Greater Edmonton Area Bitumen Upgrader Supply Chain Study
Greater Edmonton Area Bitumen Upgrader Supply Chain Study
Greater Edmonton Area Bitumen Upgrader Supply Chain Study PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: COLT ENGINEERING CORPORATION EDMONTON, ALBERTA March 31, 2007 This document represents work done by Colt Engineering Corporation (Colt) performed to recognize engineering principles and practices. The work is based upon the project scope and design information as described herein and as provided by the Owner. Any representations in this document are furnished for general information only and are not in any way guaranteed or warranted by Colt or its sub-consultants or on behalf of the Owner or their respective employees. None of the above named parties or individuals shall be liable, in negligence or otherwise, for any reliance which may be placed by any other party upon any representations contained herein. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………….. 1 2. Background and Objectives……………………………………………………………………7 2.1 Need for Alberta Based Bitumen Upgraders 2.2 Greater Edmonton Area Upgraders 2.3 Study Objectives 3. Methodology………………………………………………………………………………….....12 3.1 Type of Process Units Encountered in Bitumen Upgrading 4. Upgrader Data Sources…………………………………………………………………..…….13 4.1 Petro-Canada Edmonton Refinery – Refinery Conversion Project 4.2 BA Energy Heartland Upgrader 4.3 Scotford Upgrader Expansion Project 4.4 Synenco/SinoCanada Northern Lights Upgrader 4.5 Petro-Canada/UTS/TeckCominco Fort Hills Upgrader 4.6 Northwest Upgrading 4.7 North American Upgrading 4.8 Total SA and “Other” Upgrader 5. Estimated Costs of the Proposed Upgrading Facilities……………………………….....18 6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….....21 7. Appendices………………………………………………………………………………….…....22 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Alberta is currently producing more than 1 million barrels per day (bpd) of bitumen from the oil sands and has the potential to reach 3.5 million bpd by 2020. This creates an opportunity for further bitumen upgrading in Alberta to maximize the value of the resource. Presently, Alberta upgrades most of the bitumen it produces into a higher valued synthetic crude oil in the Greater Edmonton Area (GEA) near Fort Saskatchewan (Shell Canada) and in the Fort McMurray region (Suncor and Syncrude). The Province’s upgrading capacity is about 800 thousand barrels per day and is expected to increase to over 2.5 million barrels per day by 2020. The additional upgrading capacity will come from significant expansions of existing facilities as well as the construction of newly planned projects in the GEA. The GEA is home to 1.1 million citizens and comprises the City of Edmonton and its 22 surrounding municipalities. Greater Edmonton Area The planned increase in upgrading capacity creates significant challenges to the region’s oil and gas industry as it procures equipment and services from across the globe. However, these supply chain challenges also create long-term economic opportunities for the GEA – and Alberta more broadly – in attracting manufacturing and service companies to the region. These companies will have the opportunity to assist in the design, construction, and maintenance of these facilities. In many instances, their proximity to the proposed plant sites has the potential to lower capital costs. In addition, planned upgrading will create extended opportunities for service and supply companies throughout the life of the upgrading facilities. The upgrading capacity growth in the GEA represents a very significant opportunity for suppliers to this market. The list of potential upgraders is constantly evolving, as existing and new proponents advance the development of their plans for new or expanded facilities. At the time of writing this report (March 2007) there are six upgrader projects under development (engineering and construction) and several more under serious consideration (front-end engineering). Construction of these GEA upgrader projects would result in a regional bitumen throughput capacity of 1.5 million barrels per day, 60% of the expected total capacity in the province. The construction of all phases of the projects would involve investment in the range of C$40 billion to $70 billion between 2008 and 2015. In addition to the significant capital investment in these projects, the GEA also stands to benefit from providing ongoing supply and services to operate, maintain and upgrade these facilities. The typical annual operating (excluding feedstocks) and maintenance costs average 2 to 3 percent of the installed cost of a facility (approximately C$1.5 billion to $2.0 billion) and annual sustaining capital costs are averaging 2 percent (C$1 billion to $1.5 billion) of the installed cost of each facility. These benefits to supporting service industries would be sustained over the estimated 30 to 50 year life of a facility. The types of materials, equipment and services that will be required during the operating phase of the facilities closely resemble those required during the construction execution phase. There is a need to understand the overall impact of this level of growth and to provide the necessary policy and infrastructure support to assist industry in meeting this investment challenge. To this end, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation (EEDC) and Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry (AEII) commissioned this study to provide an overview of the growing bitumen upgrading industry in the GEA for use in the formulation of policies and initiatives to promote the development of the equipment and service industry and identify infrastructure requirements to enable planning. The information will provide an awareness of the size, type and timing of business opportunities arising either directly or indirectly from the bitumen upgrading industry. This study is the first of a two-phase process to identify the service opportunities for Alberta. The main objective for phase one is to identify and document existing and proposed upgrading facilities and the individual processes and equipment and services that these facilities will require for construction and maintenance. Following this, a separate study will analyze the current manufacturing, equipment and support services found in Alberta and determine the “gaps” that exist in industrial manufacturing and services. These “gaps” could be the basis for further investment attraction for businesses needed to supply the upgrader developments. Study Findings Information for this study was obtained from publicly available reports and qualified assumptions to develop profiles of the type and quantity of supply and services that would be required by the proposed GEA upgraders. Below is a listing of the upgrader projects (data is current March 2007) included in the analysis. The projects included were those likely to be built between 2007 and 2015. Table 1: Greater Edmonton Upgraders and their Current Status Upgrader Current Status Petro-Canada Refinery Mid 2008 Start-up BA Energy 3Q 2008 Start-up Shell Scotford Nov. 1, 2006 – AOSP Expansion 1 to proceed Planned Start-up 2010 (more phases announced) Northwest Upgrading EUB Submission Feb. 2006 – Detailed Eng. underway Planned Start-up 2010 Synenco/SinoCanada EUB Submission Sept. 2006 – Planned Start-up 2010/2011 Petro-Canada/UTS EUB Submission Dec. 2006 – Project Sanction 