IEEE 802 Meeting會議報告
IEEE 802 Meeting會議報告
會議報告(會議類別:其他) IEEE 802 Wireless Session #148 Meeting 會議報告 出席人員:方士豪 派赴地區:美國/聖安東尼(San Antonio) 會議期間:103 年 11 月 3 日至 103 年 11 月 7 日 報告日期:103 年 12 月 30 日 摘 要 IEEE 802 Wireless Session #148 標準制定會議於美國德州的聖安 東尼舉行。由於本會期是 Plenary Session,因此會議與其他 IEEE 802 的 Working Group (802.1、802.3、802.15、802.16、802.18、802.19、 802.21、802.22)及 Study Group (SG ECSG)同時舉行;本次會議舉行 的地點為 Grand Hyatt San Antonio 飯店,時間由 2014 年 11 月 3 日至 11 月 7 日共計 5 天,而 IEEE 802.11 TGax 會議主要集中在前四天 11/3-11/6 舉行,最後一天 11/7 則舉行會議 Closing Plenary。本次到美 國德州聖安東尼市的主要目的是掌握最新一代無線通訊網路標準 IEEE 802.11 TGax High Efficiency Wireless (HEW) 在 Physical Layer 之技術發展近況。 本會期的 IEEE 802.11 TGax 會議,所討論的範圍主要還是在 Physical Layer 與 Media Access Control (MAC) Layer 兩大部分,而議 題還是圍繞在原先成立 Study Group 的目標,即如何提升 802.11 Physical Layer 與 MAC Layer 在 2.4GHz 與 5GHz 之頻譜效益(Spectrum Efficiency)與 Area Throughput,除此之外也著重在如何提升室內與室 外之效能。細部的議題主要包含 Evaluation Methodology、Simulation Scenarios 與 Calibration、Specification Framework 與一些 MU-MIMO 和 OFDMA 相 關 技 術 , 而 初 版 的 IEEE 802.11ax Specification Framework 也在本會期中投票通過,之後標準規格文件將會根據此版 本修訂。會議中除了 Physical Layer 的相關議題,MAC Layer 的議題 也在會議中提出討論。除了標準制定會議之外,大會也準備兩個 Tutorial 讓參與的成員參加,了解目前相關技術發展的近況。 2 技術貢獻 本次會議的主要目標是追蹤 802.11 工作群組之發展情形,即時 掌握目前 802.11 標準會議中,各家科技公司最新技術之近況,並沒 有提案產出。 會議解說 本次 IEEE 802 Wireless Session #148 會議於美國聖安東尼舉行, 會議內容主要可以分成上述幾種標準制定會議,本次主要是選擇參與 最多人的 IEEE 802.11 TGax 會議。由於 TGax 會議人數較多,因此也 包含了許多廠商或公司人員來進行提案討論。每次相關人員提案後, 其他公司人員皆會進行相關技術的詢問與挑戰,由此可見各家廠商或 公司對於此次標準制定會議之重視。 3 與會成員工作分配 與會成員 任務 追蹤 802.11 TGax(HEW, High Efficiency Wireless) 方士豪 之 Physical Layer 技術進展 4 目 錄 摘 要...........................................................................................................2 技術貢獻.....................................................................................................3 會議解說.....................................................................................................3 與會成員工作分配 ....................................................................................4 一、會議名稱 ............................................................................................6 二、參加會議目的及效益 ........................................................................6 三、會議時間 ............................................................................................6 四、會議地點 ............................................................................................6 五、會議議程 ............................................................................................7 六、會議紀要 ..........................................................................................18 七、心得與建議 ......................................................................................34 5 一、會議名稱 IEEE 802 Wireless Session #148 Meeting 二、參加會議目的及效益 參與 802.11 工作群組會議,針對最新提案議題進行討論與蒐集。 參加 Tutorial 了解最新市場應用趨勢 三、會議時間 November 3, 2014 ~ November 7, 2014 四、會議地點 美國/聖安東尼(Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, USA ) 五、會議議程 表一列出了 IEEE 802.11 之議程表,且詳細的議程列於表二。 表一:IEEE 802.11 Wireless 議程表 表二:IEEE 802.11 TGax議程表 日期 時間 詳細描述 Monday November 3 Call meeting to order Patent policy, etc. Call for submissions Set and approve agenda for Ad Hoc meeting Presentations 11-14-1380-00-00ax-efficiency-measurement-for-r 8:00-10:00 ts-cts 11-14-1381-01-00ax-novel-rts-cts 11-14-1382-00-00ax-responses-to-the-comments-o n-doc1169 11-14-1403-00-00ax-performance-analysis-of-bsscolor-and-dsc 11-14-1404-00-00ax-11aa-gcr-ba-performance-inobss 11-14-1441-00-00ax-simulation-setting-of-box5-ca libration Adjourn 802.11 Working Group Opening Report 1. Opening formalities