Aerotherm Present Brochure (24 Page)
Aerotherm Present Brochure (24 Page)
Over 30% energy saving REDUCES HEATING BILLS SIGNIFICANTLY we believe there’s a better way GREEN DEAL Co For more details contact 01924 84 80 20 [email protected] Kirkstyles Innovations Group Jubilee Way Grange Moor Wakefield WF4 4TD mpliant P roduct Tested By: A member of An approved partner of S Rooms heat up quicker and retain heat for longer. “My walls are warmer and the cold spots have gone. I can finally turn my thermostat down.” Aero-Therm, the insulation of the future available now. Aero-Therm is designed to address: Aero-Therm Explained ä +LJKKHDWLQJFRVWV ä 3URSHUWLHVWKDWWDNHD ORQJWLPHWRZDUPXS ä ä ([WHUQDOZDOOVWKDWDUH FROGWRWKHWRXFK Aero-Therm is a new innovative product that achieves a similar energy saving to conventional insulation materials, but accomplishes this in a simple and completely different way. ä $UHDVRIPRXOGJURZWK RUFRQGHQVDWLRQ the rate of heat transfer. Aero-Therm works differently by reflecting heat back into the room, like a foil survival blanket, and limits heat escaping through the walls. Aero-Therm works with any type of construction, and provides extra thermal performance to buildings that already have insulation installed. Traditional thermal insulating materials work very much like putting on a jumper to keep warm, which slows down &RQVLVWHQWO\FROG ZLQGRZDQGGRRU UHYHDOV Walls without Aero-Therm Walls with Aero-Therm Save money with Aero-Therm ä $OORZURRPVWRKHDWXS IDVWHU ä +DYHPRUHHYHQWHPSUDWXUH IURPćRRUWRFHLOLQJDQG ä 5HWDLQKHDWLQDURRPIRU DOPRVWWZLFHDVORQJ Aero-Therm typical savings On Off On Constantly On Off Over 30% savings Over 12% savings $URXQGRIWKHHQHUJ\FRQVXPHGLQWKHKRPHLVIRUFHQWUDOKHDWLQJVRLWLVHDV\WRVHHWKHVDYLQJV \RXFDQDFKLHYHE\XVLQJ$HUR7KHUPWRGD\ $HUR7KHUPÝVDELOLW\WRLQFUHDVHWKHVSHHGZLWK ZKLFKURRPVFDQEHKHDWHGPHDQVWKDWLW SHUIHFWO\FRPSOHPHQWV6PDUW(QHUJ\ 0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHPVRU6PDUW7KHUPRVWDWV 7KHVHWHFKQRORJLHVDUHQRZKLJKSURĆOHZLWKQHZ V\VWHPVRQWKHPDUNHWVXFKDV*RRJOHÝV1HVW /DEV%ULWLVK*DVÝ+LYH3DVVLY6\VWHPVDQGWDGRr 7KHVHV\VWHPVXOWLPDWHO\HQFRXUDJH\RXWRRQO\ KDYH\RXUKHDWLQJRQZKHQLWLVQHHGHGDQGLI \RXFDQDFKLHYHWKHUHTXLUHGURRPWHPSHUDWXUH ZLWKDVKRUWHUSUHKHDWLQJF\FOHSOXV VZLWFKRIIWKHV\VWHPVRRQHUWKLVZLOOLQFUHDVH WKHćH[LELOLW\DQGXVDELOLW\RIWKHVHV\VWHPV 2 Aero-Therm can be applied to walls, floors and ceilings at an optimum thickness of 1.0 mm. It reflects heat very quickly, which results in: ä ä ä 6XUIDFHVćRRUVZDOOVRUFHLOLQJVIHHOLQJZDUPHUWRWKHWRXFK 5RRPVUHDFKLQJWKHGHVLUHGWHPSHUDWXUHTXLFNHU +HDWUHWDLQHGZLWKLQWKHURRPIRUDORQJHUSHULRGRIWLPH thus it helps eliminate the conditions where condensation or mould growth can occur. Aero-Therm can also be used to great effect as a complement to other thermal insulation materials. Our website provides links to videos demonstrating the amazing insulation performance of Aero-Therm. As the heat is reflected back into the room, the occupants feel a higher level of thermal comfort, allowing the heating thermostat to be turned down by as much as 2 or 3 degrees, saving further energy. Aero-Therm eliminates temperature differentials between a wall surface and the air next to the wall 3 Aero-Therm - The energy savings add up Space Age Technology Explained Actual energy savings achieved vary according to whether Aero-Therm is applied to all walls, ceilings and floors and the level of thermal performance of the building itself prior to application. Aero-Therm provides the greatest energy savings for buildings which are uninsulated, poorly insulated or have solid walls. Aero-Therm is made from Aerogel, which is the world’s most effective insulant originally developed by NASA for the space programme, combined with hollow glass microspheres with diameters of 10-300 microns. Aerogel provides exceptional insulation through its honeycomb structure and the microspheres act as mirrors reflecting the heat back into the room. Surfaces coated with Aero-Therm are able to absorb, retain and reflect heat quickly, effectively and efficiently. Official test results over the six month period ending April 2014 confirm that with Aero-Therm : ä ä ä 3URSHUWLHVUHDFKDWDUJHWWHPSHUDWXUHRIoC, 30% faster 3URSHUWLHVUHWDLQKHDWIRUDOPRVWWZLFHDVORQJDIWHUWKHKHDWLQJKDVEHHQVZLWFKHGRIIÚWKH$HUR7KHUP property took 55 minutes to lose 3oC vs 30 minutes in the non Aero-Therm property :KHUHWKHKHDWLQJLVOHIWRQFRQVWDQWO\DHQHUJ\VDYLQJLVDFKLHYHG Aero-Therm is very light and compact providing savings for transportation and storage when compared to traditional insulation. 