2008 Planned Start-up 2012 Total SA Project Timelines to be Confirmed North American Oil Sands Project Timelines to be Confirmed Other* Project Timelines to be Confirmed * “Other” refers to an assumption that at least one additional upgrader currently under discussion will be announced during this timeline. Preliminary process configurations listed in public disclosure documents for each project were used to identify the types of Process Units and Offsites & Utilities required. These include: Process Units • Diluent Recovery • Vacuum • Deasphalt • Coking • Hydrocracking • Hydrotreating • Gas Recovery Unit • Gas Sweetening Units • Sulphur Recovery • Hydrogen Production • Sour Water Stripping • Coke Gasification Offsites and Utilities • Electrical Distribution • Cooling Water • Flare System • Fuel Gas • Effluent Treating • Boiler / Power • Control Rooms (I/C) • Buildings • Interconnecting Pipelines • Tank Farm • Blending / Loading Racks • Plant Air Based on this information and the reported timelines of the upgraders identified, annual expected equipment orders were projected to 2014. The results show that between 2007 and 2014 (when procurement for the proposed projects would be completed), total orders for major equipment to support the upgraders are significant. Some examples of major equipment totals and the range of costs of these types of equipment are shown below. A more complete list of equipment and bulk requirements is provided in this report. Table 2: Equipment Requirements and Details Major Class Equipment Quantity Range of Cost of One Item Equipment Delivery Lead Times Total Low ($,000) High ($,000) (months) Buildings Buildings between 100m³ and 1000m³ 136 1,000 2,000 12 Buildings Buildings larger than 1000m³ 170 2,000 10,000 18 Buildings Buildings less than 100m³ 85 20 400 6 Buildings Control Room 17 2,000 5,000 18 Compressors Centrifugal 113 200 3,000 12 Compressors Fan/Blower 360 20 200 6 Compressors Reciprocating 25 150 3,000 12 Flare Flare Derrek 17 1,000 3,000 12 Flare Flare Line/Tip 51 500 2,500 12 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 829 150 1,500 9 Heat Exchangers Boilers 58 3,000 5,000 12 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2371 150 400 9 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower (per cell) 85 500 1,000 9 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 290 700 8,000 12 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 546 1,500 3,000 24 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 697 50 400 18 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 233 150 300 9 Power Electric Motors 5099 5 500 6 Pressure Vessels Bullet 17 500 1,000 9 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 952 100 1,000 12 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 88 200 2,000 12 Pressure Vessels Sphere 17 500 2,000 18 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 387 200 2,000 12 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 1513 100 1,000 12 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 295 500 2,000 18 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 4309 20 500 9 Pumps Positive Displacement 315 10 500 9 Reactors Coke Drums 16 2,000 5,000 18 Reactors HP Alloy 204 1,000 10,000 24 Reactors Sulphur Plant 90 100 500 12 Chart continues on next page Table 2: Equipment Requirements and Details (Continued from previous page) Major Class Equipment Quantity Range of Cost of One Item Equipment Delivery Lead Times Total Low ($,000) (months) High ($,000) Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 318 50 500 9 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 255 300 5,000 12 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 51 50 300 9 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 192 10 50 6 BulkType BulkSubType Total Analyzers Analyzer Control Valves Control Valves Flow Instruments FIC Local Flow Instruments Flow Instruments 233 100 300 1-4 17581 10 100 1-4 17 1 10 1-4 FIT DP Elec. 8184 1.5 3 1-4 FIT DP Pneu. 628 1.5 3 1-4 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 290 1.5 3 1-4 Flow Instruments Rotameter 170 1.5 3 1-4 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 85 1.5 3 1-4 Level Instruments Level Gauge 6414 0.5 2 1-4 Level Instruments Level Switch 932 1.5 3 1-4 Level Instruments Level Tape 498 1.5 3 1-4 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 3239 1.5 3 1-4 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 8886 0.1 1 1-4 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 431 1.5 3 1-4 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 1789 1.5 3 1-4 Pressure Instruments Local PIC Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge Pressure Instruments Pressure Instruments 233 1.5 3 1-4 11771 0.25 0.5 1-4 Pressure Switch 2250 1.5 3 1-4 Pressure Transmitter 3773 1 3 1-4 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 1055 0.5 2 1-4 Rupture Discs Rupture Discs 16 0.25 0.5 1-4 Safety Valves Safety Valves 13851 2 15 1-4 Solenoids Solenoid 3425 0.25 0.5 1-4 Temperature Instruments BS IR 523 1 2 1-4 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 18680 0.1 0.25 1-4 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 360 1.5 3 1-4 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 1685 1 2 1-4 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 17481 1.5 3 1-4 Temperature Instruments Testwell 11140 0.2 0.5 1-4 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 38206 0.2 0.5 1-4 The values for other bulk items were estimated based on the average cost of an upgrading facility. Current estimates for the cost of an upgrader range from C$30,000 to $50,000 per barrel per day of capacity. This equates to C$40 billion to $70 billion of total installed cost to complete all proposed phases of these projects. Industry data on the breakdown of cost by equipment, bulk items and labour for upgrader/refinery facilities are available. For example, generally 13 percent of total installed cost is attributed to the piping required to construct such facilities. Similarly, 2 percent of total installed cost is for structural steel. Using these percentages, the final estimated supply requirements are in the range of C$5.5 billion to $9 billion for pipe and C$0.9 billion to $1.5 billion for structural steel. The magnitude of supply opportunities for these projects is large and forthcoming. However, it must be noted that the equipment quantities in this study are estimates and should not be considered final totals. The timing of each project is subject to change due to investment decisions, regulatory approvals and market forces, such as the availability of labour, material and equipment. In addition, this work does not consider supply requirements for the bitumen production facilities, pipelines and terminals, downstream integration opportunities and other infrastructure required to support these facilities. This work does, however, provide a basis for assessing the capacity and capability of the supply chain to meet the specific opportunity of upgraders in the GEA. Conclusion The construction of bitumen upgraders presents a substantial economic opportunity for the GEA, both in the initial development period and during the operating life of the projects. Based on the cost estimates found in this study, it is apparent that the base procurement demands of the upgraders during the construction years of 2008 to 2015 would amount to between C$18.8 billion and $32.9 billion, excluding pipeline investment. Furthermore, the demand for supplies, services and capital upgrades could very easily exceed $100 billion over the 30 to 50 year life expectancy of these plants. Such a level of sustained economic activity will generate significant supply responsibilities and all parties would do well to engage in supply chain planning and development. The growth in the GEA due to bitumen upgrader development also provides an opportunity for Alberta to expand its existing heavy industrial manufacturing base, generating both direct and indirect economic benefits from oil sands developments. Given the size of the developments, there is significant opportunity to leverage off this demand to grow a world-class heavy industrial manufacturing hub. 2.