Universal Quantum Simulators
Universal Quantum Simulators
Universal Quantum Simulators Author(s): Seth Lloyd Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 273, No. 5278 (Aug. 23, 1996), pp. 1073-1078 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2899535 . Accessed: 08/10/2014 15:37 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . American Association for the Advancement of Science is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions RESEARCHARTICLES 33. G. Felsenfeld et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 2023 (1957); A. G. Letai et al., Biochemistry 27, 9108 (1988). 34. M. Riley, Microbiol.Rev. 57, 862 (1993). 35. Supported in part by Department of Energy Cooperative Agreements DE-FC02-95ER61962 (J.C.V.) and DEFC02-95ER61963 (C.R.W. and G.J.O), NASA grant NAGW2554 (C.R.W.),and a core grant to TIGRfrom Human Genome Sciences. G.J.O. is the recipient of the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award (DIR 8957026). M.B. is supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM00783. We thank M. Heaney, C. Gnehm, R. Shirley, J. Slagel, and W. Hayes for soft- ARTICLES URESEARCH Universal . ... .E ..-.a ........i.....E.E..... Quantum Simulators Seth Lloyd Feynman's 1982 conjecture, that quantum computers can be programmed to simulate any local quantum system, is shown to be correct. Over the past half century, the logical devices by which computersstore and process informationhave shrunkby a factorof 2 every2 years.A quantumcomputeris the end point of this process of miniaturization-when devices become sufficiently small, their behavioris governedby quantum mechanics. Informationin conventional digitalcomputersis storedon capacitors.An unchargedcapacitorregistersa 0 and a chargedcapacitorregistersa 1. Informationin a quantumcomputeris storedon individual spins, photons, or atoms. An atom can itself be thoughtof as a tiny capacitor.An atom in its groundstate is analogousto an unchargedcapacitorand can be takento registera 0, whereasan atom in an excited state is analogousto a chargedcapacitorand can be taken to registera 1. So far, quantumcomputerssound very muchlike classicalcomputers;the only use of quantummechanicshas been to make a correspondencebetweenthe discretequantum states of spins, photons, or atoms and the discretelogical states of a digital computer. Quantumsystems,however,exhibit behavior that has no classical analog. In particular,unlike classical systems, quantum systemscan exist in superpositionsof differentdiscretestates.An ordinarycapacitorcan be eitherchargedor uncharged,but not both:A classicalbit is either 0 or 1. In contrast,an atom in a quantumsuperposition of its ground and excited state is a quantum bit that in some sense registers both 0 and 1 at the same time. As a result, quantumcomputerscan do thingsthat classical computerscannot. Classical computerssolve problemsby using nonlineardevices such as transistors to performelementarylogicaloperationson The author is at the D'ArbeloffLaboratoryfor Information Systems and Technology, Department of Mechanical En7 gineering, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. E-mail:[email protected] the bits stored on capacitors. Quantum computerscan also solve problems in a similarfashion;nonlinear interactionsbetween quantumvariablescan be exploited to performelementaryquantumlogical operations.However,in additionto ordinary classical logical operationssuch as AND, NOT, and COPY,quantumlogic includes operationsthat put quantumbits in superpositionsof 0 and 1. Becausequantumcomputerscan performordinarydigital logic as well as exotic quantumlogic, they are in principle at least as powerfulas classical computers.Just what problems quantum computerscan solve more efficiently than classicalcomputersis an open question. Since their introduction in 1980 (1) quantumcomputershave been investigated extensively (2-29). A comprehensivereview can be foundin (15). The best known problem that quantumcomputerscan in principlesolve moreefficientlythan classical computersis factoring(14). In this article I presentanothertype of problemthat in principlequantumcomputerscouldsolve moreefficientlythan a classicalcomputerthat of simulatingotherquantumsystems.In 1982, Feynmanconjecturedthat quantum computersmight be able to simulateother quantumsystemsmoreefficientlythan classical computers(2). Quantumsimulationis thus the first classicallydifficult problem posedfor quantumcomputers.Here I show that a quantumcomputercan in fact simulate quantumsystemsefficientlyas long as they evolve accordingto local interactions. Feynman noted that simulatingquantum systemson classicalcomputersis hard. Over the past 50 years, a considerable amountof efforthas been devoted to such simulation.Muchinformationabouta quantum system's dynamics can be extracted from semiclassicalapproximations(when classicalsolutionsare known), and ground state propertiesand correlationfunctions