1 litre weighs only 0.4kg and covers 1m2 when applied at its optimum performance thickness of 1mm. These results demonstrate that Aero-Therm allows you to programme your heating system to switch on later (to achieve a required heat by a certain time) and switch off sooner (as heat is retained for longer). Another important factor is the temperature of the wall, floor and ceiling. These surfaces are typically cold and even if the air temperature is adequate, they absorb heat from the room making you feel cold. Typically occupants will increase the heating thermostat temperature to address this, with each degree Celsius of adjustment being the equivalent to 6% of energy consumption. After applying Aero-Therm, surfaces will feel warm and reflect heat back into the room. As a consequence, it is possible to reduce the heating thermostat setting by 2-3oC, achieving direct savings of 12-18%, whilst achieving the same level of thermal comfort. Aero-Therm is an ideal complementary product to the latest heating and zone control systems available on the market today. The combination of all of the benefits results in energy savings of over 30% in typical properties. 4 Aero-Therm glass microspheres 5 “ Active Silver products provide long term protection against mould “ How to eliminate existing mould Prior to applying Aero-Therm it is important to ensure that any existing surface mould is eliminated. We supply two Active Silver based products to treat and provide long term protection against mould and fungal growth in areas prone to condensation formation. Many anti mould products available on the market today are chlorine based and are effective in eliminating mould but they do not provide a long term solution by preventing future growth, in the same way as Active Silver based products do. Asanex Asanex is an antibacterial, anti fungal spray that contains chlorine and Active Silver. It is supplied in POVSUD\ERWWOHVZLWKHDFKERWWOHSURYLGLQJD FRYHUDJHDUHDRIPt7KLVSURGXFWLVXVHGIRUWKH elimination of small areas of surface mould, such as corners of a room. Once the mould is eliminated, the Active Silver creates an ongoing preventative effect. Penetrace Primer Ansilver Where Aero-Therm is to be applied to a porous surface (e.g. plaster, plasterboard or concrete), the application of our specialist primer is recommended to provide a surface for the Aero-Therm to bond to. The primer should be applied after any mould or fungal growth is eliminated (see previous page). The primer takes 1-6 hours to dry depending on the substrate’s rate of absorption. 1 litre typically covers 7 - 10 m2. We recommend the use of Penetrace Primer as it designed to dry at the same rate as Aero-Therm itself. Ansilver is a water-soluble powder containing Active Silver. This product is used on larger areas and eliminates severe in-depth mould growth. Ansilver provides an ongoing long term mould prevention solution. If the wall becomes damp, Ansilver is activated and eliminates the growth of mould. Ansilver comes in 2 different sizes ä ä 6 JUDPVWKDWLVGLOXWHGLQWROLWUHVRIZDWHU DQGZLOOWUHDWDQDUHDRIPt JUDPVWKDWLVGLOXWHGLQWROLWUHVRIZDWHU DQGZLOOWUHDWDQDUHDRIPt 7 “ ä ä 6LPSOHDSSOLFDWLRQ 1RGLVUXSWLRQWRLQWHUQDOĆWWLQJV ä ä ,GHDOIRUQRQFDYLW\SURSHUWLHV &DQEHSDLQWHGRUSDSHUHGRYHU “ Improve Thermal Performance in your Home PLOOLRQKRPHVLQ the UK have solid walls with no insulation It’s a fact - Aero-Therm out performs on ROI A cost and saving comparison is provided below