IES AR 2003-04 with fewer images


IES AR 2003-04 with fewer images
About IES
Letter from the Director
Research, Study Groups and Conferences
Visiting Scholars
Serving Our Students
Fellowship Awards
Outreach and Community Building
DaimlerChrysler-Fonds — both administered by Stifterverband für die
Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of the
Sciences and Humanities in Germany). IES is indebted to them for their
Working Papers
Many of the lectures, lecture series, conferences and symposiums are
supported by grants of the Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank and the
generous support of the Institute’s many programs and initiatives.
Institute of European Studies (IES) | University of California
207 Moses Hall, #2316 | Berkeley, CA 94720-2316
Table of Contents
Office:(510) 643-5777 | Fax: (510) 643-3372
Email: [email protected] | Website:
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
About IES
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
About IES
About IES
Executive Committee
Gerald D. Feldman
students of professional schools. It provides funds for
George Breslauer
Carla Hesse
faculty to develop new courses in a variety of disciplines,
Political Science, UCB
History, UCB
its languages. IES also maintains a robust community
Jan DeVries
Kathleen James-Chakraborty
outreach program in order to create a diversified forum of
History and Economics, UCB
Architecture, UCB
academy and embraces the community — to promote
Barry Eichengreen
Matt Kondolf
cultural ties with governments and peoples of Europe.
Economics, UCB
Landscape Architecture, UCB; Portuguese Studies
The Institute of European Studies (IES) was created in the
The Institute also maintains a fellowship program to
latter part of AY 1999 by the unification of staff, resources,
support, train, and nurture the research of young scholars,
and programs of the UC Center for German and European
including undergraduate and graduate students as well as
Studies (CGES) — serving all UC campuses — and UC
Berkeley’s Center for Western European Studies (CWES),
which houses the Portuguese Studies Program, French
favoring innovative approaches to the study of Europe and
Studies, Finnish Studies, the France-Berkeley Fund, Italian
Studies, British Studies, and Spanish Studies. Through
extensive research activities and training of a generation
exchange — one that extends beyond the borders of the
of graduate students, the Centers in this Institute have
effectively promoted a long-term commitment to European
Studies at Berkeley, throughout the state of California, and
Indeed, IES serves as a “hub” for the coordination and
in the nation as a whole. The existing breadth and depth of
integration of all of the diverse educational resources on
Gerald D. Feldman
European Studies at UCB is demonstrated by enrollment
Europe throughout the UC system.
History, UCB; IES Director
language and area studies courses were found to have
Finally, IES has built strong bridges between Berkeley, top
Tony Kaes
significant West European content and were offered in 47
academic and research institutions in the US and in Europe,
German, UCB
Departments and 7 professional schools. Over 200 UCB
European governments, and the Commission of the
faculty — excluding language faculty — have European
European Communities. The Institute has ongoing
Susanne Lohmann
expertise and are teaching courses with significant
relationships with the German Academic Exchange Service,
Political Science, UCLA
European content.
the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies
History, UCB; IES Director
Program Chair
John Lindow
Scandinavian Studies, UCB; Finnish Studies Program
data for the 2003-04 Academic Year, in which 1,310
Gerard Roland
Economics, UCB
Hans Sluga
in Washington, D.C., the French National Center for
Wayne Sandholtz
The Institute’s mission is threefold: 1) to stimulate, initiate,
Scientific Research (CNRS), the Institute of International
Political Science, UCI
facilitate, and finance research and education in European
Affairs at the University of Rome, the Université Libre de
studies at the University of California, 2) to disseminate
Bruxelles, Viadrina University in Frankfurt/Oder, and
Margaret Weir
research findings to the broader community of scholars,
many other prominent European institutions. The results
Sociology, UCB
citizens and younger students, and 3) to provide a
of Berkeley faculty research have been presented to the
community for students and faculty who share a European
European Commission, the European Parliament, the
focus to their work. As will become evident in this report,
Presidium of Europe’s Constitutional Convention, and the
each component of this mission enhances and strengthens
Europe’s G-10 deputies (deputy finance ministers and
the others.
central bank governors), and received wide press coverage.
To achieve these ends, the Institute sponsors faculty and
This is an exciting time for European studies. The advent
graduate student research on Europe, focusing on thematic
of the Euro, the enlargement of the EU to twenty-five
areas and current issues. In order to disseminate research,
members, the historic agreement on a constitution for
the Institute, along with the various programs under its
Europe, continued transatlantic tensions after the Iraq war,
umbrella, initiates and sponsors conferences, colloquia,
a growing EU interest in Asia, dramatic changes in the
workshops and lectures; maintains a “working paper” series
European welfare state, growing problems of immigration
to distribute research results; and brings together European
and cultural diversity in Europe, and many more events
and American scholars in order to encourage the current
and issues have provided foci for IES-sponsored programs
exchange of ideas and promote future collaboration.
and events. This report provides an overview of those
Philosophy, UCB
Tyler Stovall
History, UCB; France-Berkeley Fund Director
James Vernon
Steering Committee
History, UCB; Center for British Studies Director
David Vogel
Haas School of Business, UCB
Albert Ascoli
Italian Studies, UCB
Steve Weber
Political Science, UCB
Beverly Crawford
PEIS, UCB; IES Associate Director
Brad Delong
Nick Ziegler
Political Science, UCB
Economics, UCB
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Letter from the Director
2003-04 was another exceptionally active year for the
geography is about to be radically transformed. With
Institute. In the course of the year IES staged and co-
European enlargement, the region’s cultural and social
sponsored over 100 public lectures and conferences,
geography is changing to reflect the heightened influence
initiated several new convener groups, issued some 20 3 0
of East Central Europe. Additionally, Europe’s strategic
new working papers, organized and co-sponsored an
geography is changing in response to new strategic threats,
undergraduate course and conference on the European
American unilateralism, and the growing desire to
Union, supported a network of graduate students working
formulate a common European foreign policy.
on Western Europe, and celebrated the 10th anniversary of
the France-Berkeley Fund. IES welcomed distinguished
In addition to this thematic focus, IES initiated a multitude
visiting scholars and diplomats from a variety of European
of other events, appealing to its broad and diverse
countries, who greatly contributed to the intellectual life
constituency. This year, the institute hosted several
of the Institute. The IES website registered an average of
outstanding conferences and colloquia, which contributed
30,000 hits per month in 24 time zones and 70 countries,
to the richness of European academic research at Berkeley.
including XXX hits from distinct European domains.
A diverse and expansive calendar of lectures greatly
contributed to the Institute’s mission of stimulating and
IES has continued its efforts to build and sustain sound
facilitating European research on campus.
financial and institutional foundations for our activities.
We are presently in the second year of the three-year Title
In closing, I would like to express my appreciation to our
VI grant from the U.S.US Department of Education, a grant
very committed executive committee, our energetic and
that we have been receiving since 1993 without
creative steering committee, our faculty conveners and
interruption. The European Commission has also renewed
country chairs, and our dedicated staff.
our grant for our European Union Center, as did the
contributed to the dynamism and international prestige of
Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and
the Institute.