ware and database support; T. Dixon and V. Sapiro for computer system support; K. Hong and B. Stader for laboratoryassistance; and B. Mukhopadhyay for helpfuldiscussions. The M.jannaschii source accession number is DSM 2661, and the cells were a gift from P. Haney (Departmentof Microbiology,University of Illinois). can be extractedwith MonteCarlomethods (30-32). Such methods use amounts of computertime and memoryspacethat grow as polynomialfunctionsof the size of the quantumsystem of interest (where size is measuredby the numberof variables-particles or lattice sites, for example-required to characterizethe system). Problemsthat can be solved by methodsthat use polynomialamountsof computationalresourcesare commonly called tractable;problemsthat can only be solved by methods that use exponentialamountsof resourcesare commonly called intractable.Feynmanpointed out that the problemof simulatingthe full quantumsystems time evolutionof arbitrary on a classicalcomputeris intractable:The states of a quantumsystemare wave functionsthat lie in a vectorspacewhosedimension growsexponentiallywith the sizeof the system.As a result, it is an exponentially difficultproblemmerelyto recordthe state of a quantumsystem,let alone integrateits equationsof motion.Forexample,to record the state of 40 spin-1/2particles in a classical 1012 computer's memory requires 240 numbers, whereas to calculate their time evolution requires the exponentiation of a 240 X 240 matrixwith 1024 entries.Feynman asked whether it might be possible to bypass this exponential explosion by having one quantum system simulate another directly, so that the states of the simulator obey the same equations of motion as the states of the simulated system. Feynman gave simple examples of one quantum system simulating another and conjectured that there existed a class of universal quantum simulators capable of simulating any quantum system that evolved according to local interactions. The answer to Feynman's question is, yes. I will show that a variety of quantum systems, including quantum computers, can be "programmed"to simulate the behavior of arbitraryquantum systems whose dynamics are determined by local interactions. The programming is accomplished by inducing interactions between the variables of the simulator that imnitatethe interactions between the variables of the system to be simulated. In effect, the dynamics of the properly programmedsimulator and the dynamics of the system to be simulated are one and the same to within any desired accuracy. So, to simulate the time evolution of 40 spin-1/2particles over time t requires a simulator with 40 quantum bits evolving SCIENCE * VOL.273 * 23 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1073 over a periodof time proportionalto t (Fig. 1). QuantumcomputersareFeynman'suniversalquantumsimulators. To factora 100-digitnumberusingShor's algorithm,a quantumcomputerwouldhave to performmillionsof quantumlogic operations coherentlyand without errors.As a result,despitethe recentinventionof quantum error-correctingroutines (29), constructinga quantumcomputerthat can factor largenumbersis likelyto provedifficult (11, 19, 25-28). With the methodsdetailed here, in contrast,a quantumcomputerneed only performa few tens or hundredsof operationsto simulatea quantumsystem,such as the set of spins describedabove, that wouldtake a classicalcomputerAvogadro's numberof operationsto simulate.Nor do the quantumoperationsneed to be performed entirelycoherentlyor withouterrors.In fact, decoherence and thermal effects in the quantumcomputercan be exploitedto mimic decoherenceand thermaleffects in the systemto be simulated.Consequently,the set of quantumeffectsthat mightbe exploited to constructa quantumcomputercapable of simulatingotherquantumsystemsis larger than the set appropriatefor performing Shor'salgorithm:Essentiallyany nonlinear interactionbetween quantumsystemsthat an experimentalistcan modulatein a controlledfashion could be used for quantum simulation. Simulation Simulationis a processby which one system is made to mimic another.To simulatean engine on a classicalanalog computer,for example,one patches up an electricalcircuit whose dynamics mimic the engine's dynamics.To simulateone quantumsystem using another,one needs methodsfor controllingpreciselythe dynamicsof quantum systems,so that the dynamicsof the simulatorcan be madeto mimicthe dynamicsof the systemto be simulated. Atomic physics,quantumoptics, solidstate physics, and quantum chemistryall supplymethodsforcontrollingthe behavior of quantumsystems.Eachoperationthat an experimentercan performon a quantum system-for example,the turningon andoff of a laser pulse or the modulition of a magnetic field-is in effect a "tool" that can be applied to the system. Formally, experimental operations can be divided into two categories:those that approximatelypreservequantumcoherence,corresponding to Hamiltonian time evolution, and those that do not, correspondingto time evolution governedby a superscattering operatoror masterequation.Practically, of course, no operationentirely preserves quantum coherence, and operationsvary considerablyin the amountof decoherence they cause. Simulationof a closed system that evolves accordingto the Schrodinger equation requiresoperationsthat approximatelypreservecoherence.