CAU Text-F08W09-web-2 - Clark Atlanta University


CAU Text-F08W09-web-2 - Clark Atlanta University
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Fall 2008 / Winter 2009
Carlton E. Brown
Aristide J. Collins, Jr.
Jennifer Jiles
Earle D. Clowney, AU ’63
Audrey Arthur, Kwajalyn Brown, Larry Calhoun,
Earle D. Clowney, Marcia Jones Cross,
Gay-linn E. Gatewood-Jasho, Dawn Keene,
Ruben Perez, Barton J. Taylor
Garon Hart Graphic Design
Jamour Chames, Scott C. King, Curtis McDowell,
J.D. Scott, Marcus Stevens, Jihad Ziyad
Graphic Solutions Group
Clark Atlanta Magazine is published by the Clark Atlanta
University Office of Institutional Advancement and University
Relations. Address letters and comments to Clark Atlanta
Magazine Editor, Clark Atlanta University, Office of Marketing
and Communications, 223 James P. Brawley Drive, S.W., Atlanta,
GA 30314. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs (5x7 or
larger preferred) are welcomed for possible inclusion in the
magazine. Selection and publication are at the discretion of the
editors. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the
authors, not necessarily of the University.
Clark Atlanta University is the only historically black private
doctoral/research-intensive university in the nation, offering
degrees from the bachelor’s to the doctorate. The University is
a member of the Atlanta University Center, a consortium of five
educational institutions and is the largest of The College
Fund/UNCF institutions. Clark Atlanta does not discriminate
on the basis of race, gender, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age or handicap in the recruitment and admission of its
students, in the administration of its educational policies and
programs, or in its staff as specified by federal law and regulations. First-class postage paid in Atlanta, Ga. Copyright © 2009
by Clark Atlanta Magazine of Clark Atlanta University.
Clark Atlanta University is accredited by the Commission on
Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
(1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Ga. 30033-4097, Telephone
404-679-4501) to award the bachelor's, master's, specialist,
and doctoral degrees.
FALL 2008/WINTER 2009
7 Clark Atlanta University at 20: A Superior Learning
Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff
CAuPRI : Clark Atlanta University
Process Renewal Initiative
CAU’s continued progress involves
breaking down silos, building communication
14 CAU’s Communications Gems:
A Glimpse Inside WCLK and CAU-TV
16 The Panther Newspaper is Shaping
Tomorrow’s Journalists
18 Title III: Advancing the Academic Enterprise
24 John W. Daniels, Jr.: A Leader’s Perspective on
32 Report on Gifts and Contributions
Fiscal Summaries
4 Faculty Focus
20 University News
26 Centers of Excellence Update
27 Sports Update
28 Alumni Affairs
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
Dear Friends,
If ever there was a time when our nation needed strong leaders, that time is now. If there was ever a time
when our nation needed its colleges and universities to provide an education and programs that
prepare young men and women to lead, that time is now.
Drawing on the historical roles that Atlanta University (1865) and Clark College (1869) played
academically, Clark Atlanta University – celebrating its 20th anniversary – is positioned to prepare the
next generation of leaders to address some of the world’s most pressing issues.
The myriad of problems is all too familiar – war, unemployment, the current economic crisis,
education, healthcare, energy, global warming and a series of political and corporate scandals.
Indeed, leadership is needed to address these problems and find solutions.
Preparing the next generation of leaders is what we do at Clark Atlanta University. In this issue of
CAU Magazine, our cover story examines how CAU is preparing the next generation to adapt to change,
to discover solutions to national and societal issues and develop the skills needed to succeed in a global
“Clark Atlanta University at 20,” offers you a glimpse inside our four Schools (School of Arts and
Sciences, School of Business Administration, School of Education, and Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of
Social Work) and the high-quality education being provided through their leading-edge degree
In this issue, we published stories inspired by our 20th anniversary theme of “Achieving Greatness:
Honoring our History and Preparing for the Future.” We have developed feature stories that give
readers an insider’s look at the success of CAU’s Title III program over the years, an update on how one
of the five Centers of Excellence is affecting prostate cancer research, an examination of how CAuPRI
is transforming CAU’s operating structure and a closer look at two of CAU’s communications gems,
Of special note is our continuing effort to share with you the voices of our future leaders. In this
issue, readers will be intrigued to learn what’s on the minds of future journalists as we visited CAU’s
Panther Newspaper.
Finally, an examination of the role of the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs and its vice
president, Dr. Marcus W. Shute, and a profile of Trustee John W. Daniels, Jr., will round out our feature
stories in this issue of CAU Magazine.
Please note a special insert in this issue that contains Clark Atlanta University’s Report on Gifts and Contributions,
which also provides a fiscal summary for 2006-2008, as well as the names of those contributors recorded in our
We trust that the information in the magazine will assure you that CAU is doing its part to ensure
that there is no shortage of people with the capacity to lead.
CAU Magazine will continue to inform and inspire you with articles that tell the story of the
accomplishments and successes of the University throughout its journey over the past 20 years and in
the years to come.
Please enjoy this issue of CAU Magazine. Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome at
[email protected].
Jennifer Jiles
Executive Editor
Interim Senior Director of Marketing and Communications
Dear CAU Family and Friends,
The New Year finds the CAU Family continuing to recognize the 20th anniversary of the historic consolidation of Atlanta University (1865) and Clark College (1869), which gave rise to Clark Atlanta University.
We continue to build upon CAU’s accomplishments as the only private HBCU classified as a Doctoral/Research-Intensive University by the Carnegie Foundation. CAU is the largest institution in the
Atlanta University Center and largest member institution in the UNCF, and the
University again takes its place among national academic institutions ranked by
U.S. News and World Report.
With the support of alumni and friends and the hard work of faculty and staff,
Clark Atlanta University remains financially sound and looks forward to a bright
future of growth, progress, internal development and ultimately, greatness.
However, as we are all aware, the U.S. economy is experiencing historic and monumental challenges that have touched many colleges and universities directly or
indirectly. Clark Atlanta University is bracing for a difficult economic period along
with other higher education institutions across the country. We bear witness to the
decline of the stock market, the failure of critical industries, the collapse of many
businesses large and small, and the continuing decline in the economic efficacy of
the American family.
The current trends taking place in our nation’s economy threaten to derail the
hopes and dreams that our students and their families have worked so hard to actualize over many years. In addition to their own reduced resources to support a child’s education, many of
our families are experiencing reduced loan eligibility and less access to loan funds. These factors have had
a critical impact on the University as several major markets from which we generate our student body continue to experience consecutive layoffs and closure in critical industry.
Clark Atlanta University is currently experiencing an “enrollment emergency,” and as a tuition-driven
institution, the current downturn in student enrollment is having a measurable impact on the University.
Despite these overall difficulties, the institution continues to be fiscally sound and on the upside of a
significant financial recovery, making Clark Atlanta University a very sound investment in the futures of
young people whom we are preparing to lead this nation as evidenced in the articles contained in this
issue of CAU Magazine.
We are committed to moving forward in planning for the growth and advancement of the University.
We are taking a very proactive and aggressive course of action to recruit students locally, regionally,
nationally, and abroad through implementing a comprehensive enrollment management plan.
We will proceed aggressively with the CAuPRI process, our University-wide initiative to place greater emphasis on service and responsiveness to all of our constituencies with the total integration of the BANNER
system as the tool to strengthen overall systems and processes.
CAU’s advancement efforts will also continue unabated as we realize this is a crucial time to re-engage
alumni and cultivate relationships and opportunities that could prove fruitful when the economy
rebounds. We are preparing a more efficient academic institution for when that time comes.
The Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff and all remain collectively committed to providing students with exceptional academic programs and excellent preparation for successful transition into
careers or graduate or professional degree programs.
Please enjoy this special issue of CAU Magazine and continue to support the University in its pursuit of
greatness. Together, we will achieve our vision of national leadership in higher education.
Carlton E. Brown, Ed.D.
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
School of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Paul Brown, Professor of Decision
Sciences, coauthored a paper,
“Organizational Assimilation of
Electronic Procurement Innovations,”
that was recently accepted in Journal of
Management Information Systems.
Dr. Vicki Crawford, Associate Professor of History and Associate Dean, was
the keynote speaker at Florida A & M
University (FAMU) on January 29,
2009, during a campus-wide program
honoring Wilhelmina Jakes and Carrie
Patterson, two former FAMU students
who were involved in the bus boycotts
in Tallahassee, Fla. during the civil
rights movement. The City of Tallahassee also unveiled a state marker in
honor of the Tallahassee Bus Boycott.
Dr. Philip Dunston, Interim Chair of
the Department of Religion and Philosophy, was a guest presenter at the
United Methodist National symposium on Global Health. The event was
held in New York City on Oct. 22-24,
2008. Dr. Dunston’s presentation
included the impact and impression of
global health initiatives on predominately black college students at Clark
Atlanta University. The national symposium topics included “Racial and
Ethnic Disparities in U.S. Health Care,”
and “Improving the Health of the
African Diaspora: HIV/AIDS.”
Dr. Ralph Ellis, Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, has
completed a new book that is now
available. The book, coauthored with
Dr. Natika Newton (Professor, Nassau
Community College), is called How the
Mind Uses the Brain. The book focuses
on how emotional processes in the
brain are able to create the conditions
needed for consciousness to occur by
preparing the organism for action in
relation to its environment. In the coauthors’ theory, consciousness does
not result from the receiving of perceptual information but from the body’s
self-organizing tendency to act relative
to possible situations. Also, the new
issue of Philosophy in The Contemporary
World is a special issue devoted to discussions of Dr. Ellis’ work. Last year,
another philosophy journal, The Pluralist, devoted a special issue to his work.
Dr. Issifu Harruna, Professor, Department of Chemisty, coauthored a paper
titled, “Fullerene and Ruthenium Dual
End-Functionalized Thermosensitive
Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization,
Electrochemical Properties, and SelfAssembly” in the Journal of Materials
Chemistry, Volume 18, pages 5492-5501,
Mr. Christopher Hickey, Professor of
Art and Chair of the Art Department,
has published an illustration for the
article, “The Essentials of Essential
Tremor,” in the Fall 2008 edition of
Emory/Health magazine published by
the Woodruff Health Sciences Center
of Emory University.
Dr. Ghiyoung Im, Professor of Decision Sciences, coauthored a paper,
“Knowledge Sharing Ambidexterity in
Long-Term Interorganizational Relationships,” that was recently published
in Management Science Journal. The
acceptance rate for information systems articles in Management Science Journal is less than five percent.
Dr. F.S.J. Ledgister, Assistant Professor, Political Science, presented a paper
titled “Eric Williams: The Hero as
Politician,” at the Northeastern Political Science Association conference in
Boston last November, where he also
chaired a panel. Dr. Ledgister published
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
two articles in 2008 and they are “Intellectual Murder: Walter Rodney’s
Groundings in the Jamaican Context,”
in Commonwealth and Comparative Politics
# 46 (1), 79-100 in February and “Public Scholarship and Political Action:
The Memory of Walter Rodney in
Jamaica,” copublished with Anita M.
Waters in Wadabagei in A Journal of the
Caribbean and its Diasporas, Vol. 11 No. 1
(Winter 2008), 4-35 in March.
Joan McCarty, Instructor, Department of Speech Communication and
Theatre Arts, is serving as the stage
manager for the production, “Secrets of
a Soccer Mom.” The comedy focuses on
three women who discover a great deal
about themselves and their pasts as
well as uncover secrets while preparing
to play a soccer game with their young
sons. The play runs from January 21 to
March 1, 2009, at Theatre in the Square
in Marietta, Ga. Last summer, Ms.
McCarty also stage managed “Death of
a Salesman,” at Oberlin College in
Ohio. This production featured television and film actor Avery Brooks as
Willy Loman. Ms. McCarty is a member
of Actors’ Equity Association, the
union for professional actors and
stage managers in America. She most
recently directed “Eden,” at Clark
Atlanta University last November.
Dr. Ronald Mickens, Distinguished
Fuller E. Callaway Professor of Physics,
published articles appearing in Journal
of Difference Equations and Applications,
Heat and Mass Transfer, Computers and
Mathematics with Applications, Dynamics
of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, and International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, based on
research on nonlinear differential and
difference equations. Dr. Mickens has
accepted an invitation to write a chapter for the e-book Methods for Studying
Partial Difference Equations. It is to be
published in 2009 by Bentham Science
Publishers, which intends to bring
together the contributions of prominent mathematicians working in the
general area of partial difference equations and their applications to numerical schemes.
Dr. Mickens organized and chaired a
session of invited presentations on the
“History and Philosophy of Physics,” at a
meeting of the American Physical Society, held at North Carolina State University last fall. One focus of the session was
counterfactuals and the history/ evolution of physics. Dr. Mickens and his son
Dr. James. W. Mickens, have jointly conducted research in an effort to understand the propagation of periodic
childhood diseases such as measles.
Thus far, their computer simulations
provide preliminary evidence that if the
infection rate has a large enough fluctuation, then the disease can go to extinction. This interesting result might be
useful for explaining data from countries having small total populations.
Dr. Timothy Moore, Assistant Professor and Chair of the Department of
Psychology, is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholars grant for study and
work in Bahia, Brazil. The title of his
project is “African-Centered Psychology
in Bahia.” The purpose of this project
will be to expose his research and teaching experience to a concentration of
students/scholars in Salvador, Brazil.
The outcome of this project will be to
develop an educational initiative to
implement positive social change in
areas where social injustice persists. As a
U.S. Fulbright Fellow, Dr. Moore will
teach two specialty areas: African-Centered Psychology and Basic Neuroscience. In addition, he will conduct
survey-oriented research on AfricanSelf Consciousness. In preparation, he
has taken intensive Portuguese classes,
and is ready to embark upon an adven-
turous three-month experience in
South America.
Dr. Swaraj Tayal, Professor and Chair
of Physics, has been awarded a research
grant, “Electron Collision Rates of
Atoms and Ions for Application to
Atmospheres of Planets and their Satellites,” from the Planetary Atmospheres
Program of NASA in the amount of
$258,068 for three years. Dr. Tayal
recently presented research results,
“Oscillator Strengths and Electron
Excitation Collision Strengths for Fe
XII and Fe XIV,” as a result of another
NASA grant from the Astronomy and
Physics Research and Analysis Program
at the 213th American Astronomical
Society meeting, in Long Beach, Calif.,
in January.
Dr. Georgianne Thomas, Professor of
Humanities, faculty from Emory University and other faculty from The
Atlanta Consortium of Colleges and
Universities, have joined together to
present two traveling exhibits around
the theme, “Motherhood at the Intersection of Race and Class: Resilience in
the Face of Adversity.” The two
exhibits, “Interrupted Life: Incarcerated
Mothers in the United States” and
“Beggars and Choosers: Motherhood is
Not a Class Privilege in America,” are
scheduled to run from January 15 to
March 12, 2009, in the Schatten Gallery
of Emory University’s Woodruff
Library. The hope is that the dialogue
generated will stimulate continued
awareness, discussion, and action surrounding the special challenges that
less-privileged mothers, families, and
incarcerated women face.
School of Business
Dr. Evelyn Winston-Dadzie, Associate
Professor of Management, coauthored
the article “Loan Delinquency Among
Small Business Owners in Ghana: The
Importance of Gender to the Lending
Process,” which was published in the
International Journal of Entrepreneurship
and Small Business (2008), Vol. 5, Nos.
3/4, pp. 318-336. The article was
coauthored with Jocelyn D. Evans. Dr.
Winston-Dadzie is also the leading
conference track chair for the Human
Resources and Management Division
during the 2009 International Academy
of African Business to be held in May in
Dr. Tom Apaiwongse, Associate Professor of Marketing, has a manuscript
recently being published in a blindreviewed refereed journal: Apaiwongse,
Tom Suraphol (2008), “Barriers of EPA
Voluntary Policy Upon Market Innovations: An Exploratory Qualitative
Approach,” Journal of Business and
Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 19 [Fall], No. 2,
pp: 11-21. He also has a paper presented and published in a proceedings:
Apaiwongse, Tom Suraphol (2009),
“EPA Policy Exchange in a Current
Market-Political Economy: The Parallel-Political Marketplace Approach,”
Proceedings for an Annual Conference
of the American Society of Business and
Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp:
1-12. Dr. Apaiwongse has recently
served on the editorial review board of the
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
School of Education
Dr. Veda Jairrels, Professor of Exceptional Education, Department of Curriculum, has had her manuscript,
“African Americans and Standardized
Tests: The Real Reason for Low Test
Scores,” accepted for publication. Her
book is scheduled for release in 2009.
Dr. Jairrels also wrote a book review
that was published in the online journal, Education Review in August 2008. CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
New Faculty Hires for the 2008-2009 Academic Year
CAU faculty are the foundation of our superior learning environment. One of our five-year strategic plan
goals is to attract distinguished faculty to our institution. They bring with them a wealth of experience
and a strong desire to share their research, teaching and service with our students.
School of Arts & Sciences
Mass Media Arts
Dr. Shawn Bulloch
Assistant Professor and Director of
Student Training Arts and Sciences
School of Arts & Sciences
Biological Sciences
Dr. Marjorie Campbell
Professor and Chairperson,
Biological Sciences
School of Business Administration
Dr. Kanthi Herath
Associate Professor
School of Social Work
Dr. Vimala Pillari
CAU Welcomes Dr. Vimala Pillari, Dean, Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work
Dr. Vimala Pillari became the new dean of the Whitney M. Young, Jr.,
School of Social Work in October 2008 after serving as professor and
founding dean of the Graduate School of Social Work at Dominican
University in River Forest, Ill. Dr. Pillari brings to the School of
Social Work a strong background and expertise as a licensed clinical
social worker. She has served as a caseworker at St. Christopher’s
Institute in Dobbs Ferry, New York, a part-time social worker at Children’s Hospital in Buffalo, New York, and at Family Services of Tidewater, in Norfolk, Va. Dr. Pillari was also in private practice at Family
Action Counselors of Tidewater in Norfolk.
Dr. Vimala Pillari,
Dean, Whitney M.
Young, Jr., School
of Social Work
During the past decade, Dr. Pillari was founding dean and director of Graduate Schools of Social
Work at both Dominican University and Newman University, where she developed new graduate programs. Dr. Pillari earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Madras University and her doctorate
in Social Welfare from Columbia University.
A Superior Learning Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff
Some 86 years ago, during the Acting
Presidency of Myron W. Adams (19221923) at Atlanta University (AU),
“There was considerable discussion of a
merger of Atlanta University with Clark
University, but no formal action was
taken” (from James P. Brawley’s The
Clark College Legacy: An Interpretive
History of Relevant Education, 18691975, p. 104). Thus began discussion
that would lead in 1988 to the consolidation, not merger, of Atlanta University
and Clark College (CC), the latter name
having been adopted in 1940. The
Boards of Trustees of the two parent institutions were very careful to avoid using
the word “merger” because of its suggestion that one of the institutions brought
greater gifts to the table of agreement.
Consolidation, it was felt, meant that the
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
two schools entered the agreement with equal strengths, accomplishments and resources.
In fact, a year earlier in 1987, the Boards of Trustees of both
AU and CC authorized an exploration of the possible advantages of closer working arrangements, as some of the benefits of
proximity, which had seemed promising earlier, again became
evident. In 1988, the joint committee submitted its report for
ratification, recommending that the two schools be consolidated as one institution. On June 24, 1988, both Boards agreed
to the consolidation recommendation, and on July 1, 1988,
Clark Atlanta University (CAU) officially came into existence. The new and historic University has inherited the rich
traditions of two independent institutions, connected over the
years by a common heritage, commitment, consortia relationships and location.
Atlanta University and Clark College, through consolidation, preserved the best of the past and present and accepted the
mandate of AU’s motto, “I’ll Find a Way or Make One,” and
of CC’s motto, “Culture for Service.” Both mottos were
retained for CAU and figure prominently in the University’s
seal. The University’s colors (crimson, black, and gray) also
stem from the school colors of the parent institutions: crimson
and gray (AU), and red and black (CC). Efforts to ensure a
smooth consolidation were skillfully handled by members of
the Consolidation Steering Committee, consisting of representatives from the trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, students, and
administration of both schools, and meeting weekly under the
wise leadership of Dr. Vernon Crawford, chair (now deceased),
and Dr. Pearlie Craft Dove, cochair.
As we approach the end of the first decade of the 21st century and celebrate our 20th anniversary as a consolidated university, we acknowledge that much has been accomplished and
much remains to be done, but we are optimistic that through
dedication, hard work and perseverance, we can achieve the
lofty goals of our founding fathers, thereby ensuring that our
University will be second to none.
hen Atlanta University and Clark College
were consolidated in 1988 to form Clark
Atlanta University, the union of the two historic
institutions was heralded by some as “one of the
greatest decisions in the HBCU community.” Others
predicted that the benefits of the consolidation may prove
challenging to actualize.
However, CAU has emerged as an institution sound
enough, strong enough and bold enough to successfully prepare students to become leaders in an intensely competitive
and complex world.
Through the School of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, School of Business Administration and Whitney M.
Young, Jr., School of Social Work, CAU is preparing its graduates to help identify solutions to many of the most critical
issues facing the nation.
The School of Arts and Sciences
The School of Arts and Sciences at Clark Atlanta University
is a thriving cultural and academic milieu in which students
and faculty are engaged in a wide range of activities. On any
given day, faculty and students in the School of Arts and Sciences are involved in academic activities from cutting-edge
research on prostate cancer to students preparing to meet the
demands of a career in the technology industry to the cultivation of the next stars of stage, television and film.
Composed of the Division of Natural and Mathematical
Sciences, the Division of Social Sciences, the Division of
Humanities and the Division of Communication Arts –
which boasts as one of its alumni leading director/producer/actor Kenny Leon – the School is developing students
to reach their full potential as leaders in various industries
and in community service.
With a robust roster of programs, the School services
every student on campus, teaching a wide range of general
education requirements from English and mathematics to
art appreciation. “During their first two years at CAU, we prepare students for their major programs by providing them
with a firm foundation in critical thinking and communication,” said Dr. Shirley Williams-Kirksey, dean of the School
of Arts and Sciences. “With this initial training they are well
on their way to being successful the last two years of their
undergraduate experience.”
In recent years, the School has substantially increased the
number of real-world internships and opportunities to study
abroad made available to CAU students. This is attributed in
large part to the School’s ongoing efforts to continually
build bridges with corporations, nonprofit agencies and the
federal government. These relationships have not only translated into internships and international learning excursions,
but also job offers for students.
Williams-Kirksey noted one of the major goals of the
School of Arts and Sciences is to make sure that upon graduation students are fully equipped to do well in their careers.
“We focus on training, coupled with academic work,” she
said. “When students leave our campus, we want them to be
ready to work at CNN, become an entrepreneur, go into medical research or teaching, or wherever their expertise is . . . we
are preparing them not only for jobs today but we’re putting
them on a track for success years down the road.”
The students of today are not the students of yesterday,
said Williams-Kirksey. “Students in 2009 have greater access
to information through the Internet and many other sources.
So when they get to CAU they are a much different student
from the student of 20 years ago.”
To make certain its curriculum remains applicable in rapidly changing times, the School’s administration, faculty and
students are continually engaged in research around numerous issues – such as the environment, homeland security,
technology, politics, international affairs, medicine — that
dominate the headlines and influence the development of
not only the U.S., but also the global community.
“Uppermost on our minds, and what we are determined to
convey, are ways we want Clark Atlanta University to succeed
in the next 20 years,” added Williams-Kirksey. “In that, we
envision programs that are going to be academically driven
but have an international component. We are preparing students to meet world needs.”
School of Business Administration
When Mark Peaks and Marlon Lloyd graduated from CAU’s
School of Business Administration with MBAs in finance in
1997, the young men joined an impressive group of alumni
of the School.
During its 77 years of educating business students, the
School of Business has produced some of the nation’s most
successful business leaders and entrepreneurs, including
Gregory Jackson, founder, president and CEO of Prestige
Automotive Group, which was the first African-Americanowned automotive group to reach $1 billion in sales.
Alumni of the School also include leading executives such
as Darryl Cobbin, senior vice president, 20th Century Fox;
Alex Cummings, executive vice president and chief administrative officer for The Coca-Cola Company; and Derrick M.
Williams, vice president of finance and planning for Delphi
Powertrain Systems. All three executives also serve on CAU’s
Board of Trustees.
L-R Mark Peaks, President and Marlon Lloyd, Vice President of
Sandy Springs Lawn Scapes
CAU’S School of Business Administration has produced a
substantial class of entrepreneurs who are providing jobs,
products and services around the nation.
A case in point is the success of Lloyd and Peaks, who in
June 2005, purchased one of Atlanta’s long established professional landscaping companies. Since that time, they have
grown the company to more than triple its size.
“At CAU, Mark and I were able to sharpen our critical
thinking skills through the finance curriculum and as an
entrepreneur, I can’t think of a more important ability to
possess,” said Lloyd, vice president of Sandy Springs Lawn
Scapes. “Each day, we are faced with tough decisions, particularly in the current economic environment, and our ability
to think through those decisions strategically and find the
best solution is vital. Those skills were developed at CAU’s
MBA program.”
Today, Atlanta-based Sandy Springs Lawn Scapes employs
more than 100 people, has approximately 500 customers and
now has operations in Orlando, Tampa and Sarasota, Fla.
As one of the top 10 producers of African-American
undergraduate business professionals in the nation, the
School of Business Administration continues to graduate the
largest number of African-American MBAs in the world –
leaders who are providing innovative solutions to today’s
global business challenges.
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
According to Ed Davis, interim
dean of the School of Business,
many attributes contribute to the
uniqueness of the School’s curriculum and teaching and learning
environment including a smaller
student body, seven faculty members who hold Ph.D.s and a diversified faculty, which includes
instructors from eight countries.
From Davis’ perspective, the
School makes a special effort to
train students to be leaders in the
business and financial industry by
instilling in students three important principles.
“We train students to behave
ethically, to be deep thinkers and Thayer Hall, Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work
to focus on increasing wealth
transfer, especially within the black community,” said Davis.
“The School of Education’s programs are forward looking
“We never forget that we are preparing our students to combecause we transform our programs to make sure they stay
pete anywhere in the world and be successful.”
relevant to what schools are requiring and needing,” said
Turner. “As such, we are always in the mode of reviewing our
School of Education
programs, and conducting research in leadership, school
The School of Education, in inheriting the historical misplanning and curriculum.”
sions and achievements of its two parent institutions,
In addition to developing future educators and adminisAtlanta University and Clark College, offers teacher educatrators, CAU’s School of Education has garnered a reputation programs that produce leaders and change agents who
tion as a producer of school counselors, educational leaders,
are having a relevant and positive impact on private and pubmedia specialists and school social workers who are compelic school education in America, particularly in urban settings.
tent in a systemic approach to change agentry that embodies
The School of Education is preparing students to meet
the core of social justice and fosters critical thinking.
and resolve underachievement issues within school systems
“We are preparing future teachers and administrators
head on. Students are stimulated by an action-oriented,
whose goal it is to ensure every child can learn up to his/her
problem-solving curriculum designed to produce teacher
potential and is successful from one level of school to
candidates who move innovatively to meet the shifting social
another, whether high school or college bound,” said Turner.
and educational needs that occur in urban schools.
“Our philosophy is that change agents are critical to the
Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work
efficacy of urban education,” said Dr. Trevor Turner, interim
CAU’s Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work exists to
dean of the School of Education. “The School of Education’s
prepare future social work professionals with a heightened
curriculum is designed to promote the development of scholsense of social consciousness committed to the search for
ars, change agents, leaders and mentors who are committed
solutions to societal problems, particularly as they affect
to that [philosophy].”
African-American families, children and males within the
The School’s Department of Educational Leadership
context of family and community. The School offers bacheoffers graduate programs of study for M.A., Ed.S. and Ed.D.
lor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.
degrees and certification in the area of administration and
CAU alumni hold positions in corporations, foundations,
supervision for K-12 education programs.
municipal and federal government nationally and interna10 CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
The Dashiell-Mitchell File
tionally. The School has a long-held reputation for using an
Afrocentric perspective, autonomous social work practice
model and research to produce social workers who make a
The Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work has an
extraordinary heritage that began with Forrester Blanchard
Washington, the third director of the School. He was a visionary African-American social worker who led the Atlanta
School of Social Work from 1927-1947 and the Atlanta University School of Social Work from 1947-1954.
Washington sought to transform social welfare conditions in the South by developing a much needed educational
institution to train African-American social workers. His
legacy lives on in the continued viability of the 88-year-old
School that, in 2009, is redefining its role as a leader for training new social workers.
Today, the School is being led by Dr. Vimala Pillari, who
joined CAU as the School’s new dean in October 2008 (see
Faculty Focus for more on Dr. Pillari). Her long-range vision
is that the School of Social Work become one of the best in
the nation.
Dr. Pillari’s vision also includes building another doctoral
program in clinical social work and eventually building a
research center for families and children that would focus on
problems that affect the family such as alcohol, teen pregnancy, child abuse and domestic violence — areas of expertise
she honed as a scholar and clinical social worker.
“One of my goals is to create an environment that encourages scholarship and excellence in teaching among faculty,”
said Dr. Pillari. “We are also placing a greater emphasis on
developing an atmosphere that promotes greater faculty-student interaction.”
Dr. Pillari and the faculty are committed to developing the
next generation of social work professionals by delivering academic programs and practical experience opportunities that
produce new professionals who are prepared to approach
today and tomorrow’s social problems from a solution-based
Twenty years and counting . . . The School of Arts and Sciences,
School of Education, School of Business Administration and Whitney
M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work continue to educate communityconscious, globally-influenced students to become change agents and
leaders who answer the call to create solutions, challenge inequality
and make a difference as world citizens. Rebecca Dashiell-Mitchell, Ed.D., an alumna of CAU’s
School of Education, is the principal of Emma Hutchinson Elementary School within the Atlanta Public School
System. The year-round school is a Title I Distinguished
School that has met Adequate Yearly Progress for six consecutive years according to the “No Child Left Behind
Act.” Dr. Dashiell-Mitchell and her faculty have led this
urban school from Needs Improvement School status to
Title I Distinguished School status. She earned a Doctorate of Education from CAU in 2007.
Dr. Dashiell-Mitchell on what is required of teachers in urban settings today to best educate children and prepare them for success.
In a time of rising academic expectations and limited
resources, 21st century educators must seek and embrace
scientifically based research that supports best teaching and
learning practices presented in comprehensive school
Dr. Dashiell-Mitchell on describing her experience as a student at
CAU’s School of Education and how that experience prepared
her for her role today as principal of an urban school.
Special experiences with policies, action, research, and
numerous opportunities to collaborate to effect students’
success can be attributed to the sense of urgency and
methodologies studied at Clark Atlanta University.
Over the last 12 years, as an urban educational leader, I
have witnessed the unfolding of my/our vision, “We Are
United To Build A Better Global Community . . . One Child,
One Teacher, One Parent, One Community Business Partner at a Time!” We have moved forward to weave the vision
into the fabric of our rigorous instructional program.
Today, we have strategically moved our school from an
NCLB Needs Improvement School status to Title I Distinguished School status.
Dr. Dashiell-Mitchell on the importance of the School of Education’s focus on preparing students to be change agents.