Humanities in Germany, which administers our grants
Foundations. A grant from the Austrian Marshall Plan
Foundation has helped create the Austria-Berkeley
Program, launched on January 1, 2004 for a three-year
Spurred by many new and watershed developments in and
around Europe in the past year, IES continued to support
research and outreach projects addressing the theme of
“Europe’s Changing Geography.” By this we mean ongoing
changes in the continent’s economic, political, cultural, and
Letter from the Director
strategic landscape. The speed and extent of these changes
cannot be overstated. Due to the development of the single
market and the advent of the euro, Europe’s economic
geography is changing at a rapid pace. With the convening
of an unprecedented constitutional convention and
agreement on a constitutional treaty, Europe’s political
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
All have
Research, Study Groups and Conferences
Faculty and Graduate Student Research sponsored by the
Center for German and European Studies, and by our
National Resource Center for West European Studies, is
the heart of IES activity. Much of the research that IES
initiates and sponsors takes place in focused faculty
research groups, each led by a principal investigator or
“convener.” These “convener groups” are comprised of
faculty from UC Berkeley, other University of California
campuses, and other prominent scholars from the EU and
Europe. Each project spans one to two years, and during
that time, participants conduct research, meet together in
closed workshops and working groups to discuss
preliminary findings, and hold a major research conference
at the conclusion of the project. Research results are
published in the Institute’s Working Paper Series Brochure
(please refer to the Working Papers section of this report),
and later collected in an edited volume or as a special issue
of a major scholarly journal. The conveners of these
projects, together with the Center Chairs, constitute the
Institute’s core faculty.
Europe’s Changing
Political Geography
The European Convention
and Modalities Of Governance
This convener group, led by Economics Professor Gerard
Roland, builds on a major data collection effort by
Professor Roland jointly with Simon Hix of the London
School of Economics and Abdul Noury of the Université
Libre de Bruxelles. The conveners have put together the
first database containing all roll call votes in the European
Parliament since its first direct election in 1979. Over the
next few years the database will be used to explore the
extent of the relationship between national parties and the
European party groups, and the career concerns of the
members of European parliament.
State after Statism
This convener group is a continuation of a project
In addition to these long-term research projects, IES is
home to a number of shorter-term study groups and hosts
a number of scholarly conferences and a lectures on
particular themes. During the 2003-04 academic year,
research projects, study groups, conferences and lecture
series continued to address the theme of “Europe’s
changing economic, political, strategic, and cultural
geography.” What follows is a description of these projects
and their activities.
undertaken by Political Science Professor Jonah Levy in
2002-03 Academic Year. This convener group explores the
changing place of the state in the economic and social arena.
Researchers in this project hope to advance the alternative
understanding that sees state intervention as more than
an eroding historical legacy. The “State after Statism”
project has so far held three workshops at Berkeley, and
an edited volume manuscript was submitted to publishers
at the end of 2003. Completed papers are available at
For more information, visit the expanded IES annual report
online at:
European Food Safety Regulation: The
Challenge of Multi-Level Governance
Undertaken in January 2003 by Political Science Professor
Christopher Ansell and Haas Business School Professor
Research, Study Groups
and Conferences
David Vogel, this convener group continued its work
though the 2003-04 Academic Year, examining the rapidly
evolving European food safety institutions. In November
2003, the conveners brought together a group of European
scholars working on recent highly contentious public health
crises. Then the conveners selected a smaller group of
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Research, Study Groups and Conferences
participants to produce an edited volume around the theme
of “contested governance.” The draft papers can be viewed
Towards a New Public Management?
The Impact of Global Trends and
State Traditions
Since the inception of this project in September 2003, the
conveners — UC Berkeley’s Political Science Professor
Comparative Analysis of EU and US
Agricultural and Environmental Policy
Eckhard Schroeter and UCLA’s Political Science
Led by UC Berkeley’s Agricultural and Resource Economics
international symposia. The inaugural meeting, held on
professors Gordon Rausser a n d Leo Simon, a n d
April 2, 2004 was entitled “Convergence or Persisting
University of British Columbia Professor Kathy Baylis ,
Divergence in Administrative Systems in Industrialized
this convener group investigates and compares the trend
Democracies.” The subsequent colloquium, held on May
toward melding agricultural and environmental policy in
7, 2004, shifted attention to more detailed reform issues
the US and EU. This year the group developed and
such as deregulation and privatization, and engendered a
presented a course on the subject, and constructed a
set of commissioned papers. In addition, Schroeter
proposal for the European Commission to fund further
contributed two IES working papers.
Professor Joel D. Aberbach — have prepared two
research in the field. Their paper “Agri-Environmental
one of eight selected to be published from the international
Research Seminar: Ideas And
Institutional Change In Europe
Conference on Agricultural Policy Reform and the WTO.
Professor Nicholas Ziegler of the Political Science
Programs in the United States and European Union” was
Department directed this seminar, which examined the role
Comparative Immigration
and Integration Program
of ideas in the shifting geography of Europe’s political
The Comparative Immigration and Integration Program
of the University of Konstanz, P e t e r G o u r e v i t c h ,
(CIIP), one of the longest-running research projects
Professor of International Relations and Pacific Studies at
sponsored by CGES, is led by UC Davis Professor Philip
UC San Diego, and Sophie Meunier, Research Associate
Martin and housed in the Department of Agriculture and
of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional
Resource Economics at UC Davis. On March 4-6, 2004 it
Studies at Princeton University.
institutions. The seminar hosted Professor Berndt Keller
held a conference at UC San Diego entitled “Migration and
Terrorism: US and European Perspectives.” CIIP has also
continued to produce and distribute Migration News
(, a newsletter that summarizes and
analyzes the most important immigration and integration
developments of the preceding quarter, and has produced
several new IES working papers.
Research, Study Groups and Conferences
Europe’s Changing
Economic Geography
Europe’s Changing
Cultural Geography
Berkeley-Vienna Project
The three year Austria-Berkeley Program, founded by IES
Rethinking Diversity in Europe:
Multicultural Germany
and the Austrian Marshall Fund on January 1, 2004, is
The convener group, led by Professors Deniz Göktürk
administered by Economics Professor Barry Eichengreen
and Anton Kaes of the German Department, centers
through IES, Dieter Stiefel of the Vienna University, and
around an ongoing project to create a reference book that
Michael Landesmann of the Vienna Institute for Economic
documents all major debates and controversies about the
Research. It centers on three activities: (1) short term visits
new multi-ethnic Germany. In November 2003, the
for faculty and advanced graduate students of one to three
convener group held a workshop that was organized around
months duration; (2) annual research conferences, two to
a visit by Werner Schiffauer, Professor for Migration
be held in Berkeley, and a final one to be held in Vienna;
Studies at Viadrina University at Frankfurt/Oder,
and (3) a collaborative research program based on
Germany. The workshop discussions added new
competitive applications and designed to promote joint
perspectives that have been incorporated into the
work in the fields to which the program addresses itself.
sourcebook. Please consult for
more information about this project.
