service bookleT - Autostrada del Brennero
service bookleT - Autostrada del Brennero
ENGLISH DRIVE SAFELY, YOU ARE ON THE A22! SERVICE BOOKLET 2016 SERVICE BOOKLET 2016 This service booklet follows Directive No. 102 by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport dated February 19th, 2009. INDEX SECTION 1 1.1 Message from the company 05 1.2Company organization 06 1.3Road network 08 1.4 Main principles for the provision of services 10 1.5Calculating the toll 12 1.6Service information 18 Mobility 18 Information to the driver 24 Services and comfort for the driver 29 Road safety 34 Protecting and respecting environment 40 Assistance concerning the toll 42 1.7Information about the infrastructure 44 Section 2 2.1 Quality 47 Concepts and quality management 47 49 Quality indicators Section 3 3.1Observing the interests of the users 51 Complaints 51 Refund 52 3.2Useful numbers and addresses 54 4 SECTION 1 1.1. Message from the company The service booklet is a guide, an important handbook for all motorway drivers. It contains information about the company and motorway, methods of toll payment, reference to the most popular communication channels, advice about how to behave in an emergency and clear information about services provided by A22, especially at service stations. The service booklet offers also the possibility of checking the quality indicators of the services offered by the company. These are the result of a constant monitoring of the company’s actions to ensure ongoing improvement. The service booklet in particular addresses quality, the environment and security: three important chapters in terms of the company’s plans to achieve its goals. The service booklet is written according to MIT directive no. 102 of 19/02/2009, updated annually and available as paper booklet along the motorway A22 as well as on the company website and is considered an effective tool for communicating with motorway drivers. Practical and easy to handle, the service booklet is a rich source of information which supports more technological channels used by the company to provide information in real time about all events happening on the motorway A22. I wish you a pleasant reading and a good trip on the A22! Managing Director Walter Pardatscher 5 1.2. COMPANY ORGANIZATION Autostrada del Brennero is a corporation, place of business being Trento, via Berlino 10. The shares of Autostrada del Brennero are divided between public corporations and private subjects. The company acts as a concessionaire. Its main aims are the planning, building and operation of motorways, including the Brenner Motorway Verona-Modena. HISTORY The company is founded in 1959. On 21st December 1963 the board of administration decides the commencement of the construction works. The first section between Bolzano and Trento, with an overall length of 50 km, is opened to traffic in December 1968. Between 1968 and 1974 all remaining sections go on line. NUMBERS ABOUT AUTOSTRADA DEL BRENNERO 314Km Length 24 Tollbooths 6Safety Service Centres 6User service centres 22Rest areas 959Personnel 6 COMPANY STRUCTURE SHAREHOLDERS The company structure is composed of: The shareholders, with reference date 7. August 2014, are reported below. QQ President, Internal Audit QQ Managing director QQ General Technical Direction QQ Directorate-Sales QQ Department for Administration QQ Human Resources Department QQ Legal Department QQ Department for general affairs Subsidiary enterprises: QQ Sadobre JSC QQ Autostrada Regionale Cispadana JSC QQ Autostrada Campogalliano Sassuolo JSC QQ Auto-Plose Sadobre Ltd QQ S.T.R. Brennero Trasporto Rotaia JSC QQ Rail Traction Company JSC (indirect) Affiliated enterprises: QQ Istituto per Innovazioni Tecnologiche S.c.a.r.l. QQ Lokomotion Ltd (indirect) Other enterprises: QQ Mc Link JSC QQ Interbrennero JSC QQ Brennercom JSC QQ Autostrada Torino-Milano JSC QQ SIAS JSC QQ Centro Ricerche Stradali JSC QQ Confederazione Autostrade JSC QQ Consorzio Autostrade Italiane Energia QQ Fondazione Iteralia QQ Quadrante Servizi Ltd (indirect) For further information please consult our website 7 1.3 ROAD NETWORK Motorway Network Map with the main cities, railway stations and airports. (fig. 1) INNSBRUCK - Val d’Ega - Eggental BOLZANO TRENTO (only entrance) VENEZIA BRESCIA VERONA VICENZA MILANO MANTOVA PARMA REGGIO EMILIA MODENA BOLOGNA 8 fig. 1 For further information please refer to our website 9 1.4. main PRINCIPLES FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES The following paragraph explains the first principles of the activities conferred to Autostrada del Brennero (in terms of access to and maintenance of the motorway infrastructure), in the context of a system aiming to protect the interests of the people using the motorway infrastructure1. LEGALITY Autostrada del Brennero S.p.A. complies with all applicable provisions, laws and guidelines, with regulations that apply nationally and internationally and with generally recognised rules. Within the company, all employees abide by the ethical standards set out in law and act in accordance with a Code of Conduct as well as taking account of the company’s own regulations, which they apply honestly and impartially. INTEGRITY In the company, everyone remains true to their word, acts responsibly in accordance with the commitments they have assumed and operates in a bona fide fashion with regard to all activities and decisions. TRANSPARENCY Autostrada del Brennero disseminates truthful, complete, transparent and generally intelligible information in order to enable their contact persons to arrive at purposeful decisions in respect of relations with the company and with third parties. EQUALITY AND IMPARTIALITY Autostrada del Brennero respects the principle of equality of all users, independent of sex, race, nationality, religion, or political orientation during all its activities. Employees working with users are obliged to behave in a way aligned towards objectivity, equity and impartiality and to use clear and ordinary language. CONTINUITY Autostrada del Brennero is committed to providing a continuous and reliable service. In case of extreme and/or unpredictable situations, it will take appropriate measures in a timely manner in order to restore normal conditions and minimize environmental impacts and any inconvenience to users. 1 The national motorway system - as it is acknowledged in the preliminary remarks of the Directive 102/2009 - is a specific sector and it is not comparable to the list of public services referred to in article 1 of the national Law 146/1990. It follows that not all the principles indicated by the Ciampi directive of January 1994 are automatically applicable to the activities of the Motorway Operator. 10 PARTICIPATION Autostrada del Brennero assesses and analyses thoroughly all feedback, documents, remarks and suggestions sent by stakeholders (users, citizens, municipalities, provinces, associations, suppliers, etc.) in order to improve both the motorway service and the environmental policy so as to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Autostrada del Brennero undertakes to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the motorway service provided, while respecting the pre-defined safety and environmental objectives, adopting the most appropriate solutions in relation to the resources available. ENSURING CONFIDENTIALITY Autostrada del Brennero guarantees the privacy of its customers. Customers have the right to be informed about the modality with which personal data is managed, through simple and comprehensive explanations, and to grant or revoke consent to each processing step separately (also by means of a third party). RESPECTING ENVIRONMENT Autostrada del Brennero belives that environment is a unique and primary resource and that the duty of the company is to protect and enhance this natural patrimony, pledging to make continuous improvements and prevent pollution. HEALTH AND SAFETY Autostrada del Brennero takes the health and safety of its employees, contractors, external staff, motorway users and the population at large extremely seriously. 