For the last 12 years, the Emma Hutchinson Elementary
School has had a rich legacy of preparing future teachers
to be change agents through partnership with Clark
Atlanta University’s School of Education. Within the last
three years, with the policy changes with NCATE/PDS
and Georgia Performance Standards, through the Director of Field Services, the partnership focus has become
most rigorous and a win-win for Hutchinson students
who meet and exceed Georgia Performance Standards
and Clark Atlanta University future teachers who are
immediately hired. CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
CAU’s continued progress involves
breaking down silos, building communication
Clark Atlanta University faculty and staff were charged by President Carlton E. Brown
(then EVP/Provost Brown) to re-engineer their thinking by breaking down silos and
building communication. This charge led to the birth of the Clark Atlanta University
Process Renewal Initiative (CAuPRI), the roadmap for the University’s future in terms
of strengthening overall processes and systems. The goal of the initiative is to place
greater emphasis on service and responsiveness to all constituencies with the total integration of the BANNER system as the tool.
he project will require University-wide participation. Faculty and staff were initially engaged last
spring and summer in CAuPRI’s daily and weekly
process improvement assessments and needs
assessments sessions with SunGard Higher Education consultants in addition to their regular responsibilities. CAU’s
current state processes and recommendations for improvement were documented, areas needing immediate improvements were identified, and initial improvements were made
in the process improvement assessment sessions.
During the needs assessments sessions, CAU’s future state
processes were documented, future state process flows and
narratives were developed, and primary training was completed. To date, all future state processes have been reviewed
with each CAU department and an initial roadmap has been
developed for moving forward.
“I believe more awareness, more coordination between
departments, and improved communications have been the
biggest impacts of CAuPRI,” said Lucille Maugé, chief compliance officer and team leader of the CAuPRI initiative.
“CAU was operating in a silo effect, but the extensive collaboration required among departments by CAuPRI has started
to create a major shift in how we view our services and is
breaking down organizational barriers. The spirit of collaboration has enabled employees to close gaps in areas where
they had questions before.”
Maugé also said some of the Process Improvement Assessment (PIA) recommendations were accomplished immediately
without being a part of the CAuPRI project management.
Moreover, SunGard consultants were able to assist staff with
fixing some of the more immediate problem areas.
Members of CAU’s Division of Institutional Advancement and University Relations accept a Certificate of Excellence Award for CAuPRI
accomplishments from President Carlton E. Brown (rear, far right) at a recent CAuPRi awards ceremony. Holding award are (L-R) Aristide J.
Collins, Jr., vice president for Institutional Advancement and University Relations and Dacia Amey, director of Advancement Services.
“Staff has welcomed the process,” said Kevin Davis, project manager for CAuPRI. “There was excellent participation
and the people who were engaged in the sessions were really
trying to think of ways to improve the process.” Davis added
people also had a better understanding of the process
because a cross-functional approach was used.
Last November, the University celebrated the completion of
the CAuPRI’s first milestone. President Carlton E. Brown and
members of the Executive Cabinet were on hand to bestow
Certificates of Appreciation to staff members from those
departments that had been involved in the process improvement and needs assessments process.
The Spring 2009 semester begins the execution of Phase I
in the areas of student enrollment, student activities, financial aid and student accounts receivable. It will also include
data integrity (clean-up), which involves looking at the entire
BANNER infrastructure across the University, on-line requisitioning, and completing the employee pledge process – an
integrated payroll deduction process with Institutional
Advancement and University Relations, Human Resources
and Finance – so employees can use this function to donate
to the University.
Additionally, the next phase includes developing policies
and procedures; reviewing and revising the core set-up structure of BANNER; providing ongoing BANNER Training;
building a Project Task Plan; developing rules to ensure data
integrity/cleaning existing data; and re-engineering the data
collection process for admission to CAU.
CAU’s future state impact will definitely benefit students.
It involves a more streamlined and efficient admission
process, increased efficiency in the financial aid process, and
more timely and effective communications to CAU students.
For CAU faculty and staff, there will be consistent and
improved data integrity across all departments as faculty and
staff data will be online; University and departmental policies and procedures will be documented; and training materials to improve knowledge transfer will be available.
Ultimately, the future state impact ensures CAU will have a
stronger compliance environment.
By breaking down silos, and building communication, the
CAuPRI is well on its way in accomplishing this goal.
“The key to the success of this project is the commitment
from everyone at the University — students, faculty and staff,
because they all use the tool (BANNER),” said Maugé. “We
need everyone’s help to drive the change in how we maximize
the tool. We have to compete with our aspirant universities.” CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
CAU’s Communications Gems
A Glimpse Inside WCLK and CAU-TV
Located in the lower-level of Woodruff Hall are two Clark Atlanta University communication gems:
91.9 FM WCLK, Atlanta’s longest operating jazz station, and CAU-TV, a well-regarded training
ground for mass media students.
Jazz 91.9 FM WCLK, “The Jazz of the City,” is a national icon,
with 35 years of excellence in programming to its credit.
WCLK’s initial programming format in the 1970s – innovative at the time – blended gospel, oldies, and blues with jazz,
its mainstay genre. In the 1980s and 1990s, other stations
began to borrow from WCLK’s tried and true formula.
Now, well into the new millennium, traditional and contemporary jazz has continued as a staple among WCLK’s
diverse musical offerings. In response, WCLK was named best
jazz station in Atlanta by Atlanta Magazine in 2007 and has
been voted best radio station for the last eight years by Creative
Loafing readers. Station representatives were recently invited
to the White House where WCLK was recognized as one of
the best HBCU (Historically Black College and Universities)
radio stations.
Wendy Williams, a CAU alumnus and WCLK’s general manager, does not intend to rest on these laurels. She has been
with the station since 1994 and is focused on keeping it relevant and viable. WCLK stays competitive on a modest budget
of which Clark Atlanta University supports 40 percent, and
the remainder is raised through fundraisers and grants. “Clark
Atlanta has been our blessing. They are our biggest cheerleaders,” said Williams.
The station is fertile training ground for CAU students. Up
to 30 students intern at the station each semester. “We try to
give them the total station experience,” said Williams. “They
are trained in their area of interest. The goal is by the time they
leave at the end of a semester, they can write public service
announcements, assist in producing a radio spot, handle a
ticket giveaway, schedule interviews or write a press release.”
WCLK’s staff is comprised of seasoned professionals. There
have been instances where students who have interned at the station come full circle as full-time employees. Tracy Ross Ringer
was one of those students. She is now the station’s traffic and
continuity coordinator and Web site coordinator.
“A typical day at WCLK is anything but typical,” said
Ringer. “But that’s what I enjoy about my job. I have exposure
to every part of the station.”
According to Shed Jackson, WCLK’s marketing director, it’s
important to go beyond the broadcast booth and reach out to
the community. “We not only play jazz, we teach it,” said Jackson. “There are things we do on the education side to ensure
jazz stays alive and our listeners come to know the history and
fundamentals of the genre.” To that end, WCLK hosts jazz
symposiums and panel discussions at middle schools, high
schools and community centers, and during the spring and
summer months, is a supporter of Wednesday WindDown, a
free jazz concert series held in downtown Atlanta.
WCLK plans to kick off its 35th anniversary with a concert
in April at the Rialto Center with Take 6 and other awardwinning musicians. Throughout the year, and into 2010,
there will be a sequence of events at venues around Atlanta
celebrating the “The Jazz of the City.”
Simply put, “WCLK represents the true essence of jazz with
its music programming and cultural events,” said Jackson.
When CAU-TV came on the air in 1984 it was Atlanta’s first
educational access television station. Some five years earlier,
then Clark College President Elias Blake and a team of
administrators and faculty, set out to raise funds to establish
a broadcast facility for the College’s mass communications
program and broadcast management sequence. With the
help of financial contributions from alumni and friends of
the College, CAU-TV (then CCTV) debuted on cable channel 4
with 12 hours of daily programming.
Today, CAU-TV is broadcast on cable channel 23, 24
hours a day, seven days a week. It serves as a forum for community programming and as a hands-on training facility for
students, who are responsible for creating at least 15 hours of
original programming per month for a viewing audience of
about 90,000 homes within Atlanta city limits. Each semester, there are close to 20 students on payroll, with a host of
student interns and volunteers from the Atlanta University
Center rounding out the schedule – all of whom are advised
by five faculty members and professional staff, including
Murdell McFarlin, station manager.
Whether it’s 8 a.m., 12 midnight or some time in between,
at least one or two students can be found in the studio editing or filming some portion of their assigned show. Programs currently airing on CAU-TV include “Newsbreak,” a
live, five-minute news show broadcast twice daily, five days a
week from the field; “Potpourri,” an in-studio public-affairs
show that airs weekly; “Tempo,” which covers the Atlanta
entertainment scene; and “Jazzy Cooking with Esther and
Morris,” hosted by two 91.9 FM WCLK radio personalities.
Neishia Deas, a senior Mass Media Arts major with a concentration in television, radio and film, often burns the midnight oil in the studio. She is the producer of “Potpourri”
and has worked at the station for the last year and a half. “My
experience has been beyond worthwhile,” she said. “I realize
there are more avenues to being in television besides being in
front of the camera. There’s also producing, editing, script
writing, camera operation, and it’s all a team effort.”
For Deas, who spends on average 40 hours a week at CAUTV, the benefits far outweigh the time sacrificed. “If you leave
the University [in my area of study] without working at the
station, I believe you’ve put yourself 10 steps behind anyone
who has the experience. I’ve learned life lessons about prioritizing, being reliable, being cognizant of others’ time. I’ve
gained the respect of media people that I’ve worked side by
side with because they respect the hustle and the fact that I’m
putting in the same effort that they are to get a story, and I’m
still in college. Those kinds of acknowledgements can put
you ahead once you are in the workforce.”
As one of the founders of “Newsbreak,” Ebony Smith, also
a senior Mass Media Arts major with a concentration in
radio, television and film, is equally appreciative for her experience at CAU-TV. Smith eventually wants to own a television
production company. “I’ve learned to be more creative when
it comes to expressing myself and it’s given me a chance to
learn what are my strengths and weaknesses,” she said.
The television station, fully funded by Clark Atlanta University, is a support department for the Division of Communication Arts. To work at the station students must maintain a
3.0 grade point average. “CAU students who come out of this
program are students with a strong work ethic. They leave
with a skill base that has made them ready for middle-level
management,” said McFarlin. CAU-TV alumni have gone on
to work for national networks such as CNN, MTV, BET and
WTBS and local network stations around the country.
In the coming months, CAU-TV plans to team up with
WCLK and stream the radio station’s broadcast live over the
Internet to a global audience. Closer to home, McFarlin
would like to see CAU-TV expand its reach outside Fulton to
other metro Atlanta counties, but for now she has set her
sights on Southwest Atlanta. “I’d like for CAU-TV to be the
voice of Southwest Atlanta and we are getting there.” CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
The Panther Newspaper is
Shaping Tomorrow’s Journalists
The Panther, Clark Atlanta University’s student-run newspaper, is both a
voice for Clark Atlanta University (CAU) students and a time capsule –
documenting the momentous, controversial and normal goings-on that
impact CAU and the Atlanta University Center community.
The Panther comes out every two weeks with the help of
five section editors (news, nation/world, student life,
arts/entertainment and sports) and 15 to 20 reporters.
Arika Lawrence, The Panther’s editor-in-chief, has volunteered at the newspaper since freshman year, and is preparing to graduate in May. “I think The Panther is a wonderful
vehicle for journalism students to understand the industry
and learn about aspects of production, advertising and marketing,” she said. “You definitely get hands-on experience
and retain information better and execute tactics more fluidly by writing for The Panther.”
Ansley Brown, a junior, is the arts/entertainment editor.
“A lot of thought goes into this section since it covers such a
broad spectrum – music, theater, television. I enjoy it. I get to
be creative.” For Brown, who plans to go into public relations
after graduation, writing for The Panther has allowed her to
build up an all-important collection of writing samples. “I
have not yet had an internship that has not asked me for
[writing samples],” she said.
In the 25 or so years it has been around, The Panther has
earned a multitude of awards from the Southern Regional
Press Institute including “best of” in the following categories: overall, feature, layout design and photography. Like
countless papers across the country that are adapting to the
changing habits of its readers, The Panther made the leap to
the Internet six years ago. Online readership averages from
600 to 800 weekly reads into the thousands. With each new
print edition, The Panther distributes 3,000 copies of the
newspaper around campus.
Despite a dire outlook for print media, with newspapers
and magazines folding practically every month, Lawrence
and Brown are optimistic about the future of the industry. “I
don’t think online will ever totally replace hard copy,” said
Brown. “People like the personal aspect of reading that
comes with an actual newspaper or magazine. But, at the
same time, people also enjoy the immediacy of online. It’s a
matter of making it all accessible.”
Anastasia Semien started as a contributing writer at The
Panther her freshman year. Now a junior, Semien is managing
editor for the newspaper. Her most memorable story written
to date involved capturing the moment the campus community learned Barack Obama had clinched the presidential
nomination. “I recall interviewing people who were in tears,”
she said. “I witnessed some pretty raw emotions from the students on campus. I definitely think it was a milestone for me
as a journalist.”
Semien wants to continue digging deep into stories as an
investigative reporter for a newspaper or magazine. “I want to
be the voice for others who may not have any other option to
be heard.” Alumni Remember Their
Panther Experience
Jayme Bradford (CAU ’93) is an assistant professor of
mass communications at Voorhees College in Denmark,
S.C. During her four years at The Panther, Bradford held several positions, including news editor and editor-in-chief.
“I think my time at The Panther definitely honed my
work ethic. It was about being diligent, about putting in
extra work to get the job done. It was often not a 9 to 5
schedule. But that was the fulfillment, getting those deadlines met and getting the story done. I think it’s an essential experience for every journalist who wants to work for a
newspaper. Not only does it build character, it’s a wonderful practicum with helping you to become a journalist. And
to be honest, to me, you are not a serious journalism student if you are not involved with your school newspaper.
It’s a calling; everyone is not going to make it.”
Jonathan Landrum (CAU ’03) is a reporter for the Associated Press in Atlanta. He wrote for The Panther his junior
and senior year, serving as the assistant sports editor.
“The Panther was a stepping stone for me. It was an introduction into journalism – just the whole newspaper business.
I think most of all from a newspaper perspective, it taught
me the chain of command of a newspaper, how your story
can be edited, and how you can also learn from other writers.
I had really great camaraderie with other journalists, and at
the same time, I was around other journalists who were my
age and had the same hopes as I.”
Chandra Thomas (CAU ’95) is an Atlanta-based freelance
writer for numerous magazines including Essence, Ebony,
Heart and Soul, Diverse Issues in Higher Education and People.
She joined The Panther staff during freshman year, starting
out as a reporter and went on to become the newspaper’s
lifestyles editor.
“The Panther was a great opportunity for hands-on experience and to basically put yourself in real situations – problem solving, figuring out creative solutions to problems and
perseverance. We had challenges and had to figure out how
to get around them. The friends I made through my Panther
experience, I’m still friends with today.” CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
The Civil Rights Movement was at its height in 1965 when
the Higher Education Act was passed under President Lyndon
B. Johnson’s Great Society social reform agenda. The intent
of the Act was to level the playing field and ensure higher
education was accessible to all students regardless of their
socio economic background. The Title III Program was
established under the auspices of the Higher Education Act
to strengthen Historically Black Colleges and Universities
through a grant process.
Title III was introduced to focus on four areas in higher
education: institutional management (incorporating distinguished faculty into the University), fiscal stability (financial
strength and institutional advancement), academic quality
(rigorous programming) and student services (recruitment,
retention and graduation of talented students).
In 1965, Clark College and Atlanta University were among
the first six HBCUs designated to receive Title III funding.
From the start, Clark Atlanta University received funding as
both an HBCU and HBGI (Historically Black Graduate Institution). Today, Clark Atlanta University is counted among 96
HBCUs and 24 HGBIs that receive Title III grants.
The result of Title III funding are visibly evident at Clark
Atlanta with completed and ongoing construction renovations dotting the campus skyline. “An increase in academic
instruction space is a priority of Title III funding,” said Connie Hannah-Willis, director of Clark Atlanta’s Title III Program HBCU/HGBI. “The buildings we have renovated to
date have been here since the beginning of the institution. We
have maintained their historic, architectural integrity and at
the same time upgraded their facilities.”
“More than 40 years after it was instituted, Title III continues to have a profound and positive impact at Clark Atlanta
University,” said Dr. Carlton E. Brown, president of Clark
Atlanta University. “Most importantly, Title III supports the
overall academic success of our students. We have used funds
prudently to ensure the University’s physical plant remains
viable and up-to-date with brick and mortar and technological upgrades to academic buildings, state-of-the-art computer labs and research facilities. With the support of Title
Title III has also been critical to academic achievement at the University
because it has enabled CAU to support
the personal technology needs of its
students. In fall 2008, Clark Atlanta
launched its First-Time/First-Year Pilot
Laptop Loan Program. To date, as part
of the program, some 1,200 Dell laptops have been made available for loan
to first-year undergraduate and graduate students.
When it comes down to dollars and
cents, Title III grants account for more
than 50 percent of the federal monies
Clark Atlanta will receive in 2009. Since
the 2002-2003 academic year, Clark
Atlanta University’s HBCU grant allocation awards have totaled $23,242,601.
Within that same timeframe, the University’s HGBI grant allocations add up
to $24,218,107. Clark Atlanta was
included in a group of HBCUs that
received an appropriation resulting
Freshman students receive laptops as part of a pilot program funded by Title III.
from the College Cost Reduction Act
2007 by which $85 million would be
III, CAU has worked to ensure its students are properly
distributed among the HBCUs during the 2008-2009 and
equipped for 21st century learning. At a time of economic cri2009-2010 academic periods.
sis in our country, Title III is all the more critical to the fiscal
While all of these allocations are significant, under George
stability of the University because it is a source of financial
W. Bush’s administration, Title III funding was decreased.
assistance that enables Clark Atlanta to award scholarships
“Cuts in Title III funding, combined with the current socio
and fellowships to graduate students completing their
economic times, can be devastating to the fiscal well being of
advanced science degrees.”
the institution,” said Hannah-Willis. “Without these funds,
More than $16.5 million in Title III funds have been used
we would not be able to upgrade buildings, provide campus-wide
to renovate academic instructional buildings such as Thayer
technology upgrades, afford state-of the-art labs for student use
Hall, Clement Hall and Haven-Warren Hall. CAU is currently
and continue to offer certain student services. We must uphold
in the pre-construction stage of the restoration of Wrightour classification as a Carnegie Research University and desYoung Hall, with phase one completion anticipated by Sepignation as a premier institution of higher learning by maintember 2009 and three additional phases planned.
taining our research facilities and hiring top-notch faculty
Improvements to Oglethorpe Hall are currently on the drawto teach our students. Our students could potentially suffer
ing board.
because the University cannot absorb these kinds of costs on
Clark Atlanta has made strategic application of HBGI
its own.
grants to keep its STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
“Those engaged in the success of CAU need to contact
and Mathematics) students on the cutting edge of technology.
their representatives in Congress, on the institution’s behalf,
A state-of-the-art information technology lab, located in the
to express their support for Title III,” added Hannah-Willis.
Thomas W. Cole, Jr. Research Center for Science and Technol“If Clark Atlanta is going to sustain its academic standards,
ogy, was recently completed for graduate science students.
we need to make sure we have the tools, programs and capital
Campus-wide technology infrastructure upgrades include the
in place that our students need to be competitive. Title III is
installation of videoconference technology, Web CT, network
essential to continuing our progress.” stabilization, system network management, storage enhancement, disaster recovery and e-mail enhancement.
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
CAU graduate student Shed Jackson
and New York Times bestselling author
JL King have coauthored Sexual Orientation and Its Impact on Schools: A Guide
for Middle and Secondary Educators. The
guide examines the challenges that
minority students and educators experience in promoting equitable education
and safety in the face of homophobia.
The book has received rave reviews and
is being considered as a preferred read
in the Philadelphia school system.
Former President Bill Clinton visited CAU to lead a rally for Democrat
Jim Martin’s Senate runoff race last
November. (L-R) CAU President Dr.
Carlton E. Brown, T. LaVerne RicksBrown and President Clinton
During opening convocation in September, marking the beginning of the
20-year celebration of the consolidation of Atlanta University and Clark
College, President Dr. Carlton E. Brown delivered the address as CAU’s third
president. Afterward, New Residential Apartments were renamed Dr. James
P. Brawley Hall, after the 19th president of former Clark College. Dr. Gerald
Hood, representing the “Men of Brawley,” spoke from the podium.
In Davage Auditorium on campus, the Clark Atlanta University Philharmonic Society recently taped promotional spots for upcoming movies on
Peachtree TV, as a part of a partnership between the University and Turner
Broadcasting System.
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
Clark Atlanta University is listed
among the top 20 universities that
grant doctoral degrees to blacks, as
reported in The Journal of Blacks in
Higher Education.
The Atlanta Chapter of the National
Black MBA Association selected CAU’s
School of Business Administration as
its “2008 Educational Institution of the
Year,” in recognition of the academic
excellence of CAU’s MBA program.
The 5th Annual National Symposium
on Prostate Cancer at Clark Atlanta University will be held March 15-17, 2009, in
the Thomas W. Cole, Jr., Research Center
for Science and Technology. Visit for details.
Officials at CAU and Spelman Col-
lege held a ribbon-cutting ceremony
this fall to celebrate the completion of
a $12 million renovation of the John
B. Shepherd Central Utility Plant,
located on CAU’s campus. The plant
services 14 buildings at Clark Atlanta,
14 at Morehouse College and 23 at
Spelman College. Energy Systems
Group completed the renovations,
which provide steam, hot water for
heating and chilled water for cooling,
using technology that helps the
schools to go green.
Hundreds of CAU students partici-
pated in a “Day of Civic Engagement,”
designated by CAU President Carlton
E. Brown, to encourage voter participation during the historic Nov. 4 presidential election. With classes cancelled,
students served as poll watchers, canvassed neighborhoods to encourage residents to vote and displayed voting
signage on street corners and majors
intersections. The night culminated
with a crowded TV-viewing party on the
election results, held in the Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson Student Center,
where cheers about the Obama win went
out across campus and into history.
Unveiled last
year for Black History Month by the
U.S. Postal Service, the Charles
Waddell Chesnutt
Stamp commemorates Chesnutt’s
work as an author.
Born on June 20, 1858, in Cleveland,
Ohio, Chesnutt became a lawyer,
noted businessman and author,
acclaimed for his collections of short
stories. In 1998, the Charles Waddell
Chesnutt Association was chartered by
the Department of English at CAU to
sponsor panels and programs that
enhance the critical study of Chesnutt’s work.
Clark Atlanta University sophomore Tashay Reid, who was recently
crowned Miss Black Georgia USA,
poses with CAU President Dr. Carlton E. Brown. Reid, a Mass Media
Arts major, also won “Most Photogenic,” the “People’s Choice Award,”
and the “Best Interview Award,”
during the recent pageant. The
Cleveland, Ohio native will compete
in the Miss Black USA pageant in
Washington, D.C., next June. Reid
is the youngest contestant to be
crowned Miss Black Georgia USA;
she also served as Miss Freshman at
Clark Atlanta. Dr. Brown said, “The
CAU family is extremely proud of
Ms. Reid’s accomplishments. She is
a fine example of the quality of student that we have at the University
who can successfully compete with
those from any other institution of
higher education.”
Due to the current economic climate,
which is affecting the University and
the nation, the Presidential Inauguration of Dr. Carlton E. Brown, originally
scheduled from March 31 through
April 3, 2009, will be postponed until a
further date that is yet to be determined. The University will announce
the new date for inaugural activities
when that date has been determined.
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
Growing the Research Enterprise
The Division of Research and Sponsored Programs
One might say that Dr. Marcus W. Shute’s career was pre-destined long before he joined CAU
as vice president of the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP). As a child, the
future award-winning research engineer and scientist possessed a high aptitude in math and
science, and while most youngsters his age were playing with chemistry sets purchased at a
toy store, young Shute and his brother spent a lot of time “playing” in their mother’s lab at
Meharry Medical College. Their mother, Professor Elizabeth Shute, is a retired biochemist
who supported and encouraged her sons’ interest in science.
“I also enjoyed taking things apart to
see ‘how’ and ‘why’ they worked,” said
Dr. Shute. “I maintained that type of
curiosity throughout my education and
eventually decided to pursue a career as
a research engineer and scientist.”
During his matriculation at Tennessee State University (where he
became the first person to graduate
with a 4.00 out of 4.00 cumulative
GPA), he secured an internship at the
renowned Bell Laboratories and ended
up working with them for more than
17 years after the internship.
Shute, who holds several patents and
is a registered professional engineer, was
only the third African American to earn
a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from
Georgia Tech and was selected as the
recipient of the 1994 U.S. Black Engineer of the Year Award as Most Promising Engineer. He is recipient of the 2005 National Technical
Association Technical Achiever of the Year Award – Engineering, and led the design and completion of a new 62,000 sq. ft.
research facility at Tennessee State with state-of-the-art
nanoscience and biotechnology core laboratory facilities
funded by a $2 million grant that he obtained from the
Department of Defense. He was also selected as a finalist in the
Class of 2000 NASA Mission Specialist Astronaut Program.
Today, he leads CAU’s Division of Research and Sponsored Programs, which delivers one-stop, value-added sup22 CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
port and management throughout
the research process for CAU’s faculty, staff and students. RSP is
responsible for research administration and management of all
sponsored programs activity (both
research and creative works) at the
“Currently, the students, faculty
and staff at CAU are involved in
research and scholarly activities
that address global issues that we
face today, such as development of
new materials through the use of
nanotechnology, human health,
national security, energy, and the
environment,” said Dr. Shute.
“Our Center for Cancer Research
and Therapeutic Development is
one of the leading centers for
prostate cancer research. The Center for Functional Nanoscale Materials is engaged in exciting
research at the intersection of nanotechnology and biotechnology, as are other units on campus. The Environmental
Justice Resource Center continues to serve as a catalyst in
addressing environmental justice issues, particularly for
minority populations.” RSP continues to be engaged in a
myriad of other sponsored program activities in education,
business and the social sciences that will position the
research enterprise at CAU for phenomenal growth, innovation and leadership. A Conversation with
Marcus W. Shute, Ph.D., P.E.
CAU MAGAZINE: What led you to accept the position as vice president
for Research and Sponsored Programs at Clark Atlanta University?
DR. MARCUS SHUTE: Clark Atlanta University has enjoyed
much success in research and creative works in the past. I
believe there is tremendous opportunity and potential at
Clark Atlanta University to continue to make significant contributions. In addition, there is unrealized potential to engage
the corporate sector as well as other institutions in research
collaborations that leverage our expertise and strengths.
Under President Brown’s leadership, I firmly believe that the
research enterprise at CAU will grow and flourish.
CAU MAGAZINE: What do you see as RSP’s greatest contributions to
the University and how does your division facilitate the further development of the research enterprise at CAU?
MS: Our greatest contributions will be in the areas of posi-
tioning the research enterprise for future growth in contract
R&D activities with the corporate sector, developing the
physical research infrastructure at the University by working
with our congressional delegation and corporate partners,
and continuing to monitor research compliance.
CAU MAGAZINE: From your perspective, why is there a greater
value being placed on university-generated research by the higher education community as well as the private sector and what does this
mean for institutions like Clark Atlanta University?
MS: In recent years, most new innovations and discoveries
can be traced back to academic research. There is increased
value placed on academic research by the corporate sector
because in many cases it is more cost effective. In addition,
some institutions have received significant revenue generated
by licensing the discoveries from academic research. Most
HBCUs and minority-serving institutions have not partici-
pated in this activity in a big way. As a leading research institution, CAU is uniquely positioned to be a major contributor
provided we take the necessary means to protect, market, and
commercialize the intellectual property developed by our faculty, staff, and students through sponsored programs activity or with the use of University resources.
CAU MAGAZINE: Your division has developed a new publication that
will soon be available. Tell us about the magazine, why it was created
and what you see as the publication’s contributions to research.
MS: Two new publications have been developed by our tal-
ented staff to highlight the research and sponsored programs
activities at the University. The Radar is an e-newsletter that is
published bi-weekly to inform faculty and staff about activities, funding opportunities and other important information. The Research Spotlight is the annual report of the
Division of Research and Sponsored Programs.
CAU MAGAZINE: What’s ahead for Research and Sponsored
programs in 2009?
MS: We will pursue new research initiatives in critical, high
growth areas such as nanobiotechnology, sensors, computational sciences, energy, homeland security, and the environment. We intend to develop and launch a fully functional
Web portal that will provide easy access to information about
the research enterprise at CAU as well as material to assist
our faculty staff and students in obtaining and executing
grants and contracts (see for more
information). We look forward to working with University
Relations and Institutional Advancement as well as the President’s Office to engage our corporate partners and congressional delegation to support the growth of the research
enterprise at CAU and the University in general. CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
John W. Daniels, Jr.
A Leader’s Perspectives on Leadership
hen John W. Daniels, Jr., joined Clark Atlanta University’s
Board of Trustees in 2007, CAU gained a trustee who has a
long history of involvement and support of higher education
institutions and is also one of the nation’s most outstanding
real estate lawyers and entrepreneurs.
A graduate of Harvard Law School and a partner in and
chairman of Quarles & Brady LLP, Daniels has strategically
built and sustained an extraordinary career in law and business. Trustee Daniels is the first African American in the United States to chair an
AmLaw 200 firm. He is past national president of the American College of Real
Estate Lawyers. Daniels has been recognized by numerous organizations for his ability to develop sophisticated solutions to complex problems. He was recently selected
as one of the 50 most influential lawyers in the United States as part of the National
Law Journal’s survey of leading minority attorneys.
Daniels, who is also a successful entrepreneur, sits on several boards and has a
passion for involvement with charitable causes that advance the interests of youth.
He shares with CAU Magazine some of his views, perspectives and wisdom on leadership, professional development and what young people can do to prepare for success
in a competitive, global marketplace.
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
“Every time I visit the campus, I am inspired by not only the commitment of the
faculty, but the enormous promise that the student body provides for our society.”
Serving on the Clark Atlanta University
Board of Trustees
How Students Can Prepare for
Success in a Global Marketplace
CAU Magazine: What led to your decision to join CAU’s Board of
CAU Magazine: You have been able to build and sustain your success
over the duration of your career. What do you attribute as the keys to
your success?
JWD: Being passionate about the work I do inside and outside of the office. Fully embracing the concept of teamwork.
Commitment to excellence in all that I do.
JOHN W. DANIELS, JR.: Clark Atlanta University has a unique
place in American history, having trained literally thousands
of individuals who are having an impact in multitudes of
communities. It is an environment that features the best talents of people and creates world-class leaders. I know the
importance of such institutions in a global economy and I
was proud to be associated with and to be part of one.
CAU Magazine: What keeps you engaged in your role as a trustee?
JWD: As a trustee of Clark Atlanta University, I have the
unique opportunity to share a legal and business perspective
that hopefully will enable continuing growth and success of
the institution. The importance of education in terms of
changing the life opportunities of the students at CAU is
something that any trustee is excited about. Every time I visit
the campus, I am inspired by not only the commitment of
the faculty, but the enormous promise that the student body
provides for our society.
Perspectives on Leadership
CAU Magazine: You have garnered a number of accomplishments,
honors, and awards, including the Distinguished Leadership Award
by the Leader’s Forum and the 2008 Leadership Award by the
National Bar Association. What are three top principles of leadership
that you believe contribute to your success and that new professionals
can use as they begin their careers or pursue advanced degrees?
Vision — to identify what you really want from your work
experience and to understand the importance of considering
long-term success.
Courage — to reach beyond your comfort level when pursuing
your goals.
Tenacity — to remain committed to your personal and professional goals.
CAU Magazine: Share with us your perspectives on some key strategies that young men and women can implement now to prepare for a
successful transition from the classroom to a career.