Meeting called to order Front table introductions. Introduce IEEE-SA staff representative Courtesy Notice Review and approve 802.11 session agenda Review and approve WG minutes - Beijing Straw poll of new attendees 2. Announcements Policies and procedures Review Patent Policy slides Inform participants of the following P&Ps IEEE Code of Ethics Monday November 3 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Affiliation FAQ IEEE-SA Antitrust and Competition Policy IEEE-SA Letter of Assurance (LoA) form 11:00-12:30 IEEE-SA Patent Committee (PatCom) information IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) P&Ps, Chairs Guidelines, Operations Manual IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P IEEE 802 LMSC rules changes IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual - review changes Reflectors Incoming Liaisons Summary of new and pending liaisons and processing this weekITU-R WP5a request for information Other Anouncements 3. Logistics and Key events/activities Working group session documents Joint meetings & Reciprocal Credit Other WG meeting plans Meeting room locations Next meeting reminder Meeting registration 8 Recording attendance File server Breakfast, breaks, BoF logistics Wednesday Topics Report on 802 EC or IEEE-SA Standards Board decisions 4. Opening reports, objectives & plans WG reports 802.11 groups 802.11 PARS Officers Standards pipeline and 802.11 revisions Summary of Ballots / Comment collections WG membership summary WG ANA report WG Treasurer's report WG timeline report / planning WG technical editor Standing committee reports Architecture (ARC) (including 802 Architecture status) PAR Publicity (PUB) Regulatory (REG) Wireless Next Generation (WNG) JTC1 802 SC Task Group reports TGmc - Revision mc (REVmc) TGah - Sub 1 GHz (S1G) TGai - Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) TGaj - China Millimeter-Wave (CMMW) TGak - General Link (GLK) TGaq - Pre-Association Discovery (PAD) TGax - High Efficiency Wireless LAN (HEW) Study Group reports 5. Recess 9 Monday November 3 16:00-18:00 Call meeting to order Patent policy, etc. Set and approve agenda Summary from September 2014 meeting Elected TG vice chairs as scheduled. Approved the first revision of the functional Requirements document Generated new revision of the TG documents based on motions passed during the meeting. Technical presentations SG motions Approve TG meeting and Telecon minutes since September meeting. Presentations 11-14-1388-01-00ax-consideration-on-per-predicti on-for-phy-abstruction 11-14-1392-01-00ax-simulation-results-for-box-5calibration 11-14-1418-01-00ax-further-study-of-time-varying -interference-and-phy-abstraction 11-14-1419-00-00ax-sls-box5-calibration-results-a nd-discussions 11-14-1420-01-00ax-the-impact-of-preamble-error -on-mac-system-performance Recess Tutorial 1: Gigabit Ethernet Over Plastic Optical Fiber (GEPOF) Overview of proposed p802.3bv project Technical / Economic Feasibility Home networking market Automotive market Industrial market Support Monday November 3 18:00-20:00 Tutorial 2: Introduction to P802.3bn EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC) Introduction Motivation for EPoC 10 P802.3bn overview EPoC Application Overview of Challenges Cable Network Requirements Terms EPoC Topologies RF Spectrum availability and flexibility Common component architecture elements PHY Link Channel Call Meeting to order IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR Policy and procedure. Presentations 11-14/1434, “SLS Box4 