School Board considering later start and dismissal times


School Board considering later start and dismissal times
Wadsworth High School
Newspaper II/III
1870 - 2016
Wadsworth City Schools:
“Celebrating 145 years of
Excellence in Education”
Volume XLI No. 4
Teacher Inservice
Jan. 29
No School
For Students
625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
School Board considering later start and dismissal times
The Wadsworth community
is debating whether 30 minutes
of extra sleep time is enough to
make a positive difference in a
teenager’s life or whether it will
make it more complicated.
Research has shown that
later start times for high school
students have been beneficial
to their academic success, but
there are still many obstacles that
overshadow the research and have
raised skepticism throughout the
Wadsworth community.
The Board of Education is
considering moving the start time
for high school students from
7:35 a.m. to 8:05 a.m. and the
dismissal time from 2:30 p.m. to
3:00 p.m.
“I do like the concept of a
delayed start. There are a lot of
positives, but I am worried about
the challenges,” said Principal
Steve Moore.
In order to receive some
community meeting was held
on Jan. 13. Wendy Bedrosian, a
Child Development Specialist
and Assistant Professor at Kent
State University led the meeting.
Bedrosian explained how an
adolescent’s Circadian Rhythm
forces his or her brain to stay
awake later and wake up later in
the morning. Bedrosian believes
adolescents are not getting
enough sleep, which negatively
affects all areas of their lives.
Community members retaliated
by claiming that students will
just stay up later at night and
not receive any benefits from a
delayed start time.
“The research supports a later
shift in start time. As a parent, my
children will appreciate a later
start time,” said Bedrosian.
affected by the proposal were
mentioned, such as Bear Cub,
athletics, transportation and
how the change would affect
elementary school students.
Dr. Andrew Hill expressed his
approval of the committee’s work.
“I think the research supports
that there is a strong move for
adolescents, but it is important
to consider the impact that the
potential change will have on
elementary students and our
community at large. These
impacts are what the committee is
studying,” said Dr. Hill.
Research has shown that later
start times for elementary school
students have led to an increase
in retainment and higher test
scores. However, it may not help
in closing the achievement gap
between students, either.
According to Board of
Education member Julie Batey,
Wadsworth is looking to start
the school day 30 minutes later
S tudents : W hat
because it will not affect the
Batey’s position reflects the
same message as the National
Sleep Foundation, which believes
many teenagers suffer from sleep
According to the National
Sleep Foundation, current school
schedules often hinder a student’s
ability to cope with stress, retain
information, pay attention, solve
problems and be alert. A lack of
sleep can also lead to drowsiness
among adolescent drivers which
can lead to more car accidents.
In order to perform to their
maximum potential, research
has also shown that adolescents
on average require nine hours
of sleep per night. The typical
student only receives seven hours.
Some believe Wadsworth is not
prepared to make this change.
“The research specifically
warrants a good look at it; we
have to decide if it is a good fit
for our district,” said Four Cities
Compact Career Tech Educational
Administrator Roger Wright.
“First off, thirty minutes is not
a significant amount of time and
will not make a difference,” said
Clay Egleston, 10.
With several obstacles in the
way, the final community meeting
on Feb. 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the PAC
will be crucial to making any
major changes to Wadsworth’s
start and dismissal times.
“Numerous articles
explain the delayed
start time should be no
earlier than 8:30 a.m.
We should do whatever
is best for the education
of our kids.”
-Mrs. MacDowell
“I am against the current
proposal because I feel
that a half hour delay
will not have an impact.
Kids will continue their
routines, just pushing
them back a half hour.”
-Mrs. Csaky
“I am perfectly fine with
the way the schedule is
now, and I would prefer
that no changes are made.”
-Mr. Hamilton
“I am not for or against
the change but, we will
not know the true effects
until it is implemented.”
-Mr. Schmeltzer Jr.
is your opinion on the possible later start , dismissal time ?
“Kids today already spend
8 hours at school a day,
and their homework load
extends that time to home
as well. Kids do not want
to be at school longer than
they have to.”
-Cam, 11
“I think it would benefit the
students as they would be
more awake and more able to
function throughout the day.”
-Alex, 10
“I do not like it
because of track.”
-Cameron, 11
Teaching Staff: What is your opinion on
the possible later start, dismissal time?
“I do not like the idea of
it because I like getting
home a lot earlier than my
younger sisters.”
-Elizabeth, 9
“I do not like it because
sports will get pushed back
-Taylor, 9
–page 5
browns looking to move forward
with new regime
–page 11
Coach G’s fashion advice
–page 15
Superintendent Dr. Andrew Hill speaks at the Jan. 13 meeting on the
delayed start time. The School Board will hold its next meeting on
Feb. 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the James R. McIlvaine PAC.
Editorial............................................................. 2
News................................................................. 3
Opinion.......................................................... 4,5
Ads ........................................................... 6,7,14
Year in Review............................................ 12,13
Features.......................................................... 15
Entertainment.................................................. 16
Picture Pages.................................................. 8,9
Sports......................................................... 10,11
Of the Month................................................... 17
Speakout......................................................... 18
Visit the Bruin Online at
J anuary 2016
Brewin’ Debate
2016 begins with controversy
Staff Editorial
Wadsworth High! What a year
2015 was! From the movies
to the music, it was a great
year for entertainment. The
Bruin was also a great form of
entertainment in 2015,
but 2016 is sure to be
even better. YOU LIKE
THAT? One thing a lot
of people do not like is
the idea of a delayed start
Would an extra 30
minutes of sleep help a
student function better?
The science says yes, but
the students say no. We
here at The Bruin feel
like an extra half hour
of sleep will not be as
effective as it has been
advertised. Take a look at
our ‘Brewin’ Debate’ for
a more in-depth analysis.
One thing 2016 has not
brought to Wadsworth yet is a
snow day. YOU LIKE THAT!
There have been a couple days
that we could have had off, but
we have been disappointed thus
E ditorial
The Bruin
To get the full Wadsworth
High experience, be sure to
complete everything on Opinion
1 while reading up on the
winners and losers of 2015. High
school flies by, so make sure to
get EVERYTHING on that list
completed by graduation day.
As we previously stated,
the movies in 2015 were
outstanding. The lineup for 2016
is even better, which is hard to
believe. Interested in finding out
the top movies this year? Take
a peek at page 16 to find out
release dates, and also the big
winners of the Golden Globes.
2016 will be bigger and
better than 2015, and that is a
guarantee. We will make sure
that the last four issues of The
Bruin will be the best issues
this high school has seen. Keep
grinding, Wadsworth High;
summer is only a short four
months away.
Contact The Bruin:
Twitter (@wadsworthbruin)
Instagram (@WHS_Bruin)
[email protected]
Will starting school later be effective?
By Noah baughman
by ALex lenc
The early starting times of schools everywhere have
been known to cause many problems. Consequences
include drowsiness, sleep deprivation, a short
attention span and depression.
Adolescents need sleep. Lack of sleep has been
known to lead to problems such as alcohol and
tobacco use. In the most prominent years of teenagers’
lives, high school students are creating bad habits due
to their lack of sleep because of such an early start to
Teens need on average eight to ten hours of sleep
per night. Per sleep foundation, only 15 percent of
students reportedly sleep 8.5 hours on a school night.
Without eight to ten hours of sleep at night, teens do
not function as well as they can.
It is important to schools that students make the
most of their opportunities to get a great education
but do not provide students with the tools to do well.
Working without sleep might as well be teaching
without textbooks. Later school starting times will
make learning easier for high school students.
Many students sleep, daydream and doze off during
class. The lack of attention directly relates to a lack
of sleep. It is best that school starts later and allows
students to come fully prepared to make the most of
every school day.
The later school is started, the later students
are going to stay up at night. This is shown by
the majority of seniors with late arrival that stay
up later at night than they usually would. For this
reason, starting later is going to do nothing for the
overall betterness of students’ health and mental
Starting class 30 minutes later is going to do
nothing for us. This is not nearly enough time to
get a significant amount of extra sleep. Students
involved in extracurricular will also have to stay
at school even later than they did before. Away
sporting events far away will also become a hassle
because students will not make it home until ten
or later now. Then once getting home, they will
have even less time than before to study and do
It will also be harder for any students that have
a job to work after school. It already is hard to fit a
work schedule into the school week, especially for
student athletes.
There are so many reasons that this later start
time just will not work. Most students will not get
any extra sleep than before and 30 minutes is not
worth the troubles of switching around everyone’s
daily routine.
Students React to Delayed start time
As a teenager, I know that if
someone told me school started later
that I would just stay up later. The later
start time would cause complications
with transportation. Plenty of students
are dropped off by their parents in the
morning. If this delayed start was
applied, most parents would already
be at work and not be capable of
giving their children a ride to school.
-Alec Booth, 12
Moving the start time affects the
rest of our day. I personally am very
active after school, and moving the
start time back causes the end of
the school day to encroach on my
schedule. There is all this hype about
school starting later because people
love to do two things, procrastinate
and be lazy. Waking up early
reinforces good habits that you will
use later on in life. Your boss is not
going to care if your brain is awake in
the morning. They are going to care
if you do your job correctly and get
there on time.
-Alex Scarrow, 11
The start time should not be moved
back. First off, thirty minutes is not
a significant amount of time and
will not make a difference. Thirty
minutes is the average Battlefield 4
match, which is not very long. Also,
the amount of sleep needed varies
from person to person. It is based on
genetics, so a generalization about
the amount of sleep needed is not
completely accurate.
-Clay Egleston, 10
Changing the start time of school
will give students an extra vital half
hour of necessary sleep. Many argue
this will only move the entire day
back a half hour. However, most teens
stay up past the time they are ready
for bed. Although students blame
their late hours on overload of work,
the cause is usually procrastination or
lounging around on social media.
-Jackie Toth, 10
I believe that a later start time
would be beneficial to students
because they would be less tired and
more awake during the school day
with better concentration. Setbacks
caused by the later start could be
avoided by implementing sports into
the school day so that students are not
getting home after dark.
-Julia Brooks, 12
If kids between the ages of 12-18
need to get between 9-10 hours of
sleep, then half of the students would
not be able to show up. Moving the
start time leaves students getting
everything done around midnight.