11 1.5. CALCULATING THE TOLL THE TOLL What is the toll The toll is the price users pay to the concessionaire for the cost of construction, management and maintenance of the motorway network. How is the toll calculated The motorway toll is based on the distance travelled, multiplied by the kilometre unit fee (determined by the class of the vehicle). Vehicles are classified according to the “Axle-Silhouette” system. This system distinguishes between five classes: two for vehicles with two axles and three for vehicles or vehicle combinations with three or more axles, according to the above table. 12 Toll fees Toll fees for distances travelled on the A22 motorway can be consulted on the A22 website ( Brennerpass An initiative from Autostrada del Brennero aimed at commuters which allows a discount of 20% on the toll for the daily route to/from work. The initiative is bound solely to the “Telepass Familiy” device. In order to join the programme, it is necessary to compile the required forms (which can be obtained at the Service Centers or downloaded from the company’s webpage) and return them to one of the Service Centers of Autostrada del Brennero. For questions or further information it is possible to contact Autostrada del Brennero via email: [email protected]. The company will verify the truth of the information added to the forms. It is important to note at this point that the discount is valid exclusively for a determined route along the A22 (between Brennero and Campogalliano). Routes involving interconnecting motorways (A1, A4) or intermediate sections between the selected entrance/exit stations are excluded (if, for example, the selected route is Bolzano Sud - Trento Sud, the discount will not be applied if the user - for whatever reason - decides to exit at Egna/Ora, San Michele or Trento Nord). 13 1.5. CALCULATING THE TOLL ENTERING THE motorWAY When entering the motorway, users are required to take a toll ticket at the tollgate; this ticket will then be used to calculate the road charge when leaving the motorway (vehicles equipped with a Telepass are not required to stop at the tollgates; they can drive through, in compliance with the applied speed limits: 15 km/h for lorries and 30 km/h for passenger cars). toll ticket The toll ticket is issued at every access ramp by an automatic ticketissuing machine. Users are invited to store the ticket in a safe place during their trip in order to avoid its damage or loss, and not to fold it or expose it to magnetic sources. Telepass device If a car is equipped with Telepass, it is automatically detected by the tollgate; therefore it is not necessary to take a ticket. See chapter 1.6 “Service Information”, paragraph “Service Centres” for details on the purchase of the Telepass device. All entrance lanes are enabled for dual operation (possibility to use toll tickets as well as the telepass device). 14 EXITING THE motorWAY The A22 motorway offers users a wide range of choices of payment systems, which are indicated at the tollgates. There are different types of tollbooths available: Manual tollgate The tollbooth is manned, so that customers can pay in cash (coins and banknotes in Euros and non-EMU currency) or with the following cards: QQ QQ QQ Viacard Fast Pay (ATM Cards) Common ATM cards enabled for the so-called “Fast-Pay” circuit can be used, following the same procedure as for the Viacard. Credit Cards The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, Diners, Visa/Carta Sì, Eurocard, MasterCard and Visa Electron. 15 1.5. CALCULATING THE TOLL Tollgate with automatic cashpoint and telepass lane An unmanned tollgate which allows the same payment options as the manual tollgate. It can also be used by vehicles equipped with a Telepass device. Telepass lane These lanes are exclusively dedicated to users whose vehicle is equipped with a Telepass device. The data concerning the transit is automatically coded by the device. In particular, it is worth mentioning that Telepass users can register free of charge on the website, which permits them to obtain generic transit information, get updates on new product offers and services, visualize the details of their personal transits, access the Telepass contract, and modify their personal settings. We would also like to point out that Telepass Agreements require users to update their personal information and the licence plates of the vehicles linked to the Telepass (maximum of 2). 16 Manual – Telepass Lane These are manned “bi-modal” lanes, supporting both payment via cash and credit/debit cards, as well as the Telepass system. Telepass Lane - with automatic cash These are unmanned “bi-modal” lanes. Other than supporting the Telepass system, a specially equipped card reader accepts the credit/ debit cards listed above. A so called Remote Lane Monitoring System (MRP) assists users in case of difficulties, by providing audio/video communication to a geographically remote operator, which monitors the MRP lanes and the respective transits. Toll receipt and invoice When exiting the motorway, after payment at a manual or automatic tollgate, a receipt stating the amount paid is issued. This document is not valid for fiscal purposes. In order to obtain the issue of an invoice, it is necessary to send a specific request directly to the Toll Collection Office in via Berlino, 10 – Trento, along with the receipts of the tolls paid on the A22 motorway, using a dedicated form. This form (Request for invoicing of motorway tolls) can be downloaded from the website 17 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION MOBILITY Limitations - Bans Along the Brenner motorway several limitations and bans are in force, according to national legislative provisions (Traffic Code, Ministerial Decree n°1061 of 18.12.09) and specific company ordinances. Speed limits 110 km/h – in both directions, from km 2 to km 85 (fig. 2) QQ 60 km/h in both directions from km 54 to km 85 for vehicles weighing over 7,5 t when fully loaded (fig. 3) QQ 18 INNSBRUCK - Val d’Ega - Eggental LIMITATIONS FOR ALL VEHICLES BOLZANO TRENTO (only entrance) VENEZIA BRESCIA VERONA VICENZA MILANO MANTOVA PARMA REGGIO EMILIA MODENA BOLOGNA fig. 2 19 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION INNSBRUCK - Val d’Ega - Eggental BOLZANO LIMITATIONS FOR HEAVY GOODS VEHICLES TRENTO (only entrance) VENEZIA BRESCIA VERONA VICENZA MILANO MANTOVA PARMA REGGIO EMILIA MODENA BOLOGNA 20 fig. 3 INNSBRUCK - Val d’Ega - Eggental BOLZANO OVERTAKING BAN TRENTO (only entrance) VENEZIA BRESCIA VERONA VICENZA MILANO MANTOVA PARMA REGGIO EMILIA MODENA BOLOGNA fig. 4 21 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION Ban on passing (fig. 4) For vehicles weighing over 7,5 t when fully loaded and for vehicle combinations towing mobile homes or trailers: 24 hours per day, in both directions, from km 0 to km 85; QQ For vehicles weighing over 12 t when fully loaded and for vehicle combinations towing mobile homes or trailers: from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., in both directions, from km 85 to km 313. QQ Ban on driving The calendar 2016 containing the bans on driving for freight vehicles and trucks having an overall weight exceeding 7,5 t as well as for vehicles carrying exceptional loads, vehicles equipped for exceptional loads, and all vehicles transporting dangerous goods, according to the traffic code and the ordinances from the highway operator, is available at BAN ON STOPPING IN EMERGENCY LAY-BY’S For all vehicles wich leave the main