WEBchanuka newsletter
WEBchanuka newsletter
בס"ד Torah Chadashot MiTzion WINTER 5774 15 YEARS OF TORAH MITZION MOSCOW! Shalom Chaverim! Hope this newsletter finds you well. We are excited to share with you the following news and updates from World Torah Mitzion: This past Tishrei Torah MiTzion Moscow celebrated its 15th year of bringing Religious Zionism to Russia. Who would have believed that such a dream would come true and prosper throughout the years? The Mocow Kollel began in 1998 when Rabbi David and Ayelet Yushubayev, a young family from Yeshivat Hakotel, arrived from Israel to head the Kollel. With the support of The Pincus Fund and from Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of Moscow, the Kollel has thrived and flourished. Gilad Shmailov, manager of the Kollel has worked hard at ensuring the Kollel has the means to achieve its goals. The Moscow team from left to right. Standing: Dvora and Israel Paripsky, Gilad Shmailov, Ben Zion Paritzky, Alex Anitayev. Sitting: Ayelet and Rav David Yushubayev, Zeev Schwartz (visiting), Alex and Sara Katz. bringing them closer to Judaism Zionism and to the State of Israel……..On your merit, many young men and women made Aliyah, raised families and integrated as loyal citizens who contribute to the State and to Israeli society. I offer my hand to strengthen and encourage all who are involved in this endeavor." Zeev Schwartz visited the Kollel in June and was deeply impressed with the number of activities and participants at our Moscow Center and the vast array of weekly programs for men and women from diverse backgrounds and for children of all ages. In honour of the 15th year anniversary of Torah Mitzion Moscow, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent his blessings: "Throughout the years you have succeeded in impacting thousands of Jewish families by Rav Yushubayev teaching at the Torah MiTzion Center in Moscow CHADASHOT MITZION [ WINTER 5774 ] Last month Arik Speaker, Director of Torah MiTzion's LILMOD program visited the Moscow Center and presented the LILMOD program to the Kollel and how it can help enrich educational activities for both the shlichim and members of the community. BEIT MIDRASH BOKER IN BAKA Torah Beit Midrash Boker in Baka at Beit Haknesset Nitzanim 3 Asher St., Baka, Jerusalem Men's learning program featuring Torah MiTzion former Roshei Kollel Thursday mornings 9 AM – 12 PM Beginning Oct. 17th (13 Cheshvan) Shiur with Rav Moshe Lichtenstein followed by guided learning with Rav Herzl Hefter Details: 054 320 7895 [email protected] Community lay-leaders who previously supported Torah MiTzion in their respective communities have collaborated in supporting a Torah MiTzion learning program in the heart of Jerusalem. Harold Frolich of Cleveland and Phil Schwartz of Toronto made Aliyah several years ago and are today active members of the Nitzanim community in Baka Jerusalem. With the blessing and assistance of Rabbi Shlomo Glicksberg of Nitzanim, they approached Torah MiTzion in order to organize a Hesder-style Beit Midrash program in their shul. Kollel Melbourne; Rav Gidon Weitzman, former Rosh Kollel Kansas City; Rav Nechemya Taylor, former Rabbinic Advisor to Torah MiTzion and a weekly guided learning session; followed by a shiur with Rav Herzl Hefter, former Rosh Kollel in Cleveland. The second semester will feature additional former Roshei Kollel including Rav Moshe Pinchuk of Melbourne. The program takes place Thursday mornings and to date has featured excellent shiurim by Rav Moshe Lichtenstein, former Rosh Kollel in Cleveland; Rav Yoni Rosenzweig, former Rosh FACEBOOK REPORT Our Hebrew facebook page Torah MiTzion recently reached the milestone of 1,000 likes while the newer English page World Torah MiTzion is already over 200. If you haven't yet visited these pages, go ahead and like us. This is a wonderful way to remain in sync with current events around the globe. https://www.facebook.com/ShlichutTorahMitzion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6b7NBi-3lA SEE OUR VIDEO FOR CHANUKA: TMT LIGHTING UP THE WORLD A TORAH MITZION ALIYAH STORY Former shaliach in Memphis Yoav Cohen Hadad, who serves today as shlichim coordinator at Torah MiTzion, recently hitched a ride from Gush Etzion where he lives to Jerusalem. During the ride he overheard a conversation between the driver and a fellow hitchhiker. Yoav on the roads of Gush Etzion The driver was explaining how he and his wife are considering shlichut and were deliberating whether it is the right thing to do. The passenger explained to him that despite the fact that he and his wife were raised as Zionists in the USA and both had considered making Aliyah, that they were unable to make the actual move. He went on to explain that they decided on Aliyah only after becoming closely connected to a Torah MiTzion Kollel. The shiurim with the Rosh Kolel and his wife, the chavrutot with the 'bachurim' and the overall inspiration they received from the Kolel brought them to the realization that they belong in Israel and consequently they made Aliyah. Before Yoav left the car he informed them that he works at Torah MiTzion, resulting in an outpouring of praise and blessings from his fellow passenger. He arrived at work that day reinforced of the importance of his work and of Torah MiTzion's ability to deeply impact communities and people. CHADASHOT MITZION [ WINTER 5774 ] 2 SHABBAT MITZION REACHES MILESTONE Torah MiTzion's weekly Parsha publication “Shabbat