Calibration Results”, Tuesday November 4 10:30-12:30 Tuesday November 4 13:30-15:30 What it is, why we need it DS PHY Link US PHY Link CNU bring up PHY Link Tasks Russell Huang (MediaTek Inc.) 11-14/1444, “Energy Efficiency Evaluation and Simulation Model”, Chinghwa Yu (MediaTek) 11-14/1402, “Box1 and Box3 calibration results”, Masahito Mori (Sony) 11-14/1342, “MAC Calibration Results”, Igor Kim (ETRI) 11-14/1343, “Multicast Scenarios for MAC Calibration”, Igor Kim (ETRI) 11-14/1449, “MAC Calibration Results”, Newracom 11-14/1450,” box 0 calibration results”, Hongsup Lee (Newracom) 11-14/1451, “box 1 and box 2 calibration results”, Jaehyun Ahn (Newracom) Recess Call Meeting to order IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR Policy and procedure. Presentations 11 Recess Call Meeting to order IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR Policy and procedure. Presentations 11-14/1397, “Discussion on Frame Structure for Future WLAN Systems with OFDMA”, 16:00-18:00 Wednesday November 5 10:30-12:30 11-14/1428, “Clear Channel Assessment for OFDMA PHY”, K. C. Chen (NTU) and D. J. Deng (NCUE) Tuesday November 4 11-14/1426, “DSC and legacy coexistence”, Gustav Wikstrom et al. (Ericsson) 11-14/1427, “DSC Performance”, Gustav Wikstrom et al. (Ericsson) 11-14/1443, “Adapting CCA and Receiver Sensitivity”, Esa Tuomaala (Nokia) 11-14/1448, “Considerations for Adaptive CCA”, Reza Hedayat (Newracom) 11-14/1446 Myeong-Jin Kim (Korea University) 11-14/1431, “Issues on UL-OFDMA”, Young Hoon Kwon (Newracom) 11-14/1433, “Protocol and signaling framework for OFDMA”, Sigurd Schelstraete (Quantenna) 11-14//1442, “Considerations on DL OFDMA control mechanism”, Woojin Ahn (Yonsei Univ.) 11-14/1452, “Frequency selective scheduling in OFDMA”, Leif Wilhelmsson (Ericsson) Recess 802.11 Working Group Mid-Week Plenary 1. Opening formalities Meeting called to order Front Table introductions Modify and approve modifications to agenda 2. Announcements Policies and Procedures (P&P) reminder Call for essential patents Reminder of Thursday night CAC meeting 12 EC workshop description Any other announcements 3. Old business Any WG reports carried forward 4. Reports by 802.11 liaisons officers External (non-802) liaisons WiFi Alliance (WFA) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internal (802) liaisons Briefing on Coexistence Lessons Learned (802.19) activity 5. New business Room change requests & Graphic update Briefing on attempts to improve relationship with the WFA Study Group formation for Next Generation Positioning Request for Guidance on rules for allocation of last Element IDs IEEE 802.3 Next Generation Enterprise Access BASE-T PHY call for interest Discuss 802.11 response to 802c PAR 6. Recess Call Meeting to order IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR Policy and procedure. Presentations 11-14/1417, “HEW PPDU Transmission Discussion” Yongho Seok (NEWRACOM) Wednesday November 5 13:30-15:30 11-14/1436, “Overhead Analysis for Simultaneous Downlink Transmissions”, Pengfei Xia (interdigita) 11-14/1437, “Efficient Wider Bandwidth Operation in IEEE 802.11a”, Jinsoo Ahn (Yonsei Univ) 11-14/1439, “Preamble Considerations in Large Channel Delay Spread Scenarios”, Daewon Lee (Newracom) 11-14/1228, “Issues on 256-FFT per 20MHz”, Heejung Yu (NEWRACOM/YU) 13 Recess Call Meeting to order IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR Policy and procedure. Presentations 11-14/1429, “Proposed 802.11ax specification framework document”, Minho Cheong (Newracom) 11-14/1432, “Proposed 