV .................................................................................. 61 4.3 UTV Central Workshop ..................................................................................................... 62 4.4 Maintenance Documentation ............................................................................................. 63 4.5 Workshop Equipment Inventory ........................................................................................ 66 4.6 Maintenance Evaluation and Costing ................................................................................ 66 4.7 Maintenance Strategies and Forms .................................................................................... 66 4.8 Engineering Stores Management ....................................................................................... 66 4.8.1 Entering items in store ................................................................................................... 66 4.8.2 Storage locations ............................................................................................................ 67 4.8.3 Issuing of items from the store....................................................................................... 68 4.9 Challenges of Maintenance in WBS TV ............................................................................ 68 4.10 Costs of Equipment failure ................................................................................................ 72 4.11 Tabulation of Data Obtained in UTV ................................................................................ 72 4.11.1 Mean Time Between Failure as a Reliability Parameter ........................................... 73 4.11.2 Cost of Spares per Machine per Year as a Maintenance Cost Parameter .................. 74 4.11.3 Frequency of Replacement of Identical Spare Parts as a Maintenance Cost Parameter . 75 4.12 Summary of Raw data from UTV ...................................................................................... 75 4.13 Tabulation of Data Obtained from WBS TV ..................................................................... 78 4.13.1 Mean Time between Failure as a Reliability Parameter ............................................ 79 4.13.2 Cost of Spares per Machine per Year as a Maintenance Cost Parameter. ................. 79 4.14 Summary of Raw data from WBS TV ............................................................................... 80 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 84 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 84 5.2 Comparison of the UTV and WBS TV Maintenance Models ........................................... 84 5.3 Calculation of MTBF and Cost of spares per machine ...................................................... 86 5.3.1 Statistical Treatment of Data Obtained from UTV ........................................................ 86 5.3.2 Calculation of Equipment Hours of Use per Day in UTV ............................................. 89 5.3.3 Statistical Treatment of Data Obtained from WBS TV ..................................................... 89 5.4 Comparison of wages for maintenance staff between UTV and WBS .............................. 93 5.5 Graphical representation of MTBF and maintenance costs in UTV and WBS ................. 93 5.6 Pareto Analysis .................................................................................................................. 95 8 5.6.1 Graphical Representation of Results of Pareto Analysis ............................................... 97 5.7 The cost of spares versus frequency of maintenance ......................................................... 99 5.8 Testing of hypothesis ....................................................................................................... 101 5.8.1 Alternative hypothesis ................................................................................................. 101 5.8.2 Null hypothesis ............................................................................................................ 101 5.8.3 Testing hypothesis for the case of video tape recorders in UTV ................................. 101 5.8.4 Testing hypothesis for the case of video monitors in UTV ......................................... 102 5.8.5 Testing hypothesis for the case of video cameras in UTV .......................................... 102 5.8.6 Testing hypothesis for the case of videotape recorders in WBS ................................. 103 5.8.7 Testing hypothesis for the case of video monitors in WBS ......................................... 103 5.8.8 Testing hypothesis for the case of video cameras in WBS .......................................... 104 5.9 Research Questions Answered ......................................................................................... 104 5.9.1 Research question 1 ..................................................................................................... 104 5.9.2 Research question 2 ..................................................................................................... 105 5.9.3 Research question 3 ..................................................................................................... 108 5.9.4 Research question 4 ..................................................................................................... 110 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 112 6.1 Restatement of the Problem ............................................................................................. 112 6.2 Description of Procedures ................................................................................................ 112 6.3 Major Findings ................................................................................................................. 113 6.4 Contribution of the thesis to the field of engineering ...................................................... 114 6.5 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 114 6.6 Recommendations for Further Investigation ................................................................... 115 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................................... 117 9 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Equipment reliability as a central factor from the point of view of the television owner, the advertiser, the viewer and the station employees. ...................................................................................................................... 22 Table 4.1: Data for video cameras in UTV ................................................................................................................ 75 Table 4.2: Data for video tape recorders in UTV (Part 1) .......................................................................................... 76 Table 4.3: Data for video tape recorders in UTV (Part 2) ......................................................................................... 77 Table 4.4: Data for video monitors in UTV ............................................................................................................... 78 Table 4.5: Data for video tape recorders in WBS TV ............................................................................................... 80 Table 4.6: Data for video tape recorders in WBS TV (Part 2) .................................................................................. 80 Table 4.6: Data for video tape recorders in WBS TV (Part 3) .................................................................................. 81 Table 4.7: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 1) .......................................................................................... 81 Table 4.8: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 2) .......................................................................................... 82 Table 4.9: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 3) .......................................................................................... 82 Table 4.10: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 4)........................................................................................... 83 Table 4.11: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 5) ..................................................................................... 83 Table 5.1 Summary of the UTV and WBS maintenance models .............................................................................. 86 Table 5.2 Time between failures (TBF) for 12 video tape recorders for every failure occurrence ........................... 87 Table 5.3 Results of descriptive analysis for values of Time Between failures (TBF) for video tape recorders ..... 87 Table 5.4 Spares used per video tape recorder per year (USD) ................................................................................ 87 Table 5.5 Results of descriptive analysis for cost of spares used per video tape recorder per year .......................... 88 Table 5.6 Time between failures (TBF) for 4 video monitors for every failure occurrence (days) ......................... 88 Table 5.7 Results of descriptive analysis for video monitors: .................................................................................. 88 Table 5.8 Cost of spares used per monitor per year (USD) ...................................................................................... 88 Table 5.9 Descriptive analysis(spares used per monitor per year) ............................................................................ 88 Table 5.10 Calculation of equipment hours of use per day in UTV. ...................................................................... 89 Table 5.11 Summary of results from UTV ........................................................................................................... 89 Table 5.12 TBF values for video tape recorders in WBS (hours) ........................................................................ 90 Table 5.14 TBF values for video monitors in WBS(hours) ................................................................................. 90 Table 5.16 TBF values for video cameras (hours) ................................................................................................. 91 Table 5.18 Cost of spares per year for video tape recorders in WBS (USD) ........................................................ 91 Table 5.21 Summary of results from WBS ............................................................................................................ 93 Table 5.22 Pareto analysis of video tape recorders in UTV .................................................................................. 96 Table 5.23 Pareto analysis of video tape recorders in WBS TV ............................................................................ 96 Table 5.24 Reliability figures from UTV and WBS ........................................................................................... 105 Table 5.25 Most common faults for video tape recorders .................................................................................... 105 Table 5.26 Most common faults for video monitors ............................................................................................ 106 Table 5.27 Most common faults for video cameras ............................................................................................ 107 Table 5.28 Number of days between successive replacements. ........................................................................... 109 Table 5.29 Recommended replacement hours and actual replacement hours in UTV ......................................... 109 10 LIST OF FIGURES Fig.2. Bathtub curve ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Fig.2.2. Wear out curve .................................................................................................................................................... 35 Fig.2.3 No wear out curve .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Fig.2.4 Low infant mortality curve ................................................................................................................................... 36 Fig. 2.5 Random failure curve .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Fig.2.6 High infant mortality curve .................................................................................................................................. 36 Fig. 2.7 Failure rate of electronic components. ............................................................................................................... 37 Fig.2.8 Pareto diagram in form of a histogram .............................................................................................................. 44 Fig.2.9 Pareto diagram in form of a pie chart ................................................................................................................ 44 Fig.2.8 Organisational chart of UTV up to November 2005 ........................................................................................ 49 Fig. 2.9 Organisational chart of WBS TV ....................................................................................................................... 51 Fig.4.2 UTV stores requisition form............................................................................................................................... 63 Fig. 4.1. UTV Stores withdrawal form ............................................................................................................................. 63 Fig. 4.2. UTV Engineering job card ................................................................................................................................. 64 Fig. 4.5 Tabulation of data obtained in UTV ................................................................................................................... 73 Fig. 4.6 Tabulation of data obtained from WBS TV. ...................................................................................................... 78 Fig 5.1 Cost of spares per machine per year (UTV&WBS) ........................................................................................... 94 Fig 5.2 Equipment MTBF (UTV&WBS) ....................................................................................................................... 94 Fig 5.3 Average wages for maintenance staff................................................................................................................. 94 Fig 5.4 Number of defects for video tape recorders in UTV .......................................................................................... 97 Fig 5.5 Cost of spares for video tape recorders in UTV ................................................................................................... 97 Fig. 5.6 Number of defects for video tape recorders in WBS .......................................................................................... 98 Fig 5.7 Cost of spares for video tape recorders in WBS ................................................................................................ 98 11 LIST OF ACRONYMS AC Alternating Current CCD Charge Coupled Device. DC Direct Current EATV East Africa Television. EHT Extra High Tension. HOT Horizontal Output Transistor IC Integrated Circuit LTV Lighthouse Television. MTBF Mean Time Between Failures. OAU Organisation of African Unity. SPSS Statistical Package for Social Scientists TBF Time Between Failures. TTR Time To Repair. UBC Uganda Broadcasting Corporation. UHF Ultra High Frequency. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply. USHS Uganda Shillings. UTV Uganda Television Service. VAT Value Added Tax. VHS Video Home System VTR Video Tape Recorder. WBS Wavah Broadcasting Service. 12 LIST OF SYMBOLS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Failure Rate T Period of observation Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) F Capacitance ( microfarads) o Reference value of MTBF s Sample standard deviation n Sample size x Sample mean 13 ABSTRACT Equipment reliability is a more important issue in Africa because of meagre financial resources and lack of entrepreneurs well versed with the subject. The business entrepreneur is interested in profit, and the issue of equipment reliability, which affects his production output and hence profit needs to be addressed. The research addresses the problems of equipment reliability in TV stations, focusing on television stations in Uganda. The background of private and public television in Uganda is given in the context of equipment reliability versus profit. The objectives of research are stated centring on reliability and justifying the importance of going into the research of equipment reliability in television stations. The development of maintenance records are discussed from a historical perspective culminating in modern day methods of maintenance records gathering and storage. The different types of failure models for equipment are outlined. The interrelationship between reliability, observed failure rate and Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) is mathematically defined. Condition based maintenance as a modern method for reducing maintenance costs is outlined. Reliability figures from studio broadcast equipment are stated. The Pareto, Chi squared and two tailed t distribution methods of failure data analysis are mathematically and graphically described. The contribution of reliability analysis to engineering is outlined. The gap addressed by the research which is the use of questionnaires to generate maintenance records is stated. An overview of UTV and WBS is carried out and recent developments in TV broadcasting technology are outlined. The geographical area where the research was done and time range of data that was collected is outlined. Methods of selection of equipment types that were assessed based on quality and quantity of data that was available are stated. 14 The challenges of maintenance in UTV and WBS are presented. The maintenance procedures and strategies in UTV and WBS are outlined Equipment failure costs are defined. The formats for tabulation of data in WBS and UTV are explained. The Mean Time between Failures and cost of spares per machine per year as reliability parameters in the research are mathematically defined. Finally the data obtained from Job cards in UTV and Questionnaires in WBS together with the calculated reliability and maintenance cost parameters are presented in a tabular form. The UTV and WBS maintenance models are discussed. The MTBF and cost of spares per machine per year for each of the two stations is calculated proving that in both UTV and WBS video tape recorders are the least reliable and most expensive to maintain whereas video monitors are the most reliable and cheapest to maintain. Pareto analysis is carried out for failure rates versus spares costs for video cassette recorders to prove that in the case of UTV 19% of the total number of defects contributed 59% of the total spares cost whereas in WBS 46% of the total number of defects contributed 59% of the total spares cost. The cost of spares is plotted against the frequency of maintenance to determine one cost saving strategy. The hypothesis is tested to with the result that the alternative hypothesis is therefore upheld i.e. „broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are not maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers.‟ Finally research questions on the reliability for each category of equipment in Uganda, equipment purchase criteria, reduction of maintenance costs and ways of increasing broadcast equipment reliability are discussed. The final recommendations are to improve maintenance management in Uganda by including proper specifications in procurement documents, ensuring proper environment of operation for equipment, instilling a maintenance culture in Ugandans, timely decommissioning of equipment, training and proper recruitment of maintenance personnel. 15 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background TV stations all over the world invest a lot of money in the purchase and maintenance of broadcast equipment; In the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) annual report for 2008-2009 [1], programme production and transmission amounted to ¥ 79.9 billion which was 74.2 % of the total expenditure. 587.2 billion was in form of fixed assets . The value of fixed assets increased to ¥ 623.6 billion in 2009-2010 [2]. The increased contribution of fixed assets to the stations investments meant that there was a need to increase the reliability and efficiency of maintenance regimes to keep the assets in a productive condition. The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) annual report for 2006 [3] put the total assets at 3,307.205 billion Rand. 129 million Rand was spent on depreciation and impairment of plant and equipment. This cost may have been reduced by improvement of maintenance strategies hence increased equipment reliability. The Africa media development initiative‟s 2006 Country report for Uganda [4] cited one of the specific challenges faced by the TV sector in Uganda as the huge capital cost for investors wanting to establish TV stations. Berwanger (1987) [5] states that „The technical facilities for a medium- sized television station, however lie somewhere within the range of four to eight million US dollars, and about the same amount is needed for a transmitter network covering at least the urban areas of smaller countries‟ . The cost per unit for television equipment is high for the following reasons: 16 (i) Stringent specifications for broadcast equipment lead to inclusion of expensive components in the production of TV equipment. (ii) Television programme production demands stimulate a high turnover in technological innovations. Customers pay for this high investment in research and development (R&D) through high prices for television broadcast equipment. (iii) The specialized nature of TV programme production and transmission leads to low volumes of production of television broadcast equipment. This means that the fixed manufacturing overheads contribute a large portion of the final cost price. This makes the equipment expensive. (iv) Uganda Revenue Authority levies high importation taxes on broadcast equipment. As an example, one Sony UVW 1800P Betacam editing recorder imported into the country on 1/12/2004 by UTV had an invoice value of 16,380,000/=. It attracted import duty tax amounting to 2,366,364/= and Value added tax (VAT) amounting to 3,084,161/= representing a total of 5,450,525/= or 33.3 % tax. Among the equipment that are critically important in Ugandan TV stations are the ones used in studios for production of TV programs, postproduction and transmission play out. These include cameras, video tape recorders (VTR), video monitors, video mixers, sound mixers, linear and nonlinear editing units, video and audio processing equipment. TV broadcasting in Uganda was a state monopoly until the late 1990‟s when WBS and LTV, as private media players, joined the state run UTV (New Vision, 1999). Among factors that made this possible were the following: (i) Liberalization of the airwaves by government made it possible for private individuals and organizations to be licensed to operate their own TV stations. (ii) There was a realization that TV broadcasting in Uganda was a profitable business. There was hope that equipment purchased would be reliable. This would enable the money 17 invested to be recouped coupled with a reasonable profit. There was also an unsaturated market in television advertising. It was therefore possible to adjust advertising rates (cost price) upwards to cater for programme production, transmission, maintenance, labour costs and other overhead costs. This flexibility of adjustment of cost price was absent in other business sectors, where there would be a risk of losing customers to the competition. (iii) Mushrooming local firms and multinationals brought about the need for promotion of products through advertising, and hence television advertising. (iv) There was a public demand for better quality television services both in terms of programme content and reliability of transmission that could not be offered by the state media. (v) There were individuals, groups and institutions with a political or sectarian agenda seeking to get a share of viewers. An example is the group of born again Christians who invested a lot of money in the setting up of Lighthouse Television (LTV) and Top TV. (vi) Some individuals and companies sought to promote their business by having control over advertising. An example is the promotion of the Wavamunno Empire through advertising on WBS television. Another example is the Mr. Mengi of Tanzania who owns East Africa TV (EATV), PULSE TV, ITV and Channel 10. The overriding motive in all these ventures was profit. Equipment reliability would affect their capacity to generate profit in the following ways: (i) Increased expenditure on maintenance staff wages, spares and purchase of new equipment would lead to a reduction in the profit margin. (ii) They would not be able to give timely service to customers (advertisers) and would therefore lose them. (iii) Production output would be reduced due to a smaller number of equipment in service. 