Starting school later is not a good
idea. Though it might help some
students focus more in school because
we can get ‘more’ sleep, you still
have to think about the students that
have after school sports or other after
school activities.
-Devanne O’Connor, 10
The school Board thinks giving
high schoolers another half hour of
sleep would help with education and
productivity. There is an error in
this method. Kids get more sleep in
theory. Also, kids may come to school
better prepared. Eventually, time will
reset itself. Thirty minutes will not fix
this. It simply cannot.
-Ryan Dammarell, 10
Everyone is talking a big talk about
pushing the school start times back
Bruin Staff
Editor-in-Chief: Robert Hahn
Assistant Editor: Elizabeth Heckler
Head Copy Editor: Haylee Kupiec
Managing Editor: John Merhar
Marketing Manager: Regan Szalay
Front Page: Page Editor: Regan Szalay Reporters: Dylan Bowers, Alyssa Hopkins
Editorial: Page Editor: Hannah Studenic Reporters: Noah Baughman, Alex Lenc
Speakout: Page Editor: Hannah Studenic Reporter: Macie Carmel
Opinion 1: Page Editor: Regan Szalay Reporters: Dean Beddow, Jodi Johnson
Opinion 2: Page Editor: Regan Szalay Reporters: Chase Pegrim, Nick Landolph
News: Page Editor: Gary Noe Reporters: Emily Andrews, Lauren Knipl
Picture Pages: Editor: Madison Quinn Reporters: Jenna Johnson, Olivia Chaney
Features: Editor: Madison Quinn Reporters: Maria Regueiro, Abbie Cipar
Sports 1: Page Editor: Cameron Mendel Reporters: Alex Jones, Cody Suratt
Sports 2: Page Editor: Cameron Mendel Reporters: Michael Callow, Olivia Addis
Entertainment: Editor: Madison Quinn Reporters: Lauren Whitely, Erin Kilbride
Of The Month: Editor: Hannah Studenic Reporters: Emily Eggelton
Year In Review: Editor: Elizabeth Heckler
Ads/Business Manager: Noah Baughman Assistant: Alex Lenc
Adviser: John Gramuglia
by half an hour. The students were
never asked by the school board what
they think and that is not right. The
school board has their minds set on
changing the start times. Does a half
an hour really make a difference? No!
Students have jobs after school, and it
would mess with people’s schedules.
Pushing the start time will not make
a difference, and the times should
remain as they are.
-Jon Hill, 11
My opinion is that kids need to
be responsible and go to bed earlier
than they all do. If it were an hour or
more change, then I think it would
be a bigger deal. I think starting later
would not be a good idea because
then we would get out of school at
a later time, which would lead to
practices ending at a later time. By
that time, we would not feel like
doing homework or other school
-Joey Baughman, 10
Yes, teenagers need more sleep
every night. No, moving our start time
back a half hour will not do anything
to fix the problem. A half hour is such
a small amount of time that it will
not make a difference in anyone’s
alertness and effectiveness in school.
Also, all the evidence supporting a
delayed start time says teenagers need
more sleep but in the vaguest possible
way. If the committee wanted to truly
make a difference, they would move
our start time to 9:00 or 9:30. Instead,
they just have made it painfully
obvious that they are only interested
in the politics involved.
-Matt McMillen, 11
Advocates of a later school day
start time are imbeciles, and their
arguments are entirely one-sided. I
currently attend a school that begins
the day at 7:35 A.M., and I have not
noticed any fatal automobile accidents
that have been traced back to a lack
of sleep. The most likely reason
would concern a lack of attention or
a driver’s ignorance to driving laws.
Also, giving students an extra thirty
minutes to sleep will not solve the
problem considering the advocates
claim that students are not getting
several hours of necessary sleep.
-Connor Clark, 11
Editorial Policy
The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and
Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class
produces the April/May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student
body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that
affect the student body.
This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions
are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser.
The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We,
as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities
as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights
include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively
disruptive to the school process.
The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion,
color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything
appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express
their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every
month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express
their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the
staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the
right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the
name will be withheld upon request.
N ews
The Bruin
Standardized tests set to change
For the 2015-2016 school year
the PARCC test is no longer
going to be used as a required
standardized test. The PARCC,
the SAT and the ACT are being
The PARCC, Partnership for
Assessment of Readiness for
College and Careers, was highly
disliked due to the technology
issues during the test; it would
glitch and remove answers. The
test was time consuming for
students to learn how to use the
software, and the test itself took
ten to eleven hours to complete.
On June 30, 2015, John Kasich,
the governor of Ohio, officially
eliminated the PARCC test.
“I thought that the PARCC
was not beneficial for students. It
tested us on things that we did not
know, and it seemed to put a great
amount of stress on students and
teachers,” said Sophie Butler, 10.
Not even a day later, the
American Institutes for Research
(A. I. R.) was hired to produce all
standardized tests: math, English,
science and social studies.
A. I. R. is responsible for
creating the Ohio Achievement
Assessments and Ohio Graduation
Tests that have been used in past
The graduating class of 2018
is facing many changes. Those
students must have three electives
instead of five. Also, in place of
taking the Ohio Graduation test,
this class has to take seven different
tests spanning between math,
English, science, government and
As a positive, students graduating
in 2018 or later can take the ACT or
SAT free of charge once they are a
Not only are they removing and
adding tests, the College Board
will be revising the SAT. The SAT
consists of five lengthy passages
and over 100 questions about the
passages. It also has two sections
of math, one with a calculator
and one without, and a 50 minute
essay section where you have to
read a 700 word passage before
even beginning to write.
Some of the SAT’s changes
include fewer choices, a return
to a top score of 1600 instead of
2400, and there will be no penalty
for wrong answers. Even though
these changes will improve
scores, the SAT will remain a
difficult test.
Teachers and members of the
Ohio Board of Education are
hoping that these changes will
make testing an overall better
experience for future students.
The students of Wadsworth are
hoping that these new tests will
be easier and more worth their
time and energy.
The graph above shows the results of the 2015 PARCC Testing taken by students at
Wadsworth High School. Advanced is the highest, and limited is the lowest testing
Wadsworth plastic bottle challenge
Students and their families are being asked to make a creation
out of plastic bottles such as empty water bottles or empty 2 liter
pop bottles (no milk jugs). These creations-furniture, games, art,
clothes, buildings, ect.- will be presented on Saturday, February
27, 2016, at 10 a.m. in the Wadsworth High School cafeteria.
Adhesive materials like glue and tape can be used in creations,
and the creations must be able to fit through a doorway.
Luke Engineering has
instituted an intern program
Luke Engineering has instituted an intern program using students
from Mr. Schmeltzer’s AP Chemistry class. The students are
performing chemical tests and measurements in the industrial
environment. Students participating this year are Brady Dearth, 12,
Reilly Dearth, 12, and Daniel Cundiff, 12, (pictured above). We
would like to thank Mr. Chris Jurey of Luke Engineering and Jason
Jurey of Wadsworth High School for giving us this great opportunity.
Winners in 3 states to split record $1.6
Billion Powerball jackpot
Medina County Auditor announces seal
design contest winners
Cassandra Miller and Kayla Shepler are the winners of the 2016
Weights and Measures Seal Design Contest sponsored by the
Medina County Auditor’s Office.
Both girls took home first-place awards in the “Inspected and
Sealed” and “Price Verification” categories, besting more than
200 other entrants.
They were honored at an awards ceremony yesterday at the
Career Center’s café. They each received a $100 prize.
Both are students in the school’s Graphic Arts program.
Cassandra is a junior from Medina High School, and Kayla is a
senior from Wadsworth High School.
‘Mein Kampf’ published in Germany for the
1st time since World War 2
The 1.5 billion dollar jackpot was won by three lucky people on
January 13, 2016. None of the three people-from California, Florida
and Tennessee- have stepped forward to take their prize yet. The states
where the winners live are over joyed that the good luck is near.
After being largely ignored since WW2, ‘Mein Kampf’ is being
republished as a scholarly edition by Munich’s Institute for
Contemporary History. All of the false information in the book is
exposed and the consequences of Hitler’s actions are now shown.
Obama’s final State of the Union
New Ebola case arises in Sierra Leone
On January 12, 2016, President Obama gave his final State of the
Union address. Obama stated his successes as president, but he glossed
over some of the not so good parts of his successes. He spent the
majority of his time speaking about military spending, cutting carbon
emissions, health care and jobs.
Sierra Leone has confirmed that a new case of Ebola has come up.
A day before the confirmation, the World Health Organization said
the outbreak in West Africa was over. According to USA Today,
the country’s government responded quickly, and a new team is
investigating where this case started.
Mich. attorney general opens probe into
Flint water crisis
Oil costs drop below $28 per barrel
For the past several months in Lansing, Michigan, the drinking water
has been contaminated. The city started using water from Flint River
in 2014, but the water has traces of lead in it, so the people have not
had safe drinking water. The National Guard has been sent in to help
with the crisis.
With the price for a 55 gallon barrel of crude oil plummeting, the cost
of a gallon of gas has fallen as well. The lowest reported gas price
currently is 47 cents per gallon found in Houghton Lake, Michigan.
The lowest recorded gas price in history was in 1931 at 17 cents a
gallon. In the U.S., gas prices are predicted to be an average of $2.28
per gallon in 2016.
J anuary 2016
A word from our
Students, we are well on our
way with the 2nd semester.
Time is flying, and it has been
a great year to date. I would
like to mention a few items for
you to review/remember for
the rest of the year.
1) Scheduling time is
upon us. Make sure that you
your teachers, parents and
counselors regarding your
schedule for next year. You
will be submitting your
scheduling requests to the
guidance office very soon and
once that is done, we have
very little time for changes.
2) Seniors– Graduation is
rapidly approaching. Make
sure that you do everything in
your power to walk across the
stage at Commencement. It is
one of the most important days
in your family’s life when you
graduate and receive your
There are a few days that
are mandatory, Baccalaureate
Practice, May 17th, and
May 18th, at 9 a.m. both days.
3) School Spirit– I would
like all of you to come to one
of your classmates’ events.
They need to be supported
in Athletics and the Arts. We
have a very talented student
body, and they deserve your
attention. Make it a goal to try
and go to an event in February.
Come and join in on the fun.