802.11ax specification Thursday November 6 11-14/1531, “Empirical open-air VHT client scaling results for use in validating MAC simulators” Chuck Lukaszewski (Aruba Networks) 11-14/1496, “Power-Save-Calibration-Scenario”, Jarkko Kneckt (Nokia) 08:00-10:00 framework – background”, Minho Cheong (Newracom) 11-14/1453, “Spec Framework Proposal” Robert Stacey (Intel) 11-14/1447, “Proposed Spec Framework Document for 11ax considering potential tech features”, John Son (WILUS Institute), Young Doo Kim (SK Telecom) Recess Call Meeting to order IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR Policy and procedure. Ad Hoc Chairs Election Election will be on Tuesday during January meeting Thursday November 6 Start time for the Ad Hoc groups Ad hoc group meetings to start on March 2015 Editor appointment (Robert Stacey) 11-14/1523, “Offline Discussion Minutes of SLS Calibration” Jiyong Pang (Huawei) TG Motions Goals for January 2015 Telecon Schedule 13:30-15:30 14 Adjourn 802.11 Working Group Closing Plenary 1. Opening formalities Meeting called to order Front Table introductions Modify and approve modifications to agenda 2. Announcements Policies and Procedures (P&P) reminder Call for essential patents Friday November 7 8:00-10:00 Reminder to get minutes to WG secretary Reminder to get objectives & agendas for next session to WG Chair by 1st CAC telecon Letters of Assurance (LoAs) received Drafts for Sale in IEEE Shop Drafts to liaise with ISO/JTC1/SC6 Treasurer's Report 3. Closing Report Working Group Attendance report Straw Poll of membership regarding this meeting location Future venues insight PAR review SC report Timeline WG Editor Standing committee reports Architecture (ARC) PAR Publicity (PUB) Regulatory (REG) Wireless Next Generation (WNG) JTC1 802 TAG Task Group reports TGmc - Revision mc (REVmc) TGah - Sub 1 GHz (S1G) TGai - Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) TGaj - China Millimeter-Wave (CMMW) TGak - General Link (GLK) 15 TGaq - Pre-Association Discovery (PAD) TGax - High Efficiency Wireless LAN (HEW) Study Group NG60 - Next Generation 60 GHz Liaison 802.15 liaison report 802.18 RR TAG liaison report 802.19 liaison report 802.21 liaison report 802.24 liaison report 802.1CF (OmniRAN) Status Update 4. Opening reports, objectives & plans WG reports 802.11 groups 802.11 PARS Officers Standards pipeline and 802.11 revisions Summary of Ballots / Comment collections WG membership summary WG ANA report WG Treasurer's report WG timeline report / planning WG technical editor Standing committee reports Architecture (ARC) (including 802 Architecture status) PAR Publicity (PUB) Regulatory (REG) Wireless Next Generation (WNG) JTC1 802 SC Task Group reports TGmc - Revision mc (REVmc) TGah - Sub 1 GHz (S1G) TGai - Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) TGaj - China Millimeter-Wave (CMMW) TGak - General Link (GLK) TGaq - Pre-Association Discovery (PAD) 16 TGax - High Efficiency Wireless LAN (HEW) Study Group reports 5. Motions (old business) Working Group motions Telecon schedule Operations Manual approval Standing committee motions Architecture (ARC) PAR Task Group motions TGmc - Revision mc (REVmc) TGah - Sub 1 GHz (S1G TGai - Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) TGaj - China Millimeter-Wave (CMMW) Publicity (PUB) Regulatory (REG) Wireless Next Generation (WNG) JTC1 802 TAG TGak - General Link (GLK) TGaq - Pre-Association Discovery (PAD) TGax - High Efficiency Wireless LAN (HEW) Study Group motions NG60 - Next Generation 60 GHz 6. New business Discussion and decision on use of remaining "short" Element IDs Proposal to use EPD for 5.9 GHz Possible request for legacy Element IDs 7. Closing formalities Reminder about wireless chairs meeting Next meeting reminder Adjourn 8. Recess 17 六、會議紀要 6.1 Evaluation Methodology 議題討論 1 11-14/1388, “Consideration on PER prediction for PHY abstruction”, Bo Sun (ZTE Corp) 總覽 在 PHY Abatraction 的方法中,目前 RBIR-based 的方法已經放入 Evaluation Methodology 文件中。 