18 (iv) Their image would be tarnished in the eyes of the viewers and advertisers, who would think that they possess unreliable equipment. The advertisers would therefore not approach them or would need to be wooed into doing business with them. Equipment reliability has been low as evidenced by the numerous transmission hitches on the state run UTV but also very visible on the private television stations. There was also a sizable quantity of relatively new equipment lying in the maintenance workshops of private television stations. These firms, as a result, incurred high maintenance costs and indirect costs related to the reduced availability of equipment. The low equipment availability for production work resulted in decreased profits. The first private TV station in Uganda was Cablesat Television. This station was commissioned in 1992 and wound up in 1997. Its constant breakdowns in transmission could be attributed to low equipment reliability. Uganda Television and Radio Uganda in their roles as public broadcasters had their share of equipment reliability problems. Government funding for these institutions continued to dwindle over the years. In 1998/1999 financial year, government funding for UTV and radio Uganda stood at about one billion shillings recurrent expenditure. In 2004/2005 financial years, government funding for UTV and Radio Uganda stood at about 300 million shillings recurrent expenditure. This represented a drop of about 70 percent over a six-year period. In spite of this, UTV and Radio Uganda strived to collect more revenue using meagre resources. For example in 2001/2002 financial year a total of about 468 million shillings was collected and banked with consolidated fund in the Government of Uganda treasury. In contrast a total of about 864 million shillings was collected in financial year 2002/2003(Office of the President, 2003). UTV and radio Uganda had no access to these funds once they were banked and would only depend on the meagre monthly funding from government. Equipment reliability, therefore, became a key issue because of the lack 19 of money to buy spares and new equipment. The equipment in use was generally older and its reliability had a direct bearing on its quality of service. Low reliability of equipment meant low quality service and high reliability of equipment meant high quality service. It is clear that the dwindling government financing for these institutions resulted in low quality service caused by low reliability of equipment. Spanning across the private and public broadcasting sector was the need to study reliability trends of broadcasting equipment in Uganda (Interviews with WBS and UTV management). A study was therefore urgently required to look into the causes of low equipment reliability and make recommendations on ways of increasing it. It was hoped that increased reliability would make these institutions more profitable in the following ways: (i) They would spend less on equipment and spares purchases and therefore realize higher profits. (ii) They would be able to reduce on the number of maintenance staff, which would lead to a reduction of the wage bill. (iii) Reduced downtime would mean higher availability of equipment. Downtime has always affected the productive capability of physical assets by reducing output, increasing operating costs and interfering with customer service (Moubray, 1993). Increased reliability of equipment would therefore result in a higher volume of output thereby higher revenue. (iv) Improved quality and volume of production would result in increased viewers and attract advertisers to the station. (v) With low costs it is possible to reduce the advertising rates and attract more business. Reliability of equipment is cost related and therefore no study can be done into profitability of TV stations without looking at reliability of equipment. 20 „In recent years the subject of reliability prediction, based on the concept of validly repeatable component failure rates, has become controversial. First, the extreme wide variability of failure rates of allegedly identical components under supposedly identical environmental and operating conditions is now accepted. The apparent precision offered by reliability prediction models is thus not compatible with the accuracy of the failure rate parameter. As a result, it can be concluded that simplified assessments of rates and the use of simple models suffice (Smith, 2001).‟ It is on this basis that this report based its findings on actual failure rate data other than predicted failure rate data. From the point of view of a TV station, equipment reliability affects the quality and quantity of programmes that are aired. If equipment reliability is low, the advertiser, who is the main source of revenue, will not bring business. As a result, the station‟s earnings will fall with the resultant loss of profits and failure to meet the station‟s obligations, for example, wages for staff, dividends to shareholders and so forth. This interwoven relationship between a TV station‟s performance and equipment reliability is illustrated in table 1.1 below. The absence of a working document on reliability in the Ugandan broadcasting sector left an unknown factor, which needed to be investigated and assessed. It was believed that the research would result into a working document for firms in the broadcasting sector. It would also be useful for those intending to venture into the broadcasting sector. 21 Table 1.1: Equipment reliability as a central factor from the point of view of the television owner, the advertiser, the viewer and the station employees. TELEVISION TELEVISION TELEVISION TELEVISION VIEWER ADVERTISER OWNER STATION EMPLOYEES Programme quality (how good are quality the programmes? Profit (Will I stay Wages (how much Programme (does programme Equipment station‟s Programme line the in this business?) up fit my reliability quantity (how many advertising theme?) good programmes are Advertising am I getting paid?) Equipment (affects reliability (affects my station‟s image, work output and could rates production output i.e. cause me trouble with there?) (Are they fair?) revenue, spares and my bosses who may Equipment Equipment equipment downtime think reliability (How reliability (will my or equipment inefficient many times does my adverts play properly replacement favourite programme at the correct time?) fail to play or play Viewers badly?) attract?) this (what General station e.g. I am and fire i.e. me). Working costs). percentage of viewers (costs does that costs conditions (How do consumables company regulations tapes. wages, Staff and codes of work taxes, affect my freedom transport and royalties and relationship with i.e. TV rights) 1.2 other workers?) Maintenance Regimes The technology committee at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) assesses and evaluates the adequacy of the SABC‟s technology and related systems. It ensures that technology, management, information systems and relevant controls are up to date, competitive and can cope 22 with planned strategy and also that the SABC utilizes appropriate and innovative technology and platforms to deliver on its mandate.[3]. With the new information technology, costly and time consuming measuring procedures are no longer needed for locating individual defective components. The new measuring systems with their „distributed intelligence‟ locate defective modules (that can then be replaced) in the normal course of operations. Measurement and maintenance technology includes process control/automatic test and measurement devices, automatic insertion test signals, automatic television network monitoring and computer controlled telemetric systems The above systems boast a better cost benefit ratio and permit more rational utilisation of technical operation and production facilities [5]. 1.3 The Relationship Between Maintenance, Reliability and Profitability The Africa media development initiative‟s 2006 Country report for Kenya [6] reported that Radio stations in Kenya face the challenge of financing, occasioned by the high cost of operations, relatively small advertising markets and high equipment maintenance costs. This clearly indicated that the challenges of financing were partly caused by the high equipment maintenance costs. . Maintenance is the largest single manageable expenditure in the plant: in many companies, surpassing their annual net profit. Although many agree that maintenance strategies such as preventative and predictive maintenance programs have been shown to produce saving of up to 25%, studies have shown that still 1/3 of these maintenance cost can be saved. Typically, maintenance cost can be divided into two main groups. The first group referred as direct costs are easy to justify and to report. These direct costs consist of items such as labor, materials, services, 23 and maintenance overhead. The other groups of maintenance costs are hidden costs or indirect costs which are harder to measure. These hidden costs of maintenance are classified as the six big losses:- 1. Breakdowns and unplanned plant shutdown losses 2. Excessive set-up, changeovers and adjustments losses 3. Idling and minor stoppages 4. Running at reduced speed 5. Startup losses and 6. Quality defects Therefore, it is very important for companies to maximize their maintenance effectiveness and equipment uptime. According to a study on maintenance productivity, most maintenance departments are only around 25% to 35% productive. This causes many companies to experience difficulties with quality control, production levels and schedule adherence, since the equipment they are using is not properly maintained [7]. 1.4 Statement of the Problem TV stations in Uganda invest a lot of money in the purchase of modern broadcast equipment. Visits were carried out to both UTV and WBS and it was noted that there was a high number of equipment that were defective. This was adversely affecting the transmission quality and capacity of the TV stations in terms of programmes that could be transmitted with good quality, and quantity of equipment that were available for production work, that is, recording and editing of programmes. It was therefore considered necessary to assess the reliability of equipment used in both stations in order address the following problems: (i) Rapid deterioration of equipment due to lack of maintenance schedules. 24 (ii) Frequent breakdowns caused by the absence of procedures for increasing the reliability of equipment. (iii) High maintenance costs. Maintenance costs include maintenance staff wages, costs of spares and equipment downtime costs. Maintenance costs are considered important as they contribute a significant percentage to the total costs of running a TV station. (iv) Absence of a procedure to assess reliability in order to enhance lifespan and predictability of failure rates. An increase in lifespan is considered important as it would spread out the incidents of major capital investment. To illustrate this point, the cost of a typical professional Video tape recorder (VTR) is about 10000 USD (18 million Ushs) . The cost of replacement of ten VTRs typically used in a TV station would be 180 million Ushs. 1.5 General Objective To assess the reliability of various categories of broadcast equipment in Uganda television stations. 1.6 Specific Objectives (i) Assessing the reliability of broadcast equipment in Uganda television stations using historical data and questionnaires. (ii) Using reliability data to draw conclusions about the best maintenance strategy for each category of equipment. (iii) Finding causes of the most commonly occurring faults. 25 1.7 Significance of the Problem Berwanger (1987)[5] states that „the percentage of expenditure on spare parts and consumable goods seems to lie between 5% and 12% of the budget of a station according to the findings of the author in a number of television stations in Africa and Asia.‟ In 2005 Uganda Television and Radio Uganda had a total of 234 staff out of which 86 were technical staff. It can therefore reasonably be said that 37 % of the wage bill was meant to cater for the maintenance cost. As a contrast WBS television had a total of 120 staff out of which 10 were technical staff. In this case WBS, only 8% of the wage bill was meant to cater for the maintenance cost. In the context of research on equipment reliability we shall define the following to constitute maintenance costs: (i) Cost of spare parts. (ii) Cost of paying wages to maintenance staff. Since there were many pieces of equipment that were out of order, it was felt that the equipment was not reliably maintained; yet this was the only way that the TV station owners could get out of their predicament. Solutions to maintenance practices had to be found that would lead to less equipment being out of service while also reducing maintenance costs; The research was therefore undertaken to into the engineering aspects of maintenance of equipment at UTV and WBS to assess failure rates, maintenance activities and physical maintenance models. Mathematical methods were also used to assess reliability. The situation in Africa has the following unique characteristics that impact on the way the issues of cost of spare parts and maintenance staff have to be addressed: 1. Broadcast equipment manufacturers are based outside Africa. It is therefore not possible to implement the „Just in time‟ delivery of spare parts. Spare parts therefore have to be stocked. 26 Overstocking caused by wrong reliability predictions causes inefficiencies. On the other hand, under stocking again caused by wrong reliability predictions will lead to a drop in production. In the former case the station will incur unjustifiable costs of depreciation and eventual obsolescence of the spare parts. In the latter case there will be indirect costs caused by loss of production capacity. 2. Repair and service by the factory maintenance engineer is both expensive and difficult to implement. In some cases it may be possible to subcontract the maintenance of equipment depending on the cost of service and availability of skilled firms within the country or region. However, in most cases TV stations in Africa have to rely on their maintenance personnel to solve the equipment reliability and maintenance problems. This is mainly due to the absence of skilled firms coupled with the direct and indirect costs of being dependent on another organisation. The maintenance personnel are ill equipped to handle the issue of reliability because they do not participate in the initial design stages of the equipment and they don‟t possess local reliability data. The costs resulting from this are due to employment of a large maintenance workforce, and indirect costs of increased equipment downtime caused by lack of reliability data. Indeed Berwanger(1987) states that “the managements of many television stations in the third world openly admit that while there is not enough qualified personnel, the number of employees is at least three or four times higher than that objectively needed”. It is clear that there are several ways to maximize profits, amongst which are: (i) Increased sales (revenue) by increasing the reliability of the equipment. Increasing the reliability of the equipment will lead to its increased availability for production, hence increased sales (revenue). 27 (ii) Increased reliability of the equipment by use of cost effective, efficient maintenance methods, by adoption of a suitable maintenance strategy will lead to a reduction in maintenance staff costs and spare parts costs and hence an increase in profits. This research therefore focused on analysing the reliability data obtained , finding out the factors causing such figures, comparing the results with similar research , recommending methods of improving on reliability as a way of increasing availability (thereby increasing production and revenue) and reduction of costs directly and indirectly related to equipment downtime and maintenance costs. The overall aim of the research was to come out with recommendations that once adopted by TV stations would lead to improved equipment reliability. This in turn would lead to higher profitability for the stations and better transmission quality for the Ugandan public. 1.8 Scope of Research The research covered three categories of equipment, namely, video monitors, video tape recorders, and video cameras. These categories of equipment were chosen because of their sufficient numbers in each of the TV stations and hence amenable to statistical analysis and calculation. 1.9 Choice of TV stations At the time of research only UTV, WBS, Lighthouse Television and Channel television had TV studio facilities. An attempt was made to go to Lighthouse Television but management turned down the request to carry out research at their facility. Channel television studios at Nakigalala hill were inaccessible due to instructions from Management. However management of UTV and WBS agreed to allow the research to be carried out at their facilities. 28 The research involved equipment serviced in UTV workshop between 1997 and 2005and equipment serviced in WBS workshop between 1999 and 2005. 1.10 For an accurate calculation of reliability, the following data was required: 1.11 (i) Category of Equipment (video tape recorder, video camera, video monitor) (ii) Date of failure. (iii) Date of repair. (iv) Frequency of repair (to replace date of failure and date of repair). (v) Spares needed for repair. (vi) Cost of spares. (vii) Type and frequency of maintenance carried out. Statement of Hypothesis 1.11.1 Alternative hypothesis: Broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are not maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers. 1.11.2 Null hypothesis: Broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers. 1.12 Assumptions The following assumptions were made in UTV: a) That failure data gathered on twelve professional video tape recorders was a representative sample of all video tape recorders. 29 b) That failure data gathered on four professional video monitors was a representative sample of all video monitors. c) That failure data gathered on two professional video cameras was a representative sample of all video cameras. d) That data gathered in UTV was reliable this was because the Job cards used were properly filled out by maintenance staff and the central workshop was the only location for repair of studio equipment. e) That data gathered in WBS was reliable since the quantity of information gathered on a large quantity of equipment would compensate for errors in human recollection of events. 1.13 Research Questions The following were identified as questions to be answered: 1. What is the reliability for each category of equipment in Uganda and how does it compare with reliability figures from equipment manufacturers? 2. Which equipment purchase criteria should be used to tackle the issue of intrinsic, or inherent, reliability? 3. How can maintenance costs be reduced without adversely affecting reliability? 4. How can broadcast equipment reliability be increased? 5. Was the equipment properly maintained? Details of spare parts that were replaced were compared with the manufacturers‟ specified periodic preventive maintenance schedules. 6. How did the component failure models follow theoretical component failure models, for example the pareto law? Theoretical component failure models were investigated. 7. What were the maintenance models for UTV and WBS? A connection between the maintenance models, the breakdown of the equipment and the cost of repair was 30 investigated. 8. What maintenance practices in UTV and WBS would lead to a saving of cost and the estimated amount of money that would be saved as a result of adopting them? 1.14 Limitations The following were limitations in UTV: Written records (job cards) were only available for items that had been repaired in the central workshop. It was found that very little repair work was carried out outside the workshop. This limitation would therefore not adversely affect the accuracy of findings. The following were limitations in WBS TV: The technical staff‟s depth of recollection of failure data was a factor that would affect the accuracy of the research. Fortunately there were some written records that helped the staff to give a more accurate account. Some of the records consulted were the data book, the fault report book and the stores requisition book. 31 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Introduction In this chapter the development of maintenance records are discussed from a historical perspective culminating in modern day methods of maintenance records gathering and storage. The different types of failure models for equipment are outlined. Equipment reliability is defined from different perspectives. The interrelationship between reliability, observed failure rate and Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) is mathematically defined. Condition based maintenance as a modern method for reducing maintenance costs is outlined. Reliability figures from studio broadcast equipment are stated. The Pareto, Chi squared and two tailed t distribution methods of failure data analysis are mathematically and graphically described. The contribution of reliability analysis to engineering is outlined. The gap addressed by the research which is the use of questionnaires to generate maintenance records is stated. An overview of UTV and WBS is carried out and recent developments in TV broadcasting technology are outlined. 