December 2015 Newsletter
December 2015 Newsletter
PONSONBY PUBLIC SCHOOL #5923 Wellington Road 7, R.R. # 5 Guelph, ON N1H 6J2 Phone: (519) 824-9447 FAX: (519) 824-9041 Ab Henshaw, Principal Anita Way, Office Co-Ordinator ________________________________________________________________________________________ Principal’s Report DECEMBER 2015 November was a busy month. Students became mad scientists every Tuesday in the gym and library. It was wonderful to see such participation. Students learned a great deal about combatting bullying. Elsie Morden delivered a strong message in her “No Time for That” Assembly. th On November 11 Ponsonby students travelled to the Salem Cenotaph. Our students were very respectful during the Remembrance Day Service. Thank you to everyone who contributed money towards the Elora Poppy Fund. It was the most ever raised for this worthy cause; $222.00! You may also be aware that Mr. Henshaw retired after a long and worthy career. We all wish him well as he moves on. I have the pleasure of working at Ponsonby until the end of December. As you might be aware, Ponsonby students raised $412.00 with their colour houses for men’s health; a Movember Challenge. They celebrated on Thursday, November 26 in an assembly to acknowledge this achievement. Special thanks go to Ms. McPhedran and Ms. White for coordinating this effort. Additional votes of gratitude go to Ms. Salmon for her dramatic reading of Moosestache. Mr. Ellis for providing audio-visual support and Mr. Boyce for his microphone acumen. Friday, November 27 was a PA Day and Saturday was the presentation of the Christmas Bazaar. Thank you, School Council and parents who made the day such a success. Not only were there gifts galore, donated by a giving community, but also activities for children to allow adults to enjoy the offerings. Speaking of December, as you can imagine, a great deal is happening. • Marden Library personnel visit the school; • Grade 1 and 2 classes enjoy the River Run; • Grade 6 students learn about Pompeii at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto; • The Book Fair begins December 7; • Our Holiday Celebration Concert is on December 8 at 9:00 am (Please Note: lost & found items will be on display) • The Annual Turkey Dinner is appreciated on December 9 at 11:45; and • Our Kindergarten and Grade 2 students are involved in a Dental Screening on December 15! As always we thank you for allowing us the pleasure of working with your children. Please have a safe and happy holiday. Our first day back at school will be Monday, January 4, 2016! All the best, Paul Tribe, Acting Principal Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA) The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff, school visitors, and community members. When a student behaves inappropriately, Principals use progressive discipline to help a student take responsibility for their actions, change their behaviour, and learn from their mistakes. When safety is threatened by the potentially violent or dangerous behaviour of a student, which places either the student or others at risk, school staff follow specific protocols for the protection of all. It is important that you and your children are aware of these protocols. For more information, please visit the board’s website: This is just a reminder that the last day before Christmas Break is Friday, December 18th. During the holiday season as well as Birthday celebrations many baked goodies are brought into the school. Please ensure none of the items contain nuts or nut oils. Some of these are listed on the bright orange sheet you received in September. You should also check with the classroom teacher or Mrs. Way before bringing baked goods into the school. Once again THANK YOU for your continued effort to send snacks that DO NOT contain nuts. Since the colder weather is now upon us our students are wearing hats to keep warm. We all know that kids like to share things, including hats. With this, of course, comes the potential for little critters to appear, in the form of head lice. They can be a real nuisance! Please check you child’s head weekly to help eliminate these critters. If you would be willing to volunteer to help with monthly head checks please contact Mrs. Way in the office 519-824-9447. Thank you HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS Come one, come all to the Ponsonby Holiday Celebration Concert on Tuesday, December 8th – 9:00 a.m. We hope you can join us! APPROPRIATE WINTER WEAR It seems that due to our mild November weather, some students are coming to school unprepared for the winter weather and our wind chill effect due to the open fields. Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the weather as they spend 40 minutes outside at each nutrition break. We no longer have a clothing cupboard to borrow. Please remember to label your child’s clothing! Thank you for your support. Kindergarten Registration - 2016 - 2017 Kindergarten Registration for the School Year 2016 - 2017 will take place early February 2016. Eligible students for the Junior Kindergarten program must be four years of age on or before December 31, 2016 and students must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2016 to register for Senior Kindergarten. Parents must provide proof of birth date (original birth certificate), and immunization & address information at the time of registration. Please complete the attached Pre-registration slip and return it to Mrs. Way. Also, if you have a neighbour with a young child ready for Junior or Senior Kindergarten please have them call the school at 519-824-9447. REPORTING ABSENCES: We are asking for your help! As a school, we are required by the Health Unit to report daily absences. Part of the information we need to report is whether the absentees have cold or flu symptoms. If you are calling to report your child’s absence, we ask that you leave “cold symptoms” or “flu symptoms” as part of your message. Thank you for your help ! December Library Link Book Fair The book fair is coming to