目前有兩個議題需要解決 議題 1: When an A-MPDU consists of multiple sub-frames, packet error rate for each sub-frame should be estimated separately to allow the block ACK for each sub-frame. 議題 2: The preamble error model and mapping rules should be defined for PHY abstraction simulation calibration. 摘要 提出針對 Issue 1 之解法步驟: 步驟 1: Predict PER(i, *) with the interference event i based on the block-wised PHY abstraction 步驟 2: Generate PER(*, j) of sub-frame j from the set of PER(i, *) with the interference events happened within the duration of the sub-frame j. 前提與假設: There are I interference events overlapping with the target PSDU transmission. The i-th interference event starts from Ti and lasts for LIF (i) OFDM symbols. There are J A-MPDU sub-frames included in the PSDU and the j-th sub-frame lasts for LSF (j) OFDM symbols. 定義: 18 L(i, j) as the number of OFDM symbols in the j-th A-MPDU sub-frame that overlaps with the i-th interference event, then 步驟 3: Determine whether a sub-frame j is received correctly 步驟 4: Determine whether the PPDU is valid 提出針對 Issue 2 之多種解法 選項 1: Preamble decoding modeled as a sub-frame decoding Take the whole preamble as a standalone sub-frame with a special MCS The PHY abstraction in [1] can be used for preamble PER prediction 選項 2: The impact of preamble decoding error modeled as additional AWGN factor 選項 3: Preamble decoding error modeled based on SINR threshold Set a preamble error SINR threshold T If SINR < T, preamble decoding fails and the PPDU receiving fails; otherwise, the PPDU receiving error is calculated as defined in current PHY abstraction 選項 4: Mixed error model Directly use RBIR PHY abstraction for signaling field PER prediction with specific MCS and symbol length. The channel estimation error by LTFs is modeled as additional AWGN factor The impact of STF receiving process is ignored. 結論 本 Contribution 提出了 A-MPDE PER 的 Prediciton 方法 另外也提出了多種 Preamble Decoding Error 模型的方法 19 11-14/1418, “Further Study of Time Varying Interference and PHY Abstraction” Yakun Sun (Marvell) 總覽 一些基本的如何 Model Time-Varying Interference 的 PHY Abstraction 程序已經 在之前的文件中討論 本 Contribution 提出了關於 Time-varying intereference 更進一步的探討 摘要 以下提供了多種必須要 modeling 時變 interference 的因素 How often a MPDU sees time-varying interference? How large the interference level changes? 本 Contribution 蒐集了一些藉由 intergrated 的系統模擬所得到的 interference 的統計資訊 模擬結果分析 Time varying interference experienced by a subframe is not negligible. The issue becomes more significant if spatial reuse is under consideration. It is important to handle the time-varying interference accurately. Residential, 4STA/apartment 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 CDF 2 0.5 0.4 0.3 Inter-BSS CCA=-82dBm Inter-BSS CCA=-72dBm Inter-BBS CCA=-62dBm 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Ratio of the Strongest/Weakest Interference per Subframe(dB) 20 50 Residential, 4STA/apartment 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 CDF 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Inter-BSS CCA=-82dBm Inter-BSS CCA=-72dBm Inter-BBS CCA=-62dBm 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Relative Duration of the Strongest Interference in a Subframe 1 結論 從系統模擬層級的模擬可看出,在 subframe 之內的 interference change 是不 可以忽略的。 