2.2 The Development of Maintenance Records: Maintenance disciplines and keeping of maintenance records have evolved through three generations. First generation equipment (1930 –1940) was over designed and consequences of failure were not severe. They were less severely constrained by the cost and schedule pressures of today. In many cases high levels of reliability were achieved as a result of over design. The equipment was also easy to repair because of its simplicity. There was no need for systematic maintenance of any sort beyond simple cleaning, servicing and lubrication routines. The need for quantified reliability assessment during design, development and use was therefore not identified. 32 Therefore failure rates of engineered components were not required, as they are today, for use in prediction techniques and consequently there was little incentive for the collection of data. Industry was not highly mechanised, so downtime did not matter much. This meant that the prevention of equipment failure was not a very high priority in the minds of most managers. Another factor is that component parts were individually fabricated in a „craft‟ environment. Mass production and the attendant need for component standardisation did not apply and the component of a valid repeatable component failure rate could not exist. The reliability of each product was, therefore, highly dependent on the craftsman/manufacturer and less determined by the „combination‟ of part assemblies. A “fix it when it breaks” maintenance approach was generally adopted. Second generation equipment (1940 – 1970) became more complex, there was less manpower and demand for goods and services increased. This led to increased mechanisation. By the 1950‟s machines of all types were more numerous and more complex. Industry began to depend on them. As this dependence grew, downtime came into sharper focus. This led to the idea that equipment failures could and should be prevented, which in turn led to the concept of preventive Maintenance. In the 1960‟s this consisted mainly of equipment overhauls done at fixed intervals. The cost of maintenance also started to rise sharply relatively to other operating costs. This led to the growth of maintenance planning and control systems. The amount of capital tied up in fixed assets together with a sharp increase in the cost of that capital led people to start seeking ways in which they could maximise the life of the assets. Mass production of standard mechanical parts meant that defective items could be identified readily by means of inspection and test, during the manufacturing process and it was therefore possible to control reliability by quality control procedures. The advent of the electronic age accelerated by the second world war, led to the need for more complex massproduced component parts with a higher degree of variability in the parameters and dimensions involved .The experience of poor field reliability of military equipment throughout the 1940s and 33 1950s focused attention on the need for more formal methods of reliability engineering. This gave rise to the collection of failure information from both the field and from the interpretation of test data. Failure rate data banks were created in the mid 1960s as a result of work at such organisations as UKAEA (UK Atomic Energy Authority) and RRE (Royal Radar Establishment, UK) and RADC (Rome Air Development US). The manipulation of data was manual and involved the calculation of rates from the incident data, inventories of component types and the records of elapsed hours. This activity was stimulated by the appearance of reliability prediction modelling techniques which require component failure rates as inputs to the prediction equations. Third generation equipment (1970 – Date) became even more complex. Equipment cost effectiveness; competitiveness, downtime costs, reliability, availability and equipment lifetime became critical issues. New maintenance techniques such as condition monitoring were adopted. Greater automation also means that more and more failure affect our ability to sustain satisfactory quality standards. At the same time as the dependence on physical assets is growing, so too is their cost to operate and to own. To secure maximum return on the investment which they represent, they must be kept working efficiently for as long as they are needed to. The cost of maintenance is still rising in absolute terms as a proportion of total expenditure. The availability and low cost of desktop personal computing (PC) facilities, together with versatile and powerful software packages, has permitted the listing and manipulation of incident data for an order less expenditure of working hours. Fast automatic sorting of data encourages the analysis of failures into failure modes. This is no small factor in contributing to the more effective reliability assessment, since generic failure rates permit only parts count reliability predictions. In order to address specific system failures it is necessary to input component failure modes into the fault tree or failure mode analyses. 34 The labour intensive feature of data collection is the requirement for field recording which remains a major obstacle to complete and accurate information. Motivation of staff to provide field reports with sufficient detail is a current management problem. The spread of PC facilities in this area have assisted to the extent that interactive software can be used to stimulate the required information input at the same time as other maintenance logging activities. With the rapid growth of built-in test and diagnostic features in equipment the trend is the emergence of some limited automated fault reporting. New research has changed many beliefs about age and failure. Third generation research has revealed that not one or two but six failure patterns actually occur in practice: Probability of failure Time Fig.2.1. Bathtub curve Probability of failure Time Fig.2.2. Wear out curve Probability of failure Time Fig.2.3. No wear out curve 35 Probability of failure Time Fig.2.4. Low infant mortality curve Probability of failure Time Fig. 2.5. Random failure curve Probability of failure Time Fig.2.6. High infant mortality curve Bathtub Curve: has a run in period followed by a steady wear period. This pattern is characteristic of electromechanical (classical) equipment. 36 Final wear out curve: shows a constant or gradually increasing probability of failure. This is a characteristic of simple mechanical over designed equipment. No wear out curve: shows a failure probability, which is slowly increasing but without a defined wear out stage. Low infant mortality curve: Failure probability is low during the infancy stage but after that assumes a constant level. Random failure curve: failure probability is constant through out the age of the equipment. This behaviour is characteristic of software controlled and IT equipment e.g. computers. High infant mortality curve: Illustrates a high failure probability during the infancy stages of the equipment (Lakshminarayanan, 2001)[8].This is typical of aircraft because of their extreme complexity and also because of the intensive nature of preventive maintenance component replacements. In general the more complex the equipment becomes the more the pattern evolves downwards from Fig. 2.1 to Fig. 2.6. (electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment). Overall, typical failure rate behaviour of electronic components follows a distribution known as the bathtub curve. Fig. 2.7. Failure rate of electronic components. 37 1. An infant mortality early life phase is characterized by a decreasing failure rate (Phase 1). Failure occurrence during this period is not random in time but rather the result of substandard components with gross defects and the lack of adequate controls in the manufacturing process. Parts fail at a high but decreasing rate. 2. During the useful life period, electronics have a relatively constant failure rate caused by randomly occurring defects and stresses (Phase 2). This corresponds to a normal wear and tear period where failures are caused by unexpected and sudden overstress conditions. Most reliability analyses pertaining to electronic systems are concerned with lowering the failure frequency (i.e., const shown in Figure 2.7) during this period. 3. In the wear-out period, the failure rate increases due to critical parts wearing out (Phase 3). As they wear out, it takes less stress to cause failure, and the overall system failure rate increases; accordingly, failures do not occur randomly in time. Failure analysis can give valuable insight into the causes of failure and provide inputs for productive improvements. It is also a tool for equipment reliability evaluation. Analytical techniques such as the „Weibull‟ distribution can be used to classify the failure pattern. (Smith, 2001)[9]. 2.2.1 Definition of Reliability Shepherd.J. et.al. (1972)[10] states “Reliability is the characteristic of a component or of a system which may be expressed by the probability that it will perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time”. Cluley.J.C. (1981) [11] defines reliability as “the probability that the system will operate to an agreed level of performance for a specified period, subject to specified environmental conditions”. Kawauchi and Rausand (1999) [12] state that reliability is the probability that an item can perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. 38 According to Smith (2001) [9] Quality is the conformance to specification, whereas reliability is the probability that an item will perform a required function, under stated conditions, for a stated period of time. Reliability is therefore the extension of quality into the time domain and may be paraphrased as „the probability of non- failure in a given period‟. The US military standard MIL – STD – 721C (Smith, 2001) gives two definitions for reliability: a) The duration or probability of failure free performance under stated conditions. b) The probability that an item can perform its intended function for a specified interval under stated conditions. 2.2.2 Definition of observed failure rate: For a stated period in the life of an item, this is the ratio of total number of failures to the total cumulative observed time T. If is the failure rate of N items then the observed is given by k , where k is the number of items that have failed. T 2.2.3 Definition of the observed mean time between failures: For a stated period of life of an item, this is the ratio of cumulative time to the total number of failures (in hours). This is T …………………………………………………………………...........................2.1 k 2.2.4 Inter relationship of terms: (t ) is the failure rate. f (t ) is the failure probability density function. R (t ) is the probability of survival to time t, i.e. the reliability. It can be shown that R (t ) = exp[ t t dt ] ………………………………………………...................2.2 0 39 (Smith, 2001) [9]. If the failure rate is now assumed to be constant R (t ) t e ………………………………………………………………...…2.3 It can be shown that the mean life between failures, MTBF will be given by R ( t ) dt ……………………………………………………………… …2.4 0 In the special case of constant failure rate 1 …………………………………………………………………...2.5 (Smith, 2001) [9]. During the research the values of MTBF were normalised to units of hours. 2.3 Factors that Affect Equipment Reliability Equipment reliability in general is ensured by positively addressing the following factors: Lack of a periodic check and maintenance schedule or preventive maintenance schedule. Sony (1989 & 1993) [13] outlines a clear preventive maintenance schedule for their type „BVU 950P Umatic SP‟ and type UVW 1800 Beta cam SP professional videocassette recorders. Environmental stresses such as temperature, shock, vibration, humidity and ingress of foreign bodies (Smith, 1988) [14]. Self generated stress such as power dissipation, applied voltage and current; self generated vibration and wear (Smith, 1988) [14]. Intrinsic reliability inherent in the design and manufacture of the equipment caused by level of complexity, tolerance and stress margins. 40 Preventive maintenance schedules are not always strictly followed due to the following factors: Lack of properly trained personnel. Very little funds are allocated for the maintenance function (including timely acquisition of spare parts) The above factors may lead to a high rate of wear and tear resulting into an increase in the frequency of breakdowns and therefore decreased reliability of equipment . 2.4 Condition Based Maintenance Condition based maintenance has been described as a process that requires technologies and people skills that integrates all available equipment condition indicators (diagnostic and performance data, operator logged data, maintenance histories, and design knowledge) to make timely decisions about maintenance requirements of important equipment. Condition based maintenance assumes that equipment failure modes will follow one or more of the classical degradation styles and that there is sufficient local knowledge of the equipment‟s historical performance to perform an extrapolation of its remaining life. This in itself is a form of prognostics based partially on science, and partially on elicited experience of the plant staff. These measurement techniques, observations, tests, and operator intuitions are what forms the plant‟s condition based maintenance programme. The primary objectives of an optimized maintenance strategy programme that include predictive and condition based maintenance are: 1. Improve availability 2. Reduced forced outages 3. Improve reliability 4. Enhance Equipment Life 41 5. Reduce wear from frequent rebuilding 6. Minimize potential for problems in disassembly and reassembly 7. Detect problems as they occur 8. Save Maintenance Costs 9. Reduced repair costs [17] 2.5 Research on Reliability of TV Studio Broadcast Equipment Research into the reliability of studio equipment has always involved the manufacturers carrying out reliability tests prior to mass production. Reliability prediction also comes in the form of preventive replacement schedules for key components within the respective pieces of equipment. For analogue video tape recorders, the MTBF value is 1,000 hours, which corresponds to the replacement time for the video head drum. „Sony broadcast and professional‟ quotes this value for its range of studio video tape recorders , for example, The Umatic SP BVU 950P, VO 9850P, Betacam SP UVW 1800P and BVW- 75 P . TEAC Aerospace Technologies (2004) also quote an MTBF of 1,000 hours for its Hi 8mm airborne video tape recorder. For video cameras, the MTBF was 750- 1000 hours during the days when picture tubes (for example, saticon) were used for capturing the image. This means that the picture tubes had to be replaced every approximately 1,000 hours. The advent of the CCD (charge coupled device) in the late 1980‟s to replace the picture tube greatly raised the reliability of broadcast cameras. Sony electronics (2004) quotes an MTBF of 38,200 hours for its 1/3-inch CCD colour camera model XC 777A. Reliability of video monitors has always been based on quality of solder used. The construction video monitors with extra high tension (EHT) circuitry and heating due to high currents leads to 42 degradation of the solder. Recent reliability research in U.S.A. (deer2project, 2002) indicated the MTBF for video monitors to be 10,000 hours. 2.6 Methods of Analysis of Failure Data 2.6.1 Pareto Analysis Pareto analysis, sometimes referred to as the 80/20 rule and as ABC analysis, is a method of classifying items, events or activities according to their relative importance. It is used in inventory management where it is used to classify stock items into groups based on the total annual expenditure for, or total stockholding cost of, each item. Organisations can then concentrate more detailed attention on the high value/important items. Pareto analysis is used to arrive at this prioritisation. In the specific case of spares usage, important factors to be considered are the categorisation of defects and their contribution towards the total spares cost. Attention is then focused on those defects that attract the highest spares cost. Direct application of Pareto law in this case would mean that 20% of the defects result into 80% of the spares cost. Popular representations of pareto analysis are the histogram and the pie chart. Both are used to graphically summarize and display the relative importance of the differences between groups of data. In the case of categorisation of defects, the histogram is constructed with the vertical bars representing the frequency of occurrence of the user defined groups of defects. The bars are ordered in descending frequency magnitude .The left-side vertical axis of the pareto chart is labelled „Frequency‟ (the number of counts for each category), the right-side vertical axis of the pareto chart is the cumulative percentage, and the horizontal axis of the pareto chart is labelled with the group names of the user selected response variables .A typical histogram is shown below: 43 100 100% 90% 80% 70% Frequency 80 60 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 40 20 Group A Fig.2.8. Group B Group C Group D Group E Pareto diagram in form of a histogram The pie chart is constructed with the pies representing the percentage contribution of the frequency of the group to the sum of all frequencies from individual groups. A typical pie chart is shown below: Group B Group A Group C Group D Fig.2.9. Pareto diagram in form of a pie chart 44 2.6.2 The Chi Square Test The 2 1. T (accumulated test hours ) and k (number of failures) are measured. 2. A confidence level is selected and 3. let n=2k (2k +2 for lower limit MTBF in a time truncated test) 4. the value of obtained from tables. 5. let MTBF at the given confidence level be 2T/ 6. for double sided limits the above procedure is used twice at table are used to interpret results of reliability tests as follows: = (1 – confidence level) 2 n= 2k : 1 - (upper limit MTBF)........................................................................... 2 n= 2k(2k + 2) : 2 2 (lower limit MTBF).................................................................... The above analysis is also used to prove whether the analysed equipment performance falls within reliability parameters set by the equipment manufacturer. This test however does not take care of the variations in TBF (Time between failure) values and was not found suitable for producing an accurate value of MTBF using the varying data presented in the research. 2.6.3 Two tailed t distribution The values of TBF (Time Between Failures) for a particular type of equipment can be compared with a nominal value of MTBF for example the MTBF value from the manufacturer, to prove whether the value of the observed MTBF falls within statistically acceptable limits. The acceptable upper and lower values of MTBF are given by; x + t 1 s .................................................................................................2.5.3 2 n where n is the sample size of TBF values collected, s is the sample standard deviation, 45 x is the sample mean, t 1 is the value from the t distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom that 2 corresponds to the confidence interval specified. The nominal value of MTBF ( ) from the manufacturer is compared with the acceptable upper 0 and lower values of MTBF obtained from failure data and calculated as above. The above analysis is used to prove whether the analysed equipment performance falls within reliability parameters set by the equipment manufacturer. This serves to mathematically establish whether equipment is maintained to a reliable standard set by the manufacturer. 2.7 Contribution of Reliability Analysis to Engineering Reliability Engineering consists of the systematic application of time-honored engineering principles and techniques throughout a product lifecycle. The goal of reliability engineering is to evaluate the inherent reliability of a product or process and pinpoint potential areas for reliability improvement. Realistically, all failures cannot be eliminated from a design, so another goal of reliability engineering is to identify the most likely failures and then identify appropriate actions to mitigate the effects of those failures. In Uganda no reliability evaluation of broadcast equipment has taken place yet the most important contribution of engineering to the broadcasting sector is to ensure that equipment correctly perform their intended function in the most efficient and cost effective way possible. The contribution of this research therefore was to assist engineers in the broadcast industry to adopt engineering practices and put in place measures to ensure that expensive broadcast equipment continuously perform their function in the most cost efficient and productive way. 46 2.8 The Gap During the research, it was envisaged that there would be some difficulty in obtaining maintenance records in their written form (i.e. job cards and so forth). Other methods of obtaining maintenance data were planned. The method that was planned to be used was the use of a questionnaire. The questionnaire would be designed to be answered by personnel in broadcasting stations where it was found that written maintenance records were lacking or inadequate. The maintenance data derived from the questionnaire was to be used to supplement the written records where available. The quality of the data collected would depend on the individual‟s recollection of frequency and type of failures of the pieces of equipment in question. This innovative approach was identified as the gap in collection of maintenance records .This is especially true in Africa as very few broadcasting stations were expected to possess maintenance records of their equipment. 2.9 Overview of Uganda Television Uganda television service was started in 1963 transmitting in black and white (monochrome). Its mandate was to inform, educate and entertain. General Idi Amin introduced colour television in 1975 just in time for the 1975 OAU conference. The infrastructure of a complex studio system, numerous transmitting stations and terrestrial microwave and UHF programme links was rapidly destroyed by the many wars, neglect and general economic decline. Intellectual flight also meant that the quality of programming declined. For many years Uganda television was under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. However in 1998 the ministry was absorbed as a department in the Office of the President. An attempt was made to rehabilitate some of the infrastructure. As a result Uganda Television obtained a state of the art digital satellite uplink station, which was a relay between the signal source at the Nakasero studios and the ten (10) TV transmitting stations countrywide. 