JWD: I think the most important thing students can do to
prepare for their career is to make sure they are applying
themselves in the classroom now. The diligence that is practiced
in their school work, such as being prepared for class each
day, studying each lesson in preparation for major exams,
and putting forth 100 percent now will translate how you
move forward in your career.
Today’s students also need to understand the importance
of relationships and communication skills. Most students
who leave college feel as though the work they did in college
— the book knowledge — doesn’t translate to real-life work
experience. The truth is, you may not utilize everything you
learned in the classroom, but throughout your life, you will
use the communication skills you have honed during your
college years.
CAU Magazine: How should Clark Atlanta University best prepare
students for leadership, given the realities of today’s competitive marketplace?
JWD: In my view, the University must continue to create
opportunities for students to be exposed to the challenges of
our competitive market. By providing access to information
on new technologies, offering programs to introduce students to the ever-changing business models in the workforce,
and creating mentoring opportunities to help students map
out successful career tracks, the University will serve as a
resource and model for success. CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
CAU is a major player in prostate cancer research
Research and Therapeutic Development (CCRTD) is increasingly becoming well known among major prostate cancer
researchers across the country and around the world, rivaling
academic research institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Emory
and Georgia Tech. Although the Center is all-inclusive in
terms of cancer research, its primary focus is the study and
research of prostate cancer.
“Many felt we couldn’t compete with Emory, Georgia
Tech and the University of Georgia,” said Dr. Shafiq Khan,
CCRTD director for the past five years. “We had to dispel the
notion of being an HBCU [that] is not able to do cutting edge
research. So we identified one unique angle that no one else
was doing and that was prostate cancer. We have almost
completely finished what we set out to accomplish in five
years and we are now on our way to having a Center that is
self-sufficient within the next five years.”
According to CCRTD’s mission statement, the decision to
focus on prostate cancer emerged from the “significantly higher
rate of incidence and mortality among African-American men
due to this disease, and to the unique expertise of CCRTD faculty that can be readily applied to this area of research. The incidence rate of prostate cancer is 65 percent higher and the
mortality rate due to prostate cancer is almost double in AfricanAmerican men when compared to Caucasian men.”
Under Khan’s leadership, the Center has hired three faculty and three senior scientists and there are 45 people affiliated with the work of the Center. This includes faculty, research
scientists, undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs and
lab technicians. The Center brings in more than $800,000 in
indirect costs and $3 million in direct costs to the University.
The CCRTD is funded primarily by the Research Center in
Minority Institutions (RCMI) program of the National Center for Research Resources at the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), and supported by the Georgia Research
Alliance. The Center is composed of a multidisciplinary team
of faculty from several departments including, Biology,
Chemistry, Education, Engineering and Social Work. The
Center has developed an ongoing relationship with WCLKFM and CAU-TV to help promote awareness about prostate
cancer to the general public. Recently, WCLK launched a
news talk show, “Men’s Healthline with Dr. [James] Bennett”
airing every third Wednesday at 6 p.m. Dr. Bennett is a CAU
alumnus, noted urologist and an adjunct professor at CAU.
CCRTD’s Prostate Cancer Leadership Conference 2008. Dr. Shafiq
Khan, director of CCRTD, (Center) stands with Conference attendees.
“People realize CAU is a major player,” said Khan. “We
now have a great reputation on two levels, in the community
and professional recognition.” Within one year, the Center
received two grants totaling nearly $15 million from the
National Institutes of Health (NIH). The first grant of $6.5
million was awarded to CCRTD to establish the Center for
Excellence for Prostate Cancer Research, Education and
Community Services and will support research, training and
community outreach activities as related to prostate cancer
in the African-American community.
The grant will support three individual research projects
and six pilot projects in the area of cell and molecular biology of
prostate cancer as well as support scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students in the area of prostate cancer. The
grant will also provide initial support to develop a communitybased education component in prostate cancer and to establish
a program for raising awareness on prevention, screening, early
detection and treatment of prostate cancer. NIH also awarded a
$7.2 million grant to enable CCRTD to expand its facilities and
hire more researchers. The five-year grant will also support four
doctoral and four post doctoral students.
The CCRTD received funding totaling more than
$900,000 for two research grants from the Department of
Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program in Prostate Cancer. Also, funding for the University’s
RCMI grant was renewed for the next five years in the amount
of $7,820,296.
CAU’s 5th Annual National Symposium on Prostate Cancer
is scheduled for March 16-19, 2009. SPORTS
Remembering former CAU football
standout Chuck Evans
On October 14, 2008, the Clark Atlanta University family lost former Panther
standout Chuck Evans, who died of a heart attack at Cobb County Medical
Center in Marietta, Ga. He was 41.
Described by many as a gentle warrior, the 6-foot-1 inch, 245 pounder
played both safety and tailback during his playing days at Clark Atlanta from
After a stellar collegiate career at CAU, Evans was drafted in the 11th round
of the 1992 draft by the Minnesota Vikings. He was the starting fullback and a
key part to the 1998 Vikings that went 15-1 while also helping lead the team to
an NFL record of the most points scored in a season, 566, a record that was not
broken until nine years later by the New England Patriots.
Evans was one of the nearly a dozen players who followed offensive coordinator Brian Billick to Baltimore when he became head coach for the Ravens
in 1999.
In 2000, he only started in one game with the Ravens, but played a huge
role in Baltimore’s Super Bowl victory.
He retired from the Ravens in 2000 and remained a part of the Baltimore
community, while becoming an area radio personality.
Upon his death, Evans left behind a wife, two daughters, one brother, two sisters as well as a multitude of loving nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles and cousins. Winston Thompson Named to the Daktronics NCAA Division II All-Super Region
Clark Atlanta University sophomore
running back Winston Thompson has
been named to the 2008 Daktronics
NCAA Division II All-Super Region two
second team as voted on by the members of the College Sports Information
Directors of America (CoSIDA).
Thompson, a 5-foot-9 inch, native of
Miami, Fla., was a first team All-Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
(SIAC) selection this past season leading the conference in rushing with
1,134 yards, including five touchdowns
and six 100-yard games. He also had 19
receptions for 247 yards, and finished
second in the conference with 127 allpurpose yards per game.
Thompson helped propel CAU to a
6-5 overall record this past season including a 5-4 mark in the conference, finishing fifth in the 10-team conference. It was
the Panthers’ first winning season since
The team is sponsored by Daktronics, Inc., an acknowledged world leader
in scoring, timing and programmable
display systems for virtually every sport
at every level of competition. CLARK ATLANTA MAGAZINE
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
B Y B A R T O N J . TAY L O R ( C A U ’ 9 8 , C A U ’ 0 1 )
Finding a way or making one in music and life
Without coming off as trapping her voice
in a point of time, N’Dea Davenport hasnot just survived in the music industry,
but she has flourished as one of the
industry’s most respected singers. Since
premiering as the front woman for the
groundbreaking group Brand New
Heavies, N’Dea Davenport, a Clark
Atlanta University alumna, has been
commanding respect in the industry, on
her terms since 1990. Traveling the
world as a performer, artist, writer and
most important, a participant in life,
Davenport took time out of her busy
schedule to talk to Clark Atlanta University Magazine about her days at (then)
Clark College, her tenacious beginnings
in the music business and how substance has outlasted flash. Following is a conversation with
Davenport that demonstrates that true to the motto of her
alma mater, she continues to “Find a Way or Make One!”
CAU Magazine: Can you tell me a little about yourself?
N’DEA DAVENPORT: First of all, I’m thrilled my alma mater
wanted to interview me. About me — I’m originally from
Atlanta. I attended Clark Atlanta University (then Clark College). I left to fulfill a passion that was manifesting in me —
the desire to express myself through music. I would classify
myself as an “International ATLien.”
CAU Magazine: What are you doing now?
DAVENPORT: Currently, I’m in the studio working with the
Brand New Heavies project. I’m also a big fan of collaborations, so I’m also working with Ladybug Mecca (of Digable
Planets) on her next solo effort. Finally, I’m working on some
new material for my next solo effort. I’m starting to venture
into new realms of music, particularly with the tempo, genres and textures. I’m not a person to be constricted into a box,
so it’s refreshing to hear it come together.
CAU Magazine: A lot of readers probably can
still hear you with Guru on the “Trust Me”
collaboration from his Jazzmatazz LP.
Speaking of the Brand New Heavies (BNH),
what is your favorite BNH song?
DAVENPORT: I hope people are still listening to that; the collaboration felt natural because of the similarities between
jazz and hip-hop and how hip-hop
evolved from jazz. More important, it
helps you connect with the truth and
people connect with what’s real.
As far as my favorite BNH song, it’s a
tie between “Stay This Way” and
“Brother, Sister”. The latter was written
to highlight respect to all parents and
the wisdom they offer.
CAU Magazine: Give us your perspective on what’s different about
the music business now versus when you first started?
DAVENPORT: The difference in the business now is the transition from a “boutique” environment to a “mall” environment.
It’s more about manufacturing “divas” than allowing the
artists to evolve and showcase their natural talents. It’s becoming maintaining the status quo versus how to do your job as an
artist. Many artists are being built to dwell in the moment versus being allowed to create their moments musically.
CAU Magazine: I read somewhere that you were a drummer. Is this
true? What other hidden talents do you have?
DAVENPORT: Wow. Yes, I am a drummer. I also play the piano,
the flute and bass. A talent that people would not guess is I was
an athlete while in school. I played basketball and softball.
CAU Magazine: What brought you to Clark Atlanta University?
DAVENPORT: Good question and a better answer. I never con-
sidered Clark Atlanta, as I originally applied to Spelman
College. I submitted my application to Spelman and waited
and waited and waited. The irony of all this is that I was
recruited by other schools for athletics but I still didn’t hear
anything from Spelman. My desire to attend the Atlanta University Center was there and I noticed Clark Atlanta was in
the middle of it all. I submitted my application and received
a prompt response and was given on-campus housing, which
I wanted to experience as a student.
The twist to this was Spelman finally responded with an
acceptance letter. Clark Atlanta accepted me on the merits of
my academic achievements. This touched me as a woman
who wanted to be evaluated by who I am and what I bring
and not how I look, as Spelman requested a photo of me.
This value I still exercise in my music career. So, Clark Atlanta
may not have been my first choice, but it was the “best”
choice for me.
CAU Magazine: What do you remember most about attending Clark
DAVENPORT: The things I remember the most were based on
my involvement in the arts. I would always sing at various
shows on campus, produce pageants, things of that nature.
The thing I remember most is sitting in Davage Auditorium
and there would be a piano on the stage and I would go in
there and other students would be in there and we would
play, sing, dance and it would just become something truly
CAU Magazine: Davage is still a special place on campus. They just
refurbished it for future students to experience that magic many of us
experienced during our matriculation. Speaking of experience, what
professor/instructor had the greatest impact on you and why?
DAVENPORT: That person would be my news writing instructor
Aisha Nangi. She taught a number of us to open our eyes and
not to be so accepting about everything given to us through the
media. It was that idea of being an objective listener, reader and
using this objectivity before forming a conclusion.
CAU Magazine: Give me an example of a situation you faced in life
where you had to “Find a Way or Make One.”
DAVENPORT: I have always been the unofficial underdog so I
think a great majority of the situations that one faces in life
requires them to find a way or make one. The example that is
most demonstrative of this for me is when I was trying to get
my career of the ground. I don’t think I ever shared this publicly
but since it’s Clark Atlanta, you’ll be the first. I had left
Atlanta to go to Los Angeles with $300 and a strong drive to
make it as an entertainer. I was working at The Cast Theater
as a stage manager for this one-woman show. I was living with
a friend during the time and we had a disagreement. The
result was my being kicked out. I found a way to live because
the theater owner understood my situation and so I ended up
living in the theater for a while. I would tell anyone: know
what your strengths are and have the faith to persevere. Meet N’Dea Davenport
Favorite Number: 3
Cities to Visit:
Venice, Italy
New Orleans, La.
Tokyo, Japan
All-Time Albums:
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back-Public Enemy
Grace-Jeff Buckley
Rare Gems/Hard to Find-Sly Stone and the Family
One Word Analogies:
Precious Stone-Rock
Things to do in Atlanta:
Ride a bike
Communicate among other races
Things to Do in the Business:
Read and research the industry
Start working in the industry
Become a music lover
FALL 2008/ WINTER 2009
CAU hosts BET networks panel discussions
Financial empowerment. Women in politics. Those were the topics of two powerful panel discussions held on campus last October by BET Networks. CAU President Carlton E. Brown
brought greetings to a packed multipurpose room in the Bishop Cornelius L. Henderson
Student Center to kick off the two-day event, held in conjunction with the BET Hip-Hop
Awards, taped in Atlanta.
“Clark Atlanta University is proud to serve as the host of
such an important forum,” said Dr. Brown. “This kind of
exchange is an extension of our classroom activity, as we
strive to maintain a superior learning environment to help
prepare students for leadership in their chosen professions
in light of real-world challenges.”
Debra L. Lee, chairman and CEO of BET Networks, said,
“We’re so excited to bring the BET Hip-Hop Awards back to
Atlanta for the third year in a row, and we couldn’t be more
thrilled about partnering with these organizations for these
timely and important panel discussions about financial literacy and the role women of color play in politics. BET Networks has always had a strong commitment to educating and
empowering our audience, and these two forums will provide
our audience with a unique and engaging opportunity to discuss and learn about two of the most critical issues of today.”
On the financial empowerment panel, participants
included Russell Simmons, Ludacris, Dr. Benjamin Chavis,
and “106 & PARK’s” Terrence and Rocsi. The second panel,
“Fly Girls Vote: Hip-Hop Women for Change,” was hosted
by MC Lyte and moderated by cultural critic and journalist
Michaela angela Davis.
In the midst of the current crisis in the American economy, BET Networks created a partnership with the Hip-Hop
Summit Action Network (HSAN), Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,
and Enterprise Rent-A-Car to deliver crucial information to
young people about how to manage their finances in this
volatile market, and how to avoid debt or get out of debt.
This grassroots effort has helped to engage young people in
discussions about the importance of personal finance, covering such topics as the basics of banking, repairing and
understanding credit scores, asset and wealth management,
vehicle financing and home ownership.
From Sojourner Truth to Sista Soulja, Harriet Tubman to
Shirley Chisholm, and now to Michelle Obama, women of
color have had an illustrious legacy in American politics,
including the civil rights movement. The “Fly Girls Vote”
town hall spoke directly of the hip-hop generation and featured a diverse group of panelists, special performances by
Black Kold Medina (Trouble the Water), graffiti-style art and a
lively Q&A discussion. The panel included Tricia Rose, professor of Africana Studies at Brown University, and activist
Moya Bailey.
BET Networks, a division of Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA,
VIA.B), is the nation’s leading provider of quality entertainment, music, news and public affairs television programming for the African-American audience. The primary BET
channel reaches more than 87 million households, according to Nielsen Media Research and can be seen in the United
States, Canada and the Caribbean. Clark Atlanta
Report on Gifts and Contributions
Fiscal Summaries
A Letter from Juanita P. Baranco
Board of Trustees Chair
Dear CAU Family, Friends and Supporters,
Without question, the past few years have been eventful at Clark
Atlanta University. I am proud to say that that our collective vision of
becoming a leader in higher education is closer to being a reality than
we ever envisioned.
Dr. Carlton E. Brown became Clark Atlanta University’s third
president on August 1, 2008, joining the CAU family at a very
important juncture in the University’s history — institution’s 20th
anniversary. Dr. Brown has brought to CAU a unique brand of
leadership and passion and energy that will help Clark Atlanta
achieve her destiny as an extraordinary institution.
Yes, we continue to excel under challenging times, but there is good
reason for the entire CAU family to be optimistic about what we have
achieved and can achieve. We are focusing all of our knowledge,
experience and commitment on setting and maintaining high
performance standards, pursuing excellence, and sustaining a superior
learning environment.
I wish to extend many thanks to each and every one of you who
invested in Clark Atlanta University, and thanks to those who continue
to believe in us. Your support has made a CAU education possible for
thousands of talented students from diverse backgrounds who are
eager to build a better life for themselves, their families and their
As we celebrate 20 years of academic excellence and embark upon
a re-energized Clark Atlanta under the leadership of a president who
is a passionate advocate for higher education, we will be coming to all
of our constituencies to support our efforts to raise the needed funds
to keep CAU competitive. Clark Atlanta University has a bright
future, and it is our fervent belief that our collaborative energies will
keep us moving toward greatness.
Thank you again for all you have done and continue to do for
Clark Atlanta University!
A Message from Aristide J. Collins, Jr.
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and University Relations
CAU Family and Friends,
It is nearly impossible to overstate the importance and value of our alumni, friends, corporate
foundations, faith-based organizations and supporters of Clark Atlanta University (CAU). This
report on gifts and contributions was published in recognition of your contributions during the past
several years and to applaud your continued investment in CAU and the students that the University
is preparing for leadership.
Contributions are the lifeblood that sustain colleges and universities, and your generosity has
certainly made a profound difference in further strengthening Clark Atlanta University
to fulfill its mission. In addition to being valuable extended members of the CAU family,
alumni, corporations, foundations, and private donors play an important role in
building advocacy and support for the University within their respective communities.
While we are deeply appreciative for all of the financial support that our internal and
external constituents provided over the last several years, we know that many of our
donors are facing the same economic challenges that other corporations, foundations,
organizations and individuals are experiencing nationally and internationally. Clark
Atlanta University is not immune to the effects of the nation’s current economic
condition and concurrently, our students are also experiencing a greater challenge to
their ability to afford a college education due to less access to loans and reduced loan
Despite the economic challenges facing all higher education institutions today,
Clark Atlanta University continues to provide students with an excellent education and
to maintain its standing as one of only four HBCUs in the nation with a Carnegie classification as a
Doctoral/Research-Intensive University. At the same time, our students are forging ahead to fulfill
their dream of a college education.
Clark Atlanta remains a very good investment for donors, and we need your support now more
than ever to ensure that we are positioned to continue to provide high-quality, accessible educational
opportunities for deserving students. Each of us must continue to invest in CAU to keep our
competitive edge in the national and international higher-education community.
CAU extends special recognition to alumni for their generosity in the past and especially this year.
Our alumni gave more than $1 million to support scholarships and academic programs at the
University. In addition to the $1 million in cash, we received an additional $2 million in gift
commitments from alumni, which will be fulfilled over a period of years.
The faculty, staff and students owe a debt of gratitude to all donors for their support and
investment in the University and look forward to another outstanding year of working together to
keep CAU on the leading edge of learning. With continued support from all of you and continued
hard work from the Institutional Advancement/University Relations team, we will strengthen our
institution, renew old relationships and create new ones, and raise the funds needed for the Academic
Enterprise and scholarships.
Thank you for investing in Clark Atlanta University and for all that you do for CAU.
The names of contributors to
Clark Atlanta University are
published alphabetically rather
than by donor categories/
alphabetically due to
inaccuracies in the data
contained in the Institutional
Advancement database. The
Division of Institutional
Advancement and University
Relations is making every effort
to verify information in its
database and is confident that
outstanding matters with
regard to data will be resolved.
Honor Roll
Henry and Billye Suber Aaron, 1960
Ipyana Abayomi
Karla Abdi
Gregory Abdul-Ali
Reche Abdul-Haqq
Abdulah Abdur-Rabbani
Jonathan Abel
Samantha E. Abner-Wallace, 1979
Dana Abraham
Paul Abraham
Blanche W. Abrams
Joyce Abrams
Marcia Abrams
Nancy Abudu
Charles S. Ackerman, Trustee
Kathleen Ackermann
Alfred Ackermon
Adrienne Adair
Brenda Adams
Danette D. Adams, 1999
Darlene Adams, 1985
Folami Prescott Adams
James R. Adams
Jean W. Adams
Jeanetta M. Adams
Lisa Adams
Mary E. Adams, 1981
Melissa K. Adams, 2000
Melissa L. Adams, 1990
Michael Adams
Michael Andre Adams
Michael S. Adams, 1984
Ozie Jackson Adams, 1961
Patricia Adams
Richard and Faye Adams
Russell Adams
Sandra Adams
Suzette Adams
William T.,1970 and and Irene
Satterwhite Adams, 1961
Karen D. Adams-Anderson
John Adamski
Donna Addison
Joseph Addo
Adedurotimi Adedeji, 2000
Lita Adeleye
Togunde N. Adesegun
Toure Adeyemi
Seve Adigun
Joseph Adkins
Lillian Y. Adkins, 1966
Yusuf Adul-Rahim
Wylene Adams Adwater, 1971
Barbara J. Aguirre
Jamal Ahmad
Makesha Z. Ahmed, 2003
Henry Aifah
Elika Aird
Lord Ajmer
William Akers
Allan Alberga
Gail J. Albergottie, 1971
Stephen A. Alberson, 1997
Jessie Williams Albritton, 1948
Harold R. Aldrich, 1949
Delores P. Aldridge-Essuon, 1963,
John A. Aldridge, 1959
Diane Alexander, 1978
Glenn Alexander
Irene Ware-Odom Alexander, 1956
Kenneth D. Alexander
Kevin Alexander
Michael Alexander
Tramell R. Alexander, 1988
Waxie Dickerson Alexander, 1953
William Alexander
Kimberly Alexandra
Anthony M. Alford
Dewitt C. Alfred
Domonic Ali
Rasheedah S. Ali
Antonio Allen
Benita W. Allen
Bryan Allen
Charles C. Allen, 1968
Charles E. Allen, 1999
Cheryl L. Allen, 1981
Christopher Allen
Chuck Allen
Claudette Allen
Edward Allen
Grace Howell Allen, 1950
Jacquelyn Allen
James Allen
Jayan Sweet Allen, 1978
Joe Allen
Marion E. Allen
Michael Allen
Pat Allen
Ruby L. Allen
Russell Allen
Tammy Allen
Thomas Allen
Vera P. Bailey Allen, 1969
William Allen
Binta D. Alleyne, 2001
Adelaide Morehead Allison, 1942
Calvin M. Allsop, 1982
Meg Allstrom
Vernon Allwood
Lovie R. Alridge, 1977
Adam Alterman
Richard Alterman
Sabrina Alty
Zafir Al-Uqdah
Susan Alvarez
Sonia Alvarez-Robinson
Pelham Ametria
Albert L. Amey, 1983
Juliette T. Amey, 1960
Bato Amu
Flora Anders
Alexis P. Anderson, 1996
Althea Frasier Anderson, 1979
April Anderson
Bernard Anderson
Brian P. Anderson
Craig Anderson
Dorothy Bailey Anderson, 1971
Felicia J. Bowens Anderson, 1984
Judy N. Anderson, Trustee
Karen Adams Anderson
Linda J. Anderson
Linda Starks Andrews, 1983
Lynne Anderson
Monique Anderson
Ora Anderson
Phillip L. Anderson, 2007
Richard Anderson, Trustee
Rob and Katherine Anderson
Shawnika A. Anderson, 1993
Sonya Anderson
Tina M. Anderson
William Anderson
George Andl
Timothy Andreasen
Katharine S. Andregg
Dwight Andrews
John Andrews
Karen B. Andrews
Carla J. Aniagoh, 2003
Kofi Annan
Janice Anochie
Phillip K. Anochie, 1983
Deborah Anthony
Vincent Anthony
Tieron Antoine
Joan V. Jackson Antone, 1970
Walter Applewhite
William L.,1963 and Juanita
Appling, 1965
Sonja S. Apps, 2001
Kudiratu A. Aranmolate, 2002
Annelen Archbold
Andrea L. Archer, 1991
R. V. Archer
Val Archer
Luis Argumedes
Lester Arlene
Stephanie R. Arms, 2002
Sandra H. Armstead, 1974
Anna Armstrong
John Armwood
Glenn A. Arnold, 1958
J. B. Arnold
James and Casandra Arnold
James L.,1965 and Mary Allen
Arnold, 1966
Joseph Arnold
Juliann E. Arnold
Shirley R. Arnold, 1957
Joseph Arrington
Judith G. Fisher Arrington, 1961
Marvin Arrington, 1963
Marilyn Jones Arrington, 1966
Deborah Arrond
Gerald Arrosmith
Clotilde Asbury
Judith D. Giddings Asbury, 1975
Sheronna M. Ashford, 1992
Shirley B. Ashley, 1997
Tara Askew, 2000
Wayne Asphall
Rob Astrove
Imani D. Asukile
Jessica Atkins
Leah Atkins
Audley Atkinson
Esther Atkinson
Henry T. Atwater, 1993
Thelda Phillips Atwater, 1946
Lloyd Aubert
Catherine Aust
Chuck Aust
Harry R. Austin, 1963
Tyrone Austin
Hazel Avery
Maxine Avery
Abi A. Awomolo, 1998
Naomi G. Axelrod
Homer Aycock
Lucille Spearman Ayers, 1944
Ted Ayllon
Hattie M. Babb
Collins Baber
Karen Babino
Sandra Baccus
Lewis Bacon
Joseph B.,1963 and Andrea Laster
Bacote, 1965
Joyce Rankin Bacote, 1960
Samuel W. Bacote, 1969
Roy Badilla
Rachel A. Bagby
Alva Epps Bailey, 1956
Ben Bailey
Christopher M. Bailey, 1983
Durand Bailey
Evelyn A. Bailey, 1978
Louella Jamison Bailey, 1966
Lugene Bailey, 1970
Mary Jolley Bailey, 1961
Phyllis Bailey
Rachel Bailey
Randall C. Bailey
Rojene Bailey
Vivian G. Baity
Priscilla D. Bakari, 2004
Brian Baker
Christopher Baker
Jacqueline Lawson Baker, 1968
Kay J. Baker, 1963
Leroy Baker
Leslie Baker
Lisa Baker
Marian L. Baker, 1948
Matthew Baker
Melvin O. Baker, 1971
Pauline Baker Ford, 1976
Rodney Baker
Tremayne Baker, 1996
William Baker
Yolanda Baker
Yvonne Baker
Bonnie F. Baker-Stickney, 1972
Fannie P. Bakon, 1958
Jocelyn E. Bakon, 1983
Annabeth Balance
Anthony Baldwin
Richard Baldwin
Beverly Banks Salvant
Cathy A. Banks
Deborah Minnifield Banks, 1976
Velma D. Banks, 1958
Henry H., and Yvonne E. Southall
Bankston, 1954
Corgins Banner
Gail Bannister
Allanda D. Baptiste, 1989
Gregory and Juanita Baranco,
Howell Barbee
Kim Barbee
Anyka Barber
Bryant Barber
Buddy Barber
Sabrina Barber
Carl A. Barclay, 1975
Viretha D. Barclay-Turner
Willie L. Barker, 1969
Mark E. Barkley, 1963
Victor, 1995 and Khadija Barkley,
Robert, 1963 and Betty S. Buchanan
Barksdale ,1965
Ethelyn Barksdale
Annie Shaw Barnes, 1955
Anthony E. Barnes, 1969
Beverly Barnes
Derrick Barnes
Joy Barnes
Keith Barnes
Larry J. Barnes
Martha Wright Barnes, 1957
Nicole Barnes
Norma Bell Barnes, 1965
Shernard Barnes
Gale Barnett
Karen Barnett
Michael Barnett
Marche' Barney
Katrina L. Barnum, 1992
Deen Barnwell
Junice Barr
Ronald Barr
Hope Barrett
John Barrett
Steve Barrett
Teal Barrett
Vivian T. Barrett
Rania F. Barris, 1997
Frederica H. Barrow, 1962
Karamo B. Barrow
Tasha Barry
Rob Bartlett
Mario Bartley
James Barton
Sandra Bash
Jesse, 1967 and Vivian Snellings
James C. Baskin, 1970
Leroy Basnight
Ednetria Bass
Clarence Bates
Sylvia Bates
Tee Bates
Johnnie Perry Batist, 1963
Denise M. Batiste, 1990
Richard Baxter
Tina A. Bayne
Janelle Bazile
Juliet D. Blackburn Beamon, 1996
Michael R. Bean, 1975
Robert Beane
Eleanor E. Beasley
James Beasley
James L. Beasley, 1989
Nancy L. Robinson Beasley, 1956
Tyana Beasly
Kathryn Beattie
Vincent Beauford
Juanita S. Beaver, 1972
Carol Beavers
William and Brenda Beavers
Richard H. Beck
Thomasine M. Beck, 1975
Shelia Beckum-Head, 1971
Rosalyn V. Becton Pope, 1986
Michele Bedgood
Natalie J. Beebe, 1999
Wright Belinda
Barbara Bell
Cleopatra Bell
Danielle Bell
Dean P. Bell
Diana L. Bell, 1975
Erskine Bell
Evertrue Bell
Hattie S. Bell
Iverson Bell
Juanita Pitts Bell, 1958
Lawrence R. Bell, 1973
Nakita T. Bell, 1995
Valda R. Bell
William Bell, 1950
Kimberly Bellamy
Lauralyn Bellamy
Meredith Bell-Platts
Rodney O. Benbow, 2001
Bryan Benedict
Ricardo Benes
Sam Benjamin
Dennis Bennet
E. Bennet
Tony Bennet
Barry Bennett
Charles Bennett
James K. Bennett, 1976
Racine Bennett
Ralph Bennett
Shawna Benoit
Coletta Benson
Ellis Bentley
Harrison W. Bentley, 1972
Pat Bentley
Sherrell Bentley
Ada Benton
James, 1962 and Anastatia Phillips
Freddie Benton
Levevian McDaniel Benton, 1946
Minnie C. Benton, 1965
Rosa L. Benton, 1944
Shelia G. Benton
Brian Berg
Daniel Berger
Jason Berk
Martha Bernstein
Matthew Bernstein
Lily D. Berrios
Brenda M. Berry
Kristen Berry
Love Berry, 1986
Kathleen Bertrand
Andrew Bess
Olivia Best
Tellis W. Bethel, 1998
Dee Bethune
Francine Bethune
Jacqueline Betts Murray
Debra Bevelle
Sylvia Beverly
Naomi Kirkman Bey
Robert and Alice Beyah
Jay Bickham
Edith Young Biggers, 1957
Helen Biggs, 1949
Ted Bigham
Marjorie M. Bigsby, 1957
Jerrilyn Bilal
Celestine Taylor Billings, 1951
Barbara Billingsley
Louise W. Billingsley, 1956
Merryl E. Billingsley, 1985
Lottie Wright Billups, 1944
Michael Billups
Thomas Billups, 2005
Donna Guydon Bingham, 1983
Shirley Bingham
Valerie Bingham
Yvonne Burke Bingham, 1970
L. Muriel Birchette
Cornelius Bird
Jim Bird
Esau Birdsong
George Birdsong
Angela Birkes
Tina Bishop
Robbie L. Bishop-Monroe, 2004
Dwight Bivins
Gloria A. Bivins
Rick Bizot
Alyce L. Black
Angela Black
Carrie Black
David Black
Genine Friend
Ozzie L. Black, Jr., 1977
Roy Black
Jackie Blackburn
David Blackman
Yolanda Wilkerson Blackshear, 1983
Bert Blackwell
Marcia Blackwell
Patricia Blackwell
S. L. Blackwell
Dennis Blade
Alan and Lita Blake
Kelliann Blake, 2000
Marie F. Holsey Blake, 1946
Darryl Blakley
Lauren Blanchard
Phyllis D. Bland
Mary Beth Blanding
Cheryl R. Blandon, 1975
Lawrence J. Blanford, Trustee and
Lynn Blanford
Arthur M. Blank
Chandra Blanks
Alberta Blanton, 1954
Bonnie Blanton
Denise Blanton
Lavonda Blaylock
Erica Blevins
Kerry Blind
Ralph Blocker
Wendy Blount
Linda Blount
Donald Blum
Dan Blumenthal
William Blye
Dianna Boateng
Gladys Sidwell Bobbitt, 1951
Aaron Bobick
Pattie Bock
T. A. Body
Veronica Body
Jeffrey Boga
Olivia M. Boggs
Faye Bolden
Max H. Boldon
Joanne Boldthen
Heather V. Balom, 2000
Carolyn Smith Bolton, 1947
John Bolton
Roy L. Bolton, 1954
Dorothy S. Bomar, 1967
Patricia C. Bond-Hutto
Vickye Bone
William Boney
David Booker
Eva M. Booker, 1966
John O. Boone, 1951
Mariama Boone
Mario L. Boone, 2000
Michael Borchers
Steven and Victoria Bordain
Lisa M. Borders, Trustee
Herman F. Bostick, 1951
Linda Bostick
Joe Boswell
Pamela L. Boswell, 1983
Kofi B. Bota
Patricia A. Botshekan
Edward L. Bouie, 1985
Frank Boulware
Mary Bova
Jack Bovender
Angela M. Cotton Bowen, 1981
Sabrina L. Bowens, 1996
Dawnyell R. Bowen Smith, 1999
Patricia Cheatham Bowens, 1970
Angela Bowers
Ernest Bowie
Stan L. Bowie, 1978
Dorcas D. Bowles
Hazel Robinson Bowles, 1957
Janel O. Bowles
Pamela Bowles-Moore
Donna C. Bowman
Karonda M. Bowman-Cook, 1998
Aziza Movara Bowser
Calonda Boyd
Carl Boyd
Gloria Boyd
Kellee Boyd
Joy Boyde
Edna Lester Boykin, 1957
Joel S. Boykin
Ventra V. Boykin, 2004
Delphia L. Boynton, 1996
Mary Boyritting
Susan Brachman
Christine Brackenrich
Judith Stokes Bradberry, 1974
Rodney Braddock
Wayne Bradey
Josephine B. Bradley
Myrna D. Bradley, 1973
Paulette Y. Bradley, 2002
William D. Bradley
Kevin Brady
Patricia Brantley
Alice Braswell
Sylvia Braswell
Ernest Brathwaite
G. Quinton Brathwaite
Lisa Brathwaite
Seku A. Brathwaite, 1999
Danice Bratton
Felecia Bratton
Betty Braxton
Katrina L. Breeding, 1973
Thomas Breeze
Janine T. Breland, 2003
Henry Brent
Bettye S. Brewer, 1956
Camille A. Brewer
Julie Brewer
Krista Brewer
Lorraine Brewer
Steve Brewer
Harry Brewster
Costella F. Brickhouse, 1971
Albert C. Bridges, 1942 (dec.)