(The moregeneral case of simulatingopen systemswith and coherenceboth coherence-preserving destroyingoperationswill be addressedbelow). An experimenterwho applies such operationscan be thoughtof as turningon and turning off Hamiltoniansfrom a set {FHIH2 . . . He. Essentially, each experimental operationmoves the systema controlled distance along one out of a set of predetermineddirectionsin Hilbert space. The experimentermoves the system first one way,then another,like a driverparking a car. A familiarexampleof this technique is the use of extendedsequencesof pulsesin nuclearmagneticresonanceto drivea set of spins to a desiredstate (33). All techniquesthat involve the repeated applicationof coherence-preserving operations possessa common algebraicstructure that allows the specificationat an abstract level of wherethe systemof interestcan be driven by using such operations.The followingresult,derivedindependentlyin the context of quantumcontrol theory and of quantum computation, determines just what quantumsystemscan be simulatedby the repeatedapplicationof such operations. The straightforwardapplication of the formula shows Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff that by judiciouslyturningon and off Hamiltonians, the experimentercan drive the system along any time evolution corresponding to a unitaryoperatorU = eiAt, where A lies in the algebrasd generated fromthe set {H1,... ., H}Jby commutation (20, 21, 34). The number of operations requiredto generatean arbitrarym X m U is on the orderof m2-the numberof parametersrequiredto specify U in the first place. The numberof operationsthat need to be appliedto constructa desiredU can be thoughtof as the quantumcomputational complexityof the construction. A particularlyuseful case occurs when the experimentercan makedifferentquantum variablesinteract accordingto a particular Hamiltonian.Such an interaction realizesa quantumlogicgate (8, 16-21, 23, 24, 26, 35). In this case it can be seen that almostany nonlinearinteractionallowsthe constructionof arbitraryunitary transformations on the 2N-dimensional Hilbert space (20, 21). For example,Kimbleet al. have suggestedthat nonlinearinteractions betweenphotonsand atomsin small-cavity quantumelectrodynamicscould be used to "dial up" arbitraryunitarytransformations of the photons (23, 36). The resultsabove implythat a varietyof quantumsystemsto which a set of simple experimentaloperations can be applied can simulate other quantumsystems.For example, the quantum variables in the simulatorcould be photons, as describedabove, or spins that are made to interact by means of double resonancemethods,or quantumdots that interact by dipole or exchange forces. In particular,to the extent that they can be expanded to include more quantumbits, ion-trapquantumlogic devices of the sort that are currently being constructed by Monroeet al. could act as universalquantum simulators(24). Simulation Efficiency Fig. 1. Electrons in quantum dots simulating a set of quantum spins such as protons. The upper line shows the spins. An arrow pointingdown represents a proton spinning clockwise, and an arrow pointing up represents a proton spinning counterclockwise. The lower line shows the states of electrons in quantum dots. The longer wavelengths correspond to electrons in the ground, or lowest energy, state, and shorter wavelengths correspond to higher energy states. The simulationis set up so that spin-down corresponds to a dot in its ground state, and spin-up corresponds to a dot in its first excited state. "Spin-sideways, t' a superposition of spin-up and spin-down, corresponds to a superposition of ground and excited states, a state with no classical analog. By modulating the interactions between the dots, one can make their dynamics mimic the dynamics of the spin system. 1074 SCIENCE * VOL.273 * As noted above, the efficiencyof a simulation dependson how hardit is to set up the simulator-systemcorrespondence,to control the simulatorto performthe simulation, and to extractits results.A simulation on a classicaldigital computerof an arbitraryunitarytransformationof N quantum variables (for example, spin-1/2particles) involves the multiplicationof a 2N-dimensionalstate vectorby a 2N X 2Nmatrixand requiresmemoryspace and computational time on the order of 22N* As noted by Deutsch (6), to pefform the same simula- 23 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions RESEARCH ARTICLES tion on a quantum computer requires only N quantum bits. But the results above imply that 22N applications of the elementary tools are required to construct an arbitrary 2N X 2N unitary U. That is, although a quantum computer gives an exponential compression of the amount of memory space required to construct an arbitraryU, the number of elementary logic steps or applications of quantum logic gates required to construct U on a quantum computer is of the same order as the number of elementary logic steps required to compute the action of U on a classical digital computer. For the case of N spin-?