47 From 2001 Uganda Television and Radio Uganda operated as a directorate within office of the president with a „Director broadcasting‟ as the head an accountant. The mandate of Uganda Television was to inform, educate, entertain, mobilize and collect revenue for government. The „Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Act 2005‟ was passed by Parliament and gazetted on 20th May 2005. The Act aimed to replace the State owned and funded Radio Uganda and Uganda Television with a 100% owned, self sustaining public Broadcasting Corporation. A tentative transfer date was set for 1st October 2005.One of the immediate functions of the corporation was to „acquire and apply modern broadcasting equipment and design good organisation structure and put in place skilled and responsive personnel in line with technology improvements‟. This, and another function that was „to achieve and sustain reliable signals‟ emphasised the importance of equipment reliability as a launch pad of the corporation‟s activities. The mission was to maintain a self-sustaining, high quality-broadcasting corporation that meets the development expectations of the public. The figure below shows the organisational chart of UTV before the advent of UBC 48 MINISTER SECRETARY PRESIDENT‟S OFFICE DIRECTOR BROADCASTING COMMISSIONER ENGINEERING COMMISIONER TV Chief news editor Controller of programmes Editors Heads of department Chief commercial manager Principal engineer Project manager Senior Engineers Producers Engineers Reporters Copy typists Presenters, cameramen Fig.2.8. commercial assistants Technicians Organisational chart of UTV up to November 2005 UTV and Radio Uganda were transformed into UBC (Uganda broadcasting Corporation) by act of Parliament in November 2005. 49 2.10 Overview of WBS TV WBS TV, which is transmitted on channel 25 UHF for the greater Kampala geographical area was officially launched in 1998. It was therefore among the first commercial privately owned television stations in Uganda. It currently has repeaters in Masaka , Mbarara , Jinja and Tororo. WBS television Ltd is a private limited company under the Uganda companies Act. The mission of WBS TV is to be the viewers most entertaining, educative and favourite television station in the east and central region of Africa. Its objectives include the following: To entertain, inform and promote religious, cultural, environmental and political awareness as well as social development and responsibility. To provide professional, local, qualitatively produced programmes with a blend of highly entertaining imported programmes for viewers. To give Ugandans what they want by being professional, inventive, creative and service minded at all times. To provide quality, accurate, balanced, non biased extensive in depth news to viewers. To develop and promote local talent through qualitative production of local programmes in the form of drama, music, documentaries and magazines. To raise the standards of advertising in the country by producing quality commercials [8]. WBS is aiming to reach more viewers by providing an upbeat and different mode of programming as a fresh way of enjoying television. It plans to completely move from analogue to digital transmission and distribute its signal to upcountry transmitters by satellite, thereby covering the whole country. 50 WBS Television is headed by a Board of Directors ,a chairman ( Mr. Gordon Wavamunno ) an executive Managing Director ( Mr. Elvis Ssekyanzi) and a General Manager (Mr. Kazooba). It has a total workforce of 120 staff. The figure below shows the organisational chart of WBS TV: Board of Directors Chairman General Manager Human resource Manager Production Manager Head of News Reporters Finance Manager Head of programming Accou ntant Producers Cashier Station Manager Public relations officer Chief Technician Senior technicians Technicians News readers Presenters Fig. 2.9. 2.11 Technical operators Organisational chart of WBS TV Spares Purchase Policies There was a variance in the spares purchase policies for UTV and WBS. UTV being part of a department in Presidents‟ office was subject to Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets authority (PPDA) regulations. This ranged from simple request for quotations (RFQ) for small orders ,where 51 a minimum of three companies were required to bid and subsequently go through the rigours of technical evaluation and contracts committee approval, to international bidding for large orders stretching over several months. In WBS spares procurements were almost exclusively handled by the chairman and this was often done on many of his trips abroad. This not only resulted in purchase of cheaper spare parts in some instances, but also shortened the time between spares requirement and delivery. The different spares purchase policies affected the maintenance regime at both TV stations; UTV used a method of spares requirements prediction to compensate for the long spares procurement period and thereby overstocked most of the spare parts, whereas WBS practiced a just in time delivery of spare parts due to a faster procurement time. 2.12 Recent Developments in Television Broadcasting Technology The world has recently under gone a change from analogue television to digital television.Digital television (DTV), is a technology that uses digital signals to transmit television programs. Digital signals consist of pieces of simple electronic code that can carry more information than conventional analog signals. This code allows for the transmission of better quality sound and higher resolution pictures, often referred to as high-definition television (HDTV). For example in United States of America, beginning in 2009, FCC regulations required all stations to turn off their analog signals and broadcast only in digital. The transition to HDTV broadcasting has accelerated the conversion of other aspects of television production from analog to digital. Many stations have replaced specialized hardware with less specialized computers equipped with software that performs the same functions. Stations are beginning to switch away from tapes and instead use digital recording devices. This way footage can be more easily transferred to a computer for editing and storage. Many major network shows now use HDTV cameras and editing equipment as well. 52 The transition to digital broadcasting also is occurring in radio. Most stations already store music, edit clips, and broadcast their analog signals with digital equipment. Satellite radio services, which offer more than 100 channels of digital sound, operate on a subscription basis, like pay television services. To compete, some radio stations are embedding a digital signal into their analog signals. With a specially equipped radio, these digital services offer better quality sound and display some limited text, such as the title of the song and the artist [16] 53 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study Area All the research was conducted in the Kampala area .It was specifically conducted within the premises of UTV and WBS TV. 3.2 Choice of Sampling Elements in UTV Most of the equipment found in the UTV workshop records was relatively old. The following pieces were found to be the newest, and also with sufficient historical data to enable reliability analysis: 3.2.1 Video Tape Recorders: The video tape recorders chosen for the research were the Sony BVU 950P Umatic SP , Sony VO 9850P Umatic SP and Sony VO 9800P Umatic SP professional video tape recorders for the following reasons: There were many recorders of this type in UTV. It had sufficient maintenance data to enable reliability analysis. When they were bought, UTV stocked enough spares both in quantity and variety, for this model, thereby leading to collection of data on spares usage and cost of spares. 3.2.2 Video Monitors: The video monitor chosen for the research was the Sony PVM 1442 professional video monitor for the following reasons: There were many monitors of this type in UTV. It had sufficient maintenance data to enable reliability analysis. 54 When they were bought, UTV stocked enough spares both in quantity and variety, for this model, thereby leading to collection of data on spares usage and cost of spares. 3.2.3 Video Cameras: The video camera chosen for the research was the Sony DXC 3000P 3CCD colour camera for the following reasons: It employs the latest 3CCD (charge coupled device) technology and is therefore comparable to any state of the art professional camera. The following is the summary of equipment assessed: Table 3.1: Video Tape Recorders at UTV Manufacturer Sony Sony Sony Model No. BVU950P Umatic SP recorder VO9800P Umatic SP recorder VO9850P Umatic SP recorder Quantity 6 2 4 Table 3.2: Video monitors at UTV Manufacturer Sony Model No. PVM 1442 QM video monitor Quantity 4 Table 3.3: Video Cameras at UTV Manufacturer Sony 3.3 Model No. DXC 3000AP video camera Quantity 2 Choice of Sampling Elements in WBS TV In WBS TV the sampled population were all the video tape recorders, all the video cameras and all the video monitors used within the studio premises. This was done in order to obtain more accurate 55 findings since a questionnaire and interviews were mostly employed. The following equipment was assessed: Table 3.4: Video tape recorders at WBS TV Manufacturer Sony Sony Panasonic JVC Sony Model No. BVW 75P Betacam recorder PVW 2800P Betacam recorder DVC-PRO AJ-D750 DVC PRO recorder DV/VHS recorder UVW 1800P Betacam recorder Quantity 1 5 1 6 6 Table 3.5: Video monitors at WBS TV Manufacturer JVC Sony Vista Melford Philips Model No. TM –150 PSNK PVM 91CE TVM9B DU 6 –20C LHD 6200 Quantity 2 12 4 10 1 Table 3.6: Video cameras at WBS TV Manufacturer Sony Panasonic Sony JVC Model No. DSR – PD150P DVCAM camera NV-MX500 Mini DV camera CVR 300AP Betacam camera GY –DV 500E Mini DV camera Quantity 2 4 3 3 3.4 Research Instruments The following research instruments were used: 3.4.1 Job Cards: Job cards that were used contained historical data. There were used in the UTV maintenance workshop to store the following equipment repair data: - The job card number, date and time of reporting the fault. This was assumed to be the date of occurrence of the fault. 56 - The place of deployment and equipment details, that is, the type, model number and serial number. - The fault description normally entered by the officer reporting the fault. - Equipment repairer findings and details of spares replaced. - Date of repair. 3.4.2 Questionnaire: The questionnaire was designed as shown in the appendix and was used in WBS TV. It was used to collect the following data: - Spares replaced over a period of one year for each machine and the cost of these spares. - The frequency of failure for each piece of equipment that is used to calculate the time between failures. - Common faults for each category of equipment. - Type and frequency of preventive maintenance action. - Maintenance staff wages. 3.4.3 Spares Parts lists: Spares lists were obtained in form of invoices and receipts and contained details of costs for spare parts bought or ordered. 3.4.4 Interviews: Interviews were carried out to supplement data that was obtained from job cards. This included: - Equipment hours of use per day. - Type and frequency of preventive maintenance action 57 3.5 Methods of Data Gathering in UTV The following data was collected from workshop job cards from each specific machine mentioned above: (i) Type, model number and serial number of machine. (ii) Job card Number. (iii) Date of occurrence of fault. (iv) Date of repair (v) Description of spares used The time between failures in days (one day equal to 24 hours) was calculated using the calendar function in Excel, Microsoft office 2007. The cost of spares was obtained from invoices, from equipment manufacturers and their agents. 3.6 Methods of Data Gathering in WBS TV The management and staff of WBS Television led by Mr. Elvis Sekyanzi (Managing Director) and Mr Kazooba (General Manager) were pleased with the subject of the research. They said they would strictly review the quantity, type and quality of data collected to ensure that sensitive information would not land in the hands of their competitors. After interviewing the technical staff, namely Mr. Nankunda , Mr Patrick Sembajjo and Mr. Ahmed Senabulya, The researcher concluded that the methods used to assess equipment in UTV would not be applicable in WBS as there were no formal workshop documents , for example, job cards. A decision was therefore made to use methods of obtaining secondary data namely interviews and a questionnaire, which was reviewed by the General Manager before it was handed over to the technical staff for filling. The objective of the questionnaire was to obtain data on failure rates, common faults, common spares replacements, 58 type and frequency of preventive action for the respective categories, taken during the period covered by the study. It was found necessary to rely on staff‟s recollection due to lack of proper records in this regard. The questionnaire was handed out to technical staff involved in the operation and maintenance of equipment. It addressed the following: 9. Manufacturer, model number and quantity of equipment used. 10. Number of breakdowns reported. 11. Common faults. 12. Spares used and cost of spares. 13. Type of preventive maintenance applied. 14. Maintenance staff costs. The questionnaire is shown in annex 2. 3.7 Purpose of Collecting Data from Workshop Job cards and Questionnaires Failure data from workshop job cards and questionnaires was used as follows: (i) Calculation of time between consecutive failures (TBF) and subsequent calculation of Mean Time Between failures (MTBF). (ii) Calculation of average quantity and type of spares per year per machine. (iii) Calculation of average maintenance staff wages. (iv) Identifying the most commonly failing components and their frequency of failure. (v) Calculating the percentage of the most expensive group of defects to the total spares cost by method of Pareto Analysis. (vi) Testing the hypotheses (vii) Studying equipment operating conditions in direct relation to reliability. 59 3.8 Collection of Data from Equipment Catalogues and Manuals Equipment catalogues were sought from equipment manufacturers and from the Internet. The aim was to find out the following: (i) Preventive maintenance schedules as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. (ii) Manufacturer‟s acceptable MTBF. (iii) Cost of different types of spare parts. The information so obtained was analysed as follows: (i) Comparison of the manufacturers MTBF with MTBF obtained from the research. (ii) Calculation of total cost of spares used. 3.9 Collection of data from available documents and interviews A number of documents were consulted and several interviews carried out with staff and management of the TV stations. The aim was to find out the following: (i) Accuracy of maintenance data as obtained from Job cards and Maintenance log books. (ii) The scope of research in relation to other maintenance challenges in the respective establishments. (iii) Maintenance strategies employed. (iv) Maintenance work flow. (v) Quality and size of maintenance staff The information collected was analysed as follows: (i) Comparison of maintenance models between WBS and UTV. (ii) Putting other costs of failures other than costs of spares into perspective. (iii) The effect of quality and size of maintenance staff on equipment reliability. 60 CHAPTER FOUR PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 4.1 Introduction In this chapter the challenges of maintenance in UTV and WBS are presented. The maintenance procedures in UTV and WBS are outlined culminating in diagrammatical interpretation of the UTV and WBS maintenance work execution cycles. The maintenance strategies employed in UTV and WBS are presented. Equipment failure costs are defined. The formats for tabulation of data in WBS and UTV are explained. The Mean Time between Failures as a reliability parameter in the research is mathematically defined. The cost of spares per machine per year as a maintenance cost parameter is mathematically defined. Finally the data obtained from Job cards in UTV and Questionnaires in WBS together with the calculated reliability and maintenance cost parameters are presented in a tabular form. 4.2 Challenges of Maintenance in UTV In order to provide TV services for 365 days a year, the following had to be maintained: Ten transmitters spread all over the country. The transmitting sites comprised of transmitter input equipment, modulating equipment and high power amplifiers, high current three phase voltage regulators, satellite downlinks, transmission towers with feeder cables and antennae bays, transmitter buildings, general power and lighting equipment. Satellite uplink equipment comprised of input equipment, digital to analogue converters, modulating equipment, high power amplifiers, satellite dish and positioning system, high current three-phase voltage regulator and uninterruptible power supply (UPS), satellite shelter, general power and lighting equipment. 61 Studio equipment comprised of professional video tape recorders (VTR), video processing, audio processing equipment, professional video cameras, video programme monitors, vision mixers and sound mixers, audio and video monitoring equipment, studio lighting equipment, satellite downlink and receiving equipment, three phase voltage regulating equipment, general power and lighting equipment. Outside broadcasting comprised of professional video tape recorders (VTR), video processing, audio processing equipment, professional video cameras, video programme monitors, vision mixers and sound mixers, audio and video monitoring equipment. Postproduction, programme gathering and newsgathering equipment comprised of professional videotape recorders, professional video cameras, video monitors, editing equipment and accessories. 4.3 UTV Central Workshop Most of the data collected in UTV was obtained from records of the central maintenance workshop. Its activities are briefly described below. The central workshop had the following objectives: Providing a central location for the maintenance of equipment. Reducing duplication of maintenance activities. This prevented different departments from tying down their personnel to repair the same types of equipment . Providing on the job training for technical staff. Providing equipment redundancy. This was achieved by having a backup of repaired equipment ready for deployment. Carrying out acceptance testing, alignment and standardization. 62 4.4 Maintenance Documentation Technical personnel in the different departments identified equipment that needed repair. A job card was completed and sent to the central workshop together with the faulty piece of equipment. Items entered on the job card by the reporting officer were: - Date of fault. - Equipment type, serial number and place of current deployment. - Fault description. - Name of officer describing the fault. The job card was assigned a fault report number. The required spares were obtained from the stores by completing a stores requisition form as shown below: ITEM UTV STORES WITHDRAWAL FORM: DATE………. To Ag.Supplies officer ,UTV stores. Please issue the requested stores as noted below:DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FOLIO/SERIAL NO 1 2 Requested by………………………………………………………. Title………………………………………………………………… Purpose…………………………………………………………….. Authorized by………………………Commissioner of Engineering Or…………………………………………………………………… Fig.4.2 UTV stores requisition form Title…………………………………..Date………………………… Fig. 4.1. UTV Stores withdrawal form 63 Specialization was not encouraged and all the technical staffs were expected to work on the whole range of equipment. The figure below shows the job card that was issued by the workshop. Fault report No Date Time Interruption of production Place of deployment Fault description Name of describing officer Examination results and mode/way of removal of faults Name date Spares requirements: (a) Immediate Source Equipment type (b) Future File copy Workshop engineers comments Fig. 4.2. UTV Engineering job card On reception of equipment in the workshop, the fault number, equipment model number, serial number and date of entry were entered into the workshop logbook. The job card was checked for accuracy and repair work began. The results of examination and spares used were then entered in the job card. After entering the engineer‟s comments, the job card was filed in the job card file. The repaired machine was then returned to the user section. 64 The flow chart of maintenance work execution is shown below: - Filing equipment performance in studio log book. - Filing request for equipment repair/servicing in Studio log book. -Receiving and installation of repaired equipment. Studio transmission shift - evaluate request for repair/service (carry out first line maintenance). Studio Engineer Return equipment to studio No Does equipment need repair? Yes - Issue job card - Receive job card - request/receive spare parts from store Workshop Engineer No Are spares available? - Waiting file - Go through procurement process - Store equipment Yes - Trouble shooting - Spares replacement - Equipment alignment - Equipment servicing Workshop technicians Fig. 4.3. Flowchart of UTV maintenance work execution 65 4.5 Workshop Equipment Inventory Inventory of equipment in the workshop was carried out on an annual or biannual basis. However due to unavailability of spares a lot of equipment remained un-repaired in the workshop. 4.6 Maintenance Evaluation and Costing Maintenance evaluation and costing was rarely done. 4.7 Maintenance Strategies and Forms 4.7.1 Failure based strategies (Breakdown maintenance): These were employed on items of relatively little cost and which did not affect the essential functioning of the system. These strategies were also used for equipment for which shutdown time could have serious implications, for example, the final amplifier stage of the satellite uplink used to distribute radio and TV programmes. 4.7.2 Condition based strategies: These were employed on studio video tape recorders. Operation of the recorders was monitored on a daily basis. Deviations from the normal operation were promptly reported. Action to be taken was then determined. 4.8 Engineering Stores Management 4.8.1 Entering items in store Purchases made were both local purchases and foreign purchases. Either method required the spares purchased to be accompanied by a delivery note that contained the following information: - Date of delivery - File reference of local purchase order, invoice number or letter of credit number - Brief description of spares - Condition of spares 66 - Name of supplier - Unique identifying marks and numbers on consignment - Details of transporters. - Name and title of receiving officer (by default the storekeeper) The consignment was immediately given a stores reference number, for example, RV1/93/94 In case of foreign shipments, the delivery note would include details of the clearing agent. A packing list would also be attached to the shipment. The delivery note and the packing list were filed in a separate folder for future reference. The stores system was based on ledger books with ledger forms. At this point the following information was entered into the ledger - Details of supplier - Item number - Description of spare - Date - Stores reference number - Site - Quantity supplied - Total quantity available - Remarks about the particular spare - Bin number (This specified the exact location where the item was to be stored. 