Aero-Therm Insulation Internal Wall Insulation External Wall Insulation Guide installation price for a 4 bedroom detached house £3,700 A £10,000 C £17,500 C Energy saving estimate £460 B £460 D £460 D 12% 5% 3% R.O.I. (Return on Investment) Aero-Therm is particularly well suited to improving the thermal performance of the existing housing stock within the UK. Virtually every home has cold spots around the windows and vertical/horizontal corners of external walls. North facing rooms tend to be cold even when they are insulated. Aero-Therm is an excellent product to combat these issues. Aero-Therm increases thermal comfort and creates a more pleasant living environment. Aero-Therm can save energy in any property and should not just be limited to solid wall properties – it can save further energy in all properties. Government targets to reduce CO2 emissions As part of the Government’s commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050, a number of initiatives and papers have been written. The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change published a report “Estimates of Home Insulation Levels in Great Britain: July 2013”, which shows thatä ä 2IWKHPLOOLRQSURSHUWLHVZLWKFDYLWLHVRYHUDUHDOUHDG\LQVXODWHG2IWKHPLOOLRQKRPHVVWLOO ZLWKRXWFDYLW\ZDOOLQVXODWLRQPRVWDUHKDUGWRWUHDWZLWKRQO\PLOOLRQRIWKHPEHLQJHDV\WRWUHDW 2IWKHPLOOLRQSURSHUWLHVZLWKVROLGZDOOVÚRQO\PLOOLRQKDYHVROLGZDOOLQVXODWLRQ Given the difficulties with installing internal or external wall insulation, it is likely that the government will make little inroads in increasing the thermal performance of the UK’s existing housing stock – unless it prescribes the use of Aero-Therm! By 2030, the government is seeking to increase the number of solid wall insulation properties to over 5 million from the current 0.2 million. We would question how this will be achieved, as many people will not approve internal or external insulation which changes the appearance of their properties. A - Detached 4 bedroom home defined as 149m2 of living space (source: Energy Saving Trust). This equates to 137m2 of walls then coated in Aero-Therm at £27 per m2 (£19 per m2 for Aero-Therm and £8 per m2 for labour). B - Based on an annual total fuel bill of £2,550, assuming 60% used for heating and 30% energy saving using Aero-Therm. C - The average installation cost of IWI and EWI (source: Energy Saving Trust) D - Typical saving from a detached property (source: Energy Saving Trust) Aero-Therm beats other solutions hands down It is simple to apply with minimal disruption and no loss of internal room space. Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) External Wall Insulation (EWI) Fitting internal boarding material, re-plastering and redecorating is expensive, especially when considering the disruption to electrics, radiators, architraves, skirting boards, window frames and door surrounds. IWI also reduces the room size by 100mm on each wall where it is applied which inevitably reduces the value of a property. The process is intrusive and typically requires re-housing of the occupants for the period of the fit out. In addition, internal insulation boarding has the risk of trapping moisture and condensation which can lead to mould growth. Fitting EWI requires an external finish. It is costly, complex and involves scaffolding and expensive cladding materials. It alters the external appearance of the property, thus in many cases this is simply not an option. Other issues include – ä ä ä ä ä Aero-Therm can be applied at a much faster rate and at a lower cost than solid wall insulation and would help the UK meet its CO2 reduction targets. 