Comparative Bond Market Development
In Europe & Asia
This convener group is under the direction of Economics
The Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft
Professor Barry Eichengreen and is a continuation of
A selection from The Bancroft Library’s collection of
research undertaken in 2002-03 Academic Year. This
research centers on the issue of the growth of European
(Fruitbearing Society) — put together by James H.
bond markets. In Fall 2003, several papers resulted from
Spohrer, Librarian for the Germanic Collections — was
this project, all by Eichengreen. In January 2004
on display in the Bernice Layne Brown Gallery of Doe
Eichengreen visited Brussels to discuss comparative bond
Library from January 20 to April 17th, 2004. A public
market development with EC and G-10 officials.
lecture and reception in connection with the exhibit were
planned for later in the semester, and it served as a focal
The Bellagio Group
point for the UC Colloquium on Early Modern Europe,
On behalf of IES and the EU Center, Professor Barry
which was held on campus in April 2004. Also in
Eichengreen organizes and convenes the Bellagio Group.
connection with the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft
The Group meets annually in Europe and brings together
collection, a smaller exhibit of the Codices Selecti (a
G-10 deputies (deputy finance ministers and central bank
manuscript facsimile series also held by Bancroft) were
governors from the Group of Ten countries, seven of which
concurrently on display in the west wing of the Brown
are European). The January 2004 meeting, held in Brussels
with the support and assistance of the National Bank of
the world economy and the challenges for monetary and
Eighth University of California Colloquium
on Early Modern Central Europe
fiscal policies. The next meeting will take place in January
The Eighth UC Colloquium was organized by Professors
2005, in Amsterdam with local arrangements provided by
Thomas A. Brady Jr. (Berkeley), Peter H. Reill
Belgium, mainly focused on macroeconomic prospects of
the Dutch Central Bank.
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Research, Study Groups and Conferences
(Berkeley). The goal of the colloquium was to organize and
Conferences on Europe’s Changing
Cultural Geography
sustain an annual interdisciplinary workshop for graduate
In addition to these longer-term research projects, IES
students and faculty of the University of California (UC)
presented two major conferences that examined changing
system who work on any aspect of late medieval and early
culture in Europe. The evolving cultural landscape was
modern Central Europe. The colloquium welcomed
explored through the experience of women as expressed
scholars from the UC campuses of Berkeley, Davis, Irvine,
in literature in the Spanish Women Writers conference.
Los Angeles, and Riverside, as well as from the Max Plank
Also, dramatic changes in the media and advances in media
Institute, Göttingen.
technology, as well as art and architecture, were explored
(UCLA), David Sabean (UCLA), and Elaine C. Tennant
and interpreted in the Conference on Visual Culture. Both
Culture and Politics Colloquium Series
are described in more detail below.
Philosophy Professor Hans Sluga heads the IES Culture
and Society Colloquium, bringing in distinguished speakers
20 Century Spanish Women Authors
from both Europe and the United States. The theme of the
IES Spanish Studies program sponsored this conference
colloquium for this year was “The State in European and
on March 5-6, 2004 on the writing of Spanish women in
American Perspective.” Participants considered the
the 20th century. Addresses by two outstanding authors,
question of the future viability of the state as the pressures
known for their novels and essays — Soledad Puértolas ,
of globalization increase and as supranational institutions
winner of the Premio Planeta, Premio Sésamo and Premio
— taking on state functions — proliferate and gain
Anagrama de Ensayo, and Clara Sánchez, winner of the
Premio Alfaguara — provided the highpoints of the
conference. Most of the papers have been adapted for the
IES Working Paper Series, and can be found in the Working
Papers section of this report. More detail about this
conference is presented in the section on Spanish Studies
in this report.
Show and Tell: The State of Visual Culture
Studies Today
On April 9-10, 2004, an international roster of experts on
visual culture met to discuss the current state of this
burgeoning interdisciplinary field during a two-day
conference at UC Berkeley, organized by History Professor
Martin Jay. At its height, the conference housed more
than 200 audience members. Journal of Visual Culture has
agreed to publish the essays and drafts of these papers will
be included in the IES Working Paper series.
Research, Study Groups and Conferences
Europe’s Changing
Strategic Geography
As the United States and Europe find themselves to be
profoundly at odds with each other over U.S.US foreign
policy, the Iraqi war, and the nature of terrorism, IES
launched a lecture series entitled “Beyond the Gulf: U.S.USEuropean Relations After the Iraq War.” IES invited
academics, policy makers, and foreign policy experts from
both sides of the Atlantic to examine the evolving nature
of transatlantic relations and Europe’s strategic
significance to the U.S.US in the 21st century. The Beyond
Finally, IES offered predissertation fellowships to UC
graduate students whose research focused on the theme of
Europe’s changing strategic environment. Christian
William, a History graduate student at UC Santa Barbara
received the IES predissertation fellowship to work on his
research on “The Mid-70s Antinuclear Movement and its
Impact on the Emergence of the West German Green
Party,” as did Marton Dunai, a UC Berkeley Journalism
graduate student, for his project “Nuclear Eastern Europe:
A Source of Indispensable Energy and of Immense Danger,”
and Alan Rosenfeld , a History graduate student at UC
Irvine for his project “Terrorist Challenges to the
Democratic State: The Red Army Faction in West Germany
in the 1970s.”
the Gulf lecture series resulted in new working papers
added to the IES Working Paper Series.
The 2004 Peder Sather Symposium
A special focus of Europe’s changing strategic geography
has been NATO and the future of transatlantic relations.
IES hosted several NATO representatives who spoke on
the future role of NATO as well as the complex and evolving
relationship between Europe and the US. Ambassador Kai
Eide, NATO Permanent Representative of Norway, a n d
Peter Ricketts, KCMG, NATO Permanent Representative
of the United Kingdom, held a seminar with IES faculty
and graduate students on issues involved in NATO’s
transformation and on potential solutions to the
fundamental strains in transatlantic relations.
The 2004 Peder Sather Symposium was held in April under
the banner: “Shaping Global Order: The Role of Small
States and Multilateral Processes in a Hegemonic World.”
Statesmen and analysts from Norway, Sweden, and the
U.S.US reflected on alternative approaches for dealing with
the dangers of failed and rogue states. They focused on the
relationship between Europe and the United States, their
common and divergent perspectives, the role of divisions
within Europe, and the prospects for accommodation
between the US and Europe in shaping a common strategy
toward rogue states, failed states, and failing states.
The IES Center for British Studies Program focused on
other issues affecting European security, such as the
conflict in Northern Ireland, the role of small European
states in mediating international conflict, and issues of
internal security in Europe after 9/11. Garret Fitzgerald ,
Former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ireland, a
leading architect of the peace process in Northern Ireland,
shared his work with IES scholars on the peace process
and the future relationship between Northern Ireland and
Europe. Sir Joseph Pilling, Permanent Under Secretary,
Northern Ireland Office shared his views on the role of
the civil service in the peace process in Northern Ireland.
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
The Institute of European Studies is comprised of the
perspective. CGES also sponsored the Visual Culture
following country-specific programs: the Center for British
Studies Conference, as well as several multicampus
Studies, the Center for German and European Studies, the
activities with other UC campuses, such as the
Finnish Studies Program, the France-Berkeley Fund, the
Undergraduate Conference on the European Union, the UC
French Studies Program, the Italian Studies Program, the
Colloquium on Early Modern Central Europe, and the
Portuguese Studies Program, and the Spanish Studies
Proseminar program. Finally, CGES sponsored a
Program. The Institute also co-hosts the UC Berkeley
conference designed to bring together all UC faculty and
European Union Center and the National Resource Center
graduate students working in the field of German history
for West European Studies.
to discuss the state of the field. Entitled “New Research
and Writing in Modern German History,” this conference,
For more detailed information about these programs, visit
organized by IES Director and History Professor Gerald
the expanded IES annual report online at:
D. Feldman and UC Irvine History Professor Robert
Moeller, was held on February 27-29, 2004 at UC
Center for British Studies (CBS)
The Center was very active in its first year, hosting/co-
Finnish Studies Program (FSP)
hosting several lectures. Additionally, CBS hosted two
FSP continues to develop a project with UCLA, entitled the
workshops: the Chauncey D. Leake Workshop in History
Nordic Baltic Web Portal, which serves as a test case in
of Medicine: Food, Expertise and the Science of
multi-campus instruction in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian
Government; and the Workshop for Modern British
and Swedish, through the use of web portal and video
Historians in California area, a 2-day roundtable discussion
conferencing technology. FSP also sponsored lectures by
on teaching/research in British history. On March 26-28,
Dr. Mervi Pantti, Professor of Communications Research
2004, CBS hosted the 31s t Annual Pacific Coast Conference
in the University of Helsinki, Finland, on “Finnish Identity
on British Studies. The conference drew 130 British Studies
in Finnish Cinema,” which included a viewing of a new film
scholars, and included plenaries with Stefan Collini
Nousukausi; Dr. Veronica Pimenoff, psychiatrist and
(Cambridge); Ann Hughes (University of Keele); Billie
author, on “Destiny and Choices in Literature and Medical
Melman (Tel Aviv University); Charles Carlton (North
Ethics;” and Greggor Mattson , UC Berkeley, on “Fear
Carolina State University); and Philippa Levine (USC).
and Loathing at the Edge if Europe: Finland’s Prostitution
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Center for German and European Studies
France-Berkeley Fund (FBF)
This year’s research programs funded by CGES, in
In September 2003, FBF celebrated its tenth anniversary.
collaboration with the DaimlerChrysler and Deutsche Bank
The celebration, which included members of the Berkeley
foundations, included: Comparative Immigration and
campus and of the French community in the Bay Area,
symbolized and affirmed FBF’s success in promoting
Governance; the transformation of public management;
growing diversity in Germany and Europe; and new
academic and public leaders were also in attendance. Since
research and writing in modern German history. CGES
1992, International and Area Studies has supported an
funded the highly acclaimed lecture series on transatlantic
exchange agreement with the French Centre National de
relations, “Beyond the Gulf,” and also lectures focusing on
la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Département des
change in Germany in both historical and contemporary
Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (SHS) administered
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
through FBF. In addition to the CNRS exchange, FBF
Geographies of Modernity,” completed a three-year
The European Union Center
offered research grants that support scientific and scholarly
research project devoted to “Italian Modernities,” and
In 2003-04, the EU Center, under the leadership of IES,
National Resource Center on West
European Studies
exchanges and collaboration between UC Berkeley and
brought together faculty and graduate students from across
continued to carry out research and outreach activities
During 2003-04, The National Resource Center joined with
research and higher education institutions in France. For
the UC and Cal State systems.
focused on the theme of “Europe’s Changing Geography,”
the Center for German and European Studies and the
co-sponsoring with CGES research on food safety, the State
DaimlerChrysler/Deutsche Bank foundations to support
the 2003-04 application cycle, the FBF received 58
applications and was able to grant 15 fellowship supporting
Portuguese Studies Program (PSP)
after Statism, and the Berkeley-Vienna project, and the
projects focused on Europe’s Changing Geography. It also
a diverse group of projects.
This year PSP hosted three visiting scholars: Rui Caldeira,
“Comparative Bond Market Development In Europe &
funded lectures on these themes, and supported IES efforts
a visiting junior scholar from Lisbon University; Nuno
Asia” convener group. In April, the Center sponsored the
to incorporate the theme of “Europe’s Changing
French Studies Program (FRSP)
Teixeira Severiano, a former Minister of Home Affairs
2004 Peder Sather Symposium. The Center also sponsored
Geography” into UC Berkeley’s curricular offerings. The
The French Studies program offered a variety of speakers
in the Portuguese Government (2000-2002) and a
a lecture series on the European Union, and a new
National Resource Center supported IES efforts to further
and events during the 2003-04 Academic Year. FRSP also
Professor of International Relations at the New University,
undergraduate course on the European Union . In
elaborate its links with Berkeley’s professional schools,
co-sponsored two conferences — the first in the Fall 2003
Lisbon; and the distinguished Portuguese writer Teolinda
2003-04 the EU Center sponsored a number of new
including the schools of journalism, business, public policy
on the French filmmaker Claire Dulac, along with the
Gersao. On April 2-3, the PSP hosted the annual Luso-
and law. It also supported Library acquisitions focused on
Pacific Film Archives and the French department; the
American Education Foundation (LAEF) Conference On
“Conversations with History,” in which European
European Studies; undergraduate courses on the European
second on “Discontents and French Civilization” organized
Education. On April 30th PSP and Casa de Macau (USA)
perspectives were brought to the attention of a wider public.
Union and on Transatlantic Relations; and the Berkeley
by Professor Tyler Stovall of the UC Berkeley History
sponsored a conference entitled “Macau — A Space of
The archive of transcripts and the video cast of the
European Network Student Group, a campus-wide
Department and Director of the France Berkeley Fund.
Encounters.” PSP also sponsored several additional events:
European student association with the goal of increasing
And, in a joint venture with Chinese Studies and the French
a presentation if a documentary by Luis Proença entitled The EU Center
understanding of Europe through academic, business and
Consulate, French Studies organized a roundtable (with
“Pukiki — The Portuguese Americans of Hawai’i”; a lecture
also co-sponsors with IES the pre-dissertation and the
social events.
commentaries given by Asianists and French department
by Professor Irene Bloemraad on “Understanding
dissertation research and writing fellowships that focus on
supported teaching and research of the less commonly
faculty) with the acclaimed novelist Shan Sa, a Chinese-
Portuguese Immigrants’ Political Invisibility: Is it Them
the European Union.
taught languages of Breton, Catalan, Danish, Finnish, Irish,
born resident of France who has written three prize-
or Is it Us?”; and a Portuguese Studies Program Student
winning novels in French. French Studies also co-
Norwegian, Swedish, Welsh and Yiddish.
sponsored the conference entitled, “The 1970s, Before and
After: Theories and Practices of Sexuality and Culture in
Spanish Studies Program
France and the USA.”
The major activity of the Spanish Studies Program (SSP)
during this past year was the two-day conference on
Italian Studies Program (ISP)
Twentieth-Century Spanish Women Authors, held on
In Fall 2003, ISP hosted Federico Rampini, who taught
March 5-6, 2004. Most of the papers have been adapted
a combined graduate/undergraduate course on “Italy in
for the IES Working Paper Series in anticipation of their
the New Europe,” co-sponsored by IES’ National Resource
publication as a book, and can be found in the Working
Center on West European Studies and Department of
Papers section of the Annual Report. In addition SSP
Italian Studies. In addition, the Department of Italian
sponsored two colloquia. In Summer 2004 SSP is hosting
Studies, the Italian Studies Program and IES will be co-
a visiting scholar from the Complutense University of
sponsoring the first book in the new Biblioteca Italiana
Madrid. Dr. Carmela Pérez Bernárdez is an associate
series, a volume based on Rampini’s course. The Italian
professor of law, and she will conduct research on “The
Studies Program co-sponsored with the Department of
Role of the United Nations and the European Union in the
Italian Studies a number of lectures, as well as the third
implementation of International Humanitarian Law.”
annual California Interdisciplinary Consortium of Italian
Studies conference, held at Berkeley in May 2004. This
year’s conference, entitled “Space in Time: Italian
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Finally, the National Resource Center
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Visiting Scholars
IES welcomed several new visiting scholars during 2003-
research in public lectures. In September, IES hosted Cem
Ozdemir , Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall
Fund of the US and the first Turkish-German to serve in
Zachary Shore performed research at the American
the Bundestag (Parliament of Germany). In October 2003,
Institute for Contemporary German Studies in Washington
IES hosted Garret Fitzgerald , Former Prime Minister
DC, and also wrote the well-known book “What Hitler
and Foreign Minister of Ireland, and former head of the
Knew: The Battle for Information in Nazi Foreign Policy.”
EU Council of Ministers. In February 2004, IES was
He joined IES in September 2003, where he and IES
pleased to host Ian Lesser, Vice President and Director
Deputy Director Beverly Crawford organized a lecture
of Studies at the Pacific Council on International Policy.
series entitled, “Beyond the Gulf: U.S. U S - E u r o p e a n
Also in February, IES hosted Horst Kern, President of
Relations After Iraq”, a year-long series focusing on
Georg August University, Göttingen, Germany who
Europe’s strategic significance in the 21st century. He is
discussed his research on German University reform and
also pursuing research on Europe’s Muslims, examining
the long-term consequences of German-American
how the European states are integrating their various
exchange programs with IES faculty and students. Zafer
Muslim populations. Zachary Shore will be at IES through
Senocak, Turkish German author and a leading voice in
May of 2005.
debates on multiculturalism in Germany, read from his
published and unpublished works on Thursda. IES also
Jasminka Sohinger, a Professor of Economics from
hosted Jürgen Neyer, Heisenberg Fellow of the Deutsche
Zagreb University in Croatia, came to IES as a visiting
Forschungsgemeinschaft, Centre for Transatlantic Foreign
scholar in August 2003. While at IES, Sohinger worked on
and Security Policy, Free University Berlin.
her research on Central and Eastern European trade, and
on foreign direct investment in Croatia, as well as economic
Other European visitors included Professor Manfred
diplomacy and international negotiations. Sohinger gave
Roeber, Professor of Public Management at the Technical
a public lecture at IES and contributed a paper to the IES
University of Berlin;
Working Papers Series on “Transforming Competitiveness
Professor of International Relations, New University,
in European Transition Economies: The Role of Foreign
Lisbon and former Minister of Home Affairs in the
Direct Investment.”
Portuguese Government; Niall Ferguson , Professor of
Nuno Severiano Teixeira,
Political and Financial History at Jesus College Oxford and
IES is also pleased to be working again with Dr. Eckhard
John E. Herzog Family Chair in Financial History at the
Schroeter. Dr. Schroeter holds the position of visiting
Stern School of Business at New York University; a n d
professor in the Department of Political Science and
Teolinda Gersão, Portuguese Distinguished Writer in
Visiting Scholar at CGES. In addition, he has been
appointed by the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) to the newly established directorship of the DAAD
Consulting Center in San Francisco.
Visiting Scholars
As part of its academic outreach effort, IES also hosted
numerous short-term European visitors and guest scholars
over the past year. Visiting for a period of 3-5 days, these
scholars assisted local research efforts, facilitated
collaboration with IES faculty, and shared their own
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Serving Our Students
Undergraduate EU Studies Course
site was constructed with links to reading materials, course
IES has taken the lead in creating one of the foremost
notes and various sources of information
programs for undergraduate students in European Union
~baylis/EEP%20141_files/EEP%20141.htm. In late
Studies. This initiative began in the spring of 2004 with a
November, an evening seminar was hosted on the recent
course on the European Union, taught by Michelle
changes to the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. Although
Bertho, who has taught EU Studies at the University of
the seminar was primarily for the students in the course, a
San Francisco and San Francisco State University. In April,
total of 45 graduate students and faculty attended.
twelve students from Berkeley — most of whom were
participants in the EU Course — were selected to attend
Graduate Education
the annual undergraduate conference on the EU at Scripps
Each year the Center invites applications from UC
College, initiated and co-sponsored by IES. The description
departments and professional schools for funding of a
of the conference is provided below. As a result of their
visiting European professor. The holder of this position
participation in that conference, several Berkeley students
jointly teaches a proseminar for graduate and professional
were selected to attend the Rome Summer Institute on US-
students with professors in any department on subject
EU relations June 10-July 10, 2004. Michelle Bertho was
matter of predominantly European and comparative
also selected as a member of the faculty for the Rome
Summer Institute.
entitled, Religion and Society: A Comparative Study in
In academic year 2003-04 a proseminar
Spain and Latin America (Anthropology 250), was taught
Undergraduate Conference on the
European Union
by Prof. Stanley Brandes of UC Berkeley’s Department
The annual undergraduate conference on the European
Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Geography and
Union entitled “The Transatlantic Relationship: Conflict
History at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid. This
and Cooperation” took place on April 29-30, 2004 at
course explored popular religion in the Iberian Peninsula
Scripps College and was co-sponsored by the European
and in Latin America. Topics examined included
Union Center at UC Berkeley, the Institute of European
ethnographic variation as well as ethnohistorical
Studies at UC Berkeley, the Center for European and
transformation, ritual practice, cosmology and belief.
of Anthropology and Manuel Gutierrez-Estevez,
Eurasian Studies at UC Los Angeles, and the European
Union Center of California. As a result of their participation
IES sponsors two graduate student groups: The Berkeley
in this conference, several students from Berkeley were
European Network, a campus-wide European student
selected to attend a summer program from June 20 to July
association with the goal of increasing understanding of
10, 2004 at the Center for American Studies in Rome
Europe through academic, business and social events, and
entitled “Europe and the USA in a Changing World.”
The Berkeley European Law Society, an organization for
students interested in European law and European related
Serving Our Students
Course on EU and U.S.US AgriEnvironmental Policies
issues. In April 2004, IES sponsored this group in bringing
As part of their convener group, Professors Gordon
Hungary, to speak on affirmative action and education in
Rausser, Leo Simon and Kathy Baylis developed an
Hungary, as that former communist nation transitions to
upper-level undergraduate course and offered it as part of
its role as a member of the European Union.
Balint Magyar , Minister of Education of the Republic of
the Environmental Economics and Policy Program
curriculum, studying the economics of environmental and
agricultural policy in the United States and Europe. A web
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Outreach and Community Building
IES has been very active in conducting outreach activities
Throughout the year IES organizes and hosts several events
that would enhance the Institute’s visibility on campus and
designed to bring together students, faculty and staff
in the local community. IES provides annual support with
working under the auspices of IES, and share their work
other Title VI-funded Berkeley NRC’s for the work of
with each other and our community friends. IES hosts a
ORIAS (Office of Resources for International and Area
monthly “Tea Time,” an informal gathering of IES
Studies). Through its website, newsletter and workshops,
colleagues and friends, who get together for a good
ORIAS disseminates information about events and
conversation and a REAL cup of tea. Every fall, IES holds
resources on international topics to California K-12
its annual reception “The Fall Festival,” where the Institute
teachers ( Among the resources
introduces its entering graduate students, the country
available from ORIAS are curriculum materials, web
programs and new visiting scholars, and launches the new
resource lists, guest speakers and electronic mentors.
academic year.
During the 2003-2004 academic year and summer, IES
supported ORIAS with funds, some of which were used for
teacher workshops for the World History book club and
World Poetry working group, as well as for preparations
for summer workshops for teachers on Legal Systems and
Human Rights Around the World. The World History book
club, whose aim is to provide an opportunity for K-14
teachers to discuss relevant books in the field of world
history and share ideas for using them to strengthen K-14
curriculum, met four times during this reporting period,
and had an attendance of 17 teachers. The World Poetry
working group was established to aid educators in teaching
pre-modern history through literature, in particular on
topics mandated by the 6th a n d 7th grade world history
IES has increased its support for the IES newsletter, eNews,
which is distributed electronically and in print and keeps
the Institute’s faculty, students, researchers and visitors
abreast of the Institute’s activities. IES website
( received an average of 30,000 hits per
month during the 2003-04 Academic Year, and is updated
Outreach and
Community Building
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Fellowship Awards
Entering Graduates
Maria Teresa Agozzino (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)
“The Mock Battle of Modena: Italians take on Arthurian
Legend” (working title)
IES offers fellowships each year for outstanding UC
entering graduate students who demonstrate an interest
Nicole Altamirano (UC Berkeley, Spanish & Portuguese)
in modern European studies. The nominating department
“Revisionist Myth Making in Spanish Women’s Writing of
provides tuition and fee waivers for students who are
the 1920’s and 30’s”
selected. These fellowships have attracted the finest
students from across the country and have provided
Pilar Asensio (UC Los Angeles, Spanish and Portuguese)
incentive to both students and departments to focus on
“Spanish Romantic Writers in Exile: Political and
European studies. The 2003-04 recipients of the entering
Ideological Imports within their Narrative”
graduates fellowships are listed below.
William Christian (UC Santa Barbara, History)
David Beecher (History, UC Berkeley)
“The Mid-70s Antinuclear Movement and its Impact on
Kristen Gray (Sociology, UC Berkeley)
the Emergence of the West German Green Party”
Stela Krasteva-McCauley (Sociology,
UC Los Angeles)
Sandra Dawson (UC Santa Barbara, History)
Janaya Laskar (Italian, UC Berkeley)
“Islands of Leisure: British Holiday Camp Culture in War
Erika Noebel (Sociology, UC Los Angeles)
and Peace, 1919-1954”
Noah Strote (History, UC Berkeley)
Zhivka Valiavicharska (Rhetoric, UC Berkeley)
Marton Dunai (UC Berkeley, Journalism)
“Nuclear Eastern Europe: A Source of Indispensable
Energy and of Immense Danger”
Brad Erickson (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)
“Stereotype and Discrimination in Mediterranean Europe”
IES offers pre-dissertation support to UC graduate students
who have advanced to candidacy and are ready to write a
dissertation proposal on a European topic. Recipients of
these funds may apply them to travel expenses related to a
pre-dissertation trip to Europe. This preliminary trip allows
students to lay groundwork for later field or archival
research. The 2003-04 recipients of the predissertation
fellowships are listed below.
Fellowship Awards
Félix Germain (UC Berkeley, African American Studies)
“Different Working Conditions: Labor Management of
People of Sub-Saharan African and Caribbean Descent in
Postwar France”
Nicole Gilbertson (UC Irvine, History)
“A Gendered Examination of Spanish Exiles’ Relationship
to the British State 1823-1834"
Deolinda Adão (UC Berkeley, Spanish and Portuguese)
“The Space of Feminine Narratives: A Social-Political
Approach to Portuguese and Brazilian Female Writing”
Pamela Grigorian (UC Los Angeles, Art History)
“Armenia and its Diaspora: A Comparative Study of
Notions of ‘Homeland’ and Visual Constructions of
National and Cultural Identity”
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Fellowship Awards
Susanne Hoelscher-Whiting (UC Davis, German)
“Berlin and its People: Literature and the Representation
of (trans-)national Identities in the New German Capital”
Rahsaan Maxwell (UC Berkeley, Political Science)
“Ethnic Integration in Contemporary France: North
African Arabs, West Africans, and Caribbeans”
Foreign Language and
Area Studies (FLAS)
The FLAS program is a highly competitive fellowship,
funded by the US Department of Education, and aims to
ensure continued national competence in modern foreign
languages, and area and international studies. The 2002-
Saul Mercado (UC Berkeley, Anthropology)
“Language, Power, and Context: The Intersection of Arabic,
Castilian, and Catalan”
Jean Murachanian (UC Los Angeles, Art History)
“Leon Tutundjian: Visual Representations of Trauma”
03 recipients of the entering graduates fellowships are
listed below.
Mary Spicuzza (Journalism, Spanish)
Bradley Erickson (Anthropology, Catalan)
Kathryn Klimowicz (Social Welfare, French)
Monica Eppinger (Anthropology, French)
Knox Peden (UC Berkeley, History)
“Sifting through the Ashes: The Destruction of Dresden and
the Politics of Mourning”
Masumi Matsumoto (Rhetoric, French)
Satyel Larson (Rhetoric, French)
Alyssa Wulf (Linguistics, Modern Greek)
Tobias Schulze-Cleven (UC Berkeley, Political Science)
“Pension Reforms Under the Influence of EU-induced
Financial Liberalization”
David Beecher (History, German)
Nicole Altamirano (Spanish and
Portuguese, Catalan)
Charles Ferris (Music, Italian)
Kristin Leigh Vitalich (UC Los Angeles, Slavic
Languages and Literatures)
“The Role of Contingency in 19 th Century Slavic
Lexicographical Projects: The Case of Polish, Serbian, and
Erik Howell (Archaeology, Spanish)
Darius Ornston (Political Science, Finnish)
Robert Peckerar (Comparative Literature, Yiddish)
Sarah Townsend (English, Irish)
Jennifer Lucko (Anthropology, Spanish)
Anja Vogel (UCLA, Anthropology)
“Building a New Nation or Perpetuating an Invisible Wall?
— Childhood Narratives of Two Contemporary Generations
in Berlin, Germany”
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
During the 2003-04 Academic Year IES hosted many
September 18
October 14
leading scholars through its active and well-established
A Conversation About the Peace Process in Northern
Multicultural Europe Roundtable Discussion
visiting lecture series, showcasing the Institute’s
Ireland and the Role of Civil Service
Responses to the European Union: France, Britain and
commitment to breadth and depth of community outreach.
Sir Joseph Pilling
November 3
Bonne Chance, Puneet Kakar , Mazi Pielsticker, and
IES Lecture Series Beyond the Gulf:
Zandu Perez-Travers
The Future of US-European Relations
Additionally, IES sponsored a series of lectures organized
September 22
around a number of topics.
From Alliance to Ambivalence: The Changing Agenda of
France-Algerie: De La Memoire A L’Historie
Benjamin Stora
October 16
Transatlantic Relations
The Renaissance Piazza from Medieval Florence to Louis
Jackson Janes
September 25
August 26
Restitution in West Germany and East Germany, 1945-
Marvin Trachtenberg
The Body in Early Modern England
Laura Gowing
Constantin Goschler
November 4
The National Socialist Past and Memorial Politics:
October 17
Germany Before and After National Unification
Pukiki — The Portuguese Americans of Hawai’i
Reinhard Rürup
August 28
September 29
The German Banks and the Economic Persecution of the
The Value of Private Benefits: Evidence from an Emerging
Jews in the Third Reich
Market for Corporate Control
October 21
Between Brussels and Byzantium: Some thoughts on
Dieter Ziegler
Chong-En Bai
European Values and the Information Technology
European Integration
Niall Ferguson
A documentary by Luis Proença
November 5
Pekka Himanen
Shan Sa and Diaspora Literature: A Roundtable Discussion
Shan Sa
October 22
September 3
October 6
German Responses to 9/11: Internal Security and the New
The Crime of Civilization: Secret Poisoning and the
Decentralization and Political Institutions
Victorian Imagination
November 6
Anti-Terrorism Act
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
Ian Burney
From Exile to Diaspora: The Development of Transnational
A Conversation About History, Television, and the British
September 9
October 23
Holocaust and Genocide: Entanglement of Master
ISF Lecture Series
David Starkey
Assimilation and its Discontents: French, Germans, and
November 7
Red-Green Electoral Strategies and Recent Reform
Sylvia Swift
Legislation in Germany
Gert-Joachim Glaessner
Islam in Europe
Dirk Moses
October 7
Werner Schiffauer
The Future of Northern Ireland and Europe
September 15
Garret FitzGerald
After the Big Bang? Obstacles to the Emergence of the Rule
Berndt Keller
October 28
Political Economy, Public Policy, and Performance: A
November 12
of Law in Post-Communist Societies
October 9
Writing a New Religious History of Modern France
Karla Hoff
Comparison of 19 Rich Democracies
IES Lecture Series Beyond the Gulf:
Hal Wilensky
A roundtable with Raymond Jonas , J.P. Daughton ,
The Future of US-EU Relations
Maria Riasanovsky and Sarah Curtis
Transatlantic Tensions and the Future of Immigration
Power and Mission: A European Perspective on President
October 31
Bush’s Pax Americana
How to Read Machiavelli Today
November 13-14
Cem Özdemir
Detlef Junker
Gopal Balakrishnan
Workshop on “The State After Statism”
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
November 17
Ways of Knowing: Some Steps Towards a Long-History of
German/American Academic Exchange Programs: Long-
March 5-6
Term Consequences to Both Countries
20th-Century Spanish Women Authors Conference
Horst Kern
February 2
John Pickstone
March 11
IES Lecture Series Beyond the Gulf:
February 20
Policing London in the Eighteenth Century
November 19
The Future of US-European Relations
John Beattie
La Traición Política Y Sus Mitos En La Cultura Tradicional
Turkey, Europe and the United States in a Time of Strategic
Tito Cardoso e Cunha
Manuel Gutiérrez Estévez
Ian Lesser
Women Writers and Gender Studies
February 23
Teolinda Gersão
The Birth of a European Constitution:
November 20
Law Reform, Rights, and Legal Culture in China Stanley
Process and Obstacles
March 12
Fear and Loathing at the Edge of Europe: Finland’s
Werner Hoyer
Prostitution Struggles
Michael Hardt
Greggor Mattson
Friendship and Sociability in Early Modern England
February 25
Sir Keith Thomas
Destiny and Choices- in Literature and Medical Ethics
March 17
Veronica Pimenoff
The Gay Question in France: The Struggle for Domestic
November 21
Turkey: Ready for Europe?
February 4
Philip Martin
Jean Norton Cru and the Subjectivity of Objectivity
February 26
Leonard Smith
NATO and the Future of Transatlantic Relations
Partnership and Gay Marriage
Frederic Martel
March 18
Sir Peter Ricketts & Kai Eide
February 9
Two Systems, One Culture? Science and Techonology in
IES Lecture Series Beyond the Gulf:
Welcome Reception and Presentation of the Author and
East and West Germany 1949-1989
December 3
The Future of US-European Relations
her work within the context of Portugal’s contemporary
Ulrich Wengenroth
The Archipelago of the Azores and its Geological Perils as
Failed States and Gradations of Sovereignty
Disruptive Disasters
Stephen Krasner
Teolinda Gersão
Rui Caldeira
Daniela Coli
February 11
Una Mattina Ci Siam Svegliati: Music Subcultures and
December 8
The European Union as an International Actor
Antifascism in Contemporary Italy
March 19
Beyond the Gulf:
Nuno Severiano Teixeira
Clarissa Clo
Recital: Literature and Biography
The Siberian Curse: Does Russia’s Geography Doom its
February 12
February 27-29
Chances for Market Reform?
Foreigners or Citizens? Citizenship Policies in the Countries
New Research and Writing in Modern German History
Fiona Hill
of the EU
The Future of US-European Relations
Presentation in Portuguese and English
Marc Morjé Howard
Escape to Europe
March 26-28
Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies
Roberto Dainotto
January 28
Teolinda Gersão
March 30
The Literary Critic and the Village Labourer:
March 4
Culture in Twentieth-Century Britain
February 19
Finnish Identity in Finnish Cinema
Marginalized Groups in Britain?
Stefan Collini
German University Reform: Elite Universities and the
Mervi Pantti
Ralph Fevre
University of Göttingen
What Motivates Active Citizenship Amongst Politically
Horst Kern
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
The Future of US-European Relations
April 22
Jobs, Trade, and Aging: The Problems of Advanced
Commercial Treaty in the English Imagination?
Robert Reich
Paul Duguid
Promises and Pitfalls
Learning from Persecution: Scientific Change and Self-
The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims
Trade Disputes
William Chandler
Reflection after 1933
of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050-1300
Jürgen Neyer
From Holy Text to the Visionary: The Making of a British
Mitchell Ash
Brian A. Catalos
April 14
April 23
Jane Shaw
Language and Languages: Between Biology and Sociology
Claude Hagege
Invisibility: Is it Them or Is it Us?
April 1
May 3
The Enlargement of the European Union:
Weak States in the WTO: An Analysis of Transatlantic
May 6
Female Messiah and Her Millenarian Community, 1914-
From Communism to the European Union: Affirmative
April 15
Balint Magyar
Coalitional Foundations of Corporate Governance: Class,
Peter Gourevitch
Symposium on: Towards a New Public Management? The
Kasimierz Z. Poznanski
Discontents and French Civilization Conference
May 7
Symposium: Towards a New Public Management? The
Sector and Interests
April 2
Poland on the Road to the EU
Irene Bloemraad
Action and Education in Hungary
April 26
Impact of Global Trends and State Traditions on Public
IES Lecture Series Beyond the Gulf:
Sector Reforms. The Many Faces of the European
Impact of Global Trends and State Traditions
The Messianic in Italian Political Theory: Echoes of Dante
The Future of US-European Relations
Regulatory State
Comparing Public Sector Reforms: The Impact of National
in Giorgio Agamben and Tony Negri
Europe, America and the “War on Terror”
Martin Lodge
Administrative Traditions
Luca D’Isanto
Douglas Porch
April 16
April 29
and Germany
April 2-3
Miracles within Catastrophes: Some Examples from Early
Globalization and Europeanization: A Challenge to French
Bert A. Rockman, Trevor Brown, Yijia Jing a n d
Luso American Education Foundation Conference On
Modern Germany
Eckhard Schroeter
Hartmut Lehmann
Sophie Meunier
April 5
April 17-18
“Once you state a moral principle you are stuck with it:”
2004 Annual California Interdisciplinary Consortium for
Trade Policy and the Enlargement of the European Union
8th UC Colloquium on Early Modern Central Europe
Churchill, Roosevelt, and the 1941 Atlantic Charter as a
Italian Studies Conference: Italian Geographies of
Human Rights Instrument
B. Guy Peters
Rolling Back the State? A Tale of Privatization in the US
May 7-8
Anders Ahnlid
April 19
Liz Borgwardt
April 9-10
Transforming Competitiveness in European Transition
Show and Tell: The State of Visual Culture Studies Today
Economies: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment
April 29-30
Jasminka Sohinger
Macau: A Space of Encounters Conference
April 12
A Paradox in Linguistic Typology, or What Do Languages
April 20
Allow Us to Ask?
About Innocence, Normality and Absurdity — Dealing with
Claude Hagege
the Nazi Past in Postwar Germany
Peter Longerich
April 13
IES Lecture Series Beyond the Gulf:
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Working Papers
The Institute’s Working Paper series, established by the
“Mothers and Daughters in Transition and Beyond”
Center for German and European Studies, purposes to
Emilie L. Bergmann, University of California, Berkeley
make the results of this research immediately available,
March 5, 2004
and to circulate work in progress prior to its final
that have been presented by the Institute. To find out more
“Out of the Glass Niche and into the
Swimming Pool: the Transformation of the
Sirena figure in Concha Méndez’s Surtidor:
about the Institute of European Studies, or to read any of
Nicole Altamirano, University of California, Berkeley
these working papers in full, visit our website at
March 5, 2004
publication. In addition to the research of these established
study groups, the Working Papers include specially selected
papers from conferences, workshops and public lectures
Read abstracts and papers online at:
“La batalla de la educación: Historical
Memory in Josefina Aldecoa’s Trilogy”
Sara Brenneis, University of California, Berkeley
March 5, 2004
“Transforming Competitiveness in
European Transition Economies: The Role
of Foreign Direct Investment”
“Discourse of Silence in Alcanfor and ‘Te
deix, amor, la mar com a penyora’”
Jasminka Sohinger, Institute of European Studies
Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
March 5, 2004
May 29, 2004
“Copying the Nasdaq Stock Market in
Europe: Supranational Politics and the
Convergence-Divergence Debate”
“Desde la pared de vidrio hasta la otra
orilla: El exilio de María Martínez Sierra”
Alda Blanco, Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison
March 5, 2004
Elliot Posner, Department of Political Science & Elliott
School of International Affairs, The George Washington
April 2004
“Governing the Capital — Comparing
Institutional Reform in Berlin, London, and
Manfred Röber, Professor, Fachhochschule für Technik
Working Papers
“Reproducción, familia y futuro: cuatro
denuncias en clave femenina”
und Wirtschaft Berlin, University of Applied Sciences
Paper is in Spanish.
Department of Political Science, University of California,
Geraldine C. Nichols , University of Florida
March 5, 2004
February 1, 2004
Eckhard Schröter , Visiting Associate Professor,
“La Interminable Posguerra: La Escritura
De Enriqueta Antolin En Los Años Noventa”
Alicia Goicoechea Redondo, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid
March 5, 2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
Working Papers
Working Papers
“How Many Third Ways? Comparing the
British, French and German Left in
“The Politics of Restitution for Nazi Victims
in Germany West and East (1945 – 2000)”
Eckhard Schröter , Visiting Associate Professor,
University and currently teaching at Friedrich-Schiller-
Department of Political Science, University of California,
University, Jena
September 25, 2003
Constantin Goschler, Privatdozent at Humboldt-
February 1, 2004
“The Euro Through a Glass Darkly”
“Making Money: Political Development, the
Greenback, and the Euro”
Barry Eichengreen, George C. Pardee and Helen N.
McNamara, Associate Professor,
Department of Government & School of Foreign Service,
Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science at UC
September 2003
Georgetown University
“Europe’s Identity and Islams”
Revised February 2004, October 2003
Renate Holub, Professor, Director, Interdisciplinary
“The Accession Economies’ Rocky Road to
the Euro”
August 30, 2003
Barry Eichengreen, George C. Pardee and Helen N.
Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science at UC
November 2003
“From Alliances to Ambivalence: The
Search for a Transatlantic Agenda In the
21st Century”
Jackson Janes, Director, American Institute for
Contemporary German Studies
November 3, 2003
“Europe between Brussels and Byzantium:
Some Thoughts on European Integration ”
Niall Ferguson , Herzog Professor of Financial History,
Stern School of Business, New York University; Senior
Research Fellow, Jesus College, Oxford
November 1, 2003
“Institutions for Fiscal Stability”
Barry Eichengreen, George C. Pardee and Helen N.
Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science at UC
Revised, October 2003
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004
IES Annual Report 2003-2004