4.8.2 Storage locations Most electronic spares are small and were stored in small plastic containers (bins). The places where the bins were stored were called locations. One location contained several bins, for example, location „A‟ could have bins 1 to 40. 67 4.8.3 Issuing of items from the store Stores withdrawal forms were used for all issuing of items from the store and contained the following information: - Date of request - Name and title of requesting officer. - Name and title of authorizing officer (normally head of department). - Description and quantity of spares. - Stores reference number. A centralized form of maintenance was established in UTV in 1995. The following information was found on the UTV workshop job cards: 1. Fault report number. 2. Date of report. 3. Description of equipment.(type, model and serial number) 4. Fault description. 5. Examination results and /or mode/way of removal of fault. 4.9 Challenges of Maintenance in WBS TV In order to provide TV services for 365 days a year, the following had to be maintained: Three UHF transmitters in Kampala, Jinja, Tororo and Mbarara. The transmitting sites were comprised of transmitter input equipment, modulating equipment and high power amplifiers, high current three phase voltage regulators, off air receivers, feeder cables and antennae bays. Studio equipment comprised of professional video tape recorders (VTR), video processing, audio processing equipment, professional video cameras, video programme 68 monitors, vision mixers and sound mixers, audio and video monitoring equipment, studio lighting equipment, satellite downlink and receiving equipment, three phase voltage regulating equipment, general power and lighting equipment. Outside broadcasting composed of video processing, audio processing equipment, video cameras, video programme monitors, vision mixers and sound mixers, studio to transmitter link, audio and video monitoring equipment. Postproduction, programme gathering and newsgathering equipment composed of professional videotape recorders, professional video cameras, editing equipment and accessories. All technical personnel were responsible for operation of studio equipment and maintenance of the same. Central maintenance workshop. WBS run a small maintenance workshop within its premises. It is where faulty equipment was kept and stored. This is also where records of each machine that were repaired are kept. Maintenance methods Both preventive and corrective maintenance methods were employed. Monday‟s Wednesdays and Fridays were set-aside as maintenance days. Video cameras were cleaned and serviced on Mondays, editing equipment ( VTRs, audio mixers, video mixers, computers, cabling and so forth.) were serviced on Wednesdays , studio and master control room equipment were serviced on Fridays. Non-scheduled maintenance was carried out on all days of the week. Fault reporting was made on a daily basis through the chief technician to the engineer. Faults were prioritised according to the consequences of equipment downtime. 69 Stores management The need for spares was identified by the technical department and communicated to the general manager. An order was then immediately placed with the supplier, for urgently required items, or the Managing Director on one of his numerous foreign trips made a direct purchase. The technical department also carried out direct purchase for locally available spare parts. All items procured were entered into the data book. They were then immediately stored either in the central store or technical store. It was also a common practice for spares to be installed immediately on arrival. Spares were only removed from the store by filling out the stores requisition form. This was done through the head of the technical department. Equipment inventory was carried out once a year. The flowchart of WBS maintenance work execution is shown below: 70 - Filing equipment performance in studio log book. - Filing request for equipment repair/servicing in Studio log book. -Receiving and installation of repaired equipment. Studio transmission shift - evaluate request for repair/service (carry out first line maintenance). Chief technician Return equipment to studio No Does equipment need repair? Yes - request/receive spare parts from store Chief Technician No Are spares available? - Notify General Manager - Store equipment Yes - Trouble shooting - Spares replacement - Equipment alignment - Equipment servicing Workshop technicians Fig. 4.4 Flowchart of WBS maintenance work execution 71 4.10 Costs of Equipment failure In both UTV and WBs the following were identified as costs of equipment failure 1. Spares costs 2. Loss of revenue caused by reduced capacity since less equipment is available when a breakdown occurs. 3. Staff wages and payments to staff for overtime or allowances to get the problem solved. 4. Loss of revenue caused by start up and shutdown times as a result of poorly maintained equipment as unfortunately happened in some instances. 4.11 Tabulation of Data Obtained in UTV The following data was obtained from workshop job cards in UTV: 1. Job card Number 2. Date of reporting of the fault 3. Date of repair. 4. Description of spares used to achieve the repair The following data was obtained from equipment catalogue and manuals: 1. Cost of each spare part used The following data was calculated: 1. Time between failures 2. Total cost of spares used per repair incident. 72 The above data was tabulated in the columns shown below: DATA FOR …(equipment type)…………SERIAL NUMBER…………. Job card Date of fault Date of repair Time A B between failures C A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 B3 C3 An Bn Cn Fig. 4.5 Spares used D Cost in USD E D1 D2 D3 Dn E1 E2 E3 En Tabulation of data obtained in UTV Annex 1 shows the tabulation of data obtained in UTV. From the tabulation of equipment failure dates, repair dates and costs of repair, equipment reliability and maintenance cost data was logically calculated by the author as follows; 4.11.1 Mean Time Between Failure as a Reliability Parameter For constant failure rate, the observed mean time between failures, MTBF, was defined as: T (Equation 2.1), where T were the cumulative number of units of time when the machine k was in operation, under observation, (months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) and k were the number of failures over period of observation T. The Time To Repair (TTR) is defined as the date of repair minus the date of fault: TTRn = B n A n ……………………………………………………………………..4.1 The Time Between Failures (TBF) is defined as date of new fault minus date of repair of old fault: TBFn = A n B n 1 = Cn ……………………………………………………………..4.2 73 The Total machine operating days under the period of observation is defined as the sum of all the times between failures: k T= c n …………………………………………………………………………… 4.3 c2 Using the table above, it is very clear that the first result of the time between failures TBF can only be calculated on the second failure occurrence and this therefore reduces the number of TBF values to k – 1 since the value of C1 is undefined. Assuming that the total downtime (TTR) was much less that the total uptime (TBF) we define MTBF as: k C MTBF = n ……………………………………………………………………4.4 n2 k 1 where k are the number faults registered. 4.11.2 Cost of Spares per Machine per Year as a Maintenance Cost Parameter The total cost of spares for the period of observation is defined as the sum of all the individual spares costs during the period of observation: k E = E OBSERVED n …………………………………………………………………….4.5 n 1 Cost of spares used per year for each particular machine was calculated after assuming that the total downtime (TTR) was much less that the total uptime (TBF). Therefore cost spares used per year became k E 365 E YEAR = n 1 k C n ………………………………………………………………4.6 n n 1 74 4.11.3 Frequency of Replacement of Identical Spare Parts as a Maintenance Cost Parameter The frequency of replacement, F, of identical spare parts is defined as the sum of times between replacements divided by the number of times identical components were replaced, thus if C i Was the sum of times between replacements of component I and if the component was replaced j times during the period of observation then F = i C ……………………………………………………………………………..4.7 i j The value of F is calculated for every component that is replaced more than once during the period of observation. 4.12 Summary of Raw data from UTV The tables below show values of T, K, E OBSERVED , MTBF, E YEAR and F for all equipment assessed in UTV. Table 4.1: Equipment Model number Equipment serial number T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) K (Number of failures for period of observation) E OBSERVED (Total cost of spares For period of observation)USD MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate) days E YEAR ( cost of spares per year Data for video cameras in UTV DXC3000AP 84765 606 DXC3000AP 84769 211 2 2 408.16 85.71 606 211 245.84 148.27 Assuming constant failure rate)USD 75 Table 4.2: Equipment Model number Equipment serial number T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) K (Number of failures for period of observation) E OBSERVED (Total Data for video tape recorders in UTV (Part 1) BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 VO9800P 13960 14055 14066 14076 14099 14127 18797 900 1714 1,041 1100 982 1169 1,136 6 10 13 11 5 10 6 723.14 1625.32 1,177.72 835.99 1126.6 1,562 487.69 190.44 86.75 110 245.5 129.9 227.2 346.12 412.94 277.40 418.75 487.8 156.70 609 1,041 387 - 927 776 cost of spares For period of observation)USD 180 MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate) days 239.27 E YEAR ( cost of spares per year Assuming constant failure rate)USD F UPPER _ DRUM 440 (frequency of replacement of upper drum)days F BELT _ LM 1105 900 - 242 - - (frequency of replacement of cassette loading Motor belt) days 76 - 745 - Table 4.3: Equipment Model number Equipment serial number T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) K (Number of failures for period of observation) E OBSERVED (Total cost of spares For period of observation)USD MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate) E YEAR ( cost of spares Data for video tape recorders in UTV (Part 2) VO9800P VO9850P VO9850P VO9850P VO9850P 12747 12955 13651 13654 13655 479 535 1,341 202 2,260 7 8 11 5 5 340.93 948.76 1,135.82 54.59 86.35 79.83 76.43 134.1 50.5 565 259.8 647.28 309.15 98.64 13.95 479 - - 75 per year Assuming constant failure rate) USD F REEL _ BELT (frequency of replacement of reel belt) days 77 Table 4.4: Data for video monitors in UTV Equipment Model number Equipment serial number T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) K (Number of failures for period of observation) E OBSERVED (Total cost of spares For period of observation)USD MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate) days E YEAR ( cost of PVM1442QM PVM1442QM PVM1442QM PVM1442QM 2005681 2005674 2005685 2006572 290 975 89 895 4 3 3 3 0 0 8.89 3 96.7 487.5 44.5 447.5 0 0 36.46 1.22 spares per year Assuming constant failure rate)USD 4.13 Tabulation of Data Obtained from WBS TV Annex 2 shows the questionnaire that was sent to WBS TV. Annex 3 shows answers to the questionnaire that was sent to WBS. Data collected from WBS was tabulated in the columns shown below: Equipment type…….. Equipment No Number of breakdowns Years in service 1 2 3 n Y1 Y2 Y3 Yn Fig. 4.6 B1 B2 B3 Bn Time between Failures (TBF) TBF1 TBF2 TBF3 TBFn Tabulation of data obtained from WBS TV. 78 From the tabulation of equipment years in service, number of breakdowns and costs of repair, equipment reliability and maintenance cost data was logically calculated by the author as follows 4.13.1 Mean Time between Failure as a Reliability Parameter (In the case of questionnaires) From the figure above, Time Between Failures (TBF) is defined as: 365 x number of years equipment has been in service x hours it is in use per day. Total number of failures during equipments service TBFn (hours) = 365 Y B n H ………………………………………………………………..4.8 n where H represents the number of hours the equipment is in use per day. The MTBF would therefore be defined as: p TBF MTBF = n 1 n ……………………………………………………………………….4.9 p where p is the number of pieces of equipment assessed. Please note that for Bn = 0 in 4.8, the value of TBFn becomes undefined. In this case Bn is set to a value of 1 (implying at least one failure) .Tables that include corrected values of Bn are shown in the annex 6. 4.13.2 Cost of Spares per Machine per Year as a Maintenance Cost Parameter. (In the case of questionnaires) The average cost of spares per unit per year was defined as: Total cost of spares used by all similar units per year Total number of units assessed 79 4.14 Summary of Raw data from WBS TV Table 4.5: Equipment Model number Equipment number T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate) BVW75 PVW2800 PVW2800 PVW2800 PVW2800 PVW2800 1 1 2 3 4 5 1825 1460 1460 1278 1278 1278 11 10 13 6 4 5 2654.55 2336.00 1796.92 3406.67 5110.00 4088.00 Table 4.6: Equipment Model number Equipment number T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure rate) Data for video tape recorders in WBS TV Data for video tape recorders in WBS TV (Part 2) DV/ VHS DV/ VHS DV/ VHS DV/ VHS DV/ VHS DV/ VHS D750 D750 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 365 548 3 4 2 6 1 5 1 1 5840 4380 8760 2920 17520 3504 5840 8760 80 Table 4.6: Data for video tape recorders in WBS TV (Part 3) UVW1800 UVW1800 UVW1800 UVW1800 UVW1800 UVW1800 Equipment Model number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Equipment number 730 730 547 1095 1095 730 T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) 3 2 2 6 5 3 K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure 3893.33 5840 4380 2920 3504 3893.33 rate) Table 4.7: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 1) PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE Equipment Model number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Equipment number 2281 2281 1887 1887 2190 2190 T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) 2 7 3 8 6 3 K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure 27375 7821.43 15096.4 5661.15 8760 17520 rate) 81 Table 4.8: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 2) PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE PVM91CE Equipment Model number 7 8 9 10 11 12 Equipment number 2190 1551 1157 2190 2190 1825 T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) 3 4 8 6 0 3 K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure 17520 9307.5 3471.15 8760 0 14600 rate) Table 4.9: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 3) TM150 TM150 TVM9B TVM9B TVM9B TVM9B Equipment Model number 1 2 1 2 3 4 Equipment number 1460 1825 1704 1704 1704 1704 T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) 2 4 6 5 7 4 K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure 17520 10950 6818.2 8181.84 5844.17 10227.3 rate) 82 Table 4.10: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 4) DU620 DU620 DU620 DU620 DU620 DU620 Equipment Model number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Equipment number 1825 1825 1825 1460 1095 2190 T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) 0 0 2 1 2 2 K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure 0 0 21900 35040 13140 26280 rate) Table 4.11: Data for video monitors in WBS TV (Part 5) DU620 DU620 DU620 DU620 LHD6200 LHD6200 Equipment Model number 7 8 9 10 1 Equipment number 2190 2190 2190 2190 1095 T (Total machine operating days under period of observation ) 2 1 2 0 2 K (Number of failures for period of observation) MTBF (Mean time between failures assuming constant failure 26280 52560 26280 0 13140 rate) 83 CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 5.1 Introduction In this chapter the UTV and WBS maintenance models are discussed. The MTBF and cost of spares per machine per year for each of the two stations is calculated proving that in both UTV and WBS video tape recorders are the least reliable and most expensive to maintain whereas video monitors are the most reliable and cheapest to maintain. The equipment hours of use per day for video cameras, video cassette recorders and video monitors in UTV are calculated as a way of converting the values of MTBF obtained from units of „days‟ to units of „hours‟. This is to enable the standardisation of units of MTBF between UTV and WBS. Pareto analysis is carried out for failure rates versus spares costs for video cassette recorders to prove that in the case of UTV 19% of the total number of defects contributed 59% of the total spares cost. These were mainly video heads .In WBS 46% of the total number of defects contributed 59% of the total spares cost. These were mainly mechanical assemblies and sub assemblies. The cost of spares is plotted against the frequency of maintenance to determine one cost saving strategy. The hypothesis is tested to with the result that the alternative hypothesis is therefore upheld i.e. „broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are not maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers.‟ Finally research questions on the reliability for each category of equipment in Uganda, equipment purchase criteria, reduction of maintenance costs and ways of increasing broadcast equipment reliability are discussed. 5.2 Comparison of the UTV and WBS TV Maintenance Models A study of the UTV and WBS TV maintenance models brought out the following salient features: 84 ♦ UTV had a big maintenance workshop where a large number of faulty equipment was stored. WBS had a small workshop with limited storage for faulty equipment. ♦ WBS run an elaborate schedule for cleaning of equipment. UTV never had such a schedule and studio equipment was only occasionally cleaned on Fridays. ♦ The operating temperature of equipment in WBS was kept low by use of air-conditioning equipment. Regulation of equipment temperature in UTV was erratic as the air conditioners, where available, were mostly out of order. ♦ A deliberate effort was made in WBS to keep dust out of equipment areas by providing dust proof seals for doors and by using air filters for ventilation ducts. The only method used in UTV was regular mopping of the floor with a wet cloth. ♦ UTV employed job cards for recording equipment maintenance data. WBS employed log books where limited details about equipment maintenance were stored. ♦ WBS employed direct procurement methods for purchase of spares .This method eliminated procurement related delays thus reducing equipment downtime. They however stocked only a few spare parts. UTV on the other hand employed a bureaucratic and lengthy procurement system. Equipment downtime was kept low by stocking a large quantity of spare parts. The relatively higher expenditure on spare parts by WBS could be attributed to the fact that the programme production volume was higher than that of UTV thereby exerting greater wear and tear on the equipment. ♦ In UTV there was a clear distinction between equipment operators and maintenance personnel. In contrast all WBS technical personnel were responsible for the operation and maintenance of studio equipment. UTV had a higher quality of maintenance personnel. However this did not result in an increase in equipment reliability. In fact equipment in WBS had higher reliability (see section 5.6). 85 The above comparison between the UTV and WBS maintenance models is summarised in the table below. Table 5.1 Summary of the UTV and WBS maintenance models Factor Workshop size Adherence to equipment cleaning schedule Operating temperature of equipment Dust proofing of equipment rooms Methods of recording maintenance and failure data Procurement of spare parts Quantity of spare parts in stock Degree of specialisation of maintenance staff 5.3 UTV WBS Large Irregular Small Regular High Low (air conditioned) Yes No Job cards Log books Log books Slow (bureaucratic) High (costly) Fast (direct procurement) Low High low Calculation of MTBF and Cost of spares per machine 5.3.1 Statistical Treatment of Data Obtained from UTV Statistical analysis was carried out on the following data obtained from UTV: The statistical software package used was SPSS Ver.10.0 for windows. The following were to be calculated for video tape recorders and video monitors ,using the data collected: Mean time between failure (MTBF) Cost of spares per video tape recorder per year The data collected was analysed using the descriptive analysis tool of SPSS Ver. 10.0 for windows. 86 Video tape recorders Values of time between failures (TBF) for 12 video tape recorders were extracted for every failure occurrence and are shown below: Table 5.2 210 66 150 84 182 243 33 28 75 Time between failures (TBF) for 12 video tape recorders for every failure occurrence 73 16 62 98 12 84 78 89 2 157 132 129 237 35 300 76 507 231 230 1105 266 30 63 392 37 34 1990 230 21 133 337 6 139 74 21 37 109 30 44 53 27 103 134 20 86 21 56 340 255 167 103 141 54 3 18 97 347 27 119 32 62 40 90 266 242 14 195 41 84 142 97 279 117 29 187 54 The results after statistical analysis are shown below: Table 5.3 Results of descriptive analysis for values of Time Between failures (TBF) for video tape recorders Number of samples N 85 Minimum Maximum 2 1990 Mean (MTBF) 151.28 Standard deviation 250.42 Median 86 Cost of spares used per VTR per year for 12 video tape recorders were extracted for each video tape recorder and are shown below: Table 5.4 293.27 156.70 346.12 259.80 Spares used per video tape recorder per year (USD) 412.94 647.28 277.40 309.15 The results after statistical analysis are shown below: 87 418.75 98.64 487.80 13.95 Table 5.5 Results of descriptive analysis for cost of spares used per video tape recorder per year N Minimum Maximum 12 13.95 647.28 Mean (USD) 310.15 Standard deviation 172.88 Median 301.21 Video Monitors Values of time between failures (TBF) for 4 video monitors were extracted for every failure occurrence and are shown below: Table 5.6 1 Time between failures (TBF) for 4 video monitors for every failure occurrence (days) 147 142 7 968 5 84 857 38 The results after statistical analysis are shown below: Table 5.7 Results of descriptive analysis for video monitors: N Minimum Maximum 9 1 968 Mean (MTBF) 249.89 Standard deviation 380.76 Median 84 Cost of spares used per video monitor per year for four video monitors were extracted for each video monitor and are shown below: Table 5.8 0 Cost of spares used per monitor per year (USD) 0 36.46 1.22 The results after statistical analysis are shown below: Table 5.9 N 4 Descriptive analysis(spares used per monitor per year) Minimum 0 Maximum 36.46 Mean 9.42 88 Standard deviation 18.04 5.3.2 Calculation of Equipment Hours of Use per Day in UTV Manufacturers quote component replacement time in form of hours. It was therefore necessary to convert the MTBF values obtained into hours .Six technical operators in UTV were interviewed to find out the equipment usage in form of hours per day with the following results: Table 5.10 Calculation of equipment hours of use per day in UTV. EQUIPMENT operator operator operator operator operator operator TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 MONITORS 16 13 14 8 13 10 VIDEOTAPE RECORDERS 8 13 12 12 7 9 CAMERAS 10 4 14 6 9 5 Hours per day MEAN 12 10 8 The conversion rates for MTBF (days to hours) thus derived were therefore;10 hours per day for video tape recorders, 12 hours per day for video monitors and 8 hours per day for video cameras. These conversion rates are used in the summary of results from UTV below. Table 5.11 MTBF (days) Summary of results from UTV MTBF (hours) Cost of spares per machine per year (USD) 151.28 1,512.8 310.15 Video tape recorders 249.89 2,998.7 9.42 Video monitors 408.5 3,268 165.78 Video cameras From the three categories of equipment above it can be seen that video tape recorders are the least reliable and most expensive to maintain. Video monitors are the most reliable and cheapest to maintain. 