July 3 2016 Final - Greenforest Community Baptist Church
July 3 2016 Final - Greenforest Community Baptist Church
RECENTLY BEREAVED FAMILIES The family of Gibran Windom (JYM), who will be funeralized on Saturday, July 9th in the Greenforest Sanctuary. The family of Sis. Mozelle Banks (CMc), whose sister, Mary E. Sims, will be funeralized on July 8th in New York, New York. The family of Sis. Bernice Vaughan (DO), whose mother, Mattie K. Burnette, who was funeralized on July 2nd in Shorterville, Alabama. The family of Sis. Gennive Stembridge (AS), whose brother, Timothy Plumber was funeralized on July 2nd in Anderson, SC. The family of Sis. Deloris (Barnett) Birch (JAG), whose aunt, Georgia Hobbs Wright, was funeralized on July 1st in Joliet, Illinois. The family of Sis. Mary Holloway and Sis. Demetria (Dea. Clint) Parker (CP/AH), whose mother/grandmother was funeralized on July 1st in Columbus, GA. The family of Bro. James (Virginia) West (EW), whose brother, Marvin Hawkins, was funeralized on June 29th in Alliance, Ohio. A Thank You Card July 3, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Greenforest vision is to build a united Biblical community of loving relationships whose members daily and devoutly love, follow and model Christ, and respond properly to His Lordship through powerful worship. was received from Sis. Bernice Green, Sis. Rosa Vernell Counts. The New Members Orientation Team and the Spiritual Gifts Ministry are in need of Facilitators. Persons interested in volunteering for the New Members Ministry should contact Sis. Renee Thompson via [email protected] or (470) 336-7811. Those interested in becoming a Spiritual Gifts class facilitator should contact Min. Irene Lawson via [email protected] or (770) 987-8853. You may also complete one of the sign-up forms located in the church office. CHURCH BYLAWS UPDATE: We are beginning the process of a formal review of our Church Bylaws. If you are interested in serving on the bylaws review committee, please check with your deacon for details. Thank you! IPRAISE Youth Church Every Sunday for all teens except the 3rd Sunday @ 10:45am and Youth Fulfillment Hour - every Sunday at 9:30am in Bldg.3. Please join us for Midweek Bible Study each Wednesday @ 7:30pm in Bldg. 3. • The IPRAISE Student Prayer LINE is held every Sunday evening @ 8:30 pm. • The next Ascension Gavel Club will be Wed., July 13th at 7:30pm in Bldg. 3 Rm.118. Please Note: If you are on campus and have an emergency, please call the 24hour security number at (404) 226-7941. Feed The Homeless: The following Deacon Family Ministries are scheduled for “Feed the Homeless” on Saturday, July 9th at 8:30am Deacons Anthony Henry and Gary McGaha Reverend Dennis W. Mitchell, Senior Pastor 3250 Rainbow Drive • Decatur, GA 30034 • www.greenforest.org (404) 486-‐1120 Office (404) 486-‐1121 Fax Social Ministries (404) 486-‐6771 Christian Academy Office (404) 486-‐6737 ~ ORDER OF WORSHIP SERVICES ~ Devotion (7:45am only) Offertory Prayer/Offering Call To Worship (10:45am only) Choir Selection Welcome & Greetings Sermon Ministry Announcements Invitation to Discipleship Congregational Singing (P&W) Communion Corporate Prayer /P&W Cont’d Benediction/Postlude JULY 2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS July 4 July 5 July 9 & 10 July 11-15 July 16 & 17 July 17 July 23 & 24 July 31 Church Office Closed (Independence Day) Friends of the Academy Meeting (7pm • Fellowship Hall) Pastoral Candidate #1 (Bible Study, Q&A, Preaching) Black Church Week (Ridgecrest, NC) Pastoral Candidate #2 (Bible Study, Q&A, Preaching) One Great Day of Giving (begins) Pastoral Candidate #3 (Bible Study, Q&A, Preaching) College Ministry Covered Prayer Revival & Dinner Fulfillment Hour Lessons: July 3, 2016 Pre-School “Joash Repaired the Temple” Children “Joash Repaired the Temple” Youth Division “You’re an MVB” Adult Division “The Helpless, Part 1” July 3, 2016 u Rev. Dennis W. Mitchell, Senior Pastor Subject: ____________________________Text: __________________________ Key Thought: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2 Chronicles 24:1-14 2 Chronicles 24:1-14 Psalm 139:1-16 Deuteronomy 24:10-22 COLLEGE MINISTRY DINNER & PRAYER REVIVAL Attention All College Students! Please join the Greenforest College Ministry as we seek God for His covering at our 2nd Annual Covered Prayer Revival & Dinner on Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Two - $250 Book Scholarships will be raffled