一個更精準的 PHY Abstraction 方法必須要提出並可以處理 Time-varying interference。 21 6.2 Simulation Scenarios Calibration 議題討論 1 11-14/1441, “Simulation Setting of Box5 Calibration”, Jiyong Pang (Huawei) 總覽 本 Contribution 提供了 Box-5 Calication 的模擬結果 摘要 Box-5 Calibration 概要說明 Box 0, 1, and 2 calibration are almost done Box 3 calibration is now in progress Box 5 calibration was initially discussed in September meeting Box 5: Integrated system simulator calibration The objective is to align a combination of all PHY and MAC features Box-5 MAC 細部參數資訊 22 Box-5 PHY 細部參數資訊 11ac Scenario 6 – OBSS Enterprise 30 BSS A STA locations BSS B STA locations assuming (xb,yb)=(40,20) BSS C STA locations assuming (xb,yb)=(-40,-20) 20 27 15 21 10 8 11 2 23 5 29 9 3 26 4 10 0 14 20 1319 22 728 25 16 17 1 -10 12 6 24 30 18 -20 -30 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 23 10 20 30 40 50 Traffic Flow 模型 DL/UL traffic assigned for each STA One BSS 測試結果 BSS B (STAs 3, 9, 15, 21, 27) 24 觀察結果描述 DL throughput shows uniform distribution AP power is enough for fully supporting MCS 7 UL throughput is determined by distance from AP UL total throughput shows 13.8% of performance degradation over DL total throughput because of collisions and lower TX power 結論 本 Submission 提供了一些 Box 5 的 Calibration 結果供各公司參考 25 2 11-14/1434, “SLS Box4 Calibration Results”, Russell Huang (MediaTek Inc.) 總覽 Box 4 測試回顧 Box 2 test 3 + Box 0 (PHY abstraction) + MCS selection PHY abstraction includes Effective SINR via RBIR PER from effective SINR Output Per-STA throughput Per-STA selected MCS Per-STA airtime SINR (effective SINR via RBIR) 摘要 Box 4 測試 Overview RBIR -> Effective SINR -> PER (only payload included with PSDU size 1500 bytes) LDPC and BCC included MCS selection (max throughput) Box 2 Transmission selection algorithm, CCA threshold -70 輸出結果 SINR CDF (effective SINR via RBIR after MCS selection) Per-STA throughput CDF(only for UL) SS1 之 CDF 曲線 SS2 之 CDF 曲線 26 SS3 之 CDF 曲線 SS4 之 CDF 曲線 注意事項 Per-STA throughput CDF curves are relatively smooth because Throughput is defined as (1-PER)*R Time averaged 0-thoughput STAs exist due to not enough transmissions Curves do not converge when transmissions are not enough SINR curves being odd might be caused by MCS selection, table look-up, or not enough drops. To be investigated. 結論 Throughput 的曲線可提供一個基本的 Calibration 結果 MCS 選擇使得 SINR 看起來與 Box 2 的結果不盡相同 27 6.3 OFDMA 議題討論 1-14/1397, “Analysis of frequency and UL-OFDMA”, Leif Wilhelmsson (Ericsson) power requirements for 總覽 頻率錯誤與 Near-far 影響會使 UL-OFDMA 系統有嚴重的效能損失 本 Contribution 提供了一些 UL-OFDMA 之模擬分析結果,可提供各公司參考 摘要 單一使用者情況之 ICI For relatively small CFO errors, the SNR degradation due to ICI is well-approximated by the commonly used expression as follows The total ICI on the N2 subcarriers of u2 may then be expressed as 14 12 64-QAM 16-QAM QPSK 10 SNR Degradation (dB) 1 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Relative Frequency Error (% of carrier spacing) 28 4 4.5 5 在 AP 端,Degradation 與 frequency offset 之比較 5 Dc , PR = 10dB 4.5 Dc , PR = 5dB Dc , PR = 0dB 4 Dc , PR = -5dB SNR Degradation (dB) 3.5 Dc , PR = -10dB Ds 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Relative Frequency Error (% of carrier spacing) 2 2.5 3 Power 與 Frequency 之 Joint 需求 10 9 Frequency Error (% of carrier spacing) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -10 0.5dB, 64-QAM 1dB, 64-QAM 2dB, 64-QAM 3dB, 64-QAM 0.5dB, 16-QAM 1dB, 16-QAM 2dB, 16-QAM 3dB, 16-QAM 0.5dB, QPSK 1dB, QPSK 2dB, QPSK 3dB, QPSK -5 0 5 Power Ratio (dB) 10 15 20 結論 若使用單一使用者之 OFDM 系統,並不能在 OFDMA UL 情況下直接計算 MUI,因為所有的子載波皆假設含有相同的 Frequency Error,且 Power 也假 設相同。 