5.3.3 Statistical Treatment of Data Obtained from WBS TV Statistical analysis was carried out on the following data obtained from WBS TV: The statistical software package used was SPSS Ver.10.0 for windows. Video tape recorders The following were to be calculated using the data collected: 89 Mean time between failure (MTBF) Values of time between failures (TBF) for video tape recorders were extracted and are shown below: Table 5.12 TBF values for video tape recorders in WBS (hours) 2654.55 5110.00 5840.00 17520.00 4380.00 2336.00 4088.00 4380.00 3504.00 2920.00 1796.92 5840 8760.00 3893.33 3504.00 3406.67 8760 2920.00 5840.00 3893.33 The results after statistical analysis are shown below: Table 5.13 N 20 Minimum 2336.00 Results of descriptive analysis for video tape recorders: Maximum 17,520.00 Mean 5067.34 Standard deviation 3476.53 Video Monitors The following were to be calculated using the data collected: Mean time between failure (MTBF) Values of time between failures (TBF) for video monitors were extracted and are shown below: 17520 8760.00 52560.00 43800 26280 Table 5.14 10950 17520.00 14600.00 43800 52560 TBF values for video monitors in WBS(hours) 27375.00 7821.43 15096.40 17520.00 9307.50 3471.15 6818.2 8181.84 5844.17 21900 35040 13140 26280 52560 13140 5661.15 8760.00 10227.3 26280 The above data was analysed using the descriptive analysis tool of SPSS Ver. 10.0 for windows. The results are shown below: 90 Table 5.15 N 29 Minimum 3471.15 Results of descriptive analysis for video monitors: Maximum 52,560.00 Mean 20,785.32 Standard deviation 15,293.67 Video Cameras The following were to be calculated using the data collected: Mean time between failure (MTBF Values of time between failures (TBF) for video cameras were extracted and are shown below: Table 5.16 TBF values for video cameras (hours) 4380.00 8760.00 11694.60 4380.00 26280.00 3898.20 2920.00 13140.00 8760.00 13140.00 8760.00 3898.20 The above data was analysed using the descriptive analysis tool of SPSS Ver. 10.0 for windows. The results are shown below: Table 5.17 N 12 Minimum 2920.00 Results of descriptive analysis for cameras: Maximum 26280.00 Mean 9167.58 Standard deviation 6548.33 The cost of spares for video tape recorderswas calculated from the questionnaire and tabulated as shown below: Table 5.18 Manufacturer Sony Sony Panasonic JVC SONY Cost of spares per year for video tape recorders in WBS (USD) Model No. Quantity Total cost of spares per year(USD) BVW 75P 1 1100.00 PVW 2800P 5 8111.11 DVC-PRO AJ-D750 1 1200.00 DV/VHS 6 2075.01 UVW 1800P 6 8500.00 91 From the above table, the average cost of spares per video tape recorder per year was defined as: Total cost of spares used up by all video tape recorders for one year Total number of video tape recorders assessed = 1104.53 USD per VTR per year The cost of spares for video monitors was calculated from the questionnaire and tabulated as shown below: Table 5.19 Cost of spares for video monitors in WBS Manufacturer Model No. Quantity JVC TM –150 PSNK PVM 91CE TVM9B 9 inches DU 6 –20C LHD 6200 2 Total cost of spares per year (USD) 30.01 12 4 25.68 20.11 10 1 43.68 1.61 Sony Vista Melford Philips From the above table, the average cost of spares per video monitor per year was defined as: Total cost of spares used up by all video monitors for one year Total number of video monitors assessed = 4.18 USD per monitor per year. The cost of spares for video cameras was calculated from the questionnaire and tabulated as shown below: Table 5.20 Cost of spares for video cameras in WBS Manufacturer Model No. Quantity Sony Panasonic Sony JVC DSR – PD150P NV-MX500 CVR 300AP GY –DV 500E 2 4 3 3 92 Total cost of spares per year (USD) 1000.00 700.00 1680.00 680.00 From the above table, the average cost of spares per video camera per year was defined as: Total cost of spares used up by all video cameras for one year Total number of video cameras assessed = 338.33 USD per video camera per year. Table 5.21 Summary of results from WBS Equipment MTBF (hours) Video tape recorders Video cameras Video monitors 5,334.04 9,167.58 20,785.32 Cost of spares per machine per year (USD) 1,104.53 338.33 4.18 From the three categories of equipment above it can be seen that in the case of WBS TV, video tape recorders are the least reliable and most expensive to maintain. Video monitors are the most reliable and cheapest to maintain. 5.4 Comparison of wages for maintenance staff between UTV and WBS Studies carried out in UTV and WBS proved that labour costs in the form of wages for maintenance staff substantially added to the cost of maintaining these pieces of equipment. Average wages for maintenance staff at UTV stood at SHS 220,443/=. In comparison, average wages for maintenance staff at WBS TV stood at SHS 511,111/=. We can therefore say that on average WBS paid higher wages to maintenance staff than UTV. 5.5 Graphical representation of MTBF and maintenance costs in UTV and WBS The above analysis is shown graphically below: 93 Cost of spares per year per machine (USD) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 UTV WBS Cameras VTRs Monitors Fig 5.1 Cost of spares per machine per year (UTV&WBS) 20,785.32 20,000 UTV 15,000 10,000 5,000 9,167.58 3,268 WBS 5,334.04 1,512.80 2,998.70 0 Cameras VTRs Monitors Fig 5.2 Equipment MTBF (UTV&WBS) Average monthly salary(Ushs) MTBF(Hours) 25,000 600,000 511,111 500,000 400,000 300,000 220,443 200,000 100,000 0 UTV WBS Fig 5.3 Average wages for maintenance staff 94 Figures and show that WBS has generally higher equipment reliability than UTV but also spends more on spares. Other factors that contribute to higher equipment reliability in WBS are the following: Presence of very stable power in WBS due to the use of an AC no break‟ power supply i.e. the commercial mains input and standby generator power are channelled through a UPS to the studio. A relatively dust free environment in WBS. Adherence to a strict preventive maintenance schedule mainly involving cleaning of insides of equipment. 5.6 Higher remuneration leading to higher staff motivation (Fig. Pareto Analysis Pareto analysis was carried out on failure costs of video tape recorders in UTV and WBS to find out the following: The most expensive group of defects. The most frequent defects. The percentage cost of the most expensive group of defects to the total cost. This was because video tape recorders were the most expensive to maintain. Video tape recorders also had the widest variety of mechanical, electromechanical and electronic components thus enabling clear categorization of defects. In UTV it was assumed that the cost of lubrication and alignment per machine was 13.5 USD. 95 Results were tabulated as shown below: Table 5.22 Pareto analysis of video tape recorders in UTV Defect type Mechanical adjustment and lubrication Mechanical assembly/subassembly Electromechanical component Electronic component Electromagnetic pickup device Frequency of faults 33 Total cost (USD) 445.5 Percentage of total cost 4.38 30 20 6 21 834.42 2437.6 730.81 5718.5 8.21 23.98 7.18 56.25 Electromechanical components were defined as devices that convert electrical signals into related mechanical movement. These included electric motors and solenoids. Electromagnetic pickup devices were defined as devices that pickup signals from magnetic tape using the electromagnetic induction principle. These included video heads, audio heads, CTL heads and erase heads. Table 5.23 Pareto analysis of video tape recorders in WBS TV Defect type Mechanical assembly/subassembly Electromechanical component Electronic component Electromagnetic pickup device Frequency Total cost 15 12,046 Percentage of total cost 59 3 3 11 2,930 511 4,939 14.4 2.5 24.1 In the case of UTV it can be seen that 19% of the total number of defects contributed 59% of the total spares cost. These were mainly video heads .In WBS 46% of the total number of defects contributed 59% of the total spares cost. These were mainly mechanical assemblies and sub assemblies. The wide disparity between UTV and WBS figures can be attributed to the fact that the analysis for WBS was done over a shorter time span (one year). The above results are shown diagrammatically below: 96 5.6.1 Graphical Representation of Results of Pareto Analysis Electromagneti c pickup fault 19% Adjustment/lubr ication 31% Electronic fault 5% Electromechani cal fault 18% Mechanical fault 27% Fig 5.4 Number of defects for video tape recorders in UTV Adjustment/lub rication 4% Mechanical 8% Electromechan ical 24% Electromagneti c pickup 57% Electronic 7% Fig 5.5 Cost of spares for video tape recorders in UTV 97 Electromagneti c pickup fault 34% Mechanical fault 48% Electronic fault 9% Electromechani cal fault 9% Fig. 5.6 Number of defects for video tape recorders in WBS Electromagneti c pickup fault 24% Electronic fault 3% Mechanical fault 59% Electromechani cal fault 14% Fig 5.7 Cost of spares for video tape recorders in WBS 98 5.7 The cost of spares versus frequency of maintenance We shall define the frequency of maintenance as equal to 1 MTBF Using data obtained above, composite graphs are drawn for cost of spares per year versus frequency of maintenance for video tape recorders, video monitors and video cameras and are shown below: 1200 Cost of spares (USD) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency of maintenance per VTR (repairs per year) Fig. 5.8 Cost of spares Versus frequency of maintenance for Video tape recorders 99 400 Cost of spares (USD) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Frequency of maintenance per video camera (repairs per year) Fig. 5.9 Cost of spares Versus frequency of maintenance for cameras 10 9 Cost of spares (USD) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Frequency of maintenance per video monitor (repairs per year) Fig.5.10 Cost of spares Versus frequency of maintenance for video monitors From the graphs above we can generally conclude that in the case of video tape recorders and video cameras , the cost of spares decreases with increased frequency of maintenance whereas in the case of video monitors the cost of spares increased with increased frequency of maintenance. 100 5.8 Testing of hypothesis 5.8.1 Alternative hypothesis Broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are not maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers 5.8.2 Null hypothesis Broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers. It was required that the null and alternative hypothesis be tested against the separate categories of equipment, namely; Video tape recorders in UTV. Video monitors in UTV. Video cameras in UTV Video tape recorders in WBS. Video monitors in WBS. Video cameras in WBS In all the cases, the null hypothesis was defined as H 0 where is the value of MTBF 0 0 specified by the manufacturers. The alternative hypothesis was therefore defined as H 1 . It 0 was assumed that data collected followed a normal distribution. This was done for a 95% confidence interval, implying that 0 . 05 . 5.8.3 Testing hypothesis for the case of video tape recorders in UTV For this case, n = 85, s = 2504.2, x =1512.8, = 1000, t 0 1 = 1.998 with n-1 degrees of freedom. 2 In the above, n is the sample size, s is the sample standard deviation, 101 x is the sample mean, t 1 is 2 the value from the t distribution that corresponds to the degrees of freedom and confidence interval specified. We compute a 95% CL (confidence limit) on = + t 1 2 x s n = 1512 + 1.998 x 2504.2/ 85 = 970.14 to 2055.46. The MTBF value of 1000 hours confidently falls within this interval. The null hypothesis is therefore upheld for videotape recorders in UTV. 5.8.4 Testing hypothesis for the case of video monitors in UTV For this case, n = 9, s = 4569.12, x = 2998.68, = 10,000 , t 0 1 = 2.306 with n-1 degrees of 2 freedom. We compute a 95% CL on = x + t 1 2 s n = 2998.68 + 2.306 x 4569.12/ 9 = 0 to 6510.81. The MTBF value of 10,000 hours confidently falls outside this interval and is higher than the upper value of the confidence interval. The alternative hypothesis is therefore upheld for monitors in UTV. 5.8.5 Testing hypothesis for the case of video cameras in UTV For this case, n = 2, , = 38,200 , t 0 1 = 12.706 with n-1 degrees of freedom. 2 102 The MTBF value of 38,200 is much higher than . The alternative hypothesis is therefore upheld 0 for video cameras in UTV. 5.8.6 Testing hypothesis for the case of videotape recorders in WBS For this case, n = 20, s = 3476.53, x = 5067.34, = 1000, t 0 1 = 2.093 with n-1 degrees of 2 freedom. We compute a 95% CL on = x + t 1 2 s n = 5067.34 + 2.093 x 3476.53/ 20 = 3440.29 to 6694.39 The MTBF value of 1,000 hours confidently falls outside this interval and is lower than the lower value of the confidence interval. The Null hypothesis is therefore upheld for video tape recorders in WBS. 5.8.7 Testing hypothesis for the case of video monitors in WBS For this case, n = 29, s = 15,293.67, x = 20,785.32, = 10,000 , t 0 n-1 degrees of freedom. We compute a 95% CL on = x + t 1 2 s n = 20,785.32 + 2.048 x 15,293.67/ 29 = 14,969.08 to 26,601.56 103 1 = 2.048 with 2 The MTBF value of 10,000 hours confidently falls outside this interval and is lower than the lower value of the confidence interval. The null hypothesis is therefore upheld for monitors in WBS. 5.8.8 Testing hypothesis for the case of video cameras in WBS For this case, n = 12, s = 6548.33, x = 9,167.58, = 38,200 , t 0 1 = 2.201 with 2 n-1 degrees of freedom. We compute a 95% CL on = x + t 1 2 s n = 9,167.58 + 2.201 x 6548.33/ 12 = 5006.94 to 13,328.22. The MTBF value of 38,200 hours confidently falls outside this interval and is higher than the higher value of the confidence interval. The alternative hypothesis is therefore upheld for cameras in WBS. For the null hypothesis to hold it must hold for all cases, which is not true above as it failed to hold in three out of six cases. The alternative hypothesis is therefore upheld i.e. broadcast equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are not maintained to the reliability standards of the equipment manufacturers. 5.9 Research Questions Answered 5.9.1 Research question 1 What is the reliability for each category of equipment in Uganda and how does it compare with reliability figures from equipment manufacturers? The table below shows reliability figures obtained from UTV and WBS. As comparison reliability figures obtained from equipment manufacturers are shown. 104 Table 5.24 Equipment category Video cameras Video tape recorders Video monitors Reliability figures from UTV and WBS MTBF (UTV) 3,268 1,512.8 2,998.7 MTBF (WBS) 9,167.58 5,334.04 20,785.32 MTBF (equipment manufacturers) 38,200 1,000 10,000 The above reliability figures show the following: Video cameras in WBS are more reliable than those in UTV, but are only 25% as reliable as the manufacturers‟ models. Video tape recorders in WBS are more reliable than in UTV. The UTV reliability figures approach those of the manufacturer by as low as 50 %. The WBS reliability figures are however 400% higher. Video monitors in WBS are more reliable than in UTV. The UTV reliability figures are lower than those of the manufacturer (30% of the value). The WBS reliability figures are however twice as high. 5.9.2 Research question 2 Which equipment purchase criteria should be used to tackle the issue of intrinsic or inherent reliability? The table below shows the most commonly occurring faults as obtained from data collected from UTV and WBS TV. Table 5.25 NATURE OF FAULT Wear out of video head tips leading to degradation of recorded or playback picture or complete loss of Most common faults for video tape recorders CAUSE Head to tape friction since there is direct contact between the head and the tape. Matters are made 105 COMMENTS Replacement hours in UTV are about 7,000 hours on average whereas in WBS they range between 3,000 picture. Failure of the tape transport mechanism due to worn out mechanical parts i.e. Plastic gears, belts, metallic and plastic rollers, washers and spacers. Table 5.26 worse by the presence of foreign materials on the head tips or tape surface i.e. dust, moisture, metal particles, oil and greasy compounds. Friction between plastic and plastic or between plastic and metal is made worse by the presence of dust or metallic particles at the contact surfaces. In some cases greasing makes matters worse by attracting dust particles. Recommendations to use only the manufacturer‟s recommended lubricants are never followed. Most common faults for video monitors NATURE OF FAULT CAUSE Dry solder joints leading to open or high resistance connection between electrodes and circuit. High current flowing through electrodes and solder causes contraction and expansion of solder. Solder loses its characteristics after several cycles and develops cracks. Sparking between contacts wears them out after several power cycles. Failure of AC power switch hours to 6,000 hours. Breakdown of electrolytic capacitors caused by leakage of electrolyte especially in power supply and deflection circuits High temperatures generated in video monitor circuits coupled with presence of high voltage across capacitor electrodes. Leakage of EHT (Extra High Tension) voltage, typically 25KV, leading to a breakdown of the deflection circuit. Ionisation of air within the monitor and presence of foreign particles increase the conductivity of the air especially around deflection circuit and EHT electrode. 106 COMMENTS Regular resoldering of the circuit can solve this problem. This effect can be reduced by limiting the number of times a monitor is switched on and off, or activating the switch without presence of power. This problem can be reduced by over specifying the voltage rating of a capacitor e.g. instead of 100uf 350V, replace with 100uf 450V. Regular cleaning of the circuitry can reduce this problem. Silicon grease should also be applied around the EHT electrode on the picture tube. Table 5.27 Most common faults for video cameras NATURE OF FAULT Camcorders face a lot of mechanical problems due to miniaturisation of components. It is therefore common for tapes to jam inside the camera. CAUSE Poor handling and care for the camcorder and tape mainly cause this. In some models however manufacturing defects causes it. Problems with the optical system (lens) leading to jamming of the zoom, focus and iris control mechanisms. This is caused by presence of dust and grease in the lens system. Dust on the lenses may partially obstruct the picture. COMMENTS Avoiding the presence of dirt in the camera mechanism can reduce this problem. Subjecting the camera to extreme vibration, shock, temperature and humidity should be avoided Avoiding the presence of dirt in the optical mechanism can reduce this problem Arising from the above, the following criteria are useful when purchasing broadcast equipment: Video tape recorders Care should be taken to purchase recorders designed for broadcast purposes. These recorders have been designed with robust mechanical systems and long lasting video and audio heads. The older broadcast formats were analogue in nature i.e. Umatic SP, Betacam SP and so forth. The new broadcast formats are digital in nature i.e. DVCAM, DVCpro , Digital Betacam, HDV, DVDR and so forth. On the whole, digital formats deliver a more stable high picture quality. They however have lower tolerances for dust and extreme temperature variations. Domestic type recorders should be avoided, as these are not reliable. These include the VHS, DV and Video 8 formats. There must be a guarantee from the supplier that the manufacturer will be able to supply spare parts for the duration of estimated equipment life. It is only the steady supply of spare parts that can make equipment reliable. 107 Video cameras As with video tape recorders, care should be taken to purchase recorders designed for broadcast purposes. These recorders have been designed with robust mechanical systems and long lasting video and audio heads. There are other characteristics to look out for that may impinge on reliability. The optical zoom, where the focal length of the lens is changed, must be servomotor driven and not synthesised through electronics to ease service of the lens system. The cassette loading mechanism must be side mounted. The camera must be of 3 CCD chip design. The camera must have professional output ports that are not easily damaged i.e. video outputs and inputs must use BNC connectors and audio inputs and outputs must use XLR connectors. As with video tape recorders, there must be a guarantee from the supplier that the manufacturer will be able to supply spare parts for the duration of estimated equipment life. Video monitors Video monitors must be of robust design with sufficient ventilation slots on the covers to permit free circulation of air. Video monitors must be of an open design that is easy to open and dust. This means that it must have few, well spaced, circuit boards. As with video tape recorders, there must be a guarantee from the supplier that the manufacturer will be able to supply spare parts for the duration of estimated equipment life. 5.9.3 Research question 3 How can maintenance costs be reduced without adversely affecting reliability? Investigations were done and comparison was made between the manufacturers recommended preventive spares replacement schedules and replacement schedules discovered in actual practice. 