carriageway to enter the lay-by’s next to the motorway. These lay-by’s are exclusively for emergency use, i.e. in the event of breakdown or indisposition on the part of drivers, co-drivers or passengers. In such cases, vehicles are permitted to stop in the defined areas set for the purpose. The ban is in force in both directions on the whole of the A22 from Brennero to Modena. ROADWORKS A22 Motorway Company schedules maintenance works according to an annual calendar, based on traffic forecasts and formalised at the beginning of each year with an Internal Service Order, which establishes the periods of time and the motorway sections where roadworks are permitted. In periods of high-density traffic (weekends in January and February; Easter; Ascension/Pentecost/Corpus Domini; July and August; Immaculate Conception; Christmas) works requiring lane changes (south/north) or the reduction of traffic and/or overtaking lanes are not authorised (except for night shifts). Exceptions are made only for urgent needs, such as restoring road safety or for unforeseen events (i.e. persistent adverse weather conditions and emergency maintenance works). Detailed information concerning the road-work calendar for the year 2016 can be found on the website RECOMMENDATIONS - ADVICES In the event of particularly critical weather (prolonged and intense rain and/or snowfall) or predicted intense traffic, with the risk of long queues of cars, users are advised to delay their departure or, alternatively, if the departure cannot be postponed due to non-deferrable needs, to plan intermediate stops and/or to bring food and beverages with them. 22 They should pay special attention to approaching vehicles when accelerating or decelerating on entry and exit ramps and near service and rest areas. It is also advised to stop at a service area at the first sign of fatigue. Users should also observe speed limits, taking into account traffic, visibility, proximity of roadworks, etc., and keep at a safe distance from vehicles in front, fasten the seat belt, avoid alcoholic drinks, and slow down in case of fog, snow, ice, rain and wind. WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY If users stop on the motorway, they should wear a reflective vest when getting out of the vehicle, set a warning triangle (in accordance with the Traffic Laws), and contact the User Assistance Centre from an S.O.S. column or telephonically, using the toll free number 800.279940 or the numbers 0461-212851 / 0461-980085. Drivers should stop on an emergency lane only in the event of breakdown of their vehicle; lay-bys should be used only for the time absolutely necessary. For longer stops it is advisable to use the service areas. In tunnel it is imperative to estimate well the situation previous taking action. If possible leave the tunnel driving the vehicle outside and then call the emergency assistance. If the driving on is impossible, stop the vehicle on the right side of the lane (do not turn back or reverse down), switch on the vehicles emergency lights, shut the motor off, leave the ignition key in the lock and dress the reflective vest. In the case of smoke emission search the indicator lamps which take to the tunnel emergency exit. As quick as possible advise the emergency assistance (toll free number 800 279940 - A22 Users Assistance Centre: 0461 980085 - 212851. In the event of heavy snowfall, heavy good vehicles are required to temporarily stop in especially marked areas. 23 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION INFORMATION TO THE DRIVER The A22 motorway provides detailed and real-time information on events that could affect travel, including possible alternative itineraries. The dissemination of information is ensured through: QQ Telephone service: the A22 User Assistance Centre (C.A.U.) can be reached via toll free numbers (800-279940; from Germany, Austria and the Netherlands via 00-800-22022022) QQ Telecom number 0461-980085 and 0461-212851 QQ Variable Message Signs; QQ Radio “INFORADIO” and Televideo Service; QQ Mobile and Website; QQ APP Travel Assistant. USER HELP CENTRE (C.A.U). A building hosts the User Help Centre (C.A.U.) near the Trento Centro Junction and the Company offices. The C.A.U. is the fulcrum of the user information system; it is connected by optical fibre, radio and TLC cables to 117 TV cameras for traffic control, 67 AID tunnel monitoring cameras, 13 A22 website cameras, 394 SOS points and 25 weather stations, receiving real-time data on traffic, weather, visibility and SOS calls. The C.A.U., with multilingual personnel, is active 24/7/365. The same building hosts the Motorway Operation Centre (C.O.A.) and Trento Road Police sub-section. The two centres operate in close contact and coordination to ensure high speed intervention and maximum efficiency in emergency action. To obtain real-time information on traffic and weather conditions on the A22 motorway, users may call the C.A.U. dialling the following tollfree numbers: For traffic information on the motorways interconnected to the A22, please dial: A1 Milano-Bologna 24 A4 Brescia-Padova/Autovie Venete Centropadane VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGNS Variable Message Signs (VMS) are present at all entry stations of the motorway (for a total of 38 monochromatic full-graphic VMS); at the roundabouts in proximity of the most important tollbooths 28 double and one single full-color full-graphic VMS are positioned. On the highway itself 105 VMS are currently operational (full-color fullgraphic VMS, displaying text and pictogram messages to the drivers). The variable message signs installed on mobile carts are 21. The objective of these variable message signs, which are managed by the C.A.U., is to provide users with up-to-date and detailed information on traffic and weather conditions and on any disruption of operations. The following are examples of messages displayed on the Variable Message Signs: Slowdown This sign indicates that traffic proceeds slowly and that queues may form. Traffic Jam Some traffic flow is present, but it comes to a rest most of the time. The message depicted above says that vehicles are queuing near a motorway exit. Road Blocked These signs indicate a total blockage of the motorway (e.g. due to an accident). This example warns approaching drivers about traffic jam due to an accident, and indicates its location. Accident Roadworks 25 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION Snow This Variable Message Sign warns about snowfall. The snowfall is intense; high traffic may hinder the snowploughs, resulting possibly in traffic jams. It is advised to have snow chains onboard. Fog Fog banks: caution. INFORADIO Useful information for motorway users is transmitted, along the entire route, through radio newscasts by “Inforadio”, broadcast every 30 minutes by two local radio stations (minutes 25 and 55, approximately), in addition to constant updates on events: QQ Radio NBC Rete Regione from Bolzano covers the A22 section that crosses the Trentino - Alto Adige region; QQ Radio Pico from Mirandola covers the remaining section of the A22 motorway. German users can listen to news in their mother language tuning in to radio stations from South Tyrol; QQ Südtirol 1 (covering the motorway from Innsbruck to Trento); other programs are transmitted by the RAS broadcasting company. The frequencies at which the various radio stations can be received are indicated on the special road signs installed along the route and summarised in fig. 5 below. 