4) Upcoming events– We
have several special events
coming up to note.
Feb. 4th– Akron U. Steel
Drum band in PAC
Feb. 18th – Blood Drive
Semiformal Dance .
5) School Fees– Students
please make sure you are
paying your class fees on a
yearly basis. You will not
receive your diploma unless
all fees are current. Keep up
to date so that you do not have
a large bill your senior year to
Students please be respectful
of each other at all times. We
have a great building with
great people and it takes all of
us to make it a great place to
be. Be nice to each other and
respect their opinions. If you
see things happen that you
know should not be happening
please let an adult know.
TOGETHER we can help each
other and make sure that ALL
of us enjoy Wadsworth High
Have a Great Day - Enjoy.
Your principal,
Mr. Steve Moore
O pinion 1
J anuary 2016
Top things students should do before graduating
Wadsworth High School has many
different events and programs to offer
that everyone should be a part of. I
believe that every student should try
to experience these things by the end
of his or her senior year to obtain a full
high school experience.
1. Be a part of the football
student section
Win or lose, it is always fun to be a
part of the student section, especially
during senior year. At the beginning of
the week, many people look forward
to Friday night football. Students get
to dress up for different themes and
cheer on fellow classmates. I have
many great memories from being a
part of the student section.
2. Attend an after game dance
Student Council hosts many after
game dances. There is one after every
home football game and one for
the whole winter basketball season.
Students can come straight from the
game, still dressed up for the theme,
and get their groove on.
3. Go to formal dances
Formal dances are something that
can never be forgotten from one’s
high school career. Students dress
fancy for a night, take pictures, go out
to dinner and dance the night away
with friends and classmates.
4. Attend Junior Banquet
Only juniors from Wadsworth High
School can attend this dance. It gives
each class a night to come together
and bond as one family before the
beginning of senior year.
5. Prom
Wadsworth High School’s prom is
unlike any other. Seniors are the only
people allowed to attend this dance,
unless an underclassman has been
asked by a senior. Prom planning
begins at the beginning of senior year
and continues until the big day.
6. Play a sport
Wadsworth High School has many
different sports to offer every season,
giving students the opportunity to
compete and create memories that
can last a lifetime. Wadsworth has had
some successful teams throughout
the years and athletes look to follow
these footsteps in the future. By
getting involved in a sport, one can
make friendships with people he
or she might not have if not for the
competitive activity.
7. Join a club
Clubs give students the opportunity
to meet new people and even help
others out. Being a part of a program
around the school is great for the
school and even the community.
Clubs also look great on college
8. Join the dodgeball
This year’s dodgeball tournament
will take place on Mar. 24. Teams
can consist of eight dodgeball players.
Even if one does not want to be a
part of a team, it is still a fun event to
watch. The battle for the #1 spot and a
prize is pretty intense.
9. Reconnect with elementary
school friends
Once one graduates, students all go
their separate ways and might not get
a chance to see or talk to each other
ever again. It is crazy to think that one
might not talk to his or her high school
best friends again in the future. There
is still time to revive those friendships,
so call one of those friends before it is
too late.
10. Participate in “Jersey
A low-key trend from last year
was transformed and carried into
this school year. Students get the
opportunity to show off their jerseys
to see who has the best one. Students
now have a great excuse to dress
down and relax every Thursday.
I believe that these events and
programs can make a great high
school experience. Students should
try to be a part of these things at least
once before they graduate. Looking
back at my high school career, these
events will definitely be a part of my
greatest memories here at Wadsworth
High School.
What has been one of your favorite events in high school so far?
“The beach themed
game against Stow.”
-Austin, 11
“The winter pep
assembly when
Andrew McNutt made
the half court shot.”
-Aley, 12
“The football after
game dances.”
-Trent, 10
Best and worst: Donald Trump, Cleveland Browns top lists
2015 was definitely a year to
remember. The year consisted of
many different events all across the
world. Even though the year was
eventful, that does not mean that all
the events were good. There were
some obvious winners and losers in
1. Donald Trump
Many people thought it was a joke
that Trump would run for president
in the 2016 election. With his rightwinged views and harsh words
towards his competitors, he was
definitely not a favorite.
Trump’s creative ways to always
stay in the media, good or bad, are
what makes him a winner this year.
“Only real winners get small
loans of one million dollars,” said
Joe Chamier, 10.
There are also those who hate
Trump and threaten to leave the
country if he becomes president.
Many of these people will not
actually leave. They are mostly
looking for attention and want
people to care about how much they
hate Trump. Trump overcoming
all the hate and making his way to
the top are definitely qualities of a
2. Star Wars
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
was probably one of the most
anticipated movies in 2015. In the
first weekend it was out, it made an
astonishing $247 million dollars.
This was one of the biggest opening
weekends for a movie ever. With
an amazing cast, including Harrison
Ford and Daisy Ridley, it is a movie
to remember for years. Ford came
back as Han Solo, while Ridley
played the Jedi Rey. It was an
amazing win for Star Wars in 2015
and is definitely worth watching if
one has the time.
3. Gas Prices
In 2015, gas prices were
surprisingly low in Northeast Ohio.
This was a lot different from 2014
with gas prices being more pricey.
In 2014, the average gas price was
sitting around $3.34 per gallon.
In 2015, the numbers were
significantly lower with the average
hitting about $2.64. People could
not be happier with the lower gas
prices. The gas prices also helped the
economy, as it led to more consumer
spending in America. Car pooling
might be a thing of the past if the gas
trends keeps up.
4. Draft Kings
Many people get bored or
overwhelmed with their season long
commitment to a fantasy league.
Draft Kings has revolutionized
the way many people play fantasy
Draft Kings features a one
week fantasy league for football,
basketball and other sports for real
online money.
The company is so successful
that it is already valued at one billion
dollars after being established in
2012. Even with all its success,
many think that Draft Kings will
soon be out of business because of
state laws claiming it is illegal.
1. Browns
The Cleveland Browns are easily
one of the biggest losers. It all started
back in 1996 when the Browns
decided to move to Baltimore. This
move is what really sparked the
Cleveland sports curse.
Since that year, the Browns have
not had a successful season. The
Browns went 3-13 during their 2015
season. It was another disappointing
Many disappointed Browns fans
can sum up the regular season in one
word: awful. The 2015 season was
very scattered and messy, including
the quarterback situation with
Manziel and his drinking problems.
2. Meek Mill
Meek Mill and Drake went at
each other in 2015. It was a whole
battle taking place over Twitter.
After Drake and Nicki Minaj started
talking, Mill started to get jealous of
Mill tweeted that no one should
compare him to Drake and he said
that Drake does not write his own
lyrics. After the beef started heating
up, Meek Mill released a mixtape
where he dissed Drake. All the
pressure was on Drake to make a
return mixtape, and sure enough, he
“Drake easily won the Twitter
battle,” said Taylor Nagy, 9. Drake’s
mixtape was, in most people’s
opinions, a better mixtape than the
one Meek Mill produced. Drake
was recognized as the winner of the
Twitter beef.
3. Steve Harvey
Everyone knows about the
incident at the 2015 Miss Universe
Pageant. Steve Harvey was the
host of the Miss Universe pageant
that took place on Dec. 20. The
pageant is a very high honor for
the participants. After naming Miss
Colombia the winner of the pageant,
Harvey realized that he had made a
After realizing the mistake,
Harvey came back to the stage,
awkwardly, while naming the
real winner, Miss Philippines. It
was an awkward moment as Miss
Colombia had her crown removed
from her head and transferred to
the other contestant. This caused a
social media uproar as many thought
it was funny, while some were upset
and mad at Harvey.
4. Ronda Rousey
Ronda Rousey could be the
ultimate loser of 2015. The fight
with Holly Holms took place on
Nov. 14, 2015.
Ronda Rousey seemed confident
when she showed up to the arena to
fight her opponent. After the fight
started, Rousey did not start out
with her usual tenacity.
Holms eventually had an amazing
kick to the head to knock out Rousey
and win the fight. This left Rousey
in shock as she went back to the
locker room. It was an eventful
night for Holly Holms.
The losers of 2015 have a rough
road ahead in 2016, while the future
for the winners seems to be very
bright for the upcoming year.
In memoriam: remembering those lost in 2015
O pinion 2
January Feature Obituaries
David Bowie
Alan Rickman
On Jan. 10, 2016, music
legend David Jones, famously
known as David Bowie,
passed away after an 18
month battle with liver cancer.
He had not made news of his
illness public.
Bowie is widely known as
one of the most influential
musicians of all time, inspiring
all types of musicians to think
outside the box and dare to
be different. Two days before
his death, on Jan. 8 (his 69th
birthday), Bowie released his
final album, Blackstar. Over
the course of his career, he
released a total of 25 albums
and had over 20 Billboard
Hot 100 hits.
On Jan. 14, 2016, actor Alan
Rickman lost his battle with
cancer at the age of 69. He is
widely known for his role as
the stern Professor Snape in
the Harry Potter movies. He
was a fan favorite, giving fans
a villain to root for.
Contrary to the stern
disposition of his character,
many of Rickman’s fellow
actors described him as
warm, light hearted, kind
and humorous. Harry Potter
frontman Daniel Radcliffe
was quoted saying he was
“undoubtedly one of the
greatest actors I will ever
work with.” Alan Rickman
will be remembered always.
As the New Year begins, it is
important to take the time to look
back on those who were lost in
Stuart Scott
Longtime ESPN anchor Stuart
Scott passed away from cancer
on Jan. 4. He was loved by
sports fans and he inspired his
He was well known for his hiphop style and his catch phrase,
“Booyah!” He also won the
Jimmy V award for his battle with
Bob Simon
On Feb. 11, long time CBS
correspondent Bob Simon was
killed in a car crash in New York.
He was CBS’s 60 Minutes
correspondent from 1996 until
his death. He is also well known
for his book Forty Days, a book
detailing the forty day capture of
Simon and his TV crew during
the Persian Gulf War.
Leonard Nimoy
On Feb. 27, beloved actor
Leonard Nimoy passed away due
to end stage chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.
Nimoy was best known for his
J anuary 2015
role as Spock in the original Star
Trek series. He is credited with
135 acting and voice appearances.