Ponsonby! Classes will have a sneak peek on December 4th and students will have a chance to make a wish list. The Book Fair will be open for business from December 7th - 9th during the second nutrition break between 2:00-2:40pm each day. Also, on December 8th, the Book Fair will be open from 10:40-11:30am following the Christmas concert. Please stop by to do some Christmas shopping! Purchasing from the Book Fair helps the school library earn credits to go towards purchasing new books for our library and the gift of reading is the best gift ever. Library Helpers The Library Helper schedule has been set and I am so pleased with the keen and eager helpers who have signed up to be Library Helpers this year. Library Helpers help shelve books, organize books for classes, repair books and do other jobs in the Library. They are valuable to helping keep our Library neat and organized. I want to thank all the students who have signed up this year…they are doing a great job! Soup Labels Thank you to the families who continue to bring in their Campbell Soup and product labels. The labels go towards earning points that enable us to get a variety of supplies/equipment for the school. If there is a parent who would like to take on the job of counting and recording our labels, please contact Mrs. Cruikshank. Thanks again for all of the support! Mrs. Cruikshank, Teacher Librarian INCLEMENT WEATHER The decision to cancel transportation is made by 6:30 am. School bus cancellation information is posted daily on the foloiwng web sites: -Upper Grand District School Board: -Wellington Dufferin Student Transportation: Media School bus cancellation and school closure information is also available by listening to the following radio stations and watching the following news programs: AM 570 News AM 680 CFTR AM 820 CHAM AM 900 CHML AM 920 CKNX AM 1090 OLDIES AM 1150 CKOC AM 1460 CJOY 89.1 CBC KW 94.5 THE BULL 96.7 FM CHYM 98.1 FM CHFI 99.1 FM CBC 101.7 FM CKNX 102.9 FM CKLH 105.3 KOOL FM 106.1 MAGIC FM 107.9 FM CJXY CKCO-TV A Channel News CTV News, Barrie The announcement on the radio will be one of the following: 1. All school taxis and buses in Division 2 – Blue – Centre Wellington will not be operating today. 2. All schools, both Public and Catholic, are closed today. “NO BUS” Days for Ponsonby PS ! When there is a “No Bus” day, our school will be OPEN for students. We certainly hope that as many students as possible are able to come to school, but it is up to parents/guardians to decide whether or not it is safe to get them here. When the buses don’t run in the morning, they won’t run in the afternoon either. Parents will need to make arrangements for both directions: getting their children to school and making sure they get home at the end of the day. As has happened in the past, announcements will be made early in the morning on the radio and on the Transportation website ( about any transportation cancellations. Inclement Weather Policy It is a parent/guardian’s responsibility to determine whether or not it is safe for their child(ren) to leave for school in inclement or severe weather. Parents/Guardians must be aware of the following: a. When a bus does not travel a route in the morning due to fog, ice or snow conditions, it will not travel that route in the afternoon. b. If a parent/guardian elects to drive their child(ren) to school on a day when buses do not run, they are responsible for pick-up of the children at dismissal time. c. Walkers are expected at school on Inclement Weather Days. If your child is a walker and you elect to keep them home please call the school and leave a message on ext. 100. SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS Thank you, thank you & thank you to each and every one of you for all your donations, baking etc. and coming out to help make our Christmas Bazaar such a huge success. A fun day was had by all. For those of you who were unable to attend we have poinsettias still available to be purchased in the office. These are stunningly beautiful plants in two different sizes and two colors. These would make a perfect gift or they can be used to dress up the home or office for the upcoming season. Congratulations to all our basket winners! Please remember to pick up your items ASAP from the office. Our annual Fundscrip fundraiser is now complete with just over $12,000 worth of gift cards ordered. Delivery is scheduled for Dec. 11. Envelopes will be sent home with your oldest or only child unless you have been notified of another delivery method. Thank you again for supporting our school. Last year was a big year regarding fundraising for the outdoor classroom. Thanks to everyone for helping us see this project through. We are heading into next year with a great budget and money available for many inschool opportunities for our students. Some of these items have been returned from previous years and some are new additions. A few of the items council is supporting this year are scientists in the classroom, an author visit, spring play, $500 for new primary reading books, $500 budget for juniors (use to be determined)and the yearend trip. Please see the minutes posted for the complete budget. We are looking at Elmira chicken dates for later in the New Year as this may be our only fundraiser until school year end. Please remember supporting a fundraising program is always optional. If you wish to help in another way see the “Learning Foundation” link on our homepage to donate. Remember this is tax deductible !!! Ponsonby has once again received a $1000 grant from the Ministry for our “Get Creative Ponsonby” day. The date and theme for this year will be announced later as it is run in the springtime. We would love to hear some of your ideas for themes. Council has a new email address [email protected] Please send any ideas, comments or question to this address. We would love to hear from you! Council would like to take this opportunity to wish Mr. Henshaw a happy & healthy retirement! Council would like to officially welcome Mr. Paul Tribe as Acting Principal