MiTzion” recently celebrated a milestone with the publication of the 500th issue of the English version. In honour, the issue featured a Dvar Torah and blessing to Torah MiTzion from Rav Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi of Efrat and Chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone institutions. Last year, Torah MiTzion began publishing in Hebrew and recently reached issue # 30. RECRUITMENT BEGINS Torah MiTzion has began recruiting shlichim for the coming shlichut year, 5775. We are looking for potential Roshei Kollel educators and leaders, young men, young women and young couples— post army with big hearts, high energy, and formal and informal education skills who want to share their Torah and Zionist ideals with Diaspora Jewry. This year, we hope to expand with new exciting models of shlichut. This includes Torah MiTzion educators serving as scholars in residence for the Community Beit Midrash model, our ongoing University Campus Scholars program and women educators from Midrashot to lead and inspire via the Midreshet Tzion framework, designed to enhance women’s learning in host communities worldwide. Our new recruitment campaign logo THE PEW RESULTS AND TORAH MITZION The Pew results highlight the need for Torah MiTzion now more than ever in the USA. On the bright side, the recently published Pew Research Center report exposed that American Jews overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Jewish and have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people. However, the survey also suggests that Jewish identity is changing in America, where one in five Jews (22%) now describe themselves as having no religion. In addition, intermarriage rates have risen substantially over the last five decades. Among respondents who have wed since 2000, nearly six-in-ten have a non-Jewish spouse. tion among American Jews. Torah MiTzion works at sending the finest role models of commitment to Judaism and to the State of Israel to the Diaspora in order to inspire from within the community. While the reasons for increased assimilation and detachment from Judaism as a religion are complicated, Torah MiTzion believes that our models of shlichut can play a major role in helping to stem the tide of alienation and assimila- CHADASHOT MITZION [ WINTER 5774 ] 3 LILMOD: TMT’S INTERACTIVE LEARNING PLATFORM The new semester is underway, featuring classes in both Russian and German with seven courses offered in each language. To date, there are more than 520 registrations, an indication of the continuous growth of LILMOD. Rabbi Boaz and Yael Shachak, returning shlichim from St. Louis, each began offering a weekly shiur using LILMOD in order to retain close contact with their former community. The same is true for Rabbi Yechiel Brukner, who returned this summer after five productive years in Munich, offering two weekly shiurim to his former community via LILMOD. LILMOD also serves as an internal tool to continue and strengthen our shlichim while abroad. The Torah MiTzion Moscow Torah Center experiences a weekly lecture given by Rabbi Achikam Getz that focuses on the history of religious Zionism. The LILMOD B2B (Business to Business marketing) program has now begun. Torah MiTzion is marketing LILMOD to Yeshivot, Midrashot, and organizations as a tool with which to offer shiurim for alumni, to remain in contact with staff or volunteers, and to organize seminars for a dispersed audience. Visit the LILMOD website: www.lilmod.org http://www.lilmod.org/index.php SUPPORTING TORAH MITZION If you have already supported us this year, we extend our deepest appreciation and guarantee that your donation is being maximized to it fullest. If you have not yet supported us, we ask you to consider investing in Torah MiTzion as we continue going forward implementing our strateps:/ www.torahmitzion.org/eng/aboutuonline s/support_online_process.asp via our gic renewal plan. You can httdonate website. All donations are tax deductible. Please contact us for relevant information for your country. General support of Torah MiTzion: Any amount up to 3,600 NIS To help facilitate an activity for a year: Chavruta (one on one) Chabura (small group) Shiur (lecture) Beit Midrash (part-time program) Full Beit Midrash (extended program) Kollel Tzioni (community-wide program) Binyan – Torah MiTzion World Center 3,600 NIS 7,200 NIS 20,000 NIS 50,000 NIS 100,000 NIS 250,000 NIS 500,000 NIS and above ZEEV’S CORNER World Torah MiTzion “Beit Meir” 54 King George St. P.O. Box 71109 Jerusalem 91710 ISRAEL Tel: 972-(0)2 620-9020 Fax: 972-(0)2 624-2007 [email protected] As we continue our strategic process, I am encouraged by the progress witnessed through the Torah Mitzion movement. We have developed new models of shlichut, such as Midreshet Tzion and Community-Wide Scholars-in-Residence, together with short term programs to ignite Religious Zionism in community life—models that are being marketed to former and new Torah MiTzion destinations. is almost complete as we prepare to meet new challenges and growth. Our fundraising efforts are bearing fruit as we have attracted new sources of support for our programs. I am very optimistic about Torah MiTzion going forward and impacting world Jewry. We are up to date with latest technology, such as our own webex interactive learning site lilmod.org. Our re-structuring of the organization CHADASHOT MITZION [ WINTER 5774 ] 4
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