Lauren Hill
On Apr. 10, Lauren Hill,
freshman basketball player at
Mount St. Jospeh University,
lost her battle with terminal brain
cancer. Hill touched the nation
with her courage, determination
and spirit. She was 19 years old.
Ben E. King
On Apr. 30, soul and R&B
singer and record producer Ben
E. King died at the age of 76 from
natural causes.
King is best known as the cowriter and singer of the song
“Stand by Me.”
B.B. King
On May 14, American blues
artist B.B. King died from multiinfarct dementia.
He is listed 6th on the Rolling
Stone’s list of top 100 guitarists
of all time. His career spanned
67 years and earned him the
nickname “The King of Blues.”
Christopher Lee
Actor Christopher Lee died
on Jun. 7 from congestive heart
failure. He is best known for
his role as Saruman in Lord of
the Rings and his role as Count
Dooku in the Star Wars prequels.
He first emerged onto the movie
scene in the cult classic Dracula
in 1958. He was 93 years old at
the time of his death.
Sir Nicholas Winton
On Jul. 1, World War II hero
Sir Nicholas Winton passed away
due to cardiorespiratory failure.
He was 106 years old.
Winton served in the British
Royal Air Force during the war,
but he is best known for his
humanitarian work.
He organized the rescue
of 669 Jewish children in
Czechoslovakia on the eve of
World War II.
Wes Craven
On Aug. 30, American film
director, writer, producer and
actor Wes Craven died from brain
cancer at the age of 76.
Craven was best known for his
work in the horror genre. His two
biggest series were the Nightmare
on Elm Street series and the
Scream series.
He is also known for directing
several other major films, such as
The Hills Have Eyes.
Yogi Berra
On Sept. 22, 2015, baseball
legend Yogi Berra died of natural
causes at the age of 90.
He leaves behind a great
legacy. He played in fourteen
World Series and was named an
All-Star fifteen times.
Flip Saunders
On Oct. 25, Flip Saunders,
the coach of the Minnesota
Timberwolves, lost his battle with
cancer at the age of 60.
His coaching career spanned
from 1977 until his death in 2015.
Across his career, he coached
three colleges, three minor league
basketball teams and three NBA
Pressures faced by student athletes
For student athletes, 2016 will give
them another opportunity to succeed
in their sport. In order to achieve the
goals that every athlete sets prior to the
start of their season, they will need to
work extremely hard.
However, at what point does this
work become too much for students?
When do the mental and physical
stresses begin to affect students’
performances in school and their
behavior outside of school? Can
performance anxiety lead to steroid
use for high school athletes?
As innocent as school sports
seem, stress is very common because
students have a hard time balancing
their athletic responsibilities with their
academic responsibilities. It is not
just school and athletics, either. Some
students participate in band or choir,
work five days a week and are tasked
with caring for siblings.
Obviously, stress is going to
accompany people with many
responsibilities and very little time.
Most of the time, student athletes are
plagued with sleep deprivation and
performance anxiety. Along with
these problems, their performance in
the classroom can decline if students
do not have enough time to study,
sleep and finish their homework.
Performance anxiety can occur
when an athlete is overly pressured by
family, friends or coaches to succeed
in his or her sport. This can sometimes
be a good thing because it causes
athletes to work harder. However,
in other cases, athletes may turn to
performance-enhancing drugs or
human growth hormones (HGH).
Wadsworth football player Mitchell, 10, sits on the turf after taking a shot to the head.
While not many people would
expect steroids to be used in high
school sports, it happens more often
than some might think.
According to a confidential survey
conducted by The Partnership for
Drug-Free Kids, 408 of the 3,705 kids
surveyed admitted to using HGH at
least once in their lives. The survey
was conducted in 2013, but members
of the group believe there has been an
increase in the number of users in the
past few years.
Injuries are also a big obstacle faced
by student athletes. Concussions
cause many athletes to suffer in
the classroom, and student athletes
are often rushed back into playing
because they do not receive proper
medical attention. This can cause
lasting impacts on their bodies.
There are many risks associated
with athletics on any level. Those
who have a deep love for sports,
like myself, tend to overlook that.
However, those risks are always
there, and sometimes we can push our
bodies past their limits.
For some, sports are too
dangerous or time-consuming for
them to attempt. Regardless of the
consequences, sports will always be a
major part of many of our lives.
In what ways do you think student athletes are pressured?
“Sometimes it is
hard to manage
the workload
from practice and
-Lindsay 10
“I do not think that
they are pressured
because if they want
to, they can quit
-Brendan, 9
“Individual students
are pressured by
themselves as
well as the family
-Mr. Recupero
January 2016
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A ds
A ds
Patrons 2015-2016
Allison Parsons
Angie Snowball
Ann and Kilian Mendel
Ben Klafczynski
Betty Nalepa
Bill and Isabella Robertson
Bill Goebel
Brad and Karla Wilson
Brad Musgrave
Bret and Lisa Bressler
Brian and Claudia Coote
Callow Family
Charlene Blevins
Charles and Patty Szalay
Chris and Julie Adams
Christine N. Andrews
Chuck and Carrie Szalay
Clarke and Shawn VanDyke
Dammarell Family
Dana North
Dave and Trish Swanson
Dave Regueiro
Dean and Kris Beddow
Don and Tanya Miksch
Don Lenc Sr.
Doug and Beth Synder
Doug Beeman
Dr. and Mrs. Dale Fortner
Dr. Andrew Hill and Family
Edward and Amy Cipar
Gary and Barb Klaus
Gary and Kimberly Noe
Geoff and Jan Westphal
Goldsmith and Eggleton
Hamilton Family
Hendricks Family Dentistry
Jack and Jone Cionni
Jason Jurey
Jeff and Trisha Loguidice
Jerrilyn Breyton
Jessica Gibson
Jill and Terry Young
Jill Brown
Jim and Cas Isaac
Jim Ladrach and Family
Joan and George Solti
Joan Arrowsmith
Joan Reed
Joanne Isaac
Joanne K. Schar
Jody McDougal
Joe and Terry Carter
John and Karen Baker
John and Patty Thompson
Joyce and Jim Pannunzio
Ken and Ellen Tollett
Kevin and Dana Quinn
Larry and JoLynn Kaufman
Leanne Virgin
Lenc Family
Libby Egleston
Lisa Pletcher
Mark and Debbie Carr Family
Mark and Megan Postak
Mark Schoonover and Family
Matt and Mary Porter
Melissa Eaton
Mick and Sue Movsesian
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pegrim
Mr. and Mrs. North
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eggleton
Mr. and Mrs. Tim O Dell
Mrs. Wandamilich
Pat and Dawn Landolph
Philip Horrisberger
Rachel Jones
Randy and Robin Kilbride
Rebecca Dills
Rich and Dana Berlin
Richard and Patricia Studenic
Rick and Carol Johnson
Risher Family
Rob Hahn
Rob Karovic
Robert and Carolyn Hahn
Ron and Angie Mendel
Ron and Kim Hart
Ronald & Steffany Kupiec
Sra Mateos
Steve and Sarah McIlvaine
Steve Moore
Steve Webb
Studenic Family
Suzanne and Chris Raber
The Alic Family
The Case Family
The Cossick Family
The Dennison Family
The Gabel Family
The Knipl Family
The LaMonica Family
The Merhar Family
The Moore Family
The Recupero Family
The Sieber Family
The Singleton Family
The Thompson Family
The Whitaker Family
The Wright Family
Thomas and Cynthia Hill
Tim & Mary Jones + Family
Timothy Knipl Jr
Todd and Jodi Bowers
Tom and Lynn Bardar
Tom and Maryann Postak
Tom Saddler & Pat Lawson
Witschey Family
The Bruin
thanks you
for your
J anuary 2016
Picture Page
J anuary 2016
Biggest crush?
Hannah’s roommate
Favorite Bruin
couple? Hannah &
Robert or Hannah &
Robert and his truck
Special talent?
I can write a full story
Business Manager in one class period
Future college?
Cornell University
Biggest crush?
Favorite Bruin
couple? Hannah &
Robert or Hannah
& Robert?
Business Manager Hannah & Robert
Special talent?
I am good at waiting
until college deadlines
to apply
Best looking teacher?
Copy Editor
Copy Editor
Favorite Bruin
couple? Hannah &
Robert or Hannah
& Robert?
Cody & Jenna; I am
single ;)
“Bad driver” -Cam
Biggest pet peeve?
When Hannah talks
Assistant Editor
Favorite Bruin
couple? Hannah &
Robert or Hannah
& Robert?
Managing Editor Is there a 3rd option?
Future college?
Ohio State or
Baldwin Wallace
Copy Editor
If you could eat
one food for the
rest of your life,
what would it be?
Macaroni & cheese
Best looking
Coach Johnson
Special talent?
Secretly FaceTiming
Coach Johnson
during class
Future college?
University of
Biggest crush?
Leonardo DiCaprio,
he better get his
Oscar this year
Special talent?
Appearing in two
Head Copy Editor places at once #twins
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Erin Kilbride, THE
Miss 36
Future college?
Biggest pet peeve?
When Robert Hahn does
not do correct sig-digs in
Marketing Manager physics
Special talents?
Making loomies
I mean...
If you could eat one
food for the rest
of your life, what
would it be?
Future college?
THE Ohio State
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Cam, it is truly amazing
how little he does
If you could eat one
food for the rest
of your life, what
would it be?
That is not a
balanced diet
Best looking teacher?
Schmeltzer Sr. by far
Future college?
Northwestern or Rice
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Regan Szalay
Biggest crush?
Nah son
Best looking teacher?
Future college?
University of Akron
Biggest crush?
Cody Surratt <3
Special talent?
Getting groovy on
the dance floor with
THE Jack Merhar
(Frosty Night?)
Biggest pet peeve?
Bad grammar
Biggest crush?
Hannah’s roommate
Biggest pet peeve?
When people ask
if Chief and I are
Special talent?
Being uptight and
Social Media Manager annoying
Biggest crush?
Leonardo DiCaprio
Future college?
Michigan State
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Future college?
Cleveland State
Biggest pet peeve?
People who stand in the
middle of the hallway
If you could eat one
food for the rest of
your life, what would
it be?
Tacos. They are so
Biggest crush?
Not Robert
Biggest pet peeve?