108 For the case of UTV there was sufficient data to analyse replacement schedules for the following parts used in video tape recorders: Table 5.28 TYPE BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 BVU950 V09850 VO9850 Number of days between successive replacements. SERIAL No UPPER DRUM BELT,LM REEL BELT 13960 440 900 14055 609 14055 1105 14066 1041 14076 387 14127 927 745 14127 242 18797 776 12747 479 MEAN 690.9 822.5 479 Table 5.29 Recommended replacement hours and actual replacement hours in UTV Manufacturers Estimated replacement hours in Item recommended UTV replacement hours Upper drum assembly 1,000 6,909 (video head) DUR44 Belt LM 4,000 8,225 3-653-387-00 Reel belt (belt square) 4,000 4,790 3-672-737-01 From the above, it can therefore be concluded that in the case of video tape recorders, it is possible to reduce maintenance costs by using the components beyond their recommended hours of replacement. This also increases the reliability of equipment since the MTBF will have effectively gone up. 109 5.9.4 Research question 4 How can broadcast equipment reliability be increased? It has been stated that „if the desired performance of an asset exceeds its built in capability, it is in a failed state right from the outset and no amount of maintenance will deliver the desired performance. This problem can only be solved by redesigning the asset to increase its built in capability, or by lowering performance expectations to a level at which the asset can cope‟ (Moubray: Reliability centred maintenance, 1993). Broadcast equipment are manufactured outside Africa and in the case of Uganda, the level of technological development, in the context of tools and expertise necessary to redesign the equipment, does not permit redesigning to take place. The only way forward therefore is to look at factors that lead to low reliability of equipment and address them. Research carried out in WBS TV and UTV came up with factors and recommendations as follows: There was presence of dust in equipment. In the case of video tape recorders, this was responsible for the high wear and tear of moving parts. In the case of video monitors the dust formed a thick layer on the components‟ surface leading to overheating of the components and their eventual failure. In this case operating the equipment in a dust free environment and increasing the frequency of dusting the equipment would increase reliability. The equipment goes through a high number of power cycles due to load shedding. The resultant electrical stress exceeds the stress margins of the electrical components causing them to break down. In this case putting all the equipment on an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will lead to higher reliability. This has been done in WBS but has not been done in UTV. 110 In UTV there was very little money allocated for purchase of spare parts. In addition the procurement process was very lengthy for spares purchased outside Uganda. This led to lengthy downtimes. In this case, timely purchase of spare parts and use of prediction methods will lead to higher reliability. Field cameras (camcorders) were subjected to excessive temperatures, vibration and shock. This was especially true in WBS where hectic recording schedules were prevalent. Whereas excessive temperature led to breakdown of electronic components, vibration and shock led to misalignment of the mechanical parts. In this case proper cushioning by carrying equipment in the manufacturer’s recommended carrying case/bag and use of heat shielding equipment, for example, umbrellas will lead to higher reliability. There was use of very old equipment i.e. equipment outside its useful life cycle. The maintenance cost associated with maintaining an acceptable equipment reliability level was therefore too expensive and the cost and availability of spare parts had become unacceptable from an economic standpoint. Failure to meet this cost therefore led to low reliability. This was especially true of UTV and to a lesser extent WBS. In this case there should be a life cycle reliability strategy developed and adhered to from equipment purchase specification criteria to decommissioning. Equipment outside its useful life cycle should be decommissioned and new equipment bought. 111 CHAPTER SIX: SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Restatement of the Problem The research focused on the hypothesis that equipment used in broadcasting stations in Uganda had low reliability. There was therefore a need to assess reliability and look into factors affecting it in order to increase the reliability of equipment, reduce maintenance costs and increase the lifetime of equipment. The intended result was to increase the profitability of TV stations. 6.2 Description of Procedures In UTV, the data collected that included equipment models, date of fault, date of repair and spares used was obtained from workshop job cards. The cost of spares was obtained from spares purchase documents and suppliers‟ sites on the Internet. It was therefore possible to calculate the TBF (time between failures) and MTBF (mean time between failures) and cost of spares used per year. Interviews were carried out to assess patterns of equipment use. In WBS, the data collected that included equipment models, quantities, rate of breakdown, spares used and cost of spares was obtained by way of questionnaire and interviews. It was therefore possible to calculate the TBF, MTBF and cost of spares used per year. Statistical analysis using the t distribution was used to assess the 95% confidence limits of TBF data for the different categories of equipment. The null and alternative hypotheses were tested by comparing the confidence limits with MTBF values obtained from equipment manufacturers. Research questions were answered using data collected from WBS, UTV, and equipment manufacturers‟ reliability data and from interviews with maintenance personnel. It was therefore possible to fulfil the objectives of the research. This was the assessment of reliability for three 112 categories of broadcast equipment, researching the most commonly occurring faults and arriving at the best maintenance strategy for each category of equipment. 6.3 Major Findings The major findings of the study were: In both UTV and WBS video tape recorders are the least reliable and most expensive to maintain whereas video monitors are the most reliable and cheapest to maintain. The cost of spares per year reduced with increased frequency of maintenance for video tape recorders and video cameras resulting in a 30% reduction in cost for every 100% increase in frequency of maintenance in the case of video cameras and in a 37% reduction in cost for every 100% increase in frequency in the case of video tape recorders. The cost of spares per year increased with increased frequency of maintenance for video monitors resulting in a 42% increase in cost for every 100% increase in frequency of maintenance. The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis adopted i.e. broadcast studio equipment used by TV stations in Uganda are not maintained to the reliability standards of equipment manufacturers. Broadcast equipment reliability in Uganda can be increased by including specifications in procurement documents that favour the acquisition of reliable equipment. Pareto analysis showed that mechanical parts, electromechanical parts and electromagnetic pickup parts took up the lion‟s share of spares costs in video tape recorders (88.44% in case of UTV and 97.5% in the case of WBS TV). Maintenance records in some broadcasting stations were not properly kept. The innovative approach of using a questionnaire to generate maintenance data proved to be successful. 113 6.4 Contribution of the thesis to the field of engineering Reliability Engineering consists of the systematic application of time-honoured engineering principles and techniques throughout a product lifecycle. The goal of reliability engineering is to evaluate the inherent reliability of a product or process and pinpoint potential areas for reliability improvement. Realistically, all failures cannot be eliminated from a design, so another goal of reliability engineering is to identify the most likely failures and then identify appropriate actions to mitigate the effects of those failures. In Uganda no reliability evaluation of broadcast equipment has taken place yet the most important contribution of engineering to the broadcasting sector is to ensure that equipment correctly perform their intended function in the most efficient and cost effective way possible. The contribution of this research therefore was to assist engineers in the broadcast industry to adopt engineering practices and put in place measures to ensure that expensive broadcast equipment continuously perform their function in the most cost efficient and productive way. The ingenious method of using questionnaires to assess reliability further adds to the relevancy of the thesis to developing countries as it enables reliability assessment where little or no historical failure data exists. 6.5 Recommendations It is felt that the following recommendations arising out of the research should be adopted by TV broadcasting stations in Uganda for purposes of improving equipment reliability: Maintenance personnel in broadcasting stations should concentrate their efforts on preventive maintenance of video tape recorders and video cameras since it results in savings of spares costs. 114 Broadcast studio equipment reliability should be increased by including specifications in procurement documents that favour the acquisition of reliable equipment. Maintenance costs of video tape recorders can be reduced by operating them in a clean dust free, cool environment and by regular cleaning and lubrication of mechanical parts. This will reduce costs associated with replacement of mechanical parts and electromagnetic pickup parts, these being the major contributors to spares costs. Equipment that is used outside the manufacturer‟s stipulated lifetime attracts high maintenance costs in terms of the quantity of spares needed and the increasing costs of obtaining those spares. Such equipment should always be decommissioned. In the case of UTV and WBS, some of the equipment had reached its useful life. Such equipment should be decommissioned. Maintenance personnel should always be technically alert and not just wait for equipment to go down before attempting repair of the same. This attitude also points to a poor maintenance culture in Uganda. ♦ The managers of television stations in Uganda need to establish reliability maintenance processes in their firms. They should do so by setting up plant registers with a view to enhance understanding of how equipment works, how it can fail and the root causes of each failure. They should also ensure that maintenance personnel possess and implement maintenance schedules. They should also involve maintenance staff and equipment operators in the formulation of specifications for new equipment purchases. 6.6 Recommendations for Further Investigation Research into equipment reliability in Uganda should be continued in the following areas: Reliability of Transmitters. During the time of this study there was insufficient data on transmitters. The study therefore focused on studio equipment. Transmitters in Uganda have 115 since grown in number. It may therefore be possible to carry out a reliability study on transmitters. The cost of equipment replacement as opposed to cost of repair. This is an area of contention as some argue that it is cheaper to replace equipment than to maintain it. Investigations should be made into change of reliability patterns with change in equipment technology. This involves continuous collection of reliability data as more TV stations are established and as the old ones acquire new equipment. New issues associated with adoption of new technology will therefore have to be addressed, for example, software reliability. 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Nippon Hoso Kyokai Public Relations Department(2008/2009). NHK annual report 2008/2009 Website: http://www.nhk.or.jp/pr/english/annual/2008/pdf/whole.pdf (visited on 22/05/2010). 2. Nippon Hoso Kyokai Public Relations Department(2009/2010). NHK annual report 2009/2010. Website: http://www.nhk.or.jp/pr/english/annual/2008/pdf/whole.pdf (visited on 22/05/2010). 3. South African Broadcasting Corporation. (2006) . SABC annual report 2006. Website: http://annualreport.sabc.co.za/annual06/pdf/sabcar06.pdf (visited 22/05/2010) 4. 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Implementation Strategies and Tools for Condition Based Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants Website:http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/te_1551_web.pdf.Last Accessed 31st May 2010 118 ANNEX 1: TABULATION OF DATA OBTAINED FROM UTV JOB CARDS A1.1 Tabulation of Data for Video Tape Recorders The following pages show tabulated data for video tape recorders A1.1 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP BVU 950P serial no 13960 Job card 070 127 Date of fault 31/7/97 27/2/98 Date of repair 1/8/1997 2/3/1998 Time between failures 149 17/4/98 18/4/98 73 183 225 255 22/9/98 23/9/98 11/5/1999 19/5/99 4/1/2000 5/1/2000 A1.2 Spares used upper drum pinch roller assy,beltLM cleaning and lubrication upper drum box block assy gear belt LM 210 157 230 230 Cost in USD 333.32 32.38 0 333.32 22.22 1.9 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP BVU950P serial no 14055 Job card Date of fault Date of repair Time between failures 065 24/7/97 25/7/97 104 123 150 166 11/11/1997 26/02/98 22/04/98 24/06/98 2/12/1998 27/02/98 23/04/98 25/06/98 109 86 54 62 182 17/9/98 18/9/98 84 197 23/11/98 24/11/98 66 204 220 10/12/1998 22/4/99 11/12/1998 23/4/99 16 132 028/2000 2/5/2002 2/5/2002 1105 119 Spares used cost in USD upper drum assy roller rings gear box belt LM lubrication and adjustment roller block assy pinch alignment and lubrication alignment upper drum assy upper drum assy,lower drum 333.32 5.7 22.22 1.9 0 30.48 0 0 333.32 898.38 A1.3 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP BVU950P serial no 14066 Job card Date of fault 041 13/5/1997 052 4/6/1997 Date of repair 14/5/1997 10/6/1997 Time between failures 060 069 075 081 120 169 179 208 10/7/1997 31/7/97 4/8/1997 18/9/97 11/2/1998 13/7/98 14/9/98 22/01/98 10/7/1997 1/8/1997 9/8/1997 22/9/97 13/02/98 14/7/98 15/9/98 1/2/1998 30 21 3 40 142 150 62 129 248 257 262 25/10/98 7/3/2000 21/4/2000 26/10/98 17/4/2000 22/4/2000 266 133 44 A1.4 21 Spares used Cost in USD upper drum pinch roller,threading ring adjustment cleaning ,lubrication roller rings cleaning ,lubrication adjust cdsand rv302 Belt LM,brush assy adjust tape top sensor TU reel assy, head erase box block assy gear cleaning ,lubrication head drum motor 333.32 126.98 0 0 5.7 0 0 62.22 0 62.22 22.22 0 565.06 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP BVU 950P serial no 14076 Job card Date of fault 050 9/5/1997 Date of repair 29/5/1997 Time between failures 064 077 100 122 160 181 24/7/1997 12/8/1997 11/11/1997 24/2/1998 20/5/1998 15/9/1998 25/7/1997 13/8/1997 19/11/1997 25/2/1998 9/6/1998 16/9/1998 56 18 90 97 84 98 223 231 263 268 11/5/1999 11/6/1999 16/5/2000 9/7/2000 12/5/1999 14/06/1999 17/5/2000 11/7/2000 237 30 337 53 120 Spares used Cost in USD cleaning and lubrication upper drum assy toggle switch realignment realignment audio CTL head upper drum assy,belt LM roller block assy Box block assy gear alignment alignment 0 333.32 6.35 0 0 85.71 335.22 53.17 22.22 0 0 A1.5 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP BVU950P serial no 14099 Job card Date of fault Date of repair Time between failures 053 30/05/97 12/6/1997 157 175 227 256 18/05/98 26/08/98 20/05/99 24/02/2000 A1.6 21/05/98 27/08/98 21/05/99 28/02/2000 340 97 266 279 Spares used Cost in USD Belt LM,ring assy main pinch solenoid table(T) assy reel upper drum assy head ACE,DUH 44BR 98.4 32.05 12.06 333.32 650.77 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP BVU950P serial no14127 Job card Date of fault Date of repair Time between failures 080 138 18/9/97 23/3/98 22/9/97 25/3/98 182 144 153 170 171 173 6/4/1998 11/5/1998 13/7/98 20/7/98 17/8/98 6/4/1998 11/5/1998 14/7/98 21/7/98 17/8/98 12 35 63 6 27 222 29/4/99 29/4/99 255 261 10/4/2000 10/4/2000 347 013/2000 8/12/2000 8/12/2000 242 Spares used Cost in USD upper drum assy belt square,belt LM,power unit alignment upper drum assy roller block assy alignment lubrication and alignment box block assy,ring assy main upper drum, belt LM upper drum 333.32 55.23 121 0 333.32 53.17 0 0 118.72 335.22 333.32 A1.7 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP VO9800P serial no 18797 Job card Date of fault 241 24/08/99 Date of repair 25/08/99 Time between failures 252 20/12/99 22/12/99 117 005/2000 014/2000 023/2000 031/2000 21/08/2000 13/11/2000 10/9/01 8/10/02 21/08/2000 14/11/2000 11/9/01 8/10/02 243 84 300 392 A1.8 Spares used capacitor 100uf 16V Dial block assembly, search upper drum assy belt,LM ,gear box Alignment upper drum assy Cost in USD 2 46.35 207.61 24.12 0 207.61 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP VO9800P serial no 12747 Job card 068 132 Date of fault 30/7/97 17/12/97 Date of repair 31/7/97 17/12/97 Time between failures 141 180 186 190 30/3/98 14/9/98 12/10/98 27/10/98 31/3/98 15/9/98 13/10/98 29/10/98 103 167 27 14 199 27/11/98 28/11/98 29 Spares used reel belt swich toggle ( AC power) AC-98 board belt,LM Audio /CTL head upper drum assyand pinch roller reel belt 139 122 Cost in USD 1.9 6.35 5.08 1.9 85.71 238.09 1.9 A1.9 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP VO9850P serial no 12955 Job card 094 105 124 Date of fault 5/11/97 8/12/97 26/2/98 Date of repair 5/11/97 10/12/97 27/2/98 Time between failures 156 14/5/98 18/5/98 76 165 176 24/6/98 7/9/98 25/6/98 9/9/98 37 74 209 21/01/99 4/2/99 134 226 18/05/99 18/05/99 103 Spares used belt(67x2)/reel belt belt(67x2)/reel belt gear box and pinch roller capstan motor and drum motor lubrication/alignment reel motor 8-835-40901 cassette up block assembly PS503(link IC) on SY141 33 78 Cost in USD 1.9 1.9 52.7 728.86 0 53.97 107.93 1.5 A1.10 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP VO9850P serial no 13651 Job card Date of fault 048 9/5/97 084 25/9/97 Date of repair 29/5/97 26/9/97 Time between failures 146 187 196 213 9/4/98 13/10/98 11/11/98 17/2/99 9/4/98 14/10/98 20/11/98 18/2/99 195 187 28 89 001/2000 003/2000 006/2000 010/2000 018/2000 9/7/00 14/8/2000 4/9/00 25/9/2000 14/2/2001 11/7/00 14/8/2000 5/9/00 26/9/2000 14/2/2001 507 34 21 20 141 Spares used threading ring alignment, resoldering power socket alignment alignment upper drum assy, belt LM alignment alignment alignment alignment MD 60 circuit board 119 123 Cost in USD 96.5 0 5 0 0 334.32 0 0 0 0 700 A1.11 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP VO9850P serial no 13654 Job card 058 Date of fault 4/7/97 Date of repair 7/7/97 Time between failures 074 082 098 8/8/97 19/9/97 12/11/97 9/8/97 19/9/97 13/11/97 32 41 54 117 27/1/98 27/1/98 75 Spares used dial block ass'y search alignment alignment Idler,belt Lm, reel belt reel belt Cost in USD 46.35 0 0 6.34 1.9 A1.12 Data for video tape recorder Umatic SP VO9850P serial no13655 Job card Date of fault 076 22/7/97 079 14/8/97 143 3/4/98 036/2000 15/09/2003 039/2000 7/11/03 Date of repair 12/8/97 15/8/97 4/4/98 1/10/03 13/11/2003 Time between failures 2 231 1990 37 124 Spares used Pinch roller alignmrnt belt,LM reel motor realignment Cost in USD 30.48 0 1.9 53.97 0 A1.2 Tabulation of Data for Video Monitors The following pages show tabulated data for video monitors A1.13 Data for video monitor Sony PVM1442QM serial no 2005681 Job card 040 044 088 125 Date of fault 5/5/1997 7/5/1997 6/10/1997 26/2/98 Date of repair 6/5/1997 12/5/1997 7/10/1997 28/2/98 Time between failures 1 147 142 Spares used resoldering resoldering resoldering resoldering Cost in USD 0 0 0 0 A1.14 Data for video monitor Sony PVM1442QM serial no 2005674 Job card 190 043/97 254/97 Date of fault 29/4/97 7/5/1997 3/1/2000 Date of repair 30/4/97 10/5/1997 5/1/2000 Time between failures Spares used resoldering resoldering Capacitor c547 160V 3.3 uf 7 968 Cost in USD 0 0 5 A1.15 Data for video monitor Sony PVM1442QM serial no 2005685 Job card 092 Date of fault 27/10/97 Date of repair 30/10/97 Time between failures 097 198 4/11/1997 10/11/1997 5 2/2/1998 3/2/1998 84 Spares used AC power swich,resoldering resoldering resoldering 125 Cost in USD 8.89 0 0 A1.16 Data for video monitor Sony PVM1442QM serial no 2006572 Job card 067 250 Date of fault 17/7/97 3/12/1999 Date of repair 29/7/97 3/12/1999 Time between failures 253 10/1/2000 10/1/2000 38 Spares used resoldering 7812 12 volt regulator resoldering 857 Cost in USD 0 3 0 A1.3 Tabulation of Data for Video Cameras The following pages show tabulated data for video cameras A1.17 Data for video camera DXC3000AP serial no 84765 Job card Date of fault Date of repair 168 12/7/98 12/7/98 258 9/3/00 11/3/00 Time between failures 606 Spares used Cost in USD IE-14P board IC 8 TC4053BP on EN 39A 403.16 5.00 A1.18 Data for video camera DXC3000AP serial no 84769 Job card 095 158 Date of fault 4/11/97 4/6/98 Date of repair 5/11/97 4/6/98 Time between failures Spares used Alignment,cleaning viewfinder board VF-23 211 126 Cost in USD 0 85.71 ANNEX 2: QUESTIONNAIRE THAT WAS SENT TO WBS CODE NO ……………….. TV STATION……………………. I‟m a master of Engineering student from Makerere University. I‟m studying the reliability of broadcast equipment. The aim of the study is to assess the reliability and maintenance costs of various categories of broadcast equipment focusing on television stations in Uganda. This questionnaire is to assess reliability of three categories of equipment; video cameras, video monitors and video tape recorders. It will be based on your recollection of the behavior of these types of equipment. You are encouraged to consult relevant documents where available and attach copies to the questionnaire. Your contribution will help towards formulation of methods to improve reliability and is much appreciated. The information given is taken in strict confidence and is for purposes of research only. SECTION A: 15. Manufacturer Please describe the type and quantity of video monitors in your station Model No. Quantity …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. How many hours are these monitors switched on per day? (one day = 24hours) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. How many times has each monitor broken down in the past year? Monitor No Number of breakdowns 1. ……………………………. 2. …………………………… 3. …………………… etc (use additional sheets) 4. How many times has each monitor broken down in its lifetime? Monitor No Number of breakdowns Years in service 1. ……………………………. …………………. 2. …………………………… ………………….. 3. …………………… etc (use additional sheets) 5. What are the common faults?……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………. 127 6. What spares have been replaced in the past year? Monitor No Description of spares used in one year total cost of those spares ……1…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……2…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……3…………………………………………………………………………………… ……etc………………………………………………………………………………… ( Use additional sheets where necessary) 7. Is preventive maintenance action carried out? Yes……… No…………………. 8. What type of preventive action is carried out? Cleaning………… Resoldering……….. Observe and log performance…….. Scheduled preventive maintenance according to manufacturer‟s service instructions……… Other(specify)………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… SECTION B: 9. Please describe the type and quantity of video cameras in your section/department/station. Manufacturer Model No. Quantity …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… (Use additional sheets where necessary) 10. For how many hours are these cameras used on average per day? (1 day = 24 hours) ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. How many times has each camera broken down in the past year? Camera No Number of breakdowns 1. ……………………………. 2. …………………………… 3. …………………… etc (use additional sheets) 12. How many times has each camera broken down in its lifetime? 128 Camera No 1. 2. 3. Number of breakdowns Years in service ……………………………. ……………….. …………………………… …………………. …………………… etc (use additional sheet) 13. What are the common faults? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 14. What spares have been replaced in the past year? Camera No Description of spares used in one year total cost of those spares ……1…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……2…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……3…………………………………………………………………………………… ……etc………………………………………………………………………………… ( Use additional sheets where necessary) 15. 