/2 particles, both simulations require the solution of 2N x 2N matrix equations, a difficult task for N - 40. The result just presented might seem at first glance to contradict the claim that quantum analog computers can simulate quantum systems much more efficiently than can classical computers. For arbitrary unitary operators U, quantum and classical simulations both require m2 operations simply because m2 numbers are required to characterize an arbitrary m X m U. The time evolution of real quantum systems is not arbitrary, however. Feynman's conjecture was that quantum computers could provide efficient simulations not of arbitrary quantum systems but of systems that evolve according to local interactions. Examples of local systems include hard-sphere and van der Waals gases, Ising and Heisenberg spin systems, strong and weak interactions, and lattice gauge theories. In fact, any system that is consistent with special and general relativity evolves according to local interactions. As will now be demonstrated, quantum simulation is potentially much more efficient than classical digital simulation for local quantum systems. The method for performing the simulation is conceptually straightforward, if mathematically involved. The goal is to get the simulator from point A to point B along a particular route. But the simulator can only be driven in certain directions-the operations that can be applied experimentally are limited-so it is usually not possible to go from point A to point B directly. But by moving the simulator first a little bit in one direction, then a little bit in another, then a little bit in another, and so on, it is possible to move from A to B. A car can only be driven forward and backward-it cannot be driven sideways. But it is still possible to parallel park. The following construction demonstrates a quantum analog of a familiar classical fact: By going forward and backing up a sufficiently small distance a large enough number of times, it is possible to parallel park in a space only ? longer than the length of the car. More precisely, consider a quantum sys- tem composedof N variableswith HamiltonianH = 1 Hi, whereeach Hi actson a space of dimension ml encompassingat most k of the variables.H can depend on time. Any Hamiltoniansystem with local interactionscan be written in this form. Many nonlocal systems such as nonlocal spin glassesalso have Hamiltoniansof this form and can be efficiently simulated.As with simulations on classical computers (30-32), the quantumsimulationworksby evolving the system forwardlocally over small, discrete time slices. BecauseeiHt m = max{m.i.In orderfor the overallerror in buildingup the productof exponentials to be less then ?, the actual experimental errorin implementingeach of the elementaryoperationsmustbe less than e/nem2, so that the cumulativeexperimentalerror is less than ?. In conventionalcomputational complexity,a simulationis said to be efficient if to simulatea systemwithN variables takescomputertime that is polynomialin N (that is, if the simulationis a tractableproblem). Here, the quantumsimulationis effi- such as nearest neighbor or next-nearest neighbor,e is proportionalto N. Equation 1 implies that the minimum numberof steps n requiredto simulatethe systemto accuracy? over time t is proportional to t2/e. However, the duration of each coherent operation requiredto produce the local Hamiltonian evolutions to t/n, that is, to lt. As eiHjtln is proportional a result,the total durationof time required to simulatethe system over time t is just proportionalto t. In other words, just as with a classicalanalogcomputer,the quantum simulation takes an amount of time proportionalto the time over which the systemto be simulatedevolves. As an example,considera lattice of N spin-?/2particleswith pairwiseinteractions between neighboringparticles.H = JpN=2 Hi, wherep is the numberof neighborsper particleand each Hi acts on a local twoparticleHilbertspaceof dimension22 = 4. Determinationof the correctset of operations to apply to simulatethe local Hi requiresthe solutionof a 4 X 4 matrixequation in 16 variables.