“Defiantly when
people take things
for granite”
J anuary 2016
P icture
Lauren W.
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Emily Andrews :)
If you could eat one
food for the rest of
your life, what would
it be?
Who do you admire most
in the Bruin family?
Cam Mendel and Johnny
Who is your favorite
Bruin couple? Hannah &
Robert or Hannah and
Cam Mendel and Alex
Special talents?
Emily E.
Emily A.
Olivia A.
Biggest pet peeve?
When pocket linings
are sticking out of
If you could eat one
food for the rest of
your life, what would
it be?
Biggest crush?
Definitely Nick
Biggest pet peeve?
Slow to fast clapping
Special talents?
Watching Netflix for
excessive amounts of
Biggest crush?
Jenna Johnson
Biggest pet peeve?
When Robert tells me
to do something
Special talents?
I can seduce women
with the blink of an
Biggest crush?
Sophea Crumble
Biggest pet peeve?
People spelling my
name wrong
Who is your favorite
Bruin couple?
Hannah & Robert or
Hannah & Robert?
Hannah and Robert
Special talents?
Avoiding eye contact
Biggest pet peeve?
If you could eat one
food for the rest
of your life, what
would it be?
Cotton candy
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Myself, duh
Biggest pet peeve? Eme
If you could eat one food
for the rest of your life,
what would it be?
S’mores, but I would
probably die if I just ate
Biggest crush?
Hannah’s roommate
Who is your favorite
Bruin couple?
Hannah & Robert or
Hannah and Robert?
Cam and Alex
Best looking teacher?
G, obviously
Favorite bruin staffer?
Of course, The State
Champ, Noah Baughman
If you could eat one food
for the rest of your life,
what would it be?
My wife’s homemade
Biggest pet peeve?
People who make excuses
Biggest crush?
Steven Baughman
Special talents?
I am double jointed in
my arms and legs
If you could eat one
food for the rest of
your life, what would
it be?
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
DJ Gary Gare
Biggest pet peeve?
When Hannah talks
about Alabama
Who is your favorite
Bruin couple?
Hannah & Robert or
Hannah & Robert?
Robert and Hannah
Special talents?
Handsome or Jones
Olivia C.
Lauren K.
Liverz, 2 Chainz,
Chaney, Two, Chain(z),
Pepsi, Chain(s), Liv,
Olive and occasionally
Biggest pet peeve?
When people say ‘neck’
Special talents?
I break ankles for a
Who do you admire
most in the Bruin
Noah ‘State Champ’
Best looking teacher?
Mr. Jurey
Special talents?
Taking four hour naps
J anuary 2016
S ports 1
Championship programs thriving in Wadsworth
Wadsworth has been known for
its strong athletic programs. They
have had some great state runs in
the last few years. Two programs
that seem to constantly bring talent
and hard nose competition to the
table is the boys wrestling team
and girls basketball team who are
both chasing team state titles this
The wrestling team has had
a winning tradition under head
Coach John Gramuglia who has
brought many victories including
119 state qualifiers, 76 state
placers, 33 state finalists and
14 state champions. In 2010 he
brought Wadsworth its first state
title since 1942.
With a very promising lineup,
the wrestling team looks to bring
home a second state title in six
The team is lead by senior
captain and 2013 state champ,
Noah Baughman. Also returning to
the Grizzlies is Joey Baughman, 10
who placed fifth at the 2015 state
tournament. In additon is a veteran
coaching staff, consisting of John
Gramuglia, Nick Ranallo and
returning alumni who were a part
of the 2010 state championship
team. Of those alumni, Clay
Wenger and Brad Squire hold
important positons on the staff.
The Varsity B wrestling team is
lead by head coach Matt Hulme.
The wrestling team consists of
other talented members such as
freshman Michael North at 126,
senior Brock Swartzbaugh at 106,
and senior heavy weight Kyle
Green. All are working to claim
the elusive state title.
Throughout the year the
wrestling team has only had few
proud accomplishments. They
placed 13th at the Iron Man,
which is arguably the toughest
tournament in the country, first
at the North Canton Holiday
Tournament and third at the
Medina Invitational Tournament
while lacking four of their starting
wrestlers in the line-up.
Presently, they have an
undefeated dual meet record which
includes defeating Brecksville,
who at the time was ranked 35th
in the nation. That victory clinched
the team a share of the Suburban
League title for the 24th year in a
Girls Basketball
Another annual powerhouse, the
girls basketball team, is currently
sitting at 15-1. Their season is
off to a good start with wins over
Magnificat and GlenOak. The
Grizzlies knew that they had the
makings of a great team from the
beginning of the season.
Headed into the annual Classic
in the Country tournament, the
team was 14-0. They knew that
they would face a tough challenge
against two highly ranked teams,
Newark and Mason. Giving them
their first loss of the season, Mason
defeated the Grizzlies by 11 points.
It was a battle of the best as two
of the top teams in the state went
head to head.
Although still holding the
number one rank in the state, the
girls are using the loss as a chance
to get better and learn from it.
With the right mindset, the Lady
Grizzlies will likely be a force to
be reckoned with in March.
hardwork combined with talent
make our team something special,”
said Sophia Fortner, 10.
As captains of the team, the
seniors display great leadership
on and off the court. They have
all made major contributions to
the team, perhaps none more so
than leading scorer Jodi Johnson.
Johnson has committed to play
basketball at Ashland University.
The girls hope to conclude their
successful season by cutting down
the nets at the Schottenstein Center
in March.
Joey, 10, works for near fall points against Brunswick’s Nick Kiussis in the finals of the Medina Invitational Tournament.
Varsity Girls basketball stands for the national anthem before facing off against Magnificat. The Lady Grizzlies rolled to a
47-29 victory over number 6th ranked Magnificat.
April 28, 2016
Your name will be entered into a
Drawing that will take place:
When: May 3, 2016
What: 2 names will be drawn for a
chance to make a
Yearbook staff offers
chance to win $5,000
Buy a yearbook by April 28,
2016, and you may win $5,000.
The yearbook staff is holding
a promotion to boost sales by
offering a chance at a large sum
of money. The only catch is to
win one must first be one of the
two names drawn by all who
purchase a yearbook, and then hit
a half-court shot at the Fine Arts
“We are excited to offer the
students at WHS a chance to win
$5,000. We would love nothing
more than for two students to
end our year by nailing two half
court shots. We are doing this
to generate some fun with our
students and to try and sell more
yearbooks,” says fourth year
Yearbook Adviser Mr. Berg.
Many YouTube lovers have
seen videos of contestants drain
half-court shots before, but this
gives our very own student body
a shot at glory.
“We have already envisioned
students making the shots and
being on Sportscenter. We really
think it could happen.” said Mr.
We began asking students what
they would do with the $5,000.
“With the money, I think that I
would buy a chameleon because
those are dope,” said Clay
Wagner, 10.
He isn’t the only one who has
ideas about what they would do
with the $5,000.
“It would be really awesome to
win the $5,000. Their would be a
lot of things that I would buy, but
I would probably spend it all on
shoes,” said Austin Ruddock, 11.
The students seem to be
very excited for a chance to
win $5,000. The only thing in
their way is the purchase of a
yearbook. It is important that all
students interested read through
the official rules and details
located on the high school web
page under the yearbook tab.
S ports 2
2016 Playoff
stat leaders
Passing: Deshaun Watson
405 yards
4 TDs
Rushing: Derrick Henry
36 carries
158 yards
4.4 YPC
3 TDs
becomes instant classic
The Alabama Crimson Tide are
once again on top of the college
football world after a thrilling
victory over the Clemson Tigers,
In this battle of the ages,
Alabama and offensive weapons,
Derrick Henry and wide reciever
O.J. Howard, outlasted dynamic,
dual-threat quarterback, Deshaun
To start off the game, Henry
powered through Clemson’s
defense en route to a 50-yard
touchdown. With Alabama’s hot
start, Clemson knew they were
in for a tough game. The Tigers
rebounded quickly as Watson
delivered a strike to Henry
Renfrow wide open down the
sideline for a long touchdown.
Both teams traded punches
Receiving: O.J. Howard
5 Rec
208 yards
2 TDs
LONG: 63
Alabama running back, Derrick Henry, strikes the Heisman pose after scorching
the Clemson defense for a 50 yard touchdown run. Henry finished with 158 yards
and reached the endzone three times.
Return: Kenyan Drake
5 Ret
196 yards
1 TD
LONG: 95
Team Stats
Clem: 29:11 Bama: 29:52
Total yards
Clem: 550 Bama: 473
J anuary 2016
Alabama head coach, Nick Saban, gets a Gatorade shower after winning his
fourth national championship with the Crimson Tide.
Watson and versatile running back
Wayne Gallman of the Clemson
The win capped off a 14-1
season for the Tide and gave
Nick Saban his fourth national
throughout the game, but
Clemson’s defense was no match
for Howard, who had a monster
game, hauling in five receptions
for just over 200 yards.
Even with Howard’s breakout
game, it came down to one of the
gutsiest play calls ever by Saban
and company: the decision to
attempt an onside kick early in
the fourth quarter. The kick was
perfectly placed by kicker Adam
Griffith and the Tide recovered.
This led to quarterback Jake
Coker finding none other than
Howard for a 51-yard touchdown.
This connection between Coker
and Howard gave the Tide the
lead, 31-24.
However, the game was far
from over. The Tide knew that
they needed a big play to keep
the momentum on their side.
Dynamic returner Kenyan Drake
provided that spark with a 95-yard
touchdown return to put Alabama
up two scores, 38-27.
The game was full of fireworks
and turned into an absolute
shootout. In the last 7:47 of the
gameplay, these teams combined
for five touchdowns. The two
teams combined for 85 points, the
highest total points in a national
championship game since 2006
when offensive powerhouses
USC and Texas squared off and
combined for 79. The game
featured college superstars Reggie
Bush and Vince Young.
Both games were filled with
action. Regardless of how they
compare, both games are truly
historical performances.
Browns looking to move forward with new regime
This postseason, also known as
the offseason for the Cleveland
Browns, was launched by the
hiring of a new head coach.
Hue Jackson, the former
offensive coordinator for the
Cincinnati Bengals, has agreed to
a deal with the Browns, becoming
the team’s sixth different head
coach since 2008.