26 INNSBRUCK - Val d’Ega - Eggental BOLZANO TRENTO (only entrance) VENEZIA BRESCIA VERONA VICENZA MILANO MANTOVA PARMA REGGIO EMILIA MODENA fig. 5 BOLOGNA 27 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION TELEVIDEO On page 648 (“AUTOSTRADE”) of the National Videotext Service of the RAI network, which is updated by all motorway operators, information on traffic, weather and contingent interruption of services concerning the entire Italian motorway network is available. Page 425 (“TRAFFIC on the Brenner Motorway”) of the regional RAI 3 Videotext service provides localized information on traffic, weather and contingent interruption of services for the regions Trentino – Alto Adige, Veneto, Lombardia and Emilia Romagna. INTERNET, MOBILE AND APP TRAVEL ASSISTANT In order to obtain real-time updates on the situation along the Brenner Motorway before starting a trip, users can visit the website, where they will find detailed information concerning the company, the motorway network, safety, motorway services, tolls, etc. The same information is available via mobile phone using the mobile website Website: during the year 2015 it received visits from 496.858 individual users (- 12,9% in comparison to 2014). The total number of times the website was accessed was 816.620 (- 8% compared to 2014). The most “clicked” months were January, July, August and December with a daily visitors peak on holidays and/or in bad weather or natur phenomenon. Web cam, traffic forecasting and “toll - how is it calculated” were the most visited links. Mobil website: during the year 2015 it received visite from 174.309 “individual users” (+ 279,80% compared to 2014). The total number of visits was 306.307 (+ 236,74% compared to 2014). Website and mobil website together reported during the year 2015 a 14.8% increase of accesses and 8,9% increase of individual users in comparison to 2014. A22 Travel Assistant: the A22 Travel Assistant App for mobile devices with operating system iOS (Apple®) - released on 6 July 2011 - has been downloaded 32.400 times. The “A22 Travel Assistant App” for Android operating system - released on 25 July 2012 has been downloaded 16.798 times. The individual users were 5.767. 28 Information on Italy Users travelling on Italian motorways may obtain generic information on traffic and road conditions, or on problems concerning the motorway services, by listening to the traffic reports issued by the ISORADIO and the CCISS (Road Safety Information Coordination Centre). These traffic reports are broadcast several times per day by the “Onda Verde Viaggiare Informati” radio program on the RAI networks 1, 2 and 3; television broadcasts are available on the RAI network (“RaiNews” TV program), as well as on “Channel 5” and “LA7” (morning hours). Information via telephone can be requested using the public utility number 1518. AVAILABILITY OF EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS, 24 HOURS A DAY A list of useful phone numbers in case of an emergency can be found on: QQ the company website; QQ the Variable Message Signs, in the context of information campaigns; QQ the MOBILE-site; QQ the signposts along the motorway; QQ the toll ticket. SERVICES AND COMFORT FOR THE DRIVER SERVICE AREAS There are 22 service areas along the A22 motorway, 11 of which along the southbound lane and 11 along the northbound lane. The purpose of these areas is to offer refuelling, provisioning, catering and relaxation to users, essential in order to drive safely. In 2016, Autostrada del Brennero will announce tenders to determine the new OIL and NON OIL contractors. Through its new procedures, it will try to assure the optimal service quality regarding the long-awaited investments and supposed new management structure. The most important services available to users are illustrated in the following figure. The A22 motorway periodically performs inspections to ensure that the licencees are adequately fulfilling their Oil and Non Oil contractors, especially concerning the functional efficiency of machinery and plants, customer service, applied prices and the quality of service in general, 29 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION as well as on the compliance with hygiene and sanitary norms in force. If nonconformities or disservices are detected during inspections, the A22 motorway will remedy the deficiencies with appropriate corrective actions, applying the penalties allotted in the contracts. The A22 motorway avails itself of an independent third party to perform inspections on the quality of services provided by the contractors and to carry out Customer Satisfaction polls. The results of the inspections, which include a ranking of the licencees based on their “merits”, are disseminated through specific infor- CARRIAGE- GASOLINE/ DIESEL WAY. gpl metano LPG METHANE KM SERVICE AREA 20+000 Trens Est 20+000 Trens Ovest S 41+700 Plose Est N 41+900 Plose Ovest S 63+600 Isarco Est N 68+800 Sciliar Ovest S IP SIRIO 95+900 Laimburg Est N TAMOIL CHEF EXPRESS 98+800 Laimburg Ovest S TOTALERG CHEF EXPRESS 3 3 N ENI 3 AUTOGRILL 3 3 129+000 Paganella Ovest S ENI 3 159+700 Nogaredo Est N Q8 159+700 Nogaredo Ovest S Q8 187+000 Adige Est N Q8 187+400 Adige Ovest S IP 208+000 Garda Est N 208+000 Garda Ovest 240+800 Povegliano Est 129+000 Paganella Est 240+800 Povegliano Ovest 267+900 Po Est 268+600 Po Ovest N APS fuel CAFE RESTAU- DISABLED BABY CHANGING SHOWER RANT SERViCES ROOM * TABLE SIRIO 3 3 APS fuel SIRIO 3 3 APS fuel SARNI 3 3 3 Q8 SARNI 3 3 3 ENI SIRIO 3 3 GUSTOFAST 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 HERMES 3 3 3 3 3 3 GUSTOFAST 3 3 3 3 TAMOIL CHEF EXPRESS 3 3 S TAMOIL SARNI 3 3 N IES 3 SARNI 3 3 S IES 3 SARNI 3 3 3 3 N IES AUTOGRILL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 S IES GUSTOFAST 3 3 309+000 Campogalliano Est N ENI 3 3 AUTOGRILL 3 3 309+000 Campogalliano Ovest S ENI 3 3 GUSTOFAST 3 3 * The baby room consists of baby change, baby’s wash and toilet bowl. 30 3 3 HERMES GUSTOFAST 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 mation campaigns (newspapers, website, etc.). Complaints, observations and suggestions made by users contribute to the evaluation of the quality of services provided, as well as the definition and verification of appropriate corrective actions. Any indication on the quality of services offered by Service Areas may be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Further information can be found on the company website PIC NIC AREA PLAY AREA CAMPER CAR AREA PARKING 16 3 TRUCK PARKING BUS PARKING CASH MACHINE FAX 5 1 3 3 10 5 1 3 3 3 52 13 2 3 3 3 32 13 0 3 13 5 1 3 3 3 OIL NON OIL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 6 1 3 3 3 70 7 2 3 3 3 3 56 14 2 3 3 3 131 33 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VIGNETTE go-box monitor TV CAMERAS *** 3 3 70 33 5 3 3 36 4 2 3 3 3 3 34 12 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 15 0 3 3 3 3 75 9 2 3 3 3 3 3 60 22 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 12 0 3 3 3 3 3 26 11 1 3 3 26 15 1 3 3 3 70 16 2 3 3 3 62 17 1 3 3 3 3 52 25 2 3 3 3 3 97 108 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ***TV cameras don’t belong to Brenner Motorway Company and pictures can be used only by service areas Contractors. 