(A simulation of a lattice Hubbardmodel,in contrast,requires two qubitsper site to indicate the number and spin of fermionspresent;a 16 X 16 matrix equation must be solved to determine the propersequence of operations.) The total numberof operationsneeded to simulatethe spinsto an accuracy? requires -2pN/c steps [if the spins' spatial wave functionsoverlap,an extrafactorof at most N is requiredto keep trackof Fermistatistics (38)]. Next consider simulation of the same system on a classical computer. Monte Carlo techniques,which are polynomialin N, can extractsome informationaboutthe groundstate of such a local systemby applying relaxationaltechniques,or estimate the time evolution of such a system by Green'sfunction techniques,but they typicallydo so by dealingwith a restrictedclass of wave functions (fermionsare also problematic in morethan one dimension)(3032). In general,merelyto specifyan arbitrary wave function for the particles requires2N memorysites on a classicalcomputer, and to compute its time evolution requiresthe exponentiation of 2N X 2N matrices.For directly simulatingthe time evolutionof an arbitrary state, the quantum simulationis exponentiallyfasterthan simulation by the classicalcomputer.This result holds in general.Simulationof a quantum system with N variablesthat evolves according to a local Hamiltonian on a quantum computer requiresa number of steps proportionalto N. Simulationof the same system on a classical computerre- cient as long as = t(N) is a polynomial function of N. For typical local interactions quires a number of steps exponential in N. The quantum simulation becomes even (eiHt... eiHt/n )n, eiHt can be simulated by simulatingthe local time evolution operators eiHltln, eiH2tln,and so on, up to eiHetln and repeatingn times. To ensure that the simulation takes place to within some desiredaccuracy,one needsto regulatethe time-slicingas in (3032) eiHt = (e iHl/n . . .eiHtln)n + I [Hi,Hj]t2/2n+ i>j > E(k) (1) k= 3 wherethe higherordererrortermsE(k) are bounded by IIE(k)I1sup ' nllHt/nlIsIk/k! (where IlAilsupis the supremum,or maximum expectationvalue, of the operatorA over the states of interest), and the total error in approximating eiHt (eiHlt/n is less than IIn(eiHt/n - 1 - iHtl eiHet/n)n n)1Isup,which can be made as small as desired by taking n sufficiently large. As a result,for any? > 0, n can alwaysbe picked sufficientlylargeto ensurethat the simulator alwaystracksthe correcttime evolution eiHt to within ?. Once the accuracyto within which the simulation is to take place is fixed, the quantumcomputationalcomplexityof performingthe simulationcan be estimated. As noted above and in (20, 21), because each HJactson a local Hilbertspaceof only mj dimensions, the number of operations needed to simulate eiHit/n is -mj (37). Be- cause each local operator is simulatedn times,the total numberof operationsneeded to simulatethe time evolutioneiHt to an accuracy ? is rn(ZnWm-= SCIENCE * VOL.273 ) * ? nem2 where 23 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1075 fasterif the intrinsicparallelizability of the simulationcan be exploited,as in the quantum cellular automatadescribedin (13). Termsin the sum 1i Hi that commutecan be enacted simultaneouslyby applyingoperationsto differentvariablesin the simulatorat once. The termsin H can be divided up into groupssuch that within each group,all termscommute.All termswithin a group can be enacted in parallel. But becauseH is local, the numberof groupsis independentof N. In this case, the time requiredto performthe simulationis independentof the sizeof the local systemsimulated. On a parallelclassicalcomputerit still takes a numberof steps exponentialin N merely to write out the matrix H, let alone to exponentiateit. In summary,a quantumcomputercan simulateclosedquantumsystemswith local Hamiltonians efficiently. The simulation operatesby inducinginteractionsbetween the quantumvariablesof the simulatorthat mimic the interactionsbetween the variables of the system to be simulated.The simulatormust use a numberof quantum variablessuch as spin-?/2particlesthat is proportionalto the numberof variablesof the systemto be simulated.Severalbits in the simulatormaybe allocatedto simulatea given local variable;forexample,two quantum bits are requiredto specifythe number and type of fermionsat a lattice site in the Hubbardmodel.Althoughcontinuousvariablescomplicatethe computation,they can still be approximated discretely:N quantum bits are requiredto simulatea continuous local variable such as the position of a particleor the value of a field in a lattice gauge theory to N bits of accuracy.The simulationtakesan amountof time proportional to the time over which the systemis to be simulated.The numberof basic experimentaloperationsneededis proportional to the numberof variablesof the system. This scalingholds true for both time-independent and time-dependentHamiltonians. That is, the quantumsimulationtakes resourcesof quantumcomputertime and memoryspace directlyproportionalto the time andspacetakenup by the systemto be simulated.This contrastswith simulationof the systemon a classicaldigital computer, which requires exponential resources in time and space. vironmentis effectivelyclassicaland can be describedby