At the conclusion of week 17,
Browns owner Jimmy Haslam
announced that general manager
Ray Farmer and head coach
Mike Pettine were fired, and that
the search for new front office
members and a new head coach
would begin immediately.
Haslam made good on his
appointing Sashi Brown
Executive Vice President of
Football Operations and later
naming Paul DePodesta as Chief
Strategy Officer.
Brown’s lack of experience
made the move very puzzling.
DePodesta is also a major question
mark because his experience in the
front office came from baseball.
DePodesta was a main character
in the book/movie Moneyball.
These two moves had Browns
fans scratching their heads. Most
did not know what to make of
these two, and it seemed like the
team was destined to have another
3-13 season.
However, Browns fans felt
like winners of the Powerball
after Haslam hired Hue Jackson.
Jackson was the most popular
candidate amongst fans and
the front office. Jackson has
experience as an NFL head
coach, leading the Raiders to an
8-8 season in 2011, and could
provide a much needed spark to
With the search for a head coach
now complete, the front office
is now turning their attention
towards surrounding Jackson with
talent on the field. The Browns
have the number two overall pick
in the draft and are looking to find
the pieces they need in the draft
and in free agency.
The Browns swung and missed
on most of their draft picks under
general manager Ray Farmer.
Now they find themselves in a
hole and need to rebuild with
fresh, young talent in this year’s
The biggest hole on the Browns’
roster is the quarterback position.
With the Browns distancing
quarterback Johnny Manziel
and veteran quarterback Josh
McCown coming off of numerous
injuries that sidelined him for half
of the season, the Browns are in
dire need of a solid quarterback.
One option is Cal star Jared Goff.
He is consistently accurate and has
strong velocity on his throws, two
qualities that Browns quarterbacks
have lacked in recent years.
Another option is A.J. McCarron.
McCarron finished out this season
with Bengals and has experience
with Hue Jackson’s offense.
McCarron is currently under
contract with the Bengals, so the
Browns will need to make a trade
for him.
Of course a quarterback will
need someone who can catch a
pass, so the Browns will also need
to add to their receiving corp. TCU
playmaker Josh Doctson could be
a solid option with their second
or third pick. Also, Cincinnati
receivers Mohammed Sanu and
Marvin Jones are both free agents
and familiar with Jackson’s
offense as well.
Finally, the defense will need to
make serious adjustments. With
All-Pro cornerback Joe Haden
out for almost the entire season,
the Browns defense struggled
mightily. As a team, the Browns
were 27th in total yards allowed
per game. This suggests that they
Browns’ targets for the Draft
Jared Goff, QB
Justin Simmons, S
Joey Bosa, DE
Josh Doctson, WR
Late 1st/Early 2nd
Hue Jackson has agreed to be the new head coach of the Cleveland Browns.
need serious help on defense.
Boston College safety Justin
Simmons has the talent to boost
the Browns secondary. His size
and tackling ability can make
an instant impact. Ohio State
defensive end Joey Bosa is also
an explosive playmaker on the
defensive side of the ball. He can
help the Browns in numerous
ways, including stopping the run.
With an experienced coach now
at the helm, the Browns seem
poised to improve on their recent
struggles and look to make strides
towards consistent success.
Early 1st
2nd Round
2nd Round
J anuary 2016
Y ear
R eview
Top ten songs that made an impact in 2015
2015 was a year that provided
us with incredible music,
including some of the best artists
around. Brand new artists were
introduced, such as The Weeknd
and Fetty Wap. Others, such as
Taylor Swift and Maroon 5, have
been in this industry for a while
and are still going strong. These
ten songs of 2015 made the
biggest impact.
1. “Uptown Funk”
Mark Ronson ft. Bruno
Mars: Mark Ronson is a DJ and
producer who has worked with
incredible artists, such as Amy
Winehouse and Boy George. In
2015, he teamed up with Mars
to make “Uptown Funk!”. This
song ruled at No. 1 for 14 weeks
straight and tied for the secondlongest-leading Billboard Hot
100 ever. It also led for streaming
songs, getting 15.8 million U.S.
streams during its 12th week.
“It’s a good party song” said
Ryan Dammarell, 10.
2. “Thinking Out Loud” Ed Sheeran: Ed Sheeran is a
British singer/songwriter who
has been making music since
2010 and recently released his
album “Multiply” in 2014 which
included this song. This single
became the first to ever spend
one whole year in the Top 40
Singles. It also claims taking the
longest climb, 19 weeks, to reach
the top spot.
3. “See You Again” - Wiz
Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth: Wiz
Khalifa started his music career
in 2007. Since then, he’s had
successful hits such as “Black
and Yellow” and “Young’n on His
Grind.” In 2015, he contributed
this song to the sound track of
Furious 7. He dedicated the song
to Paul Walker. This instantly
became one of the biggest hits
of the year. It stayed at No. 1 for
more than ten weeks straight.
4. “Trap Queen” - Fetty Wap:
Fetty Wap has became a popular
hip-hop artist in 2015. Released
in his album “Fetty Wap”, “Trap
Queen” reached the Top 20 of
Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop
Songs chart after three weeks of
being out. It was later remixed
by French Montana and went on
to reach Billboard’s Top Ten of
the Billboard Hot 100.
5. “Sugar” - Maroon 5:
Maroon 5 released their first
album in 2002. Featured on their
album “V” which came out in
2014, “Sugar” has been able to
stay at the top with its sound that
is made for pop. It hit No. 2 on
Billboard on March 28, 2015.
6. “Shut Up and Dance” Walk the Moon: Originally from
Cincinnati, Ohio, Walk the Moon
has been a band since 2008.
They released an album called
“Talking is Hard” in 2014 and
this song instantly became a hit.
It broke the record for the most
time leading Billboard’s Hot
Rock Songs Chart at 24 weeks. It
is their best-selling song, having
2.9 million downloads since its
“It made an impact because it
inspires kids to grab a gal or guy
to just dance without thinking
about their problems and to take
risks because kids now do not.”
said Natasha Marrone, 10.
7. “Blank Space” - Taylor
Swift: Taylor Swift came out
with her first album in 2006.
Since then, she has risen to
the top of the charts. Her fifth
album titled “1989”, which she
released in 2014, was labeled
as her first official pop album.
“Blank Space” dominated the
charts staying at No. 1 for four
weeks, and the hit music video
was released in November.
8. “Watch Me” - Silentó: As
a teenage rapper from Atlanta,
Silentó released his first single
“Watch Me” in 2015. Since
then , it became a trend to make
videos of doing the dance moves
included in the song such as the
“Whip”, the “Nae-Nae” and the
“Stanky leg”. In just one week,
it reached over two-and-a-half
million U.S. streams.
9. “Earned It”(Fifty Shades
of Grey) - The Weeknd: Abel
Tesfaye first appeared in 2011,
but his career did not really
kick off until 2015. In the movie
“Fifty Shades of Grey,” which
came out in February of 2015,
“Earned It” made its first debut.
It hit No. 2 on the R&B Digital
Songs chart and got 92,000
downloads in December of 2014.
10. “The Hills” - The
Weeknd: One of the first singles
released from his album “Beauty
Behind the Madness,” “The
Hills” replaced his other single
“Can’t Feel My Face” at No. 1
on Billboard’s Hot R&B/HipHop Songs chart. With this, Abel
Tesfaye became the first male
artist to rise to No. 1 with two
leading singles in the same year
since Eminem in 2010.
2015 gave us some awesome
new music. Now, we have even
more in store for 2016!
Dumbest quotes of politicians in 2015 Top 5 memes of 2015
By Rachel Osterhouse
Politicians are some of the
most powerful people in our
society. We elect them into office,
at least those of us who vote, and
rely on them to represent us while
governing the United States of
That being said, it seems
redundant that we should be sure
these people are intelligent and
of sound mind. Even still, they
manage to vomit out an incredible
amount of insane and ridiculous
quotes. These are just a few of
the dumb things politicians said
in 2015.
1. Hillary Clinton
“What, like with a cloth or
something?...I don’t know how
it works digitally at all,” said
Clinton in response to being
asked if she “wiped” her personal
email server.
The Democratic presidential
frontrunner spent most of the
summer dogged by questions
about her use of a personal e-mail
server while Secretary of State.
During a conference in August,
she laughed off a question about
whether she had wiped the server
before allowing authorities to
inspect it. She later apologized for
the sarcasm and shifted her tone
when talking about her e-mail
usage at the State Department.
2. Bernie Sanders
“I have an ample supply
of underwear!” Sanders has
contributions to the 2016 race.
One: He has given Clinton a
respectable challenge in the polls.
And two: He has given Larry
David the chance to impersonate
him on Saturday Night Live.
During the show’s mocking of
the Democratic debate in October,
David said,
“I own one pair of underwear.
That’s it. Some of these
billionaires, they have three, four
The Sunday after, Sanders
clarified that he does, in fact, own
multiple pairs of underwear.
3. Tommy Tucker
“I am the senator. You are the
citizen. You need to be quiet.”
It’s always disappointing to
hear that someone has managed
to avoid learning the concept of
a government of the people, by
the people, for the people, yet has
been allowed to become a U.S.
senator. Tommy Tucker needs to
go back to school.
4. Donald Trump
They’re bringing crime. They’re
Trump set the tone for his
brash and unfiltered campaign
when he announced his 2016 run
in June. Since then he has gone
on to offend Muslims, AfricanAmericans, his GOP competitors
and the media, just to name a few.
But his unapologetic style
continues to strike a chord with
Republican primary voters.
5. George W. Bush
“Our enemies are innovative
and resourceful, and so are we.
They never stop thinking about
new ways to harm our country
and our people, and neither do
dominate this list, but hilarious
though they all are, I opted not to
include those which simply show
the man had only a tenuous grasp
of the English language.
This unfortunate choice of
wording resulted in what might be
the most unintentionally honest
statement he made as president.
Love them or hate them, every
time you log into social media
you are bound to encounter some
memes. A meme is described as
“a humorous image, video, piece
of text, etc. that is copied and
spread rapidly by internet users.”
Here are ten of the crazy, funny
and just downright weird memes
that went viral in 2015.