31 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION PLESSI MUSEUM AREA The Plessi Museum, an innovative building which houses a permanent exhibition of the works of Fabrizio Plessi, was opened near the ex-customs office on the border between Austria and Italy on Friday 29 November 2013. Fabrizio Plessi is one of Italy’s best known and most respected contemporary artists and enjoys an international reputation. The museum, which extends over an area of 2,500 m2 and measures 55 metres in length and 28 metres in height, is the first Italian museum to be built on a motorway. It comprises a large glass case with a jutting roof, an architectural style that blends harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. The museum’s exhibitions include video installations, sculptures and pictorial and graphic creations. The building also houses a bar/restaurant and a conference hall operated by the company, a ideal space for cultural and institutional meetings. EMERGENCY LAY-BY AREAS To improve the safety and comfort level, A22 has provided 427 lay-by areas to-date, and foresees more for the future. Stop in emergency lay-by’s is meant exclusively for the solution of emergencies. A longer stop is vorbidden in both direction on the whole A22 from Brennero to Modena. CAR PARKING SITES Autostrada del Brennero answers to user needs as concerns car parking along this motorway stretch. The parking sites favour user mobility and reduce traffic noise and air pollution, thus satisfying an ever growing demand by travellers. The sites are found at the following motorway junctions: QQ Trento South (n.160) Vipiteno (n.46) QQ Rovereto North (n.61) Bressanone (n.136) QQ Chiusa (n.68) QQ Rovereto South (n.203) QQ Bolzano North (n.11) QQ Ala-Avio (n.26) QQ Bolzano South (n.23) QQ Affi (n.85) QQ Egna-Ora-Termeno (n.41) QQ Verona North (n.156) QQ S. Michele all’Adige (n.21) QQ Nogarole Rocca (n.71) Mantova North (n. 97) Mantova South (n.101) QQ Pegognaga (n.32) QQ Reggiolo Rolo (n. 76) QQ Carpi (n.93) QQ Campogalliano (n.109) QQ QQ QQ QQ HEAVY VEHICLE PARKING SITES As regards HGV parking, Autostrada del Brennero, in consideration of the prescriptions concerning protection of HGV drivers (EC Reg. 561/2006, applicable since 2007) – which require driving periods to be interrupted by obligatory rest periods – offers the following dedicated parking areas along the Brenner motorway: QQ QQ 32 Brennero (n.42) Bolzano South (Parking Firmian) (n.69) � Campogalliano West (n.79) TRUCK TERMINALS Autostrada del Brennero is modernising with specific requalification projects – still under way – two dedicated hotels, prevalently for HGV drivers, also to be used under a subscription formula, at: QQ Sadobre (near Vipiteno) (n.450) QQ Trento “Interporto” (near Trento North truck terminal) (n.255) SERVICE CENTRES The Service Centres of Trento Nord, Bressanone, Bolzano Sud, Affi, Mantova Nord and Carpi are the “contact points” of the A22 Motorway with its customers, be it concerning business products and services, or simply for the payment of road charges. The following services are available at the Service Centres: Prepaid Viacards, Personal Account’-Viacards, Telepass Business, Telepass Family and subscription to the Brennerpass. At the Service Centres it is possible to subscribe to the Telepass service and pick up the Telepass-transmitter; furthermore, the Service Centres provide legal information concerning the provided services, support concerning the usage and technical assistance. Location: The Bressanone Service Centre is located near the tollbooth “Bressanone” Via Brennero, 133 - 39040 Varna (BZ) tel. 0472.201521 - fax 0472.201486 The Bolzano Service Centre is located near the tollbooth “Bolzano Sud” Via Agruzzo - 39100 Bolzano tel. 0471.922616 - fax 0471.922385 The Trento Nord Service Centre at the “Interporto” Via Innsbruck 23 (piano terra, “Blocco A”) 38121 Roncafort di Gardolo (TN) tel. 0461.212728 - 212729 - 212719 - 212718 - fax 0461.212779 The Affi Service Centre is located near the tollbooth “Affi” Località Canove, 1 - 37010 Affi (VR) tel. 045.7238030 - fax 045.6283413 The Mantova Nord Service Centre is located near the tollbooth “Mantova Nord” Località Mottella - San Giorgio di Mantova (MN) tel. 0376.270689 - fax 0376.271594 The Carpi Service Centre is located near the tollbooth “Carpi” Via C. Tarabini, 1 - 42012 Carpi (MO) tel. 059.668253 - fax 059.664805 Opening hours: Monday to Friday: from 8.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. (ongoing opened) Saturday morning: from 8.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m. (ongoing opened) Sundays and holidays: Closed 33 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION ROAD SAFETY EMERGENCIES Managing Emergencies In the event of emergencies, engine damage or accidents, users may directly contact the Medical First Aid (118), Fire Brigades (115), Traffic Police (113) or request assistance from A22, through: QQ Useful telephone numbers User assistance Centre (C.A.U.): 0461-980085 / 0461-212851 Toll free number: 800279940 QQ SOS-telephones SOS-telephones have been installed on the emergency lane approximately every 1500 meters; these devices have a telephone link to the C.A.U. operators and are equipped with three buttons to call emergency medical assistance, mechanical assistance and the fire department. To permit swift and efficient intervention, users must specify: QQ The type of request (auxiliary staff, accident, mechanical assistance, medical first aid, etc.); QQ The direction in which they are travelling and a description (as accurate as possible) of the location of the event, with the aid of: - The kilometre indicators along the road (signs with a green background on the median strip) and readings in hundreds of metres in Roman numerals (white tags on the central guardrail); -Signs showing the name of the viaducts and tunnels; -Signs with a brown background, the green A22 logo, and an identification number (of the overpass), installed near overpasses. Further, if the user has a palmtop with the A22 Travel Assistance app, this will show his exact position. Upon receipt of a request, the user assistance centre (C.A.U.) calls the A22 personnel to intervene, as well as competent external institutions (mechanical assistance, Traffic Police, 118, Fire Department) or companies specialised in environmental remediation and in the repair of motorway infrastructure. 34 MOTORWAY AUXILIARY STAFF Control of the traffic flow and user assistance is primarily carried out by the motorway auxiliary staff of the A22, which is on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The task of these workers is to provide vigilance, control, prompt intervention in case of accidents, report problems, provide direct assistance to users and support Traffic Police in their task of safeguarding security. The auxiliary staff of the A22 motorway currently comprises 84 people, based in 6 Motorway Safety Service Centres (C.S.A.) dislocated along the route; squads, on standby or on call, are ready to assist the auxiliary staff in situations of traffic crisis. Mechanical assistance Mechanical assistance is ensured on the A22 motorway by: QQ ACI Global S.p.A. (telephone: 803116); QQ Europe Assistance VAI S.p.A. (telephone: 803803); QQ IMA Automotive Service (telephone: 800108510). Mechanical assistance is carried out through a network of contractor shops, available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, and consists of: QQ rapid removal from the motorway of vehicles stopped due to breakdown, accidents or other reasons, through recovery and transportation; QQ repairs to put vehicles back on the road, provide fuel and “onsite” intervention that can be performed with the equipment aboard the assistance vehicles. Traffic police Traffic Police operational units are responsible for vigilance and control of traffic safety, prevention and ascertainment of violations of the Traffic Code, control of road accidents, setting up and performing services to regulate traffic and repression of crimes committed along the motorway route. The activity of Traffic Police is carried out according to the principles of quality, constant presence, rapid and efficient intervention in favour of safety and the fluidity of motorway traffic, the re-establishment of optimal conditions for traffic flow, as well as assistance and information to users. The service of Traffic Police on the motorway is usually ensured by operational units under the command of special sub-sections. The patrolling of the motorway takes place 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, with frequent short-distance passages at every point of the route. Patrols are coordinated by the Motorway Operating Centre of Trento (C.O.A.). 