8 9 5HSODFHPHQWRISOXPELQJUDLQZDWHUGRZQSLSHV foul sewer vents and all external components 'LIĆFXOWWRDSSO\ZKHUHWKHUHDUHDWWDFKHG outbuildings or conservatories 1HHGWRGLVDVVHPEOHDQGUHĆWOLJKWQLQJ protection 1HHGWRUHURXWHLQFRPLQJHOHFWULFDOWHOHSKRQH and satellite TV cables 5LVNRIGLVUXSWLRQGXHWRDGYHUVHZHDWKHU conditions Reduce energy usage in Commercial and Public Buildings The UK Government have set a target to reduce CO² emissions by 80% by 2050. This will inevitably result in pressure on businesses to reduce their energy consumption. The Carbon Trust publish advice and guidelines to help businesses reduce their energy consumption. They state that “a 20% cut in energy costs represents the same bottom line benefit as a 5% increase in sales in many businesses”. /RZHUFRVW 6SDFHVDYLQJ 6SHHGRILQVWDOODWLRQ $SSO\WRH[WHULRUWRUHGXFHQHHGIRUDLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ *RYHUQPHQWEXLOGLQJVRIĆFHEORFNVVFKRROVKRVSLWDOVKRWHOVVXSHUPDUNHWVUHWDLO RXWOHWVZDUHKRXVHVRUIDFWRULHVDOOSUHVHQWSDUWLFXODUFKDOOHQJHVZKHQFRQVLGHULQJ WKHEHVWPHWKRGWRUHGXFHHQHUJ\XVDJH Heating typically accounts for about half of the energy used in offices and forms a significant proportion of energy use in other areas of a business. It is a key area to target with energy saving measures. Many businesses are overheated which can cause discomfort and wastes money. The Carbon Trust have highlighted a number of areas that businesses need to consider – $HUR7KHUPLVDORZHUFRVWRSWLRQWKDQLQWHUQDOLQVXODWLRQPHWKRGVDQGLVDOVROHVV GLVUXSWLYHWRLQVWDOO7KHPRVWHIĆFLHQWPHWKRGRIDSSOLFDWLRQWRODUJHEXLOGLQJVLVE\ KLJKYROXPHORZSUHVVXUHVSUD\LQJ+9/3$HUR7KHUPRQO\QHHGVWREHDSSOLHGWR DWKLFNQHVVRIPPZKLOVWPRVWWKHUPDOLQVXODQWVZLOOWDNHDWOHDVWPPRI LQWHUQDOVSDFHDFURVVHDFKZDOODQGFHLOLQJ $HUR7KHUPFDQEHDSSOLHGLQDTXLFNDQGXQREWUXVLYHZD\ZLWKOLWWOHGRZQWLPHDQG GLVUXSWLRQWRWKHRFFXSDQWV,WFDQDOVREHDSSOLHGZKHQUHGHFRUDWLRQRU UHIXUELVKPHQWVZRUNVDUHEHLQJXQGHUWDNHQDVLWFDQHDVLO\EHLQFRUSRUDWHGLQWR VXFKDSURJUDPPH$WRSFRDWĆQLVKFDQEHDSSOLHGEHLWDKDUGFRDWSDLQWZDOOSDSHU RUYLQ\OFRYHULQJZKHUHDGHFRUDWLYHĆQLVKLVUHTXLUHG$QLGHDOVROXWLRQLV 6WRQH6W\OHVDGHFRUDWLYHKDUGZHDULQJVXUIDFHZKLFKKDVWKHORRNRIHLWKHUJUDQLWHRU VDQGVWRQHEXWFDQEHHDVLO\ 10 ä ä ä ä ä :KHQZHUHWKHKHDWHUVRUERLOHUVODVWVHUYLFHG" ,VWKHUHHYLGHQFHRIXVHRISRUWDEOHKHDWHUV" $UHWKHUHKHDWHUVDQGDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJXQLWVRSHUDWLQJVLPXOWDQHRXVO\LQWKHVDPHVSDFH" 'RDOODUHDVKDYHWKHVDPHKHDWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV" $UHWKHUPRVWDWVFRUUHFWO\VHW" Once all of the basics have been considered, a business must look to the insulation in its property to make further inroads into reduced their CO² impact on the environment. Many companies have CO² targets to hit and have a high marginal cost of energy and an objective to reduce energy consumption year on year. “ Aero-Therm provides a very effective and real option to many companies looking to make a meaningful impact on their energy consumption. “ ä ä ä ä Companies will face more and more pressure to reduce energy consumption 11 Aero-Therm for Structural Steel Buildings and Industrial Units Aero-Therm for Cooling ä ä ä If you wish to keep a building cool, then Aero-Therm is best applied to the outside of a building in order to reflect away radiant heat. If you wish to keep a building warm, then Aero-Therm is best applied to the internal surface. (DV\WRDSSO\WRDOPRVWDQ\VXUIDFH 0LQLPLVHGLVUXSWLRQDQGGRZQWLPH 1RQWR[LFRGRXUOHVVZDWHUEDVHGDQG HQYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\ Internal application = keeps heat in External application = keeps heat out $HUR7KHUPFDQJHQHUDWHVLJQLĆFDQWFRVWVDYLQJVDVLW reduces the levels of energy used to heat or cool structural steel buildings and industrial units. Aero-Therm is water based and not a hard finish, so to protect it on the internal side of a building a hard coat paint finish is recommended where required. To protect Aero-Therm on an exterior surface, a breathable waterproof top coat is required. An ideal solution is SprayStone, a decorative hardwearing surface which has the look of either granite or sandstone but can be easily repaired. These types of commercial buildings are typically of a large internal volume and are difficult to maintain at the UHTXLUHGWHPSHUDWXUHOHYHOVXIIHULQJIURPKLJKOHYHOVRI heat loss and often worker discomfort and loss of productivity during the colder winter months, whilst occasionally