1) The Left Shark
Katy Perry’s performance at
the Super Bowl halftime show in
early 2015 featured two dancers
wearing shark costumes. The
shark on the left caught many
people’s attention, as his moves
were more confused than the
right shark. These hilarious
moves boosted Left Shark to
instant meme status.
2) Pepe the Frog
Pepe the Frog is a popular frog
character from the comic series
Boy’s Club by Matt Furie. Various
illustrations of this famous frog
have appeared on social media
this year as reaction faces.
3) Unexpected John Cena
In 2015, people began using
pro wrestler John Cena’s
extremely obnoxious theme song
to randomly interrupt videos.
4) What are those?
This meme became popular on
the app Vine, originating from a
short clip of a man loudly asking
a police officer “What are those?”
while pointing to his work boots.
This saying is most commonly
used when someone is seen
wearing ugly shoes.
5) Shia Labeouf’s “Just Do
It all started when troubled
actor Shia Labeouf was featured
in a motivational video of him
intensely shouting inspirational
messages to the camera while
making strange gestures. The best
part is, it was filmed in front of
a green screen, making it easy to
Year in Review
January 2016
Top ten worst ways to try to get out of a speeding ticket
There comes a time in the
average human life when one
begins driving. As you become
a more seasoned driver, you get
more and more comfortable with
the roads and all the factors. As
you get older, there may come
times when you need to speed
to get somewhere or simply just
speed because you feel like the
speed limit is too low. Speeding is
illegal and eventually, you will get
Nobody likes to get pulled over
by the police because that usually
means they will get in trouble.
Speeding tickets can be a hefty
fine, and people will do anything
to get out of paying that average
fine of $150. Here are the top ten
worst ways of attempting to get
out of a speeding ticket.
1. Curse at the officer
This is the worst idea to ever
use against a police officer when
getting pulled over. The officer is
already in a bad mood when you
get pulled over, even though he
is simply doing his job. People
sometimes think that the officer
would get frightened by the
cursing, but as one can imagine,
that is not the case. The officer
could have possibly let the person
off if he would have not cursed at
him, but now he is in a new world
of trouble.
2. Wave a weapon
The idea of doing this is nearly
suicidal. The officer is already
walking up to the car with caution,
and now, with a weapon in the
hand of the “criminal”, it makes
the officer considerably more
cautious, considering no one can
be trusted nowadays.
3. Pretend you are a drunk
Speeding, now drinking? That
is a terrible idea. You are better
off just paying the speeding ticket,
but if you pretend you are a drunk,
there is no way out. You would risk
getting your license suspended,
spending the night in jail, having
to go to driving classes, pay more
than double the fine of a speeding
ticket, plus court costs or all of the
4. Pretend you know magic
Once the officer walks up to
the door, and you are waving
around a magic wand, you will
immediately be under suspicion
of being on drugs. Most likely,
you will end up in the squad car.
Nothing more to it.
5. Tell them you are their boss
The police will nine times out
of ten overpower you. The fact
that they are the police is enough
to overpower you. They are not
afraid of you, considering all of
the weapons they have on their
side. Even though you pay their
salary with taxes, you will still
not win.
6. Refuse to hand over
This really will not work. It will
cause more trouble and cause you
to spend a night in lock up if you
are not careful.
7. Warn the officer you just
This is bound to at least get a
giggle out of the officer. This way
5 best commercials that aired in 2015
By gracie Thompson
From silly to sappy to serious,
over the past year, TV viewers
watch their favorite channels
and see many commercials in
between their favorite movies
and shows. However, only 5
came out on top as the front
runners of 2015 for their bold
statements and altogether
1. NBC: ‘NASCAR on
Nick Offerman makes the
pitch for NASCAR because his
red-meat-eating, wildernessloving ways are in lockstep with
NASCAR’s typical audience.
He kicks it off by asking
Americans to do a gut-check:
“When our idea of danger is
eating gluten, there’s trouble
afoot.” Offerman teaches us
how to be a “True American
Patriot” in a series of vignettes
that would make our Founding
keg-erators, hot tubs, doublenecked guitars and, most of all,
2. Esurance: ‘Sorta
The insurance company
perfects its slogan, “Sorta you
isn’t you” in this pharmacist
commercial. While Lindsay
Lohan spoofs her history of car
accidents and DUIs, “Breaking
Bad” fans get a Bryan Cranston
as Walter White stand-in for a
pharmacist. “We both have a
lot of experience with drugs,”
“White” says and the confused
blonde responds with a puzzled
look. “Say my name,” Walter
utters, and she responds with
“Sorta Pharmacist”.
3. T-Mobile:
Kim Kardashian, the queen
of First World Problems,
talks about one of them: the
tragedy of unused cellphone
data that does not roll over
to the following month. All
of that lost data is depriving
customers of chances to see
Kim’s makeup, her outfits, her
vacations and once more —
for emphasis, her outfits. She
explains that with T-Mobile’s
roll-over data, no customer will
ever have to miss out on the life
of Kim Kardashian.
4. Nationwide: ‘Invisible
No one notices what
Mindy Kaling does, so she is
convinced that she is invisible.
She can eat ice cream out of the
carton in the store and sunbathe
naked. But when she sneaks up
on Matt Damon to smell his
neck, she is finally noticed by
him. The commercial presents
itself both as a subtle feminist
statement about women of
color struggling to be noticed,
and simply as a cheeky, clever
commercial with a great
celebrity appearance.
5. Mophie: ‘All Powerless’
This commercial opens with
various chaotic situations such
as hurricanes in Nebraska, fish
raining from the sky, the laws
of gravity ceasing to exist and
dogs walking their owners.
This clever ad is presenting the
hypothetical instances of what
happens when your phone runs
out of battery. Then, it further
encourages you to buy the
“Mophie” phone case with a
better battery.
Top 5 things that broke the Internet in 2015
by tori baker
Seemingly over night, many
things blew up over the internet
in 2015. Here are the top 5
things that broke the Internet.
1. Zayn Malik Leaves One
On Mar. 25, 2015, Zayn
Malik, left the popular boy
band, One Direction. It is said
he left because he wanted
to relax and live a normal
22-year-old’s life. Millions of
teenage girls were devastated
and could not believe their
favorite boy band had split.
2. The dress
On Feb. 26, 2015, someone
tweeted a picture of a black and
blue dress. This instantly went
viral as a huge debate over
Twitter of the color of the dress
occurred. Some say they see
a black and blue dress while
others say they see a white and
gold one.
3. Caitlyn Jenner
In April 2015, Caitlyn
Jenner, formally known as
Bruce Jenner, came out as a
transgender woman. Caitlyn
has said to have struggled with
These top five commercials of 2015
took the TV world by storm.
may not be as effective as others,
but it sure is a way to lighten up
the mood. You may as well be
ready to pay the fine if you attempt
this trick. It will most likely irritate
the officer, but hey, it is worth a
shot! Even if you try to actually
fart, then shart, it may work better.
8. Scream “Don’t you know
who I am?”
If you were the president,
Lebron James, or Marilyn Monroe,
this is a very clever idea. If you are
anybody else, it is not even worth
wasting the energy to say that.
You will most likely get in more
trouble than just a speeding ticket.
9. Fake instant death
This will definitely work, up
until the ambulance gets there or
the officer checks your pulse.
10. Talk in Jar Jar Binks voice
This would put you under
immediate suspicion of using
drugs. It may frighten the officer
at first, up until you start laughing
at yourself, and he figures out you
are a fake.
There are some nearly
“suicidal” ideas brought up in this
list, and some of them may be
very surprising. If you are ever in
a situation where you get pulled
over for speeding, try to use some
of the ideas that would not totally
get you in deep trouble.
gender dysphoria throughout
her youth. With Caitlyn’s new
transformation, she and her
family have garnered even
more attention than before.
4. Kanye for President
The VMAs contained a lot
of moments that went viral.
One instance is when Kanye
delivered a speech saying he
was going to run for President
in the 2020 election. West
claimed to have smoked
marijuana prior to the VMAs.
He definitely could have given
Trump a run for his money.
5. Miss Universe
During the 2015 Miss
Universe competition, host
Steve Harvey announced the
wrong winner. He announced
Miss Columbia as the winner
when she was the first runnerup contestant. The real winner
was Miss Philippines. This
awkward moment on stage
caused confusion and emotional
distress for both Miss Columbia
and Miss Philippines.
These five things have
definitely made an impact in
the Internet world and will not
soon be forgotten.
J anuary 2016
A ds
J anuary 2016
New year offers variety for gamers
photo courtesy of mct campus
photo courtesy of mct campus
The new year is offering up
games ranging from highly
anticipated indies to puzzle
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s
End - On April 26, Naughty
Dog will release their fourth
game in the Uncharted series.
The PS4 exclusive will follow
Nathan Drake on his journey
to find out the truth behind
the lost pirate colony of
Dishonored 2 - Bethesda
announced they would be
releasing this sequel some
time in 2016. There is no
official release date as of now.
There will be two playable
characters: Empress Emily
Kaldwin and Corvo Attano,
the previous game’s protagonist.
The game will follow Emily
Kaldwin in her attempt to regain
her title as Empress after she
is removed from the throne.
Dishonored 2 will be released for
PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
No Man’s Sky - In June, gamers
will be able to get their hands on
one of the most anticipated indie
games of 2016. In this open
universe survival game, players
will gather information about
each planet they visit. No Man’s
Sky will be released for PS4 and
Tom Clancy’s The Division - In
The Division, a virus has spread
throughout the United States on
Black Friday. As a member of
the Strategic Homeland Division
(SHD), it is the player’s job to
discover the origins of the virus
Fashion AdvibcyeG
“My dad had a
ponytail and looked
like Danny Devito,
so I guess I accept
“I have never seen
these. I think it is
almost like two genres
coming together. It
photo by abigail cipar
and prevent the fall of society.
The Division will be available to
play on PC, PS4 and Xbox One
March 8.
Unravel - In this upcoming
puzzle platformer, individuals
will play as Yarny, a simple yarn
doll made from red yarn. As the
player travels farther away from
the starting point of the game,
Yarny will unwind. Unravel will
be playable February 9 on PC,
PS4 and Xbox One.
Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst EA announced they would be
releasing a reboot of the original
Mirror’s Edge, which was
released back in 2008. Mirror’s
Edge is known for its colorful,
futuristic style and fast-paced
gameplay. This reboot will focus
more on the beginnings of Faith
Connors, the protagonist. The
game will be available on PC,
PS4 and Xbox One May 24.