35 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION Medical First Aid All telephonic requests for emergency medical aid can be issued through the toll free number “118” and the unique emergency number 112, wehre active, or via the user assistance centre (C.A.U.). It is indispensable to provide 118 with all useful information, answering the operator’s questions, in order to define the degree of seriousness and complexity of the event that has occurred and, consequently, to activate the most suitable intervention, using the resources available (ambulances, helicopter assistance, etc.). Fire Brigades The Fire Brigades perform many functions of assistance in the event of road accidents, with or without the involvement of dangerous chemical substances, fire, environmental pollution, landslides and/or floods involving the motorway and its adjacent areas. All emergency calls can be forwarded to the unique emergency number 112, where active. Assistance in the case of traffic jams In the event of queuing due to traffic blockage on the motorway, with waiting periods that are estimated longer than three hours, a user assistance service is activated, which is composed of operational assistance units of the White Cross, Red Cross and Volunteer Fire Brigades. The personnel guarantees precise information to users, with realtime updates and distribution of prime necessities. 36 SAFETY The A22 motorway constantly plans the maintenance of the existing, as well as the development of new services and new technologies applied to infrastructures and installations; the goal is not only to optimise the level of roadway services, but above all to improve safety on the roadways. Pavement The current roadway surface is made up of a bituminous conglomerate with sound-absorbing and draining qualities, with the exception of a few sections (about 34 km) in the vicinity of constructions, where a special antiskid type is used. This pavement guarantees optimum comfort while driving, with the reduction of noise, aquaplaning and the spray effect, as well as a high standard of safety, thanks to the characteristics of adherence and macro roughness. Guard rails In 1994 the A22 began a programme of research for the requalification of guard rails, according to the changed characteristics of the traffic, which are very different in terms of intensity, mass and speed with respect to the characteristics at the time of construction. Currently, all the types of barriers being installed are certified by the L.I.E.R. laboratory in Lyon (France) and by AISICO in Rom and carry the CE mark. 37 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION Enlargement of the emergency lane Following requalification of guard rails along the median strip and repair of some bridges, the A22 motorway provided for enlargement of the road width in recent years, in order to widen the emergency lane and to use it, when necessary, as a dynamic lane. Road Signs Vertical road signs: in order to guarantee perfect visibility of signs in daytime and at night, the Brenner motorway exclusively uses a highquality fluorescent film of superior second class. QQ Horizontal markings: the following materials are used for horizontal markings: solvent paints, thermo-sprayed plastics and elastoplastic laminates. In order to guarantee the respect to the performance standards of the materials used, the A22 performs periodical controls, availing itself of specialised laboratories, as well as its own equipment. QQ Fencing Metallic fencing with a differentiated mesh has been installed along the entire motorway to protect its road, adjacent areas and fixtures. The height of the fence is 1,20 m or 1,90 m, according to the type of road it intersects (elevated, trench, overpass, bridges, viaducts, etc.) and its location (open countryside, roadways, railway lines, towns, etc.). In order to further increase security, a public tender has been issued, which will substitute the fences of 1,20 meters height with fences of 1,90 meters in areas with high probability of wildlife crossings. 38 Illumination Lighting installation are in all tunnels and along all entry-exit ramps. To improve visibility in recently renovated tunnels, new techniques are in use, such as Led lighting, white paint for the walls, and the application of porcelain panels. To further increase safety, other signage systems are in place such as Leds for luminous guidance and Led retro-lit panels with three figures showing the escape routes and their distances. It’s an evacuation helping bright guide. Fog detection system and lighting guide The equipment from Affi to Modena (106 km) is made up of a lighting optical guide with Led lamps and sensors to detect fog and luminosity. In the event of low visibility, the system activates the lamps in the corresponding section. If so, the lamps glow continuously with different intensity depending on visibility; in case of an emergency, the lamps can be switched to a synchronized blinking mode in the affected road section. Winter service In order to ensure suitable conditions of safety and transit during the winter season, the following services are constantly carried out: QQ Inspection of the road pavement condition, aided by data detected in real time by 25 weather sensors; QQ Weather forecast service focused on the A22; QQ Prevention of the formation of ice and removal of snow, with the help of external companies (on demand). At various sites along the A22 (C.S.A. and tollbooths) structures are present for the storage and conservation of saline anti-ice mixtures, equipment and vehicles suitable for the activity of winter maintenance, such as: anti-freeze product spreaders, snowploughs and grinding machines. 39 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION PROTECTING AND RESPECTING ENVIRONMENT INVESTING IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Autostrada del Brennero is participating in many different initiatives devoted to the usage of alternative energy sources, the prevention of pollution and the conservation and valorization of the environment in general, such as: QQ realization of a pilot project for the production and distribution of hydrogen at Bolzano Sud motorway station; QQ experimenting the use of renewable energy sources (photovoltaics and wind power) to supply ITS equipment, in combination with the usage of hydrogen and fuel cells; QQ implementation of new methane filling stations at several service areas; QQ separation of the waste from the service areas and construction sites; QQ implementation of noise-barriers equipped with photovoltaic panels, as well as traditional ones; QQ installation of photovoltaic panels on the faces of several buildings; QQ maintenance of the sound-absorbing /draining paving; QQ beautification of the green areas near the service areas and tollbooths. RESEARCH, STUDIES, AND EUROPEAN PROJECTS URSA MAJOR II PROJECT The Ursa Major II project is co-funded by the European Commission for a period of five years (2014-2018) and concerns the implementation of ITS systems aimed at improving the road traffic management on a European scale. The Brenner motorway participates in it with 3 different activities. The first activity concerns the implementation of a control center for heavy good vehicles near the tolling gate of Vipiteno/Sterzing (Province of Bolzano) in order to increase the safety of HGV drivers and indirectly also that of all motorway users. The structure will be managed by government office of Bolzano that issues driving licences and registers vehicles 40 in collaboration with the Traffic Police: they will perform checks, even with the support of ITS devices, on the efficiency of heavy good vehicles. The second activity