off during the dinner and Special Care Packages will be given to each student after the Prayer Revival. *RSVP required for both giveaways & must be present to win. RSVP online at www.greenforest.org by Fri, July 15, 2016 2016 REVENUE REPORT (Unified Budget + Expand The Forest + Special Income – Returned Checks) 2016 Actual Contributing 2015 Actual Contributing Revenue Families Revenue Families January - March $852,452.11 $852,078.13 April $266,153.26 $337,109.86 May $288,267.64 $295,545.55 June $237,636.64 $254,996.80 Total $1,644,509.65 1198 Setting the Table for What is to Come $1,739,730.34 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 1248 ” The measure of a life is not its duration, but its donation.” – Stewardship Ministry Attention Adult Fulfillment Hour Shepherds: Please be advised that the final date for the electronic distribution of the FH weekly outlines is Wednesday, July 6, 2016. Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm for a robust discussion of each lesson. Hard copies of the lesson outline will be available for your convenience. Come, be blessed and be a blessing to the body. Thank you! Rev. Diann Ash • Genesis Room Renovation -‐ $65,000 (estimate) o What -‐ Replace the carpet and audio / visual system, which is partially working (yet the screen and Crestron is not working – we are nearly restricted for audio through microphones only now), and refinish the wood floors (reception area and stage). o Why – To make the room more functional and aesthetically pleasing for use by members and ministries of the church; hosting community gatherings and to make it easier to rent out for revenue generation. • Paint, pressure wash and repair woodwork on building exteriors -‐ $60,000 (estimate) ATTENTION ~ Friends of the Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academic C enter The Board of Regents of The Greenforest - McCalep Christian Academic Center invites all church members, friends, alumni, and staff to celebrate the rich heritage of our Academy and contribute to its future. Please join us and bring a friend: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 • 7pm • Fellowship Hall o What – Listed above. o Why – to improve the aesthetics of the campus and to reduce the cost we would incur if the work is done later after more deterioration. • Signage -‐ $32,000 (estimate) o What – replace the sign and lighting on Rainbow Drive. o Why – increase exposure of our location to the community. • Residential House at 3188 Mold Repair -‐ $50,000 (estimate) o What – there is extreme mold in the bathrooms as well as the entire basement. o Why -‐ we cannot occupy or rent the house until the mold problem has been fixed. The Annual Church Revival normally held during the 2nd week in July will be held later in the year to accommodate the Pastoral Candidate presentations being held throughout July 2016. The Revival Planning Team will provide an update to the congregation on the dates, times as well as the Revivalist in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please remain in prayer for our church during this time of transition and make plans to attend the pastoral candidate presentations during the schedule weekends. • Renovate Campus Bathrooms (11 total) -‐ $200,000 (estimate) o What – replace toilets / urinals, sinks, tile and flooring. o Why – bathrooms have not been upgraded since the church was built in 1965. The stains in the porcelain cannot be cleaned out. Much of the odor is held in the old tile and grouting. Many people will use the condition of the bathroom to form an opinion about the church itself. • Resurface and repair parking lots -‐ $200,000 (estimate from last time it was done @ 15 years) – To halt the continual degradation of the asphalt. The Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academic Center Sum m er Enrichm ent Program The GMCAC Summer Enrichment Program continues through July 29, 2016. The program hours are 6:30am-6:30pm. Enrollment/Registration Fee is $210.00 and the weekly fee is $100.00. Activities include Fields Trips (K3/K4 onsite field trips), recreational swimming, arts and crafts, daily devotional, Math, Reading & Language Arts, African American Studies, Junior Achievement, Softball, Soccer, Basketball, Outside Play and Swimming Lessons. Lunch and snacks are available at no additional cost. PRESERVING “THE FOREST” Pastoral Search Committee Update Please plan to be present during our pastoral candidate presentations: CANDIDATE 1: Saturday, July 9, 2016 9:45am Bible Study (Main Sanctuary) 10:30am Congregational Q&A (Main Sanctuary) Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:45am Early Service preaching 10:45am Mid-‐Morning Service preaching CANDIDATE 2: Saturday, July 16, 2016 9:45am Bible Study (Main Sanctuary) 10:30am Congregational Q&A (Main Sanctuary) Sunday, July 17, 2016 7:45am Early Service preaching 10:45am Mid-‐Morning Service preaching CANDIDATE 3: Saturday, July 23, 2016 9:45am Bible Study (Main Sanctuary) 10:30am Congregational Q&A (Main Sanctuary) Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:45am Early Service preaching 10:45am Mid-‐Morning Service preaching Please note: All of the sessions will stream online and be available for later viewing. You will be informed if any changes occur with the schedule. Additional specific information on the candidates & information regarding the voting procedure for the Senior Pastor will be announced at a later time. ON S One Great S E A Day of Giving GOAL: To receive $759,000 by Saturday, July 17, 2017 MILESTONE #1: 1,200 members submit $100 (total of $120,000) above and beyond their normal giving on or before July 17, 2016 so we can replace the entire roof on the gym before this winter. MILESTONE #2: 1,200 members submit at least $10.00 per week (total of $600,000) above and beyond their normal giving for the 50 weeks between July 17, 2016 and July 17, 2017 to pay for additional campus repairs and renovations (e.g. Genesis Room, bathrooms, parking lot, etc). Repairs we need to make: The following items are needed repairs that exceed the church’s maintenance budget. • Replace Entire Family Life Center [Gym] Roof -‐ $152,000 (quote) o o 2016-2017 2 Timothy 1:14 (NASB) -‐ Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you. What -‐ This building, used by the Recreation Ministry (which draws many outsiders), Academic Center and the church, hosts many events that include: the Easter breakfast, the Harvest Fest, fitness classes and racquetball & basketball games. Why – We have patched several areas of the roof over the past years and by code, cannot be resurfaced a third time. The current condition of the roof is such that it cannot be used when it rain due to leakage. The new roof will have a 25-‐year life span. • Genesis Room Renovation -‐ $65,000 (estimate) o What -‐ Replace the carpet and audio / visual system, which is partially working (yet the screen and Crestron is not working – we are nearly restricted for audio through microphones only now), and refinish the wood floors (reception area and stage). o Why – To make the room more functional and aesthetically pleasing for use by members and ministries of the church; hosting community gatherings and to make it easier to rent out for revenue generation. • Paint, pressure wash and repair woodwork on building exteriors -‐ $60,000 (estimate) ATTENTION ~ Friends of the Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academic C enter The Board of Regents of The Greenforest - McCalep Christian Academic Center invites all church members, friends, alumni, and staff to celebrate the rich heritage of our Academy and contribute to its future. Please join us and bring a friend: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 • 7pm • Fellowship Hall o What – Listed above. o Why – to improve the aesthetics of the campus and to reduce the cost we would incur if the work is done later after more deterioration. • Signage -‐ $32,000 (estimate) o What – replace the sign and lighting on Rainbow Drive. o Why – increase exposure of our location to the community. • Residential House at 3188 Mold Repair -‐ $50,000 (estimate) o What – there is extreme mold in the bathrooms as well as the entire basement. o Why -‐ we cannot occupy or rent the house until the mold problem has been fixed. The Annual Church Revival normally held during the 2nd week in July will be held later in the year to accommodate the Pastoral Candidate presentations being held throughout July 2016. The Revival Planning Team will provide an update to the congregation on the dates, times as well as the Revivalist in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please remain in prayer for our church during this time of transition and make plans to attend the pastoral candidate presentations during the schedule weekends. • Renovate Campus Bathrooms (11 total) -‐ $200,000 (estimate) o What – replace toilets / urinals, sinks, tile and