a time-varyingpotential.However, preparinga system in a desiredstate and making measurementson the system necessarilysubject the system to external influencessuch as dissipationand decoherence, effectsthat areconventionallytreated with masterequationsor superscattering operators.As will now be demonstrated, preparationandmeasurement as well as environmentaleffectssuch as dissipationand decoherencecan be easilyincludedin a quantum analogsimulation. Considera quantumsystem interacting with its environment.If the systemhas HilbertspaceNCsand the environmenthas HilbertspaceNE, then the Hilbertspaceforthe systemand environmenttogetheris Ns 0 WE. The joint time evolutionfor the system and environmentis given by a unitaryoperator U(t) acting on S 0 WE. The system and environmenttogethercan be described by a joint density matrix PSE(t) = closed and do not interact with their surroundings, or their interaction with the en- m2-dimensional simulated system-environment Hilbert space We 03 We and for some 1076 SCIENCE * VOL.273 * 23 AUGUST 1996 initial simulatedenvironmentstate pE(O) (39). Findingthe m4 - m2parametersthat define U(t) and the m2 parametersthat define pE(O)requiresthe solutionof an m2 X m2 matrixequation[0(t) is uniqueonly on up to arbitraryunitarytransformations WpJ.Once the proper0(t) has been determined, the simulationproceedsas in the Hamiltoniancase above. Forexample,considera spin-1/2particle evolving under an applied magnetic field and interactingwith its environmentaccordingto the Bloch equation.Simulation of the time evolutionof such a particleon a quantum analog computer requires two qubits.Approximately24 - 22 = 12 operationsarerequiredto take the particlefrom an initialstateto a state to which it evolves underthe Bloch equation. System Preparationand Measurement U(t)psE(O)Ut(t) (the dagger indicates Her- Consider an open-system operation that mitian conjugation),and the state of the puts one of the simulatorvariablesin a systemon its own is given by the reduced known state, such as cooling an ion in an densitymatrixps(t) = trEpSE(t)obtainedby ion-trapcomputer,or measuringthe polartaking the trace trEover the states of the izationof a photon in quantumopticallogic environment.If the systemandenvironment device. Such an operationis either dissipaare initiallyuncorrelated,so that PSE(O) = tive (as in cooling) or decohering (as in This operationcan be comPS(O) ( PE(O), then the time-evolvedre- measurement). duceddensitymatrixcan be writtenps(t) = bined with the sort of coherentoperations where 9(t) is a trace-preserving used above to simulate Hamiltonian sys2(t)[pS(O)] linearoperatorcalleda superscattering oper- tems to preparethe remainingvariablesin atorthat dependsonly on U(t) and PE(O)* any desiredstate. First,the variableis specTo simulate an open system it is not ified in a knownstate, then a unitaryopernecessaryto simulatethe entirebehaviorof ation is effected that "pumps"entropy to the environment,but only the aspects of the variablefrom the remainingvariables, the environment'sbehaviorthat affect the and then this procedureis repeated.If the system. In general,the effect of the envi- variableis a quantumbit, then with each ronmentcan be mimickedby usingat most cycle of the pump the entropy of the reas many variablesas are requiredfor the maining variablesis decreasedby one bit. system. For some cases the effect of the Repeatedpumpingreducestheir entropyto environmentcan be encompassedby using any desiredvalue. By adjustingthe unitary a single quantumbit. (Below, it will be "pumping"operation,the remainingvarishownthat sometimesnot even a singlebit ablescan be preparedin any desiredstate. is required;the effect of the environment A closely analogoustechnique can be on the system can be mimicked by the used to make arbitrarymeasurementson effect of the computer'senvironment on the simulator.Consideran operationthat the computer.)The reasonis as follows:The extractssome informationfromone of the goal of the simulationis to make the vari- simulator variables (the "read-out variables in the simulatorcorrespondingto the able") while leaving the other variables system evolve accordingto some desired unaffected.For example, photon polarizasuperscatteringoperator 9(t). 9(t) is a tions can be detected with beam splitters linearoper- and photodetectors,and the states of ions strictlypositivetrace-preserving atoractingon an m X m Hermitiandensity can be read by using fluorescence. The matrixand so requiresm4 - m2 parameters read-out operation need not be perfectly Simulating Open Systems to verifythat accurate, nor need it leave the read-out to define. It is straightforward All physicalsystemsinteractwith their envariableundisturbed. 