一般化 OFDMA 系統是一種很直接的方法,而且可以使得計算效能損失變得 比較容易。 29 2 11-14/1397, “Discussion on Frame Structure for Future WLAN Systems with OFDMA”, Myeong-Jin Kim (Korea University) 總覽 本 Contribution 討論了 OFDMA 系統中之 Frame Structure,可以使得 WLAN 系統的效能得到提升。 摘要 為了使 Serve 使用者具有不同的 Link Quality,以下的 TXVECTOR 的特定參 數將會被使用者使用: MCS: indicates the modulation and coding scheme NUM_STS: indicates the number of space-time streams STBC: indicates whether STBC is used FEC_CODING: indicates which FEC encoding is used 以下提供了一種 Frame Structure 的例子 To assign control channel which is separated from data subchannels 結論 本 Contribution 討論了 OFDMA 系統的 Frame Structure 提出了一個 OFDMA 系統中的 Frame Stucture 例子 30 11-14/1452, “Frequency Wilhelmsson (Ericsson) 3 selective scheduling in OFDMA”, Leif 總覽 從之前的 Work 可得到,Frequency Selective Scheduling 可以提升 Throughput 為了得到 Scheduling 的 Gain,我們必須要在 AP 端得到精確的通道資訊 本 Contribution 呈現了對於 Frequency Selective Scheduling 的 initial 的一些模 擬結果 摘要 單一使用者之 Potential gain “Channel model D*” and ideal channel knowledge at AP assumed 2.2 120 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling fixed subband 2 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling 100 1.6 Throughput gain(%) Average rate(bps/Hz) 1.8 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 80 60 40 0.6 20 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 0 5 10 SNR(dB) 15 20 25 SNR(dB) Figures show potential gain vs. delay spread for SNR = 10 dB and ideal channel knowledge 70 1.1 1.05 60 1 Throughput gain(%) Average rate(bps/Hz) 50 0.95 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling fixed subband 0.9 0.85 0.8 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling 40 30 20 0.75 10 0.7 0 0.65 0 20 40 60 80 100 Delay spread(ns) 120 140 -10 160 31 0 20 40 60 80 100 Delay spread(ns) 120 140 160 4 個使用者之 Potential gain “Channel model D*” and ideal channel knowledge at AP assumed 8 35 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling fixed subband 7 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling 30 25 Throughput gain(%) Average rate(bps/Hz) 6 5 4 3 15 10 2 5 1 0 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 0 5 10 SNR(dB) 15 20 25 SNR(dB) Figures show potential gain vs. delay spread for SNR = 10 dB and ideal channel knowledge 3.3 25 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling fixed subband 3.2 20 Throughput gain(%) Average rate(bps/Hz) 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 15 10 5 2.7 0 2.6 2.5 freq. select. scheduling random scheduling 0 20 40 60 80 100 Delay spread(ns) 120 140 -5 160 32 0 20 40 60 80 100 Delay spread(ns) 120 140 160 具有通道變化之 Initial 模擬結果 22 20 Throughput gain(%) 18 16 14 12 10 ideal 1ms delay 2.5ms delay 5ms delay 8 6 0 10 20 30 Doppler spread(Hz) 40 50 結論 Frequency-selective scheduling 可以提供單一使用者或多個使用者額外的增益 不精準的通道資訊會導致 Scheduling 的效能損失,但是日後 802.11ax 應該還 是會採取此方法,因為會得到額外的好處 33 七、心得與建議 本次會議主要是參加IEEE 802.11 Working Group中Task Group ax相關議 題之討論,此Task Group主要討論的議題還是圍繞在當初Study Group的目標, 即如何提升802.11 Physical Layer與MAC Layer在2.4GHz與5GHz之Spectrum Efficiency與Area Throughput,除此之外也著重在如何提升室內與室外之效 能。從會議中可看出,目前世界各大科技公司(Intel、MediaTek、Nokia、 Qualcomm、Broadcom、Marvell、LG、Samsung、Huawei等)正積極的朝向此 新世代無線通訊IEEE 802.11標準來布局,若台灣在此領域有相關人員的支 持,在標準制定會議上可預期會有一席之地。除此之外,從會議中可看出, 若要使本身公司提出之技術被接受,除了技術本身要夠前瞻外,如何得到其 他公司的支持也是另外一個重點,因為能得到其他公司的支持才能將本身技 術打入標準規格內,提升公司之能見度。 34