16. Is preventive maintenance action carried out? Yes……… No…………………. What type of preventive action is carried out? Cleaning………… Resoldering……….. Replacement of parts………… Observe and log performance…… Scheduled preventive maintenance according to manufacturer‟s service instructions……… Other(specify)………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………… SECTION C: 17. Please describe the type and quantity of VTRs (video tape recorders) in your section/department/station. Manufacturer Model No. Quantity …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 129 …………………………………………………………………………………………. 18. For how many hours are these VTRs used on average per day? (1 day = 24 hours) ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19. How many times has each VTR broken down in the past year? VTR No Number of breakdowns 1. ……………………………. 4. …………………………… 5. …………………… etc (use additional sheets) 20. How many times has each VTR broken down in its lifetime? VTR No Number of breakdowns Years in service 1. ……………………………. ……………….. 2. …………………………… …………………. 3. …………………… etc (use additional sheet) What are the common faults?……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………. 22. What spares have been replaced in the past year? 21. VTR No Description of spares used in one year total cost of those spares ……1…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……2…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……3…………………………………………………………………………………… ……etc………………………………………………………………………………… ( Use additional sheets where necessary) 23. 24. Is preventive maintenance action carried out? Yes……… No…………… What type of preventive action is carried out? Cleaning…. Resoldering……….. Lubrication………replacement of parts……. Observe and log performance ………. Scheduled preventive maintenance according to manufacturer‟s service instructions……… 130 Other (specify)……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….. SECTION D: (This section is to help us understand the efforts put into ensuring reliability of equipment in form of expenditures on staff) 25. What is the total size of station staff? ………………………………………………………………………………………. 26. What is the total size of technical staff? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 27. How much money in, total, does the technical staff receive in form of wages in one month? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Thank you for your cooperation. Interpretation of the questionnaire Question 1,9,17 The answers to these questions were used to calculate the cost of spares per year for video tape recorders, video monitors and video cameras (see table 3.20.4, 3.20.5, and 3.20.6). Thus average cost of spares per unit per year was defined as: Total cost of spares used by all similar units per year Total number of units assessed Question 2,10,18 The answers to these questions were used in the calculation of TBF (Time Between Failures) in section 3.20, thus: TBF = 365 x number of years equipment has been in service x hours it is in use per day Total number of failures during equipment‟s service life 131 Question 3,4,11,12,19,20 The answers to these questions were used in the calculation of TBF (Time Between Failures) in section 3.20 (see above). Question 5,13,21 The answers to these questions were used answer research question 2 in section 4.2.2. Question 6,14,22 The answers to these questions helped us calculate the average cost of spares per machine per year (As part of the total maintenance cost). The average cost of spares for one machine for one year (a yardstick for comparison between TV stations) , for example, the average cost of maintaining a VTR in UTV was compared with average cost of maintaining a VTR in WBS (see tables 3.20.4, 3.20.5, 3.20.6 and fig. Question 7,8,15,16,23,24 The type of maintenance strategy involved was used to answer research question 4 in section 4.2.4 and research question 2 in section 4.2.2. Question 25,26, This was used to assess maintenance costs related to staff as a ratio i.e. ratio of maintenance staff to total staff ( see section 1.5) Question 27 This was used to assess maintenance costs related to staff as money expended in form of wages. A comparison was made between average maintenance staff wages for UTV and WBS (see fig In the case of WBS 4,600,000/= was divided among nine staff. In the case of UTV 12,344,810/= was divided among 56 staff. 132 ANNEX 3: ANSWERS TO QUESTIONNAIRE THAT WAS SENT TO WBS The Following is the data that was obtained from WBS TV. Legend: Q: A: Question Answer SECTION A: Q: Please describe the type and quantity of video monitors in your station. 1. A: Manufacturer JVC Quantity 2 Vista Model No. TM –150 PSNK 14 inches PVM 91CE 21 inches TVM9B 9 inches Melford Philips DU 6 –20C LHD 6200 10 1 Sony 12 4 Q: How many hours are these monitors switched on per day? (one day = 24hours) 2 A: Twenty four (24) hours. 3. Q: How many times has each monitor broken down in the past year? 3A: JVC TM –150 PSNK Monitor No 1 2 Number of breakdowns in the past year 1 2 SONY PVM- 91CE Monitor No 1 2 Number of breakdowns in the past year 2 2 133 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 5 0 1 1 3 4 3 0 1 VISTA TVM9B Monitor No 1 2 3 4 Number of breakdowns in the past year 1 4 1 2 MELFORD DU6-20C Monitor No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of breakdowns in the past year 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 PHILIPS LHD 6200 Monitor No 1 Number of breakdowns in the past year 1 4 Q: How many times has each monitor broken down in its service life? 134 A: JVC TM –150 PSNK Monitor No Years in service 1 2 4 5 SONY PVM- 91CE Monitor No Years in service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6.25 6.25 5.17 5.17 6 6 6 4.25 3.17 6 6 5 VISTA TVM9B Monitor No Years in service 1 2 3 4 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 MELFORD DU6-20C Monitor No Years in service 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 4 135 Number of breakdowns 2 4 Number of breakdowns 2 7 3 8 6 3 3 4 8 6 0 3 Number of breakdowns 6 5 7 4 Number of breakdowns 0 0 2 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 1 2 0 PHILIPS LHD 6200 Monitor No Years in service 1 3 Number of breakdowns 2 5 Q: What are the common faults? 5 A: Manufacturer Model No. JVC TM –150 PSNK 14 inches Common faults Sony PVM 91CE 21 inches No vertical scan caused by shorted vertical i.c. Vertical fold over of picture. No picture (blank screen) caused by open circuit . Heavy leakage of smoothing capacitor in power supply. Vista TVM9B 9 inches EHT start up problems caused by shorted HOT transistor. Low EHT (dark screen). Presence of retrace lines on picture caused by low Gz voltage. Horizontal and vertical rolling of picture (loss of sync). Failure of filter capacitor in power supply. Lack of contrast. Black and white bars in picture. 136 Melford DU 6 –20C Intermittent operation. Picture distortion. No picture. Lack of contrast. Philips LHD 6200 6 (a) Insufficient horizontal width. Insufficient vertical height. No scan (no raster) Q: What spares have been replaced in the past year? (Conversion rate: 1USD: 1800Ushs) JVC TM –150 PSNK Monitor No Spares replaced in the past year 1 2 Total cost of those spares Ushs 7000/= Total cost of those spares USD 3.89 12,000/= 6.67 1pcs flyback transformer. 1pcsFocus control potentiometer. 25,000/= 10,000/= 13.89 5.56 Sub Total 54,000/= 30.01 2pcs smoothing capacitor in power supply. 6pcs horizontal output transistor. SONY PVM- 91CE Monitor No Spares replaced in the past year 1 1pcs vertical output i.c. 1pcs dropper resistor for vertical output i.c. D.C. voltage. 2 3 Total cost of those spares Ushs 3,500/= 500/= Total cost of those spares USD 1.94 0.28 6pcs video output transistor. 4,500/= 2.5 6pcs fusible resistor. 1pcs main smoothing capacitor in power supply. 2,000/= 3,500/= 1.11 1.94 137 4 6,000 3,000 3.33 1.67 None 500/= 2000/= 500/= None 0.28 1.11 0.28 -1pcs bridge rectifier - 1400k series capacitor,100uf 6.3V 1pcs smoothing capacitor in power supply. 4pcs rectifier diodes. 4,500/= 2,000/= 3,500/= 2.5 1.11 1.94 4,000/= 2.22 10 1pcs chopper transistor. 1pcs fuse. 2,000/= 5,00/= 1.11 0.28 11 None None None 12 1pcs vertical output i.c. 1pcs resistor ½ w. 3,500/= 250/= 1.94 0.14 Sub Total 46,250/= 25.68 Total cost of those spares USD 1.39 5 6 7 8 9 3pcsVision output transistor 2pcs Vertical i.c. None 1pcs +B line voltage fuse. 1pcs horizontal output transistor. 2pcs resistors 1/4W. VISTA TVM9B Monitor Spares replaced in the past year No 1 1pcs Capacitor 100uf 25V. Total cost of those spares Ushs 2,500/= 2 4pcs vertical output i.c. 6pcs resistors. (R663, 100R) 6,000/= 1,800/= 3.33 1.0 3 1pcs flyback transformer. 25,000/= 13.89 4 3pcs dropper resistors. 900/= 0.5 Sub Total 36,200 20.11 138 MELFORD DU6-20C Monitor Spares replaced in the past year No 1 2 3 None None 8pcs contrast control variable resistors. Total cost of those spares Ushs None None 12,000/= 4 5 None 1pcs vision output transistor. None 2,000/= None 1.11 6 2pcs flyback transformer. 50,000/= 27.78 7 6pcs resistors. 6pcs capacitors. 1pcs vertical output i.c. 1,800/= 4,500/= 3,500/= 1.0 2.5 1.95 8 1pcs smoothing capacitor in power supply,150uf 400V. 1pcs fuse. 3,500/= 1.94 300/= 0.17 2pcs biasing resistors. 1,000/= 0.56 None None 78,600/= 43.68 Total cost of those spares Ushs 2,000/= 900/= 2,900/= Total cost of those spares USD 1.11 0.5 1.61 9 10 None Sub Total PHILIPS LHD 6200 Monitor Spares replaced in the past year No 1 6. 1pcs Horizontal output transistor 3pcs resistor Sub Total Q: Is preventive maintenance action carried out? 139 Total cost of those spares USD None None 6.67 6. A: Yes. 7. Q: What type of preventive action is carried out? 7. A: cleaning and resoldering. SECTION B: Q: Please describe the type and quantity of video cameras in your station. A: Manufacturer Sony Panasonic Sony JVC Model No. DSR – PD150P NV-MX500 CVR 300AP GY –DV 500E Quantity 2 4 3 3 Q: For how many hours are these cameras used on average per day? (1 day = 24 hours) 10. A: 12 hours. Q: How many times has each camera broken down in the past year? 11. A: DSR – PD150P Camera No 1 2 Number of breakdowns in the past year 0 1 NV-MX500 Camera No 1 2 3 4 Number of breakdowns in the past year 1 1 0 0 CVR 300 AP Camera No 1 2 Number of breakdowns in the past year 0 1 140 3 1 GY –DV 5000E Camera No 1 2 3 Number of breakdowns in the past year 2 0 1 Q: How many times has each camera broken down in its lifetime? 12. A: DSR – PD150P Camera No Years in service 1 2 1 1 Number of breakdowns 0 1 NV-MX500 Camera No Years in service 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 CVR 300 AP Camera No Years in service 1 2 3 6 6 6 GY –DV 5000E Camera No Years in service 1 2 3 2.67 2.67 2.67 141 Number of breakdowns 3 1 0 0 Number of breakdowns 1 2 2 Number of breakdowns 3 1 3 13. 13. Q: What are the common faults? A: Manufacturer Model No. Sony DVCAM DSR-PD150P Panasonic NV-MX500 Common faults One of the three RGB colours missing from CCD chip. Tape jammed inside camera (jammed mechanism) Presence of tracking lines on playback video. Sony CVR-300AP Video heads worn out (noisy video playback). Zoom in and out fault. No audio on recording and playback. JVC GY-DV5000E Power supply problems. Tape loading malfunction. No audio during recording and playback. 14 (a) Q: what spares have been replaced in the past year? 14 (a) A: DSR – PD150P 142 Camera No Spares replaced in the past year 1 2 None CCD assembly Sub Total Total cost of those spares Ushs None 1,800,000/= Total cost of those spares USD None 1,000 1,800,000/= 1,000 NV-MX500 Camera No Spares replaced in the past year 1 Total cost of those spares Ushs 720,000/= Total cost of those spares USD 400 540,000/= 300 None None None 1,260,000/= None 700 Total cost of those spares Ushs None 1,224,000/= Total cost of those spares USD None 680 1,800,000/= 1000 3,024,000/= 1680 Capstan motor 2 Video head 3 4 CVR 300 AP Camera No 1 2 None None Sub Total Spares replaced in the past year None Zoom lens gears 3 Video head Sub Total GY –DV 5000E Camera No Spares replaced in the past year 143 Total cost of those spares Ushs Total cost of those spares USD 1 Power supply Board. 2 1,224,000/= 680 None none None 1,224,000/= 680 Sub Total 15. Q: Is preventive maintenance action carried out? 15 A: Yes 16. Q: What type of preventive action is carried out? 16. A: cleaning and lubrication. SECTION C: Q: Please describe the type and quantity of VTRs (video tape recorders) station. 17. A: Manufacturer Model No. Quantity Sony BVW 75P 1 Sony PVW 2800P 5 Panasonic DVC-PRO AJ-D750 1 JVC DV/VHS 6 SONY UVW 1800P 6 18. 18. Q: For how many hours are these VTRs used on average per day? (1 day = 24 hours) A: 16 hours 19. 19. Q: How many times has each VTR broken down in the past year? A: BVW 75P VTR No 1 Number of breakdowns in the past year 2 PVW 2800P 144 VTR No 1 2 3 4 5 Number of breakdowns in the past year 3 4 2 1 2 AJ D750 VTR No 1 1 Number of breakdowns in the past year 1 1 JVC DV/VHS VTR No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of breakdowns in the past year 1 2 1 1 0 3 UVW 1800P VTR No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of breakdowns in the past year 3 4 1 6 6 2 Q: How many times has each VTR broken down in its lifetime? 20. A: BVW 75P VTR No Years in service 1 5 Number of breakdowns 11 Years in service Number of PVW 2800P VTR No 145 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 3.5 3.5 3.5 AJ D750 VTR No Years in service 1 2 1 1.5 DV/VHS VTR No Years in service 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 UVW 1800P VTR No Years in service 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 1.5 3 3 2 Q: What are the common faults? 21. A: 146 breakdowns 10 13 6 4 5 Number of breakdowns 1 1 Number of breakdowns 3 4 2 6 1 5 Number of breakdowns 3 2 2 6 5 3 Common faults Sony Betacam SP PVW 2800P Poor rec/playback picture due to worn out video head. Cassette compartment jammed. Capstan motor jammed. Panasonic DVC PRO AJ D750 Cassette compartment failure. Loading mechanism failure. Video head worn out. JVC DV/VHS Power supply problems. DV cassette compartment and power supply problems. Sony Betacam SP UVW 1800P Cassette compartment failure. Tape loading failure. Capstan motor failure. Video head recording and playback failure. 22 . Manufacturer Model No. Sony Betacam SP BVW 75P Capstan trouble Cassette compartment jammed. Wrong tape tension. Pinch roller worn out. Q: What spares have been replaced in the past year? 22 . BVW 75P VTR No 1 A: Spares replaced in the past year - 1pcs video head - 1pcs cassette compartment Total cost of those spares Ushs 1,008,000/= 972,000/= Sub Total 1,980,000/= 1100 PVW 2800P 147 Total cost of those spares USD 560 540 VTR No Spares replaced in the past year Total cost of those spares UShs 1 2pcs video head DBR40BR - 1 pcs cassette compartment 1,800,000/= Total cost of those spares USD 1,000 2 1pcs threading mechanism assembly 2 pcs video head 1pcs AC connector 1,800,000/= 4,500,000/= 1,000 2,500 1,800,000/= 20,000/= 1,000 11.11 1,800,000/= 1,000 900,000/= 180,000/= 500 100 3 1pcs cassette compartment 1 pcs video head DBR 40BR 4 1pcs tape loading motor 5 - 2pcs video head DBR 40BR 1,800,000/= Sub Total DVCPRO AJ D750 VTR No 1000 14,600,000/= 8,111.11 Spares replaced in the past year Total cost of those spares Ushs Total cost of those spares USD 1pcs cassette assembly - 1pcs video head Sub Total 1,440,000/= 800 720,000/= 400 2,160,000/= 1,200 Spares replaced in the past year Total cost of those spares 1 2 DV/VHS VTR No 148 Total cost of those spares 1 1pcs DV mechanism assembly. 1pcs capstan motor Ushs USD 1,260,000/= 700 594,000/= 330 2 1pcs pinch roller 1pcs belt 3,000/= 1,000/= 1.67 0.56 3 - 1pcs tape loading belt 1,000/= 0.56 4 1pcs VHS video head 1pcs DV power board None 70,000/= 720,000/= None 38.89 400 None 1pcs pinch roller 1pcs DV mechanism assembly Sub Total 6,000/= 3.33 1,080,000/= 600 3,735,000/= 2,075.01 Spares replaced in the past year Total cost of those spares Ushs 1 1pcs video head DBR-40-BR 900,000/= Total cost of those spares USD 500 2 1,260,000/= 700 3 - 1pcs pinch roller assembly X-3166-040-04 - 1pcs mechanism assembly 7,200,000/= 4,000 1pcs cassette compartment. 1pcs video head DBR-40-BR 1,800,000/= 1,000 4 900,000/= 1,260,000/= 500 700 180,000 100 5 6 UVW 1800P VTR No 5 6 - 1pcs pinch roller assembly X-3166-040-04 1 pcs loading motor. 1pcs cassette compartment 1,800,000/= 1,000 15,300,000/= 8,500 Sub Total 23. 23. Q: Is preventive maintenance action carried out? A: yes 24. Q: What type of preventive action is carried out? 149 24. A: Cleaning, resoldering, lubrication, replacement of parts and scheduled preventive maintenance according to manufacturers service instructions. SECTION D 25. Q: What is the total size of station staff? 25. A: One hundred and twenty (120) people. 26. Q: What is the total size of technical staff? 26 . A: Nine (9) people. 27. Q: How much money in, total, does the technical staff receive in form of wages in one month? 27. A: Four million, six hundred thousand only. ANNEX 4: SPARES LISTS 150 SPARES LIST FOR SONY UMATIC SP VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER MODEL No BVU950P No Description Sony Part Number Cost in USD Upper video head drum assembly 1 DUR 44R A-6709-617-A 333.32 2. Pinch Roller Assembly A-6750-223-A 30.48 3. Belt for LM (loading Motor) 3-653-387-00 1.90 4. Box block assembly gear/gear box A-6750-224-A 22.22 5. Roller block assembly drawer A-6746-050-D 53.17 Ring block assembly/Threading ring 6. assembly A-6750-222-A 96.50 7. Roller ring 3-668-963-03 1.90 8. Flying erase brush assembly A-6709-619-A 60.32 TU (take up) reel assembly/reel 9. table 1-6739-080-A 12.06 10. Full erase head 8-825-544-20 50.16 A-6709-616-A 565.06 1-570-117-11 6.35 Lower video head drum assembly 11. DUH 44 BR Toggle switch (AC power 250V 12. 50HZ) 13. Head ACE (audio CTL head) 14. Pinch Solenoid/solenoid plunger 1-454-416-31 15. Belt Square (belt for gear box) 3-672-737-01 1.90 1-413-307-23 53.33 85.71 Switched mode power 16. supply/switching regulator (UR21B) SPARES LIST FOR SONY UMATIC SP VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER MODEL No VO9850P and VO9800P No 1 Description Belt, LM (belt for cassette Sony Part Number 3-653-387-00 151 Cost in USD 1.90 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. compartment motor) Reel motor (motor DC FN30T26NIE) Pinch roller Electrolytic Capacitor 100uf 20% 16v Upper drum DUR 46R (for VO9800P) Box block assembly gear (gear box) Belt square (belt for gear box) Upper drum DUR44R (for VO9850P) Power socket inlet (3 pins) Ring block assembly (threading ring) MD60 circuit board Dial block assembly, search (shuttle/jog mechanism) Belt 67x2 (reel belt) Capstan motor (motor DC BHF – 1915B) PS 503 link I.C. 0.6 A Cassette up block assembly Lower drum motor assembly DUH 46BR for VO9800P Lower drum motor assembly DUH 44BR for VO9850P Switch toggle (AC power) Audio/CTL head AC –98 board Idler assembly FF 8-835-409-01 A-6750-223-A 53.97 30.48 1-126-101-11 A-6709-637-A A-6750-224-A 3-672-737-01 207.61 22.22 1.90 A-6709-617-A 1-560-222-11 333.32 5.00 A-6750-222-A A-6727-083-A 96.50 700.00 A-6734-238-B 3-668-785-00 46.35 1.90 8-835-258-02 1-532-679-00 A-6751-391-B 163.80 1.00 107.93 A-6709-682-A 450.78 A-6709-675-A 1-570-117-11 8-825-578-22 565.06 6.35 85.71 X-3646-026-0 2.54 ANNEX 5: THE UGANDA BROADCASTING CORPORATION The Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) was formed after the merger of Radio Uganda and Uganda Television in November 2005. It is a 100% government owned corporation formed under 152 Uganda‟s Corporation laws. The corporation was formed after the acquisition and analysis of data for this report. The corporation recruited some former UTV and Radio Uganda Staff together with new staff from Uganda Broadcasting council and private media stations and houses. The structure of the corporation is dynamically evolving. The current simplified structure of the Engineering section is shown below Operations Manager Head of Engineering Studios and production engineer Transmission and communications engineer Technicians Technicians FIG. A5.1 Maintenance and projects engineer Technicians ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF UBC ENGINEERING SECTION Organisation of maintenance Maintenance work is spearheaded by the maintenance and projects engineer. 153 Challenges of maintenance Ten very old TV transmitters dating back to the early 1980 s and even older Medium wave and short wave transmitters. Only one new TV transmitter has been procured since the formation of the corporation. Satellite uplink equipment dating back to 1999. One problem with the satellite equipment has been the lack of funds to purchase spares. The other problem has been the payment of satellite space segment rental costs amounting to USD 18,000 per month. The corporation had to relocate from the UTV premises (July 2006) and have the TV and radio studios at the former radio Uganda. A lot of equipment was damaged during the relocation and the challenge is to have all this equipment repaired. The Outside broadcasting TV van is more known for its excellent mechanical condition but equipment used is borrowed from other sections. Management has concentrated on giving it an external facelift by way of spraying the exterior. There are plans to buy a new outside broadcasting van. Post production and programme gathering equipment have been improved by purchase of rechargeable batteries and some domestic DV cameras that are not robust but require very careful maintenance. ANNEX 6: ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM WBS TV A6.1 Data for videocassette recorder BVW 75P 154 VTR No 1 Years in service Number of breakdowns 5 A6.2 VTR No 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 4 3.5 3.5 3.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1.5 TBF 2336.00 1796.92 3406.67 5110.00 4088.00 10 13 6 4 5 Data for videocassette recorder AJ D750 TBF 5840 8760 1 1 Data for videocassette recorder DV/VHS Years in service Number of breakdowns 3 3 3 3 3 3 A6.5 VTR No Data for videocassette recorder PVW 2800P Years in service Number of breakdowns A6.4 VTR No 11 Years in service Number of breakdowns A6.3 VTR No TBF 2654.55 TBF 5840.00 4380.00 8760.00 2920.00 17520.00 3504.00 3 4 2 6 1 5 Data for videocassette recorder UVW 1800P Years in service Number of breakdowns TBF 155 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 1.5 3 3 2 A6.6 Monitor No 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3893.33 5840.00 4380.00 2920.00 3504.00 3893.33 Data for video monitor JVC TM –150 PSNK Years in service Number of breakdowns 4 5 A6.7 Monitor No 3 2 2 6 5 3 TBF 17520 10950 2 4 Data for video monitor SONY PVM- 91CE Years in service Number of breakdowns 6.25 6.25 5.17 5.17 6 6 6 4.25 3.17 6 6 5 A6.8 TBF 27375 7821.429 15096.4 5661.15 8760 17520 17520 9307.5 3471.15 8760 0 14600 2 7 3 8 6 3 3 4 8 6 0 3 Data for video monitor VISTA TVM9B 156 Monitor No 1 2 3 4 Years in service Number of breakdowns 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 A6.9 Monitor No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TBF 6818.2 8181.84 5844.171 10227.3 6 5 7 4 Data for video monitor MELFORD DU6-20C Years in service Number of breakdowns 5 5 5 4 3 6 6 6 6 6 TBF 0 0 21900 35040 13140 26280 26280 52560 26280 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 A6.10 Data for video monitor PHILIPS LHD 6200 Monitor No 1 Years in service Number of breakdowns 3 TBF 13140 2 157