Jacqueline G. Bridges-McIver, 1981
Herbert J. Bridgewater, 1964
Tom Brieske
B. J. Brim
Laura Brinkley
Jemel Brinson
Candace Brisbane
Mattie Harper Briscoe, 1935
James Brister
Cameron Broadnax
Walter and Angel Wheelock
Rolise W. Broadnax, 1982
Jacqueline Broadus, 1983
Sharon Brockman
Santiago Broderick
Elizabeth Brodie
Candice N. Brooks, 2003
Debra A. Brooks, 2000
Jolynn Brooks
Kenneth Brooks
Marvin Brooks
Mary Davie Brooks, 1955
Melayne J. Brooks
Peggy Brooks
Robert Brooks
Sandra Brooks
Sara Brooks
Sondra G. Brooks, 1981
Steve Brooks
Clara Nelson Brothers, 1963
Federick Browder
Adrian Brown
Alexandrina E. Brown
Ann Brown
Benita Brown
Carlton Brown, President
Cecil P. Brown
Cecile Keith Brown
Danny, 1981 and Andrea Brown, 1982
Deborah Brown
Delsoreli Brown
Derek Brown
Dorothy M. Brown, 1973
Eddie Brown
Eugene M. Brown, 1964
Gwendolyn Brown
James D. Brown, Sr.
Jerry Brown
Joan Brown
John Baker Brown
Joy W. Brown
Ken Brown
Kenneth D. Brown, 1974
Kevin J. Brown
Kim Brown, 1985
La Rhonda Brown
Larry Brown
Laura A. Brown
Lerita Brown
Leslie L. Brown, 1986
Lionel Brown
Lucius J. Brown, 1973
Lucius L. Brown, 1983
Lucy J. Brown
Lynis Brown
Malcolm Brown
Mari Brown
Marie Brown
Mary Rowe Brown
Mary Brown, 1935 (dec.)
Michael Brown
Miriam E. Brown
Paul M. Brown
Phoegina A. Brown, 1989
Raymond Brown
Robert Brown
Robert L. Brown
Robert W. Brown, 1958
Rosalind Brown
Sharon Brown
Sheronda Singleton Brown, 2000
Sherman L. Brown, 1998
Shirley Ward Brown, 1958
Stanley P. Brown, 1980
Tahnika Brown
Terrance Brown
V. A. Brown
Veronica B. Brown, 1971
Victor Brown
Vivian L. Truitt Brown, 1968
Wendell Brown
Deborah Brown-Catharn
Jaisha Bruce
Michael Bruce
Kimra V. Brumby, 1978
Stephanie Brundepontet
Edward Bruno-Gaston
Dorothy J. Edwards Brunson
Joann Bruscella
DeAnna L. Bryant, 1986
Deron Bryant
Donald Bryant
Jacqueline Bryant
Jacqueline Walton Bryant, 1961
John A. Bryant, 1963
Kerry Bryant
Lamon Bryant
Lenora Clodfelter Bryant, 1973
Nichell J. Taylor Bryant, 1992
Rodney Bryant
Toni Bryant
Willie L. Bryant, 1952
E. Michelle M. Bryant-Johnson, 1982
Stutzman Bryce
Anne Wortham Bryson, 1960
Dawn Bryson
Judy Bryson
Laraine E. Bryson
Winfred O. Bryson, 1937 (dec.)
Evelyn D. Buchanan
Sydney Buchanan
Cynthia Buck
Cozetta W. Buckley, 1960
John Buckner
Patrica Budd
James Buehler
Teresa Bueno
Joyce Hunnicutt Buford, 1972
George Wendell Bugg, Jr.
John Bugge
Tirzah L. Buie, 1992
Kent Buis
Deshawn Bullard
Peggy C. Days Bullard, 1965
Anthony Bullock
Karen E. Terrell Bullock, 1975
Vonique T. Bullock, 1997
Mamie D. Bunch, 1970
Claudia Bundy
Davide Burbes
Nile J. Burge, 1999
David R. Burgest
Mwalimu David Burgest
Mary Ellen Burgoon
Andrew H. Burke
Ann Wilson Burke, 1955
Jean Burke
Melissa Burke
Randall Burkett
Benjamin D. Burks, 1956
Johnnie Lay Burks, 1962
Bernard Burns, 1980
Evelyn M. Burnett
Imani Constance Burnett
Bertha A. Burnette, 1984
Chris Burnette
Larry D. Burney
Anita L. Burns, 1985
Arthur L. Burns, 1952
Lester Burns
Melanie Burns
Milton J. Burns, 1988
Vera Burns
Kim Burnside
Margaret G. Burroughs
Melvin Burrow
Sam Burston
Burt Jennings
Laurence Burten
E. W. Burton
Kenneth Burton
Lisa Burton
Myrna Burton
Robert Burton
Sandra Burton
Tashia Burton, 1991
Willette Burton
Mattie Burwell
Gwendolyn L. Bush, 1987
James A. Bush, 1951
Latrese Bush
Greg Bussey
Majul Bussey
B. L. Butler, 1972
Christal V. Butler, 2005
Dan Butler
Gary Butler
Gloria Wilson Butler, 1956
Helen Butler
Jacob E. Butler, 1978
Kim A. Burwell Butler, 1983
Levi Butler
Linda Grant Butler, 1976
Oliver R. Butler
Patricia A. Butler, 1977
Roxanne C. Butler
Shavon Butler
Pauline Fields Butts, 1953
Perry, 1985 and Jacquelyn L. Butts
Willie Butts
Wayne Bynoe
Julia Bynum
Tim Byrd
Veverly Y. Byrd-Davis, 1979
Harriett F. Byrom
Gay L. Byron, 1986
Maurice Cabble, 1992
Rudy Cadney
Dominique Cady
Rick Cage
George Cain
Michael Calderon
Carrie Walker Caldwell, 1940
Addie Calhoun
Larry Calhoun
Constance A. Hawkins Callaway,
Narviar C. Calloway
Jennifer A. Rita Callender, 1994
Ray Callender
Christine Paradise Callier, 1950
Freddie Callier
Jennifer Fowlkes Callins, 1976
Darryl Calloway
Eugenia J. Calloway, 1959
Larry Calloway
Martha Calloway
Shelton Calloway
John Camacho
Alma L. Cambridge, 1953
Annie L. Cameron Johnson, 1946
Kisha Cameron
Marion L. Cameron, 1976
Palmyra Jones Cameron, 1952
Yolanda L. Cameron
Jolia Cammon
Julia Cammon-Sanders, 1966
Beverly Campbell
Charlie Campbell
Deborah P. Campbell, 1977
Elaine S. Campbell, 1978
Evelyn Cooper Campbell, 1957
Finley C. Campbell, 1958
Gwendolyn J. Campbell
Martha G. Campbell, 1973
Michael Campbell
Richard Campbell
Sandra D. Campbell
Sara C. Campbell, 1944
Wanda Jeffrie Campbell, 1975
Spencer Campbelle
Alp Can
Iris Canady, 1974
Sujit Canagaretna
Matthew Candice
Judy Candler
Jason Cannon
Reuben Cannon
Esther M. Canton
Julie I. Canton, 1983
Francise E. Cantrell, 1957
Michael Cantrell
Tina Capers-Hall
Michele Caplinger
Barbara Roberts Cardell, 1970
Kyshia L. Carey, 2003
David Carico
Elaine L. Carlisle
Kathleen W. Carlson
D. J. Carlton
David Carlton
Deborah Carlton
Debra Carlton
Leon L. Carlton, 1957
Brenda Carmichael
David Carnegie, Jr., 1983
H. L. Carnegie
Leonard E. Carpenter, 1996
Elizabeth Navarro Carr, 1966
Jacqueline E. Carr, 1990
M. R. Carr
Virgil A. Carr, 1972
Willie Carr
Yvette Carr
Luther Carraway
Raymond L. Carraway, 1997
Joe Barry Carroll
Bruce E. Carroll, 1975
Adonica Patterson Carson, 1982
Alma J. Carten, 1964
Charles Carter
Charlie Carter
Claudette W. Carter, 1963
Clinton Carter
Dale and Mary Carter
Dwight Carter
Eric Carter
Frances D. Carter
Homer Carter
John E. Carter, 1952
Joy Carter
Juanita F. Carter
Kevin Carter
Kevyn Carter
Ladonna Carter
Melvin Carter
Nancy S. Carter
Norweda V. Carter
Ora M. Williams Carter, 1947
Peggy E. Carter, 1973
Rachelle Y. Carter
Terri A. Carter
Vicki Carter
Bruce Case
Wayne Casey
Floris Barnett Cash, 1964
John Cash
Maria Cassagnol
Gary Cassis
Nichole M. Castater
Pauline Cates
Scott Caudill
Kathy Caw
Thelanna Celestaine
Dwain, 1983 and Elizabeth A.
Joan Chace
Andrea R. Chambers, 1992
James Chambers
Angela E. Chamblee, 1984
Opal Gay Chamlee, 1953
Sylvia Chambless
Raymond Champtal
Fred Chandler
John Chandler and Beth Tanis
Lashawn Chandler
Lanada Chanel
Betty Chaney
Reginald J. Chaney, 1974
Tracy Chaplan
Carla Chaplin
Charles Chapman
Constance Chapman
Marilyn Chapman
Ruby M. Chapman, 1979
Sterling Chapman
Don Charles
Perry O. Chase
Callye Fears Chatman, 1949
Jontae S. Chatman, 2002
Marquita M. Chatman, 1996
Sherrie Chatmon
Diane Chauffe
Renee Chavers
Brenda Chavis
Wayne Chelikowsky
Junli Chen, 1997
Herbert Chennault, 1958
Grace Cheptu
Marvin Cherry
Anita Flowers Childers, 1963
Naeemah Chike
April Childers
Nicola Chin
Kamau Chinyelu
Diana Choates
Diona Choates
Marie Chretien-Oxley
Raymond Christaman
Alyce Hudson Christian, 1949
Gerry Christie
Harriet Christie
Annie North Christion, 1965
Dollie Chrocken
David Cianciolo
Dorothy Ciemer
Susan M. Ckown
Dorothy Clardy
Alicia N. Clark, 1990
Betty Watkins Clark, 1967
Bill Clark
Bruce Clark
C. E. Clark
Carlton Clark
Cynthia Clark
Gladys Jinks Clark, 1957
Johnnie L. Clark
LaVerne C. Clark, 1997
Mable Hall Clark, 1974
Robert Clark
Ronald Clark
Ruth Wesley Clark, 1957
Stanley E. Clark, 1983
Trelinda L. Clark, 2002
James Clarke
Lowell Clarke
Tony Clarke
Augustus L. Clay, Jr., 1953
Jefferson Clay
Ronald Clay
Dallas Clement
Antonio Clemente
Taina Clements
Gregory Clemmons
Larry R. Clemmons, 1962
Wayne Clemmons
Jacquel Clemons
Janice Clemons
Lowell Clerk
Osbern B. Clerk, 1957
Ann S. Cleveland
James, 1957 and Anne D.
Oscar Cleveland
Ronald E. Cleveland
Mike Clinton
Brenda B. Coakley
Earle D. Clowney, 1963
Kara Coates, 1941 (dec.)
Anita E. Coats, 1981
Taura Coats
Kamara A. Coaxum, 1997
Arlisa Cobb
Emma Jefferson Cobb, 1947 (dec.)
Kenneth A. Cobb
Ray Cobb
Saundra Cobb
Darryl A. Cobbin, 1991
Learnold L. Cobbins, 1953
Dale Mason Cochran, 1973
Dorothy Young Cochran, 1971
Kay Cochran
Tom Coffin
Kemba A. Cofield
Leslie C. Cogdell, 1950
Tom Coggin, Jr.
Austin Cogswell
Aaron Cohen
Michael Cohen
Ralph Colbert
Reginald Colbert
Arthur Cole
Freddy Cole
Gail Cole
Georgelle A. Cole, 2000
Jerrie Cole
Jessica Cole
Kelley S. Cole
Thomas Cole III, 1992
Brenda, 1967 and Thomas Cole, Jr.
Ann L. Cole-Johnson
Cleo Coleman
Elizabeth Coleman
Francene Coleman
Jamal I. Coleman, 1995
James R. Coleman, 1972
Marilyn Coleman
Melba F. Coleman
Michael Coleman
Ronald Coleman
Shanelle C. Coleman, 1995
Shirley W. Coleman
Thomas L. Coleman, 1985
Willie Coleman
Forrest Coley
James Coley
Kate Coley
Shauna M. Collick, 1994
Elizabeth Collier
Lynne Collier
Millard J. Collier
Aristide J. Collins, Jr.
Aristide J. Collins Sr.
Cal Collins
Chini Collins
Darryl J. Collins, 1992
Dave Collins
Gary Collins
Henry J. Collins, 1953
Kim Collins
Sharon Collins
Nacion Colly
Linda Colon
Christa Colquitt
Matthew Colter
Christian Coluccio
Henrietta E. Connell, 1945
Ralph Compton
Tom Coney
Ingra A. Conley, 1996
Michael Conley
Peter Conlon
Gussie Brayboy Conner, 1952
Matthew and Arlene Connor
Sharon Conover
Gayle Converse
Julius, 1950 (dec.) and Willie
McMullen Conway, 1950
Debbie Conyers
Betty A. Pender Cook, 1972
Bruce Cook
Kimberly Cook
Lashahn Cook
Laurence Cook
Mamie Cook
Mary A. Cook
Nyesha Cook
Richard Cook
Rick Cook
Samuel and Sylvia Fields Cook,1964
Tonya Cook
Betty Cooke
Corey J. Cooke, 2002
Calvin Cooley
Louis Cooley
Josef Coons
Alicia D. Cooper, 1987
Angelle F. Cooper
Beth Cooper
Brandyn Cooper
Clarence D. Cooper, 1964
Darryl M. Cooper
David I. Cooper, 1993
Joann Cooper
Maurice Cooper
Michael G. Cooper, 1979
Patricia A. Cooper
Richard Cooper
Sheryl Cooper
Joni Cope
Fannie Copeland
Monica Copeland
Nathaniel V. and Ella Copeland, 1974
Oscar F. Copeland, 1978
Camille Coppin
Lorinne Coppin
Lynn Coram-Allen
Seaton, 1962 and Ida Swanson
Alfred Cornelius
Brenda Foye Cornelius
Bruce Cosby, 1995
Kandra Cosby
Lizzie M. Cosby, 1941
Harold,1954 and Ethel Watkins
Cost, 1951
Craig L. Costen, 1979
James Costen, Jr.
Kenneth Costilow
Octavia M. Cothran, 1968 (dec.)
Barbara Cotten
Chantice M. Cotten, 1994
Victor Cotton
Dustin Cottrell
Patricia A. Coulter
Bereathy Council
Betty Council
Ruth Kimball Council, 1957
Margaret S. Counts-Spriggs, 1986
Cornelia Cousin
Gloria King Cousins, 1973
Richardine Carter Covington, 1955
Reginald Cowan
Robin A. Coward, 1988
Gail Cowie
Elizabeth A. Cowley
Arthur W. Cox
Dorothy Cox
Flora Cox
Sandra Cox
Ernest L. Coy, 1961
Laura Coyle
Enos I. Cozier
Susan Cozzens
Pamela L. Craft
Glenda H. Craig, 1981
Helen Craig
Quiester Craig, 1958
Rosa Simmons Craig, 1971
Sylvia G. Craig, 1965
James E. Craigen, 1962
Lewis Y. Craine
Lawrence Cram
Dianna L. Crawford, 1990
Benjamin F. Crawford
Carol Snype Crawford
Celina Crawford
Evelyn Crawford
Gladys Motley Crawford, 1952
Howard Crawford
Jeremy S. Crawford, 2000
Jewel Crawford
Joseph L. Crawford, 1973
Megan Crawford
Michele Crawford
Ruth M. Crawford
Shannon L. Crawford, 2002
Shelby Jones Crawford, 1980
Sue Crawford
Vicki Crawford
James E. Crayton, 1968
Dana Crenshaw
Samuel Crenshaw
Ramon Crese
Vena Crichlow
James Crigler
O. L. Crippen
Claire Green Crooks-Harrison, 1962
Ra Crooms
Dee Cross
Marcia Jones Cross, 1980
Laura C. Crounse
James R. Crow
Haroldine Hooper Crowder, 1951
Darrell Crowson
Sonya Cruel
Alexis D. Crump, 2000
Hiawatha M. Crump
Irma Crump
Sage Crump
James, 1953 and Mary Allen Crute,
Jacqueline Y. Cruver, 1981
Tom Cullen
Jacquelyn Culver-Simpson, 1966
Carleen Cumberbatch
Brandi S. Cummings, 2004
Jenethel B. Cummings, 1963
Buck Cunningham
Robert I. Cunningham, 1994
Sheila Cunningham
Anne F. Currie, 1996
Mary F. Currie
Anita E. Curry-Jackson, 1987
Michael Curtis
Frank Curvin
Donovan Cushnie
Wilfred Cuthbert
Mary Lou Cutter
Cornell Cypress, Jr.
Earl F. Dabney, 1967
Daniel Dadush
Evelyn W. Dadzie
Ann Dahlgren
Dallas L. Darland
Martha A. Dale
Marcia Daley
Adrienne D. Dalferes-Celestine, 1993
Eric Dallas
Sheryl Dallas
Stacie Dallas
Chelle Dallinger
Walley Dalton
Mike Daly
Willie Dancy
Henry T. Daniel
Dennis Danielczyk
Baji M. Daniels
Cathy Daniels
John W. Daniels, Trustee
Kaiya R. Daniels, 2003
Paul Daniels
Phil Daniels
Robert E. Daniels, 1959
Rufus Daniels, 1962
Richard Danner
Bettye Hindsman Danzey, 1963
Fredrick Danzy
Gerald Dapremont
Constance L. Darden
Karen Darfler
Ophelia T. Dargan, 1969
Anthony Darko
Mamie Darlington, 1960
Wylin Dassie
Roger and Charisse Daugherty
Donald Daugherty, 1993
Thomasina Cooper Daugherty, 1948
Jacqueline Daughtry
Benjamin Davie
Amanda M. Davis, 1978
Brian Davis
Bryan Davis
C. A. Davis, 1942 (dec.)
Darwin Davis
Deborah D. Davis, 1976
Ed Davis
Edward L. Davis
Ernestine A. Davis, 1948
Fernando Davis
Ginger Davis
Glenda G. Davis, 1968
Hamza Davis, 1996
Jacquelynn K. Davis
Janise Davis
Joan C. Davis
Johnathan Davis
Johnnie L. Davis
Karen R. Davis, 1993
Keith Davis
Lee Davis
Leon Davis, 1965
Leroy Davis
Lois Davis
Louis C. Davis
Lynne M. Davis
Magdalene Davis
Marcella James Davis, 1947
Marian Anderson Davis, 1957
Marsha Davis
Marvin O. Davis, 1990
Melissa Davis
Myrtle Reid Davis
Patricia Davis
Renee White Davis
Robert Davis, 1974
Robert O. Davis, 1964
Ron Davis
Sarita K. Davis
Selena Davis
Shirley M. Davis
Thelma L. Davis, 1970
Thomas and Edwina Davis
Tiny M. Seay Davis, 1963
Trevon R. Davis, 2007
Yvonne W. Davis
Patrice Davis-Dunkin
Alberta M. Davis-Thornton, 1984
Leigh Davis-Turner
Ezell Dawes
Arnika and Steve Dawkins
Asantewa M. Dawson, 1997
Charles E. Dawson
Don Dawson
Eddie E. Dawson, 1967
Felecia Dawson
Harold A. Dawson
Justine Dawson
Michael Dawson
Robert Dawson
Vermeekia L. Dawson, 1998
Walter E. Dawson, 2000
Wanda Dawson
Donna N. Day
Griffin F. Day, 1947
June Day
Sallie Stokes Day, 1951
Sherri M. Day-Phillips, 1998
Glyndis Dean
James E.,1966 and Vyvyan Coleman
Dean, 1966
Lance Dean
Sharon Dean
Mary E. Debardelaben, 1973
Jacquelyn A. Debose, 1993
Amy Debroff
Benjamin R. Decosta
Dana Deer
Ralph Defares
Lillie R Deffebaugh
Verlean Delaney, 1968
Lisa Delay
Loretta E. Delco, 1978
Monica Deleon
Gerald K. Delk, 1985
Jocelyn J. Delk, 2003
Jea Delsarte
Louis Delsarte
Bratton Denise
Barbara S. Dennis
Kirsten Dennis
Mack A. Dennis, 1965
Osiah Dennis
Pamela P. Dennis, 1981
Valerie Williams Dennis, 1983
Willye F. Stoney Dennis, 1953
Chiquita A. Thomas Dent, 1996
Claire Dent
Stanley Denton
Tomika M. DePriest, 1993
Don Derrico
Belinda Desasuse
Samuel D. Deshazior, 1984
Chaunta J. Deshields, 2003
Lenny Deutsch
Dorothy L. DeVillars, 1963
Phyllis W. Dews, 1946
Jill Diamond
Reginald K. Diamond, 1968
Carlos Diaz
Tanya Diaz
Cori V. Dickens, 2001
Adolphus S. Dickerson, 1943 (dec.)
Joyce G. Dickerson
Avis D. Dickey, 1983
Patrice Dickey
Crystal Dickinson
Michael Dierickx
Lenita Digby, 2000
Gregory J. Digel
James Diggs
William E.,1984 and Thomasina
Turner Diggs, 1983
Shirley R. Williams Dillahunt, 1971
Ricky Dillard
Rhonda Dingle
Freidia J. Dinkins, 1971
Lakishia Dinkins
Hattie E. Diop, 1973
Don Discenza
Brenda L. Dismuke
LaMont Dismukes
Stephen Dix
Caroline Ledbetter Dixon, 1983
Cheryl E. Dixon
Clinton H. Dixon, 1961
Henrietta L. Dixon, 1954
Holly Dixon
Latanya Bufford Dixon, 1978
Lou E. Dixon, 1980
Milledge L. Dixon
Russell S. Dixon
Samuel Dixon
Selwya Dixon
Victoria Dixon
James R. Doanes, 1962
Bruce C. Dobbs
Donald Dobbs
Mary E. Dockett, 1976
Matthew Dodge
Huley B. Dodson, 1950
Christine Dolan
Alvin Dollar
Freda M. Donald
Sheree Donaldson
Rick Doner
Sandra Donerlson-Banks, 1980
Rebecca Donovan
Evette Dorham
Jolita Dorsett
Jane Dorsey
Joycelyn M. Dorsey, 2000
Carmel M. Dorsey-Raphael, 1992
Thomas W. Dortch, 1986
Aaron M. Dotson, 1955
Denise Dotson
Harry J. Doughty, 1974
Derek D. Douglas, 1997
Djuana M. Douglas
Julie Douglas
Victor Douglas
Adrian Douglass
Curtis Douglass
Jean Douglass
Guy Douyon
Karen Douyon
Ingrid B. Dove, 1971
Joshua K. Dove, III, 1976
Pearlie M. Craft Dove, 1941
Lola Dover-Gardner
Dorthy Doves
Sisera Dowdy
Mary A. Dowery, 1952
Robert Downey
Tosha D. Downey, 1994
Cheryl D. Dozier, 1980
Linda Dozier-Jones
Tuwaner Hudson Lamar
Darrell J. Drake, 1983
David Drake
J. Drake
Jeff Draper
William B. Drewry
C. J. Drummond
Marymal Morgan Dryden, 1951
Clark M. and Jill Dubin
Delano Dubinson
Emma E. Schell Dudley, 1954
John F. Dudley, 1956
Joyce Logan Dudley, 1977
Kennon Duerod
Tamara Duff
Eugene J. Duffy
Shirley Duhart-Green, 1970
Floyd Dukes
George C. Dumas
Anthony Duncan
Curtis L. Duncan
Maurice Duncan
Michael Duncan
Tina M. Dunkley, 1980
Eleanor Dunlap, 1965
Kim D. Dunlavy-Walker, 1984
Kay M. Dunlop
Kevin Dunn
Raymond Dunn
Bernee Dunson
Philip M. Dunston, 1998
Eward Dupree
Ulysess Nakayo Dupree
Johnathan Durant
William Durant
Betty Durden
Brenda Howard Durden, 1962
Alicia S. Durden-Brown, 1981
Jenise M. Durham, 2005
Twyla U. Durham, 1993
Bettie J. Durrah, 1968
Kennon Durrod
Thomas Dusenberry
Mary J. duTrieuille, 1962
Reginald Dye
Huston F. Dyer, 1956
Renaldo Dyer
Rolston Dryer
Lois Eaddy
Rukiya S. Eaddy, 2000
J. W. Eady
Tresha Eaglin
Berenecea J. Eanes, 2000
Idette F. Earl
Riggins R. Earl
Riggins R. Earl Jr.
Tonette R. Earl, 1999
Ann and Tom Earley
Mary F. Early, 1957
Larry L. Earvin, 1971
Charles F. Easley, 1965
Deana Usher Easley, 1966
Diane L. Comer Easley, 1971
Paul H. Easley
Willie F. Easley, 1963
Tonia N. East
Flora Eastman
Bernice H.,1979 and David Eaton,
Kenneth Eaton
Juanita Marshall Eber, 1952
Wes Eberhard
Joy U. Obi Ebhomielen, 1990
Deawna R. McMahon Echols, 1990
Michael and Janis Eckert
Tammy Eckstein
Jason Eden
Beverly Edmond
Brenda L. Edmond
Jacqueline J. Edmond, 1990
Artrisia Edwards
Barbara Edwards, 1963
Belinda Edwards
Belinda E. Edwards
Bertez Edwards
Chamane Edwards
Charisma D. Edwards, 1999
Clifton D. Edwards, 1976
Denise Edwards
Elaine Edwards
Elliott Edwards
Jacqueline Fancher Edwards, 1956
Jay Edwards
Kasani Edwards
Myrna G. Edwards
Shila Edwards
Warren P. Edwards, 1990
Kevin Edwards
Brian Egleston
Lara Egwuatu Gray
Nneka A. Egwuatu, 2003
Lucky Ehigiamusoe
James Eichelberger
Barbara Eike
Shanta Ekhomu
Wali A. El-Amin
Gail D. Elder
Gloria S. Elder
Bobbie J. Eldridge
Maureen G. Elgersman Lee, 1993
Maggie M. Ellison, 1972
Mattie W. Ellison
Ellard Family
Ursula Edwards Ellerby
Kiesha Elliot
Phillip and Edwina Elliot
Bobby and Linda Elliott
Forrest Elliott, Sr.