92(t)[p(O)] = trCJ(t)ps(O)0 pt(O)U'(t) An arbitrarymeasurementon the state vironmentto a greateror lesserextent.Up to simulatorusing this read-outoperathis point, the systemsto be simulatedhave of the (2) been assumedto undergo a Hamiltonian tion is made by labelingwith binarynumtime evolution. Such systems are either for some unitary operator U1(t) acting on an bers the set of orthogonalstates between which the measurement is to distinguish. A unitary transformation on the simulator is This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions i RESEARCH ARTICLES then effected that correlatesthe states of the read-outvariablewith the value of the first bit of the numberlabelingthe states; next, the read-outoperationis performed and these steps are repeateduntil the first bit has been identifiedto the desireddegree of certainty.At this pointthe sameread-out processis performedon the secondbit, and so on, until all bits requiredto identifythe state have been determined.For example, the Kimble quantumlogic gate could be used to correlate arbitrary polarization statesof a single photon with the left- and right-circularpolarizationstates of a sequence of read-outphotons. By increasing the numberof read-outphotons, one can accuratelymeasurethe polarizationof the photon despitethe finite efficiencyof photodetectorsand the destructionof the readout photons.This methodprovidesaccurate nondemolition measurementsof arbitrary sets of states even when the only available read-outoperationis noisy, inaccurate,and destructive. System preparationand measurement are quantum computationsin their own right. The preparationsand measurements that can practicallybe performedare those that can be done efficiently,in a relatively small number of steps. Fortunately,in a quantumsimulation,many desiredquantities can be read out directly.For example, measurementof the correlationfunction (M(O)M(t))in a simulatedspin glass only requriesmakingrepeatedmeasurementsin which one has preparedthe simulatorvariable correspondingto a spin in states of differentinitial magnetizationM(O),simulated the time evolution of the spins over time t, then measuredthe final magnetization of the spin M(t). P repetitions are requiredto build up the correlationfunc- E HE, where each term in the sum acts on at most kEvariablesof the system and environment. Because an open system is beingsimulatedby embeddingit in a closed system,Eqs. 1 and 2 hold as above for the combined system-environmentsimulation: Simulation of the time evolution of the joined system-environmentto an accuracy ? overtime t then requires a numberof steps ((m2 + (EmE4)nt2/ , where m and mE are the maximumdimensionsof the local system-environmentHilbert spaces acted on by Hi, HEi,as above (40). The time over which the simulationtakesplace is proportional to t, as in the case of the closed system.Justas forthe caseof closedsystems, the quantum simulation of open systems uses a numberof variablesproportionalto the numberof system variablesand takes time proportionalto the time over which the systemevolves. For example, consider the problem of simulatingthe behaviorof a set of spinsthat interactwith each other and with the environment.Supposethat the interactionof each spin with its environmentis Blochlike, so that in the absence of spin-spin interactions,each spin would evolve accordingto the Bloch equation,with longitudinalrelaxationtime T1,transverserelaxationaltime T2,andnaturalfrequencyw. In this situation, only one bit is requiredto simulatethe environmentbecausethe same bit can be used to simulatefirst the environmentof one spin,then the environment of another,and so on. Although the simulation progressesby small perturbationsas in Eq. 1, it can still be used to extract nonperturbative features. For example, quantumcomputationcouldbe usedto simulate an annealing process to find the groundstate of the system. tion to an accuracy V. Exploiting the Environment Efficient Simulation of Local Open Systems So far, the quantum simulatorhas been assumedto be itselfa closedsystem,isolated For arbitrary open systemsas for closed from its environment. However, no real systems,the difficultyof simulationrises quantumcomputeris totally isolated;quanas the sizeof the systemin- tum computersare open systemssubjectto exponentially creases.To simulatean arbitrary timeevo- thermal fluctuationsand decoherence. In lution of an open system of N spin-1/2 par- addition,the tools usedto controlthe quanticlestakes-24N steps.Butphysicalsystems tumdynamicsmaythemselvesinducedecodo not evolvearbitrarily. As withHamilto- herence.Forquantumcomputationssuchas niansystems, simulation showsits factoringdecoherenceis a liability,but for quantum powerwhenthe opensystemto be simulat- quantumsimulationsof open systemsdecoed evolvesaccordingto local interactions herence can be an asset. Often, the interbetweenits variables andbetweenits vari- actionof the variablesof the quantumcomables and the environment.Consideras puterwith their environmentcan be used abovea systemwith N variables,each of to mimic the interactionof the simulated whichinteractswithat mostk others,with systemvariableswith their environment. HamiltonianH = Y.