relates to the upgrade of the hardware and software equipment of the Automatic (AID) Incident Detection system installed in the tunnels longer than 500 m (Brenner, Fortezza, Virgl and Piedicastello) and the installation of new cameras to increase the video coverage from the Traffic Control Center in Trento. The third activity concerns the implementation of weather information along the A22 in particular in order to better manage winter operations. The aim is to have a fix weather station every 10 km and to install mobile weather sensors on the vans of Traffic Officers to detect the paving conditions, especially in the winter period: this type of monitoring allows to increase the grip level of vehicles on the pavement and consequently also the level of users’ safety and to reduce the amount of deicing salt spread, thereby limiting the environmental impact. RPBHealTEC PROJECT Autostrada del Brennero SpA is one of the key partners in FP7 RPBHEALTEC. The project addresses one of the main challenges affecting safety and competitiveness of the European Road Network, which is undoubtedly one of the most important land infrastructures in the EU. It is and will remain for the foreseeable future a crucial artery for Europe, both in economic terms, as it services the vast majority of goods traffic, and in social terms, as it does so for passenger travel as well. Maintenance is considered to be the most expensive function of a high-way operating agency, so there is a special need for the early detection of deterioration mechanisms and of potential presence of defects through a more advanced road pavements inspection technology. FP7 RPBHEALTEC will develop a high quality, cost efficient NDT inspection system which will detect the presence of defects, determine the cause, extent and rate of deterioration, provide information for assessing stability and serviceability and for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of various remedial measures and provide this information in real time, not causing traffic disturbances. 41 1.6. SERVICE INFORMATION ASSISTANCE CONCERNING THE TOLL THE TOLLING SYSTEM In 2015, payments carried out with the Telepass were successful in 99,82% of the cases. FAILED TOLL PAYMENT In accordance with the articles of the Motorway Code (Article 176), users who are not in possession of a toll ticket will be required to pay the toll calculated form the farthest tollgate, except they can prove (via receipts, invoices, the testimony of third parties, etc.) at which tollgate they entered the motorway. A “failure of payment” report can be generated due to several reasons (missing money, the toll ticket has been lost, lack of cards, insufficient credit on cards, etc.); as the case may be specific procedures are activated, either directly on the tollgate or at a later stage via administrative ways. Payment of the amount due must be made by using the order written in the failed payment paper and no later than 10 days following the date of transit. After the expiration of this term, the A22 motorway will initiate the process of credit recovery and will charge the relative expenses to the user. Queries from the user (or requests for dismissal of the case) may be presented following these procedures: QQ written communication to the A22 motorway; QQ sending the “yellow card” that was given to the user by the clerk at the tollbooth (when the “payment failure” report was generated). In case of submission of the “yellow card”, once the A22 motorway has verified the correctness of the evidence provided by the user, and ascertained that the amount due was paid, the request for dismissal sent by the user along with the “yellow card” will be accepted without further notification. If the “yellow card” is not completely filled out and/or the prerequisites necessary for dismissal are absent or insufficient to consider the entry tollgate claimed as valid, the A22 motorway will avail itself of the right to recover the credit through compulsory collection, with written notice to the user. There is also a digital version of the “Yellow Card” wich can be filled in using a special form provided on the website. The personal data indicated on the yellow card are handled in conformity with the current Privacy legislation (Lgs. Decree 196/2003). 42 IMPORTANT WARNING In the interests of safety, drivers are strictly prohibited from leaving their vehicles in order to cross the traffic lane or lanes on foot, to seek assistance from the toll staff, regardless of the reasons for so doing (toll non-payment, Telepass malfunction, defective card signal readout etc.). Immediate help for any problems which may occur will be given by the toll operator via a telematic support system. Furthermore, it is possible to balance the “failure of payment reports” via an online transaction on the website of Autostrada del Brennero. For the transaction, which is encrypted and secure, Visa and Mastercard can be used. At the end of the transaction the user receives an e-mail with a receipt of the payment. 43 1.7. INFORMATION ABOUT THE INFRASTRUCTURE Detailed information concerning position and characteristics of the Variable Message Signs, tunnels, bridges and viaducts, service areas, lay-bys, and service centers is available on the company website www. 44 45 46 SECTION 2 2.1. QUALITY Concepts and quality management The Brenner Motorway obtained the integrated certifications UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 14001 in 2003. Following the expiry of the concession contracts for construction and management of the 22 service areas located along the A22 motorway from Brenner to Modena, the company took over direct control of the service areas in 2007. This decision involved assuming responsibility for the quality of services provided and for a range of serious environmental problems (such as soil cleansing, sewage, waste management and adaptation of facilities, etc.) and gave rise to the necessity for the integration and monitoring of the management of these aspects within the Integrated Quality and Environment System. The first quality control conducted at the service areas took place in 2009 and concluded successfully with the award of certification. One year later (in May 2010), the first environmental control took place. This also led to a positive result in the form of receipt of certification in August 2010. In the spring of 2011, the certifying body arrived at a positive assessment of the path of improvement being pursued by the integrated System and issued both quality and environmental certifications for the service areas valid until expiry in April 2012. In 2010, the company instigated the certification procedure for its Health and Safety at Work Management System according to Directive OHSAS 18001 2007. In this regard, in 2011, the company was awarded relevant certification for the three-year period 2011 to 2014. In 2011, the company also successfully obtained an extension to its ISO 9001 certification for Sector EA34 – monitoring procedure on the construction planning for the purpose of validation. Following an inspection visit by Accredita in September 2014, the Brenner Motorway officially obtained certification as an inspection agency in accordance with the UNI EN ISO/IEC 17020 Standard. This is a prerequisite for the inspection of publicly funded construction projects with a value exceeding 20 million euro. In 2015 extention checks UNI EN ISO 9001 and 14001 and the verification check OHSAS 18001 took place by the certification body and resulted in a positive outcome. 