Brad Ellis
Cornelius Ellis
Eldred Ellis
Elnora J. Phillips Ellis, 1963
Ernest and Sylvia Blackmon Ellis,
Gwen B. Ellis
Jerry L. Ellis, 1995
Kevin J. Ellis
Kirkland Ellis
Taqiyyah Ellis
Victor Ellis
Yvonne Ellis, 1999
Alfreda Ellison
Dwight D. Ellison, 1968
Leatrice Ellzy
Rena Crosby Ellzy, 1964
Kathy Elmore
Dhanfu E. Elston, 1996
Valerie Emanuel
Fred and Joan Embden
Mark Embry
Tom Embry
Keeron Emmanuel
Seard Emmanuel
Sonny Emory
Mary England
Susie O. England
Janth B. English, 1996
Alonza L.,1954 and Helen Reese
Epps, 1955
Clarette Epps
Craig Epps
Janine Epps
Leondria K. Epps, 1966
Cynthia J. Eric
John Ervin
Nora Ervin
Robert Ervin
Riviears Esha
Frank Eskridge
Greg Espy
Leontine Fields Espy, 1984
Barbara P. Essex
Larry J. Estesen, 1973
Tony Estevez
Seenary Etchison
Elizabeth Etoll
Timothy D.,1999 and Angela Etson
Warren H. Eusan, 1951
Alfreda Bradley Evans, 1960
Annette V. Evans, 1960
Elouise Evans
Eugene Evans
George Evans
Gina Evans
Jeff and Sheila Evans
Julius L. Evans, 1978
Kenneth Evans
Lawrence Evans
Lola A. Evans, 1959
Mary B. Evans
Mary Frances Butts Evans, 1949
Nichalos Evans
Sharon Evans
Vernon Evans
Alan Everett
Chini S. Everett, 2005
J. B. Everett
Leda H. Everett
Jason Ezelyn
Clarence Ezzard
Harold M. Fabre, 1981
Benjamin Fagan
Earnest, 1957 and Carmen E. Fowler
Phillip Fairweather
Krista M. Falconer, 1998
Jacey Falk
Maudine Fall
Paul Fallat
Rachel L. Fambrough, 2000
Deborah Faniel
Azita Fannin
Shirley McGee Fannings, 1970
Leola B. Fantroy
Henry Farber
Lynette Farmer
Kimberly D. Farris, 2000
Phil Fauver
Andrew Fazackerley
Joseph D. Feagin
Barbara Feinberg
Michael Feinberg
James L. Felder, 1961
Ruby Wright Felder, 1962
Kerwin Felix
Wayne Felix
Brian Fenton
Anthony J. Ferguson, 1987
Beverly Ferguson-Riggins, 1977
Rafael Fernandez
Carol Ferony
Jeslita D. Ferrell
Larry Ferrell
Anthony D. Fielder, 1983
Crystal F. Fields
Jerry Fields
Michael Fields
S. Jill Fields
Marilyn Filey
Clinton E. Finch, 1992
Ellen Finch
Stan Fineman
Dorothy Hawthorne Finkley, 1947
Isabella Finklestein
Morris Finley, 1958
Ronnie Finnell
Gladys Turner Finney, 1959
John H. Finney, 1972
Keith F. Fishe, 1981
Annette Fuller Fisher, 1948
Audrey Fisher
Gordan Fisher
Bruce Fitch
Charlene Fitzpatrick
Michael Flanigan, 1981
Robert D. Flanigan, 1970
Arnold Fleischmann
Kevin B. Fleming, 1981
Lashonta R. Flemister, 1995
Thomas Flemister
Wilton Flemon, 1961
Donald, 1950 and Brady Jones
Jacqueline Brown Fletcher, 1962
Paul Flexner
Odette Florence
Priscilla Boston Florence, 1961
Shirley A. Flournoy
Bob Flower
Sampson Flowers
Tracy D. Flowers, 1992
James H. Floyd, 1961
Quincy Floyd
Linda T. Foley
Leonard Folks
Aisha Follette
Samuella Gray Foney, 1953
Alma G. Forbes
Angela Forbes
Alfred L. Ford
Bridgett Ford
Carol Ford
Debra Ford
Emma D. Ford, 1947
Erick Ford
Erwin K. Ford, 1994
James Ford
Leonard Ford
Marcus Ford
Marsha Ford
Jill Ford Forest
Larma J. Ford-Whelchel, 1997
Jeanette Foreman
Bettye Foreman
E. Y. Foreman, 1973
Michelle Forest
Lawrence Forrester
Lloyd Forster
Yacine Forster
Kathryn M. Forsyth-Tarver, 1974
Alice Ollie Foster, 1957
Arnold W. Foster, 1982
Frances Foster
Fred D. Foster
Lynette M. Foster, 1979
Maxine Foster
Michael Foster
Sandra Foster
Stanely E. Foster
Alda Foster-Knighton
Cheryl V. Foster-Smith, 1979
Deborah Smith Fouch, 1955
John R. Fouch
Carl B. Fountain, 1986
Sarah Waddell Foushee, 1951
Paula Foust
Leona S. Fowler, 2004
Rosalind Barnes Fowler
Alyce Ringer Fowlks, 1963
Steven Fox
Dave and Jane Frackenpohl
Emmett M. Francis
Harriett G. Francis, 1977
Hubert Francis
Jerome Francis
Georges Francois
Gil Frank
Lisa Frank
Bram Frankel
Art Franklin
Cerico Franklin
Charles Franklin
Charlie J. Franklin, 1954
Douglas M. Franklin
Iika P. Franklin, 2001
Robert Franklin
Andrew Fraser
Linda Fraser
Alvin J. Frazier, 1972
Nneenah Moore Frazier, 1958
Zenobian Frazier
Danette M. Frederick, 2000
Peggy Freedman
Elise Freeman, 1966
Erma Sprauve Freeman, 1978
Linda D. Freeman, 1989
Seth Freeman
Charles E. French
Steve Frenkel
Frederick Fresh
Marsha Freso
Shirley A. Friar
Roshelle Friedman
Carla Friend
Carlton Fripp
Gloria Frisch
Carol Froman
Tim Fryar
Shirley Frye
Deuntry Fuller
Michael Fuller
Michael Fuller
Rhauchecca Fuller
Melvin Fulton
Anthony Fultz
Njeri Lawrence Fulwood, 1996
Makisha Funderburke
Rene Furgeson
Tunji J. Fussell, 1992
Mary Coles Futrell, 1946
Taylor Futuckes
Dorothy Glass Fye, 1970
Tom Gable
Chuck Gabriel
Ed Gadrix
Rebecca J. Gadsden, 1993
Bessie L. Gage, 1977
Severne Gainer
Harriet A. Gaines, 1975
Marguerite Gaines, 1983
Mary B. Gaines-Smith
Deisha T. Galberth, 2000
Elizabeth W. Garlington, 1928 (dec.)
Janice H. Gallimore, 1966
Richard Gallo
Geraldine Gambrell-Anthony
Tammy A. Gambrell-LaPread
Charles Gandy
Fred Ganoe
Linda Gantt
Lola R. Gardner
Margaret C. Gardner
Ernestine Weaver Garey, 1970
Alfred L. Garner
Ellis W. Garner
Kevin Garnett
Cameo Garrett
Sherri D. Garrett, 1976
Evangeline Garrett-Walls, 1976
Craig C. Garrison
Thomas W. Garrison
Reginald, 1952 and Gwendolyn
Combre Gary, 1952
Raymond G. Gaspart
Sam Gassaway
Audrey L. Gaston
Ebony Gaston
Johnnie Mae Gaston
Karla H. Gaston, 1996
Flossie P. Gates
Paul Gates, Jr.
James C. Gatewood
Wanda L. Pierce Gatewood, 1985
Travis Gavin
Altramese Gay
Bobby Gay
Gerald Gay
Mac Gay
Reggie Gay
Joseph N. Gayles, (dec.)
Winfield Gaylor, III
Nellie Wolfe Gaylord, 1943
Victor E. Geer, 1986
Sprangore Geford
George G. Geiger, Jr.
Lloyd J. Generette
Diane Geno
Diane Jones Gentles, 1978
John Burl Gentry
Margo L. Gentry
Andrea George
Andrea D. George
Carolyn George
Clarence George
Marvin George
Roumena G. Georgieva
Marjorie Hobson Gerard, 1968
Michael A. Gerber
Jennifer Gerz-Efcandon
Nicholas O. Geter
Angela Y. Getter
Lynn W. Ghiathi, 1980
Gwendolyn Gholson-Driver
David Gibbs
Ericka Gibson
Ernestine Gibson
Gerald Gibson
Irvin Gibson
Olafemi, 1996 and Marlene R.
Marva Stroud Gibson, 1970
Susan Watts Gibson, 1977
Robert Gilbert
Alan Giles
Clevin Giles
Sam Giles
So Nia L. Gilkey, 2000
Laquanda Gill
John Gillburt
Annestine Gillespie, 1973
Brenda Gillespie
Theodia Gillespie
Donalyn R. Gillette, 1998
Devona A. Gilliam, 1995
Jo-Lynn Gilliam
Lula Gilliam
Willie M. Gilliam
Cleve Gillies
Michael Gilmartin
Julia M. Gilmore, 1977
Rufus Gilmore, 1974
Marguerite Girard
Bonnie B. Gissendanner, 1998
Lyle, 1942 and Eleanor Rogers
Teresa D. Givens, 1987
Mark A. Gladney
Phillip Gladney
Mark Gladselter
Ernestine W. McCoy Glass, 1975
Kirk Glass
Lynett Glass
Stuart Glass
Stan Glaze
Rosemary Glean
Lorenzo Gleaton, 1969
Earl Glen
James H. Glenn
Jasmine R. Glenn, 1977
Marcia W. Glenn Hunter, 1966
Mike Glenn
George Glover
Howard Glover, 1979
Leila Perry Glover, 1975
Pharis Glover
Hubert, 1980 and Robin D.
Roni M. Simples Glover, 1980
Virgil Glover
Theron Godbee
Angela Goddard
David Godfrey
Grier Godfrey, 1973
Cerri Godwin
Alfonza R. Goggins, 1951 (dec.)
Milton Goins
Rajul Y. Gokarn
Nancy Goldberg
Cecilia G. Golden
Evelyn Golden
Terrance Golden
Beatrice Golden-Hayes
Mark Harris Goldman
John Goldsmith
Uldine J. Goler
Charles, 1975 and Barbara
Massenburg Golphin,1975
Carla Gomez
Roberto Goncalzes
Louis Gonzalez
C. R. Gooch
Cheryl Gooch
Glenda S. Gooden
R. Frank Gooden, III, 1980
Tonya Martin Gooden, 1983
Bill Goodhew
Richard Goodjoin
Peter Goodlett
Charles Goodman
Lucille B. Goodman, 1975
Dexter Goodrum
Greg Goodwin
Kathy Goodwin
Melvin Goodwin, 1962
Craig Goolsby
Antonia Goralink
James T. Gordon, 1970
Richard Gordon
Shirley J. Kimbrough Gordon, 1956
Sonya Gordon
Troy Gordon
William and Eugenia Gordon, 1966
Barbara West Gore, 1963
George A. Gore
William I. Gore, 1958
Cheryl Gosa
Ken Gosden
Stan L.,1953 and Samuelyn Goseer,
Benny and Elizabeth Goss
Sharon Goyle
Carlos Graajm
Kevin Grady
Ernesto J. Graham, 1988
Gary Graham
Subrena Graham-Foster
Revonna Graham-Mitchell, 1976
Anthony Granberry
Paula Granger
Anita H. Grant, 1987
Larry Grant
Laura Dumas,1968 and James Grant
Leila Thomas Grant, 1963
Michael and Michele Grant
Michelle Grant
Naima Grant
Nia J. Grant, 2003
Roberta P. Grant, 1969
Meredyth A. Gravely-Owen
Ameera Graves
Earl G. Graves
Michelle S. Graves, 1987
Teresa Graves
Althea Gray
James M. Gray
Latoya Gray
Louise G. Gray, 1954
Mario Gray
Ralph S. Gray
Rodney Gray
Russell Gray
Sara B. Gray
Sarah Nell Gray, 1991
Shirley L. Gray
Steve Gray
JoAnn Grayson, 1971
Portia Grayson
Carla Great
Aliyaa Green
Alus Green, 1971
Barney Green
Beatrice Freeman Green, 1974
Byron Green
Charles Green
Clyde W. Green, 1951
Ernest G. Green, Trustee
Julie Green
Krystal Green
Larry D. Green
Lawrence Green
Mike Green
Tita Green
Walter Green
William Green
Edith E. Greene, 1960
Ghussan Rouse,1968 and Greg
Ralph E. Greenlee, 1968
Jason Greer
Ernest Gresham
Anne Grier
Emma L. Harris Grier, 1955
Wayne Grier, 1983
Cary Griffin
Dhameerah Griffin
Eddie Evans Griffin, 1957
Gerard L. Griffin, 1976
Jeffrey F. Griffin, 1988
Kevin Griffin
Lilton Griffin
Saniyyah Griffin
William G. Griffin
Arthur and Deborah Griffiths
Arthur J. Griggs, 1965
Grace Griggs
Mickey Grimes
Morey Grimes
William T. Grimes, Jr., 1964
Ann W. Grimmett
Carter Grimmett
Johnnye M. Grimmett
Chris and Beth Grimshaw
Harriette Grissom
Thomas P.,1948 and Gwendolyn
Amaryllis N. Grogan, 1973
Jamal Grooms
Temika Grooms
Coleridge T. Gross
Edward Gross
Michael Grosswald
Jabari Grover
Darrell L. Groves
Dizida Gude
Sam Gude
Linda W. Gulley
Faye Gunn
Thomas Gurley
John C. Guyton
Charles Hoyle
Peter Hable
Jerhard Hackert
Linda Hackett
Marva M. Hackney
Mary Ellen Hackney
Darryl Haddock
Marcy Haddocks
Roy E. Hadley
Bobby Hadnott
Carolyn Haffen
Carmen Hagen
Earl Hagger
Donovan Hagues
Sharyn M. Hailey
Gwendolyn Haire
Eric Hairston
Raleigh D. Hairston, 1962
Robert Hairston
Wendy O. Hairston
C. Hanifa Hakim
Cynthia Hale
James Hale
Mae Williams Hale, 1973
Wimbley Hale, 1966
Edward Hales
Aaron Hall
Brian Hall
Charles Hall
Cynthia R. Hall
Eddie Hall
Eric Hall
James Hall
J'Antae D. Hall, 2003
John Hall
Julia Wallace Hall
Linda A. Hall
Napoleon Hall
Richard Hall
Sabrina T. Hall, 1988
Therrell Hall
Woodrow Hall
Julius Haller
Reuben Haller
Dona Halliday
Mary Lorenz and Jim Halling
Danine Hallman
Kendall Hallman
Dwight Halston
Joseph Hambrite
Bob Hamilton
Dana L. Hamilton, 1992
Darlene Hamilton
K. J. Hamilton
Rochelle Hamilton
Sharla L. Hamilton, 1997
Theressa Hamilton
Wes Hamilton
April Hamm
William E. Hamm
Angela C. Hammond, 1983
Kenneth Hammond
W. R. Hammond
William T. Hammond, 1967
Wynette Hammons
Evelyn Zackary Hampton, 1962
Ottellia Hampton
Thurman Hampton
Tracey L. Hampton-Yarborough,
Betty Hanacek
Jacqueline McQuay Handy, 1986
Theodore Hanifa
Cornelia A. Hankins
Rogina E. Hannon, 1980
Art Hansen
Lars Hansen
Tom Hansen
Lawrence Haralson
Warren Harren
Thomas S. Harbin
Tracie A. Harbin-Burress, 1990
Jerry L. Hardee, 1960
Malcolm Hardeman
Marshall N. Hardeman, 1956
Ellen Harden
Lisa Harden
Shawn M. Harden, 1983
Dorian Hardy, Jr.
Jim Hardy
Lola Harris Hardy, 1964
Lewis K.,1982 and Avadawn Hargett
Patrice Hargrove
Plunella Bailey Hargrove, 1957
Valencia G. Hargrove
Jennye Townsend Harland Emanuel,
John Harley
Lillian L. Dent Harley, 1957
Cappy Harmon
Bessie M. Harper, 1991
Gordon Harper
Janice Harper
Lisa Harper
Kennis R. Harrell, 1973
Margaret Harrell
Dorothy Foster Harrell-Ellis, 1960
Shaunda E. Harrell-Frazier, 1997
Biloly Harrington
Charlotte M. Harris
Constance L. Harris, 1975
Cynthia Harris
Cynthia G. Piggopp Harris, 1949
Darryl Harris
Irving, 1950 and Eloise Lyons
Florence Gill Harris, 1955
Gina Johnson Harris, 1978
H. M. Harris, III
Henry M. Harris
Jacqueline V. Harris
Kathryn Harris
Ken Harris
LeRoy Harris
Letty Harris
Lisa Harris
Mary Stephens Harris, 1962
Michael Harris
Phil Harris
Raymond J.,1957 and Willibelle Lee
Harris, 1959
Ronald Harris
Rosa W., and Herbert Harris
Rosalyn T. Harris, 2000
Shirley Harris, 1986
Stephanie C. Harris, 1994
Sylvia Harris
Terry Harris
Virginia Harris
Will Harris
William Harris
Winifred, 1955 and Mary S.
Yolanda Harris
Dorothy Howard Harris-Burwell,
Alvin Harrison
Christy C. Garrison Harrison, 1991
Michelle S. Harrison, 1995
Hattie Harris-Ship
Antonio Harriston
Issifu I. Harruna, 1985
Frank Harscher
Bettie Ann C. Hart
Carolyn Hart, 1997
Deirdre L. Hart, 1990
Bernadette Hartfield
Ramunica Harton
Alpalena Hartsfield
Barbara Hartsfield
William Hartsfield
Criss Hartzell
Djuana M. Harvell, 1996
Henri Harvey
Ivery W. Harvey, 1963
Marques Harvey
Michael Harvey
Joanne H. Harvey-Lottie, 1969
Benson Harville
Aisha Hasan
Ishaq Haskell
Osiris Hassan
Stephanie Hassle
George Hasty
John W. Hatch
Marian Farris Hatch, 1969
Mark A. Hatcher, 1999
Clemmie Barnes Hatchett, 1958
My-Ron A. Hatchett
Glenda A. Hatchett-Johnson
Sherrie Hauser-Simmons
Tamanika Haven
Danny Hawes
Tantheah Hawes
Anthony Hawkins
Candace D. Hawkins
Charlena Hawkins
Charles Hawkins
Elvin Hawkins
Neville Hawkins
Angel Hawthorne
Victor L. Haydel
Allene Farmer Hayes, 1981
Betty Blake Hayes, 1953
Dajuan Hayes
Johnny Hayes
Karen N. Hayes, 1990
Lillie G. Hayes, 1996
Michelle Hayes
Willie B. Hayes
Lisa P. Haygood, 1990
Heather E. Haynes
Karima B. Haynes, 1984
Albert W. Hayward, 1956
Darryl B. Hazel
Myron Head
Deborah J. Heard, 1971
Rosalyn Law Heard, 1963
Simon Heard, Jr., 1974
John T. Heath, 1963
Christopher M. Hebron, 1996
Sheralyn Morrissette Hector, 1974
Olivia Hedgepeth
Craig Heiser
Tim Helton
Michael Hemby
Ted Hemingway
Eve M. Hemmans, 1966
Faith Neal Hemphill, 1962
Marcie Hemphill
Alexa Benson Henderson, 1966
Anna P. Henderson
Betty A. Henderson, 1969
Charles Henderson
Gwendolyn Wright Merritt
Henderson, 1965
James H. Henderson
Kevin Henderson
Lois Henderson
Lori C. Henderson, 1999
O. J. Henderson
Robbye Robinson Henderson, 1968
Ronald L. Henderson
Sue Henderson
Verna James Henderson, 1939
Walter Henderson
Annie O. Henderson-Davis, 1984
Bobbie J. Henderson-Moore, 1957
Michael Hendley
Eula B. Hendricks
Helen J. Hendricks
Ida B. Hendricks
Sedrie Henley
Alice L. Henry
Antonio Henry
Harold Henry
Horace C. Henry, 1971
K. T. Henry
Matthew R. Henry, 1966
Sheree Henry
Suzanne Henry
Brenda T. Henry-Fox, 1980
Tracie R. Henson, 1998
Muriel Hepburn
Patricia Hepburn
Siriyama K. Herath
Mark and Sophia Herbert-Peterson
Paul and Norma Herd
Juanita Hernadez
Kanata A. Herring, 1993
Melanie Herring
Maxine M. Hess
Tiberius C. Hester, 1950
B. J. Hewitt
Robert Hibler
Reggie Hickmon
Alvin Hicks
Darryl Hicks
John Hicks
Martini Hicks
Trent T. Hickson, 1981
Sidney Hieronymus
Richard Higgins
Dorothy L. Highland
William S. Hight, 1951
Michael Hightower, 1979
Ondrea Hightower
Anthony D. Hill, 1985
Charles A. Hill, 1997
Cheryl Y. Hill, 1990
Coleman Hill
Ermina V. Hill, 1983
Etta J. Hill
Frederick Hill,
Harvenia H. Hill
James Hill
Jean I. Hill, 1974
Kimberly Hill
Latanya D. Hill
Louise C. Hill, 1974
Loyce L. Hill
Marla Hill
Mary Hill
Mary Ann Hill
Melanie L. Campbell Hill, 1983
Michael Hill
Naidra Hill, 1994
Pamela Hill
Tandra Hill
Ted Hill
Walter J. Hill
Helen R. Hill-Fields, 1972
Asa (dec.) and Patsy Hilliard
Patricia Hilliary
Marilyn L. Brooks Hill-Jones, 1954
Delores Hillman
Stephanie Hills
Otis Hillsman
Renee F. Hill-Sweet, 1995
Alida Hines
Doug Hinson
Justin Hires
Kimberly Hixon
Sylvia E. Hoard, 1997
Gerald Hobbs
Lamar Hobbs
Alma D. Hodges
Virgil H. Hodges
Gayle Hodnett
Mamie T. Hoefer, 1957
Brett Hogan
Dan Hogan
Ernestine D. Hogan, 2003
Robert J. Hogan, 1991
Tom Hogan
Diane Holbel
Joseph Holden and Martha Lowe
Brenda Holland
Derick Holland
Mike Holland
Francis Holley
John C. Holley
Billy Holliday
John A. Hollingsworth
DaWayne Hollins
Andrea M. Hodges Hollis, 1985
Bert Holloway
Marjorie Alexander Holloway, 1956
Rhonda Holloway
Louise Thornton Hollowell, 1953
Daniel Hollums
Bill Holmberg
Bernard L. Holmes, 1973
Charles H. Holmes, 1960
Corey W. Holmes, 2003
Elaine Pace Holmes, 1982
Etoile Stropshire Holmes, 1955
Gladys Long Holmes, 1937
J. R. Holmes
James F. Holmes
Larry Holmes
LaWanda D. Holmes, 1992
Rosa Holmes
Thomas Holmes
Lisa Holstein
Dwight Holston
Arthur Holt
Paul Holtzheimer
Vicki Holtznan
Rhonda., 1983 and James Honegan,
Angela M. Dawson Hood, 1984
Cathy Obrien Hood
LaTahnja R. Hood, 1989
Leamon Hood
Philip L. Hood, 1956
Quintin Hood
Billie J. Hooker, 1967
Terry Hooks
Cathy B. Hope, 2002
Dean Hope
Gwendolyn Keith-Dooley Hopgood,
Collette M. Hopkins, 1975
John D. Hopkins
Lavona Hopkinson
Mary Ann Hopper
Cynthia B. Hopson, 1985
Lorraine Hopson-Walton, 1976
Donald and Karen Horace
Christine Horn
Oscar Hornbuckle
Cherry W. Horne
Julie Horowitz
Raymon Horton
James Hoskins
Mark A. Hoskins
Carl E. House, 1971
Kevin Houser
Pam Houser
Allyson S. Houston, 2006
Deborah A. Houston
Ramona A. Houston, 1992, Trustee
Mia L. Houston-Madison, 1997
Angus G. Howard
Jeffrey Howard
Kenneth D. Howard, 1962
Lillie Perdue Howard, 1952
Mattie W. Howard, 1969
Preston D. Howard
Ronald Howard
Wanda Howard
Gerry Howe
John Howe
Alyce Vyann-Howell
Charles E. Howell, 1998
George Howell and Mtamanika
Loretta Howell
Maria Howell
Elizabeth Howse
Wendell S. Huang, 1968
Sharon D. Hubbard-Belcher, 1988
Floyd Hubert
Tjuana P. Huddleston, 1992
Alicia Hudson
Delores Harris Hudson, 1962
Devon Hudson
John D. Hudson, 1950
Kenneth Hudson
Terrie Hudson
Warner Hudson
Kristal R. Hudson-Randall,
Frances Barnes Huff, 1946
Ivy N. Huff
Andrea Hughes
Gwen Hughes
Mike Hughes
John E. Hughey, Jr., 1971
Katherine L. Hughey, 1975
Ella J. Hughley, 1958
Kevin G. Hughley
Stephanie Hughley
Trish Huguley
Chris Hume
Arnold Humphrey
Frankie Humphrey
Sarah Humphrey
David Humphries
Walter and Helen Hundley
Bryce Hungerford
Benniesha E. Hunter, 1995
Eddie L. Hunter
Eleanor Hunter
Gayle Hunter
Jacqueline Hunter, 1957
Kevin Hunter
M. R. Hunter
Mary Hunter
Mildred M. Hunter
Sharon Hunter
Tim Hunter
Wylie Hunter
Alvie Huntley
Tywana Huntley
Fredericka Flack Hurley, 1963
Rainford Hursefield
Linda B. Hurt, 1973
Najah S. Husser, 1997
Bettye O’Neal Hutchings, 1948
Krystle L. Hyatt, 2005
Vergil Hyatt
Wayne Hyatt
Carla Hyman
Fatima Hyman
R. William Ide, III, Trustee
Sophia Illescas
Kumiko Imai
Jai A. Ingraham, 1999
Bruce and Judith Ingram
Cleo A. Ingram
Demetrius J. Ingram
Jocelyn R. Ingram, 1999
Laquata Ingram
Nathaniel and Judith Ingram
Raymond R. Ingram, 1986
Constance D. Ingram-Allen, 1981
William Inman
Tony Ippolito
Jesse Ireland
Robert Ireland
Edward D. Irons
Ataome Irune, 2000
Albert Irving
Robin Isaf
Guy Ishimoto
Shaunya C. Ishmael, 1989
Joy Isoke
Wendy G. Shannon Isom, 1990
Kokayi Issa
Joyce Washington Ivery, 1969
Thelma Carroll Ivery, 1967
Andrea Jackson
Angela Jackson
Ann Shumate Jackson, 1957
Anthony L. Jackson, 1972
Archie Jackson
Birdel Jackson, III
Carlton A. Jackson, 1963
Cassandra G. Pryor Jackson, 1980
Cathy Jackson
Courtney Jackson
Curtis Jackson
Cynthia Jackson
D. T. Jackson
Daniel Jackson
Danielle Jackson
Debra Jackson
Dewanda Jackson
Dorie and Alan Jackson
Dorothy J. Jackson, 1963
Earl Jackson
Edward Jackson
Eric Jackson
Everlina Ridley Jackson, 1953
Gerri Jackson
Harold Jackson
Ira L. Jackson, 1957
Jacqueline Jackson, 1970
James, 1961 and Helen C. Jackson
Jewell Jackson
Jimmy Jackson
Karen D. Jackson, 1984
Katherine H. Jackson
Kelley Jackson
Kimberly H. Jackson
Leif and Nikkole Jackson
Leopold L.,1985 and Terresita
Rogers Jackson, 1986
Leslie Jackson
Louis Jackson
M. Jackson
Malikka N. Jackson, 1993
Marilyn Jackson
Marva Randolph Jackson, 1962
Mary Helen Q. Thomas Jackson,
Melinda Jackson
Pat Jackson
Patricia Jackson
Priscilla Jackson
Ralph A. Jackson
Ramona D. Jackson
Richard and Peggy Jackson
Richard A. Jackson, 1967
Robert B. Jackson
Rudolph Jackson
Roger Jackson
Sharmeen Jackson
Sheryl Jackson
Tamiko Y. Jackson, 1997
Theodore R. Jackson, 1994
Tv Jackson
Tymera O. Jackson, 1986
Valerie Jackson
William B. Jackson, 1960
Willie Jackson
Yolanda Jackson
Yvonne Jackson
Bunnie Jackson-Ransom
Audrey Jacobs
Darrion T. Jacobs, 1997
Ida Dent Jacobs, 1962
J. H. Jacobs
Walter R., and Loretta Jacobs
Russell Jacquette
Dieter Jaeger
Brent James
Chawn James
Christopher James
Dennis James
Elvin James
Janie M. Sapp James, 1964
Jethro James, 1951
Levy James
Marcia A. James
Mary B. James
Ron James
Sheryl James
Vincent James
Watu James
Samuel C. Hamilton, 1965
Genevieve Juliette Jandel
Dariel M. Janerette Easton, 1988
Camillie B. Janess
David Jaquess
Marie Hardrick Jarnigan, 1948
Canielia R. Jarrell, 1996
Thomas D. Jarrett
Willa Henderson Jarrett, 1951
Gay-linn E. Gatewood Jasho, 1981
Wilma Simpson Jeff, 1962
King B. Jeffcoat, 1962
Patrick Jeffers
Alexander Jefferson, Jr., 1942
Chanelle Jefferson
Frankie Jefferson
Lorenzo Jelks, 1961
Kevin Jenkin
Ammon P. Jenkins, 1971
Art Jenkins
Belinda Jenkins
Bill Jenkins
Carolyn M. Jenkins, 1960
Cynthia and Marcus Jenkins
Darrell Jenkins
Dorothy Harper Jenkins, 1973
Elizabeth Jenkins
Everett Jenkins
Helen Jenkins
Isabella Taylor Jenkins, 1953
Kerrisha S. Jenkins, 1999
Melvin G. Jenkins, 1969
Ralph Jenkins
Yvonne J. Jenkins
Zenith Jenkins
Bethew B. Jennings, 1998
Joseph Jennings
Linda M. Jennings
Vernee Jennings
Garry Jeoffroy
Andy Jerrick
Patricia C. Jessamy
Pauline Jester
Warren,1994 and Shirley Jester,
Cheryl D. Jester-George, 1987
Patricia Jeter
Joseph, 1953 and Barbara Taylor
Jewell, 1951
Fareed Jihad
Joi John
Lynn John
Amil Johnson
Amri Johnson
Amy Johnson
Angela Johnson
AnnMarie Johnson
Anthony W. Johnson, 1981
Audrey M. Johnson
Benjamin Johnson, 1950
Bonita C. Johnson
Brenda Johnson
Bruce Johnson
Calvin C. Johnson, 1980
Calvin H. Johnson, 1949
Catherine L. Johnson
Cecelia B. Johnson, 1975
Charis Johnson
Charlene Johnson
Chereta Johnson
Clarence Johnson, 1980
Clarise M. Johnson, 1974
Cleopatra Albury Johnson, 1953
Larry Johnson
Debra Johnson
Derrick Johnson, PC
Donald Johnson, 1972
E. Michelle B. Johnson, 1982
Althea and Earl Johnson
Earnest Johnson
Eddie Johnson, 1964
Eddie R. Johnson
Edmond Johnson, 1982
Fred Johnson
Gary Johnson
George Johnson
George A.,1958 and Sylvia Johnson,
George T. Johnson, 1957
Glenda H. Johnson
Gwendolyn L. Johnson, 1968
Harvey M. Johnson, 1972
Henry C. Johnson, Jr., 1976
Indigo Debrah Johnson
James E. Johnson, 1980
Jamuir M. Johnson, 1997
Jennifer C. Johnson
Jerome B. Johnson, 1985
Jerry Johnson
Joseph F. Johnson
K. M. Sourie Johnson
Kelnon Johnson
Kenya L. Johnson, 1994
Kim Johnson
Kurk Johnson
Laouida Johnson
Laura Johnson
LeRoy Johnson, 1982
Lizzie Bacon Johnson, 1948
Lula McLaughlin Johnson, 1959
Mable Lumpkins Johnson, 1955
Margaret Johnson
Marilyn G. Johnson
Michael Johnson
Peggye Kirby Johnson, 1963
Raymond Johnson
Rod Johnson
Ronald Johnson
Seymour H. Johnson, 1950
Shirley A. Johnson
Stephanie L. Johnson
Susan Johnson
Theodore L. Johnson, 1969
Theresa Johnson
Tobe and Goldie Johnson
Tom Johnson
Tony R. Johnson, 1987
Tracey D. Johnson
V. L. Johnson
Vernelle Olive Johnson, 1956
Walter Johnson
Wendell Johnson
Willie P. Johnson, 1982
Winston A. W. Johnson
Yvonne L. Johnson, 1993
Carl Johnston
Keith Johnston
Steven Johnstone
Adolthuus Jones
Anika Jones
Anita Jones
Annease C. Jones, 1971
Aquilla Brown Jones, 1961
Archie and Tiffini Jones
Boby Jones
Bruce Jones
C. C. Jones, Jr.
Cheryl R. Jones, 1995
Chjame S. Jones, 2001
Christola Wilkerson Jones, 1931
Chrystal Jones
Contrell Jones
Cynthia D. Troup Jones, 1973
David Jones
Edgar L. Jones
Edtora Jones
Franklin J. Jones
George Jones, 1971
Gloria L. Jones, 1994
Harold Jones
Henrietta L. Jones
Herbert C. Jones
Herman Jones
Ingrid Saunders Jones, Trustee
Jacqueline Jones
Estate of Jacqueline M. Jones, 1961
Jacqueline W. Jones, 1968
Jahmilah A. Jones, 2005
James Jones
Jamila S. Jones, 2000
Jennette A. Jones
Jennie Johnson Jones, 1957
Jenny L. Jones, 2002
Jesola E. Jones
Jimmy J. Jones
John Jones
John E. Jones, 1980
John H. Jones
Joshua R. Jones, 2006
Joyce Jones
Joyce Jordan Jones, 1963
Katie McKinney Jones, 1947
Keith S. Jones, 1996
Kellye Jones
Kimberly L. Jones, 1991
Latesha Jones, 1999
Leamber Jones
Lena R. Livsey Jones, 1957
Linda Dozier Jones
Lionel Jones
Lorenzo Jones
Madoshi Jones
Martha Momon Jones, 1959
Mary L. Fagan Jones, 1970
Melissa and Ariel Jones
Michael Jones
Michele Y. Jones
Milton H. Jones, Jr.