flooring. o Why – bathrooms have not been upgraded since the church was built in 1965. The stains in the porcelain cannot be cleaned out. Much of the odor is held in the old tile and grouting. Many people will use the condition of the bathroom to form an opinion about the church itself. • Resurface and repair parking lots -‐ $200,000 (estimate from last time it was done @ 15 years) – To halt the continual degradation of the asphalt. The Greenforest-McCalep Christian Academic Center Sum m er Enrichm ent Program The GMCAC Summer Enrichment Program continues through July 29, 2016. The program hours are 6:30am-6:30pm. Enrollment/Registration Fee is $210.00 and the weekly fee is $100.00. Activities include Fields Trips (K3/K4 onsite field trips), recreational swimming, arts and crafts, daily devotional, Math, Reading & Language Arts, African American Studies, Junior Achievement, Softball, Soccer, Basketball, Outside Play and Swimming Lessons. Lunch and snacks are available at no additional cost. PRESERVING “THE FOREST” Pastoral Search Committee Update Please plan to be present during our pastoral candidate presentations: CANDIDATE 1: Saturday, July 9, 2016 9:45am Bible Study (Main Sanctuary) 10:30am Congregational Q&A (Main Sanctuary) Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:45am Early Service preaching 10:45am Mid-‐Morning Service preaching CANDIDATE 2: Saturday, July 16, 2016 9:45am Bible Study (Main Sanctuary) 10:30am Congregational Q&A (Main Sanctuary) Sunday, July 17, 2016 7:45am Early Service preaching 10:45am Mid-‐Morning Service preaching CANDIDATE 3: Saturday, July 23, 2016 9:45am Bible Study (Main Sanctuary) 10:30am Congregational Q&A (Main Sanctuary) Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:45am Early Service preaching 10:45am Mid-‐Morning Service preaching Please note: All of the sessions will stream online and be available for later viewing. You will be informed if any changes occur with the schedule. Additional specific information on the candidates & information regarding the voting procedure for the Senior Pastor will be announced at a later time. ON S One Great S E A Day of Giving GOAL: To receive $759,000 by Saturday, July 17, 2017 MILESTONE #1: 1,200 members submit $100 (total of $120,000) above and beyond their normal giving on or before July 17, 2016 so we can replace the entire roof on the gym before this winter. MILESTONE #2: 1,200 members submit at least $10.00 per week (total of $600,000) above and beyond their normal giving for the 50 weeks between July 17, 2016 and July 17, 2017 to pay for additional campus repairs and renovations (e.g. Genesis Room, bathrooms, parking lot, etc). Repairs we need to make: The following items are needed repairs that exceed the church’s maintenance budget. • Replace Entire Family Life Center [Gym] Roof -‐ $152,000 (quote) o o 2016-2017 2 Timothy 1:14 (NASB) -‐ Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you. What -‐ This building, used by the Recreation Ministry (which draws many outsiders), Academic Center and the church, hosts many events that include: the Easter breakfast, the Harvest Fest, fitness classes and racquetball & basketball games. Why – We have patched several areas of the roof over the past years and by code, cannot be resurfaced a third time. The current condition of the roof is such that it cannot be used when it rain due to leakage. The new roof will have a 25-‐year life span. RECENTLY BEREAVED FAMILIES The family of Gibran Windom (JYM), who will be funeralized on Saturday, July 9th in the Greenforest Sanctuary. The family of Sis. Mozelle Banks (CMc), whose sister, Mary E. Sims, will be funeralized on July 8th in New York, New York. The family of Sis. Bernice Vaughan (DO), whose mother, Mattie K. Burnette, who was funeralized on July 2nd in Shorterville, Alabama. The family of Sis. Gennive Stembridge (AS), whose brother, Timothy Plumber was funeralized on July 2nd in Anderson, SC. The family of Sis. Deloris (Barnett) Birch (JAG), whose aunt, Georgia Hobbs Wright, was funeralized on July 1st in Joliet, Illinois. The family of Sis. Mary Holloway and Sis. Demetria (Dea. Clint) Parker (CP/AH), whose mother/grandmother was funeralized on July 1st in Columbus, GA. The family of Bro. James (Virginia) West (EW), whose brother, Marvin Hawkins, was funeralized on June 29th in Alliance, Ohio. A Thank You Card July 3, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Greenforest vision is to build a united