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES A sharp increase in global oil prices in the last decade provided the economic impetus for a significant expansion in oil sands bitumen production in northern Alberta. Several industry organizations expect bitumen production to reach anywhere between 3 to 4 million barrels per day by 2020. The figure below provides an estimate by the Alberta Government for Alberta’s total crude oil production (conventional and oil sands) to 2020. The capital investment required to exploit this resource makes this sector one of the largest investors in Canada with a large employment impact and significant tax and royalty revenues to various governments. Alberta Supply of Crude Oil and Equivalent Alberta Supply of Crude Oil and Equivalent 4000 Forecast 3600 Thousand Barrels Per Day 3200 2800 Non-upgraded Bitumen 2400 2000 Synthetic Crude Oil 1600 1200 800 Pentanes Heavy Light/Medium 400 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 Source: AEUB 1996 to 2015; AEII 2015 to 2020 Source: AEUB 1996 to 2015; AEII 2015 to 2020 2.1 Need for Alberta Based Bitumen Upgraders Bitumen is a semi-solid, degraded form of oil that does not flow at normal temperatures and pressures, making it difficult and expensive to extract. Technologies utilized to extract the bitumen include open pit mining operations and insitu (thermal recovery) techniques. To render bitumen capable of being transported it must be blended with a diluent of lighter hydrocarbon liquids, traditionally condensates. Diluted bitumen can then be converted into a lighter synthetic crude oil (SCO) through bitumen upgrading processes or refined directly into petroleum products by specialized refineries. Most North American refineries can currently handle only 10 percent to 15 percent of their input coming from bitumen sources, but conversion projects are occurring to increase refining capabilities to handle these heavier supplies. The two original oil sands mining plants (Suncor and Syncrude) near Fort McMurray utilize upgrading facilities located at their production sites to convert bitumen into SCO. Integration of bitumen production and upgrading at a common site has a number of practical advantages from an energy efficiency and water utilization perspective. Construction and operating costs in the Fort McMurray area have recently inflated considerably as operators and constructors in the region compete for available personnel and services. This has caused considerable cost impact in executing these on-site upgraders and has resulted in more consideration being given to the upgrading at locations farther from the production sites. The Greater Edmonton Area (GEA), with its population in excess of one million residents, affords a location that is still relatively close (300 to 500 km) to the bitumen producing areas and offers the supply base, construction workforce and infrastructure to improve the cost effectiveness of building and operating bitumen upgrading facilities. In addition, upgraders in this area accrue the cost, sales and feedstock availability benefits of synergies with existing facilities in the area where hydrogen production, utilities, pipelines, other upgrading, refining and petrochemical projects currently exist. Supply of the required equipment, materials and services to construct, operate, maintain and sustain new upgrading facilities represents a significant increase in business activity for the Edmonton area economy. Interested parties in the GEA recognized a need to understand the overall impact of this level of growth, and to provide the necessary policy and infrastructure support to assist industry in meeting this investment challenge. To this end, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation (EEDC) and Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry (AEII) commissioned this study to provide awareness of the size, type and timing of business opportunities arising. The study utilized publicly available information and qualified assumptions to develop profiles of the type and quantity of supply and services that would be required by the proposed GEA upgraders. 2.2 Greater Edmonton Area Upgraders The list of upgraders proposed for the GEA continues to evolve as bitumen producers and merchant upgraders develop their plan for these facilities. At the time of writing this report (March 2007), the following (Table 3) list of proponents are considered likely to proceed with the construction of GEA upgrading facilities between 2007 and 2015. Table 3: Greater Edmonton Upgraders and their Current Status Greater Edmonton Upgraders Current Status Petro-Canada Refinery Mid 2008 Start-up BA Energy 3Q 2008 Start-up Shell Scotford Nov. 1, 2006 – AOSP Expansion 1 to proceed Planned Start-up 2010 (more phases announced) Northwest Upgrading EUB Submission Feb. 2006 – Detailed Eng. underway Planned Start-up 2010 Synenco/SinoCanada EUB Submission Sept. 2006 – Planned Start-up 2010/2011 Petro-Canada/UTS EUB Submission Dec. 2006 – Project Sanction 2008 Planned Start-up 2012 Total SA Project Timelines to be Confirmed North American Oil Sands Project Timelines to be Confirmed Other* Project Timelines to be Confirmed * “Other” refers to an assumption that at least one additional upgrader currently under discussion will be announced during this timeline. Each of these operators has published plans for their phasing of the execution of these developments. Table 2 illustrates the throughput of each developmental phase. Table 4: Throughput and Timing for Each Phase of GEA Upgrader Development Company Facility Phase Onstream by Incrimental Capacity (KBBL/Day) Petro Canada Edmonton Refinery RCP Project 2008 85 BA Energy Heartland Upgrader Phase 1 2008 54.4 Phase 2 2010 54.4 Shell/Chevron/ Western Oil Sand Scotford Upgrader Phase 3 2012 54.4 De-bottleneck 2008 45 Synenco/ SinoCanada Northern Lights Upgrader Expansion 2010 90 Phase 1 2010 50 Phase 2 2012 50 Upgrading Phase 1 2010 50 Phase 2 2012 50 Petro Canada/ UTS/Teck Sturgeon Upgrader Phase 3 2015 50 Phase 1 2011 170 North American Oil Sands Ft. Sask Area Upgrader Phase 2 2015 230 Phase 1 2011 80 Phase 2 2015 80 Total SA Phase 1 2011 50 Phase 2 2013 50 Another Upgrader Phase 1 2011 50 Phase 2 2013 50 Redwater Ft Sask Ft Sask 10 2.3 Study Objectives The objective of this study was to prepare high-level estimates of the quantity counts for major equipment and bulks required to construct the above listed facilities. This information would be useful in identifying supply requirements and gaps in local production. The tool used to develop these estimates is in a form that allows for some “what-if” scenario development that would test the impact on quantities/time for project/phase schedule changes and for additions/deletions of upgraders or phased expansion of a given upgrader. There are a number of components in the facility lifecycle cost, but in general these can be broken into three main cost categories: 1.The Capital Cost (CAPEX) for the installation of the facility 2.The Annual Operating and Maintenance Cost for the operation of the facility (typically 2-3% of the CAPEX in current dollars) 3.Sustaining Capital over the plant’s lifecycle (annual costs typically 2% of CAPEX in current dollars) This study focused its efforts on establishing the quantities for components used in the initial capital cost. Operating and maintenance, and sustaining capital were dealt with as factors of the initial capital cost. It is important to note that it is beyond the scope of this project to size the major equipment and bulks. Each upgrader and their individual units will be engineered for purpose and the final flow sheet, equipment list, and sizing of equipment will be the outcome of engineering work by the operator, the selected process technology licensors and the appointed engineering procurement and construction. 11 3. METHODOLOGY The quantification of major equipment and bulks prior to completion of the engineering of these facilities is an educated estimate and is based on a minimal amount of available information. There is considerable difference in the processing schemes that have been announced by the upgrader proponents. Therefore, the estimates need to consider the choice of processing scheme in arriving at the quantity counts. Upgrader operators have provided block flow diagrams that illustrate the types of processing units proposed for their facilities in their public disclosure documents. Generally the types of processes used are common to the bitumen upgrading and petroleum refining industry. Therefore, generic flowsheets provide a reasonable “first guess” as to the equipment types and numbers found in each process unit. Variants of each type are also available from process technology licensors and these have a great similarity in the equipment types and counts. Colt Engineering has experience in working with a great number of process licensors and existing bitumen upgrader (and refinery) processes. The general industry knowledge gained from this exposure formed the basis much of the detail for this study. 3.1 Type of Process Units Encountered in Bitumen Upgrading The types of processes used in bitumen upgraders can be broken into two major categories: Processing Units and Offsites & Utilities. Processing units are those units directly involved in the conversion and separation of bitumen into higher quality material. Offsites & Utilities are the processes, equipment, and facilities that support the operation of the processing units. The type of processing units and offsites & utilities found in the GEA upgrader public disclosure documents include: Processing Units • Diluent Recovery • Vacuum • Deasphalt • Coking • Hydrocracking • Hydrotreating • Gas Recovery Unit • Gas Sweetening Units • Sulphur Recovery • Hydrogen Production • Sour Water Stripping • Coke Gasification Offsites & Utilities • Electrical Distribution • Cooling water • Flare System • Fuel Gas • Effluent Treating • Boiler / Power • Control Rooms (I/C) • Buildings • Interconnecting Pipes • Tank Farm • Blending/Loading Racks • Plant Air 12 4.UPGRADER INFORMATION DATA SOURCES The data for the process configuration of each upgrader was obtained from public disclosure documents that many of the upgrader proponents have filed for regulatory approval, stakeholder consultation, or from public presentations made by these companies. Each upgrader proponent has unique requirements, which drive the considerable variations in the configuration of each of these proposed facilities. In most cases a block flow process diagram was supplied. These describe in general terms the types of processes and how they will be configured to make up the entire upgrading facility. The flow scheme and corresponding equipment lists for each type of process were developed based on generic flowsheets obtained from process technology licensors and these were supplemented with additional process engineering experience based on Colt Engineering’s work in a number of bitumen upgraders and refineries that process bitumen-based feedstocks. In addition to the processing units, each facility will require both utility and offsite facilities to support the operation of the processing units, maintenance and administration functions at each facility. The offsites and utility systems at each facility are expected to be quite similar in makeup at each upgrader and simplified generic flowsheets for each system were assumed. The following is a brief summary of the information obtained for each of the GEA upgrader projects. 4.1 Petro-Canada Edmonton Refinery- Refinery Conversion Project The Petro-Canada Refinery Conversion Project (RCP) was added to the list of GEA upgraders since the objective of the project is to replace the feedstock from the existing 85,000 barrels per day (bpd) of conventional oil with a feedstock that is comprised of a combination of sour synthetic crude oil and diluted bitumen/heavy oil. When onstream in 2008, this will result in a 135,000 bpd feed based entirely on bitumen derived feedstocks. The RCP involves the replacement of the existing process units: crude unit, vacuum unit, delayed coker, amine unit, sulphur plant and sour water stripping. In addition, a number of units were revamped and offsites and utilities added. For this study only the equipment in the new process units were included in the equipment count. 4.2 BA Energy Heartland Upgrader BA Energy’s Heartland Upgrader is the first “merchant upgrader” to be built in Alberta. Value Creation, the owner of BA Energy and the developer of the proprietary technology used in this upgrader, believes the simplified process system used will dramatically reduce the capital and operating costs of producing SCO. BA expects the first 54,400 bpd phase of the upgrader to be onstream in 2008. The project will have three phases to bring upgrading capacity to over 150,000 bpd (assumed to be three parallel trains). 13 The process uses a proprietary solvent deasphalting process (ADC) to recover the lighter hydrocarbons from bitumen, followed by a proprietary pyrolysis technology to upgrade the deasphalted oil residue and simultaneously remove sulphur from the pyrolysis products. 4.3 Scotford Upgrader Expansion Project Shell Canada is moving forward with the 135,000 bpd debottleneck and expansion of the Scotford Upgrader (with partners Chevron Canada and Western Oil Sands). It estimated that it will be onstream in 2010. The Scotford Upgrader Expansion Project will involve: • debottlenecking the existing upgrader facilities • adding a third bitumen processing train with a nominal capacity of 90,000 bpd of bitumen feed The third bitumen processing train will be similar to the existing upgrader processing trains and will incorporate the following major components: • atmospheric and vacuum (A&V) distillation unit • residue hydroconversion (RHC) unit with an integrated hydrotreater (IHT) • solvent deasphalting (SDA) unit • supporting process units for hydrogen manufacturing and sulphur recovery • supporting utility systems and offsites, such as steam, electrical power, fuel • gas, water, flare, blending, storage and rail facilities The third processing train will be integrated into the operation of the existing upgrader and will use and build on existing utilities and infrastructure, where possible. 14 4.4 Synenco/SinoCanada Northern Lights Upgrader Synenco proposes to build in two phases a 100,000 bpd upgrader to process bitumen from its mining/extraction complex north of Fort McMurray. The project will use carbon rejection and hydrogen addition to produce high quality SCO. Process Flow Diagram 4.5 Petro-Canada/UTS/TeckCominco Fort Hills Upgrader The bitumen-processing capacity of the Fort Hills Upgrader Project will be 165,000 bpd during the first phase. In subsequent phases, capacity will be expanded to reach 340,000 bpd. The first phase will utilize standard carbon rejection and hydrogen addition technologies (as shown in the diagram below). Phase two may incorporate solvent deasphalting and asphaltene gasification. 15 4.6 Northwest Upgrading Northwest is the second “merchant upgrader” proposed for the GEA. This facility will be built in two phases based on the principle of hydrogen addition as shown in the flow sheet below. The first phase is expected to come online in 2010. This upgrader will be one of the first facilities in Alberta to utilize gasification technology. Source: Individual Company Investor Publications 16 4.7 North American Oil Sands North American is proposing to build their upgrader on land they own in the Fort Saskatchewan area. Their proposed development is as follows Capacity Phase 1: 76,000 bpd of bitumen, proposed to startup in 2012 Phase 2: Increase capacity up to 220,000 bpd, proposed to startup in 2015 Configuration Phase 1: coking / hydro-treating Phase 2: coking / hydro-processing / coke gasification The process configuration of this facility is anticipated to be as follows: 4.8 Total SA and “Other” Upgrader Total SA has made known its intention to consider building an Edmonton area bitumen upgrader. As yet there are no regulatory applications filed. Other proponents are considering Edmonton area upgrading facilities. For the purposes of this study it was assumed that at least one other project would emerge between 2007 and 2015. It was also assumed that the configuration of these upgraders would be carbon rejection with hydrotreating to produce a SCO. 17 5.ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE PROPOSED UPGRADING FACILITIES GEA bitumen upgraders have provided estimates of their capital costs to bring these facilities onstream. A summary of the data recently (March 2007) presented by the Alberta Industrial Heartland Association is as follows: Table 5: Upgrader Cost Estimates Proponent Throughput bpd Cost $/bbl (billions) BA Energy 163,000 $ 1.8 11,042 Northwest Upgrading 150,000 $ 2.0 16,000 Fort Hills 165,000 $ 6.0 36,363 Shell 135,000 $ 5.0 41,481 Synenco 100,000 $ 3.6 36,000 North American 165,000 $ 4.0 24,242 85,000 $ 4.1 48,235 963,000 $ 27.5 28,556 Petro-Canada RCP Sum Total 18 Table 6: Upgrader Cost Breakdowns Typical Upgrader/Refinery Cost Breakdowns Component Cost Ranges Percentage of total installed cost Low Range based on $40 billion in CAPEX Low Range based on $70 billion in CAPEX Equipment heaters 2 0.800 1.400 heat exchangers 5 2.000 3.500 vessels 7 2.800 4.900 pumps 7 2.800 4.900 compressors 1 0.400 0.700 mechanical equipment 1 0.400 0.700 structural steel 2 0.800 1.400 piping 13 5.200 9.100 electrical 5 2.000 3.500 instruments and controls 2 0.800 1.400 insulation/paint 2 0.800 1.400 Total 47 18.800 32.900 Bulks Processing Units Based on the information available for each proposed upgrader, a list of all the types of processing units that would be employed was developed. These include units that convert bitumen into synthetic crude oil and the supporting utility and offsite facilities that are needed to maintain operations. A process flow sheet for each process and utility unit listed above was obtained from process technology licensors and some were available based on Colt Engineering working experience with units of these types. A summary of the quantity of major equipment for each type of process is provided on the table below. 19 20 Positive Displacement HP Alloy Coke Drums Sulphur Plant Trayed Tower Packed Tower Horizontal Separator Reactors Vessels 0 Amine 4 0 2 0 0 0 3 9 0 Coking 5 0 3 0 2 0 0 43 0 Diluent Recovery 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 21 0 Gas Recovery 7 4 5 0 0 0 0 33 0 1 8 5 0 0 0 0 21 3 Mild Hydrocracking 21 0 5 0 0 2 2 13 0 Hydrogen & PSA 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 7 7 Light gas oil Hydrotreater 15 0 3 0 0 4 0 9 2 Naphtha Hydrtreating 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 4 4 Residue Hydrocracking 28 0 5 0 0 2 7 33 LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) Air Cooled Plate/Frame Hairpin Fired Heater Cooling Tower Boilers Fan/Blower Reciprocating Screw Axial Large (>50KBBL) Intermediate (10KBBL> >50KBBL) Small (<50KBBL) Tanks Total Centrifugal Compressor 34 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 80 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 18 36 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 14 0 4 0 0 0 14 0 12 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 13 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 16 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 4 14 0 21 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 0 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 81 6 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 2 12 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 4 0 0 18 11 0 21 41 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 4 6 0 10 6 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 3 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 1 2 14 0 Solvent Deashpalt 1 0 69 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 3 14 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 22 0 0 3 0 Sour Water Stripping 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 6 0 0 3 14 0 Sulfur Recovery with Tail Gas 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 65 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 1 18 0 2 1 7 4 0 2 2 0 0 4 3 19 2 Heavy gas oil Hydrotreater Vertical Separator 2 7 7 3 7 14 23 8 4 15 10 HP Multistage Centrifugal LP/MP Centrifugal Pumps Description Unit Gasification Process Unit Major Equipment Quantities by Unit Table 7: 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 24 2 0 19 4 0 2 0 0 0 5 29 0 Vacuum 6.CONCLUSION The construction of bitumen upgraders presents a substantial economic opportunity for the GEA, both in the initial development period and during the operating life of the projects. Based on the cost estimates found in this study, it is apparent that the base procurement demands of the upgraders during the construction years of 2008 to 2015 would amount to between C$18.8 billion and $32.9 billion, excluding pipeline investment. Furthermore, the demand for supplies, services and capital upgrades could very easily exceed $100 billion over the 30 to 50 year life expectancy of these plants. Such a level of sustained economic activity will generate significant supply responsibilities and all parties would do well to engage in supply chain planning and development. The growth in the GEA due to bitumen upgrader development also provides an opportunity for Alberta to expand its existing heavy industrial manufacturing base, generating both direct and indirect economic benefits from oil sands developments. Given the size of the developments, there is significant opportunity to leverage off this demand to grow a world-class heavy industrial manufacturing hub. 21 7.APPENDICES Appendix A: Control Valves Bulk Class Bulk Item Total Year Control Valves Control Valves 914 2007 Control Valves Control Valves 2327 2009 Control Valves Control Valves 2669 2010 Control Valves Control Valves 2512 2011 Control Valves Control Valves 2250 2012 Control Valves Control Valves 2635 2013 Control Valves Control Valves 4274 2014 22 Appendix B: Flow Instruments Bulk Class Bulk Item Year Total Flow Instruments FIC Local 2007 1 Flow Instruments FIC Local 2009 2 Flow Instruments FIC Local 2010 3 Flow Instruments FIC Local 2011 2 Flow Instruments FIC Local 2012 2 Flow Instruments FIC Local 2013 3 Flow Instruments FIC Local 2014 4 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2007 423 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2009 1048 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2010 1244 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2011 1191 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2012 1022 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2013 1234 Flow Instruments FIT DP Elec. 2014 2022 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2007 11 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2009 69 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2010 92 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2011 113 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2012 70 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2013 92 Flow Instruments FIT DP Pneu. 2014 181 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2007 15 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2009 38 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2010 44 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2011 38 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2012 40 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2013 44 Flow Instruments Flow Switch 2014 71 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2007 10 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2009 20 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2010 30 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2011 20 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2012 20 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2013 30 Flow Instruments Rotameter 2014 40 Appendix C: Analyzers Bulk Class Bulk Item Total Year Analyzers Analyzer 7 2007 Analyzers Analyzer 30 2009 Analyzers Analyzer 35 2010 Analyzers Analyzer 37 2011 Analyzers Analyzer 28 2012 Analyzers Analyzer 34 2013 Analyzers Analyzer 62 2014 Appendix D: Level Instruments Bulk Class Bulk Item Year Total Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2007 5 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2009 10 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2010 15 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2011 10 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2012 10 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2013 15 Level Instruments Level Controller Pneu. 2014 20 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2007 292 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2009 942 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2010 948 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2011 966 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2012 820 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2013 918 Level Instruments Level Gauge 2014 1528 Level Instruments Level Switch 2007 28 Level Instruments Level Switch 2009 120 Level Instruments Level Switch 2010 140 Level Instruments Level Switch 2011 148 Level Instruments Level Switch 2012 112 Level Instruments Level Switch 2013 136 Level Instruments Level Switch 2014 248 Level Instruments Level Tape 2007 31 Level Instruments Level Tape 2009 56 Level Instruments Level Tape 2010 83 Level Instruments Level Tape 2011 63 Level Instruments Level Tape 2012 74 Level Instruments Level Tape 2013 77 Level Instruments Level Tape 2014 114 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2007 150 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2009 471 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2010 478 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2011 487 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2012 418 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2013 463 Level Instruments Level Transmitter Elec. 2014 772 Appendix E: Orifice Plates Bulk Class Bulk Item Total Year Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 443 2007 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 1127 2009 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 1348 2010 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 1307 2011 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 1106 2012 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 1339 2013 Orifice Plates Orifice Plate 2216 2014 Appendix F: Pressure Instruments Bulk Class Bulk Item Total Year Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2007 25 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2009 57 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2010 67 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2011 58 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2012 54 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2013 67 Pressure Instruments DP Gauge 2014 103 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2007 81 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2009 233 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2010 277 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2011 270 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2012 218 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2013 269 Pressure Instruments DP Transmitter 2014 441 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2007 7 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2009 30 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2010 35 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2011 37 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2012 28 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2013 34 Pressure Instruments Local PIC 2014 62 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2007 651 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2009 1586 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2010 1786 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2011 1649 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2012 1520 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2013 1767 Pressure Instruments Pressure Gauge 2014 2812 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2007 103 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2009 296 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2010 346 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2011 327 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2012 280 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2013 339 Pressure Instruments Pressure Switch 2014 559 Chart continues on next page Appendix F: Pressure Instruments (Continued from previous page) Bulk Class Bulk Item Year Total Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2007 149 Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2009 484 Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2010 574 Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2011 576 Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2012 