Nathan Jones
Nicole Jones
Oliver B. Jones, 1995
Pamalia D. Jones
Robert Jones
Robert A. Jones, 2001
Robin Jones
Ronald Jones
Ronald B. Jones
Rose M. Jones
Sara Jones
Saunders Jones, Jr.
Sharon R. Jones, 1972
Sheila D. Jones, 1978
Shirley Haper Jones, 1963
Stacie Jones
T. J. Jones
Teresa A. Gaines Jones, 1985
Thelma I. Jones, 1948
Theodore, 1956 and Sylvia Lee
Jones, 1956
Tiffany M. Jones, 2000
Vernon Jones
Virous Wyant Jones, 1962
Warren, 1985 and Teresa Jones,
William Jones
Willie Jones
Cedrella Jones-Taylor
Abbie H. Williams Jordan, 1953
Berri Jordan
Beverly Jordan
Crystal Jordan
Debra Jordan
Dennis F. Jordan
Earnestine Jordan
Elizabeth Tanksley Jordan, 1970
Harold and Michelle Jordan
Janelle J. Jordan, 1997
Linda J. Jordan, 1985
Vanessa L. Jordan
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
Michael and Laeria Jorden
John Jordon
Anthony Joseph
Joretta B. Joseph, 1990
Richard and Leslie Joseph
Patrick Josey
Natasha M. Joyce
Jerry Junious
Joyce L. Junious
Joycelyn Junious
Laura Junious
Stacey Jurhree, 1991
Rahman Kafele, 1998
Yamini Kagal
Phyllis V. Kaltenbach
Tom Kamara
Carolyn Kaplin
Rahim Kariem
Beverly Kates
John Katz
Anthony Kay
Anjanette Keane-Dawes
Patricia Kearns
Mollie M. Keaton, 1980
Atiba Kee
Terrel Keels
Thomas Keene
Dannie Hornsby Keepler, 1966
Camille E. Keith, 2006
Jonnie T. Keith, 1971
Sherry P. Keith
Carol C. Kelley
Helen Perkins Kelley, 1965
Jeff Kelley
Marion D. and Gene Kelley
Grace Kelley-Driver
Cynthia Kelley-Maddox
Joe Kellman
Ivan Kelly
James Kelly
Jeff Kelly
Jennifer F. Kelly
Mike Kelly
Rod Kelly
Hub Kelsh
Irvin O. Kemp, 1949
Melissa Prunty Kemp
Michael Kemp
Robin Kemp
Yakini B. Kemp, 1986
Melissa Kendall
Martha Griffin Kendrick, 1965
Simon Kendrick
Alton Kennedy
Jacquelyn Y. Hamm Kennedy, 1956
Mildred A. Kennedy, 1963
Sallie Hall Kennedy, 1970
Shakira A. Kennedy, 2001
Sheree Kernizan
Althea Waymer Kevil, 1979
Lisa Keyes
Shafiq A. Khan
Jennifer J. Kilburn, 1996
Rosalind U. Kilpatrick, 2001
Wylie J. Kilpatrick, 1963
Ann L. Wead Kimbrough, 1979
Bernice W. Kimbrough
Eleanor Turner Kimbrough, 1952
Ruby L. Kimbrough, 1948
William Kimbrough
Marlon C. Kimbrow, 1995
Lisa P. Kinard, 1987
Ronald P. Kincey, 1996
Alan King
April T. King, 2000
Barbara Lewis King, 1957
Claudette R. King
Gracie M. King, 1965
Henry, 1959 and Peggy M. King
J. L. King
Jean King
Kelley King
Laurel M. King, 1992
Lauren King
Linda King
N. Judge,1963 and Reatha Clark
King, 1958
Olujimi King
Richard King
Robert E. King, 1981
Roland King
Valencia King
William C. King
Daniel Kingloff
Washington Kingsby
Andrew Kinsey
James and Earline Kinsey
Julius Kinsey
Larry Kippins
Ardine Kirchhofer
Anthony D. Kirk
Douglas A. Kirk, 1968
Shellie Kirk
Dana Kirkland
Kay Kirkman
Naomi Kirkman-Bey
Gary J. Kirksey
Helena Kirksey
Dawn Kirstaetter, 1991
Richard Kistow
Willie Kitchens
Earl Klugh
Aiyetoro Kmt
Darrel Knicely
Dian Knight
Erica L. Knight, 2003
Faith Murphy Knight
Gregory Knight
Helen G. Knight
Kim McFarland Knight, 1982
Larita Knight
Sherese D. Knights, 2005
Terry Evans Knight, 1979
Michel Knopfler
Katie Knowlin, 1972
Alfred L. Knox, Sr., 1953
Dorothy E. Knox
Rosalyn Q. Jones Knox, 1977
Ras Kofi
Edward W. Koger, 1992
Issa Kokayi
John and Susan Kokoszka
Kofi Kondwani
Melvin Konner
Xerxes Kooles
Jeff Koplan
Susan N. Kossak
Nancy W. Kranz
Regina M. Krochmal
Edward Krugman
Al Kulikowski
Gabriel Kupermine
Janet L. Kupperman
Gunter and Sharon Kurrle
Bebeline Laboy
Sandra P. Lacefield, 1995
Awilda Lacey
Michael Lacey
Don LaChance
Bishop Aaron Lackey
Michael Lacour
Shirley Ross Lacy, 1972
Robert W. Ladd
Janine Ladson
Chante Lagon
Angela Lain
E. T. Laird
Mavis W. Lakes
Venessa Price Lamar, 1977
Essex and Lucretia Lampkin
Kevin Lampkin
Lewis H. Lancaster
Ronny Lancaster
Leonard Lancette
Dorothy T. Land
Betty Landrum
Nat Landry
David Allen Lane
Sandra D. Lane, 1966
Shelese C. Lane, 1992
Agatha Daniels Lang, 1949
Pamela Lappin
Tammy G. Lapread, 1991
Jerrilyn McGhee Larkin, 1967
Rebecca Larkin
Jason W. Lary, 1985
Horace C.,1958 and Janice Laster,
Veronica Laster (Jodie)
Khadeejah C. Lasuc, 1999
Doug Latham
Lorenzo Latimer
Randy Latimer
Tiffany N. Lattimer, 2005
Debra Steven Lattimore
Fabienne Lauture
Inez Aires Lavind, 1953
Anthony Lavorgna
Kafayat Lawal
Jermaine Lawrence
Michael J. Lawrence
Robert and Simone Lawrence
Taryn L. Lawrence, 1984
Vernita G. Warrior Lawrence, 1991
Janice Lawrence-Clarke
William H. Laws
Edward D. Lawson, 1962
Eloise Lawson
Ivy Lawson
J. J. Lawson, 1968
Johann R. Lawton
Natalie Lawson
Nwandi Lawson
Owen Lawson
Sharon S. Lawson, 1991
Leah Leach
Kimberly Leachman
Wilfred Leaks
Dawn M. Leaner, 1997
Suzette Leaphart
Wilbur T. Leaphart, 1991
Edna R. Leary, 1963
Luke Leavitt
Maurice Lecroy
Andrew and Ellen Lederman
Cheryl Y. Lee, 1979
Cynthia Lee, 1982
James C. Lee, 1995
Joan P. Lee
John E. Lee, 1969
Kalima Lee
Laura Johnston Lee, 1962
Marie B. Lee, 1991
Mary H. Lee, 1983
Renee Lee
Steven Lee
Vivian F.,1971 and Hilliard Lee
William H. Lee
LaVerne B. LeFlore, 1969
Harry Leftridge
Marc Leger
Mary Legg
Anna Y. Leggett
Ronald T. Lemezis
Kim Lemon
Carol Mitchell Leon
David M. Leonard
Sherald Jackson Leonard, 1970
Diane Lesley
Sarah Leverette
Joseph Levert
Elizabeth Levine
Marshall Levine
Alberteen Young Lewis, 1991
Allen Lewis
Clarence, 1953 and Viriginia Lewis,
Clarissa Lewis, 1994
Cynthia Patterson Lewis, 1974
Deneen A. Lewis, 1988
Diane Lewis
Dolphus G. Lewis, 1969
Gail B. Randall Lewis, 1968
Jean West,1965 and Rogers Lewis
Jeannine Lewis
Joyce Lewis
Kiona Lewis
Linda Lewis
Lonzy Lewis
Marsha A. Lewis, 1995
Marva Lewis
Mary Barnett Lewis, 1968
Naima Lewis
Nathan L.,2001 and Nicole Lewis
Phillip Lewis
Robert L. Lewis, 1953
Shanta Lewis
Sheila E. Lewis, 1981
Shelby Lewis
Shena Lewis
Vivian S. Brown Lewis, 1965
Yvonne Lewis
Renel L. Lewis-Jenkins, 1993
De`Edra Z. Lewis-Johnson, 1988
Iris L. Lewis-Moody, 1979
Eniola O. Leyimu, 1979
Janice L. Liddell
Robert Lieberman
Susan Liebeskind
Carl Liender
Audrienne Light
Diane Light
Shana Lightfoot
Frank M. Ligon
Portia Ligon
Christina Lihan
Cory M. Lima, 2001
Hilary and Less Lincoln
Lucy C. Lincoln
Gregg and Libby Lindahl
Clay Linder
Vicki Linder
Zebedee Linder, 1980
Larry Lindke
Joe N. Lindsey, 1981
Seconda Lindsey
Brad Lingerfelt
Bernard Linnette
Kenneth Linning
Sereata Linton
Harold Lippit
Adiel Cantrell Lisbon, 1952
Allan Little
Carol Parks Little
Harold B. Little, 1986
Henry Little
Jacqueline L. Little
Joe L. Little, 1997
Kate Little
Kim Little
Luroyale Little
Nate Little
Omah Little
William Richard Little
William R. Little, 1974
Charles Liverpool
Ezra G. Livingston
Janie M. Livsey, 1973
Charliemae Willman Lloyd, 1953
Iris W. Lloyd
Carlton Lockard
Demetrius Lockett
Alfred D. Lockhart
Bobby Lockhart
Verdree Lockhart, 1957
Vernita B. Lockhart
Antonio Lofton
Karl Lofton
Brenda J. Logan
E. Redmond Logan, 1966
Frank Logan
Gloria G. Logan
Kofi Lomotey
Betty Londengan
Donald Long
Ernest, 1965, and Reba Long
Juanita Mitchell Long, 1955
Renee C. Long, 1985
Richard A. Long
T. M. Long
Jose E. Lopez, 1997
George Lopos
Clyde Lord
Stan Loth
Kaneta Lott
Emma Johnson Loud, 1951
Benjamin W. Louder,
Lynda Roberson Louis, 1972
Albert E. Love, 1974
Rose Love
Vernitta Love
Yvonne Love
William Lovely
Gary Lovett
Bennie O.,1952 and Belle Lowe
Chantrell Lowe
Lewis M. Lowe, 1954
Robert, 1965 and Barbara Harper
Lowe, 1965
Walter J. Lowe
Deborah Lowery
Donald Lowery
Joseph E. Lowery
Teresa Lowery
Hadley Lowy
Dennis Lucas
Kim Lucas
Shirley T. Lucas
Letrice A. Durham Lucear, 1991
Stephen Lucy
Mary Calhoun Lumpford, 1968
Houston Lumpkin
Mary C. Lundy, 1962
Alan Lunsford
Freddy and Trish Luster
George Luster
Mary B. Lyle
Richard, 1964 and Lauretta Smith
Lyle, 1990
Scott Lyons
Malka M’Buzi-Moore
Mary Clark Mabra, 1970
Donald G. Mack, 1998
John W. Mack, 1969
Sonia Mack
Terry Mack
H. J. Macklin
Gretchen E. Maclachlan
Matthew Macon
Angeleke A. Maddox
Elton P. Maddox
James, 1967 and Alise Maddox
Michael Maddox
Sheila A. Maddox
Sherman Maddux
Nancy Madill
Jonathan Madison, 2003
Michelle Y. Madison, 1982
Martha Maggard
Mark Maguire
Nancy Maignan
Paul Mainor
Grace Maiola
Talibah Majeed
Delores Major
Helen Ephriam Major, 1969
Gary Malcolm
Siddeeqah N. Malik, 1999
Jerry Mallard
Ethel Hurst Mallory, 1948
Mary Weems Mallory, 1992
Sherry Mallory
Regina Malloy
Matthew M. Malok
James and Charna Malone
Rubie M. Malone, 1961
Rosanne Maltese
Chuck Mandt
Stoddard Manikin
Robert Manis
Bob Manley
Claudine B. Manning, 1956
Deatrice Manning
Kimberly L. Manning, 1990
Lillian D. Manning, 1968
Ruth M. Manning
Carla Mannings
Mr. and Mrs. Mansbach
Audrey L. Manson
John Manson
Alimah Maolud, 1998
Betty Lewis Mapp, 1966
Andridia V. Mapson, 2001
Herbert R. Marbury
David Marcus
Pat Marcus
Terrence Marcus, Sr.
Cordena Mardell
George Marion
Joseph Marks
Richard Marks
Sharon Marks
Toya E. Marks, 2005
Thomas A. Marnell
Steve Marsh
Tamara Marsh
William F. Marsh
Arthur W. Marshall, 1975 (dec.)
Brigitte Marshall
Connie O. Marshall
Munjah Marshall
Russell Marshall
Trichita Marshall
Velma Carr Marshall, 1968
Fred Marsteller
Charlotte Martin
Clara Howell Martin, 1951
Clarence T. Martin, 1976
Denena Martin
Dora Thomas Martin, 1961
Edwina M. Martin, 1947
Eleanor W. Martin
Janet L. Hutchins Martin, 1976
Jelyne V. Martin, 1996
Joseph and Bernadetta Martin
Phil Martin
Ralph Martin
Terry Martin
Warren Martin
Eduardo Martinez
Tracey M. Martin-Toomer
Barbara L. Washington Mason, 1971
Karen Mason
Linda Mason
Sam Massell
Elizabeth B. Massengill
Donald Massey and Marva Shelton
Walter and Shirley Massey
Yvette D. Massey
Kathy Masterson
Katherine Mathes
Derrick Mathews
Daniel Mathieu
Magalene Mathis, 1951
Delbra Matlock-Washington
Charles R. Matthews, 1981
Hewitt W. Matthews, 1966
Kimberly Matthews
Sean Matthews
Sherelle M. Matthews
Dan Mattox
Portia E. Mattox-Noble, 1987
Fall Maudine
Errol and Lucille Mauge’
Ruthie J. Maultsby, 1989
John Maupin
Alison Mawle
Kevin Maxey
Caroline Charles May
Dan May
Jessie Glanton May, 1949
Robin M.,1997 and Lee May, 1998
Bruce Mayfield
Christine Mayfield
Gwendolyn Mahone Mayfield, 1964
Evelyn Wynn Dixon
James C. Mays, 1969
Joseph Mays
Sylvia W. Mays
Elgin C. Mazone
Atiba S Mbiwan
David and Elizabeth McAlister
Alfred McAntz
Sandra K. McBeth
Cornell McBride
Frances Eberhardt McBride, 1945
Wendell McBurrows
Candace K. McCain, 2000
Carolyn Jackson McCain, 1969
Geneva H. McCall
Genevieve McCarthy
Bill McCarty
Louise R. McClain
Charlene McClendon
Rob McClendon
Albert McCloud
Joann McCloud-Harrison, 1971
Francine McClure
Audrey Thomas McCluskey, 1967
Ann Copeland McCollum, 1980
Brock McConnell
Pamela McCoomer
Elizabeth McCord
Jerry McCord
Darlene McCoy
Ellen McCoy
Eloise McCoy
Henry McCoy
Juliette G. McCoy
Juliette Knowles, 1954 and Amos
Deborah McCrary
Evelyn R. McCray, 1956
Wilson McCreary
Kaamilya McCullough
Louisa McCullough
Felicia A. McDade, 1993
Georgia Stewart McDade, 1971
Akua McDaniel
M. A. McDaniel
Randal McDaniel
Pellom McDaniels
Tami McDole
Amani McDonald
Betty J. McDonald, 1977
Cofy and Naeemah McDonald
Deirdre McDonald-Williams
Forrest McDonald
Kevin McDonald
Kimon McDonald
Linda McDonald
Verdell S. McDonald
Terrence McDonnough
Carol McDougal
Chris McDuffie
George E. McElroy
Patrick D. McElroy, 1989
Richard McFarlane
Betty McFarlin
Don McFee
Lula A. McGarity, 1982
Kevin McGee
Rufus L. McGee, 1953
Patrick McGeehan
James McGeer
Donna McGhee
Ida D. McGhee, 1979
Robert A.,1969 and Johnnie Sawyer
McGhee, 1969
Dorothy B. McGirt
Paul McGlynn
Camlin N. McGowan, 2004
Robin McGowan
Thomas McGowan
Joyce McGriff
Sabbaye McGriff
Elaine T. McGruder
Rosalyn McGruder
Denise McHam
Carolyn Y. McIntosh, 1964
Claude McIntosh
Gina McIntosh
Yolanda McIntosh
Clauzell McIntyre, 1998
Thomas McIntyre
Dorothy J. Palmer McIver, 1962
Lucille McIver
Nannette L. McJunkins, 1992
Patricia McJunkins
Chris McKeehan
Mark McKeller
William McKelvey
Joyce E. McKennie, 1970
Tanji McKens
D. McKenzie
Elayna L. Rucker McKenzie, 1989
Melissa McKenzie
Miranda M. McKenzie
Dorothy McKever
Delores Y. McKinley, 1976
Gwendolyn McKinley
Kim McKinney
Clifton McKnight, Sr.
Lavern McKnight
Debra F. Mclaughlin, 1986
Michelle McLaughlin
Linda McLaurin
Sandra McLemore
Kimberly E. McLurkin-Harris, 1982
Willia A. McMichael
Gregory McMichael
Elridge W. McMillan, 1954, Trustee
Randolph McMillan, 1952
Juanita McMillian
Kelly McMurray, 1994
Anne McCoy McNair, 1957
Cathy McNair
Denisha McNair
Margaret E. McNeal, 1994
Marty McNear
Amari McNeil
Loretta McNeir, 1975
Michael McQueen
Bernard McRae
Jean McRae
Helen E. Tift McSwain, 1982
Murray McWhorter
Rachel B. McWilliams
Janet L. Meadows
Denise Brown Means, 1983
Duke Meekins
Clifford,1969 and O’Livia Brown
Meeks, 1969
Dyma Melius
Ahmad Melody
Michael E. Melton, Trustee
Christopher, 1948 and and Carrye K.
Melvin, 1948
Wesley, 1961 and Harriet Brown
Memeger, 1962
Quintin Meminger
Curt Mencer
Joe Angel Menkel
Charles Meriwether
John Merk
Lisa B. Merkerson-Ladson, 1987
Maggie Mermin
Marylle E. Merredith
Kelly D. Merrick
Ernestine Merritt
Glenn Merritt
Jeremy Merritt
Te and Karen Merritt
Verna Evergin Merritt, 1964
Rodney Merriweather
Lesia Mescudi
Jorga Mesfin
Robert Metz
Janet L. Metzger
Tonya Meyer
John M. Michael, 1984
Maria Mickens
Ronald Mickens
Gerald Middlebrooks
Karen Middlebrooks
Ernest Middleton
Ernest J. Middleton,
Nathaniel J. Middleton, 1983
Alvin Miles
Jennifer Miles
Kim Miles
Annette Powell Miller, 1958
Charles Miller
Charlin Miller
Devina V. Miller, 2003
Douglas Miller
Estate of Edward C. Miller, 1923
Helen Ellis Miller, 1955
James H. Miller
Jantz Miller
Jenise Miller
John J. Miller, 1958
Joseph Miller
Keith Miller
Kerry Miller
Maxine A. Miller, 1964
Patricia Miller
Posey Miller
Prentice Miller
Ray Miller
Renee Miller
Robert L. Miller
Shirley Ballard Miller, 1956
Suzanne Miller
Trudy R. Miller
William, 1961 and Flora Miller, 1962
Yvonne M. Miller-Brogley, 1961
Essie Milligan
Jakai Milligan
Deshawn Milling
Wayne Millington
Cleve Mills
Lev and Joyce Mills
Israel H. Milton, 1958
Janet Milton
Marjorie Alexander Milton, 1953
Sam Milton
Sharon Mims
Ulysses Mims
Van Mims, Jr.
Cherubin Mimy
Alvin Mincey
Shari P. Mincey
Corene P. Minchin
Michele Mindlin
Charmaine Minniefield
Marcus Minnifield
Kendall Minter
Andrew Mintz
Ann M. Mintz
Eric A. Mintz, Trustee
Ellen Mintzmyer
Andre L. Mitchell, 1984
Brian Mitchell
Bruce Mitchell
Candice B. Mitchell, 2004
Carol R. Mitchell, 1979
Carrie T. Mitchell, 1966
Cecilia Mitchell
Chanti Mitchell
Deborah Dorsey Mitchell
Derrick Mitchell
Dexter Mitchell
Dolores M. Mitchell
E. R. Mitchell
Elnetta Mitchell
Irving Mitchell
James Q. Mitchell
Jobyner L. Mitchell, 1978
June Mitchell
Karen Nolan Mitchell, 1977
Kenyatta A. Mitchell, 1996
Lois Zackery Mitchell
Marilyn D. Mitchell
P. Mitchell
Pam Mitchell
Ricky A. Mitchell, 1998
Shirley Mitchell
Stacey Mitchell
Ulysses and Angela Mitchell
Mary A. Morris, 1952
Bennie Mobley
Cathra Mobley
Alvin D. Moddelmog
Steve and Hala Moddelmog
Nia A. Modeste, 1998
William and Cassandra C. Modeste
Noran L. Moffett, 1990
Maria Moffitt
Feipati Mogotsi
Shaundra M. Mohan, 1999
Anthony Molock
Filippo Moneti
Bessie Marchman Monroe, 1951
Karl B. Monroe
Geronda L. Montalvo
Ed Montgomery
James Montgomery
June R. Montgomery
Mercedes Montgomery
Theresa Montgomery, 1973
William Montgomery
Judith A. Service Montier
James Moody
Karen D. Moody, 1979
Lisa Moody
Pamela Moody, 1996
Deborah Mooney
James Moor
Adriana Moore
Akinya Moore
Billy Moore
Carol Moore
Charles Moore
Christine J. Moore
Earline Styles Moore, 1963
Ernest E. Moore, 1966
James Moore
John Moore
Joyce A. Moore, 1970
Kelvyn A. Moore
Lorenzo Moore
Louis J. Moore, 1962
L'Tanya M. Moore
L'Tarra Moore
Malka M'Buzi-Moore
Marshall Moore, 1973
Michael J. Moore
Michael A. Moore, 1991
Patricia J. Moore
Rourke A. Moore, 1979
Stacey L. Moore
Timothy O. Moore
Viaren Moore
Winston Moore
Roger Morales
Yvette L. Morelon, 1996
Barbara Small Morgan, 1974
James Michael Morgan
Jonathan Q. Morgan, 1995
Gwendolyn Morgan
Thomas Morgan
Aubry Morley
Christopher Morley
Lillian Sanders Morman, 1962
Melonie Morrell
Darryl Morris
Emma J. Morris, 1975
Keith Morris
Phenecia C. Morris, 1950
Sharon Morris
Gregory B., Trustee and Debra
Caroline D. Morrow, 1962
Choncetia W. Morrow
Emily D. Morrow, 1954
Joann Morrow, 1971
Tony Morrow
Carlton H.,1951 and Evelyn Clayton
Morse, 1951
Denise V. Morse, 1976
Maurice Downs Morse, 1947
LaJoy Y. Mosby
Lana G. Mosby
Emily Moscato
Charles T. Moses
Harold Moses, 1968
Lisa Moses
Mary Moses
Myron Moses
Pamela Moses
Teresa Burrell Moses
Jane R. Mosley, 1980
Lisa K. Morgan-Mosley
Nichols Mosley
Toussaint Mosley
Tracey R. Mosley
Avery Moss
David and Thelma Moss
Jon C. Moss
Michael Mote
Eleanor J. Motley, 1974
Mesha A. Mott, 1985
Patty Mouton
Denise Moyd
Abdullah Muhammad
Ken Muhammad
Zahir and Annette Muhammad
Rashad Muhammd
Margaret H. Mullen, 1974
Ivan D.,1956 and Betty Mullins,
Ray Mullins
Vanessa Mullins
Fareed Abdul Mumin
Denise Mummert
Lorenzo Mumphery
Adrienne N. Munn, 1996
Wilton S. Munnings, 1984
Cecil B. Murphey, 1970
Dara Murphy
Davina Murphy
Harriet M. Murphy
Kelly D. Murphy, 1992
Michael Murphy
Paula Murphy
Vincent Murphy
Faith Murphynight
Fambra Murphy-Pac
Barbara Lovinggood Murray, 1958
Elizabeth Rushing Murray, 1971
Janice M. Murray, 1972
Willie Murray
Steven Murria
Sonya Murry
Kathy Mustersos
Ernest D. Mweleka
Dana L. Myers, 1998
Gloria M. Myles, 1956
Lorenzo Myles
Marcus Myrick
Fabian K. Nabangi
Letitia L. Nachise
John Naegle
Najwa Naohara
Martin Naomi
Demond A. Nash, 2006
Gregory and Yolanda Neal
Mary S. Neal
Monica Neal
Candid Kandy Nedina
Annie W. Neely, 1961
Lashonda Neely
Tegest Nega
Kenneth and Julia Neighbors
Rico Nelor
Andrew Nelson
Angela D. Nelson, 1977
Camille Nelson
Charles E. Nelson
Harry D. Nelson, 1959
Jane C. Nelson, 1981
Joyce H. Nelson
Marcia Nelson, 1979
Millicent Nelson, 1979
Odessa S. Nelson, 1932 (dec.)
Radeane Nelson
Rosemarie Nelson
Christine Neptune
Charles Nesbitt
Major Nesby
Dida F. Nesmith, 1984
Kathy Nesmith
Mary Beth Neumeister
Carole Moten Newell, 1970
Patricia L. Newland
Lester C. Newman, 1976
Mia D. Newman
Rogers J. Newman, 1949
Chauncey R. Newsome
Wendy Newspetter
Tran L. Nguyen, 2003
Neba N. Ngwa-Suh, 1968
Geneza Nicholas
Geneva Nichols
Keisha Nichols
Rudolph V. Nichols, 1951
Chameko N. Nicholson, 1994
Mike and Windy Nicholson
Nick Nicholson
Suzanne K. Nieman
Willie D. Nix
Josephine I. Njoku, 1998
Jenise Noah
Alma G. Noble, 1961
Mark Noble
Bessie Nobles
Tammy Nobles
Lillie Ann C. Noel
Stacy Noles
Bill Norman
Edward C. Norman, 1950 (dec.)