Biblical community of loving relationships whose members daily and devoutly love, follow and model Christ, and respond properly to His Lordship through powerful worship. was received from Sis. Bernice Green, Sis. Rosa Vernell Counts. The New Members Orientation Team and the Spiritual Gifts Ministry are in need of Facilitators. Persons interested in volunteering for the New Members Ministry should contact Sis. Renee Thompson via [email protected] or (470) 336-7811. Those interested in becoming a Spiritual Gifts class facilitator should contact Min. Irene Lawson via [email protected] or (770) 987-8853. You may also complete one of the sign-up forms located in the church office. CHURCH BYLAWS UPDATE: We are beginning the process of a formal review of our Church Bylaws. If you are interested in serving on the bylaws review committee, please check with your deacon for details. Thank you! IPRAISE Youth Church Every Sunday for all teens except the 3rd Sunday @ 10:45am and Youth Fulfillment Hour - every Sunday at 9:30am in Bldg.3. Please join us for Midweek Bible Study each Wednesday @ 7:30pm in Bldg. 3. • The IPRAISE Student Prayer LINE is held every Sunday evening @ 8:30 pm. • The next Ascension Gavel Club will be Wed., July 13th at 7:30pm in Bldg. 3 Rm.118. Please Note: If you are on campus and have an emergency, please call the 24hour security number at (404) 226-7941. Feed The Homeless: The following Deacon Family Ministries are scheduled for “Feed the Homeless” on Saturday, July 9th at 8:30am Deacons Anthony Henry and Gary McGaha Reverend Dennis W. Mitchell, Senior Pastor 3250 Rainbow Drive • Decatur, GA 30034 • www.greenforest.org (404) 486-‐1120 Office (404) 486-‐1121 Fax Social Ministries (404) 486-‐6771 Christian Academy Office (404) 486-‐6737 ~ ORDER OF WORSHIP SERVICES ~ Devotion (7:45am only) Offertory Prayer/Offering Call To Worship (10:45am only) Choir Selection Welcome & Greetings Sermon Ministry Announcements Invitation to Discipleship Congregational Singing (P&W) Communion Corporate Prayer /P&W Cont’d Benediction/Postlude JULY 2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS July 4 July 5 July 9 & 10 July 11-15 July 16 & 17 July 17 July 23 & 24 July 31 Church Office Closed (Independence Day) Friends of the Academy Meeting (7pm • Fellowship Hall) Pastoral Candidate #1 (Bible Study, Q&A, Preaching) Black Church Week (Ridgecrest, NC) Pastoral Candidate #2 (Bible Study, Q&A, Preaching) One Great Day of Giving (begins) Pastoral Candidate #3 (Bible Study, Q&A, Preaching) College Ministry Covered Prayer Revival & Dinner Fulfillment Hour Lessons: July 3, 2016 Pre-School “Joash Repaired the Temple” Children “Joash Repaired the Temple” Youth Division “You’re an MVB” Adult Division “The Helpless, Part 1” July 3, 2016 u Rev. Dennis W. Mitchell, Senior Pastor Subject: ____________________________Text: __________________________ Key Thought: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2 Chronicles 24:1-14 2 Chronicles 24:1-14 Psalm 139:1-16 Deuteronomy 24:10-22 COLLEGE MINISTRY DINNER & PRAYER REVIVAL Attention All College Students! Please join the Greenforest College Ministry as we seek God for His covering at our 2nd Annual Covered Prayer Revival & Dinner on Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Two - $250 Book Scholarships will be raffled off during the dinner and Special Care Packages will be given to each student after the Prayer Revival. *RSVP required for both giveaways & must be present to win. RSVP online at www.greenforest.org by Fri, July 15, 2016 2016 REVENUE REPORT (Unified Budget + Expand The Forest + Special Income – Returned Checks) 2016 Actual Contributing 2015 Actual Contributing Revenue Families Revenue Families January - March $852,452.11 $852,078.13 April $266,153.26 $337,109.86 May $288,267.64 $295,545.55 June $237,636.64 $254,996.80 Total $1,644,509.65 1198 Setting the Table for What is to Come $1,739,730.34 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 1248 ” The measure of a life is not its duration, but its donation.” – Stewardship Ministry Attention Adult Fulfillment Hour Shepherds: Please be advised that the final date for the electronic distribution of the FH weekly outlines is Wednesday, July 6, 2016. Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm for a robust discussion of each lesson. Hard copies of the lesson outline will be available for your convenience. Come, be blessed and be a blessing to the body. Thank you! Rev. Diann Ash