472 Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2013 559 Pressure Instruments Pressure Transmitter 2014 959 Bulk Class Bulk Item Total Year Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 55 2007 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 128 2009 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 168 2010 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 142 2011 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 146 2012 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 161 2013 Regulating Valves Regulating Valves 255 2014 Appendix G: Regulating Valves Appendix H: Safety Valves Bulk Class Bulk Item Total Year Safety Valves Safety Valves 766 2007 Safety Valves Safety Valves 2008 Safety Valves Safety Valves 1895 2009 Safety Valves Safety Valves 2100 2010 Safety Valves Safety Valves 1941 2011 Safety Valves Safety Valves 1820 2012 Safety Valves Safety Valves 2068 2013 Safety Valves Safety Valves 3261 2014 Bulk Class Bulk Item Year Total Solenoids Solenoid 2007 127 Solenoids Solenoid 2009 444 Solenoids Solenoid 2010 519 Solenoids Solenoid 2011 523 Solenoids Solenoid 2012 416 Solenoids Solenoid 2013 508 Solenoids Solenoid 2014 888 Appendix I: Solenoids Appendix J: Temperature Instruments Bulk Class Bulk Item Year Total Temperature Instruments BS IR 2007 22 Temperature Instruments BS IR 2009 68 Temperature Instruments BS IR 2010 79 Temperature Instruments BS IR 2011 75 Temperature Instruments BS IR 2012 68 Temperature Instruments BS IR 2013 78 Temperature Instruments BS IR 2014 133 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2007 1019 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2009 2531 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2010 2849 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2011 2626 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2012 2456 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2013 2794 Temperature Instruments Local TI Gauge 2014 4405 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2007 21 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2009 46 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2010 53 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2011 46 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2012 54 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2013 54 Temperature Instruments Local TIC Loop 2014 86 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2007 80 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2009 224 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2010 261 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2011 240 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2012 218 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2013 253 Temperature Instruments Temperature Switch 2014 409 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2007 964 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2009 2226 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2010 2699 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2011 2411 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2012 2288 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2013 2658 Temperature Instruments Temperature Transmitter 2014 4235 Chart continues on next page Appendix J: Temperature Instruments (Continued from previous page) Bulk Class Bulk Item Year Total Temperature Instruments Testwell 2007 662 Temperature Instruments Testwell 2009 1380 Temperature Instruments Testwell 2010 1750 Temperature Instruments Testwell 2011 1461 Temperature Instruments Testwell 2012 1508 Temperature Instruments Testwell 2013 1733 Temperature Instruments Testwell 2014 2646 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2007 2084 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2009 5027 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2010 5862 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2011 5323 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2012 5016 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2013 5759 Temperature Instruments Thermowell 2014 9135 Appendix K: Heat Exchangers Major Type Equipment Year Number Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2007 45 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2009 87 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2010 135 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2011 98 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2012 124 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2013 134 Heat Exchangers Air Cooled 2014 206 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2007 5 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2009 4 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2010 9 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2011 7 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2012 10 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2013 9 Heat Exchangers Boilers 2014 14 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2007 152 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2009 309 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2010 364 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2011 312 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2012 296 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2013 375 Heat Exchangers Carbon Steel (Shell/Tube) 2014 563 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2007 5 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2009 10 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2010 15 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2011 10 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2012 10 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2013 15 Heat Exchangers Cooling Tower 2014 20 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2007 15 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2009 38 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2010 44 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2011 38 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2012 40 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2013 44 Heat Exchangers Fired Heater 2014 71 Chart continues on next page Appendix K: Heat Exchangers (Continued from previous page) Major Type Equipment Year Number Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2007 10 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2009 66 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2010 88 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2011 79 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2012 92 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2013 76 Heat Exchangers HP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2014 135 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2007 64 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2009 87 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2010 108 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2011 89 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2012 90 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2013 108 Heat Exchangers LP Alloy (Shell/Tube) 2014 151 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2007 7 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2009 30 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2010 35 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2011 37 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2012 28 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2013 