Frances B. Shaw Norman, 1940
Gene A. Norman
Joan McWilliams Norman, 1953
Lana D. Norman, 1963
Moses C. Norman, 1957
Nicky Norman
Thena Monts Norman
William Norman
Nana Nornoo
Alfred Norris
Mark Norris
Pier A. Norris, 2004
Xanthene Sayles Norris, 1950
Elaine North
Walter North
Ada T. Norwood, 1972
Kim Norwood
Marc D. Norwood, 1996
Robert Norwood
Gustav Nunez
Bennie H. Nunnally, 1973
Doreen Reese Nunnally
Johnny L. Nunnally, 1963
Loretta Hudgins Nunnally, 1963
Martin Nunnally
Nat Nwizu
Peit C. Nwobodo, 1987
Reba Nyen
Marita O'Brien
Loretta O’Brien-Parham
Sylvester Odigie-Osazuwa
Glenda W. Odoi, 1972
Frank T. Odom, 1953
William Odum
Kyle Offermann
Doris Duvall Oglesby, 1953
William M. Ogletree, 1952
Bukola Oguntala
Ojiabo Ukoha, 1992
Nnamdi Okpara
Pearl Carter Oliphant, 1957
Kevin Oliveira
Belinda Oliver
Ira A. Oliver
Lonnie J. Oliver, 1974
Millicent A. Oliver
Voncile Deane Oliver, 1957
Willie Mae Keith Oliver, 1963
Eugene O'Mard
Anita O'Neal, 1969
Edwin O'Neal
Franklin F. O'Neal, 1951
Miata O'Neil
Robert O'Neil
David Organ
Dorothy James Orr, 1956
John R. Orr
Howard and Carol Ory
Judith A. Osborne
Annie L. Osby, 1987
J. Osci
Stacie Oseragbajie
Toyin S. Osinubi, 1996
Dada Osisanlu
Kathleen O'Toole
Susan Ottzen
Mary Overton
Mary T. Overton
Glen Owen
Barbara Owens
Bryan and Deirdre B. Owens, 2001
Dorothy Grant Owens, 1950
Francine W. Owens
Jamila Owens
John Owens
Larry Owens
Lynn Owens
Marguerite Owens
Takiela L. Owens
Terry Owens
Wanda L. Owens
Sandra Owensby
Leo Oxley
Orhan K. Oz, 1982
William Ozier
Samuel O'Zion
David Ozyp
Pedro Pablos
Amanda Padgett
Carla E. Pagan, 1996
L. A. Pagano
Frank H. Page, 1949
Harold A.,1954 and Maurice Page,
Pamela J. Page
Terri P. Page, 1984
Willetta C. Page
Philip Pagels
James Paige
Hal Paisant
Vicki Palefsky
Nick Palermo
Bob Palk
Paula Klingman Palk
Sarah Pallas
Tasi Pallas
Chanel L. Palmer, 2005
John E. Palmer
Johnny B. Palmer
Ron Palmer
Rose M. Palmer
Shanalyna Palmer
Thomas J.,1967 and
Barbara Hollimon Palmer, 1967
Timothy Graham Palmer
Daniel and Gwendolyn Letman
Yudong Pang, 1997
Jules Paape
Barbara P. Paramore, 1964
Adassa Pardue
Douglas, 1974 and Vanessa Roberts
Parham, 1975
Johnny E. Parham, 1960
Joseph G. Parham
Chun Park
Anna L. Parker
Carroll T. Parker, 1970
David Parker
Delores A. Parker, 1968
John Parker
Lazarus Parker
Marlin L. Parker, 1993
Norman E. Parker
Thomas A. Parker, 1970
KiTani A. Parker-Johnson, 2003
Helen Parks
Jackie Parks
Juanita Parks
Lola E. Parks, 1953
Lynda James Parks, 1971
Raleigh J. Parks, 1953
Ricky Parmer
Creed Parnell
Florence Nelson Parnell, 1945
Gilda Parnell
Calvin Parner
Bernice Parris
Joseph Parson
Leonard Parsons
Robert M. Partee
Willie Partridge
Willie,1957 and Eloise R. Paschal,
Leonardo Paskell
Nnamdi O. Paskins, 1996
Constantino R. Pasquier, 2003
Rod Pass
Tim Paternoster
Manuel Patino
James Patrick
Marsha G. Patrick, 1993
Lynne A. Patten, 1991
Steven Patten
Fred Patterson
Henry Patterson
James H.,1957 and Lois Gartrell
Patterson, 1962
Pat Patterson
Tammy Patterson
Blake Patton
Edger Paul
Stephen Paul
Sharon Pauli
James C. Payne
Lynn Payne
Melissa C. Payne
Victoria Payne
Whit Payne
Bill and Joan Payton
Altricia L. Payton-Black, 1989
Lucretia R. Payton-Stewart
Reginald N. Pea, 1986
Preston Peaden
Rich and Meg Pearlstein
Arlene Pearson,
Kevin Pearson
Lindon C. Pearson, 1996
Shirley Pearson
Virgil Pearson
Mark Peay
Jeff Peck
Jerry Peek
Tecumbe Peete
Tecumsah Peete
Culissa A. Peltier
Alisa Peninger
Marisa Peninger
Eddie Pennant
Latasha E. Pennant, 1997
Mike Penny
Donald Penovi
Irving Penso
Laura R. Peoples, 1974
William O. Peoples, 1968
James Pepper
Jay A. Pepper
Matthew Pepple
Bernard V. Pepukayi, 1995
Jacquelyn Perdue-Josey, 1971
Carmen Perez
Christine Perkell
Harriette Perkins
Juanita Perkins
Rejohan T. Perkins, 1992
Shirley T. Perkins, 1966
Willie D. Perkins
Angel Perry
Charlotte B. Perry, 1946
Cliff Perry
Ernest Perry
Fannie H. Perry
Jennifer Perry
Mike Perry
Veronica Perry
Willis Perry
David Petersen
Alan C. Peterson
Alex Peterson
Anthony Peterson
Benjamin J. Peterson, 1980
Torkwase Peterson
Larry Pett
Charles Pettit
Tamika M. Pettway, 1999
Gilbert, 1965 and Alyce M. Petty
Daniel Pfeifer
Charles Phelps
Stella P. Phelts, 1968
Jeffrey J. Phillips
John C. Phillips, 1974
Marion Phillips, 1966
Mary H. Phillips, 1957
Mary Jones Phillips, 1965
Mike Phillips
Noble Phillips
Dwight Philpotts
Frank Phipps
Sondra D. Sutton Phung, 1997
Johnathan Picard
Earl Pickard
Mark Pierce
Ashebe S. Pierre
Carol J. Pierre, 1988
Charles Pierre
Tonya Pierson
Wanda Pierson
Alan E. Pinado
Brenda Cox Pinckney, 1960
Margo A. Pinckney, 1998
Robert Pinckney
Leo Pinkett
Jeff Pinkham
Frances Wilson Pinkston, 1958
Lloyd Pinkston
Steve Pirtle
Bettye Daniels Pittman, 1976
James L. Pittman
Davida L. Pitts, 1999
Ivan S. Pitts, 1998
Joan L. Pitts, 1962
Michael Plemons
Pawel Plisaka
Paul M. Plotsky
Martha Ward Plowden, 1969
Miller Plumber
Ron Poag
Sadler Poe
Gerald Polk
Jack Polk
L. L. Polk
Lashawn Polk
Nora Polk
Anderson W. Pollard, 1953
Bill Pollard
Randle E. and Mildred Brawner
Sterling Pollard
Francine I. Poller, 1962
Agnes Maxey Ponder, 1960
Luther Ponder
Paris K. Ponder, 2002
Randall D. Ponder, 1961
Peter Ponzol
Nelda J. Poole
Patricia R. Poole, 1973
Ann D. Pope
Annie F. Pope
Denise Cooper Pope, 1979
Larry Pope
Webster R. Pope
Ainsley Popwell
Henry J. Porter
Mary Porter
Roger, 1970 and Phyllis Hester
Porter, 1972
Thenoid Porter
Ernest Porterfield, 1966
Constance Porter-Smith, 1952
Elise Hooks Post, 1961
Ersa Hines Poston, 1946
Jessie Drew Pottsdamer-Watson,
Andre Powell
Greselda Powell
Jamal Powell
Jeff Powell
Mike Powell
Owen Powell
Quiana L. Powell
Robin L. Powell, 1988
Tiffany Powell
Charlene Y. Powell-Atkins, 1989
Barbara Powers
Eddie Powers
Willie Powers
Katie Baughman Poythress, 1949
David Prater
Eugene N. Prater, 1948
Diallo Prather
Monique M. Prather
Sheila Stenson Prather, 1981
Mark Prausnitz
Karen E. Predow
Frances President
Edwin Presley
Rosia Smith Presley, 1972
Denise P. Preston
Shermeaka Preston
Dunya M. Youngblood Price, 1992
Judith Price
Reoman Price
Teddy Ray Price
Tony S. Price, 2004
Penelope Prime
Cornelia N. Primous, 1975
Sammie Pringle, 1993
Michael Pritchett
Eleanor Brayboy,1962 and Emmett
L. Proctor, 1969
Roosevelt Prout
Edgar Pruitt
Monica Pryce
Carranza and Evelyn Pryor
Lindsey Pryor
Sandra T. Pryor, 1968
Sheila J. Pryor
Theodore Pryor
Elsie B. Pugh, 1951
Fenton and Myrna Pugh,
Gabriella Pugh
Ron Pullman
Richard C. Puls, 1990
Bruce Pulver
Jamesetta Purcell
Martin Purnell
Larry Purvis
Bob Putnan
John Pyles
Iris J. Pyron, 1981
Saatir Quadir
Joan Qualbrough
Ozzie B. Freeman Quarterman, 1942
Daryl Queen
Bob and Barbara Rabin
Michael Rabkin
Lurma M. Rackley, 1970
Guy Radcliffe
Debra Rademaker
Sandra Radford
Michele Ragland
Rai Ragland
Angela Ragsdale
Richard Ragsdale
Prince Rahm
Jason J. Raines, 1987
Attwa Rainey
Jacqueline L. Rainey
Jamesa M. Rainey-Euler, 1993
Sharon Raleigh
Rynalder D. Rambeau, 1948
Patricia J. Ramon, 1995
Gilberto Ramos
Jeanne C. Rance
Bobbie Rancher
Andre Randall
Pat Randall
George R. Randolph, 1992
Karen Randolph
Kevin Randolph
Royal Randolph, 1998
Sandra D. Randolph-Lowe, 1966
Aleasa R. Rankin, 1990
Cheryl A. Johnson Ransaw, 1974
Elder Charles Ransom
Joe E. Ransom, 1972
Mae M. Ransom, 1968
Marriana Ransom
Therese Rasmussen
Jerome Ratchford
David M. Ratcliffe
Perry Raulet
Dominick Ravita
Ella E. Ravnell
Jackie Rawls
Marvin Rawls, 1978
Bill and Bamby Ray
Dorothy Ray
Elise Ray
John Ray
Teddy Ray
Warren Raybon
Dave Raymond
Andrew Reams
Bob Reardon
Prince and Madoca Redd
Lucile Royal Redd, 1960
Madoca Redd
Michelle Reddie
Christine Redding Lowder
David Redding
Gwen Redding
Jean Wilson Redding, 1959
Luther R. Redding
Brianna Redman
John A. Redmon, 1958
Carey L. Redrick, 1943
Alison E. Reed
Ayanna M. Reed, 1996
Elaine Reed
Rodney J. Reed, 1951
Sameerah M. Reed, 2003
Samuel A. Reed, 1988
Charissa Reedy
Ronald D. Reemsnyder
Mildred Lyons Reese, 1952
Robin J. Reese
Robin N. Reese Golden, 1992
Antoinette L. Reeves, 1992
Cecil Reeves, 1964
Zeena Regis
Delbert Reichardt
Al B. Reid, 1983
Arnetta A. Reid
Cassandra Reid
Christine Reid
Erica H. Reid, 1995
Ernette Fulcher Reid, 1948
Kenya L. Reid, 1994
Margaret A. Reid
Richard Reid
Sandy G. Reid, 1947
Shawn Reid
Shirley A. Reid, 1972
Stella Stafford Reid, 1970
Lisa Reidenhour-Jackson
Charles Reinke
Kersten E. Reitz
Peralte Remy
Dyer Renaldo
Marvin P. Renaud, 2003
Nelson Render
Davanna Renne
James Renner
Valona Renner-Thomas, 2000
Bernice Renta
Darkeyah Reuren
Biana Rey-Marrero
Clarence Reynolds
George Reynolds
Jock Reynolds
Taunya Reynolds
Monica N. Morrow Rhodan, 1982
Janet, 1944 and William Rhoden
Lee D. Rhoden
Joanne V. Rhone, 1966
Bill Rice
Ralph Rice
Gilbert Rich
Carol Richards
Frank Richards
Kurtis Richards
Sy Richards
Lolita L. Richards-Baker, 1996
Arthur and Jay Richardson
Avis Richardson
Carolyn C. Richardson, 1967
Catherine W. Richardson
Charles W. Richardson, Jr.
David S. Richardson
Frederick Richardson
Gladys Porter Richardson, 1942
Glenn Richardson
Kathy Richardson
Melvin B. Richardson, 1978
Merle Richardson
Tina Richardson
Wayne M. Richardson-Harp
Juanita Richey-Thompson, 1961
Gary Richter
Craig H. Ricks
Hoyland H. Ricks
Anthony Riddick
Sherry Riddick
Willliam Riddick, Jr.
Sarah L. Ridgeway, 1971
Gwendolyn H. Ridley
Anita Fleming Rife
Linda Riggins
Susan Rigmaiden
Bobby Riley, 1993
H. B. Riley
Marcia Riley
Daniel Rimmy
Andre Rives
Kay Roane
Lillie M. Robbins, 1971
Cynthia L. Roberson, 1991
Michelle D. Roberson, 1997
Synthia T. Roberson
Catherine R. Roberts, 1998
Delia M. Roberts
Howard D. Roberts, 1953
Kenneth Roberts
Lula G. Roberts, 1976
Mike Roberts
Patricia D. Roberts, 1981
Philip Roberts
Robin D. Roberts, 1978
Steven Roberts
Virginia Eberhardt Roberts, 1934
Bill Robertson
Karen A. Robertson, 1967
Quintin L. Robertson, 1991
Will Robertson
Mimi Roberts-Turner, 1974
Kathy M. Robie-Suh, 1971
Eleanor R. Robins, 1990
Albertha Pete Robinson, 1956
Alexis B. Robinson
Barbara L. Robinson, 1989
Bernadette Robinson
Carol Culver Robinson, 1978
Cheryl A. Robinson
Curtis Robinson
Dennis Robinson
Elliot Robinson
Gloria M. Robinson, 1963
James Robinson
Jessie Robinson
Jimmy Robinson
Joseph R. Robinson, 1966
Joseph W. Robinson, 1956
Kadene Robinson
Lantanya N. Robinson
Lisa Robinson
Lithangia Shannell Robinson, 1947
Malikah Robinson
Christie Robinson
Oral Robinson
Pia Robinson
Reagen B. Robinson, 2001
Ricky D. Robinson, 1994
Semaj Robinson
Shelley L. Robinson
Sonya Robinson
Stephanie Robinson
Steven Robinson
Sybil Robinson
Tracey C. Robinson
Travis Robinson
William Robinson
Denise F. Robinson-Mooney, 1978
Rick Rock
Latika Rodgers
Lydia W. Rodriquez, 1960
Carlos Rogan
Brenda Donaldson Rogers, 1968
Dean Rogers
Henrietta Rogers, 1969
Jeanette Evans Rogers, 1959
Kenyatta, 1994 and Michelle Rogers
Phillip Rogers
Roy Rogers
Zachary Rogers, 1997
Shirvalen Rogers-Crowley, 1993
Hal Rogmess
Charles Roland
Pierre Rollin
Darris J. Rollins, 1998
Dorothy M. Romney
Jacqueline W. Finch Rose, 1968
Portia Rose
Princeton Rose
Richard S. Rose, Jr., 1970
Timothy L. Rose, 1989
Will Rose
Wyatt Roseboro
Edward Roseman
Coty Rosenblath
Edward Z. Rosenzweig
B. J. Ross
Devry Ross
Jeanette M. Roberts Ross, 1981
Michael H. Ross
Peggy W. Ross, 1966
Susan Ross
Theodosia B. Ross, 1971
Wanda O. Ross
Benny Rosser, 1966
Marque and Shelia Rosser
Ella D. Ross-Street
Mitzi Rothman
Bessie L. Brown Rounsaville, 1947
Warren Rouse, 1956
William Rouse
Stephen Routt
Carole Rowe
Adrienne M. Crenshaw Rowland,
Diane Rowley
Annie M. Royal
Lisa Royal
Cynthia L. Royster
Johnetta M. Royster, 1992
Mikell Rozier
Roslyn Stewart Ruben, 1963
Charles Rucker
Elisa R. Rucker, 1989
Michelle Rucker
Velma B. Rucker, 1956
Frank Rudd
Clifford Rudison
Charlotte M. Ruffin, 1988
Raymond Ruffin, 1969
Wallace Rumph, 1963
Laura Rush
William Rush
Fenee L. Russ, 1991
Joseph E. Russell
Lynn Russell
Patrice Russell
Vivian Russell
W. R. and Karen Russell
James Rutland
John L. Rutledge, 1973
Ronald Rutledge
George Ryan
Jacqueline Ryder
Dory Sabata
Kevin Sack
William Saddler
Willieboyd McNeil Saddler
Major Sadler
Gere Sailors
Richard Saizan
Doug Sako
Tsuyoko Sako
Abdul Salaam and Family
Onaje Salim
Jeffrey H. Salyer
Thomas G. Sampson
Troya Sampson
Marsha Samuel
Marsha L. Samuel, 1987
Carolyn E. White Samuels, 1970
Rita Samuels
Peter Samuelson
Bonita Sanabria
Barbara Sanders, 1965
Cassandra Sanders
Elissa Sanders
Irma Smith Sanders, 1954
Kathi Sanders
O'Leary L. Sanders
Valerie Sanders
Peter Sandoval
Bobbie K. Sanford, 1963
Tanesha L. Santemore, 1996
Brenda Santiago
Neff Santiago
Anna J. Satcher
Carolyn Satcher
David Satcher
David and Nola Satcher
Kary Satterfield
Scott Satterwhite
Stacy Sauls
Melvin Saulsbury
Joseph Saulter
Alfred Saunders
Betty Saunders
Debra J. Neal Saunders, 1987
Robert E. Saunders, 1984
Barbara Mobley Savage
David Sawicki
Mary R. Sawyer
Jane O. Sayles-Ratcliff
Ronnie Scales
Adrienne E. Scandrett
Art Schletty
Carolyn E. Schmidt
Joe Schulman
Terry Schwartz
Akesha L. Scott, 1999
Bill and Bridget Scott
Deborah Lorenzo Scott
Debra J. Scott
Eric Scott and Denise Gant
Evelyn L. Scott, 1967
Gloria A. Scott, 1962
Homer Scott
Joyce Scott
Kimberly Scott
Lonnie Scott, Sr.
Loretta E. Scott
Lori Scott
Paulette Scott
Robert, 1963 and Ann W. Scott,
Serena Scott
Sharon P. Scott
Shelia D. Scott, 1994
Shirron L. Scott
Tina A. Scott
Van Scott
Webley Scott
Angelena Scruggs
Darrell Scruggs
Nathaniel Scurry, 1970
Anthony Seaborn
Anythony Seabrow
Avis Seals
Sean Searcie
Sharon L. Seay, 1975
Christopher Seely
Marvin Segraves
Ed Seiber
Carol Wilton Selby, 1974
Carl Seldon, 1963
Christopher S. Seldon, 1978
Frank Sellers, 1959
Robert L. Sellers, 1955
Kimberly Sellers-Bates
Cynthia E. Knight Selmar, 1971
Bill Selmon
Robinson Semaj
Haewet Senghor
Nzinga Senghor
Albert Sesay
Robert Sesay
Anthony Settle
Bobby Setton
Coleman R. Seward
Michelle Jones R. Seward, 1984
Lee Sewell
Said Sewell
John Sexton
Lawrence Seybold
Daaim A. Shabazz, 1991
Hanifah Portee Shabazz, 1998
William E. Shack, Jr., 1965, Trustee
Stanley Shaheed
Safiyyah Shahid
Shamfid' Deen Shadid
Ali Shakir
Larry and Antoinette Shakir
Harold T. Shapiro
Anysa Sharif
Ian Sharp
James Sharp
Calvin W. Sharpe, 1967
James Sharpe
Wayne Sharpe
Felicia Shaw
Jeanette Shaw
Louise E. Shaw
Phil Shearer
Wanda B. Sheffield, 1986
Jason Shelberg
Bettye Holloway Shelling, 1959
Charlesetta Shelton
Fawn Shelton
Jamail D. Shelton, 2003
Nathaniel Shelton
Topia Shelvin
Charles Shepard
David Shepard
Benjamin A. Shepherd, 1963
William R. Shepherd, 1996
Charles Sheppard
Oscar and Joyce M. Sheppard
William H. Shepperson, 1953
Belinda D. Sherard, 1973
Julian Sherard and Judy Walker
Keith Sherrill, 1987
Kishor C. Sheth, 1970
Leslie Shields
Sharese Shields
Egbert J. Shillingford
Sharon Shin
Leo Shingles, 1966
Ruby D. Shinhoster, 1971
Gaynell Shipp
Herald Shirk
Howard Shirley
Marcus Shirley
Ronald Shoatz-Bey
Doris Taylor Shockley, 1944
Ryan Shockley
James M. Shopshire, 1963
Addie P. Shopshire-Rolle, 1966
Rhonda T. Shorter, 1998
Lois M. Green Shotlow, 1958
Patricia Whatley Showell, 1973
Janet Shrader
Gerald Shropshire
Mamie R. Shropshire, 1957
Lani Sibley
Diana L. Siegal
Paul Siegel
Sheri Siegel
Herb Sierra
Betty Siller
James H. Sills, 1957
Shardae Simmonds
Alma M. Alexander Simmons, 1978
Annie R. Carter Simmons, 1963
Belinda Mitchell Simmons, 1973
Brian Simmons
Danny Simmons
Ewanisha Simmons
June Simmons
Keisha A. Simmons
Molly Simmons
Nadirah Simmons
Opal Jordan Simmons, 1953
Rosa L. Simmons, 1981
Shirley Y. Simmons, 1979
Stephanie Simmons
Teri A. Simmons
Terrell Simmons
Thelma J. Bogues Simmons, 1983
Valerie Simmons
Cora C. Simon
Derk Simonson
Angela A. Simpson, 1984
Diane R. Simpson, 1982
Jeff Simpson
Louise Brown Simpson, 1945
Marian Simpson
Natalie Simpson
Polly B. Simpson, 1978
Ron Simpson
William Simpson, 1989
Ken Sims
Kerwin D. Sims
Lawrence D. Sims
Lewis and Mary Sinclair
Antoinette Singh
Ranjit Singh
Cheryl Singletary
Sharon W. Singleton, 1971
Valerie Singleton
Elijah Singley, 1963
Georganna Sinkfield
Pauline Sinkfield, 1968
Rhonda M. Sinkfield, 1998
Bob Sirkus
Frank D. Sisya
Teloca Sistrunk
Brian Sites
F. Albert Skellie
Mildred Jones Skillern, 1952
B. J. Skillman
Felicia Skinner
David Skoke
Rhonda Jeffries Slade, 1971
John C. Slater
Walter Slattery
Bernard Slaughter
Janet Slaughter
Kendrick Slaughter
Mary W. Slaughter, 1972
Cynthia Sloan
Emma H. Sloan, 1941
Charlotte M. Slomka
Frank Slover
Kevin Small
June Smalling
Mary Smarr
Tavis Smiley
Anna Smiller
Agatha T. Smith, 1973
Alan and Kecia Smith
Albert Smith
Angela Harris Smith
Angelean V. Smith, 1970
Anne Collins Smith
Barbara Smith
Barbara A. Smith
Bennie Eugene Smith
Beverly L. Smith
Bobby L. Smith, 1981
Brenda Smith
Cheryl Smith
Christopher R. Smith,
Darryl Elijah Smith
Dawn Smith
Doris Jones Smith, 1987
Fonda Smith
Fredrick E. Smith, 1962
Garrison Smith
Green L. Smith, Jr., 1987
Hazel M. Smith, 1948
Howard Smith
James E. Smith
Jane E. Smith
Juan Smith
Juanda S. Smith
Julian K. Smith, 1970
Kelly Smith
Kenya Smith
Kinetra Smith
Larraine Phillips Smith, 1991
Larry Smith
Lena A. Smith
Leon Smith
Leonard Smith
Linda M. Smith, 1976
Louis M. Smith, 1922 (dec.)
Marjorie Smith
Marshall L. Smith
Michelle Smith
Monica L. Smith, 1984
Patrice Smith
Patrize Smith
Paul and Sallie Smith
Renee Smith
Richard Smith
Rubye Smith
Sarah Smith
Shawn M. Smith, 1998
Theresa Barksdale Smith, 1957
Tia Smith
Tony, 1988 and Angela Smith, 1987
Tracy Smith
Trevor G. Smith
Vanthony Smith
Victoria A. Smith, 1973
Celestine E. Smith-Higgs, 1973
Deborah D. Smith-Porter, 1979
Kim Smith-Roy, 1980
Salmon Smith, 1988
Beretta E. Smith-Shomade, 1988
John Smitty
W. Scott Smoot
Lynn A. Smothers, 1979
Melba Smothers
Robert L. Smothers, 1955
Calvin Smyre
Edward W. Smyth, 1947
Dana D. Sneed
Anthony Snell
Sandra J. Snell, 1983
Shedrick Snell
Thomas Snelling
Isaac J. Snype, 1976, Trustee
Rebecca Sobayo
E. Soberanis
Fatima Sokera
Cassandra W. Solomon, 1985
Eloise Johnson Solomon, 1929 (dec.)
Nancy Solomon
Tamara Solomon
Joey Sommerville
Kevin D. Sommerville, 1981
Stedman S. Southall, 1973
Latoya S. Southern, 1999
Tom Spach
Cynthia Hunter Spann, 1977
Jane Sparks
Ted R. Sparks, 1977
Peter Sparrow
Phyllis Spearman
Darryl Speed
Denise Speller
Melvin Speller
Cynthia Spence
Andre Spencer
James R. Spencer, 1971
Victoria Spencer-Cocivera
Jesse J. Spikes
Cassandra Spiller
Howard Spiller
Lillie B. Spires
Edward S. Spriggs
Mozel Spriggs
Sharon E. Spriggs
Christine C. Spring
Pat Springs
Anja Squire
Kim Y. St. Bernard, 1977
Kevin Stacia
Kevin M. Stacia, 1982
Edwin Stafford
Lizzie W. Stafford, 1962
Lynn J. Stafford
Mae D. Harris Stafford, 1947
Diane Stafford-Fox
Serena L. Staggers, 1957
John C. Stahler
Kammye Staley
Michael Stallworth
Sandra Stamps
Bettye Franklin Stanford, 1958
Amy Stankus
Beatrice Stanley
Effie B. Raines Stanley, 1949
Ella Derricotte Stanley, 1952
Kathryn Stanley
Laurie Stanley
Mary E. Stanley, 1964
Sebastion Stanley, Jr.
Thomas B. Stanley
Robin Stanley-Jones
Mary E. Stansel, 1967
Bob Stanton
Cynthia Stargell
Neal Starkey
Jeanette Starks
Clementine Starks-Rivers
Michael Stechison
Robert E. Steele
Nelson Steenland
Sekou Steeple
Donald Stein
Robert Sten
Alice Stephens
Andre Stephens
Charles R. Stephens
Eula H. Stephens
Jacqueline Laughlin Stephens, 1955
LaRue G. Stephens,
Lucy Stevens Stephens, 1963
Malcolm Stephens
Richard Stephens
Sallie L. Stephens, 1954
Shea Stephens
Victoria L. Stephens
Geraldine P. Stephens-Burton
Kisma L. Stephenson, 1995
Shai Q. Stephenson, 1998
Malanese Sterkins
Kafele N. Sterling, 2000
Bordain Steven
Eloise Stevens-Jones
Dantzler Stevenson
Robert Stevenson
Ethel Steverson
Monica Lisa Steveson
Angelique Stewart
Catherine Stewart
Christopher Stewart
Henry W. Stewart
Lonnie E. Stewart
Marc Stewart
Michael Stewart
Rosiline R. Stewart
Steven D. Stewart, 2003
W. J. Stewart
Willie J. Stewart, 1961
Charles S. Stinson, 1955
George R. Stinson, 1968
Bonnie P. Stivers
Romeo and Rochelle Stockett
Winifred L. Stoelting
Essimena Stokes
Josephine Stratman Stokes, 1947
Juandolyn Stokes
Kimberly A. Stokes, 2000
Miriam M. Stokes
Regina Stokes-Lawson,
Marjean E. Stokes-Monroe, 1992
Alvin Stone
David Stone
Harold A. Stone
Jean E. Stone, 1979
Kelly R. Stone, 1991
Ned Stone
Lenn Storey
Alfred J. Stovall, 1977
Juliett V. Stovall, 1984
Renada Stovall
Angela Stover
Jordan Stover
Vanya Strange
Joseph S., 1965 and Dolores
Gregory Strayhorn
John Stremlau
Allean Schley Strickland, 1960
Betty L. Strickland, 1960
Dayton P. Strickland
Mary Jo Strickland
Anthony Stringer
Barbara Stringer, 2001
Melvin Stringer
Luther Stripling, 1957
John Stromnes
Robert, 1968 and Rosemary Clark
Strong, 1969
Carmel Q. Stroud, 1989
Mary Strozier
Atu Stukes
Marini T. Sturns, 1993
James Styles
Kimberly Styles
Jiann-Ming Su
David Sucura
Carolyn Sullivan
Larry Sullivan
Louis W. Sullivan
Walter W. Sullivan, 1953
Donald E. Sumlin, 1973
Harold Summers
Sharron Summers
Maude J. Summerville, 2000
Patricia Summey
Marchelle Q. Sumpter, 1986
Ferrall Sumrell, Jr.