to Ponsonby PS. We look forward to working with you. Next council meeting is January 18, 2016 @ 6:30 pm….All are welcome to attend. Wishing you all a wonderful, safe holiday season……Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Laurie Kaczmarczyk, Council chair TURKEY DINNER Wow – can’t believe it is December already! Thank you to everyone who sent in forms and money. Also thanks to parents who signed up to volunteer. You will be receiving a phone call soon to confirm your participation and to arrange pick up of food if you volunteered to cook. Looking forward to turkey and fixings on Wednesday, December 9th… Tina Meissner & Leah Graff Some photos from Saturday’s Christmas Market ! “Greatness starts within a community” THREE DAYS OF CHIRSTMAS ! On Friday December 4th, the Grade 6 class will be off to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto to see the Pompeii exhibit, and learn about the people of our First Nations. To help reduce costs, the students are selling Christmas candy grams. Each week in December, a small order form will be sent home, and for $3.00, you can send a little Happy Holiday treat to a fellow student, or teacher. On the following afternoons, before buses, the Grade 6’s will be delivering the candy grams: - Thursday, December 3 Friday, December 11; and Friday, December 18 Any additional profits will carry over towards their May camping trip. Thanks again for your continued support. Mr. Ellis Upper Grand Learning Foundation One way people in our community support our school is through The Upper Grand Learning Foundation (UGLF). This is a non-profit, registered charitable organization and is independent and separate from the Upper Grand District School Board. Therefore, if you decide to direct money to support programs at Ponsonby Public School, you would also receive a charitable donation receipt. We have included a copy of the donation form in this month’s newsletter. Please feel free to visit to learn more. There are many ways your money makes a difference. We include this picture showing the grand opening of our outdoor classroom funded by our committed School Council. This would not have been possible without the financial commitment of this community. The UGLF provides another way to assist in enriching your children’s experiences. Thank you! UPPER GRAND LEARNING FOUNDATION 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph, Ontario N1E 6K2 Charitable Registration Number 89445 0444 RR0001 CONTRIBUTION FORM Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Postal Code___________________ Please accept my gift of $________________________ Donor(s) Signature(s) __________________________________________________________ Method of Payment A. Enclosed is my cheque ________________________ (Please make payable to: Upper Grand Learning Foundation) B. Charge my VISA_____ MasterCard________ Card Number________________________ Signature________________________________ Expiry Date___________________ Please credit my gift to (circle your choice) : A. General Fund – I want to donate to these unrestricted funds accessible to schools and community groups for educational programming or activities. Applications for these funds are reviewed by UGLF and funds are disbursed according to funds availability. B. School Fund – I want to designate my donation to: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of school) C. Scholarship Fund – I want to donate a Scholarship to a particular school; I have discussed my intention with that school’s Principal and/or Guidance Head; I have completed the Scholarship Agreement with UGLF. D. Sponsor an Award – to recognize student achievement at: _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of school) Please forward your donation and completed Contribution Form to the Upper Grand Learning Foundation at the above address or to the attention of Upper Grand Learning Foundation through Waverley Drive Public School. Tax receipts will be issued for contributions of $10 or more. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy at PONSONBY PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN PRE-REGISTRATION NOTICE CHILDREN MUST BE 5 YEARS OF AGE BY DECEMBER 31, 2016 FOR KINDERGARTEN AND 4 YEARS OF AGE BY DECEMBER 31, 2016 FOR JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN. PLEASE PRINT ! Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Month Day Year Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Email Address to receive School Information: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: Sibling: ___________________________________________ Telephone Number: Home - ___________________ ________________________ Work - Please return to the main office December 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday (D3) 2 Mad Science Marden Visits Sub Day 6 7 (D2) Book Fair Begins 14 (D2) 20 21 5 11 12 Pizza Day 10 (D5) KA, KB Trip to The Museum—KW 15 (D3) 9:00 am J/SK,Gr. 2 Dental Screening 16 17 Sub Day 22 Hot Dog Day (D5) 24 (D1) LITTERLESS LUNCH Pizza Day Pizza Day 23 Saturday 4 (D1) 7:30 am Gr. 6 Trip to Toronto 9 (D4) 11:45 Annual Turkey Dinner & Legion Awards (D4) Friday 3 (D5) 12:45 pm—Gr. 1,2 River Run Trip 8 (D3) 9:00 am Holiday Celebration Concert FINAL Mad Science Sub Day 13 (D4) Thursday 18 (D1) 19 Grilled Cheese Day 25 26 H A P P Y 27 28 29 30 31 H O L I D A Y S HAPPY NEW YEAR !! First Day back to school is: Monday, January 4, 2016 January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 DRAFT 3 4 (D2) Happy New Year & Welcome Back ! 5 (D3) 6 (D4) Sub Day 10 11 (D2) 12 (D3) 18 (D2) 6:30 pm School Council Meeting 25 (D1) Sub Day 31 8 19 (D3) 26 (D2) (D1) Hot Dog Day 14 (D5) 12:45 pm—Gr. 5,6 River Run Trip 15 22 Volleyball Team - Elora P.S. 21 (D5) Pizza Day 12:45 pm—Gr. 3,4 River Run Trip Volleyball-Weather 27 28 29 13 (D4) Pizza Day Sub Day 24 (D5) Pizza Day Sub Day 17 7 20 (D4) (D3) Pizza Day 16 Litterless Lunch Day 23 P.A. Day Date (D4) (D1) 9 (D5) 9:00 Gr.3-4 Scientists in Classroom Grilled Cheese Day 30
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