= 1H', where the Hi Forexample,considerthe use of an ionasbefore.Nowthe trap computer(22) to performa quantum maybe time-dependent system is allowed to interact with its environment with local interactions HE = interactionwith its environmentcharacterized by parametersTI, T2, and C,. These parameters aredeterminedby characteristics of the computer'senvironmentsuch as temperature,pressure,density, viscosity, and electricfield strengthand can be variedby manipulatingthe environment.By tuning the computer'sBloch parameters so that T1 =cxT1, T2 = xT2,X = t-x1w, the time over which the computerinteractswith its environmentcan be adjustedso that the decoherenceand noise inducedin the qubitsof the computerby its environmentsimulate the decoherenceand noise inducedin the spinsby their environment. This method of simulatingthe system environmentby usingthe computer'senvironmentworksas long as the operatorsthat determinethe couplingof the computational variablesto their environmenthave the same form as the operatorsthat determine the couplingof the systemvariablesto their environment. The temperature,pressure, and densityof the computer'senvironment can then be tuned to make the effect of both environmentsthe same up to a time scale. In the case of simulatingspins with ions, ions at room temperaturecould be used to simulate spins occurring at microkelvin.The use of environmentsto simulate environmentsis more limited than the methodfor simulatingthe environment discussedin the previoussection:The coupling of the computerto its environment must take the same functionalform as the couplingof the systemto its environment. Nonetheless, direct environmentalsimulation has the advantageof exploitinginteractionsthat arepresentin anycaseandthat wouldotherwiseconstituteunwantednoise. The use of noise and decoherence to simulatenoise and decoherenceallowssystems that are far too noisy and decoherent to factor numbersto function as effective simulators.Semiconductorquantumdevices such as quantumdots and wells typically have decoherence time scales that are shorterthan or comparablewith the time requiredto flip them from one state to another.As a result,they arenot an appropriate technologyfor performinglong, coherent quantum computations.But they could prove suitable for simulatingother noisy and decoherentsystems. Conclusion Feynmanwas correct that quantumcomputerscould provideefficientsimulationof other quantumsystems.A quantumcomputerwith a few tens of quantumbits could performin a few tens of steps simulations that would requireAvogadro'snumberof simulation of the coupled Bloch spins above. Suppose that each ion also has a Bloch-like memory sites and operations on a classical computer. A mere 30 or 40 quantum bits 23 AUGUST 1996 1077 SCIENCE * VOL. 273 * This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions would suffice to performquantumsimulationsof multidimensional fermionicsystems 13. such as the Hubbard model that have 14. provedresistantto conventionalcomputational techniques.Hundredsto thousands of bitsmaybe requiredto simulateaccurately systemswith continuousvariablessuchas 15. 16. latticegaugetheoriesor modelsof quantum 17. gravity.Currentquantumlogic devicescan performoperationson two quantum bits 18. (23, 24, 26); however, ion-trapquantum 19. computerswith a few tens of quantumbits 20. apparentlyrequire only minor modifica- 21. tions of currenttechnology(24). Although a quantum simulatorwith three or four 22. quantumbits would be too small to solve 23. classically intractableproblems, it would still be large enough to test many of the 24. ideaspresentedhere. 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Klinmant A previously unknown redox cofactor has been identified in the active site of Iysyloxidase from the bovine aorta. Edman sequencing, mass spectrometry, ultraviolet-visible spectra, and resonance Raman studies showed that this cofactor is a quinone. Its structure is derived from the crosslinking of the --amino group of a peptidyl lysine with the modified side chain of a tyrosyl residue, and it has been designated lysine tyrosylquinone. This quinone appears to be the only example of a mammalian cofactor formed from the crosslinking of two amino acid side chains. This discovery expands the range of known quino-cofactor structures and has implications for the mechanism of their biogenesis. Lysyioxidase (LO, E.C. is an extracellular,matrix-embeddedprotein. It has a centralrole in the biogenesisof connective tissue by way of posttranslational oxidative modification of the ?-amino group of lysine side chains in elastin and collagen to form inter- and intrachain crosslinks(1, 2). The physiologic importance of LO is well established.Decreased LO activity is observedin diseasesof im- SCIENCE * VOL.273 * 23 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:37:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions