January 2016 Newsletter
January 2016 Newsletter
PONSONBY PUBLIC SCHOOL #5923 Wellington Road 7, R.R. # 5, Guelph, ON N1H 6J2 Phone: (519) 824-9447 FAX: (519) 824-9041 Paul Tribe, Acting Principal Anita Way, Office Co-Ordinator SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.ugdsb.on.ca/Ponsonby _______________________________________________________________________________________ Principal’s Message JANUARY 2016 Welcome back to another calendar year. I hope everyone had a most rewarding time away. I cannot imagine that it was necessarily relaxing. However, I do hope that you had an opportunity to connect with family and friends, and enjoy what we have been given. You may be aware that I have the pleasure of remaining at Ponsonby Public School for the balance of the school year. I could not be happier. As we begin 2016, please remember that the Ponsonby Staff put the safety of your children first and foremost. Please do remember to sign in when you visit the school. If a family member or friend is coming in your place to pick up your child, please let Mrs. Way know first. I usually also like to remind children to dress for the weather. That has been a challenge this year, given the warmer than usual temperatures. Nevertheless, let me reiterate that we do chat with children about the fact that there are two forty-minute recesses. The best way for all of us to enjoy those times outside is to wear clothing that protects us from the elements. Thank you for your giving spirit. The “Build a Backpack” program was a huge success due to you. We had items arrive in December even before the drive officially began. We know there are families new to Canada who are very appreciative of your generosities. I look forward to seeing you at the school as we move into this next stage of the school year. School Hours As we return to Ponsonby in a new year, it is time to remind everyone about school hours. They are as follows: • The first bell sounds at 8:40 AM. Students come inside and go to their classes. • The second bell sounds at 8:50 AM at which time announcements are made. • Students arriving after this will be marked late. • First nutrition break begins at 10:40 AM. • First recess begins at 11:00 AM and finishes at 11:40 AM • Second nutrition break begins at 1:40 PM • Second recess begins at 2:00 PM and ends at 2:40 PM • Dismissal bell sounds at 3:40 PM. At this point students proceed either outside or to the gym, depending upon the weather, to line up for their buses. • If your intention is to pick up your child prior to dismissal time, it is appreciated if you could notify the school early; either by note in your child’s agenda or by telephone message. Please realize that the office is very busy as we approach the end of the day. • The last bus is usually gone by around 4:00 PM All the best, Paul Tribe, Acting Principal Family Day – Monday, February 15th The Upper Grand district School board will be observing Family Day on Monday, February 15th – Ponsonby will be closed. Enjoy the day with your family! Thank you so much for your continued effort to send snacks to school with your children that DO NOT contain nuts. Since the colder weather is upon us our students are wearing hats to keep warm. We all know that kids like to share things, including hats. With this, of course, comes the potential for little critters to appear, in the form of head lice. They can be a real nuisance! Please check you child’s head weekly to help eliminate these critters. If you would be willing to volunteer to help with monthly head checks please contact Mrs. Way in the office 519-824-9447. Thank you Helping Syrian refugee students in our community through the Free to Achieve Fund GUELPH, Ontario – As the Upper Grand District School Board prepares to welcome Syrian refugee families, members of our community have been working together to raise funds to help support the families when they arrive. As numerous community groups work to ensure families receive a warm welcome and are set up for success, many have been asking what they can do to help. And with the holidays approaching, many are looking to buy gifts that give back. If you would like to donate to the Syrian refugees settling in our communities, you can do so through the Upper Grand Learning Foundation (UGLF), through the Free to Achieve Fund. UGLF is a non-profit, registered charity dedicated to improving educational opportunities for students and families in the communities the Upper Grand District School Board serves. UGLF’s Free to Achieve Fund strives to help students identified as in-need, whether the need is for basic necessities like clothes and food, eye glasses or opportunities outside the classroom that they wouldn’t normally have, like involvement in sports or swimming lessons. To donate to Syrian refugee children, visit the UGLF’s Free to Achieve Fund website (http://www.uppergrandlearningfoundation.com/funds/free-to-achieve.aspx) and when making your donation indicate it is in honour of “Syrian families.” Charitable tax receipts are provided for donations of $20 or more. SEPTEMBER 2016 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION If you have a child or know of a child who will be attending kindergarten in the 2016-2017 school year, please contact the school at 519-824-9447. Kindergarten registration will take place early February 2016. Please be sure to bring proof of your child’s birth (original birth certificate), immunization card and proof of address. Included is a Kindergarten Pre-Registration Notice to be completed and sent to the school prior to Kindergarten Registration. Thank you. Pizza/Milk/Cookie Order Forms - Term 2 Pizza/cookie/milk order forms will be sent home during the first week back in January. Orders can be placed for Term 2 student pizza and cookie lunch on Thursdays, as well as milk st th (daily) beginning February 1 until June 24 . th Orders with payment will be due back to the school by WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 . PLEASE WRITE SEPARATE CHEQUES FOR EACH CHILD Notice from the Office re: Student Safety For safe arrival and attendance purposes, it is very important to check in and out with the office whenever a student is coming in late or is leaving early. To ease congestion and encourage student independence we ask that parents please wait near the office when picking up your child. If bringing your child into school please allow them to proceed to their classroom independently. Thank you. If you are picking up your child during the day or at the end of the day for any reason, you must send a note to the teacher, notify the office as well, and sign the sign-out book in the front hallway before leaving. If for any reason, you are having anyone other than yourself as parent (i.e. grandparents, aunts/uncles, friends, babysitters) pick up your child(ren), it is imperative that you send a note to both the teacher and the office. We cannot allow a child to leave with anyone without a note from the parent giving authorization. Please help us to be diligent with regard to the safety and security of your children! If you have any concerns please contact the principal. WINNERS - Remembrance Day Poster / Poem / Essay Contest Colour (Primary) - 1st – Alannah G. -3rd – Anna M. Black & White (Junior) - 2nd – Willow C. Essay (Junior) - 2nd – Julie A. - 3rd – Kate W. Awards were presented at our Annual Turkey Dinner on Dec. 9th by Elora Legion member Lynn & Darlene McClellan. Photos will be in our yearbook. CONGRATULATIONS! INCLEMENT WEATHER The decision to cancel transportation is made by 6:30 am. School bus cancellation information is posted daily on the foloiwng web sites: -Upper Grand District School Board: www.ugdsb.on.ca -Wellington Dufferin Student Transportation: www.stwdsts.ca Media School bus cancellation and school closure information is also available by listening to the following radio stations and watching the following news programs: AM 570 News AM 680 CFTR AM 820 CHAM AM 900 CHML AM 920 CKNX AM 1090 OLDIES AM 1150 CKOC AM 1460 CJOY 89.1 CBC KW 94.5 THE BULL 96.7 FM CHYM 98.1 FM CHFI 99.1 FM CBC 101.7 FM CKNX 102.9 FM CKLH 105.3 KOOL FM 106.1 MAGIC FM 107.9 FM CJXY CKCO-TV A Channel News CTV News, Barrie The announcement on the radio will be one of the following: 1. All school taxis and buses in Division 2 – Blue – Centre Wellington will not be operating today. 2. All schools, both Public and Catholic, are closed today. “NO BUS” Days for Ponsonby PS ! When there is a “No Bus” day, our school will be OPEN for students. We certainly hope that as many students as possible are able to come to school, but it is up to parents/guardians to decide whether or not it is safe to get them here. When the buses don’t run in the morning, they won’t run in the afternoon either. Parents will need to make arrangements for both directions: getting their children to school and making sure they get home at the end of the day. As has happened in the past, announcements will be made early in the morning on the radio and on the Transportation website (http://www.stwdsts.ca/) about any transportation cancellations. Inclement Weather Policy It is a parent/guardian’s responsibility to determine whether or not it is safe for their child(ren) to leave for school in inclement or severe weather. Parents/Guardians must be aware of the following: a. When a bus does not travel a route in the morning due to fog, ice or snow conditions, it will not travel that route in the afternoon. b. If a parent/guardian elects to drive their child(ren) to school on a day when buses do not run, they are responsible for pick-up of the children at dismissal time. c. Walkers are expected at school on Inclement Weather Days. If your child is a walker and you elect to keep them home please call the school and leave a message on ext. 100. JANUARY LIBRARY LINK BOOK FAIR Thank you to everyone who supported the Book Fair! It was a success!! The best part was seeing the students so excited about reading new books. From the credits earned from our sales we will have new books for the Library in the new year, and all students will have the chance to sign out a new book during their Library class. A special thanks goes to the grade 5 and 6 Library helpers who worked and helped out at the Book Fair. FOREST OF READING PROGRAM When we come back to school in the New Year we will begin our Forest of Reading Book Clubs! The Forest of Reading Program introduces books written by Canadian authors to the students. The program is divided into Blue Spruce (K-2), Silver Birch Express, Silver Birch Fiction and Silver Birch Non-Fiction. For the primary students I will be reading the Blue Spruce books to them during their Library class. Junior students who would like to join the Silver Birch Reading Program will have the opportunity to choose which books they want to read. We will be reading from January to April and then we will be voting for our favourite book. The program is a great way to foster and celebrate reading. At the end of the program all the Forest of Reading books will be available for all students to sign out from the Library. If you have any questions about the program please contact me at the school. All the best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy the holidays by reading a good book or two!!! Mrs. Cruikshank SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS Welcome back to school everyone! We hope you all had a nice holiday season spent with the ones you love. Since the last update council has purchased a fridge for use at school. This will be used for hot dog lunches, grilled cheese lunches, year-end barbecue as well as other functions. Our Xmas bazaar and the fundscrips were a success again this year. Thank you to everyone who helped support these! Council would like to send out a huge thank you to Tina & Leah for another outstanding job with the “Ponsonby 40th annual Turkey Dinner” They have worked so hard over the years with all their volunteers to make this such a fabulous event for our school and we will miss their presence in the years to come. Our next council meeting is January 18th @ 6:30. Items on the agenda will be discussions on the next phase of the outdoor classroom, get creative Ponsonby day ideas, and 2016 meeting dates. We are hoping to see some new faces to go along with the New Year. You do not need to be a member to attend a meeting and bring us your ideas. Everyone is welcome to attend! Please remember to check the bulletin board for agendas and council minutes as they become available. Laurie Kaczmarczyk, council chair Reminder to parents: Friday hot lunches (grilled cheese/hot dogs) are cancelled when buses are cancelled. Hot lunches that are cancelled will be rescheduled. Ponsonby’s 40th Annual Turkey Dinner - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Another Turkey Dinner has been gobbled up. Thank you to every person who helped make this meal a success – there were over 40 volunteers helping with cooking, baking, set-up, carving, serving and clean-up. What an awesome reflection of the community at Ponsonby! We have had the pleasure of organizing this special celebration for 6 years and we are excited to pass the turkey baster onto the next team who will carry on this tradition. Please contact us if you think you would like to take the reins… The Turkey Team – Tina Meissner ([email protected]) & Leah Graff ([email protected]) “Greatness starts within a community” ALL THE BEST WISHES FOR A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!! PONSONBY PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN PRE-REGISTRATION NOTICE CHILDREN MUST BE 5 YEARS OF AGE BY DECEMBER 31, 2016 FOR KINDERGARTEN AND 4 YEARS OF AGE BY DECEMBER 31, 2016 FOR JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN. PLEASE PRINT ! Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Month Day Year Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: Sibling: ___________________________________________ Telephone Number: Home - ___________________ ________________________ Work - Please return to the main office January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 3 4 (D2) Happy New Year & Welcome Back ! 5 (D3) 6 (D4) Sub Day 10 11 (D2) 12 (D3) 18 (D2) 6:30 pm School Council Meeting 25 (D1) Sub Day 31 8 19 (D3) 26 (D2) (D1) Hot Dog Day 14 (D5) 12:45 pm—Gr. 5,6 River Run Trip 15 22 Volleyball Team - Elora P.S. 21 (D5) Pizza Day 12:45 pm—Gr. 3,4 River Run Trip Volleyball-Weather 27 28 29 13 (D4) Pizza Day Sub Day 24 (D5) 2 Pizza Day Sub Day 17 7 20 (D4) (D3) Waste Audit Pizza Day (D1) 9 16 Litterless Lunch Day 23 P.A. Day Date (D4) Saturday (D5) 9:00 Gr.3-4 Scientists in Classroom Grilled Cheese Day 30 February 2016 Sunday Monday 1 (D1) Tuesday 2 (D2) Sub Day Wednesday 3 (D3) DRAFT 7 8 (D1) 15 9 16 FAMILY DAY 21 (D2) 22 (D5) (D1) 10 (D3) 29 (D5) 17 (D2) Sub Day 23 (D1) Sub Day 28 4 (D4) Friday 5 (D5) Saturday 6 Pizza Day Sub Day 14 Thursday 11 (D4) 12 (D5) 13 Pizza Day Hot Dog Day 18 19 (D4) 20 26 (D4) 27 (D3) Pizza Day 24 (D2) 25 (D3) Pizza Day Grilled Cheese Day INQUIRY HOW TO SUPPORT INQUIRY AT HOME Now-a-days ?knowing st uf f ? is no l onger enough. Any resourcef ul st udent wit h an iPad coul d sit in f ront of t he TV and Googl e al l t he quest ions t o Al ex Trebek's responses on Jeopardy, and get t hem correct . We are moving away f rom simpl y "knowing cont ent ," t o being abl e t o appl y knowl edge in int erest ing, creat ive, and crit ical ways. To accompl ish t his, st udent s and t eachers need t o ask t he right quest ions. Asking t he right quest ions is what inquiry is al l about . Chil dren are great at asking quest ions. They are nat ural l y curious, and are const ant l y asking quest ions t o make sense of t heir worl d. Inst ead of just t el l ing your chil d t he answer, t ry one of t hese st rat egies. First , you can get t hem t o l ook up t he answer. This wil l hel p t hem devel op t he abil it y t o sol ve t heir own probl ems. Or, you can ask t hem "What do you t hink?" This wil l give you insight int o what t hey al ready know, and t hen you can ask t hem more quest ions t o guide t hem t o an answer. An inquiry-based approach is seen t hroughout t he Ont ario Curricul um. St udent s l earn best when t hey are f ormul at ing t heir own quest ions and working t owards sol ut ions t hrough discussion wit h t heir peers. A closed-quest ion: These are questions with a specific answer. Here are two examples: TIPS FOR INQUIRY AT HOME Why do some stars twinkle? What colours mix to make purple? Closed-questions are great questions for your child to look-up in a book, or google. An open-quest ion: These are questions that could be answered in many ways. Here is an example: - Resist providing the answer - Resist giving a procedure (math) - Ask questions to clarify their thinking - Ask your child to explain the reasons behind their answer How can we best support the Syrian refugees? Open-questions are great questions for you to explore with your child. Discuss with them what they already know, and help them form their own answer. All images are used, with permission, from the creative commons.
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