becoming a heat box during the summer. Lower Running Costs for Commercial Cold Stores By applying Aero-Therm to the outside of a cold store building, heat is immediately reflected away from the cold $HUR7KHUPFDQEHDSSOLHGWRDQ\VXUIDFHEHLW ä SURĆOHGVWHHO ä EULFNRU ä FRQFUHWHEORFNZRUN store facility, thus reducing the energy required to cool the unit. Supermarkets have a requirement for both hot and cold areas within each of their stores. Aero-Therm provides an opportunity to reduce the energy consumed in keeping these areas at their required temperatures without significant investment in new buildings and equipment. The application process can be either during manufacture or after construction. Low Associated Construction Costs “ $HUR7KHUPDOVREHQHĆWVIURPORZDVVRFLDWHG construction costs, being directly applied to internal surfaces using either plastering or high volume low SUHVVXUHVSUD\DSSOLFDWLRQPHWKRG+9/3$HUR7KHUP UHTXLUHVRQO\PLQLPDOVXUIDFHSUHSDUDWLRQ,WLV DGDSWDEOHWRDQ\VKDSHGVXUIDFHDQGDV$HUR7KHUPLV not weather dependent it can be applied at any time of the year. $HUR7KHUPFDQEH applied to any surface to reduce heating or cooling costs “ 12 If Aero-Therm is designed into the new build specification of a building, a cold store can use lower powered cooling equipment, saving up front capital costs. Many lorries and commercial vehicles contain refrigeration. Aero-Therm is a perfect product to help insulate these vehicles as it is very light weight and does not take up valuable space. A lower cooling requirement will reduce the vehicle’s fuel consumption. 13 Modular Buildings Insulation of Industrial Pipes ä ä ä ä Where there is insufficient space for traditional pipe insulation, Aero-Therm provides a space saving alternative. It can easily be applied in situ to any pipework installation and is particularly useful in insulating valves and joints in pipes due to its flexibility. )DVWHUZDUPXSWLPHV 0D[LPLVHLQWHUQDOVSDFH 4XLFNWRDSSO\SUHRUSRVWPDQXIDFWXUH 5HGXFHFRQGHQVDWLRQDQGPRXOGJURZWK 0D[LPLVLQJWKHLQWHUQDOVSDFHLVFULWLFDOZKHQUHQWLQJRXWD PRGXODUEXLOGLQJ$HUR7KHUPSURYLGHVDYHU\HIIHFWLYH VROXWLRQWRLPSURYLQJWKHWKHUPDOSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKLVW\SHRI EXLOGLQJ$IXUWKHUEHQHĆWLVWKHIDFWWKDWZLWK$HUR7KHUP WKHKHDWXSWLPHLVTXLFNHUDQGKHDWLVUHWDLQHGIRUORQJHU ZKLFKLVSDUWLFXODUO\LPSRUWDQWZKHUHRFFXSDQWVDUHRQO\ SUHVHQWRQDQDGKRFEDVLVDQGUHTXLUHWKHVHVSDFHVWRKHDW XSTXLFNO\ ä ä Hot & cold plant & equipment )LUHHVFDSHV Wherever a dangerously hot surface is exposed such that it could cause burns to people, Aero-Therm can be applied to the surface to reflect the heat back against the hot surface. This makes the exterior cooler to touch, providing an important safety measure. Aero-Therm can also be used to protect against cold plant by reflecting human heat back against itself rather than being directly exposed to the cold surface. Caravans, Motorhomes, House Boats, Barges, Yachts ä ä ä ä Extreme Heat / Fire & Cold Protection )DVWHUZDUPXSWLPHV 0D[LPLVHLQWHUQDOVSDFH /LJKWZHLJKW 3UHVHUYHEDWWHU\OLYHVWKURXJKUHGXFHGKHDWLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV $HUR7KHUPSURYLGHVDZLGHUDQJHRIEHQHĆWVWRWKHVHW\SHV RIVSDFHV$VDQLQVXODQWLWFDQSURYLGHSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVW ERWKKRWDQGFROGGHSHQGLQJXSRQZKHWKHULWLVDSSOLHGWR LQWHUQDORUH[WHUQDOVXUIDFHV 14 15 Application techniques Q&A Aero-Therm’s optimal application thickness is 1.0mm. It can be applied in a number of ways - What preparation is needed to the surface? A clean surface is required to apply Aero-Therm. If mould is present, this must be removed – this can be achieved with the use of Asanex and Ansilver products. If your surface is porous we would recommend the pre-application of our Primer. Notched trowel application Aero-Therm can be diluted with water at a ratio of 5:1 and be applied with a 6mm notched trowel to achieve a uniformal coat, then finished with a flat float which achieves the desired 1.0mm final coating. Would more than 1mm of Aero-Therm improve the