Charles Sutherland
Dawn M. Sutherland, 1982
Albert Sutton
Bobby Sutton
John P. Sutton, 1987
Michelle N. Barton Sutton, 1981
Michael Suval
George Swain
Robert A. Swain, 1978
Julie Swann
Selina Swann
Didi Swartz
Norma Sweeney
Peggy Sweeney
William H. Swift
Anita Sylvan
Mike Syphope
Barbara Szopa
Alva Tabor
Chip Tabor
Julie Briscoe Tabor, 1973
Barbara A. Tagger, 1984
Edwin R. Taitt, 1943
Jerry Talansky
Bryant Talley
Sybil Talley
Niranjan K. Talukder
Natasha Tapp
William Tapp
Daniel Tarham
Loretta Tarham
Mike and Susan Tarnower
Alduan Tartt
Candy Tate
Rachanice P. Tate
Alycia Tatum
Andrea L. Taylor
Ann Taylor
Bruce Taylor
Chris Taylor
Dandy P. Taylor, 1970
Eunice Taylor
Greg Taylor
Jacquellyn R. Taylor
Joie Taylor
Keidra M. Taylor, 1993
Kevin Taylor
Leonard J. Taylor, 1973
Marcell Taylor
Margaret Hall Taylor, 1963
Marilyn I. Taylor
Merriett Taylor
Mildred M. Taylor
Octavia Taylor
P. Taylor
Robert Taylor
Roosevelt Taylor, 1959
Stephen Taylor
Carole R. Taylor-Carter, 1958
Abdul Taymullah
Marilyn G. Teasley
Cynthia L. Carter Teddleton, 1976
Tom and Sandra Teepen
Lorna Telfer
Stanley and Willa Tennant
Sandra Tennyson
Hiram Terrell
Larry Terrell
Neely D. Terrell, 2007
Erien O. Terry, 1995
Claudia Testa
Asmeret Teweldebrhan, 2003
Nancy Thacher
Elaine Thagard
Phyllis Thakis, 2000
Valencia J. Thayer, 1981
Cheryl E. Thedford, 1981
Roosevelt, 1959 and Truette Lott
Thedford, 1961
Steven C. Thedford, 1989
Jasmin Thigpen
Eugene Rhodes, 1968
Angela Thomas
Anita Thomas, 1984
Antonio L. Thomas
Bernard Thomas
Carolyn Keller Thomas, 1951
Carrie G. Thomas
Connie D. Thomas, 1984
Cynthia Thomas
Delois F. Thomas, 1972
Ed and Gwen Thomas
Elecia Thomas
Eric Thomas
Gloria R. Thomas, 2003
Gregory S. Thomas, 1993
Harolyn Miller Thomas, 1957
Jonathan Thomas
Josephine Thomas
Keith Thomas
Kenneth Thomas
Lisa Thomas
Makeba K. Thomas, 2003
Marta Thomas
Marvelyn Thomas
Mary F. Thomas
Nida M. Edwards Thomas, 1944
Ray Thomas
Reesie A. Thomas, 1973
Robert F. Thomas, Jr., 1961
Roxshaun Thomas
Ruby J. Thomas
Shunna Thomas
Stevie Thomas
Susan Thomas
Talya D. Thomas, 2002
Tomica Thomas
Tomika Thomas
Trevear A. Thomas, 1993
Wanda G. Thomas, 1953
Joy Thomland
Larry D., and Barbara Thompson
Adrian Thompson
Brenda A. Thompson
Colin Thompson
Denise Thompson
Ernestine Y. Thompson, 1978
James Thompson
Mattine Thompson
Michelle Thompson
Nichole Adams Thompson, 1992
Pearl Thompson
Ruby L. Thompson, Trustee
Samuel Thompson
Tyisha M. Thompson
Janice Thorne
Kimball F. Thornton, 1994
Lovell Thornton
Tamara L. Thornton, 1997
Travis Thornton
William and Meril Thornton
Willie M. Thornton, 1977
Wayne Thorpe
David T. Thrash, 2000
Michael V. Thrasher, 1983
Naubja Threadgill
Rebekah S. Threlkeld, 2007
Richard Thurgood
Patricia L. Thurman, 1973
Michael Thurmond
Darlene A. Thurston, 1968
Gerald Tierre
Dorothy J. Tigner
Debbie W. Tijani
Joyce Tillman
G. D. Timm
Angela C. Montgomery Timmons,
Gary Timmons
Phillip Tinkham
Bonnie Toatley
Isabella M. Tobin, 1947
Mary Nell S. Todd, 1968
Henry and Juanita Tolbert
Vincent T. Tolbert, 1995
Jartu G. Toles, 1997
Brenda J. Tolliver, 1972
Roosevelt and Debra Tolliver
Bob Tolsard
Gerald K. Tolson, 1973
Travis Tomlinson, 1976
Horace L. Toney
Kenna A. Toney
E. Donna Tony
Johnetta Toodle
Arthur Toole, III
Pinkie Toomer
Kathleen Toomey
Alyce Toonk
Archie Torando
Kristina E. Torres
Lupe Torres
Saul Torres
Horace A. Tory
Annette Jones Touchstone, 1959
Hashim S. Toussaint, 2005
Sylvia Palmore Towers, 1973
Byron Townsend
Gena Townsend
William M. Townsend, 1959
Michael Townser
Denise Traicoff
Arthur Trammell
Ella Heard Trammell, 1943
Eugene Trammell, 1977
William R. Trammell, 1948
Nde Phinda N. Traore, 2005
Katie Phillips Traylor, 1974
Henrie M. Treadwell
Aaron Trezvant
Louise Gilbert Trice, 1969
Cynthya Trieshnann
Frederick Triplett
Tearale D. Triplett, 1997
Barry Bennett
Alvin T. Trotter,1963, Trustee and
Barbara Trotter
Shelley Trotter
Tony Trotter
Marc Trought
Marilyn Trujillo
Jason Tucker
Joe H. Tucker, 1972
Johnny Tucker
Lisa Rayan Tucker
Lynne V. Tucker, 1979
Robert H. Tucker, Jr., 1963, Trustee
Robert L. Tucker, 1979
Samuel J. Tucker, 1969
Tisha Tucker
William L. Tucker, 1978
Aisha K. Tucker-Brown, 2001
Myron Tuman
Patrick Tuner
Celesa Tuning
Alfred J. Turk, 1974
Charlotte Willis Turk, 1956
Mary L. Turk
Robert Turkel
Yuri Turkin
Alvin Turner, 1952
Angela D. Turner, 1985
Bertha Williams Turner, 1964
Brenda B. Turner, 1967
Deidre M. Turner,
Effie Patrick Turner, 1955
George Turner
Janette Turner
Judy Turner
Julie Turner
Michael A. Turner, 2005
Nancy Turner
Sherry Turner
Stacha Turner
Trevor A. Turner
Victoria E. Turner
Greta Turner-Woods, 1955
Gail Tusan
Aurelia O. Tutt, 1991
Thamiah L. Tutt, 2000
John Tuttle
Melissa Tuttle-Carr and Robert Carr
Sranca Tweedy
Maudette Hill Twyman, 1961
Birdie G. Tyler
James Tyler
Mark K. Tyler, 1991
Michael Tyler
Etheline Tyree
Gene Tyus
Ikenna Ubaka
Raymond E. Udall
Marlene Underwood
Mattie S. Underwood
William T. Underwood
Joseph Unongo
Janet Williams Upshur, 1960
Janet Adams Urquhart
Brenda J. Ursery-Barnett
Charly Valentine
Harvey Anderson Valley
Jonetta Valree
April Vance
Mary Vance
Walter H. Vance, 1955
Thomas Vanderbilt
Rebecca Vanderhorst
Karma Vansant
Johnny Vardeman
Dan Vargas
Peter Varney
Carolyn B. Vason
Douglas, 1971 and Carolyn Vason
Lisa Adams Vason
Elaine P. Vaughan
Joseph B. Vaughn
Ruth Ercell Vaughn, 1955
John Venable
Harry L. Vernon, 1969
Tesha Murphy Versailes, 1997
Donald S. Vest, 1982
Jonathan Vester
Paul Vignos
Cynthia Davis Villaire, 1991
Stephen Villavasso
Danny Vincent
Eugenia W. Vincent
Angela Vines, 1987
Carolyn Vinson
Latoya Vinson
Arnita Vintes-Brown
Alma D. Vinyard, 1964
Lynn Vogler
William P. von Blasingame, 1981
Aliya M. Wade
Barry Wade
Larry Wade
Lyndon A. Wade, 1958
Mickey Wade
Milton A. Wade
Peggy D. Wade, 1959
Rose Marie Wade
Delsey L. Wadley-Newman, 1978
Jolita Wainwright
Julia F. Wallace-Hall, 1980
Larahn Waldon
Adrienne Walker
Barbara J. Walker
Brenda W. Walker, 1975, Trustee
Cindra K. Walker, 1976
D. L. Walker
Debra B. Walker
Debra B. Walker, 1975
Edward Walker
Eugene P. Walker, 1984
Frank Walker
Freeman Walker, 1963
G. Edward Walker
Harkles Walker, 1967
Hattie R. Walker, 1997
Helen E. Walker
Henry B. Walker, 1992
Jeff Walker
Jerome B. Walker, 1978
Karen J. Walker, 1975
Kathryn Ayers Walker, 1973
Kathryn A. Walker, 1984
Larry M. Walker
Margaret C. Ware Walker, 1953
Marian J. Sutton Walker, 1953
Marjorie A. Ball Walker, 1953
Mark Walker
Mary M. Walker
Meca L. Walker, 1993, Trustee
Patricia Fields Walker, 1958
Richard Walker
Roderick J. Walker, 1997
Steven Walker
William Walker
William O. Walker
Willis Walker
Zelton Walker
Thelma R. Walker-Wallace
Karen Walker-Washington
Derrick Wall
Ruth Lyles Wall, 1963
Fredrick Wallace
Jon Wallace
Kevin Wallace
Larry Wallace
Leslie Wallace
Melvia L. Wallace, 1987
Merion Wallace
Sharon Wallace
Darra Waller
Letitia Waller
Kevin and Tina Walsh
Cheriel Walters
Daron A. Walters, 2003
Mary D. McCoy Walters, 1957
Anthony A. Walton, 1984
Borah W. Walton, 1949
Harriett R. Walton, 1952
Jennifer Walton
Scott and Tangela Walton
Howard Wanda
Charles R. Ward
Haskell Ward, 1963
Charmaine Ward Jackson, 1982
John S. Ward
Michale Ward
Naomi Turner Ward, 1956
Paula Ward
Robert Ward
Barbara L. Ward-Groves, 1977
William B. Wardlaw
Carl, 1965, Trustee and Mary Clark
Ware, 1971
Caron Ware
Franita Ware
Jeanette Ware
Mark Ware
Nedra R. Gambrell Ware, 1978
William Ware
Frances McGuire Warley, 1952
Garth Warner
John Warner
Rae M. Warner, 1998
Sally J. Warner
Camilla Warren
Cheryl Warren
David Warren
Lisa Warren
Maria Warren
Mary Jenkins Warren, 1963
Ronald E. Warwar
M. D. Washburn
M. Washburn
Alice Holmes Washington, 1953
Brandt Washington
Clara Walker Washington, 1948
Eugenia Washington
Gail Tusan Washington
Gregory Washington, 1999
Gussie M. Washington, 1963
Isaac T. Washington, 1992
Isaiah Washington, 1964
Jacqueline S. Washington,
Jason Washington
Jim Washington
Kenneth L. Washington
Malcom Washington
Marian N. Washington
Pauline B. Washington, 1970
Rick P. Washington
Victoria J. Washington, 2000
Odessa Washington-Williams
Henry L. Waszkowski
Alvin Waters
John W. Waters
Toriey Waters
Don Watkins
Harold Watkins
Robert Watkins
Thomas S. Watkins
Vicki A. Watkins, 1991
Alesia Watson
Janice Thomas Watson, 1973
Jene Watson
Shawn C. Watson, 1984
William Watson
Corneluis L. Watts, Jr.
Dorothy D. Watts
Laura Watts
Leroy Watts
James and Majorie Way
Nadja Threadgill Way
Robert W. Waymer, 1968
Angeline C. Wead
Derrick R. Weaver, 1993
William Weaver
William L. Weaver
Aubury Webb
Brenda D. Webb, 1985
Gloria Mason Webb, 1982
Melanie L. Webb, 1988
Melvin R. Webb, 1968
Shania Webb
Sharlene Webb
Michele Weber, 2001
Peter Weber
Donald E. Webster, 1984
Donald G. Webster, 1958
Patrick Webster
Danithea Weddington
Gladys J. Weekes, 1943
John Wegner
Dwight Weiters
Joshua Weitz
Adrienne Welch
Gwendolyn Epps Welch, 1968
Jeffery W. Welch, 1983
Otis Weldon
Rebecca Wellborn
Cassandra Wells, 1978
Debbie Wells
Jacqueline Whitehead Wells, 1963
James Wells
Mary E. Wells
Martha A. Welters, 1974
Maureen Wendel
Lorenzon Weorrill
Carol C. Wesley, 1977
Nicole L. Wesley
C. A. West, 1968
Eshmon West
Isaac West
Joseph K. West
Joy A. West, 1997
Khaliph West
Michelle West
Roderick J. West, 1993
Steve West
Eric Westerfield
Cindy Westlake
Pier Westmoreland
Melanie West-Pond
Kirk Whalum
Clemmie Bray Whatley, 1971
Edmond Wheeler
Jesse Wheelus
Love H. Whelchel
Joffre T. Whisenton
Barbara I. Whitaker, 1958
Vera L. Whitaker, 1963
Barnetta McGhee White, 1973
Clark White
Devin P.,1995 and Joy L. White,
Dora and James White
Elizabeth H. White, 1970
Gail White
Linda M. White, 1963
Marice White
Patricia E. White, 1970
Patricia White
Ronnie White
Sonia R. White, 1992
Tanya O. Persaud White, 1984
Tiffany N. White, 1993
Vanessa J. White
Wanda L. White
Wesley White
Charlie Whitfield
Wanda G. Whiting
Denise E. Whiting-Pack
Kenneth Whitman
Dolores J. Whitman-Marshall
Carrie Whitney
Danny Whittle
Athalia Whitworth
Gloria J. Wicker, 1970
Henry A. Wiggins, 1984
Yvonne Wikles
Shawn Wilcher
William B. Wilcox
Lillian Andrews Wilcox-Jackson,
Matthew Wilder
Jean F. Wiles
Jesse Wiles
Marcia Wiley
Kelly Wilhoit
Betty H. Wilkerson
Robert L. Wilkerson, 1959
Chandra Wilkes
Yvonne Wilkins
Detonica Wilkinson
Andrew Will
Clifford G. Willabus
William Willeford
Gordon William
Kavinque William
Lily William
Otto William
W. William
Adam and Raveen Williams
Alton C. Williams, 1960
Anita Williams
Annette Williams, 1990
Arthur Williams, 1960
Avery and Bismarck S.
Barbara Williams
Barbara Handspike Williams, 1956
Beatrice Williams
Bernestine Cordy Williams, 1958
Bruce Williams
Carl M. Williams
Carold D. Williams
Carolton Williams
Cedric Williams
Charles Williams
Charles Williams, 1968
Cheryl Williams
Christopher Williams
Clarence E. Williams, 1952
Claudia T. Williams
Clyde Williams, Jr.
Cornelious Williams, Sr.
Cydney L. Williams, 1991
Dahlia Williams
Daphne R. Williams, 2005
Darryl Williams
Dave Williams
Derrick M. Williams, Trustee
Dorothy W. Williams, 1968
E. J. Williams
Earl and Kathleen Williams
Ebony Williams, 1998
Eddie and Betty Williams
Edward, 1963 and Ana Williams
Elizabeth C. Williams, 1998
Ellecia A. Robinson Williams, 1993
Emily Williams
Ernest Williams
Felita T. Williams
Fred and Vivian Williams
Freda Williams
Freddie Williams
Fulton Williams
Geoffrey R. Williams, 1993
Glenda Williams
Gregory A. Williams, 1973
Harold Williams
Hattie Williams
Henry Williams
Ife Williams
Janice Williams
Jason H. Williams, 1989
Jesse Williams
Karen Williams
Kay Williams
Kaya Williams
Kent Williams
Keyna S. Williams, 1996
Kimball Williams
Krystal L. Williams, 2003
Lamont Williams
Leon H.Williams
Loretta Williams
Lorraine Williams
Louella Williams
Louisa J. Williams
Mae Garcia Williams
Martha Williams
Mary F. Williams, 1971
Mike Williams
Myron Williams
Naima A. Williams, 1995
Napolean Williams
Nicholas Williams
Peter Williams
Randy E. Williams
Raymond Williams, 1949
Reginald W. Williams, 1964
Renee Williams
Revelle Williams
Richard Williams
Robert and Lillie Williams
Robert A. Williams, 1969
Rodney Williams
Ron Williams
Rosa W. Williams
Roy Williams
Samantha Williams
Sandra Williams
Sharon A. Williams
Sherly Williams
Sherri Williams
Sherry Williams
Stella Williams
Syble Allen Williams, 1974
Ulysses Williams
Vanessa Williams
Walter W. Williams
Wanda Williams
Wendy Williams
Shirley A. Williams-Kirksey
Ken Williamson
Margaret Williamson
Samuel C. Williamson, 1995
Vincent Williamson
Pamela Williams-Phelps
Doris Dalton Willingham, 1940
Eric Willingham
Soundra Willingham
Joe H. Willingham
Bertha Bohannon Willis, 1965
Bill Willis
Bobby Willis
Carole Willis
Chris Willis
Gres Willis
Louis Willis
Mack Willis
Mark Anthony Willis
Rosalind E. Moore Wills, 1982
Al Wilson
Angus Wilson
Archie R. Wilson, 1965
Aulbon Wilson
Carolyn Wilson
David V. Wilson, 1998
Dawn Wilson
DeLloyd Wilson
Don Wilson
Donella Wilson
Doris Jones Wilson, 1958
Ernestine Wilson
Ezell Wilson
Jenelle Mills Wilson, 1963
Jessica Wilson
Jinaki Wilson
Joseph A. Wilson, 1969
Lakesha Wilson, 1999
Linda H. Wilson, 1970
Lisa Wilson
Lovella Wilson
Mae F. Clowney Wilson, 1964
Melvinia Patterson Wilson, 1980
Nichelle M. Wilson, 2004
Paula Wilson
Reggie Wilson
Robert L. Wilson, 1968
Samuel Wilson
Samuel M. Wilson, III, 1971
Saundi Wilson
Thomas Wilson
Lauren R. Wilson-Bussey, 1979
Anne E. Wimberly
Bobbie Thompson Wing, 1970
Sharon Wingler
Jetta V. Winkfield, 1995
Richard D. Winn
Judith Winograd
Cleta M. Winslow, 1975
R. Michael Winters
John Wirtz
Jill Wiscombe
Chaye Wise
Eric A. Wise
William A. Wise, 1967
Sandra Wisniwski
Al Witcher
Trenton Witherspoon
Mark Wojcik
Fredricka R. Wolfe
Roy J.,1951 and Elise Palmer Wolfe,
Tim Wolfe
Donna Wolff
James Wolters
Curtis Womack
Kathryn Womble
Alice L. Wood, 1952
Betty Wood
Christine D. Wood
Earline B. Wood, 1944
Fannie Ballard Wood, 1980
Fred Wood
Joseph L. Wood, 1977
Katherine Wood
Marsha R. Wood, 2002
Hugh Woodall
North Woodall
Carole Woodard
Sophia Woodard-Holmes
Barnard O. Woodruff, 1981
Robert Woodrum
Alice Woods
Dayna R. Woods, 1997
Jakorie Woods
Kenneth R. Woods
Lillian A. Woods, 1974
Naima Woods
Richard Woods
Timothy L. Woods, II, 1969
Warren Woods
William G. Woods
William H. Woods, 1957
Dick Woodward
Rainey Rembert Woodward
Erica M. Woody, 1995
Lionel Woodyard
Lillian Woolf
James Wooten
Margaret Sellers Wooten, 1957
Shirley M. Wooten Works, 1957
Erica Sullivan Worthy, 1993
Mable Wheeler Worthy, 1958
Courtney Wren
Alphonso L. Wright
Antoinette Wright
Ceta S. Wright
Diana A. Wright
Duane and Jill Wright
Grayson Wright
Iven Wright
Jaycee Wright
Judy Wright
Khadijah Wright
Peyton Wright
Phyllis Wright
Ramona M. Wright, 1996
Richard Wright
Roselle W. Wright, 1941
Steve Wright
Susan Wright
Alfred D. Wyatt, Sr., 1950
Vergil Wyatt
Laverne M. Wyche, 1974
Louise K. Wyche, 1975
Annie F. Wynn, 1940 (dec.)
Donald Wynn
Mayor Evelyn Wynn
Traci Wynn
Joyce Wynn-Parker
Yue Xu, 2001
Gloria S. Yancey, 1971
Harrison Yancey, 1954
Larry Yancy
Bill Yang
Darlene Glover Yarbrough-Morgan
Alicia Yearell
Pandora A. Yeargin
George A. Yearwood
Robert Yeldell
Sam Yi
Yakira E. Yisrael, 2001
Mark York
Stanley Yorker
Laer Youmans
Andrea Young
Andrew J., and Carolyn McClain
Young, 1966, Trustee
Bianca Young
Bobby E. Young
Bridgette Young
Cheryl Young
Clarence Young
Ivory Lee Young
James Young
John H. Young
Kiristin T. Young, 1998
Ricky and Carla Young
Robyn Young
Tom Young
Veronica L. Young
Walter Young
William Young
Brenda Youngblood
Rosemary J. Young-Johnson, 1974
Charlotte Yuille-Barnes
Muhammad Yungai
Sam Zamrripa
Mary Zeigler
Geraldine Zimmerman
Karen Zimmerman
Wendy Zimmerman
Mike Zion
Marsha Zipkin
Mary Lynn Zonakis
James Zwald
CAU National Alumni Association
CAUAA Chattanooga Chapter
CAUAA Dekalb County Chapter
CAUAA Detroit Chapter
CAUAA Houston Chapter
CAUAA New York Chapter
CAUAA Philadelphia Chapter
CAUAA Washington DC Chapter
Class of 1953
Class of 1963
*Matching Gift Companies
Abbott Fund*
Accenture Foundation, Inc.*
ADC Foundation*
AFLAC Foundation, Inc.
Agilent Technologies*
AGL Resources, Inc.
Albemarle Corporation*
Allstate Foundation
AM South Educational Lending
American Express Foundation
American Honda Motor Company,
American Medical Supply, Inc.
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Aramark Facility Services
Archer Daniel Midland Co.*
The Arnold Corp.
Arvin Meritor
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
AT&T Foundation
AT&T Services, Inc.
Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Atlanta Life Insurance Co.
Automatic Data Processing Inc.*
Banc One Management Corp
Bank of America*
Banks, Finley, White & Co.
Barthwell Group
Bayside Harley-Davidson
BellSouth Corporation*
Big Apple Tire, Inc.
BK Magic Holdings, LLC
Boeing Company
Branch Banking and Trust Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Brown & Moore Associates
Brown Office Systems, Inc
C. D. Moody Construction Company,
Centex Homes
Central Avenue Chiropractic Clinic
CFA Giving Strategies, Inc.
Chevron Corporation*
Chevron Products Company
Chick-Fil-A, Inc.
Chrysler Foundation*
Citizens Financial Group, Inc
Citizens Trust Bank
Colgate-Palmolive Co.*
Conoco Phillips
Corning, Inc. Foundation*
Courtney Washington, Inc.
Cousins Properties Foundation
Cox Enterprises, Inc
Crew Investment Group
Cosmopolitan Home Entertainment
Harold A. Dawson Co., Inc.
DCH Capital Group
DARP Music, Inc.
DeKalb Convention & Visitors
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.*
Drop The Dash Events, Inc.
Duke Enterprises
Dynamic Functions, Inc.
Edventure Partners
Eli Lilly and Company
Ernest Davis Enterprises
Ernst & Young Foundation
Etc. Etc. Etc.
ExxonMobil Corporation*
Federated Department Stores
Ford Motor Company
Friendship Tower Apts., Inc.
FUSE, Inc.
Game Live Events
Geissler & Associates
Gems of Africa
General Electric Fund*
General Mills Foundation*
Georgia Power Company*
Georgia Power Foundation
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Georgia-Pacific Foundation, Inc.
H. J. Russell & Co.
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Harwen Group, The
HCA Foundation*
Hewlett Packard*
Hollowell Foster & Gepp
Home Depot USA
Houghton Mifflin Co.*
HSBC Matching Gift Program*
IAP Worldwide Services
IBM International Foundation*
Institute for Supply Management
Integrated Supply Network, Inc.
Intel Foundation
International Medical Systems, LLC
JCPenney Company, Inc.*
JFI Campus Quarters
Johnson & Johnson Family of
Jones Lang LaSalle*
K D S Title Services
Kraft General Foods Inc.*
Kroger Atlanta
Laz Parking/Georgia, Inc.
Lehman Brothers*
Lennox International Inc.*
Lewis Business Services, Inc.
Lockheed Martin-Marietta*
Logic I Consultants
Macy's Central, Inc.
Macy's South, Inc.
Main Street Bank
Manheim Corporate Services
McDonald's/Spark Enterprises
Mercedes-Benz of Buckhead
MetLife Foundation*
Metropolitan Atlanta Cardiology
Consultants, PC
Metze Service Center
Microsoft Corporation*
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Minnesota Mutual Foundation*
Monster Worldwide
National Black Arts Festival
National City Bank
Nationwide Mutual Insurance
Norfolk Southern Foundation*
Office Depot
One Georgia Bank
Peachtree TV
Perfect Image
PJC Group, LLC
PNC Bank Foundation
PRG Parking Atlanta, LLC
Prime Office Products
PRIMUS Consulting Inc.
Principal Life Insurance Co
Printcrafters, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Co
Publix Super Markets Charities,
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company
RMT Construction Inc.
Russell Corporation*
Safeco Insurance
Sales & Service Training Center
Sandy Springs Landscapes
Sapphire Solutions, Inc.
SBC Communications*
Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc.
Scripps Howard Foundation*
Shack-Findlay Honda
Shannon & Company
Siemens Energy & Automation
Sizemore Group
SLABS Cleaning Service, Inc.
Southpointe Partners
Spark Enterprises Group, LLC
Sprint Foundation*
Sprint Nextel
Standard Landscape, Inc.
State Farm Companies*
STEIN and SOBOL, M.D., Inc.
SunGard Higher Education
SunTrust Bank
SYB Consulting, LLC
TAG LaPread PT, Inc.
TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc.
Target Corporation
Taylormade Marketing, LLC
Texas Instruments, Inc.*
The Atlanta Job Corps Center
The Care House, Daycare and
Creative Learning Ctr., Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Foundation*
The Integral Group, LLC
The Phoenix
The Wine Store
TJX Companies, Inc
TME Enterprises, I., LTD
Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.*
UNICCO Service Company
Union Pacific
Union Pacific Fund for Effective
Unisys Corporation
United Distributors Inc
UPS Education Assistance Program
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Verizon Foundation*
W.W. Grainger, Inc.*
Wachovia Corporation
Wachovia Foundation*
Washington Mutual Bank
Weingart Foundation*
WellPoint Foundation*
Wells Fargo
Xerox Corporation*
Yum Brands Foundation,Inc.*
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Annie Casey Foundation
Bush Foundation
Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation
Community Foundation for Greater
Congressional Black Caucus
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Trust
Health 1st Foundation Inc
Irene H. Hills Estate Trust
John and Mary Franklin Foundation
Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation
Lance Armstrong Foundaton
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
Southern Education Foundation
The Getty Foundation
Tom Joyner Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Weingart Foundation
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Nu
Lamda Omega Chapter
American Cancer Society
Atlanta Chapter National
Association of Securities Prof.,
Atlanta Metropolitan College
Atlanta Scoops, Inc.
Boule Foundation
CAU Accounting Club
CAU School of Business
Coxe, Curry & Associates
Clark Athletic Boosters
Clark Atlanta University Bookstore
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
DeKalb County Convention &
Visitor's Bureau
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority-Sigma
Delta Sigma Theta-Atl Alumnae
Friends of Ann Kimbrough
Friends of Mills Inc.
Georgia Cancer Coalition, Inc.
Georgia Southern University
Grandparents Advocacy Project
Greek Life Inc.
Guild Friends/Cash
Hewlett Packard Employee
Kappa Alpha Psi
MARTA Employees Charity Club
Morehouse College
National Black MBA Association
National Collegiate Athletic
National Urban League
Optima Physical Therapy Services
Pfizer United Way Campaign
UNCF/General Motors Corp
UNCF/Mellon Foundation
UNCF/SunTrust Directed Funds
United Negro College Fund
United Way of the ColumbiaWillamette
United Way, Inc.
Urban League of Greater Columbus,
Urban League of the Mid Plains, Inc.
Viv's Social Club
Absalom Jones Chapel
Altadena United Methodist Church
Andrews Chapel United Methodist
Black College Fund & Ethnic
Cascade UMC
Central United Methodist Church
Christian Fellowship Baptist Chruch
Elizabeth Baptist Church
Friendship Baptist Church
General Board of Global Ministries
of the UMC
General Board of Higher Education
& Ministry of the UMC
Greater Springfield Baptist Church,
Hillside Chapel and Truth Center,
Mount Moriah Baptist Church
Passionist Fathers of Georgia, Inc.
Saint Paul AME Church
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church,
St. Mary M.B. Church of Tampa
The College Fund/UNCF
The Korean Church of Atlanta The
United Methodist Church
UMC Black College Fund
UMC-Georgia Commission Higher
UMC-Women's Division
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
WDM Ministry
Zion Hill Baptist Church
Fiscal Year Summaries
June 30, 2006
June 30, 2007
Total revenue and other additions
Total revenue and other additions
Total expenses and other deductions
Less: cumulative effect of change
in accounting principle
Changes in net assets
Total revenue and other additions
Total expenses and other deductions
Changes in net assets
$ 101,969,187
$ 88,954,385
$ 13,014,802
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable (net)
Pledge receivable (net)
Loans receivable
Deposits held with bond trustees
Assets held for sale
Investments (at market)
Other assets
Property and equipment (net)
Total assets
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Advances from granting agencies
Deferred revenue
Agency liabilities
Other liabilities
Capital leases
Notes payable
Mortgages payable
Bonds payable
Total liabilities
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Tuition and fees
Federal, state and local government
grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants and contracts
Auxiliary services
Investment earnings
Other sources
Total revenues and other support
$ 6,419,688
$ 6,242,781
$ 8,794,747
$ 2,688,000
$ 40,550,572
$ 1,693,092
$ 112,644,495
$ 187,530,790
$ 11,427,162
$ 1,578,088
$ 2,092,484
$ 7,204,560
$ 4,936,668
$ 4,525,031
$ 42,296,727
$ 75,036,753
$ 112,494,037
$ 187,530,790
$ 50,132,609
$ 22,261,053
$ 8,630,944
$ 9,961,430
$ 3,606,056
$ 1,148,690
$ 95,740,782
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable (net)
Pledge receivable (net)
Loans receivable
Deposits held with bond trustees
Assets held for sale
Investments (at market)
Other assets
Property and equipment (net)
Total assets
$ 14,937,248
$ 2,400,000
$ 47,384,208
$ 110,216,320
$ 197,385,463
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Advances from granting agencies
Deferred revenue
Agency liabilities
Other liabilities
Capital leases
Notes payable
Mortgages payable
Bonds payable
Total liabilities
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 11,040,755
$ 40,668,955
$ 71,876,624
$ 125,508,839
$ 197,385,463
Tuition and fees
Federal, state and local government
grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants and contracts
Auxiliary services
Investment earnings
Other sources
Total revenues and other support
Complete audits of the financial records of Clark Atlanta University are conducted annually by an independent certified public accounting firm.
$ 19,264,008
$ 101,969,187
June 30, 2008
Total revenue and other additions
Total expenses, deductions and one-time adjustments
Change in net assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable (net)
Pledges receivable (net)
Perkins loans receivable (net)
Deposits held with bond trustees
Assets held for sale (net)
Investments (at market)
Property, plant, and equipment (net)
Other assets
Total assets
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Advances from granting agencies
Deferred revenues
Other liabilities
Agency liabilities
Capital leases
Note payable
Mortgages payable
Bonds payable (net of bond discount)
Total liabilities
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Juanita Baranco
Executive Vice President/
Chief Operating Officer
The Baranco Automotive Group
Jonesboro, Georgia
Dr. Elridge W. McMillan, 1954
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Delores P. Aldridge, 1963
Grace Towns Hamilton
Distinguished Professor of
Sociology and African-American
Emory University
Decatur, Georgia
Mr. Charles Ackerman
Ackerman and Company
Atlanta, Georgia
Ms. Judy Anderson
Georgia Power Foundation
Atlanta, Georgia
Ms. Lisa M. Borders
Henry W. Grady Foundation
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Le‘Vonn P. Brown
Undergraduate President
Student Government Association
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Richard Colliver
Executive Vice President
Automobile Sales
American Honda Motor Company
Torrence, California
Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, Jr.,
Executive Vice President,
Chief Administrative Officer
Coca-Cola Company
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. John W. Daniels, Jr.
Quarles and Brady LLP
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mr. Salvador Diaz-Verson, Jr.
President and CEO
Diaz-Verson Capital Investments,
Columbus, Georgia
Mr. Pierre Gaither
Graduate President
Student Government Association
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Ernest G. Green
Managing Director for Public
Lehman Brothers
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Ramona Huston
National Alumni Association
Decatur, Georgia
Mr. R. William Ide, III
McKenna Long and Aldridge, LLP
Atlanta, Georgia
Ms. Ingrid Saunders Jones
Senior Vice President
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Michael E. Melton
President and Managing Director
TME Enterprises
Great Falls, Virginia
Dr. Eric Mintz
Faculty Trustee
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Gregory Morrison
Vice President and CIO
Cox Enterprises, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. William E. Shack, Jr., 1965
Shack-Findlay Honda
Henderson, Nevada
Trustees Emeriti
Mr. Cecil Alexander
Atlanta, Georgia
Administrative Officers
Dr. William H. Boone, 1976
Graduate Studies
Mr. Isaac J. Snype, Jr., 1976
Contract Manager
IBM Integrated Supply Chain,
Cary, North Carolina
Dr. Harold E. Doley, Jr.
Doley Securities
Irvington, New York
Ms. Cynthia M. Buskey
Special Assistant to the
President for Operations
Dr. Ruby Thompson
Faculty Trustee
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Sidney Topol
Chairman Emeritus
Scientific Atlanta
Boston, Massachusetts
Mr. Aristide J. Collins, Jr.
Vice President
Institutional Advancement and
University Relations
Dr. Alvin Trotter, 1963
Regional Medical Group
Inglewood, California
Mr. Robert H. Tucker, Jr., 1963
Integrated Logistical Support, Inc.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Ms. Brenda Walker
Senior Vice President
Smith Breeden Associates
Cary, North Carolina
Mr. Leonard Walker
Senior Vice President
Director Business Development
Wachovia Bank
Atlanta, Georgia
Ex Officio
Dr. Carlton E. Brown
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Edward Davis
Interim Dean
School of Business Administration
Mr. Lance Dunnings
General Counsel
Dr. Alexa B. Henderson, 1966
Undergraduate Studies
Mr. Michael Lacour
Vice President
Dr. Vimala Pillari
Whitney M. Young, Jr.
School of Social Work
The Honorable Meca Walker
National Alumni Association
Houston, Texas
Ms. Lucille Maugé
Chief Compliance Officer
Mr. Carl Ware, 1965
Atlanta, Georgia
Mr. Narendra H. Patel
Planning, Assessment and
B. Michael Watson
Resident Bishop
North Georgia Conference
The United Methodist Church
Norcross, Georgia
Mr. Derrick M. Williams, 1981
Vice President Finance and
Vice President, Delphi Europe,
Middle East and Africa
Delphi Powertrain Systems
Ms. Carolyn McClain Young,
Goodworks International, LLC
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Marcus W. Shute
Vice President
Research and Sponsored Programs
Dr. Trevor Turner
Interim Dean
School of Education
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage
Office of Alumni Relations
Box 743
223 James P. Brawley Drive, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Atlanta, GA
Permit No. 524
S AV E t h e D AT E
Founders Week
March 16-20, 2009
May Weekend Celebrations ~ May 14-18, 2009
Clark Atlanta University Alumni Association May Weekend Conference
May 14-18
Alumni Reunion Weekend ~ celebrating classes ending in the 4’s and 9’s
May 15-18
May 17
May 18
Address correction requested.