Merchant Flyer - Credit Cards, NJ
Merchant Flyer - Credit Cards, NJ
Checks are now Risk Free! With (ECC) Electronic Check Conversion, funds are electronically deposited directly into the merchant's bank account. With over half of all non-cash payments made at the point-of-sale being checks, electronic check conversion is a necessity to doing business successfully. Checks account for more than $60 billion spent annually. CCNJ Protected by U.S. Patents: 5,484,988; 6,164,528; 6,283,366; and 6,354,491 to ensure uninterrupted service. P RO V I D I NG T O TA L C HEC K S O LU TIO NS . . . ec h C You’re invited to partner directly with the premier Electronic Check Conversion Processor. is h kT t! u O CREDIT CARDS, NJ TM Electronic Check Conv ersion Solutions Start Accepting Checks Today! Connect with Credit Cards, NJ Today! Phone: 201.645.0132 Fax: 201.490.5451 [email protected] Process Checks As Easy As Credit Cards! Con sum ers Con tin ue to Prefer Payin g By Check... M I R R O R YO U R C HEC K TR A NS A C T I O N TO A C R ED I T C A R D T R A N S A C T I O N . . . eGold Services You Can NOW Process Checks... 1. Customer writes a check (with proper ID).* 2. The check is run through a check reader or imager, and the amount of the sale is entered into the terminal. 3. ...As Easy As Credit Cards! 4. 5. 6. Why Not … take checks just like a credit card and give the check writer what they want, (the #1 Form of Payment in the United States) while giving the merchant the similar benefits and costs as accepting credit cards! ♦ ♦ ♦ CCNJGuar07 Accept more checks, hassle free, just like credit cards! Similar funding & security as accepting credit cards! Provides a reliable and safe payment option to the check-writer! 7. 8. When the transaction is approved an authorization receipt will print for the check-writer to sign. Nev er Hassle With Return ed Checks or NSF Fees Again ... AC Check usage is rising H PR OC and ES SE expected to continue well into the D future; therefore, utilizing a system that Checks remain the preferred form of payment for consumers, but remain a costly inconvenience for merchants! Credit Cards, NJ takes that inconvenience away! mirrors check transactions to that of credit cards is essential to providing your customers with a familiar process. With The check is then stamped “ACH Processed”, and the check along with a copy of the receipt is given back to the check-writer for their records. C r e d i t C a rd s , N J yo u c a n n ow p ro c e s s Funds are then electronically transferred into the merchant’s account within 48 hours, just like a credit card. program eliminates returned checks and Transaction will appear on the check-writer’s bank statement, by merchant’s name, check number and amount of transaction. The merchant no longer has the hassle of returned checks and/or bank fees. Merchant has 24X7 Online reporting, which makes it easy to reconcile daily. * Certain customer information is required in order to guarantee a transaction. eGold Service gives the check-writer and merchant the same security as transacting business with credit cards! checks as easy as credit cards! Our guaranteed electronic check conversion bank NSF fees. With 48-hour funding, the check-writer still receives the benefit of a 2-day float, just like paper checks. No time wasted handling paper checks and deposit slips, 24X7 Online Reporting, as well as Quality Customer Service and Technical Support; all are reasons Credit Cards, NJ makes accepting checks hassle free! This means savings to the merchant while providing check-writers with the “#1 form of payment in the US today”! Merchants can now accept more checks; risk-free, with less hassle…Just Like Credit Cards! Note: Verification Only Services are Available, call for more details.