47 2.1. quality Certification of Quality, Environment and Safety Management System adopted is used for the following purposes: QQ motorway management; QQ planning and construction management for the building and maintenance of motorway infrastructures; QQ operation and monitoring of activities performed in the service areas. The continuous improvement of the Quality level of user services is currently focused on the service areas (service management and service area modernisation), on information and safety (carriageway extension and dynamic use of the emergency lane) and on emergency management. The company considers the environment to be a unique and irrecoverable primary resource which should be protected and enhanced. For this reason, it endeavours to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. The objectives undertaken by the company include the following: QQ the containment of environmental impact correlated to the activities and services managed through the promotion of railway transportation; QQ the construction of additional noise barriers (83,9 km to date) QQ the utilization of sound and water absorbent pavement; QQ the use of low impact fuels; QQ the participation in development and promotion projects of alternative technologies which respect the environment; QQ improvement of resource management, promoting the use of alternative sources with low ambient impact (such as hydrogen, photovoltaic, teleheating, etc.) The company takes the health and safety of its employees, contractors, external staff, motorway users and the population at large extremely seriously. The goals it has set itself in terms of the execution of its operational activities therefore include the following: QQ ensuring its commitment to the prevention of work accidents and occupational disease and to risk management; QQ ensuring an ongoing improvement in its safety performance levels; QQ ensuring participation and consultation of employees and inclusion of external employees, contractors and suppliers; QQ applying the best available practices for the protection of health and safety, the environment and public security. All the improvement aims and objectives undertaken by the company are managed within the scope of the Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety System via the development of action programs and the continuous monitoring of results achieved. 48 Quality indicators The quality indicators provided in the operating instructions issued by the M.I.T. (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) for the purpose of stipulating the service specifications of the concession companies are set out below. Autostrada del Brennero monitors these parameters continuously to respect all reference standards. Indicator UNIT OF MEASUREMENT REFERENCE STANDARD BASE CRITERION: SAFETY OF TRAVEL Advance warning (via ordinance) about roadworks with a duration more than 5 days Time (hours) of advance warning in 85% of the cases 24 hours BASE CRITERION: REGULARITY OF SERVICE Condition of road markings (retro-reflection) * RL retro-reflection (mcd lx-1 m-2) 100 RL BASE CRITERION: CONVENIENCE OF SERVICE Services offered at service areas - number of service per month on at least 80% of all service areas. With at least 1 service per month on all areas. No. of inspections / month 2 inspections BASE CRITERION: SERVICES FOR disabled PEOPLE Services offered at service areas - number of inspections per month on at least 90% of all service areas. With at least 1 inspection per month on all areas. No. of inspections / month 2 inspections BASE CRITERION: INFORMATION TO THE USERS Response time concerning suggestions and complaints via email to a22@ (**) Response time (consecutive workdays) in 85% of all cases 10 days (*) The compliance with the standard takes place (excluding the winter period) in 90% of the cases on 20 km minimum sections. (**)Depending on the type of complaint, an interlocutory answer can be given in at least 85% of all cases within 10 working days. According to the time needed to grant an analytical process of reconstructions of events, the definitive answer may extend beyond the time limit specified above. 49 50 Section 3 3.1. OBSERVING THE INTERESTS OF THE USERS Complaints MESSAGES TO THE COMPANY Users may forward suggestions for improvements or advise the company of eventual deficiencies (perceived or encountered) concerning the management of the motorway infrastructure or the distribution of services, through the following channels: QQ Letter addressed to: AUTOSTRADA DEL BRENNERO S.p.A. via Berlino, 10 - 38121 TRENTO ; QQ fax n°: 0461.234976; QQ e-mail adress: [email protected]; QQ Blue card called “Listening to the User”. This card is available at A22 tollbooths and the Services Centres, and can be posted free of charge, addressed directly to the company (postage paid by the recipient). The A22 motorway will send a written reply to the sender concerning the matter advised, explaining or evaluating the improvement proposed or ascertaining the actual or presumed situation reported. A digital version of the blue card can be filled out on the website All personal information indicated in the blue card will be treated in conformity with the Privacy Act in force, of Legislative Decree 196/2003. INFORMATION AND DATA ON ACCIDENTS If users require information concerning accidents on the motorway in which they have been involved, they may apply to the competent territorial Traffic Police Offices. 51 3.1. PROTECTING THE USERS REFUND The procedures concerning a refund of the motorway toll can be activated directly by the user, or indirectly through the control mechanisms of the company. A22 motorway is committed to reimburse any tolls paid in excess of 52 the amount due or surplus payments caused by an erroneous classification of the vehicle, given founded elements of proof. Further information can be found on the company website 3.2. USEFUL NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES Information about the traffic and weather situation can be obtained from the following channels: QQ A22 User Assistance Centre (C.A.U.) telephone numbers: 0461.980085 - 0461.212851; QQ A22 toll free numbers: 800.279940 (from Italy) / 00.800.22022022 (from Austria, Germany or Holland); QQ A4 (Brescia-Padua Motorway) telephone number: 892489; QQ A1 (Milan-Bologna Motorway) telephone number: 840.042121; QQ Public utility number: 1518; QQ Internet:; QQ Mobil Site:; QQ Traffic newscasts: Radio 1-2-3 (CCISS - “Onda verde viaggiare informati”) – Inforadio – Südtirol 1 – Radio NBC – Radio Pico di Mirandola; QQ Televideo RAI 1 and RAI 2: Page 648 (for the entire Italian motorway network); QQ Televideo RAI 3: Page 425 (A22 Motorway); QQ Television: Channel 5 – LA7 (from 6:00 to 9:00 am); QQ Variable Message Signs: along the entire motorway route and along ordinary roads; QQ Lighting Boards: Motorway tollbooths. In case of emergency traffic police 113 fire brigades 115 medical first aid 118 mechanical assistance ACI 803-116 EUROP ASSISTANCE 803-803 QQ IMA AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 800-108510 QQ QQ 54 Autostrada del Brennero SpA Brennerautobahn AG Place of business in Trento, Via Berlino, 10 Tel. 0461.212611 Fax 0461.234976 Registered capital € 55.472.175 i.v. Commercial register of Trento and tax identification number 00210880225 Community VAT IT00210880225 [email protected] Design: Agenzia Prima Comunicazione Ltd. Editing: Autostrada del Brennero JSC Photos: Archives Autostrada del Brennero JSC Printing: Litotipografia Alcione srl Updated in March 2016 Printed in April 2016 55 USEFUL NUMBERS � A22 USERS ASSISTANCE CENTRE tel. 0461.980085 - 0461.212851 � A22 TOLL FREE NUMBERS � AUTOSTRADA DEL BRENNERO SpA BRENNERAUTOBAHN AG tel. 0461.212611 - fax 0461.234976 - [email protected] � In case of emergency Traffic police 113 Fire brigades 115 Medical first aid 118 Mechanical assistance ACI 803-116 EUROP ASSISTANCE 803-803 IMA AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 800-108510
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