34 Heat Exchangers Process Steam Generator 2014 62 Appendix L: Power Major Type Equipment Number Year Power Electric Motors 310 2007 Power Electric Motors 657 2009 Power Electric Motors 772 2010 Power Electric Motors 704 2011 Power Electric Motors 662 2012 Power Electric Motors 772 2013 Power Electric Motors 1222 2014 Appendix M: Pumps Major Type Equipment Year Number Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2007 9 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2009 39 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2010 45 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2011 43 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2012 44 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2013 41 Pumps HP Multistage Centrifugal 2014 74 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2007 273 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2009 542 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2010 658 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2011 593 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2012 546 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2013 663 Pumps LP/MP Centrifugal 2014 1034 Pumps Positive Displacement 2007 18 Pumps Positive Displacement 2009 52 Pumps Positive Displacement 2010 40 Pumps Positive Displacement 2011 47 Pumps Positive Displacement 2012 42 Pumps Positive Displacement 2013 41 Pumps Positive Displacement 2014 75 Appendix N: Pressure Vessels Major Type Equipment Year Number Pressure Vessels Bullet 2007 1 Pressure Vessels Bullet 2009 2 Pressure Vessels Bullet 2010 3 Pressure Vessels Bullet 2011 2 Pressure Vessels Bullet 2012 2 Pressure Vessels Bullet 2013 3 Pressure Vessels Bullet 2014 4 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2007 38 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2009 161 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2010 140 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2011 142 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2012 110 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2013 135 Pressure Vessels Horizontal Separator 2014 226 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2007 4 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2009 12 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2010 16 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2011 12 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2012 16 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2013 12 Pressure Vessels Packed Tower 2014 16 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2007 1 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2009 2 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2010 3 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2011 2 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2012 2 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2013 3 Pressure Vessels Sphere 2014 4 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2007 21 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2009 53 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2010 59 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2011 57 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2012 44 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2013 59 Pressure Vessels Trayed Tower 2014 94 Chart continues on next page Appendix N: Pressure Vessels (Continued from previous page) Major Type Equipment Year Number Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2007 74 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2009 211 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2010 218 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2011 231 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2012 208 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2013 213 Pressure Vessels Vertical Separator 2014 358 Major Type Equipment Year Number Reactors Coke Drums 2007 2 Reactors Coke Drums 2010 2 Reactors Coke Drums 2011 2 Reactors Coke Drums 2012 4 Reactors Coke Drums 2013 2 Reactors Coke Drums 2014 4 Reactors HP Alloy 2007 3 Reactors HP Alloy 2009 23 Reactors HP Alloy 2010 30 Reactors HP Alloy 2011 37 Reactors HP Alloy 2012 22 Reactors HP Alloy 2013 30 Reactors HP Alloy 2014 59 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2007 6 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2009 12 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2010 12 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2011 12 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2012 12 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2013 12 Reactors Sulphur Plant 2014 24 Appendix O: Reactors Appendix P: Steam Turbines Major Type Equipment Number Year Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 18 2007 Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 42 2009 Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 48 2010 Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 44 2011 Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 42 2012 Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 48 2013 Steam Turbines Steam Turbines 76 2014 Appendix Q: Tanks Major Type Equipment Year Number Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2007 15 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2009 30 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2010 45 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2011 30 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2012 30 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2013 45 Tanks Large > 50 kbbl 2014 60 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2007 3 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2009 6 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2010 9 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2011 6 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2012 6 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2013 9 Tanks Medium > 10 kbbl < 50 kbbl 2014 12 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2007 13 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2009 20 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2010 29 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2011 27 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2012 38 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2013 23 Tanks Small < 10 kbbl 2014 42 Appendix R: Compressors Major Type Equipment Year Number Compressors Centrifugal 2007 7 Compressors Centrifugal 2009 15 Compressors Centrifugal 2010 19 Compressors Centrifugal 2011 14 Compressors Centrifugal 2012 12 Compressors Centrifugal 2013 19 Compressors Centrifugal 2014 27 Compressors Fan/Blower 2007 21 Compressors Fan/Blower 2009 46 Compressors Fan/Blower 2010 53 Compressors Fan/Blower 2011 46 Compressors Fan/Blower 2012 54 Compressors Fan/Blower 2013 54 Compressors Fan/Blower 2014 86 Compressors Reciprocating 2009 5 Compressors Reciprocating 2010 5 Compressors Reciprocating 2011 5 Compressors Reciprocating 2012 6 Compressors Reciprocating 2013 2 Compressors Reciprocating 2014 2 Appendix S: Flare Major Type Equipment Number Year Flare Flare Derrek 1 2007 Flare Flare Derrek 2 2009 Flare Flare Derrek 3 2010 Flare Flare Derrek 2 2011 Flare Flare Derrek 2 2012 Flare Flare Derrek 3 2013 Flare Flare Derrek 4 2014 Flare Flare Line/Tip 3 2007 Flare Flare Line/Tip 6 2009 Flare Flare Line/Tip 9 2010 Flare Flare Line/Tip 6 2011 Flare Flare Line/Tip 6 2012 Flare Flare Line/Tip 9 2013 Flare Flare Line/Tip 12 2014