performance of Aero-Therm? No, the recommended thickness is 1.0mm. Anything above this provides no additional thermal benefit. Can Aero-Therm be used with underfloor heating systems? Yes, as long as it is applied under the heating element. Paint roller application Aero-Therm can be applied with a standard foam rubber paint roller. This method is faster to apply, but will always leave a slight textured appearance. Can I use Aero-Therm in my bathroom? Yes. If you have a tile finish, Aero-Therm should be applied under the tiles. As Aero-Therm eliminates temperature differentials between a wall surface and the air next to the wall, it eliminates the conditions where condensation and subsequent mould growth can occur. This should not however be a substitute for keeping the bathroom environment well ventilated. Low pressure spraying Aero-Therm can be applied with a high volume low pressure (HVLP) spraying machine by suitably experienced operators. This method is ideal for large-scale coverage on industrial buildings. Aero-Therm cannot be applied to walls that are at risk of rising damp. In places where there is direct contact between Aero-Therm and water, it is necessary to protect the coating. Where hot water could come into contact with the product, it is necessary to protect the Aero-Therm surface with a polymer-based waterproof coat. Further details on these products are available on request. Detailed Application Instructions are available from our website. Where can I buy Aero-Therm? You can buy Aero-Therm from either the shopping portal on our website or by calling our sales office on 01924 848020. What is the lead time? If we have sufficient levels of stock then delivery will be within 48 hours, otherwise delivery will be direct from our manufacturer which may take up to 14 days. Can I become a distributor or sales agent for Aero-Therm? Please call our sales office to discuss the opportunity of being a distributor or sales agent. Can you provide training on application of Aero-Therm? Training can be provided at your site (fee to be negotiated separately). Advice is provided free of charge from our sales office. Demonstrations can also be facilitated at our warehouse in Wakefield. Please call for details. Do you have details of registered or approved installers? Yes we do. We are building our registered installer base all the time, please call for details. Can I become a registered installer for Aero-Therm layer? Yes, please call our sales office for further details. 16 17 Technical Specifications Tested By: Aero-Therm is distributed by Thermulate Ltd, part of the Kirkstyles Innovations Group. Aero-Therm was first tested in 2010 by the Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague (, a test centre approved by EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals). The product was tested to assess its technical specification and to prove its non-toxic and non-flammable safety properties. The product is CE marked. S A variety of technical tests have been undertaken over the last four years, all of which have confirmed the significant energy savings that can be achieved. The latest and most comprehensive real life test was undertaken by the Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague (, for the six month period ending 30 April 2014. A summary of the results is set out in the “Energy savings achieved by using Aero-Therm“ on page 4 of this document. Our website has the full translated Test Certificate and Test Commentary. A member of The tests undertaken in Prague are valid in the UK by virue of the fact that the test house in Prague is a member of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) which itself is an approved partner of UKAS (UK Accreditaion Service). ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä “$HUR7KHUPFDQ EHXVHGIRUWKH 0DWHULDO3DUDPHWHUV)RUPPDWHULDO:DWHUEDVHG VHDODQW )XQFWLRQ(QHUJ\VDYLQJWKHUPDOFRPIRUWPRXOG SUHYHQWLRQ &RPSRVLWLRQ)LOOHU0$HURJHOGLVSHUVLRQVDGGLWLYHV ,QVXODWRUV0JODVVPLFURVSKHUHVFRQWDLQLQJSDUWLDO YDFXXPDQG$HURJHO $SSOLFDWLRQWKLFNQHVVPP &RHIĆFLHQWRIWKHUPDOFRQGXFWLYLW\:P. +HDWUHVLVWDQFHDIWHUDSSOLFDWLRQr&WRr& $GKHVLRQWRVXEVWUDWH03D :DWHUYDSRXUSHUPHDELOLW\JPG 'LIIXVLRQHTXLYDOHQWWKLFNQHVVP /RDGFRQVWUXFWLRQNJP (FRIULHQGO\ZDWHUEDVHG *UHHQ'HDO GREEN DEAL Co mpliant P roduct An approved partner of Aero-Therm meets the definition of approved Internal Wall Insulation as set by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Together with its CE mark, Aero-Therm can be used for the UK’s Green Deal and ECO initiatives. Aero-Therm is a cutting edge product and provides an effective method of insulation. The product has a global patent, which recognises the unique composition of the product. A safety datasheet and a product application sheet can be found on our website: 18 “ Certification and origin of the product Over 30% energy Outstanding warranty for extra protection Providing the recommended methods of storage are followed and the product is installed correctly by an approved installer Aero-Therm benefits from a manufacturer’s backed warranty for a period of 15 years. saving Proven technology as tested by GRAF-AG GmbH To determine the energy saving a room was used with an area of 12m . The exterior temperature was maintained at a steady 11ºC. Energy consumption was measured for 120 hours before and after applying Aero-Therm 2 Test parameters: Walls: Ceiling: Floors: Window: Door: Heating: Thermostat: Energy meter: Aero-Therm: 30 cm of concrete, brick walls of POROTON material (12 cm) Reinforced concrete (20cm) Wood floor boards OSB 1 Window 80 x 80cm 1 Door 200 x 80 cm (Wood) 1 heating radiator CALADIA H8 1800W Siemens RDE10.5 Energy Star Floor, Ceiling, Walls (1 mm) Before Aero-Therm After Aero-Therm Total Energy Saving 20oC 18oC* 36.1% *After Aero-Therm was applied the same thermal comfort was achieved at 18oC 20 21 “ The results were immediately apparent “ “ The most appreciated effect was how noticeably warm the room was in the morning “ Customers just love the savings Aero-Therm is a new product to the UK. 150,000 m2 of Aero-Therm have been succesfully applied to properties across Europe. Read why our customers are recommending Aero-Therm as the best insulation product they have ever used. David Carmichael, Suffolk. I needed to find a way of insulating the front aspect internal walls of my 1890’s Victorian Terrace House. Installing any form of dry-lining or cladding, to either the outside or inside was out of the question due to period features. I needed a product that was effective but also unobtrusive. I discovered Aero-Therm and was directed to the company’s website. After reading the very comprehensive information pages I decided Aero-Therm was the ideal product for my needs. I ordered a 12 litre tub which was delivered within 2 days. Application was carried out by a plasterer. With a little practice an excellent finish was obtained. Full instructions are on the container and are well worth following. As soon as the Aero-Therm was dry an immediate effect could be felt. It was warm to touch, a vast difference to adjacent untreated walls. However, the most appreciated effect was how noticeably warm the room was in the morning, when no heating had been on since late the previous evening. I would thoroughly recommend Aero-Therm insulation and I intend to apply it to all the other walls in my home. 22 Richard Jefferies, West Yorkshire. We own an old farmhouse which we have fully renovated. The walls are solid stone and we have rendered these internally but experienced cold walls and heavy condensation, especially around the windows. In looking for a solution we came across Aero-Therm and have initially trialled this around the windows. The results were immediately apparent in that the walls were much warmer to touch. We have now been through the winter and I am delighted to say that the condensation was eliminated, and we are now going to apply Aero-Therm to the rest of the rooms as and when we decorate those rooms. 23