Doom - Originally titled
Doom 4, this first-person
shooter will be coming to
PC, PS4 and Xbox One this
spring. In the game, players
will fight off numerous
hoards of demons with a large
arsenal of weapons. Doom
will encourage the player
to keep moving throughout
the game and avoid taking
cover behind objects. Thus,
health will be regained as
each enemy is taken down.
Armor and weapons will be
placed throughout the levels,
too. Multiplayer for Doom is
currently in the works, and
players will soon be able to
fight off enemies with a group
of friends.
“Noah made this
look famous, and
therefore, I am all for
it. Especially when the
socks do not match.”
photo by Eme eggleton
“I wish I had one.
It is trendy. I would
wear a Grizzly one.
Maybe we should get
Grizzly fur singlets.”
photo by eme eggleton
photo by eme eggleton
photo by abigail cipar
Emily Brazier, 11, uses coffee, tea
and colored pencils to create the
closeup scribble drawing of Brady
Klonk’s, 11, eyes. The painting of
the butterfly was done using acrylic
paint; it focuses on gender identity.
photo by abigail cipar
photo courtesy of Gabe Metzger
Gabe Metzger, 12, created the
piece to the left using colored
pencils and charcoal. Metzger’s
ability to create realistic portraits
continues to amaze students and
teachers alike.
photo courtesy of Gabe Metzger
Shawna Bailey, 12, is locally
known for her photography
skills. These photos are of
Avery Erbland, 10, on the
right and Ariana Jones, who
graduated from Wadsworth, on
the left.
photo courtesy of shawna Bailey
photo courtesy of shawna Bailey
Isabelle Buckingham, 12, uses cardboard for a
majority of her projects. For this piece, titled “Risum
Mortis” (The Laughing Dead), she used clay rather
than her usual materials.
photo by abigail cipar
The Bruin
J anuary 2016
Most anticipated movies of 2016
mother and father.
5. Fantastic Beasts and Where
to Find Them - Harry Potter fans
will have another movie to look
forward to which premieres Nov.
18. This movie is based off a
textbook about magical creatures
found in the Harry Potter series.
A writer accidentally releases
these creatures from his briefcase,
and the movie follows him trying
to correct his mistake.
4. X-Men: Apocalypse - “I am
most excited for X-Men because
I love Michael Fassbender
and Jennifer Lawrence,” said
Connor Montgomery, 12. In this
film, which will be released on
May 27, a team of X-Men will
work together to stop a group of
mutants who are trying to create a
new world order.
3. Deadpool - In this film
coming out on Feb. 12, a former
Special Forces agent who was
involved in an experiment that
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rio and d
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den G
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r Stallon
e wins B
role for
est Actor
in a su
Fuller House
Feb. 26
Better Call Saul
Season 1
Orange is the
New Black
Season 4
June 17
It’s Always Sunny in
Season 10
Jan. 5
Parks and Recreation
Season 7
Jan. 13
New Girl
Season 4
Jan. 5
Season 2
Late Summer or Fall
Degrassi: The
Next Class
Jan. 15
House of Cards
Season 4
March 4
Bring It On: Fight
to the Finish
Jan. 1
Meet the Parents
Jan. 1
Bring It On: In
It to Win It
Jan. 1
Meet the Fockers
Jan. 1
2 Fast 2 Furious
Jan. 1
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is the most anticipated movie coming out in
2016. It will be released on Mar. 25.
gave him accelerated healing
powers tries to find the man who
did this to him.
2. Captain America: Civil War
- “The other Captain America
movies were really good, so I
cannot wait for this one to be
released,” said Patrick Kilker, 12.
On May 6, audiences will watch
as a civil war between Captain
America and Iron Man tears the
Avengers apart.
1. Batman v. Superman: Dawn
of Justice - March 25 marks the
date of the release of the most
anticipated movie of 2016. In
this film, during a fight between
Batman and Superman over who
the world needs more, they must
set aside their differences to
overtake a common enemy.
While there will be many
new things that will occur in
the upcoming year, these eight
movies are certainly a few of the
top things to be most excited for.
People’s Choice, Golden
Globes kick off new year
Releases in 2016
With the new year comes new
anticipation as the long list of
movies coming out in 2016 is
This year seems to encompass
many sequels, including Finding
Dory, Divergent Series: Allegiant
and several others. Superhero
movies also seem to be popular,
with the most anticipated
movie of 2016 being Batman v.
Superman: Dawn of Justice.
The following list includes the
most anticipated movies of 2016:
8. Divergent Series: Allegiant
- The third book in the popular
trilogy is going to be split into two
movies, Allegiant and Ascendant.
The previous two movies had
major success when they came
to theaters, and it is expected that
Allegiant will do the same when it
premieres on Mar. 18.
7. The 5th Wave - Often
compared to novels such as
The Hunger Games, this movie
is expected to be popular with
young adult audiences. The novel
came out in 2013 and quickly
became popular. The story of a
teenaged girl who is one of the
last survivors in a world attacked
by waves of alien invasions is
going to be released on Jan. 22.
6. Finding Dory - The longawaited sequel to the 2003 movie
Finding Nemo is finally going
to come to theaters on June 17.
After following Nemo’s journey
thirteen years ago, audiences will
get a chance to learn about Dory’s
family as she attempts to find her
The People’s Choice awards
started the year with new
performances, stylish red carpet
looks, a variety of winners and
even a little touch of drama.
Being held since 1975, the
People’s Choice awards is an
annual American award show
created by Bob Stivers to honor
the best in entertainment within
different categories.
This year, the award show was
hosted on Jan. 6 by Jane Lynch,
a well-known actress, singer and
America’s favorite film, music,
TV, gaming and social media
stars gathered together for the
announcement of the winners.
The public votes on the winners
from each category.
“We, the entertainers, have put
our self-esteem in your hands...
Oh, God, what have we done?”
joked Jane Lynch following the
people’s votes.
This year’s big winners
included Furious 7, The Big Bang
Theory and Grey’s Anatomy.
Sandra Bullock was crowned
Favorite Movie Actress, while
Johnny Depp was voted Favorite
Dramatic Movie Actor.
One of the most victorious
winners of the night was Ellen
DeGeneres who took home the
Favorite Humanitarian.
“It is strange to get an award
for being nice and generous and
kind which is what we are all
supposed to do with one another.
That is the point of being a
human,” DeGeneres said as she
delivered her heartfelt speech to
the audience.
The scandal of the night was
during The View’s acceptance
of Favorite Daytime TV Hosting
Team when a stage crasher got
on stage. The complete stranger
stole the microphone during Sara
Gilbert’s speech to give his name
and a shout-out. The man was
later arrested and charged with
“I thought it was funny that
some random person could walk
on stage without being stopped
by security,” said Mikaela Flath,
Following the People’s Choice
awards, the Golden Globes were
hosted on Jan. 10. Ricky Gervais
hosted them for the fourth time.
The Golden Globes are another
annual ceremony that recognize
the best in film and television.
One of the night’s biggest
winners was The Revenant for
Best Drama, Best Actor and Best
The Martian was also a big
winner, receiving two awards
from Best Picture - Musical or
Comedy and Best Actor - Musical
or Comedy. It is controversial as
to why The Martian won under
these categories, since it is neither
a musical or a comedy.
Sylvester Stallone received
a standing ovation for his
acceptance of Best Supporting
Actor for Creed. Leonardo
DiCaprio also was awarded with
a standing ovation after he won
Best Actor in Drama for The
Other winners included Lady
Gaga for Best Actress - Limited
Series or TV Movie in American
Horror Story. Mr. Robot won the
most awards for television with
Best Supporting Actor and Best
Series in Drama.
announced celebrities such as
Jennifer Lawrence, Olivia Wilde,
Zendaya Coleman and Sam Smith
on their Best Dressed list for
the 2016 Globes. Eva Longoria,
Bryce Dallas Howard and Kate
Hudson are some of the people
that made up the Worst Dressed
All in all, January has been full
of awards and entertainment. Do
not miss the Oscars and Grammy
awards that are taking place next
Of The Month
Career Tech Students
of the Month
J anuary 2016
Joke of the Month
Q: What starts with E, ends
with E, and has only 1 letter
in it?
A: An Envelope.
Phrase of the Month
“Another One”
Let it Snow (please!)
[uh-nuhth-er] [wuhn]
Having a snow day is a well-loved mini holiday cherished by
many, and Twitter is the best way to capture this.
1. Can be said in just about any conversation
2. Used by DJ Khaled in numerous songs
3. A major key to success
“Checking my Timehop has been really upsetting
lately because this time last year was when we had
all of the snow days :-(”
Junk of the Month
“I see a snow day in the near future”
“Waiting on that hotline bling”
“Build-your-own-parking-space season has begun
in the student lot. I love snow!”
Alex 12, 1983 Buick Riviera makes
a statement as it stands out among the
other cars in the student parking lot. The
transmission is undoubtedly broken
and the snow white Buick takes three
tries before it will finally start. The car
stays cool in the winter and the summer
as it no longer heats up. The left front
rim (above) is dented, and underneath
you can find the oil leaking. “The ladies
love it,” concludes Regueiro.
“I’ve enjoyed the tradition of a snow day the day
we are meant to return from winter break and I
think it’d be cruel to take it away now”
Students of the
Quote of the Month
“Arriving at one goal is the starting
point to another.”
-John Dewey
S peakout
J anuary 2016
For 2016
what is
your goal or
New Year’s
“To work out everyday.”
-Clayton, 11
“To eat healthier and
try new things.”
- Liann, 12
“To be the next
-Ahmed , 10
“To not eat fast food.”
-Alexa, 11
“My goal is to finish
all of my graduate
-Mrs. Parsons
“My goal is to be
better able to walk
on our trip to France
and Spain.”
-Mrs. Mathews
“To hang out with
Montana everyday.”
-Riley, 10
“My goal is to better my 3
hour and 3 minute personal
record on September 11th,
2016, in Erie, PA, in my
10th marathon.”
-Mrs. Farr
“My resolution as it is
every year, is to make
my bed everyday.”
-Mrs. Trausch